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Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology Vol. 5 (02), pp.

017-022, March-April, 2017

Available online at http://www.jabonline.in
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2017.50203

Medicinal and Functional Values of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Herb

Eqbal M. A. Dauqan1*, Aminah Abdullah1,2

School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi Selangor,
Malaysia. 2Universiti Islam Malaysia, Blok I, Bangunan MKN Embassy Techzone, Jalan Teknokrat 2, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.


Article history: Thymus vulgaris L. (T. vulgaris) a significant aromatic plant with around 100 species in the world is widely used
Received on: 03/09/2016 for medicinal purposes as well as in culinary dishes. The genus Thymus are important medicinal plants, highly
Accepted on: 06/12/2016 recommended due to a variety of therapeutic properties of their essential oils, normally known as Thyme oil.
Available online: 20/03/2017 Thymus species are considered as medicinal plants due to their pharmacological and biological properties. Its
properties are due to its main components, thymol and carvacrol. Fresh Thyme has the highest level of
Key words: antioxidants among all herbs. Thymus vulgaris L. is widely used in folk medicine in the treatments of variety of
Thymus vulgaris L., diseases such as gastroenteric and bronchopulmonary disorders. The essential oil of thyme and the compound
thymol, carvacrol, thymol have antimicrobial activity in vitro against E. coli strains. The essential oil of thyme has been found to
antioxidants, antimicrobial. possess the strongest antimicrobial properties. Thus the highlight of this paper was to review the medicinal and
functional values of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) herb.

1. INTRODUCTION The herb is also a rich source of many important vitamins such as
B-complex, folic acid, beta carotene, vitamin A, K, E and C.
Nowadays, there are increasing consumer demands for Thyme provides 0.35 mg of vitamin B-6 or pyridoxine;
foods which contain ingredients that may impart health benefits furnishing about 27% of daily recommended intake. Pyridoxine
beyond basic nutrition, including herbal. They represent not only a keeps up gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (beneficial
suitable medium for the dissolution of functional components, but neurotransmitter in the brain) levels in the brain, which has stress
also a convenient method of consumption [1]. Thyme essential oil buster function [4].
constitutes raw material in perfumery and cosmetics due to a Vitamin C helps body develop resistance against
special and characteristic aroma [2]. The potential source of infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free
natural antioxidants is plants, fruits and vegetables [3]. Thyme radicals. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and antioxidant that is
contains many flavonoids, phenolic antioxidants like zeaxanthin, required maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is
lutein, pigenin, naringenin, luteolin and thymonin. Fresh Thyme also essential for vision. Consumption of natural foods rich in
herb has one of the highest antioxidant levels among herbs. It is flavonoids like vitamin A and beta-carotene helps protect from
packed with minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum lung and oral cavity cancers [4, 6].
health. Its leaves are one of the richest sources of potassium, iron, Thyme is herbaceous plant of the platoon species, grows
calcium, manganese, magnesium and selenium [4]. Thymol are the in mountainous areas, used as a beverage instead of or with tea,
main phenolic components that are primarily responsible for its added to some food to give it an acceptable flavour, the plant is
antioxidative activity [5]. The herb Thymus vulgare Linn, used in folk medicine frequently where it is prescribed to treat
Labiatae is pungent in taste and contains moisture, protein, fat, mouth infections, stomach, intestine and airways, coughing and
crude fibre, Ca, K, Na, Fe, P, vitamin A, B and vitamin C. The gastroenteritis and expel intestinal worms, as well as to
main constituent of the oil extracted from Thyme is thymol [4, 6].
strengthen the heart [3]. Extracts from Thyme have been used in
traditional medicine for the treatment of several respiratory
diseases like asthma and bronchitis and for the treatment of other
* Corresponding Author
Eqbal M. A. Dauqan, School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology pathologies thanks to several properties such as antiseptic,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, antispasmodic, antitussive antimicrobial, antifungal,
43600 Bangi Selangor, Malaysia. E-mail: edouqan @ gmail.com antioxidative, and antiviral [7].

