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United Nations: Note by The Secretariat Addendum

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Distr.: General
11 November 2011

Original: English

Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention

on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
Tenth meeting
Cartagena, Colombia, 1721 October 2011
Item 3 (b) (i) of the provisional agenda
Matters related to the implementation of the Convention:
scientific and technical matters: technical guidelines

Technical guidelines
Note by the Secretariat


Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound

management of used and waste pneumatic tyres
At its tenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties adopted, as amended, the technical
guidelines for the environmentally sound management of used and waste pneumatic tyres on
the basis of the draft contained in document UNEP/CHW.10/6/Add.1, which was prepared by a
small intersessional working group led by the Government of Brazil. The text of the final
version of the technical guidelines is set out in the annex to the present document.


K1173920 061211


Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of

used and waste pneumatic tyres

Revised final version (31 October 2011)





I. Introduction...................................................................................................................................6
A. Background and scope.......................................................................................................6
B. General properties of tyres.................................................................................................6
1. Structure: tyre components and definitions of technical terms..............................6
2. Tyre composition....................................................................................................7
3. Physical properties of tyres.....................................................................................9
C. Stages in the life of a tyre.................................................................................................10
1. Used pneumatic tyres............................................................................................11
2. Retreaded tyres.....................................................................................................11
3. Waste pneumatic tyres.........................................................................................11
D. Potential risks to health and the environment..................................................................11
1. Risks to public health...........................................................................................12
2. Environmental risks..............................................................................................13

II. Relevant provisions of the Basel Convention.............................................................................17

A. General provisions...........................................................................................................17
B. Provisions relevant to tyres..............................................................................................17

III. Guidance on environmentally sound management.....................................................................19

A. General considerations.....................................................................................................19
1. Basel Convention.............................................................................................................19
2. Core performance elements for the environmentally sound management of waste.......21
B. Legislative and regulatory framework.............................................................................21
1. Transboundary movement requirement...........................................................................22
C. Management approaches to used and waste pneumatic tyres..........................................22
1. General considerations.........................................................................................22
2. Environmental management systems (EMS)........................................................23
3. National systems for managing used and waste pneumatic tyres.........................23
C. Waste prevention and minimization.................................................................................24
D. Collection, transportation and storage.............................................................................25
E. Environmentally sound disposal......................................................................................27
1. Retreading.............................................................................................................33
2. Ambient/cryogenic recycling................................................................................34
3. Devulcanization and reclaim................................................................................36
4. Industrial and consumer products.........................................................................37
5. Civil engineering..................................................................................................39
6. Pyrolysis...............................................................................................................40
7. Co-processing.......................................................................................................41
8. Co-incineration in plants for electric power generation.......................................44

Appendix II.............................................................................................................................................52
Part A: Summary of reviewed field trials on tyre leachate..............................................52
Part B: Leachability determinants for the use of materials intended for engineering

Notes .....................................................................................................................................................56

Appendix III............................................................................................................................................57



Any system designed to capture the physical flow of gaseous or particulate

Air emission
materials from the production or consumption processes, in order to remove
pollutants before discharge into the atmosphere.
Ambient size
Mechanical size reduction at or above ordinary room temperature.
Tyre granulates used as infill in synthetic fields, constituting the primary
Artificial turf
playing surface.
An operation by which waste is used to refill excavated areas for the purpose of
reclaiming slopes, for safety or as filling in landscaping or on landfills.
Modified bitumens generally use a traditional waterproofing medium asphalt
Bitumen modified with atactic polypropylene (APP), styrene butadiene styrene (SBS),
modifiers synthetic rubber or other agents that create a uniform matrix to enhance the
physical properties of the asphalt.
The result of mechanical processes by which end-of-life tyres are fragmented,
ripped or torn into irregularly shaped pieces of typically 1050 mm in size.
Civil engineering Use of whole, baled, cut, shredded and/or chipped waste tyres for backfilling in
applications construction projects.

Cryogenic tyre Tyre recycling at low temperature using liquid nitrogen or commercial
recycling refrigerants to embrittle the rubber.

The result of mechanical processes by which end-of-life tyres are fragmented,

Cuts ripped or torn into irregularly formed pieces, typically larger than 300 mm in
The product of devulcanization which results in the reduction of cross-links.
Rubber reclaim can be a kind of devulcanizate.

Devulcanization The treatment of rubber that results in the reduction of cross-links.

End-of-life tyre Another name for a waste tyre.

Fines (carbon Agglomerates, pellets or pellet fragments which pass through different
products) standardized sieves.
The result of processing rubber to achieve finely dispersed particles of <500
Fine powders
m, including surface modified powders.
The result of processing rubber to reduce it to achieve finely dispersed particles,
typically between 0.8 mm and 20 mm.
A generic term including tyres used, for example, by off-road agricultural
Other tyre
vehicles and aircraft.
The result of processing rubber and reducing it to achieve finely dispersed
particles, typically under 0.8 mm.
The thermal decomposition of rubber in the absence of oxygen, chemically
Pyrolysis breaking it down into oil, gas and char. Gasification is a form of pyrolysis with
the presence of limited oxygen.
Generic term for reconditioning a used tyre by replacing the worn tread with
Retreading new material. It may also include renovation of the outermost sidewall surface
and replacement of the crown plies or the protective breaker.
Rubber produced by treating a vulcanization so as to restore some of its original
Rubber reclaim characteristics. The reclaimed rubber is inferior in quality to the original rubber.

Scrap tyre Another name for a waste tyre.

The result of mechanical processes by which end-of-life tyres are fragmented,

ripped or torn into irregular pieces, typically of 20400 mm in any dimension.


Any mechanical process (including cryogenic options) by which tyres are

fragmented, ripped or torn into irregular pieces of 20400 mm in any
Shredding dimension. Primary shredding usually refers to the processing of end-of-life
tyres by shredding, crushing or fragmenting, while maintaining in the resulting
material an average global composition similar to that of end-of-life tyres.
A test used in the United States to determine the leaching levels of specified
metals and organics.
Any process by which waste tyres are reprocessed into products, materials or
Tyre recycling substances for any purpose. It does not include energy recovery or reprocessing
into materials for use as fuels or in backfilling operations.

Used tyre A tyre that has been subjected to any type of use and/or wear.

A tyre that is disposed of or is intended to be disposed of or is required to be

Waste tyre
disposed of by the provisions of national law

The use of whole waste pneumatic tyres, without physical or chemical

Whole tyre
treatment, for purposes such as the construction of sound barriers or temporary
roads, or for stabilization.


I. Introduction
A. Background and scope
1. The parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal have considered the difficulties involved in identifying and
managing used and waste pneumatic tyres, given their potential harmful effects on human health and
the environment. Accordingly, technical guidelines on the identification and management of used tyres
were prepared. They were adopted by the Conference of Parties to the Convention by its decision
V/26, with the first version published in October 2000 and reissued in November 2002.
2. In the seven years that followed the publication of these guidelines, additional knowledge and
experience in handling used and waste pneumatic tyres was gained in many countries, and attention
turned to technological, economic and environmental factors broader than those discussed in the
original version of the guidelines. Consequently, the Conference of the Parties adopted decision
VIII/17 with a view to revising and updating the guidelines, so as to assist national authorities in the
environmentally sound management of used and waste pneumatic tyres within their national
3. The revised technical guidelines provide guidance for the environmentally sound management
(ESM) of used and waste pneumatic tyres in accordance with decisions VIII/17, IX/14 and BC-10/6 of
the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention and VI/3 and VII/6 of the Open-ended Working
Group of the Basel Convention.
B. General properties of tyres
1. Structure: tyre components and definitions of technical terms
4. Tyres comprise components that include several parts, types of steel and rubber compounds.
The definitions of these components set out in the present guidelines are intended solely as general
information for those involved in operations to manage used and waste tyres. International standards
and regulations, including those issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for
new tyres, provide more detailed definitions.
5. The main components of a tyre, in addition to the technical terms used to enable consumers to
identify its characteristics, are shown in figure I.
Figure I
Components of a tyre

1. The most common types of tyre structure are diagonal (cross-ply), bias-belted and radial.
2. Almost 80 per cent of all tyres sold are radial tyres.
3. The sidewall of a tyre shows a range of information, depending on national legislation and the
manufacturer, to enable purchasers to ensure that the tyres purchased meet their needs.

(a) Tread (1) means the portion of a pneumatic tyre designed to come into contact with
the ground;


(b) Tread groove (2) means the space between the adjacent ribs or blocks in the tread
(c) Sidewall (3) means the part of a pneumatic tyre between the tread and the area
designed to be covered by the rim flange;
(d) Ply (4, 5) means a layer of rubber-coated parallel cords. In the radial tyre, its purpose
is to stabilize the tyre;
(e) Cord (6) means the strands forming the fabric of the plies in a pneumatic tyre;
(f) Carcass (7) means the structural part of a pneumatic tyre, other than the tread and
outermost rubber of the sidewalls, which when inflated supports the load;
(g) Section width (8) means the linear distance between the outside of the sidewalls of an
inflated pneumatic tyre, when fitted to the specified measuring rim, but excluding elevations due to
labelling (marking), decoration or protective bands or ribs;
(h) Belt (9) refers to a radial ply or bias-belted tyre; it means a layer or layers of material
or materials underneath the tread, laid substantially in the direction of the centre line of the tread to
restrict the carcass in a circumferential direction;
(i) Bead (10) means the part of a pneumatic tyre that is shaped and structured so to fit
the rim and hold the tyre on to it;
(j) Chafer (11) means material in the bead area to protect the carcass against chafing or
abrasion by the wheel rim.
2. Tyre composition
6. The components of a new tyre are shown in table 1, and the materials used in its manufacture
are shown in table 2.

Table 1
Main components of car and truck tyres (in %)
Material Automobile (%) Trucks (%)
Rubber/elastomers 45 42
Carbon black and
23 24
Metal 16 25
Textile 6
Zinc oxide 1 2
Sulphur 1 1
Additives 8

Source: Automobile tyres: ETRMA- LCA1 and information supplied by manufacturers of

truck tyres

7. Varying service conditions mean that truck tyres contain more natural rubber in proportion to
synthetic rubber than car tyres.

1 Life-cycle assessment of an average European car tyre. Prconsult for ETRMA, 2001.


Table 2
Materials used in the manufacture of tyres
Material Source Application

Generally speaking, natural rubber

Natural rubber is predominantly currently accounts for about 3040 per
Natural rubber obtained from the sap of the cent of the total elastomeric portion of a
Hevea brasiliensis tree. car tyre, and 6080 per cent of a truck

Generally speaking, synthetic rubber

All synthetic rubbers are made accounts for about 6070 per cent of the
Synthetic rubber
from petrochemicals. total elastomeric portion of a car tyre, and
about 2040 per cent of a truck tyre.

Steel cord and bead wire, The steel is premium grade and is
including the coating manufactured in only a few plants Steel is used to provide rigidity and
materials and activators, around the world because of its strength in the tyres.
brass/tin/zinc. high quality requirements.

Used to lend structural strength to the

Reinforcing fabrics Polyester, rayon or nylon
carcasses of car tyres.

Carbon black is derived from oil

stock. Amorphous silica is
Carbon black, amorphous Carbon black and silica provide durability
obtained from silicium and sodium
silica and resistance against wear and tear.
carbonate. It may be of either
natural or synthetic origin.

Zinc is a mined mineral. It may Zinc oxide is added essentially as a

also be derived from recycled zinc, vulcanization activator. After
Zinc oxide
which then undergoes a production vulcanization it is present in tyres as
process to produce zinc oxide. bound zinc.

This is a mined mineral, which

Sulphur (including
may also be extracted from gas or Main actor in vulcanization

Components of the adhesive systems used

Resorcinol for bonding rubber to the textile fibres and
Formaldehyde for improving the adhesion between
rubber and the brass-plated steel belt.

Aromatic oil,
MES (special purified,
aromatic oil),
Naphthenic oil,
TDAE (special purified
aromatic oil) ,
Paraffinic oils
Other additives and Synthetic or natural sources. Other additives are used in the various
solvents rubber compounds to modify handling,
Heterocyclic compounds, manufacturing and end-product properties.
Phenylene-diamine Age resistors, processing aids,
derivatives, accelerators, vulcanizing agents, softeners
Phenolic stabilizers, and fillers.
Guanidine derivatives,


Material Source Application


Used in some rubber compounds in the

Recovered from waste tyres or
Recycled rubber manufacture of new rubber products and
other rubber products.
retread materials.

Source: Adapted from A National Approach to Waste Tyres, 2001, and ETRMA, 2001, and State of
knowledge report for tire materials and tire wear particles, ChemRisk Inc, 30 July 2008.
3. Physical properties of tyres
8. Tyres vary in weight according to their composition and use. Table 3 provides information on
the three commonest categories.
Table 3
Average weight of tyres by type
Type of tyre Average weight (kg) Units/ton
Passenger car 6.510 154
Utility (including 4 x 4) 11 91
Truck 52.5 19
Source: Hylands and Shulman, 2003
9. According to the German cement industry, the heating value of used tyres for co-incineration
is 26 MJ/kg (VDZ 2008).2 This value is confirmed in UBA (2006),3 where the average heating value
for used tyres as secondary fuel is 25.83 MJ/kg.
10. Table 4 provides information on the energy content and carbon dioxide emissions of various
Table 4
Energy content and carbon dioxide emissions of fuels
Emissions Emissions
Fuel Energy (GJ/t)
(kgCO2/t) (kgCO2/GJ)
Tyres 2535 2,72 85
Carbon 27 2,43 90
Petroleum coke 32.4 3,24 100
Diesel oil 46 3,22 70
Natural gas 39 1,989 51
Wood 10.2 1,122 110
Source: World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD), 2005 CO2 Emission
Factors of Fuels.
11. Calorific value and other parameters depend on the origin of the tyres (car/truck), usage ratio
(remaining rubber), physical aspect (shredded or not), and vary by country and producer.
12. Tyres cannot spontaneously combust and are therefore not classified as flammable pursuant to
characteristics H4.14.3 of Annex III to the Basel Convention. Work carried out by the Building
Research Establishment in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4 using tyre bales
gave the following results:
(a) The minimum temperature for ignition was 182 C, when the temperature was
maintained at 182 C for 65.4 days;

VDZ (2008).
UBA (2006).
HR Wallingford (2005).


(b) Short-term spontaneous ignition will only occur after exposure to a temperature of 350
C for five minutes or a temperature of 480 C for one minute.
13. It is worth pointing out, however, that natural phenomena (such as lightning, if tyres are not
properly stored) and deliberate human acts (e.g., arson and balloons) can produce conditions
conducive to tyre combustion. Once alight, these fires are difficult to control because of the heat
generated. A list of fires that have occurred in waste-tyre stockpiles is found in appendix III to the
present guidelines.
C. Stages in the life of a tyre
14. The various stages in the life of a tyre, from when raw material is acquired through to
manufacture, use and disposal, are shown in Figure 2. It shows in particular that retreading may take
place in the prevention phase as a re-use measure or in the waste recovery/disposal phase where tyres
that have been discarded may undergo retreading or other environmentally sound disposal operations,
thus increasing the useful life of tyres through retreading in both phases.
Figure II
Stages in the life of a tyre

1. Used pneumatic tyres

15. Some countries allow the resale of used, partly worn tyres for their original purpose. It is worth
pointing out, however, that used tyres should be purchased with great care, as there are risks involved.
Such tyres could have originated from vehicles that had been involved in accidents, damaged by
potholes or other obstacles, used without the appropriate pressure calibration or incorrectly repaired.


