v(0) = B cos(φ ), t = 0
natural response = Ke − ( t −t 0 ) /τ
(2) an exponential
vs (t ) = V0 e − t /τ
(3) a sinusoid
vs (t ) = V0 cos(ωt + θ )
These three cases are special because the forced response will have the same form
as the input.
Here is our plan for finding the complete response of first-order circuits:
Step 1: Find the steady state (forced) response before the disturbance. Evaluate this
response at time t=t0 to obtain the initial condition of the energy storage
element. (X(0): where it comes from.)
Step 2: Find the steady state (forced) response after the disturbance. (X(∞): where
it goes ultimately.)
Step 3: Add the transient (natural) response=Ke-t/τ to the steady state (forced)
response to get the complete response. Use the initial condition to evaluate the
constant K.
FIGURE 8.3-1
In Figure 8.3-1a we find a first-order circuit.
X(0)= (R3/(R1+R2+R3)*Vs is the initial Steady State response
X(∞)= (R3/(R2+R3)*Vs is the final Steady State response.
The transient response can be obtained using the Thevenin circuit shown in
R3 R2 R3
Voc = Vs Rt =
R2 + R3 and R2 + R3 s
FIGURE 8.3-1
The capacitor current is given by
i (t ) = C v(t )
Apply KVL to Figure 8.3-1b to get
Voc = Rt i (t ) + v(t ) = Rt (C v(t )) + v(t )
d v(t ) Voc
v(t ) + = (8.3-1)
dt Rt C Rt C
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Prof. SungJune Kim
Repeat the same for the inductor circuit using
Norton eq. circuit.
FIGURE 8.3-2
V R2 R3
I sc = s Rt =
R2 R2 + R3 s
FIGURE 8.3-2
The inductor voltage is given by
v(t ) = L i (t )
Apply KCL to Figure 8.3-1b to get d
L i (t )
v(t ) dt
I sc = + i (t ) = + i (t )
Rt Rt
d R Rt
i (t ) + t i (t ) = I SC (8.3-2)
dt L L
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Prof. SungJune Kim
Now coming to a general form of solution
d x(t )
x(t ) + =
K (8.3-3)
dt τ
The parameter τ is called the time constant. We will solve this differential
equation by separating the variables and integrating. Then we will use the
solution of Eq. 8.3-3 to obtain solutions of Eqs. 8.3-1 and 8.3- 2
dx dt
= −
x − kτ τ
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Prof. SungJune Kim
Second page--
t ) Kτ + Ae − t /τ
Kτ + Ae −0 /τ =
x(0) = Kτ + A
A x(0) − Kτ
Therefore, we obtain
FIGURE 8.3-3
A graphical technique for measuring the
time constant of a first-order circuit
Next, we apply these results to the RC circuit in Figure 8.3-1. Comparing Eqs.
8.3-1 and 8.3-3, we see that
= x(t ) v=(t ), τ Rt C , and= k
Rt C
Making these substitutions in Eq. 8.3-4 gives
v(t ) =Voc + (v(0) − Voc )e − t /( Rt C )
This is the steady-state or forced response. The sum of the natural and forced
responses is the complete response;
complete reponse v=
(t ), forced response VOC
= (v(0) − VOC )e − t /( Rt C )
natural reponse
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Prof. SungJune Kim
Apply this to the inductor circuit
Next, compare Eqs. 8.3-2 and 8.3-3 to find the solution of the RL circuit in
Figure 8.3-2. We see that
= t ), τ
x(t ) i (= =
, and K I SC
Rt Rt
Making these substitutions in Eq. 8.3-4 gives
i (t ) =I SC + (i (0) − I SC )e − ( Rt / L )t
Find the capacitor voltage after the switch opens in the circuit shown in Figure 8.3-4a.
What is the value of the capacitor voltage 50ms after the switch opens?
Rt =
10k Ω and VOC =
Time constant
τ =Rt C =(10 ×103 )(2 ×10−6 ) =20 ×10−3 =20ms
Capacitor voltage
v(t )= 8 − 6e − t / 20 V FIGURE 8.3-4
where t has units of ms.
To find the voltage 50ms after the switch opens, let t=50. Then
8 − 6e −50 / 20 =
v(50) = 7.51V
Figure 8.3-4c shows a plot of the capacitor voltage as a function of time
FIGURE 8.3-4
Find the inductor current after the switch closes in the circuit shown in
Figure 8.3-5a. How long will it take for the inductor current to reach 2mA?
