1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 2
1.1 General.................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Reference list......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Brochures .............................................................................................................. 7
1 2005 - 08 - 30 T. Anttonen
0 2005 - 02 - 11 T. Anttonen
Muut. Pvm Laatinut Pvm Tarkastanut Pvm Hyväksynyt
Rev. Date Prepared by Date Reviewed by Date Approved by
KLY-1 1997-05 P:\582-RAPP-PB3\int\Kayttoonotto\koulutus\Training Manuals\Folder 1\1 Introduction(1).doc
This document is the exclusive intellectual property of Kvaerner Power Oy and is furnished for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining of the specific project, and re-use of the document for any other project or
purpose is prohibited. The document or the information shall not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Kvaerner Power Oy.
1.1 General
The manual is intended for the use of qualified personnel who are
experienced in the operation and maintenance of boilers and
ancillary equipment. It is not intended to cover all possible variations
in equipment and operating conditions or to provide for specific
operation or maintenance problems, which may arise. Therefore it is
the operators’ responsibility to take appropriate corrective measures
in boiler operation in sudden disturbance and hazardous situations
at their discretion.
This document is the exclusive intellectual property of Kvaerner Power Oy and is furnished for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining of the specific project, and re-use of the document for any other project or
purpose is prohibited. The document or the information shall not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Kvaerner Power Oy.
The operators must also pay attention to what has been presented in
the separate, often very detailed operating and maintenance
instructions of the equipment suppliers in separate folders of
operating and maintenance instructions.
This document is the exclusive intellectual property of Kvaerner Power Oy and is furnished for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining of the specific project, and re-use of the document for any other project or
purpose is prohibited. The document or the information shall not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Kvaerner Power Oy.
This document is the exclusive intellectual property of Kvaerner Power Oy and is furnished for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining of the specific project, and re-use of the document for any other project or
purpose is prohibited. The document or the information shall not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Kvaerner Power Oy.
This document is the exclusive intellectual property of Kvaerner Power Oy and is furnished for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining of the specific project, and re-use of the document for any other project or
purpose is prohibited. The document or the information shall not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Kvaerner Power Oy.
This document is the exclusive intellectual property of Kvaerner Power Oy and is furnished for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining of the specific project, and re-use of the document for any other project or
purpose is prohibited. The document or the information shall not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Kvaerner Power Oy.
1.3 Brochures
This document is the exclusive intellectual property of Kvaerner Power Oy and is furnished for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining of the specific project, and re-use of the document for any other project or
purpose is prohibited. The document or the information shall not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Kvaerner Power Oy.