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65RFE 6L80E Tcra Diagnosing Results TCRA 2016: AND Technical Insight From With Consistent Don'T Miss

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TCRA 2016 MARCH 2016

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MARCH 2016
PHONE (805) 604-2000

Publisher Dennis Madden

Managing Editor Rodger Bland
Technical Director Lance Wiggins
Advertising Frank Pasley Tales From The Bench: MORE ABOUT THE 65RFE SHOP PROFILE:
Senior Designer Jeanette Troub Diagnosing with Consistent Results Page 42 Baker’s Transmission Service
Graphic Artist Aurelio Peña Page 4 Page 50

Contributing Editors: Steve Bodofsky


Jim Cathcart Brad Gilbert
Alex Goldfayn Cristoforos Kokkonis
Scott Shotton Thom Tschetter
Jesse Zacarias
4 TALES FROM THE BENCH: Diagnosing with Consistent Results
ATRA Technical Staff: — by Jarad Warren
Rolando (Rolly) Alverez Bill Brayton
Mike Brown Keith Clark 10 Hydraulic or Electrical? “Drawing the Line” Between Them
David Chalker Rob Faucett — by Scott Shotton
Pete Huscher Mike Souza
Shaun Velasquez Jarad Warren 16 It Can’t Be The Solenoid…I Replaced It!
— by Jesse Zacarias
Seminars & Convention Mgr Vanessa Velasquez
22 Improve Your 400 and 4L80 Rebuilds
The views expressed in this publication should not necessarily be interpreted — by Cristoforos Kokkonis
as the official policy of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA).
Publication of product information or any advertising does not imply recommenda- 30 UP YOUR BUSINESS: Monte's Tree
tion by ATRA. — by Thom Tschetter
GEARS , a publication of ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030,
is published for the betterment of the transmission industry and is distributed 34 THE REVENUE GROWTH HABIT: How to Get Referrals
ten times per year. No part of this issue may be reproduced without prior written — by Alex Goldfayn
permission of the publisher. GEARS is distributed to members of the transmis-
sion industry in the United States, Canada, ATRA Members in Mexico & Europe, 38 Do It Now!
and related automotive industry firms and individually. Send changes of address — by Jim Cathcart
to GEARS in care of ATRA. Subscriptions are available by contacting GEARS in
care of ATRA. 40 Don't Miss TCRA 2016
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content of adver- — by Chris Horbach
tisements printed and also assume full responsibility for any claims arising there-
from against the publisher. The publisher reserves the unqualified right to reject any 42 More About the 65RFE
advertising copy as it deems appropriate, with or without cause. — by Brad Gilbert
GEARS is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard
to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding the publisher 44 Just When You Thought You Knew the 6L80E!
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal — by Jeff Stuck
advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent profes-
sional person should be sought from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted 48 ATRA Midwest Chapter Scholarship Fund Helps
by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers. New Technicians Get Their Start
GEARS also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry. GEARS — by Steve Bodofsky
considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the welfare of the
transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it publishes. If you 50 SHOP PROFILE: Baker’s Transmission Service:
would like to submit an article to GEARS, include background information about Expanding in a Different Direction…
the author and a telephone number where he/she may be reached. If you want
— by Steve Bodofsky
submissions returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Editorial and Business Offices

2400 Latigo Avenue,
Oxnard CA 93030
Phone (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2006
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GEARS, P.O. Box 16118, Two Sides of the Same Coin
North Hollywood, CA 91615-6118 — by Rodger Bland
Publications Mail Agreement No. 40031403
Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to:
Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5
Email: gears@atra.com 58 SHOPPERS AND CLASSIFIED Don't Miss TCRA 2016!
64 LIST OF ADVERTISERS Details begin on page 40.
Issue #202 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ATRA 2016

1TOC-316.indd 2 2/25/16 7:50 AM


by Rodger Bland

n April 15 and 16, 2016, I’ll rebuild get towed back out to Seattle? Then
be out of the office: I’ll be in in because of a faulty how’s this: On Friday,
Seattle, Washington, attending converter. Or a converter rebuilder we’re all going to take a tour
the Torque Conver ter Rebuilders who ended up eating a converter of the Boeing plant; the largest building
Association (TCR A) seminar and because the transmission technician was in the world (by volume). This is where
industry meeting, to take part in their a little careless about flushing a cooler. they build the big boys: 747s, 767s, 777s,
program and deliver a presentation. No doubt about it: We need each and the 787 Dreamliners. Absolutely
I’ll be joined by ATRA Senior other to succeed if we’re both going nothing whatever to do with torque
Technical Specialist Mike Souza, who’s to survive. So it only makes sense that converters… but it should make for an
going to discuss the wide and varied ATRA and GEARS would support exciting day.
conditions that somehow always seem TCRA in its goals to help provide better Of course, as informative as it
to get blamed on the torque converter, information and support to the torque would be to attend the TCRA event,
even though they generally have nothing converter rebuilding industry. And it’s consider how valuable it would be to
whatever to do with the converter itself. to all our benefits to get as many people become a TCRA Member. Membership
That’s good to know, but it leads to as possible to attend this year’s TCRA provides you with a number of benefits:
one unavoidable question: Why would seminar program. Complete details on You’ll get their regular newsletter
the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders this year's event begin on page 40. delivered to your door, have access
Association (ATRA) be taking such We’ve even found a transmission to their online bulletins, and receive
a significant role in TCRA’s annual shop that also rebuilds torque converters special discounts for attending their
industry event? It’s an entirely different to be profiled in this issue: check out seminar programs.
business association. the article on Baker’s Transmission But maybe most important of all
The answer is simple… and kind Service on page 50. Marc Baker, the is being able to receive information
of obvious when you think about it: shop’s owner, also owns and operates from another area of the industry, with
ATRA and TCRA are two sides of the Accelerated Torque Converters and tips and support to help you get your
same coin. They go hand in hand, like Drive Line Service at his Grand transmissions out on the road… and
chocolate and peanut butter… bacon Junction, Colorado shop, making him keep them there. This is what ATRA has
and eggs… burgers and fries. (Now I’m a complete, one-stop, drivetrain service been about since its inception in 1954.
hungry; isn’t it about time for lunch?) center, all under one roof. And it’s why ATRA supports TCRA in
But seriously, there are no two It’s easy to see how valuable it’d its ongoing endeavors to provide better
industries that are more closely tied to be for torque converter shops to be torque converters and torque converter
one another than automatic transmission represented at the Seattle event. But information to our industries.
and torque converter repair. We depend don’t forget how important torque ATRA and TCRA: Two great
on one another; we’re the definition of converter operation is to you. The associations that work great together…
synergy: Two groups that are stronger torque converter is an integral part of like bacon and eggs… pastrami on
together than they are on their own. your business, so it may well be worth rye… hotdogs and beans… ya know
And that goes the other way, too: your while to send someone out to see what? I’m going to lunch!
If one of us fails, it’s sure to bring us what you can discover at the seminars.
both down in the process. Ask any All that great tech and business
transmission technician who’s had a support isn’t enough to get you to head
2 GEARS March 2016

1frm Maneging Editor 316.indd 2 2/25/16 7:52 AM

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Dwithiagnosing by Jarad Warren


Consistent Results
robably the toughest kinds of examining and evaluating valve bodies.
problems to fix are the ones you You can use that same technology for
can’t see. Sometimes the actual testing a wide range of other components
cause of the problem is buried or hidden in the transmission.
where you can’t really evaluate it the way Let’s look at how we can use a
you would a worn clutch or broken servo. vacuum test stand for evaluating
Too often, when you can’t see what clutch apply circuits, with consistent,
caused a burnt clutch, you may find dependable results.
yourself replacing all sorts of related
parts, just to make sure you found the CHECKBALLS
root cause of the failure. It may fix the AND REED VALVES
actual problem, but at a huge cost in Most transmissions are designed to
wasted time and unnecessary parts. bleed air out of the clutch apply circuits,
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a that’s important because, unlike trans-
way to isolate the problems you couldn’t mission fluid, air compresses. And air
see? Something you could use to pinpoint trapped in a clutch circuit will cause
wear that’s buried beneath the surface? inconsistent shifts.
Turns out there may be a way to do Most manufacturers use checkballs
just that. in the clutch piston or drum to bleed air
Over the last several months, we’ve out of the circuit. Others, such as Honda,
discussed using a vacuum test stand for use a reed valve in the piston (figure 1).

Figure 1

4 GEARS March 2016

1jarad 3-16.indd 4 2/25/16 7:57 AM

The higher your vacuum readings,
the better the seal between
bushing and tube.

These checkballs and reed

valves work great to bleed the air
out, but if they leak you can end
up losing clutch apply pressure,
which could quickly lead to
slip shifts, and, eventually,
burnt clutches.
Very often you can reseat a
checkball bleed with a light tap
with a punch. But how do you
know whether that fixed the leak?
Easy, with a vacuum test:
Calibrate the test stand so 25
in/Hg equals a sealed circuit and 5
in/Hg equals a 0.035” leak. For
more details on this, check the
June 2015 issue of GEARS. Figure 2
You’ll want to test the seat
side of the checkball: Rotate the
piston so the weight of the ball
seats itself (figure 2). On the reed
style piston you may need to press
on the reed valve to get it to seal;
once it’s sealed it should remain
sealed without applying any
pressure to it.
Now apply vacuum to the
checkball or reed valve: The gauge
should indicate that it’s sealed
with a reading of 25in/Hg. If
vacuum is below that, the
checkball or reed valve is leaking
(figure 3).
To seal a leaking checkball,
clean the checkball and seat with a
little cleaning solvent, then tap
lightly on the checkball to reseat
it. Just one or two taps is usually
enough to correct the leak at
the checkball.
If you find a leaking Honda
reed valve, you can try to clean it
and blow it out with air. Then
retest it; if it still leaks, you’ll need
to replace the piston. Figure 3

GEARS March 2016 5

1jarad 3-16.indd 5 2/25/16 7:57 AM

Diagnosing with Consistent Results

Just because
you replaced
the gasket
doesn’t mean it
can’t have
a leak.

Naturally, always confirm

your repair after cleaning or re-
seating the checkball or valve. The
seated ball or valve should now
hold 25 in/Hg, and you just fixed a
problem you couldn’t see without
the vacuum test stand.
Another location where
vacuum testing works great is the
700R4 and 4L60E servo checkball
capsule. You can test them from
inside the case, using a soft eraser
with a hole in it (figure 4).
If the checkball capsule holds
25 in/Hg of vacuum, it’s sealing Figure 4
properly and you don’t need to
worry about it. If vacuum is below
that, the capsule is leaking; a few
soft taps with a punch should seal
it. If it still leaks, you’ll need to
replace it.


Suppose you have a forward
or direct clutch failure in a 4R100
transmission. Line pressure and
line rise are working fine. The
transmission has been back a few
times for the same problem. You
get it apart and see no reason for
the failure.
One place you might be
overlooking is the center support
and gasket. Just because you
replaced the gasket doesn’t mean
it can’t have a leak.
Checking the center support
for leaks is simple and should take
less than two minutes. Just plug
the forward clutch feed hole with
your finger and vacuum test the
support (figure 5).
There was a large leak on this
forward clutch circuit; vacuum
was down to about 16 in/Hg. It
should be 25 in/Hg. Figure 5

6 GEARS March 2016

1jarad 3-16.indd 6 2/25/16 7:57 AM

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Diagnosing with Consistent Results

The direct clutch test is

similar: Plug the support hole and
test at the steel support between
the rings (figure 6). This one also
had a small leak in the direct
clutch circuit.
The support had a new gasket,
but a small piece of debris got
between the support and gasket.
The vacuum test revealed the leak,
and cleaning it out took only a
few minutes.


Honda shaft bushings are
always worn but few people test or
replace them. For years the
traditional check was to put a
piece of scotch tape on the tube
and slip it into the shaft. It works,
but it isn’t reliable: How big a
piece of tape? How thick? There
are just too many variables. Figure 6
My friend Art from TRNW
came up with this test a while
back and it works very well. This
shaft has two bushing so we’ll test
them both. Wear at the small bush-
ing will cause this transmission to
bind up.
Take a Honda shaft and seal
the clutch feed holes with black
tape (figure 7).
Install the shaft over the feed
tubes and vacuum test them from
Figure 7
the end cover (figure 8).
The higher your vacuum
readings, the better the seal
between bushing and tube. Doing
this test and changing the bushing
when needed will make these
units last a lot longer.
The job of every transmission
shop is to make the customer
happy. Customer service is key,
but that only goes so far; the most
important part of the job is to
provide great quality work.
As you can see, a vacuum test
stand does more than test valve
bodies. It’s a terrific way to isolate
those hidden problems quickly
and efficiently. And once you have
them identified, fixing them
is easy.
Keep on testing until the next
tales from the bench.

