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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate how the parts of the human reproductive system work

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able Practice proper hygiene to care of the reproductive organs

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives 1.Give ways of taking care of Identifies health habits to keep the Take precautionary/safety Take precautionary/safety 1.Give ways of taking
Write for the LC code for each the reproductive system. reproductive organs healthy measures to keep the measures to keep the care of the reproductive
2.Take precautionary /safety reproductive organs healthy reproductive organs healthy system.
measures to keep the Care for the reproductive system, 2.Take
reproductive organs healthy. personal hygiene, cleanliness Personal hygiene, cleanliness Personal hygiene, cleanliness precautionary/safety
measures to keep the
reproductive organs
Lesson 13:Ways Of Taking The Human Reproductive System The Human Reproductive System The Human Reproductive Give Ways of Taking
Care of the Reproductive System Care of the
System Reproductive Organs
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages Curriculum Guide 5 Into the Future: Science and Health Science and Health V Science and Health V
The World of Science 5
5 pp.14-18
Into the Future
;Science and Health 5 pp.14-
Science for Daily Use
5 pp.19-20

4. Additional Materials from Learning

Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources flowchart, activitycard, manila An enlarged chart of health Manila paper, marking pens Manila paper, marking pens Sci-Games
paper and marking pen practices Illustration of a healthy
and a sick person
A. Review previous lesson or State the positive and Describe certain physical changes What are the different health Direction : Check the column What to do
presenting the new lesson negative effects of the in the body during puberty and habits to keep the reproductive that describes how much you 1. Pupils will be grouped
following situations: tell how these changes affect organs healthy?. take care of your reproductive into three.
a. Ana got pregnant when she the male and female body. Checking of Assignment organs. Be sure to write your 2. They will solve the
was just15 years old. score. puzzle about how to
b. Lydia got pregnant when Checking of Assignment take good care of the
she was 45. reproductive organs.
c. Carla got pregnant at the 3. They will list down
right age but at maximum risk ways of taking good care
due to her heart ailment. of the reproductive
4. The pupils will
prepare a simple and
short skit on how to take
good care of their own
reproductive organs.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Introduce the lesson by asking Show pictures of a healthy and sick What happens when you do not What happens when you do not Ways to Take Care of
which of the following do you person. Ask the pupils to describe change your underwear every change your underwear the Reproductive
think is the most advisable the characteristics of each person day? If you don't take a bath everyday? If you don't take a Organs
way to keep healthy? in the picture. Let them infer why regularly? bath regularly? Every boy and girl
the person becomes sick or healthy. should take good care of
a. eating a balance diet his/ her reproductive
b. exercising regularly organs.
c. taking weight –loss pill The main reproductive
d. undergoing medical surgery organs inside your body
(liposuction etc) are well protected .
e. having enough sleep However , the external
organs need care and
proper hygiene. Here
are some ways to do it.
1. Keep your genitals
clean at all time. Wash
them regularly with soap
and clean water,
especially after using the
2. Change your
underwear every day or
as often as necessary.
Make sure your
underwear is kept in a
clean place so they do
not get any dirt o germs
before you use them.
3. Daily baths and
showers are advisable to
keep your reproductive
organs and other parts
of the body clean and
4. Avoid using dirty
public washrooms.
5. Eat nutritious food
and get adequate rest
and sleep.
6. Consult your parents
and/ or pediatrician for
any irritation ,
discomfort , or infection
in your reproductive
C. Presenting examples/instances of 1. Divide the class into small a. Relate the importance of Form 3 groups. Each group will Guide Questions
the new lesson groups. healthy body. discuss the preventive measures 1. What are the ways to
2.Introduce lesson 13:Ways of b. Let the pupils that should be observed to keep the reproductive
Taking Care of the accomplish the chart of prevent further complication of system healthy?
Reproductive Organs health practices on page disease or order of any 2. Which of these health
3.Distribute the activity 14 of the textbook. reproductive organ. Then each habits do you practice?
sheet,manila paper and c. Discuss the pupils' group will write what they have
marking pen answers and point out discussed on a Manila paper.
4.Let the pupils do Lesson the health practices
13:LM Activity - “Ways of that fall under the
Taking Care of the category of personal
Reproductive Organs?” hygiene, diet and
d. Mention the proper
health practices that
must be observed in
order to prevent the
onset of a disease in
any pair of the
reproductive system.
e. Using a big chart let
the pupils classify the
health habits under
the categories of
personal hygiene, diet
and exercise.
Personal Diet Exercise
Take a Avoid salty Take a
bath foods brisk
regularly Lots of walk
everyday fruits and

