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Feeder Protection System

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Distribution Feeder Protection

FEEDER Protection System
Intuitive and Innovative
Feeder Protection
Key Benefits
• Easy to use and cost-effective overcurrent protection and • Flexible communications with multiple ports & protocols
control for feeder applications to allow seamless integration into new and existing
• Effortless draw-out construction eliminates requirement for infrastructure
test switches and reduces downtime • Arc flash mitigation via zone inter-tripping, flex curves, and
• Environmental monitoring system to alarm on destructive multiple settings group
operating conditions and plan preventative maintenance • Powerful Security Audit Trail tool to increase security and
• Easy to use interface and set up in one simple step minimize system risks by tracking setting changes
• Accelerated Life Cycle Tested to ensure reliability of relay
operation under abnormal conditions
• Advanced power system diagnostics to increase reliability
through fault and disturbance recording capabilities

• Industrial feeders with enhanced breaker monitoring • Medium voltage Utility feeders with advanced control features
diagnostics, etc. , i.e.: Cold Load Pickup, auto-reclose, multiple settings group,

Protection and Control User Interface
• Phase, neutral and ground TOC and IOC • 4 line display for easy viewing of key data
• ANSI, IAC, IEC flex curves • 10 LED indicators for quick diagnostics
• Cable Thermal Image Protection • Front USB and rear RS485 serial communications
• Breaker Failure • Multiple Communication Protocols:
• Cold Load Pick Up IEC 61850 GOOSE,
• Four-shot auto-reclose MODBUS TCP/IP, MODBUS RTU,
• 8 digital inputs, 7 contact outputs DNP 3.0, IEC60870-5-104, IEC60870-5-103
• Two setting groups

Metering & Monitoring EnerVistaTM Software

• Event Recorder: 256 events • EnerVista Software - an industry-leading suite of software
• Oscillography with 32 samples per cycle tools that simplifies every aspect of working with GE Multilin
• IRIG-B clock synchronization devices
• Relay health diagnostics • Quick & easy configuration requiring only 14 settings for most
• Security audit trail feeder applications

g Digital Energy
350 Feeder Protection System

Overview Easy to Use Fast & Simple Configuration

The 350 requires only 14 settings for
The 350 relay is a member of the SR 3 Series
Drawout Construction configuring standard feeder protection
family of Multilin relays. This protective
applications. The entire feeder protection
device is used to perform primary circuit The 350 offers a complete drawout
setup can be completed in one easy step.
protection on medium voltage feeders. feature eliminating the need for rewiring
after testing has been concluded. The
The basic protection function of this withdrawable feature also eliminates the Advanced
relay includes multiple phase, ground, need to open the switchgear door and
Distribution Feeder Protection

and neutral time and instantaneous disconnect communication cables, eg.

overcurrent elements for coordination Ethernet fiber, copper, RJ45, etc. prior to
with upstream and downstream devices. removing the relay from the chasis Easy integration into new or
Additionally, the device provides essential existing infrastructure
feeder breaker control features such as With several ethernet and serial port
cold load pick up blocking, breaker failure, Easy to Configure options, and a variety of protocols, the
and auto-reclose. 350 provides advanced and flexible
Effortless Retrofit communication selections for new and
The robust 350 streamlines user work flow The small and compact 350 enables existing energy management, SCADA, and
processes and simplifies engineering tasks multiple relays to be mounted side by DCS systems.
such as configuration, wiring, testing, side on medium voltage panels. It also
commissioning, and maintenance. This allows easy retrofit into existing S1 and S2
cost-effective relay also offers enhanced cutouts with adapter plates.
features such as diagnostics, preventative
maintenance, arc flash mitigation and

Easy to Use and Effortless SR350 Relay

Advanced & Flexible

Easy to Configure- 1 simple step
Communication Options

Easy to Use- Draw out case Diagnostic Alarms

336 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com
350 Feeder Protection System

