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Making Good Money: 42/47RE Transmissions

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Computer DiagnostiCs eleCtroniCs reprogramming

APRIL 2009
42/47RE Transmissions
Wont Shift Without the Alternator
A-1 Transmission Deals
With A Code P2123
Computer Reprogramming:
Making Good
Without Getting Your Hands Dirty
Sonnax Solutions for 42-46-47-48RH/RE
Automatic Drive P.O. Box 440 Bellows Falls, VT 05101-0440 USA 800-843-2600 802-463-9722 F: 802-463-4059 www.sonnax.com info@sonnax.com
2009 Sonnax Industries, Inc.
More information is available
at www.sonnax.com.
PROBLEM SOLUTION Tool Required Part Number
Slippage in reverse
1. Line Pressure Plug & Sleeve Kit A904 only: 12229-01K
Poor cooler charge at idle
Slippage in reverse
2. Line Pressure Plug & Sleeve Kits
200" dia 22229-01K
Poor cooler charge at idle 264" dia 22229-04K
1-2 shuttle shift
3. Governor Bore Plug Kit 22771-14K
Sensitive 2-3 and 3-2 shifts
Delayed engagement
4. Manual Valve 22771-09
Converter bushing failure
Shift timing concerns Standard: 22771-03K
Throttle buzz 5. Throttle Valve Kits F-22771-TL & VB-FIX Oversized: 22771-04K
Poor kickdown, low pressure Heavy Duty: 22771-HDK3
Missing, cracked or
6. Neutral Safety Back-up Insulator 22229-03
broken insulator
Delayed engagement
7. Lube Regulated PR Valve Kits
Standard: 22771A-02K
Lube failures F-22771A-TL7 & VB-FIX Oversized: 22771A-07K
Lockup shudder
8. 4-Spooled Switch Valves
Standard: 22771A-01
Overheated converter 22771A-TL13 Oversized: 22771A-13
No start
9. Valve Body Detent Ball & Sleeve Kit 22771-TL12 22771-12K
Delayed engagements
Transmission slips
10. Boost Valve Spring Retainers Package of 5 22990-01
Leakage of 4th gear
sonnax409.indd 2 3/13/09 12:10:33 PM
4 42/47RETransmissionsWontShiftWithouttheAlternator
by David Skora
10 KEEpThoSETRAnnySRolling:A-1TransmissionDeals
WithACodep2123by Pete Huscher
14 playingwithFireisChangingaSolenoidBecauseof
aSolenoidCode by Jon Rodriguez
20 DontSpillyourJellyBeansby Thom Tschetter
22 AW55-50SnBushingFailureby Mike Souza
24 STREETSmART:ToyotawithharshShiftsandmilon
by Mike Brown
28 TheopeningChapterofyouroperationsmanual
by Paul Mathewson
34 AnewKidontheBlock:2ml70(Rpom99)
2-mode,part1 by Steve Garrett
38 ComputerReprogramming:makinggoodmoney
WithoutgettingyourhandsDirty by Bill Brayton
46 oldFriendsandCustomersaretheBestby Steve Bodofsky
48 oneindustryWorkingTogether:ATRA/TCRASurveyinformation
50 mEmBERShipmATTERS:DrivingyourselfBackinto
BusinessDuringtheRecessionby Kelly Hilmer
52 plAyingWiThFiRE:Correctionby Jon Rodriguez
2 FRomThECEo:Weathering
theStormby Dennis Madden
54 ATRAnews
57 powertrainindustrynews
61 ShoppersandClassified
68 listofAdvertisers
The views expressed in this publication should not necessarily be interpreted as
the official policy of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA).
Publication of product information or any advertising does not imply recommenda-
tion by ATRA.
GEARS, a publication of ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030,
is published for the betterment of the transmission industry and is distributed
nine times per year. No part of this issue may be reproduced without prior written
permission of the publisher. GEARS is distributed to members of the transmis-
sion industry in the United States, Canada, ATRA Members in Mexico & Europe,
and related automotive industry firms and individually. Send changes of address
to GEARS in care of ATRA. Subscriptions are available by contacting GEARS
in care of ATRA.
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advertisements printed and also assume full responsibility for any claims arising
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reject any advertising copy as it deems appropriate, with or without cause.
GEARS is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard
to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding the publisher
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal
advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent profes-
sional person should be sought from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted
by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers.
GEARS also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry.
GEARS considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the
welfare of the transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it
publishes. If you would like to submit an article to GEARS, include background
information about the author and a telephone number where he/she may be reached.
If you want submissions returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer Dennis Madden
ManagingEditor Rodger Bland
TechnicalDirector Lance Wiggins
Advertising Frank Pasley
SeniorDesigner Jeanette Troub
ContributingEditors Steve Bodofsky
Paul Mathewson Thom Tschetter

ATRATechnicalStaff Bill Brayton
Mike Brown Steve Garrett
Pete Huscher Jon Rodriguez
Randall Schroeder Dave Skora
Mike Souza
DirectorofMembership&ITSvc Kelly Hilmer
Seminars&ConventionManager Vanessa Velasquez
BookstoreManager Shaun Velasquez
ReturnUndeliverableCanadian Addressesto:
StationA, poBox54,Windsor,onn9A 6J5
issue#138 printedinU.S.A. CopyrightATRA 2009
Editorial and Business Offices
2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard CA 93030
Phone (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2006
42/47RE Transmissions Wont Shift
Without the Alternator
Page 4
Computer DiagnostiCs eleCtroniCs reprogramming
A-1 Transmission Deals
With A Code P2123
Page 10
Playing with Fire is Changing a
Solenoid Because of a Solenoid Code
Page 14
Computer Reprogramming: Making Good Money
Without Getting Your Hands Dirty
Page 38
2 GEARS April 2009
by Dennis Madden
the Storm
hether you call it the per-
fect storm or just a storm
in general, what were wit-
nessing with todays economy is a mess
of colossal proportions. The Perfect
Storm was a movie made in 2000,
which portrayed events that took place
in 1991. What happened was several
low pressure systems met, creating a
massive storm that sank a fishing boat,
the Andrea Gail, and took the lives of
the six sailors aboard her.
The similarity between that tragic
event and todays economy is that were
witnessing the results of several events
which have combined at one time and
place to produce one of the worst econ-
omies in years. We still dont know the
extent of it or the casualty list.
Whats important to remember is
that, just like the perfect storm of
1991, at some point its going to end.
Back in 91, the rains finally broke
and the clouds parted; the disaster was
over and the fisherman of the East
Coast resumed their normal lives. Here,
too, the dark clouds hanging over the
economy and their effects on the trans-
mission industry will end, and we can
look forward to better days. The ques-
tion is, when?
Some of the commentary on this
subject may suggest calmer seas are
right around the corner. Consider this
article in the Eagle Tribune: www.
story_048001406.html. It talks about
an increasing number of people hold-
ing on to their cars rather than buying
new. No great surprise there: When
the economy is bad and people arent
secure in their jobs, all of a sudden a
$3000 transmission rebuild looks a lot
more reasonable than going into hock
for a $30,000 car.
This information coincides with
the message in this story, which talks
about the number of dealerships clos-
ing, and the projections for more dealer
closures for 2009: www.ajc.com/servic-
cardealers.html. Again, no great sur-
prise: New car sales have been plum-
meting and dealers arent able to move
their inventories. How many months
can they go without making their quotas
before they have to close their doors?
Articles like this are easy to find
and numerous: just search the internet
for dealers going out of business and
youll find more articles on this sub-
ject. Some estimates are projecting that
we could see more than 3000 new car
dealers close their doors by the end of
2009. The Automotive News web site
(www.autonews.com/) has even more
sad stories about the plight of new car
What does all this mean to you?
For one thing, with 3000 fewer deal-
ers, thats 3000 fewer shops to compete
with you for auto repairs. And as deal-
ers close, consumers whove tradition-
ally trusted their cars to the dealership
may need to look for a new place to
take their auto repairs. So, unless people
start trading in their cars for bicycles, it
means the backlog of broken cars may
be heading to the shops that manage to
weather this perfect storm.
But dont forget, it doesnt simply
mean business as usual. Todays cus-
tomer is looking for more than simply
a competent mechanic; theyre looking
for trust, theyre looking for reliability,
and theyre looking to develop a rela-
tionship with the shop they ultimately
choose to bring their business to.
And, as weve discussed so often
in the past few years, more and more
women are handling their own repairs.
Many of them depended on the deal-
ers for their repairs, because, well, the
dealership was clean, it was profes-
sional, and it catered to them. As the
dealerships close, theyll need to find
someone else to bring their cars to.
Both of these aspects of your busi-
ness are points weve been shouting
from the mountaintops over the past
few years. Now others are getting on
the bandwagon; check out the February
issue of Auto Inc: www.autoinc.org/
Sure, times are tough, the economy
is in bad shape and theres a good
chance it wont recover anytime soon.
But that could well be terrific news for
our industry. This could be the begin-
ning of a fantastic year for transmis-
sion shop owners, and a rebirth for the
auto repair business as a whole. Were
already hearing from shop owners who
are seeing an increase in business; some
are saying business is the best theyve
seen in the past couple of years.
So get your foulies on (a little
sailor lingo there!) and hang tight while
we head into the storm and make for
dry land weve got an exciting year
ahead. Yo ho!
2FmCeo409.indd 2 3/13/09 12:25:04 PM
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880 334A
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047 378
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220 884 331
558 883 234 576 214 570
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664 888 654
Low Roller
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480 8
Body Plate
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Input Planet
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Reverse Pl
583 583
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053 058
5 8
5 5
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WIT-placd.indd 3 1/8/09 10:49:48 AM
he title of this article says it
all. Every year, more things
outside the transmission affect
transmission operation. Theres no
question that fixing customers vehicles
is getting more complicated with every
new model.
In this article were going to cover
the relay control system used on late
Dodge trucks and vans. These systems
use a PCM-controlled relay to control
voltage to the overdrive, lockup and
governor solenoids. If the PCM detects
a circuit fault for the relay or any of
the solenoids, it only has to shut the
relay off.
Affect On Us
In 1997, the PCM started sup-
plying power to the electromagnetic
rotor inside the alternator. At the same
time, Dodge engineers tied a few other
devices into the same power supply
including the transmission relay.
So the only way the relay can work
is if the alternator and charging system
are working properly, and there are no
related codes. What it also did is give
lots of people working on 42/47RE
transmissions something else to worry
Wont Shift
Without the
by David Skora
GEARS April 2009 5
Alternator Basics
Before we get into checking the
relay control circuits, we should take
a moment to become familiar with
alternators. After all, several of todays
hybrid cars and no doubt cars in the
future wont use transmissions as we
know them. Instead, theyre going to
have one or more alternators to move
the car forward and generate electricity
during braking (figure 1). Guess whos
going to fix them: You are, thats who.
Inventors have been toying with
alternating current (AC) generators for
over 150 years. But it wasnt until
miniature diodes were available in the
early 1960s that the modern alternator
was born. Thats enough of a history
The reason alternators are the engi-
neers choice for generating electric-
ity is that theyre very efficient. Most
alternators are in the range of 60-75%
efficient. And with a little wiring modi-
fication, they can also work as electric
The two most common alterna-
tor/motor designs are the Permanent
Magnet Motor and the Induction Motor
(figure 2). They can produce 3-phase
alternating current or they can turn
AC into rotating torque to drive the
vehicle. When used for operation in a
hybrid, these alternator/motors can be
as large and as heavy as an
automatic transmission.
Automotive alternators
include a rotor (electromag-
net), a stator, and a set of
diodes that form a rectifier.
The rotor typically has six
electromagnets which vary
in strength depending on
the field voltage applied to
them. Well test this later in
the article.
As the engine spins
the rotor, the rotor induces
alternating current into the
stator. The stator is the coil
of wire wound around an
iron support and mounted to
the alternator housing. The
rectifiers job is to convert
AC into DC. At this point
the alternators job is done.
Automotive alternators
can produce more current
than required, so a regula-
tor controls the current level
from the alternator to pro-
vide just enough current to
operate the vehicles elec-
trical devices and keep the
battery charged.
In case someone asks
you, there are two stator
designs. The most common
Figure 1
Figure 2
4skora.indd 5 3/13/09 12:55:17 PM
6 GEARS April 2009
design is the Delta. These alternators
typically produce less voltage but more
current than the Star design, which can
develop more voltage but less current.
For automotive use, neither design has
a big advantage over the other (figures
3 and 4).
One difference is that the Star
design begins producing voltage at
lower RPM. The alternators used on
Dodge, GM and high-output Fords use
Delta-wound stators. A few older 35-60
amp Ford alternators were Star wound.
But most of these have been superseded
by the Delta design.
Earlier, we mentioned that the rotor
is a series of electromagnets. When the
rotor spins inside the stator, the alterna-
tor produces alternating current. The
faster the rotor spins, the more current
and voltage the alternator produces.
Since electrical demands on the vehicle
vary and the rotor spins at variable
speeds, the easiest way to regulate volt-
age and current is to control the voltage
to the electromagnets.
If a late-model Dodge truck with
a 42-47RE unit comes in with a trans
relay stuck off code or in limp mode,
the first thing to do is troubleshoot
the charging system. Dont forget the
basics like checking the battery condi-
tion, state of charge, and making sure
that the battery and alternator cables are
clean and tight.
Connect a battery charge tes-
ter, voltmeter or current probe to the
battery terminals.
Start the engine.
Check the state of charge on
the battery and charging system with
your test equipment.
Checking Source Voltage
If the alternator isnt charging
properly, youll need to check the sys-
tem, beginning with the source voltage
to the alternator (figure 7). Check the
white/dark blue or dark blue wire at
the alternator connector (pin 2) for 12.2
volts (PCM source voltage).
If theres no voltage present, refer
to the next heading to check for
missing source voltage.
If voltage is present, monitor the
dark green wire at the alternator
connector (pin 1) for voltage.
When the alternator is under a
light load, a typical voltmeter reading
on pin 1 should be 8-10 volts. If theres
no voltage, the rotor or brushes may
be open.
When you turn the headlights or
other electrical loads on, the voltage to
pin 1 should drop to 4-5 volts (figure
5). This would indicate that the PCM is
increasing alternator output.
If you need further verification
that the alternator can produce voltage
Figure 3: Delta Design
Figure 4: Star Design
Figure 5
42/47RE Transmissions Wont Shift Without the Alternator
4skora.indd 6 3/13/09 12:55:39 PM
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8 GEARS April 2009
and current, ground the dark green wire
(full field the rotor) and see whether the
alternator output increases.
If alternator output increases with
the dark green wire grounded,
the alternator is good. Check the
PCM for codes or the data stream
for false battery temperature.
If the alternator output doesnt
increase either with the PCM con-
trol or grounding the dark green
wire, replace the alternator.
IMPORTANT Constant heavy
use or additional load devices added
to the vehicles electrical system can
greatly reduce the life of the alterna-
tor. Figure 6 is an example of a burned
stator assembly from an overloaded
electrical system.
