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Electric Drives Linear Motion and

and Controls Hydraulics Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service

Rexroth IndraDrive R911323738

Edition 02

MPx02--MPx05 and HMV,

Error Messages and Warnings
Troubleshooting Guide
Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Title Rexroth IndraDrive

MPx02--MPx05 and HMV,
Error Messages and Warnings

Type of Documentation Troubleshooting Guide

Document Typecode DOK-INDRV*-GEN*ZUSATZ*-WA02-EN-P

Internal File Reference RS-454df3c8509675c90a6846a000deb363-3-en-US-4

Purpose of Documentation This documentation is a supplement to DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS-WA04-EN-

P, R911297319. Please take into special account the chapters "Important
Directions for Use" and "Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls"
included in the same.
This documentation contains the descriptions of all error messages and warn‐
ings implemented in the firmware for drive controllers and supply units of the
IndraDrive range.
It assists machine operators and installation programmers with trouble shoot‐

Record of Revision Edition Release Date Notes

120-2400-B345-01/EN 02.2008 First edition
120-2400-B345-02/EN 05.2008 Second edition, entry
points for Online Help

Copyright © 2008 Bosch Rexroth AG

Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the
contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable
for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of
a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1).
Validity The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not be
deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract. All rights
are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availa‐
bility of the product.
Published by Bosch Rexroth AG
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ D-97816 Lohr a. Main
Phone +49 (0)93 52/ 40-0 ■ Fax +49 (0)93 52/ 40-48 85
Dept. BRC/EMS (SaKi)
Note This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG I/VII
and Controls

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Error Messages.............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Fatal System Errors (F9xxx and E-0000)............................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal System Errors...................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 E-0000 Processor exception error....................................................................................................... 1
1.1.3 F9001 Error internal function call......................................................................................................... 2
1.1.4 F9002 Error internal function call......................................................................................................... 2
1.1.5 F9003 Watchdog................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.6 F9004 Hardware trap........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Fatal Errors (F8xxx)................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal Errors................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 F8000 Fatal hardware error................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.3 F8010 Autom. commutation: max. motion range when moving back.................................................. 4
1.2.4 F8011 Commutation offset could not be determined........................................................................... 4
1.2.5 F8012 Autom. commutation: max. motion range................................................................................. 5
1.2.6 F8013 Automatic commutation: current too low.................................................................................. 6
1.2.7 F8014 Automatic commutation: overcurrent........................................................................................ 6
1.2.8 F8015 Automatic commutation: timeout.............................................................................................. 6
1.2.9 F8016 Automatic commutation: iteration without result....................................................................... 7
1.2.10 F8017 Automatic commutation: incorrect commutation adjust............................................................ 7
1.2.11 F8022 Enc. 1: enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in ph. 2)............................................................... 8
1.2.12 F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or motor connection............................................................. 9
1.2.13 F8025 Overvoltage in power section................................................................................................... 9
1.2.14 F8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled............................................................................ 9
1.2.15 F8028 Overcurrent in power section................................................................................................. 10
1.2.16 F8042 Encoder 2 error: signal amplitude incorrect............................................................................ 10
1.2.17 F8057 Device overload shutdown..................................................................................................... 10
1.2.18 F8060 Overcurrent in power section................................................................................................. 10
1.2.19 F8064 Interruption of motor phase.................................................................................................... 11
1.2.20 F8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrong....................................................................................... 12
1.2.21 F8069 +/-15Volt DC error.................................................................................................................. 12
1.2.22 F8070 +24Volt DC error.................................................................................................................... 12
1.2.23 F8076 Error in error angle loop......................................................................................................... 13
1.2.24 F8078 Speed loop error..................................................................................................................... 13
1.2.25 F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded................................................................................................. 13
1.2.26 F8091 Power section defective......................................................................................................... 13
1.2.27 F8100 Error when initializing the parameter handling....................................................................... 14
1.2.28 F8102 Error when initializing power section...................................................................................... 15
1.2.29 F8118 Invalid power section/firmware combination........................................................................... 15
1.2.30 F8120 Invalid control section/firmware combination.......................................................................... 15
1.2.31 F8122 Control section defective........................................................................................................ 15
1.2.32 F8129 Incorrect optional module firmware........................................................................................ 16
1.2.33 F8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology defective.............................................................. 16
1.2.34 F8133 Error when checking interrupting circuits............................................................................... 16
1.2.35 F8134 Safety related holding system: fatal error............................................................................... 17
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1.2.36 F8135 Velocity exceeded with trend monitoring................................................................................ 17
1.2.37 F8140 Fatal CCD error...................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.38 F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incorrect................................................................... 18
1.2.39 F8203 Safety technology configuration parameter invalid................................................................. 18
1.2.40 F8813 Connection error mains choke............................................................................................... 19
1.2.41 F8838 Overcurrent external braking resistor..................................................................................... 20
1.3 Safety Technology Errors (F7xxx)........................................................................................................ 20
1.3.1 Behavior in the Case of Safety Technology Errors............................................................................ 20
1.3.2 F7010 Safety related limited increment exceeded............................................................................ 21
1.3.3 F7011 Safety rel. position limit val., exc. in pos. dir........................................................................... 21
1.3.4 F7012 Safety rel. position limit val., exc. in neg. dir.......................................................................... 21
1.3.5 F7013 Velocity threshold exceeded.................................................................................................. 22
1.3.6 F7014 Acceleration threshold exceeded........................................................................................... 22
1.3.7 F7020 Safety related maximum speed exceeded............................................................................. 22
1.3.8 F7021 Safety related end position exceeded.................................................................................... 23
1.3.9 F7030 Pos. window for safety rel. operational stop exceeded.......................................................... 23
1.3.10 F7031 Incorrect direction of motion................................................................................................... 23
1.3.11 F7040 Validation error parameterized - effective threshold............................................................... 24
1.3.12 F7041 Actual position value validation error...................................................................................... 25
1.3.13 F7042 Validation error of safety related operating mode.................................................................. 25
1.3.14 F7043 Error of output stage interlock................................................................................................ 25
1.3.15 F7050 Time for stopping process exceeded..................................................................................... 26
1.3.16 F7051 Safety related deceleration exceeded.................................................................................... 26
1.4 Travel Range Errors (F6xxx)................................................................................................................ 27
1.4.1 Behavior in the Case of Travel Range Errors.................................................................................... 27
1.4.2 F6010 PLC Runtime Error................................................................................................................. 28
1.4.3 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded........................................................................................... 29
1.4.4 F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow)................................................................................ 29
1.4.5 F6029 Positive travel limit exceeded................................................................................................. 30
1.4.6 F6030 Negative travel limit exceeded............................................................................................... 30
1.4.7 F6034 Emergency-Stop..................................................................................................................... 31
1.4.8 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated.............................................................................. 31
1.4.9 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated............................................................................. 32
1.4.10 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated........................................................................... 32
1.4.11 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt).......................................................................................... 33
1.5 Interface Errors (F4xxx)........................................................................................................................ 33
1.5.1 Behavior in the Case of Interface Errors........................................................................................... 33
1.5.2 F4001 Sync telegram failure.............................................................................................................. 34
1.5.3 F4002 RTD telegram failure.............................................................................................................. 34
1.5.4 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown................................................................................. 35
1.5.5 F4004 Error during phase progression.............................................................................................. 35
1.5.6 F4005 Error during phase regression................................................................................................ 36
1.5.7 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal..................................................................................... 36
1.5.8 F4009 Bus failure.............................................................................................................................. 36
1.5.9 F4012 Incorrect I/O length................................................................................................................. 37
1.5.10 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure..................................................................................... 37
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG III/VII
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1.5.11 F4017 S-III: incorrect sequence during phase switch........................................................................ 38
1.5.12 F4034 Emergency-Stop..................................................................................................................... 38
1.5.13 F4140 CCD communication error...................................................................................................... 39
1.6 Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (F3xxx)....................................................................................... 39
1.6.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors........................................................... 39
1.6.2 F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related end pos........................................................... 40
1.6.3 F3112 Safety related reference missing............................................................................................ 40
1.6.4 F3115 Error, brake check time interval exceeded............................................................................. 41
1.6.5 F3117 Actual position values validation error.................................................................................... 41
1.6.6 F3122 Safety related holding system: system error.......................................................................... 42
1.6.7 F3123 Safety related holding system: brake check missing.............................................................. 43
1.6.8 F3130 Error when checking input signals.......................................................................................... 43
1.6.9 F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment signal........................................................................ 44
1.6.10 F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output signal........................................................................ 44
1.6.11 F3133 Error when checking interrupting circuits............................................................................... 45
1.6.12 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect...................................................................................... 46
1.6.13 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect........................................................................................ 47
1.6.14 F3140 Safety parameters validation error......................................................................................... 50
1.6.15 F3141 Selection validation error........................................................................................................ 50
1.6.16 F3142 Activation time of enabling control exceeded......................................................................... 51
1.6.17 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors incorrect........................................................................ 51
1.6.18 F3144 Incorrect safety configuration................................................................................................. 52
1.6.19 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door..................................................................................... 53
1.6.20 F3146 System error channel 2.......................................................................................................... 53
1.6.21 F3147 System error channel 1.......................................................................................................... 54
1.6.22 F3150 Safety command for system start incorrect............................................................................ 55
1.6.23 F3151 Safety command for system halt incorrect............................................................................. 56
1.6.24 F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data............................................................................ 56
1.6.25 F3160 Safety bus communication error............................................................................................. 57
1.7 Non-Fatal Errors (F2xxx)...................................................................................................................... 57
1.7.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Errors.......................................................................................... 57
1.7.2 F2003 Motion step skipped............................................................................................................... 57
1.7.3 F2004 Error in motion profile............................................................................................................. 58
1.7.4 F2005 Cam shaft invalid.................................................................................................................... 59
1.7.5 F2006 MMC was removed................................................................................................................ 59
1.7.6 F2007 Switching to non-initialized operating mode........................................................................... 60
1.7.7 F2008 RL The motor type has changed............................................................................................ 60
1.7.8 F2009 PL Load parameter default values......................................................................................... 61
1.7.9 F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> S-0-0423)....................................................................... 62
1.7.10 F2011 PLC - Error nr. 1..................................................................................................................... 62
1.7.11 F2012 PLC - Error nr. 2..................................................................................................................... 62
1.7.12 F2013 PLC - Error nr. 3..................................................................................................................... 63
1.7.13 F2014 PLC - Error nr. 4..................................................................................................................... 63
1.7.14 F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown......................................................................................... 63
1.7.15 F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown.......................................................................................... 64
1.7.16 F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective..................................................................................... 64
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1.7.17 F2022 Device temperature monitor defective.................................................................................... 65
1.7.18 F2025 Drive not ready for Control..................................................................................................... 65
1.7.19 F2026 Undervoltage in power section............................................................................................... 65
1.7.20 F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus.............................................................................................. 66
1.7.21 F2028 Excessive deviation................................................................................................................ 66
1.7.22 F2031 Encoder 1 error: signal amplitude incorrect............................................................................ 66
1.7.23 F2032 Validation error during commutation fine adjust..................................................................... 67
1.7.24 F2033 External power supply X10 error............................................................................................ 67
1.7.25 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference................................................................................. 68
1.7.26 F2037 Excessive position command difference................................................................................ 68
1.7.27 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded........................................................................................... 69
1.7.28 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown...................................................................................... 69
1.7.29 F2042 Encoder 2: encoder signals incorrect..................................................................................... 69
1.7.30 F2043 Measuring encoder: encoder signals incorrect....................................................................... 70
1.7.31 F2044 External power supply X15 error............................................................................................ 71
1.7.32 F2048 Low battery voltage................................................................................................................ 71
1.7.33 F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory............................................................................. 72
1.7.34 F2051 No sequential block in target position preset memory............................................................ 72
1.7.35 F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: pulse frequency too high.................................................................. 72
1.7.36 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: hardware fault................................................................................... 73
1.7.37 F2055 External power supply X31/X32 error..................................................................................... 73
1.7.38 F2057 Target position out of travel range.......................................................................................... 73
1.7.39 F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input..................................................................................... 74
1.7.40 F2059 Incorrect command value direction when positioning............................................................. 75
1.7.41 F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator................................................................................. 75
1.7.42 F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis generator.............................................................. 76
1.7.43 F2067 Synchronization to master communication incorrect.............................................................. 76
1.7.44 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake....................................................................... 76
1.7.45 F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window........................................................... 77
1.7.46 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window........................................................... 78
1.7.47 F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window........................................................... 78
1.7.48 F2077 Current measurement trim wrong........................................................................................... 79
1.7.49 F2086 Error supply module............................................................................................................... 79
1.7.50 F2087 Module group communication error........................................................................................ 80
1.7.51 F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory......................................................................... 80
1.7.52 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC......................................................................................... 80
1.7.53 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory.............................................................................. 80
1.7.54 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory......................................................................... 81
1.7.55 F2104 Commutation offset invalid..................................................................................................... 81
1.7.56 F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface memory.................................................................... 82
1.7.57 F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of power section.......................................................... 82
1.7.58 F2120 MMC: defective or missing, replace....................................................................................... 82
1.7.59 F2121 MMC: incorrect data or file, create correctly........................................................................... 83
1.7.60 F2122 MMC: incorrect IBF file, correct it........................................................................................... 83
1.7.61 F2123 Retain data backup impossible.............................................................................................. 84
1.7.62 F2124 MMC: saving too slowly, replace............................................................................................ 84
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1.7.63 F2130 Error comfort control panel..................................................................................................... 84
1.7.64 F2140 CCD slave error...................................................................................................................... 85
1.7.65 F2150 MLD motion function block error............................................................................................ 85
1.7.66 F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference........................................................................................... 85
1.7.67 F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference........................................................................................ 86
1.7.68 F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference.................................................................................... 87
1.7.69 F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encoder................................................................................ 87
1.7.70 F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional encoder............................................................................ 87
1.7.71 F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder........................................................................ 88
1.7.72 F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration............................................................................................. 88
1.7.73 F2260 Command current limit shutoff............................................................................................... 88
1.7.74 F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break............................................................................................... 89
1.7.75 F2802 PLL is not synchronized......................................................................................................... 89
1.7.76 F2814 Undervoltage in mains............................................................................................................ 90
1.7.77 F2815 Overvoltage in mains.............................................................................................................. 90
1.7.78 F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit............................................................................................. 90
1.7.79 F2817 Overvoltage in power section................................................................................................. 90
1.7.80 F2818 Phase failure.......................................................................................................................... 91
1.7.81 F2819 Mains failure........................................................................................................................... 91
1.7.82 F2820 Braking resistor overload........................................................................................................ 91
1.7.83 F2821 Error in control of braking resistor.......................................................................................... 92
1.7.84 F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low.......................................................................... 92
1.7.85 F2833 Ground fault in motor line....................................................................................................... 93
1.7.86 F2834 Contactor control error........................................................................................................... 93
1.7.87 F2835 Mains contactor wiring error................................................................................................... 93
1.7.88 F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error............................................................................................. 93
1.7.89 F2837 Contactor monitoring error..................................................................................................... 94
1.7.90 F2840 Error supply shutdown............................................................................................................ 94
1.7.91 F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section............................................................................... 95
1.7.92 F2890 Invalid device code................................................................................................................. 95
1.7.93 F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing......................................................................................................... 95
1.7.94 F2892 Hardware variant not supported............................................................................................. 95
1.8 SERCOS Error Codes / Error Messages of Serial Communication...................................................... 95

2 Warnings (Exxxx)......................................................................................................... 97
2.1 Fatal Warnings (E8xxx)........................................................................................................................ 97
2.1.1 E8025 Overvoltage in power section................................................................................................. 97
2.1.2 E8026 Undervoltage in power section............................................................................................... 97
2.1.3 E8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled.......................................................................... 98
2.1.4 E8028 Overcurrent in power section................................................................................................. 98
2.1.5 E8029 Positive position limit exceeded............................................................................................. 99
2.1.6 E8030 Negative position limit exceeded............................................................................................ 99
2.1.7 E8034 Emergency-Stop.................................................................................................................. 100
2.1.8 E8035 Quick stop with probe detection is active............................................................................. 100
2.1.9 E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active................................................................................... 101
2.1.10 E8041 Current limit active............................................................................................................... 101
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2.1.11 E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated............................................................................ 101
2.1.12 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated........................................................................... 102
2.1.13 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated......................................................................... 102
2.1.14 E8055 Motor overload, current limit active...................................................................................... 103
2.1.15 E8057 Device overload, current limit active.................................................................................... 103
2.1.16 E8058 Drive system not ready for operation................................................................................... 104
2.1.17 E8260 Torque/force command value limit active............................................................................. 104
2.1.18 E8819 Mains failure......................................................................................................................... 105
2.2 Warnings of Category E4xxx.............................................................................................................. 105
2.2.1 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown.............................................................................................. 105
2.2.2 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown.............................................................................................. 106
2.2.3 E4005 Command value input impossible via master communication............................................. 107
2.2.4 E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A........................................................... 107
2.2.5 E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A................................................................. 107
2.2.6 E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0........................................................................................... 108
2.2.7 E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded........................................................................ 108
2.2.8 E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing.................................................................................................... 108
2.2.9 E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves................................................................................. 109
2.3 Possible Warnings When Operating Safety Technology (E3xxx)....................................................... 109
2.3.1 Behavior in Case a Safety Technology Warning Occurs................................................................. 109
2.3.2 E3100 Error when checking input signals....................................................................................... 109
2.3.3 E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment signal...................................................................... 110
2.3.4 E3102 Actual position values validation error.................................................................................. 110
2.3.5 E3103 Dynamization failed.............................................................................................................. 111
2.3.6 E3104 Safety parameters validation error....................................................................................... 111
2.3.7 E3105 Validation error of safety related operating mode................................................................ 111
2.3.8 E3106 System error safety technolog............................................................................................. 112
2.3.9 E3107 Safety related reference missing.......................................................................................... 112
2.3.10 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded................................................................... 113
2.3.11 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval...................................................................... 113
2.4 Non-Fatal Warnings (E2xxx)............................................................................................................... 113
2.4.1 E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not possible........................................................................ 113
2.4.2 E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1............................................................................................................. 113
2.4.3 E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2............................................................................................................. 113
2.4.4 E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3............................................................................................................. 114
2.4.5 E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4............................................................................................................. 114
2.4.6 E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range................................................................... 114
2.4.7 E2026 Undervoltage in power section............................................................................................. 114
2.4.8 E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning................................................................................. 115
2.4.9 E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0...................................................................................................... 115
2.4.10 E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0............................................................................................... 116
2.4.11 E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value........................................................................................ 117
2.4.12 E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning.............................................................................................. 117
2.4.13 E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning................................................................................................ 118
2.4.14 E2053 Target position out of travel range....................................................................................... 118
2.4.15 E2054 Not homed............................................................................................................................ 119
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2.4.16 E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0........................................................................................... 120
2.4.17 E2056 Torque limit = 0.................................................................................................................... 120
2.4.18 E2058 Selected process block is not programmed......................................................................... 121
2.4.19 E2059 Velocity command value limit activ...................................................................................... 122
2.4.20 E2061 Device overload prewarning................................................................................................. 122
2.4.21 E2063 Velocity command value > limit value.................................................................................. 123
2.4.22 E2064 Target position out of num. range........................................................................................ 123
2.4.23 E2069 Brake torque too low............................................................................................................ 123
2.4.24 E2070 Acceleration limit active........................................................................................................ 124
2.4.25 E2074 Encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed.................................................................................. 124
2.4.26 E2075 Encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed.................................................................................. 125
2.4.27 E2076 Measuring encoder: encoder signals disturbed................................................................... 125
2.4.28 E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder (encoder alarm)............................................ 126
2.4.29 E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder (encoder alarm)............................................... 126
2.4.30 E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encoder (encoder alarm).......................................... 127
2.4.31 E2086 Prewarning supply module overload.................................................................................... 127
2.4.32 E2092 Internal synchronization defective........................................................................................ 127
2.4.33 E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator too high......................................................... 128
2.4.34 E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator is zero...................................................................... 128
2.4.35 E2140 CCD error at node................................................................................................................ 128
2.4.36 E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break............................................................................................ 128
2.4.37 E2802 HW control of braking resistor.............................................................................................. 129
2.4.38 E2810 Drive system not ready for operation................................................................................... 129
2.4.39 E2814 Undervoltage in mains......................................................................................................... 130
2.4.40 E2816 Undervoltage in power section............................................................................................. 130
2.4.41 E2818 Phase failure........................................................................................................................ 130
2.4.42 E2819 Mains failure......................................................................................................................... 131
2.4.43 E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning................................................................................... 131
2.4.44 E2829 Not ready for power on......................................................................................................... 131

Index.......................................................................................................................... 133
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and Controls

Error Messages

1 Error Messages
1.1 Fatal System Errors (F9xxx and E-0000)
1.1.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal System Errors
In the case of fatal system errors, there is a grave problem in the drive system
(e.g. watchdog error, processor crash, ...) which does no longer allow regular
operation of the drive. Due to a hardware or firmware error, the drive firmware
is no longer operable; clearing an error is no longer possible.
In this case the drive reacts automatically as follows:
Drive Behavior ● All digital outputs are set to "0".
Safety technology: safety related feedback is deactivated!
● The "ready for operation" relay opens, this also switches power off in case
the wiring is correct.
● The output stage is locked, this disables the drive torque.
● The brake output is deactivated; if a self-holding brake is used, it is applied!
● One of the following diagnostic messages is output at the display:
– F9xxx (fatal system errors)
– E8xxx (exceptions) or
– xE-xxxx (processor error), e.g. E-0800 (detailed information in the
English language is output via the serial interface)
Putting the Drive Into Operation After a fatal system error has occurred, the drive can only be put into operation
again when:
1. The 24V supply is completely switched off and on so that a restart of the
drive is carried out (incl. booting process and initialization).
2. The drive is run up to the operating mode again.
3. Power is switched on again.

In case fatal system errors are occurring repeatedly, contact our

service department as operating the drive then is no longer possi‐

1.1.2 E-0000 Processor exception error

A fatal processor error (processor exception) occurred. The drive was switched
off by the firmware (torque-free).
"0000" is a wild card for hexadecimal error codes by means of which the Rexroth
service department can recognize the exact cause of the occurrence of the
Example "E-0220" means that an unauthorized (incorrect) interrupt call occurred.

E-0000 E-0220 E-0460 E-06C0

E-0020 E-0240 E-0480 E-0700
E-0040 E-0260 E-04A0 E-0720
E-0060 E-0280 E-04C0 E-0740
E-0080 E-02A0 E-04E0 E-0760
E-00A0 E-02C0 E-0500 E-0800
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Error Messages

E-00C0 E-02E0 E-0520 E-0820

E-00E0 E-0300 E-0540 E-0A00
E-0100 E-0320 E-0560 E-0A20
E-0120 E-0340 E-0580 E-0A40
E-0140 E-0360 E-05A0 E-0A60
E-0160 E-0380 E-0600 E-0A80
E-0180 E-03A0 E-0620 E-0AA0
E-01A0 E-03C0 E-0640 E-0AC0
E-01C0 E-0400 E-0660 E-0AE0
E-01E0 E-0420 E-0680 E-0B00
E-0200 E-0440 E-06A0 E-0B80

Fig.1-1: Hexadecimal error codes of a processor error

Switch drive off and then on again. If the processor error is still displayed, please
contact our service department.

1.1.3 F9001 Error internal function call

The device was switched off by the firmware.

Cause Remedy

Undefined cause Switch device off/on. If error persists, replace device

An error occurred in firmware (general software error) Please contact our service department

1.1.4 F9002 Error internal function call

Cause Remedy

An error occurred in the firmware (general software error). The Please contact our service department.
drive was switched off by the firmware.

1.1.5 F9003 Watchdog

Cause Remedy

Firmware-side watchdog timer was triggered (general firm‐ Replace device, contact our service department
ware error). Drive was switched off by firmware.

1.1.6 F9004 Hardware trap

An internal firmware error has occurred. The device was switched off by the

Cause Remedy

An error occurred in firmware Please contact our service department

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and Controls

Error Messages

1.2 Fatal Errors (F8xxx)

1.2.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal Errors
Basically there are 2 kinds of fatal errors (F8 errors):
● fatal errors during initialization (initialization errors) (e.g. F8201 and
F8203, F8118, F8120, ...)
● fatal errors during operation (e.g. F8060, F8022, ...)

Fatal initialization errors cannot be cleared, they require the drive

to be switched off completely.
In addition to completely switching off the drive, fatal errors asso‐
ciated with the safety technology (e.g. F8201 and F8203) require
safety technology to be completely recommissioned.

Drive Behavior In the case of fatal errors, closed-loop control (or open-loop U/f control) of the
drive is no longer ensured; with these errors the drive, independent of the set‐
ting in "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration" and "P-0-0117, Activation of NC
reaction on error", therefore is immediately switched off, i.e. it goes torque-free
(see also Functional Description "Error Reaction").

In the case of fatal errors, the settings in "P-0-0118, Power supply,

configuration" still are taken into account.
Putting the Drive Into Operation After a fatal error has occurred, the drive can only be put into operation again
1. The error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
"S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics") [to do this it might possibly
be necessary to switch to the parameter mode or switch the drive off com‐
2. The actual cause of the error was recognized and removed. This might
possibly imply the replacement of an entire component (e.g. motor or drive
3. The drive is in the operating mode again and power was switched on again
4. Drive enable was switched on again (0-1 edge).

In case fatal errors are occurring repeatedly, contact our service

department as operating the drive then is no longer possible.

1.2.2 F8000 Fatal hardware error

Cause "F8000" is a collective diagnostic message for the following fatal hardware er‐
● "F8060 Overcurrent in power section" and
● "F8069 +/-15Volt DC error"
Normally you won't see "F8000" on the display of the drive controller, because
"F8060 Overcurrent in power section" or "F8069 +/-15Volt DC error" will be
displayed shortly afterwards.
Reading Exact Cause of Error at An external control unit cannot recognize the exact cause of the error; the exact
External Control Unit cause of the error, however, can be detected via the service channel by re‐
peated reading of "S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number" and "S-0-0095,
Diagnostic message".
4/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
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Error Messages

Remedy The respective cause is displayed in the diagnostic message which follows the
error F8000 ("F8060 Overcurrent in power section" or "F8069 +/-15Volt DC
Error Reaction The error reaction defined for fatal errors (F8xxx) is immediately carried out
(see "Behavior in the Case of Fatal Error").

1.2.3 F8010 Autom. commutation: max. motion range when moving back
The axis moved away from its initial position during the commutation setting
With the saturation method, this error is generated when the maximum motion
range was exceeded and "moving back to start position" had been set.
With the sine-wave method, this error is generated independent of the setting
"moving back to start position".

Cause Remedy

Positive feedback of motor; commutation offset determination Check motor encoder signals. To do this, move motor knowing
generated incorrect value for "P-0-0521, Effective commuta‐ manufacturer-side setting for sense of rotation or velocity po‐
tion offset". larity and check actual position values with regard to polarity
and validation.
If necessary, invert polarity of motor encoder or invert two mo‐
tor phases. Carry out commutation setting again
Positive feedback of motor after motor replacement (servicing) Check whether direction of motion (sense of rotation) of motor
due to connection error complies with that of motor encoder. If not, invert direction of
motion of motor (invert phases) or of motor encoder
During commutation setting process, axis got into resonance Set "search direction for sine-wave method" to "increase of
amplitude with priority" in "P-0-0522, Control word for com‐
mutation setting"
Reduce value in "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquis‐
ition" in order modify excitation frequency for sine-wave meth‐
od compared to resonance frequency of axis
Due to low friction of mechanical system, axis moved away With saturation method, switch off "moving back to start posi‐
from its initial position at start of commutation offset setting tion", if possible on axis-side!
With sine-wave method, determine new start values for
P-0-0506 and P-0-0507! To do this, set P-0-0506 to "0" and
start command C1200!

1.2.4 F8011 Commutation offset could not be determined

The sine-wave method for commutation setting could not determine any value
for the commutation offset.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Axis could not carry out required motion Check axis for stiffness or blocking; if necessary, reduce fric‐
tion (lubrication, guiding device of trailing cable installation) or
remove blocking
Set "search direction for sine-wave method" to "increase of
amplitude with priority" in "P-0-0522, Control word for com‐
mutation setting"
Increase value in "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition"
in order to increase excitation amplitude for sine-wave method
compared to frictional force of axis.
During commutation setting process, axis got into resonance Set "search direction for sine-wave method" to "increase of
frequency with priority" in "P-0-0522, Control word for com‐
mutation setting"
Reduce value in "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquis‐
ition" in order modify excitation frequency for sine-wave meth‐
od compared to resonance frequency of axis
Motor has not been supplied with current Check motor connection
Sine-wave method without success, although axis has re‐ Try with manually input values if automatic search for motor-
quired freedom of motion and doesn't show any resonance specific values for "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle acquisi‐
phenomena tion" and "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition"
doesn't provide any result in spite of several repetitions.
Signals of motor encoder do not reflect motion process of axis; Check motor encoder signals. To do this move motor knowing
encoder cables of 2 drives possibly mixed up manufacturer-side setting for sense of rotation or velocity po‐
-o- larity and check actual position values with regard to polarity
and validation.
Incorrect polarity of encoder signals

1.2.5 F8012 Autom. commutation: max. motion range

During commutation setting (sine-wave method) the axis left the allowed actual
position value range.

Cause Remedy

Heavy axis motion due to too high drive torque or force gen‐ Reduce value contained in "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle ac‐
eration during commutation setting quisition"
- and / or -
Increase value contained in "P-0-0507, Test frequency for an‐
gle acquisition"
External forces or torques cause axis to move out of allowed Check mechanical axis system for occurrence of external
actual position value range forces, e.g. due to trailing cable installation, vertical load etc.
Detent force or torque causes axis to move out of allowed ac‐ Make sure that, during commutation setting by means of sine-
tual position value range wave method, detent forces of motor do not cause position
limits to be exceeded near limits of actual position value range
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Error Messages

1.2.6 F8013 Automatic commutation: current too low

The actual current value amplitude resulting from commutation setting with the
saturation method is monitored. When it does not exceed a minimum threshold,
the error F8013 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Actual current value amplitude is not sufficient for exact de‐ Increase signal voltage ("P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle ac‐
termination of commutation offset quisition" or reduce signal frequency ("P-0-0507, Test fre‐
quency for angle acquisition" and restart commutation setting
Enter value "0" in "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle acquisi‐
tion" Appropriate value for P-0-0506 is thereby automatically
determined during commutation setting process.
Reduce value of "P-0-0517, Commutation: required harmon‐
ics component", if approx. 30 similar values are determined
for "P-0-0521, Effective commutation offset" with repeated
commutation setting for different motor positions (drive re‐
mains in "Ab"). Reduce "P-0-0517, Commutation: required
harmonics component" until command error F8013 no longer
occurs; finally check function several times!

If error occurs repeatedly, please contact our service department.

1.2.7 F8014 Automatic commutation: overcurrent

The actual current value amplitude resulting from automatic commutation offset
determination is monitored. When a maximum value is exceeded, the error
F8014 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Amplitude of actual current value is higher than allowed max‐ Reduce signal voltage ("P-0-0506, Voltage amplitude for an‐
imum current gle acquisition") or increase signal frequency ("P-0-0507, Test
frequency for angle acquisition").
With "P-0-0506, Voltage amplitude for angle acquisition"=0
start automatic determination of appropriate values.

If error occurs repeatedly, please contact our service department.

1.2.8 F8015 Automatic commutation: timeout

Saturation Method During the execution of the automatic commutation offset determination (after
drive enable) an error was detected.

Cause Remedy

An error occurred in internal signal generator used for deter‐ Switch drive off and on again. If error continues to be signaled,
mining commutation offset. contact our service department.

Sine-Wave Method The commutation setting with motion by means of the sine-wave method is
completed when the axis, after commutation offset determination, has been
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and Controls

Error Messages
moved back to the initial position at which it was before the start. If this is im‐
possible, the error F8015 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Axis cannot be moved back to position at which it was at be‐ Check mechanical axis system, remove blocking or stiffness
ginning of commutation determination.

