Box Culvert 1
Box Culvert 1
Box Culvert 1
1. Data:
2 m x 1.5 m
A B A'
2 1
6 7
D C D'
As per IRC : 6-2000, Class 'A' loading for 59.5 KN/m2 (The equivalent UDL is calculated considering the dispersion of wheel
having carraige widths more than 5.30m load as per the clause mentioned) load dispersion calculation sheet
and less than 9.60m = 11.4 tonne per Axle enclosed.
Density of soil = 18 KN/m3
Angle of repose = 30 deg
Density of Concrete = 25 kN/m3
Density of Water = 10 kN/m3
Grade of Concrete M 20
Grade of Reinforcement = Fe 415
2. Permissible stresses:
c- 7 N/mm2
t- 150 N/mm2 (water face)
t- 190 N/mm2 (away from water face)
m- 13.333
k- 0.384
j- 0.872
Q- 1.171
4. Loads:
Self weight of top slab = 0.25 x 25 = 6.25 KN/m2
Super Imposed Dead Load = 4 KN/m2
Live Load = 59.5 KN/m2
Total Load = w = 69.75 KN/m2
p= 18 x 1.75 x 0.33
= 11 KN/m2
w= 18 KN/m3
Uniform lateral pressure due to effect of super imposed dead load and live load surcharge is calculated as
p= ( 59.5 + 4 ) x 0.33
= 21 KN/m2
Uniform lateral pressure due to effect of super imposed dead load surcharge only is
p= 4 x 0.33
= 1.33 KN/m2
p = wh = 10 x 1.75
= 17.5 KN/m2
The maximum design moments resulting from the combination of various loading cases are determined. The moments at the centre
of span of top and bottom slabs and the support sections and at the centre of the vertical walls are determined by suitably
combining the different loading patterns. The maximum moments generally develop for the following loading conditions.
1. When the top slab supports the Dead and Live Loads and the culvert is empty.
2. When the top slab supports the Dead and Live Loads and the culvert is running full.
3. When the sides of the culvert do not carry Live Loads and the culvert is running full.
The slabs of the box culvert drains are designed to reinforced on both faces of the members.
w= 69.75 KN/m2
W= 10.9 KN
w 2w = ###
Case 1 Case 2
udl on the top slab with uniform soil reaction on the weight of side walls assumed to produce
bottom slab. uniform soil action of the bottom slab.
Case 3 Case 4
Earth pressure on the vertical side walls.
water pressure inside culvert - full with water - pressure
distribution on side walls is assumed triangular.
Uniform Lateral Pressure on vertical side walls are considered due to the effect of dead load and live load surcharge.
A-2 Moment (M) (KN-m) + 14.83 + 0.52 + 1.68 - 1.01 - 4.50 - 0.28
Shear Force (N) (KN) 0.00 0.00 - 6.58 + 3.95 - 23.81 - 1.50
Thrust (V) (KN) + 78.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A-3 Moment (M) (KN-m) - 14.83 + 0.52 + 1.68 - 1.01 - 4.50 - 0.28
Shear Force (N) (KN) + 78.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Thrust (V) (KN) 0.00 0.00 + 6.58 - 3.95 - 23.81 - 1.50
E-4 Moment (M) (KN-m) - 14.83 - 1.03 - 3.81 - 2.29 + 8.89 + 0.56
Shear Force (N) (KN) + 78.47 + 5.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
D-5 Moment (M) (KN-m) - 14.83 - 0.10 + 2.04 - 1.22 - 4.50 - 0.28
Shear Force (N) (KN) + 78.47 + 10.94 - 13.11 + 7.87 0.00 0.00
Thrust (V) (KN) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 + 23.81 + 1.50
D-6 Moment (M) (KN-m) - 14.83 - 2.56 + 2.04 - 1.22 - 4.50 - 0.28
Shear Force (N) (KN) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 + 23.81 + 1.50
Thrust (V) (KN) - 78.47 - 10.94 - 13.11 + 7.87 0.00 0.00
C-7 Moment (M) (KN-m) + 29.31 + 3.59 + 2.04 - 1.22 - 4.50 - 0.28
Shear Force (N) (KN) 0.00 0.00 - 13.11 + 7.87 + 23.81 + 1.50
6. Design of Reinforcements:
M= 33.43 KN-m
N= -3.74 KN (Tension)
Distribution Reinforcement:
Area of Steel - 0.257
x 250 x 1000 x 0.8
= ### mm2
M= -23.11 KN-m
N= 23.81 KN (Tension)
Distribution Reinforcement:
Area of Steel - 0.257
x 250 x 1000 x 0.8
= 514.28571 mm2
M= -21.40 KN-m
N= 83.94 KN (Tension)
M= 30.21 KN-m
N= -1.13 KN (Tension)
Maximum Moment - 30.215 KN - m.
