Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga by Fabiano Mello de Lima. A digital sculpture by the storyboard artist Fabiano Mello de Lima that desexes Baba
Yaga. An original feature is the pair of small hands protruding from the aperture in the vehicular mortar on which she is
seated, presumably belonging to a captured child who will become Baba Yaga’s meal and end up as a skull to be added
either to Baga Yaga’s fence or to those dangling from the mortar. Illustration by Fabiano Mello de Lima, Fabiano Lima
The Wild Witch of the East in
Russian Fairy Tales
With Support and Assistance from The Museum of Russian Art, 5500 Stevens
Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55419,
A good faith effort was made to identify all artists or copyright holders of the
illustrations used.
Baba Yaga : the wild witch of the East in Russian fairy tales / introduction and transla-
tions by Sibelan Forrester ; captions to images by Helena Goscilo ; selection of images
by Martin Skoro and Helena Goscilo ; edited by Sibelan Forrester, Helena Goscilo,
and Martin Skoro ; foreword by Jack Zipes.
pages : illustrations ; cm
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-61703-596-8 (cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN 978-1-61703-778-8 (ebook)
1. Baba Yaga (Legendary character) 2. Tales—Russia. I. Forrester, Sibelan E. S. (Sibelan
Elizabeth S.), translator, editor of compilation. II. Goscilo, Helena, 1945–, editor of
compilation. III. Skoro, Martin, editor of compilation. IV. Zipes, Jack, 1937–, writer of
added commentary.
GR75.B22B22 2013
398.20947—dc23 2013003373
“Baba Yaga I” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
“Baba Yaga II” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
“Baba Yaga and the Kid” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
“Baba-Yaga and the Runt” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
“Finist the Bright Falcon II” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
“Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What” . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
“Ivanushka” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
“Mar’ia Morevna” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
“Moon and Star” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
“Prince Danila-Govorila”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
“Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Illustration by Ivan Bilibin
“The Bear Tsar” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
A Baba Yaga is inscrutable and so powerful that she does not owe al-
legiance to the Devil or God or even to her storytellers. In fact, she opposes
all Judeo-Christian and Muslim deities and beliefs. She is her own woman,
a parthogenetic mother, and she decides on a case-by-case basis whether she
will help or kill the people who come to her hut that rotates on chicken legs.
She shows very few characteristics and tendencies of western witches, who
were demonized by the Christian church, and who often tend to be beauti-
ful and seductive, cruel and vicious. Baba Yaga sprawls herself out in her hut
and has ghastly features—drooping breasts, a hideous long nose, and sharp
iron teeth. In particular, she thrives on Russian blood and is cannibalistic.
Her major prey consists of children and young women, but she will occa-
sionally threaten to devour a man. She kidnaps in the form of a Whirlwind
or other guises. She murders at will. Though we never learn how she does
this, she has conceived daughters, who generally do her bidding. She lives in
the forest, which is her domain. Animals venerate her, and she protects the
forest as a mother-earth figure. The only times she leaves it, she travels in a
mortar wielding a pestle as a club or rudder and a broom to sweep away the
tracks behind her. At times, she can also be generous with her advice, but
her counsel and help do not come cheaply, for a Baba Yaga is always testing
the people who come to her hut by chance or by choice. A Baba Yaga may
at times be killed, but there are others who take her place. Baba Yaga holds
the secret to the water of life and may even be Mother Earth herself. This is
why Baba Yaga is very much alive today, and not only in Mother Russia, but
also throughout the world.
While a Baba Yaga is still a uniquely Russian folk character, she has
now become an international legendary figure and will probably never die.
Stories about her dreadful and glorious deeds circulate throughout the
world in translation. Fabulous book illustrations, paintings, and colorful de-
signs imprinted, painted, or carved on all kinds of artifacts have flourished
in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. She is often the star figure in
children’s picture books, even though she functions primarily as a witch.
Films, animated cartoons, and digital images have portrayed a Baba Yaga
as omnipotent, dreadful, and comical. In many of the images, she is shown
flying about in her mortar and wielding her pestle as in the illustrations by
Viktor Bibikov, Dimitri Mitrokhin, and Viktor Vasnetsov. She seems al-
ways obsessed and vicious. Some artists such as Aleksandr Nanitchkov and
Rima Staines are fond of showing her in weird types of huts on chicken
legs. No matter how she is portrayed, there are always hints of her Russian
heritage in the images. The emphasis on traditional dress and nineteenth-
century styles are especially evident in the famous illustrations for Vasilisa
the Beautiful by Ivan Bilibin and the gouache paintings by Boris Zvorykin
for Vasilisa the Fair. In particular, Bilibin’s watercolors have had a profound
influence on how Baba Yaga and other characters were to be imagined. That
is, he set a high artistic standard at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Yet, no matter how Baba Yaga is portrayed, it is her strange Russian other-
ness that paradoxically strikes a common chord in readers of her tales. This
strange commonality can be viewed in a wide array of illustrations, designs,
and artifacts created by artists of different nations, many which have been
carefully selected by Martin Skoro for this volume.
While Skoro’s colorful selection of images reveals the breadth and depth
of numerous artists inspired by Baba Yaga tales, the superb translation of
the Russian tales by Sibelan Forrester provides an unusual opportunity to
appreciate the cultural significance of Baba Yaga in the nineteenth century.
Forrester has carefully selected tales in which Baba Yaga plays a key role
from Aleksandr Nikolaevich Afanas’ev’s Russian Folk Tales (1855–1866) and
Ivan Aleksandrovich Khudiakov’s Great Russian Tales (1860–1862), two of
the pioneer collections of Russian folktales. As Jack Haney has pointed out
in his significant study, An Introduction to the Russian Folktale, Afanas’ev and
Khudiakov were not alone during this period when many writers and schol-
ars began collecting folktales, but their collections are generally considered
the richest and most interesting, especially with regard to the oral wonder
tales that feature Baba Yaga. Afanas’ev did not collect most of his tales him-
self but relied on the archives of the Geographical Society in Moscow and
on tales sent to him by friends and colleagues. As for Khudiakov, he actu-
ally went into the countryside to collect his tales, and he had a keen eye for
satirical stories.
It was not easy for either Afanas’ev or Khudiakov to publish their tales
because of the strict censorship in the Russian Empire during the nine-
teenth century, and any work that appeared to be anticlerical, politically
questionable, or scatological was often denied permission for publication.
Or, the texts were heavily edited and changed. In general, tales largely told
by peasants, which might reinforce belief in ancient rituals, beliefs, witch-
es, wizards, and supernatural animals, were looked upon with great sus-
picion by the governmental authorities, the church, and the upper classes.
Nevertheless, it had been impossible before and still was in the nineteenth
century for the church and state to prevent the oral dissemination of won-
der tales that were deeply rooted in pagan traditions. By the nineteenth
century their appeal to intellectuals grew. Indeed, the national and cultural
interest in historical Russian folklore had grown stronger among the literate
classes so that social conditions in the latter part of the nineteenth century
favored the publication of all kinds of tales. Finally, we must bear in mind,
as Haney has suggested, that Russians, especially the peasants, continued to
believe deeply in the meanings of the tales for their lives and in such figures
as Baba Yaga, Russalka, Kolschei the Deathless, fierce dragons, and bears
with magical powers. What may seem fiction and superstition to us today
was fact and faith in the nineteenth century.
The Baba Yaga tales chosen for this volume by Forrester are vivid depic-
tions of how Baba Yaga functioned and figured in different tale types of
the mid-nineteenth century and lent a distinct Russian aura to the stories.
But it is important first to bear in mind the commonalities of the tales that
were widespread in Europe and the Middle East during the nineteenth cen-
tury. For instance, “Again the Stepmother and the Stepmother’s Daughter”
is similar to numerous western European tales in which a wise woman
in an underground world bestows gifts on an industrious young girl and
punishes a lazy, arrogant girl. “Vasilisa the Beautiful” belongs to the great
Indo-European tradition of “Cinderella” tales. The motif of incest in “Prince
Danila-Govorila” was a significant one in numerous medieval romances and
tales in Europe. “Finist the Bright Falcon” is related to the numerous beast
bridegroom tales that were disseminated throughout Europe. Other mo-
tifs such as the magic tablecloth, the invisible cloak, the flying carpet, the
stick that hits by itself, and the donkey that spews gold were common in
Europe and the Middle East. “The Three Kingdoms—Copper, Silver, and
Gold” recalls numerous Italian and Arab tales, distinguished by plots in
which a youngest brother is sent down a well by his two older brothers to
rescue three princesses, only to be abandoned by them in the well after he
is successful. The only way the youngest brother can return to his father’s
kingdom and claim that he was the true rescuer is by riding a magic eagle
that eats some of his flesh. Almost every tale in the collection translated by
Forrester can be found in other European or Middle Eastern collections
of tales in the nineteenth century that speak to the amazing oral and print
dissemination of wonder tales and say something about the universal appeal
of these tales.
Yet, there are differences that reflect cultural particularities, and the
most distinguishable feature of Russian wonder tales, in my opinion, is
Baba Yaga. No matter what a tale type or how common it may be in the
Indo-European tradition, she will emerge in the story as the decisive figure
and turn the plot in favor of or against the protagonist. Moreover, I know
of recorded stories of Sicilian fairies and witches from the sixteenth to the
nineteenth centuries, Gustav Henningsen writes: “Like southern Spain,
Sicily was a region in which sorcery and black magic thrived, but where
popular notions of witchcraft were absent. However, in contrast to Spain,
Sicily could boast of a particular type of charismatic healer, who was a spe-
cialist in curing diseases caused by the fairies: these healers were women and
sometimes men, too, who claimed to possess ‘sweet blood’ (sangre dulce), and
who therefore each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night were obliged to
rush out in spirit (in espíritu) and take part in the meetings and nocturnal
journeyings of ‘the company.’”1 Henningsen explains that numerous Sicilian
women from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries asserted they
were healers, donas di fuora (ladies from outside), and that they often com-
bined the qualities of a witch and a fairy to perform healing acts to offset
the evil of some other fairies or supernatural creatures. In other words, the
donas di fuora were very similar to the Baba Yagas of Russian tradition; they
belonged to a dualistic system of widespread belief and could cause harm
or do good. Even if fairy-witches caused harm, there were ways through
offerings or expiation to repair damage. Henningsen believes that the fairy
cult was, to a certain extent, compensation for the hopeless poverty of daily
life throughout Sicily. More important, he explains that the fairy cult is “a
variant of a widely extended and therefore presumably old and deep-rooted
Mediterranean and east European complex of shamanistic beliefs.” In Sicily,
the belief in fairies and sorceresses led to the creation of a character called
La Mamma-dràa (Mamma-draga the Ogress) by the nineteenth century.
She appears in numerous Sicilian wonder tales and is connected to the
“ladies from the outside.” Though this figure (sometimes a male) is never
amply described in the tales, she functions like a Baba Yaga, dangerous and
benevolent, a cannibal and a wise counselor.
It is not necessary, I believe, to draw “exact” parallels between the Sicilian
fairy cult and the shamanistic Baba Yaga cult in Russia. There is enough evi-
dence to indicate that there were strongly held beliefs in pagan goddesses in
Sicily and Russia that were transformed into tales that enabled peasants in
both countries to contend with their suffering and to offer some hope for a
better life. It is perhaps strange to conclude that Baba Yaga may be a symbol
of hope because she is so ambiguous, as often frightening as benevolent. But
hope may be best generated when a wise woman does not mince her words,
and a true Baba Yaga is never one to mince her words.
Preface, Acknowledgments, and Translator’s Note
version, making them even further removed from the oral originals than
the handwritten recordings he worked with in the archives of the Russian
Geographical Society. His versions tend in general to be longer, more poetic,
and less conversational than Khudiakov’s; many though not all of them have
something of a literary finish. Khudiakov recorded most of his tales from the
tellers themselves, often identifying the place and teller in brief notes that
we have included after the tales taken from his collection; his versions are
less stylistically elegant or elaborate than Afanas’ev’s. Juxtaposing Afanas’ev’s
and Khudiakov’s versions makes for interesting differences, especially when
the plots overlap. We might compare the pleasure of reading variants of the
same tale to that of hearing a familiar song performed by a new singer, and
sometimes the voices of individual tellers come strongly through the layers
of time and translation. Where the tales include variants (different versions
of the same plot, perhaps told by different individuals at different times),
these are included in the notes that follow the tales. The variants are inter-
esting to general readers as well as to folklorists, and including them was
something of an innovation in Afanas’ev’s collection.
Martin Skoro conceived the idea for this book some years ago. He gathered
images of Baba Yaga and found information about her in numerous books
and on the Web. Sibelan Forrester selected and translated a group of folk-
tales that feature Baba Yaga and was primarily responsible for writing the
introduction to the book. Helena Goscilo brought striking images of Baba
Yaga from her own collection and added incisive analysis of the images,
along with valuable comments on the introduction and translations. We are
grateful to have the foreword from Jack Zipes, a folklorist and scholar we
tremendously admire. His comments and suggestions also contributed sig-
nificantly to the introduction and the translations.
Preface, Acknowledgments, and Translator’s Note
Preface, Acknowledgments, and Translator’s Note
Preface, Acknowledgments, and Translator’s Note
My life companion, partner, and wife, Ross (Roselyn), has been a bless-
ing throughout my life and my best friend. She has been ever patient and
gracious for understanding my want to see this book completed. (MS)
Preface, Acknowledgments, and Translator’s Note
a whole community and a whole culture. Thus, we can assume that people
liked Baba Yaga and appreciated her role in the tales, since she shows up in
many of the most popular and widely attested Russian tales.
In the late 1920s, when Jakobson and Bogatyrev were writing about
the distinctions between folklore and literature, folktales were still a living
phenomenon in the villages around Moscow—and not only as children’s
amusement or unofficial form of cultural education. They also offered adults
a way to pass the time as they worked, or to while away a long night, when
in winter it was too dark to work and in summer perhaps too light to sleep.
Like folk songs, dances, and fortune-telling, tales could form part of sea-
sonal rituals. Variation among versions of the tales is not just typical, but in-
evitable, since, again, the tales were told under different circumstances. We
today might similarly reorder and “improve” a story we heard from a friend
or adapt a joke to suit different audiences. In order to convey something of
this aspect of “live” folklore, we include not just a variety of Baba Yaga tales,
but also several variants of tale plots. The reader will see that some tales
with different titles overlap considerably in the structure of their plots (as
do “The Brother” and “The Geese and Swans”), while others have the same
title but significant differences in plot (compare the two versions of “The
Three Kingdoms”). Baba Yaga’s popularity in Russia fairy tales means that
a book of tales involving her is also a rich introduction to this part of the
Preface, Acknowledgments, and Translator’s Note
Russian folk heritage, including one or another version of many of the best-
known and best-loved tales.
Folktales are everyone’s property, and they have always crossed linguis-
tic and ethnic boundaries just as people migrate in time and space. Baba
Yaga is a Russian witch who will sound somewhat different transported into
American English. Some of the original sources include dialect words from
the regions of Russia where they were recorded, but I have tried to make
the language fairly neutral, emphasizing the story more than the narrator’s
linguistic idiosyncrasies. The overall style aims to be comfortable for read-
ing aloud. Where the original Russian includes a particularly enjoyable or
unusual word, it is mentioned in a note to the text. At the same time, this is
a translation rather than a retelling by a folk teller who performs in a differ-
ent language, and so I have endeavored to preserve some of the foreignness
of these texts. The introduction below will dwell on a few forms of this
Some parts of the tales are difficult to render in English, such as the
unusual names (beginning with Baba Yaga, whose name in Russian is rarely
written with upper-case letters and often refers not to a single person, but
to a figure that can show up three times in one tale), titles (like the tsar,
whose title comes from “Caesar” by way of Byzantine Greek), or objects
from everyday traditional life in Russia, including Baba Yaga’s own hut and
accoutrements. These aspects convey a wonderful strangeness, an imprint
of Russian traditional culture quite distinct from other national traditions.
Some of the details that might catch the reader’s interest are also glossed
briefly in in notes.
Reading aloud may be the closest that most of us will come to the origi-
nal spoken performance of folktales. For better or worse, we live in a literate
culture, where most people can no longer produce a long narrative without
memorizing it, though we probably all know people who have an unusual
talent for telling stories. We do continue to practice folklore, but today it
tends to be in different genres: ghost stories, jokes, rumors, or the various
urban legends that shade into popular culture.
Nevertheless, perhaps the reader of the tales in this book will be in-
spired to tell them to someone—and bring Baba Yaga back to life.
Sibelan Forrester
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
August 2012
B is for Baba Yaga, from Picture Alphabet by Alexandre Benois (1904). A frequently reproduced image from the
children’s alphabet book conceived and illustrated by Benois—B is for Baba Yaga. Interrupted at gathering
mushrooms, the older of two potential victims stares in awed terror at the Frequent Flyer old crone overhead.
Benois’s choice implies that Russian children learned about Baba Yaga at a very early age and possibly derived
some pleasure from fear. Illustration by Alexandre Benois (1870–1960).
Though only a few of the tales say it in so many words, most Russians would
agree that Baba Yaga is a witch. The Russian word for witch is ved’ma. The
word root ved- means ‘to know,’ and related words in Modern Russian mean
‘news’ (as in the title of Pravda’s one-time competitor, the Soviet newspaper Illustration by Ivan Bilibin
Izvestiia), as well as information or consultation, and the particle ved’ means (1876–1942).
‘indeed’ (as if commanding one’s listener “know this!”). The word witch in
English has a similar linguistic history: the root of witch is wit. That verb
still shows up in English “to wit,” “unwitting,” the old-fashioned phrase “God
wot,” and of course in keeping one’s wits about one. Feminists and Wiccans
have worked to reclaim the word witch in its sense of “wise woman” or
“woman who knows,” but in both Russian and English the words as com-
monly used suggest age and ugliness first, power second. Over the centu-
ries, words that name women and girls have often slipped in meaning from
ordinary or even admiring terms into insults, much as some neutral terms
for ethnic, racial, or religious groups have come to be used as insults (which
then requires invention of a new, neutral word that may feel clumsy at first).
“Wench” was once a neutral term for a girl, and the Russian word devka,
which suggests a prostitute as the word is used in many literary works, was
the neutral term for an unmarried peasant girl—a member of the group
most likely to be sexually exploited by upper-class Russian men. Language
neatly shows the social standing of different groups, and its development
can reveal historical changes in social relationships.
Even if we call her a witch, what does Baba Yaga’s name mean? The first
half is easy: baba in traditional Russian culture meant a married peasant
woman, one at least old enough to have children. (In Russian now, baba is an
insulting word for a woman: it suggests low class, slovenliness, lack of emo-
tional restraint, or sexual availability of an aging or otherwise unattractive
kind.) When Russians build a snowman, they call it not a man, but a snow
baba. Suffixes bring out different shades of the basic meanings of Russian
nouns: babka is a midwife (usually, an older woman with experience around
pregnancy and childbirth); babushka is an affectionate term for ‘grandmoth-
er’ (and, in the West, the headscarf old women in Russia traditionally wore);
on another note, babochka is a butterfly, or else the visually similar bow tie.
The word babochka is related to an ancient belief that, when a person died,
the soul left the body in the form of a bird or a butterfly (compare the Greek
psyche, which meant both ‘soul’ and ‘butterfly’). If a butterfly fluttered by, it
was the soul of a little grandmother, presumably en route to a better place.
Thus, baba can mean ‘old woman,’ though it does not always; the word sta-
rukha (more affectionately, starushka), ‘old woman,’ makes a woman’s age
clear. Age is described in Russian folktales in a way that might surprise us
today, too. The “old man” and “old woman” in a tale are old enough to have
children of marriageable age, but they may be just barely old enough—per-
haps in their late thirties. Baba Yaga is far older than that.
The second part of her name, yaga, is harder to define. Scholars do not
know exactly what it means, though they point to similar words as a com-
parison. One school of thought relates the word to verbs for riding—and it
does sound rather like the Russian verb ekhat’ ‘to ride,’ or the German word
Jaeger ‘huntsman.’ Another theory is that yaga originally meant ‘horrible,’
‘horrifying,’ and should be compared to the words jeza ‘shiver’ or jezivo ‘chill-
ing, horrifying’ in some of the South Slavic languages (Bosnian, Croatian,
Serbian). If Baba Yaga originally played a role in a secret corpus of myths
or initiation rituals, a taboo might have discouraged people from saying her
name in other contexts. (In another example, the original Russian word for
bear is lost; most Slavic languages use a euphemism, like the Russian medved’.
That word came from roots meaning ‘honey-eater,’ but now it looks like
‘honey-knower,’ with the same root, ved-, that appears in the word ved’ma.
As contemporary political cartoons show, the bear is still a central figure
in Russian culture.) Maks Fasmer’s monumental Etymological Dictionary of
the Russian Language1 has a longish entry for “yaga,” pointing out cognate
words in other Slavic languages and arguing against several theories of the
word’s origins and original meaning. The amount of space Fasmer devotes to
dismantling other theories suggests that we will never know the real origin
of the word ‘yaga.’ Figures very much like Baba Yaga appear in West Slavic
(Czech and Polish) tales; the rich reference work Mify narodov mira, ‘Myths
of the Peoples of the World,’ mentions the Polish jędza and Czech jezinka,
‘forest baba.’ Baba Yaga is well known in Ukrainian and Belarusian tales,
though we have limited our translations to Russian tales here.2
In Russian, Baba Yaga’s name is not capitalized. Indeed, it is not a name
at all, but a description—“old lady yaga” or perhaps “scary old woman.” There
is often more than one Baba Yaga in a story, and thus we should really say
“a Baba Yaga,” “the Baba Yaga.” We do so in these tales when a story would
otherwise be confusing. We have continued the western tradition of capital-
izing Baba Yaga, since the words cannot be translated and have no other
meaning in English (aside perhaps from the pleasant associations of a rum
baba). There is no graceful way to put the name in the plural in English, and
in Russian tales multiple iterations of Baba Yaga never appear at the same
time, only in sequence: Baba Yaga sisters or cousins talk about one another,
or send travelers along to one another, but they do not live together. The
first-person pronoun “I” in Russian, ‘ia,’ is also uncapitalized. In some tales
our witch is called only “Yaga.” A few tales refer to her as “Yagishna,” a patro-
nymic form suggesting that she is Yaga’s daughter rather than Yaga herself.
Many Russian personal names are recognizable in English, since they are
related to familiar biblical or western names. Mar’ia is the folk form of
Maria, though it is pronounced “MAR-ya.” We have left the prime mark (‘)
in Mar’ia Morevna’s name in the eponymous tale to remind the reader of
that difference. The second part of Mar’ia Morevna’s name is a patronymic,
formed from her father’s name. It means “Daughter of the Sea”—quite
unusual parentage. They suggest that she, like Baba Yaga, descends from
some very old sources.3 Belaia lebed’, ‘White Swan’ Zakhar’evna, in the sec-
ond version of “The Young Man and the Apples of Youth” here, has a more
ordinary patronymic: her father’s name was Zakharii (= Zacharias). Vasilii
and Vasilisa are forms of the name Basil (which does not produce a woman’s
name in English). Ivan is the most common name for a Russian fairy-tale
hero, whether he starts out as a prince or as a fool. Ivan is the same name as
John; the relationship is easier to see if one compares the medieval Russian
form, Ioann, to the German form of John, Johannes. Hans (short for
Johannes) is generally the name of the common hero in German folktales,
while Jack (a nickname for John) is the hero in many folktales from Great
Britain and America. In the tales translated here, the word tsar is left as ‘tsar’
(a fairy tale is no place for a revolution!), rather than translated as “king,” but
the tsar’s son tsarevich and daughter tsarevna are rendered as “prince” and
“princess,” more or less their equivalents in western terms. When a character
has a “talking name” (such as Zlatokos, “Goldilocks”), we have glossed it in
a note. Many of the heroines, especially, have no personal name in the tales.
But even in “Vasilisa the Beautiful,” Baba Yaga plays such a significant role
that Pyotr Simonov (in his Essential Russian Mythology) adds her name to
the tale’s title: “Vasilisa the Beautiful and Baba Yaga.”
Two characters besides Baba Yaga have uncommon names in these tales.
One is the invisible magic helper and I-know-not-what, Shmat-Razum,
Baba Yaga, Karbel.Cotsen 26249 Lutoshen’ka, Moscow Karbel (circa 1910) illustration to the story “Lutoshen’ka,”
Moscow. Atypically traveling on foot, the appropriately long-nosed Baba Yaga as kidnapper carries on her back a
sack with the meal she anticipates cooking in her stove at home. Her dish of choice is customarily male, as evident
in tales describing her attempts to shove the boy-hero into the oven. Curiously, despite Baba Yaga’s reputation for
cannibalism, her guests normally thwart her attempts to roast and consume them, as in “Baba Yaga and the Kid”
(Afanas’ev, no. 106). Reproduced courtesy of the Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University Library.
who appears here in a single tale. Shmat means a scrap or fragment, and
razum means ‘sense,’ so that one might translate it (him?) as “Rag-Reason,”
albeit with a loss of phonetic punch. The other, more common folktale
character is Koshchei or Kashchei bessmertnyi, ‘Koshchei the Deathless.’ His
proper name sounds as if it comes from the word kost’, ‘bone,’ and he is often
drawn as a skeletal old man. Unlike Baba Yaga, Kashchei is always a villain,
though he does possess a certain sense of honor: in “Mar’ia Morevna,” he
spares the life of Prince Ivan three times because Ivan once (unintentionally)
set him free, by restoring his monstrous strength with three bucket-sized
drinks of water. Koshchei is known as an abductor of young maidens. Both
parts of his name—“bones” and “deathless”—suggest a tie with death, in
spite of his libidinous-seeming behavior.
It turns out, of course, that the epithet “deathless” does not mean that he
can’t be killed, only that his death is outside him, in another place: it is the
tip of a needle in an egg, in a duck, in a hare, in a trunk, and so forth, all lo-
cated across the sea or in a distant forest. If I can tell you this, then the hero
can find out, too. He journeys to the tree, unearths or unpacks the alienated
death, and can then slay Koshchei to release the maiden. With Koshchei
as well as Baba Yaga, the references to bones are ambiguous. Bones are the
leftovers of a body after death, but they are also a repository of life force, a
link between two incarnations. The Frog Princess hides leftover swan bones
in her sleeve and makes them come to life as swimming and flying birds. In
“Mar’ia Morevna,” Koshchei must be burned after Ivan kills him, and his
ashes must be scattered to all the winds to ensure he will never come back.
Baba Yaga’s epithet “bony leg” has been taken to mean that one of her legs is
literally made of bone—or just that she is old and skinny in a culture that
valued plumpness. Her fence of human bones, topped with skulls, shows
another connection with Koshchei, and in some tales he has a bogatyr horse
he won from her: they are allies in fairy-tale villainy.
Besides names, many of the characters are identified by fixed epithets:
“fair maiden,” “fine” or “goodly” young man. The tales often give no descrip-
tions or specifics of character other than this, leaving the listener (or reader)
to fill in whatever standard image of beauty or goodliness we prefer. The
bogatyr is a traditional Russian hero, featured in epic songs but sometimes
making a kind of guest appearance in folktales as well. These translations
retain the Russian term bogatyr, since it is not quite the same as “hero”—es-
pecially when it is Baba Yaga who gives a bogatyr whistle.
Storehouse. Displayed
in Stockholm, this Sami
storehouse on stilts made of
tree stumps with spreading
roots recalls Baba Yaga’s
domicile. Research shows
that a construction similar
to it housed nomadic hunt-
ers in Siberia intent on
preserving supplies from
foraging animals during
their absence. http://www.
In the majority of tales where she appears, Baba Yaga lives in an unusual
house: it usually stands on chicken legs, or sometimes on just one chicken
leg. Some scholars suggest that this underlines her connections with birds—
though the eagle, or the geese and swans, that serve her in other stories are
much more impressive than a chicken, that most domesticated fowl. At the
same time, chicken legs might suggest that her dwelling, alive and mobile,
cannot fly and probably never moves too fast or too far. One of our students
recently returned from study abroad in Sweden, where she visited a swamp
with houses built atop tree stumps standing in the water. With their gnarled
roots, she said, the stumps looked surprisingly like chicken feet. Some of the
tales specify instead that Baba Yaga’s house stands on spindle heels. Given
the importance of the spindle in women’s traditional crafts, and in other
parts of the tales (Prince Ivan may have to snap a spindle to free and recover
his princess), this too seems to come from the culture’s deep past. Often
Baba Yaga’s house turns around, as if to imitate the spinning of the earth.
The word ‘time’ in Russian, vremia, comes from the same vr- root of turning
and returning as the word for spindle, vereteno. A spindle holding up a ro-
tating house where a frightening old woman tests her visitors and dispenses
wisdom suggests a deep ritual past.
In Russian, Baba Yaga’s home is most often called an izba. The izba is a
house made of hewn logs, a kind of construction common all over north-
ern Russia and Scandinavia. (Immigrants brought it to the United States
in the form of that superlatively American presidential birthplace, the log
cabin.) The word izba is often translated as ‘hut,’ but it does not signify a
Ransome by Dmitrii Mitrokhin from Old Peter’s Russian Tales. A transfixed dog gazes up at Mitrokhin’s fully
equipped Baba Yaga in flight. The female-gendered mortar and male-gendered pestle advert to her personified
image as contradictory all-embracing nature, which explains why she sweeps away all traces of her passage with
the broom. Reproduced courtesy of the Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University Library.
gate and manages to escape. Baba Yaga scolds the gate for not slamming on
the girl, and the gate responds to her with human words. Baba Yaga is also
associated with the bathhouse, which in Russia resembles a sauna. In some
tales she asks the heroine to stoke the fire in the bathhouse (sometimes with
bones for fuel rather than firewood), to bathe her children (frogs, reptiles,
and other vermin), or to steam Baba Yaga herself. Many of the tales mention
Baba Yaga’s stove. The traditional Russian stove is a large construction of
brick and plaster (in a fancier house, it would be covered with ornamental
tile), the size of a small room and certainly the dominant object in any room
it occupies. Some stoves were built so that they heated, and took up parts
of, more than one room. The stove would incorporate shelves, ovens, and
hobs, nooks, or hooks for storing cookware. Such a stove would hold the
fire’s heat, gently diffusing it into the house. This made it a favorite place
for sleeping. The upper shelves, high above the fire and safely far away from
vermin or cold drafts on the floor, would stay warm through the night. The
stove is also associated with the womb, and not only in Russian: the English
expression “one in the oven” also connects baking with the rising belly of
a pregnant woman. Joanna Hubbs writes that the stove is moreover a re-
pository of dead souls, the ancestors.4 Even more than an ordinary peasant
stove, Baba Yaga’s is a conduit from death to rebirth.
To escape from Baba Yaga, characters in the tales may themselves em-
ploy very ordinary objects—sometimes stolen from Yaga’s own house—and
these too recur from one tale to another. Thrown behind as a character flees,
a comb or brush turns into thick forest, as if the wood from which they were
carved came back to life. A mirror, already magical in its ability to show the
gazer his or her own face, turns into a wide, deep sea. Throwing a kerchief
or towel will create an impassable river, often a river of fire. Embroidered
handkerchiefs or towels may become or summon bridges over impassable
waters, or they may convey secret messages: the wife’s mother and sisters
in “Go I Don’t Know Where . . .” recognize the hero as her husband when
he dries his face with a towel she made. Towels in the Russian village bore
beautiful ritual embroidery and were used in traditional ceremonies (such
as the hospitable welcome with bread and salt). To find the house of Baba
Yaga, the hero or heroine may receive a ball of thread (once known as a
clue in English), like the one that took Theseus in to the Minotaur. Baba
Yaga lives (or rather, every Baba Yaga lives) in the heart of the labyrinth, and
the hero or heroine enters there to face his or her worst fears and vanquish
them. The tales include many other magical objects: in wonder tales musical
pipes or rings may contain magical helpers, and in “The Three Kingdoms”
How is Baba Yaga related to other female figures in Russian lore, especially
in the most archaic remnants of East Slavic culture? The female figures best
known today in Russian lore are rusalki, sometimes translated as “mermaids”
though they do not live in the sea. They are said to be the spirits of girls who
committed suicide out of disappointed love, or the spirits of babies who
died unbaptized (victims of infanticide?), and they are described lolling in
the branches of trees or beside streams, combing their long hair, sometimes
reportedly green in color. They tempt men off the path, intending to drown
them, or they may tickle children to death. Rusalki are most often repre-
sented as young and lovely (though the green hair recalls water-weeds, and
their connection with nature). At the same time, their traits and activities
largely parallel Baba Yaga’s: they are like younger, lovelier dangerous females,
tickling children to death instead of eating them. If we see Baba Yaga as
the Crone face of the triune goddess (maiden, mother, crone), as Joanna
Hubbs suggests in Mother Russia, then rusalki embody the maiden face. In
many ways the rusalka resembles the South Slavic vila; some western read-
ers already know of vilas, thanks to their role as mascots for the Bulgarian
quidditch team in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels.
Further in the past are the shadowy figures of the beregini, nameless plu-
ral female divinities whose title could come from bereg, ‘river bank,’ or from
the verb root bereg-, ‘to keep, conserve’ or ‘to preserve, economize.’ Even now,
in Russian, an obereg is an amulet, worn on the person or hung in a house,
to ward off evil. Boris Rybakov5 suggests that the beregini spring from a
hunting culture, guaranteeing rich animal life but also protecting the hunter
from the dangers of the woods. They are connected to Baba Yaga in her role
as queen of the animals; we see echoes of this in the tales where old women
summon all the birds of the air, animals of the earth, or fish of the sea in
order to ask where a certain thing or person may be found.
Thanks to the list of the Kievan pagan pantheon recorded in the his-
torical chronicles of old Rus’, the name of one goddess has come down to
us from the East Slavic past: Mokosh. Her name suggests wetness—in
Russian the root mok- means ‘wet’ or ‘soak’—and hence she may be linked
with Moist (or Raw) Mother Earth, Mat’ syra zemlya, mentioned in songs
and traditional proverbs that concern planting or burial. This image of the
earth invokes both the damp, chilly soil that is planted in the spring, and the
earth as a mother’s body to which the dead return—a cold, clammy body,
unlike the body of the human mother. The Slavic pagan underworld was
called preispodn’ia, ‘close-under-place.’ That suggests a world or afterworld
in the near underground, like the one described in “The Three Kingdoms,”
into which the hero is lowered on leather straps. Though Baba Yaga is most
often found in the forest, her role in the mysteries of death and rebirth also
gives her a connection with the harvest and the space underground where
grain germinates.
Scholars note that Mokosh is connected to the Christian Saint
Paraskeva, called Paraskeva-Piatnita by Russian peasants, or ‘Paraskeva-
Friday.’ Friday was traditionally the day of the goddess in European pagan-
ism, as we see in linguistic survivals. English Friday is named for Frigg or
Freya, the Anglo-Scandinavian goddess of love, approximately the same
as Venus, source of the French Friday, vendredi. Paraskeva in Russian folk
religious belief was a special patron of women. She protected them in child-
birth, but she also demanded that Orthodox Christians respect her by re-
fraining from “women’s” tasks, especially spinning, on Fridays. Paraskeva’s
day was celebrated on October 28, according to the Julian calendar. Her day
is so close to Halloween and the Day of the Dead, the old cross-quarter
day of November 1 that marked the beginning of winter,6 that the date sug-
gests Mokosh, who very probably underlies Paraskeva, is like Baba Yaga: a
queen of gathering food and eventually of harvest but also of death, guard-
ing the mysteries of winter and old age, the unprepossessing dry seeds that
hold life until the following season. As Moist Mother Earth “eats” the bodies
of the dead, so Baba Yaga eats human beings. Paraskeva’s role of guarding
women in childbirth also ties into some of Baba Yaga’s concerns. Images of
Paraskeva on Russian icons may show her holding a spindle—the same tool
that, again, may sometimes hold up Baba Yaga’s rotating hut. Folk narratives
about Paraskeva mention that women who spin on Fridays make her dirty,
and the “dirty” saint’s tangled hair recalls Baba Yaga’s gray braids.
Another, more occulted possibility is that Baba Yaga is “the devil’s grand-
mother,” who shows up in a Russian saying approximately equivalent to “go
to hell”: Idi k chertovoi babushke, “Go the devil’s grandmother.” There is no
way to prove or trace this now, but it does suggest an interesting cosmogony.
Many of the tales involve a single Baba Yaga (especially those where she
tests a daughter sent away by her stepmother, or where she or her avian min-
ions kidnap children), but many others include three Baba Yagas, usually
sisters or cousins,7 whose houses serve as way stations for a hero or heroine
in quest of a lost or distant beloved. Baba Yaga’s trinity is not a Mozartian
threeness, where hearing a motif twice lulls listeners into expecting the same
result a third time, only to surprise them with something different. Baba
Yaga’s threeness is an exact, folkloric trebling, with ritual answers that are
repeated the same way each time. As mentioned above, the triune Baba Yaga
suggests connections with the triune goddess,8 with the figures of the three
Fates, et cetera.9
Baba Yaga is a wonderfully rich figure: some of her appearances in the tales
are quite specific, and we do not wish to blur her outlines by generalizing
too much. Andreas Johns points out, in his thorough and valuable book
Baba Yaga, The Ambiguous Mother and Witch of the Russian Folktale, “Baba
Yaga’s particular combination of traits and functions makes her unique
among witches and witch-like characters in world folklore” (2). Like the
Indian goddess Kali, Baba Yaga is terrifying because of her relationship to
death. She mediates the boundary of death so that living human beings may
cross it and return, alive but in possession of new wisdom, or “reborn” into
a new status. Her central role in the fairy-tale process explains why she ap-
pears in so many wonder tales.10
Like most witches in folklore, Baba Yaga is striking in appearance. She
is unusually tall (stretching diagonally across her room when she lies down);
she has a huge nose that may stick up to the ceiling, a bony leg (or, some-
times, a golden or otherwise unusual leg), and iron teeth that she sharpens
in anticipation of a tasty human snack. In some tales the descriptions are
demeaning or disgusting—in one example, her tits (tit’ki) are slung up over
a rail. Here Baba Yaga’s aging female body incarnates the grotesque after-
stable images would remain in the back of a listener’s mind even if a tale
stressed another of her roles. If she is being pleasant and helpful, a listener
would still feel some tension: what if she suddenly started sharpening her
teeth? She may be a helpful if off-putting old woman, who lives in a peculiar
house and, when someone arrives from Rus’, comments on the smell with a
“Foo, foo, foo!”—not unlike the western fairy-tale ogre’s “Fee, fie, fo, fum!”
A male hero gets the best treatment if he interrupts her questions and com-
ments with a demand to be fed, given a drink, and put to bed before he will
begin to tell her his news. She often asks, “Are you doing a deed or fleeing
a deed?” and she may give the hero a ball of string that will lead to the next
necessary place, perhaps the home of her own sister, another Baba Yaga. In
this benign form, a trio of Baba Yaga sisters may be replaced by ordinary old
women, but their “true identity” is revealed by their role in the tale as they
send the questing character from one to the next, usually youngest to old-
est.12 Second, Baba Yaga can be a frightening witch who is nonetheless fair,
a donor who rewards Vasilisa or the (step)daughter who serves her well,
while punishing the evil stepmother and/or stepdaughter. She may give the
good daughter dresses and other kinds of wealth, or, less fulsomely, “reward”
her by knocking off the stepmother and/or stepsister(s)—or merely by not
killing her as the stepmother had expected she would. Third, she can also
be a frightening witch who is not a donor, or who is an inadvertent donor;
in “Mar’ia Morevna,” she plans to eat Prince Ivan even though he has ful-
filled his part of the bargain to earn a wonderful horse, and he has to steal a
mangy colt from her stable. Fourth, she is a thief of children and apparently
also a cannibal. In one group of tales, her bird or birds steal a baby, who
must be rescued by a servant or an older sister. In others, she is tricked into
eating her own child or children by a boy she stole, who is old enough to
figure out his own escape from her house.
These are not entirely stable versions of Baba Yaga, as her roles may
blend into one another. There is always the threat that she will eat someone
who fails her tests, and even when she is being fair or pleasant to a charac-
ter, the listener must recall the possibility that she will suddenly change her
mind. When she tears apart the bad stepsister after treating the good one
fairly, nothing remains but bones; the tale does not specify where the flesh
went, and perhaps it does not need to. At the same time, when we see her
stealing babies (most often a little boy), the babies do not seem to be in im-
mediate danger. The sister in “The Geese and Swans” discovers her brother
playing with golden apples, which resonate with the apples of youth in other
tales, and the brother in “The Brother” is discovered sitting on a chair (not
the cold, dirty floor) while the cat Yeremei tells him tales. In both these
tales, servant birds stole the children, not Baba Yaga herself. The kid who
tricks Baba Yaga into eating her own daughters is not so distant from the
young hero who peremptorily orders her to bring him food and drink, thus
compelling her to treat him well instead of eating him. I will return to Baba
Yaga’s role as a child-stealer below.
