2012 8 5 (REEs)
2012 8 5 (REEs)
2012 8 5 (REEs)
Volume 8, Number 5
ISSN 1811-5209
Rare Earth
Editorial – Tales, Tales… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
From the Editors – Elements Course Packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Triple Point – A Sabbatical Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
People in the News – Macfarlane, Brown, Dingwell . . . . . . 326
CosmoElements – The Stardust Comet Mission . . . . . . . . . . 327
Meet the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Society News
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Association of Applied Geochemists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Meteoritical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380
Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland . . . . . . . .382
European Association of Geochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .384
The Clay Minerals Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385
Geochemical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .386
Mineralogical Society of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .388
International Association of GeoChemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390
Spanish Mineralogical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Mineralogical Association of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Book Review – Layered Mineral Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Parting Shots – Full Stop for Mother Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Advertisers in This Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
The Mineralogical The Geochemical Society SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Patrice de Caritat The Sociedad Española
Society of America is (GS) is an international (Patrice.deCaritat@ga.gov.au) de Mineralogía (Spanish
composed of individuals organization founded in Association of Applied Geochemists Mineralogical Society) was
interested in mineralogy, 1955 for students and P.O. Box 26099 founded in 1975 to promote
crystallography, petrology, scientists involved in the Nepean, ON K2H 9R0, Canada research in mineralogy,
and geochemistry. Founded practice, study, and teaching Tel.: 613-828-0199; fax: 613-828-9288 petrology, and geochem-
in 1919, the Society promotes, of geochemistry. Our office@appliedgeochemists.org istry. The Society organizes
through education and research, the under- programs include co-hosting the annual www.appliedgeochemists.org annual conferences and furthers the training
standing and application of mineralogy by Goldschmidt ConferenceTM, editorial over- of young researchers via seminars and
industry, universities, government, and the sight of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta The Deutsche special publications. The SEM Bulletin
public. Membership benefits include special (GCA), supporting geochemical symposia Mineralogische published scientific papers from 1978 to
subscription rates for American Mineralogist through our Meeting Assistance Program, Gesellschaft (German 2003, the year the Society joined the Euro-
as well as other journals, a 25% discount on and supporting student development Mineralogical Society) pean Journal of Mineralogy and launched
Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry through our Student Travel Grant Program. was founded in 1908 to Macla, a new journal containing scientific
series and Monographs, Elements, reduced GS annually recognizes excellence in “promote mineralogy and news, abstracts, and reviews. Membership
registration fees for MSA meetings and short geochemistry through its medals, lectures, all its subdisciplines in benefits include receiving the European
courses, and participation in a society that and awards. Members receive a subscription teaching and research as well as the personal Journal of Mineralogy, Macla, and Elements.
supports the many facets of mineralogy. to Elements, special member rates for GCA relationships among all members.” Its great SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Juan Jimenez Millan
and G-cubed, and publication and confer- tradition is reflected in the list of honorary
SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Andrea Koziol (jmillan@ujaen.es)
ence discounts. fellows, who include M. v. Laue, G. v.
(Andrea.Koziol@notes.udayton.edu) Sociedad Española de Mineralogía
SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Seth Davis Tschermak, P. Eskola, C. W. Correns, P.
Mineralogical Society of America Ramdohr, and H. Strunz. Today, the Society npvsem@lg.ehu.es
3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500 (seth.davis@geochemsoc.org) www.ehu.es/sem
especially tries to support young researchers,
Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA Geochemical Society e.g. to attend conferences and short courses.
Tel.: 703-652-9950; fax: 703-652-9951 Washington University Membership benefits include the European The Swiss Society of
business@minsocam.org Earth & Planetary Sciences Journal of Mineralogy, the DMG Forum, GMit, Mineralogy and
www.minsocam.org One Brookings Drive, Campus Box #1169 and Elements. Petrology was founded in
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA 1924 by professionals from
The Mineralogical Tel.: 314-935-4131; fax: 314-935-4121 SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Michael Burchard academia and industry and
Society of Great Britain gsoffice@geochemsoc.org (michael.burchard@geow.uni-heidelberg.de) amateurs to promote
and Ireland is an inter- Explore GS online at www.geochemsoc.org Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft knowledge in the fields of
national society for all dmg@dmg-home.de mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry
those working in the The European Association www.dmg-home.de and to disseminate it to the scientific and
mineral sciences. The of Geochemistry was public communities. The Society coorganizes
Society aims to advance the founded in 1985 to promote The Società Italiana the annual Swiss Geoscience Meeting and
knowledge of the science of mineralogy and geochemical research and di Mineralogia e publishes the Swiss Journal of Geosciences
its application to other subjects, including study in Europe. It is now Petrologia (Italian Society jointly with the national geological and
crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, recognized as the premiere of Mineralogy and Petro- paleontological societies.
environmental science and economic geochemical organization logy), established in 1940, SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Urs Schaltegger
geology. The Society furthers its aims in Europe encouraging interaction between is the national body repre- (urs.schaltegger@unige.ch)
through scientific meetings and the publica- geochemists and researchers in associated senting all researchers deal-
tion of scientific journals, books and mono- fields, and promoting research and teaching ing with mineralogy, petrology, and related Swiss Society of Mineralogy and Petrology
graphs. The Society publishes Mineralogical in the public and private sectors. disciplines. Membership benefits include Université de Fribourg, Département des
Magazine and Clay Minerals. Students receive receiving the European Journal of Mineralogy, Géosciences
SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Liane G. Benning Chemin du Musée 6, Pérolles 1700
the first year of membership free of charge. Plinius, and Elements, and a reduced registra-
(L.G.Benning@leeds.ac.uk) Fribourg, Switzerland
All members receive Elements. tion fee for the annual meeting.
MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION: Tel. +41 26 300 89 36
SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Kevin Murphy www.eag.eu.com/membership SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Marco Pasero fax: +41 26 300 97 65
(kevin@minersoc.org) (pasero@dst.unipi.it) http://ssmp.scnatweb.ch
The Mineralogical Society The International Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia
12 Baylis Mews, Amyand Park Road Association of Dip. di Scienze della Terra The Meteoritical Society
Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 3HQ, UK GeoChemistry (IAGC) has Università di Pisa, Via S. Maria 53 is an international organi-
Tel.: +44 (0)20 8891 6600 been a pre-eminent interna- I-56126 Pisa, Italy zation founded in 1933 for
Fax: +44 (0)20 8891 6599 tional geochemical organi- Tel.: +39 050 2215704 scientists, collectors, and
info@minersoc.org zation for over 40 years. Its Fax: +39 050 2215830 educators to advance the
www.minersoc.org principal objectives are to segreteria@socminpet.it study of meteorites and
foster cooperation in the advancement of www.socminpet.it other extraterrestrial mate-
The Mineralogical applied geochemistry by sponsoring specialist rials and their parent asteroids, comets, and
Association of Canada scientific symposia and the activities organized The International Asso- planets. Members receive our journal, Mete-
was incorporated in 1955 by its working groups and by supporting its ciation of Geoanalysts is oritics & Planetary Science, reduced rates for
to promote and advance journal, Applied Geochemistry. The administra- a worldwide organization Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, which we
the knowledge of miner- tion and activities of IAGC are conducted by supporting the professional cosponsor, the Meteoritical Bulletin, and
alogy and the related disci- its Council, comprising an Executive and ten interests of those involved Elements. We organize annual meetings,
plines of crystallography, ordinary members. Day-to-day administration in the analysis of geological workshops, and field trips, and support
petrology, geochemistry, and economic is performed through the IAGC business office. and environmental mate- young planetary scientists worldwide.
geology. Any person engaged or interested rials. Activities include the management of Through our medals and awards, we recog-
in these fields may become a member of the proficiency testing programmes for bulk rock nize excellence in meteoritics and allied
Association. Membership benefits include a and micro-analytical methods, the production fields.
subscription to Elements, reduced cost for IAGC Business Office and certification of reference materials and
275 Mendenhall Laboratory SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Cari Corrigan
subscribing to The Canadian Mineralogist, a the publication of the Association’s journal,
125 South Oval Mall (corriganc@si.edu)
20% discount on short course volumes and Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research.
special publications, and a discount on the Columbus, OH 43210, USA MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION:
registration fee for annual meetings. Tel.: 614-688-7400; fax: 614-292-7688 SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Michael Wiedenbeck http://meteoriticalsociety.org
www.iagc-society.org (michawi@gfz-potsdam.de)
SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Pierrette Tremblay The Japan Association
(ptremblay@mineralogicalassociation.ca) International Association of Geoanalysts
The Société Française Ms. Jennifer Cook, Hon. Sec. of Mineralogical
Mineralogical Association of Canada de Minéralogie et de British Geological Survey Sciences (JAMS) was
490, de la Couronne Cristallographie, the Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GC, UK established in 2007 by
Québec, QC G1K 9A9, Canada French Mineralogy and http://geoanalyst.org merging the Mineralogical
Tel.: 418-653-0333; fax: 418-653-0777 Crystallography Society, Society of Japan, founded
office@mineralogicalassociation.ca was founded on March 21, The Polskie in 1955, and the Japanese
www.mineralogicalassociation.ca 1878. The purpose of the Towarzystwo Mineral- Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists,
Society is to promote mineralogy and ogiczne (Mineralogical and Economic Geologists, established in
The Clay Minerals crystallography. Membership benefits include Society of Poland), founded 1928. JAMS covers the wide field of mineral
Society (CMS) began as the the “bulletin de liaison” (in French), the in 1969, draws together sciences, geochemistry, and petrology.
Clay Minerals Committee European Journal of Mineralogy, Elements, and professionals and amateurs Membership benefits include receiving the
of the US National Academy reduced registration fees for SFMC meetings. interested in mineralogy, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological
of Sciences – National crystallography, petrology, geochemistry, Sciences (JMPS), the Ganseki-Koubutsukagaku
SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Anne-Marie Boullier
Research Council in 1952. and economic geology. The Society promotes (GKK), and Elements.
In 1962, the CMS was links between mineralogical science and
incorporated with the primary purpose of education and technology through annual
Campus Boucicaut, Bâtiment 7 (kagi@eqchem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
stimulating research and disseminating conferences, field trips, invited lectures, and
information relating to all aspects of clay 140 rue de Lourmel publishing. Membership benefits include Japan Association of Mineralogical
science and technology. The CMS holds 75015 Paris, France subscriptions to Mineralogia and Elements. Sciences
annual meetings, workshops, and field trips, www.sfmc-fr.org c/o Graduate School of Science, Tohoku
and publishes Clays and Clay Minerals and SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Zbigniew Sawłowicz University
the CMS Workshop Lectures series. Member- The Association of (zbigniew.sawlowicz@uj.edu.pl) Aoba, Sendai, 980-8578, Japan
ship benefits include reduced registration fees Applied Geochemists is Mineralogical Society of Poland Tel./Fax: 81-22-224-3852
to the annual meeting, discounts on the an international organiza- Al. Mickiewicza 30, KYL04223@nifty.ne.jp
CMS Workshop Lectures, and Elements. tion founded in 1970 that 30-059 Kraków, Poland http://jams.la.coocan.jp
specializes in the field of Tel./fax: +48 12 6334330
SOCIETY NEWS EDITOR: Jeffery Greathouse applied geochemistry. It
(jagreat@sandia.gov) ptmin@ptmin.pl
aims to advance the science www.ptmin.agh.edu.pl
The Clay Minerals Society of geochemistry as it relates to exploration
3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500 and the environment, further the common
Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA interests of exploration geochemists, facili- Affi liated Societies
Tel.: 703-652-9960; fax: 703-652-9951 tate the acquisition and distribution of The International Mineralogical Association,
cms@clays.org scientific knowledge, promote the exchange the European Mineralogical Union, and the
www.clays.org of information, and encourage research and International Association for the Study of Clays are
development. AAG membership includes affi liated societies of Elements. The affi liated status
the AAG journal, Geochemistry: Exploration, is reserved for those organizations that serve as an “umbrella” for other groups in the
Environment, Analysis; the AAG newsletter, fields of mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrology, but that do not themselves have
EXPLORE; and Elements. a membership base.
The formation of ore the future evolution of the resource of strategic
JAMES I. DREVER, University of Wyoming, USA deposits often appears metals; the development of applications has been
(drever@uwyo.edu) to result from a “magic much faster than that of knowledge about how
(Georges.Calas@impmc.jussieu.fr) chain” made from a the resource might be increased to match this
JOHN W. VALLEY, University of Wisconsin, coherent succession of expansion. The names of the rare earth elements,
USA (valley@geology.wisc.edu)
geological, geochemical, such as ytterbium and europium, have become
JOHN BRODHOLT, University College London, UK mineralogical, etc. pro- familiar to the public, because they are frequently
NORBERT CLAUER, CNRS/UdS, Université de cesses that concentrate heard on the radio, TV, and Internet. There is
Strasbourg, France
WILL P. GATES, SmecTech Research metallic elements. The an emerging collective fear that we will run out
Consulting, Australia efficiency of such ele- of this resource. This is perfectly depicted in
GEORGE E. HARLOW, American Museum Georges Calas
of Natural History, USA ment concentration is the cartoon reproduced below and published in
JANUSZ JANECZEK, University of Silesia, Poland really extraordinary, as December 2010 by the French satirical magazine
HANS KEPPLER, Bayerisches Geoinstitut,
Germany illustrated by elements such as gold, which is con- Le Canard Enchaîné.
DAVID R. LENTZ, University of New Brunswick, centrated from the ppb level to nuggets weighing
ANHUAI LU, Peking University, China 70 kg. As a consequence, humankind has used for The fi rst issue of Elements, guest edited by Robert
ROBERT W. LUTH, University of Alberta, Canada millennia these mineral resources, which have Bodnar, was on the theme “Fluids in Planetary
been central to technological progress since the Systems.” Interestingly, the fi rst article of the
DAVID W. MOGK, Montana State University, USA
TAKASHI MURAKAMI, University of Tokyo, Japan
ROBERTA OBERTI, CNR Istituto di Geoscienze Stone Age. And it is still the case. Rare earth ele- issue, written by Steve Kesler—and thus the fi rst
ments do not take full advantage of this “magic contributed article published in Elements—was
e Georisorse, Pavia, Italy
TERRY PLANK, Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory, USA chain.” The most abundant rare earth elements entitled “Ore-Forming Fluids.” Since, Elements
are indeed similar in crustal abundance to transi- has published several articles dealing with ore-
XAVIER QUEROL, Spanish Research Council, Spain
MAURO ROSI, University of Pisa, Italy
BARBARA SHERWOOD LOLLAR, University of tion elements such as chromium or nickel. Despite forming processes. However, the present issue on
this, ore deposits of the former are much rarer rare earth minerals and deposits is devoted only
Toronto, Canada
Lausanne, Switzerland to ore deposits. It
than those of the
OLIVIER VIDAL, Université J. Fourier, France perfectly illustrates
MEENAKSHI WADHWA, Arizona State latter. Scandium,
University, USA how recent labora-
a transition ele-
BERNARD WOOD, University of Oxford, UK tory and field data
JON WOODHEAD, University of Melbourne, ment usually clas-
Australia provide clues to
sified with the rare
understanding the
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE earths due to its
CARLOS AYORA IBÁÑEZ, Sociedad Española conditions of for-
di Mineralogía
geochemical prop-
mation of rare earth
LIANE G. BENNING, European Association erties, forms fewer
of Geochemistry deposits.
