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Cutlass Free PDF

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Gav Thorpe
Adam Clarke
Published by Black Scorpion Miniatures
© Black Scorpion Miniatures 2011
ISBN 978-0-9568471-0-2
Gav Thorpe
Adam Clarke

Project management: All miniatures sculpted and painted by:

Adam Clarke Adam Clarke

Core rules system: Graphic design and layout:

Gav Thorpe Tears of Envy

Character and faction development: Templates, charts, logo and spot artwork:
Adam Clarke Tears of Envy
Kane Fowler
Spencer Talbot Photography:
Adam Clarke
Cover Art:
John Blumen Scenic table:
Tony Carrasco
Internal Art:
Billy Toufexis Play testing:
Georgina Harman Adam Clarke
Gilbert Daroy Kane Fowler
Karl Friedrich Gav Thorpe
Toren Atkinson

Lynne Campbell

Forward .........................................................5 Fiction - Rose & Jaggard.............................58
Background.................................................... 7 Campaigns ................................................... 64
Creating a Gang ................................................64
Introduction .................................................. 9 The Royal Navy ................................................66
Measurements and Dice................................... 11 Pirates .................................................................67
Profiles and Attributes .....................................12 Privateers ...........................................................68
Sequence of Play ...............................................13 Orc and Goblin Pirates .....................................69
Declare Action Type..........................................20 Dwarf Pirates .....................................................70
Movement ..........................................................20 Elf Pirates ...........................................................71
Undead Pirates ..................................................72
Actions ........................................................20 Female Pirates ..................................................73
Shooting .............................................................23 Equipment Costs ...............................................73
Hand-to-hand Combat .....................................24 Special characters: .............................................74
Damage and Injuries ........................................26 Campaign Sequence .........................................82
Spooked and Fleeing Models ..........................27 Injuries ................................................................84
Special Actions ..................................................28 Gain experience .................................................86
Fame/ Infamy ...................................................89
Skills and Weapons ...................................... 30 Work out funds..................................................89
List of Skills........................................................30 New Recruits and
Shooting Weapons ............................................31 Outcasts ..............................................................91
Hand-to-hand Weapons ...................................31 Leadership challenges ......................................93
Equipment..........................................................32 Ending the Campaign
– The Final Reckoning ......................................94
Encounters ....................................................36 Special Campaign
Anatomy of an Encounter ...............................36 Encounters .........................................................94
Pitch Battle .........................................................37 Gangs for One-off Games ..............................100
Ambush ..............................................................38 Pirate names ....................................................100
Brawl ...................................................................39 How miniatures are made .............................104
Escort ..................................................................40
Raid .....................................................................41 Modeling ................................................... 104
Running Battle...................................................43 Scenery .............................................................106
Skirmish .............................................................44
Swoop .................................................................45 Quick Reference ......................................... 108
Treasure Hunt ....................................................46
Miniature catalogue ................................... 48 Tokens ............................................................... 116
AP Tracker Sheets ...........................................120

Updated Preface 2018.

Cutlass was originally released in 2011, our first game and a great success. The original
system was designed to be adapted for both Cutlass and Tombstone (our old west game),
with Cutlass being more combat focused and Tombstone more shooting focused.
We released Tombstone in 2018 after a hugely successful kickstarter and translated it into
French, Spanish, Italian and German. By this time we knew of a large number of updates/
changes and improvements we would like to make Cutlass, having implemented most of
them into the Tombstone system, book and design.

So there are plans to release a new version of Cutlass one day, when we will no doubt re-
release a new printed book.
Until then due to demand we’re releasing the current PDF Cutlass for free!

At the back of the book you’ll find some erratas and corrections. We encourage you have
fun with the system, make some house rules and tweak things as you like.

I add here an option you might like to try, the Tombstone system of actions points. In
Cutlass as is the two players both roll a die for action points meaning they’ll have different
amounts of points to use (the idea being it balances out over the game, creating dynamic
play). What this can mean is one player can be unlucky and get destroyed quickly! I would
suggest trying the cutlass system though as it can be a lot of fun.

For the more competitive gamer here’s the Tombstone system of action points you can
easily use for Cutlass:


Both players roll Au as normal, the highest is active first. But BOTH players use that high
roll as their action point total. Meaning both players will always have the same amount of
action points to use and the game becomes more about using them wisely.

If you haven’t tried our Tombstone old west game it’s available printed in English and as a
PDF download for purchase in the languages mentioned above. If you are familiar with
Tombstone you may wish to introduce more of that system into Cutlass ( as will be the
case in the new version).

You’ll also notice in this book some models which have since been discontinued, such as
the giant and Orcs. We plan to release new versions of models such as Orcs and the
undead captain ( we’re not sure about a new giant yet!)

Hope you enjoy the book!

Adam Clarke - Black Scorpion miniatures.

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B artholo
e h o n o rable
P iracy is rife in the old world. Sailing from
land to land, often in barely roped together
ships with a skeleton crew, a pirate captain
sent to strange islands to investigate something
more sinister. Tales of strange beasts and
ghostly figures. Pirates too are hearing rumours
hopes to eventually bag himself a vessel worthy and tales of mythical creatures. Following rare
of the seas and a loyal or fearful crew to follow maps in hope of finding mystical items worth a
him to fame and fortune! fortune.

It’s a cutthroat world where pirates will For most people these are no more than folk
plunder, murder and deceive both at sea and tales that make a good story over a bottle
on land. Pirates are by no means immune from of rum in a tavern. Few believe they hold
their own trade. any truth. Conspiracies and rumour have
taken on new furvour since the unexplained
The Royal Navy is a powerful force. Highly disappearance of HMS Intrepid, one of the
trained with the biggest and fastest ships and a Navy’s finest ships that was en route to one of
well-paid loyal crew. They serve to expand and the islands. No official word was ever given on
protect the trading routes of the British Empire. the fate of the crew...
The Royal Marines that sail with the navy are
feared and admired far and wide. Only the
bravest and most infamous pirates take them

Lying somewhere in the middle are the

Privateers. Often blurring the line between
right and wrong, they do the trade or the dirty
work for the highest bidder. Often a wealthy
Governor or merchant looking to open up new
opportunities. A privateer captain may have
come from a navy or a pirate background.
They’ll usually take up any extra perks that
may come their way. Often leading to conflict
with Pirates or Navy. Some Privateers are no
more than pirates using a wealthy mans name
to avoid trouble!

Sometimes however, when these different crews

cross paths on a remote island a signed piece of
paper or flying the right flag doesn’t mean very
much and all hell breaks loose. Reports of fights,
duels and entire crews battling each other are
becoming more common. Often following the
same tip off of hidden treasure or loot.

Recently something else has started happening

too. Some Navy and Privateers crews are being

W elcome to Cutlass, a tabletop miniatures
game that allows you to lead a band of
scurvy dogs, servants of the king or perhaps a
each other that will have a lasting effect on
their gangs. Members can die and be recruited,
headquarters can be built, bounties and
crew of Orcs, Undead, Dwarfs or Elves, in a war ransoms paid, new weapons acquired, injuries
for supremacy. Using the Cutlass rules you can sustained and all manner of other fun stuff.
assemble a gang of fighters, mount raids and Seeing your gang progress from no-name scum
ambushes, build up your fame (or infamy!) and to the terror of the island is the best part of
expand your dominion over a distant island. playing with the Cutlass rules.

The Cutlass game rules have been designed

to allow a dynamic, fast-playing game that Land Based:
rewards movement, planning and initiative. Cutlass games are designed to take place on
A typical Cutlass gang is between 10 and 30 land, in port or similar. There’s no reason why
models in number, and a normal encounter can you can’t use the combat and campaign system
be played in an hour or two. within a ship based game though. When using
ships they tend to be the main focus and require
This rulebook contains several distinct chapters, dedicated rules. Our focus is on the miniatures
each of which details a particular part of the themselves.
Cutlass game system. This first part is the
Introduction and Rules that contains what you
need to know to resolve an encounter between Overview
your gangs over a miniatures battlefield. At The Cutlass rules system has been designed to
first glance there may seem quite a lot to take use 28mm-32mm scale miniatures, in particular
in, but the basic mechanics of moving, shooting the Black Scorpion range of pirates and their
and fighting in hand-to-hand combat all follow adversaries. Unlike many other games, there
simple principles that are easy to pick up. The is no ‘player turns’ in which one player gets
rules section details how to move and fight with to do all of their stuff and then sits back while
your models on the tabletop, with a section the other player does the same. Cutlass uses
at the end that explains the rules for different a dynamic system of actions and reactions to
weapons as well as special skills that your gang ensure that players can never be sure if they’ll
members might possess. get to act next, making the prioritisation of
actions a large part of the game.
The next part of the book is devoted to
Encounters. These are the situations that will Broadly speaking, when a player is ‘active’
pit the players’ gangs against each other. An they can choose whether some of their models
encounter might be one gang ambushing will move, shoot their guns or fight in hand-to-
another, or a raid into enemy territory to kidnap hand combat. This is resolved using an ’action
an important person, or it can involve both total’ that is expended as the player’s miniature
gangs embarking on an armed treasure hunt. warriors fight the battle. As the player continues
The encounters have been created to provide to perform actions with his models his options
relatively fast games with straightforward become more limited and the chance of his
objectives for the gangs to achieve and opponent seizing the initiative become more
deliberately leave a lot to the players to add to likely. The key to success is knowing when
the story-telling. Players are always encouraged to stop, saving some of your action total to
to devise new encounters and to share them interrupt your opponent’s plans. The balance
with the rest of the gaming community. between acting and reacting will shift as the
game progresses and fortune favours one side
Last, but certainly not least, is the Campaigns or the other.
chapter. In some ways this is the heart of
Cutlass games. The campaign rules allow a You will notice that a gang’s leader is very
group of players to fight our encounters with important. He (or she!) represents the player

on the tabletop both as a leader and a fighter
will be pivotal to a gang’s success. Cutlass
is about creating the story of your in-game
representative, charting his successes and
failures on a journey to fame or infamy.

What you will need to play Cutlass!

In order to play you will need a tabletop
and some scenery. 17, 18th century, fantasy
buildings or anything resembling a port will
be ideal. But you can use whatever you have to
hand. Having some buildings and incidental
terrain like barrels and crates will also help.
You’ll need a tape measure, some dice (see
below). Obviously you’ll also need to choose
which faction you want to fight with and get
some miniatures!

Measurements and Dice Dice Modifiers

A ll measurements are given in inches and

centimetres. Both players should use
the same unit of measurements as we have
Often a model’s chances of succeeding in
their action will be improved or reduced by
the quality of their weapons, their physical
rounded off some of the metric measurements state and other factors. There are two types
for simplicity and so they are not exactly the of modifiers used and which ones apply
same as the Imperial distance. When measuring to a roll are detailed in the relevant rules
distances always round down to the nearest inch sections.
or multiple of 2.5cm.
The first type of modifier is a level increase
Players are free to measure distances at any time. or decrease. This modifier changes the type
All distances between models are measured from of die rolled. For example, +1 level changes
base to base. a D6 to a D8; -2 levels would reduce a D8 to
a D4. A level cannot be reduced to less than
The players use a variety of dice to determine a D4 or more than a D20.
the success of the model’s actions. These are four-
sided, six-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve- The second type of modifier is a bonus die.
sided and twenty-sided dice. For the sake of This allows the player to roll one or more
space these are referred to respectively as D4, D6, additional dice and choose the one with the
D8, D10, D12 and D20. highest result. Any and all dice rolled are
open-ended and it is the final highest score
that is used. For example, a model may
have a Dam of D6 and be granted a bonus
damage die. This allows the model to roll
two open-ended D6 and choose the highest
final score.

Anyone achieving bonuses that would make

Die rolls are ‘open-ended’. This means that if a them exceed a level of D20, instead receives
player rolls the highest possible score on a die, he a bonus die for every modifier taking them
is allowed to roll the die again and add the result over D20. E.g. A model with Acc D12 who
of the second roll to the score. If this second roll has a close range and skill bonus that both
is also the highest possible score, he can roll a grant +1 Acc level, would roll a D20 plus a
third time, and so on until a final total is reached. D20 bonus die and choose the highest result.

For example, a player rolls a D6 and scores a 6. D4 is always the lowest you can roll
He then rolls a 4, for a final total of 10. If he rolls regardless of modifiers making it lower, i.e.
a D4 and scores a 4 and then another 4 and then you DO NOT roll bonus D4 dice and choose
a 1, his total score would be 9. the lowest result.

Profiles and Attributes Most actions require the model to take an
attribute test, often in opposition to another

E ach warrior’s physical and mental

characteristics are defined by a profile that
consists of seven different attributes. These
model. For instance, to hit a target with shooting
a model must make an Acc roll against a Dex
roll by the target, while in hand-to-hand combat
attributes are: fighters will use opposed Com rolls. To take
a test, simply roll the type of die equal to the
Reactions (Re): This measures the fighter’s attribute, bearing in mind any level modifiers
speed of thought and action. Higher and bonus dice.
Reactions allow a model to respond quickly
to events.
Example profile
Accuracy (Acc): This value represents the 0+ Able seaman $36 (level 1)
warrior’s ability with ranged weapons. A
higher Accuracy improves the chances of the Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
model hitting when shooting.
D6 D4 D6 D6 D4 D6 D4
Combat (Com): A measure of a model’s skills
in hand-to-hand fighting. A model with a Skills:
higher Combat value is more likely to land a Equipment: Up to two common.
successful blow.
Facing and Line of Sight
Dexterity (Dex): A model’s ability to avoid
enemy shooting and negotiate difficult
terrain and obstacles is measured by
E ach model has a front facing and can see in
a 90 degrees arc to the front. A model also
has 90 degrees arcs to the side and rear which
become relevant in hand-to-hand combat.
Constitution (Con): The Constitution
attribute rates the warrior’s ability to
withstand injury and continue fighting.

Damage (Dam): The amount of harm the

model can do when he strikes in hand-to-
hand combat depends on the Damage value.
This measures not only raw strength, but also
the fighter’s canniness in where he lands his

Daring (Dar): Some may call it bravery,

others foolhardiness. Daring represents how
willing the fighter is to confront a fearful
situation and continue fighting against the
odds. The modelled scenery we use on the tabletop
is treated as being a true representation of the
In addition to these attributes, each side’s leader terrain the models are fighting across, with
has an Authority (Au) value that embodies the exception of area cover that will be discussed a
leader model’s determination, tactical acumen little later. In order for one model to see another,
and the loyalty of those serving under him. you must be able draw a line between the two
that does not cross any obstruction. In most
Attributes are rated in levels represented by a cases this will be obvious, but sometimes you
die type. The lowest level is D4, followed by D6, may have to get down near the tabletop and
D8 and so on. The highest an attribute can go have a model’s eye view. As our miniature
is D12 (the exception being certain characters), fighters are static, unable to crouch, bend and
though it is possible for a level to be increased peer around corners like normal folk, we give a
to D20 by modifiers as explained above. little leeway to represent this. In order to draw

a line of sight to a model, you must be able to
see at least 25% of it. Players should exercise
Sequence of Play
their common sense when judging this – seeing
a hand or tip of a hat over a hedge should not
count as being visible. In addition, players
S wirling combat and acts of derring-do can
become a chaotic affair, with victory often
going to the quickest-witted. In order to bring
should note that models are able to hide, as some kind of structure to the anarchy of combat,
explained in the special actions rules later. we use the Authority of the leaders and the
Reactions values of models to determine the
sequence in which they perform their actions.

Active Phase
Play follows a succession of phases during
which the players can move and fight with
their models. During each phase one player
has the active gang and the other has the
inactive gang. At the start of the game, after
the models have been set up as explained
in the Encounters chapter, the two leaders
make Au rolls. The leader that scores highest
becomes active – re-roll ties. Both players need
to keep a note of this score, this is their action
Less than 25% of the model above is visible so it total. You will find an action chart at the back
cannot be seen of the book.

Some modelled terrain does not work very A leaders Au always remains the same
well with these ‘true’ line of sight rules, so as throughout the game and is not affected by any
a compromise we suggest that some types of modifiers. The leader’s Au roll is the only roll in
scenery are designated as area cover. Things the game that is not open ended. I.e you don’t
like fields, marshes and similar features may roll again with a maximum result.
be modelled in such a way that they physically
prevent a model being partially concealed from The active gang can perform a number of actions
view. In such circumstances, when the players dependent upon its action total as described
are setting up their table ready for a game, in the next section and this involves moving
they should agree which areas of terrain grant models, shooting, fighting in hand-to-hand
cover to models inside them and how much of a combat and so on.
model will be obscured.
Once all of the active gang’s actions have
been performed, the roles swap and the other
gang becomes active. They can then perform a
number of actions equal to their action total. A
player can voluntarily become inactive before
their action total is used up. The other gang
becomes the active side. If both players pass in
succession, a recovery phase is played (see later
on for details). If you’re wondering why you
might want to do this, read on.

Reactions and Changes of Active Gang

People don’t just stand around and let their
opponents run about and shoot without
interference. To represent this, models in the
This unusually clever orc is making good use of the inactive gang have a chance to react to the actions
boxes and barrels which provide excellent cover. of the enemy.

We’ll go into a little bit more detail about when they
can do this and how they can react in the following
Reaction Roll Modifiers
sections, but for the moment all you need to know The following modifiers apply to the Re rolls
is that normally the inactive model must take a Re of the models.
test. On a score of 3 or less, the model fails to react;
on a score of 4 or more the model may react. No line of sight to the opposing -1 level
If the model fails to react, the inactive gang reduces
its action total by one, the reacting model is given Reacting model is injured -1 level
a ‘surprised’ marker and play continues as normal
with the active gang. *In the case of reacting to a model being taken
out, this is applied if the reacting model cannot
If the inactive model successfully reacts, it is see the enemy that took out their companion.
allowed to make an action in response. The
particular actions allowed are discussed in the Surprised Models
relevant sections later. If a reaction is successful the A model that attempts to react and fails
inactive gang becomes active, using their current becomes surprised. The fighter is caught off-
action total, reduced by 1 for the reacting models guard, is wrong-footed or otherwise confused
action. for a moment.

The reaction summary table summarises the A surprised model may not make any reactions,
circumstances in which a model is allowed to react but suffers no other penalties.
and the action it can take if it is successful.
A surprised marker is removed from a model
Exception: Whether successful or not, a gang’s when it is engaged in hand-to-hand combat or
leader may react for free – no reduction is made whenever the active and inactive status of the
to the gang’s action total. In addition, leaders are gangs changes sides.
never given surprised markers. You still need to roll
the Re test to see if you become the active gang. Leaders are never given surprised markers.

Reaction summary table

Circumstance Reaction

Enemy approaches within 6”/ 15cm* Shoot or engage approaching enemy

Enemy shoots and misses Targeted model may move (may engage shooting model in combat)

Friendly model is ‘taken out’** within May shoot or move to engage the enemy model that took out the
6”/ 15cm by an enemy friendly model.
May attack or break away from combat. (No action expended if cntr
Model rolls counter attack result in Reaction fails)

*Only one model may react to this action. If an enemy moves within 6” of several models, or a friendly
model is taken out within 6” of several models, choose which will try to react.
**Taken out is a possible injury result as explained later.

If a gang’s leader has been taken out or has left
Zero Action Totals and the tabletop, leadership falls to the remaining
model with the highest worth (worth is
Recovery Phases discussed in the Campaigns chapter). This
model has a temporary AU value of D4.

It is possible for a gang to be reduced to an

action total of zero. In this circumstance, no
model except the leader may make reactions. Effect Markers
A number of markers are used during the
If the opposing player has no action total the game to indicate the status of the fighters,
active player must use up his entire action total such as when they are injured or running
or may declare his turn over after completing away. A model never has more than one of
any action. When both gangs have no actions a given marker, even if another of the same
remaining, or both pass their turn, a special type would be placed. For example, a stunned
‘recovery phase’ takes place. model that takes another stunned damage
result suffers no additional penalties.
During the recovery phase the following events
take place in the order described below. These
are explained in more detail in the relevant
sections later on.

1. Stunned models attempt to recover. A 4+ is

required on a D6. No modifiers apply.

2. Fleeing and Spooked models attempt to

recover. A 3+ is required on a Dar test.
Normal modifiers apply. If a spooked model
is hidden, the test is automatically passed.

3. Fleeing models that do not recover will run

away as described later.

4. Surprised models lose their markers.

5. Any other special effects are resolved as

detailed in their specific rules.

6. The gang leaders both take an Au test to

determine their new action totals and play
continues with the gang with the highest
action total. In the case of a tie, play resumes
with the gang who were the latest to be

You forget your place Sir,
You will stay and compen lete the task
ha ve be assigned, and
with which you I add.
handsomely rewarded might
I have no regard for youn. r delicate nostrils
or far-fetched imagina tio

Enough of this horsepla y and tomfoolery. If

acter I have no
you are of too weak a char h someone made
qualms in replacing you wit
of sterner stuff.

William Pike - Governor

I write to you
with regard to on behalf of
yo his Highness
to the new isla ur request to send an
uncertain ter n ds, I must decl envoy
ms. ine in no
I am greatl
you have inydetroubled by reports that
Bartholomewed already sent a ship, led
being ordered Fogerty-Hall no less, by
to await instr despite
Is it also tru
e, that your en
? voy is now
I have just
southern fleerteceived word that the enti
safe Sir. is lost. These re
islands are no

Woe betide
nature loses ifye your greed and impetuou
your title and t another ship. I will h s
appears befor your head if your nam ave
e me again. e

Lord Franc
is Jones

Clarke’s first voyage

el Diablo Light
cife d hou
Ar re


T his chapter details the actions models can

perform. As the gang’s leader barks out
orders his followers will act accordingly. In this
all of the acting models – he can wait to see the
outcome of an action before nominating the
next model to act.
way several models can act at the same time but
must perform similar types of action. An action can be declared as many times as a
player wishes, but a model can only act once
The sequence the active player uses is as during each declaration. For instance, a player
follows: could nominate two movement actions in
succession and one or more models can move
1. Declare action type. twice - once for each declared action.
A ren a

2. Nominate first model to perform action.

3. Resolve action and possible reactions.
Movement 200ft

4. Repeat 1. and 3. until all desired actions

of the declared type have been performed
W hen performing a move action a player
can move a model up to 4”/ 10cm.
Models cannot move through other models and
(maximum is the current action total) or may not move within 1”/ 2.5cm of an enemy
the enemy gang becomes active through a model unless engaging in hand-to-hand combat
reaction. as discussed below.

