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PAGES 95196

Global Rough Diamond Production


Durability Testing of Filled Emeralds

Chinese Freshwater Pearl Culture


Summer 2007

Carat Points

VOLUME 43, NO. 2

LETTERS _____________
FEATURE ARTICLES _____________
Global Rough Diamond Production since 1870

A. J. A. (Bram) Janse
Reports and analyzes annual production statistics (by carat weight and value)
for the worlds most significant diamond sources, through 2005.


Durability Testing of Filled Emeralds

Mary L. Johnson
A long-term, systematic study of the stability and durability of nine common
emerald-filling substances.

pg. 99



Continuity and Change in Chinese Freshwater Pearl Culture

Doug Fiske and Jeremy Shepherd

Reviews recent developments in Chinas freshwater cultured pearl
production, including the new fireball cultured pearls.



Yellowish Green Diopside and Tremolite from Merelani, Tanzania

Eric A. Fritz, Brendan M. Laurs, Robert T. Downs, and Gelu Costin

pg. 140


Polymer-Impregnated Turquoise

Kyaw Soe Moe, Thomas M. Moses, and Paul Johnson

REGULAR FEATURES _____________________


Lab Notes
Diamond with bimineralic inclusions HPHT-treated type Ia diamond with a green component caused by the H2 defect Diamond with intense rainbow graining Natural color
hydrogen-rich blue-gray diamond Type IIa diamond with intense green color introduced
by Ni-related defects Diamond with zigzag cleavage HPHT-grown synthetic diamond
crystal with unusual morphology and negative trigons Idocrase in jadeite Opal with
unusual structure


Gem News International

Bar code technology applied to diamonds U.S. Supreme Court ruling may affect viability
of some diamond cut patents First discovery of amazonite in Mexico AstoriteA
rhodonite-rich rock from Colorado Color-change bastnsite-(Ce) from Pakistan Citrine
with pyrite inclusions Unusual danburite pair Fluorite from Ethiopia Heliodor and
other beryls from Connecticut Cats-eye K-feldspar and other chatoyant gems from
Tanzania Green opal Chinese akoya cultured pearls Pyrope-almandine from Tanzania
Pink-to-red tourmaline from Myanmar Glass object with circular bands Heat-treated
Kashan flux-grown synthetic ruby Synthetic star sapphire with hexagonal features Pink
synthetic spinel colored by iron A new imitation of Imperial topaz KPMG report on the
global jewelry industry


Thank You, Donors


Book Reviews


Gemological Abstracts

pg. 154

pg. 170


Alice S. Keller
Managing Editor
Thomas W. Overton
Technical Editor
Sally Magaa
Consulting Editor
Carol M. Stockton

Brendan M. Laurs
The Robert Mouawad Campus
5345 Armada Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(760) 603-4503
Associate Editor
Stuart Overlin

Editors, Lab Notes

Thomas M. Moses
Shane F. McClure
Editor, Gem News International
Brendan M. Laurs
Editors, Book Reviews
Susan B. Johnson
Jana E. Miyahira-Smith
Thomas W. Overton

Contributing Editor
James E. Shigley

Circulation Coordinator
Debbie Ortiz
(760) 603-4000, ext. 7142

Editors, Gemological Abstracts

Brendan M. Laurs
Thomas W. Overton


Art Director
Karen Myers

Production Assistant
Allison DeLong



Shigeru Akamatsu
Tokyo, Japan

Jaroslav Hyr`sl
Prague, Czech Republic

Thomas M. Moses
New York, New York

Edward W. Boehm
Solana Beach, California

A. J. A. (Bram) Janse
Perth, Australia

Mark Newton
Coventry, United Kingdom

James E. Butler
Washington, DC

Alan Jobbins
Caterham, United Kingdom

George Rossman
Pasadena, California

Alan T. Collins
London, United Kingdom

Mary L. Johnson
San Diego, California

Kenneth Scarratt
Bangkok, Thailand

John Emmett
Brush Prairie, Washington

Anthony R. Kampf
Los Angeles, California

James E. Shigley
Carlsbad, California

Emmanuel Fritsch
Nantes, France

Robert E. Kane
Helena, Montana

Christopher P. Smith
New York, New York

Henry A. Hnni
Basel, Switzerland

Lore Kiefert
New York, New York

Christopher M. Welbourn
Reading, United Kingdom



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Any opinions expressed in signed articles are understood to be the opinions of the authors and not of the publisher.


For centuries, emeralds have been oiled to mask their abundant inclusions and improve their apparent clarity. A wide range
of emerald-filling substances are used today, with varying effectiveness. In this issue, Dr. Mary Johnson compares the stability and durability of nine common emerald-filling substances.
Shown here is a pair of emerald and diamond earrings; the emeralds range from 4 to 18 ct. Courtesy of H. Stern, New York
and Rio de Janeiro. Photo Harold & Erica Van Pelt.
Color separations for Gems & Gemology are by Pacific Plus, Carlsbad, California.
Printing is by Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas.
2007 Gemological Institute of America

All rights reserved.

ISSN 0016-626X

The current issue marks the beginning of a new feature for G&G. Rapid Communications are short articles (23
pages) that provide brief descriptions of notable gem materials, localities, and identification or treatment techniquesas well as related topics such as museum exhibits and historical jewelryas quickly as possible and in a
readily accessible format. If a manuscript is submitted for Rapid Communications no later than eight weeks before
the print date of an issue, and is deemed publishable by the editors and the reviewers, every effort will be made to
include it in that issue. We feel that readers and authors alike will benefit from the expedited publication of brief,
high-quality research results in Gems & Gemology. For more information, visit www.gia.edu/gemsandgemology
and click on Publishing in G&G.
Brendan M. Laurs, Editor


When dealing with gemologists, students, and people in the
pearl trade, I find that mostdespite their education about
pearlshave incorrect and misleading ideas about how a cultured pearl is formed and the meaning of certain terms.
In Gems & Gemology, the terms bead nucleated and tissue nucleated are often used (see, e.g., K. Scarratt et al.,
Characteristics of nuclei in Chinese freshwater cultured
pearls, Summer 2000, pp. 98109; S. Akamatsu et al., The
current status of Chinese freshwater cultured pearls, Summer
2001, pp. 96113). The combination of these two terms creates
the idea that a cultured pearl is nucleated with either a bead or
a piece of mantle tissue, and the term nucleation suggests that
there is something in the center of the cultured pearl, either a
bead or a tissue graft. However, the former does not lead to a
cultured pearl if no tissue is added.
The point is that all cultured pearls are tissue nucleated.
And, since all cultured pearls start with a piece of mantle tissue, this expression does not adequately differentiate between
the two types. It is thus confusing and of no use.
Further, the term tissue nucleated causes people to think
that the grafted tissue is in the cultured pearl. However,
research (by myself and others) has indicated that tissue cells
from the transplant become part of the pearl sac and do not
remain as a residue in the center of the pearl (Joseph Taylor,
Atlas South Sea Pearl Ltd., pers. comm., 2006). They do not
form a nucleus.
The X-rayvisible dark structure in the center of these cultured pearls is often a void and preliminary precipitation from
the growing surface of what will become the pearl sac. The
transplanted mantle-tissue cells that produce the nacre grow
into a pearl sac by multiple cell division, making a small
pocket. This pocket produces an initial crust of CaCO3 on its
inner surface, but this crust does not completely fill the space,
leading to the cavity in the center of a beadless cultured pearl
(see, e.g., SSEF Tutorial 1 CD-ROM, 2001; H.A. Hnni, A
short review of the use of keshi as a term to describe pearls,
Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 30, No. 1/2, 2004, pp. 5158).


For claritys sake, I proposed several changes that appear

in the new CIBJO Pearl Book:
Omission of the terms nucleus, nucleation, bead nucleated, tissue nucleated
Use of the term grafting for the introduction of mantletissue cells (with or without a bead)
Use of the term beading for the introduction of a material
that gives the shape to the pearl sac (to grow or already
present), regardless of the shape of that bead
Use of the terms beaded cultured pearl and non-beaded
(beadless) cultured pearl for the resulting products
These proposals were accepted by the commission for the
new CIBJO rules, and I would appreciate seeing Gems &
Gemology adhere to them.
H. A. Hnni
SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute, Basel
Reply: We appreciate Dr. Hnnis comments and suggestions.
In light of the recent revisions to the CIBJO nomenclature
rules (see the related announcement on p. 182 of the Gem
News International section), and with the agreement of Mr.
Scarratt and Mr. Akamatsu, we are encouraging our contributors to use the new terminology and are updating the journals style guidelines accordingly.


We read with interest the article titled Pink-to-red coral: A
guide to determining origin of color, by C. P. Smith et al., in
the Spring 2007 G&G (pp. 514). This approach truly parallels
the work we recently published on the origin of color of freshwater cultured pearls (see S. Karampelas et al., Identification
through Raman scattering of pigments in cultured freshwater
pearls, Fall 2006 Gems & Gemology, pp. 99100; S.
Karampelas et al., Determination by Raman scattering of the
nature of pigments in cultured freshwater pearls, Journal of
Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2007, pp. 217230). In




these articles, we mentioned the possibility of extending the

type of study we did from freshwater cultured pearls to corals,
among other materials. We also demonstrated that the signal
identified by Smith et al. as due to carotene in the
Corallium genus (as well as in Melithaea ochracaea) is actually due to mixtures of polyenes.
Polyenes (or polyacetylenes) are organic compounds that
contain several sequences of alternating double and single
carbon-carbon bonds, the polyenic chain. Polyenic molecules
can have various substitutions on their terminal ends. The
polyenes in freshwater cultured pearls are short polymers
containing between five and 14 acetylene monomers.
Carotenoid pigments are also polyenic molecules and they,
too, have various substitutions on their terminal ends.
However, they additionally have four methyl groups attached
to their chain.
The main Raman scattering peak of polyenes is at about
1130 (15) cm1, whereas carotenoids produce a main peak at
about 1155 (10) cm1. This is because the latter peak results
from the coupling of the single carbon-carbon stretching
vibration in the central part of the chain, with the CH3 in
plane-bending modes. Thus, for carotenoids that contain
methyl groups in their polyenic chain, the position of this
band is shifted by about 20 cm1 compared to polyenic chains
without CH3.
This, however, does not take away from the general
method proposed by the authors, which we confirm from our
own experience works very well, even if the use of Raman
spectroscopy to conclusively identify the presence or absence
of dye in coral is still little known.
Stefanos Karampelas (steka@physics.auth.gr)
Department of Geology
University of Thessaloniki, Greece;
Institut des Matriaux Jean Rouxel (IMN)
Universit de Nantes, France
Emmanuel Fritsch, IMN
Reply: We want to thank and acknowledge Dr. Karampelas
and Dr. Fritsch for this clarification and the excellent
research they have conducted. It is a bit unfortunate that our
publications came out in parallel; however, theirs was a very
important discovery, and we strongly encourage the readers
of G&G to review their articles.
Christopher P. Smith and Shane F. McClure


Reading the article by C.P. Smith et al. in the Spring 2007
G&G, I was surprised that no mention was made of bamboo
coral (belonging to the genus Isis), as, in my experience, that
is the coral type that we frequently encounter in modern,
lower-end jewelry and carvings. It is available at every fair,
market, and in the less exclusive shop.
While it is true that expensive or antique red coral items
tend to be Corallium coralsdyed or notthere are masses
of bamboo coral about that are simulating red Corallium
Bamboo coral also has the striations that are typical of
Corallium corals, but whereas the Coralliums striations are



very fine0.25 to 0.5 mm apartthose of bamboo coral are

~1 mm apart, so the two corals are easily distinguishable.
Further, bamboo coral items often show a hint of the nodes of
horny material that separate the internodes of calcium carbonate. These do not occur in Corallium corals and so help
with identification. As regards color, bamboo coral does not
naturally occur in red, so any bamboo coral encountered in
red (and quite often orange) is dyed, and therefore does not
need to be tested.
I feel that to omit mention of bamboo corals altogether
could lead your readers to believe that any coral displaying striations is a Corallium coral which needs to be tested. This is
not the case.
Maggie Campbell Pedersen
Organic Gems, London, England
Reply: We would like to thank Ms. Pedersen for her insightful comments. Within the content of the article, we did not
state that the presence of striations in and of themselves
would identify a piece as Corallium coral, and, as we indicated, the identification of coral species was outside the
scope of the paper. Our intent was to detail those techniques that are most effective and routinely utilized to
make a proper identification of natural-color and dyed pinkto-red coral. Although bamboo coral was not specifically
discussed in our study, it is possible that some of the samples of unknown species may have been bamboo coral. In
this regard, all samples tested could be positively identified
as being either natural color or dyed based on the techniques described. We feel confident that those same techniques would properly identify an item of dyed pink-to-red
bamboo coral or other coral species.
Christopher P. Smith and Shane F. McClure


I appreciated the detailed description of diamonds with
atypical growth patterns in the Spring 2007 Lab Notes section (Translucent greenish yellow diamonds, pp. 5052,
and Unusual natural-color black diamond, pp. 5253).
However, I was dismayed by the incorrect terminology used
to describe these nearly cubic growth modes. Both notes
used the term cubic to describe very different materials,
namely a fibrous cube and mixed-habit cuboid-octahedral
growth. The terms cuboid and fibrous cube have been
agreed upon since the early 1970s (see M. Moore and A. R.
Lang , On the internal structure of natural diamonds of
cubic habit, Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1972,
pp. 13131325) and have been used extensively since by
authors dealing with diamond morphology (e.g., C. M.
Welbourn et al., A study of diamonds of cube and cuberelated shape from the Jwaneng mine, Journal of Crystal
Growth, Vol. 94, 1989, pp. 229252). This terminology has
been more recently reviewed in an article of mine (B.
Rondeau et al., Diamants cubiques et presque cubiques:
Quelques dfinitions utiles sur la morphologie, Revue de
Gemmologie a.f.g., Vol. 153, 2005, pp. 1316 [Cubic and
nearly cubic diamonds: Some useful definitions on morphology, in French]).



Figure 1. In the left image

(adapted with permission
from Zedgenizov et al., 2004),
nearly straight growth layers
can be seen in a cuboid diamond. The DiamondView
image of a 2.50 ct greenish
gray round brilliant natural
diamond at right shows
cubic {100} growth sectors,
which are dominated by
octahedral {111} sectors.
Image by Kyaw Soe Moe.
The term cubic should be used only for [100] growth sectors leading to smooth faces with sharp edges; these are
observed only in synthetic diamond. The term cuboid has
been ascribed to a slow, undulating growth mode in the
{100} cubic direction in the mean (again, see Moore and
Lang, 1972). The term fibrous cube describes a diamond that
grew rapidly in the fibrous mode of octahedral growth (analogous to dendritic growth). Fibrous diamonds commonly
incorporate micro-inclusions of water, brines, carbonates,
quartz, and the like, in various proportions, as revealed by
infrared spectroscopy (see, e.g., E. Tomlinson et al., Trace
element composition of submicroscopic inclusions in coated
diamond: A tool for understanding diamond petrogenesis,
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 69, No. 19, 2005,
pp. 47194732, and references therein).
Clearly, the diamonds described in the first note correspond to a fibrous cubenot cubic growththat shows
growth layers, not growth sectors. The black diamond
described in the second note most probably corresponds to a
mixed-habit diamond with octahedral and cuboid growth
sectors (not cubic growth sectors). Details on how such
mixed growth may leave an apparently colorless core are
given in B. Rondeau et al. (Three historical asteriated
hydrogen-rich diamonds: Growth history and sector-dependent impurity incorporation, Diamond and Related
Materials, Vol. 13, 2004, pp. 16581673).
This use of the terms cubic diamond and cubic sectors
is hence confusing for readers, who would expect to see
them only when dealing with synthetic diamonds (as previously discussed in numerous Gems & Gemology articles on
the subject). I would greatly appreciate it if you could, in
the future, help authors use the correct terminology for
describing the many different nearly cubic morphologies of
Benjamin Rondeau
Musum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris
Reply: I appreciate Dr. Rondeaus detailed and valuable comments. The term cuboid is indeed used widely for natural diamonds. However, the term cubic for natural diamonds has
also been used extensively. To cite a few examples, M. Moore
et al. used cubic growth to explain the fourth mode of diamond growth (Cubic growth of natural diamond, Acta
Crystallographica, Vol. A62, No. a1, 2006, p. s65). H. Kagi et
al. applied the term cubic growth habit to a natural cuboid
diamond (Near-infrared spectroscopic determination of salin-


ity and internal pressure of fluid inclusions in minerals,

Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 60, 2006, pp. 430436). I.
Sunagawa described cuboid diamonds using cubic or cuboid
morphology (Crystals: Growth, Morphology and Perfection,
Cambridge Press, Cambridge, UK, 2005, p. 188). K. J.
Westerlund et al. explained the Klipspringer eclogitic diamonds using the phrase cubic and octahedral growth zones
(A metasomatic origin for late Archean eclogitic diamonds, South African Journal of Geology, Vol. 107, 2004,
pp. 119130). D. A. Zedgenizov et al. discussed cuboid diamonds and used cubic habit (Carbonatitic melts in cuboid
diamonds from Udachnaya kimberlite pipe (Yakutia):
Evidence from vibrational spectroscopy, Mineralogical
Magazine, Vol. 68, No. 1, 2004, pp. 6173). R. M. Davies et al.
used fibrous cubic growth layers for natural diamonds
(Diamonds from Wellington, NSW, Mineralogical
Magazine, Vol. 63, 1999, pp. 447471). Y. L. Orlov et al. also
used the term cubic growth sectors for natural diamonds (A
study of the internal structure of variety III diamonds by X-ray
section topography, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol.
8, No. 3, 1982, pp. 105111).
I do agree that cuboid is appropriate for undulating
growth in the cubic direction in a natural diamond.
However, I believe that cubic is the appropriate term for
natural diamond growth with straight or nearly straight layers. Moore et al. (2006) proposed that the fourth mode of
diamond growth occurred in {100} planes or cube facets; it is
rare but can be found in nature. A fine example can be seen
in figure 1 (left), which shows cubic growth layers in a
cuboid diamond. Readers would be confused if we used
cuboid growth for such a specimen. From time to time in
the GIA Laboratory, we have observed cubic {100} growth
sectors along with octahedral {111} sectors in natural diamond, as seen in figure 1 (right). Consequently, neither I
nor my colleagues agree that the term cubic should be limited to synthetic diamonds.
With respect to the Spring 2007 lab note on translucent
greenish yellow diamonds, in the DiamondView images
accompanying the entry one can see many growth layers
originating from three different sources. Therefore, I think
it is appropriate to use growth sectors (or cuboid growth
sectors), which are composed of growth layers. Please also
note (as mentioned in the entry) that these layers are not
associated with a fibrous texture, and thus the term fibrous
cube is not appropriate for these two diamonds.
Kyaw Soe Moe





A. J. A. (Bram) Janse

Data for global annual rough diamond production (both carat weight and value) from 1870 to
2005 were compiled and analyzed. Production statistics over this period are given for 27 diamond-producing countries, 24 major diamond mines, and eight advanced projects. Historically,
global production has seen numerous risesas new mines were openedand fallsas wars,
political upheavals, and financial crises interfered with mining or drove down demand. Production
from Africa (first South Africa, later joined by South-West Africa [Namibia], then West Africa and
the Congo) was dominant until the middle of the 20th century. Not until the 1960s did production
from non-African sources (first the Soviet Union, then Australia, and now Canada) become important. Distinctions between carat weight and value affect relative importance to a significant degree.
The total global production from antiquity to 2005 is estimated to be 4.5 billion carats valued at
US$300 billion, with an average value per carat of $67. For the 18702005 period, South Africa
ranks first in value and fourth in carat weight, mainly due to its long history of production.
Botswana ranks second in value and fifth in carat weight, although its history dates only from
1970. Global production for 20012005 is approximately 840 million carats with a total value of
$55 billion, for an average value per carat of $65. For this period, USSR/Russia ranks first in weight
and second in value, but Botswana is first in value and third in weight, just behind Australia.

lthough diamonds from alluvial deposits

have been known since antiquity (figure 1),
production from primary deposits (kimberlites and, since 1985, lamproites) began only in the
1870s. Over the last 135 years or so, annual production has risen from ~1 million carats (Mct) in 1872
to 176.7 Mct in 2005, though this increase has been
anything but smooth. Production has followed the
ups and downs of the world economy, with sudden
increases brought about by new discoveries and just
as precipitous drops caused by political upheavals
and similar events. An awareness of the production
figures for the modern history of diamond mining
not only helps us understand the impact of both
political developments and geologic factors over
time, but it also helps the exploration geologist, diamantaire, and jeweler alike plan for future additions
and disruptions to the supply chain.
This article represents an expanded version of the
data and illustrations previously published in Janse
(2006a,b), and is a companion piece to Boyajian (1988)



and Shor (2005). Assembling the data for annual global rough diamond production (gem, near-gem, and
industrial) was a difficult task, because the numbers
for several countries may vary more than 10%
between different publications. To achieve as much
consistency as possible, production figures were
taken from sources that are believed to be reliable
and, for the most part, that were continuously published in the United States. For the period
18701934, these included The Mineral Industry
(from the Scientific Publishing Co.) and Mineral
Resources of the United States (compiled by the U.S.
Bureau of Mines). For the period 19342005, data
were taken from Minerals Yearbook (also by the U.S.
Bureau of Mines). Wagner (1914) was consulted for
early South African production. For 2004 and 2005,

See end of article for About the Author and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 98119.
2007 Gemological Institute of America



Figure 1. Diamonds
have been valued since
antiquity, but only
since the late 19th century have they become
an important element
of the world economy.
They were first known
in India, and then
Indonesia and Brazil,
but it was the 1867 discovery in South Africa
that would launch the
modern diamond market. Though India is no
longer an important
producer, it remains an
essential link in the diamond supply chain
through its polishing
and trading centers.
Shown here is an Indian
diamond and emerald
necklace from the early
19th century. Courtesy
of Christies Images.

Kimberley Process Certification Scheme production

reports were also used. A cut-off date of December
31, 2005, was selected because that is the most
recent year for which robust data are available.
Although 2006 production figures for some mines
have been released as of the date of publication of
this article (mid-2007), incorporating them would distort the overall picture, as Kimberley Process data for
2006 have not yet been released. Figures for production data are necessarily best estimates compiled
from the most reliable sources, but the trend and
amplitude of changes in production and cumulative
totals are considered by the author to be as close to
reality as possible.
In the first part of this article, data are presented
in a series of graphs illustrating: (1) annual production by country (divided into 10 groups: eight major
source countries, one region [West Africa, including
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, and
Ghana], and one group representing other and minor
producers [including Lesotho, Swaziland, Rhodesia/


Zimbabwe, Central African Republic, Tanzania,

Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, China, United States,
India, and Indonesia]); (2) percentage of total by country; (3) percentage by type of deposit; and (4) percentage by category of diamond. The first three categories are further divided according to carat weight
and U.S. dollar value of production.
In the second part of the article, data are given
regarding the ownership, location, size, and other
aspects of the 24 historically most important diamond mines and eight major advanced diamond
projects currently in development. In the third part,
data are provided for historic and contemporary production for the 27 most significant diamond-producing countries through 2005.


By Carat Weight. Historically, production has been as
much a function of changes in demand as it has been
of the introduction or closure of mining operations.




Figure 2 shows the annual production (by weight) of

rough diamonds for the 10 most important diamondproducing regions from 1870 to 2005; more detail is
provided below. For the most part, the regions are discussed and plotted chronologically by date of earliest
production; South Africa is introduced first as it is historically the most important.
South Africa. After mining of diamonds began in
1869, South African production rose rapidly to 1 Mct
in 1872 and thereafter to 5 Mct in 1907, in 1909, and
in 1913, with a few peaks and dips during this period. A dip in 1900 was due to the Boer War and the
Siege of Kimberley. A peak in 1907 in response to
rapidly growing U.S. demand was not reached again
until 1966; it was followed by a sharp dip in 1908
due to a financial crisis in the U.S., and then production went back up again the next year. A steep drop
in 1914 and 1915 was caused by World War I (WWI),
but then production rose quickly and stayed at a
moderate level from 1916 to 1920. In 192122, production fell again due to a general depression in the
economy (the aftereffects of WWI and the 191819
flu pandemic) as well as a sudden influx of jewelry
on the market due to the combination of Russian
migrs from the Bolshevik revolution having to sell
their valuables to survive just as the new Soviet government was selling confiscated jewels (Janse, 1996).
Beginning in 1923, South African production rose
again in response to the discovery of the Lichtenburg
alluvial field and the Namaqualand beach deposits
along the Atlantic coast, but it was extremely low
from 1932 to 1944 as a result of the Great Depression
of the 1930s and the impact of World War II. The
Premier mine closed in 1932, and the Kimberley
mines were closed for several years during this period. In 1948, the Premier and Kimberley mines
reopened, causing production to rise gradually over
the next two decades. There was a jump in 1968
when the Finsch mine came into full operation, after
which production continued to rise gradually to 10
Mct in 1986. The global stock market crash in
October 1987 precipitated a slight decline in production, but the upward trend resumed and gained
momentum in 1992 when the Venetia mine came on
stream. Production has climbed steadily since then
to 15.56 Mct in 2005.
South-West Africa (SWA)/Namibia. Production
began in 1909 and quickly reached 1 Mct annually
during 191213 under German administration; it
then fell to virtually zero in 191415 because of



WWI. Production resumed after the war but did not

reach the 1 Mct mark again until 1962. It reached 2
Mct in the late 1960s and again in the 1970s, but
then dropped to 0.9 Mct in the late 1980s. Production
increased to 1.5 million in the 1990s, and in 2005 it
amounted to 1.87 Mct.
Congo/Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC). The 193280 period was the heyday (in
terms of its share of world production) for this
region. Congo production began in 1917 and reached
18 Mct annually in 1961. After independence in
1960, it eventually declined to less than half that by
1981; however, it rose to 26 Mct in 1998. The fall of
then-President Mobuto Sese Seko and the ensuing
unrest led to a brief decline. Conditions stabilized in
2001, as Joseph Kabila took over from his assassinated father, and diamond production rose again to
around 30 Mct in 2005.
Angola. Production began in 1921, but not until 1969
did it reach 2 Mct, where it stayed until 1974. From
1975 to 1995, production saw many ups and downs
due to the countrys protracted internal unrest. After
conditions improved in 1995 and the Catoca mine
came on stream in 1998, official annual production
reached 3 Mct in 1999. Still, estimates by Cilliers and
Dietrich (2000) indicate that, during the 1990s,
informal production was much higher than the
official figures, accounting for more than twice the
official production in 1996 and 1997. Some sources
estimate that the total of official production plus
UNITAs smuggled production reached close to $1
billion in 1996 (Partnership Africa Canada, 2004a). It
was also claimed that UNITA alone accounted for $1
billion (Partnership Africa Canada, 2005a). These disparate reports illustrate how difficult it is to estimate
illicit or informal production. Where it exists to a significant degree, production figuresboth official and
unofficialmust be viewed with caution.
After the conflict eased in 2000, the government
was able to assert greater control, and official production rose to its maximum level of 7.1 Mct. This
was due to an increase in both licensed and unlicensed artisanal alluvial mining, and to expansion of
Catoca, which is at present Angolas sole producing
kimberlite pipe.
West Africa. West African production became significant in the early 1930s. It stayed around 2.5 Mct until
1954, then rose to its maximum level of 7.5 Mct in
1960. Civil disorder over a large part of the region and



Figure 2. This chart

shows global diamond
production by carat
weight from 1870 to
2005 for eight countries,
one region in Africa, and
all other producers
(Other). South Africas
early dominance gave
way to production from
the Belgian Congo in the
1930s, which in turn was
eclipsed by production
from Russia, Botswana,
and Australia.

an increase in illicit production brought the official

level down during 196065. It reached a peak in
1972, after which it declined from 1984 to 1990. It
rose again after 1997, amounting to 2.4 Mct in 2005.
Soviet Union/Russia. Soviet production commenced
in 1960, and sources used to estimate the caratage
mined indicate that it rose quickly to 7 Mct in 1967
and 10.3 Mct in 1977. It stayed around this level
until 1985 and then rose to 24 Mct in 1990.
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in
1991, there was a slight dip in 1993, and from then
on a gradual increase to 23 Mct in 2002.
These were the estimated figures, however, as
the actual numbers were considered state secrets
during this period. It appears now that in fact the
annual Russian diamond production by weight has
been significantly underestimated for years, since
production was only reported in monetary values.
Based on the assumption that the overall value per
carat was similar to that of South Africa and
Botswana, Russias annual production was estimated at around 2023 Mct for the last 10 years.
When Russia became the annual president for the
Kimberley Process in 2005, Alrosa (Russias major
diamond mining company) released data at the end
of 2004 that showed the US$1.68 billion value for
2003 was actually based on $51/ct (Janse, 2005)
and not on the values of about $80/ct given in
world diamond production figures reported by reputable sources (e.g., Government of Northwest
Territories, 20012004; Even-Zohar, 2002). This
raised the production for 2003 from the assumed
19 Mct to a staggering 33 Mct.


The lower value per carat was due to the fact that
Russian mines recover diamonds down to 0.2 mm,
which increases the grade and the cost, but lowers
the value per carat. The production for 2004 was
worth about $2.2 billion, with an average value of
$56.74/ct, which equates to an annual production of
38.7 Mct for 2004 (Kimberley Process Certification
Scheme, 2004). The value of production for 2005 was
$2.53 billion, with an average value per carat of
$66.61 (Kimberley Process Certification Scheme,
2005). This translates to an annual production of 38
Mct for 2005. This higher value per carat may be due
to the fact that new minesthe Nyurba open pit
and the Aikhal and Internationalaya underground
operationshave adopted a screen-size cut off of
1.52 mm, as is the custom for Western mining
companies, which increases the average value per
carat (screen size and its effects on grade and value
are discussed in more detail in the Major Diamond
Mines/Current Value section below).
Botswana. Production began in 1970 and rose to 2.5
Mct in 1972, when the Orapa mine reached full
capacity. Orapas expansion in 1979 and the opening of the Letlhakane mine brought the level up to 5
Mct in 1980; this doubled to 10 Mct in 1983 as the
Jwaneng mine came on board, and doubled again by
1997, after further expansion of Orapa. It has
climbed steadily since, to about 32 Mct in 2005.
Australia. Meaningful production commenced after
a diamond-bearing lamproite was discovered near
Lake Argyle in 1979 (Shigley et al., 2001). The first
diamonds (0.5 Mct in 1982) came from alluvial




deposits nearby; alluvial and surface mining produced 7 Mct in 1985. When mining of the AK1 pipe
began in 1986, production soared to 29 Mct that
first year, then rose gradually to a peak of 43.3 Mct
in 1994. Annual production dropped sharply from
40.9 Mct in 1997 to 26.7 Mct in 2000 due to reconstruction of the open pit, which necessitated the
removal of much barren ground. Production further
declined to 26 Mct in 2001 with the mining of
lower-grade ore, after which it rebounded to about
33 Mct in 2005. The open pit will be phased out by
2008, when underground mining will commence.
(The Argyle underground mine is discussed further
in the Advanced Diamond Projects section below.)
Canada. The latest entry is Canada, which began
production in 1998 (Kjarsgaard and Levinson, 2002)
and reached 5 Mct in 2002, all derived from the
Ekati mine. With the opening of the Diavik mine in
2003, production rose to 11 Mct that year and then
to the 2005 level of 12.8 Mct.
Other Producers. Individual production from the
remaining producers has generally been less than
0.5% (by weight) of global annual production. The
exceptions are the Central African Republic (0.22%
by weight, 0.51% by value), which for many years
has produced about 400,000 carats valued at about
$60 million annually, and Lesotho (0.03% by
weight, 0.55% by value), which started mining in
2004 and in 2005 produced 52,000 carats worth
$64.3 million. Notably, Lesotho has produced some

large diamonds valued at over $1,240/ct (Kimberley

Process Certification Scheme, 2005). Its production
will tend to increase as the countrys two diamond
mines (Letseng and Liqhobong) are developed further. Production in Zimbabwe (0.31%) commenced
in 2004 and is planned at 250,000 carats (worth $36
million) annually, though the current political situation makes this uncertain. Tanzania (0.13% by
weight, 0.22% by value) produced 220,000 carats
worth $25.5 million in 2005 and will probably stay
at this level. Estimates for annual Brazilian production (including informal production) have been up to
1 Mct in the past, according to U.S. sources, but
Kimberley Process data for 2005 put it at 300,000
carats worth $21.85 million. Including Guyana and
Venezuela, South America currently accounts for
700,000 carats worth $57 million, which is only
0.4% by weight and 0.5% by value of global production. Similarly, annual production for China was
estimated at 1.11.2 Mct by U.S. sources, but was
only 71,764 carats worth $1 million for 2005 by
Kimberley Process data. Other minor producers in
2005 were India (60,000 carats worth $98 million)
and Indonesia (17,557 carats worth $5 million).
Worldwide. Global production for 2005 was 176.7
Mct, a staggering amount compared to earlier years:
1.9 Mct in 1900; 4.2 Mct in 1925; 15.2 Mct in 1950;
41.6 Mct in 1975; and 126 Mct in 2000 (though the
number for 2000 represented a dip because of the
decrease in Australian production from 1997 to
2000; see above).

Figure 3. This chart

shows production by
(year 2000) U.S. dollar
value for the same
regions as in figure 2.
Here, Congo/Zaire/DRC
production for the most
part is much less important than that of the
higher-value alluvial diamonds from West Africa,
and Australias production is no longer as significant as that from
Russia and Botswana.





Figure 4. These charts

compare the data in figures 2 and 3 as percentages of world production
by country. The early
dominance of Congo/
Zaire/DRC production
is clear when considered
by carat weight (top),
again giving way to
Australia, Russia, and
Botswana. Considered
by dollar value (bottom), however, the alluvial production from
West Africa is dominant
from 1935 to the early
70s, while the lower
value of Australias
production greatly
reduces its impact.

By Value. The graph for annual values of production,

based on year 2000 U.S. dollars (figure 3), shows
quite different features compared to the graph for
carat weight. The significant value of the SouthWest Africa production from 1910 to 1913 is quite
distinct. In contrast, the band for Congo/Zaire/DRC
from 1930 to 2005 is narrower due to the low value
per carat. Angola shows an increase during the last
decade, but the thickness of the band for West Africa
from 1935 to 1975 is quite remarkable due to the
high value of the diamonds from Sierra Leone and
Guinea. The greatest contrast is shown by Australia:
The band from 1985 to 2000 for value is very thin
compared to that for carat weight (again, see figure
2), due to the low average value and the large quantities of diamonds produced.



The annual production data have also been plotted as
percentages of total production by weight and value
for the same groups as in figures 2 and 3. This gives a
better understanding of the relative significance of
the producing countries. Figure 4 (top) shows the
dominance of South African production by weight
from 1870 to about 1930. A small shift occurred in
1909, when production from the coastal deposits in
South-West Africa commenced, but a dramatic shift
occurred after 1930, when most diamonds came from
alluvial operations in the Belgian Congo and West
Africa. The proportion from those two regions had
started to decline by 1970, after production first
from the USSR and then from Botswana entered the




market, with another big shift occurring when

Australias Argyle mine came on stream in 1986.
The percentages for value (figure 4, bottom) also
show the dramatic shift after 1930, but here we see
the greater impact of the higher value per carat
brought by the rough from South-West Africa and
especially West Africa. The shift after 1985, when
Australian production commenced, is less pronounced, because the value of Australian rough is
low, especially as compared to the diamonds from

The relative proportions of diamonds produced from
pipes (primary kimberlite or lamproite deposits),
alluvials (secondary deposits formed by erosion and
subsequent river transport), or beach (littoral
deposits, discharged from river mouths into the
ocean) have varied greatly over time. The two graphs
in figure 5 show the percentages of annual production by weight and value represented by these three
types of deposits.
By Weight. Although the earliest diamonds to enter
the marketplace came from alluvial deposits in
India (from antiquity to the mid-18th century) and

Brazil (from the 1720s onward), truly commercial

quantities did not become available until the discovery of diamonds related to kimberlite pipes in
South Africa starting in the late 1860s (see, e.g.,
Janse, 1995). Diamond production rose from tens of
thousands of carats in the late 1860s to more than
one million carats in 1872, almost all produced
from the pipes at Kimberley (figure 6). During this
period, only minor production came from alluvial
deposits in Brazil and South Africa. From 1872 to
1909, pipe production reigned supreme.
For the next 50 years, 191060, the relative proportions of diamonds produced from primary versus
alluvial and beach deposits shifted dramatically.
Large beach and alluvial deposits were discovered,
first along the coast of South-West Africa and later
in the Belgian Congo, Angola (figure 7), West Africa,
and South Africa (along the coast of Namaqualand
and inland near Lichtenburg). By 1935, pipe production had dropped to less than 4% of the total versus
95% alluvial production (the remainder representing
beach production). The sudden rise in alluvial production and dip in beach production (from Germanoccupied South-West Africa) in 1915 are anomalies
due to WWI. Otherwise, production from beach
deposits is significant from 1909 to 1925 and reached
peaks of 12% in 1912 under German administration
(SWA), and 16% in 1920 under the new administra-

Figure 5. Shown here are the trends in global diamond production by type of deposit, as percentages of the total.
In carat weight (left), pipe production from South Africa constituted the bulk of world production until alluvial
deposits from West Africa and Central Africa (the Belgian Congo and Angola) came on stream in the 1930s. With the
discovery of large primary deposits in Russia, Botswana, Australia, and (most recently) Canada, pipe production has
made a comeback since the 1960s. The trends by value (right) are similar, although South-West Africa/Namibias
beach production (and its high-value diamonds) are more significant, and the dominance of pipe production since
the 1970s is not as pronounced, in large part because of the low-value diamonds from Australias Argyle deposit.





Figure 6. This 1872

photo shows the chaotic
conditions that existed
at the Kimberley pit in
South Africa shortly
after diamond mining
there began in earnest.
Annual world production by this point had
already leaped from a
few tens of thousands of
carats to over a million.
Photo Bettmann/

tion of the Consolidated Diamond Mines of South

Africa, after which it declined in proportion to the
rise in alluvial production.
Pipe production started to make a comeback in
the 1960s, when modern methods of prospecting
(stream sampling surveys for indicator minerals and
airborne magnetic surveys) resulted in the discovery
of large kimberlite pipes in South Africa (Finsch),
Botswana (Orapa; figure 8), and Siberia (Mir and
Udachnaya), which came on stream from the middle
of the decade into the early 1970s. By 1990, with

numerous additional discoveries, production of primary deposits represented 80% of the total, and this
number has continued to creep upward since then.
Although these discoveries reestablished the dominance of pipe production, they also began to shift the
focus away from Africa. Before 1960, African countries accounted for nearly all the worlds diamonds
(again, see figure 4). In 1980, however, African pipe,
alluvial, and beach deposits combined accounted for
70% of the total, with 25% from Siberia (virtually all
pipe), and 5% from others (mainly alluvial).

Figure 7. The discovery

of alluvial deposits elsewhere in Africa signaled
a shift from pipe mining
to alluvial mining that
persisted until the middle of the 20th century.
The rich alluvial
deposits in Angola are
worked by both large
mechanized mining
operations and small
groups of artisanal diggers, such as these miners in Lunda-Norte
Province in northwest
Angola. Photo 2007
Olivier Polet/Corbis.





Figure 8. Discovered in
1967 (and shown here in
2005), the Orapa mine in
Botswana is one of the
largest kimberlite deposits
ever developed. Though
later eclipsed in value by
the Jwaneng mine (discovered in 1973), it remains a
key element in Botswanas diamond industry.
The discovery of large
mines there and in Russia
through modern prospecting methods helped
reestablish the dominance
of pipe production in the
1960s and 1970s. Photo by
Robert Weldon.

The percentages shifted again when the Argyle

AK1 lamproite pipe was discovered in 1979 and
came on stream in 1986. Argyle is the worlds
largest single deposit in terms of production by
weight, and at its peak in 1994 it yielded up to 40%
of world production (though only 7% by value); that
year, most of the remaining diamonds came from
Russia (15%) and Africa (42%). Production from the
Argyle pipe pushed global pipe production over
80%. Although Argyles annual production had
declined by 2000, it is likely that global pipe production will stay at this level due to recently discovered
pipes in Canada, Russia, and Angola.
By Value. The annual production by value for each
type of deposit shows a pattern similar to that for
carat weight, except that the dominance of alluvial
production from 1925 to 1980 is more pronounced.
It clearly demonstrates the high value of beach
deposits during their active years for the periods
1910 to 1930 and 1960 to 1990, though tapering off
toward 2005. After 1980, the Argyle pipe is far less
dominant because of the low value of its diamonds,
while the high value of African alluvial production
has retained its importance.

Before 1870, the percentage of gem-quality diamonds was high because all production was derived
from alluvial deposits, and primitive mining methods
were geared to recovering larger, good-looking stones.
In the early days of pipe mining, recovery was still

Figure 9. The shifts in type of production (gem, industrial, and near-gem) in large part mirror the changes
in technology and the types of deposits being mined.
Early mining methods were not geared for the recovery of industrial diamonds, but this changed as
modern pipe mining evolved. The peak in industrial
production during the middle of the century reflects
the large input of low-value diamonds from the
Congo/Zaire. This began to fall as higher-value
diamonds from Russia and other sources came on
stream. Only since 1985, with the opening of the
Argyle mine, is near-gem production indicated.

