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IndraDriveMPH 04 MPB 04 MPD 04 - R911315485 - 02

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Electric Drives Linear Motion and

and Controls Hydraulics Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service

Rexroth IndraDrive R911315485

Edition 02

Firmware for Drive Controllers

MPH-04, MPB-04, MPD-04
Functional Description
Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Title Rexroth IndraDrive

Firmware for Drive Controllers
MPH-04, MPB-04, MPD-04

Type of Documentation Functional Description

Document Typecode DOK-INDRV*-MP*-04VRS**-FK02-EN-P

Internal File Reference RS-bca8ee9d90051f230a6846a000688a4f-1-en-US-6

Record of Revision Edition Release Date Notes

DOK-INDRV*-MP*-04VRS**-FK01-EN-P 01.2006 First edition
DOK-INDRV*-MP*-04VRS**-FK02-EN-P 03.2008 Revised and updated ed‐
ition; chapter titles partly
changed and contents
partly rearranged; only
brief description of CAN‐
open interface contained

Copyright © 2008 Bosch Rexroth AG

Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the
contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable
for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of
a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1).
Validity The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not be
deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract. All rights
are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availa‐
bility of the product.
Published by Bosch Rexroth AG
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ D-97816 Lohr a. Main
Telephone +49 (0)93 52/ 40-0 ■ Fax +49 (0)93 52/ 40-48 85
E-mail: dokusupport@boschrexroth.de

Note This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG I/XXIV
and Controls

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 System Overview........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Information................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Overview of Drive Firmware................................................................................................................ 1
Firmware Variants............................................................................................................................ 1
Organization of the Firmware........................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Terms, Basic Principles....................................................................................................................... 2
Parameters....................................................................................................................................... 2
Data Storage and Parameter Handling............................................................................................ 2
Password.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Commands....................................................................................................................................... 3
Operating Modes.............................................................................................................................. 4
Warnings.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Errors................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1.3 How to Use This Documentation......................................................................................................... 6
Structure of the Functional Description............................................................................................ 6
Markers and Terms.......................................................................................................................... 7
Cross References............................................................................................................................. 7
Reference Documentations.............................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Drive Controllers..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 8
Standard Design of the IndraDrive Controllers................................................................................. 8
Special Design of the IndraDrive Controllers.................................................................................... 9
1.2.2 Power Sections.................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.3 Control Sections................................................................................................................................ 10
Available Control Section Designs................................................................................................. 10
Supported Control Section Configurations..................................................................................... 11
1.3 Supported Motors and Measuring Systems.......................................................................................... 12
1.3.1 Supported Motors.............................................................................................................................. 12
1.3.2 Supported Measuring Systems......................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Overview of Master Communication..................................................................................................... 13
1.5 Overview of Functions/Functional Packages........................................................................................ 13
1.5.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................ 13
General Information........................................................................................................................ 13
Scaling the Drive Functionality....................................................................................................... 13
Brief Description of the Functional Packages................................................................................. 15
Firmware Types.............................................................................................................................. 16
1.5.2 Base Packages.................................................................................................................................. 17
General Information........................................................................................................................ 17
Basic Functions.............................................................................................................................. 17
Scope of Functions of Base Packages........................................................................................... 17
1.5.3 Alternative Functional Packages....................................................................................................... 18
General Information........................................................................................................................ 18
Servo Function............................................................................................................................... 18
Synchronization.............................................................................................................................. 18
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Main Spindle Function.................................................................................................................... 19
1.5.4 Additive Functional Packages........................................................................................................... 19
General Information........................................................................................................................ 19
IndraMotion MLD (Drive-Integrated PLC)....................................................................................... 20
Integrated Safety Technology......................................................................................................... 21
1.6 Performance Data................................................................................................................................. 21
1.6.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................ 21
Levels of Control Performance....................................................................................................... 21
Performance and Clock Rates........................................................................................................ 22
1.6.2 Control Section Design and Performance......................................................................................... 22
1.6.3 Selecting Performance via Parameter P-0-0556............................................................................... 23
1.6.4 Restricted Performance With Certain Functional Packages.............................................................. 24

2 Important Directions for Use ....................................................................................... 25

2.1 Appropriate Use ................................................................................................................................... 25
2.1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 25
2.1.2 Areas of Use and Application............................................................................................................ 25
2.2 Inappropriate Use................................................................................................................................. 26

3 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls..................................................... 27

3.1 Safety Instructions - General Information............................................................................................. 27
3.1.1 Using the Safety Instructions and Passing them on to Others.......................................................... 27
3.1.2 How to Employ the Safety Instructions.............................................................................................. 27
3.1.3 Explanation of Warning Symbols and Degrees of Hazard Seriousness............................................ 28
3.1.4 Hazards by Improper Use.................................................................................................................. 29
3.2 Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers....................................................................................... 30
3.2.1 Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings......................................................... 30
3.2.2 Protection Against Electric Shock by Protective Extra-Low Voltage................................................. 31
3.2.3 Protection Against Dangerous Movements....................................................................................... 31
3.2.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Operation and Mounting.............. 34
3.2.5 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts......................................................................................... 34
3.2.6 Protection During Handling and Mounting......................................................................................... 34
3.2.7 Battery Safety.................................................................................................................................... 35
3.2.8 Protection Against Pressurized Systems........................................................................................... 35

4 Master Communication................................................................................................ 37
4.1 Basic Functions of Master Communication.......................................................................................... 37
4.1.1 Brief Description................................................................................................................................ 37
General Information........................................................................................................................ 37
Features......................................................................................................................................... 37
Pertinent Parameters...................................................................................................................... 37
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages...................................................................................................... 38
4.1.2 Setting the Axis Address................................................................................................................... 39
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 39
Address Setting via Standard Control Panel.................................................................................. 39
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG III/XXIV
and Controls

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Address Setting via Parameter Access.......................................................................................... 40
4.1.3 Command Processing....................................................................................................................... 41
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 41
Command Execution...................................................................................................................... 41
Command Change Bit.................................................................................................................... 42
4.1.4 Device Control and State Machines.................................................................................................. 43
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 43
Device-Internal State Machine....................................................................................................... 44
State Machine of Master Communication....................................................................................... 46
Communication Phases of Master Communication........................................................................ 48
Control Words and Status Words of Master Communication......................................................... 50
Timing Diagrams for Device Control............................................................................................... 51
Commands and Diagnostic Messages for Mode Change and Phase Switch................................ 53
4.2 Control Options/Additional Functions................................................................................................... 57
4.2.1 Configurable Signal Control Word..................................................................................................... 57
Brief Description............................................................................................................................. 57
Notes on Commissioning of the Signal Control Word.................................................................... 57
Diagnostic Messages and Error Messages.................................................................................... 58
4.2.2 Configurable Signal Status Word...................................................................................................... 58
Brief Description............................................................................................................................. 58
Notes on Commissioning of the Signal Status Word...................................................................... 59
Diagnostic Messages and Error Messages.................................................................................... 59
4.2.3 Multiplex Channel.............................................................................................................................. 60
Brief Description............................................................................................................................. 60
Functional Description.................................................................................................................... 61
Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................ 63
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................... 64
4.3 Profile Types (With Field Bus Interfaces)............................................................................................. 65
4.3.1 Supported Profile Types.................................................................................................................... 65
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 65
Basic Principles and Terms............................................................................................................ 66
4.3.2 I/O Mode (Positioning and Preset Velocity)....................................................................................... 67
Brief Description............................................................................................................................. 67
State Machine in I/O Mode............................................................................................................. 68
Notes on Parameterization/Commissioning................................................................................... 71
4.3.3 Freely Configurable Mode (Rexroth Profile Type)............................................................................. 72
Brief Description............................................................................................................................. 72
State Machine in Freely Configurable Mode (Rexroth Profile Type).............................................. 73
Exemplary Configurations.............................................................................................................. 75
4.4 SERCOS interface................................................................................................................................ 79
4.4.1 Brief Description................................................................................................................................ 79
4.4.2 Commissioning the SERCOS interface............................................................................................. 81
Steps of Commissioning................................................................................................................. 81
Settings of the SERCOS interface.................................................................................................. 81
Connecting the Fiber Optic Cables................................................................................................. 81
Setting the Drive Address............................................................................................................... 82
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Setting the Transmission Length (Transmitting Power) of the SERCOS interface......................... 82
Transmission Rate of the SERCOS interface................................................................................. 83
Using the Distortion Indicator "H20"............................................................................................... 83
Checking the Fiber Optic Cables.................................................................................................... 83
4.4.3 Cyclic Data Transfer.......................................................................................................................... 84
General Information........................................................................................................................ 84
Master Control Word...................................................................................................................... 84
Drive Enable................................................................................................................................... 84
Drive Halt........................................................................................................................................ 85
Drive Status Word.......................................................................................................................... 85
Acknowledging Drive Enable.......................................................................................................... 85
4.4.4 Transmission of Non-Cyclical Data................................................................................................... 86
4.4.5 Interface Errors and Diagnostic Possibilities..................................................................................... 86
Possible Error Messages................................................................................................................ 86
Diagnostic Parameters for Interface Status.................................................................................... 86
Error Counter for Telegram Failures............................................................................................... 87
4.4.6 Real-Time Control Bits and Real-Time Status Bits............................................................................ 87
Brief Description............................................................................................................................. 87
Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................ 87
4.5 SERCOS III........................................................................................................................................... 88
4.5.1 Brief Description................................................................................................................................ 88
4.6 PROFIBUS-DP..................................................................................................................................... 90
4.6.1 Brief Description................................................................................................................................ 90
4.6.2 Configuring the PROFIBUS-DP Slave............................................................................................... 93
Device Data Sheet for IndraDrive................................................................................................... 93
Configuring the Process Data Channel.......................................................................................... 94
Lenght of the Process Data Channel (Real-Time Data Channel)................................................... 95
4.6.3 Cyclic Communication via Process Data Channel............................................................................ 96
Communication Cycle Time............................................................................................................ 96
Axis-Specific Process Data Channel.............................................................................................. 96
Safety Related, Axis-Specific Process Data Channel (PROFIsafe)............................................... 97
Parameter Channel in the Cyclic Channel (Device-Specific)......................................................... 98
4.6.4 Acyclic Parameter Access (PROFIdrive via DPV1)......................................................................... 102
General Information...................................................................................................................... 102
Overview of Acyclic Communication ........................................................................................... 102
Parameter Exchange via DPV1 Services..................................................................................... 103
Parameter Structure..................................................................................................................... 104
Error Codes.................................................................................................................................. 106
Data Types................................................................................................................................... 107
4.6.5 Monitoring Functions and Diagnostic Functions.............................................................................. 107
Monitoring Functions.................................................................................................................... 107
Diagnostic Possibilities................................................................................................................. 107
Error Codes of PROFIBUS Communication................................................................................. 108
4.7 CANopen Interface............................................................................................................................. 110
4.7.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 110
4.8 DeviceNet Interface............................................................................................................................ 112
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG V/XXIV
and Controls

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4.8.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 112
4.8.2 Configuration DeviceNet Slave........................................................................................................ 113
EDS File....................................................................................................................................... 113
Setting the Node Address of the Slave......................................................................................... 113
Baud Rate Search/Baud Rate Input............................................................................................. 114
Configuring the Cyclic Data.......................................................................................................... 114
4.8.3 Specifying the DeviceNet Interface................................................................................................. 114
4.8.4 Cyclic Communication via Process Data Channel (Polled I/O)....................................................... 115
4.8.5 Acyclic Parameter Access (Explicit Message)................................................................................. 115
Addressing the Objects................................................................................................................ 115
Accessing Single Parameters....................................................................................................... 116
Accessing Texts........................................................................................................................... 116
Accessing Command Parameters................................................................................................ 116
Accessing List Parameters........................................................................................................... 116
Storing List Elements.................................................................................................................... 117
Error Codes at Parameter Access................................................................................................ 117
4.8.6 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 118
4.8.7 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions............................................................................. 118
Diagnostic LED............................................................................................................................. 118
DeviceNet - Diagnostic Messages................................................................................................ 119
IndraDrive - Diagnostic Error Messages....................................................................................... 120
4.9 Parallel Interface................................................................................................................................. 120
4.9.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 120
4.9.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 121
Controlling the Brake.................................................................................................................... 121
Configurable Digital Inputs........................................................................................................... 121
Configurable Digital Outputs......................................................................................................... 122
4.9.3 Notes on Commissioning/Parameterization.................................................................................... 123
Positioning Block Mode with Parallel Interface............................................................................. 123
Change of Operating Mode via Parallel Interface......................................................................... 125
Main Spindle Drive with Analog Interface and Parallel Interface.................................................. 125
4.9.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 126
Monitoring the Digital Inputs/Outputs........................................................................................... 126
4.10 Analog Interface.................................................................................................................................. 126
4.10.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 126
4.10.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 129
Control.......................................................................................................................................... 129
Analog Command Value Input...................................................................................................... 131
Emulation of Position Value.......................................................................................................... 131
4.10.3 Notes on Commissioning/Parameterization.................................................................................... 131
Encoder Emulation....................................................................................................................... 131
Analog Inputs................................................................................................................................ 131
Main Spindle Drive With Analog Interface and Parallel Interface................................................. 131
4.10.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 133
Information on General Drive Status............................................................................................ 133
Status of Digital Inputs/Outputs and Analog Inputs...................................................................... 133
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5 Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems............................................... 135

5.1 General Information on Operation of Motors With IndraDrive............................................................ 135
5.1.1 Basics on the Motors to be Controlled............................................................................................. 135
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 135
5.1.2 Motor Temperature Monitoring........................................................................................................ 136
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 136
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 136
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 138
5.2 Rexroth Motors................................................................................................................................... 139
5.2.1 Basics on Rexroth Motors............................................................................................................... 139
5.2.2 Rexroth Housing Motors.................................................................................................................. 140
Rexroth Housing Motors With Encoder Data Memory.................................................................. 140
Rexroth Housing Motors Without Encoder Data Memory............................................................. 142
5.2.3 Rexroth Kit Motors........................................................................................................................... 144
General Information...................................................................................................................... 144
Rexroth Kit Motors, Synchronous................................................................................................. 144
Rexroth Kit Motors, Asynchronous............................................................................................... 145
5.3 Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers ..................................................................................... 146
5.3.1 General Information on Third-Party Motors..................................................................................... 146
5.3.2 General Information on Controlling Third-Party Motors................................................................... 146
Pertinent Parameters and Diagnostic Messages......................................................................... 146
Hardware Data............................................................................................................................. 146
5.3.3 Determining the Parameter Values of Third-Party Motors............................................................... 147
General Information on How to Determine the Parameter Values............................................... 147
Determining the Motor Parameter Values for Manual Input (for Command C4600).................... 149
Manual Input of Motor Parameter Values for Synchronous Motors.............................................. 151
Manual Input of Motor Parameter Values for Asynchronous Motors............................................ 152
5.3.4 Forms for Required Manufacturer-Side Motor Data........................................................................ 155
Form for Manufacturer-Side Data of Synchronous Motors........................................................... 155
Form for Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors......................................................... 157
Form for Manufacturer-Side Data of Motor Temperature Sensor, Motor Encoder and Motor Holding
Brake............................................................................................................................................ 158
5.3.5 Forms for Parameter Values........................................................................................................... 159
Form "Motor Parameters for Synchronous Motors"...................................................................... 159
Form "Motor Parameters for Asynchronous Motors".................................................................... 160
Form "Parameters for Temperature Monitoring, Motor Encoder and Motor Holding Brake"........ 161
5.3.6 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 161
5.4 Motor Holding Brake .......................................................................................................................... 163
5.4.1 Operating Behavior of the Motor Holding Brake.............................................................................. 163
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 163
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 164
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 172
5.4.2 Function Check of Motor Holding Brake, Drive-Controlled.............................................................. 173
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 173
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 174
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 175
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG VII/XXIV
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5.5 Measuring Systems............................................................................................................................ 177
5.5.1 Basics on Measuring Systems, Resolution..................................................................................... 177
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 177
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 179
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 183
5.5.2 Monitoring the Measuring Systems................................................................................................. 184
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 184
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 185
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 188
5.5.3 Absolute Measuring Systems.......................................................................................................... 189
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 189
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 190
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 193
5.5.4 Relative Measuring Systems........................................................................................................... 194
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 194
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 195
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 198
5.6 Establishing the Position Data Reference.......................................................................................... 198
5.6.1 General Information on Establishing the Position Data Reference................................................. 198
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 198
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 200
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 201
5.6.2 Establishing Position Data Reference for Absolute Measuring Systems (Set Absolute Measuring)....
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 202
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 204
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 206
5.6.3 Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Systems (Homing).......................... 207
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 207
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 210
Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure............................................................................................. 224
NC-Controlled Homing Procedure................................................................................................ 226
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 228
5.6.4 Shifting the Position Data Reference for Absolute and Relative Measuring Systems (Shift Coordinate
System Procedure).......................................................................................................................... 236
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 236
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 237
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 238
5.6.5 Detecting the Marker Position......................................................................................................... 239
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 239
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 239
5.7 Mechanical Axis System and Arrangement of Measuring Systems................................................... 240
5.7.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 240
5.7.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 243
5.7.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 245
5.8 Scaling of Physical Data..................................................................................................................... 246
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5.8.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 246
5.8.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 248
5.8.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 255
General Information...................................................................................................................... 255
Individual Settings for Parameter Scaling..................................................................................... 256
Diagnostic Messages of Scaling Setting...................................................................................... 256
Example of Scaling Settings......................................................................................................... 256

6 Drive Control.............................................................................................................. 259

6.1 Overview of Drive Control................................................................................................................... 259
6.1.1 Basic Principles and Terms............................................................................................................. 259
6.1.2 Principles of Drive Control............................................................................................................... 260
Overview of Open-Loop Axis Control........................................................................................... 260
Overview of Closed-Loop Axis Control......................................................................................... 260
6.1.3 Control Loop Structure.................................................................................................................... 261
General Information...................................................................................................................... 261
Control Loop Structure With Setting Parameters......................................................................... 262
Control Loop Structure With Display Parameters......................................................................... 263
6.1.4 Features of the Control Loops......................................................................................................... 264
Performance (Controller Cycle Times)......................................................................................... 264
Current Loop................................................................................................................................. 264
Velocity Loop................................................................................................................................ 264
Position Loop................................................................................................................................ 264
6.1.5 General Notes on Commissioning and Application......................................................................... 265
Additive Command Values and Possibilities of Accessing Outer Control Loops.......................... 265
Notes on Commissioning of the Control Loop Setting.................................................................. 266
Default Settings in the Motor Encoder Data Memory ("Load Defaults Procedure")..................... 267
6.2 Motor Control...................................................................................................................................... 268
6.2.1 General Information on Motor Control............................................................................................. 268
Open-Loop/Closed-Loop Operation............................................................................................. 268
Cycle Times and PWM Frequencies............................................................................................ 268
6.2.2 Voltage-Controlled Open-Loop Operation (U/f Control).................................................................. 269
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 269
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 270
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 276
6.2.3 Field-Oriented Current Control (FOC Control)................................................................................. 276
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 276
General Function of Field-Oriented Current Control..................................................................... 279
Field-Oriented Current Control of a Synchronous Machine.......................................................... 280
Field-Oriented Current Control of an Asynchronous Machine...................................................... 282
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 285
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 287
6.2.4 Automatic Setting of Motor Control.................................................................................................. 288
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 288
Overview of Motor and Motor Control Parameters....................................................................... 291
Determining the Parameter Values by Means of Type Plate Data............................................... 293
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG IX/XXIV
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Identifying and Optimizing the Motor Parameter Values.............................................................. 294
Calculating the Motor Control Parameters From the Motor Parameters...................................... 295
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 296
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 297
6.3 Open-Loop Axis Control (Open-Loop Operation)............................................................................... 297
6.3.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 297
6.3.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 299
6.3.3 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 299
6.4 Closed-Loop Axis Control (Closed-Loop Operation).......................................................................... 299
6.4.1 General Information on Closed-Loop Axis Control.......................................................................... 299
Control Loop Structure................................................................................................................. 299
Features of the Control Loops...................................................................................................... 300
Possibilities of Access to Included Control Loops........................................................................ 301
Command Value Processing Depending on Operating Mode...................................................... 301
Notes on Commissioning for Control Loop Setting....................................................................... 302
Default Settings in the Motor Encoder Data Memory ("Load Defaults Procedure")..................... 302
6.4.2 Automatic Setting of Closed-Loop Axis Control............................................................................... 303
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 303
Prerequisites for Starting the Automatic Control Loop Setting..................................................... 304
Time Flow of Automatic Control Loop Setting.............................................................................. 306
Result of Automatic Control Loop Setting..................................................................................... 307
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 308
Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions.......................................................................... 310
6.4.3 Velocity Loop (Including the Respective Filters).............................................................................. 311
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 311
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 313
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 317
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 321
6.4.4 Position Loop (With Respective Feedforward Functions and Actual Value Adjustment)................ 321
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 321
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 323
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 325
Diagnostic and Status Messages, Limitations.............................................................................. 327
6.5 Commutation Setting.......................................................................................................................... 327
6.5.1 Basics on Commutation Setting...................................................................................................... 327
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 327
Overview of Methods for Determining the Commutation Offset................................................... 329
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 332
6.5.2 Commutation Setting for Rexroth Motors MLF, LSF ...................................................................... 337
Brief Description .......................................................................................................................... 337
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 337
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 338
6.5.3 Saturation Method........................................................................................................................... 339
Brief Description .......................................................................................................................... 339
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 339
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 340
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6.5.4 Sine-Wave Method.......................................................................................................................... 342
Brief Description .......................................................................................................................... 342
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 343
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 343
6.6 Limitations........................................................................................................................................... 345
6.6.1 Overview of Limitations................................................................................................................... 345
Limitations in Open-Loop Operation (U/f Operation).................................................................... 345
Limitations in Closed-Loop Operation.......................................................................................... 345
6.6.2 Current and Torque Limitation (Open-Loop)................................................................................... 346
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 346
Operating Principle of Stall Current Loop and Current Limitation Loop........................................ 346
6.6.3 Current and Torque Limitation (Closed-Loop)................................................................................. 346
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 346
Torque/Force Limitation................................................................................................................ 348
Current Limitation......................................................................................................................... 349
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 353
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 353
6.6.4 Velocity Limitation............................................................................................................................ 354
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 354
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 354
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 354
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 355
6.6.5 Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switches............................................................................. 355
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 355
Travel Range Limit Switches........................................................................................................ 356
Position Limit Values (Software Limit Switches)........................................................................... 357
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 358
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 360
Connecting the Travel Range Limit Switches............................................................................... 361
6.7 Power Supply...................................................................................................................................... 361
6.7.1 Possibilities of Power Supply for IndraDrive.................................................................................... 361
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 361
Possible Device Combinations and Mains Connection................................................................ 362
6.7.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 365
Information on the Module Bus..................................................................................................... 365
Basics on Power Supply............................................................................................................... 367
Information on Inverters................................................................................................................ 370
Information on Converters............................................................................................................ 370
Data on the Braking Resistor and the DC Bus Resistor Unit HLB01............................................ 371
6.7.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 373
6.7.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 374

7 Operating Modes....................................................................................................... 377

7.1 General Information on the Operating Modes.................................................................................... 377
7.1.1 Supported Operating Modes........................................................................................................... 377
7.1.2 Operating Mode Handling................................................................................................................ 377
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG XI/XXIV
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Selecting the Operating Mode...................................................................................................... 377
Changing the Operating Mode..................................................................................................... 380
Command Value Acceptance and Acknowledgment.................................................................... 380
7.2 Torque/Force Control.......................................................................................................................... 381
7.2.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 381
7.2.2 Command Value Adjustment in Torque/Force Control.................................................................... 383
Principle of Command Value Adjustment..................................................................................... 383
Notes on Commissioning for Command Value Limitation............................................................ 383
7.2.3 Current Loop.................................................................................................................................... 384
Operating Principle of the Current Loop....................................................................................... 384
Notes on Commissioning for the Current Loop............................................................................ 384
7.2.4 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions............................................................................. 384
Diagnostic Status Message.......................................................................................................... 384
Monitoring Functions.................................................................................................................... 384
7.3 Velocity Control................................................................................................................................... 385
7.3.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 385
7.3.2 Command Value Adjustment in Velocity Control............................................................................. 387
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 387
Command Value Generation via Memory of Fixed Command Values......................................... 389
Command Value Generation via Motor Potentiometer................................................................. 390
Inverting the Velocity Command Value........................................................................................ 390
Masking the Command Value...................................................................................................... 390
Ramp-Function Generator............................................................................................................ 391
Jerk Limitation.............................................................................................................................. 392
Command Value Limitation.......................................................................................................... 392
Fine Interpolation.......................................................................................................................... 392
7.3.3 Velocity Control Loop...................................................................................................................... 392
Velocity Loop................................................................................................................................ 392
Current Loop in Velocity Control Loop.......................................................................................... 392
Possibilities of Filtering................................................................................................................. 392
7.3.4 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 393
Memory of Fixed Command Values............................................................................................. 393
Motor Potentiometer..................................................................................................................... 394
Velocity Mixing.............................................................................................................................. 396
Acceleration Feedforward............................................................................................................. 397
Masking the Velocity Command Value......................................................................................... 397
7.3.5 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions............................................................................. 397
Diagnostic Status Message.......................................................................................................... 397
Status of Ramp-Function Generator............................................................................................. 397
Monitoring Functions.................................................................................................................... 398
7.4 Position Control With Cyclic Command Value Input........................................................................... 398
7.4.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 398
7.4.2 Command Value Adjustment in Position Control............................................................................. 400
7.4.3 Position Loop................................................................................................................................... 402
7.4.4 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions............................................................................. 403
Diagnostic Status Messages........................................................................................................ 403
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Monitoring Functions/Diagnostic Messages Specific to Operating Mode..................................... 403
7.5 Drive-Internal Interpolation................................................................................................................. 404
7.5.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 404
7.5.2 Command Value Adjustment With Drive-Internal Interpolation....................................................... 406
7.5.3 Position Loop With Drive-Internal Interpolation............................................................................... 406
7.5.4 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 407
Effective Positioning Velocity........................................................................................................ 407
Effective Acceleration and Deceleration....................................................................................... 407
Smoothing Filter (or Jerk Filter).................................................................................................... 407
Modulo Processing....................................................................................................................... 408
7.5.5 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions............................................................................. 409
Diagnostic Status Messages........................................................................................................ 409
Monitoring Functions.................................................................................................................... 409
Status Messages.......................................................................................................................... 409
7.6 Drive-Controlled Positioning............................................................................................................... 410
7.6.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 410
7.6.2 Command Value Adjustment With Drive-Controlled Positioning..................................................... 412
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 412
Position Target Interpreter............................................................................................................ 412
Positioning Generator................................................................................................................... 416
7.6.3 Position Loop With Drive-Controlled Positioning............................................................................. 416
7.6.4 Jog Mode With Drive-Controlled Positioning ("Jogging")................................................................. 417
7.6.5 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 417
Effective Positioning Velocity........................................................................................................ 417
Effective Acceleration and Deceleration....................................................................................... 417
Smoothing Filter (or Jerk Filter).................................................................................................... 418
Command Value Mode in Modulo Format.................................................................................... 418
7.6.6 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions............................................................................. 421
Diagnostic Status Messages........................................................................................................ 421
Monitoring Functions.................................................................................................................... 421
Status Messages.......................................................................................................................... 422
7.7 Positioning Block Mode...................................................................................................................... 423
7.7.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 423
7.7.2 Command Value Adjustment With Positioning Block Mode............................................................ 425
7.7.3 Single-Block Processing.................................................................................................................. 425
Description of Basic Function....................................................................................................... 425
Absolute Positioning..................................................................................................................... 429
Relative Positioning Without Residual Path Storage.................................................................... 430
Relative Positioning With Residual Path Storage......................................................................... 433
Infinite Travel in Positive/Negative Direction................................................................................ 438
7.7.4 Sequential Block Processing........................................................................................................... 440
Basic Function.............................................................................................................................. 440
Position-Dependent Block Advance............................................................................................. 440
Switch-Signal-Dependent Block Advance.................................................................................... 445
7.7.5 Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization............................................................................. 451
Limit Values of the Drive............................................................................................................... 451
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Minimum Values for Acceleration and Jerk.................................................................................. 451
Directional Change Within a Sequential Block Chain................................................................... 452
7.7.6 Diagnostic and Status Messages, Acknowledgment....................................................................... 454
Positioning Block Acknowledgment.............................................................................................. 454
Status Messages.......................................................................................................................... 456
Diagnostic Messages................................................................................................................... 456
7.8 Synchronization Modes...................................................................................................................... 457
7.8.1 Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes............................................................................... 457
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 457
Master Axis Adjustment................................................................................................................ 461
Command Value Processing for Slave Axis Depending on Operating Mode............................... 464
Dynamic Synchronization of the Slave Axis................................................................................. 465
Command Value Addition for Slave Axis...................................................................................... 475
Extended Functions (Command Value Cycle and Actual Value Cycle) ...................................... 477
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 483
7.8.2 Velocity Synchronization With Real/Virtual Master Axis.................................................................. 484
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 484
Overview of the Operating Mode.................................................................................................. 486
Master Axis Adjustment................................................................................................................ 487
Command Value Adjustment........................................................................................................ 487
Synchronization With Velocity Synchronization............................................................................ 488
Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization.......................................................................... 488
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 489
7.8.3 Phase Synchronization With Real/Virtual Master Axis.................................................................... 489
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 489
Overview of the Operating Mode.................................................................................................. 492
Master Axis Adjustment................................................................................................................ 493
Command Value Adjustment........................................................................................................ 493
Synchronization............................................................................................................................ 494
Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization.......................................................................... 494
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 497
7.8.4 Electronic Cam Shaft With Real/Virtual Master Axis....................................................................... 498
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 498
Overview of the Operating Mode.................................................................................................. 501
Master Axis Adjustment................................................................................................................ 502
Command Value Adjustment........................................................................................................ 502
Synchronization............................................................................................................................ 505
Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization.......................................................................... 505
Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 510
7.8.5 Electronic Motion Profile With Real/Virtual Master Axis.................................................................. 511
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 511
Overview of the Operating Mode.................................................................................................. 514
Master Axis Adjustment................................................................................................................ 515
Command Value Adjustment........................................................................................................ 515
Synchronization............................................................................................................................ 517
Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization.......................................................................... 517
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Diagnostic and Status Messages................................................................................................. 528

8 Extended Axis Functions........................................................................................... 531

8.1 Availability of the Extended Axis Functions........................................................................................ 531
8.2 Drive Halt............................................................................................................................................ 532
8.2.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 532
8.2.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 532
8.2.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 534
8.3 Error Reactions................................................................................................................................... 534
8.3.1 Overview of Error Reactions............................................................................................................ 534
8.3.2 Best Possible Deceleration.............................................................................................................. 535
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 535
Possible Drive Reactions.............................................................................................................. 536
Velocity Command Value Reset ("Emergency Halt")................................................................... 536
Velocity Command Value Reset With Filter and Ramp ("Quick Stop")........................................ 537
Torque Disable............................................................................................................................. 538
Return Motion............................................................................................................................... 538
8.3.3 Package Reaction on Error............................................................................................................. 541
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 541
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 542
8.3.4 Control Reaction on Error................................................................................................................ 543
NC Reaction on Error................................................................................................................... 543
MLD Reaction on Error................................................................................................................. 544
8.4 E-Stop Function.................................................................................................................................. 545
8.4.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 545
8.4.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 545
8.4.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 546
Activation and Polarity of the E-Stop Input................................................................................... 546
Selecting the Drive Reaction ....................................................................................................... 546
Connecting the E-Stop Input........................................................................................................ 547
8.4.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 547
Diagnostic Warning and Error Messages..................................................................................... 547
Status Messages.......................................................................................................................... 547
8.5 Compensation Functions / Corrections............................................................................................... 547
8.5.1 Friction Torque Compensation........................................................................................................ 547
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 547
Functional Principle...................................................................................................................... 548
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 549
8.5.2 Encoder Error Correction................................................................................................................. 549
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 549
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 550
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 551
8.5.3 Axis Error Correction....................................................................................................................... 552
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 552
Selecting the Measuring System.................................................................................................. 553
Backlash on Reversal Correction................................................................................................. 554
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Precision Axis Error Correction.................................................................................................... 556
Control-Side Axis Error Correction............................................................................................... 560
Temperature Error Correction...................................................................................................... 560
8.5.4 Quadrant Error Correction............................................................................................................... 568
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 568
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 569
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 571
8.5.5 Cogging Torque Compensation....................................................................................................... 571
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 571
8.6 Measuring Wheel Mode...................................................................................................................... 572
8.6.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 572
8.6.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 574
8.6.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 576
8.7 Positive Stop Drive Procedure............................................................................................................ 578
8.7.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 578
8.7.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 578
8.7.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 579
8.8 Redundant Motor Encoder.................................................................................................................. 579
8.8.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 579
8.8.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 580
8.8.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 582
8.9 Spindle Positioning............................................................................................................................. 582
8.9.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 582
8.9.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 583
Basic Sequence of the Function................................................................................................... 583
Specific Features with "Modulo" Position Data Format................................................................ 585
8.9.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 587
8.9.4 Diagnostic Messages...................................................................................................................... 588
8.10 Parameter Set Switching.................................................................................................................... 588
8.10.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 588
8.10.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 589
General Information...................................................................................................................... 589
Defining the Parameter Groups.................................................................................................... 590
Conditions and Timing for Parameter Set Switching.................................................................... 593
8.10.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 596
8.11 Drive-Controlled Oscillation................................................................................................................ 597
8.11.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 597
8.11.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 598
8.11.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 598
8.12 Parking Axis........................................................................................................................................ 599
8.12.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 599
8.12.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 599
8.13 Integrated Safety Technology............................................................................................................. 600
8.13.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 600
8.13.2 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 600
What is "Integrated Safety Technology"?..................................................................................... 600
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Integrated Safety Technology as IndraDrive Platform Solution.................................................... 601
Safety Related Starting Lockout ("AS")........................................................................................ 601
Integrated Safety Technology (Safety on Board)......................................................................... 603
8.13.3 Functions of the Integrated Safety Technology............................................................................... 603
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 603
States of Integrated Safety Technology....................................................................................... 604
8.13.4 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 606
Starting Lockout............................................................................................................................ 606
Integrated Safety Technology (Safety on Board)......................................................................... 606

9 Optional Device Functions......................................................................................... 607

9.1 Availability of the Optional Device Functions...................................................................................... 607
9.2 Cross Communication (CCD)............................................................................................................. 607
9.2.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 607
9.2.2 Functional Description of the CCD Modes...................................................................................... 612
Comparison of the CCD Modes.................................................................................................... 612
Performance Features.................................................................................................................. 612
CCD System Mode....................................................................................................................... 613
CCD Basic Mode.......................................................................................................................... 618
MLD-M System Mode................................................................................................................... 620
State Machine and Phase Input................................................................................................... 622
CCD - Diagnostic System............................................................................................................. 623
Error Reaction of the CCD Group................................................................................................. 624
Cyclic Process Data..................................................................................................................... 624
Addressing.................................................................................................................................... 625
Acyclic Communication (Parameterization Gateway)................................................................... 627
Cycle Time.................................................................................................................................... 628
Dead Time Compensation............................................................................................................ 628
9.2.3 Notes on Commissioning and Utilization......................................................................................... 629
Navigation in IndraWorks............................................................................................................. 629
Selection of Cross Communication Modes................................................................................... 631
Setting the Cycle Time................................................................................................................. 632
Error Reaction.............................................................................................................................. 633
Free Process Data........................................................................................................................ 636
Signal Status Word....................................................................................................................... 639
Signal Control Word..................................................................................................................... 640
9.2.4 Diagnostic and Status Information................................................................................................... 642
Overview Process Data, Command Values................................................................................. 642
Overview Process Data, Actual Values........................................................................................ 643
Slave Status................................................................................................................................. 644
9.3 Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (Drive-Integrated PLC)............................................................................. 644
9.3.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 644
9.3.2 Notes on Installation/System Configuration..................................................................................... 647
Installation.................................................................................................................................... 647
System Configuration................................................................................................................... 647
9.3.3 Overview of the Available Libraries................................................................................................. 648
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9.4 Digital Inputs/Outputs......................................................................................................................... 650
9.4.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 650
General Information...................................................................................................................... 650
Digital Inputs/Outputs on Control Section..................................................................................... 650
Digital Inputs/Outputs on Optional Module MD1.......................................................................... 651
9.4.2 Function and Commissioning of the Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Control Section......................... 652
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 652
Specific Features of Double-Axis Devices (Firmware MPD)........................................................ 654
Special Cases and Exceptions..................................................................................................... 655
Direct Access to Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Control Section via Master Communication......... 655
Default Configurations of Digital Inputs/Outputs of Control Section............................................. 656
9.4.3 Function and Commissioning of the Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Optional Module MD1............... 657
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 657
Direct Access to Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Module MD1 via Master Communication............. 658
Configuring the Digital Inputs/Outputs of Module MD1 to any Parameter and Bit........................ 659
Direct Access to Inputs/Outputs of Module MD1 via Drive-Integrated PLC................................. 660
Configuration of Digital Inputs/Outputs for Integrated Safety Technology.................................... 660
9.4.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 660
Digital Inputs/Outputs on Control Section..................................................................................... 660
Digital Inputs/Outputs on Optional Module MD1.......................................................................... 661
9.5 Analog Inputs...................................................................................................................................... 661
9.5.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 661
9.5.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 665
Reading and Assigning an Analog Input...................................................................................... 665
Sampling and Signal Adjustment of Analog Inputs....................................................................... 665
Internal Processing of Analog Input Values.................................................................................. 666
Automatic Scaling (or Zero Point Shifting).................................................................................... 667
Assignment to Internal Drive Parameters..................................................................................... 668
9.5.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 669
Carrying Out the Automatic Scaling (or Adjust)............................................................................ 669
Configuration and Assignment to Drive Parameters.................................................................... 669
Possibilities of Access via Master Communication and IndraMotion MLD................................... 669
Specific Features of Double-Axis Design (MPD).......................................................................... 670
9.5.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 670
9.6 Analog Outputs................................................................................................................................... 670
9.6.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 670
9.6.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 673
General Information...................................................................................................................... 673
Direct Output of Voltage Signals.................................................................................................. 674
Output of Predefined Drive Parameters....................................................................................... 674
Bit Output of Drive Parameters..................................................................................................... 675
Extended Output of Internal Storage Locations............................................................................ 675
9.6.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 676
Sequence of Setting for Analog Outputs...................................................................................... 676
Signal Source for the Analog Outputs.......................................................................................... 677
Scaling and Reference Point........................................................................................................ 677
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Determining the Overflow Behavior.............................................................................................. 678
9.7 Virtual Master Axis Generator............................................................................................................. 679
9.7.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 679
9.7.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 681
Positioning Mode of Virtual Master Axis Generator...................................................................... 681
Scaling System............................................................................................................................. 682
Format Converter From Position Data Format to Master Axis Format......................................... 683
9.8 Drive-Integrated Command Value Generator..................................................................................... 686
9.8.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 686
9.8.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 688
Setting/Activating the Function..................................................................................................... 688
Pulse Generator (for Square-Wave Signal).................................................................................. 689
Sine Generator............................................................................................................................. 690
Noise Generator........................................................................................................................... 690
Modified Sine Generator............................................................................................................... 691
9.8.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 692
Bandwidth and Frequency Response Measurement.................................................................... 692
Control Loop Optimization............................................................................................................ 693
9.9 Encoder Emulation............................................................................................................................. 694
9.9.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 694
9.9.2 Basic Information on the Function................................................................................................... 696
Activating the Function................................................................................................................. 696
Selecting the Signal to be Emulated............................................................................................. 696
9.9.3 Incremental Encoder Emulation...................................................................................................... 696
General Information...................................................................................................................... 696
Incremental Encoder Signals in TTL Format................................................................................ 696
Resolution and Unit of the Emulated Signal................................................................................. 697
Reference of the Emulated Position - Zero Pulse Output............................................................. 697
Establishing the Position Data Reference (Drive-Controlled Homing)......................................... 700
9.9.4 Absolute Encoder Emulation........................................................................................................... 701
General Information...................................................................................................................... 701
Absolute Encoder Signals in SSI Format..................................................................................... 701
Resolution and Unit of the Emulated Signal................................................................................. 702
Reference of the Emulated Position............................................................................................. 702
Establishing the Position Data Reference (Set Absolute Measuring)........................................... 702
9.9.5 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 702
General Information...................................................................................................................... 702
Restrictions of Incremental Encoder Emulation............................................................................ 703
Restrictions of Absolute Encoder Emulation................................................................................ 704
9.9.6 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 705
9.10 Programmable Position Switch........................................................................................................... 705
9.10.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 705
9.10.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 706
Basic Principle of Cam Generation............................................................................................... 706
Lead Time for Cam Generation.................................................................................................... 707
9.10.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 708
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General Information...................................................................................................................... 708
Activating the Function and Signal Selection............................................................................... 708
Configuring Switch-On/Switch-Off Thresholds and Lead Time.................................................... 709
9.10.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 709
Status Message of the Individual Cams....................................................................................... 709
Error Message.............................................................................................................................. 709
9.11 Probe Function................................................................................................................................... 709
9.11.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 709
9.11.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 711
General Probe Function............................................................................................................... 711
Quick Stop via Probe Input........................................................................................................... 717
9.11.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 719
Commissioning the Probe Function.............................................................................................. 719
Commissioning Quick Stop via Probe Input................................................................................. 721
9.12 Measuring Encoder............................................................................................................................. 722
9.12.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 722
9.12.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 724
Basics on Measuring Encoder, Resolution................................................................................... 724
Monitoring Functions for Measuring Encoder............................................................................... 726
Establishing the Position Data Reference to the Axis or Shaft..................................................... 727
Shifting the Position Data Reference............................................................................................ 729
9.12.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 730
Configuration and Setting............................................................................................................. 730
Possibility of Absolute Evaluation and Position Monitor (Position When Drive Switched On)....
Establishing Position Data Reference for Measuring Encoder to be Evaluated in Absolute Form....
Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Encoder....................................... 731
Shifting the Position Data Reference............................................................................................ 731
Other Diagnostic Messages Relevant to Measuring Encoder...................................................... 732

10 Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions............................................................. 733

10.1 Parameters, Basics............................................................................................................................. 733
10.1.1 Properties/Features of Parameters................................................................................................. 733
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 733
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 733
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 734
10.1.2 Loading, Storing and Saving Parameters........................................................................................ 735
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 735
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 737
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 740
10.1.3 IDN Lists of Parameters.................................................................................................................. 742
General Information...................................................................................................................... 742
IDN-List of all Operation Data (S‑0‑0017).................................................................................... 743
IDN-List of Backup Operation Data (S‑0‑0192)............................................................................ 743
IDN List of Invalid Operating Data for Communication Phase 2 (S‑0‑0021)................................ 743
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IDN List of Invalid Operating Data for Communication Phase 3 (S‑0‑0022)................................ 743
IDN-List of Invalid Op. Data for Parameterization Level (S‑0‑0423)............................................. 744
IDN List of Operating Data for Communication Phase 2 (S‑0‑0018)............................................ 744
IDN List of Operating Data for Communication Phase 3 (S‑0‑0019)............................................ 744
IDN-List of all Procedure Commands (S‑0‑0025)......................................................................... 744
Selected IDN List of Operation Data to Backup (S‑0‑0270)......................................................... 744
IDN-List of Password-Protected Operation Data (S‑0‑0279)........................................................ 744
IDN List of Checksum Parameter (S‑0‑0327)............................................................................... 744
IDN List of all Parameter Values not Corresponding to Default Value (P‑0‑0013)....................... 744
10.1.4 Using a Password............................................................................................................................ 744
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 744
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 745
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 747
10.2 Device Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 747
10.2.1 Controller Design............................................................................................................................. 747
10.2.2 Circuit Board Code.......................................................................................................................... 749
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 749
10.2.3 Operating Hours Counter................................................................................................................ 751
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 751
10.2.4 Error Memory (Power Section and Control Section)....................................................................... 752
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 752
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 752
10.3 Diagnostic System.............................................................................................................................. 753
10.3.1 Coded Diagnostic Messages of the Drive....................................................................................... 753
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 753
Drive-Internal Generation of Diagnostic Messages...................................................................... 753
Structure of a Diagnostic Message............................................................................................... 754
Language Selection...................................................................................................................... 756
10.3.2 Status Classes, Status Displays, Control Parameters..................................................................... 756
General Information...................................................................................................................... 756
Status Classes.............................................................................................................................. 756
Fixed Status Displays................................................................................................................... 759
Control Parameters...................................................................................................................... 761
10.4 Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers...................................................................................... 761
10.4.1 General Information on the Operation Options ............................................................................... 761
Variants of the Control Panels...................................................................................................... 761
Standard Control Panel................................................................................................................ 762
Comfort Control Panel.................................................................................................................. 762
Independent VCP Operator Terminals......................................................................................... 763
10.4.2 Standard Control Panel................................................................................................................... 763
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 763
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 764
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 774
10.5 MultiMediaCard (MMC)....................................................................................................................... 775
10.5.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 775
10.5.2 MMC Folder Structure..................................................................................................................... 776
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10.5.3 Controller With or Without MMC...................................................................................................... 777
General Information...................................................................................................................... 777
Switching on Controller Without MMC Plugged............................................................................ 778
Switching on Controller With MMC Plugged................................................................................. 779
10.5.4 Using the MMC in the Drive Controller............................................................................................ 780
Replacing Firmware With MMC.................................................................................................... 780
MMC When Replacing Devices.................................................................................................... 780
Saving Parameter Values on MMC.............................................................................................. 780
Loading Parameter Values From MMC........................................................................................ 781
Change in Device Status Regarding MMC (Stationary/Temporary)............................................. 781
10.6 Firmware Replacement....................................................................................................................... 782
10.6.1 General Notes on How to Replace the Firmware............................................................................ 782
Basic Principles............................................................................................................................ 782
Preparations and Conditions for Firmware Replacement............................................................. 782
10.6.2 Firmware Release Update............................................................................................................... 783
General Information...................................................................................................................... 783
Loading New Firmware to MMC................................................................................................... 784
Variant 1: Release Update With MMC.......................................................................................... 785
Variant 2: Release Update With IndraWorks D............................................................................ 786
10.6.3 Firmware Version Upgrade.............................................................................................................. 787
General Information...................................................................................................................... 787
Saving Parameter Values............................................................................................................. 788
Loading New Firmware to MMC................................................................................................... 789
Variant 1: Version Upgrade With MMC (With Safety Technology)............................................... 789
Variant 2: Version Upgrade With MMC (Without Safety Technology).......................................... 790
Variant 3: Version Upgrade With IndraWorks D........................................................................... 791
10.6.4 Possible Problems During Firmware Replacement......................................................................... 792
10.7 Notes on How to Replace the Devices............................................................................................... 793
10.7.1 Supply Units.................................................................................................................................... 793
General Information...................................................................................................................... 793
How to Replace Supply Units....................................................................................................... 794
10.7.2 Drive Controllers.............................................................................................................................. 794
General Information...................................................................................................................... 794
How to Replace Drive Controllers................................................................................................ 795
10.8 Enabling of Functional Packages....................................................................................................... 799
10.8.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 799
10.8.2 Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 800
Changing the Active Functional Package Selection..................................................................... 800
Reducing the Active Functional Packages................................................................................... 802
Subsequent Expansion (Additional Licensing)............................................................................. 802
10.8.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................. 802
Condition as Supplied................................................................................................................... 802
Reducing the Functionality........................................................................................................... 803
Additional Licensing (Expansion of Functionality)........................................................................ 803
10.8.4 Verifying the Enabled Functional Packages.................................................................................... 804
10.9 Extended Diagnostic Possibilities....................................................................................................... 804
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10.9.1 Monitoring Function......................................................................................................................... 804
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 804
Notes on Commissioning/Operation............................................................................................. 804
10.9.2 Logbook Function............................................................................................................................ 805
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 805
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 805
10.9.3 Patch Function................................................................................................................................. 807
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 807
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 808
Examples of Application............................................................................................................... 809
10.10 Oscilloscope Function......................................................................................................................... 809
10.10.1 Brief Description.............................................................................................................................. 809
10.10.2 General Information on the Oscilloscope Function.......................................................................... 812
Sequence of a Measurement (Status Diagram)........................................................................... 812
Configuring the Measured Value Channels.................................................................................. 813
Expanded Oscilloscope Function (Patch Function)...................................................................... 813
Activating the Oscilloscope Function............................................................................................ 814
10.10.3 Trigger Function.............................................................................................................................. 814
Trigger Signal Selection............................................................................................................... 814
Internal or External Trigger........................................................................................................... 815
Selecting the Trigger Edges......................................................................................................... 817
Setting the Trigger Delay.............................................................................................................. 818
Expanded Trigger Functions........................................................................................................ 818
10.10.4 Synchronizing the Measuring Signals of Several Axes................................................................... 818
10.10.5 Parameterizing the Oscilloscope Function...................................................................................... 820
Recording Duration....................................................................................................................... 820
Parameterizing the Selection of Measured Values....................................................................... 820
Parameterizing the Trigger Function............................................................................................ 820
Parameterizing Time Resolution and Size of Memory................................................................. 820
10.10.6 Diagnostic and Status Messages.................................................................................................... 821
Status of the Oscilloscope Function............................................................................................. 821
Displaying the Number of Valid Measured Values....................................................................... 821
10.11 Serial Communication......................................................................................................................... 821
10.11.1 Overview of Serial Communication................................................................................................. 821
General Information...................................................................................................................... 821
Parameter Structure..................................................................................................................... 822
Interface Mode.............................................................................................................................. 822
Transmission Protocols................................................................................................................ 822
10.11.2 Functional Principle Independent of Protocol.................................................................................. 823
Basic State After Applying the Control Voltage............................................................................ 823
Setting the Drive Address............................................................................................................. 823
Communication Via RS232 Interface........................................................................................... 824
Communication Via RS485 Interface........................................................................................... 824
Connection System...................................................................................................................... 826
Error Messages With Serial Communication................................................................................ 826
10.11.3 Communication With ASCII Protocol............................................................................................... 827
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG XXIII/XXIV
and Controls

Table of Contents

Addressing a Specific Bus Node.................................................................................................. 827
Write Access to a Parameter........................................................................................................ 828
Read Access to a Parameter........................................................................................................ 829
Write Access to List Parameters.................................................................................................. 830
Read Access to List Parameters.................................................................................................. 832
Triggering a Command................................................................................................................. 833
Completing a Command............................................................................................................... 837
Example of Application (Changing the Assign List for the Signal Status Word)........................... 837
Error Messages With ASCII Communication................................................................................ 838
10.11.4 Communication with SIS Protocol................................................................................................... 838
Telegram Structure, Telegram Scope ......................................................................................... 838
Communication via SIS Protocol.................................................................................................. 843
Examples of Application (Sequential Telegrams)......................................................................... 848
Error in the Case of SIS Communication...................................................................................... 850

11 Commissioning.......................................................................................................... 853
11.1 Commissioning Motors....................................................................................................................... 853
11.1.1 Checking the Installation/Assembly................................................................................................. 853
Checking the Assembly................................................................................................................ 853
Checking the Installation.............................................................................................................. 853
11.1.2 Initial Commissioning/Serial Commissioning................................................................................... 853
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 853
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 854
11.1.3 Initial Start in Easy Startup Mode.................................................................................................... 856
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 856
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 858
Notes on Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 861
11.1.4 Initial Start with the Commissioning Tool......................................................................................... 864
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 864
Functional Description.................................................................................................................. 865
Notes on Commissioning for Using DriveTop and SYSDA02.2................................................... 866
Notes on Commissioning for Using IndraWorks D....................................................................... 869
11.2 Commissioning Machine Axes............................................................................................................ 870
11.2.1 Overview and Practical Tips............................................................................................................ 870
Brief Description........................................................................................................................... 870
Schematic Sequence.................................................................................................................... 870
Notes on the Commissioning Steps............................................................................................. 871
Configuring the Measuring Systems............................................................................................. 872
Configuring the Mechanical Axis System..................................................................................... 872
Determining the Physical Status Variables................................................................................... 872
Configuring the Holding Brake...................................................................................................... 872
Setting the Control Loop Parameters........................................................................................... 872
Setting the Limitations.................................................................................................................. 873
Establishing the Position Data Reference.................................................................................... 874
Configuring the Error Reaction/E-Stop......................................................................................... 874
Configurations with Regard to Control Unit (Master).................................................................... 874
XXIV/XXIVBosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Table of Contents

Configurations for Diagnosis of Status Variables......................................................................... 874
Configuring Further Drive Functions............................................................................................. 875

12 Service and Support.................................................................................................. 877

12.1 Helpdesk............................................................................................................................................. 877
12.2 Service Hotline.................................................................................................................................... 877
12.3 Internet................................................................................................................................................ 877
12.4 Helpful Information.............................................................................................................................. 877

Index.......................................................................................................................... 879
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 1/886
and Controls

System Overview

1 System Overview
1.1 General Information
1.1.1 Overview of Drive Firmware
Firmware Variants
For the IndraDrive range, there are different application-related firmware types
available that are characterized by their scope of functions and their perform‐
● MTH: Drives for Machine Tool Applications With SERCOS interface (Ad‐
vanced Performance and Functionality)
● MPx: Drives for General Automation (Incl. Machine Tool Applications)
With SERCOS interface, PROFIBUS-DP, Parallel and Analog Interface
(the variants of design are MPH, MPB and MPD; see below)

The first two letters of the firmware designation identify the appli‐
cation and profile of the firmware:
● MT: ""Machine Tool" → Drives for Machine Tool Applications
With SERCOS interface
(drive profile according to SERCOS)
● MP: "Multi Purpose" → Drives for General Automation (Incl.
Machine Tool Applications) With SERCOS interface, PROFI‐
BUS-DP, as Well as Parallel and Analog Interface
(drive profile according to SERCOS)
The third letter of the firmware designation identifies the hardware,
as well as the performance and functionality of the firmware (x con‐
tains H, B and D):
● H: Single-axis firmware with Advanced performance and func‐
● B: Single-axis firmware with Basic performance and function‐
● D: Double-axis firmware with Basic performance and func‐

This documentation describes the functionality of the following firmware types:

The "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool is available for commissioning these
firmware variants.
Organization of the Firmware
For application-specific definition of drive functionality, the firmware functions
are divided into different "functional packages". There are a generally available
base package and various additional functional packages (e.g. integrated safe‐
ty technology, IndraMotion MLD) that can be optionally activated.

The scope of functions of the functional packages and their possible

combinations are described in the section "Overview of Functions/
Functional Packages" .
2/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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System Overview

1.1.2 Terms, Basic Principles

Communication between master and drive takes place, with a few exceptions,
by means of parameters.
Parameters are used for:
● Determining the configuration
● Parameterizing the control loop
● Triggering and controlling drive functions and commands
● Transmitting command values and actual values (according to require‐
ments, cyclically or acyclically)
All operating data are mapped to parameters!
The operating data stored in parameters can be identified by means of the IDN.
They can be read and transferred, if required. The user write access to param‐
eters depends on the properties of the respective parameter and the current
communication phase. Specific parameter values (operating data) are checked
for validity by the drive firmware.
Data Storage and Parameter Handling
Data Memory Several non-volatile data memories are available in an IndraDrive device:
● In the controller
● In the motor encoder (depending on motor type)
● As a MultiMediaCard (MMC), optional
In addition, a volatile data memory (working memory) is available in the con‐
Condition as Supplied Condition as supplied of the Rexroth drive components:
● The controller memory contains the drive firmware and the controller-spe‐
cific parameter values.
● The motor encoder memory contains the encoder-specific and, depending
on the motor type, the motor-specific parameter values.
● The MMC contains the drive firmware and the basic parameter sets.
Storing the Application-Specific Pa‐ The application-specific parameter values are stored in the controller. Due to
rameter Values the limited number of writing cycles of non-volatile storage media, application-
specific parameter values can be stored in the working memory (volatile mem‐
ory), too.
Storing of Parameter Values Saving application-specific parameter values is required in the following cases:
● After initial commissioning of the machine axis or the motor
● Before replacing the controller for servicing (if possible)
Application-specific parameter values can be saved via:
● MMC → copying the parameter values by command
● "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool → saving the parameter values on ex‐
ternal data carrier
● Control master → saving the parameter values on master-side data carrier
Parameter IDN Lists The drive supports master-side saving of parameter values by listing parameter
identification numbers (IDNs). Using these lists guarantees complete storage
of the application-specific parameter values. It is also possible to determine IDN
lists defined by the customer.
Loading of Parameter Values Loading parameter values is required in the following cases:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 3/886
and Controls

System Overview

● Initial commissioning of the motor (loading basic parameter values and

motor-specific parameter values)
● Serial commissioning of machine axes at series machines (loading the
values saved after initial commissioning)
● Restablishing a defined original status (repeated loading of the values
saved after initial commissioning)
● Replacing the controller for servicing (loading the current parameter val‐
ues saved before servicing)
Possibilities of loading parameter values to the controller:
● Motor encoder data memory → loading the parameter values by command
or via the control panel during initial motor commissioning
● MMC → loading the parameter values by command
● "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool → loading the parameter values from
external data carrier
● Control master → loading the parameter values from master-side data
Checksum of Parameter Values By means of checksum comparison, the control master can determine whether
the values of the application-specific parameter values currently active in the
drive correspond to the values saved on the master side.
IndraDrive controllers provide the possibility to protect parameter values
against accidental or unauthorized change by means of a password. With re‐
gard to write protection, there are 3 groups of parameters that can be written:
● Parameters that are write-protected as a standard, such as motor param‐
eters, hardware code parameters, encoder parameters, error memory etc.
("administration parameters"). The values of these parameters guarantee
correct function and performance of the drive.
● Parameters the customer can combine in groups and protect them with a
so-called customer password. This allows protecting parameter values,
that are used for adjusting the drive to the axis, after having determined
● All other parameters that can be written and are not contained in the
above-mentioned groups. They are not write-protected.
Kinds of Passwords The drive firmware allows activating and deactivating the write protection for
parameter values by means of three hierarchically different passwords:
● Customer password
The parameter values of a parameter group combined by the customer
can be protected.
● Control password
Parameters protected by a customer password can be written; "adminis‐
tration parameters" remain read-only.
● Master password
All parameters that can be written, including "administration parameters"
and parameters protected by a customer password, can be changed.
Commands are used to activate and control complex functions or monitoring
features in the drive. The higher-level master can start, interrupt or clear com‐
4/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

Each command is assigned to a parameter by means of which the execution

of the command can be controlled. During the execution of the command the
display of the control panel reads "Cx", "C" representing the diagnostic com‐
mand message and "x" representing the number of the command.

Each command that was started must be actively cleared again.

All commands available in the drive are stored in the parameter S‑0‑0025, IDN-
list of all procedure commands.
Kinds of Commands There are 3 different kinds of commands:
● Drive control commands
– can cause automatic drive motion,
– can be started only when drive enable has been set,
– deactivate the active operating mode during its execution.
● Monitor commands
– activate or deactivate monitors or functions in the drive.
● Administration commands
– carry out administration tasks,
– cannot be interrupted.
See also section "Command Processing"
Operating Modes
The selection of operating modes defines which command values will be pro‐
cessed in which way, in order to lead to the desired drive motion. The operating
mode does not determine how these command values are transmitted from the
master to the slave.
One of the four or eight (for SERCOS) operating modes that are defined in
parameters is always active if the conditions below are fulfilled:
● Control section and power section are ready for operation
● Drive enable signal sees a positive edge
● Drive follows command value
● "Drive Halt" function has not been activated
● No drive control command is active
● No error reaction is carried out
The display of the control panel reads "AF" when an operating mode was ac‐

All implemented operating modes are stored in the "S‑0‑0292, List

of all operating modes" parameter.

See also chapter "Operating Modes"

Depending on the active operating mode and the parameter settings, many
monitoring functions are carried out. If a status is detected that still allows cor‐
rect operation but in case this status persists will cause an error to occur and
therefore cause the drive to be automatically switched off, the drive firmware
generates a warning message.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 5/886
and Controls

System Overview

Warnings do not cause automatic shutdown (exception: fatal warn‐


Classes of Warnings Warnings are classified in different warning classes which determine whether
the drive, when the warning is generated, carries out an automatic reaction or

The warning class can be recognized by the diagnostic message.

The following classes of warnings are distinguished:

● Without drive reaction → diagnostic message number E2xxx, E3xxx,
● With drive reaction → diagnostic message number E8xxx

Warnings cannot be cleared. They persist until the condition that

activated the warning is no longer fulfilled.

Depending on the active operating mode and the parameter settings, many
monitoring functions are carried out. If a status is detected that affects or pre‐
vents correct operation the drive firmware generates an error message.
Error Classes Errors are classified in different error classes. There are 6 error classes with
different drive error reactions.

The error class can be recognized by the diagnostic message num‐


Diagnostic message
Error class
F2xxx non-fatal error
F3xxx non-fatal safety technology error
F4xxx interface error
F6xxx travel range error
F7xxx safety technology error
F8xxx fatal error
F9xxx fatal system error
E-xxxx fatal system error "processor exception"

Fig.1-1: Overview of error classes

Apart from the mentioned error classes that can occur during op‐
eration, errors can occur when the devices are booted and during
firmware download. These errors are not displayed at the control
panel with a diagnostic message number of the "Fxxxx" pattern, but
with a short text. Booting and firmware download errors are descri‐
bed in the separate documentation "Troubleshooting Guide" (de‐
scription of diagnostic messages).

Error Reactions of the Drive If the drive controller is in control and an error status is detected, the execution
of a drive error reaction is automatically started. The diagnostic message num‐
ber "Fxxxx" flashes on the display of the control panel.
6/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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System Overview
The drive reaction in the case of interface errors and non-fatal errors is deter‐
mined in parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration". At the end of each
error reaction, the drive goes torque-free.
See also "Error Reactions"
Clearing an Error Message Error messages are not cleared automatically, but by the following action:
● Starting the command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics"
- or -
● Actuating the "Esc" key on the control panel
If the error status persists the error message is immediately generated again.
Clearing Error Messages when If a drive error occurs while operating with drive enable having been set, the
Drive Enable was set drive carries out an error reaction. The drive automatically deactivates itself at
the end of each error reaction; in other words, the output stage is switched off
and the drive switches from an energized to a de-energized state.
To reactivate the drive:
● Clear the error message and
● Input a positive edge for drive enable again.
Error Memory The diagnostic message numbers of occurring errors are written to an error
memory. This memory contains the diagnostic message numbers of the last
50 errors that occurred and the time when they occurred. Errors caused by a
shutdown of the control voltage (e.g. "F8070 +24Volt DC error") are not stored
in the error memory.
The diagnostic message numbers in the error memory are mapped to the
"P‑0‑0192, Diagnostic numbers of error memory" parameter and can be dis‐
played by means of the control panel. By means of the "IndraWorks D" com‐
missioning tool it is possible to display the diagnostic message numbers and
the respective times at which the errors occurred.

1.1.3 How to Use This Documentation

Structure of the Functional Description
The functional descriptions of the IndraDrive firmware are divided into fixed
chapters. The individual subjects of the firmware description are assigned to
these chapters according to their content.
The description of the respective firmware functionality is basically divided into
the following sections:
● Brief Description
● Functional Description
● Notes on Commissioning
● Diagnostic and Status Messages, Monitoring Functions
Within one subject, these sections are always contained in the mentioned order,
but for practical and formal reasons they are not always existing or may have
a different title.
Brief Description The brief description contains an overview of the firmware function or the sub‐
ject of the section. The brief description can contain, for example, general
basics, the most important features of the function, overviews and examples of
application. At the end of the brief description you can find, where possible and
useful, a list of the parameters and diagnostic messages that are associated
with this functions.
Functional Description The section "Functional Description" explains the operating principle of the re‐
spective drive function in an application-oriented way. The relevant parameters
of this function are described with regard to their settings and effects. The pa‐
rameter configuration is only explained in detail where this is necessary for the
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 7/886
and Controls

System Overview
description of the function. As a basic principle, the functional description con‐
tains references to the separate documentations for parameters and diagnostic

The detailed description of the parameters, their function and structure is

contained in the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Parameter De‐

The detailed description of the diagnostic messages, their causes and

remedies is contained in the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive,
Troubleshooting Guide" (description of diagnostic messages).
Notes on Commissioning The section "Notes on Commissioning" or "Notes on Parameterization" pro‐
vides the user with the steps required for commissioning the function, similar
to a checklist. The necessary parameter settings are described in compact form
and, if necessary, instructions are given for activating the function and the di‐
agnostic messages of the immediate functional sequence are mentioned.
Diagnostic and Status Messages, The section "Diagnostic and Status Messages" (also "Monitoring Functions", if
Monitoring Functions necessary) summarizes the diagnostic messages and possible status displays
available for the respective function and describes them briefly. If there are
function-specific monitoring functions, they are also described in this section.

The detailed description of the diagnostic messages, their causes and

remedies is contained in the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive,
Troubleshooting Guide" (description of diagnostic messages).
Markers and Terms
The complete functionality of the IndraDrive firmware is divided into functional
packages (base packages and optional expansion packages). The scope of the
available functions does not only depend on the hardware design, but in the
majority of cases also on the variant and characteristic of the firmware.
The descriptions of the master communication, the drive functions and the op‐
erating modes have a marker containing information on the availability of this
functionality in the respective functional package of the firmware, e.g.:
Base package of all firmware variants

Fig.1-2: Assignment to Functional Package

Terms The application-specific scalability of the hardware and firmware provides a

multitude of possibilities. For detailed information, the following terms are used
in the Functional Description:
● Firmware range e.g. IndraDrive
● Firmware design single-axis, double-axis (multi-axis)
● Firmware variant e.g. MPH, MPB, MPD
● Firmware version e.g. MPH-04VRS
● Firmware characteristic open-loop/closed-loop
● Firmware performance Basic/Advanced
● Firmware type complete firmware type designation
Cross References
Many basic subfunctions of the firmware, as well as necessary settings and
definitions, are of multiple use within the overall functionality or have an effect
on neighboring areas of the drive functionality. Such subfunctions normally are
described only once. Descriptions that are part of other IndraDrive documen‐
8/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

tations (Parameter Description, Troubleshooting Guide, Project Planning Man‐

uals ...) are only repeated in detail in exceptional cases. Cross references
indicate the source for more detailed information.
For cross references to other sections or documentations, we make the follow‐
ing distinction:
● References to sections within this documentation are specified by indi‐
cating the title of the respective section and the designation of the super‐
ordinate topic, if necessary (both can be easily found via the index).

● References to other documentations are additionally signaled by the

"info icon", unless contained in a note, in a table or in brackets.
Reference Documentations
Firmware documentation:
● Parameter Description
→ DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-PA**-EN-P; part no. R911297317
● Troubleshooting Guide (description of diagnostic messages)
→ DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA**-EN-P; part no. R911297319
● Integrated Safety Technology
→ DOK-INDRV*-SI*-**VRS**-FK**-EN-P; part no. R911297838
● Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (Drive-Integrated PLC)
→ DOK‑INDRV*‑MLD-**VRS**-AW**-EN‑P; part no. R911306084
● Firmware Version Notes
→ DOK-INDRV*-MP*-04VRS**-FV**-EN-P; part no. R911315487
Hardware documentation (Project Planning Manuals):
● Rexroth IndraDrive – Supply Units and Power Sections
→ DOK-INDRV*-HMV-S-D+HCS-PR**-EN-P; part no. R911318790
● Rexroth IndraDrive – Drive Controllers, Control Sections
→ DOK-INDRV*-CSH********-PR**-EN-P; part no. R911295012
● Rexroth IndraDrive – Drive System
→ DOK-INDRV*-SYSTEM*****-PR**-EN-P; part no. R911309636

This list of hardware documentations only mentions those Project

Planning Manuals to which the Functional Description of the firm‐
ware mainly refers.
Additional hardware descriptions are available; they are all listed in
the introduction of the documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive – Drive
System, Project Planning Manual".

1.2 Drive Controllers

1.2.1 Overview
Standard Design of the IndraDrive Controllers
As a standard, IndraDrive controllers consist of two hardware components:
● Power section
● Control section
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 9/886
and Controls

System Overview

Fig.1-3: Design of the IndraDrive Controllers

Power Section The following are connected to the power section:
● Supply unit (DC bus voltage)
● 24 V control voltage
● Motor

Each of the two types of the control section is described in a sepa‐

rate documentation; e.g. "Supply Units and Power Sections, Project
Planning Manual" (DOK-INDRV-HMS+HMD****-PR**-EN-P; part
no.: R911318790).

Control Section The control section is a separate part of the IndraDrive controller and is plugged
in the power section. The drive controller is supplied ex works complete with
control section. The control section may only be replaced by a qualified service

The available control sections are described in the separate docu‐

mentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers; Project Planning
Manual" (DOK-INDRV*-CSH********-PR**-EN; part no.:

Special Design of the IndraDrive Controllers

Apart from the usual device design which consists of power section and control
section, there are the following special designs:
● SERCOS analog converter (= control section + housing)
● IndraDrive Mi (with motor-integrated converter)
SERCOS Analog Converter The so-called "SERCOS analog converter" is a control section housing with
24V supply but without output stage. An IndraDrive control section can be plug‐
ged in this housing.
10/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

The SERCOS analog converter is used to

● connect control units with SERCOS interface to components with analog
- and -
● convert SERCOS position command values to analog speed command

With these possibilities of use, the SERCOS analog converter is

suited for modernization of machines and installations. Drive con‐
trollers with analog command value input of the ANAX range can
be controlled with IndraDrive; in this case IndraDrive acts as the
gateway to the SERCOS control unit.

Realizing the SERCOS analog converter requires the following individual com‐
● Housing for HAC01.1-002 control sections
● Configurable control section with SERCOS master communication, e.g.
● IndraDrive firmware as of version MPx-04VRS, e.g. FWA-INDRV*-
See also separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive – Drive System, Project
Planning Manual" (DOK-INDRV*-SYSTEM*****-PR**-EN-P; part no.:

1.2.2 Power Sections

The following power sections for the standard design of IndraDrive controllers
can be operated with the firmware MPx-04VRS:

IndraDrive M IndraDrive C
Single-axis power sections Double-axis power sections Single-axis converters in Single-axis converters in
300mm type of constr. 400mm type of constr.

HMS01.1N-W… HMD01.1N-W… HCS02.1E-W… HCS03.1E-W…

HMS02.1N-W… HCS04.1E-W…

Fig.1-4: Power Sections for IndraDrive Firmware

1.2.3 Control Sections

Available Control Section Designs
The following control sections can be operated with the appropriate
MPx‑04VRS firmware variant:
● Configurable control sections:
– ADVANCED (single-axis; types CSH01.1C-... and CSH01.2C-...)
– BASIC UNIVERSAL (single-axis; type CSB01.1C-...)
– BASIC UNIVERSAL double-axis (type CDB01.1C-...)
● Non-configurable control sections:
– BASIC OPENLOOP (single-axis; type CSB01.1N-FC-...)
– BASIC SERCOS (single-axis; type CSB01.1N-SE-...)
– BASIC PROFIBUS (single-axis; type CSB01.1N-PB-...)
– BASIC ANALOG (single-axis; type CSB01.1N-AN-...)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 11/886
and Controls

System Overview

Supported Control Section Configurations

The configurable control sections differ with regard to the scope of their con‐
figurability. It basically depends on the control section type and the correspond‐
ing firmware variant.
The following overview contains the theoretically possible configurations of
control sections as regards the support by the MPx‑04VRS firmware. The ab‐
breviations in the first column identify the configuration of control sections in the
type designation.

Our sales representative will help you with the current status of
available control section types.

Control section type → CSB01.1C CDB01.1C
Firmware variant → MPH-04VRS MPB-04VRS MPD-04VRS

Optional modules for master communication

CO CANopen/DeviceNet ■ ■ –
ET PROFINET (in preparation) ■ – ■
PL Parallel interface ■ ■ –
SE SERCOS interface ■ ■ ■
Optional modules for encoder evaluation and I/O extension
EN1 Encoder interface for HSF, resolver ■ ■ ■
Encoder interface for EnDat, 1Vpp sine
EN2 ■ ■ ■
and TTL signals
Encoder interface for MSK motors and
ENS ■ ■ ■
HIPERFACE encoders
MA1 Analog I/O extension ■ ■ ■
MD1 Digital I/O extension ■ – –
Digital I/O extension
MD2 ■ – –
(with SSI interface)
MEM Encoder emulation ■ ■ ■
Optional module for cross communication
CCD 1) Cross communication ■ – –
Optional modules for safety technology
L1 Starting lockout ■ ■ ■
S1 Safety technology ■ – ■
1) Only required for CCD master
Fig.1-5: Supported Control Section Configurations
12/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

The type codes of the individual designs of IndraDrive control sec‐

tions and the respective assignment of possible optional modules
to the slots are described in the separate documentation "Control
Sections for Drive Controllers; Project Planning Manual" (DOK-
INDRV*-CSH********-PR**-EN; part no.: R911295012).

1.3 Supported Motors and Measuring Systems

1.3.1 Supported Motors
The table below contains an overview of the Rexroth motors which can be op‐
erated at IndraDrive controllers.

Rexroth housing motors Rexroth kit motors

Synchronous Asynchronous Synchronous Asynchronous

MSK (IndraDyn S) MAD (IndraDyn A) MLF (IndraDyn L) 1MB

MHD MAF (IndraDyn A) MBS (Standard)
MKD 2AD MBSxx2 (IndraDyn H)
MKE ADF MBT (IndraDyn T)
SF (by Bosch)

Fig.1-6: Appropriate Rexroth motors for IndraDrive

1.3.2 Supported Measuring Systems

Motor Encoder and External Op‐ In addition to the encoders integrated in the Rexroth motors, the IndraDrive
tional Encoders firmware can evaluate the following measuring systems as motor encoders or
as external optional control encoders:
● GDS or GDM encoders from Bosch Rexroth (single-turn or multi-turn type)
● Resolvers according to Rexroth signal specification (single-turn or multi-
turn type)
● Encoders with sine signals and EnDat2.1 interface (1 Vpp)
● Encoders with sine signals (1 Vpp)
● Encoders with square-wave signals (TTL)
● Hall sensor box and encoder with sine signals (1 Vpp)
● Hall sensor box and encoder with square-wave signals (TTL)
● Encoders with sine signals and HIPERFACE interface (1 Vpp)
Measuring Encoder For measuring purposes the firmware can evaluate the following measuring
systems (measuring encoders, no control encoders):
● GDS or GDM encoders from Bosch Rexroth (single-turn or multi-turn type)
● Encoders with sine signals and EnDat2.1 interface (1 Vpp)
● Encoders with sine signals (1 Vpp)
● Encoders with square-wave signals (TTL)
● Encoders with sine signals and HIPERFACE interface (1 Vpp)
● Motor encoders of MSK, MHD, 2AD, ADF, MAD, MAF motors
● SSI encoders

Resolvers cannot be evaluated as measuring encoders!

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 13/886
and Controls

System Overview

1.4 Overview of Master Communication

The following interfaces for master communication are available in the firmware
● SERCOS interface
● CANopen interface
● DeviceNet interface
● Parallel interface (not for double-axis design MPD)
● Analog interface (not for double-axis design MPD)

1.5 Overview of Functions/Functional Packages

1.5.1 Overview
General Information
The application-specific scope of usable functions of the
FWA‑INDRV*‑MP*-04VRS drive firmware depends on
● the available control section and, if available, its configuration
- and -
● the licensed functional firmware packages.

Depending on the hardware design, the scope of firmware func‐

tionality can be determined according to the respective application
(scalability of the firmware functionality). The scope of correspond‐
ing parameters depends on the available functions.

Scaling the Drive Functionality

Firmware Scaling by Control Sec‐ The control sections of the IndraDrive controllers have a maximum of 4 optional
tion Configuration card slots and a master communication slot. Depending on the available op‐
tional cards, it is possible to activate certain functions (incl. corresponding
parameters), e.g.:
● Master communication
● Safety technology (starting lockout, standard safety technology)
● Analog I/O extension card
● Digital I/O extension card

The functions and parameters for the evaluation of the measuring

systems as control encoders or measuring encoders do not depend
on the control section configuration, since their functions can be
freely assigned to the various optional encoder modules.

See also section "Drive Controllers"

Firmware Scaling by Functional The firmware functionality is divided into the following package groups:
● Base packages (open-loop or closed-loop)
● Optional expansion packages:
– Alternative functional packages (expansion packages for servo func‐
tion, main spindle function, synchronization)
14/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview
– Additive functional package "IndraMotion MLD"
(drive-integrated PLC and technology functions)
Depending on the hardware configuration, the base packages are available
without any access enable. Using the optional expansion packages, however,
requires licensing.

The desired scope of firmware functions should preferably be de‐

fined when the firmware is ordered. This guarantees that the re‐
quired functional packages have been enabled when the firmware
is delivered. In individual cases, it is possible to provide access en‐
able subsequently (additional licensing) or to reduce the activated
scope of functions.
This procedure is described in the section "Enabling of Functional
Packages" .

The drive-integrated safety technology is a functionality only scal‐

able by means of the hardware and does not require any additional
enabling of functions!

The figure below contains an overview of the possibilities of firmware scaling

by functional packages:

Fig.1-7: Functional Packages of IndraDrive Firmware MPx04 Depending on

Control Performance

With Basic performance, the option "IndraMotion MLD-S" is not al‐

lowed for free programming!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 15/886
and Controls

System Overview

Brief Description of the Functional Packages

The overall functionality of an IndraDrive device is divided into groups of func‐
tions, the so-called "functional packages". The firmware FWA-INDRV*-
MP*-04VRS supports the functional packages listed below.

Each of the listed packages is available in Basic or Advanced char‐

acteristic which differ with regard to their performance and func‐

Base Packages The following base packages are available:

● Base package "open-loop" (open-loop motor control)
→ No position evaluation and functions depending thereof and no position
control modes are possible
● Base package "closed-loop" (closed-loop motor control)
→ Position evaluation and functions and operating modes depending
thereof are possible
Alternative Functional Packages The following alternative functional packages are available:
● Servo functions 1)
This package makes available all specific expansions for servo applica‐
tions, such as compensations and correction functions (e.g. axis error
correction, quadrant error correction).
● Synchronization 1)
With this package the possibilities of synchronization of the drive can be
used (support of synchronization modes, measuring encoder function,
probe function ...).
● Main spindle functions 1)
This package contains the specific functions for the use of main spindles
(e.g. spindle positioning, parameter set switching).

1)...These functional packages cannot be activated simultaneously

(only individually)! → Alternative functional packages

Additive Functional Packages There is also an additional functional package available:

● IndraMotion MLD

For single-axis devices (ADVANCED and BASIC) the expansion

package "IndraMotion MLD" can be activated in addition to a pos‐
sibly available alternative package.

Overview of Dependencies The overview below illustrates how the individual functional packages are de‐
pending on the respective hardware and the firmware type:
16/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

Firmware variant → MPB MPD MPH

Control section design → CSB01.1 CDB01.1 CSH01.1
Control section range↓ OL CL OL CL OL CL

Basic functions ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Base package BASIC ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Base pack‐ "open-loop" ADVANCED – – – – ■ ■
Base package BASIC ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
"closed-loop" ADVANCED – – – – ■ ■
BASIC – ■ – ■ – ■
Servo function
ADVANCED – – – – – ■
Alternative BASIC ■ ■ ■ ■ – –
functional Synchronization
packages ADVANCED – – – – ■ ■
BASIC ■ ■ ■ ■ – –
Main spindle
ADVANCED – – – – ■ ■
Additive BASIC ■ 1) ■ 1) – – ■ ■
functional IndraMotion MLD
package ADVANCED – – – – ■ ■

MPB Single-axis firmware with Basic performance

MPD Double-axis firmware with Basic performance
MPH Single-axis firmware with Advanced performance
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) No free programming and only MLD-S
Fig.1-8: Dependence of Functional Packages on Hardware and Firmware Var‐
Firmware Types
Structure of the Firmware Type The type designation of the IndraDrive firmware consists of the following type
Designation code elements:

Base pack‐
age of variant Alternative Additive ex‐
IndraDrive Lan‐
(depending Version Release OL/CL expansion pansion
firmware guage
on control packages packages

Basic single-axis FWA-INDRV* -MPB- 04 VRS- D5- x- xxx- xx

Basic double-axis FWA-INDRV* -MPD- 04 VRS- D5- x- xxx- xx
Advanced single-axis FWA-INDRV* -MPH- 04 VRS- D5- x- xxx- xx

Fig.1-9: Basic Structure of the Firmware Type Designation

Function-Specific Abbreviations in Base package (application and performance):
Type Designation of IndraDrive
Firmware ● MPB → Single-axis firmware with Basic performance
● MPD → Double-axis firmware with Basic performance
● MPH → Single-axis firmware with Advanced performance
Firmware characteristic:
● 0 → Open-loop
● 1 → Closed-loop
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 17/886
and Controls

System Overview
Alternative expansion packages:
● NNN → Without alternative expansion package
● SRV → Functional package "Servo function"
● SNC → Functional package "synchronization"
● MSP → Functional package "main spindle"
● ALL → All alternative expansion packages
Additive expansion packages:
● NN → Without additive expansion package
● TF → IndraMotion MLD for using the technology functions (for MPB firm‐
● ML → IndraMotion MLD for free programming; incl. use of technology
functions (for MPH firmware)

Our sales representative will help you with the current status of
available firmware types.

1.5.2 Base Packages

General Information
In the base packages of the firmware, the minimum scope of functionalities is
available depending on the respective firmware characteristic ("open-loop" or
"closed-loop"). They contain the basic functions of a drive firmware and a num‐
ber of other fundamental functions.
Basic Functions
The following basic functions are available for every drive and contain the fun‐
damental basic functions of a digital drive (available in the firmware character‐
istics "open-loop" and "closed-loop"):
● Extensive diagnostic functions:
– Drive-internal generation of diagnostic messages
– Monitoring function
– Analog output
– Patch function
– Status displays, status classes
– Oscilloscope function
– Code of optional card
– Parameter value check
– Operating hours counter, logbook function, error memory
● Undervoltage monitor
● Output of control signals
● Limitations that can be parameterized
● Serial communication
Scope of Functions of Base Packages
Apart from the basic functions, there are other functions available in the base
package of the firmware. Their scope depends on the firmware variant and its
characteristic ("open-loop" or "closed-loop").
18/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

See "Supported Operating Modes" in section "Operating Modes: General In‐

See "Availability of the Extended Axis Functions"
See "Availability of the Optional Device Functions"

1.5.3 Alternative Functional Packages

General Information
Apart from the base packages that are always available, we offer optional ex‐
pansion packages. Part of the expansion packages is the group of alternative
functional packages; from this group only one package can be activated at a
time (alternative activation).
At present, there are the following alternative expansion packages available:
● Expanded servo function
● Synchronization
● Main spindle function
Servo Function
Depending on the firmware variant and characteristic, the expansion package
"servo function" has the following scope of functions, in addition to the functions
available in the base package:


Firmware variant →
(Basic single-axis) (Basic double-axis) (Advanced single-axis)
Functions of the expansion package "ser‐
vo function"

Relative return motion – ■ – ■ – ■

Precision axis error correction – – – ■ – ■
Temperature error correction – ■ – ■ – ■
Quadrant error correction – ■ – ■ – ■
Cogging torque compensation – – – ■ – ■
Programmable position switch – ■ – ■ – ■
Probe function – ■ 1) – ■ 1) – ■ 1)
Set/shift coordinate system – ■ – ■ – ■
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) For Advanced single-axis 2 probes; for Basic single-axis only 1 probe;
for Basic double-axis 2 probes per controller
Fig.1-10: Overview Expansion Package "Servo Function"

With "BASIC ..." hardware design, the probe input is only available
for the control sections BASIC SERCOS, BASIC PROFIBUS and

Depending on the firmware variant and characteristic, the expansion package
"synchronization" has the following scope of functions, in addition to the func‐
tions available in the base package:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 19/886
and Controls

System Overview

Firmware variant → MPB MPD MPH

Functions of the expansion package "syn‐

Velocity synchronization ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Phase synchronization – ■ – ■ – ■
Electronic cam shaft – ■ – ■ – ■
Electronic motion profile – ■ – ■ – ■
Cogging torque compensation – – – ■ – ■
Measuring wheel mode – ■ – ■ – ■
Virtual master axis generator ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Programmable position switch – ■ – ■ – ■
Probe function ■ 1)2) ■ 1) ■ 1)2) ■ 1) ■ 2) ■ 1)
Measuring encoder ■ 3) ■ 3) ■ ■ ■ ■
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) For Advanced single-axis 2 probes; for Basic single-axis only 1 probe;
for Basic double-axis 2 probes per controller
2) In parameter "S‑0‑0428, Probe, IDN list signal selection", the following
signals are not available: S‑0‑0051, S‑0‑0052, P‑0‑0227
3) Only with control section BASIC UNIVERSAL
Fig.1-11: Overview Expansion Package "Synchronization"

With "BASIC ..." hardware design, the probe input is only available
for the control sections BASIC SERCOS, BASIC PROFIBUS and

Main Spindle Function

Depending on the firmware variant and characteristic, the expansion package
"main spindle" has the following scope of functions, in addition to the functions
available in the base package:

Firmware variant → MPB MPD MPH

Functions of the expansion package
"main spindle"

Spindle positioning – ■ – ■ – ■
Parameter set switching ■ ■ – – ■ ■
Drive-controlled oscillation ■ ■ – – ■ ■
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
Fig.1-12: Overview Expansion Package "Main Spindle"

1.5.4 Additive Functional Packages

General Information
The so-called additive functional packages are part of the optional expansion
packages. Additive functional packages can be used in addition to the basic
function and one of the alternative functional packages (additive activation).
At present, there is the following additive functional package available:
20/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

● IndraMotion MLD (drive-integrated PLC and technology functions)

The drive-integrated safety technology is a functionality only scal‐

able by means of the hardware and is not part of the expansion
packages that can be enabled!

IndraMotion MLD (Drive-Integrated PLC)

The expansion package "IndraMotion MLD" makes available the following
scope of functions:
● Integrated logic control (type designation "ML")
Standard PLC tasks
● Integrated multi-axis/single-axis motion control (type designation "ML")
Motion function block according to PLCopen for single-axis positioning on
local and remote axes and synchronization mode (synchronous running,
cam shaft) → "low-level motion functions"
● Basis for technology functions (type designation "TF" or "ML")
Examples: Following-on cutting devices, pick&place, process controller
(register controller, winding computation, etc.), preventive maintenance,
free function block combination

The expansion package "IndraMotion MLD" is not available in con‐

junction with BASIC double-axis control sections (CDB‑***)!

Apart from "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD", another variant of a freely program‐

mable control unit, "Rexroth IndraMotion MLC", is available. Other freely pro‐
grammable control units, e.g. "Rexroth IndraMotion MLP", are in preparation.
The variants differ in functionality, performance and hardware platform.
The following hardware characteristics are distinguished:
● Drive-based PLC → IndraMotion MLD
● PC-based PLC → IndraMotion MLP (in preparation)
● Controller-based stand-alone PLC → IndraMotion MLC
The figure below illustrates the integration of "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD" in the
automation platform "Rexroth IndraMotion":

Fig.1-13: Overview "Rexroth IndraMotion"

All "Rexroth IndraMotion" variants are operated and programmed

with the same programming tool (Rexroth IndraLogic) so that the
programs created with it are portable, if the requirements have been
complied with (see "Guidelines for Programming with IndraLogic").
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 21/886
and Controls

System Overview

Integrated Safety Technology

The drive-integrated safety technology is a functionality only scal‐
able by means of the hardware and does not require any additional
enabling of functions! The requirement for using this function is the
use of the optional safety technology modules L1 or S1 depending
on the control section configuration.

The following safety function is supported in conjunction with the optional mod‐
ule "starting lockout" (safety module L1):
● Safety related starting lockout
The following safety functions are supported in conjunction with the optional
module "safety technology I/O" or PROFIsafe in the different operating states
(safety module S1):
● In normal operation
– Safety related limited maximum velocity
– Safety related limited absolute end position
● In status "safety related halt"
– Safety related standstill
– Safety related operational stop
– Safety related drive interlock
● In status "safety related motion"
– Safety related reduced speed
– Safety related direction of motion
– Safety related limited increment
– Safety related limited absolute position
● Auxiliary functions
– Safety related monitored stopping process
– Safety related homing procedure
– Safety related parking axis
● Safety functions for "safety related feedback"
– Safety related diagnostic outputs
– Safety related control of a door locking device (not with PROFIsafe)
– Safety related inputs/outputs

1.6 Performance Data

1.6.1 Overview
Levels of Control Performance
For the control performance of the IndraDrive range, we basically distinguish
three levels with regard to the clock rates (cycle times):
● Advanced performance
→ Highest degree of control performance by high internal clock rates for
the control loops and the signal processing of inputs/outputs or drive-in‐
tegrated PLC (IndraMotion MLD)
● Basic performance
22/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

→ Standard control performance by medium internal clock rates for the

control loops and the signal processing of inputs/outputs or drive-integra‐
ted PLC (IndraMotion MLD)
● Economy performance
→ Low control performance by reduced clock rates for the control loops
and the signal processing of inputs/outputs or drive-integrated PLC (In‐
draMotion MLD)
Performance and Clock Rates
In this documentation the clock rate data refer to the following characteristic
● Current loop clock TA_current
● Velocity loop clock TA_velocity
● Position loop clock TA_position
● Cycle time of PLC (IndraMotion MLD) TMLD
● Cycle time of master communication TMastCom
The table below contains an overview of the clock rates depending on the re‐
spective control performance. The detailed assignment of clock rate to control
section design, performance level and parameter setting is contained in the
table "Performance depending on the control section design" in the section
"Control Section Design and Performance" (see below).

Performance TA_current TA_velocity TA_position TMLD TMastCom

Advanced 62,5/83,3/125 125 250 1000 250

Basic 62,5/83,3/125/250 1) 250 500 2000 500

Economy 125/250 1) 500 1000 2000 1000 2)

1) At 2kHz PWM
2) With half the number of cyclic data
Fig.1-14: Clock Rates (in μs)

The control performance is not equivalent to the control section de‐

sign (Advanced or Basic), because it is determined by several
factors (e.g. P‑0‑0556, bits 2 and 5).

The available performance depends on the following requirements and param‐

eter settings:
● Control section design (CSH, CSB or CDB) and the corresponding drive
firmware (MPH, MPB and MPD)
● Activation of functional packages (cf. P-0-2004)
● Performance level in "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller" (bits 2 and
● Switching frequency in "P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power out‐
put stage"
See also "Principles of Drive Control: Overview of Axis Control (Closed-Loop

1.6.2 Control Section Design and Performance

The control section design differs with regard to the performance levels that can
be reached (cycle times or clock frequencies).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 23/886
and Controls

System Overview

The table below contains an overview of the performance levels and clock rates
that can be reached depending on the control section design and parameter
Control sec‐ P‑0‑0556
Functional Performance
tion type/firm‐ fPWM 1) TA_current TA_velocity TA_position TMLD TMastCom
packages level Bit 2 Bit 5
Basic 2 kHz 2) 0 0 250 μs 500 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 500 μs
Basic 4 kHz 0 0 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 500 μs
Basic 8 kHz 0 0 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 500 μs
CSH01.1/ Basic 12 kHz 0 0 83.3 μs 250 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 500 μs
MPH Basic 16 kHz 0 0 62.5 μs 250 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 500 μs
Advanced 4 kHz 1 0 125 μs 125 μs 250 μs 1000 μs 250 μs
Advanced 8 kHz 1 0 62.5 μs 125 μs 250 μs 1000 μs 250 μs
Advanced 16 kHz 1 0 62.5 μs 125 μs 250 μs 1000 μs 250 μs
Basic 2 kHz 2) 0 0 250 μs 250 μs 500 μs -- 500 μs
Basic 4 kHz 0 0 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs -- 500 μs
All, except for
"synchroniza‐ Basic 8 kHz 0 0 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs -- 500 μs
tion" and "In‐ Economy 2 kHz 2) 0 1 250 μs 500 μs 1000 μs -- 1000 μs 3)
CSB01.1/ draMotion"
Economy 4 kHz 0 1 125 μs 500 μs 1000 μs -- 1000 μs 3)
Economy 8 kHz 0 1 125 μs 500 μs 1000 μs -- 1000 μs 3)

"Synchroniza‐ Economy 2 kHz 2) 0 1 250 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 2000 μs 1000 μs 3)

tion" and "In‐ Economy 4 kHz 0 1 125 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 2000 μs 1000 μs 3)
draMotion" Economy 8 kHz 0 1 125 μs 500 μs 1000 μs 2000 μs 1000 μs 3)
CDB01.1/ Basic 4 kHz 0 0 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs -- 500 3) μs
MPD Basic 8 kHz 0 0 125 μs 250 μs 500 μs -- 500 3) μs
1) Switching frequency of the power output stage (can be set via P‑0‑0001)
2) Only with power section HCS04.1… and MAD/MAF
3) With half the number of cyclic data
P‑0‑0556 Config word of axis controller
Fig.1-15: Performance Depending on the Control Section Design

1.6.3 Selecting Performance via Parameter P-0-0556

For certain applications it is necessary to use the same clock rates in all axes
so that the slowest drive sets the clock. It is therefore possible to specifically
reduce the performance via bit 2 and bit 5 of parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word
of axis controller".
● For BASIC control sections it is possible to select the performance levels
"Basic" or "Economy" via bit 5 of P‑0‑0556.
● For ADVANCED control sections it is possible to select the performance
levels "Advanced" or "Basic" via bit 2 of P‑0‑0556.

See also Parameter Description "P-0-0556, Config word of axis control‐


The effective clock rates of the active performance level are con‐
tained in the table "Performance depending on the control section
design" in section "Control Section Design and Performance" (see
24/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

System Overview

1.6.4 Restricted Performance With Certain Functional Packages

If you use extensive and complex functions, the internal clock rates for BASIC
control sections (CSB with firmware MPB and CDB with firmware MPD) are
automatically reduced. This applies to the use of the following functional pack‐
● Drive-integrated PLC "IndraMotion MLD" (functional package "ML")
● Expansion package "synchronization" (functional package "SNC")
If you use one of these functional packages for BASIC control sections, the
clock rates (position loop, velocity loop) are reduced to the lowest performance
level "Economy"!

For ADVANCED control sections (CSH with firmware MPH), the

clock rates are not reduced depending on the functional packages
that are used (reduction possible via P‑0‑0556).

The effective clock rates of the active performance level are con‐
tained in the table "Performance depending on the control section
design" in section "Control Section Design and Performance" (see
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 25/886
and Controls

Important Directions for Use

2 Important Directions for Use

2.1 Appropriate Use
2.1.1 Introduction
Rexroth products represent state-of-the-art developments and manufacturing.
They are tested prior to delivery to ensure operating safety and reliability.

Personal injury and property damage caused by incorrect use of the

The products have been designed for use in the industrial environment and may
WARNING only be used in the appropriate way. If they are not used in the appropriate way,
situations resulting in property damage and personal injury can occur.

Rexroth as manufacturer is not liable for any damages resulting

from inappropriate use. In such cases, the guarantee and the right
to payment of damages resulting from inappropriate use are forfei‐
ted. The user alone carries all responsibility of the risks.

Before using Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for an ap‐
propriate use of the products are satisfied:
● Personnel that in any way, shape or form uses our products must first read
and understand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with ap‐
propriate use.
● If the products take the form of hardware, then they must remain in their
original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted. It is not
permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes.
● Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation.
● Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described
in the relevant documentation.

2.1.2 Areas of Use and Application

Drive controllers made by Rexroth are designed to control electrical motors and
monitor their operation.
Control and monitoring of the Drive controllers may require additional sensors
and actors.

The drive controllers may only used with the accessories and parts
specified in this documentation. If a component has not been spe‐
cifically named, then it may neither be mounted nor connected. The
same applies to cables and lines.
Operation is only permitted in the specified configurations and com‐
binations of components using the software and firmware as speci‐
fied in the relevant Functional Descriptions.

Drive controllers have to be programmed before commissioning, making it pos‐

sible for the motor to execute the specific functions of an application.
Drive controllers of the Rexroth IndraDrive line have been developed for use in
single- and multi-axis drive and control tasks.
To ensure application-specific use of Drive controllers, device types of different
drive power and different interfaces are available.
Typical applications include:
26/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Important Directions for Use

● handling and mounting systems,

● packaging and food machines,
● printing and paper processing machines and
● machine tools.
Drive controllers may only be operated under the assembly and installation
conditions described in this documentation, in the specified position of normal
use and under the ambient conditions as described (temperature, degree of
protection, humidity, EMC, etc.).

2.2 Inappropriate Use

Using the Drive controllers outside of the operating conditions described in this
documentation and outside of the indicated technical data and specifications is
defined as "inappropriate use".
Drive controllers must not be used, if …
● they are subject to operating conditions that do not meet the specified
ambient conditions. This includes, for example, operation under water,
under extreme temperature fluctuations or extremely high maximum tem‐
● Furthermore, Drive controllers must not be used in applications which
have not been expressly authorized by Rexroth. Please carefully follow
the specifications outlined in the general Safety Instructions!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 27/886
and Controls

Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

3 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

3.1 Safety Instructions - General Information
3.1.1 Using the Safety Instructions and Passing them on to Others
Do not attempt to install or commission this device without first reading all doc‐
umentation provided with the product. Read and understand these safety
instructions and all user documentation prior to working with the device. If you
do not have the user documentation for the device, contact your responsible
Bosch Rexroth sales representative. Ask for these documents to be sent im‐
mediately to the person or persons responsible for the safe operation of the
If the device is resold, rented and/or passed on to others in any other form,
these safety instructions must be delivered with the device in the official lan‐
guage of the user's country.

Improper use of these devices, failure to follow the safety instructions in

this document or tampering with the product, including disabling of safe‐
ty devices, may result in material damage, bodily harm, electric shock
WARNING or even death!
Observe the safety instructions!

3.1.2 How to Employ the Safety Instructions

Read these instructions before initial commissioning of the equipment in order
to eliminate the risk of bodily harm and/or material damage. Follow these safety
instructions at all times.
● Bosch Rexroth AG is not liable for damages resulting from failure to ob‐
serve the warnings provided in this documentation.
● Read the operating, maintenance and safety instructions in your language
before commissioning the machine. If you find that you cannot completely
understand the documentation for your product, please ask your supplier
to clarify.
● Proper and correct transport, storage, assembly and installation, as well
as care in operation and maintenance, are prerequisites for optimal and
safe operation of this device.
● Only assign trained and qualified persons to work with electrical installa‐
– Only persons who are trained and qualified for the use and operation
of the device may work on this device or within its proximity. The
persons are qualified if they have sufficient knowledge of the assem‐
bly, installation and operation of the product, as well as an under‐
standing of all warnings and precautionary measures noted in these
– Furthermore, they must be trained, instructed and qualified to switch
electrical circuits and devices on and off in accordance with technical
safety regulations, to ground them and to mark them according to the
requirements of safe work practices. They must have adequate safe‐
ty equipment and be trained in first aid.
● Only use spare parts and accessories approved by the manufacturer.
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Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

● Follow all safety regulations and requirements for the specific application
as practiced in the country of use.
● The devices have been designed for installation in industrial machinery.
● The ambient conditions given in the product documentation must be ob‐
● Only use safety-relevant applications that are clearly and explicitly ap‐
proved in the Project Planning Manual. If this is not the case, they are
excluded. Safety-relevant are all such applications which can cause dan‐
ger to persons and material damage.
● The information given in the documentation of the product with regard to
the use of the delivered components contains only examples of applica‐
tions and suggestions.
The machine and installation manufacturer must
– make sure that the delivered components are suited for his individual
application and check the information given in this documentation
with regard to the use of the components,
– make sure that his application complies with the applicable safety
regulations and standards and carry out the required measures,
modifications and complements.
● Commissioning of the delivered components is only permitted once it is
sure that the machine or installation in which they are installed complies
with the national regulations, safety specifications and standards of the
● Operation is only permitted if the national EMC regulations for the appli‐
cation are met.
● The instructions for installation in accordance with EMC requirements can
be found in the section on EMC in the respective documentation (Project
Planning Manuals of components and system).
The machine or installation manufacturer is responsible for compliance
with the limiting values as prescribed in the national regulations.
● Technical data, connection and installation conditions are specified in the
product documentation and must be followed at all times.
National regulations which the user must take into account
● European countries: according to European EN standards
● United States of America (USA):
– National Electrical Code (NEC)
– National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), as well as
local engineering regulations
– regulations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
● Canada: Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
● Other countries:
– International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
– International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

3.1.3 Explanation of Warning Symbols and Degrees of Hazard Seriousness

The safety instructions describe the following degrees of hazard seriousness.
The degree of hazard seriousness informs about the consequences resulting
from non-compliance with the safety instructions:
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and Controls

Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

Degree of hazard serious‐

Warning symbol Signal word ness acc. to ANSI Z

Death or severe bodily harm

will occur.

Death or severe bodily harm

may occur.

