September 2014 GEARS
September 2014 GEARS
September 2014 GEARS
A Fresh Take on the Nissan RE7R01A
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4 LET'S PLAY BALL: 7-Come-11: A Fresh Take on
the Nissan RE7R01A by Lance Wiggins
Anatomy of Shift and a History Lesson by Bill Brayton
20 KEEP THOSE TRANNYS ROLLING: Fixes from the ATRA Hotline
by Pete Huscher
30 Data Link Connectors on Steroids by Steve Garrett
34 UP YOUR BUSINESS: No Good Deed Goes
Unpunished by Thom Tschetter
38 WHAT'S WORKING: You Need a Vacation! by Rodger Bland
42 What Is Customer and Employee Engagement by Jim Cathcart
46 Forecast Calls For... The Perfect Expo! by Vanessa Velasquez
50 The Four Myths of Revenue Growth by Alex L. Goldfayn
52 SHOP SAFETY: The Road Test Time for Change
by Frank Pasley
54 SHOP PROFILE: Dirks Automotive & Transmission Repair:
Matching a Business Model to Its Market by Steve Bodofsky
58 Shopping Habits of the Millennial Generation
60 ATRA's Powertrain Expo Schedule!
Distraction Control
by Dennis Madden
62 Powertrain Industry News
66 Shoppers and Classified
72 List of Advertisers
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Publisher Dennis Madden
Managing Editor Rodger Bland
Technical Director Lance Wiggins
Advertising Frank Pasley
Senior Designer Jeanette Troub
Contributing Editors: Steve Bodofsky
Jim Cathcart Nancy Friedman
Steve Garrett Alex L. Goldfayn
Jared Grafman Thom Tschetter
ATRA Technical Staff: Rolando (Rolly) Alverez
Bill Brayton Mike Brown
Keith Clark Rob Faucett
Pete Huscher Mike Souza
Jarad Warren
Seminars & Convention Mgr Vanessa Velasquez
Editorial and Business Offices
2400 Latigo Avenue,
Oxnard CA 93030
Phone (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2006
PHONE (805) 604-2000
Fixes from the ATRA Hotline
Page 20
7-Come-11: A Fresh Take on the
Nissan RE7R01A
Page 4
2007 Honda CRV: Anatomy of Shift
and a History Lesson
Page 14
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Issue #188 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ATRA 2014
Valve Body
With Two
CPC Valves
On The Cover,
Dirks Automotive & Transmission Repair:
Matching a Business Model to Its Market
See page 54!
1TOC-914.indd 2 9/3/14 7:23 AM
2 GEARS September 2014
by Dennis Madden
m hearing more and more from
shops that are packed with busi-
ness, which is great news. Their
challenge now is getting the work out.
With Expo around the corner I find
myself in a similar situation: Keeping
the projects on track and on time for the
show. Even with a detailed schedule its
a challenge.
Time management is an interest-
ing topic, one I have to revisit every
now and again. For me the problem
isnt so much how to work on a project
effectively; its more about avoiding the
distractions that keep me from working
on them. I know Im not alone so let me
share a couple observations and some
things Im doing to maximize my day.
First, understand that most of what
we accomplish (at least that which has
any value) comes from very little of our
time. Back in the early 1900s, an Italian
economist, Vilfredo Pareto, observed
that 80% of the peas in his garden came
from only 20% of the pods.
From there he made similar obser-
vations; not just in nature, but also in
areas such as economics: 80% of profits
come from 20% of customers, 80% of
sales are made from 20% of a compa-
nys products, 80% of complaints come
from 20% of the customers and the
list goes on.
Paretos principle (also known as
the 80-20 Rule) applies to projects as
well: 80% of the results youre after
come from 20% of your effort.
In plain English, that means the
important work you do in a day takes
about an hour and a half. The rest of
your day is used up by distractions and
other activities that really arent all that
important. But one thing Pareto didnt
have to contend with was the internet!
Today were bombarded with dis-
tractions. How many of you get to work
only to find 50 e-mails waiting for you?
And, as you go through the day, how
often do you get forum posts, chain
letters, or any number of distractions?
To make matters worse, think
about the social media interruptions
that go on all day. Some people even
leave their Facebook page open during
the day so they wont miss something
important; like when their cousin Ann
posts a picture of her breakfast. Right
below it, it says 28 people like this.
If you find yourself in this situa-
tion, theres good news. Chances are,
so is your competition. Think about it:
How hard can it be to compete with
someone who spends all day consumed
with distractions?
Let me share a few distraction-con-
trol methods I use to remain on track.
You already know Ive been forgoing
my evening news addiction. It leaves
me better rested and ready to work in
the morning. Im not much into social
media so that wasnt a big deal for me.
My big time waster was e-mail.
Each morning I come to work with
a minimum of 50 e-mails waiting for
me. Ill screen through them, delete the
junk, flag a few for later, and answer
the more pressing ones right away. And
then I go through the same process
all day!
One day, after a week of travel,
I found close to 500 e-mails waiting.
This time I went through them with
vigor. I used the fast-scroll, highlight,
and delete method, flagging the impor-
tant ones for later. After answering
the ones Id flagged I realized I went
through 500 e-mails in about the same
time as I would 50 on a regular day.
The difference was I didnt have time
to look at the ones I might otherwise
find amusing.
Now, after I go through my initial
50 e-mails in the morning, I shut off my
e-mail and dont revisit it until the end
of the day. That one action has afforded
me the time to work on meaningful
projects with a better sense of accom-
So how about you? What types
of distractions do you contend with
that, on the surface, seem like minor
interruptions or even a break from the
pressures of business? Is it Facebook
or other social media? Chat groups and
forums? E-mail? We all have access
to these distractions. The trick is rec-
ognizing them for what they are and
eliminating the ones that dont benefit
you and your business. You might even
consider creating a rule for your e-mail.
Most e-mail programs allow you to
move e-mail from certain people or
with specific subject lines into a sepa-
rate folder.
Its hard at first; I found myself
sneaking a peak every now and then but
it gets easier as you work on it.
In business, the successful always
have an edge. Today, it may not be the
smartest or most educated person, or
the one with the most skill and talent. It
might just be the person who can best
manage their distractions. If you agree
with this, send it to 20 of your friends!
1fm ceo814.indd 2 9/2/14 11:53 AM
ete 914.indd 2 8/29/14 1:11 AM
4 GEARS September 2014
7-Come-11: A Fresh Take on the Nissan RE7R01A
as Vegas to me Las Vegas
always means Expo, and that
always means game time. A
few years ago I learned how to play
craps. Numbers in and numbers out,
so naturally when I got the RE7R01A
in the shop the first thing that came to
mind was, whats next? Eleven speeds?
In this issue of Lets Play Ball,
well take a fresh look at Nissans
In late 2007, I did a presentation
on the RE5R05A in Las Vegas at the
Powertrain Expo. During that presenta-
tion I talked about the way Jatco built
this unit using the front band and shell
as a Lepelletier-type overdrive.
I even went into how they could
use programming to get seven or even
eleven gears out of this configuration.
Well, Nissans RE7R01A is here with
seven gears if I could only be that
accurate at predicting how the dice will
This transmission first appeared
in 2008 & early 2009 in the FX-
and G-series Infiniti models and the
370-series Nissan. At first glance youd
think youre going to be working on
a Mercedes or Toyota, but the Jatco
RE7R01A is pretty unusual.
Like the early RE5, the RE7 has
the controller built into the unit (figure
1). It uses the Hitachi CAN (Controller
Area Network) as a communica-
tion line for real-time applications
(figure 2).
The transmission system has two
self-diagnostic systems: The first is
the emission-related, on-board diagnos-
tic system (OBD-II) controlled by the
TCM in combination with the ECM.
by Lance Wiggins
A Fresh Take on the Nissan RE7R01A
1Lance tech 914.indd 4 8/29/14 7:44 AM
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6 GEARS September 2014
7-Come-11: A Fresh Take on the Nissan RE7R01A
This system indicates problems through
the MIL (malfunction indicator lamp)
and a fault will cause both the TCM and
ECM to store a code (DTC) in memory.
The second is the original self-
diagnosis indicated by the TCM. A fail-
ure history is stored in TCM memory.
The detected items overlap with OBD-
II self-diagnostic items. The ECM
provides emission-related, on-board
diagnostic (OBD-II) functions for the
transmission system.
Figure 2
The transmission
system has two self-
diagnostic systems:
The first is the
on-board diagnostic
system (OBD-II)
controlled by the
TCM in combination
with the ECM.
Figure 1
1Lance tech 914.indd 6 8/29/14 7:44 AM
raybestos plcd914.indd 2 8/29/14 8:16 AM
8 GEARS September 2014
7-Come-11: A Fresh Take on the Nissan RE7R01A
The DTC indicates a problem in
the system through the MIL (malfunc-
tion indicator lamp) on the instrument
panel. Sensors, switches, and solenoids
work as sensing elements.
Internally, the transmission uses
four sets of planetary gears. The sys-
tem achieves seven speeds through a
combination of three sets of multiple-
disc clutches, four sets of multiple-
disc brakes, and two sets of one-way
clutches (figure 3).
The torque converter clutch control
valve is controlled by the torque con-
verter clutch solenoid. To release the
converter clutch, the torque converter
clutch solenoid commands the torque
converter clutch control valve to drain
lockup apply pressure.
To apply the converter clutch,
the torque converter clutch solenoid
sets the torque converter clutch con-
trol valve into the locked state, which
allows the system to build up lockup
apply pressure.
To apply the converter clutch, the
TCM controls the current to the torque
converter clutch solenoid. This tem-
porarily sets the converter clutch to
the half-applied state to reduce shock.
Nissan calls this Smooth Lockup
The TCM also controls clutch
application to provide smooth tran-
sition between gears. Each clutch is
adjusted to the necessary pressure to
match the engine drive force. When
you downshift the transmission while
driving, Backup Control (Engine
Brake) adjusts line pressure according
to vehicle speed.
The line pressure necessary for
shift change is set, so the line pressure
pattern corresponds to engine torque
and gearshift selection. Line pressure
corresponds to engine speed during
engine brake operation.
Figure 3
1Lance tech 914.indd 8 8/29/14 7:44 AM
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vbx 914.indd 2 8/29/14 8:18 AM
10 GEARS September 2014
7-Come-11: A Fresh Take on the Nissan RE7R01A
The TCM automatically selects the
shift pattern suitable for various situ-
ations (such as road environment and
driving style) for smooth and efficient
The TCM judges the up- and
down-slope of the vehicle according
to engine torque data transmitted from
the ECM and vehicle speed. Fixing the
transmission in 4
, 5
, or 6
gear on
an up-slope prevents shift hunting and
provides optimum driving force. On
down-slope, the automatic shift-down
to 4
, 5
, or 6
gear provides opti-
mum engine braking.
Servicing the vehicle is fairly
simple, but theres one snag: There
are two plugs in the pan, one is used
for draining, and the other is used for
flling. The rear plug is the drain plug,
the front plug is for fll, only remove
the front plug during the fll procedure
(fgure 4).
During fuid checking procedures,
remove the overfow plug from the
transmission pan, a small amount of
fuid may come out initially; this doesnt
mean the transmissions full.
The engine must be idling while
checking the fuid level. If you turn
the engine off, youll end up adjusting
the ATF well below the proper level
(See fgure 5 for fuid specifcations).
IMPORTANT: To make sure
the transmission is full, overfll the
transmission, then let the excess
drain out from the overfow plug hole
(fgure 6).
Figure 5
Figure 6
Servicing the
vehicle is fairly
simple, but theres
one snag: There
are two plugs in
the pan, one is
used for draining,
and the other is
used for filling.
Figure 4
1Lance tech 914.indd 10 8/29/14 7:44 AM
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transtar814.indd 2 7/25/14 2:04 PM
12 GEARS September 2014
7-Come-11: A Fresh Take on the Nissan RE7R01A
Unlike the RE5R05A, the RE7R01A doesnt have any bands
and doesnt use the Lepelletier system. Instead, it uses nine sets of
clutches, two one-way clutches and four sets of planetaries (fgure
7). This unit runs 1:1 in 5
gear (fgure 8).
