F-789sga (Exp) - en
F-789sga (Exp) - en
F-789sga (Exp) - en
Display ...............................................................................................................P.3
Getting Started
Power On, Off ...........................................................................................P.4
Display Contrast Adjustment .....................................................................P.4
Mode Selection .........................................................................................P.4
Application Function Menu (Apps Key) .....................................................P.5
Calculator Set-up Menu ............................................................................P.6
Before Using the Calculator ......................................................................P.8
Inputting Expressions and Values
Input Capacity ...........................................................................................P.9
Input Editing ..............................................................................................P.9
Inputting and Display Result in Mathematics Mode...................................P.10
Input Range and Error Messages .................................................................P.10
Order of Operations ................................................................................P.11
Calculation Stacks...................................................................................P.11
Error Messages and Error Locator ..........................................................P.11
Basic Calculations
Arithmetic Calculations............................................................................P.13
Memory Calculations...............................................................................P.13
Fraction Calculations...............................................................................P.14
Percentage Calculations .........................................................................P.15
Degree-Minutes-Seconds Calculations ...................................................P.15
Replay & Multi-statements ......................................................................P.15
Constant Value Calculations ...................................................................P.16
Metric Conversions .................................................................................P.16
Functional Scientific Calculations
Square, Root, Cube, Cube Root, Power, Power Root,
Reciprocal and Pi ....................................................................................P.17
Logarithm, Natural Logarithm, Antilogarithm and Logab.........................P.17
Angle Unit Conversion ............................................................................P.17
Trigonometry Calculations ......................................................................P.17
Permutation, Combination, Factorials and Random
Number Generation.................................................................................P.18
Produce (�) Calculation ..........................................................................P.18
Summation (∑) Calculation ....................................................................P.18
Maximum Value and Minimum Value Calculation ..................................P.18
Modulus After Division (Mod) Calculations ............................................P.19
Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Divisor..........................P.19
Prime Fractorization ................................................................................P.19
Quotient and Remainder Calculations ....................................................P.19
Coordinate Conversion ...........................................................................P.20
Absolute Value Calculation .....................................................................P.20
Engineering Notation...............................................................................P.20
Display Values Exchange ......................................................................P.20
Complex Number Calculations................................................................P.21
Base-n Calculations and Logical Calculations ........................................P.22
Statistical Calculations
Statistical Type Selection ........................................................................P.22
Statistical Data Input ...............................................................................P.23
Editing Statistical Sample Data ...............................................................P.23
Statistical Calculation Screen..................................................................P.24
Statistical Menu .......................................................................................P.24
Statistical Calculation Example ...............................................................P.26
Distribution Calculations..........................................................................P.26
Equation Calculations.....................................................................................P.27
Solve Function.................................................................................................P.28
CALC Function ................................................................................................P.29
Differential Calculations .................................................................................P.30
Integration Calculations .................................................................................P.30
Matrix Calculations .........................................................................................P.31
Vector Calculations .........................................................................................P.33
Function (x, y) Table Calculation ..................................................................P.34
Battery Replacement.......................................................................................P.35
Advice and Precautions .................................................................................P.36
Specifications .................................................................................................P.36
About Using the Manual
• This basic manual briefly introduce F-789SGA functions,
specification and usage precautions.
• To familiar with F-789SGA , you can read the Calculation
Examples for a series of examples, operation procedure’s; and the
calculation range of major functions.
<Status Indicators>
S : Shift key
A : Alpha key
M : Independent Memory
STO : Store Memory
RCL : Recall Memory
STAT : 1-Var & 2-Var Statistics Mode
CPLX : Complex Number Calculation Mode
MATX : Matrix Calculation Mode
VCTR : Vector Calculation Mode
EQN : Equation Calculation Mode
D : Degree Mode
R : Radian Mode
G : Gradient Mode
FIX : Fixed-decimal Setting
SCI : Scientific Notation
LINE : Line Display Mode
: Up Arrow
: Down Arrow
Disp : Multi-statements Display
Getting Started
Power On, Off
First time operation:
1. Remove the battery insulation tab to load the battery.
2. Press to initialize the
Mode Selection
Press to enter the Calculation Mode Selection
Operation Mode LCD
COMP Normal calculations
Press [ ]
or [ ] key
v) EQN Mode
Press [ ]
or [ ] key
Press [ ]
or [ ] key
Apps Apps
Press to exit the Apps menu.
Press [ ]
or [ ] key
For the STAT, EQN, MATX, VCTR mode, the Input & Display
format will switch to Line mode automatically.
