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JULY 2018

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JULY 2018
PHONE (805) 604-2000

Publisher Dennis Madden

Managing Editor Rodger Bland
Technical Director Lance Wiggins
Senior Designer Jeanette Troub Diagnosing Ford’s It Worked on the Road Test! GM’s AF50 8-Speed Transmission
Intelligent AWD System The 6T40 4-5-6 Drum Interchange Quandary Fluid Level and Condition Check
Graphic Artist Aurelio Peña Page 4 Page 12 Page 16

Contributing Authors:

Steve Bodofsky
Steve Garrett
Jim Cathcart
Scott Shotton Thom Tschetter

Rolando (Rolly) Alvarez Bill Brayton Diagnosing Ford’s Intelligent AWD System
Mike Brown Keith Clark — by Pete Huscher
Rob Faucett Pete Huscher
Darwin Upton Shaun Velasquez 12 SHOP TALK:
Jarad Warren It Worked on the Road Test!
Director of Event Services Vanessa Velasquez The 6T40 4-5-6 Drum Interchange Quandary
— by Dennis Madden
The views expressed in this publication should not necessarily be interpreted
as the official policy of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA). 16 STREET SMART:
Publication of product information or any advertising does not imply recommenda- GM’s AF50 8-Speed Transmission
tion by ATRA.
Fluid Level and Condition Check
GEARS , a publication of ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030,
— by Mike Brown
is published for the betterment of the transmission industry and is distributed
ten times per year. No part of this issue may be reproduced without prior written
permission of the publisher. GEARS is distributed to members of the transmis- 20 IN FRONT OF THE FLYWHEEL: Tips on TPS
sion industry in the United States, Canada, ATRA Members in Mexico & Europe, — by Scott Shotton
and related automotive industry firms and individually. Send changes of address
to GEARS in care of ATRA. Subscriptions are available by contacting GEARS
in care of ATRA. 28 High Output: A Look at Today’s Charging Systems
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content of adver-
— by Steve Garrett
tisements printed and also assume full responsibility for any claims arising there-
from against the publisher. The publisher reserves the unqualified right to reject any 34 Improve Your Business Through AAR
advertising copy as it deems appropriate, with or without cause. — by Ron Hurst
GEARS is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard
to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding the publisher
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal
advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent profes- I Couldn’t Wait to Tell You about This
sional person should be sought from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted — by Thom Tschetter
by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers.
GEARS also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry. GEARS 40 SUCCESS STRATEGIES: When I’m 64
considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the welfare of the — by Jim Cathcart
transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it publishes. If you
would like to submit an article to GEARS, include background information about
the author and a telephone number where he/she may be reached. If you want 42 SHOP PROFILE:
submissions returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Mastertech Transmission, Inc.: Doing Something Very Right
— by Steve Bodofsky
Editorial and Business Offices
2400 Latigo Avenue,

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Phone (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2006
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GEARS, P.O. Box 16118, The Results Are In!
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— by Dennis Madden
On The Cover: Mastertech Transmission, Inc.,
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Issue #226 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ATRA 2018 Christopher Clark Photography, Inc.
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1TOC-718.indd 2 6/28/2018 07:39:10


by Dennis Madden

needs, and the people they trust to fix

their cars. It’s broken down by gender
and age, so we not only get a general
sense from the public, but a few
outliers, too.

It’s always interesting to test
very few years Rodger Bland population and standard of living what we know against what we think
and I set out to learn more had little effect in the wellbeing of a we know. Some of the data we found
about this industry through a transmission shop. This study included surprising and then, some of it was
series of surveys and focus groups. every state in the USA, from bustling exactly what we would’ve expected.
Since the first What’s Working study urban areas on the two coasts to But even when you think you’re right
in 2006, we’ve studied shop owners small towns in the middle regions. about something, it’s always good
(including general-repair shop owners), No relationship there: they had busy to have the facts to back up your
consumers and automotive students. shops and slow shops, with little-to-no opinions.
The amount of data we’ve collected correlation to their locations. But we didn’t stop there. We also
has been staggering and it’s provided In 2013, we looked at dealer customers surveyed over 250 shops across the
us with insight as to what’s really and discovered that over 90% would country to see how their view of the
happening in the automotive repair consider using an independent shop industry has changed since our last
industry: specifically the transmission for their automotive-repair needs. study. Overall, we found positive
repair industry. It’d be easy to think these customers results. And, like previous studies, we
You see, we can convince ourselves were locked into the dealer, but it was found the attitude of the shop owner
of just about any reason why business surprising to learn how little it’d take has a lot to do with the success of
is up or down; it’s easy to find to change their minds. their business. No surprise there; it’s
causality or any number of problems Think millennials are unmotivated one of the cornerstones of the What’s
we might have. A lot of times we hear and don’t want to learn? And that Working program.
people talking about the city they’re there aren’t any out there interested A lot has changed in the transmis-
in. I’ve heard “There’s no money in transmission repair? Think again. sion industry over the years. A few
in (name that town),” only to find a The 2016 focus-group study showed things haven’t: millennial men are still
shop in that very town that was doing us that we’ve just done a horrible job the worst customers out there for auto
gangbusters. We’ve even visited shops trying to reach these individuals in a repair businesses and it’s still a great
in places ranked high on Forbes’ list of way that makes sense to them. Once industry for those who really enjoy
America’s most miserable cities, only again, another myth that doesn’t hold the work.
to find a few shops with so much work up, when examined in the harsh light Rodger and I will share the results
they could barely move. of day. of our latest survey at this year’s
Then we looked at the opposite We can find any number of reasons ATRA Powertrain Expo. Not only will
situation: cities and towns that seem to explain our business ups and downs, we share what we’ve learned, we’ll
to be enjoying unparalleled success. but in the end, the only thing that holds even tell you what to think of it. You
Same results: They have shops that are up is the data. have the easy part: All you have to
doing well, while others, right around So here we are again, looking do is get yourselves to Las Vegas this
the corner, can barely keep their heads at a new panel of data where we’ve October.
above water. surveyed over a thousand consumers I’ll be looking for you there.
We also did a demographic study to get an inside look at their buying
that supported the idea that the city habits, their views on their auto repair
2 GEARS July 2018

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by Pete Huscher

DEM & 4WDCM Code Definitions

Codes Definitions
P0562 System Voltage Low
P0563 System Voltage High
P0602 PCM programming error
P0606 ECU short/open circuit
P0932 Hyd press sensor circuit

P0937 Hyd oil temp sensor circuit
nderstanding and diagnosing today’s domestic all-wheel P0939 Hyd oil temp sensor circuit low
P0940 Hyd oil temp sensor circuit high
drive systems can be quite intimidating. They’re designed P0960 PCS A control circuit open
to operate in conjunction with many of today’s on-board P0961 PCS A control circuit range performance
systems, such as the engine performance system, the transmission P0962 PCA A control circuit low
control system, and the antilock brake system, which may also P1886 Oil pressure pump performance
include the vehicle ride and stability control systems. U0001 High speed CAM comm. fault
U0121 Loss comm. with ABS Module
In this issue of Keep those Trannys Rolling, we’ll look at the U2050 No valid application for DEM
diagnostic routines needed to keep Ford’s Intelligent AWD systems 4WDCM Specific Code Definitions
rolling down the road. B1317 Battery Voltage High
B1318 Battery Voltage Low
ECU defective
Tire/Axle out of range
Ford’s new all-wheel drive systems are referred to as Intelligent P1824 4WD clutch circuit relay circuit failure
All-Wheel Drive systems. These all-wheel drive systems are always P1825 4WD clutch circuit relay circuit open
active and require no input from the driver; there’s no mode-select U0100 Loss comm. with PCM
switch. U0121 Loss comm. With ABS
U0401 Invalid data received from PCM
These systems combine transparent, all-surface operation and
U0415 Invalid data received from ABS
are capable of handling all road conditions, including street and U1900 CAN comm. BUS fault
highway driving, and off-road and winter driving.
Figure 1: DEM & 4WDCM Code lists

4 GEARS July 2018

1pete0718-jt.indd 4 6/28/18 2:47 PM

Figure 2: DEM Connector

After you’ve corrected all codes in the other modules,

HOW DOES THE INTELLIGENT AWD SYSTEM access the DEM (differential electronic module) or the
OPERATE? 4WDCM (4wd control module) and retrieve codes from the
The intelligent AWD system continuously monitors AWD system.
vehicle conditions and automatically adjusts the torque
distribution between the front and rear wheels. DEM AND 4WDCM CODE DEFINITIONS
During normal operation, most of the torque from the See figure 1 for a list of codes you might find in the
transmission is sent to the front wheels. If the computer detects DEM or 4WDCM.
wheel slip between the front and rear wheels, or if you operate
the vehicle under heavy throttle, the Intelligent AWD system DEM CODE DIAGNOSTIC ROUTINES
will increase the torque to the rear wheels to prevent or control P0562 — System voltage is low. Check battery and
wheel slip. charging system voltage. Verify all power and ground voltages
are correct at the DEM connector. If system voltage is within
DIAGNOSING FORD’S INTELLIGENT AWD specification, replace the DEM.
SYSTEMS P0563 — System voltage is high. Check battery and
Diagnosing Ford’s Intelligent AWD system is pretty charging system voltage. Verify all power and ground voltages
straightforward: Simply connect a compatible scan tool to the are correct at the DEM connector. If system voltage is within
DLC and check for codes in the PCM, TCM, and the ABS specification, replace the DEM.
control module. Document all codes you receive from each of P0602 — PCM programming error. Attempt to clear code
these modules. P0602. If it returns, verify all power and ground voltages
Before starting your diagnosis, be sure to correct all codes are correct at the DEM connector. If voltages are within
in the other modules. PCM and ABS problems can interfere specification, replace the DEM.
with the all-wheel drive system operation.
GEARS July 2018 5

1pete0718-jt.indd 5 6/28/18 2:47 PM

Diagnosing Ford’s Intelligent AWD System

P0940 — Hydraulic oil

temperature sensor circuit
high input. Check rear axle oil
temperature sensor circuit. If
the circuit is okay, suspect a
faulty rear axle oil temperature
sensor. Replace the rear axle oil
temperature sensor.
P0960 — Pressure control
solenoid A circuit open. Check
ABS wheel sensor PIDs to
verify that the ABS module is
transmitting the correct wheel
speed to the DEM. Check for
fluid leaks from the active on-
demand coupler. If you don’t
find any leaks, check the PCS
Figure 4: ITCC Solenoid Connector A circuit. If the PCS A circuit is
(early-2005) okay, replace the DEM.
P0961 — Pressure control
P0606 — ECU short solenoid A circuit performance. Check
or open circuit. Attempt ABS wheel sensor data to verify that the
to clear code P0606. If it ABS module is transmitting the correct
returns, verify all power and wheel speed to the DEM. Check for
ground voltages are correct fluid leaks from the active on-demand
at the DEM connector. coupler. If you don’t find any leaks,
If voltages are within check the PCS A circuit. If the PCS A
specification, replace the circuit is okay, replace the DEM.
DEM. P0961 — Pressure control solenoid
P0932 — Hydraulic A circuit low. Check ABS wheel sensor
pressure sensor circuit. data to verify that the ABS module is
Check rear axle oil transmitting the correct wheel speed to
Figure 3: 4WDCM Connector
temperature sensor circuit. the DEM. Check for fluid leaks from the
If the circuit is okay, active on-demand coupler. If you don’t
suspect a faulty rear axle oil find any leaks, check the PCS A circuit.
temperature sensor. Replace If the PCS A circuit is okay, replace the
the rear axle oil temperature DEM.
sensor. P1889 — Oil pressure pump
P0937 — Hydraulic performance. Install a new, active,
oil temperature sensor on-demand coupler oil pump. If the
circuit. Check rear axle code returns, install updated DEM kit
oil temperature sensor #4C016, available at your local Ford
circuit. If the circuit is okay, dealership.
suspect a faulty rear axle oil U0001 — High-speed CAN
temperature sensor. Replace communication error. Check high speed
the rear axle oil temperature CAN bus system wiring and connection.
sensor. Repair as needed.
P0939 — Hydraulic oil U0121 — Loss of communication
temperature sensor circuit with ABS module. Check CAN
low input. Check rear axle communication system. Check wiring
oil temperature sensor and connections. Check ABS module
circuit. If the circuit is okay, power and grounds. If CAN system and
suspect a faulty rear axle oil ABS module power and grounds are
temperature sensor. Replace okay, suspect a faulty ABS module.
the rear axle oil temperature U2050 — No valid application for
sensor. DEM. Reconfigure the DEM using as-
built data.