FIGURE 8.3-4
i (t )= 4 − 4e − t / 5 mA
2= 4 − 4e − t / 5 mA
t =−5 × ln( ) =3.47 µ s
Figure8.3-5c of Electrical andofComputer
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the inductor
Prof. SungJune Kim
current as a function of time
Example 8.3-3 First-Order Circuit
The switch in Figure 8.3-6a has been open for a long time, and the circuit has
reached steady state before the switch closes at time t=0. Find the capacitor voltage
for t≥0.
FIGURE 8.3-6
60 ×103
v(0) = 12 7.2V
40 ×10 + 60 ×10
3 3
60 ×103
vOC = 12 8V
30 ×10 + 60 ×10
3 3
30 ×103 × 60 ×103
Rt = = 20 × 10 3
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Prof. SungJune Kim
The time constant is
τ = Rt × C = (20 ×103 ) × (2 ×10−6 ) = 40 ×10−3 = 40ms
v(t )= 8 − 0.8e − t / 40 V
where t has units of ms.
The switch in Figure 8.3-7a has been open for a long time, and the circuit has
reached steady state before the switch closes at time t=0. Find the inductor current
for t≥0.
FIGURE 8.3-7
The circuit in Figure 8.3-8a is at steady state before the switch opens. Find
the current i(t) for t>0.
FIGURE 8.3-8
60 ×103
=vOC = 8 4V
60 ×10 + 60 ×10
3 3
60 ×103 × 60 ×103
Rt =30 ×10 + 3
=60 × 10 3
60 ×10 + 60 ×10
3 3
Find the capacitor voltage after the switch opens in the circuit shown in Figure 8.3-
9a. What is the value of the capacitor voltage 50ms after the switch opens?
FIGURE 8.3-9
Rt =
10kΩ and Voc 8V
v(t )= 8 − 6e − (t −50) / 20 V
Find the inductor current after the switch closes in the circuit shown in
Figure 8.3-10a. How long will it take for the inductor current to reach 2mA?
FIGURE 8.3-10
= =
Rt 1000Ω and I SC 4mA
i (t )= 4 − 4e − (t −10) / 5 mA
Figure 8.3-11a shows a plot of the voltage across the inductor in Figure 8.3-11b.
a. Determine the equation that represents the inductor voltage as a function of time.
b. Determine the value of the resistance R.
c. Determine the equation that represents the inductor current as a function of time.
FIGURE 8.3-11
L 4
2. τ =
The time constant of the circuit is given by =
Rt R+5
L 4
τ =
Rt R + 5
Also, the time constant is related to the exponent in v(t) by −5t =− . Consequently
1 R+5
5 == =
> R=
τ 4
FIGURE 8.4-1
=i (t ) 10[A] t<0
VH if v+ > v−
vo (t ) =
VL if v+ < v−
FIGURE 8.4-3
VH if vc (t ) > vT
vo (t ) =
VL if vc (t ) < vT
FIGURE 8.4-4
VA (vc (0) − VA )e − t /( RC )
vc (t ) =+
Let t1 denote the time when the comparator output voltage switches from
VL to VH. Then vc(t1)=VT, so
VA + [vc (0) − VA ]e − t1 /( RC )
VT =
vc (0) − VA
t1 = RC ln( )
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 8.4-5. The initial value of the capacitor voltage
is vc (0)=1.667 volts. What value of resistance, R, is required if the comparator is to
switch from VL=0 to VH=5 volts at time t1=1 ms
FIGURE 8.4-5
1. We get
3 − 5
−3 −6
1×10 =R(1×10 ) ln =R(1×10−6 ) ln(2)
10 − 5
2. Then, solving for R:
=R = −6
1.44k Ω
ln(2) × 10
FIGURE 8.4-6
vR (t ) = RiL (t )
2. The comparator does not disturb the first-order circuit consisting of the voltage
source, resistor, and inductor. The inductor current is
iL (t ) =A + (iL (0) − A )e − ( R / L ) / t
3. Next, t1 is the time when RiL(t1)=VT, so
VA + ( RiL (0) − VA )e − ( R / L ) / t1
VT =
Complete response
x(t ) xn (t ) + x f (t )
xn (t ) = Ke − t /τ ( natural response )
x f (t ) (forced response)
The First-order circuit shown in Figure 8.5-1a is at steady state before the
switch closes at t=0. This circuit contains a dependent source and so may
be unstable. Find the capacitor voltage, v(t), for t>0.
