Renderoc La80
Renderoc La80
Renderoc La80
The fluid nature of Renderoc LA80 obviates the need for Renderoc LA80 is designed for large volume repairs
compaction and vibration even where access to the repair typically in excess of 50 mm deep. The product can be
zone is restricted or where reinforcement is congested. The applied in sections generally up to 100 mm thick although
product is ideal for the reinstatement of large, structural greater thicknesses may be achievable dependent on the
sections of concrete as well as for many smaller locations configuration of the repair location and the volume of
where difficulties of access make hand or trowel-applied exposed reinforcing steel. Consult the local Fosroc office
mortars impractical. for further information.
Advantages Properties
high quality construction products. In addition, Fosroc offers 28 days @ 12.5 N/mm2
a technical support service to specifiers, end-users and
contractors, as well as on-site technical assistance in
locations all over the world.
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Renderoc LA80
Specification clauses Reinforcing steel priming
Steel reinforcement primer Apply one full coat of Nitoprime Zincrich and allow to dry
before continuing. If any doubt exists about having
The steel reinforcement primer shall be Nitoprime Zincrich, a achieved an unbroken coating, a second application should
single component zinc-rich epoxy resin. The primer shall be be made and, again, allowed to dry before continuing.
an ‘active’ type, capable of avoiding the generation of
incipient anodes in the immediately adjacent locations. It Substrate priming
shall be fully compatible with the Renderoc system of
concrete repair. Several hours prior to placing, the prepared concrete
substrates should be saturated by filling the prepared
Fluid micro-concrete repair system formwork with clean water. Immediately prior to the
application of Renderoc LA80, any excess water should be
The fluid repair system (micro-concrete) shall be Renderoc removed.
LA80, a single component, low-alkali cement-based blend of
powders to which only the site-addition of clean water shall In exceptional circumstances, e.g. where a substrate/repair
be permitted. The micro-concrete shall exhibit a 3 day barrier is required, Nitobond EP bonding aid should be
compressive strength not less than 45 N/mm 2 and a 28 used. Contact the local Fosroc office for further information.
2 o
days compressive strength of 80 N/mm (at 25 C).
Application instructions Care should be taken to ensure that Renderoc LA80 is
thoroughly mixed. A forced-action mixer is essential.
Preparation Mixing in a suitably sized drum using an approved spiral
paddle in a slow speed (400/500 rpm) heavy-duty drill is
The unrestrained surface area of the repair must be kept to a acceptable. Free-fall mixers must not be used. Mixing of
minimum. The formwork should be rigid and tight to prevent part bags should never be attempted.
loss of material and have properly sealed faces to ensure
that no water is absorbed from the repair material. The It is essential that machine mixing capacity and labour
formwork should include drainage outlets for presoaking and, availability is adequate to enable the placing operation to be
if beneath a soffit, provision for air venting. Provision must carried out continuously. Measure 3.5 litres of drinking
also be made for suitable access points to pour or pump the quality water and pour three-quarters into the mixer. With
mixed micro-concrete into place. the machine in operation, add one full 25 kg bag of
Renderoc LA80 and mix for one minute before adding the
Saw cut or cutback the extremities of the repair locations to a rest of the water. Mix for a further 2 to 3 minutes until a
depth of at least 10 mm to avoid feather edging and to smooth even consistency is obtained. Note that powder
provide a square edge. Break out the complete repair area must always be added to water. The quantities mixed may
to a minimum depth of 50 mm up to the sawn edge. be scaled up as required.
Clean the surface and remove any dust, unsound or When the drill and paddle mixing method is used, the
contaminated material, plaster, oil, paint, grease, corrosion complete 3.5 litres of water should be placed in the mixing
deposits or algae. Where breaking out is not required, drum. With the paddle rotating, add one full 25 kg bag of
roughen the surface and remove any laitance by light Renderoc LA80 and mix for 2 to 3 minutes or until a smooth
scabbling or grit blasting. even consistency is obtained.
Oil and grease deposits should be removed by steam It is recommended that the mixed product be passed
cleaning, detergent scrubbing or the use of a proprietary through a suitable coarse metal screen prior to placing or
degreaser. The effectiveness of decontamination should pumping to highlight any unmixed material.
then be assessed by a pull-off test.
Expose fully any corroded steel in the repair area and
remove all loose scale and corrosion deposits. Steel should The mixed material should be placed within 30 minutes of
be cleaned to a bright condition paying particular attention to mixing in order to gain the full benefit of fluidity and of the
the back of exposed steel bars. Grit blasting is expansion process. If placing by pump, standard concrete
recommended for this process. pumping practice should be followed. The pump and
pipeline must be ‘grouted’ with a rich cement slurry or
Where corrosion has occurred due to the presence of mortar, discharging the ‘grout’ as waste. Pumping should
chlorides, the steel should be high-pressure washed with be commenced immediately after ‘grouting’ in this way.
clean water immediately after grit blasting to remove
corrosion products from pits and imperfections within its
Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it. Khamis Mushayt Tel: (17) 250 0469 Fax: (17) 250 0469 CSD Tel: (12) 608 0999 Fax: (12) 638 0693
Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 414, Street No. 407
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