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Two Way Slab Design

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Panel S12

Lg. Span (L y ) Sh. Span (L x )

Panal size = 6.23 5.23
f ck = 35 N/mm
fy = 500 N/mm
Clear cover = 25 mm
L y /L x = 1.20
Assume D = 300 mm
Dead load of the slab = D*25 = 7.500 kN/m
Limits by IS 456-2000
Floor finishes= 14.00 kN/m 2 Max dia of bar 37.5 mm
Live load 15.00 kN/m 2 Max Spacing 300 mm
. Total load (w ) = 36.500 kN/m

 x (-ve) = 0.0430
 x (+ve ) = 0.0320
 y (-ve ) = 0.0320
 y (+ve) = 0.0240

The Factored Moments are Moment At 8 tor 10 tor 12 tor

in KNm in mm^2/m mm c/c mm c/c mm c/c
Mx(-ve ) =  x (-ve) *w*l x 2 *1.5 = 64.44 568 88 138 199
Mx(+ve) =  x (+ve) *w*l x 2 *1.5 = 47.96 419 120 187 270
My(-ve) =  y (-ve) *w*l x 2 *1.5 = 47.96 440 114 179 257
My(+ve) =  y (+ve) *w*l x 2 *1.5 = 35.97 360 140 218 314

d req = SQRT( (M u *10 )/(0.138*f ck *b)) = 115.51 mm
D prov = 300 mm
dx prov = 269 mm
dy prov = 257 mm Ast in mm^2/m
Provide 300 Ast for Mx (-ve) 12 tor @ 100 1131 SAFE
mm thk Ast for Mx (+ve) 12 tor @ 100 1131 SAFE
Ast for My (-ve) 12 tor @ 100 1131 SAFE
Ast for My (+ve) 12 tor @ 100 1131 SAFE
Check for Deflection :
Percentage of Tension renforcement = 0.420

Area of c/s of steel required

f s =0.58*f y * = 108 N/mm 2
Area of c/s of steel provided

Basic span/eff depth ratio for continuous slabs = 26

Modification factor = 2.00

Coefficient for max ratio of span/eff depth = 52.0

Effective Depth (d) required = 101 < 269 mm SAFE

Overall Depth (D) required = 132 < 300 mm SAFE

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