We see Baba Yaga traveling with her mortar and pestle, stealing chil-
dren and wreaking havoc, but we also see her at the loom. Weaving, mak-
ing the cloth for clothing, is not just a traditional “female” craft that follows
after spinning; it is another link with the “women’s” saint Paraskeva (and
her Friday prohibitions), as well as with images of the Fates as spinners
or weavers. Baba Yaga is sometimes alone in her hut; in other tales she has
a variety of helpers or companions, the three pairs of disembodied hands
Vasilisa sees but wisely does not ask about. These recall the hands that wait
on Beauty in the palace of the Beast. In “Vasilisa the Beautiful,” Baba Yaga
also commands three riders: a white rider on a white horse, who represents
dawn,13 a red rider on a red horse representing the sun,14 and a black rider
on a black horse, for night. In some tales, such as “Prince Ivan and Beloy
Polyanin,” Baba Yaga has armies and servants who magically create soldiers
for these armies. Finally, she often has a daughter or daughters.15 The daugh-
ters can vary considerably: sometimes they are stupid girls, like their mother
tending to come in threes, who obediently follow Yaga’s orders only to be
baked in her oven and eaten by their own mother, as in “Baba Yaga and the
Kid.” Even a mean, stupid Baba Yaga never wants to eat her own children,
and she becomes viciously angry after she is tricked into doing it. In other
tales, Baba Yaga has a single daughter, a great beauty, who aids the hero or
heroine and is rewarded for this by escape from Baba Yaga into the ordi-
nary world and marriage to a hero or a prince, as in “Prince Ivan and Beloy
Polyanin” or “Prince Danila Govorila.” Helping the hero or heroine puts the
daughter in danger: aiding them, and thus betraying her mother, makes her
a stranger to Baba Yaga, an enemy—and so herself liable to be caught and
devoured. For all these daughters no father is visible; some of the negative
ones are called Yagishna, ‘daughter of Yaga,’ using the Russian patronymic
form that is otherwise always based on the father’s name, never the mother’s.
Being the mother of a magical beauty connects Yaga to other magical par-
ents in Russian wonder tales, such as the Sea King.16
In some tales, Baba Yaga seems to be involved because the mother is
missing, even if the tale is about a stepmother. In “Prince Danila Govorila,”
the mother is dead and the heroine in peril, but Baba Yaga’s kind and lovely
daughter turns out to look just like the heroine, and the magic ring that
caused all the trouble presumably fits her too (so she can marry the brother,
saving him and Katerina from the sin of incest). In “Vasilisa the Beautiful,”
the heroine’s doll, a deathbed gift from her mother, keeps her safe in Baba
Yaga’s house. Baba Yaga grumbles and tells her to leave (albeit with the gift
of fire, contained in a fire-eyed skull) once she learns that Vasilisa is pro-
tected by her mother’s blessing. Vasilisa is as clever as she is beautiful: she
mentions the blessing but not the doll. Baba Yaga tests girls not only by
requesting impossible tasks, such as sorting poppy seeds from dirt, or by de-
manding completion of so many tasks that only a magical doll or help from
the local mice can accomplish them in the allotted time. She also makes the
girls show that they are proficient at the essential feminine tasks: cooking,
washing, stoking the fires in stove and bathhouse. Even in a tale where she
plans to eat the girl, Baba Yaga tells her to sit down and weave in her place
while she goes to sharpen her teeth. This does in part reflect traditional
realia, the cruel fact that a peasant girl who did not know how to weave or
cook or stoke the bathhouse would not bring good fortune to her family. In
a time and place where the margins for survival could be slim, these skills
not only made a girl marriageable but could be a matter of life and death for
her and her family. Baba Yaga is often kinder, or at least more fair, than the
stepmother who sends her unloved stepdaughter to the witch in hopes that
she will be eaten or destroyed.
Indeed, Baba Yaga tests peasant virtues: knowledge of the skills of hus-
bandry and housekeeping, patience, persistence, kindness, generosity, and
the capacity for hard work, Some scholars suggest that tales of Baba Yaga
helped young people accept and understand their place in a traditional cul-
ture, even after the earlier initiation rituals where she played a role were
abandoned. For young village women especially, marriage meant entering
a new household and adapting to new household organization, under the
authority of the mother-in-law. In Russian wonder tales, even royalty may
need to know basic men’s and women’s skills, and even a tsar’s wife may
change her fate once she is tempted by a golden spindle that spins gold
thread or a silver needle that embroiders by itself. Besides that, heroes and
heroines of the tales must know how to handle Baba Yaga: when to tell the
truth or to lie, to demand food and drink or to obey her meekly, to steal
what they need or to stay with her until they have earned it.
So Baba Yaga appears as an initiatrix, a vestigial goddess, a forest power,
and a mistress of birds or animals. In a hunting culture, like that of old
Russia, all that made her a very important figure.17 We even see, in one ver-
sion of the tale “Go I Don’t Know Where and Bring I Don’t Know What,”
a place where Baba Yaga’s evolving nature may have let one instance of her
crowd out another: because the lustful general goes to a backstreet Baba
Yaga for advice, identifying her as both evil and urban, the three old women
our hero visits on his way cannot also be figures of the Baba Yaga. The read-
er will notice, though, how similar they are to the triple Baba Yaga in other
tales. The tales evolve over time, as they are told and retold—another reason
for the variations in the nature of this character.
Baba Yaga’s link to death is less unsettling if we remember the constant
place of death in peasant society. Russian peasant girls would tell fortunes
each spring by making garlands of flowers and tossing them into a stream.
and setting up or bolstering the economic unit of the family, in which many
traditional tasks were gendered and therefore dependent on the character
and preparation of the wife or husband. Moreover, the tradition of wedding
laments suggests that for a young woman marriage could be tantamount to
death,18 even if some brides performed the ritual lamentation more as a way
of keeping off the Evil Eye, to avoid tempting fate by seeming happy about
the wedding arrangements. Given the strong possibility that she played a
role in stories of initiation, it is no surprise that today Baba Yaga is used by
Jungian therapists as a figure of dark, occult knowledge, and her hut to sym-
bolize a stage on a difficult path. Even now she teaches readers or listeners
how to win treasure or understanding out of loss, fear, and pain. One could
argue that in the modern world people pass through many more roles and
stages and face many tests besides those that prove traditional readiness for
marriage. Modern encounters with Baba Yaga and what she represents still
reaffirm our strength, cleverness, and worthiness as adults using stories in
I would argue, though, that the tales show a second important tradi-
tional role for Baba Yaga. She is important not only at the phase of adoles-
cent initiation, when a young hero or heroine has reached marriageable age
and must become a fully functioning member of the community, a member
of the child-bearing generation. Recall that Paraskeva, the saint whose day
is celebrated just before the end of the old traditional autumn, is a protector
of women in childbirth. Her precursor Baba Yaga, in her role as a thief and
presumably devourer of children, may serve to address fears of infant and
child mortality.
There is no record of anything like an initiation ceremony for a woman
in childbirth, perhaps because the event was already hedged round with a
huge number of superstitions, spells, and careful practices meant to keep
the child (and, to a lesser extent, the mother) from harm. Russian peasant
women traditionally gave birth in the bathhouse—a sensible choice, since
it was warm, relatively clean, and private, but it was also a place associated
with Baba Yaga. In times of high infant and child mortality, the goddess of
the borders of death would necessarily play a part here, too. Indeed, Baba
Yaga’s role in both types of tales, the “testing” and the “devouring,” is formally
similar. The child’s passage into adulthood symbolically means the death
of the child (and a girl’s marriage, in particular, meant leaving her home
and entering that of her husband’s family, where the mother-in-law could be
as ill-disposed and unwelcoming as a fairy-tale stepmother). If adulthood
meant the death of the child, and marriage meant the death of the maiden,
then childbirth too carries an element of death—the death of the single hu-
man being and simultaneous birth of both child and mother.
In the stories where Baba Yaga kidnaps a child or has her minions do so,
the heroine passes through a series of ritual rebirths once she has taken back
the child. In Khudiakov’s version of “The Brother,” Baba Yaga’s eagle notices
that the stove that protects the maiden has gotten wider, and asks the apple
tree, “Why have you, apple tree, gotten so curly, lowered your branches right
down to the ground?” The tree answers: “The time has come [. . .] I’m stand-
ing here all fluffy.” The wording, as well as the position of the girl and baby
concealed beneath the lowered branches, suggests that the tree is pregnant,
that its “time has come.” Much as the testing tales lead into adulthood or
marriage, the tales of girls who rescue babies stolen by Baba Yaga (or her
avian psychopomps) could serve to socialize young mothers in caring for
new babies, and girls to take care of their own new younger siblings. In some
of these tales the girl might be seen as representing the new generation of
parents, while the mother of the stolen child in the tale is her mother, an
older woman who is nevertheless still young enough to have more children
of her own, who knows how to keep a child alive in a dangerous world and
now sends her daughter out to gain this knowledge. The various “pregnant”
pauses in the narrative where girl and baby hide from pursuit show the girl
emerging each time reborn as someone better fit to care for a child. The fact
that the stolen child seems happy and safe with Baba Yaga—playing with
golden apples or listening to a cat tell a story—suggests that infant mortal-
ity causes little pain for the infant, though more for the mother and other
relatives who survive.19
In tales where Baba Yaga steals an older child, the child (usually a boy)
must rescue himself. The gleeful description of how he tricks Yaga into eat-
ing her own daughter or daughters might work magic to make sure it is
her child who will die, rather than the child of the tale-teller or listener.
This gullible, stupid Baba Yaga is no longer so frightening, and making her
devour her own child or children throws the fear and risk of death back
onto her. We are more clever, we can use the magic of our tales to outwit the
witch and survive into adulthood—where death is what we expect, rather
than a premature tragedy that impacts the community’s future. Telling a
child a story about Baba Yaga may scare the child (pleasantly, like any fright-
ening story, or as a way of compelling better behavior), while at the same
time it has a prophylactic effect: after all, the very child who listens could
soon be threatened with death. The story offers a mother or child a measure
of power over Baba Yaga. In return, it prolongs Baba Yaga’s life and vividness
in folklore.
Baba Yaga’s birds—geese, swans, eagles—are not just hunting birds.
They are psychopomps who bear a dead person on a soul journey or a living
person to the other world. Propp argues that no matter where Baba Yaga’s
house is located (forest; open field; sea shore), it is always at the border of
the other realm, the realm of death and the afterlife, over thrice-nine lands
and near the thrice-tenth. The forest lies at the heart of Russian civiliza-
tion, as it held riches (the honey, wax, and furs that early Slavs traded along
routes reaching from the Black Sea to Scandinavia) along with terrors.20
The open field appears in traditional Russian spells (more properly called
charms, according to specialists in magic; in Russian, zagovory, or incanta-
tions, zaklinaniia). The spells frequently begin with the words “I rise up,
saying a blessing. I go out, crossing myself, and I go to an open field.” An
empty place where no one can see or hear what one says is the proper locus
for working magic. Russia’s traditional territory has a seacoast only in the far
north, on the White Sea—but many cultures have imagined the afterlife as
located beyond the sea, in the land where the sun sets (see, for example, the
etymology of Brazil).21
In several of the tales included here, Baba Yaga herself is killed, baked in
an oven (though sometimes she scratches her way out), or burned up after
falling into a fiery river. She is strongly associated with fire. Vasilisa comes to
her house asking for a light, and Yaga sends her back home with a fire-eyed
skull that incinerates the offending stepmother and stepsisters. As Propp
points out in his book The Russian Folktale, Baba Yaga is a recurring folk
figure: if she burns up once, it only means that she no longer threatens the
characters of that story. She’ll be back in the next one.
The tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” is unusual and possibly more archaic
than most of the tales in Afanas’ev’s collection. His publication was based
on an earlier, eighteenth-century edition. The spooky details listed in the
tale show Baba Yaga as the mistress of time: dawn, sun, and night are her
servants, and they are physically present in her forest as horsemen, not only
under her command as abstractions. Other tales mention twelve stakes with
skulls around her hut; the number suggests twelve months. Her spinning
hut models the turning of the heavens that causes and measures time itself.
these prove the continuing attraction and vigorous legacy of the complex
figure of Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga is a popular figure in Russian films, especially but not only
animated cartoons. She adds spice to a story, and the stories that include her
are among the most central of the Russian wonder tale canon. Documentary
filmmaker Jessica Oreck is now at work with her colleagues on a film that
will examine the role of the forest in East European cultures, especially
the mushroom (that ultimate forest treat, and one that until fairly recently
could not be cultivated); the movie has the working title “The Vanquishing
of Baba Yaga.” Like the mushroom, sometimes nourishing and delicious
but also sometimes poisonous, Baba Yaga is an ambiguous presence in the
Russian forest.
Given her central place in many of the best-loved Russian wonder tales and
her puzzlingly ambivalent character, it is no wonder that many scholars
have written about Baba Yaga. I conclude this introduction by summariz-
ing these works and what they offer for further reading. The short bibli-
ography at the end of this introduction gives more complete bibliographic
information about the works that are available in English and a filmography
of movies and cartoons that involve Baba Yaga.
One might say that Andreas Johns “wrote the book” on Baba Yaga—
Baba Yaga: The Ambiguous Mother and Witch of the Russian Folktale. (See
the bibliography below for details of publication.) Summarizing and syn-
thesizing hundreds of tales, he analyzes them as a professional folklorist and
provides a range of information about the image of Baba Yaga and the many
variant tales about her. Johns gives clear, well-founded readings of the tales
without limiting his approach to a single theoretical perspective.
A contemporary use of
Bilibin’s Baba Yaga, individu-
alizing keds for kids. Bilibin’s
Baba Yaga from Vasilisa the
Beautiful is one of many
fairy-tale images imprinted
on children’s shoes, T-shirts,
mugs, and numerous ac-
cessories in the SurLaLune
(French for “On the Moon”)
line. Formerly available from
SurLaLune Ked Shoes (ked
is Russian for sneaker). Sur-
LaLune also had produced
shoes with familiar visuals by
such famous Western fairy-
tale illustrators as Gustave
Doré, Arthur Rackham, and
Walter Crane.
I L LUS T R AT I O N S , F I L M S , G R A P H I C N OV E L S ,
G A M E S , A N D OT H E R M E R C H A N D I S E
Sibelan Forrester
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
August 4, 2012
Afanas’ev, Aleksandr, ed. Russian Fairy Tales. Trans. Norbert Guterman. New York:
Pantheon Books, 1943, 1973. A selection of tales from Afanas’ev’s three-volume edition.
Balina, Marina, Helena Goscilo, and Mark Lipovetsky, eds. and trans. Politicizing Magic:
An Anthology of Russian and Soviet Folktales. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University
Press, 2005. This volume includes some more recent folktale-related stories, and the
introductory essays for each section are quite valuable.
Chandler, Robert, ed. Russian Magic Tales from Pushkin to Platanov. Trans. Robert
Chandler and Elizabeth Chandler, with Sibelan Forrester, Anna Gunin, and Olga
Meerson. London: Penguin Books, 2012.
Gilchrist, Cherry. Russian Magic: Living Folk Traditions of an Enchanted Landscape.
Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2009.
Haney, Jack, trans. The Complete Russian Folktale in seven volumes. Armonk, NY: M. E.
Sharpe, 1999–2006. The first complete translation of Afanas’ev’s tales into English,
organized by theme.
Simonov, Pyotr. Essential Russian Mythology: Stories That Change the World. London:
Thorsons, 1997. This short volume includes versions of some legends and epic songs as
well as folktales.
Ankarloo, Ben, and Gustav Henningsen, eds. Early Modern European Witchcraft: Centres
and Peripheries. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
Bly, Robert, and Marion Woodman. The Maiden King: The Reunion of Masculine and
Feminine. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1998.
Hubbs, Joanna. Mother Russia: The Feminine Myth in Russian Culture. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 1988.
Ivanits, Linda. Russian Folk Belief. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1989.
Johns, Andreas. Baba Yaga: The Ambiguous Mother and Witch of the Russian Folktale. New
York: Peter Lang, 2004.
Maxwell-Stuart, P. G. Witchcraft in Europe and the New World, 1400–1800. Houndmills,
Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001.
Pinkola Estés, Clarissa. Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild
Woman Archetype. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.
Brief Bibliography for Further Reading
Propp, Vladimir. Morphology of the Folktale. Trans. Laurence Scott. Austin: University of
Texas Press, 1968.
Propp, Vladimir. The Russian Folktale. Trans. Sibelan Forrester. Detroit, MI: Wayne State
University Press, 2012.
Ralston, W. R. S. The Songs of the Russian People: As Illustrative of Slavonic Mythology and
Russian Social Life. London: Ellis & Green, 1872.
Sokolov, Y. M. Russian Folklore. Trans. Catherine Ruth Smith. Hatboro, PA: Folklore
Associates, 1966.
Ugrešić, Dubravka. Baba Yaga Laid an Egg, translated by Ellen Elias-Bursać, Celia
Hawkesworth, and Mark Thompson. New York: Cannongate, 2009.
Arnold, Katya. Baba Yaga: A Russian Folktale. New York: North-South Books, 1993.
Arnold, Katya. Baba Yaga and the Little Girl: A Russian Folktale. New York: Norh-South
Books, 1994.
Kimmel, Eric A., and Megan Lloyd. Baba Yaga: A Russian Folktale. New York: Holiday
House, 1991.
Lurie, Alison, and Jessica Souhami. The Black Geese: A Baba Yaga Story from Russia. New
York: DK Publishers, 1999.
Marshall Carey, Bonnie. Baba Yaga’s Geese, and Other Russian Stories. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 1973.
Mayer, Marianna, and Kinuko Craft. Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave. New York:
Morrow Junior Books, 1994.
McCaughrean, Geraldine, and Moira Kemp. Grandma Chickenlegs. Minneapolis, MN:
Carolrhoda Books, 2000.
Oram, Hiawyn, and Ruth Brown. Baba Yaga and the Wise Doll: A Traditional Russian
Folktale. New York: Dutton Children’s Books, 1998. 1997.
Polacco, Patricia. Babushka Baba Yaga. New York: Philomei, 1993. (for children)
Small, Ernest, and Blair Lent. Baba Yaga. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966.
Brief Bibliography for Further Reading
Tales of Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga by Rima Staines, the young British painter, clockmaker, illustrator, and storyteller, who here clearly models her style on those of such
classic Russian illustrators as Vasnetsov and Bilibin. Her creative violation of proportions, however, transforms Baba Yaga into a figure physically
dominating the landscape, and her hut into an enlarged chicken-legged mailbox.
Dancing Baba Yaga by Ivan
Bilibin (1908). The extraordinary
Terpsichorean Baba Yaga flies and
rides in the tales, but generally
abjures dance, though an early
lubok (popular woodcut print)
also shows her capering to the
accompaniment of a bagpipe
(see image #52). Here the angle
of her preternaturally long arms
suggests the boniness that is one
of her salient features, while the
festive red of her nose substitutes
for its inordinate size. The tales
repeatedly emphasize how her
proboscis, sometimes unhygieni-
cally dripping snot, extends to the
ceiling. Illustration by Ivan Bilibin
Baba Yaga I
Baba Yaga I
Yaga went out again and assigned her even more difficult tasks. The girl
began to cry again. The little mice ran out and said, “What are you crying
for, lovely maiden? Give us some porridge, and we’ll give you some good
advice.” She gave them some porridge, and once again they told her what to
do and how.
Baba Yaga came back again, praised her and gave her even more nice
clothes . . . After a while, the stepmother sent the man to see whether his
daughter was alive.
Off the man went. He drove up to the house and saw that his daughter
had become very rich. The Yaga was not at home, so he took his daughter
home with him.
They drove toward their village, and the little dog at home couldn’t keep
quiet. “Woof, woof, woof! A lady is coming, a lady is coming!”
The stepmother ran out and let the doggie have it with a rolling pin.
“You’re lying,” she shouted. “Say that bones are rattling in the basket!”
But the dog kept on saying what it wanted. They came to the house. The
stepmother started to pester her husband to take her own daughter there,
too. So the man took her off into the woods.
Baba Yaga assigned her some work and went out. The girl was beside
herself with disappointment and started to cry. The little mice ran out and
said, “Maiden, maiden! What are you crying for?”
But she didn’t even let them finish speaking. She went after one and
then another with the rolling pin. She kept on chasing them, and she didn’t
do the work she was supposed to. Yaga came home and got angry. The same
thing happened a second time, so Yaga broke her up into pieces and put her
bones in a box.
The mother sent her husband to go pick up her daughter. When the
father got there, he found only bones to take away.
As he drove toward the village, the little dog started barking again on
the porch: “Woof, woof, woof! They’re bringing bones in a box!”
The stepmother ran out with the rolling pin. “You’re lying,” she shouted.
“Say a lady is coming!”
But the doggie kept on repeating: “Woof, woof, woof! The bones are
rattling in the box!”
The husband got home, and then the wife really started howling! For
you there’s a tale, and for me a cup of ale.
Baba Yaga II
Once there lived an old man and his wife. The old
man’s wife died and he took another wife, but he had
a little girl from his first wife. The evil stepmother
did not like her. She beat her and thought about how
to get rid of her once and for all.
Once the father went away somewhere, and the
stepmother said to the girl, “Go see your aunt, my sis-
ter, and ask her for a needle and thread to sew a shirt
for you.” But this aunt was a Baba Yaga, bony-leg.
The girl wasn’t stupid, so she stopped by to see her own aunt first.
“Hello, Auntie!”
“Hello, my dear! Why are you here?”
“Mother’s sent me to her sister to ask for a needle and thread to sew a
shirt for me.”
The aunt told her what to do. “My dear niece, a birch tree there will
whip you in the eyes—you tie it back with a ribbon. The gate there will
squeak and slam—you pour some oil under its hinges. The dogs there will
tear at you—you toss them some bread. The tomcat there will scratch at
your eyes—you give him some ham.”
The girl set off. She walked and walked, and she got there.
A hut was standing there, and Baba Yaga, bony-leg, was sitting inside
and waiting.
“Hello, Auntie!”
“Hello, my dear!”
“Mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to sew me a shirt.”
“Good; sit down for a moment and weave.”
The girl sat down there at the loom. But Baba Yaga went out and said
to her maidservant, “Go, heat up the bathhouse and wash my niece, and be
sure to do a good job. I want to have her for breakfast.”
Baba Yaga II
The girl sat there neither dead nor alive, all terrified. She begged the
maidservant, “My dear girl! Don’t light the wood as much as you pour on
the water, and carry the water in a sieve,” and she gave her a handkerchief.
Baba Yaga was waiting. She walked over to the window and asked, “Are
you weaving, little niece, are you weaving, my dear?”
“I’m weaving, Auntie! I’m weaving, dear!”
Baba Yaga moved away again, and the girl gave the tomcat some ham
and asked him, “Is there any way to get out of here?”
“Here are a comb and a towel for you,” said the cat. “Take them and run
away. Baba Yaga will chase after you. You put your ear to the ground, and
when you hear that she’s close, throw down the towel first—it will turn into
a wide, wide river. If Baba Yaga crosses the river and starts to catch up with
you, you put your ear to the ground again, and when you hear that she’s
close, throw the comb—it will turn into a thick, thick forest. She won’t be
able to get through it!”
The girl took the towel and the comb and ran out. The dogs wanted
to tear at her; she threw them some bread, and they let her pass. The gate
wanted to slam on her; she poured some oil under the hinges, and it let
her pass. The birch tree wanted to lash her eyes out; she tied it back with a
ribbon, and it let her pass. And the cat sat down at the loom and started to
weave. He didn’t weave as much as he tangled things. Baba Yaga came over
to the window and asked, “Are you weaving, my little niece, are you weaving,
my dear?”
“I’m weaving, Auntie! I’m weaving, dear!” the tomcat answered in a
hoarse voice.
Baba Yaga raced into the hut, saw that the girl had run away, and started
beating and scolding the tomcat. Why hadn’t he scratched the girl’s eyes out?
“I’ve been serving you for so long,” said the tomcat. “You’ve never even
given me a bone, but she gave me some ham.”
Baba Yaga threw herself at the dogs, on the gates, on the birch tree, and
on the maidservant. She started scolding each one and pounding them.
The dogs told her, “We’ve been serving you so long, and you’ve never
thrown us a burned crust, but she gave us some bread.”
The gate said, “I’ve been serving you for so long, and you’ve never even
poured water under my hinges, but she poured some oil.”
The birch tree said, “I’ve been serving you so long, and you’ve never tied
me up with a thread, but she tied me up with a ribbon.”
The maidservant said, “I’ve been serving you for so long, and you’ve
never given me a rag, but she gave me a handkerchief.”
Baba Yaga II
Baba Yaga, the bony-leg, sat right down in her mortar, pushed along
with a pestle, swept the tracks away with a broom, and set off to chase the
girl. The girl put her ear to the ground and heard Baba Yaga chasing her and
already getting close. She up and threw the towel. It turned into a river so
wide, so wide!
Baba Yaga came to the river and her teeth squeaked with malice. She
went back home, got her bulls, and drove them to the river. The bulls drank
the whole river dry.
Baba Yaga set off again in pursuit. The girl put her ear to the ground
and heard that Baba Yaga was close. She threw the comb, and it turned into
a forest so thick and terrible! Baba Yaga started to chew it, but no matter
how she tried she couldn’t chew through it, so she went back home.
Baba Yaga II
But the old man had already come back, and he asked, “Where on earth
is my daughter?”
“She went to her aunt’s,” the stepmother answered.
A little later the girl herself ran up to the house. “Where were you?”
asked her father.
“Oh, Dad!” she said. “It was like this. Mother sent me to my aunt’s to ask
for a needle and thread to sew me a shirt, but my aunt is a Baba Yaga, and
she wanted to eat me.”
“How did you get away, daughter?”
“Like this,” and the girl told him the story.
When the old man found out all about it, he got angry at his wife and
shot her. But he and his daughter went on living and living well and earning
riches. And I was there, I drank mead and beer: it flowed down my mus-
tache, but didn’t go in my mouth.
Baba Yaga and the Kid
Baba Yaga and the Kid
Baba Yaga and the Kid
They heard him and came running; the tomcat scratched, the sparrow
pecked at the Yaga-baba! They got the kid away from her and went back
On the third day they got ready to go into the forest to cut wood, and
they said to the kid, “Watch out! If the Yaga-baba comes, keep quiet. We’re
going far away now.”
The tomcat and the sparrow left, and the third one, the kid, took a seat
on the stove behind the pipe. Suddenly the Yaga-baba took the spoons again
and started counting: “This is the cat’s spoon, this is the sparrow’s spoon,
and the third one’s the kid’s.”
The kid kept quiet.
The Yaga-baba started to count a second time: “This is the cat’s spoon,
this is the sparrow’s spoon, and the third one’s the kid’s.”
The kid kept quiet.
The Yaga-baba counted a third time: “This is the cat’s spoon, this is the
sparrow’s spoon, the third one’s the kid’s.”
The kid couldn’t bear it. He started to bellow,3 “Don’t you touch my
spoon, you slut!”
Yaga-baba grabbed the kid and dragged him away.
The kid shouted, “Run, cat! Fly, sparrow!” But his brothers didn’t hear him.
Yaga-baba dragged the kid home, put him in the stove-box,4 stoked the
stove herself, and said to her eldest daughter, “So, girl! I’m going to Rus’. You
roast up this kid for my lunch.”
“All right!” her daughter answered.
The stove got nice and hot. The girl ordered the kid to come out. The
kid came out, and the girl said, “Lie down in the pan!”5
The kid lay down, stuck one leg up toward the ceiling and the other
down toward the floor.6
The girl said, “Not that way, not that way!”
The kid said, “Then how? You go ahead and show me.”
The girl lay down on the pan.
The kid didn’t lose his nerve. He grabbed the oven-fork and shoved the
pan with Yaga’s daughter right into the stove. He went back into the stove-
box and sat there waiting for the Yaga-baba.
All at once Yaga-baba came running and said, “I want to roll, I want to
loll around on the kid’s bones!”
But the kid answered her, “Roll around, loll around on your own daugh-
ter’s bones!”
Baba Yaga and the Kid
Yaga-baba gasped and took a peek: it was her daughter who’d been
roasted. She shouted, “Oh! You scoundrel, just you wait! You won’t get out
of this one!” She ordered her middle daughter to roast the kid, and she left.
The middle daughter stoked the stove and told the kid to come out. The
kid came out, lay down in the pan, stuck one foot up toward the ceiling and
the other down toward the floor. The girl said, “Not like that! Not like that!”
“Then show me how.”
The girl lay down in the roasting pan. The kid up and shoved her into
the stove, went back into the stove-box, and there he sat.
All at once Yaga-baba ran in: “I want to roll, I want to loll around on the
kid’s bones!”
He answered, “Roll around, loll around on your daughter’s bones!”
Yagishna was furious: “Eh, just wait,” she said, “you won’t get away from
me!” She ordered her youngest daughter to roast him. But nothing doing—
the kid cooked that one, too!
Yaga-baba got even angrier. “Just wait,” she said, “you won’t get away
from me!” She stoked the stove and shouted, “Come out, kid! Lie down
there on the roasting pan.”
The kid lay down, stuck one leg up toward the ceiling, the other toward
the floor, and wouldn’t fit into the oven.7
Yaga-baba said, “Not like that! Not like that!”
But the kid acted as if he didn’t know: “I don’t know how to do it,” he
said. “You show me!”
Baba Yaga and the Kid
Baba-Yaga and the Runt
Baba-Yaga and the Runt
wanted to admire his goods. He got there, and it seemed that one of the
stacks was missing! He went back home and said, “Ah, children! Did you
know that one stack has disappeared?”
“Don’t worry, Dad!” answered Runt. “We’ll catch the thief. Give me a
hundred rubles, and I’ll do it.” He took a hundred rubles from his father and
went to the blacksmith. “Can you forge me a chain long enough to wrap a
person from head to foot?”
“Why wouldn’t I be able to forge it?”
“Be careful, make it plenty strong. If the chain holds I’ll pay you a hun-
dred rubles, but if it snaps you’ve wasted your labor!”
The blacksmith forged an iron chain; Runt wrapped it around himself,
stretched, and the chain snapped. The blacksmith made another twice as
strong, and that one was good. Runt took this chain, paid the hundred
rubles, and went to guard the hay. He sat down under one of the haystacks
and waited.
At the stroke of midnight the weather changed, the sea grew rough, and
a marvelous mare came out of the depths of the sea. She ran up to the first
haystack and started to devour the hay. Runt jumped out, bridled her with
the iron chain, and jumped up on her back. The mare started bucking, carry-
ing him over hill and dale, but no, she wasn’t strong enough to shake off the
rider! She stopped and said to him, “Well, good lad! Since you’ve managed to
keep your seat on me, then you must take my foals and break them.”
Baba-Yaga and the Runt
The mare ran up to the blue sea and neighed loudly. Then the blue sea
grew rough and forty-one stallions came out on the shore, each more hand-
some than the last! You could go through the whole world and never find
the likes of them anywhere! In the morning the old man heard neighing
and stamping in the yard. What could it be? But it was his son Runt, who
had driven the whole herd home. “Hi there, brothers!” he said. “Now there’s
a horse for each of us. Let’s ride together to find brides for ourselves!”
“Let’s go!” Their father and mother gave them their blessing, and the
brothers set out on the long road.
They rode for a long time through the white world, but where could
they find so many brides? They didn’t want to get married separately, so
that no one’s feelings would be hurt, but what mother can brag that she
had forty-one daughters at a time? The fine lads rode over thrice-nine lands
and came upon a palace of white stone on a steep mountain, surrounded
with a high wall, with iron columns placed at the gates. They counted, and
there were forty-one pillars. So they fastened their forty-one bogatyr horses
to those pillars and went into the courtyard. A Baba Yaga met them there.
Baba-Yaga and the Runt
“Ah, you, uncalled and uninvited! How dare you hitch your horses without
“Well, old woman! What are you shouting for? First give us something
to eat and drink, take us to the bathhouse, then afterward ask us for news.”
Baba Yaga fed them, gave them something to drink, took them to the
bathhouse, and then started to ask them: “What is it, good lads? Are you
doing a deed or fleeing a deed?”
“We’re doing a deed, grandmother!”
“What is it you need?”
“Why, we’re looking for brides.”
“I have daughters,” said Baba Yaga. She ran into the high chambers and
brought out forty-one maidens.
They got engaged right away and began to drink, to celebrate and hold
the wedding. In the evening Runt went to look in on his horse. His good
horse saw him and spoke up in a human voice, “Look out, master! When
you lie down to sleep with your young wives, dress them in your clothes, and
put on your wives’ clothes yourselves. Otherwise we’ll all be lost!” Runt told
Baba-Yaga and the Runt
this to his brothers, and so they decked the young wives out in their clothes,
put on the wives’ clothes themselves, and then lay down to sleep. They all
fell asleep, but Runt didn’t close an eye. At the stroke of midnight Baba
Yaga shouted loudly, “Hey, you, my faithful servants, cut the wild heads off
these uninvited guests!” Her faithful servants came running and cut off the
wild heads of Baba Yaga’s own daughters. Runt woke up his brothers and
told them everything that had happened. They took the heads and stuck
them on the iron spikes around the wall, then saddled their horses and
rode off in haste.
In the morning Baba Yaga got up, looked out the window—and all
around the wall her daughters’ heads were stuck on the spikes. She was hor-
ribly angry, ordered her fiery shield, rode off in pursuit, and started shooting
fire from the shield in all four directions. Where could the fine lads hide
themselves? Ahead of them was the blue sea, behind them was Baba Yaga,
burning and shooting. They could all have died, but Runt had a good idea.
He had thought to take a handkerchief from Baba Yaga, and he waved that
kerchief in front of him. Suddenly a bridge appeared that stretched across
the whole blue sea. The fine lads rode across it to the other side. Runt waved
the handkerchief in the other direction and the bridge disappeared. Baba
Yaga went back, and the brothers rode off for home.9
Finist the Bright Falcon II
Finist the Bright Falcon II
please me at all!” And he whispered in her ear, “You know, the flower was
special, not for sale. I got it from an old stranger on the condition that I
marry you to his son, Finist the bright falcon.”
“Don’t grieve, Father,” answered the daughter. “He’s so good and affec-
tionate. He flies as a bright falcon through the sky, but as soon as he strikes
the damp earth—then he turns into a fine young man!”
“Can it be that you know him?”
“I know him, I know him, Father! Last Sunday he was at church, he
kept looking at me, and I spoke with him . . . you know, he loves me, Father!”
The old man shook his head, looked closely at his daughter, made the
sign of the cross over her, and said, “Go to your room, my dear daughter!
It’s already bedtime. Morning’s wiser than the evening. We’ll make sense of
it all later.”
But the daughter locked herself in her room, put the little scarlet flower
into water, opened the window, and looked out into the blue distance.
Out of nowhere, there before her appeared Finist the bright falcon, with
jeweled feathers. He swooped in through the window, struck the floor, and
turned into a fine lad. At first the girl was frightened, but then, once he
began to talk with her, she felt ever so merry and good. They conversed until
dawn, I don’t know what about.
I only know that when it began to get light Finist the bright falcon with
the jeweled feathers kissed her and said, “Every night, as soon as you put the
little scarlet flower on the windowsill, I’ll come to you, my dear! And here’s
a feather for you from my wing. If you need any kind of fine clothes, go out
on the porch and just wave the feather to the right. In an instant everything
your soul might desire will appear right in front of you!” He kissed her once
more, turned into a bright falcon, and flew away over the dark forest.
The girl watched her intended leave, closed the window, and lay down
to rest. From then on every night, as soon as she put the little scarlet flower
in the open window, the fine lad Finist the bright falcon would come flying
to her.
Sunday came, and the older sisters began to dress up for church. “And
what will you put on? You have nothing new!” they said to the youngest one.
She said, “That’s all right, I can pray at home, too!”
The older sisters went off to mass, but the little one sat by the window,
all smudged, and looked at the Orthodox people going to God’s church.
She waited long enough for them to pass, went out on the porch, waved
the jeweled feather to the right, and from out of nowhere a crystal carriage
Finist the Bright Falcon II
appeared before her, with a team of matching horses, and a servant in gold,
dresses and all kinds of ornaments made of brightly colored jewels.
The fair maiden got herself dressed in a minute, got into the carriage,
and hurried off to church. The people looked and marveled at her beauty.
“You can see that some kind of princess has come!” the people said among
themselves. When she heard the service drawing to an end,12 she left the
church right away, got in the carriage, and rode off home. The Orthodox
people came outside, hoping to get a look and see where she was going, but
there was no sign of her! Her tracks had cooled long ago. No sooner had
our beauty driven up to the porch of her house than she waved the jeweled
feather to the left. In no time the servant helped her take off the splendid
dress, and the carriage disappeared. She was sitting there just as before, as
if nothing at all had happened, looking out the window at the Orthodox
people scattering to their homes.
Her sisters came home, too. “Well, sister!” they said. “What a beauty
there was at mass in the church! A real pleasure to see, no tale could tell it
and no pen could write it down! It must have been a queen from foreign
lands who came visiting. She was just magnificent, all dressed up!”
A second Sunday came, and a third. The fair maiden kept teasing the
Orthodox people, her own sisters, and her father and mother. Then once,
when she was taking off her fine clothes, she forgot to take a diamond pin
out of her hair. Her older sisters came from the church and were telling her
about the beautiful princess, when they took a look at their little sister, and
the diamond was just blazing in her plaits. “Ah, sister! What do you have
there?” cried the girls. “Why, the princess today had exactly that kind of pin
in her hair. Where did you get it?”
The fair maiden gasped and ran off to her bedroom. There was no end
to the questions, guesses, and whispering back and forth. But the youngest
sister kept quiet and laughed to herself.
Then the older sisters started paying close attention to her, listening
at night outside her bedroom, and once they heard her conversation with
Finist the bright falcon. At dawn they saw him with their own eyes as he
shot out of the window and flew off over the dark forest. They were evil
girls, it seems, the two big sisters. They decided to hide knives on the win-
dow of their sister’s chamber in the evening so that Finist the bright falcon
would cut his jeweled wings.
Once they got the idea, they did it, while the younger sister didn’t sus-
pect anything. She put her little scarlet flower on the windowsill, lay back on
Finist the Bright Falcon II
her bed, and fell sound asleep. Finist the bright falcon came flying, but when
he swooped into the window he cut his left leg. But the fair maiden knew
nothing about it, she was sleeping so sweetly, so peacefully. The bright falcon
soared up angrily into the open sky and flew away over the dark forest.
In the morning the beauty woke up and looked in every direction. It was
already light, but there was no sign of the handsome young man! As soon as
she glanced out the window, she saw sharp knives sticking out this way and
that outside the window, and scarlet blood was dripping from them onto
the little flower. For a long time the maiden drowned in bitter tears; she
spent many sleepless nights by the window of her chamber, tried waving the
jeweled feather—but all in vain! Finist the bright falcon didn’t come flying
to her, and he didn’t send his servants, either!
Finist the Bright Falcon II
Finally she went to her father with tears in her eyes and asked for his
blessing. “I’m going, I don’t know where,” she said.
She ordered three pairs of iron shoes forged for her and three iron
crutches, three iron caps, and three iron loaves. She put a pair of the shoes on
her feet, a cap on her head, a crutch in her hands, and she set off in the same
direction Finist the bright falcon had always come flying from to see her.
She walked along through a deep, dark forest, walked over stumps and
stiles; the iron shoes were already getting worn, the iron cap was wearing
out, the crutch was breaking, the loaf was gnawed away, but the fair maiden
kept walking and walking, while the forest grew blacker and blacker, thicker
and thicker. Suddenly she saw, standing in front of her, a cast-iron hut on
chicken legs that constantly turned around.
The maiden said, “Little house, little house! Stand with your back to
the woods, your front to me.” The house turned its front toward her. She
went into the house, and a Baba Yaga was lying inside from corner to corner,
lips on the railing, nose stuck in the ceiling.13 “Fie-fie-fie! Before the Russian
smell14 couldn’t be seen with the sight, couldn’t be heard with the hearing,
but now the Russian spirit walks over the free world and appears before
my very eyes,15 throws itself into my nose! Where does your road lead, fair
maiden? Are you doing a deed or fleeing a deed?”
“Granny, I had Finist the bright falcon, jeweled feathers, but my sisters
harmed him. Now I’m searching for Finist the bright falcon.”
“You’ll have to go a long way, little one! You must pass through thrice-
nine more lands. Finist the bright falcon, jeweled feathers, lives in the fiftieth
kingdom, in the eightieth state, and he’s already betrothed to a princess.”
Baba Yaga fed the maiden whatever God had provided, gave her some-
thing to drink, and put her to bed. In the morning, as soon as the light
began to spread, she woke her up and gave her a precious gift, a little gold
mallet and ten diamond nails. And she instructed her: “When you come to
the blue sea, Finist the bright falcon’s bride will come out on the shore for
a stroll. But you take this golden mallet in your hand and hammer in the
diamond nails. She’ll ask to buy them from you. Don’t you take anything,
fair maiden, only ask to see Finist the bright falcon. There now—go with
God to see my middle sister!”
Again the fair maiden walked along through the dark forest—farther
and farther, and the forest kept getting blacker and denser, its treetops curl-
ing up to the sky. The second pair of shoes was already down at heel, the
second cap was already worn out, the iron crutch was breaking, and the
Finist the Bright Falcon II
second loaf was gnawed through—when there standing before her was a
cast-iron house on chicken’s legs, and it turned around without ever ceasing.
“Little house, little house! Stand with your back to the woods and your
front to me. I must climb inside, to eat some bread.”
The little house turned with its back to the woods, its front toward the
maiden. She went inside, but a Baba Yaga was lying inside the little house
from corner to corner, lips on the railing, nose stuck in the ceiling. “Fie-fie-
fie! Before, the Russian smell couldn’t be seen with the sight or heard with
the hearing, but now the Russian smell has started walking all over the wide
world! Where does your road lead, fair maiden?”
“Granny, I’m searching for Finist the bright falcon.”
“He’s about to get married. They’re already holding the party for the
bridesmaids,” said the Baba Yaga. She gave the maiden food and drink and
put her to sleep. In the morning, as soon as it got light, she woke her up,
gave her a golden saucer with a diamond ball, and ordered her firmly-firmly,
“When you come to the shore of the blue sea, start rolling the diamond ball
on the golden saucer. Finist the bright falcon’s bride will come out to you
and start trying to buy the saucer with the ball. But don’t you take anything
for it, just ask to see Finist the bright falcon, jeweled feathers. Now go with
God to see my older sister!”
