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Design of Isolated Footing F1

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The foundation of column is designed as isolated spread footing . The safebearing capacity of the
soil on which the foundation is resting is assumed to be 150kN/m2.M25 concrete and Fe 460 steel
is used.The foundation size assumed is 1.4mx1.2m, and the depth of foundation provided is
350mm.Now these values are checked for punching shear,one way shear,Development
length,Bearing pressure and required of steel is worked out.

Reaction,P 200 kN Concrete 25 N/mm2

Pmax= 1.1xP 220 kN Steel 460 N/mm2
1 Column dimensions
Shorter direction, b 0.2 m Q 0.917 Q= 0.131*σcb
Longer direction, l 0.4 m Fe460 (M=Qbd2)
2 Footing dimensions proposed
Shorter direction, B 1.2 m
Longer direction, L 1.4 m

Safe Bearing Pressure(Assumed data

from site) 150 kN/m2

Net upward load intensity 130.95 kN/m2 Hence Safe

3 Design and Check for Depth of footing

The Depth of foundation is decided from four factors.The depth is initially proposed based on
Development length required according to the size of bars used.Then that proposed depth is
checked for sufficiancy of punching shear(Two way shear) and diagonal tension (One way shear),
Then the depth is checked for moment.On finalizing the satisfying depth for the above conditions
area of steel is worked out for the moment according to the finalized depth. Here 20mm bars are
proposed for the columns, so The development length required is ,Ldc=75.2 cms(Sp 16,Table65)

3a Check for Punching Shear

Punching shear is the force acting at a distance half of the depth of the footing (D/2) from the
column face perimetre to the depth of footing .It is the difference of net downword force P and
upword pressure acting through the centre of column for the area (b+d)*(l+d),The permissible
shear stress is =Ks*ζc, where Ks=(0.5+βc)≤1,where βc=b/l.ζc'=0.25√fck.(vide IS 456,31.6.3).

m Effective
Assumed depth of footing 350 m Depth,d= 265 mm
Punching Shear, Vp 163.19 kN
Shear stress factor,Ks=(0.5+βc) Shear stress,ζc'=0.25√fck
Where βc=220/400=0.55 There for ,Ks=1 Ks= 1
Permissible stress,ζc=Ks*ζc' 1.250 N/mm2 ζc' 1.250 N/mm2
Actual shear stress,ζv =Punching shear force /Area,Punching shear force =762.91
Substituting the values,ζv
Actual shear stress,Tv 0.272 N/mm2 which is less than 1.118N/mm2
Hence Safe
3b Check for one way shear

Depth Assumed 350 mm Depth,d= 265 mm
vide IS 456 mTable 19,Page73, The Permissible design shear strength of concrete for M25 mix, for
minimum% of steel , ζc≤ 0.29.The shear force is acting at the critical section at a distance d from
the face of the column.shear force is the difference between the net downword load and upword
reaction of the footing area beyond the critical section.
Substituting the values,
Shear Force,Vu= 39.17 kN
Shear Stress,ζv= 0.106 N/mm2 which is less than 0.29N/mm2
Hence Safe
3c Checking of depth for Moment
The maximum BM developed in x-x and y-y direction at the column face.Max.BM is the moment
due to the upword force acting in the area beyond the column face line of the footing,substituting
the values,
Moment in shorter direction, Mxx
20.8333 kNm
Moment in longer direction, Myy 17.86 kNm
M= Qbd2
There for depth required= 137.60 mm
depth provided is 350 mm Hence Safe
Effective depth, d 265 mm
4 Design of Footing(Working Stress Method)
Mix grade 25
permissible Tensile stress of steel σst, 230 N/mm2
Permissible stress in concret in bending
compresion,σcbc 8.5 N/mm2
modular ratio,m=280/3σcbc 10.98
Neutral axis depth factor,k 0.29
Liver arm depth factor,j 0.90
M=Ast*σst*j*d,substituting the values for finding out Ast,
Area of steel in shorter direction, Astx 270.14 mm2
Area of steel in longer direction, Asty 282.96 mm2
The minimum %of steel required is 0.12(vide IS456 page 66 ,clause 34.5.1,and page 48,clause,,
Ast minx 294 mm2 Not for sloping
Ast miny 294 mm2 & stepped cases
Provided bar diameter in shorter span 10 mm
Provided bar diameter in longer span 10 mm
Spacing of reinforcement spanning
shorterdirection 290.59 Provide 10 mm@ 200mm c/c
Spacing of reinforcement spanning
longer direction 277.43 Provide 10 mm @ 200mm c/c

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