def required - 160.643 mm
Provide Overall depth of 250 mm mm
def provided - 250 - 30 -8
= 212 mm
Area of Steel required - 1089.436 mm2
Provide 16 mm dia bars @ 184.556 mm c/c.
Distribution Reinforcement:
Area of Steel - 0.257
x 250 x 1000 x 0.8
= ### mm2
M= 9.84 KN-m
N= -19.87 KN (Tension)
Maximum Moment - 9.837 KN - m.
def required - 91.660 mm
Provide Overall depth of 250 mm mm
def provided - 250 - 30 -6
= 214 mm
Area of Steel required - 351.368 mm2
Provide 12 mm dia bars @ 321.877 mm c/c.
Distribution Reinforcement:
Area of Steel - 0.257
x 250 x 1000 x 0.8
= ### mm2
The final moments are arrived for the combination of all possible cases considered
9.837 9.837
A B A'
-21.399 E -21.399
D C D'
-23.113 -23.113
83.938 A B
83.938 83.938
16 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c - Main Steel - both faces
10 mm dia bar @ 250 mm c/c – Distribution on both faces
c c
Dia of Spacing No of
S.No Bar Shape of the Bar Provided Bars Length in m Total Length Wt/Kg Total Weight
1 16 mm 490 mm 150 mm 67 3.300 221.100 1.580 349.338
150 mm
150 mm
5 16 mm 150 mm 170 mm 59 2.740 161.660 1.580 255.423
For Distribution Reinforcement
6 10 mm 4.00 For Walls (C,C) 250 mm 11 10.000 440.000 0.620 272.800
7 10 mm 2.00 For Slab (a,e) 250 mm 10 10.000 200.000 0.620 124.000
8 10 mm 1.00 For Slab (b) 250 mm -1 10.000 -10.000 0.620 -6.200
9 10 mm 1.00 For Slab (e) 250 mm 10 10.000 100.000 0.620 62.000
Total Steel required 1424.70 Kg/m
Volume of Concrete 22.50 cum
Steel in Kg/Cum 63.32 Kg/cum Say 132
Loading Case
Section 1 2 3 4 5 6
Factors for
Shear (N) W wL W pL pL pL
Thrust (V) W wL W pL pL pL
V + 0.5 + 0.5 0 0 0 0
N + 0.5 + 0.5 0 0 0 0
V 0 0 0 0 0 + 0.5
N 0 0 0 0 0 + 0.5
Steel Calculation for Drain of Size of 2 m x 1.5 m of Box culvert type - for Feeder & Main Drains
Main Reinforcement
both sides
No. of bars on both Total Length Total wt. in
Diameter spacing per m run Length faces in m wt/m Kgs
Top Slab
16 170 5.88 2500 2 29.41 1.58 46.47
12 200 5.00 2500 2 25.00 0.92 23.00
Side Walls
16 150 5.88 0 2x2 0.00 1.58 0.00
Bottom Slab
16 230 5.88 2500 2 29.41 1.58 46.47
16 150 5.88 2500 2 29.41 1.58 46.47
Add for development lengths for top steel 11.00 662.5 2 14.58 1.58 23.03
Add for development lengths for bottom steel 12.00 662.5 2 15.90 0.92 14.63
Distribution Reinforcement
both sides
No. of bars on both Total Length Total wt. in
Diameter spacing per m run Length faces in m wt/m Kgs
Top Slab
10 250 4.00 1000 2 8.00 0.617 4.94
10 250 4.00 1000 2 8.00 0.617 4.94
Side Walls
10 250 4.00 1000 2x2 16.00 0.617 9.87
Bottom Slab
10 250 4.00 1000 2 8.00 0.617 4.94
10 250 4.00 1000 2 8.00 0.617 4.94
24.68 Kgs