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Grid Solutions

Multilin 345
Intuitive Transformer Protection Protection and Control
The Multilin™ 345 is a member of the Multilin 3 Series protective relay platform and has been designed • Dual slope with unique dual breakpoint
for the protection, control and management of power transformers as primary or backup protection differential protection with Unrestrained
device. The 345 provides advanced transformer protection, control and monitoring in one economical differential
draw-out or non draw-out design. The 345 contains a full range of self-contained protection and control • Second harmonic inrush and fifth harmonic
elements as well as advanced communications, metering, monitoring and diagnostics. over-excitation inhibits
• Thermal Overload and restricted Ground Fault
Key Benefits (RGF/87G)

• Secure high-speed protection with improved energization inhibiting • Comprehensive overcurrent elements

• Field-proven algorithms and reliable protection to avoid unwanted trips or under-protection • Breaker failure and lockout functions

• Integrated transformer thermal monitoring for asset management maintenance optimization

• Ground current supervised sensitive ground fault protection for detection of ground faults down to Metering & Monitoring
5% of the winding
• Comprehensive metering
• Ease of use and flexibility with one-step setup, universal CT inputs and assignable CT inputs
• Event Recorder: 256 events (1ms time stamping)
• Flexible communications with multiple ports and protocols allowing seamless integration
• Programmable oscillography up to 32 samples
• Powerful Security and hierarchical password control for centralized management per cycle and, digital states and Fault Report
• Drawout design simplifies testing, commissioning and maintenance, thereby increasing process uptime • Relay health diagnostics and Breaker monitoring
• Application flexibility with the use of programmable logic elements • Security and password control
• Switchgear diagnostics and easy troubleshooting by trip/close circuit supervision and LED and Digital • SNTP or IRIG-B time synchronization
Output Test Mode
• Environmental monitoring system to monitor operating conditions and plan preventative maintenance
• Robust design exceeding industry standards, with Automotive Grade components and advanced
testing procedures such as accelerated life cycle testing • Front USB and rear serial, Ethernet and fiber ports

• Draw out or non draw out options available • Multiple communication protocols including
IEC 61850, IEC 61850 GOOSE, Modbus® TCP/
• Simplified migration of legacy MII Family relays to the 3 Series platform
IP, Modbus RTU, DNP 3.0, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC
• Intuitive configuration software and user-friendly logic configuration tool 60870-5-103 and OPC-UA (IEC 62541)

EnerVista™ Software
• Primary or backup protection of two winding power transformers
• Simplified setup and configuration
• Protection of reactors and autotransformers
• Strong document management system
• Protection for distribution transformers of various sizes and voltage levels
• Full featured monitoring and data recording
• Applications requiring fast and secure communications
• Maintenance and troubleshooting tool
• Harsh environments requiring protection against corrosion and humidity
• Seamless integration toolkit
• Setting conversion tool for MII Family to 3 Series
345 Transformer Protection System

Overview Easy to Use Effortless Retrofit

The 345 is a microprocessor-based system for The compact and withdrawable feature of the
Drawout & Non-Drawout Construction
primary or backup protection of two winding 345 relay minimizes mounting requirements,
power transformers. The 345 also provides The 345 is offered in both a drawout or a non- enables easy retrofit to existing cases, and
a very cost-effective differential solution for drawout construction. In the drawout case design allows multiple relays to be mounted side
distribution transformers as well as backup the 345 simplifies installation and improves site by side on a panel. The 345 also provides a
protection for primary substations. The 345 safety as the need to open switchgear doors or pluggable RS485 & IRIG-B connection for easy
offers advanced algorithms for automatic rewire the device after testing is eliminated. As
trouble shooting.
magnitude and phase compensations for communication cables remain connected to
more than twenty types of two winding the chassis, even when the relay is withdrawn, Fast & Simple Configuration
transformers, fast and secure biased differential communications status is retained.
With quick setup screens the 345 requires
protection with dual slope, and dual breakpoint minimal configuration for standard transformer
Application Flexibility & Ease of Wiring
characteristic. The 345 is equipped with protection applications. Utilizing the powerful
restricted ground fault elements to detect Available universal CT inputs along with a
EnerVista 3 Series setup software, device
ground faults down to 5% of the transformer software-configurable input range (1A and/or
configuration can be completed in one easy step.
winding, basic thermal protection and a full 5A) helps to standardize the design and reduce
set of phase, ground, neutral and negative the number of order codes. There is also no need
sequence over-current protection. The two to change the entire relay in case of a design Advanced Communications
identical groups with protection elements aim to change or future switchgear modifications.
Easy integration into new or
satisfy these applications, where an automatic
Mixed inputs of 1A or 5A are advantageous for existing infrastructure
change of the settings is required.
applications where the ground CT is different
With several Ethernet and serial port options, and
The 345 provides excellent accessibility and from the phase CTs.
a variety of protocols, the 345 provides advanced
transparency with regard to the power system and flexible communication selections for new
Removable terminals ease wiring and in-system
conditions and events, through its target and existing energy management, SCADA and
testing or troubleshooting.
messaging and the four lines of 20 characters DCS systems.
display, the Transient and Event Recorders, and
the powerful EnerVista PC program.

