Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis
Note: Labour Constants have been taken from IS: 7272 (Part I)
3 Concrete
Reinf. cement concrete 1 : 1.5 : 3 insitu in foundations, concrete footings
bases tor columns, etc excluding form work and reinforcement
Quantity Considered 10 m3 concrete Calculation of Materials
Sr. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs.
For 10 m dry concrete =
15.5 m wet concrete
1 Labour Therefore, Cement required = 15.5 / (1+ 1.5 + 3)
a) Mason 1 1.7 182 day 309.06 Cement = 2.82 m
b) Mazdoor 1 20 166 day 3323.00 Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3
c) Bhistie 1 9 162 day 1460.70 Cement Required = 2.82 x 1440
d) Mixer Operator 1 0.7 182 day 127.26 Therefore, Cement Required = 4058 kg
e) Mixer 1 0.7 182 day 127.26 1 bag of cement = 50 kg
f) Vibrator 1 0.7 182 day 127.26 No. of Cement bags reqd. = 4058 / 50
2 Materials No. of Cement bags reqd. = 81.16 bags
a) Cement bags 81.16 329 bag 26685.41 Sand Required = 4.23 m3
b) Sand 4.23 437 m 1847.66 Coarse Aggregates Reqd. = 8.45 m3
c) Coarse Aggregates 8.45 1071 m 9049.95
Sum 43057.56
3 Water @ 1.50% 645.86
4 Tools and Machinery Lump Sum 500.00
Sum 44203.42
5 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 4420.34
Total For 10m3 48623.76
Therefore, Per m 4863.00
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b) Sand 0.18 437 m 78.62 On 10 m2, the quantity of cement mortar in top layer,
Sum 993.29 c.m. in top Layer= 10 x 0.005
3 Water @ 1.50% 14.90 c.m. in top Layer= 0.050 m3
Sum 1008.19 Add 1% for undulations = 0.051 m3
4 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 100.82 Add 10% for wastage, etc. = 0.056 m3
2 3
Total For 10m 1109.01 For 10 m dry mortar = 12.5 m3 wet mortar
Therefore, Per m2 111.00 For 10 m3 of c.m, Cement = 3.13 m3
For 0.06 m3 of c.m. = 0.056 x 3.125 / 10
For 0.06 m3 of c.m. = 0.017 m3 of cement
Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3
Cement Required = 25 kg
1 bag of cement = 50 kg
No. of Cement bags reqd. = 0.5 bags
Sand Required = 0.05 m
6 Flooring:
Precast terrazo tile flooring 20 mm thick laid over 10 mm
thick cement mortar: 1: 4 Calculation of Materials
including Laying, cutting, grinding and polishing Size of a Terrazo tile is 250 x 250
Quantity Considered 10 m surface area, over which flooring is laid. In 1 m2, no of tiles = 1 / 0.25 / 0.25
Sr. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m Rate Per Amount in Rs. In 1 m2, no of tiles = 16 nos
1 Labour In 10 m2, no of tiles = 160 nos
a) Mason 1 1.2 182 day 218.16 Volume of c. m. over 1 m2 = 1 x 0.01
b) Mazdoor 1 2 166 day 332.30 Volume of cement mortar = 0.010 m3
c) Bhistie 1 1 162 day 162.30 Add 10% for undulations = 0.011 m3
d) Mazdoor 1 5 166 day 830.75 Add 10% for wastage = 0.012 m3
e) Machine 1 4 182 day 727.20 For 10 m2 of terrazo tiling = 10 x 0.012 m3 of cement mortar
2 Materials For 10 m2 of terrazo tiling = 0.12 m3 of cement mortar
3 3
a) Tiles 160 75 nos 12000.00 For 10 m dry mortar = 12.5 m wet mortar
b) Cement bags 0.87 329 bag 286.06 For 10 m3 of c.m, Cement = 2.5 m
c) Sand 0.12 437 m 52.42 For 0.12 m3 of c.m. = 0.12 x 2.5 / 10
Sum 14609.18 For 0.12 m3 of c.m. = 0.03 m3 of cement
3 Water @ 1.50% 219.14 Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3
Sum 14828.32 Cement Required = 43.6 kg
4 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 1482.83 1 bag of cement = 50 kg
Total For 10m2 16311.15 No. of Cement bags reqd. = 0.87 bags
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Therefore, Per m2 1632.00 Sand Required = 0.12 m
Following has been assumed: Labour Rate/day Material Rate Per Unit Rate
Mate 162.3 Cement 329 bag
Mason 181.8 Sand 437 m3
Mazdoor 166.15 Coarse Aggregates 1071 m3
Bhistie 162.3 Bricks 5.8 no
Mixer Operator 181.8 Terrazo Tiles 75 no
Austin S. Rodrigues, Lecturer, Government
Machine Operator 181.8 Polytechnic Panaji
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