To select the angle unit [3] Deg, [4] Rad or [5] Gra
[3] Deg: Angle unit in Degree
[4] Rad: Angle unit in Radian
[5] Gra: Angle unit in Gradient
Inputting Expressions and Values
Input Capacity
F-789SGA allows you to input a single calculation with up to 99
bytes. When input capacity is less than 10bytes, the input cursor
will change from “ ” to “ ” signaling that the memory is
running now.
Input Editing
New Input begins on the left of display. When the input data
is more than 15 characters (Line Mode) / 16 characters
(Maths mode), the line will scroll to the right consecutively.
You can scroll back to the left by using and to review
the input.
Omit the multiplication sign and final close parenthesis.
Deleting and Correcting an Expression
In Insert mode: Move the cursor to the right of the character or
function that needs to be deleted, then press .
In Overwrite mode: Move the cursor under the character or
function being deleted, then press .
Example: 1234567 + 889900
(1) Replace an entry (1234567 1234560) ...... EX #2
(2) Deletion (1234567 134567)....... EX #3
(3) Insertion (889900 2889900) ....... EX #4
Calculation Stacks
This calculator uses memory areas, called “stacks”, to
temporarily store numeric value (numbers) commands (+, –,
x…) and functions according to their precedence during
The numeric stack has 10 levels and command stack has
128 levels. A stack error [Stack ERROR] occurs whenever
you try to perform a calculation that exceeds the capacity of
Calculations are performed in sequence according to “Order
of Operations”. After the calculation is performed, the stored
stack values will be released.
Error Message Cause Action
Math ERROR • The intermediate or final • Check the input values and
result is outside the make sure they are all
allowable calculation range. within the allowable
• An attempt to perform a ranges, Pay special
calculation using a value attention to values in any
that exceeds the allowable using memory areas
input range.
• An attempt to perform an
illogical operation (division
by zero, etc.)
Stack ERROR • The capacity of the numeric • Simplify the calculation.
stack or operator stack is • Divide the calculation into
exceeded. two or more separate
Syntax ERROR • An attempt to perform an • Press or to display
illegal mathematical the cursor at the location
operation. of the error, make
appropriate corrections
Insufficient • The calculation result of • Narrow the table
MEM Function Table mode calculation range by
parameters caused more changing the start, end,
than 30 x-values to be and step values, and try
generated for a table again.
Dimension • The dimension (row • Press or to display
ERROR column) is over. the location of the cause of
(only in Matrix • An attempt to perform an an error and make
or Vector) illegal matrix/vector required corrections.
Can’t Solve • The calculator could not • Check for errors in the
ERROR obtain a solution. equation that you input.
(only in SOLVE • Input a value for the
function) solution variable that is
close to the expected
solution and try again.
Basic Calculations
Press to enter COMP mode.
During the busy calculation, the calculator shows the
message [PROCESSING] (without any calculation
result). Press key to interrupt the calculating
Arithmetic Calculations
• To calculate the negative values (exclude the negative
exponent) enclose then within the parentheses.
• This calculator supports 99 levels of parenthetical
expression. ...... EX #8
Memory Calculations
Memory Variables
• There are 19 memory variables (0 – 9, A – F, M, X and
Y), which store data, results, or dedicated values.
• Store values into memory by pressing + Memory
• Recall memory values by pressing + Memory
• Memory content can be cleared by pressing
+ Memory variable.
Independent Memory
• Independent memory uses the same memory area
as variable M. It is convenient for calculating cumulative
totals by pressing (add to memory) or (subtract
from memory).
• Memory contents are retained even when the calculator
is powered off.
• Clear independent memory (M) by pressing
Answer Memory
• The input values or the most recent calculation result will
be automatically stored into Answer memory whenever
you press , , , , . Answer
memory can hold up to 18 digits.
• Recall and use the latest stored Answer memory by
pressing .
• Answer memory is not updated when an error operation
has been performed.
• Answer memory contents can be maintained even after
pressing , changing the calculation mode, or turning
off the calculator. ...... EX #10
Fraction Calculations
The calculator supports Fraction calculation and the
conversions between Fraction, Decimal point, Mixed fraction
and Improper fraction.
• Specify the fraction calculation result display format by
selecting either mixed fraction ( ) or improper fraction
( ) in set-up menu.
• At the default setting, fractions are displayed as improper
fractions ( ).
• Mixed Fraction display results are only available after
selecting ( ) in the setup menu.
Percentage Calculations
EX #12
Degree-Minutes-Seconds Calculations
Use degrees (hours), minutes and seconds key to perform
a sexagesimal (base-60 notational system) calculation or
convert the sexagesimal value into decimal value.
