Lin Excerpt
Lin Excerpt
Lin Excerpt
sacred geography after the identification of Mount Wutai as a Buddhist mountain,
when Buddhism’s geographic center in India gradually shifted to China from the
fifth through the tenth centuries.7 What is more, Mount Wutai was only the first
of four mountains recognized in premodern China as associated with specific Bud-
dhist bodhisattvas, and the pattern by which it was built into a Buddhist sacred site
became the model for the later three.8 It is not an overstatement to say that Mount
Wutai occupied one of the most prominent positions in China’s religious geogra-
phy and played a paramount role in the early Buddhism of medieval China, from
the end of the Han dynasty (202 bce–220 ce) until the end of the tenth century.9
Mount Wutai’s development into a Buddhist sacred mountain involved a
complex historical process that domesticated and localized the sacred presence
of the foreign deity in ways that show how Buddhism was realized, practiced,
and expressed in the religious landscape of medieval China. When the history
of Mount Wutai is examined against long-standing Chinese mountain culture,
several fundamental questions arise: How was Mount Wutai, a native mountain
whose early history was relatively unknown, converted into a Buddhist mountain?
How was its natural terrain sanctified in Buddhist terms and its sacrality revealed
to believers? And what did the transformation of the site and maintenance of its
sacrality entail? Did monastic architecture, built or unbuilt (e.g., in visionary expe-
rience), help establish Mount Wutai as the sacred mountain by reconfiguring and
reconceiving its topography and thus affirming its sacrality?
Studies of sacred sites have often begun with issues related to pilgrimage,
placing much emphasis on the history and legends of site, saints, or miraculous
events.10 Concepts such as rites of passage or communitas have also been evoked,
focusing on the transformative experience of pilgrimage to the site but not on the
site itself.11 A sacred site, however, also belongs to a spatial category—located at
a geographical place, characterized by its topographic features, and delimited in
a specific space—such that the sacrality of the site is also necessarily bound and
explicated in spatial concepts and physical terms.
It was a deeply rooted view in ancient Chinese mountain culture that all moun-
tains were potentially numinous and potent. At least two sets of determinants
influenced the construction of sacred mountains. First were their intrinsic quali
ties. Mountains inspired spiritual associations by virtue of their extraordinary
topographies—tremendous mass and height or unusual features such as grottos,
caverns, chasms, and so on—suggesting not only solidity and endurance but also
a mythical interior of secret treasures, energy, or power. Also, mountains were
surrounded by clouds and emitted vapors, as if they were breathing, so were
thought of as the source of life that nurtures all things and beings. Mountains,
moreover, contain spectacular rock formations and harbor strange flora and
fauna. All these natural and physical characteristics are intrinsic to mountains and
can be cultivated, revealed, and explored. The second set of qualities is extrinsic.
They include apparitions and visions peculiar to the mountain; relics, images, or
texts originating elsewhere yet miraculously uncovered there; or steles, shrines, or
other buildings that mark the site—all exterior to the mountain proper but weav-
2 Introduc tion
725 Kilometers Yell
ow River • Datong
Mt. Heng Tianjin• KOR EA
Mt. Wutai H EB EI
• Zhengding
▲ Mt. Tai
▲ 0 200 400
Mt. Heng
ing layers of significance into the mountain topography. These also bring about
particular viewpoints—bureaucratic, historical, and religious or related to myth,
memory, and imagination—in dialogue with intrinsic characteristics to provide
the language with which sacred mountains can be described and their sacrality
Located in present-day Shanxi Province in northern China (map 1), the sacred
area of Mount Wutai extends over an extensive mountainous region, approxi-
mately 336 square kilometers in size.12 Although it is referred to as a mountain
Introduc tion 3
map 2. The area
of Mount Wutai, KILOMETERS
bounded by West, 0 5 10
Central, North, and
East Peaks in the
north and the South 2800
Peak in the south. North Peak: 3140m
▲ Rive r
aix Central Peak: 3020m▲ s hu i
Yuhua Pond Q ing
West Peak: 2773m▲
Yuhua East Peak:
Monastery ▲2796m
Diamond Grotto
Wangzi Monastery
Monastery • Taihuai
22 400 0
Qingliang Monastery
2 60
Jin’ge Monastery
18 2000 00
Foguang Monastery
South Peak: 2630m
[Dali] Fahua Monastery Qi
To ui
Zh Ri
Shangfang Way Station en ve
zh r
Q in
(shan), Mount Wutai is actually a cluster of mountains with five towering peaks,
each with a high and roughly domed or terrace-like grassy mountaintop—as in-
dicated in its Chinese name, Wutaishan, which literally means “mountain of five
terraces.” Although not corresponding exactly to the cardinal directions, the five
peaks have since the mountain’s earliest history been designated based on their
relative positions: Western, Central, Northern, and Eastern Peaks clustered in the
north, and the Southern Peak in the far south (map 2). The highest of the five
peaks is the Northern Peak at 3,140 meters above sea level; the lowest, the South-
ern Peak at 2,630 meters. Together, the five peaks encircle and demarcate the area
known as Mount Wutai.
