Rexroth Indradrive Additional Components and Accessories: Project Planning Manual
Rexroth Indradrive Additional Components and Accessories: Project Planning Manual
Rexroth Indradrive Additional Components and Accessories: Project Planning Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Documentation........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 General Information............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Changes.............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.3 Reference Documentations................................................................................................................. 2
Drive Systems, System Components............................................................................................... 2
Motors............................................................................................................................................... 2
Cables.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Firmware........................................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Contents
6 Transformers................................................................................................................ 33
6.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................. 33
6.2 Autotransformers for Drive Controllers................................................................................................. 34
6.2.1 Types................................................................................................................................................. 34
6.2.2 Selection............................................................................................................................................ 35
6.2.3 Technical Data................................................................................................................................... 36
7 Mains Filter.................................................................................................................. 37
7.1 Mains Filters NFD / NFE....................................................................................................................... 37
7.1.1 Type Code NFE / NFD...................................................................................................................... 37
NFE01.1 - Mains Filter, Single-Phase............................................................................................ 37
NFE02.1 - Mains Filter, Single-Phase............................................................................................ 38
NFD03.1 - Mains Filter, 3-Phase.................................................................................................... 39
7.1.2 Mechanical Data NFE / NFD............................................................................................................. 40
NFE01.1......................................................................................................................................... 40
NFE02.1......................................................................................................................................... 40
NFD03.1......................................................................................................................................... 41
7.1.3 Electrical Data NFE / NFD................................................................................................................. 42
7.2 HNF01.1 - Mains Filter, 3-Phase.......................................................................................................... 44
7.2.1 Type Code HNF01.1.......................................................................................................................... 44
7.2.2 Mechanical Data HNF01.1................................................................................................................ 45
Dimensions..................................................................................................................................... 45
Drilling Pattern................................................................................................................................ 47
7.2.3 Electrical Data HNF01.1.................................................................................................................... 48
Data HNF01.1A-xxxx-Rxxxx-A-480-NNNN for Infeeding Supply Systems..................................... 48
Data HNF01.1A-xxxx-Rxxxx-A-480-NNNN for Regenerative Supply Systems.............................. 49
7.3 HNK01.1 - Mains Filter, With Mains Choke.......................................................................................... 51
7.3.1 Type Code HNK01.1......................................................................................................................... 51
7.3.2 Type Plate HNK01.1.......................................................................................................................... 51
7.3.3 Mechanical Data HNK01.1................................................................................................................ 53
Dimensions..................................................................................................................................... 53
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Table of Contents
7.3.4 Electrical Data HNK01.1.................................................................................................................... 57
7.3.5 Arrangement of the Components Drive Controller HCS03 and Mains Filter HNK01......................... 58
7.4 HNS02.1 - Mains Filter, With Switch-Disconnector.............................................................................. 62
7.4.1 Identification...................................................................................................................................... 62
Type Code...................................................................................................................................... 62
7.4.2 Mechanical Data HNS02.1................................................................................................................ 63
Dimensions..................................................................................................................................... 63
7.4.3 Electrical Data HNS02.1.................................................................................................................... 64
7.4.4 Connection Points............................................................................................................................. 64
Table of Contents
9.4.2 Dimensions HLL01............................................................................................................................ 87
9.4.3 Circuit Diagram HLL01...................................................................................................................... 87
9.5 Technical Data...................................................................................................................................... 88
Table of Contents
X1, Module Bus............................................................................................................................ 116
X31 at HLB01, Ready for Operation and Prewarning Contact..................................................... 117
X32 at HLB01, DC Bus Short Circuit Control, Clear Errors, Braking Resistor Threshold............. 118
X2, Serial Interface (RS232)......................................................................................................... 119
X2, RS232 Interface..................................................................................................................... 121
11.4.3 Touch Guard at Devices.................................................................................................................. 121
Cutouts......................................................................................................................................... 121
Mounting....................................................................................................................................... 123
11.5 Commissioning, Operation, Diagnoses.............................................................................................. 123
Table of Contents
13.4.1 Dimensions, Mass........................................................................................................................... 155
13.5 Arrangement of the Components HCS03.1 / Motor Filter HMF.......................................................... 159
13.6 Arrangement of the Components HCS03.1 / Motor Filter and Mains Filter........................................ 161
16 Accessories................................................................................................................ 179
16.1 HAS01, Basic Accessories................................................................................................................. 179
16.1.1 Type Code....................................................................................................................................... 179
16.1.2 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 179
16.1.3 Usage.............................................................................................................................................. 180
16.1.4 Assignment...................................................................................................................................... 180
16.1.5 Scope of Supply.............................................................................................................................. 182
16.1.6 Mounting the Parts "Bar" and "End Piece" of the Accessories HAS01............................................ 207
16.2 HAS02, Shield Connection................................................................................................................. 207
16.2.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 207
16.2.2 Type Code....................................................................................................................................... 208
16.2.3 Usage.............................................................................................................................................. 208
16.2.4 Assignment of Accessory HAS02.................................................................................................... 208
16.2.5 Scope of Supply.............................................................................................................................. 209
16.2.6 Mounting the HAS02 Accessories................................................................................................... 224
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General Information...................................................................................................................... 224
HAS02.1-001 at HMS01.1N-W0054............................................................................................. 225
HAS02.1-002 at HCS02.1E-W0054............................................................................................. 226
HAS02.1-003 at HMS01.1N-W0210............................................................................................. 227
HAS02.1-004 at HCS03.1E-W0070............................................................................................. 228
HAS02.1-005 at HCS03.1E-W0100 / 150.................................................................................... 229
HAS02.1-008 at HCS03.1E-W0210............................................................................................. 230
HAS02.1-010 at HMS02.1N‑W0028 / 54...................................................................................... 230
HAS02.1-014 at HMS01.1N-W0350............................................................................................. 231
16.2.7 Shield Connection of the Motor Cable via Mains Filter ................................................................... 231
General Information...................................................................................................................... 231
HAS02.1-006 With Motor Cable and Mains Filter......................................................................... 232
HAS02.1-007 With Power Supply Cable and Mains Filter............................................................ 233
HAS02.1-009 With Power Supply Cable and Mains Filter............................................................ 234
16.3 HAS03, Control Cabinet Adapter........................................................................................................ 235
16.3.1 Type Code....................................................................................................................................... 235
16.3.2 Usage.............................................................................................................................................. 235
16.3.3 Assignment of Accessory HAS03.................................................................................................... 236
16.3.4 Scope of Supply.............................................................................................................................. 236
16.4 HAS04, Capacitor............................................................................................................................... 239
16.4.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 239
16.4.2 Type Code....................................................................................................................................... 239
16.4.3 Usage.............................................................................................................................................. 239
16.4.4 Assignment...................................................................................................................................... 240
16.4.5 Scope of Supply.............................................................................................................................. 240
16.4.6 Capacitor......................................................................................................................................... 243
16.4.7 Mounting Dimensions...................................................................................................................... 243
16.4.8 Mounting the HAS04.1-001 Accessories......................................................................................... 244
16.4.9 Mounting the HAS04.1-002 Accessories......................................................................................... 245
16.5 HAS05, Accessories for Connection Points........................................................................................ 247
16.5.1 Overview of Types........................................................................................................................... 247
16.5.2 Type Code....................................................................................................................................... 248
16.5.3 HAS05.1-001, Adapter for Mains and Motor Connection................................................................ 249
Brief Description and Usage......................................................................................................... 249
Technical Data.............................................................................................................................. 250