345 Relay Features

Advanced & Flexible

Easy to Configure- 1 Simple Step Communication Options

Non-drawout case design

Easy to Use - Drawout Case Diagnostic Alarms

Drawout case design

2 GEGridSolutions.com
345 Transformer Protection System

Enhanced Diagnostics Cost Effective Protection & Control

Preventative Maintenance Robust Design and Reduced Life Cycle Cost The 345 transformer protection system is
designed to protect and control small to medium
The 345 allows users to track relay exposure to The 345 is subjected to Accelerated Life Testing
size power transformers. Flexible and powerful,
extreme environmental conditions by monitoring (ALT) to validate accurate relay function under
the 345 provides advanced transformer
and alarming at high ambient temperatures. specified normal conditions. The device is further
protection, control and monitoring in one
This data allows proactive scheduling of regular tested for durability through Highly Accelerated
economical draw-out design. The 345 contains
maintenance work and upgrade activities. Life Testing (HALT) where it undergoes extreme
a full range of self-contained protection and
The diagnostics data enables the user to operating conditions.
control elements as detailed in the Functional
understand degradation of electronics due to
The robust 345 design along with drawout Block Diagram and in the Features table.
extreme conditions.
construction ensures long term operation and
reduces the total installation, maintenance and Percent Differential Protection (87T)
Switchgear Diagnostics
life cycle cost of the protection system, thereby
Trip/Close Circuit Monitoring provides constant The Percent Differential protection is based on a
reducing downtime and associated costs.
monitoring of the health the control circuit. proven algorithm that provides good sensitivity
Breaker Health feature provides valuable Fit-for-Purpose Options on detecting internal faults and better stability
information about the breaker like tripping, during through-fault conditions. The protection
Severals options for protection, control and
closing and the spring charging time or trip is characterized with the following key elements:
communications are provided to match basic to
counter, incomplete charging which is of big • Configurable dual slope, dual breakpoint
high end application requirements.
assistance for proactive maintenance. differential/restraint characteristic
The variety of order code selections satisfies the
• Inrush inhibiting
need for various applications from single function
Current or Voltage protection to multi-function • Overexcitation inhibits
including Power and Directional elements. • Unique Dual Slope-Dual Breakpoint
differential and Restraint characteristic

Functional Block Diagram


50P 51P 50BF 51_2 50_2 50N 51N 49

87G Calculate
Differential Currents 50/87 Harmonics
Winding 2

2nd and 5th

50G 51G

Transient Recorder

Event Recorder

Fault Report
Winding 1

50G 51G
Restraint Current

50P 51P 50BF 51_2 50_2 50N 51N


ANSI Device Numbers & Functions



49 PTTR Thermal Overload 50N ndPIOC Neutral Instantaneous 51N ndPTOC Neutral Timed Overcurrent
50/87 insPDIF Instantaneous Differential Overcurrent 51P phsPTOC Phase Timed Overcurrent
50_2 ngseqPIOC Negative Sequence 50P phsPIOC Phase Instantaneous 86 - Lockout
Instantaneous Overcurrent Overcurrent
87G rgfPDIF Restricted Ground Fault
50BF RBRF Breaker Failure 51_2 ngseqPTOC Negative Sequence Timed (RGF)
50G/ gndPIOC/ Ground/Sensitive Ground 87T pcnPDIF Percent Differential
SG hsePIOC Instantaneous Overcurrent 51G/ gndPTOC/ Ground/Sensitive Ground
SG hsePTOC Timed Overcurrent

GEGridSolutions.com 3
345 Transformer Protection System

This characteristic defines the area of percent

differential protection operation versus
no-operation, constructed through the setting
of the minimum pickup differential current ,
the settings of slope 1 and slope 2 connected
by a cubic spline curve, as well as the settings
of breakpoint 1 and breakpoint 2. The “cubic
spline” curve characteristics enables the relay to
perform accurately for restraint current in range
between the two slope breakpoints.

