Steel Beam Analysis & Design (Bs5950) in Accordance With BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1
Steel Beam Analysis & Design (Bs5950) in Accordance With BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1
Steel Beam Analysis & Design (Bs5950) in Accordance With BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1
mm 900 4000 900
A 1 B 2 C 3 D
mm 900 4000 900
A 1 B 2 C 3 D
-31.000 -27.2
mm 900 4000 900
A 1 B 2 C 3 D
Support conditions
Support A Vertically restrained
Rotationally free
Support B Vertically restrained
Rotationally free
Support C Vertically restrained
Rotationally free
Support D Vertically restrained
Rotationally free
Applied loading
Beam loads Dead self weight of beam 0
Imposed full UDL 15.5 kN/m
Load combinations
Load combination 1 Support A Dead 1.00
Imposed 1.00
Project Job Ref.
Analysis results
Maximum moment; Mmax = 12.8 kNm; Mmin = -18.2 kNm
Maximum moment span 1; Ms1_max = 0 kNm; Ms1_min = -18.2 kNm
Maximum moment span 2; Ms2_max = 12.8 kNm; Ms2_min = -18.2 kNm
Maximum moment span 3; Ms3_max = 0 kNm; Ms3_min = -18.2 kNm
Maximum shear; Vmax = 31 kN; Vmin = -31 kN
Maximum shear span 1; Vs1_max = -13.2 kN; Vs1_min = -27.2 kN
Maximum shear span 2; Vs2_max = 31 kN; Vs2_min = -31 kN
Maximum shear span 3; Vs3_max = 27.2 kN; Vs3_min = 13.2 kN
Deflection; max = 4.6 mm; min = 0.2 mm
Deflection span 1; s1_max = 0 mm; s1_min = 0.2 mm
Deflection span 2; s2_max = 4.6 mm; s2_min = 0 mm
Deflection span 3; s3_max = 0 mm; s3_min = 0.2 mm
Maximum reaction at support A; RA_max = -13.2 kN; RA_min = -13.2 kN
Unfactored imposed load reaction at support A; RA_Imposed = -13.2 kN
Maximum reaction at support B; RB_max = 58.2 kN; RB_min = 58.2 kN
Unfactored imposed load reaction at support B; RB_Imposed = 58.2 kN
Maximum reaction at support C; RC_max = 58.2 kN; RC_min = 58.2 kN
Unfactored imposed load reaction at support C; RC_Imposed = 58.2 kN
Maximum reaction at support D; RD_max = -13.2 kN; RD_min = -13.2 kN
Unfactored imposed load reaction at support D; RD_Imposed = -13.2 kN
Section details
Section type; I 150x150x31.1 (Continental)
Steel grade; S275
From table 9: Design strength py
Thickness of element; max(T, t) = 10.0 mm
Design strength; py = 275 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity; E = 205000 N/mm2
Project Job Ref.
10 7
Lateral restraint
Span 1 has full lateral restraint
Span 2 has full lateral restraint
Span 3 has full lateral restraint