Missing Source Voltage
Perform these checks if the trans
relay is stuck off or you find no voltage
at pin 86 of the relay socket panel with
the engine running. Keep in mind that
there could be several reasons for this.
Decide which of these 4 situations is
causing the source voltage to be miss-
ing and perform the appropriate tests:
Issue 1: The PCM set an alterna-
tor-related code.
Check the rotor field wiring (fig-
ure 7) and alternator. After making the
repairs, clear codes and check for cor-
rect source voltage at the trans relay.
Issue 2: The circuit is open between
the power source and pin 86 at the trans
Test the circuits for opens or shorts
to another circuit. You may have to
bypass the faulty circuit with a new
Issue 3: Some device may be con-
suming more current than it should and
drawing the voltage away from pin 86
at the trans relay.
Depending on the situation, the
PCM may continue to supply the volt-
age and not set a code. Using the appro-
priate wiring diagram, locate all the
devices sharing the PCM power source.
Unplug them one by one, and see if the
source voltage returns to trans relay
panel pin 86. If theres still no voltage
at pin 86, see issue 4.
Issue 4: The PCM has an internal
problem and cant provide a voltage
signal to pin 68 at the trans relay.
At this point, you have verified
that the circuits out-
side the PCM are
capable of working.
This leaves the PCM
as the remaining sus-
pect. Use the next test
to check the PCM.
Using a fused
jumper, connect
12 volts to the
white/ dark blue
or dark blue wire
at the PCM.
Verify that voltage is present at
pin 86 of the trans relay panel. If
so, the PCM is bad.
The wiring diagram (figure 7) pro-
vides a general view of the circuits.
Refer to the specific wiring diagrams
for the year and model youre work-
ing on.
Each year, more and more of the
vehicles control systems become inter-
woven with the transmission and its
operation. But by understanding the
systems and how they work, diagnosis
is no more difficult than checking a
switch or solenoid.
Figure 6
Figure 7
42/47RE Transmissions Wont Shift Without the Alternator
Normal Color
Dark Color = Overloaded
4skora.indd 8 3/17/09 9:36:33 AM
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10 GEARSApril2009
his starts like many other
days on the HotLine. But
today, one Member had a
whole new problem that was not only
interesting, but needed to reach the
pages of GEARS.
I received a call from Scott Miguel,
the owner and diagnostician for A-1
Transmission Center in Sacramento,
California. A-1 Transmission Center
was established in 1965. Scott, the cur-
rent owner, joined A-1 in 1988, after
meeting the previous owner during a
golf game at a local course. The previ-
ous owner was so impressed with Scott
that he offered him a job, which Scott
readily accepted.
Three short years later, Scott had
learned everything he could about the
transmission business and decided he
was ready to take over. He purchased
A-1 in 1991 and has been building his
business with retail customers, fleets
and local dealerships ever since.
A-1 is a small-to-medium sized
repair shop, with eight service bays
(figure 1) and three employees (figure
2): Scott Miguel, Paul Edwards and
Jack Eddy.
Scott does it all at A-1: Hes the
owner, operator, diagnostician, custom-
er relations coordinator, and quality
control person. But this time Scott had
a whole new problem to deal with.
A Whole New Problem
Scott was working on a 2002 Saturn
Vue, equipped with a 3.0L engine and
an AF33-5 transmission, that was sent
to him from one of his local dealership
accounts. When the vehicle arrived,
Scott verified the vehicle was experi-
encing wrong gear starts and the Check
Engine light was on. His first step was
to check for codes.
Keep Those Trannys rolling
by Pete Huscher
Figure 2: Scott Miguel (owner), Paul Edwards & Jack Eddy
Figure 1: A-1 Transmission Center, Eight service bays to work with.
A-1 Transmission
Deals With A
Code P2123
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12 GEARS April 2009
Scott found code P2123 (APP sensor circuit #1, high volt-
age) in the engine control module (ECM). No other codes were
present. He tried to clear the code, but it reset immediately. He
then monitored the commands to the transmission and veri-
fied that the computer system had indeed commanded failsafe,
which is fifth gear.
Scott then monitored the accelerator pedal position (APP)
sensor circuit and found that the APP sensor #1 circuit voltage
didnt change with the accelerator pedal position, but APP sen-
sor #2 circuit voltage did. He then inspected the wiring harness
and the connections at the ECM and the APP sensor. Everything
looked good.
Scott replaced the APP sensor (figure 3) and attempted to
clear the code again. But the code reset immediately. Thats
when Scott called the ATRA HotLine.
While talking to Scott, I looked up the code; it was setting
because the ECM was encountering a high voltage reading
(above 4.8 VDC) on APP sensor #1 circuit.
After discussing the diagnostic rou-
tine with Scott, I faxed him copies of the
transmission system wiring schematic.
He was ready to take another look at the
APP sensor circuits.
Stray Voltage
Scott called back the next day. Hed
been following the diagnostic routine
for the APP sensor circuit and ran into
something that didnt make sense: APP
sensor #1 circuit had 7.5 VDC. How was
that possible? The APP sensor receives a
5-volt reference signal (figure 4). How
could there be 7.5 volts on that circuit?
The only thing we could figure was the
circuit was probably shorted to a power
The next step was to isolate APP
sensor #1 circuit from the rest of the APP
sensor circuits to determine where the
extra voltage was coming from. I told
Scott to cut both ends of the APP sensor
#1 circuit, one end at the ECM and the
other at the APP sensor. Then he back-
probed the ECM terminal; there was no
voltage at the ECM.
Next he checked the APP sensor #1
circuit at the APP sensor. The voltage at
the APP sensor was 0.5 volts at closed
throttle and would rise to 4.5 volts at
wide open throttle. So the APP sensor
was capable of producing the correct
voltage signal.
A-1 Transmission Saves Local Dealership from Code P2123
Figure 3: APP sensor
(located on accelerator pedal)
Figure 4: Diagram of APP sensor circuit
Scott replaced the APP sensor (figure 3)
and attempted to clear the code again.
But the code reset immediately. Thats
when Scott called the ATRA HotLine.
10pete409.indd 12 3/18/09 10:22:26 AM
GEARS April 2009 13
Finally Scott backprobed the wir-
ing harness APP sensor #1 circuit; the
wire had 7.5 volts with both ends of
the wire cut. This proved that the APP
sensor #1 circuit wire was shorted to
a power source somewhere in the har-
Bypass Testing
Scott wanted to check the system
by running a bypass circuit from the
APP sensor to the ECM, to see if that
would correct the APP sensor circuit
fault. He connected a new wire to the
APP sensor #1 harness connector at the
APP sensor (figure 5) and ran it to the
APP sensor #1 terminal at the ECM
(figure 6). Then he cleared the code
and waited a few minutes to see if it
would reset. It didnt.
Then he took the vehicle for a test
drive. The Check Engine light didnt
come on and the transmission worked
perfectly. After driving for several
miles with no problems, he returned
to the shop and rechecked for codes.
No codes, and everything was working
Scott called the dealership to
explain the problem and recommended
further inspection of the main wir-
ing harness. The dealership declined
further inspection of the harness and
requested that he bypass the APP sen-
sor #1 harness circuit.
He removed the butt connectors
and wire that he had used to bypass the
circuit and routed a new wire along the
outside of the existing harness. He sol-
dered the connections and sealed them
with shrink tubing. Then he road tested
the vehicle again. Everything worked
fine: No Check Engine light, no codes,
and the transmission shifted perfectly.
After making the final checks on
the APP sensor circuit, wiring harness,
harness routing and connections, Scott
was ready to give this vehicle a big
thumbs up (figure 7) and deliver it to
the dealership.
Scott spoke with the dealership
several times since this repair and the
vehicle continues to work perfectly.
This just goes to show, with the right
information and a little bit of patience,
you, too, can work through a stray
P2123 code, and keep those trannys
Figure 5: APP sensor #1 signal wire circuit bypassed at APP sensor
Figure 7: Scott gives a big thumbs up after final test drive
Figure 6: APP sensor #1 signal wire circuit bypassed at ECM
14 GEARS April 2009
elcome to another edition of
Playing with Fire. Instead
of discussing interchange,
were going to go over solenoid code
Its an all-to-common occurrence
for a solenoid to be replaced because
the code definition contains the word
solenoid and then have the code
come back, because the root cause of
the failure wasnt the solenoid at all.
Were going to go over the differ-
ences between performance codes and
electrical codes, and see how to diag-
nose them properly before replacing a
Performance Codes
Just about every manufacturer has
solenoid performance codes. A solenoid
performance code might as well be
a ratio code; it means the solenoid is
working properly electrically, accord-
ing to the computer.
What isnt working properly are
the results of the solenoids operation;
the gear its responsible for is slipping
or missing. The computer identifies
this performance problem through the
speed sensors, so the condition may or
may not be accompanied by gear ratio
error codes.
An important first step when com-
ing across any solenoid code is to look
up the code definition in your repair
manuals or software. The criteria the
computer looks for when setting the
code will be listed in the definition or
diagnostic tree.
If the code is ratio-related, you
only need to check the solenoid for
mechanical operation: Resistance or
other electrical tests arent necessary if
there arent any electrical codes pres-
ent. The vehicles computer has a built-
in ammeter that constantly checks the
solenoid during vehicle operation, so
itll set an electrical code if it detects
an electrical problem in the solenoid
How do you test a solenoid mechan-
ically? Depending on the solenoid, you
may have to use special testing equip-
ment that checks solenoid flow using
air or fluid. Remember, youre check-
ing the solenoids mechanical opera-
tion. On other solenoids, applying regu-
lated air through the working end of the
solenoid with a rubber tipped blow gun
will work (figure 1).
When checking an on/off solenoid,
energizing the solenoid will either open
or close the valve inside, and either stop
flow or let it come through. Youre just
looking for a change of state.
by Jon Rodriguez
Figure 1
14jonrodrgz409.indd 14 3/17/09 1:54:51 PM
16 GEARSApril2009
Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM) solenoids require spe-
cial equipment to provide the
duty-cycled control signal and
measure the solenoids flow char-
What it comes down to is
this: Solenoid performance codes
are only rarely caused by a faulty
solenoid. More often theyre
caused by another part of the sys-
tem; replacing the solenoid wont
help. So how can you determine
whats causing the code?
The first step when
diagnosing a performance code is
to test drive the car and see what
gear seems to missing or slipping.
A clutch-and-band application
chart will help guide you to the
component thats responsible
for the missing or slipping gear.
After you have an idea of what
component is causing the slip,
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Playing with Fire is Changing a Solenoid Because of a Solenoid Code
16 GEARSApril2009
GEARS April 2009 17
continue the diagnoses as you would
for an internal problem. (Check band
adjustments, air check individual
components, check fluid and sump
condition, etc.)
Electrical Codes
The computer will set a solenoid
electrical code if it measures incor-
rect amperage in the circuit, or sees an
improper inductive spike when operat-
ing the solenoid. The amperage that a
solenoid draws is based on the amount
of voltage being supplied to the sole-
noid, divided by the amount of resis-
tance in the solenoid. Thats Ohms
Law (figure 2).
In an ideal situation, the code
would indicate an existing problem
(hard code); checking the resistance
with your multimeter would reveal the
problem instantly, and changing the
solenoid would eliminate the code.
Those are the easy ones. The harder
ones are the codes that come and go,
or arent caused by the solenoid at all.
Were going to go over those types of
In most applications, all three
domestic manufacturers use a system
that provides power to all of the sole-
noids from a common source. The com-
puter grounds the solenoids to operate
them, and monitors amperage from the
ground side of the circuit. Which leaves
two things that can go wrong:
1. A problem with the voltage supply
to the solenoids (ignition switch,
fuse, battery, etc.)
2. An open or shorted signal wire
from the computer to the solenoid.
Were going to refer to ATRA
Technical Bulletin #1244. The bulletin
provides all of the wiring schematics
for Chevrolet and GMC trucks with a
4L60E, from 1993 to 2006, and high-
lights the points of interest when deal-
ing with power supply issues.
Rear wheel drive GM pickups are
a good vehicle to use for going over
these diagnoses because of the number
of switch issues that can cause solenoid
codes. Keep in mind that Ford and
Chrysler have a slightly different way
of supplying power, but you can use
the same approach to diagnose those
Voltage Supply
Start by logging on to www.atra.
com and print out a copy of bulletin
#1244. The bulletin pertains to solenoid
electrical codes in GM Rear Wheel
Drive Vehicles being caused by Ignition
switch issues.
Sometimes the computer will set
every code for each solenoid thats
powered by the E wire; other times it
will only set one code. The computer
sometimes will set one electrical code
and then go into limp and not monitor
the rest of the solenoids. Other times,
youll get lucky and have every electri-
cal solenoid code except for the EPC
and Pressure Switch Manifold, because
theyre on their own circuits. When all
the codes are set at the same time, its
safe to jump straight to a power supply
Youll notice several areas circled
on the diagrams in the bulletin. These
are points for testing. For these tests
youll need a quality multimeter; not
a test light. A test light wont work
because a drop of as little as one volt
can cause the code or codes to set. A
test light can only tell you if power is
present; not whether its low.
18 GEARSApril2009
First start with the battery. With the key on,
engine off (KOEO), measure and record battery
voltage; thats your system voltage value. A new
battery should provide a no-load voltage of 12.6
volts. Use the chart in figure 3 to determine the
condition of the battery. If the battery is outside
limits, substitute or replace the battery with a
good one.
Now that you have your system voltage
value, backprobe the transmission harness con-
nector and measure the voltage supply. If its
below system voltage, work your way back to
the voltage source until your voltage rises to
within 0.1 volts of the system voltage.
The resistance is hiding between this last
measurement and the previous one. If its at a
connector, its most likely inside where the cop-
per wire is crimped to the terminal. You may see
green or white corrosion on the copper; thats
all it takes to throw the system off. Clean and
retest; in some cases you may have to replace
the connector.
On GMs, its common for the ignition
switch to wear and add resistance to the circuit.
Heres a shortcut for testing the ignition switch:
1. Remove the fuse that provides power to the
transmission. In GM trucks, its located in
the fuse compartment on the drivers side
dash (figure 4).
2. Set your multimeter to DC volts.
3. With KOEO, connect the positive meter
lead to the fuse clip that has voltage with the
fuse removed.
4. Connect the negative meter lead to the
negative battery terminal.
5. Set the parking brake to keep the car from
6. Place the transmission selector lever into
reverse so the engine wont start when you
turn the key.
7. Slowly move the ignition switch through its
positions: ACC, RUN, and START and
work it back and forth.
A faulty ignition switch will cause the voltage readings
to fluctuate as the corroded contacts in the switch make and
break connection. A good switch will have less than 0.10 volts
fluctuation during this test.
Another quick test to see if the power supply is causing
the codes is to connect a fused jumper wire from the positive
battery terminal to the E wire, as close to the transmission
connector as possible (figure 5). This will bypass the rest
of the circuit; if the codes dont return with the jumper con-
nected, you know its because of a problem in the power feed
Keep in mind that you wont be able to turn the engine off
until you disconnect the jumper wire from the E wire.