The maximum winding current is used as

a restraining signal for better through fault Faults close to the neutral point of a wye-connected winding do not generate adequate fault current for
stability under CT saturation conditions. differential element to pick up. Restricted Ground Fault protection provides sensitive ground fault detection
for low-magnitude fault currents.
Inrush Inhibit
The 2nd harmonic inrush inhibit function is
selectable in order to cover energization of elements use maximum phase winding currents Automation and Integration
different types of transformers, and can be set to as a restraining signal to provide stability
either per-phase, 2-out-of-3, or average mode. during through fault conditions. Configurable Logic Elements
ground current supervision is integrated into The 345 relay has sixteen Logic Elements
Overexcitation inhibit the element to add more stability during non- available for the user to build simple logic using
ground out of zone faults with CT saturation, the state of any programmed contact, virtual,
An increase in transformer voltage, or decrease
resulting in excessive neutral current, that may or remote input, or the output operand of a
in system frequency may result in transformer
be enough to cause RGF operation. protection or control element.
overexcitation condition. In some cases the
transformer overexcitation may result in
Thermal Overload (49) Use the logic element feature to assign up to
undesirable operation of the percent differential
eight triggering inputs in an “AND/OR/NOR/
element. Fifth harmonic inhibiting is integrated The 345 relay provides basic thermal protection
NAND/XOR/XNOR” gate for the logic element
into the percent differential element to cater based on winding heating and cooling
operation, and up to four blocking inputs in
such overexcitation conditions. constants. The protection monitors the winding
an “AND/OR/NOR/NAND/XOR/XNOR” gate for
loading, and is settable to produce alarm or trip,
Differential Current (Id) Slope 2 defining the block signal. Pickup and dropout
based on the selected overloading criteria.
timers are available for delaying the operation
Break Point 2 Overcurrent Elements (50P/N/G/SG/_2, and reset.
Transition Region Virtual Inputs
The 345 relay provides phase, neutral, ground
Virtual inputs allow communication devices
and negative sequence over-current functions
the ability to write digital commands to the
that are configurable with respect to either
Break 1 345 relay. These commands can include open/
Slope 1 winding currents. They can run in parallel with
close the breaker, changing setting groups, or
the main differential protection, and can be set
blocking any of the protection elements.
to provide either primary or backup transformer
Restraint Current (Ir)
protection for all types of transformer faults.
The settings for the dual-slope, dual-breakpoint
characteristic provides higher flexibility for When ordered with sensitive ground CTs, the The 345 supports IEC 61850 which allows for
shaping up the characteristic and achieve better 345 relay can be set to provide 10 times more digital communications to DCS, SCADA and
sensitivity and security. sensitivity on detection of ground fault currents higher level control systems. In addition, the 345
through the transformer winding neutrals also supports IEC 61850 GOOSE communication,
Unrestrained differential (50/87) grounded via current limiting resistor. providing a means of sharing digital point state
An unrestrained differential element is provided information between several 345 relays or other
for fast tripping on heavy internal faults to Inputs/Outputs IEC 61850 compliant IEDs.
limit further damage to the transformer and
The 345 features the following inputs and • Eliminates the need for hardwiring contact
minimize the risk to the rest of the system.
outputs for monitoring and control of typical inputs to contact outputs via communication
transformer applications: messaging.
Restricted Ground Fault (RGF/87G)
• Handles information exchange between
The Restricted Ground Fault (RGF) elements • 10 contact Inputs with programmable
devices as fast as 8 ms, depending on the
extend the protection coverage to the neutral thresholds
point of wye-connected windings where fault • 2 Form A outputs for breaker trip and close
currents may be below the pickup of the main • Enables sequence coordination with
with coil monitoring and 5 Form C output relays
transformer differential element . The RGF upstream and downstream devices.

4 GEGridSolutions.com
345 Transformer Protection System

• If a Breaker Open operation auxiliary voltage levels, while the outputs monitor IRIG-B
malfunctions,GOOSE messaging sends a the continuity of the trip and/or closing circuits,
The 345 captures current and voltage
signal to the upstream breaker to trip and by applying a small current through the circuits.
waveforms and digital channels at up to 32
clear the fault. samples per cycle (user-selectable). Multiple
Test Mode
records can be stored in the relay at any given
Metering, Monitoring and The Test Mode for 3 Series relays consists of time with a maximum length of 192 cycles
testing front panel LEDs, Inputs and Outputs. It Oscillography is triggered either by internal
Diagnostics can be used to test the SCADA system as well. signals or an external contact.
Event Recording
Advanced Device Health Diagnostics Metering
Events consist of a broad range of change of
The 345 performs comprehensive device health The 345 continuously measures and computes
state occurrences, including pickups, trips,
diagnostic tests during startup and continuously the following AC signals indicating the health of
contact operations, alarms and self test status.
at runtime to test major functions and critical the protected transformer:
The 345 relay stores up to 256 events, time hardware. These diagnostic tests monitor for
tagged to the nearest millisecond. This provides • Phase winding currents
conditions that could impact system reliability.
the information required to determine sequence Device status is communicated via SCADA • Winding ground current
of events, facilitating the diagnosis of relay communications and the front panel display. This • Winding neutral current
operation. Event types are individually maskable continuous monitoring and early detection of
• Winding negative sequence current
in order to avoid generating undesired events, possible issues helps improve system availability
and include the metered values at the moment by employing predictive maintenance. • Differential and restraint currents per-phase
of the event. • Winding ground differential current
Temperature Monitoring • Percent 2nd and 5th harmonics differential
Oscillography / Transient Fault Recorder
The 345 continually monitors ambient currents per phase
The 345 captures current waveforms and temperature around the relay and alarms when • Percent thermal capacity per-phase
digital channels at 32 samples per cycle. The the device is exposed to extreme temperatures
oscillography record captures 8 individual • Current demand
and undesirable conditions such as air-
analog channels allowing for detailed analysis. conditioning unit or station heater failures. The states of all digital inputs/outputs are
The oscillography is triggered either by internal provided through the actual values either from
The EnerVista Viewpoint maintenance tool
signals or an external contact. the summary pages or individually. This includes:
allows users to review and analyze the time
period a 345 relay is exposed to certain States of contact inputs
Trip/Close Coil Monitoring
temperature ranges. • States of virtual inputs
The 345 can be used to monitor the integrity
of both the breaker trip and closing coils and • States of remote inputs
circuits. The supervision inputs monitor both the • States of relay outputs

• States of logic elements

Logic Designer
Password Control
The password system has been designed
to facilitate a hierarchy for centralized
management. With the implementation of the
Password Security feature in the 345 relay,
extra measures have been taken to ensure
unauthorized changes are not made to the
relay. When password security is enabled,
changing of setpoints or issuing of commands
will require passwords to be entered. Separate
passwords are supported for remote and local
operators, and separate access levels support
changing of setpoints or sending commands.