An interesting thing about this unit is that they went opposite of
all other manufacturers: They actually added clutches and compo-
nents. With most new transmissions that create five speeds and up,
the more speeds, the fewer clutches. Instead of more clutches, most
use compound planets.
Like the game of craps, roll a seven on the out and you win;
roll a seven any other time and its a crap out and thats the game!
Figure 8
Figure 7
An interesting thing about this
unit is that they went opposite
all other manufacturers: They
actually added clutches and
1Lance tech 914.indd 12 8/29/14 7:57 AM
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14 GEARS September 2014
2007 Honda CRV: Anatomy of Shift and a History Lesson
n this episode of Fun with
Transmissions, were going to
examine Honda hydraulics and
how theyve evolved over the years.
The fun starts with good hydraulic
schematics (figure 1). Honda is a great
provider of information and support
right from the factory level. Without
these detailed drawings, itd be nearly
impossible to diagnose and make cor-
rections to the hydraulic controls (valve
Once you know how a shift hap-
pens hydraulically and understand how
the computer controls the solenoids to
make each shift happen, you can figure
out where the most likely source of a
shift problem might be.
Back in the early 90s, shift sole-
noids became standard equipment on
Honda transmissions. These early units
were controlled by simple computers
that got the shifting done efficiently.
Gone were the days of the hydraulic
governor. Boy thats a good thing! No
more pesky sticking governor valves to
mess with.
Shift feel and shift timing were still
controlled by a cable and throttle valve
arrangement in these early models. In
this case, shift timing, means the
timing of shift overlap; that is, the tim-
ing between when one driving clutch
comes on and another goes off. If this
timing isnt precise, the shifts may feel
like a bind up: one clutch coming off
too slowly and the next clutch coming
on too quickly.
The opposite of this type of shift
is a flare, where one clutch releases too
early and the oncoming clutch applies
too late.
CPC Valves
Clutch Pressure Control (CPC)
valves have been in Honda transmis-
sions since almost the beginning. The
exception would be the old Honda
2-speed, which didnt have a CPC
2007 Honda CRV:
Anatomy of Shift and a
History Lesson
by Bill Brayton
1bill914.indd 14 8/29/14 8:23 AM
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207PRE-8.125x10.875-4C-171_Layout 1 8/14/14 1:48 PM Page 1
Adtemp.indt 2 8/29/14 8:24 AM
16 GEARS September 2014
2007 Honda CRV: Anatomy of Shift and a History Lesson
The function of the CPC valve is
to regulate the 125-130 PSI of constant
line pressure down to a workable pres-
sure. If this pressure isnt regulated
correctly, it can cause banging or slip-
ping shifts.
The early units used throttle pres-
sure valves connected to cables which
connected to the throttle linkage. This
is how the transmission monitored
engine load.
Fast Forward
Its the 2010s and most Hondas
have more than one CPC valve. These
modern versions still regulate line pres-
sure for shift feel, but now the CPC
valves are completely controlled by
the PCM and pulse-width modulated
solenoids known as CPC or linear sole-
Because the computer controls
shift timing through the CPC solenoid/
valve combination, its critical that both
the valve and the solenoid be in tiptop
shape. If you overlook these valves dur-
ing service, they may cause shift feel
Heres a little mantra to keep you
out of trouble with these units: Every
valve out of every bore of every Honda
every time; the difference between
being done and starting all over again!
Make sure all the valves drop into
the bores from their own weight. When
theyre right you can let them go and
they make a very distinct tink sound
when they hit the bottom of the bore.
Besides that, there are only two
things you can do to correct shift feel
problems while the transmission is in
the car: One is to replace pressure
switches; the other is to replace the
CPC solenoids.
IMPORTANT: Never put the
pressure switches in the hot cleaning
machine. If you do, throw them away
when you take them out of the machine.
Once youve replaced the sole-
noids and pressure switches, theres
nothing more you can do to alter shift
timing. If youre still having shift tim-
ing problems, youll have to pull the
unit for the repair.
2002-up Honda CRV and
More: The Differences
Just when you got comfortable
with working with CPC valves what
does Honda do? They got rid of them!
The four cylinder models of the CRV,
Element, Civic, Accord, Fit, RSX, and
TSX all operate without CPC valves
(figure 2).
When you think about it, it actu-
ally makes sense: They eliminated the
CPC valves and now run clutch apply
pressure through the solenoids. This is
something thats been going on in the
41TE transmissions since 1989. The
good thing is you dont have to worry
about sticking CPC valves anymore.
Figure 1
Valve Body
With Two
CPC Valves
1bill914.indd 16 8/29/14 8:23 AM
napc 914.indd 2 8/29/14 8:29 AM
18 GEARS September 2014
2007 Honda CRV: Anatomy of Shift and a History Lesson
These units still have an in-
between shift pattern, just like their
predecessors. The difference is that the
CPC solenoids are in modulating mode
and work directly on the clutch apply
instead of a valve that regulates line
Heres how Honda explains the in-
between pattern of the 2-3 shift:
As the vehicle reaches the pre-
scribed value, the PCM turns shift
solenoid C on; it keeps A and E off and
B and D on.
Shift solenoid C pressure (SC)
applies to the right side of shift valve
C. Shift valve C moves to the left to
uncover the clutch pressure control
solenoid pressure ports leading to the
and 3
The PCM controls the clutch pres-
sure control solenoid valves to regu-
late hydraulic pressure. Clutch pressure
control solenoid B pressure (56) chang-
es to 2
clutch pressure (20) at shift
valve A, and clutch pressure control
solenoid C pressure (57) changes to 3
clutch pressure (30) at shift valve A.
This causes the 2
and 3
es to release and engage gently.
Eliminating the CPC valves does
present one problem though: Where
do you look for a shifting problem,
such as a 2-3 flare? Because the valves
are lower on the priority list, the most
likely suspects are:
Sealing rings cut or poor quality
Cut piston seals
Worn pipe-to-shaft bushings
Also be sure to inspect the flapper/
check valves in the piston (if equipped)
for proper sealing. These valves can
cause shift issues if they dont seal
You might be thinking, what about
the computer? But Honda computers
rarely cause shift problems. In fact, its
very rare that a Honda computer needs
to be replaced for any reason.
Honda transmissions can be very
profitable when rebuilt correctly. Take
your time and do it right the first time.
Just because the CPC valves are no lon-
ger there doesnt mean its okay not to
give the valve body the love it deserves.
Theres nothing quite so satisfying
as having that high-dollar rebuild job
go out shifting properly and on time.
When this happens we all have more
fun with transmissions!
Figure 2
CRV Valve Body
Has No CPC Valves
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20 GEARS September 2014
Fixes from the ATRA Hotline
n this issue of Keep those Trannys
Rolling, were going to take a
brief look at some of the most
common calls that have come into the
ATRA Technical HotLine over the past
few months and what it took to fix
GM Transfer Case
The first problem were going
to look at applies to the 2004-2007
Buick Rainier, Chevrolet Trailblazer,
GMC Envoy, Oldsmobile Bravada, and
the SAAB 9-7X equipped with the
NVG-126 or NVG-226 transfer case.
The complaint is a grinding
noise coming from inside the transfer
case when four wheel drive mode is
engaged. This noise may be caused by
a faulty clutch pressure plate bearing.
Figure 1: Updated pressure plate, bearing and lever
from the ATRA
by Pete Huscher
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22 GEARS September 2014
Fixes from the ATRA Hotline
A more robust clutch
pressure plate bearing, inner
plate, and clutch lever have
been designed to correct
this condition. These updat-
ed parts are available from
your local GM parts supplier
(figure 1):
19178973 clutch pres-
sure plate bearing and inner
19178970 clutch lever
Always replace these parts
as a set.
The next problem is index-
ing or timing the GM trans-
fer case encoder motor during
transfer case system repairs.
This can be difficult to say the
GM has designed an encod-
er motor jumper harness and
terminal test adapter to assist in
the indexing or timing proce-
dure. Heres how to use it:
With the encoder motor
removed from the transfer case:
Connect the terminal test
adapter (J-35616-5) red
lead to the motor control
B terminal E.
Connect the black lead to the
motor control A terminal D on the
encoder motor.
(Refer to figures 2 and 3 for
encoder motor connector terminal
Use encoder motor jumper har-
ness (EL-49741) and a 9-volt battery
to energize the circuits momentarily
to rotate the encoder motor shaft until
the keyway aligns between the two
Figure 3: NVG-226 encoder motor connector terminal i.d.
GM has
designed an
encoder motor
jumper harness
and terminal test
adapter to assist
in the indexing
or timing
Figure 2: NVG-126 encoder motor connector terminal i.d.
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life auto smart blend914.indd 2 8/29/14 9:22 AM
24 GEARS September 2014
Fixes from the ATRA Hotline
reference points on the encoder motor
(figure 4).
On transfer case systems equipped
with a brake or lock circuit, youll need
two terminal test adapters to energize
the brake or lock circuit with a 9-volt
battery, to allow the encoder motor
to rotate. These special harnesses are
available from SPX/Kent Moore Tools:
GM Eco-Tec II
1.6L Problems
The next problem is related to an
engine misfire being misdiagnosed as
a transmission problem. This applies
to GM vehicles equipped with the Eco-
Tec II 1.6L four cylinder engine in the
2004-2007 Chevrolet Aveo and Pontiac
Wave (Canada).
Customers may complain about an
occasional engine misfire or transmis-
sion shudder. Typically the misfire or
shudder is very intermittent and will
usually occur during engine warmup,
deceleration, highway driving, wide-
open throttle acceleration, and driving
up hills.
This condition may be caused by
an engine intake and exhaust valve
seating problem (figure 5). Perform
normal diagnostic routines, such as
a compression test or cylinder leak-
down test to confirm a valve seat-
ing problems. It may be necessary to
replace the intake valves (96440081),
exhaust valves (96830500), and valve
stem seals (96840122) with the updated
parts indicated. Parts are available from
your local GM parts supplier.
Figure 5: Intake and exhaust valve concerns
Figure 6: Input and output speed sensors
Figure 4: Encoder motor alignment points
If you experience erratic
shifting, or ratio or speed
sensor codes, check and
verify the speed sensors
are within specifications
(215-275 ohms at 68F
[20C]) and replace
the input speed sensor
(42620-39051) and output
speed sensor (42621-
39052) if they arent
within specifications.
1pete 914.indd 24 8/29/14 8:40 AM
Visit us in Booth #309
Technical Questions or Comments? Contact us:
New Web Address: 2014 Seal Aftermarket Products. All rights reserved.
SAP Pistons with AEM
SAP Hi-Per Blue pistons are reengineered original equipment
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What Is AEM?
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2014_SAP_HiPerBluePistons.indd 1 8/20/2014 2:04:33 PM
SAP 3 ADS 914.indd 2 8/29/14 8:08 AM
26 GEARS September 2014
Fixes from the ATRA Hotline
Hyundais Erratic
Transmission Operation
Weve received numerous calls
related to ratio codes and speed sen-
sor problems on 1999-2002 Hyundai
vehicles equipped with the F4A and
F5A series transmissions.
If you experience erratic shifting,
or ratio or speed sensor codes, check
and verify the speed sensors are within
specifications (215-275 ohms at 68F
[20C]) and replace the input speed
sensor (42620-39051) and output speed
sensor (42621-39052) if they arent
within specifications (figure 6).
The final call is related to the
2007-and-newer Hyundai Elantra
equipped with the A4CF2 transmission.
Incorrect solenoid operation may cause
the check engine light to light, the
transaxle to go into failsafe mode, or
transmission diagnostic trouble codes
to set.
Hyundai Motor Co. has determined
that these conditions are being caused
by solenoid-, harness- and PCM-related
issues. Hyundai recommends inspect-
ing the wiring harness and connections
between the PCM and transmission
solenoids for damaged wires, loose
connections, bent pins, or pins not fully
seated in the connectors.
If the PCM-to-transmission wir-
ing harness is damaged beyond repair,
Hyundai recommends replacing the
harness (91410-2H).
If the harness is okay, check the
connections at the transmission con-
nector and the transmission internal
wiring harnesses for damaged or loose
connections; repair or replace the har-
nesses as needed.
Hyundai recommends replacing
the solenoid harness (46308-23000;
figure 7) and transmission temperature
sensor harness (46307-23010; figure 8)
as needed.
