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PHONE (805) 604-2000

Publisher Dennis Madden

Managing Editor Rodger Bland
Technical Director Lance Wiggins
Advertising Frank Pasley Understanding Pressure Switch Operation Put Your Fuel Pressure Gauge UP YOUR BUSINESS:
Senior Designer Jeanette Troub Makes Diagnosis Easier Back in Your Box What I Learned Watching TV
Page 14 Page 20 Page 34
Graphic Artist Aurelio Peña

Contributing Editors:
Steve Bodofsky Martin Brooks
Thom Tschetter

ATRA Technical Staff: 4 Updates to the Ford 6R80, Part 2

Rolando (Rolly) Alvarez Bill Brayton — by David Chalker
Mike Brown Keith Clark
David Chalker Rob Faucett 14 Understanding Pressure Switch Operation Makes Diagnosis Easier
Pete Huscher Mike Souza — by Rob Faucett
Shaun Velasquez Jarad Warren
Director of Event Services Vanessa Velasquez 20 Put Your Fuel Pressure Gauge Back in Your Box
— Scott Shotton
The views expressed in this publication should not necessarily be interpreted
as the official policy of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA). 26 STREET SMART:
Publication of product information or any advertising does not imply recommenda- Ford Torqshift/5R110: A Shot in the Dark
tion by ATRA.
— Mike Brown
GEARS , a publication of ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030,
is published for the betterment of the transmission industry and is distributed
ten times per year. No part of this issue may be reproduced without prior written 32 THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PUMP:
permission of the publisher. GEARS is distributed to members of the transmis- Fluid Fill Procedure to Protect Your Rebuild
sion industry in the United States, Canada, ATRA Members in Mexico & Europe,
and related automotive industry firms and individually. Send changes of address — by Martin Brooks
to GEARS in care of ATRA. Subscriptions are available by contacting GEARS in
care of ATRA. 34 UP YOUR BUSINESS: What I Learned Watching TV
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content of adver- — by Thom Tschetter
tisements printed and also assume full responsibility for any claims arising there-
from against the publisher. The publisher reserves the unqualified right to reject any
advertising copy as it deems appropriate, with or without cause. 38 Teams
GEARS is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard — by Jim Cathcart
to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding the publisher
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal 40 SHOP PROFILE: Driveline & Gear Service of Fallon:
advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent profes-
sional person should be sought from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted Expanding from Drivetrain to Automatics
by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers. — by Steve Bodofsky
GEARS also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry. GEARS
considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the welfare of the 46 Bring Your Whole Shop to Expo!
transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it publishes. If you
would like to submit an article to GEARS, include background information about — by Steve Bodofsky
the author and a telephone number where he/she may be reached. If you want
submissions returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Editorial and Business Offices

2400 Latigo Avenue,
Oxnard CA 93030
Phone (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2006
www.gearsmagazine.com 2 FROM THE CEO:
The 2016 Transmission Olympics
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GEARS, P.O. Box 16118,
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Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: 48 POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS
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Email: gears@atra.com 51 SHOPPERS AND CLASSIFIED Driveline & Gear Service of Fallon:
Expanding from Drivetrain to Automatics
56 LIST OF ADVERTISERS Their story on page 40
Issue #208 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ATRA 2016

1TOC-916.indd 2 8/23/16 9:20 AM


ast month, all manner of broadcast with one another, just like the athletes
communication — TV, radio, and on the Olympic stage.
internet — was interrupted to But, in the same manner as
present the 2016 Summer Olympics in those Olympians, they put aside by Dennis Madden
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. their competitive inclinations in a members.atra.com
It’s a remarkable event: Every gesture of cooperation, to help build
four years, thousands of athletes from a stronger, more profitable business
nations all around the world meet for themselves, and a stronger, You have to make the commitment and
in friendly competition to prove to more profitable industry for us all. go the extra mile. In the entire history
everyone — including themselves! — Considering where they were holding of the Olympic games, no one ever
that they’re the very best in what they the Olympics, it was almost a shame received a medal by not showing up.
do. The Olympics is their opportunity that we’re not going to be at the Rio Sure, it means you may have to
to shine and take pride in what they’ve again this year! tweak your schedule, and yes, you
worked so hard to accomplish. “Yeah, there are some vague may miss something else you were
But what amazed me most similarities,” you say, “but there are planning on. But that’s where the
about the Olympics was just how no medals.” Oh, I beg to differ: There commitment comes in: Commitment
deeply the shared camaraderie went. absolutely are medals. The medals go to your business, commitment to your
When the gymnasts performed to the shop owners, managers, service industry, and, most of all, commitment
exceptional routines, they weren’t just writers, and technicians who take the to yourself. You have to want it. And
congratulated by their own teammates: time out of their busy schedules and you have to go all-in.
Athletes from other countries cover the costs to attend Expo. One thing you can count on: There
would come over and offer a hug, a These are the ones who recognize will always be a place for you at Expo.
handshake, or a high-five to show their the value of going that extra mile, If you’ll take that first step and join us
appreciation for a job well done… even and they’re the ones who will reap at the Paris Hotel and Casino in Las
though it was to someone they were the benefits that a medalist would Vegas, we’ll do everything possible to
trying to beat! expect. They’ll get to enjoy a more make you a part of the winning team.
And it wasn’t just an isolated comfortable, more profitable business. And there’s more good news:
incident: After nearly every match at They’ll collect the benefits that it’s not too late! There’s still time to
the pool, the winner was sure to be come with being familiar with the reserve your spot at this year’s Expo.
congratulated by their competitors on latest technology, and they’ll enjoy If you’d like to take your place on the
either side. They just got their clock the comfort of a more profitable, more podium and receive your gold medal,
cleaned and were still gracious enough successful business model. That’s their start making your plans to attend
to congratulate the one who would gold medal. right away.
soon be standing on top of the podium. I’m just immodest enough To those who’ve already reserved
As I watched those congratula- to believe that Expo is partially their spot, I offer my congratulations.
tory gestures between competitors, responsible for the successes of our You’re all winners… you’ve done a
I couldn’t help but think about the regular attendees. The interesting terrific job and we’re proud of your
similarities between the Olympic thing is, if you ask them, most of efforts… and your successes.
competitors, and the shop owners and those attendees will tell you the exact I look forward to seeing you in
their staff who attend Powertrain Expo. same thing. Vegas, for the 2016 Olym… uum… I
Each year, the folks from the very The good news is, there’s more mean, Powertrain Expo!
best shops all around the world, travel than enough room on the podium for
to Las Vegas to be represented at you… even if you’ve never attended
Expo. These shops are in competition Expo before. But you have to be there.
2 GEARS September 2016

1frmceo 916.indd 2 8/23/16 9:21 AM

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Ford Full Page September 2016.indd 1 8/23/16 8:59 AM

to the by David Chalker


part 2

n the June 2016 issue of GEARS,
we looked at some of the updates
to the 6R80 transmission. We
covered why the one-way clutch was
added and some of the dimensional
changes that were required to get it to
fit, along with the strategy changes in
clutch and solenoid operation.
This month we’re going to look
at the rest of the dimensional changes,
along with the hydraulic and electronic
The 6R80E case was altered to
provide for a place to add the bias
spring (figure 1). The bias spring holds
tension on the one-way clutch to keep
it from rattling in the case during
garage shifting.
The casting for the D2 clutch
port has been machined closed and no
longer requires the D2 rubber tube seal.
In addition, an opening in the case was
provided for the bias spring.
Since the hole in the case for the
D2 feed is now cast shut, you’ll also Figure 1
notice a change in the D2 feed in the
center support. The center support has
the D2 passage cast shut (figure 2), and
the whole D2 area where the piston sits
has been modified.
There’s also been a change to the
apply area for the low/reverse clutch
(figure 3): There’s no longer a D2
apply area; there’s only the D1 apply
area. In addition to the center support
change, the piston had to be redesigned
(figure 4), completely eliminating the
D2 passage.

Figure 2

4 GEARS September 2016

1chalker916.indd 4 8/22/16 9:57 AM

Updates to the Ford 6R80 Part 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

At the same time the D2 passage circuit feeds pressure to the D1 and D2 clutch (figure 8). The solenoids on
was eliminated, some not-so-obvious regulator and latch valves through the the 6R80 with one-way clutch have
changes took place to the valve body. CL DC circuit to move the valves and a yellow connector protector and the
In the earlier 6R60/75/80 hydraulic apply the low/reverse D clutch. solenoid snouts are different colors.
system without the one-way clutch, the In later units, there’s no D2 The normally vented solenoids
manual valve can be in any position to regulator valve in the hydraulic circuit (VFS 1, VFS 3, and VFS 6) have a
apply the low/reverse D clutch (figure (figure 6). Since the hydraulic circuits brown snout and the O-rings are green
5). are different, there must be changes to and red; the normally applied solenoids
The pump supplies line pressure the valve body assembly. Let’s take a (VFS 2, VFS 4, and VFS 5) have a
to the D1 and D2 regulator and latch look at these changes, starting with the black snout and the O-rings are orange
valves. Shift solenoid SSD provides outside of the valve body. and red. The on/off SSE solenoid has
regulated solenoid pressure from the Take a look at the difference blue O-rings.
SREG circuit to the solenoid multiplex between the solenoids in the 6R60/75/80
valve through the VFS4 circuit. That (figure 7) and the 6R80 with one-way

6 GEARS September 2016

1chalker916.indd 6 8/22/16 9:58 AM

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Updates to the Ford 6R80 Part 2

Figure 8

The SSE resistance has also changed: On units built

before November 4, 2010 the resistance is about 10.5
ohms. On units built after November 3, the resistance
is about 18 ohms. Always check for the most current
solenoids when replacing them.
The next difference is in the upper side of the upper
valve body, where it fits against the case and the rubber
tube seals (figure 9). The D2 passage is cast shut in the
valve body for the 6R80 with the one-way clutch; it’s
open in the earlier 6R60/75/80. On the worm track side
Figure 7 of the upper valve body (figure 10) you can see the D2
port on the worm track side, with the D2 circuit passage
cast shut.

