Rexroth Indradrive: Mpx-20 Version Notes
Rexroth Indradrive: Mpx-20 Version Notes
Rexroth Indradrive: Mpx-20 Version Notes
Rexroth IndraDrive
Version Notes
Purpose of Documentation This documentation contains an overview of the firmware function or the sub‐
ject of the section.
For information on the record of revisions, see chapter "Overview of the func‐
tional scope/System overview/General information".
Liability The specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shall
not be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulated
in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this docu‐
mentation and the availability of the product.
Published by Bosch Rexroth AG ■ Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ 97816 Lohr a. Main, Germany
Tel. +49 9352 18 0 ■ Fax +49 9352 18 8400 ■ Dept. DC-IA/EDY (TH, BB) ■
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
4.3.1 System overview............................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2 Master communication...................................................................................................................... 31
4.3.3 Motor, drive mechanics, measuring systems.................................................................................... 31
4.3.4 Mains connection............................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.5 Drive control...................................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.6 Operation modes............................................................................................................................... 36
4.3.7 Extended axis functions..................................................................................................................... 37
4.3.8 Optional device functions.................................................................................................................. 41
4.3.9 Handling, diagnostic and service functions....................................................................................... 43
4.3.10 Engineering/diagnostic interfaces...................................................................................................... 46
4.4 New, modified and no longer existing parameters................................................................................ 46
4.4.1 New, modified and no longer existing parameters............................................................................ 46
4.4.2 Changes in comparison to MPx20V06.............................................................................................. 50
4.4.3 Changes in comparison to MPx20V04.............................................................................................. 51
4.5 New, modified or no longer existing diagnostic messages................................................................... 64
4.5.1 New Diagnostic Messages................................................................................................................ 64
4.5.2 Modified diagnostic messages.......................................................................................................... 67
4.5.3 No longer existing diagnostic messages........................................................................................... 68
Table of Contents
5.3.2 Rexroth motors................................................................................................................................ 148
5.3.3 Third-party motors at IndraDrive controllers ................................................................................... 154
5.3.4 Motor holding brake ........................................................................................................................ 155
5.3.5 Motor fan control.............................................................................................................................. 158
5.3.6 Measuring systems, general information......................................................................................... 159
5.3.7 Supported measuring systems........................................................................................................ 177
5.3.8 Drive mechanics and measuring system arrangement................................................................... 182
5.3.9 Scaling of physical data................................................................................................................... 186
5.4 Drive control........................................................................................................................................ 188
5.4.1 Overview of drive control................................................................................................................. 188
5.4.2 Motor control.................................................................................................................................... 199
5.4.3 Open-loop axis control (open-loop operation)................................................................................. 213
5.4.4 Closed-loop axis control (closed-loop operation)............................................................................ 215
5.4.5 Commutation setting........................................................................................................................ 223
5.4.6 Limitations....................................................................................................................................... 242
5.4.7 Power supply................................................................................................................................... 246
5.5 Operation modes................................................................................................................................ 250
5.5.1 General information on the operation modes.................................................................................. 250
5.5.2 Torque/force control........................................................................................................................ 254
5.5.3 Velocity control................................................................................................................................ 255
5.5.4 Position control with cyclic command value input............................................................................ 257
5.5.5 Drive-internal interpolation............................................................................................................... 259
5.5.6 Drive-controlled positioning............................................................................................................. 261
5.5.7 Positioning block mode.................................................................................................................... 264
5.5.8 Synchronization modes................................................................................................................... 267
5.5.9 CiA402 field bus profile, operation modes....................................................................................... 280
5.6 Extended axis functions...................................................................................................................... 284
5.6.1 Availability of the extended axis functions....................................................................................... 284
5.6.2 Drive Halt......................................................................................................................................... 284
5.6.3 Error reactions................................................................................................................................. 285
5.6.4 E-Stop function................................................................................................................................ 290
5.6.5 Compensation functions / corrections............................................................................................. 291
5.6.6 Measuring wheel mode................................................................................................................... 295
5.6.7 Positive stop drive procedure.......................................................................................................... 296
5.6.8 Redundant motor encoder............................................................................................................... 297
5.6.9 Spindle positioning.......................................................................................................................... 298
5.6.10 Parameter set switching.................................................................................................................. 299
5.6.11 Star-delta switching......................................................................................................................... 300
5.6.12 Drive-controlled oscillation............................................................................................................... 302
5.6.13 Parking axis..................................................................................................................................... 303
5.6.14 Integrated safety technology........................................................................................................... 303
5.7 Optional device functions.................................................................................................................... 309
5.7.1 Availability of the optional device functions..................................................................................... 309
5.7.2 Cross communication (CCD)........................................................................................................... 309
5.7.3 Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (drive-integrated PLC)........................................................................... 317
5.7.4 Digital inputs/outputs....................................................................................................................... 321
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Table of Contents
5.7.5 Analog outputs................................................................................................................................. 322
5.7.6 Analog inputs................................................................................................................................... 324
5.7.7 Virtual master axis generator........................................................................................................... 327
5.7.8 Drive-integrated command value generator.................................................................................... 330
5.7.9 Drive-internal "command value box"................................................................................................ 332
5.7.10 Encoder emulation........................................................................................................................... 333
5.7.11 Programmable position switch......................................................................................................... 335
5.7.12 Probe function................................................................................................................................. 336
5.7.13 Measuring encoder.......................................................................................................................... 338
5.8 Handling, diagnostic and service functions......................................................................................... 340
5.8.1 Parameters, basics.......................................................................................................................... 340
5.8.2 Central Backup & Restore............................................................................................................... 343
5.8.3 Diagnostic system........................................................................................................................... 345
5.8.4 Control panel................................................................................................................................... 349
5.8.5 Firmware replacement..................................................................................................................... 351
5.8.6 Optional memory............................................................................................................................. 361
5.8.7 Replacing the controller................................................................................................................... 362
5.8.8 Enabling functional packages.......................................................................................................... 365
5.8.9 Extended diagnostic functions......................................................................................................... 366
5.8.10 Oscilloscope function....................................................................................................................... 367
5.8.11 Options for integrated energy and power measurement................................................................. 369
5.9 Engineering/diagnostic interfaces....................................................................................................... 372
5.9.1 IndraMotion Service Tool (IMST), IndraMotion Diagnostic Tool (IDST).......................................... 372
5.9.2 TCP/IP communication.................................................................................................................... 372
5.9.3 S/IP protocol.................................................................................................................................... 374
5.9.4 Firmware download via TFTP server .............................................................................................. 374
5.9.5 File handling by FTP via Ethernet................................................................................................... 375
5.10 Commissioning................................................................................................................................... 377
5.10.1 Commissioning motors.................................................................................................................... 377
5.10.2 Commissioning machine axes......................................................................................................... 381
5.10.3 Axis simulation................................................................................................................................. 383
Index.......................................................................................................................... 387
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
1.4 Documentations
For a list of the reference documentations, see chapter 5.1 "System over‐
view" on page 69
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Before using Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for an
appropriate use of the products are satisfied:
● Personnel that in any way, shape or form uses our products must first
read and understand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with
their appropriate use.
● If the products take the form of hardware, then they must remain in their
original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted. It is
not permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes.
● Do not install damaged or faulty products or put them into operation.
● Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner descri‐
bed in the relevant documentation.
The drive controllers may only be used with the accessories and
parts specified in this documentation. If a component has not
been specifically named, then it may neither be mounted nor con‐
nected. The same applies to cables and lines.
Operation is only permitted in the specified configurations and
combinations of components using the software and firmware as
specified in the relevant Functional Descriptions.
● Applications for functional safety are only allowed if clearly and explicitly
specified in the application documentation "Integrated Safety Technolo‐
gy". If this is not the case, they are excluded. Functional safety is a safe‐
ty concept in which measures of risk reduction for personal safety de‐
pend on electrical, electronic or programmable control systems.
● The information given in the application documentation with regard to
the use of the delivered components contains only examples of applica‐
tions and suggestions.
The machine and installation manufacturers must
– make sure that the delivered components are suited for their indi‐
vidual application and check the information given in this applica‐
tion documentation with regard to the use of the components,
– make sure that their individual application complies with the appli‐
cable safety regulations and standards and carry out the required
measures, modifications and complements.
● Commissioning of the delivered components is only allowed once it is
sure that the machine or installation in which the components are instal‐
led complies with the national regulations, safety specifications and
standards of the application.
● Operation is only allowed if the national EMC regulations for the applica‐
tion are met.
● The instructions for installation in accordance with EMC requirements
can be found in the section on EMC in the respective application docu‐
The machine or installation manufacturer is responsible for compliance
with the limit values as prescribed in the national regulations.
● The technical data, connection and installation conditions of the compo‐
nents are specified in the respective application documentations and
must be followed at all times.
National regulations which the user has to comply with
● European countries: In accordance with European EN standards
● United States of America (USA):
– National Electrical Code (NEC)
– National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), as well as
local engineering regulations
– Regulations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
● Canada: Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
● Other countries:
– International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
– International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
● Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and
hearing aids in proximity to electric drive systems!
● Risk of burns by hot housing surfaces!
● Risk of injury by improper handling! Injury by crushing, shearing, cutting,
● Risk of injury by improper handling of batteries!
● Risk of injury by improper handling of pressurized lines!
Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 volts can cause personal
danger and electric shock. When operating components of the electric drive
and control system, it is unavoidable that some parts of these components
conduct dangerous voltage.
High electrical voltage! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock or seri‐
ous injury!
● Only qualified persons are allowed to operate, maintain and/or repair the
components of the electric drive and control system.
● Follow the general installation and safety regulations when working on
power installations.
● Before switching on, the equipment grounding conductor must have
been permanently connected to all electric components in accordance
with the connection diagram.
● Even for brief measurements or tests, operation is only allowed if the
equipment grounding conductor has been permanently connected to the
points of the components provided for this purpose.
● Before accessing electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than
50 V, you must disconnect electric components from the mains or from
the power supply unit. Secure the electric component from reconnec‐
● With electric components, observe the following aspects:
Always wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow live capacitors
to discharge before accessing an electric component. Measure the elec‐
trical voltage of live parts before beginning to work to make sure that the
equipment is safe to touch.
● Install the covers and guards provided for this purpose before switching
● Never touch any electrical connection points of the components while
power is turned on.
● Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component has been
● Under specific conditions, electric drive systems can be operated at
mains protected by residual-current-operated circuit-breakers sensitive
to universal current (RCDs/RCMs).
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
High housing voltage and high leakage current! Danger to life, risk of injury
by electric shock!
● Before switching on and before commissioning, ground or connect the
components of the electric drive and control system to the equipment
grounding conductor at the grounding points.
● Connect the equipment grounding conductor of the components of the
electric drive and control system permanently to the main power supply
at all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA.
● Establish an equipment grounding connection with a minimum cross
section according to the table below. With an outer conductor cross sec‐
tion smaller than 10 mm2 (8 AWG), the alternative connection of two
equipment grounding conductors is allowed, each having the same
cross section as the outer conductors.
Cross section outer con‐ Minimum cross section equipment grounding conductor
ductor Leakage current ≥ 3.5 mA
1 equipment grounding 2 equipment grounding
conductor conductors
10 mm2 (8 AWG) -
16 mm2 (6 AWG) -
35 mm2 (2 AWG) -
Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock! High electrical voltage by incor‐
rect connection!
If extra-low voltage circuits of devices containing voltages and circuits of
more than 50 volts (e.g., the mains connection) are connected to Rexroth
products, the connected extra-low voltage circuits must comply with the re‐
quirements for PELV ("Protective Extra-Low Voltage").
● Do not touch hot surfaces of, for example, braking resistors, heat sinks,
supply units and drive controllers, motors, windings and laminated
● According to the operating conditions, temperatures of the surfaces can
be higher than 60 °C (140 °F) during or after operation.
● Before touching motors after having switched them off, let them cool
down for a sufficient period of time. Cooling down can require up to 140
minutes! The time required for cooling down is approximately five times
the thermal time constant specified in the technical data.
● After switching chokes, supply units and drive controllers off, wait 15 mi‐
nutes to allow them to cool down before touching them.
● Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces.
● For certain applications, and in accordance with the respective safety
regulations, the manufacturer of the machine or installation must take
measures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the final application.
These measures can be, for example: Warnings at the machine or in‐
stallation, guards (shieldings or barriers) or safety instructions in the ap‐
plication documentation.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
will occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
could occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, minor or moderate in‐
jury could occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, property damage could
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
EtherCAT, general
Supporting FSoE with EtherCAT.
New addressing using "Device Identification Value" ("P-0-4089.0.3, Device
Address") and "SII Configured State Alias" ("P-0-4089.0.7, ECAT: SII
Configured Station Alias").
Communication profile based on CANopen
CANopen communication objects and their mapping to the Sercos parameter
system were implemented.
The following communication objects are distinguished:
● Communication objects compatible with the original CiA 301 specifica‐
tion, they are used by all bus systems.
● Communication objects that are used in accordance with CiA 301 and
only in conjunction with CAN bus communication.
● Communication objects that are used in EtherCAT, differing from the
CiA 301 specification.
● Communication objects that are used in POWERLINK, differing from the
CiA 301 specification.
See also "CANopen-based communication", chapter "General information"
on page 138.
LED Significance
Color / flashing pattern 1) Measures
Off Supply unit not switched on
Check 24V supply and switch it on, if not yet done
Cable interrupted
Check cable and connector
Hardware defective
Replace hardware
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
LED Significance
Color / flashing pattern 1) Measures
Flashing green Firmware update active
Loader active
● All warnings
● Command errors
Read detailed state via "S-0-0095, Diagnostic mes‐
All errors (except F4xxx)
Read detailed state via "S-0-0095, Diagnostic mes‐
sage" and carry out service function
Communication error (F4xxx)
If necessary, read detailed state via "S-0-0095, Diag‐
nostic message"
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
LED Significance
Color / flashing pattern 1) Measures
Red Booting phase
Wait until booting phase is over (approx. 2 minutes)
System error (F9xxx)
● Switch off and on; replace hardware, if neces‐
● Check whether programming module has been
1) Flashing pattern: One square corresponds to a duration of
250 ms; the arrow marks the end of a cycle; abbreviations on
the squares: GN = LED permanently lit green, RD = LED per‐
manently lit red, -- = LED is off
Tab. 4-1: LED displays
Thermal motor monitoring
See chapter "Motor temperature monitoring" on page 146 .
Establishing the position data reference
When the position data reference is established using "positive stop drive
procedure" and the next reference mark is identified as the dedicated point,
the specifically configurable threshold value "S-0-0530, Clamping torque"
takes effect for detecting the axis end (triggering the reversal of motion).
Diagnostic motor data
Operational performance
The value in "P-0-2054, Operational performance, motor" can now be utilized
by the user for service intervals. It can be manually reset, e.g., when a new
service interval begins.
Motors with restricted use of the encoder data memory
For motors whose serial number can be read from the data memory, but
whose encoder data memory cannot be written (e.g., MSM motor range), the
values in the parameters P-0-2051...P-0-2054 are set appropriately:
● If the parameter "P-0-2055, Serial number, motor" does not contain any
data, the serial number that was read is written to P-0-2055 and the val‐
ues of P-0-2051...P-0-2054 are set to zero.
● If P-0-2055 contains a value corresponding to the value that was read,
the values in P-0-2051...P-0-2054 are retained in unchanged form.
● If P-0-2055 contains a value not corresponding to the value that was
read, the error diagnostics "C0263 Serial number of motor has changed"
is generated when progressing from PM to OM and the values in
P-0-2051...P-0-2054 are not affected.
● If "P-0-2055, Serial number, motor" already contains a value, this value,
when switching from PM to OM, is compared to the serial number of the
connected motor and overwritten if it deviates. The values in
P-0-2051...P-0-2054, however, are retained!
Measuring systems, general
See chapter "Basics on measuring systems, resolution" on page 159
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Encoder interfaces
The following encoders with the corresponding interface were modified:
● Encoders with HIPERFACE interface, modified for SIII encoder profile
● Encoders with 1Vpp interface, modified for SIII encoder profile
● Encoders with EnDat 2.1 interface, modified for SIII encoder profile
● Encoders with TTL interface (square-wave encoders), modified for SIII
encoder profile
● Extended evaluation as encoder 1 / motor encoder, modified for ENCE
input data
● Extended evaluation as encoder 2, modified for ENCE input data
● Extended encoder evaluation (measuring encoder), modified for ENCE
input data
● Extended evaluation as motor encoder (complex actuator), modified for
ENCE input data
● Number of encoder evaluations depending on firmware (ENCB):
– MPE: 1
– MPB: 2
– MPC: 3 (MPx20V08: 2)
– MPM (double-axis): 4
– MPM (HCQ, HCT): 5 (MPx20V08: 4)
4.2.10 Commissioning
Simulation mode
In the simulation mode, the encoders assigned to interfaces using P-0-0077
and/or P-0-0078 are simulated. The corresponding position feedback values
are generated, the position data reference can be established.
Switch. 2)
fPWM 1)
2 kHz No 250 μs
4 kHz Yes 125 μs ≥TA_position3) 6)
HCS01.1 / MPB Basic 8 kHz Yes 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs
CSB02.1 / MPB 1000 µs
12 kHz Yes 83.3 μs ≥1000 μs4) 5)
KSM02.1 / MPB (not avail‐
16 kHz Yes 62.5 μs able with
KMS02.1 / MPB MPM)
CDB02.1 / MPM 4 kHz No 125 μs
≥TA_position3) 6)
Advanced 8 kHz Yes 62.5 μs 125 μs 250 μs
≥1000 µs4) 5)
16 kHz Yes 62.5 μs
2 kHz No 250 μs
4 kHz Yes 125 μs
≥TA_position3) 4)
Basic 8 kHz Yes 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs 5) 6)
Switch. 2)
fPWM 1)
Switch. 2)
fPWM 1)
With the "motor data identification" command, it is possible to check the di‐
rection of rotation before starting the command to determine the motor data
with motion. This is particularly advantageous for sensorless motors, if with
mounted pumps, for example, an inadmissible direction of rotation would
cause damage.
Rexroth motors with motor data memory
Rexroth motors with encoder data memory provide the highest convenience
for commissioning, because all data for motor control come "on board" in the
motor encoder and are automatically activated. Thanks to the continuing de‐
velopment of the motor properties and firmware functions, the current motor
ranges have different encoder data memory structure versions that support
extended functions, where applicable:
Encoder memory
Motor version P-0-3100 Comment
The so-called "compact parameters" are also new. In contrast to the fixed da‐
ta structure of older encoder memory versions, they can be flexibly config‐
ured with data.
MPx20 allows data to be written to the motor encoder data memory with the
master password having been set.
See also chapter "Rexroth housing motors with encoder data memory" on
page 150.
Encoders with ACURO®Link interface
The support of the ACURO®Link interface was implemented. For MS2N mo‐
tors, this encoder is optionally available as a motor encoder (encoder per‐
formance = C). Currently supported encoders: Hengstler AD37S
An ACURO®Link encoder transmits absolute position information serially in
digital format and safe communication:
● Evaluating a maximum of 31 position bits
● Automatically recognizing the encoder properties
● Memory range for user data
● Monitoring functions, such as error bit, warning bit, CRC (Cyclic Redun‐
dancy Check), signaling of encoder errors
● Transmitting the motor temperature if KTY84-130 or PT1000 (installed
in the motor windings) connected to the encoder sensor
● Can be used as a safety technology encoder
Basic level and extended evaluation parameters are used to parameterize
the ACURO®Link encoder. On the user side, it is basically necessary to write
the characteristic number for the ACURO®Link encoder to S-0-0602.x.01,
Phys. encoder type and to write the intended maximum travel range. The en‐
coder-specific data are automatically copied from the encoder memory to the
assigned parameters.
The ACURO®Link encoder can be used for motor control, because the time
offset between the recording of actual position values and their availability is
sufficiently small due to the serial transmission.
Stationarily offsetting the encoder The current position feedback value of an ACURO®Link encoder can be per‐
position manently offset using a command. This allows the commutation angle of syn‐
chronous motors to be adjusted to the value "zero":
● An encoder arbitrarily mounted to the motor shaft can hereby be brought
into alignment with the direction of the magnetic field of the rotor without
being mechanically offset.
● The encoder position is offset by reinitializing the encoder and the offset
remains permanently effective.
EnDat2.2 encoders with multi-turn function via battery backup are not suppor‐
Stationarily offsetting the encoder The current position feedback value of an encoder can be permanently offset
position using an EnDat command. This allows the commutation angle of synchro‐
nous motors to be adjusted to the value "zero":
● An encoder arbitrarily mounted to the motor shaft can hereby be brought
into alignment with the direction of the magnetic field of the rotor without
being mechanically offset.
● The encoder position is offset by reinitializing the encoder and the offset
remains permanently effective.
if the current exceeds 5-10 times the type current of the IGBT mod‐
– Power supply immediately switched off,
if the current in the power section does not subside, despite the
output stage being switched off.
● Expansion of the ground fault monitoring
Sensorless motor operation, flux-controlled (FXC control)
When drive enable is set for a sensorless synchronous motor in FXC opera‐
tion, a jerky initial motion of up to 90° electrically can occur. Alternatively, it is
now possible to determine the rotor position when drive enable is set; this
considerably reduces the initial motion.
The frequency threshold for current-controlled FXC operation was modified
from a motor control frequency of previously 3 Hz as follows:
● Frequency threshold of synchronous motors is the motor control fre‐
quency that generates an induced voltage of 5 V at the motor,
● Frequency threshold of asynchronous motors is nominal frequency/50.
Thereby, torque output is already possible above this frequency threshold.
Below this value only frequency-controlled operation with a low torque output
ability is possible!
Using an adjustment factor, the slip compensation can be adjusted so that er‐
rors caused by non-linearity can be compensated.
Preconnected choke taken into account in the motor model "P-0-4044, Phase
inductance of preconnected choke";
Command and actual parameters for the model currents:
P-0-0603, FXC: Torque-generating current command value, model
P-0-0604, FXC: Flux-generating current command value, model
P-0-0605, FXC: Torque-generating actual current value, model
P-0-0606, FXC: Flux-generating actual current value, model
P-0-0607, FXC, current command value
P-0-0608, Controlled decel.: Velocity controller P-gain
P-0-0609, Controlled decel.: Velocity controller integral action time
Commutation setting using measuring method
For a specific, non-equilibrated drive mechanics, the measuring method for
determining the commutation offset can also be used with relative measuring
systems if the axis is always in the same, defined initial position (axis limit
stop) when switching on. The monitoring of the defined initial position re‐
quires a switch.
Torque/force scaling
Reference value of percentage-based scaling is "S-0-0533, Nominal torque/
force of motor" and no longer "S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill".
Current and torque/force limitation, overview, application-related
"S-0-0530, Clamping torque" is taken into account for the current limitation for
"positive stop drive procedure or homing at positive stop".
Acceleration limitation The acceleration limitation was expanded by parameter "P-0-0564,
Beschleunigungs-Grenzwert Motor".
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Safety functions
In addition, the following safety functions are available for position monitoring:
Available in MPx-20 and
above with firmware option
Safely Monitored Position (SMP)
The safety function "Safely monitored position" monitors ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
whether or not the parameterized position range is exceeded
* SIL 3 is only attained with
in positive or negative direction.
firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
Available in MPx-20 and
Safely Limited Position (SLP) above with firmware option
The safety function "Safely limited position " monitors via two
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
channels that the drive can be decelerated within the para‐
meterized position limits with the current velocity and the par‐ * SIL 3 is only attained with
ameterized minimum delay. firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
Available in MPx-20 and
Safely Limited End Position (SLE) above with firmware option
The safety function "Safely limited end position" monitors via
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
two channels that the drive can be decelerated within the
parameterized end position limit value with the current veloci‐ * SIL 3 is only attained with
ty and the parameterized minimum delay. firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
Available in MPx-20 and
Safe CAM (SCA) above with firmware option
The safety function "Safe CAM" monitors via two channels
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
whether or not the axis is within a position range defined by
the switch-on und switch-off thresholds (cam range) and * SIL 3 is only attained with
makes available the result via the status words. firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
Safe Homing Procedure
With the auxiliary function "Safe homing procedure", another * SIL 3 is only attained with
homing event is expected at a separate position after the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
functional homing procedure. The second homing event is MOTION" or "SIL3-PLUS"
used to verify the functional homing procedure.