Mount Wutai’s prominent topography would have appeared to Buddhist prac-
titioners in medieval China as more than merely natural; it would have also had
4 Introduc tion
some numinous and spiritual quality. Ennin (794–864), a Japanese pilgrim monk,
who arrived at Mount Wutai in 840, was deeply moved when he first saw the sacred
mountain: “[As soon as] I saw the Central Peak while heading toward the north-
west, I prostrated myself on the ground and worshiped it. Here was the realm
presided over by Mañjuśrī. Its five [sacred] peaks were round and tall, yet without
vegetation, shaped thus like overturned bronze bowls. Gazing at them from afar,
my tears rained down involuntarily. Plants and flowers that grew here were rare
and different from elsewhere; how extraordinary this place was!” 13 The looming
peaks were unmistakably the five sacred markers of the holy domain where the
rare flora grew; but the power of the extraordinary place lay, more importantly,
in the presiding bodhisattva, who had come to reside at the mountain site and
whose presence its landscape evoked. As Ennin concluded: “This is Mount Qing
liang [Mount Wutai], the Golden World [Pure Land of Bodhisattva Mañjuśrī], who
manifests himself right here for our benefit.” 14
Indeed, the process of Mount Wutai’s changing identity from native mountain
to a Buddhist sacred site can be characterized as a shift from a place-oriented con-
ception to a presence-oriented one. As has been suggested by scholars, hagiography
in miraculous legends, acts, or visions necessarily includes a spatial dimension,
which establishes the meaning and spiritual import of sacred topography.15 The
conversion of Mount Wutai involved a historical process of reappropriating, re-
interpreting, or even replacing the intrinsic determinants of the sacred site with
extrinsic ones.16 Thus the initially foreign deity, Bodhisattva Mañjuśrī, was seen
and located in the native mountain through ritual, vision, and architecture. In
this regard, the monastic architecture at Mount Wutai was built not so much to
partake in the numinous qualities intrinsic to the sacred site as to construct and
construe the sacrality of the site by virtue of its own built environment. Buddhist
architecture was one of the primary, if not the most prominent, means of cultural
and material intervention through which Mount Wutai was developed into the
first Buddhist sacred mountain in medieval China.
In recent years, studies of Chinese sacred geography have departed from the
earlier practice of separating the sacred and the profane into exclusive categories,17
instead seeing the sacred as constructed and contested by various influxes, not
only religious or spiritual but also sociopolitical and historical. In addition, studies
on space and place have contributed analytical terms and methodologies for un-
derstanding how the sacred could be valorized in spatial experience and localized
in place.18 This “spatial turn,” which recognizes the critical role of space and place
in the perception and conception of the sacred, is also coupled with a strong em-
phasis on the temporal aspect of the sacred geography; that is, in recognizing the
multiple histories and multivalent significance of a sacred site as it evolves and
fluctuates in the longue durée, as we know from several recent studies.19 The differ-
ent religious traditions coexisting at Mount Heng (Hengshan), also known as the
Southern Sacred Peak (Nanyue), has been analyzed from a microhistorical view-
point. A “cultural stratigraphy” has been proposed to account for the multilayered
narratives of pilgrimage that have accumulated around Mount Tai (Taishan), or
Introduc tion 5
the Eastern Sacred Peak (Dongyue). Likewise, attention has been drawn to the
“complex amalgam” of nature, history, religion, and human experiences in the his-
torical development of Mount Emei (Emeishan) as a Chinese sacred mountain.20
This book shares with those studies a view of sacred geography as multifaceted,
requiring an approach both contextual and interdisciplinary to unravel its com-
plexity. Architecture—its site, space, image, and built environment—provides
a critical point of access to this complexity, as well as to the essential concepts,
practices, and history of Chinese sacred mountains.