Again the fair maiden walked through the dark forest—farther and
farther, and the forest ever blacker and thicker. The third pair of shoes was
already down at heel, the third cap was already worn out, the last crutch was
breaking, and the last loaf was gnawed away. Before her a cast-iron house
was standing on chicken’s legs. It kept turning and turning around.
“Little house, little house! Turn your back to the woods, your front to
me; I must go inside, to eat some bread.” The house turned.
Once again there was a Baba Yaga in the house. She lay there from cor-
ner to corner, lips on the railing, nose stuck in the ceiling. “Fie-fie-fie! Before
the Russian smell was not to be seen with the sight, not to be heard with the
hearing, but now the Russian smell walks all over the wide world! Where
does your path lead, fair maiden?”
“I’m looking for Finist the bright falcon, Granny.”
“Ah, fair maiden, he’s already married! Here’s my swift horse, mount
it and ride with God!” The maiden mounted the horse and raced onward,
while the forest got thinner and thinner.
And there was the blue sea—wide and free—spreading out before her,
and there in the distance, like fire, golden roofs burned on high towers of
white stone. “That must be the kingdom of Finist the bright falcon!” thought
Finist the Bright Falcon II
the maiden. She sat down on the shifting sand and began to hammer in the
diamond nails with the golden hammer. Suddenly a princess came walking
down the beach with her nurses, with her nannies, and with her faithful
servants. She stopped and started to bargain for the diamond nails and the
golden mallet.
“Princess, just let me have a look at Finist the bright falcon, and I’ll let
you have them for nothing,” the girl answered.
“But Finist the bright falcon is sleeping now; he ordered that no one be
let in to him. Well, so be it, give me your wonderful nails and mallet—and
I’ll show him to you.”
She took the mallet and the little nails, ran to the palace, and stuck a
magic pin into Finist the bright falcon’s clothes so he would sleep more
soundly and wouldn’t wake up from his sleep. Then she ordered the nurses
to lead the fair maiden into the palace to her husband, the bright falcon,
and she herself went for a walk. For a long time the girl wrung her hands,
for a long time she cried over her darling, but there was no way she could
wake him . . . Once she had strolled all she wanted, the princess came home,
chased the fair maiden away, and pulled out the pin.
Finist the bright falcon woke up. “Ugh, how long I’ve been sleeping!” he
said. “Someone was here and kept weeping and lamenting over me. Only
there was no way I could open my eyes—it was so hard for me!”
“You were dreaming,” answered the princess. “There was nobody here.”
Finist the Bright Falcon II
The next day the fair maiden again sat on the shore of the dark-blue sea,
and she rolled the diamond ball on the golden saucer. The princess came out
to stroll. She saw it and asked, “Sell it to me!”
“Let me just take a look at Finist the bright falcon, and I’ll let you have
it for nothing!”
The princess agreed and again stuck a pin in Finist the bright falcon’s
clothes. Again the fair maiden wept bitterly over her darling and couldn’t
wake him. On the third day she sat on the shore of the dark-blue sea, so sor-
rowful and sad, feeding her horse glowing coals. The princess saw the horse
being fed with fire, and she started asking to buy him.
“Let me just take a look at Finist the bright falcon, and I’ll give him to
you for nothing!”
The princess agreed, ran into the palace, and said, “Finist, bright falcon!
Let me look in your hair for lice.”
She sat down to search his head and stuck a pin in his hair. He imme-
diately fell sound asleep. Then she sent her nurses to bring the fair maiden.
She came in, tried to wake her darling, embraced him, kissed him, and
she herself cried bitterly-bitterly. No, he wouldn’t wake up! She began to
search in his hair and happened to pull out the magic pin. Finist the bright
Finist the Bright Falcon II
falcon, jeweled feathers, woke up right away, saw the fair maiden, and how
he rejoiced!
She told him everything that had happened: how her evil sisters had
begun to envy her, how she went wandering, and how she had bargained
with the princess. He fell in love with her even more than before, kissed her
sugared lips, and ordered without delay a gathering of boyars and princes
and all kinds of people of rank.
He asked them, “What is your judgment, with which wife should
I spend all my days—with that one, who sold me, or with this one, who
bought me?”
All the boyars and princes and people of various ranks decided with one
voice that he should take the one who had bought him, and that the one
who had sold him should be hanged on the gates and shot. And that is what
was done by Finist the bright falcon, jeweled feathers!16
Go I Don’t Know Where,
Bring I Don’t Know What
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
didn’t forget his duties. Every morning, before the sun rose, he would take
his weapon, go into the forest, shoot all kinds of game, and take it over to
the king’s kitchen.
His wife saw he was exhausted from hunting, and she said to him,
“Listen, my friend, I’m sorry for you. Every livelong day you’re put to trou-
ble, you wander through the forest and the swamps, you always come home
soaking wet, but we have no gain from it. What kind of a trade is that! I
know something here that will not leave you without profit. Get hold of a
hundred or two hundred rubles, and we’ll arrange the whole business.”
Fedot ran to his comrades. He borrowed a ruble from one, two rubles
from another, and got together exactly two hundred rubles. He brought
them to his wife. “Well,” she said, “now buy all kinds of silk with those two
hundred rubles.” The musketeer bought two hundred rubles’ worth of silk.
She took it and said, “Don’t fret, say a prayer and go to bed. Morning’s wiser
than the evening!”
The husband fell asleep, and the wife went out onto the porch. She
opened her magic book, and all at once two unknown young men19 appeared
before her. Tell them whatever you want! “Take this silk here and in a single
hour make me a carpet, and such a wonderful one that its like has never
been seen in the whole world. Let the whole kingdom be embroidered on
the carpet, with cities, and with villages, and with rivers, and with lakes.”
They set to work and not only within an hour, but in ten minutes they had
finished a carpet to make everyone marvel. They handed it over to the mus-
keteer’s wife and disappeared in a wink, as if they had never been there!
In the morning she handed the carpet over to her husband. “Here,” she
said. “Take this to the bazaar and sell it to the merchants, but listen: don’t
set your own price, but take what they offer.”
Fedot took the carpet, unrolled it, hung it over his arm, and went to the
tradesmen’s rows. A merchant saw it, came running over, and asked, “Listen,
honored sir! Are you selling this?”
“I’m selling it.”
“And what does it cost?”
“You’re a tradesman, you set the price.”
The merchant thought and thought, but he couldn’t set a price on the
carpet—not at all! Another merchant jumped up, a third one after him, a
fourth . . . and a huge crowd of them gathered, looking at the carpet, marvel-
ing, but they couldn’t set a price on it. Meanwhile, the court commander
was riding past the tradesmen’s row when he caught sight of the crowd and
wondered what the merchants were talking about. He got out of his car-
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
riage, walked over, and said, “Hello, merchants and tradesmen, guests from
overseas! What are you speaking about?”
“It’s like this, we can’t set a price on the carpet.”
The commander looked at the carpet and he himself began to marvel.
“Listen, musketeer,” he said. “Tell me the honest truth, where did you get
such a marvelous carpet?”
“My wife embroidered it.”
“What are you asking for it?”
“I myself don’t know the price. My wife ordered me not to haggle, but
whatever I’m offered, we’ll take it!”
“Well, here are ten thousand for you!”
The musketeer took the money and handed over the carpet. But that
commander was always near the king—he drank and ate at his table. So he
rode off to the king’s to dine and took along the carpet. “Would your maj-
esty care to see what a wonderful carpet I bought today?”
The king took a look: he saw his whole kingdom, as if on the palm of his
hand, and he gasped! “Now that is a carpet! I’ve never seen anything so cun-
ning in my life. Well, commander, ask whatever you want, but I won’t give
the carpet back to you.” Here the king took out twenty-five thousand and
gave it to him, from hand to hand, but he hung the carpet up in his palace.
“That’s all right,” thought the commander. “I’ll order another one for
myself, an even better one.”
He rode right to the musketeer’s, searched out his house, walked into
the main room, and the moment he saw the musketeer’s wife, at that mo-
ment he forgot both himself and his business. He himself didn’t know why
he had come. There before him stood such a beauty that he could have
stared at her for a hundred years without ever looking away! He looked
at the other man’s wife, and in his head thought after thought, “Who has
ever seen, who has ever heard of a simple soldier having possession of such
a treasure? Even though I serve the king himself, and I hold the rank of
general, I’ve still never seen such a beauty!”
The general could barely force himself to come to his senses, and he
went back home against his will. From that time, from that hour he was be-
side himself. Asleep or awake, he could only think of the musketeer’s splen-
did wife. When he ate he could not be sated, and when he drank he could
not drink his fill, her image kept appearing to him!
The king noticed this and asked him, “What’s happened to you? Is it
some kind of grief?”
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
“Ah, your highness! I saw the musketeer’s wife. There’s no other such
beauty in the world. I keep thinking about her: I can’t be satisfied by food
and drink, I can’t be delighted by any kind of nourishment!”
The king felt the wish to admire her himself. He ordered his carriage
prepared and rode to the musketeer’s part of town. He came into the main
room and saw an indescribable beauty! No matter who looked at her, an old
man or a young man, everyone fell madly in love. He was crushed by the fe-
ver in his heart. “What?” he thought to himself. “Why am I walking around
an unmarried bachelor? I would like to marry this beauty; why should she
be a musketeer’s wife? She was destined from birth to be a queen.”
The king returned to his palace and said to the commander, “Listen! You
knew how to show me the musketeer’s wife, an unimaginable beauty. Now
figure how to get rid of her husband. I want to marry her myself . . . And if
you don’t get rid of him, you’ll have yourself to blame. Even though you’re
my faithful servant, you’ll swing on the gallows!”
The commander went out, even more sorrowful than before. He couldn’t
figure out how to get rid of the musketeer.
He walked through empty lots, back alleys, and he met a Baba Yaga.
“Stop, servant of the king! I know all your thoughts. Would you like me to
help your inescapable grief?”
“Help me, grandmother! I’ll pay you whatever you want.”
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
“The king has told you his order, that you should get rid of Fedot the
musketeer. That would be no great matter, he’s simple himself, but his
wife’s awfully sly! Still, we’ll set such a task that he won’t be able to handle
it quickly. Go back to the king and tell him this: over thrice-nine lands, in
the thrice-tenth land there’s an island. On that island walks a stag with
golden horns.20 Let the king gather fifty sailors—the most useless, hopeless
drunks—and let him order an old, rotten ship that’s been considered retired
for thirty years prepared for the quest. Let him send Fedot the musketeer
on that ship to get the stag Golden Horns. In order to get to the island, he’ll
have to sail neither much nor little—three years, and then three years back
from the island—six years altogether. When the ship goes to sea, it will
serve for a month, and then it will sink. The musketeer, the sailors—they’ll
all go to the bottom!”
The commander listened to these words, thanked the Baba Yaga for her
advice, rewarded her with gold, and ran to the king.
“Your highness,” he said, “it’s like this, and like that—we can surely get
rid of the musketeer.”
The king agreed to the plan, and he gave the order to his navy at once:
to prepare for the quest an old, rotten ship, load it up with six years’ worth
of provisions and find a crew of fifty sailors—the most debauched and bitter
drunks. The heralds ran through all the taverns and got together such sailors
that it was a treat to see: one had two black eyes, one had his nose punched
sideways. As soon as they reported to the king that the ship was ready, at that
moment he ordered the musketeer to come to him. “Well, Fedot, you’re a fine
young man, the best musketeer in the company. Do me this favor: sail over
thrice-nine lands, and in the thrice-tenth kingdom there’s an island. On that
island walks the stag Golden Horns. Catch him alive and bring him here.”
The musketeer thought about it. He didn’t even know what to answer.
“Think or don’t think,” said the king, “but if you don’t do this deed, then my
sword will take your head off your shoulders!”
Fedot turned around leftward and went out of the palace. That evening
he came home sorely sorrowful, he didn’t want to say even a word.
His wife asked, “What are you sad about, my dear? Has something bad
He told her everything in full.
“So you’re grieving about that? No wonder! That’s a great service, not a
small one! Say a prayer and go to sleep. Morning’s wiser than the evening:
everything will be done.”
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
book. Suddenly two unknown young men appeared before her. “What do
you need, what do you wish?”
“Go over thrice-nine lands, to the thrice-tenth kingdom—to the island,
catch the stag Golden Horns and bring him here.”
“We obey! By sunrise it will all be done.”
They flew off like a whirlwind to that island, caught the stag Golden
Horns, and brought him straight to the musketeer’s yard. An hour before
dawn they had done the whole deed and vanished, as if they had never
been there.
The musketeer’s beautiful wife woke her husband extra early and told
him, “Go and look, the stag Golden Horns is strolling in your yard. Take
him on the ship with you, sail away for five days, and on the sixth day turn
back.” The musketeer put the stag in a thick, closed cage and put it on the
ship. “What’s this?” asked the sailors.
“All kinds of provisions and food. The way is long, we’re likely to need
all kinds of things!”
When the time came for the ship to leave the dock, many people came
to see it off. The king himself came, said good-bye to Fedot, and made him
the commander of all the sailors. For five days the ship sailed over the sea;
they were already far from shore. Fedot the musketeer ordered a forty-
bucket cask of wine rolled onto the deck and said to the sailors, “Drink,
lads! Don’t stint yourselves: the soul’s your measure!” And they were glad of
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
this: they rushed over to the cask and started drinking the wine, drinking so
much that they toppled over and fell into a sound sleep right there beside
the cask. The musketeer took hold of the wheel at the helm, turned the ship,
and sailed back. To keep the sailors from noticing this, he kept them full
of wine from morning to night. The moment they pried their eyelids open
from one spree, a new cask would be ready—good reason to take a hair of
the dog that bit them.
On exactly the eleventh day the ship hove to the dock, threw up its
flag, and began to fire its cannons. The king heard the firing, got angry, and
jumped on Fedot with all possible severity. “How dare you return before the
time was up?”
“But where was I supposed to go, your highness? Perhaps some fools
would sail around for ten years without doing anything sensible, but instead
of ten years we took only ten days to make the voyage and do the deed.
Wouldn’t you like to have a look at the stag Golden Horns?”
They immediately brought the cage off the ship, let out the golden-
horned stag. The king saw that the musketeer was right; you couldn’t blame
him for anything! He allowed him to go home, but he gave the sailors who
had voyaged with him freedom for a whole six years. No one could dare ask
them to come and serve, for the very reason that they had already served
those years.
The next day the king summoned the commander and went for him
with threats. “Why did you allow this?” he said. “Or are you playing a joke
on me? Your own head’s not dear to you, it seems! Do whatever you can, but
find a way to send Fedot the musketeer to an evil death.”
“Your royal majesty! Allow me to think. Perhaps this can be remedied.”
The commander set off through empty lots and back alleys, and he saw
the Baba Yaga coming to meet him. “Stop, servant of the king! I know your
thoughts; would you like me to ease your grief?”
“Ease it, grandmother! For the musketeer has returned and brought the
stag Golden Horns.”
“Oh, I already heard! He himself is a simple man. It wouldn’t be hard to
get the better of him—just like sniffing a pinch of snuff! But his wife’s a real
crafty one. Well, we’ll set her another task, one she won’t be able to handle
so quickly. Go to the king and tell him to send the musketeer I don’t know
where, to bring back I don’t know what.21 He won’t be able to complete this
task for all of eternity. Either he’ll disappear without a trace or he’ll come
back empty-handed.”
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
The commander rewarded the Baba Yaga with gold and ran to the king.
The king heard him out and ordered the musketeer brought to him. “Well,
Fedot! You’re a fine lad, the first musketeer in the company. You’ve done me
one service—you got the stag Golden Horns. Now do me another service:
go I don’t know where and bring back I don’t know what. But remember, if
you don’t bring it then my sword will see your head off your shoulders!”
The musketeer turned around leftward and left the palace. He came
home sorrowful and pensive. His wife asked him, “Why, my dear, are you
grieving? Has there been another misfortune?”
“Eh,” he said, “I shook one piece of bad luck off my neck, but another
came falling on me. The king is sending me I don’t know where, and he
orders me to bring back I don’t know what. Because of your loveliness I have
to bear all kinds of misfortunes!”
“Yes, this service is no small one! In order to get there, you’ll have to
travel for nine years, and nine years back—altogether eighteen years. And
God only knows whether you’ll have any use from it!”
“What can I do, how should I act?”
“Say a prayer and go to sleep. Morning’s wiser than the evening.
Tomorrow you’ll find out everything.”
The musketeer lay down to sleep, and his wife waited until nightfall,
opened her magic book, and at once the two lads appeared before her.
“What do you wish, what do you need?”
“Do you happen to know how to go I don’t know where, to bring back
I don’t know what?”
“No, we don’t!”
She closed the book, and the lads disappeared before her eyes.
In the morning the musketeer’s wife woke her husband. “Go to the king,
and ask him for golden treasure for the road. After all, you’ll have to wander
for eighteen years. When you get the money, come say good-bye to me.”
The musketeer visited the king, got a whole sack22 of gold from the trea-
sury, and came back to say good-bye to his wife. She gave him a piece of
cloth and a ball. “When you leave the city, throw this ball ahead of you.
Wherever it rolls, you walk that way. And here is some of my handiwork for
you. Wherever you may be, whenever you go to wash, always dry your face
with this cloth.”
The musketeer said good-bye to his wife and to his comrades, bowed in
all four directions, and set off to the edge of town. He threw the ball ahead
of him. The ball rolled and rolled, and he followed after it.
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
About a month had passed, the king called the commander and said
to him, “The musketeer has set out for eighteen years to drag around the
white world, and all the signs are clear that he won’t remain alive. After all,
eighteen years isn’t two weeks. All kinds of things can happen on the road!
He’s carrying a lot of money. Perhaps robbers will fall upon him, rob him,
and subject him to an evil death. It seems that now I can get started on his
wife. You take my carriage, drive to the musketeers’ part of town, and bring
her here to the palace.”
The commander drove to the musketeers’ part of town, came to the
house of the musketeer’s beautiful wife, walked into the house, and said,
“Hello, clever woman. The king has ordered you to present yourself at the
She came to the palace. The king welcomed her with joy, led her into
gilded chambers, and said these words to her: “Would you like to be the
queen? I’ll marry you.”
“Where is it seen, where is it heard of, to try to take the wife away from
a living husband! No matter who he is, even just a simple musketeer, but to
me he’s my lawful husband.”
“If you won’t come of your own free will, I’ll take you by force!”
The beauty smiled, struck the floor, turned into a mourning dove, and
flew out the window.
The musketeer passed through many lands and kingdoms, but the ball
kept on rolling. When they met a river, there the ball would cast itself across
as a bridge. When the musketeer wanted to rest, there the ball would turn
into a feather bed. For a long time, for a short time—quickly may a tale be
spun, but not so soon a deed is done—the musketeer came to a great, beau-
tiful palace. The ball rolled up to the gates and disappeared.
So the musketeer stood and thought, “Let me go straight ahead!” He
went up the stair into the rooms, and there he met three maidens of inde-
scribable beauty. “Where are you come from, young man, and why have you
come to visit?”
“Ah, fair maidens, you didn’t let me rest after the long journey, but you
started to ask questions. If you gave me food and drink first, laid me down
to rest, then you could ask me for news.” They immediately set the table, sat
him down, fed him and gave him drink, and put him to bed.
The musketeer slept his fill and rose from the soft bed. The fair maidens
brought him water and an embroidered towel. He washed up with spring
water, but he didn’t take the towel. “I have my own cloth,” he said, “I have
something to wipe my face.”
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
He took out the cloth and began to wipe his face. The fair maidens
asked him, “Good man! Tell us: where did you get that cloth?”
“My wife gave it to me.”
“Then you must be married to our own dear sister!”
They called their old mother. As soon as she took one look at the cloth,
she said right away, “That’s my daughter’s handiwork!” She began to ask
their guest about everything. He told her how he had married her daughter
and how the tsar23 had sent him I don’t know where, to bring I don’t know
what. “Ah, my dear son-in-law! But even I haven’t heard of that wonder!
Wait here, perhaps my servants know.”
The old woman went out onto the porch, called in a loud voice, and
suddenly—where did they come from?—all kinds of beasts ran up, and all
kinds of birds came flying. “Greetings, forest beasts and birds of the air! You
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
beasts search everywhere, you birds fly everywhere: have you heard how to
get I don’t know where and to bring back I don’t know what?”
All the beasts and birds answered in one voice, “No, we’ve never heard
of that!”
The old woman sent them back to their own places, in overgrown plac-
es, in forests, in groves. She returned to the main room, got out her magic
book, opened it—and right away two giants appeared to her. “What do you
wish, what do you need?”
“Here’s what, my faithful servants! Take me along with my son-in-law
to the wide ocean-sea and stand exactly in the middle—on the very surface
of the waves.”
They immediately picked up the musketeer and the old woman, car-
ried them off as if they were restless whirlwinds to the wide ocean-sea,
and stopped in the middle—on the very surface of the waves. They them-
selves stood like pillars, and they held the musketeer and the old woman
in their arms.
The old woman called with a loud voice, and all the monsters and fish of
the sea swam to her: they were just teeming! Their bodies hid the blue sea!
“Hail, monsters and fish of the sea! You swim everywhere, you visit all the
islands. Have you heard how to go to I don’t know where, and to bring back
I don’t know what?”
All the monsters and fish answered in one voice, “No! We’ve never heard
of that!”
Suddenly an old lame frog, who had been living in retirement for thirty
years already, pushed her way forward, and she said, “Kva-kva! I know where
to find such a marvel.”
“Well, my dear, you are the one I need,” said the old woman. She picked
up the frog and ordered the giants to take her and her son-in-law back home.
In a moment they found themselves back in the palace. The old wom-
an started to ask the frog questions. “How and by what road must my
son-in-law go?”
The frog answered, “This place is on the edge of the world—far, far
away! I would come along myself, but I’m already mighty old. I can bare-
ly move my legs, I couldn’t hop there if I had fifty years.” The old woman
brought a large jar, filled it with fresh milk, put the frog in it, and gave it to
her son-in- law. “Carry this jar,” she said, “and let the frog show you the way.”
The musketeer took the jar with the frog, said good-bye to the old wom-
an and her daughters, and set off on his way. He walked along, and the frog
told him which way to go.
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
Close or far, long or short, he came to a fiery river. Beyond that river
stood a high mountain, and you could see a door to the inside of the moun-
tain. “Kva-kva!” said the frog. “Let me out of the jar; we have to cross the
river.” The musketeer took her out of the jar and put her on the ground.
“Well, fine young lad! Sit down on me, and don’t feel pity. You won’t be able
to squash me!”
The musketeer sat down on the frog and squashed her into the earth.
The frog started to puff up. She puffed and puffed until she was as big as a
haystack. All the musketeer could think of was how to keep from falling off.
“If I fall, I’ll be smashed to death!”
The frog puffed up and made such a jump that she jumped all the way
across the fiery river, and then she turned small again. “Now, good lad, go in
that door, and I’ll wait for you here. You’ll go into a cave, and hide yourself
well in there. After a while two old men will come in. Listen to what they
say and do, and after they leave you do the same thing!”
The musketeer went up to the mountain, opened the door—and the
cave was awfully dark, as if you’d poked your eyes out! He walked crouching
over and started feeling with his hands. He felt an empty space, sat down in
it, and hid himself. Then a little bit later two old men came and said, “Hey,
Shmat-Razum!24 Give us something to eat.”
That very moment—out of nowhere!—the chandeliers began to burn,
plates and dishes rattled, and all kinds of wine and food appeared on the
table. The old men ate and drank their fill and then ordered, “Hey, Shmat-
Razum! Clear everything away.” Suddenly everything disappeared—the
table, the wines, the food—and the chandeliers went out.
The musketeer heard the two old men leave, got out of the cupboard,
and shouted, “Hey, Shmat-Razum!”
“What do you wish?”
“Feed me!” Again the lit chandeliers appeared, and the laden table, and
all kinds of drinks and foods.
The musketeer sat down at the table and said, “Hey, Shmat-Razum! Sit
down with me, brother, let’s eat and drink together, it’s boring by myself.”
An unseen voice answered, “Ah, good man! Where did God bring you
from? I’ve been serving the two old men in faith and truth for nearly thirty
years, and in all that time they’ve never asked me to sit with them.”
The musketeer took a look and was surprised. He couldn’t see anyone,
but it was as if someone was sweeping food from the plates with a little
broom, and the bottles of wine lifted themselves, poured themselves into the
goblets, and look—they were already empty! The musketeer ate and drank
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
his fill and said, “Listen, Shmat-Razum! Would you like to serve me? I have
a good life.”
“Why wouldn’t I want to! I’ve been bored here for a long time, and I can
see that you’re a good man.”
“Well, gather up everything and come along with me!”
The musketeer came out of the cave, looked behind and there was noth-
ing . . . “Shmat-Razum! Are you here?”
“Here! Don’t fear, I won’t fall behind you.”
“All right!” said the musketeer and sat down on the frog. The frog
puffed herself up and jumped across the fiery river. He put her back into
the jar and set off on his journey back.25
He came back to his mother-in-law and made his new servant give a
good treat to the old woman and her daughters. Shmat-Razum showed
them such a time that the old woman almost started to dance with joy, and
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
the frog, as a reward for her faithful service, was to be given three jars of
milk every day.
The musketeer said good-bye to his mother-in-law and set off for
home. He walked and walked and got very tired; his swift feet were weary,
and his white arms drooped. “Eh,” he said. “Shmat-Razum! If you knew
how tired I am. My legs are just paralyzed.”
“Why didn’t you say so a long time ago? I’d have gotten you there in
no time.”
He immediately picked the musketeer up like a restless whirlwind and
carried him through the air so fast that his hat fell off. “You reached for it
too late, my lord! Now your hat’s five thousand vyorsts behind us.” Cities
and villages, rivers and forests flickered before his eyes . . .
The musketeer was flying over a deep sea, and Shmat-Razum said to
him, “Would you like me to build a golden pavilion on this sea? You could
rest and have some good luck.”
“All right, do it!” said the musketeer, and he began to sink toward the
sea. Where the waves had been rising a minute before, a little island ap-
peared, and a golden pavilion appeared on the island. Shmat-Razum said
to the musketeer, “Sit down in the pavilion, rest, and watch the sea. Three
merchant ships will sail by and come to anchor by the island. You invite the
merchants in, treat them as guests, and trade me for the three wonders the
merchants are carrying with them. I’ll return to you in my own good time!”
The musketeer watched, and he saw three ships sailing from the west.
The sailors saw the island and the golden pavilion. “What a wonder!” they
said. “How many times have we sailed here, and there was nothing but wa-
ter, but now just look here! A golden pavilion has appeared. Let’s anchor
by the shore, brothers, take a look and admire.” At once they stopped the
course of the ships and threw down their anchors. The three merchant
masters got into a light boat and sailed to the island. “Hello, good man!”
“Hello, merchants from foreign lands! Welcome; please take a walk,
enjoy yourselves, catch your breath. The pavilion is built expressly for pass-
ing guests.”
The merchants came into the pavilion and sat down on a bench. “Hey,
Shmat-Razum!” cried the musketeer, “give us something to eat and drink.”
A table appeared, on the table wines and dishes, as much as the soul could
desire—all ready in a moment!
The merchants simply gasped. “Let’s trade!” they said. “You give us your
servant, and for that take any wonder that we have.”
“But what kinds of wonders do you have?”
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
the merchant had had enough fun, he took his trumpet, blew into the other
end—and there was nothing; where had all the forces gone to?26
“Your wonders are just fine, but I don’t need them!” said the musketeer.
“Armies and ships are tsars’ business, and I’m a simple soldier. If you want to
trade with me, then give me all three wonders for my one invisible servant.”
“Won’t that be too much?”
“Well, as you prefer; otherwise, I won’t trade!”
The merchants thought to themselves, “What good is that garden to
us, these regiments and warships? Better to trade; at least we’ll be fed and
drunk without any effort at all.” They gave the musketeer their wonders and
said, “Hey, Shmat-Razum! We’re taking you with us; will you serve us with
faith and truth?”
“Why shouldn’t I serve you? It’s all the same to me who I live with.”
The merchants returned to their ships and started to treat all the mari-
ners to food and drink. “Well then, Shmat-Razum, stir your stumps!”
They all drank until they were drunk and fell fast asleep. But the mus-
keteer sat in his golden pavilion, started thinking, and said, “Ah, it’s too bad!
Where’s my faithful servant Shmat-Razum now?”
“I’m here, sir!”
The musketeer was delighted. “Isn’t it time for us to get home?”
No sooner had he said it than he was picked up by a restless whirlwind
and carried through the air.
The merchants woke up, and they wanted to drink some more. “Hey,
Shmat-Razum, give us something for our hangovers!” No one answered: no
one was serving them. No matter how much they shouted, no matter how
they gave orders, it was no use. “Well, gentlemen! That swindler27 cheated
us. Now only the devil will find him! The island’s disappeared, and the gold-
en pavilion, too.” The merchants grieved and grieved for a while, lifted their
sails, and set off for where they were supposed to be going.
The musketeer quickly flew to his own land and came down beside the
blue sea in a deserted place. “Hey, Shmat-Razum! Couldn’t we build a pal-
ace here?”
“Why not? It will be ready right away.”
In a wink there was such a delightful palace that it can’t even be de-
scribed, twice as good as the king’s. The musketeer opened the little box,
and around the palace a garden appeared with rare trees and flowers. The
musketeer sat there at the open window and admired his garden. Suddenly
a mourning dove flew in at the window, struck the floor, and turned into
his young wife. They embraced, said their greetings, and began to ask each
Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Know What
other questions, tell each other everything. The wife said to the musketeer,
“Since the very moment when you left home, all that time I’ve been flying
through the forests and groves as a lonely mourning dove.”
The next morning the king came out on his balcony, looked toward the
blue sea, and saw that a new palace was standing on the very shore of the
sea, and around the palace a green garden. “What ignoramus got the idea of
building on my land without permission?”
The couriers went running, found out everything, and reported that
the palace had been built by the musketeer, and that he himself was liv-
ing in it with his wife at his side. The king became even more enraged and
ordered an army collected and sent to the shore, to raze the garden to its
foundations, to break the palace up into little pieces, and to put the muske-
teer himself and his wife to a cruel death. The musketeer observed that the
king’s strong army was marching on him, and he quickly grabbed the axe.
Chop and chop—out came a ship! He chopped a hundred times and made
a hundred ships. Then he took out the horn, blew into it once—the infantry
tumbled out of it; he blew twice and out tumbled the cavalry.
The commanders of the regiments came running to him, and the ships
were waiting for his orders. The musketeer ordered them to enter the battle.
At once music began to play, they beat the drums, and the regiments moved.
The infantry smashed the king’s soldiers; the cavalry chased them the rest
of the way, took them captive, and the cannons from the ships rained fire on
the capital city. The king saw that his army was running away; he wanted
to rush and stop the army—but how could he? Before even a half-hour had
passed, he himself was killed.
When the battle ended, the people gathered and asked the musketeer to
take the whole kingdom into his hands. He agreed to that and became the
king, and his wife became the queen.
“You sit down,” she said, “wind my thread, and I’ll go and bring you a
ball of thread. Wherever the ball rolls, you must follow after it.”
The maiden said to her, “Eh, my dear, do I have the time to work? I have
to go and look for the child. You tell me, my dear, where I’m to find him!”
“Well,” she answered, “off you go. I don’t know where your child is.”
She went along farther, and she came into the forest. A little house stood
there on chicken legs, on shuttle heels. She said to this house, “Little house,
little house! Stand with your back to the woods, with your front to me!” The
house turned around. She stepped up into it and said a prayer to God.
Baba Yaga turned over onto her other side. “Fie, fie, fie! It smells of a
Russian smell!” she said. “Before there was neither sight nor smell of the
Russian spirit, but now the Russian spirit rolls around before my eyes!
What are you doing, fair maiden, flying from a deed or trying a deed?”
“No, granny,” she said, “I was walking and walking, I dropped in here to
warm up.”
“Well, then, sit by my head and search my head for gunpowder.”
The girl got some pitch in a little pottery shard, put it into the stove, got
some pieces of cotton ready, and sat down to search Baba Yaga’s head. She
searched and kept repeating, “Fall asleep, little eye, fall asleep, second eye! If
you don’t sleep, I’ll pour pitch into you, I’ll stop you up with cotton!” She
kept repeating it until Baba Yaga fell asleep. When she fell asleep, the girl
poured pitch into her eyes and stopped them up with cotton balls. She took
the child and ran off with him.
She ran up to the first girl and said, “Fair maiden, hide me, or else Baba
Yaga will eat me!”
“No,” she said. “You didn’t want to wind my thread!”
She ran on further. But meanwhile the cat began to purr, and Baba Yaga
woke up and realized the child was gone. She chased after her, ran up to the
palace, and asked the maiden, “Tell me, did a fair maiden run past here with
a little boy?”
“She left just this minute!”
Baba Yaga ran and chased down the girl. She took the little boy away
from her and tore her up into pieces.
The lady waited a long time, but no one came home. She had to send
out another girl. The same thing happened to the second girl. Baba Yaga
tore that one to pieces, too.
Finally, the lady sent a third girl. She came to the palace, saw the girl and
the little boy, and asked, “Fair maiden, do you happen to know where I can
find my child?”
“Here,” she says, “you spin this and watch the child, and I’ll bring you a
ball of thread. You must give it to my sister!”
The girl sat down to spin, and the other girl went to get the ball of
thread and gave it to her. “Well,” she said, “off you go!”
The girl came to the next palace. All she saw was the little boy again
with the girl. “Here, fair maiden,” she said. “Your sister sends her greetings
and a ball of thread. But I’m looking for my child. Do you happen to know
where I can find him?”
“I know, my girl! Now sit down, spin a bit for me, and I’ll go get you a
lump of butter.”
She sat down to spin, while the maiden brought a lump of butter and
gave it to her.
“Now go into the forest,” said the maiden. “There’s a little house stand-
ing in the forest, and your child is there.”
The girl set off and went into the forest. There stood a little house on
chicken legs, spinning around on shuttle heels.
She said, “Little house, little house! Turn your back to the forest, your
front to me.”
When the little house turned toward her, she stepped up into it, said a
prayer to God, and saw the child.
Baba Yaga caught the smell of Russian breath and turned around. “Fie,
fie, fie! Before there was neither smell nor sight of the Russian spirit, but
now the Russian spirit appears before my eyes! What is it, fair maiden, are
you doing a deed or fleeing a deed?”
“No, granny, I was walking and walking, and I came in here to warm up!”
“Well,” she said, “sit down and look for things on my head.”
This girl put a pottery shard with pitch into the stove, got some balls
of cotton ready, and sat down to search Baba Yaga’s head. She searched and
kept repeating, “Fall asleep, one eye, fall asleep, second eye! If you don’t sleep,
I’ll pour in pitch, I’ll stop you up with cotton.”
When Baba Yaga fell asleep, the girl poured pitch over her eyes and
stopped them up with cotton. She gave the cat the piece of butter, grabbed
the child, and ran off.
She ran to the palace and said, “Fair maiden, hide me, or else Baba Yaga
will eat me up.”
“Sit down, fair maiden, I’ll hide you. After all, you yourself did some
work for me.”
No sooner had she hidden the girl in the basement, Baba Yaga flew up
to her. “Fair maiden, did you happen to see—did a girl run by here with a
little boy?
“No, Baba Yaga, I didn’t see anyone.”
Baba Yaga ran home and scratched the cat for not guarding the child.
While she was scratching him, that girl with the child ran on to the
other palace. “Fair maiden, hide me.”
“Sit down, fair maiden,” she answered. “After all, you yourself did some
work for me.” She hid her in a trunk.
No sooner had she hidden the girl in the trunk than Baba Yaga flew up
to her. “Fair maiden, did you happen to see—did a girl run by here with a
little boy?”
“No, Baba Yaga, I didn’t see anyone.”
Baba Yaga flew off home again and started to pinch that cat for not
guarding the child. She pinched him so hard that she pinched him to death.
Meanwhile, the girl ran up to the house with the child.
The lady was so happy, she rewarded the girl for rescuing her child,
and she herself went on living with the child, earning riches, and making it
through the bad times.
Mar’ia Morevna
Mar’ia Morevna
Another year passed. Prince Ivan said to his youngest sister, “Let’s go
and stroll in the green garden!” They strolled a bit, and once again a storm
arose with a whirlwind, with lightning. “Let’s go back home, sister!”
They went back home, and they hadn’t yet had a chance to sit down
when thunder boomed, the ceiling split in two, and a raven flew in. The
raven struck the floor and turned into a handsome young man. The first
two were handsome, but this one was even more handsome. “Well, Prince
Ivan! Before I came as a guest, but now I’ve come as a suitor. Let me marry
Princess Anna.”
“I won’t limit my sister’s freedom. If you please her, she may marry you.”
Princess Anna married the raven, and he took her away to his kingdom.
Prince Ivan was left alone. For a whole year he lived without his sisters,
and he started to feel bored. “I’ll go find my sisters,” he said. He got ready
to travel, walked and walked, and saw a great army lying dead in the field.
Prince Ivan asked, “If there’s anyone here alive, answer me! Who destroyed
this great army?”
A man who was still alive called back to him, “This whole army was
killed by Mar’ia Morevna, the beautiful princess.”
Prince Ivan went on farther. He saw some white tents, and the beautiful
princess Mar’ia Morevna came out to meet him. “Welcome, Prince! Where
is God taking you—by your will or by compulsion?”
Prince Ivan answered her,“Fine young men don’t travel under compulsion!”
“Well, if there’s no hurry, come and be a guest in my tents.”
Prince Ivan was glad to do so. He spent two nights in the tents, won
Mar’ia Morevna’s love, and married her.
Mar’ia Morevna, the beautiful princess, took him with her to her realm.
They lived together for a certain time, and then the princess decided to go to
war. She left all the household affairs to Prince Ivan and told him, “You may
go everywhere and keep an eye on everything, but don’t let yourself look
into that shed!”
He couldn’t stand it, and the moment Mar’ia Morevna rode away he
dashed straight to the shed, opened the door, and took a look. Koshchei the
Deathless was hanging there, shackled with twelve chains. Koshchei begged
Prince Ivan, “Take pity on me, give me a drink of water! I’ve been suffering
here for ten years, I haven’t had anything to eat or drink. My throat’s all
dried up!”
The prince gave him a whole bucket of water. Koshchei drank it up and
asked for more.
Mar’ia Morevna
Mar’ia Morevna
Mar’ia Morevna
struck the ground, turned into a handsome young man, and cried, “Princess
Anna! Come out right now, here’s our brother.”
Princess Anna ran out. She greeted him joyfully, began to kiss and hug
him, ask after his health, tell him about her own life. Prince Ivan spent three
days as their guest, and then he said, “Farewell! I’m off to search for my
wife—Mar’ia Morevna, the beautiful princess.”
The raven answered, “It won’t be easy for you to find her. Why don’t you
leave your silver snuffbox with us? We’ll look at it and think of you.”
The prince handed over his silver snuffbox, said good-bye, and set off
on his way.30
He walked for one day, he walked for a second, and on the third day he
reached Mar’ia Morevna. She saw her dear one, she threw herself onto his
neck, dissolved in tears, and said, “Ah, Prince Ivan! Why didn’t you listen to
me? You looked in the shed and set Koshchei the Deathless free!”
“Forgive me, Mar’ia Morevna! Let’s not mention things in the past.
Better come along with me while Koshchei the Deathless is not in sight.
Perhaps he won’t be able to catch up to us!”
They got their things together and left. Koshchei was out hunting, but
toward evening, as he was coming home, his good horse stumbled under-
neath him. “You insatiable nag, what are you tripping for? Or do you sense
some misfortune?”
The horse answered, “Prince Ivan was here, he’s taken Mar’ia Morevna away.”
“But can we catch them?”
“We could sow wheat, wait for it to grow, reap it, thresh it, make it into
flour, prepare five ovens full of bread,31 eat that bread, and then start in pur-
suit—and even then we’d catch them!”
Koshchei galloped off and caught up with Prince Ivan. “Well,” he said,
“this first time I forgive you thanks to your kindness, because you gave
me water to drink. I’ll pardon you a second time, too, but the third time
beware—I’ll cut you up into pieces!” He took Mar’ia Morevna away from
Ivan and rode away with her, but Prince Ivan sat down on a rock and
started crying.
He cried and cried, and then he went back again to get Mar’ia Morevna.
Koshchei the Deathless happened to be out of the house. “Let’s ride away,
Mar’ia Morevna!”
“Ah, Prince Ivan! He’ll catch us!”
“Let him catch us. At least we’ll spend an hour or two together.” They
got their things together and rode away.
Mar’ia Morevna
Koshchei the Deathless was returning home, and his good horse stum-
bled underneath him. “What are you tripping for, you insatiable nag? Or do
you sense some misfortune?”
“Prince Ivan was here, he’s taken Mar’ia Morevna away with him.”
“And can we catch up to them?”
“We could sow barley, wait for it to grow, reap and thresh it, brew beer,
drink ourselves drunk, sleep it off, and then set off in pursuit—but we’d
still make it!”
Koshchei galloped off and caught up with Prince Ivan. “I told you you’d
never see Mar’ia Morevna, no more than your own ears!” He took her and
rode back to his palace with her.
Prince Ivan was left alone. He cried and cried, and then he went back
again for Mar’ia Morevna. At that time Koshchei the Deathless was not at
home. “Let’s go, Mar’ia Morevna!”
“Ah, Ivan Tsarevich! But he’ll catch us, he’ll cut you up into pieces.”
“Let him cut me up! I can’t live without you.” They got their things to-
gether and set off.
As Koshchei the Deathless was returning home, the good horse stum-
bled underneath him. “What are you tripping for? Or do you sense some
“Ivan Tsarevich was here, he took Mar’ia Morevna with him.”
Koshchei galloped off, caught up with Prince Ivan, cut him up into little
pieces, and put the pieces in a barrel sealed with pitch. He took that barrel,
reinforced it with iron hoops, and threw it into the blue sea. Then he took
Mar’ia Morevna back home with him.