Enhanced Diagnostics Reduced Life Cycle Cost both linear and instantaneous reset timing
function to coordinate electromechanical
The 350 is designed to reduce total
Preventative Maintenance installation and life cycle cost for feeder
protection. The draw-out construction
The 350 allows a user to track relay exposure Instantaneous Overcurrent (Phase,
of the device reduces downtime during
to extreme environmental conditions by Ground, Neutral)
maintenance and decreases extra
monitoring and alarming at high ambient The instantaneous element provides
wiring needed for relay testing and
temperatures. This data allows user to fast clearance of high magnitude
pro actively schedule regular maintenance faults to prevent damage to the power

Distribution Feeder Protection

work and schedule upgrade activities. infrastructure and the equipment
Multiple Options
The diagnostics data enables the user to connected to it.
understand degradation of electronics due S e ve r a l o p t i o n s f o r p ro t e c t i o n
to extreme conditions. communications are provided to
Neutral Overcurrent
match basic to high end application
requirements. The ground signal is derived as the residual
Arc Flash Mitigation
sum of the three phase CTs eliminating the
The 350 relay is equipped with multiple need for an additional ground sensor.
setting groups and two user definable Protection
inverse curves - FlexCurves A and B for Sensitive Ground Overcurrent
The 350 feeder protection system offers
fast and reliable arc-flash mitigation and Sensitive ground protection feature
protection, control and monitoring in one
breaker operation. In the event of an arc- detects ground faults on high impedance
integrated, economical and compact
flash, the relay can be set to communicate grounded systems in order to limit damage
to any upstream or downstream devices to conductors and equipment, particularly
via IEC 61850 GOOSE messaging.
Timed Overcurrent (Phase, Ground, rotating machines like generators and
Neutral) motors. Special low ratio CT’s are used
Cost Effective The 350 has three-phase TOC elements for this purpose to detect low magnitude
which enables coordination with upstream ground faults using a specialized relay
and downstream protection devices such input.
Robust Design
as fuses, overload relays, etc. to maximize
The 350 is subjected to Accelerated Cable Thermal Model
fault selectivity and minimize interruptions
Life Testing (ALT) to validate accurate The cable thermal image element protects
and downtime.
relay function under specified normal feeder cables against overheating due
conditions. The device is further tested for to excessive load. It estimates the
Multiple time current curves are available
durability through Highly Accelerated Life temperature rise of current carrying
including IAC, IEC, ANSI and IEEE curves.
Testing (HALT) where it undergoes extreme conductors based on the amount of
Additional user programmable flex curves
operating conditions. The robust 350 design current flow (I2R) and alarms when
can be used to customize and meet specific
enables good long term investment. temperature rise exceeds a threshold
coordination requirements. The TOC has
value. This protection feature is essential

Protection Features

BUS ANSI Device Numbers & Functions

Number Function
50BF Breaker Failure
52 50P Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent
50N Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent
50G Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent
51P Phase Time Overcurrent
51N Neutral Time Overcurrent
51G Ground Time Overcurrent
3 CLP Cold Load Pick up
50P 50N 50BF 51P 51N CLP 49 METERING 49 Thermal Image Element
2 2 1 1 1 1 1
79 Auto-reclose

Latched Lockout available as a standard feature


350 Feeder Protection System


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350 Feeder Protection System

Logic Designer
Distribution Feeder Protection

Eight logic elements available for simple logic for applications such as manual control, interlocking, and peer to peer tripping.