1.2.9 F8016 Automatic commutation: iteration without result

During the automatic commutation offset determination (after drive enable) it
has been impossible to find appropriate values for "P-0-0506, Voltage ampli‐
tude for angle acquisition" and "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquisi‐
tion" with which it would be possible to determine a useful commutation offset
of the connected motor.

Cause Remedy

Current generated during automatic commutation offset de‐ Check whether controller can supply motor with sufficiently
termination could not produce any saturation effect in motor. high current (cf. "S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill" and
Required maximum current is approx. 1.5-fold continuous cur‐ "S-0-0110, Amplifier peak current"). If maximum controller
rent at standstill ("S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill"). current is too low, drive controller has to be replaced by a big‐
ger one.
Change position of movable part of motor with regard to its
rigid part restart command "P-0-0524, C1200 Commutation
offset setting command".
Contact our service department and, if necessary, use an ab‐
solute measuring system, because motor characteristics do
not allow automatic commutation.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Commutation Setting"

1.2.10 F8017 Automatic commutation: incorrect commutation adjust

This error only occurs during sensorless positioning of synchronous

An error occurred during commutation adjust of the carrier-signal-based rotor

position detection. It was impossible to determine the alignment of the rotor.

Cause Remedy

It was impossible to determine initial position of rotor. Check whether parameter values of sensorless positioning of
synchronous motors correspond to specification.
Rotor was moving during transient oscillation of rotor position Make sure that rotor does not turn during commutation proc‐
estimation. ess.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy
An error occurred when rotor angles determined before and Make sure that rotor does not turn during commutation proc‐
after commutation adjust were compared. ess
- and/or -
Adjust parameter values of "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle
acquisition", "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition"
and "P-0-0517, Commutation: required harmonics compo‐
nent" or start search mode.
- and/or -
Check whether parameter values of sensorless positioning of
synchronous motors correspond to specification.
Determined commutation offset is wrong Adjust parameter values of "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle
- and/or - acquisition", "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition"
and "P-0-0517, Commutation: required harmonics compo‐
Rotor was moving during saturation method. nent" or start search mode.

If error occurs repeatedly, please contact our service department.

1.2.11 F8022 Enc. 1: enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in ph. 2)

The signals of the measuring system (encoder 1) are monitored with regard to
their amplitudes and signal shape. If a signal (e.g. sin or cos) leaves the thresh‐
olds monitored by the hardware or if the signals are disturbed in such a way
that a position error occurs, the error F8022 is generated.

As the position of the measuring system is no longer generated

correctly when the error F8022 is detected, it is necessary to initi‐
alize the encoder again.
The error can only be cleared in communication phase 2 (parameter

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding. Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Measuring system defective. Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if neces‐
uring systems. sary.
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system.
Hardware defect on control section of drive. Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also "E2074 Encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed".

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and Controls

Error Messages

1.2.12 F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or motor connection

The controller is monitoring the motor, among other things, by means of a model
calculation. The input values required for the model calculation are checked for
validity. If the check is negative, this error message is generated.

Cause Remedy

Mechanical connection between rotor of motor and motor en‐ Check connection and fix or repair it.
coder is loose or broken.
Phase break in motor feed wire. ● Check motor feed wire for continuity. Take possible
"loose contacts"into account.
● Check connection of motor feed wire at controller.
● Check connection of motor feed wire at motor.
● Line break in motor. Replace motor.
● Line break in controller. Replace controller.
Monitoring signal for encoder validation (P-0-0620) is not with‐ Determine commutation offset again (see Functional Descrip‐
in limits of P-0-0621 and P-0-0622 (upper or lower monitoring tion of firmware " Commutation Setting ".
threshold of encoder validation monitoring), because commu‐
tation offset has been incorrectly set.
Although commutation offset has been correctly set, monitor‐ Via P-0-0520, parameterize limit values for encoder validation
ing signal for encoder validation (P-0-0620) is not within limits monitoring in such a way that monitoring range in working
of P-0-0621 and P-0-0622 (upper or lower monitoring thresh‐ point of motor is not left (if necessary, make oscilloscope
old of encoder validation monitoring). measurement).

1.2.13 F8025 Overvoltage in power section

Description in preparation; you will find current information in the
Technical Note "TN_411_3_Feldorientierte_Stromregelung".

1.2.14 F8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled

When the error occurs, the drive immediately becomes torque-free!

Optional Module Starting Lockout .


Cause Remedy

Starting lockout was set with active control or drive enable was Check control and connection of starting lockout input
set with active starting lockout

Optional Module Safety Technolo‐ .

gy I/O (HSI11)

Cause Remedy

Drive enable was set while "drive interlock" or "safety related Do not set drive enable while drive is in described states.
standstill" was active
Drive enable was set while drive was in error status "quasi
safety related standstill" due to internal safety technology er‐
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and Controls

Error Messages

1.2.15 F8028 Overcurrent in power section

The text of the description is in preparation; for up-to-date informa‐
tion, see Technical Note "TN_411_3_Field-Oriented_CurrentCon‐

1.2.16 F8042 Encoder 2 error: signal amplitude incorrect

The signals of the measuring system (encoder 2) are monitored on hardware
and software level with regard to their amplitudes and signal shape. If a signal
(sin or cos) leaves the allowed range or if the signals are disturbed in such a
way that a position error occurs, this error is generated. The error only occurs
in conjunction with the function "redundant motor encoder"!

As the position is no longer generated correctly when this error is

detected, it is necessary to initialize the encoder again.

When using an incremental encoder with square-wave signals,

monitoring is carried out with regard to an inadmissible edge.
On the software level, the signals of a resolver are monitored for
their levels.

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Encoder defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if neces‐
uring systems sary.
Measuring system dirty Replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.2.17 F8057 Device overload shutdown

The device was switched off due to overload.

Cause Remedy

Power demanded by drives is too high Use drives with lower peak current
Power demanded by drives is too high Reduce allowed acceleration of axis or reduce final velocity to
which acceleration takes place.

1.2.18 F8060 Overcurrent in power section

The current in the power transistors has exceeded the maximum allowed device
peak current (cf. "S-0-0110, Amplifier peak current").
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and Controls

Error Messages

In the case of an internal signal voltage error (15 V) in the power

section, this error message is generated, even without power, di‐
rectly when the device is switched on, before power is demanded
from the power section.

Cause Remedy

External 24 V supply is not sufficiently overload-proof Check overload withstand capability of external 24 V power
supply unit and replace it, if necessary.
Short circuit in motor or motor cable Check motor cable and motor for short circuit
Power section of drive controller is defective Replace drive controller
Current loop parameterized differently Check current loop parameterization (cf. motor data sheet)
and correct it if necessary after having contacted our service
Voltage fluctuations in DC bus too high because system im‐ Reduce system impedance, e.g. increase feed wire cross sec‐
pedance too high tions.

1.2.19 F8064 Interruption of motor phase

During voltage-controlled U/f operation for asynchronous motors, the drive
monitors the motor current in the individual line phases.
The drive has detected that the current is "0" in at least one phase

Lethal injury caused by coasting axis (torque disable)!

⇒ Additional measures are possibly required to stop the axis.

Restrictions of Correct Monitoring ● Safe monitoring of individual phases is only possible as of a speed com‐
Function mand value >10 rpm.
● The monitor is also triggered in the case of totally incorrect parameteri‐
zation of the motor (e.g. the setting in "P-0-4004, Magnetizing current" is
by far higher than the actually available magnetizing current).

Lethal electric shock caused by live parts with more than 50 V!

⇒ Observe the safety regulations when working at/ checking the drive controller/

Cause Remedy

At least one line phase of motor has not been connected to Check motor cable connection (assignment <-> axis).
drive controller or line break occurred Check individual motor phases from connection at drive con‐
troller for line break and high ohmic resistance.
For a double-axis device, the two motor power connections Check whether assignment of motor connections is correct for
were interchanged or generally incorrect axis assignment was the axes.
made between motor and controller
Motor winding (U, V, W) has burned out Check motor winding by means of ohmmeter and replace mo‐
tor, if necessary.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy
Motor incorrectly parameterized Compare motor data in drive to actual motor data (see also
Functional Description of firmware " Rexroth Motors" and "
Determining the Parameter Values of Third-Party Motors").
Power section defective Replace drive controller

The sequence of the replacement of drive controllers is described

in the documentation " Project Planning Manual for Power Sec‐

1.2.20 F8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrong

Digital drive control requires absolutely synchronous data processing (e.g.
sampling of actual current values); if this is not guaranteed, controlled operation
is impossible and the error F8067 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Synchronization clock of bus master oscillates very much due Check external bus master and make sure synchronization
to software or hardware error [e.g. jitter of MST with SERCOS clock is error-free and constant.
(F2067 and F8067)].
Control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
Internal timing problem in drive firmware Contact our service department for firmware update.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Master Communication".

1.2.21 F8069 +/-15Volt DC error

An error has occurred in the internal +/-15 V supply of the device.

Cause Remedy

Error in external DC 24V power supply Check external power supply

Power section defective Replace device

1.2.22 F8070 +24Volt DC error

The operation of IndraDrive devices requires an external 24 V control voltage
supply. This voltage is monitored with regard to the allowed tolerance.

When the error F8070 occurs, the motors within the drive system
are immediately go torque-free. Apply possibly existing self-holding
motor holding brakes.

Cause Remedy

Supply cable for control voltages defective Check and, if necessary, replace supply cable for control vol‐
tages and connector
Overload of 24 V power supply unit Check 24 V supply voltage at power supply unit
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy
Power supply unit defective Check and, if necessary, replace power supply unit
Short circuit in 24 V supply wiring Check 24 V supply wiring for short circuit

1.2.23 F8076 Error in error angle loop

The text of the description is in preparation; for up-to-date informa‐
tion, see Technical Note "TN_411_3_Field-Oriented_CurrentCon‐

1.2.24 F8078 Speed loop error

The speed loop monitor is activated if the following conditions occur simulta‐
● "P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value" is at the torque/force
● "P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value" and actual velocity
have different signs.
● The actual velocity at the motor shaft is higher than 20 rpm (or 20 mm/min
for linear motors).
● Actual acceleration and control deviation have different signs.

Cause Remedy

Motor phases (U, V, W) interchanged so that commutation of Check motor cable connection and correct phase assignment,
motor is incorrect. if necessary.
Incorrect encoder arrangement Correct encoder arrangement (inverting rotational direction of
encoder can possibly resolve problem).
Speed loop setting incorrect Check speed loop setting according to Application Manual.
Commutation offset incorrect Replace motor (in the case of MHD, MKD, MKE motors); in
the case of kit motors, make commutation settings.
Motor encoder defective Replace motor encoder (or motor)

1.2.25 F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded

Cause Remedy

"S-0-0040, Velocity feedback value" has exceeded the 1.125- Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
fold value of one of parameterized velocity limit values. "S-0-0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", "S-0-0038, Positive
velocity limit value" and "S-0-0039, Negative velocity limit val‐
Velocity control loop unstable or too heavily oscillating due to Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of velocity
incorrect parameterization. loop.
Preset velocity command value too high (cf. Reduce "P-0-0048, Effective velocity command value" by ad‐
P-0-0048 = "S-0-0036, Velocity command value" + "S-0-0037, justing "S-0-0036, Velocity command value" or "S-0-0037,
Additive velocity command value"). Additive velocity command value".

See also Functional Description of firmware " Control Loop Structure".

1.2.26 F8091 Power section defective

During the initialization of the power section, the drive tries to access the power
section parameters.
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Error Messages

These are the following parameters:

● S-0-0140, Controller type
● P-0-0809, Properties of charging circuit
● P-0-0859, Data of internal braking resistor
● P-0-1510, Circuit board code power section
● P-0-1519, Module code of power section
● P-0-3902, Command values for power section adjust
● P-0-3903, Adjust values of power section
● P-0-4058, Amplifier type data
● P-0-4059, Electric type data of power section

Cause Remedy

One of power section parameters is invalid (e.g. checksum Check content of list "S-0-0021, IDN list of invalid operating
error) or contains inadmissible value. data for communication phase 2", write down IDNs it contains
(IDNs/parameters) and then please contact Rexroth service
As of MPx04VRS: Check/correct settings in "P-0-0860, Converter configura‐
Incorrect parameter setting when using device tion" (bit 15); reboot device "HAC01" after having changed
"HAC01" (SERCOS analog converter). parameter setting.

Control section and/or power section defective. Replace drive controller

The replacement of the entire drive controller is described in the

Project Planning Manual for the power section.

1.2.27 F8100 Error when initializing the parameter handling

During the initialization of the drive the control section is checked for correct
function. An error was detected during this check.

Cause Remedy

Control section configuration not allowed because an optional Switch drive off and on again. If error occurs again, replace
module (e.g. optional module 1...4, master communication,...) control section (e.g. CSH01.1 or CDB01.1) by different control
is not supported by firmware. section with appropriate configuration.
If necessary, contact our service department.
Firmware used is not suitable (e.g. MPH02VRS for double- Select suitable firmware by means of Functional Description
axis control section), i.e. hardware and software do not match. or Version Notes/Release Notes (see "supported control sec‐
tion configurations").
Hardware defect on control section Switch drive off and on again. If error still occurs, contact our
service department and, if necessary, replace control section
or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "System Overview".

See also Project Planning Manual for control section, keyword "Type Code".
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and Controls

Error Messages

1.2.28 F8102 Error when initializing power section

During the initialization of the drive the power section is checked for correct
function. An error was detected during this check.

Cause Remedy

Hardware and firmware do not match Check Firmware Release Notes or Firmware Version Notes
and, if necessary, use latest firmware release.
Parameter "P-0-1510, Circuit board code power section" stor‐ Switch drive off and on again. If error occurs again, check
ed on power section is invalid or was incorrectly written. content of "P-0-1510, Circuit board code power section" and
contact our service department!
Maybe you have to replace power section or entire drive con‐
Hardware defect on power section Replace power section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.2.29 F8118 Invalid power section/firmware combination

The power section is incompatible with the firmware used.

Cause Remedy

Inappropriate firmware Use firmware that matches power section

Inappropriate power section Use power section that matches firmware
Operation without power section has been set, but firmware Check bit 15 in P-0-0860
recognizes a power section

1.2.30 F8120 Invalid control section/firmware combination

The control section is incompatible with the firmware used.

Cause Remedy

During firmware replacement, there is an attempt to copy firm‐ Use firmware that matches control section
ware to controller which does not match
Inappropriate control section Use control section that matches firmware
Safety technology incorrectly configured for double-axis de‐ Check control section configuration

1.2.31 F8122 Control section defective

During the initialization of the control section an error occurred.

Cause Remedy

Hardware of control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller; use hard‐
ware configuration of same type.
16/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.2.32 F8129 Incorrect optional module firmware

The firmware of an optional module is defective.

Cause Remedy

Firmware of an optional module programmed in invalid form Carry out firmware update (again). If error occurs repeatedly,
- or - it is necessary to replace control section or drive controller.

An error occurred during firmware update

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.2.33 F8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology defective

The firmware of the optional safety technology module is defective.

Cause Remedy

Programming of firmware for optional safety technology mod‐ Make firmware update.
ule is invalid.
An error occurred during firmware update. Restart firmware update.
If error message is displayed again, replace control section
with control section of same type, if you are authorized to do
this! Otherwise entire drive controller has to be replaced.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.2.34 F8133 Error when checking interrupting circuits

In order to lock the output stage in a safety related way when the safety tech‐
nology has detected an error, the correct functioning of the interrupting circuit
is cyclically checked. This is done on the one hand during the actions "release
output stage" and "lock output stage", on the other hand statically while the
output stage is being released or locked. The corresponding hardware realiza‐
tion ensures that this is possible without repercussion on the PWM control
The drive torque is immediately disabled. The drive automatically switches to
"safety related standstill" and the output stage is switched off via one channel.
All poles of the mains contactor are switched off.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Safety is not acknowledged; i.e. "safety technology status output

controller" was cleared/reset in "P-0-3214, Safety technology signal
status word, channel 1" / "P-0-3214, Safety technology status word,
channel 1" or the diagnosis input/output EA10n (channel 2) was set
depending on the parameterization in "P-0-3210, Safety technology
control word" / "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration".

Cause Remedy

An error was detected during check of interrupting circuit Switch power supply off and on again.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.2.35 F8134 Safety related holding system: fatal error

A check detected that the motor holding brake or the redundant holding brake,
with the drive torque-free, has not been controlled for the purpose of applying
it or has not been applied.

Cause Remedy

Error in wiring between control section, control module and Check wiring
redundant holding brake
Hardware error of control module or error in mechanical sys‐ Replace hardware
tem of redundant holding brake
Error in parameterization Check parameterization

1.2.36 F8135 Velocity exceeded with trend monitoring

During the stopping process, the drive is not able to come to standstill within
the parameterized limits.
Cause Remedy
In the case of drive-controlled transition to standstill from normal
operation, special mode motion or in the case of error, drive is Select useful value for parameter "P-0-3282, Safety related
not able to reach standstill with deceleration parameterized in monitored deceleration".
"P-0-3282, Safety related monitored deceleration".

1.2.37 F8140 Fatal CCD error

Cause Remedy

"Error reaction active" has been set in "P-0-1600, CCD: con‐ Localize faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
figuration" and an F8 error occurred in a slave.

The CCD master reacts with torque disable.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Cross Communication (CCD)".

18/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.2.38 F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incorrect

In the booting phase of the drive a basic initialization is carried out on both safety
technology channels. The initialization sequence on channel 2 is started via an
internal command.

Cause Remedy

Basic initialization on channel 2 is incorrect or internal com‐ Carry out load defaults procedure for safety technology
mand was aborted with timeout. ("S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" with
"P-0-4090, Index for C07 Load defaults procedure" = 165) and
reset optional safety technology module (switch control volt‐
age off and on again).
If necessary, repeat procedure if "P-0-3207, Safety technolo‐
gy password level" is unequal 1.
There are incompatible firmware versions on channel 1 and Establish compatible firmware versions on channel 1 and
channel 2, firmware on channel 2 therefore wasn't started (to channel 2 by reloading firmware and paying attention to com‐
be noticed by the fact that parameter "P-0-3200, Safety tech‐ plete installation and possible error messages during loading
nology firmware code" is without content). process.
Channel 2 signals a checksum error and therefore wasn't star‐ Reload firmware and pay attention to complete installation and
ted (to be noticed by the fact that parameter "P-0-3200, Safety possible error messages during loading process.
technology firmware code" is without content).
Error in safety memory (e.g. incorrect version for firmware up‐ Carry out load defaults procedure for safety technology
grade) ("S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" with
"P-0-4090, Index for C07 Load defaults procedure" = 165) and
reset optional safety technology module (switch control volt‐
age off and on again).
Error in parameterization, i.e. double assignment of inputs at Check assignment of inputs in "P-0-3211, Safety technology
channel 2 (e.g. operating mode switch parameterized twice). I/O control word, channel 2".
Hardware error Replace hardware

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.
Only Rexroth service engineers are allowed to replace optional
modules of the control section.

1.2.39 F8203 Safety technology configuration parameter invalid

All safety technology parameters are protected against incorrect input €“ which
is similar to the use of a password €“ because they have to be input twice.
The time and control word parameters required for initialization are read from
their parameter memory after the drive has been switched on and the two dou‐
ble elements are compared.
● "P-0-3210, Safety technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technol‐
ogy configuration"
● "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O control word, channel 2" or "P-0-3211,
Safety technology I/O configuration list, channel 2"
● P-0-3220, Tolerance time transition from normal operation
● P-0-3221, Max. tolerance time for different channel states
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and Controls

Error Messages

● P-0-3222, Max. activation time of enabling control

● P-0-3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety function selection
● P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety function selection
● P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from safety rel. oper.
● "P-0-3240, Control word of safety related motion 1" or "P-0-3240, Config‐
uration of safety related motion 1"
● "P-0-3250, Control word of safety related motion 2" or "P-0-3250, Config‐
uration of safety related motion 2"
● "P-0-3260, Control word of safety related motion 3" or "P-0-3260, Config‐
uration of safety related motion 3"
● "P-0-3270, Control word of safety related motion 4" or "P-0-3270, Config‐
uration of safety related motion 4"
● "P-0-3290, PROFIsafe: F_Destination_Address"(not MPx02VRS!)
● "P-0-3291, PROFIsafe: F_Source_Address" (not MPx02VRS!)
The comparison showed that not all of the double elements are identical.

Switching to the operating mode is impossible.

Cause Remedy

A memory cell was overwritten by mistake. Reset command "C07_2 Load def. proc. com. (load def. pr. for
safety techn.)" and optional safety technology module (switch
control voltage off and then on again).
The command "C07_2 Load def. proc. com. (load def. pr. for
safety techn.)" overwrites user-defined safety technology set‐
tings! Only use this command if you want to commission safety
technology again.
Firmware defect on optional safety technology module. If command error occurs repeatedly, safety technology firm‐
ware has to be replaced.
Hardware defect on optional safety technology module. If command error occurs repeatedly, optional safety technol‐
ogy module has to be replaced.

The command "C07_2 Load def. proc. com. (load def. pr. for safety
techn.)" is started by parameter "S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults
procedure command" with the respective setting in "P-0-4090, In‐
dex for C07 Load defaults procedure".

1.2.40 F8813 Connection error mains choke

After the power supply had been switched on, a wiring error of the mains choke
(e.g. incorrect phase sequence of the mains phases) was detected.

Cause Remedy

Mains choke was incorrectly connected Check and correct connection of mains choke; connections to
mains choke must be as short as possible and twisted
→ see also documentation "Drive System, Project Planning
Manual", chapter "Connection to Mains Choke and Mains Fil‐
20/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.2.41 F8838 Overcurrent external braking resistor

The error F8838 is generated when the current in the braking resistor circuit is
rising in an inadmissible way.

Cause Remedy

Resistance value of connected braking resistor is too low. Connect braking resistor unit with higher resistance value
(take specification into account!).
Short circuit at braking resistor connection. Remove short circuit

See also Functional Description of firmware " Power Supply".

1.3 Safety Technology Errors (F7xxx)

1.3.1 Behavior in the Case of Safety Technology Errors
In the case of safety technology errors (F7xxx), the drive, independent of the
setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration" and "P-0-0117, Activation of
NC reaction on error", is shut down as fast as possible; the drive is stopped by
velocity command value reset (see also Functional Description "Error Reac‐

NC-controlled shutdown is no longer possible in the case of safety

technology errors (F7xxx).

At the end of the error reaction, the drive goes torque-free and the output stage
is locked via two channels after the time entered in "P-0-3220, Tolerance time
transition from normal operation" or "P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from
safety rel. oper." is over.
As of firmware MP*-03V20, the error reaction can be parameterized via the
configuration bit "reaction to F7 error" in "P-0-3210, Safety technology config‐
uration"; the error reaction "velocity command value reset" has been activated
as a standard, but can be deactivated so that the drive immediately goes torque-
free when an F7 error occurs.

The F7 error reaction "torque disable" should only be used when

forced deceleration by velocity command value reset generally cau‐
ses problems, e.g. in the case of mechanically coupled axes.
The machine manufacturer is responsible for the F7 error reaction
"torque disable" and his risk analysis has to show his responsibility.

The drive can only be put into operation again when:

Putting the Drive Into Operation After a fatal system error has occurred, the drive can only be put into operation
again when:
1. The error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
"S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics").
2. The actual cause of the error was recognized and removed (e.g. incorrect
parameterization of velocity thresholds or time windows).
3. The drive is in the operating mode again and power was switched on again
4. Drive enable was switched on again (0-1 edge).
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and Controls

Error Messages

In case safety technology errors are occurring repeatedly, contact

our service department as operating the drive then is no longer al‐

1.3.2 F7010 Safety related limited increment exceeded

In the special mode "safety related motion" with configured safety function
"safety related limited increment", the monitoring makes sure that the values
do not leave the parameterized position window (increment).
The bipolar position window is activated with the start of the special mode. For
the duration of the special mode the drive can freely move within the limits of
the position window.

Cause Remedy

At least one of the position windows relevant for special mode Check parameterization of position windows and adjust it to
"safety related motion" has been incorrectly parameterized desired travel targets.
Position windows:
● "P-0-3243, Safety related limited increment 1" or
● "P-0-3253, Safety related limited increment 2" or
● "P-0-3263, Safety related limited increment 3" or
● "P-0-3273, Safety related limited increment 4"
After trouble shooting start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset
class 1" diagnostics in order to clear error an then set drive
enable again.
Command value input is incorrect; i.e. drive moves to invalid Check command value input in control unit and adjust target
target positions positions according to travel range or required target posi‐
After trouble shooting start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset
class 1 diagnostics" in order to clear error an then set drive
enable again.

See also documentation "Integrated Safety Technology".

1.3.3 F7011 Safety rel. position limit val., exc. in pos. dir.
In the special mode "safety related motion" with configured safety function
"safety related limited absolute position", the parameterized position limit value
was exceeded in positive direction.

Cause Remedy

In safety function "special mode motion", value parameterized Check command value input and adjust it according to para‐
in parameter meterized position limit values
● "P-0-3241, Safety related limited absolute position 1, - or -
positive" or Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary.
● "P-0-3251, Safety related limited absolute position 2, Then start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
positive was exceeded" nostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.

1.3.4 F7012 Safety rel. position limit val., exc. in neg. dir.
In the special mode "safety related motion" with configured safety function
"safety related limited absolute position", the parameterized position limit value
was exceeded in negative direction.
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Error Messages

Cause Remedy

In special mode "safety related motion", value parameterized Check command value input and adjust it according to para‐
in meterized position limit values
● "P-0-3242, Safety related limited absolute position 1, - or -
negative" or Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary.
● "P-0-3252, Safety related limited absolute position 2, Then start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
negative" nostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.
was exceeded

1.3.5 F7013 Velocity threshold exceeded

In the special mode "safety related motion" a parameterized velocity threshold
was exceeded.

Cause Remedy

In special mode "safety related motion", velocity threshold Check command value input and adjust it according to pa‐
parameterized in rameter setting
● "P-0-3244, Safety related reduced speed 1" or - or -
● "P-0-3254, Safety related reduced speed 2" or Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary.
● "P-0-3264, Safety related reduced speed 3" or Then start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
● "P-0-3274, Safety related reduced speed 4" nostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.

was exceeded

1.3.6 F7014 Acceleration threshold exceeded

Cause Remedy

In special mode "safety related motion", velocity threshold Check command value input and adjust it according to pa‐
parameterized in rameter setting
● "P-0-3245, Safety related deceleration/acceleration - or -
ramp 1" or Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary.
● "P-0-3255, Safetyrelated deceleration/acceleration Then start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
ramp 2" or nostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again
● "P-0-3265, Safety related deceleration/acceleration
ramp 3" or
● "P-0-3275, Safety related deceleration/acceleration
ramp 4"
was exceeded.

1.3.7 F7020 Safety related maximum speed exceeded

When monitoring of the safety related maximum speed has been configured
(see "P-0-3239, Configuration of global safety technology functions"), the drive
in normal operation and in special mode monitors the current actual velocity.
When the velocity threshold parameterized in "P-0-3234, Safety related maxi‐
mum" speed is exceeded, the error F7020 is generated.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Velocity threshold was incorrectly parameterized Check and, if necessary, increase parameter setting of
"P-0-3234, Safety related maximum speed".
Incorrect command value input; i.e. velocity command value Check command value input in control unit or, for drive-inter‐
too high nal interpolation, check parameterized positioning data (cf.
"S-0-0259, Positioning velocity" or "P-0-4007, Positioning
block velocity")

Description of error reaction: "Behavior in the Case of Safety Technology Er‐

See also documentation " Integrated Safety Technology".

1.3.8 F7021 Safety related end position exceeded

With active safety technology, the drive in normal operation and in special mode
monitors the current position in safety related form, when the safety function
"safety related limited absolute end position" has been parameterized.

Cause Remedy

Position parameterized in "P-0-3235, Safety related end po‐ Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
sition, positive" or "P-0-3236, Safety related end position, tics" to clear error. Then set drive enable again and move axis
negative" has been exceeded. to allowed position range.

1.3.9 F7030 Pos. window for safety rel. operational stop exceeded
In the safety function "safety related operational stop" the axis is monitored for
standstill. The bipolar position window used for this purpose is activated with
the start of the "safety related operational stop".

Cause Remedy

"P-0-3230, Monitoring window for safety related operational Change parameterization of "P-0-3230, Monitoring window for
stop" was incorrectly parameterized. safety related operational stop" in useful way.
"P-0-3233, Velocity threshold for safety related halt" was in‐ Change parameterization of "P-0-3233, Velocity threshold for
correctly parameterized. safety related halt" in useful way
Incorrect command values are preset by drive or external con‐ Check command value input and adjust it according to pa‐
trol unit. rameter setting.

See also documentation " Integrated Safety Technology".

1.3.10 F7031 Incorrect direction of motion

In the special mode "safety related motion" with safety function "safety related
direction of motion" configured, the drive is monitored with regard to whether it
inadmissibly moves against the parameterized direction of motion by more than
the distance parameterized in "P-0-3232, Monitoring window for safety related
direction of motion" or "P-0-3232, Standstill window safety related direction of
motion". If yes, the error F7031 is generated.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Incorrect command value input Adjust command value input according to parameterized di‐
rection of motion and monitoring window "P-0-3232, Monitor‐
ing window for safety related direction of motion"
- or -
"P-0-3232, Standstill window safety related direction of mo‐
Incorrect parameterization of directions of motion in corre‐ Check parameterization of direction of motion in
sponding control words for safety related motion ● "P-0-3240, Control word of safety related motion 1" /
"P-0-3240, Configuration of safety related motion 1"
● "P-0-3250, Control word of safety related motion 2" /
"P-0-3250, Configuration of safety related motion 2"
● "P-0-3260, Control word of safety related motion 3" /
"P-0-3260, Configuration of safety related motion 3"
● "P-0-3270, Control word of safety related motion 4" /
"P-0-3270, Configuration of safety related motion 4"
and change it, if necessary
Incorrect parameterization of "P-0-3232, Monitoring window Check parameterization of "P-0-3232, Monitoring window for
for safety related direction of motion" or "P-0-3232, Standstill safety related direction of motion" or "P-0-3232, Standstill win‐
window safety related direction of motion". dow safety related direction of motion" and change it, if nec‐

1.3.11 F7040 Validation error parameterized - effective threshold

A cyclic check is run in order to find out whether the thresholds in the internal
monitoring functions comply with the values parameterized in the safety mem‐
ory. The check detects errors that can occur due to subsequent change of
scaling or accidental overwriting. The values are required for all safety moni‐
toring functions and are of fundamental importance for the functioning of safety

Cause Remedy

Safety parameters were changed without afterwards having Execute "P-0-3204, C3000 Synchronize and store safety tech‐
been synchronized nology IDN command" (channel 2 applies parameters of chan‐
nel 1; internal values are recalculated and loaded).
Executing the command "C3000 Synchronize and store safety
technology IDN" increases the change counter of the safety
technology memory (P-0-3201). It is therefore necessary to
carry out the acceptance test again.
Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
tics" in order to clear error an then set drive enable again.
Hardware defect causes incorrect parameter contents Replace control section or entire drive controller
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and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.3.12 F7041 Actual position value validation error

Cause Remedy

Actual position values determined on channel 1 and channel 2 Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
are differing tics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.3.13 F7042 Validation error of safety related operating mode

The active safety technology operating states of channel 1 and channel 2 are
cyclically and via two channels checked for validity.
If the two channels differ for more than 5 seconds, the error F7042 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Criteria for transition to new safety technology operating sta‐ Check time, velocity or position thresholds relevant for re‐
tus selected have not been fulfilled in one channel; this chan‐ spective transition and adjust them, if necessary.
nel remains in old status - the other channel already went to
new safety technology operating status.
Control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.3.14 F7043 Error of output stage interlock

When the output stage is activated, the correct functioning of the output stage
incl. control is checked. If an error is detected during the function check, the
error F7043 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Faulty output stage Replace control section or entire drive controller

Incorrect control of output stage or error in feedback Replace power section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section or the power section. The
replacement of the entire drive controller is described in the Project
Planning Manual for the power section.
26/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.3.15 F7050 Time for stopping process exceeded

During the transition of the drive from normal operation to a special mode
"safety related stopping process" (or to "drive interlock") the following check is
After the duration entered in
● "P-0-3220, Tolerance time transition from normal operation", or
● "P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from safety rel. oper"
is over, the actual velocity is checked with regard to the velocity threshold en‐
tered in "P-0-3233, Velocity threshold for safety related stopping process".