Just then the silver Prince Ivan had left with his brothers-in-law turned
black. “Oh no,” they said, “it seems something bad has happened!” The ea-
gle rushed to the blue sea, grabbed the barrel, and dragged it out onto the
shore; the falcon flew to get living water, and the raven flew for dead water.
All three of them flew back to the same place, broke open the barrel, took
out the pieces of Prince Ivan, washed them and put them in order, the way
they’re meant to be. The raven sprinkled him with dead water, and his body
grew back together. The falcon sprinkled him with living water.
Prince Ivan jumped, stood up, and said, “Ah, I was asleep for such a long
“You’d have slept even longer, if not for us!” his brothers-in-law an-
swered. “Now come, stay with us as a guest.”
“No, brothers! I’m off to search for Mar’ia Morevna.”
Mar’ia Morevna
He came to her and asked her, “Find out from Koshchei the Deathless
where he got hold of such a good horse.”
So Mar’ia Morevna chose a good moment and started to ask Koshchei
questions. Koshchei said, “Over thrice-nine lands, in the thrice-tenth king-
dom, past a fiery river lives Baba Yaga. She has a special mare; every day she
flies around the world on her. She has many other wonderful mares. I spent
three days as her herdsman, I didn’t let a single mare out of my sight! And
for that Baba Yaga gave me one little foal.”
“How did you make it across the fiery river?”
“I have a special handkerchief. When I wave it to the right three times,
it makes a high-high bridge, and the fire can’t reach it!”
Mar’ia Morevna listened to this, told it all to Prince Ivan, took away the
handkerchief, and gave it to him.32
Prince Ivan made his way across the fiery river and went to see Baba
Yaga. He walked for a long time without drinking or eating. He came
across an overseas bird with its little young. Prince Ivan said, “I’ll eat one
of your chicks.”
“Don’t eat it, Prince Ivan!” begged the overseas bird. “There’ll be a time
when I’ll come in handy to you.”
He went along farther, and he saw a beehive in the forest. “I’ll take a bit
of honey,” he said.
The queen bee called out, “Don’t touch my honey, Prince Ivan! There’ll
be a time when I’ll come in handy to you.”
He didn’t touch it and went on. He came across a lioness with her cub.
“I’ll at least eat this lion cub. I’m so hungry I feel sick!”
“Don’t touch it, Prince Ivan!” begged the lioness. “There’ll be a time
when I’ll come in handy for you.”
“Very well, I’ll do what you say!”33
He wandered along hungry, walked and walked—and there stood the
house of Baba Yaga. Twelve poles stood around the house. Eleven of the
poles had human heads on top; only one of them was empty.
“Hello, granny!”
“Hello, Prince Ivan! How have you come—by your own good will, or
in need?”
“I’ve come to serve you for a bogatyr horse.”
“Go right ahead, Prince! You don’t have to serve me for a year, but only
for three days. If you manage to herd my mares, I’ll give you a bogatyr horse,
but if not, don’t be wrathful—your head will be stuck on the last pole.”
Mar’ia Morevna
Prince Ivan agreed. Baba Yaga fed him, gave him something to drink,
and ordered him to get to work.
No sooner had he driven the mares out to the field than the mares all
lifted their tails and all ran off to different meadows. Before the prince even
had time to take a look, they had all disappeared. Then he started to cry
and grieve, sat down on a stone, and fell asleep. The sun was already setting
when the overseas bird came flying to him and said, “Wake up, Prince Ivan!
The mares are home now.”
The prince got up and went back, but Baba Yaga was making a fuss and
shouting at her mares. “Why did you come home?”
“How could we stay away? Birds came flying from all over the world,
they almost pecked our eyes out.”
“Well, tomorrow don’t run over the meadows, but scatter in the deep forest.”
Prince Ivan slept all night. In the morning Baba Yaga said to him,
“Watch out, prince! If you don’t herd the mares, if you lose even one of
them, then your wild head will be on a pole!”
He drove the mares out into the field. They immediately lifted their
tails and ran off into the deep forest. The prince sat down on a stone again,
cried and cried, and fell asleep. When the sun was sinking behind the forest,
the lioness came running up to him. “Get up, Prince Ivan! The mares are all
Prince Ivan stood up and went home. Baba Yaga was making even more
noise than the first time and shouting at her mares, “Why did you come
back home?”
“How could we stay away? Wild beasts came running from all over the
world, they almost tore us to pieces.”
“Well, then, tomorrow you run into the blue sea.”
Prince Ivan slept through the night again. In the morning Baba Yaga
sent him to herd the mares. “If you don’t herd them, then your wild head
will be on a pole.”
He drove the mares out into the field. They immediately lifted their
tails, disappeared, and ran into the blue sea. They stood there with water up
to their necks. Prince Ivan sat down on a stone, started to cry, and fell asleep.
When the sun was setting behind the forest, a little bee came flying and said,
“Get up, prince! The mares are all together. When you go back, don’t let
Baba Yaga see you, but go into the stable and hide behind the crib. There’s a
mangy foal there, rolling in the muck. You steal him and leave the house at
the stroke of midnight.”
Mar’ia Morevna
Prince Ivan got up, sneaked into the stable, and lay down behind the crib.
Baba Yaga made a lot of noise and shouted at her mares, “What did you
come back for?”
“How could we help coming back? Bees came flying visibly and invisibly
from all over the world, and they started to sting us from all sides until we
were bleeding!”34
Baba Yaga fell asleep, and at the stroke of midnight Prince Ivan stole her
mangy foal, saddled him, mounted him, and galloped to the fiery river. He
came to the river, waved the handkerchief three times to the right, and sud-
denly, out of nowhere, a great high bridge stood over the river. The prince
crossed over the bridge and waved the handkerchief to the left only twice—
a thin, thin bridge was left hanging there over the river!
In the morning Baba Yaga woke up, and there was no sign of the mangy
foal! She raced in pursuit; she galloped at full speed in her iron mortar, driv-
ing with the pestle, sweeping away her tracks with a broom. She galloped up
to the fiery river, took a look, and said, “A good bridge!” She started to cross
the bridge. She had only made her way to the middle when the bridge broke,
and Baba Yaga went flump! into the river. There she met a cruel death!
Prince Ivan fed his foal in green meadows, and it turned into a marvel-
ous horse.
Mar’ia Morevna
The prince came riding to Mar’ia Morevna. She ran out and threw her
arms around him. “How has God resurrected you?”35
“This is what happened, and that,” he said. “Come away with me.”
“I’m afraid, Prince Ivan! If Koshchei catches us, you’ll be cut into
pieces again.”
“No, he won’t catch us! I have a wonderful bogatyr horse now, he flies
like a bird.” They both climbed onto the horse and rode away.
When Koshchei the Deathless came home, his horse stumbled under
him. “What are you tripping for, you insatiable nag? Or do you sense some
“Prince Ivan was here, he’s taken Mar’ia Morevna away.”
“And can we catch them?”
“God knows! Now Prince Ivan has a bogatyr horse better than I am.”
“No, I can’t bear it!” said Koshchei the Deathless. “I’m going to chase them.”
For a long time, for a short time—he rode and caught up with Prince
Ivan, jumped to the ground, and was about to stab him with his sharp
sword. But just then Prince Ivan’s horse kicked him with all his strength and
knocked the brain out of his head, while the prince finished him off with a
club.36 After that, the prince piled up a mound of firewood, started a fire,
burned Koshchei the Deathless on the bonfire, and scattered even his ashes
to the wind.
Mar’ia Morevna mounted Koshchei’s horse, while Prince Ivan rode his
own. They went to visit first the raven, then the eagle, and then the fal-
con. Wherever they arrived, they were met everywhere with joy. “Ah, Prince
Ivan! And we feared we’d never see you again. Well, you didn’t go to all that
trouble for nothing. You could search the whole world for such a beauty as
Mar’ia Morevna, but you’d never find a second one!”
They stayed a while as guests, feasted a while, and then they set off for
their own kingdom. They came home and started to live and live well, to
earn wealth and to drink mead.
Moon and Star
Moon and Star
A year passed, and another . . . Then after several years the tsaritsa grew
heavy with child and gave birth to Prince Ivan. And he grew not by the day
but by the hour, and so smart, so clever! But the tsaritsa kept on crying, she
cried inconsolably for her daughters, for Moon and Star. Prince Ivan came
in and asked, “Mama, dear one, why are you crying?”
“It’s nothing,” she said.
“Mama, dear one, tell me!”
“Oh, my dear friend Vanechka, I had two daughters before you . . .”38
“Where are they?”
She told him the story . . . “And there’s been neither sight nor sound nor
any word of them!”
“Mama,” he said, “permit me to go search for my sisters.”
“No,” she said, “don’t go! You won’t find them . . . We lost our daughters,”
she said, “and we’ll lose you too!” She begged him in every possible way.
His father found out about this, asked about it, and then summoned his
ministers. “Gentlemen,” he said, “my son cries day and night, he wants to go
search for his sisters!”
The senators said, “Why not give him your blessing, if he has such a wish?”
“How can he do this,” said the king, “at such a youthful age? How can
he have such ideas?” Then he grew angry at his wife, “Why did you suggest
it to him?”
They thought and thought about it, and then they gave him their blessing.
Prince Ivan said, “I could do without anything, but I would never go
without your blessing!” He set off, saying, “Mama! Don’t cry, don’t grieve, I’ll
find my sisters!”
He walked for a week and for two through a forest, and suddenly he saw
two forest spirits, ever so tall, who were fighting.
“Oh,” they said, “Prince Ivan, please be a judge for us.”
These forest spirits had three things: a self-setting tablecloth, a pair of
seven-league boots, and an invisible hat.
Prince Ivan agreed and said, “Here’s a milepost. Whoever reaches it first
will get two of the things, and the one who comes after will get one of them.”
They ran off, overtaking each other, reached the milepost and turned
around, but Prince Ivan had put on the invisible hat and they couldn’t see him.
“Oh, where’s Prince Ivan? Where’s Prince Ivan?”
They ran around him, but they couldn’t see him. They searched for three
hours, they cried, and they dashed off into the forest to search. But Prince
Ivan took off the invisible hat and put on the seven-league boots. When he
Moon and Star
took a step, he’d go five vyorsts, if he took another step he’d go another five
Now Ivan felt like eating. “So,” he said, “tablecloth, spread out!” Suddenly
all kinds of dishes and drinks appeared. Some men were coming down the
road. He called to them, “Men! Please come over here. Sit down please,”
he said. They sat down and ate and drank their fill. Prince Ivan thought,
“Thank God, I have everything I could need!” Meanwhile, the men he had
invited were marveling, too; they thanked him and went on their way.
He set off, too, and he came into a deep forest. He came upon a house
that stood on chicken knees, turning this way and that. “Little house, little
house! Stand with your back to the forest, your front to me!”
The house turned around and Ivan went inside. There was a Baba-Yaga,
an old woman sorceress. “Now,” she said, “the Russian spirit appears before
my eyes! What, Prince Ivan, are you doing a deed or fleeing a deed?”
“I had two sisters who disappeared,” he said. “Do you know about them?
Have you heard anything?”
“I know your sisters. The spirits took them away, and you won’t be able
to get them. The Whirlwinds are so strong, magical. You can’t even get close.
Your sister Moon,” she says, “is in the silver palace, and Star is in the golden
palace. You won’t find them: it’s far, far away!”
“No,” he said, “I’ll go.”
“Well, go then; my sister lives closer to there. Here’s a ball of thread
for you. Wherever the ball of thread rolls, follow it, and you’ll come to my
He thanked the Baba-Yaga, and when the ball of thread rolled off, he fol-
lowed. He walked for about a week and came to her second sister. He went
into her house. This one was even angrier, meaner. “I’m mean, crafty and
wise,” she said, “but our third sister is even meaner. Here’s a kerchief for you,”
she said. “Give it to her as a present from me. Then she’ll let you come in.”
Then he set off again after the ball of thread. He came to the house of
the third Baba-Yaga, and he gave her the kerchief from her sister as a pres-
ent. “Well,” she said, “what’s your business?”
“I’m searching for my sisters,” he said. “Do you happen to know where
my sisters are?”
“Moon,” she said, “is with the first Whirlwind; only there’s a stone wall,
and twelve men stand guard day and night. They won’t let you through. And
about the other Whirlwind there’s nothing to say: he’s very mean.” So the
prince said good-bye and went on his way.
Moon and Star
Artist unknown.
He came to the first palace. The stone wall was exceedingly high: there
was no way at all to climb it, and twelve men stood there day and night. He
came up and asked them to let him in, but they wouldn’t agree for anything.
He put on the invisible hat and flew across. The sentries saw him walking in
the courtyard. “Well,” they said, “it’s as if we’d let him in! It must have been
a spirit testing us!”
But Prince Ivan went into the palace. He went into one room, but there
was no one there. He went into a second room, a third, into the fifth, and
there was his sister Moon resting on a couch, such a beauty . . . She was ly-
ing there, resting in sound sleep. “Dear sister! Wake up, wake up! Papa and
mama send their respects.”
“I don’t have any brothers,” she said.
Then he told her everything, and she rejoiced and was frightened. She
cried and cried with joy. “Oh,” she says, “you know, the Whirlwind will come
flying home now, and he’ll tear you into little pieces.”
“I’m not afraid,” he said, “of anyone in the world.”
“Oh,” she said, “he’s a mean one!”
Moon and Star
Prince Ivan showed her his invisible hat and calmed her down. Suddenly
the Whirlwind came flying. Right away Prince Ivan put on his invisible hat,
and he couldn’t be seen.
“Oh,” said the Whirlwind, “Moon, it smells of Russian spirit; it must be
that your brother has come.”
“I don’t have any brothers.”
So the Whirlwind raced to search for him. He looked everywhere, in
the cupboards and in the trunks, but he couldn’t find him anywhere. “It
must be,” he said, “that your brother’s here!”
“Even if he is, what would you do?”
“Nothing,” said the Whirlwind.
“Prince Ivan, show yourself!” she said.
He took off the invisible hat. The Whirlwind saw him and said, “I am
crafty, but he’s even more sly. How did you get here?”
“Yes,” he said, “blood made me search, so I found her.”
Then his sister ran to bring something to eat.
“Don’t trouble yourself!” said Prince Ivan. “I’ll feed you. Tablecloth,
spread yourself!”
Then all sorts of food and drink appeared.
The Whirlwind ate and praised it all. “Oh, what food, what drinks there
are in Rus’!”
Prince Ivan stayed there for a week and then two.
Then his sister said, “You had better go to see Star. The Tsar-Maiden
lives just beyond her, and she has great power over these spirits.”
Prince Ivan said good-bye to Moon, and he set out to see his other sis-
ter, Star.
He came to the palace; it had a very high wall. Twelve men were stand-
ing there, and they didn’t let anyone into the palace. Star’s husband was the
Whirlwind above all Whirlwinds, the most smothering. Just as before, the
sentries wouldn’t let Prince Ivan pass. He put on his invisible hat and went
through. They said, “There he is, walking around in the courtyard. It’s a
spirit who was curious about us.”
Prince Ivan went up into the first room—there was no one; into the
second, the third, and in the fifth room he found his sister Star, even more
splendid, resting in a sound sleep.
“My dear sister! Wake up, wake up; your brother has come to see you,
and he brings respects from your father and mother.”
“No,” she said, “I don’t have any brothers.”
Moon and Star
Then he told her everything. She was so glad, so glad. But she said, “My
Whirlwind is furious, though, and he’ll tear you to pieces.”
“Don’t worry,” he said, “he won’t see me.” He showed her the invisible hat.
The Whirlwind came flying in. “Oh,” he said, “Star, it must be that your
brother is here. It smells of the Russian spirit. He must be here, show him
to me!”
“But you’ll tear him apart!”
“I swear,” he said, “I won’t tear him apart.”
So Prince Ivan took off the invisible hat and stayed as a guest with them
as well. Then he said to Star, “I’ll take you away!”
“No, the Whirlwind would catch up with us . . . But in this kingdom
there’s a Tsar-Maiden, and she has great power over these spirits . . . She
wants to meet you.”
So Prince Ivan stayed as a guest of his sister for a week and for two, said
good-bye, and set off . . . He came to the Tsar-Maiden, and she was so glad.
The Tsar-Maiden was a true beauty.
“Oh, Prince Ivan, how did God bring you here?”
“Blood led me here,” he said. “Can you fulfill my request and help me
rescue my sisters? I’ll take you as my spouse.”
“All right,” she said. “I have a twelve-headed dragon. He’s been shackled in
chains for twelve years, but I’ll let him free, and he’ll defeat the Whirlwinds.”
Then they spoke for a while.
“Well,” she said, “Prince Ivan, let’s go get the dragon!”
They went there, and she asked her dragon, “Could you defeat those two
spirits—the Whirlwinds?”
“I can,” he said, “only give me time for a month to eat as much beef and
drink as much beer as I want.”
They set the dragon free, and every day they gave him a whole bull to
eat and a vat of beer. The dragon began to gain weight. A month passed; the
dragon took his weapons, and he flew off. “Wait here,” he said.
He flew to those spirits. The spirits flew toward him; they fought, and
they fought, they knocked off ten heads, but he got them with fire, with his
claws . . . He killed them, threw their bodies into the sea, and brought their
heads to the Tsar-Maiden.
Prince Ivan and the Tsar-Maiden came riding to the field and met the
dragon with joy. Then they went to Star.
“My dear sister!” said Prince Ivan. “Here’s what the Tsar-Maiden has
done for you!”
Moon and Star
They rejoiced and celebrated. And they gave the dragon his own dear
freedom, and he could eat and drink all he wanted. The dragon was so glad,
so glad to be free. And once again he grew twelve heads: for the dragon is a
spirit . . .
They feasted with Star for a week. Then she said, “What’s Moon think-
ing now? She doesn’t see her spirit!”
Prince Ivan said, “Well, dear sister, pack your things and let’s go!”
“What should I pack?”
They went out onto the porch. She said a word39 and rolled an egg on
a golden saucer: “Roll my house into the golden egg! Flying carpet! Fly in
to me!”
A flying carpet appeared, and all three of them flew to see Moon.
When they came to his sister, he said, “Well, my dear sister, we have
to get our things together!” She came out on the porch, said a word, rolled
an egg on a silver saucer, and the house rolled up into the silver egg. They
sat down on the flying carpet and flew away like birds to their own coun-
try. They came to the garden and unrolled the egg—and a palace appeared.
They unrolled the other egg—another palace . . .
Just then an ambassador was out riding, and he reported to the tsar,
“Two palaces have appeared in your garden!” The tsar came out and found
out about everything. What joy it was . . . The tsar arranged a ball, Prince
Ivan got married, and the tsar gave him his kingdom. Then they began to
live and live, and to store up riches.40
Prince Danila-Govorila
Prince Danila-Govorila
“Well, don’t cry, don’t grieve, but listen to us. Make four dolls, set them
in the four corners. When your brother starts calling you to join him under
the marriage crown, go. When he starts to call you into the sunlit room,
don’t be in a hurry. Hope in God. Farewell.” The old women went away.
The brother and sister got married. He went into the sunlit room and
said, “Sister Katerina, come to bed!”
She answered, “In a moment, brother. Let me take off my earrings.”
And the dolls in the four corners began to lament:
The earth began to split open, and the sister began to fall in.
The brother shouted, “Sister Katerina, come to bed!”
“In a moment, brother! Let me untie my belt!”
The dolls kept on lamenting:
By now you couldn’t see anything but her head. Her brother called
again. “Dear sister Katerina, come to bed!”
“Right away, brother! Let me take off my slippers.”
The dolls kept on lamenting, and the earth closed over her.
Her brother called again. He called even louder—no answer! He got
angry, came running, slammed into the doors, and the doors flew open. He
looked everywhere—but it was as if his sister had never been there. Only
the dolls sat in the corners, and they kept on lamenting: “Earth split open,
sister fall through!” He grabbed an axe, cut off their heads, and threw them
all into the stove.
Prince Danila-Govorila
But the sister walked and walked under the ground, and she saw a
house standing on chicken legs. It stood there and turned around. “Little
house, little house! Stand with your back to the forest and your front to me.”
The house stood still, and the doors opened.
In the little house sat a lovely maiden. She was embroidering a piece of
cloth with silver and gold. She greeted her guest kindly, sighed and said, “My
dear, my little sister! My heart is glad to see you. I’ll welcome you and treat
you well, as long as my mother isn’t here. But when she flies home, then woe
to you and me both. My mother’s a witch!”
Her guest was frightened to hear such words, but she had nowhere
else to go. She sat down with her hostess at the piece of cloth. They sewed
and chatted. For a long time or a short time, the hostess knew what time it
was, she knew when her mother would come flying home. She turned her
guest into a little needle, stuck it into a garland, and stood the garland in
the corner.
No sooner had she put everything away than the witch was lurking at
the door: “My good daughter, my comely daughter! It smells of bones from
“My lady mother! People were walking by. They came in to have a
drink of water.”
“Why didn’t you make them stay?”
“They were old, my dear, not to your taste.”
“From now on see to it—call everyone into the yard, don’t let anyone
out of the yard. And I’ll pick up my heels and go back out after plunder.”
She went away, and the girls sat down at the length of cloth, sewed,
talked, and laughed.
The witch came flying. Sniff, sniff through the house. “My good daugh-
ter, my comely daughter! It smells of bones from Rus’!”
“Some old men just came in to warm their hands. I tried to make them
stay, but they wouldn’t.”
The witch was hungry. She gave her daughter a tongue-lashing and flew
away again. Her guest had been sitting hidden in the garland. They set right
back to sewing the cloth. They sewed and made haste, and tried to figure out
how they could escape from misfortune, run away from the wicked witch.
They hadn’t even managed to look at each other or whisper to each other
when she was at the door, speak of the devil, and caught them by surprise.
“My good daughter, my comely daughter! It smells of a bone from Rus’!”
“Well, you see, Mother, a fair maiden is waiting for you.”
Prince Danila-Govorila
The fair maiden took a look at the old woman and was horror struck!
There stood a Baba Yaga, bony leg, nose grown into the ceiling. “My good
daughter, my comely daughter! Stoke the stove as hot as can be!” They
brought firewood of oak and maple and built a fire. Flames flickered from
the stove.
The witch took a wide paddle and began to entreat the guest, “Sit down,
my beauty, on the paddle.” The beauty sat down. The witch pushed her to-
ward the oven, but she put one leg into the oven and the other onto the stove.
“What, girl, don’t you know how to sit? Sit down properly!” She changed her
position and sat down properly. The witch moved her into the opening, but
once again she put one leg into the oven and the other under the stove.
The witch flew into a rage and pulled her back out. “You’re playing
around, playing around, young lady! Sit still, like this. Watch me!”
She flopped down on the paddle and stuck out her legs. The maidens
quickly shoved her into the oven, set her down there, closed the latches,
piled up logs, smeared and sealed it with pitch, and set off at a run, taking
along the embroidered cloth, a brush, and a comb.
They ran and ran, and then they took a look behind them. The evil
woman had fought her way out. She caught sight of them and started to
whistle: “Hi, hi, hi! You over there!”
What could they do? They threw down the brush, and it grew up into a
thick, thick patch of reeds. She wouldn’t be able to crawl through. The witch
put out her claws, pinched a path through, and she drew closer to them
again . . . Where could they hide? They threw down the comb—it grew up
into a dark, dark oak wood. A fly couldn’t have flown through it.
The witch sharpened her teeth and got to work. Whatever she grabbed,
she’d pull a tree up by the roots! She tossed them in all directions, cleared a
path and started chasing again . . . She got even closer!
They ran and ran, but there was nowhere to go. They had used up all
their strength! They threw the gold-embroidered cloth, and it poured out
into a wide sea, deep and fiery. The witch rose high up. She wanted to fly
over it, but she fell down into the fire and burned up.
The two maidens were left alone, homeless doves. They had to go some-
where, but where? They didn’t know. They sat down to rest.
Then a man came over to them, asked who they were, and reported to
his master that there were not two migratory birds, but two young maidens,
as beautiful as if they had been painted, sitting in his lands. They were just
alike in height and nobility, brow for brow, eye for eye. “One of them must
be your sister, but which one? We can’t figure it out.”
Prince Danila-Govorila
The master went to take a look and called them to him. He saw that one
of them was his sister, the servant hadn’t lied, but which one? He couldn’t
make it out, and she was angry and wouldn’t tell him. What was he to do?
“Well, here’s what, my lord! I’ll fill a ram’s bladder with blood and put it
under your arm. You chat with your guests, and I’ll come up and catch you in
the side with a knife. The blood will flow, and your sister will reveal herself!”
“All right!”
They did this just as they had planned it. The servant caught his master
in the side, the blood spurted, and the brother fell down. The sister ran to
embrace him, and she cried and lamented, “My dear, my incomparable one!”
But the brother jumped up neither burned nor hurt. He hugged his
sister and gave her in marriage to a good man, while he married her friend,
whose hand fit the ring perfectly. And they all lived marvelously ever after.
Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin
Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin
of geese, swans, and gray ducks—it was Prince Ivan attacking the enemy
force. He himself didn’t strike as much as his horse trampled. He beat down
the forces of the great host, returned home, lay down to sleep, and slept for
six days without waking. On the seventh day he awoke, came out onto the
balcony, and looked at the open field. The kings had collected an even larger
army and had once again surrounded the whole city.
Prince Ivan went to his sisters. “My dearest sisters! What can I do? I
wiped out two armies, but a third one stands at the walls, threatening us
even more.”
“Ah, you brave warrior! You fought for one day, then you slept for six
without waking. How is it that Beloy Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga,
golden leg? For thirty years he hasn’t dismounted from his horse, he knows
no rest.”
This seemed bitter to the prince. He ran to the white-stoned stables,
saddled his good bogatyr horse, put on his battle harness, girded on his
sword, took his long-aiming spear in one hand, his silken lash in the other,
said a prayer to God, and rode out against the enemy. It was not a bright
falcon flying at a flock of geese, swans, and gray ducks; it was Prince Ivan
attacking the enemy army. He himself didn’t strike so much as his horse
trampled. He beat down the forces of the great host, returned home, lay
down to sleep, and slept without waking for nine days. On the ninth day he
awoke and called all the ministers and senators. “Gentlemen, my ministers
and senators! I have decided to travel to distant lands, to take a look at Beloy
Polyanin. While I’m away, I ask you to judge and keep order, to resolve all
matters of justice.” After that he said good-bye to his sisters, mounted his
horse, and set out on his way.
For a long time or a short time, he rode in a thick forest. He saw a little
house standing. An old man lived in that house. Prince Ivan dropped in to
see him. “Hello, granddad!”
“Hello, Russian prince! Where is God carrying you?”
“I’m seeking Beloy Polyanin. Do you happen to know where he is?”
“I don’t know myself, but wait a moment. I’ll gather all my faithful ser-
vants and ask them.” The old man stepped out onto the porch, began to play
a silver horn, and suddenly all the birds came flying to him from all direc-
tions. A visible and invisible number of them flew; they covered the whole
sky in a black cloud. The old man shouted in a loud voice and whistled a
heroic whistle. “My faithful servants, flying birds! Have you seen or heard
anything about Beloy Polyanin?”
“No, we haven’t seen or heard anything!”
Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin
“Well, Prince Ivan!” said the old man. “Now go see my older brother;
perhaps he’ll be able to tell you. Here, take this ball of thread and let it go
before you. Wherever the ball of thread rolls, you turn your horse that way.”
Prince Ivan mounted his good horse, rolled the ball of thread, and rode off
after it, and the forest got darker and darker.
The prince came to a little house, and he went in the door; in the house
sat an old man, his hair white as snow. “Hello, granddad!”
“Hello, Russian prince! Where does your road lead you?”
“I’m seeking Beloy Polyanin. Do you happen to know where he is?”
“Now, wait here while I gather my faithful servants, and I’ll ask them.”
The old man stepped out onto the porch and began to play a silver horn,
and suddenly all kinds of animals came running over from all directions.
He shouted to them in a loud voice and whistled a bogatyr whistle. “My
faithful servants, leaping beasts! Have you seen or heard anything about
Beloy Polyanin?”
“No,” answered the beasts, “we haven’t seen or heard anything.”
“Well then, count yourselves. Perhaps not everyone is here.”
The beasts counted themselves, and one lame she-wolf came up miss-
ing. The old man sent runners to look for her, and they went right out and
brought her. “Tell me, crooked she-wolf! Do you happen to know where
Beloy Polyanin is?”
“Of course know I, because I always live near him. He wins battles, and
I feed on the corpses.”
“Where is he now?”
“In the open field. He’s asleep in a tent on a great burial mound. He was
fighting with Baba Yaga, golden leg, and after the battle he lay down to sleep
for twelve days.”
“Well, then, take Prince Ivan there.” The she-wolf ran off, and the prince
galloped after her. Soon he came to the great burial mound and went into
the tent. Beloy Polyanin was sleeping soundly. “There, my sisters told me
that Beloy Polyanin fought without rest, but he lay down and went to sleep
for twelve days! Shouldn’t I sleep for a while, too?” Prince Ivan thought and
thought, and then he lay down beside him.
Just then a little bird flew into the tent, hovered at the very head of
the bed, and said these words: “Get up, wake up, Beloy Polyanin, and
hand my brother, Prince Ivan, over to an evil death. Otherwise, he’ll get
up and kill you!”
Prince Ivan leapt up, caught the bird, tore off its right leg, threw it out-
side the tent, and lay back down next to Beloy Polyanin. He hadn’t had time
Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin
to go back to sleep when another little bird flew in, hovered at the head of
the bed, and said, “Get up, wake up, Beloy Polyanin, and turn my brother
Prince Ivan over to an evil death. Otherwise, he’ll get up and kill you!”
Prince Ivan leapt up, caught the bird, tore off its right wing, threw it out
of the tent, and lay back down in the same place.
Right after that a third little bird flew in, hovered at the head of the bed,
and said, “Get up, wake up, Beloy Polyanin, and hand my brother Prince
Ivan over to an evil death; otherwise, he’ll get up and kill you!”
Prince Ivan jumped up, caught that bird, and tore off its beak. He threw
the bird outside, lay down, and fell sound asleep.
The time came and Beloy Polyanin woke up. He looked and saw who
knows what kind of bogatyr lying next to him. He grabbed his sharp sword
and wanted to hand him over to an evil death, but he stopped himself
in time. “No,” he thought. “He came upon me while I was asleep, and he
didn’t want to bloody his sword. It would be no honor and no praise to
me, a handsome young man, if I slew him! A sleeping man is like a dead
man! Better I should wake him.” He woke up Prince Ivan and said to him,
“Good man or evil man! Tell me, what is your name and why have you
stopped by here?”
“They call me Prince Ivan, and I came here to see you, to test your
“You’re mighty brave, prince! You came into my tent without asking,
and you went to sleep without announcing yourself. You could have met
your death for that!”
“Eh, Beloy Polyanin! You haven’t jumped over the trench yet, but you’re
bragging. Wait and see, perhaps you’ll stumble! You have two arms, but I
don’t have only one either, as my mother bore me.”
They mounted their bogatyr horses, rode toward each other, and struck
each other so hard that their spears shattered into fragments, and the good
horses fell to their knees. Prince Ivan knocked Beloy Polyanin out of his
saddle and lifted his sharp sword over him.
Beloy Polyanin began pleading with him. “Don’t hand me over to death!
Grant me my life! I’ll call myself your younger brother, and I’ll honor you
like a father!”
Prince Ivan took him by the hand, raised him from the ground, kissed
him on the lips, and called him his younger brother. “I heard, brother, that
you’ve been fighting for thirty years against Baba Yaga, golden leg. Why are
you at war?”
“She has a beautiful daughter, and I want to win her for my wife.”
Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin
Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin
“Here’s what, Prince Ivan. We’re sitting and sewing an army for Baba
Yaga, golden leg.”
“How do you sew it?”
“Here’s how: as soon as you stick in a needle, you get a Cossack with a
pike. He mounts a horse, they get into formation, and then they go to make
war against Beloy Polyanin.”
“Eh, brothers! Your work’s quick, but not strong. Line up, I’ll show
you how to sew stronger.” They immediately got into a single line, but that
very moment Prince Ivan swung his sword, and their heads went flying. He
killed all the tailors and went farther along. He walked and walked, looked,
and saw some cobblers sitting behind a grating. “What are you doing here?”
“We’re sitting and putting together an army for Baba Yaga, golden leg.”
“How do you make an army, brothers?”
“Well, here’s how: whenever we poke with the awl, we get a soldier with
a rifle. He mounts a horse, gets into formation, and goes to make war against
Beloy Polyanin.”43
“Hey, lads! Your work’s fast, but not careful. Line up, I’ll show you how
to do it better.” So they stood in a line. Prince Ivan swung his sword, and
their heads went flying. He killed the cobblers and got back on the road.
For a long time or for a short time, he made his way to a large, splendid
city. Royal chambers stood in that city, and in those chambers sat a maiden
Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin
of indescribable beauty. She saw the handsome young man in the window;
she fell in love with his black curls, his falcon eyes, his sable brows, his bogatyr
movements. She called the prince to her, asked him who he was and where
he was going. He told her that he was looking for Baba Yaga, golden leg.
“Ah, Prince Ivan! Why, I’m her daughter. She’s sound asleep now. She
lay down to rest for twelve days.”
She led him out of the city and showed him the way. Prince Ivan went to
Baba Yaga, golden leg, found her asleep, struck her with his sword, and cut
her head off. The head rolled and said, “Strike again, Prince Ivan!”
“One blow from a bogatyr is enough!” answered the prince. He returned
to the chamber and the fair maiden, and sat down with her at the oak tables,
by the laden tablecloths. He ate and drank his fill, and he began to ask her,
“Is there anyone in the world stronger than I and more beautiful than you?”
“Ah, Prince Ivan! What kind of beauty am I? Over thrice-nine lands, in
the thrice-tenth kingdom there is a queen who lives with the dragon tsar.
That one’s truly an indescribable beauty. I’ve just washed my face with the
water she used to wash her feet!”
Prince Ivan took the fair maiden by her white hand, led her to the
place where the cord was hanging, and gave the sign to Beloy Polyanin. He
grabbed the cable and began to lift. He pulled and pulled, and he hauled out
the prince with the fair maiden.
“Hello, Beloy Polyanin!” said Prince Ivan. “Here’s your bride. Live and
be happy, may you know no sorrow! And I’m off to the dragon kingdom.”
He mounted his bogatyr horse, said farewell to Beloy Polyanin and his
bride, and rode off over thrice-nine lands. For a long time or for a short
time, low or high—speedily a tale is spun, but not so fast a deed is done—
he came to the dragon kingdom, slew the dragon tsar, freed the beautiful
princess from captivity, and married her. After that he returned home and
began to live and live well with his young wife and to earn great wealth.44
The Bear Tsar
Once there lived a tsar and his wife, and they had no
children. One day the tsar rode out to hunt beauti-
ful beasts and to shoot at migratory birds. It got hot,
and he wanted a drink of water. He saw a well to
one side, went up to it, bent over and was about to
drink his fill—but the Bear Tsar45 grabbed him by
the beard.
“Let me go,” begged the tsar.
“Give me the thing you have at home that you don’t know. Then I’ll let go.”
“What would I not know at home?” thought the tsar. “It seems I know
everything . . .”
“I’d rather give you a herd of cattle,” he said.
“No, I don’t even want two herds.”
“Well, then, take a herd of horses.”
“I don’t need even two herds. Give me the thing in your house that you
don’t know.”
The tsar agreed, freed his beard, and rode home. He walked into his
palace, and his wife had just given birth to twins: Prince Ivan and Princess
Mar’ia.46 That’s what he didn’t know in his house. The tsar threw up his
hands and started crying bitterly.
“What’s the matter? Why are you crying like that?” the tsaritsa asked him.
“How can I help but cry? I’ve given my own children away to the Bear Tsar.”
“And how did that happen?”
“Like this and like that,” the tsar explained.
“But we won’t give them up!”
“Oh, that’s impossible! He’ll ruin the whole kingdom, but he’ll take them
in the end.”
So they thought and thought about what they could do. And they came
up with an idea. They dug a very deep hole, furnished it, and decorated it
as if it were a palace. They brought in all kinds of provisions, so there’d be
The Bear Tsar
something to eat and drink. After they put their children into the hole, they
made a ceiling on the top, covered it with earth, and scraped it until it was
completely even.
Not long after that the tsar and tsaritsa died, but their children grew
and grew. Finally the Bear Tsar came for them. He looked here and there,
but there was nobody there! The palace was empty. He walked, walked,
walked around the whole house and thought, “Who can tell me about the
tsar’s children, where they’re hiding?” He looked and saw an awl stuck
into the wall. “Awl, awl,” asked the Bear Tsar. “Tell me, where are the tsar’s
“Take me out into the yard and throw me to the ground. Where I fall
and stick in the earth, dig there.”
The Bear Tsar took the awl, went out into the yard, and threw it to the
ground. The awl spun, twisted, and stuck right in the place where Prince
Ivan and Princess Mar’ia were hidden. The bear dug through the dirt with
his paws, broke through the ceiling, and said, “Ah, Prince Ivan, ah, Princess
Mar’ia, there you are! They thought they could hide you from me! Your
father and mother tricked me, so for that I’ll eat you up.”
“Ah, Bear Tsar, don’t eat us, our father left a lot of chickens and geese
and all kinds of goods. There are things to whet your appetite.”
“All right, let it be so! Climb up on my back. I’ll take you to serve me.”
They climbed up on his back, and the Bear Tsar took them to mountains
so steep and high that they went up to the very sky. No one lived there; it was
all deserted. “We’re hungry and thirsty,” said Prince Ivan and Princess Mar’ia.
“I’ll run and bring you something to eat and drink,” answered the bear.
“You stay here for now and rest.”
The bear ran off to get food, but the prince and princess stood and cried
many tears. Out of nowhere a bright falcon47 appeared, flapped his wings
and said these words, “Ah, Prince Ivan and Princess Mar’ia, what kind of fate
has brought you here?” They told the story. “Why did the bear take you?”
“To serve him in every way.”
“Do you want me to take you away? Climb up on my wings.”
They climbed up. The bright falcon rose up higher than a standing tree,
lower than a passing cloud, and was about to fly away to distant lands. At
that moment the Bear Tsar ran back, caught sight of the falcon high in the
sky, struck his head against the damp earth, and burned the bird’s wings
with flame. The falcon’s wings were singed, and he dropped the prince and
princess to the ground.
The Bear Tsar
“Ah,” said the bear. “You wanted to leave me. For that, I’ll eat you up,
even your bones!”
“Don’t eat us, Bear Tsar. We’ll serve you faithfully.”
The bear forgave them and took them toward his kingdom; the moun-
tains got higher and higher, steeper and steeper.
Time passed, neither much nor little. “Ah,” said Prince Ivan. “I want
something to eat!”
“Me, too!” said Princess Mar’ia.
The Bear Tsar ran off to get food, but he gave them strict orders not to
leave that spot. They sat on the green grass and tears fell from their eyes.
Out of nowhere an eagle appeared, soared down from above the clouds, and
asked, “Ah, Prince Ivan and Princess Mar’ia, by what fates have you wound
up here?” They told the story. “Do you want me to take you away?”
“How could you! The bright falcon tried to take us away, but he couldn’t
do it, and you won’t be able to either!”
“The falcon is a small bird. I’ll fly off higher than he can. Climb up on
my wings.”
The prince and princess climbed on. The eagle flapped his wings and
flew up even higher. The bear came running, caught sight of the eagle high
in the sky, struck his head against the damp earth, and singed the bird’s
wings. The eagle dropped Prince Ivan and Princess Mar’ia to the ground.
“Ah, you tried to run away again!” said the bear. “I’ll eat you up for that!”
“Don’t eat us, please. The eagle tempted us! We’ll serve you in faith and
The Bear Tsar forgave them for the last time, fed them and gave them
something to drink, and took them on farther.
Time passed, neither a lot nor a little. “Ah,” said Prince Ivan, “I want
something to eat!”
“Me, too!” said Princess Mar’ia.
The Bear Tsar left them and ran off to get food. They were sitting on
the green grass and crying. Out of nowhere a little shitty bullock appeared,
shook his head, and asked, “Prince Ivan, Princess Mar’ia! By what fates have
you turned up here?” They told the story. “Do you want me to take you away
from here?”
“How could you! The falcon-bird and the eagle-bird tried to carry us
away, and they couldn’t do it. You won’t be able to for sure!” and they burst
into tears—they could hardly say a word in their weeping.
“The birds couldn’t take you away, but I’ll take you away! Climb up on
The Bear Tsar
my back.” They climbed up, and the shitty bullock ran off, not terribly fast.
The bear caught sight of the prince and princess trying to escape, and he
raced after them in pursuit. “Ah, shitty bullock!” shouted the tsar’s children,
“the bear is chasing us.”
“Is he far away?”
“No, he’s close!”
No sooner had the bear jumped close—he was about to grab them!—
but the little bullock strained a bit . . . and pasted both his eyes shut. The
bear ran to the blue sea to wash out his eyes, but the shitty bullock kept
going on and on! The Bear Tsar washed himself off and started back in
“Ah, little shitty bullock! The bear’s after us!”
“Is he far?”
“Oh, he’s close!”
The bear jumped up, but the little bullock strained again . . . and pasted
both his eyes shut. While the bear was running to wash out his eyes, the
little bullock kept going on and on! And he pasted the bear’s eyes shut for
a third time. After that he gave Prince Ivan a comb and a towel and said, “If
the Bear Tsar starts to get too close to us, first throw down the comb, and
the next time wave the towel.”
