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Analysis of Pile Foundation of An Underground Building Under The Influence of Tunnel Using PLAXIS 3D

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Analysis of Pile Foundation of an Underground Building under the

Influence of Tunnel Using PLAXIS 3D

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Technology


Civil Engineering

(Geotechnical Engineering)


Ram Manoharrao Deshpande




Analysis of Pile Foundation of an Underground Building under the
Influence of Tunnel Using PLAXIS 3D

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Technology


Civil Engineering

(Geotechnical Engineering)


Ram Manoharrao Deshpande


Under the Supervision of

Prof. N. Roy




This is to certify that the project entitled “Analysis of Pile Foundation of an

Underground Building under the Influence of Tunnel Using PLAXIS 3D” submitted by Mr.
Ram Manoharrao Deshpande (Roll No. 213CE1042) in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of Master of Technology Degree in Civil Engineering at NIT Rourkela is an authentic
work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance.

To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in this report has not been submitted to
any other university/institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Place: Rourkela Prof. N. Roy

Date: Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology Rourkela


This thesis is a result of research that has been carried out at National Institute of
Technology, Rourkela. During this period, I came across with a great number of people whose
contributions in various ways helped my field of research and they deserve special thanks. It is a
pleasure to convey my gratitude to all of them.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude and
Indebtedness to my supervisor Prof. N Roy for his advice and guidance from the early stage of
this research and providing me extraordinary experiences throughout the work. Above all, he
provided me unflinching encouragement and support in various ways which exceptionally
inspire and enrich my growth as a student.

I would like to thank Prof. S.K. Sahu, Head of Civil Engineering Department, National
Institute of Technology, Rourkela, for providing necessary facilities for the research work. I am
also thankful to all the faculty members of the Civil Engineering Department, who have directly
or indirectly helped me during the project work.

I sincerely thank to our Director Prof. S. K. Sarangi and all the authorities of the
institute for providing nice academic environment and other facilities in the NIT campus.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents and family members for their unwavering
support and invariable source of motivation.

Ram Manohararao Deshpande

Day by day competition is increasing for surface space, to fulfil the objective of sustainable
development, use of subsurface space becomes very important. Underground structures being
difficult and uneconomical to construct were restricted to only special structures like tunnels,
hydropower stations, railway platforms, defence purpose buildings and mining. But presently, in
a increasing number of cases, public buildings are also being built underground in some of the
metro cities for many reasons, most common reason being effective use of land and location.

Construction of underground multi-storey building is provided with pile foundation. But

in future, this pile foundation, being at large depths, may get affected by newly built tunnel passing
close to it. This project mainly deals with analysis of pile foundation of building under the
influence of tunnel with the use of finite element analysis software PLAXIS 3D.

For analysis purpose, a fully developed model was made and simulated for various
positions and diameters of tunnel with respect to foundation of building. Results were analysed to
find changes in the behaviour pile foundation in terms of total displacement. After thorough
analysis of results of simulation, it was found that pile foundation of building is influenced by
tunnel only when tunnel is in very close vicinity of pile and its influence is negligible if located
far away from the structure. The distribution of internal forces induced by tunnel depend on the
position of the pile with respect to the tunnel horizontal axis. The critical position of tunnel
corresponds to pile with a tip just below of the tunnel. When tunnel is located at various depths,
the variation of total displacement with depth of pile depends upon position of tunnel and the tip
of pile. The diameter of tunnel also has small influence on displacement of pile. Displacement of
pile is also influenced by diameter of tunnel to a small extent.

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... 4

LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................................... 6

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….………………7

LIST OF SYMBOLS…………………………………………………………………………….8

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Need of Going Underground ....................................................................................................... 9

1.2 Tunnelling in Urban Area ......................................................................................................... 11
1.3 The Tunnel-Structure Interaction Problem and Objective of the Project ............................... 12
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 17

3.1 Introduction: Finite Element Method ....................................................................................... 17

3.2 Soil Layer and Structural Elements .......................................................................................... 19
3.3 Procedure used for Simulation and Analysis of Project ........................................................... 21
3.4 Details of Current Model ........................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Model Designations:................................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................................................................. 29