Figure 9

8 GEARS September 2016

1chalker916.indd 8 8/22/16 9:58 AM

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ETE Reman September 2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:28 AM

Updates to the Ford 6R80 Part 2

The spacer plate is also different

(figure 11): The orifice in the spacer
plate has been closed. This orifice is
for pump feed pressure to the D2 clutch
regulator valve. The part number for
the spacer plate has also changed. The
plate for the 6R60/75/80 is stamped
6L2P-7Z490-FC or 6L2P-7Z490-FB.
The spacer plate for the 6R80 with
the one-way clutch is stamped AL3P-
7Z490-BA. Always check for the most
current parts when purchasing a new
spacer plate.
The next difference is the D2
clutch regulator valve was eliminated
(figure 12). The channel casting for
the 6R60/75/80 has the D2 clutch
regulator valve; it was eliminated in
the 6R80 with the one-way clutch
(figure 13).
So far we’ve covered almost all
structural and parts changes, including
the case assembly; the addition of
the one-way clutch and bias spring;
the center support; the rear planetary;
the low/reverse brake piston assembly;
and the valve body changes, including
the casting, separator plate, channel
casting, D2 regulator valve lineup, and
Figure 10
Next, let’s move to the final
changes: the removal of the TCM from
the conductor plate and the addition of
the transmission controls to the PCM.
The 6R60/75/80 model conductor
plate houses an internal TCM (figure
14). With the addition of the one-way
clutch, the PCM has taken over control
of transmission pressure, shifting, and
braking, requiring a different conductor
plate for the 6R80 with a one-way
clutch (figure 15).
These differences required
changes and additions to the wiring
harness to accommodate PCM control.
As always, refer to the factory manual
for wiring diagrams, as they may
change from year to year and model
to model.
In addition to PCM control for the
transmission, Ford also gave the 6R80
driver control. That’s right! Your 2011-
on Ford with the 6R80 with a one-way
clutch now has select-shift capability.

Figure 11

10 GEARS September 2016

1chalker916.indd 10 8/22/16 9:59 AM

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TransTec September2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:31 AM

Updates to the Ford 6R80 Part 2

If the vehicle is equipped with

select-shift, the shifter selector
pattern will have seven positions for
the F150 — P, R, N, D, M, 2, and 1
— and five positions for Mustangs:
P, R, N, D, and M.
In drive (D), all driving is
automated and controlled by the
PCM. In manual (M), driver control
is engaged, giving the driver shift
control through a button on the
shifter handle on the steering column
for F150s, and on the console shifter
handle for Mustangs.
The manual position lets you
control shifting by pressing the +
and – buttons on the shifter. In
addition, you can lock out gears for
driving in hilly conditions or when
towing. Figure 12
By selecting M in first gear
and pressing the – button, you
can lock out the higher gears,
essentially turning the 6R80 into a
5-speed, 4-speed, or even a 3-speed
This ends our tour of the 6R80
with the one-way clutch. As you
can see, these new features provide
driver control, the ability to lock out
gears, and, with the one-way clutch
and PCM control, have helped
reduce the bumpy downshift to first
gear that was common in earlier

Figure 13

Figure 14 Figure 15

12 GEARS September 2016

1chalker916.indd 12 8/22/16 9:59 AM

NAPC Semptember2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:04 AM
by Rob Faucett

nowing how a transmis-
sion works is the most
important part of the
diagnostic process, followed
closely by having the right
diagnostic equipment. Scan
tools can save a considerable
amount of time, and, with the
AS68RC, there’s enough data to diagnose
almost any problem from the drivers’ seat.
This transmission has several solenoids
and pressure switches (figure 1). It has four
linear solenoids to control engagement and
shift quality (figure 2). These are all pulse
width modulated solenoids, and they control
fluid to the shift valves (figure 3). If these
solenoids fail mechanically, the clutches
they control won’t operate properly.
• Linear A controls pressure for B1, K1,
and K2 clutches and is normally vented.
• Linear B controls pressure for B2 and K3
clutches and is normally closed.
• Linear C controls forward and reverse
engagements and TCC apply, and is
normally vented.
• Linear D controls mainline pressure and
is normally vented.
It also has four, on-off shift solenoids
that control shift valves, which direct
fluid to the appropriate clutches from the
linear solenoids, and pressure switches that
monitor valve movement.

14 GEARS September 2016

1Rob 916.indd 14 8/23/16 9:22 AM

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Understanding Pressure Switch Operation Makes Diagnosis Easier

• Pressure switch 1 monitors con-

trol valve 1, which is stroked by
linear solenoid C.
• Pressure switch 2 monitors con-
trol valve 2, which is stroked by
linear solenoid B.
• Pressure switch 3 monitors
shift valve 1, which is stroked
by shift solenoid 1.
• Pressure switch 4 monitors
shift valve 2, which is stroked
by shift solenoid 2.
• Pressure switch 5 monitors
shift valve 3, which is stroked
by shift solenoid 3.
• Pressure switch 6 monitors
shift valve 4, which is also
stroked by shift solenoid 3.
• Pressure switch 7 monitors con-
trol valve 3, which is stoked by
linear solenoid C.
• Pressure switch 8 monitors the
manual valve.
Let’s put this information to
use for diagnosing a transmission
with no 3rd or reverse. The K3
clutches control these gear ranges,
so you might assume a problem Figure 1
in the K3 clutch drum. Then you
pull it out, only to discover there’s On the test drive, if you don’t see none on pressure switch 5, which
nothing wrong with the clutches; they a change to pressure switch 2 during monitors shift valve 3 — you know
look brand new. the 2-3 shift, and no circuit code for the passage is open for fluid to reach
As you can see in the clutch linear solenoid B, either the solenoid the K3 clutches, but there’s either a
application chart, linear solenoid failed mechanically or the valve is leak in the circuit or internal transmis-
B controls pressure to the K3 and stuck. That’s what happened here. sion damage. Either way, the trans-
B2 clutches; K3 is on in 3rd, 5th, We removed the linear B solenoid to mission’s going to have to come apart.
and reverse, while B2 is only on in check control valve 2. It moved freely, On these transmissions, any time
reverse. The K3 clutches receives so we replaced linear solenoid B and you see a shift but no state change
oil through shift valve 3 by control that took care of the problem. in the switch, the problem’s easy to
valve 2, which is controlled by linear On the other hand, if you see diagnose. Simply drop the pan and
solenoid B. activity on pressure switch 2 — but ground the switch wire to the valve


S1 S2 S3 S4 A B C D PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 PS5 PS6 PS7 PS8

Park off on on on low high low high O O O C C C O O

Reverse on on on on low low high low O C C C C C C O

Neutral off on on on low high low high O O O C C C O O

1st off off on on low high low low O O O O C C O C

2nd off off off off high high low high C O O O O O O C

3rd on off off off low low low high O C C O O O O C

4th on on off off high high high high C O C C O O O C

5th off on off on low low high high O C O C O O O C

6th off on off on high high high high C O O C O O O C

Figure 2

16 GEARS September 2016

1Rob 916.indd 16 8/23/16 9:22 AM

Raybestos September 2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:06 AM
Understanding Pressure Switch Operation Makes Diagnosis Easier

Figure 3

body while watching for a state operates, it’s okay. If the switch is can make most diagnoses easier and
change on the scan tool. If you see a okay, you know the valve it monitors more accurate.
state change, the computer is working didn’t stroke. If the valve is free, look
and the wiring harness is good. for a solenoid mechanical failure.
Next, check whether the switch There are quite a few transmis-
will open and close when you apply sions out there today using pressure
a little air pressure to it. If the switch switches. Learning what they monitor
18 GEARS September 2016