If connecting the jumper wire does not eliminate the
code(s), chances are youre dealing with a bad solenoid,
a circuit problem between the computer and the solenoid,
or a bad computer.
A quick test to eliminate the computer is to perform a
solenoid bypass test: connecting a known-good solenoid with
the same resistance as the solenoid in question, and wiring it
directly to the computer (figure 6).
The computer has no way of knowing the solenoid is
wired in at the computer, or if the solenoid even belongs to
that transmission. It just has to be the same resistance and
have a good power supply. If the code returns, the problem is
either in the short amount of wiring between the computer and
the test solenoid, or the computer itself.
Even though we focused on GMs for this article, the
procedures and electrical theory we discussed can be used on
several vehicles that comes into your shop, and will help you
conquer the toughest solenoid electrical problems that come
your way.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Playing with Fire is Changing a Solenoid Because of a Solenoid Code
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20 GEARSApril2009
ince most leads are by tele-
phone, you need to become
a master at converting those
leads into actual shop visits. Because,
no matter how good you are at selling
jobs, if you dont get the car into the
shop, you dont get the chance to make
the sale.
Your primary objective with any
lead is to get the car into the shop
not to sell the job, quote a price, give
an estimate, nor for that matter, to get
the customer into the shop. You need to
get the car into the shop!
This is not a debate about giving
prices on the phone. Todays Internet-
savvy consumers are more informed
and more vigilant when it comes to
major purchases. But I do believe pric-
es should only be given after an effort
to get the car in without giving a price.
My first sales job involved mak-
ing cold sales calls on businesses. The
primary objective was to speak with the
decision maker. Most decision makers
have a gatekeeper to screen and run off
salespeople. The first rule when speak-
ing with the gatekeeper was, Dont
spill your jelly beans in the lobby.
In other words, dont make your sales
pitch to the gatekeeper. Just say enough
to create some curiosity.
When it comes to the telephone,
if you give a price, youve spilled
your most precious jelly bean: curios-
ity. Price is what every caller is most
curious about; they want to know the
price, and they want to know it now, if
Another important jelly bean is
hope. All callers are hoping that its
going to be simple and inexpensive.
If you guess at a price for a rebuild,
youve lost your hope jelly bean.
Remember; no matter what the
customer says or asks, what they really
want to know is, What do I have to do
to find out how much it will cost to fix
my problem? In the previous article I
gave you a short script that will work
most of the time.
So now lets look at how you can
handle those callers who dont agree
to an appointment yet. Since youve
offered flexible times, a free check,
and to do it while they wait, this caller
is going to require a little more finesse.
Here are a couple of responses that
have worked for me:
1. I want to help you, and the best
way to do that is to check the car
first. (Choose one:)
a. You see, there are many dif-
ferent things that can cause a
problem and even more ways
to solve that problem. Some
are more expensive than oth-
ers, but at the end of the day,
the price is what you pay while
value is what you get.
b. The most expensive repair you
could ever buy is the one you
didnt need or one that didnt
fix the problem.
c. The reason we do that is
because once weve quoted a
price, its a guaranteed firm
price with all parts and labor
included. Im sure you can
understand that we couldnt
do that without first checking
your car.
(After using a, b, or c, go to #3 below.)
2. Let me see if I can give you some
idea and then when you bring it in
we can pin down a firm quote for
you. First Ill need some informa-
tion (Ask a f)
a. Whats the year and make of
your car?
b. Is it automatic or stick shift?
c. And the engine size or VIN
d. Describe exactly what its
e. When does this happen, once
in a while or most of the
f. Is there any noise from the
transmission yet?
I. Based on what youve told
me, Id still rather see the car
first. Lets hope for some-
thing we can fix without
removing the transmission
from the car. If we can, it
normally would be less than
$XXX. But if its something
that requires removing and
disassembling the transmis-
sion, itll normally be at
least $XXXX.
II. Its possible that its not even
your transmission. Many
times the transmission can
act up simply because of
electrical or computer prob-
lems that can be fairly minor
by comparison.
3. Always close by asking a question
like: Since theres no charge for
our checkout and well do it while
you wait, why wouldnt you want
to bring it in so we can check it and
give you a price? When is best for
you today or tomorrow?
If you want a little coaching on
this or anything related to sales and
marketing, feel free to send me an
email or give me a call. My email
is Thom@CertifiedTransmission.com
and my phone number is 800-544-7520
ext 173.
Dont Spill
Your Jelly Beans
(Continued from the last issue)
by Thom Tschetter
Director of Marketing
Certified Transmission
Just Think - What if you had...
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Dales A-1 Transmission........................................Mitchell, SD...................................................800-529-0003
Freeway Transmission..........................................Salt Lake City, UT .........................................800-354-5920
Glen Burnie Transmission.....................................Baltimore/DC Metro.......................................410-766-8500
HESCO Parts .........................................................Louisville, KY Metro......................................800-458-9087
JC Parts City.........................................................St Louis, MO Metro........................................866-735-1960
J & M Transmission Service, Inc. ........................Sioux Falls, SD ..............................................800-504-2050
Norfolk Transmission and Muffler ........................North-Central NE...........................................800-234-8726
RMP .......................................................................Philadelphia, PA Metro..................................800-257-7418
Transmission Distributors Inc ..............................Boston, MA Metro..........................................800-891-5508
Waterloo Transmission .........................................Eastern Ohio/Western PA..............................800-824-6689
Wilburns Transmissions .......................................Scottsbluff, NE ..............................................308-635-1212
To learn more about adding a Certified Transmission Distributorship to your business:
Contact Terry Cash at (800) 544-7520 Ext 170 or Email to tcash@certifiedtransmission.com.
Heres what Jerry and Mary Ellen
Heirigs, owners of J&M
Transmission Service in Sioux Falls,
South Dakota had to say about their
Certified Transmission
We have renewed excitement about
the Transmission Business and the
new role J & M has in the Greater
Sioux Falls area.
CT gives us greater capability to
meet our customers needs and
expectations with absolute
confidence by knowing that CT has
built a quality, thoroughly-tested unit,
backed with a nationwide warranty.
Our CT Distributorship allows us to
instill confidence in our customers
and provides peace of mind for us.
Jerry and Mary Ellen Heirigs
Left to right Thom Tschetter, Peter Fink, Jerry and Mary Ellen Heirigs, Scott Shaeffer
22 GEARSApril2009
ne of the more common
failures in the AW55-50SN
series transaxle is bushing
failure. A major contributor to this
problem is low lube volume or pres-
sure caused by a worn main regulator
valve bore, which feeds the second-
ary regulator valve.
Lube and converter pressure
originate from the main regulator
valve. Wear in the secondary regula-
tor valve bore will have the greatest
effect on low lube pressure.
You can check lube pressure
at the pressure tap located on the
rear cover (figure 1). Normal lube
pressure can be as high as 30 PSI at
temperatures below 0F, and as low
by Mike Souza
Bushing Failure
Figure 1
Figure 2 Figure 3
GEARS April 2009 23
as 5 PSI in drive and 8 PSI in
reverse with temperatures at or
above 150F.
Lube pressure readings that
start low and drop lower as the
unit heats up can indicate a worn
pressure regulator valve bore,
worn bushings, or low pump out-
put. Another cause that isnt as
easy to see is wear in the main
case where the drive gear bearing
outer race spline is fitted (figures
2 and 3).
The amount of clearance
between the outer race and the
case for a slip fit is only a few
thousands of an inch, and allows
for a certain amount of move-
ment. The difference in the heat
expansion rate between the alu-
minum case and steel outer race
can increase the movement by
0.005 or more.
The additional wear in the
case is caused by constant force
between the transfer gear assem-
bly and the drive gear pushing
away from each other in all ranges
(figure 4). Excessive wear will
place the entire drivetrain off cen-
ter, causing the bushings to become
side loaded. This side-loading
effect will cause the planetary
bushing to walk out of the bore,
which can increase the loss of lube
and cause drivetrain failure.
The outer race is held in by a
snap ring and can be removed eas-
ily for case wear inspection (figure
5). Omega Machine & Tool has
a repair for this problem, which
requires machining the case to fit a
steel sleeve into the worn area.
(Special thanks to the Sonnax
Tasc Force for providing the tech-
nical information and wear pho-

Figure 5
Figure 4
The additional wear in the case is caused by constant force
between the transfer gear assembly and the drive gear pushing
away from each other in all ranges (figure 4).
24 GEARS April 2009
ome 2005-2007 Corolla and
Matrix vehicles equipped with
an automatic transaxle may
end up in your shop with a complaint of
harsh shifts and the MIL lit. A computer
system check will reveal diagnostic
trouble code (DTC) P2716 in memory.
Toyota has made improvements to
the engine control module (ECM) and
powertrain control module (PCM) to
reduce the possibility of this condition.
Heres a diagnostic procedure you
can use to repair the vehicle; well be
working on a 2005 Corolla with DTC
Pressure Control Solenoid
D Electrical
(Shift Solenoid SLT)
Circuit Description Throttle
pressure applies to the primary regu-
lator valve, which modulates the line
pressure. This causes the solenoid
(SLT) to modulate line pressure accord-
ing to the accelerator pedal position and
engine output.
DTC Detection Condition (figure
Upon receiving a throttle position
signal, the ECM controls line pressure
by adjusting the duty cycled signal to
the SLT solenoid to control line pres-
Monitor Description The lin-
ear solenoid valve (SLT) controls the
transmission line pressure for smooth
transmission operation, based on sig-
nals from the throttle position sensor
and the vehicle speed sensor.
The ECM adjusts the duty cycle
signal to the SLT solenoid to control
line pressure from the primary regula-
Toyota with
Harsh Shifts
and MIL On
by Mike Brown
Figure 1
Figure 2
When the ECM detects
an open or short in the
linear solenoid (SLT)
circuit, it identifies
the fault, lights the
MIL, and sets a code
in memory.
24-mikebrown.indd 24 3/18/09 11:23:03 AM
GEARS April 2009 25
tor valve. This assures smooth shifting
under all engine operating conditions.
When the ECM detects an open
or short in the linear solenoid (SLT)
circuit, it identifies the fault, lights the
MIL, and sets a code in memory.
Typical Malfunction:
Solenoid Status (SLT)
Failure (Open or Short)
Shift solenoid (SLT) resistance
should be 5.0 to 5.6 ohms
See wiring diagram (figure 2).
Step 1: Inspection Procedure
a. Disconnect the transmission
connector E-1 from the trans-
b. Measure the resistance
between pins 1 and 4 (figure
3) on the transmission side
of the connector. Resistance
should be 5.0 5.6 ohms.
If okay, go to step 2.
If higher or lower, go to
step 3.
Step 2: Checking Harness and
Connector from the ECM
a. Reconnect transmission con-
nector E-1 to the transaxle.
b. Disconnect ECM connector
c. Measure the resistance
between pins 12 and 13 on the
harness side of the E-4 con-
nector (figure 4). Resistance
should be between 5.0 5.6
Figure 3
Figure 4
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24-mikebrown.indd 25 3/18/09 11:23:59 AM
26 GEARSApril2009
If resistance is out of
Step 3: Inspect the Shift Solenoid
a. Removetheshiftsolenoid.
b. Measure the resistance
between pins 1 and 2 on the
should be between 5.0 5.6
If not, replace the shift
c. Connect the positive (+) bat-
tery lead to a 21 watt bulb
then to terminal #2 of the
solenoid valve connector and
the negative (-) battery lead
to terminal 1 of the solenoid
connector (figure 5-1). Listen
tance. Step 2 we checked the external
wiring from the ECM to the transmis-
sion. Then we moved to step 3 and
manually checked the solenoid operat-
Toyota has improved the engine
control module (ECM/PCM; Toyota
Technical Service Bulletin TC015-07)
to reduce the possibility of this condi-
Warranty Information
This repair is covered under the
Toyota Federal Emissions Warranty,
which covers the vehicles emission
system for 96 months or 80,000 miles
Check the chart (figure 6) to see
Repair Procedure
1. ReplacetheECM.
2. Register the VIN into the
3. Test drive the vehicle to con-
The proper diagnostic proce-
dures will save you time and money.
And thats not only smart its street
Toyota with Harsh Shifts and MIL On
Figure 5 Figure 5-1
Figure 6
2009 ATRA Technical Seminars
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Check ATRA.com for more dates and
locations to come!
A Changing Industry
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28 GEARS April 2009
ere working on a proj-
ect to produce a unique
Operations Manual for
your shop; one that will enable your
successor to carry on when you leave
for good.
In the last edition of GEARS, I sug-
gested that you organize your thoughts
in a notebook with 18 sections. At the
top of each section, you were to write
the subject title using the list of sub-
jects that I gave you as a guide to your
Many of the subjects are simple to
address. These include how the day-to-
day activities are organized. Most of it
refers to the unwritten procedures that
your employees work with to avoid
confusion and to get things done.
So the Operations Manual is large-
ly a matter of writing down what is
presently unwritten. You dont need a
lot of help from me as you write about
these subjects. But before you get into
the nuts and bolts of these subsections,
you need to provide an introduction
an overview.
Step back from the day-to-day
operations and look at the bigger pic-
ture. Consider the first two subjects that
I suggested for your notebook. These
relate to understanding the transmission
repair business and your involvement
in it. The subject titles are:
1. What is a transmission shop?
2. Why am I in the transmission
A thoughtful answer to the first
question will provide an effective
overview of the transmission repair
business. A thoughtful answer to both
questions will define that part of the
transmission repair market that youre
targeting. Once youve answered these
two questions youll have a clearer
explanation of why you do things the
way you do. So lets start with the first
by Paul Mathewson
The Opening
Chapter of Your
Operations Manual
28mathwsn409.indd 28 3/17/09 3:32:42 PM
GEARS April 2009 29
What is a transmission
There are very distinct repair solu-
tions for transmission problems. When
a vehicle owner experiences a per-
ceived transmission problem, he or she
must decide where to take the vehicle
for analysis and repair. For simplicity
Ive divided the transmission repairers
into six categories. Any of these could
be a transmission shop alternative for
someone needing a transmission repair.
As you read the list, ask yourself which
one best defines your shop. I think I
already know what youll answer, but
lets see what you have to say.
1. OEM Solution: This is typ-
ically the route for affluent owners
who seek high-profile service facilities,
without regard for the cost of repair.
Usually these owners believe that only
the dealer is able to provide proper
service. Some believe that the dealer
should do something for them because
the problem might be settled by a recall,
or as a goodwill gesture for a good cus-
tomer. The OEM transmission shop
usually consists of one service bay and
one factory-trained transmission tech.
2. Franchise Transmission
Shop Solution: This solution draws
transmission repair work from vehicle
owners who are influenced by nation-
wide advertising. The perception of
big-company professionalism with
inter-center warranties is appealing.
The reputation of a local franchise
shop is primarily based on the national
image; not necessarily the reputation of
that particular shop. Generally, franchi-
sors prefer to sell franchises to people
who arent transmission technicians.