© 2017 Eqbal M. A. Dauqan and Aminah Abdullah. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License -
NonCommercial-ShareAlike Unported License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/).
018 Dauqan and Abdullah / Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology 5 (02); 2017: 017-022

The medicinal variety is known as common Thyme or Kingdom: Plantae

garden Thyme, the same variety that is most often used for Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
seasoning. Medicinal preparations of common Thyme are made Superdivision: Spermatophyta
from the leaves and the flowers [8]. Thyme essential oil also has Division: Magnoliophyta
medicinal applications. Thyme is combined with other herbs to Class: Magnoliopsida
treat ailments that range from bronchitis and sore throat to gastritis Subclass: Asteridae
and skin disorders. Drinking Thyme tea on a regular basis even Order: Lamiales
helps with arthritis. In the Middle ages Thyme was used as a food Family: Lamiaceae
preservative and an incense [9]. Thus the aim of the present article Genus: Thymus L.
was to review medicinal and functional values of Thyme (Thymus Species: Thymus vulgaris L.
vulgaris L.) herb.
Thyme is the general name for the many herb varieties of
Thyme is a tiny perennial shrub, with a semi evergreen the Thymus species, all of which are native to Europe and Asia.
ground cover that seldom grows quite to (40 cm) with horizontal Common or garden Thyme is considered the principal type, and is
and upright habits [10]. Figure 1. Shows the Thymus vulgaris L. utilized commercially for flowering and ornamental purposes [13].
[11]. The stems become woody with age. Thyme leaves are very Thyme is native to the Western Mediterranean region, extending to
little, usually 2.5 to 5 mm long and vary significantly in form and south-eastern Italy.
hair covering, depending on the variety, with every species having The name Thyme, in its Greek form, was first given to
a rather completely different scent. T. vulgaris leaves are oval to the plant by the Greeks as a derivative of a word which meant ‘to
rectangular in form and some what fleshy aerial components are fumigate,’ either because they used it as incense, for its balsamic
used for volatile oil production, principally by steam distillation. odour, or because it was taken as a type of all sweet-smelling
The contemporary and dried herb market uses it for cooking [12]. herbs. Others derive the name from the Greek words thyo,
meaning perfume or Thymus, signifying courage, the plant being
held in ancient and medieval days to be a great source of
invigoration, its pleasant qualities inspiring courage. Another
source quotes its use by the Sumerians as long ago as 3, 500 BC
and to the ancient Egyptians who called it tham [14].


Oils are very complex natural mixtures which can
contain about 30 –60 components at quite different concentrations.
Generally, these major components determine the biological
properties of the essential oils [15]. Table 1 shows the chemical
composition of the essential oil of T. Vulgaris.

Fig. 1: Thymus vulgaris L [11]. Table 1: Chemical compostopn of thyme essentioal oil.
Component Formula Relative concentration (%)
3-Hxenol C6H12O 0.10
Thyme grows well in a temperate to heat, dry, sunny α-Tujene C10H16 1.52
α-Pinene C10H16 1.31
climate, and wherever the plants don’t seem to be shaded. The Camphene C10H16 0.75
dried product should be processed to get rid of the leaves from the Sabinene C10H16 0.84
3-Otenol C8H16O 0.36
stems, and so sieved to get rid of dirt and to provide a consistent 3-Otanone C8H16O 0.20
product [12]. Many strategies exist from sun to classy driers. The β-Myrcene C10H1 6 0.67
employment of sun-drying strategies leads to poor quality of the 3-Otanol C8H18O 0.21
α-Pellandrene C10H16 0.10
volatile oil. Artificial drying strategies permit higher management δ-3-Carene C10H16 0.11
of product quality. Thyme should to be dried at temperatures not α-Terpinene C10H16 2.36
more than 40°C to cut back loss of flavor through volatilisation of ρ-Cymene C10H14 7.61
Sylvestrene C10H16 0.34
volatile oil, and to keep up a decent inexperienced color [12] . 1,8-Cineol C10H18O 0.57
cis-Oimene C10H16 0.22
β-Oimene C10H16 0.20
2.1 Classification γ-Terpinene C10H16 9.50
(Directorate Agricultural Information Services 2009). cis-Sabinene C10H8O 0.10
Dauqan and Abdullah / Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology 5 (02); 2017: 017-022 019

3-Nonenol C9H20O 0.12 anti-nociceptive as well as analgesic activity.