4.1 Variation of maximum total displacement of pile: .................................................................... 29

4.2 Variation of total displacement over depth of pile: ................................................................... 30
4.3 Variation of total displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel ‘A’ at various
horizontal distances from the pile: .................................................................................................. 31
4.4 Variation of total displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel ‘A’ at at various
depths: .............................................................................................................................................. 32
4. 5 Variation of total displacement with the horizontal distance between pile and tunnel: ......... 33
4. 6 Variation of total displacement with the change in diameter of tunnel: ................................. 34
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE OF SYUDY ................................................ 35

5. 1 Conclusion:................................................................................................................................ 35
5.2 Future scope of study: .............................................................................................................. 36
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 1 Flow chart showing procedure used for Simulation of Project 20

Figure 2 Soil Stratigraphy used for model 21

Figure 3 Tunnel A with outer diameter D=4.25 m 25

Figure 4 Tunnel B with outer diameter D=15 m 25

Figure 5 Position of Tunnel with respect to Building 25

Figure 6 Maximum total displacement of pile without tunnel=12.62 mm 29

Figure 7 Maximum total displacement of pile with tunnel=12.37 m 30

Figure 8 Total displacement of pile with and without tunnel-30-AT-5 30

Figure 9 Displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel ‘A’ at at various
horizontal distances from the pile 31

Figure 10 Displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel ‘A’ at at various
depths 32

Figure 11 Displacement of pile, because of tunnel ‘30-AT-5’ 33

Figure 12 Displacement of pile, because of tunnel ‘30-AT-5’ 33

Figure 13 Displacement of pile, because of tunnel ‘30-BT-10’ 34


Table 1 Materials - Soil and interfaces 21

Table 2 Materials – Anchors 22

Table 3 Materials – Plates 22

Table 5 Materials - Embedded piles 23

Table 4 Materials – Beams 23

Table 6 Position of Tunnel with respect to Building 25


Cu Undrained shear strength

c Cohesion

Φ Friction angle
d Thickness

E Young’s Modulus
Eoed Odeometer Modulus
OCR Over-consolidation ratio
Q Shear Force
u Displacement

n Porosity
G Shear modulus

 Inclination angles

xref denotes reference value

K0 Coefficient of lateral Earth Pressure (Initial Stress State)
Rf Failure ratio

γ un-sat Unsaturated soil weight

γ sat Saturated soil weight ν Poisson ratio

ψ Dilatancy angle
einit Initial void ratio

emax Maximum void ratio

emin Minimum void ratio

 Poission’s ratio


1.1. Need of Underground Construction

For hundreds of years, our natural dominion has been the surface of the ground. Insisted

by necessity and curiosity, we have always tried to escape from this space, by searching for

utilization of the remaining dimension, upwards or downwards. In these struggles, we have always

encountered great difficulties, especially in the downward direction. Only the underground space

can provide us the site for activities or infrastructures that are needed in the populated metro cities.

Underground construction works have always been very difficult. However, rapid economic

development in recent century made us dig in to the soil deeper and deeper, encouraged by

numerous reasons.

Today, the main reasons which justify use of the underground space can listed as follows-

i. Land use & location

Presently, every mega city is fighting a losing battle for open spaces over the last

few years. In fact this lack of space above the surface is not only the case in metro cities

but in almost all cities around the world. It leaves us no option but to make use of the

underground space in a more thoughtful and a well-organized way so that the advantage of

location can be utilised.

ii. Isolation considerations

The soil is almost infinitely spaced, fully opaque and gives us many advantages in

terms of isolation. It can provide protection against extreme climate, earthquakes and other

natural disasters.

iii. Environmental preservation

Recent research suggests that a variety of the underground building cases the annual

energy demand is below 10 kWh/m2, so we can almost consider such buildings as zero-

energy buildings. . This is notably important aspect in designing facilities with a low

environment impact. The ground can also provide us a variety of rewards in terms of

safeguard of the surroundings, such as Aesthetics or ecology

iv. Topographic reasons

Tunnels have been made in undulated surfaces, mainly to dig through mountains

for both roads and railways. The use of tunnel advances or makes it possible several

transport options, like roads, railways, canals, etc. in hilly and mountainous areas.

v. Economic reasons

Because the initial construction cost of underground buildings is generally higher

than those of building in the open air, underground buildings are in a way “punished” when

linked to open air buildings. Therefore, the economic paybacks of an underground structure

should be evaluated by estimating the life-cost impacts of the reimbursements provided by

such structures. Additionally, the evaluation should take into consideration the various

indirect rewards they offer, especially in terms of low environmental impact. If executed

systematically Initial building costs can be made low, as underground building is largely

subtractive rather than additive, and because the soil displaced by the excavation can be

used again as building materials.