16.5.4 HAS05.1-002, Extension................................................................................................................. 251
Brief Description and Usage......................................................................................................... 251
16.5.5 HAS05.1-003, Signal Level Converter Encoder Emulation............................................................. 252
Usage........................................................................................................................................... 252
Scope of Supply........................................................................................................................... 252
Dimensions................................................................................................................................... 252
Parts............................................................................................................................................. 253
16.5.6 HAS05.1-004, Adapter DC Bus Connection.................................................................................... 255
Brief Description and Usage......................................................................................................... 255
Technical Data.............................................................................................................................. 259
How to Mount HAS05.1-004......................................................................................................... 260
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16.5.7 HAS05.1-005, Signal Level Converter RS232/RS485..................................................................... 264
Usage........................................................................................................................................... 264
Scope of Supply........................................................................................................................... 264
Technical Data.............................................................................................................................. 265
Installation.................................................................................................................................... 267
16.5.8 HAS05.1-006, Adapter for Controlling Motor Holding Brake........................................................... 269
Usage........................................................................................................................................... 269
Technical Data.............................................................................................................................. 270
Usage........................................................................................................................................... 272
Mounting....................................................................................................................................... 273
16.5.9 HAS05.1-007, Adapter From D-Sub to Terminal Connector........................................................... 274
Usage........................................................................................................................................... 274
Technical Data.............................................................................................................................. 276
16.5.10 HAS05.1-008, Adapter for Connecting two Cables......................................................................... 281
Usage........................................................................................................................................... 281
Mounting....................................................................................................................................... 283
16.6 Fiber Optic Cable Connections........................................................................................................... 284
16.6.1 Overview of Types........................................................................................................................... 284
16.6.2 Interconnection of Drive Controllers................................................................................................ 285
General Information...................................................................................................................... 285
Combination of HCS02 and HCS02............................................................................................. 285
Combination of HCS02 to the Right of HMS or HMD................................................................... 286
Combination of HCS02 to the Left of HMS or HMD..................................................................... 286
Combination of HCS03 to the Right of HMS or HMD................................................................... 287
Combination of HCS03 to the Left of HMS or HMD..................................................................... 287
16.7 RKB0001, Extension for Module Bus Connections............................................................................ 288
16.7.1 Usage.............................................................................................................................................. 288
16.7.2 Mounting.......................................................................................................................................... 289
Table of Contents
19 Appendix.................................................................................................................... 295
19.1 Discharging of Capacitors................................................................................................................... 295
19.1.1 Discharging of DC Bus Capacitors.................................................................................................. 295
19.1.2 Discharging Device.......................................................................................................................... 295
Operating Principle....................................................................................................................... 295
Dimensioning................................................................................................................................ 296
How to Proceed for Discharging................................................................................................... 296
Index.......................................................................................................................... 297
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Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 1/300
and Controls
1 Introduction
1.1 Documentation
1.1.1 General Information
This Documentation This documentation describes the following additional components and acces‐
sories for Rexroth IndraDrive systems:
● Transformers (DST)
● Mains filters (HNF, HNK, HNS, NFE, NFD)
● Mains chokes (HNL)
● DC bus chokes (HLL)
● DC bus capacitor units (HLC)
● DC bus resistor units (HLB)
● Braking resistors (HLR)
● Motor filters (HMF)
● Housing for control sections (HAC)
● Control module for holding brake (HAT)
● Accessories (HAS)
1.1.2 Changes
Changes in Comparison to Previ‐ Chapter Changes
ous Edition
Introduction Reference documentations updated
DC Bus Choke DC bus choke HLL included
Motor Filter Motor filter for HCS02 included:
● HMF01.1A-N0K2-M0012-A-500-NNNN
● HMF01.1A-N0K2-M0028-A-500-NNNN
Type code updated
Mains Filter Data updated
HNS02.1 (mains filter, with switch-disconnector): Descrip‐
tion of connection points updated
DC Bus Resistor Unit HLB01.1D, interface X32: Pin assignment updated
Accessories New chapter
Fig.1-1: Changes
Before using Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for an ap‐
propriate use of the products are satisfied:
● Personnel that in any way, shape or form uses our products must first read
and understand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with ap‐
propriate use.
● If the products take the form of hardware, then they must remain in their
original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted. It is not
permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes.
● Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation.
● Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described
in the relevant documentation.
The drive controllers may only used with the accessories and parts
specified in this documentation. If a component has not been spe‐
cifically named, then it may neither be mounted nor connected. The
same applies to cables and lines.
Operation is only permitted in the specified configurations and com‐
binations of components using the software and firmware as speci‐
fied in the relevant Functional Descriptions.
● Follow all safety regulations and requirements for the specific application
as practiced in the country of use.
● The devices have been designed for installation in industrial machinery.
● The ambient conditions given in the product documentation must be ob‐
● Only use safety-relevant applications that are clearly and explicitly ap‐
proved in the Project Planning Manual. If this is not the case, they are
excluded. Safety-relevant are all such applications which can cause dan‐
ger to persons and material damage.
● The information given in the documentation of the product with regard to
the use of the delivered components contains only examples of applica‐
tions and suggestions.
The machine and installation manufacturer must
– make sure that the delivered components are suited for his individual
application and check the information given in this documentation
with regard to the use of the components,
– make sure that his application complies with the applicable safety
regulations and standards and carry out the required measures,
modifications and complements.
● Commissioning of the delivered components is only permitted once it is
sure that the machine or installation in which they are installed complies
with the national regulations, safety specifications and standards of the
● Operation is only permitted if the national EMC regulations for the appli‐
cation are met.
● The instructions for installation in accordance with EMC requirements can
be found in the section on EMC in the respective documentation (Project
Planning Manuals of components and system).
The machine or installation manufacturer is responsible for compliance
with the limiting values as prescribed in the national regulations.
● Technical data, connection and installation conditions are specified in the
product documentation and must be followed at all times.
National regulations which the user must take into account
● European countries: according to European EN standards
● United States of America (USA):
– National Electrical Code (NEC)
– National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), as well as
local engineering regulations
– regulations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
● Canada: Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
● Other countries:
– International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
– International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and
hearing aids in proximity to electrical equipment!
Observe the safety instructions!
Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 Volts can cause personal
danger and electric shock. When operating electrical equipment, it is unavoid‐
able that some parts of the devices conduct dangerous voltage.
High electrical voltage! Danger to life, electric shock and severe bodily
● Only those trained and qualified to work with or on electrical equipment
DANGER are permitted to operate, maintain and repair this equipment.
● Follow general construction and safety regulations when working on pow‐
er installations.
● Before switching on the device, the equipment grounding conductor must
have been non-detachably connected to all electrical equipment in ac‐
cordance with the connection diagram.
● Do not operate electrical equipment at any time, even for brief measure‐
ments or tests, if the equipment grounding conductor is not permanently
connected to the mounting points of the components provided for this
● Before working with electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than
50 V, the device must be disconnected from the mains voltage or power
supply unit. Provide a safeguard to prevent reconnection.
● With electrical drive and filter components, observe the following:
Wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow capacitors to discharge
before beginning to work. Measure the electric voltage on the capacitors
before beginning to work to make sure that the equipment is safe to touch.
● Never touch the electrical connection points of a component while power
is turned on. Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component
has been powered.
● Install the covers and guards provided with the equipment properly before
switching the device on. Before switching the equipment on, cover and
safeguard live parts safely to prevent contact with those parts.
● A residual-current-operated circuit-breaker or r.c.d. cannot be used for
electric drives! Indirect contact must be prevented by other means, for
example, by an overcurrent protective device according to the relevant
● Secure built-in devices from direct touching of electrical parts by providing
an external housing, for example a control cabinet.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 11/300
and Controls
For electrical drive and filter components with voltages of more than
50 volts, observe the following additional safety instructions.
High housing voltage and high leakage current! Risk of death or bodily
injury by electric shock!
● Before switching on, the housings of all electrical equipment and motors
DANGER must be connected or grounded with the equipment grounding conductor
to the grounding points. This is also applicable before short tests.
● The equipment grounding conductor of the electrical equipment and the
devices must be non-detachably and permanently connected to the power
supply unit at all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA.
● Over the total length, use copper wire of a cross section of a minimum of
10 mm2 for this equipment grounding connection!
● Before commissioning, also in trial runs, always attach the equipment
grounding conductor or connect to the ground wire. Otherwise, high vol‐
tages may occur at the housing causing electric shock.
The monitoring in the drive components will normally be sufficient to avoid faulty
operation in the connected drives. Regarding personal safety, especially the
danger of bodily harm and material damage, this alone cannot be relied upon
to ensure complete safety. Until the integrated monitoring functions become
effective, it must be assumed in any case that faulty drive movements will occur.
The extent of faulty drive movements depends upon the type of control and the
state of operation.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 13/300
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Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and
hearing aids in proximity to electrical equipment!
● Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not permitted to
WARNING enter following areas:
– Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are mounted, being
operated or commissioned.
– Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are being
stored, repaired or mounted.