Sixteen logic elements available for applications such as manual control, interlocking and
peer to peer tripping.

GEGridSolutions.com 5
345 Transformer Protection System

Advanced Communications
The 345 utilizes the most advanced
communication technologies today making it the
easiest and most flexible transformer protection
relay to use and integrate into new and existing
infrastructures. Multiple communication ports
and protocols allow control and easy access to
information from the 345.

The 345 supports the most popular industry

standard protocols enabling easy, direct
integration into electrical SCADA and HMI
systems. Modbus RTU is provided as standard
with a RS485 networking port.

The following optional protocols are available:

• IEC 61850 • Modbus TCP/IP

• IEC 61850 GOOSE • IEC 60870-5-104
• DNP 3.0 • IEC 60870-5-103
• Modbus RTU
These protocols make it easy to connect to a Utility
or Industrial automation system, eliminating the
need for external protocol converter devices.

Enervista Software
The Enervista suite is an industry leading set
of software programs that simplifies every
aspect of using the 345 relay. The Enervista
suite provides all the tools to monitor the status
of the protected asset, maintain the relay, and
integrate the information measured into DCS Trace any setting changes with security audit trail
or SCADA monitoring systems. Convenient
COMTRADE and sequence of event viewers are
an integral part of the 345 set up software and Launchpad Viewpoint Monitoring
are included to ensure proper protection and Enervista Launchpad is a powerful software Viewpoint Monitoring is a simple to use and
system operation. package that provides users with all of the set full featured monitoring and data recording
up and support tools needed for configuring and software package for small systems. Viewpoint
Simplified Transformer Setting
maintaining GE products. The setup software monitoring provides a complete HMI package
Included with every 345 Transformer Protection within Launchpad allows configuring devices with the following functionality:
System is the Multilin Simplified Transformer in real time by communicating using serial,
• Plug and play device monitoring
Setup. The Simplified Transformer Setup Ethernet or modem connections, or offline by
provides users with a quick and easy method to creating setting files to be sent to devices at a • System single line monitoring and control
setup and start the transformer and process in later time. Included in Launchpad is a document • Annunciator alarm screens
applications that require fast commissioning. archiving and management system that • Trending reports
The Simplified Transformer Setup will generate ensures critical documentation is up-to-date
• Automatic event retrieval
a complete 345 setting file based on the and available when needed. Documents made
available include: • Automatic waveform retrieval
transformer nameplate and system information
entered by the user. Once all the information is • Manuals Viewpoint Maintenance
entered, the Simplified Transformer Setup will
• Application Notes Viewpoint Maintenance provides tools that will
generate the settings file, as well as provide
• Guideform Specifications increase the security of the 345 Transformer
the documentation indicating which settings
Protection System. Viewpoint Maintenance will
were enabled, along with an explanation of • Brochures
create reports on the operating status of the
the specific parameters entered. The Simplified • Wiring Diagrams relay, and simplify the steps to troubleshoot
Transformer Setup will provide a detailed setting
• FAQs protected transformers.
file in PDF format that can be saved or printed
for future reference. • Service Bulletins

6 GEGridSolutions.com
345 Transformer Protection System

The tools available in Viewpoint Maintenance EnerVista Integrator Included in the EnerVista Integrator is:
EnerVista Integrator is a toolkit that allows • OPC/DDE Server
• Settings Security Audit Trail seamless integration of Multilin devices into new • Multilin Devices
• Device Health Report or existing automation systems.
• Automatic Event Retrieval
• Comprehensive Fault Diagnostics • Automatic Waveform Retrieval

Power System Troubleshooting

Analyze power system disturbances with transient fault recorder and event records

User Interface
Twelve LEDs (8 optional programmable LEDs)
IN SERVICE: This indicator will be on continuously lit if the relay is functioning
normally and no major self-test errors have been detected.
TROUBLE: Trouble indicator LED will be AMBER if there is a problem with the relay
or the relay is not configured.
TRIP: Indicates that the relay has tripped the transformer offline based on
predefined programmed conditions.
ALARM: Indicates that the transformer is currently operating in an alarm condition
and may proceed to a trip condition if not addressed.
MAINTENANCE: Environmental alarms such as ambient temperature alarm or coil
monitor alarms.

The display messages are organized into Main Menus, Pages, and Sub-
There are four main menus labeled Actual Values, Quick Setup,
Setpoints, and Maintenance. Pressing the MENU key followed by the
MESSAGE key scrolls through the four Main Menu Headers.

The ten button keypad allows users easy access to relay configuration,
information and control commands.

