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Heavy Metal and Microbial Analyses of Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys SPP.) in Laguna de Bay, Philippines

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Journal of Environmental Science and Management 9(2):31-40 (December 2006 )

ISSN 0119-1144

Heavy Metal and Microbial Analyses of Janitor Fish

(Pterygoplichthys spp.) in Laguna de Bay, Philippines
Hannibal M. Chavez, Elvira A. Casao, Eunice P. Villanueva, Madeleine P. Paras,
Marites C. Guinto and Marilou B. Mosqueda


Janitor fish (Pterygoplichthys spp.) and water samples were obtained from the three sampling
stations in Laguna de Bay (central, east and west bay) for heavy metal and microbial analyses during
the dry and wet season. Results revealed that cadmium and chromium were not detected in the water
samples. Copper concentration of water samples during the dry season in Taguig for west Bay
(0.0767 mg/L) and Jala-jala for central Bay (0.097 mg/L) exceeded the limit of 0.05 mg/L for Class
C waters. The fish flesh obtained from the three sampling stations had lead concentration ranging
from 0.0573mg/kg to 0.1900 mg/kg (wet weight). Arsenic, cadmium, chromium and mercury in fish
flesh were not detected during the dry season, but present at low concentrations during the wet season.

The total bacterial and coliform count of water samples differed in the three sampling
stations. The total bacterial count in fish flesh in the three sampling stations were 800 to
5,650,000 cfu/g during the wet season and from 200,000 to 2,230,000 cfu/g during the dry
season. Coliform were present in all sampling stations (22 to >1,600MPN/g).

Keywords : Laguna de Bay, janitor fish, Pterygoplichthys spp. introduced species, heavy
metal concentrations, microbial analyses


Laguna de Bay, comprising a total area of 90,000 Two species of janitor fish (Pterygoplichthys
ha is considered the second largest lake in Southeast pardalis and Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) which
Asia. The most important use of Laguna de Bay is its initially thrived in the lake due to escapement from
fishery resource (Laguna Lake Development ponds had an impact on the environment which favored
Authority 1974). The Laguna de Bay watershed their establishment. The complex environmental
area has 5,009 industrial and agricultural problems of the lake, particularly increasing
establishments whose wastes directly or indirectly wasteloads from industrial activities, increasing nutrient
empty into the lake (LLDA 2005). Heavy metals are wasteloads from domestic households, expanded
among the waste products discharged into the lake. agricultural and livestock production and intensive fish
The increasing input of wastes from industries and pen operations favored the growth and proliferation
domestic sources, agricultural run-off and soil erosion of these species. Their proliferation can be attributed
in the watershed contribute to the rapid decline in to the following: their ability to tolerate poor water
lake’s water quality. Likewise, the concentrations of quality, easily adaptable to even the harshest conditions,
heavy metals and sediments in Laguna de Bay and and being omnivores and bottom feeders as they can
some tributary rivers show some signs of industrial eat any food available in the environment. In 2002,
pollution (LLDA 1987; Barril 1990; LLDA 2005). LLDA reported that janitor fish comprised 10-38%
Microbial contamination of the lake has exceeded of the total fish corral catch in Siniloan, Laguna.
the prescribed limit for Class C waters (Barril 1990).
32 Heavy metal and microbial analyses of Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys spp.)
in Laguna de Bay, Philippines
At present, a significant population of janitor fish These sites were selected due to the presence and
has been observed by the fishermen along the proliferation of janitor fish. Samples of janitor fish and
shorelines of Laguna de Bay (Siniloan, Jala-Jala, water were obtained from the study sites from March
Binangonan and Taguig) and along the Marikina river. to May 2004 for the dry season and July to November
The rapid increase of this species has affected the 2004 for the wet season.
livelihood and fishing operation of the fisherfolk which
led to a decrease in marketable catch of endemic and Physico-chemical Parameters
commercial fish species due to its predominance in
gill net and fish corral catch. Some fishermen have The determination of physico-chemical
even tried to cook and eat the fish not knowing its parameters such as air and water temperature, water
adverse effect on their health. The determination of depth, turbidity, pH, nitrite, dissolved oxygen and
heavy metals and microbial content of janitor fish salinity was done in situ in each sampling site.
and water, would aid in the evaluation of the effect of the Temperature was measured using a laboratory
environment on the janitor fish. Results of the study thermometer, turbidity using a Secchi disk, pH using
are essential in determining seasonal variation of heavy a pH meter and nitrite using a Hack kit. The salinity
metal concentrations and microbial content in fish and measurements were done using a refractometer and
water; and in ascertaining whether the concentration dissolved oxygen was measured using a YSI D.O.
of heavy metals and microbial content of janitor fish Meter.
is within acceptable limits for human consumption
and its wise utilization. Heavy Metals
Three sampling stations covering four sites were One liter water samples were collected using a
established in Laguna de Bay. After a preliminary Kemmerer water sampler. Surface water samples
investigation of the area, the sampling sites chosen below 20 cm were obtained. Middle and bottom
were Siniloan, Laguna for east bay, Binangonan, samples were collected from the water column and
Rizal and Taguig, Metro Manila for west bay and Jala- near the lake bottom, respectively. Water samples
Jala, Rizal for central bay (Figure 1). were kept in a refrigerator at 4oC after acidification
with 1.5 ml nitric acid.