● If it is necessary for somebody with a pacemaker to enter such an area,
a doctor must be consulted prior to doing so. The noise immunity of pres‐
ent or future implanted heart pacemakers differs greatly so that no general
rules can be given.
● Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids,
must consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above. Oth‐
erwise health hazards may occur.
Type Usage
Type Usage
Type Usage
Type Usage
Type Usage
Type Usage
Type Usage
Type Usage
Description Standard
Fig.5-2: CE label
C-UL-US Listing The components are labeled:
Description Standard
Listing according to UL
UL 508 C
standard (UL)
Listing according to CSA Canadian National Standard C22.2 No. 14-05
UL files (UL) Company Name:
Category Name:
Power Conversion Equipment
UL ratings
For using the component in the scope of CSA / UL, take the UL
ratings of the individual components into account.
Wiring material UL
In the scope of CSA / UL, use copper 60/75 °C only; class 1 or
equivalent only.
UL file number
The components are listed by UL ("Underwriters Laboratories
Inc.®"). You can find the evidence of certification on the internet
under under "Certifications" by entering the file
number or the "Company Name: Rexroth".
File numbers of the IndraDrive components:
● E134201
● E227957
The control sections are part of the listed components.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 23/300
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CCC (China Compulsory Certifica‐ The CCC test symbol comprises a compulsory certification of safety and quality
tion) for certain products mentioned in the product catalog "First Catalogue of Prod‐
ucts Subject to Compulsory Certification" and in the CNCA document "Appli‐
cation Scope for Compulsory Certification of Products acc. first Catalogue" and
put in circulation in China. This compulsory certification has been existing since
CNCA is the Chinese authority responsible for certification directives. When a
product is imported in China, the certification will be checked at the customs by
means of entries in a database. For the requirement of certification three criteria
are normally relevant:
1. Customs tariff number (HS code) according to CNCA document "Appli‐
cation Scope for Compulsory Certification of Products acc. first Cata‐
2. Scope of application according to CNCA document "Application Scope for
Compulsory Certification of Products acc. first Catalogue".
3. For the IEC product standard used, the corresponding Chinese GB stand‐
ard must exist.
For the Rexroth drive components described in this documentation, certification
is not required at present, thus they are not CCC certified. Negative certifica‐
tions will not be issued.
Relative humidity % 5 … 95
Absolute humidity g/m3 1 … 60
Climatic category (IEC721) 2K3
Moisture condensation Not allowed
Icing Not allowed
Relative humidity % 5 … 95
Absolute humidity g/m3 1 … 29
Climatic category (IEC721) 1K3
Moisture condensation Not allowed
Icing Not allowed
Distributed servo drives KSM are designed for use near to the machines and
are not installed in control cabinets.
Ambient and operating conditions
Relative humidity % 5 … 95
Absolute humidity g/m3 1 … 29
Climatic category (IEC721) 3K4
Allowed pollution degree (EN50178) 2 3 (only with connectors
plugged in)
Allowed dust, steam EN50178 tab. A.2 According to degree of
Vibration sine: amplitude (peak-peak) at 10 … 57 mm 0,15 ±15 % -
Vibration sine: acceleration at 57 … 150 Hz5) g 1 ±15 % -
Definition of Mounting Positions for As a matter of principle, only the mounting position G1 is allowed for drive con‐
Drive Controllers trollers.
a Mounting surface
g Direction of gravitational force
G1 Normal mounting position. The natural convection supports the forced
cooling air current. This avoids the generation of pockets of heat in the
G2 180° to normal mounting position
G3 Turned by 90° from vertical to horizontal mounting position
G4 Bottom mounting; mounting surface on bottom of control cabinet
G5 Top mounting; mounting surface at top of control cabinet
Fig.5-8: Definition of mounting positions
Definition of Mounting Positions Distributed servo drives KSM can be supplied in type of construction B05. The
KSM allowed types of installation according to EN 60034-7:1993 are contained in the
following table.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 27/300
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Flange mounting on
drive side of flange
Flange mounting on
IM V1 drive side of flange, drive
B05 side bottom
Flange mounting on
IM V3 drive side of flange, drive
side top
Capacity Utilization vs. Ambient As the ambient temperature increases, the capacity utilization of the devices is
Temperature reduced according to the figure below.
The data in the table below generally apply to the 24V supply of the devices of
the Rexroth IndraDrive range. For other data, such as power consumption and
inrush currents, see the technical data of the respective device.
The specified values apply at the connections (+24V, 0V) to the "24V supply"
of the devices!
Control voltage for drive systems without UN3 V 19,2 … 28,8 (24 ±20%)
operation of motor holding brakes in Re‐ When using supply units HMV01.1E, HMV01.1R,
xroth motors HMV02.1R, HLB01.1D:
22,8 … 27,3 (24 ‑5%, 26 +5%)
Control voltage for drive systems with op‐ UN3 V Depending on the motor cable length, the control volt‐
eration of motor holding brakes in Rexroth age must be within the following voltage ranges:
motors ● Motor cable length < 50 m: 22,8 … 25,2 (24 ±5%)
● Motor cable length > 50 m: 24,7 … 27,3 (26 ±5%)
Take the data of the corresponding motor holding brake
into account.
External control voltage at devices of de‐ UN3 V 26 … 28,8
sign "NNNV" The output voltage of the internal switching power sup‐
(see type code HCS02, HCS03; other de‐ ply unit is 24 ±10% (see control voltage block diagram
sign: "int. SMPS").
DC 24 V power supply from the DC bus and
Max. ripple content w - The amplitudes of the alternating component on UN3
must be within the specified voltage range.
Maximum allowed overvoltage UN3max V 33 (max. 1 ms)
Overvoltage greater than 33 V has to be discharged by means of
the appropriate electrical equipment of the machine or installation.
This includes:
● 24V power supply units that reduce incoming overvoltage to
the allowed value.
● Overvoltage limiters at the control cabinet input that limit ex‐
isting overvoltage to the allowed value. This, too, applies to
long 24V lines that have been run in parallel to power cables
and mains cables and can absorb overvoltage by inductive or
capacitive coupling.
Control Voltage Block Diagram The control voltage, which is supplied via the connection for 24V supply, takes
HCS, HMS, HMD effect according to the following block diagram.
6 Transformers
6.1 General Information
Transformers are only needed if the mains voltage is outside of the allowed
nominal voltage of the drive controller.
Grounded Mains For grounded mains, the mains voltage is adjusted to the nominal voltage of
the device by means of autotransformers which have been dimensioned for a
specific output voltage range.
Ungrounded Mains For voltage adjustment of ungrounded mains, always connect isolating trans‐
formers to prevent overvoltages between outer conductor and ground.
34/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
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6.2.2 Selection
Select the autotransformer according to the mains voltage and the power re‐
quirements of the installation. For the selection, proceed as follows:
1. By means of the required nominal mains voltage range from the diagram
"Classification of the three-phase current autotransformers in type
groups", determine the type group and read the transformation ratio "i".
2. Calculate the actual transformer output voltage by means of the given
nominal mains voltage and the transformation ratio "i".
3. Check the drive data. The output voltage of the transformer has an effect
on the drive data.
4. Select the three-phase current autotransformer for the determined mains
connected load SLN.
Determining the mains connected load: See Project Planning Manual
"Rexroth IndraDrive, Drive System" → "Calculations" → "Calculations for
the Mains Connection" → "Calculating the Mains-Side Phase Current"
The nominal power of the transformer must at least equal the mains con‐
nected load SLN.
For DST transformers, the nominal power is identical to the throughput
Fig.6-3: DST autotransformers for drive controllers for mains voltage adjustment
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 37/300
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Mains Filter
7 Mains Filter
7.1 Mains Filters NFD / NFE
7.1.1 Type Code NFE / NFD
NFE01.1 - Mains Filter, Single-Phase
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Maximum mains con‐ Nominal Number Mains filter type Terminal connectors (3) Power Weig Type of
nection voltage of mains of pha‐ dissipa‐ ht construc‐
mains 50 … 60 Hz current ses tion ap‐ tion
UN Inenn (1) prox.