INSTALLATION OPTIONS: Draw out and non draw out options available

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345 Transformer Protection System




D1 in mm in mm
D H 7.93 201.5 7.98 202.7
W 6.62 168.2 6.23 158.2
D 9.62 244.2 9.35 237.5
W1 3.96 100.6 3.96 100.6
D1 7.89 200.4 7.88 200.2
D2 D2 1.73 43.8 1.47 37.3
D3 1.087 27.6 0.755 19.17
W H1 6.82 173.2 6.82 173.2

Mounting 5.350” ±0.010”

(131.1 mm ±0.25mm)

4.100” ±0.010”
(104.1 mm ±0.25 mm)

Φ 0.200”
(5.1 mm)

6.900” ±0.010”
(175.3 mm ±0.25 mm)

6.000” ±0.010”

C L (152.4 mm ±0.25 mm)

4.000” ±0.010”
(101.6 mm ±0.25 mm)

3 Series Depth Reducing Collar 3.000 or

1.375 (in)

8 GEGridSolutions.com
345 Transformer Protection System

Typical Wiring Diagram




E5 D5 E6 D6 E7 D7 E8 D8 E9 D9 E10 D10 E11 D11 E12 D12




345 - A1 - POWER
Transformer Protection System gnd B2

Winding 1 Breaker 52a C1 52a W1 BKR (CI #1)

52b C2 52b W1 BKR (CI #2) BUS
52a C3 52a W2 BKR (CI #3)
Winding 2 Breaker A2 + TRIP CIRCUIT
Aux Contacts 52b C4 52b W2 BKR (CI #4) TRIP