IO mapper inputs
The "IO mapper inputs" function was enhanced by the "Safe CAM" input sig‐
nals. This allows safety functions to be selected via Safe CAM.
Up to MPx-19, the start input for restart protection of the IO mapper block
"Safe AND with protection against restart" (type 6) was a safe input, in
MPx-20 and above it is a functional input.
Other IO mapper blocks are available in the firmware MPx-20 and above:
● The IO mapper block "Safe AND" is used to map additional activation
signals [mode selection signal (MS), enabling control signal (EC), SMMx
signal (A_SSMx)] to other, also functional, signals from the machine/
● The IO mapper block "functional connector" is used to map a reference
signal at a functional input to the control word of the safety technology
function "Safe homing procedure"
● The IO mapper block "Safe AND with ES bypass and protection against
restart" is used for parallel processing of multiple emergency stop sig‐
nals (ES) and the protection against automatic restart. The individual
emergency stop signals (ES) can be dynamically masked using bypass
Safety bus communication via "FailSafe over EtherCat (FSoE)"
In the firmware version MPx20VRS, "FailSafe over EtherCat (FSoE)" is avail‐
able in addition to "CIP Safety on sercos" for Safety bus communication. Via
"P-0-3345, SMO: Safety bus configuration" select the Safety bus communica‐
tion which is to be active.
Two new predefined configurations for the consumer connections were de‐
fined [types 5 (786) and 6 (787)] to assign the following new target signals:
● Reference signal for Safe homing procedure
● Assigning a signal of a safety-relevant control unit to the safe output at
the local interface
● Releasing the holding brake
Three new predefined configurations for the producer connections were de‐
fined [type 5 (788), type 6 (789) and 7 (790)] to assign the following new
source signals:
● Functional signals
● Safe CAM status
● Acknowledgment of holding brake control
● Encoder standstill signal
function "Safe homing procedure" and is the basis for the following position-
based safety functions:
● Safely Monitored Position (SMP)
● Safely Limited Position (SLP)
● Safely Limited End Position (SLE)
● Safe CAM (SCA)
The "safe encoder evaluation" in the safety options "S5" and "SB" supports
resolvers. SIL3 can therefore be attained with the encoder detection.
For encoder-dependent safety functions, the synchronous servo motors of
the MS2N series are supported with the encoder options "CS"/"CM"
(Safety4Wire single-turn / Safety4Wire multi-turn).
Firmware options for safety technology
In the firmware version MPx20VRS, three new firmware options (FWS) are
The firmware can be enhanced by the following safety functions using the
"SAFETY-PLUS" firmware option:
● Safely Monitored Position (SMP)
● Safely Limited Position (SLP)
● Safely Limited End Position (SLE)
● Safe CAM (SCA)
Using the firmware option "SIL3-MOTION", SIL3 is also attained with the en‐
coder-dependent safety functions. As a prerequisite, a SIL3-capable encoder
(e.g., resolver) has to be used.
The firmware option "SIL3-PLUS" combines the functionalities of the firmware
options "SAFETY-PLUS" and "SIL3-MOTION" in one firmware option.
Correction of the torque/force constant
The correction of the torque/force constant can be used for synchronous mo‐
tors. The current torque/force constant value depends on the motor tempera‐
ture, the average speed and the current torque-generating motor current (due
to saturation effects).
For the following motors with encoder data memory, the required motor data
are automatically loaded to the drive:
● MSK with encoder memory version 4.5 and above
● MS2N with encoder memory version 4.6, and generally with encoder
memory version 7
With MS2N (encoder memory vers. 7), the correction is automatically activa‐
ted via the parameter "P-0-3945, Motor control configuration". The saturation
current threshold is now preset via "P-0-0472, Motor saturation current".
With MSK (with encoder memory vers. 4.5 and above) and MS2N (encoder
memory vers. 4.6), the required motor data are loaded to the drive, but the
correction function has to be manually activated at commissioning (in the
case of MSK for compatibility reasons). For MSK, the saturation current
threshold is displayed in "P-0-0472, Motor saturation current".
DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 41/395
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Time data
Function Unit
Time data
Function Unit
CCD: IP communication
Automatic IP address assignment for CCD slaves can be activated via
IP address: 172.31.<master comm. address CCD master><device part auto‐
matically set>
Depending on the master communication protocol that was set, the "master
comm. address CCD master" results from:
"S-0-1040, Drive address of master communication" with sercos master com‐
munication set or without master communication set
"P-0-4089.0.3, Device Address" for all other master communications
The following values are assigned to the device part of the automatically set
IP address:
CCD master: 254
CCD slave: "S-0-1040, Drive address of master communication"
CCD: Overview, features, modes
Optional CCD slaves (hotplug capability) are possible, and acyclic access to
CCD slave parameters is possible via S/IP. The max. number of slaves is
higher at CCD cycle times of 250 µs or 500 µs.
CCD: Addressing
Hotplug is supported.
It is possible to mark CCD slaves when addressing. These devices can be
missing in the CCD group without causing offsets in the CCD slave address‐
ing/assignment. Thus, the CCD group can also be operated without configu‐
ration adjustments after the optional CCD slaves have been added/removed.
The probe function was enhanced by absolute time measurement; previous‐
ly, only relative time measurement had been possible. The absolute time
measurement is supported by "S-0-1305.0.2, System fine time", i.e. the pos‐
sible measuring signals were expanded by parameter S-0-1305.0.2.
An alias parameter is a replacement parameter for communication interfaces
which do not support 32 bit IDNs (EIDN).
Alias parameter:
P-0-2599 -> "S-0-1702.0.16"
48/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Modified parameters
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
● P-0-0214, Analog input, assignment A, scaling
● P-0-0215, Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0
● P-0-0216, Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
● P-0-0217, Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P-0-0231, Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P-0-0232, Analog input 3, time constant input filter
● P-0-0233, DA: Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P-0-0234, DA: Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P-0-0237, Analog input, assignment B, scaling
● P-0-0238, Analog input, assignment B, signal value at 0
● P-0-0239, Analog input, assignment B, dead zone
● P-0-0246, Analog input, assignment C, scaling
● P-0-0247, Analog input, assignment C, signal value at 0
● P-0-0248, Analog input, assignment C, dead zone
● P-0-0701, Motion step 1, slave axis initial position
● P-0-0853, Max. DC bus voltage, motor
● P-0-1120, Velocity control loop filter: Filter type
● P-0-3242.0.1, SMO: Phys. Encoder type
● P-0-3242.0.2, SMO: Phys. Encoder properties
● P-0-3242.0.3, SMO: Phys. Encoder resolution (analog)
● P-0-4014, Type of construction of motor
An alias parameter is a replacement parameter for communication interfaces
which do not support 32 bit IDNs (EIDN).
Alias parameter:
P-0-2599 -> "S-0-1702.0.16"
Modified parameters
● P-0-0214, Analog input, assignment A, scaling
● P-0-0215, Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0
● P-0-0216, Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
● P-0-0217, Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P-0-0231, Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P-0-0232, Analog input 3, time constant input filter
● P-0-0233, DA: Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P-0-0234, DA: Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P-0-0237, Analog input, assignment B, scaling
● P-0-0238, Analog input, assignment B, signal value at 0
● P-0-0239, Analog input, assignment B, dead zone
● P-0-0246, Analog input, assignment C, scaling
● P-0-0247, Analog input, assignment C, signal value at 0
● P-0-0248, Analog input, assignment C, dead zone
● P-0-0853, Max. DC bus voltage, motor
● S-0-0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
Modified alias parameters
No alias parameter was modified.
No longer existing parameters
● P-0-3625.000.001, EPL: ERR History
● P-0-3625.000.002, EPL: Error Entry
● P-0-3626.000.004, EPL: ConfId
● P-0-3626.000.005, EPL: VerifyConfInvalid
An alias parameter is a replacement parameter for communication interfaces
which do not support 32 bit IDNs (EIDN).
Alias parameter:
P-0-2599 -> "S-0-1702.0.16"
Your feedback Your experience is important for our improvement processes of products and
If you discover mistakes in this documentation or suggest changes, please
send your feedback to the following e-mail address:
In order that we can handle your feedback, please send us the number indi‐
cated under "Internal File Reference" and the page number.
Terms, basic principles
Communication between master and drive takes place, with a few excep‐
tions, by means of parameters.
Parameters are used for:
● Determining the configuration
● Parameterizing the control loop
● Triggering and controlling drive functions and commands
● Transmitting command values and actual values (according to require‐
ments, cyclically or acyclically)
All operating data are mapped to parameters!
70/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
All commands available in the drive are stored in parameter "S-0-0025, IDN-
list of all procedure commands" .
Types of commands There are 3 different types of commands:
● Drive control commands
– Can cause automatic drive motion
– Can only be started when drive enable has been set
– Deactivate the active operation mode during its execution
● Administration commands
– Carry out administration tasks
– Cannot be interrupted
See also section "Command processing"
Operation modes
The selection of operation modes defines which command values will be pro‐
cessed in which way, in order to lead to the desired drive motion. The opera‐
tion mode does not determine how these command values are transmitted
from the master to the slave.
One of the eight operation modes that are defined in parameters is always
active if the conditions below are fulfilled:
● Control section and power section are ready for operation
● Drive enable signal sees a positive edge
● Drive follows command value input
● "Drive Halt" function has not been activated
● No drive control command is active
● No error reaction is carried out
The display of the control panel reads "AF" when an operation mode was ac‐
Warning classes Warnings are classified in different warning classes which determine whether
or not the drive carries out an automatic reaction when the warning is gener‐
Depending on the active operation mode and the parameter settings, many
monitoring functions are carried out. If a state is detected that affects or pre‐
vents correct operation, the drive firmware generates an error message.
Error classes Errors are assigned to various error classes that differ based on the different
error reactions of the drive.
Apart from the mentioned error classes that can occur during op‐
eration, errors can occur when the devices are booted up and
during firmware download. These errors are displayed on the con‐
trol panel with a short diagnostic text rather than with a diagnostic
message number of the "Fxxxx" pattern. Boot and firmware down‐
load errors are described in the separate "Troubleshooting Guide"
documentation (description of diagnostic messages).
Error reactions of the drive If the drive controller is in control and an error state is detected, the execution
of a drive error reaction is automatically started. The diagnostic message
number "Fxxxx" flashes on the display of the control panel.
The drive reaction in the case of F2xxx, F3xxx, F4xxx, F6xxx, F7xxx and
F8xxx errors is defined in parameter "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration".
At the end of each error reaction, the drive goes torque-free. The motor
phase short circuit error reaction for F8xxx is an exception. Here it is possible
to set that a motor phase short circuit is maintained after the error reaction
was completed.
See also "Error reactions"
74/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Clearing an error message Error messages are not automatically cleared; instead, there is a procedure
for this depending on the severity of the error; see the separate "Trouble‐
shooting Guide" documentation (description of diagnostic messages).
For example, if the error state persists, the error message is immediately
generated again.
Clearing error messages when If a drive error occurs during operation with drive enable having been set, the
drive enable was set drive carries out an error reaction. The drive automatically deactivates itself
at the end of each error reaction; in other words, the output stage is switched
off and the drive switches from an energized to a de-energized state.
To reactivate the drive,
● clear the error message and
● set a positive edge for drive enable again.
Error memory The diagnostic message numbers of occurring errors are written to an error
memory. This memory contains the diagnostic message numbers of the last
50 errors that occurred and the time when they occurred. Errors caused by a
shutdown of the control voltage (e.g., "F8070 Control voltage failure"), are not
stored in the error memory.
The diagnostic message numbers in the error memory are mapped to param‐
eter "P-0-0192, Error memory of diagnostic numbers" and can be displayed
by the control panel. Using the "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool,
it is possible to display the diagnostic message numbers and the respective
times at which the errors occurred.
Reconfiguring an error as a warn‐ The user can reconfigure some error cases as a warning. After an error has
ing been reconfigured, it is not an error reaction that takes place when such an
error occurs, but only a warning is output. The list of reconfigurable axis er‐
rors is contained in "P-0-0173, List of configurable axis-specific monitoring
functions", reconfiguration also takes place in this parameter.
The first two letters of the firmware designation identify the appli‐
cation and profile of the firmware:
● MP: "Multi Purpose" → Drives for general automation
● PS: "Power Supply" → Supply units for modular drives
The third letter of the firmware designation identifies the hard‐
ware, as well as the performance and functionality of the firmware
(x contains B, C, E and M):
● B: Single-axis firmware with BASIC performance and func‐
tionality plus MLD-S functions
● C: Single-axis firmware with ADVANCED performance and
functionality plus CCD + MLD-M functions
● E: Single-axis firmware with ECONOMY performance and
● M: Double-axis/multi-axis firmware with BASIC performance
and functionality
The "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool is available for commission‐
ing these firmware variants.
Organizing the firmware
For the application-specific definition of the drive functionality, the firmware
functions are divided into different "functional packages". There are a gener‐
ally available base package and various additional functional packages (e.g.
main spindle, IndraMotion MLD) that can be optionally activated.
Firmware variant
This package contains the specific functions for the use of main spindles
(e.g., spindle positioning, parameter set switching to the full extent).
● Sytronix1)
This package provides extended functions for hydraulics applications.
Firmware types
Structure of the firmware type des‐ The type designation of the IndraDrive firmware consists of the following type
ignation code elements:
of variant Alternative Additive
IndraDrive firm‐
(depend‐ Version Release Language OL/CL functional functional
ing on packages packages
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
Tab. 5-4: Basic structure of the firmware type designation
Function-specific abbreviations in Base package (application and performance):
type designation of IndraDrive
firmware ● MPB → Single-axis firmware with Basic performance
● MPC → Single-axis firmware with Advanced performance
● MPE → Single-axis firmware with Economy performance
● MPM → Multi-axis firmware with Basic performance
Firmware characteristic:
● 0 → Open-loop
● 1 → Closed-loop
80/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
The sales representative in charge will help you with the currently
available firmware types.
Base packages
General information
In the base packages of the firmware, the minimum scope of functionalities is
available depending on the respective firmware characteristic ("open-loop" or
"closed-loop"). They contain the basic functions of a drive firmware and a
number of other fundamental functions.
Basic functions
The following basic functions are available for every drive and contain the
fundamental basic functions of a digital drive (available in the firmware char‐
acteristics "open-loop" and "closed-loop"):
● Extensive diagnostic functions:
– Drive-internal generation of diagnostic messages
– Patch function
– Status displays, status classes
– Oscilloscope function
– Code of optional card
– Parameter value check
– Operating hours counter, logbook function, error memory
● Undervoltage monitor
● Output of control signals
● Limitations that can be parameterized
DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 81/395
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Scope of functions
Motor control modes
The following overview illustrates with which base or functional package the
respective operation mode is supported and it applies to all firmware variants.
- Torque/force control CL + + +
- Position control CL + + +
- Drive-internal interpolation CL + + +
- Drive-controlled positioning CL + + +
Synchronization modes:
- Phase synchronization - - CL -
82/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
- Electronic cam - - CL -
In functional package …
In base pack‐
(on the basis of a base package with the following charac‐
Extended axis function age
Servo function Synchronization Main spindle
In functional package …
In base pack‐
(on the basis of a base package with the following charac‐
Extended axis function age
Servo function Synchronization Main spindle
Probe CL + + +
Position control encoder CL + + +
CL Closed-loop characteristic
Tab. 5-9: Overview of the "Servo function" expansion package
Depending on the firmware variant and characteristic, the functional package
"Synchronization" has the following scope of functions:
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) 8 switchable parameter sets, only "Application" and "Control"
parameter groups
2) 4 switchable parameter sets, only "Application" and "Control"
parameter groups
Tab. 5-10: Overview of the "Synchronization" expansion package
Main spindle function
Depending on the firmware variant and characteristic, the functional package
"Main spindle" has the following scope of functions:
86/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Spindle positioning CL CL - CL
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) The functional package "Main spindle" is not available for MPE;
parameter set switching, however, is already available to the
full extent in both base packages (OL, CL)!
Tab. 5-11: Overview of the "Main spindle" expansion package
Depending on the firmware variant and characteristic, the functional package
"Sytronix" has the following scope of functions:
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) Contained in the expanded base package for MPE
2) 8 switchable parameter sets, only "Application" and "Control"
parameter groups
Tab. 5-12: Overview of the "Sytronix" expansion package
Additive functional packages
General information
So-called additive functional packages are part of the optional expansion
packages. Additive functional packages can be used in addition to the basic
function and one of the alternative functional packages (additive activation).
IndraMotion MLD (drive-integrated PLC)
Additive functional package The following designs of the additive functional package are available:
● The "TF" design allows self-contained PLC programs (technology func‐
tions) by Rexroth to be loaded and used (see "Technology functions").
● The "ML" design allows Rexroth IndraMotion MLD-S / MLD-M to be
freely programmed.
● The "MA" design adds the use of self-contained technology function
blocks (library) to the "ML" design.
DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 87/395
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
PWM switching 2)
Perform. level
fPWM 1)
Drive system
2 kHz No 250 μs
HCS01.1 / MPB 4 kHz Yes 125 μs 1000 µs
CSB02.1 / MPB Basic 8 kHz Yes 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs
All3) (not available with
CSB02.5 / MPB MPM)
12 kHz Yes 83.3 μs
KSM02.1 / MPB
16 kHz Yes 62.5 μs
KMS02.1 / MPB
KMS03.1 / MPB 4 kHz No 125 μs
All3), except
CDB02.1 / MPM Advanced 8 kHz Yes 62.5 μs 125 μs 250 μs Not available
16 kHz Yes 62.5 μs
2 kHz No 250 μs
4 kHz Yes 125 μs
Basic 8 kHz Yes 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs
HCS01.1 / MPC
12 kHz Yes 83.3 μs
CSH02.1 / MPC All3) 1000 µs
16 kHz Yes 62.5 μs
CSH02.5 / MPC
4 kHz No 125 μs
Advanced 8 kHz Yes 62.5 μs 125 μs 250 μs
16 kHz Yes 62.5 μs
No 2nd encoder
250 250 Not possible ok
No synchronization modes
Advanced No MLD
Reduced cyclic data (32
250 1000 Not possible No 2nd encoder
Reduced cyclic data (32 bytes)
250 ≥2000 Not possible No MLD ok
500 250 Not possible Not possible Not possible
Reduced cyclic data (24
500 500 Not possible Not possible
Reduced cyclic data (32
500 1000 Not possible Reduced cyclic data (32 bytes)
500 ≥2000 Not possible ok ok
DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 91/395
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Position Bus
Performance clock clock
level TA_posi‐ TMast‐
tion/µs Com/µs
● 24 V control voltage
● Motor
Control section The control section additionally makes available connections for:
● Encoder
● Master communication
● Digital / analog inputs / outputs
● Optional Ethernet engineering
● Optional safety technology
● Optional memories for user data
● Optional encoder emulation
● Optional Engineering port
The control section is a separate part of the IndraDrive controller and is plug‐
ged in the power section. The drive controller is supplied ex works complete
with the control section. The control section may only be replaced by a quali‐
fied service engineer.
In contrast to the usual device design with power sections and control
sections that can be explicitly ordered, the control section and power
section of the HCS01 controller (IndraDrive Cs) are inseparably integra‐
ted in one device.
For information on the functional and performance features of HCS01
controllers, see "Rexroth IndraDrive Cs, Drive Systems with HCS01",
Project Planning Manual, mat. no. R911322210, DOK-INDRV*-
● IndraDrive C (HCQ, HCT), compact multi-axis converter
Also in contrast to the usual device design, each of the compact HCT
and HCQ controllers can operate 3 - 4 axes. The control section and
power section are inseparably integrated in one device.
For information on the functional and performance features, see
"Rexroth IndraDrive, Drive Controllers HCQ02, HCT02", Project Plan‐
ning Manual, mat. no. R911324185, DOK-INDRV*-HCQ-T+HMQ-
Inverters for cabinet free drive ● IndraDrive Mi (KSM02.1, distributed servo drive)
⇒ Synchronous servo motors with integrated inverter
In KSM (distributed servo drive), the control section and the power sec‐
tion are integrated in the motor (synchronous servo motor), safety tech‐
nology and MultiEthernet options are optionally available.
See also separate documentations:
– "Rexroth IndraDrive Mi, Drive Systems with KCU02 KSM02,
KMS02/03, KMV03, KNK03" (DOK-INDRV*-KCU02+KSM02-PR**-
EN-P; mat. no.: R911335703)
● Rexroth IndraDrive Mi (KMS02.1, distributed drive controller)
⇒ Compact inverter with control section for near motor mounting
In KMS (distributed drive controller), the control section and the power
section are integrated and remote from the motor. Due to the high de‐
gree of protection, KMS can be mounted as near as possible to the mo‐
tor. Safety technology and MultiEthernet options are optionally available.
This variant of IndraDrive Mi does not have a HIPERFACE® encoder in‐
See also separate documentations:
– "Rexroth IndraDrive Mi Distributed Drive Controller KMS02" (DOK-
INDRV*-KMS02******-IT**-EN-P; mat. no.: R911339112).
– "Rexroth IndraDrive Mi Distributed Servo Drive KSM02" (DOK-
INDRV*-KSM02******-IT**-EN-P; mat. no.: R911339106)
Power sections, drive systems
All HMS01, HMD01, HCS02, HCS03 and HCS04.2 power sections from the
table below with the production date FD: 07W01 and above are supported
(07W01 means production year 2007, week 01).
Plus the HMU05 controllers.
Power sections
94/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Power sections
1) As of week 30/2007
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Drive systems
For HCS01, HCQ, HCT, KMS and KSM, there are no restrictions as regards
the production period.
Drive systems
Our sales representative will help you with the current status of
available control section card types.
CN CANopen - ■ -
ET MultiEthernet - - -
S4 Safe Motion - ■ ■
SB Safe Motion Bus - ■ ■
S5 Safe Motion - ■ ■
In their basic configuration, all HCS01 controllers already contain modules for
encoder evaluation (EC) and master communication (ET, S3, CC). The table
below shows the optional modules supported by the MPx-20VRS firmware.
Device HCS01.1
Device HCS01.1
Optional modules for safety technology
L3 STO (Safe Torque Off) ■ ■ ■
STO (Safe Torque Off) and SBC
L4 ■ ■ ■
(Safe Brake Control)
S4 Safe Motion - ■ ■
SB Safe Motion Bus - ■ ■
S5 Safe Motion - ■ ■
Optional modules for I/O extension
DA I/O extension digital/analog - ■ ■
Optional modules for communication
ET MultiEthernet - ■ ■
EP Engineering Port ■ ■ -
The table below shows the optional modules for compact multi-axis convert‐
ers HCT and HCQ supported with MPx20VRS.
"Multi-axis" "Multi-axis"
Firmware variant → MPM-20VRS MPM-20VRS
Optional modules for master communication
ET Multi-protocol EtherNet ■ -
L8 Embedded PC, LX 800 ■ ■
Optional modules for encoder evaluation
Number of encoder evaluations in basic device 4 5
Optional modules for I/O extension
D1 Digital I/O extension (DEA40.1) ■ ■
MLF (IndraDyn L)
MSK (IndraDyn S) MAD (IndraDyn A)
MBS (IndraDyn H)
MSM MAF (IndraDyn A) 1MB
MBT (IndraDyn T)
5.1.9 Documentations
Drive systems, system components
Drive systems, system components
Operator Display
Easy setup for Standard Turning and Commissioning Manual EASY*******-COxx-EN-P 332281
Milling Machines
12VRS Manual SYS*DES*V12-RExx-EN-P 334369
System Description
12VRS Manual NC*FUNC*V12-APxx-EN-P 334357
Functional Description
12VRS Reference Book MA*PAR**V12-RExx-EN-P 334365
Machine Parameters
12VRS Manual NC**PRO*V12-RExx-EN-P 334361
Programming Manual
When the field bus card (PROFIBUS® and CANopen) has been
plugged in, it is only possible to change between inactive master
communication and PROFIBUS® or CANopen master communi‐
cation. Switching to sercos®, EtherCAT®, EtherNet/IPTM,
PROFINET® or POWERLINK is impossible.