Figure 5: ITCC Solenoid Connector (late-2015)

6 GEARS July 2018

1pete0718-jt.indd 6 6/28/18 2:47 PM



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Ads_July2018.indd 7 6/28/2018 07:52:53

Diagnosing Ford’s Intelligent AWD System

Figure 6: 2010 Escape AWD wiring schematic

4WDCM CODE DIAGNOSTIC acceptable range. Check for correct tire circuits. If the coupler circuits check
ROUTINES sizes. Check tire pressure. Check ABS out okay, suspect a faulty active, on-
B1317 — Battery voltage high. system for wheel speed sensor fault. If demand coupler or a faulty 4WDCM.
Check battery and charging system wheel speed sensor fault exists, repair U0100 — Loss of communication
operation. Repair as needed. as needed. with PCM. Check the CAN
B1318 — Battery voltage low. P1824 — 4WD clutch relay circuit communication system. Check PCM
Check battery and charging system failure. Check 4WD clutch relay circuit. power and ground circuits. If the CAN
operation. Repair as needed. Check active, on-demand coupler communication system and the PCM
B1342 — ECU defective. Attempt circuits. If the coupler circuits check power and ground circuits are okay,
to clear code B1342. If the code returns, out okay, suspect a faulty active, on- suspect a faulty PCM.
check the 4WDCM power and ground demand coupler or a faulty 4WDCM. U0121 — Loss of communication
circuits. If power and ground circuits P1825 — 4WD clutch relay circuit with ABS. Check the CAN
are good, replace the 4WDCM. open. Check 4WD clutch relay circuit. communication system. Check ABS
P1635 — Tire or axle out of Check active, on-demand coupler module power and ground circuits.
8 GEARS July 2018

1pete0718-jt.indd 8 6/28/18 2:47 PM



Ads_July2018.indd 9 6/28/2018 07:52:55

STP_HONDA_Flyer_Ad_18_PRINT.indd 1 6/19/2018 8:10:31 AM
Diagnosing Ford’s Intelligent AWD System

Figure 7: 2015 Taurus AWD wiring schematic

If the CAN communication system and U1900 — CAN communication With a basic understanding of
the ABS module power and ground bus fault. Check CAN communication how Ford’s Intelligent AWD System
circuits are okay, suspect a faulty ABS system, wiring, and connections. Repair operates and interacts with other on-
module. as needed. board systems, you should have no
U0401 — Invalid data received Refer to the appropriate service problem diagnosing and repairing them.
from PCM. Check data coming from manual for your specific vehicle’s And with a better understanding of
the PCM for being out of range. Repair diagnostic routines. how these AWD systems operate, you
as needed. Well, there you have it: a quick should have no problem keeping those
U0415 — Invalid data received look at the diagnostic routines needed trannys rolling.
from ABS module. Check data coming to keep these intelligent AWD systems
from ABS module for being out of rolling down the road.
range. Repair as needed.
10 GEARS July 2018

1pete0718-jt.indd 10 6/28/18 2:47 PM


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by Dennis Madden

or years, we rebuilders have
made changes to transmis- GEN I GEN II
sion functionality by either Ring Tower (4 Rings) Ring Tower (3 Rings)
interchanging parts, installing
upgrades, or making valve body
modifications. It’s just part of
the business. A little tweak here,
a slight modification there, and
presto! it’s ready for the road test.
A quick drive on our “road
test course” and we’d either
deliver the car or work on it some
more. The road test was the great
qualifier and we’d know just how
to use it to check our work.
That method worked pretty
well 40 years ago when I was a
rebuilder and it works pretty well
today, too… for the most part.
But looking back, I can remember
modifications and “upgrades” that
I thought were the right way to go, Figure 1
but, knowing what I know today,
I’d either do something different or not Here, we’ll cover a common GEN II. During this upgrade, several
make the modification at all. interchange scenario with the General things changed:
You see, the seat-of-the-pants test Motors 6T40 4-5-6 clutch drum 1. Valve body
always doesn’t give us the complete assembly. The 6T40 was introduced in 2. Valve body solenoids
story; sometimes we may not realize 2008 for the Chevy Malibu. In 2009, 3. TECHM
the true effects of our work until it was added for the Saturn Aura and 4. Pump
months later. We saw this with ideas then in 2010 it became standard on a 5. Case
like removing the 3-4 clutch release range of GM vehicles. 6. Friction material for all
springs on the 4L60E. Great idea… The 6T40 has undergone several clutch packs
until we learned that it made things changes over the years, the most 7. Piston return springs for all
worse. We can go through a list of significant of which began in 2012. clutch packs
great ideas that didn’t work; this one So much so that the early and late 8. Wave plates removed
deals with the 6T40. transaxles are referred to as GEN I and 9. 4-5-6 clutch drum assembly
12 GEARS July 2018

1ShopTalk 718 v2.indd 12 6/28/2018 07:44:28

There were additional parts
changes, but let’s stop here with the
4-5-6 clutch drum assembly. The Frictions and Steels Frictions and Steels
issue at hand is ring tower and 4-5-6
clutch wave plate failure for GEN I
transaxles. The Gen II version didn’t
have a wave plate and the ring tower
seemed to hold up much better than
the one in the earlier version.
So you get a GEN I unit with
a wiped out clutch due to a broken
wave plate and a ring tower that’s
worn out. One solution is to upgrade
to the GEN II ring tower and 4-5-6
clutch drum assembly. You make the
swap and it drives pretty well on the
road test. “Wow! That was a great
idea! I think I’ll make that upgrade
on all my early units!” you think.
Not so fast. Let’s take a closer
look at these parts and see what
Wave Plate
really happens with this “upgrade.”
First we’ll revisit the changes and Figure 2
examine the differences. An obvious
difference is the ring tower. GEN I The 4-5-6 clutch drum assemblies This is significant and enough of a
uses four sealing rings while GEN II only look similar at first glance, but a difference that we need to know more.
uses three (figure 1). The 4-5-6 clutch striking difference is that the fluid dam So what is this fluid dam and why
pack for GEN I uses four frictions and on GEN I models has an inner and is it used? It’s a pretty simple concept:
a wave plate, while the GEN II uses five outer seal, while the GEN II version is When you release a clutch drum,
frictions and no wave plate (figure 2). missing the inner seal (figures 3 and 4). there’s still oil trapped behind the

GEN I (with Inner Seal) GEN II (without Inner Seal)

Figure 3 Figure 4

GEARS July 2018 13

1ShopTalk 718 v2.indd 13 6/28/2018 07:44:35

It Worked on the Road Test! The 6T40 4-5-6 Drum Interchange Quandary

piston. There’s no pressure

preventing the piston from
fully releasing; it’s just…
present. It’s just there.
If you spin up the drum,
like during a kickdown
maneuver, centrifugal force
throws the oil toward the
piston edge with enough
force that it can actually
move the piston and drag
the clutch. You can use
a heavier piston return
spring, but now you have
to overcome applying the
piston, especially during
low-pressure conditions.
One answer is the
fluid dam. This isn’t a new
idea. The first unit I recall
using this concept was the
AX4N. They called it a
return piston but it worked
the same way. The idea is
to have fluid present on
both sides of the piston:
the fluid that’s causing our
problem and fluid on the
return-spring side as well.
Now, when you spin
up the drum during full-
throttle, centrifugal force is
working on both sides of the
piston. And since it’s only
in effect during high RPM,
there’s no downside during
normal shifting. What a
great idea!
Now let’s get back to
our 6T40. The return piston
on the GEN II versions is like the
piston in every other transmission that
uses this concept: no inner seal. But
the GEN I version has an inner seal.
Why might that be?
To answer that, we’ll need to
look at the oil schematics. Let’s start
with the GEN II version (figure 5).
Like other transmissions that use
Figure 5 this concept (even going back to the
14 GEARS July 2018

1ShopTalk 718 v2.indd 14 6/28/2018 07:44:41

Figure 6 Figure 7

AX4N), the valve body simply dribbles Now you see the need for the inner at a stop or exhibit some other low-
oil into the fluid dam circuit. It’s never seal and the 4th sealing ring. For the line-pressure related complaint.
pressurized because there’s no inner regulator to work properly, you have to For me, the swap is a non-starter
seal. For it to work, it just needs a tiny contain the oil so it can actually reach (and we haven’t even gotten into the
bit of oil. the regulator’s pressure setting. frictions and wave plate changes).
On the 6T40 you can see that it Let’s spoil that whole idea now by I’ve seen a lot of upgrades, modifica-
gets the oil from many sources, so, using a GEN II ring tower and drum tions, and innovations over the years,
as the transmission is working and assembly. With the 4th ring and inner and this industry always finds a way
shifting, there are several valves just seal of the fluid dam missing, the around nagging problems, but this
squirting a bit of oil into the fluid regulator no longer regulates; it just one needs to go back on the shelf
dam circuit. sits there wide open (figure 7). Now for review.
But the GEN I system is different. you have a leak that’s only contained And besides, I’m sure a better
It uses a regulator valve to feed the by any restrictions in the system, solution is right around the corner.
fluid dam circuit (figure 6). This valve through the channeling and f luid
(the compensator feed regulator valve) passages, but for all intents and purposes,
delivers low pressure to the fluid dam. you’ve got a hefty leak on your hands.
The principle is the same: Balance “But it worked okay on the road
the centrifugal force of the oil to both test,” you say. Providing the pump can Thanks to Dalyn Hester at Whatever
sides of the piston, but for reasons overcome the leak, you may not notice it Takes Transmission Parts, Inc. for
that escape me, they decided to use much of a problem. But, over time, supplying the parts for the research
a regulator. you’re likely to have it fall out of gear of this article.
GEARS July 2018 15

1ShopTalk 718 v2.indd 15 6/28/2018 07:44:46


by Mike Brown

emember the good old day’s
when you just opened the
hood pulled out the dip-
stick, wiped it off, stuck it back
in, and pulled it out? Just like
that, you knew if the fluid was low
or not.
You could look at the fluid
on the stick and tell a lot by its
condition. Was it burnt, varnished,
or nice and red? And if you
needed to add fluid, you’d just
grab a quart of Type F or Dexron FLUID LEVEL PLUG
off the shelf.
Those days are pretty much
gone for good.
Take a look at what you need
to do to check the fluid on GM’s
AF50 8-speed
Figure 1
1. Start the engine with
the A/C off. 5. Raise and support the vehicle. The the recommended automatic
2. Wait until the transmission fluid vehicle must be level, with the transmission fluid. This
temperature reaches 35º–45ºC engine running and the shift lever transmission requires AW-1 fluid.
(95º–113ºF). in park. It’s very important that the fluid
3. Move the shift lever to all positions 6. Remove the fluid level plug on the is up to temperature. The AW-1 fluid
from park to drive, waiting at least bottom of the transmission, and is a full-synthetic fluid. It has a high
two seconds at each position. see if the fluid dribbles out or not expansion rate; if you don’t check it
4. Repeat step 3 and then shift back (figure 1). If not, the fluid is low. at the right temperature, it’ll create
into park. 7. If you need to add fluid, use only several problems.
16 GEARS July 2018