Fish Samples

Live janitor fish samples 50 g to 1550 g size for

the dry season and 100 g to 560 g size for the wet
season were caught in the fish corral from the four
sampling sites. Ten samples of fish per site were
degutted, fish flesh were removed and ground using
an osterizer. A 300 g homogenized fish flesh was taken
for three replicates, and refrigerated until frozen.

The frozen fish flesh and acidified water samples

were brought to University of the Philippines - Natural
Science Research Institute (UP-NSRI), Research and
Analytical Service Laboratory in Diliman, Quezon City
for heavy metal analyses using the methods in Table 1.

Figure 1. Sampling sites of the study.

Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 9. No. 2 (December 2006) 33

Table 1. Methods of analysis for metals in water & fish. lead, mercury, and zinc) in the water samples.
Metals Methods of Analysis Cadmium and chromium were not detected in the
Water water samples collected in the four sites during
a. Arsenic Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, by
Hydride Generation (APHA et al. 2001) the dry and wet season. Arsenic, mercury, zinc and
b. Cadmium & Lead Anodic Stripping Voltametry (APHA et lead, concentrations although detected, were still
al, 2001) within the limit set by Department of Environment
c. Chromium, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, by
Copper & Zinc Flame (APHA et al. 2001) and Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 34.
d. Mercury Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, by (1990). Copper concentration of water samples
Cold Vapor Technique (APHA et al.
(0.0767 mg/L and 0.097 mg/L) during the dry season
Fish and (0.13 mg/L and 0.0767 mg/L) during the wet
a. Arsenic Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, by season in Taguig and Jala-Jala , respectively, exceeded
Hydride Generation (APHA et al. 2001
& AOAC 2002)
the limit of 0.05 mg/L for Class C waters. Low
b. Cadmium, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, by concentrations of copper during the dry and wet
Chromium, Copper, Flame (APHA et al. 2001 & AOAC season was observed in Siniloan (0.033mg/L and
Lead & Zinc 2002)
c. Mercury Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, by 0.0274mg/L) and Binangonan (0.026mg/L and
Cold Vapor Technique (Bouchard 1973) 0.0127mg/L), respectively.

Microbial Analyses The comparison of concentrations of heavy metals

in water samples among the four sampling sites during
Water and Fish Samples the dry and wet season is shown in Table 3. During
the dry season, the four sampling sites had significant
One hundred ml water samples collected from differences in lead concentration in the water (P<0.05).
the surface of the four sites during the dry and wet The concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium,
season were kept cool and brought immediately to copper, lead, mercury, and zinc in the water during the
the South Harbor Laboratory for microbial analyses. wet season were not significantly different among the
four sampling sites (P>0.05).
The fish samples were brought immediately to
the South Harbor Laboratory for microbial analyses. Heavy Metals in Fish
A 200 g homogenized flesh sample per sampling
station for two replicates was used for the analyses. The most dominant fish caught in the fish corrals
Microbial analyses of water samples included total were janitor fish. During the dry season, almost all of
bacterial count (TBC), total coliform count, and E.coli. the fish samples collected were gravid females with
For fish flesh samples, microbial analyses included eggs. Table 4 shows the mean concentrations of heavy
total bacterial count, total coliform, S. aureus, E. metals in janitor fish. Arsenic, cadmium, chromium
coli, Salmonella and Shigela based on the procedures and mercury were not detected during the dry season.
described by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (1995). However, during the wet season, these heavy metals
were detected at low concentrations. Lead concentration
Statistical Analysis in fish flesh collected in the four sites during the dry
season ranged from 0.0600 mg/kg to 0.1900 mg/kg
Kruskal-Wallis Test was used to determine the (wet weight). The concentrations were slightly higher
significant differences in the concentrations of heavy than fish flesh collected during the wet season with
metals in water, fish flesh and physico-chemical values of 0.0573 mg/kg to 0.0933 mg/kg (wet
parameters among the four sampling sites in relation weight) which were below the standard limit set by
to seasonal variation (dry and wet season) using the Fisheries Administrative Order No. 210 (2001).
statistical package, SPSS version 11.5.
The comparison of concentrations of heavy metals
RESULTS in fish flesh among the four sampling sites during the
Heavy Metals in Water dry and wet season is shown in Table 5. Results
showed that there was a significant difference in the
Table 2 presents the mean concentrations of concentration of zinc in fish flesh among the four
heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper,
34 Heavy metal and microbial analyses of Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys spp.)
in Laguna de Bay, Philippines