5. Deduct action total by one. Abandona Toda Esperanza

Terrainlo s Hu e 300ft

6. Return to 1. with the active gang. Encounters
Río do not take place over flat bowling

greens, and so at some point it is likely that

the player will want his models to climb over
Declare Action Type things, move through marshes, jump over
fences and so on. Terrain
100ft is broken down into

T he different actions that can be performed

by models are defined as movement,
shooting and hand-to-hand combat, as well as
two types: obstacle and difficult terrain.

a catch-all category we call ‘special actions’ that Obstacles are pieces of scenery that can be
represent other actions such as reloading guns, crossed, such as walls, hedges and fences. It
out-of-the-ordinary events, or using strange also includes such things as jumping over crates
weapons and abilities. and barrels, clambering through windows
and crossing ditches and trenches. If a piece
The active player declares a type of action for of terrain is less than 1”/ 2.5cm in width, it
his models to perform. The number of models is probably an obstacle rather than difficult
that can perform this action is the gang’s terrain.
current action total. For example, a player with
an action total of 5 declares a shooting action. When a model attempts to move over an
He nominates a shooting action that will allow obstacle it must make a Dex check. If the
up to five models to shoot. He continues to be obstacle is 1-3”/ 2.5-7.5cm high/ deep a -1 level
active after all of the shooting actions have been penalty is applied. Obstacles over 3”/ 7.5cm in
resolved, and as his action total is reduced to 4 height or depth must be climbed as explained
up to four models can perform the next action later. Consult the following chart.


Each model performs and completes its action


independently andt o in any order decided by the


player. The player does h t hnot have tol enominate
use - 5 m i s

to Muer to Lig
h t h sand dune or a
For example, i eladders, a steep
Crossing Obstacles qu
I n river are exampless eof possible very

Dex check Result difficult terrain. When entering such terrain, the

1-3 Models must stop before crossing model’s Dex check is -1 level for very difficult

and loses remaining movement. terrain, -2 levels for extremely difficult terrain
and so on. We urge players to be cautious when
4-6 The model crosses the obstacle
using too much difficult terrain as it will slow
and must then stop.
down the200ftmodels’ movement considerably.
7+ The model may cross the obstacle Decide before the game exactly what terrain is
and then continue moving. difficult etc...

Climbing 100ft
Difficult Terrain Climbing without a ladder is very difficult (that
Pretty much any scenery that is not open is, difficult terrain with a -1 level to the Dex
ground or an obstacle is difficult terrain. This check). As it is usually impractical to balance
includes undergrowth, rocks, soft100ft
sand, steep models halfway up a wall, players will have to
hills, stairs, streams, marshes, crop fields, mark the current position of climbing models or
Final del Amor
scattered debris and so on. otherwise make a note.
When a model moves over difficult terrain it If a climbing model scores 1 or 2 on its Dex
must make a Dex check. Every 2 points scored check it will fall off. A falling model must take
(or part) allows= 1”/ 2.5cm movement (up another Dex check and deduct the distance
to the normal allowance of 4”/ 10cm). If the fallen to determine what sort of damage die is
model started its movement outside the difficult rolled for possible injury.
terrain the distance already moved is deducted
200ft If this results in a distance of
from the result.
0 or less, the model is allowed to enter the Falling Damage
terrain but move no further. Dex-distance Dam dice

For example, a model starts 2”/ 5cm from a 0 or less D12

patch of scree. Making a Dex check the model 1-3 D10
a anja
scores 5, allowing 3” of movement. TheHmodel

4-6 D8
is therefore allowed to enter the difficult terrain
and make a further 1” move. 7-9+ D6
La quietud
10+ D4
Terrain can have additionalde la Muerte
levels of difficulty
to represent
100ft particularly treacherous footing.

Na les
vaj Mi
a de
e- 10

La isla de



Clarke’s first voyage

el Diablo Light
cife d hou
Ar re se
Impassable Terrain combat. Engaged models may only attack or - 1 0 M
The players may wish to nominate some terrain attempt to break from combat, they can perform ile
features as impassable – that is, models cannot no other actions.
enter or cross it at all. Impassable terrain could
be deep lakes and rivers, or the sea, as well as If the target is behind cover that is 1”/ 2.5cm
cliff faces and camp fires. or less in height the attacker may engage the
enemy by moving into contact with the obstacle,
directly opposite the target. Being behind an
Sprinting obstacle gives a bonus to the defending model,
We generally assume that models are moving at so if the attacker wishes to, he can attempt to
a quick pace but also remaining aware of their cross the obstacle as normal before engaging,
environment and trying not to fall flat on their so that the defender gains no benefit. There is
faces. A model may sprint over open ground a -1 level penalty when attempting to cross an
instead of normal movement. The distance obstacle into combat. If an attempt to cross such
A ren a
moved whilst sprinting depends on a Dex check an obstacle to engage an enemy fails, place the d e

for the model. Nominate a point toward which moving model so that it is not touching the

the model will be sprinting before you roll. 200ft
obstacle to show that neither model is engaged.

Breaking from combat

A model engaged in hand-to-hand combat
may attempt to break away as part of
a movement action (only if his side are
currently the active gang of course). The
model attempting to break away and all
enemy models in base contactAbandona
with it take aToda Esperanza
Re check.l o s HCompare
ue the moving
300ft model’s Re

R í oto the highest Re score of its opponents.

Re check Result
Breaking model Breaking model may make a
scores twice or normal move away, this may
more be used to engage another
Breaking model Breaking model may make a
Dex roll Movement scores higher normal move away.
Breaking model Model may not move and
1 Stumbles. The model moves D4” and is scores equal or the action is wasted.
stunned. lower
2-3 5”/ 12.5cm Breaking model Model may not move, the
4-6 6”/ 15cm scores half or less action is wasted and the
enemy in contact with
7-9 7”/ 17.5cm the highest Re check may
10+ 8”/ 20cm immediately make an attack
100ft action. This is not a reaction
as such and does not change
the status of the active gang.

Moving and hand-to-hand combat Reacting to movement

A model may move into base contact with an

enemy as part of a normal move or a sprint An inactive model may attempt to react when

action. Once in contact with an enemy, both an enemy model finishes its movement within

models are said to bei gengaged
o in hand-to-hand
iles 6”/ 15cm. If the model successfully reacts it
use - 5 m

uer to Ligh
may either shoot at the model that triggered ieto M tho
the reaction or the reacting model may make a
q uModifiers us

normal move if this would allow it to engage
Target’s Dex check

the approaching model in hand-to-hand

combat. Only one model may attempt to react Injured -1 level
for each approaching enemy. A 4+ is required on Target has been taken out Level is D4
a Re test, normal modifiers to reacting apply.
Firer is out of Line of Sight -1 level

Shooting Firer’s Acc check

Injured -1 level
I n order to shoot, a model must be able to
draw a line of sight to its target. Point blank
Long range
+1 level
-1 level
To resolve a shooting action, nominate the Target in cover (less than 75% -1 level
firing model and one enemy model within the
100ft of model visible)
firer’s line of sight. A model may not shoot at an
Weapon Bonus Variable
Final del Amor
enemy engaged in combat. The target makes a
Dex check to determine CORAZÓN
how difficult he is to hit.
The firer then makes an Acc test and deducts
the result of the target’s Dex score. Look up the
result on the following chart.

Regardless of the success of the action, the

firing model is then given a reload marker and
200ft again until it has been removed.
may not shoot
It takes a special action to reload a gun as
explained in the special actions section later.

Shooting Chart
a Hanja

Acc minus Dex Result

0 or less Miss.
La quietud
1-4 Hit.
de la Muerte
5+ Critical hit.
Miss. The firer has missed the target. The
target may attempt to react. At least 25% of the model is in cover so the -1
level modifier applies.
Hit. The target has been hit. Proceed with
damage resolution as explained later. The
target is also spooked unless he rolls 3+ on a
Dar test.

Critical Hit. The firer has hit the target in

a particularly vulnerable area (we N a were les
thinking the head, what you were vthinking
aja Mi
de p e - 10
escado Lighthou s
might be more delicate...). Resolve damage
as explained later, with one bonus damage
die. The target may also be spooked (as Hit La isla de
result). Silencio



Clarke’s first voyage

el Diablo Light
cife d hou
Ar re se
Range Chart Hand-to-hand Combat -1
Measure the distance between the firer and
target and use this chart to determine if the
firer is at point blank or long range. The
W hen two models are in base contact with
each other they are said to be engaged in
hand-to-hand combat. An engaged model may
firer’s basic Acc level is used, before any attempt to hit its opponent when a hand-to-
modifiers. Point blank range is the listed hand combat action is declared. If a model is
distance or less, while long range is the listed engaged with more than one enemy, the player
distance and further. Any other distance is must nominate which it is attacking.
normal range.

Firer’s Acc Point blank Long Range 1

A ren a
D4 4”/ 10cm 12”/ 30cm de

D6 6”/ 15cm 16”/ 40cm

D8 8”/ 20cm 20”/ 50cm
D10 10”/ 25cm 24”/ 60cm
D12 12”/ 30cm 28”/ 70cm

Some weapons cannot fire at long range, or

have a specific firing range detailed in the The models on the right are in base contact and
weapons section. Otherwise the maximum in combat. The models to the left are not in base
range of a weapon is considered to be contact so are not allowed to move within 1” of
32”/81cm. If the target is beyond this range Abandona Toda Esperanza
the enemy unless engaging in combat.
the shot is a miss. lo s Hue 300ft

A model
Río can only attack another model that is

Reacting to shooting in its line of sight. Before the attack is made, the
model may be turned on the spot for free to face
If a model is shot at but the shot misses, it may the enemy you wish to attack.
attempt a reaction. If the reaction is successful, 100ft
the targeted model may make a normal move The active model is known as the attacker
action for free – to get into cover, for instance and the target model is the defender. The Com
(the reacting models gang also then becomes attribute of both models is used to determine
active). If the firer is close enough, this reaction whether the attack is successful and, if not, the
may be used to engage the firing model in possibility that the defender can retaliate.
hand-to-hand combat. A 4+ is required on a Re
test and normal modifiers apply. Both models must make a Com check. The
following modifiers apply to this check.



ouse - 5 miles

to Muer to Lig
h t hthe attacker’s and
Compare the i efinal scores of
Hand-to-hand Combat Modifiers qu
I n Com checks on the hand-to-hand

Defender’s Com check combat chart.

Injured -1 level

Defender has been taken out Level is D4 Parrying
Parry bonus Variable If a defender is facing his attacker, he may
Weapon bonus Variable choose to200ft
parry before the Com check is made.
The defender makes a Dex check and consults
the chart below.
Attacker’s Com check
100ft to parry may not later
A target that attempts
Injured -1 level counter or riposte and such results from the
Defender is behind obstacle -1 level hand-to-hand combat chart are treated as a
Attacking from side +1 level
Attacking from rear +2 levels
Final del Amor
Weapon bonus Variable

Hand-to-hand Combat Chart

Defender’s Com roll
Com roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+
1 Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip
Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr 100ft
Rip Rip Rip Rip
3 Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip Rip Rip
4 Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip Rip
a Hanja

5 Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip
6 Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr
7 Inj Inj
Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr
de la Muerte
8 Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr
9 Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss
10 Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss
11 Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss
12+ Out Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit

Miss = Miss.
Hit = Hit. Roll for damage as normal using model’s Dam.
Crit = Critical Hit. +1 damage bonus die on the damage roll.
Inj = Injured. Target is injured without a damage roll.
N ava les
Out = Taken Out. Target is taken outj awithout
de p a damage roll.
se -
escado Lighthou
Cntr = Counter attack. The defender takes a Re test. On a score of 4+, the defender may now make an
attack or automatically break from combat with a normal move. Note that no surprised marker
is placed or action total expended regardless of the success of the Re test.
La isla de
Rip = Riposte. As counter attack, except that no Re test is required.
(In the cases of Cntr and Rip if successful the defending models gang becomes active).



Clarke’s first voyage

el Diablo Light
cife d hou
Ar re se
In the case of a successful counter attack or a - 1 0 M
Parry Modifiers and Results riposte, this is a reaction, so the inactive gang ile
Defender is injured -1 level then become active. Note that unlike other
Defender is behind cover +1 level reactions combat reactions do not use an action
Weapon bonus Variable

Dex score Result Damage and Injuries

1 Fumble! The attacker gains a bonus

die to his Com check.
Missed parry. There is no additional
H itting the target does not guarantee that
an attack will cause an injury. All ranged
weapons have a Dam value used for shooting
modifier. 1
attacks, while hand-to-hand is resolved using
5-8 Parry. The defender gains a bonus the Dam value of the attacking model.
A ren a
die for his Com check de

The attacker makes a Dam roll and compares

9+ Feint. The defender gets two bonus
dice for his Com check 200ft
this on the chart below to a Con roll made by the

Reacting to Hand-to-hand combat Stunned

The possibilities of reacting to a hand-to-hand The model is given a stunned marker. Stunned
combat attack are already included in the models are at -1 level to all tests and cannot
hand-to-hand combat chart. Counter attacks make reactions. In each recovery phase every
and ripostes are the only reactions a model stunned model may attempt to remove its
can make while engaged as their attention is stunned marker by scoring 4+ Abandona on a D6, no Toda Esperanza
l o s apply
concentrated on their immediate opponent. modifiers (this is a straight
300ft test on a D6

thatR íapplies
o to all rather than a test on any

attribute). Models that are stunned and spooked

Damage Chart
Target’s Con roll 100ft
Dam roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+
1 Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
2 Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
3 Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
4 Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
5 Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
6 Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
7 Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
8 Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E
9 Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E
10 Out Inj Inj100ft Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E
11 Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E
12+ Out Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun

N/E = No effect. The target is unharmed.


Stun = Stunned.

Inj = Injured. to

Out = Taken Out. g h t h o u s
se - 5 mile

Muer to Lig
to hth
must remove their stun marker first and cannot If a model isu i etaken out or crippled,
ou friends
q se
remove both in the same recovery phase. nearby canI n try to help out or scatter for

sanctuary. One model within 6”/ 15cm can

attempt to react, and if successful can either

Injured shoot at the model that took out his friend,
The model is given an injured marker. Injured or make a normal move; this movement may
models are at -1 level to all checks. Injured be used to engage the model that took out his
markers cannot normally be removed. If the friend if possible,
200ft but not to engage any other
model is already injured, the marker is flipped model.
over and the model is taken out.

Knockback 100ft
Taken Out Some weapons pack a powerful punch and
The model is taken out of action. Lay it down can inflict knockback. If the Dam roll of such
or place a taken out marker. The model may an attack is equal to or higher than double the
play no active part in the game – it cannot react
100ft target’s Con roll, the target is knocked 2”/ 5cm
or perform actions – although it can be shot at directly away from the attack.
Final del Amor
and attacked by the enemy. A model that has
been taken out rolls a D4 for allCORAZÓN
attribute checks If this causes the target model to move off the
it is forced to take, and no other modifiers are edge of a building, into a ditch or otherwise
applied. over a drop, it may suffer falling damage. The
falling model must take a Dex test and deduct
Models that have been taken out ignore being 1 for every inch/ 2.5 cm fallen. Look up the
stunned and spooked, they are already in final score to determine what sort of Dam roll
enough trouble as it is! is made against the target’s Con (the falling
200ft damage chart is in the section on climbing near
If a model that has been taken out is the start of this chapter).
subsequently injured or taken out again, it is
crippled and the model is removed from the
game. Crippled models have a greater chance of
suffering permanent injuries in a campaign, but
a anja
crippling enemy models will also earn H

a gang a
notorious reputation.
La quietud
de la Muerte

Spooked and Fleeing Models

Reaction to Models Taken Out

a de I
t is not easy keeping
swords- are
pescado ghthouse
s a level head while
0 Mswinging and bullets are flying.
L i A fighter may lose his nerve for a variety
Any model within 6”/ 15cm of a model that of reasons already explained, and in this
gets taken out or crippled must pass a 3+ Dar circumstance is given a spookedLa isla tode
check or be spooked. These tests are taken Silencio
show the model’s nervous disposition.
before any attempts to react.
Spooked models may not voluntarily engage
the enemy in combat, shoot or react.



Clarke’s first voyage

el Diablo Light
cife d hou
Ar re se
If a spooked model is not in cover, it may
move as part of a normal move action but its
Special Actions -1
movement cannot bring it closer to a visible
enemy than it was at the start of the action.
Spooked models already in cover may not move
A s part of any movement, shooting, hand-
to-hand action one or more models (within
the maximum number allowed to act) may
but they may hide if possible. instead perform a special action. Common
special actions are detailed next. Other special
Spooked models may perform special actions actions are discussed in the relevant sections
(such as reloading and hiding), as long as such later. E.g. If you declare a shooting action and
actions do not bring them any closer to a visible have an action total of 5 (so up to 5 models
enemy. can act), 3 might choose to shoot and 2 choose
to reload, or 2 shoot, 1 reload, 1 hide etc etc..
If engaged spooked models must attempt to A model may also perform a special action as
parry if normally allowed to do so. a reaction instead of moving (i.e. if a reaction
A ren a
would normally allow the model to move). de

Exception: Leaders are never spooked.

Models in base combat with an enemy fighter200ft
may not perform the following special actions,
Fleeing they’re too busy with the task at hand!
If a spooked model is spooked again, flip the
marker to its fleeing side.
A fleeing model must immediately move A model may remove/flip its reload marker.
toward the closest table edge in such a way that Most guns require one reload action to reload.
it does not come closer to any visible enemy
models. It must sprint if able to do so. This Abandona Toda Esperanza
movement is free and does not use up any of lo s Hue 300ft

the gang’s action total or a reaction if the gang Río

is inactive.

E.g. a spooked model is shot and hit, and

spooked for a second time. It then immediately 100ft
flees as above.

The only action a fleeing model can take is to

move, and only if this will take them closer
to the nearest table edge and no closer to a
visible enemy. They may do nothing else, and if
engaged in combat they must attempt to parry
if possible.
Recover Wits
Spooked and fleeing models can attempt to A spooked model may make an immediate
regain their bottle by rolling a 3+ on a Dar Dar check. If it scores 3+ the spooked marker is
test during each recovery phase the usual removed. If the spooked model is hidden the
modifiers for injury apply. If the test is passed check is passed automatically. Note that fleeing
it can flip/ remove it’s marker. If a spooked models may only attempt to recover during a
100ft phase
model is in cover during the recovery recovery phase. Models also stunned must first
this test is automatically passed. Any model remove the stunned marker in the recovery
not recovering in the recovery phase will phase.
immediately flee again when his gang is next


A model behind cover may hide (place hidden


to marker). Line of site can only be drawn to


hth the model if more than 50% of it can be seen.
ouse - 5 miles

Mue r to Light
The hidden marker is removed as soon as the u ieto ho
model performs any other action or an enemy I nq e

can draw LOS to more than 50% of the hiding

model. Enemy models may not react to a model

that begins an action with a hidden marker
and for shooting purposes the recently hidden
model counts a being out of line of sight of the
target for that next action (imposing a -1 level 200ft
penalty on the target’s dex check).
Most serene and no
Jones, ble Lord Francis
100ft You will, perh s,
in that I have ap accuse me of th
employment suffisto len time from yoeft
cient for this workur
I too deeply mourn
faithful souls. the loss of so man
Final del Amor y
SANGRADO CORAZÓN Despite my best eff
Bartholomew F orts and sternest wo
200ft rds,
clear instruction ogerty-Hall ignored my
islands where I b to steer clear of these
no more than sava elieve the locals to
ges. be
Driven by gree an
200ft brought on by dhi d delusion no doub
Stand Ready and other distractis fondness for liquor
The model waits for the ideal opportunity to his sanity and mvi
both 100ft ces, it appears
strike (place ready marker). A model with a him. als have betrayed
stand ready marker gains +1 level to its next Re
test and may react without a point being spent I can only assume
a Hanja fate fitting for hi he suffered a ter
s ill-advised activirible

from the gang’s action total. The marker is lost

if the model performs any other action except ties.
Worse is that he m
my name and that ay have brought both
that it may turn in place as a movement action.
La quietud
de la Muerte disrepute. of the crown into
Drag100ft Your humble ser
A model can help a friend who has been taken vant,
out get to safety. The two models must be in
contact with each other. Both may make a
Governor Pike
normal movement action, but cannot sprint or
cross any obstacles or move through difficult
terrain. They must stay together for the entirety
of the move.

Regroup Na s
v a j This M ile
When all around are losing their heads... a de 10
pescado ghthouse -
action may only be performed by a leader. The L i
leader takes an Au test. The score is the number of
friendly models that may remove/ flip a spooked/ La isla de
fleeing marker. A fleeing model can only recover Silencio
to being spooked during a single regroup action.
Models that are also stunned must first remove
their stunned marker in the recovery phase.



Clarke’s first voyage

el Diablo Light
cife d hou
Ar re

skIlls and weapons


A s well as their basic attributes, models

may have a variety of skills that represent
their particular abilities. There are also faction
Commanding Presence – Leaders only. Grants
a bonus die when making Au rolls for the
gang’s action total.
specific skills you will see with each faction
list. How these skills are gained is detailed in Dead-eye – The model gains a bonus die for all
the Creating a Gang section of the Campaigns shooting Dam rolls.
chapter. All models also will be carrying one or
more weapons, and the rules for these different Deadly – The model gains a bonus die for all
weapons as well as other types of equipment hand-to-hand Dam rolls.
they might acquire are given in the second part
A ren a
of this chapter. Foolhardy – The model gains a bonus die for all d e

Dar checks.

Weapon representation: 200ft
Whenever possible you should try to represent Headlong Charge – If the model moves to
the weapons that your models have. However, engage an enemy model over open
we suggest being flexible with this. For ground, it may make an immediate attack
example, pistols, daggers and grenades can as part of the same action. This does not
easily be hidden in clothing. Some miniatures apply if the defender is behind an obstacle.
come with parrots, monkeys etc.. This doesn’t
mean you have to have the parrot equipment Inspirational – Leader only. Any friendly model
option, consider it a pet or similar. Orcs carry within 6”/ 15cm cannot be spooked.
very large pistols, these can be used as a Spooked models that move
Hue Abandona Toda Esperanza
within range
blunderbuss or pistols (obviously you have to l o stheir
lose marker at the300ft
end of their

buy and choose which one before hand!) R í omovement. Has no effect on fleeing

We supply a weapon sprue to help equip your
figures appropriately, but the rule is be flexible Intimidating – Any enemy wishing to engage
and tell your opponent of any equipment the model must first pass a 3+ Dar check. If
should he ask. the check is failed, the enemy model does
nothing and the action is wasted.
Likewise, many models have hooks or peg legs.
These can be used to represent an injury, but Marksman – The model gains a bonus die for
equally you can use them as any normal crew all Acc checks.
member. It’s assumed they’ve learnt to use their
new leg or hook without any handicaps! Medic – May perform a special action when in
base contact with an injured model. A Dex
check of 6+ by the medic allows the model
List of Skills to remove its injured marker. Cannot heal
Backstabber – When engaged with a single
enemy and attacking, the model may be Pistoleer - Negates the -1 penalty for using a
moved from the front of the enemy to the brace of pistols.
100ftto the rear,
side, or the side of the enemy
before any parries are made. Quick-witted – The model cannot be surprised.