Minor or moderate bodily

Caution harm or material damage
may occur.
Fig.3-1: Hazard classification (according to ANSI Z 535)

3.1.4 Hazards by Improper Use

High electric voltage and high working current! Risk of death or severe
bodily injury by electric shock!
Observe the safety instructions!

Dangerous movements! Danger to life, severe bodily harm or material

damage by unintentional motor movements!
Observe the safety instructions!

High electric voltage because of incorrect connection! Risk of death or

bodily injury by electric shock!
Observe the safety instructions!

Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and
hearing aids in proximity to electrical equipment!
Observe the safety instructions!

Hot surfaces on device housing! Danger of injury! Danger of burns!

Observe the safety instructions!


Risk of injury by improper handling! Risk of bodily injury by bruising,

shearing, cutting, hitting or improper handling of pressurized lines!
Observe the safety instructions!
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Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

Risk of injury by improper handling of batteries!

Observe the safety instructions!


3.2 Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers

3.2.1 Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings
This section concerns devices and drive components with voltages
of more than 50 Volt.

Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 Volts can cause personal
danger and electric shock. When operating electrical equipment, it is unavoid‐
able that some parts of the devices conduct dangerous voltage.

High electrical voltage! Danger to life, electric shock and severe bodily
● Only those trained and qualified to work with or on electrical equipment
DANGER are permitted to operate, maintain and repair this equipment.
● Follow general construction and safety regulations when working on pow‐
er installations.
● Before switching on the device, the equipment grounding conductor must
have been non-detachably connected to all electrical equipment in ac‐
cordance with the connection diagram.
● Do not operate electrical equipment at any time, even for brief measure‐
ments or tests, if the equipment grounding conductor is not permanently
connected to the mounting points of the components provided for this
● Before working with electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than
50 V, the device must be disconnected from the mains voltage or power
supply unit. Provide a safeguard to prevent reconnection.
● With electrical drive and filter components, observe the following:
Wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow capacitors to discharge
before beginning to work. Measure the electric voltage on the capacitors
before beginning to work to make sure that the equipment is safe to touch.
● Never touch the electrical connection points of a component while power
is turned on. Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component
has been powered.
● Install the covers and guards provided with the equipment properly before
switching the device on. Before switching the equipment on, cover and
safeguard live parts safely to prevent contact with those parts.
● A residual-current-operated circuit-breaker or r.c.d. cannot be used for
electric drives! Indirect contact must be prevented by other means, for
example, by an overcurrent protective device according to the relevant
● Secure built-in devices from direct touching of electrical parts by providing
an external housing, for example a control cabinet.
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and Controls

Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

For electrical drive and filter components with voltages of more than
50 volts, observe the following additional safety instructions.

High housing voltage and high leakage current! Risk of death or bodily
injury by electric shock!
● Before switching on, the housings of all electrical equipment and motors
DANGER must be connected or grounded with the equipment grounding conductor
to the grounding points. This is also applicable before short tests.
● The equipment grounding conductor of the electrical equipment and the
devices must be non-detachably and permanently connected to the power
supply unit at all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA.
● Over the total length, use copper wire of a cross section of a minimum of
10 mm2 for this equipment grounding connection!
● Before commissioning, also in trial runs, always attach the equipment
grounding conductor or connect to the ground wire. Otherwise, high vol‐
tages may occur at the housing causing electric shock.

3.2.2 Protection Against Electric Shock by Protective Extra-Low Voltage

Protective extra-low voltage is used to allow connecting devices with basic in‐
sulation to extra-low voltage circuits.
All connections and terminals with voltages between 5 and 50 volts at Rexroth
products are PELV systems. 1) It is therefore allowed to connect devices
equipped with basic insulation (such as programming devices, PCs, notebooks,
display units) to these connections and terminals.

High electric voltage by incorrect connection! Risk of death or bodily

injury by electric shock!
If extra-low voltage circuits of devices containing voltages and circuits of more
WARNING than 50 volts (e.g. the mains connection) are connected to Rexroth products,
the connected extra-low voltage circuits must comply with the requirements for
PELV. 2)

3.2.3 Protection Against Dangerous Movements

Dangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors.
Some common examples are:
● improper or wrong wiring of cable connections
● incorrect operation of the equipment components
● wrong input of parameters before operation
● malfunction of sensors, encoders and monitoring devices
● defective components
● software or firmware errors
Dangerous movements can occur immediately after equipment is switched on
or even after an unspecified time of trouble-free operation.

1) "Protective Extra-Low Voltage"

2) "Protective Extra-Low Voltage"
32/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

The monitoring in the drive components will normally be sufficient to avoid faulty
operation in the connected drives. Regarding personal safety, especially the
danger of bodily harm and material damage, this alone cannot be relied upon
to ensure complete safety. Until the integrated monitoring functions become
effective, it must be assumed in any case that faulty drive movements will occur.
The extent of faulty drive movements depends upon the type of control and the
state of operation.
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and Controls

Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, severe bodily harm

or material damage!
● Ensure personal safety by means of qualified and tested higher-level
DANGER monitoring devices or measures integrated in the installation.
These measures have to be provided for by the user according to the
specific conditions within the installation and a hazard and fault analysis.
The safety regulations applicable for the installation have to be taken into
consideration. Unintended machine motion or other malfunction is possi‐
ble if safety devices are disabled, bypassed or not activated.
To avoid accidents, bodily harm and/or material damage:
● Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion and moving parts.
Possible measures to prevent people from accidentally entering the ma‐
chine’s range of motion:
– use safety fences
– use safety guards
– use protective coverings
– install light curtains or light barriers
● Fences and coverings must be strong enough to resist maximum possible
● Mount the emergency stop switch in the immediate reach of the operator.
Verify that the emergency stop works before startup. Don’t operate the
device if the emergency stop is not working.
● Isolate the drive power connection by means of an emergency stop circuit
or use a safety related starting lockout to prevent unintentional start.
● Make sure that the drives are brought to a safe standstill before accessing
or entering the danger zone.
● Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switching
off the motor power by, for example:
– mechanically securing the vertical axes,
– adding an external braking/ arrester/ clamping mechanism or
– ensuring sufficient equilibration of the vertical axes.
● The standard equipment motor brake or an external brake controlled di‐
rectly by the drive controller are not sufficient to guarantee personal
● Disconnect electrical power to the equipment using a master switch and
secure the switch against reconnection for:
– maintenance and repair work
– cleaning of equipment
– long periods of discontinued equipment use
● Prevent the operation of high-frequency, remote control and radio equip‐
ment near electronics circuits and supply leads. If the use of such devices
cannot be avoided, verify the system and the installation for possible mal‐
functions in all possible positions of normal use before initial startup. If
necessary, perform a special electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test on
the installation.
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Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

3.2.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Oper‐

ation and Mounting
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors
and permanent magnets in motors represent a serious personal danger to
those with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids.

Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and
hearing aids in proximity to electrical equipment!
● Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not permitted to
WARNING enter following areas:
– Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are mounted, being
operated or commissioned.
– Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are being
stored, repaired or mounted.
● If it is necessary for somebody with a pacemaker to enter such an area,
a doctor must be consulted prior to doing so. The noise immunity of pres‐
ent or future implanted heart pacemakers differs greatly so that no general
rules can be given.
● Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids,
must consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above. Oth‐
erwise health hazards may occur.

3.2.5 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts

Hot surfaces at motor housings, on drive controllers or chokes! Danger
of injury! Danger of burns!
● Do not touch surfaces of device housings and chokes in the proximity of
CAUTION heat sources! Danger of burns!
● Do not touch housing surfaces of motors! Danger of burns!
● According to the operating conditions, temperatures can be higher than
60 °C, 140°F during or after operation.
● Before accessing motors after having switched them off, let them cool
down for a sufficiently long time. Cooling down can require up to 140 mi‐
nutes! Roughly estimated, the time required for cooling down is five times
the thermal time constant specified in the Technical Data.
● After switching drive controllers or chokes off, wait 15 minutes to allow
them to cool down before touching them.
● Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces.
● For certain applications, the manufacturer of the end product, machine or
installation, according to the respective safety regulations, has to take
measures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the end application. These
measures can be, for example: warnings, guards (shielding or barrier),
technical documentation.

3.2.6 Protection During Handling and Mounting

In unfavorable conditions, handling and mounting certain parts and compo‐
nents in an improper way can cause injuries.
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and Controls

Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

Risk of injury by improper handling! Bodily injury by bruising, shearing,

cutting, hitting!
● Observe the general construction and safety regulations on handling and
CAUTION mounting.
● Use suitable devices for mounting and transport.
● Avoid jamming and bruising by appropriate measures.
● Always use suitable tools. Use special tools if specified.
● Use lifting equipment and tools in the correct manner.
● If necessary, use suitable protective equipment (for example safety gog‐
gles, safety shoes, safety gloves).
● Do not stand under hanging loads.
● Immediately clean up any spilled liquids because of the danger of skidding.

3.2.7 Battery Safety

Batteries consist of active chemicals enclosed in a solid housing. Therefore,
improper handling can cause injury or material damage.

Risk of injury by improper handling!

● Do not attempt to reactivate low batteries by heating or other methods (risk
of explosion and cauterization).
CAUTION ● Do not recharge the batteries as this may cause leakage or explosion.
● Do not throw batteries into open flames.
● Do not dismantle batteries.
● When replacing the battery/batteries do not damage electrical parts in‐
stalled in the devices.
● Only use the battery types specified by the manufacturer.

Environmental protection and disposal! The batteries contained in

the product are considered dangerous goods during land, air, and
sea transport (risk of explosion) in the sense of the legal regulations.
Dispose of used batteries separate from other waste. Observe the
local regulations in the country of assembly.

3.2.8 Protection Against Pressurized Systems

According to the information given in the Project Planning Manuals, motors
cooled with liquid and compressed air, as well as drive controllers, can be par‐
tially supplied with externally fed, pressurized media, such as compressed air,
hydraulics oil, cooling liquids and cooling lubricating agents. Improper handling
of the connected supply systems, supply lines or connections can cause injuries
or material damage.
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Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

Risk of injury by improper handling of pressurized lines!

● Do not attempt to disconnect, open or cut pressurized lines (risk of explo‐
CAUTION ● Observe the respective manufacturer's operating instructions.
● Before dismounting lines, relieve pressure and empty medium.
● Use suitable protective equipment (for example safety goggles, safety
shoes, safety gloves).
● Immediately clean up any spilled liquids from the floor.

Environmental protection and disposal! The agents used to operate

the product might not be economically friendly. Dispose of ecolog‐
ically harmful agents separately from other waste. Observe the local
regulations in the country of assembly.
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and Controls

Master Communication

4 Master Communication
4.1 Basic Functions of Master Communication
4.1.1 Brief Description
General Information
The basic functions of master communication for IndraDrive devices apply to
SERCOS interface, SERCOS III, field bus interface, parallel and analog inter‐
All variants of master communication supported by IndraDrive have the follow‐
ing functional features in common:
● Address assignment
→ Communication address to be freely parameterized (via master com‐
munication, serial and control panel) via parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive
address of master communication"
● Command processing
→ Drive commands to be externally activated (via master communication,
serial and control panel)
● Device control (state machine)
→ Individual state machines for master communication and device
– According to the variant of master communication, the master com‐
munication state machine has different functionality and complexity.
The communication-specific states are distinguished and mapped to
the status words of the corresponding master communication (e.g.
for SERCOS: S‑0‑0014, S‑0‑0135).
– The device state machine is independent of the variant of master
communication and maps the device-specific states to parameter
"S‑0‑0424, Status parameterization level". We always distinguish
operating mode (OM) and parameter mode (PM).
● Extended possibilities of control
– Signal control word (S‑0‑0145) and signal status word (S‑0‑0144)
– Multiplex channel
See section "Control Options / Additional Functions"

The state machine of the master communications is briefly outlined

in this section; it will be described in detail, i.e. including the indi‐
vidual status transitions, in the main chapter of the respective
master communication.

Pertinent Parameters
The following parameters are used independent of the variant of master com‐
Parameters for State Machine and ● S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diagnostics
Phase Switch
● S-0-0012, Class 2 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0014, Interface status
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Master Communication
● S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
● S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
● S-0-0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization level
● S-0-0424, Status parameterization level
● P-0-4086, Master communication status
● P-0-4088, Master communication, configuration
Operating Mode Parameters ● S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation
● S‑0‑0033, Secondary operation mode 1
● S‑0‑0034, Secondary operation mode 2
● S‑0‑0035, Secondary operation mode 3
● S‑0‑0284, Secondary operation mode 4
● S‑0‑0285, Secondary operation mode 5
● S‑0‑0286, Secondary operation mode 6
● S‑0‑0287, Secondary operation mode 7
Device-Specific Control and Status ● S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
● S‑0‑0145, Signal control word
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word
● P‑0‑0116, Device control: control word
● P‑0‑4028, Device control word
SERCOS-Specific Parameters For the "SERCOS interface", the following additional parameters are used:
● S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication phase 2
● S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication phase 3
● S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
● S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
● S-0-0134, Master control word
● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
For the "SERCOS III" interface, the following additional parameters are used:
● S‑0‑1134, SERCOS III: Master control word
● S‑0‑1135, SERCOS III: Drive status word
Field-Bus-Specific Parameters The following additional parameters are used for field buses:
● P-0-4068, Field bus: control word IO
● P-0-4077, Field bus: control word
● P-0-4078, Field bus: status word
Specific Parameters for Parallel/ For the parallel/analog interface, the following additional parameters are used:
Analog Interface
● P‑0‑4028, Device control word
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages
● C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
● C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
● C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
● C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
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and Controls

Master Communication

4.1.2 Setting the Axis Address

Each drive is identified by its own address.

Multiple addressing is not allowed; i.e. an address number may only

be assigned once in the drive group!

The drive address can be set in the following ways:

● Directly writing the parameter "P-0-4025, Drive address of master com‐
munication" via the master communication
- or -
● Changing the content of "P-0-4025, Drive address of master communica‐
tion" via the control panel (see below)

The address entered in parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of

master communication" takes effect during the transition from
P0 → P1. This address is displayed in parameter "P-0-4031, Over‐
view of device addresses".

Condition as Supplied In the condition as supplied the address "99" has been set.
Address Setting via Standard Control Panel
The drive address for IndraDrive controllers can be set via the standard control
panel at the front of the device.

Fig.4-1: Standard Control Panel (Example of Display)

The address is set via the control panel as follows:
1. Change to "Commands/settings" mode
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Master Communication

Fig.4-2: Activating the "Commands/Settings" Mode

2. Select element "2.1 drive address" by means of "Up/Down" key, then con‐
firm by means of "Enter" key
3. Set drive address by means of "Up/Down" keys, then confirm by means
of "Enter" key
● First set tens digit
→ The display reads "2.1.1 drive address"
● Then set units digit
→ The display reads "2.1.2 drive address"

The tens or units digit is accepted by pressing the "Enter" key. To

return press the "Esc" key.

Fig.4-3: Selecting and Setting the Drive Address

Address Setting via Parameter Access
The drive address can also be set by writing the parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive
address of master communication". This is particularly interesting if you ad‐
ministrate the axis data in centralized form in the control unit and want to set
the address from the control unit when replacing devices.
See also "Notes on How to Replace the Devices"
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and Controls

Master Communication

The address written to parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of mas‐

ter communication" will only take effect after repeated booting
process or, in the case of SERCOS devices, after the transition from
P-1 → P1.

4.1.3 Command Processing

Commands are used to control complex functions in the drive. For example,
the functions "drive-controlled homing procedure" or "transition check for com‐
munication phase 4" are defined as commands.

All commands available in the drive are stored in the parameter

"S‑0‑0025, IDN-list of all procedure commands".

Kinds of Commands We distinguish 3 kinds of commands:

● Drive control commands
– Can cause automatic drive motion
– Can only be started when drive enable has been set
– Deactivate the active operating mode during its execution
● Monitor commands
– Activate or deactivate monitorings or functions in the drive
● Administration commands
– Carry out administration tasks
– Cannot be interrupted
Command Execution
General Information Observe the following aspects for command execution:
● Belonging to each command there is a parameter with which the command
execution can be controlled.
● The higher-level master can start, interrupt or clear commands.
● While a command is being executed, the diagnostic message "Cx" ap‐
pears on the display, "x" representing the number of the command.
● Each command that was started by the master must be actively cleared

Damage to the internal memory (flash) caused by cyclic command ex‐

ecution (write access to the flash)!
⇒ During the execution of some commands (see description of the respective
CAUTION diagnostic command message; e.g. C0500), data are written to the internal
memory (flash), too. This memory, however, only allows a limited number of
write access. For this reason, you should make sure that such write access is
not carried out too often.

Controlling the Command Execu‐ The command execution is controlled and monitored by command input and
tion command acknowledgment. In the input the drive is informed on whether the
command execution is to be started, interrupted or completed. The input takes
place via the operating data of the respective parameter.
Commands are started or terminated by:
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Master Communication

● Directly writing data to the respective command parameter (e.g. parame‐

ter S‑0‑0099 in the case of command C0500) via serial interface of master
- or -
● A 0-1 edge when the command was assigned to a digital input
See also the following sections:
– "Configurable Signal Control Word"
– "Parallel Interface"
– "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
Possible Command Inputs For command execution, we distinguish the following inputs (= content of com‐
mand parameter):
● 0: Not set and not enabled
● 1: Interrupted
● 3: Set and enabled
Command Acknowledgment In the command acknowledgment, the drive informs about the current status of
the command execution. The current status is contained in the data status of
the command parameter.

The command status can be obtained by executing a command to

write data to the parameter element 1 (data status) of the command

Command Status The command status can be:

● 0x0: Not set and not enabled
● 0x7: In process
● 0xF: Error, command execution impossible
● 0x5: Command execution interrupted
● 0x3: Command correctly executed
Command Change Bit
For master-side detection of a change of the command acknowledgment by the
drive, the "command change bit" (KA bit) is available for SERCOS in parameter
"S‑0‑0135, Drive status word".
● The drive sets this bit when the command acknowledgment changes from
the status "in process (0x7)" to one of the following states:
– Error, command execution impossible (0xF)
- or -
– Command correctly executed (0x3)
● The bit is cleared when the master clears the input (0x0), i.e. writes "0" to
the parameter belonging to the command.

The command change bit is only set if the command is activated via
master communication.
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and Controls

Master Communication

Fig.4-4: Input, Acknowledgment and Command Change Bit in the Case of Cor‐
rect Execution

Fig.4-5: Input, Acknowledgment and Command Change Bit in the Case of In‐
correct Execution

4.1.4 Device Control and State Machines

The drive status (e.g. Drive Halt, drive error) represents a specific internal and
external drive behavior. The drive status can be exited by defined events (e.g.
drive commands, switching of operating modes). Corresponding status transi‐
tions are assigned to the events. The status transitions or the interaction of
control and status bits are called state machine.
We distinguish between:
● Device-internal state machine (defines the device-specific states which
determine the behavior of the device)
● State machine of master communication
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Master Communication

S‑0‑0127 C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check

S‑0‑0128 C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
S‑0‑0420 C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
S‑0‑0422 C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
Fig.4-6: Overview: State Machines of Master Communications and Device
Device-Internal State Machine
Parameter Mode/Operating Mode For the device-internal state machine we distinguish the following states:
● Parameter mode (PM)
→ Allows write access to all drive parameters which are not password-
● Operating mode (OM)
→ Only allows write access to all drive parameters which can be changed
in operation and preferably can be cyclically transmitted
Switching You can change between these two states via the following commands:
● S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
● S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
Observe the following aspects for switching:
● Switching is generally possible by direct execution of the transition com‐
mands S‑0‑0420 or S‑0‑0422.
● For field bus devices, switching can additionally take place in the freely
configurable operating mode (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE or 0xFFFD) by preset‐
ting the desired mode via bit 1 in "P‑0‑4077, Field bus: control word".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 45/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● In the case of the "SERCOS interface", the state machine of the master
communication is connected to the device-internal state machine. This
means that when master communication is switched (communication
phase 2 → communication phase 4 or back), the device-internal state ma‐
chine is switched, too.
● In the case of master communication other than SERCOS interface, the
device-internal state machine changes to the operating mode after the
booting process.
Control Word and Status Word The device-specific states are mapped to the following parameters:
● S-0-0424, Status parameterization level
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word
● P‑0‑0116, Device control: control word
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Master Communication

State Machine of Master Communication

Fig.4-7: Device Control (General State Machine)

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and Controls

Master Communication

For the state machine of master communication, we distinguish 3 characteris‐

tics which differ with regard to functionality and complexity:
● SERCOS state machine
● Field bus state machine
● Parallel/analog state machine

The following sections only describe the most important states

which are described in detail in the section of the respective master

SERCOS State Machine For the master communication "SERCOS interface", we distinguish the follow‐
ing states specific to this kind of communication:

Fig.4-8: State Machine of the Communication Phases of the Drive According to

SERCOS Specification
See also "SERCOS interface"

The currently valid communication phase is contained in parameter

"S‑0‑0014, Interface status" (bit 0...2).

Field Bus State Machine For field bus master communication, we distinguish the following states specific
to this kind of communication:
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Master Communication

Fig.4-9: State Machine for Field Bus Interfaces

See also sections on the respective variants of the field bus master communi‐
Communication Phases of Master Communication
The supported communication phases, as well as the handling of the switching
between the communication phases (e.g. parameter and operating mode), de‐
pend on the master communication that is used.

The currently valid communication phase is contained in parameter

"S‑0‑0014, Interface status" (bit 0...2) and for field bus drives addi‐
tionally in parameter "P‑0‑4078, Field bus: status word" (bit 0,1).

Communication Phases According According to SERCOS specification, the individual communication phases
to SERCOS Specification (states) have the following significance:
● P-1: After it is switched on, the drive goes to phase -1 and carries out a
baud rate scan. As soon as the drive receives valid SERCOS telegrams
from the master, it changes to phase 0.
● P0: The master checks the SERCOS ring by sending synchronization
telegrams. During phase 0, communication between master and drive isn't
possible yet.
● P1: When the ring is closed, the master changes to phase 1 and scans
the slaves. In addition, it checks the configuration of the ring.
● P2: In phase 2, the complete drive parameterization can be carried out.
The following kinds of parameters can only be changed in phase 2:
– Communication parameters (according to SERCOS)
– Configuration of axis control (sampling times)
– All factory-specific settings (can only be changed via master pass‐
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Master Communication

● P3: When changing from P2 → P3, only the parameters that can be
changed in phase 2 (see above) are checked.
In phase 3, the following parameters can be changed:
– Parameters for operating mode configuration
– Error reaction settings
– Motor configuration parameters, holding brake parameters
– Encoder configuration parameters
– Mechanical transmission elements (gear, feed constant)
– Scaling and polarity parameters, position data format, modulo value
– Configuration of analog and digital inputs/outputs
– Configuration of switch-on / switch-off sequence of drive enable
(waiting times, ...)

According to SERCOS specification, the parameter mode is divided

into phases 2 and 3. In phase 3, the limit values for all scaling-de‐
pendent parameters are not yet known. When these parameters
are written in phase 3, the extreme value check is only carried out
during phase switch to phase 4.

● P4: In phase 4, the so-called "operating mode", only the cyclic data can
be changed, the configuration parameters cannot. The switch to the op‐
erating mode always causes a new initialization of all functions available
in the drive.
The following aspects have to be observed for phase switch:
● After the controller has been switched on, it does not automatically go to
the operating mode, but has to be switched to this mode by the master.
● This switching of the drive controller to the operating mode is closely con‐
nected to establishing the readiness for operation.
● The procedure comprises several steps and is controlled by the master
by presetting communication phases -1 to 4 and starting/completing the
following commands:
– S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
– S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check

SERCOS devices support all 5 communication phases (as well as

phase –1 → baud rate scan). According to SERCOS specification,
switching takes place by the master setting the communication

Communication Phases for Field For devices with field bus interface, there only is the status "Data Exchange",
Bus Interface apart from the basic initialization. In the status "Data Exchange", we distinguish
the following device states:
● Parameter mode
● Operating mode
Communication Phases for Parallel Basically, the same communication phases apply to devices with analog or
or Analog Interface parallel interface and to devices with field bus interface.
Switching always takes place when the transition check commands are exe‐
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Master Communication

After the drive controller has been switched on, it automatically

changes to the operating mode!

Control Words and Status Words of Master Communication

The control word and status word of the respective master communication are
an essential part of the communication between the master communication
master and the drive.
Depending on the master communication, different parameters are used:
● SERCOS interface:
– S-0-0134, Master control word
– S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
– S-0-1134, Master control word
– S-0-1135, Drive status word
● Field bus interface (e.g. PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet):
– P-0-4077, Field bus: control word
- or -
P-0-4068, Field bus: control word IO
– P-0-4078, Field bus: status word
- or -
S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
● Analog/parallel interface (analog mode):
– P‑0‑4028, Device control word
– P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word
The following device-specific parameters are used drive-internally:
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word
● P‑0‑0116, Device control: control word
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the above control and status
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Master Communication

Fig.4-10: Interaction of the Available Control and Status Words

See also separate documentation "IndraMotion MLD".

The internal control and status words can only be directly reached
via the PLC integrated in the drive (functional package "IndraMotion
MLD" as optional expansion). If this function has not been activated,
it is always the specific control and status words that are accessed
via the master communication. But it is always possible to read the
parameters P‑0‑0115 and P‑0‑0116 in order to obtain information
on the internal device status.

Timing Diagrams for Device Control

The control bits in parameter "S‑0‑0134, Master control word" are
input externally via the master communication (the following exam‐
ples apply to SERCOS)!
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Bit Sequence During Switch-On


S‑0‑0206 Drive on delay time

Fig.4-11: Bit Sequence During Switch-On Process
Bit Sequence During Switch-Off

S‑0‑0207 Drive off delay time

Fig.4-12: Bit Sequence During Switch-Off Process
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Master Communication

Bit Sequence During Error Reac‐


S‑0‑0099 C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics

Fig.4-13: Bit Sequence During Error Reaction
Bit Sequence During Change of
Operating Modes

Fig.4-14: Bit Sequence During Change of Operating Modes

Commands and Diagnostic Messages for Mode Change and Phase Switch
Distinguishing the Commands According to the desired action, the commands are related to the following
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Master Communication
● Commands for changing between parameter mode and operating mode:
– S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure com‐
– S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
● Commands for transition check to communication phases 3 and 4 (only
with SERCOS!):
– S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
– S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check

With SERCOS, the command C0200 (S‑0‑0422) is automatically

called during the execution of command C5200 (S‑0‑0128). This is
why a diagnostic command message C02xx can be displayed after
the command C5200 has been started.
Communication Phase 3 Transition By executing the command "S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transi‐
Check tion check", a number of checks and parameter conversions are carried out that
can possibly cause the listed diagnostic command messages:
● Checking validity of parameters required for switching to phase 3
If one of these parameters has never been written or the backup was car‐
ried out incorrectly, the error message "C0101" is generated. The IDNs of
the faulty parameters are listed in parameter "S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid
operating data for communication phase 2". These parameters have to be
set valid by writing correct values to them.
– C0101 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0021)
● Checking device configuration
– C0132 Invalid settings for controller cycle times
● Checking telegram configuration, especially in the case of configured tele‐
In this case a check is run to find out whether the parameters selected for
the configurable data block in the cyclic command value channel (MDT)
or actual value channel (AT) may be configured and whether the allowed
length of the configurable data blocks is complied with.
– C0104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable
– C0105 Maximum length for MDT exceeded
– C0106 Config. IDNs for AT not configurable
– C0107 Maximum length for AT exceeded
● If necessary, checking timing parameters for SERCOS communication in
phases 3 and 4 for validity and compliance with requirements
– C0108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time
– C0109 Position of data record in MDT (S-0-0009) even
– C0110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd
– C0111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT (S-0-0010)
– C0112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error
– C0113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc (S-0-0002) error
– C0114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
– C0115 T2 too small
– C0116 T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 + S-0-0010)
– C0139 T2 (S-0-0089) + length MDT (S-0-0010) > TScyc (S-0-0002)
● Limit value check of communication parameters and system
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Master Communication
– C0102 Limit error in parameter (-> S-0-0021)
– C0103 Parameter conversion error (-> S-0-0021)
– C0131 Switching to phase 3 impossible
Communication Phase 4 Transition With the command "S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition
Check or Command "Exit Parame‐ check" or "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command",
terization Level Procedure" the following checks and initializations are carried out that can possibly cause
the listed command errors:
● Checking whether functional package selection was changed
– C0299 Functional package selection changed. Restart
→ Drive has to be rebooted before it is possible to switch to the op‐
erating mode (OM)
● Checking validity of parameters required for subsequent initializations
– C0201 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0423)
– C0212 Invalid control section data (->S-0-0423)
● Checking device configuration
– C0223 Invalid settings for controller cycle times
● If necessary, checking parameters for field bus communication for validity
and compliance with requirements
– C0229 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. not configurable
– C0230 Field bus: length for cycl. command val. exceeded
– C0231 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not configurable
– C0232 Field bus: length for cycl. actual values exceeded
– C0233 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect
– C0234 Field bus: P-0-4077 is missing for cycl. command values
● Checking configuration of multiplex channel
– C0238 Order of cyclic command value configuration incorrect
– C0239 IDN for command value data container not allowed
– C0240 IDN for actual value data container not allowed
● Checking motor and encoder configuration
– C0210 Feedback 2 required (->S-0-0423)
– C0219 Max. travel range too large
– C0270 Error when reading encoder data => motor encoder
– C0271 Incorrect parameterization of motor encoder (hardware)
– C0272 Incorr. parameteriz. of motor enc. (mechanical system)
– C0273 Modulo value for motor encoder cannot be displayed
– C0274 Motor encoder unknown
– C0275 Error when reading encoder data => optional encoder
– C0276 Incorrect parameterization of optional enc. (hardware)
– C0277 Incorr. parameteriz. of opt. enc. (mechanical system)
– C0278 Modulo value for optional encoder cannot be displayed
– C0279 Optional encoder unknown
– C0280 Maximum travel range cannot be displayed internally
– C0284 Invalid motor data in encoder memory (->S-0-0423)
– C0285 Type of construction of motor P-0-4014 incorrect
– C0286 Several motor encoders connected
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Master Communication
– C0287 Error during initialization of motor data (->S-0-0423)
– C0288 Rotary scaling not allowed
– C0289 Error at init. of synchr. motor with reluctance torque
– C0290 Error when reading encoder data => measuring encoder
– C0291 Incorr. parameterization of measuring enc. (hardware)
– C0292 Measuring encoder unknown
– C0293 Modulo value for measuring encoder cannot be displayed
– C0294 Incorrect measuring encoder configuration
● Checking modulo range
– C0244 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range
● Checks during encoder initialization
– C0220 Error when initializing position of encoder 1
– C0221 Initialization velocity encoder 1 too high
– C0224 Error when initializing position of encoder 2
– C0225 Initialization velocity encoder 2 too high
– C0227 Error when initializing position of encoder 3
– C0228 Initialization velocity measuring encoder too high
● Initializing optional additional functions (digital I/Os)
– C0243 Brake check function not possible
– C0250 Probe inputs incorrectly configured
– C0260 Incremental enc. emulator resol. cannot be displayed
● Initializing integrated safety technology
– C0254 Configuration error PROFIsafe
– C0255 Safety command for system init. incorrect
– C0256 Safety technology configuration error
– C0257 No encoder assigned to slot 1
● Limit value check
– C0202 Parameter limit error (->S‑0‑0423)
– C0203 Parameter calculation error (->S-0-0423)
● General system checks
– C0245 Operating mode configuration (->S-0-0423) not allowed
● Initializing fine interpolator
– C0258 Error in relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to fine interpol.
● Initializing digital inputs/outputs
– C0246 Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig. input
– C0247 Dig. output already assigned to another axis
– C0248 Dig. input assigned differently to axes
– C0249 Digital I/Os: bit number too high
● Checking interface configuration
– C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S-0-0423)
● Checking master communication
– C0251 Error during synchronization to master communication
● Checking whether boot error is present or firmware download has been
carried out
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Master Communication
– C0298 Impossible to exit parameterization level
● Checking whether it was possible to switch CCD group without error
– C0265 Incorrect CCD address configuration
– C0266 Incorrect CCD phase switch
– C0267 CCD timeout phase switch
"Error-Free" Message When the drive has reached communication phase 4 without error, the display
reads "bb". The corresponding diagnostic message is:
● A0013 Ready for power on

4.2 Control Options/Additional Functions

4.2.1 Configurable Signal Control Word
Brief Description
The signal control word allows writing individual control bits, that are available
in different parameters, by a freely configurable collective parameter. The con‐
figurable signal control word is used to accept a maximum of 16 copies of bits
from other drive parameters.

The bits in the signal control word are processed in every interface
cycle at the point of time defined in parameter "S‑0‑0008, Command
value valid time (T3)".

Examples of Use This functionality can be used, for example,

● for freely configuring the digital inputs
● for setting-up mode via digital inputs
● for setting bits in drive parameters and for starting commands via the cyclic
channel (master communication)

For SERCOS and field bus interface the parameter "S‑0‑0145, Sig‐
nal control word" must be accordingly configured in the cyclic data
so that the configured control bits are evaluated.

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0027, Configuration list signal control word

● S‑0‑0145, Signal control word
● S-0-0329, Assign list signal control word
● S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word
Notes on Commissioning of the Signal Control Word
Selection List Only parameters contained in "S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in the
signal control word" can be assigned to parameter "S‑0‑0027, Configuration list
signal control word".
Configuring the IDNs In parameter "S‑0‑0027, Configuration list signal control word", the IDNs of
those parameters are indicated that are to be configured by means of the signal
control word (= targets).
The position of an IDN in this list defines which bit is assigned to which IDN
(targets) in the signal control word. For example, the 1st list element determines
the parameter to which bit 0 of the signal control word is assigned.
Configuring the Bit Numbers Which bit of the selected parameters (= targets in parameter S‑0‑0027) is set
(or cleared) by the signal control word, has to be defined in parameter
"S‑0‑0329, Assign list signal control word".
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If this list remains empty, bit 0 of the mentioned parameters is au‐

tomatically influenced. Otherwise the bit that is to be assigned to
the target parameter is entered in this list.

Bit numbers from "0" (LSB) to "31" (MSB) can be entered.

A maximum of 16 bits can be configured. Configuration must always

be carried out from the least significant to the most significant bit;
in other words, the position of the bit copy in the signal control word
results from the continuous configuration in parameter "S‑0‑0027,
Configuration list signal control word".

Exceptions ● If the assigned parameter is a command, the bit number in parameter

"S‑0‑0329, Assign list signal control word" is irrelevant.
● If the parameter assigned is parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control
word", a positive edge in the respective bit of the control word causes
toggling of parameter S‑0‑0346.

When cross communication is used in the "CCD system mode", the

parameter "S‑0‑0145, Signal control word" is used to map the con‐
trol bits which are not contained in parameter "S‑0‑1134, SERCOS-
III: Master control word". That is why this parameter, in the CCD
system mode, has already been configured by default in the cyclic
master data telegram (MDT → S‑0‑0024)! In addition, other bits
have been permanently configured so that in this case the user can
only define the bits 12 to 15!

Diagnostic Messages and Error Messages

When entering data in the parameters "S‑0‑0027, Configuration list signal con‐
trol word" and "S‑0‑0329, Assign list signal control word", the following checks
are run:
● If an IDN specified in parameter S‑0‑0027 is not contained in parameter
"S-0-0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word", the
error message "0x7008 Invalid data" is generated.

In this case, only those inputs up to the faulty element are accepted!

4.2.2 Configurable Signal Status Word

Brief Description
The configurable signal status word is used to accept a maximum of 16 copies
of bits from other drive parameters. The user can thereby freely configure a bit
list with status bits. This allows defining a bit list which contains all important
status information of the drive for the control unit.

The bits in the signal status word are configured in every master
communication cycle at the point of time defined in parameter
"S‑0‑0007, Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)".

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0026, Configuration list signal status word

● S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
● S-0-0328, Assign list signal status word
● S‑0‑0398, IDN list of configurable data in signal status word
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Master Communication

Notes on Commissioning of the Signal Status Word

Configuring the IDNs In parameter "S‑0‑0026, Configuration list signal status word", the IDNs of those
parameters are indicated that contain the original bits (sources). The parame‐
ters that can be entered in the configuration list are listed in parameter
"S-0-0398, IDN list of configurable data in the signal status word". The position
of an IDN in the list determines the bit in the signal status word to which the IDN
applies. For example, the 1st list element determines from which parameter bit
0 of the signal status word is taken.
Configuring the Bit Numbers Which bit of the parameters selected in "S-0-0026, Configuration list signal sta‐
tus word" is copied to the signal status word has to be determined in "S-0-0328,
Assign list signal status word".

If this list remains empty, bit 0 of the mentioned parameters is au‐

tomatically copied. Otherwise, the bit to be taken from the source
parameter is specified in the list.

Bit numbers from "0" (LSB) to "31" (MSB) can be entered.

The signal status word can have the following configuration, for example:

Bit no. in signal status IDN of original pa‐ Bit no. of original pa‐
word (S‑0‑0144) rameter in S‑0‑0026 rameter in S‑0‑0328 Significance

position sta‐
0 S‑0‑0403 0

Fig.4-15: Example of configuration of signal status word

A maximum of 16 bits can be configured. Configuration must always

be carried out from the least significant to the most significant bit;
in other words, the position of the bit copy in the signal status word
results from the continuous configuration in parameter "S-0-0026,
Configuration list signal status word".

When cross communication is used in the "CCD system mode", the

parameter "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" is used to map the control
bits which are not contained in parameter "S‑0‑1135, SERCOS-III:
drive status". That is why this parameter, in the CCD system mode,
has already been configured by default in the cyclic drive telegram
(AT → S‑0‑0016)! In addition, other bits have been permanently
configured so that in this case the user can only define the bits 12
to 15!

Diagnostic Messages and Error Messages

When entering data in the parameters "S‑0‑0328, Assign list signal status word"
and "S‑0‑0026, Configuration list signal status word", the following check is run:
● Check whether the IDN specified in S-0-0026 has variable data length (list
parameter) or a so-called online read function. If yes, the service channel
error message "0x7008 Invalid data" is generated.
Parameters with online read function generally are parameters with phys‐
ical units (position, velocities, accelerations and currents), as well as the
parameters "S-0-0135, Drive status word" and "S-0-0011, Class 1 diag‐

In this case, only those inputs up to the faulty element are accepted!
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Master Communication

4.2.3 Multiplex Channel

Brief Description
The multiplex channel is an expansion of the limited cyclic data channel. By
means of index assignment and switching, cyclic access to list elements is
possible for the multiplex channel, too.

To be able to use the "multiplex channel" mechanism it is necessary

to use master communication via SERCOS or field bus (e.g. PRO‐
FIBUS-DP) and configure the multiplex parameters in the cyclic
real-time channel.

Features ● 8 multiplex containers with 4 bytes each are available for cyclic command
value data (MDT) and cyclic actual value data (AT)
● Multiplex data to be transmitted is addressed via parameter "S‑0‑0368,
Data container A: addressing" (L-byte for MDT; H-byte for AT)
● Individual elements from list parameters can be addressed via parameters
S‑0‑0362 and S‑0‑0366
● Multiplex data are transmitted in communication cycle
Possible Applications By means of the multiplex channel it is possible:
● To increase the number of transmittable bytes in the cyclic real-time chan‐
nel (command and actual values) by multiplexing data,
● To transmit the multiplex data with a cycle time of "Tscyc x number of mul‐
tiplex data" by incrementing the addressing index (S‑0‑0368)
● To achieve operating mode dependent configuration of the cyclic data by
index switching in case the operating mode is changed.

When IndraMotion MLC is used, the multiplex channel is used for

communication between MLC and drive and therefore cannot be
freely used any more!

Pertinent Parameters Parameters for command value channel:

● S‑0‑0362 Data container A: List index command values
● S‑0‑0368 Data container A: Addressing
● S‑0‑0360 Data container A: Cmd value -1
● S‑0‑0450 Data container A: Cmd value -2
- to -
S‑0‑0456 Data container A: Cmd value -8
Parameters for actual value channel:
● S‑0‑0366 Data container A: List index feedback values
● S‑0‑0364 Data container A: Actual value -1
● S‑0‑0480 Data container A: Actual value -2
- to -
S‑0‑0486 Data container A: Actual value -8
Configuration lists of the command value data containers:
● S‑0‑0370 Data container A: Configuration list command value-1
● S‑0‑0490 Data container A: Configuration list command value-2
- to -
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Master Communication
S‑0‑0496 Data container A: Configuration list command value-8
Configuration lists of the actual value data containers:
● S‑0‑0371 Data container A: Configuration list feedback value-1
● S‑0‑0500 Data container A: Configuration list feedback value-2
- to -
S‑0‑0506 Data container A: Configuration list feedback value-8
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0238 Order cycl. command value configuration incorrect
● C0151 IDN for command value data container not allowed
● C0152 IDN for actual value data container not allowed
● E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A
● E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A
Functional Description
General Information
Possible Multiplex Data In the multiplex channel it is possible to configure all parameters that can be
transmitted in the cyclic real-time channel. The possible multiplex data are con‐
tained in the list parameters for the command value and actual value channel:
● S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the cycl. cmd value data channel
● S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the cycl. actual value data channel
Data Containers For data exchange between master and drive there is a total of 8 data contain‐
ers available. For each container the following distinction is made according to
its content or direction of data transfer:
● Master → drive: Data container A: Command value-x
● Drive → master: Data container A: Feedback value-x

"x" represents a command/feedback value from 1 to 8.

Configuration Lists The 8 multiplex channels are configured via 2 configuration lists (command
value and actual value) per channel:
● In the "configuration list command value-x" lists (S‑0‑0370, …) the IDNs
of those parameters are entered the data of which are to be transmitted
to the "Data container A: command value-x" (S‑0‑0360, …) depending on
the setting in parameter "S‑0‑0368 Data container A: addressing (L- byte).
● In the lists "configuration list command value-x" (S‑0‑0371, …) the IDNs
of those parameters are entered the data of which are to be transmitted
to the "Data container A: feedback value-x" (S‑0‑0364, …) depending on
the setting in parameter "S‑0‑0368 Data container A: addressing (L-Byte).

It is possible to define a maximum of 32 parameter IDNs in the con‐

figuration lists; but these lists can only be changed in communica‐
tion phase 2 (parameter mode).

Addressing the Data Containers

Addressing the Parameters to be The parameter "S‑0‑0368 Data container A: addressing" contains the indices
Transmitted for selecting the parameters from the configuration lists the values of which are
to be transmitted to the data containers (command values and actual values).
The following assignment applies to S‑0‑0368:
● Bit 0…4 → addressing for all data containers configured in the cyclic com‐
mand value telegram (MDT)
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● Bit 8…12 → addressing for all data containers configured in the cyclic ac‐
tual value telegram (AT)

Only bits 0...4 (for MDT) and bits 8...12 (for AT) are used for ad‐
dressing via parameter S‑0‑0368. The other bits are ignored. This
is why no value greater 31 can be set for addressing!

The figure below illustrates the relationship between addressing and assign‐
ment of parameter values to the data containers of the multiplex channel.

i index (= list element no.)

S‑0‑0368 Data container A: Addressing
S‑0‑0370 Data container A: configuration list command value-1
S‑0‑0490 Data container A: configuration list command value-2
S‑0‑0496 Data container A: configuration list command value-8
S‑0‑0371 Data container A: configuration list feedback value-1
S‑0‑0500 Data container A: configuration list feedback value-2
S‑0‑0506 Data container A: configuration list feedback value-8
Fig.4-16: Addressing and assignment for multiplex channel

The parameter "S‑0‑0368 Data container A: addressing" can, de‐

pending on the requirements, be configured in the cyclic command
value telegram or write accessed via the non-cyclical data channel
or some other interface.

Assigning Single List Elements The value (data) transmitted in the data container is written to the determined
target parameter; in this case we distinguish between single and list parame‐
In order to allow cyclic transmission or change of single elements in the case
of list parameters, there are two more addressing parameters available:
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Master Communication

● S‑0‑0362 Data container A: list index command values

→ Addressing elements of list parameters that have been entered as target
for the content of command value data containers (for write access)
● S‑0‑0366 Data container A: list index feedback values
→ Addressing elements of list parameters that have been entered as
source for the content of actual value data containers (for read access)

The parameters S‑0‑0362 and S‑0‑0366 only take effect when a list
parameter is addressed as target/source for the content of the data

The figure below illustrates the access to an element of a list parameter for the
multiplex channel.

i index (= list element no.)

S‑0‑0368 Data container A: Addressing
S‑0‑0362 Data container A: list index command values
S‑0‑0366 Data container A: list index feedback values
S‑0‑0370 Data container A: configuration list command value-1
S‑0‑0371 Data container A: configuration list feedback value-1
P‑0‑4006 Positioning block target position
Fig.4-17: Access to elements of a list parameter via multiplex channel (example
of command values → MDT data container)
Notes on Commissioning
Activation To use the function of the multiplex channel it is not necessary to take any
measures for activation.
Data Container A: Command Val‐ For determining the target parameter to which the content (data) of "Data con‐
ue-x tainer A: command value-x" (S‑0‑0360, …) is to be written we distinguish
between single and list parameter:
● Single parameters
64/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication
→ The target parameter is determined by means of addressing (S‑0‑0368)
in the respective configuration list (S‑0‑0370, S‑0‑0490 to S‑0‑0496).
● List parameters
→ The element of the target parameter is determined by means of ad‐
dressing (S‑0‑0368) in the respective configuration list (S‑0‑0370,
S‑0‑0490 to S‑0‑0496) and the parameter "S‑0‑0362, Data container A:
List index command values".

The display format is hexadecimal without decimal places.

If the configuration list contains 16-bit parameters, only the lower
16 bits from the data container are used when a 16-bit parameter
is addressed.
Data Container A: Feedback Value- For determining the source parameter to which the content (data) of "Data con‐
x tainer A: feedback value-x" (S‑0‑0364, …) is to be written we also distinguish
between single and list parameter:
● Single parameters
→ The source parameter is determined by means of addressing
(S‑0‑0368) in the respective configuration list (S‑0‑0371, S‑0‑0500 to
● List parameters
→ The element of the source parameter is determined by means of ad‐
dressing (S‑0‑0368) in the respective configuration list (S‑0‑0371,
S‑0‑0500 to S‑0‑0506) and the parameter "S‑0‑0366, Data container A:
List index actual values".

The display format is hexadecimal without decimal places.

If the configuration list contains 16-bit parameters, only the lower
16 bits are copied to the data container when a 16-bit parameter is
addressed (the H-byte does not contain any useful data).

Diagnostic and Status Messages

In conjunction with the multiplex channel, various checks are carried out.
Checking the Configured IDN Or‐ The chronology of the processing of cyclic command value data in the drive has
der the order in which the parameter IDNs of the configured list have been entered
in parameter "S‑0‑0024, Config. list of the master data telegram".
If the parameters "data container A, command value-x" (S-0-0360, S-0-0450 to
S-0-0456) and the parameter "S‑0‑0368, Data container A, addressing" were
configured in the cyclic command value telegram, the MDT data container is
only processed correctly when the addressing had been processed before.
To make sure the correct order is followed when configuring the cyclic com‐
mand values, the drive during the execution of "S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communi‐
cation phase 3 transition check", checks whether IDN S‑0‑0368 was configured
before the IDNs S‑0‑0360 or S‑0‑0450 to S‑0‑0456. If this was not the case, the
drive generates the error message "C0118 Order of cyclic command value
configuration incorrect".
Checking the Configuration Lists You have to make sure that the IDN contained in the configuration lists are
existing and the corresponding parameters can be cyclically configured.
This is why a check is run at the execution of command "S‑0‑0127, C0100
Communication phase 3 transition check" in order to find out whether the en‐
tered IDNs are contained in the lists "S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the
AT" or "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the MDT".
There are the following possible error messages:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 65/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● If a command value configuration list contains one or several IDNs that
are not existing or not contained in "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in
the MDT", the following error message is generated:
– C0151 IDN for command value data container not allowed
● If an actual value configuration list contains one or several IDNs that are
not existing or not contained in "S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the
AT", the following error message is generated:
– C0152 IDN for actual value data container not allowed
Checking the Index The drive during the runtime monitors whether the index in parameter
"S‑0‑0368 Data container A: addressing" points to a non-initialized point in the
MDT data containers or AT data containers.
According to the case that occurred, one of the following warning messages is
● E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A
● E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A

These warning messages can only occur if less IDNs than possible
at maximum are entered in the configuration lists.

4.3 Profile Types (With Field Bus Interfaces)

4.3.1 Supported Profile Types
When a field bus interface is used for master communication, IndraDrive con‐
trollers support the following profile types (modes):
● I/O mode positioning
● I/O mode preset velocity
● Freely configurable mode (Rexroth profile type)
The tables below contain an overview of the most important properties and
features of these 3 profile types:

I/O mode positioning

Content of "P‑0‑4084, Master commu‐
Profile type" nication Field bus or drive operating mode Features
0xFF82 PROFIBUS I/O mode positioning (positioning - up to 64 positioning blocks can be control‐
CANopen block mode, encoder 1, lagless) led via field bus

DeviceNet - apart from control and status word, other

real-time data can be configured (in
P-0-4080 and P-0-4081)
- bits can be freely defined in signal
status word via function "configurable signal
status word"

Fig.4-18: Profile type "I/O mode positioning"

66/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

I/O mode preset velocity

Content of "P‑0‑4084, Master commu‐
Profile type" nication Field bus or drive operating mode Features
0xFF92 PROFIBUS I/O mode preset velocity - fixed velocity command values can be con‐
CANopen trolled and ramp-function generator can be
operated via field bus
- apart from control and status word, other
real-time data can be configured (in
P-0-4080 and P-0-4081)
- bits can be freely defined in signal
status word via function "configurable signal
status word"

Fig.4-19: Profile type "I/O mode preset velocity"

Freely configurable mode

Content of "P‑0‑4084, Master commu‐
Profile type" nication Field bus or drive operating mode Features
0xFFFE PROFIBUS freely configurable mode - possible use of complete drive functionali‐
CANopen (default assignment is "drive-control‐ ty
led positioning" with corresponding by free configuration of real-time data
DeviceNet and operating mode selection
required cyclic data)
- control word and status word have a Re‐
xroth-specific structure
- selection suited for operation with
analog command values in
commissioning phase
like profile 0xFFFE, but reduced field bus control word
(relevant for MLD applications, for example)

Fig.4-20: Profile type "freely configurable mode"

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0026, Configuration list signal status word
● S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
● S-0-0328, Assign list signal status word
● P-0-4068, Field bus: Control word IO
● P-0-4071, Field bus: Length cyclic command value data channel
● P-0-4074, Field bus: Data format
● P-0-4077, Field bus: Control word
● P-0-4078, Field bus: Status word
● P-0-4080, Field bus: Config. list of cyclic actual value data channel
● P-0-4081, Field bus: Config. list of cyclic command value data channel
● P-0-4082, Field bus: Length cyclic actual value data channel
● P-0-4083, Field bus: Length of the parameter channel
● P-0-4084, Field bus: Profile Type
Basic Principles and Terms
Drive Profile The drive profile defines
● the structure of the field bus control word (P‑0‑4077) and of the field bus
status word (P‑0‑4078),
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 67/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● the structure and content of real-time channel (P‑0‑4080, P‑0‑4081),
● the active operating mode (S‑0‑0032, S‑0‑0033, S‑0‑0034, S‑0‑0035),
● the drive states and their transitions (state machine of Rexroth profile type
or I/O mode).
By selecting a profile type, the commissioning of field bus drives becomes very
easy for the user. The advantage of the profile selection is that all important
basic settings for the desired drive function are thereby made automatically in
the drive. As the profile types are defined independently of the bus, the transfer
of applications from one field bus to the other is also facilitated.
State Machine A status (e.g. Drive Halt, drive error, ...) represents a specific internal and ex‐
ternal behavior. The status can be exited by defined events (e.g. drive com‐
mands, switching of operating modes, ...). Corresponding status transitions are
assigned to the events. The interaction of control and status bits and the status
transitions are called state machine.
Abbreviations ● i16: 16-bit variable with sign (1 word) in Intel format
● i32: 32-bit variable with sign (2 words) in Intel format
● u16: 16-bit variable without sign (1 word) in Intel format
● u32: 32-bit variable without sign (2 words) in Intel format
● ZKL1: Class 1 diagnostics
● ZKL2: Class 2 diagnostics

4.3.2 I/O Mode (Positioning and Preset Velocity)

Brief Description
We distinguish the following variants of the profile type "I/O mode":
● I/O mode positioning (functionality similar to parallel interface)
● I/O mode preset velocity (e.g. for open-loop applications)
General Features The I/O mode has the following features:
● Optional parameter channel via "P-0-4083, Field bus: Length of the pa‐
rameter channel" (maximum 8 words) can be activated, if required.
Default: P‑0‑4083 = 0 → Without parameter channel
● Real-time channel consists of at least one word (16 bits), the field bus
control word (P‑0‑4068) and the signal status word (S‑0‑0144)
● Freely expandable real-time channel by configuration of real-time data:
– Master → slave (drive)
→ Configuration of "P-0-4081, Field bus: Config. list of cyclic com‐
mand value data channel"
– Slave → master (drive)
→ Configuration of "P-0-4080, Field bus: Config. list of cyclic actual
value data channel"
● Freely configurable field bus status word (cf. S‑0‑0144)
● Relationship between profile type selection and operating mode which
takes effect:
– In the I/O modes there is a determined relationship between profile
type (P-0-4084) and predefined primary mode of operation
– The freely configurable mode allows free selection of the operating
modes (S-0-0032, S-0-0033, …).
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Master Communication

The respective default settings are activated by selecting the profile

type and subsequent action "load default communication parame‐
ters" (see also P‑0‑4090 and S‑0‑0262).

Structure of the Real-Time Channel Data direction Word1 Format

master → slave P-0-4068, Field bus: control word IO u16 (1 word)
slave → master S‑0‑0144, Signal status word u16 (1 word)

Fig.4-21: Structure of the real-time channel for the I/O modes

Features of "I/O Mode Positioning" Specific features of "I/O mode positioning":
● The drive is operated in "positioning block mode, lagless, encoder 1" (see
also description of the operating mode "Positioning Block Mode").
● In this operating mode, 64 programmable positioning blocks can be se‐
lected and started via 6 bits (in the 16 bit wide control word).
● In "P-0-4068, Field bus: Control word IO" the jog function can be activated.
"Drive-controlled positioning" was set as the 1st secondary operating
mode (see also description of the operating mode "Drive-controlled posi‐
Features of "I/O Mode Preset Ve‐ Specific features of "I/O mode preset velocity":
● The drive is operated in the "velocity control" mode (see also description
of the operating mode "Velocity Control").
● In this operating mode you can, for example, select and start 5 program‐
mable fixed velocity command values (in the 16 bit wide control word) and
operate the function of the ramp-function generator.
State Machine in I/O Mode
Interaction of control and status bits (state machine):
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 69/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Fig.4-22: Device control of variants of I/O mode (state machine)

70/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

The figure illustrates the status word (S-0-0144) in its default con‐
figuration. If required, it can be given any configuration.

Automatic restart after bus failure!

In the case of bus failure (message "F4009" or "E4005"), an error reaction must
be carried out in the control unit, too, to prevent automatic restart after the bus
DANGER has been reestablished. This means that the bits "Drive Halt", "drive enable"
and "drive ON" (e.g. bits 13, 14 and 15 in parameter "P‑0‑4077, Field bus: con‐
trol word") should be reset in the control unit in the case of bus failure.

Field Bus Control Word in I/O Mode The bits in parameter "P‑0‑4068 Field bus: control word IO" are permanently
defined by Bosch Rexroth and cannot be changed by the user. If additional
control bits should be required, the parameter "S‑0‑0145, Signal control word"
has to be configured accordingly and transmitted to the real-time channel of the
field bus.

See Parameter Description "P-0-4068, Field bus: control word IO"

See Parameter Description "S-0-0145, Signal control word"

Signal Status Word ● In the I/O modes (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFF82 or 0xFF92), the parameter
in I/O Mode "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" is transmitted instead of the field bus status
word (P‑0‑4078). The configuration of S‑0‑0144 is given by default setting
(see below).
● According to the selected I/O profile type, there is a different default con‐
figuration for S‑0‑0144 (see below).
The tables below show the two default configurations for S‑0‑0144 which de‐
pend on the profile type:

Bit Assignment Significance

0 active operating mode 1: jogging (S‑0‑0437)

0: positioning
1 position switch point 1: to the right of PSP
(PSP) 0: to the left of PSP (S‑0‑0060)
2 in reference 1: drive has been homed (S‑0‑0403)
3 in motion 0: in motion (S‑0‑0331)
4 in position 1: drive is in positioning window
& no sequential block (P-0-4061)
5 drive error 1: error (P‑0‑0115)
(error flag) 0: no error
6 readiness for operation; 1: ready for operation (P‑0‑0115)
display "bb"
7 power switched on; 1: power has been switched on (P‑0‑0115)
display "Ab"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 71/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Bit Assignment Significance

13…8 positioning block ac‐ P‑0‑4051, Positioning block acknowledgment
15…14 not assigned

Fig.4-23: Default assignment of parameter "S‑0‑0144, signal status word" for "I/
O mode positioning" (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFF82)

Bit Assignment Significance

0 status of ramp-function 1: run-up stop active (P-0-1210, bit 1)

1 status of ramp-function 1: acceleration active (P‑0‑1210, bit 2)
2 status of ramp-function 1: deceleration active (P‑0‑1210, bit 3)
3 in motion 1: message "n_act = 0" (S‑0‑0331, bit 0)
4 status of ramp-function 1: cmd value reached (P‑0‑1210, bit 0)
5 drive error 1: error (P‑0‑0115)
(error flag) 0: no error
6 readiness for operation; 1: ready for operation (P‑0‑0115)
display "bb"
7 power switched on; 1: power has been switched on (P‑0‑0115)
display "Ab"
8 status of ramp-function 1: cmd value within masking window (P‑0‑1210,
generator bit 4)
9 status of ramp-function 1: V-ramp within masking window (P‑0‑1210, bit
generator 5)
15…10 not assigned

Fig.4-24: Default assignment of parameter "S‑0‑0144, signal status word" for "I/
O mode velocity" (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFF92)

As the parameter "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" is already used as

field bus status word in the I/O mode, it cannot be configured again
in the cyclic channel.

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word"

Notes on Parameterization/Commissioning
Features with Default Configuration The following definitions apply to the default setting the I/O modes:
● Fixed real-time channel length of 2 bytes. Thus the length of the real-time
channel corresponds to the length of the cyclic data channel (P‑0‑4082 =
P‑0‑4071 = 2)!
● "P-0-4068, Field bus: Control word IO" and "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word"
have been set to the above-mentioned default configuration.
● Only "P‑0‑4068 Field bus: Control word IO" and "S‑0‑0144, Signal status
word" are transmitted in the real-time channel.
72/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

Features/Settings with Free Config‐ There are the following possibilities for free configuration/expansion:
uration or Expansion
● The user can freely expand the length of cyclic data channel P‑0‑4082 or
P‑0‑4071 up to a maximum of 23 words. In addition to control word and
status word, other real-time data can be configured via the parameters
"P‑0‑4080 Field bus: Config list of cyclic actual value data channel" and
"P‑0‑4081, Field bus: Config. list of cyclic command value data channel".
● The content of "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" can be freely parameterized
via "S‑0‑0026, Configuration list signal status word" and "S‑0‑0328, Assign
list signal status word".
● The content of "S‑0‑0145, Signal control word" can be freely parameter‐
ized via "S‑0‑0027, Configuration list signal control word" and "S‑0‑0329,
Assign list signal control word".

4.3.3 Freely Configurable Mode (Rexroth Profile Type)

Brief Description
To use the extensive and numerous functions of a Rexroth drive with field bus
interface it is necessary, in addition to the I/O modes, to define another profile,
the freely configurable mode. This includes the utilization of a specific control
and status word ("P‑0‑4077 Field bus: control word" and "P-0-4078, Field bus:
status word").
Features ● The structure (content) of the real-time data channel must be defined via
the configuration parameters P‑0‑4080 and P‑0‑4081. No profile-depend‐
ent settings and checks are carried out!
● In this profile type, it is the Rexroth-specific definitions for the field bus
control and status words which apply. Some of the bits in the parameters
"P‑0‑4077 Field bus: Control word" and "P-0-4078, Field bus: Staus word"
can only be used in connection with special operational modes.
● This profile type allows using the entire drive functionality (e.g. velocity
synchronization, drive-controlled positioning, ...).
● The primary mode of operation and the secondary operating modes can
be freely determined in the parameters S‑0‑0032, S‑0‑0033 etc.
● The operating mode "drive-controlled positioning" is set as default with the
command values S‑0‑0282, S‑0‑0259 and twice S‑0‑0000 and the actual
values S‑0‑0386, S‑0‑0040, S‑0‑0390 (see also below "Exemplary Con‐
figurations: Drive-Controlled Positioning").

One of the parameters "P-0-4077, Field bus: control word" or

"P-0-4078, Field bus: status word" must always be contained in the
first digit of the configuration parameters P‑0‑4080 and P‑0‑4081.

Real-Time Channel In the real-time channel of the field bus, the data configured in the parameters
"P‑0‑4081 Field bus: config list of cyclic command value data channel" and
"P‑0‑4080, Field bus: config list of cyclic actual value data channel" are trans‐
mitted between master and drive (slave).

Data direction Word1 Format

P-0-4077, Field bus: control word u16 (1 word)
master → slave according to se‐
optional command values
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 73/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Data direction Word1 Format

P-0-4078, Field bus: status word u16 (1 word)
slave → master according to se‐
optional command values

Fig.4-25: Structure of the real-time channel in the freely configurable mode

The IDN of the parameters of the cyclic configurable command and

actual values are contained in "S‑0‑0188 List of configurable data
in the cycl. command value data channel" and "S‑0‑0187, List of
configurable data in the cycl. actual value data channel".

Data direction Word1 Word2 ... Word_n

master → slave P‑0‑4077 cmd value 1 ...
slave → master P‑0‑4078 actual value 1 ...

Fig.4-26: Content and order of data in real-time channel in the freely configurable
State Machine in Freely Configurable Mode (Rexroth Profile Type)
Each field bus drive of Bosch Rexroth, independent of the command commu‐
nication interface, is equipped with a uniform "state machine". In connection
with this, the parameters "P‑0‑4077 Field bus: control word" and "P-0-4078,
Field bus: status word" require a consistent structure.

See Parameter Description "P-0-4077, Field bus: control word".

See Parameter Description "P-0-4078, Field bus: status word".

Interaction of control and status bits (state machine):
74/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

Fig.4-27: Device control in the freely configurable mode (state machine)

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 75/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Automatic restart after bus failure!

In the case of bus failure (message "F4009" or "E4005"), an error reaction must
be carried out in the control unit, too, to prevent automatic restart after the bus
DANGER has been reestablished. This means that the bits "Drive Halt", "drive enable"
and "drive ON" (e.g. bits 13, 14 and 15 in parameter "P‑0‑4077, Field bus: con‐
trol word") should be reset in the control unit in the case of bus failure.

Field Bus Control Word and Field For this profile type the field bus control word and status word are preset by
Bus Status Word Bosch Rexroth and the user cannot change them. If freely configurable control
and status bits are required, the signal control word or signal status word has
to be configured in the cyclic channel in addition to the available field bus status
word or field bus control word.

See Parameter Description "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word"

See Parameter Description "S-0-0145, Signal control word"

The two parameters "P‑0‑0116, Device control: control word" and

"P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word" are only used for diagnostic
purposes in field bus drives. The actual control and status informa‐
tion is contained in the parameters "P‑0‑4077 Field bus: control
word" and "P-0-4078, Field bus: status word". These parameters
are always an inherent part of the real-time channel.

See also "Device Control and State Machine"

Exemplary Configurations
General Information
All of the following examples of configuration refer to the freely configurable
mode (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE). This mode provides the highest degree of flexibility
and the highest number of possibilities to use the available drive functions of
the field bus master communication.
Velocity Control
Features/Settings ● "Velocity control" must have been set as the primary mode of operation in
parameter S‑0‑0032 (see also description of the operating mode "Velocity
● Via the field bus, the content of parameter "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command
value" is cyclically transmitted in the command value data channel and
the contents of "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value", "S‑0‑0051, Position
feedback 1 value" and "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic message number" are cy‐
clically transmitted in the actual value data channel.
● The Rexroth-specific definitions for the field bus control and status words
are applying (see also section "Freely Configurable Mode (Rexroth Profile
Type)"). Some of the bits in the parameters "P‑0‑4077 Field bus: control
word" and "P-0-4078, Field bus: status word" are not relefant for this con‐
figuration (or operating mode).
● The length of the cyclic data channel has been defined with:
– P‑0‑4082 = 14 bytes
– P‑0‑4071 = 6 bytes
Structure of the Real-Time Channel In the real-time channel of the field bus, the position data configured in param‐
eter "P‑0‑4081 Field bus: config list cyclic command value dat channel" are
76/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
transmitted from master to drive; from drive to master the data configured in
parameter "P‑0‑4080 Field bus: config. list of cyclic actual value data channel"
are transmitted.

Data direction Parameters Format

P-0-4077, Field bus: control word u16 (1 word)
master → slave
S-0-0036, Velocity command value i32 (2 words)
P-0-4078, Field bus: status word u16 (1 word)
S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value i32 (2 words)
slave → master
S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value i32 (2 words)
S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number u32 (2 words)

Fig.4-28: Structure of the real-time channel in velocity control (and freely config‐
urable mode)
Data direction Word1 Word2 Word3 Word4 Word5 Word6 Word7
master → slave P‑0‑4077 S‑0‑0036 (H) S‑0‑0036 (L)
slave → master P‑0‑4078 S‑0‑0040 (H) S‑0‑0040 (L) S‑0‑0051 (H) S‑0‑0051 (L) S‑0‑0390 (H) S‑0‑0390 (L)

Fig.4-29: Content and order of data in real-time channel in velocity control (and
freely configurable mode)
Drive-Internal Interpolation
Features/Settings ● "Drive-internal interpolation, encoder 1, lagless" must have been set as
the primary mode of operation in parameter S‑0‑0032 (see also descrip‐
tion of the operating mode "Drive-Internal Interpolation").
● Via the field bus, the contents of the parameters "S‑0‑0258, Target posi‐
tion" and "S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity", as well as "S‑0‑0051, Position
feedback 1 value" and "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value" are cyclically
→ The configuration of P‑0‑4081 or P‑0‑4080 has to be adjusted accord‐
● The Rexroth-specific definitions for the field bus control and status words
are applying (see also section "Freely Configurable Mode (Rexroth Profile
Type)"). Some of the bits in the parameters "P‑0‑4077 Field bus: Control
word" and "P-0-4078, Field bus: Status word" are not relefant for this con‐
figuration (or operating mode).
● The length of the cyclic data channel has been defined with:
– P‑0‑4082 = 14 bytes
– P‑0‑4071 = 10 bytes

To use the functional expansion (switching absolute/relative) of the

"drive-internal interpolation" mode, it is necessary to configure
"S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value" instead of "S‑0‑0258, Tar‐
get position" in the list parameter P‑0‑4081!

Structure of the Real-Time Channel In the real-time channel of the field bus, the position data configured in param‐
eter "P‑0‑4081 Field bus: config list cyclic command value dat channel" are
transmitted from master to drive; from drive to master the position data config‐
ured in parameter "P‑0‑4080 Field bus: config. list of cyclic actual value data
channel" are transmitted.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 77/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Data direction Parameters Format

P-0-4077, Field bus: Control word u16 (1 word)
master → slave S‑0‑0258, Target position i32 (2 words)
S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity i32 (2 words)
P-0-4078, Field bus: Status word u16 (1 word)
S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value i32 (2 words)
slave → master
S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value i32 (2 words)
S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number u32 (2 words)

Fig.4-30: Structure of the real-time channel in drive-internal interpolation (and

freely configurable mode)
Data direction Word1 Word2 Word3 Word4 Word5 Word6 Word7
master → slave P‑0‑4077 S‑0‑0258 (H) S‑0‑0258 (L) S‑0‑0259 (H) S‑0‑0259 (L)
slave → master P‑0‑4078 S‑0‑0051 (H) S‑0‑0051 (L) S‑0‑0040 (H) S‑0‑0040 (L) S‑0‑0390 (H) S‑0‑0390 (L)

Fig.4-31: Content and order of data in real-time channel in drive-internal interpo‐

lation (and freely configurable mode)
Drive-Controlled Positioning
Features/Settings ● "Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1, lagless" must have been set as
the primary mode of operation in parameter S‑0‑0032 (see also descrip‐
tion of the operating mode "Drive-controlled positioning").
● The Rexroth-specific definitions for the field bus control and status words
are applying (see also section "Freely Configurable Mode (Rexroth Profile
● Through configuration of the contents of "S‑0‑0282 Positioning command
value" as a cyclic command value, the bits 0,3,4 can be used in "P‑0‑4077
Field bus: Control word" in order to switch directly between relative and
absolute positioning (functionally compatible for position target setting).
● In this configuration a drive functionality is achieved which corresponds to
the position target setting of DRIVECOM (functionally compatible).
Structure of the Real-Time Channel In the real-time channel of the field bus, the position data configured in param‐
eter "P‑0‑4081 Field bus: config list cyclic command value dat channel" are
transmitted from master to drive; from drive to master the position data config‐
ured in parameter "P‑0‑4080 Field bus: config. list of cyclic actual value data
channel" are transmitted.

Data direction Parameters Format

P-0-4077, Field bus: Control word u16 (1 word)
master → slave S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value i32 (2 words)
S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity i32 (2 words)
P-0-4078, Field bus: Status word u16 (1 word)
S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value i32 (2 words)
slave → master
S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value i32 (2 words)
S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number u32 (2 words)

Fig.4-32: Structure of the real-time channel in drive-controlled positioning (and

freely configurable mode)
78/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

Data direction Word1 Word2 Word3 Word4 Word5 Word6 Word7

master → slave P‑0‑4077 S‑0‑0282 (H) S‑0‑0282 (L) S‑0‑0259 (H) S‑0‑0259 (L)
slave → master P‑0‑4078 S‑0‑0051 (H) S‑0‑0051 (L) S‑0‑0040 (H) S‑0‑0040 (L) S‑0‑0390 (H) S‑0‑0390 (L)

Fig.4-33: Content and order of data in real-time channel in drive-controlled posi‐

tioning (and freely configurable mode)
Using the Signal Control Word and the Signal Status Word
By using the parameters "S-0-0145, Signal control word" and "S-0-0144, Signal
status word", the user has the option to freely configure control and status bits
in the drive which are also transmitted along with the field bus control word and
field bus status word in real time via the field bus.
See also "Configurable Signal Control Word" and "Configurable Signal Status
Features ● By using the parameters S‑0‑0144 and S‑0‑0145 there are 16 more freely
configurable control and status bits available.
● This allows, among other things, starting commands contained in param‐
eter "S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word" (see
"Configurable Signal Control Word").
● It is possible to read any bit in any parameter (see "Configurable Signal
Status Word").
Settings The following settings are required:
● To configure the bit lists, the list parameters S‑0‑0026 (for "S‑0‑0144, Sig‐
nal status word") and S-0-0027, S-0-0329 (for "S‑0‑0145, Signal control
word") can be used.
● To use the function, select profile type "freely configurable
mode" (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE).
● Set "drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1, lagless", for example, in pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation".
● Parameterize the configuration lists P‑0‑4080 and P‑0‑4081 as follows:
Structure of the Real-Time Channel In the real-time channel of the field bus, the position data configured in param‐
eter "P‑0‑4081 Field bus: config list cyclic command value dat channel" are
transmitted from master to drive; from drive to master the position data config‐
ured in parameter "P‑0‑4080 Field bus: config. list of cyclic actual value data
channel" are transmitted.

Data direction Parameters Format

P-0-4077, Field bus: Control word u16 (1 word)
S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value i32 (2 words)
master → slave
S-0-0259, Positioning velocity i32 (2 words)
S‑0‑0145, Signal control word u16 (1 word)
P-0-4078, Field bus: Status word u16 (1 word)
S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value i32 (2 words)
slave → master S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value i32 (2 words)
S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number u32 (2 words)
S‑0‑0144, Signal status word u16 (1 word)

Fig.4-34: Structure of the real-time channel when using signal control word and
signal status word (and freely configurable mode)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 79/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Data direc‐
Word1 Word2 Word3 Word4 Word5 Word6 Word7 Word8
master →
P‑0‑4077 S‑0‑0282 (H) S‑0‑0282 (L) S‑0‑0259 (H) S‑0‑0259 (L) S‑0‑0145
slave →
P‑0‑4078 S‑0‑0051 (H) S‑0‑0051 (L) S‑0‑0040 (H) S‑0‑0040 (L) S‑0‑0390 (H) S‑0‑0390 (L) S‑0‑0144

Fig.4-35: Content and order of data in real-time channel when using signal control
word and signal status word (and freely configurable mode)

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑4074, Field bus: data format"

4.4 SERCOS interface

4.4.1 Brief Description
General Features ● Cyclical data exchange of command and actual values in equal time in‐
● Data transfer via fiber optic cables; except for converter in motor (in this
case, copper conductor)
● Service channel for parameterization and diagnosis
● Free configuration of telegram contents
● Synchronization between time command value takes effect and meas‐
urement starting time of the actual values for all drives on a ring
● Overall synchronization of all connected drives to the control unit
Firmware-Specific Features ● Cycle time: Min. 250/500 μs, max. 65 ms (multiples of position clock
250 μs or 500 μs can be set)
● SERCOS compatibility class C
● Baud rate: Optionally 2, 4, 8 or 16 MBaud
● Automatic baud rate detection; active baud rate displayed in a parameter
● Transmission power can be set via indication of transmission length (set‐
ting via control panel)
● Max. number of configurable data in the MDT: 48 bytes
● Max. number of configurable data in the AT: 48 bytes

The number of configurable bytes in the MDT/AT depends on the

relation of the position cycle time (P-0-0556, bit 2) to the SERCOS
cycle time.
SERCOS cycle time = position cycle time → max. length 24 bytes
SERCOS cycle time > position cycle time → max. length 48 bytes

For more detailed information, see SERCOS specification.

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0001, NC cycle time (TNcyc)
● S-0-0002, SERCOS cycle time (TScyc)
● S-0-0003, Minimum AT transmit starting time (T1min)
● S-0-0004, Transmit/receive transition time (TATMT)
● S-0-0005, Minimum feedback acquisition time (T4min)
● S-0-0006, AT Transmission starting time (T1)
80/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
● S-0-0007, Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)
● S-0-0008, Command valid time (T3)
● S-0-0009, Position of data record in MDT
● S-0-0010, Length of master data telegram
● S‑0‑0014, Interface status
● S-0-0015, Telegram type parameter
● S-0-0016, Configuration list of AT
● S-0-0024, Config. list of the master data telegram
● S-0-0028, MST error counter
● S-0-0029, MDT error counter
● S-0-0088, Receive to receive recovery time (TMTSY)
● S-0-0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)
● S-0-0090, Command value proceeding time (TMTSG)
● S-0-0096, Slave arrangement (SLKN)
● S-0-0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics
● S-0-0098, Mask class 3 diagnostics
● S-0-0134, Master control word
● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
● S-0-0143, Sercos interface version
● S-0-0185, Length of the configurable data record in the AT
● S-0-0186, Length of the configurable data record in the MDT
● S-0-0187, List of configurable data in the AT
● S-0-0188, List of configurable data in the MDT
● S-0-0301, Allocation of real-time control bit 1
● S-0-0303, Allocation of real-time control bit 2
● S-0-0305, Allocation of real-time status bit 1
● S-0-0307, Allocation of real-time status bit 2
● S-0-0413, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 1
● S-0-0414, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 2
● S-0-0415, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 1
● S-0-0416, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 2
● P-0-4027, Transmission length SERCOS interface
● P‑0‑4029, Diagnostic report SCSB module
● P-0-4087, Baud rate SERCOS interface
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable
● C0105 Maximum length for MDT exceeded
● C0106 Config. IDNs for AT not configurable
● C0107 Maximum length for AT exceeded
● C0108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time
● C0109 Position of data record in MDT (S-0-0009) even
● C0110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd
● C0111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT (S-0-0010)
● C0112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 81/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● C0113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc (S-0-0002) error
● C0114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
● C0115 T2 too small
● C0116 T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 + S-0-0010)
● C0139 T2 (S-0-0089) + length MDT (S-0-0010) > TScyc (S-0-0002)
● F4001 Double MST failure shutdown
● F4002 Double MDT failure shutdown
● F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown
● F4004 Error during phase progression
● F4005 Error during phase regression
● F4006 Phase switching without ready signal

4.4.2 Commissioning the SERCOS interface

Steps of Commissioning
To commission the interface, you basically have to carry out the following steps:
● Connect the fiber optic cables
● Set the drive address
● Set the transmission length (transmitting power)
● Check the distortion indicators

X20 TX Optical output (transmitter)

X21 RX Optical input (receiver)
H20 Distortion indicator LED
Fig.4-36: SERCOS interface
Settings of the SERCOS interface
For settings or display for communication via SERCOS interface, the following
parameters are available:
● P-0-4025, Drive address of master communication
● P-0-4027, Transmission length SERCOS interface
● P-0-4087, Baud rate SERCOS interface
For information on these parameters, see the following sections!

The settings must be made via the SERCOS ring before commu‐
nication is built up.

Connecting the Fiber Optic Cables

The connection between the master (control unit) and the drive controllers is
established with fiber optic cables.
82/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

To do this, it is necessary to set up a ring structure according to SERCOS

interface (IEC 1491).

RG Controller
Fig.4-37: Connecting the Fiber Optic Cables (Example)
The fiber optic cable ring starts and ends at the SERCOS master (control unit).
The optical output of the master is connected to the optical input of the first drive
(X21). The output of this drive (X20) is connected to the input of the next drive
The output of the last drive is connected to the optical input of the master.
Setting the Drive Address
The drive address is set in parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of master com‐
munication" (instead of the address selector switch which was used before). A
drive address set or changed in this parameter is only activated at the next
change of communication phase from "0" to "1".
The drive address is independent of the order of drive connections via the fiber
optic cables.
Setting the Transmission Length (Transmitting Power) of the SERCOS interface
The length of the fiber optic cable connected to X20 (TX) is entered in parameter
"P‑0‑4027, Transmission length SERCOS interface".
Depending on the entered fiber optic cable length, the required optical trans‐
mitting power of the light source is automatically set. The controller classifies
the entered length in one of four ranges.
Ranges of length for the connected fiber optic cable:
● Up to 15 m
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 83/886
and Controls

Master Communication

● 15 m to 30 m
● 30 m to 45 m
● More than 45 m and glass fiber
Transmission Rate of the SERCOS interface
The transmission rate is preset by the master, automatically recognized by the
drive, set accordingly and displayed in the parameter "P‑0‑4087, Baud rate
SERCOS interface".

Baud rates of 2, 4, 8 and 16 MBaud are supported.

Using the Distortion Indicator "H20"

Checking the Optic Signal Level After the drive address has been set, it is necessary to check whether the optic
signal levels available at every node are sufficient, i.e. whether the receiver is
neither underloaded nor overloaded. The optic signal level is checked by means
of the distortion indicator at the front of the controllers (LED "H20").
The distortion indicator LED normally stays dark.
To check the optic signal level, the distortion indicators of all drives in the ring
are checked in signal flow direction, starting from the transmitter output of the
master (control unit) (see figure in section "Connecting the Fiber Optic Ca‐
Check the distortion indicators in the "direction of the light", i. e. at first, check
the first drive in the ring. If its distortion indicator is dark, go to the next drive.
Do this up to the last drive and then at the master (control unit).

The distortion indicator must not be lit nor glow!

The distortion indicator "H20" will be lit in the following cases:

● Fiber optic cable leading to the preceding drive is defective
● Transmission rate is not supported
● Transmission length (transmitting power) is incorrectly set
What to do when the distortion indicator is lit:
Check the Fiber Optic Cable Check the fiber optic cable and its connectors from the physical predecessor
in the ring to the affected drive (see below).
Check the Transmission Rate Compare the transmission rate of the master to the supported baud rates of the
Check the Transmission Length At the physical predecessor of the affected drive, check the transmission length
(length of the fiber optic cable at the optical output X20) set in parameter
"P‑0‑4027, Transmission length SERCOS interface".
Checking the Fiber Optic Cables
The fiber optic cable may be defective, if the preset transmission rate is sup‐
ported and the transmission lengths were correctly set, but communication
nevertheless is not established. In this case, the "H20" distortion indicator will
be lit.
The reason for a defective fiber optic cable can be mechanical damage or bad
assembly (connector mounting, ...).
Sometimes it is possible to recognize a defective fiber optic cable by the fact
that hardly any light comes out at its end or that the optical fiber was "drawn
back" into the connector (check the "face of the connector"). Further checks of
the fiber optic cable cannot be carried out with simple means.
84/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

Defective fiber optic cables must be replaced.

4.4.3 Cyclic Data Transfer

General Information
To synchronize the drives in a ring, the master synchronization telegram (MST)
is sent at the beginning of every SERCOS cycle. The only information the MST
contains is the communication phase preset by the master.
The content of master data telegram (MDT) and drive telegram (AT = Antrieb‐
stelegramm) can be configured.
Once per SERCOS cycle time, a collective master data telegram for all drives
is sent from the control unit to the drives. The master data telegram contains
the master control word, the service channel and a configurable data block.
This data block mostly contains the command and limit values the control unit
wants to transmit to the drive to operate the corresponding operating mode.
The content of this data block can be configured by means of the telegram
The master data telegram is received by all drives in the ring at the same time.
In addition, a separate drive telegram is sent once per SERCOS cycle time from
every drive to the control unit. The drive telegram contains the drive status word,
sections of the service channel and a configurable data block. This data block
mostly contains the actual and status values the control unit needs from the
drive to operate the corresponding operating mode.
Master Control Word
The master control word is part of the master data telegram. The master control
word contains all important control information for the drives, such as:
● Drive on
● Drive enable
● Drive Halt
● Interpolator clock
● Command operating mode
● Real-time control bits 1 and 2
● Control information for the service channel

The master control word is mapped to parameter S‑0‑0134. The

exact structure of this parameter is described in the separate Pa‐
rameter Description.
See Parameter Description "S-0-0134, Master control word"

The master control word is cyclically transmitted to the drive with every master
data telegram in the SERCOS clock (see "S‑0‑0002, SERCOS cycle time
(TScyc)"). For diagnostic purposes, the master control word can be read via
parameter "S‑0‑0134, Master control word".
Drive Enable
The drive is activated by a positive edge of the drive enable signal. In the case
of drive controllers with SERCOS interface, the drive enable signal corresponds
to bit 15 in the master control word of the master data telegram (MDT).
The controller enable signal is accepted, i.e. the drive switches from its de-
energized status to its energized status, when the following conditions have
been fulfilled:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 85/886
and Controls

Master Communication

● SERCOS interface ready for operation (communication phase 4)

● No drive error
● Power section switched on
In this status the display of the drive reads "Ab", the diagnostic message via
parameter S‑0‑0095 is "A0012 Control and power sections ready for opera‐
When drive enable signal is set, the display changes to "AF", the diagnostic
message then shows the activated mode of operation (e.g. "A0101 Velocity
Drive Halt
The "Drive Halt" signal is status-controlled and active when the signal = 0 V.
The input signal is mapped to the master control word bit 13.
Drive Status Word
The drive status word is part of the drive telegram (AT). It contains all important
status information from the drive, such as:
● Readiness for operation of control and power sections
● Drive errors
● Change bits class 2 and 3 diagnostics
● Current operating mode
● Real-time status bits 1 and 2
● Status information for the service channel

The drive status word is mapped to parameter S‑0‑0135. The exact

structure of this parameter is described in the separate Parameter
See Parameter Description "S-0-0135, Drive status word"

The drive status word is cyclically transmitted to the control unit with every drive
telegram in the SERCOS clock (see Parameter description "S‑0‑0002, SER‐
COS cycle time (TScyc)"). For diagnostic purposes, the drive status word can
be read via parameter "S‑0‑0135, Drive status word".
Acknowledging Drive Enable
The drive acknowledges the drive enable setting in the drive status word of the
drive telegram. Bits 14 and 15 change from "10" (control and power section
ready for operation, torque-free) to "11" (in operation, under torque) after drive
enable is activated and has been accepted.
The time that passes between the setting of drive enable and its acknowledg‐
ment is needed by the drive to establish its complete readiness for operation.
For example, in the case of asynchronous motors this time is used to magnetize
the motor.
If drive enable is disabled, the drive performs the reaction parameterized by
parameter "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration". In this case, too, time pass‐
es between the resetting and acknowledgment of the reset. This time depends
● the setting of parameter P‑0‑0119,
● the existence of a motor brake and its parameterization,
● the velocity of the axis at the time drive enable is reset.
86/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

Fig.4-38: Acknowledging Drive Enable (DE)

Typical values for tDE_ON (S-0-0206) are about 8 ms for synchronous motors or
300 ms for asynchronous motors.

During the tDE_ON time, the command value set by the control unit
should be such that the command velocity is zero. Releasing the
possibly available motor holding brake only takes place at the time
drive enable is acknowledged (positive edge of "drive enable ac‐

4.4.4 Transmission of Non-Cyclical Data

Non-cyclical data are parameters that are not transmitted cyclically, but via the
service channel. The service channel is therefore used for parameterization
and diagnosis.
The transmission via the service channel is done in sections in the MDT and
AT, and per transmitted element can last several SERCOS cycles.

4.4.5 Interface Errors and Diagnostic Possibilities

Possible Error Messages
If conditions are detected in the drive that no longer allow the correct operation
of the interface, or if incorrect preset values are detected during the initialization
phase, the drive reacts by going back to communication phase 0. No more drive
telegrams will be sent, the drive automatically carries out the programmed error
reaction (see Parameter Description "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration")
and waits for the reinitialization of the SERCOS ring by the master.
Possible error messages could be:
● F4001 Double MST failure shutdown
● F4002 Double MDT failure shutdown
● F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown
● F4004 Error during phase progression
● F4005 Error during phase regression
● F4006 Phase switching without ready signal
Diagnostic Parameters for Interface Status
The parameter "S‑0‑0014, Interface status" is used to diagnose existing inter‐
face errors and the current communication phase.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 87/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Error Counter for Telegram Failures

The drive checks every received master synchronization and master data tele‐
gram for
● the correct receive time,
● the assigned telegram length,
● the correct CRC checksum.
The failure of a telegram is registered by incrementing an error counter. For this
purpose, the parameters "S‑0‑0028, MST error counter" and "S‑0‑0029, MDT
error counter" are used.
The content of parameter S‑0‑0028 is cleared when switching from communi‐
cation phase 2 to 3, the content of parameter S‑0‑0029 is cleared when
switching from communication phase 3 to 4.

4.4.6 Real-Time Control Bits and Real-Time Status Bits

Brief Description
The master control word and the drive status word contain 2 configurable real-
time bits each. To configure these binary signals there are the following pa‐
● S-0-0301, Allocation of real-time control bit 1
● S-0-0303, Allocation of real-time control bit 2
● S-0-0305, Allocation of real-time status bit 1
● S-0-0307, Allocation of real-time status bit 2
● S‑0‑0398, IDN list of configurable data in signal status word
● S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word
● S-0-0413, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 1
● S-0-0414, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 2
● S-0-0415, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 1
● S-0-0416, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 2
These parameters contain the information of which parameter bit 0 (LSB) is
mapped to the corresponding real-time status bit and therefore is sent cyclically
to the master, or to which parameters the real-time control bits are mapped.
Notes on Commissioning
Selection List S-0-0399 Only parameters contained in the list parameter "S‑0‑0399, IDN list of config‐
urable data in signal control word" can be assigned to the parameters S‑0‑0301
or S‑0‑0303 (allocation of real-time control bit 1 or 2). Assigning command pa‐
rameters that are possibly contained in the list parameter S‑0‑0399, however,
is not possible!

The real-time control bits are processed in every interface cycle at

the point of time defined in parameter "S‑0‑0008, Command value
valid time (T3)".

Selection List S-0-0398 Only parameters contained in the list parameter "S‑0‑0398, IDN list of config‐
urable data in signal status word" can be assigned to the parameters S‑0‑0305
or S‑0‑0307 (allocation of real-time status bit 1 or 2).

The real-time status bits are configured in every master communi‐

cation cycle at the point of time defined in parameter "S‑0‑0007,
Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)".
88/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication


4.5.1 Brief Description
It is possible to operate IndraDrive controllers with a SERCOS III interface as
master communication module. This requires the control section with the op‐
tional module "SERCOS III" (S3). Via this optional module, it is possible to
exchange real-time data with a SERCOS III master.
The following communication channels are distinguished:
● Cyclic data channel (MDT, AT)
→ Data container for cyclic transmission of useful data (process data) in
real time
● Acyclic data channel (service channel)
→ Data container for acyclic transmission of useful data (service data)
General Features ● Transmission rate 100 Mbit/s
● Cyclical data exchange of command and actual values in equal time in‐
● Data transmission via Ethernet cable (CAT5-copper)
● Service channel for parameterization and diagnosis
● Free configuration of telegram contents
● Synchronization between time command value takes effect and meas‐
urement starting time of the actual values for all drives on a ring
● Overall synchronization of all connected drives to the master
Firmware-Specific Features ● Cycle time: Min. 250/500 μs, max. 65 ms (multiples of position clock
250 μs or 500 μs can be set)
● SERCOS compatibility class C
● Max. number of configurable data in the MDT: 48 bytes
● Max. number of configurable data in the AT: 48 bytes

The number of configurable bytes in the MDT/AT depends on the

relation of the position cycle time (P-0-0556, bit 2) to the SERCOS
cycle time.
SERCOS cycle time = position cycle time → max. length 24 bytes
SERCOS cycle time > position cycle time → max. length 48 bytes

Hardware Requirements The optional module with SERCOS III interface is available for the following
configurable control sections:
● Single-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CSB01.1C)
● Single-axis ADVANCED (CSH01.1C)
Pertinent Parameters Specific parameters for SERCOS III communication:
● S‑0‑1001, SERCOS III: NC cycle time (TNcyc)
● S‑0‑1002, SERCOS III: SERCOS cycle time (TScyc)
● S‑0‑1005, SERCOS III: Minimum feedback acquisition time (T5)
● S‑0‑1006, SERCOS III: AT transmission starting time (T1)
● S‑0‑1007, SERCOS III: Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)
● S‑0‑1008, SERCOS III: Command value valid time (T3)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 89/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● S‑0‑1009, SERCOS III: RTC offset in MDT
● S‑0‑1010, SERCOS III: MDT lengths
● S‑0‑1011, SERCOS III: RTC offset in AT
● S‑0‑1012, SERCOS III: AT lengths
● S‑0‑1013, SERCOS III: SVC offset in MDT
● S‑0‑1014, SERCOS III: SVC offset in AT
● S‑0‑1015, SERCOS III: ring delay
● S‑0‑1016, SERCOS III: slave delay (SYNCCNT-P, SYNCCNT-S)
● S‑0‑1017, SERCOS III: IP channel transmission starting time
● S‑0‑1018, SERCOS III: SYNC delay (P-Count, S-Count)
● S‑0‑1019, Master communication: MAC address
● S‑0‑1020, Master communication: IP address
● S‑0‑1021, Master communication: network mask
● S‑0‑1022, Master communication: gateway address
● S‑0‑1023, SERCOS III: SYNC jitter
● S‑0‑1024, SERCOS III: ring control
● S‑0‑1025, SERCOS III: ring status
● S‑0‑1026, SERCOS III: hardware code
● S‑0‑1028, SERCOS III: MST error counter
● S‑0‑1029, SERCOS III: MDT error counter
● S‑0‑1030, SERCOS III: AT error counter
● S‑0‑1031, SERCOS III: signal assignment
● S‑0‑1095, SERCOS III: diagnostic message
● S‑0‑1134, SERCOS III: Master control word
● S‑0‑1135, SERCOS III: Drive status word
Additional pertinent parameters according to "SERCOS interface":
● S‑0‑0014, Interface status
● S-0-0015, Telegram type parameter
● S-0-0016, Configuration list of AT
● S-0-0024, Config. list of the master data telegram
● S-0-0096, Slave arrangement (SLKN)
● S-0-0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics
● S-0-0098, Mask class 3 diagnostics
● S-0-0143, Sercos interface version
● S-0-0185, Length of the configurable data record in the AT
● S-0-0186, Length of the configurable data record in the MDT
● S-0-0187, List of configurable data in the AT
● S-0-0188, List of configurable data in the MDT
● S-0-0301, Allocation of real-time control bit 1
● S-0-0303, Allocation of real-time control bit 2
● S-0-0305, Allocation of real-time status bit 1
● S-0-0307, Allocation of real-time status bit 2
● S-0-0413, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 1
90/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
● S-0-0414, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 2
● S-0-0415, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 1
● S-0-0416, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 2
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable
● C0105 Maximum length for MDT exceeded
● C0106 Config. IDNs for AT not configurable
● C0107 Maximum length for AT exceeded
● C0108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time
● C0109 Position of data record in MDT (S-0-0009) even
● C0110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd
● C0111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT (S-0-0010)
● C0112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error
● C0113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc (S-0-0002) error
● C0114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
● C0115 T2 too small
● C0116 T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 + S-0-0010)
● C0139 T2 (S-0-0089) + length MDT (S-0-0010) > TScyc (S-0-0002)
● F4001 Double MST failure shutdown
● F4002 Double MDT failure shutdown
● F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown
● F4004 Error during phase progression
● F4005 Error during phase regression
● F4006 Phase switching without ready signal
● F4017 S III: incorrect sequence during phase switch

To get a more detailed description of the SERCOS III interface and

information on its possibilities of use with MPx04 firmware, please
contact your Bosch Rexroth sales representative!

4.6.1 Brief Description
It is possible to operate IndraDrive controllers with a PROFIBUS interface as
master communication module. Via this module it is possible to exchange real-
time data with a PROFIBUS-DP master.
The following communication channels are distinguished:
● Cyclic data channel (PROFIBUS-DP)
The field bus provides data containers in which useful data can be cycli‐
cally transmitted. This section is referred to as cyclic data channel. The
cyclic data channel is devided into
– One (optional) device-sepecific parameter channel for reading and
writing of all parameters via PROFIBUS‑DP.
Note:This parameter channel does not fulfill "real-time properties"!
– One (optional) safety related, axis-specific process data channel
(PROFIsafe), which enables the transmission of safety relevant sig‐
nals, depending on the firmware and hardware (see also section
"Integrated Safety Technology"),
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 91/886
and Controls

Master Communication

– One axis-specific process data channel (real-time channel) that con‐

tains fixed, selected information that can be directly interpreted by
the receiver.
● Acyclic data channel (DPV1 parameter communication)
The following are supported:
– One class-1 connection
– Two class-2 connections

Fig.4-39: Overview of cyclic data channel

To simplify field bus communication Bosch Rexroth makes availa‐

ble function blocks for different programmable logic controllers
(PLCs). The principles applied can be easily used for other field bus

Features The slafe PROFIBUS-DP circuit with master communication module PL has the
following functional features:
● Support of RS485 interfaces according to IEC 61158‑2
● Support of all data rates according to IEC 61158‑2, with exclusive use of
PROFIBUS-DP (9,6 kBaud, 19,2 kBaud, 45,45 kBaud, 93,75 kBaud,
187,5 kBaud, 500 kBaud,1,5 MBaud, 3 MBaud, 6 MBaud, 12 Mbaud)
● Automatic baud rate detection
● Configurable cyclic data up to 15 parameters (incl. field bus control word
and field bus status word) in both data directions
(max. 48 bytes or 24 words)
● Additional optional parameter channel in the cyclic channel with up to 16
bytes (8 words)
● Monitoring of the cyclical data exchange (watchdog function)
● LED for diagnosing the PROFIBUS interface
● Supported DPV0 services:
– Slave_Diag (read diagnostic data)
– Get_Cfg (read configuration data)
– Set_Prm (send parameterization data)
– Chk_Cfg (check configuration data)
– Data Exchange (transfer I/O data)
– Global Control (synchronization)
– RD_Outp (read output data)
– RD_Inp (read input data)
● Parameter acccess with DPV1-class-1-services
– DDLM_Initiate (establishement of connection)
– DDLM_Read (acyclic read access)
92/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
– DDLM_Write (acyclic write access)
– DDLM_Abort (abortion of connection)
– DDLM_Idle (connection monitoring)
● Support of up to two DPV1-class-2-connections
● Supported field bus profiles:
– 0xFF82: I/O mode "positioning" with configurable real-time data
– 0xFF92: I/O mode "preset velocity" with configurable real-time data
– 0xFFFE: freely configurable mode
● Access to all device parameters according to PROFIdrive specification
Hardware Requirements Using the master communication "PROFIBUS-DP" requires the following con‐
trol section design:
● Single-axis BASIC PROFIBUS (not configurable) (CSB01.1N-PB)
In addition, communication via "PROFIBUS-DP" is possible for with the follow‐
ing configurable control setions, if they are equipped with the optional module
● Single-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CSB01.1C)
● Single-axis ADVANCED (CSH01.1C)
● Double-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CDB01.1C)
Pertinent Parameters Communication Parameters
Specific parameters for communication via PROFIBUS-DP:
● P‑0‑3290, PROFIsafe: F_Destination_Address
● P-0-4069, Field bus: Module diagnosis
Parameters for general communication via field bus interfaces:
● P-0-4073, Field bus: Diagnosis
● P-0-4074, Field bus: Data format
● P-0-4075, Field bus: Watchdog
● P-0-4076, Field bus: Cycle time (Tcyc)
● P-0-4079, Field bus: Baud rate
Profile type parameters
Apart from mere communication parameters, we use parameters in conjunction
with the profile types.
See "Profile Types (with Field Bus Interfaces)"
Parameters for extended communication
We use additional parameters for extended communication.
See following sections:
● "Configurable Signal Control Word"
● "Configurable Signal Status Word"
● " Multiplex Channel"
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0154 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command values not configurable
● C0155 Field bus: Length for cycl. command values exceeded
● C0156 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual values not configurable
● C0157 Field bus: Length for cycl. actual values exceeded
● C0158 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect
● C0159 Field bus: P-0-4077 is missing for cycl. command values
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 93/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● F4009 Bus failure
● F4012 Incorrect I/O length

4.6.2 Configuring the PROFIBUS-DP Slave

Device Data Sheet for IndraDrive
Like every other PROFIBUS slave, IndraDrive controllers have to be configured
in the field bus master. This requires the corresponding device data sheet
"RX**0107.GSD" that has to be included in the project ("**" represents the ver‐
sion number of the GSD-file). This GSD-file, when configuring the bus master,
is required for each node.

The device data sheet (GSD) for IndraDrive controllers supports all
hardware types and enabling of functional packages.

IndraDrive controllers assign their data to four modules (for single-axis devi‐
ces), seven modules (for double-axis devices) of up to 25 modules for devices
operated via CCD group (1CCD master + 7CCD slaves), which possibly have
to be configured. Each drive in the CCD group has an F-module, one input
module and one output module:
● Module 1: Parameter channel
● Module 2: F-module axis 0 (optional for PROFIsafe)
● Module 3: Inputs axis 0
● Module 4: Outputs axis 0
● Module 5: F-module axis 1 (optional for PROFIsafe, double-asis devices
or devices operated at the CCD group)
● Module 6: Inputs axis 1 (only for double-axis devices or devices operated
at the CCD group)
● Module 7: Outputs axis 1 (only for double-axis devices or devices operated
at the CCD group)
● Module X: F-module asis X (optional for FROFIsafe, according to number
of CCD drives)
● Module Y: Inputs axix X (according to number of CCD drives)
● Module Z: Outputs axix X (according to number of CCD drives)
The default configuration stored in the device data sheet "Input 1 Word" and
"Output 1 Word" (single-asis devic) without safety technology and without pa‐
rameter channel. For configurators that are supporting the GSD version 03 or
higher this default configuration is automatically set. For IndraDrive this setting
is active after the load defaults procedure.
The device data sheet also contains the IDN assigned to the IndraDrive con‐
troller by the PROFIBUS User Oganization :
● Ident. no. 107 hex

During the installation of IndraWorks D the device data sheet is

stored in the "Indramat\DeviceDataSheets" directory.

Module 1: Parameter Channel The module 1 is marked with "ParamCh" and of the input/output module type.
If no parameter channel is required, the module "ParamCh not used" has to be
selected. For a parameter channel with the standard length of 5 words the
module "ParamCh 5 Words" has to be included.
94/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

The standard length provides the optimum between the required I/

O length and transmission rate. If possible, it should always be se‐
lected for the parameter channel. The function blocks available for
IndraDrive use this length, too.

The drive automatically recognizes the configuration of the master and adjusts
accordingly. Parameterization by the master is therefore always possible even
in the case of incorrect configuration of the command valuse/actual values. This
allows parameter download from the master after a device was replaced.

This active setting is displayed in bytes in parameter "P‑0‑4083

Field bus: length of parameter channel".

