GEARS April 2017
GEARS April 2017
GEARS April 2017
APRIL 2017
APRIL 2017
PHONE (805) 604-2000
by Dennis Madden
n the March issue of GEARS, we conducted that revealed the top reasons
covered some ideas for creating U.S. drivers dont trust repair shops: All of the problems people perceive are
your companys mission statement. Recommending unnecessary from bad experiences, either personally
Hopefully youve given the idea some repairs (76%) or from others:
thought and come up with a few for Overcharging for services (73%) They seemed terrific until I had a
your shop. But before you run out Negative past experiences (63%) problem. Now they cant get me in for
to etch it in stone, I thought wed go Concerns that the work wont be three weeks.
through a couple other ideas that might done correctly (49%) Oh, sure, it worked great for two
help. Heres the link for the complete weeks. Now they say I need more work
If the thought of creating a mission article: for an additional $1000.
statement got you excited, then youve When I went to pick up my car,
probably gone to the internet and looked u-s-drivers-leery-auto-repair-shops/ they said I needed additional work or
for examples to get your mind working, We can argue whether the they cant warrant the transmissions.
only to get caught up in some of the consumers who participated in this All of these are experiences that
terminology. Youll find articles on survey were justified in their responses. speak to how the shop handles post-
mission statements, as well as purpose We can even reassure ourselves with repair scenarios. Heres where working
statements. statement like, We dont break em; we on your image comes in. It comes from
As you go through the articles, just fix em. In the end, it really doesnt declaring things like:
you may not be able to distinguish matter, because the results of the survey We move all warranty repairs to
the difference, so why the different got that way for a reason. People think the front of the line.
terms? The two terms are generally what they think, even if we think theyre We wont sell a transmission job
interchangeable, with one exception: wrong. without identifying all additional
The mission statement is usually Consider a mission statement work necessary to make it right.
targeted more toward your customers. you might be working on: To provide We wont try to sell additional
That is, it tells your customers why reliable repairs in a timely manner and work that isnt necessary for the
youre in business and how your without unnecessary expense to the safety of the consumer or the
business benefits them. customer. Its simple and to the point. It dependability of the repair.
The purpose statement is for tells customers that you have an interest These are all matters that show up
you and your team and reminds you in getting their cars fixed right, on time, after the customer has agreed to the
why youre in business. The same and without padding the bill. initial work, and they play a major role
statement can work for both or you The message tells customers what in how customers perceive you as a
can have a slightly loftier version for to expect if they do business with you. business owner.
your customers, but they should say It also gives your team an idea of the Unlike the mission and purpose
essentially the same thing. customers expectations. Its a standard statements that talk about what you do
But theres a third statement, one for behavior and performance: No, and why youre in business, the image
Ive never seen used, so were coining were not going to let a car sit here for statement is for you and defines who
this term together: the image statement. a week waiting for parts. If we cant you are as a person. Its the perception
The idea came to me after reading an rebuild it in a timely manner, well buy you want customers to have of your
article by Mariam Ali, manager at a unit that sort of thing. shop that they see you the way youd
AAA public relations, titled, Most U.S. But what it doesnt do is address like to be seen.
Drivers Leery of Auto Repair Shops. any of the problems addressed in And thats a pretty good image!
In it, she talks about a survey they the survey at least, not directly.
2 GEARS April 2017
by Jarad Warren
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GEARS_0417_Ads.indd 5 3/30/17 11:32 AM
948TE Checking Fluid Levels
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5 Figure 6
Once you have everything together, this one doesnt rest on the bottom missions, generally because they dont
youre ready to begin assembling your of the transmission pan; more about want people adding the wrong fluids.
measurement tool. that in a minute. The 948TE calls for Mopar ZF
Cut the 1/4" aluminum round rod to Install the spacer so the bottom of 8 & 9 Speed ATF, P/N 68157995AB.
175mm. the spacer is 140mm from the tip of The fluid is pale green.
Mark the rod every 10mm, starting the dipstick (figure 6), and tighten One thing to remember is that it
from one end, from 10mm to 140mm the set screw to hold it in place. isnt a good idea to use any type of
(figure 3). Thats all there is to it; youre leak dye in this transmission.
Use a tubing cuter to scribe a ready to take your new dipstick out for To check the fluid level with your
permanent ring at every 10mm mark a dry run. new dipstick, youll need a scan tool.
(figure 4). These rings will enable Go into transmission data to find
you to measure the fluid level. FLUID CHECKING transmission temperature. (Fluid level
Drill and tap a hole for the set screw PROCEDURE varies directly with temperature).
in the side of the spacer (figure 5). Manufacturers dont make it easy
Unlike other Mopar dipstick tools, to check the f luid in todays trans-
6 GEARS April 2017
Once you know the transmission Temp. in F Min. Level (mm) Nominal Level (mm) Max. Level (mm)
temperature, refer to the chart (figure 7)
for the proper level, measured in 122 13 mm 16 mm 19 mm
131 13.5 mm 17.5 mm 20 mm
The fill check location is near the
differential (figure 8). Remove the plug 140 16 mm 20 mm 23 mm
and insert the dipstick until the spacer
on dipstick bottoms out on the case. 149 18 mm 21.5 mm 24 mm
This isnt like the 722.6 transmission,
158 19 mm 22.5 mm 25 mm
where the dipstick rests on the bottom
of the pan. 167 20 mm 24 mm 27 mm
To reach the fill plug on models
with the 2.4L engine, remove the left 176 21 mm 25 mm 28 mm
front wheel. Seems like a lot of effort
185 22 mm 26 mm 29 mm
just to check the transmission fluid, but
obviously the manufacturer didnt care. 194 24 mm 27.5 mm 31 mm
On models with 3.2L and 3.6L
engines, checking the transmission 203 25 mm 29 mm 32 mm
fluid isnt as difficult. You can reach
the fill plug from under the hood: Just 212 27 mm 30.5 mm 34 mm
remove the engine cover to gain access. Figure 7
Check fluid level with the engine
running and the transmission in park.
(At least some things havent changed!)
Let say the transmission tempera-
ture is 140F and the chart says, at that
temperature, you should be in the
16mm23mm range. If the stick reads
20mm, youre good to go.
With all the new tools and
procedures, checking the transmission
fluid level isnt easy. But, if you run
into a car with a 948TE, this little tool
can make your life a lot easier.
Dont wait until you have one in
your shop; build your dipstick now,
when you have a few free minutes.
These transmissions are out there, and
it wont be long before they start
showing up at your door.
Chrysler 948TE
Rebuild Procedures
By Bill Brayton
Chrysler 948TE Rebuild Procedures
Figure 6
ometimes its hard to imagine Years ago, you simply
just how much technology goes tightened a bolt to a specific 6T40
into even the smallest parts torque and your work was
in todays vehicles. Take fasteners: done. In the 1980s, engineers
Broken Final Drive Bolt
Bolts, nuts, and studs are things we in Australia discovered that
seldom think about, but they can this might not be the best
cause more problems than you may approach. Fastener engineers
realize. You see terms such as torque, really started looking at
torque angle, and torque to yield, but bolts, nuts, and studs because
few really understand what those of gasket failures that were
terms mean. occurring and to help address
How many times have you seen a believe it or not vehicle
broken bolt (figure 1), and wondered fuel economy standards.