Figure 8: Transmission temperature sensor harness Figure 7: Solenoid harness
The final call is related
to the 2007-and-
newer Hyundai Elantra
equipped with the
A4CF2 transmission.
Incorrect solenoid
operation may cause
the check engine light
to light, the transaxle
to go into failsafe
mode, or transmission
diagnostic trouble
codes to set.
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28 GEARS September 2014
Fixes from the ATRA Hotline
Once youve inspected the internal
wiring harnesses, check the solenoids
resistances (figure 9). Solenoid resis-
tance should be between 3.3-3.7 ohms
at 68F (20C). Replace any solenoid
that isnt within specifications.
Shift solenoids 46313-23000
VFS solenoid 46313-23010
If the wiring harnesses, connec-
tions, and solenoid are okay, Hyundai
recommends replacing the PCM with
an updated one.
Well, there you have it: a brief look
at some of the most common calls to
the ATRA Technical HotLine over the
past few months and what it took to fix
them. With a little bit of help and a lot
of patience, you, too, should have no
problem keeping those trannys rolling.
Figure 9: Solenoid identification
1pete 914.indd 28 8/29/14 8:40 AM
in Action
We can tell you how great our
transmissions are until were blue in
the face, but a video testimonial from
a happy customer is an unbiased,
unpaid endorsement of our products
and services.
You dont have to take our word for
it. See for yourself what some of our
best and favorite customers are saying
about their ETExperiences.
Your Customer Service Manager is the worst possible person on the planet to put
in charge of selling to your customers. (If youre a CSM, keep reading I am not
advocating replacing you just giving you one more tool to help you sell).
How do I know?
Because I have been both a buyer
and a seller, a Customer Service
Manager and a vehicle owner. Because I have studied the buying motives of vehicle
owners for more than ten years, and studied sales nearly all my life. I therefore, give
you one ironclad guarantee: Your current customers can outsell your CSM ten to one.
Because people are driven by the experiences and the
recommendations of others. Its why every major online retailer
has a star-rating system and customer reviews. Its why you would rather be referred
a dentist by a friend or neighbor, than from an advertisement. And its why a vehicle
owner would rather have his car serviced by a shop that his friend has already used
and liked. In short: You can hire your customers and put them on your sales team
without having to pay them a dime.
What do I do?
The secret is to capture the voice of your
customer on video immediately after you
deliver the car. Get them smiling as they turn the key in the ignition for the first time
since youve replaced the transmission. Get them talking about their experience, their
success, their faith and trust in you, and their call to action. A customer saying, I
paid [insert your shop here] a few hundred dollars more and I am happy I did, is the
most powerful support you can give a Customer Service Manager. Think about what
barriers, obstacles, or objections your CSM faces, and then figure out how to get an
exiting customer on record talking about how great you are. You play that video when
your customer gives you an objection and youll win the sale far more often than you
do now. Heres why: If you say it, its puffery. If your customers say it, its proof.
How do I...
Get testimonials? Earn them and then ask. Every time you deliver a car, ask your
customer to tell you on camera what they love about doing business with your shop.
Film them? Use an inexpensive HD camera or your smart phone (always remember
to film sideways), and invest a few extra dollars in a tripod.
Edit them? There are many easy to use and inexpensive programs for video editing
(iMovie on Mac or Windows Movie Maker on PC are popular ones), or you can use the
YouTube video editor. If you dont know how to edit, ask your kids. Ill bet they do!
Display them? Upload your videos to YouTube and your website. Have them on an
iPad, computer, or TV in your lobby.
Use them? The best time to use a testimonial video is as late in the sales process
as possible. Testimonials are the most effective way to dispel doubt, reduce risk,
overcome objections, and prove value.
if a picture is worth a thousand words, whats a video worth? You tell me:
whats it worth to eliminate one failed authorization on a major job in your
shop each and every week?
About Noah Rickun
As Vice President of Sales and Distribution at ETE REMAN, Noah leads the sales department and works closely with
customers to build stronger relationships and earn their loyalty. In addition, he frequently speaks on sales, attitude,
and customer loyalty topics, and is a frequent presenter at ATRA, AAIA, APRA, and MERA events.
If a Pictures Worth 1,000 Words...
a Video
By Noah Rickun, VP of Sales and Distribution at ETE REMAN
ete advertorial914.indd 2 8/29/14 9:25 AM
30 GEARS September 2014
or years weve discussed the
negative effects of non-OEM
calibrations on the operation
and longevity of todays powertrains.
Weve all witnessed the damage to
engine, transmission, driveshaft, and
differential components caused by cal-
ibrations exceeding the powertrains
capacity. And weve spent significant
time and effort showing you how to
locate non-OEM calibrations on GM,
Ford, and Chrysler applications.
In the past couple years, a new type
of device has come onto the market:
one that plugs directly into the DLC.
The devices are used for a wide range
of functions.
Some are used by the insurance
industry to monitor your driving habits:
Are you a driver who always follows
the speed limit, whos light on the
accelerator and brake, or do you drive
the vehicle like you stole it?
This system also allows some
insurance companies to keep track of
the mileage you drive. So if youre
an aggressive driver who drives three
Reprogramming Equipment
Data Li nk
Connectors on
30 GEARS September 2014
by Steve Garrett
Sonnax Industries, Inc
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32 GEARS September 2014
times the mileage you acknowledged
when you signed up for insurance, you
may get a rude awakening when you
open your next insurance bill.
Other devices are designed for fleet
operators to keep track of their vehicles
to improve their fleets efficiency and
reduce costs. Some devices allow for
installing aftermarket equipment, such
as an aftermarket cruise control system.
Then there are some that modify
the controller programming, very much
like installing a non-OEM calibration
(Figure 1).
Some of these devices are easy to
spot: Just check the DLC where you
plug your scan tool in and see if any-
thing is plugged into it.
Others arent quite as obvious. Ive
seen several that plug into the DLC and
have a DLC plug built into the other
end of the device. If you arent careful
you can miss it, as it looks like a stock
DLC until you get down on your hands
and knees for a closer look.
The modification of powertrain
programming has become a critical
issue for all OEMs. GM, Ford, and
Dodge have issued bulletins that warn
of major ramifications to warranty cov-
erage if modifications have been done
to the vehicle while still under war-
At last years Expo, I asked attend-
ees how many of them had seen one
of these plug-in devices. The number
of techs who raised their hands was
astounding. After the presentation, the
folks from GM, Ford, and Chrysler who
were there indicated that they, too, were
totally caught off guard by the over-
whelming percentage of aftermarket
shops that had seen these devices.
This past fall, while in Detroit, I sat
down with the diagnostic and calibra-
tion engineering staffs to discuss this
issue. They agreed that the aftermarket
transmission shop is just as much at
risk as the manufacturer when someone
modifies a calibration. They know the
numbers are large but
no one seems to know
just how big it actu-
ally is.
One of the things
that really struck me
is that this isnt just a
full size truck issue.
Theyre seeing these
devices and calibra-
tion modifications
on everything from
a Chevy Cruise to a
Dodge Dart.
Keep in mind
that, while not all of
these plug-in devices
create problems with
vehicle operation, the
OEMs have seen several that have cre-
ated various issues, including:
Transmission wont shift, intermit-
tently shifts, shift feel problems
Dead battery, data bus stays active
after the key is turned off, radio
or other features may not power
down after the key is turned off
and RAP has expired
Reprogramming problems
Engine and transmission perfor-
mance issues, check engine lights,
possible DTCs set, intermittent
stalling, and other drivability
Reduced power messages dis-
played on the driver information
Stability/traction control lights,
DTCs, and messages
Instrument cluster operational
issues, gauges not working, flick-
ering, improper readings, DTCs,
various U DTCs (communication
Scan tool communication issues
Interference with the vehicles
built-in systems such as OnStar
As you can see there are quite a
number of possible symptoms that can
result from some of these devices and
their interface.
If a vehicle comes into the dealer-
ship with a symptom that may be due
to one of these devices, the technician
is instructed to remove the device to
see if the problem is still present. If the
device is causing the problem, theyre
supposed to instruct the customer to
contact the manufacturer of the device
to discuss the issues theyre having.
We have to approach this issue
just like the dealerships. If you have a
vehicle with symptoms that could be
caused by one of these devices, inspect
the DLC before you spend a lot of time
trying to diagnose it. If you find that the
device is causing the problem, tell the
customer what you found and recom-
mend a course of action.
Devices attached to the DLC arent
going away, so you need to add them to
your list of items to eliminate during
your diagnostic process.
The number of computers on the
data bus and its complexity will also
continue to change. You simply need
to adjust to these changes and continue
to develop strategies that let you work
smarter; not harder.
Until next time, remember: Every
strike brings you closer to the next
home run.
Data Link Connectors on Steroids
Figure 1
Keep in mind that, while not all
of these plug-in devices create
problems with vehicle operation,
the OEMs have seen several that
have created various issues
1garrett 914.indd 32 9/2/14 12:44 PM
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34 GEARS September 2014
p Your Business is an exclu-
sive GEARS Magazine fea-
ture in which Ill share sto-
ries about real customer upsets. Many
of these stories will come from cases
that Ive helped settle through media-
tion and arbitration. Others, like the
following story, will come from shop
owners who unselfishly share their own
experiences hoping to spare others from
similar problems.
If youve ever wondered what the
expression no good deed goes unpun-
nished means, the following story is
one of the best examples I've ever seen.
Thanks to Al (he prefers to remain
anonymous) for sharing this story.
The Back Story
Every year, just before the holiday
season, Al takes part in a charitable
promotion to help a family in need. Als
shop gets a great deal of positive pub-
licity while providing a valuable gift to
a family facing financial hardship.
The basic idea is that the local
newspaper publicizes that Als shop
will provide a local family with a free
transmission repair, up to and including
a transmission rebuild, if needed.
For several weeks the paper pub-
licizes the event and solicits letters
from families and friends of people
facing financial hardships. A couple
weeks before Thanksgiving, a family is
selected from the submitted letters, and
Als shop takes care of their transmis-
sion problem at no charge.
The newspaper gives Als shop
great press, and sometimes the winning
family writes a nice thank-you letter
that goes in the paper. All in all, its
a win-win for Als shop and the fam-
ily, plus its an image booster for the
But, as youre about to read, some-
times no good deed goes unpunished.
The Details
1. The winning familys van was
inoperative so it was towed into
the shop.
2. A quick check confirmed it had
been inoperative for quite some
It was covered with months of
dirt. There was even a birds
by Thom Tschetter
No Good Deed Goes
I you need
a title!
1tschetter914.indd 34 9/2/14 12:45 PM
GEARS September 2014 35
nest in the rooftop luggage rack.
The battery was dead.
The tires were all low - not flat,
but obviously low.
The engine oil was dirty and
The radiator was low and in
need of coolant.
The transmission fluid was
dark, varnished, and had a burnt
odor. Obviously, it had prob-
The belts, hoses, and wiper
blades all looked like they
should be replaced.
3. First things first: the shop topped
off the coolant and engine oil and
recharged the battery. Amazingly,
after just a few attempts, the
engine fired off. A few puffs of
smoke from the exhaust and a few
seconds to get the oil circulating,
but it ran quite nicely.
4. No surprise, the transmission
whined and wouldnt move.
5. Al called the customer to let
him know what they found. He
advised the customer that since
they were strictly a transmission
shop, he would provide a written
list of the problems that he should
have taken care of at a general
repair shop.
6. Al told the customer that the
transmission did need to be
rebuilt, and that he would try
to get it done by the end of
the week. He said he would call
the customer if they finished
7. Al felt the customer seemed
somewhat detached and didnt
seem very thankful for what he
was getting. It wasnt anything
the customer said; it was more of
a feeling that Al picked up over
the phone. It was as though the
customer didnt trust what Al was
8. Then the customer asked a ques-
tion that cleared up what was
behind his demeanor. He asked,
Are you going to pay for the
repairs at the other shop, too?
Al was a little blown away at
first, but being a compassionate
guy, he understood that this was
a man facing a financial hardship
and any amount of money was
9. Al replied that he had only com-
mitted to pay for the transmis-
sion rebuild parts, labor, and
fluids. But he offered to change
the engine oil and put fresh cool-
ant in the radiator. Al said that he
thought the other repairs, while
important, could be put off for
10. The customer called frequently
throughout the week to see if
the van was finished. Al recalled
thinking the guy was acting like
a paying customer rather than
being appreciative of all he was
getting for free.