1.2 Tunnelling in Urban Area

As tunnelling expenses continue to drop, tunnelling is being considered as the best option

to avoid increasing traffic congestion in urban areas. Tunnels can be used to take heavy traffic

from one point of city to other so that local roads can be freed up, improving the dependability of

bus service, making cycling possible. In practical, tunnels can rebuild the city, generate returns in

long term by letting networks of roads to be born-again and collectively improving the liveability

of whole urban areas.

There are many reasons for which tunnels are being preferred more these days, some of

them are mentioned below.

The cost of tunnel construction is falling by about four per cent each year, compared to

surface roads in urban area where acquiring land or moving utilities is expensive construction

urban tunnels can be considered as a cheaper option.

Technology for tunnel boring and constructing underground structures have made rapid

advance as a result of the channel tunnel and other projects which involved new technologies in

place of blasting. These new techniques have transformed the economics of tunnelling where the

right geology exists. New cross-sections have been developed which carry two levels of light

vehicles in a single tube slashing the cost of tunnel provision

Harmful pollutants in tunnels can now be collected before ventilation and “scrubbed” near

clean using new technologies, whereas vehicle emissions on surface streets flow straight into the


1.3 The Tunnel-Structure Interaction Problem and Objective of the Project

Considering the ‘no-option’ scenario, there is intense need of construction of tunnel under

very high dense urban areas. The construction and operation of these systems can damage to

surface structures or other underground structures. Therefore the prediction of tunnel induced

stresses becomes an important issue in the planning and execution process. The current design

approaches which we have are very conventional and may cause excessive spending in the design

and construction. A better understanding of tunnelling induced deformations could decrease

expenditures and help us escape disputes and resolve claims.

The issue of interaction between tunnel and adjacent structures is of major research for

tunnelling in metro cities, because of the high interaction between tunnelling and existing

structural components of building. A foremost problem during the planning and execution of

underground construction is the influence of construction related ground movements on adjacent

structural components of building. During excavation and support of tunnels and open-cuts,

changes in the state of stress in the ground mass around the excavation and loss of ground occur.

These deviations in stress and ground losses are normally expressed in the form of vertical and

horizontal ground movements. The ground movements, in turn, will cause any structures supported

by the affected ground to translate, rotate, deform, distort, and possibly sustain damage. As a result,

important tasks facing both the engineer and the contractor are the estimation of the magnitude

and distribution of the ground movements to be caused by the construction procedures and the

tolerance of the structures and utilities to the deformations and distortions sustained as a result of

the ground displacements.

This project presents a thorough FEM analysis performed using PLAXIS 3D software, related

to the influence of tunnelling in soft soils on pile foundation of adjacent building. For this, soil

model and structural model of building having pile foundation and with five underground floors

was made and simulated the same model for different position of tunnel with respect to the

building. Main objective of the project is to perform FEM analysis using FEM software PLAXIS

3D and to find out effect of tunnelling on the pile foundation of adjacent building in terms of total

displacement. In order to effectively analyse the effect of tunnel on adjacent pile, the distance

between tunnel and pile foundation is varied. Also two different diameter tunnels are used in order

effect of diameter of tunnel on pile foundation.


Though FEM analysis software like PLAXIS 2D/3D, GEO5, FLAC 2D are relatively new

software in the field of geotechnical engineering, yet many researches were done great work

recently on underground structures, deep excavation, tunnelling and tunnel-structure interaction.

Some of them are mentioned here with their findings.

