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Joule Thompson Thermal Stages

Joule-Thomson Refrigerators

Micro-Miniature Refrigerators

The Joule-Thomson Refrigerators

MMR Technologies, Inc.

Web: www.mmr-tech.com 1
Joule Thompson Thermal Stages

The Joule-Thomson Effect

 When a non-ideal gas expands from a high pressure to
a low pressure, there is a temperature change, as long as
no other work is being done by the gas
 Ratio of the temperature change to the pressure change is
known as the Joule-Thomson Coefficient
 When the ratio is positive, a drop in pressure means a drop in
 Expansion of air from a very high pressure to
atmospheric pressure can be used to cool the air to the
point of liquefaction

How Does a J-T Refrigerator Work?

 High-pressure gas is passed down a 2nd Cooling

counter-current heat exchanger
 The gas expands through a capillary section Capillary
and cools by the Joule-Thomson Effect
1st Cooling
 Cooled gas is passed back up the heat
exchanger to pre-cool the next cycle of
incoming gas
 New cycle of incoming gas is cooler Exchanger
than first cycle, so it cools to even
lower temperatures
 Cycles repeat until liquefaction (only
occurs under vacuum of 8 milliTorr or

MMR Technologies, Inc.

Web: www.mmr-tech.com 2
Joule Thompson Thermal Stages

Structure of a J-T Refrigerator

Pressure Drop #1 Low Temperature

• gives roughly several Reservoir of
degrees cooling liquified gas

< 10

~ 80% of gas is returned to Pressure Drop #2

pre-cool the next incoming • gives several degrees
gas cooling

Components in a J-T Temperature Control

Pure high-pressure gas (greater than 1800 psi)
Filter/Dryer Apparatus
This is required to prevent the condensation of
impurities in the refrigerator.
Temperature controller
The gas mechanism only provides cooling – there is
a temperature sensor and a heater built into a Joule-
Thomson Refrigerator to provide heating and
accurate temperature control.

MMR Technologies, Inc.

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Joule Thompson Thermal Stages

Possible Temperature Ranges

Kelvin Scale Centigrade Scale

 70 K to 580 K  - 200 ºC to 305 ºC
 80 K to 580 K  - 190 ºC to 305 ºC
 70 K to 730 K  - 200 ºC to 455 ºC
 80 K to 730 K  - 190 ºC to 455 ºC
 300 K to 730 K  25 ºC to 455 ºC

K = ºC + 273

General J-T Refrigerator Specs

 Temperature Range: available between 70K and 730 K
 Temperature Stability: +/- 1.5 K
 Cooling Capacity (at 85K): 250 mW with N2(g)
 Possible Gases: Nitrogen, Argon
 Inlet Gas Pressure: 1800 psi
 Sample Size: 1 cm x 1 cm
 Vacuum Pressure Required: 8 milliTorr or better
 Weight of Stage: 10 g to 60 g (dependent on stage)
 Dimensions of Stage: 35 mm x 100 mm (dependent on stage)
 Stage Materials:
 Refrigerator: Glass
Temperature Sensor: Platinum Resistor Thermal Device
 Sample Stage Material: Al2O3

MMR Technologies, Inc.

Web: www.mmr-tech.com 4
Joule Thompson Thermal Stages

Temperature Controllers for Joule

Thomson Thermal Stages

 K-20 Temperature Controller is

the only supported controller
 Comes with controller software
that enables exportation to CSV
files, or the ability to print nice
reports from within the software.
 Can be run by LabView but this is
not supported by MMR.
 Connects to computer by USB,
Serial, or IEEE connections.

Thank you for your time and


Website: www.mmr-tech.com
Phone: +1 (650) 962-9622
Fax: +1 (650) 962-9647
Email: sales@mmr-tech.com

MMR Technologies, Inc.

Web: www.mmr-tech.com 5

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