The little shitty bullock ran on and on. Prince Ivan looked back, and the
Bear Tsar was chasing after them: he was just about to grab them! Prince
Ivan took the comb and threw it down behind them. Suddenly it grew up
into such a great, thick forest that even a bird couldn’t fly through it, a beast
couldn’t pick its way through, a man couldn’t walk through on foot, and a
horseman couldn’t ride through it. The bear chewed and chewed, he barely
managed to chew a narrow path through it for himself. He made his way
through the deep forest and raced after in pursuit. But the tsar’s children
were far, far away! The bear started to catch up to them. Prince Ivan looked
back and waved the towel behind them. Suddenly there was a fiery lake, so
very wide! The waves ran from one end of it to the other.
The Bear Tsar stood and stood for a while on the bank and then went
back home. But the shitty little bullock, Prince Ivan, and Princess Mar’ia ran
all the way to a clearing.48
In the same clearing stood a large, wonderful house. “There’s a house for
you!” said the little bullock. “Live there and don’t be sad. Make a bonfire in
the yard right now, slaughter me, and burn me in that bonfire.”
The Bear Tsar
“Oh no,” said the tsar’s children, “why should we slaughter you? Better
live with us. We’ll take care of you, we’ll feed you with fresh grass and give
you spring water to drink.”
“No, burn me, and sow my ashes in three vegetable rows. A horse will
jump up from one row, a dog from the second, and an apple tree will grow
up on the third. You’ll go riding on the horse, Prince Ivan, and you’ll go
hunting with that dog.”49 So they did everything as he had told them.
One day Prince Ivan decided to go out hunting. He said good-bye to
his sister, mounted the horse, and rode off into the forest. He killed a goose,
killed a duck, and caught a live wolf cub and brought it home. The prince
saw that he was good at hunting, and he rode out again, shot all kinds of
birds, and caught a live bear cub. The third time Prince Ivan went out hunt-
ing, he forgot to bring his dog along.
At the same time Princess Mar’ia had gone out to do the washing. She
walked along, but on the other side of the fiery lake a six-headed dragon
flew down to the bank, took on the form of a handsome man, caught sight
of the princess, and spoke so sweetly, “Hello, fair maiden!”
“Hello, good young man!”
“I’ve heard from old people that in earlier times this lake did not ex-
ist. If they built a high bridge above it, I would cross over to that side and
marry you.”
“Wait! There’ll be a bridge there in a moment,” Princess Mar’ia an-
swered him, and she threw up the towel. That very moment the towel bent
into an arch and stopped over the lake as a beautiful bridge. The dragon
crossed over the bridge, turned back into its original form, locked up Prince
Ivan’s dog, and threw the key into the lake. Then he grabbed the princess
and carried her away.
Prince Ivan came home from hunting and found his sister missing and
the dog howling, locked up. He saw the bridge over the lake and said, “A
dragon must have carried off my sister!” He set off to search for her. He
walked and walked, and in the open field he saw a hut standing on chicken
legs, on dogs’ heels. “Little hut, little hut! Turn your back to the forest, and
your front to me!” The hut turned, and Prince Ivan went in. In the hut lay
Baba Yaga, bony leg, from corner to corner, nose grown into the ceiling. “Fie,
fie!” she said. “Until now I couldn’t smell the Russian spirit, but now the
Russian spirit appears before my eyes, throws itself into my nose! Why have
you come, Prince Ivan?”
The Bear Tsar
The Bogatyrs Soska, Usynia,
Gorynia, and Duginia
The Bogatyrs Soska, Usynia, Gorynia, and Duginia
The Bogatyrs Soska, Usynia, Gorynia, and Duginia
of the house barely alive. Baba Yaga crawled off on all fours and went under
a big stone.
When the comrades came back from hunting, bogatyr Soska took them
to that stone and said, “We have to lift it, lads.” They tried and tried. The
others couldn’t move it, but when bogatyr Soska hit it with his fist the stone
flew off and landed a vyorst away. They took a look, and where the stone had
been lying it turned out there was a deep hole. “Well, lads, we need to kill
some beasts and twist ropes!” They killed some beasts, cut up their skins,
tied together a long strap, and fastened a net to it. In that net they lowered
bogatyr Soska into the underground kingdom.
He started walking through the underground kingdom. He came to a
little house and went into it. Baba Yaga’s daughter sat in the house, embroi-
dering a carpet. She saw her guest and cried out, “Ah, bogatyr Soska! My
mother’s about to come home. Where can I hide you from her?” She up and
turned him into a pin and stuck him into her embroidery.
Baba Yaga came in and asked, “Who do you have in the house?”
“No one, Mother!”
“Why does it smell of Russian spirit?”
She rushed around looking, searched and searched, but didn’t find any-
one. The moment Baba Yaga left, the fair maiden threw the pin on the floor,
and out of the pin appeared bogatyr Soska. She took him into a shed. Two
jugs were standing in that shed. The blue one was full of strengthening wa-
ter, and the white one was full of weakening water. “When you fight with
mama, jump out the door as fast as you can and into the shed, drink all the
water from the blue jug, and fill it up with water from the white one.”
No sooner had she managed to tell him this than Baba Yaga came run-
ning up. She wanted to get her claws into the bogatyr. “Wait, Mother!” her
daughter said to her. “First you have to agree. If he knocks you down, let him
give you a chance to catch your breath, and if you knock him down, then he
may ask for a rest.”
Soska bogatyr and Baba Yaga agreed on that and jumped at each other.
Baba Yaga threw him against the floor. The fair maiden shouted at once,
“Mother! Give him a chance to catch his breath.” Bogatyr Soska ran into the
shed, drank all the water from the blue jug, and poured the water from the
white one into it. Then he grabbed Baba Yaga and threw her onto the floor.
“Let me catch my breath!” shouted the old woman. She jumped up, ran
into the shed, and drank her fill of weakening water. They started to fight
again. Bogatyr Soska hit her so hard that he killed her. He put her dead
The Bogatyrs Soska, Usynia, Gorynia, and Duginia
into the fire, burned her, and let the ashes scatter in the wind. Then he took
the fair maiden, put her into the net, and tugged on the belt. The bogatyrs
Duginia, Gorynia, and Usynia hauled her right out. They lowered the cable
again, lifted bogatyr Soska halfway, and then tore the belt.54
The Brother
The Brother
The Brother
The youngest sister started asking to go. They told her, “Your two sisters
went out and didn’t find him, and you won’t find him either!”
“God knows, maybe I will find him!” She set off. She came to the birch
tree. “Birch tree, birch tree! Tell me where my little brother is!”
“Pick leaves off me. Take half for yourself and leave half for me. I’ll come
in handy to you some time!”
She picked the little leaves, and she took half for herself and left half
for the tree. She went on farther, and she came to the apple tree. “Apple tree,
apple tree! Did you happen to see my own little brother?”
“Fair maiden, pick apples from me. Take half for yourself, leave half for
me. I’ll come in handy to you some time!” She picked the apples. She took
half for herself and left half for the tree, and she went on farther. She came
to the stove. “Stove, stove! Did you happen to see my own little brother?”
“Fair maiden! Sweep me out and bake a wafer. Take half for yourself,
leave half for me!” So she swept out the stove, baked a wafer, took half for
herself, and left half for the stove.
She went along farther. She came close and saw a little house standing on
chicken legs, on spindle heels, spinning around. She said, “Little house, little
house! Stand with your back to the forest, with your front to me!” The house
turned. She went inside and said a prayer to God. (And she had brought
along from home a piece of butter, some pretzels, some of everything.)
The Baba-Yaga said, “Until now there was no smell or sight of a Russian
soul, but now a Russian soul appears before my eyes! Why are you here, fair
maiden, are you doing a deed or fleeing a deed?”
“No, granny! I was walking through the forest, through the swamps, and I
got soaked through, chilled through. I’ve dropped by your place to warm up!”
She said, “Sit down, fair maiden! Look for things on my head!”
She began to look and kept saying, “Fall asleep one eye, fall asleep other
eye. If you don’t fall asleep I’ll pour pitch over you, I’ll stop you up with
cotton balls!” Baba Yaga fell asleep. The girl took some cotton and dipped
it in pitch, smeared Baba Yaga’s eyes with pitch. Right away she gave the
cat Yeremei a piece of butter, and a doughnut, and some pretzels, and some
apples, some of everything. And she took her brother. The cat ate his fill, lay
down, and took a nap.
She left with her brother. She came to the stove and said, “Stove, stove!
Hide me!”
“Sit down, fair maiden!” Right away the stove spread out, it got much
wider. She sat down in it. And the Baba Yaga woke up, but she couldn’t pull
The Brother
her eyes open, so she crawled to the door and shouted, “Tomcat Yeremei!
Claw my eyes open!”
But he answered her, “Purr, purr! I’ve lived with you so long, and I never
saw so much as a burned crust. But the fair maiden came for only an hour,
and she gave me a lump of butter!”
Then Baba Yaga crawled to the threshold. She shouted, “Gray eagle! Fly
at once, the sister’s been here, she’s taken her brother away!”
He flew off. He flew up to the stove. “Stove, stove! Did you happen to
see, did a girl happen to pass here with a little boy?”
“No, I haven’t seen anything.”
“And why, stove, have you gotten so wide?”
It said, “It’s just for a time. I was stoked not long ago!”
Then the eagle went back again, scratched and scratched at the Baba
Yaga’s eyes, scratched her all over. The sister and brother came to the apple
tree. “Apple tree, apple tree! Hide me!”
“Sit down, fair maiden!”
The apple tree made itself fluffy, curly.
She sat right down in a crevice in the trunk. Then the gray eagle came
flying again and flew to the apple tree. “Apple tree, apple tree! Did you hap-
pen to see, did a girl happen to pass here with a little boy?”
It answered, “No.”
“Why have you, apple tree, gotten so curly, lowered your branches right
down to the ground?”
“The time has come,” it said. “I’m standing here all curly.”
The eagle went back to Baba Yaga. It clawed and clawed, but it couldn’t
scratch her eyes open.
And the girl came to the birch tree. “Birch tree, birch tree! Hide me!”
“Sit down, my dear!” it said. It made itself fluffy, curly, like the apple tree.
The gray eagle came flying again. “Birch tree, birch tree! Did you happen
to see, did a girl happen to pass by here with a little boy?”
“No, she didn’t.”
The eagle went back again. The girl came home, and she brought the
little boy with her. Everyone rejoiced.
I was there, and I drank mead and beer. It dripped down my mustache,
but none got into my mouth.
The Daughter-in-Law
The Daughter-in-Law
It said, “I’ve lived an age with you, and I never saw a burnt crust. But she
put me here with a prayer!”
“Door, why did you let her go? You could have slammed on her!”
It said, “I’ve lived with you for an age, I never saw a burned crust; but
she closed me with a prayer!”
“You, dog, why didn’t you bite her?”
It said, “I’ve lived for an age with you, I’ve never seen a burnt crust; but
she gave me a piece of meat!”
So the daughter-in-law got away.
The Enchanted Princess
The Enchanted Princess
couldn’t find any way out. There was nothing he could do: he had to stay
there against his will. He spent the third night, too. In the morning a queen
of indescribable beauty appeared, thanked him for his service, and told him
to get dressed for the wedding. Then they held the wedding and began to
live together, and they had nothing to complain of.
After a certain time the soldier started to think about his native land,
and he felt the desire to spend a bit of time there.
The queen tried to talk him out of it. “Stay here, my friend, don’t go
away. What do you lack here?”
No, she couldn’t talk him out of it. She said good-bye to her husband
and gave him a little sack; it was full of seed. She said, “Whatever road you
ride on, toss this seed to either side. Wherever it falls, trees will grow up that
very minute. Rare fruits will begin to glow on the tree branches, all kinds
of birds will sing songs, and cats from overseas will tell fairy tales.” The fine
young man mounted the horse he had served on and set off on his way.
Wherever he rode, he threw seeds to both sides, and forests rose up in his
tracks as if they were crawling up out of the damp earth!
He rode for one day, a second, a third, and he saw a caravan standing on
the grass in an empty field. There were merchants sitting on the ground and
playing cards, while a cauldron hung beside them. Even though there was no
fire under the kettle, the broth was boiling hard. “What a marvel!” thought
the soldier. “There’s no fire, but broth’s boiling up in the kettle like a spring.
Let me take a closer look.” He turned his horse to the side, rode over to the
merchants, and said, “Hello, honest gentlemen!”
But he didn’t realize that they weren’t merchants, they were unclean
spirits. “That’s a good trick, a kettle that boils without fire! But I have a bet-
ter one.” He pulled one grain of the seed out of his little bag and threw it to
the ground—and that instant a thousand-year tree grew up, precious fruits
glowed on the tree, all kinds of birds sang songs, and cats from overseas
told tales.
The unclean ones recognized him by his boasting. “Ah,” they said among
themselves. “Why, this must be that same one who rescued the queen. Let’s
put him to sleep with a potion, brothers, and let him sleep for half a year.”
They started offering him food and drink, and they plied him with magi-
cal herbs. The soldier fell down on the grass and fell into a sound, unwak-
ing sleep, but the merchants, the caravan, and the kettle disappeared in an
Not long after that the queen went out to take a walk in her garden. She
looked and saw that all the tops of the trees had begun to wither. “That’s a
The Enchanted Princess
bad sign!” she thought. “I can tell something bad has happened to my hus-
band. Three months have passed, it’s time for him to be coming back, but
there’s no sign of him!” The queen prepared her things and set off to find
him. She rode along the same road where the soldier had made his way, with
trees growing on both sides, and birds singing, and the cats from overseas
meowing. She came to a place where the trees stopped and the road wound
off through the open field. She thought, “Where could he have gotten to?
The earth can’t have swallowed him up!” She looked to one side and saw the
same kind of wondrous tree, with her dear friend lying under it.
She ran up to him and began to shake and poke him, but no, he wouldn’t
wake up. She started to pinch him, to prick his side with pins, she pricked
and pricked him, but he didn’t feel the pain either, he lay there as if he were
dead and didn’t stir.
The queen got angry, and in her anger she spoke a curse. “You worthless
sleepy-head, may the wild whirlwind pick you up and carry you off to un-
known lands!” No sooner had she said it than suddenly the winds began to
rustle and whistle, and in one moment they had picked up the soldier with
a wild whirlwind and carried him out of her sight. The queen realized too
late that she had said a bad thing. She went back home and started to live
all on her own.
But the whirlwind carried the poor soldier far, far away, over thrice-nine
lands, and it threw him onto a neck of land between two seas. He fell on the
narrowest spit of land. If he had rolled to the left or if he had turned over to
the right in his sleep, he would have fallen right into the sea, and that would
The Enchanted Princess
have been the end of him! The fine young man slept for half a year without
moving even a finger. But when he awoke he jumped right to his feet and
took a look: on either side he saw waves rising, and there was no end in
sight to the wide sea. He stood there deep in thought and asked himself,
“What miracle brought me here? Who lugged me all this way?” He walked
along the spit of land and came out onto an island. There was a steep, high
mountain on that island. Its summit reached up to the clouds, and on the
mountain lay a great boulder.
He walked over to that mountain and saw three devils brawling. Blood
was pouring from all of them, and tufts of fur were flying! “Wait, you evil
ones! What are you fighting about?”
“Well, you see, our father died three days ago, and he left us three mar-
velous things, a flying carpet, seven-league boots, and an invisible hat. So we
can’t divide them up.”
“Oh, you cursed ones! You’ve started a battle over such trifles. If you
want, I’ll divide everything for you. You’ll be satisfied—I won’t slight anyone.”
“Well then, countryman, divide it all, please!”
“All right! Run off right now to the pine forests, gather a hundred
poods57 of pitch, and bring it here.”
The devils raced off to the pine forests, gathered three hundred poods of
pitch, and brought it to the soldier.
“Now bring the very biggest cauldron in hell.”
The devils dragged up a huge cauldron—forty barrels would have fit
inside it!—and they poured all the pitch into it.
The soldier started a fire, and as soon as the pitch was melted he or-
dered the devils to drag the cauldron up the mountain and pour the pitch
down it from top to bottom. The devils did this at once. “Well, then,” said
the soldier. “Now tip over that boulder there. Let it roll down the mountain,
and you three go running after it. The first of you to catch it will be the first
to choose one of these three marvelous things. The second one to catch it
will be the second to have his choice of the two objects left. And then the
last marvelous thing will go to the third.”
The devils tipped over the boulder, and it went rolling off down the
mountain. All three raced after it. One devil caught up with it and grabbed
the boulder, but the boulder turned right over, flipped him under it, and
smashed him down into the pitch. The second devil caught up to it, and
then the third, and the same thing happened to them! They were stuck to
the pitch, firmly as could be! The soldier took the seven-league boots and
The Enchanted Princess
the invisible hat under his arm, took a seat on the flying carpet, and flew off
to look for his own kingdom.
After a long time or for a short time, he flew up to a little house and
went inside. In the house sat a Baba Yaga, bony leg, old and toothless.
“Hello, granny! Tell me, how can I find my beautiful queen?”
“I don’t know, dear! I haven’t seen any sight of her, nor heard any news of
her. Off you go and cross over so many seas, over so many lands; my middle
sister lives there. She knows more than I do, perhaps she’ll be able to tell you.”
The soldier took a seat on the flying carpet and flew off. He had to wan-
der for a long time through the white world. If he started to get hungry and
thirsty, he’d put on the invisible hat right away, fly down into some city, go
into the shops, take whatever his heart desired, get back on the carpet, and
fly on farther. He flew up to another little house and went in. A Baba Yaga
was sitting there, bony leg, old and toothless. “Hello, granny! You don’t hap-
pen to know where I could find my beautiful queen?”
“No, dear, I don’t know. You must travel over so many seas, over so many
lands. My older sister lives there, perhaps she knows it.”
“Eh, you old grouch! You’ve lived in the world so many years, all your
teeth have fallen out, but you don’t know anything useful.” He took a seat on
the flying carpet and flew off to see the oldest sister.
He wandered for a long, long time, saw many lands and many seas,
and finally flew to the end of the world. There was a little house standing
there, but there was nowhere farther to go—nothing but pitch darkness,
you couldn’t see a thing! “Well,” he said. “If I can’t get an answer here, there’s
nowhere else to fly!”
He went into the little house, and there he saw a Baba Yaga, bony leg,
gray and toothless. “Hello, granny! Tell me, where’s my beautiful queen!”
“Wait a bit, let me call all the winds together, and I’ll ask them. After all,
they blow all over the world, so they ought to know where she’s living now.”
The old woman went out on the porch, shouted in a loud voice, and whis-
tled a bogatyr whistle. Suddenly the restless winds appeared and started to
blow from all directions, so that the house started to shake! “Softer, softer!”
shouted Baba Yaga. And as soon as the winds had gathered she started ask-
ing them, “My wild winds, you blow over the whole world. Have you seen
the beautiful queen?”
“No, we haven’t seen her anywhere!” the winds answered in unison.
“And are you all present?”
“All of us, except the south wind.”
The Enchanted Princess
The south wind came flying a little bit later. The old woman asked it,
“Where were you all this time? We almost stopped waiting for you!”
“I’m to blame, granny! I dropped by a new kingdom, where a beautiful
queen lives. Her husband disappeared without a trace, so now she’s being
courted by all kinds of tsars and tsars’ sons, kings and princes.”
“And how far is it to the new kingdom?”
“On foot you’d have to go thirty years, on wings you would have to fly
for ten, but if I blow I can get you there in only three hours.”
The soldier began to plead tearfully for the south wind to take him to
the new kingdom. “Certainly!” said the south wind. “I’ll take you there, if
you give me leave to stroll as much as I wish in your kingdom for three days
and three nights.”
“Stroll for three weeks if you want!”
“All right. I’ll just rest for a day or two, to gather my strength, and then
we’ll be on the road.”
The south wind rested, gathered his strength, and said to the soldier,
“Well, brother, get ready, we’re leaving now. And listen, don’t be afraid. You
won’t get hurt!” Suddenly a fierce whirlwind began to rustle and whistle;
it lifted the soldier into the air and carried him over mountains and seas
beneath the very clouds, and after exactly three hours he was in the new
kingdom, where his beautiful queen lived. The south wind said to him,
“Farewell, fine young man! I’ve taken pity on you, I won’t go strolling in
your kingdom.”
“Why is that?”
“Because, if I started strolling, not a house would be left in the city, and
not a tree would be left in the gardens. I’d turn everything upside-down!”
“Farewell then! Thank you!” said the soldier. He put on his invisible hat
and went into the white stone chambers.
Now, while he was away from the kingdom all the trees in the garden
had stood with withered leaves, but as soon as he appeared they came to life
at once and started to flower. He came into the great room, and there at the
table sat all kinds of tsars and tsars’ sons, kings and princes, who had come
to pay court to the beautiful queen. They sat there and treated themselves to
sweet wines. Whenever a suitor poured a glass, the moment he lifted it to his
lips the soldier would immediately whap! the glass with his fist and knock
it right away. All the guests were surprised at this, but the beautiful queen
guessed at once. “It must be that my friend has returned!” she thought.
She looked out the window. All the treetops had come to life in the
garden, and she began to tell a riddle to her guests. “I had a handmade cas-
The Enchanted Princess
ket with a golden key. I lost the key and had no hope of finding it, but now
that key has shown up by itself. Whoever can guess that riddle, I will marry
him.” The tsars and tsars’ sons, the kings and princes cracked their heads
over this riddle for a long time, but there was no way they could solve it. The
beautiful queen said, “Show yourself, my friend!”
The soldier took off the invisible hat, took her by the white hands and
began to kiss her sugared lips. “And there’s the solution for you!” said the
beautiful queen. “The handmade casket—that’s me, and the little golden
key—that’s my faithful husband.” The suitors had to turn their carriages
around. They all drove off to their own homes, but the queen began to live
with her husband and to earn riches.
The Feather of Finist the
Bright Falcon
The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon
But the youngest kept on with her “Buy me a feather of Finist the bright
The father bought the golden earrings and hurried off to search for the
feather, but no one had even heard of it. He was sad and left the city. No
sooner had he gone through the gates, when an old man came toward him
carrying a little box. “What do you have there, old man?”
“A feather of Finist, the bright falcon.”
“What are you asking for it?”
“Give me a thousand.”
The father paid the money and galloped home with the little box. His
daughters met him. “Well, my dear daughter,” he said to the youngest, “at last
I’ve bought you a present. Here, take it!”
The youngest daughter almost jumped for joy, took the little box, began
to kiss and caress it, and pressed it tightly to her heart.
After dinner they all parted to go sleep in their own rooms. She too
went into her bedroom. She opened the little box, and the feather of Finist
the bright falcon flew out at once, struck against the floor, and a handsome
prince appeared before her. They exchanged words that were sweet and
The sisters heard and asked, “Who’s that you’re talking with, sister?”
“Just with myself,” answered the fair maiden.
“Well then, open up!”
The prince struck the floor and turned into a feather. She picked it up,
put the feather in the little box, and opened the door. Her sisters looked this
way and peered that way—no one was there!
No sooner had they left than the fair maiden opened the window, took
out the feather, and said, “Fly away, my feather, into the open field; stroll
around there until the time comes!” The feather turned into a bright falcon
and flew away into the open field.
The next night, too, Finist the bright falcon came flying to his maiden.
They began to have merry conversations.
The sisters overheard and ran to their father. “Father! Someone is visit-
ing our sister at night. Even now he’s sitting and talking with her.”
The father got up and went to see his youngest daughter, but when he
went into her chamber the prince had long ago turned into a feather and
was lying in the little box. “You naughty girls!” the father laid into the older
daughters. “Why are you telling false tales about her? Better keep an eye on
The next day the sisters turned to cunning. In the evening, when it was
The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon
completely dark in the yard, they put up a ladder, gathered many sharp knives
and needles, and fastened them outside the window of the fair maiden.
At night Finist the bright falcon came flying, and he struggled and
struggled. He couldn’t get into the room; he only cut his wings all over.
“Farewell, fair maiden!” he said. “If you wish to search for me, then seek me
over thrice-nine lands, in the thrice-tenth kingdom. You’ll wear out three
pairs of iron shoes, break three iron staffs, and gnaw through three stone
loaves before you find me, the fine young man!” But the maiden kept on
sleeping. Even though she heard these unwelcoming words through her
dream, she couldn’t wake or get up.
In the morning she woke up and looked. Knives and needles were fas-
tened to her window, and blood kept dripping from them. She threw up her
hands. “Oh, my God! That means my sisters have wounded my dear friend!”
That very hour she got ready and left the house. She ran to the smithy
and had them forge her three pairs of iron shoes and three iron staffs. She
packed away three stone loaves and set off on her way to find Finist the
bright falcon.
She walked and walked, wore out one pair of shoes, broke an iron staff,
and gnawed through a stone loaf. She came to a little house and knocked.
“Master and mistress of the house! Shelter me from the dark night.”
An old woman answered, “Welcome, fair maiden! Where are you going,
my dove?”
“Ah, granny! I’m looking for Finist the bright falcon.”59
“Well, fair maiden, you’ll have a long way to search.”
In the morning the old woman said, “Now go see my middle sister, she’ll
give you good advice. And here’s my gift to you: a silver distaff and a golden
spindle. If you start to spin fleece, it stretches out into a golden thread.”
Then she took a ball of thread, rolled it along the path and told the maiden
to follow after it. Wherever the ball rolled, she should follow that road!
The maiden thanked the old woman and set off after the ball of thread.
For a long time or a short time, the second pair of iron shoes was worn
out, the second staff broken, and one more stone loaf gnawed away. Finally
the ball of thread rolled up to a little house. She knocked. “Good hosts!
Keep a fair maiden from the dark night!”
“Welcome!” answered an old woman. “Where are you going, fair maiden?”
“I’m looking for Finist the bright falcon, granny.”
“You’ll have to search a long way!”
The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon
In the morning the old woman gave her a silver saucer and a golden egg
and sent her along to her eldest sister. She would know where to find Finist
the bright falcon!
The fair maiden said good-bye to the old woman and set off on her
way. She walked and walked. The third pair of iron shoes was worn out,
the third staff broken, and the last stone loaf gnawed away when the ball of
thread rolled up to a little house. She knocked. “Good owners! Protect a fair
maiden from the dark night!”
Again an old woman came out. “Come in, my dear! Welcome! Where do
you come from and where are you going?”
“I’m looking for Finist the bright falcon, granny.”
“Oh, it’s very, very hard to find him! Now he lives in such and such a city,
he’s married to the wafer-baker’s daughter there.”
In the morning the old woman said to the fair maiden, “Here’s a present
for you: a golden embroidery frame and a needle. You just hold the frame,
and the needle will embroider by itself. Well, go with God. Ask the wafer-
baker to hire you as a servant.”
No sooner said than done. The fair maiden came to the wafer-baker’s
yard and got herself hired as a worker. Her hands did the work quickly: she
stoked the stove, brought the water, and prepared dinner.
The wafer-baker watched and rejoiced. “Thank God!” she said to her
daughter. “We have a worker who’s both obliging and good. She does every-
thing with no reward!”
But when the fair maiden had finished her domestic tasks around the
house, she took the silver distaff and the golden spindle and sat down to
spin. She spun, and a thread stretched from the fleece, not a plain thread but
pure gold.
The wafer-baker’s daughter saw this. “Ah, fair maiden! Won’t you sell me
your toy?”
“Perhaps I will!”
“And what’s the price?”
“Let me spend the night with your husband.”
The wafer-baker’s daughter agreed. “It’s no trouble,” she thought. “I can
get my husband drunk with a sleeping potion, but that spindle will cover me
and my mother with gold!”
But Finist the bright falcon was not at home. The whole day he roamed
the skies, and he only returned toward evening. They sat down to dine; the
The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon
The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon
fair maiden served the food at the table and kept looking at him, but he, the
handsome young man, did not recognize her.
The wafer-baker’s daughter mixed some sleeping-potion into Finist the
bright falcon’s drink, put him to bed, and said to the maidservant, “Go in to
his bedroom and chase the flies away!”
So the fair maiden chased away the flies, but she herself cried tearfully,
“Wake up, wake up, Finist, bright falcon! It’s me, the fair maiden—I’ve come
to you. I broke three iron staffs, I wore through three pairs of iron shoes, I
gnawed away three stone loaves and kept on searching for you, my dear!”
But Finist slept and didn’t hear anything. So the night passed.
The next day the servant took her silver dish and rolled a golden egg
from it. She rolled many golden eggs!
The wafer-baker’s daughter saw this. “Sell me your toy,” she said.
“All right, buy it.”
“And what’s the price?”
“Let me spend one more night with your husband.”
“Very well, I agree!”
But Finist the bright falcon once again spent the whole day roaming
the skies and flew home only toward evening. They sat down to dine, the
fair maiden served the food and kept looking at him, but it was as if he had
never even known her.
Again the wafer-baker’s daughter put him to sleep with a potion, tucked
him into bed, and sent in the servant to chase the flies away. This time too,
no matter how she cried, no matter how the fair maiden tried to wake him,
he slept until morning and didn’t hear a thing.
On the third day the fair maiden was sitting, holding the golden em-
broidery frame in her hands, while the needle embroidered by itself, and
such marvelous patterns!
The wafer-baker’s daughter could not stop watching. “Sell it to me, fair
maiden, sell me your toy!” she said.
“All right, buy it!”
“And what’s the price?”
“Let me spend a third night with your husband.”
“All right, I agree!”
In the evening Finist the bright falcon came flying back. His wife plied
him with a sleeping potion, put him to bed, and sent in the servant to chase
away the flies.
So the fair maiden chased away the flies, but all the while she cried
tearfully. “Wake up, wake up, Finist, bright falcon! I, the fair maiden, have
The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon
come to you. I broke three iron staffs, I wore out three pairs of iron shoes, I
gnawed through three stone loaves—as I kept searching for you, my dear!”
But Finist the bright falcon slept soundly, he didn’t hear anything.
For a long time she cried, for a long time she tried to wake him. Suddenly
the fair maiden’s tear fell onto his cheek, and at that very moment he woke up.
“Ah,” he said, “something burned me!”
“Finist, bright falcon!” the maiden answered him. “I have come to you. I
broke three iron staffs, I wore out three pairs of iron shoes, I gnawed away
three stone loaves—I kept looking for you! And for three nights I’ve been
standing here over you, while you go on sleeping—you don’t wake up, you
don’t answer my tears!”
Only then did Finist recognize her, and he was so glad that words
can’t tell it. They agreed about what to do, and they left the home of the
In the morning when the wafer-baker’s daughter went to get her hus-
band, neither he nor the maidservant was there! She complained to her
mother. The wafer-baker ordered horses and raced off to chase them. She
drove and drove, and she drove by the three old women’s houses, but she
didn’t catch Finist the bright falcon: even his tracks were long faded!
Finist the bright falcon found himself with his intended beside her par-
ents’ house. He struck the damp earth and turned into a feather; the fair
maiden took him, hid him inside her blouse, and went to her father. “Ah,
my beloved daughter! I thought that you were no longer among the living.
Where were you for so long?”
“I went to pray to God.”
This happened just around Holy Week. The father and the older
daughters were getting ready to go to morning mass. “What is it, my dear
daughter?” he asked the youngest. “Get ready and let’s go. Today is such a
joyous day.”
“Father! I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Put on our fine clothes,” said the older sisters.
“Ah, my sisters! Your dresses aren’t made to fit me.60 I’d better stay at home.”
The father and two of his daughters left for morning mass. Then the
fair maiden pulled out her feather. It struck the ground and turned into a
handsome prince. The prince whistled out the window, and all at once fine
clothes, and finery, and a golden carriage all appeared. They dressed, got
into the carriage, and set off. They went into the church and stood there
in front of everyone. The people marveled: such-and-such a prince with
his princess has deigned to pay a visit! At the end of the service they went
The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon
out before everyone else and drove off home. The carriage disappeared, the
dresses and finery vanished as if they had never been, and the prince turned
into a feather.
The father returned home with his daughters. “Ah, dear sister! You
didn’t come with us, but in the church there was a handsome prince with an
unimaginably beautiful princess.”
“It’s all right, sisters! You told me, so it’s just as if I’d been there myself.”
The next day the same thing happened. On the third day, as the prince
and princess were getting into the carriage, the father left the church, and
with his own eyes he saw the carriage drive up to his house and disappear.
The father came home and began to question his youngest daughter. She
said, “There’s nothing to be done, I have to confess!”
She took out the feather. The feather struck against the floor and turned
into the prince. They were married immediately, and it was a rich wedding!
I was at that wedding. I drank wine, it ran down my mustache, but it
didn’t get into my mouth. They put a cap on my noggin and got their elbows
going. They put a basket on me and said, “Now, kiddo, don’t you delay, out
of the yard with you right away!”
The Firebird
The Firebird
After that the father called the other two sons. “Well, my good chil-
dren,” he said. “We’ve seen the thief but we haven’t caught it. But now I beg
you: go out on a journey and find me this Firebird. If one of you finds it, I’ll
give that one the whole kingdom.”
The older two got ready to set out, but the father wouldn’t let the young-
est go. He started to beg. His father didn’t agree for a long time, then finally
he agreed, blessed them all, and they all set out on the journey.
They rode for a long or a short time, and they rode up to a pillar. Three
roads led away from this pillar, and on the pillar was written: “If you ride to
the right, you’ll be killed; if you ride to the left, you’ll be hungry yourself;
if you take the middle road, your horse will be hungry.” They thought over
who should go which way. The youngest brother went to the right, and the
other two took the other roads.
Finally the youngest brother was riding along for a while, and he saw a
little house on chicken legs standing by the road; it was turning around by
itself. Prince Ivan said, “Little house, little house! Turn your face to me and
your back to the woods!” The little house turned its face toward him.
He stepped up into the house. On the stove lay Baba Yaga, bony leg, she
had her nose stuck in the ceiling, and she yelled from there, “What is it here
that smells of Russian spirit?”
And he shouted at her, “Here! I’ll knock you off your seat on the stove,
you old she-devil!”
She jumped down off the stove and began to beg him, “Young man,
don’t beat me. I’ll come in handy to you.”
He said to her, “Instead of yelling at me, you’d do better to feed me, give
me something to drink, and put me to bed.”
She began to ask him, “Who are you?”
He said, “I’m Prince Ivan.”
Then she fed him, gave him something to drink, and made up a bed
for him.
In the morning Prince Ivan woke up, washed, dressed, prayed to God,
and asked her, “Do you happen to know where the Firebird is?”
She answered him, “I don’t know, but you ride on farther. My middle
sister will be there, she’ll tell you. And here, take this ball of thread. When
you take away the Firebird, they’ll chase after you, so you say, ‘Little ball,
little ball, turn into a mountain!’ It’ll turn into a mountain, and you’ll ride
on farther.” Then he thanked her and rode on farther to her sister’s house.
He rode for a while, and on the road stood a little house on chicken legs,
The Firebird
turning around by itself. Prince Ivan said, “Little house, little house! Turn
your face toward me, and your back to the woods.” The little house turned
its face toward him.
He went into the house. On the stove lay a Baba Yaga, the middle sister,
bony leg, her nose stuck into the ceiling, and she shouted from there, “What
is it here that smells like Russian spirit?”
“Here,” he said, “I’ll knock you off the stove, you old she-devil!”
She jumped down off the stove, fed Prince Ivan, gave him something
to drink, and put him to bed. In the morning he got up and asked the Baba
Yaga, “Where’s the Firebird?”
She told him, “Ride on farther to my older sister!” Here she gave him
a comb. “When you ride off with the Firebird,” she said, “they’ll chase after
you, and you say, ‘Little comb, little comb! You turn into an impassible for-
est!’ It’ll turn into a forest, and you’ll ride away.” So he thanked her and rode
on to see the oldest sister.
He rode along for a while, and then he saw another little house on
chicken legs. “Little house, little house! Turn toward me with your front,
but to the woods with your back!”
He went into the house. On the stove lay a Baba Yaga, bony leg, with
her nose poked up into the ceiling, and she yelled from there, “What is it
here that smells of Russian spirit?”
“Here,” he said, “you old she-devil, I’ll knock you off the stove!”
She jumped down off the stove, fed Prince Ivan, gave him something
to drink, and put him to bed. In the morning Prince Ivan got up, prayed to
God, and started asking her about the Firebird.
She gave him a brush and said, “When they chase after you, you say:
‘Little brush, little brush, you turn into a fiery river!’ And it will turn into
a fiery river, and you’ll ride farther. And when you come close to such-
and-such a kingdom, there’ll be a fence, and in that fence there’ll be a gate.
Behind that gate three cages are hanging. There’s a raven in the golden cage,
a rook in the silver one, and the Firebird in the copper one. But you keep
this in mind: don’t take the silver cage, and don’t take the golden or the cop-
per ones either, but open the little door, pull out the Firebird, and tie it up
inside a handkerchief.”
Prince Ivan thanked her and set off on his way.
He rode up to the kingdom and saw a stone wall. There was no way to
climb over it and no way to pass through the gates: there were lions standing
there. He just took a look and said, “Ah, my horse, my true horse! Jump over
the wall and let me get the Firebird!” He rode back a bit, broke into a gallop,
The Firebird
and jumped over the wall. Then he saw that the Firebird was very big, there
was no way to tie it in a handkerchief. He thought a bit and then took the
whole copper cage. Suddenly little bells began to jingle, and the lions started
to roar. Then he was afraid they would catch him; he broke into a gallop,
jumped over the wall, and galloped on with the Firebird.
He had ridden only a little way when he saw them chasing after him. He
took out the ball of thread. “Little ball, little ball, turn into a mountain!” The
ball of thread turned into a mountain, and he went on. The army galloped
up to the foot of the mountain and saw that the mountain was impassible,
so they (the army) turned back, took spades, rode up to the mountain, and
dug it up. They went back to chasing after Prince Ivan.
As soon as Prince Ivan saw they were after him, he took the comb and
said, “You, little comb, turn into an impassible forest!” It turned into one.
The army galloped into the forest and saw that it was an impassible forest.
They turned back, got axes, and chopped a road through for themselves.
They galloped off again after him.
Prince Ivan saw them chasing him, so he took the brush and said, “Little
The Firebird
brush, you turn into a fiery river!” The army galloped up and saw that it was
a fiery river. But just past the river Prince Ivan lay down to take a rest. The
army found that no matter which of them tried to cross over, they would get
scalded right away. There was nothing they could do, so the army headed
back. Prince Ivan got his rest and then set off on his way.
He’d been riding for a only a little while when he came up to that very
same pillar. A tent was pitched by the pillar, and in that tent sat two fine
young men. He walked up to them and saw that it was his brothers. He was
very glad at this chance, greeted them, and told them about everything in
detail. Then he lay down to rest with them. But the brothers were envious
that he, the youngest brother, would bring the Firebird home to their father.
“Then we, the older ones, will ride home and without bringing anything.”
They agreed to throw him into a ditch. They threw him all sleepy into the
ditch: there were all kinds of vermin in that ditch, beasts, and you couldn’t
even see the light of the sun from down there. But when he had nothing
to eat and drink, he fed himself on dirt, and he got the idea of digging and
climbing upward. As soon as he started to climb, he dug with his hands and
climbed higher and higher. Finally he climbed higher and higher and saw
from there a ray of sunlight. Then he climbed farther and came out at the
top. He rested for a while next to the ditch and then he went on.
As soon as he came close to one city, he saw a crowd of people standing
in the city. He went up to the people and asked, “What does this mean—
you’re standing by the lake?”
They answered him, “We’re waiting for a six-headed dragon to come out
of there. We’re supposed to throw him a maiden, but he’s eaten up all our
maidens one after the other, so now we have to throw in the tsar’s daughter.”
But he said to them, “Ah, that makes me so sorry! But show me, where
are the tsar and his daughter?” When the tsar and his daughter came out, he
went up to them. “I can save your daughter!” he said.
The tsar said, “That’s impossible now, because of that dragon!”
But Prince Ivan said again, “I’ll save your daughter for you, just order
them to bind up three bundles of honeysuckle sticks!”
When they were done binding them, they brought them. Suddenly the
dragon came swimming, it whistled and roared in all kinds of voices. The
moment it opened its mouth, Prince Ivan cut off two of its heads with one
bundle, two more with the second bundle, and two more with the third. He
cut off all six heads.
Then the tsar began right away to rejoice, he hurried to kiss him and
asked him to visit his palace. All the residents were overjoyed that he had
The Firebird
conquered the dragon, and they held a feast right away. And that princess,
his daughter, was such a raving beauty that there are few like her in the
world. The tsar suggested that Prince Ivan should marry her. They had the
wedding. After marrying them, the tsar began to ask Prince Ivan, “What
kingdom are you from?”
He answered, “From such-and-such a kingdom, the son of such-and-
such a tsar.”
The tsar began to suggest, “Wouldn’t it be good to go see your father?
And if you’d like to go see your father, I’ll give you two ravens. Take a seat on
those ravens, and once you’re on them then say, ‘To such-and-such a king-
dom,’ and they’ll take you straight there.” So the tsar gave them the ravens.
They climbed on them and flew off.
But the two older brothers took the Firebird and brought it straight to
their father. Their father was happy to see the Firebird. The day after that
the Firebird turned into a crow. They were so surprised, and their father was
surprised, too. “What could something like this mean?”
However, their father hung the crow up in his room. It hung there look-
ing just like a crow. When Prince Ivan began flying closer to his father’s pal-
ace, then it suddenly turned from a crow back into the Firebird. The father
was very surprised to see that it had suddenly turned from a crow back into
the Firebird. Then he saw two ravens flying, and a man and a young woman
riding on the ravens. The father was very frightened at this. He thought,
“Can they have come after the Firebird, and did she turn from a crow into
the Firebird because her own people were coming?”
But suddenly Prince Ivan came in with his spouse, threw himself on his
father’s neck, and begged forgiveness for marrying without his permission.
The father didn’t recognize him at all. “Ah, you’re my son! Why were you
gone for so long? Your brothers came back, they got the Firebird.”
“No,” he said. “It wasn’t my brothers. I was the one who got the Firebird.