THOMAS D. BULLEN, International Association
than 10 rare or very
of GeoChemistry rare and unique The “rare earth
BERNARDO CESARE, Società Italiana di
Mineralogia e Petrologia minerals. A geo- crisis” that occurred
BARBARA L. DUTROW, Mineralogical chemical invariant in 2010 underlined
Society of America, Chair
W. CRAWFORD ELLIOTT, The Clay Minerals Society during weathering t he i mp or t a nc e
MONICA M. GRADY, The Meteoritical Society processes, exploited of teaching ore
BERNARD GROBÉTY, Swiss Society of
Mineralogy and Petrology only as a by-product, – What? A gram of dysprosium! You’ve gone overboard! deposits in the Earth
GUY LIBOUREL, Société Française scandium is a typ- – We wanted to offer you lanthanum, but we didn’t find any! science curriculum.
de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie
MAREK MICHALIK, Mineralogical Society ical element not (Cabu, Le Canard Enchaîné, 15/12/2010 – © Le Canard Enchaîné) This realization is
of Poland involved in the
EIJI OHTANI, Japan Association of
affecting the posi-
Mineralogical Sciences “magic chain.” tions and funding opportunities in many Earth
IAIN M. SAMSON, Mineralogical Association
of Canada Rare earths minerals do not usually attract science departments. For instance, Europe is cre-
attention and are often put in a modest place in ating a network on minerals resources, ERA-Min
EDWIN A. SCHAUBLE, Geochemical Society
of Applied Geochemists museum mineral collections. They are also sacri- (www.era-min-eu.org), in order to strengthen a
ficed in mineralogy classes to leave time for more community that received less attention in the
PETER TRELOAR, Mineralogical Society
of Great Britain and Ireland
FRIEDHELM VON BLANCKENBURG, noble or “important” minerals. This reminds me past. And new expertise will arrive in the field.
Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft
MICHAEL WIEDENBECK, International of Andersen’s Ugly Duckling, a tale beloved around The Beauty was sleeping: it has been said that,
Association of Geoanalysts the world that shows an apparent transforma- during the emergence of China’s rare earth
MANAGING EDITOR tion for the better. Indeed, despite rare earths
PIERRETTE TREMBLAY, tremblpi@ete.inrs.ca
supremacy, most Western countries did not realize
being of prime importance in geochemistry, rare the perilous situation they now fi nd themselves
earth minerals remained, in the past, of minor in, as if they were sleepwalking. The Sleeping
importance for most mineralogists. However, Beauty is awaking. It is our hope that the present
recent events have put the spotlight on them, revival of interest in ore deposits in general and
placing the rare earth resource in the forefront in rare earth deposits in particular, integrating
of present-day concerns. Modern societies are sustainable development concepts and an active
490, rue de la Couronne anxious to obtain this resource needed for many environmental conscience in the exploitation and
Québec (Québec) G1K 9A9, Canada technological developments: once extracted, rare
Tel.: 418-654-2606 Fax: 418-653-0777 utilization of mineral resources, will continue to
Layout: POULIOT GUAY GRAPHISTES earths are desirable, although, in the past, they help us fi nd answers about the workings of the
Copy editor: THOMAS CLARK never attracted such attention and fame. The Ugly “magic chain.”
Proofreaders: THOMAS CLARK
and DOLORES DURANT Duckling is now a noble swan.
Printer: ALLEN PRESS Georges Calas (georges.calas@upmc.fr)*
The publishers assume no responsibility for In most countries, politicians and the media Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
any statement of fact or opinion expressed frequently question Earth science departments
in the published material. The appearance of
advertising in this magazine does not constitute and organizations about rare earths, as our disci-
endorsement or approval of the quality or value plines have always been involved in the explora-
of the products or of claims made for them.
tion, mining and mineral processing of metallic
www.elementsmagazine.org resources. They are eager to hear from us about * Principal editor in charge of this issue
THIS ISSUE For the fi rst three years of Elements, Peter Heaney entertained and
enlightened us with his beautifully crafted Triple Point articles. I was
This issue devoted to the rare earth elements is timely: these ele-
delighted that he accepted my invitation to write a 12th column. So all
ments have become indispensable not only for producing the techno-
the Heaney fans out there, read about his sabbatical project and enjoy!
logical gadgets our society is consuming in exponentially increasing
quantities, but also for meeting future energy challenges, while the
resource is limited. The six articles assembled by Guest Editors Anton
Chakhmouradian and Frances Wall therefore focus on the resource
aspect, from the economic context to the distribution of deposits world-
wide. I learned a lot working on this issue. I was surprised by the
caption of Figure 1A in the Hatch paper stating that direct-drive wind
turbines contain approximately 150–200 kg of Nd and 20–30 kg of Dy
per megawatt of generating capacity. That seemed a lot, so I queried the
author. His answer: “Now you know why everyone’s making a big fuss
about fi nding future supplies.” Extracting rare earths from minerals is Elements Course Packs at MinPubs.org
complex, and in many instances deposits will not become economic It is now possible to take content from different issues of Elements and
to exploit until we fi nd new ways to extract these elements. Also I now combine it with material from the American Mineralogist and the Reviews
understand why China is almost a monopoly producer. in Mineralogy and Geochemistry series, then assemble the articles in
specially priced course packs that students can purchase on their own.
Are thematic articles in Elements review articles? The question was The course packs can be provided in either paper or electronic form.
debated at the last meeting of the Executive Committee. One former It is also possible to purchase single Elements articles (from volume 1,
guest editor argued that he had instructed all authors in his issue to number 1 to the present). Check www.minpubs.org (see also page 389).
provide a snapshot of their field, and perhaps this is an appropriate
If you wish to have a course pack assembled for your class, obtain an
way to describe Elements’ thematic articles. Occasionally, original
entire Reviews volume as a single electronic fi le, or if you are ordering
research results are published in Elements. This is what A. Williams-
5 or more articles and would like a coupon code for a 25% discount on
Jones answered to my query regarding Figure 5 in his manuscript: “The
your order, or have other questions, contact jaspeer@minsocam.org.
modeling was done for the purpose of this manuscript. I wanted to also
add some original science. The discovery that fluorine could not be an Pierrette Tremblay, Managing Editor
agent of REE transport was also made during the preparation of this
manuscript and led to a separate manuscript that is now in review.”
CELESTINE FOR STATE MINERAL! Triple Point raises issues of broad interest to the readers of Elements and
explores different aspects of our science (teaching, publishing, historical
A SABBATICAL PROJECT aspects, etc.), our societies, funding, policy, and political issues
ALLISON MACFARLANE TO HEAD THE NUCLEAR Stanford University. Dr. Brown’s stellar career as a professor and
REGULATORY COMMISSION researcher in mineralogy and geochemistry is well known and amply
justifies the award.
Allison M. Macfarlane, designated by President
Obama as chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Dr. Brown received his BS in chemistry and geology from Millsaps
Commission, was sworn in on July 9 as the College (1965) and his MS (1968) and PhD (1970) in mineralogy and
15th person to lead this agency charged with crystallography from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.
regulating the civilian use of nuclear mate- He has served as president of the Mineralogical Society of America
rials. She will serve a term ending June 30, (1995–1996) and is a fellow of the Geological Society of America (1997),
2013. “The agency faces multiple challenges. the Geochemical Society (1999), and the American Association for the
I look forward to working collegially with my Advancement of Science (2000). He has also received the Mineralogical
fellow commissioners and the excellent, dedi- Association of Canada’s Hawley Medal (2007) and the Mineralogical
cated staff at the NRC to address these issues,” Society of America’s Roebling Medal (2007).
said Macfarlane, an expert in nuclear
waste issues. He has made major contributions to a broad range of fundamental
and applied problems, at the interface between Earth science, environ-
Allison Macfarlane holds a doctorate in geology from the Massachusetts mental science, physics, and chemistry. His public service is reflected
Institute of Technology. Most recently she was an associate professor by the positions he has held and the more than 30 committees in
of environmental science and policy at George Mason University in which he has participated at various levels, including occupying key
Fairfax, Virginia. She has held fellowships at Radcliffe College, MIT, and positions advising and providing research management for NSF- and
Stanford and Harvard universities. From 1998 to 2000 she was a Social DOE-supported centers. He is also known for the many students he has
Science Research Fellow–MacArthur Foundation Fellow in International advised and the extensive effort he has made to get students involved
Peace and Security. She has served on National Academy of Sciences in mineralogy. His research has been concerned with major societal
panels on nuclear energy and nuclear weapons issues. issues, such as the remediation of polluted or contaminated sites, the
sequestration of heavy metal/metalloid and organic pollutants/con-
From 2010 to 2012 she served on the Blue Ribbon Commission on
taminants in ecosystems, the impact of certain minerals or the elements
America’s Nuclear Future, created by the Obama Administration to
they contain (or release) on human health, and the disposal of waste
make recommendations about a national strategy for dealing with the
(industrial, nuclear, etc.). He also helped popularize large user facili-
nation’s high-level nuclear waste. Her research has focused on envi-
ties and has contributed to increasing the visibility of the geosciences.
ronmental policy and international security issues associated with
nuclear energy, especially the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle. In 2006
MIT Press published a book she coedited with Rod Ewing, Uncertainty HONORARY DOCTORATES FOR DONALD DINGWELL
Underground: Yucca Mountain and the Nation’s High-Level Nuclear Waste, The University of Alberta awarded a DSc to
which explored technical issues at the proposed waste-disposal facility Donald Bruce Dingwell on 6 June in Edmonton
at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. for his contributions to experimental geosci-
ences, volcanology, and excellence in science.
Allison Macfarlane is the third woman to serve as chair of the commis-
He delivered a convocation address—at the
sion, the 33rd member to serve on the panel, and the only individual
university where he obtained his PhD in
with a background in geology to serve on the commission.
198 4 — e nt it le d “P repa r i ng for t he
University College London also awarded a
The Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell for
DSc to Dingwell on 5 September for his major
Superlative Service to the Geosciences is the
achievements in experimental Earth sciences. Dean Catlow cited his
American Geosciences Institute’s highest
important role in the scientific landscape of Europe and the world.
award, given in recognition of singular per-
formance in and contributions to the profes- Renowned for establishing the experimental investigation of melts and
sion of geology. The 2012 Campbell medalist magma as a vital component of Earth sciences, Don Dingwell holds the
is Gordon E. Brown Jr., Dorrell William Kirby Chair of Mineralogy and Petrology at the Ludwig Maximilian University
Professor of Earth Sciences at the Department of Munich. He is serving as the secretary general of the European
of Geological and Environmental Sciences of Research Council, a major position in the international granting system.
is that the comet’s rocky components are inner Solar System materials
that were transported to the edge of the solar nebula where they could
accumulate low-temperature ice and organics. Supporting this notion is
the observation that the comet appears to contain a wider diversity of
materials than are found in specific chondrite groups. Chondrite groups
have distinctive properties because much of their mass was made from
local materials that in some cases have restricted ranges of properties,
such as oxygen isotope composition and minor element composition of
olivine. It appears that a major difference between asteroids and Wild
2 is that asteroids were largely constructed from locally made materials
whose properties give meteorite groups distinctive characteristics, while
comets like Wild 2 contain a broader mix of nebular materials.
REFERENCES Cuzzi JN, Hogan RC, Shariff K (2008) Toward Nakamura T and 11 coauthors (2008)
planetesimals: Dense chondrule clumps in the Chondrulelike objects in short-period Comet
Bockelée-Morvan D, Gautier D, Hersant F, Huré protoplanetary nebula. The Astrophysical Journal 81P/Wild 2. Science 321: 1664
J-M, Robert F (2002) Turbulent radial mixing 687: 1432-1447
in the solar nebula as the source of crystalline Nakamura-Messenger K, Keller LP, Clemett SJ,
silicates in comets. Astronomy and Astrophysics Hewins RH, Radomsky PM (1990) Temperature Messenger S, Ito M (2011) Nanometer-scale
384: 1107-1118 conditions for chondrule formation. Meteoritics anatomy of entire Stardust tracks. Meteoritics
25: 309-318 and Planetary Science 46: 1033-1051
Boss AP (2012) Mixing and transport of isotopic
heterogeneity in the early Solar System. Annual Leitner J, Hoppe P, Heck PR (2010) First discovery Shu FH, Shang H, Gounelle M, Glassgold AE, Lee T
Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 40: 23-43 of presolar material of possible supernova origin (2001) The origin of chondrules and refrac-
in impact residues from Comet 81P/Wild 2. tory inclusions in chondritic meteorites. The
Bridges JC, Changela HG, Nayakshin S, Starkey NA, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Astrophysical Journal 548: 1029-1050
Franchi IA (2012) Chondrule fragments from Abstracts 41: 1607
Comet Wild 2: Evidence for high temperature Simon SB and 11 coauthors (2008) A refractory
processing in the outer Solar System. Earth and Leitner J, Heck PR, Hoppe P, Huth J (2012) The C-, inclusion returned by Stardust from comet 81P/
Planetary Science Letters 341-344: 186-194 N-, and O-isotopic composition of cometary dust Wild 2. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43:
from Comet 81P/Wild 2. Lunar and Planetary 1861-1877
Ciesla FJ (2010) The distributions and ages of Institute Science Conference Abstracts 43:
refractory objects in the solar nebula. Icarus 1839-1839
208: 455-467
he rare earth elements (REEs) are all around us, not only in nature but
in our everyday lives. They are in every car, computer, smartphone,
energy-efficient fluorescent lamp, and color TV, as well as in lasers,
lenses, ceramics, and more. Scientific applications of these elements range
from tracing the provenance of magmas and sediments to studying body
structures with magnetic resonance imaging. The realization that we need
rare earths for so many applications, but that their supply is effectively
restricted to several mining districts in China, has brought these elements
to the headlines and created a critical-metals agenda. Here we introduce the
REE family: their properties, minerals, practical uses, and deposits. Potential
sources of these elements are diverse and abundant if we can overcome the
technical challenges of rare earth mining and extraction in an environmen-
tally and socially responsible way.
KEYWORDS : rare earth elements, lanthanides, yttrium,
rare earth deposits, critical metals
How Rare Are Rare Earths?
Experts delight in educating their audience that the term
rare earth elements is a misnomer because these elements
are not at all rare in the Earth’s crust. Cerium and Y, for
example, are the 25th and 30 th most abundant elements by
mass, respectively, far exceeding in concentration Sn, Hg,
Mo, and all precious metals (Rudnick and Gao 2003).
However, the crustal abundances of many other REEs,
including those of great practical value, are exceedingly
small, especially if recalculated to atomic concentrations.
Atoms of terbium (Tb) and thulium (Tm), for instance, are
two and five times (respectively) less abundant in the conti-
C nental crust than Mo and two orders of magnitude rarer
than Cu. It is also noteworthy that in the Solar System,
most lanthanides with an odd atomic number are actually
lower in abundance than 94% of the remaining elements,
including Au, Pt, and other precious metals (Anders and
Grevesse 1989), proving once and for good that rare earths
are rare—certainly, on the cosmic scale!
Bastnäsite 53–79 wt% ∑REO; CRB; HMD Bastnäs, SW; Mountain Pass, USA;
REECO3 (F,OH) ≤2.8 wt% ThO2 Maoniuping, Weishan, and Bayan Obo, CH;
Karonge Gakara, Burundi
Parisite 58–63 wt% ∑REO; CRB; HMD Mountain Pass, USA; Weishan and
CaREE 2 (CO3)3 (F,OH) 2 ≤4.0 wt% ThO2 Bayan Obo, CH
Synchysite 48–52 wt% ∑REO; CRB; HMD associated with CRB Barra do Itapirapuã, BR; Lugiin Gol, MN;
CaREE(CO3) 2 (F,OH) ≤5.0 wt% ThO2 and granites Kutessay, KR
Ba–REE fluorocarbonatesb 22–40 wt% ∑REO; HMD; CRB Bayan Obo, CH
BaxREEy (CO3) x+yFy ≤0.7 wt% ThO2
Monazite 38–71 wt% ∑REO; CRB; HMD; granitic pegmatites; Kangankunde, ML; Bayan Obo, CH;
(REE,Th,Ca,Sr)(P,Si,S)O 4 ≤27 wt% ThO2; Fe oxide–phosphate rocks; Steenkampskraal, SA; Mt. Weld, AU; Tomtor,
solid solution to cheralite ≤0.8 wt% UO2 laterites; placers RU; Tamil Nadu and Kerala, IN; Buena, BR;
(Ca,Th,REE)PO 4 Nolans Bore and Eneabba, AU; Perak, MA
Xenotime 43–65 wt% ∑REO; Granites and pegmatites; HMD Kutessay, KR; Pitinga, BR; Tomtor, RU; Mt.