Without the field bus card, only sercos was possible as the mas‐
ter communication for IndraDrive Cs with the MPE-18VRS
(Economy) firmware; with MPE-20VRS and above, EtherCAT
(SoE and CoE) is available in addition to sercos.
Pertinent parameters
The following parameters are used independent of the variant of master com‐
Parameters for state machine and ● S-0-0011, Class 1 diagnostics
phase switching
● S-0-0012, Class 2 diagnostics
● S-0-0013, Class 3 diagnostics
● S-0-0014, Interface status
● S-0-0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level procedure command
● S-0-0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
● S-0-0423, IDN-list of invalid data for parameterization levels
● S-0-0424, Status parameterization level
● P-0-4086, Master communication status
● P-0-4088, Master communication: Drive configuration
Operation mode parameters ● S-0-0032, Primary operation mode
● S-0-0033, Secondary operation mode 1
● S-0-0034, Secondary operation mode 2
● S-0-0035, Secondary operation mode 3
● S-0-0284, Secondary operation mode 4
● S-0-0285, Secondary operation mode 5
● S-0-0286, Secondary operation mode 6
● S-0-0287, Secondary operation mode 7
Control and status words specific For the "sercos" interface, the following additional parameters are used:
to sercos
● S-0-0134, Master control word
● S-0-0135, Drive status word
● S-0-1044, sercos: Device Control (C-Dev)
● S-0-1045, sercos: Device Status (S-Dev)
Field-bus-specific parameters The following additional parameters are used for field buses:
● P-0-4068, Field bus: Control word IO
● P-0-4077, Field bus: Control word
● P-0-4078, Field bus: Status word
Specific parameters for analog in‐ The following additional parameters are used for the analog interface:
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Features ● 8 multiplex containers with 4 bytes each are available for cyclic com‐
mand value data (MDT) and cyclic actual value data (AT)
● Multiplex data to be transmitted is addressed via parameter "S-0-0368,
Data container A: Addressing" (L-byte for MDT; H-byte for AT)
● Individual elements from list parameters can be addressed via parame‐
ters S-0-0362 and S-0-0366
● Multiplex data are transmitted in communication cycle
Possible applications Using the multiplex channel it is possible:
● To increase the number of transmittable bytes in the cyclic real-time
channel (command and actual values) by multiplexing data
● To transmit the multiplex data in every cycle with a cycle time of "Tscyc x
quantity of multiplex data" by incrementing the addressing index
● To achieve operation mode dependent configuration of the cyclic data
by index switching in case the operation mode is changed
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● C0151 IDN for command value data container not allowed
● C0152 IDN for actual value data container not allowed
● C0238 Order of cyclic command value configuration incorrect
● E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A
● E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A
Control and status words used: S-0-0134/
0x0102 Drive profile acc. to sercos III S-0-0135
All operation modes are supported
Tab. 5-35: Profile type "Servodrive without evaluation of „drive enable” bit"
EtherCAT S-0-0134, bit 14, not evaluated
(CoE) Control and status words used S-0-0134/
0xF102 Drive profile acc. to sercos III
CANopen All operation modes supported
Tab. 5-36: Profile type "FSP Drive without evaluation of "drive enable" bit"
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
5.2.5 sercos
Brief description
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
CC connections Byte 12 12 12 12
[excl. 2 byte connection control word (C_Con)] IDN 2 2 2 2
Byte 10 10 10 10
Safety connections SMP SMP SMP SMP
Container Container Container Container
Hardware requirements
Optional module with sercos com‐ IndraDrive Cs
ECONOMY HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-E-S3-EC-NN-xx-NN-FW
IndraDrive control section
5.2.6 EtherCAT®
Brief description
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Parameter w / r (16 bits only, Yes
alias required)
FWA update No Yes
Transmission rate O +
Openness Beckhoff only Yes
Parameters via control unit Yes Yes
Switch port function in an
IndraDrive master axis.
As a prerequisite, the control unit
has to support EoE Endpoint.
CoE / SoE SoE only CoE and SoE
IndraDrive Cs
BASIC HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-B-ET-EC-xx-xx-NN-FW
ECONOMY HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-E-S3-EC-EP-xx-NN-FW
IndraDrive Mi
Distributed servo drive KSM02.1B-xxxC-xxN-xx-Hxx-ET-NN-D7-xx-FW
Distributed drive controller
Drive connection box KCU02.1N-ET-ET*-025-NN-N-NN-NN
IndraDrive control sections
Axis addressing The axis address can be set directly using the control panel of the drive. This
can be done using the so-called Easy Menu, see also "Standard control pan‐
el". Alternatively, the address can be directly changed or displayed via the
parameter"P-0-4089.0.3, Device Address" (alias: P-0-2303). The topology
address of the drive is assigned by the master and displayed in the parame‐
ter "P-0-4089.0.4, Active Device Address" (alias: P-0-2304), and cannot be
changed. With EtherCAT®, this address is used as the "Device Identification
Value / 2nd Address".
Pertinent parameters ● P-0-4089.0.3, Device Address
(alias: P-0-2303)
● P-0-4089.0.4, Active Device Address
(alias: P-0-2304)
IndraDrive Cs
BASIC HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-B-ET-EC-xx-xx-NN-FW
IndraDrive Mi
Distributed servo drive KSM02.1B-xxxC-xxN-xx-Hxx-ET-NN-D7-xx-FW
Distributed drive controller
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Pertinent diagnostic messages ● C0229 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. not configurable
● C0230 Field bus: Max. length for cycl. command val. exceeded
● C0231 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not configurable
● C0232 Field bus: Length for cycl. actual values exceeded
● C0233 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect
● C0234 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl. command values
● C0299 Configuration changed. Restart
● E4005 No command value input via master communication
● E4006 Communication module overload
● E4011 Communication watchdog: Overload of cyclic communication
● F4009 Bus failure
● F4011 Communication watchdog: Overload of cyclic communication
Brief description
Features The PROFINET® device interface with MultiEthernet interface has the follow‐
ing features:
● Ethernet in accordance with IEEE 802.3 and prioritization in accordance
with IEEE 802.1Q
● Transmission rate 100 Mbit/s
● Data transmission via Ethernet cable (CAT5e-copper)
● Topologies: "Star", "line" (with integrated cut through switch)
● Assignment of the IP addresses via DCP protocol (Discovery and Basic
● The smallest supported cycle time (I/O cycle updating time) is 2 ms.
The IO cycle update time is written by the control unit and is the
time cycle in which the process data from the PROFINET network
are applied to the MultiEthernet interface and written in the other
● Setting options via "P-0-4076, Field bus: Process data - updating clock",
min. 2 ms, max. 65 ms (can be set in steps of 1 ms).
It is recommended that
● the industrial Ethernet network not be coupled with a compa‐
ny network (office communications). (Alternatively, a Level 3
router can be used to connect the industrial Ethernet net‐
work to a company network.)
● only switches with cut through method be used for industrial
Ethernet communication
● a star topology with cable type AWG22 or shielded cables
be used, particularly for cables that exit the control cabinet
and for cables longer than 10 meters
IndraDrive Cs
BASIC HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-B-ET-EC-xx-xx-NN-FW
IndraDrive Mi
Distributed servo drive KSM02.1B-xxxC-xxN-xx-Hxx-ET-NN-D7-xx-FW
Distributed drive controller
Drive connection box KCU02.1N-ET-ET*-025-NN-N-NN-NN
IndraDrive control sections
Fig. 5-13:
IndraDrive controllers with MultiEthernet interface can be operated with
Ethernet POWERLINK master communication. Real-time data can be ex‐
changed with a Powerlink Managing Nodes via this module.
Features ● Transmission rate 100 Mbit/s (semi-duplex)
● Data transmission via Ethernet cable (CAT5e-copper)
● Topology: "Star", "line" (with integrated cut through switch)
● Depending on the variant that is used and the performance that has
been set, the smallest supported cycle time is 250 µs. Generally, inte‐
gral multiples of the position controller cycle time can be set. Any cycle
time is supported in non-synchronized operation.
● Configurable cyclic data up to a maximum of 15 parameters (incl. pro‐
file-dependent control word and status word) in both data directions
(max. 48 bytes or 24 words)
The mapping of the individual communication objects to P-parameters of the
drive and the mapping of the S- and P-parameters to CANOpen objects is
described in the Parameter Description.
Ethernet POWERLINK addressing Each Ethernet POWERLINK node (MN, CN and router) has an unequivocal
Node ID within an Ethernet POWERLINK segment. The Node ID is config‐
ured via the parameter "P-0-4089.0.3, Device Address" (alias: P-0-2303).
The value that was set is applied as the active Node ID when the drive is
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
booted up. The currently active Node ID is displayed via the parameter
"P-0-4089.0.4, Active Device Address" (alias: P-0-2304). If drive controller
has an address selector switch, the setting of the switch is always displayed
in P-0-4089.0.3. The Node IDs 1 to 239 are used for a "Controlled Node".
The Node ID of a CN can be set either using hardware switches or via soft‐
ware configuration.
IP addressing Each Ethernet POWERLINK node has an IPv4 address, a subnet mask and
a default gateway. This IP address is used both for bus addressing and for
mere IP communication in the Basic Ethernet mode.
● IPV4 address
The Ethernet POWERLINK network is a class C network with the ad‐
dress 192.168.100.x
The host ID of the IPv4 address has to be identical to the Node ID of the
node. That is to say the last byte of the IP address has to have the
same value as the Ethernet POWERLINK Node ID.
Host ID value range of the drive: 1-239
192.168.100.POWERLINK Node ID
Tab. 5-47: S/E LED blinking codes of HydraulicDrive controller with Ethernet
These codes comply with the POWERLINK specification.
POWERLINK can processes the process data in IndraDrive synchronously or
● Synchronous processing
If synchronous processing is desired, only integral multiple of the posi‐
tion cycle time that was set is possible for the bus.
● Cyclic processing
If it suffices to process the process data cyclically, the synchronous pro‐
cessing can be deactivated. This is parameterized by activating bit 0 in
"P-0-4089.0.5, Master communication: Configuration" (alias: P-0-2318).
POWERLINK cycle times such as 400 µs, 800 µs etc. are then possible.
Brief description
IndraDrive controllers with PROFIBUS interface (PB) can be operated as
PROFIBUS slaves in a PROFIBUS installation. Via these PROFIBUS compo‐
nents, it is possible to exchange real-time data with a PROFIBUS-DP master.
Cyclic data channel (PROFIBUS-DP)
The field bus provides data containers in which useful data can be cyclically
transmitted. This section is referred to as cyclic data channel.
The cyclic data channel is divided as follows:
● One (optional) device-specific parameter channel for reading and writing
of all IndraDrive parameters via PROFIBUS-DP.
IndraDrive Cs
BASIC HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-B-ET-EC-PB-xx-NN-FW
IndraDrive control sections
AccessType = ro (release)
Subindex Description
Subindex Description
42…48 Unit of parameter (if 8 parameter sets available)
51 Minimum value of parameter
52…58 Minimum value of parameter (if 8 parameter sets available)
61 Maximum value of parameter
62…68 Maximum value of parameter (if 8 parameter sets available)
71 Maximum length of list parameter
72…78 Maximum length of list parameter (if 8 parameter sets available)
81 Actual length of list parameter
82…88 Actual length of list parameter (if 8 parameter sets available)
Fig. 5-17: Open-loop operation with analog interface (with optional position
feedback to the control unit)
Fig. 5-18: Closed-loop operation with analog interface (with analog command
value input and SSI emulation)
This section describes the basic functions of the analog interface and con‐
tains notes on commissioning and parameterization. The single function
used, "Analog inputs", is described separately.
See also "Analog inputs"
Features The analog interface is an interface for master communication with analog
command values and digital inputs/outputs (drive enable, Drive Halt, …).
The analog interface is configured via the parameter "P-0-2945,
Configuration of analog mode".
Features of the analog inputs:
● Analog inputs (14 bit) which can be assigned to parameters, with
smoothing to be set (number of analog inputs depending on control sec‐
tion design)
● Sampling of the analog inputs in the position controller clock Tposition (see
also "Performance data")
Features of the analog assignment:
● Two assignments to parameters are possible; offset and scaling of the
analog input can be set for each assignment
● Sampling rates for analog input assignment:
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5.2.13 RIL_ModbusTCP
The field bus protocol "Modbus TCP" is used to exchange data between
Ethernet devices which support the Modbus protocol.
In this case, the drive-internal PLC assumes the role of the "Modbus TCP"
server (master) to which the "Modbus TCP" clients (slaves) can connect.
Using the function blocks contained in the "RIL_ModbusTCP" library, both a
"Modbus TCP" server and a "Modbus TCP" client can be implemented.
The library is supported by several targets and therefore described in the
"Basic Libraries, IndraLogic 2G" documentation.
Motor holding brakes IndraDrive allows controlling and monitoring holding brakes that are mechani‐
cally connected to the motor:
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
All encoder systems supported by this firmware and suitable on the motor
side can be used together with Rexroth kit motors (see chapter 5.3.7 "Sup‐
ported measuring systems" on page 177).
Pertinent parameters The "type plate" memory range contains the parameters listed below, among
others. The parameters, which if applicable are converted depending on the
scaling, are automatically copied to the parameters active for control (see
"Pertinent parameters" in chapter "Basics on the motors to be controlled" on
page 143).
General motor parameters:
● P-0-2109, Motor peak current, type plate
● P-0-2111, Motor current at standstill, type plate
● P-0-2113, Maximum velocity of motor, type plate
● P-0-2141, Motor type, type plate
● P-0-3000, Module code of motor, type plate
● P-0-3002, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance, type plate
● P-0-3003, Rotor inertia, type plate
● P-0-3005, Torque/force constant, type plate
● P-0-3007, Stator resistance, type plate
● P-0-3008, Commutation offset, type plate
Synchronous motor parameters
● P-0-3008, Commutation offset, type plate
● P-0-3015, Flux-generating current, limit value, type plate
● P-0-3016, Direct-axis inductance of motor, type plate
● P-0-3017, Quadrature-axis inductance of motor, type plate
● P-0-3018, Charact. quadr.-axis induct. of motor, induct., type plate
● P-0-3019, Charact. quadr.-axis induct. of motor, currents, type plate
● P-0-3023, Current limit value of demagnetization, type plate
● P-0-3044, Motor torque at nominal current with reluctance, type plate
● P-0-3045, Motor torque at maximum current with reluctance, type plate
● P-0-3046, Reluctance angle at nominal motor current, type plate
● P-0-3047, Reluctance angle at maximum motor current, type plate
● P-0-3048, Motor control configuration, type plate
Asynchronous motor parameters
● P-0-3032, Premagnetization factor, type plate
● P-0-3014, Magnetizing current, type plate
● P-0-3029, Scaling of stall current limit, type plate
● P-0-3039, Stator leakage inductance, type plate
● P-0-3040, Rotor leakage inductance, type plate
● P-0-3041, Motor magnetizing inductance, type plate
● P-0-3042, Characteristic of motor magnetizing inductance, type plate
● P-0-3043, Rotor time constant, type plate
Field weakening range parameters
● P-0-3033, Voltage loop proportional gain, type plate
● P-0-3034, Voltage loop intergral action time, type plate
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Pertinent diagnostic messages ● C0700 Load defaults proced. command (motor-spec. controller val.)
● C0702 Default parameters not available
● C0703 Default parameters invalid
● C0704 Parameters not copyable
● C0706 Error when reading the controller parameters
● F2008 RL The motor type has changed.
● F2104 Commutation offset invalid
Encoder memory
Motor version P-0-3100 Comment
Determining the commutation off‐ The commutation offset can be determined with different methods. The meth‐
set od is chosen in accordance with the axis geometry, the practicability and the
success of the respective method depending on the drive mechanics:
● Measuring method for motor encoders that can be evaluated in absolute
→ Distance measurement, currentless (only possible for linear Rexroth
kit motors)
● Saturation method (axis needs to be blocked or at standstill)
→ With current (possible with all types of construction in combination
with motor encoders that can be evaluated in absolute form or with rela‐
tive motor encoders)
● Sine-wave method (requires unrestricted movement of axis)
→ With current (possible with all types of construction in combination
with motor encoders that can be evaluated in absolute form or with rela‐
tive motor encoders)
For the description of the methods for commutation setting, see "Drive con‐
trol: Commutation setting"
Pertinent parameters See "Pertinent parameters" in the section "Basics on Rexroth motors"
Pertinent diagnostic messages See "Pertinent diagnostic messages" in the section "Basics on Rexroth mo‐
For further information, see section "Basics on Rexroth motors"
Rexroth kit motors, asynchronous
Brief description
The following Rexroth kit motors are manufactured according to the function‐
al principle associated with "asynchronous motors":
● Rotary motors 1 MB
As the motor is assembled in the machine, stator, rotor and measuring sys‐
tem can only be put together on site. After loading the specific parameter val‐
ues for motor and measuring system, the assembled motor can be put into
operation independent of rotor position and allocation of the measuring sys‐
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Pertinent parameters See "Pertinent parameters" in the section "Basics on Rexroth motors"
Pertinent diagnostic messages See "Pertinent diagnostic messages" in the section "Basics on Rexroth mo‐
For further information, see section "Basics on Rexroth motors"
Monitoring for wire break, brake current and short circuit is only
available with HCS01 devices!
Background Particularly with vertical servo axes, the reliable function of a holding brake is
fundamentally important to the operational safety of a machine. Using the
"function check of the motor holding brake", the holding brake can be
checked for wear and corrosion. It is up to the user, however, to use this
function check or not.
Even with a cyclical function check, wire break occurring in the meantime
would cause the brake to be accidentally applied and possibly destroyed be‐
fore the malfunction could be recognized by the next function check. Between
the function check intervals, the monitoring of the brake current, which is al‐
ways active, detects faults with the holding brake control and signals them
Overview of functions
Operating principle The controller monitors the current that flows through the terminals on the
controller side to operate the brake. The brake current monitoring recognizes
these states:
● Wire break (brake current less than 100 mA)
● Brake current ok
● Short circuit
In the case of "wire break" and "short circuit", the error message "F2068,
Brake error" is generated. Monitoring is active as soon as an existing holding
brake is entered in "P-0-0525, Holding brake control word".
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Hardware requirements
The "brake current monitoring" function does not require any specific hard‐
For Rexroth motors with encoder data memory, the presence of a motor hold‐
ing brake is automatically recognized; brake current monitoring is automati‐
cally activated. For third-party motors and motors with an external holding
brake, the existence of a holding brake must be entered in the holding brake
control word for activating the function.
Pertinent parameters
● P-0-0525, Holding brake control word
● P-0-0539, Holding brake status word
● P-0-0527, Actual holding brake current
Pertinent diagnostic messages
● F2068, Brake error
Operating behavior of the motor holding brake
Brief description
Motor holding brakes are used to hold axes with drive enable having been
switched off. This is particularly important for non-equilibrated vertical axes.
With IndraDrive controllers it is possible to control and monitor motor holding
brakes in a wear-resistant way.
Control of the holding brake is linked with drive enable, considering clamping
and releasing delays. In special cases it may be appropriate to avoid this pro‐
grammed link and release or apply the holding brake independently. This,
too, is possible with IndraDrive!
To impede axis motion, the motor winding short circuit can be ac‐
tivated or maintained for synchronous motors already deceler‐
ated. The operating principle, however, does not totally correlate
with the operating principle of a motor holding brake, but the mo‐
tion-impeding function can be advantageously used at machine
axes, where applicable.
Hardware requirements The motor holding brake is controlled via a controller-internal relay contact.
Power supply is realized by the controller via the 24V control voltage. The
holding brake has to be suited for the voltage that is output, the holding brake
current should not exceed the allowed maximum value of the respective de‐
vice (see documentation "Supply Units and Power Sections; Project Planning
Manual for Controllers"); if necessary, the holding brake has to be controlled
Application The function check can also be carried out for an axis-side, external braking
device, if it is controlled by the drive controller. The measuring system used
for the function check (motor encoder or external encoder) has to be connec‐
ted stiffly and in a backlash-free way to the holding brake. Tolerated motion
range with the holding brake applied:
● Rotary motor: Max. 2° of a motor revolution (360°)
● Linear motor: Max. 1/180 of a pole pair distance (in mm)
In the case of corrosion, the effectiveness of the holding brake can be rees‐
tablished by a drive-controlled "resurfacing procedure".
Pertinent parameters ● P-0-0525, Holding brake control word
● P-0-0539, Holding brake status word
● P-0-0540, Torque of holding brake
● P-0-0541, C2100 Holding system check command
● P-0-0544, C3900 Command Holding brake resurfacing
● P-0-0545, Test torque for releasing holding system
● P-0-0546, Starting torque for releasing holding system
● P-0-0547, Nominal load of holding system
● P-0-0549, Oper. hours control sec. at last succ. holding system check
● P-0-0550, Time interval holding system check
● P-0-0554, Current torque value of the motor holding brake
● S-0-0084, Torque/force feedback value
● S-0-0135, Drive status word
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● C2100 Command Holding system check
● C2101 Holding system check only possible with drive enable
● C2103 Holding brake: Torque too low
● C2104 Command execution impossible
● C2105 Load of holding system greater than test torque
● C2106 Test torque of holding system not reached
● C3900 Command Holding brake resurfacing
● C3901 Resurfacing of holding brake only possible with drive enable
● C3902 Error during resurfacing of holding brake
● C3903 Command execution impossible
● E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval
● F3115 Brake check time interval exceeded
In the following cases, for example, the motor temperature cannot be meas‐
● No temperature sensor has been installed in the motor.
● The existing temperature sensor has switching characteristic.
Hardware data To switch the motor fan on and off, a digital signal is generated that can be
used via a digital output, for example. For this purpose, an unassigned digital
output of the control section has to be assigned.
The HMU05 power section provides an analog output DC0...10V for variable-
speed motor fan control.
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0201, Motor warning temperature
● P-0-3060.0.1, Motor fan switch-on temperature
● P-0-3061, Status of motor fan control
● P-0-0468, Prewarning threshold of therm. motor load
● P-0-0512, Temperature sensor
● Both at the axis mechanics input (encoder 1) and at the load (encoder
2). At the motor in the case of electro-hydraulic applications (functional
package "Sytronix")
Types of position measuring sys‐ Position measuring systems are available for the different kinds of motion in
tems adapted types of construction:
● Rotary encoders
● Linear encoders
With the appropriate signal specification, encoders in both types of construc‐
tion can be evaluated by IndraDrive controllers.
Position feedback value represen‐ The position information of the encoder may take the form of
● analog voltage signals with sine-shaped curve at constant velocity or
square-shaped curve and 90° phase offset ("analog encoders"; meas‐
urement free of delay, but can only be evaluated in relative form)
● digital encoder signal with defined number of increments per single en‐
coder revolution ("single-turn"), multiple encoder revolution ("multi-turn")
or measuring distance and a serial transmission protocol ("digital encod‐
ers"; absolute actual position values in a limited distance or angle
● combination of analog voltage signals and digital encoder signal ("com‐
bined encoders"; absolute initial position value detection by digital en‐
coder signal in relation to "single-" or "multi-turn range" or measuring
Evaluating position measurement The encoder evaluation uses a specific method allowing encoders in the fu‐
ture to be evaluated simultaneously by multiple drives. The physical informa‐
tion directly provided by the position encoder is converted to the standardized
SIII Encoder Profile. Via the Sercos master communication level or in the
CCD group, the standardized position feedback values and encoder status
information are thus available to each connected drive for evaluation!
