Ffi'Ffiittiji/1T3 : of To
Ffi'Ffiittiji/1T3 : of To
Ffi'Ffiittiji/1T3 : of To
- B-12UA6/201 7-SNP
Government of India
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
(SNP Division)
Sub: Release of Grants-ln-Aid for the year 2016-2018 to Government of Chhattisgarh for
implementation of State Engagement Component under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Yojana (2016-20) by Chhattisgarh State Skill Development Authority (CSSDA) - reg.
I am directed to convey the sanction of the President of India for the payment of granlin-aid
amounting to Rs. 13,19,76,000 (Rupees Thirteen Crore Nineteen Lakh Seventy Six Thousand
only) to the State Government of Chhattisgarh towards implementation of the State
Engagement Component of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (2016-20) by Chhattisgarh
State Skill Development Authority (CSSDA) for the year 2016-2018. The Funds for year 2016-
1B and the corresponding physicaltargets have been approved in -principle by MSDE as placed at
2. The release of funds from MSDE is given in the below mentioned table:
Out of (A) in table above, 50% amount of the 1't tranche for the Year 2016-1 B i.e. Rs. 13,19,76,000
(Rupees Thirteen Crore Nineteen Lakh Seventy Six Thousand only) is being released under
this order.
Maior Head-3601
3601 .04.251,01 .01 .31 -Grants-in-aid-General 9,97,73,856
360 1 . 04. 789. 64. 0 1 . 3 1 -Grantsin-aid-General (Sched
uled Cast) 2,13,80,112
360 1 .04. 796. 55.0 1 .3 1 -Grants-in-aid-General (Tribal Area) 1,08,22,032
(vii) Subsequent fund release is subject to the
Table 4: 'Terms of Fund Disbursement to
States' mentioned in revised Para 18 (C) of the State Engagement
4' The amount of grant-in-aid is finally adjustable in the books
of principal Accounts officer,
Ministry of skill Developmgnt & Entrepreneurship, shivaji
stadium Annexe Building, shaheed
1f9g"t singh Marg, New Delhi - 110001. on receipt oitanction tetter, the principat Accounts
officer may issue an advice to the Reserve. Bank of inoia
affording credit to the balance of the State Government.Gntralprincip"i section), Nagpur for
forurard a copy of the advice to the Accountant General
The_ n".ornts officer may
and Financ.j o"p"rtr"nt of the State
Government along with
9 copy to the .undersigned
Entrepreneurship. State Government
in the Ministry of skill Development &
shall send iegaroing receipt of Grant-in-aid to
Principal Accounts officer, f\4inistry of skill Developr"ni
& Entrepreneurship, shivaji stadium
Annexe Building, shaheed Bhagat Singrr Marg, New Derhi-
5' The accounts of the grantee institulions will be open to audit
by the comptroller and Auditor
General of India and the inteinal Audit of the Principar nicounts
office of th; MiilW.
6' This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division
(MSDE) vide their Dy. No.
96 dated 22.03.2017.
yours faithfuily,
<-;r*, ,er.4*
(Sanjeev Kumar)
Deputy Director, MSDE
Phone no. 01 1-23450860
E_Mait: sanjeev. kum"rrrrLl._,jl..,.:,
Total trainees to be
Training funds
required @ avg.
cost 1"4,1OO per 21,52,50,600 64,43.O1.200
expense @ 4% ol 3,s1,52,OOO 2,73,72,A4A
total funds
I P; g;
q'-sff. ,m,
Category-2 State specific job roles not in SSC list.
Category-3 Job Roles related to traditional Arts and
Category-4 Job Roles with sisnificant demand in the state
Institutional mechanism
at state level ( for
12. implementation of A 5 member team has been proposed by CSSDA for
implementation of the CSSM component under PMKVY.
CSSM component -
c. The PAC has approved the following conditions for disbursement of funds along with the
correspond ing physical targets:
i. The State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs) will start training expeditiously after
receiving the financial sanction orders.
ii. MSDE will issue further sanction orders to the SSDMs against the targets approved by
Ministry subject to following:
o State will have to submit utilization certificate subject to spending 80% of the total
funds sanctioned for 2016-18; and
r Achievement of 50% of physical targets for the year 2016-18.
iii. SSDMs should ensure strict adherence to the annual financial targets sanctioned to them
and in no case exceed 150o/o of targets allocated to them during the financial year and
total cumulative under the project, whichever is lower.
iv. The project has to strictly comply with guidelines for State Engagement under PMKVY
(2016-20) read together with PMKVY guidelines (2016-20), guidelines with respect to
branding and communication and any other pMl(/y scheme guidelines.
v. /
Any deviation non-compliance of instructions/guidelines shall affect the further
distribution of funds. All provisions of the schemes including amendments (issued from
time to time) by MSDE have to be complied with.
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