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Stone Pitched Slope Formation Analysis.: References

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Stone Pitched Slope Formation Analysis.

References: TES-P-122.11
AASHTO Soil Classification
Bishop Method for Slope Analysis.
Existing Site/ground Condition:

It is Understood that the existing soil strata is of poorly graded sand and engineering fill has been deposited maunally over it.
both poorly graded sand and the engineering fill formation can fail in shear thus stability is compromised and requires stability analysis.
As there is not water table, the soil will only fail in shear behavior as shown in the figures.
Existing Soil Type:

Existing Soil crossdonds to A-1-b (reference AASHTO Soil Classification Attached.

Engineering Fill/Back Fill material.

g Int Fric Frustum Cohesion
# Depth m kN/m3 f Angle C kPa
1 - 18 30 24 0

The Existing slope is approxmiate 38 degrees.

F.O.S = 1.2
Reference formulas for Checking the existing slope:

Check the Existing New Slope Formation:

28m Long Slope:

Slope length = 28 m
Slope Cut/Formation = Formation
Bearing Capacity = 150 kN/m2
V= 1
H= 1.3
Water table = Not Encountered
Thickness of Stone Pitching = 0.3 m
Thickness of mortar Slope bench = 0.1 m
Stone Type SP = Gs = 2.5
Density of Stone = 2600 kg/m3
Failure Plane Slope = 25 Degrees
Internal Friction Angle = 30 Degrees

Cohesion = c = 0 kPa
Friction coeff = m = 0.4
F.O.S = 2

Surcharge Load 2 = 7.6 kN/m

Unit Weight of Stone = 25.5 kN/m3
Unit weight of Soil = 18.0 kN/m3
Slope = 1/1.3 ………………………………..Existing
Stone Pitch Angle = 38 deg
Ka = 0.621
Final Ka = 1
Pressure due to surcharge = 7.6 kN
b = 169.8
L1 = H [ 1/tana-1/tanq] = 14.6 m
L2 = 36.8 m c = 214.2
h1 = 17.1 m
L3 = 22.2 m a = 131
L= H/sina = 40.4 m
Analysis of Forces along the slope:
W= 0.5gh1L3 = 3410.0 kN

c Vertical comp 214.2 kN b = 169.8

b Hyp 169.8 kN
a Base 130.6 kN c = 134.6

b Acting Force 169.8 kN a = 104

c Compression 134.6 kN
a Sliding Force 103.5 kN
Resisting Forces
cL + [Wcosa] tanf = 2377.3 kN

Driving Forces
Wsina = 1441.1 kN
Resisting Forces
Driving Forces

cL + [Wcosa] tanf 1.65 OK > 1.2

Toe Foundation Block size
A= 2.6 m
Depth = 2 m
Unit Width = 1 m
PCC bench = 150 mm
Check Sliding
Sliding Force 104 kN
Soil Pressure 18 kN
Pressure due to surcharge 7.6 kN 2m
Total Sliding force = 129 kN 150mm
Friction force 53.0 kN
Passive force 36.0 kN
Wt of stone block 132.6 kN
Total resisting force = 155.3 kN OK 1.203 >1.2

Check Bearing 102.8 KN/m OK 1.460 >1.2
28m Slope Formation along + Stone Pitching surface.

28m Long Slope:

Slope length = 28 m
Slope Cut/Formation = Formation
Bearing Capacity = 150 kN/m2
V= 1
H= 1.3

Water table = Not Encountered

Thickness of Stone Pitching = 0.3 m
Thickness of mortar Slope bench = 0.1 m
Stone Type SP = Gs = 2.5
Density of Stone = 2600 kg/m3
Failure Plane Slope = 30 Degrees
Internal Friction Angle = 30 Degrees
Unit weight of Soil = 18.0 kN/m3
Cohesion = c = 0 kPa
Friction coeff = m = 0.4
F.O.S = 2

Surcharge Load 2 = 7.6 kN/m

Unit Weight of Stone = 25.5 kN/m3
Slope = 1/1.3 ………………………………..Existing
Stone Pitch Angle = 38 deg
Ka = 0.621
Final Ka = 1
Pressure due to surcharge = 7.6 kN