The drive can also be shut down in an NC-controlled way (cf.

"P-0-3210, Safety technology control word").

Cause Remedy

Parameter setting in P-0-3220 or "P-0-3225 for NC-controlled Check parameter setting of "P-0-3220, Tolerance time transi‐
transition is Incorrect" tion from normal operation"
- or -
"P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from safety rel. oper"
and correct it accordingly
Drive enable is still set Make sure that drive enable is removed
"NC-controlled shutdown" was activated by mistake. Check parameter setting of "P-0-3210, Safety technology con‐
trol word" and correct it accordingly; i.e. activate "drive-con‐
trolled shutdown".
Parameterized deceleration is too low or not adjusted to par‐ For drive-controlled transition, shutdown takes place via
ameterized tolerance time. "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration" so that error reaction
parameterized in drive has to be checked.For NC-controlled
transition, check deceleration parameterized in control unit.

See also documentation "Integrated Safety Technology".

1.3.16 F7051 Safety related deceleration exceeded

With the configuration "NC-controlled transitions" and "safety related monitored
deceleration" ("P-0-3210, Safety technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety
technology configuration", bit 4 and 13), the drive monitors whether it can reach
standstill within the remaining tolerance time for transition.

As of firmware MPx04VRS, additional monitoring takes place to find

out whether the drive can reach the selected velocity threshold of
the special mode "safety related motion" within the remaining tol‐
erance time for transition.

The monitor is active for NC-controlled safety technology operating mode tran‐
sitions from normal operation or special mode "safety related motion" to special
mode "safety related stopping process" (safety related standstill / safety related
operational stop) or drive interlock.

As of firmware MPx04VRS, the monitor, for NC-controlled safety

technology operating mode transitions, is also active from normal
operation to special mode "safety related stopping process" and for
transitions within the special modes "safety related motion (1-4)".
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Only Firmware MPx04VRS: Adjust command value input to parameterized values

In the case of "NC-controlled safety technology operating
mode transitions" from "normal operation" to a special mode
"safety related motion" or in the case of transitions within spe‐
cial modes "safety related motion (1-4)", drive is not able to
reach corresponding velocity threshold of special mode "safe‐
ty related motion" with deceleration parameterized in
"P-0-3282, Safety related monitored deceleration" within re‐
spective transition time ("P-0-3220, Tolerance time transition
from normal operation" / "P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition
from safety rel. oper".)
In the case of "NC-controlled safety technology operating Adjust command value input to parameterized values
mode transitions" from "normal operation" or special mode
"safety related motion" to special mode "safety related stop‐
ping process" or drive interlock, drive is not able to reach
standstill with deceleration parameterized in "P-0-3282, Safe‐
ty related monitored deceleration" with in respective transition
time ("P-0-3220, Tolerance time transition from normal oper‐
ation" / "P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from safety rel.
Values of parameters: Check parameter settings and change them, if necessary
● "P-0-3282, Safety related monitored deceleration",
● "P-0-3220, Tolerance time transition from normal oper‐
ation" or
● "P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from safety rel. op‐
are not useful.

1.4 Travel Range Errors (F6xxx)

1.4.1 Behavior in the Case of Travel Range Errors
Travel range errors are errors associated with the exceeding of a travel range
previously defined via hardware or software switches; independent of the set‐
tings in "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration" and "P-0-0117, Activation of NC
reaction on error" , the drive therefore is stopped as fast as can.
The kind of deceleration depends on the control mode:
● closed-loop:
velocity command value reset
● open-loop:
under compliance with "P-0-0569, Maximum stator frequency slope"
See also Functional Description of firmware "Error Reaction"

In the case of travel range errors, the settings in "P-0-0118, Power

supply, configuration" still are taken into account.

At the end of each error reaction, the drive goes torque-free.

Putting the Drive Into Operation The drive can only be put into operation again when:
1. The error reaction has been completed, i.e. the drive has stopped (v=0!).
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Error Messages
2. The error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
"S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics").
3. The cause of the error was removed.
4. The drive is in the operating mode again and power was switched on
5. Drive enable was switched on again (0-1 edge).

1.4.2 F6010 PLC Runtime Error

The PLC integrated in the drive (Rexroth IndraMotion MLD) triggers the error
F6010 in the case of runtime errors or task watchdog.
Error Reaction All tasks of the PLC are stopped. The drive is always shut down with velocity
command value reset; i.e. the error reaction cannot be parameterized by the

Cause Remedy (*1)

Runtime error in PLC program Remove error by modifying program (correct a possibly exist‐
Runtime monitor (watchdog) for a task has been activated. In ing infinite loop)
this task, processing was not completed in the preset time. The following actions according to application:
● increase task cycle time or
● increase watchdog time or reduce watchdog sensitivity
(higher number)
● optimize program structure
● deactivate compilation option "Debugging" (increases
processing velocity of PLC program)
Division by "0" Modify PLC program: remove division by "0"
Array limits exceeded Modify PLC program: check and correct array access.
A subrange type has been exceeded Modify PLC program: eliminate incorrect assignment
Invalid access with a pointer. As of MPx05, every access with Modify PLC program: eliminate incorrect assignmen
pointer is monitored. Access outside of PLC data ranges
cause this error.
Error in system event Modify PLC program: modify incorrect use or programming -
on this topic, see notes in task configuration.

(*1) Additional Notes on Trouble We distinguish the following cases for trouble shooting:
● For removing the error in a freely programmed application it is necessary
to modify the PLC program or the task configuration with the programming
system IndraLogic.

When connecting the programming system IndraLogic to the drive-

internal PLC or when starting the simulation (IndraLogic: "On‐
line"-"Login"), the message window appears; it displays messages
from the last compilation, check or comparison process.

● For a technology function made available by Bosch Rexroth please see

the corresponding documentation for instructions on troubleshooting.
● An extended diagnosis for determining the cause of the error is displayed
in parameter "P-0-1365, PLC error message".
See also IndraLogic online help.
See also documentation " Rexroth IndraMotion MLD".
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and Controls

Error Messages

1.4.3 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded

The drive checks automatically whether the motor, after drive enable has been
switched off or when an error occurs, was shut down within the delay time par‐
ameterized in "S-0-0273, Maximum drive off delay time". If not, the error F6024
is generated.

Cause Remedy

Incorrect parameterization of "S-0-0273, Maximum drive off Adjust delay time ("S-0-0273, Maximum drive off delay time")
delay time" or "S-0-0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar". or acceleration (S-0-0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar) to
acceleration capacity of drive.
Torque/force limitation incorrectly parameterized or current Check torque/force limitation and current limitation (see also
limitation active due to thermal overload. Functional Description of firmware " Current and Torque/
Force Limitation").
Incorrect motor connection Check and, if necessary, correct motor connection
Hardware defect on power section Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Motor Holding Brake".

1.4.4 F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow)

The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.

The travel range monitor has to be activated and parameterized via

"S-0-0049, Positive position limit value", "S-0-0050,Negative posi‐
tion limit value" and "S-0-0055, Position polarities".
The drive reaction (fatal warning or error) in case the travel range
is exceeded has to be parameterized in "P-0-0090, Travel range
limit parameter".

Cause Remedy

Command value set for drive causes axis position outside of 1. Clear error and switch power on.
positive travel range/position limit value ("S-0-0049, Positive 2. Set drive enable and input a command value leading
position limit value" or "S-0-0050, Negative position limit val‐ back to allowed travel range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to find out cause
of incorrect command value.
"S-0-0049, Positive position limit value" or "S-0-0050, Nega‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameter setting of
tive position limit value" incorrectly parameterized "S-0-0049, Positive position limit value" or "S-0-0050, Nega‐
tive position limit value".
When the position limit values are at the end of possible travel Increase "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range"
range (+/- "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range"), exceeding of -o-
travel range can no longer be unequivocally detected by
means of actual position values. Therefore, overflow monitor‐ Reduce position limit values so that defined deceleration is still
ing is carried out which generates error. possible within defined travel range.
30/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
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Error Messages

The parameter "S-0-0057, Position window" is used to realize a

hysteresis function for evaluating the position limit values.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Position Limitation/Travel Range

Limit Switch".

1.4.5 F6029 Positive travel limit exceeded

The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.

The travel range monitor has to be activated and parameterized via

"S-0-0049, Positive position limit value", "S-0-0050, Negative posi‐
tion limit value" and "S-0-0055, Position polarities".
The drive reaction (fatal warning or error) in case the travel range
is exceeded has to be parameterized in "P-0-0090, Travel range
limit parameter".

Cause Remedy

Command value set for drive causes axis position outside of 1. Clear error and switch power on.
positive travel range/position limit value ("S-0-0049, Positive 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
position limit value"). back to the allowed travel range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to clarify cause
of incorrect command value.
"S-0-0049, Positive position limit value" incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized. "S-0-0049, Positive position limit value".

The "S-0-0057, Position window" parameter is used to realize a

hysteresis function for evaluating the position limit values.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Position Limitation/Travel Range

Limit Switch".

1.4.6 F6030 Negative travel limit exceeded

The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.

The travel range monitor has to be activated and parameterized via

"S-0-0049, Positive position limit value", "S-0-0050, Negative posi‐
tion limit value" and "S-0-0055, Position polarities".
The drive reaction (fatal warning or error) in case the travel range
is exceeded has to be parameterized in "P-0-0090, Travel range
limit parameter".
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Command value set for drive causes axis position outside of 1. Clear error and switch power on
negative travel range/position limit value ("S-0-0050, Negative 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
position limit value"). back to the allowed travel range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to clarify cause
of incorrect command value.
"S-0-0050, Negative position limit value" incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized "S-0-0050, Negative position limit value".

The "S-0-0057, Position window" parameter is used to realize a

hysteresis function for evaluating the position limit values.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Position Limitation/Travel Range

Limit Switch".

1.4.7 F6034 Emergency-Stop

The drive provides a function for monitoring an E-Stop input (connection of an
external hardware switch).

This monitor has to be activated and parameterized via "P-0-0008,

Activation E-Stop function".
When the error F6034 occurs, the axis is shut down as fast as can
with velocity command value reset.

Cause Remedy

E-Stop input was controlled (0 V at digital input) Remove failure that caused E-Stop to be triggered and clarify
cause of triggering.
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs and correct it, if
control section. necessary.
E-Stop switch or cable connection defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of E-Stop switch.
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective. Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware:

● " E-Stop Function"
● " Digital Inputs/Outputs"
● " Velocity Command Value Reset"

1.4.8 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated

The compliance with the allowed travel range of linear axes is monitored on the
hardware side via two travel range limit switches. When the travel range has
been exceeded, one of the two limit switches is activated, if the limit switches
were correctly mounted.
The error F6042 is generated, if
32/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

● the controller detects that both travel range limit switches have been si‐
multaneously activated and
● exceeding the travel range is handled as an error (setting in "P-0-0090,
Travel range limit parameter").

Cause Remedy

Due to incorrect mounting, axis activates both travel range Mount travel range limit switches in such a way that they are
limit switches simultaneously. activated shortly before axis end position is reached. Make
sure the braking distance is sufficient.
Travel range limit switches were incorrectly connected. Connect travel range limit switches correctly; check compli‐
ance with switching logic set in "P-0-0090, Travel range limit
Switching logic of travel range limit switches does not corre‐ Check switching logic with regard to realized wiring, adjust it
spond to realized wiring. in "P-0-0090, Travel range limit parameter" if necessary.

1.4.9 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated

The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches).

This monitor has to be activated and parameterized via "P-0-0090,

Travel range limit parameter".
When the error F6043 occurs, the axis is shut down with velocity
command value reset.

Cause Remedy

Travel range limit switch situated in positive direction (see 1. Clear error (reset button or error clearing command) and
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because switch power on.
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
travel range limit switches. back to the allowed travel range.
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs and correct it, if
control section. necessary.
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch.
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective. Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also "E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated".

See also Functional Description of firmware:
● " Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switch"
● " Digital Inputs/Outputs".

1.4.10 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated

The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches).
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and Controls

Error Messages

This monitor has to be activated and parameterized via "P-0-0090,

Travel range limit parameter".
When the error F6044 occurs, the axis is shut down with velocity
command value reset.

Cause Remedy

Travel range limit switch situated in negative direction (see 1. Clear error (reset button or error clearing command) and
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because switch power on.
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
travel range limit switches. back to the allowed travel range.
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs and correct it, if
control section. necessary.
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch.
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective. Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware:

● " Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switch"
● " Digital Inputs/Outputs".

1.4.11 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt)

Cause Remedy

"Error reaction active" has been set in" P-0-1600, CCD: con‐ Localize faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
figuration" and an F6 or F7 error occurred in a slave; CCD
master reacts with emergency halt (velocity command value

See also Functional Description of firmware " Cross Communication (CCD)".

1.5 Interface Errors (F4xxx)

1.5.1 Behavior in the Case of Interface Errors
The user can influence the behavior of the drive in the case of interface errors
via the parameterization of "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration" (see Func‐
tional Description " Error Reaction").

In the case of an interface error, activating the NC reaction via

"P-0-0117, Activation of NC reaction on error" is no longer possible!

At the end of each error reaction, the drive goes torque-free.

Putting the Drive Into Operation The drive can only be put into operation again when:
1. The error reaction has been completed, i.e. the drive has stopped (v=0!).
2. The error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
"S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics").
34/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages
3. The cause of the error was removed.
4. The drive is in the operating mode again and power was switched on
5. Drive enable was switched on again (0-1 edge).

1.5.2 F4001 Sync telegram failure

In the firmware versions 02VRS, 03VRS, 04VRS and up to the
firmware version 05V06, the name of the error is "F4001 Double
MST failure shutdown".

Master Communication SERCOS The master synchronization telegram (MST) was not received in the drive in
two successive SERCOS cycles.

Cause Remedy

Disturbance in fiber optic transmission line Check all optic fiber connections in the SERCOS ring and re‐
place them, if necessary.
Attenuation of light signals too high Measure attenuation of fiber optic cable again (if necessary,
increase transmission power via P-0-4027).
The maximum attenuation between TX and RX mustn't exceed
12.5 dB!
Different SERCOS cycle times in master and slave Check SERCOS cycle times in master and slave and adjust
them, if necessary.
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive.

Master Communication CANopen The synchronization telegram was not received in the drive in two successive

Cause Remedy

Sync master does not transmit Sync telegram Check whether a bus node was configured as Sync master.
Check Sync master to see whether it is in an error state.
CAN bus interrupted Check bus line
Disturbance in CANopen interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the " Project Planning Manual for the
power section".

See also Functional Description of firmware " Interface Errors and Diagnostic

1.5.3 F4002 RTD telegram failure

In the firmware versions 02VRS, 03VRS, 04VRS and up to the
firmware version 05V06, the name of the error is "F4002 Double
MDT failure shutdown".

Master Communication SERCOS The master data telegram (MDT) was not received in the drive in two successive
SERCOS or field bus cycles. The drive falls back to communication phase 0.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Bus master does not send any more cyclic telegrams to the Switch master on and start cyclic communication; see manual
drive. These, however, are expected in communication for control unit.
phase 4.
Fiber optic cable bus: disturbance in fiber optic transmission Check all fiber optic cable connections in SERCOS ring.
Fiber optic cable bus: Input power of light signals too low. Light Adjust transmission power or check attenuation of fiber optic
power to be measured at receiver (with test mode: continuous cable. The maximum attenuation between TX and RX mustn't
light) must be between -20dBm (10μW) and -5dBm (320μW). exceed 12.5 dB.

Different transmission times of master data telegrams in mas‐ Synchronize transmission times of master data telegrams in
ter and slave. master and slave.
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Master Communication CANopen The real-time data telegram (RDT) was not received in the drive in two suc‐
cessive field bus cycles.

Cause Remedy

PDO master does not send any more cyclic telegrams to the Switch master on and start cyclic communication; see manual
drive. for control unit.
Bus line disturbed Check bus line and connector
Disturbance in CANopen interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the " Project Planning Manual for the
power section.".

See also Functional Description of firmware " Interface Errors and Diagnostic

1.5.4 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown

An invalid communication phase (phase > 4) was set by the SERCOS master

Cause Remedy

Error in SERCOS master module of control unit Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit

See also Functional Description of firmware " Interface Errors and Diagnostic

1.5.5 F4004 Error during phase progression

The compulsory order was not followed during the phase progression.

Cause Remedy

Error in SERCOS master module of control unit. Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit

See also Functional Description of firmware " Interface Errors and Diagnostic
36/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.5.6 F4005 Error during phase regression

When regressing from a communication phase the drive wasn't switched to
communication phase 0.

Cause Remedy

Error in SERCOS master module of control unit. Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit

See also Functional Description of firmware " Interface Errors and Diagnostic

1.5.7 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal

The SERCOS master tried to carry out a phase switch without waiting for the
ready signal from the drive.

Cause Remedy

Error in SERCOS master module of control unit. Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit

See also Functional Description of firmware "Interface Errors and Diagnostic


1.5.8 F4009 Bus failure

Communication via the master communication interface has failed. After the
master communication interface was initialized and commissioned, there hasn't
any telegram been received within the monitoring time set in "P-0-4075, Field
bus: watchdog".

Automatic restart after bus failure!

In the case of bus failure (message "F4009" or "E4005"), an error reaction must
be carried out in the control unit, too, to prevent automatic restart after the bus
DANGER has been reestablished. This means that the bits "Drive Halt", "drive enable"
and "drive ON" (e.g. bits 13, 14 and 15 in parameter "P-0-4077, Field bus: con‐
trol word") should be reset in the control unit in the case of bus failure.
Ethernet/IP Only Class1 connections are monitored which means that, within the watchdog
time, there haven't any new output data been received from the master.

Cause Remedy

Master does not exchange any cyclic output data Check master status
Ethernet connection aborted Check Ethernet cable and, if necessary, switch
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Network load too high Switch off unnecessary Ethernet communication; if necessa‐
ry, establish separate network for Ethernet/IP

DeviceNet Only the "Implicite Message" is monitored which means that, within the watch‐
dog time, there haven't any new output data been received from the master.

Cause Remedy

Master does not exchange any cyclic output data Check master status
Bus connection interrupted Check cable and interface
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy
Bus load too high Check communication settings (or communication load) ["In‐
terscan Delay" setting at DeviceNet master].
Faulty bus terminator Check whether bus terminating resistors have been installed
at most distant bus nodes.

CANopen According to the kind of node monitoring which has been set, the "Node Guard‐
ing request" (cyclic node monitoring) or the "heartbeat telegram" is monitored.

Cause Remedy

Master does not transmit any node monitoring telegram Check master status
Bus connection interrupted Check cable and interface
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Bus load too high Check communication settings (or communication load)
Faulty bus terminator Check whether bus terminating resistors have been installed
at most distant bus nodes

PROFIBUS The master must address the slave within the monitoring time.

Cause Remedy

Master does not exchange any cyclic output data Check master status
Bus connection interrupted Check cable and interface
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Faulty bus terminator Check whether bus terminating resistors have been installed
at most distant bus nodes. At all other nodes, bus terminating
resistors must not have been installed


Cause Remedy

Communication phase 0 was set, although drive enable had First remove drive enable and then set communication phase
been set. 0.

1.5.9 F4012 Incorrect I/O length

The master tries to establish communication with an I/O length that does not
correspond to the I/O length parameterized in the drive.

Cause Remedy

Different length for input data or output data than drive expects ● Check parameter set in drive
in "P-0-4071, Field bus: length of cyclic command value data ● Adjust master configuration
channel" and "P-0-4082, Field bus: length of cyclic actual val‐
ue data channel" was configured in master.

1.5.10 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure

Writing of the "RtcW" variable of the integrated PLC to the corresponding pa‐
rameters failed twice in succession / didn't take place in time.
38/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Function block "MX_SynchronControl" is used: Increase interval time of RTC task

Interval time of RTC task (task that uses real-time channel) is
too short. Processing task code takes more time than one in‐
terval time.
Function block "MX_SynchronControl" is not used: Increase interval time of RTC task
At time of controlled transmission of "RtcW" variable, program - o -
code of RTC task hadn't yet been processed. increase value at input "CmdDelay" of function block

See also:
● Rexroth IndraMotion MLD, Application Manual "Real-Time Channel"
● Rexroth IndraMotion MLD, Library Description "MX_SynchronControl"

1.5.11 F4017 S-III: incorrect sequence during phase switch

Error in SERCOS-III master module of the control unit; the SERCOS-III master
tried to make a phase switch, the drive detected that the sequence of this phase
switch was incorrect.

Cause Remedy

Timeout occurred in drive during phase switch (individual Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit
switching periods took too long). manufacturer.
Master changed phase without prior notice (new phase in MST
without CPS bit set).
Drive was switched on while SERCOS III already was in higher

1.5.12 F4034 Emergency-Stop

The drive provides a function for monitoring an E-Stop input (connection of an
external hardware switch).

This monitor has to be activated and parameterized via "P-0-0008,

Activation E-Stop function".
The axis is shut down as parameterized in "P-0-0119, Best possible

Cause Remedy

E-Stop input was controlled (0 V at digital input) Remove failure that caused E-Stop to be triggered and clear
error (reset button or error clearing command). Then switch
power on again and clarify cause of E-Stop triggering.
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control sec‐
control section. tion and correct it, if necessary.
E-Stop switch or cable connection defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of E-Stop switch.
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective. Replace control section or entire drive controller.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 39/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware:

● " E-Stop Function"
● " Digital Inputs/Outputs"
● " Best Possible Deceleration"

1.5.13 F4140 CCD communication error

Cause Remedy

CCD master detected double telegram failure of cyclic tele‐ Remove error in transmission line.
- or -
"Error reaction active" has been set in "P-0-1600, CCD: con‐
figuration" and slave has signaled communication error.

The CCD master is decelerated as set in "P-0-0119, Best possible


See also Functional Description of firmware " Cross Communication (CCD)".

1.6 Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (F3xxx)

1.6.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors
Non-fatal safety technology errors are errors that still allow a freely definable,
variable error reaction.
Drive Behavior The user can define the drive behavior for the case of non-fatal safety technol‐
ogy errors occurring via the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration".
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped, the axis signals safety; i.e. "safety technology
status output of controller" was set in "P-0-3214, Safety technology status word,
channel 1" or the diagnosis input/output E/A10n (channel 2) was set depending
on the parameterization in "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration".

NC-controlled shutdown activated via "P-0-0117, Activation of NC

reaction on error" or an error reaction set via "P-0-0119, Best pos‐
sible deceleration" is only possible for the duration entered in
"P-0-3220, Tolerance time transition from normal operation" or
"P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from safety rel. oper."! In case
the time is exceeded, the error "F7050 Time for stopping process
exceeded" is generated.

At the end of each error reaction, the drive goes torque-free.

Putting the Drive Into Operation The drive therefore can only be put into operation again when:
1. The error reaction has been completed, i.e. the drive has stopped (v=0!).
2. The error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
"S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics").
40/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages
3. The cause of the error was removed.
4. The drive is in the operating mode again and power was switched on
5. Drive enable was switched on again (0-1 edge).

In case non-fatal safety technology errors are occurring repeatedly,

contact our service department as operating the drive then is no
longer allowed.

1.6.2 F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related end pos.
The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped the safety door can be opened.

Cause Remedy

Acceleration threshold parameterized in "P-0-3245, Safety re‐ Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
lated deceleration/acceleration ramp 1" has been exceeded. tics" in order to clear error an then set drive enable again.
If necessary, increase value for parameter "P-0-3245, Safety
related deceleration/acceleration ramp 1".

1.6.3 F3112 Safety related reference missing

It was impossible to carry out the safety function "safety related limited absolute
position" / "safety related limited absolute end position".

Cause Remedy

Monitoring of safety related limited absolute end position has 1. Undo selection.
been configured ("P-0-3239, Configuration of global safety 2. Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
technology functions"); prerequisite of channel 2 having been nostics", in order to clear error.
homed is missing and drive is in special mode.
3. Set drive enable.
4. a: For absolute measuring systems: Execute "P-0-3228,
Monitoring of safety related limited absolute end position has C4000 Homing procedure command channel 2" in order
been configured ("P-0-3239, Configuration of global safety to establish "safety related reference" on channel 2.
technology functions"); prerequisite of channel 2 having been
homed is missing and warning E3107 had been present for b: For all other measuring systems: Execute "S-0-0148,
15 minutes in normal operation. C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure com‐
mand" (C4000 for establishing safety related reference
-o- of channel 2 is integrated).
Safety function "safety related limited absolute position" was
selected and prerequisite of channel 2 having been homed is
Status of safety related reference can be seen in "P-0-3238,
Extended safety technology status".

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 41/137
and Controls

Error Messages

See documentation "Integrated Safety Technology", chapter " Safety related

homing procedure".

1.6.4 F3115 Error, brake check time interval exceeded

When "time interval of holding brake check" was activated in "P-0-0525, Holding
brake control word" or the function "safety related braking and holding sys‐
tem" is used, the drive monitors the time which has passed since the last holding
brake check.
The space of time determined in "P-0-0550, Time interval brake check" or
"P-0-3302, Safety related holding system: time interval brake check", within
which the holding brake check has to be carried out again, was exceeded.
Error Reaction The drive reacts with the error reaction that has been set. The "status of holding
brake check" is set to "0" in "P-0-0539, Holding brake status word".

Cause Remedy

Drive had been put into operation and drive enable was set; Brake check ("P-0-0541, C2100 Brake check command")
after 15 minutes, drive generates error F3115. must be carried out within 15 minutes after drive was put into
operation and drive enable was set.
Time set in "P-0-0550, Time interval brake check" or Clear error; drive is operational again. Brake check must be
"P-0-3302, Safety related holding system: time interval brake carried out within 15 minutes (with drive enable) ("P-0-0541,
check" has elapsed since last brake check. C2100 Brake check command").
Repeated brake check is required due to defined errors in Clear error; drive is operational again. Brake check must be
"safety related braking and holding system". carried out within 15 minutes (with drive enable) ("P-0-0541,
● Signal "HAT-Diagnose" is zero (control module "HAT" C2100 Brake check command").
signals error or connection to control module has been
- or -
● Signal "HAT-Diagnose" does not correspond to expect‐
ations from control status of redundant holding brake
- or -
● In case of error, redundant holding brake had to be ap‐
plied given Vact > standstill
● "C3000 Synchronize and store safety technology IDN"
was executed.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

See also Functional Description of firmware " Motor Holding Brake".

See also documentation " ntegrated Safety Technology".

1.6.5 F3117 Actual position values validation error

When both safety technology channels have been homed (cf. "S-0-0403, Po‐
sition feedback value status" for channel 1 and "P-0-3213, Safety technology
status" for channel 2), their actual position values are cyclically checked for
validity; the difference of the actual position values mustn't exceed an internal
threshold that depends on the measuring system.
42/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

For the configuration "homing procedure channel 2 via static sig‐

nal", the signal at the homing input of channel 2 may only be 24 V
when the axis is within "P-0-3231, Safety related reference position
channel 2" or "P-0-3231, Reference position for safety related ref‐
erence" +/- "P-0-3229, Tolerance window for safety related homing

Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
In "P-0-3213, Safety technology status" or "P-0-3213, Safety technology oper‐
ating status" the status "safely homed" is removed.
The drive automatically switches to "safety related standstill" and the output
stage is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Short circuit of home switch input of channel 2 with 24 V. Check connection of home switch input at optional module
"safety technology I/O".
Tolerance window around "safety related reference position Check parameter setting of "P-0-3229, Tolerance window for
channel 2" (P-0-3231) incorrectly parameterized. safety related homing procedure" and adjust it accordingly.
Control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

After trouble shooting start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
nostics" in order to clear error an then set drive enable again.
Then establish safety related reference again by executing command "C4000
Homing procedure command channel 2".

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.6 F3122 Safety related holding system: system error

Monitoring functions of the safety related deceleration and holding system have
detected errors in the control or feedback circuit of the redundant holding brake.

Cause Remedy

Brake server for controlling redundant holding brake is no lon‐ Replace hardware
ger active. Lifecounter brake server has not been incremen‐ Replace firmware
No acknowledgment when releasing/applying redundant hold‐ Check wiring
ing brake. Check takes place by means of feedback signal of
control module.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 43/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy
Error during static check of control and feedback signal of Check wiring
control module. Check control module
Requirements for releasing redundant holding brake have not Replace hardware
been complied with. Output stage is not active.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.7 F3123 Safety related holding system: brake check missing

Cause Remedy

At selection of a safety technology operating status, a check Deselect safety related operating status and execute "C2100
has detected that states of holding brake monitoring of motor Brake check command".
holding brake (P-0-0539) and/or redundant holding brake
(P-0-3301) have not been set to "carried out successfully".

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.8 F3130 Error when checking input signals

A validity check is run for the inputs for channel 1 and channel 2 of the safety
technology so that several errors can be detected.
Optional Module "Starting Lockout" For the optional module "starting lockout" the selection signals "AS_A" or
"AS_B" and "ASn" are monitored for states that are not allowed.
Optional Module "Safety Technolo‐ For the optional module "safety technology I/O" a check is run during dynami‐
gy I/O" zation to find out whether all input signals of safety function selection are zero.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Error in wiring of input signals or contact error resp. cable Remove cause of error in wiring of inputs or replace switch.
break. Then start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
nostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.

In addition to the error message, it is possible to obtain detailed

information with regard to the cause of the error or the error location.
For this purpose evaluate parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety
technology message".
44/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

See also Documentation "Integrated Safety Technology", chapter " Diagnostic

and Services".

1.6.9 F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment signal

The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped the safety door can be opened.

Cause Remedy

When using optional module starting lockout: Remove cause of error in wiring of acknowledgment signal.
Channel 1 monitors status of acknowledgment relay. If normal Then start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
condition of relay is detected in spite of activated starting lock‐ nostics" in order to clear error an then set drive enable again.
out function or if operated condition of the relay is detected
with starting lockout not active, error message F3131 is gen‐
erated. Error in wiring of acknowledgment signal (contact error
or cable break).
When using optional module safety technology I/O: Remove cause of error in wiring of acknowledgment signal
During check of acknowledgment signal EA20 a static high EA20.
level (short circuit with V+) or a static low level (cable break Then start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
resp. loose or missing connection) was detected. nostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.
If only diagnostic safety technology slave signals F3131, this
is a sign of missing connection of signal EA20 between master
and slave.
Within defined time window there wasn't any dynamization Safety technology master always has to be included in SER‐
signal detected, because SERCOS ring (or field bus circuit) in COS ring (or field bus circuit) which is last to switch to oper‐
which safety technology master has been included goes to ating mode.
operating mode more slowly than ring (or circuit) in which axis
with error message has been included.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.10 F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output signal

With control of a safety door configured ("P-0-3210, Safety technology control
word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration", bit 1=1), the safety tech‐
nology master for diagnostic message and acknowledgment ("P-0-3210, Safety
technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration",
bit 2=1) checks whether...:
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 45/137
and Controls

Error Messages

● ...a feedback is present at the diagnostic input of channel 1 (E10)

("P-0-3212, Safety technology signal control word, channel 1 " or
"P-0-3212, Safety technology control word, channel 1" bit 9) after transi‐
tion to a safety function.
● ...a feedback is present at the diagnostic input of channel 1 (E10)
("P-0-3212, Safety technology signal control word, channel 1" or
"P-0-3212, Safety technology control word, channel 1" bit 9) after transi‐
tion to normal operation.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
deceleration". The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and
the output stage is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Error in wiring of diagnostic output / check input (A10, E10 or Remove error in wiring of diagnostic output / check input.
Error in parameterization of diagnostic output / check input. Check bit 1=1 (control of a safety door) and bit 2=1 (safety
technology master for diagnostic message and acknowledg‐
ment) in parameter "P-0-3210, Safety technology control
word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration".
Check parameterization of A10 ("P-0-3214, Safety technology
signal status word, channel 1" or "P-0-3214, Safety technology
status word, channel 1", bit 0) and E10 ("P-0-3212, Safety
technology signal control word, channel 1" or "P-0-3212, Safe‐
ty technology control word, channel 1", bit 9) for the corre‐
sponding digital inputs/outputs.
Internal relay on channel 2 defective. Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.11 F3133 Error when checking interrupting circuits

In order to lock the output stage in a safety related way when the safety tech‐
nology has detected an error, the correct functioning of the interrupting circuit
is cyclically checked. This is done on the one hand during the actions "release
output stage" and "lock output stage", on the other hand statically while the
output stage is being released or locked. The corresponding hardware realiza‐
tion ensures that this is possible without repercussion on the PWM control

When the safety technology has been activated, the error F3133
only occurs in normal operation. When a safety function is selected,
the cause of the error causes the error "F8133 Error when checking
interrupting circuit" to be triggered.
46/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible

The drive automatically switches to "safety related standstill" and the output
stage is switched off via one channel.