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Fig.7-11: Dimensions
46/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
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Mains Filter
Fig.7-12: Dimensions
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and Controls
Mains Filter
Drilling Pattern
50 466 25 7 13 6,5
125 466 12,5 7 13 6,5
HNF01.1A-F240-E0202-A‑480‑NNNN 125 466 12,5 7 13 6,5
150 466 50 7 13 6,5
HNF01.1A-F240-R0026-A‑480‑NNNN 50 466 25 7 13 6,5
HNF01.1A-M900-R0026-A‑480‑NNNN 100 466 25 7 13 6,5
100 466 25 7 13 6,5
125 466 12,5 7 13 6,5
Mains Filter
Maximum allowed peak current3) IL_max A 77,00 188,00 303,00 77,00 188,00 303,00
Mains Filter
1) 2) Mains voltage > ULN: Use a transformer with grounded neutral point,
don´t use autotransformers!
3) With R-types: t = 0,3 s; T = 1,42 s; K = 2,5; with E-types: t = 0,3 s;
T = 0,67 s; K = 2,5
4) HMV, HCS: Plus dissipation of braking resistor, control section
5) Copper wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 70 °C); installation
method B2; table B52-4; Ta ≤ 40 °C
6) Copper wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 90 °C); table
13.5.1; Ta ≤ 40 °C
Fig.7-15: HNF - Technical data - Currents, voltages, power
Data HNF01.1A-xxxx-Rxxxx-A-480-NNNN for Regenerative Supply Systems
Using mains filters in mains grounded via outer conductor
When using mains filters HNF01 in mains grounded via outer con‐
ductor, use an isolating transformer between mains and mains filter.
Mains Filter
Nominal current IL_cont A 26,00 65,00 94,00 180,00 26,00 65,00 94,00
Maximum allowed peak current3) IL_max A 65,00 163,00 235,00 270,00 65,00 163,00 235,00
1) 2) Mains voltage > ULN: Use a transformer with grounded neutral point,
don´t use autotransformers!
3) With R-types: t = 0,3 s; T = 1,42 s; K = 2,5; with E-types: t = 0,3 s;
T = 0,67 s; K = 2,5
4) HMV, HCS: Plus dissipation of braking resistor, control section
5) Copper wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 70 °C); installation
method B2; table B52-4; Ta ≤ 40 °C
6) Copper wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 90 °C); table
13.5.1; Ta ≤ 40 °C
Fig.7-16: HNF - Technical data - Currents, voltages, power
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 51/300
and Controls
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
1 Type designation
2 Part number
3 Serial number
4 Production date
Fig.7-18: Example of type plate HNK01.1
Position of type plate:
1) Type plate
Fig.7-19: Type plate arrangement
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 53/300
and Controls
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Mains Filter
Data in mm
A) Minimum mounting clearance
B) Rear view!
Fig.7-32: Dimensions HNS02.1
64/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Mains Filter
Power dissipation W 75
Phase current (continuous current) A 23
Phase current (peak current 1)) A 55
Maximum leakage current at filter input (mains side) with
A 0,57
12 drive controllers and 200 m motor cable
Leakage current at filter output (load side) with 12 drive con‐
A 0,7
trollers and 200 m motor cable
Fig.7-33: Data
Reduction of allowed operating data due to harmonics com‐ See Project Planning Manual "Rexroth In‐
ponent draDrive, Drive System"
Connecting voltage V 3 × AC 380 … 480 ±10%, 50/60 Hz ±2%
Sum of leakage currents at filter input with supply unit switched
off: A < 0,8
1 phase failed A < 2,0
2 phases failed
Insulation resistance (phase – ground)
kOhm > 730
(discharging resistances of Y-capacitors)
Degree of protection - IP20
Weight kg 14,9
Materials - Free of asbestos and silicone
1) Duration: 300 ms
Duty cycle for infeeding devices: 0.67 s
Duty cycle for regenerative devices: 1.42 s
Basic load: 60% continuous current
Fig.7-34: Data
Mains Filter
1 Word mark
2 Business facility number
3 CE label
4 Type designation (two lines, 20 characters each)
5 Part number
6 Change release
7 Production date (YYWww)
8 Certification label
9 Nominal voltage / frequency
10 Nominal current
11 Number of design specification
12 Nominal inductance
13 Temperature
14 Number and value of additional capacitors
15 Designation of origin
16 Approval number
17 Bar code (39 or 93)
18 Serial number
19 Company address
Fig.8-2: Type plate
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 69/300
and Controls
Dimensions Type 3:
Temperature Contact a, b
Switching capacity Switching temperature
1 A / AC 250 V 125 °C
DC 24 V HNL01.1E mains chokes of type 1 are equipped with a tem‐
perature contact (a, b), types 2, 3 and 4 are not.
Fig.8-11: Dimensions
Temperature Contact a, b
Switching capacity Switching temperature
1 A / AC 250 V 125 °C
DC 24 V 150 °C (HNL01.1R-0300-C0180-A‑480‑NNNN)
Electrical data
Fig.8-17: Dimensions
Basic Data
Unit E-5700- E-2800- E-3400- R-4200- R-6300- R-3000-
S0051 S0125 S0202 S0026 S0065 S0094
1) 3 × 6.3 mH
Fig.8-20: Circuit diagram HNL…S (example HNL01.1R-6300-S0065-
As a matter of principle, the current-compensated mains choke is connected
between the conventional mains choke and the mains input of the supply unit.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 77/300
and Controls
Data in mm
A) Minimum mounting clearance
B) Rear view!
Fig.8-22: Dimensions HNL02.1
HNL02.1R-0980-N0023-A-480-NNNN HNL02.1R-0980-C0023-A-480-NNNN
12.5 kg 13 kg
Fig.8-23: Weight
Basic Data
Unit HNL02.1R-0980-N0023- HNL02.1R-0980-C0023-
A-480-NNNN A-480-NNNN
Inductance LN mH 3 × 0,98
Nominal current A 23
Peak current Imax1) A 55
Connection Significance
Temperature contact
9.2.2 Identification
Each DC bus choke is marked by a type designation. There is a type plate
attached to all components.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 85/300
and Controls
1 Type plate
Fig.9-2: Position of type plate
Type Plate
1 Word mark
2 Business facility number
3 CE label
4 Type designation (two lines, 20 characters each)
5 Part number
6 Change release
7 Production date (YYWww)
8 Certification label
9 Nominal voltage / frequency
10 Nominal current
11 Number of design specification
12 Nominal inductance
13 Temperature
14 Number and value of additional capacitors
15 Designation of origin
16 Approval number
17 Bar code (39 or 93)
18 Serial number
19 Company address
Fig.9-3: Type plate
Dimensions in mm
Fig.9-4: Dimensions of DC bus choke HLL01.1
Description Symbol Unit
Mass (weight) m kg 35
5 at 70% × IL_cont
Maximum allowed leakage current Iab A
2 at 100% × IL_cont
Description Symbol Unit
Required wire size according to UL 508 A (internal wiring); at
IL_cont (UL)10)
10.2 Identification
10.3 Mounting
10.3.1 Notes
● Always mount the DC bus capacitor unit directly next to the drive controller
with the highest DC bus continuous power.
● To compensate the different mounting depths of a DC bus capacitor unit
HLC01.1C and IndraDrive M drive controllers, there are suitable distance
bolts (accessory HAS03.1-002-NNN-NN; contains 2 distance bolts). You
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 93/300
and Controls
are only allowed to use the distance bolts when the DC bus capacitor unit
is mounted directly next to the drive controller. In this case you also have
to connect the contact bars for DC bus and control voltage connection to
the DC bus capacitor unit.
● Mount the distance bolts to the bare metal mounting surface of the control
A Distance bolts
B Mounting surface in control cabinet
Fig.10-2: How to use the distance bolts
94/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Dimensions HLC01.1D
HLC01.1C-01M0-A-007-NNNN 3,2
HLC01.1C-02M4-A-007-NNNN 4,3
HLC01.1D-05M0-A-007-NNNN 8,6
Fig.10-5: Weight
96/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
10.4 Installation
10.4.1 Electrical Data
Description Symbol Unit Type
HLC01.1C-01M0 HLC01.1 C-02M4 HLC01.1D-05M0
When using HMV supply units, the discharging time of the DC bus
capacitors can be reduced by activating the function "ZKS".