Module 2: F-Module The (optional) module 2 is used to configure a safety related process data
channel (with the corresponding hardware and enabling of functional pack‐
ages). When the optional module is not used, the blank module "F-module not
used" has to be assignet to it.
Module 3: Inputs In module 3 the length of the input data in words is set. The module identifier
is "Input". For successful data exchange the length that was set has to equal
the value in parameter "P‑0‑4082 Field bus: length of cyclic actual value data
channel" which indicates the length in bytes.

If the configuration of the master does not correspond with the one
of the IndraDrive controller, the IndraDrive device will generate the
error message "F4012 Incorrect I/O length".

Module 4: Outputs Module 4 corresponds to module 3 but defines the outputs. The module iden‐
tifier is "Output". The length of the output data that was set has to correspond
with the value of parameter "P‑0‑4071 Field bus: Length cyclic command value
data channel".

If the configuration of the master does not correspond with the one
of the IndraDrive controller, the IndraDrive device will generate the
error message "F4012 Incorrect I/O length".

Modules 5 to 7 The modules 5 to 7 are provided for double-axis devices or for 5 to 25 devices
operated at the CCD group. In the case of single-axis devices, the blank mod‐
ules "F‑Modul not used", "Input not used" or "Output not used" should be
assigned to these modules.
Configuring the Process Data Channel
Standard Process Data Channel The user can freely configure the cyclical data in the standard process data
(Not Safety Related) channel according to the process requirements.

For the profile types "freely configurable

mode" (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE) or "I/O mode" (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFF82)
there is a default configuration that the user can change at any time.
See also "Profile Types (with Field Bus Interfaces)"

Configuration List In parameter "P-0-4080, Field bus: config list of cyclic actual value data chan‐
Cyclic Command Value Data Chan‐ nel" the structure and therefore the number of words and their assigned objects
nel (indices) for the process input data (slave → master) are mapped. The master
can use this configuration in order to localize the individual real-time data in the
field bus.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 95/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Configuration List In parameter "P-0-4081, Field bus: config list of cyclic command valud data
Cyclic Command Value Data Chan‐ channel" the structure of the process output data (master → slave) is mapped.
nel This enables the read-out via the parameter channel of the current structure
and thus the assignements in the field bus.

It is possible to configure up to 15 real-time parameters (incl. control

or status word) on the bus in each data direction.

PROFIsafe Proces Data Channel The safety related channel is configured in the master using the safety module
(Safety Related) (F-module 2 or module 5). The drive automatically recognizes the control con‐
figuration during the run-up (→ "CeckConfig").

Drive operated via the CCD group do not support PROFIsafe. In

this case, use the blank module "F‑Modul not used".

As a result thereof the individual modules (module 2 and modules 5) have to

be supported, too!

In order to use the safety-related channel in the drive, a value un‐

equal zero has to be set in parameter "P‑0‑3290, PROFIsafe:
F_Destination_Address". This activates the safety related process
data channel (PROFIsafe) and deactivates the safety inputs/out‐
puts on the optional safety technology card (except for input for
safety related homing procedure).

Per direction of transmission the safety related process data channel contains
2 bytes useful data (safety-technology control and status word) and 4 bytes
header for backing up the transmission of useful data.

The control word gets to parameter "P‑0‑3212, Safety technology

signal control word, channel1" in inverted form; the status word
corresponds to the content of parameter "P‑0‑3214, Safety tech‐
nology signal status word, channel 1".
See also Parameter Description P‑0‑3212 and P‑0‑3214

Lenght of the Process Data Channel (Real-Time Data Channel)

Standard Process Data Channel Within the cyclic channel, the parameter channel (optional) and the process
(Not Safety Related) data channel, in which the real-time data of the drive controller are transmitted,
are arranged.
The PROFIBUS slave circuit allows flexible configuration of the process data
channel, the length of the process data channel is thereby changing accord‐

The length currently effective is contained in the parameters

"P‑0‑4082, Field bus: length of cyclic actual value data channel" and
"P‑0‑4071, Field bus: length cyclic command value data channel".

The process data channel (real-time data channel) can only have words or
double words, but not bytes, as data types. Length, however, is specified in
bytes for the sake of compatibility with other bus systems.
The length of the process data channel can range between 1...24 words or
2...48 bytes in either direction.
The length of the process data channel results from the content of the configr‐
uation lists "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: config list of cyclic actual value data channel"
96/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

and/or "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config list of cyclic command value data channel"
and is contained in the following parameters:
● P-0-4071, Field bus: Length cyclic command value data channel (master
→ slave)
● P-0-4082, Field bus: Length cyclic actual value data channel (slave → mas‐
The setting is calculated from the contents of the parameters P‑0‑4080 and
P‑0‑4081 and takes effect as the drive controller runs up to the operating mode.

Note that a change in the length of the process data channel also
requires a change in the master configruation. The length of the
process data channel that was set has to be in accordance with the
projected length in the master. Otherwise, the error messate "F4012
Incorrect I/O length" is generated.

PROFIsafe Proces Data Channel

(Safety Related) The length of this safety rlated process data channel cannot be
modified! There are always 2 bytes available for useful data and 4
bytes header for data backup.

4.6.3 Cyclic Communication via Process Data Channel

Communication Cycle Time
Cyclic communication via the process data channel takes place in the so-called
communication cycle (cf. "P‑0‑4076, Field bus: cycle time (Tcyc)"). The possible
number of cyclic data depends on the setting of parameter P‑0‑4076.

Max. number of process data / set‐

Min. cycle time ting P‑0‑4076 Notes

0,5 ms (TA_pos) 16 bytes → P-4076 = 0,5 ms additionally a maximum of

32 bytes → P-4076 = 1 ms 16 bytes parameter chan‐
nel for PROFIBUS
48 bytes → P-4076 > 1 ms

Fig.4-40: Number of cyclic data depending on P‑0‑4076

Valid values for P‑0‑4076: 0,5 ms, 1 ms, 2 ms, 3 ms, 4 ms, 5 ms, …

When the safety related channel (PROFIsafe) is used, the minimum

allowed cycle time is limited to 2 ms!

Axis-Specific Process Data Channel

Fig.4-41: Position of the not safety related process data channel in the cyclic data
Processing the Cyclic Data The internal processing of the command values and actual values is carried out
synchronously with the control clock. As the communication via PROFIBUS-
DP is not carried out in a synchronous way, this type of master communicaiton
is not suited for synchronous operating modes such as "position control with
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 97/886
and Controls

Master Communication
cyclic command value input", but only for positioning modes and the "velocity
control" mode.
In the drive only a limited number of cyclic data can be processed (Basic: 32
bytes; Advanced: 40 bytes).

There is no limit value check for the cyclically transmitted command

values and they are stored in volatile form.

Configuring the Cyclic Data The cyclic data have to be configured in the parameter mode. The section
"Configuring the PROFIBUS-DP Slave" " describes how the cyclic data are
Safety Related, Axis-Specific Process Data Channel (PROFIsafe)
General Information

Using the safety related process data channel (PROFIsafe) re‐

quires the hardware option "S1" for safety technology and the
corresponding firmware version (as of MPx-03VRS)!

Fig.4-42: Position of the safety related process data channel (PROFIsafe) in the
cyclic data channel

When the safety related channel (PROFIsafe) is used, the minimum

allowed cycle time is limited to 2 ms!

The internal processing of the command values and actual values is carried out
synchronously with the control clock. The safety related channel allows select‐
ing the integrated safety functions via Profibus or transmitting the correspond‐
ing feedback signals (acknowledgements).
The available safety functions and mechanisms are described in the Functional
and Application Description on integrated safety technology.

See separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive - Integrated Safety


A check (→ safety related transmission) is carried out for the cycli‐

cally transmitted, safety related command values (2 bytes) and they
are stored in volatile form.

PROFIsafe Configuration

Drive operated via the CCD group do not support PROFIsafe. In

this case, use the blank module "F‑Modul not used".

Configuration of IndraDrive PROFIsafe is activated by entering the PROFIsafe destination address in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑3290, PROFIsafe: F_Destination_Address". Entering the value
"0" deactivates PROFIsafe.
98/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
When PROFIsafe has been activated, the value from the control unit configu‐
ration must be applied to parameter "P‑0‑3291, PROFIsafe: F_Source_Ad‐
The PROFIsafe parameters which have to be set via the PLC configuration are
displayed in parameter "P‑0‑3292 PROFIsafe: F_Parameters"
Configruation of the Control Unit To use PROFIsafe in the drive you have to include the PROFIsafe modules in
the control unit configuration according to the required functionality. The foll‐
woing PROFIsafe modules (F-modules) are available for this purpose:
● F-Modul not used
This axis does not exchange any data via PROFIsae. PROFIsafe must be
deactivated for the axis (P‑0‑3290 = 0).
● F-Modul I/O
16 safety related control bits (P‑0‑3216) are transmitted to the drive in
inverted form. The drive transmits 16 safety related status bist (P‑0‑3214
of channel 1, channel 2 must supply the same value). The "Destination
Address" set in the PLC configuration must be entered in parameter
● F-Modul I/O Cmd
This module is provided for future expansions. In addition to the status
and control bits, a safety related command value of type "Integer 32" is
transmitted. The "Destination Address" set in the PLC configuration must
be entered in parameter P‑0‑3290.
● F-Modul I/O Real
Apart from the safety related status/control bits, this module transmits as
safety relatd actual value of type "Integer 32". For formware version
MPx04 this value exclusively is the safety related actual position value
(S‑0‑0051, controlled by P‑0‑3280). The "Destination Address" set in the
PLC configuration must be entered in parameter P‑0‑3290.
● F-Modul I/O Cmd Real
This module is provided for future expansions. Both the safety related
status/control bits and the safety related command value as well as the
safety related actual value are transmitted. The "Destination Address" set
in the PLC configuration must be entered in parameter P‑0‑3290.

See separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive - Integrated Safety

Parameter Channel in the Cyclic Channel (Device-Specific)

Fig.4-43: Position of the parameter channel in the cyclic data channel

Since it must be possible to parameterize the drive via the field bus, a config‐
urable parameter channel was implemented in the cyclic channel of the Indra‐
Drive the length of which can be set to 4...16 bytes. The parameter channel
consits of a control or status word and up to a maximum of 7 words for data.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 99/886
and Controls

Master Communication

The parameter channel is always at the beginning of the cyclical

data channel. The length of the parameter channel is configured in
the master and taken over by the drive to parameter "P‑0‑4083,
Field bus: length of the parameter channel".

Structure of the Parameter Channel:

● Control word: 2 bytes
● Data: 2 to 14 bytes
Object Directory for PROFIBUS-DP For PROFIBUS-DP there wasn't any object directory defined. Acyclic access
via the Parameter Channel to drive parameters in only possible via the parameter channel.
In order to make cyclic parameter access as easy as possible (without SIS
telegrams), objects were assigned to drive parameters.
The data of an object are accessed via:
● Index
● Subindex
Generating Law for Object Index ● Index = 0x2000 + IDN (S‑0‑XXXX) → S-parameters
● Index = 0x2000 + IDN (S‑0‑XXXX) → P-parameters
Generating Law for Object Subin‐ Example 1: accessing data of S‑0‑0051
● Index = 0x2000 + IDN (S‑0‑0051) = 0x2000 + 51 = 0x2033
● Subindex = 7, since access to data desired
Example 2: accessing data of P‑0‑0051
● Index = 0x3000 + IDN (P‑0‑0051) = 0x3000 + 51 = 0x3033
● Subindex = 7, since access to data desired
Structure of Control Word in Pa‐ The control word is sent from the master to the slave. Its width is 16 bits and
rameter Channel the individual bits have the following significance:

15 14 13 12 11 … 8 7…0

res G L T FL GL
res reserved (always 0)
G no basic setting
L load bit
T toggle bit
FL length of user data in fragment (4 bits)
GL length of data still to be transmitted including the data in the current
fragment (8 bits)
Fig.4-44: Structure of control word in parameter channel
Structure of Status Word in Param‐ The status word is sent from the slave to the master. Its width is 16 bits and the
eter Channel individual bits have the following significance:

15 14 13 12 11 … 8 7…0

res F L T FL GL
res reserved (always 0)
F error
L load bit
T toggle bit
FL length of user data in fragment (4 bits)
GL length of data still to be transmitted including the data in the current
fragment (8 bits)
Fig.4-45: Structure of status word in parameter channel
Configuration of the Parameter The parameter channel is made up of:
100/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
● Control word / status word
● User data
Withoug considering a fragmentation or an error, the parameter channel when
writing a parameter is made up of:

Control word Index Subindex Data

M→S 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes max. 80 bytes

Status word
S→M 2 bytes

Fig.4-46: Parameter channel when writing a parameter channel

Withoug considering a fragmentation, the parameter channel when reading a
parameter is made up of:

Control word Index Subindex

M→S 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes

Status word Data
S→M 2 bytes max. 80 bytes

Fig.4-47: Parameter channel when reading a parameter channel

Basic Setting The control unit defines the basic setting and the drive responds with the iden‐
tifier (2 bytes) of the supported parameter channel format; in this case with

Control word / status word User data

Res G/F L T FL GL B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9
M→S 0 1 1 0/1 0 0 - - - - - - - -
S→M 0 0 1 0/1 2 2 01h 00h - - - - - -

Fig.4-48: Basic setting for parameter channel

Non-Fragmented Reading The control unit reads the operating data of parameter S‑0‑0057. It is a double
word, fragmentation thereof is not necessary.
The value is 100.
Parameter mapping:
● Index = 2039h
● Subindex = 7h

Control word / status word User data

Res G/F L T FL GL B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9
M→S 0 1 1 1/0 4 4 20h 39h 00h 07h - - - -
S→M 0 0 1 1/0 4 4 00h 00h 00h 64h - - - -

Fig.4-49: Non-fragmented reading

Non-Fragmented Writing Without The control unit writes a new operating data to parameter S‑0‑0057. It is a
Error double word, fragmentation therefore is not necessary.
Teh value is 200. The drive returns an acknowledgement that mirrors the length.
Parameter mapping:
● Index = 2039h
● Subindex = 7h
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 101/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Control word / status word User data

Res G/F L T FL GL B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9
M→S 0 1 1 0/1 8 8 20h 39h 00h 07h 00h 00h 00h C8h
S→M 0 0 1 0/1 0 0 - - - - - - - -

Fig.4-50: Non-fragmented writing without error message

Non-Fragmented Writing With Error The control unit writes a new operating data to parameter P‑0‑0032.
The value is "8193" and above the allowed maximum. The drive returns an error
message, in this case 7007h.
Parameter mapping:
● Index = 3020h
● Subindex = 7h

Control word / status word User data

Res G/F L T FL GL B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9
M→S 0 1 1 0/1 6 6 30h 20h 00h 07h 20h 01h - -
S→M 0 1 1 0/1 2 2 70h 07h - - - - - -

Fig.4-51: Non-fragmented writing with error message

Fragmented Reading The control unit reads the operating data of parameter S‑0‑0016. It is a list of
words. In the example below it contains 40 (28h), 51 (33h), 53 (36h), 84 (54h),
95 (5F), 130 (82h) and 131 (83h). First the list pointer (subindex 10) is set to
Parameter mapping:
● Index = 2010h
● Subindex = 11h → 17 → 7 elements

Control word / status word User data

Res G/F L T FL GL B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9
M→S 0 1 1 1/0 8 8 20h 10h 00h 0Ah 00h 00h 00h 00h
S→M 0 0 1 1/0 0 0 - - - - - - - -
M→S 0 1 1 0/1 4 4 20h 10h 00h 11h - - - -
S→M 0 0 0 0/1 8 14 00h 28h 00h 33h 00h 36h 00h 54h
M→S 0 1 1 1/0 0 6 - - - - - - - -
S→M 0 0 1 1/0 6 6 00h 5Fh 00h 82h 00h 83h - -

Fig.4-52: Fragmented reading

Fragmented Writing The control unit writes data to parameter P‑0‑4006. It is a list of double words.
In the example below it is to contain 100 (64h), 200 (C8h), 300 (12Ch),
400 (190h), 500 (1F4) and 600 (258h). First the list pointer (subindex 10) is set
to zero.
Parameter mapping:
● Index = 3FA6h
● Subindex = 10h → 16 → 6 elements
length: 4 byte header + (6 x 4 byte of data) = 28 byte
102/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

Control word / status word User data

Res G/F L T FL GL B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9
M→S 0 1 1 0/1 8 8 3Fh A6h 00h 0Ah 00h 00h 00h 00h
S→M 0 0 1 0/1 0 0 - - - - - - - -
M→S 0 1 0 1/0 8 28 3Fh A6h 00h 10h 00h 00h 00h 64h
S→M 0 0 1 1/0 0 20 - - - - - - - -
M→S 0 1 0 0/1 8 20 00h 00h 00h C8h 00h 00h 01h 2Ch
0 0 1 0/1 0 12 - - - - - - - -
0 1 0 1/0 8 12 00h 00h 01h 90h 00h 00h 01h F4h
0 0 1 1/0 0 4 - - - - - - - -
0 1 1 0/1 4 4 00h 00h 02h 58h - - - -
S→M 0 0 1 0/1 0 0 - - - - - - - -

Fig.4-53: Fragmented writing

Requesting the Next Fragment For requesting the next fragment of a fragmented transmission it is necessary
to calculate GL with the data received from the control word / status word:

GL length of data still to be transmitted including the data in the current

fragment (8 bits)
FL length of user data in fragment (4 bits)
Fig.4-54: GL calculation

4.6.4 Acyclic Parameter Access (PROFIdrive via DPV1)

General Information
As of firmware version MPx-03VRS the field bus independent parameter ac‐
cess via DPV1 is no longer supported, but access according to PROFIdrive.
The following has been taken as a basis:
● PROFIdrive → Profile Drive Technology version 3.1 / Nov. 2002
● PROFIBUS → Profile Order-No. 3.172

This modification does not have any effect on the parameter chan‐

Overview of Acyclic Communication

DP-Master Class-1 An acyclic communication relationship of type MSAC_C1 to a DP master
class-1 (MSAC_C1) is supported. The following DP services are available for
this communication relationship:
● DDLM_Read (MSAC1_Read)
● DDLM_Write (MSAC1_Write)
DP-Master Class-2 A maximum of two acyclic communication relationships of type MSAC_C2 to a
DP master class-2 (MSAC_C2) are supported. The following DP services are
available for this communication relationship:
● DDLM_Initiate (MSAC2_Initiate)
● DDLM_Abort (MSAC2_Abort)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 103/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● DDLM_Read (MSAC2_Read)
● DDLM_Write (MSAC2_Write)
Parameter Exchange via DPV1 Services
The parameter exchange descrived below is executed via DPV1 telegram
frame. The following sequence is run:

Fig.4-55: Sequence of the parameter exchange via DPV1 services

The individual parameters are accessed with the services "request parameter"
or "change parameter".
Request Parameter Request header request reference request ID
1 to 255 1 = request parameter
Axis number of parameters
Parameter address attribute number of elements
parameter number

Fig.4-56: PROFIdrive-request parameter via DPV1

Response header request reference mirrored response ID

1 to 255 1 = positive acknowledgement
129 = negative acknowledge‐
axis mirrored number of parameters
Parameter value(s) Format number of values
value(s) or error value

Fig.4-57: PROFIdrive-parameter response

Change Parameter Request header request reference request ID
1 to 255 2 = change parameter
Axis number of parameters
104/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

Parameter address attribute number of elements

parameter number
Parameter value(s) Format number of values

Fig.4-58: PROFIdrive-request parameter via DPV1

Response header request reference mirrored response ID

1 to 255 2 = positive acknowledgement
130 = negative acknowledge‐
axis mirrored number of parameters

Fig.4-59: DPV1-parameter response

Parameter Structure
A parameter structure is accessed via a 16-bit index and a 16-bit subindex.
Each parameter has the following attributes:
● "Parameter Value"
● "Parameter Description"
● "Parameter Text"
● "Manufacturer Specific"

The attribute valid for access is indicated in the header of the re‐

Index The index corresponds to the SERCOS IDN:

SERCOS-IDN Index (hex) Index (dec)

S‑0‑0001 to S‑0‑4095 0x0001 to 0x0FFF 1 to 4095

S-1-0001 to S-1-4095 0x1001 to 0x1FFF 4097 to 8191
S-2-0001 to S-2-4095 0x2001 to 0x2FFF 8193 to 12287
S-3-0001 to S-3-4095 0x3001 to 0x3FFF 12289 to 16383
S-4-0001 to S-4-4095 0x4001 to 0x4FFF 16385 to 20479
S-5-0001 to S-5-4095 0x5001 to 0x5FFF 20481 to 24575
S-6-0001 to S-6-4095 0x6001 to 0x6FFF 24577 to 28671
S-7-0001 to S-7-4095 0x7001 to 0x7FFF 28672 to 32767
P‑0‑0001 to P‑0‑4095 0x8001 to 0x8FFF 32769 to 36863
P‑1‑0001 to P-1‑4095 0x9001 to 0x9FFF 36865 to 40959
P‑2‑0001 to P-2‑4095 0xA001 to 0xAFFF 40961 to 45055
P‑3‑0001 to P-3‑4095 0xB001 to 0xBFFF 45057 to 49151
P‑4‑0001 to P-4‑4095 0xC001 to 0xCFFF 49153 to 53247
P‑5‑0001 to P-5‑4095 0xD001 to 0xDFFF 53249 to 57343
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 105/886
and Controls

Master Communication

SERCOS-IDN Index (hex) Index (dec)

P‑6‑0001 to P-6‑4095 0xE001 to 0xEFFF 57345 to 61439
P‑7‑0001 to P-7‑4095 0xF001 to 0xFFFF 61441 to 65535

Fig.4-60: Rlationship between SERCOS-parameter, -IDN and Index

Subindex The subindex is the element number. Its significance depends on the attribute.
Parameter Value (0x10) Access to the parameter value takes place in the attribute "Parameter Value".
For single parameters or commands there is only subindex 0 existing. In the
case of lists, the sub-index ranges from 0 to "list length - 1". All elements are of
the same data type.
Parameter Description (0x20) The description of the parameter via the attribute "Parameter Description" is
devided into different elements which are accessed by means of the subindex:
● Complete description (0)
→ Complete description (subindex 1 to 12, always with a length of 46
● Identifier (1)
→ 16-bit value for the basic description of the parameter with the following
significance of the individual bits (if set).
– Bit 0 to 7 → data type
– Bit 8 → "Standardiz. Factor" + "Variable Attibut" irrelevant
– Bit 9 → parameter write protected
– Bit 10 → parameter text available
– Bit 11 → reserved (always 0)
– Bit 12 → parameter value does not correspond to default value
– Bit 13 → parameter can only be reset, cannot be used
– Bit 14 → list parameter
– Bit 15 → reserved (always 0)
● Number of array elements or length of string (2)
→ 16-bit value with number of list elements or length of string
In the case of a string, each character is assigned to a sub-index. Only
element of the description that might possibly be changed!
● Standardization factor (3)
→ 32-bit floating point number by means of which it is possible to calculate
the physical value from the parameter value (number for IndraDrive nor‐
mally is a power of ten)
● Variable attribut (4)
→ Two 8-bit values for determining the unit and its prefix
The standard value is 0x00FE, as not all of the units used for IndraDrive
can be mapped.
● Reserved (5)
→ 32-bit reserved data
● Name (6)
→ Name of the parameter with maximum number of 16 characters
As the IndraDrive parameter names normally are longer, the SERCOS
IDN is stored as string (e.g. "S‑0‑0158").
● Low limit (7)
→ Minimum possible parameter value
106/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

If this parameter value does not exist for IndraDrive, the lower value range
limit of the data type is entered.
● High limit (8)
→ Maximum possible parameter value
If this parameter value does not exist for IndraDrive, the upper value range
limit of the data type is entered.
● Reserved (9)
→ 16-bit reserved data
● ID extension (10)
→ 16-bit reserved data
● PZD reference parameter (11)
→ 16-bit value with number or the reference parameter
If there is no reference parameter, the value "0" is entered.
● PZD normalization (12)
→ 16-bit value with additional information on normalization:
– Bits 0 to 5 → Normalization bit 0 to 31
– Bits 6 to 14 → reserved
– Bit 15 → Normalization valid
Parameter Text (0x30) The attribute "Parameter Text" is not supported.
Manufacturer Specific (0x80) In the attribute "Manufacturer Specific" there is such information stored that
cannot be mapped to standard elements of PROFIdrive:
● Complete structure (0)
→ All elements of this structure (a total of 84 bytes)
● Maximum number of elements (1)
→ 32-bit value with maximum possible number of elements
In the case of single-parameters and command, this value always is "1".
● Parameter name (2)
→ 64-byte string with the characters of the parameter name
Zero is written to unused characters after the end of the name.
● SERCOS attribute (3)
→ 32 bits of the SERCOS attribute
● Unit (4)
→ 16-byte string with the characters of the unit
Zero is written to unused characters after the end of the unit.
Error Codes
Error No. Significance Extended information

0x00 parameter not available (previously 0

0x01 parameter cannot be written (previously subindex
0x02 value outside of limit values (previously subindex
0x03 sub-index not available subindex
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 107/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Error No. Significance Extended information

0x04 list access to single parameter 0
0x05 access with incorrect data type (previously 0
0x07 write access to write-protected element subindex
0x0B access not possible due to operating sta‐ 0
tus (previously 0x7005)
0x0F no parameter text available 0
0x15 response data too long for telegram 0
0x17 error in format 0
0x18 writing beyond end of list 0
0x19 access to nonexistend axis 0
0x65 manufacturer-specific error code SIS error code

Fig.4-61: Error codes at acyclic parameter access

Data Types
Data type Code SERCOS type

Integer 16 0x03 decimal number with sign1)

Integer 32 0x04 decimal number with sign1)
Unsigned 16 0x06 binary, IDN, decimal number without sign 1), hexa‐
decimal, command
Unsigned 32 0x07 decimal number without sign 1), hexadecimal
Floating Point 0x08
Visible String 0x09 text
Error code 0x44
1) depending on bits 16 and 17 of SERCOS attribute
Fig.4-62: Data types at acyclic parameter access

4.6.5 Monitoring Functions and Diagnostic Functions

Monitoring Functions
Watchdog for Cyclic Communica‐ As a standard, the time required for the watchdog monitoring function is auto‐
tion matically calculated and configured by the configuration program of the master.
It is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑4075 Field bus: watchdog" (in ms).

The input "0" in parameter "P-0-4081, Field bus: watchdog" means

that the watchdog monitoring function has been deactivated!

F4012 Incorrect I/O length When the error message "F4012 Incorrect I/O length" is generated, the drive is
in the PROFIBUS status "Data_Exchange"; the LED display "H30" is active.
The parameter channel is working but the data of the input and output module
are not processed internally.
Diagnostic Possibilities
Ths status of the field bus master communication of an IndraDrive device is
diagnosed via:
108/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

● LED display "H30" at the front panel of the controller

- and -
● Diagnostic parameter "P-0-4073, Field bus: Diagnostic message".
Diagnostic LED "H30" The LED display "H30" is active when the drive is in the PROFIBUS status
"Data_Exchange". This means that the real-time data are exchanged between
IndraDrive device and master.
Parameter for Field Bus Diagnostic In parameter "P-0-4073, Field bus: diagnostic message" the status of the field
Message bus master communication is stored in plain text. The contents of parameter
P‑0‑4073 have the following significance:

Text Significance

"OFFLINE" Initialization value of the diagnostic message

"Power-On" A PROFIBUS-DP card has been recognized as master commu‐
nication and the hardware is checked.
"Baud-Search" The hardware is okay; the PROFIBUS interface is monitored in
order to recognize the baud rate used.
"Wait-Prm" The baud rate has been found, the drive waits for a parameter‐
ization telegram of the master that contains its IDN (contained in
the device data sheet).
"Wait-Cfg" The IndraDrive device has received a valid parameterization
telegram and now waits for the configuration telegram in which
the master tells the drive which modules it is expecting for input/
output configuration.
"Data-Exch WD+" The drive has received a valid configuration, it exchanges real-
time data with the master. The communication is monitored by
a watchdog.
"Data-Exch WD-" The drive has received a valid configuration. It exchanges real-
time data with the master without the communication being
monitored by a watchdog.

Fig.4-63: Significance of the entries in parameter P‑0‑4073

Error Codes of PROFIBUS Communication
Parameter Channel Errors The table below contains an overview of the possible parameter channel error
messages and their significance:

Error code Significance

0x0082 number of all transmitted data is too low, i.e. less than 4 bytes
0x0083 number of data still to be transmitted is greater than the internal buffer
0x0088 the length of the valid data indicated in the control word is longer than
the parameter channel
0x008C status conflict, a new request was sent although there are still data
to be transmitted
0x008D length of data that are still to be transmitted indicated in the control
word is incorrect

Fig.4-64: Overview parameter channel errors

DPV1 Errors The table below contains an overview of the possible DPV1 error messages
and their significance:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 109/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Designation acc. to DPV1

Error code Significance standard

0x80 0xA0 0x00 The read request has a length of more DPV1, access, read error
than 10 bytes.
0x80 0xA1 0x00 The write request has a length of more DPV1, access, write error
than 11 bytes.
0x80 0xA9 0x00 DPV1 service not supported DPV1, application, fea‐
ture not supported
0x80 0xB0 0x00 No access to index 47. DPV1, access, invalid in‐
0x80 0xB1 0x00 There isn't any DPV1 header availa‐ DPV1, access, write
ble. length error
0x80 0xB2 0x00 No access to slot 0. DPV1, access, invalid
0x80 0xB3 0x00 Access is only allowed to the value of DPV1, access, type con‐
the object. flict
0x80 0xB5 0x00 Parameter request not yet received, DPV1, access, state con‐
therefore response not yet available. flict
0x80 0xB6 0x00 The parameter cannot be written. DPV1, access, access
0x80 0xB8 0x00 It is only allowed to process one pa‐ DPV1, access, invalid pa‐
rameter in one access. rameter
0x80 0xC0 0x00 The request is still processed, the DPV1, resource, read
read request has to be repeated. constrain conflict

Fig.4-65: Overview DPV1 errors

Parameter Access Errors The table below contains an overview of the possible parameter access errors
and their significance; the error values are transmitted in word format:

Error No. (hex) Significance

0x1001 no IDN
0x1009 invalid access to element 1
0x2001 no name
0x2004 name cannot be changed (read only)
0x3004 attribute cannot be changed (read only)
0x4001 no units
0x4004 unit cannot be changed (read only)
0x5001 no minimum input value
0x5004 minimum input value cannot be changed (read only)
0x6001 no maximum input value
0x6004 maximum input value cannot be changed (read only)
0x7002 operation data transmission too short
0x7003 operation data transmission too long
0x7004 operation data cannot be changed (read only)
110/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

Error No. (hex) Significance

0x7005 operation data is write-protected at this time (e.g. communication
0x7006 operation data is smaller than minimum input value
0x7007 operation data is greater than maximum input value
0x7008 invalid operation data: Configured IDN will not be supported, in‐
valid bit number or bit combination
0x7009 operation data write protected by a password
0x700A operation data is write protected, it is configured cyclically
0x700B invalid indirect addressing
(e.g. data container, list handling)
0x700C operation data is write protected, due to other settings
(e.g., parameter, operation mode, drive enable, drive on etc.)
0x7010 procedure command already active
0x7011 command not interruptible
0x7012 procedure command at this time not executable
(e.g., in this phase the procedure command cannot be activated)
0x7013 procedure command not executable (invalid or false parame‐
0x9001 Input cannot be identified as application
0x9002 parameter type error
0x9003 invalid data set number
0x9004 invalid data block number
0x9005 Data element number invalid
0x9006 error in R/W flag
0x9007 invalid character in the data

Fig.4-66: Overview parameter access errors

4.7 CANopen Interface

4.7.1 Brief Description
It is possible to operate IndraDrive controllers with a CANopen interface as
master communication module. This requires the control section with the op‐
tional module "CANopen/DeviceNet" (CO). Via this optional module, it is pos‐
sible to exchange real-time data with a CANopen master. The "CANopen"
protocol (according to Draft Standard DS301, version 4.0.2) has been imple‐
mented in the drive controller.
Communication Channels We distinguish the following communication channels:
● Cyclic data channel (PDO)
The field bus provides data containers in which useful data can be cycli‐
cally transmitted in real time (process data objects).
● Acyclic data channel (SDO)
The field bus provides data containers in which useful data (service data
objects) can be acyclically transmitted.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 111/886
and Controls

Master Communication

The process data are always transmitted via PDOs.

Features ● Simple configuration through use of "Predefined Connection Set" and

"Minimal Boot-Up" according to DS301
● Baud rates of 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 800 and 1000 kbit/s specified by
CANopen according to DS301 are supported (in addition, 100 kbit/s is
● Configurable cyclic data up to 12 parameters (incl. field bus control word
and field bus status word) in both data directions
(max. 24 bytes or 12 words)
● Multiplex channel permanently configured in one PDO pair
● Functional compatibility with EcoDrive functions through profile selection
(I/O mode)
● Node monitoring (heartbeat function)
● LED displays at the front panel of the master communication module for
simple diagnosis of bus functions and most important communication re‐
lationships between drive and field bus (2 LEDs: "Run" status and
"Error" status)
● All parameters of the drive can be directly read via SDO and, if permitted,
can be written
● Upload/download function for all parameters of the drive possible with
SDO services
● Event-controlled or synchronous transmission of process data
● CANopen Device profile DSP402 is not supported; field bus profiles ac‐
cording to DSP402 are partly supported (see "Profile Types (with Field
Bus Interfaces)")
Hardware Requirements The optional module with CANopen interface is available for the following con‐
figurable control sections:
● Single-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CSB01.1C)
● Single-axis ADVANCED (CSH01.1C)
Pertinent Parameters Communication parameters
Specific parameters for CANopen communication:
● P-0-3610, CANopen: Heartbeat Configuration
● P-0-3611, CANopen: COB-IDs
● P-0-3612, CANopen: Transmission Types
● P-0-3613, CANopen: List of the Event Parameters
Parameters for general field bus communication:
● P-0-4025, Drive address of master communication
● P-0-4073, Field bus: diagnostic message
● P-0-4074, Field bus: data format
● P-0-4076, Field bus: cycle time (Tcyc)
● P-0-4079, Field bus: baud rate
Profile type parameters
Apart from mere communication parameters, we use parameters in conjunction
with the profile types.
See "Profile Types (with Field Bus Interfaces)"
112/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
Parameters for extended communication
We use additional parameters for extended communication.
See following sections:
● "Configurable Signal Control Word"
● "Configurable Signal Status Word"
● " Multiplex Channel"
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● F4009 Bus failure
● F4012 Incorrect I/O length

To get a more detailed description of the CANopen interface and

information on its possibilities of use with MPx04 firmware, please
contact your Bosch Rexroth sales representative!

4.8 DeviceNet Interface

4.8.1 Brief Description
It is possible to operate IndraDrive controllers with a DeviceNet interface as
master communication module. This requires the control section with the op‐
tional module "CANopen/DeviceNet" (CO). Via this optional module, it is pos‐
sible to exchange real-time data with a DeviceNet master. The drive supports
the protocol "DeviceNet" according to ODVA version 2.0.
We distinguish the following communication channels:
● Cyclic data channel (polled I/O)
The field bus provides data containers in which useful data can be cycli‐
cally transmitted in real time.
● Acyclic data channel (Explicit Message)
The field bus provides an object directory of the device. The objects can
be acyclically read and, if allowed, can be written.

The process data are always transmitted via "polled I/O".

To achieve the highest possible system flexibility, all parameters of the drive
are accessible via objects. With DeviceNet, these objects can be addressed
through class, instance and attribute. Some of these objects can be assigned
to the "polled I/O" as real-time data and thus be cyclically transmitted. There is
also the option of transmitting via "Explicit Message", but no objects defined in
the real-time channel (P‑0‑4081) may be written by the master via "Explicit
Features ● DeviceNet interface completely galvanically decoupled
● "Open Pluggable Connector" according to specification 2.0 (Phoenix
COMBICON connector)
● "DeviceNet Generic Device" according to specification ODVA 2.0
● Easy configuration by implementing "Group 2 only Server"
● All data rates supported:
– 125 kbit/s (up to a distance of 500 m)
– 250 kbit/s (up to a distance of 250 m)
– 500 kbit/s (up to a distance of 100 m)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 113/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● Freely configurable process data channel (max. 24 words, max. 15 IDN)
in both data directions via drive parameters P‑0‑4080 and P‑0‑4081
● Monitoring of the process data channel (watchdog function)
● All parameters of the drive can be acyclically read via "Explicit Mes‐
sage" and, if allowed, can be written
● LED displays at the front panel of the master communication module for
simple diagnosis of bus functions and most important communication re‐
lationships between drive and field bus (2 LEDs: module status and
network status)
Hardware Requirements The optional module with DeviceNet interface is available for the following con‐
figurable control sections:
● Single-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CSB01.1C)
● Single-axis ADVANCED (CSH01.1C)
Pertinent Parameters Communication parameters
Parameters for general field bus communication (incl. DeviceNet):
● P-0-4025, Drive address of master communication
● P-0-4073, Field bus: diagnostic message
● P-0-4074, Field bus: data format
● P-0-4075, Field bus: watchdog
● P-0-4076, Field bus: cycle time (Tcyc)
● P-0-4079, Field bus: baud rate
Profile type parameters
Apart from mere communication parameters, we use parameters in conjunction
with the profile types.
See "Profile Types (with Field Bus Interfaces)"
Parameters for extended communication
We use additional parameters for extended communication.
See following sections:
● "Configurable Signal Control Word"
● "Configurable Signal Status Word"
● " Multiplex Channel"
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● F4009 Bus failure
● F4012 Incorrect I/O length

4.8.2 Configuration DeviceNet Slave

EDS File
For each DeviceNet device it is necessary to have an EDS file (*.EDS) which
contains the data required for operating the device on the field bus. This file,
when configuring the bus master, is required for each node.
The EDS file for IndraDrive is an ASCII file with the name "Indra‐
Setting the Node Address of the Slave
The address determines the priority of data sent by of the slave, with the lowest
address having the highest priority. Usually, the master has the highest priority
and therefore the lowest address. Each DeviceNet node has to transmit data
on the bus unequivocally assigned to it. According to the DeviceNet specifica‐
114/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

tion, this requires a slave address (MAC ID) that is unequivocal for the whole
This address is set in parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of master commu‐
According to ODVA 2.0, the address can be set within the range of 1 to 63.
The node address of the slave in parameter P‑0‑4025 can only be changed,
when the 24V supply voltage of the DeviceNet interface (Sense bus) has been
switched off!
See also section "Setting the Axis Address"
Baud Rate Search/Baud Rate Input
The baud rate used by the DeviceNet field bus is set in parameter "P‑0‑4079,
Field bus: baud rate" (in kBaud). Possible baud rates are 125 kBaud, 250 kBaud
and 500 kBaud.
Baud Rate Search The automatic baud rate search is activated by writing the value "0" to param‐
eter P‑0‑4079 or by the command "load defaults procedure". The search is
carried out directly after switch-on. The LEDs "module status" (H4) and "net‐
work status" (H5) are switched off. The parameter "P-0-4073, Field bus: diag‐
nostic message" displays "BAUD SEARCH" as status. Baud rates which were
found by baud rate search are displayed as negative numbers in parameter
P‑0‑4079. The baud rate which was found is at the same time the start value
for repeated baud rate search after the control section has been switched on
If baud rate search is not desired, it can be deactivated by writing the baud rate
as a positive number to parameter P‑0‑4079. During operation it is possible to
deactivate the baud rate search after having switched on.

With low bus load, the baud rate search might possibly fail. The
baud rate should therefore be set to a fixed value, if possible.

Configuring the Cyclic Data

The parameters for configuring the cyclic data (P-0-4080 and P‑0‑4081) can
contain a maximum of 15 elements each. The maximum length is limited to
24 words.
These parameters are set via the commissioning tool "IndraWorks D".

Changes in the settings are only applied by reinitializing the Devi‐

ceNet card (switching 24V bus voltage off), or by restarting the

4.8.3 Specifying the DeviceNet Interface

The module uses the "Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set" and works as
Group-2-Only Server.
The implemented DeviceNet object directory contains the objects "Identity Ob‐
ject" (class 1), "Message Router Object" (class 2), "DevicNet Object" (class 3),
"Assembly Object" (class 4), "Connection Object" (class 5), as well as a vendor-
specific object (class 100), which are obligatory for a Generic Device.
Addressing takes place with 8-bit values for class and attribute and 16‑bit val‐
ues for the instance.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 115/886
and Controls

Master Communication

4.8.4 Cyclic Communication via Process Data Channel (Polled I/O)

The cyclic channel (polled I/O) is generated by parameterization of "P‑0‑4080,
Field bus: config. list of cyclic actual value data ch." and "P‑0‑4081, Field bus:
config. list of cyclic command value data ch.".
On the DeviceNet level, a static Output Assembly Object (class 4, instance 101)
and a static Input Assembly Object (class 4, instance 102) are transmitted in
the cyclic channel.

4.8.5 Acyclic Parameter Access (Explicit Message)

Addressing the Objects
For DeviceNet communication the objects are addressed according to the fol‐
lowing scheme:
Class → instance → attribute
Class All parameters of the drive are mapped to the manufacturer-specific class 100.
Instance The instance number is identical to the IDN of the drive parameter.

Bit Significance

15 0: Standard data (standardized)

1: Product data (specified by the manufacturer)
14 … 12 Parameter sets from 0 to 7
11 … 0 Data block number from 0 to 4095

Fig.4-67: Structure of the IDN

Attribute The attribute number depends on the format of the drive parameter.
The operating data can have four different formats:
● Data length 2 bytes → W
● Data length 4 bytes → L
● ASCII text with max. length of 64 bytes → T
There are three types of parameters:
● Single parameters
● Command parameters
● List parameters
Independent of its type, each parameter has these attributes (read-only):

No. Name Function Format

0 Number of elements Number of supported elements W

2 Name Parameter name T[60]
3 Attribute Display mode of the parameter L
4 Unit Parameter unit T[12]
5 Min. input value Min. possible value of the data W/L/T
6 Max. input value Max. possible value of the data W/L/T

Fig.4-68: Basic Attributes of a Drive Parameter

Depending on its type, each parameter has other attributes of different signifi‐
116/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

No. Name/function Format

7 Operating data W/L/T

8 Max. number of list elements / length of text L
9 Actual number of list elements / length of text L
10 Pointer to the data which is processed at the next access to L
element 7
11 Action for 1 list element W/L/T
12 Action for 2 list elements W/L/T
13 Action for 3 list elements W/L/T
14 Action for 4 list elements W/L/T
15 Action for 5 list elements W/L/T
16 Action for 6 list elements W/L/T
17 Action for 7 list elements W/L/T
18 Action for 8 list elements W/L/T
19 Action for 9 list elements W/L/T
20 Action for 10 list elements W/L/T

Fig.4-69: Type-Dependent Attributes of a Drive Parameter

Accessing Single Parameters
The value can be accessed by writing and reading the operating data of the
parameter. For single parameters, the number of attributes is the value "7".
Accessing Texts
The value can be accessed by writing and reading the operating data of the
parameter. The maximum length of the text and the actual length of the text can
be read with attributes 8 and 9. With access to parameter texts, the number of
attributes is the value "9".
Accessing Command Parameters
A command can be started by writing "3" to the operating data, the command
status is obtained by read-accessing the operating data. With access to com‐
mand parameters, the number of attributes is the value "7".
Accessing List Parameters
The maximum list size can be determined by reading the maximum number of
data of the parameter (attribute 8). The real size is stored in the actual number
of data of the parameter (attribute 9) and can be modified unless the list is write-
protected. All data refer to the parameter format. The pointer to the data
(attribute 10) determines which data in the list is processed. If it points to zero,
the first element is accessed. To simplify access the pointer is automatically
modified in the following situations:
● Zero is loaded when changing from another parameter to this parameter.
● After each access to the operating data, the pointer is incremented by the
number of elements which were read.
By access to attribute 11 one element is processed, to attribute 12 two elements
are processed etc. up to attribute 20 for processing 10 elements. With access
to list parameters, the number of attributes is the value "20".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 117/886
and Controls

Master Communication

For successful access to the operating data, the pointer must be

smaller than the actual length.

Example Parameter P‑0‑0072 has 18 list elements and is to be read:

● Read: class 100, instance 8048h, attribute 9h = 12h (actual length)
● Write: class 100, instance 8048h, attribute Ah = 0h (list pointer)
● Read: class 100, instance 8048h, attribute Bh = element 0
→ List pointer now automatically pointing to 1
● Read: class 100, instance 8048h, attribute 14h = elements 1 to 10
→ List pointer now automatically pointing to 11
● Read: class 100, instance 8048h, attribute Ch = elements 11, 12
→ List pointer now automatically pointing to 13
● Read: class 100, instance 8048h, attribute Fh = elements 13 to 17
→ List pointer now automatically pointing to 18 (12h)
● Read: class 100, instance 8048h, attribute Ah = 12h (pointer)
Another access to the operating data would not supply any data without loading
the list pointer again (list pointer = actual length). The number of attributes sup‐
plies the value "20".
Storing List Elements
List elements are not directly stored in permanent form. Storage takes place by
one of the following actions:
● Writing the last element of the list
● Read-accessing the list
● Accessing a different parameter
● Abortion of connection
When the control voltage fails, all changes which were not stored are cleared!
Error Codes at Parameter Access
When a vendor-specific error occurs at parameter access, the additional error
code provides hints at the cause of the error.

Error number (hex) Significance

0x02 Parameter transmitted too short

0x03 Parameter transmitted too long
0x04 Parameter cannot be changed
0x05 Parameter is write-protected at this time
0x06 Value is smaller than minimum input value
0x07 Value is greater than maximum input value
0x08 Incorrect value
0x09 Parameter is password-protected
0x0A Parameter write-protected, as cyclically configured in
0x0B Invalid indirect addressing
118/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Master Communication

Error number (hex) Significance

0x0C Parameter is write protected at this time, due to other
settings (parameter, operation mode, drive enable...)
0x10 Procedure command already active
0x11 Procedure command not interruptible
0x12 Procedure command at this time not executable (e.g., in
this phase procedure command cannot be activated)
0x13 Procedure command not executable (invalid or false pa‐

Fig.4-70: Error Codes and Their Significances at Parameter Access

4.8.6 Notes on Commissioning

Commissioning the DeviceNet interface requires the following individual steps:
1. Before switching drive on, set switch above bus connector to "DVN". After
that you can switch drive on.
2. To set address (see also "Setting the Axis Address") it is advantageous
not yet to connect DeviceNet connector to drive. In this case, drive always
is in status in which address may be changed.
3. If baud rate is known, it should be preset in parameter P‑0‑4079. Drive
thereby establishes communication faster. In addition, this helps avoid
possible problems of master with nodes of automatic baud rate detection
in network.
4. Configure cyclic data (see also section "Profile Types (with Field Bus In‐

The communication parameters "P‑0‑4025, Drive address or mas‐

ter communication" and "P‑0‑4079, Field bus: baud rate" can only
be changed, when the 24V supply voltage of the DeviceNet inter‐
face (Sense bus) has been switched off. The parameter "P-0-4075,
Field bus: watchdog" is for display only and corresponds to the 4-
fold "Expected Packet Rate" set by the DeviceNet master.

4.8.7 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions

Diagnostic LED
There are two LEDs at the front of the optional module CO; with master com‐
munication "DeviceNet" their displays have the significances described below.
LED Display "Module Status" (H4) The LED display "module status" (H4) displays the status of the "DeviceNet
Identity Object":

Behavior of LED "H4" Significance/status

LED off No control voltage available

LED flashes green/red Device self test active
LED flashes green Device "Standby"
LED permanently lit green Device "Operational"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 119/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Behavior of LED "H4" Significance/status

LED flashes red Device "Major Recoverable Fault"
LED permanently lit red Device "Major Unrecoverable Fault"

Fig.4-71: Behavior and Significance of Module Status LED

LED Display "Network Status" (H5) The LED display "network status" (H5) displays the network status of the De‐
viceNet master communication:

Behavior of LED "H5" Significance/status

LED off Device "Offline"

LED flashes green "Online" but no connection to master
LED permanently lit green "Online" and connection to master
LED flashes red Polled I/O connection "Timed Out"
LED permanently lit red Critical connection error

Fig.4-72: Behavior and Significance of Network Status LED

DeviceNet - Diagnostic Messages
In parameter "P-0-4073, Field bus: diagnostic message", the current status of
the DeviceNet master communication is displayed:

Diagnostic message Significance

BAUD SEARCH Automatic baud rate search is active.

DEVICE_SELF_TESTING Automatic self test is active.
OPERATIONAL "Operational", no connection to master
POLLED IO "Operational" and connection to master, real-time
data are processed.
POLLED IO IDLE "Operational" and connection to master, real-time
data are not processed.
RECOVERABLE_FAULT A recoverable error is present.
UNRECOVERABLE_FAULT An unrecoverable error is present.

Fig.4-73: Overview of Diagnostic Messages for DeviceNet Communication

In case an unrecoverable error occurs and its cause can be determined, one
of the following possible error messages is displayed in parameter P‑0‑4073

Diagnostic message Significance

DUP_MAC_ERROR Duplicate MAC Check error

RX_QUEUE_OVERRUN Overflow of Rx queue
TX_QUEUE_OVERRUN Overflow of Tx queue
IO_SEND_ERROR Error when transmitting the cyclic data
CAN_BUS_OFF CAN controller in status "BUS-OFF"
CAN_OVERRUN Overflow in CAN controller

Fig.4-74: Specific Error Messages in Status "UNRECOVERABLE_FAULT"

120/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

IndraDrive - Diagnostic Error Messages

IndraDrive's diagnostic error messages and their significances in conjunction
with DeviceNet master communication:
● F4009 Bus failure → Within the "field bus watchdog time" there hadn't any
polled I/O telegram been received.
Note: The "field bus watchdog time" corresponds to the fourfold "Expected
Packet Rate" set by the DeviceNet master.
● F4012 Incorrect I/O length → The length of the configured cyclic data of
master does not match data length of slave.
Note: This situation can arise when the configuration of parameter
"P‑0‑4080, Field bus: config. list of cyclic actual value data ch." or
"P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic command value data ch." is
changed in running bus operation. The established polled I/O connection
persists. The received cyclic data, however, are not accepted by Indra‐
Drive. The configuration of the cyclic data also has to be adjusted in the
master and the bus has to be started again to allow clearing the diagnostic
error message F4012 which is present.

4.9 Parallel Interface

4.9.1 Brief Description
It is possible to operate IndraDrive controllers with a parallel interface as master
communication module. This requires the control section design with the op‐
tional module "parallel interface (PL)", with 16 digital inputs and 16 digital
Features ● Free configuration of the total of 16 digital inputs by means of the signal
control word function (see S‑0‑0145)
● Free configuration of the total of 16 digital outputs by means of the signal
status word function (see S‑0‑0144)
Hardware Requirements The optional module with parallel interface is available for the following config‐
urable control sections:
● Single-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CSB01.1C)
● Single-axis ADVANCED (CSH01.1C)
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0026, Configuration list signal status word
● S-0-0027, Configuration list signal control word
● S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
● S‑0‑0145, Signal control word
● S-0-0328, Assign list signal status word
● S-0-0329, Assign list signal control word
● S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word
● S‑0‑0398, IDN list of configurable data in signal status word
● S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word
● S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word
● P‑0‑0116, Device control: Control word
● P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection
● P‑0‑4028, Device control word
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 121/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● P‑0‑4060, Positioning block control word
● P-0-4061, Positioning block status word
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● F2044 External power supply X15 error

4.9.2 Functional Description

Controlling the Brake
Drive Enable Activating the drive requires a positive edge of the "drive enable" signal.

The "drive enable" signal is mapped to parameter "P‑0‑4028, De‐

vice control word".

See also "Device Control and State Machines"

The enable signal is accepted, i.e. the drive switches from its de-energized
status to its energized status, when the following conditions have been fulfilled:
● There mustn't be any drive error present.
● The drive must be in operating mode (phase 4).
● Power must have been switched on and the DC bus voltage must be
above the defined minimum threshold.
The drive displays this status on the control panel with "Ab". The diagnostic
drive message in parameter "S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic message" is "A0012
Control and power sections ready for operation".
● The signal "Ready" in parameter "P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word"
must be set (P‑0‑0115, bit 1 = 1).
"Drive Halt" Signal When drive enable is set and the "Drive Halt" signal is active (P‑0‑4028,
bit 13 = 0),
● the display of the control panel changes to "AH" and
● the diagnostic drive message then is "A0010 Drive HALT" and thereby
signals the activation of "Drive Halt".
If the "Drive Halt" signal is then deactivated (P‑0‑4028, bit 13 = 1),
● the display of the control panel changes to "AF" and
● the diagnostic drive message then is A0206, A0207, A0210 or A0211 (po‐
sitioning block mode) and thereby signals the activation of the operating

The "Drive Halt" signal is status-controlled and active when the sig‐
nal = 0 V.

Clear Error A positive edge at the "clear error" input starts the command for error clearing.
By default setting the command for error clearing "C0500 Reset class 1 diag‐
nostics, error reset" has been assigned to a digital input on the parallel interface.

By activating the command for error clearing all drive errors are

Configurable Digital Inputs

Cycle Time The signal control word for IndraDrive devices is cyclically generated or cycli‐
cally transmitted to the I/O module:
● Cycle time "Advanced" → T = 250 μs
● Cycle time "Basic" → T = 500 μs
122/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

The digital inputs of the parallel interface are mapped to those of

parameter "S‑0‑0145, Signal control word".

Bit number in signal control word Digital input of the parallel interface

0 X15, pin 1
1 X15, pin 20
2 X15, pin 2
3 X15, pin 21
4 X15, pin 3
5 X15, pin 22
6 X15, pin 4
7 X15, pin 23
8 X15, pin 5
9 X15, pin 24
10 X15, pin 6
11 X15, pin 25
12 X15, pin 7
13 X15, pin 26
14 X15, pin 8
15 X15, pin 27

Fig.4-75: Assignment of signal control word to digital inputs

See also "Configurable Signal Control Word"

The connector pin assignment is described in the separate docu‐

mentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers, Project Planning
Manual" in the "I/O Extensions" section.

Configurable Digital Outputs

Cycle Time The signal status word for IndraDrive devices is cyclically generated or cycli‐
cally transmitted to the I/O module:
● Cycle time "Advanced" → T = 250 μs
● Cycle time "Basic" → T = 500 μs

The bits of parameter "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" are mapped

to the digital outputs of the parallel interface.

Bit number in signal status word Digital output of the parallel interface

0 X15, pin 28
1 X15, pin 10
2 X15, pin 29
3 X15, pin 11
4 X15, pin 12
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 123/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Bit number in signal status word Digital output of the parallel interface
5 X15, pin 31
6 X15, pin 13
7 X15, pin 32
8 X15, pin 33
9 X15, pin 15
10 X15, pin 34
11 X15, pin 16
12 X15, pin 17
13 X15, pin 36
14 X15, pin 18
15 X15, pin 37

Fig.4-76: Assignment of signal status word to digital outputs

See also "Configurable Signal Status Word"

The connector pin assignment is described in the separate docu‐

mentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers, Project Planning
Manual" in the "I/O Extensions" section.

4.9.3 Notes on Commissioning/Parameterization

Positioning Block Mode with Parallel Interface
See also operating mode "Positioning Block Mode"

With the device configuration "parallel interface (PL)", the signal

control word and the signal status word are configured accordingly
when the command "load basic parameters" is executed.

Positioning Block Selection, Start With a positive edge (0 → 1) at the strobe input (bit 0 of "P‑0‑4060, Positioning
Signal control word"), a positioning block is selected and started. The inputs for the
positioning block selection are mapped to parameter "P‑0‑4026, Positioning
block selection".
Block Selection Acknowledgement, The block selection in parameter P‑0‑4051 is acknowledged as soon as the
"In-Pos" Message positioning block has been started. The "In-Pos" message is simultaneously
Jogging Inputs Selecting the jogging inputs causes an internal switching to the "drive-controlled
positioning" mode. The two jogging inputs are mapped to parameter "S‑0‑0346,
Positioning control word" (bit 1 and bit 2) and the jogging direction is thereby

The jogging inputs are used, among other things, for operational
stop (positioning stop; cf. S‑0‑0346).

Examples of control of the jogging inputs

S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word:
● Bit 2, 1 = 01 → Jog +
● Bit 2, 1 = 10 → Jog -
124/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

● Bit 2, 1 = 11 → Positioning stop

Bit number in signal con‐ Configured pa‐

trol word rameter Function/significance

0 P‑0‑4026, bit 0 positioning block selection

1 P‑0‑4026, bit 1 positioning block selection
2 P‑0‑4026, bit 2 positioning block selection
3 P‑0‑4026, bit 3 positioning block selection
4 P‑0‑4026, bit 4 positioning block selection
5 P‑0‑4026, bit 5 positioning block selection
6 P‑0‑4060, bit 0 acceptance of positioning block
7 S‑0‑0148, bit 0 homing command (C0600)
8 S-0-0346, bit 1 jogging +
9 S-0-0346, bit 2 jogging -
10 P‑0‑4028, bit15 device control word (AF)
11 P‑0‑4028, bit13 device control word (AH)
12 S‑0‑0099, bit 0 command for error clearing (C0500)
13 -- not assigned
14 -- not assigned
15 -- not assigned

Fig.4-77: Default configuration for positioning block mode via digital inputs

Bit number in signal sta‐ Configured pa‐

tus word rameter Function/significance

0 P‑0‑0115, bit 1 status of device control "ready"

1 S‑0‑0059, bit 0 position switch point
2 S‑0‑0403, bit 0 status reference encoder
3 S‑0‑0331, bit 0 nact = 0

4 P‑0‑4061, bit 1 status "end position reached"

5 P‑0‑0115, bit 2 status of device control "warning"
6 S‑0‑0437, bit 12 status "jog mode active"
7 S‑0‑0437, bit 3 status "interpolator stopped"
8 P‑0‑4051, bit 0 positioning block acknowledgment
9 P‑0‑4051, bit 1 positioning block acknowledgment
10 P‑0‑4051, bit 2 positioning block acknowledgment
11 P‑0‑4051, bit 3 positioning block acknowledgment
12 P‑0‑4051, bit 4 positioning block acknowledgment
13 P‑0‑4051, bit 5 positioning block acknowledgment
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 125/886
and Controls

Master Communication

Bit number in signal sta‐ Configured pa‐

tus word rameter Function/significance
14 P‑0‑4051, bit 6 positioning block acknowledgment
15 P‑0‑4051, bit 7 positioning block acknowledgment

Fig.4-78: Default configuration for positioning block mode via digital outputs
Change of Operating Mode via Parallel Interface
To change the operating mode, bits 8 and 9 of parameter "P‑0‑4028, Device
control word" have to be assigned to the digital inputs. By setting the inputs,
the bits for operating mode selection (primary mode of operation and secondary
operating modes) are then set.
Main Spindle Drive with Analog Interface and Parallel Interface
In the case of main spindle drives, operating states that are important for the
working cycle have to be transmitted to the master so that it can process or
advance the command blocks in accordance with the process and in a fail-safe
The "position spindle" command allows aligning the spindle for tool change
without the control master having to leave the "velocity control" mode mainly
used for spindles.
In the case of master communication with analog interface, the required mes‐
sages have to be made available to the master via the digital outputs. The
"position spindle" command has to be started via a digital input. To do this, the
command parameters are assigned to a digital input, the main spindle mes‐
sages are assigned to the digital outputs.
The following commands are relevant for main spindle drives:
● C0900 Position spindle command (S‑0‑0152)
● C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command (S‑0‑0148)

Bit number in signal con‐ Configured pa‐

trol word rameter Function/significance

0 --
1 S‑0‑0152, bit 0 position spindle command (C0900)
2…6 --
7 S‑0‑0148, bit 0 homing command (C0600)
8, 9 --
10 P‑0‑4028, bit15 device control word (AF)
11 P‑0‑4028, bit13 device control word (AH)
12 S‑0‑0099, bit 0 command for error clearing (C0500)
13 … 15 --

Fig.4-79: Example of configuration for main spindle drive via digital inputs
The following messages are relevant for main spindle drives:
● Speed reached ("S‑0‑0330, Message 'n_actual = n_command'")
● Spindle has stopped ("S‑0‑0331, Status 'n_feedback = 0'")
● Speed value has fallen below threshold ("S‑0‑0332, Message 'nactual <
126/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

● In target position during spindle positioning ("S‑0‑0336, Message In posi‐

● Torque limit value reached ("S‑0‑0334, Message 'T >= Tlimit'")
● Torque threshold exceeded ("S‑0‑0333, Message 'T >= Tx'")
● Speed threshold exceeded ("S‑0‑0335, Message 'n command > n limit'")
● Power threshold exceeded ("S‑0‑0337, Message 'P >= Px'")

See also descriptions of the respective parameters in the separate doc‐

umentation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Parameter Description"

Bit number in signal sta‐ Configured pa‐

tus word rameter Function/significance

0 P‑0‑0115, bit 1 status of device control "ready"

1 S‑0‑0330, bit 0 n_actual = n_command
2 S‑0‑0403, bit 0 status reference encoder
3 S‑0‑0331, bit 0 n_feedback = 0
4 S‑0‑0332, bit 0 nactual < nx
5 P‑0‑0115, bit 2 status of device control "warning"
6 S‑0‑0333, bit 0 T ≥ Tx
7 S‑0‑0334, bit 0 T ≥ Tlimit
8 S‑0‑0335, bit 0 n command > n limit
9 S‑0‑0336, bit 0 In_Position
10 S‑0‑0337, bit 0 P ≥ Px
11 … 15 --

Fig.4-80: Example of configuration for main spindle messages via digital outputs
See also section "Spindle Positioning"

4.9.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Monitoring the Digital Inputs/Outputs
For the parallel interface different kinds of errors are monitored at the inputs
and outputs or ports. The following error situations can be detected:
● Undervoltage of 24 V supply
● Incorrect polarity of the supply of a port
● Overload of an output
● Short circuit of an output

There is only the collective message "F2044 External power supply

X15 error" for the above-mentioned errors of the parallel interface.

4.10 Analog Interface

4.10.1 Brief Description
Apart from the digital master communication interfaces (SERCOS, PROFI‐
BUS…), the drive controllers of the IndraDrive range provide an interface for
analog master communication (analog interface). This allows assigning an an‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 127/886
and Controls

Master Communication

alog command value to a drive parameter (e.g. "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command

In conjunction with encoder emulation (SSI or incremental encoder), the posi‐
tion control loop can be closed in a higher-level control unit. The drive provides
the possibility of, for example, emulating the actual position value for evaluation
in the control unit.
The figures below illustrate the structure of drive solutions with analog interface
and open-loop or closed-loop operation.

Fig.4-81: Open-Loop Operation With Analog Interface (With Optional Position

Feedback to Open-Loop Control)

Fig.4-82: Closed-Loop Operation With Analog Interface (With Analog Command

Value Input and SSI Emulation)
This section describes the basic functions of the analog interface and contains
notes on commissioning and parameterization. The individual functions used,
"analog inputs" and "encoder emulation", are described in separate chapters.
See also "Encoder Emulation"
See also "Analog Inputs"
Features The analog interface is an interface for master communication with analog
command values and digital I/Os (drive enable, Drive Halt...).
Features of the analog inputs:
● Analog inputs (14 bit) which can be assigned to parameters, with smooth‐
ing to be set (number of analog inputs depending on control section
● Sampling of the analog inputs in the position loop clock Tposition (see "Per‐
formance Data"
Features of the analog assignment:
128/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication
● Two assignments to parameters are possible; offset and scaling of the
analog input can be set for each assignment
● Sampling rates for analog input assignment:
– Assignment channel A → assignment in position loop clock Tposition
– Assignment channel B → assignment in clock of 2 ms
Features of encoder emulation:
● Freely configurable incremental encoder and SSI emulation of the differ‐
ent position values in the drive (actual position value, position command
value...) load- or motor-related via position scaling (S‑0‑0076)
Features of absolute encoder emulation:
● Adjustable relationship via command "set absolute measuring" (C0300)
● Resolution to be set, only binary resolution (incr./motor rev. or mm)
● Power failure bit available
Features of incremental encoder emulation:
● Emulation of the reference pulse
● Reference pulse offset to be set; dead time compensation
● Resolution to be set (incr./motor rev. or mm)
● Monitoring of the maximum frequency
Features of the digital inputs/outputs:
● Digital control and status information determined via configuration of the
digital inputs of the control section:
– Digital control inputs for analog master communication:
– Signals "drive enable" and "Drive Halt"
– Zero switch, limit switch (+/-); clearing errors and E-Stop
– Digital status outputs for analog master communication:
– Ready and warning output
– Relay output for readiness for operation

For the BASIC ANALOG control section, the analog inputs and the
hardware for encoder emulation have already been integrated on
the control section. The ADVANCED and BASIC UNIVERSAL con‐
trol sections require optional add-on cards for analog I/Os (MA1)
and encoder emulation (MEM).

Hardware Requirements The optional module with analog interface is available for the following control
● Single-axis ADVANCED (configurable) (CSH01.1C)
● Single-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (configurable) (CSB01.1C)
● Single-axis BASIC ANALOG (not configurable) (CSB01.1N-AN)
● Double-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CDB01.1C)
Pertinent Parameters Control and status parameters:
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word
● P‑0‑0116, Device control: control word
● P‑0‑4028, Device control word
Digital inputs/outputs:
● P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list
● P-0-0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 129/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction
● P-0-0303, Digital I/Os, status display
● P-0-0304, Digital I/Os, outputs
Analog inputs:
● P‑0‑0208, Analog input 5
● P‑0‑0209, Analog input 6
● P‑0‑0210, Analog input 1
● P‑0‑0211, Analog input 2
● P‑0‑0212, Analog input, list of assignable parameters
● P‑0‑0213, Analog input, assignment A, target parameter
● P‑0‑0214, Analog input, assignment A, scaling per 10V full scale
● P‑0‑0215, Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0216, Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
● P‑0‑0217, Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter
● P‑0‑0219, Analog input, maximum value for adjust
● P‑0‑0220, C2800 Analog input adjust command
● P‑0‑0228, Analog input 3
● P‑0‑0229, Analog input 4
● P‑0‑0231, Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0232, Analog input 3, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0233, Analog input 4, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0234, Analog input 5, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0235, Analog input 6, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0236, Analog input, assignment B, target parameter
● P-0-0237, Analog input, assignment B, scaling per 10V full scale
● P‑0‑0238, Analog input, assignment B, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0239, Analog input, assignment B, dead zone
● P‑0‑3901, Adjust values of control section
● P‑0‑3904, Adjust values analog I/O interface 3-4
Encoder emulation:
● P‑0‑0900, Encoder emulation signal selection list
● P‑0‑0901, Encoder emulation signal selection
● P‑0‑0902, Encoder emulation control parameter
● P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation resolution
● P‑0‑0904, Encoder emulation zero pulse offset

4.10.2 Functional Description

With the analog interface, the drive is controlled via the digital inputs of the
control section. Via the list parameter "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment
list", the pins of the connectors X31, X32, X33 and X11 at the control section
are assigned to drive parameters. Depending on the control section design,
there is a default assignment of the pins of these terminal strips. The preset
130/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Master Communication

default assignment can be modified according to the application-specific re‐


See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list"

As a matter of principle, using an ADVANCED control section with

analog interface requires manual configuration of the digital I/Os.

See also "Overview of Functions and Interfaces" in the documentation

"Control Sections for Drive Controllers; Project Planning Manual"
Drive Enable The activation of the drive requires a positive edge of the "drive enable" signal
(connector pin assignment see corresponding section in the documentation
"Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project Planning Manual").

The "drive enable" signal is mapped to the parameters "P‑0‑4028,

Device control word" and "P‑0‑0116, Device control: control

See also "Device Control and State Machines"

The enable signal is accepted, i.e. the drive switches from its de-energized
status to its energized status, when the following conditions have been fulfilled:
● There mustn't be any drive error present.
● The drive must be in operating mode (phase 4).
● Power must have been switched on and the DC bus voltage must be
above the defined minimum threshold.
The drive displays this status on the control panel with "Ab". The diagnostic
drive message in parameter "S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic message" is "A0012
Control and power sections ready for operation".
"Drive Halt" Signal When drive enable is set and the "Drive Halt" signal is active (P‑0‑4028 or
P‑0‑0116, bit 13 = 0),
● the display of the control panel changes to "AH" and
● the diagnostic drive message then is "A0010 Drive HALT" and thereby
signals the activation of "Drive Halt".
If the "Drive Halt" signal is then deactivated (P‑0‑4028 or P‑0‑0116, bit 13 = 1),
● the display of the control panel changes to "AF" and
● the diagnostic drive message depends on the active operating mode (see
description of the respective diagnostic message in the separate docu‐
mentation "Troubleshooting Guide (description of diagnostic messag‐

The "Drive Halt" signal is status-controlled and active when the sig‐
nal = 0 V.

Clear Error A positive edge at the "clear error" input starts the command for error clearing.
For this purpose, the command C0500 has to be assigned to a digital input:
● Configure parameter "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics" in
"P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list"
● In parameter "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers", set bit 0 for the element
of S‑0‑0099
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 131/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● In parameter "P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction", set the data direction for
the element of S‑0‑0099 to input (value "0")
See also "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

All drive errors are cleared by activating the command for error

Analog Command Value Input

The number of analog inputs, which differs according to control section, is used
to input the analog command value.
For IndraDrive devices, the analog inputs are cyclically sampled and evaluated:
● Assignment channel A works in position loop clock (see "Performance
● Assignment channel B works in 2-ms clock
See "Analog Inputs"
Emulation of Position Value
In order to close the position control loop via the master, it is necessary to
transmit the axis position to the master. This is done by means of encoder
emulation (incremental or SSI).
See "Encoder Emulation"

4.10.3 Notes on Commissioning/Parameterization

Encoder Emulation
In spite of its high degree of functionality and performance, the encoder emu‐
lation available for IndraDrive devices is subject to some systematic restrictions.
See "Encoder Emulation"

If the higher-level master and the drive have not been synchronized,
beat effects can occur during sampling due to the different clock-
pulse rates. Bosch Rexroth therefore recommends not to use the
analog interface in high end applications, but in these cases use
digital interfaces, such as SERCOS interface.

Analog Inputs
For inputting the cyclic command value, you should preferably use assignment
channel A as it has a higher sampling rate than assignment channel B.
In spite of their high degree of functionality and performance, the analog inputs
available for IndraDrive devices are subject to certain restrictions. These re‐
strictions are explained in detail in section "Analog Inputs".
See also "Analog Inputs"

If the drives with analog command value input have not been
synchronized, beat effects can occur during sampling in spite of the
8-fold oversampling. Bosch Rexroth therefore recommends not to
use the analog interface in high end applications, but in these cases
use digital interfaces, such as SERCOS interface.

Main Spindle Drive With Analog Interface and Parallel Interface

In the case of main spindle drives, operating states that are important for the
working cycle have to be transmitted to the master so that it can process or
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Master Communication

advance the command blocks in accordance with the process and in a fail-safe
The "position spindle" command allows aligning the spindle for tool change
without the master having to leave the "velocity control" mode mainly used for
In the case of master communication with analog interface, the required mes‐
sages have to be made available to the master via the digital outputs. The
"position spindle" command has to be started via a digital input. For this pur‐
pose, the main spindle messages are assigned to the digital outputs, the
command parameter to a digital input.
Messages The following messages are relevant for main spindle drives:
● Speed reached ("S‑0‑0330, Message 'n_actual = n_command'")
● Spindle has stopped ("S‑0‑0331, Status 'n_feedback = 0'")
● Speed value has fallen below threshold ("S‑0‑0332, Message 'nactual <
● In target position during spindle positioning ("S‑0‑0336, Message In posi‐
● Torque limit value reached ("S‑0‑0334, Message 'T >= Tlimit'")
● Torque threshold exceeded ("S‑0‑0333, Message 'T >= Tx'")
● Speed threshold exceeded ("S‑0‑0335, Message 'n command > n limit'")
● Power threshold exceeded ("S‑0‑0337, Message 'P >= Px'")

See also descriptions of the respective parameters in the separate doc‐

umentation "Parameter Description"

Bit in signal sta‐ Configured pa‐ Configured bit

tus word rameter in parameter Function/significance

1 S‑0‑0330 0 n_actual = n_command

2 S‑0‑0331 0 n_feedback = 0
3 S‑0‑0332 0 nactual < nx
4 S‑0‑0333 0 T ≥ Tx
5 S‑0‑0334 0 T ≥ Tlimit
6 S‑0‑0335 0 n command > n limit
7 S‑0‑0336 0 In_Position
8 S‑0‑0337 0 P ≥ Px
9 -- --
10 -- --
11 -- --
12 -- --
13 -- --
14 -- --
15 -- --

Fig.4-83: Example of Configuration for Main Spindle Messages via Digital Outputs
Command The following command is relevant for main spindle drives:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 133/886
and Controls

Master Communication
● C0900 Position spindle command (S‑0‑0152)

Bit in signal Configured pa‐ Configured bit

control word rameter in parameter Function/significance

1 S‑0‑0152 0 Spindle positioning

2 -- --
… … …
15 -- --

Fig.4-84: Example of Configuration for Main Spindle Command via Digital Inputs
See also "Spindle Positioning"

4.10.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Information on General Drive Status
In parameter "P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word", all important status bits
of the state machine of the drive are mapped. Reading and interpreting pa‐
rameter P‑0‑0115 provides information on the current status of the drive.

See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word"

Status of Digital Inputs/Outputs and Analog Inputs
All digital and analog input values can already be read via parameters before
assignment to the internal drive parameters. The following applies:
● Digital inputs/outputs of the control module are mapped to parameter
"P‑0‑0303, Digital I/Os, inputs"
● Analog inputs values are displayed in the following parameters:
– P‑0‑0208, Analog input 5
– P‑0‑0209, Analog input 6
– P‑0‑0210, Analog input 1
– P‑0‑0211, Analog input 2
– P‑0‑0228, Analog input 3
– P‑0‑0229, Analog input 4
See also "Diagnostic and Status Messages" in the following sections:
● "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
● "Analog Inputs"
● "Encoder Emulation"
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and Controls
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and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

5 Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

5.1 General Information on Operation of Motors With IndraDrive
5.1.1 Basics on the Motors to be Controlled
Brief Description
With the controllers of the IndraDrive range it is possible to control both syn‐
chronous motors and asynchronous motors.
Types of Construction The following types of construction are possible:
● Rotary motors
● Linear motors
Both types can be used in housing design (motor with an output shaft that in‐
cludes the bearing) or in kit design (stator and rotor as individual components).
Thermal Monitoring When IndraDrive is used, the controlled motors are protected against thermal
damage when they are provided with a temperature sensor connected to the
controller. The controllers are equipped for evaluating the following temperature
● NTC thermistor K227 (manufacturer: Siemens)
● PTC thermistor KTY84 (manufacturer: Siemens)
● Thermal contact and thermal switch SNM150DK (manufacturer: Thermik)
In addition, it is possible to evaluate temperature sensors not listed above, but
their specific resistance characteristics have to be entered manually!
Adjusting Motor/Controller The IndraDrive controllers are adjusted to the motor to be controlled by pro‐
viding or inputting the motor-specific data.
● In the case of Rexroth motors, this can be done without any problem, be‐
cause the manufacturer provides a specific data set for adjusting each
motor type. The data are documented by the manufacturer as parameter
values, stored and made available in motor-specific parameters.
● In the case of third-party motors, it is necessary to check, by means of the
motor data and the data of the possibly available motor encoder, whether
they are basically suited for operation with IndraDrive. The parameter val‐
ues for adjusting the controller have to be specifically determined for each

Rexroth motors, by motor-specific parameter values made availa‐

ble and temperature evaluation adjusted in an optimum way, guar‐
antee easy commissioning, full drive performance and a high
degree of operational safety!

Motor Holding Brakes IndraDrive allows controlling and monitoring holding brakes that are mechani‐
cally connected to the motor:
● Electrically releasing brakes (self-holding)
● Electrically holding brakes (self-releasing)
Hardware Data For the electrical connection of the motors to the controller, see the Project
Planning Manuals for the IndraDrive controllers. A complete connection dia‐
gram for the use of Rexroth motors is contained in the respective Project
Planning Manual.
Pertinent Parameters Motor parameters:
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● S-0-0109, Motor peak current
● S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill
● S‑0‑0113, Maximum motor speed
● S-0-0141, Motor type
● P-0-0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance
● P-0-0051, Torque/force constant
● P‑0‑0510, Rotor inertia
● P-0-0640, Cooling type
● P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor
● P‑0‑4048, Stator resistance
Asynchronous motor parameters:
● P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor
● P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current
Field-weakening range parameters:
● P‑0‑0533, Flux loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0534, Flux loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no load
● P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage
Other Motor-Relevant Parameters In connection with the motor, there are other important parameters of the fol‐
lowing parameter groups:
● Measuring system parameters
● Motor holding brake parameters
● Temperature sensor parameters
● Default control loop parameters

5.1.2 Motor Temperature Monitoring

Brief Description
See "Basics on the Motors to be Controlled"
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature
● S‑0‑0204, Motor shutdown temperature
● S‑0‑0383, Motor temperature
● P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor
● P‑0‑0513, Temperature sensor characteristic
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range
● E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning
● F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown
● F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective
Functional Description
Motors can be thermally monitored by the controller and thereby protected
against damage by overload.
For this purpose, there are the following prerequisites:
● Motor has a built-in temperature sensor
● Motor-specific parameter values in firmware-side motor temperature mod‐
el are active
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 137/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● Ambient temperature is in allowed range

The motor is protected against thermal overload by
● monitoring motor temperature by means of sensor
- and -
● limiting motor current by means of temperature model.
Monitoring the motor temperature by means of sensor is the most reliable way
of protecting the motor against inadmissible temperature rise. Limiting the mo‐
tor current by means of the temperature model assumes thermal requirements
not guaranteed in reality in the "case of failure"!

Limitation of the motor current by means of the temperature model

is described in the section "Current and Torque/Force Limitation" .

The monitoring of the motor temperature is activated by entering the sensor

type in the parameter "P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor". Standard sensor types
are characterized by a characteristic number; a characteristic stored in the
firmware is assigned to this number.
The current motor temperature is output in the parameter "S‑0‑0383, Motor
temperature" and monitored for the following threshold values:
● Motor warning temperature (S‑0‑0201)
● Motor shutdown temperature (S‑0‑0204)
The threshold values have to be entered in the respective parameters, de‐
pending on the thermally restricting material properties and constructional
features. Thermally restricting properties can be:
● Insulation class of the motor
● Type and construction of the bearing
● Allowed thermal effect on the machine design, etc.
If the temperature sensor has not been connected, this is detected by the motor
temperature monitor, too.
Depending on the sensor type, motor temperature monitoring has the following

Thermal status Motor temperature... Message and reaction

Thermal range not allowed, temperature ... for 30 s ≤ -20°C Error:

sensor possibly not connected. F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective
Motor is immediately shut down (error reaction which was
set) and switched off!
Only with Sensor KTY84:
E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range
No specific reaction!
Allowed thermal range ... < value of S‑0‑0201 No specific message or reaction!
138/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Thermal status Motor temperature... Message and reaction

Thermal range allowed, but warning tem‐ ... ≥ value of S‑0‑0201 Warning:
perature exceeded, because temperature E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning
has fallen below the minimum distance to
the upper limit. Reaction:
No specific reaction!
Upper limit of allowed thermal range ... ≥ value of S‑0‑0204 Error:
reached! F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown
Motor is immediately shut down (error reaction which was
set) and switched off!
Only with Sensor KTY84: Only with Sensor KTY84:
Short circuit or conductor break detected Error:
F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective
Motor is immediately shut down (error reaction which was
set) and switched off!

Fig.5-1: States of the Thermal Motor Monitoring

Rexroth Motors Rexroth motors are equipped with standard type sensors. The respective pa‐
rameter values for the temperature sensor, as well as for the motor shutdown
temperature, are automatically set correctly when loading the motor parame‐

The motors MHD, MKD, LSF, MBS and MKE have temperature
sensors with switching characteristic. They are not suited for meas‐
uring the temperature and only used to switch off the motor in the
case of overtemperature.
The message and shutdown threshold have been permanently set
and cannot be set via the parameters S‑0‑0201 and S‑0‑0204!

Third-Party Motors Third-party motors may include temperature sensors that do not correspond to
the standard type sensors. This information is given to the controller via the
parameter "P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor". The respective resistance tem‐
perature characteristic then has to be input manually as a table of values in
parameter "P‑0‑0513, Temperature sensor characteristic".
Third-party motors without built-in temperature sensor can also be operated
with IndraDrive controllers, but they are only protected against thermal overload
by the firmware-side motor temperature model! The temperature monitor has
to be switched off in the mentioned case, because otherwise the controller de‐
mands a temperature sensor to be connected.
See also "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers"
Notes on Commissioning
Relevant Parameters For the following parameters, it is necessary to replace the default value by an
adjusted value during commissioning.
Rexroth motors with the characteristic temperature sensor number "1" (MHD,
MKD, LSF, MBS motors) or "4" (MKE motors):
→ No parameter settings regarding the temperature sensor required!
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and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Rexroth motors with the characteristic temperature sensor number "2", "3" or
"5" (2AD, ADF, 1MB, MAD, MAF or SF motors):
● S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature
Third-party motors with the characteristic temperature sensor number "2", "3"
or "5":
● S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature
● S‑0‑0204, Motor shutdown temperature
● P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor
Third-party motors with the characteristic temperature sensor number "100":
● S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature
● S‑0‑0204, Motor shutdown temperature
● P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor
● P‑0‑0513, Temperature sensor characteristic

The value in parameter S‑0‑0201 has to be lower than the value of

parameter S‑0‑0204!

Activating/Deactivating the Func‐ The monitoring of the motor temperature is activated by entering the sensor
tion type in the parameter "P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor". The value "0" deacti‐
vates motor temperature monitoring.
When this function has been activated, the following diagnostic messages are
● E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range
● E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning
● F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown
● F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective
Querying the current motor temperature (not in the case of the characteristic
temperature sensor number "1" or "4"):
● S‑0‑0383, Motor temperature

5.2 Rexroth Motors

5.2.1 Basics on Rexroth Motors
Classification Bosch Rexroth's "Electric Drives and Controls" technology field offers a wide
range of motors for equipping machines and installations with drives.
Due to their types of construction, Rexroth electric motors can be divided into:
● Housing motors with output shaft and flange or mounting supports
● Kit motors to be installed in machines and installations; consisting of in‐
dividual components that are mounted to a moving and a static part of the
mechanical system
Adjusting Motor/Controller The controllers can be adjusted to Rexroth motors without any problem be‐
cause the manufacturer provides the respective data set for each motor type.
These data are available as parameter values.
● In the case of housing motors with data memory in the motor encoder, the
parameter values are delivered as an integral part of the motor. At the
initial commissioning they are automatically loaded to the controller.
● In the case of kit motors (individual components) and housing motors
without data memory in the motor encoder, the respective motor param‐
eters are not delivered with the motor. They can be easily loaded to the
140/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

controller, however, from a data base in the "IndraWorks D" commission‐
ing tool.
The motor parameter values determined by the manufacturer guarantee that
the motor can be loaded in accordance with its operating characteristic, if the
required current and the corresponding power are provided by controller and
supply unit.
Thermal Motor Monitoring Rexroth motors are thermally monitored by the controller and protected against
overheating. To do this the current motor temperature is determined by thermo
sensors installed in the motor winding. Depending on temperature thresholds
that can be set, the controller generates a warning or switches the motor off.

Rexroth motors, by motor parameters made available and temper‐

ature evaluation adjusted in an optimum way, guarantee easy
commissioning, full drive performance and a high degree of opera‐
tional safety!
Measuring System As a standard, Rexroth housing motors are equipped with a position measuring
system. The individual motor series have different measuring systems which
allows offering cost-efficient motors depending on the application.
The following measuring systems are used:
● HSF ("high-resolution servo feedback"), single- or multi-turn type
● Resolver, single- or multi-turn type
Together with Rexroth kit motors it is possible to use different encoder systems:
● Encoder with sine signals and EnDat interface, 1Vpp, Heidenhain stand‐
● Encoder with sine signals, 1Vpp, Heidenhain standard
● Encoder with square-wave signals, TTL, Heidenhain standard
● Hall sensor box and encoder with sine signals, 1Vpp, Heidenhain standard
(only for Rexroth linear kit motors)
● Hall sensor box and encoder with square-wave signals, TTL, Heidenhain
standard (only for Rexroth linear kit motors)

5.2.2 Rexroth Housing Motors

Rexroth Housing Motors With Encoder Data Memory
Motor Lines
The following Rexroth housing motors are equipped with an encoder data

The Bosch motor with the type designation "SF..." that can be con‐
trolled with IndraDrive controllers is equipped with an encoder data
memory, too. As regards commissioning and parameters, SF mo‐
tors have the same behavior as Rexroth housing motors with en‐
coder data memory!

Brief Description
See section "Basics on Rexroth Motors"
Pertinent Parameters The encoder data memory, amongst others, contains the parameters listed be‐
Motor parameters:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 141/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● P‑0‑2109, Motor peak current, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2111, Motor current at standstill, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2113, Maximum velocity of motor, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2141, Motor type, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3002, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3003, Rotor inertia, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3005, Torque/force constant, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3007, Stator resistance, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3008, Commutation offset, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3050, Motor inductance, encoder memory
Parameters for measuring system:
● P‑0‑1000, Kind of encoder 1, encoder memory
● P‑0‑1001, Encoder 1 resolution, encoder memory
Only for absolute encoders (multi-turn):
● P‑0‑1002, Absolute encoder offset 1, encoder memory
Only for resolvers as absolute encoders (multi-turn resolvers):
● P‑0‑1003, Pulse wire encoder offset 1, encoder memory
● P‑0‑1004, Pulse wire encoder status 1, encoder memory
Parameter for motor holding brake (if available):
● P‑0‑3010, Torque of motor holding brake, encoder memory
Default control loop parameters:
● P‑0‑2100, Velocity loop proportional gain, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2101, Velocity loop integral-action time, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2104, Position loop Kv-factor, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2106, Current loop proportional gain 1, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2107, Current loop integral-action time 1, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3004, Speed controller smoothing time constant, encoder memory
At a command, default control loop parameters can be loaded to the controller.
They are useful starting values for further control loop optimization.
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C07_0 Load defaults procedure com. (load controller param.)
● C0702 Default parameters not available
● C0703 Default parameters invalid
● C0704 Parameters not copyable
● C0706 Error when reading the controller parameters
● F2008 RL The motor type has changed.
● F2104 Commutation offset invalid
Notes on Commissioning
Initial Commissioning In the case of Rexroth housing motors with encoder data memory, the values
for the motor parameters stored in the encoder, the measuring system param‐
eters and, where required, the motor holding brake parameters are automati‐
cally loaded to the controller when the drive is switched on.
At the initial commissioning of a drive, the error message "F2008 RL The motor
type has changed." will appear. This message only means that this motor has
not yet been connected to the controller.
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

By clearing this error message (reset via control panel or command "S‑0‑0099,
C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics"), the command "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load de‐
faults procedure command" is automatically started. Default control loop pa‐
rameter values for this motor are thereby loaded.

Depending on the setting in "P‑0‑4090, Index for C07 Load defaults

procedure", the following parameter values are loaded with the
"load defaults procedure" command (S‑0‑0262):
- Default control loop parameter values (default setting)
- Basic parameter values (default parameter set) of the firmware

In the case of motors with integrated holding brake, the type of motor holding
brake and the activation of the brake control is automatically set in "P‑0‑0525,
Holding brake control word".
In the case of motors with several cooling type variants (MHD, MKD), the load
data can be referred to the cooling type realized by entering the corresponding
value in "P‑0‑0640, Cooling type".
Recommissioning When the machine is repaired, the motor can be replaced by a motor of the
same type without any problem. The adjustment to the controller does not need
to be repeated. In the case of an absolute motor encoder, it is only necessary
to make an adjustment to the machine axis by establishing the position data
If the motor type connected to the controller has changed, the controller signals
this with "F2008 RL The motor type has changed." and requests the default
values of the control loop parameters and the motor type parameter to be loa‐
ded. In the case of a desired motor change, initial commissioning of the new
axis motor is necessary. Otherwise, there is an assembly error that has to be
Diagnostic Messages In connection with the loading and verifying of parameter values from the en‐
coder data memory, the following messages might possibly be generated:
● When the default control loop parameter values and the motor type pa‐
rameter are loaded
→ C07_0 Load defaults procedure com. (load controller param.)
● If the parameter values in the encoder data memory cannot be read
→ C0706 Error when reading the controller parameters
● If the motor type connected to the controller has changed
→ F2008 RL The motor type has changed.
● If an invalid value for the commutation offset is contained in the encoder
→ F2104 Commutation offset invalid
Rexroth Housing Motors Without Encoder Data Memory
Motor Lines
The following Rexroth housing motors do not have an encoder data memory:
Brief Description
See section "Basics on Rexroth Motors"
Pertinent Parameters The parameters mentioned under "Basics on the Motors to be Controlled" are
used for these motors.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 143/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Functional Description
Application-Dependent Motor Pa‐ The Rexroth motors without encoder data memory, 2AD, ADF, MAD and MAF
rameters for Asynchronous Motors lines, are asynchronous motors. Therefore, a value adjusted to the application
has to be written to the parameter "P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor".
The premagnetization factor influences the "magnetizing current" motor pa‐

P-0-0532 Premagnetization factor

P-0-4004 Magnetizing current
Fig.5-2: Setting the Effective Magnetizing Current for Asynchronous Motors
The magnetizing current value determined for Rexroth motors by the manu‐
facturer guarantees perfect torque development (maximum torque/force con‐
stant, according to the value of P‑0‑0051) and minimum delay when making
available the torque in the case of abrupt load.

Md Torque at the motor shaft

Iq Torque-generating component of the motor current
Fig.5-3: Influence of the Premagnetization Factor on the Torque
Notes on Commissioning
Parameter Values Made Available In the case of Rexroth motors without encoder data memory, the motor-specific
parameter values made available, such as
● motor parameters
● parameters of the measuring system
● parameters of the motor holding brake
● temperature sensor parameters
can either be input manually by means of a list (e.g. via the control terminal) or
loaded via the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool from a data base.
Setting the Premagnetization Fac‐ The following table contains the recommended setting for the parameter
tor "P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor", depending on the application.

Value of
Application P‑0‑0532 in % Effect

Torque generation free of delay in the case of

Servo drive 100
acceleration or sudden load variation
Less power dissipation in no-load operation,
Main drive 50
noise level reduced

Fig.5-4: Recommended Setting for Parameter P‑0‑0532

144/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

With values between 50% and 100%, it is possible to obtain a compromise

between the mentioned effects!
It is therefore necessary to make sure you obtain the desired results for pro‐
cessing or acceleration/deceleration procedures after the premagnetization
factor has been reduced!

The selection lists for motor/controller combinations with Rexroth

asynchronous motors (2AD, ADF, 1MB, MAD, MAF), published by
Rexroth, refer to a premagnetization of 100%.
With lower values, you have to expect deviation from these data!

5.2.3 Rexroth Kit Motors

General Information
Kit motors consist of individual components that are mounted to a moving and
as static part of the machine's mechanical system and functionally put together
to form a motor.
A kit motor consists of the following components:
● Electrically active part with thermo sensor
● Electrically passive part
● Measuring system
● Bearing
The electrical parts of the kit motor are supplied by Rexroth, the measuring
system and the bearing are provided on the machine side.
Rexroth kit motors are manufactured according to the "asynchronous motor" or
"synchronous motor" functional principles. With regard to control, the functional
principles have different requirements:
● In the case of synchronous motors, the current in the windings of the stator
must have a fixed allocation to the permanent magnetic field of the rotor
so that the maximum torque or the maximum force is generated.
● In the case of asynchronous motors there is no fixed allocation between
stator and rotor required in order to generate the maximum torque or the
maximum force.
Rexroth Kit Motors, Synchronous
Brief Description
The following Rexroth kit motors are manufactured according to the "synchro‐
nous motor" functional principle:
● LSF and MLF linear motors
● MBS and MBT rotary motors
As the motor is assembled in the machine, stator, rotor and measuring system
can only be put together on site. The electric-magnetic-mechanical allocation
of the synchronous motor is therefore only to be made on site. This is done by
determining and setting the commutation offset.

The measuring system should be realized with high resolution and

as a motor encoder to be evaluated in absolute form (see also
"Absolute Measuring Systems"). If it is necessary to use an incre‐
mental measuring system the use of encoders with square-wave
signals should be avoided!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 145/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Determining the Commutation Off‐ The commutation offset can be determined with different methods. The method
set is chosen in accordance with the axis geometry, the practicability and the chan‐
ces of success of the respective method depending on the mechanical axis
● Calculation method for relative motor encoder when using the Hall sensor
→ Distance measurement, currentless (only possible for Rexroth linear kit
● Measuring method for motor encoders that can be evaluated in absolute
→ Distance measurement, currentless (only possible for Rexroth linear kit
● Saturation method (axis needs to be blocked or at standstill)
→ With current (possible with all types of construction in combination with
motor encoders that can be evaluated in absolute form or with relative
motor encoders)
● Sine-wave method (requires unrestricted movement of axis)
→ With current (possible with all types of construction in combination with
motor encoders that can be evaluated in absolute form or with relative
motor encoders)

In the case of absolute measuring systems, the commutation offset

only has to be determined once (at initial commissioning), in the
case of incremental measuring systems this has to be done each
time the drive is switched on again!

Description of the method for commutation setting, see "Drive Control: Com‐
mutation Setting"
Rexroth Kit Motors, Asynchronous
Brief Description
The following Rexroth kit motors are manufactured according to the "asynchro‐
nous motor" functional principle:
● Rotary motors 1 MB
As the motor is assembled in the machine, stator, rotor and measuring system
can only be put together on site. After loading the specific parameter values for
motor and measuring system the assembled motor can be put into operation
independent of rotor position and allocation of the measuring system.

The measuring system should be realized with high resolution and

as an absolute encoder! Avoid using encoders with square-wave

The parameters mentioned under "Basics on the Motors to be Controlled" are

used for these motors.
Notes on Commissioning
Parameter Values Made Available For commissioning the motor-specific parameter values made available by Re‐
xroth, such as
● motor parameters and
● temperature sensor parameters
146/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

can either be input manually by means of a list (e.g. via the control terminal) or
loaded via the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool from a data base.
Premagnetization Factor A value adjusted to the application has to be written only to the parameter
"P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor".
See section "Rexroth Housing Motors without Encoder Data Memory"

5.3 Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers

5.3.1 General Information on Third-Party Motors
Today, machine axes are mainly moved with electric drives. Motors of standard
design are used in most cases, as this is the most cost-efficient solution.
Special Requirements Due to special requirements at machine axes, constructional or safety-related
aspects, it may be necessary for the machine manufacturer to use a motor
construction diverging from the standard.
Motor Design not Included in Prod‐ For these cases there is the demand on the drive supplier to realize, apart from
uct Range the deliverable standard drive consisting of (standard) motor, controller, cable
and, if required, machine control unit, drives with motors that are not included
in his own product range due to the special design.
With Rexroth controllers of the IndraDrive range, it is also possible to control
third-party motors.
Checking Whether Third-Party Mo‐ For successfully and fail-safely controlling a third-party motor, it is necessary
tors Can be Controlled to check beforehand
● whether the third-party motor to be controlled meets the requirements of
the controller,
● whether the third-party motor has the required minimum inductance,
● whether the mounted position measuring system can be evaluated by the
controller or which position measuring system can be selected for kit mo‐
● whether the motor can be protected against inadmissible temperature rise
in the case of overload,
● which controller, including supply, is suitable due to the motor power to be
How to do Project Planning? The requirements relevant in the system combination are documented in the
Project Planning Manual of the drive system.

See documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive – Drive System, Project Planning

Manual" (DOK-INDRV*-SYSTEM*****-PR**-EN-P; part no.: R911309636)!
How to Commission? The motor parameter values have to be determined first (see section "Deter‐
mining the Parameter Values for Motor and Motor Control"). The parameter
values of motor control are calculated by command internally in the firmware.
It is advisable to document the determined motor parameter values in the forms
contained in the section "Forms for Parameter Values".

5.3.2 General Information on Controlling Third-Party Motors

Pertinent Parameters and Diagnostic Messages
See "Automatic Setting of Motor Control"
Hardware Data
For the electrical connection of the motors to the controller, see the Project
Planning Manuals for the IndraDrive controllers. A complete connection dia‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 147/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

gram for the use of Rexroth motors is contained in the respective Project
Planning Manual.

5.3.3 Determining the Parameter Values of Third-Party Motors

General Information on How to Determine the Parameter Values
As Bosch Rexroth cannot make available parameter values for motor control
of third-party motors, these values have to be determined before or during the
commissioning of the third-party motor. The determination of these parameter
values is supported by the following commands:
● C3200 Command Calculate motor data
→ For asynchronous motors, drive-internal calculation of the values for the
motor control parameters from the data on the type plate
● C3600 Command Motor data identification
→ For asynchronous motors, drive-internal optimization of the motor con‐
trol parameter values calculated by means of the command C3200
● C4600 Command Calculate motor control parameters
→ Calculating the motor control parameter values from the motor-specific
data for synchronous motors and, if necessary, also for asynchronous
motors (after manual input of motor-specific data in addition to the data
from the type plate)
The specific motor data have to be made available by the motor manufacturer.
To collect all required manufacturer-side data of the motor, use the appropriate
forms to copy below.
148/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

1) According to form "Motor Parameters for Synchronous Motors"

2) In parameter "P‑0‑4032, Motor type plate data"
3) According to form "Motor Parameters for Asynchronous Motors"
C-tool Commissioning tool (e.g. IndraWorks D)
Fig.5-5: Determining the Values for the Motor Control Parameters
For detailed explanations on the scope of functions of the mentioned com‐
mands see "Automatic Setting of Motor Control"!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 149/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Determining the Motor Parameter Values for Manual Input (for Command C4600)
On the basis of the motor-specific data made available by the manufacturer,
you have to determine the motor parameter values for synchronous third-party
motors. For asynchronous motors, the values can be determined in an external
way, apart from the drive-internal way via the commands C3200 and C3600.
How to Proceed Without "Indra‐ The collection of the motor parameter values to be determined is supported by
Works D" the forms "Motor Parameters for Synchronous Motors" or "Motor Parameters
for Asynchronous Motors" .
How to Proceed With "Indra‐ If you use the commissioning tool "IndraWorks D", the values of the motor pa‐
Works D" rameters, after the required data have been input (according to the completed
form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Synchronous Motors" or "Manufacturer-Side
Data of Asynchronous Motors"), are determined by means of the corresponding
dialog, stored in a file and then loaded to the controller.
Type of Construction of Motor The functional principle and type of the third-party motor has to be entered in
parameter "P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor".

In parameter P‑0‑4014, the bits for further settings have to be set

to "0", because the respective functions generally cannot be used
for third-party motors!

Number of Pole Pairs/Pole Pair Dis‐ Take the value for parameter "P‑0‑0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair dis‐
tance tance" from the completed form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Synchronous
Motors" or "Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors" .
Rotor Inertia For the setting of parameter "P‑0‑0510, Rotor inertia", take the the values from
the completed form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Synchronous Motors" or "Man‐
ufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors" .
Motor Peak Current The rms value of the maximum allowed total motor current (magnetic-field-
generating and torque-generating current) has to be indicated in parameter
"S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current".
For asynchronous motors, there usually isn't any value indicated for the maxi‐
mum allowed peak current.

For synchronous motors, see manufacturer's specification for the

value of the maximum allowed peak current.