Beguiling – Enemies cannot counter-attack Sleight-of-hand – After both models have made

against this model, and riposte results are their Com checks in hand-to-hand combat,
treated as a counter-attack. the model may force a re-roll. The first

result is discarded and both models roll


to again (with all of the previous modifiers)


hth and the second result is used.
ouse - 5 miles

ght Muer to Li
Sneak – Enemy must be able to see at least 75%
of the model to stop it being hidden. Not
q uie

spotted by spyglasses. Unarmed – A model fighting without weapons

suffers a -1 Dam level penalty in hand-to-

Surgeon - Re-roll an injury on the campaign hand combat.
injury table once for one model post game
(not on himself). You must accept the Club, maul, etc – No special rules.
second result. If you have another surgeon 200ft
he can re-roll for another injured model, Dagger – A model with a dagger gains +1 Com
but never twice for the same model. die. May not parry.

100ftdie for Dam rolls in hand-to-

100ft Shooting Weapons Cutlass – +1 bonus
hand combat.
Ship’s Pistol – Dam: D6. Cannot fire at long
range, shots at long range count as Longsword - +1 bonus die for parry rolls in
automatic misses. 100ft hand-to-hand combat.

Final del Amor

Duelling Pistol – Dam: D6. Cannot fire at Axe - +1 Dam level in hand-to-hand combat.
shots at long range count as May not parry.
automatic misses. Point blank range is
increased by 4”/ 10cm. Hammer – Knockback. May not parry.

Brace of pistols – A model with two or more Bastard sword – Two-handed. +1 Dam level in
pistols must keep track of firing and hand-to-hand combat.
reloading each one separately. If a model
has two loaded pistols they may be fired Great hammer – Two-handed. Knockback. +1
together in a single shooting action. Dam level in hand-to-hand combat. May
Each shot is resolved separately with an not parry.
additional -1 Acc level penalty.
Great axe – Two-handed. +1 Dam level and
Musket – Dam: D8 – No penalty for long range +1 bonus die to Dam roll in hand-to-hand
a Hanja

and no bonus for point blank range. combat. May not parry.

Blunderbuss – Max 12”/ 30cm range. Targets Spear/ bayonet – Two-handed. The length of
La quietud
beyond this are automatically missed. this weapon grants + 1 Com level unless
de la
Damage starts at D20 and Muerte
loses one level attacking a model also armed with a spear
for every full 4”/ 10cm to target. May not
100ft or bayonet.
be reloaded.

Na les
vaj Mi
a de
e- 10

La isla de



Clarke’s first voyage

el Diablo Light
cife d hou
Ar re se
Lucky charm – May be used once per game to - 1 0 M
Fighting with two weapons grant a bonus die for any attribute check ile
A model armed with two weapons gains +1 taken by the model. You may choose to use
bonus die to its Com rolls when attacking, the lucky charm after seeing the results of
but must choose which weapon’s rules apply a roll.
before any dice are rolled. E.g. a model with
a cutlass and an axe may have either +1 Dam Grenade – One use only. May be thrown up to
bonus or knockback. When defending, models 12”. Nominate target point and make Acc
armed with two hand-to-hand weapons gain check:
one bonus die for parrying if both weapons
can be used to parry. Obviously, only a single 1 – Grenade explodes in model’s hand!
two-handed weapon can be wielded at a
time... 2 – Grenade travels D6”/ D6x2.5cm past
target point
A ren a


3 – Grenade travels D6”/ D6x2.5cm short

of target point (if it lands on or behind
Amulet - Anyone wearing an amulet is thrower it’s assumed it hit a rock or
immune to the undead ‘raise the dead’ similar and bounced back!)
rule. i.e. they can never be converted to the
Undead. 4+ Grenade explodes on target.

Fowler’s rum – This potent and famous rum All models within 4” of final landing
is a secret recipe. Supplied in a small but point are hit with D8 Dam attack and are
powerful dose! One use per game: Gives stunned regardless of Dam rolls.
the user +1 level in Com, Con and Dam but Abandona Toda Esperanza
-1 level in Acc, Re and Dex. Can be taken lo s Hue 300ft

at any point during the game without Río

using an action point. Lasts until the next

recovery phase.

Parrot – The screeching and biting distracts 100ft

enemies at close quarters. When defending
in combat a model with a parrot gains a
bonus die to its Com roll.

Powder Monkey – The fighter has a monkey

trained to help reload his guns. A model
with a powder monkey may make a
reload action whilst performing a normal
movement action.

Spyglass – A model with a spyglass may make

a special action to reveal hidden models.
When the action is performed, any enemy
models that are within line of sight that are
hidden are immediately revealed. Remove
hidden marker. This means other models
can now also see the newly revealed
figure (as the spyglass bearer shouts the

location!). When carried by a leader, a

spyglass also adds a bonus die to the first

Au check of the game.



ouse - 5 miles

Mue r to Light
u ieto ho
I nq e




Final del Amor




a Hanja

La quietud
de la Muerte

Na les
vaj Mi
a de
e- 10

La isla de



A game of Cutlass is called an encounter. The
encounters we present here are just some
Anatomy of an Encounter
of the many ways you can field your Cutlass Each encounter contains the following
gangs, doubtless players will devise their own information.
and share them with the gaming community.
Encounters may use all of a gang or just some, Sides: This section details whether the
and will see the players pitted against each encounter requires an attacker and a
other in a wide variety of situations, from defender, and any restrictions applied to
treasure hunts to bare knuckle brawls. A good the gangs taking part.
player knows how to use his gang regardless of
Location: A brief description of the terrain that
We envisage encounters to take place on a should be used on the tabletop.
playing surface of 48” by 48” (roughly 120cm by
120cm). This gives enough room for the gangs
to manoeuvre, but ensures that the action is Deployment: Here you will find out how to
short and to the point. If players want to field set up your models before the encounter
particularly large gangs or use a wider gaming begins.
area, they should modify the deployment rules
Objectives: What both gangs are trying to
In campaigns, the encounter that takes place achieve and how to determine the winner.
between two gangs is determined by their fame
and choice of whether to attack their enemy,
patrol contested territory or defend their Special Rules: The particular circumstances of
headquarters. These factors also determine who the encounter are reflected in the special
is attacking and defending in those encounters rules applied during the game, such
where it is relevant. as claiming objectives, one side being
surprised, reinforcements arriving and so
In one-off games, the encounter is determined forth.
by rolling a D8 or by the agreement of the
players. If an encounter requires an attacker and
defender, randomly determine which player Campaign Aftermath: The consequences of
is attacking and which is defending before winning and losing the encounter when
proceeding to choose sides. There is a section playing in a campaign are given here. In
at the end of the Campaigns chapter that deals one-off games, the only consequence is
with creating gangs for one-off games. victory and bragging rights!

Pitch Battle

S hould you wish to have a simple one off

game or basic game within the campaign
system you can choose to play the pitch battle
Random Encounters
D8 Roll Encounter
scenario. Otherwise you can roll on the scenario 1 Ambush
2 Brawl
Two opposing crews have run into each other or 3 Escort
purposely sought out the other to do battle. 4 Raid
5 Running Battle
Location: Anywhere
6 Skirmish
Deployment: Roll a D6, the winner can choose 7 Swoop
who sets up first. You can set up anywhere
8 Treasure Hunt
within 12”/30cm of your table edge. All
your crew may take part.

Objectives: This is a straight up fight. Try to

take out as many of the enemy as you can
and make them cut their losses and run!

Aftermath: Standard post battle experience.

Winning the game: Each encounter has specific

objectives to win the game. But for ‘pitch
battle’ or any encounter you come up with
without a set objective you can use the ‘cut
your losses’ rule. This works as follows: In
the recovery phase if any player has 25% or
more models taken out or fleeing you must
take an AU test. You must score equal to
or more than the number of models taken
out/fleeing or you ‘cut your losses’ and
lose the game. If both players need to test,
the player with more models out tests first.
If equal role to see who tests first.


O ne gang has been informed that their

enemies are leaving their headquarters to
make a foray into the wilderness. The attackers
out, crippled or flee from the fighting. If he
does not do this then the attacker has won.

have located two potential ambush sites and Special Rules: Any attacking models may start
must divide their forces to cover both areas. The the game hidden. The attacking gang starts
unwitting defenders are not expecting trouble active, even if the defender scores higher
and are taken by surprise. on the initial Au checks. All defending
models begin the game surprised (except
Sides: Attacker and defender. the leader). Models may leave the table
but may not return.
The attacker must divide his gang into two
parts (not including his leader). He is free Campaign Aftermath: If the attacker wins, the
to split his gang in any way he chooses. defenders are scattered and the attacker
Before deployment, randomly determine has captured the defending models that
which of the two groups the defenders were taken out or crippled. Captured
have run into (plus the gang leader). models may be ransomed or given up for
bounty as detailed in the campaign rules.
The defender has his leader plus a random
number of gang members. Roll a D6 for If the defender wins, they are able to return
each gang member. On a roll of 1-3, the in force with the rest of the gang and drive
gang member is not present. On a roll of off the attackers. Any attacking models
4-6 the gang member takes part in the that were taken out or crippled must
encounter. be surrendered by the attacker and are
captured as explained above.
Both players can choose to leave any gang
members out of the encounter before any You still roll for any injuries as normal and
rolls are made. standard post game experience.

Location: The ambush takes place in an area of

wilderness, away from any prying eyes
that might spoil the surprise. Ensure there
is plenty of cover for the attackers to hide

Deployment: The defender deploys his models

first. All models must be deployed at
least 16”/ 40cm from any table edge. The
attacker then deploys. All attacking models
must be within 8”/ 20cm of a table edge
and out of LOS of a defending model.

Objectives: The defenders must try to extricate

as many fighters as possible from the
ambush, while the attackers are attempting
to do as much damage as they can. The
game ends when all of the defending
models have either left the table or been
taken out or crippled.

The defender wins if more of his models

voluntarily leave the table than are taken


T he two gang leaders and their most trusted

henchmen have run into each other whilst
out drinking, buying equipment, seeking
should continue to resolve the encounter
until one side has been done over as
described in the objectives section.
recruits or otherwise not expecting trouble.
There are lots of other folks around who might Campaign Aftermath: The winner gains
interfere, but they can’t just walk away from bragging rights. A famous gang that wins
each other... This has to be settled fist-to-fist! gains +1 fame for each opposing model
injured, taken out, crippled or fled, while
Sides: Each gang consists of its leader and up an infamous gang will deduct 1 fame for
to five other gang members of the player’s the same. The loser loses 1 fame for each
choice. model that was injured, taken out, crippled
or fled if famous, or adds 1 fame for each
Location: The encounter takes place on the beaten up model if infamous.
dockside, or in an otherwise populated
part of town. There should be several In addition, if a gang loses because it used
buildings around, with one placed near the weapons first, it deducts an additional 5
centre of the table outside which the gangs fame and may not attempt to recruit new
have met. members in the following campaign turn.

Deployment: The two gangs have almost run Standard post battle experience.
into each other before they realise they
have company. Both players roll a die.
Starting with the lowest scoring player, the
players take turns to each place one of their
models on the table. The first model placed
must be the leader of the player who
scored lowest, who must be placed within
6”/ 15cm of the central building’s front
door. The opposing leader must be placed
10”/ 25cm directly in front of his foe. Other
gang members must be within 3”/ 7.5cm
of their leader and no closer than 8”/ 20cm
to an enemy model.

Objectives: The two sides must attempt to

incapacitate the other in order to prove
their superiority. The encounter continues
until all of the models from one side are
either injured, taken out, crippled or
have left the table. The side with the last
uninjured man standing wins.

Special Rules: All models are unarmed at the

start of the encounter, give them each a
reload marker. Even models without a
gun must ‘reload’ for an action before
their weapons are ready. However, this
is a fistfight, and shooting and drawing
weapons will cause a loss of respect. If a
model shoots or attacks an enemy with
a weapon, his gang automatically loses
the encounter – in a campaign game you


O ne of the gangs has been entrusted with

a special cargo to deliver – a travelling
nobleman, a consignment of tobacco, rum
pony, wagon or other suitable model. The
cargo must be led off the opposite table
edge from which it is deployed. The gang
for the governor’s officers, a new cannon for that leads the cargo from the table are the
the fort... Unfortunately, their route forces victors.
them to pass through the territory of their
opponents, who decide that they deserve to be Special Rules: The cargo cannot be moved on
the recipients of the reward that comes from its own, it must be led by another model
handing over this important delivery. in base contact. A model leading the cargo
may not perform any action other than
Sides: Attacker and defender. move, and may not sprint. If engaged,
stunned, injured, taken out or spooked, a
The defender can use any available model cannot lead the cargo. Any model
members of their gang. The attacker can that starts a move in contact with the cargo
use up to half the available gang members may lead it as long as there are no enemy
(rounding up). models also in contact.

Location: This encounter could take place Campaign Aftermath: The gang that manages
anywhere. to take possession of the cargo can receive
the reward for its delivery. This gains them
Deployment: The defender deploys his whole +5 fame and $75.
gang first, anywhere within 8”/ 20cm
of a single table edge. The attacker then Standard post battle experience in
deploys his whole gang anywhere at least addition:
12”/ 30cm from the opposite table edge
and 18”/ 45cm from the defenders. Model that removes cargo from table: +5
Objectives: The defenders start with the cargo
in contact with one of their models – use a


O ne gang has set out to claim something for

heir own – a notable personage to kidnap,
the contents of a vault, a secret arms cache or
battlefield. If they do this, the attackers
win. At the start of any recovery phase the
attacker can call off the raid, in which case
similar. This should have been ‘easy in, easy the encounter ends, the objective is lost
out’, but due to bad luck or poor timing, their and the defenders win.
intended target has got some more protection
than they expected and some sneaking around Special Rules: The defenders start the
will be required. encounter unaware that they are about
to be attacked. The defending gang starts
Sides: Attacker and defender. with no action total – the attacker rolls
an Au check as normal to determine his
The defender uses his entire gang. The starting action total. If this is expended
attacker must decide how many of his before the alarm is raised, there is a
gang members he wants to send on the special ‘move sentries’ phase as described
raid. The more he sends, harder it will be next. If the alarm has still not been raised,
to prevent the alarm being raised, but the the attacker rolls an Au test for a new
more fighters he will have at his disposal action total and play continues for the
once the action kicks off. The attacking attackers.
gang must include a leader and at least
five other gang members (unless the entire If the attacker expends his entire action
gang is smaller than this!), up to half the total before the alarm is raised, the
gang (rounding up). defending models will continue on
their patrols. Working through each
Location: The scenery must include at least one defending model, nominated in turn by
building close to the centre of the table in the defending player, each player rolls
which the prize is hidden. The attackers a D6 and the highest scoring player can
need to be able to sneak around for a move the model up to 1”/ 2.5cm for every
while, so make sure they have plenty of point by which they won. For example,
cover to move about in. if one player rolls a 4 and the other a 2,
the first player can move the model up to
Deployment: Before putting down any models, 2”. If the scores are tied the model is not
the attacker secretly notes down from moved. Defending models must face their
which table edge he will launch his raid. direction of travel during movement (no
The defenders deploy first. Starting with walking them backwards or anything silly
the defending player, the players take it in like that) but they can be turned to face
turns to place a defender on the table, at any direction at the end of their move.
least 8”/ 20cm from any table edge, until
all defenders have been place. The attacker Raising the Alarm – Play continues like
then deploys his entire gang within 4”/ this until the alarm is raised. As soon as
10cm of the table edge he noted earlier. the alarm is raised, any remaining actions
for the attacker are lost and the leaders
Objectives: The attackers are after something make Au checks as if the encounter had
inside the central building – ideas include just started. Play continues using the
the governor’s daughter, a chest of normal rules.
treasure, crates of weapons, or a smuggler
with information about local pirates. The The alarm is raised in the following
possibilities are restricted only by your circumstances:
Any attacker shoots or engages an enemy
An attacking model must enter the central in hand-to-hand combat. Using the
building, successfully search for the bloodcurdling roar skill also raises the
prize and then remove the prize from the alarm!

An attacker moves into line of sight of a Campaign Aftermath: If the attacker wins, they
defender at any time or a defender ends will be able to make off with their prize.
his movement with line of sight to an In the following campaign turn, the prize
attacker. can be exchanged for income – the victim
is ransomed off, the stolen guns sold on,
An attacker sprints and any part of his the money from the vault shared amongst
movement takes him within 6”/ 15cm of the gang or whatever is appropriate.
a defender, or he suffers a stumble result The prize is worth a number of dollars
while within 12”/ 30cm of a defender. equal to the fame or negative fame of the
defending gang, plus $25. For example, if
Gimme the prize – An attacking model the defenders were an infamous gang with
must enter the central building and expend a fame of -23, the prize would be worth $48
a special action searching for the prize. To in total.
find the prize requires a 4+ on a Re test.
Once the prize is found, place a suitable If the defender wins, they are well
marker with the model that found it. The rewarded for the protection provided and
prize must be carried (or dragged if it’s an they receive a number of dollars equal to
unfortunate person). A model carrying the the fame or negative fame of the attacking
prize may not perform any action other gang, plus $5 for each attacker that was
than move, and may not sprint. If engaged, taken out or crippled during the raid.
stunned, injured, taken out or spooked, the
model will drop the prize. Any model that Standard post battle experience in
ends a move in contact with a dropped addition:
prize may pick it up.
Model that removes the prize: +5 exp.

Running Battle

G oing about their normal (or illicit) business,

the two gangs come across each other
without warning. As the fighting escalates,
to their opponents as possible whilst
minimising their losses.

more and more gang members are drawn in At the start of any recovery phase, either
from the surrounding area. player can choose to cut their losses and
end the game – the other player is declared
Sides: Each player makes an Au test for their the winner!
leader. This is the number of models from
their gang that begins the encounter, Special Rules: At the end of every recovery
chosen by the player. The rest of the gangs phase, each player rolls a D6 for each gang
may turn up during the course of the member not yet on the tabletop. On a roll
encounter and any model may be left out of a 5 or 6, they turn up. The gang that was
of the encounter before dice are rolled. last inactive arrives first - players take it
in turns to place these arrivals touching
Location: This encounter could take place any table edge at least 6”/ 15cm from an
anywhere. enemy model. The same is then done for
the new arrivals of the other gang.
Deployment: Both players roll a die. The
highest scoring player places his gang Campaign Aftermath: Captured models may
leader anywhere at least 12”/ 30cm from be ransomed or given up for bounty as
a table edge. He then deploys the other explained in the Campaigns chapter. Killed
starting gang members within 4”/ 10cm models are removed from the gang. If a
of their leader. The losing player then does gang kills the models out of hand, they
the same, with the additional restriction reduce their fame by 2 points for every
that his models are at least 12”/ 30cm from model executed.
any opposing gang member.
Standard post game battle experience.
Objectives: This a straight-up fight with both
gangs trying to do as much damage


W hilst patrolling the area around their

respective camps, the two gangs come
across each other. They are too far away to
headquarters upgrade of a random type.
If the gang’s headquarters already has the
upgrade generated, they instead gain $50
send for help, but neither side is willing to back bonus income in the following campaign
down – to do so would be to surrender territory turn.
to their opponents.
Roll a D8:
Sides: Each player secretly notes down which
gang members he has sent on patrol, which Score Headquarters upgrade
must include the leader and at least five
other gang members. The larger the patrol 1 Storehouse
he has sent, the more damage he will 2 Lockup
have to do to his opponent’s gang to gain 3 Trading Post
4 Surgery
Location: This encounter could take place 5 Watchtower
anywhere. 6 Drinking Hole

Deployment: The gang with the highest 7 Legitimate Business/ Barracks

number of models in the patrol must 8 Player’s choice (or can choose the
deploy first – if there are the same number $50 income bonus).
in both gangs, roll a D6 each with the
lowest scoring player deploying first. The
first player places his leader anywhere on
the tabletop. The other player then places
his leader at least 18”/ 45cm away. The
players then alternate placing their models,
no more than 4”/ 10cm from an already-
placed friendly model and no closer than
18”/ 45cm to an enemy model.

Objectives: Both gangs are trying to stamp their

mark on the contested territory. To do so,
they have to prove themselves the better
fighters. At the start of every recovery
phase, both players count up the number
of enemy models that are injured, taken
out, crippled or have fled the table. If this
is more than half the number of models the
gang started the encounter with (rounding
up) the gang has won the skirmish. If both
players meet this objective at the same
time, the gang that has inflicted the most
casualties are the winners.

Special Rules: After deployment, every model

must pass a 4+ Re test or starts with a
surprised marker (excluding leaders).

Campaign Aftermath: The winner gets to

claim a new piece of territory to add to
his domain. This gives the gang a free


T here’s been a rumour going around that

something of value has turned up in town –
a visiting dignitary, a map showing the location
can reveal a loot marker, and they do this
by ending a move in contact with the
marker. Once the loot has been revealed
of a pirate lair, the keys to the governor’s wine it must be carried. A model carrying the
cellar or something like that. One of the local loot may not perform any action other
gangs has taken it upon themselves to procure than move, and may not sprint. If engaged,
this item for themselves. If only they knew stunned, injured, taken out or spooked, the
where to find it. Unfortunately, the gang hired model will drop the loot. Any model that
to protect this valuable commodity aren’t so ends a move in contact with dropped loot
sure themselves where it is either... may pick it up.

Sides: Attacker and defender. Special Rules: The attackers choose the right
moment to start the search and are very
Both gangs may field all available focussed on the task at hand. The attacking
members. leader gains +1 level to his Au for the
duration of the encounter.
Location: This encounter takes place in a
well populated area. The table should Campaign Aftermath: If the attacker makes
have at least six buildings or other easily off with the loot, they can fetch a pretty
identifiable areas for the attackers to sum for it. The loot adds $50 to the gang’s
search. You will need some suitable income for the next campaign turn, plus
counters numbered 1 to 6 to mark the an additional $10 for each dummy marker
possible sites of the loot. that was revealed before the loot was found.

Deployment: The defender deploys first, If the defenders keep hold of the loot, they
placing his gang members anywhere on earn $50 from the real owner, plus $10 for
the table at least 8”/ 20cm from any table each loot marker that was not revealed by
edge. The attacker then deploys his gang the end of the encounter.
anywhere within 4”/ 10cm of two adjacent
table edges. Standard post game experience in
Objectives: The attackers must search the area
looking for the loot, and escape with it A model receives +3 bonus experience
when they have found it. If the attackers point for every loot marker they reveal.
remove the loot from the table they have
won. Alternatively, the attacker can choose +5 experience for the model that removes
to give up the search at the start of any the real loot from the table.
recovery phase and hand victory to the

Place the six loot counters face down

and mix them up so that neither player
knows which ones they are. Starting with
the defender, the players then take it in
turns to place one of the counters on the
table, each in a separate building or other
location agreed when the table was being
set up.