Mroueh H. and Shahrour I. (2002) did analysis of the impact of construction of urban

tunnels on adjacent pile foundations. It was carried out using an elastoplastic three-dimensional

finite element modelling. Numerical simulations were performed in two stages, which concern,

respectively, the application of the pile axial loading and the construction of the tunnel in presence

of the pile foundations. Analysis was carried out for both single piles and groups of piles. Results

of numerical simulations show that tunnelling induces significant internal forces in adjacent piles.

Analysis of the interaction between tunnelling and a group of piles reveals a positive group effect

with a high reduction of the internal forces in rear piles

Brinkgreve R.B.J. et al (2003), studied the advancement of a tunnel boring machine in

the ground. It was concluded that soil stiffness plays an important role in predicting the width of

the settlement trough and consequently the influence on adjacent buildings.

Huang X. and Schweiger H. F (2010) studied influence of deep excavations on existing

tunnels in Shanghai using PLAXIS-GiD. The hardening soil constitutive model was used because

it suits the soil found in Shanghai. Parameters studied were relative position of tunnel with respect

to excavation, tunnel diameter, excavations dimensions and tunnel protection measures.

The results clearly indicate that for situations where the excavation is located directly above

the tunnel, deformation of the tunnel will occur and additional forces are introduced into the lining.

However, when the excavation is moved to the side of the tunnel, the influence on the tunnel is

not significant. Though the distance between excavation and tunnel influenced the tunnel lining.

In general, if ‘w’ is width of excavation then tunnels is not at all influenced beyond a distance of

five times of ‘w’.

Schweckendiek Timo (2007) studied structural reliability analysis of deep excavations

using PLAXIS generic probabilistic toolbox called “Pro Box”, which performs reliability analysis

automatically with output of PLAXIS. The influence coefficients as result of the analysis provide

useful information for optimization purposes and also for the physical understanding of the model

behaviour close to failure.

Stoel Van Der et all.(2007) studied risk management during renovation of the new

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. The geotechnical design calculations are carried out by using the

PLAXIS. The calculations are part of the risk assessment strategy in order to predict and judge the

influence of ground deformations due to the excavations on the surrounding building. Horizontal

deformation of the sheet pile wall, horizontal and vertical deformations in a horizontal cross-

section at surface level were determined from analysis.

Rodriguez J.A.(March 2005) carried out study on deep excavation in soft soils and

complex ground water conditions in Bagota, capital city of Columbia. Valuable information has

been gathered about the behaviour of slurry walls and the soil anchor system used for the

excavation of the project in soft soil conditions with diffi-cult water conditions in the piedmont of

Bogotá eastern hills. From the analysis of this case it can be concluded that the computational

model and the soil models used, considering the coupled problem of deformation and water flow,

the highly non-linear behaviour of the soils and the construction sequence, allow detailed study of

complex excavations in sectors with especially difficult geotechnical conditions in the short term.

Zhandos Y. Orazalin and Andrew J. Whittle (April 2014) carried out finite element

analysis of a complex excavation. The project involved a complex sequence of berms, access

ramps and phased construction of the concrete mat foundation. The non-uniform soil excavation

resulted in the three-dimensional effects which were well-captured by the 3D model predictions.

The analysis results show a good agreement with the measured data and provide keys to explain

many features of the observed performance including the differences in diaphragm wall

deformations associated with sections supported by tieback anchors. A general pattern of measured

movements at the centre of a wall typically correspond to an initial cantilever movement of

approximately 10-20 mm during the excavation to the first tieback support level.

Pornkasem Jongpradist et all.(October 2012 ) performed numerical simulations of

geotechnical works in Bangkok subsoil using advanced soil models available in PLAXIS. Three

constitutive models with enhancing levels of complexity are used to simulate three types of

geotechnical works (embankment construction, deep excavation and tunnelling) on Bangkok

subsoil conditions. All problems which are from well-documented case histories having reliable

monitored data are analysed by PLAXIS 2D assuming plane strain condition with the appropriate

analysis condition

3.1 Introduction: Finite Element Method

The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical method for finding fairly accurate solutions

of partial differential equations as well as integral equations. The solution approach is based either

on eliminating the differential equation completely (steady state problems), or rendering the PDE

into an approximating system of ordinary differential equations, which are then numerically

integrated using standard techniques such as Euler's method

For carrying out elasto-plastic analysis in this project, commercially available geotechnical

software PLAXIS 3D is being used which uses Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for simulation of



PLAXIS 3D is a finite element analysis software generally used for three-dimensional

analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering. It is embedded with features to

find solution to various aspects of complex geotechnical structures and construction processes

using robust and theoretically sound computational procedures. Complex geometry of soil and

structures can be defined in two different modes, which is one of the advantages of PlAXIS 3D.