to ensure the longevity of electrical reclose operations are available, each • Provides faster performance for
feeders, particularly important to prevent with a programmable dead time. For each relay-to-relay communications than
premature cable failures, expensive repair reclose shot, the relay can be programmed conventional copper signalling
costs and system down time. to block any overcurrent element.
• Enables sequence coordination with
upstream and downstream devices
Control Automation and • Enables secure and reliable applications
Integration like interlocking, distributed bay
Cold Load Pick Up tripping, breaker failure, etc.
Cold Load Pick up allows automatic or Inputs & Outputs
manual blocking or raising of trip settings
The 350 features the following inputs and
for a period after the breaker has been Logic Elements
outputs for monitoring and control of
closed. This feature adapts the pick up The 350 relay has eight Logic Elements
typical feeder applications:
of overcurrent elements to override the available for the user to build simple
higher overload currents resulting from logic using the state of any programmed
re-energization of feeder after a long • 8 contact Inputs with programmable
contact, virtual, or remote input. Changing
period of time. thresholds
the state of any of the assigned inputs
• 2 Form A output relays for breaker trip used as trigger sources changes the state
Breaker Failure and close with coil monitoring of the Logic element, unless a blocking
The Breaker Failure function is used to input is present.
• 5 Form C output relays
determine when a trip command sent to  
a breaker has not been executed within
IEC 61850 GOOSE The logic provides for assigning up to three
a selectable time delay. In the event of triggering inputs in an “OR” gate for the
IEC 61850 GOOSE messaging provides
a breaker failure, the 350 will issue an logic element operation and up to three
means for fast exchange of critical
additional signal to trip the breakers blocking inputs in an “OR” gate for defining
protection and control data across
connected to the same busbar or signal the block signal. Pickup and dropout timers
ethernet network between IEC 61850
the trip of upstream breakers. are available for delaying the logic element
compliant IEDs.
operation and reset respectively.
Reclose can be initiated externally or from • Reduces copper wiring as all devices
an overcurrent protection. Up to four are connected to common ethernet

338 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com
350 Feeder Protection System

Virtual Inputs relay operation. Each event is individually These diagnostic tests monitor for
Virtual inputs allow communication devices maskable in order to avoid the generation conditions that could impact the relay
the ability to write digital commands to of undesired events, and includes the negatively and present device status via
the 350 relay. These commands could be values of currents and status of all the SCADA communications and front panel
open/close the breaker, changing setting protection elements at the moment of the display. This continuous monitoring and
groups, or blocking protection elements. event. early detection of possible issues helps
improve system availability by employing
Oscillography / Transient Fault predictive maintenance.
Multiple Settings Group Recorder

Distribution Feeder Protection

The 350 product captures current IRIG-B
Two separate settings groups are stored in
nonvolatile memory, with only one group waveforms and digital channels at 32 IRIG-B is a standard time code format
active at a given time. Switching between samples per cycle. Multiple records can that allows time stamping of events
setting groups 1 and 2 can be done by be stored in the relay at any given time to be synchronized among connected
means of a setting, a communication with a maximum length of 192 cycles. devices within 1 millisecond. An IRIG-B
command or contact input activation. Oscillography is triggered either by internal input is provided in the 350 to allow time
signals or an external contact. synchronization using a GPS clock over a
The two settings groups allow users to store wide area. The 350 IRIG-B supports both
Trip/Close Coil Monitoring AM and DC time synchronization with
seasonal settings- such as for summer and
winter or alternate profiles such as settings The 350 can be used to monitor the integrity an auto detect feature that removes the
during maintenance operations. of both the breaker trip and closing coils requirement for manual selection.
and circuits. The supervision inputs monitor
both the battery voltage level, while the Temperature Monitoring
Monitoring & Diagnostics outputs monitor the continuity of the trip The 350 continually monitors ambient
and/or closing circuits, by applying a small temperature around the relay and
Event Recording current through the circuits. alarms when device is exposed to
Events consist of a broad range of change extreme temperatures and undesirable
Advanced Device Health conditions such as air-conditioning
of state occurrences, including pickups,
Diagnostics unit , station heater, etc. failures.
trips, contact operations, alarms and self
test status. The 350 relay stores up to The 350 performs comprehensive device
256 events time tagged to the nearest health diagnostic tests during startup and The EnerVista Viewpoint Maintenance
millisecond. This provides the information continuously at runtime to test its own tool allows users to review and analyze
required to determine sequence of major functions and critical hardware. the time period a 350 relay is exposed to
events which facilitates diagnosis of certain temperature ranges.