why? How many times have you seen They discovered several
components warp or wont seal? How interesting things: We already
many times have you heard someone know that the gasket needs
say, These new parts are junk. We a certain amount of force on
never had problems like this before, its surface to seal. Youre
but now I cant keep this car out of also probably aware that
my shop? were trying to seal a surface
Turns out, theres more to that isnt consistent. Heat,
controlling leaks than just seals or pressure, and vibration can
gaskets. Fasteners provide preload all affect these surfaces. Figure 1
while attaching two or more parts Manufacturers consider these
together. Think of bolts, studs, and variables when they design gaskets So the general clamp load is
nuts as springs. The bolt provides a and fasteners. 19,861 x 3, or 59,583 pounds per
constant surface pressure, or clamp An example of this is the typical cylinder. With a cylinder head that has
load, to make sure the gasket seals the head bolt and gasket. Victor Reinz five bolts surrounding that cylinder,
surfaces properly. gasket company shared how they each bolt needs to supply 11,917
As you tighten bolts, they calculate typical head bolt clamp pounds of force to maintain the seal.
actually stretch, much like a spring. loads. General clamp load (GA) is The engine design engineers then
This stretching is what actually calculated at three times the lift off use this data to determine the size,
maintains the surface clamp load and force for the surface theyre trying tensile strength, torque, and tightening
keeps the bolt tight. Any force that to seal. A typical 4.25 race engine process. They apply the same type of
lets the bolt lose its stretch will cause cylinder bore develops about 1400 PSI calculations to the sealing surfaces in
gasket or seal failure, due to a loss of of cylinder pressure, which is equal to an automatic transmission valve body
clamp load. 19,861 pounds of force. and pump.
10 GEARS April 2017
TORQUE Finally, theres the gasket itself. started to hear terms such as torque
Torque is simply a twisting or The gasket cant relax too much with angle and torque-to-yield.
turning force thats applied to a use or, even with a properly torqued When a bolt is torqued, it typically
component, in this case a bolt. Lets fastener, the gasket will fail because operates in one of four phases: elastic
say a bolt calls for 100 pound-feet of of lost bolt stretch and clamp load. phase, plastic phase, yield point, and
torque. We generally think of that 100 Due to friction variations, there shear point (figure 3).
pound-feet as being applied directly can be as much as a 35% variation Elastic Phase In this case, the
to the gasket and sealing surface; it in the torque to the bolts clamping a bolt will stretch while under torque,
isnt. In fact, it isnt even close. component, even though all bolts are but returns to its original condition
When torquing a bolt, the amount torqued to the same value. This means as soon as the force releases. Weve
of torque lost to friction can be as a lot of sealing issues have nothing all looked at a torque spec for a plain
great as 90%. This means that the to do with the gasket, but rather the old bolt and wondered, Where did
bolt is absorbing a lot of the torque or bolts themselves. This is when the they come up with that specification?
clamp load before it gets to the gasket technology started to change and you Well, the amount of torque applied to
surface. 45-55% of the loss is due to
friction between the head of the bolt
and the bolt surface; 35-45% of the
loss is due to friction loss between the
threads, leaving only 10% to apply the
clamp load on the gasket and surface
from bolt stretch (figure 2).
Think of it this way: The more
torque required to overcome friction,
the less torque you have available to
stretch the bolt and provide clamp
load on the surface. So the effects of
dirty or damaged threads on clamp
load can be overwhelming.
Dont forget the washers that
are under some bolt heads. The
correct washer hardness and contour
are critical to establishing and main-
taining the correct torque. Figure 2
Figure 3
GEARS_0417_Ads.indd 13 3/30/17 11:32 AM
Everything You Need To Know About Torque
Precision is proud to be a recipient of a GM Supplier of the Year Award for 2014 and 2015
Figure 5 Figure 6
by Keith Clark
As computer-controlled vehicles have open circuits, shorts to ground, or First, youll need a basic under-
age, many issues arise that can be cross shorts. standing of the system youre working
difficult to diagnose. Some vehicles This article provides a structured on. In an earlier article, we examined
have spent harsh winters in the north diagnostic process thatll allow you the basic structure of the typical CAN
being repeatedly heated and cooled to identify and isolate the problem and system (figure 1). There really isnt
to extreme temperatures, and doused find the best resolution, without put- much to the circuit, but you need to
with salt, water, and slush. Others ting you at the mercy of the dealership make sure its electrically stable, so it
have spent time in the extreme heat or an electrical guru. can function correctly.
of the southwest deserts or the
heat and added humidity of
the south.
These vehicles are past
factory warranty; they have
an average of 100k miles
and are 8 to 10 years old.
Now they develop trouble-
some electrical issues that
the engineers could never
have predicted.
When the vehicle reaches
your shop, it has a problem that
causes the owner to believe
somethings wrong with the
transmission. You drive the car,
experience the problem, and
pull Uxxxx codes. Heres where
the fun begins. Figure 1: This is a typical, CAN circuit. The 120 ohm resistors are present to reduce signal echo
Diagnosing CAN system and provide circuit stability. The resistors in the circuit may be in the wire harness or embedded in
one or two nodes inside a module. Total resistance on this circuit is 60 ohms (+/-5ohms). Individual
problems doesnt have to be a (non-terminal) modules will measure nominally from 1 to 4 mega ohms. Most systems will also have
terrifying event. They share a bias voltage within zero to 7 volts for the HI and LO signals. They will normally have about 2.5
basic properties with most volts between CAN HI and CAN LO. Actual bias voltages will vary. See manufacturer specifications.
electrical systems. You can
18 GEARS April 2017
To approach a CAN problem
correctly, start by gathering as much
If you dont have accurate information compared
information about the overall electrical to what you see in your vehicle, you can purchase a
state of the vehicle as possible.
Be a detective: Ask questions and subscription to the OEM website or contact ATRA to get
check for recent work performed.
Most CAN-related issues stem from
the correct diagram. Critical system information will
something that was changed on the help you isolate your issues quickly.
vehicle. Heres a short list of what to
look for:
New battery, battery cables, or
alternator If the battery was Recent accident or body work a wakeup call to all the modules
disconnected, there are several Look under the vehicle for signs of communicating on the network.
systems that need to be reset or major damage. Check wiring and Some aftermarket scan tools will
relearned. Check for aftermarket components near the impact area. list all the modules communicating.
replacement components. Sometimes harnesses are crushed A CAN diagram from ALLDATA,
NOTE: If the battery was weak and and damage may not be obvious; Mitchell, ShopKey, or another
needed a jump start, it could have youll need to inspect the loom resource can provide a list of the
damaged a module. closely. Dont rule out the possibility modules you should expect to show up
Engine compartment work Any of water damage from flooding or (figures 2a & 2b). If they dont check
work done under the hood should being partially submerged. in, youll know to investigate further.
be suspect. Pay close attention Also, vehicles in regions that are You can also use OBD2 generic
to wiring harnesses, or brackets prone to rust may develop ground mode $9 to check for possible
and grounds that may have been issues. Always check the battery and aftermarket module programming or
disturbed or moved. charging system before proceeding. wrong software levels.
Added aftermarket components Next, scan the vehicle. Use the If everything checks out okay on
These components may cause OBD Direct, OBD Diagnose selection the generic side, enter the VIN ID data
problems with the CAN system. You to access the vehicle. Dont use the mode to check for parameters that may
may need to remove or disable them VIN ID method. When you initialize indicate a module problem, a recent
before proceeding with your diagnosis. the diagnostic mode, youll send reset, or a power or ground issue.
Figure 2a
Figure 2b
For this example, well use a
2015 Nissan Sentra SV. Test CAN
Hi and Low circuits, starting at
the DLC. Using a DMM, graphing
DMM, or oscilloscope, monitor
terminals 6 and 14 using battery
negative as ground reference,
with the key on, engine running
(KOER); (figures 4a, 4b, and 4c).
You could use a breakout box
to prevent damaging the connector
terminals, but, if you use micro test
lead adapters and are careful, you
shouldnt have any issues.