Table 2. Mean concentrations of trace metals in water samples collected during the wet and dry
season in the east, west and central bays of Laguna de Bay.

Sampling As, mg/L Cu, mg/L Pb, mg/L Hg, mg/L Zn, mg/L
Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet
1. East Bay
Siniloan 0.00127 0.00067 0.033 0.0274 NDb ND ND ND 0.583 0.0227
2. West Bay
Binangonan 0.0026 0.0016 0.026 0.0127 NDb 0.00197 ND 0.000253 0.0503 0.0453
Taguig 0.0032 0.00073 0.0767 0.13 0.017a 0.0267 0.00053 ND 0.096 0.1377
3.Central Bay
Jala-jala 0.0037 0.0005 0.097 0.0767 NDb 0.01 0.0003 0.0001 0.12 0.0807
*Standard for
Class C Waters mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.002 2.0

* DAO No. 34. 1990 ND – Not Detected ND for Cd and Cr

Table 3. Comparison of concentrations of heavy metals in water samples among the four sampling
sites during the dry and wet season.
Dry season Wet season
Heavy Metals p – value * Significance p – value * Significance
at P<0.05 at P<0.05
As .149 ns .522 ns
Cd 1.0 ns 1.0 ns
Cr 1.0 ns 1.0 ns
Cu .785 ns .227 ns
Pb .013 s .417 ns
Hg .138 ns .530 ns
Zn .772 ns .574 ns
* - using Kruskal-Wallis Test s - significant ns - not significant

Table 4. Mean concentrations of trace metals in janitor fish samples (mg/kg wet wt.) collected during
the wet and dry season in the east, west and central bays of Laguna de Bay.
Sampling As,mg/kg Cr,mg/kg Cu,mg/kg Pb,mg/kg Hg,mg/kg Zn,mg/kg
Stations/Sites Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet
1. East Bay
Siniloan ND 0.0024b ND 0.0400 0.2800 0.2823c 0.1800 0.0860 ND 0.0050 8.5700b 8.1000
2. West Bay
Binangonan ND 0.0070a ND 0.0557 0.3633 0.3423b 0.0600 0.0573 ND 0.0157 8.3467b 6.8667
Taguig ND 0.0051a ND ND 0.2900 2.6333a 0.1567 ND ND ND 6.0900c 7.6670
3.Central Bay
Jala-jala ND 0.0017b ND ND 0.4067 1.9000a 0.1900 0.0933 ND ND 10.0667a 8.0333
*Standard mg/
kg (wet wt.) ** ** ** 0.5 0.5 **

* FAO No. 210. 2001 ** No standard limit established ND for Cd

Table 5. Comparison of concentrations of heavy metals in janitor fish flesh among the four sampling
sites during the dry and wet season.
Dry season Wet season
Heavy Metals p – value * Significance p – value * Significance
at P<0.05 at P<0.05
As 1.0 ns .024 s
Cd 1.0 ns 1.0 ns
Cr 1.0 ns .269 ns
Cu .152 ns .017 s
Pb .458 ns .289 ns
Hg 1.0 ns .172 ns
Zn .033 s .231 ns
* - using Kruskal-Wallis Test s - significant ns - not significant
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 9. No. 2 (December 2006) 35