1brown 718.indd 16 6/28/2018 07:46:07

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RAP Kit AD Smokey 7/21/1707:52:57
4:39 PM
GM’s AF50 8-Speed Transmission Fluid Level and Condition Check


Figure 2

If you check the fluid level when ment plugs come with an O-ring. Lubri- 2. Replace all of the rubber seals. The
it’s too cold, when the transmission cate the seal with AW-1 fluid and install coolant will attack the seal material,
comes up to operating temperature, the O-ring before installing the plug. which will cause leaks.
it’ll be overfilled. The fluid will make If no fluid comes out after you 3. Replace the torque converter.
contact with the geartrain, which will remove the plug and the temperature 4. Flush the cooler lines.
aerate it, leading to shift troubles, is within the specified range, add Check that the automatic trans-
converter shudder, and fluid leaking fluid until it runs out as a steady mission fluid isn’t discolored.
out the vent (figure 1). stream. Install and tighten the new You can’t change the transmission
Some residual automatic trans- transmission oil drain plug to 6 lb-ft filter to help increase the life of
mission fluid will dribble from the (8NM). your transmission. Changing the
fluid level-setting hole when you first Check that the automatic trans- transmission fluid will help.
remove the plug; that’s normal. mission fluid is free of foreign matter. It is important not to mix fluid.
Insufficient automatic transmis- If the automatic transmission fluid is Use the correct, AW-1 fluid only.
sion fluid level will cause the oil pump cloudy, suspect water contamination. And that’s not just smart: that’s
to draw in air, reducing line pressure. Inspect the cooling system. street smart.
This causes clutches to slip, resulting Caution: The antifreeze or water
in problems such as a burned clutches. will deteriorate the seals, gaskets, and
The fluid filler plugs installed at the glue that bonds the clutch material
locations 1 and 2 (figure 2) from the to the pressure plate. Both conditions
vehicle assembly plant are one-time may cause damage to the transmission.
use. They have an interference fit and If antifreeze or water has entered
don’t have O-rings. You only need the transmission:
to remove one; whichever is easiest 1. Repair the source of the water; usu-
to reach. ally the leak is from the transmission
Once removed, you must replace cooler in the radiator or it could be a
these plugs with new ones. The replace- water leak through the vent.

18 GEARS July 2018

1brown 718.indd 18 6/28/2018 07:46:11

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by Scott Shotton
The Driveability Guys

faulty throttle position sensor Scan Tool Testing exercise the accelerator pedal? Finally,
(TPS) or accelerator pedal po- The first step in almost every are there any dropouts in the signal
sition sensor (APP) can cause diagnosis is to connect a scan tool to voltage?
engine or transmission issues. Hesita- check DTCs and live data. Using live If any of these tests fail, your next
tions, surging, hard starting and a va- data to view TPS voltage is a good start. step would be to test the TPS wiring
riety of transmission shifting problems Most technicians are very visual people, before condemning the TPS.
are only a few of the issues a failing so graphing TPS voltage allows you to There’s a disadvantage to this
TPS or APP can cause. take full advantage of the scan tool’s test: the refresh rate of the scan tool is
Although they aren’t high failure capabilities. too slow to catch small glitches in the
items, we do need to know how to With the key on, engine off, observe signal. Because the scan tool grabs
diagnose them properly, especially the TPS as you move the throttle slowly pieces of data, there are spaces between
when they don’t set a diagnostic trouble from closed throttle to wide-open the points that the scan data screen
code. throttle and back again. displays. If an extremely small glitch
In this issue, we’ll explore some Then examine the graphed data for happens to fall in between these sample
techniques for testing potentiometers. a few things: What are the minimum and points, it won’t show up on the screen.
For the remainder of this article we’ll maximum voltages? Do the voltages So a gross failure will be obvious
use TP sensors to illustrate testing. match the vehicle’s specifications? while a small or intermittent failure
Does the signal move smoothly as you may not show up. These small glitches

Figure 1: A known good TPS sweep performed with a DSO.

20 GEARS July 2018

1scottshotton0718.indd 20 6/28/18 3:02 PM

are often the cause of failures that quite In the case of a voltmeter test, for testing potentiometers: oscilloscope
often won’t set DTCs. In these cases, you’re looking for the same things you testing.
you may have to rely on other testing did with the scan tool. How low and
techniques. high do the voltages go and are there Oscilloscope
any dropouts? Testing
Voltmeter Testing Again, there are drawbacks to this A digital storage oscilloscope
Another option is to measure the test: Because the voltmeter’s sampling (DSO) is the best choice for testing.
TPS voltage with a voltmeter. Set the is also relatively slow, it may also miss Most DSO’s sample rates are extremely
voltmeter on DC voltage and probe the some of the small dropouts just like the fast and will be able to catch all the
TPS signal wire with the positive lead. scan tool. little glitches that the previous tests may
Connect the negative lead to ground. To increase the voltmeter’s miss.
For the sake of accuracy, it’s always a sensitivity, you may want to turn the Connect the DSO exactly the same
good idea to use the TPS ground wire Min/Max feature on if your voltmeter way you did the voltmeter. Most TPSs
itself since this is where the TPS gets is equipped with it. That will increase are a 0-to-5 volt signal, so set the DSO
its ground. the sampling rate of the test and may with 0 volts near the bottom of the
If the PCM is accessible, it’s always provide better results. If your meter screen and 5 volts near the top.
a good idea to make connections there has a peak Min-Max feature, that will Be sure to use the real estate of
instead of the TPS itself. This will allow increase the sampling rate even further. your DSO screen; that is, make the
you to test the wiring and connections Both techniques, scan data graphing TPS signal fill the entire screen to
at the same time as the sensor. Then and voltmeter testing, can easily show make analysis easier. Set the time base
perform the key on, engine off throttle you a serious failure but may not reveal relatively slow since the TPS isn’t a fast
sweep, just as you did with the scan those pesky intermittent issues. Let’s signal like a fuel injector or a crankshaft
tool. move on to the most effective technique position sensor.

Figure 2: You can see glitches in the TPS that were causing driveability or shifting issues.

GEARS July 2018 21

1scottshotton0718.indd 21 6/28/18 3:03 PM

Tips on TPS
An additional note on
DSO setup: if your DSO
has an adjustable sampling
rate, be sure to turn it all the
way up to its fastest setting
to avoid missing any small
issues. Also, if your DSO is
equipped with filters, shut
them off. By doing these
two things, you make sure
you won’t miss anything
when you obtain the scope
capture. If desired, you can
always turn the filters back
on later.
A good TPS capture
should look like figure 1.
This vehicle has a closed
throttle voltage of 800
millivolts and a wide-open
throttle voltage of about Figure 3: With DSO connections made at the PCM, you can observe signal dropouts caused by loose
4 volts. In addition, the connections at the TPS connector.
transition from closed to The next vehicle is another voltmeter set on Min/Max would have
open and back again is smooth and example of an intermittent issue that probably caught this issue too. Second,
shows no sign of dropouts or glitches. wasn’t setting DTCs. In this case, the backprobing the TPS connector could
The next TPS capture (figure technician made the connections at have temporarily “fixed” this issue and
2) is from a Chrysler that exhibited the PCM connector. Figure 3 shows the TPS would have tested good on the
intermittent surging, unwanted shifting dropouts almost all the way to 0 volts. DSO. This is why testing at the PCM
during light throttle, and occasional On this vehicle the TPS wasn’t the connector is a good idea whenever
engine stalling. The PCM stored no fault, but the TPS signal definitely had possible.
DTCs and you could easily duplicate an issue. Poor connections at the TPS The last vehicle is a 2001 Dodge
the problem during a test drive. were causing loss of signal to the PCM. Ram 2500 with a 5.9-liter Cummins
The closed and open voltages The technician checked the pin tension diesel engine. The customer’s complaint
matched this vehicle’s specifications but at the TPS connector and found it loose. is erratic shifts between gears at cruising
notice the glitch in both the ascending He replaced the female pins inside the speed and the MIL comes on.
and descending portions of the signal. connector, which resolved the issue. During testing, the technician
This is the bad spot that was causing all There are two things you should retrieved a P0122 APP. The technician
of the customer’s issues. know about this capture: First, a replaced the APP and the problem still

Figure 4: A series of good TPS sweeps — key on, engine off — doesn’t always reveal the problem.

22 GEARS July 2018

1scottshotton0718.indd 22 6/28/18 3:03 PM

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Ads_July2018.indd 23 6/28/2018 07:52:58

Tips on TPS

existed. Then he scoped the

APP at the ECM connector,
and performed several
key on, engine off throttle
sweeps (figure 4): no issues
The technician started
the engine, and opened and
closed the throttle again
(figure 5). Obviously he
couldn’t open the throttle Figure 5: With the engine running, you can see electrical noise on a DSO that you’d miss
all the way with the engine using a voltmeter or scan tool.
running and the vehicle in
park, but you can still see an issue in the and changed the settings to AC voltage. and interference that cause some of our
DSO capture. This is noise or electrical The alternator ripple reached almost 1 “hair-pulling moments” become easy
interference. The problem is something volt (figure 6). to see using proper oscilloscope testing
that causes interference only when the On this RAM, the alternator techniques.
vehicle’s running. was causing the interference due to
Ignition systems are often to blame bad rectifier diodes. The technician Do you have any engine or electrical
for unwanted interference, but we can replaced the alternator and all the issues diagnostic issues you’d like to see addressed
take that off the table because this disappeared. in the future? Let Scott know. Send him an
vehicle, being a diesel, doesn’t have an As you can see, we have multiple email at scott@driveabilityguys.com and
ignition system. choices for testing TP and APP sensors. you just may have your question covered in
The alternator, on the other hand, All of them have some value, but using a future issue of GEARS Magazine.
could be an issue. So the technician a scope is always going to be your best
moved the DSO leads to the alternator option. The small glitches, dropouts,

Figure 6: A test of alternator ripple reveals the cause of the stray voltage in the APP signal.