This use of architecture as the primary lens of investigation is also apt for my
topic, particularly in the context of the broader religious and material culture of
this period. Medieval China, already enthusiastic for material luxuries, developed
a fascination with the material world without negating the potential of that world
as the agent, sign, form, or embodiment of the divine.21 Material objects or things
were not rejected but often considered indispensable to the understanding and at-
tainment of the immaterial. For example, it was thought that miracle-performing
relics could inspire the “corporeal imagination” and living icons could elicit a “vis-
ceral vision”; in these cases, the corporeal and visceral rendered the sacred and
potent more immanent and experiential.22 In the same vein, architecture was not
simply the building of structures; it was material-spatial construction that could
structure and represent the divine presence in its fullest manifestation. By ex-
tension, the larger, built environment of a monastic complex and the mountain
landscape, reconfigured and reconceived by the building of monasteries, could also
reveal the manner in which the devotee perceived the divine.23 An icon from Mount
Wutai depicting Mañjuśrī mounted on the back of a lion was known as the “icon
of the true presence of Mañjuśrī” (Wenshu zhenrong xiang). Despite its materiality,
the statue was believed to be able to manifest the true divinity of the bodhisattva.
A monastic structure or “image hall” was then built to enshrine the icon at the very
place where the bodhisattva was recorded to have been frequently encountered.
Named after the icon, this image hall was called the Cloister of Mañjuśrī’s True
Presence (Wenshu Zhenrong Yuan), its purpose to locate the amorphous presence
of the divine, realized not only in the materially bound icon but also in the space of
the physical building. The hall was built on the highest ground of the monastery,
at the very center of the sacred mountain area. In this symbolic and spatial func-
tionality, the architecture mediated the ways in which the icon would be perceived,
approached, and venerated, while the icon itself, in the built environment of the
monastery, would in turn make the faithful feel as if they were in Mañjuśrī’s true
presence, at the center of his terrestrial domicile.
Monastic architecture, in its multiple capacities and functionalities, is the key to
Mount Wutai’s sacrality, as it developed from a natural mountain into a Buddhist
one. Serving as it did a new belief system, the Buddhist monastery, as an instance
of Chinese architecture, cannot be properly discussed except in the context of the
new religion. Since China had never before produced a separate building style or
tradition exclusively for Buddhism, a monastery could be so identified only by the
monastic functions it served or the divinity it accommodated. Thus, as I examine
6 Introduc tion
the roles that monastic architecture played in transforming Mount Wutai, I will
use the history of the sacred site to provide contextual frameworks in which this
architecture can be analyzed and defined. It is in such an intercontextual investiga-
tion that we begin to see the emergence of the sacral architecture, or architecture
of the sacred,24 in medieval China, one that was developed and built alongside the
rise of Buddhism.
Introduc tion 7
[Changzhu] Cloister had a five-bay facade; its upper story was used as a sutra
repository, and the lower section, living quarters for the assembly, daily lodging
more than five hundred people. In addition, the monastery also had many
other rooms, corridors, halls, various structures, and several other cloisters;
there were simply too many to count every meritorious devotion and ritual
taking place inside the monastery.28
8 Introduc tion
figure I.1a. Section and elevation of the Great Buddha Hall, Foguang Monastery, Mount Wutai. 857 ce.
From Liang, A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture, fig. 24j. Diagram courtesy of Lin Zhu.
figure I.1b. Cross section of the Great Buddha Hall, Foguang Monastery. From Liang, A Pictorial History
of Chinese Architecture, fig. 24k. Diagram courtesy of Lin Zhu.
figure I.2.