I rode out with them, they threw me into a deep ditch while I was sleep-
ing, and they took the Firebird away from me.” And then he told his father
everything in detail.
Then the father made his two older sons herd cattle, and he gave his
whole kingdom to the youngest. Then they had a great feast. I was there,
I drank wine and beer, it ran down my mustache, but it didn’t go into my
(Khudiakov, no. 1)
The Frog and the Bogatyr
The Frog and the Bogatyr
thought a bit and took the frog with him back to his own state. The broth-
ers and their brides started to laugh at him.
The day came when Ivan-Bogatyr was to get married. He set off in a car-
riage, but the frog was carried to the palace on a golden saucer. When night
came and the bride and groom went into their rooms, the frog took off her
frog skin and became a beautiful woman, but by day she turned into a frog.
Ivan Bogatyr lived with her in good fortune and happiness.
After a certain time the king ordered his sons to come to him and said
to them, “Dear children! Now all three of you are married. I’d like to wear
shirts made by each of your wives, my daughters-in-law.” He gave each of
them a piece of linen and said that the shirts must be ready by the next day.
The elder brothers took the cloth to their wives, and they started to call
their nannies, their nurses, and the lovely chambermaids, to help them sew
a shirt. Their nannies and their nurses came running right away and got to
work. One would cut, while another would sew.
At the same time they sent a scullery maid to see how the frog would
sew the shirt. The girl came to Ivan-Bogatyr’s rooms as he brought in the
cloth and put it on the table with a sorrowful look.
“Why are you so sad, Ivan-Bogatyr?” asked the frog.
And he answered her, “How can I help being sad? My father has or-
dered that a shirt be sewn for him from this cloth by tomorrow.”
“Don’t cry, don’t grieve,” said the frog. “Lie down and go to sleep; morn-
ing’s wiser than the evening. Everything will be done properly!” She grabbed
the scissors, cut all the cloth up into tiny scraps, then opened the window,
threw them into the wind and said, “Wild winds! Take away these scraps
and sew my father-in-law a shirt.” The scullery maid went and told the prin-
cesses that the frog had cut all the cloth into little pieces and thrown them
out the window. They laughed at the frog and said, “And what will her hus-
band bring the king tomorrow!”
The next day Ivan-Bogatyr woke up, and the frog gave him a shirt. “Here,
my dear Ivan-Bogatyr! Take this shirt to your father.”
Ivan-Bogatyr took the shirt and brought it to his father. The older
brothers brought their shirts, too. The first to present his shirt was the big
brother. The king took a look and said, “This shirt is sewn the way people
usually sew.” He looked at the second son’s shirt and said that shirt was sewn
no better. But when his youngest son handed him the shirt, the king could
not marvel enough. You couldn’t see a single stitch in the shirt, and he said,
“Bring me this shirt for the greatest holidays.”
The Frog and the Bogatyr
The king called his sons a second time and said to them, “My dear chil-
dren! I want to know whether your wives know how to sew with gold and
silver. Take some silk, some gold and silver thread, and let each of you have
a carpet ready by tomorrow.”
The wives of the elder brothers began to call nannies, nurses, and lovely
chambermaids to help them embroider the carpets. Right away the nannies,
nurses, and lovely chambermaids came and began to embroider the carpets,
one with silver, one with gold, and another with silk. They sent the scullery
maid again to take a look at what the frog would do.
Ivan-Bogatyr brought the gold, silver, and silk to his rooms and was
most sorrowful. The frog, sitting on a chair, said, “Kvaa-kvaa-kvaa! Why are
you sorrowing so, Ivan-Bogatyr?”
“How could I help being sorrowful?” he answered. “Father has ordered
that a carpet be embroidered with this silver, gold, and silk by tomorrow.”
“Do not weep and do not grieve,” said the frog. “Lie down to sleep.
Morning’s wiser than the evening!” She herself took the scissors, cut up all
the silk, tore up the silver and gold, threw it all out the window, and said,
“Wild winds! Bring that carpet my father used to cover the windows.” The
daughters-in-law, hearing all that from the scullery maid, got the idea of
doing the same thing themselves. They waited for a long time, but once they
saw that the winds were not bringing them any carpets, they sent out to buy
gold, silver, and silk and began embroidering carpets the way they had been
doing it before.
In the morning, as soon as Ivan-Bogatyr got up, the frog gave him the
carpet. So all three brothers brought their carpets to their father. He took
the carpet first from the eldest, looked at it, and said, “This carpet would do
to cover a horse from the rain.” He took a look at the middle son’s and said,
“This carpet could be put in the entryway, for people to wipe their feet on.”
Then he took the carpet from the youngest son, marveled at it, and said,
“But this carpet may be spread on my table on the most festive days.” The
king ordered that Ivan-Bogatyr’s carpet be put away and carefully kept, but
he gave the carpets back to the other sons. “Take them to your wives,” said
the king, “and tell them to keep them for themselves.”
For a third time the king spoke to his sons. “Now, my dear children, I
want to have a loaf of bread made by your wives’ hands.” When the prin-
cesses heard this from their husbands, they immediately sent the scullery
maid to see what the frog would do. Just then, Ivan-Bogatyr came into his
rooms most sorrowful.
“Kvaa-kvaa-kvaa! Why are you sorrowing?” the frog asked him.
The Frog and the Bogatyr
“How could I not be sorrowful? Father has ordered you to bake a loaf
of bread.”
“Don’t weep, don’t grieve, everything is done!” and she ordered yeast,
flour, and water brought. She poured the flour into the yeast, poured in the
water, opened the oven door, poured it into the cold stove, closed the oven
door, and said, “Bake, bread, clean, delicate, and white as snow!”
The scullery maid went back to the daughters-in-law and said, “I don’t
know why the king keeps praising the frog. It doesn’t know how to do
Once they heard all this, the daughters-in-law thought they would do
the same thing as the frog. They dissolved the flour in cold water and poured
it into cold stoves. But, seeing that their mixtures had poured flat, they or-
dered still more flour, mixed their dough with warm water, and put it into
heated stoves. They were afraid they wouldn’t finish in time and they hur-
ried, so one’s bread burned, while the other’s came out half-baked. The frog
pulled her bread out of the stove, and it was clean and delicate, white as snow.
The brothers went to their father and brought their loaves. The king
took the loaf from his big son, took a look, and said, “You’d eat that kind of
The Frog and the Bogatyr
bread only in great poverty!” He took the middle son’s loaf and said, “This
bread is no better!” Then he took the bread from the youngest son and or-
dered that this bread be served at his table when he had guests. “My dear
children!” the king continued. “Your wives have done everything for me that
I ordered, and therefore I ask you and your wives to come to the palace
tomorrow for dinner.” The princes went back to their wives.
Ivan-Bogatyr was greatly sorrowed, and he thought, “How will I take a
frog with me?”
But the frog, sitting in a chair, asked, “Kvaa-kvaa-kvaa! Ivan-Bogatyr,
what are you so sorrowful about?”
Ivan-Bogatyr answered, “How could I help being sorrowful? Father has
ordered us all to come to his palace tomorrow and bring their wives. But
how can I bring you?”
“Do not weep, do not grieve,” said the frog. “Morning’s wiser than the
evening. Lie down and sleep!”
The next day Ivan-Bogatyr got ready and went to the palace, but the
daughters-in-law sent the scullery maid again to watch. What would the
frog be traveling in? Just then the frog opened the window and called out in
a loud voice. “Ah, you wild winds! Fly to my country and tell them to send a
rich carriage, with the whole set, with lackeys, with haiduks,62 with heralds
and with horsemen.” After that she slammed her window shut and sat down
on the chair.
Everyone had already ridden to the palace; they were only waiting for
the frog. Suddenly they saw footmen running, horsemen galloping, and
up drove an extremely rich carriage. The king thought some other king or
queen must be coming to visit him, and he went out to meet them. “Don’t
trouble yourself, Father!” said Ivan-Bogatyr. “That just means my froggie’s
dragging along in a box.”
The carriage drove up, and Ivan-Bogatyr’s wife got out, such a beauty
that everyone began to marvel. They sat at the table. Whatever the frog
didn’t finish drinking, she poured into her sleeve, and she put the bones
in her other sleeve. The other daughters-in-law saw and started to do the
same thing. Whatever they didn’t finish drinking, they would pour into one
sleeve, and whatever they didn’t finish eating they put into the other. When
they got up from the table, music began to play, and the frog went to dance.
She waved one sleeve, and suddenly water stood one arshin high,63 she waved
the other sleeve, and geese and swans sailed off across the water. When they
saw this, no one could marvel enough at her cunning. But when she stopped
dancing, it all disappeared—the water, the geese, and the swans.
The Frog and the Bogatyr
Then the other daughters-in-law went to dance, and when they waved
their sleeves they slopped and sprayed on everyone and almost knocked
people’s eyes out with the bones!
Just then Ivan-Bogatyr headed home, took the frog’s skin, and burned it
right away. His wife came home and ran to find her frog skin. She couldn’t
find it, and she said, “Well, Ivan-Bogatyr! Since you couldn’t wait for even
a little time, then search for me over thrice-nine lands, in the thrice-tenth
kingdom, in the sunflower kingdom, and know that I am called Vasilisa the
Wise.” She said this, and then she suddenly disappeared.
Ivan-Bogatyr began to cry inconsolably and set off to search for Vasilisa
the Wise. He walked for a long time or a short time, near or far—quickly
may a tale be spun, but not so fast a deed is done!—and he came to a little
house that stood on chicken legs and spun around by itself. Ivan-Bogatyr
said, “Little house, little house! Stand with your back to the woods, your
front to me!” And at his words the little house stopped.
Ivan-Bogatyr went into the house and saw a Baba Yaga sitting in the
front corner. She spoke up in an angry voice. “Until now the Russian spirit
was unheard by the hearing and unseen by the sight, but nowadays the
Russian spirit appears before my eyes! What are you doing, Ivan-Bogatyr?
By free will or by compulsion?”
Ivan-Bogatyr answered that it was this much by free will, but twice as
much by compulsion, and he told her everything that had happened.
“I’m sorry for you,” said the Baba Yaga. “Be my guest, I’ll do you a good
turn, I’ll show you Vasilisa the Wise. She comes flying to see me every day
to take a rest. When she comes flying, you try to catch her by the head.
When you catch her she’ll start to turn into a frog, a toad, a snake, and other
kinds of unclean creatures, and last of all she’ll turn into an arrow. You take
that arrow and break it in two, and she’ll be yours forever. Just take care:
once you catch your wife don’t let her go!”
Then Baba Yaga hid the prince, and hardly had she managed to hide
him when Vasilisa the Wise came flying. Ivan-Bogatyr went over to her soft-
ly and grabbed her by the head. She began to turn into a frog, a toad, and
finally a snake. Ivan-Bogatyr was frightened and loosened his grip. That very
moment Vasilisa the Wise disappeared.
Baba Yaga said to him, “If you couldn’t hold her, you’ll never see her here
again. But if you wish, go see my sister. Vasilisa the Wise goes to visit her,
too, to rest.” Ivan-Bogatyr set off to see the second Baba Yaga, and there too
he couldn’t keep hold of Vasilisa the Wise. He went to see the third Baba
Yaga sister.
The Frog and the Bogatyr
“If you let Vasilisa the Wise go this time, then you’ll never find her
again,” she said. This time, no matter what Vasilisa the Wise turned into,
Ivan-Bogatyr didn’t let her out of his hands. Finally she turned into an ar-
row. Ivan-Bogatyr took the arrow and broke it in two. That very moment
Vasilisa the Wise appeared before him and said, “Well, Ivan-Bogatyr, now I
give myself to your will!”
The Baba Yaga gave them a flying carpet, and they flew off on the flying
carpet to their own state. Three days passed, and on the fourth the carpet
landed right in the palace. The king met his son and daughter-in-law with
great joy, held a great feast, and afterward made Ivan-Bogatyr king after him.64
The Frog Princess
The Frog Princess
ready, and make a soft, white loaf of bread, like the ones I ate and tasted in
my own father’s house.”
In the morning, when Prince Ivan woke up, the frog had the bread long
ready, and it was so wonderful that you couldn’t imagine it or guess, but only
tell of it in a tale! The bread was decorated with all kinds of clever designs;
on the sides you could see the tsar’s cities with banners.
The tsar thanked Prince Ivan for the bread and right away gave another
order to his three sons: “Let each of your wives weave me a carpet in a
single night.”
Prince Ivan came back, sorrowful, with his wild head hanging lower
than his shoulders.
“Kvaa-kvaa, Prince Ivan! Why have you grown so sad? Or have you
heard a harsh word, an unkind word from your father?”
“How can I help but be sad? The lord my father has ordered that you
must weave him a silken carpet in a single night.”
“Don’t grieve, Prince! Lie down to sleep and rest. Morning’s wiser
than the evening!” She put him to bed, but she threw off her frog skin and
turned into a fair maiden, Vasilisa the Wise. She went out on the main
porch and cried in a loud voice, “Nurses and nannies! Gather here, prepare
yourselves to weave a silken carpet—let it be like the one I sat on in my
own father’s house!”
No sooner said than done. In the morning Prince Ivan awoke, and the
frog had her carpet long finished. It was so marvelous that you couldn’t
imagine it or guess at it, but perhaps only tell of it in a tale. The carpet was
decorated with silver and gold, with clever patterns.
The tsar thanked Prince Ivan for the carpet and right away gave a new
order: all three princes should come to visit him for inspection, together
with their wives. Again Prince Ivan came back home sorrowful, with his
wild head hanging lower than his shoulders.
“Kvaa-kvaa, Prince Ivan! Why are you grieving? Or have you heard an
unwelcoming word from your father?”
“How can I help but be sad? The lord my father demands that I bring
you to an inspection. But how can I show you to people!?”
“Don’t grieve, prince! Go by yourself to visit your father, and I’ll come
along after you. When you hear knocking and thunder, just say: that’s my
froggie riding in a little box.”
So the older brothers went to their father for inspection with their
wives, all dressed up and decked out. They stood there and laughed at
Prince Ivan. “Why did you come without your wife, brother? You could at
The Frog Princess
The Frog Princess
bone flew right into the tsar’s eye! The tsar got angry and sent them away
without honor.
Meanwhile, Prince Ivan chose a good moment, ran home, found the frog
skin, and burned it in a great fire.
When Vasilisa the Wise returned, she took a look, but her frog skin
wasn’t anywhere. She grew dejected and sad, and she said to the prince, “Oh,
Prince Ivan! What have you done? If you had waited just a little bit longer
I would have been yours forever; but now farewell! Seek me beyond thrice-
nine lands, in the thrice-tenth kingdom, with Koshchei the Deathless.” She
turned into a white swan66 and flew out the window.
Prince Ivan started crying bitterly, prayed to God in all four directions
and set out—heading wherever his eyes looked.
He walked quickly or slowly, for a long time or a short time, and he
came upon an old, old man. “Hello, you fine young lad!” he said. “What do
you seek and where are you going?”
The prince told him about his misfortune.
“Eh, Prince Ivan! Why did you burn the frog skin? You weren’t the one
who put it on her, so it wasn’t your place to take it off! Vasilisa the Wise was
born craftier and more clever than her father. He got angry with her for that
and turned her into a croaker for three years. Here’s a ball of thread for you,
follow it bravely wherever it rolls.”
Prince Ivan thanked the old man and set off after the ball of thread. He
was walking through an open field when he met a bear. “Here, let me kill
this beast!” he said.
But the bear spoke to him, “Don’t strike me, Prince Ivan! Some day I’ll
be of use to you.”
He went on and saw a drake flying over him. The prince aimed his rifle
and was ready to shoot the bird, when suddenly it spoke to him in a human
voice. “Don’t shoot me, Prince Ivan! I’ll be of use to you some day.”
He took pity on it and went on. A crooked hare ran by. The prince took
his rifle again and began to aim, but the hare spoke to him in a human voice.
“Don’t shoot me, Prince Ivan! I’ll come in handy to you some day.”
Prince Ivan took pity on him and went along farther, up to the blue
sea, and he saw a pike-fish lying on the sand, unable to breathe. “Ah, Prince
Ivan,” the fish spoke up. “Take pity on me, let me back into the sea.” He
threw the fish into the sea and set off along the shore.
After a long time or a short time, the ball of thread rolled up to a little
house. The little house stood on chicken legs and spun around. Prince Ivan
The Frog Princess
said, “Little house, little house! Stand in the old way, as your mother set
you—with your face to me, your back to the sea.”
The little house turned its back to the sea and its front to him. The
prince went into the house and saw on the stove, on the ninth brick shelf, a
Baba Yaga, bony leg, nose grown into the ceiling, her snot hanging across the
threshold, her tits slung up on a hook, and she was sharpening her teeth.68
“Hail, good young man! Why have you come to see me?” the Baba Yaga
asked Prince Ivan.
“Ah, you old hag! You’d do better to feed me first, give me a drink, and
steam me in the bathhouse, fine young man that I am, and then you could
ask questions.”
Baba Yaga fed him, gave him a drink, and steamed him in the bathhouse.
The prince told her he was looking for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise.
“Ah, I know!” said the Baba Yaga. “Now she’s with Koshchei the
Deathless. It’s hard to get to her, and not easy to handle Koshchei. His death
is on the tip of a needle, that needle’s in an egg. The egg’s inside a duck, the
duck’s inside a hare, the hare’s in a trunk, and the trunk’s at the top of a tall
oak tree, and Koshchei cares for that tree like the apple of his eye.”
Yaga pointed out the place where the oak tree grew. Prince Ivan went
there and didn’t know what to do: how could he get the trunk down?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear ran up and tore the tree up by the roots; the
trunk fell down and broke into little pieces. A hare dashed out of the trunk
and ran off at full speed. Before he could take a second look, another hare ran
after it, caught up with it, seized it, and tore it into little pieces. A duck flew
up out of the hare and rose high into the sky. As she flew, the drake raced
after her. When he hit the duck, she immediately dropped an egg, and the
egg fell into the sea. Prince Ivan, seeing inevitable disaster, dissolved in tears.
Suddenly the pike-fish swam to the shore, holding the egg in its teeth.
Prince Ivan took the egg, broke it, got the needle out, and snapped off
its tip. No matter how Koshchei struggled, no matter how he thrashed here
and there, still the time had come for him to die!69
Prince Ivan went to Koshchei’s house, took Vasilisa the Wise and re-
turned home. After that they lived together long and happily.
The Geese and Swans
The Geese and Swans
And she would have run through the fields and wandered in the forest
for a long time, but fortunately she ran into a hedgehog. She wanted to give
him a poke, but she was afraid of pricking herself, so she asked, “Hedgehog,
hedgehog, did you happen to see where the geese flew?”
“Right that way,” he showed her.
She ran off, and there stood a little house on chicken legs: it stood there
and turned around. Inside the house sat a Baba Yaga, sinewy snout, leg
made of clay. She was sitting there, and the little brother was on a bench
playing with golden apples. The sister saw him, stole up, grabbed him, and
The Geese and Swans
carried him away. But the geese flew after them and chased her. The villains
were about to catch her; where could she hide?
The milk river was flowing by, with its banks of custard. “Mother river,
hide me!”
“Eat some of my custard!”
The girl had no choice, so she ate it. The river set her down under its
bank, and the geese flew past.
She came out and said, “Thank you!”
Again she went running with her little brother, but the geese had turned
around and were flying toward her. What could she do? Oh no! There stood
the apple tree. “Apple tree, mother apple tree! Hide me!”
“Eat my sour apple!” She ate it on the double. The apple tree shielded
her with its branches, covered her with its leaves, and the geese flew by.
She came out and ran again with her brother, but the geese saw them
and took off after her. They were ever so close, already hitting her with
The Geese and Swans
their wings—just look, any second they would pull him out of her arms!
Fortunately, the stove was just ahead of her. “My lady stove, hide me!”
“Eat my rye pastry!”
The girl popped the pastry right into her mouth, and she herself jumped
into the stove and sat down in its mouth. The geese flew and flew, called and
called, and flew away with nothing. But the girl ran home, and it’s a good
thing she managed to run home, because her father and mother had just
come back.
The Stepdaughter and the
Stepmother’s Daughter
The Stepdaughter and the Stepmother’s Daughter
The Stepdaughter and the Stepmother’s Daughter
The girl did just that. Then she went and told the Yaga-Baba that the
bathhouse was heated. But the Yaga-Baba said, “Now go and bring water
in a sieve!”
She went and thought, “How am I going to bring water in a sieve?”
The sparrow flew up again and said to her, “Why are you crying? Smear
the sieve with clay!”
The girl did just that. She brought plenty of water and went to call the
Yaga-Baba to the bathhouse, but the Yaga-Baba answered, “You go to the
bathhouse! I’ll send you my children now!” The girl went into the bathhouse.
Suddenly she saw worms, frogs, rats, and all sorts of insects come crawl-
ing up to her in the bathhouse. She washed all of them and gave them a
good steaming. Then she went to get Baba Yaga and washed her, too. Then
she washed herself. She came out of the bathhouse, and the Yaga-Baba told
her to heat up the samovar. She did, and they drank tea.
Baba Yaga sent her into the cellar, too.
“There are two trunks in my cellar,” she said. “A red one and a blue one.
Take the red one for yourself!” So the girl took the red trunk and went
home to her father. Her father was glad to see her. He opened the trunk,
and the trunk was full of money.
The stepmother started to envy her and sent her own daughter to the
Baba Yaga, who told the girl to stoke the bathhouse with bones. The spar-
row flew down to her and said, “Go into the woods and gather firewood!”
But she swatted the bird with her hand. “Go away,” she said. “I don’t
need you to tell me that.” Yet she herself couldn’t get the bathhouse heated.
Then the Baba Yaga told her to bring water in a sieve.
The sparrow flew up to her again and said, “You could smear the sieve
with clay.”
She hit it again. “Go away,” she said. “I don’t need you to tell me that.”
But then she saw that rats and frogs and all sorts of vermin were coming
into the bathhouse. She squashed half of them, but the others ran home
and complained about her to their mother. The stepmother’s daughter went
back to the Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga told her to heat up the samovar, and she
did. After tea Baba Yaga sent her to the cellar and told her to take the blue
trunk. The girl was very happy. She ran into the cellar, grabbed the trunk,
and ran off home. Her father and mother were waiting for her at the front
gate. She and her mother went into the shed and opened the lid of the
trunk. But there was fire in it, and it burned them both up.71
The Tale of the Daring Young
Man and the Apples of Youth
The Tale of the Daring Young Man and the Apples of Youth
She gave him something to drink and eat and started to ask, “What
fates have brought you to these distant lands?”
“My father sent me to search for the water of youth.”
“Well, take my best horse for a change and go see my oldest sister.”
The prince set off on his road without delay. For a long time or for a
short time he rode, and again he saw a little house on chicken legs. “Little
house, little house! Stand with your front to me, your back to the forest.”
The little house turned around. He went in, and there sat a Baba Yaga.
“Fie, fie! Until now the Russian spirit wasn’t to be seen or heard, but now
the Russian spirit appears before my eyes, puts itself into my mouth! Well,
young man, are you doing a deed or fleeing a deed?”
“Eh, you old hag! You haven’t fed me, haven’t given me anything to
drink, but you’re asking for news.”
The Baba Yaga gave him food, gave him something to drink, asked him
for his news, and gave him a horse better than the first two. “Go with God!
There’s a kingdom not far away. Don’t you ride in at the gates. There are
lions on guard at the gates,73 but give my horse a good lashing and jump right
over the fence. Watch out, don’t snag on the strings. If you do, the whole
kingdom will rise up, and then you won’t remain alive! And once you jump
over the fence, open the door softly, and you’ll see the Tsar-Maiden sleeping.
The Tale of the Daring Young Man and the Apples of Youth
She has a vial with the water of youth hidden under her pillow. You take the
vial and hurry back. Don’t look too long upon her beauty.”
The prince did everything as the Baba Yaga had told him. There was
only one thing he could not resist—he looked too long at the maiden’s
beauty . . . He mounted the horse, and the horse’s legs were shaky. He went
to jump over the fence, and he hit one of the strings. In a moment the whole
kingdom awoke; the Tsar-Maiden got up and ordered her horse saddled. But
the Baba Yaga already knew what was happening to the young man, and she
was preparing for the response. She barely had time to let the prince come
in, when the Tsar-Maiden flew up and found the Baba Yaga all disheveled.
The Tsar-Maiden said to her, “How dare you allow such a rascal into
my kingdom? He lay with me, he drank some kvass and didn’t cover up
the pitcher.”
“My lady, Tsar-Maiden! You must see how my hair is messed up. I fought
with him for a long time, but I couldn’t overcome him.” The other two Baba
Yagas said the same thing.
The Tsar-Maiden raced off in pursuit of the prince and was just about
to grab him when he leapt over the ditch. The Tsar-Maiden called after him,
“Wait for me in three years’ time. I’ll come on a ship.”
The prince was so happy that he didn’t notice he had come back to the
pillar and turned to the left. He came to a silver mountain, where a tent was
pitched. Beside the tent stood a horse, eating bright white wheat and drink-
ing honeyed ale, and in the tent lay a fine young man—his very own brother.
The younger prince said to him, “Let’s go and find our older brother.”
They saddled their horses and rode off to the right. They rode up to
a golden mountain, where a tent was pitched. Beside the tent a horse was
eating bright white wheat, drinking honeyed ale; inside the tent lay a fine
young man—their older brother. They woke him up and set off all together
toward the pillar where the three roads came together. They sat down there
to rest. The two older brothers began to question the younger one: “Did you
find the water of youth for our father?”
“I found it.”
“How and where?”
He told them everything that had happened, then lay down on the grass
and fell asleep. The brothers cut him up into tiny pieces and threw them
all around the empty field. They took the vial with the water of youth with
them and set off back to their father’s palace.
Suddenly a firebird flew up, collected all the scattered pieces, and put
them together, the way a person is supposed to be. Then she brought dead
The Tale of the Daring Young Man and the Apples of Youth
water in her mouth, sprinkled it, and all the pieces grew together. She
brought living water, sprinkled it, and the prince came back to life, stood up,
and said, “I was asleep for such a long time!”
The firebird answered, “You would have slept forever without waking,
if not for me!”
The prince thanked the bird and set off for home. His father felt no love
for him and refused to have him within his sight, so for three whole years he
wandered around in various corners.
But once three years had passed, the Tsar-Maiden came sailing on a
ship and sent the tsar a letter, asking him to send out the guilty man. If he
resisted, she would burn and slash his whole kingdom to the ground. The
tsar sent out his oldest son, and he went to the ship. Two little boys, the
Tsar-Maiden’s sons, saw him and asked their mother, “Isn’t this our father?”
“No, that’s your uncle.”
“Then how should we welcome him?”
“Each of you take a whip and send that one back.”
The older brother went back home, looking as if he had tasted some-
thing unsalted! But the Tsar-Maiden made the same threats and demanded
that the tsar hand over the guilty party. The tsar sent out his second son,
and the same thing happened to him as to the first one.
Then the tsar ordered that the youngest prince be found, and as soon
as they found him, his father started to send him to the ship to the Tsar-
The Tale of the Daring Young Man and the Apples of Youth
Maiden. But he said, “I’ll go only when there is a crystal bridge built,
reaching all the way to the ship, and all kinds of food and wines laid out
on the bridge.”
There was nothing to be done: they built the bridge, prepared lots of
dishes, and stocked up on wine and mead. The prince gathered his com-
rades and said, “Come along with me as my company, eat and drink, don’t
stint yourselves!”
Then he walked over the bridge, and the boys shouted, “Mother!
Who’s that?”
“That is your dad.”
“How should we welcome him?”
“Take him by the hands and bring him to me.”
Here they kissed, embraced, caressed, and afterward they went to the
tsar and told him everything that had happened. The tsar drove his older
sons away from the court, but he began to live and live well with the young-
est, and to earn riches.
The Tale of the Fine Young Man
and the Apples of Youth
The Tale of the Fine Young Man and the Apples of Youth
“Twice as far as you’ve already ridden!” said the Baba Yaga. She gave
him a drink, fed him and put him to sleep. And in the morning Prince Ivan
got up early-early, said farewell to the old Baba Yaga, and rode onward.
He’d ridden for exactly four months when he saw a castle standing. He
got off his horse, went into the house, and in the house sat an old Baba Yaga.
“Hello, Baba Yaga!” said Prince Ivan.
“Hi, boy! Is your road a long one? How has God brought you this way?”
He told her everything. The Baba Yaga gave him drink and food and put
him to bed, and in the morning Prince Ivan got up early-early, said farewell
to the Baba Yaga, and rode onward. Again he rode for exactly four months,
and then he saw a courtyard standing there. He got off his good horse and
went into the house, and in the house sat a Baba Yaga. “Hello, old Baba
Yaga!” said Prince Ivan.
“Hello, Prince Ivan! How has God brought you here?”
He told her everything, where and why he was riding. “Many tsars and
princes have come to see our Tsar-Maiden,” said the Baba Yaga, “and they
didn’t ride back out alive! The walls around her city are high, and there are
strings tightened on the walls, and if you touch even one string, then all of a
sudden the strings sing out, the drums begin to beat, all the bogatyr men will
be disturbed, and the guards will kill you, too.”
The Tale of the Fine Young Man and the Apples of Youth
Prince Ivan waited for the dark of night, mounted his horse, and gal-
loped on his good horse over the high walls. He didn’t touch a single one of
the strings. Prince Ivan got off his horse, but at that time the bogatyr men
and sentries were all sleeping, so he went right into the royal palace—into
the bedroom of the Tsar-Maiden. The Tsar-Maiden was sleeping, too. The
fine young man looked a long time at her indescribable beauty, and forget-
ting that death was just over his shoulder he sweetly kissed her. He left the
bedroom, mounted his good horse, and rode out of the city. The horse leapt
up and caught on the tight strings. At once the strings sang out, the drums
The Tale of the Fine Young Man and the Apples of Youth
thundered, the bogatyr men, guards, and the whole army awoke, and the
beauteous beauty, the black-braided Tsar-Maiden, awoke and realized that
someone had been in her bedroom and that she was pregnant from him.
She ordered her carriage prepared, took along provisions for a whole year,
and set off after Prince Ivan. She rode up to the old Yaga-Baba and said to
her very angrily, “Why didn’t you catch a man like that? He rode into my
kingdom, dared to come into my bedroom and kiss me.”
The Baba Yaga answered her, “I couldn’t restrain that man, and even you
will have trouble catching him!”
The Tsar-Maiden went off farther to catch up and drove up to the mid-
dle Baba Yaga, “Why didn’t you catch a man like that?”
The old Baba Yaga answered her, “How is an old woman like me sup-
posed to hold onto a fine young man? Even you will hardly be able to catch
up to him!”
Again the Tsar-Maiden set out on the road. A little while before she
reached the oldest Baba Yaga she gave birth to a son. Her son grew not by
the year, but by the hour. At three hours her child looked the way a child
looks at three months, and at three months hers looked the way a child
looks at three years. She came to the last Yaga-Baba and asked, “Why didn’t
you hold onto the good young man?”
“How is an old woman like me supposed to stop a fine young man
like that?”
Without waiting at all the Tsar-Maiden rushed ahead, rode as far as the
mountain, and saw that Prince Ivan was halfway down the mountain, and she
herself set off down the mountain after him. She drove to the border of his
kingdom. There she pitched her white tents, spread the whole road to the city
with red cloths, and sent an emissary to the tsar with the request: “Whoever
it might be from his kingdom who came into her chambers at night-time, let
the tsar give that one up to her. If you don’t give him up, then I’ll capture your
kingdom, burn it down with fire, and roll it like a charred log.”
The tsar summoned his oldest son and sent him out to answer to the
Tsar-Maiden. The prince set off and came to the place where the red cloths
were spread out, washed his feet until they were white as could be, and went
along barefoot. The Tsar-Maiden’s son saw him and said to his mother,
“Here comes my dad!”
“No, darling son! That’s your uncle.”
As soon as the oldest prince came to the Tsar-Maiden, she gave him one
blow with her lash74 and knocked two bones out of his spine: why was an
innocent person coming to answer? The next day she once again demanded
The Tale of the Fine Young Man and the Apples of Youth
the guilty one from the tsar. The tsar sent out his middle son. The prince
came to the red cloths, took off his boots and went barefoot. The Tsar-
Maiden gave him a blow of her lash and knocked two bones out of his spine.
On the third day the tsar sent out his youngest son, Prince Ivan. Prince
Ivan mounted his good horse, rode up to the red cloths, and trampled all the
cloths into the mud. When the Tsar-Maiden’s son saw him he said to his
mother, “What kind of fool is that riding?”
“Darling son, it’s your father riding,” the Tsar-Maiden answered. She
went out herself to meet him, took him by his white hands, kissed his sug-
ared lips and led him into the white tents, sat him down at oak tables, and
gave him all the food and drink he wanted. Then they went to see the tsar
and receive lawful marriage and, after spending a little while in that king-
dom, they set out on ships to the realm of the Tsar-Maiden. There they
ruled long and with good fortune.
The Tale of the Fine Young Man
and the Apples of Youth II
The Tale of the Fine Young Man and the Apples of Youth II
The Tale of the Fine Young Man and the Apples of Youth II
Prince Ivan came to the last yagishna and changed horses. But Swan
Zakhar’evna was still chasing, and she came up just after him. She asked the
yagishna, “Why is your horse sweaty?”
She answered, “I rode out in the field to drive the livestock out.”
After that, White Swan Zakhar’evna returned home, but Prince Ivan
rode to find his brothers. He came to where they were. The maiden leapt out
onto the porch and said, “Welcome!” Then she invited him to sleep with her.
The prince said, “Give me something to drink and eat, then put me to bed.”
She gave him something to drink and eat and said again, “Come to bed
with me!”
The prince answered, “You lie down first!”
She lay down first, and he shoved her. The maiden flew who knows
where. Prince Ivan thought, “Well, let’s open up this trap. Could this be
where my brothers are?” He opened it—and they were sitting right there.
He said to them, “Come out, my brothers! What are you doing here? Aren’t
you ashamed?”
They got their things together and set out homeward to see their father.
Along the way the older brothers got the idea of killing the younger one.
Prince Ivan realized what they were thinking and said, “Don’t strike me, I’ll
give you everything!”
They didn’t agree to that. Instead, they killed him and scattered his
bones over the empty field. Prince Ivan’s horse gathered his bones into one
place and sprinkled them with the water of life. His bones and joints healed
back together. The prince came back to life and said, “I slept a long time, but
woke up quickly!”
He came to his father wearing a rude canvas caftan,76 and his father said,
“Where have you been? Go and clean the latrines.”
At the same time White Swan Zakhar’evna rode out onto the hereditary
meadows of the tsar and sent the tsar a letter, telling him to hand over the
guilty one. The tsar sent his oldest son.
White Swan’s little children, catching sight of him, shouted, “Here comes
our father! How should we welcome him?”
But their mother said, “No, that’s not your father, it’s your uncle. Treat
him to what you have in your hands.”
And each of them was holding an oak club. They gave his sides such a
drubbing77 that he could hardly walk back home.
Then the tsar sent his second son. When that one arrived, the children
rejoiced and shouted, “Here comes our father!”
But their mother said, “No, that’s your uncle.”
The Tale of the Fine Young Man and the Apples of Youth II
The Three Kingdoms
The Three Kingdoms
the iron claws, put them on your hands and feet, and climb up on the moun-
tains. Mayhap you’ll find your mother Nastasia Zlatokos there.”
So very well. Prince Ivan said good-bye to his uncle and let the ball go
ahead of him. The ball rolled and rolled, while he rode after it, for a long
time or for a short time, and then he saw his brothers Prince Pyotr and
Prince Vasilii standing in the open field in a camp, and they had a multitude
of soldiers with them. The brothers met him, “Bah! Where are you going,
Prince Ivan?”
“What do you think?” he said. “I got lonely at home and got the idea
of riding out to look for our mother. Send the armies home, and let’s go
That’s what they did; they let the army go and rode off all three together
after the ball. They caught sight of the mountains from far away—so steep,
so high, that oh my God! their summits pierced the clouds. The ball rolled
right up to the cave. Prince Ivan dismounted and said to his brothers, “Here
you are, brothers, take my good horse. I’m going into the mountains to look
for our mother, and you remain here; wait for me exactly three months, and
if I’m not back here in three months there’s nothing to wait for!”
The brothers thought, “How can you climb up on these mountains, you
could crack your head open here!”
“Well,” they said, “go with God, and we’ll wait for you here.”
Prince Ivan went up to the cave. He saw an iron door and pushed it
with all his might, and the door opened. He went inside; the iron claws put
themselves onto his hands and his feet. He began to make his way onto the
mountains, climbed and climbed; he labored for a whole month and barely
made it to the top. “Well,” he said, “God be praised!”
He rested a little bit and then set off through the mountains. He walked
and walked, walked and walked, and looked: there stood a copper palace.
At the gates terrible dragons were shackled on copper chains, they were
just teeming! But a bronze dipper was hanging at the well on a fine bronze
chain. Prince Ivan took the dipper, dipped some water, and gave a drink to
the dragons. They calmed down and lay down, and he passed through into
the palace.
The tsaritsa of the copper kingdom jumped out to meet him: “Who are
you, good lad?”
“I am Prince Ivan.”
“What,” she asked, “by your own will, or have you come here unwill-
ingly, Prince Ivan?”
The Three Kingdoms
The Three Kingdoms
Artist unknown.
golden chains, but a well stood nearby, and at the well hung a golden dipper
on a golden chain. Prince Ivan dipped some water and gave the dragons
a drink; they lay down and got peaceful. The prince went into the palace;
Elena the Beautiful greeted him, “Who are you, good lad?”
“I’m Prince Ivan.”
“How did you make your way here—by your own will, or under
“I came of my own will; I’m looking for my mother, Nastasia Zlatokos.
Do you happen to know where to find her?”
“How could I not know! She lives not far from here, and the Whirlwind
flies to see her once a week, but he comes to me once a month. Here’s a
golden ball for you, roll it ahead of you and follow after it: it will lead you
where you need to go. And take this little golden ring, too. This little ring
contains the whole golden kingdom! Look, prince: when you conquer the
Whirlwind, don’t forget poor me. Take me with you into the free world.”
“Very well,” he said, “I’ll take you!”
Prince Ivan rolled the sphere and set out after it: he walked and walked
and came to such a palace that, oh my Lord God! It’s as if it was on fire with
diamonds and precious gemstones. At the gates, six-headed dragons hissed;
The Three Kingdoms
Prince Ivan gave them a drink, and the dragons calmed down and let him go
into the palace. The prince passed through large chambers, and in the very
farthest he found his mother: she was sitting on a high throne, dressed up in
royal garb, crowned with a precious crown. She took a look at her guest and
cried out, “Ah, my God! Is it you, my darling son? How did you get here?”
“Like this and like that,” he said. “I’ve come to get you.”
“Well, my son! It won’t be easy for you. For a cruel, mighty Whirlwind
rules here in the mountains, and all the spirits are subject to him; he’s the
one who carried me away. You must fight with him! Let’s go to the cellar
right now.”
So they went down to the cellar. There stood two tubs with water, one
on the right hand, the other on the left. Tsaritsa Nastasia Zlatokos said,
“Drink some of the water that stands on the right.”
Prince Ivan drank some.
“So, well, how much strength is in you?”
“Why, I’m so strong that I could turn the whole palace over with one hand.”
“Ah then, drink some more.”
Prince Ivan drank up some more.
“How much strength is in you now?”
“Now if I wanted to I could turn the whole world over.”
“Oh, that’s already a great deal!84 Switch these tubs into each other’s
places: move the one on the right to the left side, and move the one on the
left to the right.”
Prince Ivan took the tubs and switched their places.
“Do you see there, my dear son: one tub has strengthening water, and the
other has weakening water. Whoever drinks from the first will be a strong
and powerful bogatyr, but whoever drinks from the second will lose all his
strength. The Whirlwind always drinks the strong water and keeps it on the
right side; so we have to fool him, or else there’s no way to handle him!”
They went back into the palace. “Soon the Whirlwind will come flying,”
said the tsaritsa to Prince Ivan. “Sit here under my purple robes, so he won’t
see you. But when the Whirlwind flies up and rushes to hug and kiss me,
then you grab his cudgel. He’ll fly up high-high; he’ll carry you over seas
and over abysses. You watch out, don’t let go of the cudgel. The Whirlwind
will get tired, he’ll want to drink some of the strengthening water, he’ll go
down into the cellar and throw himself on the tub on the right side; but
you drink from the tub on the left side. Then he’ll lose all his strength. You
take away his sword and cut off his head with one stroke. Once you cut his
head off, voices behind you will shout, ‘Cut again! Cut again!’ But you, my
The Three Kingdoms
son, don’t cut, instead say: ‘The hand of a bogatyr doesn’t strike twice, but
all the first time!’”
No sooner had Prince Ivan managed to hide under the purple robe than
suddenly it got dark in the yard, and everything around began to shake. The
Whirlwind had come flying up; he struck the ground, turned into a goodly
young man, and walked into the palace. In his hands he had a cudgel.
“Fie-fie-fie! What is it here that smells of Russian spirit? Has someone
been visiting?”
The tsaritsa answered, “I don’t know why it seems that way to you.”
The Whirlwind rushed to hug and kiss her, but Prince Ivan went
straight for the cudgel. “I’ll eat you up!” the Whirlwind shouted at him.
“Well, maybe you will and maybe you won’t:85 either you’ll eat me or
else you won’t!”
The Whirlwind leapt up—through the window and up into the skies;
he carried Prince Ivan farther and farther. Over the mountains, he said, “Do
you want me to crush you?” And over the seas, he threatened, “Do you want
me to drown you?” But no, the prince didn’t let go of the cudgel.
