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Dica Final Mid

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Jagan’s College of Engineering & Technology Choutapalem::Nellore

III Year B.Tech First Semester

I mid Examinations, August – 2010


(Electronics and Communications Engineering)

Hall Ticket No :
Name of the student: Signature of invigilator:
Signature of student: Date:

Time:20 min Max Marks:20

Answer all questions
1. - - - - - - - as a voltage controlled resistance. [ ]

2.Fabrication of components on a single chip [ ]

a. Differentiated circuit b.integrated circuit
c.multiplexer circuit d.logic circuit

3. State 0 representing bit CMOS logic [ ]

a.0-1.5v b.3.5-5.0v c.0-0.8v d.2.0-5.0v

4. In Two input CMOS AND gate, no. of PMOS transistors are used are [ ]
a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4

5. When Vin of 5V is applied to the CMOS circuit PMOS is… NMOS is . [ ]


6. The amount of time that the output of a logic circuit takes to change from one state
to another state is called the ……………………. [ ]
a.delay time b.propagation time c.transition time d.diffusion time

7. From the following select the odd one [ ]

a.system c b.verilog c.vhdl d.unix

8. Following the keyword is not used for time dimension [ ]

a.after b.wait on c.case d.wait for

9. - - - - - - statement is preffered in data flow [ ]

a.concurrent b.sequential c.process d.procedure

10. Port is used in the following syntax [ ]

a.architecture b.entity c.concurrent statements d.sequential statements
11.In VHDL, V stands for - - - - - - - - - - [ ]

12.In VHDL - - - - - is simply a declaration of a module inputs and outputs [ ]

a.architecture b.dataflow c.entity d.behavioural

13.Total no.of values presented in std_logic [ ]

a.8 b.9 c.6 d.7

14.IEEE.std_logic_1164.all,1164 represents…………………….. [ ]
a.function b.procedure c.memory d.package

15.port map is used in the following model [ ]

a. Data flow b.behavioural c.structural d.variable

16.component is used in the following model [ ]

a.data flow b.structural c.behavioural d.constant

17.assigning operator is used as [ ]

a. /= b. < c. >= d. <=

18.following statement is incorrect timedimension [ ]

a.wait on data b.wait for 2ns; c.wait until clk=’1’ d.wait until A,B,C

19.one of the following is not used for the mode (specify the signal direction) [ ]
a.inout b.in c.variable d.out

20.A VHDL ---------is a detailed description of modules internal structure or behavior [ ]

a.signal b.architecture c.entity d.dataflow

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