Lesson Plan: Literacy /a/ Sound
Lesson Plan: Literacy /a/ Sound
Lesson Plan: Literacy /a/ Sound
Activity Name Activity objective/ purpose Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and actions Resources
2 min - Teacher will greet the students Students greet the teacher and -
Greetings Get students engage and do the usual morning get ready for the new lesson.
and involve in circle routine.
Greet students and
make students ready
to learn new sound.
3 min - The teacher will show the The students will answer to Flashcards.
Review Assess if the students students the sound flashcard. the teachers questions.
were able to learn the The teacher will ask the The students will make the
pervious sound. students to make the sound sound and action.
Students identify the letter 8 min - Teacher will introduce the The students will give the -
/a/ sound and shape. concept and todays letter by teachers answers and start
Introducing new Students recognize words playing a guessing game with guessing.
letter that starts with letter /a/. the students.
Lesson summary. Assessing students 3 min - Then, the teacher will read letter Students will read the
understanding. /a/ flashcards and will ask flashcards with the teacher
students to guess the first letter and will guess the first letter. -
sound which is /a/.
Activity Name Activity objective/ Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and actions Resources
purpose action
Sorting activity. Students recognize 5 min - The teacher will have 2 baskets Students are going to sort the Letter /a/
words that have the and a group of envelopes that letters and the pictures that and /s/
letter /a/. have different flashcards (letter represent each letter in Flashcards.
/a/ and letter /s) and pictures different baskets. Envelope
that represent them. 2 Baskets.
Sound evaluation 5 min - The teacher will explain the They need to raise happy or Flashcards
activity. Evaluate students activity. sad face. For example, if Ive Happy
capacity in showed them the letter /a/ and and sad
identifying the the picture match with it then face sticks.
difference between they need to show me happy
letter /s/ and /a/. face, if not then they need to
show the sad face.
Evaluation Evaluate students 5 min - Ill show the students the word The students will have Basket.
activity understanding about and it picture and the first letter different letters flashcards and Flashcards.
the letter sound and of each word is missing. basket to choose a letter from.
words that has letter The students need to choose
/a/ and /s/ as well. the correct letter for the word.
Outdoor activity Check students 5 min - The teacher will explain to the Students will have two parts Basket.
abilities in students what they need to do. of an ice cream. The first half Flashcards.
identifying the will have the letter /s/ and /a/
difference between and the other half will have
the letters /s/ and /a/. different pictures. Students
need to match the correct
letter with the correct picture.
Lesson plan : literacy /t/ sound.
Activity Name Activity objective/ purpose Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and actions Resources
Get students engage 3 min - Teacher will greet the The students greet the teacher and -
Greetings and involve in circle students and do the usual answer her questions.
time. morning routine.
Greet students and
make students ready
to learn new sound.
Assess students about 3 min - The teacher will show the The students will give the teachers Envelope.
Review the sounds that students an envelope and answers and start guessing. Flashcards.
theyve learned in the ask the students whats
previous weeks. inside it.
Promote weeks unit.
Students identify the 8 min - Then, the teacher will Students will interact with the Box.
sound. show students flashcards teacher. Flashcards.
Introducing new Students will and ask the students to
letter recognize words that listen and try to recognize Students will start thinking about
have /n/ sound. the new sound. what can be inside the box.
Students will
improve their The teacher will ask them Students will identify the sound and
thinking and to make the action for /t/. the action of /t/ sound.
cognitive skills.
Lesson summary. Evaluate if the 3 min - The teacher will ask the Students will answer to the teacher Computer.
students were able to students about the letter question. PowerPoint
identify the sound. that theyve learned and .
will use PowerPoint to
assess students.
Activity Name Activity objective/ Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and actions Resources
purpose action
Creating the letter Students identify the 5 min - The teacher explain to the Students are going to create /t/ and Sticks.
shape activity letter shape more. students how to do the color the pictures that represent Worksheets.
Students practice activity. letter /t/. Colors.
their fine motor
Matching pictures Students use their 3 min - The teacher explain to the Each student will have a picture of Glue.
activity. fine motor skills students how to do the a tiger and missing parts of the Flashcards.
more. activity. tiger. They need to paste the
Students will become missing parts on the picture.
more familiar with /t/
sound and shape
Assess students 3 min - The teacher explain to the In this activity, there are two cubes Cubes
learning. students how to do the in the first cube has pictures of Letter
Practice writing the activity. words theyve learned and the other flashcards.
letter. cube has letters capital and small. Pictures.