The signal should be the
same at all connected modules
and splice points. If theres no
signal, check the resistance of the
CAN circuit with the ignition off:
Disconnect the negative battery
terminal, and measure resistance
across terminals 6 and 14 (CAN Hi
to Low).
The resistance should be 60
ohms (plus or minus 5 ohms).
Resistance higher than that may
indicate poor or corroded connec-
tors or an open circuit. Lower resis-
tance may indicate a cross short.
Next, retrieve all returning
codes. Get a computer system
wiring diagram, splice pack
locator, and diagnostic procedures.
It may be necessary to purchase a
subscription to the OEM web site
to get accurate wiring diagrams
and component locators specific to
your vehicle. You can also contact
ATRA for this.
There are three major splice
packs that provide test points for
diagnosis: junction connectors
E2, M1, and M3 (figures 2 and 5).
Check the signal at all necessary
points at the splice pack and
compare them to the waveform you
read at the DLC.
If you find a leg that doesnt
provide the signal, disconnect the
Figure 3: Checking pin to cavity tension is absolutely necessary when diagnosing communica- leg, see if its a terminal module (a
tion issues. Measure the pin width/diameter and select an appropriate drill bit size to verify module with an internal resistor),
proper cavity size. Repair as necessary.
Figure 4c: Monitor CAN HI (4a) and CAN LO (4b) with a DVOM or and oscilloscope (4c) at the ALDL connector pins 6 and 14 respectively for
this application. Always refer to the appropriate wiring diagram for correct CAN designations for your application. Locate the appropriate
splice pack to compare the signal you see here if it is good. Use the record function on your scope or graphing DVOM to capture the signals.
by David Chalker
he ATRA Tech HotLine still In this issue, well cover the
receives calls on Toyota/Lexus U140/U240 series transmissions and
U140/U240 and U150/U250 the slips and binds they run into.
transmissions with shifting issues. Well look at the U150/U250 in a
These vehicles exhibit a number of later article.
conditions, including slipping or Back in the early 2000s, the
binding shifts. Toyota Rav4 had some serious
Often these problem transmis- computer issues with harsh shifts and
sions have already been rebuilt, possible solenoid trouble codes. But
with new gaskets, seals, O-rings, what if you arent working on a Rav4?
and sometimes even new solenoids. Similar issues can and have occurred.
But they still have problems: Thats What should you do about that?
usually when we get the call. Whenever one of these trans-
The most common issues we missions comes into your shop, first
hear about on U140/U240 are long, perform a transmission memory reset
drawn-out, or flare 2-3 shifts, or a 2-3 procedure. Some aftermarket scan
flare with a bindup at the end of the tools can perform the transmission
shift. Sometimes there are even long, memory reset, but its often best to
drawn-out, slipping 1-2 shifts. The use a factory Toyota/Lexus scan tool.
U150/U250 complaints are usually Theres a factory bulletin, TC002-03
flares or slipping 2-3 shifts, or binding that covers all models from
on the 3-4 shift. 2000 - 2005 (figure 1).
Refer to Reset Procedure 1 for the vehicles with Electronically Controlled Refer to Reset Procedure 2 for the vehicles with Electronically Controlled
Automatic Transmissions: Automatic Transmissions:
Reset Procedure 1
1. Connect the Toyota Diagnostic Tester to the vehicle.
Reset Procedure 2
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable for 5 minutes.
2. Reconnect battery cable.
3. Start the engine and warm it up to normal operating temperatures before test-driving.
4. Perform a thorough test drive with several accelerations from a stop with "light throttle" application until proper transmission shifting is verified.
Figure 1
MAY 2 & 3
6R80 - INTRO
*Free for everyone on the day of the webinar. ATRA Members have
access to all pre-recorded webinars.
Figure 7
The PCM turns the SL1 solenoid off a solenoid test machine; energizing So here are the easiest steps to
during the 1-2 shift to regulate B1 the solenoid on the bench isnt a very identify the problems causing slips or
brake apply. During the 2-3 shift, the effective method to test them. binds in U140/U240 transmissions:
PCM turns the SL1 solenoid on for This leads us to the next item: Perform a transmission memory
a moment to exhaust the B1 brake the valve body. Solenoid modulator reset after every rebuild or repair.
during the 2-3 upshift. pressure feeds the solenoids to Test the solenoids to pinpoint wheth-
Solenoid SL2 The SL2 control the shifts. So these solenoids er youre dealing with a solenoid or
solenoid is a normally applied (NA) need modulator pressure to operate. PCM failure.
linear solenoid. When the SL2 Another valve that commonly causes Check the grounds at the PCM.
solenoid is energized in first and slips and binds is the clutch apply Look for solenoid or valve problems.
second gear, it blocks modulator control valve (figure 7). Next time well cover similar
pressure. During the 2-3 shift, the Look for the solenoid modulator conditions with the U150/250 series
PCM turns the solenoid off to regulate valve and the clutch control valve in transmissions. Always follow these
C2 clutch apply. the lower valve body. Both of these simple steps to keep your customers
Now that you know which valves can wear; always examine vehicles where they belong on
solenoid operates to control the shift, them for wearing or sticking, to avoid the road.
it makes it easier to determine which slipping or binding shifts. There are
solenoid to check or replace. The best valve repair kits and oversized valves
way to check these solenoids is to use available to correct these conditions.
GEARS April 2017 31
How'sYour Relationship?
Part II ...
by Scott Shotton
The Driveability Guys
Figure 1
sensor phase. A phase, or correlation matter: both sensors are generating the
issue, is much different than a circuit Second, the vehicle appropriate signals and the on-and-off
fault. So whats the problem: a circuit is connected to a signals are clean.
fault or a phase issue? Time to connect At this point, we know the problem
and see. battery charger. probably isnt a circuit fault. Were
As we discussed in the last issue, getting signals to the computer, so the
the first step is to consult the wiring
Battery chargers ground, reference, and signal wires are
diagrams and connect an oscilloscope. can cause working correctly. We also know that
In this case, pin 14 on the computer the sensors are functioning, so it doesnt
connector (called PHASE) is the stray voltage have a circuit fault. So the next step is to
camshaft (CMP) signal: Youll want fluctuations that move on to the phase issue.
to connect channel A (blue) of your To check phase, we need a known
oscilloscope to this wire. Pin 13 (called interfere with the good waveform to compare to our
POS) is the crankshaft (CKP) signal: capture. Luckily, the Nissan P0340
Youll want to connect channel B (red)
electrical signal. trouble chart provides a known good
to this wire. relationship. This is rarely the case, but
for this car, we have the information.
GEARS April 2017 33
Figure 2
Figure 3
The key to taking a known good in this case, we used a point that was green line doesnt fall in the middle of
waveform and comparing it to a easy to see. Draw your line wherever it the large crankshaft gap as it did on the
potentially bad waveform is to look works for you. The point is to reference known good waveform. The camshaft
for something thats easy on the eyes. the two sensors timing relation to one signal is actually to the right of where
A quick observation of the camshaft another. its supposed to be. The camshaft signal
signal reveals that the sequence of Now that we have a known good is shifted to the right, which means that
pulses mirrors the firing order of 1-3- waveform, we can compare it to the the camshaft signal is retarded.
4-2. Further investigation reveals that waveform we captured from our subject To analyze these signals even
the falling edge of each cylinders first vehicle (figure 3). The green line further, we could count the crankshaft
pulse falls in the middle of the missing indicates a similar correlation point on pulses and determine how many degrees
crankshaft sensor pulse; check the red the captured waveform. the valve timing is off. This vehicle
line (figure 2). Its obvious that the two signals displays 72 pulses of the crankshaft
Note: Every vehicle is different; arent synchronized correctly. The signal in a 720 event.