24 GEARS July 2018

1scottshotton0718.indd 24 6/28/18 3:03 PM

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Table of
General System Overview
Transfer Coupling
- Introduction
- Diagnostics, Tire Wear, Codes • MP TRANSFER CASE General Motors
- Rolling Circumference Test - K Truck, Service 4WD Message,
• GETRAG 760 TRANSFER DTCs Set, Various Other Issues • 4L60E/65E/70E • 6L80
CASE • CHEVROLET/GMC - Burnt/Leaking 3-4 Clutch - Tailshaft Bushing Failure
- Introduction and FULL SIZE K TRUCK - No Reverse • 6L80/90
Service Information - Front Differential Failure/Noise/ • 4L60/65E - Burnt Slipping 1-2-3-4, 4-5-6,
- System Operation Clunk - Harsh Shifts 3-5-R Clutches
- ABS Light On, Trac Off, Service • NEW GM RPO PROCESS - Neutrals on the 2-3 Shift, • 8 AND 9 SPEED
Traction Control System Light - For 2018 and Later Applications Repeat 3-4 Clutch Failure APPLICATIONS
On, Service Stabilitrak Light On • GM VEHICLES - Slips and Chatters - Selective One-Way Clutches
• MP1625, MP1626, - Reprogramming with the Same - TCC Shudder (SOWC)
MP1222, MP1225, MP1226 Calibration Files • 6L45/50/80/90 • LCT 1000
- Transfer Case Updates • 6L50/6L80/6L90, - Damaged 1-2-3-4/3-5-R Clutch - No Reverse
• MP1625, MP1626, 8L45/8L90 Drum Bearing Seal - Harsh Downshift at Times
MP3010, MP3023, - Driveability Issues with 4 • 6L80/90 - 1-2 Flare, 3-2 Downshift Bump
MP3024, MP3025G Cylinder Mode, TCC Applied - Burnt/Slipping 4-5-6 Clutch, - Pressure Tap Size
- Service 4x4 Message Possible • 6T70/75, 6L50 Possible Transmission Overheat, • 6T70/75
DTCs C0392, C0396, C0398, - Transmission/Engine Driveability Cooler Flushing Issues - Delayed Engagement, Delayed
C0306, C039E, C038D Set, Issues, Engine Misfire 3.6L, or Neutral on 5-4 Kickdown,
Likely Intermittent - Thermal Valve
3.0L V-6 P0756
• AF33-5/4L60E • ALL GM VEHICLES • 6T30, 6T40/45
- Engine Misfire Before and/or - TCC Slip, No Apply, P0741
- Jumps While Driving 45mph After Repairs, Shudder, Harsh Possible
Shift, Surge
• 6L50 • 6T40
- Surge at Idle While Stopped in
Ford - Communication Issues, Possible
DTCs, Engine Driveability Issues
Drive Range
• 6T30/35
• 6L80/90 - 1-2-3-4 Snap Ring Pops Out
• 6F35 • 6R140 - Pump Service, Low Line Pres- After Repair
- Harsh Engagements, DTC - Transmission Overheating, sure, Slips Forward/Reverse
P0C27 Erratic Cooler Flow • 4T65E
- Slips/Harsh 1-2, 3-4, Flares at • 6L80/90, 8L90, 10L80/90 - Harsh Shifts, P0722, P0723
- DTC P054F - Garage Shift Clunk All • CVT-7, JF015E
- Harsh Engagements, No Codes - Worn/Damaged Forward 1-2-3- • 6L45/50, 6L80/90 - Characteristics Chevrolet Spark,
- DTC P0760, P0763 4 Clutch Regulator Valve - Pan and Filter Combo Barina, Beat
- Flexplate Update, Knocking - Solenoid, Transmission Range, - Hard Shift After Repairs • ALL RWD VEHICLES
Noise Speed Sensor Codes - 2-6 Clutch Failure, 2-6 Clutch - Front Seal Leakage After Repair,
- Torque Converter Update, - Various DTCs Set, Various Support Bushing Failure Worn Front Seals
Broken Lugs, Noise, No Symptoms, Diesel Applications
Movement - High Transmission Temp,
• 6R80
- Dropping out of 5th and 6th
Transmission Overheating Chrysler
• DPS6
Gear - No Start and/or No Movement, • CVT2 - Third Gear Powerflow
- Harsh/Firm 5-4 Downshift, Loss of Power with DTCs - P0730, Ratio Codes
Reprogram - Fourth Gear Powerflow
U0100, U0101 and/or U1013, - Whining Noise, DTC P0218 - Fifth Gear Powerflow
• 6R60 P0606 • 68RFE
- DTC U0101, U1900 and/or Falls - Sixth Gear Powerflow
• 4R44/55E - Delayed Engagements
Out of Gear - Seventh Gear Powerflow
- Clunk When Coming to a Stop - Fluid Leakage, Case Cracked
• 4R70W - Manual Shaft Seal Leak - Eighth Gear Powerflow
- Squawk on Take Off or • CD4E - Filter Replacement
Coast Down Shift - DTC P0715 and P0717 • 42-48RE SERIES
- Voltage Issues - Solenoid Connector Removal
• 48RE - Pump Assembly
Imports - Cooler Check Valve
• 42-48 SERIES
- Pump Gears Removal
- No 4th or TCC, P0740-P0783 - Pump Gear Disassembly
• P111 - Speed Sensor Identification - No Reverse - Internal Component Disassembly
- No Start, No Movement - Shift Solenoid Location • 45/545/65/66/68 RFE - Geartrain Disassembly
• RE5R05A and Specifications SERIES - P4 Snap Ring Special Tool
- No Start After Flywheel - Valve Body Identification - DTC P0869, Line Pressure High - P1 Planet and Sun Gear Removal
Replacement - Air Check Locations • 545RFE
- Reprogramming the TCM - P2 Planet Removal
- Servo Identification - No Reverse
• RE0F10A/B - P2 Ring Gear and Trust Bearing
- Servo Travel - Kills the Motor
- DTC P17F0/F1, Shudder or - P4 Sun Gear, Planet and D/C/E
Violent Shaking
- C3 and C4 Clutch Drum Identifi- • 62TE Clutch
cation - DTC P0935, P1745
• A340, AW30-40LE - C1 Clutch Drum Identification • 845RE - C Clutch Assembly
- No Reverse, No 3rd After Repair - B2 Brake Identification - Introduction - P3 Ring Gear, C and E Clutch
• A750F - Sprag Rotation - Clutch Application Chart - Setting Clutch Clearance
- P2716 Set - Solenoid Application Chart
- C2 Clutch Drum Identification - Clutch Drum Specifics
• U151 - B2 Brake Snap Ring - Failsafe Operation
- Tie-Up, Damaged Clutches - Valve Body Exploded View
- Service Information - Gear Ratio Chart
• U880 - Service Procedures • 45RFE
- Introduction - ECM Reset - Over-Temperature DTC Set
- Internal Component View
- Gear Ratio • HONDA 3 SHAFT - Reverse Powerflow • ALL CHRYSLER VEHICLES
- Line Pressure Test - DTC P0780 - First Gear Powerflow - P1790, P0720, P0731,
- Clutch and Band Application - TCC Issue - Second Gear Powerflow Erratic Shifts
Chart • A5HF1
- Shift Solenoid Operation - No Upshift After 3rd Gear

ad template.indd 1 4/27/18 10:38 AM

by Steve Garrett

he longer I’m around, the more One of the differences with today’s eration, the charging system output
I realize the importance of the systems is that they must do much more may increase. This helps accomplish
basics. How many times have than in the past. The charging system a couple goals: increase the charge
you tackled a complex vehicle issue, now helps improve fuel economy as rate without sacrificing fuel economy,
only to find the problem was something well as charge the battery and supply and help the vehicle decelerate, simi-
really basic? supplemental power to operate the lar to hybrid regenerative braking.
With each year’s seminars, I find vehicle’s electronic systems.
that we likely have some information To perform its duties, today’s SYSTEM CONTROL
that deals with system powers and charging systems have several modes Today’s charging systems work
grounds. The more complex the of operation: together with the controllers on
system, the greater the need for a • Battery sulfation mode — increases the vehicle. This may be with the
proper power supply and ground. the charging system output after PCM, BCM, ECM, or a standalone
Vehicle charging systems have a specific time (usually around module, depending on the application.
become heavily taxed with the advent 45 minutes) if the battery state of Information for system operation is
of more and more controllers and charge (SOC) is still low. carried over networks such as CAN
vehicle options. If the charging system • Start-up mode — after start, the and LIN, or it may be hardwired
isn’t providing the voltage and amperage system typically ramps up the output between the alternator and a specific
required, it’ll likely cause issues with to at least 14.5V for a minimum of module.
the operation of various systems, in- 30 seconds. Some alternators have internal
cluding the transmission. Understanding • Fuel economy mode — the system regulators, which are controlled typi-
today’s charging system technology is lowers the voltage to 13 volts or less cally by a PWM signal from a module,
key, not only to diagnosis, but also suc- to reduce the load on the engine and such as the PCM. Chrysler and others
cessful vehicle repair. improve belt life. have the voltage regulator mounted
So let’s look at a typical charging • Headlamp mode — with increased inside a vehicle computer, such as the
system used in today’s GM, Ford, demand, the system will increase PCM.
Honda, and Chrysler applications. voltage output.
Regulated voltage control (RVC) • Voltage reduction mode — reduces VOLTAGE/CURRENT
systems used on today’s vehicles are voltage output when the battery is SENSING
quite different from the designs used at 80% or greater and the electrical GM and Honda are examples of
just a few short years ago. demand is low. charging systems that use a device to
As with systems of the past, • Windshield de-ice mode — monitor the battery voltage and current
today’s charging systems still come increases output when the de-icing flow.
down to some basic components: grids or seat heaters are turned on. GM uses a battery sense module
battery, alternator, and some method • Charge/normal mode — designed to on some applications, which is typical-
of controlling the system voltage and maintain an 80% state of charge. ly mounted to one of the battery cables.
amperage; generally a module. • Deceleration mode — during decel- The sensor module uses a Hall Effect
28 GEARS July 2018

1SteveG_0718.indd 28 6/28/2018 07:47:18

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High Output: A Look at Today’s Charging Systems

sensor, which provides a 128 HZ PWM fuel economy mode, which is designed minutes at a time, so, as the timer
signal to the BCM (Body Control to lower the charging system voltage by expires, the system will return to
Module). The sensor stays powered up reducing the alternator field strength. normal charging operation.
even when the key is off, so the BCM Technicians often diagnose this The BCM is the brains of the
can identify parasitic drain. mode as a faulty charging system, only operation, but the PCM is the module
Honda applications use an electrical to find out that the vehicle operates the that actually controls charging system
load detector (ELD), which is typically same even with new parts installed. operation. The PCM controls the
located in the underhood fusebox. The Simply applying maximum load to the signal to terminal L of the alternator to
function of the electrical load detector is vehicle’s electrical system will cause control system output.
very similar to a battery sense module. the PCM/ECM to respond, raising Terminal L — Terminal L is
The PCM supplies five volts to the charging system voltage. designed to control the charging
electrical load detector. The electrical GM also designed this system to system. Terminal L feeds the signal
load detector grounds the circuit, identify battery sulfation. In response, to a regulator inside the alternator.
providing a voltage signal between the PCM/ECM will command the The PCM/ECM sends five volts to
0.3–4.50 volts to the PCM. The higher charging system’s voltages to increase alternator terminal L. When the system
the voltage, the lower the charging system to as high as 15.5 volts, even when requires an increase in output, the
output, while a lower voltage indicates a there’s no electrical load. Sulfation PCM/ECM will change the circuit
higher charging system output. mode will typically last less than five duty cycle, which will cause the

Starting around 2004, GM
introduced its regulated voltage
control (RVC) charging system.
You can identify the system by
looking for the battery sensor or a
2-wire connection at the alternator.
GM has two versions of this
system: regulated voltage control
and standalone regulated voltage
control (SARCV) (figure 1).
The standalone regulated
voltage control system wasn’t used
for long. Standalone regulated
voltage control systems used
its own module to control the
charging system, known as a
generator battery control module
The GM regulated voltage
control system can vary from 11.5
–15.5 volts. As with other systems
in use today, the GM system has a Figure 1

30 GEARS July 2018

1SteveG_0718.indd 30 6/28/2018 07:47:23

regulator to change the voltage set to the alternator: generator monitor GEN COM — Generator com-
point. (GEN MON) and generator command mand controls the system output. The
The duty cycle can range from (GEN COM). GEN MON and GEN PCM sends a 128 HZ PWM signal to
10% to as high as 90%, with the higher COM are similar to terminals F and L the alternator GEN COM terminal.
duty cycle creating a higher voltage on a GM system (figure 2). The duty cycle varies from 3% to 95%
charging rate. If an open circuit
occurs, the system will default to a
charging voltage of 13.2–13.8V.
Terminal F — Terminal
F is a duty cycle signal that the
PCM/TCM monitors. The duty
cycle percentage represents the
operation of the alternator field.
The PCM/ECM monitors the duty
cycle to determine the load the
alternator is placing on the engine.
They then use this input for idle
speed control and the alternator
voltage set point.