Figure 8

8 GEARS March 2016

1jarad 3-16.indd 8 2/25/16 7:58 AM

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Slauson March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 10:17 AM

Hydraulic or
by Scott Shotton
The Driveability Guys

“Drawing the Line”

Between Them
W hen dealing with engine and
transmission issues, being
able to “draw the line”
between the two can drastically reduce
diagnostic time. If a transmission isn’t shift-
Chicago to Atlanta, pulling a trailer.
When it got back to Chicago, it was due
for an oil change, so the customer brought
it back to the same shop for service.
While changing the engine oil, the
ing correctly on a vehicle with mass airflow technician noticed a transmission leak, so
sensor codes, this segregating decision can he made arrangements to fix the leak under
be relatively easy. In other cases the deci- warranty. The MIL wasn’t on and there
sion can be a bit tougher. were no diagnostic trouble codes stored.
Mastering this diagnostic technique can The shop contacted the remanufacturer;
often be the key to successful and efficient they told the shop technician not to repair
diagnosis. In this month’s article, we’ll the leak; they’d send out a new transmission
explore a transmission-related issue; our complete with a labor payment for R&R. The
goal is to draw the line between an electrical technician gladly complied and replaced the
problem and a hydraulic/mechanical one. transmission a second time. The owner left
The vehicle is a 2002 Dodge Ram the shop happy, only to return a week later;
1500 with a 5.9 liter gasoline engine. The the MIL was back on.
customer had only one complaint: The MIL The third visit to the shop revealed code
was on. P0740 was back. The technician performed
The technician connected a scan some initial tests and informed the shop
tool and retrieved code P0740 — Torque owner that the problem was probably
Converter Clutch; No RPM Drop at Lockup. internal… again.
The tech proceeded with the diagnosis The shop owner was a bit skeptical,
and determined the issue was an internal so to avoid problems, they consulted an
transmission problem. This shop doesn’t outside specialist.
rebuild transmissions so they wrote an Today you’re that specialist: Based
estimate for a remanufactured transmission on this vehicle history, would you replace
from a reputable rebuilder. the transmission again? Answering “yes”
The customer approved the repair and might solve the problem, but could there be
the technician replaced the transmission. a problem with the PCM not commanding
The vehicle left the shop with no issues the torque converter clutch to apply? Could
and the customer drove the vehicle from it have a broken wire? Your task is to draw
10 GEARS March 2016

1scottshotton316-jt.indd 10 2/25/16 9:51 AM

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Transtar March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 10:18 AM

Hydraulic or Electrical? “Drawing the Line” Between Them

Figure 1 Figure 2
the line between an electrical problem engine doesn’t stall, indicating the TCC The scope captures the waveform
and a hydraulic/mechanical one. system isn’t working correctly. More shown (figure 4); the red trace is TCC
The first step is to do some importantly, this test allows you to voltage. It begins at system voltage,
research. A good starting point would exercise the TCC’s electrical controls. because you’re connected to the ground
be to search for applicable technical If you’re able exercise the system, are side with the driver open. When the
service bulletins. The search yields no there many tests you can perform that driver closes, voltage drops to 0 volts.
useful results. Next, you’ll want to aren’t indicated in the trouble chart? The voltage drops all the way to ground
investigate DTC P0740 and system Using the wiring diagram as a and stays there, which indicates there’s
operation (Figure 1). guide, connect a scope between the no unwanted voltage on the ground side
According to Chrysler service TCC solenoid and its driver. The easiest of the solenoid.
information, when the TCC is place to make this connection is at Once the driver in the PCM shuts
commanded on, the PCM expects to the PCM (or JTEC-Jeep Truck Engine off, the magnetic field in the solenoid
see an RPM drop because the TCC Controller) located just inboard of the collapses, creating an inductive kick
loads the engine. More information right front fender (Figure 3). (figure 4). So far the TCC circuit seems
suggests possible causes, including At the same time, connect a current to be working correctly.
multiple hydraulic/mechanical issues, probe around the voltage feed wire The second trace, (Figure 5) shown
but no mention of a wiring problem or to the transmission solenoid assembly. in blue, is the TCC solenoid current.
a faulty PCM (Figure 2). The easiest access to this wire is at the Again you can observe the TCC
The next step is to check the transmission connector. The object is to driver turn on and off, just as in the
diagnostic trouble tree. The chart observe both voltage and current for the voltage trace. But the current capture
consists of twelve steps, none of which TCC solenoid while commanding it on provides two more pieces of diagnostic
mention the possibility of an electrical and off with the scan tool. information.
issue. To make things
worse, some of the steps
include disassembling,
inspecting, replacing
parts, and retesting.
Personally, I’d prefer to
avoid these options unless
they become absolutely
But there’s one step in
the chart that you can use
to your advantage: With
the DRB-III, perform the
TCC system test. During
this test, the technician
holds the brake pedal to
the floor with the vehicle
in gear. You then energize
the TCC solenoid with
the scan tool: The engine
should stall if the system
is working correctly.
In this case the Figure 3

12 GEARS March 2016

1scottshotton316-jt.indd 12 2/25/16 9:52 AM

Smart Blend March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 10:18 AM
Hydraulic or Electrical? “Drawing the Line” Between Them

Figure 4

Figure 5

With the signal magnified, you can In this case, using Ohm’s Law The technician informed the shop
see a hump near the top of the ascending and the current and voltage readings owner that the TCC is functioning as
current slope. This hump occurs when from the capture, you can calculate a designed electrically, and the problem
the solenoid opens, inducing a small solenoid resistance of about 29 ohms. must be inside the transmission. In this
amount of voltage and current into Since the specification for the solenoid case, another remanufactured unit was
the circuit. What this means is that the is 28-32 ohms, solenoid resistance is installed and the issue was resolved.
solenoid operated mechanically. within specs. Regardless of the story used to illustrate
The second piece of information So here’s what you know about the the diagnostic technique, the point
you can glean from this capture is system: The PCM is able to command remains the same: Split a system in half
solenoid resistance. Unlike using an the TCC on and off. The TCC electrical and draw the line. By doing so, you
ohmmeter to make this measurement, circuit has integrity. The TCC solenoid can reduce the number of tests required
this test is dynamic and yields a much is functioning as designed electrically. to diagnose the issue and increase the
more accurate result because you’re And the TCC solenoid is opening and accuracy of your diagnosis. There
measuring the solenoid circuit while closing mechanically. Given these should be no reason to replace solenoid
it’s operating. facts, can you draw the line between an after solenoid based on a guess.
electrical and a hydraulic/mechanical
14 GEARS March 2016

1scottshotton316-jt.indd 14 2/25/16 9:52 AM

2014_SAP_Transformer_ENG_PRF_ap.indd 1 2/25/16 10:20 AM
It can’t be
by Jesse Zacarias
Valve Body Pro
Research and Development

the solenoid…
I replaced it!
o many times we run into this
type of problem. We diagnose
the transmission, determine it
needs a solenoid, replace it and we
still have the concern. So then we
move on and look for other issues that
can cause the concern all the while
thinking, it’s not the solenoid because
I replaced it.
The Valve Body Pro (VBP)
HotLine regularly receives calls
about 48RE transmissions behind
diesel engines that won’t upshift at
wide open throttle. Most were basic
transmission overhauls with nothing
out of the ordinary.
The technician overhauled the
valve body and even replaced the
governor solenoid and transducer; Figure 1
but all were corrected by simply
telling them to install an OE operated TV. We installed pressure transmission wouldn’t do the 2-3 shift
governor solenoid. transducers on the accumulator (line) unless we backed off the throttle.
We wanted to know why this was pressure tap (channel 1; yellow) and We noticed the governor pressure
happening, so we had a technician the governor tap (channel 2; green) so (channel 2; green); was unstable and
who was dealing with this problem we could capture the pressure signals never equal to line pressure when the
send the complete valve body to our with a scope. PCM lowered the governor solenoid
office. We installed it in a 2003 Dodge Under wide open throttle we duty cycle signal to 1% (figure 1). This
4x4 with a 5.9 diesel engine and cable could feel the 1-2 shift, but the was a brand-new, governor solenoid;
16 GEARS March 2016

1JesseZacarias 316 v2.indd 16 2/25/16 8:03 AM

Superior Transmission March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 10:21 AM
It can’t be the solenoid… I replaced it!

replacing it with an OE solenoid

corrected the problem (figure 2). With the new, factory solenoid in place,
With the new, OE solenoid in
place you can see the governor virtually all of these problem units
pressure (channel 2; green) is
more stable and the pressure rises begin shifting just fine.
to equal line pressure (channel 1;
yellow) when the PCM commands
1% duty cycle. The Parameter
Identification (PID) can be used
to see when the PCM commands
governor pressure to equal line
pressure by looking at the desired
and actual governor pressures.
On the 48RE transmission,
line pressure (and therefore
governor) pressure increase when
the PCM commands 4th gear or
TCC apply, because the boost
valve is stroked. Figure 5 shows
the Curser 1 when transmission is
in 3rd gear; curser 2 is when it’s
in 4th. Even here we can see the
governor pressure which is now
equal to line pressure rise.
So what causes the shifting
problem? Look at the 2-3 shift Figure 2

Figure 3

18 GEARS March 2016

1JesseZacarias 316 v2.indd 18 2/25/16 8:03 AM

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WIT_March 2016.indd 2 2/25/16 10:22 AM
It can’t be the solenoid… I replaced it!

Spring Force
4.5 LBS

LIMIT Spring
2.5 LBS

Figure 4

valve setup (figure 4). We’ve as-

signed letters to the valve lands for
reference purposes. Throttle (TV)
pressure enters between lands F
and G, where it combines with the
spring and applies to the right side
of land H.
Governor pressure — on
the left side of land A — must
overcome both of these TV
pressures. We’ll skip the actual
math and the fact that you need
to subtract land G from land H; if
you want to learn the details for
calculating hydraulic pressures,
check out Dennis Madden’s
book, Hydraulic Fun-damentals,
available through the ATRA Figure 5
Under wide open throttle, TV desired pressure is commanded to
pressure is at maximum. But when maximum, the actual pressure equals
governor pressure reaches about Line pressure.
36 PSI, the TV limit valve cuts off This has become an all-too
TV pressure to land H, leaving TV common problem on the HotLine, and
pressure only between lands F and G. one that seems to trace back to a few
If governor pressure isn’t high aftermarket governor solenoids. The
enough to overcome the TV pressure, easiest fix has been to replace them
the 2-3 shift valve won’t stroke. with OE solenoids; the problem doesn’t
This blocks mainline pressure from seem to show up with the factory
entering the direct clutch circuit, so solenoids. With the new, factory
it can’t release the intermediate band solenoid in place, virtually all of these
and apply the front clutch. If we back problem units begin shifting just fine.
off the throttle, TV pressure drops
enough to allow governor pressure to
stroke the 2-3 shift valve and shift the
transmission into 3rd gear.
Take a look at the PIDs after
we installed the new, OE governor Editor's Note: Check with your parts
solenoid (figure 3). Now, when the supplier to help you source Solenoids.
20 GEARS March 2016

1JesseZacarias 316 v2.indd 20 2/25/16 8:03 AM

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Precision International March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 10:22 AM

Your 400 and by Cristoforos Kokkonis

4L80 Rebuilds

T he TH400 and 4L80E have been

around for a long time, and these
units are generally trouble free.
But there are a few modifications you
can perform to improve their durability. In
this article, we’re going to examine these
modifications and discover ways to improve
the quality of your rebuilds.
To understand these modifications, we
should first examine the thrust and float
characteristics of these transmissions. That
way you’ll have a better idea of how these
modifications can help build more durability
into them.
These modifications are virtually
Figure 1: Components responsible for rearward thrust in the TH400. identical in the 400 and the 4L80E, so we’re
going to stick with the diagrams for the 400.
We’ll mention any differences. Let’s start
with examining the rearward thrust (figure
Rearward thrust begins in the torque
converter, where converter charge pressure
acts on the front of the input shaft. During
high load, typical 400 converter charge
pressure is usually around 60 PSI with a
maximum line pressure is 180 PSI.
60 PSI acting on the front face of the
input shaft generates 47 pounds of rearward
thrust on the forward clutch housing. But
that’s not all: Lube pressure returns through
a passage at the rear of the pump stator shaft,
through the input shaft, to the lubrication
Figure 2

22 GEARS March 2016

1CK-316-jt2.indd 22 2/25/16 8:05 AM

LubeGard march 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 10:23 AM
Improve Your 400 and 4L80 Rebuilds

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

Because the input shaft is pressed output shaft-to-case thrust and selective havoc on the #22 thrust bearing and
into the forward clutch housing, this washers (695, 696). the output shaft-to-case thrust and
lube pressure also pushes against the Typical 4L80E converter charge selective washers. That’s often what
front face of the forward clutch housing, pressure during high load is usually damages these components. In extreme
generating an additional 152 pounds of around 100 PSI, with a maximum cases, that rearward thrust can cause the
rearward force. When added to the 47 line pressure of 180 PSI. 100 PSI normally stationary selective washer to
pounds from the converter charge oil, of converter charge pressure generates spin and tear its locating tabs out of the
we see a total 199 pounds of rearward 89 pounds of rearward thrust on the case, destroying the case.
thrust on the forward clutch housing. overdrive planetary gearset, forward Without reducing the rearward
That thrust presses back against the clutch housing, and mainshaft. Unlike thrust, all you can do during a rebuild
mainshaft between the forward clutch the TH400, lube pressure doesn’t raise is install a new #22 thrust bearing and
hub (616) and the mainshaft. That’s rearward thrust. replace the case thrust and selective
because the front of the mainshaft acts Spline lock between the torque washers with the late-model, TH350
as a stop for the the forward clutch hub converter turbine hub and the input rear pump thrust bearing and selective
(figure 2). shaft can increase that rearward thrust. shim assembly (figure 3).
The mainshaft pushes back against This varies with torque converter By altering the path of the rearward
the rear internal gear (685) and the designs and is beyond the scope of this thrust, you can spread it out over an
#22 thrust bearing assembly (686, article. additional thrust surface. This reduces
687, 688), which presses against the Regardless of what causes it, the amount of load on the #22 thrust
output shaft (691), until it’s finally rearward thrust during high load and bearing and the case thrust and selective
stopped by the transmission case, at the high pressure operation can wreak washers.