If there hasn't any value been specified for the maximum allowed peak current,
we recommend limitation according to the following relationships for thermal

S‑0‑0109 Motor peak current (rms value of maximum total motor current in A)
f Safety factor 1.1 … 2.5
IN Rated current (rms value in A)
Id Continuous current at standstill (rms value in A)
Fig.5-6: Recommendation for Value of Parameter S‑0‑0109
Motor Current at Standstill The motor current at standstill is the rms value of the torque-generating com‐
ponent of the continuous motor current.
The value entered in parameter "S‑0‑0111, Motor current at standstill" is the
100% reference value for the torque/force limit parameters S‑0‑0092 and
P‑0‑0109 with percentage-based scaling (see below).
150/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill (rms value)

IN Rated current (rms value, acc. to motor data)
Id Continuous current at standstill (rms value, acc. to motor data)
Fig.5-7: Calculating the Value of Parameter S‑0‑0111 for Synchronous Motors

S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill (rms value)

IN Rated current (rms value, acc. to motor data)
cos φ Power factor
Fig.5-8: Calculating the Value of Parameter S‑0‑0111 for Asynchronous Motors
Maximum Motor Speed The velocity command value that is output by the controller is limited to the
value of parameter "S‑0‑0113, Maximum motor speed". The value mustn't be
higher than the maximum allowed velocity (speed)!
Torque/Force Constant Calculating the value for parameter "P‑0‑0051, Torque/force constant" with
motor at operating temperature and rated current or continuous current at

P‑0‑0051 Torque/force constant (in Nm/Arms for rotary motors; in N/Arms for lin‐
ear motors)
MN Rated torque (acc. to motor data)
IN Rated current (rms value, acc. to motor data)
FN Rated force (acc. to motor data)
Id Continuous current at standstill (rms value, acc. to motor data)
Fig.5-9: Calculating the Value of Parameter P‑0‑0051 for Synchronous Motors

P‑0‑0051 Torque/force constant (in Nm/Arms for rotary motors; in N/Arms for lin‐
ear motors)
MN Rated torque (acc. to motor data)
IN Rated current (rms value, acc. to motor data)
cos φ Power factor
Fig.5-10: Calculating the Value of Parameter P‑0‑0051 for Asynchronous Motors
Stator Resistance Calculating the value for parameter "P‑0‑4048, Stator resistance":
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 151/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

P‑0‑4048 Stator resistance (total resistance of the connected motor in Ω)

RU-V Resistance of the motor between the terminals at 20°C (in Ω)
RDr Phase resistance of a possibly required choke at 20°C (in Ω)
RLt Resistance of a power cable strand at 20°C (in Ω), possibly relevant for
open-loop operation of asynchronous motors with long motor line
Fig.5-11: Calculating the Value of Parameter P‑0‑4048

By menu prompt via dialogs, the commissioning tool "Indra‐

Works D" supports the input of the motor parameter values of third-
party motors by means of the forms "Manufacturer-Side Data of
Synchronous Motors" or "Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous
Motors" completed by the motor manufacturer!

Manual Input of Motor Parameter Values for Synchronous Motors

Based on the motor-specific data made available by the manufacturer, the mo‐
tor parameter values specific to synchronous motors are determined.
Direct-Axis Inductance of Motor For motors with reluctance property, different values are observed when the
and Quadrature-Axis Inductance of inductance is measured, depending on the position of the primary part of the
Motor motor with regard to the secondary part of the motor. The values are fluctuating
between a minimum and a maximum value:
● The minimum value is relevant to the direct-axis inductance of the motor.
● The maximum value is relevant to the quadrature-axis inductance of the

Even if the reluctance property of synchronous third-party motors

cannot be used (respective bit in parameter "P‑0‑4014, Type of
construction of motor" mustn't have been set!), it is advantageous
to use the mentioned values for current control!

Direct-Axis Inductance of Motor To determine the parameter value for "P‑0‑4016, Direct-axis inductance of mo‐
tor", use the minimum value of motor inductance for calculation, as indicated in
the completed form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Synchronous Motors" :

P‑0‑4016 Direct-axis inductance of motor

L(U-V)min Value acc. to motor data
Fig.5-12: Calculating the Value of Parameter P‑0‑4016
Quadrature-Axis Inductance of Mo‐ To determine the parameter value for "P‑0‑4017, Quadrature-axis inductance
tor of motor", use the maximum value of motor inductance for calculation, as indi‐
cated in the completed form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Synchronous Mo‐
tors" :

P‑0‑4017 Quadrature-axis inductance of motor

L(U-V)max Value acc. to motor data
Fig.5-13: Calculating the Value of Parameter P‑0‑4017
152/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Characteristic of Quadrature-Axis List parameter "P‑0‑4002, Charact. of quadrature-axis induct. of motor, induc‐
Inductance of Motor, Inductances tances":
→ Enter the value "1,0" in each of the five lines
Characteristic of Quadrature-Axis List parameter "P‑0‑4003, Charact. of quadrature-axis inductance of motor,
Inductance of Motor, Currents currents":
→ Enter the value "1,0" in each of the five lines
Flux-Generating Current, Limit Val‐ Calculating the value for parameter "P‑0‑4005, Flux-generating current, limit
ue value":

P‑0‑4005 Flux-generating current, limit value

S‑0‑0109 Motor peak current
S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill
Fig.5-14: Calculating the value of parameter P‑0‑4005 (The value with the smaller
absolute value has to be entered with negative sign in parameter

By menu prompt via dialogs, the commissioning tool "Indra‐

Works D" supports the input of the motor parameter values of
synchronous third-party motors by means of the form "Manufactur‐
er-Side Data of Synchronous Motors" completed by the motor

Manual Input of Motor Parameter Values for Asynchronous Motors

Based on the motor-specific data made available by the manufacturer, the mo‐
tor parameter values specific to asynchronous motors can also be manually
Magnetizing Current The value for parameter "P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current" is the rms value of
the motor magnetizing current:

P‑0‑4004 Magnetizing current (rms value in A)

IMag Indicated magnetizing current (rms value in A)
Fig.5-15: Value for Parameter P‑0‑4004 acc. to Manufacturer's Specification
If there hasn't any value been indicated in the manufacturer-side data of the
asynchronous motor, the following approximation can be used for calculation:

P‑0‑4004 Magnetizing current (rms value in A)

IN Rated current of the motor (rms value in A)
cos φ Power factor at rated load
Fig.5-16: Calculating the Value of Parameter P‑0‑4004 by Means of Approxima‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 153/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Rated Motor Speed Take the value for parameter "P‑0‑4036, Rated motor speed" from the com‐
pleted form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors" .
Stator and Rotor Leakage Induc‐ The values for the parameters P‑0‑4039, P‑0‑4040, P‑0‑4041 refer to the sin‐
tance; Motor Magnetizing Induc‐ gle-phase equivalent circuit diagram of asynchronous motors with star point
tance reference (see below).
From the data of the stator and rotor leakage inductance and the motor mag‐
netizing inductance, it is possible to determine more exact motor parameter
values than from the type plate data. It is therefore advantageous to have these
data supplied by the motor manufacturer and contained in the completed form
"Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors" .

P‑0‑4039 Stator leakage inductance (in mH)

P‑0‑4040 Rotor leakage inductance (in mH)
P‑0‑4041 Motor magnetizing inductance (in mH)
LσS(Al-St) Leakage inductance of stator
LσR(Al-St) Leakage inductance of rotor
LH(Al-St) Motor magnetizing inductance
Fig.5-17: Values of Parameter P‑0‑4039, P‑0‑4040 and P‑0‑4041 acc. to Manu‐
facturer's Specification

Al Outer conductor
St Star point
RS(Al-St) Ohmic resistance of stator at 20°C
RR(Al-St) Ohmic resistance of rotor at 20°C
LσS(Al-St) Leakage inductance of stator
LσR(Al-St) Leakage inductance of rotor
LH(Al-St) Motor magnetizing inductance
Fig.5-18: Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Asynchronous Machine, Single-Phase,
With Star Point Reference
Characteristic of Motor Magnetizing List parameter "P‑0‑4042, Characteristic of motor magnetizing inductance":
→ Unless otherwise specified, enter the value "1,0" in each of the five lines
Rotor Time Constant Take the values for parameter "P‑0‑4043, Rotor time constant" from the com‐
pleted form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors" .
If the value is not available, it can be calculated by means of approximation:
154/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

P‑0‑4043 Rotor time constant (in ms)

LH(Al-St) Motor magnetizing inductance
RR(Al-St) Ohmic resistance of rotor at 20°C
LσR(Al-St) Leakage inductance of rotor
P‑0‑4040 Rotor leakage inductance (in mH)
P‑0‑4041 Motor magnetizing inductance (in mH)
Fig.5-19: Calculating the Value of Parameter P‑0‑4043 by Means of Approxima‐

By menu prompt via dialogs, the commissioning tool "Indra‐

Works D" supports the input of the motor parameter values of
asynchronous third-party motors by means of the form "Manufac‐
turer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors" completed by the motor

For project planning and commissioning of a third-party motor the

required, manufacturer-specific motor data must always be availa‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 155/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

5.3.4 Forms for Required Manufacturer-Side Motor Data

Form for Manufacturer-Side Data of Synchronous Motors
Manufacturer, Motor type: ________________________ Customer, Installation, Axis designation:
Motor characteristic Symbol/short form Unit Value
Rated power PN kW

Rated torque or rated force 1) MN / FN Nm / N

Rated current IN A eff

Rated speed or rated velocity 1) nN / vN min-1 / m/min

Rated voltage UN Veff

Continuous current Id A eff

at standstill 1)
Inertia or mass J/m _
Rated force 1) FN N

Allowed maximum current Imax Aeff (yes/no)

(magn. saturation effects?)
Maximum torque or maximum force 1) Mmax / Fmax Nm / N

Maximum speed or maximum velocity 1) nmax / vmax min-1 / m/min

Number of pole pairs (rotary) or pole pair distance (linear) PPZ / PWT (N-N-pol) -- / mm
Insulation class Isol.Kl. --
Motor inductance, minimum value LU-V, min mH

Motor inductance, maximum value LU-V, max mH

Motor inductance, average value LU-V mH

Winding resistance (20°C) RU-V Ω

Allowed periodic peak voltage ûmax_zul. Vpp/2

Allowed rate of rise of voltage du/dt zul. kV/μs

Cooling type (without/with blower, liquid cooling) -- --

Thermal time constant of motor TMotor min See "Limitations"

Thermal time constant of winding TWicklung s See "Limitations"

Thermal short-time overload of winding kÜberlast -- See "Limitations"

Type of construction of motor (rotary/linear) -- --

Type of winding (distributed winding/toothed winding) -- --

Winding body material (iron/ironless) -- --

1) Only for linear motor
Fig.5-20: Motor Data of Synchronous Motors

Take form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Motor Temperature Sensor,

Motor Encoder and Motor Holding Brake" into account, too!
156/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

____________________________ ___________ ____________________________

Name Date Signature
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 157/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Form for Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous Motors

Manufacturer, Motor type: ________________________ Customer, Installation, Axis designation:
Motor characteristic Symbol/short form Unit Value
Rated power 1) PN kW

Rated torque MN Nm

Rated current 1) IN A eff

Power factor 1) cos φ --

Magnetizing current IMag A eff

Rated speed 1) nN min-1

Rated frequency 1) fN Hz

Rated voltage 1) UN Veff

Inertia J _
Maximum speed nmax min-1

Number of pole pairs PPZ --

Insulation class Isol.Kl. --
Motor inductance, minimum value LU-V, min mH

Motor inductance, maximum value LU-V, max mH

Motor inductance, average value LU-V mH

Stator leakage inductance 2) LσS(Al-St) mH

Rotor leakage inductance 2) LσR(Al-St) mH

Motor magnetizing inductance 2) LH(Al-St) mH

Stator resistance (20°C) 2) RS(Al-St) Ω

Rotor resistance (20°C) 2) RR(Al-St) Ω

Rotor time constant 2) TR ms

Winding resistance (20°C) RU-V Ω

Allowed periodic peak voltage ûmax_zul. Vpp/2

Allowed rate of rise of voltage du/dt zul. kV/μs

Cooling type (without/with blower, liquid cooling) -- --

Thermal time constant of motor TMotor min See "Limitations"

Thermal time constant of winding TWicklung s See "Limitations"

Thermal short-time overload of winding kÜberlast -- See "Limitations"

Type of construction of motor (rotary/linear) -- --

Does rotor/secondary part have closed slots? -- Yes/no

1) Data on type plate of rotary motor
2) Helpful but not obligatory data
Fig.5-21: Motor Data of Asynchronous Motors
158/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Take form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Motor Temperature Sensor,

Motor Encoder and Motor Holding Brake" into account, too!

____________________________ ___________ ____________________________

Name Date Signature

Form for Manufacturer-Side Data of Motor Temperature Sensor, Motor Encoder and Motor
Holding Brake
Temperature sensor data

PTC? NTC? Switch contact?

Type designation?
How many and where installed?

Characteristics available?

Fig.5-22: Data of Temperature Sensor

Motor encoder data (if available)

Signal amplitude?
Signal shape?
Division period/μm?

Type of construction?

Fig.5-23: Data of Motor Encoder

Data of motor holding brake (if available)

Type designation
Holding torque/force Nm / N
Rated voltage V
Rated current A
Inertia/moved mass kgm2/kg
Clamping delay ms
Release delay ms

Mass kg

Fig.5-24: Data of Motor Holding Brake

____________________________ ___________ ____________________________

Name Date Signature
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

5.3.5 Forms for Parameter Values

Form "Motor Parameters for Synchronous Motors"
Determine the values according to the description in the section
"Determining the Motor Parameter Values for Manual Input (for
Command C4600)".

Manufacturer, Motor type: ________________________ Customer, Installation, Axis designation:

Parameter IDN Parameter name Input value Unit
P‑0‑4014 Type of construction of motor
P‑0‑0018 Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance PPZ / mm
P‑0‑0510 Rotor inertia / moved mass (Scaling-dependent)
S‑0‑0109 Motor peak current A
S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill A
S‑0‑0113 Maximum motor speed (Scaling-dependent)
P‑0‑0051 Torque/force constant (Scaling-dependent)
P‑0‑4048 Stator resistance Ω
P‑0‑4016 Direct-axis inductance of motor mH
P‑0‑4017 Quadrature-axis inductance of motor mH
P‑0‑4002 Charact. of quadrature-axis induct. of motor, inductan‐ [0]
ces [1]
P‑0‑4003 Charact. of quadrature-axis inductance of motor, cur‐ [0]
rents [1]

P‑0‑4005 Flux-generating current, limit value A

Fig.5-25: Motor Parameters for Synchronous Motors

160/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Form "Motor Parameters for Asynchronous Motors"

Manufacturer, Motor type: ________________________ Customer, Installation, Axis designation:
Parameter IDN Parameter name Input value Unit
P‑0‑4014 Type of construction of motor --
P‑0‑0018 Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance PPZ / mm
P‑0‑0510 Rotor inertia / moved mass (Scaling-dependent)
S‑0‑0109 Motor peak current A
S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill A
S‑0‑0113 Maximum motor speed (Scaling-dependent)
P‑0‑0051 Torque/force constant (Scaling-dependent)
P‑0‑4048 Stator resistance Ω
P‑0‑4004 Magnetizing current A
P‑0‑4036 Rated motor speed 1/min
P‑0‑4039 Stator leakage inductance mH
P‑0‑4040 Rotor leakage inductance mH
P‑0‑4041 Motor magnetizing inductance mH
P‑0‑4042 Characteristic of motor magnetizing inductance [0]

P‑0‑4043 Rotor time constant ms

Fig.5-26: Motor Parameters for Asynchronous Motors

After having entered the data from the type plate (in P‑0‑4032) and
executed the command C3200, the parameter values contained in
this list are automatically determined. If you want to enter the data
manually, determine the values according to description in the sec‐
tion "Determining the Motor Parameter Values for Manual Input (for
Command C4600)" .
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Form "Parameters for Temperature Monitoring, Motor Encoder and Motor Holding Brake"
Manufacturer, Motor type: ________________________ Customer, Installation, Axis designation:
Parameter IDN Parameter name Input value Unit
Temperature monitoring
P‑0‑0512 Temperature sensor --
P‑0‑4034 Thermal time constant of motor min
P‑0‑4035 Thermal time constant of winding s
P‑0‑4037 Thermal short-time overload of winding --
S‑0‑0201 Motor warning temperature °C
S‑0‑0204 Motor shutdown temperature °C
Motor encoder
P‑0‑0074 Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0277 Position feedback 1 type
Motor holding brake
S‑0‑0206 Drive on delay time ms
S‑0‑0207 Drive off delay time ms
S‑0‑0273 Maximum drive off delay time ms

P‑0‑0525 Holding brake control word

Fig.5-27: Parameters for Temperature Monitoring, Motor Encoder and Holding


5.3.6 Notes on Commissioning

For commissioning third-party motors the required, manufacturer-side motor
data, the motor encoder data and temperature sensor data always have to be
available (entirely completed forms)!

By menu prompt via the corresponding dialogs, the commissioning

tool "IndraWorks D" simplifies the commissioning of third-party mo‐

See also "Commissioning the Motor"

Basic Commissioning Steps for The commissioning of a third-party motor (synchronous and asynchronous mo‐
Third-Party Motors tors) starts with the following basic steps:
1. First check whether third-party motor has been connected according to
manufacturer's specification.
2. Enter type designation of third-party motor in parameter "S‑0‑0141, Motor
type". For closed-loop operation (obligatory for synchronous motors, op‐
tional for asynchronous motors), settings for motor encoder have to be
made in corresponding parameters:
● S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 resolution
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
162/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
3. Settings for motor temperature sensor and motor temperature model have
to be made in corresponding parameters:
● S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature
● S‑0‑0204, Motor shutdown temperature
● P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor
● P-0-4034, Thermal time constant of winding
● P-0-4035, Thermal time constant of motor
● P-0-4037, Thermal short-time overload of winding
4. If a motor holding brake is controlled by controller, it is necessary to make
further parameter settings:
● S‑0‑0206, Drive on delay time
● S‑0‑0207, Drive off delay time
● S‑0‑0273, Maximum drive off delay time
● P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word

Further commissioning steps for asynchronous third-party motors

and synchronous third-party motors are supported by:
● Dialogs of the commissioning tool and
● Specific prompts of the comfort control panel (optional equip‐
ment of the control section) or the small operator terminal
(optional additional component).

Synchronous Third-Party Motors After the basic commissioning steps (1 to 4; see above), there are further steps
required for synchronous third-party motors:
1. Manufacturer-side motor data have to be entered in motor parameters or
converted by means of completed form "Manufacturer-Side Data of Syn‐
chronous Motors" (see "Determining the Parameter Values of Third-Party
Motors"). All required motor parameters are listed in form "Motor Param‐
eters for Synchronous Motors" (data can already be entered in commu‐
nication phase "P2").
Note: If you use the commissioning tool "IndraWorks D", the values of the
motor parameters, after the motor-specific data have been input (via dia‐
log), are determined, stored in a file and then loaded to the controller.
2. Then "P‑0‑0566, C4600 Command Calculate motor control parameters"
has to be started for calculating values of motor control parameters.
3. After having successfully completed command execution, values of motor
control parameters have been calculated and stored. Initial commission‐
ing for initial start of motor can be continued with "check motor encoder
See "Commissioning Motors: Initial Start With the Commissioning Tool"

Before the initial start it is obligatory to set the commutation offset

for synchronous third-party motors. Only with correctly set commu‐
tation offset is the motor operational and safe to operate!
See also "Commutation Setting"

Asynchronous Third-Party Motors After the basic commissioning steps (1 to 4; see above), there are further steps
required for asynchronous third-party motors:
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1. Rated data according to completed form or type plate have to be entered
in "P‑0‑4032, Motor type plate data" (data can already be entered in com‐
munication phase "P2").
2. With "P‑0‑4033, C3200 Command Calculate motor data", start calculation
of values of motor and motor control parameters.
3. Then optimize parameter values calculated via command C3200 with
"P‑0‑0565, C3600 Command Motor data identification". To do this, put
drive in status "ready for power output" ("Ab"); then start command.
Note: The command C3600 may only be started when the motor is in
standstill. This is monitored by a possibly available motor encoder. If there
is no motor encoder available and the motor is not in standstill at the start
of the command, the results can be invalidated!
4. Depending on whether a motor encoder is used, initial commissioning for
initial start of motor can be continued with "check motor encoder func‐
tion" (in closed-loop operation) or with "setting the kind of motor con‐
trol" (in open-loop operation).
See "Commissioning Motors: Initial Start With the Commissioning Tool"
5. By executing command C3200, some parameters are set to default val‐
ues, as they require data that cannot be identified by the command. Before
continuing commissioning of drive, these parameters have to be checked
and, if necessary, set to correct value by means of data of completed form:
● S-0-0109, Motor peak current
● S‑0‑0113, Maximum motor speed
● P‑0‑0510, Rotor inertia
● P‑0‑0530, Slip increase
● P-0-4034, Thermal time constant of winding
● P-0-4035, Thermal time constant of motor
● P-0-4037, Thermal short-time overload of winding

5.4 Motor Holding Brake

5.4.1 Operating Behavior of the Motor Holding Brake
Brief Description
Motor holding brakes are used to hold axes with drive enable having been
switched off. This is particularly important for non-equilibrated vertical axes.
With IndraDrive controllers it is possible to control and monitor motor holding
brakes in a wear-resistant way.

Holding brakes at Rexroth motors normally aren't designed for de‐

celerating when in operation. Increased wear caused by decelera‐
tion in operation can destroy the holding brake at an early stage!

The following motor holding brake types are possible:

● Electrically releasing brakes (self-holding) for servo drives
● Electrically holding brakes (self-releasing) for main drives
The motor holding brake can be directly mounted on the motor shaft, e.g. in the
case of Rexroth housing motors, or directly connected to the mechanical axis
system, e.g. in the case of linear kit motors.
IndraDrive controllers include application-specific controls of the holding brake
in order to minimize wear of the brake in the case of error. The following two
functional principles of holding brake control are supported:
164/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Control of holding brake for servo drives

● Control of holding brake for main drives
Control of the holding brake is linked with drive enable, considering holding and
releasing delays. In special cases it may be appropriate to avoid this program‐
med link and release or apply the holding brake independently. This, too, is
possible with IndraDrive!
Hardware Requirements The motor holding brake is controlled via a controller-internal relay contact.
Voltage supply is realized by the controller via the 24V control voltage. The
holding brake must be suited for the voltage that is output, the holding brake
current mustn't exceed the allowed maximum value of the respective device
(see documentation "Supply Units and Power Sections; Project Planning Man‐
ual for Controllers"), If necessary the holding brake has to be controlled sepa‐

The optionally available holding brakes of Rexroth motors can be

directly controlled via the controller!

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0206, Drive on delay time

● S‑0‑0207, Drive off delay time
● S‑0‑0273, Maximum drive off delay time
● P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word
● P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word
● P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake
● P‑0‑0542, C2000 Command Release motor holding brake
● P‑0‑0543, C3800 Command Apply motor holding brake
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C2000 Command Release motor holding brake
● C2001 Command not enabled
● C3800 Command Apply motor holding brake
● F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded
Functional Description
With IndraDrive it is possible to control both self-releasing (electrically holding)
and self-holding (electrically releasing) motor holding brakes. The controller is
informed of the brake type via the respective bit in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Hold‐
ing brake control word".
Releasing the Holding Brake When drive enable (AF = Antriebsfreigabe) is set by the control unit the releas‐
ing of the holding brake is activated. The brake is released with a delay, due to
the inductance of the brake winding. The controller is informed on this delay via
"S‑0‑0206, Drive on delay time".
In order to avoid wear of the brake the command value acceptance is blocked
within this delay. Only then does the controller signal to the control unit, by
means of a bit in the respective status word (e.g. "S‑0‑0135, Drive status word"
for SERCOS), that it is ready to move.
See also "Basic Functions of Master Communication: Device Control and State
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 165/886
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Fig.5-28: Time response when releasing the holding brake

Applying the Holding Brake When "AF" (drive enable) is reset by the master the applying of the brake is
activated. The brake is applied with a delay, due to the inductance of the brake
winding. The controller is informed on this delay via "S‑0‑0207, Drive off delay
In order to avoid, for example, that a non-equilibrated vertical axis in standstill
does not move down due to weight force, "AF" (drive enable) is internally reset
by this delay later. During this delay the velocity command value is internally
set to zero.
Behavior of the Holding Brake Con‐ In the case of interruptions and errors that can suddenly occur for different
trol in the Case of Error causes during normal operation, in most of the cases there is a demand to
quickly shut down the mechanical system for reasons of personnel and instal‐
lation safety. This is done, if possible, by actively braking the drive.
In the case of error it is decisive whether the drive is able by itself to decelerate.
This is the case when the drive comes to a standstill within an axis-specific
maximum braking time. The controller is informed on this time via parameter
"S‑0‑0273, Maximum drive off delay time".

The "maximum drive off delay time" is the time that the drive needs
in order to shut down the axis out of maximum velocity at maximum
inertia (or inertial mass) with maximum allowed brake torque (or
brake force).

If the drive is unable to shut down the mechanical system within the maximum
braking time the drive at least reacts with the most convenient control of the
holding brake. What is decisive for the control in this case is whether the cus‐
tomer determined the application type to be "servo drive" or "main drive".
You have to distinguish the following situations in the case of error:
Error Situation 1 ● Drive remains fully operational; "velocity command value reset with or
without ramp and filter" or "return motion" was set as the error reaction
(F2xxx, F4xxx, F6xxx error or NC-side drive enable reset in the case of
axis motion).
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Error Situation 2 ● Drive defect (F8xxx error) or "torque or force disable of the motor ("coast‐
ing")" was set as the error reaction (F2xxx, F4xxx, F6xxx error or NC-side
drive enable reset in the case of axis motion).

The error reaction is set in parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best possible de‐


Errors can possibly cause damage to machines or drive components. Depend‐

ing on the application the following strategies are used for minimizing damage:
Holding Brake Control for Servo In the case of servo drives that mostly drive linear axes with limited travel dis‐
Drives tances, the protection of the machine is preferred to the drive in the case of
error situation 2. The controller, according to the setting made by the customer
(in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word"), therefore tries to realize
the shortest possible braking distances, even if this damages the holding brake.
Holding Brake Control for Main Main drives are rotary axes with "unlimited" travel distance, such as spindle
Drives motors of milling and turning machines. Due to high speed and high inertia most
of these axes produce kinetic energies in operation that often exceed the al‐
lowed energy absorption capacity of holding brakes integrated in the motor. In
the case of error situation 2, shutdown realized by the holding brake only could
destroy the brake very easily. Due to the unlimited travel distance there nor‐
mally isn't any danger of damaging the machine. The controller therefore, when
determined by the customer (P‑0‑0525), prevents the holding brake from ap‐
plying and gives priority to friction braking.
P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control The required functionality of the holding brake, depending on the application
word type of the drive (servo or main drive), is determined by the respective bit in
parameter P‑0‑0525.
Holding Brake Control with Error If the drive cannot shut down the mechanical system within the time after oc‐
Situation 1 currence of the error entered in parameter S‑0‑0273, the motor holding brake
is applied after motor standstill, independent of the application (servo or main
Depending on the error reaction, motor standstill means:
● Falling below a velocity threshold (in the case of "velocity command value
reset" error reaction, with or without ramp)
● Target position reached and actual velocity value lower than the value of
"S‑0‑0124, Standstill window" (in the case of "return motion" error reac‐
See also "Error Reactions"
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Fig.5-29: Holding brake control with error situation 1 and braking time < S‑0‑0273
(error reaction "velocity command value reset")
168/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.5-30: Holding brake control with error situation 1 and braking time < S‑0‑0273
(error reaction "return motion")
If the drive cannot shut down the mechanical system within the time after oc‐
currence of the error entered in parameter S‑0‑0273, the motor holding brake
is controlled depending on the application (servo or main drive):
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Fig.5-31: Holding brake control with error situation 1 and braking time > S-0-0273
for servo drives

Fig.5-32: Holding brake control with error situation 1 and braking time > S-0-0273
for main drives
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If the "return motion" error reaction has not yet been completed after
the time set in S‑0‑0273, it is aborted:
● In the case of servo drives, the holding brake is applied. The
internal drive enable is switched off with the delay of "drive off
delay time".
● In the case of main drives, the internal drive enable is switched
off immediately. The drive coasts to stop. After the velocity has
fallen below the minimum value, the holding brake is applied.

Holding Brake Control with Error In the case of error situation 2, the drive becomes torque- or force-free after the
Situation 2 error event. The braking effect, in addition to the axis friction, can only be ach‐
ieved by means of the holding brake. To limit the damage the holding brake is
controlled depending on the application (servo or main drive).

Fig.5-33: Holding brake control with error situation 2 for servo drives
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Fig.5-34: Holding brake control with error situation 2 for main drives
Command "Release Holding In special cases it can be convenient to release the holding brake even if the
Brake" drive is not in "AF" (drive enable). This is possible by activating "P‑0‑0542,
C2000 Command Release motor holding brake". This command, however, first
has to be enabled by the respective bit in "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control

Property damage caused by movement of non-equilibrated axes when

releasing the holding brake!
⇒ Before starting the command, move the axis to a noncritical position!
Upon completion of the command, the brake is applied again. When drive en‐
able is set and then reset with the command being active, the holding brake is
applied again when resetting "AF" (drive enable)!

The command for releasing the holding brake can also be started
via the control panel, when the corresponding bit has been set in
parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word".

Command "Apply Holding Brake" In special cases it can be convenient to apply the holding brake if the drive is
in an active state ("AF", drive enable). This is possible by activating "P‑0‑0543,
C2000 Command Apply motor holding brake"!

Damage to the holding brake!

If the axis is moved with the holding brake applied, the brake can be‐
come prematurely worn!
CAUTION ⇒ In case of doubt start "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command"!
Influence of Drive Enable on Com‐ If drive enable ("AF") is reset and set again when the command is active, the
mand "Apply Motor Holding Brake" brake releases when drive enable is set although the command is still active!
When the command is completed, the brake releases again if the drive is still
active ("AF").
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When the command is completed, the brake remains applied if drive enable
was reset during the execution of the command!
Notes on Commissioning
Relevant Parameters Enter application-dependent parameter values:
● S‑0‑0273, Maximum drive off delay time
In this parameter enter the determined time that the drive needs in order to stop
the axis out of maximum velocity at maximum inertia or inertial mass with max‐
imum allowed brake torque or brake force. If necessary, increase the deter‐
mined time to make sure the axis really stops!

Danger of damaging the motor brake when value in S‑0‑0273 is too low!
⇒ The value for "S‑0‑0273, Maximum drive off delay time" must always be set
higher than the time needed to decelerate the axis by velocity command value
CAUTION reset (if necessary with ramp), taking the maximum possible velocity into ac‐

Enter data of holding brake:

● S‑0‑0206, Drive on delay time
● S‑0‑0207, Drive off delay time
● P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake

The holding brake data are ...

● ... entered automatically when switching the drive on, in the
case of Rexroth motors with encoder data memory!
● ... entered automatically only when loading the motor-specific
parameter values from the data base of the "IndraWorks D"
commissioning tool, in the case of Rexroth motors without en‐
coder data memory!

Configure holding brake control in:

● P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word
Activating the Holding Brake Func‐ The holding brake control is linked with drive enable and does not have to be
tion separately activated.
Command "Release Holding The control unit can release the holding brake by means of the following com‐
Brake" mand:
● P‑0‑0542, C2000 Command Release motor holding brake

Property damage caused by movement of non-equilibrated axes when

releasing the holding brake!
⇒ Before starting the command, move the axis to a noncritical position!
Command "Apply Holding Brake" The control unit can apply the holding brake by means of the following com‐
mand when the drive is active:
● P‑0‑0543, C3800 Command Apply motor holding brake

Damage to the holding brake!

If the axis is moved with the holding brake applied, the brake can be‐
come prematurely worn!
CAUTION ⇒ In case of doubt start "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command"!
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Operating Status Displaying the operating status:

● P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word
Signaling the readiness to accept command values:
● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
Errors ● F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded
Command Errors ● C2001 Command not enabled

5.4.2 Function Check of Motor Holding Brake, Drive-Controlled

Brief Description
If the brake torque of holding brakes is too low due to wear and corrosion, this
can interrupt the service and endanger safety in machines and installations.
IndraDrive controllers have the advantage of monitoring the effectiveness of
the holding brake and recording the monitoring intervals:
● Automatically each time drive enable is set and reset
● Depending on the situation at a command of the control master
This allows cyclic brake check according to EN‑954‑1, cat. 2 or dynamization/
check of one of two redundant holding systems according to EN‑954‑1, cat. 3.
In the case of corrosion, the effectiveness of the holding brake can be rees‐
tablished by a drive-controlled "resurfacing procedure".
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word
● P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word
● P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake
● P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command
● P‑0‑0544, C3900 Command Brake resurfacing
● P‑0‑0545, Test torque for releasing motor holding brake
● P‑0‑0546, Starting torque for releasing motor holding brake
● P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system
● P‑0‑0549, Oper. hours control section at last successful brake check
● P‑0‑0550, Time interval brake check
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C2100 Brake check command
● C2101 Brake check only possible with drive enable
● C2103 Brake torque too low
● C2104 Command execution impossible
● C2105 Load of holding system > test torque
● C2106 Test torque of holding system not reached
● C3900 Command Brake resurfacing
● C3901 Resurfacing of brake only possible with drive enable
● C3902 Error during resurfacing of brake
● C3903 Command execution impossible
● E2069 Brake torque too low
● E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval
● F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake
● F3115 Error, brake check time interval exceeded
174/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Functional Description
Monitoring the Holding Brake The controller can check the effectiveness of the holding brake and its released
state by starting a routine:
● Automatically each time drive enable is set and reset
- or -
● Depending on the situation, by "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command"
If the holding brake is all right the drive is operational after the routine is over.
If the brake torque is too low the controller outputs the respective message.
The relevant bits for the desired kind of brake monitoring have to be set in
"P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word".
Automatic Monitoring The automatic brake monitoring function is started when "AF" (drive enable) is
set. After the time required for releasing the holding brake the motor generates
a torque or a force; this sets the motor slightly in motion if the status of the
holding brake is without error. The maximum value of this torque or force is
determined during initial commissioning and entered in parameter "P‑0‑0545,
Test torque for releasing motor holding brake" (described in the Notes on Com‐
missioning for function check of holding brake).
If the test was successful, the drive starts operations.
If the motor does not move during this check, the error message "F2069 Error
when releasing the motor holding brake" is output; the drive switches off.
When "AF" (drive enable) is reset by the master the holding torque of the brake
is checked. After the holding brake was applied, a torque or force is generated
that mustn't yet set the motor in motion if the status of the holding brake is
correct. The value of this torque or force can be entered in parameter "P‑0‑0547,
Nominal load of holding system". This value, too, is determined during initial
commissioning (described in the Notes on Commissioning for function check
of holding brake).
If the motor does not move during this check, the brake has the specified or
required holding torque.
If the motor moves during this check, the diagnostic message "E2069 Brake
torque too low" is output and drive enable is internally reset.
The warning E2069 is triggered in the case of the following motor motion:
● Rotary motors: >2 dgr
● Linear motors: Pole pair distance (in mm)/180 → P‑0‑0018/180

Possible property damage caused by vertical axis moving down!

⇒ Take constructional precautions!

Command "Brake Check" At the start of "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command", the drive must be in
"AF" (drive enable).
The routine corresponds to that of automatic monitoring (see above).
Time Interval of Holding Brake At the activation of the time interval for brake check (in parameter "P‑0‑0525,
Check Holding brake control word"), the interval since the last successful brake check
is measured and compared to the value of parameter "P‑0‑0550, Time interval
brake check". The monitoring function with regard to this value might possibly
generate the following messages:
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● If the measured interval draws up to 15 min nearer to the interval set in
parameter P‑0‑0550, the warning "E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check
time interval" is output.
● If the measured interval exceeds the value in parameter P‑0‑0550, the
error message "F3115 Error, brake check time interval exceeded" is gen‐
The warning E3115 disappears automatically when the brake check is suc‐
cessfully carried out within 15 min after the message had been generated. The
brake check is carried out, for example, by starting "C2100 Brake check com‐
mand" or, if automatic brake check was set, by resetting drive enable.
If the drive switches off with the error message F3115, the user after having
reset this message has 15 min to carry out the brake check, e.g. by starting
"C2100 Brake check command". After successful execution the "status of hold‐
ing brake check" and the "status of holding torque check" is set to "1" in
parameter "P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word". The time of the brake check
is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0549, Oper. hours control section at last successful
brake check" and the time interval measurement is restarted!
If the brake check is not carried out or cannot be successfully carried out, the
drive switches off with the error message F3115, at the latest 15 min after drive
enable had been set.

For safety-related use of axis holding systems, observe the respec‐

tive regulations of the concerned institution for statutory accident
insurance and prevention ("Berufsgenossenschaft") with regard to
dimensioning and testing!

Reestablishing the Holding Brake For reestablishing the brake torque, "C3900 Command Brake resurfac‐
Torque ing" (P‑0‑0544) can be started. To do this, drive enable ("AF") must have been
set! After the command was started, the drive is accelerated to 100 rpm or
100 mm/min. Active acceleration and deceleration ramps, as well as filters
(P‑0‑1201, P‑0‑1202, P‑0-1203, P‑0‑1211, P‑0‑1213 and P‑0‑1222) are taken
into account! When the motor has reached the command velocity, the brake is
applied for 400 ms. After the command has been completed, the motor has
been stopped by velocity control with command value "0".
With the execution of command C3900 there is no check run as to whether the
resurfacing of the brake was successful! It is therefore recommended to exe‐
cute command C2100 (brake check) after command C3900!

Property damage caused by drive-controlled axis motion when execut‐

ing the commands for brake check and for resurfacing of the brake!
⇒ Before starting the command, move the axis to a noncritical position!
Diagnosing the Brake Check The result of the brake check and the operating status of the holding brake are
displayed in the respective bits of "P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word".
Notes on Commissioning
Command "Brake Check" The control unit can activate the brake check by means of a command:
● P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command

Property damage caused by drive-controlled axis movements during

brake check!
⇒ Before starting the command, move the axis to a noncritical position!
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Automatic Brake Check The "brake check" function can also take place automatically, every time drive
enable is set and reset. The function is activated via the respective bit in pa‐
● P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word.
Presetting the Brake Check Check for brake released:
The status "holding brake released" is checked by the motor generating a tor‐
que or force that sets the motor slightly in motion. The maximum value can be
preset in
● P‑0‑0545, Test torque for releasing motor holding brake.
The appropriate value for P‑0‑0545 can be determined on the basis of the value
displayed in
● P‑0‑0546, Starting torque for releasing motor holding brake.
If the value "0" is entered in parameter P‑0‑0545 (or it remains "0"), the releasing
of the holding brake is checked with regard to the value in parameter "P‑0‑0540,
Torque of holding brake"!

The value of P‑0‑0546 should be provided with a safety factor if

used for P‑0‑0545!
See also the respective Parameter Description

Check for sufficient holding torque of the brake:

The holding torque of the brake is checked by the motor generating a torque or
force with the brake having been applied. The maximum value can be preset
in parameter
● P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system.
The criterion for which the check is to be carried out is decisive for determining
an appropriate value for P‑0‑0547:
● Nominal torque or force of the holding brake
● Holding torque or force for fixing the axis
● Increased holding torque or force.
Criterion "Nominal Torque or Nom‐ The nominal torque or force of the holding brake from "P‑0‑0540, Torque of
inal Force" holding brake" can be activated for the check. To do this, enter the value "0" in
parameter P‑0‑0547 (or leave it at "0")!

See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system"

Criterion "Fixing the Axis" The torque or force required for fixing the axis can be determined on the basis
of "S‑0‑0084, Torque/force feedback value". To do this, bring the axis to the
position with the highest load due to weight and write the value of
(S‑0‑0084 × safety factor (>1)) to parameter "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding

For the criterion "fixing the axis" the required holding torque or hold‐
ing force, with the holding brake having been sufficiently dimen‐
sioned, is smaller than the nominal torque or nominal force of the
brake. This expands the tolerance range for detection of holding
brake wear and therefore increases the service life of the holding

Criterion "Increased Holding Tor‐ The safety-relevant dimensioning of the holding brake normally requires a
que or Force" higher holding torque than the holding torque necessary to fix the axis. In this
case enter the demanded test torque or test force in parameter P‑0‑0547!
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

The maximum value for parameter "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of

holding system" is limited by the value of "P‑0‑0540, Torque of
holding brake"! If the "increased holding torque" is lower than the
value of parameter P‑0‑0540, the tolerance range for detection of
holding brake wear is increased which increases the service life of
the holding brake!

Criterion "Brake Check Time Inter‐ The criterion "brake check time interval" is activated via the respective bit in
val" "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word". The maximum allowed interval to the
next brake check has to be entered in parameter "P‑0‑0550, Time interval brake
Command "Brake Resurfacing" By starting a command it is possible to reestablish, by removing the oxide film
(resurfacing of the brake), the holding torque or the holding force of a holding
brake that has not yet become worn.
● P‑0‑0544, C3900 Command Brake resurfacing
Operating Status Displaying the monitoring function:
● P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word
Signaling the readiness to accept command values:
● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
Warnings ● E2069 Brake torque too low
Errors ● F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake
Command Errors ● C2101 Brake check only possible with drive enable
● C2103 Brake torque too low
● C2104 Command execution impossible
● C2105 Load of holding system > test torque
● C2106 Test torque of holding system not reached
● C3901 Resurfacing of brake only possible with drive enable
● C3902 Error during resurfacing of brake
● C3903 Command execution impossible

5.5 Measuring Systems

5.5.1 Basics on Measuring Systems, Resolution
Brief Description
Control Loops and Measuring Sys‐ Operating drives in the closed control loop requires measuring systems in order
tems to metrologically acquire the current status of the physical value to be control‐
led, the so-called actual value.
The following drive control loops are distinguished:
● Torque/force control loop
→ Actual value by evaluating the current measuring system and converting
the value
● Velocity control loop
→ Actual value by evaluating the position measuring system and time-
● Position control loop
→ Actual value by evaluating the position measuring system
178/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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The actual value of the torque/force control loop is generated by means of the
internal current measurement. The measuring system is inaccessible for the
user and has a fixed configuration.
Possibilities of Position Measuring For acquiring the actual values of the velocity and position control loop there
are position measuring systems available that provide the user possibilities of
configuration. Position measurement can be carried out:
● At the motor only (measurement via motor encoder)
- or -
● Both at the motor and at the mechanical axis system (measurement via
motor encoder and "external" or "optional" encoder).

Position measurement via motor encoder is always required, meas‐

urement at the mechanical axis system is optional, the encoder at
the mechanical axis system is therefore called "optional encoder".
It is also called "external encoder" because this encoder is not in‐
stalled internally at the motor, but externally at the axis.

Types of Position Measuring Sys‐ Position measuring systems are available for the different kinds of motion in
tems adapted types of construction:
● Rotary encoders
● Linear encoders
With the appropriate signal specification, encoders in both types of construction
can be evaluated by IndraDrive controllers.
Evaluating Position Measurement Depending on their design and the mechanical arrangement at the axis, the
position encoders can be evaluated as
● Relative encoders (incremental encoders)
- or -
● Absolute encoders (absolute value encoders).
Relative Position Measurement In the case of relative position measurement, only position differences can be
evaluated by means of the measuring system. The actual position values sig‐
naled by the measuring system refer to the (mostly undefined) position at the
time the drive is switched on. To operate the drive within a limited travel range
a position reference must be established ("homing") after each time the drive
is switched on again.
Absolute Position Measurement In the case of absolute position measurement, the encoder signals actual po‐
sition values with a fixed encoder-dependent reference point to the controller.
After each time the drive is switched on the correct actual position value is
immediately available with each axis position. Due to the mostly undefined
mounting situation of the encoder to motor or mechanical axis system, it is
necessary to determine the position offset ("setting the absolute value") once
at the initial commissioning.
Precision, Resolution The precision of the position measurement depends on:
● The resolution of the measuring system (division periods = DP)
● The absolute encoder precision
● The digitalization quality of the analog encoder signals
● The dimension of the travel range of the axis
Monitoring Functions Correct position information is of fundamental importance for reliable drive be‐
havior and motion according to contour. The encoder signals are therefore
monitored for validity and compliance with the allowed tolerances.
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

In addition, it is possible to monitor drives with an encoder that can be evaluated
in absolute form for compliance with the position when switching on compared
to the last time the drive was switched off.
It is also possible to monitor the difference between the actual position values
of motor encoder and external encoder.
See also "Monitoring the Measuring Systems"
Hardware Requirements For connecting the measuring systems to the controller there are three optional
interfaces available. The parameters "P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encoder-
>optional slot" and "P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional encoder ->optional slot"
define the interface to which the respective encoder is connected. It must be
equipped with the encoder input appropriate for the encoder.

See also separate documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections;

Project Planning Manual"

The following points apply to the parameters P‑0‑0077 and

● In the case of motors with encoder data memory (MHD, MKD,
MKE), the value for parameter P‑0‑0077 is automatically set
● In the case of motors without encoder data memory (2AD,
ADF, rotary and linear kit motors), the value for parameter
P‑0‑0077 must be set manually.
● In the case of optional encoders, the value for parameter
P‑0‑0078 has to be set manually, too.

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value

● S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type
● S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 resolution
● S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 resolution
● S‑0‑0256, Multiplication 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0257, Multiplication 2 (optional encoder)
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range
● P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0129, Internal position data format
Functional Description
Absolute Encoder Precision The absolute precision is a feature of the encoder and is determined by its
construction and the quality of its components. The data for the absolute pre‐
cision are indicated by the manufacturer of the encoder.
Resolution (Division Periods) The resolution of the measuring system (division periods) is entered in the fol‐
lowing parameters:
● S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 resolution
● S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 resolution
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Generally, the following applies:

→ Feedback 1 means "motor encoder"
→ Feedback 2 means "external or optional encoder"

The value of S‑0‑0116 or S‑0‑0117 can mean:

● In the case of rotary motor encoders or external rotary encoders, the num‐
ber of division periods or cycles per encoder revolution (DP/rev)
● In the case of linear motor encoders (used for linear motors) or external
linear encoders, the length of the division period in mm (mm/line count)
● In the case of resolvers as motor encoders or external resolver encoders,
the number of pole pairs of the resolver
The significance of the value of S‑0‑0116 is determined in parameter "P‑0‑4014,
Type of construction of motor" (rotary or linear motor).

In the case of Rexroth housing motors (MHD, MKD, MKE, 2AD,

ADF, MAD, MAF) and linear motors with EnDat encoder, the correct
value is automatically written to parameter S‑0‑0116!

Maximum Encoder Resolution After The analog encoder signals are converted to digital position data via A/D con‐
Digitalization verter. This increases the resolution of the position data available for the axis
compared to the resolution of the measuring system (see above)!

S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution

S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
Fig.5-35: Maximum possible resolution of rotary encoders

S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution

S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
Fig.5-36: Maximum possible resolution of linear encoders

Depending on the type of motion of the encoder, the "maximum

encoder resolution after digitalization" is output in different units:
● Rotary encoders → position information/encoder revolution
● Linear encoders → mm (length of the shortest measurable dis‐

Internally, the value range of the encoder position data is "±231", i.e. the encoder
position range can be resolved to "232" data. By digitalization, a multitude of
position data results from one division period. By means of adjusted multipli‐
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

cation, the range of encoder position data of "±231" values, referring to the travel
range of the axis (S‑0‑0278), is complied with.
The resulting drive-internal encoder resolution is as follows:
Internal Encoder Resolution, Rota‐
ry Encoders

S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution

S‑0‑0256 Multiplication 1
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
S‑0‑0257 Multiplication 2
S‑0‑0278 Maximum travel range (± travel range)
c_axis_G1 axis motion range / motor encoder revolution
c_axis_G2 axis motion range / revolution of external encoder
Fig.5-37: Drive-internal resolution of rotary encoders
Internal Encoder Resolution, Linear

S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution

S‑0‑0256 Multiplication 1
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
S‑0‑0257 Multiplication 2
S‑0‑0278 Maximum travel range (± travel range)
c_bef_M infeed length / motor revolution
Fig.5-38: Drive-internal resolution of linear encoders

Internally, the multiplication (S-0-0256 and S-0-0257) is automati‐

cally determined taking the value of parameter S‑0‑0278 into con‐

Encoder Dimensioning The multiplication values (S‑0‑0256 and S‑0‑0257) calculated according to the
formulas "Drive-internal resolution of rotary encoders" or "Drive-internal reso‐
lution of linear encoders", characterize the encoder dimensioning.
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S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution

S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
Fig.5-39: Checking the selected resolution and determining the ideal resolution
for encoder 1 (or encoder 2)

The calculated value of the parameters S‑0‑0256 or S‑0‑0257 nor‐

mally will never exactly correspond to "215" (= 32768). With results
"≥215", the conditions with regard to the possibilities of encoder
evaluation are ideal!

Internal Resolution of the Position Position control itself works with the resolution displayed in parameter
Data "P‑0‑0129, Internal position data format". The value refers to one motor revo‐
lution (rotary motor) or one pole pair distance (linear motor) and is limited to
"228". In addition, it is influenced by the setting in parameter "S‑0‑0278, Maxi‐
mum travel range".

P‑0‑0129 Internal position data format

n(S-0-0278) number of motor revolutions for (S-0-0278)
S-0-0278 Maximum travel range (± travel range!)
Fig.5-40: Drive-internal resolution of the position data for rotary motors

P‑0‑0129 Internal position data format

P‑0‑0018 Pole pair distance of linear motors
S-0-0278 Maximum travel range (± travel range!)
Fig.5-41: Drive-internal resolution of the position data for linear motors
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Real Resolution of Rotary Encod‐ The lower value from drive-internal encoder resolution and "maximum encoder
ers resolution after digitalization" is the real resolution of the position data of a rotary
Real Resolution of Linear Encoders The higher value from drive-internal encoder resolution and "maximum encoder
resolution after digitalization" is the real resolution of the position data of a linear

The "maximum encoder resolution after digitalization" is the maxi‐

mum possible, real encoder resolution. It is limited on the hardware
side! If the number of encoder division periods over the travel dis‐
tance of the axis is accordingly high, the real encoder resolution can
also be lower!

Notes on Commissioning
Configuring the Controller The optional interfaces have to be assigned to the encoder connection in the
following parameters:
● P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encoder->optional slot
● P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional encoder ->optional slot

In the case of motors with encoder data memory (MHD, MKD,

MKE), the correct value is automatically written to parameter

Configuring the Encoder Set the motor encoder type:

● P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
Set the encoder type of the optional encoder:
● P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
Set the resolution (number of lines, division period) of the motor encoder:
● S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 resolution
Set the resolution (number of lines, division period) of the optional encoder:
● S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 resolution
Set the kind of encoder and the rotational direction of the motor encoder:
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
Set the kind of encoder and the rotational direction of the optional encoder:
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type

In the case of Rexroth housing motors (MHD, MKD, MKE, 2AD,

ADF, MAD, MAF), the correct value is automatically written to the
parameters P‑0‑0074, S‑0‑0116 and S‑0‑0277; in the case of linear
motors with EnDat encoder, the correct value is automatically writ‐
ten to the parameters P‑0‑0074 and S‑0‑0116.

Setting the Travel Range Enter the travel range of the axis:
● S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range
Information on Position Evaluation Current actual position value of the motor encoder:
● S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value
Current actual position value of the optional encoder:
● S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value
Position status of the connected encoders:
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● S-0-0403, Position feedback value status
Multiplication of the motor encoder:
● S‑0‑0256, Multiplication 1 (motor encoder)
Multiplication of the optional encoder:
● S‑0‑0257, Multiplication 2 (optional encoder)
Resolution of the position data in the drive:
● P‑0‑0129, Internal position data format

When the parameter S‑0‑0256 and, if available, S‑0‑0257 have the

value "32768", the encoder evaluation is ideal. When the value is
lower, the parameter S‑0‑0278 has to be checked for correct travel
range input!

5.5.2 Monitoring the Measuring Systems

Brief Description
Monitoring the Encoder Signals Correct position information is the prerequisite for reliable drive behavior and
motion according to contour. In order to guarantee best possible position eval‐
uation the encoder signals are therefore monitored for validity and compliance
with the allowed tolerances.
Monitoring the encoder signals allows detecting faulty states, such as:
● Encoder is dirty
● Noise injection in the case of inappropriate wire routing or wire design
● Exceeding the max. allowed encoder velocity (limit frequency of the en‐
coder signals)
● Wire break or short circuit on wire
Monitoring the Axis Position when In addition it is possible to monitor drives with an encoder that can be evaluated
Switching On in absolute form for compliance with the position when switching on compared
to the last time the drive was switched off. This allows detecting, for example,
whether a vertical axis moved down after the machine was switched off or
whether an axis was moved away from the position it had when the machine
Monitoring Mechanical Transfer El‐ It is also possible to monitor the difference between the actual position values
ements of motor encoder and external encoder. This allows, for example, detecting slip
due to wear in mechanical transfer elements between motor and axis at an early
Monitoring the Position Data Refer‐ If the loss of the position data reference of absolute encoders (motor encoder
ence or optional encoder) is detected due to changes in parameter values, e.g. of
the mechanical drive system, the drive will signal this faulty status.
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0391, Monitoring window feedback 2
● P‑0‑0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window for motor encoder
● P‑0‑0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window for opt. encoder
● P‑0‑0177, Absolute encoder buffer 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0178, Absolute encoder buffer 2 (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0391, Actual position value difference encoder1 - encoder2
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2074 Encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed
● E2075 Encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed
● F2036 Excessive position feedback difference
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● F2042 Encoder 2: incorrect encoder signals.
● F2048 Low battery voltage
● F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window
● F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window
● F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference
● F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference
● F8022 Encoder 1: incorrect encoder signals (can be deleted in phase2)
Functional Description
IndraDrive controllers can evaluate signals of the following encoder types:
● Sine encoder 1 Vpp (Heidenhain standard)
● Resolver encoder (Rexroth standard)
● Square-wave encoder 5V TTL (Heidenhain standard)
Signal Monitoring for Sine Encod‐ Analog sine encoder signals are monitored with regard to two criteria:
● Monitoring the signal amplitude
● Monitoring the quadrant allocation
The signals are monitored on the hardware side and on the firmware side. The
signal amplitude must be within the allowed voltage range:

UA,B_nom nominal amplitude value of the encoder tracks, in this case 1.0 Vpp
UA amplitude of encoder track A
UB amplitude of encoder track B
Fig.5-42: Allowed voltage range for the signal amplitudes of sine encoders
The quadrant allocation is checked by counting the zero crossings of the sine
or cosine signal. In the case of trouble-free operation, the count is changed by
the value "±1" at every zero crossing of a track.
When the encoder signals temporarily leave (e.g. due to interference injection
or local accumulation of dirt on the code disk) the allowed voltage range that is
monitored in the hardware side, the controller outputs the respective warning:
● E2074 Encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed
● E2075 Encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed
The warning remains active until the drive is switched off or switched to com‐
munication phase P2!
Incorrect counts caused by injected noise and permanently reduced signal am‐
plitudes caused by dirty code disks can be the reason why an error message
for the motor encoder or the external encoder is generated:
● F8022 Encoder 1: incorrect encoder signals (can be deleted in phase2)
● F2042 Encoder 2: incorrect encoder signals.
The drive then reacts with the error reaction that has been set.
Signal Monitoring for Resolver En‐ Monitoring the analog resolver encoder signals with carrier frequency is only
coders possible by the calculated analysis of digitized values:
186/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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UA,B_nom nominal amplitude value of the resolver tracks

UA amplitude of resolver track A
UB amplitude of resolver track B
Uout_Resolver controller output voltage for resolver supply
üResolver gear ratio of the resolver
Fig.5-43: Allowed voltage range for the signal amplitudes of resolvers

The resolver data and resolver voltage supply data are contained
in the Project Planning Manuals for motors and controllers!

Signal Monitoring for Square-Wave Monitoring the signals of square-wave encoders with regard to amplitude and
Encoders quadrant allocation is not possible with IndraDrive controllers!
Monitoring the Axis Position when When the drive is switched off the current encoder data of the absolute motor
Switching On encoder and/or of the absolute external encoder are stored:
● P‑0‑0177, Absolute encoder buffer 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0178, Absolute encoder buffer 2 (optional encoder)
When switching on a drive with an absolute motor encoder and/or an absolute
external encoder, a check is run to determine in how far the current actual po‐
sition value differs from the actual position value at the time of the last switch
off. The maximum allowed difference is fixed in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window for motor encoder
● P‑0‑0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window for opt. encoder
When the difference exceeds the determined value the respective error mes‐
sage is output:
● F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window
● F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window
This monitoring function can be deactivated!
Monitoring Mechanical Transfer El‐ For axis drives that are equipped with an external encoder, the controller pro‐
ements vides the possibility of monitoring the difference of the actual position values of
motor encoder and external encoder with regard to a maximum value that can
be set.
The maximum allowed difference of the actual position values of both encoders
is defined in parameter "S‑0‑0391, Monitoring window feedback 2". When this
value is exceeded the error message "F2036 Excessive position feedback dif‐
ference" is generated. This monitoring function is active as of communication
phase 4 and can be deactivated, too!
Monitoring the Position Data Refer‐ The position data reference of absolute encoders gets lost when:
● The parameter values of the mechanical drive system have been changed
● The encoder resolutions have been changed
● The scalings of the physical data have been changed
● The maximum travel range of an axis has been changed
● Hybrid position control has been activated ("measuring wheel mode")
During the transition from communication phase P2 to P4 (bb), the drive rec‐
ognizes that the former position data reference of the encoder does no longer
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 187/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

exist. It sets the parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status" of the
encoder or encoders to "relative" and signals the loss of position data reference
by the following error messages:
● F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference
● F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference
Monitoring for Spindle Encoders In the case of spindles, it is mostly high-resolution, external encoders that are
used for C-axis operation, in order to obtain the required machining quality for
interpolating operation (with low speeds).
In the case of regular spindle operation (high speeds), it is possible that the
maximum input frequency of the respective encoder input is exceeded. The
drive then switches off with the error message "F2046 Max. signal frequency
of encoder 2 exceeded".
The external encoder is only required for C-axis operation, but would make
regular spindle operation impossible. The encoder monitor can therefore be
switched off in this case by the respective value in parameter "P‑0‑0185, Control
word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)".
Determining the maximum frequency of the encoder (encoder output frequen‐

fout encoder output frequency of encoder in kHz

TP number of lines of encoder per revolution
nmax maximum speed of spindle in 1/min
Fig.5-44: Calculating the output frequency of the encoder
In the firmware there are, for the different encoder types, maximum frequencies
stored up to the values of which troublefree signal evaluation is guaranteed.

Value of Maximum frequency

P‑0‑0075 External encoder used stored in firmware

1 GDS/GDM encoder (Rexroth standard) 70 kHz

incremental encoder with sine signals
2 200 kHz
(signal specification of Heidenhain)
resolver encoder with encoder data mem‐
3 2 kHz
encoder with HIPERFACE interface from
4 200kHz
incremental encoder with square-wave
5 signals 500 kHz
(signal specification of Heidenhain)
encoder with EnDat interface from Hei‐
8 200 kHz

Fig.5-45: Maximum frequency for troublefree encoder evaluation

When the maximum encoder output frequency reaches or exceeds the maxi‐
mum frequency stored in the firmware, it makes sense to deactivate the spindle
encoder monitor.
188/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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The maximum frequency stored in the firmware has a "safety dis‐

tance" to the maximum input frequency of the respective optional
input module (see separate documentation "Drive Controllers, Con‐
trol Sections; Project Planning Manual").

Notes on Commissioning
See also Notes on Commissioning in section "Basics on Measuring Systems,
Setting the Axis Position Monitor If monitoring the axis position is desired when the drive is switched on the values
(Only with Absolute Encoder) for the monitoring window have to be entered:
● P‑0‑0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window for motor encoder
● P‑0‑0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window for opt. encoder
The unit is that of the actual position value. The size of the monitoring window
depends on application-specific aspects of operational safety. If this monitoring
function is not desired you have to enter the value "0".
Setting the Position Difference If the actual position value difference of motor encoder and external encoder is
Monitor to be monitored you first have to determine a useful value for the monitoring
window, according to the following procedure:
1. Accelerate the axis to maximum velocity with maximum acceleration, then
decelerate it with maximum deceleration. If possible, let the maximum
stationary machining load operate on the mechanical axis system.
2. Determine the occurred maximum value of the actual position value dif‐
ference by means of the display parameter "P‑0‑0391, Actual position
value difference encoder1 - encoder2".
3. Multiply this value with a safety factor (recommendad: 2-fold value) and
enter it in parameter "S‑0‑0391, Monitoring window feedback 2". The unit
is that of the actual position value.
If this monitoring function is not desired you have to enter the value "0".
Configuring the Spindle Encoder When using an optional encoder at a spindle you should first determine, during
Monitor the initial commissioning procedure, whether the maximum input frequency of
the respective encoder input is exceeded at maximum speed. To do this, ac‐
celerate the spindle to maximum speed.
To prevent the drive from switching off, while in operation, with the error mes‐
sage "F2046 Max. signal frequency of encoder 2 exceeded", you should
deactivate the spindle encoder monitor. Therefor enter the respective value in
the parameter
● P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder).
Diagnostic Messages If the position deviation of a motor encoder or external encoder with absolute
position data reference exceeds the value in P‑0‑0095 or P‑0‑0096 between
the points of time the control voltage is switched off and on again, the drive
generates the error message
● F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window
- or -
● F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window

The value in P‑0‑0095 or P‑0‑0096 has to be unequal zero; the val‐

ue "0" deactivates the monitor!

When the actual position value difference of motor encoder and external en‐
coder (P‑0‑0391) exceeds the value of S‑0‑0391, the drive generates the error
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 189/886
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● F2036 Excessive position feedback difference.

If, when switching the drive on, the loss of the position data reference of abso‐
lute encoders (motor encoder or optional encoder) is detected due to changes
in the mechanical parameters, for example, the drive signals
● F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference
- or -
● F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference
When the encoder signal frequency of the external encoder exceeds the max‐
imum value stored in the firmware (see above), the drive generates the error
message "F2046 Max. signal frequency of encoder 2 exceeded".
When temporarily incorrect encoder signals are detected the drive generates
the warning
● E2074 encoder 1: encoder signals disturbed
- or -
● E2075 encoder 2: encoder signals disturbed.
The warning remains active until the drive is switched off or switched to com‐
munication phase P2!
When incorrect encoder signals are detected the drive generates the error
● F8022 Encoder 1: incorrect encoder signals (can be deleted in phase2)
- or -
● F2042 Encoder 2: Incorrect encoder signals.
When the voltage of the battery of the encoder data memory has fallen below
the determined limit value, the drive generates the following error message:
● F2048 Low battery voltage.
See also "Error Reactions"

5.5.3 Absolute Measuring Systems

Brief Description
Evaluating Position Measurement Depending on their design and the mechanical arrangement at the axis, posi‐
tion encoders can be evaluated by IndraDrive controllers as
● relative encoders (incremental encoders)
- or -
● absolute encoders (absolute value encoders)
if they have the required signal specification.
Rexroth position encoders and motor encoders of Rexroth housing motors are
available in one of the two designs:
● Single-turn encoders (absolute actual position values over one encoder
shaft revolution)
● Multi-turn encoders (absolute actual position values over 4096 encoder
shaft revolutions).
These encoders can be evaluated as absolute encoders if the travel range of
the axis can be represented within the absolute actual position value range of
the encoder:
● In the case of single-turn encoders within one encoder shaft revolution
● In the case of multi-turn encoders within 4096 encoder shaft revolutions
190/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Encoders of Rexroth Housing Mo‐ As a standard, Rexroth housing motors are equipped with a position measuring
tors system. The individual motor series have different measuring systems which
allows offering cost-efficient motors depending on the application.
The following measuring systems are used:
● HSF ("high-resolution servo feedback"), single- or multi-turn type for MHD,
MAD, MAF, 2AD, ADF motors
● HIPERFACE encoder (only such types authorized by Rexroth) for MSK
● Resolver, single- or multi-turn type for MKD, MKE motors
Absolute Encoders for Kit Motors For kit motors or directly at the mechanical axis system, the following measuring
and External Encoders systems, that can be evaluated in absolute form, can be used:
● EnDat linear encoders (Heidenhain) for linear motors or linear axes
● Rotary EnDat encoders (Heidenhain) or Rexroth single-turn or Rexroth
multi-turn encoders for rotary kit motors or rotary axes
Establishing Axis-Related Absolute The actual position values of an absolute encoder first only relate to the encoder
Distance itself. Due to the mostly undefined mounting situation of the encoder to motor
or mechanical axis system, it is necessary to determine the position offset be‐
tween encoder and axis zero point (see also "Establishing the Position Data
Reference") once at the initial commissioning. establishing position data refer‐
ence for absolute measuring systems").
Hardware Requirements For the signal specification of third-party encoders for position and homing sig‐
nals with regard to amplitude and phase angle, see the "Drive Controllers,
Control Sections; Project Planning Manual" documentation.

Rexroth encoders correspond to the required signal specification!

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type

● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range
● S‑0‑0378, Absolute encoder range of motor encoder
● S‑0‑0379, Absolute encoder range of optional encoder
● P‑0‑0019, Initial position value
Functional Description
Absolute Encoder Range and Ab‐ Absolute encoders can only display a limited position range in absolute values.
solute Encoder Evaluation For encoders that can be evaluated in absolute form, the drive, depending on
the connection of the encoder or the encoders to the axis and on the position
data scaling, calculates the travel range of the axis that can be displayed in
absolute actual position values.
The following parameters indicate the maximum extent of the travel range that
can be selected so that an absolute motor encoder can be evaluated in absolute
● S‑0‑0378, Absolute encoder range of motor encoder
● S‑0‑0379, Absolute encoder range of optional encoder
On the user side, the travel range of the axis is fixed:
● S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range
When the travel range is smaller than the absolute encoder range determined
by the drive, the respective control encoder (motor encoder or external encoder;
according to the selected operating mode) can be evaluated as an absolute
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This is displayed in the respective bits of the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type

If absolute evaluation of an encoder is possible but not desired, the

absolute evaluation can be switched off by setting the respective bit
in the S‑0‑0277 or S‑0‑0115 parameters! The encoder can then only
be evaluated in relative form!

Controlling the Dimensioning Re‐ To dimension absolute encoders it is necessary to check by the way of calcu‐
garding Absolute Encoder Evalua‐ lation whether the intended travel range of the axis, considering all mechanical
tion transfer elements, can be displayed within the absolute encoder range.
The following condition must be fulfilled:
● Rotary encoders → Travel range of axis requires less encoder revolutions
than preset in absolute encoder range!
● Linear encoders → Travel range of axis is smaller than preset in absolute
encoder range!
Actual Position Value of Encoders The actual position value of an absolute measuring system must be adjusted
To Be Evaluated in Absolute Form to the mechanical axis system once at initial commissioning.
After Switching On
The adjustment is made by determining an actual position value,
related to the axis zero point, given a defined axis position (param‐
eter "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring"). There‐
by the offset between the actual position value that first is encoder-
related and the required axis-related actual position value is
internally determined and permanently stored! The respective en‐
coder then is "in reference".

If only one absolute encoder (motor encoder) is available, there are the follow‐
ing cases to be distinguished for the actual position value after the drive has
been switched on:

Actual pos. value of motor Current po‐

encoder when switching sition status
Absolute evaluation on (S‑0‑0403,
(S‑0‑0277, bit 6 and 7) (S‑0‑0051) Notes on the commissioning status bit 0 … 2)

original position of Initial commissioning not yet carried

0b … 000
active motor encoder out, motor encoder not "in reference".
→ evaluation as absolute measuring sys‐ Initial commissioning was carried out,
absolute value motor en‐
tem the motor encoder was set "in refer‐ 0b … 01x
Initial commissioning not yet carried
→ evaluation as relative measuring system P‑0‑0019 0b … 000
out, motor encoder not "in reference".
not possible
Initial commissioning not yet carried
→ evaluation as relative measuring system, P‑0‑0019 0b … 000
out, motor encoder not "in reference".
e.g. due to length of travel range
P‑0‑0019 Initial position value (can be defined by user)
Fig.5-46: Actual position value when switching on a drive with absolute motor en‐
coder (without optional encoder)
At first the actual position value is only encoder-related. If the drive has been
equipped, for example, with only one measuring system (motor encoder can
be evaluated in absolute form), the controller sets the actual position value to
192/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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the original encoder position (the original encoder position is the addition of
absolute position of the encoder and absolute encoder offset).

In the case of absolute evaluation, the absolute encoder offset 1 or

2 is stored in the encoder (P‑0‑1002 or P‑0‑1012). For modulo-
scaled, absolute measuring systems, the absolute encoder offset
is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0177, Absolute encoder buffer 1 (motor
encoder)" or "P‑0‑0178, Absolute encoder buffer 2 (optional en‐

Initial Position Value If the actual position value is to be initialized with an initial position value defined
by the user, this can be done via parameter "P‑0‑0019, Initial position value" in
conjunction with bit 6 or 7 of the corresponding parameter for the type of position
If the drive, apart from the motor encoder, is equipped with an external encoder
and at least one encoder can be evaluated in absolute form, the following actual
position values, depending on the reference status of the encoder, are resulting
after switching on:

Actual position values when switch‐

Absolute evaluation
ing on
Motor en‐ External en‐
cod‐ cod‐ Current po‐
er(S‑0‑0277 er(S‑0‑0115 Motor encoder External encod‐ sition status
) ) (S‑0‑0051) er(S‑0‑0053) Notes on the commissioning status (S‑0‑0403)

active active original position original position Initial commissioning not yet carried out, none 0b … 000
of of external en‐ of the encoders has "reference".
motor encoder coder
absolute value absolute value During the initial commissioning only the mo‐ 0b … 01x
motor encoder motor encoder tor encoder was set "in reference".
absolute value absolute value During the initial commissioning only the ex‐ 0b … 10x
ext. encoder ext. encoder ternal encoder was set "in reference".
absolute value absolute value During the initial commissioning both encod‐ 0b … 111
motor encoder ext. encoder ers were set "in reference".
active inactive original position original position Initial commissioning not yet carried out, mo‐ 0b … 000
of of tor encoder not "in reference".
motor encoder motor encoder
absolute value absolute value Initial commissioning was carried out, the mo‐ 0b … 01x
motor encoder motor encoder tor encoder was set "in reference".
active not possible original position original position Initial commissioning not yet carried out, none 0b … 000
of of of the encoders has "reference".
motor encoder motor encoder
absolute value absolute value During the initial commissioning only the mo‐ 0b … 10x
motor encoder motor encoder tor encoder was set "in reference".
inactive active original position original position Initial commissioning not yet carried out, none 0b … 000
of external en‐ of external en‐ of the encoders has "reference".
coder coder
absolute value absolute value During the initial commissioning the external 0b … 010x
ext. encoder ext. encoder encoder was set "in reference".
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Actual position values when switch‐

Absolute evaluation
ing on
Motor en‐ External en‐
cod‐ cod‐ Current po‐
er(S‑0‑0277 er(S‑0‑0115 Motor encoder External encod‐ sition status
) ) (S‑0‑0051) er(S‑0‑0053) Notes on the commissioning status (S‑0‑0403)
not possible active original position original position Initial commissioning not yet carried out, none 0b … 000
of external en‐ of external en‐ of the encoders has "reference".
coder coder
absolute value absolute value During the initial commissioning the external 0b … 10x
ext. encoder ext. encoder encoder was set "in reference".
inactive inactive P‑0‑0019 P‑0‑0019 0b … 000
P‑0‑0019 Initial position value (can be defined by user)
Fig.5-47: Actual position values when switching on a drive with encoders to be
evaluated in absolute form

The parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status" displays

whether the encoders connected to the drive and the reference en‐
coder selected via "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" are in reference.

After the measuring systems to be evaluated in absolute form were

set "in reference" during the initial commissioning of the drive, their
actual position values in the operational status of the drive, related
to the mechanical system, are always absolute values. This is so,
even when the drive is switched off and on again!

Notes on Commissioning
The Notes on Commissioning for "Basics on Measuring Systems,
Resolution" and "Monitoring the Measuring Systems" have to be
observed, too!

Setting the Travel Range Enter the travel range of the axis:
● S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range
Check the absolute encoder range of the respective control encoder:
● S‑0‑0378, Absolute encoder range of motor encoder
● S‑0‑0379, Absolute encoder range of optional encoder

The travel range and the absolute encoder ranges have the same
position reference! They refer, depending on the scaling that was
set, to the motor or to the load!

Absolute Encoder Evaluation Pos‐ When the travel range is smaller than the absolute encoder range of the control
sible? encoder (determined by the active operating mode) the encoder can be eval‐
uated as an absolute encoder. This is also displayed in the respective bits of
the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type
By means of these parameters it is possible to deactivate the absolute evalu‐
ation of an encoder. The actual position values then are only relative, i.e. the
encoder has to be homed again each time the machine is restarted!
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If the absolute encoder range of the control encoder is smaller than the value
of S‑0‑0278, you have to check whether the travel range was correctly input or
whether the default value is active!
Setting the Initial Position Value If desired, it is possible to enter a defined initial position value for the actual
position value of the encoder or the encoders in parameter "P‑0‑0019, Initial
position value". For encoders that can be evaluated in absolute form this value
is only active the first time the drive is switched on. After an encoder that can
be evaluated in absolute form was set "in reference", this value is insignificant
even when the drive is switched on again!

5.5.4 Relative Measuring Systems

Brief Description
Evaluating Position Measurement IndraDrive controllers can evaluate the signals of both absolute and relative
measuring systems, if the encoder signals correspond to the specification.
The disadvantages of relative encoders as opposed to encoders that can be
evaluated in absolute form are as follows:
● Axes with relative position encoder must go through a homing procedure
after switching on so that they can be operated in position control.
● Relative encoders are unsuitable as motor encoders for synchronous mo‐
tors because each time the drive is restarted it has to go through a
procedure for setting the commutation offset. Therefore, the immediate
readiness for operation is not guaranteed for synchronous motors!
The advantages of relative encoders as opposed to encoders that can be eval‐
uated in absolute form are as follows:
● Longer travel distances are possible for linear encoders.
● The costs of the encoder are mostly lower given equal absolute precision
and number of lines or division period length.
Aspects of Use Due to the above disadvantages, relative measuring systems are not used as
motor encoders for synchronous Rexroth housing motors. For asynchronous
motors there aren't any disadvantages when using relative motor encoders.
For kit motors it can be necessary, however, to use relative encoders as motor
encoders if absolute encoders of the required design are not available:
● Great encoder lengths for long travel distances in the case of linear motors
● Hollow-shaft encoders with special bore diameters or encoders for high
maximum speeds in the case of rotary kit motors
Establishing Axis-Related Absolute The actual position values of relative encoders first do not have any position
Distance reference. In any axis position the actual position value of the respective relative
encoder, when switching the drive on, is written with the so-called initial position
value, if no other encoder being in reference has been connected.
There are two ways to establish the axis-related absolute distance:
● Move to a defined axis position with reproducible precision
- or -
● Detecting a defined axis position by "passing" two distance-coded refer‐
ence marks of the encoder.
At a defined position, the actual position value of the encoder to be homed is
written with the corresponding absolute value of the axis (see "Establishing the
Position Data Reference: Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative
Measuring Systems").
Hardware Requirements For the signal specification for position and homing signals with regard to am‐
plitude and phase angle, see the "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project
Planning Manual" documentation.
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Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type

● S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 resolution
● S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 resolution
● S‑0‑0165, Distance-coded reference offset A
● S‑0‑0166, Distance-coded reference offset B
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● P‑0‑0019, Initial position value
Functional Description
Initial Position Value When the drive is switched on, the actual position values of relative encoders
are written with the initial position value (P‑0‑0019), if none of the encoders is
an absolute value encoder that has already been set in reference.

Absolute evaluation Actual position values when

possible? switching on Current po‐
Motor sition status
Encod‐ External Motor encoder External encod‐ (S‑0‑0403,
er encoder (S‑0‑0051) er (S‑0‑0053) Notes on the operating status bit 0..2)

Axis has not moved after switching on, axis has not
P‑0‑0019 P‑0‑0019 0b … 000
yet been homed.
absolute value absolute value Axis was homed via motor encoder; at the home
0b … 01x
motor encoder motor encoder point, S‑0‑0053 is set to the value of S‑0‑0051.
no no
absolute value absolute value Axis was homed via external encoder; at the home
0b … 10x
ext. encoder ext. encoder point, S‑0‑0051 is set to the value of S‑0‑0053.
absolute value absolute value Axis was homed via motor encoder and external en‐
0b … 111
motor encoder ext. encoder coder.
P‑0‑0019 Initial position value
Fig.5-48: Actual position values after switching on resp. after homing (drive with
exclusively relative encoders)

The parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status" displays

whether the encoders connected to the drive and the reference en‐
coder selected via "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" are in reference.

Reference Marks In order to establish the axis-related absolute distance ("reference") the con‐
troller monitors the signals of the relative encoder or of the axis sensors that
contain absolute position information regarding the axis:
● Reference marks of the encoder, if necessary in combination with home
point switch of the axis
● Distance-coded reference marks of the encoder
● Home point switch of the axis
The controller is told via the parameters "S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type"
and "S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type" which homing signals the connected
measuring system makes available.
Reference Marks, Not Distance- During the homing procedure, the controller automatically detects the reference
Coded mark if its signal corresponds to the specification and the reference mark is to
be evaluated to establish the reference (see "Establishing the Position Data
Reference: Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Sys‐
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If a relative encoder has several reference marks over the travel distance, a
reference mark is to be identified by means of a home point switch at the axis
for establishing the position reference (see "Establishing the Position Data Ref‐
erence: Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Sys‐
Distance-Coded Reference Marks In the case of relative encoders with distance-coded reference marks, several
reference marks are distributed in equal distances over the entire travel dis‐
tance. There is a "shorter distance" and a "longer distance" between one
reference mark and the mark after the next. The the values of these two dis‐
tances are available to the controller in the parameters "S‑0‑0165, Distance-
coded reference offset A" and "S‑0‑0166, Distance-coded reference offset B".

S‑0‑0165 Distance-coded reference offset A

S‑0‑0166 Distance-coded reference offset B
Fig.5-49: Reference mark distances in the case of a distance-coded linear en‐
coder with a distance difference of 1 DP

The values for "distance-coded reference offset A" and "distance-

coded reference offset B" have to be indicated by the manufacturer!

Determining the "Distance-Coded If the value of "distance-coded reference offset A" is not directly indicated in the
Reference Offset A" data sheet of the distance-coded encoder, the value can also be determined
by means of calculation if the travel distance for establishing the absolute ref‐
erence point is indicated in the data sheet of the encoder:
Linear Encoders

S‑0‑0165 Distance-coded reference offset A (in number of DP)

xref Travel distance for establishing the absolute reference point (in mm)
n Number of DP of the distance difference (longer-shorter distance)
TP Division period of the relative linear encoder (in mm)
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution (division period in mm)
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution (division period in mm)
Fig.5-50: Determining the value for the "longer distance" of the distance-coded
reference marks with a relative linear encoder
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Rotary Encoders

S‑0‑0165 Distance-coded reference offset A (in number of cycles)

Ncyc Number of cycles of the rotary encoder (per 360°)
φref Travel angle for establishing the absolute position data reference (in
z Number of cycles of the distance difference (longer-shorter distance)
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution (per 360°)
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution (per 360°)
Fig.5-51: Determining the value for the "longer distance" of the distance-coded
reference marks with a relative rotary encoder
Determining the "Distance-Coded If the value of "distance-coded reference offset B" is not directly indicated in the
Reference Offset B" data sheet of the distance-coded encoder, the value can only be determined
by means of calculation if the distance difference (longer distance – shorter
distance) is indicated in the data sheet of the encoder:
Linear Encoders

S‑0‑0166 Distance-coded reference offset B (in number of DP)

xref Travel distance for establishing the absolute reference point (in mm)
TP Division period of the relative linear encoder (in mm)
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution (division period in mm)
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution (division period in mm)
Fig.5-52: Determining the value for the "shorter distance" of the distance-coded
reference marks with a relative linear encoder
198/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Rotary Encoders

S‑0‑0166 Distance-coded reference offset B (in number of cycles)

Ncyc Number of cycles of the rotary encoder (per 360°)
φref Travel angle for establishing the absolute position data reference (in
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution (per 360°)
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution (per 360°)
Fig.5-53: Determining the value for the "shorter distance" of the distance-coded
reference marks with a relative rotary encoder
Notes on Commissioning
The Notes on Commissioning in the sections "Basics on Measuring
Systems, Resolution" and "Monitoring the Measuring Systems"
have to be observed, too!

Setting the Initial Position Value If the actual position value of relative encoders is not to be written with the
default value "0" when the drive is switched on, "P‑0‑0019, Initial position value"
has to be changed to have the desired value.
In the Case of Distance-Coded If the relative encoder possesses distance-coded reference marks the control‐
Measuring System ler is informed on this by the respective bit in the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type
The value for the "longer distance" of the distance-coded reference marks has
to be entered in parameter "S‑0‑0165, Distance-coded reference offset A".
The value for the "shorter distance" of the distance-coded reference marks has
to be entered in parameter "S‑0‑0166, Distance-coded reference offset B".

5.6 Establishing the Position Data Reference

5.6.1 General Information on Establishing the Position Data Reference
Brief Description
During the initial commissioning of a drive the actual position values transmitted
by the measuring systems do not yet have any reference to the machine axis.
This applies to
● Relative measuring systems and
● Absolute measuring systems.
For more detailed information on relative and absolute evaluation of measuring
systems, see "Absolute Measuring Systems".
Relative Measuring Systems The position data reference of a relative measuring system to the axis has to
be reestablished after each time the drive is switched on or after the position
data reference is lost. For this it is necessary to move to a defined axis position
and the actual position value is set to an axis-related value in a defined position
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(exception: For relative encoders with distance-coded reference marks move‐
ment is only required via two marks!)
Absolute Measuring Systems The position data reference of an absolute measuring system to the axis has
to be established once during initial commissioning after replacing the motor or
encoder (motor encoder or external encoder) and changes in the mechanical
axis system. The position data reference still is maintained and the actual po‐
sition values are axis-related immediately after the drive is switched on.
Establishing the Position Data Ref‐ For establishing the position data reference in a drive-controlled way, the po‐
erence, Drive-Controlled sition data reference is automatically established by the drive by master-side
triggering of a command. The procedure depends on the kind of measuring
● In the case of a relative measuring system without distance-coded refer‐
ence marks, the axis moves to the reference point or to a dedicated point
and then automatically switches to axis-related actual position values.
● In the case of a relative measuring system with distance-coded reference
marks, the axis moves between two reference marks and then automati‐
cally switches to axis-related actual position values.
● In the case of an absolute measuring system, the automatic switching to
the axis-related actual position value is carried out with the axis in stand‐
The presettings for establishing the position data reference are made via as‐
signed parameters.
Establishing the Position Data Ref‐ For establishing the position data reference in an NC-controlled way, the drive
erence, NC-Controlled makes available three commands to the master. The master has to generate
the travel motion for searching the mark:
● The master starts the command "NC-controlled homing" and for searching
the reference point or dedicated point of the axis has to move the axis by
inputting command values.
● To calculate the offset and switch to axis-related actual position values it
is necessary to start further commands.
The presettings for establishing the position data reference are made via as‐
signed parameters.
Displaying the Position Data Refer‐ A position status parameter shows whether the position data reference of a
ence measuring system evaluated by the controller has been established.
Motor Encoder and External En‐ In addition to the motor encoder an external (optional) encoder can be available.
coders Both encoders, in any combination of relative and absolute measuring systems,
● have position data reference to the axis independently of each other (both
encoders have different actual position values)
- or -
● have position data reference to the axis depending on each other (both
encoders have the same actual position values).
This is configured via parameters and realized with the commands for estab‐
lishing the position data reference.
Actual Position Value Offset The difference of the actual position value before and after establishing the
position data reference is displayed, related to the motor encoder or external
encoder, in one parameter respectively.
See also the following sections:
● "Establishing Position Data Reference for Absolute Measuring Systems"
● "Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Systems"
200/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type

● S‑0‑0175, Offset parameter 1
● S‑0‑0176, Offset parameter 2
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● S-0-0403, Position feedback value status
● P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
Functional Description
Encoder Types Supported IndraDrive controllers can evaluate a multitude of standard position encoders.
The encoder types that can be evaluated are listed in the descriptions of the
following parameters (see documentation "Parameter Description"):
● P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
Procedures for Establishing the Po‐ The kind of encoder and the travel range that has been set (S‑0‑0278) deter‐
sition Data Reference mine whether absolute evaluation is possible for this encoder. This is displayed
by the respective bits of the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type (external encoder)
Depending on relative or absolute evaluation of the motor encoder or external
encoder, the controller makes available different procedures for establishing
the position data reference:
● "Set absolute measuring" for encoders to be evaluated in absolute form
● "Drive-controlled homing procedure" for relative encoders
● "NC-controlled homing procedure" for relative encoders

After having successfully established the position data reference,

the actual position value of the respective encoder refers to the axis.
The encoder then is "in reference" or has been "homed".

See also "Absolute Measuring Systems" and "Relative Measuring Systems"

Status Check of Position Data Ref‐ The current status of the position data reference of motor encoder and external
erence encoder is displayed in parameter "S‑0‑0403 Position feedback value status"
via the respective bits. They can be mapped to the drive status word (S‑0‑0135)
by means of assignment. This enables the master to check the validity of the
position data in every communication cycle!

The following applies to masters which check the validity of the ac‐
tual position values via bit 0 of S‑0‑0403:
● The "encoder selection" in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" de‐
termines the value of the respective position status bit of which
encoder is mapped to bit 0 of S‑0‑0403!

Position Data Reference with Motor If an external encoder is connected to the controller in addition to the motor
Encoder and External Encoder encoder, there are the following possibilities for establishing the position data
reference, independent of the evaluation (relative/absolute) of the encoder:
● The position data reference was only established for one of the two en‐
coders. The actual position value of the other, non-homed encoder is set
to the value of the homed encoder.
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● The position data reference was established for both encoders. The actual
position value of each encoder is an individual value that can be identical,
but does not need to be identical.

Current po‐ Actual position values when

Encoder evaluation sition status switching on
Motor en‐ External (S‑0‑0403, Motor encod‐ External en‐
coder encoder bit ..2,1,0) er (S‑0‑0051) coder
(S‑0‑0053) Notes on the commissioning status

relative/ relative/ 0b … 01x absolute val‐ absolute value Position data reference only established for motor en‐
absolute absolute ue motor en‐ motor encoder coder.
relative/ relative/ 0b … 10x absolute val‐ absolute value Position data reference only established for external en‐
absolute absolute ue ext. en‐ ext. encoder coder.
relative/ relative/ 0b … 11x absolute val‐ absolute value Position data reference established for motor encoder
absolute absolute ue motor en‐ ext. encoder and external encoder.
relative/ relative/ 0b … 000 See "Absolute Measuring Position data reference was established neither for motor
absolute absolute Systems" or "Relative Meas‐ encoder nor for external encoder.
uring Systems"

Fig.5-54: Actual position values after establishing the position data reference for
motor encoder and external encoder
Actual Position Value Offset Be‐ When the position data reference was established for an encoder there mostly
fore/After Establishing Position Da‐ is a step change of the actual position value. The difference between the new
ta Reference and the old actual position value is displayed in the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0175, Offset parameter 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0176, Offset parameter 2 (external encoder)
The respective values are written to the offset parameters each time the posi‐
tion data reference is established. After the drive was switched on the value,
however, is undefined, even if the position data reference has already been
Notes on Commissioning
Checking the Possibility of Abso‐ The possibility of absolute evaluation of motor encoder or external encoder is
lute Encoder Evaluation displayed by the respective bits of the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type (external encoder)
Checking Whether Position Data The position status of motor encoder and external encoder is displayed in:
Reference was Established
● S-0-0403, Position feedback value status
If required by the master, the position status of one of the two encoders can be
mapped to bit 0 of S‑0‑0403. This is done by setting the bit for encoder selection
in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter".
202/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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- on the master side the validity of the actual position values is
checked via bit 0 of S‑0‑0403
- motor encoder and external encoder have been homed,
the encoder selection in S‑0‑0147, in the position-controlled modes,
should also be changed accordingly when changing the position

Actual Position Value Offset The change in the actual position value by establishing the position data refer‐
ence is displayed in the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0175, Offset parameter 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0176, Offset parameter 2 (external encoder)
Mapping the Position Reference The respective bits of parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status"
Bits to the Drive Status Word can be assigned to the real-time status bits of "S‑0‑0135, Drive status word", if
Clearing the Position Data Refer‐ By activating parameter "S‑0‑0191, C1500 Cancel reference point procedure
ence command" it is possible to clear the position data reference of the encoder
selected via bit 3 of "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter". The respective bits of pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status" are thereby reset (cleared),

5.6.2 Establishing Position Data Reference for Absolute Measuring Systems

(Set Absolute Measuring)
Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.5-55: Assignment to functional firmware package

See also section "General Information on Establishing the Position Data Ref‐
The position data reference of an absolute measuring system to the axis has
to be established once during initial commissioning, after replacing the motor
or encoder (motor encoder or external encoder) and changes in the mechanical
axis system.
Establishing Position Data Refer‐ In the case of measuring systems to be evaluated in absolute form, the position
ence via Drive Commands data reference is automatically established by the drive by starting the "set ab‐
solute measuring" command.
In the case of measuring systems to be evaluated in absolute form, the position
data reference can be automatically established by the drive by starting the
● "set absolute measuring"
- or -
● "drive-controlled homing procedure".
The position data reference once established is maintained until one of the two
commands is started again. The actual position values therefore are axis-rela‐
ted ("homed") immediately after the drive is switched on.
Motor Encoder and External En‐ If two absolute measuring systems have been connected to the controller, the
coder position data reference can be separately established for both measuring sys‐
tems. If the position data reference was only set for one of the measuring
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 203/886
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

systems, both actual position values are equal at the position at which the po‐
sition data reference was established.

If the position data reference was only set for one encoder, the ac‐
tual position values of both encoders remain equal as long as
mechanical axis system and encoder systems are mechanically
connected without slip (slip control is possible!).
Command "Set Absolute Measur‐ It is recommended to start the "set absolute measuring" command when the
ing" axis is in standstill without drive enable. In the cases in which the axis, for es‐
tablishing the position data reference, is to be brought to a defined position on
the master side and be held in this position by the drive, "set absolute meas‐
uring" can also be executed with active drive.
Command "Drive-Controlled Hom‐ When the command "drive-controlled homing procedure" (without previous
ing Procedure" start of "set absolute measuring") is started, the drive automatically moves the
axis to a dedicated position, defined by a home switch and/or the zero position
of the absolute encoder, and at this position establishes the position data ref‐
For absolute encoders, the command "drive-controlled homing procedure" can
be advantageously used after loss of position data reference after:
● encoder replacement in conjunction with a home switch,
● encoder error with peripheral causes in the case of modulo-scaled axes
(e.g. encoder cable damage).

"Active drive" means the drive that is in control. Drive enable ("AF")
has been set.
Assigning the Axis-Related Actual By starting the command "set absolute measuring", the previous actual position
Position Value with "Set Absolute value of an encoder at a dedicated position of the axis is set to a new value.
Measuring" This value is the current axis position related to the coordinate system of the
The dedicated position is defined by:
● the current axis position
- or -
● the positioning of the axis at a "striking" axis position (e.g. value "0").
The required assignments and configurations for "setting absolute measuring"
are realized via parameter settings.
Assigning the Axis-Related Actual By starting the command "drive-controlled homing procedure", the previous
Position Value with "Drive-Control‐ actual position value of an encoder at a dedicated position of the axis is set to
led Homing" a new value. This value is the current axis position related to the coordinate
system of the machine.
The required assignments and configurations for "drive-controlled homing" are
realized via parameter settings (see information on "Drive-Controlled Homing
Procedure" in section "Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Meas‐
uring Systems").
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1
● S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2
● P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring
● P‑0‑0177, Absolute encoder buffer 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0178, Absolute encoder buffer 2 (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0612, Control word for setting absolute measuring
● P‑0‑1002, Absolute encoder offset 1, encoder memory
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● P‑0‑1012, Absolute encoder offset 2, encoder memory
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0300 Command Set absolute measuring
● C0301 Measuring system unavailable
● C0302 Absolute evaluation of measuring system impossible
● C0303 Absolute encoder offset cannot be saved
Functional Description
Command "Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure" with Absolute Meas‐
uring Systems
The command "drive-controlled homing procedure" is mainly used for homing
relative measuring systems. The position data reference of a relative encoder
must be reestablished each time the drive is switched on again (or when chang‐
ing from communication phase "P2" to "bb" or "Ab").

The function "Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure" is described in

section "Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Meas‐
uring Systems".

Application Aspect, Requirement In the case of absolute measuring systems, the position data reference to the
axis only has to be established once during initial commissioning (or after en‐
coder replacement or encoder error, for example). If "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-
controlled homing procedure command" is to be used for homing an absolute
measuring system, the corresponding bit must have been set in parameter
"P‑0‑0612, Control word for setting absolute measuring".
Absolute Offset When "C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command" was successfully
completed, an absolute offset value could be determined. This value is used
for calculation together with the encoder-side absolute values, stored in the
encoder and the reference bit is set in parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback
value status". The position data reference has now been established and the
actual position value is valid. This, too, applies immediately each time after the
drive has been switched on again.
Command "Set Absolute Measuring"
Reference Position By starting the command "set absolute measuring", the previous actual position
value of an encoder at a dedicated position of the axis is set to a new value.
The dedicated position corresponds to the current axis position at the start of
the command.
The new actual position value at the dedicated position after "set absolute
measuring" is the value of parameter
● S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1 (for motor encoder)
- or -
● S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2 (for external encoder).

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value

S‑0‑0052 Reference distance 1
S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
S‑0‑0054 Reference distance 2
Fig.5-56: Actual position values after "set absolute measuring"
Selecting the Absolute Encoder to If several encoders to be evaluated in absolute form are connected to the con‐
be Homed troller, it is possible to select, via "P‑0‑0612, Control word for setting absolute
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measuring", the encoder for which the "set absolute measuring" command is
to take effect.
Storing the Absolute Encoder Off‐ In order that an encoder to be evaluated in absolute form maintains the position
set data reference to the axis after "set absolute measuring", the absolute encoder
offset is stored in the encoder data memory (P‑0‑1002/P‑0‑1012) and in the
parameter memory (P‑0‑0177/P‑0‑0178).

Storing the absolute encoder offset in the encoder data memory

and in the parameter memory allows recognizing whether the ab‐
solute encoder that was homed was replaced!

Possible Operating States Before The "set absolute measuring" command can be activated in the following op‐
"Set absolute Measuring" erating states:
● Drive is ready for operation, but not active ("AB")
● Drive is active in position control ("AF")
● Drive is active and in "Drive Halt" ("AH")
Sequence of "Set Absolute Meas‐ When the "set absolute measuring" command is started, the reference of the
uring" selected encoder is cleared first (S‑0‑0403).
...with Inactive Drive ("AB") or in After the reference was cleared, the new actual position value (S‑0‑0051/
"Drive Halt (AH)" S‑0‑0053), with inactive drive ("AB" or "bb") and with drive in "Drive Halt (AH)",
is set according to the preselected dedicated position (see formula "Actual po‐
sition values after "set absolute measuring""). The new position reference takes
immediate effect.
...with Drive Enable ("AF") After the reference was cleared, there are the following possibilities, with active
drive, regarding the switching of the actual position value to the new position
● Deactivating drive enable
→ When the drive goes to the inactive state, the new actual position value
(S‑0‑0051/S‑0‑0053) is set according to the preselected dedicated posi‐
tion (see formula "Actual position values after "set absolute measur‐
● Starting the "drive-controlled homing procedure" command
→ The drive no longer follows the command values. The new position
command value (S‑0‑0051/S‑0‑0053) is set (see formula "Actual position
values after "set absolute measuring"") and the "drive-controlled homing
procedure" command is signaled by the drive to have been executed. The
master now has to "synchronize" to the new actual position value of the
encoder used in the active operating mode. After the master cleared the
"drive-controlled homing procedure" command, the drive goes to master-
controlled operation again.
...After Position Reference Has When the new position reference of the selected encoder has been established,
Been Established the reference of the respective encoder is displayed in "S‑0‑0403, Position
feedback value status" and the absolute encoder offset is stored. Finally, the
"set absolute measuring" command has to be cleared by the master!
206/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.5-57: Sequence of "set absolute measuring" command execution

Notes on Commissioning
See also Notes on Commissioning for "General Information on Establishing the
Position Data Reference"
Checking the Possibility of Abso‐ The possibility of absolute evaluation of motor encoder and external encoder
lute Encoder Evaluation is displayed by the respective bits of
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type (motor encoder)
- or -
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type (external encoder).
See also "Absolute Measuring Systems" and "Relative Measuring Systems"
Presetting Make the presetting for "set absolute measuring" by determining the encoder
for "set absolute measuring" in "P‑0‑0612, Control word for setting absolute
measuring". Also set in this parameter whether the execution of "S‑0‑0148,
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command" is to be possible with ab‐
solute measuring system.
See Notes on Commissioning for "Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure" in sec‐
tion "Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Systems"
Starting "Set Absolute Measuring" Start the command "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring".
See also "Command Processing"
Starting "Drive-Controlled Homing If "set absolute measuring" is to be carried out with active drive, you either have
Procedure" If Necessary to start the command "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure
command" or bring the drive to the status "Drive Halt" (AH) to switch the actual
position value. Removing drive enable (inactive drive), too, causes the actual
position value to be switched (see fig. "Sequence of "set absolute measuring"
command execution").
See also "Command Processing"
Checking Whether Position Data The respective bit of "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status" displays
Reference was Established whether the encoder selected via S‑0‑0612 has been homed.

If the absolute encoder had already been homed, the respective bit
only changes for a short time during command execution!

When "set absolute measuring" was executed again for an absolute encoder,
a value for the "offset" of the actual position values before and after command
execution is entered in:
● S‑0‑0175, Offset parameter 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0176, Offset parameter 2 (external encoder)
Clearing the Executed Commands After the commands have been executed (diagnosis possible via parameter
"S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status"), the commands started have to be
cleared again in reverse order when "set absolute measuring" is carried out via
command "drive-controlled homing procedure".
Detecting Encoder Replacement If an absolute encoder was replaced, the following error message is generated:
● F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window
- or -
● F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window
The position data reference has to be established again!

5.6.3 Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Systems

Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.5-58: Assignment to functional firmware package

See also section "General Information on Establishing the Position Data Ref‐
Actual Position Value of Relative After the drive is switched on the actual position values signaled by relative
Measuring Systems when Switch‐ measuring systems do not yet have any reference to the machine axis. Meas‐
ing On uring systems can be installed at the motor (motor encoder) and directly at the
mechanical axis system (external or optional encoder).
For information on encoder arrangement and mechanical axis system see also
"Mechanical Axis System and Arrangement of Measuring Systems"
The position data reference of relative measuring systems to the axis has to be
established again each time after the drive was switched on or after all proce‐
dures that cause the position data reference to get lost (homing procedure).
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Establishing the Position Data Ref‐ After start of the respective command by the master, the drive can automatically
erence, Drive-Controlled establish the position data reference.
To do this, the drive moves the axis until the controller can detect a dedicated
point. The actual position values then are automatically switched to axis refer‐
ence. The presettings for the sequence for establishing the position data
reference are made via assigned parameters.
Establishing the Position Data Ref‐ As an alternative to establishing the position data reference in a drive-controlled
erence, NC-Controlled way, the NC ("master") can control the homing procedure.
In this case the master inputs the command values for moving the axis to the
reference point and controls the homing procedure via commands and as‐
signed parameters.
The NC-controlled homing procedure can be advantageous for drives with a
rigid mechanical connection (e.g. for Gantry axes), because the master can
input coordinated command values for the drives for the homing motion.
Dedicated Point for Establishing The dedicated point for establishing the position data reference, in the case of
the Position Data Reference linear axes, is at one end of the travel range. This allows finding the dedicated
point from any axis position (situation when switched on) by moving in a defined
direction. Rotary axes do not have an axis end position, the dedicated point is
at a defined position within the travel range.
Reference Mark for Relative Meas‐ The precision with which this dedicated point is detected considerably influen‐
uring Systems ces the absolute precision of the axis. Apart from the signals for position
detection, relative measuring systems therefore also provide a signal for exact
determination of a dedicated point. This signal is called "reference mark". De‐
pending on their type, relative measuring systems have one or several refer‐
ence marks over the range of measurement.
Reference Mark and Especially in the case of rotary measuring systems (e.g. motor encoder) at axes
Home Switch moved in a linear way, the reference mark of the encoder can occur several
times over the entire travel range. In this case it is required, by axis-side acti‐
vation of a switch contact at the end of the travel range, to identify one reference
mark signal. This defines an unequivocal dedicated point that can be found with
reproducible precision. This switch contact is called "home switch". A possibly
available travel range limit switch can be used like a home switch, too.
In addition, a reference mark signal can be identified by detecting axis blocking
when positive stop at the end of the axis has been reached.
Independent of the number of reference marks over the travel range, an axis-
side additional device (home switch or travel range limit switches or positive
stop), is indispensable for linear axes for detecting the axis end position!
If only one reference mark occurs over the travel range in the case of rotary
axes, the home switch in most cases is not required!
Dedicated Point and Reference The dedicated point identified by an encoder reference mark and, if necessary,
Point of an Axis by a home switch, in most cases is not identical to the reference point of the
axis. The distance between reference point and zero point normally is deter‐
mined on the machine side. Especially in the case of serial machines, this
distance should be equal for axes of the same kind. The position of the dedi‐
cated point, however, is influenced by the kind of encoder arrangement and
therefore differs from axis to axis.
Reference Offset The position difference between dedicated point and reference point of the axis
can be compensated by an offset value (reference offset).
See also section "General Information on Establishing the Position Data Ref‐
Pertinent Parameters Parameters for relative measuring systems:
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity
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● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1
● S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2
● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override
● S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter
● S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command
● S‑0‑0150, Reference offset 1
● S‑0‑0151, Reference offset 2
● S‑0‑0173, Marker position A
● S‑0‑0174, Marker position B
● S‑0‑0191, C1500 Cancel reference point procedure command
● S‑0‑0298, Reference cam shift
● S‑0‑0299, Home switch offset
● S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar
● S‑0‑0400, Home switch
● S-0-0403, Position feedback value status
● P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch - reference mark
Parameters for NC-controlled homing:
● S‑0‑0146, C4300 NC-controlled homing procedure command
● S‑0‑0171, C4400 Calculate displacement procedure command
● S‑0‑0172, C4500 Displacement to referenced system procedure com‐
● S‑0‑0175, Offset parameter 1
● S‑0‑0176, Offset parameter 2
● S‑0‑0404, Position feedback value status
● S‑0‑0407, Homing enable
● S‑0‑0408, Reference marker pulse registered
Parameters for relative measuring systems, distance-coded:
● S‑0‑0165, Distance-coded reference offset A
● S‑0‑0166, Distance-coded reference offset B
● S‑0‑0177, Absolute offset 1
● S‑0‑0178, Absolute offset 2
Parameters for homing at travel range limit switches:
● P-0-0090, Travel range limit parameter
● P-0-0222, Travel range limit inputs
Parameters for homing at positive stop:
● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S‑0‑0124, Standstill window
● S‑0‑0331, Status 'n_feedback = 0'
● S‑0‑0333, Message 'T >= Tx'
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Pertinent Diagnostic Messages Diagnostic messages for drive-controlled homing:

● C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command
● C0601 Homing only possible with drive enable
● C0602 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous
● C0604 Homing of absolute encoder not possible
● C0606 Reference mark not detected
● C0607 Home switch input not assigned
Diagnostic messages for NC-controlled homing:
● C4302 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous
● C4304 Homing of absolute encoder not possible
● C4306 Reference mark not detected
● C4307 Home switch input not assigned
● C4308 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not allowed f. modulo axes
● C4400 Calculate displacement procedure command
Functional Description
General Information
Type and Arrangement of Refer‐ With regard to the type and arrangement of the reference marks, relative meas‐
ence Marks uring systems can be divided into 4 groups:
● Group 1
→ Single-turn measuring systems with absolute range, such as single-turn
HSF or resolvers. These measuring systems have an absolute position
measuring range of one encoder revolution or parts of one encoder rev‐
olution (resolver) and do not have their own reference mark signal. The
controller, however, recognizes the zero position (0 dgr) of the actual po‐
sition value as the reference mark signal.
These properties apply to:
– Single-turn motor encoders of Rexroth motors of the MHD, MKD,
MKE, MSK, MSH, MAD and MAF lines
– GDS measuring system from Bosch Rexroth
– Single-turn encoder from Heidenhain (with EnDat interface)
● Group 2
→ Incremental rotary measuring systems with one reference mark per en‐
coder revolution, such as the ROD or RON types from Heidenhain
● Group 3
→ Incremental linear measuring systems with one or several reference
marks, such as the LS linear scales from Heidenhain
● Group 4
→ Incremental measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks,
such as the LSxxxC linear scales from Heidenhain
For measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks, see also "Rela‐
tive Measuring Systems"!
Action of the Axis Drive to Establish In order to establish the position data reference of relative measuring systems,
Position Data Reference the drive has to be able to identify an unequivocal dedicated point within the
travel range of the axis. To do this, the axis has to carry out the following motion
(drive-controlled or NC-controlled):
● Pass the dedicated point (encoders of group 1, 2 or 3)
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

- or -
● Pass two neighboring distance-coded reference marks (encoders of
group 4)
Motion Range for Homing The motion range required for homing depends on the encoder used:
● For encoders of group 1, 2 or 3 motion over the entire travel distance of
the axis can be required.
● For encoders of group 4, the axis as a maximum has to move over the
double reference mark distance (see below "Motion Range for Homing
Encoders with Distance-Coded Reference Marks").