The production data given thus far have included all
qualities of diamond, gem and non-gem. Figure 9
shows the division into gem, industrial, and (over
the last two decades) near-gem diamonds.





Figure 10. This map shows the tectonic location of 24 major diamond mines and seven advanced diamond projects. All major mines developed on kimberlite pipes are located within the boundaries of an archon, while those
developed on lamproite pipes are located on a proton.

carried out by jigging, sieving, and hand sorting, and

this tendency continued until about 1885. When
recovery from the pipe mines became more mechanized, there was a progressive increase in the percentage of smaller stones and industrial diamonds, so that
the proportion of gem-quality rough dropped gradually from 50% in 1885 to 30% in 1905. After this
point, the gem percentage increased to 45% from
1910 to 1925 because of the emergence of the beach
deposits, which yield mainly gem-quality stones. It
declined again from 1925 to 1955 due to the large
output from the Mbuji Maye mines in the Belgian
Congo, which have a high percentage of small and
industrial diamonds. From 1960 to 2000, gem diamonds varied between ~20% and ~30% of total production, but since then the proportion has increased
because of the new Canadian mines, which have a
high percentage of gem-quality diamonds, and the
decreasing output from Argyle. The Argyle mine
and the corresponding development of a low-cost cutting industry in India to fashion small stones from
rough that once would have been used for industrial
purposesis also responsible for the relatively new
category, near-gem diamonds. Between 1985 and


1995, near gems represented as much as 17% of

total production.
As would be expected, gem-quality diamonds
are responsible for almost all production by value.
Only in the last 20 years has the near-gem category
had any significance. Between 1985 and 1995, it
rose to represent as much as 10% of the total value
of diamonds produced. With the declining production at Argyle, however, it had dropped to less than
4% by 2005.


The worlds 24 major diamond pipe mines (both historical and currently active) and seven (eight if
Argyles underground operation is included)
advanced projects are plotted on figure 10, which
shows the three tectonic crustal elements according
to the Janse (1994) terminologyarchons, protons,
and tectonswhich was developed from Cliffords
Rule that kimberlites are restricted to cratons older
than 1,500 million years (Clifford, 1966). Thus far,
all major diamond mines developed on kimberlite
pipes are located within the boundaries of an archon,




mond mines (other than Argyle) have clustered into

three regions of the world: southern Africa, Siberia,
and western Canada.
Data for ownership, location, size, annual production, ore reserves, value, and life for the 24
mines are compiled in table 1. Included is the status
as of 2005 for 16 major active pipe mines. For comparison, historical data for seven important but
inactive De Beers mines and the Mir open pit mine
(closed in 1998; figure 12) are also provided. Table 1
comprises 15 columns, some of which are discussed
in more detail below.
Name of Mine (Col. 1). Most of the mines are developed on a single pipe bearing the same name. In
recent years, however, it has been found that an
economically viable mine can be established by
combining the volumes of several small pipes. Five
such mining areas are included here: (1) Murowa,
which draws ore from four small pipes; (2) Mbuji
Maye, which includes production from the kimberlite pipes of Tshibua and its derived secondary
deposits, as well as additional smaller pipes nearby;
(3) Argyle, which for some periods (19831985;
19892002) drew up to 20% of its production from
nearby alluvial deposits; and (4) Ekati and (5)
Diavik, which draw ore from, respectively, five and
two (increasing to four) pipes.

Figure 11. The Argyle diamond mine in northern

Australia is the worlds largest single producer of diamonds by weight, though the open pit is nearing the
end of its active life. Argyle is also the only major
mine situated on a lamproite pipe. Photo Roger
Garwood and Trish Ainslie/Corbis.

while those developed on lamproite pipes are located

on a proton. Even though only one major diamond
mine is underlain by a lamproite pipe (Argyle in
Australia; figure 11), several small diamond mines
on lamproite pipes and other occurrences of diamond-bearing lamproites (not shown on figure 10)
are also located on protons and hence support this
view. Figure 10 also shows that to date major dia-



Majority Owner (Col. 2). Most of the older mines

are (or were) owned outright by De Beers (in South
Africa) or by De Beers in joint venture with local
governments, such as Debswana (50% Botswana)
and Mwadui (25% Tanzania). The Canadian mines
are also jointly owned: Ekati (BHP 80%; Charles
Fipke and Stewart Blusson, the original prospectors,
10% each) and Diavik (60% Rio Tinto, 40% Aber
Resources; figure 13). Catoca is owned by a consortium of four entities: Endiama (an Angolan parastatal [government-owned] company) 32.8%, Alrosa
32.8%, Odebrecht (a Brazilian company) 16.4%, and
Dau-monty Finance Corp. (a Lev Leviev company)
Size (Col. 4). It should be noted that in several cases
only part of the total volume of a pipe is mined. For
example, at Argyle the southern partwith a surface outcrop of 12 hectareshas been mined for
most of its life, while only in the last two years has
mining progressed to shallow northern parts of the
pipe. The size given for Mbuji Maye is for Tshibua
pipe 1 only.



TABLE 1. Historic and production data for 24 major diamond mines discovered since 1869.a
Col. 1

Name of mine

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4

Col. 5

Col. 6

Col. 7

Col. 8

Col. 9

Col. 10

Col. 11




Year of

Year of



Current Current
($/ct)d ($/t)


Col. 12

Col. 13

Col. 14 Col. 15

Total pro- Total proPast life Future

life (yr)


De Beers

South Africa













De Beers

South Africa












Jagersfonteinh De Beers

South Africa











Koffiefonteinh De Beers

South Africa











De Beersh

De Beers

South Africa













De Beers

South Africa













De Beers

South Africa












Mbuji Maye
Mir i

De Beers

South Africa













De Beers
De Beers
De Beers
Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto
BHP Billiton
Rio Tinto

South Africa
South Africa












20 j
20 j
10 j


a Sources:

De Beers Consolidated Mines (1880 2005); Wagner (1914); Hamilton (1994); Wilson and Anhaeusser (1998); Government of the Northwest
Territories (20012005); Even-Zohar (2002, 2007); BHP Billiton (2007); Rio Tinto Diamonds (2007a,b); and author's files.
for sizes of pipes are modified from Janse (1996) and author's files; 1 ha (hectare) = 2.47 acres.
c Annual production figures are in thousands of carats (kct/yr); for the first seven mines listed and for the Mir open pit (all of which are now inactive), see notes h and i.
d Values for grade in cpht (carats per hundred tonnes) and $/ct (U.S. dollars per carat) are approximate and vary from year to year as different types of
ore are mined. Except for the first seven mines listed and for Mir (see notes h and i), the latest robust values are from 2003 and are extrapolated to
2005 by the author.
e Figures for annual value (in millions of U.S. dollars) were calculated by multiplying annual production (col. 7) by $/ct (col. 9).
f Total production figures (in millions of carats) were estimated by adding annual production figures, including from tailings, for the years of the life of the
mine (col. 14).
g Total production values to date (in millions of U.S. dollars) are calculated by multiplying total production (col. 12) by value per carat (col. 9).
h The annual data for the five old Kimberley mines, Jagersfontein, and Koffiefontein (shaded in gray) are values chosen by the author from typical years of
production throughout the life of the mine. Figures for grade were chosen likewise, and comparative values for $/ct were recalculated taking the De
Beers mine as $/ct=$100.
i The Mir open pit closed in 1998; the figures for annual production, grade, and $/ct are derived from an average year in the 1980s.
j Future production for Argyle, Mir, and Udachnaya is for underground workings only.
b Values

Years of Discovery and Opening (Cols. 5 and 6). In

general, the time between discovery and commencement of mining varies from six to 10 years. This time
frame has expanded in recent decades, as several
stages of studiese.g., scoping, pre-feasibility, feasibility, water use, and environmental and social


impactare required before authorities will issue

permits and banks will lend money. The dates for
Mbuji Maye appear to conflict because mining on
associated alluvial deposits commenced in 1924, but
the kimberlite deposits were not recognized until
1946 (Magne, 1946).




Figure 12. The Mir pit in

Yakutia, which ceased
open-pit mining in 1998,
was the first major diamond mine to be developed in what was then
the Soviet Union. The
discovery of Mir and several other large kimberlite pipes in this region
represented the first
meaningful non-African
production to enter the
world market in over 100
years. Photo taken in
1995 by James Shigley.

Annual Production (Col. 7). This figure is reported

in thousands of carats recovered during 2005, except
for the first seven mines listed and for the Mir open
pit (all now inactive), for whichfor comparison to
currently active minesa production value was
chosen by the author from a past year that appeared
typical. Annual productions vary through time and
generally increase when the mine plants are
expanded and decrease as the deposit is depleted. In
some cases, the open pit becomes too deep and the

pit walls need to be reconstructed (as happened to

Argyle in 1999, when annual production fell from
nearly 41 Mct/yr to 27 Mct/yr; see figure 2), or the
mining method switches from open pit to underground (e.g., figure 14).
Grade (Col. 8). Gradethe yield of carats per 100
tonnes (cpht)is the quotient of carats recovered
during the year divided by tonnes (metric tons) of ore
mined. It varies considerably between pipes. Grades

Figure 13. Canadas dramatic rise up the rankings in

world diamond production
has been the result of rich
mines such as Diavik,
shown here in a September
2006 image. A large dike
had to be constructed to
hold back the waters of Lac
de Gras and allow safe
open-pit mining of the A154
South and A154 North kimberlite pipes in the foreground. Just left of the A154
open pit, work has begun to
expose the A418 pipe; production from that pipe is
expected to begin in late
2007 or early 2008. Photo by
Jiri Hermann, courtesy of
Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.





also vary within a pipe. In many cases, the near-surface weathered rocks are higher in grade than the
deeper rocks. For example, at Kimberley the grade
was well over 200 cpht for the first 250 m of mining,
but it had decreased to 40 cpht at closure in 1914
and averaged just over 100 cpht for the life of the
mine (Janse, 1996).
Current Value (Cols. 9 and 10). Data for the average
value per carat are not publicly listed by many mining companies, but they can be derived from the
reports on sales of parcels of diamonds mined during the year and from estimates from diamond valuers and diamantaires who have inspected the runof-mine product.
In some mines, such as Jagersfontein and
Koffiefontein, the grade was very low (below 12 cpht),
but the $/ct was high (over $200/ct); thus, the mines
were viable. At Argyle the initial grade was very high
(600 cpht) but the value per carat for the first production was very low ($7/ct), and the mine would only
be viable if operating costs could be kept low. This
was done primarily by mining large volumes of ore,
which kept the average cost per tonne down. In some
minessuch as Jwaneng (Botswana), Mir (Siberia),
Ekati (Canada), and Diavik (Canada)both the grade
and $/ct are high, making them very profitable. Value
per carat is influenced not only by the quality but
also by the average size of the diamonds recovered.
Generally, this is between 0.4 and 0.5 ct; diamonds
over 2 ct are rare, amounting to only about 7% by
weight (but 44% by value) of world production (EvenZohar, 2002).
The product of multiplying the current grade (col.
8) by dollar value per carat (col. 9) gives the average
value per tonne in the ground ($/t; col. 10), which is
one of the major factors in deciding if a project is
economically viable. The second major factor is revenue, that is, the quotient of the value per tonne in
the ground divided by the cost of mining it. Very
approximately, this figure needs to be above one to
make a viable mine, but several other factors (such
as the time value of money, political risks, and environmental restrictions) must be factored into the
decision to proceed with construction. In general,
the $/t varies between 30 and 100. Because data on
mining cost per tonne are usually not publicly available, a column for revenue is not included.
Grade, value per carat, value per tonne, and ore
reserves (see Past and Future Lives below) are all
interrelated. Grade is typically a result of the recovery plants cut-off screen size. If the bottom screen


Figure 14. Open pit mines eventually reach a depth at

which the costs of further recovery by open-pit mining exceed the revenue produced. The mine will
either close or shift to underground mining if there
are sufficiently valuable reserves to make it economic. This miner working underground in the De Beers
Finsch mine is using an automatically synchronized
operated multiple drill in preparation for planting
explosives to blast out another mass of kimberlite.
Photo Herv Collart/Sygma/Corbis.

size is small (0.2 mm), many very small diamonds

will be recovered in addition to commercially sized
diamonds (1.5 to 2 mm) and the grade is high (as are
ore reserves), but the cost of recovery goes up and
the value per carat goes down because of the large
quantity of small diamonds recovered from a tonne
of ore. In general, most mines use bottom cut-off
screen sizes between 1.5 and 2 mm, as the revenue
from recovering more small diamonds usually does
not compensate for the higher cost of recovery.
However, this is a purely economic decision that has
to be considered for each deposit on its own. Some
mines have recently lowered this cut-off to 0.851.2
mm (see Tahera Diamond Corp., 2007), since the
market for smaller rough has grown as cutters
(mainly in Indian cottage industries) have become
adept at manufacturing very small stones (Even
Zohar, 2002). Raising the bottom cut-off, as Argyle
did in 1994 (from 0.4 mm to 1.5 mm), lowers the
grade, lowers ore reserves, decreases cost, but
increases the value per carat and thus revenue.
Likewise, costs increase when the top screen size is
set high in order to recover possible large diamonds,
but the revenue from these diamonds can compensate for the higher costs if the mine produces enough




of them. A top size of 25 mm is most common, but

for some mines that have historically produced large
diamonds, such as Premier/Cullinan, the top screen
size is 36 mm.
Past and Future Lives (Cols. 14 and 15). Several
active minessuch as Murowa, Catoca, Jubileynaya, Nyurba, Ekati, and Diavikhave existed for
less than 10 years, and this affects the data for total
amount of diamonds recovered and their value,
which are too low to give a representative rank.
Therefore, those mines for which reliable data on
future ore reserves are available (all except
Jubileynaya and Nyurba) are included in the table
for advanced projects (table 2). Most major mines,
except those based on several small pipes, have life
expectancies of 50100 years (e.g., the Kimberley
mines and Premier/Cullinan). However, most mining companies and analysts do not attempt to calculate ore reserves, and thus life, beyond 20 years
because such estimates eventually become too


During the last few years, four of the old underground De Beers mines in Africa have been closed,
and several open-pit minesArgyle in Australia and

Mir (and possibly others, such as Udachnaya) in

Russiahave reached or come close to their economic depth limit. It is therefore important to be
aware of the development of advanced projects,
which will contribute to the future supply of rough
diamonds. It is hoped that data on planned underground mines in Russia eventually will also become
available to complete these estimates.
Data for seven major advanced diamond projects
and one planned underground mine are compiled in
table 2. In contrast to many established mines,
most companies now developing advanced projects
publish data, updated regularly, on their capital
cost of construction, year of projected opening, ore
reserves, grade, value per carat, planned annual production, and life expectancy. This is becausein
contrast to bygone timesmany governmental or
stock exchange regulations now require this information to protect shareholders and control wild
fluctuations in stock prices. Such data also help
government regulatory agencies draw up regional
development plans. Note, however, that this is not
the case for some countries, such as Russia in the
recent past, where these data are traditionally considered privileged information and not disclosed, or
for others where such regulations do not exist or
are not enforced. Because pre-mine data for four
young mines in table 1 are available (Ekati, Diavik,

TABLE 2. Historical and production data for eight advanced diamond projects and four young mines.a
Col. 1

Name of
Snap Lake
Gahcho Ku
Argyle UG

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4

Col. 5




Year of

De Beers
De Beers
De Beers
Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto




Col. 6

Col. 7

Col. 8

Capital cost Ore reserves Grade




Col. 9

Col. 10

Col. 11

Col. 12









Col. 13

Col. 14

Projected Projected
production life (yr)


Sources: Hamilton (1994); De Beers Consolidated Mines (20012005); Government of the Northwest Territories (20012005); Even-Zohar (2002,
2007); Tahera Diamond Corp. (2006); BHP Billiton (2007); De Beers Group (2007a,b,c); Rio Tinto Diamonds (2007a,b,c); Severalmaz (2007); and
authors files. All figures for reserves, grade, $ /ct, and annual production are derived from bankable feasibility studies and will probably change during
actual mining. Abbreviations used here are the same as for table 1; nd means no data are available. The rows shaded in blueEkati, Diavik, Murowa,
and Catocaare recently opened mines, included for comparison.





Murowa, and Catoca), they have been included here

for comparison.
The above notwithstanding, these figures must be
viewed with some caution. In general, when a project
becomes a mine, it is often found that estimated
costs of construction are too low, so ore reserves are
calculated on the low side to be safe. Further, grade
and value per carat can prove to be quite different
when mining has actually progressed during the first
year or so, and the life of a mine is often extended as
additional ore reserves are discovered while the mine
is in operation.
Table 2 comprises 14 columns, some of which
are described here in more detail.
Name of Prospect (Col. 1). Jericho is a small mine
developed on a small pipe, but neighboring small
pipes may be mined in the future. The data in this
table are for Jericho pipe 1 only. (Jericho data are
placed in this table even though it opened in August
2005, because it only came into actual production
in March 2006; Tahera Diamond Corp., 2006). Snap
Lake is not a near-vertical pipe but rather a shallowly inclined (about 15) dike. Victor is a complex of
three coalescing pipes that have different ore
reserves, grades, and values per carat; data values are
averaged over the whole pipe system. Gahcho Ku
is a complex of four neighboring small pipes. The
Arkhangelskaya pipe is the first of a group of five
large pipes in the Lomonosov cluster to be developed into a mine. Camafuca is an elongated pipe (or
the fusion of five pipes in a line) underneath the bed
of the Chicapa River. Consequently, Camafuca I
(the first stage of operation) will be developed as a
dredging operation, lasting five years. Argyle UG
represents data for the underground mine, which is
planned to go into production in 2008.
Majority Owner (Col. 2). Three of the four advanced
projects in Canada are owned by De Beers Canada.
Development of the Russian Grib project has halted
because of protracted litigation involving future
ownership. This was to be vested in a new company, Almazny Bereg, in which the equities would be
ADC (Canada-based Archangel Diamond Corp.)
40% and AGD (Arkhangelskgeodobycha) 60%, but
AGD has so far refused to transfer title to the new
company. Arkhangelskaya is 97% controlled by
Severalmaz, a subsidiary of Alrosa; the rest is held
by local authorities. De Beers once held an interest
in this project, but it sold its equity to Severalmaz
several years ago. Camafuca is owned by a consor-


tium of Endiama (an Angolan parastatal company)

51%, Welox (a Lev Leviev company) 31%, and
SouthernEra Diamonds (a Canada-based company)
18% free carried. (Free carried interest means that
the company has equity in the development of the
project, but does not have to contribute to the cost
of development. Such interest either ends at the
decision to mine, when the risk has virtually disappeared, or lasts to the commencement of mining,
after which the cost of contributing can be subtracted from the profit from mining.)
Size (Col. 4). The size given for Snap Lake is arbitrary;
while its surface footprint is quite small, the dike
extends underground for an as-yet-undetermined distance of at least 2 km down dip. The sizes of Gahcho
Ku, Ekati, Diavik, and Murowa are a total for several small pipes, not all of which are currently mined
(but are likely to be mined in the future).
Year of Opening (Col. 5). The scheduled year of
opening for the Grib pipe cannot be given, again
because of the litigation over ownership. Arkhangelskaya started overburden stripping in 2003; actual
mining began on a small scale in 2006.
Capital Cost (Col. 6). This figure, often called capex
(capital expenditure), represents construction costs
only. Thus, the capital costs for Grib cannot be stated, as no mine construction has taken place. The
capital costs for Arkhangelskaya are for the first
stage of mining the pipe itself. The second stage,
constructing a larger plant and a larger open pit in
which the Arkhangelskaya pipe and the adjacent
Karpinskaya 1 and 2 pipes will be mined, will begin
in late 2007. The capex for Diavik is high because
the pipes are located under water in Lac de Gras,
which was too large to simply drain. Thus, development of Diavik required the construction of large
encircling dikes (again, see figure 13), which were
expensive to construct because of severe climatic
conditions and environmental issues. In contrast,
the first stage for Camafuca is a dredging operation,
which is relatively simple and has a low cost compared to open-pit mining. Murowa is on land in an
area of easy access and requires only small open pits;
both African sites (unlike the Canadian mines) have
comparatively low labor costs.
Ore Reserves (Col. 7). Given here in millions of
tonnes (Mt), reserves are determined by sampling,
which usually involves drilling many holes over a




TABLE 3. Historical and contemporary production data and rankings for 27 diamond producing countries: Totals to 2005.a

Year 1st

South Africa
Rhodesia/Zimbabwe 1903
Southern Africa
Congo/Zaire/DRC 1907
Congo Republic 1932
Central Africa
Sierra Leone
Ivory Coast
West Africa
South America
United States
Total global
plus 10% illicit

Year 1st

Year 1st

Total prod.
(to 2005)

Total prod.

% World
(to 2005)e

% World

Rank in
world prod.
(to 2005)

Rank in
world prod.













































(to 2005)
(200105) f






a Sources:

The Mineral Industry (18701934); Mineral Resources of the United States (1870 1934); Wagner (1914); Minerals Yearbook (19342005);
and Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (2004, 2005). Abbreviations used here are the same as for table 1; nd means no data are available.
Janse and Sheahan (1995); Kjarsgaard and Levinson (2002).
c Note that for several countries, mining began, closed, and sometimes reopened, e.g., Zimbabwe (Somabula, 1913 1930; River Ranch, 19921998;
Murowa, 2004 present); Lesotho (Letseng, 1968 1982, reopened 2004); United States (Arkansas, 19211924; Kelsey Lake, 19951996); Russia
(Urals, 18901917; Siberia, 1960 present); Australia (New South Wales, 1883 1948; Argyle, 1980present).
Calculated by summing up each country's annual production; illicit production is added as 10% of total global production.
b Sources:

specific grid pattern into a pipe to a certain depth

and analyzing the number and value of the diamonds recovered from the drill cores (in some cases,
trial mining may be used as well). The larger the
diameter of the cores and the more numerous the
holes, the better the ore-reserve calculation will be.
Also, the deeper the holes, the more potential ore
can be outlined (i.e., as a three-dimensional model of
reserves) for further calculations. However, drill
diameter and depth are constrained by practical and
technical parameters, and there are strict guidelines



for the calculation of ore reserves. There is also a

practical limit to the depth to which ore reserves can
be calculated. Generally, a pipe narrows to a fissure
at depth, which results in smaller volumes in crosscut or plan and thus higher costs of mining; at some
point, the mining costs will exceed the value per
tonne of ore. Also, the deeper the reserves are projected, the less reliable the results are. Of course, the
larger the pipes surface outcrop, the larger the crosscut volumes at depth will be, so large pipes can have
ore reserves calculated as deep as 500 m, which is



Total value
(to 2005)
(B$) f

Total value

% World
(to 2005)e

% World
(200105) e































Rank in
Rank in
(to 2005) (200105)

e Figures

in the percentage columns may not appear to add up correctly, as

there are several countries in the list with less than 1%.
f Given as present-day values to compare the relative significance of
countries only; they are not the values at the time of each year's

the case for the Arkhangelskaya pipe, where ore

reserves were calculated down to 460 m. In practice,
though, ore-reserve projections generally are not carried beyond 100150 m below surface level.
Value (Cols. 1012). The value per carat for Victor
is very high, as the run-of-mine diamonds recovered
thus far are remarkable for their white color, with
very few brown or yellow diamonds. The value for
Camafuca I is also high for pipe diamonds, but in
this case the figures may include some proportion of


alluvial diamonds recovered in the dredging operation. The high overall value for Grib ($5.3 billion)
makes it clear why ADC persists in its legal battles
to retain its part ownership in the project. The large
Catoca mine has a very high potential value ($14
billion), while Ekati and Diavik are outstanding at
$7.1 billion and $6.3 billion.
The value for Arkhangelskaya ($48/ct) multiplied
by grade (52 cpht) gives a suspiciously low value per
tonne: $25/t. In general, new mines are not considered economic below $40/t, which makes this figure
an obvious discrepancy. Unofficial sources say that
the value per carat of Arkhangelskaya is in fact similar to that for Grib (~$80/ct), which would increase
the figure to $42/t, more in line with general economic considerations.
Projected Production (Col. 13). Grib and Arkhangelskaya should be significant mines. Projected annual
production for Grib is 4 Mct. For Arkhangelskaya,
plans call for a large recovery plant with a throughput of 5.6 Mt annually; if the grade (52 cpht) applies
to all three pipes projected to be mined, then an
annual production of about 3 Mct can be assumed,
which will commence in 2010. Catoca is still
increasing its annual production, which may eventually reach 8 Mct. Argyle UG will have a very high
annual production, though with a comparatively
low total value of $1.2 billion.
Projected Life (Col. 14). The Jericho mine is projected to be relatively short lived, at eight years, but
additional reserves may be discovered in neighboring pipes. The five-year life for Camafuca I is only
for the dredging operation, during which time the
reserves and a mining plan covering all or part of
the pipe will be established, for a projected life of at
least 20 years.


Data and statistics for 27 diamond-producing countries (for both total production and 20012005) are
listed in table 3. Not included are countries for
which the occurrence of diamonds or kimberlite/
lamproite has been recorded but no diamonds are
mined (e.g., Algeria, Finland, Greenland, Kenya,
Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, and Thailand), or
for countries from which diamond exports are
recorded but no diamond mines are known (e.g.,
Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, Rwanda,




mainly on alluvial deposits or on the surface portions of pipes or fissures (dikes). Their output may be
purchased by diamond buyers (who also may or may
not be licensed) on the spot, but more often it is
smuggled to another country to avoid paying taxes
or to obtain a higher price in a more stable currency
(Even-Zohar, 2002). The amount of illicit digging has
varied greatly over time. It was high in Sierra Leone
in the 1950s (Laan, 1965; Hall, 1968) and very high
in Angola, Zaire/DRC, and Sierra Leone in the
1990s, often far outstripping the official or formal
production (Partnership Africa Canada, 2004a,b,
2005a,b, 2006). In the 1990s, a large part of the proceeds of illicit production was used to purchase arms
and supplies to equip rebel forces, which often occupied the alluvial diamond fields in these countries
and engaged in mining by forced local labor. (This
type of illicit production gave rise to the terms blood
diamonds or conflict diamonds, further discussion
of which is beyond the scope of this article.) The percentage of illicit digging is high in some places, anywhere from 20% to 100%, while in more regulated
countries (such as Canada) it is low or nearly nonexistent. Consequently, a modest (and arbitrary) 10%
figure for illicit digging has been added to total global

Figure 15. Not all diamond production has come from

organized mining. A significantthough difficult to
quantifypercentage has come from informal, or
illicit, mining by artisanal means. This 1996 photo
taken in Sierra Leone shows local diggers using primitive methods to extract diamond-bearing gravels. The
diamonds produced are often smuggled out of mining
areas to avoid taxes or to obtain higher prices. Photo
Patrick Robert/Sygma/Corbis.

Senegal, and Uganda). The Republic of Congo

(Congo-Brazzaville) and Gabon are partially included in the list, as their diamond outputs are recorded
in Minerals Yearbook for some years, but alleged
production for both has been included in the total
for the Congo/Zaire/DRC in calculating percentages, rank, and value.
Illicit Mining. It is important to note again that the
amount of illicit or informal production can be estimated only very broadly, since it results from the
work of artisanal diggers (again, see figure 7, and figure 15), who are typically unlicensed and unregulated by official governmental agencies, and work



Historical Production. As noted earlier, historical

production before 1870 was minor in todays terms
and was restricted primarily to India and Brazil, with
some production from Indonesia. Information on
diamond mining before the mid-1800s can be found
in Lenzen (1970), Levinson et al. (1992), and Janse
(1996), among other authorities. Diamond mining
began in India in antiquity (and was first recorded in
a Sanskrit text, the Arthasastra, written by Kautilya
in the late fourth century BC; Rangarajan, 1992), with
minor production from Borneo beginning about 800
AD (Legrand, 1980). Diamonds only became important in the world economy with the commencement
of mining in Brazil in the mid-1700s (Lenzen, 1970).
The most important historical producer was
South Africa, which dominated the market from
1872 to 1932. Over the full period 18702005, it
ranks fourth in carat weight and first in value
because of its long history of production. SouthWest Africa/Namibia ranks eighth in carat weight
but fourth in value due to the high quality of diamonds in the beach deposits (figure 16).
From 1932 to 1970, the Congo, Angola, and
West Africa dominated diamond production. The
Congo/Zaire/DRC ranks first in carat weight up to



Figure 16. Namibias

beach mines, despite
their relatively small
production by weight,
have long been an
important contributor
to the world market
because of the very high
value of the diamonds
they produce. The diamonds are recovered
from crevices in the
bedrock after the overlying sand has been
removed, as shown here
in 2005. Photo by
Robert Weldon.

2005, but due to the low quality of diamonds from

Mbuji Maye, it ranks only fifth in value. Sierra
Leone and Guinea rank ninth and 17th in carat
weight, but sixth and 10th in value due to the high
quality of their diamonds. Ghana ranks sixth in
carat weight and 14th in value, again due to the relatively small size and consequent low value of its
diamonds. Angola ranks seventh in both carat
weight and value over the life of mining there.
From 1970 to 1985, legitimate production from
Zaire and West Africa declined because of political
upheavals, while newly commenced production from
kimberlite pipes in Siberia and Botswana, and
increasing production in South Africa, became dominant. The Soviet Union/Russia ranks third in both
carat weight and in value, while Botswana ranks fifth
in carat weight and second in value.
Production from Australias Argyle diamond mine
entered the market in 1986 and soon introduced a
large volume of industrial diamonds. The market
absorbed this amount partly by developing the neargem category of diamonds and partly by scaling back
production in South Africa. Consequently, while
Australia ranks second in carat weight, it reaches only
eighth in value. Canadas production of high-quality
diamonds entered the market in 1999, and its rank of
10th in carat weight and ninth in value are low only
because of its recent entry.
Brazil dominated world production from 1750 to
1870, but it has been far less significant since that
period. Virtually every major river system in Brazil


contains alluvial diamonds, but the country currently has no diamond mines developed on a kimberlite
or lamproite pipe. All major production has come
from alluvial localities in Minas Gerais and Bahia,
with lesser production from Roraima. Recently, the
30,000 ct/yr Chapada alluvial project in Mato Grosso
commenced mining, while prospecting for economic
kimberlites in Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Rondonia
has shown promising results. Brazils total historical
production, as compiled from the U.S. source publications used, is 55 Mct, but Barbosa (1991) estimated
diamond production up to 1985 as 100 Mct (too neat
a figure for this authors liking). As about 20 Mct
were produced from 1985 to 2005, the total production for Brazil would be 120 Mct if Barbosas figure is
accepted. (Note: This illustrates the uncertainty
involved in compiling the totals of individual countries, but it does not significantly affect the global
total of 4.5 Bct.) Brazil ranks 11th in lifetime carat
weight, but would replace Angola as sixth if the
higher figure was valid.
Other minor producers include British Guiana
(now Guyana) and Venezuela, which commenced
production in the late 1890s; the Central African
Republic and Tanzania, beginning in the 1930s; and
China in the 1980s; however, their combined production has never reached more than 1% by weight
and 2% by value of modern global production.
Contemporary Production. Data for 20012005 give
a modern perspective to the relative significance of




the producing countries. Russia now ranks first in

carat weight and second in value, while Botswana is
first in value though third in carat weight, just
behind Australia. In the future, Botswana will probably exceed Australia in carat weight, since its production is still increasing while Australias is declining as Argyle switches to underground production.
Botswana will probably stay first in value, as Russia
has to overcome a gap of nearly $5 billion to catch
up. South Africa has not changed much, with its
rank of fifth in carat weight and third in value, but
the new success story is Canada, which after only a
few years is fourth in value and sixth in carat weight
and may overtake South Africa in the near future.
The DRC is now fourth in carat weight and
eighth in value and will probably maintain these
rankings, since production is likely to increase as its
civil disorders have diminished. Also, with the
western and eastern Kasai being intensively
prospected, new discoveries are likely to be made.
Angola ranks seventh in carat weight and fifth in
value and is climbing through the ranks, as production from the large Catoca pipe mine is still increasing and additional pipe mines (Camafuca,
Camatchia, and Camagico; data for the last two
have not been released) will come on stream in the
future. Namibia ranks eighth in carat weight and,
despite a modest 8 Mct, sixth in value due to the
quality of its diamonds. Likewise, the high value of
diamonds from Sierra Leone gives this country a
rank of ninth in value for a carat weight of 2.5 Mct.
The unknown player is China, for which no robust
data are available. According to the Kimberley
Process figures, its total production has been only
2.5 Mct, and it thus has a very low rank in weight
and value. However, diamonds are being aggressively sought in China, and an important discovery
could change the situation greatly.
Global production for 20012005 was 840 Mct


Dr. Janse (archonexpl@iinet.net.au) is a diamond exploration
consultant living in Perth, Western Australia.
Dona Dirlam and her staff at the Richard T. Liddicoat
Gemological Library and Information Center at GIA in



with a value of $55 billion, for an average value per

carat of $65.

The history of modern diamond production spans
135 years. Although alluvial deposits have been
known since antiquity, diamond production from
primary deposits (kimberlites and lamproites) commenced only in the 1870s and has increased by
leaps and bounds ever since to a staggering total of
4.5 billion carats.
It is interesting to note that nearly 20% of this
total was produced during the last five years. During
the last 10, nine new mines have commenced production or come very close: Nyurba and Arkhangelskaya (Russia); Ekati, Diavik, and Jericho (Canada);
Murowa (Zimbabwe); and Catoca, Camafuca,
Camatchia, and Camagico (Angola). Four additional
advanced projects are waiting in the wings: Snap
Lake, Victor, and Gahcho Ku (Canada); and Grib
(Russia). This will more than counterbalance the
closing of seven old mines. As it is predicted that
demand for rough will outstrip production during
the next five years, and a gap of $20 million in supply and demand by 2015 has been quoted (EvenZohar, 2007), this new production can easily be
accommodated in the diamond market.
Primary deposits were first discovered in South
Africa and exploration spread from there to identify
diamond-producing pipes in Tanzania (1940s), Siberia
(1950s), Botswana (1960s), Angola (1970s), Australia
and northwest Russia (1980s), and Canada and northwest Russia (1990s). Thus, it appears that at least one
major diamond mine or field has been discovered
every 10 years since the 1940s. If this trend continues, then a major new discovery is imminent. This
may perhaps be in China, where prospecting for diamonds is being vigorously pursued at present.

Carlsbad are thanked for access to many books and publications. CAD Resources, Carine, Western Australia, were helpful in constructing the diagrams that accompany the text. The
author is also very grateful to the four reviewersDr. Jeff
Harris, Dr. Melissa Kirkley, Russell Shor, and one who asked
to remain anonymousfor their careful work, which made
this article more readable and comprehensible.



Barbosa O. (1991) Diamante no Brasil: Histrico, Ocorrncias,
Prospeo e Lavra. [Diamonds in Brazil: History, Occurrences,
Prospecting and Workings]. CPRM [Companhia de Pesquisa
de Recursos Minerais], Rio de Janeiro, 136 pp.
BHP Billiton (2007) About Ekati. ekati.bhpbilliton.com/
about_ekati [date accessed: 06/06/07].
Boyajian W.E. (1988) An economic review of the past decade in
diamonds. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 102121.
Cilliers J., Dietrich C., Eds. (2000) Angolas War Economy.
Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, South Africa, 370 pp.
Clifford T.N. (1966) Tectono-metallogenic units and metallogenic provinces of Africa. Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, Vol. 1, pp. 421434.
De Beers Consolidated Mines (18802000). De Beers Consolidated Mines Annual Report, Kimberley, South Africa
(18801980)/London (19802000).
De Beers Consolidated Mines (20012005) De Beers Consolidated Mines Annual Review, London.
De Beers Group (2007a) Gahcho Ku. www.debeersgroup.com/
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Mary L. Johnson
Researchers treated 128 emeralds with nine emerald fillersAraldite 6010, cedarwood oil, paraffin
oil, unhardened and surface-hardened Opticon, a mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam,
surface-hardened Norland Optical Adhesive 65, and the solid fillers Gematrat and Permasafe
and then exposed them (along with 14 unfilled emeralds) to common conditions of wear and
cleaning. All emeralds were held for about six years, and most were then subjected to one of the following durability tests: exposure to long-wave UV radiation (a component of sunlight), to mild heat
and incandescent light in a display case, to five chill-thaw cycles, and to a desiccation environment;
ultrasonic cleaning with either warm water or BCR; and cleaning with steam or mild chemical
solvents. Changes were evident in about 35% of the filled emeralds after the mild exposure tests
(i.e., time, UV radiation, display case); those with liquid fillers were especially susceptible. The desiccation environment made fissures visible in a majority of emeralds. Hard fillers damaged their host
emeralds by expanding cracks during durability testing, while chill-thaw cycling extended cracks in
both filled and unfilled emeralds. Emeralds with liquid fillers were most susceptible to appearance
changes due to ultrasonic cleaning and exposure to ethanol or acetone. Some observations on the
effectiveness of different fillers on emerald appearance are also provided.

he finest emeralds are renowned for their saturated, slightly bluish green color (figure 1).
However, this beauty comes with disadvantages. Compared to diamonds, sapphires, and rubies,
emeralds are softer and more brittle; they also are
almost invariably included. As a result, emerald inclusion scenes are commonly romanced as jardinsthe
French word for gardensby the retail world.
Because inclusions and, especially, surface-reaching
fissures detract from emeralds transparency and distinctive color, emeralds have been oiledor filled
for centuries (see, e.g., Jennings et al., 1993; Weldon,
1997) to make these features less obvious.
In addition, open fissures in emeralds can collect
polishing compounds, skin oils, and dirt. Internal
fluid inclusions can break open (see, e.g., Koivula,
1980); likewise, solid inclusions can be plucked out
during fashioning. Consequently, the vast majority
of fashioned emeralds in the market today have
some type of filling.
Over the last few decades, different sources and
trading centers have tended to use different fillers for
emeralds: cedarwood oil and Canada balsam in



Colombia, paraffin oil (mineral oil) in Zimbabwe and

Zambia, and Opticon in Brazil (see, e.g., Ringsrud,
1983; Kammerling et al., 1991; Koivula et al., 1993,
1994a; Kennedy, 1998; for more on the history of
emerald filling, see the G&G Data Depository at
www.gia.edu/gemsandgemology). Although these
practices require disclosure, for many years fillers
were used to enhance the appearance of emeralds
without much public comment. In the 1990s, however, controversies erupted over the use of epoxies
and similar substances to fill emeralds, as little was
known about their durability and they were considered synthetic or unnatural by some in the trade.
When these controversies were brought to the attention of consumers (see, e.g., Costanza, 1998;
Jewelry scene, 1998), most of whom did not
know that emeralds are customarily filled, the emerald market plummeted (see, e.g., Drucker, 1999).

See end of article for About the Author and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 120137.
2007 Gemological Institute of America



Figure 1. Their saturated

slightly bluish green
color makes emeralds
such as the Colombian
stones in this suite quite
popular with consumers.
However, emeralds are
commonly filled, and
consumer and seller
alike should be aware of
potential durability
problems under conditions of normal wear
and care. Necklace (46.5
ct) and earrings (17.5 ct)
courtesy of Grando, Inc.,
Los Angeles; photo by
Harold & Erica Van Pelt.

In the late 1990s, GIA began a systematic study

of emerald fillers. The goal was to understand what
these filling substances were, how to distinguish
them from one another, and how to characterize
their effects on emeralds. The first article, Johnson
et al. (1999), examined 39 possible filling substances
and characterized their physical, optical, and spectroscopic properties. The second article, McClure et
al. (1999), showed how to determine the extent to
which an emerald is filled (an important factor in
evaluating the quality of the emerald). The present
article examines the changes in filled emeralds with
time and with consumer-focused durability testing.
The durability and stability of 36 gem materials,
including emerald, were reviewed by Martin (1987).
Previous studies of filler durability were made by
Kammerling et al. (1991) on cedarwood oil, Canada
balsam, and surface-hardened Opticon in emeralds


and other types of beryl; by Koivula et al. (1989) and

Kammerling et al. (1994) on fracture filling in diamonds; and by C. M. Ou Yang on polymer-impregnated jadeite (see, e.g., Johnson and Koivula, 1996).
Some specific durability tests were performed on
emeralds with the solid fillers Gematrat and
Permasafe (New emerald process, 1997;
Ringsrud, 1998; Weldon, 1999), but information on
these tests is limited.

What makes an emerald filler ideal? Participants at
the First World Emerald Congress (held in Bogot,
Colombia, in 1998) agreed that it should be colorless
and stable within the emerald (Lurie, 1998). It should
also be permanent under routine conditions of wear
and care, and yet easily removed if the emerald needs




to be evaluated for recutting (Federman, 1998a).