Roll a D6 at the start of the encounter to

determine which of the markers represents
the real loot. Only attacking gang members

Treasure Hunt

T he dream of every man on the island has

come true! A treasure map has surfaced
showing the location of a hoard of gold and
model will drop the treasure. Any model
that ends a move in contact with a dropped
treasure marker may pick it up.
gems. Perhaps it is the buried treasure of an
old pirate, or a gold galley from the Spanish Campaign Aftermath: Each treasure marker
Main has run aground. Two gangs close in on held by a gang is worth a random amount
the location, determined to snatch as much as of money. In the income phase of the
possible for themselves. campaign turn, each treasure marker is
worth $D10x10.
Sides: Both players are free to field any
available gang members. (optional alternative: Each Treasure/
loot marker could represent a piece
Location: The treasure hunt takes place in an of equipment or weapon, mark down
out-of-the way area such as an isolated beforehand what each one contains. What
cove or deep in the wilderness. There you find is what you keep!)
should be plenty of scattered small cover
for the gangs to use as they search the area. Standard post battle experience in
Deployment: Start by taking 5 appropriate
models or counters to mark the location +3 experience points for a model that has
of the treasure. Both players roll a D6 and treasure at the end of the game.
starting with the lowest scoring player, the
players take it in turns to place the treasure
markers. The treasure markers can be
placed anywhere that is at least 12”/ 30cm
from a table edge and 12”/ 30cm from
another treasure marker.

The highest scoring player then deploys

his entire gang within 4”/ 10cm of one
table edge. The other player deploys
second, within 4”/ 10cm of the opposite
table edge.

Objectives: The gangs must retrieve the

treasure before their adversaries. Once
all five treasure markers have been dug
up and are in the possession of the gangs
at the start of any recovery phase, the
encounter ends as they both leave with
their booty. The gang whose models are
carrying the most treasure markers has

Special Rules: To take a treasure marker a

model must move into contact with a
marker and then spend a special action
digging it up. Once dug up, the treasure
must be carried. A model carrying treasure
may not perform any action other than
move, and may not sprint. If engaged,
stunned, injured, taken out or spooked, the

Orc Admiral Mad Jim Jones

Undead Captain Captain McBride Giant!

Privateer Captain Governor Dwarf Captain Governor’s Daughter

Black Jack Davey Diamond Joe Navy Officer Navy Captain

Royal Marines 1

Royal Marines 2

Rogues 1

Rogues 2

Pirates 1

Pirates 2

Privateers 1

Privateers 2

Elf Pirates


Dwarf Rogues

Dwarf Pirates

Undead Pirates 1

Undead Pirates 2

Goblin Pirates 1

Goblin Pirates 2

Orc Pirates 1

Orc Pirates 2

Pirate Girls 1

Pirate Girls 2

Able Seamen 1

Able Seamen 2


Navy Officer by Conrad Mynett


Cabin boy by Martin Footitt

rose & Jaggard
by Lynne Campbell

F or a split second I felt the softness of the sand and

the warmth of the sun on my skin, before the red-
hot pounding in my head led me to involunatarily
their jib, but so many women! Certainly, they were
dressed as men, looked as battle-worn as any man
and perhaps not as particularly clean as one would
scream out into the humid air. I felt my body being have hoped, but the round curves of their breasts left
pulled roughly into the shade and registered a brute little doubt as to their sex!
of a man, with hands like shovels, attempting to
pacify me in my agony. I had no way of knowing
at that time whether he spoke my language as only
animal grunts exited from his mouth, albeit of a
gentle nature, and he gestured to try and connect
with me. As I tried to make sense of my situation,
a loud voice reverberated over the sand dunes, one
of authority to a feeble mind, with an imposing air,
as an image came into view. My eyes saw double
and I was desperately trying to remember, but at
the same time my basic survival instinct clicked in
and I watched helplessly as this man approached. I
blinked, and my eyes seemed to clear a little, whilst
registering this bearded, dark-skinned apparition,
holding a cutlass menacingly at his side. His skin
was pox-marked and parched from a life-time of
exposure to the elements, but what stood out the
most was the scar from scalp to chin and the eery
absence of an eye.

With a swift nod to the Big Man, I was lifted over his
shoulders, whereupon my world once more slipped
into blackness from the pain in my head. I had no
way of knowing how long I had remained in that
state, but I awoke to the sound of female voices and
the touch of a gentle hand on my brow. Though still
unaware of my location, I remembered the ship-wreck
and the catastrophe that had caused my passage on
that doomed vessel. I had wrongly been accused of
theft back in the Homeland and was sentenced to I felt the cold rush of steel at my side as the scar-
life in the New World penal colony, far across the faced man gave me a prod with the blunt edge of his
seas. Fate had saved me from an early grave. Fate, cutlass
and whoever it was that had pulled me to safety and
attended my battered body. His eyes had an air of mischief and his mouth
gave a slow leer as he spat out his chewed tobacco
There were many tales amongst seafaring folk and stepped aside to make room for the even more
of female pirates, fiercer than some of their male imposing body of a female pirate. Her skin was of
counterparts and, though I had never given much a lighter hue than the man and she had an aura of
credance to such folk-lore, I was beginning to realise defiance as if she had fought a thousand battles,
my foolishness with scars to prove it, though none could mar
the undeniable beauty of her face and statuesque
as I surveyed all around me. All manner of figure. It was true to say that the male apparel
humanity seemed active in the vicinity in which of breeches and leather boots enhanced her female
I found myself - pirates to be sure, from the cut of form far better than the corset entrenched fashion of

the day! She was neither young, nor old, but her Rose and Jaggard ruled the roost, guarded constantly
maturity seemed only to add to the original bloom by Malik, who followed them like a puppy dog and
of youth. A stunner. The piercing green of her eyes worshipped Rose with his innocent eyes. True, their
contrasted beautifully with her mop of flowing red Band had many women, the likes of which I had
hair and I felt myself spell-bound. never encountered, but there was also an almost
mongrel assortment of men, of all skin-types, size
As she stepped towards me, gesturing impatiently and origins, who had at one time or another been
to my female nursemaid to leave us, she introduced released from bondage during the numerous raids
herself as the Leader, Rose Mallone, and half- sister undertaken from these shores. For the most part,
to Jaggard, the scar-faced man. I wondered why these pirates were happy with their lot and, for some,
she was so forthcoming and not suspicious of my this was the only family they had ever known.
alien presence, but then I realised that she knew
I had had a lucky escape from a prison vessel on It was a life far-flung from the indulgent upbringing
account of my clothes and the one shackle still left I had known, though I had decided to keep that
around my right arm. Was this the Rose I had information close to my chest . My father was Sir
heard whispered in local taverns, where many had William Brodie, a landowner of some renown back
quaked at her very name? Her Band had no love in the Homeland and I, Robert, had had the privilige
of my government, she explained, nor it’s Navy, of a gentleman’s education, including the art of
for it was the Quartermaster on one of their ships swordsmanship, which I was anxious to use against
who had cut out the tongue of the man who pulled the bureaucrats who had sealed my fate.. My father
me to shore, that gentle giant called Malik. But had been cheated in business, losing most of his
her sworn enemy was the Governor General of The estates, and had died a broken man. I was on the
New World, Lord John Fitzpatrick, who single- brink of uncovering the culprits of his demise when I
handedly caused the mutilation of her brother, was framed for an offence and thrown into the Prison
Jaggard’s face. I could sense the hatred went deeper Ship with unusual haste.
than her brother’s misfortune - that there was
something she was holding back, but on a brief first Over the next few weeks I accompanied the men in
acquaintance, did not feel it my place to ask too battle as we plundered our way across the high seas,
many questions. I listened as she told me her story and I had come to be accepted by the crew in a short
and welcomed me into the arms of her band if I so space of time. We lost many a good man but there
desired. They left me to rest and I marvelled at my was no time for sentiment in the life that had come
good fortune, to be mine. Our ship, anchored in a bay just south of
our camp, was an imposing galleon, with a pedigree.
Over the next few days my strength was regained Previously HMS Roebuck, it had been ‘acquired’
and my head no longer felt it was home to a after a particularly vicious battle with His Majesty’s
thousand hammers. I was told we were on one of navy. I heard that some of the men had taken great
the many islands some nautical miles distant from satisfaction in donning the uniforms of the fallen
the New World - an island few had penetrated, or enemy and paraded like strutting peacocks when the
at least had lived to tell the tale. My surroundings celebration drink kicked in.
were crude and somewhat inhospitable as I suffered
the irritation of insect bites and the inevitable One fine spring morning news reached us, via freed
bowel disruptions. True to say, I had experienced prisoners, of a ship bound for the Homeland laden
only civility since my arrival, but I was under with a precious cargo of gold and jewels to pay
no illusions as to the ferocity of the Band and homage to the newly crowned King. Of even more
their strict rules of conduct within their ranks. interest to Rose was that Sir John Fitzpatrick and
There was a definite ‘pecking order’ within the his daughter, Catherine, were on the Cygnet, a quite
group. Any disobedience was dealt with swiftly impressive ship. Sir John, ever the opportunist, had
by Jaggard’s whip and from the scars on the backs arranged for his daughter to be married to a wealthy
of a few, I guessed some had learned their lesson friend of his who held high rank in government.
the hard way. For the foolish who went too far Gossip had it that It was not a match made in
with their own agenda, the hangman’s noose was heaven as her ‘intended’ was almost her father’s
waiting. Already I had seen at least two rotting age, and as Catherine was said to be quite a beauty,
bodies swaying from the sturdy boughs of the forest it would seem her fiancee had the better part of the
trees. What’s more, here one could lose a hand for deal. With the utmost haste, we set sail in search of
greed, and punishment was non-negotiable. our quarry. Rose seemed in her element, ruling over

us with a rod of iron and the steely determination of As we pushed open the ornate heavy wooden
a woman on a mission - I say ‘woman’, but I must door to the cabin, we had already guessed what
add that at times her femininity was lost in the we would find. Tucked away in the corner was
aggressiveness of her leadership and not one man or a very frightened woman, dressed exquisitely in
woman ever dared challenge her. expensive silk and lace. It had to be Catherine.
One of the men grabbed her by her arm and
With our usual stealth, we took the Cygnet by shoved the reluctant beauty through the door, as
surprise, though not without casualties on both sides, she screamed and gave a defiant toss of her golden
It had been a bloody battle and dead bodies were curls. Lord John Fitzpatrick, a well-dressed man,
already being thrown into the sea by our crew, offering of considerable girth, stood facing us in the middle
a feast for the swarming sharks. Rose’s notoriety was of the room, not having lifted a finger to protect his
legendary and many of the Cygnet’s crew surrendered daughter, nor a word of protest. He had a ruddy
unashamedly rather than suffer the wrath of the complexion with spider veins across his cheeks and
sword, or worse. Jaggard, Malik and our more able- the bulbous nose of alcohol over-indulgence. He
bodied men made busy with the transfer of the booty swept his hand over his long moustache whilst
to the Roebuck, whilst a couple of us accompanied fingering his gold watch chain, with an air of his
Rose to the Captain’s Quarters. The Captain, a brave own importance as much as nerves. His rubbery
man till the end, had held his own well, but the sheer lips were pulled back in an insolent sneer, but
strength of our force meant he was never going to win no word ever left his mouth as Rose quickly and
and he died gallantly at the helm. We picked our way deliberately spoke. “Hello Father”, she said, “Long
across the dessimated deck, still littered with body time, no see!” And with that the musket she had
parts caused by the full force of our cannon. I had already raised rang out ripping into his skull.
to look away as I recognised the remains of a friend Blood spurted from the gaping hole, and a look of
whose guts had spilled across the wooden planks, yet I total disbelief showed in his eyes as he fell at her
could not mourn him. Piracy was our life, and death feet. “Job done”, she said, as she spat on the body
was part of it. and left the room.

Clarke’s first voyage


Creating a Gang

A campaign is a system that allows several

players to fight encounters against each

other over a period of time, keeping track
T o start a campaign you need a gang. Each

of the results. The players fight encounters player has $500 to start the bid for power.

accumulating experience, wealth, injuries, Initial gang members are chosen from the o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

new members, lost companions and fame (or faction list of your choice, with the profiles
infamy!). When one gang becomes too powerful and costs listed of the different types of crew
or too well known, all of the gangs in the area members available. These are the leader’s
will take a side for the final reckoning to see closest companions, and as such they are hand-
who comes out as top dog! picked. Within the number limitations given.
The models must also be armed and equipped
Campaigns are a great way to add a bit more out of the starting money, as indicated in the
meaning to your games of Cutlass. Rather than profiles that follow and the Equipment Costs
each encounter being an isolated event, every chart. Any money not spent goes into the gang’s
confrontation adds to the story of your gang. treasury.
We’ve made organising a campaign as simple 200ft
as possible so that the players can concentrate As the campaign progresses, new recruits will
on the important things – playing games and become available, but you can never guarantee
developing their gangs. All you need to get the quality or attributes of these newcomers,
started are some players, a table, some scenery so the style of your starting gang will set the
and your miniatures. tone for the campaign. Do you go for a small,
highly dangerous band and hope that you do
The setting for a Cutlass campaign is an island, not suffer too many casualties
100ftearly on, or hire
town or some far flung place. Very often it’s an less skilful underlings who you can raise up
e l a Nnot
island o c h eon any official map being explored by yourself?
ci d
e n Royal NavyLor i g Pirates, only to encounter Orcs,
Sil ht
Elves, Dwarfs the Undead and more! Each model also has a level. This is to show


his starting experience on the experience chart.


Although not strictly required, it is useful to E.g. a leader has level 7 and starts with 31
5 miles

appoint one player as the campaign governor. experience.

The governor can help the players organise their
games, keep track of which models have been
placed in gaol, perhaps run special encounters Model and Gang Worth 200ft
and events, and run the final reckoning part of Each gang member has a ‘worth’ given as a $
the campaign. value. This is equal to the sum of his attribute
levels, taking into account any permanent
serious injuries (i.e. D6 is worth $6, D10 is
worth $10), plus the value of any weapons and
equipment, plus $10 for each skill the model
has. Models that start with skills already have
those incorporated into their cost.

The total of all the worth of the gang members,

any headquarters upgrades, plus any money

in its treasury is the gang’s total worth. If


a gang’s total worth ever reaches $5,000 or


gh regardless of its fame or infamy, the final

reckoning event is triggered (details of this are
e - 5 miles
given later on). SU CUERPO

Fame/Infamy: You will find a Faction Roster at the end of the
Depending SOMBRA
on your actions your crew will chapter. Feel free to photocopy this to keep a
either become ‘famous’ or infamous’! You start record of your gang’s details.
with a fame level of zero but must decide at the
start which you are. Any type of crew can be Currency:
famous or infamous though obviously some are For ease of reading we use the $ symbol to
more suited to the correct side of the law than represent currency throughout the book. In
others! reality it could be gold pieces or any other type
of bartered goods!

use - 10 Miles


io Ti b u

d os


Seta Venenosa
ol or
d eD
Pu e r t


Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

The Royal Navy


T 0 Empire and
he Navy serve to expand the Navy Special rules:

keep trade routes open and free from piracy!

Well trained, equipped and loyal, they are a Whilst your crew is famous the crew has

force to be reckoned with. Navy crews would absolute respect for the chain of command and

normally be ‘famous’ rather than ‘infamous’. would never mutiny. Therefore there will never

However should you wish to have a corrupt be a leadership challenge unless your crew is o S t i x

Reliquias de la Noch

Captain and crew that’s up to you with the infamous.
Cutlass rules!

1 Royal Navy Captain $86 (level 7) Royal Navy skills table:

Combat drilled: The Navy are well trained and
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
well drilled. Anyone with this skill will
never be spooked or surprised.
D6 D8 D8 D6 D6 D6 D8
Trained: Models with the trained skill get +1
Au: D8 bonus dice to their reaction tests.
Skills: Leader. Inspirational, Marksman. Quick shot: Anyone with quick shot has
practised reloading over and over and can
Equipment: Any. do it with lightning speed. Therefore they
don’t need to use an action point to reload.
0-4 Officers $58 (level 5) The weapon is considered always loaded.
Cannot be used with brace of pistols,
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
i.e. you can fire 2 pistols
100ftbut will need to
reload them as normal.
D6 D8 D8 D6 D6 D6 D8 200ft
ci o de la Noche
Si len Lig
ht Grenadier: An expert at prepping and throwing
Skills: Combat Drilled.
grenades. This skill gives them +1 when


rolling on the grenade chart. So it will


Equipment: Any common. One uncommon. never explode in their hands.

5 miles

1+ Royal Marines $44 (level 3)

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
D6 D8 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6


Equipment: Any common

0+ Able seaman $36 (level 1)

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar


D6 D4 D6 D6 D4 D6 D4

Skills: gh

e - 5 miles
Equipment: Up to two common. SU CUERPO


P irates murder, pillage and plunder! Often

attacking and seizing larger and better ships
that enables them to sail to far off places in
Pirate special rules:
Mutiny! Mutiny is always in the air with
search of more fortune and infamy! It’s a tough pirates! Therefore if any model in your
life in a Pirate crew and mutiny is never far crew comes within 10 points of worth
away! of the captain there will be a leadership
challenge (as detailed later).
1 Pirate Captain $86 (level 7)
Pirate skills table:

use - 10 Miles
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
Unscrupulous: Pirates are truly mean and intend
D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D8 to kill their enemy! Whilst in combat taken
100ft out results automatically become critical.
Au: D8 Remove enemy model from play.

Skills: Leader. Swashbuckler, dead-eye. Armourer: Pistols only: An armourer likes to

meddle and convert his pistols. Anyone

Equipment: Any. with this skill may shoot pistols at long

ró range with a -1 to Acc role. This is in
io Ti b u

0-4 Hardened Pirate $58 (level 5) o
addition tos lany minus for using a brace of
pistols.ToOnly the model with this skill may
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
use converted weapons. You may not pass
them on to others in the gang.
D6 D8 D8 D6 D6 D6 D8

200ft Last stand: This Pirate doesn’t know when he’s

Skills: unscrupulous. beat! If he is ‘taken out’ during the game
as a special action he may fire one pistol at
Equipment: Any common. One uncommon. close range only (even if he has armourer).
As with all taken out models his Acc (along
1+ Pirates $44 (level 3) with all stats) will be D4. He can keep doing
this as a special action until he is made
Re Acc Com Dex 100ft Dam
Con Dar
critical. He can also (and must if he wants to
fire again) re-load as a special action.
D8 D6 D6 Seta Venenosa
D6 D6 D6 D6
ol or
d eD Swashbuckler: This Pirate is very skilled with
Pu e r t
Skills: a blade. Add +1 bonus dice when making
a Dex check on the parry table for combat.
Equipment: Any common In addition this skill cancels the ‘beguiling’
skill of an opponent during combat.
0+ Rogues $36 (level 1)

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

D6 D4 D4 D6 D6 D6 D4


Equipment: Up to two common.

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage


P rivateers are often ex Navy0or even Pirates, Privateer skills table:


hired by a wealthy individual or Governor

for trade or some other undertaking. Of course Combat drilled: The model is well trained and

any sensible Privateer Captain would do a little well drilled. Anyone with this skill will

trade of his own on the side! never be spooked or surprised.

o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

1 Privateer Captain $86 (level 7) Armourer: Pistols only: An armourer likes to
meddle and convert his pistols. Anyone
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
with this skill may shoot pistols at long
range with a -1 to Acc role. This is in
D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D8 addition to any minus for using a brace of
pistols. Only the model with this skill may
Au: D8 use converted weapons. You may not pass
them on to others in the gang.
Skills: Leader. Inspirational, Armourer.
Grenadier: An expert at prepping and throwing
Equipment: Any. grenades. This skill gives them +1 when 200ft
rolling on the grenade chart. So it will
0-4 Seasoned Hands $58 (level 5) never explode in their hands.

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

Last stand: This Privateer doesn’t know when
he’s beat! If he is ‘taken out’ during the
D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D8 game as a special action he may fire
one pistol at close range
100ft(even if he has
Skills: Grenadier. armourer). As with all taken out models
e la Noch his Acc (along with all stats) will be D4.
cio d e
en Equipment:LAny
Sil h common. One uncommon.
He can keep doing this as a special action
until he is made critical. He can also (and


1+ Mariners $44 (level 3) must if he wants to fire again) re-load as a


special action.
5 miles

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

D6 D6 D8 D6 D6 D6 D6

Equipment: Any common

0+ Deck hands $36 (level 1)

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

D6 D4 D6 D6 D4 D6 D4


Equipment: Up to two common.



e - 5 miles

and Goblin Pirates

O rcs and goblins are ferocious, with a fine

line between fearlessness and stupidity
they’re a dangerous crew! The Orcs are very
Orc Goblin special rules:
Orcs never need test when a goblin is taken
much in charge, the Admiral ruling with an iron out within 6” as normally would be the case.
fist. They use the goblins to do all the stuff they They’ve come to expect it from their weaker
don’t want to! Very rarely a very powerful crew friends.
will entice a mighty Giant to join them, at some
Orc/Goblin skills table:

use - 10 Miles
1 Admiral $86 (level 7) Stomp: Changes a ‘taken out’ result to critical in
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
100ft Loot: If a model with loot takes out an opponent
D6 D6 D6 D6 D8 D8 D8 in combat both players make a Dex role.

If the loot players is higher he steals one

Au: D8 piece of randomly decided weaponry/

equipment from the victim! Remove from

Skills: Leader. Bloodcurdling roar, Bite. the opponents roster and add to yours.


io Ti b u

Equipment: Any. o
Bite: Orcs and Goblins bite and scratch in
combatTowith razor sharp teeth! Adds +1
0-4 Orc Veterans $58 (level 5) Com bonus die.

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

Bloodcurdling Roar: The model may unleash a
200ft dread-inspiring bellow as a special action.
D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D8 Any enemy model within 6”/ 15cm must
score 3+ with a Dar test or be immediately
Skills: Stomp. spooked.

Equipment: Any common. One uncommon.

1+ Orcs $44 (level 3)

Seta Venenosa
Re or
Acc o lCom Dex Con Dam Dar
D6 r t a sD6 D6 D6 D8 D6 D6
Pu e


Equipment: Any common

0+ Goblins $36 (level 1)

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

D6 D4 D6 D6 D4 D6 D4


O Equipment: Up to two common.

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

Dwarf Pirates

D warfs are small, stocky and0 very tough! Dwarf Serpiente

special rules:

The first Pirates to discover them on the

island dismissed them out of hand, to their Short: Due to their short size Dwarfs are unable

cost.. to sprint.

1 Dwarf Captain $86 (level 7) o Stix
Stubborn: Dwarfs require 2+ on Dar tests rather

Reliquias de la Noch

than the standard 3+. Normal modifiers
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
still apply.

D6 D6 D6 D6 D8 D8 D8
Dwarf skills table:
Au: D8 Tough as Nails: The model gains a bonus die
for all Con checks.
Skills: Leader. Stocky, hard headed.
Stocky: The model gains a bonus die to Com
Equipment: Any. checks.
0-4 Venerable dwarf $58 (level 5) Hard headed: The model cannot be stunned.