(REE,Zr)(P,Si)O 4 ≤8.4 wt% ThO2; associated with granites; Weld, AU; Kinta and Selangor, MA
≤5.8 wt% UO2 laterites; placers; rarely CRB Lofdal, Namibia
Churchite 43–56 wt% ∑REO; Laterites Mt. Weld, AU; Chuktukon, RU
REEPO 4•2H2O ≤0.3 wt% ThO2
Fergusonite 43–52 wt% ∑REO; Granites and pegmatites; HMD Bayan Obo, CH; Nechalacho, CA
REENbO 4 ≤8.0 wt% ThO2; associated with peralkaline rocks
≤2.4 wt% UO2
Loparite 28–38 wt% ∑REO; Peralkaline feldspathoidal rocks Lovozero, RU
(Na,REE,Ca)(Ti,Nb)O3 ≤1.6 wt% ThO2
A number of other REE minerals have been mined on a Na3REE(CO3) 3•3H2O. Some of the minerals listed here may
small scale (typically, from pegmatites and other vein predominantly contain either LREEs or HREEs (e.g. bastnäsite,
deposits) or proposed as potential ore minerals. However, their fergusonite, allanite, gadolinite), while others show preference
economic value at present is uncertain. Examples discussed for a specific group (e.g. monazite, loparite, and cerite for
further in the present issue include (listed alphabetically): LREEs; xenotime, churchite, and euxenite for HREEs).
aeschynite, REE(Ti,Nb) 2O6 ; allanite, CaREEAl2Fe2+ (SiO4) b
(Si2O7)O(OH); ancylite, (Sr,Ca)REE(CO3) 2 (OH) • H2O; Include huanghoite (x = y = 1), zhonghuacerite (x = 2, y = 1), and
britholite, Ca 2REE 3 (SiO4) 3 (F,OH); cerianite, CeO2 ; cerite, cebaite (x = 3, y = 2)
REE9Fe3+ (SiO4) 6 (SiO3OH)(OH) 3; euxenite, REE(Nb,Ta,Ti) 2O6 ; c
Abbreviations: CRB = carbonatites, HMD = hydrothermal-
ferriallanite, CaREEAlFe3+ Fe2+ (SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH); gadolinite, metasomatic deposits; AU = Australia, BR = Brazil, CA = Canada,
REE 2Fe2+ Be2Si2O10 ; gagarinite, NaCaREEF6 ; gerenite, CH = China, IN = India, KR = Kyrgyzstan, MA = Malaysia, ML =
NaCaREE 3 (Si6O18) •2H2O; kainosite, Ca 2REE 2 (Si4O12) Malawi, MN = Mongolia, RU = Russia, SA = South Africa, SW =
(CO3) • H2O; nioboaeschynite, REE(Nb,Ti) 2O6 ; shomiokite Sweden; REE = rare earth element(s), REO = rare earth oxide(s)
REFERENCES Hatch GP (2012) Dynamics in the global Pecharsky VK, Gschneider KA Jr (1999)
market for rare earths. Elements 8: Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic
Anders E, Grevesse N (1989) Abundances 341-346 refrigeration. Journal of Magnetism
of the elements: Meteoritic and solar. and Magnetic Materials 200: 44-56
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53: Hendry JH and 8 coauthors (2009)
197-214 Human exposure to high natural back- Rudnick RL, Gao S (2003) Composition
ground radiation: what can it teach us of the continental crust. Treatise on
Bau M, Dulski P (1996) Anthropogenic about radiation risks? Journal of Geochemistry 3: 1-64
origin of positive gadolinium anomalies Radiological Protection 29: A29-A42
in river waters. Earth and Planetary Shannon RD (1976) Revised effective
Science Letters 143: 245-255 James C (1911) Thulium I. Journal of the ionic radii and systematic studies of
American Chemical Society 33: interatomic distances in halides and
Belli P and 14 coauthors (2007) Search for 1332-1344 chalcogenides. Acta Crystallographica
α decay of natural Europium. Nuclear A32: 751-767
Physics A 789: 15-29 Kaltsoyannis N, Scott P (1999) The
f Elements. Oxford University Press, Spencer JF (1919) The Metals of the Rare
Brauner B (1902) Über die Stellung der USA, 85 pp Earths. Longmans, Green, London,
Elemente der seltenen Erden im peri- 279 pp
odischen System von Mendelejeff. Kato Y and 8 coauthors (2011) Deep-sea
Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie mud in the Pacific Ocean as a potential Tanaka K, Takahashi Y, Shimizu H (2008)
32: 1-30 resource for rare-earth elements. Nature Local structure of Y and Ho in calcite
Geoscience 4: 535-539 and its relevance to Y fractionation
British Geological Survey (2011) Rare from Ho in partitioning between calcite
Earth Elements Mineral Profi le. British Kravchenko SM, Pokrovsky BG (1995) The and aqueous solution. Chemical
Geological Survey, Keyworth, Tomtor alkaline ultrabasic massif and Geology 248: 104-113
Nottingham, UK, www.mineralsUK. related REE-Nb deposits, northern
com, 54 pp Siberia. Economic Geology 90: 676-689 Taylor SR, McLennan SM (1985) The
Continental Crust: Its Composition and
Castor SB, Hedrick JB (2006) Rare earth Kynicky J, Smith MP, Xu C (2012) Evolution. Blackwell, Oxford, 312 pp
elements. In: Kogel JE, Trivedi NC, Diversity of rare earth deposits: The key
Barker JM (eds) Industrial Minerals and example of China. Elements 8: 361-367 Urbain MG (1908) Un nouvel élément: le
Rocks. Society for Mining, Metallurgy lutécium, résultant du dédoublement de
and Exploration, pp 769-792 Levinson AA (1966) A system of nomen- l’ytterbium de Marignac. Comptes
clature for rare-earth minerals. rendus 145: 759-762
Chakhmouradian AR, Zaitsev AN (2012) American Mineralogist 51: 152-158
Rare earth mineralization in igneous USGS (2012) Rare Earths Statistics and
rocks: Sources and processes. Elements Mariano AN, Mariano A Jr (2012) Rare Information. United States Geological
8: 347-353 earth mining and exploration in North Survey, http://minerals.usgs.gov/
America. Elements 8: 369-375 minerals/pubs/commodity/rare_earths
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f-element bonds. Journal of Alloys McDonough WF, Sun S-s (1995) The Wall F (2013) Rare earth elements. In:
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en svart tung Stenart ifrån Ytterby Moss RL, Tzimas E, Kara H, Willis P, Weill DF, McKay GA, Kridelbaugh SJ,
Stenbrott i Roslagen. Kongliga Kooroshy J (2011) Critical Metals in Grutzeck M (1974) Modeling the evolu-
Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Strategic Energy Technologies. European tion of Sm and Eu abundances during
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Ignore Them Now. A Rare Earth Williams-Jones AE, Migdisov AA, Samson
Element Industry Overview. CIBC Nozaki Y, Alibo D-S, Amakawa H, Gamo IM (2012) Hydrothermal mobilisa-
World Market Inc. report T, Hasumoto H (1999) Dissolved rare tion of the rare earth elements –
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Kontraktion und ihre Konsequenzen, Occurrence of Monazite. U.S. Geological 89: 577-582
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national defense: Background, oversight Padmanabhan VT (2002) Radioactive depleted MORB mantle (DMM). Earth
issues, and options for Congress. minerals and private sector mining. and Planetary Science Letters
Congressional Research Service, Report Economic and Political Weekly 37: 231: 53-72
for Congress 7-5700 4365-4367
he long-term growth of numerous industries will depend on the ability
to secure stable and diverse sources of rare earths. Recent years have
seen unprecedented volatility in this sector, with the rare earths being quantities within commercially
processed LREE-rich minerals such
increasingly considered as strategic and critical to a wide range of technolo-
as monazite and bastnäsite. HREE-
gies. During the next few years, demand for some of the rare earths is enriched minerals and deposits that
expected to exceed supply. Chinese export-quota policies have had a severe have been processed commercially
impact on the market. Worldwide exploration efforts are now leading to the include xenotime-(Y), ion-adsorp-
tion clays, and synchysite-(Y). New
deployment of a rare earth supply chain based outside China. potential sources of HREEs outside
KEYWORDS : rare earths, rare earth oxide, neodymium, dysprosium, critical metals China tend to be contained in
minerals such as eudialyte, which
have not been processed commer-
cially before.
The rare earth elements (REEs) are a unique group of chem- END USES OF RARE EARTHS
ical elements that exhibit a range of special electronic, REEs have a variety of end uses (FIG. 1). Applications for
magnetic, optical, and catalytic properties. These elements REEs can be divided into two broad categories: process
are enablers: their use in components manufactured from enablers and technology building blocks.
a wide range of alloys and compounds can have a profound
effect on the performance of complex engineered systems. Rare Earths as Process Enablers
The REEs are usually defined as the 15 lanthanoid elements In a number of applications, REEs are used in the lifecycle
(lanthanum to lutetium), plus scandium and yttrium of other materials and components but do not stay with
(Connelly et al. 2005). Promethium is radioactive and has the processed material. In general, simple REE compounds
no stable isotopes; it is thus present in the Earth’s crust in are utilized, such as rare earth oxides (REOs). Examples
vanishingly small quantities. Scandium exhibits a number include:
of properties that are similar to those of other REEs, but is
Fluid-cracking catalysts (FCCs). These are materials used
seldom found in the same minerals as the other REEs; it
in the petroleum-refi ning industry. La and Ce are added
does not selectively combine with the common ore-forming
to the catalytic compounds (up to 8 wt%) to provide
anions (Hedrick 2000). It should be noted that the other
zeolite stability during the cracking process, which in
REEs are chemically very similar to each other and tend
turn yields high catalytic activity and process selectivity.
to occur together within minerals in varying quantities.
This interaction aids in the transformation of crude oil
Their chemical similarities make them difficult to separate
into gasoline and other useful and valuable petroleum
from each other, once liberated from the minerals in which
they are found.
Automotive catalytic converters. Modern vehicles use cata-
Flow-sheet designers and process engineers divide the REEs
lytic converters to reduce the emission of pollutants that
into three subgroups on the basis of initial segmentation
result from the internal combustion process. CeO2 is the
during the separation process. Lanthanum (La), cerium
primary rare earth compound in such converters and is
(Ce), and neodymium (Nd) are the light REEs (LREEs);
used in a wash coat in conjunction with zirconium (Zr)
samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), and gadolinium (Gd) are
and platinum-group metals. The wash coat can contain
the medium REEs (MREEs), and terbium (Tb), dysprosium
up to 30 wt% CeO2 . The associated redox reaction aids
(Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium
in the conversion of NOx, CO, and unburned hydrocar-
(Yb), lutetium (Lu), and yttrium (Y) are the heavy REEs
bons into less harmful compounds.
(HREEs) (see also Chakhmouradian and Wall 2012 this
issue). HREEs are much rarer than LREEs or MREEs, partly Polishing media. Significant amounts of CeO2 are utilized
due to their lower crustal abundances. They occur in small in the polishing of glass, mirrors, TV screens, computer
displays, and the wafers used to produce silicon chips.
When used in fi ne-powder form, the CeO2 reacts with
the surface of the glass to form a softer layer (the so-called
* Technology Metals Research LLC, 180 S. Western Ave #150 “mechanochemical” effect), thus making it easier to
Carpentersville, Illinois 60110, USA polish the surface to a high-quality fi nish.
Innovation Metals Corp, Suite 1801, 1 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M5E 1W7, Canada
E-mail: ghatch@techmetalsresearch.com
In addition to making electrical machines more efficient Ceramics 3000 1500 2000 500 7000
and to enhance performance, rare earth magnet mate-
rials have made it possible to miniaturize motors, loud- Other 3500 500 1500 500 6000
speakers, hard-disk drives, and other applications that
Total demand 70,000 10,500 18,000 6500 105,000
use permanent magnets to operate. The magnetic field
strength of rare earth magnets can be several times Market share 68% 10% 16% 6% 100%
greater than that of ferrite magnets of the same shape
Source: Kingsnorth (2012)
TABLE 2 FORECASTED GLOBAL RARE EARTH DEMAND IN 2016 In August 2012, the MOC published the quota allocations
(in tonnes of TREO ± 20%) for the remainder of 2012, with all but one of the compa-
Japan & nies that received provisional quotas passing the required
End Use China USA Others Total
SE Asia inspections, thus receiving confi rmed quotas. The fi nal
Permanent magnets 28,000 2000 4500 1500 36,000 total of allocations for 2012 was 31 kt, slightly higher than
for 2011 (Hatch 2012b).
Metal alloys 23,000 2000 3000 2000 30,000
Agence France-Presse (2010) High-seas Inorganic Chemistry: IUPAC Hatch GP (2012b) The Final Chinese
collisions trigger Japan-China spat. AFP, Recommendations 2005. RSC Rare-Earth Export-Quota Allocations
7 September 2011, http://bit.ly/9jgnTq Publishing, Cambridge, p 51 for 2012. Technology Metals Research,
23 August 2012, http://bit.ly/Rzx3se
Bauer D, Diamond D, Li J, McKittrick M, European Commission (2010) Critical
Sandalow MD, Telleen P (2011) Critical Raw Materials for the EU: Report of the Hatch GP (2012c) TMR Advanced Rare-
Materials Strategy. U.S. Department of Ad-hoc Working Group on Defi ning Earth Projects Index. Technology Metal
Energy, Washington, DC, DOE/PI-0009, Critical Raw Materials. European Research, 10 August 2012,
189 pp Commission, Brussels www.rareearths.org
Bradsher K (2010) Amid tension, China GATT (1947) Article XX: General Hedrick JB (2000) Minerals Yearbook:
blocks crucial exports to Japan. New Exceptions. World Trade Organization, Volume I – Metals and Minerals, USGS,
York Times, 23 September 2010, http:// http://bit.ly/LJuZMq Reston, p 62.1
Hatch GP (2011) Critical Rare Earths: Kingsnorth DJ (2012) Rare earths supply
Chakhmouradian AR, Wall F (2012) Rare Global Supply & Demand Projections security: Dream or possibility.
earth elements: Minerals, mines, and the Leading Contenders for New 4th Freiberg Innovations Symposium,
magnets (and more). Elements 8: Sources of Supply. Technology Metals Freiberg, Germany, oral presentation
333-340 Research, www.criticalrareearthsreport.
com, 75 pp WTO (2012) China – Measures Related
China Daily (2012) Policies of China’s to the Exportation of Various Raw
rare earth industry. China Daily, Hatch GP (2012a) 2012 Chinese Rare- Materials. World Trade Organization,
20 June 2012, http://bit.ly/LCHAO2 Earth Export-Quota Allocations – An 22 February 2012, http://bit.ly/LJv8PR
Update. Technology Metals Research,
Connelly G, Damhus T, Hartshorn RM, 17 May 2012, http://tmrne.ws/LhyMQL
Hutton AT (2005) Nomenclature of
eposits of rare earth elements (REEs) in igneous rocks have played an tonnes of REEs wind up
in fertilizer-plant tailings
instrumental role in meeting the growing industrial demand for these annually. The current
elements since the 1960s. Among the many different igneous rocks market situation has
stimulated interest in
containing appreciable concentrations of REEs, carbonatites and peralkaline the Russian mining
industry to develop a
silicate rocks are the most important sources of these elements, both histori- commercially viable
cally and for meeting the anticipated growth in REE demand. The contrasting technology for
extracting REEs
geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of REE mineralization in from the Khibiny ore.
carbonatites, peralkaline feldspathoid rocks, and peralkaline granites reflect
different sources and evolutionary pathways of their parental magmas, as
well as differences in the extent of postmagmatic reworking of primary REE
minerals by hydrothermal fl uids.