Physical properties used to discriminate among
fillers include their solid or liquid nature (liquids ooze
out of fissures or move when approached by a hot
point), viscosity, scent, and other properties not easily ascertained within an emerald, such as specific
gravity. Optical properties include color and refractive index (RI); the latter determines how visible a
filled feather is and whether it shows a flash effect.
Clues to the identity of the filling substance may also
be provided by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and
Raman spectroscopy. For more on these properties,
see Johnson et al. (1999) and Notari et al. (2002).
For the purpose of the present study, nine fillers
were chosen to represent four important classes of
commercial filling substances.
1. Soft (liquid) fillers: Araldite 6010 (sometimes
called palma), cedarwood oil, unhardened
Opticon, and paraffin oil
2. Semi-hard (slow-flowing and possibly solidifying)
fillers: the 50:50 mixture of cedarwood oil and
Canada balsam
3. Surface-hardened fillers: Norland Optical
Adhesive 65 (a long-wave UVsetting adhesive,
typically used fully hardened, but surface-hardened in this study) and Opticon
4. Hard fillers: Gematrat (Johnson and Koivula, 1997;
Federman, 1998b) and Permasafe (New type,
1998; Michelou, 1999; Weldon, 1999)
This study did not include any of the less common
fillers from Johnson et al. (1999), colored fillers such as
green Opticon or Joban oil, or fillers developed since
this study began, such as Grooms ExCel or ExCel
1.52 (see, e.g., Roskin, 2002, 2003; Gomelsky, 2003;
Myth of the month, 2006). In addition, this study
did not test the claim that emeralds become more
brittle after treatment under pressure, the ease of
removal of the filler and subsequent refilling, or the
properties of emeralds that had been enhanced by
more than one filler. The main objective was to determine whether the appearance of an emerald treated
with a specific filler changed with time, exposure to a
variety of environments, or cleaning.


Samples. The study collection consisted of 142 fashioned emeralds, ranging from 0.16 to 4.24 ct and averaging slightly less than 1 ct. All important gem
sources were represented: 49 from Colombia, 23 from



Zambia, 12 from Brazil, and six from Zimbabwe. The

remaining 52 were from unknown sources (see G&G
Data Depository). These were mainly emerald cuts,
but they also included cabochons and brilliant cuts of
various shapes. Many of these samples were donated;
the rest were taken from GIA collections. All had
eye-visible, surface-reaching fissures, and most would
have been graded as having moderate-to-significant
enhancement after filling.
Most of the emeralds were cleaned (to remove
preexisting stains or fillers in fissures) by Arthur
GroomGematrat in New York, using a proprietary
method. However, 16 emeralds filled with Permasafe
and five filled with Gematrat were acquired already
treated. Fourteen of the cleaned emeralds were
retained unfilled for comparison purposes. Most of
the remaining emeralds were treated at GIA using
fillers acquired for Johnson et al. (1999) from sources
listed in table 1 of that article. These fillers were:
Araldite 6010 prepolymer resin; Merck cedarwood oil
for clearing; Opticon 224 prepolymer resin, both
without its catalyst and with surface hardening;
Schroeder paraffin oil; a 50:50 mixture of cedarwood
oil with Sigma Canada balsam; and Norland Optical
Adhesive (NOA), type 65. The physical, optical, and
spectroscopic properties of these fillers can be found
in Johnson (1999). Most samples were filled at GIA
using either a Mini Oiler (see, e.g., Koivula et al.,
1994b) or a Color Stone Oiling Unit (again, see
Johnson et al., 1999).
Fourteen emeralds were filled with NOA 65 and
then exposed to long-wave UV radiation; however,
leakage from some samples showed that the filler
had not solidified below the surface. Hence, NOA 65
is considered a surface-hardened filler throughout
this article, although it may not be so for other gem
materials (or other emeralds). This incomplete hardening of the filler may have been due to the experimental procedure used here, as the output intensity
of the long-wave lamp may not have reached the
energy density recommend by Norland Optical.
(Although NOA type 65 was used for this study
based on information received from the emerald
trade, the company currently recommends that type
71 be used for gemstone filling.)
Fifteen emeralds used in this study were filled
with paraffin oil in vacuum chambers by Colgem
Ltd. Eighteen were filled with a 50:50 mixture of
cedarwood oil and Canada balsam by Ron Ringsrud
using heat, vacuum, pressure, and refrigeration to
approximate processes used in Colombia. Fourteen
were filled with Opticon and then surface hardened



TABLE 1. Types of filled emeralds subjected to the 10 durability tests.

Filler type
Araldite 6010
Cedarwood oil
Paraffin oil
Canada balsam
mixed with
Cedarwood oil
Norland Optical
Adhesive 65




cycling Desiccation cleaning in

cleaning in


Ethanol and












































Although all samples were stored for about 6 years, two samples were examined for both the time test and a different durability test (nos. 4477 and
4481). These two additional samples are not included in the Time only total.

by Ray Zajicek. Details of their methods are provided in the G&G Data Depository. Five emeralds were
filled with Gematrat by Arthur GroomGematrat.
Twenty-one emeralds, mentioned above, were
obtained pre-filled with Permasafe or Gematrat. All
filling work was performed in 1998 and early 1999.
The filled emeralds were rechecked after treatment for standard gemological properties (such as RI,
specific gravity, and weight), and 57 stones with larger fissures were selected for FTIR characterization of
their fillers. Macrophotographs of 110 emeralds were
taken and then the emeralds were set aside to await
durability testing. These durability tests were performed in 20042006, following a period of about six
years to allow for changes of the fillers with time.
Durability Testing. Ten tests were chosen to assess
the durability of the various commercial emerald
fillers: time alone (~6 years), exposure to long-wave
UV radiation (a component of sunlight), exposure to
heat and incandescent light in a display case, multiple chill-thaw cycles, one year in a desiccation environment, ultrasonic cleaning with either warm water
or buffing compound remover (BCR), and cleaning
with steam or two mild organic solvents. These tests,
which are described in detail in box A, were selected
to mimic likely causes of changes in the appearance
of filled emeralds in retail and consumer environments. Note that all 142 samples were exposed to the
passage of time and, where photos were available,
checked against those photos before further durabili-


ty testing. Detailed observations of changes with

time alone were made of 26 samples treated with the
different fillers or left untreated and then classified
into four degree-of-change categories: obvious, slight,
very slight, and no changes observed (see below). The
degrees of change due to time in the remaining samples were not categorized but were assessed for their
appropriateness for additional durability testing.
Then, 118 emeralds were each subjected to an additional exposure or cleaning test (again, see box A).
Durability tests are typically conducted by cutting
each sample into multiple parts and testing each part
(see, e.g., Johnson and Koivula, 1996). However, the
fissures in the emeralds were not evenly distributed
throughout the stones, and a goal of this study was to
monitor the effect of the durability tests on the overall appearance of fashioned emeralds. Therefore, this
study took a different approach, and instead compared emeralds to photographs.
The original emerald-filler study began with 181
emeralds, and at least two emeralds were intended
for each filler and each durability test. However, after
the original filler study (Johnson et al., 1999), some
samples were set aside for other experiments. The
remaining 142 samples discussed here were examined and allocated such that each filler was represented in each test (table 1); however, the most-changed
samples were allocated to the time test (with the rest
randomly distributed among the remaining tests).
Imaging Protocol. Usable photos were taken of 115





For this study, 10 tests were conductedfive representing exposure during normal wear, display, and
storage of emerald-set jewelry; and five representing
techniques that might be encountered in cleaning an
emeraldas described below.

1. Exposure to the passage of time

Goal: There is anecdotal evidence that some emerald
fillers deteriorate or leak out with time, which this
test sought to investigate.
Test description: The best method for assessing the
impact of time is, simply, to allow time to pass. In
an examination of tests for archival materials in
other disciplines, we found no other test that exactly
duplicated times effects (see, e.g., Rate of paper
degradation , 2001). The sample emeralds were
kept in a sealed container (a zippered plastic bag) in
ambient conditions (usually in the dark, but occasionally exposed to fluorescent lighting, in an office
in southern California with heating/air conditioning on workdays only). This also provided a standard for comparison for changes from more active
After noting how much time had passed since filling, 26 of the emeralds were compared against a photo
of their appearance immediately following filling.

2. Exposure to long-wave UV radiation

Goal: Long-wave UV (at about 365.4 nm) may have
an effect on filled emeralds (as previously shown for
fracture-filled diamonds; see, e.g., Kammerling et al.
1994). This type of radiation is also found in sunlight, so long-wave UV testing mimics one aspect of
long-term exposure to sunlight. (Short-wave UV was
not used, because it is not a significant component
of sunlight.)
Test description: Seventeen emeralds were placed
face-up, about 2.5 cm away from the filtered source
of long-wave UV radiation from a GIA four-watt
long-wave/short-wave unit, within a viewing cabinet. Emeralds were exposed for 200 hours (corresponding to 3,400 hours [~9 months] of exposure to

emeralds after cleaning and, as appropriate (since

some were left unfilled), before filling; before photos
were not available for 21 emeralds that were acquired
already filled. Shortly after filling, 110 samples were
photographed; 24 filled samples were photographed
after six years had elapsed and before the durability



sunlight, according to Kammerling et al., 1994).

After this time, the emeralds were reexamined.

3. Exposure in a display case

Goal: The appearance of a filled emerald may change
over time in the light and mild heat of a display environment. This test was an attempt to monitor that
Test description: A display case was set up with a
black velvet background and placed under three 50watt halogen lights (using the manufacturers recommendation for distance of 4 feet, [~1.2 m]); temperatures of 25.926.3C were recorded in the case.
Seventeen emeralds were arranged in the center of
the case (directly under a light), and exposed to 720
hours of illumination (equivalent to thirty 24-hour
days) in 128-hour continuous intervals, then reexamined.

4. Exposure to chill-thaw cycling

Goal: Temperature changes (such as might be caused
by wear in cold climates) may affect filled emeralds.
This test was also performed on fracture-filled diamonds by Kammerling et al. (1994).
Test description: Eighteen emeralds were placed in
two layers of sealed clear plastic bags in aluminum
foil (as barriers to humidity changes) sitting on ice in
a refrigerator overnight (measured air temperature
9C). The bags were removed and allowed to thaw for
an hour or so, then the emeralds were examined
while in their inner bags to check for drastic damage.
The emeralds were wrapped again and rechilled, for a
total of five chill-thaw cycles.

5. Exposure to dry air (desiccation)

Goal: There are many claims in the trade press that
emerald fillers can dry out. To test these reports,
the filled emeralds were exposed to a desiccation
environment (storage at ambient temperature in a
dry chamber with a silica gel desiccant). This test
was designed to simulate consumer storage (e.g., in a
bank vault) and is relevant to wear in dry climates.

tests that followed. Due to other exigencies, not all

samples could be photographed immediately before
filling, after filling, or after the time test. Therefore,
the comparison used to gauge the effect of the durability test on the emeralds appearance was either a
photo taken immediately after filling or one taken six



Test description: Sixteen emeralds were placed on

transparent glass dishes in a clear-windowed closed
chamber with a desiccant (a 40 g unit of Hydrosorbent silica gel that included indicator beads; see
www.dehumidify.com). The emeralds were examined visually once a week through the windows of
the chamber, and were removed and checked for
damage monthly, then returned to the chamber.
After one year, the emeralds were removed from the
chamber and reexamined.

6. Cleaning: ultrasonic cleaning in water

Goal: Ultrasonic cleaners use vibration in a heated
liquid (e.g., water or a jewelry cleaner) to loosen and
shake off dirt particles. The combination of heat,
vibration, and the immersion liquid may affect the
appearance of a filled emerald.
Test description: Ten emeralds were placed loose in
three batches in beakers with 40 mL of tap water in a
Gesswein Ultrasonic Cleaner model 87 and allowed
to clean for 30 minutes, while the temperature
was monitored (it increased from 33C to 63C during the process). The emeralds were rinsed in tap
water, dried in air, and reexamined.

7. Cleaning: ultrasonic with cleaning solution

Goal: Typical jewelry cleaning with a cleaning solution in an ultrasonic cleaner may have a greater
impact on the appearance of a filled emerald than
vibrating in water alone. This test was an attempt to
monitor that effect.
Test description: Eleven emeralds were placed loose
in three batches in beakers of common jewelry cleaner Oakite Buffing Compound Remover (BCR; see,
e.g., http://www.landainternational.com/catalog/
prod226.shtml) in a Gesswein Ultrasonic Cleaner
model 87 and allowed to clean for 30 minutes, while
the temperature was monitored (it increased from
39C to 63C during testing). The emeralds were
rinsed several times in tap water, allowed to dry in
air, and reexamined.

8. Cleaning: steam
Goal: Since jewelry is often steam cleaned (although
this cleaning technique is usually not recommended

years after filling and immediately prior to the durability test. This protocol necessitated that we split the
reporting of the data for each durability test into two
categories: one in which the comparison includes the
effects of time (i.e., test + time) and one in which
the comparison photo already shows the effect of time


for emeralds), we wished to see whether steam cleaning affects the appearance of a filled emerald. These
emeralds were cleaned for shorter times than tests
involving filled diamonds (see, e.g., Koivula et al.,
1989; Kammerling et al., 1994) or other beryls
(Kammerling et al., 1991) due to the less durable
nature of emeralds.
Test description: The tables of 13 emeralds were steam
cleaned for 30 seconds, using a Gesswein portable steam
generator, with the emeralds held in rubber-tipped
tweezers. After drying in air, they were reexamined.

9. Cleaning: mild chemical solvent (ethanol)

Goal: Since fillers are carbon-based (i.e., organic)
chemicals, often they can be dissolved by various
alcohols (which are also organic chemicals). Hence,
we wished to see whether exposure to a common
mild solvent such as ethanol would affect the appearance of emeralds filled with the different substances.
Test description: Sixteen emeralds were placed in
high-purity ethanol (denatured, high-purity liquid
chromatography [HPLC] grade) in two beakers held
for 24 hours in a fume hood. Room temperature was
21C. The emeralds were removed from the ethanol,
dried in air, and then reexamined.

10. Cleaning: stronger, but still relatively mild chemical solvent (acetone)
Goal: Ethanol is considered a very mild solvent for
organic chemicals such as oils and resins. Hence, a
slightly stronger common solvent may show a more
pronounced effect on the appearance of filled emeralds, and it is common practice to try first with the
weakest solvent. Acetone is also a component in fingernail polish remover, so this test might have bearing on some accidental damage in the home.
Possibly, cleaning in acetone alone might have different results than cleaning in acetone after ethanol.
Test description: The 16 emeralds used in test 9 were
examined (compared to macrophotographs to categorize
their appearance) and then placed for 24 hours in two
beakers filled with spectroscopic-grade acetone (Aldrich
Chemical Company no. 15,459-8) in a fume hood at
22C. The emeralds were then removed from the acetone, dried in air, and compared with the pretest images.

(i.e., test). In most cases, photos were also taken

after the durability tests.
Although filled emeralds can look quite different
owing to choices of lighting among the various photographers (e.g., figure 2) and the use of film (as in
the earliest images) or digital (such as those taken




Figure 2. This emerald, filled with a mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam (no. 4728; left), had an
obvious change due to ultrasonic cleaning in BCR
(right). However, the appearance of the emerald in these
photos, along with all the emerald photos, was influenced by changes in the choice of positioning, intensity
of light, film, and processing choices by the different
photographers. Therefore, the fissures visible parallel to
the long axis of the emerald are not as evident in the
right image, and the emeralds color looks different.

Figure 3. Changes in emerald appearance after durability tests (before, left; after, right) were divided
into four categories: obvious (no. 4706, 0.79 ct, ultrasonic cleaning in water); slight (no. 4633, 1.09 ct,
ultrasonic cleaning in BCR); very slight (no. 4936,
2.95 ct, steam cleaning); and no observed changes
(no. 4757, 0.46 ct, ethanol and acetone cleaning).



Observations of Overall Appearance. It was usually

possible to reproduce the overall appearance of an
emerald in a photo by holding the stone under a highintensity incandescent lamp, shifting its position,
and then comparing the appearance of the emerald
itself to its archived image on a computer monitor.
The following factors were noted: any change in visibility of fissures and other inclusions to the unaided
eye; any discoloration or change in transparency of
the filler; and overall changes in transparency and
color distribution in the emeralds.
For comparison purposes, changes in emerald
appearance (with the table up) due to durability testing were put into four categories (figure 3), listed
here from greatest to least change:
Obvious: The after-testing emerald differed from
the before-testing image at first glance, and varying the lighting environment could not make the
emerald match the photo.
Slight: The after-testing emerald resembled the
before-testing image at first glance, but further
examination of the emerald showed some change.
Very slight: Only subtle changes were seen in careful examination of the after-testing emerald and
the before-testing image. These were confirmed by
microscopic examination of the emerald.
No observed changes: No changes were seen, even
with careful examination. Note, however, that
microscopic examination, or photography from a
different direction (e.g., of the pavilion side), might
have revealed differences in appearance.
Spectroscopy. Infrared spectra were taken in
reflectance mode using a Nicolet Magna 550 Fouriertransform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer and its
successors; details of spectral acquisition methods
were published in Johnson et al. (1999). FTIR spectra
were recorded for 57 emeralds (not all of which are
included in table 1) with evident filled fissures. The
goals were to see if quantitative measurements of
filler loss could be made and to monitor any change
in the FTIR spectra due to durability testing. All
FTIR data are provided in the G&G Data Depository.

No change


immediately before and after the durability testing),

the positions of fissures did not change. In this article, the backgrounds have been made uniform to
facilitate the comparisons and the color of some
images has been adjusted to more closely match the
actual color of the stone at the time of the observation. The images were not otherwise manipulated.




TABLE 2. Changes in emerald appearance according

to filler type.a

Initial Effectiveness of Emerald Fillings. Although
this research did not focus on the effectiveness of
the fillers, we did observe the changes in appearance they produced. The most dramatic examples
for eight of the fillersthose that had the greatest
impact on apparent clarityare shown in table 2. It
is possible that a professional filling laboratory
would have been even more effective. The examples provided in table 2 show that the presence of a
filler can improve the apparent color distribution in
emeralds, by getting rid of white areas caused by
air-filled feathers.
Durability Testing. The results for the durability
tests are provided in table 3. The following types of
changes were seen: Feathers were more evident, had
opened up at the surface (cavities in the fissures
were visible with magnification), leaked (oily fluid
leaking out of fissures was visible with magnification), delaminated (a new opening along one side of
the filler in the fissures was seen with magnification), extended (the length of the fissures increased),
and new feathers were seen. Also, the filler deep
within fissures could crystallize or turn cloudy. As
expected, these durability tests had no observed
impact on the unfilled emeralds, with one exception (no. 4806), which reacted to the chill-thaw
FTIR spectra proved not to be useful for tracking
differences over time, since almost all filled emeralds tested had some filler left after several years, and
we found that the amount of filler indicated in the
spectra depended on the path light took through the
emerald. In no case did we see any changes besides
intensity in the spectral features of the filler.
Time. Thirteen of the 23 filled emeralds showed no
observed change with time (see table 3). The emerald filled with Araldite 6010 showed a very slight
change, a cloudy band throughout the stone (figure
4). Slight changes were seen in six emeralds: two
filled with cedarwood oil (emptying of feathers), two
filled with paraffin oil (whitening at the surface or
crystallization at depth: figure 5), one filled with a
mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam (feather more evident), and one filled with surface-hardened NOA 65 (feathers leaking fluid onto their surface). Three emeralds showed obvious changes
(feathers opening up) due to time alonetwo filled
with unhardened Opticon and one filled with paraffin oil (figure 6).


Filler/Sample no.

Before filling

After filling

Araldite 6010
No. 4508b

Cedarwood oil
No. 4479b

No. 4578 c

Paraffin oil
No. 4922 d

A 50:50 mixture
of Canada
balsam and
Cedarwood oil
No. 4495b

Norland Optical
Adhesive 65
No. 4710e

No. 4923d

No. 4708e

Due to lack of before images, emeralds filled with Permasafe are not
included in this table. All photos in this table were taken by Maha Calderon.
From Colombia. c From Zambia. d From Zimbabwe. e From Brazil.

Exposure to Long-Wave UV Radiation. No changes

were observed in 13 of the 16 filled emeralds with
exposure to long-wave UV radiation, and none
showed obvious changes. An emerald filled with




TABLE 3. Observed changes in the emeralds categorized according to durability tests and filler type.a
Soft (liquid) fillers


Time only

No observed change
(4477, 4502, 4596)

Long-wave UV

No observed change

Display case

No observed change
(4477*, 4587)

Chill-Thaw cycling

No observed change
Slight (4806)
No observed change
(4755, 4919)

Ultrasonic cleaning in
Ultrasonic cleaning in

No observed change
No observed change
No observed change


No observed change
(4720, 4786)

Ethanol + Acetone

No observed change
(4720, 4786)

Araldite 6010

Semi-hard fillers

Cedarwood oil

Unhardened Opticon

Paraffin oil

Cedarwood oil mixed

with Canada balsam

Very slight (4584)

No observed change
Slight (4479, 4704)

No observed change
Obvious (4763, 4799)

No observed change
(4702, 4742, 4917);
Slight (4800)

No observed change
Very slight (4506)
No observed change

No observed change
Slight (4777)
Slight (4638*)

No observed change
(4585, 4937)

No observed change
Slight (4599, 4640);
Obvious (4747)
No observed change

No observed change
Slight (4508)
No observed change
Slight (4775)
Slight (4931)

No observed change

No observed change
Slight (4770)
No observed change

No observed change
Slight (4594*)
No observed change
Slight (4478)
Obvious (4807*)

No observed change
Very slight (4934)
No observed change
(4511*, 4801)
Very slight (4593)

No observed change
Obvious (4505)
Slight (4470, 4715)

Obvious (4576*)

Obvious (4706)

Slight (4739)

Slight (4495)

Obvious (4600)

Obvious (4804)

Slight (4722)

Obvious (4484)

No observed change
Slight (4938)
Obvious (4797)

Very slight (4513*)

No observed change

Slight (4952*)

Slight (4633);
Obvious (4728)
No observed change
(4483*, 4569)

Obvious (4735)

Obvious (4578, 4814)

Slight (4922);
Obvious (4716)

Slight (4639);
Obvious (4773)

Obvious (4797)

Obvious (4735)

Obvious (4578, 4814)

Obvious (4716, 4922)

Obvious (4639, 4773)

Very slight (4507);

Slight (4920)

a Sample

numbers are given in parentheses. Note that although all samples showed the effect of time, some samples only had comparison photos that were
taken prior to the time exposure, so the changes reported reflect both the effect of time and the additional test (i.e., test + time). However, some samples
had comparison photos taken only after the time exposure, so the changes reported reflect only the difference seen with the additional durability test
(i.e., test only, as indicated by an asterisk).

Araldite 6010 showed a very slight change, with a

feather near the tip slightly more evident. Two
emeralds showed slight changes: One filled with
cedarwood oil and one with a mixture of cedarwood
oil and Canada balsam had feathers open up.
Display Case Environment. Nine of the 15 filled
emeralds showed no observed change. Two emeralds showed very slight changes: One filled with
paraffin oil showed crystallization similar to that

seen in figure 5, while feathers looked more evident in a Permasafe-filled emerald. Three emeralds
had slight changes: Feathers were more evident in
a cedarwood oilfilled emerald, a surface feather
had opened up in an emerald filled with unhardened Opticon, and a deep feather appeared to be
opening up in an NOA 65filled emerald. One of
the two Gematrat-filled emeralds showed an obvious change (figure 7), with feathers opening up at
the surface.

Figure 4. A 1.48 ct emerald

filled with Araldite 6010
(no. 4584; left, immediately after filling) showed a
very slight change with
time (center): a cloudy
band throughout the stone
that became more evident
(right; magnified 15).





Surface-hardened fillers

Hard fillersrigid solids

Norland Optical
Adhesive 65


No observed
change (4733);
Slight (4573)

No observed
change (4586,

No observed
change (5347)

No observed
change (4772,
No observed
change (4565);
Slight (4494)
No observed
change (4810,
No observed
change (4796)

No observed
change (4504,
No observed
change (4567,
No observed
change (4942*);
Slight (4745)
No observed
change (4805);
Very slight (4923)
Very slight (4475)

No observed
change (5344)

Slight (4721)

Slight (4795)

Slight (4444*)
Slight (4710)
No observed
change (4749)
No observed
change (4581,
No observed
change (4757);
Slight (4581)


No observed
change (5583, 5587)

No observed
change (5586,
No observed
No observed
change (4473*); change (5585);
Obvious (4708) Very slight (5574)
Obvious (4816*) No observed
change (5578,
Obvious (91843) No observed
change (5582);
Slight (5452*)
No observed
No observed
change (5357*) change (5573)
Very slight (4729*) Slight (5356)
No observed
change (5581)
Very slight (4936) Slight (5350*)
No observed
change (5588);
Very slight (5580)
No observed
Slight (4795)
Very slight (5575);
change (4721)
Slight (5576)
Very slight (5575);
Obvious (5576)

Chill-Thaw Cycles. One of the two unfilled emeralds

showed a slight change in appearance, with more
extended fractures. Eleven of the 16 filled emeralds
had no observed change. Three filled emeralds
showed slight changes: Feathers were slightly more
evident in an emerald filled with Araldite 6010, there
was a fresh-looking feather on the bezel of an emerald filled with unhardened Opticon, and filler was
oozing out of an emerald filled with surface-hardened
Opticon. An emerald filled with a mixture of cedar-

wood oil and Canada balsam (figure 8) had an obvious appearance change, with a glassy feather on the
pavilion now visible through the crown. Feathers had
extended and cracked further in an emerald filled
with Gematrat, causing an obvious change in appearance (figure 9). The changes in this last emerald and
the unfilled one that was altered are particularly significant in that the emeralds themselvesnot just
the fillerswere damaged.
Desiccation. Four of the 14 filled emeralds had no
observed changes. Three emeralds showed very
slight changes: One filled with cedarwood oil and
one filled with surface-hardened Opticon showed
very slightly more evident feathers; and one that
was filled with paraffin oil showed surface feathers
opening up subtly. Five emeralds showed slight
changes: One filled with Araldite 6010, one filled
with Permasafe, and two filled with a mixture of
cedarwood oil and Canada balsam showed slightly
more evident feathers; while one that was filled
with cedarwood oil showed feathers appearing to
open up at depth. Two filled emeraldsone with
unhardened Opticon (figure 10) and one with
Gematratshowed obvious changes, in the form of
more prominent feathers.
Ultrasonic Cleaning in Water. The two emeralds
filled with Gematrat or Permasafe had no observed
changes. The emerald filled with surface-hardened
Opticon had a very slight change, with feathers
open at the surface. Four emeralds showed slight
appearance changes: Surface-reaching feathers were
opened up more in the emeralds filled with Araldite
6010 and paraffin oil; and fissures were more evident in the emerald filled with a mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam and the one filled with
NOA 65. The emerald filled with cedarwood oil (figure 11) not only had obvious, open fissures, but
with magnification it also revealed material leaking
onto its surface. Similarly, several feathers had

Figure 5. A 0.74 ct emerald filled with paraffin

oil (no. 4599; left, after
filling) showed a slight
change with time
(center): crystallization
at depth (right, magnified 35).





Figure 6. This 3.57 ct emerald filled with paraffin oil

(no. 4747; left) showed
obvious changes due to
time alone (center).
Feathers, especially to
right of center, were
observed as more open
(right, magnified 40).

opened up in the unhardened Opticonfilled emerald (again, see figure 3), an obvious change.
Ultrasonic Cleaning in BCR. All the filled emeralds
except the one that was filled with Permasafe
showed changes with this test. The emerald filled
with surface-hardened Opticon showed a very slight
change, with open feathers more cleaned out at
depth. Four emeralds showed slight changes: One
filled with unhardened Opticon, one filled with a
mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam (again,
see figure 3), and one filled with Gematrat (figure 12)
had feathers emptied out. An emerald filled with
NOA 65 (figure 13) showed slightly more iridescent
glassy feathers. Four filled emeralds showed obvious
changes: One with Araldite 6010 (figure 14), one
with cedarwood oil, one with paraffin oil, and one
with a mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam
were partly emptied.
Figure 7. A 1.65 ct Gematrat-filled emerald (no. 4708;
left, after filling) showed the most obvious change in
the display-case test (right), with feathers opening up
at the surface.

Steam Cleaning. Perhaps because of the short time

used in this test, differences in appearance were
slight at most, and longer steaming may have
resulted in further changes (see, e.g., Kammerling
et al., 1991). Six filled emeralds had no observed
changes. Three filled emeralds showed very slight
changes: One with cedarwood oil had a little opening up of surface-reaching fissures; one with surface-hardened Opticon (again, see figure 3) had very
slightly more evident feathers; and one with
Permasafe had a very small crack forming at the
end of a hollow tube. Three emeraldsone each
filled with Araldite 6010, paraffin oil, and
Gematratshowed slight changes (i.e., more evident feathers).
Mild Chemical Solvents. As the same samples were
used for both ethanol and acetone, the results will
be provided together.
One emerald filled with NOA 65 had no observed changes after both tests. An emerald filled
with Permasafe showed very slight changes, with
one small fissure slightly emptied out. Three emeralds showed slight changes after acetone cleaning,
with feathers open or more visible at the surface: one
with NOA 65, one with surface-hardened Opticon
(this sample had no observed change after ethanol
cleaning), and one with Gematrat. Three emeralds
showed slight changes with ethanol, but obvious
changes with acetone, in which the filler was completely cleaned out relative to the post-ethanol
appearance; these included ones filled with paraffin
oil, a mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam,
Figure 8. A 0.27 ct emerald
(no. 4505; left, before filling),
which was filled with a
mixture of cedarwood oil
and Canada balsam (center), had an obvious appearance change after five chillthaw cycles (right): A glassy
feather on the pavilion was
visible through the crown.





Figure 9. A 0.47 ct Gematratfilled emerald (no. 4816; left,

after filling) showed obvious
changes after five chill-thaw
cycles (center). The photomicrograph (magnified 40)
shows that some of the fissures have opened up and
become more extensive.
Figure 10. This 0.95 ct
emerald (no. 4807; left)
was filled with unhardened Opticon (center)
and showed an obvious
change, in the form of
more prominent feathers
(right), after a year in a
desiccation chamber.
Figure 11. A 1.09 ct emerald
filled with cedarwood oil (no.
4576; left) showed an obvious
change after 30 minutes of
soaking in water in an ultrasonic cleaner (center). Examination with 30 magnification and reflected light shows
the raised material leaking
from the dark fissures (right).

and Permasafe (figure 15). The remaining six filled

emeralds showed obvious changes (i.e., emptying)
with ethanol alone; these included one filled with
Araldite 6010 (figure 16) one filled with cedarwood
oil, both filled with unhardened Opticon, one filled
with paraffin oil, and one filled with a mixture of

cedarwood oil and Canada balsam (figure 17).

Although we did not specifically test for the ease
with which a filler could be removed (or reapplied),
the FTIR spectra confirmed that ethanol and acetone
could remove some fillers such as Araldite 6010 and
cedarwood oil (see G&G Data Depository).

Figure 12. A 1.49 ct emerald filled with Gematrat (no.

5356; left, after filling) showed a slight change following 30 minutes of ultrasonic cleaning in BCR (right),
with feathers somewhat emptied out.

Figure 13. This 1.50 ct emerald filled with surfacehardened NOA 65 (no. 4710; left, after filling)
showed a slight changeslightly more iridescent
glassy feathersafter 30 minutes of ultrasonic
cleaning in BCR (right).





Figure 14. The fissures in this 0.74 ct emerald filled

with Araldite 6010 (no. 4600; left, after filling) had
been partly emptied out following 30 minutes of ultrasonic cleaning in BCR, an obvious change (right).

What Conditions Affect the Appearance of Filled
Emeralds? The results of the five exposure tests
(time and exposure to long-wave UV [i.e., sunlight], the mild heat and light in a display case,
chill-thaw cycling, and desiccation) and five cleaning tests (ultrasonic in water, ultrasonic in BCR,
steam, and soaking in ethanol followed by soaking
in acetone) give some guidance as to the safety of
exposing emeralds to certain environmental conditions and to various cleaning techniques.
About 40% of the filled samples categorized (10
of 23) showed noticeable changes (from very slight
to obvious) due to time alone. However, it should
be noted that about half the samples in the time
test were in the soft category, and that those emeralds had the most dramatic changes. Therefore, all
categories of fillers are not equally represented in
this statistic. A better gauge of the emerald fillers is
that about 35% (19 of 54) of the filled emeralds
changed in appearance without exposure to any particularly harsh conditions (i.e., with exposure only
to time, long-wave UV, or the mild heat and light of
a display case).
The exposure test that changed the highest percentage of samples was a year in a desiccation environment after the basic time test. Desiccation made
feathers appear more evident in 10 of the 14 filled

emeralds, more than 70%. This suggests that filled

emeralds, like opals and pearls, should not be kept
in safe deposit boxes or other dry environments,
and emeralds worn in dry climates may need to be
clarity enhanced more frequently. The chill-thaw
cycles led to permanent damage of two emeralds
themselves (i.e., not just their fillers). Although this
test did not have the highest percentage of emeralds
that showed changes, it produced the most catastrophic changes. It is, therefore, important to avoid
severe changes in temperature with any emerald,
since this is the only test that affected an unfilled
emerald used as a control sample.
Ultrasonic cleaning in either water or BCR, and
soaking in solvents such as ethanol and acetone,
affected the appearance of most of the filled emeralds (29 of 33; ~90%). Thus, cleaning filled emeralds
risks changing their appearance. Steam cleaning is
also risky, as noted by Kammerling et al. (1991), but
it was done very gently in this study. In general, it
should be considered potentially dangerous.
Grouping Fillers by Viscosity. Rather than treat all
the fillers individually, it made sense to consider
them in groups to see whether any results could be
generalized. In Johnson et al. (1999), we grouped
emerald fillers by their spectral properties; in this
study, however, the changes seen involve fillers
leaking, solidifying, or delaminating from feather
walls (and sometimes cracking the emeralds).
Therefore, these fillers were grouped by their viscous
propertiesthat is, their ability to flow. (Although
fillers can discolor and react with the atmosphere,
these properties may not be associated with their
viscosity.) The results by filler type are given in figure 18, which also suggests the probable durability
behavior of untested fillers with similar viscosity.
Soft Fillers. Only soft fillers showed obvious changes
with time (however, it is possible that changes in
other emeralds in subsequent durability tests may

Figure 15. This 0.26 ct

emerald filled with
Permasafe (no. 5576;
left, after filling) had a
slight change after soaking in ethanol (center),
but an obvious change
after exposure to acetone (right).





Figure 16. A 0.80 ct emerald

filled with Araldite 6010
(no. 4797; left) showed obvious changes following a day
in ethanol (center). After a
day in acetone (right), not
only did the fissures look
empty, but there was also
no evidence of filler in the
emeralds FTIR spectrum.

have been influenced by the time factor). In addition,

emeralds with soft fillers showed obvious changes
with desiccation, ultrasonic cleaning, and organic
solvents. Soft fillers can crystallize (see, e.g., figure
5), leak out (see, e.g., figure 11), harden (i.e., become
rigid), or evaporate. In general, fissures looked emptier with time and other exposure tests, and especially
after cleaning in organic solvents. Of the soft fillers,
unhardened Opticon showed the most instances of
obvious changes with exposure tests (3 of 10 cases);
but one of 10 emeralds filled with paraffin oil also
showed an obvious change, due to time alone.
Semi-Hard Filler. The semi-hard filler (a 50:50 mixture of cedarwood oil and Canada balsam) showed
better results than soft fillers during the exposure
tests; with one of 11 samples showing an obvious
change (when subjected to the chill-thaw cycles; figure 8). The feathers in this sample became more evident, and some filler leakage was noted. Obvious
changes were seen with ultrasonic cleaning and
soaking in organic solvents in three of the five samples. Although Canada balsam solidifies over
decades (see, e.g., figure 19), there was no evidence
of solidification in these samples over about six

Figure 17. This 1.00 ct emerald, filled with a mixture

of Canada balsam and cedarwood oil, looks yellowish
in fissures after filling (no. 4773; left), but much of this
color went away (along with the filler) after soaking in
ethanol (right).

Surface-Hardened Fillers. No obvious changes were

seen in the emeralds with surface-hardened fillers,
although several showed slight changes. For
instance, filler was oozing out of emerald no. 4745
after chill-thaw durability testing, suggesting that
the hard surface of the Opticon had cracked, which
allowed the softer filler at greater depths to escape.
Solid Fillers. There were no obvious changes from
time alone in emeralds treated with the hard fillers
Gematrat and Permasafe; but three of 16 emeralds
(all three filled with Gematrat) showed obvious
changes with other types of exposure (display case,
chill-thaw cycles, and desiccation). Feathers became
more evident, showing separation of the filler from
the emerald (i.e., delamination along the width; figure 20) and extension of fissures at the edges of the
filled areas (again, see figure 9). Although slight
changes in the samples treated with Permasafe were
observed under these conditions, one emerald (no.
5587), which showed no macroscopic change over
time, revealed fissures extending in length beyond
the filled area when examined with the microscope.
Thus, further fracturing of emeralds with both of
these hard fillers was observed under various conditions, suggesting that hard fillers in general might
cause such problems due to differential thermal
expansion (like granite being cracked by ice).
One emerald treated with Permasafe showed
obvious changes (partial emptying of fissures) after
cleaning with ethanol and acetone (again, see figure
15). Otherwise, appearance changes related to the
cleaning of emeralds with hard fillers were slight at
Nature of Appearance Changes and Damage in
Emeralds. The changes that cause the greatest concern are those that damaged the emeralds themselves, by feather extension (again, see figure 9).
(Fissure widening may also damage emeralds, but
this study generally did not distinguish widening
from fissures opening up, delaminating, or becoming more evident, all of which could be due to





Figure 18. The observed changes in the filled emeralds varied dramatically (from none to obvious) depending on
the viscosity of the filler and the type of durability test. Generally, cleaning the filled emeralds led to much more
noticeable differences in their appearance than the exposure tests.





Figure 19. This magnified (20) image of Canada balsam (poured on a slide in the mid-20th century)
shows cracks, gas bubbles, and an irregular surface.
Anecdotal evidence indicates that Canada balsam
solidifies and gets darker over decades.

changes in the filler rather than the emerald.) The

next level of concern is for changes that occur within filled fissures (cloudy or crystallizing filler), as the
changed material invariably affects the apparent
clarity of the emerald and may be hard to remove.
Open, leaking, and more evident feathers also cause
worries for jewelers since these are likely to dismay
Most of the exposure conditions (e.g., the longwave UV component of sunlight, mild heat and light
[as approximated by a display-case environment],
along with cold and temperature fluctuations [chillthaw cycling]) did not significantly affect the appearance of most filled emeralds. However, repeated
exposure to cold should be avoided, since this
extended the fissures in two emeralds, and one sam-

Figure 20. Delamination, or separation of the filler in

fissures from the host emerald, makes this fissure in a
Gematrat-filled emerald (no. 4816) more obvious after
chill-thaw testing. Photomicrograph by Shane F.
McClure; magnified 25.

ple showed the filler delaminating from the walls of

the fissures (again, see figure 20).
Two emeralds filled with paraffin oil showed
filler crystallization at depth (again, see figure 5)
under mild conditions (time, display case exposure).
Cloudy filler was seen in one sample filled with
Araldite 6010 (figure 4); Johnson et al. (1999) noted
that such resins form cloudy emulsions with water
in emeralds, which might account for the change
seen here. Since cloudy or crystallized material
might require additional effort to remove from a
filled emerald, these emeralds might need extra
attention during refilling.
The most common exposure-related appearance
change, with 16 cases, was the greater visibility of
preexisting feathers. These changes apparently did
not represent damage to the emerald (as seen by
comparing before filler images to after testing
images), but they exposed its natural (prefilled) state
after the filler had leaked out or evaporated (again,
see figures 8 and 10). Four cases of more evident fissures after testing involved surface-hardened or hard
fillers; these represent some change besides leakage
or evaporation. The most obvious explanation
would be that the hard filler separated from the
emerald surface, thus letting out filler (seen as leakage) or letting in air.
Another common change, with 11 examples
seen in the exposure tests, was the apparent opening up of preexisting feathers. In most of these cases
presumably the fissures were already open at the
surface (again, see figure 6) so that fillers evaporated;
but fissures opening wider is another possible cause
for this change.
Four emeralds with more evident or open feathers
after the exposure tests contained hard fillers: two
with Gematrat (figure 7), and two with Permasafe.
The changes occurred during the display-case and
desiccation tests. As with sample no. 5587 mentioned above, which cracked microscopically over
time, these samples suggest that hard fillers may
cause appearance changesor even damage emeraldswithout being subjected to particularly harsh

Durability testing was performed on 142 emeralds
using nine fillers. About 35% of the filled emeralds
changed in appearance due to rather mild durability
testing. The desiccation test affected the highest
percentage of the samples subjected to those condi-





Figure 21. Emeralds create memorable pieces of jewelry such as these two rings (left, 3.30 ct; right, 16.16 ct).
However, to help preserve their beauty, filled emeralds need to be treated with care and not subjected to
extreme environments. Courtesy of Grando Inc., Los
Angeles; photo by Harold & Erica Van Pelt.

tions, but the chill-thaw cycles led to the most

damage to individual stones.
Every filler type showed changes with one or
more types of exposure. In most cases after testing,
the filled emeralds resembled their unfilled condition, with feathers that were opening or more visible. Emeralds with soft fillers were the most likely
to be affected. Such changes might not damage the
emeralds, but they could distress a customer who
had not realized the emerald was filled. A few of the
emerald fillers showed crystallization at depth
(paraffin oil) or cloudiness (Araldite 6010). In other
emeralds, many with hard fillers, the fissures
appeared to have been extended or broadened. The
surface-hardened fillers showed the least damage
from exposure tests, with no obvious changes.
In the cleaning tests, a desirable filler would be
durable during jewelry cleaning (e.g., ultrasonic
tests), but easily removed with the right solvent.
However, almost every filler that was easily
removed (with either ethanol alone, or ethanol and
acetone) was also easily changed by ultrasonic
cleaning, which is probably the most common
method used for cleaning jewelry. Surface-hardened
and hard fillers were the most durable in jewelry
The following limitations of this study should
be made clear to the reader: (1) Only a limited



number of samples with each filler were tested; (2)

the study did not include tests independent of the
time factor; (3) it did not test any fillers first in use
after 1998, such as the successors of Gematrat (the
ExCel types), NOA 71, or Perma; and (4) the data
for acetone are not independent of the ethanol
results. Additionally, although this study dealt
with emeralds that were filled after faceting, recent
reports describe significant durability problems
related to emeralds filled while in the rough or preformed state (Roskin, 2007). Finally, variations in
locality of origin, prior filling history, and original
clarity of the emeralds could also affect the outcome of these durability tests. It is clear that more
work remains to be done.
Fillers add risk by hiding or disguising existing
durability problems. There is also the risk involved
in cleaning and filling the emeraldand removing
damaged fillers. None of the fillers used for this
study were stable to all the tests, but the results
imply that the best candidate with regard to the
durability of the filled emeralds appearance under
conditions of normal wear and care appears to be a
surface-hardened liquid. Additional concerns apply,
though. For example, surface-hardened liquids may
be difficult to remove in the event of an appearance
change, or a clients desire to have an untreated
stone; and viscous liquids usually require pressure if
they are to be introduced into emeralds, creating
additional risks in the filling process (see, e.g.,
Kennedy, 1998).
Although emeralds are often set with diamonds
(figure 21), these results show that emeralds should
not be treated in the same manner. Emerald appearance can be quite variable over time and quite susceptible to environmental conditions.
So what should a jeweler tell a client? The bottom line is that filled emeraldswhich are most
emeraldsrequire maintenance and disclosure.
Here is a possible script:
Like pearls, and unlike most diamonds, your
emerald is a delicate stone. It has probably had its
fissures filled and sealed in some fashion. You
should clean it only with soap and water, and avoid
ultrasonic cleaning or harsh chemicals. If you notice
a change, bring it back and we will be happy to have
it resealed (just as we would help you by cleaning
your jewelry, or replacing watch batteries). If you
are concerned about the extent to which it is
enhanced, we can get a laboratory report for you.