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

Armourer: Pistols only: An armourer likes to
meddle and convert his pistols. Anyone
D6 D6 D6 D6 D8 D8 D8 with this skill may shoot pistols at long
range with a -1 to Acc role. This is in
Skills: stocky. addition to any minus100ft
for using a brace of
pistols. Only the model with this skill may
e l a N o c h Any common. One uncommon.
Equipment: use converted weapons. You may not pass
cio d eL
en ig
Sil ht them on to others in the gang.
1+ Dwarf pirates $44 (level 3)


Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

5 miles

D6 D6 D6 D6 D8 D6 D6

Skills: 200ft

Equipment: Any common

0+ Dwarf rogues $36 (level 1)

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

D6 D4 D4 D6 D6 D6 D4


Equipment: Up to two common.



e - 5 miles


E lves are tall, agile and fast. They pride

themselves on their smart appearance and
elegant clothing. Their equipment and attire are
Elf skills table:
Agile: The model is agile and fast, it adds +1
eagerly sought after by Privateers looking to sell to its movement allowance and +1 to the
on to the wealthy upper classes. sprint Dex roll.

1 Elf Commodore $86 (level 7) Acrobatic: The model gains a bonus die when
making Dex checks for crossing obstacles
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
and Re checks for breaking from combat.

use - 10 Miles
All falling damage suffered by the model is
D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 reduced by one level.

Au: D8 100ft Fleet-footed: Bonus die for sprinting. Ignores

terrain penalties (unless impassible).

Skills: Leader. Agile, Marksman.

Knife thrower: Whilst charging or being

Equipment: Any. charged by an opponent the model can

attempt a quick knife throw! It does not

0-4 Lieutenant $58 (level ró
i o T i b u 5) require the use of an action or reaction

l o purposes of this knife throw
point. For sthe
d o Acc D4 and Dam D4. Roll to
use theTostats
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
hit as normal resolving any damage. If the
D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 enemy being charged is taken out, you
may choose to continue the charge (if you
200ft Skills: Agile. wish to try for critical) or move half the
charge distance in another direction. If
Equipment: Any common. One uncommon. you take out a charging enemy, he stops at
half his charging distance. Otherwise the
1+ Ensign $44 (level 3) charge continues as normal.

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

D6 D6 D6 D8 D6 D6 D6
Seta Venenosa
Skills: d eD
Pu e r tas
Equipment: Any common

0+ Midshipman $36 (level 1)

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
D6 D4 D4 D8 D4 D6 D4


Equipment: Up to two common.

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

Undead Pirates

T 0 The deceased
he dead walk on this island. Undead special rules:

from other crews have formed together as

Undead, led by a powerful Captain that strikes No fear: The Undead feel no fear and will never

fear into all who glance eyes upon him. With be spooked.

dark magic they try to recruit new members

into their deathly crew! Brittle bones: Undead are brittle and easily o S t i x

Reliquias de la Noch

hurt. All undead suffer a -1 penalty to the
1 Undead Captain $86 (level 7) result when rolling on the campaign injury
chart. Note this isn’t -1 level but -1 to the
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
result. E.g. an Undead with a Con of D8
might roll a 4. This would be the wounded’
D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D8 100ft
result, once the -1 penalty is applied
it becomes 3 and would be ‘seriously
Au: D8 wounded’. They also suffer -1 on the
serious injury table. Undead may never
Skills: Leader. Ghost, Necromancer. use the medic or surgeon skills, (re-roll
these results, rather than choose any skill). 200ft
Equipment: Any. Nor may they have the ‘surgery’ territory.

0-4 Wraiths $58 (level 5) Raise the Dead: Any enemy model suffering
a critical injury and being removed from
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
play in combat with an Undead may be
converted to the Undead! Both models in
D6 D8 D6 D6 D8 D6 D8 the combat make a Dar check. The Undead
suffers -1 level and the target receives
e l a NGhost.
Skills: oche +1 level modifier as he tries to resist the
cio d
en Lig
Sil h t
Undead! If the Undead scores more than
Equipment: Any common. One uncommon. the opponents score he has been converted


to the Undead and joins their roster! He


1+ Undead Pirates $44 (level 3) suffers -1 Con as normal for crippled

5 miles

models but doesn’t role on the injury table

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
as he normally would… he’s already dead!
All equipment is lost and the new Undead
D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D8 D6 model must be re-equipped. He keeps his 200ft
stats and skills but from now on rolls using
Skills: the Undead faction skills. Note: Any model
with an Amulet is immune to Raise the
Equipment: Any common Dead. (Of course Undead also recruit in
the normal way like other crews in the post
0+ Undead rogues $36 (level 1) battle sequence).

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

Captured: Undead can never be captured. Any
undead being captured is automatically
D6 D4 D6 D6 D4 D6 D4 killed and removed from the roster.


Equipment: Up to two common. gh


e - 5 miles

Undead skills table:
Female Pirates
Previous life: This model remembers a thing or There’s no set faction list for female pirates. You
two from his life! Roll a D8 1-4 = the first 4 can add them to any existing crew should you
Navy skills in order, 5-8 = the Pirate skills wish, e.g. Pirates, Privateers or Navy. Really as
in order. E.g. a roll of 6 would mean he gets any rank you like, how you form your crew is
the Armourer skill, a 4 would mean he gets down to your imagination!
‘Grenadier’ from the navy skill list.
Should you wish to have an all Pirate girl crew,
Ghost: The ghostly appearance of the model we suggest you use the standard Pirate faction
makes him a hard target! Anyone shooting list for them.
at him suffers -1 level to Acc in addition to

use - 10 Miles
any other modifiers.

Dead man walking: When taken out the model

Equipment Costs
crawl up to 3”. In addition in each Dagger.............................................................$4
recovery phase roll a D6. On the roll of a 6

Ship’s Pistol .................................$6/$12 brace
he goes from taken out to injured. The -1

penalty for being injured is cumulative. Musket ............................................................$7

Cudgel/club/maul ..................................... Free

Necromancer: A necromancer knows some truly ($3 as second weapon)

dark magic! He can cancel ró
i o T i b uONE skill of an

opponent shooting or engaging in combat Cutlass ............................................................$4
lo s
with him. I.e. If the opponent has 2 skills do
that help him in shooting or combat the
Necromancer can choose one to negate. Axe ..................................................................$4
It’s only for the duration of that test, the Hammer..........................................................$3
200ft skill is unaffected for the rest of the game.
Note: This skill negates other skills NOT Spear/ bayonet ..............................................$5
equipment, e.g. Amulet.
Uncommon Equipment
Duelling Pistol ............................... $8/$16 brace
(Brace counts as 1 uncommon item)
Blunderbuss ..................................................$10
Bastard sword ................................................$8
Seta Venenosa
olor Great hammer ...............................................$7
d eD
Pu e r tas Great Axe ........................................................$7
Powder Monkey ............................................$10
100ft Spyglass ..........................................................$15
Lucky charm ..................................................$5
Grenade ..........................................................$20
Fowler’s Rum ...............................................$5
Amulet ............................................................$5

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

Special characters: 0-1 Giant $240

T that their name and exploits
i l e renown
here are some characters of such
0 has spread
Re Acc Com
Dex Con Dam Dar

far and wide! For the right price they will join D6 D8 D20 D4 D20 D20 D20

a crew and fight with them. They do not earn

experience or have stat increases like normal Orc and Goblin crews only.

models on your roster. Nor can you give them

any extra weapons. There’s no rule that two On occasion a Giant will join an Orc and goblin o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

opposing forces can’t use the same character, crew for the right price. Getting him to turn up
(we would assume it’s someone different to fight or not kill his own crew is a different
with the same stats). However, you may wish matter!
to make a house rule to avoid this. We make
the miniatures to represent these characters, Equipment: Giant anchor, rocks, fists.
however you could use the same model as any
normal crew member should you wish.
Special rules:
Some characters can only be recruited by Giant stride: The giant’s huge size means
certain factions. It may seem that some of the despite being slow he covers a lot of
more infamous characters shouldn’t be able to ground! He may never sprint but has a 200ft
join navy crews. But some captains will recruit standard movement of 8”/20cm.
whomever they can in desperate times, or your
navy crew may have gone infamous! Combat: The giant works in combat like other
models, he uses his anchor, fist, whatever
Even though some characters may hold the he feels like! He uses his Dam of D20 for
rank of Captain or Admiral, your standard combat.
leader remains in charge. They are just along for 100ft
the ride, or to observe. They will never make Large target: The giant is truly huge. He makes
c o d e l a N o c h echallenges.
i leadership a large and attractive target. Anyone
en Lig
Sil ht shooting at him receives +l level Acc for
Some characters have D20 on their stats (note that role. Anyone with an Acc of D20


that ordinary crew members can only achieve receives a bonus dice.

a max of D12), in the event of a +1 level to a

5 miles

maximum stat they get +1 bonus die instead. The Giant may never hide.
For shooting range purposes anyone with an
Acc of D20 uses the D12 range, but D20 for the Spooked: The giant will never be spooked.
other roles. 200ft
Reactions: The giant may only make reactions
in combat, i.e. counter attack and riposte.
Hiring characters and hired hands: He may not make reactions to shooting or
Characters or hired hands can be recruited in movement, it’s too insignificant to him!
the post game phase like other figures. You may
not choose special characters/hired hands in Rocks: The giant uses rocks, barrels and
a starting gang. If you are eligible for recruits other debris to throw at his enemy! This
after rolling on the table, you may instead to works as a shooting action. They have
choose one character or hired hand (assuming a maximum range of 20”/50cm with no
you have the funds). Regardless of how many close or long range. Dam D12. Resolve as
recruits you rolled, if you choose a character/ a normal shooting action. Rocks require 1

hired hand that’s the only recruit you can have reload action as he selects another from the

that campaign turn. No crew may have more ground.


than 10% special characters and not more than gh


25% of the crew may be hired hands. th

o u s The giant can choose to swing his giant
e - 5 miles
anchor from its chain as a shooting action. SU CUERPO
Any model within 4”/10cm from a 180
degree arc from the front of his base can

be affected. Roll for each model within the Miniature world: The human sized world is
swinging SOMBRA
like a normal shooting action. small and insignificant to a Giant. He
The giant has an Acc of D8. The anchor has ignores all terrain and may step over
a Dam of D12. Normal cover rules apply as building half his size or less if movement
if from ground level. The Anchor needs 1 will allow. I.e. It costs him the distance
reload action as the giant winds the chain in movement equal to the length of the
back up for another swing! building.

Pick up: When the Giant is in combat with Skills:

an opposing figure he may choose to
attempt to pick it up as a special action Bloodcurdling roar (as orcs)
(this special action may be done despite

use - 10 Miles
being in base contact). Both players make
a Dex roll. If the enemy is higher (re-roll
equal) he dodges the giant hand swiping at
him! If the giant is higher roll a D4 on the
following table.

1 He takes a look at this tiny being and
doesn’t find it interesting...placing it

back harmlessly where it was.


2 Chew and spit. Giants
i o T i b udon’t like the

taste of humans. But they don’t find lo
this out until they’ve had a little chew d os
on them. The model suffers a D10
Dam hit and is spat out back where he
200ft 3 Throw. The giant throws the model
10”/25cm directly forward. The model
suffers a D10 damage hit. Any model
lying in the path of the flying missile is
assumed to jump out the way.
4 Capture. The Giant likes pets. He tucks
the model in his belt and takes it away
with him! Follow the100ft
standard rules for
a captured figure Venenosa
Bad mood:d eGiantsDol can be quite sulky at times
e r t a don’t like being told what to do! Every
P uand
time the giant makes a shooting action
(throws a rock or swings his anchor) roll
a D10. On a roll of a 1 he will turn and
throw a rock at the nearest friendly model
100ft instead! Resolve action as normal.

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

0-1 Mad Jim Jones $166 0-1 Blackjack Davey $132

(Pirates, privateers only) ile (Pirates, Privateers, Navy only)

Mad Jim is one of the most infamous Pirates Blackjack is known for his cunning and

around. Many claim to have met him or be leadership. Despite losing a hand and a leg

him. In reality few are a match for this ruthless he carries on like nothing ever happened! The

Pirate! hook and peg leg are like medals of honour!

o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
D8 D10 D10 D8 D10 D8 D20 D8 D8 D10 D6 D12 D10 D12

Skills: Unscrupulous, Swashbuckler, Pistoleer. Skills: Tough as nails, Intimidating, Deadly,

Equipment: 2x Cutlass, Musket, Brace ship’s
pistols. Fowler’s rum, Lucky charm, Amulet, Equipment: Duelling pistol, ships pistol,
Grenade. cutlass, Amulet, Cudgel.


ci o de la Noche
Si len Lig

5 miles



e - 5 miles

0-1 Captain McBride $147 0-1 Diamond Joe $132
(Pirates, Privateers only) (Pirates, Privateers, Navy only)

Rumour has it that McBride was once a serving Renowned for his remarkable accuracy with
navy officer or even a captain turned bad. No a pistol, Diamond Joe lost his ship during an
one knows for sure but he’s certainly wanted by encounter with an entire navy fleet. He now
a number of authorities. makes his living on land, often in the taverns at
night causing trouble.
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
D8 D10 D10 D6 D10 D10 D10 Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
D10 D20 D8 D8 D10 D8 D12

use - 10 Miles
Skills: Backstabber, Marksman, Intimidating,
Hard headed. Skills: Dead-eye, quick shot.
Equipment: Duelling pistol, Cutlass, grenade, Equipment: Spyglass, cutlass, brace ship’s

ship’s pistol, amulet. pistols, amulet.


io Ti b u

d os


Seta Venenosa
ol or
d eD
Pu e r t


Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

0-1 Governor $109 0-1 Governor Daughter $113

(Navy, Pirates, Privateers only) i l e s (Navy, Pirates, Privateers only)


Sometimes a Governor will wish to join his Did she sneak on to the ship dressed as a

Privateer crew on an exploration, for adventure, cabin boy seeking adventure or did her naive

fame, riches or perhaps some underhand father bring her along? Either way she can get

reason! involved in your adventures.

o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
D6 D10 D12 D8 D8 D8 D10 D10 D6 D6 D8 D6 D6 D10

Skills: swashbuckler, Beguiling, quick shot. Skills: Foolhardy, medic, surgeon.


Equipment: cutlass, duelling pistol, Amulet. Equipment: Brace ship’s pistols, dagger, amulet,
lucky charm, fowler’s rum.


ci o de la Noche
Si len Lig

5 miles



e - 5 miles

0-1 Elros Yavetil $193 0-1 Nuria Del Fuego $158
(Elf crew only) (Navy, Pirates, Privateers only)

Elros is an extremely agile and fast elf. His Nuria made her fame during her time leading
exploits and speed are the stuff of legend. an all female Pirate crew, their exploits became
famous far and wide. Now she joins any crew
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
with the right asking price.

D20 D12 D6 D20 D10 D6 D12

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

Skills: Agile, Acrobatic, Fleet footed, Knife D20 D12 D4 D12 D8 D6 D10

use - 10 Miles
thrower, marksman, dead eye, pistoleer.

Equipment: Brace of duelling pistols, cutlass,

100ft lucky charm, musket.
amulet, Skills: Pistoleer, Quick shot, Dead eye,

Equipment: Spyglass, dagger, brace ship’s

pistols, amulet, lucky charm, fowler’s rum.


io Ti b u

0-1 Captain Ogring $178 0-1 Jack-a-Roedo
To Jones $159

(Dwarf crew only) (Undead crew only)

200ft The legendary dwarf captain first made his Jack-a-Roe was a well-respected and wealthy
name through arm wrestling in local bars. Privateer in life. Reports that this ghostly figure
Rumour has it he beat Mad Jim Jones in is indeed him has caused fear and panic as to
drunken fist fight! what foul demons are at work on the island.

Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
D8 D10 D20 D6 D20 D20 D12 D8 D10 D10 D10 D12 D10 D20

Skills: Deadly, Headlong Seta Venenosa

charge, Tough as Skills: Fear, Ghost, Dead man walking,
D olor
e headed. Necromancer, Pistoleer.
Pu e r t
Equipment: great hammer, blunderbuss, Equipment: Brace of ship’s pistols, cutlass,
grenade, amulet. cudgel, blunderbuss.


Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

0-1 Admiral Dylan-Lloyd $185 0-1 Navigator $46 (level 4)

(Navy, Privateer only) ile Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar

The Admirals career and respect has reached D6 D4 D4 D6 D6 D6 D4

such levels within the Navy that he chooses his

own postings and assignments. Often choosing

to oversee the most dangerous missions or those Special rules:

of the highest secrecy. A navigator isn’t only skilled at navigating o S t i x

Reliquias de la Noch

the oceans! If your navigator wasn’t taken out
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
during the game he adds a bonus die to the
leader’s Au roll when searching for equipment.
D12 D20 D10 D10 D10 D8 D20
Skills: Pistoleer, Quick shot, Marksman, Dead
eye, Swashbuckler, Combat drilled, Equipment: Any common.

Equipment: Cutlass, Brace of duelling pistols,

lucky charm, amulet, dagger.
Hired hands: Only Pirate, Privateer or Navy
crews may recruit hired hands. They may
be given weapons and earn experience like
any standard model on the roster. The total
number of hired hands can never equal
more than 25% of your whole crew.
ci o de la Noche
Si len 0-1 Surgeon h Lig
$56 (level 6) 0-1 Cabin boy $43 (level 1)
t Araña


Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
5 miles

D6 D4 D4 D6 D6 D6 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4

Skills: Surgeon, Medic. Skills:

Equipment: Any common. Equipment: Up to two common, Spyglass


e - 5 miles

0-1 Missionary $58 (level 4) 0-2 Cannon $45 + crew
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
Only Pirates, Privateer, Navy and Dwarf crews
may use a cannon.
D6 D4 D4 D6 D6 D6 D6
You must assign 2 crew members to operate the
cannon. During the game only they can operate
Special Rules: it. Before games you can change which crew
Divine power. Any friendly models within 6” are assigned to it. The crew operate like any
will not be affected by fear or be spooked. (If the other gang member and can gain experience
missionary is taken out this no longer applies). etc. They can at any point during a game leave
The missionary will never be affected by fear or their cannon duties and fight like other models.

use - 10 Miles
be spooked. While operating the cannon they may not shoot
their own weapons.
100ft The cannon can be fired as part of a shooting
Equipment: Any common. Amulet. action. Choose a direction to fire the cannon.

You can then alter the distance you wish to fire

by choosing either D4,D6,D8,D10,D12,D20 +



io Ti b u

E.g. for maximum o
s l range you would roll a D20
o do
and add 12”/30cm to that roll.

The explosion at the final point affects a

4”/10cm diameter (use grenade template). Any
200ft models 100% under the template suffers D20
0-1 Chef $48 (level 3) Dam hit. Any model partially hit (any part of
the base is under the template) suffers a D12
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
Dam hit. Any model lying within the direct path
of the shot direction is not hit unless within the
D6 D4 D4 D6 D6 D6 D4 final explosion area, it’s assumed it whizzed
over their heads!
Skills: 100ft

Equipment: Anyr common.SetaMeat

cleaver (works
D olo
e great axe), Fowler’s rum.
Pu e r t


Buildings: Should a building lye directly in the

path of a cannon shot it will explode on the
side of the building with the usual blast
area. It will fly over any other terrain.

Reload: It takes 2 re-load actions to reload the

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida
cannon. Should the crew be reduced to 1 it
takes 4 re-load actions.



Clarke’s first voyage

Misfire: The cannon isn’t always reliable or well

maintained! When firing a roll of a 1 is
Campaign Sequence
always a misfire. ile
A campaign is made up of a series of
encounters between the gangs, each of

Roll a D4: which starts a ‘campaign turn’. There is no rigid

series of campaign turns, they occur as part of

organising the games between players. Each

1 Destroyed! The cannonball explodes
campaign turn follows these phases:

dramatically in the cannon! . Both
o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch
crew suffer a D20 Dam hit. Remove the

cannon from your roster (the crew stay
1. Challenge
but suffer damage as described). 2. Determine Encounter.
2 Damaged: Something has gone wrong. a. Choose to attack, defend or patrol.
The cannon doesn’t get a shot off and b. Look up encounter type.
may not be used for the remainder of 100ft
c. Set up table and scenery.
the game. Both crew suffer D12 Dam
hits from debris.
d. Deploy gangs.
e. Play encounter.
3-4 Misfire, The shot is a dud. Otherwise
the cannon may fire again during 3. Aftermath
another shooting action, once reloaded. 4. Resolve injuries 200ft

5. Gain experience
Cannon movement: If both crew are still active
6. Calculate fame
you may move the cannon 3”/7cm during a
movement action. A single crewmember cannot 7. Work out funds
push the cannon by himself! a. Generate income
b. Resolve ransoms, bounties
Well trained: While operating the cannon the 100ft
crew cannot be spooked. If the cannon c. Convert prisoners and collect fees
8. Recruit 200ft
o d e l aisNre-loaded
oche they may react (if a reaction
en Lig
Sil is allowed) h t by firing the cannon. They 9. Recruit members
cannot personally fire back while operating

10. Buy equipment 300ft


it. If a crewmember becomes stunned or


injured this does not affect the cannon a. Upgrade headquarters

5 miles

(unless a crew member is taken out of b. Find next opponent!

course!). The crewmember himself suffers
the normal penalties but as long as he is Challenge
still standing he can operate the cannon. Players are free to organise their games 200ft
amongst themselves as they see fit, on whatever
timetable suits them. If two players can get
together for a game of Cutlass, they can play
through a campaign turn together. Although
players with a bit more time to play may have
a chance to get ahead through earning more
money and experience, there is also more of
a chance that they will lose gang members to
injury and death and it will probably all balance
out in the end.

Determine Encounter

gh player secretly chooses whether to attack

t h opponent’s gang, defend their territory or

their ous
e - 5 miles
patrol the island to look for opportunities and SU CUERPO
trouble. The two choices of the players are then

looked up on the appropriate table below to Once the players have the encounter type
determine SOMBRA
the encounter type. determined, and who is attacking and
defending when relevant, simply look up
In certain circumstances the players may opt for the encounter in the previous Chapter to get
one of the special campaign encounters given started. The players play through the encounter
later, to rescue captured gang members, attack as explained in the encounter description, until
another’s headquarters or determine the final one side has won or lost as determined by the
reckoning. objectives.

We’ll talk a bit more about famous and

infamous gangs later. For the moment, all Aftermath
starting gangs can choose whether they want Each encounter contains a description of what

use - 10 Miles
to be famous (mostly law-abiding and moral) happens to the winners and losers during a
or infamous (piratical and dastardly). In the campaign. This generally includes being able to
case of famous vs. famous and infamous vs. capture opposing gang models, earning extra
infamous 100ft
encounters, use any method you like dollars and gaining bonus experience.
to determine who counts as player 1 and player

2 – there is no advantage either way.

Encounter charts:

Infamous Vs Famous

Ti b
Famousi oGang

Infamous gang Attack Defend d os Patrol
Attack Running Battle. Raid. Ambush.
Infamous gang attacks. Famous gang attacks.
Defend Raid. Brawl. Swoop.
200ft Famous gang attacks. Infamous gang attacks.
Patrol Ambush. Swoop. Skirmish.
Infamous Gang attacks. Famous Gang attacks.