11. Al wisely decided that, since
this customer was acting a bit
peculiar, hed better document all
their conversations and pertinent
details regarding the condition of
the van and the repairs.
12. The job was completed on
Thursday and plans were made
for the newspaper and customer
to come in on Friday morning.
Al had the van washed and vacu-
umed before the Friday morning
13. The newspaper was there to take
pictures, and this was the first
time Al had met the customer
and his family in person. They
all seemed very nice and very
thankful. It seemed that they
couldnt say enough good things
about what a great guy Al was
for all he had done for them. Al
remembered thinking that he had
totally misjudged the fellow and
just allowed himself to enjoy the
whole event.
14. Sometime between Thanksgiving
and Christmas, the customer
called Al to tell him the van
quit running. He asked if
there was any warranty on
the rebuilt transmission. Of
course, Al told him, he would
take care of it, and arranged to
tow it in.
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1tschetter914.indd 35 8/29/14 9:20 AM
36 GEARS September 2014
15. It turned out that the lower radia-
tor hose had ruptured and the
engine overheated. It had internal
engine damage and needed major
repairs or replacement.
16. Al invited the customer to come
down to the shop so he could
show him what happened. When
he came in, the customer broke
down in tears and became angry
at Al. He told Al that he trusted
him when he said he could drive
it for awhile the way it was, but
now he had a huge problem and
no way to pay for it.
17. Al apologized and explained that
there was no way anyone could
have predicted how long the old
hose would last. He added that
he was sorry, but he couldnt
offer any further assistance. The
customer became irrational and
stormed out of the shop.
18. Al had the van towed back to the
customers house and hoped the
matter was over.
19. The customer actually ended up
taking Al to small claims court.
He sued for $4000 to have the
engine repaired.
His case was totally based on
Al assuring him that he could
drive the van for awhile without
replacing the hoses.
20. Al asked to have the case dis-
His defense was primarily that
he had only rendered an opin-
ion, but additionally, it wasnt
possible for anyone to predict
how long a radiator hose would
His defense was supplemented
with the report hed written up
regarding the condition of the
van and the details of his con-
versations with the customer
during the week the work was
Two Questions
1. Do you think Al did anything
wrong during the repair and diag-
nostic process?
2. What could Al have done, if any-
thing, to avoid this dispute?
The Decision
The judge ruled in Als favor:
1. He felt Al had appropriately
advised the customer that other
work was needed, and Al bore no
responsibility for ongoing main-
tenance and repair of the van
beyond the transmission itself.
2. In an off-the-record comment, the
judge admonished the customer
for his ungratefulness. He sug-
gested that he owed Al an apol-
ogy for dragging him into court.
He further commended Al for his
generous gesture and encouraged
him to continue doing it.
My Thoughts
Its a shame that a case like this
even went to court, but people often
become irrational when theyre faced
with circumstances beyond their con-
trol. Even though Al won the case, he
still lost time, was inconvenienced, and
had to deal with the hassle associated
with going to court.
Al might have avoided this situ-
ation if hed simply taken care of the
belts, hoses, and wipers an extra
hour and less than $100 in parts would
have made this van complete, and the
entire problem would likely have never
Of course, hindsight is always
20:20. We have no way of knowing just
how bad those hoses appeared, or how
many other issues were on the bubble
for needing repairs. All we can do is
recognize how important it is to exam-
ine the vehicle thoroughly and keep a
record of your results.
Another thing to acknowledge is
that this was a terrific promotional idea,
even in light of this situation. After
a result like this, many shop owners
might have cancelled the program, but
Al recognized that this was a weird
exception and, to his credit, continued it
until he retired from the business.
What Can We Learn?
The most important lesson is to lis-
ten to your gut and never let your guard
down. The minute Al felt something
was a little peculiar he became diligent,
keeping detailed records of the repairs
and conversations with the customer.
It would have been easy to assume
nothing could go wrong; since it was a
free job, who would ever complain
let alone sue? Fortunately for Al, he lis-
tened to that little voice inside him and
it kept a bad situation from becoming
much worse.
About the Author
Thom Tschetter has served our
industry for more than three decades as
a management and sales educator. He
owned a chain of award-winning trans-
mission centers in Washington State for
over 25 years.
He calls on over 15 years of expe-
rience as a certified arbitrator for top-
ics for this feature column.
Thom is always eager to help mem-
bers of our industry and continues to be
active in his retirement. You can contact
him by phone at (480) 773-3131 or
e-mail to
Share Your Stories
If youve personally
experienced a weird or
unusual customer dispute
and wouldnt mind sharing
it to help your industry,
please contact me. You just
tell me the story and Ill do
all the heavy lifting to write
it. We can make it an article
about you, or, like this
months contributor, you
may remain anonymous.
The main thing is
to share stories that will
help others avoid similar
problems. Call me at 480-
773-3131 or email me at
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
1tschetter914.indd 36 8/29/14 9:20 AM
aam placd914.indd 2 8/12/14 10:42 AM
38 GEARS September 2014
by Rodger Bland
You Need a
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efreshed, re-energized,
recharged these are just
a few of the adjectives that
described my mood after returning
from a recent fishing/horseback riding/
camping trip to Upper Uinta, located
in the majestic mountains of northern
What a trip! Totally off the grid,
too. A true vacation from the hustle and
bustle of cell phones, emails, and the
daily grind that tends to wear us down
to the point of exhaustion and lost pro-
My wifes sisters husband (I guess
that would make him my brother-in-
law), Warren Stucki, his son, Sean,
their good friend, Mike Noteman, and
I headed up the Rock Creek trail in
search of cutthroat, brook, brown, rain-
bow, and any other species of trout that
would take our collective assortments
of lures and worms.
The fishing certainly didnt disap-
point, but my biggest catch was some-
thing Id been fishing for a long time:
total relaxation. And I landed a whopper!
1whats working914.indd 38 8/29/14 10:11 AM
GEARS September 2014 39
How bout you? When was the
last time you took a real vacation? I
mention real, because sometimes our
vacations (and Ive been on more than
a few) can be more work and effort than
the jobs were vacationing from.
You know the ones: where some-
one elses itinerary keeps you moving
and juggling time and energy through-
out the entire trip to the point of being
physically and mentally exhausted
by the end of your well-deserved and
needed time away from whatever it is
you do to make ends meet.
It doesnt matter whether you love
your work; hopefully you find fulfill-
ment in what you do, and if you dont,
you need to find something else to
do, but thats a topic for another day.
Taking time out to sharpen the saw,
as the late Stephen Covey once said, is
paramount in protecting not only your
sanity, but the job you enjoy as well.
Both you and your job deserve a
break from time to time. But theres
a larger, more important reason to get
away from it all: unleashing your cre-
ativity and prob-
lem-solving capa-
bilities, which
can only occur
when youre truly
S c i e n c e
backs me up here.
overload has
become the norm for most of us in
todays connected society. Emails,
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, smart
phones, YouTube videos, television,
newspapers, blogs, and on and on.
In a recent New York Times arti-
cle, Daniel J. Levitan, author of The
Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in
the Age of Information Overload, says
that, if youre feeling overwhelmed,
theres a reason: The processing capac-
ity of the conscious mind is limited.
This, according to Levitan, is a result
of how the brains attentional system
Our brains have two dominant
modes of attention: the task-positive
network and the task-negative network.
Theyre called networks because
they consist of distributed networks of
neurons, like electrical circuits within
the brain.
Pushes 18,000 lbs up a 5% grade.
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1whats working914.indd 39 9/2/14 12:54 PM
40 GEARS September 2014
The task-positive network is oper-
ating when youre actively engaged in
a task, focused on it, and undistract-
ed; neuroscientists call it the central
executive. The task-negative network
is active when your mind is wander-
ing; the daydreaming mode. These two
attentional networks operate like a see-
saw in the brain: When one is active the
other isnt.
This two-part attentional sys-
tem is one of the crowning achieve-
ments of the human brain, and its
focus allowed us to harness fire, build
the pyramids, walk on the moon, and
decode the human genome. Those proj-
ects required some plain, old-fashioned
But the insight that led to them
probably came from the daydreaming
mode. This brain state, marked by the
flow of connections between disparate
ideas and thoughts, is responsible for
our moments of greatest creativity and
insight, when were able to solve prob-
lems that previously seemed unsolvable.
You might be going for a walk or
fishing for trout in the mountains or
doing something that doesnt require
sustained attention and BOOM!
the answer to a problem suddenly
This is the mind-wandering mode,
making connections between things we
didnt previously see as connected.
And this type of thinking can only
occur when we arent concentrating
on a particular task or problem in
fact, it only occurs when we arent
consciously think-
ing about anything.
Like when were
on a true vacation:
off the grid and
away from it all.
the value of being
disconnected from
our ever-increas-
ingly connected
world from time to time is only part of
the solution. To maximize the benefits
of tapping into the true problem-solv-
ing area of the brain requires discipline
with our time management, too.
Lets face facts: As wonderful as it
would be, we cant be on a true vaca-
tion from work all the time: Thats
called retirement. (Have you ever
wondered why our retired colleagues
always seem to have all the answers to
our problems? Thats why!)
For the rest of us working stiffs,
we need to manage our time and dis-
tractions with vigor, because the more
distractions we have to deal with, the
less time and brain function well have
left to solve the big problems facing our
businesses and lives.
Levitan continues, If you want
to be more productive and creative,
and have more energy, science dictates
that you should partition your day into
project periods. Your social networking
should be done during a designated
time, not as constant interruptions to
your day.
Email, too, should be done at des-
ignated times. An email that you know
is sitting there, unread, may sap atten-
tional resources as your brain keeps
thinking about it, distracting you from
what youre doing. What might be in it?
Whos it from? Is it good news or bad
news? Its better to leave your email
program off than to hear that constant
ping and know youre ignoring mes-
If you can train yourself to take
real breaks from your daily tasks, be
they vacations (real vacations) to short
breaks in the day for walks, down time,
or even power naps, then you can begin
to harness the true potential of your
problem-solving capabilities.
Id love to hear from you about
whats working in your organization.
Have a unique strategy or process
thats working for your shop youd be
willing to share with the rest of the
industry? Send me an email at rbland@
You Need a Vacation!
1whats working914.indd 40 9/2/14 1:03 PM
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hen I asked Paula to marry
me 44 years ago and she
said yes, I knew we were
engaged. But now people are talk-
ing about customer engagement and
employee engagement. What the
heck does that mean?
Webster says its, the act
of engaging: the state of being engaged;
emotional involvement or commitment;
betrothal; the state of being in gear.
Personally, I like the state of being
in gear. That sure works for ATRA,
doesnt it? When were in gear, were
ready to move, to mesh and interact,
to combine our energy with someone
elses and to go forward.
Heres Wikipedias take on the
same word: An engaged employee is
one who is fully absorbed by and enthu-
siastic about their work and so takes
positive action to further the organiza-
tions reputation and interests. An orga-
nization with high employee engage-
ment might therefore be expected to
outperform those with low employee
engagement, all else being equal.
So what causes a person in
our industry to engage with others?
Whether its your coworkers engaging
to perform their jobs, or engaging with
a customer to serve them, I think were
talking about the same experience. Its
when one commits to connecting and
taking action. An engaged individual
cant be passive because they drive, and
are driven by, the needs of others.
I remember what it felt like to not
be engaged in my work. When I was
by Jim Cathcart
What Is Customer and
E mp l o y e e
42 GEARS September 2014
1chatcart 914.indd 42 8/29/14 10:43 AM
GEARS September 2014 43
in the Army, Private Rudy Reida and I
stood side by side in military formation
each day during our training at Fort
Sam Houston, Texas. I recall hearing
Reveille, getting up in the dark, and
running, half asleep, to my spot in the
morning formation.
Eager to go back to sleep, Rudy
and I agreed to lean on each other
and rest until the sergeant forced us
to be engaged in the mornings exer-
cises. Wed whisper, Prepare to lean
Lean! Then we could each be a bit
less awake while still standing up. Of
course it was an exercise in futility; we
knew wed only get a minutes extra
rest but that seemed enough at the time.
