Total Quality Management (TQM) in Higher Education and Relevance of Accreditation
Total Quality Management (TQM) in Higher Education and Relevance of Accreditation
Total Quality Management (TQM) in Higher Education and Relevance of Accreditation
QM is applied to business and nationalization should not be seen sor course and has the unmistakable
industry; but it has been re- as an end in itself, but as a means of right to expect certain things for his/
cently introduced and experi- quality enhancement. Quality is the her money : Relevant course con-
mented in higher education. Many ability of the institution to fulfill its tent, fairness, access, expertise and
universities and colleges apply To- task and to achieve its goals. Hence,
a reasonable learning situation
tal Quality Management as a tool to I satisfy the customers we have to
(Sytsma 1996). The student both the
enhance the quality of higher educa- be quality conscious.
tion. The concept of quality is ac- customer and co-producer since
Total Quality Management in
cepted by everyone and TQM litera- learning is the joint effort of the
higher education means improving
ture in higher education is available professor and the student. Both the
the quality of courses, input instruc-
in plenty. The student is considered professor and the student jointly
tional process, resource management
as a customer since quality mean produce a product — learning.
processes and structures as well as
“conformance to requirements” of Broadly speaking it is the combine
the customer. In a world of ever in- student support service output and
effort of students, parents, alumni,
creasing competition, privatization linkages with world of work and other
community and faculty. The
and internationalization of education, organizations(Tulsi, 2001). Since it is
customer is not the students alone,
many educational institutions in holistic approach the support and co-
but all stake-holders. The terms cus-
India and abroad apply TQM prin- operation of faculty and staff
tomers, public goods, non-merit
ciples in education. The Round Table members are needed for quality
goods, in the context of education
on Internationalization of Higher improvement. Participatory team
Education (2002) recommends an and not acceptable to a civilized
work of all in an institution occupies
open door policy for education, aca- class when it denotes to a commercial
a critical place in the practice of
demic restructure, cafeteria – type conditioning of pay and use concern
TQM. Total quality is total in three
approach (choice of subjects and since education is regarded as chari-
senses —
courses by the customer) and inter- table. But the other practical ques-
nationalization of curriculum. All this 1. Customer focus tion is whether every stake-holder in-
highlights the need for TQM in 2. Involvement of staff members cluding the student has a right to de-
higher education. Internationaliza- 3. Continuous Quality Improve- mand quality or excellence in educa-
tion of higher education has become ment (CQI). tion. Since education institution is by
a fact, just like Globalization. Inter- definition charitable, it is the duty of
The customer determines the
quality. The student is a customer the Government or other funding
Shree Sankara College, Kalady since the student is buying Profes- agencies (as western countries) to
see that it is heavily subsidized with proaches for TQM in University and (Performance improvement re-
regard to cost and it is equally Colleges are summarized as follows porting system).
strongly the duty of the stake-holders (Tulsi,2001) Depending upon type level and
to see that the quality is ensured, 1. Identifying customer needs nature of education institutions ap-
‘whoever may be the cost bearing 2. Specific quality standards propriate models may be adopted.
group. There in lies the positive But the quality systems adopted and
3. Bench marking
aspect of certification and all procedures must be in pucca
accreditation. Commercializing and 4. Identifying gaps in the existing
documented form. It will help further
marketing a quite alien to progressive system.
tuning up of the system and refine-
organizations and right thinking 5. Planning for improvement ment of methodology. The need for
groups and hence bete noire to 6. Implementation of improvement quality in higher education in the
charitable concept, but not plans present context of globalization and
excellence. The stake-holders in- 7. Monitoring and evaluation cross border mobility of students as-
clude both internal customers and sume much significance. Quality ac-
8. Modification of plans.
external customers. ceptable to all stake-holders (inter-
The formation of Quality Circles
Internal External nal and external), an over-enthusias-
is a prime step in TQM. The heart of
Customers Customers quality management is improvement tic, and not an adumbrating ap-
1. Students 1. Community proach, is to be developed when re-
in teaching-learning process. Volun-
2. Faculty 2. Employers form measures place so much stress
tary effort of all staff and faculty from
“top to down “and from “bottom to on Government withdrawing its in-
3. Administrators 3. Universities
tervention in vital service sectors like
4. Administrative staff 4. Accrediting up” levels are needed for TQM.
education. It is an increasingly sad
Agencies Improvement in TQM is to be in all
service areas viz.Library. Academic, spectacle that education is being
5. Board of Directors. 5. Alumni multinationalised in the name of
Administrative and Finance. The
6. Donor globalization. Quality in teaching -
following processes are suggested
All parties in the institution are in the colleges and universities in learning process intricate threads
customers. But the internal customer that weave the fabric of education.
Kerala for quality up gradation, to
play a crucial role in the policies of Multinational (internationalization is
begin with :
the organization. The external cus- a misnomer) education poses a great
1. Performance of teachers to be
tomers have the freedom to choose threat to marginalized units in the
appraised by students
their customers on the basis of qual- playground of higher education.