Degree-Minutes-Seconds Decimal points...... EX #13
Multi-statements Function
• Use a colon to put two or more calculation expressions
• The first executed statement will have “Disp” indicator; and
the “Disp” icon will disappeared after the last statement is
executed. ...... EX #14
Constant Value Calculations
F-789SGA has total of 79 built-in constant values, you can enter
(or exit) the constant value selection menu by pressing ,
the following display will be shown:
Input 1 79 00
mp mn me mµ ao
Metric Conversions
The calculator has 172 conversion pairs which allows you to
convert a number to and from the specified metric units.
• Press enter the conversion menu.
• There are 8 category pages (distance, area, temperature,
capacity, weight, energy, pressure and speed) containing 36
metric symbols, you can press or to change the
category selection page.
• In a category page, you can shift the selection cursor left or
right by pressing or . ...... EX #17
• Go back to the calculation mode by pressing within the
category selection menu. After the base conversion unit,
, or keys will be invalid.
• If the converted result overflows, [ERROR] will be shown in the
lower display. Press to select the overflow value; the following
scenarios are valid:
Scenario A - Keep selecting the other conversion value by
pressing or .
Scenario B - Clear the screen and jump out of the selection
by pressing or .
Scenario C - Jump back to the previous calculation screen by
pressing .
Example: Convert 10 + (5 ft2 m2) = 10.4645152 ...... EX #18
Functional Scientific Calculations
Press to enter COMP mode.
= 3.1415926535897932324
e = 2.7182818284590452324
Trigonometry Calculations
Before using the trigonometric functions (except
hyperbolic calculations), select the appropriate angle unit
(Deg/Rad/Gra) by pressing .
Hyperbolic (sinh/ cosh/ tanh), Inverse Hyperbolic
(sinh-1/cosh-1/tanh-1) functions
Pressing enter sub-hyperbolic menu.
...... EX #23
Permutation, Combination, Factorials and Random
Number Generation
Factorial : ...... EX #24
Random Number Generation
: Generate a random number between 0.000 and
0.999. And the display result will be fraction format
in Maths mode status.
....... EX #26
....... EX #27
Maximum Value and Minimum Value Calculation
....... EX #28
Modulus After Division (Mod) Calculation
....... EX #29
Prime Factorization
• The factor a positive integer up to 10 digits into prime
factors up to the 3 digits.
Ptact Number : 0 < X < 99999 99999 (X is integer)
• The reminder part that cannot be factored will be
enclosed in parentheses on the display.
Example: 99999 99999 = 32 x 11 x 41 x 271 x (9091)
EX #31
• During any calculation operations, pressing or
or or key will exit the prime factorization
result display.
• Use the setup menu to change the angle unit setting
(Deg, Rad, Gra) or display digit setting (Fix, Sci, Norm).
• [Math ERROR] will be shown if decimal value, fraction,
negative value calculation result, or Pol, Rec, Q...R is
Coordinate Conversion
With polar coordinates, you can calculate and Display θ
within the range of –180º < θ ≤ 180º. (Same as Radian and
In Maths mode, press or to scroll the through
calculation result.
In Line mode, (x,y) or (r, θ) will be shown over 2 lines.
After conversion, the results will automatically be assigned to
memory variables X and Y. Press or to show the
0 3 Real axis
Statistical Calculations
Press to enter Statistical calculation mode; the
“STAT” indicator lights up.
Press (Type) to select the calculation type.
Statistical Type Selection
There are 8 types of Statistical Calculation, after entering the
Statistical Type Selection screen, press the number to select
the type of Statistic Calculation.
Statistical Calculation Screen
After inputting the STAT Data, press to enter the
Statistical Calculation screen.
Statistical Calculation screen is in Line mode for input
& output display
Use the Statistical Menu to calculate the Statistical
result. (S-SUM, S-VAR, S-PTS, Reg).
Statistical Menu
In the Statistical Data Input screen or Statistical
Calculation screen, press to display the Statistical
Menu screen.
[3] Edit To enter Edit sub-menu for editing STAT editor screen contents
Statistical Calculation Example
SD type Statistical calculation Example:
To calculate ∑x2, ∑x, n, x, x n, x n-1, minX, maxX of data: 75,
85, 90, 77, 79 in SD mode (Freq: OFF) ...... EX #45
Advertisement expenses: X 18 35 40 21 19
Effectiveness: y (%) 38 54 59 40 38
Distribution Calculations
After sample data is entered in either Statistic (SD) or Regression
(REG) mode, you can perform the normal distribution or
probability distribution calculation such as P(t), Q(t) and R(t) in
which t is the variate of the probabilistic experiment.