For encoders of group 4 it is possible to calculate the position of the

dedicated point on the basis of the detected position difference of
two neighboring distance-coded reference marks!

Identifying a Dedicated Point To identify a dedicated point of an axis the following signals can be used:
● Reference marks of the encoder
● Home switch at the axis
● Travel range limit switches
● Axis blocking when positive stop at the end of travel range has been
reached (positive stop detection)
The reference mark signal of an encoder is generally used for detecting the
position of the dedicated point because this signal allows detecting the position
within the scope of the encoder precision.
Depending on the encoder type and the mechanical arrangement of the en‐
coder in the mechanical drive system, reference mark signals can occur once
or several times within the travel range of an axis.
If the reference marks occur several times, only one reference mark signal may
determine the dedicated point at unequivocal axis position. Identifying a mark
signal requires one of the following axis-side additional devices:
● Travel range limit switches
● Home switch (if there isn't any travel range limit switch available)
● Positive stop at the end of the axis (if there isn't any switch to be used)

The mentioned axis-side additional devices are also used for de‐
tecting the end of the axis during the homing procedure.
212/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Number of reference mark signals occurring over the trav‐

el range
One signal Several signals
Relative encoder of ... Rotary axis Linear axis Rotary axis Linear axis

… group 1, 2 AD: no AD: yes AD: yes AD: yes

(rotary encoder) (home
... group 3 --- AD: yes --- AD: yes
(linear encoder)
... group 4 --- --- AD: no AD: yes
(rotary/linear encoder)
AD additional device
Fig.5-59: Recommendation for axis-side additional devices (AD) for determining
the dedicated point
In "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" select which signals are to be evaluated by
the controller for determining the dedicated point (reference marks and/or home
switches, travel range limit switches or positive stop).

If there isn't any reference mark signal available on the encoder

side, the edge reversal of the home switch signal or the travel range
limit switch signal or the detection of positive stop can also be used
for detecting the dedicated point. This has to be set in parameter
S‑0‑0147 by deactivating the reference mark evaluation (only pos‐
sible with drive-controlled homing!).

Reference Point, Axis Zero Point The axis zero point and the reference point are positions determined on the
and Dedicated Point for Encoders machine side. The position of the dedicated point ideally is identical to the ref‐
of Groups 1, 2, 3 erence point, the position of the dedicated point, however, mostly is influenced
by the encoder arrangement. The position difference between reference point
and dedicated point is transmitted to the controller via the so-called reference

Fig.5-60: Example of positions of axis zero point, dedicated point and reference
point for encoders of groups 1, 2, 3
As the position data reference can be established both for the motor encoder
and for the external encoder, there is one independent parameter available for
the respective reference offset of both encoders:
● S‑0‑0150, Reference offset 1 (motor encoder)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 213/886
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● S‑0‑0151, Reference offset 2 (external encoder)

The reference distance is the distance between the reference point and the axis
zero point. There is one independent parameter available for the respective
reference distance of both encoders:
● S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2 (external encoder)
Axis Zero Point, Encoder Zero For distance-coded measuring systems (of group 4) the axis-side reference
Point and Dedicated Point for En‐ point is not used. The controller can calculate the position of the dedicated point
coders of Group 4 (in this case the encoder zero point) on the basis of the detected position dif‐
ference of two neighboring distance-coded reference marks. The position
difference between axis zero point and encoder zero point is transmitted to the
controller via the so-called absolute offset.

Fig.5-61: Example of positions of axis zero point and dedicated point for encoders
of group 4
As motor encoder and external encoder can be realized as distance-coded
measuring system and the position data reference can be established for both
encoders, there is one parameters for the absolute offset available for each
● S‑0‑0177, Absolute offset 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0178, Absolute offset 2 (external encoder)

Only one distance-coded measuring system can be connected!

Motion Range for Encoders with For the homing procedure, relative measuring systems with distance-coded
Distance-Coded Reference Marks reference marks require a motion range corresponding as a maximum to the
double distance of two neighboring reference marks.
Reference Mark Distance of Linear Distances of neighboring reference marks of encoders with distance-coded
Encoders reference marks:

sRefMarks distance of neighboring reference marks

S‑0‑0165 Distance-coded reference offset A
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
Fig.5-62: Distance of neighboring reference marks of linear encoders with dis‐
tance-coded reference marks
214/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Reference Mark Distance of Rotary


sRefMarks distance of neighboring reference marks

S‑0‑0165 Distance-coded reference offset A
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
Fig.5-63: Distance of neighboring reference marks of rotary encoders with dis‐
tance-coded reference marks
Motion Range for Homing The actual motion range for homing the axis corresponds either
● to the distance of neighboring, distance-coded reference marks including
the distance until detection of the first reference mark and the braking
distance at the end of the homing procedure, when the option "stop" was
selected in parameter S‑0‑0147:

sRef_max maximum motion range

sRef_1 distance to the first reference mark
sRefMarks distance of neighboring reference marks
v, ω homing velocity (S‑0‑0041)
a, α homing acceleration (S‑0‑0042)
Fig.5-64: Maximum motion range for homing encoders with distance-coded ref‐
erence marks in case of "stop" (S‑0‑0147)

The motion range for "stop" is between the single and double ref‐
erence mark distance plus the braking distance!

- or -
● to the double reference mark distance plus the braking distance at the end
of the homing procedure, when "run path" was selected in parameter

sRef_max maximum motion range

sRefMarks distance of neighboring reference marks
v, ω homing velocity (S‑0‑0041)
a, α homing acceleration (S‑0‑0042)
Fig.5-65: Maximum motion range for homing encoders with distance-coded ref‐
erence marks in case of "run path" (S‑0‑0147)

The motion range of the axis in the case of "run path" is always the
same! This is advantageous for homing Gantry axes!
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Detecting the End of the Travel When homing relative measuring systems, the axis always has to be moved in
Range defined direction so that the dedicated point can be reliably identified. As a
prerequisite the axis has to be within the allowed travel range.
But the axis, when the search of the dedicated point is started, can also already
be at that end of the axis at which the dedicated point is situated. For fail-safe
detection of the dedicated point the drive has to be able to recognize this sit‐
uation. This is only possible by means of axis-side additional devices (AD):
● Home switch at end of axis
● Travel range limit switches
● Positive stop at end of axis for axis blocking (detection of positive stop)
One of these devices has to be mounted at the end of axis of the dedicated
point their signals have to be evaluated by the drive controller.

For NC-controlled homing a home switch is obligatory! For NC-

controlled homing, travel range limit switches and positive stop can
neither be used for detecting the end of the travel range nor for
identifying the dedicated point.

The status "activated" (switching logic) of home switch and travel range limit
switch is set in the following parameters:
● "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" for the home switch ("edge evaluation …")
● "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter" for the travel range limit switch
("signal behavior")
Identifying the Dedicated Point by Means of Reference Mark and Home
Home Switch for Selecting a Refer‐ If several reference mark signals can occur over the travel distance of an axis
ence Mark and the dedicated point is to be determined by one of the marks (see table
"Recommendation for axis-side additional devices (AD) for determining the
dedicated point"), a home switch can be used, for drive-controlled homing, as
axis-side additional device for selecting a reference mark.
For using the NC-controlled homing an axis-side home switch is obligatory!

Fig.5-66: Selecting a reference mark via home switch in the case of a linear axis
After the start of the drive-controlled or NC-controlled homing, the dedicated
point is detected when the first reference mark signal occurs after the "activa‐
ted" signal of the home switch.
216/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Arranging the Home Switch

Fig.5-67: Arranging the home switch with regard to travel range limits in the case
of linear axes
In the case of linear axes, the "activated" range of the home switch has to reach
beyond the next travel range limit. The home switch signal thereby indicates
the proximity of the end of the travel range if the reference travel direction was
appropriately selected. The travel range limit is not passed during the homing
procedure when the "activated" range of the home switch signal begins with
sufficient distance to the travel range limit!
Distance Dedicated Point – Travel The distance between dedicated point (first reference mark after home switch
Range Limit for Linear Axes with signal) and travel range limit is sufficient, if the drive can safely shutdown the
Home Switch axis out of maximum homing velocity (S‑0‑0041 for drive-controlled homing)
with homing acceleration (S‑0‑0042 for drive-controlled homing), within the
travel range. The following applies to the minimum distance home switch-travel
range limit:

xRS_VbLimit minimum distance to travel range limit

xRefMarks distance of the reference marks occurred at the axis or reference dis‐
tance (S‑0‑0165) for distance-coded measuring system
v homing velocity (value of S‑0‑0041 or preset by NC)
a homing acceleration (value of S‑0‑0042 or preset by NC)
Fig.5-68: Minimum distance of home switch signal to travel range limit

Generally, several reference marks may occur in the "activated"

range of the home switch signal!

For rotary axes a home switch is only required when a gear with a
gear ratio unequal "1" was mounted between axis and motor shaft!

Axis Position when When the axis drive is switched on, the moving part of the axis can be at any
Switching On, position within the travel range, but it can also be at the end of the travel range.
Detection of End of Travel Range The home switch mounted at the end of the axis can be activated.
It must be possible to carry out the homing procedure even from this start po‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 217/886
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● In the case of drive-controlled homing, the drive, independent of the signal

status and the settings for the "activated" signal of the home switch, au‐
tomatically passes the dedicated point.
● In the case of NC-controlled homing, the master has to set the required
command values so that the dedicated point can be unequivocally detec‐
Searching for Dedicated Point for For axes with non-distance-coded encoders, the drive has to move the axis to
Non-Distance-Coded Encoder and the end of the axis in determined reference travel direction, in order to start the
Axis with Home Switch search for the dedicated point after the "activated" signal was detected. The
end of the travel range is also detected via the signal status of the home switch.

Signal status of home

Determined edge evaluation switch
(S‑0‑0147) (bit in S‑0‑0400) Drive action

positive 0 motion in reference travel direction until home switch is activated,

("not activated") then search for dedicated point after positive signal edge was de‐
negative 1 motion in reference travel direction until home switch is activated,
("not activated") then search for dedicated point after negative signal edge was de‐
negative 0 motion against reference travel direction until home switch is not
("activated") activated,
then reversal of motion; search for dedicated point after negative
signal edge was detected
positive 1 motion against reference travel direction until home switch is not
("activated") activated,
then reversal of motion; search for dedicated point after positive
signal edge was detected

Fig.5-69: Drive motions for search for dedicated point in the case of non-distance-
coded measuring system and home switch, depending on the axis
position (drive-controlled or NC-controlled)
Searching for Dedicated Point for For axes with distance-coded encoder, the drive has to move the axis over two
Distance-Coded Encoder and Axis neighboring distance-coded reference marks in order to find the dedicated
with Home Switch point:
● For drive-controlled homing, if the drive has not yet detected any or only
one reference mark when the home switch is activated, it changes the
direction of motion. The position data reference is established over the
next two detected reference marks.
● For NC-controlled homing, the drive stores the non-homed position of the
first detected reference mark in parameter "S‑0‑0173, Marker position A",
the non-homed position of the neighboring reference mark is stored in
parameter "S‑0‑0174, Marker position B".
If at the start of the homing procedure the axis is already at the end of the travel
range and the home switch is detected as having been "activated", a command
value has to be generated that leads the axis back to the allowed travel range:
● For drive-controlled homing, the drive moves the axis against the deter‐
mined reference travel direction and over the next two distance-coded
reference marks determines the axis position relative to the dedicated
● For NC-controlled homing, the master-side command value has to move
the axis against the reference travel direction determined in the NC. The
next two distance-coded reference marks are evaluated for determining
the dedicated point.
218/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Signal status of home switch

(S‑0‑0400) Drive action

0 motion for search of dedicated point in determined

("not activated") reference travel direction

1 motion for search of dedicated point against deter‐

("activated") mined reference travel direction

Fig.5-70: Drive motions for search for dedicated point in the case of distance-
coded measuring system and home switch, depending on the axis
position (drive-controlled or NC-controlled)
Connecting the Home Switch For drive-controlled homing, the home switch has to be connected to the as‐
signed digital input of the control section of the drive controller. Observe the
allowed signal levels! The signal status of the home switch is displayed in pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0400, Home switch".
For NC-controlled homing, the obligatory home switch can be connected either
to the drive controller or to the master (NC control unit)!
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
Activating the Evaluation of Refer‐ The evaluation of the reference marks and the home switch signal have to be
ence Marks and Home Switch activated in the respective bit of "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter". The evaluation
of travel range limit switch and positive stop mustn't be activated at the same

If the evaluation of the reference marks has not been activated, the
dedicated point is determined only by the signal of the home switch!

Identifying the Dedicated Point by Means of Reference Mark and Travel

Range Limit Switch
Travel Range Limit Switch for Se‐ A travel range limit switch, too, can be used as axis-side additional device (AD)
lecting a Reference Mark for selecting a reference mark, if several reference mark signals can occur over
the travel distance of an axis and the dedicated point is to be determined by
one of the marks (see table "Recommendation for axis-side additional devices
(AD) for determining the dedicated point").

Fig.5-71: Selecting a reference mark via travel range limit switch

After the start of drive-controlled homing (command C0600), the axis is moved
in determined direction of motion until the travel range limit switch is activated.
The drive then changes the direction of motion, the dedicated point is detected
when the first reference mark signal occurs.

If the travel range limit switches for hardware-side limitation of the

allowed travel range have been activated, this monitoring function
is deactivated during the homing procedure!
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Axis Position when When the axis drive is switched on, the moving part of the axis can be at any
Switching On; position within the travel range, but it can also be at the end of the travel range.
Detecting the End of the Travel The travel range limit switch mounted at the end of the axis can be activated.
It must be possible to carry out the homing procedure even from this start po‐
sition. In the case of drive-controlled homing, the drive, independent of the
signal status and the settings for the "activated" signal of the travel range limit
switches, automatically passes the dedicated point.
Searching for Dedicated Point for For axes with non-distance-coded encoders, the drive has to move the axis to
Non-Distance-Coded Encoder and the end of the axis in determined reference travel direction, in order to start the
Axis with Travel Range Limit Switch search for the dedicated point after a signal change of the travel range limit
switch was detected.

Determined signal behavior Signal status of travel

of travel range limit switch range limit switch
(P‑0‑0090) (P‑0‑0222) Drive action

not inverted 0 motion in reference travel direction when limit switch activated,
("not activated") reversal of motion and search for dedicated point

inverted 1 as row above

("not activated")
inverted 0 motion against reference travel direction until limit switch isn't acti‐
("activated") vated,
then search for dedicated point
not inverted 1 as row above

Fig.5-72: Drive motions for search for dedicated point at start of command C0600
(in the case of non-distance-coded measuring system and use of travel
range limit switches), depending on the axis position
Searching for Dedicated Point for In order to find the dedicated point, the drive, for axes with distance-coded en‐
Distance-Coded Encoder and Axis coder, has to move the axis in the determined reference travel direction over
with Travel Range Limit Switch two neighboring distance-coded reference marks.
If at the start of the drive-controlled homing procedure (command C0600) the
axis is already at the end of the travel range and detects a travel range limit
switch as having been "activated", a drive-internal command value is generated
that leads back to the allowed travel range and the axis position relative to the
dedicated point is determined over the next two reference marks.

Signal status of travel range limit

switches (P‑0‑0222) Drive action

0 motion for search of dedicated point in reference

("not activated") travel direction

1 motion for search of dedicated point in direction of

("activated") allowed travel range

Fig.5-73: Drive motions for search for dedicated point at start of command C0600
(in the case of distance-coded measuring system and use of travel range
limit switches), depending on the axis position
Connecting the Travel Range Limit The travel range limit switches have to be connected to the assigned digital
Switches inputs of the control section of the drive controller. Observe the allowed signal
levels! The signal status of the respective travel range limit switch is displayed
in parameter "P‑0‑0222, Travel range limit inputs".
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
220/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Activating the Evaluation of Refer‐ The evaluation of the reference marks and the travel range limit switch as ad‐
ence Marks and Travel Range Limit ditional devices for homing has to be activated in the respective bit of "S‑0‑0147,
Switch Homing parameter". The evaluation of home switch and/or positive stop mustn't
be activated at the same time!

If the evaluation of the reference marks has not been activated, the
dedicated point is determined only by the signal of the travel range
limit switch!

Identifying the Dedicated Point by Means of Reference Mark and Posi‐

tive Stop
Positive Stop for Selecting a Refer‐ A positive stop at an axis, too, can be used as axis-side additional device (AD)
ence Mark for selecting a reference mark, if several reference mark signals can occur over
the travel distance of an axis and the dedicated point is to be determined by
one of the marks (see table "Recommendation for axis-side additional devices
(AD) for determining the dedicated point").

Fig.5-74: Selecting a reference mark via positive stop at the end of the axis
Detecting the End of Travel Range After the start of drive-controlled homing (command C0600), the drive first
by Axis Blocking (Positive Stop) moves the moving part of the axis in the determined reference travel direction
(see S‑0‑0147). There is no switch signal required for identifying the end of the
Search for Dedicated Point For In the case of non-distance-coded encoders, the axis moves until it is blocked
Non-Distance-Coded Encoders by positive stop. After the actual torque value (S‑0‑0084) of the drive has ex‐
ceeded the torque limit value (minimum of S‑0‑0092 and S‑0‑0082 or S‑0‑0092
and S‑0‑0083) that was set and standstill of the drive was detected ("S‑0‑0331,
Status 'n_feedback = 0'"), the drive changes the direction of motion; the dedi‐
cated point is determined by the occurrence of the first reference mark signal.
Search for Dedicated Point For Dis‐ In the case of distance-coded encoders, the axis only moves to positive stop,
tance-Coded Encoders if there is none or only one distance-coded reference mark in the determined
reference travel direction before blocking. After blocking was detected (see
paragraph above), the drive changes the direction of motion and over the next
two reference marks determines the axis position with regard to the dedicated

If evaluation of the reference marks has not been activated, the

dedicated point is only determined by detection of positive stop
(S‑0‑0333, S‑0‑0331, see above).

Activation of Axis Blocking Detec‐ The evaluation of the reference marks and the positive stop as additional de‐
tion (Positive Stop) for Homing Pro‐ vices for homing has to be activated in the respective bits of "S‑0‑0147, Homing
cedure parameter". The evaluation of home switch and/or travel range limit switch
mustn't be activated at the same time!
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

The monitoring of position command value, actual position value

and acceleration is switched off during the homing procedure!

If travel range limit switches for hardware-side limitation of the al‐

lowed travel range have been activated, the monitoring of this
limitation is deactivated during the homing procedure!

Requirements for Selecting a Reference Mark

If an axis-side additional device (AD), such as home switch, travel range limit
switch or positive stop at the end of the axis, is to be used for selecting a ref‐
erence mark signal (in the case of several signals occurring over the travel
range), you have to make sure that it is always the same reference mark signal
that is evaluated by the controller for detecting the position of the dedicated
Activation of the home switch or the travel range limit switch or detection of
positive stop is detected by the controller with a position inaccuracy inherent in
the system. This inaccuracy depends on the following factors:
● The input clock of the digital input via which the home switch or the travel
range limit switch is evaluated (corresponding to the position loop clock
when command C0600 is executed; see "Performance Data")
● Position loop clock when using a positive stop when command C0600 is
executed (see "Performance Data")
● Actual velocity value at which the axis moves during the homing procedure
Within the range of inaccuracy of the position detection there mustn't occur any
encoder reference mark, because reliably reproducible detection of the dedi‐
cated point is impossible within this range!

Fig.5-75: Ambiguous detection of reference marks in range of inaccuracy of home

switch detection
222/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.5-76: Ambiguous detection of reference marks in range of inaccuracy of travel

range limit switch or positive stop detection
Distance Monitoring Switch Edge Due to the range of position inaccuracy of the switch edge or positive stop
or Positive Stop Detection/Refer‐ detection, the distance to the position of the next reference mark is monitored.
ence Mark If the distance falls below a certain value, the error message "C0602 Distance
home switch - reference mark erroneous" is generated.

Classification of dis‐ Distance Drive reaction


critical distance < 0.25 × reference mark distance shutdown with

message C0602
optimum distance 0.5 × reference mark distance --
allowed distance (0.25 … 0.75) × reference mark distance --

Fig.5-77: Data regarding the distance between switch edge or positive stop de‐
tection and reference mark

Fig.5-78: Critical and optimum distance of switch edge and reference mark in the
case of the home switch
To monitor the distance, the optimum distance has to be preset in parameter
"P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-reference mark".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 223/886
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

When using the motor encoder of Rexroth motors of the MHD, MKD,
MKE, MSK, MSH, MAD and MAF lines the optimum distance is au‐
tomatically calculated internally. The value for P‑0‑0153 has to be
left in its default status!

For default values of P‑0‑0153 for distance monitoring to the next refer‐
ence mark in the case of switch edge or positive stop detection, see separate
documentation "Parameter Description"
Distance Correction For each homing procedure with home switch, travel range limit switch or pos‐
itive stop detection, as well as reference mark evaluation, the difference be‐
tween the actual distance to the next reference mark and the optimum distance
is monitored. This difference is stored in parameter "S‑0‑0298, Reference cam
shift". For optimum setting of the home switch or travel range limit switch, it can
be mechanically shifted by the value of S‑0‑0298.
The distance can also be optimized drive-internally without mechanical shifting.
The controller in this case shifts the activation of the reference mark evaluation
after detection of the switch edge or the axis blocking (positive stop) by the
value in parameter "S‑0‑0299, Home switch offset". For this purpose, the value
of S‑0‑0298 has to be entered in parameter S‑0‑0299.

Fig.5-79: Operating principle of parameter S‑0‑0299 in the case of home switch

Distance Monitoring of Reference The position distance of the reference mark signals is monitored during the
Mark Signals homing procedure. The position distance to be expected for the motor encoder
or external encoder is determined by the controller, depending on the type of
encoder used and the value of "P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-ref‐
erence mark". This allows detecting:
● parameter values for reference mark evaluation have been correctly set
- or -
● reference mark signals are correctly input

Parameter P‑0‑0153 refers to the encoder to be homed according

to the setting in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter". If a second encoder
has to be homed that requires different values in P‑0‑0153, the pa‐
rameter P‑0‑0153 has to be adjusted to the respective encoder by
the control master before the command C0600 is started!
224/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure

General Information
Basic Sequence of After activation of "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive controlled homing procedure com‐
"Search for Dedicated Point" mand", the drive for searching the dedicated point moves the axis according to
the reference travel direction set in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter". When the
controller has detected the position of the dedicated point, e.g. by reference
mark detection of the encoder selected in S‑0‑0147, the position data reference
of the actual position values to the axis can be established.
Determining the homing appropriate procedure for the existing axis type (set‐
tings in S‑0‑0147) ensures that during the search for the dedicated point the
axis only moves within the allowed travel range!
For information on the actual position value after establishing the position data
reference for motor encoder and external encoder see section "General Infor‐
mation on Establishing the Position Data Reference"
Functional Sequence "Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure"
Command Value Profile for Homing After activation of "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive controlled homing procedure com‐
Procedure mand", the drive moves the axis according to the reference travel direction set
in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter". The command value profile generated by the
controller depends on:
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity
● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override
The controller ignores command values of the control master during the exe‐
cution of command C0600!

If the respective encoder, at the start of command C0600, should

have already been homed, the reference is cleared first!
See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback val‐
ue status"

Homing Motion At the start of command C0600, two situations have to be distinguished with
regard to the initial position of a linear axis. The moving part of the axis is
● within the travel range, the home switch or travel range limit switch has
not been activated,
- or -
● near the end of the travel range, the home switch or travel range limit
switch has been activated, the positive stop, possibly used for homing, is
almost reached.
If the switch has not been activated or positive stop has not yet been reached,
the drive moves the axis in reference travel direction.
When the home switch has already been activated, the drive moves the axis
against the reference travel direction.
In the case of non-distance-coded encoders, the drive reverses the direction of
motion for searching the dedicated point as soon as the home switch is detected
to be "not activated".
In the case of distance-coded encoders, the search for the dedicated point is
carried out against the determined reference travel direction.
When positive stop is used for homing, the search for the dedicated point, after
axis blocking has been detected, is always carried out against the reference
travel direction!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 225/886
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Jerk Limitation To limit acceleration jumps it is possible to additionally activate a jerk limit. This
is done by entering the value parameter "S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar".
Motion Range for Homing The process for searching the dedicated point requires axis motion. The axis
motion to be expected depends on the selected measuring system and on the
position of the axis at the start of drive-controlled homing (for information on
axis motion see above under the description of the respective paragraph "Iden‐
tifying the Dedicated Point by Means of ...").
Maximum Velocity As in the case of all drive-controlled functions, the maximum velocity can be
directly influenced with a feedrate factor when executing the homing procedure.
The effective maximum velocity then results from the product of the values of
"S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity" and "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override".
Shutdown After the controller has detected the dedicated point of the axis by the homing
procedure, the actual position values are switched to axis-related values. The
drive then shuts down the axis with the homing acceleration (S‑0‑0042). Shut‐
down can be carried out as:
● "Stop"
→ Non-target-oriented immediate braking motion that possibly is of shorter
- or -
● "Positioning"
→ Target-oriented motion to the reference point (axis-related value in pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1" or "S‑0‑0054, Reference dis‐
tance 2"), if the reference point is within the allowed travel range
- or -
● "Run path" (only possible for distance-coded encoders!)
→ Moving over a defined path (double reference mark distance), even if
the dedicated point had already been detected
The kind of shutdown ("positioning" or "stop" or "run path") is set in "S‑0‑0147,
Homing parameter".

1 start point
2 reference point
S‑0‑0041 Homing velocity
S‑0‑0042 Homing acceleration
S‑0‑0108 Feedrate override
Fig.5-80: Command value profile for drive-controlled homing with constant fee‐
drate factor and "positioning" shutdown

If parameter "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override" starts with zero, the

warning "E2055 Feedrate override S‑0‑0108 = 0" is output.
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Actions of the Control Unit in the Case of Drive-Controlled Homing

Starting Command C0600 The control master starts the command by writing data to parameter "S‑0‑0148,
C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command". The command has to be
set and enabled. The command acknowledgment has to be taken from the data
status of the same parameter. The command execution is completed when the
command change bit in parameter "S‑0‑0135, Drive status word" has been set
and the acknowledgment changes from "in process" to "command executed"
or to "command error".
Interrupting Command C0600 If the command is interrupted by the control master during its execution, the
drive reacts by activating the "Drive Halt" function. The command execution is
continued by removing the interruption.
See also "Drive Halt"
Completing Command C0600 When the control master wants to operate the drive in position control after
resetting command C0600, it has to read the drive-internal position command
value from "P‑0‑0047, Position command value control" and preset it as the
position command value. By resetting the command the control master takes
over the axis without jerk or position offset occurring.
NC-Controlled Homing Procedure
General Information
Sequence of NC-Controlled Hom‐ For NC-controlled homing the master (NC control unit) controls the homing
ing motion for searching the dedicated point of the axis. To do this the master ac‐
tivates the parameter
● S‑0‑0146, C4300 NC-controlled homing procedure command
and presets the command value for axis motion, according to the active oper‐
ating mode.
When the drive has detected the dedicated point, it informs the master of this
fact and stores the position of the dedicated point. The master then completes
the execution of command C4300 and afterwards activates the parameter
● S‑0‑0171, C4400 Calculate displacement procedure command.
The required displacement of the actual position values is now calculated in the
drive controller, in order to establish the reference of the actual position value
to the axis zero point.
When the displacement required for establishing the position data reference
has been determined, the master completes the execution of command C4400
and then activates the parameter
● S‑0‑0172, C4500 Displacement to referenced system procedure com‐
Drive-internally the actual position value now is changed by the calculated ab‐
solute displacement value and thereby the reference of the actual position value
to the axis zero point is established. The master has to adjust its command
value input to the changed actual position value, before it completes the NC-
controlled homing procedure by deactivating command C4500.
Functional Sequence "NC-Controlled Homing Procedure"
Searching the Dedicated Point, Ba‐ After the master has started NC-controlled homing by activating parameter
sic Procedure "S‑0‑0146, C4300 NC-controlled homing procedure command", it has to preset
a command value for the drive for the axis motion to identify the dedicated point.
For non-distance-coded encoders, the dedicated point can only be identified,
if "S‑0‑0407, Homing enable" has been set on the master side. If a home switch
was connected to the drive controller (setting in parameter S‑0‑0147), it has to
be detected as "activated". For distance-coded encoders, the master-side hom‐
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ing enable (S‑0‑0407) is not required, because the dedicated point can be
unequivocally identified by arbitrary neighboring reference marks.
For details on the search for the dedicated point in the case of NC-controlled
homing, see section above "Identifying the Dedicated Point by Means of Ref‐
erence Mark and Home Switch"!
When the drive has found the dedicated point of the encoder selected in
"S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter", this is displayed in parameter "S‑0‑0408, Ref‐
erence marker pulse registered". The position of the dedicated point or the
detected reference marks is stored:
● For non-distance-coded encoders, the detected reference position is stor‐
ed in parameter "S‑0‑0173, Marker position A".
● For distance-coded encoders, the first detected reference mark is stored
in parameter "S‑0‑0173, Marker position A", the second one in parameter
"S‑0‑0174, Marker position B".
The correct, time-optimized sequence of the execution of command C4300 re‐
quires the following assignments:
● Bit "homing enable" (S‑0‑0407) in real-time control bit of "S‑0‑0134, Mas‐
ter control word"
● Bit "reference mark detected" (S‑0‑0408) in real-time status bit of
"S‑0‑0135, Drive status word"
When the bit "reference mark detected" (S‑0‑0408) has been set, the master
can complete the execution of the command C4600.
Drive-Side Calculation of Actual By master-side activation of parameter "S‑0‑0171, C4400 Calculate displace‐
Position Value Displacement for ment procedure command", the actual position value displacement for the
Zero Point Reference encoder selected in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" is calculated.
Basis for the calculation of displacement:
● For non-distance-coded encoders, the non-homed actual position value
at the dedicated point (S‑0‑0173) and the values of reference distance 1/2
(S‑0‑0052/S‑0‑0054) and reference offset 1/2 (S‑0‑0150/S‑0‑0151).
● For distance-coded encoders, the non-homed actual position values of the
detected reference marks (S‑0‑0173 and S‑0‑0174) and the values of
"S‑0‑0177, Absolute offset 1" (motor encoder) or "S‑0‑0178, Absolute off‐
set 2" (external encoder).
The calculated displacement value is displayed in
● S‑0‑0175, Offset parameter 1 (motor encoder)
- or -
● S‑0‑0176, Offset parameter 2 (external encoder).
When the required displacement of the actual position value has been deter‐
mined, the master can complete the execution of the command C4400.

It would also be possible to calculate the displacement on the mas‐

ter side and directly preset it for the drive via the parameters
S‑0‑0175 or S‑0‑0176. In this case the execution of command
C4400 wouldn't be required!

Displacement of Actual Position To switch the actual position values to axis reference, the master now activates
Value for Zero Point Reference the parameter "S‑0‑0172, C4500 Displacement to referenced system proce‐
dure command". The displacement of the actual position value for the encoder
selected in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" is thereby carried out.
The calculated displacement value (S‑0‑0175 or S‑0‑0176) is now added to the
non-homed actual position value; the new actual position value is displayed in:
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● S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value

- or -
● S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value.
The homing status of the encoders connected to the drive is also displayed in
parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status". By means of this pa‐
rameter the master recognizes when the position command value is to be
switched to axis reference. When the switching to the homed position command
value was carried out, the master indicates this to the drive in parameter
"S‑0‑0404, Position command value status". The drive then signals the execu‐
tion of command C4500 to have been completed and the master on its part can
complete the execution of command C4500.
The correct, time-optimized execution of the command C4500 requires the fol‐
lowing assignments:
● Position command value status bit (S‑0‑0404) in real-time control bit of
"S‑0‑0134, Master control word"
● Reference encoder status bit (S‑0‑0403) in real-time status bit of
"S‑0‑0135, Drive status word"
For information on the actual position value after establishing the position data
reference for motor encoder and external encoder see section "General Infor‐
mation on Establishing the Position Data Reference"
Notes on Commissioning
Notes on Commissioning, General
See also Notes on Commissioning for "General Information on Establishing the
Position Data Reference"
Settings for Connected Encoders The required settings with regard to the encoders used need to have been made
so that establishing the position data reference is possible.
See also Notes on Commissioning for "Basics on Measuring Systems, Reso‐
For measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks, see also Notes
on Commissioning for "Relative Measuring Systems"
General Settings for Drive-Control‐ In "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter", it is necessary to make basic settings re‐
led Homing garding encoder selection and use of axis-side additional devices:
● Selection of encoder to be homed
→ Select which of the connected encoders is to be homed.
● Activation/deactivation of reference mark evaluation
→ Select whether the dedicated point is determined by one encoder ref‐
erence mark or by two neighboring encoder reference marks (distance-
coded encoders) (to be selected for drive-controlled homing, automatically
active for NC-controlled homing).
● Setting for use of axis-side additional device for identification of dedicated
– Home switch
- or -
– Travel range limit switch as a replacement for home switch (optional
for drive-controlled homing, not possible for NC-controlled homing)
- or -
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– Activation of detection of axis blocking for positive stop drive proce‐
dure (optional for drive-controlled homing, not possible for NC-con‐
trolled homing)
Settings for Axis-Side Additional Depending on whether axis-side additional devices are used, further settings
Devices (if Available) have to be made.
Home switch:
● Activation of home switch evaluation in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter"
● Setting for edge evaluation of home switch signal in "S‑0‑0147, Homing
Travel range limit switch:
● Activation of travel range limit switch evaluation in "S‑0‑0147, Homing pa‐
● Setting of switching performance in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit param‐
Detection of axis blocking (positive stop):
● Setting of torque/force threshold for detection of blocking in parameter
"S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" resp. "S‑0‑0082, Torque/force
limit value positive" or "S‑0‑0083, Torque/force limit value negative"
● Setting of standstill threshold for detection of blocking in "S‑0‑0124, Stand‐
still window"
Distance Monitoring of Reference With active reference mark evaluation (obligatory for NC-controlled homing,
Mark Signals optional for drive-controlled homing), encoder-specific values for the monitoring
of the reference mark signals have to be entered in parameter "P‑0‑0153, Op‐
timum distance home switch-reference mark". Monitoring takes place during
the homing procedure (see Parameter Description P‑0‑0153).

Property damage at the installation caused by home switch edge incorrectly

⇒ Make sure the home switch edge was correctly set and is within the travel
WARNING range!

Distance Control In the case of home switch evaluation, first control whether the minimum dis‐
Home Switch Edge- tance between home switch edge and travel range limit has been complied with:
Travel Range Limit
● Search for switch point of home switch, e.g. by jogging the axis to switch
cam; control switch status in "S‑0‑0400, Home switch"; retain actual po‐
sition value (S‑0‑0051/S‑0‑0053)
● Jog axis to travel range limit, retain actual position value (S‑0‑0051/
The minimum distance has to be calculated on the basis of the values for ve‐
locity and acceleration intended for the homing procedure (see also section
above "Identifying the Dedicated Point by Means of Reference Mark and Home
● For drive-controlled homing, determine the minimum distance with
"S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity" and "S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration"
● For NC-controlled homing determine the minimum distance while taking
the homing velocity and homing acceleration into account
If the distance between home switch edge and travel range limit is smaller than
the calculated minimum distance, the home switch has to be mechanically
brought to the respective distance!
Checking and, If Necessary, Cor‐ When using axis-side additional devices (optional), such as home switch, travel
recting the Distance to Reference range limit switches or positive stop (setting in parameter S‑0‑0147), you have
230/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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to check whether the distance switch edge – reference mark or positive stop –
reference mark is within the allowed range.
How to proceed for checking the distance:
● Make presettings for activation of reference marks, for use of axis-side
additional devices and for encoder selection in "S‑0‑0147, Homing pa‐
● Make settings for respective axis-side additional device that might be used
(see above)
● Check whether encoder-specific value was entered in parameter
"P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-reference mark"
Note: The value in parameter P‑0‑0153 refers to the encoder to be homed
as determined in parameter S‑0‑0147. If a second encoder has to be
homed that requires different values in P‑0‑0153, this parameter has to
be adjusted to the respective encoder to be homed before the C0600
command is started!
● Execution of the drive-controlled homing procedure (command C0600)
with "S‑0‑0299, Home switch offset" = 0 and the setting "Hold" in param‐
eter S‑0‑0147. If the distance lies within the allowed range (0,25…
0,75 × (2 × P‑0‑0153)), the drive will not generate a respective error mes‐
sage after standstill.
If the message "C0602 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous" is
generated, the distance has to be corrected:
1. Enter value of parameter "S‑0‑0298, Reference cam shift" in parameter
"S‑0‑0299, Home switch offset"
2. Check: When homing is repeated value "0" should be displayed for pa‐
rameter S‑0‑0298.
Notes on Commissioning for "Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure"
Settings for Homing Motion For drive-controlled homing motion, settings for kinematics have to be made:
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity
● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
Settings for Drive-Controlled Hom‐ Apart from general settings, further settings for drive-controlled homing have to
ing be made in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter":
● Reference travel direction
→ Determine direction of motion in which search for dedicated point take
place, if axis is not at end of axis
● Activation/deactivation of reference mark evaluation
→ Determine whether dedicated point is determined by one encoder ref‐
erence mark or by two neighboring encoder reference marks (distance-
coded encoders)
● Setting for use of axis-side additional device for identification of dedicated
– Use of a home switch and setting for edge evaluation of home switch
- or -
– Use of a travel range limit switch as a replacement for home switch
- or -
– Activation of blocking detection for positive stop drive procedure
Note: Only one of the possible axis-side additional devices for drive-con‐
trolled homing may be selected!
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● Setting for shutting axis down after detection of dedicated point ("stop",
"positioning" or "run path")
Axis-Related Settings for Establish‐ Depending on the kind of reference mark of the encoder, the axis-related pa‐
ing the Position Data Reference rameter settings for establishing the position data reference are explained in
the following sections.
Notes on Commissioning for Drive-Controlled Homing with Relative En‐
coders (Reference Marks Non-Distance-Coded)
Settings for Axis-Side Position Data To establish the position data reference of an encoder (of groups 1, 2, 3) to the
Reference of Actual Position Val‐ axis, the distance between the dedicated point identified on the drive side and
ues the reference point of the axis, as well as the position of the reference point
compared to the axis zero point have to be entered.
To do this the following steps have to be carried out:
1. First set parameters below to value "0":
● S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1/S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2
● S‑0‑0150, Reference offset 1/S‑0‑0151, Reference offset 2
2. If encoder reference marks are not to be evaluated, make corresponding
settings in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" (default setting: Encoder refer‐
ence marks are evaluated!).
3. For initial commissioning set parameters for homing procedure to low val‐
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity (e.g. 10 rpm)
● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration (e.g. 10 rad/s²)
4. Execute "C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure com‐
mand" (S‑0‑0148), if drive in "AF".

Property damage caused by step change of actual position value!

⇒ By clearing the command, the original operating mode becomes active again.
When the "drive-internal interpolation" mode was set, for example, the drive
CAUTION immediately moves to the position according to the value in parameter
"S‑0‑0258, Target position". Take change in actual position value into consid‐

Axis Zero Point and Dedicated After the command was executed the axis zero point is at the same axis position
Point as the dedicated point, because the reference distance (S‑0‑0052/S‑0‑0054)
and the reference offset (S‑0‑0150/S‑0‑0151) were set to the value "0". The
actual position value in parameter "S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value" or
"S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value" now has absolute reference to this pre‐
liminary axis zero point.
Settings for the The reference point normally has an actual position value determined on the
Reference Point axis-side and related to the axis zero point. Ideally the dedicated point identified
on the drive-side has the same position as the reference point. As the dedicated
point position is considerably influenced by the mounting situation of the en‐
coder, dedicated point and reference point are different. The distance between
dedicated point and reference point for the motor encoder or external encoder
is entered in the parameter for reference offset 1 or reference offset 2.
To determine the reference offset the following steps have to be carried out,
based on the initial status after the proposed identification of the dedicated
● Jog axis to determined reference point and enter actual position value
displayed at the reference point in parameter "S‑0‑0150, Reference off‐
set 1" or "S‑0‑0151, Reference offset 2" with same preceding sign.
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In order to establish the position reference to the real axis zero point, enter the
desired axis-related actual position value of the reference point in parameter
"S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1" or "S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2". This
can be directly done by entering the value defined on the axis-side if this value
is known. If not, the axis-related actual position value of the reference point has
to be determined:
● Jog axis to desired axis zero point. Enter displayed actual position value
in the respective reference distance parameter with inverted sign.
- or -
● Jog axis to actual position value = 0; axis then is at reference point. Axis-
related position of reference point can be determined by measuring dis‐
tance between current position and determined axis zero point. Enter
measured distance as axis-related actual position value for reference
point in respective reference distance parameter with the correct sign.
After repeated execution of the command C0600 ("drive-controlled homing
procedure" command) the actual position values refer to the axis zero point.
Settings for Drive-Controlled Hom‐ Set the parameter values reduced for initial commissioning to their definite val‐
ing Motion ues:
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity
● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
To control the setting, execute the command "C0600 Drive-controlled homing
procedure command" again!
For non-distance-coded encoders, drive-controlled homing can be completed
with "stop" or "positioning":
"Stop" After Detecting the Dedica‐ When "stop after detecting the dedicated point" (default setting) was set in
ted Point "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter", the drive stops the axis after the dedicated
point was detected.
"Positioning" After Detecting the If the axis, after the dedicated point was detected, is to position to the reference
Dedicated Point point of the encoder selected in S‑0‑0147, this too has to be determined in
parameter S‑0‑0147. The position can be preset via "S‑0‑0052, Reference dis‐
tance 1" or "S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2".

Property damage possible at the installation, if the reference point is

outside the allowed travel range and the position limit hasn't been acti‐
vated yet!
CAUTION ⇒ Make sure that reference point is within the travel range and activate the
position limit!

Notes on Commissioning for Drive-Controlled Homing with Relative En‐

coders with Distance-Coded Reference Marks
Settings for Axis-Side Position Data To establish the position data reference of an encoder with distance-coded ref‐
Reference of Actual Position Val‐ erence marks to the axis, the position of the axis zero point related to the
ues dedicated point defined on the encoder side (encoder zero point) has to be
entered in:
● S‑0‑0177, Absolute offset 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0178, Absolute offset 2 (external encoder)
To do this the following steps have to be carried out:
1. First set parameters for absolute offset (see above) to value "0":
2. For initial commissioning set parameters for homing procedure to low val‐
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity (e.g. 10 rpm)
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● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration (e.g. 10 rad/s²)

3. Execute "C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure com‐
mand" (S‑0‑0148), if drive in "AF".

Property damage caused by step change of actual position value!

⇒ By clearing the command, the original operating mode becomes active again.
When the "drive-internal interpolation" mode was set, for example, the drive
CAUTION immediately moves to the value in "S‑0‑0258, Target position". Take change in
actual position value into consideration!

Axis Zero Point and Dedicated After the command was executed, the axis zero point is at the same axis po‐
Point sition as the dedicated point, because the absolute offset (S‑0‑0177/S‑0‑0178)
was set to the value "0". The actual position value in "S‑0‑0051, Position feed‐
back 1 value" or "S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value" now has absolute
reference to this preliminary axis zero point.
Settings for the An axis-side reference point possibly available is not used for establishing the
Axis Zero Point position data reference for distance-coded measuring systems. In order to es‐
tablish the position reference to the real axis zero point, enter the desired axis-
related actual position value of the dedicated point (encoder zero point) in
parameter "S‑0‑0177, Absolute offset 1" or "S‑0‑0178, Absolute offset 2". The
axis-related actual position value of the dedicated point has to be determined:
● Jog axis to desired axis zero point. Enter displayed actual position value
in the respective absolute offset parameter with inverted sign.
- or -
● Jog axis to actual position value = 0. Axis then is at dedicated point. De‐
termine axis-related position of dedicated point by measuring distance
between current position and determined axis zero point. Enter measured
distance as axis-related actual position value for dedicated point in re‐
spective absolute offset parameter with the correct sign.
After repeated execution of command "C0600 Drive-controlled homing proce‐
dure command" (S‑0‑0148), the actual position values refer to the axis zero
Settings for Drive-Controlled Hom‐ Set the parameter values reduced for initial commissioning to their definite val‐
ing Motion ues:
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity
● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
To control the setting, execute the command "C0600 Drive-controlled homing
procedure command" again!

The direction of motion during the homing procedure of distance-

coded measuring systems can be against the reference travel
direction selected in parameter S‑0‑0147, if the axis is in the "acti‐
vated" range of the home switch!

For distance-coded encoders, drive-controlled homing can be completed with

"stop", "positioning" or "run path":
"Stop" at End of If the setting "stop" (default setting) was made in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parame‐
Homing Procedure ter", the drive stops the axis as soon the controller has detected two neighboring
reference marks. The motion range of the axis, depending on the initial position,
is the single to double reference mark distance (S‑0‑0165).
"Positioning" at End of If the axis, after the dedicated point was detected, is to position to the reference
Homing Procedure point of the encoder selected in S‑0‑0147, this too has to be determined in
234/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

parameter S‑0‑0147. The position can be preset via "S‑0‑0052, Reference dis‐
tance 1" or "S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2".

When homing distance-coded encoders, the value in S‑0‑0052/

S‑0‑0054 is insignificant for establishing the position data refer‐
ence! In this case, it can possibly be used for presetting a homing
target position.

Property damage possible at the installation, if the reference point is

outside the allowed travel range and the position limit hasn't been acti‐
vated yet!
CAUTION ⇒ Make sure that reference point is within the travel range and activate the
position limit!

"Run Path" for If the setting "run path for homing procedure" was made in "S‑0‑0147, Homing
Homing Procedure parameter", the motion range of the axis is always the double reference mark
distance (S‑0‑0165) plus the braking distance for shutting the axis down. The
controller therefore can always detect two neighboring reference marks which
is required for establishing the position data reference.

"Run path" supports homing of Gantry axes when distance-coded

encoders are used for both axes!

Checking the Detection of End of For linear axes with distance-coded measuring system a home switch is re‐
Travel Range quired for detecting the end of the travel range. If the home switch is activated
at the start of command C0600, the axis slide, to establish the position data
reference, has to move against the reference travel direction selected in
The signal status of the home switch is displayed in parameter "S‑0‑0400,
Home switch".
Procedure for checking the detection of the end of travel range:
● Move axis to "activated" range of home switch
● Start command C0600
→ Axis now must move against reference travel direction, until position
data reference has been established.
Note on Commissioning for "NC-Controlled Homing Procedure"
Settings for NC-Controlled Homing Apart from general settings (encoder selection, "activated" signal of home
switch), further specific settings for NC-controlled homing have to be made in
parameter "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter":
● Setting for whether home switch is connected to drive or master (NC con‐
trol unit)
● Setting for activation of dedicated point detection:
– Master-side homing enable
- or -
– Master-side homing enable and "activated" signal of home switch (for
this purpose, home switch has to be connected to drive)
Axis-Related Settings for Establish‐ The following axis-related parameter values have to be determined for relative,
ing the Position Data Reference non-distance-coded measuring systems:
● S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1
● S‑0‑0054, Reference distance 2
● S‑0‑0150, Reference offset 1
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● S‑0‑0151, Reference offset 2
The following axis-related parameter values have to be determined for relative,
distance-coded measuring systems:
● S‑0‑0177, Absolute offset 1
● S‑0‑0178, Absolute offset 2
Depending on the kind of reference mark of the encoder, the axis-related pa‐
rameter settings for establishing the position data reference are explained in
the following sections:
● "Notes on Commissioning for Drive-Controlled Homing with Relative En‐
coders (Reference Marks Non-Distance-Coded)", see above
● "Notes on Commissioning for Drive-Controlled Homing with Relative En‐
coders with Distance-Coded Reference Marks", see above

The axis-related settings for establishing the position data refer‐

ence are basically the same for drive-controlled and NC-controlled
homing! For determining the axis-related parameter values it is ad‐
vantageous to use drive-controlled homing!

Search for the Dedicated Point The master starts "C4300 NC-controlled homing procedure command" and sets
the command value for the homing motion (if drive in "AF").
Detection of dedicated point takes place when:
● Homing enable (S‑0‑0407) has been set
- or -
● "S‑0‑0407, Homing enable" has been set and the home switch is in the
"activated" status (S‑0‑0400)
For non-distance-coded encoders the non-homed position of the detected
dedicated point is stored in:
● S‑0‑0173, Marker position A
For distance-coded encoders the non-homed position of the detected dedicated
reference marks is stored in:
● S‑0‑0173, Marker position A
→ First detected distance-coded reference mark
● S‑0‑0174, Marker position B
→ second detected distance-coded reference mark
When the dedicated point was detected, this is displayed by a bit in parameter
"S‑0‑0408, Reference marker pulse registered" and the master then completes
the execution of command C4300.
Drive-Side Calculation of Actual The master starts "C4400 Calculate displacement procedure com‐
Position Value Displacement for mand" (S‑0‑0171).
Zero Point Reference
The calculated displacement value is displayed in the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0175, Offset parameter 1 (motor encoder)
● S‑0‑0176, Offset parameter 2 (external encoder)
When the required displacement of the actual position value has been deter‐
mined, the master completes the execution of the command C4400.

It is also possible to calculate the displacement on the master side

and directly preset it for the drive via the parameters S‑0‑0175 or
S‑0‑0176. In this case the execution of the drive command C4400
is not required!
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Actual Position Value Displace‐ The master starts "C4500 Displacement to referenced system procedure com‐
ment for Zero Point Reference mand" (S‑0‑0172).
The calculated displacement value (S‑0‑0175 or S‑0‑0176) is now added to the
non-homed actual position value; the new actual position value is displayed in
the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value
● S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value.
The actual position values thereby change from a non-homed to a homed value,
because the corresponding displacement value was taken into account.
When the reference of the encoder selected in parameter S‑0‑0147 is displayed
in "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status", the master changes the position
command value from the non-homed value to the homed value:
● P‑0‑0047, Position command value control
In parameter "S‑0‑0404, Position command value status", the master at the
same time signals the homed status of the position command value to the drive
and completes the execution of command C4500.
Possible Error Messages during Drive-Controlled Homing
While command C0600 is executed, the following command errors can occur:
● C0601 Homing only possible with drive enable
● C0602 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous
● C0604 Homing of absolute encoder not possible
● C0606 Reference mark not detected
● C0607 Home switch input not assigned
Possible Error Messages during NC-Controlled Homing
While NC-controlled homing is executed, the following command errors can
● C4302 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous
● C4304 Homing of absolute encoder not possible
● C4306 Reference mark not detected
● C4307 Home switch input not assigned

5.6.4 Shifting the Position Data Reference for Absolute and Relative Meas‐
uring Systems (Shift Coordinate System Procedure)
Brief Description
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.5-81: Assignment to functional firmware package

The existing position data reference of the measuring systems to the axis can
be shifted if the respective command was activated by the master. It is possible
to shift the data reference in standstill or while the axis is moving. This does not
affect the position reference of the axis because it is only the actual position
values output for the master that are displayed in "shifted" form. Internally the
original ("non-shifted") position data reference is maintained.
Shifting the position data reference affects the motor encoder and, if available,
the external encoder, independent of which encoder is the active encoder for
position control. If different actual position values are valid for the encoders
(both encoders possibly have position data reference independent of each oth‐
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and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

er), the actual position values of both measuring systems are shifted by the
same difference.
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0197, C3300 Set coordinate system procedure command
● S‑0‑0198, Initial coordinate value
● S-0-0199, C3400 Shift coordinate system procedure command
● S-0-0275, Coordinate offset value
● S‑0‑0283, Current coordinate offset
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C3300 Set coordinate system procedure command
● C3400 Shift coordinate system procedure command
Functional Description
Operating Principle of Function Shifting the position data reference affects the current actual position value of
"Shifting Position Data Reference" the encoders connected to the drive (motor encoder and external encoder).
Whether the current actual position value has position data reference to the
axis or not is irrelevant for the shifting of the position data reference! The shifting
is carried out on the drive-side by means of a command started by the master.

The reference status of the actual position values is not affected by

the shifting of the position data reference!

If the position data reference is shifted several times in succession without the
drive having been switched to communication phase 2, the shifted values act
in an additive way! The total offset with regard to the original actual position
value is stored in parameter "S‑0‑0283, Current coordinate offset".
Resetting "Shifting Position Data The offset of the position data reference is reset by switching the drive to com‐
Reference" munication phase 2. Therefore, there cannot be any active offset of position
data reference when the drive is switched on the first time, because former
offsets are cleared when the drive is switched off.

After resetting the offset by switching to communication phase 2 the

position data reference has to be established again for relative
measuring systems, if necessary!
Establishing Position Data Refer‐ If the position data reference of the encoders to the axis ("C0300 Command
ence for "Shifted" Measuring Sys‐ Set absolute measuring" oder "C0600 Command Drive-controlled homing pro‐
tem cedure") is established after the actual position values have been shifted (value
in parameter "S‑0‑0283, Current coordinate offset" unequal "0"), the current
offset of the coordinate system is cleared and in parameter S‑0‑0283 the value
"0" is displayed.
"Set Coordinate System Proce‐ When the control master triggers the "C3300 Set coordinate system procedure
dure" Command command" (S‑0‑0197), the drive becomes independent of the command values
preset by the master and goes to standstill in a drive-controlled way. Deceler‐
ation takes place according to the function "A0010 Drive HALT".

See also Troubleshooting Guide for "A0010 Drive HALT"

In standstill, the actual position value is set to "S‑0‑0198, Initial coordinate val‐
ue" and the difference between the new and original actual position value is
stored in parameter S‑0‑0283. The command then is acknowledged as having
been "executed".
"Shift Coordinate System Proce‐ When the control master triggers "C3400 Shift coordinate system procedure
dure" Command command" (S‑0‑0199), the drive also becomes independent of the command
values preset by the master but maintains the current velocity by internal input
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of the previous velocity command value. The actual position values now are
shifted by addition of "S‑0‑0275, Coordinates of offset value". The difference
between the new and original actual position values is stored in parameter
S‑0‑0283. The command then is acknowledged as having been "executed".
Action of Control Unit After Com‐ After the command acknowledgment the control master has to adjust to the
mand Acknowledgment shifted actual position values. This can be done by means of the actual position
values of the encoder active for position control (S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053) or the
current offset value (S‑0‑0283). When the control master has adjusted its com‐
mand values to the new actual position values, it can clear the command. The
master then sets the command values again. In spite of the actual position value
having been shifted with the drive active, there is no jerk when controlled!
Change in Position Data by "Shift‐ Measured position values, generated by probe evaluation, for example, refer
ing Position Data Reference" to the actual position value system in which they were measured, i.e.:
● When measured after the shifting, they refer to the "shifted" measuring
● When measured before the shifting, they refer to the original measuring
Command values (cyclic command values, target position, spindle angle posi‐
tion etc.) have to refer to the current actual position value system, i.e. to the
possibly shifted position data reference.
Unchanged Position Data After Travel range limit values (S‑0‑0049 or S‑0‑0050) and position correction val‐
"Shifting Position Data Reference" ues (e.g. axis error correction values) are always in their original position data
reference, i.e. the control unit, before writing these parameters, has to take the
current offset into account and calculate the original position reference again.
Notes on Commissioning
Shifting the position data reference during commissioning can cause incorrect
command values after the shifting has been carried out! Commissioning basi‐
cally makes sense only in conjunction with the control master. Check whether
the command value handling of the master is correct!

Property damage caused by error in command value input after shifting

the position data reference!
⇒ Protect the travel range of the axis, activate axis limit switches and make sure
CAUTION they are working!

"Set Coordinate System Proce‐ It is recommended to begin with "set coordinate system procedure". But first
dure" the parameter "S‑0‑0283, Current coordinate offset" should be read. When the
shifting of the position data reference has not yet been carried out after the
transition from "P2" to "AF", the value has to be "0"!
With master-side command value input, the "S‑0‑0197, C3300 Set coordinate
system procedure command" has to be started by the master.
See also "command processing"
Checking the Offset of Position Da‐ When the command was acknowledged by the drive, the offset of the position
ta Reference data reference has to be checked:
● The actual position value (S‑0‑0051 and possibly S‑0‑0053) has to corre‐
spond to "S‑0‑0198, Initial coordinate value".
● The parameter "S‑0‑0283, Current coordinate offset" has to be read. With
value unequal "0" shifting took place; with value "0" shifting either has not
taken place or the actual position value of the axis approximately equaled
the value of S‑0-0198 when the position data reference was shifted.
Checking the Command Value In‐ To check the command value input the master has to preset a position com‐
put and Clearing the Command mand value that corresponds to the value of parameter S‑0‑0198. Before the
master resets the executed command, it is necessary to check whether the
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and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

master-side command value corresponds to the current actual position value
of the encoder active in position control (S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053, shifted position
data reference). If not, do not clear the command but reset "AF", if necessary,
and search for the cause of the incorrect command value!
"Shift Coordinate System Proce‐ With "shift coordinate system procedure" it is recommended to control the axis
dure" on the master-side with velocity command value "0" or with very low velocity.
But first read "S‑0‑0283, Current coordinate offset". When the shifting of the
position data reference has not yet been carried out after the transition from
"P2" to "AF", the value has to be "0"!
After that start "C3400 Shift coordinate system procedure command" on the
See also "Command Processing"
Checking the Offset of Position Da‐ When the command was acknowledged by the drive, the offset of the position
ta Reference data reference has to be checked:
● The values of "S‑0‑0283, Current coordinate offset" and "S‑0‑0275, Co‐
ordinates of offset value" have to correspond.
Checking the Command Value In‐ Before the master resets the executed command, it is necessary to check
put and Clearing the Command whether the master-side command value corresponds to the current actual po‐
sition value of the encoder active in position control (S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053,
shifted position data reference). If not, do not clear the command but reset "AF",
if necessary, and search for the cause of the incorrect command value!

5.6.5 Detecting the Marker Position

Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.5-82: Assignment to functional firmware package

The "get marker position" function, that is activated via the respective com‐
mand, can be used for:
● Checking the correct detection of the reference mark of an incremental
measuring system
- or -
● Determining the position of the reference mark in case the homing pro‐
cedure is carried out by the control master. In this case, the coordinate
system is switched in the master with the position information of the ref‐
erence mark.

A possibly available home switch is not evaluated with this function!

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0173, Marker position A

● P‑0‑0014, C1400 Command Get marker position
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C1400 Command Get marker position
Functional Description
After the start of "P‑0‑0014, C1400 Command Get marker position", the follow‐
ing actions are carried out:
● The diagnostic message "C1400 Command Get marker position" is gen‐
● If an incremental measuring system was selected, the search for reference
marks is activated and the drive waits for reaching the next reference
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● When a reference mark is detected (i.e. the drive passes the position of a
reference mark), the actual position value of this mark is stored in param‐
eter "S‑0‑0173, Marker position A" and then the command execution is
signaled to be completed.

The drive does not generate any command value. The operating
mode active at the start of the command remains unchanged. In
order to pass the reference mark the control master has to preset
such command values (e.g. by means of jogging) that lead to a
movement in direction of the reference mark to be detected.

In parameter "S‑0‑0173, Marker position A", the position of the ref‐

erence mark is also stored during the execution of the "C0600
Drive-controlled homing procedure command" (S‑0‑0148). This po‐
sition, however, refers to the "old" coordinate system (before
switching the coordinate system when executing the homing pro‐

5.7 Mechanical Axis System and Arrangement of Measuring Sys‐

5.7.1 Brief Description
Motor Encoder Controlled motor activation requires a position measuring system that meas‐
ures the current rotor position or the position of the moving part as opposed to
the static part of the motor.
This position measurement is required for the:
● Current control loop,
● velocity control loop and
● if required, position control loop.
The precision and resolution of the position measurement is decisive for the
quality of the actual values, especially in the velocity and position control loop.
External Encoders Depending on the mechanical properties of the mechanical system between
driven motor shaft and machine axis it can be required to carry out the position
control by means of an external position encoder (not integrated in the motor)
directly at the moving part of the axis, e.g. in the case of
● mechanical system with slip,
● gear play or a low degree of stiffness of the mechanical system, etc.
The external (optional) encoder can also be used as a measuring wheel en‐
coder (frictionally engaged on transported material).
See "measuring wheel mode"
For information on encoder evaluation and encoder monitoring see also "Basics
on Measuring Systems, Resolution" and "Monitoring the Measuring Systems"
Motor Encoders of Rexroth Hous‐ Rexroth housing motors have integrated position measuring systems:
ing Motors
● HSF encoders for MHD, 2AD and ADF motors of high precision require‐
● Resolver encoders for MKD and MKE motors for lower precision require‐
They are optionally available as
● Relative measuring system ("single-turn motor encoder")
- or -
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● Absolute measuring system ("multi-turn motor encoders", range of values

±4096 motor revolutions)
The measuring systems of Rexroth housing motors support the commissioning
because the data for encoder type and resolution are stored in the encoder.
They are loaded to the controller when the controller is switched on.
Motor Encoders for Rexroth Kit Mo‐ Rexroth kit motors are delivered as individual components and assembled in
tors and Third-Party Encoders the machine to form the motor. It consists of a moving and a static part, the
bearing and the motor encoder.
The following measuring systems can be used as a motor encoder:
● GDS/GDM encoders from Rexroth (rotary single-turn or multi-turn encod‐
ers with housing and shaft)
● Incremental encoder with sine signals
(compatible with signal specification of Heidenhain)
● Combined encoder of incremental encoder with sine signals (compatible
with signal specification of Heidenhain) and "Hall sensor box
SHL01.1" (Rexroth-compatible signal specification)
● Encoder with EnDat interface from Heidenhain
● Incremental encoder with square-wave signals
(compatible with signal specification of Heidenhain)
● Combined encoder of incremental encoder with square-wave signals
(compatible with signal specification of Heidenhain) and "Hall sensor box
SHL01.1" (Rexroth-compatible signal specification)

Do not use incremental encoders with square-wave signals as mo‐

tor encoders! Bad drive characteristics are to be expected!

The mentioned measuring systems can be used as motor encoders for third-
party kit motors and third-party housing motors. The combined encoders are
an exception; they can only be used for Rexroth synchronous linear motors (see
also "Rexroth Kit Motors, Synchronous")!

For synchronous kit motors or synchronous third-party motors it is

recommended that you use a measuring system, which can be
evaluated in absolute form, as a motor encoder so that you have to
determine the commutation offset of the motor only once (during
initial commissioning) (see also "Absolute Measuring Systems").

Motor Encoder with Gear Especially with rotary kit motors it is sometimes impossible to connect the motor
encoder directly to the motor shaft. IndraDrive provides the possibility to eval‐
uate a motor encoder connected via a gear.

For synchronous motors in combination with a motor encoder which

can be evaluated in absolute form, the advantage of setting the
commutation offset only once (see above) can only be used with an
encoder gear with i = 1 or when there is no encoder gear available!
External Encoders at Machine Ax‐ IndraDrive controllers can evaluate the following measuring systems as exter‐
es nal encoders:
● GDS/GDM encoders from Rexroth (rotary single-turn or multi-turn encod‐
ers with housing and shaft)
● Incremental encoder with sine signals
(compatible with signal specification of Heidenhain)
● Encoder with EnDat interface from Heidenhain
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● Incremental encoder with square-wave signals
(compatible with signal specification of Heidenhain)
Possibilities of Arranging Measur‐ The figure below shows an overview of arrangement possibilities of mechanical
ing Systems drive system and measuring systems.

1) S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053, depending on scaling (S‑0‑0076)

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value
S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
S‑0‑0076 Position data scaling type
S‑0‑0115 Position feedback 2 type
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
S‑0‑0121 Input revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0122 Output revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0123 Feed constant
S‑0‑0277 Position feedback 1 type
P‑0‑0074 Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0075 Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0121 Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0122 Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0124 Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0125 Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0123 Feed constant 2 (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0185 Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)
Fig.5-83: Overview of arrangement possibilities of mechanical drive system and
measuring systems
Hardware Requirements For connecting the measuring systems to the controller there are 3 optional
interfaces available. By writing data to the parameters "P‑0‑0077, Assignment
motor encoder->optional slot" and "P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional encoder -
>optional slot", define the interface to which the respective encoder is connec‐
ted. The interface must be equipped with the appropriate encoder input for the
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and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

encoder (see also documentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers; Proj‐
ect Planning Manual")!
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type
● S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0123, Feed constant
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● P‑0‑0121, Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0123, Feed constant 2 (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0124, Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0125, Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)

5.7.2 Functional Description

Motor Encoder The motion type of the motor encoder can either be rotary or linear. The con‐
troller is told this via parameter "S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type".
When "linear motor encoder" is set in parameter S‑0‑0277, the encoder 1 gear
parameters are inactive, the actual position value reference (parameter
"S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type") has to be set to "with respect to the
motor" and "linear". As the actual position values are determined directly at the
moving part of the axis it does not make sense to use another external encoder!

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value

S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0277 Position feedback 1 type
P‑0‑0074 Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
Fig.5-84: Motor encoder arrangement for drive with linear motor
When "rotary motor encoder" is set the controller assumes an application with
a rotary motor. This means:
● In the case of rotary kit motors, the motor encoder can be connected via
a gear; Rexroth housing motors have a direct motor connection.
● The load side of the drive can be rotary or linear (S‑0‑0076).
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1) S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053, depending on scaling (S‑0‑0076)

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value
S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
S‑0‑0076 Position data scaling type
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0121 Input revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0122 Output revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0123 Feed constant
S‑0‑0277 Position feedback 1 type
P‑0‑0074 Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0121 Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0122 Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
Fig.5-85: Possible drive arrangements with rotary motor (without external encod‐
External Encoder In the case of drives with rotary motor a rotary or linear load-side (external)
encoder can be necessary, depending on the application:
● A rotary external encoder can be connected to the load via an encoder
● A linear external encoder determines the actual position value directly at
the linear load.
For drives with linear motor, it is impossible to connect an external encoder!
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

1) S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053, depending on scaling (S‑0‑0076)

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value
S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
S‑0‑0076 Position data scaling type
S‑0‑0115 Position feedback 2 type
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
S‑0‑0121 Input revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0122 Output revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0123 Feed constant
S‑0‑0277 Position feedback 1 type
P‑0‑0074 Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0075 Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0121 Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0122 Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0124 Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0125 Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0123 Feed constant 2 (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0185 Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)
Fig.5-86: Possible drive arrangements with rotary motor and external encoder

5.7.3 Notes on Commissioning

The Notes on Commissioning in the sections "Basics on Measuring
Systems, Resolution" and "Monitoring the Measuring Systems"
have to be observed, too!

Basic Settings Set encoder type "linear" or "rotary":

● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
Enter encoder type, hardware assignment and resolution:
246/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 resolution
● P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encoder->optional slot
Settings for Rotary Motors Enter motor encoder gear ratio:
● P‑0‑0121, Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
Enter load gear ratio:
● S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear
For linear axes enter the feed constant:
● S‑0‑0123, Feed constant
Settings for External Encoders Set encoder type "linear" or "rotary":
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type
Enter encoder type, hardware assignment and resolution:
● P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional encoder ->optional slot
● S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 resolution
Enter gear ratio for the external (optional) encoder:
● P‑0‑0124, Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0125, Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
Settings for Measuring Wheel En‐ Activate feed constant for measuring wheel:
● P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)
Enter feed constant for measuring wheel:
● P‑0‑0123, Feed constant 2 (optional encoder)

5.8 Scaling of Physical Data

5.8.1 Brief Description
The controller via data maps the drive to an internal mathematical model. The
status variables of the drive are determined on the basis of the following meas‐
● Position measurement
● Current measurement
● Temperature measurement
The measured values collected in this way are converted into physical data:
● Position, velocity, acceleration and jerk data
● Current data, torque and force data
● Temperature data and load data
The master transmits command values to the drive that are used by the con‐
troller for transforming them at the motor output shaft or mechanical axis
system. The drive in return registers and transmits actual values, signals op‐
erating and command states and, if necessary, generates error messages and
Communication between drive and master also takes place by exchanging da‐
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and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Scaling An operating data (numeric value) can only be evaluated as a physical value,
when the numeric value is connected to a physical unit and the position of the
decimal point (decimal places). The data thereby is "scaled" in a qualitative and
quantitative way.
Parameters All data are stored in parameters and transmitted as parameter values (for ex‐
planations on parameters see "Parameters, Basics"). The scaling of the pa‐
rameters containing data of the following physical values can be defined by the
● Position
● Velocity
● Acceleration
● Torque/force
● Temperature
Preferred Scaling/Parameter Scal‐ To simplify the scaling definition so-called "preferred scalings" were predefined.
ing But physical data can also be exchanged in the control-internal format, i.e.
without specific reference to physical units. To do this, the scaling for certain
data can be freely set ("parameter scaling").
Linear and Rotary Data Depending on the kind of motion of motor or load, the data can be displayed
as follows:
● In linear form (linear axis or motor motion)
- or -
● In rotary form (rotary axis or motor motion)
Motor Reference/Load Reference In the drive firmware there are mechanical transfer elements between motor
and load mapped by means of mathematical models. The physical data can
thereby be referred to
● the point where the load takes effect (load-side data reference)
- or -
● the point where the force is input (motor-side data reference).
Absolute/Modulo Evaluation For technical reasons, the value range of the position data the controller can
display is limited.
In the case of axes with limited travel range (e.g. linear axes), the current axis
position within the controller-side value range can be unequivocally displayed
(see "Basics on Measuring Systems, Resolution").
In the case of axes with unlimited travel range (e.g. rotary axes) it is useful to
limit the infinite value range of the position data to a finite value. With continuous
motion, the value range is recurrently run from minimum to maximum value
("modulo" evaluation of the actual position value).
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0043, Velocity polarity parameter
● S‑0‑0044, Velocity data scaling type
● S‑0‑0045, Velocity data scaling factor
● S‑0‑0046, Velocity data scaling exponent
● S-0-0055, Position polarities
● S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type
● S‑0‑0077, Linear position data scaling factor position data
● S‑0‑0078, Linear position data scaling exponent position data
● S‑0‑0079, Rotational position resolution
● S‑0‑0085, Torque/force polarity parameter
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● S‑0‑0086, Torque/force data scaling type
● S‑0‑0093, Torque/force data scaling factor
● S‑0‑0094, Torque/force data scaling exponent
● S‑0‑0103, Modulo value
● S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0123, Feed constant
● S‑0‑0160, Acceleration data scaling type
● S‑0‑0161, Acceleration data scaling factor
● S‑0‑0162, Acceleration data scaling exponent
● S‑0‑0208, Temperature data scaling type

5.8.2 Functional Description

Position, Velocity and Acceleration For position, velocity and acceleration data there are the following basic scaling
Data types:
● Linear
● Rotary
It is possible to choose between preferred scaling (predefined scaling) and pa‐
rameter scaling (scaling can be individually defined).
Preferred Scalings (Predefined) Depending on the scaling type setting, there are the following predefined pre‐
ferred scalings:
Preferred scaling
Linear Linear Rotary
Physical data with unit "m" with unit "inch"
position data 0.0000 in 0.000001 in 0.0001 dgr
0.0001 1/min or
velocity data 0.000 in/min 0.00001 inch/min
0.000001 1/s

Fig.5-87: Overview: preferred scalings for position data and velocity data
Preferred scaling
Linear Linear Rotary Ramp time
Physical data with unit "m" with unit "inch" unit "rad" unit "s"
acceleration data 0.000 in/s2 0.00001 inch/s2 0.001 rad/s2 0.001 s
jerk data 0.000000 in/s3 0.00001 inch/s3 0.001 rad/s3 0.001 s2

Fig.5-88: Overview: preferred scalings for acceleration data and jerk data

The jerk data scaling is derived from the acceleration data scaling.

To be Noticed: Ramp Time Scaling The acceleration data can also be scaled with reference to a velocity ramp:

S‑0‑0446 ramp reference velocity for acceleration data

Fig.5-89: Definition of the velocity reference ramp for scaling acceleration data in
the case of preferred scaling
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 249/886
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Settings for Preferred Scaling The scaling types, units and the selection of preferred scaling are determined
in the respective bits of the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type
● S‑0‑0044, Velocity data scaling type
● S‑0‑0160, Acceleration data scaling type
When using preferred scaling, the parameter values for scaling type, unit, scal‐
ing factor and scaling exponent as well as the number of decimal places are
automatically set for the respective data. The following tables contain an over‐
Attribute number of dec‐
Physical data Scaling type Unit S‑0‑0076 S‑0‑0077 S‑0‑0078
imal places
linear mm ..xx00.0001 1 -7 4
position data linear inch ..xx01.0001 1 -6 6
rotary dgr ..xx00.0010 1 -4 4
S‑0‑0076 Position data scaling type
S‑0‑0077 Position data scaling factor
S‑0‑0078 Position data scaling exponent
Fig.5-90: Values of scaling parameters and decimal places of position data de‐
termined by preferred scaling
Attribute number of dec‐
Physical data Scaling type Unit S‑0‑0044 S‑0‑0045 S‑0‑0046
imal places
linear mm/min ..0x00.0001 1 -6 3
linear inch/min ..0x01.0001 1 -5 5
velocity data
rotary 1/min ..0x00.0010 1 -4 4
rotary 1/s ..0x10.0010 1 -6 6
S‑0‑0044 Velocity data scaling type
S‑0‑0045 Velocity data scaling exponent
S‑0‑0046 Velocity data scaling exponent
Fig.5-91: Values of scaling parameters and decimal places of velocity data de‐
termined by preferred scaling
Attribute number of dec‐
Physical data Scaling type Unit S‑0‑0160 S‑0‑0161 S‑0‑0162
imal places
linear mm/s2 ..0x00.0001 1 -6 3
linear inch/s2 ..0x01.0001 1 -5 5
acceleration data
rotary rad/s2 ..0x00.0010 1 -3 3
ramp time s ..0x00.0011 1 -3 3
S‑0‑0160 Acceleration data scaling type
S‑0‑0161 Acceleration data scaling factor
S‑0‑0162 Acceleration data scaling exponent
Fig.5-92: Values of scaling parameters and decimal places of acceleration data
determined by preferred scaling

For practical reasons, the metric measures of length in the case of

preferred scaling are scaled in "mm". This when reading the re‐
spective parameter can also be seen from the corresponding "unit"
data element. The decimal places are adjusted to the current unit.

Parameter Scaling As an alternative to preferred scaling it is also possible to activate parameter

(Individually Defined) scaling. For parameter scaling the least significant bit (LSB) of the respective
operating data can be individually defined.
250/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

By means of parameter scaling it is possible to modify the range of

values of physical data!
Example: The maximum value for "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel
range" can be increased by reducing the number of decimal places
of the position data.

1) With scaling factor ≠ 1 the unit is no longer indicated as in parameter

S‑0‑0076, but only "incrementally" (control-dependent unit reference).
2) With rotational position resolutions (S‑0‑0079) which do not result in
powers of 10 of 360, the unit is no longer angular degrees (acc. to
S‑0‑0076) but only "incremental" (control-dependent unit reference).
LSB least significant bit
SE scaling exponent
TU unit of time
S‑0‑0446 ramp reference velocity for acceleration data
Fig.5-93: Defining the least significant bit (LSB) for parameter scaling

The jerk data scaling is derived from the acceleration data scaling.

Respective units of measurement and time defined in the parameters:

● S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type
● S‑0‑0044, Velocity data scaling type
● S‑0‑0160, Acceleration data scaling type
Respective scaling factor and scaling exponent defined in the following param‐
● S‑0‑0077, Linear position data scaling factor position data
● S‑0‑0078, Linear position data scaling exponent position data
● S‑0‑0045, Velocity data scaling factor
● S‑0‑0046, Velocity data scaling exponent
● S‑0‑0161, Acceleration data scaling factor
● S‑0‑0162, Acceleration data scaling exponent
For rotary position data the value of the following parameter, in the case of
parameter scaling, must be determined for defining the LSB:
● S‑0‑0079, Rotational position resolution
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 251/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Torque/Force Data For torque/force data there are the following basic scaling types:
● Linear
● Rotary
● Percentage-based

It is only possible to select preferred scaling (predefined scaling)!

Preferred scaling

Linear Rotary
Physical value based

torque -- 0.01 Nm or 0.1 inlbf 0,1%

force 1 N or 0.1 lbf -- 0,1%

Fig.5-94: Preferred scalings for torque/force data

The scaling types and units can be determined in the respective bits of param‐
● S‑0‑0086, Torque/force data scaling type.
As individually defined scaling is impossible for torque/force data, the following
parameters have fixed values corresponding to preferred scaling:
● S‑0‑0093, Torque/force data scaling factor and
● S‑0‑0094, Torque/force data scaling exponent
Temperature Data For temperature data only the following units can be selected:
● Degree Celsius (°C)
● Fahrenheit (F)

For temperature data is it only possible to select preferred scaling

(predefined scaling)!

Preferred scaling
Physical value Celsius Fahrenheit
Temperature 0.1 °C 0.1 F

Fig.5-95: Preferred scalings for temperature data

Motor Reference/Load Reference The reference of position, velocity, acceleration, jerk and torque/force data can
be selected for:
● point where the motor force is input ("motor reference") or
● point where the load takes effect ("load reference").
To do this, it is necessary to transmit the data of the mechanical transfer ele‐
ments between motor, encoders and point where the load takes effect to the
controller via the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0123, Feed constant
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type
● P‑0‑0121, Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
252/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

● P‑0‑0124, Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)

● P‑0‑0125, Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)

Fig.5-96: Mechanical transfer elements between motor, encoders and load

For linear motors the motor reference is the same as the load ref‐
erence because the point where the force is input and point where
the load takes effect are identical. There aren't any mechanical
transfer elements!

Polarity The polarity of the position, velocity and torque/force data can be changed from
positive to negative polarity in the following parameters:
● S-0-0055, Position polarities
● S-0-0043, Velocity polarity parameter
● S‑0‑0085, Torque/force polarity parameter
Depending on the mounting situation (especially of kit motors and their respec‐
tive motor encoder or external encoder), this allows determining the appropriate
polarity of the respective data for the machine axis.
Modulo Scaling Via the respective bit of parameter "S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type", it is
possible to select, for the position data format, between two formats:
● Absolute format
● Modulo format
If the position data of an axis with infinite travel range (e.g. rotary axis, spindle
etc.) were processed in absolute format, the axis would risk to move beyond
the value range of the position data. This would lead to invalid position data;
operating modes with position control would not be safe to operate.
The value range for modulo format is limited, only position data between the
value 0.00... and a maximum value to be determined in parameter "S‑0‑0103,
Modulo value" are possible.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 253/886
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

When the measured actual position value exceeds the value range or falls be‐
low it, the actual position value displayed in parameter S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053
behaves unsteadily, i.e. it changes by the absolute value of the modulo value
range in such a way that the actual position value displayed always remains
within the modulo value range.

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value

S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
S‑0‑0103 Modulo value
Fig.5-97: Actual position value for axis motion with constant velocity for absolute
and modulo format
Modulo Format - The "modulo format" selection for actual position values is only appropriate for
Requirements rotary motors, because a mechanically unlimited travel range is only possible
for axes with rotary motors. The "modulo format" therefore is only allowed for
rotary motors, not for linear motors!

The condition "rotary motor" for selecting "modulo format" is

checked when the drive progresses to the ready-for-operation sta‐
tus. If the condition has not been fulfilled, an error is signaled!

Restrictions/Conditions for "Modulo When using the modulo format, the following restrictions and conditions have
Format" to be observed and complied with:
● Due to the firmware-internal conversion of absolute format to modulo for‐
mat, the allowed maximum velocity is as follows:

vmax maximum velocity or maximum angular velocity

S‑0‑0103 Modulo value
Fig.5-98: Allowed maximum velocity for modulo format

Possible property damage caused by errors when controlling motors

and moving parts!
⇒ The value in "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value" mustn't be higher than
WARNING the allowed maximum velocity for modulo format!

● In the case of encoders evaluated in absolute form, the mechanical drive

system, with the drive switched off, may as a maximum be moved by a
distance or angle corresponding to half the absolute encoder range
("S‑0‑0378, Absolute encoder range of motor encoder" or "S‑0‑0379, Ab‐
254/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

solute encoder range of optional encoder")! The actual position value after
switching on can otherwise be incorrect! This, however, cannot be diag‐
nosed on the controller side!

Possible property damage caused by errors when controlling motors

and moving parts!
⇒ Block the mechanical system with drive switched off by self-holding holding
WARNING brake or self-locking gear!

See also "Absolute Measuring Systems"

● The following conditions have to be complied with in the case of rotary
modulo scaling:
Scaling type of position data → Modulo scaling, rotary position reference
External encoder → External encoder available No external encoder avail‐
Type of motion of external encoder → Rotary Linear not possible! able
Conditions (No.) to be complied with → 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 --- 1; 2; 4; 5
Conditions → No. 1: S‑0‑0079 × S‑0‑0122 ≤ 264
No. 2: S‑0‑0079 × P‑0‑0121 × S‑0‑0122 ≤ 264
No. 3: S‑0‑0079 × P‑0‑0124 × S‑0‑0121 ≤ 264
No. 4: S‑0‑0103 × P‑0‑0129 × S‑0‑0121 ≤ 264
No. 5: S‑0‑0103 × S‑0‑0116 × P‑0‑0122 × S‑0‑0121 ≤ 264
No. 6: S‑0‑0103 × S‑0‑0117 × P‑0‑0125 × S‑0‑0122 ≤ 264
S‑0‑0079 Rotational position resolution
S‑0‑0103 Modulo value
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
S‑0‑0121 Input revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0122 Output revolutions of load gear
P‑0‑0121 Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0122 Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0124 Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0125 Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0129 Internal position data format
Fig.5-99: Conditions for modulo scaling and rotary position reference

Rotary modulo scaling is impossible for linear external encoder!

● Only load reference is possible for linear modulo scaling. Depending on

the use of an external encoder the following conditions have to be com‐
plied with:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 255/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Scaling type of position data → Modulo scaling, linear position reference

Motor reference
Reference → Load reference
not possible!
External encoder → --- External encoder available No external encoder
Type of motion of external encoder → --- Rotary Linear available
Conditions (No.) to be complied with → --- 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7 1; 2; 3; 4
Conditions → No. 1: S‑0‑0103 × S‑0‑0121 × P‑0‑0129 ≤ 264
No. 2: S‑0‑0123 × S‑0‑0122 ≤ 264
No. 3: S‑0‑0103 × S‑0‑0121 × P‑0‑0122 × S‑0‑0116 ≤ 264
No. 4: S‑0‑0123 × S‑0‑0122 × P‑0‑0121 ≤ 264
No. 5: S‑0‑0103 × P‑0‑0125 × S‑0‑0117 ≤ 264
No. 6: S‑0‑0123 × P‑0‑0124 ≤ 264
No. 7: S‑0‑0103 × S‑0‑0077 × 10(S‑0‑0078) ≤ 264
S‑0‑0077 Linear position data scaling position data
S‑0‑0078 Linear position data scaling position data
S‑0‑0103 Modulo value
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
S‑0‑0121 Input revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0122 Output revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0123 Feed constant
P‑0‑0121 Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0122 Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0124 Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0125 Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0129 Internal position data format
Fig.5-100: Conditions for modulo scaling and linear position reference

Linear modulo scaling is impossible for motor reference!

5.8.3 Notes on Commissioning

General Information
Basic Scaling Settings First make the basic scaling settings for position, velocity, acceleration and tor‐
que/force data. This is only possible in the parameter mode (communication
phase 2).
You have to determine:
● Scaling type (rotary/linear/without scaling/percentage-based, if necessa‐
● Unit of measurement and unit of time, if necessary
● Data reference (motor/load)
● Absolute/modulo format for position data
● Preferred scaling (predefined) or parameter scaling (can be individually
To do this, set the respective bits in the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type
● S‑0‑0044, Velocity data scaling type
● S‑0‑0160, Acceleration data scaling type
● S‑0‑0086, Torque/force data scaling type
256/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Settings and Tips for Modulo Scal‐ When selecting "modulo format" the value range limit has to be set in parameter
ing "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value".

For "modulo format" enter a value greater than or equal to the value
of parameter S‑0‑0103 in parameter "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel

Danger of incorrect actual position value of encoders evaluated in ab‐

solute form after switching the drive on, when the mechanical drive
system, with the drive switched off, was moved in the case of modulo
WARNING scaling!
⇒ Make sure that the mechanical drive system, with the drive switched off, is
as a maximum moved by a distance or angle corresponding to half the absolute
encoder range ("S‑0‑0378, Absolute encoder range of motor encoder" or
"S‑0‑0379, Absolute encoder range of optional encoder")!

Temperature Scaling In addition, make the scaling setting for temperature data in parameter
"S‑0‑0208, Temperature data scaling type".
Individual Settings for Parameter Scaling
Further Settings for Parameter Position data:
● S‑0‑0077, Linear position data scaling factor position data
● S‑0‑0078, Linear position data scaling exponent position data
- or -
● S‑0‑0079, Rotational position resolution
Velocity data:
● S‑0‑0045, Velocity data scaling factor
● S‑0‑0046, Velocity data scaling exponent
Acceleration data:
● S‑0‑0161, Acceleration data scaling factor
● S‑0‑0162, Acceleration data scaling exponent
Diagnostic Messages of Scaling Setting
If inadmissible scaling settings were made, they are detected when switching
from parameter mode (communication phase 2) to operating mode (communi‐
cation phase 4). The drive in this case does not reach the operating mode and,
according to setting, displays the following command errors:
● C0101 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0021)
● C0102 Limit error in parameter (-> S-0-0021)
● C0103 Parameter conversion error (-> S-0-0021)
● C0122 Incorr. parameteriz. of motor enc. (mechanical system)
● C0123 Modulo value for motor encoder cannot be displayed
● C0127 Incorr. parameteriz. of opt. enc. (mechanical system)
● C0128 Modulo value for optional encoder cannot be displayed
● C0140 Rotary scaling not allowed
Example of Scaling Settings
There are many possibilities to make settings for the scaling type. The table
below shows useful settings for which there aren't any command errors to be
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 257/886
and Controls

Motor, Mechanical Axis System, Measuring Systems

Mechanical system Encoder Useful scaling type settings

External en‐ Motor refer‐ Load refer‐
Motor Load gear Feed spindle Motor encoder coder ence ence Modulo
rotary available not available rotary no rotary rotary possible
rotary available rotary no rotary --- possible
rotary available rotary no --- linear possible
rotary available not available rotary rotary rotary rotary possible
rotary available rotary rotary rotary --- possible
rotary available rotary rotary --- linear possible
rotary available rotary linear rotary --- possible
rotary available rotary linear --- linear possible
linear not available not available linear --- --- linear not possible

Fig.5-101: Useful scaling type settings depending on mechanical drive system and
measuring systems
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Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 259/886
and Controls

Drive Control

6 Drive Control
6.1 Overview of Drive Control
6.1.1 Basic Principles and Terms
The IndraDrive firmware supports the following two basic principles of drive
● Open-loop axis control (U/f control)
→ Open-loop-controlled operation without encoder information
● Closed-loop axis control
– With encoder feedback
→ Closed-loop-controlled operation (position, velocity and current)
– Without encoder feedback
→ Closed-loop-controlled operation with motor model (velocity and

When selecting the functional packages, take the desired method

of control into account as you have to choose between open-loop
and closed-loop base package!

The overview below shows the assignment and the possible applications of the
different methods of control:

Operating mode / command Control mode Functional Encoder Required base

value adjustment principle of available package
motor Notes

U/f control with command val‐ Yes Closed-loop --

Voltage-control‐ Asynchro‐
ue adjustment of the velocity
led operation nous No Open-loop --

Asynchro‐ Yes Closed-loop --

nous No Open-loop --
Torque/force control
current control Yes Closed-loop --
nous No -- Function not available

Asynchro‐ Yes Closed-loop --

nous No Open-loop --
Velocity control / velocity syn‐
Velocity control
chronization Yes Closed-loop --
nous No -- Function not available

Asynchro‐ Yes Closed-loop --

Position control, drive-control‐
nous No -- Function not available
led positioning, positioning
Position control
block mode, phase synchroni‐ Yes Closed-loop --
zation, electronic cam shaft
nous No -- Function not available

Fig.6-1: Overview of Methods of Control and Applications

260/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

For scaling the drive firmware, we distinguish between the func‐

tional base packages with "open-loop" and "closed-loop" charac‐
teristic; in this case, however, the meaning is not identical to how
the terms are used in conjunction with drive control!

See also section "Overview of Functions/Functional Packages"

6.1.2 Principles of Drive Control

Overview of Open-Loop Axis Control
Open-loop axis control allows open-loop-controlled operation of the drive with‐
out motor encoder (U/f control).
The primary mode of operation "velocity control" is configured, but only the
command value processing specific to this operating mode takes effect.
Closed-loop control (position and velocity) and functions and operating modes
depending thereof are not possible.
See "Voltage-Controlled Open-Loop Operation (U/f Control)"

Fig.6-2: Principle of Drive Control (Open-Loop Operation)

See also section "Closed-Loop Axis Control (Closed-Loop Operation)"
See also section "Overview of Functions/Functional Packages"
Overview of Closed-Loop Axis Control
The base package "Closed-Loop" also contains the functions of the
base package "Open-Loop".

Closed-loop axis control allows closed-loop-controlled operation of the drive;

we distinguish between two principles of drive control:
● Operation with encoder
The velocity control loop and the position control loop are closed by means
of the encoder feedback so that the following operating modes are sup‐
ported by field-oriented current control with encoder feedback:
– Velocity control
– Position control with cyclic command value input
– Positioning modes (e.g. drive-controlled positioning)
– Synchronization modes
● Operation without encoder
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 261/886
and Controls

Drive Control

The velocity control loop is closed by means of a motor model (monitor)

so that field-oriented current control without encoder feedback supports
velocity control without encoder.
See section "Field-Oriented Current Control"

Fig.6-3: Principle of Drive Control (Closed-Loop Operation)

See also section "Open-Loop Axis Control (Open-Loop Operation)"
See also section "Overview of Functions/Functional Packages"

6.1.3 Control Loop Structure

General Information
The drive controller has a so-called cascade structure, i.e. the individual loops
(position, velocity and current) are interconnected in cascaded form. Depending
on the active operating mode, only the torque/force control loop, the torque/
force control loop and the velocity control loop or, in addition to these two control
loops, the position control loop are closed in the drive.
Torque/Force Control The "torque/force control" mode actually isn't torque or force control but current
control. Therefore, only the current control loop is closed in the drive.
See also "Torque/Force Control"
Velocity Control In the "velocity control" mode, the velocity control loop, apart form the current
control loop, is closed in the drive, too.
See also "Velocity Control"
Position Control For the following position control modes, the position control loop, apart from
the current and velocity control loops, is closed internally (in the drive):
● Position control with cyclic command value input
● Drive-internal interpolation
● Drive-controlled positioning
See also description of the respective operating mode
The figures in the following two paragraphs contain an overview of the structure
and the interaction of the control loops (distinguished according to the illustra‐
tion of the setting parameters and the display parameters).
262/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Control Loop Structure With Setting Parameters

TA Sampling times (see table in the chapter "Features of the Control

Fig.6-4: Overall Structure of the Control Loops With Points at Which the Setting
Parameters Take Effect
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 263/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Control Loop Structure With Display Parameters

TA Sampling times (see table in the chapter "Features of the Control

Fig.6-5: Overall Structure of the Control Loops With Display Parameters
264/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

6.1.4 Features of the Control Loops

Performance (Controller Cycle Times)
The internal controller cycle times (current, velocity and position) depend on
the following conditions and parameters:
● Control section design (CSH, CSB or CDB)
● Activation of the functional packages
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
● P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller (bits 2 and 5)
Depending on these factors, the following cycle and switching times can be

ADVANCED control BASIC control sec‐

sections tions

PWM switching frequency Max. 16 kHz Max. 8 kHz

Current loop clock (TA_current) 62.5 µs 125 µs

Velocity loop clock (TA_velocity) 125 µs 250 µs

Position loop clock (TA_position) 250 µs 500 µs

Fig.6-6: Cycle and Switching Times to be Achieved With IndraDrive

All performance data are listed under "System Overview: Perform‐

ance Data".

Current Loop
The current loop is characterized by the following features:
● PI loop for for d-axis and q-axis of the field-oriented d-q coordinate system
(S-0-0106, S-0-0107)
● Inductance feedforward for decoupling d-axis and q-axis (P‑0‑4017,
P‑0‑4016) for synchronous motors
● Inductance characteristic for adjusting the current loop parameters in the
case of saturation phenomena
● Precontrol of e.m.f.
Velocity Loop
The velocity loop is characterized by the following features:
● Standardization of the output value at the velocity loop to Newton (N) or
Newton meter (Nm); therefore, depending on the motor type, the following
unit results for the parameter "S-0-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain":
– Rotary motor → Nm * s/rad
– Linear motor → N * min/mm
● Possibility of extending the filter options for filtering resonance frequencies
(4 filters of 2nd degree available; settings via parameters P‑0‑1120,
P‑0‑1121, P‑0‑1122 and P‑0‑1123)
● Limitation of acceleration in velocity control by setting in parameter
"S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value"
Position Loop
The position loop is characterized by the following features:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 265/886
and Controls

Drive Control

● Jerk limitation can be set in operating mode "cyclic position control" in

parameter "S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar"; filter degree of smoothing filter
(moving average) can be set in parameter "P‑0‑0042, Current position
command average value filter order"
● Velocity feedforward (degree of feedforward) can be set in parameter
"P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation" (0% ... 100%)
● Input value for parameter "S‑0‑0348, Acceleration feedforward gain"
– Inertia in kg*m2 (for rotary motors)
- or -
– Mass in kg (for linear motors)

6.1.5 General Notes on Commissioning and Application

Additive Command Values and Possibilities of Accessing Outer Control Loops
In closed-loop operation it is possible to add command values in addition to the
command values available in the control loop. Depending on the active oper‐
ating mode, the following parameters are available to do this:

Operating mode S‑0‑0081 S‑0‑0037 P‑0‑0059 S‑0‑0048

U/f control (command value pro‐

-- -- -- --
cessing in velocity control)
Torque/force control ■ -- -- --
Velocity control / velocity synchro‐
■ ■ -- --
Position control ■ ■ ■ --
Drive-controlled positioning ■ ■ ■ --
Positioning block mode ■ ■ ■ --
Phase synchronization ■ ■ -- ■
Electronic cam shaft ■ ■ -- ■
S‑0‑0081 Additive torque/force command value
S‑0‑0037 Additive velocity command value
P‑0‑0059 Additive position command value, controller
S‑0‑0048 Additive position command value
Fig.6-7: Overview of the Additive Command Values Depending on the Operating
In closed-loop operation, it is possible to access the outer control loops from a
higher-level operating mode. The access options to the individual control loops
are illustrated in the following example:
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Drive Control

S‑0‑0037 Additive velocity command value

S-0-0047 Position command value
S‑0‑0081 Additive torque/force command value
S‑0‑0100 Velocity loop proportional gain
S‑0‑0101 Velocity loop integral action time
S‑0‑0104 Position loop Kv-factor
P‑0‑0059 Additive position command value, controller
Fig.6-8: Structural Overview Including Access Options (Example of Operating
Mode "Position Control With Cyclic Command Value Input")
Notes on Commissioning of the Control Loop Setting
The control loop settings in a digital drive controller are very important for the
features of the servo axis.
To optimize the control loop setting, application-specific controller parameters
are available for all digital Rexroth drives.
Order of Manual Control Loop Set‐ Due to the cascade structure of the control loops, it is necessary to parame‐
ting terize them "from the inside to the outside". The resulting order for setting the
control loops is as follows:
1. Current control loop
For Rexroth motors with motor encoder data memory (MSK, MHD, MKD
and MKE lines), optimizing the current loop is not required because the
corresponding parameter values (S-0-0106 and S-0-0107) are read from
the motor encoder data memory.
For all Rexroth motors without motor encoder data memory (e.g. linear
motors), the parameter settings can be taken from a central motor data
base via the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool.
The commissioning of third-party motors (including control loop settings)
is described in the respective sections on third-party motors in this docu‐
mentation (see "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers").
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and Controls

Drive Control
2. Velocity control loop
The settings of the velocity loop (S-0-0100 and S-0-0101) with the re‐
spective filters (P-0-0004 and P-0-1120, P-0-1121, P-0-1122, P-0-1123)
on the one hand depend on the motor parameters (inertia and torque/force
constant), on the other hand they strongly depend on the mechanical
properties (load inertia/mass, friction, stiffness of the connection, ...).
Therefore, manual or automatic optimization is often necessary.
3. Position control loop
In general, the position control loop only has to be adjusted to the dynam‐
ics of the outer velocity loop, as well as to the kind of preset command
values (jerk, acceleration and interpolation procedure).
Default Settings in the Motor Encoder Data Memory ("Load Defaults Procedure")
Command "Load Defaults Proce‐ For all Rexroth motors of the lines with motor encoder data memory (e.g. MHD,
dure" MKD, MKE, MSK and possibly MAD and MAF), the basic settings for the con‐
trollers are stored and can be loaded to the drive by executing the "load defaults
procedure" command (S-0-0262).
There are two ways to activate the parameter "S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults
procedure command":
● Automatically when running up the drive by recognizing that the motor type
(cf. parameter S-0-0141) has changed. The display then reads "RL" and
the "load defaults procedure" command is internally started by pressing
the "Esc" button on the control panel, unless this was deactivated in
"P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller".
● Starting the command by writing "11b" to parameter S-0-0262.
See also "Loading, Storing and Saving Parameters"

In order to start the "load defaults procedure" command, the value

"0" (default setting) must have been set in parameter "P‑0‑4090,
Configuration for loading default values".