KEYWORDS : rare earth elements, lanthanides, yttrium, mineral deposits,
carbonatites, nepheline syenites, granites
Regardless of their provenance, none of the magma types FIGURE 2 Effect of fractional crystallization and liquid immisci-
mentioned above are sufficiently rich in REEs to form a bility (for different partition coefficients) on REE abun-
dances in magmas. Melt L becomes progressively enriched in REEs
deposit if they reach the surface and erupt; some sort of
because it precipitates crystals with a very low S/L D value (≈D LREE in
evolutionary process is always required to generate the clinopyroxenes and feldspathoids). Melt L undergoes depletion
levels of enrichment observed in igneous REE deposits because S/L D is high (≈D Eu in feldspars or D HREE in garnet). Melt L
(FIG. 1). For example, precipitation of a mineral S with a represents an intermediate case (≈D HREE in clinopyroxenes or amphi-
boles). If Melt L unmixes to produce two fractions, one of which
lower REE content than its parental magma, L
(L1) has much lower affinity for REEs than the other (L2), the
(i.e. S/L D REE < 1, where D is the partition coefficient), will resulting trends would replicate the effect of carbonate–silicate
drive the residual liquid toward enrichment in REEs immiscibility on most REEs (where L1 = carbonate and L2 = silicate).
(FIG. 2). Differences in partition coefficient among these FRCR = fractional crystallization
hornfels xenoliths
Ap-Ne rocks
melteigites- urtites
poikilitic Ne syenites Oleniy Ruchei D C
Ne syenites Lovchorritovy murmanite lujavrites
Rasvumchorr Eastern
fine-grained Ne syenites (Niorkpakhk) eudialyte lujavrites
alkali-ultramafic rocks Central Eastern (Koashva) Karnasurt & Ne syenites and urtites
PR metavolcanic rocks poikilitic Ne syenites
5 km
AR granite gneisses F (sub)alkaline volcanics
AR granite gneisses
Lovozero 5 km
Ozerny B
Apatite mine, active faults
Apatite mine, under construction Brb
Recent sdiments Ne syenites
Mosandrite mine (1933-1939), abandoned
Loparite mine, active dolomite-ankerite carbonatites ijolites
Loparite mine (1984-2004), abandoned calcite-dolomite carbonatites clinopyroxenites
2 cm
REE carbonate mineralization, subeconomic calcite carbonatites PR sedimentary rocks
FIGURE 3 Schematic maps of the Khibiny, Ozerny, and Lovozero majority of carbonatites occur in association with broadly
REE deposits of Russia, showing their location, coeval ultramafic and alkaline silicate rocks (FIG. 3), which
geology, and mineralization (neighboring countries with active REE
exploration programs are indicated in capital letters). Hand-
is commonly interpreted to indicate a genetic relationship
specimen photos show (in the order they are discussed): (A) primary between them. Carbonate melts may evolve from alkali-
burbankite (Brb) in calcite carbonatite, (B) complex carbocernaite– rich carbonate–silicate magma of mantle provenance by
bastnäsite–calcite–monazite pseudomorphs after primary either liquid immiscibility or fractional crystallization (Lee
burbankite (Brb) in dolomite carbonatite, (C) loparite-bearing
urtite, (D) eudialyte lujavrite (pink = eudialyte), (E) apatite (Ap) –
and Wyllie 1998), which has implications for the origin of
nepheline (Ne) rock with titanite (Ttn), and (F) aggregate of REE mineralization (see below).
shomiokite crystals (pinkish orange) from a low-temperature hydro-
thermal vein. Geological maps are from Bussen and Sakharov Carbonatites are characteristically enriched in REEs relative
(1972), Epshtein et al. (1972), and Yakovenchuk et al. (2005). AR = to other igneous rocks; about 90% of the published anal-
Archean; PR = Proterozoic yses fall in the 250–8000 ppm range (cf ≤1600 ppm in
alkaline volcanics rocks; FIG. 1). However, these values can
REE MINERALIZATION IN IGNEOUS ROCKS: fluctuate wildly even within a single carbonatite intrusion
KEY EXAMPLES (e.g. from <0.2 to 20.4 wt% REO at Khibiny, Kola; Zaitsev
et al. 1998). Typically, carbonatites show strong enrichment
Carbonatites in LREEs relative to HREEs (FIG. 1); the chondrite-normal-
By defi nition, carbonatites are igneous rocks containing ized (La/Yb) CN ratio ranges from 20 to 1200, reaching 9500
>50% of primary carbonate minerals. However, most at some localities (e.g. Sallanlatvi, Kola). Despite the highly
carbonatites are actually polygenetic and show evidence of fractionated nature of their parental magmas, a few carbon-
hydrothermal and metasomatic reworking; that is, they atites host minor HREE mineralization; examples include
comprise early magmatic phases and products of crystal- late-magmatic xenotime at Lofdal in Namibia (Wall et al.
lization from orthomagmatic and externally derived fluids. 20 08) and carbohydrothermal parageneses with
The most abundant carbonates in these rocks are calcite mckelveyite-group carbonates in Kola (Wall and Zaitsev
and dolomite, whereas ankerite, siderite, magnesite, and 2004). A significant share of the rare earth budget of
rhodochrosite are relatively rare. Other typical rock- carbonatites is dispersed among their major constituent
forming constituents include apatite, magnetite, and ferro- minerals (principally calcite, dolomite, apatite, and amphi-
magnesian silicates. bole-group minerals; e.g. Reguir et al. 2012), whereas the
remainder is incorporated in a plethora of REE-rich
The current view of carbonatite petrogenesis, supported carbonate, phosphate, oxide, and silicate phases.
by voluminous isotopic evidence, is that their parental
magmas ultimately come from lithospheric and astheno- Carbonatites with appreciable REE mineralization have
spheric mantle sources. Relatively few carbonatites crystal- been reported at Khibiny and Vuoriyarvi (Kola, Russia),
lize directly from mantle-derived melts generated by Ozerny and Arshan (Siberia, Russia), Fen (Norway),
low-degree melting of metasomatized peridotite. The Khanneshin (Afghanistan), Amba Dongar (India), Barra
FIGURE 4 Typical REE host phases in carbonatites. (A) Primary developed at the expense of plutonic carbonatites (e.g.
burbankite decorating a contact between clinopyrox- Tomtor and Chuktukon in Siberia, Mt. Weld in Australia).
enite and calcite carbonatite, (B) prismatic bastnäsite in calcite
carbonatite, (C) syntactic intergrowths of REE fluorocarbonates, However, the market competitiveness of supergene ores,
(D) partial replacement of primary burbankite by ancylite and which comprise a very fi ne-grained mixture of clays and
strontianite, (E) monazite-rich hydrothermal paragenesis, (F) zoned secondary REE phosphates (monazite, xenotime, churchite,
apatite in calcite carbonatite, with strong REE enrichment (up to rhabdophane, and crandallite-group minerals), remains to
8.5 wt% REO) in the oscillatory-zoned rim. (A), (B), (D), and
(E) = micrographs (crossed polars); (C) and (F) = false-color back- be demonstrated.
scattered electron images. PHOTO E COURTESY OF HARALD D ILL
Assuming carbonatitic magmas originate in the same
enriched parts of the mantle as other undersaturated sili-
do Itapirapuã (Brazil), Tundulu and Kangankunde (Malawi), cate rocks shown in FIGURE 1, how can we explain the
and Wigu Hill (Tanzania), among many others. The most extraordinary geochemical signature of carbonatites? In
important REE hosts at these localities are carbonates and the context of the preceding discussion, is it plausible that
phosphates (FIG. 4), some containing very high levels of their REE enrichment results from immiscible separation
REEs and readily amenable to processing (TABLE 1 in of hybrid carbonate–silicate melts tapping metasomatized
Chakhmouradian and Wall 2012). peridotites? Or do these rocks represent highly evolved
melts derived by fractional crystallization? Experimental
Three distinct assemblages of REE minerals have been evidence (FIG. 2) argues against liquid immiscibility as the
recognized in carbonatites: (1) primary magmatic, (2) driving force behind the REE enrichment (Veksler et al.
subsolidus hydrothermal–metasomatic, and (3) supergene. 2012). However, D REE values are very high in systems
Where present, magmatic mineralization may constitute involving salt melts rich in P and F. The highest partition
a viable resource (e.g. Mountain Pass; Mariano and Mariano coefficients (215 for La and 94 for Lu) were observed for a
2012). The earliest phases to crystallize are Na–Ca–Sr–Ba– fluoride–silicate system, implying that an immiscible
REE carbonates of the burbankite group, forming crystals carbonate melt strongly enriched in F, for example, may
up to several centimeters in size (FIGS . 3, 4 A) and small be capable of scavenging REEs from its source magma. A
drop-like inclusions in rock-forming carbonates, and more straightforward mechanism of REE enrichment is
REE(±Ca) fluorocarbonates, occurring as single crystals and fractional crystallization of REE-poor oxide and silicate
syntactic intergrowths (FIG. 4B, C). Isotopic data (Zaitsev et minerals (forsterite, phlogopite, diopside, magnetite, and
al. 2002) indicate that the primary REE minerals and their ilmenite); this mechanism is supported by the common
host rocks are cogenetic and derived from the same mantle association of carbonatites with cumulate clinopyroxene–
sources. Burbankite-group phases are commonly replaced magnetite and olivine–magnetite rocks. The fl ip side to
by complex intergrowths of REE, Sr, and Ba minerals, such fractional crystallization is that at high activities of F and
as carbocernaite, ancylite, synchysite, bastnäsite, stronti- P2O5, carbonatitic magma will precipitate copious amounts
anite, and barite (FIGS. 3, 4D). These pseudomorphs result of apatite, which has a gargantuan appetite for REEs
from hydrothermal and metasomatic reworking involving (FIG. 4F), but no demonstrated practical value as a source
low- to medium-temperature fluids of different provenance of these elements (e.g. Xu et al. 2010).
and chemistry (Wall and Mariano 1996; Wall and Zaitsev
2004). Although hydrothermally overprinted carbonatites Peralkaline Undersaturated Rocks
are very common, they rarely host REE mineralization of
These rocks are undoubtedly the most mineralogically
potential economic interest (FIG. 4E). During intense chem-
exotic and challenging to study among all products of
ical weathering, rare earths are concentrated to weight-
anorogenic magmatism. For example, Yakovenchuk et al.
percent levels in thick saprolitic and lateritic profi les
(2005) list 45 (!) rare earth minerals (not including those
Selected REE host minerals in peralkaline rocks. of much debate (Arzamastsev et al. 2001; Yakovenchuk et
(A) Loparite in nepheline syenite (crossed polars), al. 2005). The urtites host economically important apatite
(B) eudialyte in eudialyte lujavrite (plane polarized light), (C) cathodo- deposits (FIG. 3; see below).
luminescence image of xenotime and associated minerals in peralka-
line granite. PHOTO C COURTESY OF ANTHONY N. MARIANO In contrast to Khibiny, the smaller Lovozero complex is a
layered intrusion whose lower part (~80% of the estimated
where REEs substitute for other cations) distributed volume) consists of a rhythmic sequence of nepheline
throughout some 40 different rock types in the Khibiny (± sodalite) syenite, subordinate urtite, and modally tran-
alkaline complex (FIG. 3). Anyone interested in working sitional layers of variable thickness. Here, meso- to mela-
with these unusual rocks will fi rst need to learn a new nocratic trachytoid nepheline syenite (lujavrite) is the most
language, because names like lujavrite, melteigite, and volumetrically significant (~36%) rock type. The upper part
ijolite would probably perplex even a seasoned petrogra- of the Lovozero pluton is a crudely stratified package of
pher (and their correct pronunciation, an experienced eudialyte lujavrites reaching a thickness of 700 m and
linguist!). Khibiny, Lovozero (FIG. 3), and similar large covering 44% of the pluton's exposed area (Bussen and
composite plutons are products of the protracted evolution Sakharov 1972).
of alkali-rich and silica-undersaturated basic melts tapping In contrast to carbonatites, primary magmatic parageneses
a colossal volume of metasomatized mantle (e.g. on the in peralkaline feldspathoid rocks lack monazite or REE
order of several million cubic kilometers beneath Kola; carbonates (but see below). The bulk of their rare earth
Arzamastsev et al. 2001). content is distributed between apatite-group phosphates
The structural and petrologic complexity of these complexes and accessory zircono- and titanosilicates (e.g. eudialyte-
owes much to the differentiation of several compositionally and rinkite-group minerals); early crystallizing perovskite-
distinct batches of magma emplaced in spatial and temporal and pyrochlore-group phases are much less common
proximity to one another (e.g. 377–362 Ma for Khibiny; (Veksler and Teptelev 1990; Chakhmouradian and Mitchell
Kramm and Sindern 2004). Some intrusions (e.g. Ilímaussaq 2002). Cumulate rocks containing large concentrations of
in Greenland) offer compelling geochemical and geophys- REE-rich minerals form by gravity settling from extremely
ical evidence for a transient, deep-seated magma chamber evolved magmas probably derived by fractional crystalliza-
where initial differentiation occurred (Sørensen 2006), tion of feldspathoids, feldspars, and other minerals char-
whereas in other cases (e.g. Lovozero), geochemical data acterized by low S/L D REE (e.g. Dawson et al. 2008). For
are at odds with geophysical models (cf Arzamastsev et al. example, the Na–REE–Ti–Nb oxide loparite (FIG. 5A) is a
2001; Féménias et al. 2005). Plutonic feldspathoid syenites characteristic accessory constituent of many of the
and their (sub)volcanic counterparts, phonolites, are the Lovozero rocks, but it is concentrated (2–4 vol%) in urtites
most voluminous products of magma evolution. Depending and feldspar-bearing rocks transitional to lujavrites
on the volatile content of the parental magma and the (Kogarko et al. 2002). Several of these loparite-rich units
magma's ability to retain it, the predominant feldspathoid have been mined by underground methods since 1951
constituent may be nepheline or, less commonly, sodalite- (FIG. 3 and cover of this issue). Loparite was the major
group minerals. Abundant sodic clinopyroxenes and source of LREE, Nb, and Ta for Soviet industry but is
amphiboles (FIG. 5A, B) reflect the peralkalinity of these rocks, currently facing fierce competition from cheaper and
i.e. a surplus of Na + K over Al (in atomic terms) in their easier-to-process ore types available in the global market.
composition. Common “by-products” of the crystallization A potential alternative to loparite is the REE-bearing
of such magmas are feldspar-poor rocks composed essen- zirconosilicate eudialyte, which makes up >10 vol% (locally,
tially of nepheline and ferromagnesian silicates; these rocks up to 80 vol%) of eudialyte lujavrites and related rocks at
are typically referred to as the melteigite–ijolite–urtite Lovozero (FIGS. 3, 5B). Although the REE content of this
series (with urtites being the most nepheline-rich members eudialyte (~2.0–2.5 wt% REO) is lower than at some North
of the series). American localities (Mariano and Mariano 2012), the
Lovozero deposit is far superior to its potential rivals in
There is a great deal of variation in the relative volumetric tonnage and accessibility.
contribution and emplacement mode of individual rock
types. The Khibiny pluton, for example, is a ring complex Other notable examples of REE-rich products of the
consisting predominantly (~60% by volume) of modally protracted differentiation of peralkaline undersaturated
and texturally diverse nepheline syenites, some of which magma include steenstrupine-bearing amphibole lujavrite
contain xenoliths of older alkali-ultramafic rocks. The at Ilímaussaq (Sørensen et al. 2011) and apatite–nepheline
syenite core and outer “ring” (FIG. 3) are separated by melt- rocks at Khibiny (Kogarko et al. 1984). The apatite, mined
eigite–ijolite–urtite series rocks whose temporal and struc- for phosphate since 1929 (FIG. 3), contains ca 0.9 wt% REO
tural relations with respect to the other units are a subject with an appreciable proportion of HREEs (Samonov 2008).
If these elements were extracted, the currently active mines
could supply about 40% of the global rare earth demand.