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 97/300
and Controls
polarity reversal protection within the allowed voltage range by internal protective diode
Current carrying capacity "looping through" from 24V to 24V, 0V to 0V
(contact bars in scope of supply of accessory HAS01)
with contact bars -072 A 220
A ≤ 16 mm² A
16 mm² < A ≤ 35 mm² 16
35 mm² < A A/2
1 Joint bar
2 Connection to equipment grounding system
Fig.10-13: Equipment grounding conductor connection for supply via HMV01,
HMV02, HCS03
1 Joint bar
2 Connection to equipment grounding system
Fig.10-14: Equipment grounding conductor connection for supply via HCS02
Design, Tightening Torque The joint bars are connected by means of screws:
M6 × 25 6 Nm
Type 1 Type 2
11.2 Identification
Dimensions HLB01.1D
Type Weight [kg]
HLB01.1C 5,8
HLB01.1D 12,2
Fig.11-4: Weight
1) The factor of derating results from the balancing behavior. The balanc‐
ing behavior is determined by tolerance-afflicted voltage measurements
in the individual devices. Derating applies both to the continuous power
and to the maximum allowed regenerative power.
Fig.11-5: Electrical data
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 109/300
and Controls
Overview HLB01.1D
A ≤ 16 mm² A
16 mm² < A ≤ 35 mm² 16
35 mm² < A A/2
1 Joint bar
2 Connection to equipment grounding system
Fig.11-11: Equipment grounding conductor connection for supply via HMV01,
HMV02, HCS03
1 Joint bar
2 Connection to equipment grounding system
Fig.11-12: Equipment grounding conductor connection for supply via HCS02
Design, Tightening Torque The joint bars are connected by means of screws:
M6 × 25 6 Nm
Polarity reversal protection Within the allowed voltage range by internal protective diode
polarity reversal protection within the allowed voltage range by internal protective diode
Current carrying capacity "looping through" from 24V to 24V, 0V to 0V
(contact bars in scope of supply of accessory HAS01)
with contact bars -072 A 220
X32 at HLB01, DC Bus Short Circuit Control, Clear Errors, Braking Resistor Threshold
Risk of fire caused by the "sacrificing behavior" of the ZKS stage!
The "ZKS" input activates the function "DC bus short circuit", when there hasn't
any voltage been applied and when there isn't any current flowing to the input.
CAUTION This status occurs both in the case of wire break and when the 24V supply fails.
When the 24V supply fails in applications in which energy does not only get to
the DC bus via the mains connection, but also via regeneratively operated mo‐
tors (e.g. following-on rollers), the ZKS stage converts this energy into heat until
it is destroyed ("sacrificing behavior").
Counter measures with such applications:
● Do not use drive controllers with integrated ZKS stage or
● buffer the 24V supply (e.g. by means of a UPS) to evaluate the monitor
and switch off the energy flow in the case of error.
Fig.11-18: HLB01.1C input circuit ZKS Fig.11-19: HLB01.1D input circuit ZKS
Spring terminal (connector) Unit Min. Max.
Connection cross section solid wire mm2 0,5 1,5
Connection cross section stranded wire mm2 0,5 1,5
Connection cross section AWG 28 14
Fig.11-21: Connections
Pin Assignment Pin Signal Function
7 n. c. n. c.
8 n. c. n. c.
n. c. not connected
Fig.11-22: Pin assignment of serial interface
Features Feature Unit Min. Typ. Max.
number of nodes 1
allowed cable length m 15
transmission rates kBaud 9,6 115
connection galvanically connected to control section
allowed voltage difference be‐ V 1
tween reference potentials of
control section and data end de‐
Fig.11-23: Features
Type 1 Type 2
At the common DC bus, other braking resistors take effect. For ex‐
ample, converters (HCS02, HCS03) and supply units (HMV) have
integrated braking resistors or operate external HLR braking resis‐
For operating HLB01 at HCS and HMV, set the following parame‐
● P-0-0833, Braking resistor threshold
● P-0-0858, Data of external braking resistor
● P-0-0859, Data of internal braking resistor
● P-0-0860, Converter configuration
Device is ready for operation and UZK > 50 V
Type Usage
12.2.2 Identification
Each braking resistor is identified by a type designation. There is a type plate
attached to all components.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 129/300
and Controls
1) Type plate
Fig.12-3: Position of type plate
Type Plate
1) Type designation
2) Part number
3) Serial number
4) Production date
5) Revision index
Fig.12-4: Type plate HLR01.1
Cooling type n
Volumetric capacity of forced cool‐
V m3/h -
Temperature rise with minimum
ΔT K 65
distances dbot; dtop; PBD
Cooling type n
Volumetric capacity of forced cool‐
V m3/h -
Temperature rise with minimum
ΔT K 65
distances dbot; dtop; PBD
HCS03.1E-W0070- Device
A-05-xNBV mounting A
HCS03.1E-W0100- Device See correspond‐
A-05-xNBV mounting A ing dimensional
HCS03.1E-W0150- Device drawing
HLR01.1A‑0780‑N07R0-… HLR01.1N-…
A-05-xNBV mounting A
HCS03.1E-W0210- Device
A-05-xNBV mounting A
HCS03.1E-W0070- Free as‐
HLR01.1N-01K6-N18R0-… A5
A-05-xNBV sembly N
HCS03.1E-W0100- Free as‐
HLR01.1N-02K0-N15R0-… A6
A-05-xNBV sembly N
HCS03.1E-W0150- Free as‐
HLR01.1N-04K5-N07R4-… B1
A-05-xNBV sembly N
HCS03.1E-W0210- Free as‐
HLR01.1N-06K5-N06R1-… B2
A-05-xNBV sembly N
HCS03.1E-W0070- Free as‐
HLR01.1N-03K5-N19R0-… B1
A-05-xNBV sembly N
HCS03.1E-W0100- Free as‐
HLR01.1N-05K0-N15R0-… B2
A-05-xNBV sembly N
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 133/300
and Controls
Braking resistor continuous power PBD kW 1,60 0,30 3,50 4,50 6,50 10,00
Maximum allowed on-time duty ton_max s 3,30 1,00 8,00 13,00 21,00 32,00
Cooling type n f n
Volumetric capacity of forced cool‐
V m3/h - 200,00 -
Temperature rise with minimum
ΔT K >40 20 >65 >100
distances dbot; dtop; PBD
Braking resistor continuous power PBD kW 2,00 0,47 5,00 7,00 9,50 14,50
Maximum allowed on-time duty ton_max s 3,40 1,00 9,00 16,00 22,00 34,00
Cooling type n f n
Volumetric capacity of forced cool‐
V m3/h - 200,00 -
Temperature rise with minimum
ΔT K >40 23 >65
distances dbot; dtop; PBD
Braking resistor continuous power PBD kW 4,50 0,78 8,50 11,00 15,00 24,00
Maximum allowed on-time duty ton_max s 3,00 1,00 8,20 13,00 21,00 31,00
Cooling type n f n
Volumetric capacity of forced cool‐
V m3/h - 200,00 -
Temperature rise with minimum
ΔT K >100 20 >65 >100
distances dbot; dtop; PBD
Braking resistor continuous power PBD kW 6,50 12,50 17,00 1,08 23,00 36,00
Maximum allowed on-time duty ton_max s 3,60 8,30 14,00 1,00 22,00 35,00
Cooling type n f n
Volumetric capacity of forced cool‐
V m3/h - 200,00 -
Temperature rise with minimum
ΔT K >100 22 >200
distances dbot; dtop; PBD
138/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
A ≤ 16 mm² A
16 mm² < A ≤ 35 mm² 16
35 mm² < A A/2
Hot surface!
The surface and housing parts of the braking resistor can have a temperature
of more than 250 °C in operation.
CAUTION Do not stress and do not touch surfaces and housing parts of braking resistors.
Before touching the surfaces and housing parts of braking resistors, wait for an
adequate time after switching off power to allow the braking resistors to cool
140/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
The braking resistors provided for mounting above the HCS03 drive
controllers are cooled by the cooling air of the drive controller flow‐
ing off.