1Rob 916.indd 18 8/23/16 9:22 AM

Put Your
Fuel Pressure Gauge
Back in Your Box
Take an imaginary vehicle that worthless if the engine starts every time
starts and runs fine at idle. You install at the shop.
a fuel pressure gauge and the pressure Measuring fuel volume is a great
is within specifications. Yet the test and is often the test that follows the
vehicle exhibits low power on heavy one we’re going to look at. Measuring
acceleration. This low power could fuel volume is an acceptable first test,
easily be a fuel pump problem, but the but may be difficult on some vehicles.
pressure was good. So how could it be a That means there has to be an
by Scott Shotton fuel pump problem? alternative test. That test involves
The Driveability Guys
What could be happening is the measuring fuel pump current and

fuel pump is able to supply enough watching the results on an oscilloscope.
ere’s something for you to fuel to maintain pressure when engine Think of this like an EKG for your
think about: Your fuel pres- demand is low. But when demand is heart: Your heart is working because
sure gauge is basically worth- high, the pump volume is insufficient to you’re still alive, yet a doctor can
less, because fuel pressure doesn’t mat- maintain adequate pressure. observe anomalies that may cause
ter. Actually, let’s modify that slightly: The second issue is when a vehicle trouble before your heart actually fails.
Fuel pressure is necessary, but measur- cranks but won’t start. In that case, a Basically, an EKG machine is
ing fuel pressure is a worthless test in fuel pressure gauge can provide a quick an oscilloscope. With that in mind,
most cases. check to see if there’s any fuel available you can employ some of the same
Here’s why: Correct fuel pressure to the engine. In this case, no fuel technology used in an EKG to testing
is required for injection pressures to be pressure equals no fuel volume. fuel pumps.
correct. But fuel volume is required to From this point you’ll need to To do that, you’ll need a few things.
maintain the appropriate fuel pressure, investigate the fuel pump and its First, you’ll need a digital oscilloscope
so you should be measuring fuel volume circuitry. What happens if the problem or DSO. A DSO should be a fixture
rather than fuel pressure. is intermittent? A fuel pressure test is in your shop. Second, you’ll need a

20 GEARS September 2016

1scottshotton916.indd 20 8/22/16 11:11 AM

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WIT September 2016.indd 2 8/23/16 9:07 AM
Put Your Fuel Pressure Gauge Back in Your Box

Figure 1

PSI Spec Amperage

Once you’ve
connected your
current probe, 14-15 3-4 A
30-45 4-7 A
you’ll energize
the fuel pump
and examine the 45-50 7-8 A
50-70 8-12 A
current waveform
on your scope.
Figure 2

low current probe. Current probes access to the fuel pump to measure the the higher the fuel pressure is, the
have many uses other than fuel pump voltage. In most cases, a fuse or fuel higher the current draw should be. A
analysis and are relatively inexpensive. pump relay is a much easier point to failing pump, or other fault in the fuel
Third, you’ll need to understand the connect to the circuit, and lends itself delivery system, will usually cause fuel
system, which, in this case, is the fuel very well to a current test. pump current to decrease.
pump. Once you’ve connected your The chart (figure 2) shows some
The setup for this test is relatively current probe, you’ll energize the baseline specifications of how fuel
simple: You connect the current probe, fuel pump and examine the current pressure relates to fuel pump current.
sometimes called an amp clamp, to waveform on your scope (figure 1). The Using this and the waveform, you can
your DSO, and then clamp the current waveform shown is from a good fuel see that average fuel pump current is
probe around one of the wires to the pump on a vehicle with a fuel pressure about five amps, which is acceptable
fuel pump. specification of 40 PSI. for a fuel pressure specification of 40
The beauty of this test lies in the There are two main things to look PSI.
physics of electricity: current is the for in this capture: First, is the average Second, is the capture pretty? A
same everywhere in the circuit. What current draw appropriate for the fuel better way to say this may be, is the
that means is you can clamp the probe pressure specification? Second, is the signal uniform? Look at the “humps” as
anywhere in the circuit and observe the capture pretty? Let’s address each the current rises and falls. These humps
current flow. So you can choose a test aspect separately. are caused by the brushes moving from
point based on ease of access. The current the fuel pump draws is one commutator segment to the next.
This is different than measuring directly proportionate to the amount of This current fluctuation is normal and,
voltage, where you’d actually need work it’s performing. In other words, if all brushes and segments are good,
22 GEARS September 2016

1scottshotton916.indd 22 8/22/16 11:14 AM

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Put Your Fuel Pressure Gauge Back in Your Box

Figure 3

all of the humps should be relatively current humps. Even though the pump is supplying
uniform. Next we’ll look at a car that fuel and the vehicle is running right now,
So, if the fuel pump’s current draw cranked but won’t start. The customer the waveform shows a hidden fault.
is where you expect it to be and the had the vehicle towed in and now it You can see brush and commutator
signal is uniform, then the fuel pump starts every time. Currently the vehicle segment contact, but every 8th hump
should be okay. If you have any doubt, runs perfectly and has no diagnostic is missing. This is a classic example
you should check the fuel volume to trouble codes. of brush contact that’s become bad
confirm adequate pump operation. The technician removed the fuel enough to cause a problem. Once the
One of the biggest advantages of pump relay and installed a fused jumper pump is running it functions okay, but
checking the current is that, just like a wire. Then he measured the current at if it were to stop spinning directly on
doctor administering an EKG, you can the jumper wire (figure 3). The fuel the bad spot, it won’t spin the next time
see problems that aren’t occurring right pressure specification is 65 PSI. you try to start the engine.
now. For example, a vehicle cranks but Based on the waveform, the pump To summarize, there’s nothing
won’t start, but when it gets to your is bad. But let’s take a moment and wrong with a fuel pressure gauge. But
shop, it starts every time you turn the analyze the signal. Step 1: How is a current probe can offer a much better
key. Where do you go next? the fuel pump current? In this case, look inside the fuel pump’s operation;
A fuel pump is nothing more the pump is averaging about 11 amps, sort of a fuel pump EKG.
than an electric motor. It has brushes which is acceptable for this pump. The current test is also easier,
and commutator segments, just like In fact, a fuel pressure gauge would quicker, and cleaner to perform than a
a starter motor, and they can wear indicate the pressure is fine. If we went fuel pressure or volume test. So keep
out. Sometimes you can identify worn a step further, fuel volume would also your gauge and volume testers to back
brushes in a starter motor with the pass. up diagnosis any time you feel it’s
old “hit-it-with-a-hammer” test. The Step 2: Is the capture pretty? No, necessary, but always reach for your
hammer test, although sometimes it isn’t. So the pump failed step 2, but current probe first.
effective, doesn’t always work. But why? And how does the failure relate to
you should be able to see variations the problem of intermittently cranking
in the brush contacts by watching the but not starting?
24 GEARS September 2016

1scottshotton916.indd 24 8/22/16 11:15 AM

Superior Transmission September2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:08 AM

by Mike Brown

T he Ford Torqshift came out in 2003

and over the years has exhibited its
share of problems.
The original solenoid body may have
one or five pressure switches, depending
on model year. The computer on these ve-
hicles was never programmed to monitor
the pressure switches. Ford removed them
in late 2004.
The later solenoid body may have one
pressure switch with no wire going to it. In
this application, the switch is only used as
a plug; the remaining four holes were cast
These pressure switches were one of
the first problems with the Torqshift. The
rubber boot on the back of the pressure
switch would rupture, causing a pressure
loss. The aftermarket quickly came out
with a plug kit to correct that.
With no shift valves, all shifts are con-
trolled directly through the shift solenoids,
and you’ve no doubt learned the impor-
tance of testing or replacing them.
The next common failure in the Ford
5R110W occurs when the low/reverse re-
taining ring pops out of the case groove,
causing slips in reverse and severe damage
to the case lugs.
Once again the aftermarket came to
rescue with a wider and slightly thicker
snap ring, providing more outward tension.
The increased tension and extra stiffness
help keep the ring seated securely in the
case groove.

26 GEARS September 2016

1brown916 v2.indd 26 8/23/16 9:23 AM

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Seal Aftermarket Ads September 2016.indd 27 8/23/16 9:02 AM

Ford Torqshift/5R110: A Shot in the Dark

Another common problem is

delayed engagement in drive and
reverse caused by a worn manual
valve. The quick repair for this is
an oversized manual valve.
Finally, you’ve seen what hap-
pens to the pump when the cool-
ing system isn’t serviced correctly:
The transmission fluid cooling
system is one of the most critical
areas in the transmission repair
process. Any debris left in this
system can and will find its way
back into the transmission and into
the super sensitive solenoids. To
protect your rebuild, always install
an in line filter kit.