Image courtesy of Prof. Frances Wall & Dr Gavyn Rollinson, Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK
across the globe, natural resource companies, service providers, and research
organizations are utilizing automated mineralogy and petrography to image and quantify
features of commercial interest. Our SEM-based automated solutions, QEMSCAN®
and MLA, are essential technologies for mineralogists, geologists, and metallurgists
interested in ultrafast, contextual and quantitative analysis of rocks.
The image shows synchysite/parisite (blue), barite (yellow-green), quartz (pink) and iron and
manganese oxides/carbonates (black and purple) replacing bastnäsite-(Ce) (orange) in a rare
earth ore from Mountain Pass, California, USA.
Hydrothermal Mobilisation
of the Rare Earth Elements –
a Tale of “Ceria” and “Yttria”
Carl Gustaf Mosander
holding a blow-torch
next to a bust of his
Anthony E. Williams-Jones,1 Artashes A. Migdisov1 mentor Jöns Berzelius.
and Iain M. Samson2 COURTESY OF THE
1811-5209/12/0008-0355$2.50 DOI: 10.2113/gselements.8.5.355 NATURAL H ISTORY
lthough the rare earth elements have been thought by many to be Significantly for our story, the REEs
immobile in hydrothermal fl uids, we have known since the fi rst at Bastnäs owe their concentration
to hydrothermal processes. They
attempts to separate them in the early nineteenth century that they are restricted to a narrow zone of
are soluble in aqueous solutions. Driven by a need to isolate individual REEs dolomitic marble in which the
for industrial applications, and more recently to explore for them, we have carbonate has been replaced by
magnetite, tremolite, talc, and the
started to develop an understanding of their solubility and speciation in REE minerals cerite-(Ce) and ferri-
hydrothermal fluids. This knowledge is allowing us to understand the processes allanite- (Ce) (Holtstam and
that promote their transport in the Earth’s crust, their concentration, and Andersson 2007). In contrast to
Bastnäs, the REE mineralisation at
their fractionation.
Ytterby occurs in a granitic pegma-
KEYWORDS : REE, hydrothermal, solubility, speciation, ore formation tite as gadolinite-(Y), fergusonite-
(Y), allanite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y).
In another contrast to Bastnäs,
except for allanite-(Ce), these are
INTRODUCTION all HREE-rich minerals.
Our story of the hydrothermal mobility of the rare earth
elements (REEs) has its origins in the 650-year-old Bastnäs THE AQUEOUS SEPARATION OF THE REES
base metal mining district of Sweden, where a dense reddish The fi rst indication that understanding the behaviour of
mineral, referred to as Bastnäs tungsten (heavy stone), was the REEs in water would be important came in 1839 when
found in the 1740s. Nothing came of this discovery, however, Carl Mosander (a student of Berzelius) established that the
until 1794 when an unusual black mineral (later named “ceria” separated by Hisinger and Berzelius from Bastnäs
gadolinite), found some years earlier in a feldspar mine at tungsten was actually a mixture. Mosander observed that
Ytterby, near Stockholm, was shown by “nitric acid diluted with 75 to 100 parts
the Finnish chemist Johan Gadolin to
contain 38% by mass of a new “earth”.
“These elements [the rare of water...leaves the greater part of the
This prompted Wilhelm Hisinger, a earths] perplex us in our red-brown oxide (‘ceria’) undissolved,
and from the solution thus obtained, the
wealthy foundry proprietor, to speculate researches, baffle us in our oxide of lanthanium was derived”; he
over whether the same earth might also speculations and haunt us precipitated it using potassium hydroxide
be present in Bastnäs tungsten, which he
had seen, and been intrigued by, as a in our very dreams. They (Mosander 1843). Mosander had discov-
ered that lanthanum (Greek, to lie
teenager. By 1804, he and Jöns Berzelius, stretch like an unknown hidden) oxide is more soluble in dilute
the famous Swedish chemist, had demon- sea before us, mocking, acids than cerium oxide. A year later,
strated that this earth and a second new
earth were, indeed, present in the Bastnäs
mystifying and murmuring Mosander realised that even his
lanthanum oxide was not pure, and,
mineral (later named cerite to celebrate strange revelations using the same differential solubility of
the discovery of the dwarf planet Ceres; and possibilities.” the lanthanum oxide in dilute acids that
FIG. 1). The two earths became known as he had seen with cerium oxide, he was
“yttria” and “ceria”. During the next 100 —Sir William Crookes, able to separate a new, more soluble,
years, through careful and painstaking in an address to the British earth, which he named didymium oxide
separation techniques, they would be Association, February 16, 1887 (twinned with lanthanum). Didymium
shown to be mixtures of oxides and, oxide also turned out to be a mixture,
between them, to contain 16 of the 17 REEs, with the heavy and was eventually separated into oxides of samarium
REEs (corresponding to europium and lanthanides of higher (1879), praseodymium (1885), neodymium (1885) and
atomic number, plus yttrium and scandium; HREEs) concen- europium (1896).
trated mainly in “yttria” and the light REEs (LREEs)
in “ceria”. Having shown that “ceria” was a mixture of rare earths,
Mosander turned his attention to “yttria” and, using the
same approach as he had with “ceria”, separated “yttria”
into yttrium, erbium and terbium oxides; he did this by
1 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University
3450 University Street, Montréal, Québec H3A 2A7, Canada
fractionally precipitating them from a hydrochloric acid
solution using ammonium hydroxide. In so doing, he
2 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences showed yttrium to be the most soluble of these earths,
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4, Canada
E-mail of corresponding author: anthony.williams-jones@mcgill.ca followed by erbium and terbium (Mosander 1843). As with
The largest of these deposits is Bayan Obo, China, which AND DEPOSITION OF REE MINERALS
is currently responsible for 45% of global REE production In the preceding sections, we established that the REEs are
and has reserves of 135 million tonnes grading 6 wt% readily concentrated by hydrothermal processes, that the
REE 2O3. The REE mineralisation is hosted by a dolomitic LREEs are more mobile hydrothermally than the HREEs,
unit (most agree that this unit is sedimentary), and is LREE- that the REEs form stable complexes with fluoride and
enriched, epigenetic, and hydrothermal in origin. There chloride ions at high temperature (and likely sulfate,
are two principal orebodies, Main and East. These comprise: carbonate and phosphate), and that the LREE complexes
(1) an early, marginal disseminated monazite-(Ce) stringer with these ligands are more stable than their HREE coun-
facies containing 3 to 6 wt% REE 2O3 ; (2) an inner, layered terparts. Our review of REE deposits, above, showed that
facies containing 6 to 12 wt% REE 2O3, in which dolomite the fluids involved in REE transport and deposition
was replaced by monazite-(Ce), bastnäsite-(Ce), fluorite, commonly have a high chloride and possibly fluoride
apatite, aegirine, magnetite and hematite; and (3) a massive activity (there is commonly a close association between
central iron oxide facies containing <3 wt% REE 2O3 (Chao hydrothermal REE mineralisation and fluorite).
et al. 1992). Based on minimum trapping temperatures of
fluid inclusions, the ores are interpreted to have formed We begin our analysis of hydrothermal REE transport and
between 300 and 400 ºC from brines containing 7 to deposition by using the available thermodynamic data for
10 wt% NaCl equivalent (Smith and Henderson 2000). REE fluoride and REE chloride complexes to evaluate the
Other examples of REE deposits that are of indisputable speciation of the REEs as a function of pH and temperature.
hydrothermal origin are the Gallinas Mountains deposit, Unfortunately, although the chlorinity of REE-depositing
New Mexico, in which a fluorite–bastnäsite-(Ce) assem- hydrothermal systems is well known, the fluorinity is
blage cemented quartz syenite and sandstone breccias poorly known. The only measurements of the concentra-
(Williams-Jones et al. 2000), and the Karonge deposits in tion of fluorine in hydrothermal fluids that have precipi-
Burundi, which occur as centimetre- to decimetre-thick tated REE minerals are those of Banks et al. (1994) for
bastnäsite-(Ce) veins and stockworks in granitic gneiss magmatic–hydrothermal fluid inclusions from veins in the
(Lehmann et al. 1994). The Gallinas Mountains deposit is Capitan Pluton, New Mexico. This study also analysed the
interpreted to have formed between 300 and 400 ºC from REE content of the fluid. If we assume that the ore fluid
brines containing 12 to 18 wt% NaCl equivalent, and contained 10 wt% NaCl (see above), 500 ppm F and
preliminary data for the Karonge deposits suggest that they 200 ppm Nd (Banks et al. 1994) and is undersaturated with
formed at >420 ºC from a brine containing >25 wt% NaCl respect to solids, the data of Migdisov et al. (2009) predict
equivalent. The hydrothermal REE deposits described that at 200 °C, NdF2+ is the dominant dissolved species for
above and others of which we are aware are all pH values above 3 and that NdCl2+ becomes important at
LREE-enriched. this pH at higher temperature. At 400 °C, NdCl2+ is the
dominant species for pH values below 7. From this analysis,
Major deposits in which the REEs were concentrated by a it might appear that both fluoride and chloride species play
combination of magmatic and hydrothermal processes a role in REE transport, depending on the temperature and
include the Nechalacho deposit, Northwest Territories, pH. However, whereas REE chloride minerals are relatively
Canada, with an indicated resource of 88 million tonnes soluble at ambient and higher temperature, REE fluorides
grading 1.53 wt% REE 2O3, and the Strange Lake deposit in are extremely insoluble even at high temperature, which
Québec-Labrador, Canada, with an indicated resource of places an upper limit on the amount of REEs that can be
66 million tonnes grading 1.52 wt% REE 2O3. Both deposits transported as REE fluoride complexes. At a pH of 3 and a
are characterised by high proportions of HREEs. The temperature of 400 °C, the concentration of dissolved Nd
Nechalacho deposit is hosted by a layered, silica-undersat- is 200 ppm, mainly as NdCl2+ (FIG. 4A). Increasing the pH
urated alkaline complex in which the primary magmatic to 5, however, reduces the solubility to <1ppm, because of
REE mineralisation formed as a result of gravity settling HF dissociation and resultant NdF3 [fluocerite-(Nd)] satura-
of eudialyte (a complex zirconosilicate containing ~7 wt% tion; more fluoride ions are available to bind with the REEs
REE 2O3) and zircon (containing ~3 wt% REE 2O3) (Sheard and precipitate fluocerite. Decreasing temperature has the
et al. 2012). Hydrothermal fluids subsequently dissolved same effect: HF dissociates, reducing NdF3 solubility
these minerals and reprecipitated the REEs as fergusonite-(Y),
Banks DA, Yardley BWD, Campbell AR, Lehmann B, Nakai S, Höhndorf A, Rankin AH (2005) Carbonatite-associated
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s a source of strategic commodities for high technologies, the deposits DIVERSITY OF REE
of rare earth elements (REEs) in China are a world-class phenomenon. DEPOSITS IN CHINA
The combination of the world’s largest accumulation of REEs in the Rare earth deposits in China show
a wide spatial distribution and are
Bayan Obo deposit and the low cost of mining the extremely valuable heavy
associated with rocks of carbon-
REEs from residual deposits makes China almost a monopoly producer. atitic affi nity or with weathered
Research on a range of Chinese deposits shows that not only hypogene but granitic rocks (F IG. 1). Current
mining activities are focused on
also secondary processes create economic REE deposits. These deposits have
three main deposit types:
characteristic REE distribution patterns, which range from primary light REE
1 Proterozoic dolomitic marbles
enrichment in carbonatites from the Himalayan Mianning–Dechang orogenic affected by fluids of carbonatitic
belt and in metamorphosed carbonatite and polyphase mineralization at affi nity (Bayan Obo) in northern
Bayan Obo, through unusual flat REE patterns in carbonatites from the Qinling
2 Deeply weathered residual
orogenic belt, to strong secondary heavy REE enrichment in residual clays
deposits (ion-adsorption clays) in
from southern China. southern China
KEYWORDS : rare earth deposits, Bayan Obo, ion-adsorption clays, 3 Carbonatites in the Mianning–
carbonatites, China Dechang and Qinling orogenic
INTRODUCTION The distribution of these deposits is controlled by the large-
Since the mid-1980s, China has been the dominant scale tectonic structure of southeastern Asia, as well as by
producer of rare earth elements (REEs). It currently the distribution of climatic zones in the case of the ion-
accounts for over 90% of the world’s output and hosts adsorption deposits. Bayan Obo is situated in the northern
approximately 50% of the known global reserves (Tse margin of the Proterozoic North China craton, close to a
2011). This dominance of the global market is related to zone marking the inferred site of Caledonian subduction
the discovery, in 1927, of the Bayan Obo deposit in Inner (Chao et al. 1997). The carbonatites of the Qinling orogenic
Mongolia. Other significant deposits occur associated with belt in central China are associated with Late Mesozoic rift
carbonatites in the Himalayan Mianning–Dechang belt basins, modified by Cenozoic thrusting. The ion-adsorp-
and the Qinling orogenic belt; still others are associated tion deposits are associated with weathered rocks (mainly
with lateritic ion-adsorption clay deposits in southern granites) in a range of geological settings across southern
China (TABLE 1). The lateritic deposits are important because China and other regions of Southeast Asia.
of their higher relative proportions of the heavy REEs
(HREEs), which are industrially and economically the most The REE contents of the Bayan Obo rocks and the majority
significant. Thirty years of weakly regulated REE mining of carbonatites are comparable to global averages for
in China have also left a legacy of environmentally carbonatites. However, the unusually sulfide-rich deposits
damaging accidents and contamination, which are at Huanglongpu and Huayangchuan in the Qinling belt
currently being addressed through significantly tightened (FIG. 1A– D) are significantly enriched in HREEs and Y rela-
environmental standards in mining and ore processing. In tive to typical carbonatites (FIG. 2A). The bulk composition
this paper, we review the main REE deposit types in China of the deeply weathered residual (lateritic) ores is essentially
(TABLE 1; FIG. 1) and document the geological reasons for that of their granitic protoliths, but the REE content of the
China’s impressive REE endowment. clays has been modified by the weathering process, leading
to relative enrichment in the HREEs and the development
of anomalously low Ce levels (FIG. 2B). Today, REEs are
being mined at Bayan Obo and a number of small- to
medium-sized lateritic deposits in southern China.
1 Department of Geology and Pedology
Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 3 Extraction of REEs as a by-product of Nb–Ta mining is
613 00 Brno, Czech Republic planned for the near future at the Miaoya deposit in the
E-mail: jindrak@email.cz Qinling belt. The deposits of the Mianning–Dechang REE
2 School of the Environment and Technology belt were mined in the past, and those deposits are currently
University of Brighton, Brighton, BN2 4GJ, UK of strategic significance.