For other mounting situations, the HLR braking resistors must be
separately cooled:
Cooling air current of at least 200 m³/h through the braking resistor
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 141/300
and Controls
Dimensions in mm
dtop, dbot, dhor Distances at top and bottom and on the sides, data see chapter "Tech‐
nical Data"
Fig.12-14: Mounting example device / braking resistor
142/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Dimensional Drawing
Dimensions in mm
Fig.12-15: Dimensions braking resistor HLR01.1N-0300-N17R5-A-007-NNNN
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 143/300
and Controls
Dimensions in mm
dtop, dbot, dhor Distances at top and bottom and on the sides, data see chapter "Tech‐
nical Data"
Fig.12-16: Mounting example device / braking resistor
HLR01.1N‑0470‑N11R7‑A‑007‑NNNN and
144/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Dimensional Drawing
Dimensions in mm
Fig.12-17: Dimensions braking resistor HLR01.1N‑0470‑N11R7‑A‑007‑NNNN
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 145/300
and Controls
Dimensions in mm
dtop, dbot, dhor Distances at top and bottom and on the sides, data see chapter "Tech‐
nical Data"
Fig.12-18: Mounting example device / braking resistor
146/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Dimensional Drawing
Dimensions in mm
Fig.12-19: Dimensions braking resistor HLR01.1N‑0780‑N07R0‑A‑007‑NNNN
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 147/300
and Controls
Dimensions in mm
dtop, dbot, dhor Distances at top and bottom and on the sides, data see chapter "Tech‐
nical Data"
Fig.12-20: Mounting example device / braking resistor
148/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Dimensional Drawing
Dimensions in mm
Fig.12-21: Dimensions braking resistor HLR01.1N-1K08-N05R0-A-007-NNNN
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 149/300
and Controls
dtop, dbot, dhor Distances at top and bottom and on the sides, data see chapter "Tech‐
nical Data"
1) Allowed mounting position (terminals at the bottom; on horizontal sur‐
2) Inadmissible mounting position (terminals at the top, to the right and to
the left)
Fig.12-22: Type A5 – A6
H B T H1 B1 D
A5 586 185 120 526 150 M6 5,2
A6 686 185 120 626 150 M6 6,2
A7 549 275 120 430 240 M6 6,6
A8 649 275 120 530 240 M6 7,9
dtop, dbot, dhor Distances at top and bottom and on the sides, data see chapter "Tech‐
nical Data"
1) Allowed mounting position (terminals at the bottom; perforated sheet at
the top and at the bottom; on horizontal surfaces)
2) Inadmissible mounting position (terminals at the top, to the right and to
the left)
Fig.12-24: Type B1 – B4
dtop, dbot, dhor Distances at top and bottom and on the sides, data see chapter "Tech‐
nical Data"
1) Allowed mounting position (vertically on horizontal surfaces)
Fig.12-26: Type C1 – C7
1 Type designation
2 Part number
3 Serial number
4 Production date
Fig.13-2: Type plate
Dimensions in mm
Fig.13-7: Dimensions motor filter HMF01.1A-N0K2-D0045-A-500-NNNN
HCS03.1E- H B B1
Fig.13-12: Dimension table for sample mounting HCS03.1E-.. / motor filter HMF
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 161/300
and Controls
Fig.13-14: Arrangement of device 0100, 0150, 0210 / motor filter and mains filter
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 163/300
and Controls
HCS03.1E- H B1 B
Fig.13-15: Dimension table for sample mounting HCS03.1E-.. / mains filter / motor
Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 165/300
and Controls
1 Type
2 Part number
3 Serial number
4 Bar code
5 Hardware index
6 Production week (example: 06W31 meaning year 2006, week 31)
Fig.14-2: Type plate control section (example)
166/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
14.2 Usage
The additional component HAC01 is a housing in which
control sections are inserted and loops through the control
voltage supply from connection "0V, 24V" to the control sec‐
The additional component HAC01 can be optionally sup‐
plied. There is no control section contained in the scope of
supply of HAC01.
Fig.14-3: Usage
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 167/300
and Controls
All dimensions in mm
E Minimum mounting clearance
Fig.14-4: Dimensions HAC01.1-001-NNN-NN
168/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
All dimensions in mm
E Minimum mounting clearance
Fig.14-5: Dimensions HAC01.1-002-NNN-NN
Polarity reversal protection Within the allowed voltage range by internal protective diode
Overvoltage greater than 33 V has to be discharged by means of
the appropriate electrical equipment of the machine or installation.
This includes:
● 24V power supply units that reduce incoming overvoltage to
the allowed value.
● Overvoltage limiters at the control cabinet input that limit ex‐
isting overvoltage to the allowed value. This, too, applies to
long 24V lines that have been run in parallel to power cables
and mains cables and can absorb overvoltage by inductive or
capacitive coupling.
Specification of Control Voltage See chapter 5.6 Control Voltage Specification (24V Supply), page 30
Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 171/300
and Controls
Type Usage
Fig.15-1: Usage
15.2.2 Identification
Type Plate Arrangement
1 Type plate
Fig.15-3: Type plate arrangement
Type Plate
1 Device type
2 Part number
3 Serial number
4 Bar code
5 Country of manufacture
6 Production week, 07W24 meaning year 2007, week 24
7 Hardware index
Fig.15-4: Type plate
15.4 Dimensions
All dimensions in mm
A Minimum mounting clearance
dtop, dbot See table "Technical data"
Fig.15-5: Dimensions
Weight m kg 0,6
Degree of protection IP20
Allowed mounting position Vertical
Cooling type3) n
Listing according to UL standard (UL) In preparation
UL files (UL) In preparation
Control voltage supply
Brake cable length < 50 m: 24 ±5%
Rated control voltage input (UL)1) UN3 V
Brake cable length > 50 m: 26 ±5%
Max. 7.5
Power dissipation PDiss W
(brake controlled)
A Air intake
B Air outlet
C Mounting surface in control cabinet
dtop Distance top
dbot Distance bottom
Fig.15-7: Air intake and air outlet at drive controller
176/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Output protection - Short-circuit proof and overload-proof within the allowed volt‐
age range
16 Accessories
16.1 HAS01, Basic Accessories
16.1.1 Type Code
The following figure illustrates the basic structure of the type code.
Our sales representative will help you with the current status of
available versions.
Observe that the contact bars of the basic accessories HAS01 are
used for connection to the drive controller on the left-hand side.
16.1.3 Usage
The HAS01 accessories are used to
● fix the drive controllers to a mounting surface
● connect the DC bus connections of drive controllers
● connect the 24V supply of drive controllers of the Rexroth IndraDrive M
● connect the equipment grounding conductor from drive controller to drive
controller or supply unit
● increase the current carrying capacity of the contact bars in the DC bus
for high-performance devices (by means of the parts "end piece" and
"bar" in HAS01; see chapter "Assignment")
See sections "DC Bus Connection (L+, L-)" and "Terminal Block, 24V - 0V (24V
Supply)" in the Project Planning Manual "Rexroth IndraDrive, Supply Units and
Power Sections".
16.1.4 Assignment
The accessories are assigned to the individual devices depending on the device
width (see section "Type Code").
16.1.6 Mounting the Parts "Bar" and "End Piece" of the Accessories HAS01
The parts "bar" and "end piece" increase the current carrying capacity of the
DC bus connections by reducing the involved contact resistances.
1 Bar
2 End piece (right end)
3 End piece (left end)
Fig.16-27: Mounting bar and end piece of HAS01
● Ad 1: Use the bars (‑042) contained in all HAS01.1-***-072‑** as shown
in the figure at L+ and L‑.
● Ad 2 and 3: Use the end pieces contained in all HAS01.1-350-***-** and
HAS01.1-200‑***‑** at the right and left ends of the DC bus connections
in the drive system.