24 GEARS March 2016

1CK-316-jt2.indd 24 2/25/16 8:06 AM

E x p e r t T r a n s m i s s i o n P a r t s

GFX BushingKits AD March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 12:29 PM

Improve Your 400 and 4L80 Rebuilds
In most cases, the endplay will
be between 0.020” and 0.025” (0.5–
0.6mm; figure 5). Notice the excess
wobble in the direct clutch housing
with the housing resting on the sun
gear shaft, even with minimal endplay.
Due to its floating design, no one ever
developed checks or adjustments for
this endplay.
Direct clutch housing wobble
creates excess radial runout, which
introduces harmonics and vibration in
the transmission and driveline. It can
also damage the sealing ring bore of
the clutch housing, peen the seal ring
grooves on the center support, and lead
to direct clutch failure.
To prevent direct clutch housing
float, you need to eliminate all direct
clutch housing endplay. You can do this
by the replacing the OEM thrust washer
with a thicker thrust bearing (figure 6).
This diverts all rearward thrust
Figure 7: Modified rear thrust path with thrust bearing assembly added
to the forward clutch hub.
on the mainshaft to the direct clutch
housing. This seats the direct clutch
housing against its stop at the front of the
sun gear shaft, eliminating some radial
runout (figure 7).
Because the forward clutch housing
now bottoms out on the direct clutch
housing, the bearing will also manage
any additional thrust encountered at
this new housing-to-housing interface.
Even though we’ve removed
rearward thrust from the mainshaft, it
still finds its way to the #22 bearing
and case thrust washer through the sun
gear shaft (figure 8). But, since it’s been
diverted to the direct clutch housing and
sun gear shaft, it must first pass through
the #21 thrust bearing assembly (682,
Figure 8 683, 684) before acting on the #22
This separation allows both front thrust surface is the thrust washer at bearing and case thrust and selective
and rear sections of the transmission the rear of the forward clutch hub; washers. This increase in thrust surface
to thrust independently of one another, the rear thrust surface is at the splines removes much of the rearward thrust
bringing both the TH400 and 4L80E between the back of the direct clutch on commonly overloaded components.
transmissions to a whole new level housing and the front of the sun gear Installing the thrust bearing also
of performance, efficiency, and shaft (664), which acts as a stop for the pays dividends in improved lubrication.
durability. housing. In the original configuration, lube oil
The first step in reducing rearward To get a better feel for this, assemble leaks out between the thrust washer
thrust is to first reroute it. This also the rear section, center support, and and forward clutch housing, through a
corrects something I like to refer to as direct and forward clutch housings gap that’s created when the forward hub
“direct clutch housing float.” Because (without clutches), and stand them up comes to a stop against the mainshaft.
of their interrelation, we’ll combine on the bench (figure 4). Press down on Installing the bearing eliminates the
these procedures. the forward clutch housing with your gap, effectively sealing off any lube
During operation, a fixed thumbs while lifting the direct clutch leak.
horizontal plane occurs between two housing up and down. That movement When fitting the thicker bearing
thrust surfaces, where the direct clutch is the float, or the direct clutch housing to the hub, you’ll need to machine the
housing is free to “float.” The front endplay. bearing pad to restore the component

26 GEARS March 2016

1CK-316-jt2.indd 26 2/25/16 8:06 AM

Figure 9 Figure 10

height, minus 0.030” (0.75mm) to P/N E6DZ7F404A, as it only requires which is readily available through most
eliminate housing endplay (figure 9). trimming the pad down to restore the industrial suppliers.
To work out how much to machine height. It’s a perfect fit for the hub Always check front section
off, subtract the thickness of the OEM nose. Although discontinued, it’s still endplay prior to machining the bearing
thrust washer from the thickness of available; Ford used it as the final drive pad, as the extra material on the bearing
the replacement bearing, then subtract sun gear bearing in all AXOD-based pad may prove valuable when setting
0.030” (0.75mm) from that. You may transaxles. endplay.
also have to machine the hub nose to There are many other bearings that In heavy duty and high
allow it to fit properly. can easily be made to fit, such as performance applications, you’ll want
The bearing that works best is Ford the three-piece assembly (figure 10), to try to eliminate all rearward thrust

GEARS March 2016 27

1CK-316-jt2.indd 27 2/25/16 8:06 AM

Improve Your 400 and 4L80 Rebuilds

Figure 11 Figure 12

Figure 13 Figure 14

from acting on the rear section of the (9.5mm), measured from the front face Repeat this procedure using shims
transmission. This hub thrust bearing of the boss, and to an inside diameter between the bearing pocket and the
modification is the first step in allowing of 2.125” (54.0mm) and an outside bearing to adjust the bearing height,
both front and rear sections of the diameter of 2.875” (73.0mm). Set the until dimension B is 0.005” to 0.010”
transmission to thrust independently of direct clutch housing to center support (0.10–0.25mm) less than dimension A.
one another. height by standing the completely This will confirm you’ve raised the
You’ll also want to machine a assembled rear section and center direct clutch housing off its stop at the
bearing pocket directly below the snap support on the bench and installing the front of the sun gear shaft and is seated
ring boss in the front face of the center direct clutch housing over the center against the thrust bearing assembly.
support, and fit it with the late model support until it’s engaged with the sun There are two additional areas
TH350 rear pump thrust bearing and gear shaft. you’ll need to check: the forward thrust
selective shim. Use a height gauge to measure load and reaction carrier float. We’ll
Selective shims installed between the distance from the front face of the examine these checks in the next issue
the thrust bearing and the bearing pocket mainshaft to the front face of the direct of GEARS.
lift or push the direct clutch housing off clutch housing (figure 14); this will be
the sun gear shaft stop (figures 11 and dimension A.
12). This diverts all rearward thrust Next, remove the direct clutch
acting on the direct clutch housing from housing, install the thrust bearing,
the sun gear shaft, and grounds it at the reinstall the direct clutch housing, and
newly created thrust surface (figure 13). repeat the measurement procedure. This
To fit the thrust bearing to the will be dimension B.
center support, machine it to 0.375”
28 GEARS March 2016

1CK-316-jt2.indd 28 2/25/16 8:07 AM

Transtec March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 12:32 PM

p Your Business is an
exclusive GEARS Magazine
feature in which I share
stories, insights, and reflections about
real business and life challenges.
There’s a particularly frustrating
subconscious often determines the
very actions we take and results we
get. For instance, when we hit a golf
ball, our subconscious thoughts can in-
fluence our swing to direct the ball to-
ward whatever we’re thinking about…
by Thom Tschetter

like saying, “At least I didn’t hit

the tree.”
• Similarly, we choose not to fire an
employee that’s underperforming
or is a cancer to the team and,
consequently, the business as
hole at one of the golf courses where in Monte’s case, the tree. well. The underlying reason is
my friends and I frequently play. It’s I’ve observed many shop owners we fear we won’t be able to find a
a dogleg left that requires three shots who suffer from “trees” in their replacement. We decide to settle
to reach the green, unless you can businesses. This occurs when they pay with unsatisfactory circumstances
“cut the corner,” in which case, you so much attention to the problems that to avoid getting a worse result.
can make it with two, high-quality they can’t see anything else. In short, • We choose not to provide tech-
shots. A tree is precariously situated the problem is the problem. nical training for our employees
as a distraction and to redirect the There’s no shortage of examples because we’re afraid they’ll quit
flight path of your ball if you’re too of how we allow trees to influence our and take their new knowledge
aggressive cutting the corner. decision making. Trees often show up and skills to a competitor. One
My friend, Monte, hits his drive merely as distractions, but often they management speaker at last year’s
straight into the tree so often that manifest as things to fear or avoid. Expo posed this alternative: “If
we’ve named it “Monte’s Tree.” The Let’s face it, problems are everywhere you think training an employee
tree has become such a mental barrier and they’re easy to see. We see the and having them leave is bad,
for him that you can practically hear problems so easily that they obscure try not training them and having
his thoughts as he steps up to hit his our vision for success. Here’s a short them stay.”
drive: “Come on Monte… whatever list of examples from my client files. Many times, when we’re faced
you do, don’t hit the tree.” If he avoids • We fail to recommend the best with a tree, we can overthink things
hitting the tree, even if he hits a bad solution to customers because instead of allowing our instincts to
shot, he’s been known to mutter, “At we think they’ll object to the come into play. A great example of this
least I didn’t hit the stinkin’ tree.” price. So we try to come up with is when you wad up a piece of paper
In reflecting on Monte’s dilemma, more economical solutions. We and unconsciously toss it into a trash
I realized there are some basic don’t even give the customers the can located behind a file cabinet, 20
business principles and life lessons to chance to say “yes,” because our feet across the room. The only thought
be learned from Monte’s Tree. experience convinces us they’ll was “paper in trash can” and boom you
I think much of Monte’s problem say “no.” This not only costs us just sunk a game-winning 20-footer!
is he’s focused on not hitting the tree sales, but it deprives customers of So, now you think, “That was easy; I
rather than the process and subsequent our best recommendations. can do it again.” Right; 10 shots later,
desired result: hitting the ball onto • We don’t demand excellence from you give up. The difference is you
the fairway. our production team because now have other thoughts, negative and
Our subconscious mind has we’re worried they might think positive, getting in the way.
tremendous influence over our per- we’re too demanding and we’ll Your subconscious mind doesn’t
formance. Without realizing it, our impact morale negatively. This is distinguish between positive and
30 GEARS March 2016

1tschetter 316.indd 30 2/25/16 8:08 AM

negative. It only receives the operative negative thoughts, leaving room only practiced shooting 100 free throws
portion of the phrase. For instance, if for the subconscious to influence per day for two weeks. Another group
I say don’t think about a camel, what the perfect process leading to the wasn’t allowed to actually practice
picture immediately jumps into your desired result. shooting free throws during the two
mind? Mine had two humps; how This is particularly evident in week experiment, but they were
many did yours have? sports that allow the athlete time to instructed to stand at the free throw
So, when Monte is thinking prepare prior to taking action: golf, line and visualize shooting 100 perfect
about what he doesn’t want to do — gymnastics, weight lifting, track-and- free throws while going through the
“don’t hit the ball into the tree” — his field, shooting, etc. But even athletes motion without a ball. The result was
subconscious mind is only hearing and who participate in reaction sports, a significant improvement with the
visualizing “hit the ball into the tree.” like soccer, football, basketball, etc., group that only visualized shooting
This is why you’ll notice that, regularly practice visualization to free throws.
whenever possible, highly skilled prepare for game situations. The conclusion was that those
athletes practice visualization before To prove this, a few years ago a who actually shot the free throws
executing their respective skills. research study was done involving experienced failed shots as well as
They’re trying to clear their conscious college level basketball players. In successful ones, resulting in only
mind of clutter, distractions, and each experiment, one group of players incremental improvement. Meanwhile,