sampling sites during the dry season (P<0.05). of Laguna de Bay. The highest water depth was
However, there were no significant differences in recorded during the wet season in Binangonan (3.2
the concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, m) and the lowest was observed in Siniloan (0.4 m)
copper, lead, and mercury (P>0.05). During the wet during the dry season. Water transparency and
season, the four sampling sites had significant temperature ranged from 20 cm to 50 cm and 25.5 ºC
differences in the concentrations of arsenic and copper to 32.2 ºC in the four sampling sites, respectively.
(P<0.05) but none in the concentrations of cadmium,
chromium, lead, mercury and zinc in fish flesh Comparison of water parameters among the four
(P>0.05). sampling sites is shown in Table 9. During the dry
season, there were significant differences in pH,
Microbial Analyses in Water and Fish dissolved oxygen and salinity among the four sampling
sites (P<0.05) and no significant difference in NO2.
Results of the microbial analyses of water are The dissolved oxygen, salinity and NO2 had no
presented in Table 6. The total bacterial count of significant difference (P>0.05) during the wet season.
water samples differed in the four sites. The highest
bacterial count during the wet season was recorded DISCUSSION
in Siniloan and Jala-Jala (251,000 cfu/100 ml). Low
bacterial count (1,343 cfu/100 ml and 1,553 cfu/100 Heavy Metals in Fish and Water
ml) during the dry season was recorded in Binangonan
and Jala-jala, respectively. E. coli was high in Jala- The adverse effects of heavy metals in the aquatic
Jala (4.25 MPN/100 ml) and Siniloan (5.4 MPN/100 environment has been well-documented in the
ml) during the dry season. literature. The ability of algae to accumulate large
quantities of heavy metals has been reported. Previous
Table 7 shows the microbial load of janitor fish studies on the kinetics of heavy metal accumulation
flesh collected during the dry and wet season in the by algae showed uptake to be an extremely rapid
four sampling sites. The total bacterial count in fish phenomenon (Jennett et al.1983). Another significant
flesh during the dry season ranged from 200,000 to source of increased metal levels in fish is metal-
2,230,000 cfu/g and during the wet season ranged from contaminated diet. Planktons which serve as natural food
800 to 5,650,000 cfu/g, respectively. The highest total of the fishes have a tendency to accumulate metals in
bacterial count obtained in the fish flesh samples the system (Madamba and Pamulaklakin 1994).
collected from Jala-Jala, Taguig, and Siniloan during
the wet season exceeded the standard limit of 500,000 The heavy metals predominantly present from
cfu/g. S. aureus was significantly high during the wet industrial activities, domestic households, agricultural
season in Jala-Jala, Siniloan and Taguig. The total and livestock production empty into the lake in the
count exceeded the limit of 1,000 cfu/g. Coliform were form that can readily be assimilated by phytoplankton,
present in all sampling stations (22 to >1,600 MPN/ other aquatic plants and organisms which could result
g). Salmonella (absent in 25 g) were recorded in to higher metal uptake. Thus, the metal concentration
Siniloan, Binangonan, Taguig and Jala-Jala during in the water is a significant source of increased metal
the dry season. Shigela was positive in Siniloan. levels in fish (Relon 1996). The concentration of
heavy metals in janitor fish shows that as an omnivore
The results of microbiological analyses of fish and bottom feeder, their heavy metal uptake comes
flesh samples during the wet season revealed that mostly in the food they eat which can easily be
most of the parameters analyzed were above the absorbed through water and in the environment they
standard limits set by the International Commission inhabit. Bernard and Andreae (1984) reported that the
on Microbial Specifications for Foods (1986). largest concentration of heavy metals was found in
omnivorous fish, followed by herbivorous and
Physico-chemical Parameters carnivorous. According to Spehar et al. (1979),
phytoplankton-feeding fishes had higher copper and
Table 8 presents the mean values of physico- zinc levels than the fish preying on invertebrates. The
chemical parameters in the central, east and west bay
36 Heavy metal and microbial analyses of Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys spp.)
in Laguna de Bay, Philippines
Table 6. Mean microbial load of water samples collected during the dry and wet season in the central,
east and west bay of Laguna de Bay.


PARAMETERS Siniloan Binangonan Taguig Jala-Jala
Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet
Total Bacterial Count cfu/100ml 93,750 TNTC 1,343 100,000 22,575 217,000 1,553 251,000
Total Coliform, MPN/100ml 730 >1,600 129 <1.8 920 110 525 350
E. coli, MPN/100ml 5.4 Negative Negative Negative 11 <1.8 4.25 <1.8

Table 7. Mean microbial load of janitor fish flesh collected during the dry and wet season in the central,
east and west bay of Laguna de Bay.
PARAMETERS Siniloan Binangonan Taguig Jala-Jala DARD
Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet

Total Bacterial 2,230,000 1,465,000 223,500 800 200,000 1,650,000 278,500 5,560,000 500,000
Count cfu/g
S. aureus, cfu/g 650 2,290 850 35 1,400 6,400 1,365 1,155 1,000

E.coli, per g Negative Positive 2 Negative Negative 9.1 Negative <1.8 11

Total Coliform, >1,600 >1,600 >1,600 22 350 >1,600 >1,600 >1,600 4

absent Negative absent Negative absent - absent - absent
Salmonella in 25g in 25g in 25g in 25g in 25g
Shigela Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative - Negative Negative

*International Commission on Microbial Specification for Food (ICMSF), 1986

Table 8. Mean values of physico-chemical parameters of east, west and central bays of Laguna de
Bay during the dry and wet season.

East Bay West Bay Central Bay

Parameters Siniloan Binangonan Taguig Jala-Jala
Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet
Water depth (m) 0.4 1.2 2.25 3.2 1.5 2.5 1.7 2.4
Water Transparency 32 35 50 45 37 48 34 20
Air Temperature 26.6 26 30.2 27 27.5 23 30.1 23
Water Temperature 27.6 31 28.8 30.5 29.7 26 32.2 25.5
pH 6.75 8.25 7.75 8.25 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75
D.O. mg/L 2.03 9.05 6.85 6.47 6.78 6.5 4.28 7.3
NO2 mg/L 0.068 0 0.022 0 0 0 0 0
Salinity, g/L 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

Table 9. Comparison of the physico-chemical parameters in water during the dry and wet season
collected in the four sampling sites.
Water Dry season Wet season
Parameters p –value* Significance p –value* Significance
at P<0.05 at P<0.05
pH .012 s .012 s
D.O. .086 ns .129 ns
NO2 .041 s 1.0 ns
Salinity .012 s 1.0 ns
* - using Kruskal-Walis Test
s - significant
ns – not significant
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 9. No. 2 (December 2006) 37

pathway of the accumulation of mercury in the fish, 1983), thus settling of these particles results in
is probably via the food chain (Hasselrot and lower levels of heavy metals in the water.
Gothberg 1974; Bebbington et al. 1977).
In this study, the levels of heavy metals in water
The environmental condition of Laguna de Bay and fish were within acceptable limits. However, heavy
provides a good habitat for janitor fish. According to metals are not only acutely toxic but also cumulative
Chavez et al. (2006), news reports state that janitor poisons. Cadmium and lead are recognized as toxic
fish proliferating in the waters of Laguna de Bay was metals and incidences of poisoning from environmental
being blamed for the decrease in the commercial pollution and clinical symptoms are well known
marketable fish catch from the lake. This non- (Madamba and Pamulaklakin 1994). Copper and
indigenous species is a major economic, environmental zinc are basically essential, but these become toxic in
and health concern in the 21st century (http:// excessive amounts. Although the concentrations of
www.science.hq.nasa.gov). Invasive species may heavy metals in janitor fish were quite low, these should
compete with and replace native species resulting to not be ignored. Sublethal doses of heavy metals are
degradation of the environment and decline in known to have a number of physiological and genetic
production. Invading species have undoubtedly been effects on several species of fish (Cuvin-Aralar 1989).
responsible for the decline of native species and an .
invader can cause major alterations to fish communities Microbial Content of Water and Fish
(Moyle 1998).
The highest bacterial count in the water and fish
The above findings of the water samples were flesh was greatly influenced by the seasonal variation
below the levels reported by the LLDA. According (dry and wet season) in the central, east and west bay
to the report, the cadmium concentration in January of Laguna de Bay. The highest total bacterial count
and April 1998 exceeded the criterion of 0.01 mg/L in fish flesh was obtained in the samples collected
in all lake stations. Lead concentration exceeded by from Jala-Jala, Taguig, and Siniloan during the wet
0.05mg/L in October 2000 in the four lake stations season, which exceeded the standard limit of 500,000
but decreased the following quarter (LLDA 2005). cfu/g. The rapid increase in total bacterial count during
the wet season maybe attributed to the contamination
Tables 11 and 12 show the data and values of during the rainy days’ run-off and flushing of domestic
the different water quality parameters. A high significant and agro-industrial wastes coming from the watershed.
negative correlation of temperature with copper and Barril and Tumlos (1997) reported that coliform
significant negative correlation of dissolved oxygen bacterial population in the lake had exceeded the
with lead was observed. The transparency readings criteria for Class C waters by 200-fold. The high
had positive correlation with copper and highly microbial counts were attributed to the high population
significant negative correlation with lead during the pressure in the area and the contamination of the water
dry season. with human, animal and industrial wastes (Sanchez
et al. 1978). LLDA (2005) reported that liquid and
During the wet season, temperature and pH had solid wastes from point and non-point sources
high significant positive correlations with chromium accumulate during the dry season. At the onset of
and mercury and has high negative correlation with rainy season, these accumulated wastes are flushed
copper. The high positive correlation of transparency into Laguna de Bay. The total coliform count from
with arsenic and inverse correlation with lead and zinc 1995 to 2004 in the lake was within tolerable limits
maybe attributed to suspended particles in the water for Class C waters. The low bacterial population in
column. Dissolved oxygen had a significant positive 1998, 1999, and 2003 could be explained by the
correlation with lead and zinc and had a negative cleansing effect brought about by high chloride
correlation with arsenic. High dissolved oxygen favors concentration during summer months. The lake water
the formation of iron-hydroxides that seems to be the is still suitable for the growth and propagation of fish
main sinks for heavy metals such as copper, chromium, as Class C waters.
lead and zinc (Houba et al. 1983). Heavy metals
are known to adhere to suspended particles (Salim
38 Heavy metal and microbial analyses of Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys spp.)
in Laguna de Bay, Philippines