Orthogonal view of
the Great Buddha a locus classicus in China’s architectural history. It is in this new, modern context
Hall, Foguang that the significance of the building was discovered anew.
Monastery. After Fu While the Great Buddha Hall continues to captivate scholars as a cultural relic,
Xinian, “Wutaishan the modern discovery of Foguang Monastery also raises questions. The Great
Foguangsi jianzhu,” Buddha Hall was investigated in an analytic framework that was largely predeter-
fig. 4. Diagram
mined by a focus on its structural system and historical evolution, and the terms of
courtesy of Fu
Xinian. analysis were much aligned with the modernist emphasis of Liang Sicheng’s times
on structural rationalism and formalism.33 After Liang’s death in 1972, though the
historical circumstances greatly changed, the structural approach and vocabulary
that Liang introduced continued to be dominant. The structural framework of
Chinese wooden buildings is visualized even more rigorously, illustrated in the
fully detailed orthogonal perspective (fig. I.2) created by Liang’s students, which
turned the three-dimensional building into an abstract simulacrum. Most recently,
from 2004 to 2006, a research team from the School of Architecture at Tsinghua
University (the program founded by Liang Sicheng in 1946), using X-ray scanning
tools, conducted a scientific investigation of the Great Buddha Hall, measuring
each structural component and its current condition and revealing different
modular systems used throughout the building.34 We have gained much more
knowledge since 1937 about the structural skeleton of the Buddha Hall and its im-
portance in the history of Chinese wooden architecture, but at stake is the cultural
and religious context inscribed in the skin of the building, so to speak, which has
faded almost into oblivion.
The Great Buddha Hall is a single-story structure, seven bays across and four
bays deep, standing on a foundation of 34 by 17.66 meters.35 It matches the scale
of the main image hall described in the travel diary of the tenth-century pilgrim.
As the diary recorded, the Great Buddha Hall contains the original triad of the
three Buddhas, Śākyamuni, Amitābha, and Maitreya, flanked by two bodhisatt
10 Introduc tion
figure I.3. Main icons enshrined in the Great Buddha Hall, Foguang Monastery. 857 ce.
The central three main deities visible in back row, from right to left, are the Buddhas
Maitreya, Śākyamuni, and Amitābha; they are in turn flanked by the bodhisattvas Mañjuśrı̄
at the farther end of the altar and Samantabhadra at the closer end outside the picture.
Each of the three main Buddhas is also flanked by two attending (standing) bodhisattvas
and two kneeling bodhisattvas presenting offerings. From Chai and Chai, Shanxi gudai
caisu, 37. Photograph by permission of Wenwu Press.
vas, Mañjuśrī and Samantabhadra (fig. I.3). Also surviving at Foguang Monastery
(fig. I.4) are an early-Tang relics pagoda (shenta), likely one of the two pagodas
mentioned in the diary, and two sutra pillars (jingchuang), one of which bears the
date 857 and engravings of a dhāraṇi sutra pivotal in the history of Mount Wutai.36
A smaller structure, the Hall of Mañjuśrī (Wenshu Dian), enshrining a statue of
Mañjuśrī riding a lion (fig. I.5), was built in 1137 during the first revival period in
the monastery’s post-Tang history. The statue, in an iconic style of the bodhisatt
va’s “true presence” specifically tied to the sacred mountain, may have been the
reason Foguang Monastery was later renamed the Chan Monastery of the True
Presence of Buddha’s Radiance (Foguang Zhenrong Chanyuan), as stated on the
large Ming-period plaque hanging over the central entrance of the Great Buddha
Hall (fig. I.6; see also fig. C.2).37
Stepping outside the monastery in 1937, Liang Sicheng was awed by the mag-
nificent view of the mountains surrounding the Tang monastic complex. A similar
Introduc tion 11
figure I.4. Site plan of Foguang Monastery.