16. Used, partly worn tyres can be reused without further treatment. Sources of such tyres include:
(a) Tyres fitted to second-hand vehicles that are sold, or obtained from vehicles that are
(b) Old (out-of-date) tyres that are used for less demanding applications;
(c) Tyres that are exchanged for reasons other than that of having reached the end of their
life, such as the vehicle owners fitting a set of high-performance tyres or new wheels.
17. The United Kingdom has legislation governing the sale and distribution of used tyres that
forms part of its 1994 motor vehicle tyres safety regulations. The requirements for selling and
distributing these tyres are as follows:
(a) There must not be any cut in the tyre exceeding 25 mm or 10 per cent of the section
width, measured in any direction on the outside portion of the tyre, or deep enough to reach the ply or
(b) The tyre must not have any external lump, bulge or tear caused by a separation or failure
of its structure;
(c) No part of the ply or cord of the tyre must be exposed, either internally or externally;
(d) When inflated to the maximum pressure at which it is designed to operate, the tyre must
not show any of the defects described above;
(e) The base of any groove that showed in the original tread pattern must be clearly visible;
(f) The grooves of the original tread pattern must be at least 2 mm deep across the full
breadth and around the entire outer circumference of the tyre.
18. Studies are under way to equip tyres with electronic chips called radio frequency identification
devices to record information about the conditions in which they are used. If their efficiency can be
demonstrated, such devices may prove effective in identifying the correct parameters for reusing used
2. Retreaded tyres
19. The term retreading refers to replacing the wearing surface of the tyre. The retreading
process is considered as a way of increasing the useful life of tyres and may be considered a reuse
measure within the waste management hierarchy. Further information on retreading technologies is
presented in section E of chapter III of the present guidelines.
20. Where tyres that have been previously discarded are retreaded, retreading is a waste recovery
operation. Where used tyres that have not been discarded are retreaded, retreading is a form of waste
prevention. In both cases retreading enables the tyres to be reused and extends their useful life.
3. Waste pneumatic tyres
21. Waste pneumatic tyres may be retreaded for further use or can be recovered by being cut,
shredded or ground and then used in several applications, such as footwear, sportsground surfaces and
carpets. They can also be used in the form of tyre-derived fuel for energy recovery.
D. Potential risks to health and the environment
22. Tyre components have no hazardous properties and are therefore not intrinsically hazardous.
If, however, they are improperly managed and disposed of, they may pose risks to public health and
the environment.
23. Tyres are not biodegradable because the time that they take to decompose is indeterminate.
Used tyres represent waste that takes up much physical space and is difficult to compact, collect and
eliminate. In addition to the visual impact, inadequate disposal can block water channels, creeks and
storm water drains, resulting in changes in flow patterns. These changes can lead to erosion, the silting
up of water flows, and contribute to increasing flooding rise.
24. Prone to heat retention and owing to their own open structure, piled tyres increase the risk of
fires, by arson or due to accidental causes such as lightning, which, once ignited, are difficult to
control and put out. Tyre fires can burn for months, generating smoke, oil and lechate toxic
contaminants that affect the soil, waterways and air. 5 In landfills, tyres occupy valuable space,

Health Protection Agency (UK), Chemical Hazard and Poisons Report 8 (2003) (UK Chemical Hazard


represent a fire hazard, are not biodegradable, and frequently rise to the surface, creating a new set of
landfill management concerns.6 It is for this reason that tyres have been banned from disposal in
landfills in the European Union.7
25. More detailed information about public health aspects is given in appendix I.
1. Risks to public health
26. Unless properly managed, waste pneumatic tyres represent ideal homes for rodents and
breeding sites for mosquitoes that transmit dengue and yellow fever. This is especially relevant in
tropical and subtropical regions. The round shape of tyres, together with their impermeability, enables
them to hold water and other debris (e.g., decaying leaves) for long periods, making them ideal places
for mosquito larvae to develop. Their relative importance by comparison with other breeding sites
remains unknown and may depend on local circumstances. It should be noted that these larvae also
breed in other human-created containers such as discarded plastic food containers, earthenware jars,
metal drums and concrete cisterns used for domestic water storage.
27. Waste tyres are especially likely to facilitate the spread of the mosquito species Aedes aegypti
and Aedes ablopictus, the principal vectors of dengue and yellow fever, diseases that afflict millions of
people in tropical regions. In temperate regions, species such as Aedes triseriatus and Aedes
atropalpus are more predominant.
28. When transported, used tyres not only spread mosquitoes that are otherwise limited in their
reach, but also contribute to the introduction of non-native species, which are often more difficult to
control, thereby increasing the risk of disease. The rapid spread of Aedes ablopictus, in particular, has
been attributed largely to the international trade in used tyres.
29. Aedes ablopictus (the Asian tiger mosquito or forest day mosquito) was first introduced into
the south-eastern United States of America in the late 1980s, through the import of used tyres from
Asia. It spread rapidly along north-south transportation routes, aided by the movement of goods and
people, and in some areas has displaced native species of mosquitoes. The mosquito has been found as
far north as Chicago, but it does not survive the winters in the northern United States. It has never been
identified in Canada.8
30. This evidence demonstrates conclusively that the uncontrolled accumulation and inappropriate
transport of used and waste tyres pose a genuine risk of diseases being transmitted by mosquitoes.
Companies involved in transport and management should be aware of this and handle tyres in such a
way as to reduce the spread of disease. Appendix I provides further information about the diseases in
question and the measures that companies can take.
31. Chapter 5 of the World Health Organization publication: Dengue haemorrhagic fever:
diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control,9 on vector surveillance and control, states that the most
effective means of vector control is environmental management. This includes planning, organizing,
carrying out and monitoring activities for the modification or manipulation of environmental factors,
with a view to preventing or reducing vector propagation and human-vector-pathogen contact. A
significant contributor to such contact is the fact that in urban areas waste is often not collected and
instead abandoned close to housing areas. Moreover, used tyres are often used by the population for
such purposes as planting flowers, providing ballast on roofing and manufacturing toys for children.
These tyres may then become breeding sites for mosquitoes. Filling, covering or collecting the tyres
for recycling or disposal are suggested as means of vector surveillance and control in these cases. This
shows the importance of raising awareness and of having a sound and functional system for collecting
and managing tyres.
2. Environmental risks
32. The environmental impact of various technologies and methods for treating tyres, and the
environmentally sound disposal of tyres, are discussed in section E of chapter III of the present
guidelines. This general section on the potential environmental risks associated with tyres discusses
the more cross-cutting issues of ecotoxicity, leaching and the potential impact of uncontrolled fires.
The technologies involved, the main environmental problems associated with them and suggested
ways of avoiding them are covered in the annex to the present guidelines.

Directive 1999/31/CE.
Directive 1999/31/EC refers to the deposition of tyres in landfills and supports this paragraph.
Health Canada.
WHO, second edition. (1997).


(a) Ecotoxicity
33. The ecotoxicity of used and waste tyres is challenging to evaluate. The ecotoxicity related to
tyres is linked to particles resulting from the use of tyres, to uncontrolled dumping and to disposal
operations. Conclusions regarding the toxicity and risks to human health from diverse studies vary
significantly. Given the broad range of substances found in tyres many parameters influence the results
of studies such as the type of tyres evaluated, the chemicals assessed and the evaluation methodology.
Gaps remain in the scientific knowledge regarding the ecotoxicity of tyres. The following studies
present some of the conclusions.
34. In 1995, studies were conducted by the Pasteur Institute in Lille, France, on the use of rubber
powder obtained from tyre carcasses with algae (S. Capricornutum and crustacean: Daphnia magnia
and Fish Brachydanio rerio), according to International Organization for Standardization standards
ISO 8692, 6341 and 7346. A supplemental study was conducted, also by the Pasteur Institute, this time
in Lyon, France. This study was called Determination of Acute Toxicity as per ISO11268/1
Observing the effect of tyre powder rubber on a population of earthworm placed in a definite
substratum. None of the tests revealed toxicity.
35. In 2003, tests conducted by Birkholz in California10 using rubber fragments taken from a
tyre-disposal site showed toxicity for bacteria, invertebrates, fish and green algae. After three months,
new samples were tested, showing a 59 per cent reduction in the toxicity levels detected in previous
36. In addition to acute or short-term toxicity, long-term studies should also be taken into account.
Long-term investigations indicate that some types of tyres, e.g., those with high aromatic oil content,
may under specific conditions leach significant amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons into the
aquatic environment,11 thereby influencing the population dynamics of wood frogs, for example.12
37. In 2005, Wik and Dave conducted a study to investigate whether toxicity testing with Daphnia
magna according to ISO 6341 could be used as a screening test for environmental labelling of car
tyres. The background issue being considered was potential toxic effects of tyre wear particles on
aquatic organisms (which is different from the studies mentioned in paragraph 33 about the leaching of
chemicals from artificial turf systems). The toxicity to Daphnia magna from 12 randomly selected car
tyres was tested in this study, especially with reference to HA oils. Rubber from the tread of the tyres
was grated into small pieces to simulate material from tyre wear. The results show that all tyres tested
in this study were toxic to Daphnia magna after 24-hour and 48-hour exposure and that exposure from
different tyres can vary in toxicity by 2 orders of magnitude. Given that this variation was found for 12
randomly selected tyres, the overall variation between all tyres on the market is expected to be
considerably larger. The difference in toxicity in summer and winter was substantial.13
38. Previous studies have indicated that tyre tread particles are toxic to aquatic species, but few
studies have evaluated the toxicity of such particles using sediment, the likely reservoir of tyre wear
particles in the environment. In this study, the acute toxicity of tyre and road wear particles (TRWP)
was assessed in Pseudokirchneriella subcapita, Daphnia magna and Pimephales promelas using a
sediment elutriate (100, 500, 1000 or 10,000 mg/l TRWP). Under standard test temperature conditions,
no concentration response was observed and EC/LC(50) values were greater than 10,000 mg/l.
Additional tests using Daphnia magna were performed both with and without sediment in elutriates
collected under heated conditions designed to promote the release of chemicals from the rubber matrix
to understand what environmental factors may influence the toxicity of TRWP. Toxicity was only
observed for elutriates generated from TRWP leached under high-temperature conditions and the
lowest EC/LC(50) value was 5,000 mg/l. In an effort to identify potential toxic chemical constituent(s)
in the heated leachates, toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) studies and chemical analysis of the
leachate were conducted. The TIE coupled with chemical analysis (liquid chromatography/mass
spectrometry/mass spectrometry [LC/MS/MS] and inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry
[ICP/MS]) of the leachate identified zinc and aniline as candidate toxicants. However, based on the
high EC/LC(50) values and the limited conditions under which toxicity was observed, TRWP should
be considered a low risk to aquatic ecosystems under acute exposure scenarios.

California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB), 2007.
Stephensen, Eirkur, and others (2003).
Camponelli, Kimberly M., and others (2009).
Wik A, Dave G (2005


(b) Leaching
39. Water generated by tyre leachate may contaminate soil, surface water and groundwater at the
site and surrounding areas. On the basis of specialist literature and its own experience, the Ministry of
the Environment of New Zealand14 has identified several factors that may affect the rate of leaching
and/or the concentration of tyre leachate compounds in soil, surface water and groundwater.
40. Other studies show that leaching of heavy metals and organic chemicals such as phthalates and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from recycled car tyres for use as infill in artificial turf systems is
well within the limits set in the Netherlands for soil and surface water quality. Leaching of zinc is an
exception. Dissolved organic carbon and organic nitrogen appear to decrease very rapidly at the outset
and are then minimized in a time-dependent, substance-specific manner. During testing, very low
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations of the granules were found at an identical level in the
blank sample (a gravel layer without a surface); these correspond to ambient (ubiquitous)
contamination levels. Appendix II provides information on fieldwork conducted to study tyre leachate.
41. Three recent studies have examined the environmental aspects of using tyre granulates as filler
for synthetic games fields.15 These studies researched the elements and chemical substances found in
the composition of the filling materials, and more particularly those made from used tyres. The
exhaustive list comprises forty-two physicochemical parameters: total cyanides, phenol index, total
hydrocarbons (HCT), 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), total organic carbon (TOC), Al, As,
Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Zn, fluorides, nitrates, ammonium, chlorides and
sulphates, pH and conductivity. The studies concluded that the physicochemical results of the
percolates showed a kinetic pattern for potentially polluting substances, independently of the type of
granulates used in either in-situ or in-lab tests. Analytically detectable trace substances or compounds
are dissolved from the surface and from the polymer matrix of the granules in a concentration that falls
over time. The concentrations of the measured individual substances, the dissolved organic carbon and
the organic nitrogen decrease very rapidly at the outset, subsequently slowing to a minimum in a
time-dependent, substance-specific manner, in both the lysimeter trials and the elute tests. According
to current research, after a years experimentation, the results from 42 physico-chemical parameters
and ecotoxicological tests show that water passing through artificial turf using as filling either virgin
elastomers granulated or granulates from used tyres is not likely to affect water resources in the short
and medium term.
42. In the 2007 study conducted by Wik, a novel approach was used to identify toxic components
that leach from tyre rubber when in contact with water. Rubber formulations containing different tyre
additives were prepared and water leachates from these rubber samples were generated and tested on
Daphnia magna, using a standardized toxicity test. Findings from this study showed that the choice of
chemical additives in tyre rubber greatly affects the toxicity of the leachate and that this should be
taken into consideration in future developments of rubber for tyres to reduce their potential
environmental impact.
43. As regards the assessment of the long-term impact of the leaching of zinc from artificial turf,
three INTRON studies conducted in 2008 and 2009 provide useful information.16 One of the studies
intended to answer the question of whether zinc leaching from rubber infill posed a risk to the
environment in the long term and also assumed an increasing zinc release due to aging of the rubber.
The study was performed by SGS INTRON and reviewed by Verschoor and Cleven from the Dutch
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). The results of this study show that
the limit values in the present Dutch Soil Quality Decree will be reached after more than 60 years for a
sports system consisting of artificial turf with rubber infill, lava sublayer and sand base layer and after
7 to 70 years for a sports system consisting of only the artificial turf with rubber infill and the lava
sublayer. The 2008 monitoring results show that the concentrations of zinc are low both in drainage
water and rainwater. There is no systematic difference in the concentration of zinc in rainwater and the
concentration of zinc in drainage water. On the basis of the new observations, INTRON concludes
that, after 7 years of use, zinc does not penetrate the underlays. This is consistent with the laboratory
tests performed in the 2009 zinc adsorption study where calculations were updated based on the actual
adsorption capacity of the sand layer instead of a theoretical one used in the previous study. After 7
years, there is also no evidence that the use of rubber infill poses a risk in terms of the leaching of zinc
and the results indicate that during the technical lifetime (fifteen years) of the synthetic turf field, with
environmentally sound management, there is limited risk to the environment due to the leaching of
MWH (July 2004).
Aliapur et al (2007).
INTRON report A845090/R20090029, Adsorption of zinc to synthetic turf underlays, (2009)


44. According to current research, after a years experimentation, the results from the
42 physicochemical parameters identified and from the ecotoxicological tests showed that water
passing through artificial turf in which the filler was either granulated virgin elastomers or granulates
from used tyres was not likely to affect water resources in the short and medium terms. 17
45. Some literature on the potential of chemicals to leach from used tyres concluded that the
impact of used tyres on the subsoil of roads or surface water under neutral environmental conditions
was negligible with regard to groundwater and surface water quality and the aquatic environment. 18
(c) Uncontrolled open air burning
46. Tyres do not spontaneously combust. If, however, a fire breaks out, either as a result of arson
or accidentally, the composition of a pile of tyres will affect the fires rate and direction. Fires
occurring in piles of complete tyres tend to burn down into the middle of the pile, where air pockets
allow for continued combustion. Fires occurring in piles of chipped or shredded tyres tend to spread
over the piles surface.
47. Various decomposition products are generated during the combustion process, including:
(a) Ash (typically containing carbon, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide,
cadmium, lead and other heavy metals);
(b) Sulphur compounds;
(c) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs);
(d) Aromatic oils;
(e) Carbon and nitrogen oxides;
(f) Particulates;
(g) Various light-end aromatic hydrocarbons (such as toluene, xylene and benzene).
48. Fire decomposition products are extensive and vary as a function of factors including:
(a) Type of tyre;
(b) Burn rate;
(c) Size of tyre piles;
(d) Temperature of the environment;
(e) Humidity.
49. Some fire decomposition products, in particular those resulting from incomplete combustion,
are persistent organic pollutants. The reduction or elimination of unintentional emissions of such
substances is regulated by Article 5 of and Annex C to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants.
50. In France, the rubber manufacturers association has performed a number of field experiments
to determine the composition of smoke from fires affecting tyres in warehouses in which they are
stored, both with and without sprinklers.19 Table 5 describes the composition of the smoke.