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28 GEARS September 2016

1brown916 v2.indd 28 8/23/16 9:23 AM

Which brings us to the next almost go through the windshield! it down again only to find everything
dilemma: You skid to the side of the road, put looks good. Could this problem be
You’ve been building these units the trans into park, get out and look caused by a solenoid not functioning
now for over 13 years. You know the under the truck. What happened? properly? They were all replaced dur-
problem areas, you know this unit like Not seeing anything, you get ing the rebuild. Maybe it’s an electri-
the back of your hand. You’ve built back in, start it up, put it into gear, cal problem?
hundreds successfully; now you have and it moves forward. Driving very You’d expect a wiring problem
this one problem child. slowly, you make your way back to the to set a code, but, with the trans out
After rebuilding the transmission, shop. You get your scan tool to check of the way, you decide to check the
you take the truck out for a road test. for codes. harness from the TCM to the trans.
It shifts perfectly: a nice satisfying And guess what? No codes. Now After spending a couple days testing
feeling. You stop and go several times. what? Must be a mechanical compo- the electrical system and going back
The last part of the test drive you take nent, like the low/reverse one-way through the unit, you’re still in the
it up to highway speed to check lock- clutch or the overdrive one-way clutch same predicament.
up. Everything works perfectly. is locked on. This is when you put in a call to
Now back to the shop. Then out So you put the truck on the lift the ATRA HotLine. You explain what
of nowhere the rear tires lock and you and pull the trans back out. You tear happened and what you’ve done. The

GEARS September 2016 29

1brown916 v2.indd 29 8/23/16 9:23 AM

Ford Torqshift/5R110: A Shot in the Dark

first thing the HotLine tech asks was

whether you have any codes. “No,”
you say. “There’s your first red flag,”
he replies. “With those problems you
should have ratio codes.”
So his suggestion was to induce a
code by starting the engine and then
unplugging the transmission harness
connector. Then put the transmission
in gear. This should set codes for all
of the solenoids. If not, there’s a good
chance the TCM is toast.
He went on to explain that he’s
seen several bad TCMs causing the
transmission to lock up while driving.

30 GEARS September 2016

1brown916 v2.indd 30 8/23/16 9:23 AM

So you disconnect the transmis- $450 and is in stock. So you pull
sion, start the engine, and put the the trigger and buy the TCM.
trans in gear. The transmission goes After installing it and taking the
in failsafe, but it doesn’t set any codes. truck on several road tests, the
So there’s a good chance the TCM is problem appears to be gone.
at fault. Replacing the TCM may not
Of course, nothing’s certain; it’s be the traditional diagnostic strat-
still something of a shot in the dark egy, but sometimes you have to go
to replace the TCM, but the odds are with your gut… and that’s not just
looking better. And at this point, what smart… that’s street smart!
do you have to lose? You’re out two
days work and you can’t give the truck
back to the customer the way it is.
You check with your local Ford
dealer and discover the TCM is only

RostraTransmission.com rostratweets RostraPC

GEARS September 2016 31

1brown916 v2.indd 31 8/23/16 9:23 AM

by Martin Brooks
President, TCRA

ne of the more interesting aspects
of rebuild i ng a n automat ic
transmission is that its success or
failure often rests on the final step: the
installation. It doesn’t matter that you
purchased quality parts, installed all
the upgrades, and taken your time to
produce a high quality rebuild. If the
installer gets it wrong, you’ll see that
unit again.
One of the major risks during
installation is the transmission fluid.
Not only do you need to make sure you
have the correct type, but you may also
need to follow a specific procedure to
set the level.
Back in the old days, life was a lot the dipstick disappeared, whether • Before starting the engine, add fluid
simpler; there were two major types of as a cost saving measure or to stop until it’s around 1 quart (1 liter)
fluid and, quite frankly, if you got it the do-it-yourselfer from adding the overfull. But no more than that; you
wrong, it really didn’t cause too much wrong fluid. Now checking fluid level don’t want it to blow oil out the vent.
grief. There was a dipstick and a tube is no longer a matter of just popping • Start the engine and run it for 10
that was large enough for you to add the hood; often there’s a detailed seconds.
fluid almost as fast as the pump could procedure involved. • Shut the engine off and add oil to
suck it from the pan. The first few seconds at startup about the same level as before.
The procedure was simple: You are the most critical: This is when you • Start the engine again for 10 seconds
added enough fluid to bring the level risk damaging the pump and torque and repeat the procedure until
to just above pan, fired the engine up, converter. The problem is that you you’ve reached the transmission’s
and added the remainder. Setting the can’t get the fluid into the unit quickly expected capacity.
level was just a matter of reading the enough to make sure the pump or • Correct the f luid level using the
dipstick, usually using your fingers converter won’t run dry. manufacturer’s specifications for
to detect the correct temperature: Very often you need to fill the method and temperature.
comfortable to hold = too cool; unit through a bung with a very It’s impor tant to follow the
uncomfortable = correct temperature. small opening, and even if you do manufacturer’s procedure carefully,
Today things have changed. have a dipstick, it may fit through a especially when it comes to the gear
With the advent of regulated torque fill tube with a tiny diameter. And range. There are many units that won’t
conver ter lock up and computer that restriction can cause the torque fill the torque converter correctly in
controls, the fluid became a much more converter hub or internal bearings to park. If in doubt, try checking the level
important part of the transmission’s run dry. To avoid damage, your best with the selector in neutral, taking the
operation. These day’s it’s common bet is to follow this procedure: appropriate safety precautions.
for a shop to have six or more different • Make sure the pump is well If the unit is a carry-out, make
fluids; and even then you’ll sometimes lubricated, either with transmission sure the person fitting the unit is aware
have to purchase a special type for that fluid or an approved lubricant. of this fill procedure. That way you’re
odd unit. • Prefill the converter with at least less likely to see that unit again with an
The other major change in many 1 pint (about 0.5L) of the specified unexplained pump or torque converter
cases is how you get the f luid into fluid; 2-3 pints (about 1–1.5L) for failure.
the unit. Somewhere along the line, larger units.
32 GEARS September 2016

1Brooks 916.indd 32 8/23/16 9:24 AM

1Brooks 916.indd 33 8/23/16 9:24 AM

by Thom Tschetter

p Your Business is an exclusive
GEARS Magazine feature in
which I share stories, insights,
and reflections about real business and life
At this year’s Powertrain Expo,
I’m presenting a workshop entitled Pea
Soup: The Cure for Entrepreneurial Split
Personality Disorder. I’ve compiled some
practical tools to conquer the two-hat
challenge that I wrote about in the May
2016 issue. These tools will help you take
your company exactly where you want it to
go. You’ll learn the secrets for managing
things and leading people.
Most likely you’ve seen the popular
TV show, Shark Tank, in which aspiring
entrepreneur-contestants make business
presentations to a panel of five successful
“shark” investors, who then choose
whether or not to invest. Their investment
includes cash and an equity stake in the
business, so part of the investment value
the shark brings to the table is expertise.

34 GEARS September 2016

1tschetter 916.indd 34 8/23/16 9:24 AM

While Shark Tank is fasci- People — It’s been said that owner(s), manager(s), and team
nating, I think we can learn more businesses are people… not places members. If the people part of the
from a similar, lesser-known show or things. Without people there is business is strong, Marcus moves on to
called The Profit. On each no business: No one to lead, no one the second P word: Product.
episode, Marcus Lemonis, the wealthy to manage, no one to sell, no one to Product — With respect to
CEO of Camping World, offers buy, no one to supply, and no one product, of course Marcus is looking
struggling  small businesses capital to produce. for such things as uniqueness,
investments along with his expertise One of the first things Marcus quality, and price point relative to
in exchange for an ownership stake in does in each episode is to speak with competition, but he also focuses on
the company. the employees. He quickly gets an production costs, production/lead time,
This show differs from accurate perspective of such conditions convenience factors, packaging, and
Shark Tank by focusing on one as employee morale, company culture, other aspects relative to the products
business per episode and details obstacles to productivity, customer and services of the business.
the decision-making steps Marcus service and satisfaction, ownership In automotive repair shops, I, too,
employs: problem assessment, busi- commitment, etc. looked at aspects of the product.
ness valuation, purchase negotiation From my years of consulting with • Uniqueness would convert to the
criteria, and risk-reward analysis, as auto shops, I can confirm that this is answer to the question, “What
well as remediation plan development a great starting point. I learned way differentiates your company from
and implementation. more about the business and its issues the other auto repair shops in your
He demands 100% control over by speaking briefly with the employees area?”
the financial business decisions; the than I did from hours of conversations • Quality would generally deal with
other owners are responsible for with the owners and managers. statistics relative to comebacks and
managing the business according to Just as I experienced, Marcus no-goes, but it would also include
his guidelines. Viewers also get to discovers dysfunctional aspects of such things as minimum rebuild
see the results of the investment and the business that management isn’t standards, warranties, etc.
changes made in the business. even aware of. Management experts • Price point isn’t as simple as some
Marcus uses three key criteria have called this phenomenon “the would like you to think. I know
in determining the potential of a iceberg of ignorance.” An iceberg is many trainers in our industry
business investment. Ironically, they fit a great metaphor because just as 2/3 believe price shouldn’t be used
perfectly into the Pea Soup recipe. of an iceberg is hidden under water, as a differentiator. They say it’s
2/3 of the business’s problems are okay to have the highest prices in
Surprise! Profit Isn’t hidden from management’s view, but town, and dismiss it out of hand,
One of the 3 Criteria they do exist. And to make matters or insinuate that your sales skills
As counterintuitive as it sounds, even worse, they’re known to the are lacking if you can’t overcome
neither profit nor sales are among the employees, suppliers, and customers. price objections. According to their
three criteria Marcus considers to be With that in mind, it’s also argument, if you can’t differentiate
essential before making an investment. often helpful to interview suppliers with service, quality, warranty,
He believes that profit and sales are the and customers to get an accurate speed, convenience, etc., all that’s
natural consequence, provided three perspective of a company’s condition. left is price.
other criteria meet or can be brought In the case of The Profit, Marcus Well, if price relative to the
up to his standards in the subject looks for passion, attitudes, skills, and competition isn’t important, why
business: People, Product, and Process. commitment levels of all the players: not charge double or triple your