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GEARS March 2016 31

1tschetter 316.indd 31 2/26/16 7:59 AM

Monte’s Tree

those who visualized shooting free After years of owning and oper- and reduced to a specific procedural
throws subconsciously experienced ating shops and observing hundreds process, you can visualize yourself
only successful shots. So, when they of others, I’m convinced that about perfectly performing the process and
returned to actually shooting baskets, 90% of what takes place on a achieving the desired result. Practice
their subconscious minds took over. day-to-day basis in a shop will fit them, rehearse them, measure your
In Monte’s case, he’d be better into a fairly simple routine. Why not results and celebrate your success!
served by picking a spot on the design specific operating procedures If you don’t already have a manual
fairway where he wants his ball to that fit the typical 90%? We’ve talked of operations for your shop, there are
land, visualizing himself perfectly about it for years, but how many of you many ways to get one. The ATRA
executing the process of hitting the actually have done it? And if you’ve Bookstore is a good place to start.
ball to that spot, and then swing and let done it, are those procedures so well Also consider any of the industry
it fly. Note that there are no thoughts, defined that you can visualize yourself experts you are fortunate to have at
positive or negative, about the tree, doing them? your fingertips. Feel free to give me a
the barking dog, the chatter from the • Telephone procedure — even a call for suggestions as well.
players on an adjacent hole, etc… just script. Take a few minutes to review
the focus on hitting the ball to the • Diagnostic procedure — both a and reflect on this article and see how
desired spot. script and the technical steps. many other ways that you can apply
For visualization to work in • Repair recommendation procedure the lessons from Monte’s Tree to help
business, you need some level of — technicians should use damage your business.
routine and repeatability. Most things and repair recommendation By the way, Monte has since
that take place in a typical day in your checklists; service advisors eliminated the tree as a problem: He
shop are routine: should follow bullet-point sales now focuses on a sand trap, off to
• Answering the phone almost presentations. one side of his tree. Normally you’d
always has to do with answering • Doing the job right — include want to avoid a sand trap too, but it’s
the “How much?” question. Most the technical quality standards, well beyond the range of his drive, so
shops have routines with respect parts ordering, repair steps, and aiming for it puts Monte right on the
to quoting prices, estimating the quality assurance steps, with a fairway… and allows him to miss the
prices, or not giving prices over focus on repair excellence. tree entirely. Good for you, Monte!
the phone. • Car delivery procedure —
• Explaining to the customer includes reviewing what was
that you need to do a complete done, explaining the warranty,
diagnosis and computer scan clarifying mutual expectations, Share Your Stories
to determine the extent of the collecting payment, and asking If you’ve personally experienced a
problem. Most shops have a for referrals. weird or unusual customer dispute and
routine for what this includes and Just like the skilled athletes, once wouldn’t mind sharing it to help your
the price for doing it. these routines have been established industry, please contact me. You just tell
• Providing the customer with me the story and I’ll do all the heavy
a summary of the damage, a lifting to write it.
description of the recommended We can make it an article about
repair service, the price, warranty you, or you may remain anonymous. The
alternatives, and asking for their main thing is we want to share stories
authorization. Again, most shops that will help others avoid similar prob-
have routines for these steps. lems. Call me at 480-773-3131 or email
• Completing the repair process… me at coachthom@gmail.com.
the parts and labor functions.
About the Author
Likewise, most shops have certain
Thom Tschetter has served our
things they do in connection
industry for nearly four decades as a
with making sure the repair is
management and sales educator. He
done right.
owned a chain of award-winning trans-
• Returning the car to its owner
mission centers in Washington State for
and collecting payment. By now,
over 25 years.
most shops have a process for
He calls on over 20 years of
doing this. If you don’t have a
experience as a certified arbitrator for
customer-centric process in place, topics for this feature column.
you should. Thom is always eager to help
members of our industry and continues
to be proactive in pursuing ways to
improve your business and your life.

32 GEARS March 2016

1tschetter 316.indd 32 2/25/16 8:08 AM

BorgWarner March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 12:35 PM

by Alex Goldfayn
CEO, Evangelist Marketing Institute

WHY DON’T YOU ASK What if they don’t like you? and the painter. They love you. Let
FOR REFERRALS? They’ve been with you for 12 years. them help you.
I’ve asked thousands of audience Of course they like you. There’s a lot The discomfort with referrals
members and client staffers that of competition out there, yet they buy (and testimonials for that matter —
question. Here are the most common from you. but that’s a different topic) is yours,
answers: You don’t think to do it? Put a not your customers’. They’d be happy
1. We’re afraid of rejection. What yellow sticky on your monitor, and to help you grow your sales, if only
if they don’t like me as much as write REFERRALS on it. That’ll you asked.
I think — or hope — they do? remind you. If you prefer electronic Now that I’ve eliminated all your
2. We don’t think to do it. reminders, zap yourself with your possible defenses, here’s how to ask
3. We don’t want to impose. phone on a daily basis! for a referral:
4. Customers wouldn’t want to You don’t want to impose on Don’t make a special phone
share us. the customer? They don’t want to call for it; that’s awkward. Rather,
5. We don’t know how. Nobody share you? Think about your own add it on to the end of your existing
ever taught us. experiences: When you find the house conversations. It’s particularly pow-
The only reasonable excuse on painters who don’t leave a mess after erful to ask for a referral after you’ve
the list is the last item: you simply they’re done, or the dental hygienist resolved a customer’s problem or issue
don’t know how. This column who doesn’t poke your gums, or the (which, for most of us, is why we talk
will change that. Clip it, take a chiropractor who finally gets rid to customers at all).
picture of it with your phone, and of your pain, aren’t you thrilled to “Are you good? Did we resolve
put it somewhere prominent for share that person with everyone you that to your satisfaction?”
future reference. know? In fact, in social settings, it’s a After the affirmation, ask this
The other roadblocks on the competition to get your friends to use referral question:
list are irrational beliefs, which your guy! “Listen, Tom, who else do you
simply stall your progress toward To your customers, you are know who’d get the same kind of
positive improvement. the chiropractor and the hygienist value you do from working with us?”
34 GEARS March 2016

1AlexGoldfayn 316.indd 34 2/25/16 8:09 AM

That’s the question. Ask it as — you might say, ‘our customers are on the spot. You’re doing a disservice
it’s written. Write it out on paper or people you’re probably friends with’) to everyone involved if you talk your
screen, in big text, so you can read it — and our customer is usually the way through this.
word for word. owner or president. Who do you know Remember, they want to help you.
After you ask the question, stop like that?” They’re very happy with your work,
talking and listen. Then, once again, let there be and will look good to their friends
If the silence extends five, silence. Don’t “nervous chatter” your and colleagues by connecting them
seconds that’s okay. Ten seconds? way out of this referral. Remember, with you. Let your customers help
Also okay. Twenty seconds? Don’t you’re feeling far more discomfort you grow.
panic, stay quiet. than your customer at this point. Let
Don’t be the first to speak. Let the them think.
customer think and answer. Coming At this point, another third
up with a referral might take a bit of your customers will think of a
of time. referral, giving you a 66% referral rate
With this approach, one-third of return.
of the people you ask will give you These have been the numbers Alex Goldfayn is the CEO of The
a referral. That’s a batting average historically among my clients. Evangelist Marketing Institute, LLC, a
that’d get you into the Hall of Fame. revenue growth consultancy. He is the
If the customer says, “I’ll have to SOME FINER POINTS: author of the The Revenue Growth Habit,
think about that,” or anything else that Note that I’m asking who they recently selected as the Sales Book of the
isn’t a referral, make the second effort know, not if they know somebody. Year by 800-CEO-Read.
and help them think of somebody: The former gets me a name, the latter Attend Alex’s new workshop on this
“Tom, we work with companies likely gets me a “no.” topic, The Testimonials and Referrals
like yours — privately owned, and of Next, silence is the key to this Workshop, on May 18 in Chicago. Details
a certain size (describe your customer process. Letting your customers think at www.evangelistmktg.com.

RostraTransmission.com rostratweets RostraPC

GEARS March 2016 35

1AlexGoldfayn 316.indd 35 2/26/16 8:17 AM


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TBA - Tulsa, OK
August 6 - San Antonio, TX
August 13 - Albuquerque, NM
August 20 - Portland, OR Phone toll-free: (800) 428-8489
August 27 - Anaheim, CA Fax your payment & registration
September 10 - Chicago, IL information to:
(805) 988-6761
TBA - Billings, MT
Online: http:// members.atra.com
TBA - Newark, NJ
September 24 - Atlanta, GA Mail your payment to:
ATRA Seminar Registration
TBA - Baltimore, MD 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030

atra seminars ad116-p1.indd 1 1/7/16 1:53 PM

What’s Covered... GENERAL MOTORS
• 4T40E • 6L80
- Harsh Shifts, - TCC Slip, Shudder DTCs
GENERAL Harsh Engagement, DTC P0013, - Intermittent No Upshifts In Tow
High Line Pressure Haul Mode, No DTCs
• Reprogramming - J2534 Information • 4T65E • 6L80/90
- J1850 - J2534 Pass thru Device - TCC Slip at 200-300 RPM on - Ratcheting Noise and/or Bind
- ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230 - Power Supply Issues Highway, No DTCs in Reverse
- ISO 15765 - Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge • 4L60E - Slow 3rd Gear Apply,
- DTC P0741 Set and Harsh 1-2 Slight Delay in Reverse
Shift – Vehicles Manufactured • LCT 1000
FORD after 10/1/11 – 11/13/12
- Harsh Shifts 1-2, DTC P0741
- No Upshifts Until Throttle is
• 4L80E - Neutral On Hard Acceleration
4R70W/75E • 6F35/50
- Planet Damage After Rebuild, - - No Reverse, DTC P0740 TCC
- Transmission Over Temp - No 3rd Gear,
Pump Interchange Enable Solenoid Control Circuit
4R75E P0796 Shift Solenoid 3 Stuck Off
• 5L40 - SPS Message While Program-
- Grinding, Whining, Vibration and/ - DTC P0751, Harsh, Slips and/or
- Crank/No Start After Rebuild ming a 2006 LCT 1000
or Gear Slippage No Forward Engagement
- No 4th or 5th Gear After Rebuild - No Forward or Repeat C1 Failure
FNR5/FS5A-EL - No Reverse After Rebuild
- Sprag Rotation Before and After Rebuild
- No 5th Gear After Rebuild • CFT30
• 6T30 - No Forward and/or Reverse
FNR5/FS5A-EL - Transmission Overheat, Possible
- GM 6T30 (MH9) Family Quick Engagement or Shifts Inhibited
- P0720 After Rebuild No Movement DTCs Set
Identification - Valve Body Installation
- P2708 SSF Functional Failure - Inoperative Cruise Control and/or
• 6T40 - Planet Failure, Rebuild Procedure
(Stuck On) No Sound From Radio
- No Forward, - MIL On, Poor Transmission Shift
- One Way Clutch Assembly - Solenoid Exchange
Reverse Engagement Only Performance/Quality
- P0753 May Be Confusing • 6R60/ZF6HP - Fluid Leak From Front of Allison
- Wrench Light Illuminated Comparison - Air Check Port Identification
• 5R110W (Torqshift) - Input Shaft/Stator Support • 6T40/70
- No Movement After Reflash • 8L90
- No Move After Rebuild Differences - Solenoid Identification and Strat-
- Manual Code Retrieval on LCF - E Clutch Drum Bushing - Overheat When Overfilled,
Setting Code P0218 egy
Trucks - Air Checks - Solenoid Location and Function
- Intermittent No Movement After - Pan Exchange • GM 6T70
- Harsh Shifts
Rebuild • 6R140W (Torqshift 6) - Air Check Port Identification
- Harsh Shift When Starting at
- Low Diode Failure - High Pitch Noise, Pump Whine - Line Pressure Tap Location &
Low Temperatures
• 6F35 - Pump Failure All Specifications
- Transmission Gear Whine Noise
- Hoot Type Noise at Low Speed - Direct Clutch Piston Removal - Rough Ride
After Transmission Repair • Aisin TL80SN 8 Speed
On Light Acceleration From a - Valve Body Replacement
- Harsh 1-2 Upshift During (RPO MGG)
Stop Before First Shift - No Move Before or
Low Speeds - Service Transmission Light
- P0218 Transmission Overheat After Overhaul
Flashing and/or MIL On and DTC
Low Mileage P0705 Set