Ford Smart Charge was
introduced on the 1999 Windstar.
Like the GM system, the regulator
is mounted in the alternator. The
PCM then controls the regulator to
control system output. It’s similar
to the operation of the GM system,
with two main control connections Figure 2

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GEARS July 2018 31

1SteveG_0718.indd 31 6/28/2018 07:47:28

High Output: A Look at Today’s Charging Systems

with the high duty cycle corresponding PIN C — the PCM looks at the is demand is low, the PCM will ground
to higher alternator output. alternator PIN C to determine voltage PIN C, forcing the regulator into low
If the battery voltage is correct, output. With the circuit grounded, the output mode.
there won’t be a signal on the GEN alternator will be in low output mode. Starting in 2013, Honda intro-
COM circuit. If an open circuit occurs, PIN FR — The PCM supplies a duced an updated design that uses a
the output voltage default will be 13.5- 5-volt signal to PIN FR. The alternator single control wire.
13.7 volts after engine speed exceeds regulator toggles the circuit to ground
2500 RPM the first time. the varying duty cycle based on CHRYSLER
GEN MON — Generator monitor alternator load. The Chrysler charging system
sends a signal to the PCM based on the PIN IG — Ignition is slightly different from the other
alternator load and output. The PCM PIN C — Computer; when output systems (figure 4). Chrysler has
sends a signal to the alternator
GEN MON circuit. The regulator
then grounds or ungrounds
the circuit at a fixed frequency
(generally 128Hz), but varies the
duty cycle from 5-95% based on
the alternator load. The GEN
MON circuit will have a signal
present anytime the engine is
SENSE — the alternator
receives the current battery voltage
from the sense circuit.

Honda uses a dual-mode
charging system on most 1990-2012
applications (figure 3). This system
decreases drag on the engine while
cranking and reduces charging
system output (engine load) for
improved fuel economy. Similar to
other systems, the PCM controls
the alternator. The PCM receives
Figure 3
the system voltage and amperage
demand from the electronic load
detector in the fusebox.
Cranking (Low Output
Mode) — during cranking, the
PCM will set the output target
between 12.4-12.9 volts. This
mode will be active when the
system meets a given set of
criteria, leading the PCM to
command the alternator to reduce
the charging system output. Don’t
misinterpret low output mode as a
bad alternator.
Normal Mode — with the
engine running and a specific
set of criteria met, the PCM will
command a target output voltage
between 13.5 and 14.9 volts.
With the ignition switch on, the
alternator should receive a signal
on the IG circuit greater than 12
volts, which it uses to activate the
alternator. Figure 4

32 GEARS July 2018

1SteveG_0718.indd 32 6/28/2018 07:47:32

used three different charging system control are available with a Chrysler major player in proper transmission
designs over the past few years: local system: A circuit controls and B circuit operation.
interconnect network (LIN), analog controls. Next time we’ll look at some
controls (used only with 1.4L engines), A Circuit Control — controls the simple steps you can use to isolate
and their most popular system, which power to the field. It may accomplish charging system issues. Until then,
is PCM controlled. this through the shutdown relay or it remember: “If it doesn’t challenge you,
Most Chrysler alternators don’t may be a direct input from the PCM to it won’t change you.”
typically contain a regulator, the the alternator field. The PCM controls
exception being the analog-controlled the second field terminal, which
application. Chrysler controls the controls the field ground.
alternator externally. A PCM controls B Circuit Control — introduced
the field current. The voltage regulator in 2008. One field pin grounds
electronics are housed within the PCM. internally within the alternator, while
The PCM will typically receive a the PCM controls the other pin.
battery voltage input on two circuits: Because this type of system grounds
one from the alternator B+ sense through the alternator case, mounting
circuit (Kelvin sense) and one from to the engine is critical for proper
the totally integrated power module operation.
(TIPM). The PCM senses the battery
Chrysler may control one or both voltage via terminal B, also referred to
sides of the field (power and ground). as Kelvin sense. The PCM controls a
The field current flow will vary based PWM signal to the field (F terminal) to
on electrical demand, battery state of control the field strength and alternator
charge, and engine RPM. output.
Unlike some other manufacturers, As you can see, all of the
unplugging a Chrysler alternator will alternators are similar in operation.
result in zero output. Two types of field Charging systems have become a

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GEARS July 2018

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1SteveG_0718.indd 33 6/28/2018 07:47:37

by Ron Hurst
Speaker and President
Developing Leaders Inc.

t’s late Friday afternoon and stress and last-minute drama? A pipe that we must continually improve and
you’ve already had a long, stress- dream, you say? No, effective leadership solve problems effectively.
ful, rollercoaster of a week. Your communication. Communication is a critical
shop foreman just walked into your of- component of a successful business,
fice to tell you the major customer that The Plan: and yet most managers stopped learning
you’re stressed over — you know, the Options 1 and 2 achieve effectively how to improve communication when
one whose truck you promised a week nothing and you still have the problem they completed their formal education.
ago, who’s just one more mistake from to solve. Option 3 might seem prudent, Using a few straightforward approaches
pulling his business — well, his truck and frankly if it’s clear the problem can’t to enhancing your communication
won’t be finished before Monday. be resolved it may become necessary, can significantly improve business
but at what risk? No, the best of the four performance and get you out of the
Your options: bad options is to get out in the shop and rollercoaster drama cycle that plagues
1. Explode all over your foreman, solve the problem, finish the repair. so many.
berate him for being incompetent, Let’s say that you’re successful I recommend that, once you resolve
not understanding how important and the truck gets delivered. The crisis the current crisis, you meet with your
this customer is, and not being is resolved and you’re feeling good foreman and technicians and conduct
able to get his job done. about getting it done. Yet there’s a bit of an AAR. Make sure they learn how to
2. Go silent, feel your blood pressure unease in the back of your mind: Why improve. Then meet privately with your
creep up to an all-time high, and did I have to come out and solve this? foreman and explain your expectations
tell the foreman to get out of your Isn’t that what I pay my foreman to do? around performance clearly and
office. Yes it is, but does he know how? completely. Believe it or not, he
3. Call the customer and throw The key in this scenario is to probably doesn’t understand exactly
yourself at his mercy. make sure it doesn’t happen again. You what your expectations are, and is afraid
4. Run out to the shop, rally the must teach your foreman how to solve to ask you.
troops, and get the truck completed problems and not just bring them to you. If you want to learn more about
this afternoon. I recommend that you implement a how effective communication can solve
None of these are particularly process of after-action reviews (AAR). several of the challenges you’re facing
good options, are they? They all have This comes from the U.S. Army and in your business right now, join me at
consequences. Some would feel right involves three simple questions. After the Expo for my workshop, called They
in the moment, but they would create any engagement, you gather the team Just Don’t Understand. There you’ll
larger problems later. involved and ask: learn why your employees don’t hear
What if it didn’t have to be this 1. What happened? you and how you can get through to
way? What if, by adjusting the way you 2. Why did happen? them and improve your business.
communicate with your employees, 3. What can we do to keep it from See you in Vegas this November!
you could avoid this scenario and do happening again?
what you want to do: Run a successful This simple communication-based
business, a business without all the activity begins to set a clear expectation
34 GEARS July 2018

1RonGurst718-JT.indd 34 6/28/18 3:25 PM




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by Thom Tschetter

p Your Business is an exclusive
GEARS Magazine feature in
which I share stories, insights,
and reflections about real business and
life challenges.
This month I have two unrelated
experiences to share with you. Both
contain great examples of service
commitment… service to customers
and service to mankind in general.
As you read these brief true stories,
look for the ideas you can apply in
your business and in your life beyond
business. Also consider what it means
to have a “servant’s heart.”
First, let’s look at what it
means to be committed. It’s
like bacon-and-egg breakfast…
the chicken was involved but the
pig was committed. Okay, I know
that’s an old joke and a bad attempt
at humor, but you have to admit that it
makes the point.
Now that we understand commit-
ment, let’s look at the two stories.

This story begins on a Sunday
afternoon in early May. I was pre-
paring to leave the following morning
to go up to our summer home in
Prescott, Arizona.
I had obstructed the garage door
track with a tall cabinet that I had
moved to get to some of the things
we were taking with us. At any rate,
36 GEARS July 2018

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I forgot to move the cabinet back and John eagerly gave it to me and again doorbell and my dog was announcing
unfortunately, the cabinet wasn’t told me about how pleased he was with the Garage Door King’s arrival. After
blocking the safety sensor beam, so his door. a few cordialities, we went to the
when I lowered the door, it bound up, His name is Brendan Hannon and garage where he went straight to work
popped out of the track, bent the track, he’s the owner of Spring King Garage diagnosing the damage.
and the door was stuck part way down Door Service. (I just noticed, “Service” Without a word, he started
on about a 20 degree angle. is actually in his business name.) As pushing and pulling on the track,
I’m not very mechanical, but it was Sunday, I fully expected to get removing rollers and freeing the door
I knew that wasn’t a good thing. I voice mail or an answering service. Boy from its stuck condition. He quickly
couldn’t even get it to move up or was I surprised when I heard, “Hi, this made the door operational, but he
down manually. is Garage King. How can I help you?” didn’t stop there. He ran the door
My first thought was that we’d Little did I know that I would actually up and down several times making
need to delay our trip for a day or get through to the Garage King himself. adjustments each time until it was
two until I could get a repair person When I explained what happened, running perfectly again.
out to repair or, in my mind, possibly he calmly said that he was in the We still hadn’t talked about price,
replace the door track system itself. middle of something, but that he could so to get that ball rolling, I said, “I’ll
Remember, it’s a Sunday afternoon… stop by our house later that evening. go inside to get my wallet while you
actually by now, almost 6:00 PM. I was shocked enough that I asked if he write up the bill.” I expected the
Then I remembered my friend, realized it was a Sunday night. He said charges to be for a minimum service
John had replaced his garage door and that it didn’t matter and he would come call, a tune-up, plus an after-hours
spoke highly of the guy that did the job by if it was okay. charge.
for him. He even gave me his business Okay with me? I was beside I wasn’t expecting what he said
card saying, “This is the guy to call if myself and didn’t even ask “How next. “No, there’s no charge tonight.
you ever need garage door work done.” much?” Frankly, with John’s high I just put it back on track and adjust
Of course, I did what most of us would recommendation, I wasn’t worried and a couple things. You didn’t even need
do; I took the card and threw it away really didn’t care how much as much any parts. You have an older door
when I cleaned out my pockets. as how soon. and you’ll need to replace it within a
So, I embarrassingly, I called John Sure enough, within a couple couple years. Just remember me when
to get his name and phone number. hours, Brendan was ringing my you do and give me a call. Thanks for