We were would-be slackers but we
always snapped to attention as soon
as our leader showed up. It wouldve
been better if wed led ourselves to
be engaged, but we didnt care much
about the training. We felt like victims
of it rather than participants and con-
tributors. However, the closer we got to
potential combat assignments, the more
seriously we took the training.
Lots of people take that same
uncommitted posture toward their jobs.
They do what they have to in order to
get by but they dont bring anything to
the task. In fact they seek ways to stay
unengaged as long as they can.
Note that I said, The closer we got
to potential combat assignments, the
more seriously we took the training.
When we saw the actual importance
of our work, we invested more of our-
selves into it.
The same is true for your cowork-
ers: When they see, hear, and feel the
importance and value of their actions,
then they take them more seriously.
GEARS September 2014 43
1chatcart 914.indd 43 8/29/14 10:43 AM
44 GEARS September 2014
But you and I have to be the ones who
are selling that importance day to day.
People need to know why their
work matters, and they need to be
reminded of it often. Daily, if practical.
In meetings, engaged people seem to
gravitate toward the front and they fully
commit to the meeting even before it
Theyre invested in getting the
most value from the experience.
Theyre also the quickest to respond
when a question is posed or a Q&A
session is announced. Consequently
they learn more and become even more
engaged and motivated than before.
Ive seen this same phenomenon
in hundreds of meetings over the years.
The disengaged attendees always take
the seats in the back of the room and
on the ends of the aisles. They want an
easy escape if needed. They listen only
marginally and they dont contribute to
the meeting.
They dont care much about the
training because it doesnt seem to truly
matter to them. Theyre looking at their
cell phones or avoiding eye contact
with the managers. But the minute you
tell them a true story about something
relevant to them, they become attentive
and engaged.
Youve read my articles before
so Im sure you know where all this
is leading. You have to engage before
you can expect others to do so. Yep,
once again it all comes down to you. If
youre the boss, the supervisor, or the
owner, then if it is to be it is up to me.
Ten little two-letter words. But what
does that look like in action?
It means that you decide in advance
to care about the other people and how
things affect them. You speak frequent-
ly about why our work matters and
how it affects others. You adjust your
own attitude to a productive one before
arriving at work.
You anticipate the needs of the day
and remember the unique situations
of each of your coworkers before you
arrive, so youre ready with a Great
job on that Chevy! compliment, or
a Happy Birthday, or Hows you
Mom? or I apologize, or I need
your help.
What you do is done intentionally
to address the person youre working
with, be it a customer or coworker.
So when you see or hear another
person arrive at work in the morn-
ing, you initiate the good morning
greeting instead of waiting for them
to, or ignoring that courteous ritual
altogether. It means that you reach out
to arriving customers before they get to
your door or desk and you make them
feel safe and welcome. It also means
that you solve any problem you can,
even when it isnt necessarily your job.
Still with me? Wow, that indicates
a high level of emotional maturity on
your part. By now, many folks would
have said, Stop the lecture. So thanks
for staying engaged.
What gets others to behave as Ive
recommended to you? Well, again, they
tend to reflect what you give them. But
you also need to talk about this. Tell
them clearly what you expect from
them and then show them through your
own behavior. Above all, talk about it.
The traditional ways to say this are
lead by example and inspect what
you expect. The truth is, were always
setting examples, good or bad. And, if
we dont inspect what weve said we
expect, then people dont believe we
really meant it, so they disengage.
The standards we set for how each
person and situation is dealt with will
determine the payoffs we get over
time. Consider, for example, how many
times the phone will be allowed to ring
before someone rushes to answer it.
Whats your policy on how customers
are greeted? What about the process of
inspecting their cars and telling them
the news?
Whats the habitual morning and
end-of-day greeting or goodbye prac-
ticed in your shop? How does your
team react when one of you starts whin-
ing instead of problem-solving? (You
want some cheese to go with that whine
Encourage people not to take them-
selves too seriously but to take their
work very seriously. Can people truly
tell that you care about them? If so,
theyll likely be as engaged as you are.
Now, wheres that front row seat
for the seminar?
People need to
know why their
work matters,
and they need to
be reminded of
it often. Daily, if
What Is Customer and Employee Engagement
44 GEARS September 2014
1chatcart 914.indd 44 8/29/14 10:43 AM
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46 GEARS September 2014
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napc 914.indd 2 8/29/14 8:30 AM
48 GEARS September 2014
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Join Transtar and ATRA at a special industry reception during the 2014 Powertrain Expo. Enjoy
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you do the rest of the night is your call (and the less we know, the better).
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transtar recep14.indd 2 8/29/14 12:38 AM
50 GEARS September 2014
The Four Myths
of Revenue
m excited to be speaking at this
years Expo in Las Vegas on
October 30. My topic and my
consultancy focuses on fast revenue
My typical client grows by 15% to
20% in their first year with me. They do
so by applying simple, no-cost market-
ing techniques, which Ill be presenting
in Las Vegas.
My experience is that most people
have it all it wrong about revenue
growth: Too many business leaders
believe that increasing the top line
is a sales effort. Its not. Actually, if
you want to grow your organization,
marketing is the fastest, easiest, most
impactful behavior you can engage in.
In fact, marketing grows compa-
nies faster and easier than sales. Thats
because sales effort can only be execut-
ed with one prospective customer at a
time. You cant sell to 12 companies at
once. But you can market to 12. Or 120.
Or 1200. Theres no limit.
Next, most people believe it takes
a financial investment to generate new
revenue. It takes money to make
money, is a widely accepted truth,
right? Well, it isnt the truth. Its lazy
and asinine.
It doesnt take money to make
money. It takes a bit of personal effort
and attention. Think about it: In our
era of easy communication, how many
real, personal communications do you
receive in a day? Im talking about
personal calls and e-mails, written by
somebody you know, just to you. Effort
is required to grow revenue, not money.
The third significant misconcep-
tion about revenue growth is that its
complicated. Its hard to grow sales,
people often say. No it isnt. Its easy.
Its downright simple.
Heres whats required: system-
atically communicating your value to
people who can buy it. (Thats my defi-
nition of marketing, by the way.) Just
tell people how theyll improve if they
buy from you. How will I be better off
if we do business? Dont tell me about
your products or services. Tell me about
their value to me. Do that and your
business will grow.
Finally, most people believe that
growing the top line requires a lot of
time. In fact, thats often the excuse I
hear from business leaders: Im too
busy, I just dont have the time.
Well, the good news is that it
doesnt take hours every day to grow
your company. It doesnt even take
an hour, or a half-hour for that matter.
It takes 15 minutes per day. Thats it.
Give me 15 minutes of communication
action each day, and Ill arm you with
the techniques thatll grow your shop
So revenue growth is a market-
ing pursuit, not a sales one; it requires
effort, not financial investment; its
quite simple to attain; and it only
requires 15 minutes per day.
Sound interesting? Ill tell you
exactly what to do in those 15 minutes
on Oct ober 30 in Las Vegas.
I look forward to seeing you there!
by Alex L. Goldfayn
1alex marktg914.indd 50 8/29/14 10:54 AM
HOrsepower donny914.indd 2 8/29/14 11:04 AM
52 GEARS September 2014
he great challenge today for shop
owners and powertrain techni-
cians isnt fixing the car; its diag-
nosing driveability problems. Is the odd
sound your customer heard a thump
or a bump? Is it a sensor, a pump, the
valve body or the converter? Is the
intermittent shifting problem caused by
a short in the trunk lock?
For a properly trained technician
with the right tools, once theyve diag-
nosed a driveability problem, the fix is
usually an obvious repair, replace, or
rebuild. Powertrain diagnostics isnt
rocket science to a properly trained
If the customers car doesnt come
in on the back of a tow truck, the
single best means for diagnosing or
troubleshooting problems is the road
test. Then, once the repair or rebuild
is complete, its time for another road
test; perhaps a long one to make sure
the fix is a done deal and in some cases
to allow the computer to relearn correct
shifting patterns and operation.
Its a necessary part of the job,
but the road test can be dangerous,
as proved by the loss statistics from
insurance companies and the personal
experiences of many people.
Just about everyone in the business
knows a road test story that came to a
bad end. One favorite is the new guy
took a customers car for a road test.
There was a note on the repair order
saying No R. The new guy didnt
get it.
During the road test he pulled up
beside a tractor trailer to make a right
turn, not realizing the truck was also
making a right turn. When the truck
started to make a wide right turn the
new guy realized he had a problem and
tried to put the car in reverse; suddenly
he knew what No R meant!
The truck drove over the front
end of the customers car and the new
guys brain turned red. The bosss brain
turned red shortly thereafter, too. Its a
funny story now, but not so funny when
it happened.
More recently there was the story
of a technician using a scan tool on a
road test and then running into the back
of a bus. That story is never going to be
funny and the danger of the road test
and driver distraction is never going
away, unless you change your proce-
One thing we all know is driver
distraction caused by using a scan tool
during a road test isnt going away
anytime soon. In fact, many people are
guessing things will go a step further in
the future, using Smart Phone technol-
ogy instead of a scan tool.
There are strict laws in every state
that prohibit cell phone use unless its
hands free, and laws prohibiting texting
under any circumstance. And while
there arent specific laws prohibiting
using a scan tool on a road test, there
are plenty of laws addressing distracted
driving, be it cell phone use or putting
on your lipstick.
A ticket for distracted driving can
cost between $300 to $500, plus the
increased cost from a point added to
your personal insurance policy in some
states. An accident moves your long
term personal insurance cost to a whole
new level for three or more years and
its not cheap. The shops insurance
rates go up, too.
So how can you avoid this for
safety sake? A road test requires two
people: a driver and a diagnostician.
Make it the routine. No nonsense, no
exceptions, no accidents!
The answer is pretty simple stuff
but we know a lot of readers will resist
simply because its change. Its a well-
known human trait to resist change.
Theres also an increased labor cost.
It doesnt matter: Your shop should
adopt the two-person road test when
using a scan tool, and it needs to be
accepted as an industry standard. Its
the fix.
This space provide by ATRA and
GEARS Magazine on behalf o f the
California State Fund, ATRA Safety
Group 273. For more safety information
or to apply for discounted California
Group 273 Workers Compensation pro-
vided by the State Fund, visit: state-
The Road Test
by Frank Pasley,
ATRA Safety Director
1safety914.indd 52 8/28/14 11:35 AM
Registering for the 2014 SEMA Show is inexpensive.
Talk all you want: Theres no substitute for action. New
products, new ideas, new ways to protthis is no empty
promise. No hollow guarantee. This is the SEMA Show
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SEMA PLCD914.indd 2 8/29/14 11:06 AM
54 GEARS September 2014
or any business to be success-
ful, its critical to match the
business model to its market.
Thrift stores are rarely located in a
gated community, and youll probably
never see a Ferrari dealership in the
poorer part of town. Check out Rodger
Blands Whats Working article in the
last issue for more about that.
Maybe thats why Doug Dirks,
owner and operator of Dirks Automotive
& Transmission Repair in Oroville,
California, is doing so well: He knows
his market and has tailored his business
model around that market.
Oroville is a small town in rural
northern California, with a population
of less than 20,000, a lower-than-aver-
by Steve Bodofsky
The crew at Dirks L-R: Drew Keenan, Jeremy Koppenberg, Jack Dias, Doug Dirks, Larry Ahumada, Josh Corkin, Paul Vang, Brenda Wood
Dirks Automotive & Transmission Repair, Oroville, California
Dirks Automotive &
Transmission Repair:
Matching a Business Model to Its Market
1shop profile914.indd 54 8/29/14 11:01 AM
GEARS September 2014 55
age income level, and a higher-than-
average unemployment rate. Its sur-
rounded by several other small towns
in similar circumstances.
So when a transmission job comes
into Dougs shop, he knows that price
is likely on the customers mind. Thats
why he offers option-based pricing: to
give his customers a choice to fit their
Todays consumer likes choices,
says Doug. We were always build-
ing what we liked to call first line
transmission rebuilds, but we learned
that customers dont always want that.
Sometimes they just want enough to
get by.
So now we give our customers
choices: We can offer a targeted repair
with a 12-month, 12,000-mile warranty
for one price; an 18-month, 18,000-
mile warranty for a few hundred more;
or, for a little more, we can offer a cus-
tom rebuild that comes with 36-month,
36,000-mile warranty.
