Law Firm Policies and Billing Format
Law Firm Policies and Billing Format
Law Firm Policies and Billing Format
2. How will you bill your clients? What will be the factor that you will consider in billing your clients and why?
1. .*sample only*are they financially As lawyers, we reject, except Making our legal services Lesser income for the firm,
capable to pay the attorneys fees? CANON 2 - A lawyer shall make for valid reasons, the cause of available especially to the IPs. since if we are able to
his legal services available in an the defenseless or the It helps give an image that the establish a reputation that we
efficient and convenient manner oppressed. (Rule 2.01). legal system does not only serve the masses, then people
compatible with the Considering this as a criteria as serve those who can pay but would often seek our help
independence, integrity and to how we bill our clients, is one
more importantly, it is thus increasing our work
effectiveness of the profession. way for us to ensure that our
available to those who are loads but not increasing our
legal services are always
Rule 2.01 available. If we impose equal more often than not the income.
fees to all people even with victims of oppression.
A lawyer shall not reject, except different financial capabilities,
for valid reasons, the cause of then this would prejudice those
the defenseless or the who could not afford our
oppressed services.
Rule 14.04