Imagine the empty spaces in the Second, the crankshaft-to-camshaft Do you have an engine or
crankshaft signal to be filled with relationship is off enough that the electrical diagnostic issue youd like
corresponding pulses: 720 divided by computers confused. It isnt firing to see addressed? Send Scott an email
72 pulses means that each crankshaft the ignition coils at the appropriate at and you
pulse is equal to 10. If we eyeball the time or injecting fuel correctly. The just may have your question covered in
reference lines, it looks like the camshaft combination of valve timing and a future issue of GEARS.
signal is about 15 to 20 retarded. improper fuel and ignition operation
Wait! Were not done: If we count are whats preventing the engine from
the teeth on the camshaft gear, wed starting.
find 42 teeth. 360 of camshaft rotation Crankshaft and camshaft timing
divided by 42 equals about 8.6 per have always been important for proper
camshaft tooth (figure 4). engine operation, but its even more
If we apply this to our previous critical in todays vehicles.
results, the timing chain has most Using the crankshaft-to-camshaft
likely stretched and skipped teeth. The correlation scope technique is very
estimation? 8.6 times 2 teeth = 17.2. valuable when diagnosing engine issues
Thats close enough to make the call on that arent as easy to pick out, such as
a timing chain replacement. no spark or no fuel. And it can be a very
Another important point is that this clean way to confirm a mechanical issue
vehicle has two problems with the same that might otherwise require engine
root cause. First, camshaft timing is off. disassembly to confirm.
But it isnt off enough that the vehicle
shouldnt run. It should still be able to
run; it should just run poorly.
April 22 Concord, CA
April 29 Dallas, TX
May 13 Denver, CO
May 20 Des Moines, IA SCHEDULE FEES
May 20 Albuquerque, NM Registration ......7am-8am All Pricing in US Funds
May 27 Vancouver, BC Seminar......................8am* ATRA Members ..........$165
Non-Members ............$210
Lunch .............12pm-1pm
August 5 San Antonio, TX *Vancouver Seminar Every 4th person........FREE
Begins at 9am On-site registration.....$240
August 12 Atlanta, GA
August 19 Anaheim, CA
August 26 Portland, OR HOW TO REGISTER
August 26 Tulsa, OK Phone toll-free: (800) 428-8489
September 9 Billings, MT Fax your payment &
(805) 988-6761
September 16 Newark, NJ registration information to:
Vol. 3
The Smart, Affordable & Safe Way 1.810" Sleeve Kit for Late-Style Pumps
Part No. 4L60E-LB2
to Raise Line Pressure Anodized Aluminum Boost Valve
Simple, drop-in parts require no special tools to install Pressure Regulator Spring
Springs wont overload the pump at idle & produce O-Rings (2)
harsh, low-speed shifts or engagements
Large ratio boost valve intelligently controls Fits 4L60 (700-R4), 200-4R
low- & high-end line pressure increases
Part No. 700R4-LB1
Sonnaxs unique combination of a larger boost valve and
Steel Boost Valve Assembly
stronger spring results in normal engagements, normal light-
throttle shifts and smooth coastdown shifts. When vehicles Pressure Regulator Spring
are pushed harder, this kit progressively increases pressure to O-Rings (2)
ensure shifts are not too soft.
The only way to eliminate PWM function without Part No. HP-4L60E-01
over-pressurizing converters (optional)
The best working
The Sonnax Performance Pack is a must-have for any heavy-duty vehicle performance units we have
and the very best foundation for high-performance racing. All components done, and thats not from
work together to carefully tune line pressure, accumulator pressure and me, but my customers.
shift calibration. Its the ultimate way to get an impressive transmission B. Bastedo
that responds to throttle and increased load with quick, firm shifts. Advanced Transmission Care
300mm Shaft for Reluctor Units Shaft for 2WD & Corvette Units
Part No. 77733-12S Part No. 74678L-HD
Input Housing Kit
Fits 4L60, 4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L70-E
Upgraded Housing Eliminates 3-4 Clutch Failure Input Housing Kit
Part No. 77733-06K
Limitations of the OE input housing are the root cause of 3-4 burnup in
performance applications. The patented Sonnax Smart-Tech housing 300mm Shaft Kit for Non-Reluctor Units
design makes room for a taller clutch pack anchored in place by a Part No. 77733-11K
stronger backing plate. Get the most out of your favorite clutches
300mm Shaft Kit for Reluctor Units
the Smart-Tech housing is the only way to increase clutch capacity
Part No. 77733-12K
AND protect against destructive heat.
298mm Shaft Kit
Key Smart-Tech Housing Components: Part No. 77733-10K
3-4 Clutch Anchor Plate Overrun Piston
Input Housing 3-4 Clutch Apply Plate These kits require use of a 91-later 3-4
apply ring, 97-later ring gear, 97-later
Input Housing 3-4 Clutch Return Springs
stamped steel forward piston and dual-cage
Reinforcement Sleeve Socket Head Cap Screws return spring. See part instructions at
Rear Stator Support Bushing Seals (5) for details.
2nd Gear
Super Hold Servo Kit Fits 4L60, 4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L70-E
18% More Apply Area than Corvette Servo Part No. 77911-03K
Piston w/ D-Rings
Maximizes holding power in 2nd gear
Separator w/ D-Ring & O-Rings
with more positive 1-2 & 2-3 shifts
Apply Pin w/ PTFE
Avoids the timing flaws & excessive shock loads & O-Ring Seals
found in other aftermarket servos
Dual seals ensure positive band apply/release
& eliminate cross leaks
Apply pin seals reduce leakage of 3rd gear pressure
Components listed here in RED should always be considered for racing or heavy-duty builds.
Machining Required
Control Valve Body Bleeding leaving a little on will help maximize driveline durability
without slowing the vehicle. Figuring out the best balance
The foundation of a good unit is a tight, leak-free valve requires tuning experience and a solid understanding of a
body that prevents pressure loss and conserves pump particular vehicles setup.
volume. Since bore wear is common in the 4L60/E,
Continuous Slip (EC3) TCC Control
ALL circuits should be vacuum tested to identify leaks.
Since higher-stall aftermarket converters arent designed
Find free vacuum test guides at
for continuous slip, it might seem reasonable to
eliminate this function. Simple on-off operation can be
excessively harsh, though, especially when the converter
is damperless. A better programming option is disabling
the EC3 continuous slip, while keeping the pulse-width
modulated (PWM) TCC apply so that the converter clutch
comes on in a ramped, controlled manner.
Where to Buy Talk to your local converter shop or performance specialist about rebuilding with
Sonnax components. Contact Sonnax anytime for comprehensive assistance with Sonnax products.
Sonnax takes slip yokes to a new level by offering the industrys Roller Bearing
first affordable, high-quality performance steel slip yokes, Style
a winning combination you wont find anywhere else.
performance builds
LEVEL 1 For lightly modified performance/enthusiast vehicles.
Upgrades for performance recalibration and durability, no trans Best parts for performance recalibration and durability.
removal required. Most change in shift feel comes from the servos. Most change in shift feel comes from the Performance Pack.
Line Pressure Booster Kit See page 2 Performance Pack HP-4L60E-01
Rear Stator Support Bushing 77002BT-01 SmartShell HD Reaction Shell Kit
4 Gear Super Hold Servo
77767K Rear Stator Support Bushing 77002BT-01
Choose 2nd Super Hold 77911-03K
Gear Servo Corvette Ratio 77701-04K
by Rolly Alvarez
n the October 2016 issue, we So now we start removing panels these newer model cars have their own
touched upon Mazdas AAS sys- and rugs, tracing the wiring, checking form of CAN-BUS communication
tem. We compared it to other sys- fuses and connections. Turns out the system, so the computer may be seeing
tems, seeing differences and similarities. car had been through a body shop after something it doesnt like.