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
● Motor encoder
● Position control encoder (encoder 2 or encoder 1)
● Measuring encoder
The Basic encoder evaluation data of an encoder are assigned to each func‐
tion by selecting an encoder interface or, if applicable, the master communi‐
cation or CCD interface.
ENCB - ENCE parameter struc‐ The parameter structure of the Basic encoder evaluation and of the Extended
ture encoder evaluation input is as follows:
Index "x": Significance differs with ENCB and ENCE parameters, see ta‐
ble above!
ENCB Encoder Basic evaluation (interface- or slot-related)
ENCE Encoder Extended evaluation (function-related: motor encoder,
position control encoder (encoder 2) or measuring encoder)
Tab. 5-52: ENCB configuration and ENCB output data, as well as ENCE input
data, parameter structure
The IDN of the ENCE input data correspond to those of the ENCB
output data, but the numbering is increased by +10!
Precision, resolution The precision of the position measurement depends on:
● The resolution of the measuring system [e.g., division periods (DP)/
revolution or DP in µm (linear encoders) for analog encoders; incre‐
ments/revolution or increments per measuring distance (linear encod‐
ers) for digital encoders]
● The absolute encoder precision
● The digitalization quality of analog encoder signals
Monitoring functions Correct position information is of fundamental importance for reliable drive
behavior and motion according to contour. The encoder signals are therefore
monitored for validity and compliance with the allowed tolerances.
In addition, it is possible to monitor drives with an encoder that can be evalu‐
ated in absolute form for compliance with the position when switching on
compared to the last time the drive was switched off.
Furthermore, it is possible to monitor the compliance of the actual position
values, if another encoder (encoder 2) is arranged at the axis mechanics in
addition to the encoder 1/motor encoder.
See also "Monitoring the measuring systems"
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Hardware requirements The Basic encoder evaluation data of an encoder are assigned to the respec‐
tive function by selecting an encoder interface
Optional interfaces are available to connect the measuring systems to the
controller or control section. Using the parameters "P-0-0077, Assignment of
encoder 1->interface" (depending on "P-0-0560, Configuration of actuator")
and "P-0-0078, Assignment of encoder 2->interface", it is possible to set the
interface of which the position data are assigned to the respective function.
IDN Name
IDN Name
S-0-0602.x.136 Phys. encoder evaluation configuration
The placeholder "x" (structure index) is the number of the device interface to which
the encoder is connected:
● 1: X4 (single-axis device), X4.1 (double-axis and multi-axis device)
● 2: X8 (single-axis device), X4.2 (double-axis and multi-axis device)
● 3: X8.1 (double-axis device), X4.3 (multi-axis device)
● 4: X10 (single-axis device), X4.4 (multi-axis device)
● 5: X8 (multi-axis device)
● 6: X8.2 (double-axis device)
IDN Name
IDN Name
IDN Name
S-0-0601.x.136 Multi-encoder interface configuration
The placeholder "x" (structure index) is the number of the device interface to which
the encoder is connected:
● 1: X4 (single-axis device), X4.1 (double-axis and multi-axis device)
● 2: X8 (single-axis device), X4.2 (double-axis and multi-axis device)
● 3: X8.1 (double-axis device), X4.3 (multi-axis device)
● 4: X10 (single-axis device), X4.4 (multi-axis device)
● 5: X8 (multi-axis device)
● 6: X8.2 (double-axis device)
IDN Name
IDN Name
Monitoring the axis position when In addition it is possible to monitor drives with an encoder that can be evalu‐
switching on ated in absolute form for compliance with the position when switching on
compared to the last time the drive was switched off. This allows detecting,
for example, whether a vertical axis moved down after the machine was
switched off or whether an axis was moved away from the position it had
when the machine stopped.
Monitoring mechanical transfer el‐ It is also possible to monitor the difference between the actual position values
ements of motor encoder and external encoder, as well as the percentage of slip.
This allows, for example, detecting elasticity or slip due to wear in mechanical
transfer elements between motor and axis at an early stage.
Monitoring the position data refer‐ If the loss of the position data reference of absolute encoders (motor encoder
ence or optional encoder) is detected due to changes in parameter values, e.g. of
the drive mechanics, the drive will signal this faulty state.
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0391, Monitoring window feedback 2
● P-0-0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window, encoder 1
● P-0-0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window, encoder 2
● P-0-0177, Encoder 1, absoute encoder buffer
● P-0-0178, Encoder 2, absoute encoder buffer
● P-0-0185, Encoder 2 control word
● P-0-0242, Current actual slip value
● P-0-0243, Maximum occurred actual slip value
● P-0-0244, Monitoring window of slip
● P-0-0391, Actual position value difference encoder1 - encoder2
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● E2074 Encoder 1: Encoder signals disturbed
● E2075 Encoder 2: Encoder signals disturbed
● F2036 Excessive position feedback difference
● F2042 Encoder 2: Encoder signals incorrect
● F2048 Low battery voltage
● F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window
● F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window
● F2174 Loss of encoder 1 reference
● F2175 Loss of encoder 2 reference
● F8022 Enc. 1: Enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in ph. 2)
Absolute measuring systems
Brief description
Evaluating position measurement Depending on their design and the mechanical arrangement at the axis, posi‐
tion encoders can be evaluated by IndraDrive controllers as
● relative encoders (incremental encoders)
or as
● absolute encoders (absolute value encoders)
if they have an appropriate signal specification.
Both Rexroth position encoders and motor encoders of Rexroth housing mo‐
tors are available in one of the two designs:
● Single-turn encoders (absolute actual position values over one encoder
shaft revolution)
DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 167/395
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Establishing the position data ref‐ For establishing the position data reference in an NC-controlled way, the
erence, NC-controlled drive makes available three commands to the master. The master has to
generate the travel motion for searching the marker:
● The master starts the "NC-controlled homing" command and, for
searching the reference point or dedicated point, must move the axis by
inputting command values.
● To calculate the offset and switch to axis-related actual position values,
it is necessary to start further commands.
The presettings for establishing the position data reference are made via as‐
signed parameters.
Displaying the position data refer‐ A position status parameter shows whether the position data reference of a
ence measuring system evaluated by the controller has been established.
Motor encoders and external en‐ In addition to the motor encoder, an external (optional) encoder can be avail‐
coders able. Both encoders, in any combination of relative and absolute measuring
systems, can
● have position data reference to the axis independently of each other
(both encoders have different actual position values)
- or -
● have position data reference to the axis depending on each other (both
encoders have the same actual position values).
This is configured via parameters and realized with the commands for estab‐
lishing the position data reference.
Actual position value offset The difference of the actual position value before and after establishing the
position data reference is displayed, related to the motor encoder or external
encoder, in one parameter respectively.
See also the following sections:
● "Establishing position data reference for absolute measuring systems"
● "Establishing position data reference for relative measuring systems"
See also the section "General information on establishing the position data
The position data reference of an absolute measuring system to the axis has
to be established once during initial commissioning, after replacing the motor
or encoder (motor encoder or external encoder) and changes in the drive me‐
DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 171/395
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Establishing position data refer‐ In the case of measuring systems to be evaluated in absolute form, the posi‐
ence using drive commands tion data reference can be automatically established by the drive by starting
the command
● "C0300 Set absolute position procedure command"
- or -
● "C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command".
The position data reference once established is maintained until one of the
two commands is started again. The actual position values therefore are axis-
related ("homed") immediately after the drive is switched on.
Motor encoder and external en‐ If two absolute measuring systems have been connected to the controller, the
coder position data reference can be separately established for both measuring
systems. If the position data reference was only set for one of the measuring
systems, both actual position values are equal at the position at which the po‐
sition data reference was established.
If the position data reference was only set for one encoder, the
actual position values of both encoders remain equal as long as
drive mechanics and encoder systems are mechanically connec‐
ted without slip (slip control is possible!).
"Set absolute position" command It is recommended to start the "set absolute position" command when the ax‐
is is in standstill without drive enable. In the cases in which the axis, for es‐
tablishing the position data reference, is to be brought to a defined position
on the master side and be held in this position by the drive, "set absolute po‐
sition" can also be executed with the active drive.
"Drive-controlled homing proce‐ When the command "C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command" is
dure" command started without an existing reference, the drive moves the axis independently
as defined in parameter "S-0-0147, Homing parameter" and establishes the
position data reference. If the drive's position system already has a reference
when the command "C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command" is
started, the reference point already determined is approached and the com‐
manded is acknowledged positively.
For absolute encoders, the "drive-controlled homing procedure" command
can be advantageously used after loss of position data reference after:
● Encoder replacement in conjunction with a home switch or
● Encoder error with peripheral causes in the case of modulo-scaled axes
(e.g. encoder cable damage).
"Active drive" means the drive that is in control. Drive enable (AF)
has been set.
Assigning the axis-related actual By starting the "set absolute position" command, the previous actual position
position value with "set absolute value of an encoder at a dedicated position of the axis is set to a new value.
position" This value is the current axis position related to the coordinate system of the
The dedicated position is defined by:
● The current axis position
- or -
● the positioning of the axis at a "striking" axis position (e.g. value "0").
The required assignments and configurations for "setting absolute position"
are made via parameter settings.
172/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Assigning the axis-related actual By starting the "drive-controlled homing procedure" command, the previous
position value with "drive-control‐ actual position value of an encoder at a dedicated position of the axis is set
led homing procedure" to a new value. This value is the current axis position related to the coordi‐
nate system of the machine.
The required assignments and configurations for the "drive-controlled homing
procedure" are made using parameter settings (see the information regarding
"Drive-controlled homing procedure" in the section "Establishing position data
reference for relative measuring systems").
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0052, Reference distance of encoder 1
● S-0-0054, Reference distance of encoder 2
● S-0-0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command
● S-0-0447, C0300 Set absolute position procedure command
● S-0-0448, Set absolute position control
● P-0-0177, Encoder 1, absoute encoder buffer
● P-0-0178, Encoder 2, absoute encoder buffer
● P-0-1002, Absolute encoder offset 1, encoder memory
● P-0-1012, Absolute encoder offset 2, encoder memory
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● C0300 Set absolute position procedure command
● C0301 Measuring system unavailable
● C0302 Absolute evaluation of measuring system impossible
● C0303 Absolute encoder offset cannot be saved
● C0304 Command cannot be executed under drive enable
● C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command
● C0601 Homing only possible with drive enable
● C0602 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous
● C0603 Homing impossible with optional encoder
● C0606 Reference mark not detected
● C0607 Reference cam input not assigned
● C0608 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not allowed f. modulo axes
● C0609 Different travel directions parameterized
● C0610 Absolute encoder offset could not be saved
Establishing position data reference for relative measuring systems
Brief description
See also the section "General information on establishing the position data
Actual position value of relative After the drive has been switched on, the actual position values signaled by
measuring systems when switch‐ relative measuring systems do not yet have any reference to the machine ax‐
ing on is. Measuring systems can be installed at the motor (motor encoder) and di‐
rectly at the load (external or optional encoder).
For information on encoder arrangement and drive mechanics, see also
"Drive mechanics and measuring system arrangement"
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
The position data reference of relative measuring systems to the axis has to
be established again each time after the drive was switched on or after all
procedures that cause the position data reference to get lost (homing proce‐
Establishing the position data ref‐ After start of the respective command by the master, the drive can automati‐
erence, drive-controlled cally establish the position data reference.
To do this, the drive moves the axis until the controller can detect a dedicated
point. The actual position values then are automatically switched to axis ref‐
erence. The presettings for the sequence for establishing the position data
reference are made via assigned parameters.
Establishing the position data ref‐ As an alternative to establishing the position data reference in a drive-control‐
erence, NC-controlled led way, the NC ("master") can control the homing procedure.
In this case, the master inputs the command values for moving the axis to the
dedicated point and controls the homing procedure via commands and as‐
signed parameters.
The NC-controlled homing procedure can be advantageous for drives with a
rigid mechanical connection (e.g. for Gantry axes), because the master can
input coordinated command values for the drives for the homing motion.
Dedicated point for establishing The dedicated point for establishing the position data reference, in the case
the position data reference of linear axes, is at one end of the travel range. This allows finding the dedi‐
cated point from any axis position (situation when switched on) by moving in
a defined direction. Rotary axes do not have an axis end position, the dedica‐
ted point is at a defined position within the travel range.
Reference mark for relative meas‐ The precision with which this dedicated point is detected considerably influ‐
uring systems ences the absolute precision of the axis. Apart from the signals for position
detection, relative measuring systems therefore also provide a signal for ex‐
act determination of a dedicated point. This signal is called "reference mark".
Depending on their type, relative measuring systems have one or several ref‐
erence marks over the range of measurement.
Reference mark and home switch Especially in the case of rotary measuring systems (e.g. motor encoder) at
axes moved in a linear way, the reference mark of the encoder can occur
several times over the entire travel range. In this case it is required, by axis-
side activation of a switch contact at the end of the travel range, to identify
one reference mark signal. This defines an unequivocal dedicated point that
can be found with reproducible precision. This switch contact is called "home
switch". A possibly available travel range limit switch can be used like a home
switch, too.
In addition, a reference mark signal can be identified by detecting axis block‐
ing when positive stop at the end of the axis has been reached.
Independent of the number of reference marks over the travel range, an axis-
side additional device (home switch or travel range limit switches or positive
stop) is necessary for linear axes for detecting the axis end position!
If only one reference mark occurs over the travel range in the case of rotary
axes, the home switch in most cases is not required!
Dedicated point and reference The dedicated point identified by an encoder reference mark and, if necessa‐
point of an axis ry, by a home switch, in most cases is not identical to the reference point of
the axis. The distance between reference point and zero point normally is de‐
termined on the machine side. Especially in the case of series machines, this
distance should be equal for axes of the same kind. The position of the dedi‐
cated point, however, is influenced by the kind of encoder arrangement and
therefore differs from axis to axis.
174/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Reference offset The position difference between dedicated point and reference point of the
axis can be compensated by an offset value (reference offset).
See also the section "General information on establishing the position data
The initial speed of the operation mode can be limited, for one ax‐
is with safety technology, to an additional speed value [product
from "SMO: active speed threshold" (P-0-3238) and "SMO: evalu‐
ation factor speed limit "(P-0-3218)] when activated in the param‐
eter "SMO: Configuration support functions" (P-0-3219), see also
the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Integrated Safe‐
ty Technology "Safe Motion" (as of MPx-18)" (DOK-INDRV*-
SI3*SMO-VRS-AP**-EN-P; Mat. No. R911338920), chapter "Ad‐
ditional and auxiliary functions".
NC-controlled homing
Brief description
Sequence of NC-controlled hom‐ For NC-controlled homing the master (NC control unit) controls the homing
ing motion for searching the dedicated point of the axis. To do this, the master
activates the parameter
● S-0-0146, C4300 NC-controlled homing procedure command
and presets the command value for axis motion, according to the active oper‐
ation mode.
When the drive has detected the dedicated point, it informs the master of this
fact and stores the position of the dedicated point. The master then com‐
pletes the execution of command C4300 and afterwards activates the param‐
● S-0-0171, C4400 Calculate displacement procedure command.
The required displacement of the actual position values is now calculated in
the drive controller, in order to establish the reference of the actual position
value to the axis zero point.
When the displacement required for establishing the position data reference
has been determined, the master completes the execution of command
C4400 and then activates the parameter
● S-0-0172, C4500 Displacement to referenced system procedure
Drive-internally the actual position value now is changed by the calculated
absolute displacement value and thereby the reference of the actual position
value to the axis zero point is established. The master has to adjust its com‐
mand value input to the changed actual position value, before it completes
the NC-controlled homing procedure by deactivating command C4500.
Shifting the position data reference for absolute/relative measuring
systems (shift coordinate system procedure)
Brief description
Fields of application
The existing position data reference of the measuring systems to the axis can
be shifted if the respective command was activated by the master. It is possi‐
ble to shift the data reference in standstill or while the axis is moving. This
does not affect the position reference of the axis because it is only the actual
position values output for the master that are displayed in "shifted" form. In‐
ternally the original ("non-shifted") position data reference is maintained.
Shifting the position data reference affects the motor encoder and, if availa‐
ble, the external encoder, independent of which encoder is the active encod‐
er for position control. If different actual position values are valid for the en‐
coders (both encoders possibly have position data reference independent of
each other), the actual position values of both measuring systems are shifted
by the same difference.
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0197, C3300 Set coordinate system procedure command
● S-0-0198, Initial coordinate value
● S-0-0199, C3400 Shift coordinate system procedure command
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
With the "detect marker position" function, which is activated via the corre‐
sponding command, it is possible to check whether the reference mark of an
incremental measuring system is detected without error.
Special case resolver encoder The resolver encoder uses the transformer principle for position detection. It
consists of two windings with an offset of 90°, both windings have the same
number of pole pairs (one or multiple pole pairs). If a resolver encoder is
used as motor control encoder and the same number of pole pairs is selected
for the resolver encoder and the synchronous motor, the position of the mag‐
nets to the windings is always detected correctly. The synchronous motor is
immediately operational, if the motor-specific commutation offset value is
Digital encoders
Brief description, fields of application
Digital encoders provide absolute position information within the absolute
measuring range of the respective encoder. The signal transmission is serial.
The main field of application of serial encoders in electric drive technology is
the position control loop; the advantage of the absolute position information
outweighs the basic disadvantage of a delay required to make actual values
available due to the serial transmission of the absolute position. In many ap‐
plications, particularly with master-side cycle times in the range of millisec‐
onds, the quality of the actual position values made available by serial encod‐
ers is perfectly sufficient.
The digital actual position values are cyclically transmitted by a serial proto‐
col. The serial protocol can also contain information on the encoder status
and on error states detected on the encoder side, or other data. In most ca‐
ses, digital encoders have a data memory containing the relevant data of its
own encoder required for operation. In addition, a memory range for user-
side data (OEM range) can be used with some encoder types.
Types of design
Rotary digital encoders:
● One encoder revolution is represented with an encoder-specific number
of "single-turn" bits (position resolution in incr./revolution).
● The number of encoder revolutions is represented with the "multi-turn"
bits (absolute measuring range of encoder).
Linear digital encoders:
● Due to the encoder-specific number of position bits, the length of the
measuring range is represented (absolute measuring range with resolu‐
tion in mm/incr.)
IndraDrive supports the following digital position measuring systems:
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Relative measuring systems with Analog encoders with additional Hall sensors (digital oder analog) do not pro‐
Hall sensors vide absolute but only relative position measurement, but notably with linear
Rexroth motors they can detect the position of the magnets to the windings
before motor control is activated. This allows the suitable commutation angle
for synchronous motor control to be immediately provided. The Hall sensors
only take effect as "commutation encoders".
SHL03 Rexroth Hall sensor adapter box for digital Hall sensors
MCP...-L0... Primary part of a Rexroth MCL motor (ironless) with "digital
Hall unit" option
MCP...-L1... Primary part of a Rexroth MCL motor (ironless) with "analog
Hall unit" option
MLF Linear Rexroth kit motor
SHL02 Rexroth Hall sensor box
Tab. 5-53: Overview of encoder interface assignment, designs and components
regarding combined encoders
In the "Basic encoder evaluation", the electrical encoder signals are conver‐
ted to evaluable encoder-related position and status information (see chapter
"Basics on measuring systems, resolution", "Precision, resolution" on page
162). These pieces of information are available to the axis drives via the mas‐
ter communication level for motor and axis control.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Hardware requirements For connecting the measuring systems to the controller, there are 2 optional
interfaces available. Writing the parameters "P-0-0077, Assignment of
encoder 1->interface" and "P-0-0078, Assignment of encoder 2->interface"
defines the interface to which the respective encoder is connected.
186/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Operation mode /
command value Functional princi‐ Encoder Required base
adjustment Control mode ple of motor available package Method of control
Features of the control loops
Performance (controller cycle times)
The internal controller cycle times (current, velocity and position) depend on
the following conditions and parameters:
● Activation of functional packages
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller (bit 2)
Depending on these factors, the following cycle and switching times can be
Current controller
The current controller is characterized by the following features:
● PI controller for d-axis and q-axis of the field-oriented d-q- coordinate
system (S-0-0106, S-0-0107)
● Inductance feedforward for decoupling d-axis and q-axis (P-0-4017,
P-0-4016) for synchronous motors
● Inductance characteristic for adjusting the current controller parameters
in the case of saturation phenomena
● Precontrol of e.m.f.
Velocity controller
The velocity controller is characterized by the following features:
● PI controller that can be set via the following parameters: "S-0-0100,
Velocity loop proportional gain" S-0-0101, Velocity loop integral action
● Standardization of the output value at the velocity controller to New‐
ton (N) or Newton meter (Nm); therefore, depending on the motor type,
the following unit results for the parameter "S-0-0100, Velocity loop
proportional gain":
– Rotary motor → Nm * s/rad
– Linear motor → N * min/mm
● Filter options for filtering encoder noise and resonance frequencies are
– One first order filter (first order low-pass), can be parameterized via
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
For the MPE firmware variant, only two 2nd order filters are avail‐
When the motor default values are loaded, the following control loop parame‐
ters are set to their default values optimized for the respective motor:
● S-0-0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S-0-0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● S-0-0104, Position loop Kv-factor
● S-0-0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S-0-0107, Current loop integral action time 1
● P-0-0004, Velocity loop smoothing time constant
The default settings for the current control loop (cf. S-0-0106 and
S-0-0107) are automatically adjusted to the currently parameter‐
ized PWM frequency (cf. P-0-0001) and performance setting (cf.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Tab. 5-57: Overview of motor operation with and without motor encoder
See also "Overview of drive control"
Selection criteria The following criteria have to be taken into account when selecting the appro‐
priate motor control method:
PM Parameter mode
OM Operating mode
Tab. 5-59: Comparison of sensorless motor control and motor control with en‐
coder for synchronous motors
Operating properties for controlling Observe the following differences for controlling asynchronous motors as re‐
asynchronous motors gards operation with and without encoder:
PM Parameter mode
OM Operating mode
Tab. 5-60: Comparison of sensorless motor control and motor control with en‐
coder for asynchronous motors
204/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
2000 200 --
4000 400 665
8000 800 1330
12000 1200 2000
16000 1600 2660
2000 No
IndraDrive Cs with
4000 Yes*)
MPB/MPC firmware
8000 Yes
CSB02.1 with MPB FWA
12000 Yes
CSH02.x with MPC FWA
16000 Yes
The current controller was preset for all Rexroth motors and the
parameter values have been stored in the motor encoder data
memory or in the commissioning tool ("IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD",
For information regarding the commissioning of the current con‐
troller for third-party motors, see "Third-party motors at IndraDrive
Principle of field-oriented current In the case of field-oriented current control, the internal control task consists
control in generating the transformed currents Id and Iq in controlled form:
● Id (flux-generating current) → PI controller for Id
● Iq (torque-generating current) → PI controller for Iq
The figure below illustrates the principle of field-oriented current control for
operation with motor encoder:
For operating motors, it is necessary to collect the values for motor parame‐
ters (resistance values, inductances, ...), in order to determine the motor con‐
trol parameters (flux controller, voltage controller, current controller, ...) with
these values.
Depending on the manufacturer and type of the motor to be controlled, the
values for motor parameters and motor control parameters are made availa‐
ble to the drive controller in different ways.
Rexroth motors For Rexroth motors, the values for the motor and motor control parameters
are optimized and made available by the manufacturer. The automatic setting
of the motor control parameters by the drive firmware is not required and not
allowed for Rexroth motors!
● For motors with motor encoder data memory:
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Overview The figure below illustrates an overview of the possibilities of determining the
motor and motor control parameters for motors without motor encoder data
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Order of Manual Control Loop Set‐ Due to the cascade structure of the control loops, it is necessary to parame‐
ting terize them "from the inside to the outside". The resulting order for setting the
control loops is as follows:
1. Current control loop
For Rexroth motors with motor encoder data memory (MSK and MKE
series), the optimization of the current controller is not required, as the
respective parameter values (S-0-0106 and S-0-0107) are read from the
motor encoder data memory.