• Dodge Vehicles - F Dog Clutch Hydraulic Apply • U660E • Isuzu NPR
- Mistaken TCC Shudder Circuit - Pressure Switches Eliminated - PRNDL Lights Dim
• Dodge/Jeep - F Dog Clutch Release Circuit - TCC Slip or No Movement • A750
2005-06 Vehicles - Valve Body to Case Pipe • U660E/760E - No Forward in D4, D3 & D1 Will
- Codes P0714 and/or P0218 Locations - Forward/Direct Drum Move in D2
• 62TE - Air Check Locations Interchange • A960E/750E/AB60E
- TCC and Shift Chatter After - Solenoid Identification, • U660E Comparison
Rebuild Park-By-Cable - Other Internal Problems - Internal Wire Harness
- Solenoid Identification, - No Reverse After Rebuild - Temperature Sensors
• 68RFE
Park-By-Wire - 1-2 Slide After Rebuild
- Setting Overdrive Pressure • A960E/750E/AB60E
- Disassembly/Assembly Tips • ZF6HP26
Switch Rationally Code P0871 - Speed Sensors
- Snap Ring Update - P0783 Gear Load 3-4 4-3
- Clunk From Reverse to Park - Speed Sensor Malfunction/TCC
TSB 21-008-15 REV B - Firm 2-3 Shift P0782 Gear Load
• Dodge AS68RC Information
- Range Sensor Connector Swap
• 845RE 2-3 3-2 AA80/81E
- Application Chart • Ford 6R60/ZF6HP26
• 722.6 - Introduction
- Fluid Check Procedure
- Vibration Coming to a Stop Comparison - Component ID & Apply Chart
- Solenoid Identification
• 948TE - All Vehicles - Solenoid ID & Apply Chart
- Valve Body Breakdown
- Introduction - Valve Body Removal - Valve Body Removal
- Valve Body Check Valves
- Clutch Apply Chart • ZFHP19A VW - Valve Identification
- Valve Body Filters
- Dog Clutch Function - Pinion Removal - Case Air Checks
- Valve Body Solenoid Dampers
- A Dog Clutch Function - Gear Whine After Rebuild - Low One Way Clutch Rotation
- Check Ball Locations
- A Dog Clutch Hydraulic Apply • F4A51 • Subaru Lineartronic
- Separator Plate Information
Circuit - Hard Bind Going Into 4th Gear - Primary Pulley Disassembly
- Upper Valve Body Breakdown
- A Dog Clutch Hydraulic Release • Isuzu 4L30E - Secondary Pulley Disassembly
- Lower Valve Body Breakdown
Circuit - No Forward in D4, D3 & D1 Will - Secondary Pulley Assembly
- Valve Identification and Spring
- F Dog Clutch Function Measurements Move in D2

atra seminars ad116-p2.indd 1 1/7/16 1:54 PM

Do I t by Jim Cathcart

“N o matter what your age,

“Growing old takes
you spend that kind of money on
something that nobody will ever see?”

Whatever no effort. It’s really easy to swim

downstream.” (From the song, ReZoom
He answered, “I’ll know they’re there,
and it makes me feel prosperous.”
The Boom.) It’s a good point: The stays weren’t
task or It takes absolutely no skill to lose, just to keep his collars straight… they
but that’s not what you were designed were to help him feel successful. And
challenge to do.
When the alarm goes off in the
they did.
Now I’m not recommending gold

he faced, morning, it’s sooo easy to roll over and

snooze. When you see some clutter
jewelry or silk underwear. I’m just
saying that you’ll know when you’re
around the shop, it’s easy to intend to living up to your desired standards,
he’d drop straighten things up later. When there’s whether anyone else notices or not. And
a customer or supplier you need to call, that’s important… to you.
everything it’s really easy to say, “I’m not in the
mood right now.”
W. Clement Stone was the
owner of Combined Insurance Co.,
if he could, After all, who’s going to notice?
You are.
a centimillionaire, and the personal
manager of Napoleon Hill, author of
And it matters to you… whether Think and Grow Rich. I knew Mr. Stone
and do it you realize it or not. and was inspired by his book, Success
My friend, Sam Gross, once Through a Positive Mental Attitude.
now. bought a set of solid-gold collar stays.
I asked him, “Why in the world would
One of his greatest habits, one I’d
recommend to you, is the habit of do it

38 GEARS March 2016

1chatcart316.indd 38 2/25/16 9:58 AM

Whatever task or challenge he faced, he’d drop Clear the plate, handle the issues, and take the best
everything if he could, and do it now. Anxious about making next step on each item right now, today, before reengaging
a phone call? Do it now! Stressed by an interruption? Do with anything else. You’ll love the freedom that comes
it now! Need to compliment someone but you or they are along with not having a list of unpleasant things to do later.
busy? Do it now. And pick up a copy of Mr. Stone’s book. Your life will
It’s amazing how this will clean up your honey-do be better from reading it.
list at home and your when-I-get-around-to-it list at work. Personal Standards: Hold yourself to a higher standard
It’s also wonderful how much this can bring you peace of and you’ll upgrade your life and career. Where do you
mind. No nagging tasks waiting to sabotage you… just draw the line? What isn’t enough and what’s too much?
open road ahead and lots of opportunities. Are there some things you say, “This I will never do!” or
Try it this week: Just commit to yourself that, for one “This I will always do!”? Well, do it now!
week (maybe more), you’ll face each task with a do-it-
now! attitude. Whatever comes up: Jim Cathcart is the author of 16 books including
• A machine breaks down: Stop and call the repair tech Relationship Selling and a member of the international
and get them started on fixing it now. Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame. As part of the ATRA
• Client comes back with a problem: Pause on your strategic team he is a ready resource and advisor for those
current job and examine the issue. It may be minor or of you growing your businesses as owners and operators.
could be delegated now. See his business tips on video at Thrive15.com/acorn. You
• Unexpected problem arises: Call the person now. can also reach him at www.Cathcart.com.
• You screw up: Seek out the party you wronged and
apologize right now.

Complete your Library!

General Motors - Ford - Imports - Chrysler

Order Your Books Now

(866) 464-2872 • (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2003
members.atra.com • www.atra.com

GEARS March 2016 39

1chatcart316.indd 39 2/25/16 9:58 AM

TCRA 2016 by Chris Horbach
Executive Director, TCRA

he 2016 Torque Converter from Transtar, Bobby Mace from towing a boat anchor. TCRA members
Rebuilders Association Transmission Digest, Jeff Stuck from have direct access to resources that are
(TCRA) seminar and industry Certified Transmission and TCRA unavailable outside the Association,
meeting will take place on Friday and Director, and the TCRA Technical providing them with the latest
Saturday, April 15th and 16th, at the Committee. That’s an impressive list information to make sure they match
Best Western Plus Executive Inn Hotel of some of the most influential folks in the right converter to the vehicle
and Conference Center in Seattle, our industry. and transmission.
Washington. During the breaks, stop by the TCRA puts the latest rebuilding
As always, this year’s event will display tables from some of the specifications and technical articles
be more than just talking about torque industry’s most valued suppliers, to see right at its members’ fingertips, in
converters. It’ll kick off on Friday the what’s new and discover what you’ve much the same way as ATRA Members
15th with a tour of Boeing’s Everett been missing. have exclusive access to extensive
assembly plant, where attendees will One of TCRA’s primary goals is to resources and critical information they
get a firsthand look at how some of make a broader impact on the industry need to rebuild today’s transmissions.
the largest aircraft are assembled than its name implies, by creating With so many things in common
inside the world’s largest building interaction, open communication, between the transmission and the
(by volume). and comradery between converter torque converter, and the inf luence
The building encompasses 472 suppliers and transmission rebuilders. the converter has on the transmission,
million cubic feet (13.3 million cubic In fact, the torque converter and it’s no great wonder that TCRA’s
meters) and its footprint covers 98.3 transmission have more similarities influence is so important to ATRA…
acres. This is where Boeing assembles with one another than you might think. and vice versa.
all its twin-aisle jets: the 747, 767, The friction material, fluid, bearings, To repair any mechanical device,
777, and the 787 Dreamliner. It should and clearances are just a few of the you need quality parts, technical
make for an interesting day. aspects in common between converters expertise, and a keen understanding of
The TCRA Member Meeting is and transmissions. how even the smallest change can have
scheduled for 3:00 on Friday, followed And, just like the transmission a major impact. The annual TCRA
by the annual Welcome Reception to which the converter is coupled, the seminar addresses these interactions
hosted by Sonnax at 4:30. Everyone sump filter, shaft bushings, sealing and aims to educate attendees in a way
in attendance will be invited. This surfaces, and electronic and hydraulic that helps everyone in our industry
is your chance to press the flesh and circuits all play an essential role in the Register for TCRA 2016 online at
hoist a few dine, relax, catch up with performance of the torque converter, www.TCRAonline.com. Registration
old friends and share your experiences which, in turn, plays a vital role in for TCRA Members is $250 for one
with like-minded associates from all transferring torque from the engine to person; each additional registration is
around the industry. the wheels. just $175. Non-members are $350.
Br ig ht a nd e a rly Sat u rd ay For example, the TCM controls The host hotel and conference
morning, April 16th, we’ll get together solenoids, which control the stroke center is the Best Wester n Plus
in the hotel conference room for our of valves in the valve body. Valve Executive Inn. Call them today to make
seminar program. We’ll be bringing operation is predicated on the your reservations, at (206)-448-9444.
some of the leaders in the torque condition of the valve body bore; if Make sure you ask for the exclusive
converter and transmission industry to that valve controls a TCC circuit, TCRA rate ($130+tax/nt).
share their thoughts on how the torque converter clutch performance depends So don’t wait: Sign up today
converter and transmission impact on all the interactions that occur ahead and reserve your place at this year’s
one another. of it in the circuit. TCRA seminar and conference. It
Featured speakers will include Selecting the proper converter for may be the most valuable thing you
Rodger Bland and Mike Sou za the application is crucial to the transfer can do for you… your business… and
from ATR A, Bob War n ke from of available torque to the transmission, your customers.
Son na x, Joh n Pa r me nt e r f rom and can cause the vehicle to perform
Precision International, Mike Cargill wonderfully or seem as though it’s
40 GEARS March 2016

1TCRA 316.indd 40 2/25/16 8:15 AM

April 15th – 16th
SEATTLE, WA - Best Western Plus Executive Hotel

Don’t miss the event of the year

for the Torque Converter rebuilding and
remanufacturing industry.
Invite your employees or customers
to join you in learning more about the
relationship of the torque converter to
the transmission and how each impact
one another.
Get the latest technical insight,
troubleshooting tips, business skills,
and trends from some of the industry’s
leading experts.
Make sure you arrive early so that you can join your industry colleagues own a tour
industry of the Boeing plant inside the world's largest building (by volume).
The building encloses 472 million cubic feet of space (13.3 Million cubic meters).
Best Western Plus Executive Hotel
Its footprint covers 98.3 Acres and houses assembly for boeing twin-aisle airplanes
-- the 747, 767, 777 and 787 dreamliner.
TCRA Rate - $130.00/nt


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016
Click on the Seminar Button. 8:00-9:00 a.m. - Tour Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. - Board Buses
Click the Registration link.
10:00 a.m. - Group 1 – Boeing Tour
10:30 a.m. - Group 2 – Boeing Tour
LOCAL ATTRACTIONS 12:00 p.m. - Board Buses
Space Needle 1:00 p.m. - Return to Hotel for lunch (provided)
www.spaceneedle.com 3:00 p.m. - TCRA Member Meeting
4:30 p.m. - Industry Reception
LeMay - America’s Car Museum.
www.americascarmuseum.org 7:00-8:00 a.m. - Seminar Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00-4:30 p.m. - Technical and Business Seminar
- Morning and afternoon break refreshments provided
- Lunch Buffet

1TCRA 316.indd 41 2/25/16 8:15 AM

THE 65RFE by Brad Gilbert

The 65RFE was introduced in 2012; it Figure 1

appears in the Dodge Durango, Jeep Grand
Cherokee, and Dodge Ram 1500 with 4.7L and
5.7L engines. The 66RFE was available in the
Dodge Ram 2500, Power Wagon, and chassis
cab models.
Three codes have been identified and
include the 659AA for the 5.7L, and both
the 647AA and 649AA for the 4.7L engine
(figures 1 and 2).
The 65 and 66RFE converters are similar
to the 45RFE, but are 12” rather than 11”. Both
converters use a 29-spline input shaft, 27-spline
stator, and similar impeller hub. The O-rings
on the piston and thrust washer (hockey puck) Figure 2 Figure 3
are the same as a 45RFE, but the hockey puck
is only 0.457” thick; the 45RFE is 0.678” thick
(figure 3).
The aftermarket lists the same impeller hub
for both the 45RFE and the 66RFE. The original
hub is butt welded and the aftermarket hub is
flanged. The bearings are the same as those used
in the 62TE converters, and the piston lining
is high energy material with 16 lube grooves
embossed diagonally.
Figure 4
Unlike the 45RFE, the 65RFE and 66RFE
have an aluminum stator, and the rollers are
shorter than those found in a 45RFE.
One unique feature is the roller clutch, which
is a cartridge design with two clips holding the
stator caps to the outer cam. The roller clutch is
a hook-and-spring style (figure 4), the inner race
has a slightly larger O.D. (figure 5), and it won’t
interchange with the 45RFE.
Aftermarket suppliers often have to work
on the input splines, which are broached into the
driven hub of the dampener assembly (figure 6).
All in all, this is a typical converter, Figure 5 Figure 6
and, other than the input splines, there aren’t
many issues to be expected with it. Be sure to
visit the TCRA web site for all the specs on
this converter.
If you have input on codes for the 3.7L,
please send that information to one of the
directors, post it on our web site, or let us know
through the TCRA forum.
42 GEARS March 2016

1TCRA 65RFE 316.indd 42 2/25/16 8:24 AM

March 1/2 6T40 Internal
March 15/16 Reprogramming 1
March 29/30 A5LF1 Internal
April 12/13 Reprogramming 2
April 26/27 Nissan CVT Introduction
May 10/11 6R140 Internal
May 24/25 6F35N Internal
June 7/8 AS68RC Internal
June 21/22 Lineartronic Gen 1 & 2 Comparison
July 5/6 6T40 & 6T70 comparison
July 19/20 Nissan CVT Internal
August 2/3 722.9 Internal
August 16/17 JF613 Internal
August 30/31 Drivability Diagnostics 1
September 13/14 Installation 101
September 27/28 Drivability Diagnostics 2
October 11/12 Hybrid Diagnostics & Safety

ATRA Webinars are presented every two

This and other technical webinars are made possible by; weeks from January to October.