Aliapur et al, (2007).
Literature study on substances leached from shredded and whole tyres (published June 2005 by the European
Association of the Rubber Industry (BLIC)).
Incendie dans un entrept de stockage de pneumatiques quip dune installation sprinkler. Impact
environnemental sur lair et sur leau. SNCP 2007.


Table 5
Composition of smoke from tyre fires
Production in non-sprinkler
Production in installation with
Component installation (g/kg of tyre
sprinkler (g/kg tyre burned)
Carbon dioxide 1450 626
Carbon monoxide 35 42
Nitrous oxide 0.9 0.75
Nitric oxide 3.2 1.6
Sulphur dioxide 15 4
Cyanhydric acid 4 0.6
Hydrochloric acid Not detected 2
Total unburned organics
(including benzene and toluene, in 23 61
toluene equivalents)
Dust 285 20
Metals (total) including
31.9 22.74
aluminium and zinc >99%
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
0.0633 0.093
Polychlorinated biphenyls (total) 2.66 x 10-4 2.16 x 10-5
Dioxins/furans (total 6.44 x 10-7 1.9 x 10-7
Components looked for but not Formaldehyde hydrochloric
Formaldehyde, hydrobromic acid,
detected (below analytic detection acid, hydrobromic acid,
acrolein, ammonium, tin
limit) acrolein, ammonium, tin

51. Because of the lower temperature, fires controlled by sprinklers have higher emissions of
carbon monoxide and unburned organics. Emissions of other substances are lower, especially dust,
which is washed out of the smoke. The observed concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and
dioxins and furans are normally comparable to those observed in ambient air. This may be different for
large stockpiles of tyres or monolandfills for tyres.
52. Uncontrolled tyre fires have major environmental impacts on air, water and soil.
(i) Air pollution
53. Tyre fires in the open air emit black smoke, carbon dioxide (contributing to the greenhouse
effect), volatile organic compounds and hazardous pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, dioxins, furans, hydrochloric acid, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic,
cadmium, nickel, zinc, mercury, chromium and vanadium.20
54. The leachate of such pollutants with rainwater may also lead to soil and water contamination.
This may occur through two atmospheric processes known as wash-out (small particles that cling
together and are brought in by rainwater) and rain-out (larger particles that are directly affected by
(ii) Water pollution
55. If burned, 1 million tyres will generate some 200,000 litres of run-off oil, as tyre combustion
causes pyrolysis of the rubber, which results in oily decomposition waste that is both highly polluting
and flammable. In addition to the problems caused by oil run-off, the waste may be carried by water, if
it is used to extinguish the fire, or via percolation through the soil, reaching the groundwater or nearby
streams. Other residues of combustion, such as zinc, cadmium and lead, can also be washed away by
water. Contaminants such as arsenic, benzene, mercury, copper, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may also be present.
(iii) Soil pollution

Reisman, Joel I. (1997).


56. Residues left in the soil after a fire may cause immediate pollution as a result of liquid
decomposition products penetrating the soil, or gradual pollution as a result of leaching of ash and
other unburned residues. Both are caused mainly by rainfall and water penetration at the site.

II. Relevant provisions of the Basel Convention

A. General provisions
57. The Basel Convention, which entered into force on 5 May 1992, stipulates that transboundary
movements of wastes (export, import or transit) are permitted only when the movement itself and the
disposal of the hazardous or other wastes involved are environmentally sound.
58. In its Article 2 (Definitions), paragraph 1, the Basel Convention defines wastes as
substances or objects which are disposed of or are intended to be disposed of or are required to be
disposed of by the provisions of national law. In paragraph 4, it defines disposal as any operation
specified in Annex IV to the Convention. In paragraph 8, it defines the environmentally sound
management of hazardous wastes or other wastes as taking all practicable steps to ensure that
hazardous wastes or other wastes are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the
environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes.
59. Article 4 (General obligations), paragraph 1, establishes the procedure by which parties
exercising their right to prohibit the import of hazardous wastes or other wastes for disposal shall
inform the other parties of their decision. Paragraph 1 (a) states: Parties exercising their right to
prohibit the import of hazardous or other wastes for disposal shall inform the other parties of their
decision pursuant to Article 13. Paragraph 1 (b) states: Parties shall prohibit or shall not permit the
export of hazardous or other wastes to the parties which have prohibited the import of such waste
when notified pursuant to subparagraph (a).
60. Article 4, paragraphs 2 (a)(e) and (g), contains the key provisions of the Basel Convention
pertaining to environmentally sound management, waste minimization, and waste disposal practices
that mitigate adverse effects on human health and the environment. The relevant provisions are:
Each Party shall take appropriate measures to:
(a) Ensure that the generation of hazardous wastes and other wastes within it is reduced to
a minimum, taking into account social, technological and economic aspects;
(b) Ensure the availability of adequate disposal facilities, for the environmentally sound
management of hazardous wastes and other wastes, that shall be located, to the extent
possible, within it, whatever the place of their disposal;
(c) Ensure that persons involved in the management of hazardous wastes or other wastes
within it take such steps as are necessary to prevent pollution due to hazardous wastes
and other wastes arising from such management and, if such pollution occurs, to
minimize the consequences thereof for human health and the environment;
(d) Ensure that the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes is
reduced to the minimum consistent with the environmentally sound and efficient
management of such wastes, and is conducted in a manner which will protect human
health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such
(e) Not allow the export of hazardous wastes or other wastes to a State or group of States
belonging to an economic and/or political integration organization that are Parties,
particularly developing countries, which have prohibited by their legislation all
imports, or if it has reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in
an environmentally sound manner, according to criteria to be decided on by the Parties
at their first meeting;
(g) Prevent the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes if it has reason to believe that
the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner.
B. Provisions relevant to tyres
61. Article 1 (Scope of the Convention) defines the types of waste subject to the Convention.
Subparagraph (a) of that article sets forth a two-step process for determining whether a waste is a
hazardous waste subject to the Convention: first, the waste must belong to one of the categories of
Annex I to the Convention (Categories of wastes to be controlled), and second, the waste must
possess at least one of the characteristics listed in Annex III to the Convention (List of hazardous


62. One important element is that a party is not bound by the definition of hazardous waste (and
other residues) established by the Convention. Each party is free to decide whether it considers a
specific waste to be hazardous for the purpose of the Convention, pursuant to its national legislation.
In this case, the country needs to notify the Secretariat of the content of its national legislation, and the
Secretariat in turn will notify the other parties to the Convention that the transboundary movement of
such waste is prohibited.
63. Tyres per se cannot be identified under any category of waste streams in the first part of the
Annex I to the Convention (categories Y1Y18), although they do contain elements or compounds
listed in that annex. These are encased in the rubber compound or may be present as an alloying
element; they are shown in table 6.
Table 6
Annex I constituents contained in tyres
Convention Content Content * Applicability of
Chemical name Remarks
constituent (%weight) ( Kg ) Annex III

Part of steel: in
metallic non-
Alloying constituent dispersible form as
of the metallic listed in Annex IX
Y22 Copper compounds Approx. 0.02 Approx. 0.14 g
reinforcing material entry B1010. Not
(steel cord) exhibiting any
Annex III

Complete tyres do
not present any of
the characteristics
H1 H12 contained
Zinc oxide, retained in Annex III. H13 is
Y23 Zinc compounds Approx. 1 Approx. 70 g
in the rubber matrix only assessed for
leaching of zinc not
in excess of
thresholds (see
chapter III)

Not in a quantity
On trace levels, as identified as giving
cadmium compounds to the waste any
Y26 Cadmium Max. 0.001 Max. 0.07 g
attendant substance characteristic
of zinc oxide contained in Annex

Not in a quantity
identified as giving
On trace levels, as
to the waste any
Y31 Lead compounds attendant substance Max. 0.005 Max. 0.35 g
of zinc oxide
contained in Annex

As a natural fat has

extremely low
acidity and cannot
Acidic solutions or Stearic acid, in solid
Y34 Approx. 0.3 Approx. 21 g be classified as a
acids in solid form form
hazardous acid under
the terms of Annex I


Convention Content Content * Applicability of

Chemical name Remarks
constituent (%weight) ( Kg ) Annex III

Not having
compounds other Content of Content of
Y45 than substances in Halogen butyl rubber halogens halogens Max.
pursuant to Annex
Annex I to the Max. 0.10 7g

64. Wastes contained in Annex I to the Convention are presumed to exhibit one or more Annex III
hazard characteristics, which may include H11 Toxic (delayed or chronic), H12 Ecotoxic and
H6.1 Poisonous (acute), unless, through national tests, they can be shown not to exhibit such
characteristics. National tests may be useful for identifying a particular hazard characteristic listed in
Annex III until such time as the hazardous characteristic is fully defined. Guidance papers for each
Annex III hazard characteristic are currently being developed under the Convention.
65. List A of Annex VIII to the Convention describes wastes that are characterized as hazardous
under Article 1 paragraph 1 (a) of the Convention although the designation of a waste on Annex VIII
does not preclude the use of Annex III (hazard characteristics) to demonstrate that a waste is not
hazardous (Annex I, paragraph (b)). List B of Annex IX lists wastes that will not be wastes covered
by Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention unless they contain Annex I material to an extent
causing them to exhibit an Annex III characteristic.
66. As stated in Article 1, paragraph 1 (b), wastes that are not covered under paragraph (a) but are
defined as, or are considered to be, hazardous wastes by the domestic legislation of the Party of export,
import or transit are also subject to the Convention.
67. Annex IX entry B3140 pertains to waste pneumatic tyres, excluding those destined for Annex
IVA operations. Some countries have prohibited the import of used and waste tyres.

III. Guidance on environmentally sound management

A. General considerations
68. At present, ESM is a broad policy concept without a clear universal definition. However,
provisions pertaining to ESM as it applies to used and waste tyres under the Basel Convention, and the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) core performance elements
(discussed in the following three subsections), provide international direction that is supportive of
ESM efforts under way in different countries and industrial sectors.
1. Basel Convention
69. In its Article 2 (Definitions), paragraph 8, the Basel Convention defines ESM of hazardous
wastes or other wastes as taking all practicable steps to ensure that hazardous wastes or other wastes
are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against adverse effects
which may result from such wastes.
70. Article 4 (General obligations), paragraph 2 (b), requires that each Party take appropriate
measures to ensure the availability of adequate disposal facilities for the environmentally sound
management of hazardous or other wastes, that shall be located, to the extent possible, within it,
whatever the place of their disposal, while paragraph 2 (c) requires each Party to ensure that persons
involved in the management of hazardous wastes or other wastes within it take such steps as are
necessary to prevent pollution due to hazardous wastes and other wastes arising from such
management and, if such pollution occurs, to minimize the consequences thereof for human health and
the environment.
71. In Article 4, paragraph 8, the Convention requires that hazardous wastes or other wastes, to be
exported, are managed in an environmentally sound manner in the State of import or elsewhere. The
present guidelines are intended to provide a more precise definition of environmentally sound
management in the context of used and waste tyres, including appropriate treatment and disposal


72. The 1994 framework document on the preparation of technical guidelines for the
environmentally sound management of wastes subject to the Basel Convention sets forth the principles
used by countries in their waste management strategies, among which the following should be noted:
(a) Source reduction principle: the generation of wastes should be minimized both in terms
of quantity and in terms of their potential for causing pollution. This can be achieved through
appropriate processes and facilities;
(b) Integrated life cycle principle: substances and products should be managed in such a
way that there is minimal environmental impact during their production, use, reuse and disposal;
(c) Precautionary principle: preventive measures should be taken, considering the costs and
benefits, of action and inaction, when there is a scientific basis, however limited, for believing that the
emission of substances, wastes and energy into the environment could possibly result in injury to
human health and the environment;
(d) Proximity principle: the disposal of hazardous wastes should occur as close as possible
to their sources of origin, recognizing that the environmentally and economically sound management
of some of these wastes could take place at disposal facilities located further away from their sources
of origin;
(e) Least transboundary movement principle: the transboundary movement of hazardous
wastes should be reduced to a minimum that is consistent with environmentally sound and efficient
(f) Polluter-pays principle: potential polluters should take steps to avoid pollution, and
those who pollute should pay to solve the problems created by pollution;
(g) Sovereignty principle: each country should take into consideration its own political,
social and economic conditions when establishing a national policy for waste management. For
instance, countries may ban the importation of hazardous wastes pursuant to their environmental
73. In the present guidelines, disposal is considered to be any operation specified in Annex IV to
the Basel Convention, which is also included in its text under Article (Definitions), including
sections A and B. It is noted that in some countries other definitions are used, such as disposal for
the operations themselves and recovery for recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or
alternative use operations.
74. The present guidelines do not include the term closed loop recycling as a possible disposal
operation, given that, in the case of tyres, it is impossible to transform the materials of a used tyre into
new tyres because, unlike paper, metals, plastics and glass, it is impossible to obtain from tyres
materials with properties similar to those of the original materials used in production. The rubber
materials used in tyres have specific qualities that are quite complex, designed to optimize traction on
dry and wet roads, and ensure long and useful life, low rolling resistance, comfortable handling with
good response to steering and good performance at a relatively low cost. Unfortunately, the recycled
products currently available do not improve on performance and are costlier. With car tyres there are
effects that are particularly detrimental to durability and rolling resistance (associated with fuel
consumption). The quantity of these post-consumer recycled materials will therefore inevitably be
very low.21
75. Several key principles with regard to the environmentally sound management of waste were
set out in the above-mentioned 1994 framework document. To achieve the environmentally sound
management of wastes, the framework document recommends that a number of legal, institutional and
technical conditions (environmentally sound management criteria) be met, and in particular that:
(a) A regulatory and enforcement infrastructure ensures compliance with applicable
(b) Sites or facilities are authorized and of an adequate standard of technology and pollution
control to deal with hazardous wastes in the way proposed, in particular taking into account the level
of technology and pollution control in the exporting country;
(c) Operators of sites or facilities at which hazardous wastes are managed are required, as
appropriate, to monitor the effects of those activities;

California Environmental Protection Agency (United States), Integrated Waste Management Board,
Increasing the Recycled Content in New Tyres 21 (2004).


(d) Appropriate action is taken in cases where monitoring indicates that the management of
hazardous wastes has resulted in unacceptable discharges;
(e) People involved in the management of hazardous wastes are capable and adequately
trained in their capacity.
76. Environmentally sound management is also the subject of the 1999 Basel Declaration on
Environmentally Sound Management, which was adopted by the Conference of Parties to the
Convention at its fifth meeting. The declaration calls on the parties to enhance and strengthen their
efforts and cooperation to achieve environmentally sound management, including through prevention,
minimization, recycling, recovery and disposal of hazardous and other wastes subject to the
Convention, taking into account social, technological and economic concerns; and through further
reduction of transboundary movements of hazardous and other wastes subject to the Convention.
77. The declaration states that a number of activities should be carried out in this context,
(a) Identification and quantification of the types of waste being produced nationally;
(b) Best practice approach to avoid or minimize the generation of hazardous wastes and
reduce their toxicity, such as the use of cleaner production methods or approaches;
(c) Provision of sites or facilities authorized as environmentally sound to manage wastes
and, in particular, hazardous wastes.
2. Core performance elements for the environmentally sound management of waste
78. In May 2004, theOECD Council adopted recommendation C (2004)10022 on the
environmentally sound management of wastes. According to that recommendation, waste management
facilities, including recovery facilities, should, within the framework of laws, regulations and
administrative practices in the countries in which they operate, and in consideration of applicable
international agreements, principles, objectives and standards, take due account of the need to protect
the environment, public health and safety, and should generally conduct their activities in a manner
contributing to the wider goals of sustainable development. In particular, taking into account the size
of the enterprise, especially the situation of the small and medium-sized enterprises, the type and
amount of waste, the nature of the operation and domestic legislation, as part of their core performance
requirements waste management facilities should:
(a) Have an applicable environmental management system in place;
(b) Take sufficient measures to safeguard occupational and environmental health and safety;
(c) Have an adequate monitoring, recording and reporting programme;
(d) Have an appropriate and adequate training programme for personnel;
(e) Have an adequate emergency plan;
(f) Have an adequate plan for closure and after-care.
Further information can be found in the guidance manual for the implementation of the
recommendation,23 which includes the core performance elements.
B. Legislative and regulatory framework
79. Parties to the Convention should examine national controls, standards and procedures to
ensure that they fully implement their obligations under the Convention, including those pertaining to
the transboundary movement and environmentally sound management of used and waste tyres.
80. Implementing legislation should give Governments the power to enact specific rules and
regulations, inspect and enforce, and establish penalties for violations. The legislation could define
environmentally sound management and require adherence to those principles, ensuring that countries
satisfy provisions for the environmentally sound management of used tyres, including their
environmentally sound disposal, as described in the present guidelines.