40.4 17.1

L1 = H [ 1/tana-1/tanq] = 17.4 m
L2 = 39.6 m
h1 = 17.1 m
L3 = 22.2 m
L= H/sina = 34.1 m

b = 169.8
Analysis of Forces along the slope:
c = 214.2
c Vertical comp 214.2 kN
b Hyp 169.8 kN a = 131
a Base 130.6 kN

b Acting Force 169.8 kN

c Compression 134.6 kN
a Sliding Force 103.5 kN
b = 169.8
Weight of Soil over the failure plane.
W= 0.5gh1L3 = 3410.0 kN c = 134.6

a = 104

Resisting Forces:
cL + [Wcosa] tanf = 2414.3 kN

Driving Forces:
Wsina = 1812.1 kN

Resisting Forces
Driving Forces

cL + [Wcosa] tanf 1.3 OK > 1.2


Toe Foundation Block size:

A= 2.6 m
Depth = 2.0 m
Unit Width = 1.0 m
PCC bench = 150.0 mm

Check Sliding:
Sliding Force 103.5 kN
Soil Pressure 18.0 kN 2m
Pressure due to surcharge 7.6 kN 150mm
Total Sliding force = 129.2 kN 2.6m

Friction force 53.0 kN

Passive force 36.0 kN
Wt of stone block 132.6 kN
Total resisting force = 155.3 kN OK 1.203 >1.2

Check Bearing: 102.8 KN/m2 OK 1.460 >1.2

22m Slope Formation along + Stone Pitching surface.

22m Long Slope:

Slope length = 22 m
Slope Cut/Formation = Formation
Bearing Capacity = 150 kN/m2
V= 1
H= 1.3
Water table = Not Encountered
Thickness of Stone Pitching = 0.3 m
Thickness of mortar Slope bench = 0.1 m
Stone Type SP = Gs = 2.5
Density of Stone = 2600 kg/m3
Failure Plane Slope = 30 Degrees
Internal Friction Angle = 30 Degrees
Unit weight of Soil = 0.0 kN/m3
Cohesion = c = 0 kPa
Friction coeff = m = 0.4
F.O.S = 2

Surcharge Load 2 = 7.6 kN/m

Unit Weight of Stone = 25.5 kN/m3
Slope = 1/1.3 ………………………………..Existing
Stone Pitch Angle = 38 deg
Ka = 0.621
Final Ka = 1
Pressure due to surcharge = 7.6 kN



26.8 13.4

L1 = H [ 1/tana-1/tanq] = 13.7 m
L2 = 31.1 m
h1 = 13.4 m
L3 = 17.4 m b = 133.4
L= H/sina = 26.8 m
c = 168.3

Analysis of Forces along the slope: a = 103

c Vertical comp 168.3 kN
b Hyp 133.4 kN
a Base 102.6 kN
b = 133.4
b Acting Force 133.4 kN
c Compression 105.7 kN c = 105.7
a Sliding Force 81.3 kN
Resisting Forces: a = 81
cL + [Wcosa] tanf = 112.1 kN

Driving Forces:
Wsina = 84.1 kN
Resisting Forces
Driving Forces

cL + [Wcosa] tanf 1.3 OK > 1.2

Toe Foundation Block size:
A= 2.2 m
Depth = 1.9 m
Unit Width = 1.0 m
PCC bench = 150.0 mm
Check Sliding:
Sliding Force 81.3 kN
Soil Pressure 17.1 kN 1.9m
Pressure due to surcharge 7.6 kN 150mm
Total Sliding force = 106.1 kN 2.2m

Friction force 42.6 kN

Passive force 34.2 kN
Wt of stone block 106.6 kN
Total resisting force = 130.1 kN OK 1.227 >1.2
Check Bearing: 96.5 KN/m2 OK 1.554 >1.2
16m Slope Formation along + Stone Pitching surface.

