English 8
English 8
English 8
F. Developing mastery For you to master our lesson, Let’s identify the types of
(Leads to Formative Assessment adjectives use in the following sentences.
3) 1. He gave me five mangoes.
2. The lazy boy was punished by his mother.
3. What book are you reading?
4. That incident was unforgettable for me.
5. The energetic coach motivated the team to win the game.
1. quantitative adjective
2. descriptive adjective
3. interrogative adjective
4. demonstrative adjective
5. descriptive adjective
G. Finding practical Every parts of speech plays a crucial role in writing and in our
daily conversation, just like the adjectives, do you agree class?
Yes Ma’am.
Why is it important to use adjectives in our daily conversation?
I. Evaluating learning For your individual activity class, on a one ½ crosswise sheet of
paper, construct 2 sentences in each type of adjective and
encircle the noun it modify/describe.
J. Additional activities for Think of an adjective for each noun below and use it in a
application or remediation sentence.
tree, stars, car, watermelon,