OECD (2004).
OECD (2007).


1. Transboundary movement requirement

81. Hazardous and other wastes should, as far as is compatible with their environmentally sound
management, be disposed of in the country in which they were generated. Transboundary movements
of such wastes are permitted only:
(a) If conducted under conditions that do not endanger human health and the environment;
(b) If exports are managed in an environmentally sound manner in the country of import or
(c) If the country of export lacks the technical capacity and the necessary facilities to
dispose of the wastes in question in an environmentally sound and efficient manner;
(d) If the wastes in question are required as a raw material for recycling or recovery
industries in the country of import; or
(e) If the transboundary movements in question are in accordance with other criteria
decided by the parties.
82. According to Article 6 of the Convention, any transboundary movements of hazardous and
other wastes are subject to prior written notification from the exporting country and prior written
consent from the importing and, if appropriate, transit countries. Parties are to prohibit the export of
hazardous and other wastes if the country of import prohibits their import. The Convention also
requires that information regarding any proposed transboundary movement be provided using the
accepted notification form, and that the approved consignment be accompanied by a movement
document from the point where the transboundary movement commences to the point of disposal.
Furthermore, hazardous wastes and other wastes subject to transboundary movements should be
packaged, labelled and transported in conformity with international rules and standards. 24
83. When transboundary movement of hazardous and other wastes for which consent has been
given by the countries concerned cannot be completed, the country of export is to ensure that the
wastes in question are taken back into the country of export for their disposal if alternative
arrangements cannot be made. In the case of illegal traffic (as defined in Article 9, paragraph 1), the
country of export is to ensure that the wastes in question are taken back into the country of export for
their disposal, or are disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the Convention.
84. No transboundary movements of hazardous and other wastes are permitted between a party
and a non-party to the Convention unless a bilateral, multilateral or regional arrangement exists, as
required by Article 11 of the Convention. .
C. Management approaches to used and waste pneumatic tyres
85. Although tyres are consumer goods that are currently essential to any countrys economy,
inappropriate disposal can affect the environment and human health. As waste generation is
unavoidable, it is essential that sound management systems be implemented to minimize waste
generation while maximizing reuse and recycling, and the energy and material recovery of waste tyres.
1. General considerations
86. The Basel Convention obliges parties to ensure the environmentally sound management of
hazardous and other wastes. In this regard, the guiding principle broadly accepted for securing a more
sustainable waste management system is the waste hierarchy of management practices, which accords
priority to waste prevention and reuse followed by recycling and other recovery operations over
disposal. The waste management hierarchy, as shown in Figure 3 below, should apply as a priority
order in waste prevention and management legislation and policy to avoid undesirable impacts on the
environment and human health.

In this connection, the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
(Model Regulations) (UNECE, 2003a see annex V, Bibliography) or later versions should be used.


Figure 3
Used and waste tyre management hierarchy

87. (Reduction and reuse measures are presented in section C of chapter III. Environmentally
sound disposal is covered in section E of the same chapter and may be grouped into the following
(a) Retreading;
(b) Ambient/cryogenic recycling;
(c) Reclaim/devulcanization (chemical);
(d) Consumer and industrial products;
(e) Civil engineering;
(f) Pyrolysis(thermal);
(g) Co-processing;
(h) Co-incineration.
88. All other existing processes for disposing of used and waste pneumatic tyres could generate
negative environmental impacts and are therefore not considered to be environmentally sound.
2. Environmental management systems
89. An environmental management system comprises a set of processes and practices that enable
an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency. It is as a tool
to improve environmental performance and includes the organizational structure, planning and
resources for developing, implementing and maintaining a policy for environmental protection. Such a
system provides consistency for organizations to respond to environmental concerns through the
allocation of resources, assignment of responsibility and continuing evaluation of practices, procedures
and processes. In many cases, the introduction of such a system can lead to cost savings and reduced
environmental liability.
3. National systems for managing used and waste pneumatic tyres
90. Systems in use for managing used and waste pneumatic tyres include those described below.
Table 7 shows the management systems adopted in a number of countries for used and waste tyres.
(a) Producer responsibility
91. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is defined as an environmental policy approach in
which a producers responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer stage of a products
life cycle. A producer is considered to be brand owner or importer except in cases such as
packaging, and in situations where the brand owner is not clearly identified, as in the case of
electronics, the manufacturer (and importer) would be considered as the producer (OECD, 2001a).
EPR programmes shift the responsibility for end-of-life management of products to the producer who
puts the product for the first time on the market and away from municipalities, and provide incentives
for producers to incorporate environmental considerations in the design of their products so that the


environmental costs of treatment and disposal are incorporated into the cost of the product. EPR can
be implemented through mandatory, negotiated or voluntary approaches. Take-back collection
programmes may be part of EPR programmes (see section (b)).
92. Depending on their design, EPR programmes can achieve a number of objectives: (1) relieve
local government of the financial and, in some cases, the operational burden of the disposal of the
waste, products or material; (2) encourage companies to design products for reuse, recyclability and
materials reduction (in terms of quantity and hazardousness); (3) incorporate waste management costs
into the product price; (4) promote innovation in recycling technology. This promotes a market that
reflects the environmental impact of products (OECD 2001a). Detailed descriptions of EPR schemes
are available in several OECD publications.
93. Environmental authorities should develop regulatory frameworks setting out the
responsibilities of relevant stakeholders, standards for mercury contents and management of products,
and components of EPR programmes, encouraging participation by relevant parties and the public.
They should also be responsible for monitoring the performance of EPR programmes (e.g., the amount
of wastes collected, amount of mercury recovered and costs accrued for collection, recycling and
storage) and recommending changes as necessary. The responsibility should be placed on all producers
of the products considered. Free riders (producers who do not assume their share of responsibility)
should not be allowed as this forces other producers to bear costs that are disproportionate to their
product market share.)
(b) Tax-based system
94. In this system, producers or consumers pay a tax to the Government. The State is then
responsible for organizing a system to collect and dispose of waste tyres, which is implemented, for
example, by contracting operating companies that are paid through the funds raised from the tax.
95. By way of example, agencies of the individual states of the United States regulate waste tyre
management, rather than the federal Government. Most states levy a consumer tax on tyre sales that
supports the state management of waste tyres. Some states spend considerable amounts on
implementing waste tyre programmes, while a few leave it to the free market to provide for the
collection and eventual disposal of waste tyres.
(c) Free-market-based system
96. In a free-market-based system, the last owner of the tyre is responsible for its disposal or
recovery. In addition, legislation may set forth goals to be attained, but may not specify who is
responsible for the process. In this way, all those involved in the chain are free to hire according to
market conditions, while working in compliance with the legislation.
Table 7
Systems for managing the collection and sorting of tyres adopted in various countries
Producer responsibility Tax-based system Free-market system
Europe (Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland,
Europe (Austria, Germany,
France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Europe (Denmark,
Ireland, Switzerland, United
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Latvia, Slovakia)
Sweden), Turkey
Canada (in the
Brazil, Colombia provinces), United United States (some states)
States (most states)
Canada (some provinces), Israel, South Africa Australia

C. Waste prevention and minimization

97. Priority should be accorded to preventing and reducing waste generation in order to increase
the useful life of tyres, thereby reducing the rate at which waste is generated.
98. To that end, the guidelines and procedures for calibration and maintenance that are
recommended by tyre manufacturers should be followed, and awareness-raising campaigns launched
by the competent authorities. Such campaigns aim to bring home to the general public, in addition to
road safety and fuel consumption issues, the importance of keeping tyres in good condition (such as
keeping the optimal tyre inflation pressure), which will extend the tyres lifespan. The use of
alternatives modes of transport, such as railways and waterways, especially in countries in which such
networks are developed, may be a contribution to minimizing the quantity of waste pneumatic tyres.


99. The various challenges that both developed and developing countries continue to face with
regard to used and waste tyres make clear that, the smaller the quantity of tyres a country is required to
manage, the better.
D. Collection, transportation and storage
100. Collecting, transporting and storing tyres are important phases in the management process.
Collecting tyres requires logistics and planning, taking account of the diversity of points at which
these tyres are generated. There is also a need to educate citizens about the benefits to be gained from
delivering tyres for disposal in an environmentally sound manner.
101. To manage a used tyre in an environmentally sound manner, it should be collected at the place
at which it was generated and transported elsewhere for storage.
102. Where possible, a pre-cut should be carried out during collection to improve the
weight/volume ratio to reduce transportation costs.
103. Transporting used tyres from the various sources of generation to sorting facilities represents
an additional cost burden, especially where there are long distances between the points of collection
and sorting, because tyres take up much space in the trucks in which they are transported. Safety
during transportation is another factor to be taken into account, requiring that stacking and packaging
rules be strictly followed.
104. Since collection is a logistical process, optimization has to be considered on either a cost or
environmental basis. Various types of optimization can be put in place, depending on the economic
and legal model used. Two key types are:
(a) Collecting the maximum quantity of tyres in one run (perhaps including several stops);
(b) Collecting in such a manner that manual handling is minimized.
105. Wherever possible, using special containers to collect tyres is often the best way of achieving
both a maximum quantity of tyres per run and a drastic reduction of the human resources required.
106. Sorting is necessary to separate used pneumatic tyres that can be retreaded from those that can
be used for other purposes, and from waste tyres. The sorting process calls for covered facilities and a
specialized workforce. Storage is also a critical issue in the collecting process. If the management of
the overall flow is well controlled, storage can be treated as a transit stage before the next step in the
tyre-processing chain, rather than a permanent feature.
107. To store tyres without endangering human health or the environment, the storage facility needs
to meet specific requirements that are, in most cases, part of national regulations on the subject.
Recommendations are available on the prevention of major risks by reducing the quantity stored per
unit and by installing appropriate equipment (for examples, see table 9).
108. By way of example, some guidelines for this purpose are available in a joint publication issued
by the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the Rubber Manufacturers Association and the
National Fire Protection Association in 2000.
109. The following requirements must be taken into account when choosing and operating a site for
storing tyres:25
(a) Selecting an appropriate site;
(b) Preventing and minimizing the risk of fire by implementing protection requirements and
measures to reduce the spread of fires, (e.g., by setting a minimum distance between two tyre storage
(c) Minimizing leachate production, (e.g., by covering piles of tyres);
(d) Minimizing leachate contamination of the soil and underground water (e.g., by having a
compacted clay surface);
(e) In some countries, avoiding and controlling the breeding of mosquitoes and other
disease vectors may also be relevant for the purpose of minimizing impacts on public health (see also
section D and appendix I to the present guidelines).
110. Tables 9 and 10 and figure IV present information on best practices for the design of sites for
the temporary storage recommended in the present guidelines. Table 10 also includes a comparative

MHW (July 2004).


overview of information provided by private associations and specialists with over 20 years
experience in the tyre reprocessing industry.26
111. Although the study is inconclusive regarding storage time, it is recommended that tyre storage
be undertaken only when necessary and for the shortest time possible.
Table 9
Best practices for temporary storage of tyres

Criteria IAFC, RMA and NFPA guidelines Specialist *27

Storage time NR NR

Tyre pile maximum

6 m high / 76 m long / 15 m wide 4.5 m high / 60 m long / 15 m wide

30 slope if naturally piled 90 slope if

Pile slope NR
laced in piles (See Figure III)

Edge of pile 15 m from perimeter fence

Clearance in storage site 60 m radius from the pile should be clear Edge of pile 15 m from perimeter fence
of vegetation, debris and buildings

Fire breaks 18 m between piles 15 m between piles at base

Avoid wetlands, flood plains, ravines,
Site selection canyons, sloped areas, graded surfaces, NA
and power lines

Ideally flat site; concrete or hard packed

Ground surface/liner Compacted area
clay surface; no asphalt or grass

Cover N/R Not effective

Soil bound around pile to minimize run-

Runoff Capture and contain
off of water used in fighting fires

No open air burning within 300 m. No

Ignition sources welding or other heat generating devices NA
within a 60 m radius
63 L/s for 6hrs if tyres>1400m3
Water supply NA
126 L/s if storage area >1400m3

Other fire fighting Foam, chemicals, fill dirt on site, access

resources to heavy equipment/materials

Fuel-fired vehicles Fire extinguisher on board NA

Perimeter of facilities Fences, > 3 m high with intruder controls NA

Signals Visible with regulations and hours NA

Security Qualified attendant NA
Well maintained and accessible at all
Emergency vehicle access
times. NA
Clear width >18 m and height 4 m
6 m width at all times. Locked when
Gates at access point NA
N/R, no recommendations; NA, not asked

Specialist: Michael Playdon, Columbus McKinnon, February 2004. See bibliography for more


Source: The Prevention and Management of Scrap Tire Fires IAFC, STMC, NFTA, 2000

Figure IV shows the two most common ways of stacking tyres.

Figure IV
Most common ways of stacking tyres
A: Banded / B: Laced

Source: National Fire Protection Association, 2003 Standard No. 230: Standard for the Fire
Protection of Storage
Table 10
Minimum clearance between piles
Height of tyre piles (m)
Exposed face
2.4 3 3.7 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1
dimension (m)
7.6 17.1 18.9 20.4 22.3 23.5 25.0 25.9
15.2 22.9 25.6 28.3 30.5 32.6 34.4 36.0
30.5 30.5 35.4 39.0 41.8 44.5 47.2 50.0
45.7 30.5 35.4 39.0 41.8 44.5 47.2 50.0
61.0 30.5 35.4 39.0 41.8 44.5 47.2 50.0
76.2 30.5 35.4 39.0 41.8 44.5 47.2 50.0
Source: National Fire Protection Association, 2003 Standard No. 230: Standard for the Fire
Protection of Storage
E. Environmentally sound disposal
112. The methods described in the present guidelines illustrate the most important environmentally
sound disposal options and applications currently in use or under development. They respect the waste
management hierarchy of reduction, reuse, recycling and energy recovery. Table 11 presents some
benefits and disadvantages of environmentally sound disposal technologies, while Table 12 presents
problems related to environmentally sound means of disposal together with ways of preventing and
controlling them.