16.2.3 Usage
The HAS02 accessories are used for
● strain relief of the motor cable
● connecting the shield of the motor cable to the drive controller
HAS02.1-001 at HMS01.1N-W0054
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to motor
cable routing
Fig.16-44: HAS02.1-001 at bottom of drive controller HMS01.1N‑W0054
Mounting 1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to bottom of drive con‐
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device according to desired motor cable rout‐
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
226/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
HAS02.1-002 at HCS02.1E-W0054
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to motor
cable routing
Fig.16-45: HAS02.1-002 at bottom of drive controller HCS02.1E‑W0054
Mounting 1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to bottom of drive con‐
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device according to desired motor cable rout‐
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 227/300
and Controls
HAS02.1-003 at HMS01.1N-W0210
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to motor
cable routing
Fig.16-46: HAS02.1-003 at bottom of drive controller HMS01.1N‑W0210
Mounting 1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to bottom of drive con‐
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device according to desired motor cable rout‐
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
228/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
HAS02.1-004 at HCS03.1E-W0070
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to motor
cable routing
Fig.16-47: HAS02.1-004 at bottom of drive controller HCS03.1E-W0070
Mounting 1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to bottom of drive con‐
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device according to desired motor cable rout‐
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
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and Controls
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to motor
cable routing
Fig.16-48: HAS02.1-005 at bottom of drive controller HCS03.1E-W0100 / 0150
Mounting 1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to bottom of drive con‐
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device according to desired motor cable rout‐
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
230/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
HAS02.1-008 at HCS03.1E-W0210
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to motor
cable routing
Fig.16-49: HAS02.1-008 at bottom of drive controller HCS03.1E-W0210
Mounting 1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to bottom of drive con‐
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device according to desired motor cable rout‐
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
HAS02.1-010 at HMS02.1N‑W0028 / 54
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
Fig.16-50: HAS02.1-010-NNN-NN at bottom of drive controller
HMS02.1N‑W0028 / 54
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and Controls
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
Fig.16-51: HAS02.1-014 at bottom of drive controller HMS01.1N‑W0350
1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to front of blower unit.
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device.
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
Fig.16-52: HAS02.1-006 at bottom of mains filter (rated current 50 A)
1.Hang up fixing device at bottom of mains filter at threaded bolts and fasten
with supplied nuts.
2. Screw shielding plate to fixing device.
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to cable
5 Power supply cable
6 Motor cable
Fig.16-53: HAS02.1-007 at bottom of mains filter (rated current 80 A / 106 A)
1.Hang up fixing device at bottom of mains filter and fasten with supplied
2. Screw shielding plate to fixing device.
According to desired cable routing, the shielding plate can be mounted in dif‐
ferent positions.
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with clip.
1 Fixing device
2 Shielding plate
3 Clip
4 Different possibilities of mounting the shielding plate, according to cable
5 Power supply cable
6 Motor cable
Fig.16-54: Shielding plate HAS02.1-009 at bottom of mains filter (rated current 146
Mounting 1. By means of supplied screws, fasten fixing device to bottom of drive con‐
2. Fix shielding plate to fixing device according to desired motor cable rout‐
3. Fix shield of cable to shielding plate with appropriate clip.
16.3.2 Usage
The control cabinet adapter is used to compensate different mounting depths
of drive controllers HCS02.1E and HLC01.1C and HMS01 / HMD01 when
mounted to a common mounting surface.
236/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
16.4.3 Usage
The HAS04 accessories are used to
● operate HCS02 and HCS03 drive controllers at the HNF01.1 mains filter
● operate HMS01 drive controllers at HCS02 and HCS03 drive controllers
16.4.4 Assignment
Device -001 -002
HCS02.1E-W0028 ■ -
HCS02.1E-W0054 ■ -
HCS02.1E-W0070 ■ -
HCS03.1E-W0070 - ■
HCS03.1E-W0100 - ■
HCS03.1E-W0150 - ■
HCS03.1E-W0210 - ■
16.4.6 Capacitor
Connection HAS04
Fig.16-71: HAS04.1-002 at drive system HCS03 with HMx01 with touch guard
You need this adapter when additional components are mounted to HCS03.1E-
W0070 in order to connect them to the mains and motor input.
Assignment HAS05.1-001 can be used at the following drive controllers:
Device HAS05.1-001
HCS03.1E-W0070 ■
Unit HAS05.1-001
Device HAS05.1-002
With HNK01 and HMF01
Fig.16-80: Usage
Scope of Supply
Scope of Supply Order this accessory as a separate item. It is not part of the scope of supply of
the device.
Parts of the accessory: see accompanying note
Fig.16-84: Connection
Pin Assignment Pin Signal Function
Fig.16-85: Assignment
Supply voltage UL V 5 30
(output driver)
Supply current UL mA 16
(output driver)
Supply voltage UB V 7 30
Supply current UB mA 17
Output voltage UA0+, UA1+, UA2+ V UL
Allowed output current per output mA 40
UA0+, UA1+, UA2+
Output resistance kOhm
Short circuit protection Present
Overload protection Present, output voltage is reduced
At devices with a width of 50 mm, the outgoing direction to the left can also be
used with the type "NNR".
For devices up to a width of 125 mm and for the outgoing direction to the left,
you can fix lines with a maximum cross section of 1 × 35 mm² (1 ring cable lug)
without fixing device (01) and without bar (05) directly at the terminal block (see
picture 4).
The accessory can be used at the following drive controllers:
Device HAS05.1-004-
Technical Data
Connection, Mounting Dimensions
Allowed Cross Sections, Lengths The accessory HAS05.1-004 is used to connect lines with ring cable lugs. At
each connection point, it is allowed to use 1 or 2 lines of the same cross section.
Observe the minimum bending radiuses of the lines used. This re‐
quires additional mounting clearance, particularly on the left side.
Mounting dimen‐ mm 41 50
sion B
Mounting dimen‐ mm 50 51
sion H
Mounting dimen‐ mm 35 56
sion T
Picture 1
Picture 3
Make sure there is strain relief for the lines outgoing backward.
Outgoing Direction of the Lines to 1. Mount bar
the Left (HAS05.1-004-NNL)
Without DC bus contact bars (see picture 4):
Screw bar (05) and end piece (12) to terminal block (tightening torque:
6 Nm)
With DC bus contact bars (see picture 5):
Screw bar (05), DC bus contact bar (11) and connection piece (13) to
terminal block (tightening torque: 6 Nm)
2. Put fixing device (01) on bar (05)
3. Screw cable holder (02) to left equipment grounding connection
4. Mount line:
(See picture 4 and picture 5)
Screw ring cable lug (10) to bar (05) (tightening torque: 6 Nm; with 2 ring
cable lugs, observe inverse arrangement)
Fix lines with cable tie to cable holder (02)
5. Mount touch guard of drive controller (tightening torque: max. 2.8 Nm)
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and Controls
Picture 4
Fig.16-100: Usage
Scope of Supply
Scope of Supply Order this accessory as a separate item. It is not part of the scope of supply of
the device.
Parts of the accessory: see accompanying note
Scope of supply
● Converter
● Connector at X2 and X3
● Cable tie
● Accompanying note
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and Controls
Technical Data
Fig.16-101: Dimensions
Number of nodes 31
Allowed cable length 1) m 500
Terminate the RS485 bus line at the most remote bus ends.
To do this, switch on the termination at the bus master (converter
at PC). At the last node, set the "TERM" switch to "ON".
Example of Connection
Connection at X1
Connection From X1 to Control
Section (X2)
For direct connection from X1 to the control section, use our cable
RKB0010 and observe its maximum allowed length (see "Electrical
Data" on page 265).
Connection at X2 and X3
Connect X2 and X3 with a cable according to the interconnection diagram be‐
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 269/300
and Controls
1 Type plate
2 Connector at connection point X44
3 HAS05.1-006
Fig.16-111: HAS05.1-006 at connection point X6 at drive controller
Technical Data
Mounting Dimensions
The accessory requires the following mounting clearance at the drive controller.
Data in mm
Fig.16-112: Mounting dimensions
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and Controls
Observe the minimum bending radiuses of the lines used. This re‐
quires additional mounting clearance at the drive controller, partic‐
ularly downward.
Connection Points
Short circuit protection See description of connection point "X6, Motor Temperature
Monitoring and Motor Holding Brake" in the Project Planning
Overload protection
Manual "Rexroth IndraDrive Supply Units and Power Sec‐
D1 Free-wheeling diode
D2 Polarity reversal protection diode
d1 Relay
K1 N/C contact
K2 N/O contact
Fig.16-114: Block diagram
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and Controls
Example of Use
Dismount HAS05.1-006
1. Remove connection cable from HAS05.1-006
274/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
HAS05.1-007-NNL HAS05.1-007-NNR
CSH01.1C at X41
CSH01.1C at X41
(Condition: option 3 not equipped)
CDB01.1C at X41.1 (option ST1) CSH01.2C at X41
CDB01.1C at X41.2 (option ST2)
1 Adapter
2 Connector (spring terminal)
3 Type plate
Fig.16-119: HAS05.1-007-NNL
1 Adapter
2 Connector (spring terminal)
3 Type plate
Fig.16-120: HAS05.1-007-NNR
The adapter is plugged in the connection point X41 (resp. X41.1 or X41.2 for
double-axis devices) of the control section and secured with screws.