GEARS September 2016 35

1tschetter 916.indd 35 8/23/16 9:24 AM

What I Learned Watching TV

current prices? That would most they’re a part of a highly effective, Most successful businesses with
likely be ludicrous… price may not process-driven company. highly effective processes have created
be the only factor, but it’s always a • It’s easier to relate product to a manual of operations that details why
factor. Your overhead expenses and process because we tend to think and how everything in the business is
costs of production, plus your profit, of production of repair work (our to be done. If the owner was suddenly
combine to determine your price. product) as a sequential technical out of the picture, the team could run
If you can achieve your sales process. the business by following the manual.
and profit objectives with lower But process encompasses
prices than the competition, good more than that. In addition to Next Steps
for you. But if you can’t compete production process, we need If you haven’t watched Shark
within the market’s competitive processes for virtually all aspects Tank or The Profit, I recommend
price range, you’ll need to reduce of our businesses: marketing, sales, them. I think you’ll find them to be
costs or increase volume to team building, parts purchasing, entertaining and you’ll learn new ways
overcome lower profit margins. It’s quality control, customer service, of thinking and gain useful insights
only logical. facilities maintenance, operations into improving your business.
By the way, you can’t overcome management, accounting, employee Also consider checking with
unprofitable pricing with greater relations, etc. ATRA for help with creating an
volume. That’d be like the farmer All businesses have processes in operations manual for your shop. In
who was losing 10 cents on every place for everything that gets done. fact, you can check with the ATRA
watermelon he delivered to market, Unfortunately, in many cases, those BookStore booth at Expo.
so he decided to get a bigger truck processes only evolve over time in This year’s Powertrain Expo is
to make it up in volume. reaction to the activity of the business. scheduled over the last weekend in
Call me if you’d like to discuss There’s little or no thought or planning October. Come and learn from a whole
price strategies, because this is such involved, and it simply becomes slate of management experts about
an important and individualized nothing more than, “This is how we’ve how you can take your business to
aspect of your business. always done it here.” These processes the next level. Plus you get to spend
Process — The third “P” Marcus tend to be ineffective and lack clarity. Halloween in Las Vegas… does it get
applies is Process. He believes that Then there are the businesses any better than that?
good processes can overcome most that create new processes every time I hope to see you there.
problems within a business. He leaves something doesn’t go as planned; a job
no stone unturned. Every aspect of goes south and, instead of addressing
the business is affected by or impacts the issue on an individual basis, they
process. put a new process into place. This is
• With respect to people, the obvious totally reactionary; it’s sometimes
thought would be that good process- referred to as “the tail wagging the
es will boost sales and productivity. dog.” And usually it’s met more with
While this is so, it also improves derision than respect.
morale, culture, commitment, and Effective processes are developed
overall job satisfaction. Simply put, by design… not by accident. They’re
companies and their employees all the result of considering why and how
feel better about themselves and things are done, and then clearly com-
more proud of what they do when municated throughout the company.

Pushes 18,000 lbs up a 5% grade.

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36 GEARS September 2016

1tschetter 916.indd 36 8/23/16 9:24 AM

SEMA September2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:09 AM
TEAMS How many people work for you? using technology correctly? Don’t you
About half of them. depend on your rebuilders and senior
It’s an old joke, but too often it technicians to be good team captains
truly is the case in shops around the and problem solvers?
world. We’re all employed at the same How about attitudes? When’s the
company and we show up at the same last time one person’s sour disposition
location, usually at the same time, but poisoned others on the team and
that doesn’t mean that we really work made work really feel like work? We by Jim Cathcart
while we’re there. Nor does it assure can all feel the cynical judgment of a
that we work well together. criticizing coworker or an expressive
This goes to the idea of Employee pessimist who just can’t resist pointing always know the score and they
Engagement: having people truly out why something won’t succeed. track their own numbers. In a
involved in contributing to the All right, so what is it that gets championship shop, everyone
advancement of the company. I’ve everyone engaged and makes for knows what’s working and what’s
spoken about this before and it’ll a championship team atmosphere? not because the numbers are posted
no doubt be an issue as long as there Happily these are known and widely for all to see.
are companies and careers. But let’s proven. It’s fairly simple to create a • It’s occasionally okay not to be at
kick it up a notch. What if you really winning team but it’s rarely done. Let’s your best. Your teammates support
could get full engagement from you and me become the exceptions, you when you’re down. But if you’re
everyone on your team? What if each the folks who do what works and consistently down, it’s time for a
person showed up, eager to help the discourage what doesn’t. You in? change. You either have to step up
team succeed? Keys to a fully engaged champion- or make room for those who will.
Watching the Summer Olympics ship team: • Expect a learning atmosphere.
in Rio brought this concept to light for • As the leader, you must decide to Every person is responsible for his
me. The US Gymnastics team never build a championship team. or her own continuing improvement
did any activity that engaged everyone • Encourage people to try their and professional education. Those
together, yet you couldn’t dispute that good ideas. Think like Nordstrom who aren’t learning constantly
they behaved as a team. The athletes Department Store, where their are inhibiting those who are.
encouraged each other, celebrated each motto has been “Use your own Take classes, read, attend Expo,
person’s successes, and consoled them good judgment.” Then train them participate in the webinars, and get
when they stumbled or failed. to understand what good judgment the coaching you need.
They didn’t express fears or looks like. • It’s always about how well you serve
doubts about the team’s ability to win • Value everyone, and show and tell the customer. Tell each other about
or about each other’s chances for a them that they’re important to the your interactions with customers.
good score. They didn’t even roll their team. What worked and what didn’t?
eyes or show nonverbal negativism. • Appreciate and acknowledge people How can everyone help create more
The Swim team did the same, though for all the good things they do. Tell satisfied customers who will brag
even in the relays they didn’t swim them frequently what you like about about how happy they are with your
together. Each had to perform well their work, attitude, ideas, etc. services?
individually. Nobody had a chance to • Make sure everyone is focused on When was the last time you gave a
coast or slipstream another member. doing what’s right for the customer coworker a high-five or heard someone
This is true for the team sports, and the company. In the end, it’s all say, “Man, you’re good! Nice work!”?
too. In soccer or volleyball, each about how many people you helped Maybe that can start with you. Now’s
player must perform excellently and be and whether you did so profitably. the time, Expo is the place, and you’re
ready to pass or block or take a shot. • Give each person the chance to the one who can make a difference…
Nobody is unimportant to the success shine, to occasionally be the center starting right now.
of the team. of attention, and to strut their stuff
Isn’t that true in your shop? if they want to. Everyone shows
Don’t you rely on your office happiness at the good performance Jim Cathcart is a strategic advisor
manager to be accurate and efficient of his or her teammates. to ATRA and a long time contributor to
when scheduling jobs, ordering • Expect everyone to help sustain GEARS Magazine. As the author of 18
parts, replenishing supplies, and an atmosphere of excellence and books, including The Self Motivation
handling communications? Aren’t of winning. The culture is one of Handbook, Jim speaks at conventions
around the world and coaches achievers in
you significantly reliant on the basic encouragement and striving for many industries. Access his free resources
practices of removal and installation, improvement. at Cathcart.com and be sure to say hello to
cleaning parts, caring for tools, and • Everyone keeps score. Athletes him at Expo.
38 GEARS September 2016

1chatcart 916.indd 38 8/23/16 9:25 AM

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Driveline & Gear by Steve Bodofsky

Service of Fallon:

Expanding from
Drivetrain to Automatics

e’ve often talked to shop
owners who got their start
in the automatic transmis-
sion business 10, 20, 30, and even more
years ago. And we’ve spoken with a
lot of shop owners who’ve expanded
beyond transmission repair over the last
several years.
But Driveline & Gear Service
of Fallon, in Fallon, Nevada, may be
a first. They began as a driveshaft
franchise store, and only added
automatic transmission repair a couple
years ago. Along the way their path has
taken a number of twists and turns to
reach their present level of success.
It all started in 1971, in Sacramento,
California. Driveline Service, Inc.
opened as a franchise company. Ken
Goodwill and his son, Richard, opened
the first pilot shop in May, 1971, in
Reno, Nevada.
Driveline Service continued to
grow to a peak of 112 shops nationwide. The Crew at Driveline & Gear Service of Fallon
The franchise dissolved in 1986, and Standing from Left to Right: Chuck, Mel, John.
most shops became independently Front Row: Andy and Garrett with Goose, Oscar and Graycee.
owned and operated businesses. Many Tom Hauptman had been working a second shop in Fallon. He brought
are still being operated by the same at one of those shops since 1978, and Andy Allen in as his shop manager;
people who opened them all those years he bought the Reno shop in 2001, Andy had been with him in Reno since
ago. operating under the name Driveline 1994.
& Gear Service. In 2006, he opened
40 GEARS September 2016

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You’re Invited…
Join Transtar and ATRA
for our industry reception
at the 2016 Powertrain Expo

Paris, Las Vegas

October 28, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Transtar Reception September 2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:04 AM

Driveline & Gear Service of Fallon:Expanding from Drivetrain to Automatics

Garrett, Technician John & Andy putting muscle into it.