Table 10. Length and weight data of janitor fish for two seasons per sampling station.
Dry season Wet season
L (cm) Wt. (g) L (cm) Wt. (g)
Binangonan 42.0 – 50.5 540 – 1,550 30.9 – 35.8 250 – 550
Jala-Jala 20.6 – 44.5 50 – 620 20.1 – 37.0 100 – 300
Siniloan 37.7 – 44.5 400 – 600 29.7 – 42.7 200 – 550
Taguig 37.0 – 46.7 350 – 1,200 27.0 – 43.0 150 – 550

Table 11. Correlation coefficients for levels of heavy metals in water with different water quality
parameters during the dry season in the four sampling stations.
Parameters Cu Pb Zn
Temperature (˚C) -0.84** 0.33 0.40
pH -0.17 -0.37 -0.12
DO (mg/L) 0.35 -0.66* 0.52
NO2 0.38 0.06 0.14
Transparency (cm) 0.58* -0.99** 0.15
Salinity -0.17 -037 0.12

* - significant ** - highly significant df =10 (n-2)

Table 12. Correlation coefficients for levels of heavy metals in water with different water quality pa-
rameters during the wet season in the four sampling stations.
Parameters As Cr Cu Pb Hg Zn

Temperature (˚C) 0.29 0.95** -0.94** 0.30 0.76* -0.33

pH 0.31 0.97** -0.97** 0.34 0.81** -0.37
DO (mg/L) -0.69* 0.20 -0.48 0.62* -0.18 0.69*
Transparency (cm) 0.84** 0.34 -0.03 -0.81** 0.41 -0.63*
* - significant ** - highly significant df = 10 (n-2)

The results of microbiological analyses of fish action into organic form, it can easily enter into
flesh samples collected during the wet season revealed the food chain.
that most of the parameters analyzed were above the
standard limit set by the International Commission In this study, the levels of heavy metals in janitor
on Microbial Specifications for Foods (1986). Thus, fish flesh were within the standard limits but these
seasonal variation greatly influenced the microbial should not be ignored. Heavy metals are acutely toxic
load of fish flesh. in excessive amounts and tend to bioaccumulate at
low concentration. The microbiological analyses of
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS janitor fish flesh samples collected during the wet
season revealed that most of the parameters analyzed
The concentrations of heavy metals and microbial were within the standard limits except for copper.
load in the janitor fish flesh in the four sampling sites
revealed that metal uptake and microbial load in the Based from the results of the study, janitor fish
janitor fish flesh were greatly influenced by the flesh cannot be processed into fishery products nor
environment and seasonal variation during the dry and fish ingredients for hogs and livestock since these are
wet season. The influx of organic wastes and the not suited for human consumption. Although, it can
massive amounts of pollutants coming from different be processed as fertilizer for ornamental plants, forest
sources pose a great threat to the lake that favored trees and feeds for ornamental fishes. The skin can
the proliferation of this species. Most toxic heavy also be used as leather material for accent due to its
metals are absorbed or tied up in the sediments as exotic appearance.
precipitated hydroxides. Once converted by bacterial
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 9. No. 2 (December 2006) 39

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Parameters for Sustainable Development of Laguna
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The authors would like to thank the Bureau of

Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Region IVA, for
funding this study.

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