Login at http://members.atra.com and click
on the webinar schedule under the events
menu. Once registered, you will receive an
email confirming your registration along with
the information you need to join the webinar.

*Free for everyone on the day of the webinar. ATRA Members

have access to all pre-recorded webinars.

ATRA_Webinars March 2016.indd 1 2/25/16 12:50 PM

YOU KNEW by Jeff Stuck

ntroduced in the 2007 model year,
the 6L80E (code JMBX) created
challenges for rebuilders right out
of the gate. Such as friction failures,
cracked dampers, and covers that were
on the edge of being too thin right
from the factory. No problem; we’re
used to being challenged right? Bring
it on; we’ll figure it out.
Then, as soon as you start to get
comfortable, somebody throws a 2426
8442 code converter on the counter.
What does this fit? you ask. Nothing
special: just a 2014-up Chevrolet
Pickup with a 4.3L. What do you
suppose the chances are you’ll see one
of those? Pretty good, I’m guessing.
As you can see, this 6L80E is
nothing like the JMBX code… good,
6L80E TOP right? Well, it is if you have your
captive clutch process in place. Yep;
this one has a captive clutch with a
design that’s a little different than some
of the captive-clutch GM products you
may have worked on.
Once you cut this converter open,
you’ll find a typical cover assembly
that contains a dual-faced friction
plate and a piston held in place by six
rivets (Figures 1-4). The rivets holding
the piston in place are attached to six
return springs.
This is where things get a little
different: Unlike many of the GM
products that have the springs on the
outside of the piston, these return
springs are hidden under the piston.
These springs are also much more
robust, which you’ll notice once you’ve
6L80E BOTTOM removed the piston.
44 GEARS March 2016

1TCRA 6L80 316.indd 44 2/25/16 8:27 AM

• Clamp the cover in your drill
press or mill and drill out the six
rivets, taking care not to oversize
the holes in the piston.
• Once you’ve removed the piston
and friction, completely remove
the remaining rivet. It may put
up a bit of a fight, so take care
not to damage the spring or
oversize the rivet hole.
At this point you can complete Figure 1 Figure 2
any needed repairs to the cover,
piston, or friction plate.
To reassemble the cover you’ll
need a couple things: a fixture to
hold the cover in your riveter and
a tool to support the rivet head
when riveting. Because the rivet
head is hidden, this will be a bit of
a challenge.
Wit h a l it tle conve r t e r
builder ingenuity and a piece of
f lat strap, you can make a tool Figure 3 Figure 4
to insert through the center hole
of the piston to support the rivet
(Figures 5-7). This will suffice for
“one off” or short run work. When
your production increases, you
may want to invest in developing
a higher quality support tool, as
repeated use will stress the soft
flat strap steel.
• Install all six rivets into the
return springs.
• Add the friction plate and piston.
• With the rivet head supported,
complete the rivet process Figure 5 Figure 6
on each rivet. Because of the
stiffness of these springs, each
rivet becomes more of a challenge to ASSEMBLY SPECIFICATIONS
position the support tool in place.
Overall Height 6.130” (155.7 mm)
• Once you have the six rivets attached,
test the piston travel to make sure the Internal Clearance 0.075”–0.100”
piston clamps onto the friction plate  (1.9–2.5 mm)
when needed. Endplay 0.025” (0.6 mm)
Your converter is now ready for
Clutch Release Clearance Endplay
final assembly. Your clutch clearance
on this converter is the endplay. Make Pilot Diameter 1.703” (43.25 mm)
sure you take the time to set your pre- Mounting 10mm x 1.50
weld clearance to a setting that’ll allow Bolt Circle 11.500” (292 mm) Figure 7
you the correct post-weld clearance.
Different welding systems will
provide a different end result, so
you’ll have to develop a model that
works for you. We’ve included the
common specs for this converter. The
full spec sheet can be found online at
GEARS March 2016 45

1TCRA 6L80 316.indd 45 2/25/16 8:28 AM

Se e You
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atra Expo Ad 316-R.indd 1 2/22/16 11:45 AM

T by Steve Bodofsky
he shortage of new technicians Red was still very much with us and
entering the auto repair market active back in ’83, and was a very members.atra.com
has become one of the most vocal proponent of technical education,
problematic situations facing our both for new and working technicians. through their school or college auto-
industry. Today’s technicians are “The scholarship program was really motive program.
getting older, with fewer and fewer his baby,” explains Denny. Application is simple: Just fill out
young people stepping up to take One critical hurdle the Chapter had the application form and write a short
their place. to overcome was funding the program. essay explaining why you need the
The problem has become so ATRA Chapters are non-profit entities, scholarship grant.
pervasive that it’s become the focus with very little financial backing. But Applications are judged by
of ATRA’s What’s Working program there is one time each year that the the Midwest Chapter’s scholarship
this year. And there’s little doubt that Chapter has the opportunity to raise committee, consisting of Chapter
it’ll remain an integral part of the money: during the annual ATRA Board Members Jerry Jurkovski,
Association’s efforts to reinvigorate seminar program. Greg Peterson, and Gary Erickson.
our industry in the years ahead. Each year, when ATRA comes They award the scholarships based on
ATRA’s Midwest Chapter’s board to town to deliver its seminars, the the applicant’s need. You can request
of directors recognized this situation Chapter has a chance to help raise an application by emailing Chapter
long before it became critical, and they money, based on the number of President Brad Benrud at allentrans@
began an effort to help young people people they can register. “We’re very charter.net or Board Member Jerry
take their place in the future of auto grateful for ATRA’s support in this,” Jurkovski at jurkovsj@uslink.net.
repair. The Chapter’s scholarship fund says Denny. Currently there are six scholarship
provides technicians in training with In addition, Chapters usually offer awards available, providing $250
some badly needed funds to help them display tables to suppliers, giving each. The Chapter is working on
pay for their tech school tuition. them an opportunity to meet with expanding the number of scholarships
At the same time, it lets those their customers in a social setting and the amounts awarded. “We’d
trainees know that, once they’ve earned and introduce new products and like to get more applicants involved,”
their stripes, there’s an ATRA Member services. At many Chapter seminars, says Denny. “Our goal is to help
shop out there who’d be thrilled to these tables are free; at the Midwest bring more qualified technicians into
help them take the next steps in their Chapter’s program, the suppliers pay the industry.”
careers: a win-win for both the new $275 per table. If your ATRA Chapter would be
technician and the Chapter that gave “This is a voluntary fee for the interested in creating a scholarship
them a leg up when they needed it. suppliers,” explains Denny. “We make program for your area, the Midwest
The Midwest Chapter scholarship it a point to highlight their involvement Chapter would be happy to help.
program isn’t new; it’s been a part in ou r indust r y th roughout the Drop Brad or Jerry a line: He’ll
of the Chapter’s objectives since seminar, and they know that a portion provide you with all the details you’ll
its inception in 1977, when its first of the table fee goes directly to the need to develop and implement your
president, Al Tank, took the reins. scholarship fund, so they’re thrilled own program.
Members Red Girdley and Ed Howe to take part.” This year about 20 Or, if you’d be interested in
came in with him and Chapter Board suppliers have already reserved their sponsoring a personal scholarship
Member Denny Stearns joined the table space at the Midwest Chapter through the ATRA Midwest Chapter,
following year. seminar program. contact Brad or Jerry for details: He’ll
“Our scholarship program got its Who’s eligible for the Midwest be glad to discuss different options for
footing in 1983, when we held our first Chapter scholarships? Anyone living you to consider.
seminar program in Minneapolis,” in a state served by the ATR A The ATR A Midwest Chapter
explains Denny. “The scholarships Midwest Chapter — Iowa, Minnesota, scholarship fund: Taking a giant
are in honor of Kim Lingenfelter and Nebraska, North and South Dakota, leap toward bringing new life to the
Red Girdley.” Wisconsin, and the Northern part of transmission repair industry… one
K i m was an early Chapter Illinois (Zip Codes 60000–61999) technician at a time.
Member who passed away tragically. — and must attend our ATRA seminar
48 GEARS March 2016

1Atra midwest 316 v2.indd 48 2/25/16 8:29 AM

Midwest chapteR


Request your application today
email Chapter President Brad Benrud at allentrans@charter.net
or Board Member Jerry Jurkovski at jurkovsj@uslink.net.

WHO CAN APPLY: Anyone living in a state served by the ATRA Midwest Chapter — Iowa, Minnesota,
Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, and the Northern part of Illinois
(Zip Codes 60000–61999) — and must also attend our ATRA seminar through their school or college
automotive program.

49 GEARS March 2016

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Baker’s Transmission Service:
Expanding in a Different

Baker’s Transmission Service, L to R: Jared Bayles, Glen Hepburn, Danny Rice, Cole Baker, Marc Baker,
Veta Baker, Jim Horn, Lance Wells and Jake the shop dog up front.

ately a substantial number of
transmission shops have begun
to expand into general repairs.
But at Baker’s Transmission Service,
LLC in Grand Junction, Colorado, the
expansion is in an entirely different
That’s because Baker’s isn’t just
a transmission shop: They’re a one-
stop drivetrain repair center, featuring
transmissions, differentials, driveshaft
and axle repair… and torque converters.
And, according to shop owner Marc
Baker, they have all the work they can
Baker’s started out as a transmission
shop. So how did they get involved
with torque converters? “A company Baker’s Transmission Service

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I used to work for in Denver rebuilt
converters, and they decided to close
shop,” says Marc. “They had all this
equipment, and they called me and said,
‘Hey, we’ll make you a terrific deal if
you’ll buy everything.’ I thought about
it a while and said ‘okay.’
“Once I had it, the question
became, ‘What am I going to do with
it?’ I didn’t know how to rebuild torque
converters. The deal included sending
their technician, Danny Rice, to show
me how to use everything. I figured I’d
have to hire someone, so, while he was
here, I asked him what he was planning
to do. He said, ‘I don’t know,’ so I
asked him to work for me.
“One of the best things about
having a converter shop in house
is the ability to know… there’s no
more guessing about whether there’s a
problem in the converter or not. Being Marc Baker, Owner
able to cut the converter open and look
inside answers a lot of questions.
“It’s increased our understanding
of what’s going on inside the unit…
what’s failing… and what’s trending.
We look in the pan and we know what
we’re looking at. That helps us educate
our customers and provides us with a
better approach for selling the job.”
It’s only been a little over a year
since Marc added torque converters to
his business, but it’s going pretty well.