For all Rexroth motors without motor encoder data memory (e.g. linear
motors), the parameter settings can be taken from a central motor data‐
base via the "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool.
The commissioning of third-party motors (including control loop settings)
is described in the respective sections on third-party motors in this docu‐
mentation (see "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers").
2. Velocity control loop
The settings of the velocity controller (S-0-0100 and S-0-0101) with the
respective filters (P-0-0004 and P-0-1120, P-0-1121, P-0-1122,
P-0-1123, P-0-1140, P-0-1141, P-0-1142, P-0-1143) on the one hand
depend on the motor parameters (inertia and torque/force constant), on
the other hand they strongly depend on the mechanical properties (load
inertia/mass, friction, rigidity of the connection, ...). Therefore, manual or
automatic optimization is often necessary.
3. Position control loop
In general, the position control loop only has to be adjusted to the dy‐
namics of the outer velocity controller, as well as to the kind of preset
command values (jerk, acceleration and interpolation procedure).
Default settings in the motor encoder data memory ("load motor de‐
fault values")
"Load motor default values" com‐ For all Rexroth motors of the series with motor encoder data memory (e.g.,
mand MKE, MSK and possibly MAD and MAF), the basic settings for the controllers
are saved and can be loaded to the drive by executing the "load motor de‐
fault values" command (S-0-0262).
The parameter "S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" can be
activated in two ways:
● Automatically when running up the drive by recognizing that the motor
type (cf. parameter S-0-0141) has changed. The display then reads
"RL" and by pressing the "Esc" key on the control panel, the "load motor
default values" command is internally started unless this was deactiva‐
ted in "P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller".
● Starting the command by writing "11b" to parameter S-0-0262.
See also "Loading, storing and saving parameters"
To start the "load motor default values" command, the value "0"
(default setting) has to have been set in the parameter "P-0-4090,
Configuration for loading default values".
When the motor default values are loaded, the following control loop parame‐
ters are set to their default values optimized for the respective motor:
● S-0-0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S-0-0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● S-0-0104, Position loop Kv-factor
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
The default settings for the current control loop (cf. S-0-0106 and
S-0-0107) are automatically adjusted to the currently parameter‐
ized PWM frequency (cf. P-0-0001) and performance setting (cf.
In addition, when the motor default values are loaded, the following control
loop parameter is set to the firmware-side default value even though no de‐
fault value has been stored in the motor data memory for this parameter.
● S-0-0348, Acceleration feedforward gain
Features ● Digital proportional controller, can be set via the following parameter:
– S-0-0104, Position loop Kv-factor
● Lag error is minimized by:
– Variable velocity feedforward (see P-0-0040)
- and -
– Variable acceleration feedforward (see S-0-0348), including
smoothing filter
● Depending on the control performance which has been set, the cycle
time TA_position is used for position controller calculations (see "Perform‐
ance data").
● With lag error or lagless, i.e. with velocity feedforward
● Model monitoring for the lag error (see also F2028)
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
If you use a relative motor encoder, using the additional Hall sen‐
sor component is absolutely recommended for linear Rexroth mo‐
tors! In this way, the highest safety is achieved with regard to cor‐
rect motor function and compliance with the performance data!
same principles apply as for synchronous Rexroth kit motors (see above);
however, the Hall sensor box SHL02.1 cannot be used for linear third-party
Overview of the motor encoders to Motor encoder Synchronous Rexroth Synchronous Rexroth Third-party syn‐
be used for synchronous motors
kit motor (rotary, line‐ kit motor (linear) with chronous motor
ar) SHL02 or Hall unit
Absolute + -- +
Relative o + o
+ Advantageous combination
o Combination possible, initial commissioning might possibly re‐
quire especially trained staff
-- Combination not useful
Tab. 5-63: Possible combinations of motor encoders and synchronous motors
for which commutation setting is required
Pertinent parameters Besides the motor parameters (see overview of parameters in "Basics on the
motors to be controlled" ), there are further parameters available for commu‐
tation setting:
● P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition
● P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition
● P-0-0508, Commutation offset
● P-0-0509, Commutation offset coarse
● P-0-0517, Commutation: Required harmonics component
● P-0-0518, C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation
● P-0-0519, Commutation status word
● P-0-0521, Effective commutation offset
● P-0-0522, Control word for commutation setting
● P-0-0523, Commutation setting measured value
● P-0-0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command
● P-0-3008, Commutation offset, type plate
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● C1200 Commutation offset setting command
● C1204 Error in offset calculation
● C1208 No adjustment with asynchronous motor
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Firmware variant Calculation method Measuring method Saturation method Sine-wave method
MPE - ■ ■ -
MPB ■ ■ ■ ■
MPC ■ ■ ■ ■
MPM ■ ■ ■ ■
■ Available
- Not available
Tab. 5-64: Methods for determining the commutation offset that are available in
the firmware variants
Recommendations for selecting the determination method:
Determination method
(and motor encoder that can be used)
Calculation method Measuring meth‐
Saturation method* Sine-wave method*
(relative linear encoder od
(absolute or relative (absolute or relative
with additional Hall (absolute linear
motor encoder) motor encoder)
Motor type sensor component) encoder only)
MBSxx0 -- -- + o
-- -- o +
(high speed)
MBT -- -- + o
LSF + (with SHL02) + + o
MLF + (with SHL02) + + o
(not required with "Hall
+ -- o
MCL unit..." option)
Sy. third-party motors -- -- + o
(rotary and linear)
+ Recommended method
o Method not recommended
-- Method not possible
* See application-related restrictions
Tab. 5-65: Recommendations for selecting determination method for commuta‐
tion offset depending on motor type (for Rexroth motors)
Restrictions for saturation method Applications of synchronous motors Restrictions for saturation method
Third-party motors without or with only lit‐ Saturation method cannot be used for
tle saturation effects (e.g. ironless motors determining commutation offset!
or motors with high leakage flux)
Applications with relative measuring sys‐ Max. torque/force can be reduced by ap‐
tem (without using the optimum commu‐ prox. 20% compared to the optimum val‐
tation offset value with regard to the ref‐ ue (autom. determination of the commu‐
erence point) tation offset with "AF")!
Applications with relative measuring sys‐ Max. torque/force until reference mark is
tem that are using the optimum commu‐ passed can be reduced by approx. 20%!
tation offset value with regard to the ref‐
erence point
Drives that can be in motion during the Saturation method is only possible for
determination of the commutation offset, motors in standstill!
e.g. coasting spindles, printing roller
drives etc.
Drives with a low degree of overload ca‐ Saturation method only possible if ampli‐
pacity fier current is sufficiently high (2...4-fold
continuous motor current required)!
Drives that are not permitted to move Saturation method (with current) can
during determination of the commutation cause motor motion!
offset (low-friction axes with low inertia)
Linear axis with single motor or parallel Only balanced (e.g. horizontal) axes with
motor little friction!
Linear axes in Gantry arrangement Only balanced (e.g. horizontal) axes with
little friction! In addition, both drives have
to carry out sequential commutation set‐
tings, "AF" should not be active at the
other drive!
Axis with holding brake (e.g. vertical axis) Holding brake must be released to deter‐
mine the commutation offset successful‐
ly. Only balanced axes!
Rotary axes with single drive Only balanced axes with little friction;
high inertia can cause problems!
Rotary axes, mechanically connected See above "Linear axes in Gantry ar‐
Fig. 5-36: Identifying the absolute or relative motor encoder depending on the
motor and application-related restrictions
Effect of an encoder gearbox If a motor encoder to be evaluated in absolute form is connected via an en‐
coder gear in the case of a synchronous motor, in general there is no unam‐
biguous assignment of electrical angle and absolute actual position value.
Therefore, the motor encoder to be evaluated in absolute form now behaves
like a relative motor encoder as regards commutation.
In two special cases, however, absolute commutation encoder evaluation (ro‐
tary encoders only) is possible for synchronous motors with encoder gearbox:
● Case 1, single-turn (or multi-turn) encoder:
- If an n-fold motor revolution (n is an integer) results in exactly one en‐
coder revolution
● Case 2, multi-turn encoder:
- If exactly one motor revolution results in an m-fold encoder revolution
(m is an integer)
Effect of an external, absolute en‐ For synchronous motors with relative motor encoders in combination with an
coder additional external encoder that can be evaluated in absolute form installed
at the axis, the external encoder, with slip-free drive mechanics, can be used
as an absolute commutation encoder for the motor. If this is the case, the ex‐
ternal encoder can be assigned as a commutation encoder in "P-0-0185,
230/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
If the rotational direction of the motor does not match the rotation‐
al direction of the motor encoder, the motor cannot follow the
command value with the determined commutation offset. It moves
to a close-by rest position or carries out uncontrolled movements.
The error message F8010 might occur, but not necessarily!
m Manually
a Automatically determined
Fig. 5-39: Range of values for optimizing the commutation offset
Optimizing the offset value by The value determined for "P-0-0521, Effective commutation offset" can be
means of command checked by the controller and subsequently optimized. "P-0-0518, C5600
Command subsequent optimization of commutation offset" is used for this
purpose. The drive has to be in drive enable (AF) and in standstill. In addi‐
tion, the axis has to be able to move sufficiently (motion range see table).
Tab. 5-68: Minimum required motion range for executing command C5600
The controller optimizes the commutation offset which is already operational
(value stored in P-0-0521) by transmitting test signals to the motor. The infor‐
mation for improving the commutation offset is taken from the motor motion
(actual position value). Upon successful execution of command C5600, an
improved value is available in parameter P-0-0521.
Storing the "optimum commutation For synchronous motors with relative motor encoder, the effective commuta‐
offset with regard to reference tion offset (P-0-0521) is determined and, if necessary, optimized in the "initial
point" commissioning mode" (P-0-0522). In order that the quality of the commuta‐
tion offset of initial commissioning can be reproduced when the motor is re‐
commissioned, the commutation offset is converted to a reproducible dedica‐
ted point fixed with reference to the motor and then stored in "P-0-0508,
Commutation offset":
● When the drive passes the reference mark with activated "cyclic marker
evaluation" (S-0-0277) in the case of motors with one reference mark
per motor revolution, the controller, in "P-0-0508, Commutation offset",
stores the value of P-0-0521 converted to the mark ("Optimization of the
value of P-0-0521..." has to have been activated in P-0-0522).
● When the drive passes the dedicated point for homing by executing
"S-0-0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command" in the
case of motors with several reference marks or none per motor revolu‐
tion or linear motor travel range, the controller, in "P-0-0508,
Commutation offset", stores the value of P-0-0521 converted to this
dedicated point ("Optimization of the value of P-0-0521..." has to have
been activated in P-0-0522).
Synchronous motor with rela‐ With relative motor encoders, the drive, at first drive enable after switch-on or
tive motor encoder after re-initialization of the measuring system, automatically determines the
commutation offset. When "AF" is set, this is done by a method with current
("Overview of methods for determining the commutation offset", see above).
The value is contained in parameter P-0-0521 and refers to the position of
the axis at switch-on.
Optimum commutation offset with The "optimum commutation offset with regard to reference point" is only rele‐
regard to reference point vant to synchronous motors with relative motor encoder, also if a Hall unit,
digital, is additionally used.
Analog Hall sensors Via analog signals of the Hall sensors, the controller detects the position of
the motor windings compared to the magnetic field of the motor; therefore,
the commutation setting is also completed with the initial commissioning.
When the drive is recommissioned, the correct commutation offset is immedi‐
ately available at drive enable ("AF").
● Hall sensor box SHL02.1 for MLF motors
● Analog Hall unit (motor option) for MCL motors
Digital Hall sensors There is also a Hall unit with digital signals available as a motor option for the
ironless MCL motors in Economy applications. Using three digital signals that
are offset by 120° with respect to a pole pair, the controller detects the posi‐
tion of the motor windings with respect to the magnetic field of the motor with
a precision of +/-30° (with respect to a pole pair). This allows the motor to run
immediately after switch-on with at least 50% of the possible motor power.
The subsequent homing procedure of the relative measuring system allows
full motor power to be achieved again, if this was prepared accordingly during
the initial commissioning. The current state of the performance of the motor is
diagnosed and can be queried on the control master side.
Hall sensor box SHL02.1 for MLF The Hall sensor box SHL02.1 is an absolute measuring system, outside of
the motor, within one pole pair distance of linear Rexroth MLF motors.
1 Secondary part
2 Primary part
3 Hall sensor box SHL02 (connected to the primary part)
Fig. 5-41: Linear Rexroth motor with Hall sensor box SHL02
For information on mounting and connection, see the documentation on the
Hall Sensor Box SHL02.1.
Hall unit, motor option with MCL The Hall unit is an absolute measuring system, integrated into the motor,
within one pole pair distance of linear Rexroth MCL motors. The Hall unit is
optional; it can be directly ordered, but it can also be retrofitted.
Fig. 5-42: "Hall unit" option of MCL motors, disassembling the dummy unit, ret‐
rofitting the Hall unit
Information regarding dismounting/assembly and connection is contained in
the "Ironless Linear Motors MCL" documentation.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
The saturation method is als relevant to linear synchronous Rexroth kit mo‐
tors, if they have only been equipped with a relative motor encoder, or to mo‐
tors with a motor encoder which can be evaluated in absolute form, if dis‐
tance measurement at the axis is impossible due to the mounting.
As a prerequisite for successful application of the saturation method, the iron
material of the motor must be magnetically saturated when current is sup‐
plied, i.e. the controller must be able to provide sufficiently high current to the
motor. For synchronous motors which are not magnetically saturated at maxi‐
mum allowed current, this method is unsuited for determining the commuta‐
tion offset!
The saturation method is suitable for both the initial commissioning and the
recommissioning, although the restrictions must be observed.
5.4.6 Limitations
Overview of limitations
To protect the drive mechanics, the controllers and the motors against over‐
load, IndraDrive devices feature different limitation options:
● Torque/force limitation
– Axis-side torque/force limit values, depending on the preceding
– Axis-side torque/force limit values, related to the absolute value (in‐
dependent of the preceding sign)
● Current limitation
– Absolute current limit values, depending on controller or motor
– Dynamic current limitation, depending on the thermal load of con‐
troller or motor
● Velocity limitation
– Motor-side velocity limit values
– Axis-side velocity limit values
● Position limitation
– Evaluation of axis-side travel range limit switches
– Firmware-side travel range limit values
The existing limiting facilities are active depending on the method of motor
Voltage-controlled open-loop oper‐ With voltage-controlled, sensorless open-loop operation, the following limita‐
ation (V/Hz [U/f] control) tions are available to protect the device or motor:
● Torque/force limitation via stall protection controller
● Current limitation via current limitation controller
● Position limitation by
– Travel range limit switches
– Software limit switches
Closed-loop operation of motors In closed-loop operation (flux-controlled or current-controlled), there are the
(FXC, FOC, FOCsl) following parameterizable limitations to protect the device or motor:
● Torque/force limitation
● Current limitation
● Velocity limitation
● Position limitation by
– Travel range limit switches
– Software limit switches
Current and torque/force limitation
Brief description
Current limitation and torque/force limitation avoid mechanical overload of the
axis and thermal overload of motor and drive controller.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Torque/force limit values due to axis conditions and processing take effect
statically as positive and negative limits of the torque/force command value.
The thermal overload protection might possibly reduce these limits dynami‐
cally, depending on the current thermal load of motor and controller.
Features ● User-side limit values for torque/force (drive-internally converted to cur‐
rent limit values):
– Bipolar limit values (S-0-0092, P-0-0109)
– Unipolar limit values (S-0-0082, S-0-0083)
● Current torque/force command value displayed in "P-0-0049, Effective
torque/force command value"
● Process torque or process force displayed in "S-0-0084, Torque/force
feedback value"
● Drive side, absolute current limit values in "S-0-0110, Amplifier peak
current" and "S-0-0109, Motor peak current"
● Dynamic current limitation depending on work load reduces maximum
current to the thermally allowed continuous current on the basis of motor
and amplifier temperature model (depending on motor type and possibly
selected cooling type, as well as on PWM frequency and amplifier type);
currently available maximum current and thermally possible continuous
current displayed in the parameters:
– P-0-4045, Maximum possible continuous current
– P-0-4046, Effective peak current
● Resulting torque/force limit values from the user-side torque/force limita‐
tions and the (dynamic) current limitation depending on work load are
displayed in the parameters:
– P-0-0442, Actual value torque limit positive (stationary)
– P-0-0443, Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)
– P-0-0444, Actual value peak torque limit
● Status word for analyzing the currently active torque/current limitation
● Display of effective torque-generating current command value ("limited"
current command value) in parameter
– P-0-0038, Torque-generating current, command value
● Display of actual current values in the parameters
– P-0-0440, Actual output current value (absolute value)
– P-0-0043, Torque-generating current, actual value
– P-0-0044, Flux-generating current, actual value
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S-0-0109, Motor peak current
● S-0-0110, Amplifier peak current
● S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill
● S-0-0112, Amplifier nominal current
● S-0-0384, Amplifier temperature
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
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Implementing travel range moni‐ The drive provides two possibilities of determining and monitoring a limitation
toring of the working range (travel range):
● Monitoring of position limit values (software limit switches)
Monitoring of the motor position for exceeding one of the two position
limit values (positive/negative → S-0-0049/S-0-0050) by the homed ac‐
tual position value (S-0-0403), i.e. value related to the machine zero
● Monitoring travel range limit switches
Monitoring for activation of one of the two travel range limit switches
(Limit+, Limit-) that are connected to the digital inputs of the drive
Features of travel range limit ● Monitoring of 2 travel range limit switches (Limit+, Limit-) at the drive is
switches possible
● Signal behavior of travel range limit switches can be set (N/C-N/O)
● Activation of travel range limit switches via parameter
● Reaction (error/warning) when exceeding travel range can be set
● Status display of the travel range limit switches
● Command values monitored for validity when limit switch activated
● Travel range limit switches evaluated and position limit value monitor
activated in 2 ms clock
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Features of position limit values ● 2 position limit values ("software limit switches") can be parameterized;
only operational when axis has been homed
● Reaction (warning/error) to exceeded values can be set
● Activation of position limit values via parameter
● Automatic relation to measuring system that has been homed
● Command values monitored for validity when position limit values ex‐
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0012, Class 2 diagnostics
● S-0-0049, Positive position limit value
● S-0-0050, Negative position limit value
● S-0-0055, Position polarities
● S-0-0147, Homing parameter
● S-0-0403, Position feedback value status
● S-0-0478, Position/travel range limit status
(Alias: P-0-0091, Position/travel range limit status)
● S-0-0532, Travel range limit parameter
(Alias: P-0-0090, Travel range limit parameter)
● P-0-0222, Travel range limit switch inputs
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● E2053 Target position out of travel range
● E8029 Positive position limit exceeded
● E8030 Negative position limit exceeded
● E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated
● E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated
● E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated
● F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow)
● F6029 Positive position limit exceeded
● F6030 Negative position limit exceeded
● F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated
● F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated
● F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated
Converters include a supply unit and an inverter unit. They are suitable for di‐
rect power supply connection, but can only be used in a single-axis design
and a DC bus coupled, modular drive system.
Possible device combinations and mains connection
The possible device combinations are only described in principle for the pur‐
pose of explanation. As regards combinations of device types actually possi‐
ble and specific facts to be observed, see the separate documentations.
Converter Includes a supply unit and an inverter unit. Converters that are
supplied via the DC bus have to be operated in the inverter
mode (see P-0-0860).
Inverter Only consists of the inverter unit and is always supplied via the
DC bus
Fig. 5-43: Mains supply via converter
Group supply The figure below illustrates the principle of group supply:
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Communication in drive group Depending on the task of a drive system or of several drives cooperating in a
process, it can be appropriate to rapidly carry out a common reaction to cer‐
tain events. This requires the exchange of signals (communication) between
the cooperating devices:
● Multi-axis converters have an internal communication between the sup‐
ply unit and the axis inverters.
● Single-axis converters (IndraDrive Cs, IndraDrive C), as well as inver‐
ters and supply units of the modular series (IndraDrive M), are intercon‐
nected via the module bus.
Note regarding single-axis con‐ A single-axis converter combines the supply unit and inverter in one device.
verters IndraDrive Cs/C In a "drive system" (several drives the DC buses and module buses of which
are interconnected), a converter can fulfill the following functions:
● Supply of an integrated inverter and other inverters or converters oper‐
ated as such, or
● Operation only as an inverter at a DC bus
Note regarding multi axis convert‐ A multi-axis converter combines the supply unit and several inverters in one
ers device. It always works as a "drive system" (several drives the DC buses and
module buses of which are interconnected). Supply of other external inverters
or converters or external module bus connection is not possible.
Regenerated energy In the case of regenerative operation (e.g. deceleration mode) of the motors
connected to a single-axis or multi-axis converter, the regenerated energy is
first absorbed by the DC bus. If the energy absorption capacity is exhausted,
the energy absorbed is transformed into heat via the braking resistor.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Braking resistor The braking resistor is connected on the DC bus side. Depending on the de‐
vice series, an internal braking resistor is available or an external braking re‐
sistor can be connected.
Module bus The module bus is used for the communication of all nodes at the DC bus. It
protects the components by switching the power off. The collective package
reaction of all nodes is also initiated via the module bus. The wiring of the
hardware, connections and signals is described in the documentation of the
devices (Project Planning Manual).
Pertinent parameters and diagnostic messages
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0380, DC bus voltage
● P-0-0114, Undervoltage threshold
● P-0-0118, Power supply, configuration
● P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration
● P-0-0460, Module group, control word
● P-0-0461, Module group, status word
● P-0-0806, Current mains voltage crest value
● P-0-0809, Properties of charging circuit
● P-0-0815, Nominal mains voltage crest value
● P-0-0816, Amplifier temperature 2
● P-0-0833, Braking resistor threshold
● P-0-0844, Thermal load of braking resistor
● P-0-0858, Data of external braking resistor
● P-0-0859, Data of internal braking resistor
● P-0-0860, Converter configuration
● P-0-0861, Power supply status word
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● E2026 Undervoltage in power section
● E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning
● E2050 Device overtemp. prewarning
● E2061 Device overload prewarning
● E2086 Prewarning supply module overload
● E2810 Drive system not ready for operation
● E2814 Undervoltage in mains
● E2816 Undervoltage in power section
● E2819 Mains failure
● E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning
● E2829 Not ready for power on
● E8025 Overvoltage in power section
● E8026 Undervoltage in power section
● E8028 Overcurrent in power section
● E8057 Device overload, current limit active
● E8058 Drive system not ready for operation
● E8819 Mains failure
● F2026 Undervoltage in power section
● F2086 Error supply module
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If the value "0" has been enterd in one of these parameters, the
error message "F2007 Switching to non-initialized operation
mode" is generated when this operation mode is activated.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Activating the operation mode The operation mode is activated and controlled by the input in drive control
words which depend on the type of master communication:
● S-0-0134, Master control word
● P-0-4077, Field bus: Control word
● P-0-4068, Field bus: Control word IO
● P-0-4028, Device control word
● P-0-0120, Control word easy startup
For axis commanding by the integrated MLD control and the use by the easy
startup mode, there are 8 more internal operation modes available (perma‐
nently configured internally), so that a total of 16 operation mode preselection
parameters are available. It is possible to choose between these operation
modes in operation, and due to drive-controlled transition functions it is possi‐
ble to switch between the operation modes in running operation.
The effective input is displayed in the bits 8, 9, 11 and 12 of the parameter
"P-0-0116, Device control: Control word".
The following applies to parameter P-0-0116:
● Bits 8 and 9 → Selecting primary operation mode and secondary opera‐
tion modes 1 to 3
● Bit 11 → Selecting secondary operation modes 4 to 7 (sercos only)
The figure below illustrates the interrelation of the control word of the respec‐
tive master communication and the device control word/device status word
with regard to the operation mode selection.
An operation mode defined via the operation mode selection is active when:
● The drive (control section and power section) is ready for operation
● The drive enable signal sees a positive edge
Acknowledging the active opera‐ As regards the activation of an operation mode, there are the following kinds
tion mode of feedback:
● With active operation mode, the display of the control panel reads "AF".