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GEARS July 2018 37

1tschetter 0718 v2.indd 37 6/28/2018 07:49:11

I Couldn’t Wait to Tell You About This

calling me this time.” He even refused mentor, Zig Ziglar meant when he said, of ideas. Maybe this will help. Stop
to accept a gratuity. “If you go out to be a friend, you’ll looking inside your business and start
My wife and I were stunned, but find them everywhere. You can get looking outside your business.
she remembered that we had recently everything in life you want if you will In the past year, I’ve shared
purchased a very nice ceramic Starbucks just help enough other people get what numerous examples of great customer
travel mug. She quickly filled it with ice they want.” service I’ve encountered in my life.
and gave it to him along with a can of I recently visited the GEARS and I wrote about them because I thought
root beer before he drove away. He was ATRA IBO in Oxnard, California. you could implement them into your
so very appreciative, but not nearly as Since Jim lives nearby, I had the good business in some creative fashion. If
much as we were. fortune to have dinner with him at you keep your antenna up, you’ll find
So I couldn’t wait to get on Yelp, one of his favorite restaurants, Casa some too.
Google Maps, and Facebook to rave Nostra… no it wasn’t a mob hangout, Here’s how you know when you’ve
about what had happened. And I but it was a great Italian bistro. found one: The next time you find
couldn’t wait to tell you, too. By the I noticed that they treated him like yourself telling someone about a great
way, if you go on Google, you’ll see royalty. He’s an important man in his experience you had or feeling that you
that Spring King Garage Door Service, “hood,” but he was noticeably kind and want tell someone, you just found one.
Chandler, AZ, has many more people friendly to the owner and staff. A word of caution, though: Once
than me who couldn’t wait to tell Jim had agreed to coach me on you get the hang of this, you’re going
someone about Brendan, the Garage writing a book that I’ve been halfway to have so many ideas that you’ll need
Door King. committed to completing over the to prioritize them. Don’t overwhelm
past several years. As if he read my your team and yourself by taking them
COMMITMENT TO mind, he handed me a signed copy of all at one time. Do a great job of fully
SERVING MANKIND The Self Motivation Handbook. He implementing each of them one idea at
The second story is about some- followed that up with a couple hours a time.
one you already know. We’re blessed of detailed action steps that I need to Before you know it, you’ll have
to have him as a speaker at the accomplish. He was very encouraging customers who can’t wait to tell
Powertrain Expo and a regular con- and extremely motivating. It was as someone about you.
tributor of business articles in GEARS if I was privately getting one of his
Magazine. His name is Jim Cathcart. patented motivational speeches!
Some things you might not know Jim grabbed me by the ears and
about Jim are that he has addressed said, “Stop referring to yourself as
over 3,100 audiences worldwide and retired or semi-retired. You’re a writer
he’s published several books. His three and a speaker. You’re not retired. In Share Your Stories
bestselling books are: fact, as long as you have something If you’ve personally experienced a
• Relationship Selling will help any- relevant to say, you’re never retired.” weird or unusual customer dispute and
one in our field to do a better job Enough said. So one more time, I’m wouldn’t mind sharing it to help your
selling, but especially those of us in officially unretired. industry, please contact me. You just tell
me the story and I’ll do all the heavy
auto repair service. Jim credits this Thank you Jim, for your guidance,
lifting to write it.
book with launching his speaking kind help, gentle butt kicking and for
We can make it an article about
career. all the service you’ve so generously you, or you may remain anonymous. The
• The Acorn Principle is a must-read provided around the world. You truly main thing is we want to share stories
for every businessperson. As the are committed to serving mankind. that will help others avoid similar prob-
subtitle promises, find out how rich, By the way, just like Brendan with lems. Call me at 480-773-3131 or email
full, and rewarding your life can be. Spring King, Jim’s internet reviews are me at coachthom@gmail.com.
• The Self Motivation Handbook is packed with compliments and praise
About the Author
Jim’s latest book. It will help you do reports. Apparently, Jim’s helped lots
Thom Tschetter has served our
what needs to be done… even when of people, and they couldn’t wait to tell industry for nearly four decades as a
you don’t feel like doing it. someone about it! management and sales educator. He
Jim’s acclaim and awards include owned a chain of award-winning trans-
career-related stuff, of course, but the list HOW CAN YOU mission centers in Washington State for
includes volunteer and humanitarian APPLY THIS? over 30 years.
activities, as well. His accomplishments Look for things you can start He calls on over 30 years of
are too vast to include in this article, doing or, in some cases, stop doing experience as a speaker, writer, business
and he’s too humble to tell you himself. to provide your customers with an consultant, and certified arbitrator for
But, if you visit his website, experience that they can’t wait to share topics for this feature column.
Thom is always eager to help
cathcart.com, you’ll be blown away with someone.
members of our industry and continues
with his service to tens of thousands I know you’ve heard this many
to be proactive in pursuing ways to
of people with a servant’s heart. He is times in a variety of versions. Maybe improve your business and your life.
an example of what Jim’s friend and you’ve even tried, but you’ve run out
38 GEARS July 2018

1tschetter 0718 v2.indd 38 6/28/2018 07:49:15



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by Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE

“W hen I get older, losing

my hair, many years
from now…” That’s
how Paul McCartney started his song,
When I’m 64.
happily in their newer cars and in
some motorcycles. 
As life goes on, the Baby Boomers
keep getting older. Estimates show that
about 10,000 people in the USA turn
to get their attention before we start
talking. Sometimes you can be two
paragraphs into a description of the
transmission issues before they even
realize you’re talking to them.
I’d revise it to read, “…any moment 64 every single day! We should also consciously avoid
now!” I turned 64 some years ago and The leading edge of the Baby showing impatience when we need
I remember it well. It was a rite of Boom (78 million of us born between to repeat a description. The jokes
passage because of the song, much like 1946 and 1964) is now well past 70. we’ve all heard about hearing have a
1984 was after reading George Orwell’s These people expect different features basis in fact, but the jokes aren’t very
novel of the same name.  in their cars, and need them, too. They respectful, and we must be. 
64 isn’t just significant because want larger type on the dashboard By the way, older doesn’t mean
of Social Security implications; it’s and gauges. They want to be able to stupid or out of touch. Some of our
also a notable life turning point. At get in and out of the car more easily. clients, who have or need hearing aids,
the beginning of the 20th Century, life And they sure want shifting to be a are wealthy, successful, intelligent,
expectancy at birth in the USA was non-issue: smooth and reliable. and just downright cool! Take a look
about 45 years. They also want to be treated around at the next car show and see
When Social Security was insti- differently than they did as youngsters.  what color the hair is on most folks
tuted on August 14, 1935, it was intended Hilda: “It sure is windy today!”  (gray). Then notice how many people
only for the primary worker and not Elmer: “No, I think it’s Thursday.”  can easily hear you and how many can
families or survivors. They were betting Maude: “Me too, let’s get a drink!”  see details acutely.
that anyone who made it to 65 would Somewhere around age 45, our They’re still active, engaged, and
be really old and not likely to be receiv- eyes start adjusting and reading glasses vital, but their tools have dulled a bit.
ing benefits for long. It was an easy bet become a necessity rather than a con- So give them a break and be a better
to make. venience. Hearing takes a hit as we get speaker, a more empathetic listener,
Ernest Ackerman was the first closer to 60+. At first, it’s just when and a good student. Many of them can
person to receive SS benefits. He got there’s a lot of background noise, like in teach you valuable things, even at the
a payment of 17 cents in January a transmission shop. Then it progresses. ripe old age of 64… or older.
1937. This was a one-time, lump-sum What that means to you and me
payout. Monthly payouts didn’t begin is that we need to be more precise
till later years. Wow!  when communicating with our older
Today life expectancy in the USA clientele. We need to speak more
is closer to 80 years and many are clearly, pause more often to be sure Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE is
living well beyond 100. Advances in they heard us accurately, and do our a strategic advisor to ATRA and
health care and science make it likely chatting away from the noises of the a longtime contributor to GEARS
that 100 will be ever more common as shop. Step around the corner of the Magazine. As a professional speaker
years go on. So what does that have to building or into the office.  and business advisor, he helps people
do with transmissions? Nothing… and I’m not referring to talking louder see the deeper meaning in their
then again, a lot.  to old people. That’s just rude. I’m business and find quicker, more
When I was younger, my transmis- talking about being more courteous lasting ways to make business and
personal problems go away. Contact
sion allowed me to do my own shifting. and understanding about how we
him at info@cathcart.com and visit
Today almost everyone drives an connect with our older customers.
his web site Cathcart.com for free
automatic. Even the die-hard standard With the oldest of our clients, we videos, articles, and resources.
tranny fans are often paddle-shifting probably should assume that we need
40 GEARS July 2018

1Cathcart 0718.indd 40 6/28/2018 07:50:04



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SHOP PROFILE by Steve Bodofsky

Photo credit:
Christopher Clark
- Christopher Clark Photography, Inc.

ike Sparkman got his start
in the transmission business
back when he was just 13
years old. That was in about 1973. Back
then, his father, Mike Sr., was manag-
ing a shop, and Mike would come by
after school to help clean the floors and
empty trashcans. That was his first taste
of the transmission business.
By the time he was 16, his father
had opened his own shop, Quality
Transmissions. “That’s when I went
to work for him,” says Mike. “I started
R&Ring transmissions and learning to
rebuild them.”
Mike continued working for his
father for a few years, and then moved Owners of Mastertech Transmissions, Inc., Mike and Cheryl Sparkman
on to other shops, offering him a chance
to round out his education as an R&R Mike eventually worked his way an owner of the company, Cheryl also
tech and rebuilder… what we used to up to where he was running one of handles the bookkeeping and account
call a swing man. “That was probably the Sparky’s locations in Carlsbad, management for the company.
for about eight years,” says Mike. California. He continued to run it for And Mike’s stepson, Joshua, has
“I ended up moving to California several years. been working for Mastertech as a
to work for my Uncle Dennis, who had “I was in California for about eight rebuilder for 19 years. “Josh and I, we
a chain of transmission shops called years. Then I moved back to Wichita work together to solve problems. We
Sparky’s. I went to work for him as a and started Sparkamatics; another pull bulletins from the ATRA web site,
rebuilder.” Yes, Sparky’s seems like an transmission shop. I operated that for we look at all the problems, and we
odd name for a shop that isn’t a tune-up about five years, then sold that business work out the best ways to solve them.”
shop, but remember, the family name is and took some time off.” While Mike is still a rebuilder,
Sparkman, and everyone called Mike’s It was during his time away from “nowadays it’s mostly management,
uncle Sparky. Suddenly the shop’s the business that he met and married sales, and driveability.” Mike notes
name makes a bit more sense. his wife, Cheryl. Then, in 1999, they that his work in driveability is strictly
started Mastertech. In addition to being related to transmission issues.
42 GEARS July 2018

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Mastertech Transmissions, Inc. Crew L to R: Josh, Mike, Cheryl, Kevin & Eric

Business Model
Mastertech is a transmission-only
shop. They don’t handle general repairs.
If one of their customers needs repairs
outside their scope, they’ll refer him or
her to another shop that’s better suited
to handle the repairs.
And they have a lot of contacts
when it comes to other types of repairs,
because about half of Mastertech’s
work comes from wholesale or business
referrals. The rest are retail customers
who are either referred by a friend or
who found Mastertech on line. And Josh – Rebuilder Tech for 20yrs - Working on a 6L80
they have some very good reviews on
Of course, most transmission-only
shops also handle manual transmissions
and differentials. But Mastertech
focuses strictly on automatics and
transfer cases. They won’t rebuild
manuals or differentials, preferring to
purchase remans or send the jobs off to
a nearby shop.
They will handle clutch work, and,
if a manual comes in that needs repair,
they’ll purchase a reman and install
it for the customer. But they avoid
rebuilding manuals themselves.
They’ll also handle driveability
problems, but only those that seem to
be related to the transmission. Ignition
or fuel problems? Those get referred to
one of the general repair shops in town. Kevin – R&R Tech for 20yrs - Removing a Transmission

GEARS July 2018 43

1shop profile0718.indd 43 6/28/18 3:30 PM

Mastertech Transmissions, Inc.