One of the things we learned is that fail- being T-boned on the passengers side. So we start with code B1013. That
ures in other systems can affect the AAS, So out comes the seat, more panels, and means we need to perform the procedure
putting it into failsafe, in this case, the voila! theres the wiring harness, to recalibrate the passenger side airbag
Supplemental Restraint System, or SRS. all butchered up. and module; heres how:
You may remember that the vehicle The impact bent the D pillar and
we were looking at didnt allow us to cut the wires, which had to be spliced Initial Prechecks
reset the system due to airbag issues. back together, one wire at a time. In 1. Inspect the passenger side front
So first, we need to diagnose the airbag to addition, there were signs of water seat.
correct this issue and be able to reset the intrusion. Turns out the passenger 2. Turn the ignition switch to the
AAS system. window shattered on impact and, while lock position.
We start by connecting a scan tool the vehicle sat in the parking lot waiting 3. Disconnect the negative battery
and pulling codes in both global and OE for repairs, it very likely got rained on. cable for at least one minute.
protocols. Here are the DTCs that showed We performed the appropriate 4. Remove the passenger-side front
up: B101, B1048, B1925, B1933, B1935, repairs, reinstalled the computer, and seat and visually inspect for:
B1938, B104C, B104F, B1050, B2017, most of the codes cleared. But now Seat under-bracket deformation
B1055, B1996, B1997, B1998, B1999 as the crash sensor kept popping up. Seat frame deformation
well as some other body codes. The list We ordered the side crash sensor and Seat weight sensor deformation
was just too long; wed never be able to installed it. The code cleared. Perfect; Foreign objects stuck in seat
fix them all! time to drive the car. Are any of the parts deformed or
Okay, breathe lets look up what We charged the battery and on are any foreign objects stuck in the
these codes mean and see if theres any the road test we go. Everything seems seat? Repair or replace as necessary.
connection between them. Turns out all to be operating well until the vehicle 5. Inspect the floor.
of these codes pointed toward the SRS warms up and two codes come back: 6. Visually inspect the installation
module. When you see a list like this, its B1013 and B2477. B1013 is passenger parts of the passenger side front
tempting to assume the module is toast seat weight calibration; B2477 is SRS seat for:
and needs to be replaced. But before we module configuration. Once again, the Floor is deformed
replace any module, we need to check for codes are related to one another. Installation hole of the
power and ground. This ones completely B2477 indicates the computer for passenger side front seat is
dead. the SRS isnt configured. But remember, positioned improperly
p Your Business is an exclusive tive maintenance, minor repairs, or in
GEARS Magazine feature in some cases, a complete overhaul.
which I share stories, insights,
and reflections about real business and Critical Performance
life challenges. Indicators
In keeping with the diagnostics Your shop management software
theme of this issue, I thought itd system should be gathering data
be appropriate to share some quick to help you evaluate the Critical
tips for diagnosing and fixing some Performance Indicators (CPI) for your
common profit leaks that many shops shop. Hopefully, its also capable of
are experiencing some known and producing quick reference reports
some unknown to the owners. to monitor how your shop is doing
by Thom Tschetter
With over 30 years of coaching in each of these critical areas. When
hundreds of shop owners, Ive found something appears to be out of
that there are some key checkpoints whack, you can dig deeper to find
for diagnosing profit leaks quickly. the cause and correction. Of course,
Just like mechanical problems, theres always room for improvement,
some of the fixes are simple; others but first fix the leaks. but the best guideline is how youre
are more complicated. Also like Lets look at some key CPI categories. trending against your own shops
mechanical problems, minor problems historical data.
left unattended can often lead to Parts Costs and Overhead Here are some possible causes and
major problems. Parts cost is a good place to start. things to check if your parts costs are
It makes good business sense to I avoided putting too much weight on trending in the wrong direction:
give your shop a regularly scheduled industry averages or the percentages Are you or your employees becoming
performance diagnosis to determine other shops claimed in this area. complacent when purchasing parts?
whether you need to perform preven- Theyre good guidelines initially, Im a believer in vendor loyalty, but
targets, technical proficiency, shop up costing you money in the end. any alternatives to pursuing one more
capacity, etc. Overselling the shops capacity leads major job that would yield the same or
Here are a few leaks in the area of to all sorts of leaks: careless diagno- better bottom line impact? You see, the
marketing: sis, rushed work leading to mistakes, point is that, just by thinking in terms
Are you attracting too many jobs lost bookings of good jobs due to of the number one, an entirely new
that arent in your sweet spot? The being too busy with marginal or way of thinking opens up.
funny thing is, most shop owners undesirable jobs to book the good Through the power of one, you
havent taken the time to review ones on a timely basis. And, could make incremental increases in
their sales history to identify the when the shop is overwhelmed, it sales and reductions in costs leading
best types of customers and jobs for negatively impacts the salespersons to dramatic improvements to your
their shops and crews to perform at drive to sell more work. bottom line.
peak performance. Of course, ineffective sales process- Here are some examples of what
Marketing and advertising for the es or marginal sales skills result in I mean.
wrong types of customers can lost leads, lost jobs, and jobs sold at What would it mean if you could
overwhelm your shop and crew with unprofitable prices. sell and produce just one more hour
unprofitable, time-consuming jobs. Underselling the shops capacity can of technician time per day? Well, if
Separate your good customers from result in the work expanding to fill your shop rate is $75 per hour and
the not-so-good ones. One of the the time, or the empty restaurant youre open 5 days per week, thats
best places to find good customers syndrome. Im sure youve noticed $19,500 per year in added revenue
is from your good customers. Set that the less busy a restaurant is, with no added cost to overhead.
up automated processes to contact the slower the service seems to be. Just think what that would mean
your good customers to keep them It can be the same in a shop that if you could do that with each of
coming back, but also remind them doesnt have enough sales. your technicians $19,500 x (The
to refer their friends and relatives number of techs in your shop) =
to you. In this age of automated Fixing Things 1x1 $___________!
contact systems, theres no excuse It seems fitting to include an If you increased your shop labor
for not tapping into some form of excerpt from an article I wrote about rate by just $1 per hour, who would
constant communication with your seven years ago. It has to do with the notice besides you? It costs nothing,
customer database. Just make sure power of the number 1. and if your shop sells and produces
youre communicating with the good consider the amazing impact 150 hours per week, thats $7,800
customers. that the number one can make. The additional to your bottom line.
Selling is the process of convert- number one is pervasive in our What if you had just one more
ing the leads your marketing system everyday conversations, with sayings appointment per day? If youre open
produces into jobs. In a busy shop, a like, Theres one for the books; 5 days per week, thats five more
marginal sales person or process can One way; One more time; One appointments per week. If your
actually let quality leads slip through of a kind; Were number one; My average sale is $300, thats $1500
the cracks undetected, resulting in one and only; One for the road; more in sales per week or $78,000
major costly leaks. The busyness of the Bet you cant eat just one; and I per year!
shop camouflages the sales leaks. think Ill have just one more. But Have you ever noticed that the
Use your historical data to diagnose the number one can truly turn your best leads come in first thing in
whether any of these sales issues exist: business around in more than one the morning and at the end of the
Are you being selective with the jobs way excuse the pun. day? What would happen if you
you take in? Youre always better off As Ive skipped in and out of opened for business one hour
doing what you do best and most hundreds of shops across the country, before your competition and stayed
profitably. A good sales process Ive heard many a shop owner say, If open one hour longer than your
converts the jobs you want, while fil- I had just one more major job a week, competition? What if you could do
tering out the undesirable jobs. things would be fine. I got to thinking: this without increasing your labor
When things get a little slow, does Why not? cost? Consider this idea have
your salesperson take in those jobs One more of anything seems part of your team start and go home
that end up as what weve all come doable. What would it take to get just an hour earlier and the rest start
to call I should have known better one more job per week, per day, or and go home an hour later. Youve
jobs? You know: the ones that end per whatever you needed? Are there just added two more hours to your
by Mike Souza
hen you teach a seminar They had a Dodge Sprinter
every year in the same on the rack and his mechanic
city, you get to meet some was waiting for John to put
interesting people, and some of them the finishing touches on the
become friends, like John Bozzi differential he was rebuilding. No
(figure 1) of Trans-O-Matic in West differential left the shop until John
Irving Park, just outside of Chicago gave it a last once over.