Power System Troubleshooting

Analyze power system disturbances with transient fault recorder and event records

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350 Feeder Protection System

Security Password Control • IEC 61850 GOOSE

Independent passwords for protection and • DNP 3.0
Security Audit Trail control allow restricting access via keypad • Modbus RTU
and display, or EnerVista Software.
The Security Audit Trail feature provides • Modbus TCP/IP
complete traceability of relay setting
• IEC 60870-5-103
changes at any given time and is NERC Advanced • IEC 60870-5-104
CIP compliant . The 350 maintains a
history of the last changes made to the
Distribution Feeder Protection

350 configuration, including modifications The 350 incorporates the latest These protocols make it easy to connect to
to settings and firmware upgrades. In communication technologies making it a Utility or Industrial automation system,
addition, the Security Audit Trail has the the easiest and the most flexible feeder eliminating the need for external protocol
ability to record the last ten (10) commands protection relay for use and integration into converter devices.
sent to the relay through communications new and existing infrastructures. The 350
or via the relay front panel. Security Setting relay provides the user with one front USB
Reports include the following information: and one rear RS485 communication port. EnerVistaTM Software
It also offers the option of an additional The EnerVista TM suite is an industry
• If Password was required to change rear communication port with Ethernet leading set of software programs that
settings Fiber and Copper. Through the use of these simplifies every aspect of using the 350
ports, continuous monitoring and control relay. The EnerVista suite provides all the
• MAC address of user making setting
from a remote computer, SCADA system or tools to monitor the status of the protected
PLC is possible. asset, maintain the relay, and integrate
• Listing of modified changes
  the information measured into DCS or
• Method of setting changes - Keypad, The 350 supports popular industry SCADA monitoring systems. Convenient
Front serial port, Ethernet, etc. standard protocols enabling easy, direct COMTRADE and sequence of event
• Last ten (10) commands given to the integration into electrical SCADA and HMI viewers are an integral part of the 350
350 device. systems.  The protocols supported by the setup software and are included to ensure
350 include: proper protection and system operation.

Simplified Feeder Setup

The 350 Feeder Protection System
includes a simplified setup process. This
simplified feeder setup consists of only
14 settings and can be accessed through
the relay front panel or via the EnerVista
Setup software. Once the information is
entered, the simplified setup will generate
a settings file, provide documentation
indicating which settings are enabled,
and an explanation of the parameters

The complete feeder setup is saved in a

separate PDF setting file document that is

EnerVista Launchpad
EnerVista Launchpad is a powerful
software package that provides users with
all of the setup and support tools needed
for configuring and maintaining GE Multilin
products. The setup software within

Trace any setting changes with security audit trail

340 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com
350 Feeder Protection System

Launchpad allows configuring devices in Viewpoint Monitoring Display

real time by communicating using serial, Viewpoint Monitoring is a simple to use
Ethernet or modern connections, or offline A 4 line liquid crystal display (LCD) allows
and full featured monitoring and data
by creating setting files to be sent to visibility under varied lighting conditions.
recording software package for small
devices at a later time. When the keypad and display are not being
systems. Viewpoint Monitoring provides a used, system information is displayed by
complete HMI package with the following
Included in Launchpad is a document scrolling through a maximum of 30 user-
archiving and management system defined default messages. These default
that ensures critical documentation is messages appear only after a user-defined

Distribution Feeder Protection

• Plug and play device monitoring period of inactivity. The metering summary
up-to-date and available when needed.
Documents made available include: • System single line monitoring and page is displayed to show original metered
control values.

• Manuals • Annunciator alarm screens

• Application Notes • Trending reports LEDs

• Guideform Specifications • Automatic event retrieval The front panel indicators are arranged in
• Brochures • Automatic waveform retrieval two groups. The STATUS group indicates
the state of the relay; The STATUS group
• Wiring Diagrams
also indicates the state of the breaker
• FAQs and the system, from a maintenance
• Service Bulletins standpoint.  The color of each indicator
conveys its importance.