Each student, will throw the cube Marker.
and they need to say the name of White
the picture that they got and in the board.
other cube they need to throw it as
well and say the letter sound and
write it down.
Writing activity. Students recognize 5 min - The teacher explain to the Each student will have a worksheet Pencil.
the letter shape and students how to do the and a pencil. They have to write the Worksheets.
sound. activity. letter in the empty place.
Lesson plan : literacy /p/ sound.
Activity Name Activity objective/ Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and actions Resources
purpose action
Get students 1 min - Teacher will greet the students and do Students will greet the -
Greetings engage and the usual morning routine. teacher.
involve in circle
Greet students
and make students
ready to learn new
Assess students 3 min - Teacher write the sounds on the board The students will Marker.
Review about the sounds and ask the students to make the answer to the teacher White board.
that theyve sounds. questions.
learned in the Students could give
previous weeks. examples of words.
Students identify 7 min - The teacher will play a game with the Students will interact Computer.
the sound. students. The game is a puzzle, the with the teacher. PowerPoint.
Introducing new Students will teacher will show students parts of Students will start
letter recognize words pictures and ask them to give answers. thinking about the
that have /p/ pictures.
sound The teacher will give students hints. Students will identify
the sound and the
The teacher will make the sound and action of /p/ sound.
ask students to repeat the sound with
The teacher will make the action with
the students.
Lesson summary. Evaluate if the 2 min - The teacher will ask the students about Students will answer -
students were able the letter that theyve learned. to the teacher
to identify the question.
Activity Name Activity objective/ Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and Resources
purpose actio actions
Puzzle game (circle To make all the 13 min - The teacher will ask the students to Students will give PowerPoint.
time) students involve look at the board and give guesses. answers about the Computer.
in the circle time. pictures that they see.
To make students
identify /p/ sound.
Worksheet (shaping Students will 5 min - Teacher example the activity for Students work Stick.
the letter and use their fine students. individual. Colors.
coloring pictures) motor skills. Teacher show students example of Glue.
Identify the final result. Worksheet.
pictures that Yarn.
represent /p/
Making pandas Students 7 min - Teacher example the activity for Teacher example Marker.
improve their students. the activity for Colored
fine motor Teacher show students example of the final students. papers.
skills. result. Glue.
Recognize Envelope.
words that Papered dish.
have /p/
Lesson plan : literacy /n/ sound.
Activity Name Activity objective/ purpose Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and Resources
action actions
Get students engage 3 min - Teacher will greet the students and Students will greet -
Greetings and involve in circle do the usual morning routine. the teacher.
Greet students and
make students ready
to learn new sound.
Assess students about 3 min - The teacher will show the The students will Marker.
Review the sounds that students an envelope and ask answer to the teacher White board.
theyve learned in the questions.
previous weeks.
the students whats inside it.
Promote weeks unit. Students could give
examples of words.
Students identify the 8 min - The teacher will play a game with the Students will interact Box.
sound. students. The game is guessing with the teacher. Flashcards.
Introducing new Students will whats inside the box.
letter recognize words that Students will start
have /n/ sound. The teacher will have different thinking about what
Students will flashcards and will ask the students to can be inside the box.
improve their give answers and guess.
thinking and Students will identify
cognitive skills. The teacher will make the sound and the sound and the
ask students to repeat the sound with action of /n/ sound.
Lesson summary. Evaluate if the 3 min - The teacher will ask the students Students will answer Computer.
students were able to about the letter that theyve learned to the teacher PowerPoint.
identify the sound. and will use PowerPoint to assess question.
Activity Name Activity objective/ Time Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words and Resources
purpose action actions
Creating the Students will use 5 min - The teacher will give the students the Students work Worksheets.
sound activity. their fine motor instructions about the activity. individual. Stars stickers.
skills. The teacher will show students
Identify /n/ sound example of the final result. Students will use the
and shape. star sticker to look
Recognizing one of for /n/ sound in the
the words related to paper.
the /n/ sound. They need to stick
the stars on the letter.
Looking for /n/ Students improve 3 min - The teacher will give the students the Each student will Circled
activity. their fine motor instructions about the activity. have a circled paper papers.
skills. with different sounds. Clothespins.
Recognize /n/ sound The teacher will show students Students will use
amount other sounds. example of the final result. clothespins, and they
have to place them on
/n/ sound.
Whole class Evaluate students 3 min - The teacher will use the powerpoint The students will Powerpoint.
assessment understanding. to assess students at the end of the answer teachers Computer.
activity. lesson and she will ask questions as questions.