Table 11
Benefits and disadvantages of environmentally sound means of disposal
Means of Application/
disposal product Benefits Disadvantages
Retreaded tyre As retreading extends the life of a Primary areas of concern are
tyre and uses many of the original volatile organic compounds from
materials and much of the original solvents, bonding agents and rubber
structure, the net result is a decrease in compounds during vulcanization.
materials and energy used in comparison Odour may also be an issue in some
to the manufacture of new tyres. The areas. The process generates
energy used to retread a tyre is significant wastes. The rubber
approximately 400 MJ, compared to 970 removed from used tyres before
MJ for manufacturing a new tyre. retreading is generally sold as rubber
crumbs for other purposes.
Landfill Lightweight, low-density fill Potential leaching of
engineering material; metals and hydrocarbons;
Good load-bearing capacity; The steel cord in the tyre
could puncture the lining;
Lower cost compared to gravel; Compressibility of the
Does not call for highly Increased risk of fires;
qualified labour;
Light weight or Reduced unit weight compared Potential leaching of
drainage fill with other alternatives; metals and hydrocarbons;
Flexible, with good Deformation under
load-bearing capacity; vertical load, when proper soil cover
thickness is not maintained;
Good drainage; Compaction difficult
(need to use more than 10-ton roller,
six passes, 300mm lift) ;
Erosion control Low density, which allows Tyres should be securely
free-floating structures to act as wave anchored to prevent mobility under
barriers; flood conditions;
engineering Bales are lightweight and easy Tyres can trap debris,
to handle; (need maintenance);
Durability; Anchors can shift over
time due to wave action, rendering
tyre structures insecure;
Water action and tyre
buoyancy makes the positioning of
any permanent protection below the
surface very difficult;
Ultimately, the tyres
themselves become waste.
Thermal insulation Low thermal conductivity; Compressible;
Lower overall cost than Relatively new product,
traditional materials; producers will need to persuade the
construction industry of its suitability;
Noise barriers Lightweight, and can therefore Needs monitoring to
be used in geologically-weak areas where avoid accumulation of debris;
traditional materials would prove too
Free draining and durable; Visual impact;
Rubber modified Lower modulus of elasticity, Relatively new product,
concrete which reduces brittle failure; producers will have to persuade the
construction industry of its suitability;
Increased energy absorption,
Industrial and making them suitable for use in crash
consumer barriers, etc.;
products Suitable for low weight-bearing
Can be reprocessed by
grinding and mixing again with cement;


Means of Application/
disposal product Benefits Disadvantages
Train and tram rail Longer lifespan compared with More expensive than
beds. timber (20 years for rubber beds and 34 traditional material;
for wood or asphalt);
Environmentally safe; Relatively new product,
producers will have to persuade the
industry of its suitability;
More flush with road;
Use chips/shreds as
vibration-damping layer beneath
Outdoor sports Skid resistant; Risk of increased leaching
grounds of zinc
(equestrian, High impact resistance;
hockey and Durable;
soccer) or artificial
Highly resilient;
Easy maintenance;
Independent of irrigation;
Playgrounds and Smooth with consistent Risk of increased leaching
sports grounds thickness; of zinc
High impact resistance;
Will not crack easily;
Available in various colours;
Asphalt and Increased durability; Very sensitive to
bitumen changes in conditions during mixing,
modification for i.e., requires expert knowledge;
road applications Surface resilience; Difficult to apply in wet
Reduced maintenance; Not applicable when
ambient or surface temperatures are
lower than 13C;
Increased resistance to Possible occupational
deformation and cracking; health problems due to emissions;
More resistant to cracking at It cannot be
lower temperatures; reprocessed, unlike traditional
Aids in the reduction of road
Substitutes for virgin materials
such as styrene-butadiene-styrene
Significant environmental
benefits documented with respect to
global-warming potential, acidification and
cumulative energy demand;

Indoor safety Skid resistant; More expensive than

flooring conventional alternatives;
High impact resistance; Colours may be limited;
Durable; Limited market;
Available in various colours;
Easy maintenance;
Shipping container Possible use with other More expensive than
liners packaging problems; conventional alternatives;
Conveyor belts Possible use as conveyor belt More expensive than
at supermarket checkouts; conventional alternatives;
Cannot be used where
the belt is subject to major stresses,
since it may be prone to failure;
Footwear Water resistant;


Means of Application/
disposal product Benefits Disadvantages
Long life span; Could be more
By varying the thickness of the expensive to manufacture than a
sole the use of the footwear can be conventional product;

Carpet underlay Easy to use; Limited industrial

Recyclable; production;
Conserves natural resources;
Roof tiles Looks like traditional tile; Limited industrial
Durable (40 to 50 years production;
warranty US and Canadian tiles);
Cheaper long-term cost;
Floor tiles Resilient; Limited industrial
Skid resistant; production;
High impact;
Easy maintenance;
Activated carbon Preserves virgin material; Very expensive process
as it needs pyrolysis;
(carbon black) Very energy intensive;
Low-grade activated
Still at the research
Livestock Long life span; Could be more
mattresses expensive to manufacture than
conventional mattresses;
Easy to disinfect; Market potential
In the long term it is cheaper
than alternatives;
TPE thermoplastic Similar properties to typical Very limited existing
elastomers elastomeric materials; sites;
Pyrolysis Reutilizes the by-products of Limited capacity
pyrolysis (oil and gas); because of operational problems
caused by tyres;
Very limited existing
Pyrolysis Sludge originating from
the process contains metals and
other wastes, which, for the moment,
are deposited in abandoned mines
thus posing an environmental
Alternative fuel Special monitoring
and/or raw material equipment required to control
(e.g., cement kilns emissions;
Co- or steel production) High calorific value;
Large volume potential; Needs a system for
supplying the separated waste/tyre
Recovery of energy and steel; Increased zinc loading filter
dust and/or clinker;
Co- Alternative fuel for Recovery of energy; Measuring equipment
incineration power plants Possibility of recovering metals required to control emissions;
from the ash;
Increased zinc-loading filter
dust and/or bottom ash.


Means of Application/
disposal product Benefits Disadvantages

Reference: Adapted from the Questor Centre (2005), Hylands & Shulman (2003) and Aliapur (2007.)

Table 12
Problems related to environmentally sound means of disposal and ways of preventing and
controlling them
Means of disposal Problems Prevention and control methods
Retreading Generation of
rubber residues;

Ambient/cryogenic Noise, dust; Exhaust systems;

grinding Combination of ambient and cryogenic
recycling for high quality materials;
Work areas designed with sound barriers;
Devulcanization/reclaim Liquid effluents; Re-circulation systems for water;
Air emissions; Exhaust and air treatment systems;
Use in industrial and Generation of
consumer products rubber residues;

Use in civil engineering Leaching;

Alternative non-leachate or impermeable
Air emissions;
materials used for direct contact with soil;
Personal protection equipment;
Limited quantity used;
Pyrolysis Air emissions;
Air and water treatment systems;
Technologies for ESM of hazardous
Liquid effluents;

Co-processing Risk of air Monitoring and stabilization of critical

emissions above legal process parameters, i.e., homogenous raw mix
limits; and fuel feed;
Regular dosage and excess oxygen;
Emission control device operating
temperature below 200 C
Process control optimization, including
computer-based automatic control systems;
Modern fuel feed systems.
Minimizing fuel energy by means of
preheating and precalcination, where possible;
Preventive measures in unexpected shut

Notes to Tables 11 and 12

1. These lists are not exhaustive, but illustrate the most important treatment options and
applications in use or under development.
2. All the applications mentioned above need raw materials obtained from end-of-life
tyres, as either chips, shreds or granulates. The size reduction and disposal processes
employed require adequate installations to dealwith the environmental and occupational
health problems that could otherwise occur. Adequate safety and control equipment should
be installed where required.
3. As a general safety recommendation, the use of individual masks, protective headgear,
steel-reinforced boots, gloves, and eye and ear protection should be mandatory to ensure
worker health and safety.
4. The standards mentioned below contain detailed information on all applications and
operational procedures. It is highly recommended that they be consulted before any
decision is taken on environmentally sound means of disposal:


(a) Standard Practice for use of scrap tyres in civil engineering applications
Designation D- 6270 98, (Reapproved, 2004), American Society for Testing Materials
(ASTM International);
(b) Materials produced from end-of-life tyres Specifications of categories
based on their dimension(s) and impurities and methods for determining their dimension(s)
and impurities, April 2010, CEN/TS 14243:2010.
113. The most widespread recovery techniques are recycling and energy recovery. There are also
techniques for the disposal of tyres not leading to recovery.
114. It is important to keep in mind that the regulations for waste and/or end-of-life tyre
management and the economic context will in most cases determine the various means used to manage
the flow of incoming tyres.
115. In the current worldwide energy situation, waste pneumatic tyres may be considered to be
alternative fuels. They could be used for that purpose, either whole or cut in pieces or shredded. The
use of shredded tyres is appropriate in most applications, owing to improved handling and volume
reduction. Shred tyres can be easily transported, so the method of transport can be optimized (weight
ratios: 0.5t/m3); the same transport capacity would carry a far smaller quantity of whole tyres (the
weight ratio is three times lower at 0.15t/m3). This has a direct impact on transportation needs and
therefore on costs. The production of shredded tyres also minimizes the risk of providing breeding
sites for mosquitoes.
116. The recovery capacity of cement kilns can be used to recover energy from end-of-life tyres,
which is important because the industry is seeking alternative fuels in the waste market. Increasingly,
cement kilns are being technically modified to use shreds of end-of-life tyres as alternative energy.
117. In the same context as tyre recovery in cement kilns, power stations are increasingly ready to
use shreds of waste pneumatic tyres as an alternative fuel. Waste pneumatic tyres should be used to
generate energy only in installations with adequate emission abatement equipment.
118. The use of materials produced from tyres, such as rubber granulates or powder, is growing and
accounts for a large percentage of the management of end-of-life tyres. There is large and increasing
market potential for the use of such secondary raw materials. The production processes for these
materials normally begin with shredding, followed by grinding to obtain smaller particles. Other
components of the tyres are also separated and recovered during the production process, especially the
119. Granulate and rubber powder have a variety of possible applications: as filler in artificial
sports grounds (artificial turf), plain rolls; acoustic protection; rubber carpets for cows; childrens soft
playgrounds; and rubber asphalt. Rubber asphalt for road pavements calls for the consumption of large
quantities of rubber powder and gives pavements good characteristics and properties.
120. The carbon content of tyres makes them suitable for use in arc electric furnaces or foundry
kilns to replace anthracite. Most of these installations can use shredded tyres. Granulation is not
required. Many levels of technology are currently being applied to the recycling of tyre materials,
ranging from basic shredding into rough shreds and chips intended for energy recovery or backfilling
purposes, to highly sophisticated, fully automated plants.
121. Whereas first-generation recycling facilities have often been criticized for generating dust and
noise and a high proportion of waste material, the newest, capital-intensive, fully automated plants
using best available technology are able to meet the strictest emission and health regulations and to
recover rubber granules, rubber powder and steel. These products are of such uniformity and
cleanliness that they can replace virgin rubber and steel in the manufacture of new tyres.
122. Table 11 shows the quantities of ground rubber, steel, fibre and residues obtained from truck
and car tyres.


Table 11
Reusable products from scrap tyres
Product Truck tyres Car tyres
Ground rubber 70% 70%
Steel 27% 15%
Fibre and scrap 3% 15%
Source: Adapted from Reschner (2006)
1. Retreading
123. . Three types of retreading processes are described: top-capping, re-capping and bead to bead.
(a) Top-capped tyres are those in which the tread is removed and replaced with a new one;
(b) Re-capped tyres also have their tread removed, however in this case the new tread is
larger than in the re-topped tyre, as it covers part of the tyres sidewalls;
(c) Bead-to-bead tyres are those in which the tread is removed and the new tread extends
from one side to the other, covering all the lower part of the tyre and the sidewalls with a rubber layer.
124. Retreading should be undertaken in compliance with strict conditions established in technical
regulations, by certified companies that comply with regulations and laws.
125. In some cases, a criterion for tyre retreading is to control the number of times that a tyre may
be retreaded. According to United Nations regulations No. 108 (uniform provisions concerning the
approval for the production of retreaded pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers) and No.
109 (uniform provisions concerning the approval for the production of retreaded pneumatic tyres for
commercial vehicles and their trailers), passenger automobile tyres may be retreaded just once, while
truck and aircraft tyres, thanks to their stronger structure, may be retreaded more often (in the case of
truck tyres typically up to four times, and for aircraft tyres easily up to 10 times) provided that quality
standards are satisfied. In addition, the lifetime of an original tyre casing should be taken into account,
and must not exceed seven years.
126. The retreading of motorcycle tyres is prohibited in some countries for safety reasons. To meet
safety standards, tyre retreading should be carried out only by qualified companies, and tyres should
be certified to guarantee safety and quality standards. It is important therefore that consumers purchase
retreaded tyres from companies that follow the rules for retreading systems, and that they have their
tyres certified.
127. The environmental impacts of retreading tyres are generally positive. Retreading a tyre
consumes considerably less material and energy than are required for a new tyre, with a proportional
decrease in other impacts. Various authors have published data in broad terms about the energy and
material savings to be gained from retreading. Retreading uses a significant proportion of the rubber
and all the fabric and steel in a tyre. The processing energy is reported to be lower than for a new tyre,
although the actual reduction varies depending on the type of retreading (whether hot, cold or
remoulding). The estimates available for tyres indicate that retreading, when carried out with
appropriate technology, has significant potential to reduce overall energy and greenhouse emissions,
while reducing the quantity of waste tyres produced.28
128. Tyre retreading is beneficial to the environment because it minimizes the generation of waste
and increases the useful life of tyres, thereby postponing their disposal. From the point of view of
waste tyre generation, it is important to note that tyres can be retreaded only a limited number of
times. The use of poor quality casings may therefore result, in the long term, in an increase in the
overall volume of waste tyres within a country.
129. Retreading avoids the use of raw materials for the production of new tyres, increasing the
useful life of tyres and postponing their final disposal as waste. Examples of waste minimization
include the use of retreaded tyres on official vehicles and periodic technical inspections that promote
the retreadability of used tyres.
2. Ambient/cryogenic recycling
130. Used whole tyres can be reused in other ways, but most recycling procedures make use of
ground tyres because the rubber is then viable in various applications. A tyre may be shredded or
ground at a number of grades, depending on the intended end use.

A National Approach to Waste Tyres (2001).


131. Figure 5 shows the schematic of a typical ambient waste tyre recycling plant, with its various
steps and control systems. The process is called ambient because all size reduction steps take place
at or near ambient temperatures, i.e., no cooling is applied to make the rubber brittle.
Figure V
Schematic of an ambient waste tyre processing plant

Source: Reschner (2006)

132. In this plant layout, tyres undergo several operations:
(a) Tyres are first processed into chips of 2 (50 mm) in size in a preliminary shredder;
(b) The tyre chips then enter a granulator, when they are reduced in size to less than 3/8
(10 mm);
(c) Steel is removed magnetically and the fibre fraction is removed by a combination of
shaking screens and wind sifters;
(d) Successive grinding steps then obtain the appropriate size, usually between 10 and 30
mesh (0.62 mm).
133. Ambient recycling can take place in large, fully automated processing plants with capacities
currently up to 65,000 tons/input per year and accepting all types of pneumatic tyres (including
passenger cars, vans, trucks and earth-moving vehicles). The plants produce rubber granulate and
powder of high uniformity and purity in addition to a steel fraction ready for remelting in steel plants.
All rubber granulate output can be produced in sizes below 10 mesh (2.0 mm).
134. Ambient recycling generates noise and dust, and energy consumption is intense
(120125 Kwh/ton). To ensure worker health and safety, the machinery should be equipped with
appropriate ventilation systems, fire protection systems and emergency cut-offs on all equipment. The
use of steel reinforced boots, gloves, eye and ear protection, in addition to protective headgear should
be mandatory. An appropriate site for storing ground rubber should also be provided. The site should
be protected from sunlight.
135. These measures will affect the costs associated with operating and maintaining the system. As
to worker health and safety, collective protection measures should be adopted first, followed by
individual protection.
136. The tyre recycling process is called cryogenic because whole tyres or tyre chips are cooled
down to a temperature of below -80 C, using liquid nitrogen. Below this temperature, rubber becomes
nearly as brittle as glass, and size reduction can be accomplished by crushing and grinding. This type
of size reduction facilitates grinding and steel and fibre liberation, resulting in a cleaner end product.


137. The main drawback is the cost, because the process begins with tyre chips. In other words, in
addition to the costs for the initial grinding, there are costs associated with the high price of liquid
nitrogen. The process also calls for operational safety procedures to prevent work-related accidents.
138. The cryogenic process is illustrated in figure VI.
Figure VI
Cryogenic waste tyre recycling

Source: Reschner (2006)

139. The cryogenic process is as follows:
(a) Tyres are first processed into chips of 2 (50 mm) in size in a preliminary shredder;
(b) The 2 (50 mm) tyre chips are cooled in a continuously operating freezing tunnel to
below -120 C;
(c) In the hammer mill, chips are shattered into a wide range of particle sizes;
(d) Steel and fibre are eliminated;
(e) The material is dried;
(f) The material is classified into defined particle sizes;
(g) Fine mesh rubber powder is obtained.
140. Table 12 shows a comparison between parameters from the ambient recycling system and the
cryogenic process.