Feeder protection settings in one easy step

Fast and accurate configuration in one simple screen. SR 3 Series setup software protection summary for viewing a
summary of Protection & Control configuration.

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350 Feeder Protection System

Typical Wiring Diagram



Distribution Feeder Protection

E5 D5 E6 D6 E7 D7 E8 D8 B1 A1 B2
+ - chassis

Digital Energy
Breaker Aux Contacts
Multilin A2 +
C1 52a (C1 #1) 0 1 TRIP B3
C2 52b (C1 #2) SR350 V A3
C3 INPUT 3 B4 +

10/100 BASE-T 100 BASE-FX
- + - +

Mounting 5.350” ±0.010”

(131.1 mm ±0.25mm)

4.100” ±0.010”
(104.1 mm ±0.25 mm)

Φ 0.200”
(5.1 mm)

6.900” ±0.010”
(175.3 mm ±0.25 mm)

6.000” ±0.010”

CL 4.000” ±0.010”
(152.4 mm ±0.25 mm)

(101.6 mm ±0.25 mm)

342 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com
350 Feeder Protection System

User Interface
These indicators are continuously on if corresponding
group provides settings for protection elements.

Indicator flashes when relay detects a trip condition.
Operates the Trip Relay to open the breaker.

While relay detects an alarm condition, indicator

Distribution Feeder Protection


Indicator lights steady when any protection feature
pickup threshold exceeded.

4 line text for easy viewing of key data

10 LED indicators for quick diagnostics

Ten button keypad for access to device interrogation
and change of settings.

Electrically isolated front USB communication port


7.93” 100.6mm

1.73” 7.89”
43.8mm 200.4mm


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350 Feeder Protection System

Technical Specifications


(51P/51N/51G) No. of Buffers: 1x192, 3x64, 6x32 Operation: Asserted Contact Input, Virtual Input,
Pickup Level: 0.04 to 20 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT No. of Channels: 14 or Remote Input
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup at I > 1 x CT Sampling Rate: 32 samples per cycle Function: Opens and/or closes the feeder
Pickup -0.02 x CT at I < 1 x CT Triggers: Manual Command breaker
Curve Shape: ANSI Extremely/Very/Moderately/ Contact Input
Normally Inverse Virtual Input Auto-reclose
Definite Time (0.05 s base curve) Logic Element Reclose attempts: Up to 4 shots
IEC Curve A/B/C and Short Element Pickup/Trip/Dropout Time delay 0 to 1 cycle (AR Dead Time selected)
Data: AC input channels
Distribution Feeder Protection

IAC Extreme/Very/Inverse/Short accuracy:

User Curve Contact input state Elements: Inputs, Outputs, Breaker Status (52
FlexCurve™ A/B (programmable Contact output state status)
curves) Virtual input state
Curve Multiplier: 0.5 to 20.0 in steps of 0.1 Logic element state
Reset Time: Instantaneous, Linear BREAKER FAILURE
Time Delay ±3% of expected inverse time or 1 Pickup Level: 0.05 to 20.00 x CT in steps of 0.01
Event Recorder Dropout Level: 97 to 98% of pickup
Accuracy: cycle, whichever is greater Capacity: 256
Level Accuracy: per CT input Time Delay 0 to 1 cycle (Timer 1, Timer 2)
Header: relay name, order code, firmware Accuracy:
revision Level Accuracy: per CT input
SENSITIVE GROUND TIME OVERCURRENT (51SG) Content: event number, date of event, cause
Pickup Level: 0.005 to 3 x CT in steps of 0.001 x T of event, per-phase
current , ground current , sensitive BREAKER TRIP COUNTER
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup at I > 0.1 x CT
ground current, neutral Trip Counter Limit 1 to 10000 in steps of 1
Curve Shape: ANSI Extremely/Very/Moderately/ current, system frequency (Pickup)
Normally Inverse
DefiniteTime Clock
IEC Curve A/B/C and Short Inverse Setup: Date and time (Daylight Savings COLD LOAD PICKUP BLOCKING
IAC Extreme/Very/Inverse/Short User Time) Operation: Automatically, or by command
Curve (asserted contact input)
User Curve, FlexCurve™ A/B IRIG-B: Auto-detect (DC shift or Amplitude
Modulated) Function: Block IOC for selected period of time,
Curve Multiplier: 0.5 to 20.0 in steps of 0.1 Amplitude modulated: 1 to 10 V raise TOC pickup for selected period
Reset Time: Instantaneous, Linear pk-pk of time
Operate Time: <30 ms @ 60Hz (I > 1.5 x PKP, Definite DC shift: TTL Time Delay 0 to 1 cycle (Block Time)
Time, TDM = 0.05) Input impedance: 40kOhm ± 10% Accuracy: <200 ms (Outage Time)
<35 ms @ 50Hz (I > 1.5 x PKP, Definite RTC Accuracy: ± 1 min / month
Time, TDM = 0.05)
Time Delay ±3% of expected inverse time or 1 Contact INPUTS
Accuracy: cycle, whichever is greater LOGIC ELEMENTS Inputs: 8
Level Accuracy: per CT input Number of logic 8 Selectable 17, 33, 84, 166 VDC
elements: thresholds:
Trigger source 3 Recognition time: 1/2 cycle
inputs per Continuous 2 mA
OVERCURRENT (50P/50N/50G) Block inputs per 3 Debounce time: 1 to 64 ms, selectable, in steps of 1
Pickup Level: 0.05 to 20 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT element: ms
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup at I > 1 x CT Supported AND, OR, NOT, Pickup / Dropout Type: opto-isolated inputs
Pickup: -0.02 x CT at I < 1 x CT operations: timers External switch: wet contact
Time Delay: 0.00 to 300.00 sec in steps of 0.01 Pickup timer: 0 to 6000 ms in steps of 1 ms Maximum input 300 VDC
Operate Time: <30 ms @ 60Hz (I > 2 x PKP, No time Dropout timer: 0 to 6000 ms in steps of 1 ms voltage:
<35 ms @ 50Hz (I > 2 x PKP, No time
Time Delay 0 to 1 cycle (Time Delay selected) CT Primary: 1 to 6000 A
Accuracy: Range: 0.02 to 20 × CT
Level Accuracy: per CT input Input type: 1 A or 5 A (must be specified with
Nominal 50/60 Hz
(50SG) Accuracy: ±1% of reading at 1× CT
Pickup Level 0.005 to 3 x CT in steps of 0.001 x CT ±3% of reading from 0.1 to 20 × CT
Dropout Level: 97 to 99% of Pickup I > 0.1 x CT Pickup ±20% of reading from 0.02 to 0.09
-0.02 x CT at I < 0.1 x CT × CT
Time delay: 0.00 to 300.00 sec in steps of 0.01 CT withstand: 1 second at 100 × rated current
Operate Time: <30 ms @ 60Hz (I > 2.0 x PKP, No time 2 seconds at 40 × rated current
delay) continuous at 3 × rated current
<35 ms @ 50Hz (I > 2.0 x PKP, No time
Time Delay 0 to 1 cycle (time delay selected)
Level Accuracy: per CT input

344 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com
350 Feeder Protection System