Famous Vs Famous
Famous Gang 1
Famous gang 2 Attack Defend Patrol
Attack SetaBattle.
Running Venenosa Treasure hunt. Famous Ambush. Famous Gang 1
e Dol Gang 2 Attacks. attacks.
a sd
Pu e r t
Defend Treasure hunt. Famous Town defence. Escort. Famous Gang 2 is
Gang 1 Attacks. (special encounter) the defender.
Patrol Ambush. Famous Gang 2 Escort. Famous Gang 1 is Skirmish
attacks. the defender.
Infamous Vs Infamous
Infamous Gang 1
Infamous gang 2 Attack Defend Patrol
Attack Running Battle. Raid. Ambush.
Infamous gang attacks. Famous gang attacks.
Defend Raid. Brawl. Swoop.

Famous gang attacks. Isla de la Esperanza Perdida
Infamous gang attacks.
Patrol Ambush. Swoop. Skirmish.
Infamous Gang attacks. Famous Gang attacks.



Clarke’s first voyage

Both players go through the following phases Campaign Injury Chart

together, witnessing each other’s rolls and
Con score Result
amendments to their Gang Log. i l e s
M 1 Dead.

2-3 Seriously Wounded.


4-6 Wounded.

7+ Fine.
A ny model that is taken out during an

encounter may suffer a permanent injury. o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

During this phase of the campaign turn, models
that were taken out must make a Con check. Dead
Models that were crippled reduce their Con by A dead model is removed from the gang and
one level permanently, applied before taking his weapons and equipment are lost (unless
the test. (Of course it is possible for them to get you have a storehouse, as explained in the
an increase at a later date on that stat, and still Headquarters Upgrades section). You may wish
achieve the maximum D12 on that stat). Look to compose a short eulogy. But probably not, life
up the result on the Campaign Injury Chart. is harsh.

If a leader is killed, the surviving model with

Fleeing an Encounter the highest worth takes over as leader, with 200ft
A model that flees from the tabletop may an Au equal to one level lower than the Au of
have escaped immediate danger but that the leader who died. If two models have equal
is no assurance that they will make it back worth, a leadership challenge is resolved (see
home safely. Roll a D6 for each model that later).
left the table whilst fleeing and consult the
consequence of cowardice chart.
Seriously Wounded 100ft
Consequence of Cowardice Roll a D20 and consult the chart below to find
e la No out what has happened. Injuries that last ‘until
c i o d D6 rollc h eConsequence
en Lig
Sil ht the next campaign turn’ are in effect during the
1 Fell in a ditch. The model had a bad gang’s following encounter.


experience and is injured – treat this


as if they had been taken out during * If a model suffers the same marked result
5 miles

the encounter and roll on the injury twice (for example he loses both eyes) he is too
chart. crippled to continue and is retired from the gang,
just as if he had died. The same happens to any
2-3 Fugitive. If the opposing gang
model that suffers any combination of 4 or more 200ft
won the encounter, the model has
marked results. It’s assumed that if you roll the
been captured trying to escape. If
same marked result it’s the other eye, leg etc.. not
the opposing gang lost, the model
the already injured one!
manages to elude capture but is not
available for the next encounter while
If a model has a skill that contradicts the effect
he lays low.
of an injury (such as hard-headed and punch
4+ Lives to fight another day. The drunk) the injury takes precedence and the skill
model makes it back to the gang’s has no effect. In terms of bonus dice and levels,
headquarters without incident. injuries and skills are cumulative and may
count against each other as normal.


e - 5 miles

A model that is wounded suffers no lasting
damage but is taken out of action for a short
while. A wounded model may not take part
in the next encounter. If forced to do so (for
example his gang is set upon in a Headquarters
Raid encounter) the model starts the encounter
with an injured marker.

Absent Leaders
If for any reason a leader is unable to take part

use - 10 Miles
in the next encounter, the model with the next
highest worth is given temporary control. They
act as leader in the encounter, with an Au value
one level100ft
lower than the real leader’s.

Wound chart

D20 Serious Wound ró
io Ti b u

o to any other results.
1* Punch drunk. The model is stunned whenever he is hit, in addition
o do
2* Lost a hand. The model may not use two-handed weapons or T two weapons at a time and loses 1
level of Dex.
3* Lost an eye. The model loses 1 level of Acc.

200ft 4* Lost a leg. The model may not sprint, cross obstacles or climb.
5* Pierced Lung. The warrior loses 1 level of Con.
6* Broken back. The model loses 1 level of Re.
7* Broken shoulder. The model loses 1 level of Dam.
8* Cracked skull. Before each encounter, the warrior must pass a 4+ Con check. If failed, he does not
take part (or is injured if forced to start). If a leader fails this test he struggles to the encounter but is
at -1 level of Au for the 100ft
9* Weak Heart. If the Seta Venenosa
model is injured, he must pass a Con check of 4+ in each subsequent recovery
phase o l o r be taken out.
10u e r t a sBroken Arm. Until the next campaign turn, the model may not use two-handed weapons or wield
two weapons and loses 1 level of Dex.
11 Busted face. Until the next campaign turn, the model loses 1 level of Acc.
12 Broken Leg. Until the next campaign turn, the model may not sprint or cross obstacles.
100ft 13 Fractured Ribs. Until the next campaign turn, the model is at -1 level of Con.
14 Deep cut. The model is wounded (see below) for the next two encounters.
15 Suppurating wound. The model is wounded (see below) until it can pass a 4+ Con check in a
subsequent campaign turn.
16 Stitched up. Until the next campaign turn, if the model sprints or becomes engaged in hand-to-hand
combat he will immediately become injured.
17 Nerves shot. The model loses 1 level of Dar.

18 Isla de la Esperanza Perdida
Twisted back. Until the next campaign turn, the model loses 1 level of Re.
19 Dislocated shoulder. Until the next campaign turn, the model loses 1 level of Dam.
20 Terrible scars. The model is wounded (see below) but gains the intimidating skill!



Clarke’s first voyage

Gain experience * only +1 if causing a second injury to cause the

‘taken out’ result.
s battles
A 0
they improve, learn new skills
s crew members progress through
and sustain
Each model has a starting level depending on his
status within a crew. For example a leader starts

injuries or worse! at level 7, a lowly able seaman for a navy crew

at level 1. Check the rosters to see the starting

After each game add up the experience of each level for each type of model. Each faction has

model using the chart below. Then check the crew a different name for its level of fighters, so for

levels chart to see if they have earned an upgrade. generic purposes we call the 4 levels, Lubber, o S t i x

Reliquias de la Noch

ordinary hand, seasoned hand and leader.
Each fighter earns experience points in the
following way: Use the chart below to see if any models get
a level up post game. The different levels also
dictate how many and what type of weapons the
Causing a ‘stunned’ result on an enemy +1 100ft
model can select, i.e. common and uncommon
model weapons.
Causing an ‘Injured’ result on an enemy +2
model No fighter can go higher than level 21. You
Taking out an enemy model +3* can continue to write down experience points
though. 200ft
Critical result on an enemy +1
Survives the battle (not taken out, fled or +D4
Winning leader +5

Level-up Chart
Level Experience Weapons choice
o de la Noche
1 (Lubber) 0-5 Up to two common
Si len Lig
ht 2 06-10 Up to two common
3 (ordinary hand) 11-15
Any common


4 16-20 Any common

5 miles

5 (seasoned hand) 21-25 Any common 1 uncommon

6 26-30 Any common 1 uncommon
7 (Leader starting level) 31-40 Any
8 41-50 Any
9 51-60 Any
10 61-70 Any
11 71-80 Any
12 81-90 Any
13 91-100 Any
14 101-120 Any
15 121-130 Any
16 131-150 Any

17 151-170 Any

18 171-190 Any

19 191-210 tAny
20 211-230 Any
- 5 miles SU CUERPO
21 231+ Any

If you roll a skill that you already have, you
For each level aSOMBRA
model goes up after a game may choose from any of the skills listed here
roll a D6: including your faction specific skills.

1-4 = attribute raise.

Roll a D8 and refer to the result below:
1 +1 Re level
2 +1 Acc level
3 +1 Com level
4 +1 Dex level
5 +1 Con level

use - 10 Miles
6 +1 Dam level
7 +1 Dar level
8 Choose any attribute to raise

(inc Au for leader)

Note the maximum level any fighter (except

certain special characters) can achieve is

D12, though you can roll a D20 via any +1

level bonuses that may ró
i apply.
ibu oT

(If you roll on a stat increase that is lo
d os
already at the maximum, i.e. D12 you may To
choose any stat to increase) Once you have rolled for any upgrades update
your roster sheet with any new stats skills. It’s
5-6 = new skill. a good idea to mark down experience that a
200ft Roll a D20 on the New Skills chart model earns during the game on the side of the
below: (or leader may choose +1 Au level roster sheet next to the appropriate model, then
instead of skill) update the total in the experience box at the
end. Your opponent should witness all roles.

Seta Venenosa
ol or
d eD
Pu e r t


Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

New skills chart

1 Backstabber – When engageds with a single enemy and attacking, the model may be moved from the
M side, or the side of the enemy to the rear, before any parries are made.
front of the enemy to the

2 Beguiling – Enemies cannot counter-attack against this model, and riposte results are treated as a


3 Commanding Presence – Leaders only. Grants a bonus die when making Au rolls for the gang’s

action total. (Re-roll die if not a leader)
o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch
4 Dead-eye – The model gains a bonus die for all shooting Dam rolls.

5 Deadly – The model gains a bonus die for all hand-to-hand Dam rolls.
6 Foolhardy – The model gains a bonus die for all Dar checks.
7 Headlong Charge – If the model moves to engage an enemy model over open ground, it may make
an immediate attack as part of the same action. This does not apply if the defender is behind an
8 Inspirational – Leader only. Any friendly model within 6”/ 15cm cannot be spooked. Spooked
models that move within range lose their marker at the end of their movement. Has no effect on
fleeing models. (Re-roll die if not a leader)
9 Intimidating – Any enemy wishing to engage the model must first pass a 4+ Dar check. If the check
is failed, the enemy model does nothing and the action is wasted.
10 Marksman – The model gains a bonus die for all Acc checks.
11 Medic – May perform a special action when in base contact with an injured model. A Dex check of 6+
by the medic allows the model to remove its injured marker. Cannot heal self.
12 Pistoleer - Negates the -1 penalty for firing a brace of pistols.
13 Quick-witted – The model cannot be surprised. 100ft

14 Sleight-of-hand – After both models have made their Com checks in hand-to-hand combat, the 200ft
ci o de la Noche
Si len Lmodel
may force a re-roll. The first result is discarded and both models roll again (with all of the
previous modifiers) and the second result is used. Araña


15 Sneak – Enemy must be able to see at least 75% of the model to stop it being hidden. Not spotted by

5 miles

16 Surgeon - Re-roll an injury once for one model post game (not on himself). You must accept the
second result. If you have another surgeon he can re-roll for another injured model, but never
twice for the same model.
17 Faction skill 1. - The first skill on your faction specific skill list.
18 Faction skill 2. - The second skill on your faction specific skill list.
19 Faction skill 3. - The third skill on your faction specific skill list.
20 Faction skill 4. - The fourth skill on your faction specific skill list.


e - 5 miles

Fame/ Infamy
Work out funds
A gang has a fame score that will change
depending upon its successes and its
deeds during encounters. As this increases or
G angs will earn money to pay for equipment
and recruit new members, and can also
improve its headquarters/ hideout. Any money
decreases the gang’s fame or infamy will change not spent goes into the gang’s treasury.
accordingly, bringing benefits such as easier
recruiting but also downsides like unwanted
attention from their enemies. Income
Income comes from several sources, including
If a gang has a negative fame score it is monies earned from raids and treasure hunts,
infamous, if it has a 1 or greater fame score it is ransoms and bounties. A gang’s source of

use - 10 Miles
famous. Gangs start with a fame of 0 and when income also depends on whether it is famous
created the player must choose whether they or infamous. Famous gangs earn money by
start as infamous or famous. being paid by local authorities and receiving
100ft donations from prominent members of society;
In each campaign turn, a gang gains and loses infamous gangs get their cash from extortion

fame depending on its actions, as listed in the and robbery.

Fame Chart.

The amount of income a gang generates in each

Gangs continue to gain and lose fame campaign turn is determined by their leader’s

throughout the campaign. Look ró
i o T i b uup their current Authority. Make an Au test for the gang’s leader

fame value on the chart below to find out their and multiple the l oresult by 5 to determine how
standing and any effect this has on their income many dollars
To gang has earned for that
and recruiting prospects, plus any other special campaign turn. Bonuses for the gang’s fame and
circumstances that may apply to them. These anything earned from the encounter are then
special circumstances are cumulative. For added to this total.
200ft example, a gang at the rating level ‘Buccaneers’
have all bounties doubled and their hideout is

Fame chart
Action If gang is famous If gang is infamous
Winning an encounter +5 fame -5 fame
Defeat a gang with higher worth +1 fame for every full $50 -1 fame for every full $50
Seta Venenosa
difference difference
Each enemy
s d e taken out +1 fame -1 fame
r ta
P u eenemy
Each crippled -1 fame -1 fame
Each enemy fled +1 fame +1 fame
Enemy leader taken out +5 fame -5 fame

100ft Enemy leader crippled +10 fame -10 fame

Encounter-specific actions Variable Variable
Each member taken out or crippled -1 fame +1 fame
Leader taken out or crippled -5 fame +5 fame
Lost an encounter -5 fame +5 fame
Defeated by a gang with lower worth -1 fame for every full $50 +1 fame for every full $50
difference difference

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

Gang Fame Ratings chart

Fame Gang type Income sRecruit Special circumstances
-75 or less Traitors +$1000 M 2 A gang reaching this level triggers the final reckoning event.

-74 to -60 Buccaneers +$75 1 This gang’s hideout is known.

-59 to -45 Pirates +$50 1 All bounties on this gang are doubled.

-44 to -30 Bandits +$25 - Bounties can be earned on this gang.

o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch
-10 to -29 Thugs +$10 -1 None

9 to -9 Nobodies None -1 None
Oct-29 Do-gooders +$10 -1 None
30-44 Protectors +$25 - Ransoms can be paid for this gang.
45-59 Enforcers +$50 1 All ransoms on this gang are doubled. 100ft
60-74 Lawmakers +$75 1 Headquarters are known.
75+ Saints +$100 2 A gang reaching this level triggers the final reckoning event.

value, excluding equipment. This may be 200ft

doubled if the gang is infamous enough. This
money comes from the authorities and is simply
added to the gang’s treasury. Infamous models
exchanged for bounty are put in the gaol (see
Rescue Attempts later on).

Famous models captured by a famous gang

must be returned to their gang intact. However,
e la Noch the gang whose model is being returned
cio d eL
en ig
Sil ht must either pay $25 as a gratuity to the gang
returning them or lose 2 points of fame for each


member returned to them (the gang may pay


for some and take the fame hit for others, as the
5 miles

player wishes).

Models captured by an infamous gang must be

ransomed back to their leader if they are famous 200ft
enough. The maximum the capturing gang
can ask for is equal to half the model’s value,
excluding equipment (unless this is increased
by the gang’s fame level). The players involved
are free to negotiate a lesser amount as they see

Captives, Bounties and Ransoms If the owning player does not wish to pay the
Models can be captured by victorious enemies ransom, the infamous gang may attempt to
in some encounters. What happens to them recruit the captive to their cause. The leader
depends on whether they are infamous or makes an Au test and multiplies the result by

famous, and whether their captors are infamous 5. If this is higher than the captive’s worth

or famous. (excluding equipment) the captive agrees and


gh a member of the gang. If this check is

Infamous models captured by a famous gang lesst h than the captive’s worth they must either
e - 5 miles
can be turned in for a bounty if the gang they be executed (removed from the campaign for SU CUERPO
come from is infamous enough (see the Gang -2 fame each) or they can be kept locked up
Fame Ratings chart). A model’s bounty is its if the gang has the facilities to do so - another

attempt to convert them can be made in the
following SOMBRA
campaign turn. It is possible to recruit
New Recruits and
humans to fantasy factions and vice versa (the
only exception being Undead can’t be recruited
to other gangs, see the Undead faction rules).
When trying to convert someone of a different
race your leaders Au roll is at -1 level penalty.
A s a gang goes about its work earning
money and establishing its reputation it
will attract all manner of folk who wish to join
The new recruit keeps any skills, stats he has them. The number and quality of these would-
and uses the normal special rules from his be gang members is sporadic, though the better
faction, including the faction specific skills known a gang is, the higher the quantity and
should he roll one as an advance. It’s best to get quality of its potential recruits. Each campaign
an appropriate model to represent the recruit… turn, make an Au roll for your leader and look

use - 10 Miles
we doubt your opponent will be in the best of up the score on the recruitment chart. All results
moods and let you use theirs… are cumulative.

A leader100ft
that is exchanged, or given up for For example: A roll of 7 offers up a total of two
bounty or ransom, loses one level of Au in Lubbers and one Ordinary Hand.

addition to everything else. Leaders recruited to

another gang lose their Au attribute. Bonuses from Fame are bonus dice; if a -1 bonus

is listed for the gang’s fame rating, the leader

Gang members from gangs not yet infamous or must make two Au rolls and use the lowest


famous enough to be worthi oaTbounty or ransom result.

can either be executed (-2 fame for each model o
executed) or they must be released. If released, A leader may do
To actively seek recruits by paying
they cannot take part in their gang’s next $10 to grant a bonus die (or offset a minus die).
encounter. Up to $30 can be spent for a total of +3 bonus
200ft All equipment of a captive model is lost unless
the capturing gang has a storehouse, in which Each faction uses a different name for the four
case it can add the gang member’s equipment ranks, so for generic purposes we use:
to their stash.
Lubber= level 1 /0 experience

Rescue Attempts Ordinary hand= level 3 /11 experience

A gang that has had members 100ft captured and
sent to gaol, or kept in a lockup (see the Seasoned hand= level 5 /21 experience
headquarters upgrades), Seta Venenosa
can choose to make a
D olor
rescue attempt d e instead of following the normal
P u e r t procedure. To rescue members from
encounter Recruitment Chart
the gaol the infamous gang must play the rescue Au Roll Number of recruits available
attempt encounter against any famous gang.
If the gang members are being held in another 1-2 No recruits.
gang’s lockup, the rescue attempt must be 3-4 1 Lubber.
100ft against that gang, but can only occur once the
5-6 1 Lubber
other gang’s headquarters are known.
7-8 1 Ordinary Hand.
9-10 1 Lubber, 1 Ordinary Hand
11 1 Ordinary Hand, 1 Seasoned Hand.
12+ 1 Seasoned Hand

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida
Recruits have the profile given for starting



Clarke’s first voyage

Recruits have the same worth as listed in the equipment during any campaign turn. List
starting gangs section, and come with a free these items in the ‘stash’ section of the gang log.
mace or cudgel. The cost of their irecruitment
must be paid for from the gang’s 0 funds, as must In addition, the storehouse allows the gang

any equipment given to the recruits. Recruits to protect its treasury. A gang with an intact

may only be given common equipment when storehouse at the start of a Headquarters Raid

first recruited (unless the gang has a trading encounter can prevent a quarter of its money

post in its headquarters). The player is free to being looted by the attacker.

recruit some, none or all of the fighters who o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

offer their services, providing he can pay the Lockup $100
price from his funds. Those he is not willing
to recruit will head off to seek their fortune A lockup allows a gang to keep prisoners.
elsewhere and play no further part in the Infamous gangs can attempt to recruit prisoners
campaign. to their cause in each campaign turn, while
famous gangs earn a $10 holding fee for every
prisoner they have in the income phase of each
Buying Weapons and Equipment campaign turn.
During a campaign, between games, a player
is free to swap equipment between his fighters Trading Post $175
as he sees fit, simply make the adjustments to 200ft
your gang log to account for this. Common A trading post brings much needed supplies
equipment can be purchased and added to the to the gang. A gang with a trading post can
gang at any time. purchase uncommon items without need for
the leader to go looking for them. In addition,
If a player wishes to purchase uncommon they can sell unwanted items from models or a
equipment, his leader must go looking for it. storehouse at 50% of their normal cost (these are
Nominate one piece of uncommon equipment removed from the gang log).100ft
and make an Au test. A 6+ is required to find
la Noch
thee equipment. The player can expend up to $30 Surgery $200
ci d
o eL
e n dollars to help i g with the search, with each $10
Sil ht
spent adding a bonus die to the roll. Though not necessarily that clean or well-


equipped, a surgery does give the gang a


All weapons and equipment of captured or dedicated space to treat their wounded. A
5 miles

dead gang members is lost unless a gang has surgery allows one re-roll per campaign turn on
a storehouse (see below). Gang members that the Campaign Injury Chart. This works in the
are retired (made outcast) take their equipment same way as the Surgeon skill. So you can make
with them. additional roles for each surgeon, but must 200ft
accept the second result and can never role
more than once for the same model.
Upgrade headquarters
As well as recruiting new members, a gang can Watchtower $100
spend its money on fitting out its headquarters
with additional features. A headquarters can A watchtower allows the gang to keep an
only have one of each upgrade listed. eye out for attackers, giving them advance
warning of a headquarters raid. The presence
Storehouse $125 of a watchtower means that defending gang
members start the encounter on the table on a
Normally when a model dies or a captive is D6 roll of a 3+ rather than a 4+.

taken his weapons and equipment are lost. If


a gang has a storehouse, it may keep weapons Drinking Hole $75


and equipment that are not being carried by gh


any particular model and those of dead models th

o u s not the most salubrious establishment,
e - 5 miles
and captives. These items can be distributed the drinking hole nevertheless attracts the right SU CUERPO
to gang members and swapped with fighters’ sort of person to the area, and its wares make
the patrons more amenable to becoming gang

members. A gang with a drinking hole at their
headquarters SOMBRA
gain +1 level recruitment bonus.
Leadership challenges
Legitimate Business $100 I f a model ever gets a greater worth than his
leader, i.e. his total worth including weapons/
skills (skills are worth $10 each) a leadership
Whether it’s a chandler, warehouse, brothel challenge ensues. (Note the Mutiny rule for
or other establishment, having a legitimate Pirates that means another model only needs
business provides a useful cover for the gang’s to come within 10 points of the leader for a
illegal activities. While this does limit the gang’s challenge). If a leader is killed or captured, the
business a little, it also lessens unwelcome model with the next highest worth becomes the
attention. A gang with a legitimate business new leader, with an Au equal to one level lower
may ignore up to -10 points of fame deduction than his predecessor. If a captured leader is later

use - 10 Miles
in each campaign turn. Only an infamous gang returned, he resumes control unless the stand-in
may purchase a legitimate business. leader had gained higher worth, in which case a
leadership challenge is resolved between them.
Barracks100ft $100
In an infamous gang a leadership challenge

Being able to quarter your men away from the takes the form of a fight with weapons. Both

general populace stops rumours spreading models make a Re test to see who attacks

quite so quickly, making the gang’s plans the other, with the winner striking first. If

and intentions more secret. The downside neither are taken out by this round of fighting,

is that their efforts may go iunnoticedró by including any counter-attacks and ripostes,
o Ti b u

their superiors. A gang with a barracks may the initial defenderl o becomes the attacker and
ignore up to +10 points of fame earned in od
fights back;Tswap attacking and defending until
each campaign turn. Only a famous gang may one of the models is injured or taken out. The
purchase a barracks. owning player takes the part of the leader and
another player takes the part of the challenger.
200ft If the challenger is victorious he becomes the
new leader with an Au equal to one level less
than the model he has just beaten (who is no
longer leader and loses his Au attribute and any
related skills). Models taken out in a leadership
challenge must test for campaign injury as
In a famous gang, the leader must make an Au
Seta Venenosa check against a Dar test taken by the challenger.
d eD If the challenger equals or beats the leader’s
Pu e r tas Au score he ousts him in a bloodless coup and
becomes the new leader, with an Au equal to
one level less than the model he has just beaten
(who is no longer leader and loses his Au
attribute and any related skills).
If a model loses in a leadership challenge,
he gains the ‘loyal’ skill. A loyal model
never challenges for leadership. A defeated
leader becomes loyal to the new leader but
any existing loyal characters lose the skill if
another model takes over. This can mean that
anarchy ensues if a challenger ousts a leader as

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida
previously unsuccessful challengers try their
hand again at the new top man!