C5 INPUT 5 52a
C10 INPUT 10
Rear Panel B10
IRIG-B RS485 B11

10/100 BASE-T100 BASE-FX
- + - + 7 CRITICAL A11


GEGridSolutions.com 9
345 Transformer Protection System

Technical Specifications
Master Reset 8 to 10 alpha-numeric characters Number of 2 Number of logic 16
Password: Elements: elements:
Settings Password: 3 to 10 alpha-numeric characters for Pickup Level: 0.02 to 20.00 xCT in steps of 0.01 Trigger source inputs per 2 to 8
local or remote access 0.002 to 2.000 xCT (with sensitive CTs) element:
Control Password: 3 to 10 alpha-numeric characters for GND Supervision 0.02 to 20.00 xCT in steps of 0.01 Block inputs per element: 2 to 4
local or remote access Level: 0.002 to 2.000 xCT (with sensitive CTs) Supported operations: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR,
Dropout Level: 97 to 98% of Pickup Pickup / Dropout timers
PHASE/NEUTRAL/GROUND/NEGATIVE SEQUENCE TIMED Slope Range: 0 to 100% in steps of 1 Pickup timer: 0 to 60000 ms in steps of 1 ms
OVERCURRENT (51P/51N/51G/51_2) Pickup Delay: 0.00 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.01 Dropout timer: 0 to 60000 ms in steps of 1 ms
Pickup Level: 0.05 to 20.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT Operate Time: < 30 ms @ 0 ms time delay
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup @ I > 1 x CT Level Accuracy: per current inputs BREAKER FAILURE (50BF)
pickup - 0.02 x CT @ I < 1 x CT Pickup Level: 0.05 to 20.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT
Curve Shape: ANSI Extremely/Very/Moderately/Normally PHASE & GROUND CURRENT INPUTS Dropout Level: 97 to 98% of pickup
Inverse CT Primary: 1 to 6000 A Timer 1 Delay: 0.03 to 1.00 s in steps of 0.01 s
Definite Time (1 s base curve) Range: 0.02 to 20 × CT Timer 2 Delay: 0.00 to 1.00 s in steps of 0.01 s
IEC Curve A/B/C/Short Input type: 1 A or 5 A (must be specified with order Time Delay 0 to 1 cycle (Timer 1, Timer 2)
IAC Extremely/Very/Inverse/Short P1G1 or P5G5) Accuracy:
Curve 0.05 to 20.00 in steps of 0.01 Configurable 1 A or 5 A (must be specified Level Accuracy: per CT input
Multiplier: with order P0G0) Reset Time: <14 ms typical at 2 x pickup at 60 Hz
Reset Time: Instantaneous, Linear Nominal 50/60 Hz <16 ms typical at 2 x pickup at 50 Hz
Time Delay ±3% of expected inverse time or 1 cycle, frequency:
Accuracy: whichever is greater, from pickup to operate Burden: <0.1 VA at rated load LOCKOUT
Level Accuracy: per CT input Accuracy: ±1% of reading at 1× CT Function: Latch Trip command to Relay 1 TRIP
±3% of reading from 0.1 to 20 × CT Block Close to Relay 2 CLOSE
SENSITIVE GROUND TIMED OVERCURRENT (51SG) ±20% of reading from 0.02 to 0.19 × CT Operation Any protection element
Pickup Level: 0.005 to 3.000 x CT in steps of 0.001 x CT CT withstand: 1 second at 100 × rated current
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup @ I > 0.1 x CT 2 seconds at 40 × rated current
pickup - 0.02 x CT @ I < 0.1 x CT continuous at 3 × rated current
Curve Shape: ANSI Extremely/Very/Moderately/Normally AMBIENT TEMPERATURE
Inverse SENSITIVE GROUND CURRENT INPUT High Temperature 20°C to 80°C in steps of 1°C
Definite Time CT Primary: 1 to 600 A Pickup:
IEC Curve A/B/C/Short Range: 0.002 to 3 × CT Low Temperature -40°C to 20°C in steps of 1°C
IAC Extremely/Very/Inverse/Short Input type: 1 A or 5 A (must be specified with order Pickup:
Curve Multiplier: 0.05 to 20.00 in steps of 0.1 P1S1 or P5S5) Time Delay: 1 to 60 min in steps of 1 min
Reset Time: Instantaneous, Linear Configurable 1 A or 5 A (must be specified Temperature Configurable 90 to 98% of pickup
with order P0S0) Dropout:
Time Delay ±3% of expected inverse time or 1 cycle, Temperature ±10°C
Accuracy: whichever is greater, from pickup to operate Nominal 50/60 Hz
frequency: Accuracy:
Level Accuracy: per CT input Timing Accuracy: ±1 second
Burden: <0.1 VA at rated load
INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT (50P/50N/50G/50_2) ±3% of reading from 0.02 to 3 × CT Timer ± 3% of delay setting or ± 1 cycle (whichever is
Pickup Level 0.05 to 20.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT ±20% of reading from 0.002 to 0.019 × CT Accuracy: greater) from pickup to operate
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup I > 0.1 x CT CT withstand: 1 second at 100 × rated current
Pickup - 0.02 x CT at I < 0.1 x CT 2 seconds at 40 × rated current DEMAND
Time delay: 0.00 to 300.00 sec in steps of 0.01 continuous at 3 × rated current Measured Phase A/B/C present and maximum current
Operate Time: <30 ms @ 60Hz (I > 2.0 x PKP, No time delay) Values:
TRANSIENT RECORDER Measurement Thermal Exponential, 90% response time
<35 ms @ 50Hz (I > 2.0 x PKP, No time delay) Buffer size: 3s
Time Delay 0 to 1 cycle (time delay selected) Type: (programmed): 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes
No. of buffers: 1, 3, 6 Block Interval / 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes
Accuracy: No. of channels: 14
Level Accuracy: per CT input Rolling Demand,
Sampling rate: 4, 8, 16, or 32 samples per cycle time interval
Triggers: Manual Command (programmed):
TRANSFORMER PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION (87T) Contact Input Current Pickup 10 to 10000 in steps of 1 A
Differential/ Dual Slope, Dual Breakpoint Virtual Input Level:
Restraint Logic Element Dropout Level: 96-98% of Pickup level
Characteristic: Element Pickup/Trip/Dropout/Alarm
Minimum Pickup 0.05 to 1.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 Data: AC input channels Level Accuracy: ± 2%
Level: Contact input state
Slope 1 Range: 15 to 100% in steps of 1% Contact output state CONTACT INPUTS
Slope 2 Range: 50 to 100% in steps of 1% Virtual input state Inputs: 10
Kneepoint 1: 0.50 to 4.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 Logic element state Selectable thresholds: 17, 33, 84, 166 VDC
Kneepoint 2: 1.00 to 10.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 Data storage: RAM - battery backed-up
2nd Harmonic 1.0 to 40.0% insteps of 0.1% Recognition time: 1/2 cycle
Inhibit Level: FAULT RECORDER Tolerance: +/- 10%
2nd Harmonic Per-phase, 2-out-of-three, Average Number of records 1 Debounce time: 1 to 64 ms, selectable, in steps of 1 ms
Inhibit Mode: Content Date and Time, first cause of fault , Maximum input 300 VDC, 2 mA, connected to Class
5th Harmonic 1.0 to 40.0% insteps of 0.1% phases, Currents: Ia, Ib, Ib, Ig/Isg, In - voltage & continuous 2 source
Inhibit Level: magnitudes and angles current draw:
Dropout Level: 97 to 98% of Pickup EVENT RECORDER Type: opto-isolated inputs
Operate Time: < 20 ms (no harmonics inhibits selected) Number of events: 256 External switch: wet contact
< 30 ms (harmonics inhibits selected) Header: relay name, order code, firmware revision
Level Accuracy: per current inputs FORM-A RELAYS
Content: event number, date of event, cause of Configuration: 2 (two) electromechanical
current, ground current, sensitive ground Contact material: silver-alloy
Current: RMS current - max (Ia, Ib, Ic) Operate time: <8 ms
Pickup Accuracy: per current inputs current, neutral
current , ground differential current , Continuous current: 10 A
Timing Accuracy: ±3% of expected time, or 30 ms negative sequence Make and carry for 0.2s: 30 A per ANSI C37.90
(whichever is greater) @ I > 1.5 x PKP current , restraint current , per-phase Break (DC inductive, L/ 24 V / 1 A
differential current, R=40 ms): 48 V / 0.5 A
Pickup Level (Gnd 0.005 to 3.000 x CT in steps of 0.001 x CT per-phase differential second harmonic
current, thermal 250 V / 0.2 A
IOC): Break (DC resistive): 24 V / 10 A
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup @ I > 0.1 x CT capacity
Data Storage: RAM - battery backed up; retained for 48 V / 6 A
Pickup - 0.002 x CT @ I < 0.1 x CT 125 V / 0.5 A
Time delay: 0.00 to 300.00 sec in steps of 0.01 3 days
250 V / 0.3 A
Operate Time: <30 ms @ 60Hz (I > 2.0 x PKP, No time CLOCK Break (AC inductive): 720 VA @ 250 VAC Pilot duty A300
delay) Setup: Date and time (Daylight Savings Time) Break (AC resistive): 277 VAC / 10 A
<35 ms @ 50Hz (I > 2.0 x PKP, No time IRIG-B: Auto-detect (DC shift or Amplitude Modulated)
delay) Amplitude modulated: 1 to 10 V pk-pk FORM-A VOLTAGE MONITOR
Time Delay 0 to 1 cycle (time delay selected) DC shift: 1 to 10 V DC Applicable voltage: 20 to 250 VDC
Accuracy: Input impedance: 40 kOhm ± 10% Trickle current: 1 to 2.5 mA
Level Accuracy: per CT input Accuracy with IRIG-B: ± 1 ms
Accuracy without IRIG-B: ± 1 min / month
Pickup Level: 3.00 to 20.00xCT in steps of 0.01xCT
Dropout Level: 97 to 98% of Pickup
Operate Time: <30 ms
Level Accuracy: per current inputs