Safety is not acknowledged; i.e. "safety technology status output

controller" was cleared/reset in "P-0-3214, Safety technology signal
status word, channel 1" or "P-0-3214, Safety technology status
word, channel 1" or the diagnosis input/output EA10n (channel 2)
was set depending on the parameterization in "P-0-3210, Safety
technology control word" / "P-0-3210, Safety technology configura‐

Cause Remedy

An error was detected during check of interrupting circuit. Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
tics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.12 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect

The signal shape of the "dynamization signal of safety function selection" is

Monitoring normally refers to the signals at the dynamization input

EA30. If "separate dynamization" has been set in "P-0-3210, Safety
technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology configu‐
ration", the dynamization input for channel 1 is additionally moni‐
tored (see also "P-0-3212, Safety technology signal control word,
channel 1" or "P-0-3212, Safety technology control word, chan‐
nel 1").

Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
When the drive is in a safety function, it is automatically switched to safety
related standstill and the output stage is switched off via two channels.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 47/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Error in wiring of dynamization signal (e.g. short circuit with V Check wiring of dynamization signal and remove error.
Error in signal shape of dynamization signal in the case of ex‐ Check dynamization signal and correct it, if necessary. Rele‐
ternal dynamization (see also "F3135 Dynamization pulse vant parameters:
width incorrect"). "P-0-3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety function
selection" (+20 % tolerance) mustn't be exceeded
"P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety function
Parameterization of "P-0-3210, Safety technology control In the case of internal dynamization, per safety zone configure
word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration" not use‐ one axis as master for dynamization (set bit 3 in "P-0-3210,
ful. Safety technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technol‐
ogy configuration").

After having removed the error start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class
1 diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.

If error message occurs repeatedly, safety technology firmware has

to be replaced.
Control section (only by Rexroth service engineers or especially
trained users) or entire drive controller has to be replaced. The re‐
placement of the entire drive controller is described in the Project
Planning Manual for the power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.13 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect

For "dynamization of safety function selection" a dynamic signal is applied to
the selection elements, in order to detect errors in the wiring of the input signal /
input signals. The signal shape of the dynamic signal / dynamic signals is moni‐
tored, too.
The monitoring refers to the signal at the input EA30 and in the case of separate
dynamization ("P-0-3210, Safety technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety
technology configuration", bit 7=1) additionally to the "dynamization signal
channel 1" ("P-0-3212, Safety technology signal control word, channel 1" or
"P-0-3212, Safety technology control word, channel 1", bit 10).
The pulse width of the dynamization signal was detected to be too short or too
long; the minimum pulse width is 30 ms, the maximum pulse width is determined
via "P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety function selection" (plus
a tolerance of 20 percent).
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
deceleration". When the drive is in a safety function, it is automatically switched
to safety related standstill and the output stage is switched off via two channels.
48/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Error in wiring of dynamization signal EA30 Remove error in wiring of dynamization signal EA30 [e.g. short
circuit with 0 V (GND), cable break, missing connection to
master of dynamization].
In the case of separate dynamization ("P-0-3210, Safety tech‐ Remove error in wiring of dynamization signal [e.g. short cir‐
nology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology config‐ cuit with 0 V (GND), cable break, missing connection to master
uration", bit 7=1): error in wiring of "dynamization input of dynamization]
channel 1" ("P-0-3212, Safety technology signal control word, -o-
channel 1" or "P-0-3212, Safety technology control word,
channel 1", bit10). Missing or incorrect settings for transmission via master com‐
In the case of internal dynamization ("P-0-3210, Safety tech‐ Check parameterization of
nology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology config‐ ● "P-0-3210, Safety technology control word" or
uration", bit 7=0): error in signal shape of dynamization signal. "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration" (only one
drive may be selected as master for dynamization, all
other drives must be declared slaves).
● "P-0-3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety func‐
tion selection" and "P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization
pulse of safety function selection" in involved slave axes
have to be greater than or equal to values in master axis.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 49/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy
In the case of external dynamization: error in signal shape of In the case of external dynamization, all drives that are to be
dynamization signal dynamized have to be parameterized as "slave for dynamiza‐
tion of safety function selection" via "P-0-3210, Safety tech‐
nology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology config‐
uration". EA30 of respective drives have to be interconnected
and connected to signal source.
Dynamization signal is generated by external source and this
source has to be connected to selection elements and dy‐
namization signal EA30.
Signal shape mustn't exceed parameter values
● "P-0-3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety func‐
tion selection" and
● "P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety
function selection".
Signal monitoring takes place with retriggerable timers; i.e.
dynamization may also take place in shorter intervals and with
shorter pulse width (minimum 30 ms).
In the case of separate dynamization for channel 1 and chan‐ Channel 2:
nel 2 ("P-0-3210, Safety technology control word" or Interconnect EA30 of respective drives. Dynamize N/C con‐
"P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration", bit 7=1): error in tacts of selection elements with dynamization signal EA30.
signal shape of dynamization signal EA30.
Channel 1:
Dynamization signal for channel 1 is generated by external
source. "Dynamization input channel 1" ("P-0-3212, Safety
technology signal control word, channel 1", bit 10) of respec‐
tive drives has to be interconnected and connected to signal
source. Dynamize N/O contacts of selection elements with
externally generated "dynamization signal channel 1".
Signal shape mustn't exceed parameter values
● "P-0-3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety func‐
tion selection" and
● "P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety
function selection".
Signal monitoring takes place with retriggerable timers; i.e.
dynamization may also take place in shorter intervals and with
shorter pulse width (minimum 30 ms).

After having removed the cause start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class
1 diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.

If error message occurs repeatedly, safety technology firmware has

to be replaced.
Control section (only by Rexroth service engineers or especially
trained users) or entire drive controller has to be replaced. The re‐
placement of the entire drive controller is described in the Project
Planning Manual for the power section.
50/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.14 F3140 Safety parameters validation error

In the operating mode, a validation check is cyclically carried out for the safety
parameters of channel 1 and channel 2.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
When the drive is in a safety function, it is automatically switched to safety
related standstill and the output stage is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Change in safety parameters without subsequent synchroni‐ Execute command "P-0-3204, C3000 Synchronize and store
zation of safety parameters in special mode safety technology IDN command"; channel 2 thereby applies
parameters of channel 1 and internal values are recalculated
and loaded
Executing the command "C3000 Synchronize and store safety
technology IDN" increases the change counter of the safety
technology memory (P-0-3201). It is therefore necessary to
carry out the acceptance test again.

When using option module "Safty Technology I/O", you can, in ad‐
dition to the error message, obtain detailed infomration with regard
to the cause of the error or the error location. For thispurpose, eval‐
uate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology".

Afterwards, start the command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics"

in order to clear the error and then set drive enable again.

1.6.15 F3141 Selection validation error

The check carried out when selecting/deselecting safety functions has shown
that the selection signals of channel 1 and channel 2 differed for a longer time
than the tolerated duration preset by "P-0-3221, Max. tolerance time for differ‐
ent channel states".
The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped the safety door can be opened.

Cause Remedy

Error in wiring of input signals or switch defective. Check switch elements and wiring of input signals.
Different safety functions assigned to inputs of channel 1 and Check configuration of inputs of channel 1 and channel 2.
channel 2.
"P-0-3221, Max. tolerance time for different channel states" Change parameterization of "P-0-3221, Max. tolerance time
incorrectly parameterized. for different channel states" (increase value).
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 51/137
and Controls

Error Messages

After having removed the cause start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class
1 diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.16 F3142 Activation time of enabling control exceeded

The parameterized maximum time for the activation of the enabling control
("P-0-3222, Max. activation time of enabling control") has been exceeded.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Enabling control was activated too long. Remove enabling signal before time parameterized in
"P-0-3222, Max. activation time of enabling control" is over.
Parameterization of "P-0-3222, Max. activation time of ena‐ Check and, if necessary, change parameterization of
bling control" does not make sense. "P-0-3222, Max. activation time of enabling control".
Enabling control is defective or incorrectly wired. Check and, if necessary, replace/correct enabling control and

After having removed the cause start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class
1 diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.17 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors incorrect

Via an internal command embedded in the call of "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class
1 diagnostics" all errors of channel 2 are cleared. If a problem is detected during
this procedure, the drive generates the error F3143.
Error Reaction Axis is in "safety related standstill". The output stage has been switched off via
two channels.

Cause Remedy

If error message coincides with a firmware update, this indi‐ Carry out firmware update again
cates that firmware on channel 2 was not started; in this case,
"P-0-3200, Safety technology firmware code" is without con‐
tent. (This can be due to following reasons: firmware of chan‐
nel 2 incompatible with channel 1, checksum or hardware
error on channel 2..)
Execution of internal command was aborted with timeout. Reset module by switching control voltage off and on.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller.
52/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

See also Functional Description of firmware " Firmware Release Update".

1.6.18 F3144 Incorrect safety configuration

An error was detected in the configuration of safety technology.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Safety technology control signals (selection signals) were con‐ For configuration "safety technology with PROFIsafe", only
figured in "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O control word, assignment of home switch and safety technology inputs 1 to
channel 2" or "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O configuration 4 is allowed; for the other safety technology control signals it
list, channel 2", but safety technology with PROFIsafe hasn't is not allowed to establish any functional connection; change
been configured or hardware requirements therefor are miss‐ parameter setting of "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O control
ing. word, channel 2" or "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O config‐
uration list, channel 2" accordingly.
Safety technology control signals (selection signals) were as‐ Only assign safety technology control signals (selection sig‐
signed several times in "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O con‐ nals) once in "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O control word,
trol word, channel 2" or "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O channel 2" or "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O configuration
configuration list, channel 2". list, channel 2".
Safety technology inputs 1 to 4 were configured in "P-0-3211, Safety technology inputs 1 to 4 are only allowed in conjunction
Safety technology I/O control word, channel 2" or "P-0-3211, with the configuration "safety technology with PROFIsafe";
Safety technology I/O configuration list, channel 2", but safety change parameterization of "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O
technology with PROFIsafe hasn't been configured or hard‐ control word, channel 2" or "P-0-3211, Safety technology I/O
ware requirements therefor are missing. configuration list, channel 2" accordingly.
Two configurations were inadmissibly made at the same time One of both configurations must be undone.
for the axis:
master for diagnosis and acknowledgment ("P-0-3210, Safety
technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology con‐
figuration", bit 2)
- and-
"deactivation of acknowledgment support at EA20", i.e. drive
does not work in acknowledgment group ("P-0-3210, Safety
technology control word" or "P-0-3210, Safety technology con‐
figuration", bit 8).

After trouble shooting start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
nostics" in order to clear error an then set drive enable again.
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and Controls

Error Messages

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.19 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door

When the special mode is deselected, a check is run to find out whether the
control of the door locking device is inactive and the door is closed and locked.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
- or -
the axis already is in "safety related standstill".
The output stage is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Error in mechanical system of safety door Check mechanical system of safety door
Error in wiring of safety door or short circuit between EA10n, Check wiring of safety door
A10, E10 and 24 V
Hardware defect on control section or on optional safety tech‐ Replace control section or entire drive controller
nology module

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.20 F3146 System error channel 2

The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.
In the case of a measuring system error, the safety door can only be opened
via the command "P-0-3218, C3700 Manually unlocking the safety door".
54/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

System error on channel 2 Reset module by switching control voltage off and on.Start
command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics" in or‐
der to clear error and then set drive enable again.If error
occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire drive con‐
Failure of encoder signal ● check cable to measuring system
● check shield connection
● check connection (ribbon cable) between optional safety
technology module and encoder interface
No encoder signals ● connection (ribbon cable) between optional safety tech‐
nology module and encoder interface missing
● check measuring system

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.21 F3147 System error channel 1

The operatability of safety monitoring functions is cyclically checked in normal
A system error occurred in channel 1. The drive is decelerated according to the
setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration".
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped the safety door can be opened.

Cause Remedy

Cyclic test of monitoring functions of safety technology chan‐ Reset module by switching control voltage off and on.
nel 1 is faulty. If error occurs repeatedly, replace firmware and/or hardware.
You use a test firmware (to be recognized, among other Replace firmware by test firmware with safety technology firm‐
things, by "P-0-3213, Safety technology operating status" or ware test or official firmware (V-release) with which safety
"P-0-3213, Safety technology status", bit 14). technology can always be used without restrictions.
Test firmware was provided as an exception for applications
without active safety technology; safety technology firmware
test was not carried out for this firmware!
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 55/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers are allowed to replace optional

modules of the control section.
Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐
lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.22 F3150 Safety command for system start incorrect

Channel 2 of the safety technology is switched from parameter mode to oper‐
ating mode via an internal command. During the command channel 2 carries
out the necessary initialization steps.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Time in command processing exceeded. Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
tics" to clear error:
⇒ Reset optional safety technology module (switch control
voltage off and on).
After control voltage was switched off and on, error occurs
⇒ Reload firmware.
Error occurs in spite of switching control voltage off and on
and reloading firmware:
⇒ Hardware is defective; replace control section.

To load the firmware please read the description "Firmware Update

(or Replacement)" in the Firmware Release Notes.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".
56/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.6.23 F3151 Safety command for system halt incorrect

Channel 2 of the safety technology is switched from operating mode to param‐
eter mode via an internal command. During the command the necessary
initialization steps are carried out in channel 2.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
deceleration". The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and
the output stage is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Time exceeded in command processing because other com‐ Start command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
mand is active (e.g. C3000). tics" in order to clear error and then switch from operating
mode to parameter mode.
If necessary, reset module by switching control voltage on and

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.24 F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data

In order to use the same safety technology configuration, after the control sec‐
tion was replaced, without having to carry out safety technology commissioning
again, the monitoring of the correct backup or acceptance of the safety tech‐
nology data is contained in the drive. An error occurred during data backup.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
deceleration". The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and
the output stage is switched off via two channels. As soon as the axis has stop‐
ped the safety door can be opened.

Cause Remedy

Error in hardware or in internal sequence during data backup. Repeat data backup.
If error occurs again, execute command "load defaults proce‐
dure for safety technology". If error occurs again, optional
safety technology module or entire drive controller has to be
If error occurs, content of parameter "P-0-3208, Backup of
safety techn. data channel 2" is incorrect
Content of parameter "P-0-3208, Backup of safety techn. data Check whether correct parameter set, compatible firmware
channel 2" is incorrect. version ("S-0-0030, Manufacturer version").
If error-free "P-0-3208, Backup of safety techn. data channel
2" is not available, safety technology commissioning has to be
carried out again.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 57/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.
Only Rexroth service engineers are allowed to replace optional
modules of the control section.

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.6.25 F3160 Safety bus communication error

A cyclic check of the drive has shown that the drive cannot communicate with
the master via the safety bus.
Error Reaction The drive is decelerated according to the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible
deceleration". The drive automatically switches to "drive interlock" and the out‐
put stage is switched off via two channels.

Cause Remedy

Missing or incorrect connection Check connection, remove cause of error

Failure of bus master Remove error of master

When using the optional module "safety technology I/O", you can,
in addition to the error message, obtain detailed information with
regard to the cause of the error or the error location. For this pur‐
pose, evaluate the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety tech‐
nology message".

1.7 Non-Fatal Errors (F2xxx)

1.7.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Errors
Non-fatal errors are errors that still allow a freely definable, variable error re‐
Drive Behavior The user can define the drive behavior for the case of non-fatal errors occurring
via the setting of the parameters "P-0-0117, Activation of NC reaction on er‐
ror" and "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration".
Putting the Drive Into Operation The drive can only be put into operation again when:
1. The error reaction has been completed, i.e. the drive has stopped (v=0!).
2. The error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
"S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics").
3. The cause of the error was removed.
4. Drive enable was switched on again (0-1 edge).

1.7.2 F2003 Motion step skipped

When the operating mode "electronic motion profile" is active, a check is run
during the transition from one motion step to the next to find out whether a
motion step was skipped.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Except for the transition from the last to the first motion step (or vice versa), the
motion step number may only change by 1.

Cause Remedy

Master axis velocity ("P-0-0777, Effective master axis veloci‐ Reduce master axis velocity
ty") is so high that master axis distance ("P-0-0227, Cam shaft - o -
profile, access angle") covered in one position loop clock is
greater than width of one motion step. Increase width of motion step (distance of two master axis in‐
itial positions in "P-0-0705, List of master axis initial positions,
set 0" or "P-0-0712, List of master axis initial positions, set
Reduce position loop clock (see Functional Description of
firmware " Performance Data").

1.7.3 F2004 Error in motion profile

In the operating mode with electronic motion profile, the drive monitors whether
the defined motion profile (max. 8 individual motion steps) is verisimilar. The
error is generated if a motion profile that has not passed the validation checks
is activated with the drive having been enabled. Depending on whether set 0
or set 1 had been selected, a number is displayed in parameter "P-0-0702,
Motion profile, diagnosis, set 0" or "P-0-0709, Motion profile, diagnosis,
set 1".

Cause Remedy

1: Master axis initial positions of motion steps used are not Check list "P-0-0705, List of master axis initial positions,
increasing. set 0" or "P-0-0712, List of master axis initial positions,
set 1".
2: In the case of absolute motion profile, sum of individual dis‐ Check list "P-0-0707, List of distances, set 0" or "P-0-0714,
tances is not "0" or a multiple of "S-0-0103, Modulo value". List of distances, set 1".
3: In the case of relative motion profile, number of motion steps Check parameter "P-0-0703, Number of motion steps, set 0"
is smaller than "2" or "P-0-0710, Number of motion steps, set 1".
21...28: Checked motion step is "rest in velocity" or "velocity Check list "P-0-0706, List of motion step modes, set 0" or
in velocity". Following step consists of profile which is not "P-0-0713, List of motion step modes, set 1".
"velocity in rest" or "velocity in velocity".
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number.
31...38: Checked motion step is "rest in velocity" or "velocity Check list "P-0-0708, List of slave axis velocities, set 0" or
in velocity". Following step consists of profile which is either "P-0-0715, List of slave axis velocities, set 1".
"velocity in rest" or "velocity in velocity". Velocities of step that
was checked and following step do not match.
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number.
41...48: Checked motion step is "velocity in rest" or "velocity Check list "P-0-0706, List of motion step modes, set 0" or
in velocity". Previous step consists of profile which is not "rest "P-0-0713, List of motion step modes, set 1".
in velocity" or "velocity in velocity".
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy
51...58: Checked motion step is "velocity in rest" or "velocity Check list "P-0-0708, List of slave axis velocities, set 0" or
in velocity". Previous step consists of profile which is either "P-0-0715, List of slave axis velocities, set 1".
"rest in velocity" or "velocity in velocity". Velocities of step that
was checked and previous step do not match.
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number.
61...68: 1st profile element of a cam shaft profile used is un‐ Check list "P-0-0706, List of motion step modes, set 0" or
equal "0" or cam shaft profile is invalid. "P-0-0713, List of motion step modes, set 1".
Number of rejected cam shaft profile can be taken from sec‐
ond digit of diagnostic message number.
71...78: Checked motion step is "velocity in rest", "velocity in Check list "P-0-0707, List of distances, set 0" or "P-0-0714,
velocity" or "rest in velocity". Distance of motion step inadmis‐ List of distances, set 1".
sibly is "0".
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number.
As of MPx05: ● Reduce distance of step (P-0-0707 or P-0-0714)
81...88: Checked motion step is "rest in rest with limited ve‐ ● Increase maximum slave axis velocity (P-0-0708 or
locity". Indicated maximum slave axis velocity would be ex‐ P-0-0715)
ceeded and segmentation into the three partial steps "rest in ● Reduce master axis velocity (P-0-0704 or P-0-0711)
velocity", "constant velocity" and "velocity in rest" is impossi‐
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Electronic Motion Profile With
Real/Virtual Master Axis".

1.7.4 F2005 Cam shaft invalid

When the cam shaft mode is active, the drive monitors whether one of the cam
shaft profiles contains invalid elements or is incomplete.

Cause Remedy

One of cam shaft profiles is invalid Check cam shaft profiles and, if necessary, reload them
("P-0-0072, Cam shaft profile1" "P-0-0092, Cam shaft pro‐
file 2", "P-0-0780, Cam shaft profile3" or "P-0-0781, Cam shaft
In case of doubt contact installation programmer or machine

See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam Shaft with Real/
Virtual Master Axis".

1.7.5 F2006 MMC was removed

The drive monitors whether the MMC is available when it is used as an active
memory, i.e. when the parameters are stored in the MMC.
60/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

MMC is used as active memory and was removed from drive Put MMC in its slot at the drive controller again and then start
controller under voltage. command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics" in or‐
der to clear error.
Loose contact in MMC slot or MMC incorrectly plugged. Check fixing of MMC and, if necessary, plug it in correctly.
MMC defective Replace MMC
MMC slot defective Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.7.6 F2007 Switching to non-initialized operating mode

When switching the active operating mode the drive was switched to a non-
initialized operating mode.
For the operating modes that can be selected please see Parameter Descrip‐
tion for the operating mode parameters:
● S-0-0032, Primary mode of operation
● S-0-0033, Secondary operating mode 1
● S-0-0034, Secondary operating mode 2
● S-0-0035, Secondary operating mode 3

Cause Remedy

Via "S-0-0134, Master control word" (for SERCOS) or Enter desired operating mode in selected operating mode pa‐
"P-0-4077, Field bus: control word" (for field bus) an operating rameter.
mode was selected that had not been initialized (e.g.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Operating Mode Selection".

1.7.7 F2008 RL The motor type has changed.

In the initialization phase (after the drive has been switched on) the controller
checks whether the connected motor type corresponds to the type designation
in "S-0-0141, Motor type". If this is not the case, the error F2008 is generated
and the controller demands loading the motor-specific control loop parameter
values from the encoder memory of the motor (the display of the control panel
reads "RL").
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Motor was replaced by different motor type Clear error by means of "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 di‐
-o- agnostics".

A parameter file was loaded to drive controller in which pa‐ -o-

rameter "S-0-0141, Motor type" differs from connected motor Press <ESC> button at control panel of controller.
type Note:
-o- If the error is cleared, command "S-0-0262, C07_x Load de‐
Drive controller was switched on for the first time. Motor type faults procedure command" is then automatically executed,
stored in "S-0-0141, Motor type" differs from connected motor unless this was deactivated in "P-0-0556, Control word of axis
type. controller".
By command execution, previous control loop settings are
overwritten with default control loop settings from encoder

See also Functional Description of firmware " Control Panel".

1.7.8 F2009 PL Load parameter default values

When the firmware is replaced (firmware update) the non-volatile memory (in‐
ternal memory or MMC) is automatically analyzed; during the analysis an error
was detected.

When the "S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" is

started directly with the "Load basic parameters" option the F2009
error is automatically cleared.

During the transition checks for the communication phases 3 and 4 the oper‐
ating data (parameter values) are verified; parameters with invalid operating
data (normally only all new parameters) are output in the "S-0-0021, IDN list of
invalid operating data for communication phase 2" or "S-0-0022, IDN list of
invalid operating data for communication phase 3" parameters.

Material damage caused by unintended overwriting of parameters and

positioning blocks!
⇒ Before executing the command for loading the parameter default values by
CAUTION "clear errors" you should save the current parameter set.

Cause Remedy

Drive was started with new firmware for the first time or a ver‐ By clearing error via control panel all parameter values are
sion update was carried out due to which number of non- cleared and set to original values (default values)
volatile parameters has changed. -o-
Error is cleared by starting command "S-0-0099, C0500 Reset
class 1 diagnostics". Parameters that can be read from mem‐
ory remain with their last stored value, all parameters that
cannot be read from the memory (new parameters) are set to
default values and marked as being invalid.
Parameter memory (MMC or internal memory) is defective so Check MMC and replace it, if necessary, or replace control
that error F2009 keeps reappearing. section or entire drive controller.
62/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Control Panel".

1.7.9 F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> S-0-0423)

Up to firmware version 04VRS, the name of the error is "F2010 Error
when initializing digital inputs/outputs".

An error occurred during the first initialization of the drive (initialization of digital

Cause Remedy

Conflict with last stored parameters of digital inputs/outputs Check following parameter contents and correct them, if nec‐
● P-0-0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list
● P-0-0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers
● P-0-0302, Digital I/Os, direction
With master communication PL available:
● S-0-0026, Configuration list signal status word
● S-0-0328, Assign list signal status word
● S-0-0027, Configuration list signal control word
● S-0-0329, Assign list signal control word
With optional module MD1 or MD2 available:
● P-0-0681, Assignment IDN -> parallel output 1
● P-0-0682, Assignment parallel input 1 -> IDN
As of firmware version MPx05:
You might possibly find some information on incorrectly con‐
figured parameters in "S-0-0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for
parameterization level".

1.7.10 F2011 PLC - Error nr. 1

In conjunction with technology functions the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "drive PLC") allows the user generating error mes‐
sages (F2011...F2014) within the PLC program.
The causes of the error are depending on the respective PLC project (or the
active technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology
function made available by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies are con‐
tained in the description of the technology function.
See also documentation " Rexroth IndraMotion MLD".

1.7.11 F2012 PLC - Error nr. 2

In conjunction with technology functions the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "drive PLC") allows the user generating error mes‐
sages (F2011...F2014) within the PLC program.
The causes of the error are depending on the respective PLC project (or the
active technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 63/137
and Controls

Error Messages

function made available by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies are con‐
tained in the description of the technology function.
See also documentation " Rexroth IndraMotion MLD".

1.7.12 F2013 PLC - Error nr. 3

In conjunction with technology functions the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "drive PLC") allows the user generating error mes‐
sages (F2011...F2014) within the PLC program.
The causes of the error are depending on the respective PLC project (or the
active technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology
function made available by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies are con‐
tained in the description of the technology function.
See also documentation " Rexroth IndraMotion MLD".

1.7.13 F2014 PLC - Error nr. 4

In conjunction with technology functions the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "drive PLC") allows the user generating error mes‐
sages (F2011...F2014) within the PLC program.
The causes of the error are depending on the respective PLC project (or the
active technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology
function made available by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies are con‐
tained in the description of the technology function.
See also documentation "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD".

1.7.14 F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown

The heat sink temperature of the device is monitored by a temperature sensor
and a temperature model. When the heat sink temperature has reached the
maximum value, the device is switched off in order to protect it against de‐

Before the error F2018 is triggered, the warning "E2050 Device

overtemp. prewarning" is output for 30 seconds.

Cause Remedy

Overtemperature (heat sink) due to overload of device. Switch drive off and let it cool down. Check mechanical system
and drive dimensioning (working power mustn't exceed, on
average, continuous power of drive).
Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data Reduce ambient temperature, e.g. by cooling the control cab‐
are valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 C. inet.
Heat sink of device is dirty. Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position of control cabinet. lating heat sink.
Failure of internal blower. If blower fails, replace device or power section.
Failure of air conditioning for control cabinet. Check air conditioning of control cabinet.
Incorrect dimensioning of control cabinet with regard to heat Check dimensioning of control cabinet.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Current Limitation".

64/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.15 F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown

The motor temperature measured by the temperature sensor has reached the
limit value in "S-0-0204, Motor shutdown temperature". The drive is immediately
decelerated according to the selected error reaction ("P-0-0119, Best possible
deceleration") and shut down. The controller outputs F2019.

For MHD, MKD, MKE and LSF motors, "S-0-0204, Motor shutdown
temperature" is permanently set and cannot be changed.

Cause Remedy

Motor shutdown temperature incorrectly parameterized. Check and correct parameterization of "S-0-0204, Motor shut‐
down temperature" by means of motor or temperature sensor
data sheet.
The motor is overloaded. Effective torque demanded from Check dimensioning of motor. In the case of installations that
motor has been above allowed torque for too long. have been operated for a long time, check whether drive con‐
ditions have changed (with regard to dirt accumulation, fric‐
tion, moved masses etc.).
Line interruption, ground fault or short circuit in line for motor Check line for motor temperature monitoring for line interrup‐
temperature monitoring. tion, ground fault or short circuit.
Instability in speed control loop. Check parameterization of speed control loop.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Motor Temperature Monitoring".

1.7.16 F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective

The function of the temperature sensor used for motor temperature monitoring
is cyclically monitored by the drive, as soon as the drive is ready for power
output ("Ab").
Motors MSK, MAD, MAF When the voltage level of the temperature sensor is outside of the allowed
range of values, the error F2021 is output for Rexroth motors of the MSK, MAD
or MAF lines.
Motors MHD, MKD, MLF, LSF When a voltage suggesting a temperature sensor defect or a contact error has
been detected at the temperature sensor input for 30 seconds, the error F2021
is output for Rexroth motors of the MHD, MKD, MLF or LSF lines.
Motors 2AD, ADF, 1MB When a voltage suggesting too low motor temperature, a temperature sensor
defect or a contact error has been detected at the temperature sensor input for
30 seconds, the error F2021 is output for Rexroth motors of the 2AD, ADF or
1MB lines.
The drive reacts to F2021 with the error reaction which has been set or it refuses
drive enable.

Cause Remedy

Interruption or short circuit in line for motor temperature mon‐ Check motor connection and cable for interruption and short
itoring. circuit.
Temperature sensor in motor is defective. Use replacement temperature sensor (if available) or replace
Only for Rexroth motors of lines 2AD, ADF or 1MB: Observe minimum allowed ambient temperature (see docu‐
Motor temperature stays below allowed ambient temperature mentation of respective motor line).
Drive controller is defective. Replace drive controller or power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Motor Temperature Monitoring".

Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 65/137
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.17 F2022 Device temperature monitor defective

The function of the temperature sensor used for device temperature monitoring
is cyclically monitored.
When a temperature equal to or less than -20 °C has been measured for
30 seconds, a defect is supposed to have occurred and the F2022 error is

Cause Remedy

Sensor in drive controller is defective Replace drive controller or power section

1.7.18 F2025 Drive not ready for Control

When drive enable is set, the drive must be ready; i.e. it must signal the drive
status "Ab".
If the drive only signals bb (betriebsbereit = ready for operation), i.e. the DC
bus voltage is too low or the drive is in parameter mode, the drive generates
this error message.

Cause Remedy

Drive enable (AF) was set before power supply had been Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit.
switched on
Drive enable (AF) was set although drive is still in parameter

1.7.19 F2026 Undervoltage in power section

The DC bus voltage value is monitored by the drive controller and the supply
Drive Controllers HMS, HMD, HCS If the DC bus voltage falls below the minimum value determined for the drive
(see value of "P-0-0114, Undervoltage threshold") or it reacts to "DC bus not
ok" of the module bus, the drive generates the error message F2026 if "non-
fatal error" has been set with regard to the reaction to undervoltage in
"P-0-0118, Power supply, configuration".
Supply Unit HMV01.1 If the DC bus voltage falls below 75% of the mains voltage crest value that was
detected when the mains contactor had been switched on, "error in supply" is
signaled via the module bus and F2026 is displayed at the device. Power is
switched off!

Cause Remedy

Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit.
means of drive enable ("AF").
Failure in power supply or overload of power supply. Check power supply;
for HCS02, particularly check wiring of mains supply to con‐
nection X3.
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again.
Temporary supply unit overload. Reduce processing cycle of machine.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Power Supply".

66/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.20 F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus

Excessive oscillation occurs in the DC bus. The DC bus voltage fluctuates very
much over a longer period.

Cause Remedy

Drive oscillates. Oscillation might possibly not be mechanical‐ Check command torque of drive to know whether it corre‐
ly visible, therefore check command torque. sponds to the expected load cycle. Check settings of velocity
control loop and position control loop.
Drive loads the DC bus impulsively Check application

1.7.21 F2028 Excessive deviation

When the position control loop is closed the drive monitors whether it can follow
the preset position command value. To do this a actual model position value is
calculated in the drive and compared with the real actual position value. If the
difference of calculated and real actual position value exceeds the value en‐
tered in parameter "S-0-0159, Monitoring window" it is obvious that the drive
cannot follow the preset command value and the error F2028 is generated.