(A) Main Buddha Hall, 857 ce; (B) relics pagoda,
ca. 600 ce; (C) sutra pillar, 857 ce; (D) sutra pillar,
877 ce; (E) Hall of Mañjuśrı̄, 1137 ce. Gray area
0 5 10 20m indicates the position of the former Great Maitreya
Pavilion (Mile Dage), built before ca. 845 ce. After
Fu Xinian, “Wutaishan Foguangsi jianzhu,” 235.
Diagram courtesy of Fu Xinian.
12 Introduc tion
figure I.5. The
(zhenrong) icon of
Mañjuśrı̄ riding a
lion, Hall of Mañjuśrı̄
(Wenshu Dian),
Foguang Monastery.
1137 ce. From Liang,
“Ji Wutaishan
Foguangsi de jian-
zhu,” Wenwu cankao
ziliao, pl. 42.
gious aura and aspiring to the inconceivable. But only through monasteries did
the sense of the sacredness of the site become more perceivable and experiential.
The intimate correlation between the mountain and monasteries at Mount
Wutai is suggested in an enormous mural that depicts a panorama of Mount Wutai
inside a tenth-century image cave in Mogao near Dunhuang, an important Bud-
dhist center lying at the western border of Tang China, approximately three thou-
sand kilometers from Mount Wutai.39 Ten building complexes labeled as “great”
(da) monasteries are depicted across the width of the mural, and among them is a
walled cloister enclosing a two-story building and identified in the accompanying
cartouche as Foguang Monastery (plate 2). Neither isolated from the surroundings
nor separated from a large monastic network, Foguang Monastery was built within
the sacred terrain of Mount Wutai and the historical matrix of the site. Yet Foguang
Monastery as depicted in the mural bears no resemblance to any of the existing
Introduc tion 13
figure I.6. Name
plaque inscribed
“The Chan Mon-
astery of the True
Presence of Bud-
dha’s Radiance,”
over the entrance to
the Great Buddha
Hall, Foguang
Monastery. 1614 ce.
Photograph by
structures; in fact, the Mount Wutai in the visual representation yields no obvious
cartographic reference to its reality except for the five sacred peaks. As a represen-
tation, however, the mural with its visual vocabularies and tropes (see chapter 6)
was meant to transform the sacred site into an “image” that mediates between
viewer and the depicted architecture, spatial practice, spiritual experience, and the
evoked visions, all together as a holistic experience. Integrated in the cohesive and
hegemonic landscape of the sacred mountain, the monastic architecture in both
reality and imagery served to structure physically, symbolically, and representa-
tionally the access to the sacrality of the site.
To address the gap between our understanding of Chinese Buddhist monaster-
ies and the ways monasteries were represented in history as sanctified institutions
or numinous sites,40 this book brings both textual and visual representations of
the monastery into discussion. Yet monasteries at Mount Wutai were also physical
structures built at the mountain site as part of the religious landscape in both
architectural and topographic terms. The physical site, topography, and building
structures, forms, and practices all substantiate the perceptual representation and
conceptual discourse of monasteries. Outside the scope of this study are the build-
ing styles, structural details, and trades involved in timber-frame architecture in
medieval China, the analysis of which would in any case be limited by the small
14 Introduc tion
number of examples surviving from this early period. Instead, I concentrate on
identifying the ways in which the Buddhist “sacral architecture” developed in me-
dieval China, in order to illuminate both the ontological and contextual roles of
monasteries—as built, recorded, visualized, or imagined—in the historical trajec-
tory in which Mount Wutai was transformed into the sacred mountain.
Even before the excursion taken by Liang Sicheng and his colleagues into the
mountainous area of Mount Wutai in 1937, several Japanese scholars had already
ventured to the sacred site, photographing mountain scenery and monastic
buildings, including the Great Buddha Hall of Foguang Monastery. As early as
the 1920s, Japanese scholars in Buddhist history and art and architectural history
had published articles about Mount Wutai.41 What most interested them were the
long-standing history of the sacred mountain and the structures and artifacts sur-
viving in situ that witnessed the rise and fall of the ancient site. Their photographs
and writings depicted monasteries at Mount Wutai as part of the site’s religious
history, activities, and topography (fig. I.7). But detailed research on specific mon-
asteries or a historical overview of monasteries built at Mount Wutai had not yet
been attempted.