Dr. Johnson is the principal of Mary Johnson Consulting, San
Diego, California. Most of the research on which this article is
based was performed while she was manager of Research and
Development at GIA in Carlsbad.

The author wishes to thank the following individuals for sharing their
knowledge of emerald enhancements: Ricardo Alvarez Pinzon, Luis
Ernesto Vermudez, and others at Treatment World Emerald
Gemolgico Universal, Bogot, Colombia; Dr. Rodrigo Giraldo, Centro
Gemolgico para la Investigacin de la Esmeralda, Bogot; Carlos
Osorio, Mineralco, Bogot; Jaime Rotlewicz, C. I. Gemtec, Bogot; the
staff of Alagecol (Asociacin de Laboratorios Gemolgicos), Bogot;
Darrold Allen, Gemological Laboratory of Los Angeles, California;
Kenneth Scarratt, AGTA Gemological Testing Center, New York City;
Amnan Gad, Amgad Inc., New York City; Michael and Ari Gad, Gad
International Ltd., New York City; Morty Kostetsky, Arigad Gems, New
York City; Dr. Kumar Shah, Real Gems Inc., New York City.
The company Eichhorn (San Jose, California) donated emerald
samples. Arthur Groom and Fernando Garzon (Arthur GroomGematrat, New York) provided emeralds, cleaning services, and
Gematrat filling. David Kaassamani (Kaassamani and Co. Intl., South
Lake Tahoe, California), Daniel Sauer (Amsterdam Sauer, Rio de
Janeiro), Dr. R. Shah (Real Gems Inc., New York), Maurice Shire
(Maurice Shire Inc., New York) provided emeralds. In New York, Abe
Nassi provided useful insights. Many thanks also to the staff of
Proexport Colombia (Bogot), including Ana Maria Llerras and Cristina
Montejo, for their hospitality while the author was in Colombia.
Colgem Ltd. (Ramat-Gan, Israel; through the help of Israel Eliezri),
Ron Ringsrud (Constellation Colombian Emeralds, Saratoga,
California), and Ray Zajicek (Equatorian Imports, Dallas, Texas) filled
some of the emeralds. Ray Zajicek also provided useful comments on
this manuscript. Zamrot Ashalim Engineering Ltd. (Ramat-Gan, Israel)
and Jairo Vaca Camacho (Bogot) provided equipment to assist with
the emeralds that were filled at GIA.

Costanza F.S. (1998) Undisclosed gem treatment airs on national TV
show. National Jeweler, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 1, 42.
Drucker R.B. (1999) Venue and value: The wide-ranging prices of sapphires
and emeralds. JCK, Vol. 170, No. 3, pp. 174176, 178, 180181.
Federman D. (1998a) Fair play. Modern Jeweler, Vol. 97, No. 2, p. 108.
Federman D. (1998b) Inside story. Modern Jeweler, Vol. 97, No. 6, p. 17.
Gomelsky V. (2003) Emerald is back, say dealers. National Jeweler, Vol.
97, No. 8, p. 28.
Jennings R.H., Kammerling R.C., Kovaltchouk A., Calderon G.P., El Baz
M.K., Koivula J.I. (1993) Emeralds and green beryls of Upper Egypt.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 100115.
Jewelry scene: Coming clean (1998) Modern Jeweler, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp.
910, 12.
Johnson M.L., Elen S., Muhlmeister S. (1999) On the identification of various emerald filling substances. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp.
Johnson M.L., Koivula J.I., Eds. (1996) Gem news: Durability of polymerimpregnated (B-type) and natural jadeite. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 32,
No. 1, pp. 6162.
Johnson M.L., Koivula J.I., Eds. (1997) Gem news: A new emerald filler.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 148149.
Kammerling R.C., Koivula J.I., Kane R.E., Maddison P., Shigley J.E., Fritsch
E. (1991) Fracture filling of emeralds: Opticon and traditional oils.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 7085.
Kammerling R.C., McClure S.F., Johnson M.L., Koivula J.I., Moses T.M.,
Fritsch E., Shigley J.E. (1994) An update on filled diamonds:
Identification and durability. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp.
Kennedy H.F. (1998) Brazilian emeralds: Oiling at the source. National
Jeweler, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 36, 38, 42, 46, 48, 50, 52.
Koivula J.I. (1980) Fluid inclusions: Hidden trouble for the jeweler and lapidary. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 273276.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E., Fryer C.W., Hargett D., Kane R.E.
(1989) The characteristics and identification of filled diamonds. Gems
& Gemology, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 6883.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E., Eds. (1993) Gem news:
Apparatus for fracture filling gems. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 29, No. 1,


Dr. Henry Hnni, and J.-P. Chalain, SSEF Swiss Gemmological

Institute, Basel, and Dr. Lore Kiefert, then with SSEF, provided hospitality and information about the identification techniques used in
their laboratory. The author also thanks the organizers of the First
World Emerald Congress in Bogot for their warm hospitality.
Former senior research associate Sam Muhlmeister performed
emerald filling at GIA in Carlsbad, with assistance from analytical
equipment supervisor Shane Elen. Adolfo Miranda of Col Quimicos
Ltda., Bogot, provided data sheets on Ciba-Geigy Araldite 6010.
Many current and former GIA colleagues provided support
for this project. Shane McClure, Maha DeMaggio, John Koivula,
Dino DeGhionno, Kim Rockwell, and Jo Ellen Cole, GIA Carlsbad,
determined gemological properties. Also in Carlsbad, early FTIR
and Raman spectra were collected by Shane Elen and Sam
Muhlmeister; recent spectra were taken by research scientist Dr.
Christopher M. Breeding, who also provided helpful comments on
parts of this manuscript. Steam cleaning was performed by staff
gemologist Eric Fritz. Dr. Peter Buerki (former research scientist)
provided useful comments and calculations; Mike Moon (former
research technician) and Arizona research scientist Dr. Troy
Blodgett helped set up the display case test. Margot McLaren of
the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information
Center, Carlsbad, located auction records; and Dr. James
Shigley, Tom Moses, Dr. Ilene Reinitz, and Phil York gave suggestions that improved this manuscript. We also wish to thank the
manuscript reviewers for their monumental efforts.
Unless otherwise noted in the figure captions, all photographs
were taken by Maha Calderon (former staff gemologist in Carlsbad),
Don Mengason and Shane McClure of the GIA Laboratory in
Carlsbad, Elizabeth Schraeder (formerly of the GIA Laboratory in
New York), Robert Weldon of the Richard T. Liddicoat Library and
Information Center in Carlsbad, and the author.
GIA thanks Jewelers' Circular-Keystone, Radnor, Pennsylvania,
and Kyocera Corp., Kyoto, Japan, for financial support of this research
project. Michael Scott generously donated a Renishaw Raman
microspectrometer to GIA, which was used in this research.

pp. 6263.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1994a) Emeralds from Brazil.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 4950.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1994b) Gem news: New emerald
treatment/polishing systems from Israel. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 30,
No. 2, pp. 129130.
Lurie M. (1998) Emerald congress spotlights Colombian industry. Colored
Stone, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 1, 8489.
Martin D.D. (1987) Gemstone durability: Design to display. Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 6377.
McClure S.M., Moses T.M., Tannous M., Koivula J.I. (1999) Classifying
emerald clarity enhancement at the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory. Gems
& Gemology, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 176185.
Michelou J.-C. (1999) Nouvelles de Bogota. Revue de Gemmologie, No.
136, pp. 89.
Myth of the month: Excel & Gematrat are the same? (2006) The Eternity
Report, Vol. 3, January 2006, p. 4.
New emerald process developed (1997) Jewellery News Asia, No. 157,
September 1997, pp. 1, 113114.
New type of epoxy resin. (1998) Jewellery News Asia, No. 172, December
1998, p. 60.
Notari F., Grobon C., Fritsch E. (2002) Observation des meraudes traites
en luminescence U-VISIO. Revue de Gemmologie, No. 144, pp. 2731.
Rate of paper degradation: The predictive value of artificial aging tests
(2001) Abbey Newsletter, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 107108.
Ringsrud R. (1983) The oil treatment of emeralds in Bogot, Colombia.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 149156.
Ringsrud R. (1998) Enhancement process under review. Jewellery News
Asia, No. 161, pp. 5253.
Roskin G. (2002) C.E.L. renames Gematrat emerald filler. JCK, Vol. 173,
No. 2, p. 44.
Roskin G. (2003) New Excel enhancement: R.I. = 1.52? JCK, Vol. 174, No.
3, pp. 40, 42.
Roskin G. (2007) Emerald crack-up. JCK, Vol. 178, No. 6, pp. 288292.
Weldon R. (1997) Renewing trust in emeralds. JCK, Vol. 168, No. 9,
September 1997, pp. 8084.
Weldon R. (1999) New emerald treatment at the source. Professional
Jeweler, Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 45.






Doug Fiske and Jeremy Shepherd

The great majority of Chinese freshwater cultured pearls are produced by implanting tissue
pieces in the mantle of Hyriopsis cumingii
mussels. Farmers have experimented with
bead nucleation, but until recently the methods tried did not produce the quantity or
quality necessary for economic success. In the
late 1990s, Chinese researchers imported
H. schlegelii mussels from Japan, began
propagating them in hatcheries, and started
cross-breeding them with native H. cumingii
mussels. Using the two pure species and the
hybrid, Chinese farmers produce tissueimplantation-only cultured pearls and have
developed a method called coin-bead/spherical-bead nucleation. This method has yielded
significant quantities of jewelry-quality
baroque shapes and lesser quantities of jewelry-quality rounds and near-rounds. Continued
experimentation is expected to increase the
percentage of rounds and near-rounds.

n April 2007, the authors traveled to some of the

freshwater pearl culturing provinces in China.
One author (DF) had visited the area in 1998, and
the other (JS) had visited several times a year since
1996. The authors purposes were to gather information for the revision of the GIA Pearls course (DF)
and for the online forum Pearl-Guide.com (JS), and
to buy commercial quantities (JS) of Chinese freshwater cultured pearls (CFCPs). The authors found
that, like virtually everything in China, freshwater
cultured pearl production is changing rapidly. This



article reviews the current situation and describes

some of the changes. Unless otherwise indicated,
the information came from interviews with
Chinese pearl farmers, processors, and dealers, and
from the authors observations while visiting pearl
farms in Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces.


Since about 1970, when small rice pearls first
appeared internationally, the overwhelming majority of CFCPs have been produced by implanting tissue pieces from donor mussels in the mantles of
host mussels, waiting several years, and harvesting
the resulting cultured pearls. At an unknown time
after the introduction of this process, farmers began
producing a far smaller volume of bead-nucleated
CFCPs. Over the years, they experimented with
various means of bead nucleation.
Tissue Pieces Only. Today, the great majority of
CFCPs are produced by implanting donor-mussel
tissue pieces in the mantles of Hyriopsis cumingii
(triangle shell, san jiao fan bang in Mandarin
Chinese) mussels, waiting three to five years, and
harvesting the resulting cultured pearls. For 2006,
the most frequently cited volume was 1,500 metric
tons (J. Chan, T. Shou, F. Tian, and W. Zhan, pers.
comms., 2007). About 800 metric tons were suitable for use in jewelry (J. Chan, pers. comm., 2007),
some of superior quality (figure 1).

See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 138145.
2007 Gemological Institute of America



Figure 1. These round

(6.57.5 mm), naturalcolor, exceptionalquality Chinese freshwater cultured pearls
were grown with tissue
implantation only.
They were not treated
in any way. The
authors were not present at the harvest and
could not identify the
mussel that produced
them. Courtesy of
photo by Kevin

Bead Nucleation. Akamatsu et al. (2001) reported

three bead-nucleation methods then used in
Chinese freshwater pearl culture. Of these, the present authors found only bead nucleation by direct
operation still being practiced by some Chinese
freshwater pearl farmers. To understand this
method and its results, it is helpful to use the terms
first generation and second generation.
With direct operation, first generation is the
implantation of tissue pieces as mentioned above.
Generally, the mussel mortality rate at first-generation harvest is 90% (W. Zhan, pers. comm., 2007).
At that time, technicians assess the health of the
surviving mussels and the quality of the cultured
pearls produced. They return some mussels to the
water to create second-generation cultured pearls.
Technicians implant some of the original pearl

*As used by Chinese freshwater cultured pearl farmers, processors,

and dealers, the term keshi does not fit the CIBJO definition, which
refers to a similar product but restricts it to saltwater pearl culture.
This article reflects Chinese usage, which defines keshi as a secondgeneration cultured pearl created in a pearl sac that formerly held a
cultured pearl or shell bead of any shape.


sacs with a spherical bead nucleus or a nucleus of

one of several other shapes. They leave other pearl
sacs empty to produce what Chinese farmers call
keshi* pearls. The ensuing pearl-growth period
is three to four years (W. Zhan, pers. comm., 2007).
With the direct-operation method, second-generation cultured pearl quality is worse than first generation, and there is a lower incidence of rounds and
near-rounds. The second-generation harvest contains many buttons and baroques, some with tails (J.
Chan, Y. Lou, and W. Zhan, pers. comms., 2007).

During our trip, we learned of two important developments in Chinese freshwater pearl culture. One
involved the introduction of a non-native mussel,
its hybridization with a native mussel, and the evident use of both pure species and the hybrid in pearl
culture. The other development was an innovative
bead-nucleation process.
H. schlegelii in China. Some Chinese pearl farmers
reported that H. cumingii is still the only mussel




Figure 3. The CBSB-nucleation method recently produced these four baroques and one keshi (center).
They were sieve-sized at 1314 mm. Excellent luster
and variable color are often seen in CBSB-nucleated
pearls harvested today. Courtesy of Sea Hunt Pearls;
photo by Kevin Schumacher.

hybrid for several years. A search of the Chineselanguage scientific literature reveals a strong presence of H. schlegelii in China, its superiority to H.
cumingii as a pearl-bearing mussel, and the superiority of its hybrid with H. cumingii to either pure
species with respect to pearl culture (e.g., Lei, 2005;
Xu et al., 2005; Xie et al., 2006).
Figure 2. When the CBSB-nucleated freshwater cultured pearls known as fireballs first appeared on the
wholesale market in 2002, luster and surface quality
were poor, as this strand (1011 mm) shows. Courtesy
of PearlParadise.com; photo by Kevin Schumacher.

they use to culture freshwater pearls. However, a

large pearl-farming company in Zhuji said that 80%
of its mussels are H. cumingii and 20% are H.
schlegelii (pond butterfly shell, ci die bang in
Mandarin Chinese). That company estimated that
generally in China, 70% of the freshwater cultured
pearl production is from H. cumingii, while 30% is
from H. schlegelii. In Japanese, pond butterfly is
ikecho, also called the Biwa pearly mussel.
M. Fujita began culturing freshwater pearls in H.
schlegelii at Lake Biwa, Japan, in 1914 (Pearl
Museum, 1998). Freshwater pearl culture continues
at Lake Biwa to this day, although pollution has
severely reduced the volume (Pawasarat, 2007). Due
to their colors and quality, Japanese Biwa cultured
pearls have achieved something of a legendary status in pearling circles.
Evidence indicates that some Chinese freshwater pearl farmers have been culturing pearls in H.
schlegelii and in the H. cumingii H. schlegelii



Coin-Bead/Spherical-Bead (CBSB) Nucleation. This

method involves implanting a coin-shaped bead and
tissue piece at first generation, and often only a
spherical bead at second generation. The process produces the CFCPs called fireballs (figure 2), other
baroque shapes, keshis, coin pearls, and rounds
and near-rounds. The volume is significant and
growing rapidly, but producers will not give specifics
(J. Chan and W. Zhan, pers. comms., 2007). Rounds
range from 10 to 15.5 mm, while baroques can measure up to 25 mm long. Natural colors include
lavender, purple, peach, gold, blue, and white
(see, e.g., figure 3). Several colors often appear in the
same cultured pearl. We believe this method (figure
4) is used with H. cumingii, H. schlegelii, and the H.
cumingii H. schlegelii hybrid.
Fireballs first appeared on the wholesale market
in 2002. They and other CBSB pearls have been
mentioned and shown in some trade publications,
and the production method has been touched
upon, but not explored in detail (Federman, 2006;
Wong, 2006). In standard pearl terminology, fireballs are baroques. They come in an infinite variety of shapes. What they have in common is a bulb
somewhere in the cultured pearl and, sometimes,
a spiked tail stretching from it. As noted above,



Figure 4. Illustrated here are the various options for coin-bead/spherical-bead nucleation in H. cumingii
as practiced on some freshwater pearl farms in China. Evidence indicates the method is also used with
H. schlegelii and the H. cumingii H. schlegelii hybrid. Illustration by Karen Myers.





Figure 5. These coin pearls and keshis were harvested prematurely for demonstration purposes about
17 months after coin beads were implanted. One year
after implantation, the farmer left these coin pearls
in the mussels to continue to grow. At that time, he
harvested other coin pearls and returned the H.
cumingii mussels to the water to let them develop
keshis. The keshis shown are about five months
old. Courtesy of He Jainhua; photo by Valerie Power.

however, other pearls cultured by the same means

are round or near-round.
When Chinese freshwater pearl farmers use H.
cumingii to start the process that yields fireballs
and other shapes, the mussel measures about 14 cm
in diameter and 19 cm laterally. At that size, it is
between three and four years old. Technicians
implant two or three coin-shaped shell beads, each
accompanied by a 1-mm-square donor-mussel tissue piece, in the posterior ventral margin of each

valve. The low number of beads helps ensure bigger

and better-quality cultured pearls. The unusually
small tissue piece helps minimize or eliminate
the tail on the resulting coin pearl (J. He, pers.
comm., 2007).
After one year, farmers decide on one of two
steps to take next. First, their technicians can harvest the coin pearl and return the mussel to the
water for another year to produce an often petalshaped keshi pearl. Second, they can let the
coin pearl continue to grow for an additional
year (figure 5).
After the second year, farmers make one of three
choices for each pearl sac. First, their technicians
can harvest the coin pearl or keshi and place a
912.5 mm spherical bead in each of the empty
pearl sacs. Second, they can let the existing coin
pearl continue to grow. Third, they can let the
existing keshi continue to grow. After the choice
is made, technicians return the mussel to the water
for one or two additional years. At this stage, a twoyear pearl-growth period produces bigger and betterquality cultured pearls (J. He, pers. comm., 2007).
X-radiography at the GIA Laboratory in
Carlsbad revealed the internal features of the three
different kinds of cultured pearls produced by this
method (figure 6). X-ray fluorescence and EDXRF
testing of the beads in round and baroque samples
proved they were of saltwater-mollusk origin (figure 7). Beads used in saltwater pearl culture and the
direct-operation freshwater pearl culture method

Figure 6. The photograph (left) and composite X-radiograph (right) are of the same CBSB-nucleated cultured pearls
and are configured in parallel. The top sample shows a spherical bead nucleus, the one on the left shows a coin
bead nucleus, and the one on the right is a keshi with no nucleus. The samples were sieve-sized at 1214 mm.
Courtesy of Sea Hunt Pearls; photo by Kevin Schumacher, X-radiograph by Cheryl Wentzell.





Figure 7. A 13.4 mm CBSB-nucleated round pearl sawn in half on the drill-hole axis revealed a 10.7 mm shell bead
(left). An 11 23 mm CBSB-nucleated baroque pearl sawn in half on the long axis revealed a 9 mm shell bead
(right). X-ray fluorescence and EDXRF tests proved the beads to be of saltwater origin. Courtesy of Sea Hunt Pearls;
photos by Kevin Schumacher.

described above are virtually always of freshwatermussel origin.

During the final CBSB one- or two-year pearlgrowth period, H. cumingii typically deposits
0.50.75 mm of nacre per year on the coin pearl,
on and often adjacent to the spherical shell bead,
and on the keshi. In two years, a 12 mm spherical
bead can become a 15 mm round or near-round cultured pearl, or a baroque cultured pearl with or
without a tail (J. He, pers. comm., 2007).
How the tail develops or why it does not is not
precisely known. Speculation centers on what happens when a technician places a spherical bead in a
coin-shaped pearl sac. The result depends on the
size of the spherical bead and sac, where in the sac
the technician presses the spherical bead, the elasticity of the sac, and how the mantle tissue reacts.
The technicians skill and his or her possible introduction of random epithelial cells can also affect the
final product (J. He and G. Latendresse, pers.
comms., 2007).
The incision that permits removal of a coin bead
and insertion of a spherical bead is lateral and faces
the technician. If the mussel accepts the spherical
bead and heals the incision, the pearl sac closes and
the mantle tissue deposits nacre. If the mussel
expels the spherical bead, a keshi pearl forms in
the sac and becomes whatever shape the sac adopts
after the incision heals.
If the pearl sac completely conforms to the
spherical bead (figure 8), it deposits nacre only on
the bead, and a round or near-round cultured pearl
results. If the pearl sac does not conform to the
spherical bead, it deposits nacre on the bead and in


any void that remains in the sac. In that case, a

baroque cultured pearl results, with or without a
tail. Baroques occur more frequently than rounds
and near-rounds.

Figure 8. This spherical bead in an H. cumingii

mussel was on its way to becoming a CBSB-nucleated cultured pearl. The cultured pearl would probably have been round or near-round when harvested, because the formerly coin-shaped pearl sac had
conformed closely to the spherical bead. A technician implanted the spherical bead about five
months before the photo was taken, along with
other spherical beads that had been removed at the
time of photography. Photo by Valerie Power.




Figure 9. The 1214

mm baroque CFCPs in
these strands were produced using the CBSBnucleation method.
Those in the multicolored strand are natural
color, while those in
the white strand were
bleached. A 15 mm
bleached round CFCP
is shown for comparison. The authors could
not identify the mussel
that produced these
CFCPs. Courtesy of Sea
Hunt Pearls; photo by
Kevin Schumacher.


Chinese freshwater pearl farmers are creative,
industrious, and resourceful people. They originated
pearl culture about 800 years ago by creating blister
pearls in Cristaria plicata mussels. In the 1960s and
1970s, they flooded the market with wrinkled,
oddly shaped rice pearls, also grown in C. plicata.
In the 1980s, farmers switched to H. cumingii mussels, maintained a huge volume, and began improving their product in every value factor. In the late
1990s, Chinese researchers imported H. schlegelii
from Japan, propagated the species in hatcheries,
and produced a hybrid with H. cumingii. We believe



farmers later began using H. cumingii, H. schlegelii,

and the hybrid to grow tissue-only and CBSB-process cultured pearls (figure 9).
The CBSB method is the latest in a long chain
of successes that have resulted from constant
experimentation. Some observers now predict that
within two years, Chinese freshwater pearl farmers will discover how to control shape using the
CBSB method (J. Lynch, pers. comm., 2007), will
continue to improve quality, and will consistently
produce rounds, near-rounds, and whatever other
shapes and quantities the market demands and can




Mr. Fiske (dfiske@gia.edu) is a writer/editor in the Course
Development department at GIA in Carlsbad, California. Mr.
Shepherd is the founder of PearlParadise.com Inc. and
Pearl-Guide.com in Los Angeles.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Jack Lynch of Sea Hunt
Pearls in San Francisco for supplying Chinese freshwater
cultured pearl samples for examination and photography,
and You Hong Qing of Xuwen Jinhui Pearl Co. in Xuwen,
China, for research assistance. Special thanks to Faye Tian
of Holy City Pearl Co. in Zhuji, China, for being a gracious
guide and host. The authors thank Cheryl Wentzell, Sam
Muhlmeister, and Dino DeGhionno of the GIA Laboratory in

Akamatsu S., Li T., Moses T., Scarratt K. (2001) The current status of Chinese freshwater cultured pearls. Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 96109.
Federman D. (2006) Fireball cultured pearls. Modern Jeweler, Vol.
105, No. 6, pp. 5152.
Lei S. (2005) Aquaculture varieties: Hyriopsis schlegelii artificial
breeding. Journal of Beijing Fisheries, No. 4, pp. 6263.
Mikimoto Pearl Island (1998) Pearl Museum. Toba City, Japan.
Pawasarat C. (2007) Biwa on the edge. Colored Stone, Vol. 20,
No. 3, pp. 2630.

Carlsbad for the X-radiographs/X-ray fluorescence testing,

EDXRF analysis, and sawing, respectively. The authors are
grateful to Gina Latendresse of The American Pearl
Company in Nashville, Tennessee, for her expertise. The
authors are especially grateful to pearl farmers Cai Shui
Miao, He Jainhua, and Yang Jinlong of Zhejiang Province; to
Joyce Pan, Shao Wei Huan, Wang Jian, and Zhan Wei Jiang
of Grace Pearl Co. in Zhuji and Hong Kong; to Lou Yongqi
and Shou Tian Guang of Shanxiahu Pearl Group Co. in
Zhuji; to Lu Ling Hong of Heng Feng Jewellery Craft Factory
and Zhou Hai Lin of Joint Venture Pearls Cultivation Holding
Co. in Weitang, Jiangsu Province; and to Johnny Chan of
the Hong Kong Pearl Association. Thanks also to Melissa
Wong of Jewellery News Asia in Hong Kong for her generous assistance.

Wong M. (2006) Production of bead-nucleated freshwater pearls

on upward trend. Jewellery News Asia, No. 261, p. 62.
Xie N., Li Y., Zheng H., Wang G., Li J., Oi N., Yuan W. (2006)
Comparison of culture and pearl performances among
Hyriopsis schlegelii, Hyriopsis cumingii and their reciprocal
hybrids. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, Vol. 15,
No. 3, pp. 264269.
Xu X., Qiu Q., Sun X., Luo J., Hu G., Jiang Y. (2005) A comparative study of Hyriopsis schlegelii and H. cumingii mussels in
pearl production. Jiangxi Fishery Sciences and Technology,
No. 1, pp. 3941.

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Eric A. Fritz, Brendan M. Laurs, Robert T. Downs, and Gelu Costin

Four similar-appearing yellowish green samples

from Block D at Merelani, Tanzania, were identified
as diopside and tremolite. The gems are identical in
color, but their standard gemological properties are
typical for calcic pyroxene and amphibole. The
identification of the diopside was made with Raman
spectroscopy, while single-crystal X-ray diffraction
and electron-microprobe analyses were used to
confirm the amphibole species as tremolite.
Absorption spectroscopy (in the visiblemid-infrared
range) revealed that the two gem materials are colored by V 3+, Cr 3+, or both.

tion (typical of diopside, which is a pyroxene) shown by

other crystals in the parcels.
Mr. Ulatowski loaned one example of both types of
crystals to GIA for examination (figure 1), and we also

Figure 1. These yellowish green crystals were recovered from Block D at Merelani in the latter part of
2005. A blocky morphology is shown by the diopside
crystal (1.6 cm tall; left and bottom), whereas the
tremolite crystal has a flattened, diamond-shaped
cross-section. Photos by Robert Weldon.

t the 2006 Tucson gem shows, Steve Ulatowski

showed one of the authors (BML) some yellowish
green crystals that he purchased as diopside while on buying trips to Tanzania in August and November 2005. The
material was reportedly produced during this time period
from Block D at Merelani, in the same area that yielded
some large tsavorite gem rough (see Laurs, 2006). Mr. Ulatowski obtained 1,200 grams of the green crystals, mostly
as broken pieces ranging from 0.1 to 50 g (typically 15 g).
More recently, in May 2007, he obtained some additional
pieces of gem-quality material weighing 0.12 g. The
mint green color is quite attractive, but most of the
rough is not cuttable due to the presence of cleavage
planes and, in some cases, the flat morphology of the crystal fragments.
In 2006, Mr. Ulatowski was informed by a few of his
customers that the flatter crystals might be tremolite,
rather than diopside. This was consistent with the diamond-shaped cross-section of these crystals (typical of an
amphibole), which was distinct from the blocky cross-sec-

See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 146148.
2007 Gemological Institute of America





Figure 2. This diopside (3.39 ct) and amphibole

(probably tremolite, 0.63 ct) were cut from two yellowish green crystals recovered from Merelani. Photo
by Robert Weldon.

studied two gemstones (0.63 and 3.39 ct) that were cut
from Mr. Ulatowskis stock (figure 2). Gemological properties and various types of spectra (visiblenear-infrared,
Raman, and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence [EDXRF])
were collected on the faceted stones at GIA by one of us
(EAF). Electron-microprobe analyses (Cameca SX50 instrument,15 kV accelerating voltage, 10 nA current, 10 mm
defocused beam, natural mineral standards) and singlecrystal X-ray diffraction analysis were performed on the
amphibole crystal at the University of Arizona; this sample was donated by Mr. Ulatowski for inclusion in the
RRUFF Project (ID no. R070422 at http://rruff.info).

Results and Discussion. The gemological properties of

the cut stones are shown in table 1. Their optical properties and SG values are consistent with those reported for
calcic pyroxene (larger stone; see Deer et al., 1978) and calcic amphibole (smaller stone; Deer et al., 1997), but further
work was needed to determine the particular mineral
species. Raman analysis of the pyroxene (faceted stone as
well as crystal) identified it as diopside, and the RI values
indicated that it contained very little iron. The specific
amphibole species could not be identified by Raman analysis, but single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron-microprobe analyses of the crystal proved that it was tremolite.
Although the cut amphibole was not analyzed by these
techniques, its properties are consistent with tremolite.
EDXRF spectroscopy of the faceted amphibole showed
major amounts of Si, Mg, Ca, and Al, and traces of Mn, Fe,
V, Ti, K, and Cr. However, since there is overlap in the
EDXRF peaks for V and Cr (as well as for Na and Zn), and
since this technique is only qualitative, there are some
uncertainties regarding the presence of the minor/trace
elements that were detected in the cut stone. Using an
electron microprobe, wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDS) of the tremolite crystal showed the presence of Si, Mg, Ca, Al, Na, K, V, and F (listed in order of
relative peak intensity). An average of 15 point analyses of
the same sample by electron microprobe provided the fol-


lowing composition (wt.%): SiO2=52.34, Al2O3=6.70,

MgO=21.81, CaO=13.05, Na 2 O=0.73, K 2 O=0.67,
V2O3=0.32, F=0.47, and total 96.05; this corresponds to the
chemical formula: (  0.74Na0.15K0.11) =1(Ca1.96Na0.04)=2
( M g 4.55A l 0.41V 0.04) =5( S i 7.33A l 0.67) =8O 22[ ( O H ) 1.80
F0.20]=2. The elements Cr, Ti, Fe, Mn, and Zn did not show
detectable peaks in the WDS scan, so their concentrations
(if present) are at or below the detection limits of the electron microprobe. Since the faceted stone was not cut from
the same crystal that was analyzed by microprobe, differences in the presence of Mn, Fe, Ti, and Cr in these samples may be attributed to natural chemical variations in the
material. By comparison, EDXRF spectroscopy of the
faceted diopside showed major amounts of Si, Ca, and Mg,
and traces of Mn, Fe, V, Cr, Ti, Zn, and Al.
Visiblenear-infrared spectroscopy of the two cut stones
showed similar absorption features, with broad peaks at
434/455 and 652 nm that are related to V3+ or Cr3+, or both
(figure 3). Similar absorptions were documented by
Schmetzer (1982) in green tremolite from Lualenyi, Kenya,
and in green diopside from Merelani. A shoulder at ~690 nm
in both samples is due to Cr3+ (see, e.g., Cr-diopside spectra
at http://minerals.gps.caltech.edu/files/visible/pyroxene/
index.htm). The yellowish green color of both the diopside
and the tremolite appears to be related to the presence of
trace amounts of V3+ and Cr3+ in the octahedral sites; Na
and K enter the structure by a coupled substitution such as
V3+ (or Al3+) + Na+ (or K+) Mg2+ + Mg2+.
The yellowish green color of these stones is unusual
in amphiboles and pyroxenes, although a comparable
color appearance has been reported for amphiboles (pargasite and edenite) from China and Pakistan (see Kanaan,
2002; Blauwet et al., 2004; Lu et al., 2006). A similar diopside was documented by Koivula and Kammerling (1991)
from the Lelatema Hills of Tanzania; its properties were

TABLE 1. Properties of yellowish green diopside and

tremolite from Merelani, Tanzania.
SG (hydrostatic)
Chelsea filter reaction
UV fluorescence



3.39 ct
Yellowish green
None seen
1.670 1.700

0.63 ct
Yellowish green
None seen
1.610 1.635

Very weak orange

Weak greenish
Spectroscope spectrum No features visible
Microscopic features Only minor surface


Weak orange
Moderate greenish
No features visible
Growth tubes and
planar fluid inclusions



comparable to those of the diopside described here, except

for somewhat different fluorescence behavior (weak reddish orange to long-wave UV, and strong yellow-green to
short-wave). Fryer (1992) reported on a yellowish green
diopside from Merelani that had a lower birefringence
(0.019; RIs = 1.670 and 1.689) and an absorption spectrum
typical of chrome diopside. A somewhat less distinct
yellowish green bodycolor is shown by diopside
(Tashmirine) from central Asia (Shor and Quinn, 2002).

Conclusion. Small amounts of gem-quality diopside

and tremolite containing traces of V and possibly Cr
have been recovered from Block D at Merelani. While
pale green diopside is locally present in the Merelani
area, the distinct yellowish green color of this diopside
and tremolite is unusual. Future production of these

Figure 3. The Vis-NIR spectra of the faceted yellowish

green diopside and amphibole samples are dominated by absorption features related to V 3+ and/or Cr 3+
in the visible range and hydrous components in the
infrared region (for the amphibole).

gems is uncertain, and will depend on the mineralization encountered during further mining for tanzanite,
green grossular, and other gems at this famous locality.


Mr. Fritz (eric.fritz@gia.edu) is staff gemologist in the Identification Department at the GIA Laboratory, and Mr. Laurs is editor of Gems & Gemology, at GIA in Carlsbad. Dr. Downs is a
professor, and Dr. Costin is a research scientist, at the
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson.
The authors thank Steve Ulatowski (New Era Gems, Grass
Valley, California) for bringing these gem materials to our attention and for loaning/donating samples for our research. Herb
Obodda (H. Obodda, Short Hills, New Jersey) loaned the
faceted diopside, and Shane McClure (GIA Laboratory,
Carlsbad) supplied the cut tremolite.

Blauwet D., Hawthorne F.C., Muhlmeister S., Quinn E.P. (2004)
Gem News International: Gem amphiboles from Afghanistan,
Pakistan, and Myanmar. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 40, No. 3,
pp. 254257.
Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Zussman J. (1978) Rock-Forming
MineralsSingle-Chain Silicates, Vol. 2A, 2nd ed. John Wiley
& Sons, New York.
Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Zussman J. (1997) Rock-Forming
MineralsDouble-Chain Silicates, Vol. 2B, 2nd ed. The Geological Society, London.
Fryer C.W., Ed. (1992) Gem News: Diopside from Tanzania.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 28, No. 2, p. 201.
Kanaan S.-P. (2002) Gem News International: Pargasite from
China. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 38, No. 1, p. 97.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Eds. (1991) Gem News: Attractive
Tanzanian diopside. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 27, No. 4, p. 257.
Laurs B.M. (2006) Gem News International: Tucson 2006. Gems
& Gemology, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 6263.
Lu L., He X., Shen M. (2006) Gemmological study on Cr-bearing
edenite. Journal of Gems and Gemmology, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.
Schmetzer K. (1982) Absorption spectroscopy and colour of V3+bearing natural oxides and silicatesA contribution to the crystal chemistry of vanadium. Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie,
Abhandlungen, Vol. 144, No. 1, pp. 73106 [in German].
Shor R., Quinn E. (2002) Gem News International: Tashmarine
Diopside from Central Asia. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 38, No. 3,
pp. 261262.

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Kyaw Soe Moe, Thomas M. Moses, and Paul Johnson

A large Persian turquoise cabochon was impregnated with a material that was also present in cavities on
its base. Raman spectroscopy identified the filler as a
UV-hardened polymer. Although such polymers have
been seen as fillers in other gems, especially emerald,
this is the first time the GIA Laboratory has seen
turquoise treated with this material.

urquoise has a cryptocrystalline structure that is

composed of very fine, randomly oriented groups of
tightly stacked parallel growths of pseudo-rhombohedral
crystals (see King, 2002), which contributes to the porous
nature of the material. Turquoise is a relatively stable
mineral, as evidenced by a necklace showing no sign of
deterioration that was found on the skeleton of a Native
American dated to 1350 AD (again, see King, 2002).
However, because it is porous, turquoise is vulnerable to
skin oils or dirt when used in jewelry, both of which can
produce a change in color. It is well known that the
appearance and durability of turquoise may be enhanced
by plastic impregnation, in a process referred to in the
trade as stabilization.
During the 2007 Tucson gem show, these contributors
encountered a 19.08 ct cabochon represented as Persian

turquoise (figure 1). Although no treatments were disclosed, the sample had several small cavities and one large
one in its base that were filled or partially filled with a
transparent material (figure 1, right). Since this sample
offered an excellent opportunity to characterize the material used for stabilization, we purchased it to conduct further
studies in the laboratory. We collected standard gemological properties, as well as Raman spectra (using a Renishaw
inVia Raman microspectrometer with a 514 nm laser at
room temperature) and infrared spectra (using a Nicolet
6700 FTIR spectrometer equipped with a DRIFT accessory).

Results and Discussion. The spot RI was 1.60, and the

SG (measured hydrostatically) was 2.48; the presence of
the filler may be responsible for the relatively low SG
value. With the desk-model spectroscope, the turquoise
showed a 430 nm band (of moderate strength, due to iron
absorption) and a weaker smudge at 460 nm. The
turquoise was inert to long- and short-wave UV radiation,
although the cavity edges fluoresced yellow to short-wave
UV. There was no indication of dye when the sample was
exposed to a thermal reaction tester (the color of any dye
would be expected to bleed as the sample sweated next
to the hot point). However, the transparent filler in the
large cavity on the base of the cabochon emitted an acrid
odor when tested with the hot point.
The characteristic bands in the Raman spectrum of the
filler exposed on the base matched those of Norland
Figure 1. This 19.08 ct turquoise cabochon (top view
on the left) was represented
as Persian, with no treatment disclosed. A large
cavity visible on the base
(right) is partially filled
with a clear polymer, and a
whitish residue can be seen
in the rest of the cavity.
The arrow points to a small
transparent lump of the
polymer, through which
the blue color of the
turquoise can be seen.