The maximum deviation between calculated and real actual posi‐

tion value can be read from "P-0-0098, Max. model deviation".

Cause Remedy

Parameterized monitoring window too small Check and, if necessary, correct content of "S-0-0159, Moni‐
toring window".
Too high command acceleration due to incorrect command Reduce acceleration value set by the control unit (see control
value set by control unit unit manual)
Numeric value in "S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" Check content of parameter "S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force
too low limit value" and set it to maximum value allowed for applica‐
Axis is blocked or sluggish Check mechanical system and remove axis blocking.
Incorrect or non-optimized control loop parameters Check control loop setting (e. g. "S-0-0104, Position loop Kv-
factor", "S-0-0100, Velocity loop proportional gain",
"P-0-0556, Control word of axis controller").
Acceleration capacity of drive was exceeded Check drive dimensioning

1.7.22 F2031 Encoder 1 error: signal amplitude incorrect

The signals of the measuring system (encoder 1) are monitored on hardware
and software level with regard to their amplitudes and signal shape. If a signal
(e.g. sin or cos) leaves the thresholds monitored by the hardware or if the sig‐
nals are disturbed in such a way that a position error occurs, the error F2031
is generated in conjunction with the function "redundant motor encoder".

As the position of the measuring system is no longer generated

correctly when the error F2031 is detected, it is necessary to initi‐
alize the encoder again.
The error can only be cleared in communication phase 2 (parameter
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 67/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.7.23 F2032 Validation error during commutation fine adjust

When a synchronous motor with incremental measuring system is homed, the
value of "P-0-0521, Effective commutation offset" is converted to the home point
reference and compared to the optimized commutation offset in P-0-0508,
Commutation offset. If the deviation determined due to this comparison is too
great, the error F2032 is generated and the drive is shut down.

If the deviation is too great, the operational safety of the motor is no

longer guaranteed because a "runaway effect" of the motor can oc‐

Cause Remedy

Initial commissioning was not or incompletely carried out. Carry out initial commissioning
Motor encoder was replaced Carry out initial commissioning
Motor connections (U, V, W) were mixed up. Check and if necessary correct motor connection.
Values in "P-0-0508, Commutation offset" and/or "P-0-3008, Check value stored in "P-0-0508, Commutation offset"; carry
Commutation offset, encoder memory" were manipulated. out initial commissioning again, if required.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Establishing the Position Data
Reference (Drive-Controlled Homing)".

1.7.24 F2033 External power supply X10 error

If the X10 interface at the IndraDrive M controller has been equipped with a
digital I/O extension, this requires an external 24 V power supply.

Cause Remedy

Voltage externally applied is outside of allowed range [and Supply interface with controlled power supply unit.
temporary failures (voltage peaks) are detected].
At least one of the inputs was connected with reversed polar‐ Check wiring
At least one of the outputs has short circuit. Check wiring
At least one of the outputs is overloaded. Supply motor brake and interface with different power supply
units, especially in the case of long motor cables.
68/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.25 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference

In cyclic operation the difference between actual position value 1 and position
value 2 (see also "P-0-0391, Actual position value difference encoder1 - en‐
coder2") is compared to "S-0-0391, Monitoring window feedback 2". If the
absolute value of the difference is greater than the monitoring window and both
encoders have been homed, the error F2036 is generated.
The drive carries out the error reaction parameterized in "P-0-0119, Best pos‐
sible deceleration" and the reference bits of both encoders are cleared
("S-0-0403, Position feedback value status").

The monitoring function is inactive if the value "0" was entered in

the "S-0-0391, Monitoring window feedback 2" parameter.

Cause Remedy

Parameters for encoder 2 incorrect Check "S-0-0115, Position feedback 2 type" and "S-0-0117,
Feedback 2 Resolution"
Mechanical system between motor shaft and encoder 2 in‐ Check "S-0-0121, Input revolutions of load gear", "S-0-0122,
correctly parameterized. Output revolutions of load gear", and "S-0-0123, Feed con‐
Mechanical system between motor shaft and encoder 2 is not Increase "S-0-0391, Monitoring window feedback 2", switch
rigid (e.g. gear play, slip) and monitoring window is too small. off in the case of gear with slip.
Encoder cable defective Replace encoder cable
Maximum input frequency of encoder interface exceeded. Reduce velocity
Encoder 2 was not mounted to driven axis Set "S-0-0391, Monitoring window feedback 2" to "0" (switch
monitoring function off)
Incorrect encoder gear settings Check relevant encoder parameters and correct them, if nec‐
● "P-0-0121, Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)" /
"P-0-0122, Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)"
● "P-0-0124, Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)" /
"P-0-0125, Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)"
● "S-0-0121, Input revolutions of load gear"/ "S-0-0122,
Output revolutions of load gear"
Position data reference of an absolute encoder incorrect Execute "P-0-0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measur‐

See also Functional Description of firmware " Velocity Control with Cyclic Com‐
mand Value Input".

1.7.26 F2037 Excessive position command difference

When the drive is running in the operating mode "position control with cyclic
command value input", the incoming position command values (cf. "S-0-0047,
Position command value") are monitored. If the position difference between two
successive position command values is greater than or equal to the value in
"S-0-0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", the position command value monitor is
activated and the error F2037 is generated.
The excessive position command value is stored in parameter "P-0-0010, Ex‐
cessive position command value".
The last valid position command value is stored in parameter "P-0-0011, Last
valid position command value".
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 69/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Value in "S-0-0091, Bipolar velocity limit value" too low. Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
"S-0-0091, Bipolar velocity limit value".
Incorrect command value set by control unit. Contact control unit manufacturer or programmer.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Velocity Control with Cyclic Com‐
mand Value Input".

1.7.27 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded

In cyclic position control the allowed acceleration limit value was exceeded.

The acceleration monitor can be switched off by means of

"P-0-0556, Control word of axis controller".

Cause Remedy

Value in "S-0-0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" too low. Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
"S-0-0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value".
Incorrect command values set by control unit (position com‐ Contact control unit manufacturer or programmer.
mand values).
Preset acceleration value was greater than value parameter‐ Reduce acceleration value used
ized in "S-0-0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value". ● S-0-0042, Homing acceleration
● S-0-0260, Positioning acceleration
● P-0-0057, Return acceleration

1.7.28 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown

A switch-off value for the second temperature sensor is stored in element 3 of
parameter "P-0-4059, Electric type data of power section".
If parameter "P-0-0816, Amplifier temperature 2" exceeds the switch-off value,
the error F2040 is generated and the device is switched off.

Cause Remedy

Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data Reduce ambient temperature, e.g. by cooling the control cab‐
are valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 C. inet.
Heat sink of device is dirty. Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position in control cabinet. lating heat sink.
Blower of device is defective. Replace device

1.7.29 F2042 Encoder 2: encoder signals incorrect

The signals of the measuring system (encoder 2) are monitored with regard to
their amplitudes and signal shape. If a signal (sin or cos) leaves the allowed
range or if the signals are disturbed in such a way that a position error occurs,
this error is generated.

As the position is no longer generated correctly when this error is

detected, it is necessary to initialize the encoder again.
70/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding. Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Encoder defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if neces‐
uring systems. sary.
Measuring system dirty Replace measuring system.
Hardware defect on control section of drive. Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using an incremental encoder with square-wave signals,

monitoring is carried out with regard to an unallowed edge.
With regard to the software the signals of a resolver are monitored
for their level.

See also "E2075 Encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed".

1.7.30 F2043 Measuring encoder: encoder signals incorrect

The signals of the measuring system (measuring encoder) are monitored with
regard to their amplitudes and signal shape. If a signal (e.g. sin or cos) leaves
the allowed range or if the signals are disturbed in such a way that a position
error occurs, this error is generated.

As the position is no longer generated correctly when this error is

detected, it is necessary to initialize the encoder again.

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Encoder defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if neces‐
uring systems. sary.
Measuring system dirty Replace measuring system.
Hardware defect on control section of drive. Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

When using an incremental encoder with square-wave signals,

monitoring is carried out with regard to an unallowed edge.

See also "E2076 Measuring encoder: encoder signals disturbed".

Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 71/137
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.31 F2044 External power supply X15 error

The external 24 V power supply for the digital I/Os at the optional module
(HCC01) is monitored by the drive.
If the 24 V power supply is outside of the range of 19 V to 30 V, the error F2044
is generated.

Cause Remedy

Temporary failures (voltage peaks) or voltage drops. Use controlled power supply unit.
At least one of the inputs was connected with reversed polar‐ Check wiring incl. cable and correct it, if necessary.
At least one of the outputs has short circuit or is overloaded. Check wiring incl. cable and remove short circuit, if necessary.
Voltage drops because motor brake applied. Supply motor brake and interface with different power supply
units, especially with long motor cables.

1.7.32 F2048 Low battery voltage

The battery was designed for a service life of 10 years in its installed

In the case of Rexroth motors of the MKD/MKE line, the absolute position in‐
formation is maintained, by means of battery-buffered electronics in the motor
feedback, even when the drive controller has been switched off. The battery
voltage is checked in the transition command from parameter to operating
mode during the initialization of the drive.

As long as the drive is locked with a customer password, the error

F2048 cannot be cleared!

Error when controlling motors and moving parts!

When the error occurs for the first time, the absolute encoder function is only
guaranteed for approx. another 2 weeks!
CAUTION Replace battery immediately!

Cause Remedy

Battery voltage has fallen below 3.1 V Clear error and immediately arrange for and prepare replace‐
ment of battery (see instructions in Project Planning Manual
for respective motor). For replacement of battery observe
warning notice below!
Battery voltage has fallen below 2.8 V Error cannot be cleared any longer. Battery must be replaced
immediately (see instructions in Project Planning Manual for
respective motor). For replacement of battery observe warn‐
ing notice below!

Lethal electric shock caused by live parts with more than 50 V!

⇒ The battery must be replaced with the control voltage switched on. The re‐
placement of the battery may only be carried out by a qualified electrician.
72/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

If the control voltage is switched off after the battery was removed,
the absolute position data reference gets lost. The position data
reference then has to be reestablished.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Establishing the Position Data

1.7.33 F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory

In the case of drive-controlled positioning it is possible to preset a new posi‐
tioning command value x(k+1) while the drive is moving to the target position
of the last positioning command value x(k). The new positioning command val‐
ue is stored in an input buffer (target position preset memory) and is not cleared
until it has been accepted.

Cause Remedy

There was an attempt to preset a new positioning command Check command value in control unit and make sure that new
value x(k+2) while drive was moving to target position of po‐ positioning command value x(k+2) is only preset when posi‐
sitioning command value x(k) tioning command value x(k+1) was accepted and drive moves
to corresponding target position
Incorrect command value acceptance (toggling of "S-0-0346, Check control program and only toggle bit 0 of "S-0-0346, Po‐
Positioning control word") in control unit causes positioning sitioning control word" once for each new positioning com‐
command value to be accepted several times mand value, because every change of the bit causes current
positioning command value to be accepted.
Incorrect positioning mode for "approaching target" was set in Set positioning mode "immediately moving to new target" for
"S-0-0346, Positioning control word". "approaching target" in "S-0-0346, Positioning control word".

See also Functional Description of firmware " Drive-Controlled Positioning".

1.7.34 F2051 No sequential block in target position preset memory

In the case of the positioning block mode "sequential block without intermediate
stop" the drive is monitoring whether a new positioning block is available in the
target position preset memory when the target position has been reached.

Cause Remedy

When target position of a sequential block has been reached, Preset sequential block in time (before target position has
there is no new positioning block in target position preset been reached)
Positioning block mode by mistake set to "sequential block Check positioning block mode and switch off sequential block
without intermediate stop". processing, if necessary ("S-0-0346, Positioning control

See also Functional Description of firmware " Drive-Controlled Positioning".

See also Functional Description of firmware " Positioning Block Mode".

1.7.35 F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: pulse frequency too high

The number of increments or lines output within the position loop cycle (Basic:
TA = 500 µs, Advanced: TA = 250 µs) is monitored in the drive in order to make
sure that the maximum allowed frequency of the incremental encoder signals
of 1024 kHz is not exceeded; otherwise a position offset would be produced
due to "lost increments".

The maximum allowed frequency of the incremental encoder sig‐

nals also has to be taken into account for dimensioning the subse‐
quent evaluation electronics in the control unit!
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 73/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Resolution set in "P-0-0903, Encoder emulation resolution" is Reduce number of increments of incremental encoder emu‐
too high for existing travel velocity. lator in "P-0-0903, Encoder emulation resolution"
Reduce travel velocity.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Incremental Encoder Emula‐


1.7.36 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: hardware fault

In the case of incremental encoder emulation, a check is run at the end of each
output interval (= position loop clock) to find out whether all increments to be
output have been output before the next increment output is started. Exceeding
the run time or hardware errors can cause overlapping that is detected during
the check and signaled by the error message F2054.

Cause Remedy

Run time internally exceeded Switch off all functions not required (e.g. analog output). If this
does not remove error, replace control section or entire drive
controller and contact our service department.
Hardware error Replace control section or entire drive controller and contact
our service department.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware Incremental Encoder Emulation.

1.7.37 F2055 External power supply X31/X32 error

In the case of "High" control of one or several digital outputs of the interfaces
X31/X32 at the drive controller (assigned in "P-0-0300, Digital I/Os, assignment
list"), there is no "High" signal (+DC24 V) output.

Cause Remedy

Output or outputs are overloaded Reduce load of output

Only IndraDrive Mi as of firmware MPB05V06:
Overloaded outputs are switched off to avoid hardware defect.
24V supply of interface X31/X32 has not been connected. Connect 24V supply
Short-circuited output or outputs Remove short circuit/short circuits

See also Functional Description of firmware "Digital Inputs/Outputs".

1.7.38 F2057 Target position out of travel range

In operating modes with internal position command value generation a check
is run, before a movement is carried out, in order to find out whether the preset
target position ("S-0-0258, Target position", "S-0-0282, Positioning command
value" or "P-0-4006, Positioning block target position"[i]) is within the allowed
travel range of the drive. The error F2057 was generated because the preset
target position is outside of the allowed travel range.
74/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

The allowed travel range of the drive is defined by

● S-0-0049, Positive position limit value
● S-0-0050, Negative position limit value
The position limit value monitor and thus the monitoring of the allowed travel
range is activated/deactivated in "S-0-0055, Position polarities".
The reaction to a travel range error can be set in "P-0-0090, Travel range limit

Cause Remedy

Position limit values ("S-0-0049, Positive position limit value", Check parameterization of position limit values and adjust it
"S-0-0050, Negative position limit value") incorrectly parame‐ according to desired travel range ("S-0-0049, Positive position
terized. limit value" has to be greater than "S-0-0050, Negative posi‐
tion limit value").
Position limit value monitor has been activated although it is Deactivate position limit value monitor if it is not needed (e.g.
not needed. in modulo operation).
In the case of relative interpolation, value for travel range was Check travel range (cf. "S-0-0258, Target position") and, if
set too high or several travel ranges that are added cause ef‐ necessary, adjust it in control unit program.
fective target position (cf. "P-0-0050, Effective target posi‐
tion") to be outside of position limits.
In the case of absolute interpolation, preset target position is Check preset target position (cf. "S-0-0258, Target position"
incorrect. or "S-0-0282, Positioning command value") and, if necessary,
adjust it in control unit program (only enter "S-0-0258, Target
position" within position limit values).
In "positioning block mode" one or more target positions have Check parameterized target positions in "P-0-4006, Position‐
been incorrectly parameterized or incorrect positioning block ing block target position" and block selection ("P-0-4026, Po‐
is selected sitioning block selection"). In addition, check block selection
via respective master communication (e.g. field bus or digital

See also Functional Description of firmware " Position Limitation/Travel Range

Limit Switch".
For "relative interpolation" see Functional Description of firmware "Drive-Con‐
trolled Positioning".
For "absolute interpolation" see Functional Description of firmware "Drive-In‐
ternal Interpolation".

1.7.39 F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input

In operating modes that are using the internal path generator (interpolation,
positioning, positioning block mode and spindle positioning), the residual path
to be traveled and the braking distance are monitored to find out whether the
numeric range is exceeded.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 75/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Due to command value input a residual path was generated Check command value input, positioning velocity or potenti‐
that is greater than 2^31. ometer value
As the internal position resolution is determined by the travel
range (from €‘travel range to +travel range the resulting max.
distance is less than 2^31), this can only occur with axes with
modulo scaling. In this case only if relative distances are
stringed together several times without the axis being able to
Calculated braking distance is greater than 2^31 Increase "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range"
- or -
Increase deceleration in "S-0-0359, Positioning decelera‐
tion", "S-0-0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar" or "P-0-4063,
Positioning block deceleration".

1.7.40 F2059 Incorrect command value direction when positioning

In the operating modes "drive-controlled positioning" and "positioning block
mode" it is possible to jog the axis in both directions and preset relative distan‐
ces in both directions.
If "S-0-0076, Position data scaling type" was set in such a way that the position
data of the axis are to be processed in modulo format and positive or negative
rotational direction was selected in "S-0-0393, Command value mode", a com‐
mand value in the wrong direction causes error F2059 to be generated.

Cause Remedy

In operating mode "drive-controlled positioning", target posi‐ Check relative positioning input ("S-0-0282, Positioning com‐
tion points to wrong direction. mand value")
Rotational direction of "modulo axis" incorrectly parameter‐ Check command value mode that was set ("S-0-0393, Com‐
ized for drive-controlled positioning procedures mand value mode")
In operating mode "positioning block mode", target position Check relative positioning input ("P-0-4006, Positioning block
points to wrong direction. target position").
You are trying to jog in wrong direction. Jogging only in allowed rotational direction ("S-0-0346, Posi‐
tioning control word")

See also Functional Description of firmware:

● " Drive-Controlled Positioning"
● " Positioning Block Mode"

1.7.41 F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator

The residual path to be traveled and the braking distance are monitored to find
out whether the numeric range is exceeded.
76/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Braking distance of axis is greater than position value range Increase "P-0-0771, Virtual master axis, positioning acceler‐
that can be displayed. ation"
Deceleration value that was set ("P-0-0771, Virtual master ax‐
is, positioning acceleration") is too low.
Braking distance of axis is greater than position value range Reduce "P-0-0770, Virtual master axis, positioning velocity"
that can be displayed.
Velocity value that was set ("P-0-0770, Virtual master axis,
positioning velocity") is too high.

1.7.42 F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis generator

With the internal master axis generator it is possible to jog the virtual master
axis in both directions and preset relative distances in both directions.

Cause Remedy

Due to setting in "P-0-0756, Virtual master axis, scaling Input command value direction according to parameter setting
type", position data of virtual master axis are to be processed in "P-0-0769, Virtual master axis, command value mode".
in modulo format and positive or negative rotational direction
was selected in "P-0-0769, Virtual master axis, command val‐
ue mode". Input command value leads to wrong direction.

1.7.43 F2067 Synchronization to master communication incorrect

The drive control is synchronized to the bus interface (SERCOS, Profibus, In‐
terbus, ...) via two phase control loops (Phase Locked Loop - PLL). The correct
function of the synchronization is monitored by monitoring the respective control
deviation of the two PLLs for an allowed threshold. When the threshold is ex‐
ceeded this error message is generated.

Cause Remedy

Interference injection due to incorrect connection of master Check connection of master communication (incl. shield con‐
communication cause synchronization problems. nection) and correct it, if necessary.
Synchronization clock of master oscillates very much due to Check field bus master and make sure synchronization clock
software or hardware error in master (e.g. jitter of MST with is good and constant.
Master communication hardware of drive controller is defec‐ Replace control section or entire drive controller.
tive (e.g. optional SERCOS card).

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Master Communication".

1.7.44 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake

During the automatic check of the holding brake ("P-0-0525, Holding brake
control word"), after drive enable or after the start of the "P-0-0541, C2100
Brake check command" the motor did not move, although half the holding tor‐
que was produced.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 77/137
and Controls

Error Messages

The result of the brake check is displayed in "P-0-0539, Holding

brake status word".

Cause Remedy

Motor brake (servo brake) was not or incorrectly connected. Connect brake or correct connection
Axis is mechanically blocked Check mechanical system and remove blocking
Brake is defective Check and, if necessary, replace brake
Brake supply error Check voltage
Friction torque of axis is greater than test torque of drive. Deactivate brake check ("P-0-0525, Holding brake control
word") because it cannot be used due to mechanical proper‐

1.7.45 F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window

When turning off a drive with an encoder that can be evaluated in absolute form,
the current actual position will be stored in the drive. When switching the drive
on again the current position is compared with the position stored when the
drive was switched off the last time. If the deviation is greater than the value in
"P-0-0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window for motor encoder" the F2074
error message is generated.

The monitoring function can be switched off by "P-0-0095, Absolute

encoder monitoring window for motor encoder" = "0".

Cause Remedy

While turned off, axis was moved further than distance con‐ Make sure displayed position is correct in relation to machine
tained in "P-0-0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window for zero point Then clear error and, if necessary, reestablish po‐
motor encoder". sition data reference.
Value entered in "P-0-0095, Absolute encoder monitoring win‐ Check parameterization of "P-0-0095, Absolute encoder mon‐
dow for motor encoder" is too low for existing encoder reso‐ itoring window for motor encoder" and increase monitoring
lution so that normal encoder jitter will already cause monitor window.
to be triggered.
Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and establish position data reference
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Switching on without reference(after replacing motor or motor Clear error and establish position data reference
Amplifier replaced without parameter update Clear error and establish position data reference
Parameters of mechanical system changed (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference
stant, ...)
Motor encoder defective Replace motor or motor encoder

Danger of accident by unintended axis motion!

⇒ Check position data reference. The encoder is defective if the position data
reference is incorrect! Replace the motor and send it to the manufacturer's
WARNING service department for inspection.
78/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.46 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window

When turning off a drive with an external encoder that can be evaluated in
absolute form, the current actual position will be stored in the drive. When
switching the drive on again the current position is compared with the position
stored when the drive was switched off the last time. If the deviation is greater
than the value in "P-0-0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window for opt. en‐
coder" the F2075 error message is generated.

The monitoring function can be swithced off by "P-0-0096, Absolute

encoder monitoring window for opt. encoder".

Cause Remedy

While turned off, axis was moved further than distance con‐ Make sure displayed position is correct in relation to machine
tained in "P-0-0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window for zero point Then clear error and, if necessary, reestablish po‐
opt. encoder". sition data reference.
Value entered in "P-0-0096, Absolute encoder monitoring win‐ Check parameterization of "P-0-0096, Absolute encoder mon‐
dow for opt. encoder" is too low for existing encoder resolution itoring window for opt. encoder" and increase monitoring win‐
so that normal encoder jitter will already cause monitor to be dow.
Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Encoder defective or encoder replacemen. Replace encoder, clear error and establish position data ref‐
Amplifier replaced without parameter update. Clear error and establish position data reference.
Parameters of mechanical system changed (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
stant, ...).

Danger of accident by unintended axis motion!

⇒ Check position data reference. The encoder is defective if the position data
reference is incorrect! Replace the encoder and send it to the manufacturer's
WARNING service department for inspection.

1.7.47 F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window

When turning off a drive with a measuring encoder that can be evaluated in
absolute form, the current actual position will be stored in the drive. When
switching the drive on again the current position is compared with the position
stored when the drive was switched off the last time. If the deviation is greater
than the value in "P-0-0097, Absolute encoder monitoring window for measur‐
ing encoder" the F2076 error message is generated.

The monitoring function can be switched off by "P-0-0097, Absolute

encoder monitoring window for measuring encoder" = "0".
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

While turned off, axis was moved further than distance con‐ Make sure displayed position is correct in relation to machine
tained in "P-0-0097, Absolute encoder monitoring window for zero point Then clear error and, if necessary, reestablish po‐
measuring encoder". sition data reference.
Value entered in "P-0-0097, Absolute encoder monitoring win‐ Check parameterization of "P-0-0097, Absolute encoder mon‐
dow for measuring encoder" is too low for existing encoder itoring window for measuring encoder" and increase monitor‐
resolution so that normal encoder jitter will already cause ing window.
monitor to be triggered.
Switching on without reference(in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Encoder defective or encoder replacement. Replace encoder, clear error and establish position data ref‐
Amplifier replaced without parameter update. Clear error and establish position data reference.
Parameters of mechanical system changed (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
stant, ...)

Danger of accident by unintended axis motion!

⇒ Check position data reference. The encoder is defective if the position data
reference is incorrect! Replace the encoder and send it to the manufacturer's
WARNING service department for inspection.

1.7.48 F2077 Current measurement trim wrong

The current measurement in the drive controller is adjusted in operation. The
adjust values are checked for compliance with the allowed tolerance. If the val‐
ues are higher the error message F2077 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Hardware of control section or power section defective. Replace power section or control section resp. entire drive

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section or the power section. The
replacement of the entire drive controller is described in the Project
Planning Manual for the power section.

1.7.49 F2086 Error supply module

This error is signaled by the supply to the drives via the module bus. It has high
priority and...
● causes error reaction in the drives in operation. The error message is dis‐
played at these drives.
● causes power of the supply unit to be switched off or the Bb contact of
converters to open (requires assignment of respective bit "P-0-0861, Sta‐
tus word of power section" to digital output!) and possibly causes DC bus
short circuit (requires corresponding wiring!).
This error can also have been caused by a fatal drive error that was signaled
to the supply via the module bus. The respective settings must be made in
"P-0-0118, Power supply, configuration".
80/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Failure in power supply or overload of power supply. Check power supply

Fatal error message of one or several drives of a drive system Identify drive or drives signaling a fatal error. Remove cause
and message signaled to supply (configuration P-0-0118). of error at respective drive or drives.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Power Supply".

1.7.50 F2087 Module group communication error

Cause Remedy

Failure of control voltage supply of a module bus node while Supply all devices of "drive system" with control voltage.
the "drive system" is ready for power output or in operation.
Disturbance on module bus Identify and remove sources of disturbance
Incorrect signal timing on module bus Identify and replace faulty device.
Module bus cable defective Identify and replace defective module bus cable, replace de‐
vice, if necessary.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Power Supply".

1.7.51 F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory

An error occurred when accessing the flash/internal memory.

Cause Remedy

Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department for firmware
Hardware in control section is defective Should error occur repeatedly, control section or entire drive
has to be replaced.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.7.52 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC

When accessing the Multi Media Card (MMC) an error occurred.

Cause Remedy

Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update.
MMC has not been plugged in correctly or is defective Clear error and check MMC or plug it in correctly. If error oc‐
curs again when MMC is accessed, MMC has to be replaced.
MMC slot in control section is defective Clear error and check MMC slot. If error occurs again when
MMC is accessed, control section or entire drive controller has
to be replaced.

See also Functional Description of firmware MultiMediaCard (MMC).

1.7.53 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory

When addressing a memory via the I2C bus an error occurred.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 81/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update.
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Clear error. Replace defective encoder cable or improve
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective. Clear error. Replace encoder or motor.
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Measuring Systems".

1.7.54 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory

When addressing a memory via the EnDat bus an error occurred.

Cause Remedy

Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update.
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Clear error. Replace defective encoder cable or improve
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective Clear error. Replace encoder or motor.
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Measuring Systems".

1.7.55 F2104 Commutation offset invalid

The commutation offset value stored in the motor encoder memory was detec‐
ted to be invalid.

The motor mustn't be operated without valid commutation offset!

Cause Remedy

Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error. Then execute command "P-0-0524, C1200 Com‐
mutation offset setting command"; if error occurs again con‐
tact our service department in order to get a firmware update.
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective Clear error. Replace encoder or motor. Then execute com‐
mand "P-0-0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting com‐

See also Functional Description of firmware " Commutation Setting".

82/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.56 F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface memory

When addressing a memory via the HIPERFACE bus an error occurred.

Cause Remedy

Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update.
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Clear error. Replace defective encoder cable or improve
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective Clear error. Replace encoder or motor.
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller.

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual of the
power section, the saving and loading of the parameters is ex‐
plained in the Functional Description of the firmware.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Measuring Systems".

1.7.57 F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of power section

An error occurred in the communication between control section and power

Cause Remedy

Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department for firmware
Hardware defective Should error occur repeatedly, control section or entire device
has to be replaced

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.7.58 F2120 MMC: defective or missing, replace

Due to the setting in "P-0-4070, Parameter storage configuration" or due to the
drive (a distributed servo drive KSM1) is used), it is necessary to have an MMC.
The MMC is checked during the initialization phase; an error occurred during
the check.
The drive only runs up to communication phase 2 and refuses further phase
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.

1) Component of the drive system Rexroth IndraDrive Mi

Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 83/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

It was impossible to address MMC Check whether MMC was plugged in and that it has been cor‐
rectly inserted
- or -
MMC might possibly be defective, replace it by another one.
"Programming module mode" was set via P-0-4070, but MMC Change parameter storage configuration to "init/update medi‐
hasn't been plugged. um" (P-0-4070=0).

1.7.59 F2121 MMC: incorrect data or file, create correctly

The distributed servo drive KSM (component of the drive system Rexroth In‐
draDrive Mi) is only ready for operation with the MMC having been plugged.
The MMC is checked during the initialization phase; an error occurred during
the check.
The drive only runs up to communication phase 2 and refuses further phase
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.

Cause Remedy

MMC itself is alright, but directories, files or data on the MMC Copy contents of previously made backup copy to MMC (see
are faulty or missing. Particularly firmware, parameters and also "Project Planning Manual", "Rexroth IndraDrive Mi":
retain data must be available. "MMC").

1.7.60 F2122 MMC: incorrect IBF file, correct it

The distributed servo drive KSM (component of the drive system Rexroth In‐
draDrive Mi) is only ready for operation with the MMC having been plugged.
The MMC is checked during the initialization phase; an error occurred during
the check.
The drive only runs up to communication phase 2 and refuses further phase
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.

Cause Remedy

In "Firmware" folder, operation firmware (file with extension Check and correct MMC and "Firmware" folder with appropri‐
".ibf") is missing or more than on file with extension ".ibf" was ate reader
Operation firmware is defective Order firmware again; transmission error might possibly have
Note: occurred. Afterwards, copy firmware to MMC again.

Writing the MMC takes a relatively long time. If you do not wait - or -
until end of writing process, file with operation firmware on Copy functioning operation firmware either from backup copy
MMC is not complete and it will be detected as being defective. or from another MMC to defective MMC.
For firmware update, it is necessary to replace file with exten‐
sion ".ibf" (operation firmware); it is strongly recommended
that you do not delete operation firmware, but rename file ex‐
tension, e.g. from ".ibf" to ".ibx". In any case, you should make
a backup copy of current operation firmware.
84/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.61 F2123 Retain data backup impossible

The distributed servo drive KSM (component of the drive system Rexroth In‐
draDrive Mi) is only ready for operation with the MMC having been plugged.
The MMC is checked during the initialization phase.
In addition, important operating data, such as the current position, operating
time, travel block etc., are stored when the controller is switched off. If this
storing process is faulty, it is impossible to continue operation after the next
switch-on in such a way as if there hadn't been any interruption; for example,
the motor loses its reference in the case of faulty retain data backup. To make
sure that the retain data backup works faultlessly, such a data backup is carried
out for test purposes during the initialization phase.
The drive only runs up to communication phase 2 and refuses further phase
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.

Cause Remedy

Backup of retain data for test purposes was terminated with Hardware specifications of MMC used might possibly be so
an error. near to limits that this (quick) write access did not work. Re‐
place MMC by original factory-provided one.
Temporary failure might possibly have occurred. Switch off and on again
Hardware or software defect Read logbook and forward entry to service department .

1.7.62 F2124 MMC: saving too slowly, replace

In the booting phase of the drive, a backup of the retain data on the MMC is
tested. The error F2124 is generated, because the storage process takes more
than 50 ms.