When it began, Driveline Services

didn’t do anything with automatic
transmissions. “It was actually just
driveshafts… they built driveshafts,”
explains Andy. “Custom driveshafts,
repaired driveshafts… that sort of thing.
“When the franchise dissolved,
there wasn’t enough driveshaft work
in Reno to keep us busy. But Tom,
the owner, had an account with Dana
Spicer, so he decided to expand into
driveline and gear service. That’s when
they started doing differentials, manual
transmissions, and transfer cases.”
Andy took the manager’s job at
the Fallon store with the provision that
he would be able to buy Tom out after
five years. But his five-year anniversary
was right after the economic collapse Busy in the shop.
of 2008, so Andy held off a few more
years. He bought the business in 2012
and has been operating it ever since.
Even though the two businesses
are owned individually, both Tom and
Andy continue to work together, often
conferring on a daily basis.
And the Fallon store is doing really
well: “Even though the economy wasn’t
very strong in 2012, our business was
growing, and it has grown every year
since we opened,” says Andy. “Back
then, most of our marketing relied on
word-of—mouth — which is still the
best type of marketing you can have.
“In addition, I think it took a few
years for people to trust that we were
going to stay here… that we weren’t
going anywhere. After a few years When Andy bought the shop in 2012, Driveline & Gear Service was still a driveline company.
things really started taking off.” About 90% of all the work is done on trucks.

42 GEARS September 2016

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March 1/2 6T40 Internal
March 15/16 Reprogramming 1
March 29/30 A5LF1 Internal
April 12/13 Reprogramming 2
April 26/27 Nissan CVT Introduction
May 10/11 6R140 Internal
May 24/25 6F35N Internal
June 7/8 AS68RC Internal
June 21/22 Lineartronic Gen 1 & 2 Comparison
July 5/6 6T40 & 6T70 comparison
July 19/20 Nissan CVT Internal
August 2/3 722.9 Internal
August 16/17 JF613 Internal
August 30/31 Drivability Diagnostics 1
September 13/14 Installation 101
September 27/28 Drivability Diagnostics 2
October 11/12 Hybrid Diagnostics & Safety

This and other technical webinars

are made possible by;
ATRA Webinars are presented every two weeks from January
to October.

Login at http://members.atra.com and click on the webinar
schedule under the events menu. Once registered, you will
receive an email confirming your registration along with the
information you need to join the webinar.

*Free for everyone on the day of the webinar. ATRA Members have access to all
pre-recorded webinars.

ATRA_Webinars September2016.indd 1 8/23/16 9:10 AM

Driveline & Gear Service of Fallon:Expanding from Drivetrain to Automatics

Hands on Owner, Andy Allen,

Mel, Driveshaft Technician on the bench! John, Technician

Little by little I’d learn how to handle custom rebuild shop, they generally
Natural Growth the front of the shop; it wasn’t long try to stick with rebuilding the more
Like so many of us, Andy got before I became the all-around utility common transmissions. “We don’t
his start in the business because of guy for the shop.” rebuild every transmission here. This is
an interest in all things mechanical… That interest and ability to learn Dodge country: Dodge, Ford, Chevy…
including cars. on the job became a valuable tool for we do those in house.”
“I’ve always had an interest in Andy later, after taking over the Fallon They tried doing imports and the
mechanical devices,” says Andy. “I shop. Because that’s when he decided more exotic transmissions in house,
wanted to learn what made them work. to expand into automatic transmission but they quickly discovered the pitfalls
When I was 16 years old, the owner repair. that come with rebuilding those
of Driveline Service was looking for transmissions: high parts prices, lack of
someone, and his nephew and I were Expanding into technical data, and so on. So now they
friends. So when he was in the market Automatics generally replace those transmissions
for someone, he actually sought me out; When Andy bought the shop in with remans.
I guess he liked my attitude. 2012, Driveline & Gear Service was
“I started working there after still a driveline company. They did Finding ATRA
school and then worked full time in driveshafts, manual transmissions, Taking on a new market led to
the summer. I started as a driveline transfer cases, differentials, and axles… an obvious difficulty: As the shop
guy. A couple years later the owner but no automatics. That changed a owner, manager, and now automatic
started a mobile clutch service and I couple years ago. transmission rebuilder, Andy was
moved on to that. He bought a van “About 90% of the work we do spreading himself too thin. He needed
and stocked it with clutch parts and a here is on trucks,” explains Andy. “And to hire someone who could handle the
flywheel grinder. Shops would call and anyone who’s paying attention knows automatic transmission rebuilds so he
I’d go over, deliver the clutch, grind that truck owners are shying away from could get back to running his business.
the flywheel, and they’d be off and manual transmissions.” Sounds easy, but as we all know,
running. A valid point: More and more finding a rebuilder is anything but easy
“I did that for about a year and trucks are being purchased with in today’s market. So Andy decided to
a half, and then his sister needed a automatics, in part because many of hire someone to train as a rebuilder. But
job, so I ended up training her to take today’s automatics are strong enough that was no small feat in itself, because
over. He’d already replaced me in the to hold up to the heavy workloads that Andy was still learning that part of the
driveline shop, so I moved into the would have torn them up just a few business himself.
gear shop, where I learned to rebuild years earlier. “I tried calling some transmission
differentials, transfer cases, and manual “I’d been thinking about going into shops I knew to see if they’d let my
transmissions. automatics a lot, and I like a challenge, new tech shadow their rebuilder for a
“I have a natural desire to learn. so when I took over this shop, I decided while, but they weren’t all that excited
Occasionally I’d help out on the front to take the plunge. I had confidence in about that idea.” That’s when Andy
counter. I’d listen when they answered myself and knew that I could figure out discovered ATRA: “I spoke with Lance
phones and I’d pay attention when Tom how to deal with automatics.” Wiggins and asked whether ATRA had
would explain things to a customer. While Driveline & Gear is a any training programs. He told me
44 GEARS September 2016

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about Expo, so we attended last
year’s program.”
Both Andy and his
technician, TJ, got a lot out of
last year’s Expo. And they’re
already scheduled to attend this
year’s program: “I’m really
interested in the Transmission
101 program,” he says. “My
wife may come too, but she
hasn’t decided yet.”
Andy wants to spend most
of his time in the management
seminars, but he’s planning to
duck out in time to take part in
the Transmission 101 program.
“I’m sure there are a lot of
Chuck, takes care of all the front counter
little things that we don’t Andy, collaborating with Mel
and customer service needs.
know about,” he says.
And, while he’s excited
about the seminars, he knows that’s
not all that Expo has to offer. Andy
enjoys meeting other shop owners and
technicians — “putting a face to the
name” — and knows that there’s a lot
to be learned in the hallways, between
the seminars. “I was talking to a shop
owner from Oregon last year, and
before I knew it, it turned into a little
tech lesson! It was pretty neat.”
While bringing three people to
Expo is an expensive proposition,
Andy considers it to be a worthwhile
investment… one that’ll pay him back Left to Right: Graycee, Goose & Oscar, ready to help!
many times over in terms of greater
productivity in the shop. people come through on their way to It sounds like a familiar refrain,
Vegas. And if they have a problem and one that we’ve been pushing for
Expanded Marketing on the highway, the first thing they’re years at ATRA. And, according to
While Andy believes strongly going to do is reach for their phones Andy, it’s been responsible for their
in the power of word-of-mouth and look up “transmission repair.” I business growing every year since they
advertising, he’s also aware that he wanted to tap into that market.” opened.
can’t rely exclusively on that for getting “Our growth has slowed a little
his name out there. He has a web site Andy’s Philosophy recently — the town is only so big…
— drivelinefallon.com — and has been When asked about his philosophy you can only gain so many customers
working on building his identity in a on running a repair business, Andy — but we’re still growing. I think that’s
variety of ways. had this to say: “Whether it’s about pretty amazing after 10 years.”
“The original owner of this shop, customer relations or making a repair, I So do we, but, with that philosophy
Tom, is more old school; he’s not want to treat my customers the way I’d and willingness to learn and grow,
much for internet or radio advertising,” like to be treated, and the repair to be we’re not a bit surprised. And we’ll
explains Andy. “I tried to recommend done the way I’d want it to be done if it expect to hear great things about Andy
some other marketing programs but he were my vehicle. and Driveline & Gear Service of Fallon
wasn’t into it. “That’s basically my business in the years to come.
“Once I took over, I started running philosophy: Treat people the way you’d
some radio ads, got a billboard out on want to be treated and fix their stuff
the highway, and I did a few things with the way you’d want yours fixed. We
Yelp! and Google. I think that’s part do it right, we use good parts, and if
of the reason we started getting more we make a mistake or our parts fail —
customers calling. which does happen! — we’ll take care
“We’re on a main road; a lot of of it.”
GEARS September 2016 45