3-Nonene C9H18 0.22
α-Terpinolene C10H16 3.27 Anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-
Linalool C10H18O 0.93 Apigenin progression, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and
Terpineol C10H18O 1.37 anti-oxidant properties
Carene C10H16 0.35 Neuro-protective, anticancer, anti-bacterial and
E-Citral C10H16O 0.54 anti-anaphylactic activities
3,4-Octadienal C8H14O 0.23 Astringent, anti-allergic, anti-mutagen, anti-
Rosmarinic acid
Verbenol C10H16O 0.12 oxidative and anti-inflammatory.
endo-Borneol C10H18O 0.10 Source: [18].
4-Terpineol C10H18O 1.44
α-Terpineol C10H18O 1.63
Dihydrocarvone C10H16O 0.10 5.THYME NUTRITIONAL VALUE
Decanal C10H20O 0.12
9- ρ-Menthenol C10H16O 0.23 The amazing Thyme benefits can be attributed to its rich
2,6-Octadienal C8H12O 0.14 nutritional value. The nutrients in Thyme have disease-preventing
Anisole C7H18O 0.23
and health-promoting properties [19]. This aromatic herb is loaded
Geraniol C10H18O 0.10
Citral C10H16O 0.24 with phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins which are vital for
Thymol C10H14O 54.26 good health [19]. The in-depth nutritional profile of this herb is
Carvacrol C10H14O 4.42
Octadienoic acid C18H12O 0.10
explained in the Table 3.
Geranic acid C10H16O2 0.30
Source: [15] Table 3. The in-depth nutritional profile of T. Vulgaris
Thyme herb (Thymus vulgaris), Fresh leaves, Nutritive value per 100 g.
Essential oil: there are at least 6 chemotypes of Thymus ORAC value 27426, (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
vulgaris with different compositions of the essential oil; only the
Niacin 1.824 mg 11%
‘thymol’-type with thymol as predominant compound complies Pantothenic acid 0.409 mg 8%
with the definition in the European Pharmacopoeia. The dried Pyridoxine 0.348 mg 27%
Riboflavin 0.471 mg 36%
herbal substance contains up to 2.5% essential oil; the main Thiamin 0.48 mg 4%
components are thymol, carvacrol, p-cymene, γ-terpinene, linalool, Vitamin-A 4751 IU 158%
β-myrcene, terpinen-4-ol. Some compounds occur partly as Vitamin-C 160.1 mg 266%
Electrolytes - -
glycosides [16]. The chemical structure of more important Sodium 9 mg 0.5%
compounds. Thymol, carvacrol and p-cymene are presented in Potassium 609 mg 13%
Figure 2 [17]. Minerals - -
Calcium 405 mg 40.5%
Iron 17.45 mg 218%
Magnesium 160 mg 40%
Manganese 1.719 mg 75%
Manganese 106 mg 15%
Zinc 1.81 mg 16.5%
Phyto-nutrients -
Carotene-ß 2851 µg —
Source: [19]

Fig. 2: The chemical structure Thymol

Carvacrol of Thymol, carvacrol and p-cymen
P-Cymen 5.1 Vitamins
Prasanth et al. (2014) reported that the essential oil from Thyme is also a good source of vitamins. It is particularly
T. vulgaris showed a high content of oxygenated monoterpenes rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Vitamin A is an antioxidant,
(56.53%) and low contents of monoterpene hydrocarbons vital for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin as well as
(28.69%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (5.04%) and oxygenated good vision [19]. Vitamin C provides resistance against infectious
sesquiterpenes (1.84%). The predominant compound among the diseases and fights harmful pro-inflammatory free radicals.
essential oil components was thymol (51.34%) while the amount Among the B-complex vitamins, it is a good source of Vitamin B6
of all other components of the oil was less than 19% [12]. Table 2 or pyridoxine with a 100 gram serving providing about 0.35 mg or
shows the list of selected chemical constituents in Thymus vulgaris 27% of the daily recommended intake of this vitamin [20]. This
[18]. vitamin assists in maintaining GABA levels in the brain and acts
as a stress buster. Other vitamins found in this herb include
Table 2. List of selected chemical constituents in Thymus vulgaris Vitamin K, Vitamin E and folic acid [19].
Chemical constituent Biological activities
Antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and 5.2 Minerals
antioxidant properties.
Antimicrobial, antithrombotic, anti-
Thyme is packed with minerals that are vital for
Carvacrol inflammatory, acetyl cholinesterase inhibitory optimum health. Its leaves are excellent sources of potassium,
properties. calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium and selenium. Potassium,
Linalool Antiviral effect, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
being an important component of cells and body fluids, controls
020 Dauqan and Abdullah / Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology 5 (02); 2017: 017-022

heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is a co-factor for the the form of tea, ointment, tincture, syrup or by steam inhalation
antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Iron is involved in red [18]. It is also used to prevent hardening of the arteries, treatment
blood cell formation [4, 19]. of toothache, urinary tract infection and dyspepsia [18, 28]. It also
expels fungus from stomach and intestine and it has the ability to
5.3 Volatile Oils increase appetite because of its important component thymol,
Thymol is one of the most important essential oils found which has the ability to kill bacteria and parasites. Different
in Thyme and known for its antiseptic and antifungal properties. It studies were carried out in the last decades to reveal reported
also contains other volatile oils such as carvacolo, geraneol and pharmacological activities of Thymus vulgaris both of plant
borneol [19, 21]. extracts and essential oil. In mice analgesic and antipyretic
properties were reported for Thyme extracts. Thyme has changed
5.3 Antioxidants from a traditional herb to a serious drug rational phytotherapy. It is
Thyme is a rich source of flavonoid phenolic an incredible source of iron, calcium, manganese, vitamin K and
antioxidants such as zea-xanthin, pigenin, lutein, luteolin and likewise upgrades blood flow and pushes an invigorating impact
thymonin [22]. Fresh Thyme boasts of a total ORAC (Oxygen for the entire system [18, 29] .
Radical Absorbance Capacity) of 27426-µmol TE/100 grams [19]. This herb invigorated activity on anxious framework
made it as a cure for physical and mental weakness and
6. ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES additionally for diminishing insomnia. The remedial potential of
Thymus vulgaris is due to the presence of flavonoids, thymol,
An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of
carvacrol, eugenol and phenols. Its controls numerous valuable
different molecules. Oxidation is a chemical process that transfers
effects, such as, antispasmodic, bactericides, antiseptics,
electrons or hydrogen from a substance to an oxidizing agent.
antioxidants, anthelmintic properties and has lately been
Oxidation reactions will produce free radicals [23, 24]. In turn,
recommended as substitute for cancer prevention agent [18, 30].
these radicals will begin chain reactions. Once the chain reaction
Among different Thymus species, T. vulgaris is cultivated in many
happens in a cell, it will cause damage or death to the cell.
countries by most people especially in rural areas who depend on
Antioxidants stop these chain reactions by removing free radical
herbal medicines to treat many diseases including inflammation-
intermediates, and inhibit different oxidation reactions [24, 25].
related ailments such as rheumatism, muscle swelling, insect bites
The leafy parts of Thyme and its oil are utilized in foods for the
and pains [10, 31].
flavor, aroma and preservation and additionally in folk medicines
T. vulgaris is used more in pharmaceutical dosage forms
[10, 12]. El-Nekeety et al. (2011) conducted an experiment to
because it contains more essential oil than other species with high
work out the elements of Thymus vulgaris L. oil and to evaluate
amount of thymol which exhibits considerable antitussive and
the protecting effects of this oil against aflatoxininduce oxidative
expectorant effects [10, 32]. Considering the fact that Thymus
stress in rats. The results indicated that the oil contains c arvarcrol
vulgaris is more expensive, some herbal industries tend to use
(45 mg/g), Thymol (24.7 mg/g), β-Phellandrene (9.7 mg/g),
other species of Thymus with different components [10].
essential oil (4.1 mg/g), Humuline (3.1 mg/g), α-Phellandrene (2.3
mg/g) and Myrcene (2.1 mg/g) [26]. However, α and β-pinene,
Myrcene, α-thyjone, Tricyclene, 1, 8-cineole, and β-sabinene were
found in very lower concentrations. Treatment with aflatoxins The main component of the essential oil of Thyme,
alone disturbs lipid profile in blood serum, decreases total thymol, is active against Salmonella and Staphylococcus bacteria.
antioxidant capability, increase creatinine, uric acid and nitric The antiseptic and tonic properties of Thyme make it a useful tonic
oxide in blood serum and lipid peroxidation in liver and excretory for the immune system in chronic, especially fungal, infections as
organ attended with a sever histological changes within the liver well as an effective remedy for chest infections such as bronchitis,
tissues [26]. The oil alone at the two tested doses didn’t induce any whooping cough, and pleurisy [33]. Thyme and Thyme oil have
important changes within the biochemical parameters or the been used as fumigants, antiseptics, disinfectants, and mouth
histological image. The combined treatment showed important washes. The pleasant-tasting infusion can be taken for minor throat
enhancements of tested parameters and histological footage within and chest infections, and the fresh leaves may be chewed to relieve
the liver tissues. Moreover, this improvement was more sore throats. Thyme is prescribed with other herbs for asthma,
pronounced within the cluster that received the high dose of the oil hayfever, and is often used to treat worms in children [14].
[27]. Thyme has been thought to be antiseptic, antimicrobial,
astringent, anithelmintic, carminative,disinfectant, medicinal drug
7. PHARMACEUTICAL IMPORTANCE OF THYME and tonic [12]. Thyme is incredibly useful in cases of assorted
VULGARUS intestinal infections and infestations, like hookworms,ascarids,
Thyme has long history of being used in traditional gram-positive and gram negative bacteria, fungi and yeasts such as
medicine for treatment of various diseases for instance to treat Candida albicans. Its active constituent, thymol, is active against
respiratory diseases (whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma), in enterobacteria and coccid bacteria. Thyme may also improve liver
Dauqan and Abdullah / Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology 5 (02); 2017: 017-022 021