These modes are specifically defined for soil or structural modelling. In this software, independent

solid models can automatically be intersected and meshed. The staged constructions mode is

another advantage, this mode enables a realistic simulation of construction and excavation

processes by activating and deactivating soil volume clusters and structural objects, application of

loads, changing of water tables, etc.

The output consists of a full suite of visualization tools to check details of the complex

inner structure of a full 3D underground soil-structure model. PLAXIS 3D is a very much user

friendly 3d geotechnical program, which offers flexible and interoperable geometry, realistic

simulation of construction stages, a robust and reliable calculation kernel, and comprehensive and

detailed post-processing, making it a complete solution for daily geotechnical design and analysis.

3.2 Soil Layer and Structural Elements

Current model of this problem consists of a tunnel and building having five underground

floors and ten floors above surface having load of 5 KN per square metre. This model is modelled

with use of soil layers as well as structural elements like plate, pile, anchor and beam elements in

PLAXIS 3D. Details of these elements are as follows-

1. Soil Layers

The soil stratigraphy can be defined in the soil mode using the borehole feature of

the program. Boreholes are locations in draw area at which the information on the position

of soil layers and the water table is given. If multiple boreholes are defined the program

will automatically interpolate between boreholes, and derive the position of the soil layer

from the borehole information.

Groundwater and pore pressures play an important role in the soil behaviour, so

this requires proper definition of water conditions. This definition of water conditions can

also be done with the creation of borehole.

2. Fixed-end Anchor Element

A fixed-end anchor is a point element that is attached to a structure at one side and

fixed to the world at the other side. Fixed-end anchors can be used to simulate piles in a

simplified way, i.e. without taking into account pile-soil interaction. Alternatively, fixed

end anchors can be used to simulate anchors or props to support retaining walls.

3. Beams

Beams are structural objects to model slender (one-dimensional) structures with a

significant flexural rigidity (bending stiffness) and axial stiffness. The creation of a beam

is similar to the creation of geometry line.

4. Embedded Piles

An embedded pile is a pile composed of beam elements that can be placed in

arbitrary direction in the sub-soil and that interacts with the sub-soil by means of special

interface elements. The interaction may involve a skin resistance as well as a foot

resistance. The skin friction and the tip force are determined by the relative.

5. Plates

Plates are structural objects used to model thin two-dimensional structures in the

ground with a significant flexural rigidity. The creation of a plate is similar to the creation

of a geometry surface.

6. Interfaces

Interfaces are joint elements to be added to plates or geogrids to allow for a proper

modelling of soil-structure interaction. Interfaces may be used to simulate, for example the

thin zone of intensely shearing material at the contact between a plate and the surrounding

soil. Interfaces can be created next to plate or geogrid element or between two soil volumes.

3.3 Procedure used for Simulation and Analysis of Project

Following flowchart explains procedure adopted for the simulation of each model having
unique position of tunnel with respect to pile foundation of building.

Create and
Create structural model assign material
Create of soil data set to
A stratigraphy using structural elements
and apply loads to respective soil
using boreholes and structural
respective elements

Define water Select node

Generate mesh Calculate Phases
level and phases points for curve

Calculate Calculate Phase

Phase'o': Initial Phase 2 : Analysis of
'1' : Excavation Construction of
conditions using and construction results
K0 procedure tunnel
of building

Creation of next A

Figure 1 Flow chart showing procedure used for Simulation and Analysis of Project

3.4 Details of Current Model
The soil model created for model closely resembles with soil stratigraphy found in Mumbai
region. Mumbai city soil is mostly made of sandy clay, loam and the fractured basalt rock. The
clay properties vary along with depth up to 30 m deep, then starts fractured basalt rock extending
to a large depth as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2 Soil Stratigraphy used for model