(figure 2). He looked over at me and
John was a veteran of the industry said, Can you tell me if this
for over 60 years; he passed away in differential assembly is too loose,
2014. Before he passed, we were out too tight, or just right? I spun the
together one night before the seminar housing by hand and said, Its
and he wanted to show me something just right.
he was working on. He took me to this
old building in Des Plaines just
outside of Chicago that looked like
it was condemned (figure 3).
Then he started to tell me how he
was going to raise the roof over 20 feet
and install lifts that could handle buses Figure 1: John Bozzi with grandson Nick.
and dump trucks. This building looked
like a nightmare and I thought John
was crazy. Unfortunately, John passed
away just a year before he finished his
John loved working on drive-
shafts, manual transmissions, and
differentials. I remember one time,
while I was hanging out at the shop,
John had me follow him over to a
building they rebuilt across the street.
It not only stored cores; it had a couple
bays in it, too. Figure 2: Trans-O-Matic In West Irving Park just outside of Chicago.
Figure 11: Catering truck on the heavy-duty lift. Figure 12: United Airlines bus on the heavy-duty lift.
Figure 13: Heavy-duty lift proves handy for stretch limos. Figure 14: Usual, everyday transmission work.
Figure 16: The building has plenty of room to expand to more lifts. Figure 17: The back of the building is rented to AJ's Auto.
Figure 18: Gino putting up a show of some physical labor for the camera.
Hows life? Its always easy to swim down- Though his own youth had been
Its not uncommon to have friends stream: excuses and complaints arent poor and difficult, he crafted a life that
ask this question when they havent hard to find. As I often say, Critics has touched millions with inspiring
seen you in a while. Whats your may be smart, but have no heart. stories and solutions. He was fun to be
answer today? Hows it going? Finding fault is an entry-level skill and around, to listen to, and to learn from.
Now, before you get tempted to isnt worth much. Zig was a voracious student and
look at the obvious, like checking the So hows life? About now, youd he truly liked people. I recall I once
weather to see what kind of a day it is, expect me to switch to a roses-and- wrote a critical public letter to Macys
lets step back and take a wiser look. rainbows worldview, right? Id rather for removing Merry Christmas from
Even a rainy or bad-weather day can take a look through the eyes of a their stores holiday greetings. Zig
still be a time of profound satisfaction winner. How about Tom Brady, the saw the letter and wrote me a personal
or successful advancement. We arent Super Bowl champion quarterback? note, Mighty proud of you Jim for
a reflection of the weather, though Yes, hes handsome, married to a standing up for your values. I treasure
were influenced by it somewhat. supermodel, rich, and surrounded that note.
The same can be said about the with success. This isnt to say that you should
jobs on your list: The car thats come But look at how he responded to deny difficulties. I just suggest that
back three times now with the same his 5th Super Bowl win. He cried, he you keep them in perspective.
problem. The customers who dont thanked people, he praised his team Todays weather or work list doesnt
realize how well you repaired their and coach, and he gratefully hugged determine how your life is going. It
vehicles and what good prices you his teams owner. He didnt proclaim, just influences where you need to put
gave them. The team member who just I did it! He said, We did it, and todays energy.
cant seem to master that one, vital job Thank you. Keep in mind that your life will
skill. The technology that isnt giving On a personal level, lets look more someday end, and others will assess
you accurate readings, despite recent closely at his strategies: Hes a fitness it based on what they saw, heard,
upgrades. Or the coworker who doesnt fiend, he eats a very disciplined diet, and experienced. Give them lots of
seem to care about being a good he works out constantly, he treasures reasons to say, Now that was a life
contributor to the workflow. his family time, brags about his kids, well-lived. Make people glad that you
In the face of obstacles like these, openly loves his wife, and hes humble were here.
its tempting to say, Life is difficult and even funny. We can learn from that.
right now. Even world champions on Im not asking you to enthrone him as
their best days could find something your hero; I just assert that we can all
to focus on that seems difficult. The follow many of his examples.
world-record runner could complain When your friend asks, Hows
about foot pain on the last lap. life? I recommend that you answer Jim Cathcart is a strategic advisor
Winning jockeys can tell you about like my friend, the late, great Zig to ATRA and a valued contributor to
how a fellow rider tried to cut them Ziglar used to: Super good but Ill GEARS. You can schedule him as a
off in the home stretch. The worlds get better! Zig was a happy soul. He speaker or acquire his many books
richest person could tell you about his always chose to focus on what good by simply visiting or
losses and the people who cheated or could be done. He believed in people searching for Jim Cathcart online.
betrayed him. and possibilities.
and ours is to help you do it. As the worlds largest and strongest
atra membership allright.indd
we do.indd2 1 3/30/17
2/24/14 11:35 AM
membrshp314 2:37 PM
Registration Opens in June
*A Da
hosted by
Over 40
hours of
& Technical
expo 417 pg2.indd 1 3/28/17 10:57 AM
produced by
hosted by
k t o B a s
Bac ining by an
i c s
Tra Veter
s t ry
Ind peakers!
7am - 5pmAttendee Registration
7:30am - 12pmTechnical Seminars
9am - 12pmManagement Seminars
12pm - 2pmATRA Luncheon
2pm - 7pmTrade Show
4pm - 6pmATRA Chapter Presidents
SATURDAY 7pm - 9pm Transtar Cocktail
8am - 5pm Attendee Registration
8:30am - 11:30am Technical Seminars
9am - 12pm Management Seminars
12pm - 5pm Trade Show
2pm - 5:30pm Technical Seminars
3pm - 4pm ATRA Longtimers
9am - 12pm Technical Seminars
9am - 12pm Management Seminars
by Rick Morris
Professional Transmission
roblems have been reported experience on this unit shows a large several different bearings in the past
with the 2009 and up Subaru failure in the torque converter. The two years on the turbine. We have
CVT torque converter clutch turbine hub is wearing out prematurely recently decided to stick with the 604
not releasing. Engine may stall or drop where it contacts the plastic washer on Chrysler transaxle bearing, for the
engine RPM when slowing to a stop. the front cover. The torque converter convenience of availability (figure 1).
There have been many complaints industry has seen this problem on After machining, you can see
on this symptom. Chatter within several units over the years; most where the finished bearing will pocket
the industry tells us of valve body recently with the CD4E. into the turbine hub (figure 2).
and torque converter problems. Our The factory has claimed to have The bearing is positioned above
updated this torque converter for the face of the original contact point
this problem. It has been said that the at .020" as shown. This leaves .030" -
update contains a thrust bearing on the .040" of clutch release clearance before
front cover or turbine hub. We have not weld (figure 3). We have had great
seen any of these current updates. success with this clearance for this
The clutch release clearance on particular unit.
the units that are not worn indicate less
than .015" of clutch release clearance.