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by Steve Bodofsky

And there are the regular techni-

cal seminars, providing a glimpse at
the latest and greatest technological
advances facing your shop.
But this year, we’ve taken tech

ou’ve seen the ads… you’ve highest return on investment (ROI) a step further — or back, depending
read the articles… and you’ve you could ever imagine. on your point of view — with the
decided to come to Expo. Let’s take a look at why bringing Transmissions 101 program. Here’s
That’s terrific; we’ll look forward to your entire shop could be a wise where you can bring your new techs
seeing you there! decision for you and your shop. to learn R&R techniques, diagnostic
But maybe you should think strategies, and the principles of
bigger: Maybe you should consider Amazing Education transmission operation. Want help
bringing some of your employees… or Expo is about a lot of things, but to “grow your own” for the future?
even your entire shop. at its core, it’s about education. And ATRA’s got you covered!
Sound a bit extravagant? Okay, this year’s Expo is bursting at the You can even help influence
but, truth be told, you’d probably see seams with educational opportunities. the future of transmission education
a dramatic improvement in your shop Of course there are the man- by attending the Education to
operations — and your bottom line agement seminars, with some of the Industry Summit, where you can
— after a shopwide event in Vegas… most influential industry leaders offer your insights to the automotive
one that’ll more than pay back your offering advice on how to work with instructors who are helping develop
out-of-pocket expense. In fact, taking the Millennials who are just entering the educational path for tomorrow’s
your shop to Expo might produce the the workforce. technicians.
46 GEARS September 2016

1preshow 916.indd 46 8/23/16 9:26 AM

Outstanding Experience Powerful Message for four attendees, you get the fifth
It’s Expo. It’s Las Vegas. It’s the Think of the statement you’re admission into Expo absolutely
open of Industry Week. Honestly, it’s making by bringing your technicians free. That’s a 20% savings on your
about as close to winning the lottery to Expo. It’s a clear message that attendance fees right there.
as you’re likely to get. And you have says, “You’re an important part of this And of course, Vegas doesn’t
the opportunity to share it with your team. You’re part of our future, and have to be pricy. Sure, there are
entire staff. Does it get any better we want you to grow with us.” some very high-end restaurants,
than that? That message is one that’s sure but there are also some low-cost
First, Expo is enough right there: to elicit a valuable return in the alternatives right nearby. In fact,
Leaders in the industry all vying for form of better teamwork and a more there’s a whole shopping complex
your attention and providing you with productive shop. And, thanks to the right next door at Planet Hollywood,
world-class information and training. educational benefits from the seminar including convenience stores and low
But this is Vegas. First rate shows programs, you can expect a more cost dining.
with A-level stars all up and down the efficient shop with a lower rate of Plus, since this is a business
world-famous Strip. Even if you’ve comebacks. trip, you’ll be able to write off all the
never been to Vegas, you probably It should come as no surprise that expenses on your taxes: That alone
know it like the back of your hand, a more productive, efficient shop with could cut as much as 50% off your
having seen it as the backdrop from a a lower comeback rate will translate total expenses.
wide range of movies and TV shows. into higher receipts and a better Editor’s Note: I am not an accoun-
And you’ll be right in the heart of it, at bottom line. tant: I don’t even play one on TV.
the Paris Hotel and Casino. In fact, study after study has Anyone who takes financial advice
Want more? Stick around proved that good training and a from me without consulting their
for Industry Week. Visit SEMA, strong sense of purpose will translate own accountant deserves what
AAPEX, and all the other shows into a more profitable business. they get!
that you’ve only read about in Which means bringing your shop So there you have it: An amazing
automotive magazines. to Expo could provide one of the education, an outstanding group
And if you do hang around, you’ll highest returns on investment (ROI) experience, a powerful message to
be in Vegas for Halloween. If ever of anything else you could do for your staff, and all at a price that can’t
there were a town that was made for your shop. be beat. The only question left is, what
Halloween, it’s Vegas. Just wander are you waiting for? Sign up your
down the Strip to see a multitude of Low Cost whole team today, and we’ll see you in
people in some of the most memorable Look, we know there are a lot of Las Vegas!
costumes you’ve ever seen. costs associated with bringing your
No doubt about it: It’d be the shop to Expo. But in the end, it may
experience of a lifetime, and one that not cost as much as you think.
you and your team will remember for For one thing, ATRA wants
the rest of their lives. to help. That’s why, when you pay

GEARS September 2016 47

1preshow 916.indd 47 8/23/16 10:50 AM

GEARS does not endorse new products but makes this new information available
POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS to readers. If you have a new product, please email the press release information
with applicable digital photo or drawing to fpasley@atra.com or send by mail to
GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030.

Rostra Introduces grease gun offers improved pumping SAP Introduces New Kits
New Nissan/Jatco performance to make sure the grease is for Jatco CVT
Solenoid Group adequately applied to the application.
It includes two convenient grease-
distribution options (flexible hose and
rigid pipe). The pistol-grip design and
rigid pipe allow one-handed grease
application, while the flexible hose
provides easy access to hard-to-reach
Two head ports allow for increased
Rostra 52-9041 Nissan/Jatco flexibility and comfort, while the
RE4F04B 4-Speed FWD 5 Solenoid plastic tip cover protects against
Group. contamination from debris. An easy-
Rostra is pleased to announce that it to-use plunger simplifies loading and
now offers the Nissan/Jatco RE4F04B makes the job of greasing equipment
4-speed, front wheel drive, five- even easier. Seal Aftermarket Products is pleased
solenoid group, Rostra P/N 52-9041 for The AMSOIL Deluxe Grease Gun to announce the immediate availability
vehicles from 2000 to 2007. Kit comes complete with these items: of the Bushing Kit and Overhaul
This solenoid kit is a direct • One 3500 PSI grease gun Kit (both with and without "Hi-Per
replacement for OEM P/N 31940- • One grease cartridge Blue" pistons) for the JATCO JF015E
85X01. Each solenoid group is • Flexible hose and rigid pipe series transmission.
serialized and date coded; new, • Grease coupler with protective cap For 2014 in North America, this is
never remanufactured, and 100% Check out AMSOIL’s complete line a Jatco CVT7 (continuously variable
factory tested, ready for installation. of grease offerings at www.amsoil.com transmission, or CVT) with the final
Installation instructions included. drive ratio lowered to 3.75.
Rostra offers a 12,000 mile or 12 New Sonic These kits fit over 65 applications,
month warranty. Bonded Pads Solve a Wide including Mitsubishi, Nissan, Suzuki,
For more information, contact Variety of Spills Datsun, and more.
Tal Eidson at 910-291-2575 or email New Oil New Product Release:
teidson@rostra.com. Eater Sonic SAP # Catalog #
Bonded pads TF323002A 323002
AMSOIL Launches and rolls Overhaul Kit
New Deluxe Grease Gun Kit provide the TF323006A 323006
economic Master Overhaul Kit
solution for a TF323004A 323004
wide variety Banner Kit
of spills in TF323002AP 323002
maintenance and other areas, including Overhaul Kit w/Pistons
oils, solvents, water, and even acids. TF323006AP 323006
The durable pads and rolls tear Master Overhaul Kit w/Pistons
easily along their perforated seam to fit TF323004AP 323004
almost any space. They’re constructed Banner Kit w/Pistons
from a single layer of high-quality, Related Components:
uniform polypropylene fibers that SAP # Catalog #
have been bonded together using a 70566 203070H
AMSOIL has introduced a unique, high-loft process. The material Converter Seal (OEM)
convenient new addition to its premium provides superior strength and reduced 323970150 323300
line of synthetic grease. The new linting. Pan Gasket
AMSOIL Deluxe Grease Gun Kit The line is available in a variety of 323565 323565
comes complete with everything you weights, in sizes from 15” by 18” pads Piston Kit Direct Clutch 2010-on
need for smooth, mess-free application to 30” by 150’ rolls. 323030 323030
in automotive, powersports, and A sample is available upon request. Bushing Kit 2010-On
commercial equipment. Visit www.oileater.com for further Visit SAP at sealsap.com for more
Developing up to 3500 PSI, the information or call 800-528-0334. information.
48 GEARS September 2016

1PINS 916.indd 48 8/23/16 9:26 AM

Sonnax Mercedes 722.6 with a straight shaft on the shift lever. simulates trailer load and displays real-
Output Shaft/Center Each repair kits is available time, brake-controller output gain, and
Planet Pinion Washer individually. application timing.
Visit Teckpak-Fitzall at the ATRA In addition to the electric
POWERTRAIN EXPO (Booth #B105) brake circuit, the tool is ideal for
or online at www.teckpak-fitzall.com troubleshooting all truck-side tow
to learn more. circuits, including taillights, turn
signals, 12V+, reverse, and ground
Precision Introduces condition.
New Kits for 8L90 The 25 ft. cable allows for one man,
in-cab testing and is easily stowed
inside the provided soft case.
Sonnax is pleased to introduce Visit www.ipatools.com or call
pinion washer 78580C-W to replace (888) 786-7899 for more information.
the output shaft/center planetaries in
Mercedes 722.6 transmissions. Precision International
The new pinion washer features Introduces New QR Code
redesigned lube notches that allow full System
lubrication to the planetary pinions.
Visit www.sonnax.com for more