During the load defaults procedure, the following control loop parameters are
set to their default values optimized for the respective motor:
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-factor
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
● P‑0‑0004, Velocity loop smoothing time constant

The default settings for the current loop (cf. S-0-0106 and S-0-0107)
are automatically adjusted to the currently parameterized PWM fre‐
quency (cf. P-0-0001) and performance setting (cf. P-0-0556)!

In addition, during the load defaults procedure, the following control loop pa‐
rameters are set to their firmware-side default values, although there haven't
any default values been stored for them in the motor data memory:
● S‑0‑0348, Acceleration feedforward gain
● P‑0‑1125, Velocity control loop: average value filter clock
268/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

In the majority of cases, the controller settings stored in the motor

encoder data memory provide a useful and reliable control loop
setting. In exceptional cases, however, it may be necessary to make
the settings with regard to the specific application.

6.2 Motor Control

6.2.1 General Information on Motor Control
Open-Loop/Closed-Loop Operation
The IndraDrive firmware supports the following two basic principles of motor
● Motor control (U/f control) in open-loop operation
→ Open-loop-controlled operation without encoder information
● Motor control in closed‑loop operation
– With encoder feedback
→ Closed-loop-controlled operation (position, velocity and current)
– Without encoder feedback
→ Closed-loop-controlled operation with motor model (velocity and
Via bit 14 and bit 15 of parameter "P-0-0045, Control word of current controller",
the method of motor control is selected.
See also section "Overview of Drive Control"
Cycle Times and PWM Frequencies
Depending on the firmware variant (MPH, MPD or MPB) and the respective
control section (CSH01.1, CDB01.1, CSB01.1), there are the following possible
cycle times and PWM frequencies:

TA_current P‑0‑0001 FWA variant P‑0‑0556, bit 2 Performance

62.5 μs 16000 MPH 0 Basic

83.3 μs 12000 MPH 0 Basic
125 μs 8000 MPB 0 Basic
125 μs 4000 MPB 0 Basic
250 μs 2000 1) 0 Basic
62.5 μs 16000 MPH 1 Advanced
83.3 μs 12000 MPH 1 Advanced
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and Controls

Drive Control

TA_current P‑0‑0001 FWA variant P‑0‑0556, bit 2 Performance

62.5 μs 8000 MPH 1 Advanced

125 μs 4000 MPH 1 Advanced
TA_current Sampling time of current loop
P‑0‑0001 Switching frequency of the power output stage (in Hz)
P‑0‑0556 Config word of axis controller
1) Only with power section HCS04.1… and MAD/MAF
Fig.6-9: Cycle Times and Switching Frequencies That Can be Set

Via bit 2 and bit 5 of parameter "P-0-0556, Config word of axis con‐
troller", it is possible to select the performance levels depending on
the control section design.
See "Performance Data"

6.2.2 Voltage-Controlled Open-Loop Operation (U/f Control)

Brief Description
The drive function "voltage-controlled open-loop operation of asynchronous
motors without encoder in U/f control" is made available in the base package
"open-loop" in the "velocity control" mode. When the expansion package "syn‐
chronization" has been enabled, the operating mode "velocity synchronization
with real/virtual master axis" is additionally available.

Fig.6-10: Principle of U/f Control

U/f motor control is characterized by the following features or core functions:
Features ● Monitoring and limitation of the maximum stator frequency slope that re‐
sults from the command velocity change
● Stall protection loop (PI loop that can be optionally activated to prevent
breakdown of the machine when the torque limits are attained)
● Slip compensation (feedforward of estimated slip of the machine by means
of slip compensation factor)
● Calculation of output voltage by means of U/f characteristic based on mo‐
tor model data
● Subsequent trimming of magnetization via premagnetization factor, as
well as linear or square characteristic to be selected
● IxR boost (adjustable load-dependent feedforward of the output voltage
due to the voltage drop on the motor winding resistance)
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Drive Control
● Oscillation damping (adjustable load-dependent feedforward to prevent
velocity oscillations in the partial load and idling ranges)
● Current limitation loop to protect the output stage of the drive controller,
as well as limitation to the effective peak current
● Velocity search mode of a coasting machine after switching drive enable
on (can be set for the preset rotational direction or both rotational direc‐
● User-side torque/force limitation via enabled stall protection loop
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
● P-0-0043, Torque-generating current, actual value
● P-0-0044, Flux-generating current, actual value
● P-0-0045, Control word of current controller
● P‑0‑0046, Status word of current controller
● P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value
● P‑0‑0063, Torque-generating voltage, actual value
● P‑0‑0064, Flux-generating voltage, actual value
● P‑0‑0065, Absolute voltage value, actual value
● P-0-0440, Actual output current value (absolute value)
● P-0-0442, Actual value torque limit positive (stationary)
● P-0-0443, Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)
● P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
● P‑0‑0568, Voltage boost
● P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator frequency slope
● P‑0‑0570, Stall protection loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0571, Stall protection loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0572, Slip compensation factor
● P‑0‑0573, IxR boost factor
● P‑0‑0574, Oscillation damping factor
● P‑0‑0575, Search mode: search current factor
● P‑0‑0576, Search mode: finding point slip factor
● P‑0‑0577, Square characteristic: lowering factor
● P‑0‑4036, Rated motor speed
● P-0-4046, Effective peak current
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active
● E8041 Current limit active
● E8260 Torque/force command value limit active
Functional Description
Overview of Core Functions
The figure below illustrates the core functions of U/f control:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 271/886
and Controls

Drive Control

S‑0‑0040 Velocity feedback value

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value
P‑0‑0065 Absolute voltage value, actual value
P‑0‑0556 Config word of axis controller
P‑0‑0569 Maximum stator frequency slope
Fig.6-11: Overview of Functions of U/f Control
Maximum Stator Frequency Slope
The maximum change of velocity with which the drive can follow the command
values is determined by the motor and the sampling time of the stall protection
loop. The limit value can be set in parameter "P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator fre‐
quency slope". When the acceleration capacity has been exceeded, the diag‐
nostic message "E8260 Torque/force command value limit active" is output.
This message can be masked via bit 4 of parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word of
axis controller":
● Bit 4 = 0 → message is displayed
● Bit 4 = 1 → message is not displayed

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value

P‑0‑0556 Config word of axis controller
P‑0‑0569 Maximum stator frequency slope
Fig.6-12: Core Function "Maximum Stator Frequency Slope"
Stall Protection Loop
When the torque limits in the case of motive and regenerative load have been
reached, the "breakdown" of the asynchronous motor is prevented by the so-
called stall protection loop.
The stall protection loop is enabled via bit 12 of parameter "P‑0‑0045, Control
word of current controller":
272/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

● Bit 12 = 1 → stall protection loop enabled

● Bit 12 = 0 → stall protection loop switched off

The default setting in bit 12 of P‑0‑0045 is "1" (stall protection loop


S‑0‑0040 Velocity feedback value

P‑0‑0043 Torque-generating current, actual value
P‑0‑0045 Control word of current controller
P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value
P‑0‑0440 Actual output current value (absolute value)
P‑0‑0442 Actual value torque limit positive (stationary)
P‑0‑0443 Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)
P‑0‑0570 Stall protection loop proportional gain
P‑0‑0571 Stall protection loop integral action time
Fig.6-13: Core Function "Stall Protection Loop"
The input value is the result of the command value adjustment "P‑0‑0048, Ef‐
fective velocity command value", as well as the current values in the parameters
"P‑0‑0043, Torque-generating current, actual value" and "P‑0‑0440, Actual out‐
put current value (absolute value)".
The stall protection loop is set via the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0570, Stall protection loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0571, Stall protection loop integral action time
The values of the parameters "P‑0‑0442, Actual value torque limit positive (sta‐
tionary)" and "P‑0‑0443, Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)" are the
torque limits to which the stall protection loop is to limit the values.
Slip Compensation
With the slip compensation, the motor model data are used for feedforward of
the estimated slip of the machine.
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Drive Control

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value

P‑0‑0572 Slip compensation factor
Fig.6-14: Core Function "Slip Compensation"
The output signal of the stall protection loop is used as the input value.
The feedforward can be set via parameter "P‑0‑0572, Slip compensation fac‐

With a value of "0.00%" in parameter P‑0‑0572, the slip compen‐

sation is switched off.

U/f Characteristic
In the "U/f characteristic" function, the respective voltage for the effective output
frequency is calculated from the motor model data.
The form of the characteristic in the basic range of setting, i.e. up to "P‑0‑4036,
Rated motor speed", is selected with bit 13 in "P‑0‑0045, Control word of current
● Bit 13 = 1 → square characteristic
● Bit 13 = 0 → linear characteristic

The default setting in bit 13 of P‑0‑0045 is "0" (linear characteristic).

P‑0‑0045 Control word of current controller

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value
P‑0‑0532 Premagnetization factor
P‑0‑0568 Voltage boost
P‑0‑0577 Square characteristic lowering factor
Fig.6-15: Core Function "U/f Characteristic"
The output signal of the slip compensation is used as the input value for the U/
f characteristic.
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Drive Control

With parameter "P‑0‑0568, Voltage boost", the voltage at the base point of the
U/f characteristic can be increased in addition to the voltage determined by the
controller on the basis of the motor data.
Due to long motor lines, for example, starting problems can sometimes occur
for motors. In this case, it is possible to improve the starting behavior by means
of this parameter by a value higher than 0 V.
With a square characteristic, the degree of lowering can be adjusted in the basic
range of setting with the value in parameter "P‑0‑0577, Square characteristic:
lowering factor". The value of 100% corresponds to the original square curve.
This lowering factor is reduced as the percentage value decreases.

The value "0.00%" in parameter P‑0‑0577 corresponds to the linear


By means of parameter "P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor", it is possible to

make a subsequent trimming of the machine's magnetization. This parameter
can be configured in the MDT. If the premagnetization factor is cyclically trans‐
mitted by a higher-level master, it can precontrol the machine's magnetization
in an appropriate way in the case of an expected change of load.
IxR Boost
By means of parameter "P‑0‑0573, IxR boost factor", it is possible to influence
the feedforward of the output voltage in a load-depending way.

With a value of "0.00%" in parameter P‑0‑0573, the feedforward is

switched off.

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value

P‑0‑0573 IxR boost factor
Fig.6-16: Core Function "IxR Boost"
Oscillation Damping
In open-loop operation, asynchronous machines in the case of low load tend
towards speed oscillations. With the oscillation damping it is possible to coun‐
teract this behavior. The feedforward can be influenced with parameter
"P‑0‑0574, Oscillation damping factor".

With a value of "0.00%" in parameter P‑0‑0574, the feedforward is

switched off.
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and Controls

Drive Control

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value

P‑0‑0574 Oscillation damping factor
Fig.6-17: Core Function "Oscillation Damping"
Current Limitation Loop
It is the task of the current limitation loop to limit the maximum output current
by reducing the output voltage. This normally causes breakdown of the motor.
In this case, however, this has to be accepted because the protection of motor
and devices has the higher priority.
The current limitation loop only becomes active, if the enabled stall protection
loop by changing the working point cannot reduce the drive load.

S‑0‑0106 Current loop proportional gain 1

S‑0‑0107 Current loop integral action time 1
P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value
P‑0‑0440 Actual output current value (absolute value)
P‑0‑4046 Effective peak current
Fig.6-18: Core Function "Current Limitation Loop"
Velocity Search Mode
The velocity search mode is selected and activated in parameter "P‑0‑0045,
Control word of current controller" (bits 8, 9).
The following modes are distinguished for velocity search:
● Velocity search after drive enable
After the start, the search is run up to a speed equal zero with "S‑0‑0091,
Bipolar velocity limit value" in the rotational direction given by "S‑0‑0036,
Velocity command value". At the current speed of the coasting machine,
but at the latest at speed = 0, the search mode function is completed and
the normal command value processing starts. In normal command value
processing, the drive moves to the provided command value with the
ramp-function generator.
● Velocity search after drive enable, bidirectional
After the start, the search is run up to a speed equal zero with "S‑0‑0091,
Bipolar velocity limit value" in the rotational direction given by "S‑0‑0036,
276/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Velocity command value". If the speed of the machine has not been found
up to speed = 0, there is another search with the rotational direction
changed. At the current speed of the coasting machine or at the latest at
speed = 0, the search mode function is completed and the normal com‐
mand value processing starts. In normal command value processing, the
drive moves to the provided command value with the ramp-function gen‐
During the search process, the current given by "P‑0‑0575, Search mode:
search current factor" is generated. It is defined as the percentage value of the
magnetizing current (P‑0‑4004).
As soon as the machine has been found, the rated slip is added to the speed
at the "finding point". 100% correspond to the rated slip of the machine. This
added value is subsequently trimmed with "P‑0‑0576, Search mode: finding
point slip factor".
Diagnostic and Status Messages
Monitoring the Stator Frequency The limit value for the maximum change of velocity with which the drive can
follow the command values is set in parameter "P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator fre‐
quency slope".
When the limitation of the maximum stator frequency slope takes effect, the
diagnostic message "E8260 Torque/force command value limit active" is gen‐
erated. As soon as the stator can follow the required frequency slope again, the
message is reset.
This message can be masked via bit 4 of parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word of
axis controller":
● Bit 4 = 0 → message is displayed
● Bit 4 = 1 → message is not displayed
Status of Stall Protection Loop The activation of the stall protection loop is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0046,
Status word of current controller" (bit 12: stall protection loop):
● Bit 12 = 1 → stall protection loop active
In addition, the diagnostic message "E8040 Torque/force actual value limit
active" is generated.
● Bit 12 = 0 → stall protection loop not active
Status of Current Limitation Loop The activation of the current limitation loop is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0046,
Status word of current controller" (bit 13: current limitation loop):
● Bit 13 = 1 → current limitation loop active
In addition, the diagnostic message "E8041 Current limit active" is gener‐
● Bit 13 = 0 → current limitation loop not active
Status of Velocity Search Mode The status of the velocity search mode can be read in parameter "P‑0‑0046,
Status word of current controller" (bit 14: search mode):
● Bit 14 = 1 → search mode active
● Bit 14 = 0 → search mode not active

6.2.3 Field-Oriented Current Control (FOC Control)

Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.6-19: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 277/886
and Controls

Drive Control

The current loop was preset for all motors by Bosch Rexroth and
the parameter values have been stored in the motor encoder data
memory or in the commissioning tool (IndraWorks D, DriveTop).
For notes on how to commission the current loop for third-party
motors, see "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers"!

Principle of Field-Oriented Current In the case of field-oriented current control, the internal control task consists in
Control generating the transformed currents Id and Iq in controlled form:
● Id (flux-generating current) → PI loop for Id
● Iq (torque-generating current) → PI loop for Iq
The figure below illustrates the principle of field-oriented current control for op‐
eration with motor encoder or with motor model:

v-loop Velocity loop

I-loop Current loop
f-loop Frequency loop
Fig.6-20: Simplified Schematic Diagram for Field-Oriented Current Control With
Higher-Level Velocity Control
Sensorless Current Control As of firmware version MPx04, field-oriented current control is also available
without encoder feedback in the base packages "open-loop" and "closed-
loop" with Advanced performance.

Sensorless field-oriented current control can only be used for asyn‐

chronous motors. For this purpose, it is necessary to calculate a
motor model the parameter values of which are determined via the
drive-internal setting of motor parameters and motor control pa‐
See section "Automatic Setting of Motor Control"

Working Ranges Field-oriented current control of asynchronous and synchronous motors allows
operation in the entire speed range.
The speed range is divided into the following working ranges:
● Basic speed range → constant torque
● Field weakening range 1 → constant power
● Field weakening range 2 → power limit range
278/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

General Features Field-oriented current control has the following general features:
● Control of the motor current according to the principle of field orientation,
i.e. separate control of the torque-generating current and the flux-gener‐
ating current
● Compensation of the cross coupling of the d and q axes to increase dy‐
● Voltage loop for operation in the field weakening range
● Activation of the optimum current loop proportional gain value, depending
on the current PWM frequency during the load defaults procedure
Features of Synchronous Motor In the case of synchronous motors, field-oriented current control additionally
Control has the following features:
● Only available for closed-loop operation with encoder
● Limitation of the Iq command value at the voltage limit for protection
against too little control margin
● Utilization of the reluctance effect to increase the available torque in the
basic speed range
● Support of synchronous motors with reluctance torque, i.e. motors with
significantly different inductances in the d and q axes
Features of Asynchronous Motor In the case of asynchronous motors, field-oriented current control has the fol‐
Control lowing features in addition to the general features:
● Optimum torque linearity, even in the field weakening range, by:
– Permanent correction of the torque constant and the slip factor by
means of the currently calculated rotor flux
– Rotor flux model taking temperature and saturation behavior of the
magnetizing inductance into account
● Improved dynamic behavior by:
– Voltage- and load-dependent flux feedforward
– Voltage loop for correcting the flux feedforward
– Flux loop for dynamically generating the rotor flux
● Possibility of reducing the magnetizing current for low-loss operation at no
load or in partial load range
Pertinent Parameters Current loop setting:
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
● P-0-0045, Control word of current controller
● P‑0‑4002, Charact. of quadrature-axis induct. of motor, inductances
● P‑0‑4003, Charact. of quadrature-axis inductance of motor, currents
Voltage loop setting:
● P‑0‑0533, Voltage loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0534, Voltage loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no load
● P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage
Rotor flux control for asynchronous motors:
● P‑0‑0528, Flux control loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0529, Scaling of stall current limit
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 279/886
and Controls

Drive Control
● P‑0‑0530, Slip increase
● P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor
Frequency control for asynchronous motors (in sensorless operation):
● P‑0‑0590, Motor model frequency loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0591, Motor model frequency loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0592, Motor model adjust factor
Power monitoring:
● S‑0‑0158, Power threshold Px
● S‑0‑0337, Message 'P >= Px'
● S‑0‑0382, DC bus power
Encoder monitoring (in operation with encoder):
● P‑0‑0520, Error threshold for encoder monitoring
Display parameters:
● S‑0‑0380, DC bus voltage
● P-0-0043, Torque-generating current, actual value
● P-0-0044, Flux-generating current, actual value
● P‑0‑0046, Status word of current controller
● P‑0‑0063, Torque-generating voltage, actual value
● P‑0‑0064, Flux-generating voltage, actual value
● P‑0‑0065, Absolute voltage value, actual value
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E8025 Overvoltage in power section
● E8028 Overcurrent in power section
● F2077 Current measurement trim wrong
● F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder 1
● F8060 Overcurrent in power section
General Function of Field-Oriented Current Control
Torque/Force Control In contrast to the functional principle used in the "torque/force control" mode,
this actually is current control, as the actual current value is measured and not
the force or the motor torque. This means that open-loop control of torque/force
takes place, the torque or the force being directly connected with the torque-/
force-generating current via the torque/force constant.
In the case of asynchronous motors, the torque constant is corrected according
to the active rotor flux:

Field Weakening Operation With the firmware, it is possible to operate asynchronous and synchronous
motors in the entire speed range (including field weakening range).
We basically distinguish 3 working ranges that are illustrated in the following
figure and described below.
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Drive Control

A Basic speed range

B Field weakening range 1
C Field weakening range 2 (power limit range)
Fig.6-21: Three Working Ranges of the Speed Range
Basic Speed Range The basic speed range is characterized by constant torque and fixed torque/
force constant (P‑0‑0051).
In the case of asynchronous motors, the programmed, effective magnetizing
current flows in no-load operation. The motor voltage is less than the maximum
controller output voltage. The corner speed n1 is directly proportional to the DC
bus voltage.
Field Weakening Range 1 (Con‐ The field weakening range 1 is characterized by constant power, the motor
stant Power) voltage is kept constant. In the case of asynchronous motors, the no-load cur‐
rent is reduced as the speed increases. This reduces the magnetization and
the torque constant, the slip increases accordingly. The adjustment of magnet‐
izing current and slip is automatically carried out by the voltage loop.
Field Weakening Range 2 (Power The field weakening range 2 is the range of decreasing peak power. An asyn‐
Limit Range) chronous motor works at the stall current limit in this range, through vector
control, the current is maintained at an efficient and stable level. The peak cur‐
rent is reduced in such a way that the point of maximum power is not exceeded.
Further increase in current would only lead to increased power dissipation and
less shaft output. The peak power in range 3 is proportional to the square of
the DC bus voltage. It is ensured that the maximum possible power is reached
for each DC bus voltage without parameter adjustment.

Due to this causal connection, it is clear that the power in range 3

cannot be increased by using a more powerful controller.

In the following sections, we distinguish control of synchronous machines (with

motor encoder) and asynchronous machines (with and without motor encoder).
Field-Oriented Current Control of a Synchronous Machine
For synchronous motors, field-oriented current control is only pos‐
sible with motor encoder (with closed-loop base package)!

Synchronous motors with a motor encoder in field-oriented current control can

be operated in all available operating modes. The figure below illustrates the
control loop structure and the points at which the individual parameters take
effect for a synchronous machine.
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Drive Control

Fig.6-22: Simplified Schematic Diagram of the Current Control Loop for a Syn‐
chronous Machine
Voltage Loop for Synchronous Mo‐ For field control (or voltage control), a voltage loop designed as a PI loop is
tors used that can be set via the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0533, Voltage loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0534, Voltage loop integral action time

The command value of the voltage loop is preset by parameter

"P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage".

The voltage loop becomes active when the current loop output exceeds a de‐
fined absolute voltage value (cf. "P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage"). By
generating a field counteracting the permanent field-linked direct-axis flux
(→ negative Id command value), the reduction of the output voltage can be ob‐

The output value of the voltage loop is the command value for the
field-generating component of the subsequent current loop (see
figure above).

Field Weakening of Synchronous In the case of synchronous motors with field weakening, a command value of
Motors Id_cmd = 0 is run in the basic speed range, as in the case of synchronous motors
without field weakening.
When entering the field weakening, Id_cmd is increased towards negative values
and therefore allows higher motor velocities.
Closed-Loop Control of Synchro‐ Closed-loop control of synchronous motors with reluctance torque, i.e. motors
nous Motors With Distinctive Reluc‐ with significantly different inductances in the d and q axes, requires the separate
tance Torque input of Ld and Lq in the respective parameters:
● P‑0‑4016, Direct-axis inductance of motor (Ld)
● P‑0‑4017, Quadrature-axis inductance of motor (Lq)
282/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Utilization of the reluctance effect allows increasing the available

torque in the basic speed range.

Field-Oriented Current Control of an Asynchronous Machine

As of firmware version MPx04, field-oriented current control for
asynchronous motors is also possible without motor encoder (with
open-loop base package)!

Field-oriented control of the asynchronous machine differs from control of the

synchronous machine in the additional function blocks "flux feedforward" and
"flux loop incl. field model".
For field-oriented current control of an asynchronous machine, we distinguish
the following characteristics:
● Current control with motor encoder for measuring the rotor angle
● Sensorless current control with motor model for determining the rotor an‐

In both cases, the motor velocity is displayed in parameter

"S-0-0040, Velocity feedback value" and used as feedback for a
velocity loop!

The figure below illustrates the control loop structure (incl. motor model and
frequency loop) for both characteristics of field-oriented current control (with/
without motor encoder):
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 283/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Fig.6-23: Simplified Schematic Diagram of the Current Control Loop for an Asyn‐
chronous Machine (With and Without Motor Encoder)
The following description first explains the functions (control loops) that take
effect in operation without and with encoder, then the additional functions in
sensorless operation (motor model, frequency loop).
Flux Feedforward and Flux Model The flux feedforward calculates the optimum rotor flux command value for each
working point of the machine. The limiting variable is the motor voltage that
increases with the speed. The flux feedforward uses the value in parameter
"P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no load" as limit value.
In addition, the following motor data have an influence on flux feedforward and
flux model:
● P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current
● P‑0‑4039, Stator leakage inductance
● P‑0‑4040, Rotor leakage inductance
● P‑0‑4041, Motor magnetizing inductance
● P‑0‑4042, Characteristic of motor magnetizing inductance
● P‑0‑4043, Rotor time constant
On the basis of the above motor data and the active value of the flux-generating
current Id, the flux model calculates the actual value of the rotor flux. This value
is used as actual value for the flux loop (see below) and additionally determines
the torque constants and the behavior of the slip frequency of the asynchronous
machine required for generating the torque.
Voltage Loop The voltage loop works as a PI loop and in the absolute value limits the voltage
output by the current loop to a maximum value. The setting is made via the
following parameters:
284/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control
● P‑0‑0533, Voltage loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0534, Voltage loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage

When the maximum motor voltage is exceeded, the output of the

voltage loop interferes in a corrective way in the output value of the
flux feedforward.
Flux Loop The flux loop works as a P-loop with command value feedforward. It compares
the actual value from the rotor flux model to the command value from flux feed‐
forward and voltage loop and by the corresponding input of the flux-generating
current component Id-cmd provides for rapid rotor flux generation. This is of im‐
portance for applications with dynamic speed response (field weakening
range). The gain can be set in parameter "P‑0‑0528, Flux control loop propor‐
tional gain".

In the case of asynchronous motors, the field or rotor flux control

has a decisive influence on the torque generation and dynamic re‐
sponse of the machine, particularly in the field weakening range.

For Rexroth motors the corresponding value is stored in the "Driv‐

eBase" data base.
Stall Current Limit The stall current limit only takes effect in the power limit range of the field weak‐
ening range (C). The maximum allowed torque-generating current is calculated
by means of the active rotor flux and the motor data. This absolute limit value
can be relatively changed via the setting in parameter "P‑0‑0529, Scaling of
stall current limit" (in percent).

When operating a motor without field weakening (generally in the

case of linear asynchronous motors), it is only the effective mag‐
netizing current that is applied as command value for the field-
generating current component.
Determining the Rotor Flux Angle For field-oriented control of an asynchronous motor, the current rotor flux angle
is continuously required. This angle is generated from the position information
of the motor encoder.
In operation without motor encoder, the rotor flux angle is determined by means
of a motor model that cyclically takes all input and output values of the current
loop into account.

Apart from the missing motor encoder, sensorless field-oriented

control differs from control with encoder in the additionally required
motor model with subsequent frequency loop.

Motor Model The motor model corresponds to a complete equivalent circuit diagram of the
connected asynchronous motor taking motor inductances, resistances and time
constants into account.

The required values of the motor parameters and motor control pa‐
rameters are automatically determined by means of the type plate
data via command start.
See section "Automatic Setting of Motor Control"

In the case of drive enable ("AF"), the motor model calculates the motor current
and rotor flux in field-oriented vector representation, cyclically in the current
loop clock (see section "General Information on Motor Control").
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Drive Control

In order to compensate deviation of the model compared to the real motor, the
model is corrected according to the measured current values and the correction
factor is displayed in parameter "P-0-0592, Motor model adjust factor".
Frequency Loop By means of the deviation between motor model and measured currents, the
so-called "frequency loop" determines the current rotational frequency of the
motor shaft of the asynchronous motor. The result of the frequency loop is en‐
tered in parameter "S-0-0040, Velocity feedback value" and used as feedback
value for the velocity loop.
The frequency loop is a PI loop with the following values:
● P‑0‑0590, Motor model frequency loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0591, Motor model frequency loop integral action time
Notes on Commissioning
The current loop was preset for all motors by Bosch Rexroth and
normally does not have to be adjusted.

Current Loop The current loop for the torque- or force-generating current (Iq) designed as a
PI loop can be set via the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
The respective parameter settings depend on the properties of the motor wind‐
ing (L and R) and on the sampling time of the current loop.
Availability of the parameter settings for the current loop:
● For Rexroth motors with motor encoder data memory, they are stored in
this memory.
● For Rexroth motors without motor encoder data memory, they can be tak‐
en from the motor data base by means of a commissioning tool.
● For third-party motors, they have to be calculated by means of the data
sheet (see sections "Automatic Setting of Motor Control" and "Third-Party
Motors at IndraDrive Controllers").
See also "Commissioning the Motor"
Inductance Characteristic It is possible to store a characteristic of the motor quadrature-axis inductance
(Lq) in the drive depending on the torque-generating current (Iq). If required (e.g.
saturation phenomena), it is thereby possible to achieve the reduction of the
effective current loop gain for higher currents. This function is activated by set‐
ting bit 12 in parameter "P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor".

For motors with significant saturation phenomena, it is recommen‐

ded to use the inductance characteristic to achieve adjustment of
the effective current loop gain!

The following parameters are used to define the characteristic:

● P‑0‑4002, Charact. of quadrature-axis induct. of motor, inductances
● P‑0‑4003, Charact. of quadrature-axis inductance of motor, currents
Both parameters have a list structure; the respective list elements form pairs of
values which define the characteristic. The values in parameter P‑0‑4002 are
factors which refer to the value in parameter "P‑0‑4017, Quadrature-axis in‐
ductance of motor". The inductance values Lq of the characteristic are resulting
by multiplication with this value. The values in parameter P‑0‑4003 are factors
which refer to the value in parameter "S‑0‑0111, Motor current at standstill".
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Drive Control

The current values Iq of the characteristic are resulting by multiplication with

this value.

Fig.6-24: Interaction of the Parameters for Defining the Inductance Characteristic

(With Exemplary Values)
Flux Feedforward Due to higher magnetization (rotor flux), the motor produces higher torque. In
no-load operation, however, the magnetization produces loss which is the rea‐
son why it is useful to reduce magnetization for less dynamic applications.

For reducing magnetization, a value between 50% and 100% can

be set in parameter "P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor".

In addition, magnetization can be influenced via bit 2 in parameter "P‑0‑0045,

Control word of current controller":
● Bit 2 = 0 (default setting)
→ According to required torque, magnetization is increased up to nominal
value; 100% are reached at nominal motor torque
● Bit 2 = 1
→ Independent of load, magnetization remains at value set in parameter
The value in parameter "P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no load" is used as limit
value for flux feedforward. The motor voltage at no load is specified in a per‐
centage-based way and also refers to the maximum possible output voltage of
the inverter.

It is advisable to set 80% in parameter P‑0‑0535.

Flux Model The slip frequency used in the flux model changes with the temperature of the
motor. This is compensated by measuring the motor temperature (S‑0‑0383)
and scaling with the factor in parameter "P‑0‑0530, Slip increase".

The factor in parameter P‑0‑0530 has to be set depending on the

motor cooling type!

Voltage Loop (Flux Loop) The voltage loop designed as a PI loop (flux loop) can be set via the following
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 287/886
and Controls

Drive Control
● P‑0‑0533, Voltage loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0534, Voltage loop integral action time

The voltage loop is only active when bit 0 has been set (field weak‐
ening operation active) in the current loop control word (P‑0‑0045).

The command value of the voltage loop is set via the parameter "P‑0‑0536,
Maximum motor voltage".
The input in P‑0‑0536 is made in percent and refers to the maximum possible
output voltage of the inverter that is determined by the current DC bus voltage
(see "S‑0‑0380, DC bus voltage").

It is advisable to set 90% in parameter P‑0‑0536.

Activating Field Weakening and In addition to the parameterization of the voltage loop, the following settings
Slip Increase can be made or changed, if required:
● Via bit 0 in "P‑0‑0045, Control word of current controller", the field weak‐
ening can be activated.
● According to the motor cooling type, a different factor can be set in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑0530, Slip increase".
Activating Sensorless Operation Sensorless field-oriented motor control can be activated via bits 14 and 15 of
"P-0-0045, Control word of current controller".

If a "closed-loop" functional package has been activated, the motor

encoder has to be deactivated.
→ P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder) = 0

Determining Motor Model Parame‐ In order to use sensorless field-oriented motor control, the parameters of the
ters in Sensorless Operation motor model must have been correctly set. This is achieved with drive-internal
determination and setting of the motor control parameters by activating the
corresponding commands.
See section "Automatic Setting of Motor Control"

The power section is switched on automatically!

Diagnostic and Status Messages

Status Messages ● S‑0‑0158, Power threshold Px
This parameter determines the power threshold above which the drive
outputs the status message "power > = Px" in parameter "S‑0‑0337, Mes‐
sage 'P >= Px'".
● S‑0‑0337, Message 'P >= Px'
Only bit 0 of this parameter is used. It is set when the following applies:
"S‑0‑0382, DC bus power" ≥ "S‑0‑0158, Power threshold Px"
Simultaneously, bit 7 is set in parameter "S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnos‐

Display Values and Diagnostic Val‐ ● The DC bus voltage is measured in the current loop clock and displayed
ues in parameter "S‑0‑0380, DC bus voltage".
● The effective electric power produced by the controller (taking the inverter
losses into account) is displayed in parameter "S‑0‑0382, DC bus pow‐
The effective power (Pw) is calculated according to the following formula:
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Drive Control

The calculated value is displayed in filtered form (T = 8 ms). When the

parameterized threshold value in parameter "S‑0‑0158, Power threshold
Px" is exceeded, bit 0 is set in parameter "S‑0‑0337, Message 'P >= Px'"
and bit 7 in class 3 diagnostics.
● The measured value of the torque-generating current (Iq) detected in the
current loop clock is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0043, Torque-generating
current, actual value".
● The measured value of the flux-generating current (Id) detected in the cur‐
rent loop clock is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0044, Flux-generating
current, actual value".
● Parameter "P‑0‑0046, Status word of current controller" displays the sta‐
tus of the current loop.

Errors, Warnings and Monitoring ● C0132 Invalid settings for controller cycle times
→ An error was detected in the parameterization of the controller cycle
times and PWM frequency.
● C0251 Error during synchronization to master communication
→ The synchronization of drive control to the bus interface (SERCOS,
PROFIBUS, Interbus …) failed during progression to the operating mode.
● E8025 Overvoltage in power section
→ This warning is generated when the DC bus voltage exceeds a value of
870.0 V. In this case, the current loop is temporarily switched off to protect
the motor.
● E8028 Overcurrent in power section
→ This warning is generated when the total current > 1.2 * minimum
(S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current; S‑0‑0110, Amplifier peak current). In this
case, the current loop is temporarily switched off to protect the motor
(avoiding demagnetization).
● F2067 Synchronization to master communication incorrect
→ The synchronization of drive control to the bus interface (SERCOS,
PROFIBUS, Interbus …) failed during operation.
● F2077 Current measurement trim wrong
→ During zero adjust of the current measurement, a deviation outside of
the tolerance range occurred (hardware defect).

6.2.4 Automatic Setting of Motor Control

Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.6-25: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

For operating motors, it is necessary to collect the values for motor parameters
(resistance values, inductances, ...), in order to determine the motor control
parameters (flux loop, voltage loop, current loop, ...) with these values.
Depending on the manufacturer and type of the motor to be controlled, the
values for motor parameters and motor control parameters are made available
to the controller in different ways.
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Drive Control

Motors by Bosch Rexroth For Rexroth motors, the values for the motor and motor control parameters are
optimized and made available by the manufacturer. The automatic setting of
the motor control parameters by the drive firmware is not required and not al‐
lowed for Rexroth motors!
● For motors with motor encoder data memory:
→ Parameters loaded automatically when drive is switched on (see "De‐
fault Settings in the Motor Encoder Data Memory ("Load Defaults Proce‐
● For motors without motor encoder data memory:
– Parameters loaded via the commissioning tool "IndraWorks D" from
the motor data base (DriveBase)
- or -
– Individual parameters manually written via the serial interface or the
master communication interface by means of a motor parameter list
Third-Party Motors For third-party motors, the drive firmware possesses commands by means of
which the values for the motor and motor control parameters are generated
depending on the available output data and the functional principle of the motor.
The following commands are available for calculating values for the motor and
motor control parameters:
● C3200 Command Calculate motor data
1. Calculating the motor parameter values for asynchronous motors
from the data on the type plate
2. Calculating the values to be set for the motor control parameters
● C3600 Command Motor data identification
1. Identifying (or optimizing) the motor parameter values for asynchro‐
nous motors
Note: Appropriate start values already have to be available!
2. Calculating the values of the motor control parameters
● C4600 Command Calculate motor control parameters
Calculating the values of the motor control parameters from the motor
parameters for synchronous motors and, if necessary, for asynchronous
motors (after manual input of motor data in motor parameters)

Basically, the prerequisite is the form "Manufacturer-Side Data of

Synchronous Motors" or "Manufacturer-Side Data of Asynchronous
Motors" in the section "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Control‐
lers", to be completed by the motor manufacturer!

Overview The figure below illustrates an overview of the possibilities of determining the
motor and motor control parameters for motors without motor encoder data
290/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

P‑0‑4032 Motor type plate data

Fig.6-26: Determining Motor and Motor Control Parameters for Motors Without
Motor Encoder Data Memory

In addition to collecting or determining the motor and motor control

parameters, further data on measuring system, temperature sen‐
sor, motor temperature model, motor holding brake and, if neces‐
sary, position and velocity loop are required.
See "Closed-Loop Axis Control (Closed-Loop Operation)"
See "Notes on Commissioning" in section "Third-Party Motors at
IndraDrive Controllers"

Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0565, C3600 Command Motor data identification

● P‑0‑0566, C4600 Command Calculate motor control parameters
● P‑0‑4032, Motor type plate data
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 291/886
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Drive Control
● P‑0‑4033, C3200 Command Calculate motor data
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C3200 Command Calculate motor data
● C3201 Incorrect input for current
● C3203 Incorrect input for voltage
● C3202 Incorrect input for frequency
● C3204 Incorrect input for speed
● C3205 Incorrect input for power factor
● C3206 Incorrect input for power
● C3207 Type plate list incomplete
● C3208 Error when writing parameters
● C3600 Command Motor data identification
● C3601 Motor not or not correctly connected
● C3602 Determined values invalid
● C3603 Device current limit too low
● C3604 Error when writing parameters
● C3605 Motor turning
● C3606 Type of construction of motor not allowed
● C4600 Command Calculate motor control parameters
● C4601 Error when writing parameters
Overview of Motor and Motor Control Parameters
Motor Parameters The table below contains an overview of the motor parameters for synchronous
and asynchronous motors:

Motor parameters
Synchronous motor Asynchronous motor

P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor

S-0-0109, Motor peak current S-0-0109, Motor peak current
S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill
S‑0‑0113, Maximum motor speed S‑0‑0113, Maximum motor speed
P-0-0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance P-0-0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance
P-0-0051, Torque/force constant P-0-0051, Torque/force constant
P‑0‑0510, Rotor inertia P‑0‑0510, Rotor inertia
P‑0‑4048, Stator resistance P‑0‑4048, Stator resistance
P‑0‑4013, Current limit value of demagnetization P‑0‑0530, Slip increase
P‑0‑4016, Direct-axis inductance of motor P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current
P‑0‑4017 Quadrature-axis inductance of motor P‑0‑4036, Rated motor speed
P‑0‑4002, Charact. of quadrature-axis induct. of motor, inductan‐ P‑0‑4039, Stator leakage inductance
P‑0‑4003, Charact. of quadrature-axis inductance of motor, cur‐ P‑0‑4040, Rotor leakage inductance
P‑0‑4005, Flux-generating current, limit value P‑0‑4041, Motor magnetizing inductance
292/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Motor parameters
Synchronous motor Asynchronous motor
P‑0‑4042, Characteristic of motor magnetizing induc‐
P‑0‑4043, Rotor time constant

Fig.6-27: Overview of Motor Parameters for Synchronous and Asynchronous Mo‐

Motor Control Parameters The following tables contain an overview of the motor control parameters for
synchronous and asynchronous motors that are used for field-oriented current
control (with and without encoder) and voltage-controlled operation:

Motor control parameters for voltage-controlled operation (U/f)

Synchronous motor Asynchronous motor

S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1

S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor
P‑0‑0568, Voltage boost
P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator frequency slope
P‑0‑0570, Stall protection loop proportional gain
P‑0‑0571, Stall protection loop integral action time
P‑0‑0572, Slip compensation factor
P‑0‑0573, IxR boost factor
P‑0‑0574, Oscillation damping factor
P‑0‑0575, Search mode: search current factor
P‑0‑0576, Search mode: finding point slip factor
P‑0‑0577, Square characteristic: lowering factor

Fig.6-28: Overview of Motor Control Parameters for Synchronous and Asynchro‐

nous Motors and Voltage-Controlled Operation (U/f)

Motor control parameters for field-oriented current control (FOC)

Synchronous motor Asynchronous motor

S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1 S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1 S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
P‑0‑0533, Voltage loop proportional gain P‑0‑0533, Voltage loop proportional gain
P‑0‑0534, Voltage loop integral action time P‑0‑0534, Voltage loop integral action time
P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no load P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no load
P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage
P‑0‑0528, Flux control loop proportional gain
P‑0‑0529, Scaling of stall current limit
P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor
P‑0‑0590, Motor model frequency loop proportional gain
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and Controls

Drive Control

Motor control parameters for field-oriented current control (FOC)

Synchronous motor Asynchronous motor
P‑0‑0591, Motor model frequency loop integral action time
P‑0‑0592, Motor model adjust factor

Fig.6-29: Overview of Motor Control Parameters for Synchronous and Asynchro‐

nous Motors and Field-Oriented Current Control (FOC)
Determining the Parameter Values by Means of Type Plate Data
Command "Calculate Motor Da‐ For asynchronous motors, it is possible via "C3200 Command Calculate motor
ta" (C3200) data" to calculate the values for motor parameters from the type plate data and
then the values of the motor control parameters. The activation of C3200 first
requires manual input of the motor data from the type plate of the asynchronous
motor in the parameter "P‑0‑4032, Motor type plate data".

See description of parameter "P‑0‑4032, Motor type plate data"

The command C3200 can only be used for asynchronous motors

and can only be activated in communication phases "P2" or "P3"!

The figure below illustrates the scope of functions of the command C3200:

Fig.6-30: Functions of "C3200 Command Calculate Motor Data"

294/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

The type plate does not contain the complete information required
for safe operation of the third-party motor!
All required data are part of the form of manufacturer-side motor
data which has to be available in completed form. The additional
data, however, are not required for executing the command C3200.

Internally Calculated Parameter By activating the command C3200 (P‑0‑4033), the following parameter values
Values are calculated from the data of the asynchronous motor entered in list param‐
eter P‑0‑4032:
● Motor parameters
– Motor parameters, general (for synchronous and asynchronous mo‐
– Specific motor parameters for asynchronous motors
● Motor control parameters
– Motor control parameters for voltage-controlled operation (U/f) of
sensorless asynchronous motors
– Motor control parameters for field-oriented current control (FOC) of
synchronous and asynchronous motors
Notes on Operating Principle As regards the operating principle of the command C3200, observe the follow‐
ing points:
● Input in parameter P‑0‑4032 is irrelevant unless the command C3200 has
been started.
● When the command was processed without error, the calculated values
of motor and motor control parameters are operational.
Identifying and Optimizing the Motor Parameter Values
Command "Motor Data Identifica‐ For asynchronous motors, it is possible via "C3600 Command Motor data iden‐
tion" (C3600) tification" to automatically identify and optimize the optimum motor and motor
control parameters on the basis of appropriate start values.

The command C3600 can only be used for asynchronous motors

and can only be activated in the operating mode (communication
phase "P4")!

The figure below illustrates the scope of functions of the command C3600:
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and Controls

Drive Control

Fig.6-31: Functions of "C3600 Command Motor Data Identification"

Requirements To execute the command C3600, the following requirements must have been
● Manual input of motor data from type plate in parameter "P‑0‑4032, Motor
type plate data" and then execution of "C3200 Command Calculate motor
- or -
● Manual input of all motor data in the motor parameters according to man‐
ufacturer's specification in completed motor data form
Procedure In status "ready for power output" ("Ab"), current and voltage test signals are
transmitted to the motor with the execution of command C3600. In this way, the
motor parameters for asynchronous motors (see above) are checked and, if
necessary, optimized.
A possibly available holding brake continues remaining in the status of control,
as existing in the operating status "Ab".
After having successfully completed the command execution, the motor and
motor control parameters have been optimized and stored.
The following parameters have been recalculated:
● Motor control parameters for voltage-controlled operation (U/f) of sensor‐
less asynchronous motors
● Motor control parameters for field-oriented current control (FOC) of syn‐
chronous and asynchronous motors
Notes on Operating Principle As regards the operating principle of the command C3600, observe the follow‐
ing points:
● Motor motion is not required; the motor holding brake possibly applied at
"Ab" remains applied. The motor does not generate torque. With little fric‐
tion and inertial mass, little motion can however occur!
● When the command was processed without error, the calculated values
of motor and motor control parameters are operational. If the command
execution is aborted during the measurement, all motor and motor control
parameters remain unchanged.
Calculating the Motor Control Parameters From the Motor Parameters
Command "Calculate Motor Con‐ For synchronous motors and in special cases (see "Requirements" below) for
trol Parameters" (C4600) asynchronous motors, it is possible via "C4600 Command Calculate motor
296/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control
control parameters" to calculate the motor control parameters from the motor

The command C4600 can only be activated in the operating mode

→ Communication phase P4 ("bb" or "Ab")

The figure below illustrates the scope of functions of the command C4600:

Fig.6-32: Function of "C4600 Command Calculate Motor Control Parameters"

Requirements To execute the command C4600, the following requirements must have been
● Synchronous third-party motors require manual input of the motor data in
the motor parameters (see "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Control‐
● For asynchronous third-party motors, the command C4600 is only useful,
if the motor control parameters are to be generated from specific, manually
input motor parameters (e.g. from equivalent circuit diagram data, see
"Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers").The calculated values for
the motor control parameters thereby might possibly be more exact! It is
easier, however, to use the commands C3200 and C3600 (see above) for
asynchronous motors.
Notes on Operating Principle As regards the operating principle of the command C4600, observe the follow‐
ing points:
● When the command was processed without error, the calculated values
of motor and motor control parameters are operational.
Notes on Commissioning

Motor connected to controller Parameter values made available

Motor manufac‐ Encoder data Motor control
turer Motor design Motor type memory Motor parameters parameters
Yes A A
Housing SF, MAD, MAF
Bosch Rexroth
Kit LSF, MLF, MBSxx2 (high No M/D M/D
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 297/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Motor connected to controller Parameter values made available

Motor manufac‐ Encoder data Motor control
turer Motor design Motor type memory Motor parameters parameters
Synchronous third-party
Housing or kit No M C
Third-party motor
Asynchronous third-party
Housing or kit No M/C C
A Automatically after drive switched on
D Download via commissioning tool
M Manual input via control master
C Automatic determination via drive command
Fig.6-33: Making Available Values for Motor Parameters and Motor Control Pa‐
Rexroth Motors For Rexroth motors, both the motor and motor control parameters are optimized
by the manufacturer via the encoder data memory of the motor encoder or, for
motors without encoder memory, via the commissioning tool.

For Rexroth motors it is not required to determine the motor or motor

control parameters! The commands C3200, C3600 and C4600
mustn't be started for drives with Rexroth motors, because other‐
wise the values of motor and motor control parameters optimized
by the manufacturer are overwritten with the values calculated by
means of command. This can modify the drive characteristics in a
disadvantageous way!

Third-Party Motors The commissioning of a third-party motor is similar to the commissioning of a

Rexroth motor without motor encoder data memory. The basic difference is the
fact that the motor and motor control parameters cannot be loaded from the
motor parameter data base of the commissioning tool, but are determined via
command by the controller after manual input of the type plate data and motor
parameter values (see "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers").
Diagnostic and Status Messages
If the command execution cannot be carried out successfully, diagnostic mes‐
sages will be signaling the respective errors. The description of the respective
command error contains information on the causes and suggests measures for
remedy. If necessary, the manufacturer-side motor data have to be questioned
and the motor and motor control parameters determined again!

See descriptions of diagnostic messages in the separate documentation

"Troubleshooting Guide (description of diagnostic messages)"

6.3 Open-Loop Axis Control (Open-Loop Operation)

6.3.1 Brief Description
In sensorless operation (open-loop operation), the velocity control loop is not
closed in the drive, but the drive is operated in a velocity-controlled way (without
feedback) via open-loop U/f control.

The method of open-loop/closed-loop motor control can be selected

via bit 14 of parameter "P‑0‑0045, Control word of current control‐

See also section "Motor Control"

298/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control

Fig.6-34: Principle of Drive Control in Open-Loop Operation

Features The velocity control has the following features:
● Fine interpolation of the velocity command value (can be switched off)
● Monitoring of the velocity control loop is possible (can be switched off via
P‑0‑0556; bit 1)
● Parameterizable filtering of the actual velocity value
● Additive velocity command value (S‑0‑0037)
● Display of the resulting command value (in P‑0‑0048)
● Monitoring and limitation of the maximum stator frequency slope that re‐
sults from the command velocity change
● Stall protection loop (PI loop that can be optionally activated to prevent
breakdown of the machine when the torque limits are attained)
● Slip compensation (feedforward of estimated slip of the machine by means
of rotor time constant and slip compensation factor)
● Calculation of output voltage by means of U/f characteristic based on mo‐
tor model data
● Subsequent trimming of magnetization via premagnetization factor (linear
or square characteristic to be selected)
● IxR boost (adjustable load-dependent feedforward of the output voltage
due to the voltage drop on the motor winding resistance)
● Oscillation damping (adjustable load-dependent feedforward to prevent
velocity oscillations in the partial load and idling ranges)
● Current limitation loop to protect the output stage
● Velocity search mode of a coasting machine after switching drive enable
on (can be set for one or both rotational directions)
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value
● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
● P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value
● P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value
● P‑0‑0555, Status word of axis controller
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 299/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● F8079 Velocity limit value S‑0‑0091 exceeded

6.3.2 Functional Description

Fine Interpolator When the drive is running in open-loop operation (open-loop U/f control), the
preset velocity command value can be smoothed by a fine interpolator via 2

S‑0‑0037 Additive velocity command value

S‑0‑0091 Bipolar velocity limit value
P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value
P‑0‑0556 Config word of axis controller
Fig.6-35: Fine Interpolation of the Velocity Command Value

The fine interpolator can be activated via bit 0 of parameter

"P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller".

Units of the Processed Data The physical data for velocity control have the following units:
● Velocity data → rpm or mm/min
● Acceleration data → (rpm)/controller clock or (mm/min)/controller clock
● Torque data → Nm or N
U/f Control The output value of the fine interpolator (P‑0‑0048) is used as the input value
for the subsequent U/f control (open-loop operation) which is described in the
section "Voltage-Controlled Operation".

6.3.3 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Monitoring the Velocity Limit Value The actual velocity value, internally generated via the stall protection loop is
monitored for the limit value of 1.125 * S‑0‑0091 (bipolar velocity limit value).
When this value is exceeded, the following error message is generated:
● F8079 Velocity limit value S‑0‑0091 exceeded

6.4 Closed-Loop Axis Control (Closed-Loop Operation)

6.4.1 General Information on Closed-Loop Axis Control
Control Loop Structure
The drive controller has a so-called cascade structure, i.e. the individual loops
(position, velocity and current) are interconnected. Depending on the operating
mode there are different control loop structures with different points of input and
paths of the command values. Depending on the active mode of operation, only
the torque control loop, the torque control loop and the velocity control loop or,
in addition to these two control loops the position control loop can be closed in
the drive.
The structure and the interaction of the control loops are illustrated in the two
graphics in the section "Overview of Drive Control" (see "Control Loop Structure
300/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control

with Setting Parameters" or "Control Loop Structure with Display Parame‐

Features of the Control Loops
For the simplification of the parameterization of the control loops and for an
increase in performance, a number of standardisations and structural changes
have been carried out.
Performance (Controller Cycle The internal controller cycle times (current, velocity and position) depend on
Times) the following conditions and parameters:
● Version of the control section (CSH, CSB or CDB)
● Activation of the functional packages
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
● P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller (bits 2 and 5)
In accordance with these factors, the following cycle and switching times can
be obtained:

ADVANCED control BASIC control sec‐

sections tions

PWM switching frequency max. 16 kHz max. 8 kHz

current loop clock (TA_current) 62.5 µs 125 µs

velocity loop clock (TA_velocity) 125 µs 250 µs

position loop clock (TA_position) 250 µs 500 µs

Fig.6-36: Cycle and switching times that can be reached at IndraDrive

All data about performance are summarized in the section "Per‐

formance Data".

Position Loop ● Jerk limitation in the "cyclic position control" mode by introducing the
S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar parameter. The filtering degree of the smooth‐
ing filter (moving average value) can be set in the parameter "P‑0‑0042,
Current position command average value filter order".
● Velocity feedforward, i.e. degree of feedforward, to be set in the parameter
"P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation" (0% ... 100%)
● Input value for the parameter "S‑0‑0348, Acceleration feedforward gain"
can be the respective inertia in kg*m2 (for rotary motors) or the mass in kg
(for linear motors).
Velocity Loop ● Standardization of the output value at the velocity loop to Newton (N) or
Nowton meter (Nm). Therefore, depending on the motor type, the following
unit is obtained for the parameter S-0-0100 in IndraDrive:
● Rotary motor → Nm * s/rad
● Linear motor → N * min/mm
● Possibility of extending the filter options for filtering the resonance fre‐
quencies. 4 filters of 2nd order are available, that can be set via the
parameters P‑0‑1120, P‑0‑1121, P‑0‑1122 and P‑0‑1123.
● Limitation of the acceleration in the velocity loop through settings in the
parameter "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 301/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Possibilities of Access to Included Control Loops

For operation in a higher-level mode of operation, it is possible to access an
included control loop. Depending on the basic mode of operation, the following
parameters are available:
In position control:
● P‑0‑0059, Additive position command value, controller
● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value
In velocity control:
● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value
In current control:
● S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value

S‑0‑0037 Additive velocity command value

S-0-0047 Position command value
S‑0‑0081 Additive torque/force command value
S‑0‑0100 Velocity loop proportional gain
S‑0‑0101 Velocity loop integral action time
S‑0‑0104 Position loop Kv-factor
P‑0‑0059 Additive position command value, controller
Fig.6-37: Structural overview with access options
Command Value Processing Depending on Operating Mode
Position Control For the following modes of operation, the position control loop is closed inter‐
nally (in the drive) in addition to the velocity and the current control loops:
● Position control with cyclic command value input
302/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control

● Drive-internal interpolation
● Drive-controlled positioning
See also description of the respective mode of operation
Velocity Control In the "velocity control" mode of operation, the velocity control loop is closed in
the drive, in addition to the current control loop.
See also "Velocity Control"
torque/force control The "torque/force control" mode of operation is not a control of the torque or
the force in the actual sense but a current control. Therefore, only the current
control loop is closed in the drive.
See also "Torque/Force Control"
Notes on Commissioning for Control Loop Setting
The settings of the control loop in a digital drive controller are of decisive im‐
portance for the features of the servo axis.
For optimizing the control loop, utilization-specific control parameters are avail‐
able for all digital Rexroth drives.
Order for the Manual Setting of the Due to the cascade structure of the control loops it is required to parameterize
Control Loop them bottom-up. Therefore, the following order for the settings of the control
loops is obtained:
1. Current control loop
For Rexroth motors with motor encoder data memory (for the ranges MHD,
MKD and MKE) the optimization of the current loop is not required, as the
respective parameter values (S‑0‑0106 and S‑0‑0107) are read from the
motor encoder data memory.
For all Rexroth motors without motor encoder data memory (e.g. linear
motors) the parameter settings can be obtained from a central motor data
base by means of the commissioning tool "IndraWorks D" .
The commissioning of third-party motors (including control loop settings)
is described in this documentation in the respective chapters on third-party
motors (see "Third-Party Motors at IndraDrive Controllers").
2. Velocity control loop
The settings of the velocity controller (S‑0‑0100 and S‑0‑0101) including
the respective filters (P‑0‑0004 and P‑0‑1120, P‑0‑1121, P‑0‑1122,
P‑0‑1123) depend on the motor parameters, on the one hand (inertia and
torque/force constant) and very strongly depend on the mechanical prop‐
erties, on the other hand (degree of load inertia or mass, friction, stiffness
of the connection, ...). Therefore, manual or automatic optimization is often
3. Position control loop
In general, the position control loop must only be adapted to the dynamics
of the outer velocity controller and the type of preset command values
(jerk, acceleration and interpolation procedure).
Default Settings in the Motor Encoder Data Memory ("Load Defaults Procedure")
Command "Load Defaults Proce‐ The basic settings for the controllers of all Bosch Rexroth motors of the ranges
dure" with motor encoder data memory (e.g. MHD, MKD MKE, MSK and possibly
MAD and MAF) are saved and can be loaded into the drive by executing the
command "Load defaults procedure" (S‑0‑0262).
There are two ways to activate the "S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure"
command parameter:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 303/886
and Controls

Drive Control

● Automatic activation when the drive is run up, by recognising that the mo‐
tor type has changed (compare parameter S‑0‑0141). Then the display
reads "RL" and by pressing the key "Esc" on the operation panel, the
command "load default procedure" is started internally, in case it has not
been de-activated in "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller".
● Starting of the commant by writing the parameter S-0-0262 with "11b".
See also "Loading, Storing and Saving Parameters"

In order to start the command "Load default procedure", the pa‐

rameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading default values" must
contain the value "0" (default setting).

At the loading default procedure the following control loop parameters will be
set to the optimized default values for the respective motor:
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-factor
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
● P‑0‑0004, Speed loop smoothing time constant

The default settings for the current control loop (comp. S‑0‑0106
and S‑0‑0107) are automatically adjusted to the currently parame‐
terized PWM frequency (comp. P‑0‑0001) and the performance
settings (comp. P‑0‑0556) !

In addition, during loading default procedure, the following control loop param‐
eters are set to their firmware default values, although there are no default
values stored in the motor data memory:
● S‑0‑0348, Acceleration feedforward gain
● P‑0‑1125, Velocity control loop: average value filter clock

In most cases, the controller settings stored in the motor encoder

data memory lead to useful and stable control loop settings. In ex‐
ceptional cases, however, it may be necessary to make the settings
with regard to the specific application.

6.4.2 Automatic Setting of Closed-Loop Axis Control

Brief Description
To facilitate drive parameterization, the IndraDrive firmware provides automatic
control loop setting in closed-loop operation. By means of the parameters
"P-0-0163, Damping factor for autom. controller adjust" and "P‑0‑0164, Appli‐
cation for autom. controller adjust", the result of the control loop setting (ob‐
tained control loop dynamics) can be influenced.

To carry out the automatic control loop setting, it is necessary to

move the drive. The velocity and position control loops are opti‐

Features ● Definition of a travel range for movement control for the automatic control
loop setting by
– Absolute travel limits
304/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control
- or -
– Entering a travel distance based on the current actual position
● Use of drive-internal interpolation and its parameters
● Possible settings in "P‑0‑0165, Selection for autom. controller adjust" for:
– Velocity loop
– Position loop
– Acceleration feedforward
– Determination of the load inertia
– Determination of the maximum acceleration
– Oscillation movement / unipolar movement
– Absolute travel limits / relative movement around start position
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0162, C1800 Command Automatic control loop adjust
● P-0-0163, Damping factor for autom. controller adjust
● P-0-0164, Application for autom. controller adjust
● P-0-0165, Selection for autom. controller adjust
● P-0-0166, Lower limit for autom. controller adjust
● P-0-0167, Upper limit for autom. controller adjust
● P‑0‑0168, Maximum acceleration to be parameterized
● P-0-0169, Travel distance for autom. controller adjust
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C1800 Command for automatic control loop setting
● C1801 Start only possible for drive enable
● C1802 No useful motor feedback data
● C1803 Error in determination of the mass inertia
● C1804 Automatic controller setting failed
● C1805 Travel range invalid
● C1806 Travel range exceeded
● C1807 Determining travel range only via travel distance
● E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0
● E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0
● E2049 Positioning Velocity >= S‑0‑0091
● E2055 Feedrate override
S-0-0108 = 0
● F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded
Prerequisites for Starting the Automatic Control Loop Setting
Property damage and/or personal injury caused by drive motion!
During the execution of the command "C1800 Command automatic control loop
setting", the drive moves automatically, i. e. without external command values.
CAUTION ⇒ Check and make sure that the E-Stop circuit and the travel range limit
switches are working.
Defining the Travel Range As the axis is moved for identifying and setting the control loop, it is necessary
to define an allowed travel range. There are basically two possibilities for de‐
fining the range within which the axis may move during the automatic control
loop setting:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 305/886
and Controls

Drive Control

● Definition of a travel range by entering limit values in the parameters

P‑0‑0166 and P‑0‑0167
- or -
● Definition of a travel range by parameterizing "P-0-0169, Travel distance
for autom. controller adjust" (required for modulo axes)

The mode for travel range definition is selected in parameter

"P‑0‑0165, Selection for autom. controller adjust" (bit 15).

Determining Travel Range Limits If bit 15 of P‑0‑0165 has not been set (value "0"), the allowed travel range is
defined by means of
● the lower limit position (P‑0‑0166)
- and -
● the upper limit position (P‑0‑0167).
The value of "P‑0‑0169, Travel distance for autom. controller adjust" results
from these two limit values.
Entering a Travel Range If bit 15 of P‑0‑0165 has been set (value "1"), the allowed travel range is defined
by means of
● P-0-0169, Travel distance for autom. controller adjust
- and -
● start position (actual position) at the start of the command.
The resulting limit values for the travel distance are:
● Lower limit: P‑0‑0166 = start position – 0.5 * travel distance (P‑0‑0169)
● Upper limit: P‑0‑0167 = start position + 0.5 * travel distance (P‑0‑0169)

S-0-0103 Modulo value

P-0-0166 Lower limit for autom. controller adjust
P-0-0167 Upper limit for autom. controller adjust
P-0-0169 Travel distance for autom. controller adjust
Fig.6-38: Travel Range for Automatic Control Loop Setting With Modulo Scaling

The monitoring of the defined travel range is only effective during

the execution of the command "automatic control loop setting"!
306/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control

Loading the Default Controller Pa‐ Before starting the command "automatic control loop setting", the default con‐
rameters troller parameters stored in the motor encoder data memory should be loaded
or the data of the motor data sheet should be entered in the respective param‐
Drive Enable and Drive Start An oscillation for automatic control loop setting is only carried out when the
following requirements have been fulfilled:
● Drive enable is present
● Drive start has been set
Parameter Settings All parameters used for the command "automatic control loop setting" must be
determined before command start so that they take effect for the automatic
control loop setting.
● P-0-0163, Damping factor for autom. controller adjust
→ Selection of the desired control loop dynamics
● P-0-0164, Application for autom. controller adjust
→ Consideration of the mechanical properties for the controller optimiza‐
● P-0-0165, Selection for autom. controller adjust
→ Selection of the functionality (modes) of the automatic control loop set‐
Time Flow of Automatic Control Loop Setting
Steps of Automatic Control Loop The automatic control loop setting is carried out in the following steps:
1. Start command and make check for possible command errors
2. Determine total and extrinsic inertia by evaluating acceleration and de‐
celeration processes
3. Calculate and activate controller parameters in the drive in consideration
of "P-0-0163, Damping factor for autom. controller adjust" and "P‑0‑0164,
Application for autom. controller adjust"
4. Check velocity control loop and correct controller parameters, if need be,
until desired behavior occurs (depends on dynamics programmed)
5. Check position control loop and correct controller parameters, if need be,
until desired aperiodic behavior in position control loop occurs
6. Wait for possible restart or end of command
During this step the drive is idle (velocity = 0) and the display reads
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 307/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Fig.6-39: Steps of Automatic Control Loop Setting

Result of Automatic Control Loop Setting
The current control loop is not affected during the automatic control
loop setting, as its setting is load-independent and optimum current
controller parameters were already stored in the motor encoder da‐
ta memory at the factory.
See also "Default Settings in the Motor Encoder Data Memory
("Load Defaults Procedure")"

Selection Parameter for Automatic Via "P-0-0165, Selection for autom. controller adjust", it is possible, by selecting
Control Loop Setting the corresponding bit, to activate (bit = 1) or deactivate (bit = 0) the respective
subfunction of the automatic control loop setting. The result of the automatic
control loop setting depends on the selection made in P‑0‑0165.
308/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control

See Parameter description "P‑0‑0165, Selection for autom. controller ad‐

Possible results of the automatic control loop setting (with respective bit set in
● Bit 1 → Setting of velocity control loop (cf. S‑0‑0100, S‑0‑0101, P‑0‑0004,
P‑0‑1120 ...)
● Bit 2 → Setting of position control loop (cf. S‑0‑0104)
● Bit 4 → Setting of load inertia (reduced to motor shaft) and input in param‐
eter P‑0‑4010
● Bit 6 → Determination of maximum drive acceleration and input in param‐
eter P‑0‑0168
● Bit 3 → Determination of acceleration feedforward
As the result of the automatic control loop setting, the value for acceleration
feedforward is calculated according to the formula below and entered in pa‐
rameter S-0-0348:

Fig.6-40: Calculating the Acceleration Feedforward

Notes on Commissioning
The execution of the automatic control loop setting is connected with a
drive motion!
⇒ Select the travel range defined with the parameters P-0-0166 and P-0-0167
CAUTION or P-0-0169 such that danger to man and machine resulting from drive motion
is excluded.

The parameter settings required to execute the command "auto‐

matic control loop setting" must be made prior to command start.

Starting the Automatic Control The automatic control loop setting is started by writing the binary numeric value
Loop Setting "3" (11b) to parameter "P‑0‑0162, C1800 Command Automatic control loop
adjust" (command start).
Triggering a Motion Axis motion and thus the execution of the automatic control loop setting is only
possible if the "Drive Halt" signal has not been set. If the "Drive Halt" signal has
been set, the drive will acknowledge the start of "C1800 Command Automatic
control loop adjust", but the axis won't move.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 309/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Triggering the Motion by Starting

the Command C1800

Fig.6-41: Signal Flow Chart for Motion by Command Start

Triggering the Motion by "Drive

Fig.6-42: Signal Flow Chart for Motion by "Drive Start"

310/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control

Interrupting the Command by

"Drive Halt"

Fig.6-43: Signal Flow Chart for Interruption by "Drive Halt"

A repeated run with possibly changed settings can be carried out

in two ways:
- By removing and then re-applying drive enable or start signal
("drive start")
- By completing and then restarting command C1800

Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions

Checking the Defined Travel When the travel range is defined, it is checked for useful values. In the case of
Range error, the following command error messages can be generated:
● If the defined travel range is less than 2 motor revolutions, the error mes‐
sage "C1805 Travel range invalid" is displayed, because the correct
execution of the command requires a minimum travel range.
● If the axis is not within the defined travel range at command start, the error
message "C1806 Travel range exceeded" is displayed.
Drive Enable Missing If drive enable is missing at command start, the error message "C1801 Start
requires drive enable" is generated.
Monitoring of Mass Inertia Determi‐ In order to ensure correct setting of the controller parameters, the required de‐
nation termination of the mass inertia is monitored. Incorrect determination of the mass
inertia would lead to incorrect controller settings and is therefore signaled by
the error message "C1803 Inertia detection failed". This error message is gen‐
erated when the values set in the following parameters are too low:
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
The maximum motor torque effective during the automatic control loop
setting can be influenced via parameter S-0-0092. It is thereby possible
to limit the torque to prevent wear of the mechanical system.
● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override
By means of the feedrate override, the velocity can be influenced via the
analog channel (potentiometer) during the automatic control loop setting.
● S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 311/886
and Controls

Drive Control
This parameter defines the velocity effective during the automatic control
loop setting.
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration
In this parameter, set the acceleration effective during the automatic con‐
trol loop setting.

The command error C1803 can occur due to the above-mentioned

points, but also due to a too high degree of inertia. In this case, the
entire drive dimensioning has to be checked, if necessary.

6.4.3 Velocity Loop (Including the Respective Filters)

Brief Description
In closed-loop operation, in addition to the field-oriented current controller, the
velocity control loop is also closed in the drive by means of the drive software
(PI cascade structure).
The controlled-loop operation (current and velocity) can be carried with encoder
for all types of motors and for asynchronous motors also without encoders.

The selection of the type of motor control is carried out by means

of the parameter "P‑0‑0045, Control word of current controller" (Bit
14, 15)

Fig.6-44: Structure of the velocity loop

The following description is restricted to the velocity loop including

the respective options of filtration and feedforward. The processing
of the velocity command value is described within the operating
mode"Velocity Control" section.

Features ● Digital PI controller with anti-windup function, can be set by means of the
following parameters:
– S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
– S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● Setting can be carried out by
312/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control
– Executing the function "load defaults procedure" once
- or -
– Manual optimization (see description below)
- or -
– Automatic parameterization of the axis controller (see "Automatic
Setting of Axis Control ").
● Depending on the set control performance, for the velocity loop the cycle
time of TA_velocity is calculated with (see "Performance Data").
● Possibility of mixing the velocities of motor encoder and optional encoder
● 4 freely configurable filters of 2nd order (e.g. band-stop filters) for filtering
resonance frequencies
● Moving average filter of the control loop deviation for a maximum of 16
controller clocks (as a feedback filter, in the case of low-resolution motor
measuring systems)
● Low-pass filter to attenuate interference frequencies, to be set via param‐
eter P-0-0004 (VZ1)
● Fine interpolation of the command values of the position loop (can be
switched on by P‑0‑0556, Bit 0)
● Monitoring of the velocity control loop (can be switched off by P‑0‑0556;
Bit 1)
● Optional acceleration feedforward from the torque command value (with
filtering option)
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value
● S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value
● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● S‑0‑0149, C1300 Positive stop drive procedure command
● S‑0‑0155, Friction compensation
● S-0-0347, Velocity deviation
● P‑0‑0004, Speed loop smoothing time constant
● P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value
● P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value
● P‑0‑0180, Acceleration feedforward smoothing time constant
● P-0-0451, Actual acceleration torque/force value
● P-0-0451, Process torque/force value
● P‑0‑0555, Status word of axis controller
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
● P‑0‑1119, Velocity mix factor feedback 1 & 2
● P‑0‑1120, Velocity control loop filter: Filter type
● P‑0‑1121, Velocity control loop filter: Limit frequency low pass
● P‑0‑1122, Velocity control loop filter: Bandwith of band-stop filter
● P‑0‑1123, Velocity control loop filter: Center frequency of band-stop filter
● P‑0‑1125, Velocity control loop: average value filter clock
● P‑0‑1126, Velocity control loop: Acceleration Feedforward
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 313/886
and Controls

Drive Control
● P-0-2100, Velocity loop proportional gain, encoder memory
● P‑0‑2101, Velocity loop integral-action time, encoder memory
● P‑0‑3004, Speed controller smoothing time constant, encoder memory
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2059 Velocity command value limit active
● E8260 Torque/force command value limit active
● F8078 Speed loop error
Functional Description
Fine Interpolator The preset velocity command value can be smoothed through a fine interpolator
via 2 steps. This is reasonable e.g. for cyclic position control with especially
large position command value jumps (great cycle times, comp. S‑0‑0001 and

S‑0‑0037 Additive velocity command value

S‑0‑0091 Bipolar velocity limit value
P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value
P‑0‑0556 Config word of axis controller
Fig.6-45: Fine interpolation of the velocity command value

The fine interpolator is switched on in the default setting. It can be

activated via bit 0 of parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis con‐

Units of the Processed Data The physical data for the velocity control loop have the following units:
● Velocity data → rpm or mm/min
● Acceleration data → (rpm)/controller clock or (mm/min)/controller clock
● Torque data → Nm or N
Velocity Loop The velocity loop designed as a PI loop can be set via the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
The respective parameter settings depend on the mechanical properties (mass
inertia, stiffness,...) of the motors and the connected mechanical system.
● For Rexroth motors with motor data memory (e.g. the motor range Indra‐
Dyn S) a default controller setting that is suitable for the most standard
applications is stored in this memory.
● For Rexroth motors without motor data memory and for third-party motors,
the controller settings must be determined at the commissioning, as they
are strongly dependant on loads, especially for kit motors.
See also "Velocity controller: Notes on Commissioning"
Velocity Mix Factor In the velocity control loop, for the utilization of a load-side encoder, there is the
possibility of calculating the velocity value utilized for the control from a "mix
factor" (see description of the parameter P‑0‑1119) that consists of the velocity
314/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control
values of the motor encoder and of the load-side encoder (see also Figure
"Structure of the velocity loop").

Combining the actual values of motor encoder and load-side en‐

coder via a mix factor can be very advantageous for controlling
systems with a low degree of stiffness in the case of connected load.

Acceleration Feedforward In the velocity control loop there is the additional possibility of configuring the
velocity loop in the control performance more dynamically through utilization of
the so-named acceleration feedforward. The command value for the current
controller then, to the greatest possible extent, is directly derived from the ve‐
locity command value. The velocity loop will then only be required for correcting
The following graphic illustrates the feedforward of the controller:

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value

P‑0‑0180 Acceleration feedforward smoothing time constant
P‑0‑1126 Velocity control loop: Acceleration Feedforward
Fig.6-46: Acceleration feedforward in the velocity control loop

This type of feedforward can be advantageous for very large mass

inertia and/or low encoder resolution.

Filter Options The following filers are available in the velocity control loop:
● Four individually configurable filters of 2nd order (low pass, band-stop fil‐
● One low pass of 1st order (PT1-element)
● One average value filter
The graphic below illustrates the position of the filter in the overall control loop:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 315/886
and Controls

Drive Control

P‑0‑0004 Speed loop smoothing time constant

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value
P‑0‑1120 Velocity control loop filter: filter type
P‑0‑1121 Velocity control loop filter: Limit frequency low pass
P‑0‑1122 Velocity control loop filter: Bandwith of band-stop filter
P‑0‑1123 Velocity control loop filter: Center frequency of band-stop filter
P‑0‑1125 Velocity control loop: average value filter clock
Fig.6-47: Filtering options in the velocity control loop
In practical application there often occur resonant oscillations that mostly result
from deficiencies or restrictions of the mechanical system:
● Limits the rigid connection of the mechanical system to the motor shaft
→ Resonances in the range of 100 Hz … 1000 Hz are possible (according
to rigidness of the connection and to the mass ratio)
● Gear backlash
● Faulty connection of the load-side encoder
→ Resonances in the range of 1 kHz … 2 kHz are possible (according to
connection of the encoder)
This "two-mass oscillation" (or multiple-mass oscillation) mostly has one (or
several) distinctive resonance frequency/frequencies that can be selectively
suppressed by the rejection filters integrated in the drive. By means of the im‐
plemented filter cascade it is possible to selectively suppress up to 4 different
resonance frequencies.

The implemented band-stop filters enable a suppression of reso‐

nance frequencies in the frequency range from 100 Hz up to max.
4000 Hz (advanced performance).
The upper limit depends on the velocity loop cycle time TAn (sam‐
pling theorem).

With the suppression of the mechanical resonance frequencies both the dy‐
namics of the torque control loop and the dynamics of the position control loop
can be improved by far more than with the control without the application of the
rejection filters. This leads to improved movement according to conture and
smaller cycle times for positioning processes with sufficient distance to the sta‐
bility limit.
Explanation of the Filter Function Both center frequency and band width can be set for the filters. The attenuation
of the rejection frequency is the strongest; the bandwidth determines the fre‐
quency range in which the attenuation is smaller than –3 dB.
316/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Due to the filter structure, greater bandwidth results in lower at‐

tenuation of the rejection frequency!

IFI Value of the transmission function (in dB)

P‑0‑1122 Velocity control loop filter: Bandwith of band-stop filter
P‑0‑1123 Velocity control loop filter: Center frequency of band-stop filter
Fig.6-48: Amplitude characteristic of a band-stop filter depending on the band‐
width (qualitative)
Filtering by Means of a Multiple The optimization of the control loop by means of a rejection filter does not al‐
Smoothing Filter ways lead to a sufficient improvement of the control quality. This is the case,
for example, when the closed control loop has no distinctive resonance fre‐
quencies or when there are more than 4 resonance points. It is then possible
to obtain the desired quality of control by activating several smoothing filters
(with PT2 characteristics).
For this purpose, the 4 elements in the parameter "P‑0‑1120, Velocity control
loop filter: filter type" must be set to the value "1" or "0" respectively (see pa‐
rameter description P‑0‑1120).
Instead of the rejection filter, smoothing filters are activated in the control loop,
the smoothing time constants of which (Tgl) are contained in the parameter
"P‑0‑1121, Velocity control loop filter: Limit frequency low pass".
Together with the PT1-filter (Parameter "P‑0‑0004, Speed loop smoothing time
constant") at the velocity loop input you obtain filter characteristics with PTN-
behavior. Frequencies higher than the limit frequency (fg = 1/2πTgl) are sup‐
pressed much more and cannot excite the control loop oscillation.
The following applies to the filter effect:
● P‑0‑0004, Velocity loop smoothing time constant
→ Attenuation of 20 dB/decade
● P‑0‑1121, Velocity control loop filter: Limit frequency low pass
→ Attenuation of 40 dB/decade
When activating all low-pass filters the maximum attenuation is 180 dB/decade.
This corresponds to a very high filtering degree.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 317/886
and Controls

Drive Control

When using the smoothing filters, take into account that each filter
causes phase displacement in the control loop and therefore has a
negative effect on the phase margin in the control loop (control loop
Therefore the following applies: "As little filtering as possible, but as
much filtering as necessary!"

IFΙ Value of the transmission function (in dB)

P‑0‑1121 Velocity control loop filter: Limit frequency low pass
Fig.6-49: Amplitude characteristic of a PT1 and a PT2 filter
Notes on Commissioning
Preparations for the Settings of the In order to be able to execute the settings of the velocity loop, a number of
Velocity Loop preparations must be carried out:
● The mechanical system of the machine must be set up in its final version,
in order to provide for original conditions for the determination of the pa‐
● The drive controller must be connected correctly according to instructions.
● The operatability of the safety limit switches (if available) must have been
● In the drive the operation mode "velocity control" must be selected.
Start Settings For the parameterization of the controller the start settings must be executed
as illustrated below:
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
→ Standard value of the connected motor
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
→ For a value equal to zero → No I-component
● P‑0‑0004, Speed loop smoothing time constant
→ Minimum input value → Filter is switched off
→ P‑0‑0004 = 125 μs (Advanced performance)
→ P‑0‑0004 = 250 μs (Basic performance)
→ P‑0‑0004 = 500 μs (Economy performance)
See also "Performance Data"
● P‑0‑1120, Velocity control loop filter: Filter type
→ For a value "0000" → Filter is switched off
318/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

When determining the velocity loop parameters there mustn't have

been any friction torque compensation or reversal clearance com‐
pensation activated, because it influences the control behavior.

To determine the "critical proportional gain" proceed as follows:

Determination of the Critical Pro‐ 1. Have the drive moving with a low velocity after switching on the drive en‐
portional Gain able.
● Linear motor → 1000 … 2000 mm/min
● Rotary motor → 10 … 20 rpm
2. Increase the value in the parameter "S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional
gain" until an instable ratio (continuous oscillation) occurs.
3. The frequency of the oscillation must be recorded by oscilloscoping the
actual value (see also "Analog outputs" or "oscilloscope function").If the
frequency of the oscillation is much higher than 500 Hz, increase the value
in the parameter "P‑0‑0004, Smoothing time constant" until the oscillation
is reduced. Subsequently, increase the value in the parameter "S‑0‑0100,
Velocity loop proportional gain" futher, until an oscillation occurs anew
4. Decrease the value in the parameter "S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional
gain" until the continuous oscillation ceases automatically.
The value detected by this process is referred to as the "critical velocity
loop proportional gain".

By utilization of the filter cascade (P‑0‑1120, P‑0‑1121, P‑0‑1122,

P‑0‑1123) a PT4-filtering can be activated.

Determination of the Critical Inte‐ To determine the "critical integral action time" proceed as follows:
gral Action Time
1. Setting of the parameter "S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain" =
0,5 × "critical proportional gain".
2. Reduce the value in the parameter "S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action
time" starting with the maximum value, until an instable behavior (contin‐
uous oscillation) occurs.
3. Increase the value in the parameter "S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral ac‐
tion time" until the continuous oscillation ceases automatically. The value
detected by this process is referred to as the "critical integral action time".
Here, common values range between 5 to 20 ms.
Calculation of the Theoretical Set‐ Based on the assumption of rigidly connected load and with some simplifica‐
ting Values tions, it is possible to calculate the controller setting. The formulas below apply
to the calculation of the proportional gain of the velocity loop:

S‑0‑0100 Velocity loop proportional gain

P‑0‑0510 Rotor Inertia
P‑0‑4010 Load inertia
Ts Sum of the time constants Ts = 406μs + (P‑0‑0004)
α Optimization variable α = 2.5
Fig.6-50: Calculation of the value for the proportional gain of the velocity loop for
linear motors
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 319/886
and Controls

Drive Control

S‑0‑0100 Velocity loop proportional gain

P‑0‑0510 Rotor Inertia
P‑0‑4010 Load inertia
Ts Sum of the time constants Ts = 406μs + (P‑0‑0004)
α Optimization variable α = 2.5
Fig.6-51: Calculation of the value for the proportional gain of the velocity loop for
rotary motors

S‑0‑0100 Velocity loop proportional gain

P‑0‑0051 Torque/force constant
Fig.6-52: Correlation of the proportional gain between the IndraDrive and the
EcoDrive firmware
Characteristics of the Controller From the calculated critical values (see above) a controller setting can be de‐
Setting rived that has the following features:
● Independent of changes at the axis due to sufficient distance to the sta‐
bility limit
● Safe reproduction of the properties in serial machines
In the following table some of the most frequent modes of application and the
respective characteristics of the control loop settings are illustrated.

Speed loop proportional Speed loop inte‐

Mode of application gain gral action time Notes

feed axis of a standard

Kp = 0,5 × Kp_crit Tn = 2 × Tn_crit good load stiffness and good control performance
machine tool
feed axis at perforating
high proportional gain; no I‑component in order to
machine or nibbling ma‐ Kp = 0.8 × Kp_crit Tn = 0
obtain short response times
relatively non-dynamic controller setting without
feed drive at follow-on cut‐
Kp = 0,5 × Kp_crit Tn = 0 I‑component in order to keep the material to be cut
ting devices
from getting distorted with the cutting device

Fig.6-53: Features of the controller settings

Parameterization of the Band-Stop The parameterization of the band-stop filters is carried out by means of the
Filters following parameters:
● P‑0‑1120, Velocity control loop filter: Filter type
● P‑0‑1122, Velocity control loop filter: Bandwith of band-stop filter
● P‑0‑1123, Velocity control loop filter: Center frequency of band-stop filter
Each of these parameters have 4 elements, which results in the following allo‐
cation of the relevant filter settings:
● Band-stop filter 1: P‑0‑1120 [0], P‑0‑1122 [0], P‑0‑1123 [0]
● Band-stop filter 2: P‑0‑1120 [1], P‑0‑1122 [1], P‑0‑1123 [1]
● Band-stop filter 3: P‑0‑1120 [2], P‑0‑1122 [2], P‑0‑1123 [2]
● Band-stop filter 4: P‑0‑1120 [3], P‑0‑1122 [3], P‑0‑1123 [3]
Presetting The following procedure is recommended for the setting of the band-stop filter:
1. First set the rejection filters inactive.
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Drive Control
2. In the parameter "P‑0‑1120, Velocity control loop filter: Filter type" the fol‐
lowing values must be entered:
- P‑0‑1120 [0] = 0 → Filter 1 is switched off
- P‑0‑1120 [1] = 0 → Filter 2 is switched off
- P‑0‑1120 [2] = 0 → Filter 3 is switched off
- P‑0‑1120 [3] = 0 → Filter 4 is switched off
Determine Resonance Frequency The following procedure is recommended for determining the resonance fre‐
1. Use the oscilloscope function of the drive in order to display the actual
velocity value. This value can be read directly by means of a fast fourier
transformation (FFT) at the frequency response. For this, the utilization of
the commissioning tool "IndraWorks D" is required.
2. In reversing duty increase the value in parameter "S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop
proportional gain" until distinctive oscillation is noticed (resonant oscilla‐
3. Record the time behavior of the oscillation with the oscilloscope feature
(alternatively with external oscilloscope) and analyze it with regard to
clearly distinctive frequencies. When using the internal oscilloscope fea‐
ture, the resonance frequency can be directly read via the "IndraWorks D"
commissioning tool by means of the frequency display.
4. Set the drive inable and optimize the velocity while rejection filter is inac‐
5. Record the step response of the actual velocity value and the torque-/
force-generating command current with small velocity command value
step. The torque-generating command current must not reach the limita‐
6. In the parameter "P‑0‑1123, Velocity control loop filter: Center frequency
of band-stop filter" the frequency that emerged most noticable must be
entered in Hz.
In the parameter "P‑0‑1122, Velocity control loop filter: Band width band-
stop filter" a minimum band width must be entered (e.g. 25 Hz).
⇒ Re-record the previous step response!

If the step response shows less overshooting and shorter period of oscil‐
7. Check whether additional improvement occurs for an increase of the value
in the parameter " P‑0‑1122, Velocity control loop filter: Bandwidth band-
stop filter" or whether additional improvement occurs for modification of
the value in the parameter "P‑0‑1123, Velocity control loop filter: Center
frequency of band-stop filter".

If the step response shows the same behavior:

8. Check the determined resonance frequency; if need be, considerably
change the value in the parameter "P‑0‑1122, Velocity control loop filter:
Bandwidth band-stop filter".
9. Re-optimize the velocity loop by means of the pre-optimized values in the
parameters "P‑0‑1122, Velocity control loop filter: Bandwidth of band-stop
filter and "P‑0‑1123, Velocity control loop filter: Center frequency of band-
stop filter".
10. If necessary, carry out another optimization procedure for parameters
P‑0‑1122 and P‑0‑1123 due to the high-frequency or less attenuated res‐
onance points that are now possibly occurring.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 321/886
and Controls

Drive Control

If the rejection filter does not seem to show any effect, check wheth‐
er the sampling time of the oscilloscope function might be too high,
which means that the measured resonance frequency is merely the
inverted version of the real frequency.

Diagnostic and Status Messages

Velocity Deviation The velocity deviation (S‑0‑0347) is calculated by substraction, from the effec‐
tive velocity command value (P‑0‑0048) and the current actual velocity value
Acceleration Torque/Force The acceleration torque is determined from the total inertia
(P‑0‑0510 + P‑0‑4010) calculated from the automatic control loop setting and
the value in the parameter "S‑0‑0164, Actual acceleration value 1" and is dis‐
played in the parameter "P‑0‑0451, Actual acceleration torque / force".
Process Torque/Force From the current total torque in the parameter "S‑0‑0084, Torque/force feed‐
back value" and the determined "P‑0‑0451, Acceleration torque / force feed‐
back value" the current process torque is determined and indicated in the
parameter "P‑0‑0452, Process torque / force feedback value".
Limitation of the Current Command The output signal of the velocity loop is limited to a minimum and a maximum
Value (E8260) torque. It is a torque / force command value that already includes the additive
component for the friction torque compensation.
This torque command value is limited in the parameters S‑0‑0082, S‑0‑0083
and S‑0‑0092. At the output of the limitation, the effective torque / force com‐
mand value (P‑0‑0049) can be read.

If the limitation is activated, the corresponding warning "E8260 Tor‐

que / force command value limit active" is generated and the
respective bit (positive / negative limit) is set in the parameter
"P‑0‑0555, Status word of axis controller".

Speed Loop Error (F8078) The correct function of the velocity loop is monitored in the drive to avoid the
so-called "runaway effect". Possible causes for errors are:
● Incorrect commutation angle
● Interchanged motor connection
In case of an error the drive is immediately switched torque-free and the error
message "F8078 Speed loop error" is generated.

See also Troubleshooting Guide for "F8078 Speed loop error"

6.4.4 Position Loop (With Respective Feedforward Functions and Actual Val‐
ue Adjustment)
Brief Description
The following section only describes the position loop with the respective feed‐
forward possibilities (velocity and acceleration feedforward).
322/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Fig.6-54: Structure of the Position Loop

The preprocessing of the position command value (command value

adjustment) is described in the corresponding section of the posi‐
tion control mode (e.g. position control with cyclic command value
input, positioning block mode, ...).

Features ● Digital proportional loop, can be set via the following parameter:
– S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-factor
● Lag error is minimized by:
– Variable velocity feedforward (see P‑0‑0040)
- and -
– Variable acceleration feedforward (see S‑0‑0348), including smooth‐
ing filter
● Depending on the control performance which has been set, the cycle time
TA_position is used for position loop calculations (see "Performance Data").
● With lag error or lagless, i.e. with velocity feedforward
● Model monitor for the lag error (see also F2028)
● Possibility of evaluating a "hybrid actual position value" from motor en‐
coder and external position control encoder (up to now only motor encoder
and measuring wheel encoder)
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation
→ Bit 3 = 1 → Activation of lagless operation
● S-0-0038, Positive velocity limit value
● S-0-0039, Negative velocity limit value
● S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value
● S‑0‑0048, Additive position command value
● S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value
● S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value
● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 323/886
and Controls

Drive Control
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-factor
● S-0-0189, Following distance
● S‑0‑0348, Acceleration feedforward gain
● S‑0‑0386, Active position feedback value
● S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller
● S‑0‑0521, Status word of position loop
● P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation
● P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value
● P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value
● P‑0‑0059, Additive position command value, controller
● P-0-0109, Torque/force peak limit
● P‑0‑0180, Acceleration feedforward smoothing time constant
● P‑0‑0241, Actual pos. smoothing time constant for hybrid pos. control
● P‑0‑0434, Position command value controller
● P-0-0454, Velocity feedforward actual value
● P-0-0454, Acceleration feedforward actual value
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
● P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value, process loop
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● F2028 Excessive deviation
● F2036 Excessive position feedback difference
● F2037 Excessive position command difference
Functional Description
Activating the lagless operation causes a feedforward value deter‐
mined from the position command value (velocity command value)
to be added to the velocity command value at the position loop out‐

Velocity Feedforward By means of the velocity feedforward, it is possible to reduce the lag error to a
minimum (ideally = 0) at constant velocity.
It is possible to include the additive position command value for the controller
(P‑0‑0059) in the calculation of the velocity feedforward. For this purpose, set
bit 9 of parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller".
Acceleration Feedforward In order to achieve a reduction of the lag error during the acceleration process,
the acceleration feedforward (see S‑0‑0348) has to be activated. For optimum
parameterization of the acceleration feedforward, the following values have to
be entered in parameter S‑0‑0348:
● Linear motor → total mass (motor + load) in kg
● Rotary motor → total mass inertia (motor + load) in kgm2

Adjust the input value in the parameter S‑0‑0348 in dependency of

the respective local mechanical system!

The illustrations below exemplify the operating principle of the respective feed‐
forward procedure.
324/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

S‑0‑0189 Following distance

P‑0‑0040 Velocity feedforward evaluation
Fig.6-55: Operating Principle of the Velocity Feedforward

1 Without acceleration feedforward

2 With acceleration feedforward
ta Acceleration phase
S‑0‑0189 Following distance
Fig.6-56: Operating Principle of Acceleration Feedforward (With
P‑0‑0040 = 100%)
Making the Actual Position Value The actual value for the position control can be made available by the motor
Available encoder or the optional encoder. It is possible, however, to use both actual
position values for position control ("hybrid actual position value").
"Hybrid Actual Position Value" The actual position value detected by the optional encoder is added to the ac‐
tual position value of the motor encoder and is used for position control as the
so-called "hybrid actual position value". The difference of both actual position
values is smoothed via a filter which can be set (P‑0‑0241) and added to the
actual position value of the motor encoder.
Using the hybrid actual position value is particularly advantageous if slip occurs
between motor encoder and external encoder (see also "Measuring Wheel
Mode") or if there is only little stiffness available.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 325/886
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Drive Control

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value

S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
S‑0‑0520 Control word of axis controller
P‑0‑0241 Actual pos. smoothing time constant for hybrid pos. control
Fig.6-57: Generating the Hybrid Actual Position Value
The generation of the hybrid actual position value is configured in the parameter
"S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller", its use for control tasks is activated
in the same parameter.
To be noticed:
● By the value "0" in parameter "P‑0‑0241, Actual pos. smoothing time con‐
stant for hybrid pos. control", the actual position value of the motor encoder
is ignored and only the actual position value of the optional encoder is
used for position control.
● If the values of the parameters S-0-0051 and S-0-0053 differ (might be the
case for measuring systems to be evaluated in absolute form with different
position data reference), abrupt changes in the velocity command value
can occur when the hybrid actual position value is activated.

The position data reference of motor encoder and optional encoder

remains unchanged when the hybrid actual position value is acti‐
vated. As a prerequisite the optional encoder mustn't have been
activated as measuring wheel encoder in parameter "P‑0‑0185,
Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)"!

Notes on Commissioning
The cascade structure of the loops requires the optimization of the position loop
to be only carried out after all outer control loops (velocity and current) have
been optimized, because in the case of a cascade loop structure the dynamic
response of the outer control loops limits the dynamic response of the higher-
level control loops.
Determining the Critical Position To determine the critical position loop Kv-factor, proceed as follows:
Loop Kv-Factor
1. Let the drive move with low velocity in position control after switching on
drive enable:
● Linear motor → 1000 … 2000 mm/min
● Rotary motor → 10 … 20 rpm
2. Increase parameter "S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-factor" until instable be‐
havior (continuous oscillation) occurs.
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Drive Control
3. Reduce parameter S‑0‑0104 until continuous oscillation decreases auto‐
The value thus determined is the so-called "critical position loop Kv-fac‐
Characteristics of the Control Loop From the determined critical Kv-factor (see above), it is possible to derive a
Setting control loop setting with the following characteristics:
● Independent of changes at the axis due to sufficient distance to the sta‐
bility limit
● Properties can be reliably reproduced in series machines
The position loop normally is checked by optimizing the lag error. To do this,
the following machine and application types have to be distinguished:
● High-end machine tools (e.g. grinding machines)
→ Optimization with regard to a minimum lag error characteristic by the
highest possible Kv-factors
● Standard positioning axes (e.g. press transfer)
→ Optimization with regard to a minimum lag error characteristic is not
required, the important thing is smoothest possible, jerk-free positioning.
This is achieved, among other things, by relatively low Kv-factors resulting
in very stable control loop settings.
Presettings for Using the Hybrid Ac‐ First set the relevant parameter values for the mechanical arrangement of mo‐
tual Position Value tor, motor encoder, axis and external (optional) encoder. The external encoder
must have been configured as "position control encoder" (not as "measuring
wheel encoder"!) in parameter "P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional
encoder)". Configure the hybrid actual position value in parameter "S‑0‑0520,
Control word of axis controller".
Activating the Hybrid Actual Posi‐ The hybrid actual position value can only be activated when the drive is ready
tion Value for operation, by
● activating "hybrid actual position value" in parameter "S‑0‑0520, Control
word of axis controller"
- and -
● position-controlled operating mode of the drive.
Deactivating the Hybrid Actual Po‐ The option "hybrid actual position value" can be deactivated and switched to
sition Value the actual position value of motor encoder or optional encoder by one of the
following actions:
● Deactivating "hybrid actual position value" in parameter "S‑0‑0520, Con‐
trol word of axis controller"
● Switching to communication phase P2 or parameter mode
● Switching the drive off
Setting the Jerk Attenuation for the Abrubt position differences between motor encoder and optional encoder can
Hybrid Actual Position Value be attenuated by inputting a value greater than zero in parameter "P‑0‑0241,
Actual pos. smoothing time constant for hybrid pos. control".

The value "0" in parameter P‑0‑0241 switches off the attenuation

and causes only the actual position value of the optional encoder
to be effective.

1. Enter value "0" in parameter P‑0‑0241 and move axis at low velocity and
little acceleration.
2. Increase infeed velocity and acceleration up to the maximum values.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 327/886
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While increasing the velocity and acceleration, also increase the value of
P‑0‑0241, if necessary, in order to achieve a satisfactory compromise of
smoothness of running and minimum lag error!
Diagnostic and Status Messages, Limitations
The following monitoring functions are carried out in the position loop:
Excessive Deviation (F2028) ● Monitoring of lag error by means of model calculation
The deviation of the actual position value from the position command value
is monitored by comparing an "actual position model value" internally cal‐
culated in the drive to the real actual position value (= lag error monitor‐
ing). If the difference of the theoretical and real actual position value
permanently exceeds the value of parameter "S‑0‑0159, Monitoring win‐
dow", it is obvious that the drive cannot follow the preset command value
and the error message "F2028 Excessive deviation" is generated.
Excessive Position Feedback Dif‐ ● Monitoring of position difference (encoder 1 and encoder 2)
ference (F2036)
When 2 measuring systems (1 motor encoder and possibly external length
measuring system) are used simultaneously, the actual position value 1
and the actual position value 2, in cyclic operation (phase 4), are moni‐
tored for a maximum allowed actual position value difference indicated in
parameter "S‑0‑0391, Monitoring window feedback 2". If the absolute val‐
ue of the difference is greater than the value of the monitoring window, the
error message "F2036 Excessive position feedback difference" is gener‐

The current position difference is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0391,

Actual position value difference encoder1 - encoder2"!

The following limitation is carried out in the position loop:

Limiting the Velocity Command ● The output of the position loop (P‑0‑0048) is limited to a maximum abso‐
Value lute velocity value. The output signal of the position loop is a velocity
command value that already contains the additive component for velocity
feedforward, plus a possibly preset additive velocity command value
(S‑0‑0037). The limitation therefore has an effect on the sum of the dif‐
ferent command values.
See also "Velocity Limitation"

6.5 Commutation Setting

6.5.1 Basics on Commutation Setting
Brief Description
The following Rexroth kit motors are manufactured according to the functional
principle "synchronous motor":
● Linear motors LSF, MLF
● Rotary motors MBS and MBT
As the motor is assembled in the machine, stator, rotor and measuring system
cannot be put together by the manufacturer. The customer will make the elec‐
tric-magnetic-mechanical allocation of the synchronous motor on site by deter‐
mining and setting the commutation offset.
Measuring Systems for Synchro‐ Absolute measuring systems should ideally be used for synchronous Rexroth
nous Rexroth Motors kit motors. The advantage in this case is the absolute position detection of the
rotor position which immediately ensures, when drive enable is set, the correct
328/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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assignment of current in the primary part to the magnetic field in the secondary
part. This is realized by the commutation offset stored at initial commissioning.
For some applications it is necessary to use relative measuring systems, be‐
cause the available length of absolute measuring systems is limited, for exam‐
ple. The disadvantage in this case is that absolute detection of the rotor position
is impossible. It is therefore necessary, after each time the drive is switched on
again or after having changed the communication phase from "P2" to "P4" ("bb"
or "Ab"), to set the commutation offset again. For linear motors, this disadvant‐
age can be removed by using the Hall sensor box SHL01.1, because with
regard to commutation setting the relative motor encoder then behaves like an
absolute measuring system.

If you use a relative motor encoder, using the Hall sensor box
SHL01.1 is absolutely recommended for linear motors! In this way,
you achieve highest safety with regard to correct motor function and
compliance with the power data!

