Persuasion Map
Persuasion Map
Persuasion Map
Write your position and the reasons that justify it in the boxes indicated. Then, write the facts, details and examples
that support each reason in the dotted boxes.
Position Reason 2
I strongly/completely
disagree with the
statement. Pitch is
not about length of
sounds, how loud the
song is or how many
instruments are
Reason 3
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Differentiation (modification) – Students are given the position and reasons and they are to come up with
some supporting facts, details and examples
Differentiation (modification) – Students are given the 3 reasons and a variety of examples. They need to cut
and paste the information onto the template in the appropriate positions
Differentiation (all) – Students work in groups, some groups only complete the ‘Reason 1’, ‘Reason 2, or
‘Reason 3’ boxes. The class then discusses their findings and completes the chart.
Differentiation (extension) – Students are to try and argue the ‘opposite’ of the expected opinion and see if
they can put a spin on the facts and options to persuade a contrary opinion.