E-mail: martin.smith@brighton.ac.uk
3 Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution
School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University
Beijing 100871, China
E-mail: xucheng1999@hotmail.com
Representative chondrite-normalized plots showing and Ho. (A) Bulk-rock composition of carbonatites and related ores.
the distribution of REEs in the deposits discussed in The grey field shows the global range for carbonatites, from
the text. Yttrium is plotted as a pseudo-lanthanide between Dy Woolley and Kempe (1989). (B) Bulk-rock and mineralogical
composition of ion-adsorption (lateritic) ores
BAYAN OBO – THE WORLD’S LARGEST later vug fi lls of calcite, fluorite, barite, and Nb–Ti and REE
REE DEPOSIT phases. The multistage evolution is also reflected in
microscale textures (FIGS. 1G, H AND 3). Geochemically, these
Geology rocks are comparable to carbonatites (FIG. 2A), and true
The Bayan Obo deposit (FIG. 1E , F ) contains world-class carbonatites do occur in the area (Tao et al. 1998) as dikes
reserves of Fe and REEs associated with a low-grade reserve crosscutting the Archaean Wu Tai gneiss to the north of
of Nb, which is extracted as a by-product (TABLE 1). This the ore bodies, as well as the Bayan Obo Group rocks.
deposit is largely responsible for China’s preeminence in
the global REE market. The deposit is hosted in dolomitic Origin of the Bayan Obo Ores
marble, which forms part of a sequence of Proterozoic The ores were unequivocally formed by hydrothermal
metasedimentary rocks (the Bayan Obo Group) dominated replacement, producing an alteration assemblage that is
by sandstones and slates. The deposit is composed of three both alkali- and F-rich (Chao et al. 1997; Smith and
main ore bodies, which are situated at the contact with Henderson 2000). Despite the apparent affi nity with
overlying slate in the core of a synform. Numerous smaller carbonatites, the origin of both the host dolomite and the
bodies and disseminated mineralization occur throughout ore bodies is controversial due to confl icting geochrono-
the marble unit. The REE resource is dominated by light logical and isotopic evidence (Wang et al. 1994). Thorium–
REEs (LREEs) (FIG. 2A), which are primarily hosted in bast- Pb isotope analyses of monazite gave ages dominantly in
näsite and monazite, with lesser amounts of Ca–REE and the range of 430–420 Ma, and initial Nd isotope ratios at
Ba–REE fluorocarbonates; Nb is hosted in disseminated this time indicate crustal sources for the REEs (FIG. 4).
rutile, columbite, aeschynite, and pyrochlore. However, other radiometric techniques yielded Proterozoic
formation ages, and Ar–Ar analyses of amphibole from the
The genesis of the deposit is complex, comprising at least
deposit and host rocks gave ages ranging from 1260 Ma to
eleven stages. These began with carbonate deposition and
343 Ma, with the youngest age of 225 ± 7 Ma coming from
proceeded through metamorphism and mineralization to
K–Ar dating of K-feldspar from pegmatite dykes cross-
the intrusion of Hercynian granitoids to the south of the
cutting biotite schists in the Bayan Obo Group sediments
ore bodies (Chao et al. 1997). The complex evolution of
(Chao et al. 1997). SHRIMP dating of single zircon crystals
the ores is clearly marked by metasomatic banding
from coarse-grained dolomitic marble in the main marble
enhanced by deformation, centimeter- to decimeter-scale
unit indicated Proterozoic ages (1370–1257 Ma) for igneous-
folding, boudinage and cross-cutting undeformed veins.
derived zircon cores and Caledonian ages (455 Ma) for
Massive pods of sodic pyroxene and amphibole also show
metamorphic or hydrothermal rims (Campbell et al. 2000).
The carbonatite dikes show a similar age spectrum (Ren et DEEPLY WEATHERED RESIDUAL DEPOSITS
al. 1994; Zhang et al. 1994; FIG. 4). The simplest model that
accounts for the isotopic data and textural characteristics Ion-Adsorption Clays:
of the ore is intrusion of carbonatites into metasedimentary The Key Role of Weathering
marbles during the Proterozoic, and subsequent develop- These deposits, also known as residual REE-clays or South
ment of REE mineralization with Nd isotope ratios China clays, have been mined since the early 1970s and
comparable to enriched mantle (FIG. 4). The deposit was represent the world’s most important source of HREEs. The
subsequently metamorphosed between 555 and 420 Ma, largest of these deposits are located in the southern Chinese
and again from 343 Ma to 225 Ma, resulting in the current provinces of Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong and
nature of the ore and the resetting of the various isotope Guangxi (FIG. 1). The currently mined deposits have
systems, including Ar loss from amphiboles, micas and combined estimated resources of at least 1 million tonnes
feldspars. This model is still oversimplified because alkali- (1 Mt) and possibly more than 10 Mt (Chi and Tian 2008).
and F-rich fluids infi ltrated the ore bodies both before and The clays (FIG. 1M, N ) formed by lateritic weathering of
after deformation. Fluids post-dating the main deformation predominantly felsic rocks containing accessory REE
stage may have been derived from subduction-related minerals (Kanazawa and Kamitani 2006). The weathering
granitoids or may indicate a further phase of alkaline process resulted in alteration of the primary REE hosts and
magmatism. It is this extended history of magmatism, the complete disintegration of most rock-forming minerals,
metamorphism, and fluid flow that has resulted in the with the exception of quartz and some stable accessory
accumulation of the enormous REE reserves of the Bayan minerals (FIG. 1O, P). Although similar climatic conditions
Obo area. are prevalent across Southeast Asia, residual REE-clays
developed only in morphologically predisposed areas,
where erosion is minimal. The protolith must also contain
a significant proportion of accessory REE minerals suscep-
tible to chemical weathering, such as REE fluorocarbonates
(bastnäsite, parisite and synchysite), phosphates (monazite,
apatite and, rarely, xenotime), oxides (pyrochlore,
aeschynite and other Nb–Ti phases), and members of the
epidote group (especially allanite). Many of these minerals
partially outlast the extreme weathering and are found as
discrete irregular and weathered grains or as bands associ-
ated with clay minerals and relict quartz (Chi and Tian
In addition to the formation of secondary REE phases (fluo-
rocarbonates or crandallite-type phosphates, depending
on the acidity and nature of the weathering environment),
significant amounts of the released REEs are adsorbed onto
clay mineral surfaces (FIG. 2B). The two most important
adsorption phenomena in clays are cation exchange on
the layer surfaces and chemisorption of anions at the layer
edges. The REEs adsorbed on clay minerals are fractionated
and enriched during adsorption–desorption processes.
Adsorption processes are key to the concentration of the
HREEs because cations with higher charge/size ratios are
FIGURE 3 Textural evidence for multiple stages of fluid flow,
mineralization and metamorphism abounds at Bayan
preferentially sorbed (Bau 1991). Exchangeable REE cations
Obo. In this BSE image, euhedral monazite (Mnz) is replaced by a
corona of symplectitic basnäsite (Bst) and apatite (Ap)
(Smith et al. 1999).
Mianning–Dechang REE Belt
The Himalayan Mianning–Dechang orogenic belt (Panxi
region) is located between the cities of Panzhihua and
Xichang, Sichuan Province, along the western margin of
the South China block. This area underwent a complex
tectonic evolution, beginning with Proterozoic lithospheric
accretion, followed by a Paleozoic–Mesozoic continental-
margin stage, and culminating in Cenozoic collisional
orogeny. Eight high-grade REE deposits of strategic signifi-
cance are found here in association with carbonatite–
syenite intrusions (Pu 2001); these intrusions were
emplaced into Proterozoic basement rocks and Paleozoic–
Mesozoic sedimentary sequences along a 270 km long belt.
The Maoniuping deposit is located in the northern Panxi
region and represents the largest REE deposit in the belt
and the second largest in China. A variety of igneous rocks
occur in the area, including the Yanshanian granite,
Mesozoic rhyolite, and Himalayan alkalic syenites and
carbonatites. Ore occurs as pegmatitic barite and calcite
veins and stockworks (FIG. 1I, L), which are hosted mostly
by the carbonatite–syenite intrusions. Associated metaso-
matic processes include the development of biotite,
aegirine-augite, arfvedsonite and albite in the wallrock,
FIGURE 4 Summary of the geochronology of the Bayan Obo followed by the deposition of calcite, barite, fluorite and
deposit, based on sources given in the text. (A) Age–
frequency plot for Bayan Obo ore bodies. (B) Age–frequency plot
bastnäsite. In addition, some proportion of REEs is adsorbed
for Bayan Obo carbonatite dykes. (C) Multistage evolution model on the surface of Fe–Mn oxide minerals in soils formed
for the Nd isotope composition of the Bayan Obo ores based on the during supergene alteration. The hypogene REE mineral
data of Wang et al. (1994) and Philpotts et al. (1991). The model assemblages consist mainly of bastnäsite (76–92%), associ-
ages are the hypothetical time elapsed since Sm and Nd separated ated with minor chevkinite, parisite, allanite, aeschynite,
from a defined reservoir – either the chondritic uniform reservoir
(CHUR) or depleted mantle. The red and blue curves show the monazite and cerianite. Potassium–Ar dating of biotite and
cumulative probability of the model ages for the number of anal- magnesio-arfvedsonite from barite veins gave an age range
yses, incorporating the 2σ error. The data are consistent with the of 32–40 Ma.
derivation of primary carbonatite magmas and REE mineralization
via Proterozoic melting of enriched mantle, and subsequent modifi - The Daluxiang deposit in the middle Panxi region is the
cation of the ore by metamorphism and repeated episodes of second largest in the belt. Here, REE orebodies intrude
magmatism and fluid flow.
syenites, which are extensively altered at the contact with
ore veins to mineral assemblages containing aegirine-
adsorbed on clay minerals can be desorbed by cation augite, fluorite, carbonates and bastnäsite. The major ore
exchange with ammonium salts [e.g. (NH4) 2SO4], and then types are Sr-rich barite, Ba-rich celestine and “thread”
the REEs are recovered with oxalic acid. veins. Potassium–Ar dating of biotite from celestine veins
gave ages ranging from 9.8 to 10.6 Ma, and Rb–Sr isochron
Nature of Ion-Adsorption Clays dating of biotite, calcite and REE ores from “thread” veins
The residual REE-clay profi les can be subdivided strati- gave an age of 15.3 Ma (Pu 2001).
graphically into four units on the basis of their mineral The REE deposits at Maoniuping and Daluxiang are geneti-
assemblage. The uppermost unit consists of soil and collu- cally linked to carbonatite–syenite magmatism and ore-
vium, whilst the second, the most important unit, is a forming fluids derived from enriched mantle sources (Xu
deeply weathered zone ~5–10 m in thickness (FIG. 1M). et al. 2003; Hou et al. 2009). These fluids were dominantly
Within this layer, REE ions are adsorbed onto the surfaces aqueous and evolved over a large range of temperatures
of kaolinite, halloysite, and smectites, and are enriched up and salinities. Fluid–melt inclusions with homogenization
to five times in comparison with the igneous protolith. temperatures of >600 °C were found in fluorite associated
The third unit, up to 30 m in thickness, consists of less- with the mineralization (Pu 2001). The trace element
weathered parental rock with a high proportion of kaolinite. analysis of calcite from the carbonatites suggests that these
The fourth unit is incipiently weathered protolith with rocks are cumulates (Xu et al. 2008). Because REE partition
Origins of China’s REE Endowment
China is the second-largest country in the world by land
area; its sheer size and geological diversity account in a
significant way for the REE resources available for extrac-
tion. Tectonic accretion of Precambrian cratons from the
Paleozoic to the Cenozoic resulted in at least six stages of
orogeny before cratonization. Cenozoic collision of the
Eurasian and Indian plates produced the deformation and
uplift of the Himalayas, strongly influencing the tectonics
FIGURE 5 The main ore body at Bayan Obo, mined from a large
of western China. In contrast, the Mesozoic–Tertiary open pit
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90: 177-188
he occurrences of rare earth elements (REEs) in North America are ECONOMIC
abundant and diverse in mineralogy and geology. The Mountain Pass CONSIDERATIONS
carbonatite in California historically has been a major world source for OF REE MINERALOGY
Mineralogical, geochemical, and
the light REEs. Monazite sands have also been mined on a moderate level in
petrological characterizations are
the southeastern United States. Fluids released from the mining of uraninite a vital requirement in mineral
at Elliot Lake, Ontario, were intermittently a source for yttrium. Peralkaline exploration and are particularly
important in working with REE
igneous rocks in several areas of North America are currently under explora-
occurrences. However, the ability
tion for the entire REE spectrum, with emphasis on the heavy REEs. Although to put these data into the context
many REE occurrences contain a substantial tonnage of REEs, amenability to of economic evaluation requires a
long and sustained understanding
mineral processing and extraction of the REEs must be definitively established
and exposure to what constitutes
in each case. a viable mineral deposit for the
KEYWORDS : rare earth elements, deposits, economics, exploration, carbonatite, commodity in question. A keen
peralkaline igneous rocks understanding of the mineralogy
and its relationship to the geologic
environment is essential to the
INTRODUCTION exploration and beneficiation process. The mineralogy of
Interest in rare earth element (REE) exploration in North a deposit predicates the ease with which the REEs can be
America has surged in recent years, and a wide variety of processed in order to compete in the world market. This is
deposits with diverse geological settings and mineralogy best illustrated by the ion-adsorbed REE-clays in South
are currently being investigated. The continent’s only hard China, which control the world market for HREEs but have
rock past producer, Mountain Pass in California, is average total REE (ΣREE) grades running <0.1 wt% (Kynicky
proceeding rapidly towards resumption of production. et al. 2012 this issue).
Concentrations of REEs with real or potential economic
significance are found in a variety of geologic environ- Bastnäsite (REECO3F) occurs in both established and
ments, as independent REE minerals and substituent in potential economic quantities in carbonatites, where its
other mineral hosts (TABLE 1, FIG. 1). This article emphasizes composition is strongly dominated by the LREEs. Currently
the economic aspects of REE deposits and their exploita- and recently mined sources where bastnäsite is the main
tion. Many REE occurrences that are currently being REE ore mineral include Bayan Obo, Maoniuping, and a
explored have been considered to be attractive targets by few other carbonatite-related deposits in China, and the
companies and investors based on grade and tonnage. Mountain Pass mine in California. Mountain Pass was for
However, although tonnage is always of paramount impor- many years the world’s main REE provider, and it is sched-
tance, the grade of REEs that can be economically recovered uled to resume operations in the near future.
is less easily evaluated because the economics are totally Compositionally bastnäsite contains ~75 wt% rare earth
dependent on the nature of the mineralogy. oxides (REOs) and in the above-mentioned confi rmed ore
bodies, concentrates have been prepared, after physical
The choices made in defi ning light and heavy REEs (LREEs
processing, varying in grade from 45 wt% to approaching
and HREEs) are somewhat arbitrary (Chakhmouradian and
65 wt% REO. In some noncarbonatite environments,
Wall 2012 this issue). In economic studies, the defi nition
including peralkaline granites and syenites, Y- and HREE-
may be motivated by promotional interests because of the
rich bastnäsite is known to occur associated with other
current demand for the HREEs. The 14 lanthanides (La
largely HREE-dominant minerals, but bastnäsite-(Y) has
through Lu) can simply be divided into two groups, with
thus far not been confi rmed to occur in potential ore
La through Gd classified as LREEs and Tb through Lu as
HREEs. This distinction is supported by the structural
difference in the two sets, where the orthophosphates Monazite (REEPO4) is a common accessory mineral in
LaPO 4 through GdPO 4 assume a monoclinic structure, granites and some metamorphic rocks. Monazite concen-
while TbPO4 through LuPO4 have the tetragonal zircon trations occur in beach sands and river placers in many
structure (Ni et al. 1995). parts of the world and are often processed as by-products
of ilmenite, zircon, and cassiterite mining. These monazites
are generally relatively high in Th, a substituent in the
1 48 Page Brook Road, Carlisle, MA 01741, USA monazite structure; its ThO2 content ranges from ~1 wt%
E-mail: reomariano@aol.com to as high as 27 wt%. Primary monazite may occur in
2 1134 North Road, Carlisle, MA 01741, USA substantial quantities in carbonatites (e.g. Kangankunde,
E-mail: marianomineralex@aol.com Malawi; Wicheeda Lake, British Columbia, Canada). This
The HREE-bearing oxide minerals fergusonite associated with uranium deposits, and colluvial accumula-
(YNbO 4 ), euxenite [(Y,Ca,Ce,U,Th)(Nb,Ta,Ti) 2 O6 ], and tions derived from weathered granites. However, these
brannerite [(U,Ca,Y,Ce)(Ti,Fe) 2O6 ] have attractive HREE minerals have never been found to occur in quantities that
contents and are frequently encountered in peralkaline could constitute a sustained source either as the primary
granites, pegmatites, metamorphic rocks, unconformities ore mineral or as a by-product.
metasomatic fluids introduced alkalis to the shonkinite. in the north. Tertiary, alkaline igneous rocks that have
In contrast, the syenite contains peralkaline magnesio- intruded and domed the surrounding Paleozoic and
riebeckite and other indications of strong alkali buildup. Mesozoic sedimentary rocks include carbonatite dikes,
stockworks, and oxidized equivalents, all of which are
There are numerous references in the literature to the
located in the north-central core of the Bear Lodge dome,
geology, mineralogy, and origin of the Mountain Pass
plus multiple intrusions of phonolite, trachyte, other alka-
carbonatite (summarized in Castor 2008). Carbonatite and
line igneous rocks, and a variety of associated breccias and
REE occurrences from other world localities are often
diatremes (Clark and Mariano 2011). These intrusions
compared with Mountain Pass, with emphasis on the simi-
range in age from 35 to 50 Ma.
larities; however, it should be stressed that no other carbon-
atite occurrence in the world closely resembles Dominant ancylite-(Ce) plus lesser carbocernaite occur
Mountain Pass. in unoxidized carbonatite (FIG. 4). Other REE minerals
occurring in both the oxidized and unoxidized carbon-
Bear Lodge Carbonatite, Wyoming atites include calcioancylite, bastnäsite, parisite, synch-
Second to Mountain Pass with respect to grade, tonnage, ysite, monazite, cheralite, burbankite, and cerianite. The
and amenability to processing, the Bear Lodge carbonatite lanthanide mineralization at Bear Lodge is predomi-
may be one of the best LREE-mineralized occurrences in nantly of hydrothermal origin. It can be divided into
North America. The Bear Lodge Mountains form a dome at least two types: a hydrothermal type that formed at
in the Black Hills area, Wyoming. The dome contains an moderate depth under relatively reducing conditions and
8.4 × 3.4 km core of Tertiary igneous rocks, together with a low-temperature supergene type that formed under more
more than 30 separate igneous bodies that are concentrated oxidizing conditions.