function and act as an appetite stimulant. It will be used in different amounts, expressed as a mean inhibition zone for each of
treatment of cartilaginous tube, bronchial and urinary infections the nine repeated measurements [37] .
[10, 34].
Thyme is helpful in treatment of laryngitis and
inflammation. The main component of the volatile oil of Thyme,
thymol,is active against enterobacteria [10]. It is used for skin
issues like oily skin, sciatica, acne, dermatitis and bug bites. A
corrected product, ‘white Thyme oil’ is also used and it’s milder
on the skin. Applied to the skin, thyme relieves bites and stings
and relieves neuralgia and rheumatic aches and pains [12, 35].

8.1 Anti Bacterial Activity of T. vulgaris L

Prasanth et al. (2014) and Saleh et al. (2015) reported
that the essential oils obtained from Thymus vulgaris L. harvested
at 4 biological process stages were evaluated for their biological
activity and chemical components. The Thyme volatile oils were
Fig. 3: The antimicrobial activity of Thyme oil, at different amounts, expressed
analysed for their inhibition effects against 9 strains of gram- as a mean inhibition zone for each of the nine repeated measurements [37].
negative bacteria and 6 strains of gram-positive bacteria [10, 12].
The bioimpedance methodology was chosen for finding
out the antibacterial activity of the essential oils and also the
parameter chosen for outlining and quantifying the antibacterial Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris L.) is an important medicinal
activity of the Thyme oils was the detection time [12]. The plate plant which belongs to the Lamiaceae family; it has been used for
counting technique was used to study the inhibitory effect by centuries as spice, home remedy, drug, perfume and insecticide.
direct exposure. All the Thyme essential oils examined had a Thyme has antihyperglycemic and antilipidemic effect, and kidney
significant bacteriostatic activity against the microorganisms functions improvement, which may be helpful in the treatment of
tested. This activity was more pronounced against the gram- diabetes and other diabetic related complications. Thymus
positive bacteria [36] . Vulgaris essential oil is one of the most commonly used essential
The oil from Thyme fully flower was the foremost oils in the food industry and in cosmetics as preservatives and
effective at stopping the growth of the microorganism species antioxidants .
examined [36]. The oils tested were conjointly shown to possess
smart antibacterial activity by direct contact, that gave the 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
impression to be a lot of marked against the gram-negative This work was supported by STGL-004-2007 (UKM),
microorganism. Some species were capable of recovering a Universiti Islam Malaysia (UIM) and The Institute of International
minimum of 50% of their metabolic function once contact with the Education Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF), USA for research
inhibitor, whereas most of the strains were shown to have been fellow.
inactivated almost completely [10, 12].
Conflict of Interests: There are no conflicts of interest.
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