28mathwsn409.indd 29 3/17/09 3:33:21 PM
30 GEARS April 2009
3. Independent, High Tech
Transmission Shop Solution: These
are the shops that keep pace with OEM
technology. They serve the needs of
owners who can afford quality work,
drive vehicles less than ten years old,
want warranty coverage when they
travel, need technical expertise because
they are technically incompetent, and
need a repair facility with a solid repu-
tation. This shop will probably be a
member of ATRA and AAA, and will
participate in the local community col-
lege motive power trade program.
4. Low-Ball Transmission Shop
Solution: These shops cater to the price
market sector. Such shops usually lack
the sophisticated diagnostic equipment
needed to diagnose newer vehicles.
Most of the vehicles they work on are
older ones. Their mechanics seldom,
if ever, take training classes, and have
little or no access to online technical
help. Their market is the price shopper
who is uninterested in out-of-town war-
ranty coverage.
5. General Repair Garage
Solution: These shops provide service
for any and all vehicle repairs encoun-
tered. Some of these shops attempt
transmission repairs; others work in
conjunction with a local transmission
shop. Still others simply install remans,
regardless of the cause of the trans-
mission problem. These shops usually
dont have hot flush machines or proper
diagnostic equipment.
6. Salvage Yard Solutions:
These shops are usually at the low end
of the low price market. They provide a
desperate solution by way of a question-
able used unit. This is the do-it-yourself
solution. This is where transmissions
are often replaced only to find that the
real problem is a faulty PCM or TPS.
The Opening Chapter of Your Operations Manual
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28mathwsn409.indd 30 3/17/09 3:34:20 PM
GEARS April 2009 31
Okay, so where does your shop
fit in the above categories? I suspect
youre somewhere around category 3
High Tech Independent. If you agree
with me on this, include this informa-
tion in your own written description of
your transmission shop. Go ahead and
steal my wording if youd like; I wont
fault you for plagiarizing!
That wasnt too hard. Now lets
move on to question 2 in your note-
book: Why am I in the transmission
business? Now we get personal. This
is where you find out how you got
where you are today, and what your
business objectives are. And now you
get to analyze how youve developed
that simple transmission shop concept
into something distinctly yours.
Why Am I in the
Transmission Business?
So how did you get there? Only
you can answer that question. You
know the path that led you to where
you are now. You alone know the
circumstances and opportunities that
you responded to, which brought you
to this point in your career. You may
have inherited the business rather than
chosen it. If you chose it, it may be for
one of several reasons.
Tom Fortune suggests that the
best business opportunities are found
in doing things that others dont want
to do. Tom believes that transmission
techs are drawn into this trade in an
endeavor to prove theyre able to do
what others are afraid to attempt. By
solving transmission problems which
baffle the general repair techs, we
achieve personal success in the motor
vehicle repair business thats second to
none. And we get paid nicely for our
success, too.
Another reason for choosing a
career in transmission problem solv-
ing has to do with our genes. Some
enquiring minds want to know how
that automatic transmission works and
why it stops working. So some of us
are drawn toward the mystique of this
unique mechanical device, almost as if
we were created to solve its problems.
Write a few paragraphs about your
personal journey that brought you to
your present situation. Let the reader in
on what floats your boat as you apply
yourself in the transmission business.
The kind of person you are is
reflected in the way you do business.
The kind of facilities you operate from,
the kind of customer lounge you pro-
vide, the kind of advertising you do,
the kind of uniforms your employees
wear, the kind of trade associations you
maintain, the kind of repair orders and
warranty forms you use in fact the
kind of everything related to your shop
is an expression of the vision you have
for your shop.
The Ancient and Current
History of My Shop
Now write a few paragraphs about
the history of your shop. This isnt an
expose about the transmission repair
business international; its an explana-
tion about how your business started in
your town. So write about the advent of
automatic transmissions in your town.
Who were the first mechanics in
the 40s and 50s to try their hand at
fixing them in your town? Which trans-
mission shop was the first on the block?
When did yours start and how did it
come about?
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28mathwsn409.indd 31 3/17/09 3:34:57 PM
32 GEARS April 2009
Write a brief story about the way
your shop developed over the years.
Write about the challenges your shop
faced as transmission design changes
took place. Who were the principal
players in your shop through these
years? Include notes about the physical
shop, equipment acquisitions, training
methods and anything else that enables
a newcomer to get a perspective on the
history of your transmission shop.
Now that youve defined your
transmission shop from its infancy
to the present, its time to add your
thoughts about the changes taking place
in the market.
You know that the transmission
used to be a standalone unit with almost
no attachments that would affect its
performance. Now the transmission is
an integral component of the entire
powertrain, which has changed diag-
nostic and repair procedures. You need
to brief your successor on how you are
coping with these changes.
What electronic diagnostic equip-
ment do you use and whos trained on
it? Do you work in cooperation with
OEM shops for information, use of
their specialty tools, or scanning and
reprogramming? Is your shop expand-
ing repair services to include electron-
ics, fuel systems, and engine repairs?
Objective: Defining Your Shop
Please dont limit yourself just to
responding to my prompts. The object
is to define your transmission shop in
the context that you find yourself in:
Your Town USA. Youll eventually
rewrite this overview and give it the
title of Introduction to the Operations
The task of defining your market
and defining your desired market share
requires some deep and honest thought.
Its important to remember that you
may be writing to someone who is
completely ignorant of the transmis-
sion repair industry, and why you focus
on a particular part of the market and
have developed a specific way of doing
If youre with me this far, youve
made a big leap toward preparing your
successor to take the controls when
you leave. To help you move on, here
are some starter sentences that you can
use as you define your transmission
shop, and as you explain your particular
involvement in it.
Kick-Start Sentences to
Get You Writing
This manual is intended to be an
all inclusive explanation of how our
transmission shop operates. Itll enable
anyone taking over to be able to dupli-
cate the successes that we are proud
But before we go into details,
heres what you need to know about
what transmission shops are all about
and where we fit in the larger scheme
of things. There are different kinds of
transmission repair facilities in our
town. These include (various kinds of
places in your town where a transmis-
sion might get fixed).
Then you might use these next sen-
tences to identify your shops position
in the market:
Our shops history goes back to
(story of your shops journey to the
Our focus is different from the way
transmissions are repaired at the new
car dealerships and from how theyre
repaired elsewhere. We serve that part
of the transmission repair market best
described as (description of your
market targets).
Next Article in this Series
Once youve finished this exercise,
youll have provided your successor
with an overview of your business.
This overview will help explain the
way you run your business, just as you
will eventually record it in the next 16
sections of your notebook.
In the next edition of GEARS, well
select one of these 16 subjects and
show how your way of doing things
was thought through and implemented.
As always, I will try to abide by the
KISS principle, and keep it short and
Until then, be thinking about your
place in the industry as a whole and in
your little corner of the world. Thats
the key to your identity, and its where
youll want your successor to begin.
The Opening Chapter of Your Operations Manual
If youre with
me so far, youve
made a big leap
toward prepar-
ing your succes-
sor to take the
controls when
you leave.
28mathwsn409.indd 32 3/17/09 3:35:56 PM
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34 GEARS April 2009
he next generation of transmis-
sions to enter the marketplace
has been introduced for the
2008 model year. Known as a 2-mode
design, the transmission was designated
as the 2ML70 (RPO M99), and was
introduced on the Chevrolet Tahoe and
GMC Yukon for 2008.
In 2009, it expanded into GM truck
and additional SUV applications. The
T-model transmission will be designat-
ed for rear wheel drive applications, the
C-model will be an upscale rear wheel
drive application, while the F-model
will be a front wheel drive application.
In addition, the 2ML70 is also used
by Dodge and BMW in some of their
The 2-Mode design offers several
advantages over conventional automat-
ic transmissions, including substantial
gains in performance, fuel economy,
and significant reductions in emissions.
Overall, fuel economy improvement for
C/K trucks range between 25-40%.
In addition to the common trans-
mission functions, the 2ML70 also
eliminates the need for and alternator
and a starter for the vehicle.
Type: 2-Mode continuous electric
ratio hybrid transmission; 4 fixed
gear ratios; 2 electric motors pro-
vide infinite variable ratios, with
engine on/off operational capabil-
ity (Figure 1)
by Steve Garrett
A New Kid on the Block:
2ML70 (RPO M99)
2-Mode, Part 1
34-garrett.indd 34 3/16/09 9:43:44 AM
GEARS April 2009 35
Maximum engine torque 380 lb-ft
Maximum engine power 369 bhp
2, 65kW electric motors (drive
motor #1, drive motor #2); Y-
Motor cooling accomplished by
transmission fluid circulation sys-
Electric motor torque 242 lb-ft
300-volt, 40-cell nickel-metal
hydride battery (located under the
2 shift solenoids used (on/off
6 variable bleed solenoids; PCS,
A Bosch-built, 32-bit TCM
(TEHCM) mounted inside the
transmission on the valve body
valve assembly). TCM (TEHCM)
incorporates solenoids, pressure
switches,TFT and is bolted to the
Electronic range selection (no
Vane-style oil pump (3 selective
Manufactured in the GMPT plant,
External Components and
The 2 mode system requires sev-
Drive Motor Generator Control
Module (DMGCM) The DMGCM
contains the APM (Accessory Power
Module) and PIM (Power Inverter
bly. Cooling for the assembly is pro-
vided by a separate cooling system.
Dexcool and uses a heat exchanger
mounted in front of the vehicleand an
control module is connected to the
poles of the drive motor battery. The
high voltage system is controlled by a
high current contactor relay, mounted
in the drive motor generator battery
Power Inverter Module (PIM)
high voltage DC to 3-phase, 300-volt
AC. Six, high-voltage shielded cables
connect the PIM to the two electric
drive motors mounted in the trans-
36 GEARS April 2009
mission. The high voltage cables are
orange for easy identification.
The PIM also contains the Hybrid
Powertrain Control Module (HPCM)
and two Motor Control Modules
(MCM). The PIM, HPCM and the
MCM are flashable.
Accessory Power Module (APM)
The Accessory Power Module con-
verts high voltage DC to low voltage
DC (14 volts) and intermediate volt-
age (42 volts). The system charges the
standard vehicle battery and provides
power for the 42-volt power steer-
ing system. The intermediate voltage
cables are blue and shielded.
Hybrid Powertrain Control
Module (HPCM) The Hybrid
Powertrain Control Module is the main
controller for the hybrid transmis-
sion system. The HPCM determines
which mode/motor will operate and
controls features such as auto stop and
regenerative braking. The HPCM oper-
ates together with the Battery Energy
Control Module (BECM) and the Motor
Control Module (MCM) to operate the
two transmission electric motors.
Motor Control Module (MCM)
The Motor Control Module con-
trols each of the transmission electric
motors/generators. Each MCM con-
trols its respective IGBT driver circuit
to control each motor separately. The
MCM output is 3-phase, 300-volt AC
to operate the motors. The MCM is
located in the PIM.
Battery Energy Control Module
(BECM) The Battery Energy
Control Module is located in the bat-
tery pack compartment under the 2

row seats. The BECM controls the
40-cell drive motor generator battery.
It contains two, high-voltage contactor
relays, a high-voltage limiter relay, a
battery fan relay, and the battery vent
fan. The BECM monitors control the
relays and fan, and monitors current,
A New Kid on the Block: 2ML70 (RPO M99) 2-Mode, Part 1
The front motor is used to
start the engine and also
reacts to torque input from
the rear motor for
EVT operation.
Figure 1
Figure 2
34-garrett.indd 36 3/16/09 9:44:08 AM
GEARS April 2009 37
voltage and battery temperature.
Auxiliary Fluid Pump Control
Module (AFPCM) The Auxiliary
Fluid Pump Control Module is mount-
ed in the engine compartment. It con-
trols the auxiliary fluid pump based on
commands from the Hybrid Powertrain
Control Module (HPCM).
Hybrid Battery Pack The bat-
tery pack is located under the 2
seat. The nickel-metal hydride battery
pack consists of 40, 7.2-volt cells. The
combined static output of the battery
is 288 volts DC. The battery pack pro-
vides current for the motors and other
vehicle systems.
Internal Components and
Drive Motors The 2ML70 con-
tains two, 300-volt, 3-phase, 65kW
AC motor/generator assemblies (fig-
ure 2). The two permanent-magnet
motors are mounted from each end
of the transmission and are supported
by the shafts/bushings and a support
assembly. Three, high-voltage (orange)
cables are attached to the transmission
via rigid conduit around the transmis-
sion, which then transitions to flexible
cable to attach the transmission to the
Drive Motor Generator Control Module
Transmission fluid is used for nor-
mal transmission operation and to cool
the drive motors. The motors have a
seal around each end of the assembly so
transmission fluid can circulate around
the motor.
The motors provide these func-
Engine cranking
Battery charging
Transmission reverse
Two modes of electronic
variable transmission (EVT)
The front motor is used to start
the engine and also reacts to torque
input from the rear motor for EVT
operation. The rear motor drives the
vehicle in reverse or when auto stop is
activated and the vehicle is operating
only on electrical power. Motor speed
and torque is controlled by the Motor
Control Module via motor position sen-
sors mounted in the motors.
The Motor Control Module (MCM)
monitors the speed, direction and angu-
lar position using resolver position sen-
sors. The resolver position sensor con-
tains a drive coil, two driven coils, and
an irregularly-shaped rotor assembly.
The rotor is attached to the drive motor
The Motor Control Module sends
a 5-volt AC, 10kHz bias signal to the
resolver drive coil. The Motor Control
Module then monitors the output from
the two driven coil assemblies. Since
the rotor tooth offset varies, the Motor
Control Module can determine the
exact speed, angle and direction of
each motor.
Accessory Power Module The
auxiliary fluid pump is mounted to
the front of the transmission assembly.
The pump is a 12-volt, 3-phase AC
motor which is controlled directly by an
Auxiliary Fluid Pump Control Module
via the Hybrid Powertrain Control
Module (HPCM). The function of the
pump is to provide pressurized fluid
for lube, cooling and clutch operation
when the vehicle is being operated in
electric or auto stop modes.
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38 GEARS April 2009
s computer reprogramming
for you? There are many good
reasons to offer computer
Increasing profits.
Correcting customer problems
without getting dirty (that
transmission may not need a
rebuild after all).
Updating the computer after
rebuild (Such as running
updates on a Windows PC
Increasing profits.
Updating the computer to cor-
rect a known problem.
Replacing the computer.
Eliminating false trouble
Increasing profits.
Besides the major point of increas-
ing your shops profits, lets look at just
a few of these other important points.
Many customer complaints have
been handled by reprogramming the
cars computer. The engine may run
rough or the transmission may have a
shift timing issue. Reflashing the com-
puter can often correct these problems.
It takes very little time, which can make
the customer very happy, particularly
if he thought he was bringing his car
in for a lengthy, expensive stay at the
transmission shop.
Here at the ATRA Technical
HotLine I use a computer every day.
Sometimes, when I turn my computer
on, it tells me that recent updates have
been installed. Sometimes it tells me to
restart my computer.
Most times I cant tell the differ-
ence in the way my computer performs,
but I always install the updates. Ive
been told it isnt a good idea to ignore
updating your work computer. The
same goes for your customers vehicle.