XRD wherever you need it
2012 AWARDEES presented a table of values of the atomic scattering factor for O2-. In
1967, he moved to the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research,
The Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS) is proud to
Osaka University. Along with Prof. N. Morimoto, he discovered the
announce the recipients of its 2012 society awards. Each year, the
domain structure of pigeonite and clinoenstatite, and with Prof. K.
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences Award is given to
Otsuka and others, he studied the crystal structure of stress-induced
a maximum of two scientists for exceptional contributions to the min-
β1 martensite in a Cu–Al–Ni alloy using neutron diffraction. From
eralogical and related sciences. The Manjiro Watanabe Award—
1971, he worked as a guest professor for two years with Prof. E. Helmer
named in honor of Professor Manjiro Watanabe, a famous Japanese
at Marburg University, Germany, and solved the complicated structure
mineralogist, and funded by his own contribution—is awarded every
of the sulfosalt senandorite, PbAgSb3S 6. In 1981, he moved to the
year to one scientist who has contributed significantly to the mineral-
University of Tokyo, where, with Dr. J. Ye and Prof. K. Otsuka, he ana-
ogical and related sciences over his/her long career. The Sakurai
lyzed the structure of γ1′Cu–Al–Ni martensite using conventional X-rays
Medal—named in honor of Dr. Kin-ichi Sakurai, famous for fi nding
and synchrotron radiation. In 1998, he moved to the Saitama Institute
new minerals—is awarded to one scientist who has made great contri-
of Technology and, with Prof. R. Negishi and others, he showed that
butions to studies on new minerals.
elliptically polarized light can propagate in a crystal of alkali
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
Award to Akira Yoshiasa Sakurai Medal to Tetsuo Minakawa
Akira Yoshiasa, of the Graduate School of
Tetsuo Minakawa, of the Department of Earth
Science and Technology, Kumamoto University,
Science, Ehime University, has made great con-
Japan, is a mineralogist who has studied the
tributions to the field of descriptive miner-
correlation between the structures and phys-
alogy. In the nomenclature of epidote-group
ical properties of minerals. In his research, he
minerals, A 2 M 3 (T 2 O7 )(TO 4 )(O,F)(O,OH), as
has derived dynamical structural information
recommended by Armbruster et al. (2006),
from both the long-range-order structure using
piemontite-(Sr), clinozoisite-(Sr), and manga-
the diffraction method and the local structure
nipiemontite-(Sr) have been described as cli-
by the XAFS method. Using a combination of
nozoisite subgroup minerals with Sr dominant
both techniques, he successfully determined
in the A2 site. Although the Sr analogue of
the pressure-dependent potential parameters
Akira Yoshiasa
Tetsuo Minakawa epidote, CaSrAl 2Fe3+ (Si 2O7)(SiO4)O(OH), was
and characteristic values of various materials
undiscovered in nature, Armbruster et al.
under high P–T conditions, and he contributed to the quantitative
(2006) had listed it as a possible member of the clinozoisite subgroup
understanding of their structural stability. He elucidated the conduc-
minerals. Minakawa and his coworkers discovered Sr-rich epidote as a
tion mechanism of ionic superconductors such as AgI and CuI, by
gangue mineral in the Nagakawara, Matsukabu, and Honomori deposits
performing anharmonic thermal vibration analysis; he also clarified
in the Ananai manganese mine in Kochi Prefecture, Japan. They identi-
their phase relations and phase transition mechanism through in situ
fied this mineral as similar to epidote-(Sr). In 2006, data on the new
experiments under various P–T conditions using synchrotron radiation.
mineral and the name epidote-(Sr) were approved by the IMA Commission
He applied this technique to the study of mantle minerals and proposed
on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (#2006-055). The
that their ionic superconduction attributed to anharmonic thermal
details of the mode of occurrence and the mineralogical data con-
vibrations can result in high electric and low thermal conductivities
cerning epidote- (Sr) were provided by Minakawa et al. (2008).
in the Earth’s lower mantle. His research interests also include the
Epidote-(Sr) occurs as prismatic crystals up to 1 cm in length in the
structures of melt and glass. He discovered that the local structures of
manganaxinite veins cutting braunite–caryopilite ores and is associated
atoms in a melt change rapidly with pressure following fi rst-order phase
closely with Mn2+ -pumpellyite and bannisterite. The crystals are brown
transition processes. He attempted to understand the past histories of
to brownish red in color, owing to the high Mn3+ content. Subsequently,
the Earth and planets from the local structures of the trace elements
Minakawa and coworkers also discovered a new manganese–vanadium
in minerals, tektite impactite glass, and K–T boundary clays. Recently,
garnet, momoiite, (Mn,Ca) 3 (V3+,Al) 2Si3O12 (IMA CNMNC, #2009-026),
he extended his research to atomic-level structural analyses under
from the Kurase (Ehime Pref.), Fujii (Fukui Pref.), and Hokkejino (Kyoto
extreme conditions, such as ultragravity. He has thus contributed sig-
Pref.) metamorphosed manganese deposits in Japan.
nificantly to the advancement of fundamental Earth science
Manjiro Watanabe Award to Masayasu Tokonami SCIENCES, VOL. 107, NO. 4, AUGUST 2012
Masayasu Tokonami was matriculated to the
graduate course of the University of Tokyo in Laihunite in planetary materials: An FTIR and TEM study of oxidized
1958. Along with Profs. R. Sadanaga and Y. synthetic and meteoritic Fe-rich olivine
Takeuchi, he elucidated the crystal structure NAOTAKA TOMIOKA, A NDREAS MORLOK, CHIYOE KOIKE, MELANIE KOHLER, AND
of mullite, Al 2 SiO5, using the single-crystal MONICA GRADY
X-ray diffraction method. He accepted a posi-
Sector-zoned aegirine in Sanbagawa quartz schist from the western
tion in the Institute for Solid State Physics,
Kii Peninsula, central Japan
University of Tokyo, in 1962 and, along with YASUYUKI BANNO AND SHIGEO YAMADA
Prof. S. Hosoya, put forth a systematic method
for unraveling a periodic vector set. He also Influence of garnet hosts on the Raman spectra of quartz inclusions
Masayasu Tokonami MASAKI ENAMI
The field trip was a great opportunity for students to see new parts of
Canada, learn about the wide variety of career opportunities in mineral Participants in the NMR short course at the University of Bochum, Germany
exploration, gain experience with exploration techniques not typically
taught to undergraduate students, and experience some of the adven-
Now almost a tradition, the DMG/DGK short course on NMR spectros-
tures of being a geoscientist.
copy took place at the University of Bochum from May 29 to June 1.
Beth McClenaghan (Beth.McClenaghan@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca) Under the supervision of Dr. Michael Fechtelkord, 14 participants from
Geological Survey of Canada universities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland dedicated four days
to exploring the possibilities of NMR spectroscopy.
Thus after getting to know the huge magnet better (see photo), the
second day started with the theory of dipole and chemical interactions
in solids. The aim was to fi nd a solution to the problem of how to
measure a good spectrum despite the presence of anisotropy effects.
The answer is simple and fascinating at the same time: by using the
magic angle. After solving these problems, the evaluation of spectra
still needs a lot of experience and patience.
On Thursday, the participants took a peek into the rabbit hole. NMR
spectroscopy not only can show the local distortions in the crystal
lattice induced by doping, it can also distinguish between different
atomic neighbors.
Last, but not least, this short course gave young scientists the oppor-
tunity to exchange experiences in a relaxed atmosphere. The two social
events were well organized and great successes.
Naemi Waeselmann
University of Hamburg
The workshop, held on July 12–16, 2012, was convened by Dr. Allan
Treiman of the Lunar and Planetary Institute (and Fellow of the Society)
in Bozeman, Montana. The workshop featured invited contributions
by Dr. David Kring, who talked about the Moon’s impact history
(including the nature of the putative cataclysm) and the sources of the
impactors; Dr. Maria Zuber, on the new gravity maps from the GRAIL
mission; Dr. Carlé Pieters, on optical remote sensing and the mineral
constitution of the lunar surface; and Dr. Randy Korotev, on the nature
of the lunar highlands revealed by meteorites and the returned samples.
Contributed talks and posters spanned a huge range of topics, such as
terrestrial analogs, details of optical properties and models, and petro-
logic studies of samples new and old. Free discussion was an important
part of the meeting, and the conversations were active and cordial.
The crystal chemistry of the The mineralogy and crystal chemistry of alkaline pegmatites in the
uranyl carbonate mineral grim- Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo rift valley, Norway. Part 1. Magmatic
selite, (K, Na)3Na[(UO2 )(CO3)3] and secondary zircon: implications for petrogenesis from trace-
(H2O), from Jáchymov, Czech element geochemistry (pp 649-672)
Calciolangbeinite, K 2Ca2 (SO4 )3, a new mineral from the Tolbachik
M, VESELOVSKÝ F, ČEJKA J, SEJKORA J, volcano, Kamchatka, Russia (pp 673-682)
Trabzonite, Ca4 [Si3O9 (OH)]OH:
Diamond and coesite in ultrahigh-pressure-ultrahigh-temperature
crystal structure, revised formula,
granulites from Ceuta, Northern Rif, northwest Africa (pp 683-705)
new occurrence and relation to killalaite (pp 455-472)
GAZEEV VM A reinvestigation of mayenite from the type locality, the Ettringer
Kazanskyite, Ba
TiNbNa3Ti(Si2O7 )2O2 (OH)2 (H2O) 4, a Group-III Bellerberg volcano near Mayen, Eifel district, Germany (pp 707-716)
Ti-disilicate mineral from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola
Peninsula, Russia: description and crystal structure (pp 473-492) Comments on the eruption of basaltic magma at Tor Zawar,
C ÁMARA F, SOKOLOVA E, HAWTHORNE FC Balochistan, Pakistan on 27 January 2010, with a discussion of
Molybdophyllite: crystal chemistry, crystal structure, OD character the geochemical and petrological constraints on its petrogenesis
and modular relationships with britvinite (pp 493-516) (pp 717-723)
The crystal structure determination and redefinition of matulaite, Metavivianite, Fe2+ Fe3+2 (PO4 )2 (OH)2 ·6H2O: new data and formula
Fe3+ Al7(PO4 ) 4 (PO3OH)2 (OH) 8 (H2O) 8 ·8H2O (pp 517-534) revision (pp 725-741)
Chevkinite-group minerals from Russia and Mongolia: new composi-
Debattistiite, Ag9Hg 0.5As 6S12 Te2 , a new Te-bearing sulfosalt from
tional data from metasomatites and ore deposits (pp 535-549)
MACDONALD R, BAGIŃSKI B, K ARTASHOV P, ZOZULYA D, DZIERŻANOWSKI P Lengenbach quarry, Binn valley, Switzerland: description and crystal
structure (pp 743-750)
A chemical and structural re-examination of fettelite samples from GUASTONI A, BINDI L, NESTOLA F
the type locality, Odenwald, southwest Germany (pp 551-566)
BINDI L, DOWNS RT, SPRY PG, PINCH WW, MENCHETTI S Jakobssonite, CaAlF5, a new mineral from fumaroles at the Eldfell
and Hekla volcanoes, Iceland (pp 751-760)
Biogeochemical behaviour of plutonium during anoxic biostimula- BALIĆ-ŽUNIĆ T, GARAVELLI A, MITOLO D, ACQUAFREDDA P, LEONARDSEN E
tion of contaminated sediments (pp 567-578)
K IMBER RL, BOOTHMAN C, PURDIE P, LIVENS FR, LLOYD JR Xenotime-(Y) and Sn-rich thortveitite in miarolitic pegmatites from
Baveno, Southern Alps, Italy (pp 761-767)
New Mössbauer measurements of Fe3+/ΣFe in chromites from the GUASTONI A, NESTOLA F, FERRARIS C, PARODI G
mantle section of the Oman ophiolite: evidence for the oxidation of
Forêtite, a new secondary arsenate mineral from the Cap Garonne
the sub-oceanic mantle (pp 579-596)
Pb2 (AsO2OH)Cl2 , a new phase from the Lavrion ancient slags,
Microbial effects on mineral-radionuclide interactions and radionu-
Greece: occurrence and characterization (pp 597-602)
SIIDRA OI, CHUKANOV NV, PEKOV IV, K RIVOVICHEV SV, MAGGANAS A, clide solid-phase capture processes (pp 777-806)
K ATERINOPOULOS A, VOUDOURIS P Open access review paper
Arsenohopeite, a new zinc arsenate mineral from the Tsumeb mine,
Namibia (pp 603-612) New minerals and nomenclature modifications approved in 2012
Thermal expansion of alunite up to dehydroxylation and collapse of
the crystal structure (pp 613-623) Professor Robert Andrew Howie, 1923-2012 (pp 819-821)
Tim will propose the following talks: “The Origin of Precious Metals
on Earth,” “Supernova Contributions to the Solar System,” and “Tracing
Mantle Evolution with Novel Isotopic Systems.” Additional details can
be found at www.eag.eu.com/education/dlp/.
Geochemical Perspectives
is provided to all members of the
European Association of Geochemistry.
