Curriculum Vitae: Subject: Faculty of Chemistry Specialization: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Curriculum Vitae: Subject: Faculty of Chemistry Specialization: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Curriculum Vitae: Subject: Faculty of Chemistry Specialization: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
H.No : 2-784,
Personality Traits :
Computer Knowledge :
Core Competencies:
• Develop and implement core chemistry curriculum in accordance to
state requirements for institutions.
• Create engaging chemistry lesson plans and impart them in non-
conventional manners to retain students’ interest
• Assist and supervise students in performing complex laboratory
chemistry experiments
• Educate students in the use of dangerous chemicals and lethal
• Instruct students to understand complex chemistry concepts and help
them with comprehending their application
• Establish acceptable classroom behavior and ensure it is being adhered
to Observe students to determine how they are performing in class and
make notes of important observations
• Discuss student progress with parents and offer reinforcements for
students who have lack conceptual clarity
•Assisted lead chemistry faculty in developing and implementing lesson
• Designed, created and distributed chemistry learning aids to students
• Worked with students on a one-on-one basis to help them grasp
complex chemistry concepts
• Assisted students during laboratory experiments and ensured safe
practices are followed
• Reinforced chemistry concepts and assisted students with assignments
• Observed students to gauge progress and assisted in creating student
progress reports
16 Papers published in
National and International journals
1. C.M. Bhaskar Reddy, G.V.Subba Reddy, “Spectrophotometric estimation of
Fluconazole in pure drug and pharmaceutical formulation” . International Journal
of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. No.3(9),Year 2012,Pages (pp) 1-6.
7. C.M. Bhaskar Reddy & N.Ananda kumar Reddy, “UV Spectrophotometric method for
estimation of Efavirenz in bulk drug and tablet dosage form” . International Journal
of Pharmaceutical sciences and Research, Vol. No.3(12),Year 2012,Pages (pp)
12. C.M. Bhaskar Reddy,A.Sai Tejaswini ,C. Dhanya,G.Lakshmi Lavanya ,G. Sai Aparna
, “Comphrehensive Microbial and Chemical Analysis of Potable Water During The
Year 2014-15 Around Villages Of CBIT-VBIT Campus” . International Journal of
Green and Herbal Chemistry, Vol. No.4(2),Year 2015,Pages (pp)284-292.
15. U.V. visible spectrophotometric estimation of Anti biotic drugs by C.M. Bhaskar
Reddy , Dr. G.V. Subba Reddy, and Dr N. Ananda kumar Reddy American Journal
of Pharmatech Research 2016, Volume 6, Issue 6
16. U.V. visible spectrophotometric estimation of Anti retroviral drugs by C.M. Bhaskar
Reddy , Dr N. Ananda kumar Reddy and Dr L.Maheswar Reddy American Journal
of Pharmacy and Health Research 2017, 5, (1)
1. Attended a two day National level Work-Shop on Research Methodology and
Data Analysis on Ist & 2nd April 2016,organized by dept of Humanities and
ciences CBIT, Proddatur,
2. Participated in the three day work shop on “ interpretation of instrumental
methods (WIIM-2017)” (UV,TGA, DSC, BET surface area, particle size
distribution ,zeta potential measurements, contact angle measurements )
organized by department of chemistry, satyabhama university, Chennai, in
association with CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory Madras centre &
Kunash instruments pvt ltd., Micrometrics during 5th-7th January ,2017
1. Prof G.V. Subba Reddy Ph.D 2. Dr A. Ananada kumar Reddy ph.D
principal Principal
Jntu-A college of Engineering S.V. Degree college
I hereby asseverate that all the information furnished above is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.