FIGURE 8.5-1
3. Calculate the Thévenin resistance using the circuit shown in Figure 8.5-1d.
1. Apply KVL to the loop consisting of the two resistors to get
( )
0 = (5 ×103 ) × i + 10 ×103 × ( IT + i − 2i )
2. Solving for the current,
i = 2 IT
3. Applying Ohm’s law to the 10-kΩ resistor, we get
10 103 × ( IT + i − 2i ) =
VT =× −10 ×103 × IT
4. The Thévenin resistance is given by
Rt = = −10kΩ
5. The time constant is
τ = Rt C = −20ms
4. The complete response is
) 24 − 12et / 20
The circuit considered in Example 8.5-1 has been redrawn in Figure 8.5-2a,
with the gain of the dependent source represented by the variable B. What
restrictions must be placed on the gain of the dependent source to ensure that
it is stable? Design this circuit to have a time constant of +20ms.
FIGURE 8.5-2
1− B 1
+ V − IT =
3 T
5 × 10 3
10 × 10
2B − 3
Therefore B=1. This suggests that we can fix the unstable circuit by decreasing
the gain of the dependent source from 2A/A to 1 A/A
v(t ) V0u (t − t0 )
Pulse source
FIGURE 8.6-7
Since the circuit is linear, we may use the principle of superposition, so that
i= i1 + i2
where i1 is the response to V0u(t) and i2 is the response to V0u(t-t1)
Figure 8.6-9 shows a first-order circuit. The input to the circuit is the
voltage of the voltage source, vs(t). The output is the current of the
inductor, i0(t). Determine the output of this circuit when the input is
vs(t)=4-8u(t) [V].
FIGURE 8.6-8
A + Be − a (0) =
i0 (0) = A+ B i0 (∞) = A + Be − a ( ∞ ) = A
A+ B =
0.2 A A= − 0.2A
B = 0.4A
3. The value of the constant a is determined from the time constant τ.
1 L
= τ=
a Rt
FIGURE 8.6-11
5. Substituting the values of A, B and a gives
0.2[A ] for t ≤ 0
i0 (t ) = −2 t
−0.2 + 0.4e [A ] for t ≥ 0
Figure 8.6-12 shows a first-order circuit. The input to the circuit is the
voltage of the voltage source, vs(t). The output is the voltage across the
capacitor, vo(t). Determine the output of this circuit when the input is
FIGURE 8.6-12
− a (0) v0 (∞) = A + Be − a ( ∞ ) = A
v0 (0) =
A + Be =
A+ B
5 A= × (−7) =−4.38V
A+ =
B ×=
7 4.38V 3+5
B = 8.76V
3. The value of the constant a is determined from the time constant τ.
= τ= Rt C
FIGURE 8.6-14
5. Substituting the values of A, B and a gives
− 4.38V for t ≤ 0
v0 (t ) = −1.16 t
−4.38 + 8.76e V for t ≥ 0
d dx dx (8.7-2)
( xe at ) = e at + axe at =( + ax)e at
dt dt dt
The term within the parentheses on the right-hand side of Eq.8.7-2 is exactly the
form on the left-hand side of Eq.8.7-1.
dx d
= ( + ax)e at ye at or= ( xe at ) ye at
dt dt
Integrating both sides of the second equation, we have
xe at ∫ dt + K
Consider the case where y(t), the forcing function, is not a constant.
natural response : xn = ke − at
1 − at ( a +b ) ebt
∫ e e dt e =
∫ e dt a +=
− at − at ( a +b )t
forced response : x f e= bt at
e e
b a+b
Find the current i for the circuit of Figure 8.7-1a for t>0 when
vs = 10e −2t u (t )V
FIGURE 8.7-1
The operator 1/s must be shown to satisfy the usual rules of algebraic
manipulations. Of these rules, the commutative multiplication property presents
the only difficulty. Thus, we require
1 1
s⋅ = ⋅s = 1
s s
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Prof. SungJune Kim
Differential Operators
First, we examine Eq. 8.8-1. Multiplying Eq. 8.8-1 by s yields
1 d t
dt ∫−∞
= s⋅ x = x dτ or x x
We try the reverse order by multiplying sx by the integration operator to obtain
1 t dx
sx ∫
= dτ x(t ) − x(−∞)
s −∞ dt
= sx x only= when x(−∞) 0
From a physical point of view, we require that all capacitor voltages and inductor
currents be zero at t = −∞ . Then the operator 1/s can be said to satisfy Eq. 8.8-2
and can be manipulated as an ordinary algebraic quantity.
xn (t ) = Ke − at
10 ×103 1×10−6 v(t ) + v(t ) − 4 cos(100t ) =
or 0.01 v(t ) + v(t ) =4 cos(100t )