● In parameter "S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number", the respective
diagnostic message number of the active operation mode is displayed
(e.g. "C00A0101" in "velocity control" mode).
● In parameter "S-0-0095, Diagnostic message", the active operation
mode is displayed in text form (e.g. "A0101 Velocity control").
● In parameter "P-0-0115, Device control: Status word", bit 3 ("Drive fol‐
lows external command values") is used to acknowledge whether the
drive is running in the preset operation mode or not.
● In parameter "P-0-0115, Device control: Status word", bits 8, 9 and 10
("Acknowledgment of operation mode") are used to signal the operation
mode presently active.
Special cases With the following exceptional circumstances, the desired operation mode is
not carried out in spite of the operation mode having been correctly selected:
● Drive error is present
→ The corresponding error reaction is carried out.
● Fatal warning was triggered
→ The corresponding reaction is carried out.
● A "drive command" (e.g. homing procedure, set absolute position, ...) is
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
When the positioning block mode is used for field buses in the
freely configurable operating mode (P-0-4084 = 0xFFFE) or with
sercos interface, the toggle mechanism is used in spite of the
above rule.
Command value acknowledgment The explicit acknowledgment of the command value acceptance only takes
place for the positioning modes (drive-controlled positioning, positioning block
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It is possible to check in the master whether and when the preset command
value was accepted in the drive (command value acceptance handshake).
The command value acknowledgment is carried out in a different way, ac‐
cording to the positioning mode:
● "Drive-controlled positioning" mode
The drive acknowledges the command value acceptance by toggling
bit 0 of parameter "S-0-0419, Positioning command acknowledge".
● "Positioning block mode"
The drive acknowledges the command value acceptance by displaying
the effective positioning block in parameter "P-0-4051, Positioning block
In the "velocity control" mode, a velocity command value is preset for the
drive. The velocity command value is limited by ramps and filters.
In the "position control" mode, a cyclic position command value is preset for
the drive in NC cycle time. This command value is fine interpolated in the
drive and jerk-limited via filters, if necessary, before being transmitted to the
position controller.
To minimize the lag error, variable acceleration feedforward is available in
addition to variable velocity feedforward.
There are different forms of the "position control" mode which result in the
corresponding diagnostic messages when the operation mode was activated
(see "Pertinent diagnostic messages" below).
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Fig. 5-48: "Position control with cyclic command value input" block diagram
Features ● Position control with regard to the command value preset in parameter
"S-0-0047, Position command value"
● NC-controlled or drive-controlled position control with internal, dynamic
synchronization when changing operation modes
● Timebase for cyclic command value input defined by "S-0-0001, NC
cycle time (TNcyc)"
● Monitoring of the position command value difference for exceeding pa‐
rameter "S-0-0091, Bipolar velocity limit value"
● Position command values of the control section smoothed by means of
adjustable average value filter; calculation from acceleration and jerk
limit values; displayed in parameter "P-0-0042, Current position
command average value filter order"
● Fine interpolation of position command value of the control unit to posi‐
tion controller clock; can be switched via "P-0-0187, Position command
processing mode"
● Adjustable position command value delay in position cycle times
(P-0-0456, Position command value delay), maximum of 32 cycles.
● Position control with regard to actual position value encoder 1 (motor
encoder) or actual position value encoder 2 [external (load-side) encod‐
er], can be dynamically switched
● Velocity feedforward through adjustable factor of 0…150 % (de‐
fault = 100 %)
● Cyclic acceptance of an additive torque/force command value of the
control unit (external acceleration feedforward)
The initial speed of the operation mode can be limited, for one ax‐
is with safety technology, to an additional speed value [product
from "SMO: active speed threshold" (P-0-3238) and "SMO: evalu‐
ation factor speed limit "(P-0-3218)] when activated in the param‐
eter "SMO: Configuration support functions" (P-0-3219), see also
the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Integrated Safe‐
ty Technology "Safe Motion" (as of MPx-18)" (DOK-INDRV*-
SI3*SMO-VRS-AP**-EN-P; Mat. No. R911338920), chapter "Ad‐
ditional and auxiliary functions".
● Monitoring of the target position for compliance with the position limit
● Command value mode can be set (S-0-0393) in modulo format (shortest
distance, only positive or only negative direction)
● Position control with regard to "S-0-0051, Position feedback value of
encoder 1" (motor encoder) or "S-0-0053, Position feedback value of
encoder 2" [external (load-side) encoder]
● Acceleration and deceleration ramps, can be set separately
● No change in direction of motion when
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The initial speed of the operation mode can be limited, for one ax‐
is with safety technology, to an additional speed value [product
from "SMO: active speed threshold" (P-0-3238) and "SMO: evalu‐
ation factor speed limit "(P-0-3218)] when activated in the param‐
eter "SMO: Configuration support functions" (P-0-3219), see also
the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Integrated Safe‐
ty Technology "Safe Motion" (as of MPx-18)" (DOK-INDRV*-
SI3*SMO-VRS-AP**-EN-P; Mat. No. R911338920), chapter "Ad‐
ditional and auxiliary functions".
● Monitoring of the target position for compliance with the position limit
values (see "S-0-0049, Positive position limit value", "S-0-0050,
Negative position limit value")
● Command value mode can be set in modulo format in parameter
"S-0-0393, Command value mode" (shortest distance, positive only or
negative only direction, no reversal of direction of rotation)
● Position control with regard to "S-0-0051, Position feedback value of
encoder 1" (motor encoder) or "S-0-0053, Position feedback value of
encoder 2" [external (load-side) encoder]
● Acceleration and deceleration ramps can be set separately ("S-0-0260,
Positioning acceleration" or "S-0-0359, Positioning deceleration")
● Position limit values taken into account when accepting target position,
positioning velocity and positioning acceleration
● Jog mode ("infinite travel" positive/negative; S-0-0346, bits 1 and 2)
● Residual path processing can be activated
● "On-the-fly acceptance" of the new target position or intermediate stop
The initial speed of the operation mode can be limited, for one ax‐
is with safety technology, to an additional speed value [product
from "SMO: active speed threshold" (P-0-3238) and "SMO: evalu‐
ation factor speed limit "(P-0-3218)] when activated in the param‐
eter "SMO: Configuration support functions" (P-0-3219), see also
the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Integrated Safe‐
ty Technology "Safe Motion" (as of MPx-18)" (DOK-INDRV*-
SI3*SMO-VRS-AP**-EN-P; Mat. No. R911338920), chapter "Ad‐
ditional and auxiliary functions".
Fields of application Sequential block processing allows executing several positioning blocks in di‐
rect sequence without having to give a new start signal each time. Typical
fields of application are:
● There is none or only a very simple higher-level control unit available
and control is realized via digital I/Os only or a field bus control word
(I/O mode with field bus interface).
● There are quick reaction times or block advances required. The required
motion profiles can be represented in the drive by the maximum possi‐
ble 64 positioning blocks.
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The figure below illustrates the interaction of the individual basic functions
(function blocks) of the synchronization modes.
that the master axis positions can be processed correctly (e.g. in the case of
modulo overflow), the size of the master axis cycle must be known to the
drive. The control unit communicates the size of the master axis cycle to the
drive in the configuration of parameter "P-0-0750, Master axis revolutions per
master axis cycle".
Slave axis:
The drive following the command values derived from the master axis is re‐
ferred to as slave axis.
Command value cycle:
In processes with different machining cycles, the slave axis has to be able to
synchronize over several master axis revolutions or divisions of a master axis
revolution. This possibility is given via the so-called command value cycle.
The modulo value of the command value cycle is calculated internally de‐
pending on the electronic gearbox (P-0-0156, Master drive gear input
revolutions; P-0-0157, Master drive gear output revolutions) and the values
"P-0-0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle" and "S-0-0103,
Modulo value".
See also parameter description "P-0-0754, Command value cycle".
Actual value cycle (actual position value in the actual value cycle):
The actual value cycle ("P-0-0786, Modulo value actual value cycle") is the
modulo range within which the actual position values of the slave axis are to
be found when the position synchronization mode is active (P-0-0753,
Position actual value in actual value cycle). The user can define the modulo
value of the actual value cycle.
The travel distance for synchronization is determined using the "actual posi‐
tion value in the actual value cycle" and the synchronization range that was
set (see parameter description "P-0-0155, Synchronization mode") when one
of the operation modes of position synchronization is activated. The travel
distance is limited by the synchronization range, i.e. the command value cy‐
cle, division of the command value cycle or modulo range (S-0-0103, Modulo
See parameter description "P-0-0753, Position actual value in actual value
See parameter description "P-0-0786, Modulo value actual value cycle"
The modulo value of the actual value cycle has to be specified such that it
corresponds to an integral multiple of the command value cycle or the modu‐
lo range (S-0-0103, Modulo value).
Configuring and controlling the synchronization modes
The synchronization modes velocity synchronization and position synchroni‐
zation are configured and controlled by means of the following synchroniza‐
tion parameters:
Pertinent parameters (synchroni‐ ● S-0-0520, Axis control word
zation parameters)
● S-0-0521, Axis status word
● P-0-0086, Configuration word synchronous operation modes
● P-0-0088, Control word synchronization modes
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Fig. 5-54: Possibilities of command value addition for master and slave axis
Velocity synchronization with real/virtual master axis
Brief description
axis. The track speed at the circumference of the transport roll or the winder
is preset by the electric gearbox. A defined tension can be set by the fine ad‐
justment of the gearbox.
Pertinent parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in velocity synchronization:
● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S-0-0183, Velocity synchronization window
● P-0-0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P-0-0690, Additive velocity command value, process loop
● P-0-0777, Effective master axis velocity
See also "Pertinent parameters" in the subsections of "Basic functions of the
synchronization modes"
Pertinent diagnostic messages In addition to the general diagnostic messages of all synchronization modes,
there are other diagnostic messages involved in velocity synchronization:
● A0110 Velocity synchronization, virtual master axis
● A0111 Velocity synchronization, real master axis
● A0164 Velocity synchronization
● E2063 Velocity command value > limit value
See also "Pertinent diagnostic messages" in the subsections of "Basic func‐
tions of the synchronization modes"
Position synchronization: Phase synchronization
Brief description
"Absolute phase synchronization" In machining processes that require absolute phase synchronization, e.g.
application printing, punching or perforating in printing machines, the absolute position
reference to the master axis is established in the "phase synchronization"
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mode. The drive synchronizes with a position command value that is gener‐
ated from master axis position and additive position command value.
"Relative phase synchronization" For machining processes that only require relative phase synchronization,
application e.g. synchronization of belts or feed rollers without defined starting point, a
relative position reference to the master axis is established. During the first
synchronization, there is only an adjustment to the synchronous velocity but
no position adjustment carried out.
Pertinent parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in phase synchronization:
● S-0-0103, Modulo value
● S-0-0520, Axis control word
● S-0-0521, Axis status word
● P-0-0086, Configuration word synchronous operation modes
● P-0-0088, Control word synchronization modes
● P-0-0089, Status word synchronization modes
● P-0-0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P-0-0776, Effective master axis position
● P-0-0777, Effective master axis velocity
● P-0-0778, Synchronous position command value
● P-0-0779, Synchronous velocity
See also "Pertinent parameters" in the subsections of "Basic functions of the
synchronization modes"
In the operation mode "electronic cam with real/virtual master axis", there is a
fixed relationship between the master axis position and the slave axis.
The real master axis velocity is generated by a measuring encoder; in con‐
trast, the virtual master axis velocity is preset by the master.
See also "Dynamic synchronization of the slave axis" in the section "Basic
functions of the synchronization modes"
Features ● 4 cam tables with a max. of 1024 data points (P-0-0072, P-0-0092,
P-0-0780, P-0-0781)
● 4 cam tables with a max. of 128 data points (P-0-0783, P-0-0784,
P-0-0785, P-0-0786)
● Cubic spline interpolation of the cam data points
● Dynamic angle offset and angle offset at begin of table
● Freely definable switch angle for cam and cam distance
● Synchronization mode to be selected
● Single-step, double-step or optimized double-step synchronization
● Absolute or relative phase synchronization
● Synchronization range to be selected
● Change of format "on the fly"
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Pertinent parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in this operation mode:
● S-0-0103, Modulo value
● S-0-0520, Axis control word
● S-0-0521, Axis status word
● P-0-0061, Angle offset begin of table
● P-0-0072, Cam table 1
● P-0-0073, Cam distance 2
● P-0-0085, Dynamic angle offset
● P-0-0086, Configuration word synchronous operation modes
● P-0-0088, Control word synchronization modes
● P-0-0089, Status word synchronization modes
● P-0-0092, Cam table 2
● P-0-0093, Cam distance
● P-0-0094, Cam switch angle
● P-0-0144, Cam distance switch angle
● P-0-0158, Angle offset change rate
● P-0-0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P-0-0227, Cam table, access angle
● P-0-0695, Angle offset begin of table, process loop
● P-0-0696, Filter time constant, angle offset profile, process loop
● P-0-0776, Effective master axis position
● P-0-0777, Effective master axis velocity
● P-0-0778, Synchronous position command value
● P-0-0779, Synchronous velocity
● P-0-0780, Cam table 3
● P-0-0781, Cam table 4
● P-0-0782, Cam table 5
● P-0-0783, Cam table 6
● P-0-0784, Cam table 7
● P-0-0785, Cam table 8
See also "Pertinent parameters" in the subsections of "Basic functions of the
synchronization modes"
Pertinent diagnostic messages In addition to the general diagnostic messages of all synchronization modes,
there are other diagnostic messages involved in this operation mode:
● A0128, Cam, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0129 Cam, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0130 Cam, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0131 Cam, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0132 Cam, lagless, encoder 1, virt. master axis
● A0133 Cam, lagless, encoder 2, virt. master axis
● A0134 Cam, lagless, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0135 Cam, lagless, encoder 2, real master axis
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Pertinent parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in this operation mode:
● S-0-0103, Modulo value
● S-0-0520, Axis control word
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Bit Name
0 Switch On
1 Disable Voltage
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Bit Name
2 Quick Stop
3 Enable Operation
4..6 Operation Mode Specific
7 Reset Fault
8 Halt
9 Operation Mode Specific
10 Reserved
11..15 Manufacturer Specific
Bit Name
0 Ready to Switch On
1 Switched On
2 Operation Enabled
3 Fault
4 Voltage Enabled
5 Quick Stop
6 Switch On Disabled
7 Warning
8 Manufacturer Specific
9 Remote
10 Target Reached
11 Internal Limit Active
12/13 Operation Mode Specific
14/15 Manufacturer Specific
Position scaling The position data scaling is defined in the object 60A8h: SI unit position.
Velocity scaling The velocity data scaling is defined in the object 60A9h: SI unit velocity.
Acceleration scaling The acceleration data scaling is defined in the object 60AAh: SI unit accelera‐
The "Drive Halt" function is used to shut down an axis with defined accelera‐
tion and defined jerk.
In the default case, Drive Halt is performed as a quick stop in position control
or velocity control. Position control is activated when one of the operation
modes (S-0-0032 ...) with position control is defined (incl. internal PLC opera‐
tion modes). Otherwise the control mode velocity is active.
With the Drive Halt configuration (P-0-0558, bit 1, bit 2), the type of control
can also be freely selected.
● Bit 1 = 1, bit 2 = 1: Position control
● Bit 1 = 1, bit 2 = 0: Velocity control
With the "Drive Halt" configuration (P-0-0558, bit 0 = 1), it is possible to
switch to the "operational stop" function. Then the operation modes "velocity
control", "drive-internal interpolation", "drive-controlled positioning" and "posi‐
tioning block" are stopped internally with Vcmd = 0. After "Drive Halt" has
been removed, the motion is re-activated.
The adjustable position command value delay in position cycle times
(P-0-0456) is a maximum of 32 cycles.
Features ● Activated via the "halt bit" of master communication (see "Device Con‐
trol and State Machines")
● Active operation mode interrupted; drive remains in control (after setting
the "halt bit" the interrupted operation mode is continued)
● Quick stop in position control
→ Shutdown with acceleration (S-0-0372) and jerk limit values
(S-0-0349) in position control
● Quick Stop in velocity control
→ Shutdown with acceleration (S-0-0372) and jerk limit values
(S-0-0349) in velocity control
● If the Drive Halt acceleration bipolar (S-0-0372) is set to "0", "S-0-0138,
Bipolar acceleration limit value" takes effect during shutdown.
● "Drive Halt" acknowledged in P-0-0115
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0124, Standstill window
● S-0-0349, Bipolar jerk limit
● S-0-0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar
● S-0-0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value
● P-0-0115, Device control: Status word
● P-0-0434, Position command value of controller
● P-0-0456, Position command value delay
● P-0-0457, Position command value generator
● P-0-0558, Drive Halt configuration
At the end of each error reaction, the drive goes torque-free. The
motor phase short circuit error reaction for F8xxx is an exception.
Here it is possible to set that a motor phase short circuit is main‐
tained after the error reaction was completed.
Power off depends on the setting in P-0-0118!
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Error classes There are different error classes with increasing priority:
F2xxx ■ NC
■ ■
Non-fatal error ■ MLD
F28xx ■ NC General shutdown of
Non-fatal error power supply, because
the errors are related ■
■ MLD to the converter's pow‐
er supply
F3xxx ■ NC
Non-fatal ■ ■
Safety technology error
F4xxx - NC
■ ■
Master communication errors ■ MLD
- ■ ■
Emergency stop error
F7xxx ■
Safety technology error - ■ At the end of each F7 error reaction, the
drive goes torque-free.
F8xxx ■
Fatal error At the end of the error reaction, the drive
- ■ goes torque-free. It is possible to set the
configuration in a manner such that the
motor phase short circuit is maintained.
F8022 ■
Fatal encoder errror Only controlled deceleration is possible!
- ■ At the end of the error reaction, the drive
goes torque-free. It is possible to set the
configuration in a manner such that the
motor phase short circuit is maintained.
- ■ ■
Fatal safety technology error
- ■ Always torque disable
Fatal system error
The error class defines the drive behavior in the case of error.
The "fatal system error" (E-xxxx) has the highest priority.
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"Package reaction" is the simultaneous error reaction of all axis drives sup‐
plied by a common power bus (DC bus). Drive errors of a drive can be sig‐
naled to all other axis drives via the module bus (signal bus) which allows the
simultaneous error reaction (according to setting in parameter "P-0-0119,
Best possible deceleration") of all axis drives.
The settings for signaling drive errors and package reaction are made individ‐
ually for each drive in "P-0-0118, Power supply, configuration". This allows
the package reaction to be activated for individual axes only. The behavior of
the axes for which the package reaction has not been activated has to be tak‐
en into account for the case of error and must be controlled on the master
side, if necessary!
The supply unit switches off power supply only in the case of its
own errors and in the case of fatal drive errors (F8xxx), if the drive
signaling errors signals F8 errors to the supply.
Priority of appropriate
Reaction to drive er‐ error reactions for typi‐
rors cal drive applications Setting in P-0-0117 Setting in P-0-0118 General conditions
NC master-side reac‐ NC master-side priority NC reaction active No package reaction, Drive with F8 error
tion of shutdown and pow‐ no signaling of drive does not decelerate!
er off errors
Drive reaction Shutdown spindle NC reaction not active Package reaction, sig‐ Drive with F8 error
drive (asynchronous naling of drive errors does not decelerate!
motors) No DC bus short circuit
Shutdown servo drives Power off via NC mas‐
(synchronous motors) ter
Power off
Shutdown servo drives NC reaction not active Package reaction, sig‐ Power off only with F8
(synchronous motors) naling of drive errors, error, otherwise via NC
Power off signaling of F8 errors master with DC bus
to supply short circuit
Shutdown spindle
drive (asynchronous
motors) irrelevant
Power off NC reaction not active Package reaction, sig‐ Power off only with F8
Shutdown spindle naling of drive errors, error, otherwise via NC
drive (asynchronous signaling of F8 errors master; no DC bus
motors) to supply short circuit, drive with
F8 error does not de‐
Shutdown servo drives celerate!
(synchronous motors)
Power off NC reaction not active Package reaction, sig‐ Power off only with F8
Shutdown servo drives naling of drive errors, error, otherwise via NC
(synchronous motors) signaling of F8 errors master with DC bus
to supply short circuit
Shutdown spindle
drive (asynchronous
The mentioned examples are not binding and only provide basic
information on the settings that have to be made according to the
axis-specific and application-dependent requirements.
To avoid damage to the machine, some applications require that the master
(e.g. NC) retains control of the travel profile of the axes in the case of error,
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too, and shuts down the machine axes in a coordinated way. For this case,
the "NC reaction on error" option was implemented; it can be activated via
parameter P-0-0117.
The master is informed of an error in the drive controller via the drive status
word (see S-0-0135) so that the master can shut down the machine axes in a
coordinated way and therefore avoid possible damage.
The E-Stop function is used to shut down the drive with a selectable drive re‐
action (see Parameter Description "P-0-0008, Activation E-Stop function") via
a digital input of the drive controller.
There are the following options when using the E-Stop function:
● E-Stop with reaction to interface error (F4034 Emergency-Stop
→ Reaction: Best possible deceleration (as set in P-0-0119)
● E-Stop with reaction to travel range error (F6034 Emergency-Stop
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In the case of axis drives that are controlled, for example, in circular interpo‐
lation, static friction at the reversal points of the direction of motion can cause
distortion of the circular contour.
In order to compensate this contour error at the so-called "quadrant transi‐
tions" (velocity reversal), IndraDrive controllers provide the "quadrant error
correction" function.
This correction function is useful for such cases when drives are operated in
cyclic position control and in circular interpolation by the control master.
Pertinent parameters ● P-0-0100, Position command value extension
● P-0-0435, Control word of position controller
● P-0-0436, Reference radius for quadrant error correction
● P-0-0437, Velocity time range for quadrant error correction
● P-0-0438, Table of path velocities for quadrant error correction
● P-0-0439, Table of velocity pulse for quadrant error correction
Cogging torque compensation
Brief description
Motors for which the magnetic excitation is achieved with permanent mag‐
nets (e.g., synchronous motors) in many cases show cogging torques or cog‐
ging forces. Cogging torques/cogging forces already act on the moving com‐
ponent of the motor in the de-energized state and aim at moving it to a stable
When the motor is put into motion by control, the cogging torques/cogging
forces act on the motor in a decelerating or accelerating way, according to
the position. For applications in which minimum lag error or very constant ve‐
locity is important, the position-dependent cogging torques/cogging forces
can have a negative effect.
To improve the synchronous operation and lag error behavior of synchronous
motors, IndraDrive controllers provide cogging torque and cogging force com‐
pensation for drives with high demands on lag error and synchronous opera‐
tion quality. For this purpose, the position-dependent, additive torque com‐
mand values that take effect in drive control require an unequivocal position
reference from the motor measuring system to the motor.
The range in which the cogging torque compensation takes effect can cover
the entire travel range of an axis, but can also be restricted to a definable po‐
sition range. The restricted position range can be less than one motor revolu‐
tion (rotary motor) or one pole pair distance (linear motor). The drive control‐
ler determines the compensation values at axis motion with constant velocity
and the values, depending on the direction of motion and referring to the po‐
sition, are stored in tables.
Hardware requirements The motor has to be equipped with a motor encoder. Cogging torque com‐
pensation is impossible in sensorless motor operation!
Pertinent parameters ● P-0-0162, C1800 Command Drive optimization/command value box
● P-0-0165, Drive optimization, control word
● P-0-0170, Drive optimization, acceleration
● P-0-0171, Drive optimization, velocity
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Displaying the motor load, load With IndraDrive devices, the current motor load is determined on the drive
limit values side and displayed. The load can be limited by means of the drive controller.
The unit of the load display and load limit value input can be selected:
● Percentage-based, in relation to the continuous motor current or nomi‐
nal motor current
● Physical, values in "Nm" (rotary) or "N" (linear)
The load of the motor is determined by means of the measured motor cur‐
rent; with physical scaling, the controller determines the motor torque or force
by using the currently flowing current for calculating the motor-type-specific
torque or force constant.