Clarke’s first voyage

If there are potentially multiple challengers, In each round the gang with the highest value
the highest worth model challenges first. Once is pitted against the gang with the lowest value,
this is resolved, the situation is assessed again the gang with the second highest value goes
and if there are still models with0 a higher worth against the second lowest value and so on. In

another leadership challenge is resolved until the unlikely event that two gangs have exactly

all models are either loyal or have a lower the same value, randomise which one will face

worth than their new leader. the other gang.

If there are an odd number of gangs in a round, o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch
Ending the Campaign

the gang with the highest value is given a bye
into the next round. Although this may seem
– The Final Reckoning like quite an advantage, this is offset by the fact
that a gang that does not fight an encounter in a

O nce a gang reaches a certain level of fame or

infamy, or has amassed enough wealth and
fighters, it is in a position to claim overall power
round does not get to complete a campaign turn
and so will not earn any extra experience or
money, giving the lower-ranked gangs a chance
on the island. The other gangs recognise this and to catch up.
there is a last scramble for control before the final
reckoning between the most powerful gangs. Each encounter is played out as detailed in
the final reckoning encounter, and is part of a 200ft
When a gang passes the criteria for the final normal campaign turn. Once enough rounds
reckoning, all of the players in the campaign have been played to whittle the remaining
must come together to organise the endgame. gangs down to two, the last gangs have as final
The last stage of the campaign is similar to a reckoning against each other to determine the
knock-out tournament, with the gangs fighting overall winner and ruler of the island!
it out until one remains the overall victor. In
each round, the gangs are paired off against 100ft
each other, fight the final reckoning encounter,
ande l athen
N o care
h e either banished from the island or
Special Campaign 200ft
ci d
e n proceed to the
hnext round. Encounters


In this phase, we use a new measurement of the hese encounters represent unique options

gang’s power that takes into account both their and situations that arise during campaign
5 miles

fame and their wealth. Multiply the gang’s fame play and so have not been included in the
by 10 (convert negative fame into positive for Encounters section. Rescue Attempts and
this purpose) and add the result to the gang’s Headquarters Raids are available to players
worth for their total gang value. in certain situations as explained in their 200ft
description. The Final Reckoning scenario is
For example, a gang with -47 infamy and a used to conclude the campaign once a gang
total worth of $1,246 has a gang value of 1716 reaches a fame/ infamy of 75/ -75, or has a total
(470+1246). worth of $5,000 or more.


e - 5 miles

Campaign Scenario – Rescue Attempt Special Rules: The sentry and alarm rules from
NOCHE SOMBRA the Raid encounter are used.
One gang is attempting to liberate their
companions from incarceration. Of course, there Freedom! – An attacking model must enter
is a good chance that a few other incarcerated the central building and expend a special
individuals may gain their freedom along the action unlocking a cell. One random model
way. being held prisoner is released – note that
this includes all prisoners being held in
Sides: Attacker and defender. the gaol or by the defending gang, not
just those from the attacking gang! If the
The defender uses his entire gang. The released model is from another gang, it
attacker must decide how many of his flees immediately and takes no part in the

use - 10 Miles
gang members he wants to send on the encounter (and will rejoin his own crew). If
raid. The more he sends, the harder it the freed model is from the attacking gang,
will be to prevent the alarm being raised, it is placed inside the building and can join
the more fighters he will have at his in from then on, but is unarmed. Once all
disposal once the action kicks off. The prisoners are freed the game ends at the

attacking gang must include a leader and next recovery phase and the attacker wins.

at least five other gang members (unless

the entire gang is smaller than this!), up to Campaign Aftermath: All freed prisoners are

half the gang (rounding up). returned to their gangs with no equipment.

ró If the attack was against the gaol (rather
io Ti b u

Location: The scenery must include at least one than a gang’s o
s l lockup) the defenders earn
building close to the centre of the table that d o prisoner still held at the end of
$10 forToeach
represents the gaol or lockup where the the encounter.
prisoners are being held. There should be
plenty of buildings and other cover for the Standard post battle experience in addition:
200ft attackers, representing the area around the
gaol or the defender’s headquarters. Each freed prisoner earns +2 experience.

Deployment: Before putting down any models, A model that unlocked a cell receives +5
the attacker secretly notes down from experience.
which table edge he will launch his raid.
The defenders deploy first. Starting with
the defending player, the 100ft players take it in
turns to place a defender on the table, at
least 8”/ 20cm fromSeta
any Venenosa
table edge, until
D olor
all defenders
d e have been place. The attacker
e r t a deploys his entire gang within 4”/
P uthen
10cm of the table edge he noted earlier.

Objectives: The attackers are trying to rescue

their fellow gang members from the
100ft prison.

An attacking model must enter the gaol

or lockup and successfully open the cells.
The freed prisoners can then attempt to
escape. If all of the models belonging to the
attacking gang are freed from the cells, the
attacker wins. At the start of any recovery

phase the attacker can call off the rescue
attempt, in which case the encounter ends
Isla de la Esperanza Perdida
and the defenders win.



Clarke’s first voyage

Campaign scenario – Town Defence Objectives: Both gangs are trying to put down
as many of the attacking brigands as
T he two gangs find themselvesi l efighting
side-by-side when the town0 is attacked
possible. Each player needs to keep track
of the number of brigands taken out or

by brigands. Although they have a common made to flee by his gang. The encounter

enemy, each is still striving to outdo the other ends when there are no brigands left on the

by seeing off the highest number of determined table. The players score one point for each

foes. brigand caused to flee or taken out, and

-1 point for each of their own gang taken o S t i x

Reliquias de la Noch

Sides: Both players may use any gang members out/ crippled or fled from the table. The
that are available. You will also need other gang that scores highest are the winners.
models to represent the attacking brigands
– if you ask the other players in the Special Rules: The two gangs cannot attack
campaign nicely, perhaps you can borrow each other, only brigands, and can only
theirs! react to actions performed by the brigands.
All brigands have the following profile:
Location: The encounter takes place on the
Re Acc Com Dex Con Dam Dar
outskirts of the town. One half of the table
should contain several buildings, while the D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6
other should have a scattering of cover for 200ft
the attacking brigands. Each brigand is armed as indicated by the
models used.
Deployment: Both players roll a D6. The
player that rolls highest deploys his gang Any brigand that is taken out or is fleeing
anywhere within the half of the table that is immediately removed from the table and
represents the town. When he is done, the the player that caused their removal earns
other player may deploy his whole gang. a point. Brigands never react.
ci o d e l aThe
N o c hplayers then take it in turns, starting
At the start of each recovery phase, D6
Si len within Lthei g highest scoring player, to place
ht brigands appear. Starting with the player
a brigand model touching the opposite
who had the latest active gang, the players


table edge, until ten brigands have been take it in turns to place these new arrivals

placed. touching the table edge where the brigands

5 miles



e - 5 miles

were first deployed. Keep a running total Campaign Scenario –
the number of brigands that attack Headquarters Raid
(including those deployed at the start), as
this will be used to calculate the gang’s
reward at the end of the encounter. I f the players get a raid result from the
encounter tables, and the defender’s
headquarters are known, the attacker can
The players share control of the brigands. choose to mount a headquarters raid instead
When the active player declares an action, of a normal raid. Unlike a normal raid, this is a
he is doing so for both his gang and the full-on attack.
brigands. He performs an action as normal
with one of his gang members, and once it One of the local gangs is getting a bit too
has been completed must perform a similar powerful and needs taking down a peg or

use - 10 Miles
action with a brigand model as if it was two. One brave gang leader has taken it upon
one of his gang members. This can include himself to administer this punishment by
any of the special actions as appropriate. launching an attack against the other gang’s
100ftthe brigand has performed its
When headquarters. Of course, he sensibly waits until
action, the player returns to perform an some of the gang are busy elsewhere before the

action with one of his gang and so on. The assault begins.

other player can react to the actions of

brigands, or the active player can choose to Sides: Attacker and defender. The attacker can

become inactive as normal. field any available gang members. The

ró defender starts with his gang leader and a
io Ti b u

For example, a player declares a shoot random number lo of gang members. Roll a
action with an action total of 4 remaining. od
D6 for Teach and every gang member in the
He can shoot, or perform a special action, defending gang (including those injured);
with up to four of his own models and four on a roll of a 4+ the gang member must
brigands. start the encounter. Other defending gang
200ft members will turn up during the course of
Campaign Aftermath: Each gang earns $15 the encounter as explained in the special
for each brigand they took out or caused rules.
to flee. In addition, both gangs receive
a bonus to their fame depending on the Location: The scenery should represent the
number of brigands that attacked. As the camp of the defending gang, with at least
story spreads, the actions of the more five buildings and other features that seem
impressive gang are inflated. 100ftThe winner suitable for the headquarters the defenders
gains 1 point of fame for every full five possess.
brigands that Setathe
attacked; Venenosa
loser gains 1
D olor
pointdof e fame for every full ten brigands Deployment: The defender deploys his gang
t a
involved. s first, anywhere at least 8”/ 20cm from any
Pu e r
table edge. The attacker then deploys his
Standard post battle experience in entire gang, anywhere touching a single
addition: table edge.

100ft A model receives +1 experience for each Objectives: The attackers are trying to cause as
Brigand he took out/caused to flee (in much damage and mayhem as possible,
addition to the normal experience earned by looting and burning the headquarters
for this). buildings. The attacker chooses to end the
raid at the start of any recovery phase.
Attacking models gain loot markers and
inflict raze points during the attack. In
order to win, the combined total of loot

Isla de la Esperanza Perdida
points and raze points must be higher than
the number of models that launched the
attack, otherwise the defender wins.



Clarke’s first voyage

Special Rules: All attackers can perform the one randomly determined headquarters
special actions ‘loot’ and ‘raze’ when upgrade has taken a damage point. An
they are inside a building. Each i l e special upgrade with one or more damage points
action earns them a loot point or a raze cannot be used until it has been repaired,

point. Loot points steal money from the at a cost of $25 for each damage point.

defending gang, while raze points do

damage to their headquarters, as discussed Additional Detail: If the players have

in the aftermath section. Each building can appropriate scenery and don’t mind a

only be razed or looted a certain number little extra book-keeping, they can keep o S t i x

Reliquias de la Noch

of times. Keep track or place markers on track of individual raze points on separate
the table for the number of loot points headquarters upgrades. Rather than
and raze points earned for each building. randomly allocating damage, it can be
Every time a model attempts to raze or loot rolled for each particular upgrade that
a building, roll a D6. If the score is more suffered the raze points. For example, the
than the total of raze and loot points taken storehouse suffers 3 raze points, roll three
from the building, the action is successful D6 and inflict a damage point for each 5+
and the attackers gain another loot or scored.
raze point; if it is equal to or less than the
combined total of loot and raze points, no Standard post battle experience in
extra points are earned and no more points addition: 200ft
can be earned from that building during
this encounter. For each Loot or Raze action a model
performs +2 experience.
At the start of every recovery phase, the
defender receives reinforcements. Half the
number of models not yet on the table will
turn up (rounding up). These models are 100ft
decided randomly from amongst those
o d e l a N o cyet
not h e involved in the encounter. This
en Lig
Sil includes all
h t available gang members, even
those that must start the encounter injured


because they are suffering from wounds.

5 miles

The defenders have the advantage of

fighting on well-known turf and will fight
hard to protect their homes. The defending
leader has +1 Au level for the duration of 200ft
the encounter and defenders can never be

Campaign Aftermath: After the encounter,

total up the number of loot points and raze
points earned by the attacker. Each loot
point is worth $D10, roll for each point,
which is taken directly from the defender’s
treasury. If all of the defender’s money
is taken, any additional loot points are
wasted. If the defender has a storehouse,

he may protect one quarter of his treasury


– this money cannot be taken by the


attacker. gh

e - 5 miles
Each raze point may have done permanent SU CUERPO
damage to the defender’s buildings. Roll
a D6 for each raze point, on a score of 5+

Campaign Scenario - anywhere on the table, at least 18”/ 45cm
NOCHE SOMBRA from an enemy gang member.
The Final Reckoning
Objectives: Both gangs are trying to hurt or

O ne gang has made its bid for power and

all of the others are jostling for position to
take over. As anarchy and confusion engulf the
drive off the other. This is a fight to the
end. The gang that has all of its members
taken out or crippled, or fled the table,
island, old allegiances mean nothing and the loses the encounter.
only repercussions are survival or extinction.
Two of the contesting gangs square off in an Special Rules: No quarter is asked or expected, but
attempt to rid themselves of their opponents. once the tide swings against them, the gang
members will start to realise that perhaps it is

use - 10 Miles
Sides: Both gangs can field any available better to live to fight another day. Make a note
members. of the number of starting gang members for
each gang. Once the number of gang members
Location: Fighting has broken out all over that are not crippled, taken out or fled the
the island; in the docks, in the towns, table drops below half this number, the gang is

out in the countryside and around the said to be broken. Members of a broken gang

plantations. This encounter could take cannot recover when they flee. If a model flees,

place anywhere. simply remove it from the table.

Deployment: The gang with ró
i o Tthe
i b u highest Campaign Aftermath: The winner will go

gang value deploys first, as their greater l o the next round of the final
on to fights in
reputation makes their movements more reckoning;
o d o the loser is out of the campaign.
widely known. The player chooses any The winner has a normal campaign turn
table edge and deploys his gang members after the encounter.
anywhere up to 18”/ 45cm from that
200ft table edge. His opponent then deploys Standard post battle experience.

Seta Venenosa
ol or
d eD
Pu e r t


Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



Clarke’s first voyage

Gangs for One-off Games Pirate names

i l e encounters
layers may wish to play one-off
(perhaps because they have0 been knocked
Below is a list of Pirate names, some from
history some not, to help you name your crew

out of a final reckoning and are waiting for members. Feel free to mix and match and add

the other players to decide a winner!). The titles to create unique names!

players simply agree a number of dollars to

spend on their gangs and use the rules given Anne Bonney Daniel Elfrith

in the starting gang section of this chapter. We Bartholomew Roberts Diabolitio o Stix

Reliquias de la Noch

recommend starting with a bit more money for Bartholomew Sharp Diaz Fuente
one-off games, perhaps $750 or $1000. Benjamin Hornigold Dirty Yuma Mancuso
Black Bellamy Duke Hemphill
However, to make things a bit more interesting, Calico Jack Eddie Bravo
the players have the option to give their gangs (Jack Rackham) Edgar Slashface
a bit of ad-hoc experience. The players do this Captain William Kidd Enrique Xavi
just before they resolve which encounter they Charles Vane Fedor Silva
will play, and should make their rolls in front of Edward England Felipe Dylan
each other in the interests of openness. Each is Edward Teach Fernando Montero
free to make a number of experience increases (Blackbeard) Frances Connolly
to their gang. Nominate a gang member and Enrique Brower Frances Fischer 200ft
roll a D6. A roll of 1-5 allows the player to George Booth Fritz Pearls
increase one random attribute while a score of Grace O’Malley Gooch Levin
a 6 gives the gang member an additional skill Jan de Bouff Heathcliff Taylor-Jones
(use the Recruits Attributes and Skills chart). John Morris Henry Every
Experience comes with its risks though. For John Morris Henry Morgan
every experience increase given to the gang, John Nutt Houdini Karjakin
the player must also roll on the Serious Injuries John Ward Jamaica
100ft Jim
chart for a random gang member. Generate each Mary Read John Calles
e l aincrease
skill Noch and associated injury at a time; the Peter Easton Jon Delucia
ci d
o eL
e n player is free i gto stop adding experience when
Sil ht Richard Sawkins
Jonah Brand
they choose. Richard Worley Leon Blackmore


Thomas Paine Mad Felix Searcy


Thomas Tew Madame Xena Velasco

A note on openness and good
5 miles

Tobias Bridge Magnus Giri

James Kelly Melba Qualls
sportsmanship: John Bowen Montgomery
Abigail Scurvacious Mc.Humphrey

T he miniatures the players use should make

it clear what weapons and equipment the
gang members have. However, players may
Akita Rains
Baginda Roco
Nathaniel Butler
Norbie Campbell
Norton Guthrie
not be aware of the particular capabilities Greenberg Nyai Di Mclain
of their opponents. Thus the players are not Benito De Soto Raja Mick Fincher
obliged to share any gang information other Benito Zaragoza Red legs Greaves
than equipment. However, with lots of models Black Bart Red Shaw lacey
on the table it can sometimes be confusing Black Max Rickson Rybka
to remember who is who and what your Broderick Roberto Cofresi
opponents models are capable of. Thus it is in Roughknuckles Ronaldo Pires
good spirit and in the interests of courtesy for Captain Berry Silvey Tina Sommer

a player check revealed information with his Captain Manuel Pardel Tiny Butch Cutler

opponent – such as saying ‘Is that the model Rivero Tuan Silverman

with D10 Com?” or “I’ve forgotten which one Carlsen

gh Short Tyler Stovall

of those two has the bloodcurdling roar...” If in th

Charleso u s Anand Vassily Belous
e - 5 miles
doubt, err on the side of openness. Cordelia Simonova SU CUERPO


use - 10 Miles


io Ti b u

d os


Seta Venenosa
ol or
d eD
Pu e r t


Isla de la Esperanza Perdida



By Adam Clarke

How miniatures are made whilst sculpting. It’s very important to get the
size, pose and proportions correct at this stage.

T he miniatures you see in this book and game

with all go through the same process from
concept to your paint table! Here we briefly
explain how it’s done.

There are a few different methods for

making for miniatures, often depending on
what material it’s to be made out of. All our
miniatures are made in metal, so the process
here is typical throughout the industry.

The concept or idea for a miniature can come
from anywhere. A spark of inspiration or
just something I really want to make. It often
depends on the subject matter. For the Pirate
range it’s often a case of making sure each
faction has the models for the game, so deciding The dolly is just the model after the first layer
what to make isn’t an issue. There’s normally a of putty added. It’s often fairly rough and main
long list waiting to be done! purpose is to get some bulk on the figure and
once dry, give you a solid platform to work
In terms of what it looks like I normally from. It’s still important to pay attention to
draw on a mix of printed reference, ideas, correct proportions and anatomy at this stage of
imagination and somehow combine that with course.
the requirements of the model. I tend to plan a
lot out in my head, print out reference from the
internet and make notes rather than any drawn
concepts. The model always develops and
changes during the process from start to finish.

I work on the models within the sets together.

So I’ll at least be working on 4-5 models for a
set and normally two sets at the same time. I
find making them together is much easier and
makes sure they work together and compliment
each other.

The model is started with an armature. This is
basically a wire frame that dictates the size and
pose of the model and supports the putty that
will be added. Almost like a skeleton. It’s stuck
into a cork for support and something to hold

Sculpting: which all future production moulds will be
made. The mould is made using two rubber
The putty I use is a two part epoxy called ‘green discs. using high temperatures and lots of
stuff’... because it’s green! There’s also a brown pressure from a vulcaniser a perfect image of
version I occasionally use. The tools I use are a the model is pressed into the mould.
mix of sculptors/dental tools but mostly home
made over the years.

The sculpture is then built up in layers.

Weapons and equipment are often pre made
and cast when working on a range. This saves
time by not remaking them over and over. I
tend to work very fast and so don’t have any
work in progress shots. I often change bits half
way through, chop the model up and redo bits
or occasionally start again.
A few master castings are then taken from this
Green stuff has a working life of around one mould, carefully checked for quality and used
hour. So I work in sections starting with the to make the production mould. The production
main areas such as the legs and torso and mould has a few of each miniature or pack on it.
finishing off with details, pouches, hair, amulets Meaning it’s much more efficient for producing
etc.. miniatures. Production moulds are made in
a similar way to master moulds. Once made,
When the sculpture is finished it’s removed the two halves are clamped together in place
from the cork and a ‘tag’ is added. This is the in the centrifugal casting machine. This spins
bit that attaches it to the plastic base used for the mould at high speeds whilst molten metal
gaming. is poured in from above. The centrifugal force
allows the metal to reach all the corners of the
model and ensures detail is recreated accurately.

Once cool, the two halves are separated and the

models removed. It’s due to these two parts that
models have a mould line around them. They
are then checked over and ready to be shipped
out to customers!

After a while production moulds can wear out,

they are then destroyed and a new one is made
from master castings.

Each time a model is press moulded there’s a

small degree of shrinkage. So when sculpting
the miniature I allow for this slightly by
thickening up certain areas. This also helps due
to the small size if the figures in preventing
breaks on thin areas.

Once the models are finished they are sent to
the mould maker for moulding and casting.
We usually do these in batches of ten. First a
master mould is made. This is a skilled job as an
accurate mould needs to be made due to the fact
the masters are often damaged in the process.
The master mould is the back up mould from

Painting the masters: That said, there’s no reason you can’t go wild
with paint schemes, colours and great bases
I won’t give a painting guide here as that would on your miniatures! Also converting models
be a book in itself! But a little bit about the or even slightly bending an arm to a more
masters that I paint for the website and that you 3-dimensional pose will improve it’s look.
see in this book. Sometimes the poses of one piece models are
restricted by the moulding process.
First of all I have a few considerations when
painting that you needn’t worry about! These
are; time limitations, painting for photography
and for online use, painting in sets that look
good together. No doubt you will have seen the pictures of
the lovely scenic table we made for the book!
Hopefully it will inspire you when making
scenery for your table and we’ll try to add some
useful tips here!

The scenery you use to play Cutlass is really

down to you and what you have to hand. After
all it is a fantasy game. We think the style of
building we’ve used works well. Ideally you
want some buildings, maybe a few trees and
some scatter terrain to be used as cover.