Figure 2. The Raman spectrum of the filling material

exposed on the base of the turquoise cabochon shows
bands that are characteristic of Norland Optical
Adhesive 65. Some additional Raman bands (i.e., at
1242, 1183, 808, 720, 641, 597, and 523 cm 1) suggest
that this photopolymer may have been plasticized
with other polymers. The Raman spectrum of epoxy
resin, which is commonly used for gemstone impregnation, is shown for comparison.

Optical Adhesive 65 (NOA 65, figure 2). This spectrum is

quite different from that of the polymers typically used for
gemstone filling/impregnation in the trade (e.g., for emerald and jade), such as epoxy resin. Bands characteristic of
NOA 65 were observed at ~1730 (C=O stretching), ~1600,
1453 (CH3-bending), and 1000 cm1 (styrene phenyl ring;
see Clarke et al., 1999; Miliani et al., 2002). In addition,
strong bands in the 31002800 cm1 region (not shown in
the figure) are due to C-H stretching, and their intensity is
related to the alkyl group (see Nrbygaard and Berg, 2004).
Raman spectroscopy of the top of the cabochon showed
turquoise bands along with the major NOA 65 bands. This
suggests that the NOA polymer was present throughout
the stone, in addition to filling the cavities. Reflectance IR
spectroscopy of the top of the cabochon (figure 3) showed
turquoise peaks at ~1120, 1050, and 1000 cm1, as well as
an absorption at ~1740 cm1 that is the carbonyl band usually associated with polymers (see Learner, 1998; Fritsch et
al., 1999). Since Raman spectroscopy eliminated the possibility of other types of polymers that can be identified by IR

spectral features in the 27003300 cm1 region, figure 3

focuses instead on the 20001000 cm1 region, where distinctive bands due to plastics/polymers have been documented in impregnated turquoise.
NOAs are colorless liquid photopolymers. After curing
with UV radiation, they become solid and thus polishable.
The main advantages of NOAs for gem treatment are transparency, lack of color, and color stability; they can also provide mechanical stabilization of porous materials, such as
turquoise, due to their high tensile strength. According to
the companys web site (www.norlandprod.com), the NOA
photopolymers are inert to sulfuric acid but exposure to acetone, dimethyl formamide, and ethylene dichloride will
cause them to swell or soften (based on one-hour exposure
time). NOAs are widely used in optical lamination (e.g.,
optical lenses, safety windows, holographic displays, and
flat panel displays) as relatively thin films, 3 m to ~1 mm.
Although uncommon, such UV-hardened polymers have
been used in the gem trade (e.g., Johnson et al., 1999;
In addition to the Raman bands that are characteristic
of NOA 65, we observed some minute extra Raman bands
at 1242, 1183, 808, 720, 641, 597, and 523 cm1. Thus, we
cannot eliminate the possibility of other NOA adhesives in
the filler or plasticization with other polymers. Although
we could not conclusively identify the filling material(s) in
this turquoise, the characteristic Raman bands suggest that
that it consists mainly of a UV-hardened polymer. IR
absorption bands for plastic have been documented in
impregnated turquoise at 1725 cm1 (Lind et al., 1983), 1734
cm1 (Dontenville et al., 1986), and at 1744 cm1 (Pavese et

Figure 3. The reflectance IR spectrum of the cabochon in

figure 1 reveals turquoise peaks at ~1120, 1050, and
1000 cm1. The absorption band at ~1740 cm1 is
caused by carbonyl, which is usually found in polymers.

See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 149151.
2007 Gemological Institute of America





al., 2005). These studies and the present work (i.e., the IR
absorption band at ~1740 cm1) suggest that various polymers/plastics have been used for stabilizing turquoise.

Conclusion. The use of a UV-hardened polymer for

impregnating/filling a turquoise cabochon was documented using Raman and FTIR spectrometry. While such polymers have been previously used in gem trade (e.g., to fill
emeralds), this is the first time we have seen them applied
to turquoise.


Mr. Moe and Mr. Johnson are research technicians, and Mr.
Moses is senior vice president for Research and Identification,
at the GIA Laboratory in New York.
The authors thank two reviewers, Dr. Lore Kiefert and Dr. Mary
Johnson, for their constructive comments and suggestions.

Clarke R.H., Londhe S., Premasiri W.R., Womble M.E. (1999)
Low-resolution Raman spectroscopy: Instrumentation and
applications in chemical analysis. Journal of Raman

Spectroscopy, Vol. 30, pp. 827832.

Dontenville S., Calas G., Vervelle B. (1986) tude spectroscopique
des turquoises naturelles et traites. Revue de Gemmologie
a.f.g., No. 85, pp. 810; No. 86, pp. 34.
Fritsch E., McClure S.F., Ostrooumov M., Andres Y., Moses T.,
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C. (1999) The identification of
Zachery-treated turquoise. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 35, No. 1,
pp. 416.
Johnson M.L., Elen S., Muhlmeister S. (1999) On the identification of various emerald filling substances. Gems & Gemology,
Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 82107.
King R.J. (2002) Turquoise. Geology Today, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp.
Learner T. (1998) The use of a diamond cell for the FTIR characterization of paints and varnishes available to twentieth century artists. Postprints: IRUG2, Infrared and Raman Users
Group meeting, held September 1213, 1995, Victoria &
Albert Museum, London, www.irug.org/documents/irug2.pdf,
pp. 720.
Lind T., Schmetzer K., Bank H. (1983) The identification of
turquoise by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 164168.
Miliani C., Ombelli M., Morresi A., Romani A. (2002)
Spectroscopic study of acrylic resins in solid matrices. Surface
and Coatings Technology, Vol. 151152, pp. 276280.
Nrbygaard T., Berg R.W. (2004) Analysis of phthalate ester content in poly (vinyl chloride) plastics by means of Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 58, No.
4, pp. 410413.
Pavese A., Prosperi L., Dapiaggi M. (2005) Use of IR-spectroscopy
and diffraction to discriminate between natural, synthetic and
treated turquoise, and its imitations. Australian Gemmologist,
Vol. 22, No. 8, pp. 366371.

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Thomas M. Moses and
Shane F. McClure
GIA Laboratory

With Bimineralic Inclusions
In the GIA Laboratory, diamond
graders and staff gemologists examine
thousands of diamonds each year to
determine their grade, possible treatments, and their natural or synthetic
origin. During this process, they often
encounter mineral inclusions, the colors of which can cover the entire visible-light spectrum from violet to red as
well as near colorless, with diaphaneity ranging from transparent to completely opaque.
Occasionally, these mineral inclusions may warrant further study. When
they are close enough to the host dia-

Figure 1. A hint of underlying red

color can be seen emanating
from the largest of these otherwise opaque-looking inclusions.
The visual appearance suggests
an opaque sulfide coating over
transparent color-change garnet.
Magnified 25.


monds surface to be fully identified (for

instance, by Raman microanalysis), the
results may be surprising, as was the case
with the blue sapphire inclusions we
reported on recently (Summer 2006 Lab
Notes, pp. 165166). More often, though,
interesting solid inclusions are too deep
inside their host to be conclusively
identified by other than visual means.
This was the situation we encountered with the two crystals shown in
figure 1, which were observed in a light
yellow 1.20 ct round brilliantcut diamond. These inclusions were interesting because at first they appeared to be
opaque, displaying a brassy metallic
luster in reflected light as if they were
sulfides such as pyrite or pyrrhotite,
both of which are known inclusions in
diamond. Closer examination, however, revealed that the interiors of these
inclusions were actually deep purplish
red when viewed with incandescent
light, and that the color shifted toward
blue-green in fluorescent light. Using
polarized light, and examining the crystals from several different viewing
angles, we did not detect pleochroism
in either inclusion, which suggests that
they were optically isotropic.
The interior color of the inclusions
was well masked by the sulfide-like
coatings. Only a few gaps in the coatings
allowed the bodycolor of the inclusions
to be observed from certain viewing
directions (again, see figure 1). As a
result of this microscopic examination,
we concluded that these inclusions were
likely color-change garnets that were
coated by an overgrowth of a sulfide or

sulfides at some point before they were

completely sealed in the diamond.
While we have encountered
change-of-color garnets in diamonds
on rare occasions (see, e.g., Fall 1982
Lab Notes, p. 169; Winter 1989 Lab
Notes, pp. 237238), and have often
observed sulfides as crusts (sometimes
mixed with graphite) filling cracks
around inclusions, this is the first
time we have noticed what appeared
to be opaque sulfides as thin coatings
on otherwise transparent inclusions.
Similar inclusions may have been
overlooked in the past as more common sulfides, but we will now watch
for them during future examinations.
John I. Koivula and Laura Dale

HPHT-Treated Type Ia Diamond

With a Green Component
Caused by the H2 Defect
High-pressure, high temperature (HPHT)
treated type Ia diamonds are often yellow with a secondary green hue of
varying saturation, which primarily
results from fluorescence caused by


Editors note: All items are written by staff

members of the GIA Laboratory, East Coast
(New York City) and West Coast (Carlsbad,
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 153161

2007 Gemological Institute of America



Figure 2. The strong green color

component of this 5.82 ct Fancy
Deep green-yellow HPHT-treated
diamond is unusual due to a
high concentration of H2 defects.

the H3 defect (503.2 nm; see, e.g., I.

Reinitz et al., Identification of HPHTtreated yellow to green diamonds,
Summer 2000 Gems & Gemology, pp.
128137). While the H2 defect (zerophonon line at 986.3 nm) is also very
common in HPHT-treated type Ia diamonds, its contribution to bodycolor,
if any, is usually quite limited.
However, in the East Coast laboratory,
we recently examined an unusual diamond in which H2 absorption was the
primary cause of the green color.
This known-HPHT-treated roundcut 5.82 ct diamond was color graded
Fancy Deep green-yellow (figure 2). The
color was evenly distributed except for
an area of very weak brown that followed internal graining. Very small
cloud-like features were seen at the center of the diamond, but it was otherwise
free of inclusions. When exposed to
long-wave ultraviolet (UV) radiation, it
displayed a moderately strong greenish
yellow fluorescence; to short-wave UV,
it fluoresced a very weak greenish yellow. No phosphorescence was observed.
In the DiamondView, moderate blue
and greenish yellow fluorescent growth
zones were seen, in addition to several
nearly inert regions with a triangle
shape (figure 3); these latter features are
rarely observed on polished facets of
untreated natural diamonds.
Infrared absorption spectra showed



that this diamond contained a high

concentration of nitrogen as type Ia
with a very low hydrogen content. In
addition to a strong H2 absorption, the
near-infrared spectra also revealed
some unusual features in the 6500
4400 cm1 region (6456.5, 5765.0,
5395.2, 4931.2, and 4397.8 cm1; figure
4). The assignment of these absorptions is unknown, and to the best of
the authors knowledge they have not
been previously reported. The UV-VisNIR spectrum also showed very
strong N3, H3, and H2 absorptions
(figure 5); very weak absorptions were
observed at 536.1 and 575.9 nm. The
side band of the H2 defect extended
out to ~600 nm and efficiently blocked
red and orange light. As a result, a
transmission window in the 504600
nm region was created, leading to the
apparent green-yellow bodycolor.
Despite the high concentration of
H3 defects in this diamond, only weak
green luminescence to visible light
was observed, which could not entirely explain the strong green component. In addition, the green color was
more saturated and clearly darker than
that of typical HPHT-treated green-

Figure 3. The nearly inert trigons

in the blue fluorescing regions of
this DiamondView image are
rarely observed on polished facets
of untreated natural diamonds.

yellow diamonds. All these observations strongly indicated that the H2

defect, along with more common
defects, caused the attractive greenyellow hue of this rare diamond.
Wuyi Wang and Matthew Hall

Figure 4. The near-infrared absorption spectra of this diamond revealed some

unusual features in the 65004350 cm1 region. Assignment of these absorptions is unclear, and they have not been reported in other natural or treated
diamonds, except for the sharp peak at 4496 cm1 due to hydrogen. The two
spectra were collected using different sources with different sensitivities.



Figure 5. The UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrum showed very strong

absorptions of N3, H3, and H2 centers. The side band of the H2 defect
extended well into the visible region, which induced the strong green
color component.

Diamond with Intense

Rainbow Graining
Gemologists who grade diamonds are
familiar with internal graining and
how, in certain manifestations under
current diamond grading standards, it
can negatively impact the clarity grade
of a diamond (see, e.g., J. M. King et al.,
The impact of internal whitish and
reflective graining on the clarity grading of D-to-Z color diamonds at the
GIA Laboratory, Winter 2006 Gems
& Gemology, pp. 206220). One type
of internal graining referred to as phantom or colorless graining is typically
just that, colorless and sometimes relatively difficult to see, though it is also
the most common. Within this category, however, there is a most unusual
type of phantom graining that is both
very colorful and extremely rare. On
the infrequent occasions that it has
been reported, it has been referred to as
rainbow graining (see, e.g., J. I. Koivula,
The Microworld of Diamonds,
Gemworld International, Northbrook,
IL, 2000, p. 94; J. M. King et al.,


Characterization and grading of natural-color yellow diamonds, Summer

2005 Gems & Gemology, pp. 88115,
and figure 15 therein).
Phantom or colorless internal
graining bands are actually contact
zones or layers between competing
growth planes in the diamonds crystal
structure; these cause a slight-to-heavy

Figure 6. This is the most intense

display of rainbow graining in
a diamond that we have encountered in the GIA Laboratory. Field
of view approximately 2.1 mm.

distortion of the surrounding crystal

lattice, making the grain area visible. It
is also well known that diamonds
often undergo plastic deformation, particularly in the {111} octahedral planes,
which may result in numerous parallel
internal phantom grain lines.
If the layers of phantom graining
are sufficiently fine and numerous,
then rainbow graining may be observed. However, in addition to possibly being the rarest form of internal
graining, rainbow graining is also one of
the most elusive and easily overlooked,
in that it is highly directional and can
thus be viewed only in specific directions in its host. In most directions, it
looks like common colorless phantom
graining, but a slight tilt of the diamond
causes the grain layers to act as a diffraction grating, resulting in a spectral
display of colors. This optical effect is
essentially the same as that shown by
iris agates and some transparent natural glasses that exhibit very fine growth
layers (see also T. Hainschwang and F.
Notari, The cause of iridescence in
rainbow andradite from Nara,
Japan, Winter 2006 Gems & Gemology, pp. 222235, for a general discussion of this effect in gem materials).
Recently, while investigating the
color origin of a light yellow round
brilliantcut diamond of over a carat
in weight, we encountered the
strongest and most vivid display of
rainbow graining that we have ever
seen (figure 6). It was fortunate that
there were also a few small mineral
inclusions to focus on while taking
this photomicrograph, because rainbow graining does not have any specific focal point; as a result, photos of this
type of graining can appear as if the
entire image is out of focus.
John I. Koivula and Alethea Inns

Natural Color Hydrogen-Rich

Blue-Gray Diamond
Prior to the 1990s, virtually all naturalcolor blue diamonds were thought to
be type IIb and electrically conductive.
Since then, the lab has seen, on rare
occasions, nonconductive type Ia gray-




Figure 7. In GIAs color grading system, the 0.24 ct type Ia pear-shaped diamond in the center is described with
the same terminology (blue-gray) as the 0.63 ct marquise on the left, butbecause it falls at the extreme opposite
end of that color rangeit has a different appearance. The 0.18 ct pear shape on the right is also a type Ia diamond, but its violet-gray color is more typical of that seen in diamonds with a color related to hydrogen defects.

to-blue diamonds that owe their color

to the presence of hydrogen-related
defects (see E. Fritsch and K. Scarratt,
Natural-color nonconductive gray-toblue diamonds, Spring 1992 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 3542).
Recently, the East Coast laboratory had an opportunity to examine a
nonconductive blue-gray diamond
that had other unusual characteristics.
The 0.24 ct pear brilliant cut was color
graded Fancy blue-gray (figure 7, center). When examined with magnification, it showed a number of moderately sized indented naturals and some
feathers breaking the surface. At high
magnification using a fiber-optic light,
we also saw very fine clouds. The
color appeared evenly distributed
unlike type IIb blue diamonds, which
commonly show color zoning. Very
weak strain, which looked to be associated with some of the surface-reaching inclusions, was visible when the
stone was examined with crossed
The diamond fluoresced a moderate blue to long-wave UV radiation and
a moderate yellow to short-wave UV.
In the desk-model spectroscope, absorption bands were present at 415
(N3), 425, and a broad band centered at
550 nm. These features confirmed that
the diamond was type Ia. With FTIR



spectroscopy, the diamond showed

sharp hydrogen peaks at 4703, 4168,
3236, 3235, 3107, 2811, 2785, 1547, and
1498 cm1 (again, see Fritsch and
Scarratt, 1992). The UV-Vis spectrum
showed a similar absorption as that
seen in the desk-model spectroscope,
with the addition of an increase in
absorption from about 600 nm toward
the infrared region, which can be associated with hydrogen-rich diamonds
(see K. Iakoubovskii and G. J. Adriaenssens, Optical characterization of natural Argyle diamonds, Diamond and
Related Materials, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2002,
pp. 125131; E. Fritsch et al., Thermochromic and photochromic behaviour
of chameleon diamonds, Diamond
and Related Materials, Vol. 16, No. 2,
2007, pp. 401408).
What was so unusual about this
diamond was its color appearance,
which was closer to the green side of
the blue hue range rather than the
more typical appearance closer to the
violet boundary. This suggests that
these nitrogen- and hydrogen-related
defects can give rise to colors other
than gray-to-blue or violet.
It is important to note that the
color differences described here are
quite subtle even when observed with
standard color-grading conditions. In
the GIA system for color grading col-

ored diamonds, fewer terms are used

as the color becomes darker in tone
and/or weaker in saturation because
the human eye makes fewer distinctions (see J. M. King et al., Color grading of colored diamonds in the GIA
Gem Trade Laboratory, Winter 1994
Gems & Gemology, pp. 220 242, figure 23). Therefore, even though this
diamond was slightly greener in hue,
it was still described as blue-gray due
to its location in color space. While
the subtle color difference noted
between this diamond and type IIb
blue-gray diamonds under controlled
conditions is not considered noticeable enough to warrant a change in
terminology, it is sufficient to represent a rare appearance for this color
description (see, e.g., J. M. King et al.,
Characterizing natural-color type IIb
blue diamonds Winter 1998 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 246268).
Jason Darley and John M. King

Type IIa Diamond with Intense

Green Color Introduced by
Ni-Related Defects
Nickel-related defects are common
in HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds.
They have also been documented in
some natural diamonds, though they



The infrared spectrum did not

show any absorption in the onephonon region, nor any boron-related
absorption, and established the stone
as a type IIa. Only very weak absorptions at 3107 and 1405 cm1 due to
hydrogen and a weak peak at 1332
cm1 (very likely from N+) were observed. The UV-Vis spectrum showed
weak but distinct absorptions at
350370 nm, 460480 nm, and
600650 nm (figure 10). All these
sharp absorptions, except for the
608.1 and 637.5 nm peaks, are known
to originate from Ni-related defects
(see, e.g., S. C. Lawson and H. Kanda,
An annealing study of nickel point
defects in high-pressure synthetic diamond, Journal of Applied Physics,
Vol. 73, 1993, pp. 39673973). The
spectrum also had broad absorption
bands with maxima at approximately
310, 520, and 688 nm. The 688 nm
band extended to ~600 nm, and limited the transmission of red and orange
light. Because of all these selective

are rarely the main contributor to

bodycolor in these stones or their
function is not clear. However, the
East Coast laboratory recently char-

acterized an intensely colored natural

yellowish green diamond that proved
to be colored by Ni-related defects.
This oval-cut 2.81 ct diamond was
color graded Fancy Intense yellowish
green (figure 8). Color distribution
was even, and the few small pinpoints
noted resulted in a clarity grade of
VS1. A small natural with typical
etching features was present near the
girdle. The diamond displayed strong
yellow fluorescence to long-wave UV
radiation and very strong greenish
yellow fluorescence to short-wave
UV, with no phosphorescence seen at
these wavelengths. When examined
with the DiamondView, the stone
showed moderately strong green fluorescence with narrow dark green
bands and a few blue ones (figure 9); a
weak yellow phosphorescence was
also observed. The evenly distributed
fluorescence features and the absence
of a typical HPHT-synthetic growth
pattern ruled out a synthetic origin
for this diamond.

Figure 9. The diamond in figure 8

showed moderately strong green
fluorescence in the DiamondView,
with narrow dark green bands
and a few blue ones. These features ruled out a synthetic origin.

Figure 10. Ni-related defects with absorptions at 350370 nm, 460480

nm, and 642.5 nm, together with the broad band around 688 nm and
additional peaks at 608.1 and 637.5 nm, created a transmission window in
the 540550 nm region, which resulted in the yellowish green bodycolor.
The 688 nm band is associated with the 1.40 eV center (zero-phonon line
at 883.1 and 884.8 nm), which occurred as predominant emissions in the
PL spectra (figure 11).

Figure 8. This oval-cut 2.81 ct

Fancy Intense yellowish green
diamond is colored mainly by
Ni-related defects.





Diamond with Zigzag Cleavage

Figure 11. The PL spectra confirm the extremely strong emissions from
Ni-related defects (e.g., the 883.1/884.8 nm pair). However, most of these
sharp emission peaks remain unclear in assignment.

absorptions, a transparent window

centered around 540550 nm is created, leading to the yellowish green bodycolor. The 688 nm band is associated
with the 1.40 eV center (zero-phonon
line at 883.1 and 884.8 nm; again, see
Lawson and Kanda, 1993), which
occurs as predominant emissions in
photoluminescence (PL) spectra collected with various laser excitations
(e.g., figure 11, spectrum collected
using 514 nm laser excitation). Other
strong emission peaks were recorded,
most of which remain unclear in
assignment. In contrast, some common emissions in natural diamonds
(e.g., H3, H4, N-V centers) are absent.
Green in natural diamonds can be
introduced by a number of known
defects or defect combinations. Selective absorptions from the GR1 and
some hydrogen-related defects, along
with fluorescence of the H3 defect,
are considered the main causes. Nirelated defects have long been recognized as color contributors in HPHT
synthetic diamonds, depending on the
concentration of isolated nitrogen,
but they have not been reported as a



major color contributor in natural diamond. The absence of these previously mentioned defects and the almost
exclusive occurrence of Ni-related
defects (in particular the 1.40 eV center) strongly indicate that the intense
green hue of this diamond is caused
by Ni-related defects. The size, high
clarity, and attractive Ni-related
intense green color of this diamond
make it very unusual.
This rare diamond reveals another cause of green color in naturally
colored diamonds. The 1.40 eV centerwhich is caused by the interstitial charged ion Ni +has been documented in chameleon diamonds (see,
e.g., J. E. Shigley et al., Photoluminescence features of chameleon diamonds, Proceedings of the 55th De
Beers Diamond Conference, Coventry,
UK, 2004, pp. 4.14.2; T. Hainschwang
et al., A gemological study of a collection of chameleon diamonds, Spring
2005 Gems & Gemology, pp. 2035),
as have other Ni-related defects (e.g.,
the 1.563 eV center with a zerophonon line at 793.5 nm).
Wuyi Wang and Tom Moses

In addition to its superior scratch and

indentation hardness, the other physical property for which diamond is
best known is its four directions of
perfect {111} octahedral cleavage. This
property has been used to help preshape diamond rough through the
process of cleaving for as long as diamonds have been fashioned as gems.
In a gem diamond, however, a cleavage is also the single most damaging
internal feature or clarity characteristic that a stone can possess. Sometimes referred to as a feather, a
prominent cleavage can significantly
affect the structural integrity of its
host diamond, particularly if it is
exposed to the surface where it can
absorb water and other unwanted
matter that might alter its visibility.
That is where glass filling is particularly useful, because it seals surfacereaching cleavage cracks, preventing
the introduction of unwanted and
unsightly debris, at the same time
that it reduces the apparent visibility
of those cracks.
During the course of testing to
determine the color origin of a round
brilliantcut diamond, we recently
encountered a relatively shallow surface-exposed cleavage system that
had a most unusual elongated zigzag
pattern, much like a zipper. This system extended into the crown and
table of its host and, as shown in figure 12, appeared to result from a combination of at least two directions of
cleavage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such a welldeveloped pattern has been encountered in the GIA Laboratory.
Its presence and clear presentation
as a cleavage pattern also make it the
ideal subject to once again point out
that in the fields of crystallography,
gemology, and mineralogy there is a
distinct and definable difference between cleavage and fracture. Essentially, a fracture is a break in a mineral other than along a cleavage plane.
In fact, very few single-crystal gemquality diamonds ever actually fracture. Diamond is very tough, and



Figure 12. Extending from the

edge of the crown into the table
facet of this diamond, this most
unusual 3.2-mm-long zigzag crack
shows at least two directions of
the diamonds perfect cleavage.

when it breaks, it almost always

breaks along a cleavage plane or a
combination of two or more of its four
cleavage directions.
John I. Koivula and
Cheryl Y. Wentzell

DIAMOND Crystal with Unusual
Morphology and Negative Trigons
Recently, the East Coast laboratory
examined a 1.56 ct highly saturated red
crystal (7.25 5.75 3.42 mm; figure
13). Gemological and spectroscopic
characterization identified it as an
HPHT-grown synthetic diamond that
apparently was artificially irradiated
and annealed. In the past, we have had
the opportunity to document similarly
color-treated pink to purplish pink synthetic crystals and red synthetic faceted
diamonds (T. M. Moses et al., Two
treated-color synthetic red diamonds


seen in the trade, Fall 1993 Gems &

Gemology, pp. 182190). However, this
specimen differed from samples we had
previously seen.
Consistent with other HPHTgrown synthetic diamonds, features
such as subtle growth sectorrelated
color zoning and remnants of the seed
crystal were apparent when the sample was examined with a gemological
microscope. The sample fluoresced
bright orange in the DiamondView,
and a cross-shaped green fluorescence
pattern was observed through the
{111} faces. The green pattern suggested the possibility of a higher concentration of H3 centers in this area,
while the strong orange color is most
likely a result of high concentrations
of N-V centers.
Many HPHT-grown synthetic diamond crystals have a distinctive cuboctahedral morphology (J. E. Shigley et al.,
Lab-grown colored diamonds from
Chatham Created Gems, Summer
2004 Gems & Gemology, pp. 128145),
typically with both cubic {100} and
octahedral {111} faces having equivalent surface area. In contrast (but similar to natural diamond), this synthetic
specimen had well-developed octahedral growth but virtually no cubic
faces. The highly developed {111} faces
suggest that it may have been grown at
higher temperatures than most HPHTgrown synthetics, possibly in excess of
~1800C (I. Sunagawa, Morphology of
natural and synthetic diamond crystals, in I. Sunagawa, Ed., Materials
Science of the Earths Interior, Terra
Scientific Publishing Co., Tokyo, 1984,
pp. 303 330).
In addition, indented triangular
etch regions were present on almost
every octahedral surface. Triangular
features have been reported on synthetic diamonds in the past (see, e.g., J. E.
Shigley et al., Gemological properties
of near-colorless synthetic diamonds,
Spring 1997 Gems & Gemology, pp.
4253); however, in those cases, they
protruded from the surface, creating
small pyramids. On this synthetic diamond, the triangular etch marks were
negative (i.e., indented), very similar to
trigons observed on natural diamonds.

Figure 13. This deeply saturated

1.56 ct red synthetic diamond
crystal displays well-developed
octahedral faces and the presence
of negative trigons. Magnified 15.

Thus, it appears that the occurrence of

negative trigons may not always be a
useful criterion for the separation of
natural from HPHT-grown synthetic
Also with magnification, we
observed a few metallic flux particles
and graphitized inclusions, both of
which are characteristic of HPHTgrown synthetics. A large graphitized
fracture was seen breaking the surface
on both sides, and both ends of the
crystal were heavily etched and pitted, with some deeply pitted areas
filled with graphitized material.
The red color of this synthetic diamond was more highly saturated than
other color-treated red synthetic diamond crystals submitted to the laboratory, which were more pink. The
infrared spectrum showed mostly type
Ib nitrogen with some type IaA aggregates, which is consistent with a relatively high growth temperature. The
overall nitrogen concentration from
the IR absorption spectrum was calculated to be ~100 ppm. This absorption
in general is higher than that of other
pink HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds we have examined (again, see
Shigley et al., 2004). Obvious H1a
(1450 cm1) and H1b (4935 cm1), as
well as H2 (986.3 nm), absorptions
indicate that this synthetic diamond
underwent irradiation and annealing.
Matthew Hall and Jason Darley




Idocrase in JADEITE:
A Heavenly Home
The GIA Laboratory sees a wide variety of jade items for identification.
These examinations are usually routine and generally do not offer any
surprises. A recent exception was provided by a mottled translucent greenand-white bangle bracelet. The gemological identification as jadeite and
the determination that it had not
been treated were both straightforward. The surprise came during the
microscopic examination, when we
were searching for possible dye concentrations in any surface-reaching
While no dye was observed in the
bangle, this inspection did reveal the
presence of several small euhedral-tosubhedral translucent white to light
brown modified prismatic inclusions
(figure 14) that appeared to have crystallized in the tetragonal system.
While it is often very difficult to identify inclusions that are completely
enclosed in a massive material such
as jade, several were exposed on the
bracelets surface, so they made convenient targets for Raman microanalysis. This conclusively identified

Figure 15. This unusual pattern appears to have been generated when
opal was deposited over a surface covered with numerous more-or-less
evenly spaced microcrystals of quartz. Field of view is 4.2 mm.

one inclusion as idocrase, a tetragonal

mineral known to mineralogists as
Since jadeite and idocrase are both
minerals formed through metamorphism, and since they have common
mineral associations as well, it is not
completely surprising to find inclu-

Figure 14. During an otherwise routine gem identification, it was a pleasant surprise to find these relatively well-formed translucent crystals of
idocrase included in a jadeite bangle bracelet. Field of view is 5.2 mm.

sions of idocrase in jadeite. However,

this is the first time we have encountered such idocrase inclusions, and
mineralogical texts do not list jadeite
and idocrase as mineral associates.
This discovery adds a bit of new information to the gemological literature
and increases our knowledge of gemquality jadeite jade.
With its long-standing popularity
as a gemstone and carving material,
and in view of its rich history, jade is
often referred to as the stone of heaven. Now we know it is also a home
to idocrase.
John I. Koivula, Mike Breeding,
and Eric Fritz

OPAL with Unusual Structure

Opal is one of the most fascinating of
the phenomenal gems. Not only is it
well known for its myriad play-ofcolor patterns, but it is also prized as a
fossilizing agent and preservative of
the structural features of other materials it replaces or envelops. In the past,
GIA Laboratory staff members have
seen opalized clams and other mollusks, portions of dinosaur bones preserved by opal, and opalized wood and





Figure 16. The play-of-color creates a hazy glow over the quartz casts on
the base of their opal host. Field of view is 4.2 mm.

bark showing excellent cell detail (see,

e.g., Fall 2001 Lab Notes, pp. 218219).
We recently had the opportunity
to examine an opal that appeared to
have a columnar structure of relatively evenly spaced cells, so that it
resembled synthetic opal without the

amount of suspicion about its origin.

Standard gemological testing easily
identified the opal as natural. With
magnification, it appeared that the
unusual structural pattern was generated when the opalizing solution was
deposited over a drusy surface covered
with numerous uniformly spaced
quartz microcrystals, as shown in figure 15. The blue and green play-ofcolor displayed by the opal highlighted
this structure like a colorful mist,
adding a mysterious, alien haziness to
the gem (figure 16) that seemed to float
over the surface as the stone was
moved. Throughout the years in the
GIA Laboratory, we have had the
opportunity to identify many marvelous opals from a variety of localities
worldwide, but this is the first time we
have encountered such a structure.
John I. Koivula

aid of magnification. The 1.09 ct

translucent light brown cushionshaped tabular cabochon measured
10.02 7.72 1.98 mm. Our client
was told that it came from an opal
field in Queensland, Australia, but
the structure had generated a certain

John I. Koivula1, 6, 12, and 1416; Jian Xin
(Jae) Liao2 and 8; Wuyi Wang3 and 9;
Jessica Arditi7; Jason Darley13.

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Brendan M. Laurs (blaurs@gia.edu)

Emmanuel Fritsch, IMN, University of
Nantes, France (fritsch@cnrs-imn.fr)
Henry A. Hnni, SSEF, Basel, Switzerland
Franck Notari, GemTechLab,
Geneva, Switzerland
Kenneth V. G. Scarratt, GIA Research,
Bangkok, Thailand

Bar code technology applied to diamonds. Inscribing diamonds using lasers and other technologies has become a
routine method for identifying a stone and personalizing it
for individual situations. At the same time, bar coding has
evolved from the traditional one-dimensional array of lines
to a two-dimensional matrix code that can hold far more
Diamond laser inscription technology has now progressed to the point where a miniature matrix code can be
inscribed on the girdle of a diamond (see, e.g., figure 1).
Instead of just a grading report number, the matrix code
can store all of the information in the report itself, such as
clarity, cut, and color grades, as well as country of origin (if
known), the name of the manufacturer, and other
specifics. This has distinct advantages for diamond dealers
and manufacturers when managing inventory, security
issues, and finances. Unlike traditional laser inscriptions,
which can be read with a loupe or a microscope, a matrix
code requires a scanner to decode the information. While
this does entail investment in additional equipment, it can
also provide confidentiality to the owner of the stone.
One manufacturer of the inscription and code-reading
equipment, PhotoScribe Technologies of New York,
noted that the cost of applying a diamond matrix code is
comparable to that of current laser inscriptions.
Russell Shor (rshor@gia.edu)
GIA, Carlsbad
U.S. Supreme Court ruling may affect viability of some
diamond cut patents. On April 30, 2007, the United
States Supreme Court handed down a decision in the case
of KSR International v. Teleflex (available online at
Although this case involved a patent for an automobile
gas pedal, the ruling affects the standards by which the



U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) awards

patents, and consequently it may affect the validity of a
number of patents on diamond cut designs.
A general review of U.S. patent law as it applies to
diamond cuts can be found in the Winter 2002 G&G (T.
W. Overton, Legal protection for proprietary diamond
cuts, pp. 310325). One of the factors that the USPTO
considers in awarding a patent is whether the claimed
invention is a development that would be obvious to
a person having ordinary skill in the relevant field. An
obvious invention is not eligible for a patent. Until the
KSR International case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit (which has jurisdiction over patent
disputes) applied a fairly narrow definition of obviousness: whether a specific motivation or suggestion to
combine prior inventions or knowledge (referred to as
prior art in patent law) could be found in the patent literature, the nature of the problem, or the knowledge of a
person having ordinary skill in the field. The justification for this narrow test was the straightforward recognition that nearly all inventions involve some synthesis of
previous knowledge, and that fact alone does not make
an invention obvious.

Editors note: The initials at the end of each item identify the
editor or contributing editor who provided it. Full names and
affiliations are given for other contributors.
Interested contributors should send information and
illustrations to Brendan Laurs at blaurs@gia.edu or GIA, The
Robert Mouawad Campus, 5345 Armada Drive, Carlsbad,
CA 92008. Original photos will be returned after consideration
or publication.
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 162183
2007 Gemological Institute of America



variations of traditional round and square diamond cuts.

This decision (which effectively overturns several
decades of established precedent) still needs to be interpreted and applied by the Federal Circuit and the USPTO,
so it is premature to say whether any particular diamond
cut patent is in danger. It does, however, counsel caution
in the enforcement of existing cut patents and in the
development of new designs.
Thomas W. Overton (toverton@gia.edu)
GIA, Carlsbad
Figure 1. This simulated data matrix bar code on the
girdle facet of a diamond reads PhotoScribe. The
data matrix measures 80 80 m; the same inscription using letters would require about 10 times the
space. Courtesy of PhotoScribe Technologies, New
York City; magnified 130.

In this case, the invention consisted of an adjustable

electronic gas pedal design that was a combination of several previous patents covering the component parts and
the method by which they were arranged. Teleflex (the
patent holder) sued KSR for infringement. Although KSR
argued that the progress of science would have inevitably
led to the combination at issue here (and previous patents
had addressed the problem in a general sense), the Federal
Circuit upheld the patent because, looking strictly at the
language in the previous patents, there was no specific
suggestion to combine them.
The Supreme Court, however, held that the Federal
Circuit was applying this test too rigidly. Instead, the
Court held that obviousness should be determined against
a general background considering the scope of the prior
art, the differences between the prior art and the invention, and the level of ordinary skillessentially, much
more of a holistic, common sense approach. Where a certain combination of elements is something obvious to
tryas it was in this casethe invention itself is likely
obvious as well.
Although this new standard implicates a broad range
of issues, this contributor believes it presents a particular
hazard to diamond cut patents, since so many recent cut
designs are minor variations of previous cuts (see, e.g.,
Overton, 2002; Spring 2004 Gem New International, pp.
7576). As the Supreme Court stated, If a person of ordinary skill can implement a predictable variation, [the
law] likely bars its patentability (KSR International, p.
13). Further, the Court held that when there is market
pressure to solve a problem for which there are a finite
number of predictable solutions, an invention resulting
from the pursuit of known options is likely the product
not of innovation but of ordinary skill and common
sense. For this reason, it will likely be more difficult to
defend those cut patents that are but minor evolutions of
previous designs. There is, after all, little question that
there has been substantial market pressure in recent
years for manufacturers and jewelers to develop in-house



First discovery of amazonite in Mexico. Amazonite is a
bluish green variety of potassium feldspar that has been
found on every continent except Antarctica (see M.
Ostrooumov, Lamazonite, Revue de Gemmologie,
Vol. 108, 1991, pp. 812). More than 100 large amazonite deposits are known, and there are numerous
smaller ones. Recently, blue to bluish green amazonite
was discovered for the first time in Mexico (figures 2 and
3). This material is hosted by the Peoles pegmatite,
which is located about 60 km southeast of the village
Valle de Allende (Sierra de Peoles, Allende municipality, Chihuahua State). The pegmatite is genetically related to a Li-F granite of Miocene age (32 million years,
according to K-Ar dating); this is younger than all other
known amazonite deposits. The pegmatite consists of an
outer zone of coarse-grained albite-oligoclase and quartz
with a small amount of pale blue amazonite. Toward

Figure 2. Amazonite was recently discovered in

Chihuahua State, Mexico. This specimen is 28 cm
wide; photo by Juan Manuel Espinosa.




nized mining to date), the deposit shows mineralogical,

geochemical, and geological characteristics that are analogous to other important amazonite deposits worldwide
(Ostrooumov, 1991).
Mikhail Ostrooumov (ostroum@zeus.umich.mx)
University of Michoacn, Mexico
Jacinto Robles Camacho
National Anthropology and History Institute
Mexico City

Figure 3. These beads and cabochons (4.8211.32 ct)

of Mexican amazonite were recently cut in the mineralogical laboratory at the University of Michoacn.
Photo by Robert Weldon.

the interior, the pegmatite attains >50 vol.% amazonite,

which occurs as distinctly blue crystals up to 23 cm in
longest dimension that are associated with albite,
quartz, and micas (biotite and zinnwaldite). The central
zone of the pegmatite consists mainly of a quartz core
with bluish green crystals of amazonite. Chemical analysis (by EDXRF spectroscopy) of the amazonite from the
outer zones to the core of the pegmatite showed increasing K, Rb, Cs, Pb, Tl, Ga, Be, Sr, U, and Th, and decreasing Al, Na, Fe, and Ba. X-ray diffraction analysis and
optical microscopy showed that the amazonite is microcline with a high degree of Al-Si order.
Five samples of rough amazonite (measuring 12 cm
in longest dimension) were gemologically characterized
for this report, and the following properties were determined: colorblue and bluish green; pleochroismweak
to moderate; RIn=1.516 1.520, n=1.5181.525, and
n=1.5251.529; birefringence0.0070.010; hydrostatic
SG2.56 2.60; and fluorescenceyellow-green to longwave and inert to short-wave UV radiation. Microscopic
examination revealed perthitic and microperthitic textures with albite.
UV-Vis absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, UV fluorescence, and heating/irradiation experiments on the Mexican amazonite showed
that the various shades of the blue-green color are
caused by absorption bands in the red-orange region (at
625 and 740 nm) and in the near-UV region (380 nm) of
the spectrum. All of the absorption bands were strongly
polarized in the -direction [i.e., perpendicular to (001)]
and weakly polarized in the a-direction [i.e., perpendicular to (010)]. The coloration mechanisms of the Mexican
material are the same as for other amazonite (see M.
Ostrooumov et al., On nature of color of amazonite,
in M. Ostrooumov, Ed., Amazonite, Nedra, Moscow,
1989, pp. 151161).
Although the economic potential of the Mexican amazonite discovery has not been evaluated, and the material
is not yet available commercially (there has been no orga-



AstoriteA rhodonite-rich rock from Colorado. Astorite is

the trade name for a rhodonite-rich gem from Colorado
(although this term also has been used as a synonym for
richterite, which is an amphibole, and the name asterite
has been applied to star sapphire; see J. de Fourestier,
Glossary of Mineral Synonyms, Canadian Mineralogist
Special Publication 2, Mineralogical Association of
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 1999, p. 29). Astorite originates
from the Toltec mine in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, approximately 18 km from Silverton.
This historic mine, which was originally opened for gold
and other metals, was once the property of Colonel John
Jacob Astor IV, who among other accomplishments cofounded the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City
before perishing on the RMS Titanic in 1912 (J. C. Zeitner,
Astorite: A new gem material, Rock & Gem, Vol. 32,
No. 9, 2002, pp. 7071; J. R. Yakabowski, AstoriteA
distinctive new gem material, Wire Artist Jeweller, Vol.
6, No. 6, 2003, pp. 45).
Since May 2003, the Astorite claim has been held by
Keith and Connie McFarland of K&C Traders in Silverton.
The material is mined from a vein approximately 0.20.4
m wide, and is worked on a small scale by drilling and
blasting. There is no road leading to the mine, and it is
only accessible for part of the summer season, so the production is limited to less than a ton of mixed-grade rough
material per year.
Several samples of Astorite have been donated to the
GIA Collection by the McFarlands; these consist of seven
cabochons (six were between 5.67 and 7.09 ct, while the
largest weighed 58.84 ct) and two tumbled pieces (10.96
and 12.41 ct). Since we were not aware of a previous
gemological description of this material, we characterized
some of these samples for this report. As can be seen in
figure 4, the samples displayed an attractive mixture of
pink, gray, black, and brown. Although the material
superficially resembled rhodonite, a visual inspection
established that it was a polymineralic aggregate.
Gemological properties were determined on two of the
cabochons (6.71 and 58.84 ct): colorpredominantly pink
with bands of gray and brown and small patches of black
(larger cabochon), or black and pink with small patches of
gray and brown (smaller sample); spot RI, taken on pink
areas1.71; SG3.22 and 3.42 for the larger and smaller
cabochons, respectively; diaphaneitytranslucent to
opaque; lustersubvitreous; and no spectrum seen with



the desk-model spectroscope. The samples were mostly

inert to long-wave UV radiation, with patches of violet
and orange in some areas, and a similar but weaker reaction to short-wave UV. The areas of violet fluorescence
corresponded to transparent colorless material, while
those with orange fluorescence generally correlated to
pale brown/peachy colored material. Probably because
of the heterogeneous nature of our samples, these results
differed somewhat from those for rhodonite, which has
the following properties: RI1.7331.747 (spot reading
usually 1.73); SG3.5 0.3; absorption spectruma
broad band centered at around 545 nm and a line at 503
nm; and UV fluorescenceinert (Gem Reference Guide,
GIA, Santa Monica, CA, 1995, pp. 201202).
Raman spectroscopy was performed to further characterize both samples. The Raman spectra of some pink
areas provided good matches for rhodonite, while other
pink areas were identified as rhodochrosite or a mixture
of both rhodonite and rhodochrosite. Some of the gray
areas were identified as quartz (which probably caused
the lower SG value of the larger cabochon, in which it
was more abundant). The transparent colorless areas
with violet fluorescence matched fluorite (for which this
fluorescence color is consistent). Raman spectra from
small whitish gray areas matched calcite (which could
possibly be responsible for the orange fluorescence, as
could rhodochrosite). Various spots analyzed in the black
areas gave matches to chalcocite, galena, pyrite, and
sphalerite. EDXRF spectroscopy of a pink area on the
larger sample was consistent with rhodonite. Hence,
these two samples of Astorite were characterized as a
rock composed of rhodonite, quartz, and rhodochrosite,
with traces of calcite, chalcocite, fluorite, galena, pyrite,
and sphalerite. This composition is consistent with the
literature, except that calcite and chalcocite were not
previously mentioned and additional components were
listed by Zeitner (2002) and Yakabowski (2003): chalcopyrite, tennantite, tetrahedrite, native metals, helvite,
tephroite, and friedelite.
The McFarlands indicated that the Astorite is polished

Figure 4. This material, sold under the trade name

Astorite, proved to be a rock composed of rhodonite,
quartz, rhodochrosite, and other minerals. The largest
piece in the center weighs 58.84 ct. Gift of Keith and
Connie McFarland, GIA Collection no. 37095 (all
samples); photo by Maha Tannous.

into cabochons of graduated sizes ranging from 5 mm

rounds to 40 50 mm ovals. They also produce freeform
and inlaid Astorite jewelry.
Sam Muhlmeister and
Karen Chadwick (karen.chadwick@gia.edu)
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
Color-change bastnsite-(Ce) from Pakistan. In February
2007, the Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS)
Laboratory in Bangkok had the opportunity to examine an
unusual 2.09 ct bastnsite (figure 5), which is a rare-earth
carbonate mineral. It was submitted for identification and
study by gem dealer Scott Davies (American-Thai Trading,

Figure 5. This unusual

2.09 ct bastnsite shows
a distinct color change,
from brownish yellow
in daylight/fluorescent
light (left) to orange in
incandescent light
(right). Photos
Scott Davies.