New Products from Precision International is now

Teckpak-Fitzall offering kits for the GM 8L90
transmission. This transmission appears
in a wide range of GM RWD vehicles,
from 2015–2016. For over 40 years, Precision
Overhaul Kit: International has been the worldwide
KP33900H (with piston kit) supplier of quality products for
KP33900HX (without piston kit) import and domestic automatic
Banner Kit: transmissions. Precision has delivered
Teckpak-Fitzall is now carrying KP3300HW/O (with piston kit) uncompromising commitment,
a large selection of OEM electronic KP3300HXW/O (without piston kit) professionalism and expertise to the
transmission parts for A6GF, A6MF, Master Kit: transmission kit industry by providing
and A6LF, Hyundai-KIA 6-speed KP3300H (with piston kit) extensive aftermarket care to customers
transmissions. KP3300HX (without piston kit) as well as to original equipment
The selection includes solenoids, For more, visit Precision on line at manufacturers. They’re honored to
speed sensors, temperature sensor, www.transmissionkits.com. have received the GM CCA Supplier
inhibitor switch and internal wiring of the Year award, two years in a row.
harnesses. These items are ready for Test Brake Controllers Precision International is dedicated
immediate shipping. and Circuits with IPA's to providing the most up-to-date
Check with your local transmission Brake Force Meter information available in the industry
parts distributor for price and Innovative today.
availability. Products of Precision International has recently
America (IPA) introduced their new QR code
New Shifter Cable Repair Kit is pleased to system. It will help installers get the
from Teckpak-Fitzall introduce their information they need, when they need
Kit KT04981 includes each of the new 9107 it, regarding transmission kits. The QR
following repair bushings: Electric Brake codes have been added to the back of
• T92498-1 for 2005–2015 Chrysler, Force Meter the packaging and can be scanned by
Dodge, and Jeep vehicles with a with Dynamic any Smartphone. By accessing the QR
41TE or 62TE transmission. Load Simulation codes, all pertinent information, for
• T76498-1 for 1997–2008 Ford trucks, and Circuit Testing (patents pending). the unit at hand, is easily accessible
and 2002–2005 Explorer, Expedition, Designed for use on 7-spade in one space. There is no need to call
Navigator, and Mountaineer. equipped vehicles, this new technology and listen to an operator or sift through
• T74498-1A for GM vehicles with automatically recognizes the hours of research online—Precision
a “bell” or “bell” shaft on the shift electronic signature of both integrated has put everything in one simple place.
lever. trailer brake controllers (ITBC) and Beyond QR codes, Precision
• T74498-1 for GM and Ford vehicles aftermarket trailer brake controllers, International has their own app
GEARS September 2016 49

1PINS 916.indd 49 8/23/16 9:26 AM

available for free download. Just search • Large drain allows for easy, effective products to the automotive aftermarket,
“Precision International Kit Finder” in cleaning commercial vehicle industries, and
the app store on a mobile device. The • Built-in handles for easy mobility; industrial sectors utilizing drivetrain
app is a great resource for finding the heavy-duty casters technology. Sonnax is a 100%
exact kit an installer would need in a • Equipped with KUUL Comfort™ employee-owned company.
few easy clicks. An installer can select evaporative media, the highest-
the make, model, engine and year quality evaporative media available, Rostra Introduces
and the available kits for that type of made in the USA exclusively for Chrysler Governor
vehicle. Select the appropriate kit, and Portacool products Pressure Solenoid
a list of distributors who carry it will • Dimensions: 61H x 42W x 24.5D
come up. Then, select the distributor • 50 gallon reservoir
closest to the installer and they can Visit www.portacool.com for more
call them directly within the app! In information.
addition to locating a kit, the app has
tons of tech tips, YouTube videos and Sonnax Welcomes VP
other valuable resources for installers. of Quality, Continuous Rostra 52-0275 OEM Chrysler
This easy-to-use technology will Improvement 46/47/48RE Governor Pressure
benefit intstallers, both customers and S o n n a x Solenoid.
original equipment manufacturers. For Industries is pleased Rostra is pleased to introduce
more information, please contact the to announce the its new OEM Chrysler 46/47/48RE
Precision International team. appointment of governor pressure solenoid for 1993 to
Visit www.transmissionkits.com John Kulungian as 2004 vehicles, Rostra P/N 52-0275.
for more information or call Toll Free: Vice President of This solenoid is a direct
(800) 872-6649. Quality, Continuous replacement for OEM P/N 4617210.
Improvement & The unique solid can design won’t
Introducing the New Environmental gather debris. Each Rostra solenoid is
Portacool Jetstream 240 Health & Safety. new, never remanufactured, and 100%
In this newly-created role, he factory tested, ready for installation.
will lead the company’s efforts to Rostra offers a 12,000 mile or 12
maximize organizational and business month warranty.
performance through its people, For more information, contact Tal
processes and systems. Eidson at (910) 291-2575 or email at
Kulungian comes to Sonnax with teidson@rostra.com.
more than 20 years of senior leadership
experience in the manufacturing sector, New Hi-Performance Kit
and a proven track record within from Alto Products
the aerospace, defense and energy
The new Portacool Jetstream™ “John’s strategic and practical
series of portable evaporative coolers expertise will deepen Sonnax’s
feature designs engineered to generate longstanding commitment to quality,
significant airflow and provide superior and ensure our quality systems continue
portable cooling solutions. to improve and evolve,” said Sonnax
The Portacool Jetstream™ 240 President & CEO Tommy Harmon.
features the smallest footprint in the Kulungian holds a bachelor’s Alto Products Corp. now offers a
series. It’s easy to move to wherever degree in industrial technology Hi-Performance Friction/Steel kit for
you need to cool garage or shop spaces – manufacturing from Central the Mercedes 722.6 and Chrysler NAG1
up to 1,125 feet. Connecticut State University and a transmissions. Alto part # 141750HP
The Jetstream 240 is equipped master’s degree in general management is manufactured with our Red Eagle®
with KUUL Comfort™ evaporative from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Friction material and Kolene® Steels
media, the highest-quality evaporative His professional certifications in and includes Powerpacks for the K1,
media on the market, made in the USA the pursuit of creating results- K2, K3 & B2 clutch packs. This kit fits
exclusively for Portacool products to based cultures include that of Lean 1996-On applications and is in stock
provide maximum cooling comfort. Practitioner, Six Sigma Black Belt and and available for immediate delivery.
• Cools up to 1,125 sq ft Certified Manager of Quality. For more information on this series
• Delivers 4,500 CFM Founded in 1978, Sonnax is an and other products that we offer please
• 29 MPH Velocity award-winning industry leader in the view our catalog at www.altousa.com.
• Liquid level indicator with automatic cutting-edge design, manufacture
pump shutoff and distribution of the highest quality
50 GEARS September 2016

1PINS 916.indd 50 8/23/16 9:26 AM

GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.

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the events menu. Once registered, you

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July 5/6 6T40 & 6T70 comparison

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August 30/31 Drivability Diagnostics 1
September 13/14 Installation 101
September 27/28 Drivability Diagnostics 2

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This and other technical webinars
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TECHNICIAN - Looking for a change? We is a growing shop in Modesto seeking
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Bakers Transmission Service, LLC
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travel required, transmission rebuilding
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experience a must. Please send resume
to: dbland@atra.com – subject line: resume to: brktrans@yahoo.com or call
HELP WANTED: Experienced Chris at (352) 796-6544. ATRA Mbr
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established family owned business of over HELP WANTED: Experienced
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Please contact James at (515) 285-7561 or time, experienced Transmission Rebuilders
knudsontrans@live.com. ATRA Mbr
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Adapt A Case�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 Precision International����������������������������������������������������������������������15

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ATRA's Powertrain Expo������������������������������������������������������������� Rider Raybestos Powertrain����������������������������������������������������������������������17

powertrainexpo.com www.raybestospowertrain.com

ATRA Seminars��������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 ReMaTec - Amsterdam Rai��������������������������������������������������������������39

members.atra.com www.rematec.com

ATRA Webinars��������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Rostra Precision Controls, Inc.���������������������������������������������������������31

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Jasper Engines & Transmissions���������������������������������������������������IBC Torque Converters Rebuilders Assn. (TCRA)����������������������������������33

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Power Pusher By Nu-Star, Inc.��������������������������������������������������������36 TransTec, a brand of Freudenberg-NOK������������������������������������������ 11

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Precision European, Inc�������������������������������������������������������������������55 Whatever It Takes Transmission Parts, Inc.�������������������������������������21

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ATRA Supplier Members

Reserve your free table top display for the

ATRA 2016 technical seminar series today!

Call (805) 604-2018

See ATRA Seminar

Schedule information at:

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