Why would you ignore an update that
could make your customers vehicle
perform better?
Sometimes it is necessary to install
a new computer. That new computer
may need to be programmed for the
vehicle, such as engine and antitheft
information. If you dont have the capa-
bility, you end up having to tow the
vehicle to the dealer and they get to
make the money.
How Much to
The money you send off to the
dealer each time you dont reprogram
a computer can add up to a tidy sum.
After a comparatively small investment
and a bit of practice, the money is there
by Bill Brayton
Computer Reprogramming:
Making Good Money
Without Getting Your
Hands Dirty
Figure 1
Figure 2
38-billb409.indd 38 3/16/09 10:51:25 AM
GEARS April 2009 39
to be made. The tables in figures 1 and
2 show the possible earnings in the
short and long terms.
In the beginning, reprogramming
five vehicles a month isnt unrea-
sonable. Even in good times, adding
between $7,000 - $8,000 to your bot-
tom line isnt chicken feed!
Which Computer?
You may want to focus your search
on a laptop, mainly due to its portabil-
ity. Most if not all laptop computers on
the market should meet the software
manufacturers requirements.
Just check out the Sunday paper.
Youll be amazed at how cheap even
a decent laptop is (figure 3). The
Panasonic Toughbook is great for our
type of rough-use environment but it
does come with a hefty price tag (fig-
ure 4).
The choices are limitless. A small
shop can be run on a computer like
the Dell Vostro (figure 5). This model
from Dell has a 10 key built into the
keyboard and a large, 17-inch screen.
The computer on the right in figure 5 is
the one we use at ATRA for reprogram-
ming computers.
I Got the Computer.
Now What?
Once you have the computer there
are still two more components required:
the J2534 interface device and internet
access. Lets look at the J2534 interface
device first.
J2534 refers to the document
number of the SAE standard for
Recommended Practice for Pass-Thru
Vehicle Programming. The standard
can be purchased by going online to
www.SAE.org. From there, search
Figure 3
Figure 5
Figure 4
Once you have
the computer
there are still two
more components
required: the
J2534 interface
device and
internet access.
40 GEARS April 2009
J2534 standard. The original text runs
The J2534 interface or pass-thru
device and its software provide a way
to communicate with the vehicles on-
board computer system. Depending on
the software provided by the J2534
interface manufacturer, the laptop com-
puter is now equipped to reprogram the
vehicles computer, and in most cases
be used as a scan tool as well. Check
on line for more info on J2534 interface
manufacturers (figure 6).
When shopping for a J2534 inter-
face and its associated programs, the
single most important feature to look for
is customer support. You may trip up on
things like program installation, wire-
less communication, etc. Unless youre
an IT (information technology) guy,
youre going to get a little sideways.
Dont worry about it; it happens to all
of us. It may be frustrating at first and
it does get easier. Remember your first
THM-125? Whats that solenoid for?
After a while you got used to it, and
became familiar with how it worked.
Then you started experimenting with
how to make it better. Reprogramming
is the same kind of operation.
Manufacturer Web Address
Allison http://www.allisontransmission.com/
Aston Martin http://www.astonmartintechinfo.com/
Audi http://www.ebahn.com/index.htm?ticket=null
Bentley http://www.bentleytechinfo.com/bsi_web_v1/pages/index.asp
BMW http://www.bmwtechinfo.com/.
Daimler Chrysler https://techauthorityonline.extra.daimlerchrysler.com/service/mds2002/talogin/talogin.html
Chrysler Connectors http://dto.vftis.com/mopar/platform_select.asp
Ferrari http://www.ferraritechinfo.com/
Ford/Lincoln/Mercury http://www.motorcraftservice.com/vdirs/retail/default.asp?menuIndex=2
Ford Cal. Search http://www.motorcraftservice.com/vdirs/PCMflash/default.asp?pageid=calibration_pub&gutsid=calibration_menu
Ford Cal. Spreadsheet http://www.motorcraftservice.com/vdirs/PCMflash/Latest_calibration.xls
Ford Connectors http://www.motorcraft.com/products.do?item=23
General Motors http://www.acdelcotds.com/acdelco/action/login
GM Calibration Info http://calid.gm.com
Honda/Acura https://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/logon.asp
Hyundai http://www.hmaservice.com/
Isuzu https://isuzusource.com/main_frame.asp
Isuzu Truck http://www.isuzutruckservice.com/login.php?type=AfterMarket
Infiniti http://www.nissan-techinfo.com/infiniti/
Jaguar http://www.jaguartechinfo.com/extjagprod/index.jsp
Kia http://www.kiatechinfo.com/index.asp
Land Rover http://www.landrovertechinfo.com/extlrprod/index.jsp
Maserati http://www.maseratitechinfo.com/
Mazda http://www.mazdatechinfo.com/
Mercedes http://www.startekinfo.com/StarTek/
Mini http://www.minitechinfo.com/
Mitsubishi http://www.mitsubishitechinfo.com/epacarb/
Nissan http://www.nissan-techinfo.com/nissan/
Porsche https://techinfo.porsche.com/techinfo/index.jsp
Saab http://saabtechinfo.com/
Subaru http://techinfo.subaru.com/html/index.jsp
Suzuki http://www.suzukipitstop.com/home/home.asp
Toyota http://techinfo.toyota.com/
Volkswagen http://www.ebahn.com/index.htm?ticket=null
Volvo https://www.volvotechinfo.com/
ZF http://www.zf.com/na/defaultz.asp
Figure 6
Figure 7
The J2534 interface
or pass-thru device
and its software
provide a way
to communicate
with the vehicles
on-board computer
Computer Reprogramming:Making Good Money Without Getting Your Hands Dirty
38-billb409.indd 40 3/16/09 11:14:22 AM
GEARS April 2009 41
The producers of this software
have done a great job of making the
whole process as simple as possible.
The instructions that come with the
software are very easy to follow. Follow
them to the letter!
Internet Aaccess
The main reason for having the
internet is thats where the update pro-
grams are. Almost all of todays auto-
makers have the programs necessary
for reprogramming available on the
internet (figure 7). The majority of
these are pay to play web sites. That
is, you pay for access to the web site
for a certain period of time gener-
ally in 24- or 36-hour increments. If
you do a fair amount of work on just
one brand of vehicle, longer subscrip-
tions are available (figure 8).
There are several different ways to
access the internet. Mostly it depends
on your local Internet Service Provider
(ISP). This could be your phone com-
pany, your cable company, or perhaps a
WiFi provider.
The most important thing about
your internet connection is that it must
be reliable and as fast as possible. A
connection that isnt reliable can be
very dangerous. If the connection is
interrupted during reprogramming, it
could damage the computer perma-
A slow speed connection, such as
dialup, is just too slow and is unaccept-
able for reprogramming computers.
Connecting the Pieces
There are two different ways to
hook the laptop to the J2534 device
Figure 8: Prices may vary, chart used for sample purposes only.
If you do a
fair amount of
work on just
one brand of
vehicle, longer
are available
(figure 8).
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38-billb409.indd 41 3/18/09 10:35:56 AM
42 GEARS April 2009
(figure 9). One way is with a hard wire.
This is okay if your computer can be
connected to the internet at the same
time, either through a hard wire or
wireless connection.
The other way to hook up to the
J2534 device is through a wireless
connection. This can be a lot more
practical: With a wireless connection,
the J2534 device sits in the vehicle and
your laptop can be anywhere from 50 to
100 feet away while youre reprogram-
ming the computer (figure 10).
Its a good idea to practice using
the laptop as a scan tool to get the feel
of how it works. Practicing with the
laptop will help you become familiar
with the different functions and how the
screen is laid out (figure 11).
One Last Caution
Reprogramming a computer isnt a
substitute for sound diagnosis. Always
be sure of your diagnosis before repro-
Have you checked all the
Have you checked all the
power sources for proper
system voltage (12.45v or
Have you checked for good
grounds? Are they all less than
Remember reprogramming isnt a
crutch for sloppy diagnosis!
Put That Laptop to
Youve determined that the com-
puter in the vehicle youre working on
needs to be reprogrammed. First go to
Figure 9
Figure 10
Computer Reprogramming:Making Good Money Without Getting Your Hands Dirty
38-billb409.indd 42 3/18/09 10:36:38 AM
GEARS April 2009 43
the factory web site to access the appro-
priate programs. Once youve found
the updates, youre ready to begin the
programming process. You can view
a video of an actual reprogramming
in progress on the tech center in the
technical videos link.
A shop owner once asked me,
Why should I invest in all the equip-
ment for reprogramming when I dont
see that many cars that need it? My
answer went like this: If you arent
looking for vehicles that need repro-
gramming, chances are you wont find
many. It reminds me of a line from the
movie Field of Dreams: If you build it,
they will come.
These days most shops are looking
for opportunities to increase revenue.
Computer reprogramming is an easy,
effective way to increase your shops
bottom line. And when your business is
profitable, its always so much easier to
have Fun with Transmissions.
Figure 11
38-billb409.indd 43 3/16/09 10:55:29 AM
ATRAs Powertrain Expo 2009
Registration opens June 1!
Trade Show Golf Tournament Technical Seminars Management Seminars ATRA Luncheon Cocktail Reception ATRA Lo
Riviera Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV
Kick off Industry Week
Industry week is the most concentrated gathering of auto-
motive professionals for the entire year. ATRA has teamed
up with APRA (Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Asso-
ciation) to make this a weekend you wont want to miss!
With close to 200 exhibitors & over 2 full days of seminars
youll never nd a better opportunity!
ATRAs Powertrain
Expo 2009!
expo 2p plcd.indd 44 3/16/09 9:16:55 AM
Save The Date!
October 29 - November 2, 2009
ongtimers Meeting ATRA Chapter Meetings ATRA Member Meeting Testing & Certification Trade Show Golf Tournament
Opportunity Awaits!
Its true; these days, people are holding onto their cars rather than buying new.
With this increased need for reliable repair services, theres a great opportunity for
you to reach new customers. Learn how with ATRAs newest Whats Working pro-
grams: Creating a Customer.
The event begins with the Thursday evening Kickoff seminars followed by 2 FULL
days of Management & Technical seminars!
Technical seminars designed to help you get your customers back on the
road fast!
Our latest Whats Working survey reached over 1000 consumers! Find out
how this change in the economy has affected their buying habits. Learn how
to turn this information into a business advantage; reaching new customers
and building your business.
Your ATRA Expo registration will also give you admittance to APRAs
Big R show oor!
Theres no better time or place to get new ideas for improving your business!
Stay a couple of days....go to SEMA / AAPEX!
Stay tuned for more Expo information in future GEARS.
expo 2p plcd.indd 45 3/16/09 9:17:18 AM
46 GEARSApril2009
just switched to a new cell phone
There was nothing really
wrong with my old company. They
provided me with cell phone service,
and I paid them a monthly fee every
month for over 5 years. So why did I
Last week I dropped my phone and
broke it. So I called my provider and
asked for a new one. They offered to
sell me a phone.
But your ad says youre offer-
ing a free phone with your service, I
Turns out that was only for new
customers. I was an old customer, so if
I wanted a new phone, Id have to pay
for it.
So I switched to a new cell phone
company. The new company offered
me more minutes, better services and
a new, free phone.
And my old company the one
thats spending enormous amounts of
money, and offering all sorts of special
deals in an effort to pick up new cus-
tomers just lost a customer.
I wish I could say they were unique
in their lousy business practices. But
theyre not. My old cable company lost
my business last year an account
they held for over 20 years. And Im
"Techly" font
Old Friends
and Customers
are the Best
by Steve Bodofsky
GEARS April 2009 47
Old Friends
and Customers
are the Best
getting ready to switch my medical
coverage again, because my old com-
pany keeps raising my rates, without
ever paying a claim.
It doesnt make much sense: Why
spend all that money to pick up new
customers, while chasing away existing
ones? Arent the old customers worth
as much as new ones? Isnt their money
just as good?
Here at GEARS, we use a lot of ink
trying to help you discover better ways
to attract new customers. Its a natural
part of the business world. But dont
forget about your loyal customers
the ones who already use your services.
Theyre your real bread and butter.
Most marketing specialists agree
that it can cost up to 10 times more
to attract a new customer than it does
to keep an existing one. Theyre both
customers they both spend money
in your shop so doesnt it just make
sense to keep the existing customer
In fact, a happy customer has long
been considered to be the most valuable
source of new customers for an auto
repair shop. Thats where those refer-
rals come from. And theres little doubt
that customer referrals are an important
ingredient in the process that brings
new customers to your front door.
Whats interesting about this is
that, in most cases, it doesnt take much
to keep a customer happy. ATRAs
Whats Working study revealed that
most customers are simply looking to
develop a relationship with their repair
shop. They want that friend-in-the-
business feeling that lets them know
they can trust you.
Very few customers are looking
for a free ride; they just want an honest,
capable job for a fair price. And they
want to know that you appreciate their
business, and care about them and their
Believe it or not, thats a lot easier
than it might sound. In most cases it
isnt anything more than what youd
expect from any other business.
Its about taking the time to listen
to their problems, and make a real effort
to correct those problems. Its about
selling what they really need, and offer-
ing those services at a fair price.
Its about providing a clean, com-
fortable environment for them to wait
for their cars. And its about returning
their cars fixed properly, with a clean
carpet and steering wheel.
Its about getting to know them,
and greeting them by name when they
come by for service. And its about
thanking them for their business, and
making sure to cater to them even more
carefully when they have a complaint
with your work.
Complaints? If youre taking such
good care of your customers, why
would they have complaints? Of course
therell be complaints; there always
are, whether theyre your fault or not.
But make no mistake about it: How
you handle those complaints can turn
a so-so customer into your biggest sup-
These days consumers have come
to expect resistance when they have a
problem with someones work or prod-
uct. Try calling just about any customer
service department, for anything in the
world, and youll immediately know
why. If youre lucky, theyll speak
English well enough for you under-
stand why theyre refusing to honor
your warranty.
So few things can turn a dissatis-
fied customer into a customer for life
than going that extra mile when he has
a problem. What does that mean to
most customers? Its actually simpler
than you might think:
1. Apologize for the inconvenience
even if the problem isnt your
2. Really listen to his complaint. Ask
specific questions to make sure he
knows youre listening.
3. Jump on the repair as quickly as
4. If you cant fix the car immedi-
ately, make sure you do everything
possible to relieve the customers
inconvenience, such as driving him
home and picking him up when the
car is done.
5. Fix the problem and make sure
its fixed.
6. Once you have the problem cor-
rected, ask whether theres any-
thing else you can do. Remind him
that if he has any other problems,
not to hesitate to call.
7. Apologize again for the incon-
venience, and thank him for the
opportunity to make things right.
What if the complaint isnt really
your fault, or has nothing to do with
your work? If it doesnt take a lot of
effort to fix, such as a broken wire
or cracked vacuum hose thats right
out in the open and easy to find, fix it
anyway. If its something big, explain
the problem carefully and completely.
Make sure he knows that the problem
has nothing to do with your work, and
offer him the most cost-effective and
practical solution.