16m Long Slope:

Slope length = 16 m
Slope Cut/Formation = Formation
Bearing Capacity = 150 kN/m2
V= 1
H= 1.3

Water table = Not Encountered

Thickness of Stone Pitching = 0.3 m
Thickness of mortar Slope bench = 0.1 m
Stone Type SP = Gs = 30
Density of Stone = 2600 kg/m3
Failure Plane Slope = 30 Degrees
Internal Friction Angle = 30 Degrees
Unit weight of Soil = 18.0 kN/m3
Cohesion = c = 0 kPa
Friction coeff = m = 0.4
F.O.S = 2

Surcharge Load 2 = 7.6 kN/m

Unit Weight of Stone = 25.5 kN/m3
Slope = 1/1.3 ………………………………..Existing
Stone Pitch Angle = 38 deg
Ka = 0.621
Final Ka = 1
Pressure due to surcharge = 7.6 kN




19.5 9.8

L1 = H [ 1/tana-1/tanq] = 9.9 m
L2 = 22.6 m
h1 = 9.8 m
L3 = 12.7 m b = 97.0
L= H/sina = 19.5 m
c = 122.4

Analysis of Forces along the slope: a = 75

c Vertical comp 122.4 kN

b Hyp 97.0 kN
a Base 74.6 kN b = 97.0

b Acting Force 97.0 kN c = 76.9

c Compression 76.9 kN
a Sliding Force 59.1 kN a = 59
Weight of Soil over the failure plane.
W= 0.5gh1L3 = 1113.5 kN

Resisting Forces:
cL + [Wcosa] tanf = 823.3 kN

Driving Forces:
Wsina = 617.9 kN

Resisting Forces
Driving Forces

cL + [Wcosa] tanf 1.3 OK > 1.2


Toe Foundation Block size:

A= 1.9 m
Depth = 1.6 m
Unit Width = 1.0 m
PCC bench = 150.0 mm

Check Sliding:
Sliding Force 59.1 kN
Soil Pressure 14.4 kN 1.6m
Pressure due to surcharge 7.6 kN 150mm
Total Sliding force = 81.2 kN 1.9m

Friction force 31.0 kN

Passive force 28.8 kN
Wt of stone block 77.5 kN
Total resisting force = 98.6 kN OK 1.214 >1.2

Check Bearing: 81.3 KN/m2 OK 1.846 >1.2

10m Slope Formation along + Stone Pitching surface.

10m Long Slope:

Slope length = 10 m
Slope Cut/Formation = Formation
Bearing Capacity = 150 kN/m2
V= 1
H= 1.3

Water table = Not Encountered

Thickness of Stone Pitching = 0.3 m
Thickness of mortar Slope bench = 0.1 m
Stone Type SP = Gs = 2.5
Density of Stone = 2600 kg/m3
Failure Plane Slope = 30 Degrees
Internal Friction Angle = 30 Degrees
Unit weight of Soil = 18.0 kN/m3
Cohesion = c = 0 kPa
Friction coeff = m = 0.4
F.O.S = 2
Surcharge Load 2 = 7.6 kN/m
Unit Weight of Stone = 25.5 kN/m3
Slope = 1/1.3 ………………………………..Existing
Stone Pitch Angle = 38 deg
Ka = 0.621
Final Ka = 1
Pressure due to surcharge = 7.6 kN




40.4 17.1

L1 = H [ 1/tana-1/tanq] = 6.2 m
L2 = 14.1 m
h1 = 6.1 m
L3 = 7.9 m
L= H/sina = 12.2 m

b = 60.6
Analysis of Forces along the slope:
c = 76.5
c Vertical comp 76.5 kN
b Hyp 60.6 kN a = 47
a Base 46.6 kN

b Acting Force 60.6 kN

c Compression 48.1 kN
a Sliding Force 37.0 kN
b = 60.6

Weight of Soil over the failure plane. c = 48.1

W= 0.5gh1L3 = 434.9 kN
a = 37

Resisting Forces:
cL + [Wcosa] tanf = 340.7 kN

Driving Forces:
Wsina = 255.7 kN

Resisting Forces
Driving Forces

cL + [Wcosa] tanf 1.3 OK > 1.2

Toe Foundation Block size:
A= 1.3 m
Depth = 1.5 m
Unit Width = 1.0 m
PCC bench = 150.0 mm

Check Sliding:
Sliding Force 37.0 kN 1.3m
Soil Pressure 13.5 kN
Pressure due to surcharge 7.6 kN
Total Sliding force = 58.1 kN

Friction force 19.9 kN

Passive force 27.0 kN
Wt of stone block 49.7 kN
Total resisting force = 71.7 kN OK 1.235 >1.2

Check Bearing: 75.2 KN/m2 OK 1.994 >1.2



1.3m 1.6m
150mm 150mm
1.5m 1.9m

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