The Whirlwind flew through85 the whole world, got tired out, and be-
gan to fly lower. He went down right into the cellar, ran over to the tub
that was standing on the right, and started to drink the weakening water,
while Prince Ivan went to the left, drank his fill of strengthening water, and
became the most powerful bogatyr in the world. He saw that the Whirlwind
had lost all his strength, snatched his sharp sword away, and cut off his head
with one blow. Voices started to shout behind him, “Strike again! Strike
again! Or else he’ll come back to life.”
“No,” answered the prince, “the hand of a bogatyr doesn’t strike twice,
but finishes everything the first time!”
Then right away he made a fire, burned both the body and the head, and
scattered the ashes in the wind.86
Prince Ivan’s mother was so glad! “Well,” she said, “my darling son! Let’s
celebrate, let’s have something to eat, and then can we go right home; it is
boring here, there are no people.”
“But who serves you here?
“You’ll see.”
The moment they thought about eating something, right away the table
set itself: various dishes and wines appeared by themselves on the table. The
tsaritsa and the prince ate, and invisible music played wonderful songs for
them. They ate and drank their fill, and they rested; then Prince Ivan said,
“Let’s go, Mother; it’s time! For my brothers are waiting for us below the
The Three Kingdoms
The Three Kingdoms
“I want to eat.”
Right away from who knows where a table was set, and on the table both
wines and dishes of the very first sort. Prince Ivan ate and thought, “Now it
wouldn’t be a bad thing to have a rest.”
He whistled into the whistle, and the lame man and the crooked man
appeared. “What is your will, Prince Ivan?”
“For a bed to be prepared.” Before he finished speaking, a bed was
spread—nothing could be better.
So he lay down, slept wonderfully, and then once again blew into his
whistle. “What is your will?” the lame man and the crooked man asked him.
“So, could it be that you can do anything?” asked the prince.
“We can do anything, Prince Ivan! Whoever blows into this whistle, we’ll
do everything for him. Just as we served the Whirlwind before, now we’re
happy to serve you; all you need to do is keep this whistle always with you.”
“Very well,” said Prince Ivan, “I want to be in my own kingdom now!” He
had only just said it, and that moment he found himself in his own kingdom
in the middle of a market. He was walking along through the bazaar, and
a shoemaker came toward him, such a merry man! The prince asked him,
“Where are you going, my man?”
“I’m taking slippers88 to sell; I’m a shoemaker.”
“Take me as your apprentice.”
“And do you really know how to sew slippers?”
“Yes, I can do anything you like; not just slippers, I can sew clothes.”
“Well, then, let’s go!”
They came home, and the shoemaker said, “So then, make something!
Here’s some first-class material; I’ll take a look to see what you can do.”
Prince Ivan went into his room, pulled out his pipe, and whistled—
and the lame man and the crooked man appeared. “What is your will,
Prince Ivan?”
“To have a pair of slippers ready by breakfast.”
“Oh, that’s a little task, not a real task!”
“Here’s the material.”
“What kind of material is that? Trash—that’s all! We should throw it out
the window.” The next morning when the prince woke up a pair of magnifi-
cent slippers, the finest, stood on the table.
The master got up as well: “So, young man, have you sewed the slippers?”
“They’re ready.”
“Well then, show me!”
The Three Kingdoms
The Three Kingdoms
Prince Ivan lay down to sleep; in the morning when he woke up the
slippers were standing there on the table, burning like fire. He went in and
woke his host. “Master! Time to get up!”
“What, have they come for me? Give me the cask of wine right away,
there’s a mug, pour some; let them hang me drunk.”
“But the slippers are ready.”
“Ready how? Where are they?” The master ran in and looked. “Ah, when
did you and I make those?”
“Why, last night; can it be, master, that you don’t remember how we cut
and sewed?”
“I overslept entirely, brother; I barely-barely remember!”
He took the slippers, wrapped them up, and ran to the palace. Elena the
Beautiful saw the slippers and guessed, “It must be the spirits who made
them for Prince Ivan.”
“How did you do this?” she asked the shoemaker.
“Well,” he said, “I can do anything!”
“If that’s so, then make me a wedding gown, and let it be embroidered in
gold, set with diamonds and precious stones. And let it be ready tomorrow,
or else—off with your head!”
The shoemaker again walked along, all gloomy, but his friends had been
waiting for him for a long time. “So, what happened?”
“Well, what,” he said. “A damned mess! A leader of the Christian people
has appeared; she ordered me to sew her a wedding dress by tomorrow, with
gold and precious stones. But what kind of tailor am I!? Tomorrow they’ll
take my head off for sure.”
“Eh, brother! Morning’s wiser than the evening: let’s go and have a party.”
They set out for the tavern, drank and reveled. The shoemaker slurped
up his fill again, dragged a whole cask of wine home, and said to Prince Ivan,
“Well, laddie! When you wake me up tomorrow, I’ll snort a whole bucket;
let them cut off my head when I’m drunk! But I couldn’t make a gown like
that in all my life.”
The master lay down to sleep, while Prince Ivan blew into his pipe, and
the lame and the crooked men appeared. “What is your will, Prince?”
“Let a gown be ready by tomorrow—just the sort Elena the Beautiful
wore when she was with the Whirlwind.”
“We hear you and obey! It will be ready.”
As soon as it was light Prince Ivan woke up, and the gown lay on the ta-
ble, burning like fire; it lit up the whole room. He went to wake the master.
The Three Kingdoms
He opened his eyes: “What, have they come for me, to cut off my head?
Give me the wine right now!”
“But the gown’s ready . . .”
“Oh really! When did we manage to sew it?”
“Why at night. Do you really not remember? You did the cutting yourself.”
“Ah, brother, I remember just a little bit; it’s as if I see it in a dream.” The
shoemaker took the gown and ran to the palace.
Then Elena the Beautiful gave him a lot of money and ordered, “See to
it that tomorrow by dawn, seven miles from here toward the sea, a golden
kingdom be standing, and that a golden bridge be made from it to our pal-
ace. The bridge must be spread with costly velvet, and marvelous trees must
be growing around the railings on both sides and songbirds singing in vari-
ous voices. If you don’t have this done by tomorrow, I’ll order you drawn
and quartered!”
The shoemaker left Elena the Beautiful and hung his head. His friends
met him. “What is it, brother?”
“Here’s what! I’m ruined; tomorrow they’re going to draw and quarter
me. She ordered such a task that no devil could do it.”
“Eh, that’s enough! Morning’s wiser than the evening; let’s go to the
“Yes, let’s go! I should at least enjoy myself a bit in the end.”
So they drank and drank; by evening the shoemaker was so drunk that
they had to hold him up as he walked home. “Farewell, laddie!” he said to
Prince Ivan. “Tomorrow they’re executing me.”
“So is there some new task assigned?”
“Yes, and such and such a task!”
He lay down and started to snore; but Prince Ivan went right into his
room, blew in the whistle, and the lame man and the crooked man appeared.
“What is your will, Prince Ivan?”
“Can you do such and such a task for me?”
“Yes, Prince Ivan, that is a task indeed! Well, but there’s nothing to be
done—it will all be ready by morning.”
The next morning the moment it started to get light Prince Ivan woke
up, looked out the window—and holy godfathers! everything was done in
that very way: a golden palace was burning just like fire. He woke the master.
He jumped up. “What? Have they come for me? Give me some wine
right away! Let them execute me when I’m drunk.”
“But the palace is ready.”
The Three Kingdoms
“What are you saying!” The shoemaker glanced out the window and
gasped with surprise. “How was that done?”
“Do you really not remember how you and I put it together?”
“Ah, I must have overslept, I remember just a little bit!”
They ran to the golden palace, and it was full of unseen and unheard-of
richness. Prince Ivan said, “Here, master, is a bird’s wing for you. Go, dust
off the railings of the bridge, and when they come to ask who is it that lives
in the palace, don’t you say anything, just hand over this note.”
Very well, the shoemaker went and started to dust off the railings of the
bridge. In the morning Elena the Beautiful woke up, saw the golden palace,
and ran straight to the tsar. “Look, your highness, what has happened here!
Someone has built a golden palace near the sea; a bridge seven miles long
leads to it, and around the bridge marvelous trees are growing, and song-
birds singing in various voices.”
The tsar sent at once to ask, “What could this mean? Has some bogatyr
come into my kingdom?”
The emissaries came to the shoemaker, and they started to ask him
questions. He said, “I don’t know, but I have a note for your tsar.” In that
note Prince Ivan told his father everything as it had happened: how he res-
cued his mother and won Elena the Beautiful, and how his older brothers
had deceived him. Along with the note Prince Ivan sent a golden carriage
and asked the tsar and tsaritsa to come to him, with Elena the Beautiful
and her sisters; but he asked them to let his brothers be brought behind in
simple peasant sledges.
Everyone immediately got ready and set out. Prince Ivan met them with
joy. The tsar wanted to punish his older sons for their lie, but Prince Ivan
interceded with his father, and they were forgiven. Then there was a great
feast; Prince Ivan married Elena the Beautiful, Prince Pyotr married the
tsaritsa of the silver kingdom, Prince Vasilii married the tsaritsa of the cop-
per kingdom, and the shoemaker was promoted to general. I was at that
feast too; I drank mead and beer, and it ran down my mustache but didn’t
go into my mouth.
The Three Kingdoms—Copper,
Silver, and Gold
The Three Kingdoms—Copper, Silver, and Gold
So the dragon set out with Ivashko. They came to the same boulder, and
the dragon ordered him to move it from its place. Ivashko seized it, and it
was as if there was no boulder: it flew away. Underneath it there was a hole
in the ground with straps fastened beside it.
Then the dragon said, “Ivashko! Sit down on the straps, I’ll lower you.
There you’ll come to three kingdoms, and in each kingdom you’ll see a
Ivashko went down and set off walking. He walked and walked, and
he came to the copper kingdom. He dropped in there and saw a maiden
who was splendidly beautiful. The maiden said, “Welcome, unknown guest!
Come here and sit down wherever you see an empty place. Tell me, where
are you coming from and where are you going?”
“Ah, lovely maiden!” said Ivashko, “you haven’t fed me, you haven’t given
me a drink, but you’ve started to ask for news.”
Then the maiden brought together all kinds of food and drink on the
table. Ivashko ate and drank and began to tell her how he was traveling to
find himself a bride. “If you’ll be so kind, I’ll ask you to marry me.”
“No, good man,” said the maiden. “You keep on going. You’ll come to the
silver kingdom, and there’s a maiden there even more beautiful than I am!”
And she gave him a silver ring.
So the good young man thanked the maiden for her bread and salt,93
said good-bye and set off. He walked and walked, and he came to the silver
kingdom. He dropped in there and saw a maiden sitting who was even more
beautiful than the first one. He said a prayer to God and bowed down to the
ground. “Hi there, fair maiden!”
She answered, “Welcome, traveler! Sit down and boast: whose are you,
where do you come from, and what task has brought you this way?”
“Ah, fair maiden!” said Ivashko. “You haven’t given me a drink, you
haven’t fed me, but you’ve started to ask for news.”
So the maiden got the table together, brought all kinds of food and
drink. Then Ivan94 took a drink and ate a bit, as much as he wanted, and he
began to tell the story of how he’d set off to seek a bride. Then he asked her
to marry him.
“Keep going,” she said. “The golden kingdom’s still there ahead, and in
that kingdom there’s a maiden even more beautiful than I am.” And she gave
him a golden ring.
Ivashko said good-bye and sent off again. He walked and walked until
he came to the golden kingdom, dropped in, and saw a maiden more beauti-
ful than anyone else. So he said a prayer to God and greeted the maiden
The Three Kingdoms—Copper, Silver, and Gold
in the proper manner. The maiden began to ask him where he came from
and where he was going. “Ah, fair maiden!” he said. “You haven’t given me a
drink, haven’t fed me, but you’ve started asking for news.”
So she put all kinds of food and drink on the table, and you couldn’t
have asked for anything better. Ivashko Zapechnik had some of everything
and then told her, “I’m traveling, looking for a bride. If you would like to
marry me, then come along with me.”
The maiden agreed and gave him a golden ball, and they set off togeth-
er. They walked and walked, and they came to the silver kingdom. Here
they took the silver maiden along with them. They walked and walked
some more; they came to the copper kingdom, and here too they took the
maiden along. They all came to the hole they would have to climb out of,
and the straps were hanging there. Meanwhile, the older brothers were
already standing beside the hole: they were about to climb down and look
for Ivashko.
So Ivashko set the maiden from the copper kingdom on the straps and
shook one of the straps. His brothers pulled and lifted the maiden out, and
they lowered the straps again. Ivashko set the maiden from the silver king-
dom on them, and they pulled her out, too, and let the straps back down.
Then he set the maiden from the golden kingdom, and they pulled that one
out, and they let the straps down. Then Ivashko sat on them himself. His
brothers started to lift him, too, pulled and pulled, but when they saw that
it was Ivashko, they thought, “Maybe if we pull him out he won’t give us any
of the maidens!” So they cut the straps, and Ivashko fell back down.
There was nothing he could do; he cried a bit, he cried, and then he
started walking straight ahead. He walked and walked, and he saw an old
man sitting on a stump, short as a quart but with a beard to his elbow. He
told the old man about everything that had happened to him and how. The
old man told him to go along farther. “You’ll come to a little house. In the
house lies a long man from one corner to the other, and you can ask him
how to get back out to Rus’.”
So Ivashko walked and walked, and he came to the little house. He
dropped in and said, “Powerful Idol! Don’t destroy me, but tell me how I
can make my way to Rus’.”
“Fie, fie!” spoke up the Idol. “No one knew of the Russian bone, but it
came here by itself. Well, set off and cross over thirty lakes. There’s a little
house there standing on a chicken leg, and in that house lives Yega95 Baba.
She has an eagle-bird, and it will carry you out.”
The Three Kingdoms—Copper, Silver, and Gold
So the good lad walked and walked, and he came to the little house. He
stopped into the little house, and the Yega Baba started shouting, “Fie, fie, fie!
Russian bone, why has it come here?”
Then Ivashko said, “Here’s why, granny. The powerful Idol told me to
come and ask you for a mighty eagle-bird, so it could carry me out to Rus’.”
“You go along into the garden,” said the Yega Baba. “There’s a guard stand-
ing beside the doors, and you take the keys from him and go through seven
doors. When you open the last door, then the eagle will start to beat its wings,
and if you aren’t frightened, you climb up on it and fly. Only take some beef
with you, and every time it starts to look back you give it a piece of meat.”
Ivashko did everything as the Yega Baba ordered. He climbed up on
the eagle and flew off. He flew and flew; the eagle looked back, and Ivashko
gave it a piece of meat. He flew and flew, and he often gave the eagle meat.
He had already fed it everything he had, but there was still a ways to fly. The
eagle looked back, but there was no meat, so the eagle snatched a piece of
flesh out of Ivashko’s shoulders. It ate the flesh and hauled him out of that
same hole into Rus’.
When Ivashko got down off the eagle, the eagle spat out the piece of
flesh and told him to press it against his shoulder. Ivashko pressed it there,
and the piece grew back.
Ivashko came home, took the maiden from the golden kingdom from
his brothers, and they began to live and exist, and they’re still living. I was
there, and I drank beer. That beer dripped down my mustache, but it didn’t
get into my mouth.
The Tsar-Maiden
The Tsar-Maiden
Then the ships sailed up and dropped anchor. The Tsar-Maiden sent for
Ivan the merchant’s son and told him to come to her at once, but he was sleep-
ing soundly-soundly. They tried to wake him, to disturb him, to jostle him,
but no matter what they did they couldn’t wake him, so they left him there.
The Tsar-Maiden told the tutor to have Ivan the merchant’s son come
again the next day, then she ordered the anchors raised and sails hoisted.
The moment the ships sailed away, the tutor yanked out the pin, and
Ivan the merchant’s son woke up, jumped up, and started to shout for the
Tsar-Maiden to come back. No! She was already far away and didn’t hear
him. He went home sadly, full of grief.
The stepmother took the tutor into her room, got him drunk, asked
him about everything that had happened, and ordered him to stick in the
pin again the next day. The next day Ivan the merchant’s son set off to fish;
once again he slept the whole time, and he didn’t see the Tsar-Maiden. She
gave an order that he should be there one more time.
On the third day he and the tutor got ready to go fishing. They sailed
up to the same place and saw the ships sailing from far away. Right away the
tutor stuck in the pin, and Ivan the merchant’s son fell sound asleep.
The ships sailed close and dropped anchor, and the Tsar-Maiden sent
for her betrothed to come and see her on her ship. They started trying to
wake him in every possible way, but no matter what they did they couldn’t
wake him up. The Tsar-Maiden understood the stepmother’s wiles and the
tutor’s betrayal, and she wrote to Ivan the merchant’s son that he must cut
off the tutor’s head. And if he loved his betrothed he must seek her beyond
thrice-nine lands, in the thrice-tenth kingdom.
No sooner had the ships spread their sails and sailed off into the open
sea than the tutor yanked the little pin out of Ivan the merchant’s son’s
clothes. He woke up and began to shout loudly and call to the Tsar-Maiden.
But she was far away and didn’t hear anything!
The tutor handed him the letter from the Tsar-Maiden. Ivan the mer-
chant’s son read it, snatched out his sharp saber, and cut off the evil tutor’s
head. He himself quickly made for shore, went home, said good-bye to his
father, and set off to look for the thrice-tenth kingdom.
He walked wherever his eyes led him, for a long time, for a short time:
quickly may a tale be spun, but not so soon a deed is done. He came to a lit-
tle house. The little house stood in an open field, turning around on chicken
legs. He went into the little house, and there was a Baba Yaga, bony leg. “Fie,
fie!” she said. “There was no sight or sound here of the Russian spirit, but
now it’s come by itself. By will or by compulsion, fine young man?”
The Tsar-Maiden
The Tsar-Maiden
Ivan the merchant’s son thanked the yaga woman and went on.
He walked and walked, for a long time, for a short time, near or far. He
finally saw the little house; it stood in an open field, spinning around on
chicken shins. He went inside and there was a Baba Yaga. “Fie-fie! There
was no sight or sound of the Russian smell here, but now it’s come by itself!”
said the yaga woman, and she ran to sharpen her teeth so she could eat up
her uninvited guest.
Ivan the merchant’s son asked her to give him the three horns. He played
softly on the first one, louder on the second, and on the third even louder.
Suddenly all kinds of birds flew in from all directions.
A Firebird came, too. “Climb up on me as quickly as you can,” said the
Firebird, “and we’ll fly wherever you need to go. Otherwise, the Baba Yaga
will eat you up!”
He just barely managed to climb up in time. Baba Yaga came running,
grabbed the Firebird by the tail, and yanked out more than a few feathers.
The Firebird flew off with Ivan the merchant’s son. For a long time
it soared along through the sky, and finally it landed beside the wide sea.
“Well, Ivan the merchant’s son! The thrice-tenth kingdom lies over this sea.
I don’t have the strength to carry you over to the other side. Make your way
across however you can!”
Ivan the merchant’s son slid off the Firebird, thanked it, and started
walking along the shore.
He walked and walked. There stood a little house, and he went inside
it. An old, old woman met him. She gave him food and drink and started to
ask him where he was going, why he was wandering.
He told her that he was going to the thrice-tenth kingdom, searching
for the Tsar-Maiden, his intended.
“Ah!” said the old woman. “She’s already fallen out of love with you. If
she sets eyes on you, the Tsar-Maiden will tear you apart. Her love’s hidden
far away!”
“How can I get hold of it?”
“Wait a bit! My daughter lives with the Tsar-Maiden, and she promised
to come see me for a while today. Perhaps she can find out for us.”
Then the old woman turned Ivan the merchant’s son into a pin and
stuck it into the wall. In the evening her daughter flew in. The mother asked
her: Did she happen to know where the Tsar-Maiden’s love was hidden?
“I don’t know,” the daughter replied. She promised to find out that very
thing from the Tsar-Maiden herself. The next day she came flying again and
The Tsar-Maiden
said to her mother, “On the other side of the ocean-sea there stands an oak
tree. In the oak tree is a chest, in the chest a hare, in the hare a duck, in the
duck an egg, and in that egg is the Tsar-Maiden’s love!”
Ivan the merchant’s son took some bread and set off for the place she
had described. He found the oak tree, took down the chest down, pulled the
hare out of it, the duck out of the hare, and the egg out of the duck, and he
brought the little egg back to the old woman. Soon it was the old woman’s
name day.97 She invited the Tsar-Maiden and the thirty other maidens, her
foster sisters, as name-day guests. She baked the egg, and she dressed up
Ivan the merchant’s son in good clothes and hid him.
At midday the Tsar-Maiden and the thirty other maidens flew in all at
once, sat down at the table, and began to eat lunch.
After the meal the old woman served each of them an ordinary egg.
But she gave the Tsar-Maiden the very egg that Ivan the merchant’s son had
found. The Tsar-Maiden ate the egg, and that moment she fell deeply-deep-
ly in love with Ivan the merchant’s son. The old woman brought him out.
How many joys there were, what merriment! The Tsar-Maiden left to-
gether with her intended, the merchant’s son, for her kingdom. They were
married and began to live and thrive and store up riches.
Vasilisa the Beautiful
Vasilisa the Beautiful
In the evening, once everyone had gone to bed, she would shut herself in the
store-room where she lived and give the doll something to eat, saying, “Here,
dolly, have a bite to eat, listen to my grief! I live in my father’s house, but I
see no joy. My evil stepmother is trying to drive me off the surface of the
earth. Tell me, how should I act and live and what should I do?”
The dolly would have a bite and then give her advice and comfort in
her grief, and in the morning she would do all kinds of work for Vasilisa.
Vasilisa would just relax in the shade and pick flowers, while her rows of
vegetables were already weeded, and the cabbage watered, and the water
Vasilisa the Beautiful
carried, and the stove heated. The little doll also showed Vasilisa what herbs
to use against sunburn. She had a good life with her doll.
Several years passed. Vasilisa grew up and was old enough to marry.
All the young bachelors in the city had an eye on Vasilisa, but no one even
looked at her stepmother’s daughters. The stepmother grew even more
spiteful and said to all the suitors, “I won’t let the younger one marry before
the older ones do!” After she saw the suitors out the door, she took out her
angry feelings by beating Vasilisa.
One day the merchant had to leave on a long trip for business. The step-
mother moved to another house, and that house stood next to a deep, dark
forest. In a glade in the forest stood a little house, and a Baba Yaga lived in
that little house. She didn’t let anyone come near, and she ate people as if
they were chickens. After they moved to the new place, the merchant’s wife
kept sending Vasilisa, who was so hateful to her, into the woods on some
errand or other, but Vasilisa always came home safely. The little doll showed
her the way and didn’t let her get close to the Baba Yaga’s house.
Autumn came. The stepmother gave all three girls evening tasks. She
made one of them tat lace, the second one knit stockings, and Vasilisa spin,
and she set them all to their lessons. She put out every light in the whole
house, leaving only one candle where the girls were working, and she herself
went to bed.
Vasilisa the Beautiful
The girls worked. The candle started to smoke. One of the stepmother’s
daughters picked up the tongs to fix the wick, but instead of doing that she
snuffed out the candle as if by accident, following her mother’s orders.
“What can we do now?” the girls said. “There’s no flame in the whole
house, and we haven’t finished our tasks. Someone has to run and get fire
from the Baba Yaga!”
“I have light from my pins,” said the one who was tatting lace, “I won’t go.”
“I won’t go either,” said the one who was knitting a stocking, “I have light
from the needles!”
“You have to go get fire,” they both shouted. “Go see Baba Yaga!” And
they pushed Vasilisa out of the room.
Vasilisa went to her little store-room, put the dinner she had prepared
in front of her doll, and said, “Here, dolly, have a bite to eat and listen to my
grief. They’re sending me to get fire from a Baba Yaga. The Baba Yaga will
eat me up!”
Vasilisa the Beautiful
The doll had a bite to eat, and her eyes lit up like two candles. “Don’t be
afraid, dear Vasilisa!” she said. “Go where they’re sending you, but always keep
me with you. Nothing bad can happen to you at Baba Yaga’s if I’m with you.”
Vasilisa got ready, put her doll into her pocket, crossed herself, and set
off into the deep, dark forest.
She walked along and trembled. Suddenly a horseman galloped past
her. He himself was white and dressed in white. The horse he rode was
white, and the harness on the horse was white. It began to get light in the
As she walked along farther, another horseman galloped past. He him-
self was red, dressed in red and on a red steed. The sun began to rise.
Vasilisa walked all night and all day, and she didn’t reach the clearing
where Baba Yaga’s house stood until evening. The fence around the house
was made of human bones; human skulls with eyes were stuck on the fence.
There were human leg-bones in the gate instead of posts, there were arm-
Vasilisa the Beautiful
bones instead of doors, and a mouth with sharp teeth instead of a lock.
Vasilisa felt faint with horror and stood there as if rooted to the spot.
Suddenly another horseman rode by. He was black, dressed all in black, and
on a black steed. He rode up to Baba Yaga’s gate and disappeared as if the
earth had swallowed him. Night had come.
But the darkness didn’t last long: the eyes of all the skulls on the fence
lit up, and the whole clearing became light as midday. Vasilisa was shaking
with fear, but since she didn’t know where to run she stayed where she was.
Soon a dreadful noise came from the forest. The trees cracked, the dry
leaves rustled. Baba Yaga rode out of the forest; she was riding in a mortar,
driving with a pestle, sweeping her tracks away with a broom. She rode up
to the gate, stopped, sniffed all around her, and shouted, “Fie, fie! I smell a
Russian smell! Who’s there?”
Vasilisa went up to the old woman fearfully, bowed low, and said, “I’m
here, granny! The stepmother’s daughters sent me to get fire from you.”
Vasilisa the Beautiful
“All right,” said the Yaga-Baba, “I know them. Live here for now and work
for me, and then I’ll give you some fire. If not, I’ll eat you!” Then she turned to
the gates and shouted, “Hey, unlock, my firm locks! Open up, my wide gate!”
The gate opened, and Baba Yaga rode in, whistling a tune. Vasilisa fol-
lowed her, and then everything closed and locked back up. Once she got into
the room, Baba Yaga stretched out and said to Vasilisa, “Serve up what’s in
the stove, I want to eat.”
Vasilisa lit a splinter from the skulls on the fence and began getting food
out of the stove and serving it to the Yaga. There was enough food ready
there for ten people. She brought kvass, mead, beer, and wine up from the
cellar.98 The old woman ate and drank everything up. All she left for Vasilisa
was a bit of cabbage soup, a crust of bread, and a little piece of ham.
Baba Yaga began to get ready for bed and said, “When I go out tomor-
row, here’s what I want you to do. Clean up the yard, sweep out the house,
Vasilisa the Beautiful
make dinner, get the laundry ready, and go into the granary, take a quarter
measure of wheat and clean the wild peas out of it. And be sure to do every-
thing. If you don’t, I’ll eat you!”
After she gave these orders, the Baba Yaga started snoring. But Vasilisa
put the old woman’s leftovers in front of the doll, burst into tears, and said,
“Here, dolly, have a bite to eat and listen to my grief! Baba Yaga has given me
hard work, and she says she’ll eat me if I don’t finish everything. Help me!”
The doll answered, “Don’t fear, Vasilisa the Beautiful! Eat some dinner,
say your prayers, and go to bed. Morning is wiser than the evening.”
Vasilisa woke up early-early, but Baba Yaga was already up. She looked
out the window. The eyes of the skulls were dimming. There the white rider
passed, and it got completely light. Baba Yaga went out into the yard and
whistled, and the mortar and pestle and the broom appeared before her. The
red horseman flashed by, and the sun rose. Baba Yaga got in the mortar and
rode out of the yard. She drove with the pestle and swept her tracks away
with the broom.
Now Vasilisa was left alone. She looked around Baba Yaga’s house, mar-
veled at the abundance of everything, and stopped in thought. What task
should she start first?
She looked, and all the work was already done—the doll was pick-
ing the last black grains out of the wheat. “Oh, you, you’ve saved me!” said
Vasilisa to the doll. “You’ve rescued me from misfortune.”
“All that’s left for you to do is make the dinner,” the doll answered,
climbing into Vasilisa’s pocket. “Good luck as you cook it, and then rest all
you want!”
Toward evening, Vasilisa set the table and waited for Baba Yaga. It start-
ed to get dark. The black horseman flashed by outside the gate, and it got
completely dark. Only the eyes of the skulls showed light. The trees began
to crack, the leaves began to rustle; the Baba Yaga was coming. Vasilisa met
her at the door.
“Is everything done?” asked Yaga.
“Be so good as to look for yourself, granny!” said Vasilisa.
Baba Yaga looked over everything, felt a bit disappointed that there
was nothing to be angry about, and said, “All right!” Then she shouted, “My
true servants, my heartfelt friends, grind the wheat for me!” Three pairs of
hands appeared, picked up the wheat, and took it out of sight. Baba Yaga ate
her fill, began to get ready for bed, and once again gave orders to Vasilisa.
“Tomorrow do the same things you did today, and besides that take the
Vasilisa the Beautiful
poppy-seed from the granary and clean the dirt out of it, grain by grain. You
see, someone mixed a lot of earth into it out of spite!”
The old woman finished speaking, turned to the wall, and started snor-
ing, and Vasilisa started to feed her doll.
The doll ate a bit and told her the same thing as the night before. “Pray
to God and go to bed. Morning’s wiser than the evening. Everything will be
done, Vasilisushka!”
In the morning Baba Yaga rode her mortar again out of the yard, and
Vasilisa and the doll took care of all the work right away.
The old woman returned, looked everything over, and shouted, “My
true servants, my heartfelt friends, press the oil out of the poppy-seed for
me!” The three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the poppy-seed, and took
it away. Baba Yaga began to eat dinner. She ate, and Vasilisa stood there si-
lently. “Why don’t you say anything?” asked the Baba Yaga. “You stand there
as if you’re mute!”
“I didn’t dare,” answered Vasilisa. “But if you’ll permit me, then I would
like to ask you about a few things.”
“Ask me. Only not every question leads to good. If you know too much,
you’ll soon get old!”
“I want to ask you, granny, only about what I saw. When I was coming
here, a horseman on a white horse rode past me, all white and wearing white
clothes. Who is he?”
“That’s my clear day,” answered Baba Yaga.
“Then another horseman passed me, on a red horse and all dressed in red.
Who is that?”
“That’s my beautiful sun!” answered Baba Yaga.99
“And what does the black horseman mean, granny, the one who passed
me at your very gate?”
“That’s my black night—they’re all my faithful servants!”
Vasilisa remembered the three pairs of hands and said nothing.
“Why don’t you ask me more?” asked Baba Yaga.
“That’ll do for me. You said yourself, grandmother, that if I learn too
much I’ll get old.”
Baba Yaga said, “It’s good that you ask only about what you saw out-
side the yard, and not what’s in the yard! I don’t like to have dirty laundry
brought out of my house, and I eat the ones who are too curious! Now I
shall ask you. How do you manage to finish all the work I order you to do?”
“My mother’s blessing helps me,” answered Vasilisa.
Vasilisa the Beautiful
“So that’s it! You get away from here, blessed daughter! I don’t need
anyone with a blessing.”
She dragged Vasilisa out of the room and pushed her through the gate,
took a skull with glowing eyes off the fence, stuck it on a stake, handed it to
her, and said, “Here’s the fire for the stepmother’s daughters, take it. After
all, that’s why they sent you here.”
Vasilisa set off homeward at a run with her skull, which stopped burn-
ing as soon as morning came. Finally, toward evening of the second day, she
made it back to her own home.
As she came up to the gate, she wanted to throw the skull away. Surely
they don’t need the fire any more at home, she thought to herself. But sud-
denly she heard a dull voice out of the skull: “Don’t throw me away! Take me
to your stepmother.”
Vasilisa the Beautiful
She glanced at her stepmother’s house, saw no light in any of the win-
dows, and made up her mind to take the skull in there.
For the very first time they welcomed her warmly, and they told her
that ever since she had left there’d been no flame in the house. They couldn’t
strike one themselves and, no matter what fire they brought from the neigh-
bors, it would go out as soon as they brought it into the room. “But perhaps
your fire will last!” said her stepmother.
They brought the skull into the main room, and the eyes gave the step-
mother and her daughters such a look from the skull that it just burned
them! They tried to hide, but no matter where they ran, the eyes kept fol-
lowing them. Toward morning it had burned them entirely to ashes. Only
Vasilisa was left untouched.
In the morning Vasilisa buried the skull in the earth, locked the house
with a key, went into the city, and asked permission to live with an old
woman who had no children. She lived very well there and waited for her
Vasilisa the Beautiful
father. Then one day she said to the old woman, “It’s dull for me to sit with
nothing to do, granny! Go and buy me some of the best flax. At least I can
do some spinning.”
The old woman bought her some of the very best flax. Vasilisa sat
down to work. Her work went wonderfully, the thread came out thin and
even as a hair. She collected a lot of thread; it was time to start weaving,
but they couldn’t find loom reeds to suit Vasilisa’s thread. No one would
agree to make them. Vasilisa tried asking her doll, and her doll said, “Bring
me any old reed and an old shuttle and a horse’s mane. I’ll put everything
together for you.”
Vasilisa got everything necessary and lay down to sleep, while the doll
prepared a wonderful loom for her overnight. Toward the end of winter
the linen cloth was woven, and it was so fine that it could be put through a
needle’s eye in place of thread.
In the spring they bleached the cloth, and Vasilisa said to the old wom-
an, “Granny, sell this cloth and take the money for yourself.”
The old woman glanced at the stuff and gasped. “No, my child! No one
may wear this kind of cloth except the tsar. I’ll take it to the palace.”
The old woman set off to the tsar’s palace and walked back and forth
under the windows. The tsar caught sight of her and said, “What do you
need, old woman?”
“Your royal majesty,” answered the old woman, “I have brought some
wonderful goods. I don’t want to show them to anyone but you.”
The tsar ordered the old woman shown in to him, and as soon as he saw
the cloth he marveled. “What do you want for it?” asked the tsar.
“It has no price, father tsar! I’ve brought it to you as a gift.”
The tsar thanked the old woman and sent her home with presents.
They began to make the tsar shirts of that cloth. They cut them out, but
they couldn’t find a seamstress anywhere who would take it upon herself to
make them. They looked for a long time. Finally the tsar summoned the old
woman and said, “You knew how to spin and weave this kind of cloth, so
you must know how to sew shirts from it.”
“I’m not the one, lord, who spun and wove the cloth,” said the old wom-
an, “it’s the work of my ward—a young woman.”
“So then let her sew them!”
The old woman returned home and told Vasilisa about everything.
Vasilisa said to her, “I knew this work would not pass by my hands.” She
shut herself up in her room and got to work. She sewed without resting, and
soon a dozen shirts were ready.
Vasilisa the Beautiful
The old woman took the shirts to the tsar, and Vasilisa washed her face,
combed her hair, got dressed, and sat down under by the window. She sat
there and waited to see what would happen. She saw the tsar’s servant come
into the old woman’s yard.
He walked into the room and said, “The lord tsar wants to see the
master who worked on the shirts for him, and to reward her from his own
royal hands.”
Vasilisa went and appeared before the tsar. The moment the tsar saw
Vasilisa the Beautiful, he fell madly in love with her. “No,” he said, “my
beauty! I won’t be separated from you. You’re to be my wife.”
Then the tsar took Vasilisa by her white hands and sat her down beside
him, and they held the wedding then and there. Soon Vasilisa’s father too
returned, rejoiced at her fate, and stayed to live with his daughter. Vasilisa
brought the old woman to live with her, and as long as Vasilisa lived she
always carried the little doll in her pocket.
9. Mistakes come in threes, too: Prince 16. These powerful figures tend not to
Ivan tries to rescue Mar’ia Morevna appear in great numbers in any one
three times, even though Kashchei the tale. They fulfill the same testing and
Deathless has warned that he will kill rewarding function, or else one or two
him after the third time, and the kid in of them will suffice to signify the magi-
“Baba Yaga and the Kid” lets Baba Yaga cal or ritual realm.
provoke him into yelling three times 17. Even in the nineteenth century, hunting
even after his brothers, the cat and the strongly shaped Russian experience: see
bird, repeatedly warn him not to. Ivan Turgenev’s first big literary success,
10. The shape of the wonder tale—the A Sportsman’s Sketches (1852), which
variety of folktales that begin once upon presents both peasants and nobles as
a time and end happily ever after—was hunters.
brilliantly generalized by Vladimir 18. See Natalie Kononenko, “Women
Propp in Morphology of the Folktale as Performers of Oral Literature: A
(1928; English translation 1968), and Re-examination of Epic and Lament,”
by Joseph Campbell in Hero with a in Women Writers in Russian Literature,
Thousand Faces (New York: Pantheon ed. Toby W. Clyman and Diana Greene
Books, 1949). (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1994), 17–33.
11. Rus’ is the old name for the East Slavic 19. In the Russian wonder tales, characters
land that was ruled from Kiev or Kyïv. are often torn apart—not only girls who
The word is the root of “Russian” and fail to rescue the baby, but also Prince
also of “Ruthenia” and “Rusyn.” Ivan when he tries too often to take
12. This is the case in one version of “The Mar’ia Morevna back from Kashchei.
Feather of Finist, the Bright Falcon.” Prince Ivan is reconstituted and revived
The shift from Baba Yaga to helpful old with dead water and living water.
woman minus chicken feet may be due Death in a wonder tale is not always
to the rise of Orthodox religion as it permanent.
displaced or “overwrote” pagan elements 20. The terrors of the forest were personi-
of traditional Russian folk culture. fied not only in Baba Yaga, but also in
13. The idea that dawn would be distinct leshii, the nature spirit who was master
from sunrise reflects an archaic world- of the forest, and a number of other
view. The sun was the ruler but not the nature spirits. For more about Russian
cause of the blue daytime sky. The sky nature spirits, see Linda Ivanits’s book,
grew pale long before the sun appeared Russian Folk Belief (Armonk, NY: M. E.
and remained pale after the sun set, Sharpe, 1989).
especially in northern latitudes, and 21. The sun itself might be seen as mov-
in northern Russia in winter the sun ing through a rapid cycle of birth and
might not rise at all. death as it rises and sets; the moon
14. The Russian word for “red,” krasnyi, waxes and wanes more gradually, but its
comes from the same root as the word changing shape was often interpreted
for “beautiful,” so the sun is at once red in ancient cultures as swelling with
and beautiful. pregnant fertility, or as shrinking while
15. Baba Yaga never seems to have a son, it was devoured by a serpent or another
though she may have a grandson . . . monster.
a forest grew up, and when he threw 18. Variant: “You knew how to get me, now
down the towel a deep river appeared. marry me. I’m not a gray duck after all,
10. The scarlet flower ties this tale to I’m a king’s daughter!”
Konstantin Aksakov’s “Little Scarlet 19. Variant: two spirits.
Flower,” 1858, which he wrote down 20. Variant: on that island walks a golden-
from memory after hearing the tale maned mare with nine foals.
many times from a beloved nanny. That 21. Variant: let him send the musketeer to
detail shows the links of Finist to the the edge of ruin, where Shmat-Razum
Beast in “Beauty and the Beast,” and lives.
to many other folklore animal grooms 22. Afanas’ev notes the word kisa, glossed as
(and brides). meshok, ‘sack.’
11. The word zavetnyj means something 23. The teller switches here from “king” to
between “special” and “sacred”: a thing “tsar.”
that is zavetnyi comes with special 24. Variant: Urza-Murza.
conditions or even a covenant. 25. Variant of the middle of the tale: The
12. “When they sang ‘Dostoino,’” a prayer to musketeer said good-bye to his wife,
Mary the Mother of God that begins “It let the ball of thread roll before him,
and set off after it. Close or else far,
is suitable to praise you . . .”
soon, or briefly, he came to an empty
13. Afanas’ev cites this variant: inside she
field, looked—and a little house was
saw a Baba Yaga, bony leg, in a cast-iron
standing on a chicken’s leg. He hid the
ball of thread in his pocket and said,
14. The Russian word “dukh” can mean
“Little house, little house! Stand with
“spirit,” “breath,” or “smell”—so “essence”
your front to me and your back to the
might be a good translation, though
woods.” The house turned its front
that English word is from a higher
toward him. He stepped across the
stylistic register than most of the rest of
threshold and saw an old woman sitting
this tale.
in the house.
15. Variant: appears in real life. “Hello, granny!”
16. Variant ending: Finist the bright falcon, “Hello, good man! How has God brought
after learning that the princess had sold you to our country—by your will or
him for diamonds and for gold, ordered against your will?”
his servants to drive her away from “Against my will, granny! The king sent me.
the palace; but he himself married the ‘Go,’ he said, ‘I don’t know where, bring
darling fair maiden. There’s no need to me back I don’t know what.’”
say that it was merry at that wedding; “Well, lad, as long as I’ve been living in the
there were many tsars and tsars’ sons world, I’ve never heard of that.”
there, and kings and princes, and all The musketeer took a pitcher of water,
kinds of Orthodox people. I myself was washed up from the road, took out his
there, I drank mead and wine, it ran towel, and began to dry off. The old
down my mustache, but it didn’t go into woman saw that and asked, “Listen,
my mouth. good man, where did you get hold of
17. Variant: He came to the shore of the sea that towel? Why, that’s the work of my
and saw one gray duck swimming on niece.”
the water. “Of your niece, and of my God-given wife.”
“Where is she, the dear?” passed before they came, dragging a frog
“She stayed at home, she’s alive and well, with three legs. “Where did you get to,
she asked me to pass on her regards.” you rascal?”