Measuring Systems for Synchro‐ Concerning operationally reliable drives with synchronous third-party motors
nous Third-Party Motors and IndraDrive controllers, there are, with regard to the selected measuring
system, the same principles applying as to synchronous Rexroth kit motors (see
above); the Hall sensor box SHL, however, cannot be used for linear third-party
Overview of the Synchronous Mo‐ Motor measur‐ Synchronous Synchronous Rexroth Synchronous third-
tors to be Used for Motor Measuring
Systems ing system Rexroth kit kit motor (linear) with party motor
motor SHL01.1
(rotary, linear)

Absolute + -- +
Relative o + o
+ Advantageous combination
o Combination possible, initial commissioning might possibly require es‐
pecially trained staff
-- Combination not useful
Fig.6-58: Possible Combinations of Motor Measuring System and Synchronous
Motors for Which Commutation Setting is Required

The measuring system should be realized with high resolution and

as a motor encoder to be evaluated in absolute form. If it is neces‐
sary to use a relative measuring system, you should avoid using
encoders with square-wave signals!
For synchronous motors in combination with a motor encoder which
can be evaluated in absolute form, the advantage of setting the
commutation offset only once (see above) can only be used with an
encoder gear with i = 1 or when there is no encoder gear available!
See also "Absolute Measuring Systems" and "Mechanical Axis Sys‐
tem and Arrangement of Measuring Systems"

Pertinent Parameters Apart from the motor parameters (see overview of parameters in "Basics on the
Motors to be Controlled"), there are further parameters available for commuta‐
tion setting:
● P‑0‑0506, Voltage amplitude for angle acquisition
● P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition
● P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset
● P‑0‑0517, Commutation: required harmonics component
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 329/886
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Drive Control
● P‑0‑0518, C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation off‐
● P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset
● P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting
● P‑0‑0523, Commutation setting measured value
● P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command
● P‑0‑3008, Commutation offset, encoder memory
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C1200 Commutation offset setting command
● C1204 Error in offset calculation
● C1208 No adjustment with asynchronous motor
● C1209 Proceed to phase 4
● C1211 Commutation offset could not be determined.
● C1214 Command only possible with linear synchronous motor
● C1215 Command only possible in 'bb'
● C1216 Commutation determination not selected
● C1217 Setting only possible in 'Ab'
● C1218 Automatic commutation: current too low
● C1219 Automatic commutation: overcurrent
● C1220 Automatic commutation: timeout
● C1221 Automatic commutation: iteration without result
● C1222 Error when writing offset parameters
● C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation offset
● C5601 Command requires drive enable
● C5602 Axis blocked
● C5603 Timeout: axis in motion
● F2032 Validation error during commutation fine adjust
● F8010 Autom. commutation: max. motion range when moving back
● F8011 Commutation offset could not be determined
● F8012 Autom. commutation: max. motion range
● F8013 Automatic commutation: current too low
● F8014 Automatic commutation: overcurrent
● F8015 Automatic commutation: timeout
● F8016 Automatic commutation: iteration without result
Overview of Methods for Determining the Commutation Offset
Methods for Determining the Com‐ The commutation offset can be determined with different methods. The method
mutation Offset is chosen in accordance with the axis geometry, the practicability and the chan‐
ces of success of the respective method depending on motor and mechanical
axis system.
The following methods are possible:
● Calculation method
→ For relative motor encoder when using the Hall sensor box (distance
measurement, currentless → only possible with Rexroth linear kit motors,
see documentation "Hall Sensor Box SHL01.1")
● Measuring method
330/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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→ For motor encoder that can be evaluated in absolute form (distance

measurement, currentless → only possible with Rexroth linear kit motors)
● Saturation method (axis needs to be blocked or at standstill, with current)
→ Possible with all types of construction in combination with motor en‐
coders that can be evaluated in absolute form and with relative motor
encoders; but see "Restrictions for saturation method" in table below
● Sine-wave method (requires unrestricted movement of axis, with current)
→ Possible with all types of construction in combination with motor en‐
coders that can be evaluated in absolute form and with relative motor
encoders; but see "Restrictions for sine-wave method" in table below
Recommendations for selecting the determination method:

Determination method
Calculation method Measuring meth‐ Sine-wave meth‐
Saturation method
(with Hall sensor box) od od
Measuring system
Motor type Relative, linear Absolute, linear Absolute/relative Absolute/relative
used →

MSS -- -- + o
-- -- o +
(high speed)
MST -- -- + o
LSF + + + o
MLF + + + o
+ Recommended method
o Method not recommended
-- Method not possible
Fig.6-59: Recommendations for Selecting Determination Method for Commuta‐
tion Offset Depending on Motor Type (for Rexroth Motors)

The sine-wave method (generally requires unrestricted movement

of axis) should only be used if the saturation method cannot be

Restrictions for Saturation Method Applications of synchronous motors Restrictions for saturation method

Third-party motors without or with only little Saturation method cannot be used for
saturation effects determining commutation offset!
Applications with relative measuring system Max. torque/force can be reduced by
(without using the optimum commutation off‐ approx. 15% compared to the optimum
set value with regard to the reference point) value (autom. detection of commuta‐
tion offset with "AF")!
Applications with relative measuring system Max. torque/force until reference mark
that are using the optimum commutation off‐ is passed can be reduced by approx.
set value with regard to the reference point 15%!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 331/886
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Drive Control

Applications of synchronous motors Restrictions for saturation method

Drives that can be in motion during the deter‐ Saturation method only possible for
mination of the commutation offset, e.g. motors in standstill!
coasting spindles, printing roller drives etc.
Drives with a low degree of overload capacity Saturation method only possible if am‐
plifier current is sufficiently high (2...4-
fold continuous motor current re‐

Fig.6-60: Typical Applications and Restrictions for Saturation Method

Restrictions for Sine-Wave Method Applications of synchronous motors Restrictions for sine-wave method

Linear axis with single motor or parallel motor Only balanced (e.g. horizontal) axes
with little friction!
Linear axes in Gantry arrangement Only balanced (e.g. horizontal) axes
with little friction! In addition, both
drives have to carry out sequential
commutation settings, "AF" in this case
mustn't be active at the other drive!
Rotary axes with single drive Only balanced axes with little friction;
high inertia can cause problems!
Rotary axes, mechanically connected See above "linear axes in Gantry ar‐

Fig.6-61: Typical Applications and Restrictions for Sine-Wave Method

Significance of Commutation Offset A synchronous motor can only generate the torque or the force specified ac‐
cording to motor data, when the commutation offset is correct. If the value for
the commutation offset is incorrect, lower action of torque/force is to be expec‐
ted; a highly incorrect value implies the danger of the motor having a "runaway
Therefore, the parameter "P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset" as a matter
of principle is write-protected. For initial commissioning, however, it is advan‐
tageous to allow writing parameter P‑0‑0521 in order to optimize the value, if
necessary. An "initial commissioning mode" can be activated for this purpose
(see "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting"). During the initial com‐
missioning of the motor, you have to determine the commutation offset value
with due diligence.

For synchronous Rexroth motors with integrated motor encoder

(MSK, MHD, MKD, MKE motors), it is not necessary to set the com‐
mutation offset! The correct value is provided in the motor encoder
data memory and is automatically activated.

Depending on the motor encoder used, you have to determine the commutation
offset for the following situations:
● With absolute motor encoder only during initial commissioning of the drive
● With relative motor encoder both during initial commissioning and each
time the drive has been switched on (recommissioned)

Deviating values when determined again (recommissioning with

relative motor encoder) can occur, this can cause deviating drive
behavior (remedy: "Optimum Commutation Offset With Regard to
Reference Point", see below)!
332/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Notes on Commissioning
Initial Commissioning
Commutation Offset During Initial Determining the commutation offset during the initial commissioning of a syn‐
Commissioning of Synchronous chronous motor is of particular relevance. For this purpose, there are different
Motor methods available or applicable for determining the commutation offset, de‐
pending on motor and position measuring system (motor encoder). In addition,
the effectiveness of the determined value should be checked and, if necessary,
The overview below illustrates the procedure for selecting the appropriate
method of commutation offset determination for synchronous motors and the
determination of a value for "P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset" within the scope
of initial commissioning.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 333/886
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Fig.6-62: Selecting the Method for Determining Commutation Offset During Initial
Commissioning of Synchronous Motor
334/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Manually Optimizing the Offset Val‐ The automatically determined value for the commutation offset is stored in pa‐
ue rameter "P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset". When the initial commis‐
sioning mode is active (respective bit in P‑0‑0522), the value of P‑0‑0521 can
be manually optimized. Optimization should be carried out using a force meas‐
urement device.

m Manually
a Automatically determined
Fig.6-63: Range of Values for Optimizing the Commutation Offset

Property damage caused by errors when controlling motors and moving parts!
⇒ Before manually optimizing the commutation offset, move the axis to a non‐
critical position!
Automatically Optimizing the Offset The value determined for "P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset" can be au‐
Value tomatically optimized. This is done by starting "P‑0‑0518, C5600 Command
subsequent optimization of commutation offset". For this purpose, the drive
must be in drive enable ("AF") and in standstill. In addition, the axis must be
able to move sufficiently (motion range see table).

Motor design Motion range Reference

Rotary ± 10 angular degrees Motor shaft

Linear ± 0.1 × pole pair distance Primary part

Fig.6-64: Minimum Required Motion Range for Executing Command C5600

The controller optimizes the commutation offset which is already operational
(value stored in P‑0‑0521) by transmitting test signals to the motor. The infor‐
mation for improvement of the commutation offset is taken from the motor
motion (actual position value). Upon successful execution of command C5600,
an improved value is available in parameter P‑0‑0521.

It is always recommended to execute "C5600 Command subse‐

quent optimization of commutation offset", when there isn't any of
the restrictions which are mentioned for the sine-wave method (see

Property damage caused by errors when controlling motors and moving

⇒ Before automatically optimizing the commutation offset, move the axis to a
CAUTION noncritical position and make sure axis can move!
Storing the Optimum Commutation For synchronous motors with relative measuring system (motor encoder) and
Offset With Regard to Reference with initial commissioning mode activated, the value determined and, if neces‐
Point sary, optimized during initial commissioning is converted to the reference point
by a homing procedure (start of command C0600) and stored in parameter
"P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset".
Recommissioning a Synchronous Motor
Readiness for operation of a synchronous motor is given after switch-on (put‐
ting into operation after initial commissioning already taken place), when the
controller has stored or determined a commutation offset value for this motor.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 335/886
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Synchronous Motors With Absolute Immediate readiness for operation is generally given for absolute motor meas‐
Measuring System uring systems and for linear Rexroth motors with relative measuring system
and SHL box. The commutation offset value (P‑0‑0508) stored in the controller
or in the measuring system during initial commissioning is activated by applying
it to parameter "P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset".
Synchronous Motors With Relative For relative motor measuring systems (exception: linear Rexroth motor with
Measuring System relative measuring system and SHL box), the drive, at first drive enable after
switch-on or after re-initialization of the measuring system, automatically de‐
termines the commutation offset. When "AF" is set, this is automatically done
by a method with current (for overview of methods see above "Overview of
Methods for Determining the Commutation Offset"). The value is stored in pa‐
rameter P‑0‑0521 and refers to the current position of the axis.
Optimum Commutation Offset With When drive-controlled homing (command C0600) is now started due to the rel‐
Regard to Reference Point ative measuring system, the value of P‑0‑0521 is converted to the reference
point position when the reference point is passed. This converted value is com‐
pared to the optimum commutation offset value determined during initial com‐
missioning and stored in P‑0‑0508.
If the comparison results in "positive validation", the value of P‑0‑0508 is applied
as effective commutation offset value in parameter P‑0‑0521 ("fine adjustment"
of the commutation offset). If validation is negative, the value in P‑0‑0508 is
probably incorrect (e.g. inverted value). The error message "F2032 Validation
error during commutation fine adjust" is output and the drive switches off.

If fine adjustment of the commutation offset is not desired, it can be

deactivated via P‑0‑0508 = 0 or P‑0‑3008 = 0 (can be written in
communication phase "P2"). This causes the automatically deter‐
mined value to remain effective!

For synchronous motors with relative measuring system, the torque

or force development of the motor is reproduced with reference to
the initial commissioning situation by using the commutation offset
value relating to the reference point ("optimum commutation offset
with regard to reference point")!
336/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.6-65: Establishing Readiness for Operation of a Synchronous Motor for Re‐

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 337/886
and Controls

Drive Control

6.5.2 Commutation Setting for Rexroth Motors MLF, LSF

Brief Description
Linear Rexroth kit motors of the MLF and LSF lines are manufactured according
to the functional principle "synchronous motor". For kit motors, the motor com‐
ponents stator, rotor and measuring system are finally assembled on the
customer side in the machine.
With Absolute Motor Encoder The electric-magnetic-mechanical allocation of the synchronous motor there‐
fore can only be made on site by determining and setting the commutation
offset. This is done once during initial commissioning of the motor, if it has been
equipped with a motor encoder to be evaluated in absolute form.
With Relative Motor Encoder When a relative motor encoder is used, it is necessary to determine the com‐
mutation offset again each time after the drive was switched off.
Deviating commutation offset values when determined again (recommissioning
with relative motor encoder) can occur, this can cause deviating drive behavior.
To avoid this, it is recommended that you use the Hall sensor box SHL01.1
which was developed for linear Rexroth motors.
Hall Sensor Box SHL01.1 The Hall sensor box SHL01.1 is an absolute measuring system within one pole
pair distance of linear Rexroth motors. Via the signals of the Hall sensors, the
controller detects the position of the motor windings compared to the magnetic
field of the motor; therefore, the commutation setting is only required during
initial commissioning. When the drive is recommissioned, the correct commu‐
tation offset is already available at drive enable ("AF").

1 secondary part
2 primary part
3 Hall sensor box SHL
Fig.6-66: Linear Rexroth motor with Hall sensor box SHL
For information on mounting and connection see the documentation on Hall
sensor box SHL01.1.
Functional Description
Commutation Offset With Relative Motor Encoder and Hall Sensor Box
When using a linear Rexroth motor with relative measuring system as motor
encoder and using the Hall sensor box SHL, the value for the commutation
offset depends on the motor geometry and the mounting distance of the SHL
box to the primary part. The value is independent of the axis position and de‐
termined once during initial commissioning (for further information see docu‐
mentation on Hall sensor box SHL01.1).
Commutation Offset With Absolute Motor Encoder, Measuring Method
The measuring method for determining the commutation offset can only be
used for linear Rexroth motors with linear motor encoder that can be evaluated
in absolute form (e.g. EnDat encoder). The method is currentless, i.e. the motor
338/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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does not generate any force. At drive enable (AF = Antriebsfreigabe), it is then
immediately fully operational.

For rotary synchronous Rexroth kit motors, the commutation offset

can only be determined with methods with current (saturation or
sine-wave method) because there wasn't any measuring method

To determine the commutation offset, the relative position of the primary part
(electrically active part) must be determined with regard to the secondary part
(electrically inactive part). This "relative position" is characterized by a value
which has to be entered in parameter "P‑0‑0523, Commutation setting meas‐
ured value". The value for P‑0‑0523 is determined by distance measurement
and geometric motor data (see separate motor documentation for "Rexroth In‐
draDyn L").
After the determined value was entered in parameter P‑0‑0523, the command
parameter "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command" has to be
activated. The controller now calculates the value of the required commutation
offset which is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset".
Notes on Commissioning
Requirements When using a Hall sensor box or the measuring method, the following settings
must be made in parameter "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting"
for initial commissioning:
● Method for determining the commutation offset → "without current"
● Initial commissioning mode → "active"
The drive must be in status "A0013 Ready for power on" ("bb").
Using the Hall Sensor Box SHL When using the Hall sensor box SHL, carry out the following steps for com‐
1. Determine value for "P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset" according to docu‐
mentation on Hall sensor box SHL01.1 and enter it in parameter
"P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset".
Note: It is recommended that you optimize the determined commutation
offset value. This can be done automatically by activating "C5600 Com‐
mand subsequent optimization of commutation offset", if the sine-wave
method is possible without restrictions for this axis. Otherwise, the com‐
mutation offset value should be manually optimized (see section "Basics
on Commutation Setting").
2. Then reset command C5600 and set initial commissioning mode to "in‐
active" again in parameter P‑0‑0522.
Measuring Method with Absolute For the measuring method with absolute motor encoder, carry out the following
Motor Encoder steps for commissioning:
1. Enter value for relative position of primary part compared to secondary
part in parameter "P‑0‑0523, Commutation setting measured value" (for
how to determine this value see separate motor documentation "Re‐
xroth IndraDyn L").
Note: The position of the primary part or the slide mustn't change any more
after the required distance measurements!
2. Activate command parameter "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset set‐
ting command".
3. Controller enters value determined for commutation offset in parameter
"P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset" and parameters "P‑0‑0508,
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 339/886
and Controls

Drive Control
Commutation offset" and "P‑0‑3008, Commutation offset, encoder mem‐
ory" apply this value.
Note: It is recommended that you optimize the determined commutation
offset value. This can be done automatically by activating "C5600 Com‐
mand subsequent optimization of commutation offset", if the sine-wave
method is possible without restrictions for this axis. Otherwise, the com‐
mutation offset value should be manually optimized (see section "Basics
on Commutation Setting").
4. Then reset command C5600 and set initial commissioning mode to "in‐
active" again in parameter P‑0‑0522.

6.5.3 Saturation Method

Brief Description
For rotary synchronous Rexroth kit motors, IndraDrive controllers only provide
methods with current to determine the commutation offset. The saturation
method is one of these methods; when it is used, motor standstill is necessary.
A possibly available holding brake should remain applied!

For synchronous Rexroth motors with integrated motor encoder

(MSK, MHD, MKD, MKE motors), it is not necessary to set the com‐
mutation offset! The correct value is provided in the motor encoder
data memory and is automatically activated.

The saturation method can also be used for linear synchronous Rexroth kit
motors, if they have only been equipped with a relative measuring system
(without Hall sensor box SHL), and for motors with an absolute measuring sys‐
tem for which distance measurement at the axis is impossible due to the
As a prerequisite for successful application of the saturation method, the iron
material of the motor must be magnetically saturated when current is supplied,
i.e. the controller must be able to provide sufficiently high current to the motor.
For synchronous motors which are not magnetically saturated at maximum al‐
lowed current, this method is unsuited for determining the commutation offset!

If the saturation method cannot be used, the controller provides the

sine-wave method (works with current, too) for determining the
commutation offset.

When the requirements have been fulfilled, the saturation method can be used
both for initial commissioning and for recommissioning.

The restrictions to be observed when using the saturation method

are described in the "Basics on Commutation Setting"section. This
section outlines the different methods which can be used for deter‐
mining the commutation offset.

Functional Description
Application-Related Aspect The saturation method for determining the commutation offset can be used for
all types of synchronous motors. It provides the advantage that distance meas‐
urement is not required. Stator and rotor of the motor can be inaccessibly
installed in the machine. In the case of the saturation method, the commutation
offset is determined with current supplied. The controller sets drive enable au‐
tomatically for the duration of the measurement.
Method By a test signal, the voltage and frequency of which require motor-specific val‐
ues ("P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition", "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for
340/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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angle acquisition"), the controller determines the commutation offset of the
synchronous motor. It is therefore necessary that the generated test current
causes magnetic saturation effects in the motor.
The motor-specific setting of voltage and frequency of the test current is carried
out automatically when the value "0" has been entered in parameter P‑0‑0506
at the start of "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command". The
detected motor-specific value for P‑0‑0506 is stored and used for commutation
setting for further operations.

If the test current does not cause any magnetic saturation effect in
the motor, the command C1200 can only be used for commutation
setting with restrictions.
→ If the maximum current of the controller is not sufficient to cause
magnetic saturation in the motor (e.g. in the case of command error
C1218), use a controller with higher type current!
→ If the generated test current is too low in spite of sufficient con‐
troller type current (e.g. in the case of command error C1218),
measures as described for "C1218 Automatic commutation: current
too low" in the Troubleshooting Guide should be carried out!
Should it be impossible to determine a commutation angle in spite
of these measures (e.g. command error C1221), the saturation
method cannot be used for commutation setting!

Notes on Commissioning
Saturation Method for Synchronous Motors with Absolute Measuring
In the case of synchronous kit motors with absolute measuring system, the
saturation method is only started by a command at the initial commissioning
and the determined commutation offset value is stored in the controller or in the
encoder data memory. In addition, the value can be manually or automatically
optimized during initial commissioning.
Sequence of the Saturation Method Sequence of the saturation method for synchronous motors with absolute
measuring system:
1. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting" activate:
● Initial commissioning mode
- and -
● Saturation method
2. Make presettings for automatic determination of motor-specific parameter
values (P‑0‑0506, P‑0‑0507) of test signal required for determining the
commutation offset:
● Enter value "0" in parameter "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquis‐
3. Switch drive to operating mode ("AB"); start saturation method by
"P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command".
4. After current was supplied and commutation offset value has been suc‐
cessfully determined, this value, due to initial commissioning mode, is
simultaneously stored in the following parameters in the case of absolute
measuring systems:
● P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset
● P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset
● P‑0‑3008, Commutation offset, encoder memory (if available)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 341/886
and Controls

Drive Control
The execution of the command is now completed, it can be reset.
The drive now is operational.
Note: It is recommended that you optimize the determined commu‐
tation offset value. This can be done automatically by activating
"C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation offset",
if the sine-wave method is possible without restrictions for this axis.
Otherwise, the commutation offset value should be manually opti‐
mized (see section "Basics on Commutation Setting").
5. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting", deactivate initial
commissioning mode via respective bit. Value in P‑0‑0508 resp. P‑0‑3008
is now read-only.
Each time the drive is switched on again or the measuring system is initialized,
the value stored in the parameters P‑0‑0508 resp. P‑0‑3008 is applied to pa‐
rameter P‑0‑0521 and becomes effective as the commutation offset value.
Saturation Method for Synchronous Motors with Incremental Measuring
In the case of synchronous kit motors with incremental measuring system, the
saturation method is automatically started when setting drive enable after the
drive is switched on or after every initialization of the measuring system. The
drive is operational only after the commutation offset has been successfully

The force development of the motor is guaranteed in a reproducible

way when, at the homing of the axis, the optimized commutation
offset value stored during initial commissioning becomes effective
("optimum commutation offset with regard to reference point")!

Sequence of the Saturation Method Sequence of the saturation method for initial commissioning of synchronous
motors with incremental measuring system:
1. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting" activate:
● Initial commissioning mode
- and -
● Saturation method
2. Make presettings for automatic determination of motor-specific parameter
values (P‑0‑0506, P‑0‑0507) of test signal required for determining the
commutation offset:
● Enter value "0" in parameter "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquis‐
3. Switch drive to operating mode ("AB"); start saturation method by
"P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command".
4. After the current was supplied and the commutation offset value has been
successfully determined, this value is contained in "P‑0‑0521, Effective
commutation offset". The drive now is operational. In addition, the motor-
specific values for P‑0‑0506 and P‑0‑0507 were stored.
Note: The motor-specific values for P‑0‑0506 and P‑0‑0507 should be
checked for their safe function, independent of the position. To do this, set
the axis to several different positions within one pole pair or pole pair dis‐
tance, execute command C1200 each time and write down the value of
P‑0‑0521. If P‑0‑0521 shows great deviations (> approx. ±30) or error
messages are generated, the values of P‑0‑0506 and P‑0‑0507 have to
be automatically generated again (see above) or subsequently manually
342/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control
● With error message "F8013" (current too low)
→ Increase voltage (P‑0‑0506), reduce frequency (P‑0‑0507)
● With error message "F8014" (overcurrent)
→ Reduce voltage (P‑0‑0506), increase frequency (P‑0‑0507)
If the error message "F8013" occurs, but the deviation of P‑0‑0521 is within
the allowed range of values (< approx. ±30), further measures can be
taken as described for "F8013 Automatic commutation: Current too low"
in the Troubleshooting Guide!
Recommendation: It is recommended that you optimize the determined
commutation offset value. This can be done automatically by activating
"C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation offset", if the
sine-wave method is possible without restrictions for this axis. Otherwise,
the commutation offset value should be manually optimized (see section
"Basics on Commutation Setting").
5. Now switch drive to parameter mode (P2). After switching back to oper‐
ating mode, set "AF" and test function of drive. This automatically starts
determination of commutation offset with stored parameters (P‑0‑506,
P‑0‑0507, P‑0‑517). Motor is supplied with current and commutation offset
determined again.
Test commutation behavior of drive at several different positions. If it is
not satisfactory, repeat manual optimization of P‑0‑0506, P‑0‑0507 and
P‑0‑0517 as described above!
Note: If inadmissible values are generated for "P‑0‑0521, Effective com‐
mutation offset" and therefore the message "F8078 Speed loop error"
appears, although there wasn't any error signaled during commutation
offset determination, increase the value of parameter "P‑0‑0517, Com‐
mutation: required harmonics component"!
6. Now start "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure com‐
mand". By this command, due to active initial commissioning mode, value
of P‑0‑0521 referring to an arbitrary position is converted to position of
home point and stored in "P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset" and "P‑0‑3008,
Commutation offset, encoder memory" (if available).
7. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting", deactivate initial
commissioning mode via respective bit! Value in P‑0‑0508 resp. P‑0‑3008
is now read-only.
Recommissioning of synchronous motors after initial commissioning took place
is the same for the methods with current. For detailed information see section
"Basics on Commutation Setting".

"Optimum commutation setting with regard to reference point" is

generally recommended for relative measuring systems!

6.5.4 Sine-Wave Method

Brief Description
For synchronous motors, IndraDrive controllers, in addition to the saturation
method, provide the sine-wave method, also with current, to determine the
commutation offset. When this method is used, unrestricted movement of axis
is required. The axis must be able to move easily and freely!
Before using the sine-wave method, carefully check whether it is possible to
use the saturation method, because unrestricted movement of the axis gener‐
ally causes problems. For the saturation method movement of axis is not
necessary, it should be blocked, if possible.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 343/886
and Controls

Drive Control

When the requirements have been fulfilled, the sine-wave method is suited to
only a limited extent for initial commissioning and for recommissioning.

The restrictions to be observed when using the sine-wave method

are described in the "Basics on Commutation Setting"section. This
section outlines the different methods which can be used for deter‐
mining the commutation offset.

Functional Description
Application-Related Aspect The sine-wave method for determining the commutation offset can be used for
all types of synchronous motors. However, it should only be used if the satu‐
ration method cannot be used for determining the commutation offset.
The disadvantage of the sine-wave method is that the motor has to be put into
motion by supplying current. Limitations of the motivity (e.g. friction or blocking)
can reduce the quality of offset determination or even cause offset determina‐
tion to fail!

Observe the restrictions for the sine-wave method (see table "Typ‐
ical applications and restrictions for sine-wave method" in section
"Basics on Commutation Setting")!

Method By a sinusoidal test signal, the voltage and frequency of which require motor-
specific settings ("P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition", "P‑0‑0507, Test
frequency for angle acquisition"), the controller determines the commutation
offset of the synchronous motor. It is therefore necessary that the generated
test current puts the motor into motion.

The maximum motion range for the sine-wave method is +/-

45mech/PPN for rotary motors and 1/2 pole pare distance for linear

The motor-specific setting of voltage and frequency of the test current is carried
out automatically when the value "0" has been entered in parameter P‑0‑0506
at the start of "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command". The
detected motor-specific values for P‑0‑0506 and P‑0‑0507 are stored and used
for commutation setting for further operations.
Notes on Commissioning
Sine-Wave Method for Synchronous Motors with Absolute Measuring
In the case of synchronous kit motors with absolute measuring system, the sine-
wave method is only started by a command at the initial commissioning and the
determined commutation offset value is stored in the controller or in the encoder
data memory. In addition, the value can be manually or automatically optimized
during initial commissioning.
Sequence of Sine-Wave Method Sequence of the sine-wave method for synchronous motors with absolute
measuring system:
1. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting" activate:
● Initial commissioning mode
- and -
● Sine-wave method
344/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control
2. Make presettings for automatic determination of motor-specific parameter
values (P‑0‑0506, P‑0‑0507) of test signal required for determining the
commutation offset:
● Enter value "0" in "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition"
3. Switch drive to operating mode ("AB"); start sine-wave method via
"P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command".
4. After current was supplied and commutation offset value has been suc‐
cessfully determined, this value, due to initial commissioning mode, is
simultaneously stored in the following parameters in the case of absolute
measuring systems:
● P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset
● P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset
● P‑0‑3008, Commutation offset, encoder memory (if available)
The execution of the command is now completed, it can be reset. The
drive now is operational.
Note: It is recommended that you optimize the determined commutation
offset value. This can be done automatically by activating "C5600 Com‐
mand subsequent optimization of commutation offset" (see section
"Basics on commutation setting").
5. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting", deactivate initial
commissioning mode via respective bit. Value in P‑0‑0508 resp. P‑0‑3008
is now read-only.
Each time the drive is switched on again or the measuring system is initialized,
the value stored in the parameters P‑0‑0508 resp. P‑0‑3008 is applied to pa‐
rameter P‑0‑0521 and becomes effective as the commutation offset value.
Sine-Wave Method for Synchronous Motors with Incremental Measur‐
ing System
For synchronous kit motors with incremental measuring system, the sine-wave
method is automatically started when drive enable is set after the drive was
switched on or after changing from communication phase "P2" to "P4" ("bb" or
"Ab"). The drive is operational only after the commutation offset has been suc‐
cessfully determined!

The force development of the motor is only guaranteed in a repro‐

ducible way when, at the homing of the axis, the value stored during
initial commissioning with relation to the reference point becomes
effective as commutation offset!

Sequence of Sine-Wave Method Sequence of the sine-wave method for initial commissioning of synchronous
motors with incremental measuring system:
1. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting", activate in commu‐
nication phase "P2" (parameter mode):
● Initial commissioning mode
- and -
● Sine-wave method
2. Make presettings for automatic determination of motor-specific parameter
values (P‑0‑0506, P‑0‑0507) of test signal required for determining the
commutation offset:
● Enter value "0" in "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition"
3. Switch drive to operating mode ("AB"); start sine-wave method via
"P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 345/886
and Controls

Drive Control
4. After the current was supplied and the commutation offset value has been
successfully determined, this value is stored in "P‑0‑0521, Effective com‐
mutation offset". The drive now is operational. In addition, the motor-
specific values for P‑0‑0506 and P‑0‑0507 were stored.
Note: If the drive does not find any valid value for P‑0‑0521 and aborts the
execution of the command with an error message, modified settings with
regard to the search mode can lead to success:
● If the mechanical axis system shows distinctive friction, the settings
for the search direction in P‑0‑0522 should be made for "increase of
amplitude with priority".
● If the mechanical axis system shows resonances in the search range
of P‑0‑0507 and develops heavy noise when the amplitude is in‐
creased, the settings for the search direction in P‑0‑0522 should be
made for "increase of frequency with priority".
Recommendation: It is recommended that you optimize the determined
commutation offset value. This can be done automatically by activating
"C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation offset" (see
section "Basics on commutation setting").
5. Now start "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure com‐
mand". By this command, due to active initial commissioning mode, value
of P‑0‑0521 referring to an arbitrary position is converted to position of
home point and stored in "P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset" and "P‑0‑3008,
Commutation offset, encoder memory" (if available).
6. In "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting", deactivate initial
commissioning mode via respective bit! Value in P‑0‑0508 resp. P‑0‑3008
is now read-only.
Recommissioning of synchronous motors after initial commissioning took place
is the same for the methods with current. For detailed information see the
"Basics on Commutation Setting" section.

"Optimum commutation setting with regard to reference point" is

generally recommended for relative measuring systems!

6.6 Limitations
6.6.1 Overview of Limitations
Limitations in Open-Loop Operation (U/f Operation)
To protect the device or motor, the following parameterizable limitations have
been implemented in open-loop operation:
● Current and torque limitation
– Current limitation
– Torque/force limitation
– Stall protection loop for current limitation
– Current limitation loop
● Position limitation
– Travel range limit switches
– Software limit switches
Limitations in Closed-Loop Operation
To protect the device or motor, the following parameterizable limitations have
been implemented in closed-loop operation:
346/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

● Current and torque limitation

– Current limitation
– Torque/force limitation
● Velocity limitation
● Position limitation
– Travel range limit switches
– Software limit switches

6.6.2 Current and Torque Limitation (Open-Loop)

Brief Description
In open-loop operation, there is a current limitation and a torque/force limitation
available in the drive. Both limitations take effect independently of each other.
See also section "Current and Torque Limitation (Closed-Loop)"
Other possibilities of current and torque limitation in open-loop operation:
● Limitation of the available peak current or torque by dynamic controller
and motor protection equipment with current limitation loops
● User-side limitation of the available torque or force via stall protection loop

S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value

P-0-0048 Effective velocity command value
P-0-0442 Actual value torque limit positive (stationary)
P-0-0443 Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)
P-0-4046 Effective peak current
Fig.6-67: Principle of Current and Torque Limitation (Open-Loop)
Operating Principle of Stall Current Loop and Current Limitation Loop
See "Functional Description: Stall Protection Loop" in section "Motor Control:
Voltage-Controlled Operation (Open-Loop)"
See "Functional Description: Current Limitation Loop" in section "Motor Control:
Voltage-Controlled Operation (Open-Loop)"

6.6.3 Current and Torque Limitation (Closed-Loop)

Brief Description
In closed-loop operation, there is a current limitation and a torque/force limita‐
tion available in the drive. Both limitations take effect independently of each
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 347/886
and Controls

Drive Control

P‑0‑0038 Torque-generating current, command value

P‑0‑0049 Effective torque/force command value
P‑0‑0051 Torque/force constant
P‑0‑0440 Actual output current value (absolute value)
P‑0‑0444 Actual value peak torque limit
P‑0‑4045 Maximum possible continuous current
P‑0‑4046 Effective peak current
Fig.6-68: Principle of Current and Torque Limitation (Closed-Loop)
Features ● Separate limitation of current and torque/force (separated via "P-0-0051,
Torque/force constant")
● Unipolar limits for torque/force (S‑0‑0082, S‑0‑0083)
● Absolute current limitation by minimum value of "S‑0‑0110, Amplifier peak
current" and "S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current"
● Dynamic current limitation:
– For currents above the 1.15.-fold motor current at standstill
– Based on the amplifier temperature model (E8057/E2061)
– Stall protection for asynchronous motors
● Display parameter "P‑0‑0440, Actual output current value (absolute val‐
● Separate status word for torque/force limitation (P‑0‑0445)
● Resulting limitations displayed in:
– P-0-0444, Actual value peak torque limit
– P-0-4046, Effective peak current
– P‑0‑4045, Maximum possible continuous current (depending on
PWM frequency and amplifier type)
● Current command values displayed in:
– P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value
– P-0-0038, Torque-generating current, command value
● "Total actual current value" as parameter
● Process torque is displayed

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive

● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S-0-0109, Motor peak current
● S-0-0110, Amplifier peak current
● S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill
348/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control
● S-0-0112, Amplifier nominal current
● S-0-0384, Amplifier temperature
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
● P-0-0038, Torque-generating current, command value
● P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value
● P-0-0051, Torque/force constant
● P-0-0109, Torque/force peak limit
● P-0-0141, Thermal drive load
● P-0-0440, Actual output current value (absolute value)
● P-0-0441, Overload warning
● P-0-0442, Actual value torque limit positive (stationary)
● P-0-0443, Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)
● P-0-0444, Actual value peak torque limit
● P-0-0445, Status word torque/current limit
● P-0-0640, Cooling type
● P-0-4034, Thermal time constant of winding
● P-0-4035, Thermal time constant of motor
● P-0-4037, Thermal short-time overload of winding
● P-0-4045, Maximum possible continuous current
● P-0-4046, Effective peak current
● P-0-4058, Amplifier type data
● P-0-4059, Electric type data of power section
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning
● E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning
● E2056 Torque limit = 0
● E2061 Device overload prewarning
● E8055 Motor overload, current limit active
● 8057 Device overload, current limit active
● F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown
● F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown
● F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective
● F2022 Device temperature monitor defective
Torque/Force Limitation
The torque/force limit can be freely parameterized by the user and provides
bipolar and unipolar limits.
Parameters for bipolar limits:
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● P-0-0109, Torque/force peak limit
Parameters for unipolar limits:
● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
The figure below illustrates the functional principle:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 349/886
and Controls

Drive Control

S‑0‑0081 Additive torque/force command value

S‑0‑0082 Torque/force limit value positive
S‑0‑0083 Torque/force limit value negative
S‑0‑0092 Bipolar torque/force limit value
S‑0‑0155 Friction compensation
P‑0‑0038 Torque-generating current, command value
P‑0‑0049 Effective torque/force command value
P‑0‑0051 Torque/force constant
P‑0‑0109 Torque/force peak limit
P‑0‑0442 Actual value torque limit positive (stationary)
P‑0‑0443 Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)
P‑0‑0444 Actual value peak torque limit
P‑0‑0455 Acceleration feedforward actual value
P‑0‑4046 Effective peak current
Fig.6-69: Principle of Torque/Force Limitation
Properties The basic properties of torque/force limitation:
● It is always the lowest value of the torque/force limit values entered in the
parameters S‑0‑0082, S‑0‑0083, S‑0‑0092 or P‑0‑0109 that takes effect.
● The torque/force limit value effective at the output of the limitation is dis‐
played in parameter "P‑0‑0444, Actual value peak torque limit".
Current Limitation
The current limitation cannot be parameterized by the user, but is
automatically configured by the drive to protect the motor and the

We basically distinguish the following principles of current limitation:

● Absolute current limitation (depending on maximum possible peak cur‐
rents and continuous currents of motor and drive controller)
● Dynamic peak current limitation (depending on work load, realized by mo‐
tor and amplifier temperature models)
Absolute Current Limitation Calculating the maximum values for continuous current and peak current:
350/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Drive Control

P‑0‑0001 Switching frequency of the power output stage

P‑0‑0640 Cooling type
P‑0‑4045 Maximum possible continuous current
P‑0‑4046 Effective peak current
Fig.6-70: Generating the Maximum Values for Continuous Current and Peak Cur‐
Maximum Possible Continuous The maximum possible continuous current (P‑0‑4045) can be the 1.15- fold
Current value of the motor current at standstill. As a result, the motors theoretically can
be continuously operated with the 1.15-fold current at standstill, if the continu‐
ous current of the controller (power section) allows it.

Overload protection in peak load and short-time operation (KB =

"Kurzzeitbetrieb") is realized by the temperature model of the motor
and additionally by the temperature sensor included in the motor.

Effective Peak Current According to the thermal load of the motor or drive controller, the effective peak
current (P‑0‑4046) is subject to a dynamic current limitation. The theoretical
maximum value for "P‑0‑4046, Effective peak current" results from the minimum
of S‑0‑0109 and S‑0‑0110 (see fig. above "Generating the Maximum Values
for Continuous Current and Peak Current").
Dynamic Peak Current Limitation In the case of dynamic peak current limitation, we distinguish 2 types due to the
influencing factors:
● Limitation of amplifier current
It is used to protect the drive controller. An amplifier temperature model
based on the amplifier type data is therefor stored in the controller.

The amplifier type data are determined at the factory and stored in
parameter "P‑0‑4058, Amplifier type data" on the power section.

● Limitation of motor current

It is used for protection of the motor with peak load and short-time overload
operation. A motor temperature model based on the motor current data is
therefor stored in the controller.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 351/886
and Controls

Drive Control

S‑0‑0109 Motor peak current

S‑0‑0110 Amplifier peak current
S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill
S‑0‑0112 Amplifier nominal current
P‑0‑0440 Actual output current value (absolute value)
P‑0‑0640 Cooling type
P‑0‑4034 Thermal time constant of winding
P‑0‑4035 Thermal time constant of motor
P‑0‑4037 Thermal short-time overload of winding
P‑0‑4046 Effective peak current
P‑0‑4058 Amplifier type data
Fig.6-71: Generating the Dynamic Peak Current Limit Value (Temperature Model)
Properties The basic properties of dynamic current limitation:
● The value taking effect is always the lowest value resulting from motor
current or amplifier current limitation.
● The maximum possible continuous current is displayed in P‑0‑4045, the
effective peak current in P‑0‑4046.
● The command value of the current after limitation is displayed in parameter
Maximum Peak Current If the drive controller was sufficiently dimensioned, the effective peak current
(P‑0‑4046) can as a maximum reach the peak current of the motor (S‑0‑0109),
because its value is the upper limit for the motor temperature model.
Maximum Duration for the Peak The maximum possible peak current can be made available for the time t1 (see
Current fig. below "Time Response of the Effective Peak Current") [e.g. a maximum
of 400 ms at switching frequency 4kHz].

According to load cycle or with higher switching frequency and the

thermal load involved, the time t1 is reduced.

Time Dependency of Effective If the peak current is required for a longer period than t1, the value of "P‑0‑4046,
Peak Current Effective peak current" is reduced accordingly, at the most to the value preset
in "P‑0‑4045, Maximum possible continuous current".
352/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

S‑0‑0109 Motor peak current

S‑0‑0110 Amplifier peak current
S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill
P‑0‑4045 Maximum possible continuous current
P‑0‑4046 Effective peak current
t1 Max. duration after which the motor temperature model reduces to the
max. KB current
t2 Max. duration after which the motor temperature model reduces to the
max. continuous current
KB Short-time operation (KB = "Kurzzeitbetrieb")
KF Cooling type factor (see note below)
Fig.6-72: Time Response of the Effective Peak Current (at Full Motor Load, if the
Motor Temperature Model is the Effective Limitation)

t1 Max. duration after which the motor temperature model reduces to the
max. KB current
t2 Max. duration after which the motor temperature model reduces to the
max. continuous current
IL1 Assumed load current (> max. KB current)
IL2 Assumed load current (max. continuous current < IL2 < max. KB current)
S‑0‑0111 Motor current at standstill
P‑0‑4034 Thermal time constant of winding
P‑0‑4035 Thermal time constant of motor
P‑0‑4037 Thermal short-time overload of winding
KF Cooling type factor (see note below)
Fig.6-73: Calculating the Duration for the Effective Peak Current (See Above)
The duration t1 depends on:
● The motor-controller combination
● The thermal preloading of the drive
● The load cycle
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 353/886
and Controls

Drive Control

The cooling type factor depends on the cooling type and the result‐
ing setting of parameter "P‑0‑0640, Cooling type" (see also Param‐
eter Description):
● 1.0 → For standard cooling (2AD, ADF, MAD, MAF, MBT,
MBS, LSF, MLF) and for non-ventilated motors MHD, MSK,
● 1.5 → For ventilation (only MHD, MSK, MKD, MKE)
● 1.9 → For liquid cooling (only MHD, MSK, MKD, MKE)

The physical data of motor-controller combinations can be retrieved

via the selection list program "DriveSelect" (Intranet).

Notes on Commissioning
Current Limitation The user cannot parameterize the current limitation, because the limit values
are resulting from the amplifier and motor data taken as a basis or the appli‐
cation-specific load cycle.
Unipolar Torque Limitation Bipolar torque/force limits are generally determined to protect the mechanical
system, because this allows defining the allowed stress of the mechanical
components (e.g. gear, coupling). The limit values to be entered therefore de‐
pend on the mechanical axis system.
Bipolar Torque Limitation In certain cases of application, however, the process can require realizing a
variable torque limit. This can be done via "S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit
value", because this parameter can be cyclically transmitted via the bus or as‐
signed to an analog input.

The parameter "P‑0‑0109, Torque/force peak limit" is used to de‐

termine the absolute limit and therefore always has to be defined
by means of the mechanical limits.

Diagnostic and Status Messages

For diagnostic purposes, the status of all partial limits is mapped to a status
word for torque/force limitation and current limitation (see P‑0‑0445). As soon
as a limit value has been reached, the respective bit is set. This allows imme‐
diately recognizing the limiting value and identifying limits possibly parameter‐
ized incorrectly.
To protect the amplifier or drive controller and motor, monitoring functions have
been implemented that can activate, in conjunction with the current and torque
limitation, the warnings and error messages listed below.
Warnings General:
● E2056 Torque limit = 0
Device-specific warnings:
● E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning
● E2061 Device overload prewarning
● 8057 Device overload, current limit active
Motor-specific warnings:
● E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning
● E8055 Motor overload, current limit active
Error Messages Device-specific error messages:
● F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown
354/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● F2022 Device temperature monitor defective
Motor-specific error messages:
● F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown
● F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective

6.6.4 Velocity Limitation

Brief Description
A unipolar velocity limitation was implemented in the drive that allows limiting
the velocity command value to a positive and negative threshold freely defina‐
ble and differing with regard to the absolute value.
Features ● Unipolar velocity limit values (S‑0‑0038, S‑0‑0039)
● Cyclically configurable, bipolar velocity limit value (S‑0‑0091)
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0036, Velocity command value
● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S-0-0038, Positive velocity limit value
● S-0-0039, Negative velocity limit value
● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2059 Velocity command value limit active
● E2063 Velocity command value > limit value
● F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded
Functional Description
The figure below illustrates the functional principle of velocity limitation:

E2059 Velocity command value limit active

Fig.6-74: Functional principle of velocity limitation
Notes on Commissioning
The effective limit for the maximum allowed positive and negative velocities is
determined by means of the minimum values of the following parameters:
● Lower (negative) limit → Resulting from the minimum value of "S‑0‑0091,
Bipolar velocity limit value" and "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value"
● Upper (positive) limit → Resulting from the minimum value of "S‑0‑0091,
Bipolar velocity limit value" and "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value"
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and Controls

Drive Control

The limits have to be adjusted to the mechanical properties! When

determining the data, you have to take into account that all velocity
command values are thereby limited to this value.
This has to be taken into consideration when defining the travel
profiles (target position, velocity and acceleration), because an in‐
admissible lag error can possibly occur due to the limitation that is
taking effect.

The default value for the parameters S‑0‑0038 and S‑0‑0039 is "0".
These two parameters are thereby switched off. In this case, only
"S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value" takes effect.

Diagnostic and Status Messages

● E2059 Velocity command value limit active
If the resulting velocity command value is within the limit, the warning
"E2059" is displayed.
● E2063 Velocity command value > limit value

The parameter "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command value" is limited to the ef‐

fective positive and negative velocity limit, when the value in S‑0‑0036 is
higher than this limit. In this case, the warning "E2063" is generated.
● F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded
The value of parameter "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value" is monitored.
When it exceeds the 1.125-fold effective positive or negative velocity limit,
the error message "F8079" is generated.

6.6.5 Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switches

Brief Description
To avoid accidents and damages to the machine, comprehensive preventive
safety precautions are provided. Part of these safety precautions is the limita‐
tion of the allowed working range (travel range) by the drive. For this purpose,
position monitoring functions and position limitations have been implemented
in the drive.

The travel range monitoring function (travel range limit switches or soft‐
ware limit switches) only fulfills the requirements for protecting machi‐
nery, but is not sufficient for personal protection!
Realizing Travel Range Monitoring The drive provides two possibilities of determining and monitoring a limitation
of the working range (travel range):
● Monitoring of position limit values (software limit switches)
Monitoring of the motor position for exceeding one of the two position limit
values (positive/negative → S‑0‑0049/S‑0‑0050) by the homed actual po‐
sition value (S‑0‑0403), i.e. value related to the machine zero point.
● Monitoring of travel range limit switches
Monitoring for activation of one of the two travel range limit switches (Limit
+, Limit-) that are connected to the digital inputs of the drive.
356/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

The functionality of the travel range limit switches is only guaran‐

teed, if the corresponding digital inputs have been configured for
this purpose!
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

Features of Travel Range Limit ● 2 travel range limit switches (Limit+, Limit-) can be monitored at the drive
● Signal behavior of travel range limit switches (N/C and N/O) can be set
● Travel range limit switches activated via parameter
● Reaction (error/warning) when exceeding travel range can be set
● Status display of travel range limit switches
● Command values monitored for validity when limit switch activated
● Travel range limit switches evaluated and position limit value monitor ac‐
tivated in 2 ms clock
Features of Position Limit Values ● 2 position limit values ("software limit switches") can be parameterized;
only operational when axis has been homed
● Reaction (error/warning) when exceeding position limit values can be set
● Position limit values activated via parameter
● Automatic reference to measuring system that has been homed
● Command values monitored for validity when position limit values excee‐
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0012, Class 2 diagnostics
● S-0-0049, Positive position limit value
● S-0-0050, Negative position limit value
● S-0-0055, Position polarities
● S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter
● S-0-0403, Position feedback value status
● P-0-0090, Travel range limit parameter
● P-0-0222, Travel range limit inputs
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2053 Target Position out of Travel Range
● E8029 Positive position limit exceeded
● E8030 Negative position limit exceeded
● E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated
● E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated
● E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated
● F6029 Positive travel limit exceeded
● F6030 Negative travel limit exceeded
● F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated
● F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated
● F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated
Travel Range Limit Switches
At the drive, it is possible to connect and monitor 2 travel range limit switches
(Limit+, Limit-) that can be connected to the digital inputs on the control section.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 357/886
and Controls

Drive Control

The travel range limit switch inputs are polled every 2 ms so that
the assigned error reaction is started at the earliest approx. 3 ms
after the limit switch has been activated.

Activating the Monitoring Monitoring for exceeding the travel range limit switches is only carried out when
the monitor was activated via bit 1 of "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter".
Reaction when Exceeding Travel The drive reaction to exceeding the travel range can be determined via bit 2 of
Range "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter".
Exceeding Travel Range as an Er‐ When "0" is entered in bit 2 of parameter P‑0‑0090, exceeding the travel range
ror is handled as an error with the reaction "velocity command value reset".
Drive behavior:
● After the velocity command value has been reset, the drive switches off
the internal drive enable and thus is torque-free.
● The "ready-for-operation" contact opens.
See also "Velocity Command Value Reset" in section "Error Reactions: Best
Possible Deceleration"
Exceeding Travel Range as a When "1" is entered in bit 2 of parameter P‑0‑0090, exceeding the travel range
Warning is handled as a warning with the reaction "velocity command value reset".
Drive behavior:
● The drive does not switch off the internal drive enable.
● As long as the warning condition is present, i.e. the limit switch is activated,
only such command values are accepted that lead back to the allowed
range. Checking the command values depends on the active operating
mode (see below "Notes on commissioning").
See also "Velocity Command Value Reset" in section "Error Reactions: Best
Possible Deceleration"

Shutting down the axis using a velocity command value ramp is not
possible! Shutdown is always carried out as quickly as possible with
maximum allowed torque/force.

Position Limit Values (Software Limit Switches)

Parameters for Position Limit Val‐ To define the travel range via position limit values, the following parameters are
ues available:
● S-0-0049, Positive position limit value
● S-0-0050, Negative position limit value

The position limit values are polled every 2 ms so that the assigned
error reaction is started at the earliest approx. 3 ms after the position
limit has been exceeded.

Requirements for Activating the Requirements for using (activating) the position limit value monitor:
● The position data reference of the drive must have been established (i.e.
the encoder system of the active operating mode must be in reference).
The status bit in parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status"
then is "1".
● Monitoring of the position limit values was activated in parameter
"S‑0‑0055, Position polarities" (bit 4 = 1).
Reference Point for Position Limit When 2 measuring systems are used the drive, for position limit value moni‐
Value Monitoring toring, automatically refers to the measuring system that has been homed.
358/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

When 2 measuring systems are used and both systems are in ref‐
erence, the encoder selected in parameter S‑0‑0147 (bit 3) is used.
Exceeding the Position Limit Val‐ Exceeding the position limit values is detected when the actual position value
ues of the active operating mode is outside the travel range defined by the position
limit values.
Reaction when Exceeding Position The drive reaction to exceeding the position limit values can be determined via
Limit Values bit 2 of parameter "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter".
Exceeding Position Limit Values as When "0" is entered in bit 2 of parameter P‑0‑0090, exceeding the position limit
an Error values is handled as an error with the reaction "velocity command value re‐
set" (see also section "Error Reactions: Best Possible Deceleration").
Drive behavior:
● After the speed command value has been reset, the drive switches off the
internal drive enable and thus is torque-free.
● The "ready-for-operation" contact opens.
See also "Velocity Command Value Reset" in section "Error Reactions: Best
Possible Deceleration"
Exceeding Position Limit Values as When "1" is entered in bit 2 of parameter P‑0‑0090, exceeding the position limit
a Warning values is handled as a warning with the reaction "velocity command value re‐
Drive behavior:
● The drive does not switch off the internal drive enable.
● As long as the warning condition is present, i.e. the limit switch is activated,
only such command values are accepted that lead back to the allowed
range. Checking the command values depends on the active operating
mode (see below "Notes on Commissioning").
See also "Velocity Command Value Reset" in section "Error Reactions: Best
Possible Deceleration"

Shutting down the axis using a velocity command value ramp is not
possible! Shutdown is always carried out as quickly as possible with
maximum allowed torque/force.

Leaving the Inadmissible Travel After the allowed travel range has been exceeded, the command values are
Range checked for validity and only such command values are accepted that lead back
to the allowed travel range.

Moving to the allowed travel range is also possible in the case of


Notes on Commissioning
When parameterizing the position limit values, take the positions of the travel
range limit switches into account. The working range defined with the two po‐
sition limit values (S‑0‑0049, S‑0‑0050) should be within the working range
defined with the travel range limit switches. As long as the position data refer‐
ence hasn't been established yet (axis not homed), the function of the software
limit switches (position limit values) is not yet guaranteed. Independent thereof
is the function of the travel range limit switches that always causes the drive to
be switched off when the defined limit is exceeded and therefore avoids collision
(machine protection).
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and Controls

Drive Control

Fig.6-75: Realizations and operating principles of working range limitations

The safety limit switches that can be included in the E-Stop circuit
(see separate documentation "Project Planning Manual for Power
Sections"), are the last safeguard by the drive. In addition, the con‐
trol master can monitor the position limit values.

Activating the Position Limit Value The monitor of the position limit values is activated by setting bit 4 in parameter
Monitor "S‑0‑0055, Position polarities".

Before activating the position limit value monitoring, it is necessary

to establish the drive's position data reference, because position
limit values are only useful and operational when the axis was

Activating the Travel Range Limit The travel range limit switches are activated by setting bit 1 in "P‑0‑0090, Travel
Switches range limit parameter".

When activating the travel range limit switches, make sure that the
respective digital inputs (Limit+, Limit-) were configured according‐
ly, because otherwise the limit switch function is not guaranteed.
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

Signal Behavior of Via bit 0 of "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter", it is possible to set whether
Travel Range Limit Switches the connected travel range limit switches are evaluated as N/O or N/C. This
(N/O and N/C) allows activating an inversion of the signal.
Recommissioning in Case of Error After a limit switch or limit value error occurred (diagnostic messages F6043/
F6044 or F6029/F6030), the following steps are required for recommissioning:
● Clear the error message via the command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class
1 diagnostics" or by pressing the "Esc" key on the standard control panel.
● Activate the drive with a positive edge of the drive enable signal.
If the error condition is still present, i.e. if the limit switch is still activated or if
the position limit values are still exceeded, only such command values are ac‐
360/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

cepted that lead back to the allowed range. Checking the command values
depends on the active operating mode.
The following applies:

Operating mode Command value check

torque control polarity of the torque/force command value

all operating modes with drive-internal polarity of the internal velocity command
velocity control value
all operating modes with drive-internal polarity of the velocity resulting from the
position control preset position command value

Fig.6-76: Checking the command values in the case of error

If command values leading out of the allowed travel range continue

to be preset, the error message (or warning) for travel range limit
switch errors/position limit value errors will be generated again!

Diagnostic and Status Messages

Diagnostic Messages When Travel In case the position limit values are exceeded, the corresponding diagnostic
Range Limit Values Exceeded message depends on the handling set in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit param‐
eter" (bit 2):

Handling Display Diagnosis

as error F6029 F6029 Positive travel limit exceeded

(bit 2 = 0) F6030 F6030 Negative travel limit exceeded

as warning E8029 E8029 Positive position limit exceeded

(bit 2 = 1) E8030 E8030 Negative position limit exceeded

Fig.6-77: Diagnostic messages when position limit values exceeded

E2053 Target Position out of Travel When "drive-internal interpolation" is used as active operating mode, the drive
Range checks whether the target position is outside the position limit values (S‑0‑0049
or S‑0‑0050). If this is the case, the drive does not move. It generates the warn‐
ing "E2053 Target position out of travel range" and additionally sets bit 13 in
parameter "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics".
Diagnostic Messages When Travel Exceeding the travel range limit switches is detected when they are activated.
Range Limit Switch Activated When this monitor reacts, the corresponding diagnostic message depends on
the handling set in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter" (bit 2):

Handling Display Diagnosis

F6042 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated

as error
F6043 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated
(bit 2 = 0)
F6044 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated
E8042 E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated
as warning
E8043 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated
(bit 2 = 1)
E8044 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated

Fig.6-78: Diagnostic messages when travel range limit switches exceeded

States of Travel Range Limit The states of the connected travel range limit switches are displayed in pa‐
Switches rameter "P‑0‑0222, Travel range limit inputs":
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 361/886
and Controls

Drive Control
● Bit 0 → Status of positive limit switch (Limit+)
● Bit 1 → Status of negative limit switch (Limit-)

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0222, Travel range limit inputs"

Connecting the Travel Range Limit Switches
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

See separate documentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers -

Project Planning Manual"

6.7 Power Supply

6.7.1 Possibilities of Power Supply for IndraDrive
Brief Description
For IndraDrive devices we basically distinguish two lines:
● Modular line, consisting of supply unit and modular inverter (IndraDrive M)
● Non-modular line, so-called converter devices, including power supply
and inverter (IndraDrive C)
The power supply of the motors controlled via inverter is realized by a direct
voltage power bus (DC bus). In the case of the modular line, this bus is supplied
by the supply unit connected to the mains. Converters are supplied by the mains
connection via the integrated supply unit.
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0380, DC bus voltage
● P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold
● P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration
● P‑0‑0460, Module group, control word
● P‑0‑0461, Module group, status word
● P‑0‑0806, Current mains voltage crest value
● P-0-0809, Properties of charging circuit
● P‑0‑0810, Minimum mains crest value
● P‑0‑0815, Nominal mains voltage crest value
● P‑0‑0816, Amplifier temperature 2
● P‑0‑0819, Energy counter
● P‑0‑0833, Braking resistor threshold
● P‑0‑0844, Braking resistor load
● P‑0‑0858, Data of external braking resistor
● P‑0‑0859, Data of internal braking resistor
● P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration
● P‑0‑0861, Power supply status word
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2026 Undervoltage in power section
● E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning
● E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning
● E2061 Device overload prewarning
● E2086 Prewarning supply module overload
● E2802 HW control of braking resistor
362/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control
● E2810 Drive system not ready for operation
● E2814 Undervoltage in mains
● E2816 Undervoltage in power section
● E2818 Phase failure
● E2819 Mains failure
● E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning
● E2829 Not ready for power on
● E8025 Overvoltage in power section
● E8028 Overcurrent in power section
● 8057 Device overload, current limit active
● E8058 Drive system not ready for operation
● F2026 Undervoltage in power section
● F2086 Error supply module
● F2087 Module group communication error
● F2814 Undervoltage in mains
● F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit
● F2817 Overvoltage in power section
● F2818 Phase failure
● F2819 Mains failure
● F2820 Braking resistor overload
● F2821 Error in control of braking resistor
● F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low
● F2833 Ground fault in motor line
● F2834 Contactor control error
● F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error
● F2840 Error supply shutdown
● F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section
● F8838 Overcurrent external braking resistor
Possible Device Combinations and Mains Connection
The possible device combinations are only described in principle
for the purpose of explanation. As regards combinations of device
types actually possible and specific facts to be observed, see sep‐
arate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive – Drive System, Project
Planning Manual" (DOK-INDRV*-SYSTEM*****-PR**-EN-P; Part
no.: R911309635) .

Central Supply The figures below illustrates the principle of central supply:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 363/886
and Controls

Drive Control

Fig.6-79: Mains supply via supply unit

Fig.6-80: Mains supply via converter

Group Supply The figure below illustrates the principle of group supply:
364/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Fig.6-81: Mains supply via all devices

Communication in Drive Group Depending on the task of a drive system or of several drives cooperating in a
process, it can be appropriate to rapidly carry out a common reaction to certain
events. This requires the exchange of signals (communication) between the
cooperating devices. For this purpose, IndraDrive devices are interconnected
via the module bus.
Note Regarding Converters A converter combines supply unit and inverter in one device. In a "drive sys‐
tem" (several drives the DC buses and module buses of which are intercon‐
nected), a converter can fulfill the following functions:
● Supplying its integrated inverter and further inverters
- or -
● Operation only as inverter on a DC bus (only for HCS02.1)
Regenerated Energy In the case of regenerative operation (e.g. deceleration mode) of the motors
connected to a drive controller, the regenerated energy is first absorbed by the
DC bus. Depending on the supply unit or supply section, the absorbed energy
is regenerated to the supply mains or converted to heat via a braking resistor.
Braking Resistor The braking resistor is connected on the DC bus side. Depending on the device
line, an internal braking resistor is available or an external braking resistor can
be connected.
Description of Hardware As regards hardware, connections and signals, the module bus is described in
the documentations of the devices (Project Planning Manuals).

Recommendations on mains connection and control of the power

supply, including external braking resistor and DC bus short circuit,
are contained in the separate documentation "Rexroth Indra‐
Drive – Drive System, Project Planning Manual" (DOK-INDRV*-
SYSTEM*****-PR**-EN-P; Part no.: R911309635) .
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and Controls

Drive Control

6.7.2 Functional Description

Information on the Module Bus
Function of the Module Bus The module bus establishes the exchange of signals between the inverters or
converters, or from the inverters to the supply unit. Independent of the master
communication, this allows the devices to exchange information on internal
status variables of the drive system and error situations without delay. Axis
drives and supply units can therefore react in a coordinated way.
The module bus transmits the following information:
● With regard to the supply unit:
– Supply unit ready for operation
– Ready for power output
– DC bus voltage in or outside of allowed range of values
– Warning against overload of supply unit
– Signal for resetting supply errors
● With regard to inverters or converters:
– Inverters or converters ready for operation
Hierarchy of Status Information The status information transmitted by inverter, supply unit or converter via the
module bus has a hierarchical order.

Generated by
Status information SU CV IV HLB Priority

resetting of supply errors -- ■ ■ ■ high

supply units or converters not ready for ↑
■ ■ ■ 1) ■
operation ("supply error")

inverters or converters not ready for oper‐
-- ■ 2) ■ 2) ■
ation ("inverter error") ↑
failure of DC bus supply ("DC bus not ok" ↑
■ ■ -- --
in operation)

prewarning "supply overload" ■ ■ -- ■

DC bus ready for power output ("DC bus
■ ■ -- --
ok", after switching power voltage on) ↑
all module bus nodes error-free ↑
■ ■ ■ ■
SU supply unit
CV converter
IV inverter
HLB DC bus resistor unit
1) only if F8 errors signaled at supply unit (P‑0‑0118)
2) only if F2/F4/F6 errors signaled in drive system (P‑0‑0118)
Fig.6-82: Module bus status information and its priority in the hierarchy
If several pieces of status information from one or several module bus nodes
are present at the same time, the status information highest in hierarchy de‐
termines the signal status of the module bus.
Resetting Error Messages of the Error messages of supply unit output via:
Supply Unit
● Display of supply unit
366/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control
- and -
● Inverter or converter connected at module bus (collective error message
"F2086 Error supply module")
Error messages of supply unit cleared via:
● "Esc" key at display of supply unit
- or -
● Module bus, triggered by command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 di‐
agnostics" for an inverter of the module group
- or -
● "Reset" input at the DC bus resistor unit HLB
(if available)

Inverters can reset error messages of the supply unit via the module
bus, as supply units do not have any master communication inter‐
face. In the case of converters, error messages of the integrated
supply unit are reset via their own master communication interface.
Resetting error messages at the supply has the highest priority in
order that power supply can be immediately reestablished!

Supply Unit Ready for Operation The supply unit or the supply section of the converter signals "ready for oper‐
ation" via the module bus, when the required control voltage is provided at the
device and there isn't any supply error present.
If the supply unit is no longer ready for operation due to an error, the information
is transmitted via the module bus with high priority, because power supply is
no longer guaranteed.
Inverters Ready for Operation The inverter or converter signals "ready for operation" via the module bus, when
the required control voltage is provided at the device, communication phase P4
has been reached and there isn't any error present in the inverter or inverter
section of the converter.
HLB Ready for Operation The DC bus resistor unit HLB signals "ready for operation" via the module bus,
when the required control voltage is provided at the device and the thermal load
of the components is in the allowed range.
Voltage Messages of the Supply The supply unit or the supply section of the converter signals the following
states via the module bus:
● After switching the mains voltage on, the voltage in the DC bus has ex‐
ceeded the minimum value, the charging process has been completed
and there is readiness for power output ("DC bus ok").
● In the case of load, the voltage in the DC bus has fallen below the minimum
value or there is mains failure ("DC bus not ok").
When the voltage in the DC bus has fallen below the minimum value ("DC bus
not ok"), this is displayed via the inverters or converters connected to the mod‐
ule bus and can be read by the control master via the master communication
(warning "E2026 Undervoltage in power section" or error "F2026 Undervoltage
in power section", depending on the power supply configuration in P‑0‑0118).
The control master can thereby detect imminent overload in the supply circuit
(mains) and react in an appropriate way.

Data of minimum voltage in DC bus and of power supply configu‐

ration (P‑0‑0118) are contained in the "Basics on Power Supply"

Overload Warning of the Supply The supply unit or the supply section of the converter signals "supply module
overload prewarning" via the module bus, if the power supply risks automati‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 367/886
and Controls

Drive Control
cally switching off soon, due to imminent overload. The warning can be trig‐
gered due to high heat sink temperature or high braking resistor load, for
The message "prewarning supply module overload" is output via the inverters
or converters connected to the module bus (E2086). The control master can
thereby detect imminent supply overload and react in an appropriate way.

The exact causes of this warning are shown on the display of the
supply unit or converter by detailed diagnostic message texts.

Overload Warning of HLB The DC bus resistor unit HLB signals "supply module overload prewarning" via
the module bus, if one of the following situations occurs:
● Load of the braking resistor > 90%
● Heat sink temperature sensor signals maximum temperature
● Ambient air temperature sensor signals maximum temperature

The message "prewarning supply module overload" can be gener‐

ated by HLB, too, because HLB contains a braking resistor which
can be thermally overloaded.

Diagnosis of Module Bus Status The control information currently transmitted by an inverter or converter via the
module bus is displayed in "P‑0‑0460, Module group, control word".
The messages currently available on the module bus are displayed in
"P‑0‑0461, Module group, status word".

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0460, Module group, control word"

and "P‑0‑0461, Module group, status word"
Basics on Power Supply
Supply units and the supply section of a converter provide the DC bus voltage
for the inverters or the inverter section of the converter.
Power On The mains voltage for charging the DC bus can only be switched on when all
devices connected via the module bus are signaling the status "error-free". If
one of the devices displays an error,
● the activation of the internal mains contactor is prevented for supply units,
● the activation of the external mains contactor is prevented (message
"E2810 Drive system not ready for operation") for converters, by the
opened "Rel1" contact that has to be available in the switch-off path of the
mains contactor.

For this reason, the status information "supply ready for opera‐
tion" (respective bit in parameter "P‑0‑0861, Status word of power
section") has to be assigned to the "Rel1" contact of the control
section for converters; no other signal may be assigned to this con‐
tact. Otherwise it is possible to switch power on, although an error
condition is present!

Recommendations on the hardware-side control of supply units or

converters are contained in the separate documentation "Rexroth
IndraDrive – Drive System, Project Planning Manual" (DOK-
INDRV*-SYSTEM*****-PR**-EN-P; Part no.: R911309635) .
368/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Soft Start When the mains voltage is switched on, the DC bus is charged via a so-called
"soft start device". This limits the charging current for the DC bus first uncharged
to the value indicated in the documentation of the respective device.
The soft start causes a "charging time" between the activation of the mains
voltage and the minimum voltage in the DC bus required for power output. The
charging time is monitored; when a maximum time has been exceeded, "F2816
Softstart fault power supply unit" (displayed for supply unit and converter) is
signaled. The soft start fault is signaled to the other devices via the module bus
as a supply error with "F2086 Error supply module" (displayed for supply unit
and other converters).
If the soft start process has been successfully completed, the supply signals
via the module bus that the DC bus is ready for power output ("ZK ok" = "DC
bus ok").
Minimum Voltage for Power Output In the case of power output of the DC bus and correct mains voltage, the min‐
imum value of the DC bus voltage for signaling the readiness for power output ...
● in the case of supply units, is 75% of the crest value of the mains voltage
detected when switching on (cannot be set),
● in the case of converters, is 75% of the crest value of the mains voltage
detected when switching on, unless a higher minimum value has been set
via "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold".
In case the voltage value has fallen below the minimum voltage, the error mes‐
sage "F2026 Undervoltage in power section" is generated and power is switch‐
ed off.

In the case of HMV supply units, the readiness for power output is
additionally signaled by the relay contact "UD" closed (see docu‐
mentation "Supply Units and Power Sections, Project Planning

The crest value of the mains voltage is detected when the mains
contactor is activated. It is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0815, Nom‐
inal mains voltage crest value" (only for converters, not for supply

Power Off In the case of error, power is switched off automatically,

● in the case of supply units, by switching the integrated mains contactor
● in the case of converters, by opening the "Rel1" contact that has to be
available in the switch-off path of the mains contactor.

For this purpose, the status information "supply ready for opera‐
tion" (respective bit in parameter "P‑0‑0861, Status word of power
section") has to be assigned to the "Rel1" contact of the control
section for converters; no other signal may be assigned to this con‐
tact. Otherwise power is not switched off automatically!

Depending on the hardware-side design and control of the supply unit or con‐
verter, "DC bus short circuit" (for decelerating synchronous motors) can be
activated, too.

Recommendations on the hardware-side control of supply units or

converters are contained in the documentation of the respective
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 369/886
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Drive Control

Criteria for power off (for supply units) or opening the "Rel1" contact (for con‐
● Error in supply (see below "Diagnostic and status messages"")
● Fatal error in inverter or converter (F8xxx), is signaled at supply unit by
corresponding configuration of the inverter or converter as regards power
supply (P‑0‑0118)
● Charged DC bus has fallen below "minimum voltage for power out‐
put" (see above)

When an inverter signals missing readiness for operation via the

module bus, power is not switched off when DC bus is ready for
power output (exception see above "fatal error... (F8xxx), ...")!

Mains Failure Detection Due to hardware differences, there are different requirements for mains failure
detection in supply units and converters:
● The supply unit has an integrated mains contactor, the mains voltage must
have been provided at the mains input terminals of the supply unit before
power is switched on.
● The converter doesn't have an integrated mains contactor, the mains volt‐
age is only provided at the mains input terminals of the converter by
switching power on.
The mains voltage is therefore monitored when
● the mains contactor has been switched on in the case of supply units,
● the mains contactor has been switched on and drive enable has been set
in the case of converters.

For converters, mains failure monitoring is only convenient when

the drive is active ("AF"). The disconnection of power (mains con‐
tactor disconnection) would otherwise always cause the error mes‐
sage "F2819 Mains failure", although the mains voltage is available
without error at the mains contactor. For this reason, error reset
would be required even if the device status is correct!

Immediate Measure at Mains Fail‐ When the failure of mains voltage is detected, the following immediate meas‐
ure ures are taken:
● The warning "E2818 Phase failure" or "E2819 Mains failure" (for supply
units), or "E2819 Mains failure" (for converters) is displayed.
● The message "failure DC bus supply" is signaled via the module bus.
Permanent Mains Failure
In the case of HMV supply units, the mains failure is additionally
signaled by the relay contact "UD" opened (see documentation
"Supply Units and Power Sections, Project Planning Manual").
In case the mains voltage fails permanently, the DC bus voltage is continuously
decreasing, the voltage value falls below the "minimum voltage for power out‐
put" (see above). The following reactions are then triggered:
● In the case of supply units, the integrated mains contactor is switched off.
The converter opens the "Rel1" contact via which the external mains con‐
tactor has to be switched off.
● The error message "F2819 Mains failure" appears on the display of the
supply unit or converter.
● The message "readiness for operation of supply unit missing" is signaled
via the module bus.
370/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

Temporary Mains Failure If the voltage value, in the case of temporary mains voltage failure, does not fall
below the "minimum voltage for power output" (see above), there are the fol‐
lowing reactions:
● The warning "E2818 Phase failure" or "E2819 Mains failure" (for supply
units), or "E2819 Mains failure" (for converters) automatically disappears
from the display.
● The message "DC bus ready for power output" is generated via the module
bus again.
The behavior of the drives connected via the module bus in the case of tem‐
porary mains failure depends on the reaction to undervoltage in the DC bus that
was set (configuration of power supply in parameter P‑0‑0118).
There are the following possibilities:
● Error reaction triggered according to setting in parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best
possible deceleration"
● No error reaction (i.e. the message is handled as "non-fatal warning")
Configuration of Power Supply For each of the drives connected by the module bus, it is possible to make basic
settings for power supply in parameter "P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration":
● Reaction to drive errors signaled via module bus
● Individual drive errors signaled via module bus
● Drive-side handling of undervoltage (voltage value of DC bus falling below
a minimum) defined as error or warning
● Fatal drive errors (F8xxx) signaled to supply unit because of power off and
possibly DC bus short circuit for shutting down synchronous motors
Information on Inverters
The motors are controlled via inverters. Inverters can be designed as modular
devices or together with a supply unit be integrated in converters. For motor
control, the inverter converts the DC bus voltage into alternating voltage (AC).
DC Bus Voltage Monitoring By means of the DC bus voltage level, the inverter evaluates whether the con‐
nected motor can be supplied with sufficient power or not. The inverter can do
this with the following procedures:
● Evaluation of the message "failure DC bus supply" signaled by the supply
unit via the module bus
- or -
● Monitoring of the internally measured DC bus voltage with regard to an
individual minimum threshold value
The desired procedure is determined in parameter "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage
● P‑0‑0114 = 0 → Drive detects undervoltage, when the supply unit signals
"DC bus not ok" via the module bus
● P‑0‑0114 ≠ 0 → Determination and activation of undervoltage threshold
active in the drive greater 75% of nominal mains voltage crest value
Depending on the configuration of the power supply (P‑0‑0118), undervoltage
is handled as an error (error reaction according to setting in P‑0‑0119) or non-
fatal warning (no reaction).
Information on Converters
In a converter the supply unit and inverter are combined in one device. As each
inverter can provide or receive information via parameters, the information con‐
cerning the supply section of the converter can be queried or transmitted via
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 371/886
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Drive Control

Operating Converters as Inverters It is possible to operate converters of the HCS02.1 type as inverters only. When
doing this, power supply is carried out by a DC bus (power voltage); there is no
mains voltage applied to the converter. The inverter operation of a converter is
configured via the respective bit in "P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration".

Converters of the HCS03.1 type cannot be operated as inverters

on a DC bus!

Mains Voltage Data When a converter is directly connected to the supply mains (converter opera‐
tion), the following mains voltage data are made available:
● P‑0‑0806, Current mains voltage crest value
● P‑0‑0810, Minimum mains crest value
● P‑0‑0815, Nominal mains voltage crest value
In parameter P‑0‑0810 it is possible to set a threshold value, for triggering the
warning "E2814 Undervoltage in mains", higher than the minimum value of the
mains connection voltage range; this possibly enables the control master to
react to the situation in the mains. The tolerance limit can be influenced via the
level of the threshold value.
Identifying the Charging Circuit for The control section of the converter receives data on the properties of the
DC Bus charging circuit hardware for the soft start via parameter "P‑0‑0809, Properties
of charging circuit". The content of this list parameter is stored in read-only form
on the hardware of the converter power section and can be displayed for test
Status of Power Supply The converter signals the status of power supply, mains voltage, DC bus charg‐
ing status and the readiness for operation of the supply unit via parameter
"P‑0‑0861, Status word of power section". This allows diagnosing the converter
in the case of error.
Supply Section Ready for Opera‐ The readiness for operation of the supply section of a converter is displayed via
tion a bit in P‑0‑0861. This status information has to be assigned to the "Rel1" con‐
tact of the control section; the "Rel1" contact has to be integrated in the mains
contactor control circuit. There mustn't be any other information assigned to the
"Rel1" contact, because otherwise the power of the converter cannot be switch‐
ed off automatically!
See also "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

Data on the hardware-side control of converters are contained in

the documentation of the device.

Data on the Braking Resistor and the DC Bus Resistor Unit HLB01
External/Internal Braking Resistor Converters of the HSC02.1 type and HMV supply units are equipped with an
integrated braking resistor. For the devices with higher maximum current, it is
possible to connect an external braking resistor as an alternative to the internal
braking resistor (device option). The presetting for whether an internal or ex‐
ternal braking resistor becomes active is made in parameter "P‑0‑0860, Con‐
verter configuration".
Converters of the HCS03.1 type do not have an internal braking resistor. De‐
pending on the device option it is possible, however, to connect an external
braking resistor.
When an external braking resistor is used, its technical data have to be entered
in parameter "P‑0‑0858, Data of external braking resistor". If an internal braking
resistor is available, its data are contained on the manufacturer side in param‐
eter "P‑0‑0859, Data of internal braking resistor" and stored in read-only form
in a parameter memory on the power section.
372/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Drive Control

The external braking resistor has to be activated in parameter "P‑0‑0860, Con‐

verter configuration"!

When an external braking resistor is connected, the minimum re‐

sistor value that can be connected has to be taken into considera‐
tion (see documentation of the respective device).

DC Bus Short Circuit The function "DC bus short circuit" can be triggered at DC bus resistor units
Switch-On/Switch-Off Threshold of For the switch-on/switch-off threshold of the braking resistor in the case of HCS
Braking Resistor drive controllers there are
● reference values that can be selected
- and -
● dynamic adjustment to the current load of the braking resistor.
The reference values for the switch-on/switch-off threshold can be set to fixed
standard values or variable values in parameter "P‑0‑0860, Converter config‐

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration"

For the switch-on or switch-off threshold of the braking resistor in the case of
supply units of the HMV type and the DC bus resistor unit HLB01 there is
● for HMV01.1E-..., a fixed or a mains voltage dependent reference value,
depending on the signal level at the HMV terminal X32/3
● for HMV01.1R-... and HLB01, a fixed reference value for the switch-on
threshold of DC820V
- and -
● dynamic adjustment to the current load of the braking resistor.

Explanations on the reference values for the switch-on/switch-off

thresholds of the braking resistor and on the control of X32 are
contained in the documentation of the supply units of type HMV (see
documentation "Supply Units and Power Sections, Project Planning

As parameterization is impossible for HMV supply modules and the DC bus

resistor unit HLB, the available options are limited:
● Regenerative supply units HMV01.1R and DC bus resistor unit HLB01
→ The basic switch-on threshold of the braking resistor is 820 V. There
always is dynamic adjustment to the active load.
● Infeeding supply units HMV01.1E
→ Via an interface input, the customer can choose between mains-orien‐
ted threshold and fixed threshold. The default setting (open-circuited
interface) is mains-oriented. The basic switch-on threshold then is 80 V
above the mains voltage crest value measured at the first power on. In the
"fixed threshold" mode the basic switch-on threshold is 820 V. In both
operating modes there always is dynamic adjustment to the active load.
Dynamic Adjustment of the Switch- The dynamic adjustment to the current load of the braking resistor provides the
On Threshold following advantages:
● Protects the braking resistor from overload
● Equal load of all braking resistors active in a common DC bus.
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Drive Control

The current load of the braking resistor is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0844,

Braking resistor load".
Depending on the load, the switch-on threshold of the braking resistor is in‐
creased according to the following characteristic:

P‑0‑0844 Braking resistor load (in %)

A adjustment value for reference value (in V)
Fig.6-83: Increase of switch-on threshold of braking resistor depending on the
The effective switch-on threshold results from the reference value of the braking
resistor switching voltage (see P‑0‑0860, bits 10,11); an adjustment value de‐
pending on the load (P‑0‑0844) is added to this reference value according to
this characteristic. The effective switch-on threshold is displayed in parameter
"P‑0‑0833, Braking resistor threshold".

In the case of a braking resistor load of 100%, the switch-on thresh‐

old is not increased any more, because braking takes priority over
the protection of the device!

In the case of HMV supply units, overload of the braking resistor

and overtemperature of supply are additionally signaled by the relay
contact "WARN" (see documentation "Supply Units and Power
Sections, Project Planning Manual").

6.7.3 Notes on Commissioning

Configuration of Power Supply The required or desired axis-specific settings of the power supply of the device
connected by the module bus have to be made in parameter "P‑0‑0118, Power
supply, configuration".
The following settings or definitions can be made:
● Signaling of drive errors inside the drive system and reaction to signaled
● Handling of undervoltage as error or warning
● Signaling of fatal drive errors to the supply for switching power off (if nec‐
essary with DC bus short circuit)
Setting the Undervoltage Threshold If an individual threshold value is to be used for monitoring with regard to un‐
dervoltage, enter the desired value in parameter
● P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold.
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Drive Control
Otherwise, the undervoltage threshold is 75% of the mains voltage crest value
that was measured when the mains was switched in.
Configuration of Converter Operat‐ If a converter is to be operated as an inverter at a DC bus, the bit for power
ed as Inverter supply has to be set in parameter
● P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration.
The "Rel1" contact for the mains contactor control circuit has to be configured.
To do this, the status information "supply ready for operation" from
● P‑0‑0861, Power supply status word
has to be assigned to the "Rel1" contact of the control section.
The wiring of the "Rel1" contact has to correspond to the data contained in the
documentation of the converter devices!
Setting Threshold Value for Mes‐ In the case of converters, the threshold value for the message "mains under‐
sage "Mains Undervoltage" voltage" can be set in parameter
● P‑0‑0810, Minimum mains crest value.
If there isn't any value entered, the default setting remains active (see Param‐
eter Description for P‑0‑0810)!
Selecting the Braking Resistor For certain converters of the HCS02.1 type, it is possible to determine whether
the internal braking resistor is to be switched off and an externally connected
braking resistor is to be activated. The selection is made in parameter
● P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration.
If an external braking resistor is to be used, the data required for control by the
converter have to be entered in parameter
● P‑0‑0858, Data of external braking resistor.
Switch-On/Switch-Off Threshold In the case of converters, the reference values for the switch-on/switch-off
for Braking Resistor thresholds of the braking resistor can be selected. This is done in parameter
● P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration.
In accordance with the setting in parameter P‑0‑0860, the switch-on threshold
can be dynamically increased depending on the load. The switch-on threshold
currently effective is displayed in parameter
● P‑0‑0833, Braking resistor threshold.
The current load of the braking resistor is displayed in parameter
● P‑0‑0844, Braking resistor load.

Property damage caused by inadmissibly high voltage on the motor ter‐

⇒ For third-party motors, observe the maximum allowed terminal voltage!

6.7.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Module Bus Displaying module bus status:
● P‑0‑0461, Module group, status word
Displaying device-side module bus control information:
● P‑0‑0460, Module group, control word
Displaying interrupted module bus communication:
● F2087 Module group communication error
Mains Voltage Mains voltage diagnoses:
● P‑0‑0806, Current mains voltage crest value
● P‑0‑0815, Nominal mains voltage crest value
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 375/886
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Drive Control
Mains voltage warnings:
● E2814 Undervoltage in mains
● E2818 Phase failure
● E2819 Mains failure
Mains voltage error messages:
● F2814 Undervoltage in mains
● F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit
● F2818 Phase failure
● F2819 Mains failure
● F2834 Contactor control error
● F2840 Error supply shutdown
● F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section
DC Bus DC bus diagnosis:
● S‑0‑0380, DC bus voltage
DC bus warnings:
● E2026 Undervoltage in power section
● E2816 Undervoltage in power section
● E8025 Overvoltage in power section
DC bus error messages:
● F2026 Undervoltage in power section
● F2817 Overvoltage in power section
● F2833 Ground fault in motor line
● F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error
Braking Resistor Braking resistor diagnoses:
● P‑0‑0844, Braking resistor load
● P‑0‑0833, Braking resistor threshold
Braking resistor warnings:
● E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning
● E2802 HW control of braking resistor
● E2829 Not ready for power on
Braking resistor error messages:
● F2820 Braking resistor overload
● F2821 Error in control of braking resistor
● F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low
● F8838 Overcurrent external braking resistor
Power Section Supply Power section warnings:
● E8028 Overcurrent in power section
● 8057 Device overload, current limit active
Power section error messages:
● F8060 Overcurrent in power section
Drive System Reaction to signaled errors of other drives in the drive system:
● E8058 Drive system not ready for operation
Supply in this case signals:
– E2810 Drive system not ready for operation
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Drive Control
Error message if supply has switched off in the case of error:
● F2086 Error supply module
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 377/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

7 Operating Modes
7.1 General Information on the Operating Modes
7.1.1 Supported Operating Modes
The operating modes supported by the firmware depend on the
hardware and firmware and are contained in parameter "S‑0‑0292,
List of all operating modes".

The following overview illustrates by which basic or functional packages the

respecitve operating mode is supported (if not stated otherwise, this applies for
all 3 firmware versions, MPB, MPD and MPH).

In functional package ...

In base package (on the basis of a base package with the following character‐
Operating mode istics)
Servo function Synchronization Main spindle

standard operating modes:

- torque/force control CL – – –

- velocity control OL/CL – – –

- position control CL – – –

- drive-internal interpolation CL – – –

- drive-controlled positioning CL – – –

- positioning block mode CL – – –

synchronization modes:

- velocity synchronization – – OL/CL –

- phase synchronization – – CL –

- electronic cam shaft – – CL –

- electronic motion profile – – CL –

OL open-loop characteristic
CL closed-loop characteristic
Fig.7-1: Supported operating modes
To use a functional package, it must have been activated (enabled). The cur‐
rently enabled functional packages are displayed in parameter "P-0-2004,
Active functional packages".
See also "Enabling of Functional Packages"

7.1.2 Operating Mode Handling

Selecting the Operating Mode
It is possible to configure up to 8 different operating modes in the drive (de‐
pending on "S-0-0292, List of all operating modes"). Assignment and configu‐
ration are made via the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation
378/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

● S‑0‑0033, Secondary operation mode 1

● S‑0‑0034, Secondary operation mode 2
● S‑0‑0035, Secondary operation mode 3
● S‑0‑0284, Secondary operation mode 4
● S‑0‑0285, Secondary operation mode 5
● S‑0‑0286, Secondary operation mode 6
● S‑0‑0287, Secondary operation mode 7

If the value "0" was entered in one of these parameters, the error
message "F2007 Switching to non-initialized operating mode" is
generated when this operating mode is activated.

Activating the Operating Mode The operating mode is activated and controlled via bits 8, 9 and 11 in parameter
"P‑0‑0116, Device control: control word".
The following applies to parameter P‑0‑0116:
● Bits 8 and 9 → Selecting primary mode of operation and secondary oper.
modes 1 to 3
● Bit 11 → Selecting secondary operation modes 4 to 7 (only SERCOS)

The secondary operation modes 4 to 7 can only be used via SER‐

COS interface. Bit 11 therefore only takes effect in the control word
of the device control (P‑0‑0116) in conjunction with parameter
S‑0‑0134 (master control word for SERCOS)!

The figure below illustrates the interrelation of the control word of the respective
master communication and the device control word/device status word with
regard to the operating mode selection.
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-2: Operating mode selection via control word

The control bits (8 and 9) contained in parameter P‑0‑0116 are also

contained in the control words depending on the master communi‐
cation (cf. S‑0‑0134, P‑0‑4077, P‑0‑4068 and P‑0‑4028) and can
therefore be written via the control words.

An operating mode defined via the operating mode selection is active when:
● The drive (control section and power section) is ready for operation
- and -
● The drive enable signal sees a positive edge.
Acknowledging the Active Operat‐ As regards the activation of an operating mode, there are the following kinds of
ing Mode feedback:
● With active operating mode, the display of the control panel reads "AF".
● In parameter "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic message number", the respective di‐
agnostic message number of the active operating mode is displayed (e.g.
"A0101" in "velocity control" mode).
● In parameter "S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic message", the active operating mode
is displayed in text form (e.g. "A0101 Velocity control").
● In parameter "P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word", bit 3 ("drive follows
external command values") is used to acknowledge whether the drive is
running in the preset operating mode or not.
● In parameter "P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word", bits 8, 9 and 10
("acknowledgment of operating mode") are used to signal the operating
mode presently active.
380/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

The status bits contained in parameter P‑0‑0115 (3, 8, 9 and 10)

are also contained in the status words depending on the master
communication (S‑0‑0135, P‑0‑4078) and can therefore be read in
the status words. Bit 10, however, is only activated with SER‐
COS interface!

See also "Device Control and State Machines"

Changing the Operating Mode
When drive enable is activated, the drive, after having gone through the initial‐
ization routines, changes to the operating mode that was selected via bits 8 and
9 of the specific control word of the respective master communication
(S‑0‑0134, P‑0‑4077, P‑0‑4068 4028 or P‑0‑0116).

The change of operating modes is carried out within one position

loop clock (Advanced: 250 µs; Basic: 500 µs). Another position loop
clock passes until the command values of the activated operating
mode become effective, because the initialization of the operating
mode is carried out first.

Special Cases With the following exceptional circumstances, the desired operating mode is
not carried out in spite of the operating mode having been correctly selected:
● Drive error is present
→ The corresponding error reaction is carried out.
● Fatal warning was triggered
→ The corresponding reaction is carried out.
● A "drive command" (e.g. homing procedure, set absolute measuring, ...)
is executed
→ The command started is carried out.
● Drive Halt
→ This drive function is carried out.
See also "Device Control and State Machines"
Drive-Controlled Change of Oper‐ In order to achieve a quick and smooth change of operating mode in running
ating Mode operation, it is possible to make a "drive-controlled change of operating mode".
Drive-internally this procedure ensures that, when the operating mode is
changed, the transition is carried out in a synchronized way, even if the com‐
mand value changes abruptly.
See also "Command Value Adjustment with Position Control"
Command Value Acceptance and Acknowledgment
Immediate Command Value Ac‐ Each preset command value is accepted immediately, when the respective
ceptance command value parameter (e.g. S‑0‑0036, S‑0‑0080, S‑0‑0258, …) is written
in the case of the operating modes:
● Torque/force control
● Velocity control
● Position control with cyclic command value input
● Drive-internal interpolation
● Synchronization modes:
– Velocity synchronization with real/virtual master axis
– Phase synchronization with real/virtual master axis
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 381/886
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Operating Modes
– Electronic Cam Shaft with Real/Virtual Master Axis
– Electronic motion profile with real/virtual master axis
Command Value Acceptance After In the positioning modes (drive-controlled positioning, positioning block mode),
Master Request however, the command value (target position, velocity, positioning block, ...) is
only accepted, when the master explicitly requests this by a "command value
The command value acceptance is carried out in a different way, according to
the positioning mode or profile type:
● Operating mode "drive-controlled positioning"
Acceptance of preset command value (position, velocity) by toggling bit 0
of parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word"
→ Toggle mechanism
● Operating mode "positioning block mode"
Acceptance of the positioning block selected via "P‑0‑4026, Positioning
block selection" by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 of parameter "P‑0‑4060, Positioning
block control word", when the parallel interface or, in the case of field
buses, the I/O mode is used as master communication
→ Edge control

When the positioning block mode is used for field buses in the freely
configurable operating mode (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE) or with SER‐
COS interface, the toggle mechanism is used in spite of the above

Command Value Acknowledgment The explicit acknowledgment of the command value acceptance only takes
place for the positioning modes (drive-controlled positioning, positioning block
It is possible to check in the master whether and when the preset command
value was accepted in the drive (command value acceptance handshake).
The command value acknowledgment is carried out in a different way, accord‐
ing to the positioning mode:
● Operating mode "drive-controlled positioning"
The drive acknowledges the command value acceptance by toggling bit 0
of parameter "S‑0‑0419, Positioning command acknowledge".
● Operating mode "positioning block mode"
The drive acknowledges the command value acceptance by displaying
the effective positioning block in parameter "P‑0‑4051, Positioning block

In the positioning block mode, too, the acceptance of a new posi‐

tioning block causes bit 0 of parameter S‑0‑0419 to be toggled,
because in this case the internal processing of the positioning com‐
mand values is identical to the "drive-controlled positioning" mode.

7.2 Torque/Force Control

7.2.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-3: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

382/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

In the "torque/force control" mode, a torque/force command value is preset for

the drive. If required, this command value can be filtered. When the operating
mode has been activated, the diagnostic message is "A0100 Torque control".

Fig.7-4: "Torque/Force Control" Block Diagram

Features ● Torque/force control with regard to the sum of the command values preset
in parameters "S‑0‑0080, Torque/force command value" and "S‑0‑0081,
Additive torque/force command value"
● Torque/force command value is generated internally by the velocity loop;
value of S‑0‑0081 can be added as additive component
● Limitation of the preset command value to limit value that can be para‐
● Command value filtered via parameters "S‑0‑0822, Torque/force ramp"
and "S‑0‑0823, Torque/force ramp time"
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0080, Torque/force command value
● S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value
● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S-0-0109, Motor peak current
● S-0-0110, Amplifier peak current
● S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill
● S‑0‑0822, Torque/force ramp
● S‑0‑0823, Torque/force ramp time
● S‑0‑0824, Message torque/force command value reached
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
● P-0-0038, Torque-generating current, command value
● P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value
● P-0-0051, Torque/force constant
● P-0-0109, Torque/force peak limit
● P-0-4046, Effective peak current
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● A0100 Torque control
● E8057 Device overload, current limit active
● E8260 Torque/force command value limit active
● F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded
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and Controls

Operating Modes

7.2.2 Command Value Adjustment in Torque/Force Control

Principle of Command Value Adjustment
Filtering the Command Value The command value preset by parameter "S‑0‑0080, Torque/force command
value" is filtered. The filter effect can be modified by the settings in parameters
"S‑0‑0822, Torque/force ramp" and "S‑0‑0823, Torque/force ramp time".
The message "torque/force command value reached" (S‑0‑0824) signals that
the output value of the filter has reached the input value (S‑0‑0080).
Additive Current Command Value In addition, it is possible to add an unfiltered additive command value via the
parameter "S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value". If required, this
value can be cyclically configured.
Command Value Limitation We distinguish the following command value limitations:
● Torque/force limitation
● Current limitation
On the user side, it is only possible to directly set the torque/force limits. By
setting the switching frequency (P‑0‑0001), the value of the current limit is in‐
directly influenced.
Output Variable The output variable of the command value adjustment for torque/force control
is the torque-generating component of the current command value Iqcmd
Block Diagram The figure below illustrates command value processing in the "torque/force
control" mode as a block diagram.

Fig.7-5: Command Value Adjustment in Torque/Force Control

The currently effective actual limit values are displayed (P‑0‑0442, P‑0‑0443,
P‑0‑0444; P‑0‑4045, P‑0‑4046); so is the output variable of the command value
adjustment in torque/force control, the torque-generating component of the
current command value (P‑0‑0038).
Velocity Monitor In torque/force control, the velocity of the drive is reached depending on the
component of the drive torque or the drive force acting on the acceleration. As
the velocity of a motor or an axis has to stay within the allowed range in order
to avoid damage, the actual velocity value is monitored.
If the value of "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value" exceeds the 1.125-fold value
of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", the drive generates the error mes‐
sage "F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded" and switches off with the error
reaction that was set.
Notes on Commissioning for Command Value Limitation
On the user side, the following limitations are available:
● Maximum allowed torque/force (S‑0‑0092, P‑0‑0109)
384/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

● Motive and regenerative load at stationary velocity (S‑0‑0082, S‑0‑0083)

See also separate documentation "Parameter Description for IndraDrive


It is also possible to directly view (in N or Nm) the value of

"P‑0‑0049, Effective torque/force command value" as intermediate

The content of "P‑0‑4046, Effective peak current" results from the

current and torque limits.

See also section below "Current Loop"

7.2.3 Current Loop

Operating Principle of the Current Loop
The current loop is a typical PI loop and can be set via the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
See also "Control Loop Structure"
See also "Motor Control"

In fact, the torque is not closed-loop controlled but open-loop con‐

trolled. Given the linear relation between torque and current (see
P‑0‑0051), it is possible, however, to assume closed-loop torque/
force control. Just the absolute torque precision is limited due to
manufacturing tolerances of the motor (max. ±10%).

Control Loop Performance and Cy‐ According to the available hardware (Basic or Advanced design), the current
cle Times control loop is closed every 62.5 μs (Advanced) or 125 μs (Basic). (See also
"P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller", bit 2.)
Notes on Commissioning for the Current Loop
The parameter values for the current loop of Rexroth motors are defined by the
manufacturer. In the case of motors with encoder data memory, they are au‐
tomatically written with the correct values during commissioning.
In the case of motors without encoder data memory, the correct values for the
current loop parameters and other motor parameters can be loaded via the
"IndraWorks D" commissioning tool.

7.2.4 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions

Diagnostic Status Message
The activated "torque/force control" mode is displayed by the following diag‐
nostic message:
● A0100 Torque control
Monitoring Functions
Monitoring functions specific to the operating mode:
Device Overload ● The thermal load of the device depending on the measured current is per‐
manently calculated by a temperature model. When a threshold value is
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 385/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
exceeded, the warning "E8057 Device overload, current limit active" is
generated (see Troubleshooting Guide).
Command Value Limit Active ● If necessary, the drive firmware limits the torque/force command value in
dynamic and static form. If such a limitation has been activated, this is
signaled by the warning "E8260 Torque/force command value limit ac‐
Velocity Limit Value Exceeded ● The value of parameter "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value" is monitored.
If it exceeds the 1.125-fold value parameterized in "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar ve‐
locity limit value", the error message "F8079 Velocity limit value excee‐
ded" is generated.

7.3 Velocity Control

7.3.1 Brief Description
Base package of the variants MPH, MPB and MPD

Fig.7-6: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In the "velocity control" mode, a velocity command value is preset for the drive.
The velocity command value is limited by ramps and filters.

Fig.7-7: "Velocity Control" Block Diagram

Features ● An external velocity command value (sum of "S‑0‑0036, Velocity com‐
mand value" and "S‑0‑0037, Additive velocity command value") is preset
via analog inputs or master communication interface (SERCOS, field
bus, ...)
● Selection of predefined and internally stored velocity command values
(31 fixed values) is possible via binarily coded digital inputs (e.g. for jog‐
ging forward/backward, feeding, setting up, ...)
● Use of a drive-internal command value generator for generating command
value ramps ("motor potentiometer")
● Inversion of the provided velocity command value before it is processed
in the ramp-function generator
● Window comparator for masking critical velocity ranges in the command
value channel (e.g. machine resonances) with corresponding acceleration
adjustment (cf. P‑0‑1209)
● Ramp-function generator with separately adjustable, two-stage accelera‐
tion and deceleration limits of the preset velocity command value; switch‐
ing from ramp 1 to ramp 2 is done with selectable velocity and run-up stop
that can be parameterized
● Velocity control via a digital PI loop with extensive filter measures
● Monitoring the command velocity and actual velocity for exceeding pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value"
● Smoothing of velocity control loop difference via filter that can be para‐
● Smoothing of preset command value by means of average filter (jerk lim‐
itation by means of moving average filter)
386/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes
● Fine interpolation of the velocity command values; transmission of these
command values in the position loop clock; fine interpolator can be switch‐
ed on or off (P‑0‑0556, bit 0)
● Velocity control loop monitoring (cannot be parameterized) to prevent the
drive from running away; monitor can be switched on or off (P‑0‑0556,
bit 1)
● Velocity loop internally generates the torque/force command value to
which the value of parameter "S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command
value" can be added as an additive component
● Control word and status word especially for "velocity control" mode (cf.
P‑0‑1200 and P‑0‑1210)
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0036, Velocity command value
● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0004, Velocity loop smoothing time constant
● P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
● P‑0‑1119, Velocity mix factor feedback 1 & 2
● P‑0‑1120, Velocity control loop filter: filter type
● P‑0‑1125, Velocity control loop: average value filter clock
● P‑0‑1126, Velocity control loop: acceleration feedforward
● P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control
● P‑0‑1201, Ramp 1 pitch
● P‑0‑1202, Final speed ramp 1
● P‑0‑1203, Ramp 2 pitch
● P‑0‑1206, Memory of velocity command values
● P‑0‑1207, Lower limit of velocity masking window
● P‑0‑1208, Upper limit of velocity masking window
● P‑0‑1209, Acceleration factors for velocity masking window
● P‑0‑1210, Status word of velocity control mode
● P‑0‑1211, Deceleration ramp 1
● P‑0‑1213, Deceleration ramp 2
● P‑0‑1214, Control word 2 velocity control
● P‑0‑1215, Motor potentiometer, acceleration
● P‑0‑1216, Motor potentiometer, deceleration
● P‑0‑1217, Motor potentiometer, step size
● P‑0‑1218, Motor potentiometer, command value
● P‑0‑1222, Velocity command filter
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● A0101 Velocity control
● E2059 Velocity command value limit active
● E2063 Velocity command value > limit value
● F8078 Speed loop error
● F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 387/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

7.3.2 Command Value Adjustment in Velocity Control

The figure below illustrates command value processing in the "velocity control"
mode as a block diagram.
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-8: Command Value Adjustment in Velocity Control

The value of "S‑0‑0037, Additive velocity command value" can be

added to "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command value" directly at the input
of the velocity loop.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 389/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

In the "velocity control" mode, velocity command values can be input in the
following ways:
● Cyclic command value input by means of parameter "S‑0‑0036, Velocity
command value" via the master communication (analog interface, SER‐
COS, field bus) or IndraMotion MLD
● Using velocity command values internally stored in the drive in parameter
"P‑0‑1206, Memory of velocity command values" (list parameter); selec‐
tion via digital inputs, master communication interface (SERCOS, field
bus) or IndraMotion MLD, for example
● Internal generation of command value ramps by a so-called motor poten‐
● Generation of a cyclic command value by means of the drive-integrated
PLC (IndraMotion MLD) in conjunction with MC blocks (cf. P‑0‑1460)
The velocity command value is processed by the so-called ramp-function gen‐

Information on the status of the ramp-function generator is con‐

tained in parameter P‑0‑1210.
See Parameter Description "P‑0‑1210, Status word of velocity con‐
trol mode"

Command Value Generation via Memory of Fixed Command Values

Via the selection bits of parameter "P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity con‐
trol" (bit 0...4), you can choose from up to 31 velocity command values
(P‑0‑1206) stored in the drive.

By default, you can only select 5 fixed command values via

P‑0‑1200; one fixed command value is assigned to each individual
bit (0...4).