The first monograph to take a more inclusive approach, aiming to provide a his-
torical survey of Mount Wutai’s past and present, is the landmark work Godaisan
(Mount Wutai), coauthored by two Japanese scholars, Ono Katsutoshi (1905–88)
and Hibino Takeo (b. 1914) in 1942.42 Realizing the enormous spatial expansion of
the mountain range and the wealth of its visible and invisible histories and legends,
Ono and Hibino decided to divide their book into two sections: the first gives a
history of the site (rekishi), and the second, their personal observations of Mount
Wutai as they found it, written in the form of travelogue (kikō).43 Brought to-
gether, the two halves ably recapitulate the long history of Mount Wutai. Informa-
tive and historical as it is, however, this first book-length research on Mount Wutai
fits better in the category of the traditional gazetteer, although supplemented and
updated with photographs, building diagrams, site plans, maps, and bibliography.
The two different sections also testify to the fact that Mount Wutai in the early
twentieth century was already a very different site from the medieval one that the
authors tried to retrieve.
At the start of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), indeed, Mount Wutai was revital-
ized after a short period of decline but with a rather different religious outlook.44
The Manchu emperors, pious believers of Tibetan Buddhism (which like Chinese
Buddhism regards Mount Wutai as an extremely important sacred site), supported
the monastery authorities and sponsored extensive building projects in the moun-
tains, converting major monasteries into centers of Tibetan Buddhist practice
throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The increasing presence of
Tibetan Buddhism decisively changed the practices, traditions, and schools with
Introduc tion 15
figure I.7. View of
the valley and the
town of Taihuai, the which the monasteries had previously been associated. Over time, Mount Wutai
geographic center was altered so much that its present state little resembles the well-documented
of Mount Wutai
religious landscape when the sacred mountain cult first flourished in the Tang
and the site of its
largest monastic
dynasty; the physical structure remains, in the five peaks, the famous (numinous)
complex, Great places, and buildings and icons such as the Great Buddha Hall and statues inside
Huayan Monastery Foguang Monastery. The challenge for any historical project of the sacred moun-
(Da Huayansi), tain is how to reinstate its historical past and reconstruct the earlier context buried
during the Tang under layers of its new political and religious fabric.45
period. Early 20th
Accordingly, this book examines the monastery in three critical and interrelated
century. From
Tokiwa and Sekino,
contexts. First, monasteries at Mount Wutai were built foremost as efficacious
Shina bukkyō places of practice. The monastic layout, icons, buildings, and topography were all
shiseki, vol. 5, pl. 4. important constituents of each monastery, organized to create a liminal space for
encountering the divine and collaboratively aspiring to the transcendent. Second,
monasteries at the sacred mountain were never isolated; they were part of a large
network created by different factors, most prominently the pilgrimage. The mo-
nastic network or system restructured the ways in which mountain terrains were
conceived and the sacred topography was configured. Third, each monastery was
bound by the physical context of Mount Wutai—its five peaks, orientation, and
range—but as a sacred site, it could not be deciphered or comprehended without
16 Introduc tion
monasteries that functioned as the “spatial syntax” of its sacred topography. Mon-
asteries at Mount Wutai were not only the context of the religious practice but
also the content and components of the larger sacred mountain context.
More broadly, “building a sacred mountain” as a topic of inquiry considers
space, place, and building as interrelated notions, which address different ways in
which monastic architecture served as a cultural intervention in the process of site
making.46 To a greater degree than other genres of art or artifacts, a building is
inextricably tied to the site upon which it stands, and yet, unlike some other sacred
objects (texts, relics, icons, etc.),47 its presence and immobility activate the divine
and saturate the space, turning the initially unqualified site into a particular place.
Moreover, architecture in its actuality is site-specific, and since it can’t be moved,
it necessarily entails travel (as in pilgrimage) across space, establishing a broader
spatial relation and hierarchy critical to the experience and imagination. More spe-
cifically, in Buddhism, the pilgrimage journey was often taken metaphorically as
a path (mārga) to get from “this shore” to “the other,” from this world to the next.