The old woman was overjoyed, gave him “It’s my fault, my lady! I hurried with all
food and drink, and said, “Well, my my strength, but I had an accident
friend! Come with me, I’ll collect all my on the road. A peasant was driving a
subjects for you and ask them. Perhaps, wagon; the wheel rolled over me and
if your fate is happy, one of them will crushed off my leg. I could hardly make
know where and why the king has sent my way to your mercy.”
you.” “Do you know how to go I don’t know
They went out into the yard. The old where and to bring back I don’t know
woman called out in a loud voice and what?”
gave a manly whistle, and all the birds “Perhaps I could show the way, only it’s
came flying to her. As many as there are whoooo!—ever so far! There’s no way I
in the whole white world, [The Russian could jump all the way there.”
expression “the white world” suggests The musketeer took the frog, wrapped it in
every place where the sunlight shines.] a kerchief, and carried it in his hand. He
all of them came flying. “Flying birds! walked along, and the frog told him the
Whoever among you knows, tell me way. He walked and walked; he came
how to get to I don’t know where, to to the blue sea, crossed on a boat to the
bring back I don’t know what.” None of other side, and saw a palace standing
the birds had heard of it. there. He went inside and hid behind
The musketeer walked farther, and he the stove.
stopped by another old woman’s house. Right at midnight twelve handsome lads
That one gathered the beasts and asked came into the palace. The leader stepped
them. The beasts didn’t know anything up and shouted, “Hey, Gulbrey!”
either. An invisible creature answered, “What are
The musketeer continued on his way, your orders?”
stopped by the house of a third old “Serve dinner and wine for twelve people,
woman, and told her his grief. The old and let there be a choir of musicians.”
woman went out into her yard, shouted At once everything appeared: the music
in a loud voice, and gave a manly began to roar and the party got started!
whistle, and all the reptiles of every . . . (The musketeer lures the invisible
name came crawling, both the hissing creature away with him and sets out on
snakes and the jumping frogs. So many the way back.) He came up to the sea
of them came that there was nowhere and saw that the boat was nowhere to
to step! Not one of the reptiles knew be found. “Hey, Gulbrey! How could we
where and why the king had sent the get to the other side?”
good lad. “Here’s a burned stump. Sit down on it and
Then the old woman took the list of hold on tight.”
names and began to call the roll—was The musketeer put the frog inside his
everyone in place? All the reptiles were shirt, sat down on the burned stump
there in their places; only one frog and grabbed it tightly with both hands.
was missing. They sent runners right Suddenly the stump rose up into the air
away to find her. Not even an hour had and flew all the way across the sea . . .
26. Variant: One merchant pulled out a brought healing water and living water
snuff-box. The moment he lifted the and sprayed it onto Prince Ivan. After
lid, that moment a big city spread out. that all three of them lifted him up and
The other merchant got out an axe. He took him over thrice-nine lands, to the
tapped with the blade on the ground, thrice-tenth kingdom. They brought
and at once a palace appeared; he struck him to the thrice-tenth kingdom and
with the butt on the back corner, and said, “Go to the blue sea; a marvelous
the palace was gone! And the third mare is strolling there. Ahead of her
merchant showed him a needle case: twelve mowers are mowing hay and
he just opened it, and out rode an army twelve rakers are raking it; she follows
with both cavalry and infantry. them and eats it all up. When the mare
27. Moklak, glossed by Afanas’ev as starts drinking water, the blue sea gets
bessovestnyj chelovek, ‘man without a rough, and leaves fall from the trees.
conscience,’ and poproshajka, ‘cadger.’ When she starts scratching herself on
28. The Russian name Ol’ga is pronounced the hundred-year-old oaks, those oak
with a very soft “l” sound, spelled by trees fall over on the ground, as if they
the “soft sign.” The name comes from a were sheaves of oats. Every month she
word connected to magic.
bears one foal. Twelve wolves walk
29. Variant: Prince Ivan looked—and there
around after her, and they devour those
was a dragon with twelve heads, with
foals. Choose the moment, and as soon
twelve snouts hanging on iron hooks,
as the mare has borne a foal with a star
and blood was flowing from its wounds.
on its forehead pick it up right away,
The dragon said to Prince Ivan, “Ah,
and take it away from the wolves. That
good man! Dip your finger in my blood
will be your bogatyr horse! With it,
and breathe on me. For your service I’ll
Koshchei the Deathless won’t be able to
save you three times from death.” Ivan
catch you.” Prince Ivan did everything
Tsarevich dipped his finger in the blood
his brothers-in-law had told him to . . .
and blew on the dragon; the dragon
leapt up, broke the hooks and flew away. 33. Variant: Instead of the beehive, accord-
30. Variant: “Leave us your golden ring. ing to another recording, Prince Ivan
We’ll look at it and think of you. If the meets a crab.
ring’s bright, that will mean you’re alive 34. Variant: “How could we help coming
and well, but if it gets dull we’ll know back? Crabs came crawling from the
right away that some misfortune has whole sea, they started to grab onto us
overtaken you.” Prince Ivan left his gold and pinch us with their claws—we’d
ring and set off for the dragon kingdom. have been glad to run until we came to
31. Variant: full of pies. the end of the world!”
32. Variant: Eagle Eagleson flew to the sea 35. Of course the reader remembers that
and called the strong winds. The sea got Mar’ia Morevna has already seen Prince
rough and threw the barrel out onto Ivan since he was brought back to life:
the shore. Falcon Falconson grabbed she gave him the magic handkerchief
the barrel in his talons, flew with it high and told him to get a horse from Baba
up above the clouds, and threw it from Yaga. Perhaps the transfer of her joy
there onto the earth, and the barrel fell and relief from that scene to this one
and broke into pieces. Raven Ravenson reflects the possible dangers of his visit
to Baba Yaga, who could have torn him field ammunition, ready to go to war
apart just as Koshchei did. this minute!
36. Variant: “And can we catch them?” “If Prince Ivan asked, “Blacksmiths, black-
we set off now, then perhaps we’ll catch smiths! Who are you making all these
them. Prince Ivan has a new horse, soldiers for?”
my younger brother.” Koshchei chased “For Baba Yaga, golden leg. She’s been
after Prince Ivan, and he was about fighting with Beloy Polyanin for thirty
to catch up to him. “Ah, brother,” said years, but she still can’t defeat him.”
Prince Ivan’s horse to Koshchei’s horse. . . . He walked and walked. Some huts were
“Why are you serving such an unclean standing there, and fair maidens sat in
monster? Throw him off and kick him!” those huts, working at looms. The mo-
The horse obeyed, threw Koshchei off, ment they made the loom-reed boom,
and kicked him to death. all at once a soldier would leap out, with
37. Moon and Star would be very unusual a rifle, with a saber, with the whole field
names for girls in Russia: the names ammunition, ready to go to war this
could be rendered as Luna and Stella, moment! . . .
but the names “Mesiats” and “Zvezda” 44. In another recording the story ends dif-
are the everyday names for the astro- ferently: Beloy Polyanin hauled out the
nomical objects. fair maiden with the cable, but feared
38. Vanechka is a diminutive form of that Prince Ivan would take away his
Ivan—an affectionate nickname. bride, and thought of killing him. Prince
39. Saying a charm to work magic is often Ivan guessed what was going on and
described with very simple language, wanted to test ahead of time whether
with the charm or spell called simply “a Beloy Polyanin was true to him. He
word” or “the words.” took a big stone and fastened it to the
40. Khudiakov’s note: “Written down cable. Beloy Polyanin pulled and pulled,
by me in the Nizhegorod guberniia pulled it halfway up and then cut the
in Ardatnovskii uezd in the village of cable, and the stone fell and shattered
Kotovko from the old woman Ol’ga into fine dust. A huge eagle carried
Stepanovna Kotysheva, née in the vil- Prince Ivan from the other world (as
lage Nuchi of the same uezd.” in the tale “Norka-zver’” / “The Mink-
41. “Govorila” means ‘said’ or ‘was talking,’ Beast”). As soon as Beloy Polyanin saw
but it is the feminine verb form that him, he was mighty frightened, fell to
would be used for a woman, not a man his feet, and began begging for forgive-
(like Prince Danila). ness. “Well, brother,” said Prince Ivan,
42. Variant: Polyak Belyi Kolpak, ‘The “I wouldn’t forgive you for anything, if
Polish Man White Cap’; Polyanin not for your young wife. I feel sorry for
means ‘man who lives in the fields’ or her. Thanks to her I forgive you!” After
‘lowlander.’ that Prince Ivan rides off to the dragon
43. Variant: He walked and walked. kingdom . . .
Smithies were standing there, and in 45. Afanas’ev notes: “This word, medved’, is
those smithies they were heating iron pronounced vedmet’ in the local dialect.”
and beating it with hammers. With ev- 46. Just as Ivan is the most common name
ery blow of the hammer, a soldier would for a fairy-tale hero, Mar’ia is a very
be ready, with a rifle, with a saber, in full common name for a heroine. There is
a Russian flower called Ivan-da-Mar’ia, empty hut and settled there with his
‘Ivan and Mar’ia’; this tale is not the sister . . .
only place where the names are found 49. Variant: “Live in this house,” said the
together. little bullock, “and slaughter me. Eat
47. Variant: a raven. the meat, and put the bones together in
48. Variant: The Bear Tsar ran off to get one place and water that place with the
food, and Prince Ivan and Princess water you washed the cups and spoons
Mar’ia stood there and cried. Out in. Those bones will grow up into two
of nowhere a good horse appeared. dogs.”
“Climb up on me,” it said. “I’ll take you 50. The name Duginya suggests a bow,
to the blue sea.” The moment they had duga.
climbed up, the good horse leapt with 51. Soska—like the other bogatyr names—is
them over the standing trees, under not an actual Russian name. It seems
the passing clouds. The bear saw and to be an affectionate diminutive from
started chasing. the word for a pine tree, sosna, so it
“Ah, good horse! The bear’s chasing behind would mean something like “Piney.”
us!” The word soska also means ‘nipple’ in
Russian, so the story may have a bawdy
“No matter, Prince Ivan! Take the splinter
out of my left ear and throw it behind
52. Gorynya suggests the word root
gor-, associated with fire, and perhaps
Prince Ivan pulled out the splinter and
reminding the listener of the serpent
threw it, and all at once it became a
Zmei Gorynych in Russian folklore.
deep, dark forest—you couldn’t walk
53. Usynya from us, mustache.
or ride through it! While the Bear Tsar
54. Afanas’ev summarizes the ending of
was fighting his way through the grove,
this variant: bogatyr Soska fell. He was
they rode off very far away. The bear
brought out into Rus’ by a huge bird.
came running in pursuit; he was already
He married Baba Yaga’s daughter, but
getting close! his bogatyr comrades scattered in fear to
“Ah, good horse! The bear is running up various foreign lands.
behind us.” 55. Khudiakov notes that this variety of
“It’s no matter, Prince Ivan! Take the beetle is called rogach, “horny one.”
little vial out of my right ear and spray 56. Variant 1: Once there lived a tsar
behind you.” named Dolmat. He gathered an army
Prince Ivan did that, and right away it of three thousand, and all of them were
made a deep blue sea. The bear ran up soldiers’ children, sixteen years old.
to the blue sea, looked and gazed, and He found them all places in the palace
then ran off into the dark forests. regiments. Some ten years went by, and
The good horse began to say good-bye to the soldiers’ children had risen in the
Prince Ivan and Princess Mar’ia. They ranks. Some had become officers, some
were sorry to part with him, but there were colonels, and some were generals!
was nothing to be done. They said Only one of all the comrades, Semyon
good-bye, and the prince and princess Erofeev, had remained an ordinary
set off in one direction, while the horse soldier. He began complaining to the
went the other. Prince Ivan found an tsar. “It’s like this and like that,” he said.
“I couldn’t serve my way to any kind of hitting one another on the ear. This was
little rank. There’s happiness for other the only way they could drive off sleep.
people, but I don’t seem to count for Suddenly a powerful storm blew up. A
anything!” huge chariot came rolling, with twelve
Tsar Dolmat ordered them to let Semyon horses pulling it. The horses writhed
retire and gave him three acres of land. just like snakes, and behind them came
Semyon hired a workman, plowed and twelve wolves, and just as many bears
sowed the land with wheat. The wheat shackled with iron chains. The chariot
grew up marvelously! One day he went quickly passed over the field. Where the
out to his field and took a look. A tenth wheat had been growing green, there
of it was completely trampled, and there was nothing but black soil, and not a
wasn’t a single sprout standing: all you single sprout was left!
could see was the black soil. He felt Semyon leapt onto his horse and raced off
terribly sorry to have suffered such a after the chariot. Eleven men broke into
loss. Right away he armed some peasant a gallop after him. They rode for a long
guards and gave them strict instructions time or a short time, and then they rode
not to sleep all night, but to guard the up to an enormous castle. There they
grain. went into the white-stone chambers
The men went out into the field and and saw a table spread. Twelve places
started to stand guard, but right at mid- were set on the table, and all kinds of
night, just as it struck twelve, not a one wines and snacks were prepared in
of them could resist falling asleep. Each plenty. They had something to eat and
one fell down right where he’d been drink and were getting ready to go back,
standing. A sound, heavy sleep came but no matter where they turned they
over them, and they slept right through couldn’t find any doors.
until broad daylight. In the morning, An ancient old woman came in and said to
what do you know—another tenth was them, “Why are you trying so hard for
trampled. Semyon armed even more nothing? Coming in to see us is easy,
guards than before, both on horse and but getting out is hard. The gates into
on foot, and he himself went into the here are wide, but the ones going out
field with them. “So, brothers!” he said. are narrow. Soon twelve she-bears will
“Let’s form two groups. Let half stand come in, they’ll eat dinner and then
guard from evening to midnight, and leave again. But they aren’t she-bears,
the other half from midnight to dawn.” they’re enchanted fair maidens. Eleven
And so they did. As midnight began to are boyars’ daughters, and the twelfth
draw closer, the first guards began to is a princess. If you spend three nights
be overcome by sleep; they woke up the here, then you’ll rescue all of them and
new ones to take their shift, and then win good fortune for yourselves!”
they fell right over and went to sleep.
But the new guards themselves could Variant 2: Once there lived a rich mer-
barely resist, sleep was pushing at them chant, he died and left a young son
from all sides! Semyon Erofeev saw that behind. Grief and longing fell upon
things were looking bad, and he ordered him, and he got the idea of going to
them to hit one another on the ear and the tavern to have a good time among
shout “Listen!” The peasants started good people. He came to the tavern,
and there sat a tavern barfly [Afanas’ev “No, soldier! Better help us,” said the doves.
notes: in the Russian, yaryga] singing “We’ll come in handy to you!”
songs. The merchant’s son asked him, The merchant’s son bared his sharp sword
“Tell me, why are you so cheerful?” and slashed at the three snakes until
“And what reason do I have to be sorrow- they were dead, and the little doves
ful? I just drank a measure of wine, and flapped their wings and flew away.
that cheers me up.” The merchant’s son rested and went
“Can that be true?” along on his way, following his nose.
“Try it, you’ll find out yourself!” He walked and walked and came to a
The merchant’s son drank a glass, and dugout house. He went inside. In the
another, and he began to feel more dugout house stood a table, and on the
cheerful. “Let me try some more!” He table three places were set with dishes.
emptied half a carafe, got drunk, and He took a piece from each place and ate
started up a song. it, crawled under the bed, and lay there,
“Why should we just sit here like this?” keeping very still. Suddenly the three
asked the tavern drunk. “Let’s try our doves flew in, struck against the damp
luck at cards.” ground, and turned into fair maidens.
“If you want to!” “Ah!” they said, “some guest has visited us,
They sat down to play cards. In a short and it seems to have been a good man:
time the merchant’s son had lost all his he offended no one but took a piece
money. He said, “I have nothing more to from each plate.”
play for!” The merchant’s son heard these words,
“There’s not only money, you can play for crawled out from under the bed and
your house and your shops!” answered said, “Hello, fair maidens!”
the tavern drunk. “Perhaps you’ll make “Ah, you fine young man! You did us one
up for all your losses!” good turn—you killed the three snakes.
Before even half an hour had passed, the Now do another as well—stay here for
merchant’s son was left with nothing. three nights! No matter what happens
His house, his shops—he’d lost every- around you, even if thunder rumbles,
thing. He woke up in the morning poor winds whistle, and horrors try to
as a church mouse! [In Russian, gol kak frighten you, stand firm, don’t fear, and
sokol, literally ‘naked as a falcon.’] What read this book here . . .”
could he do now? 57. A pood is a traditional Russian weight,
He went from grief to enlist as a soldier. slightly more than sixteen kilograms—a
The soldier’s fate isn’t an easy one; you bit more than thirty-six pounds.
answer with your back for everything 58. Baba Yaga does not appear by name in
and everyone! And so he decided to this tale, yet it is clear that the three old
run away. He ran off into a thick, deep women who welcome the heroine are
forest, walked up into a clearing, and very close to her.
sat down to rest . . . Three doves came 59. In Russian traditional culture, strangers
flying out of nowhere, with three snakes may address each other with kinship
chasing after them. They flew into that terms, especially when the speaker is
clearing and started to fight. a child: “auntie” or “uncle” for younger
“Soldier! Help us,” said the snakes. “We’ll adults, and “granny” or “granddad” for
give you a lot of money.” older ones. The word for grandmother,
babuhska, is the affectionate diminutive did just that: a white birch tree grew up
form of the first part of Baba Yaga’s behind him, and in front of him stood
name. Vasilisa the Wise.
60. In the original ne po kostiam, ‘don’t suit
my bones.’ Variant 2: “Eh,” said Baba Yaga, “if you had
61. Khudiakov noted: “Written down by come sooner, then you’d have found her
me from a man born in the village here, but now you’ll have to wait for her
of Selin, in the Venev uezd of Tula until tomorrow.” Early in the morning
guberniia.” the Yaga woke Prince Ivan and said,
62. “Haiduk” is a word used in Central “Go out in the green meadow and hide
Europe with various meanings; here it behind a bush. A white swan will fly
suggests dashing uniformed guards. past; it will hover there over you. Don’t
63. An arshin is an old Russian measure- miss your chance: take hold of her and
ment, about seventy centimeters or hold on tight. It’s Vasilisa the Wise! If
roughly two feet. you let go, you’ll never find her again.”
64. Afanas’ev notes: “A lubok (woodcut) Prince Ivan went out into the green
edition from 1847; it is given here in meadow and caught the white swan.
abbreviated form.” No matter how much she struggled or
65. Terem in Russian means ‘women’s quar- tried to tear loose, she couldn’t get loose.
ters’; the word suggests the Muscovite Vasilisa the Wise said to him, “Let go,
period. my dear friend! You’ve crumpled my
66. Variant: a cuckoo. While the swan is little wings all up. You knew how to find
known for its beauty, in Russian culture me, so now I’ll be yours forever.”
the cuckoo is associated with lamenta- 70. In Khudiakov’s collection this tale
tion (as in the chant of the dolls in the follows another (that lacks Baba Yaga)
tale “Prince Danila-Govorila”). about a stepmother and stepdaugh-
67. Variant: He came up to the sea: the ter, and so its title there is “Again the
shores were made of custard, the water Stepmother and the Stepmother’s
was flowing milk! Here he ate his fill, Daughter.”
drank his fill, and gathered his strength 71. Khudiakov noted: “Recorded by me in
... the city of Kazan’.”
68. Variant: The prince went into the little 72. Variant: The two older brothers rode
house, and there was a Baba Yaga, bony and rode and came to a fiery river. They
leg, lying from corner to corner. She was didn’t know how to go farther, so they
as hungry as could be. set up tents to one side and started to
69. Variant 1: “Ah, I know!” said Baba Yaga. live in the empty field, to spend their
“Wait, soon she’ll come flying to me to time in revelry. But the younger brother
search my head. As soon as you see her, set out on the road to Baba Yaga. She
grab her right away. Vasilisa the Wise gave him a towel and said, “With this
will start to turn into various shapes. you can ride across the fiery river. Wave
Watch her and don’t be afraid, hold her the towel to the right and a bridge will
tight! When she turns into a spindle, appear, wave it to the left and the bridge
you break her in two pieces. Throw will vanish.”
them behind you and say: this was a 73. Note from Afanas’ev: Another record-
spindle, but now grow behind me as a ing says that a dragon is curled all
white birch tree, and turn into a dear around the garden with the apples of
fair maiden in front of me!” Prince Ivan youth and the springs of the water of
life and of death—his head and tail 86. From here to the end the tale follows
come together in one place. The Baba the version that Afanas’ev offers as
Yaga tells the prince, “You strike that a variant on tale no. 129, because his
dragon in the head. From that bogatyr primary variant does not involve Baba
blow he’ll sleep for three days. During Yaga.
that time you’ll manage to do every- 87. Variant: He saw a golden ring; the
thing! And here’s a dry twig for you. prince took the ring, and as soon as he
When you go into the garden, run right put it on his finger two black men ap-
away to all the springs and dip this twig peared at once and said, “What is your
into the water. The spring that makes it will, Prince Ivan?”
put out leaves and flowers—that one, it 88. Chereviki.
means, has living water flowing in it.” 89. Zalët means ‘drop-in’ or ‘fly-by.’
74. She gave him a stezh, glossed by 90. Misha Kosolapoy, ‘Misha Crooked-Paw’
Afanas’ev as udar prutom ili plet’ju, ‘a or ‘Misha Clumsy-Paw,’ was a typical
blow with a stick or a lash.’ name for bears in Russian animal tales.
75. According to the formation of Russian 91. Zapechnik means ‘Behind the Stove.’
patronymics, a yagishna must be the 92. Ivashko is the diminutive form of Ivas’,
child of a Baba Yaga, though she seems not the same name as Ivan. Perhaps the
to behave exactly like a Baba Yaga first “Ivan” in this tale was a mistake—
herself. the person recording it was so used to
76. The word in Russian is chezhelko. the third brother being named Ivan that
77. The word in Russian is navokhrili, he or she heard it wrong the first time it
glossed by Afanas’ev as nakolotili, ‘ham- was mentioned.
mered a lot.’ 93. “Bread and salt” is the typical Russian
78. Bast shoes are made from an inner layer expression for hospitality.
of birch or linden bark; they were worn 94. See note 92 above.
by Russian peasants who could not 95. Like the hero’s name “Ivashko,” rather
afford shoes of leather. than the more typical Russian “Ivan,”
79. A lovely dialect word for clothing, lopot’. the spelling ‘Yega’ suggests that this tale
80. Like Beloy Polyanin, Bel Belyanin’s was collected in a western part of the
name tells us that he is white—perhaps Russian empire.
silver-haired—with age. 96. Here and in some other places later in
81. Zlatokos means literally “Goldenhair”— this story the word Yaga is turned into
almost “Goldilocks.” an adjective, yagaia.
82. The Russian verbs for hearing and 97. Russians traditionally did not celebrate
smelling are the same, perhaps reflecting birthdays, but instead the feast day of
that hearing and smell are more passive the saint a person was named after. In
senses than sight, touch, and taste. this tale, we see a name day although we
83. The dialect word diuzhe, glossed as never learn the old woman’s name.
ochen’. 98. Kvass is a slightly sweet, slightly
84. The Russian saying in this case means alcoholic, traditional Russian drink
“the old woman said yes and no,” made from fermented rye bread and
a reminder of old women’s role in sometimes raisins or other fruit.
fortune-telling. 99. As noted before, the Russian word
85. “Through,” not “around,” suggesting that krasnyi means both ‘red’ and ‘beautiful.’
the teller thought of the world as flat.
adolescents, xl, xli Bilibin, Ivan, ix, xxi, xxix, l, li, 2, 133, 173, 174,
Afanas’ev, Aleksandr, ix, xiii–xiv, xl, xlii, xliv, 175, 176, 180
liii, 10, 185n1, 187n23, 187–88n9 birch tree, 5, 6, 89, 90, 91, 92, 176, 195n69,
“Again the Stepmother and the 196n78
Stepmother’s Daughter,” x bird(s), xxii, xxvi, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxv, xxxvi,
Alexeieff, Alexander, xlii, 10, 12, 13 xxxvii, xxxix, xliii, xlvii, 9, 11, 28, 36,
animals, xxxiii, xxxix, xlvii, 37–38, 74, 79, 87, 37–38, 43, 44, 56, 57, 66, 70, 73, 74–75,
189n25 79, 80–82, 83, 96, 97, 110–15, 134, 138,
Ankarloo, Ben, liii, 185n1 159, 160, 163–64, 167, 168, 186n9, 189n25,
apple(s), xxix, xxxvi, xliii, 45, 83, 89, 90, 91, 192n54
110, 128, 129, 130; tree(s), xlii, 84, 89, 91, blacksmith, 15, 45, 104, 191n43
92, 110, 128, 130; of youth, xxxvi, 145, 146, blood, viii, xi, xii, 22, 64, 65, 71, 89, 98, 104,
195n73 190n29
Arnold, Katya, liv Bly, Robert, xlviii, liii
audience, xvii, xviii, xlv bogatyr, xxvi, 16, 56, 59, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,
aunt, 5, 6, 8, 93, 135, 194n59 78, 85–88, 99, 116–21, 141, 142, 143, 153,
awl, 77, 80 154, 160, 187n24, 187n9, 190n32, 192n54,
Baba Yaga: cannibalistic, viii, xii, xxxv, Bogatyrev, Pëtr, xvii, xviii
xxxvi, xliii, 22, 46, 177, 178; her bone(s), xxvi, xxix, xxxi, xxxvi, 4, 6, 11, 12, 16,
daughter(s), xxiii, xxxv, xxxviii, xliii, 69, 81, 120–21, 125–26, 132, 134, 140, 141,
xlvii, 11, 12, 17, 18, 69, 75, 78, 87, 192n54; 142, 143–44, 145, 146, 147, 163, 164, 174,
etymology, xxii–xxiii 175, 192n49, 195n60
“Baba Yaga and the Kid,” 187n1 book, 29, 33, 35, 38, 194n56
Balakov, Slav, lv Bosch, Hieronymus, 76
Balina, Marina, liii bread, 5, 6, 24, 54, 86, 118–20, 123, 124, 128,
ball, 24, 26, 35, 36, 149, 150, 151, 152, 163; of 169, 176, 196n98; and salt, xxxi, 162,
cotton, 47, 48, 91; of thread/string, xxxi, 196n93
xxxvi, 45, 46, 47, 62, 74, 104, 105, 111, 113, bride(s), xli, 16, 17, 23, 24, 67, 78, 116, 117, 161,
126, 188n25 162, 163, 170, 188n10, 191n44
ball (dance), 60, 66 bridge, xxxi, 18, 36, 56, 58, 83, 86, 139, 159,
bathhouse, xxxi, xxxix, xli, 3, 5, 17, 127, 132, 160, 195n72
134 broom, viii, xxviii, xxix, 7, 9, 26, 39, 58, 130,
bear(s), x, xxiii, 79–82, 83, 84, 93, 95, 126, 175, 176, 177
127, 192n48, 193n56, 196n90 brother(s), x, xxxvi, xxxviii, 11, 13, 14, 16,
“Bear Tsar, The,” 79–82 18, 39, 41, 52, 54, 63, 64, 65, 67–68, 71,
beast bridegroom, x 74–75, 77, 86, 89–91, 96, 100, 110, 111,
beer, 8, 55, 65, 92, 115, 160, 164, 176, 191n45 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 124, 125, 128–30,
Bel Belyanin, 149, 186n80 135, 137, 138, 147, 148, 150, 154–55, 157,
Beloy Polyanin, 72, 73, 74, 75–76, 77, 78, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 186n9, 187n9,
191n42, 191n43 191n36, 191n44, 193n56, 195n72, 196n92;
Benois, Alexandre, xx brother(s)-in-law, 52, 55, 190n32
Bibikov, Viktor, viii, 25, 26 “Brother, The,” xviii, xxviii, xxxvi, xlii
Brown, Ruth, liv doll, xxxviii, xl, xliv, xlvi, liv, 68, 136, 170, 171,
brush, xxxi, 70, 112, 113, 187n9 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 195n66
bull, 7, 65, 76; bullock, 81–83, 192n49 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, l
butterfly, xxii dragon(s), x, lv, 65, 66, 78, 83, 84, 114, 142,
Bychkov, Aleksei Aleksandrovich, 53 150, 151, 152–53, 161–62, 190n29, 190n30,
Bykova, Katherine, 129 191n44, 195–96n73
duck/drake, xxvi, 73, 83, 86, 126, 127, 168,
Campbell, Joseph, 186n10 169, 188n17, 188n18
carpet, x, xxix, xxxv, 29–30, 66, 87, 98, 99,
118, 122, 124. See also flying carpet eagle, x, xxvii, xlii, xliii, 50, 52, 55, 59, 81, 90,
cat, xxviii, xxxviii, xl, xliii, xlv, 5, 6, 9, 11, 37, 92, 163, 164, 190n32, 191n44
47, 48, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 186n9 egg, xxvi, xlviii, l, 14, 22, 45, 66, 105, 107, 127,
cattle, 79, 93, 115 136, 169, 187n26
cave, 39, 40, 149, 150 Elena the Beautiful, 151, 152, 155, 157–60
censorship, ix, xvii
Chandler, Robert, xv, liii, 185n2 falcon, 19–27, 50, 52, 55, 59, 72, 73, 76, 78,
chest. See trunk 80–81, 102–8, 133, 140, 188n16, 190n32
chicken(s), xxvii, 80, 172; leg(s), viii, xxvii, Farina, Corrado, lv
xliv, 3, 22, 23, 24, 46, 47, 62, 69, 83, 90, 91, Fasmer, Max, xxiii, 185n1, 185n2
111, 112, 121, 125, 126, 129, 132, 135, 136, 163, father(s), x, xxiv, xxxviii, 3, 4, 5, 8, 14, 15, 16,
166, 168, 186n12, 188n25 19, 20, 21, 23, 50, 60, 61, 64, 75, 80, 98,
children’s books, viii, xx, xliv, liv 102, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 117, 118,
church, Christian, viii, 20, 21, 108, 109 119, 120, 123, 124, 126, 128, 131, 134, 136, 137,
Cinderella, x, xl 138, 139, 140, 144, 145, 148, 149, 155, 160,
cobbler(s), 77, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 161, 166, 171, 181, 182, 185n3; father(s)-in-
comb, xxxi, xxxii, 6, 7, 70, 82, 112, 113, 182, law, 117
187n9 Father Frost, xl, liv
copper, 112, 113, 150, 151, 155, 157, 160, 162, 163 feather, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 36, 102, 103, 108,
Cossack, 76 109, 110, 146, 168
cows, 93 Ferguson, Cynthia, 183
Craft, Kinuko Y., xlix, liv field, xxviii, xliii, 14, 51, 57, 65, 72, 73, 74,
crow, 115 76, 83, 96, 97, 103, 126, 128, 129, 137, 146,
147, 150, 166, 168, 188n25, 191n42, 191n43,
daughter(s), xxiii, xxiv, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, 193n56, 195n72
xxxvii, xxxviii, xl, xliii, xlv, xlvii, l, 3, 4, Figurin, Alexei, 31
5, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 37, 38, 40, Finist the Bright Falcon, x, 19–27, 102–5,
60, 61, 67, 69, 70, 72, 75, 78, 87, 89, 102, 107–8, 133, 186n12, 188n16
103, 105, 107, 108, 109, 114, 116, 117, 123, fire, xxviii, xxxi, xxxviii, xxxix, xliv, 18, 24, 26,
128, 132, 134, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 179, 44, 56, 59, 65, 70, 82, 88, 96, 98, 126, 132,
180, 182, 187n22, 187n9, 188n18, 192n54; 134, 143, 151, 152, 154, 158, 159, 173, 175,
daughter(s)-in-law, 93–94, 118, 119, 120, 176, 179, 180, 195n72
121, 122, 125 Firebird, 110–14, 115, 138, 167, 168
death, xxvi, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, fish, xxxiii, 38, 126, 127, 165, 166
xxxviii, xxxix, xli, xlii, xliii, xliv, xlvii, flying carpet, x, xxix, xxxv, 66, 98–99, 122
xlviii, 34, 36, 39, 44, 48, 58, 74, 75, 127, forest, viii, xxiii, xxvi, xxviii, xxxi, xxxiii,
142, 170, 179, 186n19, 186n21, 190n29, xxxix, xl, xliii, xliv, xlv, xlvii, xlviii, 3, 4, 6,
191n36, 196n73 7, 9, 11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 37, 38,
deer/stag, xlv, 32, 33, 34, 35 41, 44, 46, 47, 48, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 69, 73,
devil(s), viii, xxxiv, 43, 69, 98, 111, 112, 159 74, 82, 83, 86, 91, 96, 98, 112, 113, 116, 125,
Dobrin, Evgeny Yurievich, 130 128, 129, 132, 135, 136, 142, 149, 172, 174,
dog, xxx, xl, 4, 5, 6, 34, 83, 84, 93, 94, 192n49 175, 180, 186n20, 188n9, 192n48, 194n56
fork, 11, 52 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 174, 175, 178, 181, ,
fortune telling, xxxix–xl, 196n84 187n9, 187n24, 190n32, 190n35, 191n36,
fox, 67 192n48, 193n56, 196n56; winged, 135
Friday, xxxiii–xxxiv, xxxvii Hubbs, Joanna, vii, xxxi, xxxii, xlix, liii,
frog, xxxi, 38–39, 40, 41, 116–21, 123–25, 126, 185n4
134, 189n25 husband, xxxi, xli, 3, 4, 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35,
“Frog Princess, The,” xxvi, xxviii, 142 36, 64, 96, 97, 100, 101, 105, 107, 108, 117,
geese, xxvii, xliii, liv, 73, 80, 120, 128–31
“Geese and Swans, The,” xviii, xxxvi, 130 idol, 163, 164
Gilchrist, Cherry, vii, xlix, liii incest, x, xi, xxxviii, 67
Gimbutas, Maria, xlix, 187n25 invisible hat, xxiv, 61, 63, 64, 65, 73, 98–99,
God, viii, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 35, 39, 46, 100, 101
48, 50, 51, 59, 60, 62, 65, 67, 68, 72, 73, 85, Ivan, xxiv, xl, 45, 116–22, 191n38, 192n46;
90, 91, 104, 105, 108, 111, 112, 126, 136, 141, Ivan-Bogatyr, 116–22; the Merchant’s
148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 162, 163, 178, 185n8, Son, 165–69; Zapechnik, 161, 196n92;
188n12, 188n25 Ivanusha, 45, 130
goddess, vii, xi, xii, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, Ivanits, Linda, vii, liii, 186n20
xxxix, xli, xlix, 187n25 Ivanov, Viacheslvav V., xlvii
“Go I Don’t Know Where, Bring I Don’t Ivashko Zapechnik, 161–64, 196n92, 196n95
Know What,” xxxi, xxxix
gold(en), x, xxix, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxix, Jack Frost. See Father Frost
xliii, xlv, liv, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, Jakobson, Roman, xvii, xviii, xlii
35, 41, 43, 45, 62, 66, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, Johns, Andreas, vii, xxxiv, xlvi, liii
76, 77, 78, 101, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, Jungian, xli, xlviii, 187n24
112, 117, 118, 124, 129, 137, 145, 151–52, 155,
158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 188n16, 188n20, Kazak, Valdemar (von), viii, xvi, 37
190n30, 191n43, 196n87 Kemp, Moira, liv
grandfather/granddad, 74, 76, 194n59 kerchief, xxxi, 19, 62, 102, 189n25
grandmother, xxii, xxxiv, 17, 31, 34, 178; Khudiakov, Ivan, ix, xiii, xiv, xlii, 185n1,
granny, 23, 24, 46, 48, 56, 90, 91, 99, 100, 191n40, 192n55, 195n61, 195n70, 195n71
104, 105, 164, 175, 177, 178, 181, 188n25, Kimmel, Eric, liv
194n59 king, xxiv, xxxviii, 28–36, 43, 44, 61, 72,
groom, x, 117, 188n10 73, 95, 100–101, 116, 117–20, 122, 185n3,
Guterman, Norbert, xlii, liii, 10, 187n1 188n16, 188n18, 188n23, 188–89n25
knife (knives), 21, 22, 71, 104
handkerchief, xxxi, 5, 6, 18, 56, 58, 110, 112, Kononenko, Natalie, 186n18
113, 125, 128, 190n35 Koshchei the Deathless, x, xxvi, 51–52, 54,
Haney, Jack, ix, x, liii 55, 56, 59, 125, 126, 127, 186n19, 187n24,
hare, xxxvi, 126, 127, 168 190n32, 191n35, 191n36
Henningsen, Gustav, xii, liii, 185n1 Kritov, Fedor, 155
hero, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxix, xxxi, xxxiii, xxxv, kvass, 137, 176, 196n98
xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix, xli, xlvii, li,
77, 191n46, 196n95 lacquer boxes (Palekh, etc.), li, 31, 33, 58, 129,
heroine, xxiv, xxviii, xxix, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxv, 155
xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xli, xlii, 130, 173, 185n3, Lent, Blair, liv
191n46, 194n58 lice, xxxii, 26, 90, 91
horse, xxvi, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxviii, 16, 17, 18, Lien, Annbjørg, xliv
21, 24, 26, 54, 55, 56–58, 59, 72, 73, 74, lion(s), 112, 113, 136; lioness, 56, 57
75, 76, 77, 79, 83, 86, 95, 96, 108, 111, 112, Lipovetsky, Mark, liii
118, 125, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142, 144, Lloyd, Megan, liv
tablecloth, x, 61, 62, 64, 78, 125 Vasilisa the Wise, 121–22, 123, 124, 125, 126,
tailors, 76, 77, 158 127, 195n69
tale-tellers, xiv, xvii, xliii Vasnetsov, Viktov, viii, xxxv
tavern, 32, 157, 158, 159, 193–94n56
“Three Kingdoms—Copper, Silver and Walker, Barbara G., xlix, 187n25
Gold, The,” x, xviii, xxxi–xxxii, xxxiii water, xxvi, xxvii, xxxi, xxxii, xl, 6, 20, 36, 41,
threes, vii, x, xix, xxvi, xxviii, xxxi, xxxiii, 51, 54, 57, 69, 78, 79, 83, 93, 105, 119, 120,
xxxiv, xxxviii, xxxix, 9, 19, 23, 32, 36, 41, 125, 132, 134, 140, 146, 150, 152, 153, 171,
43, 47, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 66, 188n17, 188n25, 190n32, 192n49, 195n67;
72, 83, 84, 89, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 104, of death/dead water, 55, 138, 186n19,
105, 107–8, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118, 195–96n73; healing, 190n32; of life/living
121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 135, 137, 138, 140, water, viii, 55, 138, 145, 146, 147, 186n19,
142, 143, 145, 149–60, 161, 166, 168, 172, 190n32, 195–96n73; strengthening, 87,
175, 177, 178, 179, 185n8, 186n9, 190n29, 153, 154; weakening, 87, 153, 154; of youth,
190n32, 192–94n56, 194n58, 196n73 135, 136, 137
Toporov, Vladimir N., xlvii weaving, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix, 5–6, 93, 124,
towel, xxxi, 6, 7, 35, 36–37, 70, 82, 83, 181, 191n43
187–88n9, 188n25, 195n72 whirlwind, viii, 33, 38, 41, 43, 50, 51, 52, 60,
tree(s), xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxxii, xlii, xliv, xlvii, 62, 63, 64, 65, 97, 100, 149, 151, 152, 153,
5, 6, 23, 28, 43, 52, 70, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90, 154, 155, 156, 158
91, 92, 96, 97, 100, 110, 127, 128, 130, 159, whistle, xvii, xxvi, 70, 73, 74, 97, 99, 100, 108,
160, 169, 175, 176, 177, 190n32, 192n48, 114, 155, 156, 157, 159, 177, 189n25, 194n56
192n51, 195n69 White Swan Zakhar’evna, xxiv, 145, 146–48
Tronge, Clive, lv widow, xlv, 170
trunk (chest), xxvi, 48, 64, 92, 127, 134, 168, wife, xviii, xxxi, xxxix, xli, 3, 4, 5, 8, 27, 28, 29,
169 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 52, 54,
tsar, xix, xxiv, xxxix, xlix, 37, 43, 60, 66, 72, 60, 61, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 107, 120, 121, 123,
78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 100, 101, 110, 114, 115, 124, 127, 132, 149, 161, 165, 170, 172, 182,
123, 124, 125, 126, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 188n25, 191n44
143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 157, 160, 181, wine, 33–34, 39, 41, 95, 100, 109, 115, 139, 151,
182, 188n16, 188n23, 192n56; bear, 79–82, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 176, 188n16, 189n25,
192n48, 192n56; dragon, 78 193–94n56
tsaritsa, 61, 79, 80, 123, 135, 149, 150, 151, 153, witch, vii, viii, ix, xi, xii, xiii, xix, xxi, xxviii,
154, 155 xxix, xxxiv, xxxvi, xxxix, xliii, liii, 17, 46,
Tsar-Maiden, xlviii, 64, 65, 137, 138, 139, 67, 69–70, 93, 185n2, 187n9; etymology,
140–44, 165–69 xxii
Turgenev, Ivan, 186n17 wolf (wolves), 74, 83, 84, 93, 190n32, 193n56
Tyukanov, Sergei, 77 wonder tales, ix, x, xii, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxv,
xxxviii, xxxix, xlv, xlvi, xlvii, xlix, 185n3,
Ugarov, Valery, lv 186n10, 186n19
Ugrešić, Dubravka, xlviii, l, liv, 187n26 Woodman, Marion, xlviii, liii
uncle, 138, 143, 147, 148, 149–50, 165, 194n59
underground kingdom, 69–70, 87–88, Yagishna, xxiii, xxxviii, 12, 145, 146, 147,
162–64 196n75
“Young Man and the Apples of Youth, The,”
variants, xiv, xviii, xxxv xxiv, xxviii
Vasilisa the Beautiful, ix, x, xxiv, xxix, xxxvi,
xxxviii, xliv, xlvi, xlviii–xlix, l, 31, 46, 142, Zamirailo, Viktor, 97
167, 170–82 Zvorykin, Boris, ix, xlvii, 167