We made a bottom board with cliffs and

different levels. This is mainly for photography
and for gaming it’s probably better to have a
Painting a miniature fairly quickly and making flat board with terrain that you can place where
sure it looks okay in photography is a tricky you like.
task. Photography zooms in and emphasizes
any flaws. To this end a have a few guidelines I

I paint using mainly neutral tones, this helps

with photography and also making sure the
sets work well together. I just try to make sure
the painting is neat. I spend a little more time
on the faces. The face is the focal point of any
miniature, spend a little time to make the face
look better, get the eyes right and the whole
model will look better. I use a very flat matt
varnish. This helps hugely with photography!
Any slight glint or sheen will reflect in the

I use black undercoat and mostly vallejo paints. The buildings:

They have a superb range and a very nice finish. The buildings were all made using the same
I also finish all the bases in a very simple but method. You may like to draw a sketch or
unified style and paint the rims black. a plan beforehand but ours was made with
just a general idea in mind of the style of the
When painting a single miniature for myself or buildings. We had a lot of reference from the
for a competition I actually use a completely internet so there were plenty of ideas and
different method including white undercoat. different options.
But this method works well for groups of
figures and should apply to army painting.

A basic shell was made using foam core sheets The windows and doors are available online
(or foam board). They were measured and cut pre made. We bought ours in resin from
out to represent the four walls including the Antenocetti. They are ready to be glued on
sides of the roof. These were then glued using when they arrive, easy!
PVA glue and held in place with pins. Careful if
using superglue as it melts the foam interior on The buildings are sprayed black before painting.
contact. Some materials like balsa wood and any
exposed foam don’t take to spray well. You can
Foam board gives you a sturdy shell to work coat them first in a very thin coat of PVA glue
from that won’t break easily or warp. The and water.
thickness of it also gives the outer layers
something to adhere to. The scatter terrain was made up of barrels,
crates, sacks etc... These not only add to the
The roofs were made using plasticard sheets. detail of the table but are very good for cover
You can buy various different styles of on the game! These all came pre made from
plasticard online and it’s a great timesaver. online shops. There are many out there but
Roofs can also be made using strips of card cut again Antenocetti are the ones we used and also
to look like tiles. Renedra do a great set of cheap plastic barrels
which are ideal!
The stone walls were also plasticard, (again you
buy it with a stone pattern) cut to size and stuck
on. You could also use putty and a stone to
make the pattern yourself.

They were simply glued onto a thin plasticard

base and on top of each other. Try to have a
model handy to compare size and how it sees
over the cover.
The wooden beams/cladding are all made from
balsa wood, available in strips from model
shops. The edges and sides were trimmed to
make them more realistic looking. Be careful
to use reference to get the style of the beams

The walls behind those beams were coated in

a mix of polyfilla and water with a little PVA
glue. This gives a texture that looks nice when
painted. Make the polyfilla mix thicker or
thinner for different looks.

The flat wooden areas, such as the walls made

from panels of wood were made from wooden
stirring sticks like the ones used in coffee shops.

QuICk reFerenCe
All roles are open ended (Leader Au roll is NOT open Shooting modifiers:
ended). I.e. if you roll the highest on any dice you roll
again, add that on and so on. Max level with modifiers Target’s Dex check
is D20, after that receive bonus dice, lowest regardless Injured -1 level
of modifiers is D4.
Target has been taken out Level is D4
Firer is out of Line of Sight -1 level
Game sequence:
Firer’s Acc check
1. Choose encounter.
Injured -1 level
2. Roll Au for leaders= action points, highest is Point blank +1 level
active. Long range -1 level

3. Declare action type. Target in cover (less than 75% -1 level

of model visible)
4. Nominate first model to perform action. Weapon Bonus Variable

5. Resolve action and possible reactions.

Range chart:
6. Deduct action total by one. Firer’s Acc Point blank range Long Range

7. Return with the active gang until both sides have D4 4”/ 10cm 12”/ 30cm
zero action point= recovery phase. D6 6”/ 15cm 16”/ 40cm
D8 8”/ 20cm 20”/ 50cm

Action types: D10 10”/ 25cm 24”/ 60cm

A number of figures equal to your current action total D12 12”/ 30cm 28”/ 70cm
may be perform each action declared.
Hand-to-Hand Combat:
Movement The active model is known as the attacker and the
Models may move 4”/10cm. They may move into target model is the defender. The Com attribute of both
hand-to-hand combat. models is used to determine whether the attack is
successful and, if not, the possibility that the defender
Sprinting: can retaliate.

1 Stumbles. The model moves D4” and is stunned.

Hand-to-hand Combat Modifiers
2-3 5”/ 12.5cm
Defender’s Com check
4-6 6”/ 15cm
Injured -1 level
7-9 7”/ 17.5cm
Defender has been taken out Level is D4
10+ 8”/ 20cm
Parry bonus Variable
Weapon bonus Variable
Acc minus Dex Result Attacker’s Com check
0 or less Miss. Injured -1 level
1-4 Hit. Defender is behind obstacle -1 level
5+ Critical hit. Attacking from side +1 level
Attacking from rear +2 levels
Weapon bonus Variable

Hand-to-hand Combat Chart
Defender’s Com roll
Com roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+
1 Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip
2 Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip Rip Rip Rip
3 Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip Rip Rip
4 Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip Rip
5 Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr Rip
6 Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr Cntr
7 Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr Cntr
8 Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss Cntr
9 Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss Miss
10 Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss
11 Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit Miss
12+ Out Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Crit Crit Hit Hit Hit

Miss = Miss.
Hit = Hit. Roll for damage as normal using model’s Dam.
Crit = Critical Hit. +1 damage bonus die on the damage roll.
Inj = Injured. Target is injured without a damage roll.
Out = Taken Out. Target is taken out without a damage roll.
Cntr = Counter attack. The defender takes a Re test. On a score of 4+, the defender may now make an attack or
automatically break from combat with a normal move. Note that no surprised marker is placed or action total
expended regardless of the success of the Re test.
Rip = Riposte. As counter attack, except that no Re test is required.
(In the cases of Cntr and Rip if successful the defending models gang becomes active).

When facing attacker, may parry before Com check. Special Actions:
The defender makes a Dex check and consults the chart As part of any movement, shooting or hand-to-hand
below. action one or more models (within the maximum
number allowed to act) may instead perform a
A target that attempts to parry may not later counter or special action. See main rules for specifics of each
riposte: result treated as a miss. action. Models in base contact may not perform
special actions.
Parry Modifiers and Results
Recover Wits
Defender is injured -1 level
Defender is behind cover +1 level Stand Ready
Weapon bonus Variable Drag
Dex score Result
1 Fumble! The attacker gains a bonus die to
his Com check.
2-4 Missed parry. There is no additional
5-8 Parry. The defender gains a bonus die for
his Com check
9+ Feint. The defender gets two bonus dice for
his Com check

Damage Chart
Target’s Con roll
Dam roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+
1 Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
2 Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
3 Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
4 Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
5 Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
6 Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
7 Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E N/E
8 Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E N/E
9 Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E N/E
10 Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E N/E
11 Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun N/E
12+ Out Out Out Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Stun Stun Stun
N/E = No effect. The target is unharmed.
Stun = Stunned.
Inj = Injured.
Recovery Phase:
Out = Taken Out. When both players have zero action or both pass it’s
the recovery phase. The following happens:

Stunned models attempt to recover. A 4+ is required

on a D6. (no modifiers)
Reactions Summary:
Fleeing and Spooked models attempt to recover. A
Re-actions cost 1 action total, (except counter attack). If 3+ is required on a Dar test. If hidden automatically
successful you then become active gang. Require 4+ on passed.
Re test.
Fleeing models that do not recover will run away as
Reaction Roll Modifiers described.
The following modifiers apply to the Re rolls of the
models. Surprised models lose their markers.
No line of sight to the opposing -1 level
Any other special effects are resolved as detailed in
their specific rules.
Reacting model is injured -1 level
New Au test for action total and active gang.
*In the case of reacting to a model being taken out, this
is applied if the reacting model cannot see the enemy If Leader is taken out or removed, next highest worth
that took out their companion. is leader with temp Au D4.

Reaction summary table

Circumstance Reaction
Enemy approaches within 6”/ 15cm* Shoot or engage approaching enemy
Enemy shoots and misses Targeted model may move (may engage shooting model in combat)
Friendly model is ‘taken out’ within May shoot or move to engage the enemy model that took out the friendly model.
6”/ 15cm by an enemy
Model rolls counter attack result in May attack or break away from combat. (No action expended if cntr Reaction
combat fails)

*Only one model may react to this action. If an enemy moves within 6” of several models, or a friendly model is taken out
within 6” of several models, choose which will try to react.

Effects summary: Fleeing an Encounter:
Any model that fled an encounter roll a D6:
Spooked and Fleeing Models: Spooked models may
not engage enemy in combat, shoot or react. May D6 roll Consequence
move to cover and hide. Remove in recovery 3+
on a Dar test. Fleeing models sprint toward table 1 Fell in a ditch. The model had a bad experience
edge immediately. and is injured – treat this as if they had been
taken out during the encounter and roll on the
Stunned: -1 level all tests. Can’t react. Remove in injury chart.
recovery 4+ on D6. 2-3 Fugitive. If the opposing gang won the encounter,
the model has been captured trying to escape.
Hidden: In cover may hide, cannot be seen. Removed If the opposing gang lost, the model manages
when model makes an action. to elude capture but is not available for the next
encounter while he lays low.
Surprised: Caused by Failed reaction; cannot react. 4+ Lives to fight another day. The model makes it
Removed with change of active gang or model back to the gang’s headquarters without incident.
engaged in combat.

Ready: +1 Re test. No action spent. Lost if other action

Campaign Injury Chart
performed. Con score Result
1 Dead.
Injured: Injured. (-1 level all tests, 2 injured markers=
2-3 Seriously Wounded.
taken out).
4-6 Wounded.
Taken Out: Lay down, may do nothing, D4 all tests. 7+ Fine.
(Another inj, out = critical. Remove model).
Level-up Chart:
Post-game campaign sequence:
If a fighter goes up to a new level make a level up roll
1. Resolve injuries for each new level.
2. Gain experience
Level Experience Weapons choice
3. Calculate fame
4. Work out funds 1 (Lubber) 0-5 Up to two common
5. Generate income 2 06-10 Up to two common
6. Resolve ransoms, bounties
3 (ordinary hand) 11-15 Any common
7. Convert prisoners and collect fees
8. Recruit 4 16-20 Any common
9. Recruit members 5 (seasoned hand) 21-25 Any common 1
10.Buy equipment uncommon
11. Upgrade headquarters
6 26-30 Any common 1
Injuries: uncommon

Any model taken out must roll. Critical reduce Con by 7 (Leader starting 31-40 Any
-1 level permanently before taking the test. level)
8 41-50 Any
9 51-60 Any
10 61-70 Any
11 71-80 Any
12 81-90 Any
13 91-100 Any
14 101-120 Any
15 121-130 Any
16 131-150 Any
17 151-170 Any
18 171-190 Any
19 191-210 Any
20 211-230 Any
21 231+ Any

For each level a model goes up after a game roll a Skill Table:
1-4 = attribute raise. 1 - Backstabber.
Roll a D8 and refer to the result below: 2 - Beguiling.
1 +1 Re level
3 - Commanding Presence. (leader only)
4 - Dead-eye.
2 +1 Acc level 5- Deadly.
3 +1 Com level 6 - Foolhardy.
4 +1 Dex level
7 - Headlong Charge.
8 - Inspirational. (leader only)
5 +1 Con level 9 - Intimidating.
6 +1 Dam level 10 - Marksman.
7 +1 Dar level 11 - Medic.
12 - Pistoleer.
8 Choose any attribute to raise (inc Au for 13 - Quick-witted.
leader) 14 - Sleight-of-hand.
15 - Sneak.
Note the maximum level any fighter (except 16 - Surgeon.
certain special characters) can achieve is D12, 17 - Faction skill 1.
though you can roll a D20 via any +1 level 18 - Faction skill 2.
bonuses that may apply. 19 - Faction skill 3.
(If you roll on a stat increase that is already at 20 - Faction skill 4.
the maximum, i.e. D12 you may choose any stat to (If you roll a skill that you already have or a leader only
increase) skill, you may choose from any of the skills listed here
including your faction specific skills.)
5-6 = new skill.
Roll a D20 on the New Skills chart below: (or Income:
leader may choose +1 Au level instead of skill) Income equal Leader Au roll x5, plus any fame/infamy
and scenario bonuses.

Ransoms, Bounties, Prisoners etc:

Refer to the main rules to resolve any captured models
or bounties.

New Recruits:
Make Au roll, results are cumulative. $10 for bonus die
Max 3. Fame/infamy offers bonus dice. Choose highest
(or lowest if at a minus die penalty). This shows the
recruits available, you still must pay for them.

Gang Fame Ratings chart

Fame Gang type Income Recruit Special circumstances
-75 or less Traitors +$100 2 A gang reaching this level triggers the final reckoning event.
-74 to -60 Buccaneers +$75 1 This gang’s hideout is known.
-59 to -45 Pirates +$50 1 All bounties on this gang are doubled.
-44 to -30 Bandits +$25 - Bounties can be earned on this gang.
-10 to -29 Thugs +$10 -1 None
9 to -9 Nobodies None -1 None
Oct-29 Do-gooders +$10 -1 None
30-44 Protectors +$25 - Ransoms can be paid for this gang.
45-59 Enforcers +$50 1 All ransoms on this gang are doubled.
60-74 Lawmakers +75$ 1 Headquarters are known.
75+ Saints +$100 2 A gang reaching this level triggers the final reckoning event.

Recruitment Chart
Au Roll Number of recruits available
1-2 No recruits.
3-4 1 Lubber.
5-6 1 Lubber
7-8 1 Ordinary Hand.
9-10 1 Lubber, 1 Ordinary Hand
11 1 Ordinary Hand, 1 Seasoned Hand.
12+ 1 Seasoned Hand
Recruits have the profile given for starting gangs.

Weapons reference:
Ship’s Pistol: Dam: D6. No long range.
Duelling Pistol: Dam: D6. No long range, Point blank
range is increased by 4”/ 10cm.
Brace of pistols: 2 shots with 1 action, -1 Acc level penalty.
reload separately.
Musket: Dam - D8 – No penalty for long range and no
bonus for point blank range.
Blunderbuss: Max 12”/ 30cm range. Damage D20 and
loses one level for every 4”/ 10cm. One use per game.
Unarmed: -1 Dam level penalty in hand-to-hand combat.
Club, maul, etc: No special rules.
Dagger: +1 Com die. May not parry.
Cutlass: +1 bonus die Dam
Longsword: +1 bonus die for parry
Axe: +1 Dam level
Hammer: Knockback. May not parry.
Bastard sword: Two-handed. +1 Dam
Great hammer: Two-handed. Knockback. +1 Dam . May
not parry.
Great axe: Two-handed. +1 Dam level and +1 bonus die
Dam. May not parry.
Spear/ bayonet: Two-handed. + 1 Com level unless
attacking a model also armed with a spear or
Amulet: Immune to the Undead ‘raise the dead’ rule.
Fowler’s rum: One use per game: Gives the user +1 level
in com, Con and Dam but -1 level in Acc, Rec and
Dex. Can be taken at any point, Lasts until the next
recovery phase.
Parrot: +1 Com bonus die.
Powder Monkey: Free reload during move action.
Spyglass: Special action reveals all hidden in LOS to ALL
models. Leader: Also +1 Au check for first roll of
Lucky charm: Once per game +1 bonus die for any
attribute check taken by the model. Can be used after
seeing results of roll.
Grenade: One use only. May be thrown up to 12”.
Nominate target point and make Acc check:
1 – Grenade explodes in model’s hand!
2 – Grenade travels D6”/ D6x2.5cm past target point
3 – Grenade travels D6”/ D6x2.5cm short of target point (if
it lands on or behind thrower it’s assumed it hit a rock
or similar and bounced back!)
4+ Grenade explodes on target.
All models within 4” of final landing point are hit with D8
Dam attack and are stunned regardless of Dam rolls.

New skills chart
1 Backstabber – When engaged with a single enemy and attacking, the model may be moved from the front of the
enemy to the side, or the side of the enemy to the rear, before any parries are made.
2 Beguiling – Enemies cannot counter-attack against this model, and riposte results are treated as a counter-attack.
3 Commanding Presence – Leaders only. Grants a bonus die when making Au rolls for the gang’s action total.
4 Dead-eye – The model gains a bonus die for all shooting Dam rolls.
5 Deadly – The model gains a bonus die for all hand-to-hand Dam rolls.
6 Foolhardy – The model gains a bonus die for all Dar checks.
7 Headlong Charge – If the model moves to engage an enemy model over open ground, it may make an immediate
attack as part of the same action. This does not apply if the defender is behind an obstacle.
8 Inspirational – Leader only. Any friendly model within 6”/ 15cm cannot be spooked. Spooked models that move
within range lose their marker at the end of their movement. Has no effect on fleeing models.
9 Intimidating – Any enemy wishing to engage the model must first pass a 4+ Dar check. If the check is failed, the
enemy model does nothing and the action is wasted.
10 Marksman – The model gains a bonus die for all Acc checks.
11 Medic – May perform a special action when in base contact with an injured model. A Dex check of 6+ by the medic
allows the model to remove its injured marker. Cannot heal self.
12 Pistoleer - Negates the -1 penalty for firing a brace of pistols.
13 Quick-witted – The model cannot be surprised.
14 Sleight-of-hand – After both models have made their Com checks in hand-to-hand combat, the model may force a
re-roll. The first result is discarded and both models roll again (with all of the previous modifiers) and the second
result is used.
15 Sneak – Enemy must be able to see at least 75% of the model to stop it being hidden. Not spotted by spyglasses.
16 Surgeon - Re-roll an injury once for one model post game (not on himself). You must accept the second result. If you
have another surgeon he can re-roll for another injured model, but never twice for the same model.
17 Faction skill 1. - The first skill on your faction specific skill list.
18 Faction skill 2. - The second skill on your faction specific skill list.
19 Faction skill 3. - The third skill on your faction specific skill list.
20 Faction skill 4. - The fourth skill on your faction specific skill list.

Fame chart
Action If gang is famous If gang is infamous
Winning an encounter +5 fame -5 fame
Defeat a gang with higher worth +1 fame for every full $50 difference -1 fame for every full $50 difference
Each enemy taken out +1 fame -1 fame
Each enemy crippled -1 fame -1 fame
Each enemy fled +1 fame +1 fame
Enemy leader taken out +5 fame -5 fame
Enemy leader crippled +10 fame -10 fame
Encounter-specific actions Variable Variable
Each member taken out or crippled -1 fame +1 fame
Leader taken out or crippled -5 fame +5 fame
Lost an encounter -5 fame +5 fame
Defeated by a gang with lower worth -1 fame for every full $50 difference +1 fame for every full $50 difference

Seriously Wounded Chart:
Roll a D20
D20 Serious Wound
1* Punch drunk. The model is stunned whenever he is hit, in addition to any other results.
2* Lost a hand. The model may not use two-handed weapons or two weapons at a time and loses 1 level of Dex.
3* Lost an eye. The model loses 1 level of Acc.
4* Lost a leg. The model may not sprint, cross obstacles or climb.
5* Pierced Lung. The warrior loses 1 level of Con.
6* Broken back. The model loses 1 level of Re.
7* Broken shoulder. The model loses 1 level of Dam.
8* Cracked skull. Before each encounter, the warrior must pass a 4+ Con check. If failed, he does not take part (or
is injured if forced to start). If a leader fails this test he struggles to the encounter but is at -1 level of Au for the
9* Weak Heart. If the model is injured, he must pass a Con check of 4+ in each subsequent recovery phase or be taken
10 Broken Arm. Until the next campaign turn, the model may not use two-handed weapons or wield two weapons and
loses 1 level of Dex.
11 Busted face. Until the next campaign turn, the model loses 1 level of Acc.
12 Broken Leg. Until the next campaign turn, the model may not sprint or cross obstacles.
13 Fractured Ribs. Until the next campaign turn, the model is at -1 level of Con.
14 Deep cut. The model is wounded (see below) for the next two encounters.
15 Suppurating wound. The model is wounded (see below) until it can pass a 4+ Con check in a subsequent campaign
16 Stitched up. Until the next campaign turn, if the model sprints or becomes engaged in hand-to-hand combat he will
immediately become injured.
17 Nerves shot. The model loses 1 level of Dar.
18 Twisted back. Until the next campaign turn, the model loses 1 level of Re.
19 Dislocated shoulder. Until the next campaign turn, the model loses 1 level of Dam.
20 Terrible scars. The model is wounded (see below) but gains the intimidating skill!

Gain experience:
Earn experience as listed below and from scenario
specific achievements.
Causing a ‘stunned’ result on an enemy model +1
Causing an ‘Injured’ result on an enemy model +2
Taking out an enemy model +3*
Critical result on an enemy +1
Survives the battle (not taken out, fled or critical) +D4
Winning leader +5

You can cut out this page, photocopy it or download a digital copy from www.blackscorpionminiatures.com. These tokens are
intended to be cut out in pairs. Cut them horizontally and then fold each pair over so you have a front and a back. If you print
this page from a PDF file, set the print dialogue to “do not scale” to ensure the blast template comes out the correct size.

Loot Loot Loot Loot

© Black Scorpion Miniatures 2011 www.blackscorpionminiatures.com

Action Action Action Action


© Black Scorpion Miniatures 2011 www.blackscorpionminiatures.com

Skills & Injuries

© Black Scorpion Miniatures 2011 www.blackscorpionminiatures.com

Skills & Injuries
Skills & Injuries
Skills & Injuries
Territory / Stash Treasury Fame / Infamy Crew worth
Skills & Injuries

© Black Scorpion Miniatures 2011 www.blackscorpionminiatures.com

Skills & Injuries
Skills & Injuries
Skills & Injuries
Skills & Injuries
Skills & Injuries
AP Tracker Sheets

© Black Scorpion Miniatures 2011 www.blackscorpionminiatures.com

Erratas, Clarifications.

-Page 90 and in quick rules on gang fame ratings there is an errata, instead of oct-29 it
should be 10-29.

- Grenades: Fairly obvious but to be clear they're one use per game not one use then you
have to buy it again! Also the blast uses the template at the back so it's a 4" diameter
blast like the cannon.

- What happens to a model that is crippled and removed from play (i.e suffering a
permanent -1 Con) that already has a Con of D4?

Answer: As D4 is the lowest a stat can go it doesn't get any worse. Remember you still
roll for injury and the same result on serious injury chart twice, or 4 marked results =

(If you wanted to make a house rule that a model with Con D4 is dead on receiving a
crippled you can..though harsh!)

Post game rolls for experience etc are NOT open ended..

Undead character 'fear skill' can be used as intimidating skill.

Character skills: Some characters use faction specific skills. So if you can't find it under
the main skills table look through the factions. We should have made it clearer where they
are but people will quickly learn what skill does what.

P83 Infamous v infamous table. When it says 'famous gang attacks this refers to
'infamous gang 1' on the chart.

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