D. Discussing new concepts and 1.Have the group Ask the pupils to make a chart of What diseases will you get if you What are the ways to keep the Guide Question:
practicing new skills #1 representative present the health habits to keep one's do not keep your reproductive reproductive system healthy? 1.Which of these do you
results of the activity.Two (2) reproductive system healthy. system healthy? not practice?
minutes may be given per Let them display their chart in the Which of these health habits do
group presentation room. Discuss the reason why you practice?
2.Discuss the activity.Check health habits in the chart is
the pupils responses to the important. Which of these do you not
activity questions. practice?
3.Clarify misconceptions when
E. Discussing new concepts and What will you do if you are found Are you taking good care of your 2.Are you taking good
practicing new skills #2 to have a reproductive organ reproductive organs? Why? care of your
disorder? reproductive organs?
F. Developing mastery

G. Finding practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations and 1.Have the pupils construct How can we keep our reproductive Each group will present what they Ways to Take Care of the Ways to Take Care of
abstractions about the lesson and express their own system healthy? have discussed. Reproductive Organs the Reproductive Organs
ideas/understanding .They Give other precautionary Every boy and girl should take Every boy and girl
should be able to measures to keep the good care of his/ her should take good care of
say/understand that: reproductive organs healthy. reproductive organs. his/ her reproductive
There are some ways on how The main reproductive organs organs.
to take care of our inside your body are well The main reproductive
reproductive organs healthy. protected . However , the organs inside your body
2.Ask the pupils to give ways external organs need care and are well protected .
on how to take care of their proper hygiene. Here are some However , the external
own reproductive organs. ways to do it. organs need care and
1. Keep your genitals clean at all proper hygiene. Here
time. Wash them regularly with are some ways to do it.
soap and clean water, especially 1. Keep your genitals
after using the toilet. clean at all time. Wash
2. Change your underwear every them regularly with soap
day or as often as necessary. and clean water,
Make sure your underwear is especially after using the
kept in a clean place so they do toilet.
not get any dirt o germs before 2. Change your
you use them. underwear every day or
3. Daily baths and showers are as often as necessary.
advisable to keep your Make sure your
reproductive organs and other underwear is kept in a
parts of the body clean and clean place so they do
healthy. not get any dirt o germs
4. Avoid using dirty public before you use them.
washrooms. 3. Daily baths and
5. Eat nutritious food and get showers are advisable to
adequate rest and sleep. keep your reproductive
6. Consult your parents and/ or organs and other parts
pediatrician for any irritation , of the body clean and
discomfort , or infection in your healthy.
reproductive organs. 4. Avoid using dirty
public washrooms.
5. Eat nutritious food
and get adequate rest
and sleep.
6. Consult your parents
and/ or pediatrician for
any irritation ,
discomfort , or infection
in your reproductive

I. Evaluating learning Write YES if the stated is a Multiple choice. Choose the Ask the pupils to list DIRECTION: Use the diagram
good health habit to keep the letter of the correct answer. precautionary/safety measures to below to answer this question.
reproductive organs healthy 1. Alice likes salty snacks. keep one's reproductive system
and NO if not. What should you advice her if healthy.
1.Borrow underwear from you were her friend?
your brother/sister a. Advise her to eat fruits
2.Keepunderware in a clean instead
box or cabinet. 3.Observe b. Advise her to consult a
use of public toilets. physician
4.Take medicines as advised c. Advise her to consult a
by a good friend. 5.Eat dietician
nutritious foods. d. Advise her to exercise
more often
2. You notice that your older
sister appears pale and
weak. She has excessive
menstrual flow. What
would you tell her to do
a. I'll tell her it's normal
b. I'll tell her to consult a
c. I'll tell her that maybe
she is pregnant
d. I'll tell her to eat more
3. Which of the following is
the proper way to prevent a
disease in the reproductive
a. Practice personal
hygiene at all times.
b. Consult a family
doctor every week.
c. Eat delicious and
expensive meals everyday.
d. Enroll in an aerobics class
to keep oneself trim and fit
J. Additional activities for application or Collect brochures related to List two diseases of the Ask the pupils to collect health Ask the pupils to collect health Ask the pupils to collect
remediation disorders of the reproductive reproductive organs and write ways brochures related to disorders of brochures related to disorders health brochures related
system.: on how to avoid them. the reproductive system. of the reproductive system. to disorders of the
reproductive system.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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