Archi CAD
Archi CAD
Archi CAD
engineering during the whole design process of the built environment buildings, interiors, urban areas,
etc.Development of ArchiCAD started in 1982 for the original Apple Macintosh is an
architectural BIM CAD software for Macintosh and Windows developed by
the Hungarian company Graphisoft. ArchiCAD. ArchiCAD has been recognized as the first CAD
product on a personal computer able to create both 2D and 3D geometry, as well as the first
commercial BIM product for personal computers and considered "revolutionary" for the ability to store
large amounts of information within the 3D model.
ArchiCAD comes with features Can Work with parametric objects that allows the user to work with
data-enhanced parametric objects, often called "smart objects" by users, and also allows the user to
work with either a 2D or 3D representation on the screen. This differs from the operational style of
other CAD programs created in the 1980s and with Two-dimensional drawings can be exported at any
time, even though the model in the program's database always stores data in three dimensions. Plans,
elevations, and sections are generated from the three-dimensional virtual building model and are
constantly updated if the user 'rebuilds' the view. Detail drawings are based on enlarged portions of
the model, with 2D detail added in.
AutoCAD LT is the lower cost version of AutoCAD, with reduced capabilities, first released in
November 1993. It is also a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design
(CAD) and drafting — available since 1982 as a desktop application Autodesk developed AutoCAD
LT to have an entry-level CAD package to compete in the lower price level. AutoCAD LT, priced at
$495, became the first AutoCAD product priced below $1000. It is sold directly by Autodesk and can
also be purchased at computer stores (unlike the full version of AutoCAD, which must be purchased
from official Autodesk dealers).
As of the 2011 release the AutoCAD LT MSRP has risen to $1200. While there are hundreds of
small differences between the full AutoCAD package and AutoCAD LT, there are a few recognized
major differences in the software's
AutoCAD LT features: 3D Capabilities: AutoCAD LT lacks the ability to create, visualize and render
3D models as well as 3D printing. Network Licensing: AutoCAD LT cannot be used on multiple
machines over a network. Customization: AutoCAD LT does not support customization with LISP,
ARX, and VBA. Management and automation capabilities with Sheet Set Manager and Action
Recorder and CAD standards management tools.