Table 12
Comparison of ambient recycling and cryogenic recycling
Parameter Ambient Cryogenic
Operating temperature Ambient, max. 120 C Below -80 C
Breaking cryogenically embrittled rubber
Size reduction principle Cutting, tearing, shearing
Spongy and rough, high
Particle morphology Even and smooth, low specific surface
specific surface
Relatively narrow particle size
Wide particle size distribution (ranging from
Particle size distribution distribution, only limited size
10 mm to 0.2 mm) in just one processing step
reduction per grinding step
Liquid nitrogen consumption N/A 0.51 kg liquid nitrogen per kg tyre input
Source: Reschner (2006)
141. Ambient and cryogenic recycling can be combined in such a way that the ambient-produced
rubber granulate is further processed into fine powder below 80 mesh (0.2 mm) using a specific
cryogenic technology that ensures high purity, enabling the powder to be used in sophisticated
applications, such as rubber compounds for new tyres.
142. Table 13 shows the nomenclature used to classify tyre products as a function of their size.
Table 13
Post-consumer tyre treatment: size of materials
Minimum Maximum
Material size
(mm) (mm)
Powder 0 1
Granulate 1 10
Buffings 0 40
Chips 10 50
Shreds (small) 40 75
Shreds (large) 75 300
Cut 300 tyre
Source: Report SR 669 HR Wallingford 2005
1. Devulcanization and reclaim
143. Reclaiming is a procedure in which tyre rubber is converted using mechanical processes,
thermal energy and chemicals into a state in which it can be mixed, processed and vulcanized again.
The principle of the process is devulcanization, which consists of the cleavage of intermolecular bonds
of the chemical network, such as carbon-sulphur (C-S) and/or sulphur-sulphur (S-S) bonds. These
confer durability, elasticity and solvent resistance. Reclaimed rubber is used to manufacture products
for which the demand and the applications are limited, because it has mechanical properties inferior to
those of the original.
144. Devulcanization involves size reduction and cleaving of the chemical bonds, which can be
achieved through four processes in which the costs and technologies differ widely: chemical,
ultrasound and microwave.29
145. The chemical devulcanization process is a batch process in which reduced particles (between
10 and 30 mesh) are mixed with reagents in a reactor at a temperature of approximately 180 C and a
pressure of 15 bars. Once the reaction is over, the product is filtered and dried to remove undesirable
chemical components, and is then packaged for commercialization.
146. In the ultrasonic process, reduced rubber particles (between 10 and 30 mesh) are loaded into a
hopper and subsequently fed into an extruder. The extruder mechanically pushes and pulls the rubber.
This mechanical action serves to heat the rubber particles and soften the rubber. As the softened rubber
is transported through the extruder cavity, the rubber is exposed to ultrasonic energy. The combination

Calrecovery Inc. (2004).


of heat, pressure and mechanical mastication is sufficient to achieve varying degrees of

147. The microwave process applies thermal energy swiftly and uniformly to the waste rubber. Any
vulcanized rubber used in the microwave process must, however, be sufficiently polar in structure for
the microwave energy to be absorbed at the appropriate rate to make devulcanization viable. The only
reasonable use for microwave devulcanization is with compounds containing mainly polar rubber,
which limits its application. For example, Global Resource Corporation of the United States has
developed a technology whereby petroleum-based materials, such as waste pneumatic tyres, are
subject to microwaved radiation at specifically selected frequencies for a time sufficient partially to
decompose the materials into a combination of oils and consumable gas.30
148. Available information available on the environmental impact of devulcanization is limited to
the chemical and ultrasonic processes. In both cases, emissions of atmospheric pollutants and liquid
effluents occur.
149. A report published by Calrecovery Inc. in 2004 lists approximately 50 organic compounds,
including benzene, toluene and heptanes as types of emissions from the vulcanization area of a tyre
retreading operation and from a tyre retreading extrusion operation. There is also a possibility that
hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide will be released through the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide.
Consequently, the process will call for filters to control emissions and gas scrubbers to remove sulphur
dioxide. Liquid effluents coming from the scrubber should be dealt with appropriately before they are
launched into water bodies.
150. Table 14 includes information about the costs and production capacities of devulcanized
Table 14
Estimated costs of producing devulcanized rubber

Item Chemical process Ultrasonic process

Capacity (kg/h ) 34 34
Capital cost ($103) 166 163
Operation and maintenance costs ($103) 172 136
Source: Calrecovery Inc. California Integrated Waste Management Board 2004
2. Industrial and consumer products
151. The industrial and consumer markets for rubber powder and granulate have increased
dramatically in recent years. A wide and growing range of applications is in use, including artificial
turf, playground and sports ground surfaces, asphalt and bitumen modification, indoor safety flooring,
shipping container liners, conveyor belts, car mats, footwear, carpet underlay, roof tiles, flooring,
activated carbon, livestock mattresses and thermoplastic elastomers. The most important applications
are described in brief below.
(a) Artificial turf
152. Rubber granulate is used in artificial turf in two ways: as a filler in artificial sports fields and in
the manufacturing of elastic pads, either constructed on site or prefabricated. A standard artificial turf
pitch contains 100130 tons of rubber granulate infill material. If an elastic pad is added, another
6080 tons of rubber granulate is consumed.
153. When used as infill material, rubber granulate replaces virgin materials such as ethylene
propylene diene monomer and thermoplastic elastomers. It is used in turf for such contact sports as
soccer, American football and hockey. Global annual growth rates have been above 25 per cent since
2001 and are expected to continue to rise at double-digit rates.
154. Artificial soccer turf is highly recommended by the Fdration Internationale de Football
Association owing to its high performance with regard to ball behaviour, maintenance costs, lack of
water dependency and positive social profile (since it can be produced at a modest price).
(b) Playgrounds and sports grounds
155. The elastic and noise-reducing properties of rubber granulate are evident when building
playgrounds for children, athletic tracks and other sport surfaces. The rubber granulate is mixed with

Gert-Jan van der Have (2008).


polyurethane and the top layer is often dyed. The European Union has issued compulsory standards
(EN 1177) for the surface elasticity of public playgrounds.
(c) Applications in rubber-modified concrete
156. Rubber-modified concrete improves the absorption of impact energy and reduces cracks. Work
in Brazil has concentrated on the use of rubber-modified concrete in the construction of highway
barriers and other products, using a mixture of conventional concrete, rubber aggregate and fibreglass.
157. Other applications for the manufacture of industrial and consumer products are discussed in
works by Hylands and Shulman (see footnote 29) and by the Questor Centre (2005). They include:
(a) Sports surfaces;
(b) Indoor safety flooring;
(c) Playground surfaces;
(d) Shipping container liners;
(e) Conveyor belts;
(f) Car mats;
(g) Footwear;
(h) Carpet underlay;
(i) Roof tiles;
(j) Flooring;
(k) Activated carbon (carbon black);
(l) Livestock mattresses;
(m) Thermoplastic elastomers.
(d) Road applications
158. Granulated materials obtained from waste tyres have been used in the development of rubber-
modified asphalt in the United States, Western Europe and Brazil. There are two main processes for
producing rubber asphalt: the wet process and the dry process.31
159. In the dry process, rubber powder is added directly into asphalt, causing a reaction between the
rubber and the bitumen. This process is suitable for hot-mix paving projects and surface treatments.
160. In the traditional wet process, rubber powder is used as a bitumen modifier. Rubber powder is
blended with bitumen before the binder is added to the aggregate. The ideal particle size for the wet
process ranges from 0.6 mm to 0.15 mm. Material should be heated to between 149 C and 190 C
before compaction. This makes the process more expensive than using conventional asphalt, and
emissions of toxic substances are likely during both production and application. The wet process has
been shown to have better physical properties than the dry.
161. Rubber asphalt is still not widely accepted, and its environmental impacts have not been fully
analysed. It also requires higher initial investment. In Europe, only 1 per cent of rubber granulates is
used for highway surfacing contributing to the recycling of a little over one quarter of 1 per cent of the
waste tyres generated in Europe. The United States Congress began to require the use of rubber asphalt
for federally funded projects in 1991, but environmental and public health concerns resulted in the
withdrawal of this requirement five years later.32 While several states in the United States use rubber
asphalt in their highway projects, research is continuing into its impacts on the environment and health
of workers.33 Today, rubber asphalt applications account for the disposal of 2 per cent of tyre wastes. 34
162. A new generation of bitumen modifiers based on recycled rubber powder in combination with
a virgin material (a semicrystalline polyoctenamer) has entered the market in recent years. It replaces
traditional virgin bitumen modifiers such as styrene-butadiene-styrene and is sold at the same price
level. The advantage of these new modifiers is that problems, such as emissions of toxic substances
during production and application and other environmental impacts, unsuitability for use with existing
Caltrans. January 2003.
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency (1995).
United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Crumb Rubber Modifier.
Sheerin, John (2004).


road construction equipment, high temperature on compaction, slippery surface and emission problems
during recycling of asphalt, can be avoided.35
163. In the United States, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health report referred
to above concluded that rubberized asphalt does not produce fumes in excess of the exposure limits
established by safety and health regulatory agencies.36 While the composition of the emissions and
fumes may vary, they proceed from the base asphalt, not from the rubber. In all cases, emissions and
fumes are within the limits set by every United States permitting and regulatory authority.
164. A recent, peer-reviewed, life-cycle-assessment study has also shown that a scenario in which
tyres are recycled and used for new generation bitumen modification, compared with a scenario in
which the tyres are co-incinerated in cement kilns, yields significant environmental benefits in impact
categories such as potential for global warming, acidification and cumulative energy demand (DTC &
IFEU 2008).37
165. The use of rubber in asphalt is extremely expensive and does not always comply with
standards developed by individual states in the United States. Some states have not yet developed
standards for the use of tyre rubber in asphalt. In those states where rubberized asphalt is routinely
used, the percentage of tyres used in the application ranges from 10 to 85 per cent. The use of waste
tyres in road-paving applications is cost-effective and beneficial; the market for such use is promising.
Tyre rubber represents an excellent additive to asphalt material and serves to reduce cracking and the
hardening through age of asphalt material, which prolongs the useful life of pavements.
3. Civil engineering
166. Civil engineering applications of waste tyres are discussed in the American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM) standard 6270/1998B and also in European Committee for Standardization
Technical Specification (CEN/TS) 14243:2010.
167. Civil engineering applications of waste tyres encompass a wide range of uses, often replacing
construction materials such as soil or sand. They can also be used as aggregate in construction projects
like road bases and embankments, septic system drainage media, fill material and landfill applications.
168. Policy guidelines, standard practices and leachability determinants for civil engineering
applications have been developed and are in use in some countries. Policy guidelines developed by the
Tennessee state government in the United States describe civil engineering applications that are
appropriate for used tyres.
169. ASTM developed a standard for the use of scrap tyres in civil engineering applications
(standard ASTM 6270/1998B), which provides guidance for testing the physical properties, design
considerations, construction practices and leachate generation potential of processed or whole scrap
tyres, in lieu of conventional civil engineering materials, such as stone, gravel, soil, sand, lightweight
aggregate, or other fill materials.
170. The Environment Agency of England and Wales developed leachability determinants for
materials intended for engineering applications such as noise barriers, landfill reinforcement, etc., (see
appendix II, part B, of the present guidelines) with limit values for chemical properties of the
materials used.
(a) Landfill engineering
171. Applications for waste tyres in landfill engineering should be temporary and should never be
part of permanent functional units, which would represent a high risk for constituting a hidden landfill
of waste and pose an unacceptable risk were a fire to occur in the landfill site. Temporary applications
may include:
(a) Leachate collection;
(b) Protective layer for geotextiles;
(c) Drainage layer in landfill cover;
(d) Fill for landfill gas drainage systems;
(e) Daily cover for landfills;
(f) Temporary roads;
FABES (2006).
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (2001).
DTC and IFEU (2008).


(g) Tyre bales in landfill haul roads.

172. These applications use whole tyres, cut tyres (up to 300 mm), tyre shreds (50 mm to 300 mm),
and tyre chips (10 mm to 50 mm). The choice of tyre grading will depend upon the costs for rubber
processing and transportation, their availability and environmental requirements at the facility site. It
also depends on the type of landfill project and its legal requirements.
(b) Lightweight fill and soil enforcement
173. Tyres are used as lightweight fill in various engineering projects, such as behind retaining
structures and in embankments, as backfill to integral bridge abutments and slope repair and
stabilization, and for slope stabilization, partially replacing quarried aggregate or gravel and aggregate
filled gabions, depending on the project. These applications use whole tyres, cut tyres (up to 300 mm),
tyre shreds (50 mm to 300 mm), and tyre chips (10 mm to 50 mm).
(c) Erosion control
174. Tyres durability and stability are ideal when they are used in projects for erosion control.
Tyres have been used both for coastal and fluvial erosion control projects to absorb the energy created
by moving water, in either tidal or fluvial flows, in addition to rainwater. Waste tyres have also been
used in the environmental reclamation of eroded gullies and small canyons through filling, in addition
to in the construction of erosion control barriers, thus becoming part of the eroded landscape, to be
subsequently replanted with vegetation.
(d) Noise barriers
175. Noise barriers built with tyres are used to alleviate noise levels on highways. Noise barriers are
built using whole tyres, shredded tyres or mats and special mats made of rubber granulate. Several
types of barrier are currently being developed for this purpose.
(e) Thermal insulation
176. Tie cuts, shreds and chips are used as thermal insulation material. The thermal resistivity of
tyres is around seven or eight times as high as that of gravel. In countries with a temperate climate and
very low temperatures, tyres can be used to insulate road and street structures, including below asphalt
to reduce cracking from frost, and as fill in pipeline construction, especially for water pipes. Highway
edge drains built with tyres have been shown to resist freezing during very cold winters.
177. Using shredded waste tyres as a lightweight fill material for road construction has proved to be
another beneficial use of end-of-life tyres, e.g., in logging roads through areas with weak soils.38 Their
lightweight nature is a considerable advantage for placing in soft ground, as it imposes much less load
on the underlying soil than natural aggregate.39
4. Pyrolysis
178. Pyrolysis is a thermal degradation process carried out in the absence of oxygen or under
conditions in which the concentration of oxygen is sufficiently low not to cause combustion.
179. Some pyrolysis technologies have produced oil with a low energy content (when compared
with diesel oil), a synthetic gas, known as syngas (with low heat properties), carbon black, char and
steel. Modern techniques that carry out thermal degradation of plastics in tyres in a rarefied
atmosphere will, however, produce oils that are directly comparable in viscosity and calorific values
with diesel and gasoline type fuels.
180. The syngas obtained from these techniques can have a calorific value the equivalent of
propane and has excellent heat properties. The steel produced can be high-quality tensile steel, which
can be used to remanufacture new tyre wire.
181. Pyrolysis char produced by some techniques in this process has had low commercial value, as
it consists of a mixture of the carbon blacks used in the manufacture of tyres. The resulting product
therefore lacks the same quality as those of the original carbon blacks used in the manufacture of tyres.
However, modern techniques may produce a char comparable to virgin carbon black.
182. In some cases it is necessary to upgrade the pyrolyisis char through particle size reduction for
the purpose of developing new products. Resonance disintegration produces ultrafine carbon products
from pyrolysis char. During resonance disintegration, char granules experience multiple high-energy

United States Environmental Protection Agency Wastes Resources Conservation Common wastes
& Materials Scrap Tires.
Reid, J. M., and M. G. Winter (2004).


shockwaves, resulting in the immediate production of carbon having an average primary particle
diameter of 38 nanometres in aggregates and agglomerates ranging in size from 100 nanometres to 10
183. Another possibility is using pyrolysis char as activated carbon. Carbon char is normally
activated by applying steam which is a normal by-product of the process.
184. Like with any other process, there might be risks associated to the conduction of a poor
pyrolysis process. Material such as steel recovered from pyrolysis may be contaminated with carbon
for which metal re-processors markets are not available. Usually, the recovered steel is also in the form
of a tangled, high-volume mass, which renders it difficult and costly to handle and transport.
185. In the United States, pyrolysis has not yet been proven to be an economically viable operation.
It has been attempted over 30 times and has always failed as a full-scale operation; investors have lost
millions and states have had to incur costly clean-up activities. The pyrolysis process is capable of
creating hazardous waste pyrolytic oils that need to be managed accordingly.
186. The pyrolysis process is normally via thermal decomposition and it is capable to recovery
materials such as diesel and gasoline equivalent oils, propane equivalent gas, steel and refined carbon
black that can be reused to manufacture new products.
5. Co-processing
187. The term co-processing refers to the use of waste materials in industrial processes, such as
cement and lime or steel production. It may involve energy recovery as well as the recovery of
materials from waste. .41 In this section, only co-processing in cement kilns is adressed. Further
detailed information on co-processing in cement kilns is provided in the technical guidelines on
environmentally sound co-processing in cement kilns.
188. Studies on the use of tyres in cement kilns have not yielded consistent results for the impacts
of co-processing on detectable levels of dangerous substances. Accordingly, the convenience of
authorizing the co-processing of tyres in cement kilns needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis,
as its safety depends on good operating practice and on the particular characteristics of the tyres and
kiln used.
189. In Europe, the cement industry recovers a substantial amount of waste to replace conventional
fossil fuels and/or raw materials. Following appropriate treatment, individual waste fractions can meet
the requirements for environmentally compatible reuse in cement plants.
190. Tyres are now an established supplementary fuel in cement kilns, and their use in this
application allows energy to be recovered from the waste tyre and replaces the use of fossil fuels. The
relevant national authorities regulate this process and consider it to be an acceptable option, provided
that specified process control and admission criteria are adhered to and provided that the requirements
of the relevant legislation are met (in the European Union these requirements are laid down in the
2000/76/EC Waste Incineration Directive).
191. Co-processing is a means of recovering energy and material from refuse, and can be used
partially to replace fuel and raw material in the production of cement clinker. Basically, the
characteristics of the clinker burning process itself permit environmentally beneficial waste-to-energy
and material recycling applications. The essential process characteristics for the use of waste can be
summarized as follows:
(a) Maximum temperatures of approximately 2,000 C (main firing system, flame
temperature) in rotary kilns;
(b) Gas retention times of about eight seconds at temperatures above 1,200 C in rotary
(c) Material temperatures of about 1,450 C in the sintering zone of the rotary kiln;
(d) Oxidizing gas atmosphere in the rotary kiln;
(e) Gas retention time in the secondary firing system of more than two seconds at
temperatures above 850 C; in precalciner, the retention times are correspondingly longer and
temperatures are higher;
(f) Solids temperatures of 850 C in the secondary firing system and/or the calciner;

Karpetsky, Timothy (2001).
Holcim, GTZ (2006).