Turns out thats exactly what his
customers want to hear: Once they
hear the options and the differences in
the warranties, theyll usually go for the
custom rebuild, explains Doug.
Family Tradition
When asked how he got into the
business, Doug likes to respond, Its
kind of like farming; I was born into it.
Don Dirks, Dougs father, began
fixing cars while he was still in high
school in Maxwell, CA. After grad-
uating he moved to San Francisco.
He served in the Army and, after his
service was up, came back to San
Francisco in 1955 and opened a service
station in Hunters Point.
He added a wrecking yard, and
a few years later started doing trans-
missions. He called his shop Dons
In 1967, Don moved to Daly City
and opened Daly City Transmissions.
Thats where Doug got his first taste
of transmission repair. I built my first
transmission a Turbo 400 when
I was about 12 years old, says Doug.
When I was 16, I took part in
the 4-4 Plan in high school: I went
to school for four hours and worked
for four hours. Back then, the guys
in the shop would save me the cast
iron Powerglides, because no else one
wanted to lift them!
Doug and his father opened their
first shop together in 1972. I was still
finishing up my senior year of high
school when we opened. At the time,
Doug was supposed to be a partner, but
it was pretty obvious that his father was
running things.
Doug continued to work with his
father for a few years. Then, in the late
70s, he left the family business and
went to work in the Bay area. That
was back when the 200s first came out.
I worked for a couple GM dealerships;
no one could fix them, so I started to
work on them.
A few years later, at his fathers
insistence, Doug came back to work at
Dirks, this time as a full partner. Don
semi-retired from the day-to-day opera-
tions of the business.
Within a few years we outgrew
the original shop. In 1984, we built our
current shop, which has about 25,000
square feet of work space and 19 lifts.
Owner and operator of Dirks Automotive & Transmission Repair, Doug Dirks
Service writer, Brenda Wood
1shop profile914.indd 55 8/29/14 11:01 AM
56 GEARS September 2014
He usually has about five or six techni-
cians working in the shop at any one
Education and the Future
One thing that doesnt seem to
change, no matter what the market
looks like, is the need for continuing
education. When a new guy comes in
the door, one of the first things I tell
him is that, if were going to remain
viable in this business, were going to
have to work on it, says Doug.
At Dirks, education can take many
forms; sometimes its through articles,
other times seminars or webinars. And
Doug tries to make it to every Expo,
and he usually brings at least a few
of his technicians to make sure he has
someone to sit in on all the seminar
Some things you learn from the
seminars; some things you learn from
the people in attendance, says Doug.
Everyones sharing information; you
pick up one thing and it can save you
thousands of dollars.
Not all their education comes from
outside the shop. Sometimes a car
comes in and, sure, we could just
change a part, but we really prefer
to know how the system works. We
built a special tester to check converter
clutches; weve drilled holes in pans
and installed pressure ports in valve
bodies so we could actually see whats
going on. Were willing to take the time
to learn, because we think its worth-
This is where Doug and his techni-
cians really try to stand out, by focusing
on root-cause analysis, rather than
just the quick fix. By understanding
what caused the problem, they know
theyre more likely to be able to ana-
lyze those systems in the future and
diagnose them on their own terms.
And Doug is always watching his
employees for exceptional behaviors;
he recently moved his youngest techni-
cian out of the shop and into the office.
I see something in him; hes more than
just a technician. So Im mentoring
him, and hopefully hell take my place
one day.
General Repairs
Doug added general repairs to the
business in about 2001. This was back
when the transmission industry was
just beginning to lose ground. General
shops and dealers in the area were
no longer referring their transmission
work to Doug, so he no longer felt com-
pelled to avoid competing with them.
When those referrals were at their
peak, Doug could trace about 20% of
his business to referrals from other
shops. Today that number is barely
measurable. I still get work from a few
dealers when they run into problems or
cant buy a reman. But thats about it.
We saw the market beginning to
change. We saw the need. We had the
facility, we had the equipment, and we
had the knowledge, so we figured, why
not? says Doug. Today their work is
running about 50:50 fifty percent
general repair, fifty percent transmis-
And this is another place where
Doug can offer his customers option-
based pricing. Like timing belts,
explains Doug. Some customers pre-
fer OE, so we offer an option using the
factory component parts, or we have a
good quality aftermarket line. In most
cases theres a difference of about $300
to $400.
Diagnostic Fees
Doug recognizes that diagnosis is
probably the most valuable service his
shop offers; usually more valuable than
the actual repair. And he believes in
charging for that diagnosis.
Service bays remain full in the 25,000 sq ft shop area.
Jeremy Koppenberg and Larry Ahumada conducting on-site
research from the workbench.
Dirks Automotive & Transmission Repair, Oroville, California
Josh Corkin
1shop profile914.indd 56 8/29/14 11:02 AM
GEARS September 2014 57
When a job comes into our shop
that my guys arent familiar with, they
might spend a half hour or forty-five
minutes online, checking through all
the available resources, he says.
If the Check Engine light is on,
well check the codes for free. And if
it turns out to be something simple,
like the gas cap is loose, well take
care of that too. But if we have to take
it beyond that to diagnose the prob-
lem, we charge $190 for our Phase 1
$15 of that is earmarked as our
access fee to cover the cost of online
information resources. We pay nearly
$10,000 a year for technical resources.
In addition to being ATRA Members,
were part of the Sonnax TASC Force,
and we subscribe to many other technical
resources, including IATN, IdentiFix,
ATSG, TNRw, Mitchell, Alldata
So when a car comes in with a
problem, theyll spend maybe 15 min-
utes or more on line, just to get an idea
of where to look. Of course, theyll
refer back as necessary, based on what
they find. If the diagnosis looks like
its going to become more involved
than they first realized, theyll call and
get approval for additional diagnostic
By performing a cursory systems
check ahead of time, they can show
the customer what theyre paying for.
We can tell the customer, This is
what we see this is the information
weve gathered. That gives us a direc-
tion, which allows us to create a value,
because were telling the customer what
were actually going to do, as opposed
to simply charging for a diagnosis.
It provides the customer with a
more targeted view of what those diag-
nostic charges are for, which customers
find easier to accept.
Marketing the Business
Another thing that sets Doug apart
from many other shop owners is that
he still depends on the Yellow Pages
for at least part of his advertising. And,
according to his tracking program, a
substantial part of his customers still
find him through those pages.
At least part of that is probably
because, once you get a few miles away
from the shop, a lot of consumers are
still on dialup, he explains.
Thats not to suggest that Dirks
is somehow caught in the Stone Ages.
They have a dynamic web site at www., and Doug is
signed up with Kukui for his market-
ing and business tracking. That service
tracks his conversion rates for virtually
all his marketing programs, and he can
use those results to evaluate his return
on investment for his advertising.
In fact, thats how hes determined
that the Yellow Pages is still a worth-
while advertising medium for his shop.
They provide us with a dedicated
phone number so we can track the num-
ber of calls we receive from our Yellow
Pages ad and how many of those calls
we can convert into customers.
Doug also pays close attention to
his conversion rate. If I see the con-
version rate drop, I start listening in
on phone calls to see if I need to start
retraining my staff on how to answer
the phone or what theyre advising the
Doug began using Kukui about a
year ago. When I first saw it I said,
This is my marketing dream come
true. They put it all together for me.
In addition to his regular ads and
web site, Doug belongs to a local
business networking group and attends
Chamber of Commerce meetings. And
he takes part in some other civic events:
The Oroville development economic
group has a barbecue and we set up a
table with some displays, he says.
His program must be working,
because Dirks is doing really well, in
a market where many people are strug-
For any business to be successful,
it has to adjust its business model to the
needs of its market. Thats what Doug
Dirks tries to do every day. And its
making a real difference in his busi-
ness and his bottom line.
Paul Vang Larry and Jeremy at the building bench.
Drew Keenan goes over a vehicle
inspection with a customer.
1shop profile914.indd 57 9/2/14 12:35 PM
58 GEARS September 2014
he vast majority of music and
news businesses failed to adapt
with the Millennial generation.
As a result, the two industries are
still, today, rebuilding essentially from
scratch. Why did those businesses fail?
What makes Millennials so different
from Generation X or Baby Boomers?
Not much beyond technology. The
internet and mobile technology, shaped
an even more efficient consumer base
in digital natives. The digital tools
make it simple for a person to find
exactly what they want, nothing more,
nothing less.
When I go shopping, I have a
specific reason for going in mind,
23-year-old Lisa Sauter, born in the
heart of the Millennial generation,
explained. I need a new outfit for an
occasion; I need some new items to
replace existing ones; I need to get X,
Y, and Z. Rarely do I go out shopping
just to go shopping.
Millennials Americans born
between 1980 and 2000 just have
better resources to find particular songs
at less cost than entire albums, locate
specific news online instead of buying
expensive subscriptions, and discover
items on sale rather than regular price.
I usually know what Im looking
for when I go in. These days I dont
think I would ever need a salesman,
24-year-old Mike Evans observed of
his shopping habits, because all the
questions I have I answer on my phone
before I go in. Or if I see something
there that raises more questions, I get
on my phone and research it myself.
Digital technology and the internet
aside, however, Millennials share simi-
lar customer expectations as those from
Generation X and the Baby Boomers.
Accenture published a study in June
2013 about generational shoppers. The
researchers defined Millennials as born
From Nancy Friedman,
the Telephone Doctor
Story by Jared Grafman
Shopping Habits
of the Millennial
nancy 914.indd 58 9/2/14 8:14 AM
GEARS September 2014 59
between 1980 and 2000, Generation X
as those born from 1965 to 1979, and
Baby Boomers as born from 1946 to
Although Millennials have earned
a reputation for viewing the world
through a uniquely digital lens, our
results found some remarkable similari-
ties between them and their predeces-
sors, the researchers concluded. For
example, Accenture reported that more
than 2 in 5 people from every genera-
tion had browsed merchandise at a store
and then shopped for those products
online to find the best deal more
often than they did a year ago.
36 percent of respondents, in each
surveyed generation, reported they
would buy a product from a retailers
online store if they wanted to shop
after-hours, according to Accenture.
Nearly nine of ten consumers consider
product availability when determining
what stores they will shop at in their
Nevertheless, being digitally
native does not mean being digitally
In fact, Accenture reported,
interviews conducted recently at one
of Americas largest shopping malls
confirmed our survey findings that
many members of the digital genera-
tion actually prefer visiting stores to
shopping online.
Businesses struggling to reach
Millennials would be more successful
if they considered the world wide web
like a fax machine or telephone; it is
just another way to communicate with
These are young people for whom
connective technology, the internet, the
web, smartphones have pretty much
always been around, Forbes writer
Micah Solomon described in an April
2014 article. They use the internet,
of course, almost endlessly, often from
mobile devices. But its not a thing
to them, a discrete, nifty invention.
Rather, for a millennial, its just the
norm. Like flush toilets. Like electric-
The natural view of a blended
digital and physical world has brought
forward a new approach for serving
customers, and one which has been
naturally adopted by digital native con-
sumers: An omni-channel experience.
Simply put, its the notion that
consumers use more than one channel
(web, catalog, mobile, store) to make
a purchase, Brian Kilcourse articu-
lated in a 2011 Retail Systems Research
Ultimately its still the same eco-
nomics principles at play, regardless
whether the customer is 16 or 86 years
old: Demand, and supply.
The idea reflects the fact that con-
sumers dont see channels, Kilcourse
wrote, they seek solutions: either a
retailer satisfies a need or it doesnt.
About the author: Jard Grafman is a
Missouri School of Journalism and Dow
Jones News Fund alumnus. A digital jour-
nalist experimenting with a new journalism
based off traditional methods in the digital
age. For more information on Jared, visit
his website at
They use the internet, of
course, almost endlessly,
often from mobile devices
+44 (0) 845 519 4471
nancy 914.indd 59 9/2/14 8:08 AM
Hosts the
ATRA Returns to
Las Vegas!
Register Today!