Why would you make a repair
for nothing when it isnt your fault?
Its called advertising this is the
free cell phone that you need to give
away to keep your customer. And its
still a lot cheaper than youd spend on
advertising to bring in a new customer
to replace him.
Imagine what that customer will
have to say about your shop tomorrow
at lunch: He showed me the problem;
it had nothing to do with the work
they did, but they fixed it anyway
for free! You can bet that guy will
be recommending your shop to all his
friends. And those recommendations
will pay for that little freebee over and
over again.
Sure, new customers are great,
and theyre important to have if youre
going to remain profitable. But dont
forget your existing customers. If you
do, it wont be long before you start
being referred to as their old shop
while they explain their problems to the
folks at their new shop.
What if the complaint
isnt really your fault,
or has nothing to do
with your work? If it
doesnt take a lot of
effort to fix, such as a
broken wire or cracked
vacuum hose thats
right out in the open
and easy to find,
fix it anyway.
48 GEARS April 2009
he transmission industry is comprised of many different
businesses: retail repair centers, manufacturers, reman-
ufacturers, distributors and service companies and
organizations; all working together to provide the end user; the
motoring public, with reliable transmission service and repair.
ATRA and TCRA have been working together to bring
transmission rebuilders and torque converter rebuilders closer
to that end; working together to help the transmission industry
provide outstanding service to the motoring public.
Please take a moment to complete this survey regarding
your buying habits and experiences with torque converters.
ATRA will share these results with the torque converter rebuild-
ing industry in an effort to address industry-wide concerns
related to torque converters.
To fill out the survey, go to:
One Industry
Please take a moment to complete the ATRA/TCRA
survey, link below:
48tcrakiss.indd 48 3/18/09 10:42:16 AM
Become a
Member and
save on
When you join the TCRA
you have numerous benefits
that only members receive.
A monthly technical
newsletter is mailed to you
with common problems and
resolutions, organization
updates and is available to
you as a forum to discuss
your concerns.You also
have the ability to advertise
to many other transmission
shop owners and converter
rebuilders in this newsletter,
which is also posted online
at our website. Be granted
members only access to
our website, and join a
group of elite industry
experts. Receive discounted
seminar costs and low
pricing from sponsor
for more
information on
TCRA (Torque Converter Rebuilders Association)
has announced the venue and program for its
12th annual seminar and meeting. This major
industry event will be held in Nashville, TN on
Friday and Saturday, May 15th and 16th. Mark
your calendars now and plan to attend this
important event.
On Friday, May 15th, attendants will be
bused from the Renaissance-Nashville Hotel, the
host hotel, to Dacco Converters, in Cookeville
where they will be given a guided tour of this
major torque converter rebuilder. After a
catered lunch at Dacco and return to the hotel,
there will be a TCRA member meeting. The
meeting agenda will include the election of
TCRA directors and officers for the next term.
The Saturday, May 16th class room format
seminar will feature presentations by industry
experts, vendor representatives and technical
organization speakers. A sit-down steak luncheon
and coffee breaks will be included in the fee, as will
a reception at the hotel following the seminar.
These activities are be sponsored, in part, by
Sonnax and SuperFlow Technologies.
For updates on the seminar and to review other
aspects of TCRA membership, log on to the TCRA
website at tcraonline.com or contact Len Wack
at 973-293-8925 or lenw@embarqmail.com. This
promises to be to the best Torque Converter
Rebuilders Association Meeting and seminar ever.
Renaissance Nashville
611 Commerce St. Nashville, TN 37203
Phone 1-800-327-6618 or 1-615-255-8400
When reserving, you must mention "TORQUE
CONVERTER 2009" to get the special rate.
Tuition Cost:
$225 for Members
$175 each additional member from the same firm
$275 Non-Members
$250 each additional non member from the same firm
Included in the cost will be the tour of Dacco,
bus transportation, a sit down served steak
lunch on Saturday, as well as breaks and a
cocktail reception.
Sponsored in part by Sonnax and Super-Flow.
May 15, 2009
May 16, 2009
Expert Speakers and
Technical Presentations
50 GEARS April 2009
Driving Yourself Back
into Business During
the Recession
ecession, recession, recession.
No matter what you read or
watch on television today,
that word is inescapable. Americas
economy is hitting a low point and this
low point has trickled from the top of
the food chain all the way down to the
Times are certainly hard and that
is especially true for businesses who
are trying to stay afloat. Fortunately,
some companies are still trying to help
businesses stay alive. Some communi-
ties were created specifically to ensure
that businesses are still giving the best
services they can without falling victim
to a failing economy.
ATRA, the Automatic Transmission
Rebuilders Association, is a great exam-
ple of this type of community. ATRA is
doing everything we can to help our
members thrive during these challeng-
ing times. When you are a part of
ATRA you become family and families
know that oil is thicker than water.
With the recession, more and more
new car dealerships are closing their
doors. Some reports actually estimate
that as many as 3,000 dealers will go
out of business by the end of 2009.
This, of course, means that many con-
sumers will have to hunt for new places
to take their cars and find new people
to trust. It also means there are huge
opportunities waiting for anyone in the
transmission repair business as well
as those looking to open transmission
shops of their own.
Trust is a huge issue when it comes
to consumers and the companies they
choose to work with. Whether a man is
doing his best to take care of his favorite
vehicle or a woman feels like easy prey
when she steps into an unknown shop,
trust plays a critical role in automotive
care. Businesses and consumers need to
trust each other to keep any company
running like a well-oiled machine.
By joining ATRA or continu-
ing your membership, youre adding
another level of trust to your business.
Membership with the association helps
to build the same trust and confidence
in consumers that the dealers may have
once had. Plus, with the ATRA Golden
Rule Warranty that offers coverage
nationwide, everyone involved can
have some peace of mind.
Anybody looking to join a trade
association should feel confident that
ATRA members are a group of profes-
sionals who are all:
Required and expected to uphold a
standard Code of Ethics
Expected to apply Minimum
Rebuilding Standards
Removed from membership if their
shop causes many problems or has
valid complaints from consumers
These criteria are all excellent
ways to build trust between shops and
customers, thus making everybody
feel more confident and comfortable
about their business choices. When you
become a part of ATRA, you quickly
see that trust and professionalism go
ATRA Memberships
In this time of financial distress,
saving money is imperative and that
is what ATRA aims to help others
do. By visiting www.atra.com/join, you
can check out our four member types
as well as some of the discount ben-
efits available exclusively for ATRA
In the meantime, you can read
about the member types here:
Rebuilder Membership
The heart of the associations
membership that is offered for
shops who service, repair, and
rebuild automatic transmissions.
This membership includes access
to ATRAs extensive online techni-
cal library, ATRA technicians sup-
port through the ATRA Technical
HotLine, vote and participate in
association elections, and partici-
pate in the Golden Rule Warranty
Program. (Proper facilities must
be provided in order to become
a Rebuilder Member that partici-
pates in the Golden Rule Warranty
Technical Subscriber
A group for those who do not need
the full range of services offered
by the ATRA but do have access
to the same technical information
and assistance that the Rebuilder
members do.
Supplier Membership
A membership for those who man-
ufacture or offer products or ser-
vices to the transmission industry.
International Online
A membership for those located
outside of the United States and
Canada that require technical sup-
port via internet access.
As you can see, ATRA has a mem-
bership plan to suit everyone.
ATRA Benefits
The benefits of joining the
Automatic Transmission Rebuilders
by Kelly Hilmer
50atramemshp.indd 50 3/18/09 9:36:32 AM
GEARS April 2009 51
Association are countless. Opportunity
is hard to come by with the current
state of the worlds finances, but ATRA
has a lot to offer those who join for an
extremely small fee. And when a small
fee saves loads of money in the long
run, it is hard not to sit back and smile
while you watch your business thrive.
Here are some benefits crafted to
help members of ATRA:
Golden Rule Warranty
The Golden Rule Warranty
offers nationwide coverage
for consumers to have repairs
done throughout the country.
There are one, two and three
year warranty options offered
to give your customers the
peace of mind they are search-
ing for their vehicle.
ATRA Forums Management
and Technical Forum
The Management Forum
(Whats Working) ATRA
members participate in discus-
sion forums to discuss every-
day issues that are happening
within their own shops and
allow other members to dis-
cuss what works and doesnt
work for them. Whether it be
a discussion on management
skills or the right type of cus-
tomer service, businesses from
all over get a chance to talk
it out with others who have
similar interests and concerns.
The Technical Forum (Fix-It)
ATRA members also partici-
pate in discussion offers in
the form of a technical group
where rebuilders can discuss
tricks of the trade and prob-
lems that they may need help
facing. It is a great spot for
those in the industry to come
together and work together for
the best solutions possible.
Website Bonuses
With ATRAs Tech Center
online, members have access
to monthly bulletins, techni-
cal manuals, tech videos,
training materials, and the
archives of GEARS Magazine.
Additionally, the online Tech
Center offers a quick reference
section for codes and defi-
nitions, check ball locations,
band adjustments, cooler line
locations, pressure specs
and speedometer calibrators
among many other topics.
Members also get the great
advantage of printing directly
from the Internet, making this
the best place to receive fast
and easy help.
Consumer Help
With Shop Finder online, the
ATRA displays your shop con-
tact info along with your email
and website addresses. A free
certified ATRA logo for certi-
fied shops appears along with
the information for members
and businesses to see high-
er rankings. And rebuilder
members have Golden Rule
Warranty logo as well giving
them the extra advantage.
*Member Exclusive* - For
$10 a month, ATRA will set up
and host a website for member
shops. This includes domain
name purchases and domain
name renewals, which ordi-
narily run hefty fees. This deal
also includes three templates
and more than a dozen colors
to choose from, all at the tip of
your fingers.
It is easy to see why so many com-
panies and shops have decided to join
the ATRA family. ATRA aims to save
you money when it comes to advertis-
ing and gaining knowledge that is not
always so easy to come by. By banding
together with ATRA, you can become a
part of trustworthy professionals which
customers have been depending on and
trusted for over fifty years.
Now is the Time
In this type of economy every
penny counts, which is why we at
the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders
Association are doing everything we
can to keep our members businesses
With the changes being brought on
by the closing of dealerships, there is a
new audience for existing independent
repair shops as well as new shops that
are opening. People want to trust who-
evers hand is fixing their vehicle. With
an ATRA logo, you can be sure that
your company is the one people trust
by giving customers the same level of
service and trust they were receiving
from the dealer.
After more than fifty years, ATRA
has proven that it is a trustworthy,
secure, stand-up kind of association
that can only benefit those who join. It
also helps that consumers tend to feel
that same sense of security and trust
from those who hold the ATRA mem-
ber logo and want to give their business
to someone with such high standards.
The Automatic Transmission
Rebuilders Association is here to help
shop owners build their businesses
while simultaneously spending as little
money as possible. No one wants to see
a crashing economy or be a casualty
of one. By joining together and help-
ing your fellow members within the
ATRA, this newly topical recession
could soon be a thing of the past for
you and yours.
To learn more about ATRAs
mission and achievements, please visit:
Opportunity is
hard to come
by with the
current state
of the worlds
finances, but
ATRA has a lot
to offer those
who join for
an extremely
small fee.
50atramemshp.indd 51 3/18/09 9:37:15 AM
52 GEARS April 2009
Recently in the January/February issue of GEARS, we published Figure 2 incorrectly.
Please refer to the following illustration changes when rebuilding the 4L30E:
Figure 2: Correct Version
4L30E Pump Interchange
Part II: Ending the Myth
by Jon Rodriguez
Figure 2: Incorrect
Order a 4L30E Solenoid
(P/N 8-96042-666-0) or install the
lighter TCC control valve spring from
the PWM application.
Order a 4L30E Solenoid
(P/N 8-96042-666-0) or install the
lighter TCC control valve spring from
the PWM application.
corrctn-pg.indd 52 3/18/09 10:34:07 AM
Without Customers...
Where are you?
ATRA helps you...
(866) GO-4-ATRA (866) 464-2872
Find Customers
Nationwide Warranty Program
Certification Designation
Pre-designed Advertisements
Newspaper Ads
Radio Spots
Professional Website Design
Fix Their Vehicles
Technical Seminars
Technical HotLine
ATRAs Online Tech Center
Testing & Certification
Books & Monthly Bulletins
GEARS Magazine
ATRAs Powertrain Expo
Technical Training
Apply for ATRA Membership Today
atra memshp ad.indd 53 3/18/09 11:15:55 AM
54 GEARS April 2009
Whether you are located in California or New
York, you are most likely facing the same prob-
lems another shop is facing. The demographics
do play some part on issues you face, yet the
basics of running a shop are part of the everyday
process that all shop owners have to find solu-
With the support of the ATRA What's Working
Forum, ATRA Members have the ability to post
topics and receive many replies to their questions
or concerns that other shop owners have already
found the solutions.
Each day the What's Working forum receives
several new topics and several posts on the exist-
ing topics from shop owners around the world
looking for help and just a general support to
know that you aren't facing these issues alone.
Recent topics being discussed on the ATRA
Forums include:
Marketing letters
Marketing your Warranty
Women's Care Care Clinic
Effective Advertising
Website Improvement
And more new topics posted daily!
What's Working is about sharing business
ideas, processes and methods for running your
shop and reaching new customers. If you've been
thinking about any of these topics consider dis-
cussing them with other business owners
New process for running your shop and mak-
ing it more efficient and profitable.
New sources or methods of reaching new
Methods of increasing customer satisfaction.
Ways of tracking your business.
New advertising approaches that have drawn
attention to your business.
New features to your web site that customers
have commented on in a positive way.
Ways to reach your community that is cost
effective and maybe will result in a press
release or news coverage.
Perhaps you've made physical improvements
in your shop that has received positive com-
ments from customers, and you'd like to share
Have you attended any classes or been
involved with any trainers or consultants that
have had a positive impact on your business
or personal outlook about your business, that
others could benefit from?
Have you discovered or implemented any
employee program that has resulted in better
out put and spirit in your work team?
These are just some of the ideas that are regu-
larly posted on What's Working forum.
For information on how to start participating
in these informative discussions, visit ATRA's
website at www.atra.com/ww and get started
solving business problems today!
But that's not all. ATRA has two other forums,
designed for technical and general industry dis-
cussions. You'll find them both at
We've just completed our recent internet sur-
vey of over 1000 customers related to their buy-
ing habits and how this current economy has
effected their buying decisions. These results,
along with ideas generated from the What's
Working forum will steer the content of this
year's What's Working program at Expo. The pro-
gram details
will be out in
the May issue
ATRA Forums Discussion Topics

54-atraKEL409.indd 54 3/18/09 12:41:37 PM
GEARS April 2009 55
Last year, I ventured out on a
road trip with both of my sons from
California to Arkansas. This website
wouldve been very useful during our
trip as I paid as much as $5.75/gallon
in some areas. This was also during
the peak of the high gas prices
around the country. A bad time to go
on a road trip, but better to deal with
it than to let down two kids that have
been looking forward to the trip for
six months, right?