Cause Remedy

Storage process of MMC is too slow (e.g. slowed storage for Replace MMC
reasons of aging)

1.7.63 F2130 Error comfort control panel

An error occurred in the communication with the comfort control panel (VCP01):
● "reset" couldn't be carried out
● error during download of application or firmware
● communication to control panel disturbed

Cause Remedy

Communication disturbed Remove EMC problems; check shielding of controller

Firmware / application problem Replace firmware and / or application on control panel; replace
drive firmware
Control panel defective Replace control panel
Control section defective Should error occur repeatedly, control section or entire drive
has to be replaced
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 85/137
and Controls

Error Messages

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.7.64 F2140 CCD slave error

An error occurred in a CCD slave.

Cause Remedy

An F2 or F3 error occurred in a CCD slave and "error reaction Locate faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
active" has been set in "P-0-1600, CCD: configuration".
An F8 error occurred in a CCD slave and "best possible de‐ Locate faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
celeration" has been set in "P-0-1600, CCD: configuration" as
reaction to an F8 error.
Faulty command triggering of a remote axis (Axis2) in MLD-M Locate faulty function block and remove error by means of
master. (For example, motion function block "MC_MoveRela‐ function block error outputs.
tive" with "Acceleration"=0).

See also Functional Description of firmware " Cross Communication (CCD)".

1.7.65 F2150 MLD motion function block error

During command triggering with a motion function block an error occurred.

The reaction to errors can be configured.

The error message F2150 is available as of firmware MPx04V10.

Cause Remedy

Faulty command triggering in MLD-S (single-axis application) Locate faulty function block and remove error by means of
-o- function block error outputs.

Faulty command triggering of local axis (axis1) in MLD-M

master. (For example, motion function block such as
"MC_MoveRelative" with "Acceleration"=0).

See also Application Manual Rexroth IndraMotion MLD " Error Handling of In‐
draMotion MLD".

1.7.66 F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference

In the case of absolute encoder evaluation, the validity of the initialized absolute
position is checked during position initialization. If the controller detects that the
position data reference of the encoder cannot be established any more due to
changes of the mechanical system parameters or due to replacement of en‐
coder or device, the actual position value status ("S-0-0403, Position feedback
value status") goes to "relative" and the error F2174 is generated.
86/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and reestablish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Switching on without reference (after replacing motor or motor Clear error and establish position data reference.
Motor encoder defective Replace motor or motor encoder, clear error and establish po‐
sition data reference.
Parameters of mechanical system changed (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
stant, ...)
Amplifier replaced without parameter update Clear error and establish position data reference
Switching on without reference after replacement of device Clear error and establish position data reference
with loaded axis-specific parameter values (according to list -o-
from "S-0-0192, IDN-list of backup operation data").
Clear error, then load parameter values of "P-0-0195, IDN list
of retain data (replacement of devices)", if it was possible to
save them immediately before device was replaced. Check
reestablished position data reference for correctness.

1.7.67 F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference

In the case of absolute encoder evaluation, the validity of the initialized absolute
position is checked during position initialization. If the controller detects that the
position data reference of the encoder cannot be established any more due to
changes of the mechanical system parameters or due to replacement of en‐
coder or device, the actual position value status ("S-0-0403, Position feedback
value status") goes to "relative" and the error F2175 is generated.

Cause Remedy

Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and reestablish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Switching on without reference (after replacement of encod‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
Optional encoder defective. Replace encoder, clear error and establish position data ref‐
Parameters of mechanical system changed (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
stant, ...).
Amplifier replaced without parameter update. Clear error and establish position data reference.
Switching on without reference after replacement of device Clear error and establish position data reference
with loaded axis-specific parameter values (according to list -o-
from "S-0-0192, IDN-list of backup operation data").
Clear error, then load parameter values of "P-0-0195, IDN list
of retain data (replacement of devices)", if it was possible to
save them immediately before device was replaced. Check
reestablished position data reference for correctness.
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and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.68 F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference

When the controller is switched on, it determines, in the case of absolute en‐
coder evaluation, the initial position of the measuring system (position initiali‐
zation) and checks its validity. If the controller detects that the position data
reference of the encoder cannot be established any more due to changes of
the mechanical system parameters or due to replacement of encoder or device,
the actual position value status ("S-0-0403, Position feedback value status")
goes to "relative" and this diagnostic message is generated.

Cause Remedy

Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Encoder defective Replace measuring encoder, clear error and establish position
data reference.
Switching on without reference (after replacement of measur‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
ing encoder).
Controller replaced without parameter update. Clear error and establish position data reference.

1.7.69 F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encoder

With active modulo scaling the drive limits its actual position values to the values
parameterized in "S-0-0103, Modulo value", otherwise to the value parameter‐
ized in "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range". As these values possibly cannot be
exactly displayed, the corresponding recalculation of the systematic errors in
the case of position overflow takes place in the drive.

In the ideal case "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range" is set in such

a way that the drive always is within the defined travel range and
there is no overflow.

Cause Remedy

"S-0-0103, Modulo value" or "S-0-0278, Maximum travel Check and, if necessary, correct "S-0-0103, Modulo value" or
range" have been incorrectly parameterized and not adjusted "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range".
to the application.
Drive was moved as rapidly that recalculation no longer works Reduce drive velocity at position overflow.

1.7.70 F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional encoder

According to scaling, the drive limits the actual position values to the maximum
travel range or to the modulo value. As these values possibly cannot be exactly
displayed the corresponding recalculation of the errors takes place in the drive.

Cause Remedy

Encoder speed was so high that recalculation no longer works Reduce encoder speed
correctly. - or -
change "S-0-0103, Modulo value"
88/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.71 F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder

With active modulo scaling the drive limits its actual position values to the values
parameterized in "S-0-0103, Modulo value", otherwise to the value parameter‐
ized in "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range". As these values possibly cannot be
exactly displayed, the corresponding recalculation of the systematic errors in
the case of position overflow takes place in the drive.

In the ideal case "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range" is set in such

a way that the drive always is within the defined travel range and
there is no overflow.

Cause Remedy

"S-0-0103, Modulo value" or "S-0-0278, Maximum travel Check and, if necessary, correct "S-0-0103, Modulo value" or
range" have been incorrectly parameterized and not adjusted "S-0-0278, Maximum travel range"
to the application.
Drive was moved as rapidly that recalculation no longer works Reduce drive velocity at position overflow.

1.7.72 F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration

During the initialization of the drive, the parameterization of the interfaces for
Ethernet communication is checked. An error was detected during this check.

Cause Remedy

Configuration of parameters for Ethernet communication Set parameters for Ethernet communication (TCP/IP) to valid
(TCP/IP) is not allowed; IP address and gateway address are values:
not in the same IP network ● P-0-1531, Control section IP address
● P-0-1532, Control section network mask
● P-0-1533, Control section gateway address
Additionally as of MPx05VRS:
● P-0-1641, CCD: IP address
● P-0-1642, CCD: network mask
● P-0-1643, CCD: gateway address
● S-0-1020, Master communication: IP address
● S-0-1021, Master communication: network mask
● S-0-1022, Master communication: gateway address
Due to storage problems, internal configuration of IP stack Due to a hardware problem, it is necessary to replace control
was inadmissibly terminated section

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

1.7.73 F2260 Command current limit shutoff

The drive first reacts with the warning "E8260 Torque/force command value
limit active" to the triggering of the current command value limitation.
Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 89/137
and Controls

Error Messages

If the current limitation is active for more than 1.5 seconds, the drive reacts with
a drive error, when this has been parameterized in "P-0-0556, Config word of
axis controller".

Cause Remedy

Error reaction to current limitation active Check whether error reaction to current limitation is desired
and, if necessary, deactivate error reaction to current limitation
in " P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller".
Current limitation active Remove cause of current limitation (see "E8260 Torque/force
command value limit active") .

1.7.74 F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break

Conditions under which this error is triggered:
● The wire break monitor was activated in "P-0-0218, Analog input, control
parameter" (by the setting for the measuring range of the analog inputs)
● a setting in "P-0-0218, Analog input, control parameter" causes an error
to be generated when the input value has fallen below the input value at
analog input 1 or 2 and
● the current/voltage value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than the minimum
value of the measuring range.

The value range of the voltage or current source that is connected

to the analog input should be limited to the allowed value range of
the analog input.

Cause Remedy

Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to voltage
of voltage measuring range (setting "voltage signals" in source, if necessary
"P-0-0218, Analog input, control parameter"). - or -
Check value range of voltage source.
Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to current
of current measuring range (setting "current signals" in source, if necessary
"P-0-0218, Analog input, control parameter"). - or -
Check value range of current source.

This error message can only be displayed at a controller containing

a CSB01.1N-FC-... (BASIC OPENLOOP) control section.

1.7.75 F2802 PLL is not synchronized

Synchronization to the mains voltage is impossible.

Cause Remedy

At least one phase is missing Check and, if necessary, replace mains circuit breakers.
Mains voltage is too low Measure mains voltage and compare it to allowed value
Mains frequency is outside of specified range Measure mains frequency and compare it to allowed value
90/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.76 F2814 Undervoltage in mains

The crest value of the mains voltage has fallen below the allowed minimum
value (connection voltage range see documentation for HMV01.1).

Cause Remedy

Mains voltage below minimum value Use matching transformer

See also Functional Description of firmware " Power Supply".

1.7.77 F2815 Overvoltage in mains

Cause Remedy

Mains voltage is greater than maximum specified value (500 V Check mains voltage. If necessary, use matching transformer.

1.7.78 F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit

During the soft start process (charging of DC bus capacitance) the DC bus
voltage curve is monitored. Great deviations suggest a defect in the power
section and are diagnosed with the error F2816.

Cause Remedy

Short circuit in DC bus Check DC bus wiring, remove if there is a short circuit.
Load on DC bus Check DC bus wiring; if an external braking resistor has been
incorrectly connected, connect it correctly.
Insulation error in DC bus Check DC bus wiring; if wiring is alright, there can be an in‐
sulation error within device or other devices connected to DC
bus. To find defective device take connected devices out of
drive system step by step (remove wiring).
Final value of DC bus voltage is not reached within a maximum Check whether there is defect at load externally connected to
time. DC bus.
Inadmissible voltage fluctuations in supply mains. Mains volt‐ Check mains voltage
age has inadmissibly dropped during soft start process.
HMV01, HMV02: thermal overload of soft start circuit. Check number of ON-OFF cycles.
Device is defective Replace device

1.7.79 F2817 Overvoltage in power section

When the warning E8025 is present for devices of the "HMV" type, the error
"F2817 Overvoltage in power section" is generated after a certain length of time
which depends on the hardware index of the device.
From the hardware indices listed below upwards, the error F2817 is generated
100 milliseconds after the warning E8025 has been present:
● HMV02.1R-W0015: from hardware index A09 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0018: from hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0045: from hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0065: from hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0120: from hardware index A02 upwards
● HMV01.1E-W0030: from hardware index A33 upwards
● HMV01.1E-W0075: from hardware index A34 upwards
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Error Messages

● HMV01.1E-W0120: from hardware index A36 upwards

For devices of the "HMV" type with smaller hardware indices, the error F2817
is generated 2 seconds after the warning E8025 has occurred.
For supply units of the "HCS" type this error message does not exist.

From the mentioned hardware indices upwards, the error can only
be reset by switching the device off, in order to call attention to pos‐
sible application errors [e.g. "coasting" of a synchronous motor at
high speed (field weakening range) with a DC bus braking resistor
value inadmissibly high for the motor].

1.7.80 F2818 Phase failure

A single-phase mains failure, which lasted for a longer time than the tolerated
phase failure time, was detected for a supply unit of the HMV type.

Supply unit Tolerated phase failure time

HMV01.1E approx. 2 s
HMV01.1R, HMV02.1R approx. 2 s

Fig.1-2: Tolerated phase failure times

Cause Remedy

No mains voltage available Check mains voltage and mains connection

Mains circuit breaker defective Replace mains circuit breaker
Incorrect wiring Check and correct wiring

1.7.81 F2819 Mains failure

The mains has failed and the DC bus voltage has fallen below a threshold value.
HMV Supply Units A mains failure, which lasted for a longer time than the tolerated mains failure
time, was detected for a supply unit of the HMV type.

Supply unit Tolerated mains failure time

HMV01.1E approx. 750 ms

HMV01.1R approx. 1000 ms
HMV02.1R approx. 1000 ms

Fig.1-3: Tolerated mains failure times

If the mains failure occurs at regenerative supply units during a re‐

generation process to the supply mains, the supply unit switches
off immediately.

Cause Remedy

Mains failure (permanent or temporary) Search and remove cause of mains failure
Mains circuit breakers defective Replace mains circuit breakers

See also Functional Description of firmware Power Supply.

1.7.82 F2820 Braking resistor overload

Power was switched off due to possible overload of the braking resistor.
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Error Messages

A load of 100% is displayed in "P-0-0844, Braking resistor load". If the braking

resistor is defective or has not been connected, the DC bus voltage ("S-0-0380,
DC bus voltage"), with regenerative operation (e.g. when decelerating), is in‐
creased beyond the switch-on threshold of the braking resistor (element No. 4
of "P-0-0858, Data of external braking resistor").

If there hasn't any braking resistor been connected or the connected

braking resistor has been deactivated (possible for HCS03, for ex‐
ample), this is displayed by the error F2820, too. A value of 100%
is displayed in "P-0-0844, Braking resistor load", although in reality
there isn't any load present or possible!

After having eliminated the cause of the error, check the braking
resistor for operatability!

Cause Remedy

Allowed deceleration of connected drives too high. Reduce deceleration of connected drives.
Energy absorption capacity of braking resistor is exhausted. Switch power supply off with a delay in the case of drive OFF
or E-STOP (for regenerative supply units) or reduce velocity.
Regenerated energy in machining cycle is too high. Increase cycle time or reduce maximum velocity.
Continuous regenerative power and/or rotary drive energy is Reduce maximum velocity or check dimensioning of braking
too high. resistor and, if necessary, increase dimensioning.
Braking resistor is defective or has not been connected. For external braking resistor, visual check of wiring and resis‐
tor component. If necessary, correct wiring or replace braking
If internal braking resistor is defective, replace device.

See also Functional Description of firmware " Power Supply".

1.7.83 F2821 Error in control of braking resistor

The error can occur for devices of both the HCS and the HMV type.
There are different causes and remedies for both device types!

Devices of the HCS type An error has occurred in the control of the external braking resistor.

Cause Remedy

Control of braking resistor has detected inadmissibly high cur‐ Check braking resistor for correct resistance value. If neces‐
rent. sary, use braking resistor with higher resistance value.
Terminal connectors for external braking resistor have been Remove short circuit, connect braking resistor correctly, if
short-circuited. necessary.

Devices of the HMV type An error has occurred in the control of the internal braking resistor.

Cause Remedy

Device is defective Replace device

1.7.84 F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low

For devices of the HCS type this error message is generated when the para‐
meterized braking resistor reference switch-on voltage is too low. The braking
resistor would already be active with correct DC bus voltage.
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and Controls

Error Messages

Cause Remedy

This error message is generated for devices of type HCS when Increase value of 4th list element in "P-0-0858, Data of exter‐
the value of the braking resistor reference switch-on voltage nal braking resistor"
(list element 4 of "P-0-0858, Data of external braking resis‐ -o-
tor") activated via "P-0-0860, Control word of power section"
is too low. Select different reference value for ON-OFF switching voltage
of braking resistor in "P-0-0860, Control word of power sec‐

1.7.85 F2833 Ground fault in motor line

During the loading process of the DC bus a ground fault was detected in the
motor line of one of the connected converters/inverters.

Cause Remedy

Ground fault in a motor line within drive system Take controllers of drive system successively out of device
- or - group on control voltage and power voltage side, until error no
longer occurs. By doing this identify faulty drive.
Ground fault in a controller of drive system
Check insulation of motor cable with measuring device. If mo‐
tor cable is not defective, there is a device or connection error.

1.7.86 F2834 Contactor control error

The mains contactor couldn't be switched on or dropped out during operation.

Cause Remedy

Due to wiring or control error, contact "ZKS" ["DC bus short Check control. "Netz EIN" ("mains ON") has to be opened si‐
circuit"] (X32.8) or contact "Netz AUS" ["mains OFF"] (X32.6/ multaneously with or before "ZKS" ("DC bus short circuit") and
X32.7) was opened while contact "Netz EIN" ["mains ON"] N"etz AUS" ("mains OFF").
(X32.4/X32.5) still had been close.
Mains contactor could not be switched Check wiring of interface.
Check voltages at interfaces X32, X14 (HMV0x.xR) or at L1,
L2 and L3 (HMV0x.xE).
Contactor control has detected an error Replace device

1.7.87 F2835 Mains contactor wiring error

For supply units of the HMV01 line which do not have an internal mains con‐
tactor you have to connect an external mains contactor with external switching

Cause Remedy

No external mains contactor connected Connect mains contactor

No external switching voltage for mains contactor connected Check mains contactor wiring
External mains contactor defective Replace mains contactor

See also documentation " Rexroth IndraDrive Supply Units".

1.7.88 F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error

Unbalance was detected for supply unit HMV01.1 / converter HCS03 during the
loading of the DC bus capacitances.
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Error Messages

Cause Remedy

F2836 is signaled during loading of DC bus ("soft start") Replace device

1.7.89 F2837 Contactor monitoring error

The contactor monitor in the contactor control has detected an error.

When the diagnostic message occurs at a supply unit with external

mains contactor (e.g. HMV01.1R-W0120), it is impossible to reset
the error via the control panel, if the cause of the message is a
sticking contact of the mains contactor or the conversion relay. In
this case, you have to switch the 24V supply off and on again after
the cause of the error was removed.

Cause Remedy

Mains contactor could not be switched Check voltages

● at interface X32,
● at X14 (HMV01.1R, HMV02.1R) or at L1-L3
Contactor monitor has detected an error Replace device

1.7.90 F2840 Error supply shutdown

A component in the drive system demands the shutdown of power supply. The
supply unit switches power off and signals F2840.
The supply units (as of listed HWIs) generate this diagnostic message in the
status "bb", too, in order to, for example, activate the DC bus via the Bb1 contact
(see "Control Circuits for the Mains Connection" in the Project Planning Manual
of the drive system and "connection point X31" in the Project Planning Manual
of HMV supply units).

Supply unit Hardware index (HWI)

(as per prototype phase MPx05)

HMV01.1E-W0030 A36
HMV01.1E-W0075 A37
HMV01.1E-W0120 A40
HMV01.1R-W0018 A48
HMV01.1R-W0045 A49
HMV01.1R-W0065 A50
HMV01.1R-W0120 A09
HMV02.1R-W0015 A14

Cause Remedy

A second supply unit connected in parallel, a DC bus resistor Remove cause of error at respective supply unit, DC bus re‐
unit or an inverter/converter signals an error in supply. sistor unit or inverter/converter; then clear error.
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and Controls

Error Messages

1.7.91 F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section

For HMV01.1R The current in the mains-side power bridge has exceeded the maximum al‐
lowed value. The power supply is switched off.

Cause Remedy

Mains choke incorrectly connected Check mains choke

Mains choke missing or incorrectly projected Check mains choke
Mains filter missing or incorrectly projected Check mains filter
Device defective Replace device

1.7.92 F2890 Invalid device code

Cause Remedy

Device defective Replace device

1.7.93 F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing

Cause Remedy

Device defective Replace device

1.7.94 F2892 Hardware variant not supported

Cause Remedy

Device defective Replace device

1.8 SERCOS Error Codes / Error Messages of Serial Communi‐

For some errors concerning serial communication, the error codes defined in
the SERCOS interface specification are used (see "SERCOS interface Speci‐
fication", chapter "Service channel error messages"). These codes are
also used in the case of incorrect access to control and system parameters.

Error code Explanation

0x1001 No IDN
0x1009 Invalid access to element 1
0x2001 No name
0x2002 Name transmission too short
0x2003 Name transmission too long
0x2004 Name cannot be changed (read only)
0x2005 Name is write-protected at this time
0x3002 Attribute transmission too short
0x3003 Attribute transmission too long
0x3004 Attribute cannot be changed (read only)
0x3005 Attribute is write-protected at this time
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Error Messages

Error code Explanation

0x4001 No units
0x4002 Unit transmission too short
0x4003 Unit transmission too long
0x4004 Unit cannot be changed (read only)
0x4005 Unit is write-protected at this time
0x5001 No minimum input value
0x5002 Minimum input value transmission too short
0x5003 Minimum input value transmission too long
0x5004 Minimum input value cannot be changed (read only)
0x5005 Minimum input value is write-protected at this time
0x6001 No maximum input value
0x6002 Maximum input value transmission too short
0x6003 Maximum input value transmission too long
0x6004 Maximum input value cannot be changed (read only)
0x6005 Maximum input value is write-protected at this time
0x7002 Operation data transmission too short
0x7003 Operation data transmission too long
0x7004 Operation data cannot be changed (read only)
0x7005 Operation data is write-protected at this time (e.g. Communication phase)
0x7006 Operation data is smaller than the minimum input value
0x7007 Operation data is greater than the maximum input value
0x7008 Invalid operation data
0x7009 Operation data write protected by a password
0x700A Operation data is write protected, it is configured cyclically (IDN is configured in the MDT or AT. Therefore
writing via the service channel is not allowed).
0x700B Invalid indirect addressing (e.g., data container, list handling)
0x700C Operation data is write protected, due to other settings (e.g., parameter, operation mode, drive enable,
drive on etc.)
0x7010 Procedure command already active
0x7011 Procedure command not interruptible
0x7012 Procedure command at this time not executable (e.g., in this phase the procedure command can not be
0x7013 Procedure command not executable (invalid or false parameters)

Fig.1-4: Error specification according to SERCOS

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Warnings (Exxxx)

2 Warnings (Exxxx)
2.1 Fatal Warnings (E8xxx)
2.1.1 E8025 Overvoltage in power section
The DC bus voltage is monitored. When the allowed maximum value is excee‐
ded, the fatal warning E8025 is generated.

The controller switches the motor to torque-free state in the case of

overvoltage. If the DC bus voltage falls below the allowed maximum
value again, the motor is switched on again.

Only for HMV: If the warning E8025 persists for more than 2 sec‐
onds, the error "F2817 Overvoltage in power section" is generated.

Cause Remedy

Energy regenerated to DC bus by mechanical machine sys‐ Reduce regenerative power by lower acceleration values
tem during braking process was so high that supply unit – or –
couldn't dissipate it during regeneration time. This caused DC
bus voltage to rise to inadmissible value Correct drive dimensioning
– or –
Dimension supply unit sufficiently with regard to braking en‐
ergy requirements; if dimensioning of available braking resis‐
tor is insufficient, use additional braking resistor, if necessary
Mains supply voltage (alternating input voltage) too Check mains supply voltage (alternating voltage/3‑phase)
No braking resistor connected or connection or cable Connect braking resistor or check connection

2.1.2 E8026 Undervoltage in power section

The DC bus voltage value is monitored by the drive controller and the supply
Drive Controllers HMS, HMD, HCS If the DC bus voltage falls below the minimum value determined for the drive
(see value of "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold") or it reacts to "DC bus not
ok" of the module bus, the device generates the warning E8026 if "fatal warning"
has been set in "P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration" with regard to the re‐
action to undervoltage.
Supply Unit HMV01.1R If the DC bus voltage falls by 80 V below the command value of 750 V direct
voltage (DC670 V), the warning E8026 is displayed at the device and "DC bus
not ok" is signaled via the module bus. The circuit is not interrupted yet!

In the case of fatal warning E8026, the motive torque is locked. The
control unit still can actively decelerate the drive, but no longer ac‐
celerate it.
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Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit
means of drive enable ("AF")
Malfunction or overload of power supply Check power supply
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.1.3 E8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled

This diagnostic message is available as of firmwares MPx03V24
and MPx04V14.

Bodily harm and property damage caused by uncontrolled axis motion!

⇒ When the warning E8027 occurs, the drive immediately goes torque-free.


Cause Remedy

Starting lockout was set with active drive enable and diagnos‐ Remove drive enable
tic message has been set to fatal warning via parameter

2.1.4 E8028 Overcurrent in power section

The controller monitors the motor current (= controller output current) supplied
by the power section.
● If the controller output current is higher than the 1.2-fold of "S‑0‑0110,
Amplifier peak current"
- or -
● if the controller output current is higher than the product of "P‑0‑4013,
Current limit value of demagnetization" and "S‑0‑0109, Motor peak cur‐
the output stage of the power section is locked until the controller output current
has fallen to allowed values again; during this time the warning E8028 is output.

Cause Remedy

Current loop incorrectly parameterized Check current loop setting ("S‑0‑0106, Current loop propor‐
tional gain 1", "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1")
and, if necessary, correct it after having contacted our service
In the case of Bosch Rexroth motors with encoder data mem‐ Check whether values in "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional
ory (MHD, MKD, MKE), values for current loop parameteriza‐ gain 1" and "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1"
tion do not correspond to values in encoder data memory correspond to values in encoder data memory ("P‑0‑2106,
Current loop proportional gain 1, encoder memory" and
"P‑0‑2107, Current loop integral-action time 1, encoder mem‐
Note: Calculation of "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain
1" depends on "P‑0‑0001, Switching frequency of the power
output stage" and "P‑0‑0556, Control word of axis controller"!
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy
In the case of Rexroth motors without encoder data memory, Check whether values in "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional
values for current loop parameterization do not correspond to gain 1" and "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1"
manufacturer-side specifications correspond to manufacturer-side specifications (see Drive‐
In the case of third-party motors, output data for calculating Check whether output data for calculating parameter values
parameter values are not correct are correct

2.1.5 E8029 Positive position limit exceeded

The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.

The travel range monitor has to be activated and parameterized via

"S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value", "S‑0‑0050, Negative posi‐
tion limit value" and "S‑0‑0055, Position polarities".
The drive reaction (fatal warning or error) in case the travel range
is exceeded has to be parameterized in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range
limit parameter".

Cause Remedy

A command value was set for the drive that causes an axis Set command value that leads back to the allowed travel
position outside the positive travel range/position limit value range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to find out cause of
incorrect command value
Positive travel range/position limit value incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized "S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value"

The "S‑0‑0057, Position window" parameter is used to realize a

hysteresis function for evaluating the position limit values.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Limitation/Travel Range

Limit Switch"

2.1.6 E8030 Negative position limit exceeded

The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.

The travel range monitor has to be activated and parameterized via

"S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value", "S‑0‑0050, Negative posi‐
tion limit value" and "S‑0‑0055, Position polarities".
The drive reaction (fatal warning or error) in case the travel range
is exceeded has to be parameterized in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range
limit parameter".
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Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

A command value was set for the drive that causes an axis Set command value that leads back to the allowed travel
position outside the negative travel range/position limit value range.Contact machine manufacturer in order to find out
cause of incorrect command value
Positive travel range/position limit value incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized "S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value"

The "S‑0‑0057, Position window" parameter is used to realize a

hysteresis function for evaluating the position limit values.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Limitation/Travel Range

Limit Switch"

2.1.7 E8034 Emergency-Stop

The drive provides a function for monitoring an E-Stop input (connection of an
external hardware switch). This monitor has to be activated and parameterized
via "P‑0‑0008, Activation E-Stop function".

When the warning E8034 occurs, the axis is shut down as fast as
can with velocity command value reset.
There isn't any message transmitted to the control unit.

Cause Remedy

E-Stop input was controlled (0 V at digital input) Remove failure that caused E-Stop to be triggered and clarify
cause of triggering
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control sec‐
control section tion and correct it, if necessary
E-Stop switch or cable connection defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of E-Stop switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "E-Stop Function"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
See also Functional Description of firmware "Velocity Command Value Reset"

2.1.8 E8035 Quick stop with probe detection is active

Cause Remedy

Quick stop in the case of positive edge at probe 1 has been Quick stop is deactivated by locking probe enable ("S‑0‑0405,
activated. Positive edge was detected at probe 1; drive is shut Probe 1 enable" = "0") or by deactivating probe function
down with velocity command value reset ("S‑0‑0170, Probing cycle procedure command" = "0" or
"P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word", bit 9 equal "0")
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

2.1.9 E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active

The warning E8040 is generated when the "stall protection loop" takes effect
and changes the working point of the machine for its relief.

Cause Remedy

Load torque is too high Reduce load torque

Torque limit values incorrectly parameterized Check parameters "S‑0‑0082, Torque/force limit value posi‐
tive"; "S‑0‑0083, Torque/force limit value negative";
"S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" and "P‑0‑0109,
Torque/force peak limit" and increase limits, if necessary

See also Functional Description of firmware "Voltage-Controlled Operation"

2.1.10 E8041 Current limit active

The warning E8041 is generated when the current limitation loop takes effect
and reduces the output voltage due to overvoltage.

Cause Remedy

"S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current" incorrectly parameterized Check content of "S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current" and increase
it, if necessary
Short circuit at output of power output stage (e.g. in motor ca‐ Check motor connection and motor for short circuit and re‐
ble or in motor) place cable or motor, if necessary
Power output stage in drive controller defective Replace drive controller

The replacement of the drive controller is described in the Project

Planning Manual for the power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Voltage-Controlled Operation"

2.1.11 E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated

The compliance with the allowed travel range of linear axes is monitored on the
hardware side via two travel range limit switches. When the travel range has
been exceeded, one of the two limit switches is activated, if the limit switches
were correctly mounted.
The warning E8042 is generated, if
● the controller detects that both travel range limit switches have been si‐
multaneously activated and
● exceeding the travel range is handled as a fatal warning (setting in
"P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter").

As long as the cause of E8042 has not been removed, the controller
does not accept any command value!
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Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Due to incorrect mounting, axis activates both travel range Mount travel range limit switches in such a way that they are
limit switches simultaneously activated shortly before axis end position is reached. Make
sure the braking distance is sufficient
Travel range limit switches were incorrectly connected Connect travel range limit switches correctly; check compli‐
ance with switching logic set in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit
Switching logic of travel range limit switches does not corre‐ Check switching logic with regard to realized wiring, adjust it
spond to realized wiring in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter", if necessary

2.1.12 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated

The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches). This monitor has to be activated and parameterized
via "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter".

When the warning E8043 occurs, the axis is shut down with velocity
command value reset.

Cause Remedy

Travel range limit switch situated in positive direction (see Set drive enable and input a command value leading back to
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because allowed travel range
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of
travel range limit switches
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control sec‐
control section tion and correct it, if necessary
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Travel Range Limits"

See also Functional Description of firmware"Digital Inputs/Outputs"

2.1.13 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated

The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches). This monitor has to be activated and parameterized
via "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter".

When the warning E8044 occurs, the axis is shut down with velocity
command value reset.
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Travel range limit switch situated in negative direction (see Set drive enable and input a command value leading back to
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because allowed travel range
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of
travel range limit switches
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control sec‐
control section tion and correct it, if necessary
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Travel Range Limits"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

2.1.14 E8055 Motor overload, current limit active

In order to protect the motors against thermal destruction in the case of peak
loads occurring for a very short time, the thermal work load of the motor is
continuously calculated in the controller by means of a motor temperature mod‐
If the maximum possible motor current is reduced, due to the current thermal
motor load, compared to the content of "S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current", the
drive generated the warning E8055. As a consequence thereof the drive can
no longer follow the command values preset by a control unit.

When the E8055 warning is active, bit 0 (overload warning) is ad‐

ditionally set in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics".

Cause Remedy

Too high acceleration torque/too high acceleration force de‐ Reduce acceleration by adjusted command value profile
Overload of drive by too high continuous load Reduce overload in the case of long machining phases
Too high process or machining force (e.g. infeed) Reduce process or machining force
Mechanical changes in axis (e.g. friction, load conditions,...) Check mechanical system and, if necessary, optimize load
conditions and/or friction conditions

See also Functional Description of firmware "Current Limitation

2.1.15 E8057 Device overload, current limit active

In order to protect the devices against thermal destruction, the thermal load of
the output stage in devices with digital current control is continuously calculated
by a temperature model, depending on the measured current.
For HCS, HMS, HMD If the thermal load exceeds 97% (displayed in "P‑0‑0141, Thermal drive load"),
the continuous current limitation is activated and the warning E8057 is gener‐
ated. As a consequence thereof the drive can no longer follow the command
values preset by a control unit.
104/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

When the E8057 warning is active, bit 0 (overload warning) is ad‐

ditionally set in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics".
For HMV01.1R When the thermal load has reached 100%, the continuous current limitation is
activated and the warning E8057 is generated. As a consequence thereof the
available DC bus power is reduced and especially drives that require high pow‐
er can no longer follow the preset command values.