Technical Data
Mounting Dimensions
The accessory requires the following mounting clearance at the drive controller.
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and Controls
Data in mm
Fig.16-121: Mounting dimensions HAS05.1-007-NNL
Data in mm
Fig.16-122: Mounting dimensions HAS05.1-007-NNR
Observe the minimum bending radiuses of the lines used. This re‐
quires additional mounting clearance at the front of the drive con‐
278/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
D-Sub female connector / spring terminal
Electrical data Description of connection point X41: See Project Planning Manual "Re‐
xroth IndraDrive Control Sections", section "Optional Modules for Control
Sections, Safety Technology".
● Mating connector for D-Sub female con‐ ● RBS0017/S05 → D‑Sub connector, 9-pin
nector ● REB0401 → ribbon cable, 9-pin, can be ordered in steps of 0.5 m
● Ribbon cable For professional assembly of the ribbon cable in the D-Sub connector, use
the following Tyco tools:
● Pistol-Grip tool (part number 734155-1)
● Matrix for D-Sub connector (part number 734148-1)
For ordering the fiber optic cable connection, you have to generate
the complete order code containing details on type and length.
For the type designation see the above table and add the required
length to it.
Determine the length by means of the list of different device ar‐
Example of order code for arrangement HCS02 (left 105 mm) next to HCS02
(right 65 mm):
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 285/300
and Controls
Width left
Width right device [mm]
device [mm]
50 75 100 125 150 200 225 350
50 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
75 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
100 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
125 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
150 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
200 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
225 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
350 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50
16.7.2 Mounting
Make sure the connection between strain relief and point of con‐
nection for equipment grounding conductor is well conductive.
By means of appropriate wiring, establish equipment grounding
connections of devices that are not directly adjoining.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 291/300
and Controls
● steel
● steel
● aluminum
● aluminum
● copper
● copper
● brass
● synthetic materials
● magnetic materials
● electronic components and modules
● electronic components and modules
17.2 Disposal
17.2.1 Return of Products
Our products can be returned to us free of charge for disposal. It is a precon‐
dition, however, that the products are free of oil, grease or other dirt.
Furthermore, the products returned for disposal mustn't contain any undue for‐
eign matter or foreign component.
Please send the products free domicile to the following address:
Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
Bürgermeister-Dr.-Nebel-Strasse 2
D-97816 Lohr am Main
For ecological reasons, please refrain from returning the empty packages to
17.2.3 Recycling
Due to their high content of metal, most of the product components can be
recycled. In order to recycle the metal in the best possible way, the products
must be disassembled into individual modules.
Metals contained in electric and electronic modules can also be recycled by
means of special separation processes. The synthetic materials remaining after
these processes can be thermally recycled.
If the products contain batteries or accumulators, these have to be removed
before recycling and disposed of.
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and Controls
18.3 Addresses
For the current addresses of our sales and service offices, see
On this website you will find additional notes regarding service, maintenance
(e.g. delivery addresses) and training.
Outside Germany please contact our sales/service office in your area first.
19 Appendix
19.1 Discharging of Capacitors
19.1.1 Discharging of DC Bus Capacitors
In the drive system Rexroth IndraDrive, capacitors are used in the DC bus as
energy stores. In drive controllers and particularly in supply units, such capac‐
itors have already been integrated.
Energy stores maintain their energy even when the supply voltage has been
cut off and have to be discharged before somebody gets in contact with them.
Discharging devices have been integrated in the components of the drive sys‐
tem Rexroth IndraDrive; within the indicated discharging time these devices
discharge the voltage below the allowed 50 V.
If additional capacitors (such as DC bus capacitor units) are connected, these
capacitors, too, have to be discharged before somebody gets in contact with
Due to the operating principle, the discharging time is the longer
● the bigger the energy store (the capacitance value)
● the higher the voltage to which the energy store has been charged
● the greater the resistance for discharging the capacitors
Components of the drive system Rexroth IndraDrive have been dimensioned
in such a way that after the supply voltage was cut off, the voltage value falls
below 50 V within a discharging time of a maximum of 30 minutes.
To shorten the waiting time until voltage has fallen below 50 V, you can take
the following measures:
● When using HMV01 supply units: activate the function "ZKS" (DC bus
short circuit)
● Use the discharging device described below.
R discharging resistor
K contactor contact
Fig.19-1: Operating principle of discharging device
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and Controls
The individual components have to be sufficiently dimensioned:
● Value of the discharging resistor: 1000 ohm and at least 1000 W
● The discharging resistor and the contactor contact have to withstand the
loads of practical operation (for example in the case of frequent use of the
discharging device of the occurring continuous power).
● The contactor contact has to withstand the occurring direct voltage of a
minimum of 1000 V.
● The contactor contact has to withstand the occurring discharge current
according to the resistance value that is used, i.e. 1 A with 1000 ohm.
How to Proceed for Discharging
Lethal electric shock caused by live parts with more than 50 V!
Before working on live parts: De-energize the installation and secure the power
switch against unintentional or unauthorized re-energization.
WARNING Wait at least 30 minutes after switching off the supply voltages to allow dis‐
Check whether voltages have fallen below 50 V before touching live parts!
1. Install discharging device before switching on supply voltage for the first
2. Establish safe electrical connection between discharging device and ob‐
ject to be discharged.
3. On mains side, switch off supply voltages to drive system before activating
discharging device.
4. Activate discharging device.
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and Controls
Symbols RKB0010 268
24V supply 30 Capacitors
Internal 31 Discharging 295
Capacity utilization 28
A CCC, China Compulsory Certification 23
Accessories CE label 21
Connection of two cables, adapter 281 Certifications 21
Control of motor holding brake, adapter 269 Commissioning interface 119
D-Sub to terminal connector, adapter 274 Compatibility with foreign matters 27
For drive systems Rexroth IndraDrive 179 Connection
HAS01, basic accessories 179 DC bus 99, 111
HAS02, shield connection 207 Equipment grounding conductor 100, 112
HAS03, control cabinet adapter 235 Ground 102, 114
HAS04, capacitor 239 Connection diagrams
HAS05, accessories for connection points 247 RS232 121
HAS05.1-001, adapter for mains and motor con‐ Serial interface 121
nection 249 Connection points
HAS05.1-002, extension (connection HNK01 to X44 271
HCS03+HMF01) 251 Contained materials
HAS05.1-003, signal level converter encoder See "Principal Components" 291
emulation 252 Control cabinet adapter
HAS05.1-004, adapter DC bus connection 255 HAS03 235
HAS05.1-005, signal level converter RS232/ Control module for holding brake HAT01 171
RS485 264 Control voltage
HAS05.1-006, Adapter for controlling motor hold‐ Specification 30
ing brake 269 Supply 31
HAS05.1-007, adapter from D-Sub to terminal C-UL-US listing 21
connector 274
HAS05.1-008, adapter for connecting two cables D
281 DC bus
Adapter Connection 99, 111
DC bus connection 255 DC bus capacitors
Mains and motor connection 249 Discharging 295
Addresses 293 DC bus capacitor unit
Ambient conditions 24 HLC01 91
Applications DC bus capacitor unit HLC01
Drive system Rexroth IndraDrive 17 Brief description 19
Appropriate use 5 DC bus choke
Applications 5 HLL01 83
Autotransformers 34 DC bus connection
Adapter 255
B DC bus resistor unit
Bar HLB01 105
Use 180 HLB01, brief description 19
Braking resistor HLR01 Declaration of conformity 21
Brief description 19, 127 Discharging
See "HLR01" 127 Of DC bus capacitors 295
Bus cable Discharging device 295
Extension 288 Disposal 291
Bus master 267 DLT
Brief description 17
C Documentation
Cables Overview 2
IKB0041 121 Reference documentations 2
INK0572 269
298/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Recycling 292
Reference documentations 2
300/300 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Project Planning Manual
and Controls
Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Phone +49 (0)93 52-40-50 60
Fax +49 (0)93 52-40-49 41
Printed in Germany
R911306140 DOK-INDRV*-ADDCOMP****-PR03-EN-P