Are you tired of paying more for
gas than you should? GasBuddy.com
will find the cheapest gas possible in
your city or any-
place you decide to
GasBuddy.com is
a network of 181
local gas price web-
sites where con-
sumers work togeth-
er to fight high gas
prices. The website
works by having
consumers report
local gas prices so
that everyone can
avoid high priced
gas and save money
at the pump. All
web sites are operat-
ed by GasBuddy and
has the most com-
prehensive listings
of gas prices any-
Gasoline prices
change frequently
and may vary by as
much as 20 percent
within only a few
blocks. It's important
to be able find the
service station with
the lowest priced
GasBuddy web sites allow
motorists to share information about
low priced fuel with others as well as
target the lowest priced stations to
save money when filling up at the
The GasBuddy.com network is a
grass-roots community effort to lower
gas prices. In a typical city, gas prices
vary by about 30-50 cents per gallon
in the US (10-15c/L in Canada). If
everyone buys gas at the lower priced
stations, it puts pressure on the higher
priced stations to lower their gas
prices since their sales will decrease.
Map Gas Prices displays gas prices in
your area on a detailed map.
In effect, it makes gas stations more
All gas prices on the
GasBuddy.com websites are reported
to the website by ordinary people. By
combining the efforts of 700,000
national members (and growing), it
makes it easier to find the cheapest
gas prices. Much of the time, you can
save 15 cents per gallon (7c/L in
Canada) without having to drive for
20 miles.
Some Features of
Trip Cost CalculatorEnter the
starting point and endpoint of your
trip and get detailed information for
the best places to gas-up on your
trip, based on your particular year,
make and model vehicle. I wish I had
knowledge of this website last year!
Gas Prices by StateSelect the
state you are in and enter your zip
code to receive a list of the different
gas stations and their most recently
posted gas prices.
Historical Price ChartsSelect
several options including country,
state and/or city and received a
detailed chart graph of the different
costs in that area.
Help in the fight against high gas
prices by signing up today and report-
ing prices for your area. Together, we
CAN make a difference.
Internet Hot Spot
by Kelly Hilmer

54-atraKEL409.indd 55 3/18/09 1:01:14 PM

ATRA CEO, Dennis Madden presents Creating A Customer based on ATRA's What's Working study - Dennis will
share and discuss three years worth of data collected by ATRA all geared towards creating true customers! Discover
what your future customers are thinking about you and your business today! Find out what successful shop owners
are doing now to bring in more customers each and every day!
Data from over 400 shop owners
Survey results from over 500 consumers
Focus group insights (actual video clips of recently conducted focus groups)
The 5 things you must do to be successful in our industry today
"Outstanding!....everyone in our industry needs to hear this message. Brad Benrud, Allen Automatic
Transmissions, La Cross, WI
"This program changed my whole attitude and saved my business ." Blake Lunsford, Nationwide
Transmission, Fayetteville, NC
"t's not just theory, but solid data backed up by proven results it truly is What's Working in our industry today.
Sam Burrage, Santa Rosa Transmissions, Santa Rosa, CA

UTI Norwood
1 UpIand Rd
Norwood, MA 02062
For more information caII Bruce McKinney (802) 786-9008
Or visit www.atra.com
Boston Seminar
What's Working Management Presentation!
March 28
Begins at the end of the TechnicaI seminar
Whats Working
Management Presentation
Coming to Your Area!
ATRA will be presenting Creating A Customer in conjunction with select technical seminars throughout the
2009 seminar season. Creating A Customer is based on ATRAs Whats Working study and explores what
successful shop-owners are doing everyday to sustain their profitability. We will share and discuss three
years worth of data collected by ATRA all geared towards creating true customers! Discover what your
future customers are thinking about you and your business today! Find out how to bring in more customers
each and every day!
Data from over 400 shop owners
Survey results from over 1500 consumers
Focus group insights (actual video clips of recently conducted focus groups)
The 5 things you must do to be successful in our industry today
Outstanding!everyone in our industry needs to hear this message. Brad Benrud, Allen Automatic
Transmissions, La Crosse, WI
This program changed my whole attitude and saved my business. Blake Lunsford, Nationwide
Transmission, Fayetteville, NC
Its not just theory, but solid data backed up by proven results - it truly is Whats Working in our industry
today. Sam Burrage, Santa Rosa Transmission, Santa Rosa, CA
Contact your local chapter today and request a
Whats Working Presentation in your area!
For More Information Call: 805-604-2000
Automatic Transmissions Rebuilders Association
2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030
Or visit www.atra.com
56wht wkn ad.indd 56 3/18/09 3:41:18 PM
GEARS April 2009 57
Two of the leading
international automotive
associations have agreed to co-locate
their respective expositions at the
Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas,
Nevada. ATRAs Powertrain Expo will
be held October 29 November 2 while
APRAs International Big R Show will
be November 1 and 2.
ATRAs CEO, Dennis Madden,
stated, Were pleased that we were
able to co-locate our exposition with
the International Big R Show, which for
the last seven years has been held in Las
Vegas just prior to Industry Week fea-
turing the AAPEX and SEMA Shows.
APRAs President, Bill Gager,
added, Both associations believe very
strongly that this will provide each
others attendees and suppliers with
new opportunities and will help them
reach more people. Both associations
will continue to offer their broad range
of technical seminars and workshops.
Were pleased that the Riviera Hotel
was able to accommodate the meeting
needs of both associations.
Madden continued, This com-
bined exposition will be good news for
everyone. Initial comments from poten-
tial exhibitors and attendees have been
very positive. Both associations look
forward to working together to make
this a major event for the remanufactur-
ing industry.
Gager concluded, We also look
forward to welcoming other remanu-
facturers and rebuilders from a variety
of product lines from around the world
to this major event.
For details on exhibiting with
ATRA, please contact Diane Bland at
805-389-0353 or dbland@atra.com.
To exhibit with APRA, please contact
Jeanie Magathan, Senior Vice President
of APRA at Magathan@buyreman.com
or 703-968-2772, ext. 104.
High attendance is anticipated for
this years joint event. Complete details
of each associations program content
will be announced separately in the
near future.
Go Green with Certified
Certified Transmission of Omaha,
Nebraska is going green in more than
one way, and so can you. President and
CEO Peter Fink, stated, While weve
always taken the high road on being
environmentally green, were actually
talking about green like the grass and
green like money.
Weve launched a grassroots
distribution program that we call The
Network of Success. Were offering
independently-owned transmission
repair shops throughout America the
opportunity to add more green to their
bottom lines with an exclusive Certified
Transmission Distributorship in their
market area.
CT offers distributors what Fink
refers to as a 3-legged stool business
model for boosting sales and profits.
He points out, In addition to their
existing business, our distributors make
money through three revenue streams:
retail to their own customers, wholesale
to other shops, and nationwide warranty
sales and service.
One of the most appealing and
unique aspects of the program is that dis-
tributors get an inventory of about 200
transmissions that they dont have to pay
for until they use. For more details, you
can visit www.CertifiedTransmission.
com or call Terry Cash, national sales
director at 800-544-7520, extension
Certified Transmission remanufac-
tures high-quality, competitively-priced
transmissions and transfer cases for the
automotive aftermarket. CT is the recip-
ient of the prestigious BBB National
Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics
and the 2008 Frost & Sullivan Award
for Automotive Aftermarket Industry
Industry Pioneer
Nelson Sosa, 69
The transmission industry said
farewell to another pioneer this past
March when Nelson Sosa succumbed
after a lengthy battle with cancer. He is
survived by his wife, Magali, a daugh-
ter of the same name, and two sons:
Nelson Jr. and Max.
Nelson began his transmission
career in 1972 when he bought his first
Lee Myles franchise in Puerto Rico.
Over the next couple years he bought
a second Lee Myles center. He sold his
transmission shops in 1976.
During those early years he began
buying core units from the local junk-
yards. From those cores he developed
an inventory of used parts which formed
the beginning of his parts business.
In 1975, Nelson opened Puerto Rico
Transmatic Parts, a transmission parts
store in Puerto Rico. Today Puerto Rico
Transmatic has six locations around the
island, plus a torque converter rebuild-
ing center. Nelson Jr. and Max took
over the family parts chain three years
Throughout his career, Nelson was
always something of a visionary
always working ahead of the curve.
But for Nelson, seeing the need for
change wasnt enough: He devoted his
life and his energy toward making a
difference to making those changes
a reality.
What kind of difference? Six dif-
ferent Sonnax Transmission Specialties
were designed by Nelson, including the
AOD stator sleeve and the E4OD plan-
etary sleeve.
Many of the characteristics we see
in todays transmission kits are thanks
to Nelsons interest and intervention.
Hed see the need for an extra part or
a subassembly, and hed pick up the
phone and speak directly to the kit
GEARS does not endorse new products but makes this new information available
to readers. If you have a new product, please email the press release information
with applicable digital photo or drawing to fpasley@atra.com or send by mail to
GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030.
Nelson Sosa
to Co-locate
Their Expos
57-pins409.indd 57 3/17/09 4:16:48 PM
58 GEARS April 2009
manufacturers. And hed show them
why an addition here or there would
make sense for everyone.
According to his son, Max, Nelsons
chief contribution to the industry was
his ability to combine kits. Hed see
two or three kits with nearly identical
components, and show the manufactur-
ers how they could save money and
shelf space by creating a single com-
bination kit.
Today, with new transmissions
showing up almost every day, most
parts stores couldnt remain afloat with-
out kits being combined to keep their
inventory under control. But back in
the 70s, combining kits wasnt nearly
so critical. Recognizing the benefits
of combining kits back then required
a unique vision; a vision that Nelson
shared with the industry.
Probably the one truly universal
memory of Nelson that his friends and
family are quick to acknowledge was
his inherent honor. Nelson didnt need
a piece of paper to do business with
you, theyd say. He was a man for
whom a handshake was enough. He
was a good man.
I cant think of a better way to be
TCRA Announces
2009 Seminar Details
The Torque Converter Rebuilders
Association (TCRA) has announced the
venue and program for its 12
seminar and meeting. This major indus-
try event will be held in Nashville, TN
on Friday and Saturday, May 15
. Mark your calendars now and
plan to attend this important event.
On Friday, May 15
, attendees
will be bused from the Renaissance-
Nashville Hotel, the host hotel, to
Dacco Incorporated, in Cookeville
where theyll receive a guided tour of
this major torque converter rebuilder.
After a catered lunch at Dacco, youll
return to the hotel for a TCRA mem-
ber meeting. The meeting agenda will
include the election of TCRA directors
and officers for the next term.
Saturday, May 16
will open with
a classroom format seminar, with fea-
ture presentations by industry experts,
vendor representatives, and technical
organization speakers. A sit-down steak
luncheon and coffee breaks will be
included in the fee, as will a recep-
tion at the hotel following the seminar.
These activities will be sponsored in
part by Sonnax, Tri Components and
SuperFlow Technologies.
Details on hotel rates, tuition and
presentation schedules will be avail-
able shortly, and will appear in GEARS.
In the meantime, for updates on the
seminar and to review other aspects
of TCRA membership, log on to the
TCRA website at www.tcraonline.com
or contact Len Wack at 973-293-8925
or lenw@embarqmail.com.
This promises to be to the best
TCRA meeting and seminar ever
dont miss it!
Precision International
and St. Jude Childrens
As part of Precision Internationals
ISO-9001 Certification they are required
to send out Customer Satisfaction
Surveys out at the end of each year. In
an effort to boost the number of sur-
veys returned, Precision International
announced that they would be donating
$25 to St. Jude Childrens Hospital for
every survey returned.
Precision International is pleased
to announce that they will be donating
$2,525 to St. Judes Childrens Hospital
this year. They would like to thank all
of their customers who took the time
to return the survey and help make this
donation possible.
To learn more, visit Precision
Internationals web site at www.trans-
VBX Names Tony LaCerra
2008 Employee of the Year
ValveBody Xpress (VBX) is proud
to announce and honor Tony LaCerra as
its 2008 Employee of the Year.
Tony began his employment with
VBX in 2005 as an assistant valve body
technician and quickly proved himself
to be a valuable asset to the VBX team.
He is now one of their lead valve body
builders and trains new members of
VBXs ever-growing production team.
Tony is always willing to go the
extra mile to tackle whatever task is
at hand and the entire staff of VBX
sincerely appreciates his dedication. It
is for these reasons and more that he
was chosen as the 7
annual recipient
of this award.
Please join VBX in congratulating
Tony for a job well done!
Visit the VBX web site at
$500 Reward!
The Transmission Rebuilders
Network Worldwide (TRNW) has
announced that the 500
person to
sign up for an annual membership will
receive a $500 reward!
TRNW is a transmission forum
with over 450 members from all over
the world who discuss every aspect of
managing a transmission shop. TRNW
members unite to solve the toughest
transmission problems. TRNW also
features a Fix Database with over 5,500
real-life transmission fixes.
You can visit the TRNW website at
www.trnw.net or contact Tod Chretien
at tod@trnw.net or by phone at 209-
Sonnax Introduces New
5L40E Reverse Lockout Kit
Sonnax has developed another
solution for a common ailment known
to plague 5L40-E transmissions.
Wear at the reverse lockout valve
allows reverse oil and TCC signal oil to
cross leak or leak to exhaust. Common
complaints of no reverse, burned
reverse clutches, and TCC overheating
are caused by this leak.
Sonnax Reverse Lockout Kit,
55211-11K uses a hard anodized alu-
minum valve and highly wear resistant
aluminum sleeve to correct the condi-
tion and reestablish proper pressure and
Tony LaCerra
57-pins409.indd 58 3/17/09 4:17:16 PM
GEARS April 2009 59
hydraulic control.
Installation of this repair requires
the use of 55211-TL tool kit in con-
junction with the Sonnax valve body
reaming fixture, VB-FIX. This is the
same tool kit previously developed and
released for installing the 55211-01K
AFL Valve Kit.
For more information about this or
other Sonnax Solutions, visit their web
site at www.sonnax.com.
The 48RE Shift Correction
Superior Transmission Parts is
proud to announce the release of the
newest addition to the Shift Correction
product line, item K48RE. This new
correction package works on 2005-up
diesel 48REs using the throttle valve
Designed to improve overall per-
formance and prevent comebacks, this
kit addresses all these problems:
Code 740
Inadequate line pressure
Premature clutch or band fail-
Slow engagements
This kit includes a few unique com-
ponents such as the rapid-fill manual
valve, no-stick throttle valve, no-crawl
tool, and boost valve plate and clip.
For the 2003-2004 48RE gas or
diesel without the throttle valve actua-
tor, use Superior item K500-618-L.
Like all Superior products, this kit
was designed of high quality compo-
nents, includes easy-to-use instructions,
and offers consistent results.
For more information on this or
any other Superior Shift Correction
Package, please call 800-451-3115 or
visit www.superiortransmission.com.
6L80E Center Support
Retaining Ring Removal
Also needed for servicing the
6L50E in the Cadillac CTS and the
6L90E in GM 2500 pickups
The 6L80E ushered in a new era
as GMs rear-wheel drive workhorse.