If torque/force precision up to approx. +/- 5% is required (e.g., for load limita‐
tion) due to the mechanical axis system or process technology, the controller
provides the "correction of torque/force constant". In this case, the motor-
type-specific value is corrected depending on the current motor current, the
motor temperature and the average speed.
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Pertinent parameters
● P-0-0448, Temperature-dependent torque/force coefficient
● P-0-0449, Speed-dependent torque/force coefficient
● P-0-0450, Current torque/force constant
● P-0-0472, Motor saturation current
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
● P-0-3055, Maximum motor torque/force, encoder memory
● P-0-3056, Nominal motor torque/force, encoder memory
● P-0-3057, Speed-dependent torque/force coefficient, encoder memory
● P-0-3058, Temperature-dependent torque/force coefficient, enc.
● P-0-3945, Motor control configuration
● S-0-0533, Nominal torque/force of motor
● S-0-0534, Maximum torque/force of motor
Pertinent diagnostic messages
- None -
The measuring wheel mode is used for material feed axes, e.g. in sheet-met‐
al machining. For direct measurement of the infeed of moved material, a rota‐
ry encoder that is detecting the infeed length is driven via a measuring wheel
with frictionally engaged contact to the material surface.
The position control loop is closed via motor encoder and measuring wheel
encoder, possible slip between the motor-operated driving rolls and the mate‐
rial does not cause incorrect measured values of material length.
Fig. 5-61: Typical arrangement of a drive for material infeed with measuring
wheel encoder
Hardware requirements The measuring wheel encoder is an optional (external) encoder that is con‐
nected according to the connection diagram contained in the separate docu‐
mentation (see "Reference documentations").
See also Measuring systems
Pertinent parameters The following parameters are used to parameterize this function:
● S-0-0520, Axis control word
● S-0-0521, Axis status word
● P-0-0241, Actual pos. smoothing time constant for hybrid pos. control
● P-0-0242, Current actual slip value
● P-0-0243, Maximum occurred actual slip value
● P-0-0244, Monitoring window of slip
The following parameters are used to parameterize the measuring wheel en‐
● S-0-0115, Encoder 2, type of position encoder
● P-0-0123, Encoder 2 feed constant
● P-0-0124, Encoder 2, gear turns, mechanical system side
● P-0-0125, Encoder 2, gear turns, encoder side
● P-0-0185, Encoder 2 control word
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● F2036 Excessive position feedback difference
When an axis in the standard situation has moved up to a limit stop, the drive
should signal a drive error by the monitoring facilities of the position or veloci‐
ty control loop and react with shutdown.
But if the drive can detect the special case of operation "positive stop drive
procedure", it can ignore the messages of the position and motions monitors
and generate the required force of pressure, if necessary.
The control master signals this special case to the controller of IndraDrive de‐
vices via a command. Upon this command, the drive switches off the respec‐
tive monitors and acknowledges axis standstill to have been detected and a
parameterizable force or torque threshold to have been exceeded.
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S-0-0124, Standstill window
● S-0-0149, C1300 Positive stop drive procedure command
● S-0-0331, Status "n_feedback = 0"
● S-0-0530, Clamping torque
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● C1300 Positive stop drive procedure command
● C1301 Class 1 diagnostics error at command start
With the drive function "spindle positioning", the drive, at a command of the
master, aligns the spindle independently with regard to the spindle zero posi‐
tion. The command position is transmitted to the drive controller via parame‐
ter and can be preset as absolute or relative position.
By means of the "position spindle" command, the spindle can be positioned
in a position-controlled way (e.g. within the "velocity control" mode) without
having to switch the operation mode from velocity to position control.
How to use the drive function "spindle positioning":
● For milling and drilling spindles
– To prepare tool change → spindle remains at a defined position to
allow changing the tool
● For turning machine main spindles
– To change the workpiece (if required)
– To place balancing drillings for workpieces to be balanced
– To index the workpiece for further machining
● For revolving transfer machines
– To advance the turntable in order to bring workpieces to a defined
machining position at the different stations
Hardware requirements The use of a home switch might be required.
See "Establishing position data reference for relative measuring systems"
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0152, C0900 Position spindle procedure command
● S-0-0153, Spindle angle position
● S-0-0154, Spindle positioning parameter
● S-0-0180, Spindle relative offset
● S-0-0222, Spindle positioning speed
● S-0-0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar
● S-0-0417, Positioning velocity threshold in modulo mode
● S-0-0418, Target position window in modulo mode
● S-0-0437, Positioning status
● S-0-0041, Homing velocity
● S-0-0042, Homing acceleration
● P-0-1201, Ramp 1 pitch
● P-0-1202, Final speed ramp 1
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Y Star connection
D Delta connection
Fig. 5-62: Schematic operating characteristics of a spindle drive with star-delta
switchable motor
The spindle output capacity with star connection is just 2/3 of the output ca‐
pacity with delta connection, i.e. the star-delta-switching is not a complete re‐
placement for gear switching because the same output capacity is available
for each gear stage! The increased torque in short-time operation with star
connection compared to delta connection is not accompanied by an increase
in the permanent torque of the spindle!
Upon a command of the control master, the drive ignores the cyclic command
value input and independently turns alternately in positive and negative direc‐
tion (speed oscillation). The cyclic speed characteristic can be set via param‐
eters and can be realized symmetrically or asymmetrically.
Notes on application With speed oscillation the main drive supports the following applications, for
● Meshing the toothed wheels when switching a gear train
● Engaging form-fitting clutches (e.g., connecting i.c. engine equipment
under test to test stands)
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Device Optional modules for IndraDrive Cs Safety functions selected via Firmware version
L3, STO (Safe Torque Off) 24 V inputs at the drive controller MPx-17V06 and above
L4, STO (Safe Torque Off)
24 V inputs at the drive controller MPx-16V14 and above
and SBC (Safe Brake Control)
Optional modules
IndraDrive Mi IndraDrive M / IndraDrive ML /
Safety technology functions
IndraDrive Cs (KSM02.x, IndraDrive C IndraDrive CL
(HCS01.1) KMS02.x) (Cxx02.x) (Cxx02.5)
Safety Zone Acknowledge (SZA)
The safety technology function can only be used in conjunc‐
tion with the safety zone module (HSZ01).
Using "Safety zone acknowledge" and the safety zone mod‐
ule "HSZ", an acknowledgment master can monitor the safe‐ – – ✓ ✓ – 3
ty of a safety zone and acknowledge the safety to a higher-
level control unit.
It is also possible for the acknowledgment master of the safe‐
ty zone to directly control a safety door locking device con‐
nected to the safety zone module.
Safe Door Locking (SDL)
The safety technology function can only be used in conjunc‐
tion with the safety zone module (HSZ01).
The locking device of an interlocking guard is controlled via – – ✓ ✓ – 3
two channels when the safe zone acknowledgment signals
"Safety" and the user by means of a pushbutton requests the
safety door to be unlocked. The position of the locking device
is safely monitored.
Safe Zone Error (SZE)
The safety technology function can only be used in conjunc‐
tion with the safety zone module (HSZ01).
The "Safe zone error" function is a subfunction of the safety
function "Safety zone acknowledge". The "Safe zone error"
function allows locally present safety technology errors to be – – ✓ ✓ – 3
signaled by the zone nodes to all zone nodes via a safe out‐
put and to trigger individual error reactions.
It is also possible for the acknowledgment master of a safety
zone to signal zone errors via the safe communication to the
higher-level control unit.
Safe Torque Off (STO)
The energy supply to the drive is interrupted in a safe way. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
The drive cannot generate any torque/force and, as a conse‐
quence, it cannot generate any dangerous motions, either.
Safe Operating Stop (SOS)
With the safety function "Safe operating stop", the drive is in
controlled standstill, i.e. all control functions between the * SIL 3 is only attained with
electronic control unit and the drive are maintained. The du‐ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
al-channel monitoring prevents the drive from carrying out MOTION" or "SIL3-PLUS"
dangerous movements due to errors although the energy
supply is not interrupted.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
* With IndraDrive M /
IndraDrive C (Cxx02 control
Safe Brake Control (SBC) section) and IndraDrive ML,
With the safety function "Safe brake control", the motor hold‐ – ✓ ✓* ✓* ✓* 3 the safety technology function
ing brake is switched off safely (via two channels). can only be used in conjunc‐
tion with a control module
Safe Maximum Speed (SMS)
* SIL 3 is only attained with
The safety function "Safe maximum speed" by dual-channel ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
monitoring prevents the drive from exceeding the preset ve‐ MOTION" or "SIL3-PLUS"
locity limit value.
Safe Direction (SDI) * SIL 3 is only attained with
The safety function "Safe direction" ensures by dual-channel ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
monitoring that motion is only possible in one direction. MOTION" or "SIL3-PLUS"
With MPx-20V06 and above,
available with firmware option
Safely Monitored Position (SMP)
The safety function "Safely monitored position" monitors ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
whether or not the parameterized position range is exceeded
* SIL 3 is only attained with
in positive or negative direction.
firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
With MPx-20V06 and above,
Safely Limited Position (SLP) available with firmware option
The safety function "Safely limited position " monitors via two
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
channels that the drive can be decelerated within the para‐
meterized position limits with the current velocity and the par‐ * SIL 3 is only attained with
ameterized minimum delay. firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
With MPx-20V06 and above,
Safely Limited End Position (SLE) available with firmware option
The safety function "Safely limited end position" monitors via
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
two channels that the drive can be decelerated within the
parameterized end position limit value with the current veloci‐ * SIL 3 is only attained with
ty and the parameterized minimum delay. firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
With MPx-20V08 and above,
Safe CAM (SCA) available with firmware option
The safety function "Safe CAM" monitors via two channels
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* "SIL3-PLUS"
whether or not the axis is within a position range defined by
the switch-on und switch-off thresholds (cam range) and * SIL 3 is only attained with
makes available the result via the status words. firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
Safe Homing Procedure Available in MPx-20V06 and
With the auxiliary function "Safe homing procedure", another
homing event is expected at a separate position after the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 / 3* * SIL 3 is only attained with
functional homing procedure. The second homing event is firmware option (FWS) "SIL3-
used to verify the functional homing procedure. MOTION" or "SIL3-PLUS"
Tab. 5-76: Functions for safe motion monitoring and safe standstill monitoring
Notes on commissioning
The optional safety technology modules "Safe Motion" ("S3" and "S4") are
commissioned via dialogs using the "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning
tool (supported ≥ IndraWorks 13V08).
The optional safety technology modules "Safe Motion" ("S5", "SB" and "SD")
are commissioned via dialogs using the "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commis‐
sioning tool (supported ≥ IndraWorks 14V10).
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Features The device function "cross communication (CCD)" is characterized by the fol‐
lowing features:
● Hotplug with sercos is supported
● Synchronization of CCD slaves to CCD master
● Transmission of freely configurable external process data (command
values and actual values of the external control unit)
● Command value linking by transmission of freely configurable process
data of the CCD axes (e.g. master/slave, Gantry axis)
● SLc03 safety control is supported
● Connection of I/O extensions for sercos via CCD (a maximum of 4 mod‐
ules per CCD master) (only in MLD-M system mode)
● CCD (sercos) cycle time can be parameterized (0.25 ms to 4 ms; de‐
pends on CCD mode, controller performance and number of axes)
● Max. baud rate: 100 MBaud
● CCD communication protocol: sercos (see "sercos")
● Data channels:
– Cyclic data channel (MDT, AT): max. 48 bytes and 16 IDN
– Parameter or service channel: 4 bytes
● Parameterization of all axes in the CCD group via the CCD master inter‐
faces (RS232, Engineering Port, field bus, …)
● CCD slaves are commanded depending on selected CCD mode via ex‐
ternal control unit or internally via MLD in CCD master
● Possible compensation of transmission time / dead time of the cyclic
process data
● Generation of up to 3 master axis positions for master axis linking
● Max. number of CCD slaves: 7 or 9 (depends on CCD mode; see
"Functional description of the CCD modes, performance features")
Fields of application Typical fields of application for cross communication:
● Control tasks for multi-axis applications
– Anti backlash
– Synchronous operation control
– Load control of several axes
● Simple command value linking
– Position command value linking (Gantry axes)
– Torque/force linking
● Simple motion controls with decentralized command value adjustment
for single-axis positioning and master axis linking
● I/O extension by connection of I/O modules for sercos via CCD
Restrictions When using cross communication, observe the following restrictions:
● With the cross communication function, "Coordinated Motion" is not pos‐
● In the MLD-M system mode, the multiplex channel for external control
units is not available in the CCD master.
● sercos I/O extensions only possible in MLD-M system mode
Hardware requirements The drive function "cross communication" requires the following control sec‐
tion design:
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CCD master
HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-A-CC-xx-xx-xx-xx-FW IndraDrive Cs Advanced - single-axis
CSH02.1B-CC-EC-xx-xx-xx-NN-FW IndraDrive: Advanced control section - single-axis
CCD slaves
CSE02.1A-S3-EC-xx-xx-xx-FW IndraDrive: Economy control section - single-axis
CSB02.1x-ET-EC-xx-xx-xx-NN-FW IndraDrive: Basic control section - single-axis
CDB02.1B-ET-EC-EC-xx-xx-xx-xx-NN-FW IndraDrive: Basic control section - double-axis
CSH02.1B-CC-EC-ET-xx-xx-NN-FW IndraDrive: Advanced control section - single-axis
HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-B-ET-xx-xx-xx-xx-FW IndraDrive Cs Basic - single-axis
HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-E-S3-xx-xx-xx-xx-FW IndraDrive Cs Economy - single-axis
HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-A-CC-xx-xx-xx-xx-FW IndraDrive Cs Advanced - single-axis
KMS02.1B-A0xx-P-D7-ET-xxx-xx-xx-FW IndraDrive Mi, distributed drive controller
KSM02.1B-0xxC-xxN-xx-Hxx-ET-xx-D7-xx-FW IndraDrive Mi, distributed servo drive
Hardware requirements / charac‐ According to the design, the expansion packages "IndraMotion MLD" require
teristics one of the following control section designs:
● IndraMotion MLD-M (multi-axis motion control; "MPC" firmware only)
– Single-axis device ADVANCED (HCS01.1E-W0xx-A-02-A-...)
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Features/characteristic values The functional packages "IndraMotion MLD" include the following general
features/characteristic values:
● It is possible to configure up to 4 different user tasks. Possible task
– Periodic (min. cycle time: 1 ms for Advanced; 2 ms for Basic)
– Free-running (permanently cyclic)
– Event-triggered (min. reaction time: 1 ms for Advanced; 2 ms for
● Memory resources:
– Internal code memory: 2 MB (program, constants, management)
– Data memory: 3 MB (variables, instances, management)
– Storage of the boot project: 650 kB in parameters, >2 MB on µSD
– Retain memory: 472 bytes (incl. persistent variables)
– Internal code memory: 12 MB (program, constants, management)
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
HCS01.1 7 (2) 1 6 6 2
HCQ02.1, HCT02.1 16 (-) - - - -
KSM02.1, KMS02.1,
- 4 - - -
CSB02.1A, CSE02.1A 7 (2) 1 - - -
CDB02.1B 14 (4) 8 6 6 2
CSB02.xB, CSH02.xB 11 (2) 5 6 6 2
● Within a device, each axis can access each input/output present on the
hardware side
● Multiple assignments for an input possible with multiple parameters
● An axis output can be used simultaneously as an input on the same pa‐
● Signal states of digital inputs/outputs of a device are mapped to their re‐
spective individual parameters.
● In addition, the signal states of digital inputs/outputs of an axis are map‐
ped to their respective individual parameters.
● Digital outputs can be directly controlled by the control master, if not
used on drive-side
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0398, IDN-list of configurable data in signal status word
● S-0-0399, IDN-list of configurable data in signal control word
Digital inputs
● P-0-0300, Digital inputs, assignment list
● P-0-0301, Digital inputs, bit numbers
● P-0-0303, Digital inputs, input image of device
● P-0-0306, Digital inputs, assignment connector and pin
● P-0-0307, Digital inputs, input image sub-device
Digital outputs
● P-0-0304, Digital outputs, output image of device
● P-0-0310, Digital outputs, assignment list
● P-0-0311, Digital outputs, bit numbers
● P-0-0312, Digital outputs, assignment sub-device
● P-0-0313, Digital outputs, output image sub-device
● P-0-0316, Digital outputs, assignment connector and pin
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> S-0-0423)
HCS01.1 - 2 1)
HCQ02.1, HCT02.1 - -
KSM02.1, KMS02.1 - -
CSB02.1A - -
2 2
CSB02.1B, CSH02.1B
1) Not with HCS01 Economy
Tab. 5-79: Analog inputs
Overview The figure below illustrates the interaction of the two analog output channels
with the analog outputs.
For the technical properties of the analog inputs, see the respec‐
tive Project Planning Manual.
HCS01.1 1 3 2 1)
HCQ02.1, HCT02.1 - - -
KSM02.1, KMS02.1, KMS03.1 - - -
CSB02.1A, CSE02.1A 1 3 -
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
For the technical properties of the analog inputs, see the respec‐
tive Project Planning Manual.
The master axis generator serves for generating a master axis position which
can be used as input variable for the position synchronization modes and the
"velocity synchronization" mode.
There are three ways of generating the master axis position:
● Format conversion of an actual position value or a position command
value of the local axis or of an axis connected via CCD [1]
● Generation of a virtual actual position value via a positioning motion and
subsequent format conversion [2]
● Phase-synchronous motion of the master axis position to a primary
master (secondary master mode) [3]
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Fig. 5-67: Possibilities of generating the master axis position for the slave axis
Features Features of the generation of the virtual actual position value with the master
axis generator:
● 3rd order command value interpolator
● Absolute, relative and additive positioning capability
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
The figure below illustrates the points at which the drive-integrated command
value generator can take effect:
For more details on the manual control loop setting, see section
"Overview of drive control: Notes on commissioning for control
loop setting".
This allows, for example, evaluating the signals in a higher-level master in or‐
der to close the position control loop in the external control unit in conjunction
with the freely parameterizable resolution and the data reference.
Incremental encoder emulation Incremental encoder emulation is the simulation of a real incremental encod‐
er by the drive controller.
For incremental encoder emulation, we distinguish between
● Signal emulation
- and -
● Motor encoder emulation
In the form of incremental encoder signals, a higher-level numeric control
(NC) receives information about the velocity of the motor connected to the
controller. By integration of these signals, the control unit receives the re‐
quired position information and it is thereby possible to close a higher-level
position control loop.
Features of incremental encoder ● Cyclic calculation of the increments output by the emulator in the posi‐
emulation tion controller clock (see "Performance data")
● Freely selectable position signals for emulation (P-0-0900,
● Parameterizable resolution (lines/revolution or mm resp. inch)
● Encoder-related emulation (incremental)
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Absolute encoder emulation means that the drive controller has the option of
simulating a real absolute encoder in the SSI data format. It is thereby possi‐
ble to transmit the position in the SSI data format to the connected control
unit (NC) and to close the position control loop via the control unit.
Features of absolute encoder em‐ ● Cyclic calculation of the position output by the emulator in the position
ulation controller clock (see "Performance data")
● Freely selectable position signals for emulation (P-0-0900,
● Parameterizable resolution (bits)
● Scaling-related emulation (S-0-0076)
● Synchronization of SSI emulation to SSI clock
Hardware requirements The encoder emulation function of the firmware requires the following device
IndraDrive Cs
BASIC HCS01.1E-W00xx-A-0x-B-ET-EC-EM-xx-NN-FW
IndraDrive control sections
Basic control section - double-
for yy = PB, EC or EM
Advanced control section - sin‐
for yy = ET, PB, CN or EC
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Basic control section - single-ax‐
for yy = PB, CN or EC
EC Encoder IndraDyn / Hiperface / 1 Vpp /TTL / EnDat
EM Encoder emulation
ET MultiEthernet
CN CANopen
Tab. 5-81: Control section design for encoder emulation
Features ● Measuring signals can be actual position values of motor encoder, ex‐
ternal encoder or measuring encoder, in addition master axis position
● Measurement of absolute signal values, of signal value differences, de‐
tection of time intervals between measuring signals
● Measurement triggered by positive and/or negative probe signal edges
● Single measurement or continuous measurement to be selected, meas‐
urement events are counted in the case of continuous measurement
● Position value range ("expectation window") per probe can be defined
within which measurement can take place (activation of a "failure coun‐
ter" when expectation window is passed through without measuring
● Quick stop triggered via probe input
● Adjustable dead time compensation for each probe, separately for each
edge (positive/negative) up to 50000 µs
● 2 probes (S-0-0401 / S-0-0402) can be evaluated per axis.
● The two probe evaluations (S-0-0401, S-0-0402) can be assigned to any
input that can handle probes. Several probe evaluations can use the
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
same input. For HCS01 it is the digital inputs I_1 and I_2, for HCT, HCQ
it is the inputs I2 and I3.
● Measuring accuracy depends on hardware design, see section "X31,
Digital inputs, digital output" and section "Digital inputs - probe" in the
documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive Cs, Drive Sytems with HCS01"
(DOK-INDRV*-HCS01******-PR01-EN-P; mat. no. R911322210)
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0130, Probe value 1 positive edge
● S-0-0131, Probe value 1 negative edge
● S-0-0132, Probe value 2 positive edge
● S-0-0133, Probe value 2 negative edge
● S-0-0169, Probe control parameter
● S-0-0170, Probing cycle procedure command
● S-0-0179, Probe status
● S-0-0401, Probe 1
● S-0-0402, Probe 2
● S-0-0405, Probe 1 enable
● S-0-0406, Probe 2 enable
● S-0-0409, Probe 1 positive latched
● S-0-0410, Probe 1 negative latched
● S-0-0411, Probe 2 positive latched
● S-0-0412, Probe 2 negative latched
● S-0-0426, Signal selection probe 1
● S-0-0427, Signal selection probe 2
● S-0-0428, Probe, IDN-list signal selection
● S-0-0524, Dead time compensation, positive edge, probe 1
● S-0-0525, Dead time compensation, negative edge, probe 1
● S-0-0526, Dead time compensation, positive edge, probe 2
● S-0-0527, Dead time compensation, negative edge, probe 2
● P-0-0200, Start position probe function 2 active
● P-0-0201, End position probe function 2 active
● P-0-0202, Difference probe values 1
● P-0-0203, Difference probe values 2
● P-0-0204, Start position probe function 1 active
● P-0-0205, End position probe function 1 active
● P-0-0206, Probe 1, max. number of marker failures
● P-0-0207, Probe 2, max. number of marker failures
● P-0-0224, Probe 1, number of marker failures
● P-0-0225, Probe 2, number of marker failures
● P-0-0226, Probe, extended control word
● P-0-0300, Digital inputs, assignment list
● P-0-0306, Digital inputs, assignment connector and pin
Pertinent diagnostic messages ● A0403 Quick stop with probe detection is active
● C0250 Probe inputs incorrectly configured
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Position measurement Measuring encoders are used for position evaluation of a rotary motion that
takes effect as a command variable for drive control. The actual position val‐
ue of the measuring encoder therefore is of command value nature for drive
control, the measuring encoder can be connected to a shaft or axis via a
gearbox and acts as a master axis encoder, for example.
Evaluating position measurement Depending on its design and the mechanical arrangement at the axis, the
measuring encoder can be evaluated as
● Relative encoder (incremental encoder)
- or -
● Absolute encoder (absolute value encoder).
Relative position measurement In the case of relative position measurement, only position differences can be
evaluated by means of the measuring system. The actual position values sig‐
naled by the measuring system refer to the (mostly undefined) position at the
time the drive is switched on. If the actual position value is to refer to an axis
or shaft, it is necessary to establish position data reference ("homing").
Absolute position measurement In the case of absolute position measurement, the encoder signals actual po‐
sition values with a fixed encoder-dependent dedicated point to the controller.