Thursday, October 30
7am-5pm Attendee Registration
8am-6pm Technical Seminars
Its Live and In Stereo! - Bill Brayton
Its a Mad, Mad World - Sean Boyle
Reboot? Restart? Nope...Update! - Alan McAvoy
Fixing It Right the First Time - Stevie LaVallee
GMs TEHCM...YOU Can Fix em! - Dan Nagy
Waves and Waves of Electricity! Part 1 - Dan Marinucci
Its Allliiive!!! Calling Dr. Parmenter, Your Patient Has Arrived - John Parmenter
3pm-5pm Management Seminars
Whats Working - Dennis Madden, Rodger Bland
5pm-6pm ATRA Member Meeting
Friday, October 31
7am-5pm Attendee Registration
7:30am-5pm Technical Seminars
Whos the New Guy? - Mike Souza
Shift Control, With a Bit of TC Slip - Bob Warnke
Waves and Waves of Electricity! Part 2 - Dan Marinucci
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! - Mark Puccinelli
8am-12pm Management Seminars
Turning Clicks Into Calls! - Danny Sanchez
Golden Nuggets of Customer Service - Nancy Friedman
12pm-2pm ATRA Luncheon - sponsored by Raybestos
2pm-7pm Trade Show
4pm-6pm ATRA Chapter Presidents Meeting
7pm-9pm Cocktail Reception - hosted by Transtar Industries
Saturday, November 1
8am-5pm Attendee Registration
9am-1:30pm Technical Seminars
Tips and Tricks from the Rebuild Bench - John Parmenter
Say What? I Cant Hear You! - Steve Garrett
Pieces of 8. 8 Speeds That Is - Niel Speetjens
9am-12pm Management Seminars
Everyone is in Sales! - Maylan Newton
Customer Engagement - JIm Cathcart
12pm-5pm Trade Show
3pm-4pm ATRA Longtimers Meeting
4pm-5:30pm Technical Seminars
What the Heck is a Dual Wet Clutch?? - Bob Nuttall
Sunday, November 2
9am-12pm Management Seminars
Future Trends - Scott Johnson
Chemistry Lessons for a Multi-Generational Workforce - Bill Haas
9am-12pm Technical Seminars
We CAN Rebuild It - Bob Nuttall
Tapping Into Your High Performance Needs! - Randall Schroeder
Using Toyotas Techstream Scan Tool Software & TIS SVC Info - Jack Rosebro
EXPO 814 4-pager.indd 2 7/29/14 2:47 PM
Thursday, October 30
7am-5pm Attendee Registration
8am-6pm Technical Seminars
Its Live and In Stereo! - Bill Brayton
Its a Mad, Mad World - Sean Boyle
Reboot? Restart? Nope...Update! - Alan McAvoy
ZF 6HP/8HP Transmission Operation & Diagnostics - Dirk Fuchs
GMs TEHCM...YOU Can Fix em! - Dan Nagy
Waves and Waves of Electricity! Part 1 - Dan Marinucci
Fords CVT, Inside and Out - John Parmenter
2pm-5pm Management Seminars
Whats Working - Dennis Madden, Rodger Bland
Mindset, Marketing & Action - Alex Goldfayn
5pm-6pm ATRA Member Meeting
6pm-7:30pm ATRA Welcome Reception
Friday, October 31
7am-5pm Attendee Registration
7:30am-5pm Technical Seminars
Whos the New Guy? - Mike Souza
Shift Control, With a Bit of TC Slip - Bob Warnke
Waves and Waves of Electricity! Part 2 - Dan Marinucci
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! - Mark Puccinelli
8am-12pm Management Seminars
Turning Clicks Into Calls! - Danny Sanchez
Golden Nuggets of Customer Service - Nancy Friedman
12pm-2pm ATRA Luncheon - sponsored by Raybestos
2pm-7pm Trade Show
4pm-6pm ATRA Chapter Presidents Meeting
7pm-9pm Cocktail Reception - hosted by Transtar Industries
Saturday, November 1
8am-5pm Attendee Registration
9am-1:30pm Technical Seminars
Tips and Tricks from the Rebuild Bench - John Parmenter
Say What? I Cant Hear You! - Steve Garrett
Pieces of 8. 8 Speeds That Is - Niel Speetjens
9am-12pm Management Seminars
Everyone is in Sales! - Maylan Newton
Customer Engagement - JIm Cathcart
12pm-5pm Trade Show
3pm-4pm ATRA Longtimers Meeting
4pm-5:30pm Technical Seminars
What the Heck is a Dual Wet Clutch?? - Bob Nuttall
Sunday, November 2
9am-12pm Management Seminars
Future Trends - Scott Johnson
Chemistry Lessons for a Multi-Generational Workforce - Bill Haas
9am-12pm Technical Seminars
We CAN Rebuild It - Bob Nuttall
Tapping Into Your High Performance Needs! - Randall Schroeder
Using Toyotas Techstream Scan Tool Software & TIS Svc Info - Jack Rosebro
ATRA Returns to
Las Vegas!
Register Today!
Schedule At A Glance
atra house expo ad p2.indd 2 9/2/14 7:05 AM
62 GEARS September 2014
GEARS does not endorse new products but makes this new information available
to readers. If you have a new product, please email the press release information
with applicable digital photo or drawing to or send by mail to
GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030.
Sonnax Purchases
Valve Body XPress
The employee-owners of Sonnax
Industries are pleased to announce
the acquisition of Valve Body Xpress
(VBX) and Valve Body Xtras of
Paulsboro, N.J. Founded in 2002,
VBX is a leading remanufacturer of
automatic transmission valve bodies
and solenoids. Valve Body Xtras is a
VBX subsidiary focused on valve body
According to Sonnax President and
CEO Tommy Harmon, this acquisition
combines the resources of two
successful companies to better meet
the repair challenges of increasingly
sophisticated modern transmissions.
Sonnax is well known worldwide in the
industry for its innovative engineering,
exceptional quality, and outstanding
technical support and training.
The volume of valve bodies rebuilt
by VBX and the companys hands-
on remanufacturing expertise opens
the door to expanded Sonnax product
development and testing capabilities.
The transmission aftermarket will
benefit from this collaboration, whether
a shop chooses to rebuild their valve
bodies with Sonnax parts or purchase a
VBX rebuilt unit.
Valve Body Xpress President
Tim LaCerra will remain with VBX
as vice president of remanufacturing.
The company will continue to operate
independently in New Jersey, and its 35
employees will become shareholders in
the Sonnax Employee Stock Ownership
Plan (ESOP).
No major changes are planned for
VBX in the near term.
Valve Body Xpress is a successful
growing company, said Harmon. We
will continue to allow them to do
what they do best while exploring
opportunities for synergies and
discovering areas where Sonnax can
provide guidance to VBX and vice
For more, visit Sonnax on line at
TransTec Introduces
Kits for K310 CVT
TransTec has just introduced over-
haul kit D P 2 629, which services the
K310 CVT transmission. This transmis-
sion is found in the following vehicles:
Kit D P 2 629 includes these fea-
tured sub kits and components:
TransTec kit DP2629 is in stock
and available for immediate shipment.
For more, visit TransTec on line at
Precision Introduces
New Kits for ZF8HP45
Precision International now has
overhaul kits, banner kits and master
kits for ZF8HP45/X/HIS transmissions.
For more, visit Precision on line at
Make Model
Subaru Trezia L4 1.5L 2013-14
Toyota Allion L4 1.5, 1.8L 2007-14
Toyota Auris L4 1.5, 1.8L 2006-14
Toyota Corolla L4 1.5, 1.8L 2006-14
Toyota EZ L4 1.8, 2.0L 2011-14
Toyota IST L4 1.8L 2007-10
Toyota Porte L4 1.5L 2012-14
Toyota Premio L4 1.5, 1.8L 2007-14
Toyota Probox L4 1.5L 2010-11
Toyota Ractis L4 1.5L 2013-14
Toyota Rumion L4 1.5, 1.8L 2006-14
Toyota Succeed L4 1.5L 2011-12
Toyota Wish L4 1.8L 2009-13
Description Years
3579 Sealing ring kit 2006-up
Duraprene pan
B29164 Left axle seal 2006-up
B37253 Right axle seal 2006-up
Manual lever
B37252 Converter seal 2006-up
2014 Freudenberg-NOK Sealing Technologies
11617 State Route 13 Milan, Ohio 44846 T: 419-499-2502 F: 419-499-2804
K310 CVT
Now available TransTec overhaul kit DP2629 which services the K310 CVT transmission. This
transmission is found in the following models.
NPA 6/20/14
New Product
K310 CVT
Chrysler 300
(V6 3.6L)
Dodge Charger
(V6 3.6L)
Jeep Grand
Cherokee (L6
BMW 135i 2012
BMW 335i 2012
BMW 528i 2009-2012
BMW 353i,
353i GT, 535xi
BMW 640i 2011-2012
BMW X3 2011-2012
BMW X5 2010-2012
BMW X6 2010-2011
Overhaul Kit: K82900RX
(without pistons)
Banner Kit: K8200RXW/O
(without pistons)
Master Kit: K8200RX
(without pistons)
1PINS 914 jeanette.indd 62 9/2/14 6:51 AM
GEARS September 2014 63
GFX Introduces
Honda 3rd Clutch
Drum Kits
GFX is now manufacturing a new
Honda 3
clutch drum kit. The kit
includes everything show in the photo.
Its a real problem-solver for transmis-
sion rebuilders.
Contact your local distributor for
availability and price. Be sure to ask
about other GFX specialty manufac-
tured parts.
For more GFX product informa-
tion, visit them online at www.gfxcorp.
Transtar Hires
David Haynes as VP
U.S. Domestic Dist.
Transtar Industries, Inc., owner
of automotive aftermarket brands
including Transtar, Transtar Autobody
Technologies, King-O-Matic, Axiom,
and Nickels Performance announced
it has named David Haynes as vice
president, U.S. domestic distribution.
Haynes is based in Cleveland, Ohio
and reports to Tim Bowes, president
and CEO.
I am excited about having Davids
leadership for our national distribu-
tion organization as well as assisting
with the continuing integration of the
DACCO business and team from our
acquisition earlier this year. I look for-
ward to his contributions in executing
dynamic growth strategies, value sell-
ing, and salesforce management as we
strengthen our leadership position in
our industry, states Bowes.
David brings a significant track
record in leading corporate strategic
growth initiatives, and joins Transtar
from Honeywell International in
Cleveland where he served as vice
president of marketing for its Novar
and Inncom building automation and
energy management divisions.
Prior to Honeywell, David held
executive-level marketing and sales
roles in manufacturing, software, and
telecommunications. He served as
executive vice president for Fabcon, a
California contract manufacturer; co-
founder and vice president of sales
and marketing for a California wireless
software start-up; and consulted for
Deloitte & Touche. David has interna-
tional business experience, as well as
having led M&A and integration proj-
ects during his career.
He holds an MBA from the
Graziadio School of Business at
Californias Pepperdine University, and
a bachelors degree in civil engineering
from the University of Saskatchewan
in Canada.
For more, visit Transtar on line at
Larry Ditizio Joins
Sales Team for
VTP South Trans Parts
VTP South LLC is pleased to
announce that Larry Ditizio has joined
its sales team. Well known in the
industry as the sales manager for Life
Automotive and Zoom Technology,
Larrys career actually started in 1982
with Key Transmission Parts Inc. in
South Jersey.
Working with the Life Automotive
team in 1995, Larry helped introduce
Smart Blend to our industry. Larry then
came home to South Jersey and joined
Zoom Technology, selling valve body
testing equipment.
Dan Mobilia, VTP South sales
manager said, Even with all the chang-
es in transmissions, year after year,
Larry jumped right in with his wealth
of sales experience and hasnt looked
VTP South LLC, located in
Pennsauken, New Jersey, is a wholesale
distributor of transmssion parts in the
mid-Atlantic region, providing daily
delivery in the tristate area of NJ, PA,
and DE, and UPS service elsewhere for
soft and hard parts and valve bodies.
For more, visit VTP on line at or call, toll free,
Bill Haas Named
Business Manager
North American Council of
Automotive Teachers, Inc. (NACAT)
has named Bill Haas to the position of
business manager. Haas is an industry
veteran with more than 40 years of
automotive service and repair industry
Bill has assumed the business man-
ager role effective August 1, 2014.
The part-time position will allow Haas
to continue his business management
training, consulting, and coaching
through Haas Performance Consulting
I look forward to working with
the NACAT board and membership.