2. Class P. T. A meetings
ity. The TQM programmes of the Internationalization of higher
following institution were taken for 3. Department meetings educations stresses the need for
analysis to prepare broad guidelines 4. Time Table which includes quality management and to enhance
for quality management in an educa- teaching hours, seminars, exam the quality of higher education. Ar-
tional institution (Tulsi 2001) : etc. ticles XVII of GATS agreement which
1. IIM, Calcutta 5. Student Faculty Forums (Qual- come under WTO treaty relates to all
ity Circle) measures that modify the “conditions
2. Nagpur University and College
of Engineering 6. Faculty Administrative Forums of competition” to the detriment of
foreign suppliers of like services.
3. Anna University, Chennai 7. Class-room feedback services,
This clause forces us to treat domes-
4. Virgina Common Wealth Univer- viz. exam, quizzes, seminars, etc.
tic supplier of services and foreign
sity 8. Alumni
suppliers alike. Also as per MFN
5. South Bank University - 9. Student support services cell- (Most Favoured Nation) clause of
6. Fu Jen Catholic University (see sports, counselling, library, etc. WTO a benefit given to any foreign
also Shang-Shing P .Chou) 10. Social Audit team–To inspect University may automatically be ex-
On the basis of analysis and con- documents and performance in tended to all other 143 members of
clusions derived, the suggested ap- every six months WTO. The Government of India de-
cided to allow foreign universities to cess of Assessment and Accredita- TQM need to be implemented in
start offshore campuses in India with tion (AA), which enjoys the accep- all colleges and universitics even if
effect from 2005. Applications of such tance and appreciation from there is no accreditation or certifica-
universities will be screened by the Academia. But at present NAAC is tion, to take the bull of international-
Nodal Agency set up for promotion not focusing on follow up procedure ization by the horns. The faculty and
of higher education in India. The and further monitoring of the accred- staff will be experiencing the pleasure
only condition is that those institu- ited institutions. The International of working in tight time schedule,
tions which are accredited in their Organisation for Standardisation whether accredited or not. Let us wait
respective countries would be al- (ISO) also quadifies a set of practices and watch to see whether TQM is a
lowed to apply for offering their that can be put in place by institu- Panacea or Placebo. The leadership
programmes in India. There will be a tions world wide. Conformance to a must not only “talk the talk” but also
torrential entry of foreign players in set of uniform standards will ensure “walk the talk”. (Sytsma, 1996).
the coming days, which may even universal acceptance of our service.
lead to large scale commercialization. ISO set out standards to select per- Refrences
As per the Xth plan document formance indicators which can be 1. P .K. Tulsi (2001), Total Quality
on higher education universities and used to asses performance against in higher education, Reforms
colleges should generate 25% of their criteria. The ISO 9000 series devel- and Innovations in Higher Edu-
budgetary requirements and match- oped a quality approach known as cation AIU,New Delhi
ing grants will be provided in future Quality Management System. The
2. Hansen, W. Lee(1993), Bringing
(50% of total expenditure), for which ISO set up a base level for TQM and
Total Quality Improvement into
NAAC accreditation is compulsory. is based on a documented quality
the College Classroom, Higher
Another major recommendation is system. ISO focus on follow up pro-
the setting up of an Internal Quality cedure and constant monitoring of
quality. A surveillance audit is con- 3. K.B.Powar(2002), International-
Assurance Cell in all Colleges and
ducted in every six months and non- ization of Higher Education,
Universities in India to ensure quality
conformance of quality will attract AIU,New Delhi
standards. The cafeteria based
system suggested would also entail cancellation of quality certification. 4. K.B.Powar(2002), International-
introduction of a credit-based system ISO 9001 certified and NAAC accred- ization of Indian Higher Educa-
allowing students to pick and choose ited colleges and universities are tion, AIU,New Delhi
the subjects they want to take up. probably head and shoulders above 5. Papers presented by Bryan R.
All stake-holders are compelled to non-certified, non-accredited Cole, Shang-Shing P .Chou, Paul
acclimatize to the changing groups. NAAC quadifies the Nugraha, Ellen Gunawan and
education scenario; be it good or not. following practices to ensure and Barry J .Banny in the Seminar on
Accreditation or Certification by evaluate the performance of Total Quality Management of
Outside Agencies are highly relevant educational institutions. Institution for Higher
in the context of increasing competi- 1. Curricular Aspects Education in Asia
tion, since internationalization and 2. Teaching-Learning and Evalua- 6. Krystyna Zoladkiewicz(2002),
privatization pose a great threat to tion Total Quality Management in
economic, political academic and cul- 3. Research Consultancy and Higher Education: The Spanish
tural fabric of our society. In this Evaluation Experience,siempre. unizar. es/
context one should understand that 4. Infrastructure and Learning Re- relint/qa. htm.
QUALITY should not be compro- sources 7. Robert Cornesky (2002),
mised in the field of higher educa- Implementing Total Quality
5. Student Support and Progres-
tion. Quality goes in hand with ac- Management in Higher Educa-
creditation or certification by some tion. publishing.
outside agency. NAAC is an accred- 6. Organization and Management
com/books/46. htm.
iting agency implementing the pro- 7. Other Healthy Practices.