Table 1 Materials - Soil and interfaces

Identification  Unit Stiff Clay-Mum Medium Clay- Hard Clay-Mum Basalt Rock-
Mum Mum
γunsat kN/m3 16.00 16.00 16.00 17.00
γsat kN/m3 18.00 18.00 18.00 20.00
einit   0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000
emin   0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
emax   999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
E kN/m2 15.00E3 7.000 30.00E3 30.00E6
ν (nu)   0.3500 0.3500 0.3500 0.3000

Identification   Fill_Mum Soft Clay-Mum
γunsat kN/m3 16.00 16.00
γsat kN/m3 20.00 17.00
einit   0.5000 0.5000
emin   0.000 0.000
emax   999.0 999.0
E50ref kN/m2 22.00E3 2000
Eoedref kN/m2 22.00E3 2000
Eurref kN/m2 66.00E3 10.00E3
Cc   0.01568 0.1725
Cs   4.705E-3 0.03105
einit   0.5000 0.5000
cref kN/m2 1.000 5.000
φ (phi) ° 30.00 25.00
ψ (psi) ° 0.000 0.000
K0nc   0.5000 0.5774
Rf   0.9000 0.9000

Relevant properties of other structural materials are given in the table 2 onwards.

Table 2 Materials – Anchors

Identification   Anchors- Column

Material type   Elastic
EA kN 2.500E6

Table 3 Materials - Plates

Identification   Basement Rest of building excluding vertical walls Vertical wall

D M 0.3000 0.3000 0.3790
Γ kN/m 3
50.00 33.33 2.550
Isotropic   Yes Yes No
E1 kN/m2 30.00E6 30.00E6 14.60E6

E2 kN/m2 30.00E6 30.00E6 730.0E3
G12 kN/m2 15.00E6 15.00E6 730.0E3
G13 kN/m2 15.00E6 15.00E6 1.270E6
G23 kN/m2 15.00E6 15.00E6 382.0E3
Rayleigh α   0.2320 0.2320 0.000
Rayleigh β   8.000E-3 8.000E-3 0.000

Table 5 Materials - Embedded piles

Identification   Pile foundation
E kN/m2 30.00E6
Γ kN/m3 6.000
Pile type   Predefined
Predefined pile type   Massive circular pile
Diameter m 1.500
A m2 1.767
I3 m4 0.2485
I2 m4 0.2485
Skin resistance   Linear

Table 4 Materials – Beams

Identification   Strut Waling Beam

A m2 7.367E-3 8.682E-3 0.7000
γ kN/m3 78.50 78.50 6.000
E kN/m2 210.0E6 210.0E6 30.00E6
I3 m4 0.05073E-3 0.1045E-3 0.05800
I2 m4 0.05073E-3 0.3660E-3 0.02900

3.5 Model Designations
Models are broadly divided into two categories depending upon diameter of
tunnel. Tunnel ‘A’ having diameter of D=4.25 m and Tunnel ‘B’ having diameter of D=15 m, as
shown in Figure 3 & 4

Furthermore, depending upon position of tunnel with respect to building various models are
made as shown in figure 5 and Table 6

Figure 4 Tunnel B with outer

Figure 3 Tunnel A with outer
diameter D=15 m
diameter D=4.25 m

Figure 5 Position of Tunnel with respect to Building

X (In Meters) is Horizontal Distance Between Centre of Tunnel & Nearest Pile
and Y (In Meters) is Vertical Distance Between Centre of Tunnel & Ground

Table 6 Position of Tunnel with respect to Building

Model Name Horizontal Distance Between Centre of Tunnel Vertical Distance Between Centre of
& Nearest Pile Tunnel & Ground Surface

X (In Meters) Y (In Meters)

