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Minimizing The Eighth Waste of Lean-Absenteeism Through Six Sigma Methodology

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International Journal for Quality research

UDK - 677:658.562(540)
Short Scientific Paper (1.03)



C.S.Chethan Kumar1) Abstract: The garment industries are labour intensive and are subjected to
NVR Naidu1) pollution in terms of dust and dyes. This is causing allergy and other huge amount
health related issues. As employees are focused on stitching operations they tend
1) to get injured when there is a lapse in attention. In India, garment industries are
M S Ramaiah Institute of
generally dominated by female workforce. There is a disparity in the male to
Technology, India,
female ratio. Most of the managers and supervisors are male and there is an
increasing case of harassment towards the female workforce. Added to these
conditions, the labour laws are no strict to protect the employees in terms of
working conditions, job security and proper salaries. As a result there is an
increase in employee absenteeism which is hurting the overall company growth
and resulting in targets not being met. This research work is implemented in
Apple garment industry located in South India.Absenteeism in garment industry is
rampant and reaching alarming proportions. According to industry reports, if
absenteeism is more than 10% , then the assembly line will be affected in terms of
productivity.The majority of the garment industries in India are facing
productivity problems due to employee absenteeism. The results after
implementing the lean sixsigma methodology in Apple garments is positive and a
trend setter for other garment industries to follow. The existing absenteeism of
11.05% is a true reflection of the state of affairs in the garment sector. This
research work has shown that absenteeism can be really controlled with the
involvement of management.
Keywords: Kaizen, Lean, Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement & Employees
Participation, Absenteeism, garment

1. INTRODUCTION · Problem Statement: Absenteeism in garment

industry is rampant and reaching alarming
· Research Case : The garment industries are proportions[2]. According to industry reports,
labour intensive and are subjected to if absenteeism is more than 10% , then the
pollution in terms of dust and dyes. This is assembly line will be affected in terms of
causing allergy and other huge amount health productivity.
related issues. As employees are focused on · Goal Statement
stitching operations they tend to get injured To reduce % absenteeism to Minimum [1].
when there is a lapse in attention. In India, · Team Size: Two
garment industries are generally dominated by · CTQ (Critical to Quality Characteristic): %
female workforce. There is a disparity in the absenteeism of employees.
male to female ratio. Most of the managers
and supervisors are male and there is an
increasing case of harassment towards the 2. MEASURE PHASE
female workforce [6].
Added to these conditions, the labour laws are In this phase, after discussions with the managers
no strict to protect the employees in terms of and supervisors the following data is collected with the
working conditions, job security and proper help of team members which is indicated in table 1.1
salaries. As a result there is an increase in .The variables in terms of Total working days, Total
employee absenteeism which is hurting the number of staff, total available days and absenteeism is
overall company growth and resulting in recorded.
targets not being met. The labour productivity The percentage absenteeism and the defects per
can be enhanced by adopting the incentive opportunities (dpo) are calculated which is indicated in
plans for better prospects of industries [5]. Table 1.1
This research work is implemented in Apple
garment industry located in Madurai

Vol.6, No. 2, 2012 113

Table.1.1: Dpo and percentage absenteeism Table.1.2: Department - wise absenteeism
Period 3 Months Department Absenteeism % Absenteeism
Total Working Days 60 Cutting 145 7.68%
Total No. of Staffs 285 Fabric 13 0.69%
Total Available Days 17100 Finishing 301 15.93%
Absenteeism 1890 House keeping 23 1.22%
% Absenteeism 11.05% Maintenance 25 1.32%
dpo 0.1105 Sample 64 3.39%
sigma 2.7 Stitching 1318 69.77%
Grand Total 1889 100%

3. ANALYZE PHASE Figure.1.1 Pareto Chart shows that stitching and

finishing departments are major contributors for
The past data on absenteeism, department wise & absenteeism
designation wise is collected and analyzed as given in Through brainstorming sessions with the shop
table 1.2. supervisors, all potential causes were identified [3,4].
The identified causes are given in figure 1.2.