Cause Remedy

Device is not adjusted to requirements of application or motor Check dimensioning of drive and, if necessary, use more pow‐
erful device
Too high acceleration torque/too high acceleration force de‐ Reduce acceleration by adjusted command value profile
Overload of drive by too high continuous load Reduce overload in the case of long machining phases
Too high process or machining force (e.g. infeed) Reduce process or machining force
Mechanical changes in axis (e.g. friction, load conditions,...) Check mechanical system and, if necessary, optimize load
conditions and/or friction conditions

See also Functional Description of firmware "Current Limitation"

2.1.16 E8058 Drive system not ready for operation

This fatal warning can occur for drive controllers in operation that are intercon‐
nected via the module bus. If one of these drive controllers in operation signals
an error via the module bus, the drives that are to react to signaled errors
("package reaction") react with shutdown. The reacting drives display the warn‐
ing E8058, the supply unit displays "E2810 Drive system not ready for opera‐
The settings for error messages and error reactions for devices that are inter‐
connected via the DC bus and module bus are made in "P‑0‑0118, Power
supply, configuration".

Cause Remedy

Error message of one or several drives of a drive system Identify drive or drives signaling an error. Remove cause of
error at respective drive or drives

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.1.17 E8260 Torque/force command value limit active

Apart from the dynamic actual torque/force value limitation by means of a motor
or amplifier temperature model, there are voltage-dependent (velocity-depend‐
ent), as well as parameterizable limitations of the torque/force command value.
At least one of these limits has been reached.

As regards the occurrence of the warning E8260, there are different

causes and remedies for "closed-loop operation" / "controlled motor
operation" (FOC, FOCsl, FXC) and sensorless, voltage-controlled
motor operation ("U/f-controlled motor operation" / "open-loop op‐
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Reduce preset maximum acceleration value to allow drive to
Acceleration capacity of drive has been exceeded. In operat‐ follow position or velocity command value characteristic
ing modes "position control" and "velocity control", this means
that there is an ever-increasing position deviation (lag error)
between command value and actual value
"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Reduce maximum velocity command value in such a way that
Velocity command value is higher than maximum velocity of values of P-0-0535 or P-0-0536 are not reached when accel‐
drive. Drive limits output value of velocity loop (torque com‐ erating or at maximum velocity.
mand value) so that output voltage of controller, depending on If possible, use controlled supply unit (HMV-R); with uncon‐
load, does not exceed value of "P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no trolled supply unit increase supply voltage, if necessary
load" or "P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage"
"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Increase values of "S‑0‑0082, Torque/force limit value posi‐
Torque/force limit values incorrectly set tive", "S‑0‑0083, Torque/force limit value negative",
"S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" and "P‑0‑0109,
Torque/force peak limit", if necessary
"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Check contents of "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain
Current loop incorrectly parameterized for motors without 1" and "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1" and cor‐
feedback data memory (e.g. kit motors or third-party motors) rect them, if necessary.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Automatic Set‐
ting of Motor Control "
"Controlled motor operation (FXC)" Reduce current at standstill ("P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization
Controller cannot permanently provide required current at factor" * "P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current") by lower value of
standstill of asynchronous motor P‑0‑0532
‑ or ‑
Use controller with higher continuous current (type current)
"Open-loop operation" / "U/f-controlled motor operation" Maximum change of velocity with which drive can follow com‐
Acceleration capacity of controlled drive has been exceeded mand values is determined by motor. This possibly requires
(velocity command value ramp too steep) adjustment of "P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator frequency change"

2.1.18 E8819 Mains failure

A mains failure was detected. To maintain the DC bus, regenerative operation
of the motor is still possible, motive operation of the motor is disabled. The
function depends on "P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration" (behavior in the
case of undervoltage in DC bus).

Cause Remedy

Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit
means of drive enable ("AF")
Malfunction or overload of power supply Check power supply
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.2 Warnings of Category E4xxx

2.2.1 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown
The master synchronization telegram (MST) was not received in the drive in
two successive SERCOS cycles.
106/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

As of MPx05VRS: In "P-0-4088, Master communication, configu‐

ration", you can configure the reaction to the failure of the cyclic
communication as a warning or as an error.

Cause Remedy

Disturbance in fiber optic transmission line Check all optic fiber connections in the SERCOS ring and replace
them, if necessary
Attenuation of light signals too high Measure attenuation of optic fiber cables again.Maximum attenu‐
ation between TX and RX mustn't exceed 12.5 dB!

Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Interface Errors and Diagnostic


2.2.2 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown

The master data telegram (MDT) was not received in the drive in two successive
SERCOS or field bus cycles.

As of MPx05VRS: In "P-0-4088, Master communication, configu‐

ration", you can configure the reaction to the failure of the cyclic
communication as a warning or as an error.

Cause Remedy

Bus master does not send any more cyclic telegrams to Switch master on and start cyclic communication; see manual for
the drive. These, however, are expected in communica‐ control unit
tion phase 4.
Fiber optic cable bus: Disturbance in fiber optic trans‐ Check all fiber optic cable connections in SERCOS ring
mission line
Fiber optic cable bus: Input power of light signals too low Adjust transmitting power or check attenuation of fiber optic cable
Light power to be measured at receiver (with test mode: Maximum attenuation between TX and RX mustn't exceed 12.5 dB!
continuous light) must be between –20 dBm (10 µW) and
–5 dBm (320 µW)
Different transmission times of master data telegrams in Synchronize transmission times of master data telegrams in master
master and slave and slave
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Interface Errors and Diagnostic

Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 107/137
and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

2.2.3 E4005 Command value input impossible via master communication

In firmware version 04VRS, the name of the warning is "E4005 No
data exchange possible via the field bus".

Command value input via the master communication interface is impossible.

Automatic restart after bus failure!

In the case of bus failure (message "F4009" or "E4005"), an error reaction must
be carried out in the control unit, too, to prevent automatic restart after the bus
DANGER has been reestablished. This means that the bits "Drive Halt", "drive enable"
and "drive ON" (e.g. bits 13, 14 and 15 in parameter "P‑0‑4077, Field bus: con‐
trol word") should be reset in the control unit in the case of bus failure.
SERCOS The setting in parameter "P-0-4088, Master communication, configuration" is
such that there won't be any drive error reaction initiated in case communication
fails, but this warning will be displayed.

Cause Remedy
See F4009 See F4009

Other Field Buses (CANopen, Failure of master communication (double MDT failure or double MST failure)
PROFIBUS, ...) was detected.
The setting in parameter "P-0-4088, Master communication, configuration" is
such that there won't be any drive error reaction initiated in case communication
fails, but this warning will be displayed; the drive continues running with the last
valid command value input.

Cause Remedy
See F4001 or F4002 See F4001 or F4002

2.2.4 E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A

During the index check in the multiplex channel an error occurred. During the
cyclic data exchange the index for access to the lists Data container A: config‐
uration list command value-x is monitored to find out whether it is pointing to a
non-initialized position in the list.

Cause Remedy

? Check Data container A: configuration list command value-x

? Check low byte of "S‑0‑0368, Data container A: addressing"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Multiplex Channel"

2.2.5 E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A

During the index check in the multiplex channel an error occurred. During the
cyclic data exchange the index for access to the lists Data container A: config‐
uration list actual value-x is monitored to find out whether it is pointing to a non-
initialized position in the list.

Cause Remedy

? Check Data container A: configuration list actual value-x

? Check high byte of "S‑0‑0368, Data container A: addressing"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Multiplex Channel"

108/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

2.2.6 E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0

During the initialization of the SERCOS ring in communication phase 1, the
SERCOS master must address each slave which is to participate in the pro‐
gression to higher phases. Slaves which are not addressed or for which drive
address 0 has been set diagnose this by the warning E4010. Communication
with these slaves in higher communication phases is impossible; they only work
in repeater mode.

Cause Remedy

Slave was not scanned in phase 1 or address 0 has been Set correct slave address
Slave deactivated by control unit Check SERCOS master configuration

See also Functional Description of firmware "SERCOS interface"

2.2.7 E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded

When switching to communication phase 2, too many CCD slaves (→ CCD:
Cross Communication Drives) were detected to have been connected to the
cross communication interface of the CCD master.

This warning is always reset in phase 0.

Cause Remedy

More CCD slaves than allowed have been connected to Reduce number of connected CCD slaves
CCD master Note: Maximum number of axes depends on CCD cycle time and
data length

See also Functional Description of firmware "Cross Communication (CCD) "

2.2.8 E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing

When switching to communication phase 1, a projected CCD slave (→ CCD:
Cross Communication Drives) could not be found.

Cause Remedy

A CCD slave address has been used several times; actual Correct slave address in slave(s) ("P‑0‑4025, Drive address
topology (P-0-1603) and command topology (P-0-1636) do of master communication")
not match. Addresses must be unequivocal
In "P‑0‑1601, CCD: Addresses of projected drives" Correct "P‑0‑1601, CCD: addresses of projected drives" ac‐
‑ or ‑ cording to connected CCD slaves

in "P-0-1604, CCD: addresses of projected I/Os" (only Only MPx05:

MPx05), a CCD slave was projected which does not exist in Correct "P-0-1604, CCD: addresses of projected I/Os" ac‐
CCD group cording to connected slaves
‑ or ‑
Assign addresses to slaves with P-0-1635
In "P‑0‑1601, CCD: Addresses of projected drives" Connect all projected CCD slaves correctly
‑ or ‑
in "P-0-1604, CCD: addresses of projected I/Os" (only
MPx05), a CCD slave was projected which has not been cor‐
rectly connected

See also "P-0-1630, CCD: diagnosis"

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Warnings (Exxxx)

See also Functional Description of firmware "Cross Communication (CCD) "

2.2.9 E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves

During the run-up of the CCD group to phase 0, 1 or 2, the correct reaction of
the CCD slaves is monitored. If one or several slaves do not behave correctly,
the warning E4014 is generated. There are the following possible error symp‐
● CCD slave ignores phase switch and does not stop transmitting
● CCD slave dose not transmit again after phase switch
● list of scanned CCD slaves is not stable (list must be 100% identical for
phase 0)
● no communication on port1 or port2
● no CCD slave scanned (only if "P-0-1601, CCD: addresses of projected
drives" is empty, otherwise E4013)
● transmitted MST is not received correctly
● a CCD slave not supported by the CCD master has been connected

Cause Remedy

SERCOS III plug-in connections are loose or defective Check SERCOS III plug-in connections and replace them, if nec‐
One of CCD slaves is defective Replace CCD slave

See also Functional Description of firmware "Cross Communication (CCD) "

2.3 Possible Warnings When Operating Safety Technology

2.3.1 Behavior in Case a Safety Technology Warning Occurs
With activated safety technology, warnings of category E31xx only
occur in normal operation. When a safety related operation is se‐
lected, the cause of the warning results in an error being triggered.

The user can define the drive behavior for the case of non-fatal safety technol‐
ogy errors occurring via the setting in "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration".
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill and the output stage
is switched off via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped, the axis signals safety; i.e. "safety technology
status output of controller" was set in "P-0-3214, Safety technology status word,
channel 1" or the diagnosis input/output E/A10n (channel 2) was set depending
on the parameterization in "P-0-3210, Safety technology configuration".

2.3.2 E3100 Error when checking input signals

When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety related operation status is selected, the cause
of the error causes the error "F3130 Error when checking input signals" or
"F3141 Selection validation error" to be triggered.
110/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
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Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

During "dynamization of safety function selection" not all input Remove wiring error of input signals or replace switch.
signals are zero. Cause can be error in wiring of input signals Note: Cause of error can be localized, for example, by means
or short circuit of switch contacts with positive supply voltage of internal oscilloscope function and one of the following pa‐
● "P-0-3216, Active safety technology signals" or
● "P-0-3212, Safety technology signal control word, chan‐
nel 1" or
● "P-0-3217, I/O status channel 2 (optional safety tech‐
nology module)"
There are unequal channel states between channel 1 and 2. Remove wiring error of input signals or replace switch.
Cause can be error in wiring of input signals or defective switch Note: Cause of error can be localized by means of parameter
"P-0-3216, Active safety technology signals" (of channel 1 and
channel 2).
"P‑0‑3221, Max. tolerance time for different channel states" Change parameterization of "P-0-3221, Max. tolerance time
incorrectly parameterized for different channel states"

2.3.3 E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment signal

All drives of a safety related protective zone have to be interconnected via the
acknowledgment signal EA20. One of the drives of the safety related protective
zone has to be declared as master, the other ones as slaves (declaration in
"P‑0‑3210, Safety technology control word"). The master uses the acknowl‐
edgment signal to evaluate the axis status of the connected slaves and to
control a safety door via the diagnostic outputs A10, EA10n. In order to detect
errors in the connection, the acknowledgment signal is dynamized.
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety related operating status is selected, the cause
of the error causes the error "F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment
signal" to be triggered.

Cause Remedy

There is an error in wiring of acknowledgment signals (contact Remove error in wiring of acknowledgment signals
error, cable break, short circuit with 0 V, missing connection
to master)

2.3.4 E3102 Actual position values validation error

When both safety technology channels have been homed (confer "S-0-0403,
Position feedback value status" for channel 1 and "P-0-3213, Safety technology
operating status" for channel 2), a validation check is cyclically carried out for
their actual position values. The difference of the actual position values mustn't
exceed an internally defined threshold.
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the cause of the error
causes the error "F3117 Actual position values validation error" to be triggered.

Cause Remedy

Implausible values on channel 1 and 2 resulted from cyclic Reestablish safety related reference
comparison of actual position values. An internally calculated
tolerance threshold is used for this comparison
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

2.3.5 E3103 Dynamization failed

For dynamization of safety function selection a dynamic signal is applied to the
selection elements, in order to detect errors in the wiring of the input signals.
The signal shape of the dynamic signal is monitored, too.
The monitoring refers to the signal at the dynamization input EA30 and, in the
case of separate dynamization (to be set via "P-0-3210, Safety technology
configuration"), additionally to the dynamization input for channel 1 ("P-0-3212,
Safety technology control word, channel 1").
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the cause of the error
causes the error "F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect" to be triggered.

Cause Remedy

Within time "P‑0‑3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety Remove cause of error in wiring of dynamization input
function selection" there hasn't any dynamization pulse (low ‑ or ‑
level) occurred at dynamization input EA30 or "dynamization
input channel 1" In the case of internal dynamization, make sure that only one
of involved axes has been configured as master for dynami‐
zation of safety function selection ("P‑0‑3210, Safety technol‐
ogy configuration")
‑ or ‑
In the case of external dynamization, use appropriate signal
‑ or ‑
Make sure that in involved slave axes values for "P-0-3223,
Time interval for dynamization of safety function selection"
and "P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety func‐
tion selection" are greater than or equal to values in master

2.3.6 E3104 Safety parameters validation error

In the operating mode, a validation check is cyclically carried out for the safety
parameters of channel 1 and channel 2.
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the cause of the error
causes the error "F3140 Safety parameters validation error" or "F7040 Valida‐
tion error parameterized ‑ effective threshold" to be triggered.

Cause Remedy

A comparison has shown that channel 1 and channel 2 are not Execute command "P-0-3204, C3000 Synchronize and store
working with the same safety parameters safety technology IDN command"; channel 2 thereby accepts
parameters of channel 1

2.3.7 E3105 Validation error of safety related operating mode

The active safety technology operating states ("safety related operating
modes") of channel 1 and channel 2 are cyclically and via two channels checked
for validity; they may differ for a maximum of 5 seconds.
The criteria for transition to a new safety technology operating status selected
have not been fulfilled in one channel. This channel remains in old the sta‐
tus ‑ the other channel already went to the new status.
112/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only
occurs in normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the
cause of the error causes the error "F7042 Validation error safety
related operating mode" to be triggered.

Cause Remedy

Time, velocity or position thresholds were incorrectly parame‐ Check time, velocity or position thresholds relevant for re‐
terized spective transition and adjust them, if necessary

2.3.8 E3106 System error safety technolog

In the firmware versions 02VRS, 03VRS and 04VRS, the name of
the warning is "E3106 System error channel 2".

When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the cause of the error
causes the error "F3146 System error channel 2" or "F3147 System error chan‐
nel 1" to be triggered (as of firmware versions 05VRS).

Cause Remedy

System error Via parameter mode switch to operating mode

- or -
Reset optional safety technology module by switching control
voltage off and on
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller; use hardware configuration of same type

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.
Only Rexroth service engineers are allowed to replace optional
modules of the control section (e.g. optional encoder module).

2.3.9 E3107 Safety related reference missing

A check showed that, when the special mode "safety related motion" with con‐
figured safety function "safety related limited absolute position" was selected,
there is no "safety related reference" existing.

Cause Remedy

Monitoring of safety related end positions has been config‐ 1. Set drive enable
ured; requirement that channel 2 has been homed is missing 2. For absolute measuring systems: Execute "P‑0‑3228,
(can also be recognized in "P-0-3238, Extended safety tech‐ C4000 Homing procedure command channel 2" in order
nology status"). No safety function has been selected (i.e. to establish "safety related reference" on channel 2
drive is in normal operation)
- or -
For all other measuring systems: Execute "S‑0‑0148,
C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure com‐
mand" (C4000 for establishing safety related reference
of channel 2 is integrated)
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Description of error reaction: "Behavior in Case a Safety Technology Warning

See documentation "Integrated Safety Technology", index entry "safety related
homing procedure"

2.3.10 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded

In parameter "P-0-0103, Time interval of forced dynamization" it is possible to
set a time interval within which the starting lockout has to be activated. This
time interval has been exceeded.

Cause Remedy

Setting of time interval in parameter "P‑0‑0103, Time interval Set time interval in parameter "P‑0‑0103, Time interval of
of forced dynamization" does not comply with requirements forced dynamization" according to requirements
Starting lockout has not been activated within time interval that Activate starting lockout with drive controller being active
was set

2.3.11 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval

When "time interval of holding brake check" was activated in "P‑0‑0525, Holding
brake control word" or the function "safety related braking and holding system"
is used, the drive monitors the time which has passed since the last holding
brake check.

Cause Remedy

Drive had been put into operation and drive enable was set; Brake check ("P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command")
after 5 minutes, drive generates warning E3115 must be carried out within 15 minutes after drive was put into
operation and drive enable was set
Space of time since last holding brake check has approached Start brake check within 15 minutes after occurrence of E3115
time interval parameterized in "P‑0‑0550, Time interval brake ("P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command")
check" or "P‑0‑3302, Safety related holding system: time in‐
terval brake check" by 15 minutes or less

See also Functional Description of firmware "Motor Holding Brake"

See also documentation "Integrated Safety Technology"

2.4 Non-Fatal Warnings (E2xxx)

2.4.1 E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not possible
For operating modes using parameter "S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis control‐
ler" it is possible to switch the control encoder during operation.
If no second encoder has been defined as control encoder, this warning is gen‐
erated when you try to switch to encoder 2.

2.4.2 E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1

In conjunction with technology functions the drive-integrated PLC allows the
user generating warnings (E2011 .. E2014) within the PLC program.
Cause and remedy of a PLC warning depend on the respective PLC project (or
the active Rexroth technology function) and are contained in the respective
description of the technology function.

2.4.3 E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2

In conjunction with technology functions the drive-integrated PLC allows the
user generating warnings (E2011 .. E2014) within the PLC program.
114/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause and remedy of a PLC warning depend on the respective PLC project (or
the active Rexroth technology function) and are contained in the respective
description of the technology function.

2.4.4 E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3

In conjunction with technology functions the drive-integrated PLC allows the
user generating warnings (E2011 .. E2014) within the PLC program.
Cause and remedy of a PLC warning depend on the respective PLC project (or
the active Rexroth technology function) and are contained in the respective
description of the technology function.

2.4.5 E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4

In conjunction with technology functions the drive-integrated PLC allows the
user generating warnings (E2011 .. E2014) within the PLC program.
Cause and remedy of a PLC warning depend on the respective PLC project (or
the active Rexroth technology function) and are contained in the respective
description of the technology function.

2.4.6 E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range

The lower limit of the allowed ambient temperature range of Rexroth motors is
0°C. In the case of very low temperatures (below –20°C), motor encoders risk
failing, shaft bearings and housings risk getting damaged.
Motors MSK, MAD, MAF The temperature sensors installed in the motor windings of Rexroth motors of
the MSK, MAD and MAF lines allow measuring temperatures below the allowed
temperature range. When the motor temperature has fallen below –20°C, the
warning E2021 is output.
Motors MHD, MKD, 2AD, ADF, The temperature sensors installed in the motor windings of Rexroth motors of
1MB, MLF, LSF the MHD, MKD, 2AD, ADF, 1MB, MLF and LSF lines cannot measure temper‐
atures below the allowed temperature range. Therefore, the warning cannot be
generated in this case!

Cause Remedy

Motor temperature measured by temperature sensor is below Warning disappears automatically when motor is heated up to
–20°C more than –20°C by load or higher ambient temperature
Sensor defective Check wiring and hardware, above all for loose contact and,
‑ or ‑ if necessary, for malfunction

Cable break
‑ or ‑
Electronic monitoring system in controller defective

See also Functional Description of firmware "Motor Temperature Monitoring"

2.4.7 E2026 Undervoltage in power section

The DC bus voltage value is monitored by the drive controller and the supply
Drive Controllers HMS, HMD, HCS If the DC bus voltage falls below the minimum value determined for the drive
(see value of "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold") or it reacts to "DC bus not
ok" of the module bus, the device generates the warning E2026 if "non-fatal
warning" has been set with regard to the reaction to undervoltage in "P‑0‑0118,
Power supply, configuration".
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

When drive enable is set without DC bus voltage (drive signals

"bb"), the error message F2026 is generated in spite of warning
having been parameterized.
Supply Unit HMV01.1R / If the DC bus voltage falls below the threshold value determined for the re‐
HMV02.1R spective supply unit (see table below), the warning E2026 is displayed at the
device and "DC bus not ok" is signaled via the module bus. The circuit is not
interrupted yet!

Supply unit Hardware index (see type plate) Threshold value

HMV01.1R-W0018 up to A38 DC 670 V

from A39 upwards DC 600 V
HMV01.1R-W0045 up to A39 DC 670 V
from A40 upwards DC 600 V
HMV01.1R-W0060 up to A39 DC 670 V
from A40 upwards DC 600 V
HMV01.1R-W0120 from A00 upwards DC 600 V

Fig.2-1: Threshold values for undervoltage in DC bus

Cause Remedy

Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit
means of drive enable ("AF")
Malfunction or overload of power supply Check power supply
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.4.8 E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning

A switch-off value for the second temperature sensor is stored in element 3 of
parameter "P‑0‑4059, Electric type data of power section".
If the parameter "P‑0‑0816, Amplifier temperature 2" exceeds the switch-off
threshold, the warning E2040 is output for 30 seconds. Afterwards, the con‐
troller is switched off with the non-fatal error F2040.
Before the controller is switched off, it is possible to stop the axis via the control
unit in accordance with the process (e.g. terminate processing, leave collision
area etc.) or to reduce the load of the drive controller.

Cause Remedy

Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data Reduce ambient temperature, e.g. by cooling the control cab‐
are valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 C. inet
Heat sink of device is dirty Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position in control cabinet lating heat sink
Blower of device is defective Replace device

2.4.9 E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0

In operating states/ operating modes in which the drive-internal position com‐
mand value interpolator is active, the preset velocity effective in the drive is
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Warnings (Exxxx)

monitored with regard to the value "0"; i.e. the monitor is active in the following
operating modes or operating states:
Operating Modes ● drive-internal interpolation
● drive-controlled positioning
● positioning block mode
● Drive Halt
Commands ● position spindle
● drive-controlled homing
● automatic control loop setting
● ...

Cause Remedy

Incorrect velocity is preset (value = "0") Check parameterization or cyclic command value of control
(cf. "S‑0‑0259, Positioning velocity", "S‑0‑0041, Homing ve‐ unit and set value for preset velocity unequal zero
locity", "P‑0‑4007, Positioning block velocity"[i], "S‑0‑0222,
Spindle positioning speed", "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
value", "P‑0‑0143, Synchronization velocity", "P‑0‑0686, Ad‐
ditive position command value, positioning velocity")
Analog input to which preset velocity was assigned is defec‐ Check wiring and function of analog input and, if necessary,
tive or not connected replace cable or control section, or the entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

2.4.10 E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0

In operating states/ operating modes in which the drive-internal position com‐
mand value interpolator is active, the preset acceleration effective in the drive
is monitored with regard to the value "0" [without acceleration (deceleration) a
preset velocity can never be reached; slowing down with a deceleration "0" isn't
possible either].

The input values of the parameters are converted to a drive-internal

format. This is why input values > "0" can, internally, also cause an
acceleration = "0". The parameter values which drive-internally still
cause an acceleration > "0" can be calculated.

The monitor is active in the following operating modes or operating states:

Operating Modes ● drive-internal interpolation
● drive-controlled positioning
● positioning block mode
● Drive Halt
Commands ● position spindle
● drive-controlled homing
● automatic control loop setting
● ...
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Incorrect acceleration is preset (value = "0") Check parameterization or cyclic command value of control
(vgl. "S‑0‑0260, Positioning acceleration", "S‑0‑0042, Homing unit and set value for preset acceleration > "0"
acceleration", "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value",
"S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration", "P‑0‑0142, Synchroni‐
zation acceleration", "P‑0‑0687, Additive position command
value, positioning acceleration")

2.4.11 E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value

In the operating modes in which the drive-internal position command value in‐
terpolator is active, the velocity command value (positioning velocity) effective
in the drive is limited to the smallest value parameterized velocity limit value.
This means that the monitor is active in the following operating modes or op‐
erating states:
Operating Modes ● drive-internal interpolation
● drive-controlled positioning
● positioning block mode
● Drive Halt
Commands ● position spindle
● drive-controlled homing
● automatic control loop setting
● ...

Cause Remedy

Incorrect velocity has been preset (parameterized or cyclically Check parameterization or cyclic command value of control
preset value is too high) (cf. "S‑0‑0259, Positioning velocity", unit and set value for used preset velocity smaller than value
"S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity", "P‑0‑4007, Positioning block ve‐ from "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Pos‐
locity" [i], "S‑0‑0222, Spindle positioning speed", "S‑0‑0091, itive velocity limit value" or "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit
Bipolar velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value"
value", "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value")
"S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive Check parameter contents of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
velocity limit value" or "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value" value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value" and "S‑0‑0039,
incorrectly parameterized Negative velocity limit value". Check whether parameter pos‐
sibly has been assigned to an analog input or is contained in
cyclic data
Analog input to which "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", Check wiring and function of analog input and, if necessary,
"S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value" or "S‑0‑0039, Nega‐ replace cable or control section, or the entire drive controller
tive velocity limit value" was assigned is defective or not

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Velocity Limitation"

2.4.12 E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning

The heat sink temperature of the device is monitored by a temperature sensor
and a temperature model. When the heat sink has become too hot, the device
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Warnings (Exxxx)

is switched off in order to protect it against destruction. Before the error "F2018
Device overtemperature shutdown" is triggered, the warning "E2050 Device
overtemp. Prewarning" is output.

When the warning E2050 appears, it is possible to stop the axis via
the control unit in accordance with the process (e.g. terminate pro‐
cessing, leave collision area etc.) or to reduce the load of the drive

Cause Remedy

Amplifier overtemperature (heat sink) due to overload of drive Switch drive off and let it cool down, check mechanical system
(overcurrent) as well as drive dimensioning (working power mustn't exceed,
on average, continuous power of drive)
Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data Reduce ambient temperature, e. g. by cooling the control cab‐
are valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 C inet
Heat sink of device is dirty Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position of control cabinet lating heat sink
Failure of internal blower If blower fails, replace device or power section
Failure of air conditioning for control cabinet Check air conditioning of control cabinet
Incorrect dimensioning of control cabinet with regard to heat Check dimensioning of control cabinet

See also Functional Description of firmware "Current Limitation"

2.4.13 E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning

The motor temperature measured by the temperature sensor approaches the
limit value and has reached "S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature". The con‐
troller outputs the warning E2051. The drive is only switched off (F2019) when
the motor temperature has reached the limit value in "S‑0‑0204, Motor shut‐
down temperature".

Cause Remedy

"S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature" incorrectly parame‐ Check and correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0201, Motor
terized warning temperature" by means of motor or temperature sen‐
sor data sheet
The motor is overloaded. The effective torque demanded from Check motor dimensioning and reduce motor load, e.g. by re‐
the motor has been above the allowed continuous torque for duced infeed velocity in the case of metal-cutting machining.
a too long time. In the case of installations that have been operated for a long
time, check whether drive conditions have changed (with re‐
gard to dirt accumulation, friction, moved masses etc.)
Line interruption, ground fault or short circuit in the line for Check line for motor temperature monitoring for line interrup‐
motor temperature monitoring tion, ground fault or short circuit
Instability in speed control loop Check parameterization of speed control loop
Blower / cooling system defective Check blower / cooling system

See also Functional Description of firmware "Motor Temperature Monitoring"

2.4.14 E2053 Target position out of travel range

In operating modes with internal position command value generation a check
is run, before a movement is carried out, in order to find out whether the preset
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

target position ("S‑0‑0258, Target position", "S‑0‑0282, Positioning command

value" or "P‑0‑4006, Positioning block target position" [i]) is within the allowed
travel range of the drive.
The allowed travel range of the drive is defined by
● S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value
● S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value
The position limit value monitor and thus the monitoring of the allowed travel
range is activated in "S‑0‑0055, Position polarities".
The reaction to a travel range error can be set in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit

When the position limit value monitor has been activated and the
target position is outside of the allowed travel range, a warning bit
is set in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics". In addition, the message
"S‑0‑0323, Target position outside of travel range" is set. The po‐
sitioning procedure is started.

Cause Remedy

Position limit values ("S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value", Check parameterization of position limit values and adjust it
"S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value") incorrectly parame‐ according to desired travel range ("S‑0‑0049, Positive position
terized limit value" has to be greater than "S‑0‑0050, Negative posi‐
tion limit value")
Position limit value monitor has been activated although it is Deactivate position limit value monitor if it is not needed (e.g.
not needed in modulo operation)
In the case of relative interpolation, value for travel range was Check preset travel range (cf. "S‑0‑0258, Target position")
set too high or several travel ranges that are added cause ef‐ and, if necessary, adjust it in control unit program
fective target position (cf. "P‑0‑0050, Effective target position")
to be outside of position limits
In the case of absolute interpolation, preset target position is Check preset target position (cf. "S‑0‑0258, Target position"
incorrect or "S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value") and, if necessary,
adjust it in control unit program (only enter "S‑0‑0258, Target
position" within position limit values)
In "positioning block mode" one or more target positions have Check parameterized target positions in "P‑0‑4006, Position‐
been incorrectly parameterized or incorrect positioning block ing block target position" and block selection ("P‑0‑4006, Po‐
is selected sitioning block selection"). In addition, check block selection
via respective master communication (e.g. field bus or digital

See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Limitation/Travel Range

Limit Switch"
For "relative interpolation" see Functional Description of firmware "Drive-Con‐
trolled Positioning"
For "absolute interpolation" see Functional Description of firmware "Drive-In‐
ternal Interpolation"

2.4.15 E2054 Not homed

Before a motion is carried out a check is run in the case of operating modes
with drive-internal position command value generation (drive-internal interpo‐
lation, drive-controlled positioning and positioning block mode) to find out
whether, with absolute target position preset ("S‑0‑0258, Target position" or
"S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value", or "P‑0‑4006, Positioning block target
120/137 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting Guide
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Warnings (Exxxx)

position"), the measuring system used for positioning (cf. operating mode se‐
lection) has been homed.

When the warning E2054 appears, the drive stops or does not ac‐
cept the target position or the positioning block. In parameter
"S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics" a warning bit is set.

Cause Remedy

Absolute positioning was started although position data refer‐ Establish absolute position data reference by starting com‐
ence of drive had not yet been established [drive has not been mand "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure
homed (cf. "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status")] command" or "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute

See also Functional Description of firmware "Establishing the Position Data


2.4.16 E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0

By means of the "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override" it is possible to make a propor‐
tional scaling for the travel velocity of drive-controlled travel commands
(0..100 %).
A feedrate override of 0 % causes the effective travel velocity to become "0".
In spite of velocity command value being present (e. g. "S‑0‑0259, Positioning
velocity"), the drive remains stopped at the current position or brakes down until
reaching standstill.