After the drive is switched on, the correct actual position value is immediately
available for each axis or shaft position. Due to the mostly undefined mount‐
ing situation of the encoder, it is necessary to adjust the actual position value
to the axis or shaft once at the initial commissioning ("set absolute position").
Precision, resolution The precision of the position measurement depends on
● the resolution of the measuring system (division periods = DP),
● the absolute encoder precision,
● the digitalization quality of the analog encoder signals,
● the size of the selected modulo range of the encoder.
Monitoring functions The correct position information of the measuring encoder is required for cor‐
rect recording of a command variable. The encoder signals are therefore
monitored for validity and compliance with the allowed tolerances.
In addition, it is possible to monitor drives with an encoder that can be evalu‐
ated in absolute form for compliance with the position when switching on
compared to the last time the drive was switched off.
See "Monitoring the measuring systems"
Hardware requirements For connecting the measuring systems to the controller, the control section
has to be equipped with the corresponding interfaces. Parameter "P-0-0079,
Assignment measuring encoder->interface" is used to determine the interface
to which the respective encoder is connected.
For multi-axis drive controllers (HCT, HCQ), it is only possible to assign a
measuring encoder to one axis. The assignment is made in parameter
"P-0-0079, Assignment measuring encoder->interface". If a measuring en‐
coder was assigned to several axes, an error message will be displayed!
Saving parameter values Saving application-specific parameter values is required in the following ca‐
● After initial commissioning of the machine axis or the motor
● Before replacing the controller for servicing (if possible)
Application-specific parameter values can be saved via:
● "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool → saving the parameter
values on an external data carrier
● Control master → saving the parameter values on a master-side data
Parameter IDN lists The drive supports master-side saving of parameter values by listing parame‐
ter identification numbers (IDNs). Using these lists guarantees complete stor‐
age of the application-specific parameter values. It is also possible to deter‐
mine IDN lists defined by the customer.
Loading parameter values Parameter values need to be loaded in the following cases:
● Initial commissioning of the motor (loading the default values and motor-
specific parameter values)
● Serial commissioning of machine axes at series machines (loading the
parameter values saved after initial commissioning)
● Reestablishing a defined initial state (repeated loading of the values
saved after initial commissioning)
● Replacing the controller for servicing (loading the current parameter val‐
ues saved before servicing)
Options for loading parameter values to the controller:
● Motor encoder data memory → loading the parameter values by com‐
mand or via the control panel during initial motor commissioning
● "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool → loading the parameter
values from an external data carrier
● Control master → loading the parameter values from a master-side data
Checksum of parameter values By means of checksum comparison, the control master can determine wheth‐
er the values of the application-specific parameter values currently active in
the drive comply with the values saved on the master side.
Pertinent parameters ● S-0-0017, IDN-list of all operation data
● S-0-0192, IDN-list of all backup operation data
● S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command
● S-0-0263, C2300 Load working memory procedure command
● S-0-0264, C2200 Backup working memory procedure command
● S-0-0269, Storage mode
● S-0-0270, IDN-list of selected backup operation data
● S-0-0293 , C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure
● S-0-0326, Parameter checksum
● S-0-0327, IDN list of checksum parameter
● S-0-0531, Checksum of backup operation data
● P-0-0013, List of all IDNs not corresponding to default value
● P-0-0660.0.1, Configurable factory default values
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Using a password
Brief description
By means of a password, IndraDrive controllers provide the possibility to pro‐
tect parameter values against accidental or unauthorized change. With re‐
gard to write protection, there are 3 groups of writable parameters:
● Parameters that are generally write-protected, such as motor parame‐
ters, hardware code parameters, encoder parameters, error memory,
etc. ("administration parameters"). The values of these parameters
guarantee the correct function and performance of the drive.
● Parameters the customer can combine in groups and protect them with
a so-called customer password. This allows protecting parameter values
that are used for adjusting the drive to the axis, after having determined
● All other writable parameters and are not contained in the above-men‐
tioned groups. They are not write-protected.
The drive firmware allows activating and deactivating the write protection for
parameter values by means of three hierarchically different passwords:
● Customer password
→ The parameter values of a parameter group combined by the custom‐
er can be protected.
● Control password
→ Parameters protected by a customer password are writable; "adminis‐
tration parameters" remain read-only.
● Master password
→ All writable parameters, including "administration parameters" and pa‐
rameters protected by a customer password, can be changed.
● Save, restore or update an MLD project including the MLD retain data
● Save, restore or update the operating data of one or several axes
● Carry out the firmware update
● After a device has been replaced, put the new device into operation with
the configuration of the old device
● Duplicate an existing installation
Overview of functions
Creating a machine archive Using the command C6500, all application-relevant data are centrally stored
on the SD card of the CCD master.
● Backup operation data ("S-0-0192, IDN-list of all backup operation
● MLD application ("P-0-1353, PLC user program area 0" to "P-0-1358,
PLC user program area 5") incl. retain data ("P-0-1359, PLC retain
data"), or boot project from optional memory card
● Retain data of the device ("P-0-0192, Error memory of diagnostic
● Firmware
Hardware requirements
IndraDrive Cs Advanced with SD card required.
Pertinent parameters
● P-0-0665, C6500 Command Archive device data
● P-0-0666, C6600 Command Restore device data
● P-0-0668, Device data archiving, configuration
● P-0-0669, Device data archiving, status
● P-0-0195, IDN list of retain data (replacement of devices)
● P-0-1360, PLC program identifier
● P-0-1518, Module code of control section
● P-0-1521, Programming module identifier
● S-0-0030, Manufacturer version
● S-0-0192, IDN-list of all backup operation data
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
In addition, there is an operating hours counter for motors with which the dy‐
namic operating data of the motor are collected and stored.
See the section "Diagnostic data of motor operation"
Error memory (power section and control section)
Brief description
In the drive, all errors occurred are recorded in an error memory on the con‐
trol section. If an error occurs in the power section, it is additionally stored in
a separate error memory on the power section. It is thereby made sure that
the relevant information is still available on the power section after the power
section and control section have been separated.
Load preview
Brief description
When operating electric drives, there also is power dissipation when the mo‐
tor delivers power or torque/force. For electrical equipment and electrical
components, there is a maximum allowed operating temperature due to the
materials used up to which the equipment can be operated safely in the long
term. This temperature determines the allowed continuous load of the electri‐
cal components.
Overload capacity The temperature rise of electrical components based on current supply runs
in parallel with their thermal time constants. As long as the maximum allowed
operating temperature has not been reached, an electrical component can be
overloaded, that is to say short-term operation with more than the allowed
continuous load. This causes the temperature rise to occur more quickly but
does not pose a problem as long as the permissible operating temperature is
not exceeded.
If the allowed operating temperature is reached, the overload must be re‐
duced to the allowed continuous load so that the electrical component is not
damaged. Rexroth drives feature overload limiting functions for the various
drive components relevant to performance:
● Motor
● Inverter of the controller
● Braking resistor of the supply unit or converter
Protective functions The functions for protection against inadmissible load are provided on the
hardware or firmware side:
● Hardware-side temperature measurement in the motor windings and at
the controller's heat sink
● Firmware-side temperature model calculation for temperatures at tem‐
perature-sensitive components not measurable on the hardware side.
With hardware-side temperature measurement, only the temperature rise
processes that take place in the seconds range can be recorded; the temper‐
ature rise that takes place more quickly can only be monitored using firm‐
ware-side model calculation anyway.
Overload limitation The high overload capacity of electric drives can only be realized such that
operational safety is ensured by using temperature model calculation and au‐
tomatic overload limits:
● Current limitation by controller temperature model (inverter)
● Current limitation by motor temperature model
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Fig. 5-69: Control panel of IndraDrive Cs Advanced with optional memory card
Procedure Firmware for IndraDrive can be replaced using the following hardware and
● Computer with FireFox or Internet Explorer web browser or
● Computer with "IndraWorks" software or
● Computer with TFTP client
● IndraMotion Service Tool (IMST) or IndraDrive Service Tool (IDST) (with
MPx18V10 and above)
IndraDrive HCQ / IndraDrive HCT The firmware replacement for "IndraDrive HCQ"/"IndraDrive HCT" is descri‐
bed in the documentation "Rexroth IndraMotion, MTX micro 12VRS, System
Description" (DOK-MTXMIC-SYS*DES*V12-PR01-EN-P, material number
After the IP settings have been changed, the device has to be re‐
started to activate the settings. If several devices have been con‐
nected via the master communication bus, you have to make sure
that an unequivocal IP address is assigned to each node.
IP configuration in the Easy Menu See Functional Description "Standard control panel"
If the safety technology options Sx (S3, S4, S5, SB, SD) are
used, the system checks whether firmware and parameter set are
compatible. This prevents the safety technology from being oper‐
ated with an incompatible parameter set. Incompatible changes
typically do not occur in the case of a release update. In the case
of an incompatibility, it is possible to either
● continue with the existing parameterization by reloading the
originally available firmware, or
● continue with the new firmware by means of initial commis‐
sioning (incl. loading of basic parameters for SMO contained
Firmware upgrade with Carrying out the firmware version upgrade with "IndraWorks" requires the fol‐
"IndraWorks" lowing steps:
1. Load firmware
1.1 Call "IndraWorks".
1.2 Load project for the corresponding axis or create new project; to
do this, address axis via Ethernet.
1.3 Switch project "online".
1.4 Select/highlight controller and call "Firmware management" in
context menu.
A new window opens and firmware currently available in drive is
1.5 Highlight new firmware (*.ibf file) in the upper part of the dialog
and start firmware download via "Download" button.
Firmware download runs automatically and all required firmware
components are loaded to drive.
1.6 After firmware download has been completed, close "Firmware
management" window.
1.7 Reboot drive controller
2. Put drive into ready-for-operation state
⇒ Switch project "online"!
After project has been switched "online", a message sometimes signals
that "IndraWorks" could not establish communication to drive via
Ethernet interface, as drive-internal settings for Ethernet communication
were reset.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
For axes with active Safe Motion, the parameterization of the old
firmware version can be applied. For this purpose, the scaling of
the command "C0750 Load defaults procedure command (factory
settings)" has to be set to without "Safe Motion (SMO)" in
"P-0-4090, Configuration for loading default values". The Safe
Motion then remains active even in the case of a version upgrade,
and it is not necessary to recommission Safe Motion or repeat the
acceptance test.
With active Safety bus communication, the device data sheets
have to be updated in the safety control.
If the safety technology options Sx (S3, S4, S5, SB, SD) are
used, the system checks whether firmware and parameter set are
compatible. This prevents the safety technology from being oper‐
ated with an incompatible parameter set ("C0213 SMO: Incorrect
parameterization" or "C8214 SMO: Incorrect configuration"). In‐
compatible parameter sets are involved when using Safe Motion
functions no longer available in the currently loaded firmware (old
firmware release).
In the case of an incompatibility, there are two options:
● Either continue with the existing parameterization by reload‐
ing the originally available firmware,
● or perform the complete initial commissioning with the new
firmware, including the loading of the basic parameters for
For axes with active Safe Motion, the axis after the booting proc‐
ess detects an incompatible SMO parameter image and gener‐
ates the error "F8324 SMO: Error in activation". The incompatible
SMO parameter image can be deleted with the command "C0720
SMO: Load defaults procedure command" or within the scope of
the "C0750 Load defaults procedure command (factory settings)".
Afterwards, the Safe Motion has to be recommissioned.
Unless the command "C0720 SMO: Load defaults procedure
command" or "C0750 Load defaults procedure command (factory
settings)" has been started, the SMO parameter image is still
completely available. If the axis is downgraded to the original firm‐
ware version, the axis can be operated without recommissioning
the Safe Motion.
Folder Significance
This directory is reserved for user files which can be
USER accessed from the PLC via FTP or using the
IndraWorks file Explorer.
PLC Storage location of files managed by IndraLogic
Internal memory of the Backup & Restore function for
retain data and parameters
Can be employed by the user to store machine-specific
documentation of their installation/machine
Tools The user can store tools in this directory.
Temp Folder is at free disposal, contains temporary files
IndraDrive Mi does not feature a control panel; this is why the pa‐
rameter image of safety technology has to be activated by execut‐
ing the command "P-0-3231.0.3, C8300 SMO: Command Activate
parameter image", e.g., using IndraDrive Service Tool (IDST).
The error "F8330, SMO: Configuration data record has not been
activated" generated during boot-up signals that the active image
identifier on the programming module does not comply with the
image identifier that was stored on the safety technology hard‐
ware. After the command C8300 has been successfully executed,
the error must be cleared by the "clear error" command (C0500).
The command execution is described in the Functional Descrip‐
tion of the firmware, see chapter "Command processing".
In the case of drives with absolute value encoder and modulo for‐
mat, the position data reference has to be established again after
having loaded the parameter values saved after initial commis‐
sioning, even if the actual position values are signaled to be valid
via the parameter "S-0-0403, Position feedback value status"!
When using the patch display in the oscilloscope you have to take
into account that first the patch address and then the oscilloscope
signal is assigned. This has to be repeated after every change in
the patch address.
device, provide correct values. In all other cases, the mains-side values
cannot be calculated due to the restricted sensor system. The displayed
values are not correct. For an overview of the availability of the energy
and power values depending on the hardware used, see chapter "Deter‐
mining the energy and power values" .
In order that the energy and power values are correctly displayed,
it is obligatory to activate the output stage compensation. For this
purpose, set bit 5 of parameter "P-0-0045, Control word of current
Pertinent parameters
● S-0-0040, Velocity feedback value of encoder 1
● S-0-0084, Torque/force feedback value
● S-0-0109, Motor peak current
● S-0-0110, Amplifier peak current
● S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill
● S-0-0380, DC bus voltage
● S-0-0381, DC bus current
● S-0-0382, DC bus power
● S-0-0383, Motor temperature
● S-0-0385, Motor power
● S-0-0533, Nominal torque/force of motor
● S-0-0534, Maximum torque/force of motor
● P-0-0043, Torque-generating current, actual value
● P-0-0044, Flux-generating current, actual value
● P-0-0045, Control word of current controller
● P-0-0051, Torque/force constant
● P-0-0063, Torque-generating voltage, actual value
● P-0-0064, Flux-generating voltage, actual value
● P-0-0065, Absolute voltage value, actual value
● P-0-0114, Undervoltage threshold
● P-0-0382, Mains power
● P-0-0383, Mains energy counter
● P-0-0384, Short-term mains energy counter
● P-0-0440, Actual output current value (absolute value)
● P-0-0450, Current torque/force constant
● P-0-0532, Premagnetization factor
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
● P-0-0819, Energy counter
● P-0-0833, Braking resistor threshold
● P-0-0851, Short-time energy counter
● P-0-0853, Max. DC bus voltage, motor
● P-0-0860, Converter configuration
● P-0-4048, Stator resistance
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
Overview of functions
Identifying firmware A special "ReadRequest" can be used to identify firmware existing in the de‐
vice. For this purpose, the "firmware" string is transmitted in the
The response telegram contains a data package, the first four bytes of which
are the control section circuit board code and the following content is the
manufacturer version (cf. S-0-0030.0.0).
Firmware download The download procedure is started using a WriteRequest. To do this, the
drive has to be in PM. Here the "WriteRequest" also initiates the connection
to the TFTP server.
Then "DataRequests" is used to download the firmware to the device. In this
connection, the device performs several checks:
● Can the new firmware file be used with this device (compatibility
● Was the correct quantity of data transmitted (data integrity check)?
● Was the firmware file transferred correctly and was it valid (validity
Error diagnostics Any possible error that occurs during this procedure is returned via the Error‐
Frame in the TFTP. The error text is available as a plain text.
The TFTP server of an IndraDrive device has the following features:
● A TFTP connection does not know any authentication
● The following five package types are present in a TFTP connection:
– "ReadRequest" (reading of files from server/drive starts)
– "WriteRequest" (writing of files from server/drive starts)
– "Data" (data are transmitted)
– "Acknowledge" (data packages are confirmed)
– "Error" (any type of error message)
● Each data package has to be confirmed with "Acknowledge" before the
next data package is transmitted.
Pertinent diagnostic messages
Occurring errors are transmitted in plain text via "TFTP ErrorFrame" (see de‐
scription of diagnostic message: "Firmware download")
5.10 Commissioning
WARNING Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of
injury, serious injury or property damage!
● Keep free and clear of the ranges of motion of machines and moving
machine parts.
● Prevent personnel from accidentally entering the machine’s range of
motion (e.g., by safety fence, safety guard, protective covering, light bar‐
● Make sure that the drives are brought to safe standstill before accessing
or entering the danger zone.
● In addition, observe the safety message "Protection Against Dangerous
Movements" in the chapter "Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and
Check the wiring of control cabinet and machine with regard to correct
implementation, according to the data contained in the Project Planning Man‐
ual and the recommendations in the documentation "Electromagnetic Com‐
patibility (EMC) in Drive and Control Systems".
Initial commissioning/serial commissioning
Brief description
The drive can be commissioned after assembly and installation have been
correctly implemented.
Initial commissioning The initial commissioning of a drive differs from the commissioning of other
identical drives (serial commissioning).
The initial commissioning is carried out in the following steps:
● Establishing the operability of the drive (including the required measur‐
ing systems)
● Adjusting the drive behavior to the requirements of the application
● Adjusting the master communication interface between master and drive
● Integrating drive functionalities in the machine processes
In each of the mentioned steps, values of relevant parameters are adjusted to
the requirements. The result of the initial commissioning is a drive the behav‐
ior of which is exactly adjusted to the axis. By storing the values of the initial
commissioning in the form of a parameter set the drive behavior can be re‐
Serial commissioning For the commissioning of other identical axis drives at machines of the same
type, the set of parameter values determined during the initial commissioning
378/395 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-MP*-20VRS**-RN03-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
The easy startup mode is therefore particularly suited for the ini‐
tial commissioning of individual axes, as well as for maintaining
an emergency mode when the control unit has failed.
Pertinent diagnostic messages In the "easy startup" mode, additional simple diagnostic texts appear on the
display of the control panel in "light writing":
● When the "easy startup" mode has been activated, the display changes
between the drive address and the message "CM" (Commissioning
● During commissioning, the relevant messages appear on the display.
Initial start with the commissioning tool
Brief description
Establishing the operability of the After complete and correct assembly and wiring of the drive or the drives it is
drive advisable to establish the operability. With drives of the IndraDrive range, this
can be done very easily by means of initial start in the "easy startup" mode
(velocity-controlled operation, master communication master not required) in
conjunction with the Rexroth "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool.
According to the available equipment, the initial commissioning of the motor
is supported as follows:
● If there is no commissioning tool (e.g. PC) available, Rexroth motors
with encoder data memory can be easily commissioned in the "easy
startup" mode. The motor parameters and motor control parameters of
these motors are automatically loaded from the data memory to the con‐
troller by switching control voltage on.
● IndraDrive: If a PC with Rexroth commissioning tool is available, the mo‐
tor parameters and motor control parameters of motors without encoder
data memory can be loaded from the internal database of the commis‐
sioning tool to the controller via the Engineering interface. This allows
initial commissioning in the "easy startup" mode for these motors, too.
Available commissioning tools Rexroth provides the following commissioning tools (software) for drives:
● IndraDrive: IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD
IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" is a component of the "IndraWorks" software range
which supports parameterization and commissioning of control units and
drives by Rexroth.
The "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool provides the following op‐
tions and advantages:
● The functions and features made available by the drive are structurally
visualized, the respective parameter values are displayed in their func‐
tional context.
● Parameter values can be directly changed and thereby adjusted to the
respective requirements.
● The parameter values available in the drive can be saved drive-external‐
ly as a group (parameter set), e.g. on the PC hard disk, and can be re‐
loaded from the hard disk.
● Diagnostic messages and operating status messages are displayed in
clearly arranged form.
● For the purpose of commissioning, commands can be started.
● Via the "easy startup" mode, IndraDrive devices can be commissioned
and moved.
A CCD system mode.............................................. 25
Absolute encoder emulation............................. 334 CCD: Addressing................................................ 43
Actual value adjustment (for position control‐ CCD: IP communication...................................... 43
ler)..................................................................... 222 CCD: Overview, features, modes ...................... 43
Actual value cycle............................................. 269 Changes and enhancements.............................. 19
Actuator............................................................. 160 Changing the operation mode........................... 252
ACURO®Link interface....................................... 33 Checking the installation/assembly................... 377
Additional documentations.................................. 99 Checksum of parameter values.................. 71, 341
Additive command values CiA 402
Access options............................................. 195 Acceleration scaling..................................... 283
Outer control loops....................................... 195 Position scaling............................................ 281
Administration commands................................... 72 Velocity scaling............................................ 282
Advanced performance....................................... 88 CiA402 field bus profile
Alias parameters Brief description........................................... 280
Modified............................................. 48, 51, 64 Control word and status word...................... 280
New.................................................... 47, 50, 59 Clearing an error message................................. 74
Analog inputs.............................................. 25, 324 Clock rates.......................................................... 88
Analog interface................................................ 140 Closed-loop axis control.................................... 215
Analog master communication............................ 31 Automatic setting......................................... 217
Analog output.................................................... 322 Closed-loop axis control (closed-loop operation)
Analog outputs.................................................. 322 General information..................................... 215
Analog outputs, control section........................... 26 Closed-loop operation (axis control)
Application-specific control panel function.......... 45 Overview...................................................... 190
Appropriate use..................................................... 7 Cogging torque compensation.......................... 293
Applications...................................................... 7 Combined encoders for SSI
Automatic control loop setting............................. 34 Notes on commissioning.............................. 180
Availability Command value acceptance............................ 253
Extended axis functions................................. 82 Command value acknowledgment.................... 253
Optional device functions............................... 83 Command value box, drive-internal.................. 332
Axis control Command value cycle....................................... 269
Position controller........................................ 222 Command value generator, drive-integrated.... 330
Velocity controller......................................... 219 Commands.......................................................... 71
Axis control (closed-loop operation) Commissioning
Overview...................................................... 190 Checking the installation/assembly.............. 377
Axis control (open-loop operation) Easy startup mode....................................... 379
Overview...................................................... 189 Initial commissioning/serial commissioning. 377
Axis error correction.......................................... 292 Machine axes............................................... 381
Axis functions, extended................................... 284 Motor............................................................ 377
Availability...................................................... 82 With the commissioning tool........................ 381
Axis simulation.................................................. 383 Commissioning tool, initial start with …............ 381
Communication profile, CANopen ...................... 21
B Commutation offset
Basic functions of master communication......... 103 Determined by saturation method................ 241
Basic functions of the synchronization modes.. 267 Determined by sine-wave method............... 241
Basic performance.............................................. 88 Commutation setting......................................... 223
Best possible deceleration................................ 287 Basics.......................................................... 223
Brief description........................................... 287 Of Rexroth motors........................................ 239
Braking resistor, internal and external................ 24 Commutation setting using measuring method... 35
Brief descriptions ............................................... 69 Compatible new functions and functional
Brief functional descriptions ............................... 69 changes.............................................................. 26
Compensation functions................................... 291
C Axis error correction..................................... 292
Cogging torque compensation..................... 293
Cam, electronic................................................. 274
Friction torque compensation....................... 291
CANopen.......................................................... 138
Control loop features......................................... 215
CCD (cross communication)............................. 309
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
TCP/IP communication..................................... 372
Thermal controller monitoring............................. 34
Thermal monitoring............................................. 23
Third-party motors............................................... 31
Time formats and time functions......................... 41
Torque/force control
Block diagram.............................................. 254
Torque/force limitation...................................... 242
Torque/force scaling........................................... 35
Travel range limit switches................................ 245
Types of commands............................................ 71
Types of passwords, overview............................ 71
Appropriate use................................................ 7
Inappropriate use............................................. 8
V/Hz (U/f) control.............................................. 205
Velocity control
Block diagram.............................................. 255
Velocity controller ....................................... 34, 219
Velocity limitation.............................................. 244
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-20 Version Notes
The Drive & Control Company
Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Tel. +49 9352 18 0
Fax +49 9352 18 8400