20-AT-5 5 -20

20-AT-6 6 -20

20-AT-7 7 -20

20-AT-8 8 -20

20-AT-9 9 -20

20-AT-10 10 -20

20-AT-15 15 -20

20-AT-20 20 -20

25-AT-5 5 -25

25-AT-6 6 -25

25-AT-7 7 -25

25-AT-8 8 -25

25-AT-9 9 -25

25-AT-10 10 -25

25-AT-15 15 -25

25-AT-20 20 -25

30-AT-5 5 -30

30-AT-6 6 -30

30-AT-7 7 -30

30-AT-8 8 -30

30-AT-9 9 -30

30-AT-10 10 -30

30-AT-15 15 -30

30-AT-20 20 -30

35-AT-5 5 -35

35-AT-6 6 -35

35-AT-7 7 -35

35-AT-8 8 -35

35-AT-9 9 -35

35-AT-10 10 -35

35-AT-15 15 -35

35-AT-20 20 -35

20-BT-10 10 -20

20-BT-15 15 -20

20-BT-20 20 -20

20-BT-25 25 -20

25-BT-10 10 -25

25-BT-15 15 -25

25-BT-20 20 -25

25-BT-25 25 -25

30-BT-10 10 -30

30-BT-15 15 -30

30-BT-20 20 -30

30-BT-25 25 -30

35-BT-10 10 -35

35-BT-15 15 -35

35-BT-20 20 -35

35-BT-25 25 -35

There were 16 models of Tunnel ‘B’ and 32 models of Tunnel ‘A’, which were simulated
and analysed for result.

For better understanding let us analyse one model -30-AT-5- Which means tunnel having
diameter of 4.25 m is located at 30m depth and at a horizontal distance of 5m from the pile

4.1 Variation of maximum total displacement of pile

Because of construction of tunnel the pile foundation is affected, maximum total
displacements shown in figure 6 and 7 depict the evolution of the displacement of the structure
foundations after tunnelling. Though the displacement is small (0.25 mm), it shows that the
lateral displacement of each foundation increases after tunnel is built.

Figure 6 Maximum total displacement of pile without tunnel=12.62 mm

Figure 7 Maximum total displacement of pile with tunnel=12.37 mm

4.2 Variation of total displacement over depth of pile

The total displacement of the pile varies with depth as shown in figure 8. Displacement is
maximum at the depth of 30 m, which suggests that displacement is more at the depth of centre
of tunnel.

Variation of Total Displacement with Depth

9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00

Depth (m)





Total Displacement (mm)

With Tunnel+'30-at-5' Without Tunnel

Figure 8 Total displacement of pile with and without tunnel-30-AT-5

4.3 Variation of total displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel
‘A’ at various horizontal distances from the pile:
The variation is shown in figure 9 below

Variation of Total Displacement with Depth

9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5


Depth (m)





Total Displacement (mm)

Without Tunnel Tunnel 30-at-5 Tunnel 30-at-6 Tunnel 30-at-7

Tunnel 30-at-8 Tunnel 30-at-9 Tunnel 30-at-10 Tunnel 30-at-15

Figure 9 Displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel ‘A’ at various
horizontal distances from the pile

As seen in the figure 9, the displacement is increasing as the distance between tunnel and

pile decreases. When tunnel is away from the pile the displacement increase with the decrease in

tunnel-pile distance is almost constant, but when tunnel is in the close vicinity (at distance of 5

m) of the structure, the displacement suddenly increases. Again displacement is more at a depth

of centre of the tunnel.

4.4 Variation of total displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel
‘A’ at at various depths

Variation of Total Displacement with Depth

9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00








Without Tunnel "With tunnel+'35-at-5'" With Tunnel+'30-at-5'

With Tunnel 25-aT-5 With Tunnel 20-at-5

Figure 10 Displacement of pile over depth of pile, because of tunnel ‘A’ at at various depths

It is known that the displacement of pile increases with the presence of tunnel, but it also

varies the location of tunnel. Here since tunnel ‘35-AT-5’ is completely located in fractured

basalt rock, it will not give more displacement, whereas the tunnel ‘30-AT-5’ is located in stiff

clay and is very close to the tip of pile and which gives maximum displacement.

Though the tunnel ’20-AT-5’ is located in clayey soil, still the position of tunnel is very far

from the tip of the pile, so the displacement is lowest of all.