1500 80





0 0
Department ng g ng e ce g er
hi in tti pl in th
ish m an ep
titc in Cu Sa en ke
S F nt
ai us
Count 1318 301 145 64 25 23 13
Percent 69.8 15.9 7.7 3.4 1.3 1.2 0.7
Cum % 69.8 85.7 93.4 96.8 98.1 99.3 100.0

Figure.1.1: Pareto Chart for major contributors in terms of absenteeism in various department

Figure.1.2: Cause and Effect Diagram-Absenteeism

114 C.S.C. Kumar, N.V.R. Naidu

Inside the stitching department, the designation wise absenteeism analysis is given in Table 1.3

Table 1.3: Absenteeism in stitching department

Sl. No DESIGNATION Absenteeism % Absenteeism
1 checker 52 3.95%
2 helper 312 23.67%
3 ironer 36 2.73%
4 trimmer 8 0.61%
5 writer 14 1.06%
6 operator - a 464 35.20%
7 operator - a+ 2 0.15%
8 operator - b 207 15.71%
9 operator - b+ 177 13.43%
10 operator - c 41 3.11%
11 others 5 0.38%
Grand Total 1318 100.00%

Figure.1.3: Pareto chart for designation

In stitching department, as indicated in figure 1.3 operators in stitching department is discussed with the
:Pareto diagram show that Operator A, Helper, Operator employees and supervisors and the cause and effect
B & Operator B+ are major absenteeism [7,8]. diagram is drawn as shown in figure 1.4.
The reasons for absenteeism amongst the

Figure.1.4: Cause and Effect Diagram- Stitching

Vol.6, No. 2, 2012 115

The Absenteeism in finishing department is identified and the analysis results are given in Table .1.4

Table .1.4: Absenteeism in Finishing Department

Sl. No DESIGNATION Absenteeism % Absenteeism
1 Checker 77 25.58%
2 Final checker 42 13.95%
3 Helper 25 8.31%
Sl. No DESIGNATION Absenteeism % Absenteeism
4 Ironer 12 3.99%
5 K/b operator 44 14.62%
6 Marking 14 4.65%
7 Packer 71 23.59%
8 Snap operator 6 1.99%
9 Writter 10 3.32%
10 Grand total 292 100.00%

Pareto Chart of DESIGNATION_1

300 100

250 80



50 20

0 0
Count 77 71 44 42 25 14 12 10 6 0
Percent 25.6 23.6 14.6 14.0 8.3 4.7 4.0 3.3 2.0 0.0
Cum % 25.6 49.2 63.8 77.7 86.0 90.7 94.7 98.0 100.0100.0

Figure.1.5: Pareto for finishing department

In the Finishing department, that Checker, operators in Finishing department [9,10] is discussed
packer, K/B Operator, Final Operator & Helper are with the employees and supervisors and the cause
major absenteeism as indicated in Figure 1.5. and effect diagram is drawn as shown in Figure 1.6.
The reasons for absenteeism amongst the

Figure 1.6: Cause and Effect diagram-Finishing department

116 C.S.C. Kumar, N.V.R. Naidu

Table 1.5: Major Contributors in departments
Sl. No Department Designation
Stitching Operator - A
Operator - B
Operator - B+
Finishing CHECKER

4. IMPROVE PHASE Table 1.7: Reduced absenteeism

Period 1 Months
Through discussions with the managers, Total Working Days 30
supervisors and the employees, the following actions are
Total No. of Staffs 285
identified for each cause. The action plans need not be
individual or specific in nature rather should be Total Available Days 8550
considered to the whole company [11,12]. Absenteeism 496
% Absenteeism 5.80%
Table.1.6: Remedial action for improvement
Dpo 0.0580
Depart. Design. Actions
Sigma 3.07
Stitching operator - a Training on machine,
protective 5. CONTROL PHASE
Gloves to be used
To reduce the employee absenteeism the following
helper Protective gloves, masks control plan is necessary and should be monitored
should be used closely by the management [15,16].
operator - b Improving the working Control Plan:
conditions, · Labour laws should be implemented in letter
Transportation facilities and spirit
· Working conditions should drastically
operator - b+ Improving the working improve.
conditions, Implementing · Medical help should be provided within the
labour laws plant itself.
Finishing checker Increase in salary · Pick and drop facilities should be provided for
all garment employees.
packer Salaries on time · Incentives should be given by the
management for star performers.
k/b operator Training on motivation
· Harassment should be brought the notice of
final checker Incentives to the the police.
operators who
exceedingly do well
helper Medical help
The majority of the garment industries in India are
Implementation: The author conducted facing productivity problems due to employee
brainstorming sessions with the managers, supervisors absenteeism. The results after implementing the lean six
and the employees. New policies, procedures and sigma methodology in Apple garments is positive and a
incentives are implemented [13,14]. trend setter for other garment industries to follow. The
After implementing the some of the action plans, existing absenteeism of 11.05% is a true reflection of
the following data is recorded which is indicated in the state of affairs in the garment sector. This research
Table.1.7 work has shown that absenteeism can be really
controlled with the involvement of management.

Vol.6, No. 2, 2012 117


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Received: 30.11.2011 Accepted: 17.03.2011 Open for discussion: 1 Year

118 Sri N. Chandra Shekhar, K. Narayana Rao, K. Venkata Subbaiah

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