Michael, Sr. & Mike, Jr., Senior is the reason Junior got started in
Eric – Assistant Service Writer the tranny Business back in 1976.

“We only refer our customers to resource if you use it right,” says Mike. through an experience one time at a
trustworthy shops that we know are shop where the technicians didn’t check
honest… shops we’ve had relationships Business Philosophy the car properly and it turned into a big
with for years,” says Mike. “We like to Mike and his team are a religious problem. The DA came in with charges
stick with the people we know who’ve bunch, and they try to put their faith of fraud, and I saw the impact it had on
been at it for a long time.” to work when serving the public. all the people involved.
Those shops also send their “Our philosophy is that we want to “I was a young man, and that
transmission work to Mastertech, which treat people the way we’d want to be showed me just how important it was
makes up about half of their work. treated,” explains Mike. “We want to to make sure the right techs were
That’s a valuable resource, because create an environment where people checking things properly, and giving
those wholesale referrals come with the are comfortable, and treat them right… that customer an honest and accurate
trust for the shop that referred them. It don’t overcharge them… just be fair estimate on every job. I learned just how
means less selling and more repairs. and honest with everyone.” serious it can be if you’re negligent: the
Mastertech is also happy to use Seems simple, but it goes beyond impact it can have on you and your
remans when the situation warrants. “I that: “Over the years I’ve always told family. That stuck with me and drove
don’t have a big crew, and sometimes my employees, no matter what, ‘Do that into my heart.”
we need to use remans to keep up with what you gotta do, even if it’s going to According to Mike, there are about
the demand. We do what we have to do cost us money,’ and that’s kept us on 20 transmission shops in the Wichita
to keep people going.” the honor role with the Better Business area. That’s a lot of competition for
Those situations may include a Bureau. I’ve only had one complaint them, so the fact that they’re so busy
transmission that’s too damaged to in all these years; I just try to solve is a testament to the way they serve
repair directly, or those that, no matter problems before they get any further.” their customers. “We stay busy all year
what you do with them, they never Turns out that isn’t just about round,” says Mike.
seem to come out right. “It’s a valuable trying to do things right: “I went
44 GEARS July 2018

1shop profile0718.indd 44 6/28/18 3:30 PM

Mike, working on an Old Torqueflite 6. These were built back in the 60’s. Michael, Sr - Back in the 70’s.

Advertising Mastertech
When it comes to bringing
customers in the door, Mike is working
on a couple fronts. For one thing, he’s
still using the Yellow Pages to advertise
his shop. But recently he began tracking
the success rate of his marketing, and
he’s realized that the Yellow Pages no
longer makes financial sense. So this is
their last year in the book.
They have a web site — www.
Kevin – Performing Diagnostics
Mastertechinc.net — which provides
Kaylee - She’s passed on now, Former
their basic services and gives customers of family; that you could relax; you’re
employee Mascot & Greeter for 11yrs.
a way to contact them and find their in a good place where we’re going to
shop. And they also have a Google take care of you. That helped a bunch.” there all week and it was awesome! We
account, which sends more customers Kaylee is long gone, but a friend learned a lot, made a lot of contacts with
to their site. created a beautiful oil portrait of her vendors and people… it was terrific.”
They aren’t doing any kind of and they have it hanging in their waiting While they haven’t been there in
radio or TV advertisements. But thanks area as a testament to her years as the a while, Mike’s considering attending
to their exceptional reputation in the Mastertech greeter. this year. We’ll be looking for him
Wichita area, they manage to stay busy there.
all year round. So why keep chumming Association Members In addition to being a longtime
the water? “We’ve been ATRA Members since ATRA Member, Mastertech is also an
While not particularly active in pretty much when this shop opened in AAA Member Shop. “The folks from
the neighborhood, they do support ’99; I’ve had the same number for at triple-A came in and reviewed our
a number of programs through the least 25 years!” says Mike. He was a credentials and equipment, and they
churches in their town. “We support Member back in his Sparkamatic days. called 250 of our customers. Then they
missionaries out of Russia, and they His reason? “They’ve really evaluated the results and approved us
have all kinds of programs that support helped us grow as rebuilders, to gain for membership. That was about 10
alcoholics and the elderly, things like the knowledge to build transmissions years ago.”
that.” right.” He’s primarily focused on the They still receive referrals from
One of the more interesting ways unmatched technical support that ATRA AAA, as well as the ATRA shop finder
they helped keep customers happy was provides. “ATRA helped me out with web page.
to bring their dog into the shop. “One their seminars; we still rely on a lot of Wichita is a fairly small town when
of our mascots was our lab, Kaylee. She that information to build good units.” compared to large cities like L.A. and
was our greeter. Most of our customers While they haven’t been to New York, and that translates into fewer
would come in and she’d greet them Expo in a few years, Mike is quick potential customers. But somehow, the
with affection. to acknowledge how much they got folks at Mastertech manage to stay
“That turned out to be a great out of it when they last attended. “I busy year round. They must be doing
ice-breaker for customers who’d never took my whole crew and we took our something very right.
been in before. It created an atmosphere certification tests there. We stayed up
GEARS July 2018 45

1shop profile0718.indd 45 6/28/18 3:30 PM

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GEARS does not endorse new products but makes this new information available
POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS to readers. If you have a new product, please email the press release information
with applicable digital photo or drawing to apena@atra.com or send by mail to
GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030.

Raybestos Powertrain jump The Race With Raybestos program pilot, allowing for use on-vehicle
starts "Race With Raybestos" is offered only to U.S. customers and and during unit repair, with the shift
customer reward program is void where prohibited by law. No shaft in place or removed. Works
purchase is necessary to participate. on 2013-on Cadillac ATS manual
Raybestos Powertrain is a leading, transmission, 2016-on Chevrolet
national manufacturer and supplier Camaro, and 2016-on Ford Mustang
of premium OE and aftermarket Shelby GT350.
transmission parts, providing
innovative solutions to domestic and
international customers. Located in
Sullivan, Crawfordsville and Tipton,
Ind., Raybestos Powertrain is proud to
supply made-in-the-USA parts to the
transmission industry.
Raybestos Powertrain announced
the company’s revival of the Race With OTC Introduces
Raybestos customer reward program. Five New Tools to Its Torque Converter Seal Installer
The program, available online at www. Transmission Line
Race.RaybestosPowertrain.com, gives OTC has added five new • 6715 Torque Converter Seal
Raybestos Powertrain’s U.S. customers transmission tools to their product line Installer — installs torque converter
in automotive transmission and general in North America: seals without damage. Works on
repair shops the opportunity to earn 1990-2011 GM 4T6O and 4T60E
rewards based on their purchases of automatic transmissions on most
Raybestos Powertrain friction and GM front wheel drive automatic
steel modules. Customer rewards range transmission vehicles from 1990–
from fishing gear and grills to coolers 2011.
and hammocks. Race With Raybestos
participants will also be eligible for
drawings for free trips to the 2019
ATRA Powertrain Expo in Las Vegas
and a Richard Petty Driving Experience
at Daytona International Speedway. Flywheel Holding Tool
“Transmission rebuilders work hard
each day and rely on us for premium • 6759 Flywheel Holding Tool — Transmission Adapter Plate Bushing Replacer
quality friction and steel clutch plates, and keeps the flywheel in place for
we want to thank them for their loyalty servicing the balancer or flywheel • 6702 Transmission Adapter Plate
with rewards and prizes,” said Raybestos bolts. Applications include 2013-14 Bushing Replacer —replaces the
Powertrain Marketing Manager Nick Cadillac ATS, 2014 Cadillac CTS, mount bushing on the transmission
Truncone. “Participation is easy: just log 2013-14 Chevrolet Malibu, 2014 adapter plate. The adapter has a
on to our Race With Raybestos website Chevrolet Impala, and 2014 Buick window for verifying the bushing
and register the proof of purchase codes Regal 2.0L, 2.5L engines. position and is deep enough for
you’ll find in Raybestos Powertrain bushing removal. Fits 2013-and-later
friction and steel modules.” Chevrolet Trax and Buick Encore.
According to Truncone, the • 1870 Universal Transmission
company’s most premium and Adapter — offers independently
performance friction modules (HT, adjustable and indexing arms that
GPX, GPZ, Stage-1, Gen2) will contain can adapt to nearly any transmission
two proofs of purchase, making these shape, and fits most high-lift
modules doubly valuable to Race With transmission jacks; maximum
Raybestos participants. Shift Rail Seal Installer capacity is 400 lbs.
The new Race With Raybestos The new transmission tools are now
program offers several ways to win, • 6716 Shift Rail Seal Installer — available through OTC’s distribution
including earned rewards, prize inserts the shift seal on the Tremec partners.
drawings. Learn more at www.Race. TR 3160 manual transmission to the Visit www.OTCTools.com for more
RaybestosPowertrain.com. proper depth. It includes a removable information.
48 GEARS July 2018

1PINS 0718 2.indd 48 6/28/2018 07:51:10

Sonnax Line Pressure established the industry standard for boost, eAMT also features electric all-
Booster Kits: Crisp Shifts quality and performance. wheel drive. ZF software regulates the
Without Harshness Filtran LLC has been keeping networking and coordination of the
automatic transmissions clean for internal combustion engine, electric
over 50 years. As part of the Sealed motor and automated transmission.
Power Corporation, Filtran started For the hybridization of price-
manufacturing sealing rings in sensitive small to compact vehicles
1950 and expanded into automatic with front-wheel drive, the greatest
transmission filters in 1973 with the challenges are currently additional
purchase of the F.P Smith company, the cost and development effort as well as
primary supplier of transmission filters limited installation space.
to the OEMs. “With eAMT, ZF has developed a
They have a rich history as an fully-fledged plug-in hybrid drive for
Sonnax line pressure booster kits automotive parts pioneer and continue front-transverse vehicles,” said Norman
can help clean up your shift in a variety today as a premier supplier of Schmidt-Winkel, functional developer
of 3/4-speeds and 5/6-speeds, including transmission filters to the leading OE of electric drives at ZF. “This increases
Chrysler, Ford and Toyota/Lexus units. manufacturers in the U.S., Germany, flexibility for vehicle manufacturers.
Sonnax booster kit components Japan, and China. Wherever automatic They can use existing platforms to
are uniquely designed for precision transmissions are made or serviced, implement conventional drives or plug-
pressure control. At low-end pressures, you’ll find Filtran LLC. in hybrids.
they deliver normal engagements, Filtran LLC aftermarket products “The ZF concept integrates an
normal light throttle shifts, and smooth are sold through transmission specialist automated manual transmission and
coastdown shifts. When vehicles distributors. Their transmission filters an electric axle drive system on the
are pushed harder, components are also available in kits through many rear axle into one unit. In some vehicle
progressively increase pressure for fine national automotive parts supply classes, automatic transmissions are out
improved clutch holding capacity and chains. of the question for reasons of weight,
increased durability. Visit Filtran at www.filtranllc.com space or cost. In this scenario, the
• No special installation tools required for more information. automation of manual transmissions is
• Ideal for heavy duty and modified a great way to significantly increase
vehicles, as well as hard-working, ZF's Axle Hybrid Concept comfort and efficiency for drivers, as
daily drivers Offers Lower Emissions they don’t need to actuate the clutch or
• Improved shift feel and durability and More Comfort change gears.”
reduces comebacks and complaints For more, visit https://press.zf.com/
Learn more at www.sonnax.com. site/press/en_de/microsites/press/list/
Filtran Automotive
Aftermarket BorgWarner Opens
New Technical Center