Bangkok), due to its distinct color change; he reported that

very few of the bastnsites he has cut have displayed any
significant change of color.
Mr. Davies purchased the original piece of rough in
Peshawar in 2006. The material was reportedly mined at
the Zagi Mountain deposit northwest of Peshawar, which
is known for bastnsite and other rare-earth minerals (H.
Obodda and P. Leavens, Zagi Mountain, Northwest
Frontier Province, Pakistan, Mineralogical Record, Vol.
35, No. 3, 2004, pp. 205220). Bastnsite gemstones up to
nearly 20 ct have been faceted from this locality (see
Summer 1999 Lab Notes, pp. 136137; Obodda and
Leavens, 2004).
The following gemological properties were determined
on this sample: colorbrownish yellow in daylight/fluorescent light and orange in incandescent light; diaphaneitytransparent; RI1.720 and >1.81 (i.e., over the limits
of our standard refractometer); optic characteruniaxial
positive; SG (measured hydrostatically)5.09; and inert to
both long- and short-wave UV radiation. Except for the
color change, these properties are comparable to those
reported for bastnsite in the Summer 1999 Lab Note and
by W. L. Roberts et al. (Encyclopedia of Minerals, 2nd ed.,
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990, pp. 7374).
The visible spectrum obtained with a spectrophotometer showed typical rare-earth absorptions at 444, 461, 468,
482, 511, 521, 532, 578 (strong), 625, 676, 688, and 739 nm
(strong). X-ray micro-fluorescence (XRMF) analysis, performed at the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS)
Laboratory in Bangkok, revealed the presence of cerium as
well as minor amounts of lanthanum, praseodymium, and
iron. The IR spectrum showed peaks at 6484 (strong),
6320, 5827, 5070, 4464, 4294, ~4000 (strong), 3590, 3494,
3407, and 3154 cm1. Raman spectroscopy revealed peaks
at 1736, 1435, 1095 (strong), 735, 397, 350, and 260 cm1.
The visible, IR, and Raman spectraavailable in the G&G
Data Depository at www.gia.edu/gemsandgemologyare
in agreement with the bastnsite-(Ce) data we have in our
library, and are also comparable to previous reports (e.g.,
the Summer 1999 Lab Note).
The origin of the unusual color-change behavior in this
bastnsite is unknown. There are a number of gem materials, both natural and synthetic, in which color change is
linked to the presence of rare-earth elements. Examples
include color-change monazite, fluorite, zircon, and some
types of manufactured glass. The process responsible for
this color behavior is complex. It is known, however, that
light-induced electronic transitions of the rare-earth elements (i.e., f-f transitions) are responsible for most of the
sharp absorptions seen in the visible spectrum of these
minerals (e.g., L. R. Bernstein, Monazite from North
Carolina having the alexandrite effect, American Mineralogist, Vol. 67, 1982, pp. 356359), and it is these sharp
absorptions that are responsible for any change of color.
Therefore, the color change in the present bastnsite may
be due to the specific proportions of its constituent rareearth elements. The rare earthinduced color behavior is



Figure 6. This 30.32 ct citrine from Minas Gerais,

Brazil, contains abundant inclusions of pyrite. GIA
Collection no. 36747; photo by Robert Weldon.

in contrast to the alexandrite effect exhibited by alexandrite and color-change garnet, among other minerals,
which is due to a small number of broad bands linked to
chromium and/or vanadium absorption.
To the best of our knowledge, color change has not
been reported previously in bastnsite, and this was the
first example of color-change bastnsite seen in the AIGS
Acknowledgments: This contributor wishes to
acknowledge K. Plagbunchong, S. Arepornrat, and T.
Thongtawee of the CIFS Laboratory for assistance with the
XRMF analysis.
Laurent Massi (info@aigslaboratory.com)
AIGS Gem Laboratory, Bangkok
Citrine with pyrite inclusions. At the 2007 Tucson gem
shows, these contributors were shown some unusual
faceted stones and cabochons of citrine that contained
conspicuous inclusions of pyrite. The material was
offered by Michele Macr (Laboratorio di Gemmologia
Geo-Land, Rome, Italy), who indicated that it was mined
in approximately 2002 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Until
recently, only clean citrine gemstones had been cut from
the rough, while all the material containing inclusions
had been stockpiled. Mr. Macr obtained ~1 kg of the
rough material containing pyrite inclusions from the
mine owner, which yielded about 400 carats of faceted
stones and cabochons. The color of the citrine reportedly
is natural, and the material has not been treated in any
way. According to the mine owner, the property was
closed in 2005, but the deposit still contains additional
reserves of the material.
A 30.32 ct dark brownish orange oval buff-top citrine
was donated to GIA by Mr. Macr and examined for this
report (figure 6). Standard gemological testing verified that
this gem was quartz, while the condition of the pyrite (figure 7) and intact fluid inclusions provided evidence that the
citrine was natural and untreated. Although beautifully



Figure 7. Measuring approximately 1.6 mm across,

this well-formed cubic pyrite inclusion in the citrine
illustrated in figure 6 shows a metallic luster, brassy
color, and surface details that are characteristic of this
sulfide mineral. Photomicrograph by J. I. Koivula.

Figure 8. This matched pair of bright yellow danburites

weighs a total of 34.60 ct. Courtesy of Pillar & Stone
International, San Francisco; photo by Judy Chia.

Unusual danburite pair. At the 2007 Tucson gem shows,

this contributor saw an unusual matched pair of yellow
danburites set as earrings (figure 8) at the booth of Pillar &
Stone International (San Francisco, California). The stones
had a total weight of 34.60 ct and displayed a strikingly
saturated yellow hue. According to the owners, Roland

and Nata Schlssel, they were mined west of the town of

Kyatpyin, in Myanmars Mogok region.
The refractive indices of the yellow danburites were
no=1.630 and ne=1.634, yielding a birefringence of 0.004,
and they fluoresced blue to both long- and short-wave UV
radiation. These properties matched those described in the
Gem Reference Guide (Gemological Institute of America,
Santa Monica, CA, 1995, pp. 8485), except that reference
did not mention the saturated yellow color, and the birefringence we obtained was lower than the reported value
of 0.006 (probably because the mountings prevented us
from measuring the maximum birefringence). Danburite
has a Mohs hardness of 77.5.
With magnification, both samples showed overlapping
fingerprints (figure 9). One had elongate growth tubes that
sometimes ended in a curled shape (figure 10). No growth

Figure 9. The danburites contained multiple overlapping fingerprint inclusions. Photomicrograph by

Hpone Phyo Kan-Nyunt; magnified 20.

Figure 10. One of the danburites also contained elongate growth tubes. Photomicrograph by Hpone Phyo
Kan-Nyunt; magnified 20.

formed pyrite crystals are known to occur in colorless rock

crystal, such inclusions are very unusual in both amethyst
and citrine. The inclusions of pyrite examined for this
report are the best we have seen to date in any citrine.
John I. Koivula (jkoivula@gia.edu)
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad





Figure 11. These crystals of gem-quality fluorite (8.6 g

total weight) were selected to show the range of color
of material from a new source in southern Ethiopia.
Photo by M. Macr.

banding was observed; however, one of the danburites

showed variable color concentration between the center of
the stone and the rim. No other inclusions or growth features were present.
EDXRF chemical analysis revealed Ca and Si as major
elements; this is consistent with the chemical formula of
CaB2(SiO4)2 for danburite (boron cannot be detected with
EDXRF). In addition, a minor amount of Sr was detected.
The Raman spectrum matched that of our danburite reference, confirming the identification.
According to Mark Smith (Thai Lanka Trading Ltd.,
Bangkok), yellow danburite is known from several alluvial
and primary deposits in the Mogok region. Recently, it has
been recovered from pegmatites near Molo in the Momeik
area; a pegmatite in this same region has also produced
pezzottaite (see Spring 2006 Gem News International, pp.
7072). Other in-situ deposits are known at Dat Taw,
Sakangyi, and an important new locality called Lay Gyi.
Mr. Smith also noted that the local miners are adept at
identifying danburite (due to its distinctive etched surface
and characteristic growth-tube inclusions), and they value
it highly as a jewelry stone.
Lore Kiefert (lkiefert@agta-gtc.org)
AGTA Gemological Testing Center
New York

Fluorite from Ethiopia. Ethiopia has grown rapidly in

gemological importance during the past several years.
Among other developments, it has become a significant
source of gem-quality opal (see, e.g., M. L. Johnson et al.,
Opal from Shewa Province, Ethiopia, Summer 1996
Gems & Gemology, pp. 112120). As a result of this growing interest, there has been much recent exploration for
gem materials and efforts to open new mines.
In March 2007, one these contributors (MM) encountered a new gem material at the Bologna mineral show in
Italy. Mr. Tesfay Desta, an Ethiopian dealer, had an interesting 500 g parcel of some unidentified gem-quality
rough. The material was reportedly from a mine in the
Guji zone, southern Ethiopia. Five samples (figure 11) were
purchased for testing.
The crystals weighed approximately 12 g each, and
were crystallized as pentagonal icositetrahedra with slightly concave faces. They were colorless, reddish brown to
brownish red/pink, and pale blue-violet. The following
gemological properties were determined from two of the
samples using standard techniques: RI1.434; SG3.16;
fluorescenceinert to moderate green to long-wave UV,
inert to strong green to short-wave; and phosphorescencemoderate green. Internal features consisted of fluid
inclusions, and straight parallel growth features and color
zoning. These properties are consistent with those for fluorite (see M. ODonoghue, Gems, 6th ed., ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford, UK, p. 411), although the crystal
habit is unusual for this mineral.
X-ray powder diffraction data collected for three samples on a parallel-beam Bruker AXS D8 Advance automated diffractometer confirmed the identification as fluorite.
The lattice parameter a extracted via Rietveld refinement
is a = 5.46378(1) , in agreement with V. A. Streltsov et al.
(Electronic and thermal parameters of ions in CaF2:
Regularized least squares treatment, Kristallografiya,
Vol. 33, 1987, pp. 9097).
At the Verona mineral show in late May 2007, Mr.
Desta had a 25 kg parcel of rough Ethiopian fluorite that
included some color-change material. The color appeared

Figure 12. Some of the

fluorite from Ethiopia
(here, 21.0 g total
weight) shows a color
change from blue or
grayish blue in sunlight
to purple or reddish purple in incandescent light.
Photos by M. Macr.





blue to grayish blue (similar to iolite) in sunlight and in daylight-equivalent fluorescent light, and purple (like amethyst)
to reddish purple in incandescent light (figure 12). In addition, some of the deep reddish brown fluorite crystals
appeared deep red (like rhodolite) in incandescent light. The
other colors did not show the color-change effect, so it was
estimated that only 35% of the stones show this behavior.
Ethiopian fluorite has the potential to be an interesting
collectors gem. According to Mr. Desta, the total weight
of rough material available on the market as of May 2007
was approximately 200 kg.
Michele Macr (michele@minerali.it),
Adriana Maras, Elisa Melis, and Paolo Ballirano
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Rome La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Heliodor and other beryls from Connecticut. For more
than a century, granitic pegmatites of the Middletown
District in Connecticut have been known for producing
small amounts of gem beryl and tourmaline, although
they have been principally mined for industrial feldspar,
mica, beryl, and other minerals (see E. N. Cameron et al.,
Pegmatite Investigations, 19421945, in New England,
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 255, 1954, 347
pp.; J. A. Scovil, The Gillette Quarry, Haddam Neck,
Connecticut, Mineralogical Record, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1992,
pp. 1928). A variety of beryl colors have been reported
from these pegmatites, including colorless, golden yellow, blue to green, and pink (e.g., Scovil, 1992).
At the 2007 Tucson gem shows, Jim Clanin (JC
Mining, Hebron, Maine) obtained two faceted heliodors
from Connecticut that were notable for their saturated
golden yellow color (figure 13). The stones were purchased from Jan Brownstein (Songo Pond Gems, Bethel,
Maine), who had cut them from a collection of gem rough
that he recently obtained from the Howard Hewitt estate.
This beryl collection consisted mostly of rough pieces, polished rough, and preforms of various colors (e.g., figure 14)
that were mined by Mr. Hewitt over the past several
decades from three quarries in Connecticut: Merryall (or
Roebling) in Litchfield County (golden yellow), Slocum
near East Hampton (lemon yellow), and Turkey Hill
near Haddam (pale blue, with inclusions; John Betts, pers.
comm., 2007). In total, Mr. Brownstein obtained a few
kilograms of the Connecticut beryl, and he has faceted
about 250 stones so far with a maximum weight of ~13 ct.
All of the rough material consisted of broken pieces that
most likely were derived from beryl crystals that were
frozen in the pegmatite matrix; there was no evidence of
any crystal faces indicative of growth in gem pockets.
Examination of the two cut heliodors (1.54 and 2.36 ct)
by one of us (EAF) showed the following properties: color
orangy yellow to orange-yellow, with no pleochroism; RI
1.5751.581; birefringence0.006; hydrostatic SG2.73
and 2.75; Chelsea filter reactionnone; and fluorescence
inert to long- and short-wave UV radiation. These proper-


Figure 13. Strong golden yellow coloration is shown

by these attractive beryls (2.36 and 1.54 ct) from
Connecticut. Courtesy of Jim Clanin; photo by
Robert Weldon.

ties are consistent with those reported by M. ODonoghue

(Gems, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK,
2006, pp. 124129) for aquamarine, which ODonoghue
indicates has properties equivalent to yellow beryl.
Microscopic examination revealed numerous fine growth
tubes and clouds of pinpoint-sized particles. The stones displayed a weak absorption band around 500 nm when
observed with the desk-model spectroscope, as mentioned
for strongly colored yellow beryl by ODonoghue (2006).
This reference also indicated that the Merryall mine has
been the only important source of yellow beryl in the
United States.
Eric Fritz
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
Figure 14. Beryl from Connecticut comes in a variety
of colors, as shown by these gemstones (1.873.18 ct)
and preforms (1.32.5 g). Courtesy of Jan Brownstein;
photo by Robert Weldon.




Figure 15. All of these

chatoyant gems
(6.4519.32 ct) are currently available from
Tanzania. From left to
right, they are scapolite,
K-feldspar, opal, and
apatite. Courtesy of
Anil B. Dholakia Inc.;
photo by Robert

Cats-eye K-feldspar and other chatoyant gems from

Tanzania. A wide variety of cats-eye and star gems have
been reported from Tanzania and Kenya, including
apatite, beryl, corundum (ruby and sapphire), garnet
(almandine, grossular, and rhodolite), kyanite,
kornerupine, scapolite, tourmaline, and zoisite (N. R.
Barot et al., Cats-eye and asteriated gemstones from
East Africa, Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 24, No. 8, 1995,
pp. 569580). During the 2007 Tucson gem shows, Anil
Dholakia (Anil B. Dholakia Inc., Franklin, North
Carolina) showed one of these contributors (BML) some
cabochons that he was selling as cats-eye feldspar from
Tanzania. He indicated that such material has been identified as labradorite by some gemologists, and also shows
a close resemblance to Tanzanian cats-eye scapolite. The
feldspar/scapolite confusion was reinforced by gem dealer
Scott Davies, who purchased some Tanzanian rough sold
as red moonstone in 2004 that proved to be scapolite.
He indicated that both gems show good chatoyancy and

have a similar color range (light brownish red to very dark

reddish brown).
Mr. Dholakia loaned some cabochons of each gem to
GIA for examination, as well as chatoyant opal and apatite
from Tanzania for comparison. A representative sample of
each gem (6.4519.32 ct; figure 15) was selected for characterization by one of us (EAF), and the results are given in
table 1.
The properties of the cats-eye feldspar were consistent
with alkali feldspar, rather than labradorite (a calcic plagioclase). This was confirmed by EDXRF analysis, which
detected major amounts of Al, Si, and K, and traces of Ca
and Ba. Similar alkali feldspars were documented by U.
Henn et al. (Chatoyancy and asterism in feldspars from
Tanzania, Gemmologie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005, pp.
4346), although only faint asterism was seen when our
sample was rotated in front of a fiber-optic light source.
Henn et al. (2005) attributed the optical phenomena to ori-

TABLE 1. Properties of some chatoyant gems from Tanzania.a



Weight (ct)
RI (spot)
SG (hydrostatic)
Spectroscope spectrum


Orangy brown


Very weak red
General absorption to
510 nm
Fine black needles, small
reddish trigonal platelets,
and long orangy rectangular

Very weak red
No features seen




Yellowish green

General absorption to
550 nm
Small red angular platelets, Long needles with an
fine red needles, and small almost fibrous appearance
black dendritic platelets

Line at 530 nm and
doublet at 580 nm
Fine iridescent needles or
growth tubes

No pleochroism or reaction to the Chelsea filter was seen in any of the samples.





ented lath-shaped inclusions of hematite. A similar Kfeldspar (from an undisclosed source) was described in a
Summer 1997 Lab Note (p. 137), but in that cabochon the
platy inclusions were too large and poorly oriented to
account for the chatoyancy or asterism.
The properties obtained for the chatoyant scapolite are
consistent with those previously reported for this gem
variety (e.g., Summer 2003 Gem News International, pp.
158159; Spring 1984 Lab Notes, pp. 4950) except that
the RI we measured was slightly lower. Since the refractive indices (and specific gravity) of scapolite increase with
greater Ca content, our results indicate a composition that
is closer to the marialite end member (3NaAlSi3O8NaCl)
of the solid-solution series with meionite (2CaAl2Si2O8
CaCO3). A further decrease in Ca content would be
expected to cause a spot-RI value that is at or slightly
below 1.54 (e.g., P. C. Zwaan and C. E. S. Arps, Properties
of gemscapolites [sic] from different localities, Zeitschrift
der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 29,
No. 12, 1980, pp. 8285), which is quite similar to that of
The properties of the other chatoyant gems documented in this study are consistent with those described in the
literature for Tanzanian opal (Summer 1998 Gem News,
pp. 138140) and apatite (E. Gbelin and K. Schmetzer,
Eine neue Edelstein-Variett aus Tansania: Gelbe, grne
und rtlich-braune Apatit-Katzenaugen, Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 31, No. 4,
1982, pp. 261263).
The cats-eye K-feldspar can be readily separated from
chatoyant opal and apatite by its standard gemological
properties. However, distinguishing it from scapolite
might be difficult in cases where a stone cannot be
unmounted for SG measurement. In such situations, a
careful RI reading can separate the two minerals, but an
accurate identification may depend on performing more
advanced (spectroscopic) testing.
Eric Fritz (eric.fritz@gia.edu)
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
Green opal. During the 2007 Tucson gem shows, one of
these contributors (BML) was shown some cabochons of
bright green opal by Hussain Rezayee (Pearl Gem Co.,
Beverly Hills, California). Mr. Rezayee obtained the rough
in December 2004 while in Turkey, but he was not able
to confirm its source. From several tons of mostly lowquality material, he selected 100 kg of usable pieces that
ranged from 20 g to 1 kg. He subsequently cut about 5,000
carats of cabochons, which weighed up to 7080 ct each.
He reported that none of the cabochons were treated in
any way.
Five of the opal cabochons (5.3617.74 ct; e.g., figure
16) were loaned to GIA by Mr. Rezayee for examination,
and the following gemological properties were determined
by one of us (KMR): colorsemitranslucent-to-translucent
light green; spot RI1.46 1.47; hydrostatic SG


Figure 16. Although the rough material was purchased in Turkey, these green opal cabochons
(5.3617.74 ct) have properties comparable to those
recorded for Serbian material. Courtesy of Hussain
Rezayee; photo by Robert Weldon.

2.10 2.13; fluorescenceweak green to long-wave and

very weak green to short-wave UV radiation, with no
observable phosphorescence; and general absorption below
450 nm and above 620 nm seen with the desk-model spectroscope. These properties are consistent with those
reported for green opal from Serbia in the Fall 1995 Gem
News section (p. 208), except that the sample documented
in that report was opaque and also inert to short-wave UV.
Microscopic examination of Mr. Rezayees samples
revealed fine veins and cavities lined with small spheroids
of botryoidal opal (identified by JIK). EDXRF chemical
analysis (performed by EAF) detected minor amounts of
Ni, as well as traces of Ca and V.
The Fall 1995 Gem News entry indicated that the
properties of the Serbian material are comparable to those
of green opal from Tanzania (see J. I. Koivula and C. W.
Fryer, Green opal from East Africa, Winter 1984 Gems
& Gemology, pp. 226227), and that green Ni-bearing opal
has also been found in Poland, Australia, and Peru. The
opal described in the present report is most likely from
Serbia, given its similarity to the material described previously and information provided to Mr. Rezayee at the
2007 Tucson shows by a German opal dealer, who indicated that the opal was very similar to material from the
province of Kosovo.
Kimberly M. Rockwell (krockwell@gia.edu),
John I. Koivula, and Eric A. Fritz
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
Chinese akoya cultured pearls. In 2006, Chinese farmers
produced about 20 tonnes of akoya cultured pearls along
the southern coasts of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces
(You Hong Qing, Xuwen Jinhui Pearl Co., pers. comm.,




Figure 17. These Chinese akoya cultured pearl

strands are composed of natural-color, silver-blue
baroques (7.511.3 mm) and bleached white rounds
that show a ros overtone produced by pinking
(7.58 mm). Courtesy of J. Shepherd; photo by Kevin

2007). The production region extends east from the

Vietnam border past Beihai, around the Leizhou Peninsula
and Hainan Island, and continues east toward Hong Kong.
Beihai in the west and Xuwen on the peninsula are two
processing centers. Between the Beihai area and the
Leizhou Peninsulas east side, there are more than 2,000
akoya pearl farms. About 100 farms maintain more than
500,000 nucleated mollusks, about 200 culture
200,000500,000 mollusks, and about 1,700 maintain
fewer than 200,000.
Chinese akoya farmers identify the mollusk they use
as Pinctada fucata martensii. This is the same species that
farmers in Japan identify as the akoya mollusk. However,
there has been so much hybridization with closely related
species that P. fucata martensiis purity as a cultured pearl
producer in China and Japan is questionable (Shigeru
Akamatsu, Mikimoto Co., pers. comm., 2006; You H. Q.,
pers. comm., 2007). On Chinese akoya farms, all the mollusks are hatchery bred, although hatcheries do introduce
wild mollusks to ensure genetic diversity. There are at
least 12 hatcheries in the pearl-culturing region, two of
which are government-run facilities on Hainan Island.
In April 2007, the present authors visited several pearl
farms and nucleation facilities on Longye Bay near Xuwen.
Nucleators there implanted one or two spherical shellbead nuclei ranging from 5 to 7.75 mm, each with a tissue



piece from a donor mollusk, in host mollusks that measured 6.47 cm in diameter. At that size, the mollusks are
about 18 months old. We were told that the pearl-growth
period ranges from six months to two years, but 1012
months is most common. Nacre thickness (per radius)
ranges from 0.1 to 1.2 mm, while 0.40.6 mm is most
common. Cultured pearl sizes range from 2 to 11 mm.
Shapes are round, near-round, semibaroque, baroque, drop,
pear, and oval. Colors include bleached white with a ros
overtone produced by pinking (immersing the cultured
pearls in an extremely dilute red pigment) and natural silver-blue (figure 17). Quality ranges from commercial to
gem grade.
According to Mr. You, processors in the Xuwen area
bleach about 98% of the akoya cultured pearls they handle. Many are also heavily dyed, with black being the most
common color. A medium-volume processing factory produces about 10,000 temporary strands (1616.5 inch
[4042 cm]) per year, while a large factory produces about
42,000 such strands annually.
About 50% of the Chinese akoya cultured pearls are
sold in Hong Kong, either at trade fairs or by direct sale
through five Hong Kong wholesalers. Local wholesalers in
the culturing region sell the balance by direct sale. In 2006,
the top wholesale markets were Japan, the U.S., and Europe.
The 2006 volume was down from the 27 metric tons
produced in 2005, and production is expected to dip again
in 2007 (You H. Q. and Cissy Wong, pers. comms., 2007).
The decline is partly due to falling demand, but the
motives of hundreds of independent Chinese akoya pearl
farmers also contribute. For akoya farmers in China, pearl
culturing is very much a dollars-and-cents business. When
the short-term gain looks better in shrimp farming or
another type of aquaculture, many farmers switch products. The akoya volume we see now can be determined by
how the farmers economic picture looked about a year ago.
Doug Fiske (dfiske@gia.edu)
GIA Course Development, Carlsbad
Jeremy Shepherd
PearlParadise.com Inc., Los Angeles
Pyrope-almandine from Tanzania. John D. Dyer (Precious
Gemstones Co., Edina, Minnesota) had some attractive
orange-red to orangy red garnets that he marketed as rose
malaya at the 2007 Tucson gem shows. This trade name
was based on the identification of the material as pyropespessartine by independent gemologists. The garnets
reportedly have been produced since mid-2005 from
Tanzanias Umba Valley.
Mr. Dyer loaned three samples and donated an additional 1.35 ct garnet to GIA for examination (figure 18).
The following properties were determined on all four
stones by one of us (EAF): colororange-red; RI1.742; no
birefringence; hydrostatic SG3.80; Chelsea filter reactionnone; fluorescenceinert to long- and short-wave
UV radiation; and absorption lines at 504, 520, and 573 nm



tion series pyrope-spessartine, Neues Jahrbuch fr

Mineralogie, Monatshefte, Vol. 8, 1981, pp. 349354). A
wide range of compositions have been reported for malaya
garnets from East Africa, with most having a 3055%
spessartine component, but some having as low as
1030% spessartine (Stockton and Manson, 1985).
The garnets examined for this report did not contain
enough spessartine component to be called malaya garnets, and they are best referred to as pyrope-almandine
since they lack the purple hue of rhodolite.
Troy Blodgett (tblodgett@gia.edu) and Eric Fritz
GIA Laboratory Carlsbad
William B. Simmons and Alexander U. Falster
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
Figure 18. These attractive orange-red garnets
(1.356.92 ct) from Tanzanias Umba Valley proved
to be pyrope-almandine. The trilliant is a gift of
Precious Gemstones Co.; GIA Collection no. 36746.
Photo by Robert Weldon.
visible with the desk-model spectroscope. There was no
observable shift in color between daylight-equivalent and
incandescent light sources. These properties are similar to
those reported for pyrope-spessartine, but they are more
consistent with pyrope-almandine, according to C. M.
Stockton and D. V. Manson (A proposed new classification for gem-quality garnets, Winter 1985 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 205218). Microscopic examination
revealed no inclusions and only minor surface abrasions
on the stones.
EDXRF spectroscopy of the 1.35 ct garnet showed
major amounts of Si, Al, Mg, and Fe, as well as minor Ca
and Mn. Electron-microprobe analysis of the other three
samples at the University of New Orleans confirmed the
identification as pyrope-almandine, yielding the following
components: 71.173.1% pyrope, 18.921.7% almandine,
7.08.5% grossular, and 0.20.4% spessartine, along with
traces of the andradite component.
East Africa is a common source for pyrope-almandine
that typically ranges from reddish orange to red-purple,
with the latter color referred to as rhodolite by the gem
trade. The red-purple coloration of rhodolite is very different from the orange-red color of the pyrope-almandine
examined for this report. Rhodolite also commonly contains abundant oriented needle-like rutile crystals (e.g., P.
C. Zwaan, Garnet, corundum, and other gem minerals
from Umba, Tanzania, Scripta Geologica, Vol. 20, 1974,
pp. 141), which were not seen in the pyrope-almandine
garnets we studied.
East Africa is also known for producing pyrope-spessartine in the pink to red to orange to yellow-orange range,
which has been marketed as malaya garnet (see Stockton
and Manson, 1985; K. Schmetzer and H. Bank, Garnets
from Umba Valley, TanzaniaMembers of the solid solu-


Pink-to-red tourmaline from Myanmar. Rubellite tourmaline from Myanmar is well known as fibrous mushroomlike crystals from the Mogok area (see T. Hlaing and A. K.
Win, Rubellite and other gemstones from Momeik
Township, northern Shan State, Myanmar, Australian
Gemmologist, Vol. 22, 2005, pp. 215218). From late 2006
to February 2007, well-formed prisms of pink-to-red tourmaline were mined from a pegmatite located about 80 km
northeast of Mandalay, at Letpanhla in Singu Township.
The pegmatite is hosted by rocks of the Mogok metamorphic belt that strike in a north-south direction.
The tourmaline crystals had typical striated prism
faces and were terminated by rhombohedral faces (e.g.,
figure 19). This contributor estimates that ~5 kg of
fine-quality crystals were produced, as well as >100 kg

Figure 19. A new source of Burmese tourmaline was found

in late 2006 at Letpanhla, located between Mogok and
Mandalay. The Letpanhla crystals shown here range from
3.5 to 7.1 cm tall. Courtesy of Pala International,
Fallbrook, California; photo by Robert Weldon.




Figure 20. This 31.5 ct cabochon of Letpanhla tourmaline shows a saturated pink color that is considerably more intense than is typically seen in tourmaline from this locality. Courtesy of U Tin Hlaing.

Figure 21. Chatoyant tourmaline has also been cut

from the Letpanhla material (here, 6.24 and 7.21 ct).
Photo by Mark Smith, Thai Lanka Trading Ltd.,

of lower-quality pink material. The tourmaline typically contains fine tubes parallel to the c-axis and abundant fluid inclusions (trichites). Several hundred cabochons have been cut, ranging from 5 to 50 ct each (e.g.,
figure 20). Rare cats-eye cabochons also have been produced from the Letpanhla material (figure 21).
There appears to be good potential for additional finds
of tourmaline and other pegmatite minerals from the
Mogok metamorphic belt in the area between Thabeikyin
and Sagyin.
U Tin Hlaing
Dept. of Geology (retired)
Panglong University, Myanmar

be composed of planes of white pinpoint inclusions (figure

23, right) that created a hazy effect in some areas of the
specimen. Also present were scattered whitish crystallites
and gas bubbles.
The combination of the white crystallites, gas bubbles,
and swirls identified the material as glass; a spot RI value of
1.52 was consistent with this identification. Still, further
tests were performed for our records. Examination between
crossed polarizers revealed a strain pattern (as is typically
seen in glass) along the edges of the curved whitish zone.
When exposed to short-wave UV radiation, a strong pinkish purple fluorescence was confined to this zone, which
was bordered by a narrow fringe of blue fluorescence (figure
24); the sample was inert to long-wave UV. We have noted


Glass object with circular bands. Rock crystal quartz is
often used as a carving material for various symbolic
objects in India, but these items are commonly imitated
by colorless glass, so they are routinely sent to gemological
laboratories for identification. Recently, at the Gem
Testing Laboratory in Jaipur, India, we received an approximately 188 ct colorless specimen (figure 22) in the shape
of a Shivling, which is the symbol representing Lord
Shiva in Hindu theology.
Our initial observation included the use of fiber-optic
lighting to look for tell-tale signs of glass, such as gas bubbles or swirls. The most conspicuous feature was a curved
zone of whitish bands visible through the base of the
object (figure 23, left); these bands resembled the curved
striae seen in flame-fusion synthetic sapphire. However,
the specimen had a lighter heft than would be expected
for that material. When viewed from the side (in a direction perpendicular to the axis of curvature of the whitish
bands), straight parallel lines were seen (figure 23, center).
At higher magnification, the curved bands appeared to



Figure 22. This 188 ct Shivling, approximately 4.0 cm

tall, was represented as rock crystal quartz, but proved
to be manufactured glass. Photo by G. Choudhary.



Figure 23. A zone of concentric whitish bands, similar to those seen in flame-fusion synthetic sapphire, was visible through the base of the glass object (left); note the white crystallites along the inner edge of the zone. When
the glass object was viewed from the side (center), the curved whitish bands appeared as straight parallel
planes, as would be expected for a cross-section through concentric cylindrical tubes. At higher magnification
(right), the circular bands were seen to be composed of planes of white pinpoint inclusions. Photomicrographs
by G. Choudhary; magnified 10 (left and center) and 65 (right).

similar fluorescence behavior in many colorless glasses.

In the past we have encountered some unusual features in glass, but this was the first time we had seen these
circular features.
Gagan Choudhary (gtl@gjepcindia.com)
Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur, India
Heat-treated Kashan flux-grown synthetic ruby. In March
2006, a 10.12 ct transparent purplish red oval mixed cut
(figure 25) was submitted for identification to the Dubai
Gemstone Laboratory. The client indicated that it had
been purchased in and originated from Myanmar.
Standard gemological testing established the following
properties: RI1.7621.770; birefringence0.008; optic
signuniaxial negative; pleochroismmoderate orangy
red to purplish red; SG (determined hydrostatically)3.98;
fluorescencestrong red to long-wave and moderate red to

Figure 24. The zone containing the whitish bands exhibited strong pinkish purple fluorescence to short-wave
UV radiation (upper left in this photo), and the edge of
this zone fluoresced blue. Photo by G. Choudhary.


short-wave UV radiation, with a strong chalky blue luminescence on the surface; and chrome lines seen in the
absorption spectrum with a desk-model spectroscope.
These properties were consistent with ruby, while the
strong chalky blue surface fluorescence to short-wave UV
radiation suggested heat treatment.
When examined with magnification, this sample at
first showed internal features that looked very much like
those seen in flux-assisted heated natural rubies (figure
26). However, when examined carefully, these inclusions
proved to be various forms of flux residue, such as are
found in flux-grown synthetics. Also apparent were
white, high-relief, parallel rods; feather-like structures or
fingerprints; rain-like structures resembling comets;
and discoid features with so-called paint splash inclusions
(figure 27). These inclusions are typical of Kashan fluxgrown synthetic ruby. Also present were dissolved white
flux-filled negative crystals with associated discoid fis-

Figure 25. This 10.12 ct sample proved to be a heattreated Kashan flux-grown synthetic ruby. Photo by
S. Singbamroong, Dubai Gemstone Laboratory.




Figure 26. The synthetic ruby contained internal features that resemble those seen in flux-assisted heated
natural rubies. Photomicrograph by S. Singbamroong,
Dubai Gemstone Laboratory; magnified 6.

sures, which are indicative of heat treatment (figure 28).

UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy showed broad bands
centered at 410 and 560 nm, and a small peak at 694 nm;
these are typically responsible for ruby color. However, the
spectrum also showed UV transmission at 305 nm that
was stronger than the visible-region transmission at ~475
nm (blue region), which is suggestive of synthetic ruby (G.
Bosshart, Distinction of natural and synthetic rubies by
ultraviolet spectrophotometry, Journal of Gemmology,
Vol. 18, No. 2, 1982, pp. 145160). Note that the opposite
trend in the 305 and ~475 nm transmission windows was
recently documented in polarized spectra of a heat-treated
Kashan synthetic ruby by K. Schmetzer and D. Schwarz

(The causes of colour variation in Kashan synthetic rubies

and pink sapphires, Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 30, No.
5/6, 2007, pp. 331337); this is probably due to the higher
Ti content of the sample that they heated. Infrared spectroscopy revealed no peaks related to the OH-group
(hydroxyl), as expected for flux-grown synthetic ruby.
EDXRF analysis revealed traces of Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
and Ga; no Ni, Cu, La, W, Pt, Pb, Bi, or Mo was detected.
The low amounts of Fe, V, and Ga, combined with slightly
higher amounts of Ti, are distinctive of Kashan flux-grown
synthetic ruby (see S. Muhlmeister et al., Separating natural and synthetic rubies on the basis of trace-element
chemistry, Summer 1998 Gems & Gemology, pp.
80101). We also compared the EDXRF results to those for
our reference collection of flux-grown synthetic rubies, and
these matched very well the spectrum of the Kashan specimen in our collection. Our EDXRF data also fell within the
values listed by Schmetzer and Schwarz (2007), except for
slightly higher V and the presence of a trace of Ga.
Since the 1990s, a variety of heat-treated synthetic rubies
have been reported (see, e.g., H. Kitawaki, Heat treated synthetic ruby, Research Lab Report, GAAJ Research
Laboratory, May 23, 2005, www.gaaj-zenhokyo.co.jp/
researchroom/kanbetu/2005/kan_2005_06en.html). Heat
treatment of synthetic ruby makes identification more difficult and complicated. Thus, more careful examination
and sophisticated testing were necessary to complete this
Sutas Singbamroong (sssutas@dm.gov.ae)
and Nazar Ahmed
Dubai Gemstone Laboratory
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Figure 27. Various forms

of flux residue were
found in the synthetic
ruby: white, high-relief,
parallel rods (top left,
magnified 40); featherlike structures or fingerprints (top right,
20); rain-like structures resembling comets
(bottom left, 32); and
discoid features with
paint splash inclusions (bottom right,
16). Photomicrographs
by S. Singbamroong and
N. Ahmed, Dubai
Gemstone Laboratory.