10 GEGridSolutions.com
345 Transformer Protection System

Technical Specifications
Configuration: 5 (five) electromechanical Dielectric voltage withstand The EAC Technical Regulations (TR) for Machines and
Contact material: silver-alloy (high voltage power supply*) 2200 VAC for one second Equipment apply to the Customs Union (CU) of the Russian
Operate time: <8 ms (low voltage power supply*) 550 VAC for one second Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan
Continuous 10 A * Test level is based on basic insulation principle (Power Country of origin Spain or Canada; see label on the unit
current: supply I/P terminals tested to Chassis ground). Date of manufacture See label on the side of the unit
Make and carry 30 A per ANSI C37.90 Impulse voltage EN60255-5 5KV Declaration of Available upon request
for 0.2s: withstand: Conformity and/
Break (DC 24 V / 1 A Damped IEC61000-4- 2.5KV CM, 1KV DM or Certificate of
inductive, L/R=40 48 V / 0.5 A Oscillatory: 18IEC60255-22-1 Conformity
ms): 125 V / 0.3 A Electrostatic EN61000-4-2/ Level 4
250 V / 0.2 A Discharge: IEC60255-22-2 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT
Break (DC 24 V / 10 A RF immunity: EN61000-4-3/ Level 3 Ambient operating –40°C to +60°C [-40°F to +140°F]
resistive): 48 V / 6 A IEC60255-22-3 temperature:
125 V / 0.5 A Fast Transient EN61000-4-4/ Class A and B Ambient storage / –40°C to +85°C [-40°F to +185°F]
250 V / 0.3 A Disturbance: IEC60255-22-4 shipping
Break (AC 720 VA @ 250 VAC Pilot duty A300 Surge Immunity: EN61000-4-5/ Level 3 & 4 temperature:
inductive): IEC60255-22-5 Humidity: Operating up to 95% (non condensing)
Break (AC 277 VAC / 10 A Conducted RF EN61000-4-6/ Level 3 @ 55C (As per
resistive): Immunity: IEC60255-22-6 IEC60068-2-30 Variant 2, 6days)
Power Frequency EN61000-4-7/ Class A & B Altitude: 2000m (max)
TRIP SEAL-IN Immunity: IEC60255-22-7 Pollution degree: II
Relay 1 trip seal-in: 0.00 to 9.99 s in steps of 0.01 Voltage IEC60255-11 15% ripple, 200ms Overvoltage III
Relay 2 trip seal-in: 0.00 to 9.99 s in steps of 0.01 interruptionand interrupts category:
Ripple DC: Ingress Protection: IP42 Front , IP10 back (IP20 cover is
HIGH-RANGE POWER SUPPLY Radiated & CISPR11/CISPR22/ Class A available for drawout version)
Nominal: 120 to 240 VAC Conducted: IEC60255-25 Noise: 0 dB
125 to 250 VDC Emissions
Range: 60 to 300 VAC (50 and 60 Hz) DIMENSIONS
Sinusoidal IEC60255-21-1 Class 1 Size: Refer to Dimensions section
84 to 250 VDC Vibration:
Ride-through time: 35 ms Shock & Bump: IEC60255-21-2 Class 1 WEIGHT
Nominal: 24 to 48 VDC Weight (net): 2.9 kg (6.4 lbs)
Power magnetic IEC61000-4-8 Level 5 Weight (gross): 4.0 kg (8.6 lbs)
Range: 20 to 60 VDC Immunity: DRAWOUT UNIT
Pulse Magnetic IEC61000-4-9 Level 4 Weight (net): 3.9 kg (8.6 lbs)
Voltage withstand: 2 × highest nominal voltage for 10 ms Weight (gross): 5.0 kg (11.0 lbs)
Damped Magnetic IEC61000-4-10 Level 4
Power 15 W nominal, 20 W maximum Immunity:
consumption: 20 VA nominal, 28 VA maximum Voltage Dip & IEC61000-4-11 0, 40, 70, 80% dips,
Fuse rating: 5A fuse; time lag, slow blow, 350V 4.5 O.D. interruption: 250/300 cycle
X 14.5mm interrupts
ETHERNET (COPPER) Damped IEC61000-4-12 2.5KV CM, 1KV DM
Modes: 10/100 MB (auto-detect) Oscillatory:
Connector: RJ-45 Conducted IEC61000-4-16 Level 4
Protocol: Modbus TCP, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-104, RF Immunity
IEC 61850 GOOSE, IEC 61850 0-150khz:
Voltage Ripple: IEC61000-4-17 15% ripple
ETHERNET (FIBER) Ingress Protection: IEC60529 IP40 front , IP10
Fiber type: 100 MB Multi-mode Back
Wavelength: 1300 nm Environmental IEC60068-2-1 -40C 16 hrs
Connector: MTRJ (Cold):
Transmit power: -20 dBm Environmental IEC60068-2-2 85C 16hrs
Receiver -31 dBm (Dry heat):
sensitivity: Relative Humidity IEC60068-2-30 6day variant 2
Power budget: 9 dB Cyclic:
Maximum input -11.8 dBm EFT: IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1 4KV, 2.5Khz
Typical distance: 2 km (1.25 miles) Damped IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1 2.5KV,1Mhz
Duplex: half/full
RF Immunity: IEEE/ANSI C37.90.2 35V/m (max field),
Protocol: Modbus TCP, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-104, (80MHz-1GHz
IEC 61850 GOOSE, IEC 61850 with 1KHz
SERIAL sine & 80% AM
RS485 port: Opto-coupled modulation)
Baud rates: up to 115 kbps ESD: IEEE/ANSI C37.90.3 8KV CD/ 15KV AD
Response time: 1 ms typical UL508 e83849 NKCR
Parity: None, Odd, Even Safety: UL C22.2-14 e83849 NKCR7
Protocol: Modbus RTU, DNP 3.0, IEC 60870-5-103 UL1053 e83849 NKCR
Maximum 1200 m (4000 ft) CERTIFICATION
distance: Applicable council directive according to
Isolation: 2 kV Low voltage directive 2014/35/EU
USB CE: EMC Directive EMC Directive 2014/30/EU,
Standard Compliant with USB 2.0 UL508
specification: North America: cULus, UL1053, C22.2 No 14
Connector: 115 kbps EAC: Machines and Equipment, TR CU 010/2011
ISO: Manufactured under a registered
quality program ISO9001
LLOYD’s Rules and regulations for the classifications
Register of Ships
Marine ENV2, ENV3