A big part of the focus at Baker’s
is on building performance units, and
their ability to build custom converters
has helped increase their business.
One of the ways Marc serves these
customers is to guarantee the first stall Danny Rice building converters at Accelerated Torque Converters
change: “If the stall isn’t right for their
configuration, we’ll replace it free,” Having the custom converter Outside Converter
explains Marc. shop in house has begun to feed the Sales
The trick is to get customers to transmission shop: Customers come While there are a few other
be honest about their engines: “Danny looking for a performance converter and transmission shops nearby, Marc
tells them, ‘If you lie about how much they end up bringing their transmission hasn’t really tried to sell them torque
horsepower your engine’s producing, in for a rebuild or modification. converters yet. “Right now we aren’t
we’re going to know.’ They’ll claim And since the converter shop is still doing a lot for other shops,” he says.
they’re producing 500 horses when it’s fairly new, business is still growing. “We prefer to focus on our performance
really closer to 350. “We’re really just starting to advertise converters.
“But that’s an advantage of dealing the converter business and build that “Most other shops are more
with us. We’re here to make the up,” explains Marc. “Like any business, interested in finding the cheapest
modifications you need. It’s not like a things don’t happen fast.” But they converter available. We don’t do that
mail order business where, if the first appear to be moving steadily in the with our transmissions and we’re not
one doesn’t work, you can buy another right direction. interested in going that way with our
one. We’re here to work with you.” converters.
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Baker’s Transmission Service

Top: Jim Horn, manager Drive Line Service,

Cole Baker, technician Drive Line Service Bottom: Jared Bayles, builder/technician Lance Wells, builder/technician

“We’re not the cheapest place in Marc’s History more experience along the way. “I’d tell
town; that’s not what we promote. We Marc got his start in transmission the shop owner I had more experience
build a solid transmission that we can repair when he was 17 years old. “My than I did just to get the job,” he says.
stand behind, and that’s what we want dad bought an old Trailblazer to go One thing Marc is firm about: He’s
to do with our converters, too. 4-wheeling,” he says. “It needed a always preferred to be a swingman
“I don’t want to compete with the trans; since we were both going to be rather than exclusively a rebuilder. “I
mass-production converter rebuilder. using it, he said I had to help install really enjoy doing the job from front to
Let’s face it: Transmission repair isn’t the tranny. So we bought an exchange back,” he says. And, as he points out,
an easy business, and if you’re going unit from a shop nearby. Once we got “I’m more valuable to an employer if I
to cut costs, you have to cut them from it installed, the shop owner wanted can do everything.”
somewhere. Too often that’s in the us bring it by so he could check the It’s a business model that he uses
converter. I’m not interested in that: I’d adjustments to validate the warranty. to this day. “I have two technicians in
prefer to build exceptional converters, “We installed it and Dad brought my shop. They diagnose the cars, pull
even if it means I only build them for it back for the check. The guy asked, the units, rebuild them, reinstall them,
my retail customers.” ‘What’s your kid doing? He looked and road test the vehicles to make sure
And, since converters are only a pretty into this.’ At the time I’d been everything’s working okay,” says Marc.
part of Baker’s overall business model, working at a grocery store. My dad “I think that’s the way a transmission
he doesn’t have to make a lot from came home and said, ‘That guy at the shop should operate.”
them. By building a superior torque trans shop is interested in hiring you.’
converter, he can support his whole “I didn’t have any tools… didn’t Complete Drivetrain
business model, reducing comebacks know anything about transmissions… While their converter business is
and improving customer satisfaction. but I went down and talked to him. He taking off, Baker’s Transmission is,
So the business as a whole profits. said, ‘I have all the tools you’ll need; first and foremost, a transmission repair
Something else that probably helps I’ll put you on as an apprentice and pay shop. They opened on February 1,
their business is the region: Baker’s you piecework. You just have to show 2006, so they just celebrated their 10th
Transmission is in Colorado: Their up every day and I’ll teach you what anniversary.
customers drive on mountainous roads you need to know. In addition to being a transmission
and a lot of their vehicles are work “The first week I worked 45 hours shop and a torque converter shop, they
trucks. and made $125. I thought ‘I don’t know also offer driveshaft and axle repair
Those customers know just if I can do this.’ For the next year and under the name Drive Line Service.
how much they put their vehicles a half I worked nights at the grocery Drive Line Service was a separate
through, and they want to be sure their store and worked the shop during the company that operated for about 30
transmissions and torque converters day. Then I quit at the grocery store and years in one half of a larger building.
will stand up to the rigors of the day. started working the shop full time.” Marc needed a new location for his
That makes it easier to sell a job built He continued working there for transmission shop, so he leased the
to extraordinary specifications. another year and a half, and then moved other half of the building.
on to other shops, getting more and “The owner wasn’t too thrilled
52 GEARS March 2016

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Overhead view of Accelerated Torque Converters Glen Hepburn, service advisor

about having a transmission shop because ATRA’s technical specialists biker; the club focuses on land issues
sharing his building, but we worked will hear about problems long before and trail maintenance. We try to keep
out our issues,” says Marc. “I assured they show up out in the country. areas open to dirt bikers and make sure
him that, if one of his customers came When he calls the ATRA HotLine, other enthusiasts are aware of what they
through my door, I wouldn’t try to Marc’s learned it’s a good idea to shouldn’t be doing.
poach him,” says Marc. “And he did the let them know what he needs, right “I’m pretty well known in the
same for me.” up front. “I called them and asked, motorcycle world; I race motorcycles, so
The two ended up building a terrific ‘Who can I talk to about a CAN Bus?’ people get to se me on that front, too.”
relationship, neither stepping on the and they put me right through to a And we’re not just talking about
others’ toes and providing each other specialist who was able to answer all local racing: “Last year my wife and
referral work. And having a driveshaft my questions. I traveled to Romania and I took part
specialist right there made it easy for Before they call the HotLine, Marc in a 5-day, off-road event called ‘The
Marc to farm out some of the jobs he insists that his technicians go through Red Bull Romaniacs.’ I did pretty well;
didn’t want. “I never liked installing all the basic checks. “I ask, ‘Did you finished 21 out of 166.
U-joints anyway, so having them there put a gauge on it?’ I want to make sure “It’s a pretty grueling race, and it
was a blessing. I’d just take the stuff that we’ve done everything possible was a lot of fun to meet people from
over and it’d get done.” before we start asking for help.” around the world who enjoy the same
When the owner of the drivetrain Now that he’s also operating a hobby.”
shop decided to get out, Marc torque converter business, he’s also Transmission repair… torque
approached him and they came to an become a TCRA Member. converters… drivetrain… and even off-
arrangement. “The next thing I know I “We’re fairly new to TCRA, but road motorcycle racing. No doubt about
owned a driveshaft shop!” what a great bunch of guys! I made it: Marc keeps himself busy. And he
Interestingly, one thing that Drive it to their seminar in Kentucky and it provides a stellar example of how a
Line Service won’t repair is CV-joints. was terrific to be able to speak with shop can be successful in a number of
That’s because it’s too cheap to buy other Members. They were really open disciplines without taking on general
complete axles through conventional to what I’m doing; I spoke with a few repair. We wish him the very best.
parts stores. There’s just no profit in other guys who were trying something
repairing them. similar. Quite a few seemed excited that
But anything else in the drivetrain I wanted to be a part of the Association.
— from the transmission and converter, “I received a lot of information
to the driveshaft, to the differential — and was able to provide some feedback
Baker’s is equipped to handle it. because of my transmission experience.
I’m really looking forward to attending
ATRA and TCRA this year’s program in Seattle.” (See
From the time he opened his doors, page 41 for TCRA info)
Marc has been an ATRA Member. “The
guys on the ATRA HotLine are always Off-Road Motorcycle
real helpful about trying to get us the Riding
answers we need. ATRA plays such an While Marc stays busy at work,
important roll in this industry!” he tries set aside a little time to ride his
According to Marc, ATRA’s motorcycle. He’s a member of a local
especially important to shops like group, the MTRA — Motorcycle Trail Marc Baker racing in Romania
his that are away from the big cities, Riding Association. “I’m an avid dirt
GEARS March 2016 53

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GEARS does not endorse new products but makes this new information available
POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS to readers. If you have a new product, please email the press release information
with applicable digital photo or drawing to fpasley@atra.com or send by mail to
GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030.

Sonnax Announces New replacing the earlier, large can style NAPC Introduces New
Oversized Lockup Control solenoids (Rostra #52-0489). 68RFE Transmissions
Valve for Toyota/Lexus If you would like more information
about these solenoids, contact Tal
Eidson at (910) 291-2575 or email at

Raybestos Unveils
Online Torque Converter
Bonding Pressure
North American Powertrain
Bore wear in Toyota/Lexus Components (NAPC) is excited to
U341E/F transmissions equipped with unveil its updated 68RFE transmission,
a lockup control valve train allows available in three lines: Tow Series, 450
valuable converter pressure to escape Series, and Race HD Series for 2007.5-
the circuit. This can cause: 2014 Dodge Ram 2500-3500, 6.7L
- Converter Shudder Cummins.
- TCC slip All NAPC’s 68RFE transmissions
- engine stall at idle Crawfordsville, IN (January 12, include superior designed friction and
- harsh downshifts 2016) – Today, Raybestos Powertrain steel clutches, with a billet overdrive
- no lockup announced the addition of a free, drum to eliminate overdrive clutch
…and other converter-related easy-to-use torque converter bonding failure. Each has an upgraded sprag
complaints. pressure calculator to the company’s with a custom steel cage instead of
Reconditioning the bore and website, RaybestosPowertrain.com. the factory plastic, and a modified
installing Sonnax oversized lockup This new calculator allows customers remanufactured valve body for superior
control valve kit 37740-08K effectively to enter friction wafer and bonding shift calibration.
renews TCC operation by restoring equipment information to instantly NAPC’s proprietary upgrades
critical clearances and preventing identify the optimum piston pressure have yielded an optimal performing
pressure loss. required to achieve a successful torque transmission, that provides smooth
Visit www.sonnax.com for more converter bond. shifts and maximum reliability. For a
details. Torque converter bonding can be hard working transmission that will
a complex process requiring precise keep your vehicle on the road, look no
Rostra Introduces calculations to determine the correct further.
09G/TF60SN Small Body net facing pressure for a particular For more details visit NAPC.CA or
Linear Solenoids torque converter wafer. These call (866) 456-4498
calculations change based on the size
of the wafer, and the size or type of Animated Cottman Man
bonding equipment. Offers Fresh Approach
“Our online bonding pressure to Auto Repair
calculator speeds up a key step in the
torque converter bonding process,”
said Andy Mayfield, Raybestos
Powertrain’s vice president of North
American sales. “By providing quick
Rostra is pleased to announce the access to the correct minimum PSI
introduction of their new, late-style, needed to achieve a successful bond,
small-body linear solenoids for we help our customers to complete
the 09G/TF60SN 6-speed FWD faster, more reliable rebuilds.” One of the most iconic personalities
transmissions (Rostra #52-0566). To learn more about Raybestos in the automotive repair market has
The change to small body linear Powertrain’s torque converter bonding been given new life and a new look:
solenoids first appeared in the 2009 products, visit the company online at Cottman Transmission and Total Auto
Mini Cooper, and was followed www.raybestospowertrain.com, or call Care — a leader in the auto repair
by 2010 Volkswagen applications, (800) 729-7763. industry — has re-envisioned and
54 GEARS March 2016

1PINS 316 v2.indd 54 2/25/16 8:43 AM

revitalized The Cottman Man as an provides eight different product Precision Introduces
animated character into “The Cottman selections and takes up the same Kits for Toyota CVTs
Man Educational Video Series.” valuable floor space as a single for Non-US Market
Long respected for his trustworthy 55-gallon drum.” 
demeanor, The Cottman Man embodied With bag-in-a-box, Ford is making
every Cottman center technician: sure Motorcraft oils are available at
capable and honest… your friend in the right place and time by giving
the auto repair business… the guy shops streamlined product options
who would offer a hand when your car at near bulk pricing. Motorcraft oils
wasn’t living up to expectations. meet American Petroleum Institute
To see the new, animated Cottman specifications; any vehicle that calls for
Man in action, visit Cottman on line at GF5 or CJ-4 can use these products.
Cottman.com. Visit www.motorcraft.com for more
Motorcraft Launches
Bag-in-a-Box Alternative New Diesel Injector Precision International is pleased
for Oil and ATF Cleaning Kit to announce that it now offers kits for
Motorcraft Toyota K111 and K112 CVTs. These
announced transmissions are used in a variety of
today the launch Toyotas built from 2003-on for the
of bag-in-a-box non-US market.
packaging for These kits are available in three
six oils and two basic versions:
automatic trans- Overhaul: K75900TX-MD
mission fluids (without pistons)
in its product K75900T-MD
line. The new (with pistons)
packaging will Banner: K75900TXW/O
significantly cut (without pistons)
down on waste K75900TW/O
and allow shops (with pistons)
to provide Master: K75900TX
greater prod- Innovative Products of America (without pistons)
uct selection at has introduced a new diesel injector K75900T
competitive pricing. cleaning kit specially designed to clean (with pistons)
“Bag-in-a-box gives us the ability injector-seats and bores on most light, Each kit includes all valve body
to provide customers more options medium, and heavy-duty diesel motors. screens and checkballs, and all
when it comes time to choose their This assortment of specialty components are sub-packaged for easy
oil or transmission fluid,” said Robert brushes, drivers, extensions and identification. The precision molded
Boss, marketing manager, Ford SWAB-EEZ® is ideal for removing pistons are Viton to provide extended
Motor Company. “Shops will now carbon, rust, and other debris from durability.
have the space and the incentive to injector seats, bores, and cups. These kits and components
forgo carrying quarts or jugs of oil in Three distinct types of brushes are available separately for these
favor of a more streamlined display include: Helix Brushes for deep seat transmissions:
solution, and in the process offer better cleaning, two-stage brushes for seat Piston kit: K75900T-99
pricing for specific products customers and inner seat hole cleaning, and Ring kit: K75300T
seek out.” bore brushes for bore and tube wall Friction module: K7500T-1F
Motorcraft’s bag-in-a-box currently cleaning. Steel module:  K7500T-1S
features eight part numbers: 5W-20 The ¼" drive hex shaft allows for Pump seal: 75232
and 5W-30 semisynthetic oil; 5W-20 quick interchange of brushes, drivers, Case side axle seal: 75069
and 5W-30 full synthetic oil; 10W- extensions, and the use of low speed Converter side axle seal: 75026
30 and 15W-40 diesel engine oil; and drills. Also included are 400 assorted, Manual shaft seal: 48204
MERCON V and MERCON LV. A box low-lint, flexible, industrial-grade Pan gasket: 75714LXD (FARPAK)
provides the equivalent of 24 quarts or SWAB-EEZ® ranging from 5mm to Bushing:75952
six gallons of product — enough for 20mm in diameter. Filter: 75575Y; 75575Z
several oil changes.  For more information, contact All components are available for
“Bag-in-a-box is good for business Innovative Products of America at immediate delivery.
and good for the environment,” said (845) 679-4500, or visit them on line at For more, visit Precision on line at
Boss. ”A single bag-in-a-box rack www.ipatools.com. www.transmissionkits.com
GEARS March 2016 55