We are currently machining the
Figure 1 original turbine hub, and have used
Figure 2 Figure 3
ntroduced in the 2014 model
year, the AS66RC was an
option in the Ram Chassis Cab
3500, and standard equipment in
the 4500 and 5500 models with a
6.4L Gas Engine. The AS66RC
is basically the same converter Figure 1: AS66RC vs AS68RC
as the AS68RC found in Isuzu
applications shown in Figure 1, but
with a different cover design.
Similar to its counterparts
shown in Figures 2 & 3, the
AS66RC is smaller in diameter
than the AS68RC and the AS69RC
found in the diesel applications.
Upon internal inspection, you
will find that the AS66 & 68 use
the same bearings, seals, and 3
friction clutch pack design.
Figure 3: AS69RC
enjamin Franklin once famously But is it something thats saleable?
pointed out that nothing in life To answer that, you need to consider
is certain, except death and another question: Can your business
taxes. But for shop owners, there may operate without you?
be another certainty to consider: the For too many shop owners, the
day when you decide its time to move answer to that question is a resounding
on to take the next step in your life. no.
For some, moving on will be Lets look at a few other questions
an emotional decision: Youve had that will help you determine your
enough of this business and need to answer:
do something else. Or maybe itll be Does your sign have a business by John E. Anderson
about your health, or the health of name on it, or is it your name? MS Management
someone important to you, such as a When customers call or stop by, do
family member. they insist on speaking with you
Then again, maybe its just time: personally?
You want to spend your remaining Do you have to put your touch on but that probably wont provide you
years teaching your grandchildren nearly every car that comes through with the numbers you were hoping for
how to bait a hook, showing them the the door? by selling your business.
wonders of Disney World, or simply When something doesnt go as
enjoying your freedom. planned, do you have to make an Can You Prove
Whatever your reason, someday executive decision to correct it? Its Worth Buying?
youll be ready to consider moving on. If the answer to at least two of For a business to be worth buying,
Which means youll probably want to those questions is yes, your business it generally has to be making money. Is
look into selling your business. is probably built around you. It cant yours? And more importantly, can you
But selling your business gener- operate without you there. prove it?
ally depends upon the answers to three Then what do you have to sell? Every potential buyer will want
very simple, very important questions: You cant sell yourself well, maybe to see your business records. Theyre
1. Do you have something to sell? you can, but that would probably looking for a positive financial history,
2. Can you prove its worth buying? negate the value of selling, since youd to prove that investing in your shop
3. Can you find someone whos still have to be there. will have the potential to return a
interested? So, if your business is built around profit. They need to know that the
Lets take a look at these questions you, all you have to sell is some used money they invest will pay dividends
and see how they might affect your equipment and old inventory. That isnt in a reasonable amount of time.
decision. selling your business; thats a fire sale. If your business records dont
And you can be sure that you wont show a reasonable profit, you cant
Do You Have get anywhere near what youd like for prove your business is successful to a
Something to Sell? your business if you dont really have a prospective buyer. Remember, those
This question seems pretty obvious business to sell. people and their bankers want to
at first. Of course you have something Of course, if you own the build- see the books before they plunk down
to sell; you have your business. ing, you can still sell the real estate, big bucks to buy your business.
56 GEARS April 2017
Makes Its Mark on Ventura
ver the years, weve met doz-
ens of multi-generational shop
owners; many who can trace
their automotive lineage back three
But Chris Park, owner of
Independent Transmission, in Ventura,
California, is the first one whose family
history in the auto repair industry began
halfway around the world: Chriss
grandfather was an auto mechanic in
Chris moved to the U.S. with his
parents in 1982, when he was just 16.
My father was a mechanic for a
company that built farm equipment,
explains Chris. After graduating high operate the shop until he closed in 2006. eight lifts.
school, Chris attended a technical I moved to Ventura and found One thing that impresses customers
college where he studied automotive a shop for sale in 2000, says Chris. when they come to Independent is its
technology. It was a very small shop: only three cleanliness: Chris and his staff keep the
My father opened a shop in Oxnard, bays and two lifts. I took the shop and shop spotless, and it gets commented
CA, called Tonys Transmission, says expanded it to five bays and five lifts. on a lot. We put everything away and
Chris. I began working there in 1987 In 2012, the owner of the property clean up daily, to where its become
with my brother. He and his brother, died and the new owners wanted me to something of a habit.
Tony, continued to operate the shop sign a 10-year lease. I looked around It makes a terrific impression with
after his father retired in 1998. In 2000, and found the shop were at now. The our customers, says Chris. And that
he and his brother decided to go their first shop was just 2700 square feet; impression helps build referrals and
separate ways; his brother continued to this new shop is 8000 square feet with sales.
Transmission and
General Repair
The name Independent
Transmission might be a bit misleading Independent Transmission Crew: L to R: Jenna Stroklund, Jade Galt, Tony Park,
today: The shop offers complete auto Chris Park and Franky Hernandez
repair services, although they do
specialize in transmission repair. Like
many transmission shop owners, Chris
decided to expand into general repairs
during the economic downturn at the
end of 2007.
We started seeing more and more
customers who couldnt afford to have
their transmissions repaired, says
Chris. Id never seen a situation with
so many customers saying they had no
money to fix their transmissions!
For many transmission shops, this
could have posed a problem, because a
substantial portion of their businesses The main shop area.
comes in the form of referrals from other
shops in the area. But most of the work between them, theres no need to build Independent, stays on top of that.
coming to Independent Transmission trust with the customer: That trust has Chris tried advertising on local TV
is based on direct consumer referrals. already been established. and radio, but didnt feel he was getting
So expanding into general repair wasnt According to Chris, customers a reasonable return for his investment.
a problem from that aspect. seem to appreciate having a one-stop But recently, Chris began
Of course, expanding into a new shop for all their auto repair needs. Its advertising on the Motor Vehicle
line of work meant more than just adding better for them, and the shop remains Network, or MVN. Its an advertising
the services to their web site. It meant busy and profitable. network that runs on the screen at the
buying additional tools and equipment, So, while general repair may not nearby Department of Motor Vehicles
and even hiring new technicians who be for everyone, its working well for offices, so drivers who are getting their
were versed in those repairs. Independent Transmission. licenses or changing their addresses
One thing Chris has discovered will see Independent Transmission
is that offering general repairs allows Marketing Independent advertised while they wait.
him to build stronger relationships with The name of Chriss shop is Only one of each business type
his customers. Thats because, instead Independent Transmission, but his can be displayed on the screen, and
of seeing customers once in a decade web site is were it for auto repair, explains Jenna.
when theyre experiencing transmission The reason? When I first built my Right now they have two separate
troubles, hes likely to see them several web site, someone else already had screens: one that plays the ads and
times a year. the name IndependentTransmission. one for client numbers. But in the next
This improves the relationships com, explains Chris. So I decided to couple months, theyll be combining
between Independent Transmission and go with the them. So, if youre waiting for your
their customers, so, when they do have They also keep their name out number to come up, youll have to look
transmission problems, they wouldnt on the net through social media on at the screen with our ad.
think of taking their cars anywhere else. Facebook. Jenna Stroklund, the
And, because of the regular connection office and marketing manager for
GEARS April 2017 59
Chris Park's 1980 Bar Hopper that he is in the process of custom rebuilding by hand.