Figure 28. Dissolved white flux-filled negative crystals with discoid fissures, indicative of heat treatment, were also observed in the synthetic ruby.
Photomicrograph by S. Singbamroong, Dubai
Gemstone Laboratory; magnified 50.

Figure 29. This 4.63 ct cabochon proved to be a synthetic star sapphire with hexagonal zoning in its core,
which initially suggested natural origin. Photo by
G. Choudhary.

Synthetic star sapphire with hexagonal features.

Hexagonal color/growth zoning is a classic identifying
feature for natural corundum. Recently, however, at the
Gem Testing Laboratory in Jaipur, India, we encountered
a synthetic star sapphire (figure 29) with hexagonal zoning. Our initial examination indicated that the sample
was a natural sapphire with a diffusion-induced star, as
suggested by the wavy appearance of the rays and the
presence of silk inclusions. The 4.63 ct cabochon fluoresced chalky blue to short-wave UV radiation and
showed chromium lines when observed with the deskmodel spectroscope.
With magnification and immersion, a hexagonal zone
was evident in the core of the cabochon when it was
viewed from above (figure 30, left). This zone was surrounded by a wavy stress pattern (see figure 30, left and
right). Also present were fine needles oriented in three
directions, which were responsible for the star effect.
When the cabochon was viewed from the back, however, we were surprised to discover numerous tiny whitish

pinpoints (likely gas bubbles) arranged in curved clouds

(figure 31, left). When the stone was viewed in immersion
with diffused illumination, curved color bands also
became apparent (figure 31, right). These features are diagnostic of a flame-fusion synthetic origin.
The cause of the hexagonal zone is not clear. We speculate that it may have been the result of a crystallographically oriented concentration of silk in the core. Using higher
magnification and a strong fiber-optic light, we noted a concentration of needles in the core as compared to the surrounding area. This was the first time we observed both
hexagonal zoning and curved color bands in a single sample. It provides an important reminder that a gemologist
should avoid making an identification without considering
all of the evidence presented by a sample. If this stone had
been mounted in a closed-back setting, it would have been
very difficult to make a correct identification.
Gagan Choudhary and Chaman Golecha
Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur, India

Figure 30. The central

hexagonal core was visible when the synthetic
star sapphire was
observed with magnification and immersion (left).
A wavy stress pattern was
present in the area surrounding the core (left
and right). Photos by G.
Choudhary; magnified
30 (right).





Figure 31. Curved clouds

of whitish pinpoints
(apparently gas bubbles)
were evident on the base
of the cabochon (left).
With immersion and diffused illumination, curved
color bands were also seen
(right); these are conclusive of synthetic origin.
Photomicrographs by G.
Choudhary; magnified 25
(left) and 20 (right).

Pink synthetic spinel colored by iron. Recently, the SSEF

Swiss Gemmological Institute was asked to test a parcel of
stones represented as pink sapphires. Among them was a
15 ct antique cushion shape (figure 32) with inclusions
that were very different from those seen elsewhere in the
parcel. In addition to slightly curved dotted lines, there
were many stretched and irregular hollow tubes (figure 33).
These were similar to the features described by E. J.
Gbelin and J. I. Koivula (Photoatlas of Inclusions in
Gemstones, ABC Edition, Zurich, 1986, p. 514) and L.
Kiefert (Fall 2003 Gem News International, pp. 239240)
in flame-fusion synthetic spinel.
Gemological testing revealed that the specimen was
singly refractive with an RI of 1.728; the hydrostatic SG was
3.64. With crossed polarizing filters, the sample showed
prominent anomalous birefringence. However, in contrast
to chromium-bearing pink and red spinel, it showed no
reaction to long- or short-wave UV radiation. EDXRF spectroscopy revealed a preponderance of Al over Mg, which is
characteristic for flame-fusion synthetic spinel. Iron was the
only trace element present. Cr, V, Co, Zn, and Ga were all
at or below the detection limit (0.0010.002 wt.% oxide).

Figure 32. This unusual 15 ct flame-fusion synthetic

spinel proved to be colored by iron. Photo by M. S.
Krzemnicki, SSEF.



The identification of the stone as a flame-fusion synthetic spinel was further confirmed by Raman spectroscopy,
which showed relatively wide Raman peaks at 866, 786,
693, and 413 cm1, compared to the characteristic narrow
peaks at 764, 662, and 406 cm1 in natural and flux-grown
synthetic spinel. The broadening and shift in these peaks is
due to structural disorder in Verneuil-synthetic nonstoichiometric spinel resulting from excess Al (P. Schaub,
Spectroskopische Untersuchungen an Al-Spinell, unpublished diploma thesis, University of Basel, Switzerland,
2004). The absence of Cr was further confirmed by a Raman
photoluminescence spectrum (514 nm laser), which showed
no characteristic chromium emission bands.
Pink flame-fusion synthetic spinel is very rare,
because chromium is not readily introduced as a chromophore during the Verneuil process. The UV-Vis absorption spectrum showed a predominant broad absorption
band at 553 nm, a smaller absorption centered at 630 nm,
a series of smaller absorption shoulders at 442, 472, and
530 nm, and an absorption cut-off at 400 nm (figure 34).
Light violet-pink spinels colored by iron (attributed to

Figure 33. These curved particle trails and straight/

kinked hollow tubes identified the sample in figure
32 as a flame-fusion synthetic. Photomicrograph by
M. S. Krzemnicki, SSEF; magnified 30.



Figure 34. The UV-Vis absorption spectrum of the

synthetic pink spinel in figure 32 shows absorption
bands that are attributable to iron.

spin-forbidden electronic transitions of tetrahedrally coordinated Fe 2+) have shown similar absorption bands (see V.
T. Gritsyna et al., Spectroscopic features of iron-doped
magnesium-aluminum spinel crystals, Journal of
Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 45, No. 2, 1985, pp. 837840;
M. N. Taran et al., Electronic absorption spectroscopy of
natural (Fe2+, Fe3+)-bearing spinels of spinel s.s.-hercynite
and gahnite-hercynite solid solutions at different temperatures and high-pressures, Physics and Chemistry of
Minerals, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 175188). It is possible
that very low concentrations of cobalt also contribute to
the pink color of this sample.
Although flame-fusion synthetic spinel is typically an
easy identification, this specimen was unusual in terms of
its pink color, the abundance of inclusions, and the
absence of any reaction to UV radiation. Most flamefusion synthetic spinels are colorless, yellowish green to
dark green, or light blue to blue. They often show a reddish fluorescence to long-wave UV radiation (due to
cobalt) and a chalky white fluorescence to short-wave UV.
Nevertheless, the RI and SG values, and the absence of
naturally occurring inclusions, provide identification criteria for an experienced gemologist.
Michael S. Krzemnicki (gemlab@ssef.ch)
and Pierre Lefvre
SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute
Basel, Switzerland

While in Minas Gerais in August 2006, one of these

contributors (MM) was offered two loupe-clean rough samples that were represented as Imperial topaz, which he subsequently had cut (figure 35). The two pieces had an irregular triangular shape, which the dealer indicated would maximize the yield from the rough. The color and the vitreousto-subadamantine luster resembled Imperial topaz.
The two pieces (1.18 and 2.03 ct) were analyzed in the
Department of Earth Science of the University of Rome
La Sapienza, and the following gemological data were
obtained: colororange-yellow-rose; diaphaneity
transparent; RIno=1.770 and ne=1.761; birefringence
0.009; optic characteruniaxial negative; SG4.05; fluorescenceinert to long- and short-wave UV radiation; and
no inclusions were seen with a gemological microscope.
These properties identified the pieces as corundum; their
synthetic origin was strongly suggested by the lack of any
natural-appearing inclusions (typical of flame-fusion material) and the relatively inexpensive price. The synthetic
origin was confirmed by LA-ICP-MS analysis at GIA of the
2.03 ct sample (donated to GIA by Mr. Macr); the lack of
Ga was characteristic of flame-fusion synthetic corundum.
The instrument did find traces of Cr, Ni, Ti, and Mg, but
no Be, which indicates that the color of the synthetic
corundum was not influenced by Be-diffusion treatment.
Although the color and luster of this synthetic corundum are strikingly similar to Imperial topaz, the two
materials can be easily separated by their standard gemological properties. Still, this imitation could present a problem for the unsuspecting buyer. Interestingly, similar-colored synthetic corundum was recently sold as spessartine
in the Tanzanian market (see Winter 2006 Gem News
International, p. 282).
Michele Macr (michele@minerali.it)
and Adriana Maras
University of Rome La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Andy H. Shen
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad

Figure 35. These two samples of synthetic corundum

(2.03 and 1.18 ct) were sold in Minas Gerais, Brazil,
as Imperial topaz. Photo by M. Macr.

A new imitation of Imperial topaz. Topaz is a popular gem

due to its attractive appearance, ready availability, and generally low price. The one exceptionwhich is both rare
and costlyis the deep yellow-orange-pink variety known
as Imperial topaz. By far the most important source of this
gem is the Ouro Preto area in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Unlike
many other gem materials, synthetic Imperial topaz is not
commercially available, and common imitations such as
citrine, synthetic spinel, and glass are easily detectable.





Figure 36. This chart shows the estimated global jewelry consumption by value for the eight key world
markets, projected to 2015 (total US$230 billion).
Shown in parentheses are values for 2005 (total $146
billion). Modified from The Global Gems and
Jewellery IndustryVision 2015: Transforming for
Growth, by KPMG India.

KPMG report predicts growth for the global jewelry industry. KPMG is a global network of professional firms that
provide audit, tax, and advisory services. In December
2006, KPMG India released a comprehensive study of the
diamond and jewelry industry worldwide, The Global
Gems and Jewellery IndustryVision 2015: Transforming
for Growth (see www.in.kpmg.com/pdf/Gems_Jewelry_
report_06.zip). The report predicts that global jewelry sales
will grow by a combined 4.3% annually, from about US
$146 billion in 2005 to $230 billion in 2015 (figure 36). The
study also indicates that 2015 sales have the potential to
reach $280 billion, if the industry were to reform its marketing practices, adopt more transparent and professional
business methods, and invest more in product research.
Diamond jewelry accounted for 47.2% of world jewelry sales in 2005, according to the report, followed by plain
gold at 41.6%. Platinum was 6.2% (mainly in Japan and
China), with colored stones and cultured pearls at 5%. The
U.S. accounted for 30.8% of world jewelry sales, with
China second at 8.9%, and Japan and India tied for third at
8.3% each (again, see figure 36). Italy was the largest
European consumer, with a 5% world market share, while
the UK accounted for 3.1%.
Within the 2005 value chain that comprised the total
sales of $146 billion, retail margins accounted for nearly
half ($67.2 billion), while rough diamond production was
$12.7 billion and polished wholesale diamond sales were
$17.6 billion. Precious metals accounted for $40.6 billion,



and jewelry manufacturing costs were pegged at $20.6 billion. (The sales figures of the individual categories total
$158.7 billion, rather than $146 billion, due to some overlap between them.) However, the report offered few details
about colored stone and cultured pearl sales, citing the
lack of transparency and available statistics. (Note,
though, that the Jewelers of Americas Cost of Doing
Business Survey for 2006 reported that colored stone jewelry accounted for 9% of U.S. retail jewelry sales.)
In 2015, diamond jewelry is projected to decline to
41% of worldwide sales, with plain gold remaining steady
at ~41%. Platinum will rise slightly to 7% (with another
6% added for palladium jewelry). Synthetic diamonds will
likely grab some market share from natural diamonds.
KPMG also sees a decline in U.S. retail share of global
demand to 25.6%, losing ground to China (13.4%) and
India (12.3%). Japan will see its market share halved to
3.7%. Between 2005 and 2015, KPMG predicts, the industry will see further fragmentation of diamond sources and
heavy consolidation in the wholesale and retail sectors.
The De Beers Diamond Trading Companys share of
rough diamond production is expected to fall to less than
40% (from about 55% in 2005), as more small mining
companies market their goods through rough diamond
traders. Additionally, more rough will be sold on the open
market through invitational auctions, or through partner players upstream in the manufacturing and retailing
sectors. The polished diamond and finished jewelry markets will see the rise of large, fully integrated mine-toretail players. Manufacturers will concentrate in low-wage
countries, although there will be an increase in smaller
niche manufacturing. The industry will undergo consolidation, as difficult cash flow, financing problems, and
unsustainable inventory positions force a number of mergers and cause others to go out of business.
The KPMG report offered recommendations for improving marketing and business practices that could, purportedly,
result in an additional 15% growth over the 10-year period:
Promote jewelry as a category, combining separate (and
often competing) campaigns by the diamond, gold, and
colored stone/cultured pearl sectors into a unified effort
that enhances the value proposition of jewelry.
Identify and serve new consumer needs and segments,
create new occasions to sell jewelry, and make jewelry
more accessible to consumers.
Create more innovative designs and products in established markets, while generating demand in emerging
Improve the industrys public image. Lack of transparency and concerns over quality and treatments
dampen consumer demand and discourage involvement
by the financial industry.
Attract talent from outside the industryparticularly
the luxury goods sectorand professionalize familyowned businesses.



The report noted that reducing finance costs by adopting these reforms (i.e., making the industry more attractive to lenders) and improving credit practices could
increase cash flow. Adoption of these measures could generate an additional $50 billion in annual sales by 2015.
Russell Shor (rshor@gia.edu)
GIA, Carlsbad

Sinkankas Symposium: The Jades. This fifth annual symposium in honor of John Sinkankas took place April 21 at
GIA in Carlsbad. Approximately 140 people attended the
sold-out event, which was co-hosted by GIA and the San
Diego Mineral and Gem Society. As in previous years, the
Symposium was organized by Roger Merk (Merks Jade,
San Diego) and the participants were treated to displays of
items from various collections (see, e.g., figure 37).
Fred Ward (Gem Book Publishers and Friends of Jade,
Malibu, California) surveyed the various uses for jade (i.e.,
jewelry, decorative objects, utensils, and ritual items) and
described several important localities for jadeite and
nephrite. In particular, he indicated that Myanmar is the
worlds leading source of jadeite jade, whereas most
nephrite jade comes from British Columbia, Canada. Si
Frazier (El Cerrito, California) surveyed various types of
jade, including an interesting slab of white to pale blue
jadeite from Myanmar that showed distinct patches of a
brighter blue in transmitted light (figure 38). Mary Lou
Ridinger (Jades S.A., Antigua, Guatemala) described several varieties of Guatemalan jadeite that have been mined
from seven quarries discovered near the Motagua fault
zone from 1974 to 2004. She indicated that her companys
manufacture of realistic replicas of jade artifacts has drastically reduced the demand for illegally recovered antique
jades from Guatemala.
Don Kay (Mason-Kay Inc., Denver, Colorado) outlined
value factors for fine jadeite according to its color and form
(i.e., beads, bangles, and carvings). Pure green colors are
much more valuable than lavender, yellow, red, and black
varieties. In recent years, semitransparent colorless ice
jadeite (from Myanmar) has commanded high prices, but it

Figure 37. This peacock and lotus flower carving of

Burmese jadeite (12 cm tall, without the wooden
stand) was on display during the 2007 Sinkankas
Symposium. Courtesy of William Larson; photo by
Wimon Manorotkul.

is seldom seen on the market. Mr. Kay demonstrated how

high-quality jadeite bangles give a distinct chime when
tapped together; the sound is not as distinct in jadeite with
an inferior structure or that has been polymer impregnated
(or both). Richard Hughes (AGTA Gemological Testing
Center, Carlsbad) described some of the challenges he
faced during his three visits to the Burmese jade mines
near Hpakan, most recently in 2004: obtaining permission
from the government, dealing with the politics of the area,
and enduring the rugged travel conditions that required
several types of transportation and negotiating roads that
were impassable due to deep mud.

Figure 38. This unusual slab of Burmese

jadeite (7.4 cm long)
appeared white to pale
blue in reflected light
(left), but showed distinct patches of a
brighter blue in transmitted light (right).
Courtesy of Si Frazier;
photos by George





Dale Blankenship (San Diego) outlined several steps

and the corresponding equipmentthat he uses for carving jade: trimming with a saw, coring with a drill press,
grinding with a rotating wheel and a flex-shaft tool, sanding with a flex-shaft tool using resin rods dipped in a diamond compound, and polishing with Linde A and Linde B
media. John Koivula (GIA, Carlsbad) described the inclusions that have been found in jade: zircon, chromite, vesuvianite, native copper, aegirine, lawsonite, albite, pyrite,
and muscovite. Dr. George Rossman (California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena) differentiated the origins of color
in jadeite and nephrite. In jadeite, green is caused by Cr3+
substituting for Al3+, while a lavender hue is produced by
Mn3+; red-orange is due to microscopic grains of hematite,
while yellow is probably caused by grains of an iron
hydroxide such as lepidocrocite. Green in nephrite is
mainly due to Cr3+ with some contribution from Fe3+.

New CIBJO Blue Book available. CIBJOThe World
Jewellery Confederation has released an updated version
(2006-1) of its Blue Book, which provides standardized
guidelines pertaining to the nomenclature, treatments,
and/or care requirements for diamonds, colored stones,
and pearls. The updated Blue Book was ratified at the
March 2007 CIBJO Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.
PDF files for each of the three sections are available for
free download at www.cibjo.org.
AGTA Spectrum Awards competition. The 2008 AGTA
Spectrum Awards will recognize outstanding colored gemstone and cultured pearl jewelry designs from North
America, as well as achievements in the lapidary arts.
Winning entries will be displayed and award recipients
honored at the 2008 AGTA GemFairs in Tucson and Las
Vegas. The entry deadline is September 25; the competition will be held in New York City during October. For
entry forms and more information, visit www.agta.org or
call 800-972-1162.

PegCamp 2007East. This one-week course, held August
613 in Poland, Maine, will cover the mineralogy, internal
structure, and evolution of granitic pegmatites through the
field examination of pegmatites and related granites. Visit
NAJA 28th Annual Mid-Year Education Conference. The
National Association of Jewelry Appraisers will hold this
conference August 1114 at the Cobb Galleria Convention
Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Topics will include financial
tips for appraisers, appraising antique jewelry, and expanding appraisal skill sets. Visit www.najaappraisers.com.



Goldschmidt 2007. The 17th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt

Conference will take place August 1924 in Cologne,
Germany, and will feature a session titled Applied geochemistryfrom brines and rare-earth elements to diamonds in honor of longtime G&G contributor Dr. Alfred A.
Levinson. The session will consist of two parts: Exploration
Geochemistry and Gem Mineralogy, Diamonds and
Gemstones. Visit www.goldschmidt2007.org.
24th European Crystallographic Meeting. Held August
2227 in Marrakech, Morocco, this conference will include
a session titled Crystallography in Art and Archeology.
Visit www.ecm24.org.
Diamond Symposium in Kimberley. The Geological
Society of South Africas Directorate of Professional
Programmes will host this colloquium August 2324 in
Kimberley, South Africa. The conference program will
include field trips on August 25 to diamond deposits in the
Kimberley area. Visit www.gssa.org.za and www.rca.co.za.
IV International Conference on the Application of Raman
Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology. This meeting, held
September 58 in Modena, Italy, will explore current
trends and advanced techniques in the application of
Raman spectroscopy to art and cultural heritage research.
Visit www.chimica.unimore.it/RAA2007/raa2007.htm.
Diamond 2007. The 18th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes,
and Nitrides will be held in Berlin, Germany,
September 914. Presentations on the growth, processing, and characterization of diamond will be given. Visit
GIA GemFest Hong Kong. This free educational seminar
will be held during the Hong Kong Jewellery and Watch
Fair September 27, 8:3010:30 a.m., in Room 210B of the
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Dr.
Mink Stavenga, dean of GIAs School of Business, will
speak on the state of the global jewelry industry, and
senior vice president of Laboratory & Research Tom
Moses and director of GIA Research (Thailand) Ken
Scarratt will provide an update on the GIA Laboratorys
current activities. To RSVP by September 14, visit the
GIA Alumni Association web site at www.gia.edu, email: events@gia.edu or giahk@netvigator.com, or phone
760-603-4205 (in the U.S.) or +852-2303-0075 (in Hong
II International Conference Crystallogenesis and
Mineralogy. Held October 15 in St. Petersburg, Russia,
this conference will explore mineral formation, crystal
growth in nature and the laboratory, and crystal morphology. Visit www.minsoc.ru/KM2007.



CGA Gem Conference 2007. The Canadian Gemmological Associations annual gemological conference
will take place October 1921 in Vancouver, British
Colombia. Visit www.gemconference2007.com.
GSA Annual Meeting. The Geological Society of America
will be holding its annual meeting October 2831, 2007,
in Denver, Colorado. The program will include a short
course (on Oct. 28) covering the fundamentals and applications of laser ablationinductively coupled plasmamass
spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to the geological sciences and
other fields. Visit www.geosociety.org/meetings/2007.
Mineralientage Mnchen. The 44th Munich mineral show
in Germany will take place November 24 and feature a
special exhibit on gem crystals from Pakistan. Visit
Art2008. Held May 2530, 2008, in Jerusalem, Israel, the
9th International Art Conference on Non-destructive
Investigation and Analysis will focus on items of cultural
heritage, but will have implications for gem testing. Visit
Quebec 2008: GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA. Held May 2628 in
Quebec City, Canada, this joint conference organized by
the Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical
Association of Canada, Society of Economic Geologists,
and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
will include a symposium titled Challenges to a Genetic
Model for Pegmatites. Visit www.quebec2008.net.
SEG-GSSA2008: Africa UncoveredMineral Resources for
the Future. Diamond presentations will be covered at this
conference, hosted by the Society of Economic Geologists
and the Geological Society of South Africa in Muldersdrift,
South Africa, on July 69. Visit www.seg-gssa2008.org.
Goldschmidt 2008. Held July 1318 in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, this geochemistry conference will
include a session titled Diamonds and Fluids in the
Mantle. Visit www.goldschmidt2008.org.

Exhibits at the GIA Museum in Carlsbad. From now
through March 2008, Reflections in Stone will showcase

famed gem carver Bernd Munsteiners work during the

period 19662003. On display in the Mikimoto Rotunda,
the exhibit includes carved quartz, tourmaline, and beryl,
ranging from pieces set in jewelry to large table-top sculptures. Also currently on display in the S. Tasaki Student
Lecture Hall is Celebration of Life, an exhibit of 21
award-winning tanzanite jewelry designs from the
Tanzanite Foundations Celebration of Life Awards held in
New York in January. The exhibit will only be on display
at GIA during July and August; this is also the final U.S.
visit for this collection. Advance reservations for both
exhibits are required; to schedule a tour, call 760-603-4116
or e-mail museum@gia.edu.
Gold at AMNH. Gold, an exhibition exploring the historical fascination with this precious metal, is on display
at the American Museum of Natural History in New York
through August 19, 2007. The exhibit includes both rare
natural specimens and significant cultural artifacts. Visit
Wine and Gems in Dijon. Colour Sparkles: Legendary
Wines and Gemstones, a unique exhibition of fine gems
and fine wines, is being held in the Sciences Garden at the
Parc de lArquebuse, Dijon, France, through December 9,
2007. Items from the French National Museum of Natural
History are on display with wines from the great vintners
of Burgundy and beyond. The exhibit includes both wine
tasting and hands-on experiments in light and color. Visit
Jewelry of Ben Nighthorse. Ben Nighthorse Campbell,
who represented Colorado in the U.S. Senate from
19922004, has enjoyed a successful second career as an
innovative jewelry designer. This collection of his work,
which debuted at the Smithsonian Institutions National
Museum of the American Indian in 2004, is on display at
the Colorado History Museum in Denver through
December 31, 2007. Visit www.coloradohistory.org.
Gems! Colors of Light and Stone at the Bowers Museum.
The Michael Scott collection has returned to the Bowers
Museum in Santa Ana, California, with an expanded display of rare colored stones, carvings, and sculptures. The
exhibit will run until June 16, 2008. Visit www.bowers.org.

For regular updates from the world of GEMS & GEMOLOGY, visit our website at:





GIA appreciates gifts to

its permanent collection,
as well as gemstones,
library materials, and
other non-cash assets to
be used in the Institutes
educational and research
activities. These contributions help GIA further its
public service mission
while offering donors
philanthropic benefits.
We extend sincere thanks
to all 2006 contributors.

$100,000 AND HIGHER,
The Aaron Group
Dr. Suman Agrawal
Almaza Jewelers
(Ziad H. Noshie)
American Pearl Company
Amsterdam Sauer
Aurafin Oro America
Banks International Gemology, Inc.
(Daniel & Bo Banks)
The Bell Group/Rio Grande
Allan Caplan
Chatham Created Gems, Inc.
(Thomas H. Chatham)
PierLuigi Dalla Rovere
The De Beers Group
Dallas R. Hales

Dr. H. Tracy Hall

Dr. Gary R. and Barbara E. Hansen
James Y. Hung, M.D.
Inta Gems Inc.
J.O. Crystal Company, Inc.
(Judith Osmer)
JewelAmerica, Inc.
(Zvi & Rachel Wertheimer)
Kazanjian Bros, Inc.
KCB Natural Pearls
(K.C. Bell)
William F. and Jeanne H. Larson
Honoring Betty H. Llewellyn
Stephen Lentz
Sophie Leu
Marshall and Janella Martin
Roz & Gene Meieran
Nancy B & Company
Kurt Nassau, Ph.D.
John & Laura Ramsey
R. Ed Romack
Art Sexauer
Shades of the Earth
(Laura and Wayne Thompson)
Ambaji Shinde
S. H. Silver Company
(Stephen and Eileen Silver)
Dr. Geoffrey A. Smith
D. Swarovski & Co
Touraine Family Trust
United States Pearl Co.
(James & Venetia Peach)
Robert H. Vanderkay
Vicenza Fair

$50,000 to $99,999
Robert & Marlene Anderson
Debbie and Mark Ebert
$10,000 to $49,999
(Anita Tan)
Cos Altobelli
Pamela B. Bankert
Jerry Bearman
Dudley Blauwet
George Brooks
Jorge Brusa
Carl Rickly Frudden
Estet, Russia
(Gagik Gevorkyan)

Jack Hasson
Chris & Karen Johnston
Robert E. Kane
Lithos Africa
Herb & Monika Obodda
Pala International
Mark Schneider
Tairus (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
(Walter Barshai)
Paul Wild
Tommy T. Wu
Timothy Zielinski
Zultanite Gems LLC

$500 to $999
JC Mining Inc.
(Jim Clanin)
Alice S. Keller
Mary Johnson Consulting
Raymond Naftule S.A.
Rhle - Diebener - Verlag
Publishing House
J. Blue Sheppard
Martin P. Steinbach

$5,000 to $9,999
Jacob Aminoff
Marya Dabrowski
JCK Magazine
Keiko Suehiro

Under $500
Dr. Ahmadjan Abduriyim
Bjrn Anckar
Gordon & Cheryll Austin
Beija Flor Gems
Bob Berdan
$2,500 to $4,999
Pangolin Trading
(Jo-Hannes Brunner)
Alexanders Jewelers
Barker & Co.
Chase Plastics Services, Inc.
Rui Galopim de Carvalho
Blue Fire
(Gordon Bleck)
Crystal Universe Pty. Ltd./Ausrox
Makhmout Douman
Charles I. Carmona, G.G.
Gabriel J. Guerra, A.J.P., G.G.
Eric & Jean Carstensen
Brian House
Colgem EL 97, Ltd.
J. Hyrsl
Scott Davies
Cesar Jacinto Icasiano
Dalan Hargrave
J. Paul Getty Museum
Syed Iftikhar Hussain
Jaikishan Joshi
La Peregrina Ltd.
Dr. Arunas Kleismantas
Jackie Li
Sidney Schlusselberg Company, Inc.
(Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Schlusselberg)
John Lucking
Nicolai Slomovits
Kelli Ann Marcou
Thomas M. Schneider Gems
Neff Jewelers
David Olson
$1,000 to $2,499
David L. Penney
Pinkstone International
Corby Ltd.
Sara Olsen Ritchie
M. F. Ameen Sadik
Jewelry Judge
(Ben Gordon)
M. Sarin
Siber & Siber
Joseph DuMouchelle International
Jewelry Auctioneers
Robert A. Silverman
Lawrence W. Snee
Intimate Gems
Timothy Stevens
Family of Albert J. Lilly
Reg Thompson
Manoel Bernardes
Tsavo Gem Imports
Mark Mauthner
Marta Van Zandt
Natures Geometry
(Brian Cook)
Vasconcelos LTDA
John S. White
Terri Ottaway

If you are interested in making a donation and receiving tax benefit information, please contact Kimberly Vagner at
(800) 421-7250, ext. 4150. From outside the U.S., call (760) 603-4150, fax (760) 603-4199. Or e-mail kimberly.vagner@gia.edu.


Susan B. Johnson
Jana E. Miyahira-Smith
Thomas W. Overton

Gemmology, 3rd Ed.
By Peter G. Read, 324 pp., illus.,
publ. by Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann, Burlington, MA, 2005.
Peter Reads third edition of Gemmology is a comprehensive work
covering the fundamentals of gemology and mineralogy. This book was
developed to assist students of the
British gemmological association
(Gem-A), but the scope goes well
beyond that of a simple textbook.
This revised edition has been updated
to include new treatments such as
HPHT processing of diamonds and
beryllium diffusion of sapphires, new
synthetics such as CVD diamonds,
and new instrumentation such as the
Raman spectrometer.
The book consists of 20 chapters,
beginning with a comprehensive
review of the development of gemology over the past 170 years, including
new synthetics and new gem finds.
Naturally, some of the rarer new gemstones such as musgravite are not
mentioned because of the time limit
one has to impose when writing such
a summary. The second chapter is a
short overview of the geology of gem
deposits, occurrences, major gem
localities, and mining techniques.
Chapter 3 covers the chemical composition of gems, and Chapter 4
describes their crystallographic systems. The next three chapters describe
the mineral properties relevant to
gems, such as cleavage, parting, and
fracture; hardness; and specific gravity
and relative density (including the
measurement of SG and the use of
heavy liquids).


Discussed next are the optical

properties of gemstones and related
identification methods. Chapter 8
explains the electromagnetic spectrum
and discusses color and selective
absorption, coloring elements, and
color centers, in addition to describing
luster, sheen, and transparency.
Chapter 9 covers reflection and refraction, and the refractometer and its use.
It also discusses optic axes, signs, and
characters, and how these are used to
identify gems. Chapter 10 describes
polarization and pleochroism, and
explains the use of the polariscope and
the dichroscope. Spectroscopy and various spectroscopic techniques, from
the handheld spectroscope to various
high-tech spectrometers, are covered
in the next chapter.
Chapter 12 examines luminescent, electrical, and thermal properties, while the loupe, microscope, and
Chelsea filter are described in the
ensuing chapter. The next section
explores gemstone enhancement,
from ancient to the most recent practices; synthetics, from a history of
early gem synthesis up to CVD synthetic diamond; key features to distinguish between synthetic and natural
gems; simulants of non-organic gems;
and organic gem materials and their
The design and cutting of gemstones are well summarized in
Chapter 19. Great emphasis is given
to the critical angle, which is
important for a stones internal reflection; also covered are polishing methods and different diamond grading
systems. The text closes with a practical guide to identifying gemstones
along with a very useful flow chart,

guiding the gemologist from simple to

more advanced tests.
The 10 appendices provide summaries of properties and other information for most organic, inorganic,
and synthetic gem materials. These
are very useful, though the bibliography could have been slightly larger.
Also included are suggestions for
Gem-A students, a review of gemstone weighing, and an index.
There are some minor drawbacks
to this excellent textbook, such as
the photos (which are mostly black
and white), the omission of Madagascar as a major source of corundum, and the section on refractometers (some of which are no longer
available). However, these are small
details and do not detract from the
large amount of important and relevant information provided, not only
for the gemologist but for anyone
involved with gemstones.
AGTA Gemological Testing Center
New York City

The Art of Enameling

By Linda Darty, 176 pp., illus., publ.
by Lark Books [www.larkbooks.com],
Asheville, NC, 2006. US$17.95
It has been my personal experience
with jewelry manufacturing instructional books that while there might
be a tremendous amount of knowledge between the covers, there are
inevitably blank spots, often with
some critical piece of information
about a project missing. This always
made the concepts more difficult to




understand and apply when I tried

the project myself. With this book,
however, Linda Darty has created a
truly complete text that encompasses all the major enameling techniques. Each of these is thoroughly
explained, with photographic and
technical support.
The book starts with an overview
of enameling fundamentals. What is
vitreous enamel? How is it manufactured? What are the material choices
the artist has with this medium? The
equipment list is extensive and
detailed. Multiple choices are explained for each tool category, including their pros and cons. This level of
detail allows beginning enamelists to
more accurately and economically
choose which tools to purchase, based
on the type of enameling they want to
Throughout the book are historical highlights, in sidebars, that
review when specific techniques
began and who pioneered them. The
book is also loaded with hot tips,
little gems of information that are
usually acquired only after years of
experience and experimentation. Each
one is clear and concise, with direct
application to both basic enameling
and more advanced techniques.
Following the fundamentals are
full and clear descriptions of the
enameling process, beginning with
the various metal substrates and proceeding through the cleaning and
preparation of materials. Explanations
are given for the different methods of
applying enamel to the metal, dry sifting as well as wet inlaying and liquid
enamel. The firing process is broken
down into its phases, illustrating the
sugar coat texture that occurs at
lower temperatures and moving
through the orange peel and fully
fused surfaces.
Colors, both transparent and
opaque, are described in detail. The
traits of each category are given, covering firing temperatures and soft vs.
hard enamels, as well as how the colors interact with one another and different metals. These are some of the
most complex and subtle aspects of



enameling, and they typically can

only be learned with experience.
Darty gives the reader a significant
head start with her explanations and
The next section deals with all the
traditional enameling styles. It
includes a description of each, as well
as many practical examples using
high-quality photographs. To demonstrate each technique, Darty walks
the reader step by step through the
making of an actual piece. All the
steps are photographed well, and the
technique is explained in detail. A
thorough understanding of the difficulties and pitfallsas well as advantagesof each technique can be
learned from reading carefully
through each step.
The last section of the book presents 12 different projects for readers
to attempt themselves. These are
explained in exacting detail, with
each project broken down into easily
digested steps. All the major enameling techniques are represented in this
Overall, I believe this is one of the
best and most inspirational technical
manuals for enameling ever published. Its clear and easily understood
details make it an excellent reference
for any metalsmith and aspiring
enamelist, and even the more experienced enamelist.
JA Certified Master Bench Jeweler
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California

The Smale Collection:

Beauty in Natural Crystals
By Steve Smale, with photos by Jeff
Scovil and Steve Smale, 204 pp.,
publ. by Lithographie LLC
[www.lithographie.org], East
Hampton, CT, 2006. US$50.00
The author describes this book, a
gallery of some of the best mineral
specimens in the Steve and Clara
Smale Collection, as neither a scientific book nor art book but a coffee

table book. If so, one should serve

premium blend to go with this
beautifully bound and illustrated volume! Although tailored for mineral
collectors, gemologists should appreciate the natural forms of the gem
minerals pictured throughout.
Steve Smale is a world-renowned
mathematician who, with his wife,
Clara, has lived in and traveled to
many of the areas that have played
major roles in the development of
their collection. The introduction
describes the collections history and
the places and people that influenced
it. Cited are works by Desautels,
Halpern, Wilson, and Bartsch and
their thoughts on what defines a
mineral masterpiece. The author
agrees with much of what these
experts say but also explains his own
criteria: ideal form with variations
and exceptions; ideal matrix; the crucial role of the specimens horizon
(the point where the upper ridge of
the overall specimen meets the
sky); the impact of damage; the
importance of completeness; economy (which demands that every part
of the specimen play a role in its presentation); judicious trimming (done
by professionals); the integrity of the
specimen (as it is presented), with
disclosure of any defects that are not
readily apparent; and related documentation.
The specimens are arranged in
order of acquisition from the collections beginnings in 1969. The earliest of the 99 photographs were taken
by the Smales, the rest by Jeff Scovil.
Nearly all of the pieces are represented by full-page color photos with a
caption on the opposite page that
gives the name of the mineral or
principal minerals, together with the
locality, dimensions, and a brief
background of the piece and its
acquisition. Smale prefers using popular or family names rather than scientific ones and follows this convention in his specimen titles. He also
discusses his personal approach to
photography, based on his observations of still life and the works of
master photographers. The gallery is



followed by a short bibliography and

This book offers a glorious look at
a world-class mineral collection and
the couple who put it together. All
the specimens depicted truly belong
in this visually stimulating work.
There is very little to fault other than
a few inconsistencies in the specimen
titles and the lack of explanation for
why each specimen is exceptional.
Old masters of the mineral world,
such as the pyrargyrite from St.
Andreasberg, Germany, are joined by
modern-day classics, like the jeremejevite from Cape Cross, Namibia. I
especially enjoyed the tourmalines
and topazes but might give top honors
to the rhodochrosite from Colorados
Sweet Home mine. While I wish I had
a collection of such importance, at
least I can enjoy this book for many
years to come.
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California

Horn: Its History and Its Uses

By Adele Schaverien, 281 pp., illus.,
publ. by the author [www.hornhistoryuses.com.au], Wahroonga, NSW,
Australia, 2006. US$60.00
Well written and very interesting,
this self-published and passionate
effort offers a comprehensive review
of the history of horn and its craft
that did not exist until now. The
author, who took up hornwork in
1976 and is one of a small number of
people working with horn today,
spent 16 years researching her craft
and its history, in addition to photographing a wide variety of horn
items of both utilitarian and decorative character.
The book is divided into three sections. The first covers the regulation
of horn craft and trade from medieval
times to the present day. The next
section focuses on materials, tools,


and techniques. The last section contains numerous illustrations and photos along with a history of horn
objects detailed by type, from combs
to window panes.
Before the development of plastic,
horn served as a common material for
lightweight objects such as fans,
combs, jewelry, snuff boxes, and
more. Its processing was extremely
malodorous (think of burning hair),
and skilled craftsmanship was
required to create beautiful and useful
objects. Hornworking techniques
ranged from simply using the natural
form of horn to make items such as
drinking vessels and baby bottles, to
more complicated processes that
required pressing it into plates or
leaves that could later be molded.
Schaveriens fascinating historical
account of how this was donethe
book focuses primarily on British
horning historytakes us back to a
time of innovation, when man needed
to make creative use of available
organic materials.
To the gemologist, horn is a semitransparent-to-opaque, yellow to
brown to almost black material with
an RI of 1.560. It has resinous-to-vitreous polish luster, uneven-to-splintery
fracture, and resinous-to-dull fracture
luster. When examined with magnification, it reveals an undulating,
fibrous structure. In more general
terms, horn can be material from the
projection of an animals head made
of a sheath of hardened protein over
bone, or it can be a solid outgrowth of
keratin and hair (as on a rhinoceros or
the bill of a bird). The most common
items covered in this book are made
from the horn of bovine and ovine
species, including buffalo, bison, and
certain types of antelope.
Horn is a material that often does
not survive the test of time because it
tends to decompose. Only small numbers of antique horn pieces remain in
museums and private collections.
This book is not only one of importance to both horners and historians,

but it will also serve as an essential

reference tool for museum curators,
librarians, and antique collectors.
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California


Laboratory Created Diamonds. By
Sharrie Woodring and Branko Deljanin, 39 pp., illus., publ. by European Gemological Laboratory-USA
[www.eglusa.com], New York City,
2005 [no price information available]. Intended as an aid for retail
jewelers and appraisers, this short
booklet provides a basic review of the
manufacture and identification of
synthetic diamonds. Part I reviews
the history and technology behind
HPHT and CVD synthetics, including post-growth treatments. Part II
covers the various means of identification, from basic gemological examinations to more advanced techniques such as cathodoluminescence
and Raman spectroscopy.
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California
Gem Raw Materials and Their Occurrence in Serbia, 2nd ed. By Ilic
Miloje, 152 pp., illus., publ. by the
Yugoslavian Gemological Association, Belgrade, 2006 [in SerboCroatian, with English summary, no
price information available]. This
book reviews the gems that have
been found in Serbia, including their
occurrences and geologic settings.
Though little if any organized mining is currently taking place, the
author believes economic deposits of
chalcedony, quartz, and opal, among
others, may yet be developed.
Several pages of color plates illustrate notable specimens of Serbian
gem materials.