1PINS 316 v2.indd 55 2/25/16 8:43 AM

Adapt-A-Case Improves Two New Bushing Kits of its newly released Autologic Assist
their Large Diameter Press from Omega Machine diagnostics support solution, the
Ring Set company named Laura Boccardo,
marketing manager; Gary Mueller,
operations manager; and promoted
Justin Kidd to the post of new product
brings more
Omega part number 158500
than 13 years
5 Ring Set — P/N T-7464AC
of marketing
expertise to
her new role.
As marketing
manager, she
will oversee all Laura Boccardo

marketing and sales-related marketing

efforts for the company’s North
American operations.
One ring in use
Mueller is
We added a smaller diameter ring responsible for
for working on the 722.6 B1 brake customer service
Omega part number 159500
drum. Our part number for the ring by management for
itself is T-7226AC or T-7464AC in the Omega Machine & Tool Inc. has Autologic’s North
5 ring set. introduced two new bushing kits. American clients.
Visit adapt-a-case.com for more The first kit is for the 8HP45-70 In this position,
details. transmission, Omega part number he will manage
158500. The 8HP45-70 transmission is the company’s Gary Mueller

New Deep Aluminum used in these vehicles: North American call center, based in its
Transmission Pan from • BMW Series 1, 3, 5, and X4 Commack headquarters.
Transmission Specialties • Chrysler 300 V6 Concurrent
• Dodge Charger V6 with the new
• Ram 1500 V6 hires, the com-
The second kit is for the TR-80SD/ pany promoted
OC8 transmission, Omega part Justin Kidd to
number 159500. The TR-80SD/OC8 the role of new
transmission appears in these vehicles: product special-
• Porsche Cayenne 2010-16 ist. Kidd joined
• VW Touareg 2010-16 Autologic in 2010 Justin Kidd

• Audi 2009-15 as technical support representative

Both kits should be in stock at your and, in 2012, was promoted to head of
favorite transmission parts distributor. technical support, a position in which
Omega Machine has a number of he headed all efforts of the North
new kits posed to debut. Stay up to American technical support group.
date by subscribing to their newsletter, Visit www.autologic.com for more
available through their web site at information.
Transmission Specialties is proud www.omegamachine.com.
to announce the release of our new Kukui Corporation
deep aluminum transmission pan for Autologic Diagnostics Names Cindy Frasca
the 4L60E. This deep pan kit has Expands Market Presence Chief Operating Officer 
been designed to work on Chevrolet Autologic Diagnostics, a worldwide K u k u i
and GMC vehicles equipped with the provider of an aftermarket automotive Corporation,
700R4, 4L60, 4L60E and the 4L65E diagnostics solution that enables repair a developer
transmissions. This pan carries an extra shops to identify faults and repair cars of marketing
3 Qrts. capacity over stock. This pan kit faster, announced the appointment of s o f t w a r e
is in stock and available for immediate new professionals to its team, along solutions for
delivery. with an employee promotion at its the automotive
For more information contact us at North American headquarters. repair shops, has
(610) 485-9110 or kenktsi@comcast.net. With growing, broader acceptance appointed Cindy
56 GEARS March 2016

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Frasca chief operating officer. Frasca, TransTec Introduces electronic torque wrenches to its
one of Kukui’s earliest employees, Two New Kits… popular electronic torque wrench line. 
previously served as director of TransTec is please to announce the The latest additions provide high
operations. release of two new kits: quality, outstanding features, and great
In her new role, Frasca manages • Overhaul kit DP2678, which value, adding breadth to the overall
Kukui’s day-to-day operations and services the U660E 6-speed electronic torque wrench line. End
oversees financial and strategic transmission, used in Toyota, Lexus, users can now purchase the following
planning for the company and its and Lotus vehicles built since 2007 new electronic torque wrenches: 
growing interests. to the present. SKU 85076: 3/8” Electronic Torque
The company’s product suite • Overhaul kit 2676, which services Wrench 7.4 - 99.6 lb-ft
includes smart web pages that are the 948TE 9-speed transmission, SKU 85077: 1/2” Electronic Torque
optimized to boost sales conversion used in Chrysler, Dodge and Jeeps Wrench 25.1 – 250.8 lb-ft
rates, a simple-to-use Content built since 2013 to the present. “The new models are easy to use
Management System, and customer Both kits are in stock and available and include some additional features,
retention tools such as email service for immediate delivery. such as a vibrating handle that signals
reminders. The platform also offers when the target torque level is reached
detailed analytics to help shop owners Alto Introduces New so users can let off immediately
determine which marketing channels Torque Converter Kits for more accurate readings,” said
are generating the most business. Jim Stewart, product manager for
For more information about Kukui, GearWrench. “Techs need torque
visit www.kukui.com.. tools that provide accuracy, precision,
and durability. The additions to the
Ream Man Valve Bodies Electronic Torque Wrench line were
Makes a Big Move designed to deliver on those points at a
very competitive price.
Visit www.GearWrench.com for
more information.

DEWALT Launches New
Small Angle Grinders
Alto Products Corp now offers
torque converter repair kits for
845RFE, ZF8HP45, ZF8HP55, and
ZF8HP70 transmissions.
Alto #215759 fits 845RFE and
ZF8HP45 applications, and Alto
Ream Man Valve Bodies- a leader #215759A fits ZF8HP55 and ZF8HP70
in automatic transmission valve applications.
bodies is pleased to announce the Both kits include all friction plates DEWALT announces the launch
expansion into their new state of the and seals. The components are also of its new, 4½” small angle grinders
art remanufacturing facility. The new available for individual purchase. with brake (DWE4222N*, DWE4222,
facility boasts 15,000 square feet of For more information on these DWE4224), ideal for professionals
space to aid in their ever growing torque converter kits and other products who need to perform a variety of
development and production needs. from Alto, check out their on-line applications in tight spaces, such as
The floor plan has designated areas for catalog at www.altousa.com. grinding and beveling steel, grinding
disassembly, machining, assembly, and welds, cutting pipe and steel plate, and
dyno testing. Ream Man wants to thank GearWrench Extends concrete surface prep.
all of their customers for the support Electronic Torque The new grinders feature a
and loyalty they have continued to Wrench Line Lanyard Ready™ Connection, with
show over the past ten years. Without a lanyard that tethers the grinder to
these great customers, this move rigid structures at jobsites, and a brake
would not be possible. According to that stops the wheel 50% faster on
operations manager Cory Henfling, average than the DWE402 model with
Ream Man will be able to double a DW4541 abrasive wheel.
production with this move, if not more. GearWrench, an innovative hand Visit www.dewalt.com for more
For more information about Ream tool brand known for tools that information.
Man visit www.reamman.com or call deliver speed, strength, and access
(877) 337-4681 for more information to automotive technicians, today
on their products announced the addition of two new
GEARS March 2016 57

1PINS 316 v2.indd 57 2/25/16 8:44 AM

GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.

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58 GEARS March 2016

1shoppers 316jt.indd 58 2/25/16 10:01 AM

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Pushes 18,000 lbs up a 5% grade
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March 15/16 Reprogramming 1
March 29/30 A5LF1 Internal
April 12/13 Reprogramming 2
April 26/27 Nissan CVT
Expect the
May 10/11 6R140 Internal

ATRA Webinars are presented every two

weeks from January to October.
January 19/20 6F35N Intro
February 2/3 AS68RC Intro

February 16/17 Lineartronic Gen 2 Introduction
March 1/2 6T40 Internal
March 15/16 Reprogramming 1

Login at http://members.atra.com and

March 29/30 A5LF1 Internal
April 12/13 Reprogramming 2
April 26/27 Nissan CVT Introduction

click on the webinar schedule under

May 10/11 6R140 Internal
May 24/25 6F35N Internal

June 7/8 AS68RC Internal

the events menu. Once registered, you

June 21/22 Lineartronic Gen 1 & 2 Comparison
July 5/6 6T40 & 6T70 comparison

July 19/20 Nissan CVT Internal

will receive an email confirming your August

722.9 Internal
JF613 Internal

registration along with the information

August 30/31 Drivability Diagnostics 1

Torque Converters September

Installation 101
Drivability Diagnostics 2

you need to join the webinar.

October 11/12 Hybrid Diagnostics & Safety

Distributorships Available
*Free for everyone on the day of the webinar.
This and other technical webinars
are made possible by;

ATRA Members have access to all pre-recorded

ATRA Webinars are presented every two weeks from January
to October.

webinars. See page 59 for more details.

Login at http://members.atra.com and click on the webinar
schedule under the events menu. Once registered, you will

Visit our website: receive an email confirming your registration along with the
information you need to join the webinar.

www.cvcconverters.com *Free for everyone on the day of the webinar. ATRA Members have access to
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GEARS classified advertising cost $95.00 for up to 50 words for a one time insertion. ATRA members are eligible to receive up to three (3) FREE classified
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BUSINESS FOR SALE: Well Requirements to include own tools, test technician, Parts department
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truck transmission shop for sale of Foreign and Domestic vehicles. Valve body rebuilding specialist. We
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years in business with excellent Holidays, 401K, Compensation with competitive pay, benefits and
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Owner retiring. Call Anthony (718) for an Experienced team player for Products-PTP Reman. ATRA Mbr
915-4014. ATRA Mbr a full time Re & Re / Diagnostics
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BUSINESS FOR SALE: Busy working environment. We offer an Needed - Rare opportunity for top
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or general automotive shop in to the successful candidate. Well High end transmission shop
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more info (757) 589-2547 or with surfing, fishing, biker events,
liveintidewaterva@gmail.com. HELP WANTED: Portland NASCAR, and sunshine! Top pay,
ATRA Mbr Oregon volume transmission paid holidays, paid vacation, A/C
remanufacturing company is build room, M-F only; no weekends.
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Technicians (Middleton MA) - top notch people to join our team com (386)-310-7955.
Middleton Transmission And Auto of professionals. We have the most
Repair is currently accepting up to date modern facility in the HELP WANTED: NATIONAL
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Employees with at least 5 years’ latest transmissions and in house FOR THE TRANSMISSION
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must be able to work M-F 8:00- transmission rebuilder, Honda nationwide for shop owners!
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62 GEARS March 2016

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NamePage NamePage

ATRA's Powertrain Expo............................................................46,47 Precision International.....................................................................21

www.powertrainexpo.com www.transmissionkits.com

ATRA Seminars.........................................................................36, 37 Rostra Precision Controls Inc..........................................................35

members.atra.com www.rostratransmission.com

Seal Aftermarket Products..............................................................15

ATRA Webinars...............................................................................43
Slauson Transmission Parts..............................................................9
BorgWarner.....................................................................................33 www.slauson.com
Smart Blend – PHILLIPS 66 Spectrum Corporation.......................13
ETE Reman.......................................................................................3 www.smartblend.com
Sonnax Industries......................................................................IFC, 7
EVT Parts.................................................................................... OBC www.sonnax.com
Superior Transmission Parts...........................................................17
www.gearspeedpartsstore.com Sussex Auto Parts Ltd.....................................................................39
GFX, Inc..........................................................................................25
www.gfxcorp.com Torque Converters Rebuilders Assoc.(TCRA).................................41
Jasper Engines & Transmissions..................................................IBC
www.jasperengines.com Transmission Specialties.................................................................31
LUBEGARD®, A Stellar Automotive Group Company.....................23
Transtar Industries, Inc.................................................................... 11
Mid States Transmission Parts........................................................38 TransTec By CORTECO..................................................................29
mstp.net www.transtec.com

Precision European Inc...................................................................63 Whatever It Takes Transmission Parts, Inc.....................................19

www.PEIus.com www.wittrans.com

ATRA Supplier Members

Reserve your free table top display for the

ATRA 2016 technical seminar series today!

Call (805) 604-2018

See ATRA Seminar Schedule

information on pages 36-37 and at:

64 GEARS March 2016

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