GEGridSolutions.com 11
Multilin 345 E ** ** ** E * N N ** * * Description
Base Unit 345 Base Unit
Language E English without programmable LEDs
L English with programmable LEDs
Phase Currents P0 1A and 5A configurable phase current inputs
P1 1A 3-phase CTs (Winding 1 - 1A, Winding 2 - 1A)
P5 5A 3-phase CTs (winding 1 - 5A, Winding 2 - 5A)
345 Ground Currents G0 1A and 5A configurable ground current input
G1 1A standard ground CTs (Winding 1 - 1A, Winding 2 - 1A)
G5 5A standard ground CTs (Winding 1 - 5A, Winding 2 - 5A)
S0 1A and 5A configurable sensitive ground current input
S1 1A sensitive ground CTs (Winding 1 - 1A, Winding 2 - 1A)
S5 5A sensitive ground CTs (Winding 1 - 5A, Winding 2 - 5A)
Power Supply L 24 - 48 Vdc
H 110 - 250 V dc/110 - 230 Vac
Faceplate E Standard faceplate (LCD, full menu, actual values and setpoints) with 10 Inputs, 7 Outputs (2 Form A, 5 Form C)
345 Current Protection S Standard: 87T, 87T-50, 51P(1), 51N(1), 51G(1), 50P(1), 50G(1), 50N(1), 49P, 46 (51_2/50_2), 86
M Advanced: 87T, 87T-50, 51P(2), 51N(2), 51G(2), 50P(2), 50G(2), 50N(2), 49P, 46 (51_2/50_2), 86, 50BF(2), 87G/RGF(2)
Communications SN Standard :Front USB, Rear RS485 : Modbus RTU, DNP3.0, IEC60870-5-103
1E Standard + Ethernet (Copper & Fiber - MTRJ) MODBUS TCP/IP, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-104
2E Standard + Ethernet (Copper & Fiber - MTRJ) MODBUS TCP/IP, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850 GOOSE
3E Standard + Ethernet (Copper & Fiber - MTRJ) MODBUS TCP/IP, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850
Case Design D Draw-out design
N Non Draw-out design
Harsh Environment N None
H Harsh Environment Conformal Coating

Ordering Notes:
1) The Language option “L” is only available with the drawout Case Design (option D)
2) Phase current option “P0” and Ground current option “G0” is only available on the non-drawout version (Case Design option “N”)
3) Ground current options “G0” / “G1” / “G5” and “S0” / “S1” / “S5” must match the corresponding “P0” / “P1” / “P5” Phase currents. The selected phase and ground CTs apply to both windings.
4) Current protection option “E” has been discontinued

Related Products / Accessories

  •  SR3 Depth reducing collar - 1.375” 18L0-0076
  •  SR3 Depth reducing collar - 3.00” 18L0-0075
  •  SR3 IP20 Kit 18L0-0080

Grid Solutions
650 Markland St.
Markham, ON
Canada L6C 0M1
Toll Free (NA Only): 1-800-547-8629
Tel: 905-927-7070
Fax: 905-927-5098

IEC is a registered trademark of Commission Electrotechnique Internationale.
ANSI is a registered trademark of American National Standards Institute, Incorporated.
IEEE is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers, Inc.
GE, the GE monogram, Multilin and EnerVista are trademarks of the General Electric Company.

GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without notice
and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.

Copyright 2016, General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. GEA-12778M(E)


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