Community Involvement
Chris and his shop are members of of services that youd be likely to With these programs, Chris and
Business Network International (BNI). need on a regular basis, says Jenna. Jenna work to help build relationships
According to Jenna, BNI is the largest Ive been involved with the group for within their community.
referral-generating leads group in the about eight years, so I know a lot of the
world. It has about a quarter million people here. Building Referrals
members and it exists in 87 countries While the networking itself is a Through Compassion
around the world. terrific resource, BNI doesnt end there. But while marketing keeps the
The local BNI group organizes They do a lot of work in the community, shops name out in front of prospective
a weekly breakfast meeting for its which also helps build relationships for customers, the vast majority of their
members. The program allows for its members. business comes from word-of-mouth
multiple people in the same industry, I volunteer with Project advertising. And those word-of-
as long as their services dont overlap Understanding, says Jenna. Its a mouth referrals are based on years of
directly, explains Jenna. The object of group that helps homeless people find exceptional service and kindness.
the group is to provide referrals to one jobs and transition into the community. The level of compassion that
another. Im going to be an incoming board Chris has goes beyond anything Ive
The local group includes lawyers, member for them. Im also an ever seen, says Jenna. Its without
realtors, insurance agents, professionals ambassador for the Ventura Chamber of comparison.
from the health and beauty industries Commerce, and work with other groups Theres an electrician he knows
It runs the in the community. who was in the business for over 40
gambit years. Now hes disabled, and his
disability payments arent enough to
cover his expenses. Hell come by and
ask whether Chris needs any electrical
work, and Chris will say, Sure, take
care of this for me.
wish Chris many years of success. Stay tuned next month for more on
this topic in Part 2 - How to Fix Bad
Converter Clearance.
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2017 Nu-Star, Inc.
With over 150,000 transmission, engine and
internal part cores on the shelf, we have the cores
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68 GEARS April 2017
Overhaul System!
WE SHIP UPS DAILY The technology leader in parts cleaning for over 20 years
our full line of high-precision Why buy foreign,
TORQUE CONVERTER When you can buy
American Quality
rebuilding equipment. Tools and parts
washers GEARS classified advertising cost $95.00
At an for up to 50 words for a one time inser-
Unbeatable Price!
tion. ATRA members are eligible to receive
up to three (3) FREE classified advertise-
Visit our website for more information, ments in GEARS annually (per 10 issues).
or the links below for our Parts Washers: Members wishing to place ads once their
three FREE ads have been placed may do so
at the cost listed above. Ads exceeding the maximum word count will cost $1.50 for each additional word (not including phone number | 1.888.442.5546 and address).
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Business and property HELP WANTED: Looking for an experienced Mitchell On Demand, Identifix, Transgo Tec,
for sale, approximately 3300 sq.ft, 7 bays, Torque Converter Rebuilder. Contact Atlas Steve Younger, ATRA, ATSG, computer system
50 car parking lot, 2 furnished apartments Automotive Inc. Irene or Erika, ibogdan@ for build room. Call us: (541) 535-1075 ask for
on the 2nd floor. Reputable and established or (216) 671-0100. Jim or Rich
transmission shop for 30 years. Equipment ATRA Mbr
and inventory, lifts, part washer, waste oil HELP WANTED: COLORADO SHOP
furnace, turn key operation. Located downtown SEEKING TRANS REBUILDER: Are you HELP WANTED: Globe Transmissions
Louisville, Kentucky, owner wishes to retire. an experienced transmission rebuilder with in Southbridge, MA is seeking full time,
Call (502) 585-2255 Monday, Tuesday or great references and a positive, team player experienced R&R Tech, Rebuilder and
Wednesday. attitude? This is an extraordinary opportunity to swingman. Candidates must have minimum
join a shop who truly cares for our customers 5 years experience with foreign and domestic
BUSINESS FOR SALE/LEASE: Looking to and values our employees. We have an transmissions. Valid license, transportation
Expand or Relocate? 8,000 sq. ft. Reputable excellent reputation in the industry and we and tools a must. Send resumes to Bob at:
and established shop for lease or sale in sunny get to live and work in the beautiful Grand or call us at
Arizona, located near Las Vegas and Lake Valley of Western Colorado with hiking, biking, (508) 764-9400. ATRA Mbr
Havasu City. Operated as a transmission shop hunting, fishing, and off-road sports just
for 23 years, same owner. Call (928) 530-6350 minutes from town. In addition to a great work HELP WANTED: OUTSTANDING Southern
to inquire. environment, we offer competitive pay, a 5-day California Shop Needs: 2nd $1,000,000
ATRA Mbr work week, local healthcare, individual and Producer aka Assist Service Manager, $1K
team bonuses, and a matching IRA plan. For Relocation after 90 days - North San Diego
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Converter - TCRS more information on our shop visit our website County. Contact: Art Eastman - TransShop
Auto Aliner with miller CP-302 power source. at E-mail your Consultant (714) 325-7777 or Trans_
Victor 1860E Lathe with cutting heads. resume to or ATRA Mbr
Bonding machine and hydraulic riveter. Low Fax to (970) 242-8589. We look forward to
volume shop use only. Pictures available. Pier hearing from you! ATRA Mbr HELP WANTED: Looking for a motivated,
Transmission, Boston, MA (617) 268-7409. punctual mechanic and or transmission
ATRA Mbr HELP WANTED: Southern Oregon Close rebuilder. Must be available to work Monday
to Hunting, fishing, camping, boating and - Friday 8am - 5pm, have own hand tools,
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: G-TEC Transmission shopping. Automotive General Technician with speak English and most importantly follow
Dyno for front and rear wheel drive. Universal transmission removal & installation abilities, directions. Preferred experience removing and
adapter for most front and rear wheel drive generous compensation for the right person, installing transmissions front and rear wheel
transmissions and torque converter. It has a benefits included. Transmission Rebuilder drive. Not required but preferred! Reading
built in hoist, digital gauges, transmission fluid also needed with ability to do all Automatics and comprehension necessary. Pay is good,
tank with pump and filtering system, Sonnax and Standards. Seperate rebuild room with weekends and holidays off. Great opportunity
flow meter and many extras. This dyno new heating and A/C, organized parts room with for the right person with a positive attitude and
was over 100K, Im selling for $17,000 OBO. about 75K parts in inventory. Fast pace strong work ethic. Call or text Steve at (805)
Please contact Johnny at: (310) 714-3869 or shop with quality-minded technicians to work 896-2939 or
Email ATRA Mbr with, complete diagnostic equipment with ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: Ralphs Transmission is a Diagnosticians, Service Advisors (Sales). Visit: HELP WANTED: NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT
growing shop in Modesto seeking qualified www. to learn more HEADQUARTERS FOR THE TRANSMISSION
and experienced transmission specialists. about Ralphs Transmission and employment INDUSTRY. Fast, Easy and Free service to
We have an excellent facility with completely opportunities. Contact Mario Jauregui at (209) industry employees! Low cost and an easy way
upgraded equipment. Ralphs offers a 526-1909 or to recruit nationwide for shop owners! Serving
positive work environment, competitive pay, the transmission industry since 1997. Visit our
benefits and other great employee incentives. website at: or call us toll
We are currently accepting applicants free at: (888) 859-0994.
for the following positions: R&R Specialist,
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145 Mason Cir # B 1927 E. Cedar Street 675 Gateway Center Drive, Suite B 1450 N 26th Ave
Concord, CA 94520 Ontario, CA 91761 San Diego, CA 92102 Phoenix, AZ 85009
Phone: (925) 798-8504 Phone: (909) 443-5920 Phone: (619) 281-6600 Phone: (602) 415-9509
5151 Heliotrope Ave 4212 Roseville Rd, Suite A 3744 Meade Ave # 12 1095 Andover Park E
Vernon, CA 90058 North Highlands, CA 95660 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Seattle, WA 98188
Phone: (323) 562-2111 Phone: (916) 830-4370 Phone: (206) 892-3270
Phone: (702) 247-4150