The function of the feedrate override can be switched off by setting

S‑0‑0108 = 100 %.
If S‑0‑0108 has been cyclically configured or assigned to an analog
input, this configuration has to be changed.

Cause Remedy

Parameter "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override" was set to "0" Set feedrate override > "0" so that drive moves. Full velocity
is reached with 100%.
For devices with analog inputs: feedrate override via analog Apply voltage > "0" proportionally to desired velocity (+10 V
input has been activated and voltage at analog input is "0" corresponds to 100% of velocity) alternative: deactivate fee‐
drate override
Infeed potentiometer of connected control unit was set to "0" Carefully actuate infeed potentiometer, check analog signal
or is incorrectly evaluated and evaluation
Analog input used for feedrate override or connecting cable is Check and if necessary replace cable and control section

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

2.4.17 E2056 Torque limit = 0

To protect the drive or the connected mechanical system against mechanical
overload the maximum torque or the maximum force can be limited to allowed
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

One of the torque-/force-limiting parameters has the value "0" Check parameters "S‑0‑0082, Torque/force limit value posi‐
tive"; "S‑0‑0083, Torque/force limit value negative";
"S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" and "P‑0‑0109,
Torque/force peak limit" and enter "correct" limit value (un‐
equal "0")
One of the torque-/force-limiting parameters has been as‐ Apply voltage > 0 proportionally to desired torque/force limit
signed to analog input and voltage at analog input is "0" value
Note: Scaling of analog input defines scaling of analog input
voltage (see also Functional Description of firmware "Analog
Potentiometer of connected control unit was set to "0" or is Carefully actuate potentiometer, check analog signal and
incorrectly evaluated evaluation
Cable connected at analog input for torque/force limitation is Check and, if necessary, replace cable
Analog input used for torque/force limitation is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
You are using motor without encoder memory; its motor data Load motor parameters via motor data base stored in Indra‐
haven't yet been set and max. allowed currents (S‑0‑0109, Works D
S‑0‑0111,...) therefore are still "0"

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Torque/Force Control"

2.4.18 E2058 Selected process block is not programmed.

In the "positioning block mode" the selected positioning block is checked so
that only complete positioning blocks can be started.

When the warning E2058 appears, the drive stops or does not ac‐
cept the selected positioning block. In parameter "S‑0‑0012, Class 2
diagnostics" a warning bit is set.

Cause Remedy

Positioning block data of currently selected block are not avail‐ Check positioning block data ("P‑0‑4006, Positioning block
able target position", "P‑0‑4007, Positioning block velocity",
"P‑0‑4008, Positioning block acceleration", "P‑0‑4009, Posi‐
tioning block jerk", and "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode")
and correct respective parameters
Incorrect positioning block selection via field bus or digital in‐ Check "P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection" and control. If
puts necessary, also check wiring and connection of digital I/Os
Incorrect configuration of digital inputs causes unwanted po‐ Check configuration of digital inputs and correct it accordingly
sitioning block selection

See also Functional Description of firmware "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Positioning Block Mode"
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Warnings (Exxxx)

2.4.19 E2059 Velocity command value limit activ

The drive is constantly monitoring the effective velocity command value (sum
of velocity command values at controller input) and is limiting it.
If the effective velocity command value exceeds "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
value", the warning E2059 is output because for positioning tasks the lag error
can be increased.

Cause Remedy

Cyclic command value preset by control unit is incorrect or too Control cyclic command value and, if necessary, adjust control
high program
Velocity limit value parameterized too low Check and correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar ve‐
locity limit value"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Velocity Control"

2.4.20 E2061 Device overload prewarning

The work load of the device has exceeded a threshold. A warning is generated
which warns against imminent overload, unless the load is reduced.
Devices with digital control are monitored by means of a permanently pro‐
cessed temperature model. If the thermal work load approaches 100 % the
continuous current limit is activated shortly after and the warning "E8057 Device
overload, current limit active" appears.
When the current is limited the torque/force is reduced which is not wanted for
machines and installations and can cause problems. A warning is therefore
output before this situation occurs.
For HCS, HMS, HMD The threshold value for the overload prewarning can be set in "P‑0‑0441, Over‐
load warning". If the thermal work load exceeds this value, the E2061 warning
is output. Useful values for "P‑0‑0441, Overload warning" are at 80‑90% so that
there still is a little reserve capacity until the actual thermal work load is reached

The warning can be deactivated by the value "100%" in "P‑0‑0441,

Overload warning", because in this case the fatal warning "E8057
Device overload, current limit active" warning is immediately gen‐

As of MPx05: When the function "PWM frequency switching de‐

pending on load" has been selected (P-0-0556, bit 8=1), the device
is switched to the lower switching frequency in case the prewarning
threshold is exceeded.
The device is switched to the higher frequency, when the load in
P-0-0141 falls below an internally calculated threshold. The value
of this threshold is lower than the value in parameter "P-0-0441,
Overload warning".
As long as the controller is operated with the lower switching fre‐
quency, the warning "E2061 Device overload prewarning" is dis‐

For HMV01.1R The threshold value for the overload prewarning is fixed to 90%. If the thermal
work load exceeds this value, the E2061 warning is output. This threshold can‐
not be set and therefore the warning cannot be deactivated!
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Incorrect value of "P‑0‑0441, Overload warning" Increase value of "P‑0‑0441, Overload warning", if necessary
Overload of drive (e.g. due to too high infeed during machining Switch drive off and let it cool down. Check drive dimensioning
or too high acceleration to high speed) and command value profile
Changes in mechanical system with regard to friction and In the case of installations that have been run for a long time,
moved masses check drive conditions for changes in mechanical system

See also Functional Description of firmware "Current Limitation"

2.4.21 E2063 Velocity command value > limit value

The drive continuously monitors the "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command value".
If the velocity command value exceeds the smallest parameterized velocity limit
value, the lag error can be increased for positioning tasks.

Cause Remedy

Cyclic command value preset by control unit is incorrect or too Control cyclic command value and, if necessary, adjust control
high program
Velocity limit value parameterized too low Check and correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar ve‐
locity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value" and
"S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Velocity Control"

2.4.22 E2064 Target position out of num. range

The operating mode "drive-internal interpolation" or "drive-controlled position‐
ing" was selected and the preset target position cannot be displayed in the
internal position format.

Cause Remedy

Incorrect target position or positioning command value was Check target position ("S‑0‑0258, Target position") or posi‐
preset tioning command value ("S‑0‑0282, Positioning command val‐
ue") preset by control unit (master) and, if necessary, correct
control unit program
An "infinitely turning axis" is not operated in modulo format Check content of "S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type" and
change to "modulo format"
Selected "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" too small Increase value of "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" in order
to increase position that can be displayed internally in absolute

See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive-Controlled Positioning"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive-Internal Interpolation"

2.4.23 E2069 Brake torque too low

When the drive enable was switched off the motor moved during the automatic
brake torque check (can be activated via "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control
word"). The motor holding brake therefore no longer provides the required
holding torque (see also "P‑0‑0547, Test torque with holding brake applied").

The result of the brake check is displayed in "P‑0‑0539, Holding

brake status word".
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Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Due to storage, brake is covered with oxide layer If warning occurs when drive enable is switched off, start
‑ or ‑ "brake check" command in order to abrade brake, if this setting
was made in "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word". After‐
Brake is wetted with oil or grease wards brake should be able to provide full torque again
Brake is worn (see service life of brake in Project Planning If holding torque still isn't reached after repeated start of "brake
Manual for motor) check" command (abrasion cleaning processes of brake), mo‐
tor holding brake or entire motor needs to be replaced
Wiring or control error of brake (hardware defect on control Check wiring and connection of brake (incl. brake relay).
section) If brake control in controller (e.g. relay) is defective, entire
drive controller or control section has to be replaced

See also Functional Description "Motor Holding Brake"

2.4.24 E2070 Acceleration limit active

The acceleration in the velocity loop is limited to the value of "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar
acceleration limit value".

As of MPx05: The acceleration monitoring can be switched off by

inputting "0" in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value".

Cause Remedy

Value in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" too low Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
"S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value"
Incorrect command value set by control unit Contact control unit manufacturer or programmer
Preset acceleration value was greater than value parameter‐ Reduce acceleration value used
ized in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" ● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0057, Return acceleration
● P-0-1201, Ramp 1 pitch
● P-0-1203, Ramp 2 pitch
● P-0-1211, Deceleration ramp 1
● P-0-1213, Deceleration ramp 2

2.4.25 E2074 Encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed

The hardware checks the signals of the measuring system (encoder 1) for in‐
admissible signal dips. If a signal (e.g. sin or cos) leaves the thresholds
monitored by the hardware, the warning E2074 is generated.
In the case of major failures or several signal dips in series, the error "F8022
Enc. 1: enc. signals incorr." is generated and the drive is shut down. The warn‐
ing E2074 therefore points at disturbed encoder signals before a breakdown

The warning E2074 is only cleared by reinitialization of the encoder

position; i. e. it is necessary to switch to communication phase 2.
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

2.4.26 E2075 Encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed

The hardware checks the signals of the measuring system (encoder 2) for in‐
admissible signal dips. If a signal (e.g. sin or cos) leaves the thresholds
monitored by the hardware, the warning E2075 is generated.
In the case of major failures or several signal dips in series, the error "F2042
Encoder 2: encoder signals incorrect" is generated and the drive is shut down.
The warning E2075 therefore points at disturbed encoder signals before a
breakdown occurs.

The warning E2075 is only cleared by reinitialization of the encoder

position; i. e. it is necessary to switch to communication phase 2.

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

2.4.27 E2076 Measuring encoder: encoder signals disturbed

The hardware checks the signals of the measuring encoder for inadmissible
signal dips. If a signal (e. g. sin or cos) leaves the thresholds monitored by the
hardware, the warning E2076 is generated.
In the case of major failures or several signal dips in series, the error "F2043
Measuring encoder: encoder signals incorrect" is generated and the drive is
shut down. The warning E2076 therefore points at disturbed encoder signals
before a breakdown occurs.
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Warnings (Exxxx)

The warning E2076 is only cleared by reinitialization of the encoder

position; i. e. it is necessary to switch to communication phase 2.

Cause Remedy

Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the control section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

2.4.28 E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder (encoder alarm)

The signals of an absolute measuring system (EnDat2.x) are monitored in the
In the drive controller, cyclic transmission of the absolute position is carried out.
The error bit of the encoder is transmitted, too. The drive controller cyclically
checks this error bit and outputs the warning E2077 when an error of the ab‐
solute position occurs.

The warning E2077 is only cleared by reinitialization of the encoder

position; i.e. it is necessary to switch to communication phase 2.

Cause Remedy

Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system

2.4.29 E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder (encoder alarm)

The signals of an absolute measuring system (EnDat2.x) are monitored in the
In the drive controller, cyclic transmission of the absolute position is carried out.
The error bit of the encoder is transmitted, too. The drive controller cyclically
checks this error bit and outputs the warning E2078 when an error of the ab‐
solute position occurs.

The warning E2078 is only cleared by reinitialization of the encoder

position; i.e. it is necessary to switch to communication phase 2.
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system

2.4.30 E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encoder (encoder alarm)

The acceleration in the velocity loop is limited to the value of "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar
acceleration limit value".

The acceleration monitor can be switched off by means of

"P‑0‑0556, Configuration of axis controller".

Cause Remedy

Value in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" too low Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
"S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value"
Incorrect command value set by control unit Contact control unit manufacturer or programmer
Preset acceleration value was greater than value parameter‐ Reduce acceleration value which is used
ized in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" ● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0057, Return acceleration
● P‑0‑1201, Ramp 1 pitch
● P‑0‑1203, Ramp 2 pitch
● P‑0‑1211, Deceleration ramp 1
● P‑0‑1213, Deceleration ramp 2

2.4.31 E2086 Prewarning supply module overload

The supply signals a warning regarding imminent overload via the module bus.
The warning is displayed at the drive controllers and can be evaluated by the
control master via the master communication. If there is no relief, the module
bus message "error supply module" and power off (F2086) can occur.

Cause Remedy

Imminent overload of power supply Reduce required power by lower infeed velocity of tools.
Check dimensioning of supply
Max. energy absorption capacity of braking resistor almost Check dimensioning of braking resistor and, if necessary, in‐
reached crease dimensioning

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.4.32 E2092 Internal synchronization defective

The warning E2092 is used for internal purposes of diagnosis!

Cause: The command value input cycle for command value processing has not
been synchronized; i.e. the command value processing cycle is smaller than
the command value input cycle.
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Warnings (Exxxx)

2.4.33 E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator too high

Cause Remedy

Positioning velocity of master axis generator has reached Maximum velocity parameterized in "P‑0‑0770, Virtual master
maximum allowed limit value ("P‑0‑0770, Virtual master axis, axis, positioning velocity", with which master axis generator
positioning velocity") moves to new target position, has to be adjusted:
● In the case of modulo scaling of master axis generator:
half the modulo value ("P‑0‑0757, Virtual master axis,
modulo value") per 2 ms
● In the case of absolute scaling of master axis generator:
half the feed travel ("P‑0‑0918, Feed travel internal vir‐
tual master axis") per 2 ms

2.4.34 E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator is zero

Cause Remedy

Preset positioning acceleration of master axis generator is "0" Set positioning acceleration of master axis generator unequal
"0" in "P‑0‑0771, Virtual master axis, positioning acceleration"

2.4.35 E2140 CCD error at node

The warning is generated,
1. when the CCD group is in phase 4,
2. at least the simple error reaction has been activated via P-0-1600 and
3. at least one CCD node signals an error of class 1 diagnostics.

Cause Remedy

In a CCD slave or in CCD master, an error of class 1 diag‐ Remove error in CCD slave or CCD master
nostics has occurred
In a CCD slave or in CCD master, a motion function block with Remove error in PLC program
faulty parameters was called in drive-integrated PLC (Indra‐
Motion MLD-M) [see also "P‑0‑1367, PLC configuration", bit7]

See also Functional Description of firmware "Cross Communication (CCD)"

2.4.36 E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break

Conditions under which this warning is triggered:
● The wire break monitor was activated in "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control
parameter" (by the setting for the measuring range of the analog inputs)
● a setting in "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter" causes a warning
to be generated when the input value has fallen below the input value at
analog input 1 or 2 and
● the current/voltage value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than the minimum
value of the measuring range.
The warning persists until the condition has been fulfilled.

The value range of the voltage or current source that is connected

to the analog input should be limited to the allowed value range of
the analog input.
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to voltage
of voltage measuring range (setting "voltage signals" in source, if necessary
"P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter") ‑ or –
Check value range of voltage source
Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to current
of current measuring range (setting "current signals" in source, if necessary
"P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter") ‑ or –
Check value range of current source

This warning can only be displayed at a controller containing a

CSB01.1N-FC-... (BASIC OPENLOOP) control section.

2.4.37 E2802 HW control of braking resistor

During the braking process the increasing DC bus voltage is reduced by switch‐
ing on the braking resistor. But when the regenerated braking power is too high
the DC bus voltage keeps increasing. The warning E2802 is generated when
the protective hardware circuit switches on the braking resistor in the case of
high voltages (>900 V).

Cause Remedy

DC bus voltage >900 V due to increased regenerated braking Check drive dimensioning and, if necessary, use additional
energy capacitance
Braking resistor defective or not correctly connected Check function of braking resistor (incl. cabling and connec‐
Hardware defect in brake control Replace power section or entire drive controller

Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are al‐

lowed to replace the power section. The replacement of the entire
drive controller is described in the Project Planning Manual for the
power section.

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.4.38 E2810 Drive system not ready for operation

One or several components of a "drive system" (devices interconnected via
direct voltage DC bus and module bus)
● signal an error to the module bus (Fxxxx) with the supply unit not yet ready
for power output
‑ or ‑
● are left in communication phase P0 by the master ("passive axis" or "de‐
activated axis") while other drives are in P4 ("bb").
Power on is impossible in these cases, the supply unit or the converter signal
E2810 on the display.
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Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

Error message of one or several components of a drive system Identify component/components which signals/signal an error.
Remove cause of error at component/components
One or several drives still are in communication phase P2 Switch drives to communication phase P4 ["ready for opera‐
tion" (bb)]
"Passive axes" (communication phase P0) signal their "faulty" For passive axes ("P0"), set bit 1=0 [no signaling, no triggering
status to drive system via module bus. Supply unit refuses of "package reaction" in case of error ("passive axis")] in
power on "P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.4.39 E2814 Undervoltage in mains

The crest value of the mains voltage during operation has fallen below the par‐
ameterized threshold value. The threshold value can be individually set by the
user via "P‑0‑0810, Minimum mains crest value".

Cause Remedy

Mains voltage falls under load Check dimensioning of mains connection, increase feed wire
cross section or use matching transformer, if necessary
Mains voltage too low at power on Use matching transformer

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.4.40 E2816 Undervoltage in power section

The warning E2816 is generated with the respective setting in "P‑0‑0118, Pow‐
er supply, configuration" when the DC bus voltage in operation falls below the
values parameterized in "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold".

The parameter "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold" is preset with a

default value and, if required, can be changed by the user.

Cause Remedy

DC bus voltage drops due to temporary overload Check drive dimensioning incl. devices connected at DC bus
Required acceleration currents are too high Reduce command acceleration by adjusting travel profile
Faulty mains connection (e.g. loose contact) Check mains connection
"P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold" has not been adjusted to Check and, if necessary, correct content of "P‑0‑0114, Un‐
conditions in mains dervoltage threshold"

See also Functional Description of firmware "Power Supply"

2.4.41 E2818 Phase failure

A single-phase mains failure was detected. Power is not switched off unless
undervoltage occurs in the DC bus (F2026).

When the phase failure lasts for a longer time, the error "F2818
Phase failure" is generated.
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and Controls

Warnings (Exxxx)

Cause Remedy

No mains voltage available Check mains voltage and mains connection

Mains circuit breaker defective Replace mains circuit breaker
Incorrect wiring Check and correct wiring

2.4.42 E2819 Mains failure

A two-phase or three-phase mains failure was detected. Power is not switched
off unless undervoltage occurs in the DC bus (F2026).

When the mains failure lasts for a longer time, the error "F2819
Mains failure" is generated.

Cause Remedy

No mains voltage available Check mains voltage and mains connection

Mains circuit breaker defective Replace mains circuit breaker
Incorrect wiring Check and correct wiring

2.4.43 E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning

90% of the energy absorption capacity of the braking resistor have been

Cause Remedy

Allowed deceleration of connected drives too high Reduce deceleration of connected drives
Energy absorption capacity of braking resistor is almost ex‐ Switch power off with a delay in the case of OFF or E‑STOP
hausted (for regenerative supplies)
Regenerated energy in machining cycle is too high Increase cycle time or reduce maximum drive speed of appli‐
Braking resistor connection is interrupted Check wiring of external braking resistor
Continuous regenerative power and/or rotary drive energy is Check dimensioning of braking resistor and, if necessary, in‐
too high crease dimensioning

2.4.44 E2829 Not ready for power on

The mains voltage for power supply cannot yet be switched on for the HCS03
converter; the device is not yet ready for loading the DC bus capacitances.

Cause Remedy

Resistors for loading DC bus capacitances still are thermally Wait until converter clears warning E2829
loaded due to last loading process
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A E2054 Not homed 119
Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encoder (en‐ E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0 120
coder alarm), E2079 127 E2056 Torque limit = 0 120
Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder (en‐ E2058 Selected process block is not programmed.
coder alarm), E2077 126 121
Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder (encoder E2059 Velocity command value limit active 122
alarm), E2078 126 E2061 Device overload prewarning 122
Acceleration limit active, E2070 124 E2063 Velocity command value > limit value 123
Acceleration of master axis generator is zero, E2064 Target position out of num. range 123
E2101 128 E2069 Brake torque too low 123
Actual position values validation error, E3102 110 E2070 Acceleration limit active 124
Analog input 1 or 2, wire break, E2270 128 E2074 Encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed 124
E2075 Encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed 125
B E2076 Measuring encoder: encoder signals distur‐
Both travel range limit switches activated, E8042 bed 125
101 E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder
Brake torque too low, E2069 123 (encoder alarm) 126
Braking resistor overload prewarning, E2820 131 E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder
(encoder alarm) 126
C E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encod‐
CCD error at node, E2140 128 er (encoder alarm) 127
Command value input impossible via master com‐ E2086 Prewarning supply module overload 127
munication, E4005 107 E2092 Internal synchronization defective 127
Current limit active, E8041 101 E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator
too high 128
E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator is
D zero 128
DC bus balancing monitor error, F2836 93 E2140 CCD error at node 128
Device overload, current limit active, E8057 103 E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break 128
Device overload prewarning, E2061 122 E2802 HW control of braking resistor 129
Device overtemp. Prewarning, E2050 117 E2810 Drive system not ready for operation 129
Device overtemperature 2 prewarning, E2040 115 E2814 Undervoltage in mains 130
Double MDT failure shutdown, E4002 106 E2816 Undervoltage in power section 130
Double MST failure shutdown, E4001 105 E2818 Phase failure 130
Drive system not ready for operation, E2810 129 E2819 Mains failure 131
Drive system not ready for operation, E8058 104 E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning 131
Dynamization failed, E3103 111 E2829 Not ready for power on 131
E3100 Error when checking input signals 109
E E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment sig‐
E-0000 Processor exception error 1 nal 110
E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not possible E3102 Actual position values validation error 110
113 E3103 Dynamization failed 111
E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1 113 E3104 Safety parameters validation error 111
E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2 113 E3105 Validation error of safety related operating
E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3 114 mode 111
E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4 114 E3106 System error safety technology 112
E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring E3107 Safety related reference missing 112
range 114 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization excee‐
E2026 Undervoltage in power section 114 ded 113
E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning 115 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time inter‐
E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0 115 val 113
E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0 116 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown 105
E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value 117 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown 106
E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning 117 E4005 Command value input impossible via master
E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning 118 communication 107
E2053 Target position out of travel range 118
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E4008 Invalid addressing command value data con‐ F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown 64
tainer A 107 F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective 64
E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data contain‐ F2022 Device temperature monitor defective 65
er A 107 F2025 Drive not ready for Control 65
E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0 108 F2026 Undervoltage in power section 65
E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus 66
108 F2028 Excessive deviation 66
E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing 108 F2031 Encoder 1 error: signal amplitude incorrect
E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves 109 66
E8025 Overvoltage in power section 97 F2032 Validation error during commutation fine ad‐
E8026 Undervoltage in power section 97 just 67
E8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled F2033 External power supply X10 error 67
98 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference 68
E8028 Overcurrent in power section 98 F2037 Excessive position command difference 68
E8029 Positive position limit exceeded 99 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded 69
E8030 Negative position limit exceeded 99 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown 69
E8034 Emergency-Stop 100 F2042 Encoder 2: encoder signals incorrect 69
E8035 Quick stop with probe detection is active F2043 Measuring encoder: encoder signals incor‐
100 rect 70
E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active 101 F2044 External power supply X15 error 71
E8041 Current limit active 101 F2048 Low battery voltage 71
E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory
101 72
E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated F2051 No sequential block in target position preset
102 memory 72
E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: pulse frequency too
102 high 72
E8055 Motor overload, current limit active 103 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: hardware fault 73
E8057 Device overload, current limit active 103 F2055 External power supply X31/X32 error 73
E8058 Drive system not ready for operation 104 F2057 Target position out of travel range 73
E8260 Torque/force command value limit active F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input 74
104 F2059 Incorrect command value direction when po‐
E8819 Mains failure 105 sitioning 75
Emergency-Stop, E8034 100 F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator 75
Encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed, E2074 124 F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis
Encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed, E2075 125 generator 76
Error messages of serial communication 95 F2067 Synchronization to master communication in‐
Error when checking acknowledgment signal, correct 76
E3101 110 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding
Error when checking input signals, E3100 109 brake 76
F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder
F window 77
F2003 Motion step skipped 57 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder
F2004 Error in motion profile 58 window 78
F2005 Cam shaft invalid 59 F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder
F2006 MMC was removed 59 window 78
F2007 Switching to non-initialized operating mode F2077 Current measurement trim wrong 79
60 F2086 Error supply module 79
F2008 RL The motor type has changed. 60 F2087 Module group communication error 80
F2009 PL Load parameter default values 61 F2100 Incorrect access to command value memo‐
F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> ry 80
S-0-0423) 62 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC 80
F2011 PLC - Error nr. 1 62 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory
F2012 PLC - Error nr. 2 62 80
F2013 PLC - Error nr. 3 63 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory
F2014 PLC - Error nr. 4 63 81
F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown 63 F2104 Commutation offset invalid 81
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F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface mem‐ F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output sig‐
ory 82 nal 44
F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of power F3133 Error when checking interrupting circuits 45
section 82 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect 46
F2120 MMC: defective or missing, replace 82 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect 47
F2121 MMC: incorrect data or file, create correctly F3140 Safety parameters validation error 50
83 F3141 Selection validation error 50
F2122 MMC: incorrect IBF file, correct it 83 F3142 Activation time of enabling control excee‐
F2123 Retain data backup impossible 84 ded 51
F2124 MMC: saving too slowly, replace 84 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors incor‐
F2130 Error comfort control panel 84 rect 51
F2140 CCD slave error 85 F3144 Incorrect safety configuration 52
F2150 MLD motion function block error 85 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door 53
F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference 85 F3146 System error channel 2 53
F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference 86 F3147 System error channel 1 54
F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference 87 F3150 Safety command for system start incorrect
F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encoder 87 55
F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional encoder F3151 Safety command for system halt incorrect
87 56
F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encod‐ F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data
er 88 56
F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration 88 F3160 Safety bus communication error 57
F2260 Command current limit shutoff 88 F4001 Sync telegram failure 34
F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break 89 F4002 RTD telegram failure 34
F2802 PLL is not synchronized 89 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown 35
F2814 Undervoltage in mains 90 F4004 Error during phase progression 35
F2815 Overvoltage in mains 90 F4005 Error during phase regression 36
F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit 90 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal 36
F2817 Overvoltage in power section 90 F4009 Bus failure 36
F2818 Phase failure 91 F4012 Incorrect I/O length 37
F2819 Mains failure 91 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure 37
F2820 Braking resistor overload 91 F4017 S-III: incorrect sequence during phase
F2821 Error in control of braking resistor 92 switch 38
F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low F4034 Emergency-Stop 38
92 F4140 CCD communication error 39
F2833 Ground fault in motor line 93 F6010 PLC Runtime Error 28
F2834 Contactor control error 93 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded 29
F2835 Mains contactor wiring error 93 F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow) 29
F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error 93 F6029 Positive travel limit exceeded 30
F2837 Contactor monitoring error 94 F6030 Negative travel limit exceeded 30
F2840 Error supply shutdown 94 F6034 Emergency-Stop 31
F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section 95 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated 31
F2890 Invalid device code 95 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated
F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing 95 32
F2892 Hardware variant not supported 95 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated
F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related 32
end pos. 40 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt) 33
F3112 Safety related reference missing 40 F7010 Safety related limited increment exceeded
F3115 Error, brake check time interval exceeded 21
41 F7011 Safety rel. position limit val., exc. in pos. dir.
F3117 Actual position values validation error 41 21
F3122 Safety related holding system: system error F7012 Safety rel. position limit val., exc. in neg. dir.
42 21
F3123 Safety related holding system: brake check F7013 Velocity threshold exceeded 22
missing 43 F7014 Acceleration threshold exceeded 22
F3130 Error when checking input signals 43 F7020 Safety related maximum speed exceeded
F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment sig‐ 22
nal 44 F7021 Safety related end position exceeded 23
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F7030 Pos. window for safety rel. operational stop F8140 Fatal CCD error 17
exceeded 23 F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incor‐
F7031 Incorrect direction of motion 23 rect 18
F7040 Validation error parameterized - effective F8203 Safety technology configuration parameter
threshold 24 invalid 18
F7041 Actual position value validation error 25 F8813 Connection error mains choke 19
F7042 Validation error of safety related operating F8838 Overcurrent external braking resistor 20
mode 25 F9001 Error internal function call 2
F7043 Error of output stage interlock 25 F9002 Error internal function call 2
F7050 Time for stopping process exceeded 26 F9004 Hardware trap 2
F7051 Safety related deceleration exceeded 26 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0, E2055 120
F8000 Fatal hardware error 3
F8010 Autom. commutation: max. motion range H
when moving back 4 HW control of braking resistor, E2802 129
F8011 Commutation offset could not be deter‐
mined 4 I
F8012 Autom. commutation: max. motion range 5 Incorrect CCD addressing, E4013 108
F8013 Automatic commutation: current too low 6 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves, E4014 109
F8014 Automatic commutation: overcurrent 6 Internal synchronization defective, E2092 127
F8015 Automatic commutation: timeout 6 Interpolation acceleration = 0, E2048 116
F8016 Automatic commutation: iteration without re‐ Interpolation velocity = 0, E2047 115
sult 7 Invalid addressing actual value data container A,
F8017 Automatic commutation: incorrect commuta‐ E4009 107
tion adjust 7 Invalid addressing command value data container A,
F8022 Enc. 1: enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in E4008 107
ph. 2) 8
F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or motor
connection 9
Mains failure, E2819 131
F8025 Overvoltage in power section 9
Mains failure, E8819 105
F8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled
Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded,
E4012 108
F8028 Overcurrent in power section 10
Measuring encoder: encoder signals disturbed,
F8042 Encoder 2 error: signal amplitude incorrect
E2076 125
Motor overload, current limit active, E8055 103
F8057 Device overload shutdown 10
Motor overtemp. prewarning, E2051 118
F8060 Overcurrent in power section 10
Motor temperature outside of measuring range,
F8064 Interruption of motor phase 11
E2021 114
F8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrong 12
F8069 +/-15Volt DC error 12
F8070 +24Volt DC error 12 N
F8076 Error in error angle loop 13 Negative position limit exceeded, E8030 99
F8078 Speed loop error 13 Negative travel range limit switch activated, E8044
F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded 13 102
F8091 Power section defective 13 Not homed, E2054 119
F8100 Error when initializing the parameter han‐ Not ready for power on, E2829 131
dling 14
F8102 Error when initializing power section 15 O
F8118 Invalid power section/firmware combination Overcurrent in power section, E8028 98
15 Overvoltage in power section, E8025 97
F8120 Invalid control section/firmware combination
15 P
F8122 Control section defective 15 Phase failure, E2818 130
F8129 Incorrect optional module firmware 16 PLC - Warning no. 1, E2011 113
F8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology de‐ PLC - Warning no. 2, E2012 113
fective 16 PLC - Warning no. 3, E2013 114
F8133 Error when checking interrupting circuits 16 PLC - Warning no. 4, E2014 114
F8134 Safety related holding system: fatal error 17 Position control with encoder 2 not possible,
F8135 Velocity exceeded with trend monitoring 17 E2010 113
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Positioning velocity >= limit value, E2049 117 System error safety technology, E3106 112
Positioning velocity of master axis generator too
high, E2100 128 T
Positive position limit exceeded, E8029 99 Target position out of num. range, E2064 123
Positive travel range limit switch activated, E8043 Target position out of travel range, E2053 118
102 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded,
Prewarning, end of brake check time interval, E3110 113
E3115 113 Torque/force actual value limit active, E8040 101
Prewarning supply module overload, E2086 127 Torque/force command value limit active, E8260
Q Torque limit = 0, E2056 120
Quick stop with probe detection is active, E8035
100 U
Undervoltage in mains, E2814 130
S Undervoltage in power section, E2026 114
Safety parameters validation error, E3104 111 Undervoltage in power section, E2816 130
Safety parameters validation error, F3140 50 Undervoltage in power section, E8026 97
Safety related reference missing, E3107 112
Safety related standstill while drive enabled, E8027 V
98 Validation error of safety related operating mode,
Selected process block is not programmed., E2058 E3105 111
121 Velocity command value > limit value, E2063 123
SERCOS error codes 95 Velocity command value limit active, E2059 122
Slave not scanned or address 0, E4010 108
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Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG
and Controls

Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Phone +49 (0)93 52-40-50 60
Fax +49 (0)93 52-40-49 41

Printed in Germany

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