4. 5 Variation of total displacement with the horizontal distance between pile
and tunnel
For better understanding here also we will take examples of tunnel fixed at -30m but
going away horizontally from the pile. Let us compare between tunnels ‘30-AT-5’, ‘30-AT-10’
and ‘30-AT-15’

Figure 11
Displacement of
pile, because of
tunnel ‘30-AT-5’

Figure 12
Displacement of
pile, because of
tunnel ‘30-AT-5’

As seen from figure 11 and 12, the displacement is more when tunnel is in close vicinity
of the pile as compared to far away from the tunnel. The displacement further reduces as the
distance between pile and tunnel increases.

4. 6 Variation of total displacement with the change in diameter of tunnel

The change in displacement of the pile because of presence of tunnel ’30-BT-10’ is
shown in figure 13.

Figure 13 Displacement of pile, because of tunnel ‘30-BT-10’

The displacement of the tunnel at same depth and same distance from the pile, but with the
less diameter (4.25 m) is 12.47mm. It clearly indicates that the displacement increases when
diameter of the tunnel increases, though the variation in displacement is very less.

5. 1 Conclusion
In practical scenario, to manage heavy loads of multi storied building the provision of

pile foundation becomes necessary. But in future, this pile foundation, being at large depths, may

get affected by newly built tunnel passing close to it, so to predict effect of such tunnel on pile

foundation becomes necessary. This project mainly deals with analysis of such pile foundation

under the influence of tunnel with the use of finite element analysis software PLAXIS 3D.

After thorough analysis of results of simulation, following conclusions can be drawn out

1. Pile foundation of building is influenced by tunnel only when tunnel is in very

close vicinity of pile and its influence is negligible if located far away from the


2. The distribution of the tunnel induced internal forces strongly depends on the

position of the pile tip with regard to the tunnel horizontal axis. The critical

configuration corresponds to piles with a tip just below of the tunnel. When tunnel

is located at various depths, the variation of total displacement with depth of pile

depends upon position of tunnel and the tip of pile.

3. The diameter of tunnel also has small influence on displacement of pile. As the

diameter increases the displacement of pile also increases.

5.2 Future scope of study

In following ways this work can be extended to get better results-

 The parameters other than displacement like skin friction, pile capacity can also be

analysed. These result will be improved if tunnel loads are also considered.

 This analysis was carried out without considering vibration forces of the tunnelling

process and also dynamic loading conditions when under traffic operational condition.

Taking into account these forces, model can be made more realistic to get excellent


 If modelling of the advancement of Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is done with tunnel

slowly approaching the neighbouring building, then various forces like grout pressure,

face pressure of TBM also can be taken into account which may influence the result.


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 Mroueh H. and Shahrour I. (2002). "Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the

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 PLAXIS 3D Manual for General Information, Reference and Scientific Manaual

 Pornkasem Jongpradist, Trin Detkhong & Sompote Youwai,(2012) “Numerical

Simulations of Geotechnical Works in Bangkok Subsoil Using Advanced Soil Models

Available in Plaxis and Through User-Defined Model”, PLAXIS Professional, October




 Schweckendiek(2006). “Structural Reliability Analysis of Deep Excavations Using the

Finite Element Method”, PLAXIS Professional, March 2006

 Sivakumar Babu, Singh Vikas Pratap(2008), “Stabilization of vertical cut using soil

nailing”, Proceedings of the ICE - Ground Improvement, Volume 11, Issue 3, pages 157 –


 Sumedh Mhaske, Deepankar Choudhury(2009), "Application of GIS-GPS for Mapping

Soil Index Properties", IGC 2009, Guntur

 Schweckendiek Timo(2007). “Structural reliability analysis of deep excavations”, PLAXIS

Professional, March 2007

 Stoel Van der et all.(2007). “Risk management during renovation of the new Rijksmuseum

Amsterdam”, XIV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical

Engineering, Madrid 2007

 Zhandos Y. Orazalin, Andrew J. Whittle (2009). “3D Finite Element Analysis of a

Complex Excavation”, Plaxis Professional, April 2014XianBing GONG, Jian ZHAO,

“Numerical Simulating of Layered Buried Embankment Based On PLAXIS”, 2009 Second

International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation

 Zhandos Y. Orazalin, Andrew J. Whittle (2014). “3D Finite Element Analysis of a

Complex Excavation”, Plaxis Professional, April 2014


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