CT Primary: 1 to 600 A Relay 1 trip seal-in: 0.00 to 9.99 s in steps of 0.01 Relative Humidity IEC 60068-2-30: 55°C at 95% RH
Range: 0.002 to 3 × CT Relay 2 close 0.00 to 9.99 s in steps of 0.01 Cyclic:
Input type: 1 A or 5 A (must be specified with seal-in: Hot: IEC 60068-2-2 (Hot Start) 16 hours
order) / +85°
Nominal 50/60 Hz Cold: IEC 60068-2-1 (Cold Start) 16 hours
frequency: / -40°C
Accuracy: ±1% of reading at 1× CT HIGH-RANGE POWER SUPPLY Dielectric Strength: IEC 60255-5: 2300 VAC
±3% of reading from 0.01 to 3 × CT Nominal: 120 to 240 VAC Insulation IEC 60255-5: >100 MΩ / 500 VDC /
±20% of reading from 0.002 to 0.009 Resistance: 10 s

Distribution Feeder Protection

125 to 250 VDC
× CT Range: 60 to 300 VAC (50 and 60 Hz) Impulse Voltage: IEC 60255-5: 5 kV/0.5J
CT withstand: 1 second at 100 × rated current 84 to 250 VDC Sinusoidal IEC 60255-21-1: 2 g, Class 2
2 seconds at 40 × rated current Ride-through time: 35 ms Vibration:
continuous at 3 × rated current Shock and Bump: IEC 60255-21-2: 5 g /10 g / 20 g / 30
g, Class 2
Frequency: Accuracy: ±0.05 Hz Seismic: IEC 60255-21-3: 2 g
Resolution: 0.01 Hz LOW-RANGE POWER SUPPLY
Range: 40.00 to 70.00 Hz Nominal: 24 to 48 VDC Damped Oscillatory IEC 60255-22-1: 1 MHz 2.5 kV / 1 kV
Range: 20 to 60 VDC Burst:
Electrostatic IEC 60255-22-2: ±8 kV / ±6 kV
Configuration: 2 (two) electromechanical Immunity - Air and
Contact material: silver-alloy Voltage withstand: 2 × highest nominal voltage for 10
Operate time: <8 ms Radiated RF IEC 60255-22-3: 10 V/m 80 MHz to 1
ms Immunity: GHz / 1.4 to 2.7 GHz)
Continuous 10 A Power 15 W nominal, 20 W maximum
current: E l e c t r i c a l Fa s t IEC 60255-22-4: ±4 kV
consumption: 20 VA nominal, 28 VA maximum Transient / Burst
Make and carry 30 A per ANSI C37.90
for 0.2s: Immunity:
Break (DC 24 V / 1 A SERIAL Surge Immunity: IEC 60255-22-5: ±2 kV / 1 kV
inductive, L/R=40 48 V / 0.5 A RS485 port: Opto-coupled
ms): 125 V / 0.3 A Baud rates: up to 115 kbps Conducted RF IEC 60255-22-6: 150 kHz to 80 MHz
250 V / 0.2 A Response time: 1 ms typical Immunity: 10 V/m
Break (DC 24 V / 10 A Parity: None, Odd, Even Radiated RF IEC 60255-25: EN55022 Class A
resistive): 48 V / 6 A Maximum 1200 m (4000 ft) Emission:
125 V / 0.5 A distance: Conducted RF IEC 60255-25: EN55022 Class A
250 V / 0.3 A Isolation: 2 kV Emission:
Break (AC 720 VA @ 250 VAC Pilot duty A300 Protocol: Modbus RTU, DNP 3.0, Ingress of Solid IEC 60529: IP40 (front), IP10 (back)
inductive): IEC 60870-5-103 Objects and Water:
Break (AC 277 VAC / 10 A Power Frequency IEC 61000-4-8: 30 A/m,
resistive): Magnetic Field
Modes: 10/100 MB (auto-detect) 1000 A/m, Class 5 IEC 61000-4-9: 1000 A/m
Applicable voltage: 20 to 250 VDC Protocol: Modbus TCP/IP, DNP 3.0, Pulse Magnetic IEC 61000-4-9: 1000 A/m
Trickle current: 1 to 2.5 mA IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850 GOOSE Field Immunity:
Voltage Dip; Voltage IEC 61000-4-11: 0%, 40%, 100%
FORM-C RELAYS Fa s t Tr a n s i e n t IEEE C37.90.1: ±4 kV
Fiber type: 100 MB Multi-mode SWC:
Configuration: 5 (five) electromechanical Wavelength: 1300 nm
Contact material: silver-alloy Oscillatory IEEE C37.90.1: ±2.5 kV
Connector: MTRJ Transient SWC:
Operate time: <8 ms Transmit power: -20 dBm
Continuous 10 A Electrostatic IEEE C37.90.3: ±8 kV / ±6 kV
Receiver -31 dBm Discharge - Air and
current: sensitivity:
Make and carry 30 A per ANSI C37.90 Direct:
Power budget: 9 dB
for 0.2s: Maximum input -11.8 dBm
Break (DC 24 V / 1 A power: DIMENSIONS
inductive, L/R=40 48 V / 0.5 A Typical distance: 2 km (1.25 miles)
ms): 125 V / 0.3 A Size: Refer to Dimensions Section
Duplex: half/full Weight: 4.1 kg [9.0 lb]
250 V / 0.2 A Protocol: Modbus TCP/IP, DNP 3.0, IEC 60870-
Break (DC 24 V / 10 A 5-104, IEC 61850 GOOSE
resistive): 48 V / 6 A OPERATING ENVIRONMENT
125 V / 0.5 A Ambient operating –40°C to +60°C [-40°F to +140°F]
250 V / 0.3 A temperature -40°C
Break (AC 720 VA @ 250 VAC Pilot duty A300 USB
Standard Compliant with USB 2.0 to +60°C [-40°F to
inductive): +140°F]
Break (AC 277 VAC / 10 A specification:
Connector: 115 kbps Ambient storage / –40°C to +85°C [-40°F to +185°F]
resistive): shipping
temperature: -40°C to +85°C [-40°F to +185°F]
Humidity: up to 90% non-condensing
Pollution degree: 2
Installation Class I
Overvoltage Class III