To join the European Association
of Geochemistry visit:
w w w.eag .eu.com/member ship
Copyright R and B
$200 or more Peggy A. O’DAY Jennifer MCKAY Jennifer MACALADY Noriko KITA Lin MA
Ghislaine CROZAZ
Richard W. CARLSON James B. PACES Bradley MEYER Ryo MATSUMOTO Virgil LUETH Robert P. MASON
Michalann HARTHILL
$100–199 Frank C. RAMOS William G. MINARIK Nadine MATTIELLI Jens HOPP James McKINLEY Patricia A. MAURICE
David M. GLOVER William S. REEBURGH Timothy D. MOCK Brandon Collins Fang HUANG Chris I. MEASURES Thomas C. MEISEL
Randall T. CYGAN Edwin SCHAUBLE Suzanne Y. O’REILLY Noriko KITA Christopher MILLS Jean MORRISON
Ciapha Nade MORRIS
Jacqueline DIXON Edward R. SHOLKOVITZ Jesus Javier OJEDA Yuri KOSTITSYN German Oded NAVON
Sonia ESPERANCA Thomas STACHEL Radomir PETROVICH Dmitrii A. KULIK Christopher R. OMELON
Jahandar RAMEZANI Darrell Kirk NORDSTROM
Up to $49 Agnes G. REYES David W. PEATE
Edmond A. MATHEZ Brian J. SKINNER William J. ULLMAN Rendeng SHI
James B. PACES Richard STERN Mordechai STEIN
Roberta L. RUDNICK Heinz-G. STOSCH Katherine Sumire
Herdis H. SCHOPKA Renata VAN DER
Gustaf O. ARRHENIUS Wolfgang BACH Lawrence A. TAYLOR Andrew WALL
Deborah M. ARUGUETE Zsuzsanna Katherine WALTON-DAY Richard WANTY
Mordechai STEIN
$50–99 Robert J. STERN
Robert C. ALLER Konrad J. BANASZAK
John R. BARGAR Gordon Phillip WEBB Deborah Jacquin ORTIZ
Jay J. AGUE Jacques L. R. TOURET
Robert F. ANDERSON Michele L. TUTTLE
Florian BOEHM Elizabeth Ann BELL
Elizabeth CARRAWAY Yakov WEISS Charles BOPP
Paul B. BARTON Ilya BINDEMAN Benjamin C. BOSTICK $100 or more
Rachel R. CAVE Katherine TELFEYAN Heather L. BUSS $50–99
Kiyoto FUTA Salirian CLAFF Denton S. EBEL
Patricia DURANCE-SIE Richard Allan COX
Bastian GEORG Richard Allan COX STUDENT TRAVEL Jonathan EREZ Up to $49
Terrence M. GERLACH Hailin DENG Jadran FAGANELI Timothy Ian EGLINTON
Gudmundur H. $200 or more Carrick M. EGGLESTON
Judith L. HANNAH T. W. GULLIVER Christopher GLEIN Jean-Francois GAILLARD Timothy Ian EGLINTON
Floyd N. HODGES Roberta Claire HAMME Harold Phillip $100–199 Allen GLAZNER Alexander G. POLOZOV
Miriam KASTNER Rudolph HON Samuel B. MUKASA Christopher J. Michael SPILDE
Pamela S. HILL Monique Y. HOBBS
Christopher Brenhin Naoyoshi IWATA
T. Kurt KYSER Douglas B. KENT Madhusoodhan
Adam J. R. KENT Matt KILBURN Anchun LI
Yousif K. KHARAKA Lindsay Marie KOLBUS
Jonathan MILLER
Dr. Isabel Montanez (University of Washington University in St. Louis
Geochemical Society
California–Davis) will present the Earth and Planetary Sciences
Business Office
2012 F. Earl Ingerson Lecture. Her One Brookings Drive, CB 1169
lecture, “Modern soil system con- Seth Davis, Business Manager
Kathryn Hall, Administrative Assistant Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA
straints on reconstructing deep-time E-mail: gsoffice@geochemsoc.org
atmospheric CO2 : A new view of Phone: 314-935-4131
Phanerozoic PCO2,“ will be presented on Tuesday, Fax: 314-935-4121
6 November 2012 at 9:50 am in Room 202AB of Website: www.geochemsoc.org
the Charlotte Convention Center. The Geochemical www.facebook.com/geochemsoc
Society will again be sponsoring a ticketed recep- Weekly Geochemical News:
Isabel Montanez, tion with MSA and the GSA–MGPV Division, as
2012 F. Earl Ingerson http://multibriefs.com/briefs/gs/
well as welcoming attendees to our exhibit
(Booth 806).
PRESIDENT’S LETTER Now, take this same mindset and go to an AGU or GSA meeting or a
Goldschmidt Conference and randomly walk into a session without even
Final Thoughts looking at the session schedule on the easel just outside the door. Listen
This is my sixth, and last, President’s Letter in Elements. If you look back to a few talks, then continue your random walk through the meeting
at the titles of my previous five offerings, “MSA at a Crossroads,” venue and keep doing the same thing. The point is, it would be difficult
“Mineralogy, an Inch Deep and a Mile Wide?”, “MSA and AGU: A Very to not find some aspect of the science of mineralogy, either directly or
Important New Partnership Begins,” “Mineralogy to the Fore,” and “MSA indirectly, in every talk you listen to. How many of the subdisciplines
Marches On, Quickly,” one can see that I have been writing about the of the Earth and space sciences can say that? A few can; most cannot.
challenges that MSA faces and the very important new opportunities The significance for us? In the natural world the science of mineralogy
that MSA has at its fingertips right now, particularly with new deve- is everywhere, and it is relevant in some way or another to just about
lopments related to AGU and American Mineralogist. A third theme that all things. The processes in which the science of mineralogy has critical
I have also written about is the foundational status that mineralogy will relevance are not ubiquitous but are truly common. Also, mineralo-
always have in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences, and the oppor- gists, especially these days, are also geochemists, or geophysicists, or
tunities this gives to us; I strongly believe that this simple fact underlies petrologists, or atmospheric scientists, or contaminant hydrologists, or
the health of our science in the long term and is arguably the most biologists, and so on, because they don’t see the boundaries—a very
important subject for our discussions not only within the MSA mem- good thing. The importance of and need for our science in the future is
bership but also with all the mineralogical societies around the world thus assured. Sure, the methods and emphasis and bounds of mineralogy
that represent our science so well. will change. They always have and they always will. But that in no way
should be mistaken for a reduction in mineralogy’s relevance.
As my final comment in the President’s Letter, allow me to attempt to
put together these three themes in a way that will result in a grand We should expect that the only constant thing is change. Change in the
challenge. To do so, I need to start with a natural tendency among all way in which mineralogy is taught; change in the courses where min-
of us: humans are deeply prone, and often for good reason, to put up eralogy is taught; change in the way mineralogy is done; and change in
dividing lines. We often categorize, organize, separate, classify, sort, and the way mineralogy is applied to understanding this planet, other
group. We all know this and experience it every day, whether in politics, planets, all the other types of bodies in space, and space itself.
religion, business, or any other human endeavor—including academics.
How many sessions at AGU, GSA, Goldschmidt, and other international
Considering the latter, here at Virginia Tech, every science major will
meetings can MSA cosponsor? We already cosponsor a remarkable
happily (or maybe not so happily) go through the usual “intro courses”
number, and we will do more. And how much of this exciting science,
where science is neatly separated—a.k.a. Introduction to Chemistry,
whatever “field” it is in, might appear on the pages of American
Introduction to Physics, Introduction to Biology, and so on—usually
Mineralogist? Mineralogy is relevant not just to itself, but to everything
within the first two years of their undergraduate tenure. However, these
outside of it. AmMin is now on a path to help promote that approach.
days, here at Virginia Tech and at some other schools, one can bypass
And as this happens, journals like Science, instead of just going to other
the intro courses and take, for two years, what is often called an “inte-
fine geoscience journals, such as EPSL and JGR, for their “Editor’s Choice”
grated science curriculum.” The historic barriers that we find so conve-
column, will also be able to come to American Mineralogist.
nient have been removed in this case, and students are immersed in
problem-driven science. In the process, they learn the fundamentals of Our grand challenge is to deconstruct artificial barriers, and at the same
all the sciences at once, as needed, to understand observed phenomena time actively show, always, how mineralogy is a science that is critically
of all sorts. After all, in the real world, there are no dividing lines within relevant to, and inseparable from, all aspects of the Earth and planetary
the behavior and processes of nature. Thinking of this from the opposite sciences.
direction, all aspects of nature operate not based on the principles of
physics and then the principles of chemistry, but on both, and always I have been deeply humbled to be president of this historic society, whose
combined. Closer to home, in the critical zone of Earth, no process is outlook is extraordinary, especially when seen from this angle. What a
truly purely geo or bio, but geo-bio-phys-chem, all mixed into one. From great pleasure it has been. My warmest and very best regards to all.
this vantage point, the dividing lines need to go away, or we are Michael F. Hochella Jr. (hochella@vt.edu)
fooling ourselves. Virginia Tech
President, Mineralogical Society of America
Hans-Peter Schertl, Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und You can also purchase single chapters from these and all Reviews
Geophysik, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany: (1) “A time volumes [v1 (1974) to present], and you can use chapters from any
machine for rocks: Cathodoluminescence microscopy of metamorphic and all Reviews volumes for course packs and add to them articles
and magmatic minerals”; (2) “How do mountains form? The critical from the American Mineralogist [v85 (2000) to present] and Elements
evidence from small-scale petrological observation” [v1 (2005) to present].
The schedule of the Lecturers’ tours will be posted on the MSA website For more description and ordering instructions, visit www.minpubs.org
(www.minsocam.org). Check to see if the lectures will be at a location or contact Mineralogical Society of America, 3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500,
near you. MSA expresses its appreciation to these individuals for Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA; phone: +1 (703) 652-9950; fax: +1 (703)
undertaking such a service to our science. 652-9951; e-mail: business@minsocam.org.
The joint meeting of the Spanish Mineralogical “Instrumental Techniques” (4), “Petrology and Four awards for young researchers were given
Society and the Spanish Clay Society (SEM-SEA Geochemistry” (3), and “Mineral deposits” out for the best communications. The winners
2012) was held in Bilbao on 27–30 June 2012. (31). The plenary lectures and communica- were:
The event was organized by the Department tions have been published in volume 16 of
Rubén MARTOS-VILLA: “Molecular simula-
of Mineralogy and Petrology of the University Macla magazine, which also includes geolog-
tions of methane hydrate crystal structure
of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. The program ical information about two scheduled field
and spectroscopic properties”
can be downloaded from the conference web- trips: “Cretaceous Submarine Volcanism of the
site: congresomineralogia.es. Basque-Cantabrian Basin” and “Mineralogical Anna ARIZZI: “La influencia de la Interfase
Heritage of El Valle de Carranza.” Árido-Matriz (ITZ) en las propiedades de
The opening ceremony was attended by the
Morteros de Cal”
presidents of the two societies, Mercedes
Suárez (SEA) and Carlos Ayora (SEM), and by Ana C. S. ALCÂNTARA: “Bionanocomposites
representatives of the organizing committee based on the megamolecular polysaccha-
(Javier Arostegi and Jose Miguel Herrero), the ride sacran and clay minerals”
University of the Basque Country (Miguel
Angel Gutierrez-Ortiz, vice chancellor, and Chiara CAPPELLI: “Monitorización de la
Esther Dominguez, dean of the Faculty of alteración de biotita mediante microscopio
Science and Technology), and the Basque confocal de contraste de fase de interfer-
Government (Begoña Ochoa). encia diferencial”
The maximum grant value is CDN$1200 per student. Grants will fund
Young Scientist Award up to 50% of costs incurred for registration, travel, and subsistence,
This award is given to a young scientist who has made a significant and up to 100% of other research costs (e.g. equipment, analyses).
international research contribution in a promising start to a scientific Quotations and receipts may be requested for any equipment
career. The scientist must be 40 or younger at the time of the award. purchased.
He or she must be a Canadian working anywhere in the world or a
scientist of any nationality working in Canada. The research areas Eligibility
include mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, geochemistry, mineral • Graduate students and honors students at the undergraduate
deposits, and related fields of study. level in one of the fields covered in The Canadian Mineralogist
(mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, economic geology,
Berry Medal geochemistry)
The Leonard G. Berry Medal is awarded annually for distinguished • Grant recipients must submit a report on their travel or research
service to the Association. The award recognizes significant service in for possible publication by MAC.
one or more areas, including leadership and long-term service in an
elected or appointed office. The medal is named after Leonard G. Berry For more information, see www.mineralogicalassociation.ca.
(1914–1982), a founding member of MAC, editor for 25 years of The Deadline to apply: January 15, 2013
Canadian Mineralogist and its predecessor, and fi rst winner of MAC’s
Past-Presidents’ (now Peacock) Medal.
Uranium: Cradle to Grave
Pinch Medal Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course
The Pinch Medal has been awarded every other year since 2001 to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
recognize major and sustained contributions to the advancement of May 20–21, 2013
mineralogy by members of the collector–dealer community. The medal
is named for William Wallace Pinch of Rochester, New York, in recogni-
tion of his enormous and selfless contributions to mineralogy through Peter C. Burns and Ginger E. Sigmon
the identification of ideal specimens for study and through his gener- University of Notre Dame
osity in making them available to the academic community.
The focus of this short course, which will immediately precede the GAC-MAC
Please submit your nominations by December 31, 2012 (November 30 meeting, will be the many aspects of uranium, an element that changed the
for the Pinch Medal). Check our website, www.mineralogicalas- course of the world like no other. Content will span the mineralogy,
sociation.ca, for additional details. geochemistry, and ore deposits of uranium, and will include nuclear waste
challenges and solutions, weapons proliferation, and nuclear forensics for
attribution and nuclear security.
d in
n Rare Earth Elements?
We have publications for you!
The Mineralogy
and Petrology
of Carbonatites: Atlas of Non-Silicate
Pegmatites • TI 46-4, 2008, 360 pp Minerals in Thin
David London Rare-Element Section
• SP 10, 367 pp Geochemistry and Joan Carles Melgarejo
Mineral Deposits and Robert F. Martin
• TI 44-3, 2006, 250 pp
1 cm
If mining goes ahead, I do not think it will be long before the list of
weird minerals found in Ilímaussaq becomes considerably longer. It is
a matter of great sadness to me that Mother Earth’s ultimate igneous
products will be dug up, but I fear it is inevitable. It is to be hoped that
the developers dedicate time and money to systematically recording
and interpreting features that they uncover, and take the trouble to
preserve crucial sections. Once it’s gone, it’s gone, full stop.
Ian Parsons
University of Edinburgh, UK
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CAMECA Back cover program. The candidate is expected to complement existing specialties
in our department, including low-temperature aqueous geochemistry,
Cambridge University Press 395 hydrology, environmental geophysics, structural geology, mineralogy,
coastal geomorphology, soils, sedimentology/stratigraphy, and
Critical Metals Workshop 397
Excalibur Mineral Corporation 400 Available analytical instrumentation includes: X-ray fluorescence,
IAGeo 397 magnetic susceptibility, electron microprobe, liquid chromatography/
mass spectrometry, Raman spectroscopy, automated powder, single
International Center for Diffraction Data 332 crystal, and thin film XRD, SEM and TEM with EDS, as well as access to
Leonard Himes Fine Minerals 400 high-performance computing.
The deadline for applications is January 7, 2013. Applications should
Rigaku 331 include a CV, statement of research goals, description of potential
Savillex Inside front cover classes and teaching philosophy, names and addresses of at least three
references (five if applying at the Associate level), and copies of selected
SPECTRO 329 reprints. Applications should be submitted electronically via the link on
The Geochemist’s Workbench 399 the Department website: www.temple.edu/geology and letter of intent
emailed to Jonathan Nyquist, Department chair (nyq@temple.edu).
Thermo Scientific 395
Temple University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer
JOB POSTINGS committed to equal access and to achieving a diverse community. The department
specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. We
Temple University 400 will be available to meet with candidates at the 2012 Annual GSA and AGU
meetings in Charlotte and San Francisco.
See www.elementsmagazine.org/jobpostings
Rare earth elements (REE) have gained increasing importance for high technology industries.
The scarcity of REE on the global market makes it necessary to explore alternative resources. The
laterite deposit shown above was examined using ESPRIT Feature, the QUANTAX EDS system‘s
automated feature analysis module. Combining morphological and chemical classification made it
possible to display several monazite generations formed upon chemical weathering of carbonatites.
High concentrations of La are shown in yellow, high concentrations of Nd in red, intermediate
concentrations of La and Nd in blue and cerianite is shown in green.
Innovation with Integrity
Solutions for Elemental & Isotopic
Microanalysis in Geosciences
SXFive / SXFiveFE
CAMECA’s fifth generation
Electron Microprobe
Quantitative microanalysis & X-ray mapping at sub-micron spatial
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b d
a&b: Chondrite-normalized REE profiles as determined by EPMA. Monazite cores
contrast with monazite rims and associated xenotime.
c&d: WDS maps of Nd and Y distributions.
Points marked on the Nd map show EPMA age determinations in Ma, 2σ
Data acquired on the SX Ultrachron model, courtesy of Dr. Julien Allaz,
Univ. of Colorado and Dr. Michael Jercinovic, Univ. of Massachusetts.
cameca.info@ametek.com www.cameca.com