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Einstein’s Theories of Relativity

Shifting World Views,

Separating the Classical from

the Modern

Classical Physics

•  Boltzmann, 1899: “Many may have thought at the
time of Lessing, Schiller and Goethe, that by constant
further development of the ideal modes of poetry
practiced by these masters dramatic literature would
be provided for in perpetuity, whereas today one seeks
quite different methods of dramatic poetry and the
proper one may well not have been found yet. Just so,
the old school of painting is confronted with
impressionism, secessionism, pleinairism, and
classical music with music of the future. Is not this
last already out-of-date in turn? We therefore will
cease to be amazed that theoretical physics is no
exception to this general law of development.”

Classical Physics (con t)

•  Boltzmann, 1899: The aim of classical physics is
to seek “the law of action of a force acting at a
distance between any two atoms and then
integrating the equations that followed from all
these interactions under appropriate initial
conditions” to describe the general state of affairs.
[Laplace’s program.]

•  This was threatened by Maxwell and Hertz’s
electromagnetic theory, the positivists (Mach), the
energetics (Helm, Ostwald).

•  Boltzmann defined himself as a classical theorist.

Classical Physics (con t)

Boltzmann, 1899: “I regard as my life’s task to
help to ensure, by as clear and logically ordered
an elaboration as I can give of the results of
old, classical theory, that the great portion of
valuable and permanently usable material that
in my view is contained in it need not be
rediscovered one day.”

• Boltzmann’s talk was a turn-of-the-century
address. It was meant to capture the spirit of
rapidly changing world views and scientific

Two Clouds

•  In 1900 at a Friday Evening lecture at the
Royal Institution, W. Thompson, now Lord
Kelvin, discussed “two clouds” that hung over
19th century physics.

•  One was a technical assumption of the
Maxwell-Boltzmann theory of heat radiation,
which would be involved in the development
of quantum dynamics.

•  The other was the failure of Michelson and
Morley to detect ether drift.

The Michelson-Morley Experiment

•  In 1887, at the Case School for Applied Science
in Cleveland, OH, Michelson and Morley carried
out a series of precise measurements of the
speed of two beams of light traveling at right
angles to one another.

•  If the light were moving in a medium, there
should have been detectible time differences in
the two directions.

•  There was not. Michelson and Morley believed
that their equipment wasn’t sensitive enough.

Non-classical Mechanics

•  In 1902, Poincaré stated that there is no absolute space,
no absolute time, and no direct intuition of
simultaneity. Moreover that it might be possible to
enunciate mechanical facts with reference to a non-
Euclidean space.

•  Poincaré, 1904: It should be possible to “construct a
whole new mechanics, of which we only succeed in
catching a glimpse, where inertia increasing with
velocity, the velocity of light would become an
impassible limit. The ordinary mechanics, more simple,
would remain a first approximation, since it would be
true for velocities not too great, so that we should still
find the old dynamics under the new.”

Albert Einstein (879-1955)

•  From a middle-class Jewish family. They
moved around between Germany, Italy and
Switzerland when he was young.

•  Educated at Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology and U of Zurich.

•  Worked in the Swiss patent office.

•  In 1905 published 5 papers, some of the
most important in the 20th century. [Wonder

Einstein’s Life (con’t)

•  Taught at a number of different Us.

•  1914, Professor at Berlin U, member of the
Prussian academy.

•  Refused to sign the 1914 manifesto “To the
Civilized World.”

•  1915, published the general theory of
relativity. Became an international celebrity
when GR was experimentally confirmed.

Einstein’s Life (con’t)

•  In 1933, when the National Socialists (Nazis)
were elected, he renounced his German
citizenship and never returned.

•  Professor at Princeton Institute for Advanced

•  Was instrumental in mobilizing the scientific
community to work on the atomic bomb.

•  Spent the post-war years working on a unified
field theory and toward international peace.

Einstein’s Work

•  Developed the special and general theories
of relativity.

•  Was instrumental to the development of
early quantum theory but never agreed with
quantum dynamics.

•  Spent his later years working in isolation on
a unified field theory (a theory of
everything). This was unsuccessful.

•  Wrote books popularizing his theories and
on more philosophical subjects.

The Special Theory of Relativity
“The Theory of Invariance”

•  “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,”

•  The point of the theory was to show that the
equations of electromagnetism are the same in any
frame of reference.

•  Einstein wanted to call it the theory of invariance,
or covariance.

•  It was called ‘relativity theory’ by Plank in 1906.

Principles of Relativity

(1)  “The same laws of electrodynamics and optics will
be valid for all frames of reference for which the
equations of mechanics hold good.” [The laws of
electrodynamics are the same in any reference
frame moving at constant linear velocity.]

(2)  “Light is always propagated in empty space with a
definite velocity, c, which is independent of the
state of motion of the emitting body.” [The velocity
of light, c, is constant in every reference frame.]

The Speed of Light

•  The fundamental assumption of the theory of
relativity is that the speed of light is constant to
all observers, irregardless of their speed or the
speed of the light source. This makes the speed
of light unlike the speed of any other moving

•  Hence, the velocity of everything else has to be
determined on the basis of this constant, c
approx. = 300,000 km/s.