ISO: Manufactured under an ISO9001
registered program
CE: Conforms to EN61000-6-2 / EN60255-
26 / EN60235-27 / EN61010-1 /
cULus: Conforms to UL 508 / UL 1053 and
C22.2.14-05 (CSA)
UL: UL listed for USA and Canada,

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350 Feeder Protection System


350 E * * * S * * N ** D * Description
Phase Currents P1 1A three phase current inputs
P5 5A three phase current inputs
Ground Currents G1 1A ground current input
G5 5A ground current input
Distribution Feeder Protection

S1 1A sensitive ground current input

S5 5A sensitive ground current input
Power Supply L 24 - 48 Vdc
H 110 - 250 Vdc/110 - 230 Vac
Current Protection S Standard Overcurrent Protection - 50P(1), 50G(1), 50N(1), 51P(1), 51G(1), 51N(1)
E Extended Overcurrent Protection - 49, 50P(2), 50G(2), 50N(2), 51P(1), 51G(1), 51N(1)
Control N No Selection
C CLP, 50BF, Auto-reclose (79)
Communications SN Standard :Front USB, Rear RS485 : Modbus RTU, DNP3.0, IEC60870-5-103
1E Standard + Ethernet (Copper & Fiber - MTRJ) MODBUS TCP/IP, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-104
2E Standard + Ethernet (Copper & Fiber - MTRJ) MODBUS TCP/IP, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850 GOOSE
Harsh Environment N None
H Harsh Environmental Conformal coating

Note: The ground input CT rating must match the phase input CT rating

Accessories for the 350 Visit www.GEMultilin.com/350 to:

  •  Download the instruction manual
  •  Multilink Ethernet Switch ML2400-F-HI-HI-A2-A2-A6-G1
  •  Review applications notes and support documents
  •  Viewpoint Maintenance VPM-1
  •  Buy a 350 online
  •  Viewpoint Monitoring IEC 61850 VP-1-61850
  •  View the 350 brochure

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