A fascinating design that uses a
Lepelletier-inspired geartrain, it also
uses a large aluminum center support
which must be removed to gain access
to the low/reverse clutch pack and the
rear planet assembly.
The center support houses the 2-6
clutch pack on the front side and the
low/reverse on the rear. The size of
the support and the amount of stress
of the two clutch packs it contains
made it necessary to use a rather large,
extremely stout snap ring to hold it
firmly in place. So a rather large and
stout pair of pliers is required to remove
or replace it.
Until just recently none was
available. To remove the snap ring,
many found it necessary to cut into the
case from the bottom to gain access
with a screwdriver and hammer, and
pop it out of the groove. Leverage is
the name of the game when this much
pressure is in play.
The engineers at Adapt-A-Case
burned the midnight oil working through
many designs before arriving at their
new snap ring pliers. The heavy-duty
tips are replaceable, available through
your regular tool supplier. Be ready
for the next one that hits your bench
another solution from the engineering
minds of Adapt-A-Case!
For more information visit their
web site at www.adaptacase.com.
New Torqueflite Throttle
Valve Kit from Northland
Northland Transmission is pleased
to introduce its new TFTV throttle
valve repair kit. The TFTV kit fits all
Torqueflite valve bodies from early
904s (small valve) to late 48REs.
These transmissions, particularly
47REs behind 24 valve Cummins, tend
to wear the valve body. The resulting
crossleaks and stuck valves can lead to
late and erratic shift timing and a sticky
accelerator pedal. The kit allows you
to ream worn valve bodies quickly and
easily, and replace the stock valve train
with a slightly oversized set.
The replacement valve train retains
factory dimensions, allowing you to use
stock springs, or your favorite aftermar-
ket spring. The new kit is completely
American made.
For more information contact
Northland Transmission at 715-458-
2617 or visit their web site at www.
Tracer Introduces New
J2791-Certified Refriger-
ant Leak Detector
Tracer Products has unveiled the
57-pins409.indd 59 3/17/09 4:17:34 PM
60 GEARS April 2009
TP-9364 PRO-Alert 2791 electronic
refrigerant leak detector, which uses
a state-of-the-art infrared sensor to
accurately detect refrigerant leaks down
to 0.1 oz/year (3 g/year).
Its three-position sensitivity switch
minimizes false triggering and allows
for easy leak diagnosis. The unit is
sensitive to R-12, R-134a and all other
HFC refrigerants, and is certified to
meet the new SAE J2791 standard for
electronic refrigerant detectors.
Unlike heated sensors on competi-
tors units, the PRO-Alert 2791s infra-
red sensor offers consistent response
throughout its life, and wont become
contaminated by exposure to large
amounts of refrigerant. Sensor life is an
incredible 1000 hours or more!
The units high-efficiency air sam-
pling pump provides quicker response
and quicker clearing (zeroing). A rub-
ber-coated, flexible metal probe slithers
easily into tight places and holds its
position. An audible alarm and multiple
LEDs help locate leaks fast!
The PRO-Alert 2791 is powered
by a rechargeable NiMH battery, which
provides over six hours of use between
charges. On-board diagnostics indicate
charging status and alert the user to low
battery or infrared sensor failure. The
unit can also be used with a 120 VAC
power adapter and a 12 VDC power
adapter with cigarette lighter plug
(included). All components are packed
in a rugged plastic carrying case.
For more information about the

TP-9364 PRO-Alert
2791 Electronic Refrigerant Leak
Detector, call toll-free 1-800-641-1133.
Outside the United States and Canada,
call 516-333-1254. Website at www.
Microflex Announces the
First Disposable
Flock-Lined Gloves
Microflex Corporation, a division
of BarrierSafe Solutions International
(BSSI), a leading provider of latex
and synthetic hand protection, has
announced the launch of Dura Flock
nitrile gloves. Dura Flock gloves
are the result of analyzing end user
data along with critical research and
The unique feature of Dura Flock
gloves is the flock lining, which is a
fine layer of cotton on the inside of the
gloves. By absorbing moisture, the flock
lining keeps hands dry inside the glove,
improving the grip, which is essential
to automotive technicians, maintenance
professionals, and lab workers. While
there have been flock-lined gloves for
many years, never before have they
been available in a disposable, one-time
use glove.
Dura Flock gloves are made
from nitrile, a latex-free alternative
for those with latex allergies. At 8mil,
Dura Flock nitrile gloves are also
the thickest gloves available from
Microflex. But as Microflex Product
Manager Jennifer Singh notes, Dura
Flock gloves are specially formulated
to be more comfortable than the standard
8 mil glove. Microflex Director of
Corporate Accounts LeeAnn Nejedlo
agreed that the thickness, flock lining,
and comfort of Dura Flock gloves
make them a good choice for extreme
environments, like you find in factories,
maintenance shops, and laboratories.
For more about Dura Flock
gloves, visit www.DuraFlockRocks.
ZF Services North America
Expands Product
Management and
Marketing Department
ZF Services the strategic
aftermarket business unit of ZF
Friedrichshafen AG is pleased to
announce the recent expansion of its
Product Management and Marketing
Department to better serve its customer
base and position the organization for
future growth.
Immediately following the
merger of ZF Sales & Service NA,
LLC and ZF Trading NA, LLC on
January 1
, 2008, the newly formed
ZF Services North America began the
process of combining product lines
and restructuring the organization,
including the Product Management and
Marketing Department.
During the process of combining
product lines into automotive, heavy
commercial vehicle and off-highway
businesses, it became clear that many
new opportunities existed via cross-
selling and new business development.
In order to successfully meet
the demands of our customers, while
pursuing new business, we needed to add
capacity to our Product Management
and Marketing Department, said John
Edwards, President.
ZF is a leading worldwide sup-
plier of driveline and chassis technol-
ogy. Headquartered in Friedrichshafen,
Germany, ZF is among the 15 largest
automotive suppliers in the world. The
company employs over 58,000 at 120
locations in 25 countries, and estimated
sales of $16.2 billion in 2008.
For more information about this or
other ZF operations, visit their web site
at www.zf.com.
Indianapolis Motor
Speedway: 100 Years of
It started
with a corn-
field and one
mans dream.
Fast forward
100 years
and what was
once pasture-
land is now home to the worlds most
celebrated racetrack.
Indianapolis Motor Speedway: 100
Years of Racing (Krause Publications)
chronicles the moments, big and small,
that mark the Speedways first century
as the most renowned racing venue in
the world. This stunning coffee-table
book showcases more than 200 memo-
rable images.
Written by Ralph Kramer, who
grew up on a farm just 50 miles from
the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and
saw his first Indy race in 1950.
This book is available from major
bookstores, online sellers and from
Krause Publications, 800-258-0929 or
57-pins409.indd 60 3/17/09 4:18:11 PM
GEARS April 2009 61
Division of Wentworth Engineering
Authorized Parts Distributor
Remanufactured Units * DYNO TESTED*
5HP30, 5HP24, 5HP19, 5HP18, 4HP24, 4HP22,
4HP18, 4HP14
Specializing in SAAB 900/9000 5SP,
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Autocomp Technologies, Inc.
8515 N. Freeway, Houston, Texas
Automatic Soft Parts
Rebuilt Standards Transfer Cases
Clutches Bearing Kits
Sanford, FL
866-798-8726 800-773-8726
Tallahassee, FL Saucier, MS
Make ONE Call and
d it A
Heated Cooler
Line Flusher
GEARS Shopper advertising costs $300.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.
1946 - 2007
Soft Parts
New & Used
Hard Parts

Next day delivery to
on orders called in by 4pm.
Helping rebuilders get the
job done for over 33 years
61shoppers309.indd 61 3/18/09 1:14:55 PM
62 GEARS April 2009
GEARS Shopper advertising costs $300.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.
Tol l Fr ee: 800- 822- 2375
Over 1,000 in stock
New, Quality Rebuilt
Kits available to rebuild your
own: Bearings/Gears/Hard Parts
Parts Specialists
Driveline Specialists
BMW Mercedes-Benz Audi
Remanufactured to
Hundreds of Transmissions in-stock.
Immediate installation available.
2 year unlimited warranty.
Remanufactured torque converter included.
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61shoppers309.indd 63 3/18/09 1:27:57 PM
64 GEARS April 2009
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Columbus, OH
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66 GEARS April 2009
Well established ATRA transmission shop
in business for over 40 years located in the
heart of the beautiful Smokey Mountains.
Prime downtown commercial property with
very large historic building and ample park-
ing. Shops vast and unobstructed 8000+
sq. ft. interior space includes multiple lifts,
ofce, restrooms, all equipment and many
vintage parts. Available separately, busi-
ness with equipment & inventory offered at
$225,000 and land with building offered at
$765,000, or as a discounted package deal.
Owner ready to retire. Buy one of the most
respected businesses in the area and con-
tinue with its long history of success. Some
owner nancing available. Contact John
888-686-9591 or Asheville.Transmissions@
Gmail.com. ATRA Mbr
need to take a look at this one! 40 years of
excellent business transmission & general
automotive service. Same great location,
central California, this is not your ordinary
shop. Large building with latest equipment,
owner ready to retire. Contact (209) 602-
7250. ATRA Mbr
Purchase - Zoom Technology solenoid
and valve body testing equipment. Call
TOLL FREE! (866) 243-8829. ATRA Mbr
GEARS classified advertising cost $95.00 for up to 50 words for a one time insertion. ATRA members are eligible to receive up to three (3) FREE classified
advertisements in GEARS annually (per 9 issues). Members wishing to place ads once their three FREE ads have been placed may do so at the cost listed above.
Ads exceeding the maximum word count will cost $1.50 for each additional word (not including phone number and address).
April 2009
transmission dyno test business for sale,
designed for Allisons, heavy duty trucks
and cars and any RWD units with solenoid
block test capabilities. All in excellent condi-
tion, included are dyno tester with 392 Ford
gas engine with Zoom Technology window
based computer system, valve body cali-
bration tester designed by Aidco Company
for Allison. New Allison diagnostic scanner,
complete paint booth system, 454 and 643
reman units, cores and inventory stock, cus-
tomer/client list. Asking $75,000 for all or will
sell separately. Northwest Ohio area. Con-
tact Jim at (419) 215-5504. ATRA Mbr
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66classfd409.indd 66 3/18/09 3:14:20 PM
GEARS April 2009 67
State_____________________________ Zip___________________
Converter Rebuilding System, includes:
TCRS Auto-align welder, electronic balancer
and leak tester. Also includes, lathe and in-
ventory of parts. New 1999, all equipment is
in good working condition -$30,000. Please
call (815) 337-1081 and ask for John.
tomer Producer Center Manager position
sought by a leader with over 23 years in the
transmission industry. Talented, indepen-
dent and up to date with what it takes to
make a modern day shop run smoothly and
make prot. Experience includes rebuilding,
diagnosing, and shop ownership. Contact
Michael Ryan at his updated phone number:
(928) 566-4307 for more information.
HELP WANTED: Colorado Springs- Trans-
mission Rebuilder for well established,
reputable shop. Must have ve plus years
rebuilding experience in domestic, import,
transfer cases, automatics and manual shift.
Strong diagnostic skills, including electrical
are required. Certications are favorable.
Must be a team player, clean cut, and pos-
sess a higher than standard work ethic.
Full benets package for the right person.
Mon-Fri work week. Pay DOE. Please con-
tact (719) 494-8098 leave message, or
fax resume to: (719) 494-8097. If you ever
wanted to live in one of the most desirable
places to hunt, sh, 4 wheel in USA, NOW is
your chance!! ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: Seattle, Washington
Transmission rebuilder needed in well es-
tablished, well equipped transmission shop
of over twenty years. Rebuilding and diag-
nostic experience required. Monday through
Friday, benets include paid vacation, holi-
days and health insurance; pay $30 to $35
dollars per hour depending on experience.
Contact Mark at (206) 624-1859.
HELP WANTED: Twin Cities Transmission
in Niceville, Fl is looking for a SwingMan.
Medical available! We work 5 days. Please,
call Brandy at (850) 729-6629. You can also
email or fax your resume to tctransmission@
embarqmail.com or fax (850) 729-1529.
HELP WANTED: SuperFlow Technologies
Group, www.superow.com has an immedi-
ate need for a Sales Executive. Sales expe-
rience in capital equipment market a must.
Degree in automotive eld or equivalent
work experience preferred. Mechanically
and electrically inclined, ability to read blue
prints. Must be able to travel. Contact: hr@
superow.com, Fax: (515) 254-1656.
HELP WANTED: TransTeam Employment
USA, The National Employment Headquar-
ters for the transmission industry wants you!
We offer a low cost internet recruiting ser-
vice for our registered transmission shop
owners and deliver nationwide job opportu-
nities to our registered employees. Always a
free service to all industry employees. Visit
our web site www.transteam.com 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week to see how it works
or call (888) 412-TEAM (8326). We make it
easy to relocate! ATRA Mbr
Please enclose check or money order in U.S. funds and send to:
or call: (805)604-2000
U.S. $30 ~ Canada $45 ~ Other Areas $65
I want my very own subscription
to the next 9 issues of GEARS.
Subscribe Today!
Grab Your GEARS Now!
66classfd409.indd 67 3/18/09 3:14:55 PM
68 GEARS April 2009
Name Page Name Page
ATRA ............................................................... 27,33,53
ATRA's Powertrain Expo ...................................... 44,45
Certified Transmission ............................................... 21
EVT Parts .................................................................... 9
First National Merchant Solutions ............................. 31
Heffernan Group ........................................................ 37
Jasper Engines & Transmissions ........................... IBC
Life Automotive Products Inc. .................................... 17

By International Lubricants, Inc. ..... OBC

Power Pusher By Nu-Star, Inc. ................................. 31
Precision European Inc ............................................. 67
Precision International ................................................. 7
Seal Aftermarket Products-
Parker Hannifin Corporation ...................................11
Slauson Transmission Parts ...................................... 41
Sonnax Industries .................................................... IFC
SuperFlow Technologies Group ................................ 29
Superior Transmission Parts ..................................... 15
TCRA ......................................................................... 49
Transtar Industries, Inc. ............................................. 35
TransTec By CORTECO ............................................ 19
TRNi Inc. ................................................................... 30
Whatever It Takes Transmission Parts, Inc. ................ 3
ATRA Technical Seminar Schedule
Check ATRA.com for more dates and
locations to come!
4/4/09 Minneapolis, MN
4/18/09 Salt Lake City, UT
4/25/09 Fremont, CA
5/2/09 Toronto, ON
5/9/09 Denver, CO
5/30/09 Des Moines, IA
5/30/09 Dallas, TX
6/13/09 Vancouver, BC
8/1/09 San Antonio, TX
8/8/09 Los Angeles, CA
8/22/09 Cincinnati, OH
8/29/09 Chicago, IL
10/17/09 New York, NY
68LISTo409.indd 68 3/18/09 4:30:10 PM
jasper ibc.indd IBC2 1/8/09 9:03:00 AM
ili plcd.indd 2 2/11/09 11:23:45 AM

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