Random variable
Mean of sample
Standard deviation
1: P( 2: Q(
3: R( 4: t
P(t): Probability below a P(t)
given point x
1 t–u 2
1 – ( )
P(t)= e 2 dt ,
R ( t ) = 1 – P ( t ),
Equation Calculations
Press to enter the equation mode; press /
for next / previous pages.
Press [ ]
or [ ] key
Simultaneous Linear Equations
Simultaneous Linear Equations with Two Unknowns:
a1x + b1y = c1
a2x + b2y = c2
Simultaneous Linear Equations with Three Unknowns:
a1x + b1y + c1z = d1
a2x + b2y + c2z = d2
a3x + b3y + c3z = d3
Simultaneous Linear Equations with Four Unknowns:
a1w + b1x + c1y + d1z = e1
a2w + b2x + c2y + d2z = e2
a3w + b3x + c3y + d3z = e3
a4w + b4x + c4y + d4z = e4
Example: Solve the simultaneous equation with three
unknowns: 2x + 4y – 4z = 20
2x – 2y + 4z = 8
5x – 2y – 2z = 20 ...... EX #48
Solve Function
■ Solve functions use Newton’s Method to obtain the approximate
solution of equations.
Important precaution when using “Solve” function:
• The following functions , dx d
, ∑, ∏, Pol, Rec, Q…r, Rand, i-Rand or
multi-statement are not allowed to input into an equation for SOLVE
• Since SOLVE function uses Newton’s Method to obtain the solution,
even if there are multiple solutions, only one of them will be shown as
the solution.
• SOLVE function may not be able to obtain a solution because of preset
initial value of the solution variable. In case this happens, try to change
the initial value of the solution variable.
• SOLVE function may not be able to find the correct solution, even if the
solution(s) exists.
• If an equation contains input functions that include an open parenthesis,
do not omit the closing parenthesis.
• It will show “Variable ERROR” when the expression does not contain the
variable that you want to solve.
• Newton’s Method may have problems for solving the following types of
functions, for example y = ex, y = x1 , y = sin(x), y = √ x, etc.
• In case the equation takes long time for solving, the calculator will display
“PROCESSING” screen, you can cancel the processing of SOLVE
operation by pressing the key.
Example: To solve X= 3 B2C (when B=5; C=20) ...... EX #50
• The Precision of Solution shows the result when the obtained
solution is assigned to the solution variable. The precision of the
obtained solution is higher if this value is closer to zero.
Continue Screen
• SOLVE performs convergence a preset number of times. If it
cannot find a solution, it displays a confirmation screen that shows
“Continue: [=]”, asking if you want to continue. Press to continue
or to cancel the SOLVE operation.
CALC Function
CALC function is a memory zone with a maximum of 79 steps to
store a single calculation expression which can be recalled and
calculated a number of times with different values.
Differential Calculations
Differential Calculations can be used in the COMP mode only.
To perform a differential calculation, you have to input the
expression in the form of:
f(x) a ∆x
• f(x) : Function of X. (All non-X variables are treated as constants.)
• a : Differential point.
• ∆x : Tolerance (calculation precision); for Line mode only
Your calculator performs differential calculations by aprroximating
the derivative based on centered difference approximation.
! You can leave out the ∆x in the differential expression and the
calculator will automatically substitute a value for ∆x.
! The smaller the entered value ∆x is, the longer the calculation time
will be with more accurate results, the larger the entered value ∆x
is, the shorter the calculation time will be with comparatively less
accurate results.
! Inaccurate results and errors can be caused by the following :
• Discontinuous points in x values
• Extreme changes in x value
• Inclusion of the local maximum point and local minimum point in x values.
• Inclusion of the inflection point in x values
• Inclusion of undifferentiable points in x values
• Differential calculation results approaching zero
! When performing differential calculations with trigonometric functions,
select radian (Rad) as the angle unit setting.
! Logab, i~Rand(, Rec( , Pol(, ∫(, d/dx(, ∑(, ∏(, Max( and Min( functions
cannot join in differential calculations.
! You can cancel the processing of differential calculation by pressing
the key.
Integration Calculations
Integration Calculations can be used in the COMP mode only.
To perform an integration calculation you are required to input the
following elements:
f(x) a b n
Example: Perform the integration calculation for, with n = 4.
...... EX #53
! You can leave out the n in the Integration expression and the
calculator will automatically substitute a value for n.