ZF’s new eAMT (electrified

Automated Manual Transmission)
technology is an innovative concept
for the hybridization of front-transverse
vehicles that integrates the company’s
electric axle drive system (eVD) and an
Filtran LLC is the global automated manual transmission (AMT)
aftermarket leader for automatic into one system. BorgWarner has opened a new
transmission filters and filter kits. They The transmission actuator and 100,000 square-foot technical center
offer a complete line of automatic the electric rear axle operate together in Noblesville, Indiana. Combining
transmission filters, servicing every with intelligent interaction. This operations from existing facilities in
vehicle on the road today. results in the eAMT concept no longer Anderson and Pendleton, Indiana, the
Filtran filters are developed using experiencing tractive force interruption. new technical center features a state-
the same quality standards they use The electric motor bridges the gap in of-the-art lab which increases the
for their OEM filters and feature their accelerative force of the AMT, thanks company’s research and development
Sealed-Seam Zero Leak® technology. to its design. capacity to meet growing customer
In addition, their Goldstripe® sealing In addition to the hybrid functions demand for these products by
rings and TransJel assembly lubricants of electric drive and recuperation and expanding the prototype building and
GEARS July 2018 49

1PINS 0718 2.indd 49 6/28/2018 07:51:11

testing capabilities for its electrified Jersey, with classes to begin in the data to 2022. The Automotive
products. fall. The campus will train students for Transmission Market report is helpful
The building’s open concept office high-tech, in-demand jobs as skilled for future strategy development, and to
space is designed to spur employee automotive and diesel transportation know about market drivers, restraints,
collaboration and creativity to assist technicians. opportunities, and global market size,
BorgWarner in maintaining its position The Bloomfield campus marks the share, growth, Trends, key players
as a global leader in providing clean company’s first entry into the tri-state forecast to 2022.
and efficient vehicle propulsion area and will be its thirteenth campus Global automotive transmission
solutions. nationwide. market by type (automatic, manual,
“We are thrilled to open our At full capacity, the 108,000 sq-ft automatic manual transmission,
new technical center in Noblesville, facility will offer hands-on, high-tech continuous variable transmission, dual
allowing us to bring all our area training to about 800 students. Students clutch transmission) by vehicle type
employees under one beautiful new can complete core automotive and (passenger car, LCV, HCV), by fuel
roof,” said Dr. Stefan Demmerle, diesel technology programs and be type (gasoline, diesel, others), and by
president and general manager, ready to work in 11 to 18 months. region (Asia-Pacific, North America,
BorgWarner PowerDrive Systems. “As we hear every day from our Europe, RoW).
“The new facility with its state-of- employer partners, there is a clear, One of key drivers of the global
the-art lab and creative workspaces significant, and unmet demand automotive transmission market is
enables the research, development and for trained automotive and diesel increased consumer preference for
testing of current and future hybrid technicians,” said UTI-Bloomfield enhanced driving experience and
and electric propulsion systems and Campus President Steve McElfresh. smooth gear shifting due to hectic road
components. This facility will be a “We give students the skills needed congestions. In Europe, the stringent
key site in BorgWarner’s mission of to fill these jobs, which cannot be regulatory norms has increased the
developing clean, energy-efficient outsourced, automatized, or offshored, demand for better fuel efficient vehicles
propulsion technologies.” and offer opportunities to build with low carbon emission. Also, the
The new technical center’s 40,000 rewarding, long-term careers.” presence of high number of luxury auto
square-foot lab will conduct testing and At its campuses across the nation, makers has boosted the automotive
prototype building along with expanded UTI partners with both local employers transmission market in the region.
operations dedicated to BorgWarner’s and transportation industry leaders, The high cost of advanced
growing electrified portfolio. With including brands like BMW, Cummins, transmission systems is the major
a combination of new and existing Ford, Freightliner, Mercedes-Benz, restraint of the global automotive
resources, the Noblesville location NASCAR, Peterbilt, Porsche and transmission market.
will develop and validate a variety of Volvo. These partners invest in campus The need to improve fuel efficiency
power electronics products as well as facilities, outfit training labs with the and controlling emissions have led
the company’s motor, alternator, and most current vehicles, technology, to the development of the automotive
starter products. and tools, and guide educational transmission in recent times. Market
Employees from the existing programs, so students graduate with the focused reports related to the industrial
facilities began moving into the knowledge and skills employers want. automation and equipment sector
Noblesville Technical Center in April, About four of five UTI graduates are among others recently have been
with full occupancy by 2020. For more, employed full time in their field within made available by Market Research
visit www.borgwarner.com. a year of graduating. Future, which publishes reports on this
Visit UTI.edu for more information. industry. The market is estimated to
UTI Opens Enrollment expand with a 6% CAGR through the
at New Campus in Automotive Transmission forecast period.
Bloomfield, New Jersey Market Industry Forecast Get complete report details of
automotive transmission market at

Today, Universal Technical Institute Automotive Transmission Market

opened enrollment to prospective Share, Size, Trends, And Business
students at its new, state-of-the- Opportunity Analysis Report 2018
industry campus in Bloomfield, New includes historic data, with forecast
50 GEARS July 2018

1PINS 0718 2.indd 50 6/28/2018 07:51:12

GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
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For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.

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GEARS July 2018 51

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GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.

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will receive an email confirming your
registration along with the information
you need to join the webinar.

This and other technical webinars *Free for everyone on the

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Members have access to all
pre-recorded webinars. See
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52 GEARS July 2018

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GEARS July 2018 53

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tion. ATRA members are eligible to receive
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ments in GEARS annually (per 10 issues).
VALVE BODY Members wishing to place ads once their
VERIFIE three FREE ads have been placed may do so
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www.SuperFlow.com/gears | 1.888.442.5546 VALVEBODYPROS.COM 408-287-4500
and address).

BUSINESS FOR SALE: 37 year old business, email: edrozzelle@performanceautomatic.com. HELP WANTED: Installer/swingman who wants
Transmission Shop and General Auto Repair. 3 to learn to rebuild transmission. Must have 5
bay shop with 2 lifts and many types of jacks and PARTNER WANTED: Central Florida years experience and tools. We work 5 days
tools. Owner wanting to sell in order to retire, Transmission Repair shop in business for over a week, a/c in the summer/ waste oil heat in
located in Waynesboro, Georgia. Please contact ten years seeks a buyer or partner. 6 bays, 7 the winter. 5 bays/6 lifts been in business
Matt: (706) 733-1258. ATRA Mbr lifts, 4 employees. Well established business in since 1964. Call Jay at (860) 646-0022 401k/
a good area. Candidates must have excellent insurance. ATRA Mbr
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Well established verifiable long-term history in the transmission
transmission business including building and industry. This is a good opportunity for a center HELP WANTED: INDUSTRY EXPERTS
land, established over 37 years in California. manager to own his own business! Call (407) NEEDED - Precision of New Hampton is seeking
2000 square foot building with 3 racks. Owner 473-0632 or E-mail tim@wrye.org contact Tim. qualified individuals proficient in Transmissions,
wants to sell due to health issues. Great ATRA Mbr Solenoids, Soft and Hard Parts.  Must be
customer base, very profitable shop. Contact willing to relocate to New Hampton, IA.  Long
Steve at (760) 660-9003. ATRA Mbr HELP WANTED: Field Sales - West Region term growth and management opportunities in
: Field sales positions are now open in the a financially sound and continuously growing
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Steubenville Ohio – western U.S. We’re looking for experienced manufacturing company.  Call (800) 654-1220 or
Pittsburgh Area. This area needs this shop to and motivated transmission professionals to email Jobs@GoPNH.com. ATRA Mbr
stay open! Owner wants to retire and wishes promote Raybestos Powertrain products to
for a transition take over. Little competition, very distributor branches and transmission shops. HELP WANTED: Shop that has been in
clean-very nice shop, good reputation, 4 bays, Experience selling transmission products, business for 38 years is looking for a responsible
3 new lifts. Will finance for the right person. training, or rebuilding transmissions preferred. and caring transmission technician. Ability to
Call (740) 264-6350. If you know the inside of a transmission and a rebuild most makes of transmissions both
transmission shop, we want to talk to you. Send domestic and foreign models. Able to do some
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Ville Platte, Louisiana your resume to careers@raybestospowertrain. R & R. Require Clean & organized work ethic.
– Established reputable business featured in com to apply. ATRA Mbr Pay based off experience $45,000-$75,000,
October 2016 GEARS magazine. Owner must Computer, wiring and Hi-Performance experience
retire for health reasons. 2 inside bays with 1 HELP WANTED: Installers/technicians need at is a plus. Driver’s license required. Must have
outside truck lift, Snap-On equipment, too much very busy shops. Competitive wages, vacation own tools. We provide special tools. Our normal
to list. Also has an apartment in shop with full pay and other benefits offered. Please call (520) business hours are 8am-5pm & 9am-6pm 5 days
kitchen. Contact Alan: (337) 363-4897. 310-2201. ATRA Mbr a week. We are located close to Mooresville,
ATRA Mbr Indiana off highway 67. (317) 831-3066 -
HELP WANTED: Transmission Builders for rallison@aandatrans.com.
WANTED: 1965-1986 Ford C4/C5 valve immediate hire at two busy shops. Benefits
bodies. Must be non rusted/rebuildable units. available. Please call (520) 310-2001. HELP WANTED: $5000 Sign on Bonus for
Any quantities accepted, will pay up to $50.00 ATRA Mbr qualified candidates - Career Opportunity in
per unit. Contact Performance Automatic sunny Clearwater Florida. Family business,
for details. (240) 439-4650 8-5 EST M-F or
54 GEARS July 2018

1classfd0718.indd 54 6/28/18 3:45 PM

Don't Miss the ATRA SEMINAR Near You!


8/4 - San Antonio, TX 8/11 - Atlanta, GA 8/18 - Anaheim, CA 800.428.8489
8/25 - Portland, OR 8/25 - Tulsa, OK 9/8 - Billings, MT
9/15 - Newark, NJ 9/22 - Chicago, IL 11/17 - Baltimore, MD


offers sign on bonus for an ATRA Certified HELP WANTED: West Central Florida HELP WANTED: NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT
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Email Resume: Nicolecapital@live.com. resume to brktrans@yahoo.com or call Chris at
ATRA Mbr (352) 796-6544. ATRA Mbr

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NamePage NamePage

ATRA........................................................................... 35 Raybestos Powertrain................................................. 25

members.atra.com www.raybestospowertrain.com
ATRA Powertrain Expo................................................ 46 NATPRO - National Transmission Products............ OBC
ATRA Seminars..................................................... 26, 27
SEMA.......................................................................... 41
ETE Reman................................................................... 7
Sonnax Industries...................................................... IFC
EVT Parts.................................................................... 19 www.sonnax.com

www.evtparts.com StillClean..................................................................... 30

Ford Customer Service Division.................................. 11 www.stillclean.com

www.fordparts.com Superior Transmission Parts......................................... 9
GearSpeed.................................................................. 33 www.superiortransmission.com
www.gearspeedpartsstore.com Sussex Auto Parts Ltd................................................. 31
Jasper Engines & Transmissions.............................. IBC
Transmission Specialties............................................. 37
MTS Midwest Transmission Supply............................ 31
Transtar Industries, Inc................................................ 17
Precision European Inc.....................................Rider, 55
Precision International................................................. 23 Whatever It Takes Transmission

www.transmissionkits.com Parts, Inc....................................................................... 3


ATRA Supplier Members

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ATRA 2018 technical seminar series today!

Call (805) 604-2018
See ATRA Seminar
Schedule information at:
Also see pages 26 & 27.

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