The student teacher effectively delivered a lesson on establishing the relationship between addition and multiplication to a 3rd grade class. Students were fully engaged through the use of concrete examples, pictorial representations, and real-life scenarios. Transition between activities was smooth. Areas for development included encouraging participation from all students and providing more challenging classwork. The focus for the next lesson should be differentiation and challenging work.
The student teacher effectively delivered a lesson on establishing the relationship between addition and multiplication to a 3rd grade class. Students were fully engaged through the use of concrete examples, pictorial representations, and real-life scenarios. Transition between activities was smooth. Areas for development included encouraging participation from all students and providing more challenging classwork. The focus for the next lesson should be differentiation and challenging work.
The student teacher effectively delivered a lesson on establishing the relationship between addition and multiplication to a 3rd grade class. Students were fully engaged through the use of concrete examples, pictorial representations, and real-life scenarios. Transition between activities was smooth. Areas for development included encouraging participation from all students and providing more challenging classwork. The focus for the next lesson should be differentiation and challenging work.
The student teacher effectively delivered a lesson on establishing the relationship between addition and multiplication to a 3rd grade class. Students were fully engaged through the use of concrete examples, pictorial representations, and real-life scenarios. Transition between activities was smooth. Areas for development included encouraging participation from all students and providing more challenging classwork. The focus for the next lesson should be differentiation and challenging work.
Competency Area E G S M U Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document
(E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory)
Professionalism * Planning for learning * (Includes knowledge & understanding of content) Implementing and Managing Learning * (Includes behavior management, language and delivery) Assessment Reflection on Practice * Overview of the lesson: Lesson started with the teacher reviewing the class rules and the lesson’s objectives. The teacher models the lesson in which students are to establish the relationship that exist between addition and multiplication. Abstract and pictorial representation was used on the board. Real life examples were also used where the students were able to determine how many groups of students that are in the class and how many students per group. Cupcakes were used as a concrete representation to explain the meaning of multiplication. The students were fully engaged. The gradual release model was evident during the lesson. Transition from one activity to the next was well executed. The instructional time was maximized. Great use of the behavioral chart. Students were redirected effortless. Areas for development: Encourage participation from all students. There were quite a few students who remained quiet and they were never called on to participate. Classwork needs to be more challenging. The lesson didn’t seem to present any level of challenges to any of the students in the classroom.
Focus for next lesson:
Differentiation not based on students’ level Challenging work