! The smaller the entered value n is, the longer the calculation time will be
with more accurate results, the larger the entered value n is, the shorter
the calculation time will be with comparatively less accurate results.
! When performing integration calculations with trigonometric functions,
select radian (Rad) as the angle unit setting.
! Logab, i~Rand(, Rec( , Pol(, ∫(, d/dx(, ∑(, ∏(, Max( and Min( functions
cannot join in integration calculations.
! A “Time Out” error occurs when an integration calculation ends without
the ending condition being fulfilled.
! You can cancel the processing of integration calculation by pressing
the key.
Matrix Calculations
Press to enter Matrix mode.
Before starting matrix calculations, you have to create one matrix
or a maximum of four matrices named A, B, C and D at one time.
The matrix dimension can be up to 4x4.
The matrix calculation results are stored into the MatAns memory
automatically. You can use the matrix MatAns memory for any
subsequent matrix calculations.
Creating a Matrix
Press to enter Matrix mode.
Press to use the MATX application; press / for
next / previous pages.
Press [ ]
or [ ] key
Transpose a Matrix
9 5
9 6 8
Example: Transpose Matrix B = 6 2 <Result: >
5 2 4
EX #57 8 4
Identity of Matrix
1 0
Example: Identity Matrix D
0 1 ...... EX #58
Adjoint of Matrix
2 3 5 -3
Example: Adjoint Matrix A < Result: >
4 5 -4 2
EX #59
Invert a Matrix
8 2
Example: Inverting Matrix C =
3 6
0.142857142 -0.047619047
<Result: >
-0.071428571 0.19047619 ...... EX #60
Determine the Absolute value of a Matrix
Example: To determine the absolute value of the inverted Matrix C in
the previous example. ...... EX #61
Vector Calculations
Press to enter Vector mode.
Before starting vector calculations, you have to create one or
more vectors named A, B, C and D (maximum four vectors at one
The vector calculation results are stored into VctAns memory
automatically. You can use the vector VctAns memory for any
subsequent vector calculations.
Creating a Vector
Press to enter Vector mode.
Press to use the Vector tool;
[1] Dim Specify the Vector Name A to D, and specify the
dimension (2D or 3D)
[2] Data Specify the Vector A-D for editing and corresponding
matrix element
[3] VctA to VctD Select Vector A to D
[4] VctAns Calculation Answer of Vector stored into VctAns
[5] Dot Input the “▪” command for obtaining the dot product
of a vector Outside VCTR MODE Apps
Battery Replacement
Replace the battery immediately when the display characters are dim
even with a darker LCD display contrast OR when the following message
appears on the screen. Turn the calculator off and replace the lithium
battery immediately. !
Low Battery
Advice and Precautions
• This calculator contains precision components such as LSI
chips and should not be used in places subject to rapid
variations in temperature, excessive humidity, dirt or dust, or
exposed to direct sunlight.
• The liquid crystal display panel is made of glass and should not
be subjected to excessive pressure.
• When cleaning the device, do not use a damp cloth or volatile
liquid such as paint thinner. Instead, use only a soft, dry cloth.
• Do not under any circumstances dismantle this device. If you
believe that the calculator is not functioning properly, either bring
or mail the device together with the guarantee to a service
representative of the Canon Business office.
• Never dispose the calculator improperly such as burning; it can
create risks of personal injury or harm. You are suggested to
dispose this product according to your national law.
• Do replace the battery once every two years even if it is not
used frequently.
Battery Caution!
• Keep the battery out of the reach of children. If the battery is
swallowed, contact a doctor immediately.
• Misuse of the battery may cause leakage, explosion, damages,
or personal injury.
• Do not recharge or disassemble the battery, it could cause a
short circuit.
• Never expose the battery to high temperatures, direct heat, or
dispose by incineration.
• Never leave a dead battery in the calculator as the dead
battery may leak and cause damage to the calculator.
• Continued use of the calculator in the low battery condition may
result in improper operation or the stored memory may be
corrupted or lost completely. Keep the written records of
important data all the time; and replace the battery as soon as
Power Supply : Solar Cell and Lithium battery (CR2032 x 1)
Power Consumption : DC 3.0V / 0.3mW
Battery Life : Approximately 4 years
(Base on 1 hour operation per day)
Auto power off : Approx. 7 minutes
Usable Temperature : 0° ~ 40°C
Size: 171 (L) × 86 (W) × 17.3 (H) mm (with cover)
168 (L) × 80 (W) × 13.15 (H) mm (without cover)
Weight: 120 g (with cover) / 88 g (without cover)