(g) Uniform burnout conditions for load fluctuations due to the high temperatures at
sufficiently long retention times;
(h) Destruction of organic pollutants due to the high temperatures at sufficiently long
retention times;
(i) Adsorption of gaseous components such as fluoridric acid, hydrochloric acid and
sulphur dioxide on alkaline reactants;
(j) High retention capacity for particle-bound heavy metals;
(k) Short retention times of exhaust gases in the temperature range, which inhibits de-novo-
synthesis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans;
(l) Complete use of mineral parts of fuel and waste as clinker components, and therefore
simultaneous material recycling (e.g., also as a component of the raw material) and energy recovery,
regardless of the calorific value;
(m) Product-specific wastes are not generated, as a result of a complete material use into the
clinker matrix; however, some cement plants in Europe dispose of bypass dust through
chemical-mineralogical incorporation of non-volatile heavy metals into the clinker matrix.
(a) Quality requirements
192. A consistent quality of waste is essential. To guarantee the characteristics of the waste fuel, a
quality assurance system is needed. As a general rule, wastes accepted as fuels and/or raw materials
must give calorific and/or material added value to the cement kiln. The high heat value (25~35 MJ/kg)
of tyres as compared to coal (18.627.9 MJ/kg) is therefore quite attractive.
193. Waste materials used as raw materials and/or as fuels in cement kilns have to reach different
quality standards because the fuel ashes are fully captured in the clinker, and to minimize negative
effects on clinker compositions and air emissions.
(b) Emissions
194. Part II of Annex C to the Stockholm Convention lists cement kilns firing hazardous wastes as
an industrial source with potential for the formation and liberation of comparatively high amounts of
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyls
into the environment.
195. The revised draft guidelines on best available techniques and provisional guidance on best
environmental practices relevant to Article 5 of and Annex C to the Stockholm Convention, adopted at
the Conference of the Parties to the Convention in 2007, pertain to this issue and provide valuable
information. The guidelines state the following:
The combustion process in the kiln has the potential to result in the formation and subsequent
release of chemicals listed in Annex C of the Stockholm Convention. In addition, releases from
storage sites may occur. Well-designed process conditions, and the installation of appropriate
primary measures, should enable cement kilns firing hazardous waste to be operated in such a
manner that the formation and release of chemicals listed in Annex C can be minimized
sufficiently to achieve concentrations of PCDD and PCDF in flue gases of < 0.1 ng I-
TEQ/Nm3 (oxygen content 10%), depending on such factors as the use of clean fuels, waste
feeding, temperature and dust removal. Where necessary, additional secondary measures to
reduce such emissions should be applied.
196. Findings from the Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research, based on 1,700
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and polychlorinated dibenzofuran measurements from 1990 to 2004,
demonstrate, however, that most cement kilns can meet an emission level of 0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3. The
data represent emissions from cement kilns in developed and developing countries using a wide range
of fuel sources, including hazardous wastes and tyre-derived fuel.42 The Canadian Council of Ministers
of the Environment drew a similar conclusion, stating available test data from the cement sector
indicate releases of dioxins and furans from cement kilns are below 80 pg/m3, with one exception. To
date, 80 pg/m3 is the lowest emission limit established by a Canada-wide Standard based on available
technology and feasibility.43
197. A set of data on different emission levels when wastes are used as raw materials and/or fuels
(including the use of waste pneumatic tyres as fuel) along with best available techniques for emissions
Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research (2006).
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (2004).


reduction, are available in the reference document on the best available techniques in cement, lime and
magnesium oxide manufacturing.44
198. The data from a number of research studies on emissions during co-processing of tyres in
cement kilns are controversial, however. In terms of emissions formation, proponents of tyre-derived
fuel argue that, by using process optimization measures along with improved and optimized kiln
systems and a smooth and stable kiln process, the co-processing of tyres and other hazardous wastes is
no different than conventional coal combustion. It is also essential to apply modern, well-designed and
well-maintained emission reduction techniques.
(c) Monitoring and measuring techniques for emissions reduction
199. Process control and monitoring is essential to keep emissions low. To control emissions, some
additional environmental equipment may be installed. Special control and process measures are
needed to maintain environmental, safety and quality standards. Depending on the types of waste used
and their characteristics, the feed points into the kiln have to be taken into consideration, as the way in
which the fuels are fed into the kiln can affect emissions.
200. The main environmental issues associated with cement production are emissions to air and
energy use. Emissions to air, e.g., emissions of dust, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, carbon monoxide,
total organic carbon, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and metals
occur in the manufacture of cement.
201. If monitoring indicates that statutory emissions are being exceeded during a test burn, the burn
should be stopped until the cause of the instability has been established and rectified. Tyre burning
should be allowed on a permanent basis only if the data from the test burn show that co-processing
will not pose additional risks to the environment. Investigations conducted in the European cement
sector have concluded that it is rarely a significant source of PCDD/PCDF emissions because:
(a) Most cement kilns in the European Union can meet an emission level of
0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 if primary measures are applied;
(b) Use of waste as fuel and as raw materials fed into the main burner, kiln inlet or the
precalciner do not seem to influence or change the emissions of persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
(88, SINTEF, 2006)].
202. Measures can be taken to minimize emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and
polychlorinated dibenzofurans and to comply with an emission level of 0.1 ng polychlorinated
dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans I-TEQ/Nm3. These include a smooth and stable
kiln process, operating close to the process parameter set points, which is beneficial for all kiln
emissions and for energy use. This can be obtained by applying:
(a) Process control optimization, including a computer-based automatic control system;
(b) Use of modern fuel feed systems;
(c) Minimizing fuel energy use by means of preheating and precalcination, taking account
of the existing kiln system configuration;
(d) Careful selection and control of substances entering the kiln: selection and use of
homogeneous raw materials and fuels with a low content of sulphur, nitrogen, chlorine, metals and
volatile organic compounds, if practicable.
203. To minimize the possibility of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and polychlorinated
dibenzofuran reformation, the following primary measures are considered to be the most important:
(a) Quick cooling of kiln exhaust gases to lower than 200 C in long wet and long dry kilns
without preheating. In modern preheater and precalciner kilns, this feature is already inherent;
(b) Limiting residence time of flue gases and oxygen content in zones where the
temperatures range between 300 C and 450 C;
(c) Limitation or avoidance of waste used as raw material feed as part of the raw material
mix, if it includes organic materials;
(d) Not using waste fuel feeding during start-up and shutdown;

European Comission, May 2010.


(e) Monitoring and stabilization of critical process parameters, i.e., homogenous raw mix
and fuel feed, regular dosage and excess oxygen.45
204. Further detailed information on best available techniques for emissions reduction, e.g., for
nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, carbon monoxide, total organic carbon, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-
dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans and metals, can be found in the reference document on the
best available techniques in the cement industry.46 This solution has however been questioned, for two
basic reasons:
(a) The use of tyres for energy generation reduces the possibility of their being used as a
higher value-added product in other applications. This should be assessed in the context of the waste
treatment hierarchy. Obviously, when tyres can be reused or material recycled, these options are
preferable but should always be assessed using a life-cycle methodology, taking into account
alternative waste treatment routes and the substitution of natural resources;
(b) Concern over potential emissions during the burning process.
205. With regard to the European Union, the waste incineration directive (2000/76/EC) established
lower emission limits from 2008, leading to the deactivation of cement kilns that failed to reach the
low emission limits. Cement kilns using the wet process were particularly affected by these more
stringent limits. These kilns process around 20 per cent of the scrap tyres used in the cement industry.
206. A factor that is beginning to weigh against the use of traditional fossil fuels such as pet coke as
a fuel is related to carbon dioxide emissions. Currently, the burning of fossil fuels accounts for about
40 per cent of emissions from the cement industry. By 2020, projections indicate that demand for
cement will rise by 180 per cent relative to 1990 levels. The cement industry, as part of the Cement
Sustainability Initiative, aims to maintain emissions at 1990 levels, this increase in demand
notwithstanding. This means a reduction of about 40 per cent in carbon dioxide emissions.47
6. Co-incineration in plants for electric power generation
207. According to Menezes,48 incineration is a thermal oxidation process at high temperatures,
ranging from 800 C to 1,300 C, used to eliminate organic wastes and to reduce volume and toxicity.
Regardless of the objectives for which the burning is conducted, emission control should be strictly
enforced, as required by legislation.
208. It is essential that variables such as combustion temperature, residence time, turbulence
(indicating the level of mixture as between oxygen and the waste, which should be maximized to
increase molecule destruction), oxygen concentration and particle diameter be strictly controlled in the
incineration process.
209. Plants incinerating elastomers, such as tyres or other material, should use state-of-the-art
technology to avoid a broad range of emissions caused by the wide variety and concentration of
additives used in these polymers. Gases derived from the burning of elastomers produce elements with
a high level of toxicity, and therefore require treatment. Dioxins, furans and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons are all by-products of the combustion process, and they require special controls because
of the serious harm to human health and the environment that they can cause. Numerous potentially
harmful materials can be produced from the combustion of fuels such as coal and oil, in addition to
tyres, meaning that the combustion process must take place subject to appropriate combustion
conditions and emission controls in order to meet all applicable regulations.
210. For example, incineration is a technology that requires substantial capital investment and faces
strong public opposition. Several plants have experienced operational problems that have hindered the
reliable supply of electricity. Combustion is capital-intensive. Substitution of tyre-derived fuel for a
portion of other solid fuels in existing combustion units generally requires limited investment in
appropriate metering equipment to control the rate of tyre-derived-fuel addition. Very few systems are
dedicated solely to the combustion of waste tyres, and these are capital-intensive when it comes to
power generation, primarily because of their relatively small economies of scale. Some of these plants
have encountered economic viability issues, as have systems powered by wood and other renewable
energy sources.

World Business Council on Sustainable Development/Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research,
Formation and Release of POPs in the Cement Industry. January 2006.
European Commission, May 2010.
Climate Change /Final Report 8 / 2002 /Pg 24 - Battelle Institute / World Business Council for Sustainable
Menezes (2006).


211. A number of incinerators, including at plants such as those of Gummi-Mayer (Germany), Sita-
Elm Energy (United Kingdom) and Modesto tyres (California) have been closed as a result of these
problems. Among those that continue to operate are Exeter (United States), Marangoni (Italy) and
Ebara (Japan).


ALIAPUR et al. (2007). Environmental and health assessment of the use of elastomer granulates (virgin and from
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California Environmental Protection Agency (US), Integrated Waste Management Board, Increasing the Recycled
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Tires in Playground and Track Products . Contractors Report to the Board. January, 2007.
Calrecovery Inc. Evaluation of Waste Tyre Devulcanization Technologies, December 2004
Caltrans. Asphalt Rubber Usage Guide. Materials Engineering and Testing Services-MS #5. Office of Flexible
Pavement Materials. January 2003.
CAMPONELLI, Kimberly M. et al. - Impacts of weathered tire debris on the development of Rana sylvatica
larvae. Chemosphere 74 (2009) 717-722.
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (2004). Status of Activities Related to Dioxins and Furans
Canada-wide Standards. www.ccme.ca/assets/pdf/d_f_2004_sector_status_rpt_e.pdf.
CHESTER, G. Moore & Carl J. Mitchell, Aedes albopictus in the United States: Ten-Year Presence and Public
Health Implications, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Volume 3, No. 1 (1997).
Climate Change /Final Report 8 / 2002 /Pg 24 - Battelle Institute / World Business Council for Sustainable
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13, 23
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Appendix I

Public health literature

Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes breeding in containers that collect rainwater,
particularly used tyres.49 A single tyre can serve as a breeding site for thousands of mosquitoes in just
one summer.50 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States recognize that
infestation may be contained through programs of surveillance, removal of breeding sites (especially
tyres), interruption of interstate dispersal of tyres, and judicious use of insecticides in breeding sites.
Mosquito eradication programmes are costly and minimize the problem rather than solving it.
One example of this is the species Aedes albopictus (also known as the Asian tiger mosquito or
the forest day mosquito). This species was accidentally transported from Japan to the western
hemisphere in the mid-1980s in shipments of used tyres.51 Since then, the species has established itself
in various states in the United States and in other countries in the Americas, including Argentina,
Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Mexico.52 It therefore appears clear that the spread
of the species benefited from the movement of used tyres between states and countries.
The risks associated with the transportation of used and waste tyres are well known, and
specialists and environmental authorities in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States have
drawn attention to them. A public health official in the United Kingdom, referring to the dissemination
of Aedes albopictus in the United States, has characterized the transportation problem as follows:
Through the internal movement of these tyres, you can monitor the movement of these
mosquitoes through the interstate highway systems, which is pretty cunning really. 53
A Japanese study in 2002 demonstrated that tyres transported for final disposal operations (in
this case, in cement kilns) could be infested with mosquitoes:
In the northernmost limit of the mosquito, Higashiyama located on the eastern side of Tohoku
district, there is a cement plant in which used tyres are used for fuel and raw materials. These
tyres, which could be infested with mosquitoes, are frequently transported from large cities
nearby. It has been shown that this kind of economic activity has a strong connection to the
spread of Ae. albopictus.54
A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States reported the
Ae. albopictus, a major biting pest throughout much of its range, is a competent laboratory
vector of at least 22 arboviruses, including many viruses of public health importance. The
postulated relationship between dispersal and major transportation routes would be expected
for a species transported largely by human activities such as the commercial movement of
waste tyres for retreading, recycling, or other purposes. Several of the 28 mosquito-infested
sites not located on the interstate system were major tyre retreading companies, other
businesses that deal with large numbers of used or waste tyres, or illegal tyre dumps. 55
The numbers associated with the dengue epidemic are significant: some 50 million people
worldwide are infected every year by the disease, with 500,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths. 56
The World Health Organization recognized that dengue was the most important emerging tropical
viral disease and a major international public health concern. 57 Its symptoms range from high fever,
severe headaches and muscular pain to haemorrhaging, frequently followed by swelling of the liver
and poor circulation.58 Dengue hemorrhagic fever has a death rate of from 5 per cent to 15 per cent