Brendan M. Laurs
Thomas W. Overton
GIA, Carlsbad

Christopher M. Breeding
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
Jo Ellen Cole
Vista, California
Sally Eaton-Magaa
GIA, Carlsbad
Eric A. Fritz
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
R. A. Howie
Royal Holloway, University of London
Alethea Inns
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
HyeJin Jang-Green
GIA Laboratory, New York
Paul Johnson
GIA Laboratory, New York
David M. Kondo
GIA Laboratory, New York
Taijin Lu
Vista, California
Wendi M. Mayerson
AGL Laboratory, New York
Kyaw Soe Moe
GIA Laboratory, New York


Fossils in amber: Unlocking the secrets of the past. D. Penney
[david.penney@manchester.ac.uk], Biologist, Vol. 53,
No. 5, 2006, pp. 247251.
Some of the more fascinating aspects of amber are its fossil
inclusions: Many small forms of life are captured with exceptional clarity. It is also important for its ability to capture interactions between organisms and for the comparisons it offers to
current evolutionary processes. This article discusses some of
the factors affecting the scientific communitys ability to
extrapolate from the amber fossil record, and looks at the particular value of the two most significant deposits (in the Baltic
region and the Dominican Republic).
As with more familiar fossils preserved in carbonate rocks
and sediments, the rarity of fossils in amber means that many
taxonomic studies suffer from the availability of very few
specimens, and this lack of adequate data worsens the older
(and thus rarer) the amber samples are. The author also mentions the uncertainty involved in applying knowledge of current life to paleocommunities that may or may not have
behaved similarly, as well as how scientists must try to compensate for possible bias toward the preservation of certain
groups in amber. As an example, arboreal and hunting spiders
are discussed in terms of their ecological niches (body size and
web building in trees vs. hunting); experiments have shown
with regard to size that modern tree resins trap spiders uniformly, allowing scientists in this case to form reasonable
comparisons between much older fossils and more recent
Other topics discussed range from using fossils in amber to

Keith A. Mychaluk
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
James E. Shigley
GIA Research, Carlsbad
Boris M. Shmakin
Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Russell Shor
GIA, Carlsbad
Jennifer Stone-Sundberg
Portland, Oregon
Rolf Tatje
Duisburg, Germany
Sharon Wakefield
Northwest Gem Lab, Boise, Idaho



This section is designed to provide as complete a record as

practical of the recent literature on gems and gemology. Articles
are selected for abstracting solely at the discretion of the section
editors and their reviewers, and space limitations may require
that we include only those articles that we feel will be of greatest
interest to our readership.
Requests for reprints of articles abstracted must be addressed to
the author or publisher of the original material.
The reviewer of each article is identified by his or her initials at the
end of each abstract. Guest reviewers are identified by their full
names. Opinions expressed in an abstract belong to the reviewer
and in no way reflect the position of Gems & Gemology or GIA.
2007 Gemological Institute of America



help study global climates (as biology can be a sensitive

recorder of the environment) and the possibility of
cloning extinct species using their fossil DNA (which is
described as minimal).
Genesis and composition of lazurite in magnesian skarns.
S. M. Aleksandrov and V. G. Senin, Geochemistry
International, Vol. 44, No. 10, 2006, pp. 976988.
Gem-quality lazurite occurs in the Hindu Kush
Mountains of Badakhshan, Afghanistan (Sar-e-Sang lapis
lazuli deposits), and in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan
(Lyadzhvardara). It is also found in several additional
localities, such as the Lake Baikal region of eastern Russia
(Slyudyanka and Malaya Bystritsa). At each of these locations, it is hosted by aluminosilicate rocks that are associated with Fe-poor, Mg-rich skarns. The skarns are formed
by the metasomatic alteration of dolomites along their
contact with igneous intrusive rocks. To produce lazurite,
it is necessary for the alkaline hydrothermal or magmatic
solutions that formed the skarns to contain sulfur (as both
sulfate and sulfide) along with chlorine. However, the
lazurite mineralization appears to postdate skarn formation. The magnesian skarns can also be sources of other
gem minerals, including corundum and spinel. Chemicalcomposition data are provided for lazurite from a number
of world deposits.
Herkunftsbestimmung von Swasserzuchtperlen mit
Laser Ablations ICP-MS [Provenance determination
of freshwater cultured pearls using laser ablation
ICP-MS]. D. E. Jacobi, U. Wehrmeister, T. Hger,
and W. Hofmeister, Gemmologie: Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 55,
No. 12, 2006, pp. 5158 [in German with English
In Japan, freshwater pearls are cultivated mainly in Lake
Biwa and Lake Kasumigaura. In the latter, a crossbreed of
the mussel Hyriopsis schlegeli with H. cumingii is used,
and freshwater shell beads are implanted. By contrast,
Chinese cultivators generally use H. cumingii and
Cristaria plicata mussels, and the cultured pearls are beadless. However, as the quality of the Chinese products continually improves, it is becoming increasingly difficult to
distinguish Kasumigaura cultured pearls from Chinese
products by standard visual methods.
The authors performed LA-ICP-MS analyses on 41
Kasumigaura samples and a number of Chinese freshwater cultured pearls to determine the concentrations of
trace elements (Li, Be, Mg, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Ba,
and Ag). All showed high Mn contents, which clearly distinguished them from saltwater cultured pearls.
Kasumigaura samples showed lower and less variable
Ba/Sr ratios than their Chinese counterparts; these reflect
different trace-element compositions that are typical for
the waters in which they were cultivated.


Mineralogy of fossil resins of northern Eurasia. M. A.

Bogdasarov, Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society, Vol. 135, No. 6, 2006, pp. 6678 [in
Russian with English abstract].
The authors investigated the diagnostic properties and
genesis of fossil resins from Cretaceous, Tertiary, and
Quaternary sediments of northern Eurasia on the basis of
their physical and chemical characteristics (e.g., morphology, size, mass, density, optics, mechanical and thermal
properties, and chemical composition). The constitution of
amorphous organic minerals with a polymeric structure
allows the use of IR spectroscopy and other analytical
methods. A summary of results from an investigation of
the amber-bearing provinces of Baltic-Dnieper, northern
Siberia, and the Russian Far East showed that the resins of
Baltic-Dnieper are amber (succinite). The amber-like materials from northern Siberia and from some Far Eastern
areas are mainly represented by the fragile resins retinite
and gedanite, which have no value for jewelry. In contrast,
the widespread fossil resins from the Sakhalin coast
(Russian Far East) are rumanite and have a high potential
for jewelry use.
The nanostructure of fire opal. E. Fritsch, E. Gaillou
[eloise.gaillou@cnrs-imn.fr], B. Rondeau, A. Barreau,
D. Albertini, and M. Ostroumov, Journal of NonCrystalline Solids, Vol. 352, 2006, pp. 39573960.
Fire opal is typically transparent and characterized by an
orange bodycolor. This color is caused by the absorption of
light by needle-like iron oxide nanoparticles. Fire opal
forms in rhyolitic tuffs, and gem-quality material is mined
around the world. The authors studied 60 fire opals from
Mexico, Brazil, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Tanzania, Slovakia,
and the United States, and found that their structure was
different from other types of opal that display play-ofcolor.
Narrow ranges of R.I. and S.G. values suggest that fire
opal is a homogeneous material. Raman spectra showed a
broad band at 325 cm 1 with minor shifts. Fire opals are
less amorphous than most play-of-color opals, with characteristics of opal-CT. Scanning electron microscopy and
atomic force microscopy revealed that the structure of fire
opal consists of random aggregations of near-spherical
grains with an average diameter of 20 nmfar smaller
than the 150300 nm spheres composing the majority of
play-of-color opal. The authors propose that these nearspherical grains or nanograins are fundamental building
blocks of fire opal and possibly of many other varieties of
opal as well.
Vetri naturali [Natural glasses]. M. C. Venuti, Rivista
Gemmologica Italiana, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006, pp.
2537 [in Italian].
Natural glasses are formed in three situations: (1) during the
cooling of certain volcanic rocks (e.g., obsidian), (2) during
the impact of extraterrestrial bodies (e.g., impactite and tek-




Diamonds from the Udachnaya pipe, Yakutia. V. Rolandi

[vanda.rolandi@unimb.it], A. Brajkovic, I. Adamo,
and M. Landonio, Australian Gemmologist, Vol.
22, No. 10, 2006, pp. 387397.
The authors studied 10 octahedral greenish yellow to
brownish orange-yellow diamond crystals (0.070.62 ct)
from the Udachnaya mine, Sakha Republic, Russia. The
main surface features included growth layers, shieldshaped laminae, negatively oriented trigons, dislocation
planes, and etch features. Inclusions of Cr-spinel and Mgilmenite indicated that eight of the stones were peridotitic
(P-type) diamonds, while two with inclusions of rutile,
chromite, and garnet were eclogitic (E-type). All were identified as type IaAB diamonds. Their cathodoluminescence
(CL) color reactions, surface features, and inclusions suggest that these diamonds may have formed at a temperature of ~1200C and pressures over 5 GPa, but were later
subjected to fluctuations in temperature and pressure,
leading to two or more different growth stages. Raman,
FTIR, and CL spectra are presented.

(excited using an ultraviolet wavelength), the cuboid

zones fluoresced yellow to greenish yellow while the
octahedral zones fluoresced blue to dark blue. X-ray
topographs showed a dark diffraction contrast of the
cuboid core created by numerous dislocations.
Cathodoluminescence images showed that octahedral
growth on the cuboid core began with numerous small
octahedral apexes that evolved to larger octahedral faces.
The micro-inclusions were identified by FTIR spectroscopy as carbonates (calcite and dolomite-ankerite),
water, apatite, quartz (shifted from the normal spectral
position), and silicates. The spectra showed that the cubic
cores had large amounts of nitrogen B-aggregates, whereas
the octahedral portion had A-aggregates. The appreciable
nitrogen aggregation in the core suggests that these diamonds resided in the mantle for long periods. The quantities of nitrogen, hydrogen, vacancies, dislocations, and
micro-inclusions decreased from core to rim, suggesting
various modes of growth kinetics, such as a slower
growth rate in the octahedral zone than the cuboid core
and changes in the source fluids composition.
Photoluminescence spectra revealed H4 and N3 centers in the cuboid cores, whereas octahedral zones showed
a much higher intensity of N3 centers but no H4 defects.
SIMS analysis revealed a carbon isotopic composition that
was lighter in the core and heavier in the octahedral
zone. The concentration of nitrogen was 8461410 ppm in
the cuboid cores to 200600 ppm in the octahedral zones.
Carbonates and water in the micro-inclusions suggested
that these diamonds crystallized from fluid containing C,
O, H, and N. The authors also concluded that the composition of the diamond-forming fluid fell between carbonate-rich and hydrous end-members.

Directional chemical variations in diamonds showing

octahedral following cuboid growth. D. A. Zedgenizov, B. Harte [ben.harte@ed.ac.uk], V. S. Shatsky, A.
A. Politov, G. M. Rylov, and N. V. Sobolev, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 151,
2006, pp. 4557.
Most natural diamonds develop with either octahedral or
cuboid morphology. However, some may show a mixed
growth mechanismwhich usually evolves from octahedral to cuboidresulting in so-called coated diamonds. In
this study, the authors examined 16 diamonds from
Siberia that showed a reversal in this growth sequence.
The samples were polished into thin plates (5070
m) for study of their internal growth morphologies in
detail. The cuboid cores were densely populated with
micro-inclusions but did not show the well-defined
fibrous structures typically present in coated diamonds.
Some fibrous structures could be observed in the core during the early stages of growth. However, they were modified by high-temperature annealing during subsequent
octahedral growth. With photoluminescence imagery

Natural, untreated diamonds showing the A, B and C

infrared absorptions (ABC diamonds), and the H2
absorption. T. Hainschwang, F. Notari, E. Fritsch,
and L. Massi, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol.
15, 2006, pp. 15551564.
Natural diamonds showing a combination of types IaAB
and Ib (i.e., infrared absorptions related to A aggregates, B
aggregates, and isolated nitrogen [C defects]) are considered
extremely rare. Such diamonds are also notable for their
weak-to-strong H2 absorption. The authors studied nine
brown-to-yellow diamonds (0.01 0.21 ct), six of which
were so-called ABC diamonds. Most of them appeared
inhomogeneous; the darker core had a phantom cloud of
cuboid shape created by small particles, while the lighter
rim, created by octahedral growth, showed higher clarity.
FTIR spectra showed additional differences between the
core and the rim: The core contained high quantities of
aggregated nitrogen, while the rims had lower concentrations, most as type Ib. All the ABC diamonds were inert to
long- and short-wave UV excitation, but most showed
luminescence in response to 425 nm light.

tite), and (3) from lightning strikes (fulgurite). The author

explains their formation and describes the many varieties of
obsidian. Obsidian is used as an ornamental stone, and
some tektites (moldavite and Libyan desert glass) can be
faceted. However, synthetic glass is frequently offered as
natural; examples include beer bottle glass and transparent
obsidian from Mount St. Helens. The author states with
absolute certainty that natural facetable obsidian does not
exist and that the only known facetable natural glasses of
good quality are moldavite and Libyan desert glass.






The H2 center is commonly observed in treated diamonds, but it is largely unknown in natural, untreated
diamonds. However, it was seen in these diamonds along
with a previously undocumented absorption peak at 905
nm that was tentatively attributed to hydrogen-related
defects. The authors propose that the strong H2 absorption is caused by the large amount of isolated nitrogen
along with A centers and the presence of vacancies. The
hydrogen-related absorptions are suggestive of rapid
growth in an environment that was rich in carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen.
Some observations on diamondiferous bedrock gully trapsites on Late Cainozoic, marine-cut platforms of the
Sperrgebiet, Namibia. J. Jacob [janajacob@namdeb.
com.na], J. D. Ward, B. J. Bluck, R. A. Scholz, and H.
E. Frimmel, Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 28, 2006,
pp. 493506.
This article reviews the bedrock morphology underlying
the diamondiferous beach placer deposits of Namibia. It
has been well established, since the discovery of diamonds
there in 1928, that the Orange and Vaal river systems have
been transporting diamonds from the southern African
interior to the Atlantic coast since at least the mid-Eocene
(~4050 Ma). Longshore drift from the prevailing winds
has further transported diamonds northward along the
Namibian (specifically Sperrgebiet) coast for up to 120 km
from the Orange River mouth to Chemeis Baya zone
known as Mining Area No. 1 (MA1). This zones underlying bedrock consists of alternating hard (meta-arenite) and
soft (chloritic schistose) layers of Late Proterozoic metasediments beveled into platforms by wave action during
the Quaternary Period. Differential wave erosion of the
alternating layers has created gulliesactually, large
crevices (up to 100 m long by 4 m wide and 7 m deep)
which make superb trap sites for dense clastic material
(such as diamonds) that is being transported along the
The authors used air photo techniques, field mapping
(of exposures from mining activity), and airborne laser
topographic surveys to identify three major gully types: (1)
swash-parallel, (2) strike-parallel, and (3) joint gullies.
Swash-parallel gullies occur only in the southernmost
section of MA1 and are perpendicular to the paleo-wave
fronts. Since the sediment load in the south is both high
(in volume) and coarse (in grain size), the wave action
overrides local geologic structures such as joints. As this
coarse bedload (highest diamond counts) decreases to the
north, bedrock lithology and structure become the dominant factors in gully formation.
The central section of MA1 is dominated by strikeparallel gullies, which are directly related to the dip of
bedrock foliation (bedding parallel) of 8089W. In the
north, where the sediment load is both at its lowest and
finest, only joint gullies have formed along preexisting
cracks in the bedrock. Further, it was found that all the


gullies are deeper and closed (i.e., creating the best diamond trap sites) on their seaward margins, while they are
shallower and somewhat open on their landward end. A
specific example was measured by tacheometric survey
giving detailed elevations throughout the gully. The shallow incision on the landward margins of the gullies is
attributed to lower wave energy (being further from the
sea) of the tidal system. A model is also presented illustrating the growth of pot holes in the bedrock that
eventually coalesce into longer and longer gullies.

Amethyst-bearing lava flows in the Paran Basin (Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil): Cooling, vesiculation and formation of
geodic cavities. D. Proust [dominique.proust@
hydrasa.univ-poitiers.fr] and C. Fontaine, Geological Magazine, Vol. 144, No. 1, 2006, pp. 5365.
Large amethyst geodes (up to 2.5 m) are found in tholeiitic
basalt lava flows near the town of Ametista do Sul in the
state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This study was undertaken to better understand the degassing and cooling history of these lava flows that permitted the formation of the
large amethyst geodes. Whereas some geologists have
invoked the role of surface water in geode formation, the
present authors conclude that the cavities resulted from
the exsolution of water and other gases from the cooling
lava. They attribute the elongate shape and abnormal size
of some geodes to rapid cooling and the coalescing of multiple exsolving gas bubbles, respectively.
Ar-Ar and U-Pb ages of marble-hosted ruby deposits from
central and southeast Asia. V. Garnier, H. Maluski,
G. Giuliani [giuliani@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr], D.
Ohnenstetter, and D. Schwarz, Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2006, pp. 509532.
Ruby deposits hosted by marbles are distributed along the
Himalayan mountain fold belt that formed during the
Tertiary collision of the Indian plate with Asia, as well as
in the Indochina crustal block extruded along shear zones
during this collision. These metamorphic deposits are
found in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal,
Myanmar, and Vietnam. This study was undertaken to
relate the age of their formation to the geologic events
associated with the continental collision. Ruby itself is
not suitable for age dating, but inclusions in ruby, and certain associated minerals, can both be dated by certain
Ar-Ar age dates of between 25 and 4.6 Ma document
Oligocene-Miocene cooling ages for the ruby-bearing
metamorphic belts, which in turn represent minimum
ages for ruby formation. These ages are in agreement with
published data on the tectonic-metamorphic history of
the marbles hosting the rubies. U-Pb age dates of 5436




Ma for zircon inclusions give a maximum Eocene age for

ruby mineralization in Vietnam. The specific time of formation of each ruby deposit depended on its location
within the fold belt.
Contrasts in gem corundum characteristics, eastern
Australian basaltic fields: Trace elements, fluid/
melt inclusions and oxygen isotopes. K. Zaw
[khin.zaw@utas.edu.au], F. L. Sutherland, F. Dellapasqua, C. G. Ryan, T.-F. Yui, T. P. Mernagh, and
D. Duncan, Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 70, No. 6,
2006, pp. 669687.
Corundum xenocrysts from alkali basalt fields differ in
their lithospheric origins (magmatic vs. metamorphic) and
hence in their characteristics. Detailed comparisons are
made between sapphires from Weldborough in northeastern Tasmania and those from Barrington in New South
Wales. The Tasmanian sapphires had a magmatic signature
(high Ga, average 200 ppm), and were dominated by Fe (avg.
3300 ppm) and variable Ti (avg. 400 ppm) as chromophores.
They contained Cl, Fe, Ga, Ti, and CO2-rich fluid inclusions, and yielded 18O values (5.16.2) in the mantle
range. Geochronology on coexisting zircons suggested several sources (20047 Ma) that were disrupted by the
basaltic melts (47 0.6 Ma). Corundum from Barrington
included magmatic sapphires (avg. 170 ppm Ga; 18O
4.65.8) with relatively more Fe (avg. 9000 ppm) and less
Ti (avg. 300 ppm). Zircon dating suggested that gem formation preceded and overlapped Cenozoic basaltic melt generation (594 Ma). The Barrington samples also consisted of a
metamorphic sapphire-ruby suite (low Ga, avg. 30 ppm),
with Cr as an important chromophore (up to 2250 ppm).
Fluid inclusions were CO2-poor, but melt inclusions suggested some alkaline melt interaction. The 18O values
(5.16.2) overlapped magmatic sapphire values. The formation of the metamorphic suite may be attributed to
interactions at contact zones between Permian ultramafic
bodies and later alkaline fluids.
Famous mineral localities: The Erongo Mountains,
Namibia. B. Cairncross [bc@rau.ac.za] and U.
Bahmann, Mineralogical Record, Vol. 37, No. 5,
2006, pp. 361470.
This article provides a detailed review of the mineral
wealth of the Erongo Mountains in Namibia. Originally
mined for tin by German settlers in the early 1900s, this
region was found to contain abundant pegmatites and
their accompanying wealth of minerals. Fine crystals of
aquamarine, schorl, and jeremejevite are known from various areas of the mountain complex. One of Erongos most
important finds happened in April 2000, when the first
major pocket of aquamarine was discovered on the farm
Bergsig 167. Various localities and their geology are discussed along with the types of minerals that come from
each. Vast areas have yet to be explored because much of
the land is privately owned and large northern and western



sections form part of the Erongo Mountain Nature

Conservancy. Numerous maps, diagrams, and photographs
of the region and its minerals are provided.
Formation of emeralds at pegmatite-ultramafic contacts
based on fluid inclusions in Kianjavato emerald,
Mananjary deposits, Madagascar. Ye. Vapnik [vapnik@
bgu.ac.il], I. Moroz, M. Roth, and I. Eliezri,
Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2006, pp.
Emeralds from Kianjavato on the eastern coast of
Madagascar are hosted by the Ifanadiana-Angavo shear
zone and formed via metasomatic processes near the contact between pegmatite and hornblendite. Fluid inclusions
in emerald and quartz samples were studied by microthermometry and Raman analysis. Three main populations of
inclusions were found: CO2-rich, CH4-rich, and H2O-rich
with a salinity of ~2 wt.% NaCl. Based on fluid-inclusion
data, the emeralds crystallized at 250450C and 1.5 kbar.
Fluid inclusions were also studied in emeralds from
Ianapera in southern Madagascar. Those emeralds are
hosted by the Ampanihy shear zone and formed in the
absence of pegmatites; they were found to contain mostly
CO2-related fluid inclusions.
Both shear zones resulted from collisional forces related to the formation of the early supercontinent
Gondwana. At Kianjavato, the intrusion of granitic pegmatites shortly after this collisional event contributed the
bulk of the fluids to the metasomatism. The regional
deformation event is thought to have taken place at
530500 Ma, and phlogopite related to the emerald-bearing veins has been dated by 40Ar/39Ar at 490 8 Ma.
Mantle-derived CO2-rich fluids were channeled by the
shear zones, while H2O-rich fluids of crustal origin are
related to pegmatite emplacement. The introduction of
CO2-rich fluids into graphite-bearing host rocks created a
reducing environment that generated the CH4-rich fluids.
While pegmatitehost rock interactions were the main
driving force behind the metasomatic formation of the
Kianjavato emerald deposits, the presence of CO2-rich
fluid inclusions suggests that fluids from the shear zone
also played a role.
The variation of gemmological properties and chemical composition of gem-quality taaffeites and musgravites
from Sri Lanka. K. Schmetzer [schmetzerkarl@
hotmail.com], L. Kiefert, H.-J. Bernhardt, and M.
Burford, Australian Gemmologist, Vol. 22, No. 10,
2006, pp. 485492.
The gemological, chemical, and spectroscopic properties of
two transparent faceted taaffeites, a semitransparent taaffeite crystal, and a faceted transparent musgravite from Sri
Lanka were determined. The grayish violet color of two
taaffeites and the musgravite was caused by various
amounts of iron, and the purplish red taaffeite contained
traces of chromium in addition to moderate iron.



Variations in the RI and SG values of these specimens

were correlated to their chemical composition, and in particular the sum of the concentrations of transition elements based on electron-microprobe analysis. The RI and
SG values of taaffeite and musgravite overlap, so for an
unequivocal determination a combination of X-ray diffraction analysis, quantitative chemical analysis, and/or
Raman spectroscopy may be necessary.


Gemmologia a basso costo. Costruirsi una bilancia per il
peso specifico delle gemme [Gemology at low cost.
How to construct a specific gravity scale for gems].
P. F. Moretti, Rivista Gemmologica Italiana, Vol. 1,
No. 1, 2006, pp. 6164 [in Italian].
The author describes how to set up a simple specific gravi= 50). He discusses
ty apparatus using low-cost materials (<C
the problems and pitfalls of its construction, the measurement procedure, and possible errors (and how to reduce
them). He also explains the difference between SG and
density and why this difference can be ignored.

Italian gemology during the Renaissance: A step toward
modern mineralogy. A. Mottana [mottana@
uniroma3.it], Geological Society of America Special
Paper 411, 2006, pp. 121.
Significant advances in the study of gems and minerals
occurred in Italy during the height of the Renaissance in
the 16th century. Italy hosted the superior universities in
Europe at the time (such as Ferrara and Padua) and these
academic centers, together with the rediscovery of ancient
knowledge from the Greeks, Romans, and Arabs, led to
the publication of a number of works on minerals and
gems. Around 1469, the first of what became numerous
editions (over the next 150 years) of Plinys 37-volume
encyclopedia Naturalis historia was printed in Venice.
These and other books served to transfer historical knowledge of gems from Italy to the other countries of Europe.
The book Speculum lapidum by Leonardi (1502) serves as
a marker between the speculations about gems prevalent
during the Middle Ages and early scientific studies that
commenced during the Renaissance. The writer Agricola,
a native of Saxony who spent 15221526 as an apprentice
in Italy, went on to publish information (both accurate and
inaccurate) on minerals and gems in his De natura fossilium in 1546.
In the book De la pirotechnia, written primarily on
metallurgy by Biringuccio and published in Venice in
1540, the author describes gems as stones having a special
color, and divides them into transparent and translucent


categories. This was followed in 1544 by Mattiolis I discorsi, a book describing the (primarily medicinal) uses of
minerals, gems, and other materials. A 1565 Italian translation of Speculum lapidum helped spread gemological
knowledge among the general population, who were
largely ignorant of Latin. During this same period, another book appeared in Italy that described the relationship
between weight and value of 10 important gems, including diamond.
The growth of the arts in Italy during the Renaissance
contributed indirectly to the development of gemology,
because gems were used to decorate art objects (e.g., book
covers and crucifixes) as well as for jewelry, carvings,
cameos, and intaglios. The book De subtilitate by Cardano
summarized an enormous amount of information on gems
when it appeared in 1560. He ranked the key properties of
gems as brightness, hardness, murkiness, and color. In
order of commercial value, he listed the important stones
as emerald, opal, ruby, diamond, pearl, sapphire, chrysolite
(peridot), hyacinth (zircon), and smoky quartz. In a book
published in 1568, the artist Cellini described the four
main gems, in their order of value at the time, as ruby,
emerald, diamond, and sapphire.
Published in 1587, the book Questo l libro lapidario
(compiled by Costanti) discussed how Renaissance merchants evaluated gems. For example, a good diamond
should be well pointed and possess a square outline, equal
faces, sharp edges, transparency, and good reflectivity.
The book provided detailed tables of price vs. weight for
diamond, ruby, emerald, and spinel. It also showed how
gem merchants at the time were interested in learning
the sources of gems and where they could be obtained at
the best prices.
This period also witnessed the establishment in Italy
of several museums with collections of materials from
the natural world, including minerals and gems. Finally,
improvements in the cutting of gemstones also took
place; for example, Peruzzi is credited with introducing a
four-fold symmetrical diamond cut with 58 facets, which
became a precursor of the modern brilliant cut.
Near the end of the 1500s, Italy began to lose its position in culture and trade, and gemological knowledge
shifted northward to Antwerp, which then became the
center of diamond cutting.


Distribution of nitrogen-related defects in diamond single
crystals grown under nonisothermal conditions. Y.
V. Babich [babichyv@uiggm.nsc.ru] and B. N.
Feigelson, Inorganic Materials, Vol. 42, No. 9, 2006,
pp. 971975.
Nitrogen impurityrelated defects are important in both
natural and synthetic diamonds. Experimental data on
their distribution in internal growth sectors are presented




for yellow-brown synthetic diamonds grown from an

iron-nickel solvent at 6 GPa and 1370 1550C for
80126 hours. At each of the selected conditions, the
exact growth temperature of a crystal was varied upward
and downward in a stepwise manner, with several slightly higher and lower isothermal periods lasting from 6 to
22 hours and with temperature differences of up to 110C
between periods (relative to the nominal growth temperature). The crystals were then cut into flat plates for
The total nitrogen concentration in a plate ranged
from 100 to 250 ppm. Nitrogen was present as C defects
(150 ppm), A defects ( 245 ppm), and N+ centers ( 25
ppm). Within a crystal, C defects prevailed at the periphery, while A defects prevailed around the seed. The A
defects predominated in material grown during lowertemperature periods, while C defects predominated in
synthetic diamond grown at higher temperatures. A
reduction in growth temperature was also accompanied
by a rise in N+ concentration. The lower-temperature
growth regions displayed yellow-green luminescence,
which is a result of their higher nickel content (and
increased concentration of nickel-nitrogen centers). The
degree of nitrogen aggregation was influenced by nickel
incorporation into the diamond structure on changes in
growth temperature. The N+ concentration increased in
response to cooling steps in growth conditions, indicating
that the concentration of substitutional nickel increases
with carbon supersaturation and with growth rate. Thus,
temperature plays a key role in determining the rate of
nitrogen incorporation into the diamond structure and
subsequent transformation of nitrogen-related defects.
High-pressure and high-temperature annealing affects on
CVD homoepitaxial diamond films. K. Ueda
[kueda@will.brl.ntt.co.jp], M. Kasu, A. Tallaire, and
T. Makimoto, Diamond and Related Materials,
Vol. 15, 2006, pp. 17891791.
High-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) annealing of
homoepitaxial synthetic diamond films of 1 m thickness
grown via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is reported.
HPHT annealing proved advantageous for optical and electronic applications in that it improved the crystalline quality by decreasing the crystalline defects. A cubic-anvil-type
high-pressure apparatus and a graphite heater were used to
anneal the films at 1200C and 6 GPa for one hour in
NaCl. The samples were studied before and after annealing using cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy and
Hall-effect measurements. CL spectroscopy revealed
improved crystalline quality and improved optical characteristics after HPHT annealing, through both a decrease in
nonradiation centers and a decrease in emission bands due
to interstitial carbon atoms and boron-related defects. The
Hall-effect measurements showed an increase in hole
mobility (the synthetic diamond films showed p-type



semiconductivity due to unintentional boron doping) with

HPHT annealing, indicating a decrease in crystalline
defects. The authors also observed changes in nitrogenvacancy states as a result of HPHT annealing.
Inclusions of metal-solvent and color in B-containing
monocrystals of artificial diamond. A. I. Chepurov,
E. I. Zhimulev, I. K. Federov, and V. M. Sonin,
Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society,
Vol. 6, No. 135, 2006, pp. 97101 [in Russian with
English abstract].
Crystals of type IIb synthetic diamond (0.12 ct) were
grown with a cuboctohedral habit along with minor faces
of {110}, {311}, and {511}. The crystals varied from blue to
dark blue depending on the amount of boron; a characteristic feature was a sectorial structure expressed in a
nonuniform distribution of color. Metal inclusions corresponded in composition to that of the metal solvent. The
IR spectrum of a boron-bearing diamond crystal is presented together with figures showing the dependence of the a
cell parameter of the metallic inclusions on the iron content of the Fe-Ni alloy.
The nature of Ti-rich inclusions responsible for asterism
in Verneuil-grown corundum. C. Viti [vatic@unisi.it]
and M. Ferrari, European Journal of Mineralogy,
Vol. 18, No. 6, 2006, pp. 823834.
Verneuil-grown star corundum with variable zoning and
coloration hosts three sets of acicular inclusions at 120.
The inclusions are up to 2030 m long and 0.10.4 m
wide; they are elongated parallel to the {110} faces and are
polysynthetically twinned on {110}. Electron diffraction
and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) show that the inclusions are almost isostructural
with the corundum matrix, even if slightly distorted to a
monoclinic lattice. Chemical data obtained by TEM suggest a possible TiO2 stoichiometry, thus indicating the
presence of Ti4+ cations, coupled with vacancies, within
the distorted corundum-like structure. Close to the ends of
the TiO2 needles, local stoichiometry is consistent with
the presence of Ti2+ cations, possibly formed during postgrowth annealing.
The state of the art in the growth of diamond crystals and
films. V. P. Varnin, V. A. Laptev, and V. G. Ralchenko [ralchenko@nsc.gpi.ru], Inorganic Materials, Vol.
42, Supp. 1, 2006, pp. S1S18.
This article reviews the history and current status of the
high-pressure synthesis of diamond single crystals and the
more recent development of the low-pressure growth of
polycrystalline and single-crystal synthetic diamond thin
films. Synthesis methods include so-called static processes, such as the temperature-gradient technique in which
diamond growth takes place on a seed in the presence of a
molten metal solvent-catalyst. Lower-quality crystals up
to 25 ct, and gem-quality crystals up to 5 ct, have been pro-



duced in small quantities by this method using belt,

multi-piston, and multi-anvil equipment. High-pressure
growth methods also include dynamic processes, where
diamond synthesis occurs in a graphite-metal mixture subjected to the pulsed action of very high pressures generated
by a shock wave, and explosive detonation of a graphite
mixture, with tiny diamond crystallites being produced in
both cases. Metastable low-pressure growth of diamond
thin films has been perfected by using several variations of
the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. Here, the
presence of hydrogen in the growth chamber is important
to prevent the nucleation and growth of nondiamond carbon phases. Production of synthetic diamond by all of
these methods has led to its increased use in numerous
technological applications.

High pressurehigh temperature (HPHT) natural diamond
enhancement. M. A. Viktorov and M. B. Kopchikov, Moscow University Geology Bulletin, Vol. 61,
No. 3, 2006, pp. 6168.
The authors examined two brown diamond crystals, both
before and after HPHT treatment, to document changes in
their gemological properties. Annealing conditions
employed temperatures of 19732073 K and a pressure ~6
GPa for five hours.
After treatment, the color of one crystal changed to
yellow-green, and its UV fluorescence (long- and shortwave) became a more intense yellowish green. Its absorption spectrum displayed strong 415 and weak 503 nm
bands, and an increase in overall absorption across the
spectrum. The photoluminescence spectrum showed a
pronounced 503 nm band. The color and UV fluorescence
of the other crystal remained basically unchanged,
although yellow phosphorescence that was present before
the treatment was removed. Its absorption and PL spectra
exhibited similar changes to those of the first crystal.
Both samples displayed a change in cathodoluminescence
colors from blue to yellowish green after treatment.
The authors discuss the changes in optical defects that
occur during HPHT annealing, and conclude that a careful selection of diamonds for this type of treatment is necessary to achieve particular color changes.
Optical study of the annealing behaviour of the 3107 cm1
defect in natural diamonds. F. De Weerdt [fdw@hrd.be]
and A. T. Collins, Diamond and Related Materials,
Vol. 15, 2006, pp. 593596.
Hydrogen is a common impurity in diamond, and may be
observed in the mid-infrared spectral range as the bend
(1405 cm 1) and stretch (3107 cm 1) modes of the C-H
vibration; however, hydrogen concentration and the intensity of the 3107 cm 1 absorption are not proportional in
diamond. The authors monitored the effect of HPHT


annealing on the 3107 cm 1 defect in 14 natural type Ia

diamonds. One set of diamonds was annealed at 2100C
and 7.0 GPa, and the other set at 2200C and 7.5 GPa. In
most diamonds, the 3107 cm 1 absorption consistently
decreased with increased annealing time, while some
showed an initial increase and then a decrease thereafter.
This general decrease was not surprising, as the 3107 cm 1
defect is not stable at the high temperatures used in HPHT
annealing and may be destroyed.
Assuming first-order kinetics and an infrared-inactive
reservoir of available hydrogen in the diamond, the
authors created a simple model of the 3107 cm 1 defects
concentration. For the samples that showed a continual
decrease in absorption, the calculations indicate that the
dissociation rate is higher than the aggregation rate. In the
diamonds showing an initial increase, the aggregation and
dissociation rates are approximately equal. Using this
model, the total hydrogen concentration in the diamond
may be considered proportional to one of the calculated
parameters. However, these calculated results for total
hydrogen concentration did not show a correlation with
nitrogen, so a relationship between nitrogen and hydrogen
concentrations in diamond could not be inferred from the
Study on the wax enhancement for the unearthed jade
wares by FTIR technique from ancient tombs of
Shang-Zhou period in Henglingshan site of Boluo
County, Guangdong Province. Z. Qiu, M. Wu, and
Q. Wei, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol.
26, No. 6, 2006, pp. 10421045 [in Chinese with
English abstract].
Jade (nephrite and jadeite) and jade-like materials (such as
serpentine and fine-grained quartzite) have played an
important role in Chinese culture since ancient times.
Waxing has long been used by Chinese artisans to enhance
the luster of polished jade. However, the early history of
this treatment is unknown. In this article, the authors
used FTIR techniques to study various jade and jade-like
materials from the famous tombs of Henglingshan
(1600221 BC) in Guangdong Province. In addition to these
95 pieces (13 nephrite, 82 quartz and fine-grained
quartzite), two modern wax-treated jadeite samples, two
wax-treated quartzite jade pieces, and pure wax samples
were analyzed for comparison.
Two or three characteristic absorption bands at 2960,
2920, and 2850 cm 1 were found in the IR spectra of the
ancient quartzite materials, resembling those of the pure
waxes at 2956, 2918, and 2850 cm 1. Absorption bands
located at 2960 (very weak), 2925, and 2855 cm 1 were
detected in the modern jadeite pieces. These results suggest that the ancient wares were enhanced with wax, and
that the wax materials were very similar to those used on
modern jadeite. Thus, it appears that wax enhancement of
jade and jade-like materials in China can be traced back
more than 2,000 years.




Angola: The new blood diamonds. R. Marques, address
to the School of Oriental and African Studies,
London University, Nov. 28, 2006, www.businesshumanrights.org/Links/Repository/606731.
Although the civil war in Angola is long over, the government has recently enacted highly restrictive laws in the
diamond-bearing provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sud
that deprive the local population of livelihoods outside of
diamonds, reports Angolan journalist Rafael Marques. The
laws prohibit all non-diamond-related economic activity,
including fishing, farming, and traditional industries.
Often, with the knowledge and cooperation of mining
companies, private security forces commit human rights
abuses in these areas in the name of security. In addition,
conflicting and confusing regulations allow many loopholes through which mining companies can exploit the
independent diamond diggers. Because the activities of
the independent diggers are officially prohibited, they are
denied rights and protection. Yet they routinely supply
the licensed buying offices with diamonds. The article
concludes that the top officials of the Angolan government benefit from this situation, and thus do not want to
change it.
A cartels response to cheating: An empirical investigation of the De Beers diamond empire. D. J.
Bergenstock [bergebst@muhlberg.edu], M. E. Deily,
and L. W. Taylor, Southern Economic Journal, Vol.
73, No. 1, 2006, pp. 173189.
This paper examines how De Beers reacted to massive
Russian rough diamond sales during the 1990s, when it
still controlled a majority of the rough diamond market.
The authors found a correlation between rising Russian
state budget deficits after the Soviet era and increased diamond leakssales outside the countrys contract with
De Beers. They believe that, in contrast to traditional cartel behavior of aggressive discounting to chasten entities
that cheat by dealing independently, De Beers facilitated
the Russians in nontraditional ways to maintain diamond
price stability. These included both negotiation and
accommodation (by going against its stated policy of refusing to buy leaked Russian diamonds from the open market, and actually absorbing large quantities of such goods
under the guise of Zairian origin).
Although the strategy was successful in the short
term by protecting diamond prices, it came at a high cost
in the form of accumulating inventories, which contributed to the firms decision in 2000 to end its custodial role
of the diamond market and change its direction to a company selling branded diamonds.



Conflict diamonds and the Kimberley process: Mission

accomplished or mission impossible? T. Hughes.
South African Journal of International Affairs, Vol.
13, No. 2, 2006, pp. 115130.
The Kimberley Process (KP), fully ratified in 2003, is a
mechanism designed to stop the entry of conflict diamonds into the legitimate market by requiring all rough
diamond imports to carry certificates stating that they
were mined and exported in accordance with local laws.
Claims that the KP has helped dramatically reduce the
flow of such stones are tempered by criticism that it is not
airtight, although it has been credited with preventing the
re-ignition of civil wars in Angola and Sierra Leone and
with keeping new wars from getting worse in the Ivory
Coast and Democratic Republic of the Congo. All these
countries have reported substantial increases in legitimate
diamond exports since the inception of the KP.
However, the system is subject to abuse, with several
countries issuing KP certificates without adequate paperwork to back claims they were legitimately mined or
imported. Additionally, the KP fails to address the situation of artisanal diggers who often work in unacceptable
conditions. Several programs such as the Diamond
Development Initiative are a step in that direction.
However, as long as artisanal mining continues unregulated, dependent on warlords and powerful middlemen,
the KP will be difficult to enforce.
Diamonds by Linares, Gemesis may cut De Beers, Rio
Tinto sales. D. Rossingh, Bloomberg.com, June 11,
2007, www.bloomberg.com.
This article provides an update on the commercial production of synthetic diamonds, noting that current output
from all producers (largely Gemesis of Sarasota, Florida) is
about 100,000 carats per year, compared to 155 million
carats of natural diamonds. The report quotes market analysts stating that the output of synthetics will increase to
about one million carats per year when other sources,
including Boston-based Apollo Diamond Co., begin production. The analysts maintained that the average price of synthetic diamonds was $2,500 per carat against an average of
$8,000 per carat for a natural diamond of similar weight.
The article also traces the history of Gemesis and
Apollo. Apollo has produced about 1,000 stones since its
beginnings in 1990 but plans to expand to hundreds of
thousands of carats by 2012. Gemesis executives claim
that synthetic diamonds will comprise 10% of the rough
diamond market within five years.
Some analysts quoted believed synthetics would dent
sales of the large diamond mining companies, while others said that synthetics would help meet predicted shortages of natural diamonds.



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