•  In order to do this, the observers use theoretical
rigid yardsticks and light clocks.

Measuring Time and Distance

•  Einstein claims that it is impossible to have an
intuitive understanding of the real nature of time and

•  In order to know the distance between two objects, we
have to use rigid measures to mark off the distance
relative to some rigid body, some physical reference
frame. There is no direct access to distances.

•  In order to know the time between two events, we
have have to record the time it takes for a beam of
light to get from our eye to the event and back. Then
we measure the distance and calculate the time. There
is no direct access to time intervals.

Inertial Frames

•  In the special theory, we assume that
observers are traveling in different reference
frames, at different but constant velocities.

•  Each observer can only directly measure the
distances in her own frame. Each observer can
only directly read the clocks immediately next
to her.

•  In order to determine the distances in the other
frame, or in order to read the clocks that are
far away from her, she has to send out a beam
of light and make a calculation.

Consequences of Special Relativity

•  We imagine that there are two coordinate
systems (x,y,z,t) moving relative to one

•  We then generate a series of four equations
to transform each point in one system to a
point in the other system.

•  That is, we try to ask what one system
“looks like” from the perspective of the
other system.

Lorentz-Fitzgerald Equations

•  With two frames K(x,y,z,t) and K’(x’,y’,z’,t’)
moving relative to one another along the x axis,
we get strange results for the transformation from
x and t to x and t .

•  We can derive the fact that distances are shortened
by a factor of √(1-(v2/c2)), while time is
lengthened by the same factor.

•  This means that distances appear to be shorter and
time appears to be running slowly in the other
frame of reference.

•  It also means that these results are negligible for
low speeds.

Time and Space

•  The consequences of this simple assumption are very

–  Each observer sees his own measuring devices as constant
but they get out if sync with those of other observers
moving at different speeds.

–  For speeds close to c, time appears to elongate (clocks run
slower) while distances diminish (yardsticks get shorter).
(Not to the observes moving at these speeds, but to others
who are observing them.)

•  These effects are irrelevant in most cases, but for
speeds approaching that of light, and hence for sub-
atomic phenomena (because of the speeds of
electrons and other sub-atomic particles), they are

Simultaneous Events

•  This theory implies that there are no such
things as absolutely simultaneous events.
Events which appear to be so in one reference
frame will occur at different times in another
reference frame.

•  If two events appear to be simultaneous to the
‘stationary’ observer, the ‘moving’ observer
will see the event toward which he is moving
as occurring before the other.

•  Simultaneity is not frame independent.

Simultaneity, Inside the car

Simultaneity, On the tracks

Einstein’s Train


•  The special theory was only interesting to a
small group of specialists. They applied the
predictions to experimental results for sub-
atomic particles.

•  They demonstrated how the mechanical laws
of all moving systems could be mapped into
one another in a general spacetime geometry.
[Minkowski, etc.]

•  They determined the invariant spacetime
interval between any two events.

Papers on Relativity

General Relativity

•  Einstein, 1922: “My first thought on the general
theory of relativity was conceived two years later, in
1907. The idea occurred suddenly… I came to realize
that all the natural laws except the law of gravity
could be discussed within the framework of the
special theory of relativity. I wanted to find the reason
for this, but I could not attain this goal easily… The
breakthrough came suddenly one day. I was sitting on
a chair in my patent office in Bern. Suddenly a
thought struck me: If a man falls freely, he would not
feel his own weight. I was taken aback. This simple
thought experiment made a deep impression on me.”

Principles of General Relativity

•  The general principle of relativity: The laws of
physics are exactly the same in every frame of
reference, whether stationary, in constant motion,
or changing motion.

•  The principle of equivalence: We have no way of
deciding on a privileged reference frame. Hence,
to the same effects we must attribute the same
causes. (There is no way to distinguish between
things like gravity and acceleration, etc. )

A thought experiment

•  We imagine a spacious room in which an observer
can perform experiments.

–  If the room is in a region of space with no massy bodies,
the observer will experience a lack of ‘gravity.’

–  If the room is pulled by something else at the same
acceleration with which bodies fall towards earth, the
observer will experience the ‘law of gravity.’

–  If the room is in freefall towards a massy body, the
observer will experience a lack of ‘gravity.’

–  If the room is on the surface of the earth, the observer will
experience the ‘law of gravity.’

•  The principle of equivalence tells us that we have no
way of knowing what our situation is.

A New Field Theory

•  Einstein set out to make a field theory in
which gravitation was the result of the
spacetime field in the same way that
electromagnetic force was the result of the
electromagnetic field.

•  The theory was an elegant extension of
Maxwell’s style of physics.

•  The claims were even stranger than those of
the special theory.

General Relativity

•  Published in 1915, in the middle of WWI.

•  Space and time make up a continuous (4D)
field analogous to an electromagnetic field.

•  Massy objects distort this field in a regular
way, producing the gravitational effect.
[Gravity well.]