World Health Organization, Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (2002) (WHO Dengue Fact Sheet).
Ohio Department of Natural Resources (1986).
Yamaguchi, E. (2000).
Borges, Sonia Marta dos Anjos Alves (2001).
Biting Back, Environmental Health Practitioner (2004).
Kobayashi, M., and others (2002).
Chester, G. Moore and Carl J. Mitchell (1997).
Texeira, Maria da Glria (2005).
World Health Organization (1999).
WHO Dengue Fact Sheet.


when left untreated.59 Dengue hemorrhagic fever is one of the main causes of infant mortality in
various Asian countries, where it originated.
The case of Brazil is illustrative in this respect. Dengue, which was once considered to be
eradicated, re-emerged during the 1990s and, according to the World Health Organization, has now
reached levels of an explosive epidemic.60 The current dengue epidemic in Brazil worsened between
1994 and 2002, reaching a peak of 794,000 cases in 2002. Unlike previous localized waves of the
disease, the current epidemic spread throughout the country.61 Cases of hemorrhagic dengue increased
45 times from 2000 until 2002,62 reaching a peak mortality rate of 4.3 per cent, almost eight times as
high as the rate in South-East Asia.63 Brazil accounted for 70 per cent of reported cases in the Americas
from 1998 to 2002.64 Today, three of the four serotypes of dengue co-circulate in 22 of the 27 states in
Brazil,65 which is disturbing as the combination of serotypes increases the probability of complications
and death. The introduction of a fourth serotype (DEN-4) is imminent, as a result of air and maritime
transport between Brazil and other countries. Following an intense public awareness campaign in
Brazil, 280,511 cases of dengue and 61 deaths were reported from January to October 2006.
Even fumigation is not fully efficient in eliminating eggs and larvae in tyre piles. The
suppression of adult mosquitoes requires the use of adulticides, toxic chemicals that are not
environmentally benign. In addition, it is usually difficult for them to penetrate the pile sufficiently to
reach the mosquitoes,66 given that they tend to concentrate at the bottom of the pile, where fumigation
does not reach them in sufficiently high concentrations. It is therefore not uncommon for them to
become resistant to insecticides. According to Solari (2002),67 the use of fumigation is costly and
ineffective in combating dengue: Fumigation is associated with government responsiveness, even
though it only kills adult mosquitoes and within a week the larvae have matured and we are back to
square one.
The disposal of used tyres therefore constitutes a risk factor for the spread of mosquito vectors,
and is considered a problem from a public health perspective, especially in tropical countries. This is
compounded by the fact that used tyres harbour rodents.
Another risk to public health is the open uncontrolled burning of tyres, which generates
emissions of chemical compounds detrimental to human health, such as carbon monoxide, sulphur
oxides, nitrogen oxides, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and persistent organic pollutants, e.g.,
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, hexaclorobenzene and
polychlorinated biphenyls. The reduction or elimination of non-intentional emissions of such
substances is regulated by Article 5 of and Annex C to the Stockholm Convention, although this is not
the case if incineration occurs under well-controlled conditions, such as co-incineration in cement

Donald Kennedy and Marjorie Lucks (1999).
WHO Dengue Fact Sheet.
Siqueira, Joo Bosco, and others (2005).
Figueiredo, Luiz Tadeu Moraes (19852004) (2004).
Siqueira, Joo Bosco, and others (2005).
University of Rhode Island, Office of Mosquito Abatement Coordination, Mosquitoes, Disease and Scrap tyres.
Solari, Alfredo. BID Amrica.


Appendix II

Leachate literature
Part A: Summary of reviewed field trials on tyre leachate
Table 1, below, presents a summary of reviewed field trials on tyre leachate.

Table 1: Summary of reviewed field trials on tyre leachate

Paper Date Place Method Leachate characteristics
Tyre chips above GWT in
Maine, GW or leachate Substances < PDWS. Substances < SDWS
Humphrey 1997 US
collected for 2.5 years, except Fe and Mn. Organics not detected.
control well.
Soil samples taken from 10- Elevated soil Cd, Pb and Zn at base of
Horner 1996 UK year-old tyre dump in West dump, levels decreased exponentially with
London. distance.

ield monitoring of the prototype test
Tyre reinforced earthfill, embankment constructed with tyres above
OShaughnessy 2000 CA leachate collected for two the water table indicates that insignificant
years, no control well. adverse effects on groundwater quality had
occurred over a period of 2 years.68

Highest level of contamination seen at site,

Tyre shreds below GWT in
with contamination decreasing to near
Maine, leachate and
Humphrey 2001 US background 3 m downstream. Substances <
downstream, GW collected
PDWS at site. Substances < SDWS at site
for 2.5 years, control well.
except Fe, Mn, Zn and some organics.

Substances with PDWS not altered. Al, Zn,

Tyre chips above GWT in
Cl and SO4 not increased at site. Fe and
Humphrey 2000 US Maine, leachate collected
Mn increased at site. Negligible level of
for five years, control well.
organics at site.

Shredded tyres in baselayer Substances < PDWS below site. Substances

iaz69 2001 CA of road in Manitoba, GW < SDWS below site except Al, Fe and Mn.
collected, no control well. Organics not detected.

Reference: End-of-life tyre management MWH, New Zealand, 2004

1. Abbreviations used in table for place names: CA, Canada; UK, United Kingdom; US, United
2. General abbreviations used in table: PDWS, United States primary (health) drinking water
standard; SDWS, United States secondary (aesthetic) drinking water standards; GWT, groundwater
table; GW, groundwater.

OShaughnessy VO, Garga VK (2000).
Riaz AK, Ahmed S. (2001).


As presented in Section I/ C.2/(b) the various factors that may affect the rate of leaching
and/or the concentration of tyre leachate compounds in soil, surface water and groundwater are
described below:70
(a) Tyre size: leaching from whole tyres is likely to be slower than leaching from tyre chips
or shreds, because of the differences in the surface area to volume ratio;
(b) Amount of exposed steel: if steel is exposed (in the case of tyre chips and shreds), it is
likely that the leaching of manganese and iron will be faster than that from whole tyres in which the
steel is not exposed;
(c) Chemical environment: leaching of metals is likely to be faster under acidic
conditions, while leaching of organic compounds is likely to be faster under basic conditions;
(d) Permeability of soil: leaching is likely to be faster when soils are permeable;
(e) Distance from groundwater table: the greater the vertical distance from the
groundwater table, the less likely the contamination of groundwater;
(f) Distance from tyre storage site: the further the downstream distance from the tyre
storage site, the lower the contaminant concentration in the soil and groundwater;
(g) Contact time with water: the longer the tyres are in contact with water, the greater the
risk of groundwater contamination;
(h) Vertical water flow through soil: the greater the water flow through the soil (e.g., from
rainfall), the greater the dilution of contaminants;
(i) Horizontal groundwater flow: the greater the groundwater flow, the greater the spread
of the contaminant plume;
(j) Leached compounds at site: levels of manganese and iron are higher in groundwater
when steel is exposed. Levels of aluminium, zinc and organic compounds may be high in groundwater,
and levels of zinc, cadmium and lead may be high in soil.
In a study by Sheehan, P.J. and others (2006),71 toxicity testing, toxicity identification
evaluation and groundwater modelling were used to determine the circumstances under which tyre
shreds could be used as roadbed fill with negligible risk to aquatic organisms in adjacent water
bodies. Elevated levels of iron, manganese and several other chemicals were found in tyre shred
leachates. The results, however, were different for the leachates collected from tyre shreds installed
above the water table and below it. The study concludes that, for settings with lower dissolved oxygen
concentrations or lower pH, results of groundwater modelling indicate that a greater buffer distance
(>11 m) was needed to dilute the leachate to non-toxic levels under various soil and groundwater
conditions solely through advection and dispersion processes.
Table 2 describes studies on the use of tyre granulate in artificial sports grounds that reviewed the
impacts on the environment of leachate from these granulates.
Table 2
Studies on use of tyre granulate in artificial sports grounds
Author Conclusion
Kllqvist (2005) Risk assessment shows that the concentration of zinc poses a
significant local risk of environmental effects in surface water which
receives run-off from artificial turf pitches. In addition, it is
predicted that concentrations of alkylphenols and octylphenol in
particular exceed the limits for environmental effects in the scenario
which was used (dilution of run-off by a factor of ten in a recipient). The leaching of
chemicals from the materials in the
artificial turf system is expected to decrease slowly, so that
environmental effects could occur over many years. The total
quantities of pollution components which are leached out into water
from a normal artificial turf pitch are, however, relatively small, so
that only local effects can be anticipated.

Aliapur et al. (2007) Physicochemical results of the percolates show for potentially polluting substances
a kinetic independent of the type of granulates used, in both in-situ and in-lab
MWH. July 2004.
Sheehan, P.J. et al (2006).


Author Conclusion
tests. Analytically detectable trace substances or compounds are dissolved from
the surface and from the polymer matrix of the granules in a concentration that
falls over time;

According to current research, after a years experimentation, the results for the
42 physicochemical parameters identified and from the ecotoxicological tests
show that water passing through artificial turf using as filling either virgin
elastomers granulated or granulates from used tyres, is not likely to affect water
resources in the short and medium terms.

Intron et al. (2007) Leaching of heavy metals and organic chemicals such as phthalates and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons from recycled car tyres as infill in artificial turf systems
is well within the limit values set in the Netherlands for soil and surface water
quality. Leaching of zinc is an exception but is not expected to exceed limit
values within 10 years.

Mller, E. (2007) Dissolved organic carbon and organic nitrogen decrease very rapidly initially,
subsequently slowing to a minimum in a time-dependent, substance-specific
manner both in the lysimeter trials and in the eluate tests. Towards the end of the
trial period, after a year, values have already fallen below the limit of
determination for most of the individual substances;

The very low polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations from the granules
were found at an identical level in the blank sample (gravel layer without
surface); they correspond to ambient (ubiquitous) contamination levels.

Verschoor (2007) The estimated zinc load of 800 mg/m2/year will result in exceedance of the critical
load stated in the Building Materials Decree (2100 mg/m2/100 year) within 3
years. One infill with a lifetime of 10 years will exceed the critical load by a
factor of 4. Exceeding critical loads implies potential risks to soil, surface water
or groundwater. This is confirmed by the exposure assessment addressing the
various receiving compartments.

Zhang (2008) Rubber granules often, especially in newer synthetic turf fields, contained PAHs at
levels above health-based soil standards. PAH levels generally appear to decline
as a field ages. However, the decay trend may be complicated by adding new
rubber granules to compensate for the loss of the material.

PAHs contained in rubber granules had low bioaccessibility (i.e., hardly dissolved)
in synthetic digestive fluids including saliva, gastric fluid, and intestinal fluid.

The zinc contents were found to far exceed the soil limit.

Lead contents were low (53 p.p.m.) in all the samples in reference to soil standards.
However, the lead in the rubber granules was highly bioaccessible in the
synthetic gastric fluid. The analysis of one artificial grass fibre sample showed a
slightly worrisome chromium content (3.93 p.p.m.) and high bio-accessible
fractions of lead in both the synthetic gastric and intestinal fluids.

Intron 2008 The impact of weathering of the rubber crumb for the technical lifetime of an
artificial turf field (1015 years) does not cause the leaching of zinc from the
rubber crumb made from recycled car tyres such as to exceed the threshold
values for dissolved zinc in surface water or the derived threshold value from
the Decree on Soil Quality for the emission of zinc into the soil.

Part B: Leachability determinants for the use of materials intended for

engineering purposes
Table 2, below, presents leachability determinants for the use of materials intended for engineering
purposes (applicable in the United Kingdom).

Table 2: Leachability determinants for the use of materials intended for engineering purposes
(applicable in the United Kingdom)

Limiting values
Application Chemical property
(g / l, unless stated)*


pH 5.59.5
- Landfill engineering Conductivity 1000 s/cm
Carbon Organic Dissolved 30 mg/l
- Lightweight fill and soil
Ammonia 0.5 mg/l
- Reinforcement Arsenic 10
Cadmium 1
- Bridge abutments Chromium (total) 50
- Drainage applications Lead (total) 50
Mercury 1
- In-ground barriers Selenium 10
Boron 2000
- Noise barriers
Copper 20
- Thermal insulation Nickel 50
Zinc 500
- Tyre products and surfacing Cyanide (free) 50
Sulphate (SO4) 150 mg/l
Sulphide 150
Sulphur (free) 150
Phenol 0.5
Iron 100
Chloride 200 mg/l
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 0.2
- Erosion control (fluvial &
As above (if necessary) As above (if necessary)
Artificial reefs
* Limiting values relate to the acceptable concentrations of materials into unlined landfill sites,
based on the Environment Agency of the England and Wales own internal guidance.
(Environmental Agency www.environment-agency.gov.uk)


Limiting values for chemical properties of materials used in engineering applications depend
upon site-specific factors and the type of containment system used on site.
A risk-based approach will be adopted by the regulators. In general, the concentrations of
contaminants should fall within the requirements of local regulatory guidance. The limiting values
provided are based upon those produced by the Environment Agency to determine the acceptability of
contaminated materials for unlined landfill sites.
The leachable concentrations will play a part in determining whether tyres prove suitable for
use in future engineering applications. In addition, where chemical analysis of a material falls below
these thresholds, it can be reasonably be assumed that the material will be suitable for the intended use
and cause no risks to human health or the environment. This must, however, be agreed upon with the
regulator before any work takes place, and it is subject to the current waste management licensing
Pollution of controlled waters falls under the control of the United Kingdom environmental
regulators. Further licensing may, however, be required from Department of Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs for the discharge of waste materials into the sea. The regulators may require that
leachability testing of the compounds listed above be carried out on any material proposed for use in
aqueous applications, primarily to ensure that the material does not cause harm to groundwater,
surface water or marine waters. There are concerns about the potential impact on drinking water


Appendix III
Incidents of fires resulting from tyres that are documented in the
The table presents fire incidents resulting from tyres and negative impacts related to them.

Incident Adverse Environmental
Location Year Duration No. of Cause
management effects
April 1 day
Rochdale, Water supply reservoir still Arson
1975 30 days 9,000 None reported
United Kingdom closed suspected
July 10 days
Blazed for 800,000 gallons of pyrolytic oil
9 months, reclaimed. Soil contamination
Winchester, Arson
1983 smoldered 6-9 million None reported to reported depth of 100ft.
Virginia, suspected
for Smoke plume rose to 3000 ft
United States
18 months and fallout reported in 3 states
21 gallons of oily leachate
Selby, removed from site-drinking Arson
1987 80 days >1,000 None reported
United Kingdom water in-take closed for 2 days suspected
as precaution.
Monitoring of zinc, iron and
phenol levels in nearby
Powys, stream. Levels increase with Arson
1989 14 years 10 million None reported
United Kingdom rainfall. Thick black smoke suspected
releasing benzene, dioxins
and particulates.
1700 people
Hagersville, 700,000 litres run-off of oil into
12.6 million evacuated72, long Arson
Ontario, Canada Feb 90 17 days 71 soil. Creek water
term monitoring suspected
7 contaminated (PAHs)
150 people
Saint Amable, Possible contamination of soil Arson a
6 12 million Canadian
Quebec, Canada May 90 days72 3
.5 million 73 and water by oil released from potential
dollars spent for site
7 the burning tyres. cause
decontamination and
restoration. 74
York, United No data Low levels of phenols entered No data
1991 > 1,000 None reported
Kingdom available into local stream. available
Cornwall, United No data Phenol and PAHs detected in Arson
1992 1 day None reported
Kingdom available runoff water. suspected
Washington, Evacuation of 500
Pennsylvania, Feb 97 14 days 1.7 million residents and closing None reported
United States of two schools
Gila River
Reservation, 3 million Monitoring for ground Arson
Aug 97 7 days None reported
Arizona , United shredded contamination suspected
Cheshire, United Arson
1999 Not clear 500 None reported Run off oil contaminating site
Kingdom suspected
Source: Chemical Hazards and Poisons Report From the Chemical Hazards and Poisons Division, December 2003

71 Source (**) Scrap tyre Recycling in Canada : From Scrap to Value/Recyclage des pneus hors dusage au
Canada : La transformation des pneus hors dusage en produits valeur ajoute
72 Ibid.
73 Recyc-Quebec. 2001-2008 Program for the Emptying of Scrap Tire Storage Sites in Qubec - Normative
74 Ibid.
75 Ibid

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