In this regard, the liminality of the sacred mountain was not only temporal but
also spatial in its topography and architecture, and those who traveled to Mount
Wutai could experience the divine presence in that liminal space. The totality of
the interrelations among space, place, and building made Mount Wutai more
perceivable as a sacred site. Sacrality, after all, is “a category of emplacement.” 48
And it is through a conception of this totality that it became possible to reproduce
a Mount Wutai that takes place elsewhere, and by extension, to reconceptualize
Mount Wutai as a particular kind of place—that of “the” monastery.
To explore the multiple contextual and functional roles of the monastery in
building a sacred mountain at Mount Wutai, the book’s chapters revolve around
twin foci: monastery and mountains. Each focus has its separate tradition and
history, within the larger context of Buddhist expansion in China, for certainly,
monasteries had already been built at mountains elsewhere in China when Mount
Wutai became identified as a Buddhist sacred mountain. The book is thus con-
ceived to explore the intricate and changing relations between monastery and
mountains that not only led to the building of Mount Wutai but also developed it
into one of the most important features of Buddhism in medieval China.
Chapters 1 and 2 answer two related questions: How was “building” monas-
teries at Mount Wutai from the fifth and sixth centuries onward different from
the earlier building efforts, and why may these monasteries be seen as the pivotal
means of intervention that changed people’s perception of the mountains? In an-
swer, I will show the monastery as a particular place where the practitioner began
to encounter and understand the presence of the initially foreign divinity, and
posit that Mount Wutai, recognized as the sacred mountain, was developed against
a specific historical and regional background. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 reconstruct the
history of the bodhisattva cult at Mount Wutai during the seventh through the
ninth centuries. Each of these chapters, using one major monastery as the focus
of analysis, takes on a particular factor—topography, vision, and iconography—in
its exploration of how the monastery was conceived and built to mediate critical
Introduc tion 17
aspects of the bodhisattva cult at the sacred mountain. Together these three chap-
ters suggest that the development of Mount Wutai during the period when the
bodhisattva worship climaxed is a history of its sacral architecture. From a differ-
ent viewpoint, chapter 6 investigates the pilgrimage at Mount Wutai. As a kind of
“spatial practice,” the increasingly popular pilgrimage conceptually transformed
the mountain site—its five sacred peaks and monasteries—into a structured total-
ity, conducive to both literary and visual representation. Eventually Mount Wutai
could no longer be experienced without the mediation of this representation, the
“metamonastery,” which reveals the divine origin and presence, vision, ideology,
and history—the essential components and qualities of monasteries that built
Mount Wutai into the Buddhist sacred mountain.
As the first monograph dedicated to the early history of Mount Wutai in me-
dieval China, Building a Sacred Mountain posits a complex historical process that
involved factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the mountains, arguing that this
complexity cannot be properly unraveled without taking into account the func-
tioning and ontological role of the monastery in the transformation of Mount
Wutai into a sacred mountain. The book thus offers a methodological departure
from previous scholarship on Mount Wutai by shifting the focus of analysis from
the site to the sight of divinity and from mountains to the monastery, a shift that
enables us to investigate both the religious and the cultural inventions that made
Mount Wutai a sacred site. In using the monastery as an analytical lens, the dis-
cussion is not limited to the physical structure of architecture but includes icons,
murals, space, and ritual, as well as topography and vision, stressing not only the
monastery’s material properties and liturgical functions but also its visionary and
discursive potentials as understood in medieval Buddhism. To a great extent, Build-
ing a Sacred Mountain challenges the current scholarship in the history of traditional
Chinese architecture by introducing an intercontextual strategy or approach—
architecture is always a context itself and the content of a larger context—to
explore the multivalent significance of Buddhist architecture other than just its
building structure. The timber frame of a monastic structure can be distinguished
in terms of regional or period style and practice, but often not its particular reli-
gious or spiritual meaning, which, in a historical process, was layered onto the
structure by inscribing, naming, decorating, or spatializing it for particular mo-
nastic purposes. In examining the layers of meanings of monastic architecture at
Mount Wutai, this book provides an alternative perspective from which to study
and write the history of Chinese sacral architecture in medieval China.
18 Introduc tion