TG1-Side 20170829
TG1-Side 20170829
TG1-Side 20170829
P 8/28/2017
mm 1296 8077 1296
A 1 B 2 C 3 D
Applied loading
Beam loads
Self-weight Permanent self weight of beam 1
Plywood Permanent full UDL 0.900 kN/m
Vehicle Load L Variable partial UDL 8.700 kN/m from 0 mm to 3962 mm
Vehicle Load R Variable partial UDL 2.900 kN/m from 3962 mm to 6704 mm
Vehicle Load C Variable partial UDL 8.700 kN/m from 6704 mm to 10666 mm
R1 Permanent point load 4.000 kN at 4904 mm
R2 Permanent point load 4.000 kN at 6704 mm
R1 Variable point load 71.000 kN at 4904 mm
R2 Variable point load 71.000 kN at 6704 mm
Glulam Permanent partial UDL 11.400 kN/m from 3962 mm to 6704 mm
Load combinations
Load combination 1 Support A Permanent 1.35
Variable 1.50
Span 1 Permanent 1.35
Variable 1.50
Project Job Ref.
P 8/28/2017
P 8/28/2017
Shear - cl.6.1.7
Applied shear stress; d = 3 F / (2 kcr A) = 2.468 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress; fv.d = kmod ksys fv.g.k / M = 2.520 N/mm2
d / fv.d = 0.979
PASS - Design shear strength exceeds design shear stress
Deflection - cl.7.2
Deflection limit; lim = min(14 mm, 0.004 Ls3) = 5.184 mm
Instantaneous deflection due to permanent load; instG = -0.439 mm
Final deflection due to permanent load; finG = instG (1 + kdef) = -0.790 mm
Instantaneous deflection due to variable load; instQ = -1.612 mm
Factor for quasi-permanent variable action; 2 = 0.3
Project Job Ref.
P 8/28/2017