•  Light is subject to this effect and will be
‘bent’ in the vicinity of large objects.

•  Time elongates (clocks run slower) near
large objects.

Spacetime Curvature


•  The orbit of Mercury (perihelion) could not

be exactly modeled with Newton’s laws, but
could with Einstein’s.

•  Gravitational redshift. [Difficult to detect.]

•  The deflection of light by the sun should be
detectable in a solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse of 1919

•  Expeditions were organized in 1917, but there were
political and weather problems. The gravitational
deflection of sunlight was observed by Dyson off the
west coast of Africa and Eddington in Brazil.

•  The evidence was messy and some of it had to be
discarded. The photos were interpreted to agreed
with Einstein’ theory.

•  Dyson, reporting to Royal Society: “A very definite
result has been obtained that light is deflected in
accordance with Einstein s law of gravitation.”

•  When Einstein was told he was “unperturbed” and
said, “I knew that the theory is correct. Did you
doubt it?” But actually, he had been anxious.

Gravitational Lens


•  The result of this announcement was that
first the theory, and then its inventor,
became world famous. Particularly in the
US and Britain.

•  This fueled anti-Semitic feelings among
many Germans who felt that Einstein was
intentionally garnering foreign attention for
his “Jewish” theories.

•  In fact, Einstein’s fame in the States
requires some explanation.


•  JJ Thompson is reported to have called the
discovery “one of the most momentous, if
not the most momentous pronouncements in
human history.”

•  The press got carried away with statements
like this and they peppered their articles
with intriguing phrases that were composed
of simple words but seemed to make no
sense, “curved space,” “four dimensions,”
“finite universe,” etc.


•  London Times: “Revolution in Science.”

•  Washington Post: “Fundamentals of Physics May
be Revolutionized.”

•  New York Times: “Bolshevism in Science.”

•  A Current Opinions writer wrote that Einstein had
“knocked out Euclid and driven Newton in to a

•  Physicists, like Max Planck and Oliver Lodge,
were quoted as supporting these views.

•  Einstein himself repeatedly claimed that his
theories were built on the work of his
predecessors, but no one listened to him.


•  London Times: “The ideals of Aristotle and Euclid and
Newton which are the basis of all or present
conceptions prove in fact not to correspond with what
can be observed in the fabric of the universe… Space is
merely a relation between two sets of data, and an
infinite number of times may coexists. Here and there,
past and present, are relative, not absolute, and change
according to the ordinates and coordinates selected.”

•  Einstein again insisted it would be better to speak of
the theory of “covariance” or “invariance,” but of
course no one listened to him.

“Destroyer of Space and Time”

•  New York Times incorrectly attributed to
Einstein the statement that “from this time
hence time by itself and space by itself are
mere shadows.” [Minkowski.]

•  New York Times editorial called Einstein the
“destroyer of space and time.”

•  The idea that time and space had actually
been changed disturbed many people and
there was even the idea that the scientific
elite had some power over these things.

“The Twelve Men”

•  Manchester Guardian started the rumor that Einsein
had claimed that there were only 12 men who would
understand his theory. “When he offered his latest
work to the publishers he warned them that there were
not more than 12 men in the whole world who could
understand it. Nevertheless, they took the risk.”

•  New York Times: “A Book for Twelve Wise Men.”

•  Einsein, when asked, at first thought they were joking,
and then denied it. But it was too late; the 12 men
became a central myth.

•  The idea of such an elite science was held to be
undemocratic and, in fact, un-American.


•  New York Times, editorial, 1919: “As Professor
Einstein remarks, the ‘man in the street’ has felt the
foundations of belief in upheaval. He has an
explanation of the fact, regarding it as
‘psycopathological.’ It is an interesting theory, but to
one who knows our man in the street, it is not
plausible. The true answer is Democracy. The
Declaration of Independence itself is outraged by the
assertion that there is anything on Earth, or in
interstellar space which is understood by only a
chosen few.”

Einstein’s Visit

•  Just as interest in the theory was dying down,
Einstein himself visited the US.

•  He came as part of a Zionist delegation, hoping
to raise money for the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem. The delegation was met in NYC by
huge crowds of cheering fans.

•  The gentile press wrongly assumed all this
cheering must be for Einstein.

•  They assumed he was an international celebrity
receiving a “hero’s welcome.”

Einstein’s Image

•  Einstein turned out to be the opposite of what
the press was expecting. Far from the
“frightening Dr. Einstein, destroyer of time and
space,” he was informal, friendly, humorous,
goofy and spoke in sound bites.

•  The US press fell in love with him. The
European press reacted to this.

•  The anti-Semitic press especially considered
that he was currying favor abroad for his
outlandish, and altogether too “Jewish” ideas.

•  The mainstream press accepted his celebrity.

•  “You imagine that I look back on my life’s
work with calm satisfaction. But from
nearby it looks quite different. There is not
a single concept of which I am convinced
that it will stand firm, and I feel uncertain
whether I am in general on the right track.”

Einstein, Letter to Solovine, 1949

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