Overhead Linea
Overhead Linea
Overhead Linea
To cite this article: Yo‐Yu Sun (1978) Matrix theorems of multiconductor transmission lines, Journal of the Chinese
Institute of Engineers, 1:2, 37-41, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.1978.9676612
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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 37—41, (1978)
Yo-Yu Sun*
m m
For uniformly coupled lossless (n+1) — con:
ductor transmission lines (See Fig. 1), the voltages [C] = [2b]
and currents are described by the equation pair
- — X. (x,s) = s [ L ] I ( x , s ) '[la] -c nl
In case the structure is reciprocal as what is to be
- — 1 (x,s) = s[C] V ( x , s ) [lb] =
considered, then L¡: = L:J and Cįj CJĮ for i^j. In
other words, [L] and [C] are symmetric matrices.
where V and ]_ denote n x 1 voltage and current
matrices, respectively; x is the distance measured GROUNDs
along the line and s is the Laplace transform variable.
The per-unit-length inductance matrix [L] and ca- O
pacitance matrix [C] are defined as follows
« 2 0
Lu L 12 "In
21 L22.
[L] = [2a] « m
Fig 1.
*Department of Electrical Engineering, Chung Shan Institute
of Science and Technology.
- 37 -
J.C.I.E., Vol. I, No. 2, (1978)
[¿NUN]" 1 = [M] T
been fully studied and many microwave devices
were designed on the basis of this assumption(l). or [M] T [N] = [d N ] [8b]
So long as the dielectric surrounding the transmis-
Eqs. [8a] and [8b] together imply that a diagonal
sion lines is nonhomogeneous, quasi TEM-mode
matrix [d] exists such that
wave propagation i.e., wave propagation with more
than one velocity, will occur. Therefore, [L] [C] is [dMl = [<W = [d] = [M] T [N] = [N] T [M] Q.E.D. [9]
no longer equal to [C] [L]. This general case has
also been investigated extensively in recent years
(2) - (9). Nevertheless, to the author's knowledge, Theorem II
several matrix relations regarding the quasi TEM- The modal matrices [M] and [N] are related as
mode transmission lines seem to have escaped the
researchers' attention. This work intends to report [C] [M] = [N] [d n ]
them in the form of theorems. [L] [N] = [M] [d m ]
In the above, [L] and [C] have been assumed where [d m ] and [d n ] are diagonal matrices.
symmetric. Actually, they are not only symmetric Proof: Eqs. [5a] and [5b] can be rewritten as
but also positive definite (2). Employing a matrix
theorem on simultaneous reduction of two quadratic ^ C H L ] [C][M]=[D] [10a]
forms (10), it is readily shown that the modal ma- ^LJIC] [L][N] =[D] [10b]
trices [M] and [N] always exist such that
A comparison between Eqs. [5a] and [10b] as
[M] [L] [C] [M] = [D] [5a] well as [5b] and [10a] yields the equalities
[ N ] " 1 [C] [L] [N ] = [D] [L] [N] =. [M] [d m ] [lia]
where [D] is a diagonal matrix, viz. [C] [M] = [N] [d,,] [lib]
V;, 0 "
Now, in view of Eqs. [1] and [2] it is readily ob-
[D] = [6] tained that
1 0 '••v-
[d m ][d n ] = [d n ][d m ] = [D] Q.E.D. [12]
Vį is the i mode wave propagation velocity. In passing, it is noted that for quasi TEM-
mode transmission lines, [d m ] and [d n ] can never
Theorem I be scalar matrices simultaneously.
Between [M] and [N], there exists the relation
Theorem III
[M] T [N] = [N] T [M] = [d] Let f(cv) be an arbitrary function of a, then
where [d] is a diagnoal matrix, and T indicates
transpose. Proof: Taking transpose of Eqs. [5a] and
[C]f([L][C]) = Î([U [L]) [C]
[5b], one has
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Y. Y. Sun: Multiconductor Transmission Lines
Proof: In matrix theory, it is well known that when sidered. The per-unit-length inductance and capaci-
two matrices commute, they share the same modal tance matrices are measured to have the values
matrix for similarity transformation (10). Then, from
[5a] and [5b], one has
= f([D]) [13a] 2 1
[L] = nH/cm
= f([D]) [13b)
1 3
since f([L] [C]) and f([C] [L]) commute with [L] [C]
and [C] [L] respectively, where f([D]) is a diagonal
matrix. Eqs. [13a] and [13b] can be rewritten as 5 -3~
[14a] [C] 12 pF/cm
-C l2 -3 6
From Eq. [ l i a ] . where the L-'s and C-'s are explained in Fig.2(b).
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[L] = [M [15a]
[16a] (b)
[C] = [ N H D D Į N ] - 1 [15b]
And, The modal matrices [M] and [N] are found as
Q.E.D. [16b]
2 1 5 -3 * 7 O"
EXAMPLE x!0'21 = xlO' 21
1 3_ - 3 6 -4 15
To illustrate the validity of the theorems
developed in the last section, a particular structure
Then, the two eigenvalues of [L][C] are seen to be
consisting of two nonidentical coupled strip transmis-
Xj=7, X 2 =15. Corresponding to Xj and X2, we have
sion lines fabricated on a dielectric plate which sits
over a ground plane as shown in Fig. 2(a) is con- the eigenvectors , ° , respectively. Therefore,
- 39 -
J.C.I.E., Vol. 1, No. 2, (1978)
as a~ \ It is henceforth to verify
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