This group has enormous talent and
a passion for their profession, said
Haas. They take their responsibility of
preparing the automotive technicians
of the future with the knowledge and
life skills necessary to succeed very
Haas was vice president of educa-
tion and training for the Automotive
Service Association (ASA) from 2000
2012. During that time he worked with
shop owners and managers, automobile
manufacturers, insurance companies,
part suppliers and program groups, tool
and equipment companies, advisory
committees, information providers, and
many industry organizations.
Hes been a guest speaker at mul-
tiple industry events. His expertise has
been requested at both the state and
national levels, and has provided testi-
mony at hearings of the U.S. Congress
and several state legislatures regarding
important legislation and regulations
affecting the automotive industry.
Larry Ditizio
1PINS 914 jeanette.indd 63 9/2/14 6:51 AM
64 GEARS September 2014
Bill received the Accredited
Automotive Manager (AAM) creden-
tial from the Automotive Management
Institute in 1996 and has been a mem-
ber of the Automotive Management
Institutes faculty since 2002.
For information, visit www.nacat.
org, email, or call 682-
Sussex Autos Attends
Paace Show in Mexico
A little over a month after exhibiting
in Dubai, Sussex Auto Parts CEO Alan
Gadd was in full swing at the Sussex
booth at the PAACE Automechanika
Show in Mexico. He was joined by
his North and South American Sales
Manager, Joe Logue. Joe, who is fluent
in Spanish, helped encourage interest in
Sussexs European transmission parts
Sussex Autos also sponsored a
technical seminar, presented by Hector
Cabrera, owner of the parts distribu-
tion store Transmisiones El Profe in
Monterrey, Mexico. The seminar, enti-
tled Resolving Problems with European
Transmissions, played to a packed house
of 500 attendees, with several others
having to be turned away because of
having reached the rooms capacity.
Alan said Having Joe on board
has really increased our opportunities
throughout North and South America,
and made us really accessible to cus-
tomers requiring European parts.
For more about Sussex Auto, visit
them on line at
Sonnax Introduces
Oversized Clutch
Control Valve Kits
Tackle multiple clutch control valve
issues in Aisin AW TF-60SN, BMW
6F21WA and VW/Audi 09G/K/M units
with these oversized clutch control
valve kits from Sonnax.
Each kit matches OE calibration
and features high-quality materials to
protect against premature wear.
C1/K1 Kit 15741-55K
K2 Kit 15741-57K
K3 Kit 15741-59K
For more, visit Sonnax on line at
Tri Component Introduces
New Friction Plates for
6HP26 Torque Converters
Tri Component Products is pleased
to announce the availability of friction
plates for the ZF 6HP26 275mm torque
converters, Tri part number PX-26-15.
The PX-26-15 features OE design
with 20 flat, external tabs and cutout
linings on both sides. Tri supplies
OE-type tan material with choices
including carbon, high carbon and
This plate is found in many
applications including the BMW
7 series sedan.
Product is USA manufactured in
the Tri Component plant.
For more, visit Tri Component on
line at
TransTec Introduces
Daihatsu A4P Kit
TransTec overhaul kit DP2634
is now available for the A4P RWD/
AWD 4-speed step transmission.
This transmission is found in the fol-
lowing vehicles:
Featured sub-kits and components:
Daihatsu A4P
Now available TransTec overhaul kit DP2634 which services the A4P RWD/AWD 4 Speed Step
Transmission. This transmission is found in the following models.
Description Years
DP2634 Overhaul Kit 2000-up
3582 Sealing Ring Kit 2000-up
Duraprene Pan
Converter Hub
Manual Lever
Housing Seal
1PINS 914 jeanette.indd 64 9/2/14 6:51 AM
*Free for everyone on the day of the webinar. ATRA
Members have access to all pre-recorded webinars.
Seal Aftermarket Products engineers and manufactures the
Toledo Trans-Kit brand, the most trusted and complete kits
in the industry for the past 25 years.
Join ATRA as we boldly leap into
the future of professional online
training with industry trend-setting
technical content you can access
A special Thank You to Seal
Aftermarket Products, a driving
force behind innovative education
and for their continual support in
promoting the betterment of the
Login at
and click on the webinar schedule.
Once registered, you will receive an
email confrming your registration
along with information you need to
join the webinar.
T 1000
r 2
Toyota 4X
ATRA webnar914.indd 2 8/29/14 11:11 AM
GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.
66 GEARS September 2014
Division of Wentworth Engineering
Authorized Parts Distributor
Reman Trans 6HP - 5HP - 4HP
BMW - Audi - Jaguar - Range Rover
Valve Bodies & Torque Converters
Fax: (860) 395-0047
146B Elm St., Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Soft Parts / Friction Kits / Steel Kits / Repair Manuals
Lifetime Fluids / Rebuild Kits / Valvebody Kits
Foreign & Domestic
One Year Warranty
Computer Module Specialist
A/C Parts Specialist
Off Vehicle Flash Programming Transmission Control Module (TCM)
Engine Control Module (ECM)
Accept Major Credit Cards
Technologies, Inc.
8515 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77037
Aisin AW 5- & 6-Speed
Chrysler 45RFE/545RFE/68RFE
(early & late) & 62TE
*Ford 5R55N/W/S & E4OD/4R100
Honda 5-Speed Dual Linear
to start a core return online, or call
(800) 843-2600, Ext. 379
*OE & Remanufactured
Solenoid CORES
CASH for
1shoppers 914.indd 66 9/2/14 9:11 AM
GEARS September 2014 67
BMW Mercedes-Benz Audi
Remanufactured to
Hundreds of Transmissions in-stock.
Immediate installation available.
2 year unlimited warranty.
Remanufactured torque converter included.
Toll free 800 - 372 - TRANS
1331 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA 94010
tel 650 - 348 - 3990 fax 650 - 348 - 3019
Need Hard
Just Ask!
gcor-just-ask-2014-2.25x3-shopper.indd 1 12/1/13 7:18 PM
Light duty manual
transmission parts for both
foreign and domestic
Transfer case component parts
Fully dyno tested
remanufactured transmissions
and transfer cases
Superior Technical Knowledge
Give us a call TODAY!
8933 NE Marx Dr Ste A1 Portland, OR 97220-1472
Equipment Manufacturing Corp.
In Stock
1shoppers 914.indd 67 9/2/14 9:11 AM
GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.
68 GEARS September 2014
Standard Transmissions
Transfer Cases
New & Used Parts
Rebuilt Units
4 3 2 7
Northland Transmission Inc.
Phone: 715-458-2617 Fax: 715-458-2611
Fix it in less
than fifteen
minutes with
one of our
easy to use
No machine
shop required.
Domestic and Foreign
Late and Early models
CALL 602-971-0477
Overhaul System!
Call for a free catalog
Have you ever wondered where your
competitors are buying their parts?
We are the premier wholesale
provider of new and remanufactured
manual transmissions,
transfer cases, differentials,and all
related components.
Multiple Distribution Locations
622 West 1st Street
Zumbrota, MN 55992
1shoppers 914.indd 68 9/2/14 9:11 AM
GEARS September 2014 69
1285 Embarcadero
Oakland, CA
600 Bruckner Road
Spartanburg, SC
Leading The Industry Since 1978
Leading 7he lndustry 3ince 1978
Leading 7he lndustry 3ince 1978
Leading 7he lndustry 3ince 1978
Leading 7he lndustry 3ince 1978
Leading 7he lndustry 3ince 1978
Leading 7he lndustry 3ince 1978
Minimal or No Adjustment Required
For The Ford 5R55N/W/S
For our Canadian
Some of the 800- toll free numbers
listed in the shopper ad section do
not work In Canada. Therefore, as a
service to you we have listed direct
line phone numbers to our shopper
A&REDS Transmission Parts
has multiple
Eriksson Industries (860) 388-4418
Transmission Exchange Co. (503) 284-0768
Autocomp Technologies (713) 697-5511
Precision of New Hampton Inc (641) 394-5955
Lory Transmission Parts (305) 642-4621
Miami Transmission Kits (305) 885-7355
ART Auto Sport Unlimited
Remanufactured Transmissions
(616) 748-5725
Weller Auto Trucks
Has many different
shop locations
Instaclean (928) 680-4445
Silver Star Transmission (405) 330-9300
Trans-Pac Motor Parts (310) 637-9156
Transfer Case Express
has multiple
Sept 13 - Billings, MT Sept 20 - Chicago, IL Sept 27 - Clark-Newark, NJ
Nov 8 - Baltimore, MD
ATRA'S POWERTRAIN EXPO 2014 Oct 30- Nov 2, 2014
Get Shop
(Restrictions may apply)
Space For Sale!
1classfd914.indd 70 9/2/14 9:47 AM
GEARS September 2014 71
Don't forget to check the Seminar Information on page 5051!
opportunity. Open to relocation for the right company and
right fit. Several years of experience in transmission parts
sales and management. Resume available upon request:
HELP WANTED: Middleton Transmission And Auto Repair
is currently accepting applications for an experienced
Transmission Builder, Full time, Part time, Auto Transmission
R & R mechanics , Auto Repair technicians, Diagnostic
Technicians ,ASE Certifications a Plus. Employees must
be able to work occasional overtime, and Saturdays till
noon. Requirements to include own tools, valid drivers license,
knowledge of Foreign and Domestic Vehicles. Contact: Philip
(978) 777-7072. ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: Transmission specialist and Automotive
Repair specialist needed for a premiere automotive repair
company in the Middle East.A minimum of ten years experi-
ence working on Domestic & Asian vehicles Transmission
Diagnostic experience needed. Relocation Package Offered.
Please send resume to the following:tristartrans@outlook.
com ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: Busy Western Colorado Transmission Shop
looking for experienced, detail oriented transmission rebuilder.
Benefits include paid time off 1 week after 1 year, 2 weeks
after 2 years, plus a matching IRA plan after 2 years. Great
location for outdoor activities fishing, hunting, camping, jeep-
ing, mountain biking close by. Fax resume to (970) 242-8589
or e-mail to Check us out at ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: We are an automotive franchise company
looking for experienced Transmission Rebuilders, General
Automotive Technicians and R&R men with diagnostic and
electrical experience. Must have 3-5 years of transmission
rebuilding experience. Responsibilites include, diagnose
transmission problems, rebuild transmissions, installation and
general engine repair. Email contact information and salary
requirements to
HELP WANTED: Our Arlington, Texas company is seeking
experienced transmission builders, R&R Techs and a Swing-
Man with the desire to learn to build transmissions. We are
looking for professionals with good communication skills that
are detail oriented. This is a very clean, professional and posi-
tive shop environment. Please send resume and/or questions
to ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: Well-established Northern California
Transmission Shop looking for a Installer/Swingman who
wants to learn to rebuild. Must have minimum 5 years trans-
mission experience. Team player, quality work, positive work
attitude. 40 hours work week, no weekends, one week paid
vacation after one year. Must have current references. Please
email resume to: Subject: BB-0714-1.
enced in late model units (10 year old & newer units). Excellent
working conditions, $64K to start, paid hourly plus benefits,
health, dental, vision, & retirement. 5 day work week. Check
out our shop tour videos, and others at http://www.transteam.
com/memweb/LarryBloodworth.html -or- call (805) 852-7700.
Fast, Easy and Free service to industry employees! Low
cost and an easy way to recruit nationwide for shop owners!
Serving the transmission industry since 1997. Visit our website
at: or call us toll free at: (888) 859-0994.
Sept 13 - Billings, MT Sept 20 - Chicago, IL Sept 27 - Clark-Newark, NJ
Nov 8 - Baltimore, MD
Check members.atra.
com for more dates
and locations
to come!
ATRA'S POWERTRAIN EXPO 2014 Oct 30- Nov 2, 2014
1classfd914.indd 71 9/2/14 9:47 AM
72 GEARS September 2014
Name Page Name Page
Aam - Aftermarket ............................................................... 37
ATRA Technical ................................................................... 65
BlueReach ........................................................................... 59
ETE Reman ..................................................................... 3, 29
EVT Parts ........................................................................ OBC
Exedy Globalparts Corporation ........................................... 27
Ford Customer Service Division .......................................... 13
GearSpeed .......................................................................... 43
Horsepower For An Hour .................................................... 51
Jasper Engines & Transmissions ...................................... IBC
Life Automotive Products Inc. .............................................. 23