Activating the Fixed Command Val‐ As soon as at least one of the bits 0...4 has been set in parameter P‑0‑1200,
ues the corresponding element from the list parameter "P‑0‑1206, Memory of ve‐
locity command values" takes effect.
The following assignment applies to direct selection (P‑0‑1214, bit 8 = 0) via
the bits 4…0 of P‑0‑1200:
● 00000 → Value from S‑0‑0036 active
● 00001 → Fixed value 1 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
● 00010 → Fixed value 2 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
● 00100 → Fixed value 3 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
● 01000 → Fixed value 4 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
● 10000 → Fixed value 5 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
The following assignment applies to binary selection (P‑0‑1214, bit 8 = 1) via
the bits 4…0 of P‑0‑1200:
● 00000 → Value from S‑0‑0036 active
● 00001 → Fixed value 1 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
● 00010 → Fixed value 2 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
● 00011 → Fixed value 3 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
● etc.
● 11111 → Fixed value 31 from P‑0‑1206 selected and active
390/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Command Value Generation via Motor Potentiometer

In the operating mode "velocity control", the command value generator (so-
called motor potentiometer) provides the possibility of generating a velocity
command value characteristic (parameter "P‑0‑1218, Motor potentiometer,
command value") via digital input signals ("ramp+" and "ramp–").
Activating Motor Potentiometer The motor potentiometer is activated by setting bit 0 = 1 in "P‑0‑1214, Motor
potentiometer, control parameter".
Inverting the Velocity Command Value
Before it is processed in the ramp-function generator, the provided velocity
command value can be inverted. Inverting takes place by setting bit 10 = 1 in
parameter "P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control".
Masking the Command Value
The masking windows (max. 4) that can be defined via "P‑0‑1207, Lower limit
of velocity masking window" and "P‑0‑1208, Upper limit of velocity masking
window" are used to suppress resonance phenomena of a machine or in an
installation. The drive should not be permanently moved at velocities within
these windows. A velocity command value within the value range of one of the
4 definable windows is either reduced to the lower limit (P‑0‑1207) or increased
to the upper limit (P‑0‑1208).

P‑0‑1207 Lower limit of velocity masking window

P‑0‑1208 Upper limit of velocity masking window
vcmd Velocity command value
vr Velocity ramp
Fig.7-9: Function "Velocity Masking Window With Hysteresis"

See also Parameter Descriptions "P‑0‑1207, Lower limit of velocity mask‐

ing window" and "P‑0‑1208, Upper limit of velocity masking window"
The subsequent ramp-function generator passes the range of the velocity win‐
dow; the values indicated in "P‑0‑1209, Acceleration factors for velocity mask‐
ing window" have a multiplying effect on the acceleration values of the ramp-
function generator (P‑0‑1201, P‑0‑1203, P‑0‑1211 and P‑0‑1213).
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and Controls

Operating Modes

P‑0‑1207 Lower limit of velocity masking window

P‑0‑1208 Upper limit of velocity masking window
P‑0‑1209 Acceleration factors for velocity masking window
vcmd Velocity command value
vr Velocity ramp
Fig.7-10: Operating Principle of the Acceleration Factors From P‑0‑1209

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑1209, Acceleration factors for ve‐

locity masking window"
Ramp-Function Generator
The increase (acceleration) and deceleration of the velocity command value
can be limited in steps via 2 ramps.
● Acceleration process
→ In the first step, the increase of the command value is limited via
"P‑0‑1201, Ramp 1 pitch" (acceleration ramp 1). If the command velocity
exceeds the threshold entered in parameter "P‑0‑1202, Final speed of
ramp 1", the increase of the command value is limited with the value of
"P‑0‑1203, Ramp 2 pitch" (acceleration ramp 2).
● Deceleration or braking process
→ Parameters "P‑0‑1211, Deceleration ramp 1" or "P‑0‑1213, Decelera‐
tion ramp 2" are used accordingly for deceleration.

This allows parameterizing different ramps for the acceleration and

braking process.

Run-Up Stop When there is acceleration-dependent torque limitation occurring or due to in‐
stallation-dependent failures/irregularities, it is necessary to interrupt the ac‐
celeration ramp. For this purpose, the function "run-up stop" was introduced
that is controlled via parameter "P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control".
Possible settings for activating the function "run-up stop" via the respective bits
of P‑0‑1200:
● Activation of the function without additional condition
● Triggering of torque limitation (E2060)
● Triggering of command value limitation (cf. S‑0‑0091)
● Triggering of command value or torque limitation

While a speed masking window is passed, the function "run-up

stop" is deactivated.
392/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Jerk Limitation
The velocity command value, the increase and maximum of which are limited,
is jerk-limited by means of a moving average filter (parameter "P‑0‑1222, Ve‐
locity command filter").
Command Value Limitation
The effective velocity command value (sum of values from S‑0‑0036 and
S‑0‑0037) is limited to the value indicated in parameter "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar ve‐
locity limit value" resp. in the parameters "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit
value" or "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value".
See also "Velocity Limitation"

When the limitation takes effect, the drive generates the message
"E2059 Velocity command value limit active".

Fine Interpolation
The limited command value available at the output of command value process‐
ing can be adjusted, by means of linear fine interpolation, for further processing
in the velocity loop. To do this, a command value input in the position loop clock
is fine interpolated in the velocity loop clock.
This function has to be activated via bit 0 of parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word
of axis controller".

7.3.3 Velocity Control Loop

Velocity Loop
The velocity loop is a typical PI loop and can be set via the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
See also "Control Loop Structure"
Control Loop Performance and Cy‐ The minimum possible control loop cycle time of the velocity loop depends
cle Times
● on the available control section (CSH, CSB, CDB),
● on the respective firmware variant (MPH, MPB or MPD)
- and -
● in the case of variant MPH, on the parameterized performance (Basic or
Advanced; cf. "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller", bit 2).
See "Performance Data"
Current Loop in Velocity Control Loop
In velocity control, the outer current control loop (cascade structure), that can
be set via the following parameters, always takes effect, too:
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
● P-0-0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage
See also "Torque/Force Control: Current Loop"
Possibilities of Filtering
To filter noise components possibly present in the actual velocity value or to
attenuate resonance frequencies, the following filter settings can be made:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 393/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

● Via parameter "P‑0‑0004, Velocity loop smoothing time constant", the low-
pass filter that filters the control difference for the velocity loop can be set.
● With the parameter "P‑0‑1125, Velocity control loop: average value filter
clock" it is possible to filter the velocity control loop deviation by means of
moving average filter.
● To filter the control deviation, it is possible to configure four filters con‐
nected in series as low-pass filters or band-stop filters with parameter
"P-0-1120, Velocity control loop filter: filter type".

The "S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value" is added to

the output signal of the velocity loop and the resulting value is
transmitted to the current and torque/force limit (see also "Current
and Torque Limitation (Closed-Loop)").

7.3.4 Notes on Commissioning

Memory of Fixed Command Values
In addition to the cyclic velocity command value (S‑0‑0036), the drive can be
moved with fixed constant velocity command values stored in the drive.
Selecting Fixed Command Values Selecting preset fixed command values can be effectively used for applications
with analog or parallel interface with which the drive is moved with constant
velocity steps (e.g. jogging forward/backward, feeding, setting up, washing, ...)
that are to be selected via switches/pushbuttons.
Velocity Steps The velocity steps (max. 31 values) provided for this purpose can be entered
in the list parameter P‑0‑1206 and each of them can be individually activated
via the bits 0...4 of the control word P‑0‑1200 (according to a binary coding).
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the parameters:

S‑0‑0036 Velocity command value

P‑0‑1200 Control word 1 velocity control
P‑0‑1206 Memory of velocity command values
Fig.7-11: Selecting the Internally Stored Velocity Command Values
Special Cases Observe the following special cases for selecting the fixed command values via
bit 0...4 of parameter P‑0‑1200:
● When all 5 bits have been set to "0", the velocity command value
(S‑0‑0036) preset by the master is active.
● If the motor potentiometer was activated via bit 0 of "P‑0‑1214, Motor po‐
tentiometer, control parameter", the selected fixed command values won't
take effect.
Applying the Fixed Command Val‐ The command values are applied immediately, when the bit pattern is created
ues so that you have to make sure that the bits 0...4 are, as far as possible, simul‐
taneously updated.
394/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Motor Potentiometer
Activating the Function After the motor potentiometer has been activated by setting bit 0 of "P‑0‑1214,
Motor potentiometer, control parameter", the motor potentiometer functionality
can be used.
Using and Modifying Command The command value ramps are used and modified via the two control bits, bit 8
Value Ramps (ramp+) and bit 9 (ramp-) of "P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control". These
bits can be written in the following ways:
● Via digital inputs
→ See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
● Via the control panel (comfort or standard control panel)
→ See "Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers"
● By simple writing of the parameter via the serial interface or the interface
of the master communication
Start or Initial Value for the Com‐ Bits 1 and 2 of "P‑0‑1214, Motor potentiometer, control parameter" determine
mand Value Generator the start value after the activation of drive enable (cf. P‑0‑0115, bit "drive on");
the following settings can be selected:
● 00 → Command value generator starting at command value "0"
● 01 → Command value generator starting with old command value (value
is also stored when control voltage switched off!)
● 10 → Command value generator starting with current actual velocity value
in parameter S‑0‑0040
● 11 → Selection not allowed!
Acceleration of the Ramps Bit 3 of "P‑0‑1214, Motor potentiometer, control parameter" determines the ac‐
celeration behavior; the following cases are to be distinguished:
● Bit 3 = 0: Constant acceleration
→ Linear adjustment of command velocity
The velocity command value is influenced with the duty cycle of "ramp+"
or "ramp-" and acceleration remains constant:
– With the control bit "ramp+", the velocity command value is increased
up to the positive limit value (= minimum value of S‑0‑0091 and
S‑0‑0038), with the acceleration entered in parameter "P‑0‑1215,
Motor potentiometer, acceleration".
– With the control bit "ramp-", the velocity command value is reduced
up to the negative limit value (= minimum value of S‑0‑0091 and
S‑0‑0039), with the deceleration entered in parameter "P‑0‑1216,
Motor potentiometer, deceleration".
● Bit 3 = 1: Linearly variable acceleration
→ Square adjustment of command velocity
The acceleration is varied in linear form with the duty cycle of "ramp+" or
– With the control bit "ramp+", the acceleration value within 2 s is in‐
creased up to the positive limit value ("P‑0‑1201, Ramp 1 pitch" or
"P‑0‑1203, Ramp 2 pitch"), with the pitch ("P‑0‑1215, Motor potenti‐
ometer, acceleration").
– With the control bit "ramp-", the acceleration value within 2 s is re‐
duced up to the negative limit value ("P‑0‑1211, Deceleration ramp
1" or "P‑0‑1213, Deceleration ramp 2"), with the pitch ("P‑0‑1215,
Motor potentiometer, acceleration").
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 395/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

This allows parameterizing different ramps for the acceleration and

braking process.

Evaluation Mode of Ramp Inputs Bit 3 of "P‑0‑1214, Motor potentiometer, control parameter" determines the
evaluation mode of the two control inputs "ramp+" and "ramp-"; the following
cases are to be distinguished:
● Bit 4 = 0: Continuous evaluation
→ Continuous adjustment of acceleration or velocity via "ramp+" or
– As long as bit 8 ("ramp+") is set, the command value is increased.
– As long as bit 9 ("ramp-") is set, the command value is increased.
● Bit 4 = 1: Edge-controlled evaluation
→ Stepwise adjustment of the velocity command value with value of pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑1217, Command value generator, step size"
– With a 0-1 edge of "ramp+", the command value is increased by the
value of parameter P‑0‑1217.
– With a 0-1 edge of "ramp-", the command value is reduced by the
value of parameter P‑0‑1217.

When a control bit "ramp+" or "ramp-" is set for more than 2 s, the
mode automatically changes to continuous adjustment of the com‐
mand value with the corresponding acceleration/deceleration ramp.

Examples The figures below show some examples by means of the signal characteristic:

Fig.7-12: Linear Adjustment of Command Velocity With Status-Controlled Evalu‐

ation of "Ramp+" and "Ramp-"
396/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-13: Square Adjustment of Command Velocity With Status-Controlled Eval‐

uation of "Ramp+" and "Ramp-"

Fig.7-14: Linear Adjustment of Command Velocity With Edge-Controlled Evalua‐

tion of "Ramp+" and "Ramp-"

Fig.7-15: Square Adjustment of Command Velocity With Edge-Controlled Evalu‐

ation of "Ramp+" and "Ramp-"
Velocity Mixing
Via parameter "P‑0‑1119, Velocity mix factor feedback 1 & 2", it is possible to
mix the different actual encoder values in the case of control-related stability
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 397/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Acceleration Feedforward
To improve the control performance it is possible to add the speed command
value, bypassing the velocity loop, to the velocity loop output in a derivative way
and scaled via parameter "P‑0‑1126, Velocity control loop: acceleration feed‐
forward". This differentiated command value can also be smoothed by means
of a PT1 filter (cf. P‑0‑0180).
This kind of feedforward allows achieving sufficiently good and dynamic control
performance, even with bad measuring systems or a very high degree of load
inertia (or mass).
See also "Control Loop Structure"
Masking the Velocity Command Value
For each velocity window (cf. P‑0‑1207, P‑0‑1208), it is possible to define an
individual acceleration factor (cf. P‑0‑1209) that takes effect, however, both for
acceleration and for deceleration.
When parameterizing the velocity windows, the following aspects have to be
taken into account:
● The list elements have to contain ascending numeric values (identical
values are allowed).
● Inputs that lead to overlapping ranges (P‑0‑1207[n] > P‑0‑1208[n+1]) are
not allowed.
● When identical values are input for lower and upper limit
(P‑0‑1207[n] = P‑0‑1208[n]), the window is deactivated.
● If the element P‑0‑1207[0] = 0, the window takes effect symmetrically rel‐
ative to speed zero. This prevents the velocity command value from falling
below a certain minimum value.

The default value of the parameters P‑0‑1207 and P‑0‑1208 is zero

which means that the speed window hasn't been defined.

7.3.5 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions

Diagnostic Status Message
Active Operating Mode The activated "velocity control" mode is displayed by the following diagnostic
● A0101 Drive in velocity control
Status of Ramp-Function Generator
Effective Velocity Command Value The currently effective velocity command value at the output of command value
adjustment, that is preset for the velocity loop via the fine interpolation, is map‐
ped to parameter "P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value".
Status of Ramp-Function Genera‐ "Frequency converter" applications require several status messages that are
tor (Run-Up Encoder) contained in parameter "P‑0‑1210, Status word of velocity control mode":
● Bit 0 = 1 → Command value reached
The output of the ramp-function generator, including the jerk filter, corre‐
sponds exactly to the selected command value, i.e. either to the value of
S‑0‑0036 or a selected fixed value from P‑0‑1205.
● Bit 1 = 1 → Run-up stop active
The command "run-up stop" prevents the acceleration ramp from being
integrated. The jerk filter is not stopped, the current command value for
the time set in the jerk filter can change.
398/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes
● Bit 2 = 1 → Acceleration active
The absolute value of the present command value is higher than the cur‐
rent command value. Either the acceleration ramp is active or the jerk filter
has not yet reached the final value.
● Bit 3 = 1 → Deceleration active
The absolute value of the present command value is lower than the current
command value. Either the deceleration ramp is active or the jerk filter has
not yet reached the final value.
● Bit 4 = 1 → Command value within masking window
The command value is within a masking window defined by the values of
P‑0‑1207 and P‑0‑1208 and prevents the drive from moving exactly to this
command value.
● Bit 5 = 1 → Velocity ramp within masking window
The ramp-function generator goes through the range of a masking win‐
dow, the increased acceleration/deceleration according to P‑0‑1209 is
active. In addition to this message bit, either the bit "acceleration active"
or "deceleration active" is set.
Monitoring Functions
Monitoring functions specific to the operating mode:
Velocity Command Value Limit Ac‐ ● The effective velocity command value (sum from S‑0‑0036 and S‑0‑0037)
tive is limited to the value indicated in "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value".
When the limitation takes effect, the drive generates the message "E2059
Velocity command value limit active".
Velocity Command Value > Limit ● The value of parameter "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command value" is limited to
Value (S‑0‑0091) "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value". If the value in S‑0‑0036 is higher
than the value in S‑0‑0091, the warning "E2063 Velocity command value
> limit value" is generated.
Speed Loop Error ● The drive monitors the correct function of the velocity loop and in the case
of fatal errors disables the drive torque with the error message "F8078
Speed loop error".
Velocity Limit Value Exceeded ● The value of parameter "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value" is monitored.
If it exceeds the 1.125-fold value parameterized in "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar ve‐
locity limit value", the error message "F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded"
is generated.

7.4 Position Control With Cyclic Command Value Input

7.4.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-16: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In the "position control" mode, a cyclic position command value is preset for the
drive in NC cycle time. This command value is fine interpolated in the drive and
jerk-limited via filters, if necessary, before being transmitted to the position loop.
To minimize the lag error, variable acceleration feedforward is available in ad‐
dition to variable velocity feedforward.
There are different forms of the "position control" mode which result in the cor‐
responding diagnostic messages when the operating mode was activated (see
below "Pertinent Diagnostic Messages").
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 399/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-17: "Position Control With Cyclic Command Value Input" Block Diagram
Features ● Position control with regard to the command value preset in parameter
"S‑0‑0047, Position command value"
● NC-controlled or drive-controlled position control with internal, dynamic
synchronization when changing operating modes
● Timebase for cyclic command value input defined by "S‑0‑0001, NC cycle
time (TNcyc)"
● Monitoring of the position command value difference for exceeding pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value"
● Position command values of the control unit smoothed by means of ad‐
justable average value filter; calculation from acceleration and jerk limit
values; display in parameter "P‑0‑0042, Current position command aver‐
age value filter order"
● Fine interpolation of position command value of the control unit to position
loop clock; can be switched via "P‑0‑0187, Position command processing
● Position control with regard to actual position value encoder 1 (motor en‐
coder) or actual position value encoder 2 [external (load-side) encoder],
can be dynamically switched
● Velocity feedforward through adjustable factor of 0…150 % (de‐
fault = 100 %)
● Acceleration monitor for position command value can be switched on
(P‑0‑0556, bit 15)

The condition for this operating mode is synchronous communica‐

tion between the control unit and the drive, as it is the case with
SERCOS interface, for example.

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0047, Position command value

● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
● S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value
● P‑0‑0010, Excessive position command value
● P‑0‑0011, Last valid position command value
● P‑0‑0041, Position command average value filter time constant
● P‑0‑0042, Current position command average value filter order
● P‑0‑0047, Position command value control
● P‑0‑0059, Additive position command value, controller
● P‑0‑0099, Position command smoothing time constant
● P‑0‑0142, Synchronization acceleration
● P‑0‑0143, Synchronization velocity
● P‑0‑0187, Position command processing mode
● P‑0‑0434, Position command value controller
400/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● A0102 Position mode, encoder 1
● A0103 Position mode, encoder 2
● A0104 Position mode lagless, encoder 1
● A0105 Position mode lagless, encoder 2
● A0154 Position mode drive controlled, encoder 1
● A0155 Position mode drive controlled, encoder 2
● A0156 Position mode lagless, encoder 1 drive controlled
● A0157 Position mode lagless, encoder 2 drive controlled
● F2037 Excessive position command difference
● F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded

7.4.2 Command Value Adjustment in Position Control

NC- or Drive-Controlled Position We distinguish the following characteristics of the operating mode "position
Control control with cyclic command value input":
● NC-controlled position control (cf. A0102 to A0105)
The drive generally follows the position command values cyclically input
by the master in the NC cycle.
● Drive-controlled position control (cf. A0154 to A0157)
In the case of a change of operating mode to cyclic position control, the
drive realizes the corresponding synchronization process, i.e. it gener‐
ates, internally by means of the internal synchronization parameters
(P‑0‑0142, P‑0‑0143, P‑0‑0154, P‑0‑0151), a smooth transition of the in‐
ternal position command value from the current actual position to the new
command value characteristic input by the NC. After the synchronization
process has been completed, the drive follows the position command val‐
ues input by the master in the NC cycle.

The command value cyclically transmitted by the control unit is dis‐

played in parameter "P‑0‑0047, Position command value control".
The internal position command value at the position loop is dis‐
played in parameter "P‑0‑0434, Position command value control‐
ler". If required, it can also be read via parameter "S‑0‑0047,
Position command value".

Command Value Filtering (Jerk The position command values preset by the control unit can be smoothed via
Limitation) an average value filter that can be set ("P‑0‑0041, Position command average
value filter time constant", moving average filter for a maximum of 64 values).
The resulting filter degree is displayed via "P‑0‑0042, Current position com‐
mand average value filter order". This filter can be used for jerk limitation.
In the case of drive-controlled position control, a jump of the position command
value is traveled by a change of the position command average value filter with
synchronization motion in control.

The PT1 filter for jerk limitation that can be parameterized via
"P‑0‑0099, Position command smoothing time constant" only takes
effect for linear fine interpolation.

Fine Interpolation of the Position The position command value cyclically transmitted in the NC cycle time by the
Command Value control unit can be fine interpolated in the drive, if necessary.
Via "P‑0‑0187, Position command processing mode", it is possible to switch
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 401/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

● Cubic fine interpolator (according to contour),

● Linear fine interpolator or
● Cubic approximator.

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0187, Position command process‐

ing mode"

It is recommended to use the cubic fine interpolator according to

contour (default setting), because it provides clearly higher quality
of velocity and acceleration feedforward, particularly with lagless
position control.

Drive-Controlled Change of Oper‐ During drive-controlled change of operating mode, the drive makes sure inter‐
ating Mode nally that when the operating mode is changed, the transition is carried out in
a synchronized way, even if the command value changes abruptly.

P‑0‑0142 Synchronization acceleration

P‑0‑0143 Synchronization velocity
Fig.7-18: Chronological Diagram "Drive-Controlled Change of Operating Mode"
See also "Changing the Operating Mode"
Block Diagram The figure below illustrates command value processing in the "position con‐
trol" mode as a block diagram.
402/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-19: Command Value Adjustment in Position Control

See also "Position Loop" in the same section
See also "Velocity Loop" in section "Velocity Control"
See also "Current Loop" in section "Torque/Force Control"

7.4.3 Position Loop

The position loop is a simple P-loop, its proportional gain can be set with the
value of "S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-factor".
See also "Control Loop Structure"
Control Loop Performance and Cy‐ The position control loop is closed according to the available performance de‐
cle Times sign (see "Performance Data").
According to the application, it is possible to set via bit 3 of the operating mode
parameters (S‑0‑0032 to S‑0‑0035):
● Lagless operation (with velocity feedforward)
● Operation with lag error (without velocity feedforward)
The lag error is the difference between position command value and actual
position value. The current value is stored in parameter "S‑0‑0189, Following

If the mechanical system and the application permit it, lagless op‐
eration should always be selected.

Possibilities of Feedforward In lagless operation, variable acceleration feedforward can be activated in ad‐
dition to variable velocity feedforward (parameter "P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedfor‐
ward evaluation").
To do this, the acceleration-proportional feedforward component (additive cur‐
rent command value) is set via parameter "S‑0‑0348, Acceleration feedforward
gain" and the velocity-proportional feedforward component (additive velocity
command value) is set via "P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation".
This allows setting the lag error to a desired percentage value at constant ve‐

In lagless operation and with P‑0‑0040 = 100%, there is a minimum

lag error of "0" at constant velocity.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 403/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

In addition, it is possible to make a feedforward via parameter

"P‑0‑1126, Velocity control loop: acceleration feedforward", but this
feedforward is derived from the velocity command value. Therefore,
you have to make sure that you didn't activate both feedforward
values by mistake!

See also "Axis Control: Position Loop (With Respective Feedforward Functions
and Actual Value Adjustment)"

7.4.4 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions

Diagnostic Status Messages
The activated "position control with cyclic command value input" mode is dis‐
played by one of the following diagnostic messages:
● A0102 Position mode, encoder 1
● A0103 Position mode, encoder 2
● A0104 Position mode lagless, encoder 1
● A0105 Position mode lagless, encoder 2
● A0154 Position mode drive controlled, encoder 1
● A0155 Position mode drive controlled, encoder 2
● A0156 Position mode lagless, encoder 1 drive controlled
● A0157 Position mode lagless, encoder 2 drive controlled
Monitoring Functions/Diagnostic Messages Specific to Operating Mode
Monitoring for Single Position Command Value Failure
Position Command Value Extrapo‐ In the "position control with cyclic command value input" mode, new position
lation command values are transmitted to the drive in every NC cycle. The difference
between the current and the last position command value is determined and a
validation check is carried out for this difference.
Reasons why the monitoring function triggers:
● Incorrect command value input by control unit
● Command value transmission error

In the case of single command value failure, the position command

value is extrapolated.

Excessive Position Command Difference

When the "position control" mode was activated, the calculated velocity re‐
quired for reaching the preset position command value (S‑0‑0047) is compared
to "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value". The NC cycle time (TNcyc in
S‑0‑0001) is used as the time base for converting the position command value
differences into a velocity.
If the command velocity corresponding to the preset position command value
exceeds the value in S‑0‑0091, the error message "F2037 Excessive position
command difference" is generated. In addition, the two involved command val‐
ues are written to the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0010, Excessive position command value
● P‑0‑0011, Last valid position command value
The velocity resulting from the difference of these two values generated the
error message.
404/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-20: Monitoring for Error "F2037 Excessive Position Command Difference"

The value entered in parameter "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit

value" should be approximately 5 to 10% above the intended max‐
imum velocity of the axis.

Maximum Acceleration Exceeded

In parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller" (bit 15), it is possible to
set that the command acceleration is monitored for compliance with "S‑0‑0138,
Bipolar acceleration limit value". When the value of S‑0‑0138 is exceeded, the
error message "F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded" is generated.

7.5 Drive-Internal Interpolation

7.5.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-21: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

The operating modes "drive-internal interpolation" and "drive-controlled posi‐
tioning" allow time-optimized positioning of a single axis. The "drive-internal
interpolation" mode is the basis for the more comprehensive functionality of the
"drive-controlled positioning" mode.
In the "drive-internal interpolation" mode, a target position is directly preset for
the drive. In the internal positioning generator, a position command value char‐
acteristic is generated (interpolated), from the preset value for the target posi‐
tion considering preset positioning data (velocity, acceleration and jerk), as the
input value for the position loop.
There are different forms of the "drive-internal interpolation" mode which result
in the corresponding diagnostic messages when the operating mode was ac‐
tivated (see below "Pertinent Diagnostic Messages").
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 405/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-22: "Drive-Internal Interpolation" Block Diagram

Features ● Drive-internal generation of a position command value profile to travel to
a preset target position (S‑0‑0258) while maintaining the positioning ve‐
locity (S‑0‑0259) and positioning acceleration (S‑0‑0260) or positioning
deceleration (S‑0‑0359) that can be set; can be set separately
● Jerk limitation of the generated position command value via "S‑0‑0193,
Positioning Jerk"
● Evaluation of the positioning velocity with "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override"
● Monitoring of the positioning velocity for exceeding "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar ve‐
locity limit value"
● Monitoring of the target position for compliance with the position limit val‐
● Command value mode can be set (S‑0‑0393) in modulo format (shortest
distance, only positive or only negative direction)
● Position control with regard to "S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value" (mo‐
tor encoder) or "S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value" [external (load-side)
● Acceleration and deceleration ramps, can be set separately
● No change in direction of motion when "command value mode in modulo
format" equal "shortest distance", if vact > S‑0‑0417
● "Shortest distance" mode when "command value mode in modulo for‐
mat" equal "only positive/negative direction of motion" and target position
within "S-0-0418, Target position window in modulo format"

In this operating mode, it is possible to separately parameterize the

acceleration and deceleration processes. This allows optimum ad‐
justment to the respective application-specific requirements.

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override

● S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk
● S‑0‑0258, Target position
● S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration
● S‑0‑0342, Status "Target position attained"
● S‑0‑0343, Status "Interpolator halted"
● S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration
● S‑0‑0393, Command value mode
● S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0430, Effective target position
● S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word
● P‑0‑0434, Position command value controller
406/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● A0106 Drive controlled interpolation, encoder 1

● A0107 Drive controlled interpolation, encoder 2
● A0108 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, encoder 1
● A0109 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, encoder 2
● E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0
● E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0
● E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value
● E2053 Target position out of travel range
● E2055 Feedrate override
S-0-0108 = 0

7.5.2 Command Value Adjustment With Drive-Internal Interpolation

The target position can be cyclically preset via parameter "S‑0‑0258, Target
The drive generates the position command value profile necessary to move to
the target position, considering the requirements defined in the following pa‐
● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override
● S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk
● S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration
● S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration

The target position preset by the control master is displayed in pa‐

rameter S‑0‑0430.

The figure below illustrates command value processing in the "drive-internal

interpolation" mode as a block diagram.

Fig.7-23: Command Value Adjustment With "Drive-Internal Interpolation"

7.5.3 Position Loop With Drive-Internal Interpolation

The position command value generated at the output of the command value
generator is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0434, Position command value con‐
troller" and can be output at the analog output.
In this operating mode, the same information as relevant in the "position control
with cyclic command value input" mode applies to the position control loop.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 407/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

See also "Control Loop Structure"

See also "Position Loop" in section "Position Control With Cyclic Command
Value Input"

7.5.4 Notes on Commissioning

Effective Positioning Velocity
The drive reaches its maximum velocity after an acceleration phase with the
value set in parameter "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration".
The maximum velocity during a positioning procedure is the result of:

S‑0‑0259 Positioning velocity

S‑0‑0108 Feedrate override
Fig.7-24: Determining the Maximum Velocity During the Positioning Process
Effective Acceleration and Deceleration
The maximum deceleration is defined in parameter "S‑0‑0359, Positioning De‐
If the value in parameter S‑0‑0359 equals zero, the drive uses the parameter
value of "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration" for deceleration, too.

Property damage caused by incorrect parameterization!

If the values for positioning deceleration and positioning acceleration are zero,
the drive cannot brake. The specified target is never reached or overrun.
CAUTION ⇒ Always enter a value > 0 for positioning acceleration!

Smoothing Filter (or Jerk Filter)

In the "drive-internal interpolation" mode, the position command value can be
filtered at the output of the positioning generator. The filter order of the (moving)
average filter available to do this (cf. P‑0‑0041 and P‑0‑0042) is calculated on
the basis of the preset positioning acceleration or the positioning jerk.
This means that the parameterized acceleration or deceleration only becomes
effective after t = P‑0‑0042 × TA_position.

In this case, TA_position is the cycle time of the position loop or the
positioning generator. Therefore, the cycle time to be used is dif‐
ferent according to the control performance (Advanced: 250 µs,
Basic: 500 µs).
408/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

P‑0‑0042 Current position command average value filter order

S‑0‑0260 Positioning acceleration
S‑0‑0193 Positioning jerk
S‑0‑0359 Positioning deceleration
Fig.7-25: Internally Determining the Value of P-0-0042 for Operating Modes With
Drive-Internal Interpolation

The setting S‑0‑0193 = 0 switches the smoothing filter off; i.e. the
desired acceleration or deceleration is immediately reached.

The maximum filter order is restricted depending on the control section design;
for ADVANCED control sections to 1024 position clocks, for BASIC control
sections to 512 position clocks.
Modulo Processing
The parameter "S‑0‑0393, Command value mode" controls the drive behavior
in the case of position processing in modulo format.
The following definition applies to S‑0‑0393:
● Bit 1/0 = 00 → Positive direction of rotation
● Bit 1/0 = 01 → Negative direction of rotation
● Bit 1/0 = 10 → Shortest distance

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0393, Command value mode"

Special Cases The following special cases apply to the evaluation of the settings for S‑0‑0393:
● If the absolute value of the current actual velocity is greater than the ve‐
locity threshold for positioning (parameter "S‑0‑0417, Velocity threshold
for positioning in modulo format"), the drive always moves in the last active
direction of rotation.
● If the target position is within the target position window (S‑0‑0418), po‐
sitioning is always carried out according to the "shortest distance" mode.

If the velocity threshold for positioning behavior was parameterized

with very low values that are within the noise level of the actual
velocity value, this can cause unpredictable behavior.

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold

in modulo mode", "S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo mode" and
"S‑0‑0430, Effective target position"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 409/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

7.5.5 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions

Diagnostic Status Messages
The activated "drive-internal interpolation" mode is displayed by one of the fol‐
lowing diagnostic messages:
● A0106 Drive controlled interpolation, encoder 1
● A0107 Drive controlled interpolation, encoder 2
● A0108 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, encoder 1
● A0109 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, encoder 2
Monitoring Functions
Monitoring functions specific to the operating mode:
Target Position out of Travel Range ● If position limit value monitoring is activated (bit 4 of parameter "S‑0‑0055,
Position polarities" has been set) and the measuring system used for the
operating mode has been homed, the parameter "S‑0‑0258, Target posi‐
tion" is monitored for compliance with the position limit values (S‑0‑0049
or S‑0‑0050). If it exceeds the limit values, the warning "E2053 Target
position out of travel range" is generated.
The preset target position will not be accepted.
Interpolation Velocity = 0 ● If the positioning velocity preset in "S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity" equals
zero, the warning "E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0" is generated.
Interpolation Acceleration = 0 ● If the positioning acceleration preset in "S-0-0260, Positioning Accelera‐
tion" equals zero, the warning "E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0" is
Positioning Velocity >= Limit Value ● If the preset positioning velocity ("S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity") ex‐
ceeds the maximum allowed limit value ("S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
value"), the warning "E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value" is gener‐
The drive moves to the new target position with the velocity from param‐
eter "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value".
Feedrate Override ● If the factor of the positioning velocity "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override"
(S-0-0108) = 0 equals zero, the warning "E2055 Feedrate override S‑0‑0108 = 0" is gen‐
Status Messages
The parameter "S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word" contains all important status
information for the operating mode "drive-internal interpolation".

See Parameter Description "S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word"

The figures below illustrate the operating principle of the status messages:

Fig.7-26: Travel Profile to Explain how the Interpolation Status Messages Work
410/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

In this example, the drive is at the starting position when the new target position
is preset.
The result is the following time diagram:

Fig.7-27: Generating the Status Bits of the Operating Modes With Drive-Internal

7.6 Drive-Controlled Positioning

7.6.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-28: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

The operating modes "drive-internal interpolation" and "drive-controlled posi‐
tioning" allow time-optimized positioning of a single axis. The "drive-internal
interpolation" mode is the basis for the more comprehensive functionality of the
"drive-controlled positioning" mode.
In the "drive-controlled positioning" mode, a positioning command value is pre‐
set for the drive. The drive can continue processing this value internally in
absolute (position target) or relative (travel distance) form. In the internal inter‐
polator, a position command value characteristic is generated as the input value
for the position loop from the preset positioning data (effective target position,
velocity, acceleration and jerk).
There are different forms of the "drive-controlled positioning" mode which result
in the corresponding diagnostic messages when the operating mode was ac‐
tivated (see below "Pertinent Diagnostic Messages").
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 411/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-29: "Drive-Controlled Positioning" Block Diagram

Features ● Processing of an absolute target position or a relative travel distance
● Drive-internal generation of a position command value profile to travel to
the positioning command value (S‑0‑0282) while maintaining the posi‐
tioning velocity (S‑0‑0259) and positioning acceleration (S‑0‑0260) or
positioning deceleration (S‑0‑0359) that can be set; can be set separately
● Acceptance of the positioning command value via toggle bit (S‑0‑0346,
bit 0)
● Jerk limitation of the generated position command value with parameter
"S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk"
● Evaluation of the positioning velocity with parameter "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate
● Monitoring of the positioning velocity for exceeding the value in parameter
"S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value"
● Monitoring of the target position for compliance with the position limit val‐
ues (see "S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value", "S‑0‑0050, Negative
position limit value")
● Command value mode can be set in modulo format in parameter
"S‑0‑0393, Command value mode" (shortest distance, positive only or
negative only direction, no reversal of direction of rotation)
● Position control with regard to "S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value" (mo‐
tor encoder) or "S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value" [external (load-side)
● Acceleration and deceleration ramps can be set separately ("S‑0‑0260,
Positioning acceleration" or "S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration")
● Position limit values taken into account when accepting target position,
positioning velocity and positioning acceleration
● Jog mode ("infinite travel" positive/negative; S‑0‑0346, bits 1 and 2)
● Residual path processing can be activated
● "On-the-fly acceptance" of the new target position or intermediate stop

In this operating mode, it is possible to separately parameterize the

acceleration and deceleration processes in order to achieve opti‐
mum adjustment to the respective application-specific require‐

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override

● S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk
● S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration
● S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value
● S‑0‑0342, Status "Target position attained"
● S‑0‑0343, Status "Interpolator halted"
412/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes
● S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word
● S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration
● S‑0‑0393, Command value mode
● S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0419, Positioning command acknowledge
● S‑0‑0430, Effective target position
● S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word
● P‑0‑0434, Position command value controller
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● A0150 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1
● A0151 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1, lagless
● A0152 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 2
● A0153 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 2, lagless
● E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0
● E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0
● E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value
● E2053 Target position out of travel range
● E2055 Feedrate override
S-0-0108 = 0
● E2064 Target position out of num. range
● F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory

7.6.2 Command Value Adjustment With Drive-Controlled Positioning

The figure below illustrates command value processing in the "drive-controlled
positioning" mode as a block diagram.

Fig.7-30: Command Value Adjustment With "Drive-Controlled Positioning"

Position Target Interpreter
Accepting and Acknowledging the The acceptance and internal processing of "S‑0‑0282, Positioning command
Command Value value" to a value entered in parameter "S‑0‑0430, Effective target position" is
controlled via "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word".
At every edge of bit 0 (toggle bit) of S‑0‑0346, the content of "S‑0‑0282, Posi‐
tioning command value", depending on bit 3 of S‑0‑0346, is
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 413/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

● copied to parameter S‑0‑0430

(when bit 3 = 0 → absolute target position)
- or -
● added to the value of parameter S‑0‑0430
(when bit 3 = 1 → travel distance).

If a positioning process is aborted by switching bits 1 and 2 of

S‑0‑0346 from status "00" to "01", "10" or "11", repeated edge re‐
versal has to take place in bit 0 in order to start a new positioning
process! A residual path possibly present is cleared, i.e. the status
of bit 4 of S‑0‑0346 is automatically interpreted as "1" during the
next positioning process.

Via "S‑0‑0419, Positioning command acknowledge" (bit 0), the drive acknowl‐
edges that it has applied the positioning command value. This allows realizing
a data handshake for monitoring the command value acceptance between
master and drive.

The active target position is displayed in parameter "S‑0‑0430, Ef‐

fective target position".

Fig.7-31: Positioning Command Value Acceptance and Acknowledgment

Time taccept (see illustration above) defines the time that passes between status
change of the acceptance bit by the control unit and the reception of acknowl‐
edgment in the master. The time is made up of the effective transmission time
of the command values and actual values and thus depends on the configura‐
tion of the interface to the master (e.g. SERCOS/field bus timing parameter).
414/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

If the "drive-controlled positioning" mode is not yet active, the ac‐

ceptance of the new positioning command value is not acknowl‐
If bit 0 of S‑0‑0346 is unequal bit 0 of S‑0‑0419 while the operating
mode is active, the positioning command value from S‑0‑0282 is
immediately accepted and the drive immediately moves to this
command value.

The acknowledgment of acceptance takes place when the new positioning

command value is accepted from the intermediate memory to parameter
"S‑0‑0430, Effective target position" and thus to the position command value

Fig.7-32: Acknowledgment of Positioning Command Value Acceptance in Mode

"Complete Move to Positioning Command Value (k+2)"
Acknowledgment With Error "Over‐ When trying, in the "complete move to positioning command value" mode, to
flow of Target Position Preset Mem‐ preset a new positioning command value by toggling parameter "S‑0‑0346,
ory" Positioning control word", although the previous positioning command value (k
+1) was not accepted [because the drive had not yet moved to the previous
positioning command value (k)], the error message "F2050 Overflow of target
position preset memory" is generated.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 415/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-33: Acknowledgment With Error "Overflow of Target Position Preset Mem‐

In addition to bit 0 for mere block acceptance, the parameter "S‑0‑0346, Posi‐
tioning control word" contains further control bits which are explained below.
Positioning Modes to be Selected Via bit 1 and bit 2 of S‑0‑0346, you can determine different positioning modes:
● "Infinite travel" (jog positive or negative → Jog mode) when:
– Bit 2/1 = 01 → "Infinite travel" positive
– Bit 2/1 = 10 → "Infinite travel" negative
● "Stopping" (with "S‑0‑0359, Positioning Deceleration") when:
– Bit 2/1 = 11
Reference of Active Target Position Via bit 4 of S‑0‑0346, it is possible to determine the reference of the active target
● Bit 4 = 0 → Reference for positioning is the "old target position", i.e. a
residual path that possibly hasn't been traveled yet is traveled before the
drive moves to the new target
→ Incremental dimension is maintained in the case of successive posi‐
tioning procedures
● Bit 4 = 1 → Reference for positioning is the current actual position value,
a possibly existing residual path is not traveled
→ Incremental dimension reference is maintained

Bit 4 takes effect with every new travel job (edge on bit 0). Residual
path processing is only carried out, during the first positioning proc‐
ess after the operating mode was activated, when the position
status has been set and bit 2 = 1 in parameter S‑0‑0393. In this case
the residual path, after the operating mode was activated, is trav‐
eled without start edge.

Reaction to New Target Position In‐ Via bit 5 of S‑0‑0346, it is possible to determine the time of the reaction to a
put new target position input:
● Bit 5= 0 → The drive travels to the last preset target before positioning at
the new target. The target is considered to have been reached when the
following applies:
Target position – actual position value < positioning window
416/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

● Bit 5 =1 → The previous target is rejected and the drive immediately travels
to the new target.
→ Immediate block change

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word"

Processing in Modulo Format The parameter "S‑0‑0393, Command value mode" controls the drive behavior
in the case of position processing in modulo format. The following definition
applies to S‑0‑0393:
● Bit 1/0 = 00 → Positive direction of rotation
● Bit 1/0 = 01 → Negative direction of rotation
● Bit 1/0 = 10 → Shortest distance

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0393, Command value mode"

Special Cases The following special cases apply to the evaluation of the settings for "S‑0‑0393,
Command value mode":
● If the absolute value of the current actual velocity is greater than the ve‐
locity threshold for positioning (parameter "S‑0‑0417, Velocity threshold
for positioning in modulo format"), the drive always moves in the last active
direction of rotation.
● If the target position is within the target position window (S‑0‑0418), po‐
sitioning is always carried out according to the "shortest distance" mode.

If the velocity threshold for positioning behavior was parameterized

with very low values that are within the noise level of the actual
velocity value, this can cause unpredictable behavior.

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold

in modulo mode", "S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo mode" and
"S‑0‑0430, Effective target position"
Positioning Generator
The drive generates the position command value profile necessary to move to
the target position, considering the conditions defined in the following param‐
● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override
● S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk
● S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration
● S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration

7.6.3 Position Loop With Drive-Controlled Positioning

The position command value generated at the output of the command value
generator is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0434, Position command value con‐
troller" and can be output at the analog output.
In this operating mode, the same information as relevant in the "position control
with cyclic command value input" mode applies to the position control loop.
See also "Control Loop Structure"
See also "Position Loop"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 417/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

7.6.4 Jog Mode With Drive-Controlled Positioning ("Jogging")

The jog mode is part of the positioning mode and not an individual
operating mode! This means that there aren't any separate param‐
eters for the jog mode, but you have to use the parameters of the
operating mode "drive-controlled positioning".

Activating the Jog Mode To use the jog mode, make the following settings:
● Activate the operating mode "drive-controlled positioning"
- and -
● Select the positioning mode "infinite travel" (jog positive or negative → jog
mode) via bits 1 and 2 of parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word"
Parameterizing the Jog Mode When jogging, the following parameters are relevant for operation:
● S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override
→ To achieve online, if necessary, the reduction of the jog velocity by
means of a "potentiometer"
● S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk
● S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration
● S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value
● S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word
→ To select the jog direction ("Jog+", "Jog-" and "stopping")
● S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration

Bits 1 and 2 of parameter S‑0‑0346 are parts of the field bus control
word and, if required, can be assigned to the digital inputs.
See "Profile Types (With Field Bus Interfaces)"
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

7.6.5 Notes on Commissioning

Effective Positioning Velocity
The drive reaches its maximum velocity after an acceleration phase with the
value set in parameter "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration".
The maximum velocity during a positioning procedure is the result of:

S‑0‑0259 Positioning velocity

S‑0‑0108 Feedrate override
Fig.7-34: Determining the Maximum Velocity During the Positioning Process
Effective Acceleration and Deceleration
The maximum deceleration is defined in parameter "S‑0‑0359, Positioning De‐
If the value in parameter S‑0‑0359 equals zero, the drive uses the parameter
value of "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration" for deceleration, too.
418/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Property damage caused by incorrect parameterization!

If the values for positioning deceleration and positioning acceleration are zero,
the drive cannot brake. The specified target is never reached or overrun.
CAUTION ⇒ Always enter a value > 0 for positioning acceleration!

Smoothing Filter (or Jerk Filter)

In the "drive-controlled positioning" mode, the position command value can be
filtered at the output of the positioning generator. The filter order of the (moving)
average filter available to do this (cf. P‑0‑0041 and P‑0‑0042) is calculated on
the basis of the preset positioning acceleration or the positioning jerk.
This means that the parameterized acceleration or deceleration only becomes
effective after t = P‑0‑0042 × TA_position.

In this case, TA_position is the cycle time of the position loop or the
positioning generator. Therefore, the cycle time to be used is dif‐
ferent according to the control performance (Advanced: 250 µs,
Basic: 500 µs).

P‑0‑0042 Current position command average value filter order

S‑0‑0260 Positioning acceleration
S‑0‑0193 Positioning jerk
S‑0‑0359 Positioning deceleration
Fig.7-35: Internally Determining the Value of P‑0‑0042 for Operating Modes With
Drive-Internal Interpolation

The setting S‑0‑0193 = 0 switches the smoothing filter off; i.e. the
desired acceleration or deceleration is immediately reached.

The maximum filter order is restricted depending on the control section design;
for ADVANCED control sections to 1024 position clocks, for BASIC control
sections to 512 position clocks.
Command Value Mode in Modulo Format
Positive/Negative Direction of Mo‐ If modulo format was selected for displaying position data (infinitely turning ax‐
tion es) and positive or negative direction of motion was set in parameter "S‑0‑0393,
Command value mode", the drive moves to the preset target position in the
programmed direction.
Via parameter "S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo format", it is pos‐
sible to set the distance between actual position value and target position from
which on it is the "shortest distance" that is traveled.
"Positive Direction" and Position The examples below show the behavior of the drive for 3 different start velocities
Target Outside of Target Position in the "positive direction" mode and target position outside of the target position
Window window (S‑0‑0418).
● Case 1:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 419/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
Current velocity positive and braking distance greater than the distance
between starting point and next target point
→ Drive moves to next possible target position
● Case 2:
Current velocity positive and braking distance smaller than the distance
between starting position and next target position
→ Drive moves to next possible target position
● Case 3:
Current velocity negative
→ Drive brakes to velocity = 0 and positions at next target in positive di‐
"Positive Direction" and Position The examples below show the behavior of the drive for 4 different start velocities
Target Inside of Target Position in the "positive direction" mode and target position inside of the target position
Window window (S‑0‑0418).
● Case 4:
Current velocity positive and braking distance greater than the distance
between starting point and next target point
→ Drive moves to next possible target position in positive direction
Braking and moving back would lead to a movement in negative direction
greater than the programmed target position window!
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance – target position > S‑0‑0418
→ Positioning in negative direction not allowed; i.e. drive must move to
target in positive direction
● Case 5:
Current velocity = 0
→ Drive moves to target position in negative direction
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance – target position < S‑0‑0418
→ Positioning in negative direction allowed; i.e. drive must move to target
in negative direction
● Case 6:
Current velocity negative and braking distance smaller than the difference
between starting position and next target position
→ Drive directly moves to target position in negative direction
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance (negative) – target position < S‑0‑0418
→ Positioning in negative direction directly at target position
● Case 7:
Current velocity negative and braking distance greater than the difference
between starting position and next target position
→ Drive brakes to zero and positions at next target position in positive
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance (negative) – target position > S‑0‑0418
→ Drive brakes to zero and positions positively at next target position
420/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

As a matter of principle, the braking distance is calculated before

starting the positioning movement; the result of the calculation in‐
fluences the subsequent positioning procedure.

Shortest Distance In the "shortest distance" mode, the drive positions at the effective target po‐
sition (cf. S‑0‑0430) over the shortest possible distance.

Depending on "S‑0‑0417, Velocity threshold for positioning in mod‐

ulo format", the drive moves with or without reversal of direction.

"Shortest Distance" With Different The following examples show the behavior of the drive in the "shortest dis‐
Velocities tance" mode with different velocities.
● Case 8:
Current velocity positive and > S‑0‑0417; braking distance greater than
the distance between starting position and next target position
→ Drive moves to target position that can be reached without reversal of
direction, in positive direction
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance – target position > S‑0‑0418
→ Positioning in negative direction not allowed; i.e. drive must move to
target in positive direction
● Case 9:
Current velocity (positive) < S‑0‑0417; braking distance smaller than dis‐
tance between starting position and next target position
→ Drive moves to next target position
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance – target position < S‑0‑0418
→ Positioning in negative direction allowed; i.e. drive must move to target
in negative direction
● Case 10:
Current velocity (negative) < S‑0‑0417
Braking distance smaller than distance between starting position and next
target position
→ Drive moves to next target position
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance (negative!) – target position <
→ Positioning in negative direction directly at target position
● Case 11:
Current velocity negative and braking distance greater than the difference
between starting position and next target position
→ Drive positions at next target position in negative direction
The following applies to the braking procedure:
Starting position + braking distance (now negative) – target position
> S‑0‑0418
→ Drive positions negatively at next target position
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 421/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

As a matter of principle, the braking distance is calculated before

starting the positioning movement; the result of the calculation in‐
fluences the subsequent positioning procedure.

● Case 12:
Current velocity (positive) < S‑0‑0417; braking distance greater than dis‐
tance between starting position and next target position
→ Drive brakes to zero and changes direction in order to move to the next
target position
● Case 13:
Current velocity (negative) < S‑0‑0417; braking distance greater than dis‐
tance between starting position and next target position
→ Drive brakes to zero and changes direction in order to move to the next
target position

7.6.6 Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions

Diagnostic Status Messages
The activated "drive-controlled positioning" mode is displayed by one of the
following diagnostic messages:
● A0150 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1
● A0151 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1, lagless
● A0152 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 2
● A0153 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 2, lagless
Monitoring Functions
Monitoring functions specific to the operating mode:
Target Position out of Travel Range ● If position limit value monitoring is activated (bit 4 of parameter "S‑0‑0055,
Position polarities" has been set) and the measuring system used for the
operating mode has been homed, the parameter "S‑0‑0258, Target posi‐
tion" is monitored for compliance with the position limit values (S‑0‑0049
or S‑0‑0050). If it exceeds the limit values, the warning "E2053 Target
position out of travel range" is generated.
The preset target position will not be accepted.
Interpolation Velocity = 0 ● If the positioning velocity preset in "S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity" equals
zero, the warning "E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0" is generated.
Interpolation Acceleration = 0 ● If the positioning acceleration preset in "S-0-0260, Positioning Accelera‐
tion" equals zero, the warning "E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0" is
Positioning Velocity >= Limit Value ● If the preset positioning velocity ("S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity") ex‐
ceeds the maximum allowed limit value ("S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
value"), the warning "E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value" is gener‐
The drive moves to the new target position with the velocity from param‐
eter "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value".
Feedrate Override ● If the factor of the positioning velocity "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override"
(S-0-0108) = 0 equals zero, the warning "E2055 Feedrate override S‑0‑0108 = 0" is gen‐
422/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Status Messages
The parameter "S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word" contains all important status
information for the operating mode "drive-controlled positioning".

See Parameter Description "S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word"

The figures below illustrate the operating principle of the status messages:

Fig.7-36: Travel Profile to Explain how the Interpolation Status Messages Work
In this example, the drive is at the starting position when the new target position
is preset.
The result is the following time diagram:

Fig.7-37: Generating the Status Bits of the Operating Modes With Drive-Internal
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 423/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

7.7 Positioning Block Mode

7.7.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-38: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In the "positioning block mode", it is possible to run up to 64 programmed po‐
sitioning blocks. The drive moves to the target position in position control, while
maintaining velocity, acceleration, deceleration and jerk limits as defined in the
respective positioning block.

Fig.7-39: "Positioning Block Mode" Block Diagram

Features ● Parameterization of up to 64 positioning blocks; each with target position/
travel distance, velocity, acceleration, deceleration and jerk
● Defined block acceptance by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 with reaction time
tR_strobe = tposition
Note: With field bus drives, the I/O mode and control via the parallel in‐
terface are exceptions. In these cases, acceptance takes place by a 0-1
edge of bit 0 in P‑0‑4060.
→ Block selection and acknowledgment via separate parameters (hand‐
shake principle)
● Positioning modes to be freely parameterized:
– Relative positioning
– Absolute positioning
– Infinite travel (positive or negative)
● Single-block or sequential block mode with different conditions for ad‐
– Block advance with switch cams
– Block advance at defined position value
– Block transition with "old" or "new" positioning velocity
● Positioning block transition with freely definable delay time (P‑0‑4018)
● Positioning while taking command value mode into account (shortest dis‐
tance, positive direction, ...)
● Residual path processing can be activated (→ no loss of incremental di‐
● "Slow travel" mode can be activated
● Velocity override to be set
Fields of Application Sequential block processing allows executing several positioning blocks in di‐
rect sequence without having to give a new start signal each time. Typical fields
of application are:
● There is none or only a very simple higher-level control unit available and
control is realized via digital I/Os only or a field bus control word (I/O mode
with field bus interface).
424/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes
● There are quick reaction times or block advances required. The required
motion profiles can be represented in the drive by the maximum possible
64 positioning blocks.
● There are positioning processes required which cover long distances at
high speeds (rapid traverse) and then position at the end position at low
speed without any intermediate stops; for example:
– Taking up or putting down transport goods in handling robots
– Execution of joining processes in assembly facilities
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value
● S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity
● S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word
● S‑0‑0393, Command value mode
● S‑0‑0419, Positioning command acknowledge
● S‑0‑0430, Effective target position
● S‑0‑0437, Positioning status word
● P‑0‑4006, Positioning block target position
● P‑0‑4007, Positioning block velocity
● P‑0‑4008, Positioning block acceleration
● P‑0‑4009, Positioning block jerk
● P‑0‑4018, Positioning block mode delay time
● P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode
● P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection
● P‑0‑4051, Positioning block acknowledgment
● P‑0‑4052, Positioning block, last accepted
● P‑0‑4053, Positioning block, last active
● P‑0‑4057, Positioning block, input linked blocks
● P‑0‑4060, Positioning block control word
● P-0-4061, Positioning block status word
● P‑0‑4063, Positioning block deceleration

Parameter S‑0‑0259 is used in positioning block mode to reduce

positioning velocity (see also "P‑0‑4060, Positioning block control
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● A0162 Positioning block mode
● A0206 Positioning block mode, encoder 1
● A0207 Positioning block mode lagless, encoder 1
● A0210 Positioning block mode, encoder 2
● A0211 Positioning block mode lagless, encoder 2
● E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0
● E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0
● E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value
● E2053 Target position out of travel range
● E2054 Not homed
● E2055 Feedrate override
S-0-0108 = 0
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 425/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
● E2058 Selected process block is not programmed.
● E2064 Target position out of num. range
● F2028 Excessive deviation

7.7.2 Command Value Adjustment With Positioning Block Mode

The figure below illustrates command value processing in the "positioning block
mode" as a block diagram.

Fig.7-40: Command Value Adjustment With Positioning Block Mode

7.7.3 Single-Block Processing

Description of Basic Function
General Information
Positioning Block Elements A positioning block is defined by the values of the following list parameters:
● P‑0‑4006, Positioning block target position
● P‑0‑4007, Positioning block velocity
● P‑0‑4008, Positioning block acceleration
● P‑0‑4009, Positioning block jerk
● P‑0‑4018, Positioning block mode delay time
● P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode
● P‑0‑4063, Positioning block deceleration

Each parameter contains 64 elements, elements of the same num‐

ber generate the travel profile of the respective positioning block.

The drive reaches the relevant positioning block velocity after an acceleration
phase with the corresponding positioning block acceleration (P‑0‑4008).
Effective Positioning Velocity The effective velocity during a positioning process is calculated as follows:
426/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

vmax Velocity
P‑0‑4007 Positioning block velocity
S‑0‑0108 Feedrate override
Fig.7-41: Effective Velocity During a Positioning Process
Effective Acceleration and Deceler‐ The maximum deceleration is specified by parameter "P‑0‑4063, Positioning
ation block deceleration".

If P‑0‑4063 is parameterized with the value "0", the warning "E2048

Interpolation acceleration = 0" is generated.

Property damage!
If the acceleration or deceleration values are equal to zero, the drive can no
longer brake. The specified target is never reached or overrun.
CAUTION ⇒ Set acceleration value > 0!

Further limitation takes place by the value of parameter "S‑0‑0138,

Bipolar acceleration limit value", because this limit value takes ef‐
fect in all operating modes with position control.

Jerk Limitation by Jerk Filter In the "positioning block mode", the position command value can be filtered at
the output of the positioning generator. The filter order of the (moving) average
filter available to do this (cf. P‑0‑0041 and P‑0‑0042) is calculated on the basis
of the preset positioning acceleration or the positioning jerk.
This means that the parameterized acceleration or deceleration only becomes
effective after t = P‑0‑0042 × TA_position.

In this case, TA_position is the cycle time of the position loop or the
positioning generator. Therefore, the cycle time to be used is dif‐
ferent according to the control performance (advanced: 250 µs,
Basic: 500 µs).

P‑0‑0042 Current position command average value filter order

P‑0‑4008 Positioning block acceleration
P‑0‑4063 Positioning block deceleration
P‑0‑4009 Positioning block jerk
Fig.7-42: Internally Determining the Value of P-0-0042 for Positioning Block Mode

With value equal zero in parameter P‑0‑4009, the smoothing filter

is switched off, i.e. the desired acceleration or deceleration is im‐
mediately reached.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 427/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Positioning Block Control Word With parameter "P‑0‑4060, Positioning block control word" (bit 1), the position‐
ing velocity can be limited to the value defined in parameter "S‑0‑0259, Posi‐
tioning Velocity".
Position Feedback When a positioning block has been completed, bit 4 (end position reached) is
set in parameter "P‑0‑4061, Positioning block status word".
→ |S‑0‑0430 – S‑0‑0051/53| < S‑0‑0057 && no sequential block
Interrupting a Positioning Block The positioning block mode can be interrupted by:
● Removing drive enable
● Activating "Drive Halt"
● Changing the operating mode
● Jogging
● Positioning stop or operational stop (S‑0‑0346, bit 1 and bit 2 = 1)
● A drive error occurring
Positioning Block Modes Parameter "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" is used to define the way in
which the target position is processed in parameter "P‑0‑4006, Positioning
block target position". There are the following options:
● Absolute positioning
● Relative positioning
● Relative positioning with residual path storage
● Infinite Travel in Positive/Negative Direction
● Sequential block processing

See Parameter Description "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode"

It is possible to define an individual positioning mode for each po‐

sitioning block.

Command Value Mode (S‑0‑0393) The parameter "S‑0‑0393, Command value mode" controls the drive behavior
in case "modulo format" was set as processing format of the position data.

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0393, Command value mode"

The following modes are distinguished:
● Shortest distance
● Positive direction
● Negative direction
The following limiting conditions have to be taken into account:
● If the absolute value of the current actual velocity is greater than the ve‐
locity threshold for positioning in modulo format (S‑0‑0417), the drive
always moves in the last active direction of rotation.
● If the target position is within the target position window in modulo mode
(S‑0‑0418), positioning is always carried out according to the "shortest
distance" mode.

If the velocity threshold for positioning in modulo format was para‐

meterized with very low values that are within the noise level of the
actual velocity value, this can cause unpredictable behavior.
428/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold

in modulo mode"

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0418, Target position window in

modulo mode"
Activating Positioning Blocks
Requirements "Positioning block mode" must have been entered as the primary mode of op‐

This is done by the respective selection of the active operating

mode in the status word, by activating drive enable and by setting
"Drive Halt" = 1.

Command Value Acceptance Depending on the master communication, a positioning block is started by:
● Toggling bit 0 in parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word"
- or -
● 0-1 edge of bit 0 in parameter "P‑0‑4060, Positioning block control word",
with parallel interface orfield bus interface in I/O mode
The positioning command value is thereby copied to the effective target position
S‑0‑0430 (absolute target position) or added (relative position target, travel

The block acceptance is confirmed by updating "P‑0‑4051, Posi‐

tioning block acknowledgment" and "S‑0‑0419, Positioning com‐
mand acknowledge". In addition, bit 0 of parameter S‑0‑0346 is
toggled internally, too, in the case of a 0-1 edge of bit 0 of parameter

According to master communication and profile type, the block acceptance re‐
quires different configurations in the cyclic command value channel:
● SERCOS interface
– "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word" has to be configured in the cy‐
clic data channel (MDT)
● Field bus interface
– In the freely configurable mode (profile type P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE),
bit 0 of P‑0‑4077 is mapped to bit 0 of S‑0‑0346.
– In the "I/O mode positioning" (profile type P‑0‑4084 = 0xFF82), bit 3
of P‑0‑4068 is mapped to bit 0 of "P‑0‑4060, Positioning block control
As an alternative, the start in the I/O mode can also take place by
setting the start signal (P‑0‑4068, bit 1).
● Parallel interface
– Bit 0 of P‑0‑4060 has to be configured on a digital input (see also
"Digital Inputs/Outputs")
See also "Command Value Acceptance and Acknowledgment" in section "Gen‐
eral Information on the Operating Modes"

If bit 0 is different in S‑0‑0346 and in S‑0‑0419 when the operating

mode is activated, the selected positioning block is immediately ac‐
cepted and executed.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 429/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Block Selection In the positioning block mode, block selection is always carried out via the con‐
tent of parameter "P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection".
Depending on the master communication, the parameter P‑0‑4026 can be writ‐
ten in different ways:

Master communication
SERCOS Field bus Parallel in‐
Configuration of P‑0‑4026 interface interface terface

Via cyclic data channel ■ ■ --

Via digital inputs ■ ■ ■
Via serial interface ■ ■ ■
Via field bus control word -- ■ --

Fig.7-43: Possibilities of Writing Parameter P‑0‑4026 Depending on the Master


The assignment of P‑0‑4026 to digital inputs requires, among other

things, the parameters "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" and
"S‑0‑0145, Signal control word".

Absolute Positioning
Parameter Setting "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0000 000X
Function In an absolute positioning block, the target position is a fixed (absolute) position
within the machine coordinate system.
For absolute positioning the drive must have been homed.
Requirements Requirements for executing absolute positioning blocks are:
● The drive must have been homed.
● The travel range can be limited with position limit values. Absolute posi‐
tioning blocks are only executed, if the target position is within the allowed
travel range.
Absolute positioning with target position = 700 (current position = 200)
430/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-44: Absolute Positioning Block

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Relative Positioning Without Residual Path Storage

Parameter Setting "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0000 001X
Reference Position In the case of relative positioning blocks without residual path storage, the tar‐
get position contained in the positioning block is added to the current position.
Relative positioning blocks are also executed, if the drive has not been homed.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 431/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Incremental Dimension Reference By sequencing relative positioning blocks it is possible to position with incre‐
mental dimension. If a relative positioning block without residual path storage
is interrupted, the incremental dimension reference gets lost.
If the positioning block is completed (i.e. the drive reaches target position and
message "end position reached" is active), positioning is possible without losing
the incremental dimension reference.

If infinite positioning in either a forward or backward direction is

achieved by sequencing relative positioning blocks (transport belt),
the position data must be scaled in modulo format (modulo value =
length of transport belt or modulo value = 2 × maximum travel dis‐

Relative positioning without residual path storage with travel distance = 700
(current position = 200; target position = 900)
432/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-45: Relative Positioning Block Without Residual Path Storage

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Relative positioning without residual path storage with target position = 700
(current position = 200); interrupting and restarting a relative positioning block
without residual path storage
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 433/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-46: Interrupting a Relative Positioning Bock Without Residual Path Storage

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Relative Positioning With Residual Path Storage

Basic Function
Parameter Setting "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0001 0000 001X
Residual Path If positioning blocks are interrupted, a distance still to be traveled up to the target
position remains. This remaining distance is the residual path.
434/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes
In a relative positioning block with residual path storage, the target position is
a relative distance that relates to the target position at which the message "end
position reached" was last active.
Relative positioning blocks with residual path storage are also executed, if the
drive has not been homed.
Incremental Dimension Reference By sequencing relative positioning blocks it is possible to position with incre‐
mental dimension. If a relative positioning block with residual path storage is
interrupted, the incremental dimension reference is retained.

If another positioning block is started while such a positioning block

is being executed, the residual path is rejected. If this new block is
also a relative positioning block with residual path storage, the tar‐
get position is related to the current actual position as a relative

● Relative positioning with residual path storage with travel distance = 700
(plus residual path = 20 of positioning block n-1)
● Without interruption
● Current position = 180; new target position = 900
Reference Position The last valid target position is used as reference position (in the example,
position = 200 of positioning block n-1).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 435/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-47: Relative Positioning Block With Residual Path Storage

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Relative Positioning Block With Residual Path Storage After Activating

Drive Enable
Interrupted relative positioning block with residual path storage after activation
of drive enable with travel distance = 400 (current position = 200; target position
= 800).
436/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Reference Position The position command value at the last "end position reached" (position = 200)
message is used as the reference position.

The incremental dimension reference is ensured.

Fig.7-48: Relative Positioning Block With Residual Path Storage After Activating
Drive Enable

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 437/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Relative Positioning Block With Residual Path Storage After Interrupting

With Jog Mode
Example Interrupted relative positioning block with residual path storage after jog mode
with target position = 600 without overrunning the target position while jogging
Reference Position Positioning is always continued at the current actual position value.
Behavior An interruption by means of jogging or positioning stop clears the residual path

The incremental dimension reference is no longer ensured!

Fig.7-49: Relative Positioning Block With Residual Path Storage After Jog Mode
438/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Relative Positioning Block With Residual Path Storage After Switching

Drive Controller Control Voltage Off and On
If an absolute encoder is used, the incremental dimension reference can be
retained after switching control voltage off and on. The previously calculated
target position is stored at power shutdown. The rest of the distance is traveled
after the interrupted relative positioning block with residual path storage is ac‐
If a single-turn encoder is used, the residual path is rejected and positioning
continues at the actual position.
Reference Position The position command value at the last "end position reached" (position = 100)
message is used as the reference position.

If a positioning block is not accepted, the drive behaves as if the

positioning block had not been started.

Infinite Travel in Positive/Negative Direction

If an axis is to be moved with defined velocity, acceleration and jerk without a
specific target position, the travel block mode "traveling in positive direction" or
"traveling in negative direction" must be specified. The drive moves in the in‐
dicated direction until the start signal is reset or one of the position limit values
or the travel range limit switch is reached.
The target position which was set is irrelevant in this positioning mode.
Parameter Setting ● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0000 010X
→ Travel in positive direction
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0000 100X
→ Travel in negative direction
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 439/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-50: Example: Infinite Travel in Positive/Negative Direction

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in
440/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

7.7.4 Sequential Block Processing

Basic Function
For sequential block processing, it is first of all the same basic rules
as for single-block processing which apply (see that section). In
addition to mere positioning block functions with defined positioning
blocks and block acceptance, there also is a defined block transition
to be parameterized.

Selecting and Activating a Sequen‐ A positioning block with sequential block is selected and activated in the usual
tial Block way, only the first block of the sequential block chain being selected. The se‐
quential block is the block with the next higher block number. A sequential block
can also have a sequential block so that after a start block up to 63 sequential
blocks can be set.

The potential sequential block of the last valid block is block 0.

Conditions to Advance in Sequen‐ There are two basically different modes for block advance; these modes can
tial Block Mode be subdivided:
● Position-Dependent Block Advance
– Block transition with old positioning velocity
– Block transition with new positioning velocity
– Block transition with intermediate stop and defined delay time (see
● Switch-Signal-Dependent Block Advance
Position-Dependent Block Advance
General Information
With position-dependent block advance, switching to the sequential block is
carried out at the target position of the start block.
There are three different types of block transition:
● Block Transition With Old Positioning Velocity (Mode 1)
● Block Transition With New Positioning Velocity (Mode 2)
● Block Transition With Intermediate Stop and Defined Delay Time
Block Transition With Old Positioning Velocity (Mode 1)
Parameter Setting ● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0001 000X
→ Absolute block with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0001 001X
→ Relative block with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0001 010X
→ Infinite block in positive direction with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0001 100X
→ Infinite block in negative direction with sequential block
Function In this mode, the target position of the start block is run through at the velocity
of the start block. Then the positioning velocity is switched to that of the se‐
quential block.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 441/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
With relative and absolute positioning blocks with block advance, the drive
moves in the direction of the target position. As soon as the target position is
passed, the drive switches to the next travel block n+1.
With infinite positioning blocks, the drive moves in positive or negative direction.
As soon as the target position is passed, the drive switches to next positioning
block n+1, the block n representing the positioning block currently in process.

If the target position is not in the selected travel direction, the drive
moves in the direction of the target position. Thus the drive always
reaches the switching position.

Fig.7-51: Example: Position-Dependent Block Advance (Mode 1)

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in
442/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Block Transition With New Positioning Velocity (Mode 2)

Parameter Setting ● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0010 000X
→ Absolute block with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0010 001X
→ Relative block with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0010 010X
→ Infinite block in positive direction with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0010 100X
→ Infinite block in negative direction with sequential block
Function In this mode, the target position of the start block is run through at the positioning
velocity of the sequential block. The deceleration or acceleration processes
required to adjust the velocity are already carried out in the start block.
The drive moves in the direction of the target position xn (with infinite blocks in
the preset direction) set in current positioning block n. In due time before that,
the acceleration is used to accelerate or decelerate to the next positioning ve‐
locity vn+1 so that the velocity vn+1 is reached at the target position xn.
But switching to the next positioning block does not occur until the target posi‐
tion is overrun.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 443/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-52: Example: Position-Dependent Block Advance (Mode 2)

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Block Transition With Intermediate Stop and Defined Delay Time

Parameter Setting ● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0100 000X
→ Absolute block with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 0100 001X
→ Relative block with sequential block
Function In this mode, the drive positions at the target position of the start block. Once
the position command value is at the target position, the sequential block is
automatically started without a new start signal having been given externally.
If a delay time (P‑0‑4018) was parameterized for the positioning block, the se‐
quential block is only started when the delay time is over.
444/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes
Another operating mode is switching when overrunning the target position with
intermediate stop.
In this case, the drive is decelerated to speed "0" at the target position and then
accelerated to the new positioning velocity.

Advance takes place when the internal command value generator

has reached the target position and a possibly parameterized delay
time (P‑0‑4018) has passed. With very low jerk values, the resulting
dwell time is relatively long.

Fig.7-53: Example: Sequential Block Advance for Target Position With Intermedi‐
ate Stop
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 445/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

This mode should be used if there is a change in direction in the

case of two consecutive sequential blocks within one sequential
block chain. Otherwise, the position at which the direction is
changed will be inevitably overrun.

Switch-Signal-Dependent Block Advance

For switch-signal-dependent block advance, there are the following positioning
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 1000 000X
→ Absolute block with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 1000 001X
→ Relative block with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 1000 010X
→ Infinite block in positive direction with sequential block
● "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode" = 0000 0000 1000 100X
→ Infinite block in negative direction with sequential block

Advance to the block with the next higher block number is triggered
by an externally applied switch signal.

Switching With Cams The switch-signal-dependent block advance allows transition to a sequential
block, triggered by an external switch signal. As input for this switch signal, there
are two sequential block inputs/probe inputs available.
The status of the hardware signals is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑4057, Posi‐
tioning block, input linked blocks".
Function The drive switches to the next travel block n+1, as soon as the input for the
sequential block cam 1 changes from "0" to "1". If the target position is not
reached, switching to the new positioning block is carried out while traveling.
The drive switches to the travel block after the next n+2, as soon as the input
for the sequential block cam 2 changes from "0" to "1". If a sequential block cam
is activated during this travel, the drive switches to the positioning block after
the next.
Reference Position A following relative positioning block refers to the position at which the sequen‐
tial block cam was switched.

The sequential block cams are sampled in the position loop clock
(see "Performance Data"). The precision of position detection
therefore strongly depends on the velocity during overrun.
446/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Assignment Table for Cams Cam 2 Cam 1 Drive reaction

0 0 Drive moves to target position of block n

x 0→1 Block n+1 is started
0→1 x Block n+2 is started
n Positioning block preselected via the parallel inputs or parameter
"P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection"
x Not relevant
Fig.7-54: Drive Reaction With Different Switch Signal Sequences
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 447/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-55: Example: Switch-Signal-Dependent Block Advance

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in
448/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Failure of Switch Signal for Block If the start block of a switch-signal-dependent sequential block is an absolute
Advance or relative positioning block, the drive positions at target position, if the switch
signal for block advance is not received. The drive thus only generates the
message "end position reached" after the sequential block chain is completed.
If a switch signal is then applied, the drive will carry out the sequential block.

Fig.7-56: Example: Switch-Signal-Dependent Block Advance (Behavior With Fail‐

ure of Switch Signal)

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 449/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

All conditions for advance are constantly queried and evaluated to

be able to switch to the correct sequential block, even after the se‐
quential block chain was interrupted. Only the first condition for
advance occurring during an interruption is recognized, however.
All other conditions are not taken into account!

Interrupting a Sequential Block There are two basically different behaviors when a sequential block chain is
Chain interrupted:
● Residual path is rejected when interruption by:
– Positioning stop (S‑0‑0346, bit 1 and bit 2 = 1)
– Jogging +/-
– Control voltage "Off"
After interruption with "positioning stop" and "jogging +/-", positioning al‐
ways continues at the current actual position. The sequential block chain
interrupted before is not completed, but the currently selected block is
executed. Thereby the incremental dimension reference gets lost!
● Residual path is maintained when interruption by:
– Removing drive enable
– Removing the "drive start" signal
– Changing the operating mode
Depending on the block type of the sequential block chain that was interrupted
and the events occurring during this interruption, the sequential block chain is
processed differently after a restart.

In sequential block mode, relative positioning blocks without resid‐

ual path storage are not allowed, as otherwise the incremental
dimension reference would get lost in the case of interruption.

Given an interruption, a restart will end the sequential block chain.

Reference Position The reference position is the original start position of the sequential block chain.

The incremental dimension reference is retained, as only absolute

and relative positioning blocks with residual path storage are used
in sequential block mode!
450/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-57: Example: Sequential Block Interruption With Same Block Selected

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Changing to Different Operating When changing the operating mode during an interruption, the sequential block
Mode chain interrupted before is completed at the restart, if there hadn't been any
new block selected.
Given a sequential block with advance due to target position, only the overrun
of the target position of the current positioning block will be detected. The pro‐
cessing of the sequential block is completed from this position.

The advance condition due to switch signals is always detected.

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 451/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Interrupting a Sequential Block If a new positioning block is selected during an interruption (e.g. with "Drive
Chain With Selection of New Posi‐ Halt"), the previously interrupted sequential block chain is not completed after
tioning Block a restart, but the currently selected block is executed.
Reference Position The reference position is the current actual position value.

The incremental dimension reference gets lost, if the sequential

block is interrupted.

The conditions for the interruption of sequential blocks also apply after the con‐
trol voltage is switched off, if an absolute encoder is used.
Interrupting a Sequential Block An interruption with absolute positioning blocks does not represent any prob‐
Chain With Absolute Sequential lem, as the position data reference is always guaranteed.
When a new block number is selected in the case of an interruption, the se‐
quential block interrupted before is not completed when toggling bit 0 in
"S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word" or with a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in "P‑0‑4060,
Positioning block control word", but the currently selected block is executed.
When no new block number is selected in the case of an interruption, the se‐
quential block interrupted before is completed when toggling bit 0 in "S‑0‑0346,
Positioning control word" or with a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in "P‑0‑4060, Positioning
block control word".

7.7.5 Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization

Limit Values of the Drive
When parameterizing sequential blocks, the maximum values of the drive must
be taken into account. These values are:
● Maximum acceleration capability
● Maximum speed (independent of mains voltage)
If blocks are parameterized for which the drive would have to generate values
greater than the maximum values, this will cause an excessive lag error. With
the error message "F2028 Excessive deviation", the drive will then signal that
it cannot follow the position command value.
Minimum Values for Acceleration and Jerk
If the acceleration values are too low, this can cause problems. Therefore, guide
values according to the formula below are to be preferred when determining
positioning blocks:

vn Velocity of block n
vn+1 Velocity of block n+1
xn Target position of block n
xn+1 Target position of block n+1
Fig.7-58: Minimum Acceleration Value With Sequential Block Mode (Linear)
452/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

The above relationship applies to an infinitely large jerk which cor‐

responds to a jerk filter that has been switched off (= 0). If a jerk
filter is used, the calculated values have to be doubled in first ap‐
proximation. The distance to be run with a block and the respective
velocity are generally fixed by the process. If the minimum accel‐
eration value calculated with the above guide value formula already
causes the maximum value, mentioned in the previous section, to
be exceeded, a lower positioning block velocity must be selected.

Minimum Jerk Value If the acceleration values parameterized are too low, this can cause the para‐
meterized velocity not to be reached. In this case, the so-called "triangular
mode" is used.
Directional Change Within a Sequential Block Chain
If a directional change takes place when changing from block n to
block n+1 of a sequential block, the mode "switching at target po‐
sition with halt" should be used for block n to reverse the direction
without overshoot.

Explanation of the Figure Below Block n with intermediate stop follows block n-1 with mode 1 (block transition
with old positioning velocity), because a change in direction occurs when
changing from block n to block n+1. At change in direction, sign of the velocity
at target position n changes. If the acceleration parameterized in block n is too
low to decelerate within the path difference xn-xn-1 from velocity vn-1 to the value
"0", the parameterized target position xn will be overrun.
This may cause software or hardware limit switches to trigger.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 453/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-59: Parameterizing a Sequential Block With Directional Change

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

In the case of a sequential block with directional change, it is nec‐

essary to take values according to the above formula for the mini‐
mum acceleration value into account in order to avoid overshooting
of position!
454/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

7.7.6 Diagnostic and Status Messages, Acknowledgment

Positioning Block Acknowledgment
The positioning block acknowledgment is used for feedback of the execution of
the active positioning block.
Acknowledgment With Active Op‐ After the positioning block mode has been activated, the complement of the
erating Mode block number of the selected positioning block is acknowledged, until a start
signal (toggling of bit 0 in "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word" or 0-1 edge of
bit 0 in "P‑0‑4060, Positioning block control word") is set. As of the first start
signal and if operation is trouble-free, the block number of the positioning block
that was started is output. If an error is detected at the start of a positioning
block, the faulty positioning block is acknowledged with the complement of the
block number. The drive generates a warning and stops.
Acknowledgment at "Drive Halt" If "Drive Halt" is active, the complement of the block number of the selected
positioning block is output in parameter "P‑0‑4051, Positioning block acknowl‐
Acknowledgment With Secondary The acknowledgment is not affected by secondary operating modes, error re‐
Operating Modes action and command inputs, i.e. parameter "P‑0‑4051, Positioning block ac‐
knowledgment" retains the value.
Acknowledgment With Drive Ena‐ After switching off drive enable, the last accepted positioning block is output at
ble Switched Off the acknowledge outputs. If the drive is at the target position of the last accepted
positioning block, the message "end position reached" is additionally output.
The example below shows the same absolute positioning block being started
once again.
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Fig.7-60: Acknowledgment and Message "End Position Reached" After Drive En‐
able Switched Off

According to master communication, positioning block acceptance

takes place by toggling bit 0 in S‑0‑0346 or by a 0-1 edge of bit 0 in

Acknowledgment With Control Volt‐ If the control voltage is switched off, the last accepted positioning block is stored
age Interrupted in parameter "P‑0‑4052, Positioning block, last accepted", so that after switch‐
456/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes
ing control voltage on, it is always the last accepted positioning block that is
With Absolute Value Encoder If an absolute encoder is used, it is possible to decide, after the control voltage
is switched off and on, whether the drive still is at the target position of the last
accepted positioning block (end position reached).
The "end position reached" message is generated as soon as the drive is ready
for operation again ("bb" contact closed).
With Single-Turn Encoder If a single-turn encoder is used, the "end position reached" message is not
clearly defined after a voltage interrupt until the first target position has been
run to or homed.

The "end position reached" message is only retained, if the axis has
not been moved during the interruption. If the axis is moved into the
positioning window during the interruption, the "end position
reached" message will also be generated! After activating drive en‐
able, positioning block acknowledge changes as described under
"Acknowledgment With Drive Enable Switched Off".

Status Messages
Status Bits In addition to the status messages during the "drive-internal interpolation"
mode, the "end position reached" status message is generated in the "posi‐
tioning block mode" (bit 4 = 1 in parameter "P‑0‑4061, Positioning block status
word"), if the following applies:
● |S‑0‑0430 – S‑0‑0051/S‑0‑0053| < S‑0‑0057 (In Position)
- and -
● No sequential block has been selected.
See also section "Status Messages" for the operating mode "Drive-Internal In‐

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑4061, Positioning block status word"

Status Parameters The following parameters provide further diagnostic possibilities:
● P‑0‑4051, Positioning block acknowledgment
→ Acknowledgment of the currently accepted and active positioning block
Note: At "Drive Halt", the selected positioning block is returned in negated
form (complementary to positioning block selection).
● P‑0‑4052, Positioning block, last accepted
→ Contains the last accepted positioning block (stored in non-volatile form)
Note: For sequential block chains, this is always the first block of the se‐
quential block chain!
● P‑0‑4053, Positioning block, last active
→ Contains the last active positioning block (stored in non-volatile form)
Note: For sequential block chains, this is the last active block of the se‐
quential block chain. For single blocks (no sequential block processing),
the contents of parameters P‑0‑4052 and P‑0‑4053 are always equal!
● P‑0‑4057, Positioning block, input linked blocks
→ Contains an image of the digital sequential block inputs (switch cam
Diagnostic Messages
Diagnostic status messages:
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Operating Modes

● A0162 Positioning block mode

● A0206 Positioning block mode, encoder 1
● A0207 Positioning block mode lagless, encoder 1
● A0210 Positioning block mode, encoder 2
● A0211 Positioning block mode lagless, encoder 2
● E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0
● E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0
● E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value
● E2053 Target position out of travel range
● E2054 Not homed
● E2055 Feedrate override
S-0-0108 = 0
● E2058 Selected process block is not programmed.
● E2064 Target position out of num. range
Error messages:
● F2028 Excessive deviation

7.8 Synchronization Modes

7.8.1 Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes
General Information on Synchronization Modes
The synchronization modes allow the drive to run synchronously with regard to
a real or virtual master axis. The synchronization modes are basically divided
into the following groups:
● Velocity synchronization with real/virtual master axis
● Synchronous position control modes:
– Phase synchronization with real/virtual master axis
– Electronic cam shaft with real/virtual master axis
– Electronic motion profile with real/virtual master axis
The figure below illustrates how the synchronization modes are integrated in
the control loop structure.
458/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.7-61: General Block Diagram of the Synchronization Modes

All synchronization modes have the following identical or similar basic functions
which are comprehensively described in this section:
● Adjustment of master axis, consisting of
– Generation of master axis
– Master axis offset and modulo limitation
– Electronic gear with fine adjust
● Drive-controlled dynamic synchronization

The individual synchronization modes basically differ in the follow‐

ing function blocks:
- Command value processing specific to operating mode
- Command value addition for slave axis
These function blocks are described specific to operating mode in
the individual sections on the respective synchronization modes.

The figure below illustrates the interaction of the individual basic functions
(function blocks) of the synchronization modes.
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P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value

P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder
P‑0‑0053 Master axis position
P‑0‑0054 Additive master axis position
P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller
P‑0‑0692 Additive position command value, process loop
P‑0‑0694 Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop
P‑0‑0761 Master axis position for slave axis
P‑0‑0764 Master axis speed
P‑0‑0775 Resulting master axis position
P‑0‑0776 Effective master axis position
P‑0‑0777 Effective master axis velocity
P‑0‑0778 Synchronous position command value
P‑0‑0779 Synchronous velocity
Fig.7-62: Function Blocks of the Synchronization Modes
Explanation of Terms
Master axis:
The drive which makes available the master axis position for generating the
synchronous position command value for the slave axis is called master axis.
Slave axis:
The drive which in position control follows a synchronous position command
value internally derived from the master axis is called slave axis.
Actual value cycle:
The modulo range within which the actual position values of the slave axis are
to be found is called actual value cycle. It can also be used to limit the travel
range during synchronization.
The modulo range of the actual value cycle corresponds to the integral multiple
of the synchronization range.
Command value cycle:

The modulo range within which the synchronous position command values of
the slave axis are to be found is called command value cycle. If necessary
(depending on P‑0‑0155), it can be used to limit the actual position value in the
actual value cycle (cf. P‑0‑0753).
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Configuring and Controlling the Synchronization Modes

The synchronization modes are configured and controlled by means of the fol‐
lowing synchronization parameters:
Pertinent Parameters (Synchroni‐ ● S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller
zation Parameters)
● S‑0‑0521, Status word of position loop
● P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0088, Control word for synchronous operation modes
● P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating modes
After having selected the required synchronization mode, you can make,
among other things, the following settings via these parameters:
● Position control with lag error or lagless
● Use of encoder 1 or encoder 2
See also "Operating Mode Handling"
Command Value Addition
This section contains an overview of the basic possibilities of adding command
values. The characteristics and details specific to operating mode are described
in the section of the respective synchronization mode.
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S‑0‑0048, Additive position command value
● P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value
● P‑0‑0054, Additive master axis position
● P‑0‑0060, Filter time constant additional pos. command
● P‑0‑0434, Position command value of controller
● P-0-0686, Additive position command value, positioning velocity
● P‑0‑0687, Additive position command value, positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0688, Additive master axis position, positioning velocity
● P‑0‑0689, Additive master axis position, positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0690, Additive velocity command value, process loop
● P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value, process loop
● P‑0‑0692, Additive master axis position, process loop
● P‑0‑0693, Filter time constant, add. master axis pos., process loop
The figure below contains a rough overview of the command values which can
act on the master and slave axis and of how they can be influenced.
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Fig.7-63: Possibilities of Command Value Addition for Master and Slave Axis
Master Axis Adjustment
Brief Description
Master Axis Generation Possible signal sources for the effective master axis of the synchronization
● Real master axis
● Virtual master axis, external
● Virtual master axis, internal
Master Axis Offset and Modulo Lim‐ For internal adjustment or processing of the master axis information, there are
itation the following options:
● Addition of components (= offset) to the incoming master axis angle:
– Via parameter "P‑0‑0054, Additive master axis position"
– Via parameter "P‑0‑0692, Additive master axis position, process
● Limitation to modulo range of master axis
Electronic Gear Function By means of factors to be set (e.g. input revolutions, output revolutions, polar‐
ity), the electronic gear function can influence the master axis position relevant
for the operating mode as compared to the master axis position preset by mas‐
ter axis evaluation.
Pertinent Parameters The following parameters are used in conjunction with master axis adjustment:
● P‑0‑0052, Actual position value of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0053, Master axis position
● P‑0‑0054, Additive master axis position
● P‑0‑0688, Additive master axis position, positioning velocity
● P‑0‑0689, Additive master axis position, positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0692, Additive master axis position, process loop
● P‑0‑0693, Filter time constant, add. master axis pos., process loop
● P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle
● P‑0‑0761, Master axis position for slave axis
● P‑0‑0764, Master axis speed
● P‑0‑0765, Modulo factor measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0775, Resulting master axis position
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The following parameters are used in conjunction with the electronic gear with
fine adjust:
● P‑0‑0083, Gear ratio fine adjust
● P‑0‑0108, Master drive polarity
● P‑0‑0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
● P‑0‑0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
● P‑0‑0694, Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop
● P‑0‑0776, Effective master axis position
● P‑0‑0777, Effective master axis velocity
Master Axis Generation
The synchronization modes allow the drive to run synchronously with regard to
a real or virtual master axis. Command value input in the synchronization
modes takes place depending on the kind of master axis.
The firmware supports the following possibilities of input of the master axis po‐
● Real master axis

For real master axes, the master axis position is input by evaluating the
signals of a master axis encoder (measuring encoder) via parameter
"P‑0‑0052, Actual position value of measuring encoder".
See also "Measuring Encoder"
● Virtual master axis, external
For external virtual master axes, the master (e.g. MLD) cyclically inputs
command values in the NC clock via the master communication in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑0053, Master axis position".
● Virtual master axis, internal

For internal virtual master axes, the master axis position is generated by
the master axis generator contained in the drive and is input in the position
loop clock via parameter "P‑0‑0761, Master axis position for slave axis".
See also "Virtual Master Axis Generator"

Fig.7-64: Function Block "Master Axis Generation" for Real/Virtual Master Axis
For master axis generation (real or virtual), observe the following conditions:
● The master axis position can only be processed in a binary format (1 mas‐
ter axis revolution = 220 increments).
● The minimum/maximum value of "P‑0‑0054, Additive master axis position"
at maximum corresponds to the master axis cycle (P‑0‑0750 × 220).
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Operating Modes

Note: When "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle"
equals zero, the resulting maximum value for parameter P‑0‑0054 is
(231 – 1) increments and the minimum value is –231 increments.
Master Axis Offset and Modulo Limitation
In conjunction with master axis adjustment, it is possible to add an offset and
limit the preset master axis values.

Fig.7-65: Function Block "Master Axis Offset and Modulo Limitation" for Real/Vir‐
tual Master Axis
Additive Master Axis Position If required, the preset master axis can be influenced via additive master axis
values (offset):
● For all master axes (real or virtual), the master axis position can be
changed by an additive component (= offset) via parameter "P‑0‑0054,
Additive master axis position".
Any change in the value of P‑0‑0054 is traveled with a 2nd order interpo‐
lator, taking the parameters "P‑0‑0688, Additive master axis position,
positioning velocity" and "P‑0‑0689, Additive master axis position, posi‐
tioning acceleration" into account.
● Another master axis offset can be set via parameter "P‑0‑0692, Additive
master axis position, process loop". Parameter "P‑0‑0693, Filter time con‐
stant, add. master axis pos., process loop" determines the time constant
of a 1st order filter by means of which the value of P‑0‑0692 is smoothed.
Resulting Master Axis Position The resulting master axis position (P‑0‑0775) is generated from the preset
master axis (P‑0‑0052, P‑0‑0053 or P‑0‑0761) and the additive components
(P‑0‑0054 and, if required, P‑0‑0692).
Limiting the Master Axis Position The resulting master axis position is limited to the modulo range of the master
axis with parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle".
The following applies: Modulo value master axis = P‑0‑0750 × 220
Observe the following aspects:
● The master axis range is set as an integral multiple of a master axis rev‐
olution (= 220 increments) with parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolu‐
tions per master axis cycle".
● The sum from P-0-0052/P-0-0053, P-0-0054 and P-0-0765 mustn't ex‐
ceed the double master axis range (P‑0‑0750 × 220)!
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Master Axis Speed The master axis speed is generated by differentiating the master axis position
and displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0764, Master axis speed". The component of
an external virtual master axis is generated in the NC clock.
Electronic Gear Function With Fine Adjust
The input value for the electronic gear is the resulting master axis position

Fig.7-66: Function Block "Electronic Gear With Fine Adjust"

Functional Principle The function block "electronic gear with fine adjust" is divided into the following
● Electronic master axis gear with fine adjust
The master axis position or master axis velocity is first multiplied with the
factor from P‑0‑0157/P‑0‑0156 (output revolutions/input revolutions).
The fine adjust is carried out by multiplication of the resulting master axis
position or master axis velocity with the sum of 1 + P‑0‑0083 (gear ratio
fine adjust) and the subsequent multiplication with the sum of 1 + P‑0‑0694
(gear ratio fine adjust, process loop).
● Polarity reversal of master axis position
Via parameter "P‑0‑0108, Master drive polarity", it is possible to invert the
polarity of the master axis position or master axis velocity.
Input Value of Electronic Gear The input value for the electronic gear is the resulting master axis position
Output Value of Electronic Gear The currently effective master axis position and master axis velocity after the
function block "electronic gear with fine adjust" are generated in the position
loop clock (see "Performance Data") and displayed in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0776, Effective master axis position
● P‑0‑0777, Effective master axis velocity
Command Value Processing for Slave Axis Depending on Operating Mode
When the output value of the electronic gear is processed, there are different
operations carried out, according to the synchronization mode, for generating
the position or velocity command value for the subsequent control loop (slave
axis). This "command value processing depending on operating mode" is de‐
scribed in the sections on the respective operating mode:
● See "Velocity Synchronization"
● See "Phase Synchronization"
● See "Electronic Cam Shaft"
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● See "Electronic Motion Profile"

Dynamic Synchronization of the Slave Axis
Brief Description
Synchronization With Velocity Syn‐ Features of synchronization in the "velocity synchronization" mode:
● Synchronization takes place as velocity adjustment
● Generation of status message "synchronization completed" (P‑0‑0152;
bit 0)
● Generation of status message "synchronous mode in synchroniza‐
tion" (P‑0‑0089; bit 8)
Synchronization in Synchronous Features of synchronization for synchronous position control modes:
Position Control Modes
● Sequence of synchronization is single-step or double-step
● Synchronization absolute (position and velocity adjustment) or relative
(only velocity adjustment)
● Modulo ranges to be set for synchronization:
– Modulo value (S‑0‑0103)
– Command value cycle slave axis (P‑0‑0754)
– Division for command value cycle (setting in P‑0‑0751)
● Direction for synchronization to be set for position adjustment of modulo
axes, shortest distance, positive or negative direction in parameter
"P‑0‑0154, Synchronization direction"; setting the tolerance window with
only positive or negative direction via "P‑0‑0151, Synchronization init win‐
dow for modulo format"
● Display of the difference between actual position value in the actual value
cycle and the synchronous position command value generated from the
master axis position in parameter "P‑0‑0034, Position command additional
actual value"
● Generation of status message "synchronization completed" (P‑0‑0152,
bit 0)
● Mode "standard" or "register controller" for command value addition for
the slave axis
● Generation of status message "synchronous mode in synchroniza‐
tion" ("P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating modes", bit 8)
Pertinent Parameters The following parameters are used in conjunction with dynamic synchroniza‐
● S‑0‑0048, Additive position command value
● S‑0‑0183, Velocity synchronization window
● S‑0‑0228, Position synchronization window
● P‑0‑0034, Position command additional actual value
● P‑0‑0060, Filter time constant additional pos. command
● P‑0‑0071, C3100 Recalculate actual value cycle
● P‑0‑0142, Synchronization acceleration
● P‑0‑0143, Synchronization velocity
● P‑0‑0151, Synchronization init window for modulo format
● P‑0‑0152, Synchronization completed
● P‑0‑0154, Synchronization direction
● P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode
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Operating Modes
● P-0-0686, Additive position command value, positioning velocity
● P‑0‑0687, Additive position command value, positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value, process loop
● P‑0‑0697, Synchronization, master axis synchronous position
● P‑0‑0698, Synchronization, master axis synchronization range
● P‑0‑0751, Synchronization divisions per command cycle slave axis
● P‑0‑0752, Load revolutions per actual value cycle slave axis
● P‑0‑0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle
● P‑0‑0754, Command value cycle
● P‑0‑0786, Modulo value actual value cycle
General Information on Synchronization
The synchronization process is a drive-controlled motion with the objective of
achieving absolute or relative synchronization between master axis and slave
axis. Depending on the synchronization mode, we distinguish the following
characteristics of dynamic synchronization:
● Synchronization with velocity synchronization (single-step)
● Synchronization in synchronous position control modes (double-step)
Synchronization Mode The basic settings for carrying out synchronization are made in parameter
"P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode"; these settings comprise, for example:
● Mode for command value addition
● Synchronization "absolute" or "relative"
● Range of synchronization
● Reaction to other command value changes after absolute synchronization
had been reached for the first time

See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode"

The figure below contains an overview of the different possible settings for car‐
rying out synchronization and for adding command values in the synchroniza‐
tion modes:
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-67: Overview of Methods to be Selected for Synchronization and for Com‐

mand Value Addition

In the default setting of parameter P‑0‑0155, all bits are at value "0"!

Synchronization With Velocity Syn‐ Drive-controlled dynamic synchronization in the "velocity synchronization"
chronization mode is carried out depending on bit 5 of parameter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization
● Bit 5 = 0 → Synchronization only when operating mode is activated
● Bit 5 = 1 → Synchronization is always active
By generating velocity command values, the drive accelerates or decelerates
during synchronization until the synchronous velocity has been reached. The
velocity command values are generated taking the preset synchronization ac‐
celeration (P‑0‑0142) into account.
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Fig.7-68: Function Block "Dynamic Synchronization" for Velocity Synchronization

Synchronization in Synchronous In the synchronous position control modes (phase synchronization, cam shaft
Position Control Modes and motion profile), drive-controlled dynamic synchronization is carried out
when a synchronous position control mode is activated.
In the case of double-step synchronization, the values of the parameters
"P‑0‑0142, Synchronization acceleration" and "P‑0‑0143, Synchronization ve‐
locity" are used for generating an additive command value for compensating
the slave axis which is not velocity- and position-synchronous.

Fig.7-69: Function Block "Dynamic Synchronization" With Synchronous Position

Control Modes

All settings relevant for synchronization have to be made in param‐

eter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode".
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Operating Modes

The drive is absolutely synchronous when the following condition has been

S‑0‑0228 Position synchronization window

P‑0‑0753 Actual position value in actual value cycle
S‑0‑0048 Additive position command value
P‑0‑0691 Additive position command value, process loop
P‑0‑0778 Synchronous position command value
Fig.7-70: Condition of Synchronism for Synchronous Position Control Modes
The modulo range can be set depending on the mode of synchronization and
the command value addition:
● Modulo value (S‑0‑0103)
● Command value cycle slave axis (P‑0‑0754)
● Division for command value cycle (setting in P‑0‑0751)

In the case of absolute scaling, there is no modulo limitation!

Single-Step/Double-Step Synchronization
Depending on the synchronization mode, there are the following options:
● In the "velocity synchronization" mode, only single-step synchronization
is possible.
● In synchronous position control modes, you can select either single-step
or double-step synchronization.
Single-Step Synchronization In the case of absolute synchronization, single-step synchronization can be set
in bit 6 of parameter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode".
In this case, the corresponding parameters take effect:
● P‑0‑0697, Synchronization, master axis synchronous position
● P‑0‑0698, Synchronization, master axis synchronization range

The parameters P‑0‑0697 and P‑0‑0698 refer to the output of the

electronic gear.

With bit 7 = 1 of parameter P‑0‑0155, you can set that synchronization starts
immediately when the synchronization mode is activated. The parameter for
the master axis synchronous position (P‑0‑0697) in this case does not take
With bit 7 = 0, you can set that the master-axis-synchronous synchronization
motion only starts when the master axis start position is passed. This position
results from subtraction of master axis synchronous position and master axis
synchronization range. Until the master axis start position is passed, the axis
decelerates or accelerates, based on the current actual velocity, with the par‐
ameterized synchronization acceleration (P‑0‑0142) in the direction of the
synchronous velocity.
For single-step synchronization, observe the following notes on utilization:
● Single-step synchronization is only active when the operating mode is ac‐
tivated. This means that, after the synchronous operating mode was
activated, synchronization starts the next time the master axis start posi‐
tion is passed.
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Operating Modes

The master axis position used for the comparison with the master axis
start position is defined:
– In phase synchronization by "P‑0‑0776, Effective master axis posi‐
– In cam shaft mode by "P‑0‑0227, Cam shaft profile, access angle"
● The profile for synchronization is determined by a 5th order polynomial.
● The synchronous position command values, generated from the master
axis positions, take immediate effect when the master axis start position
is passed.
● The values set in the parameters "P‑0‑0142, Synchronization accelera‐
tion" and "P‑0‑0143, Synchronization velocity" are not taken into account
for the synchronization process.
● Apart from by the other conditions of the synchronization mode, the re‐
sulting characteristics of velocity and acceleration can only be influenced
by the master axis synchronization range.
● For modulo axes, the polarity of the slave axis synchronization distance
can be set by parameter "P‑0‑0154, Synchronization direction". However,
this only applies if the absolute value of the shortest synchronization dis‐
tance is greater than the value of parameter "P‑0‑0151, Synchronization
init window for modulo format".
● Synchronization is completed when the master axis position has gone
through the master axis synchronization range. Bit 0 of "P‑0‑0155,
"P‑0‑0155, " then defines how subsequent changes of "S‑0‑0048, Additive
position command value" are processed (see below section "Command
Value Addition for Slave Axis").
To be noticed for synchronization in the "electronic motion profile" mode
With single-step synchronization, a profile "velocity in rest" (standard profile
"G‑R" according to VDI 2143) is added to the synchronous position command
● The distance traveled with the added profile is determined by the differ‐
ence of synchronous position command value (+ "S‑0‑0048, Additive
position command value" + "P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value,
process loop") and actual position value at the starting point of time.
● When modulo scaling has been set, the distance is limited to the synchro‐
nization range set in parameter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode".
● The parameter "P‑0‑0154, Synchronization direction" is not evaluated.
The shortest distance is traveled for the synchronization motion added to
the synchronous motion.
● The initial velocity of the profile is determined by the difference of actual
velocity and synchronous velocity at the starting point of time.
● We assume that the acceleration of the slave axis at the starting point of
time equals zero.

More details on single-step synchronization are described in the

section "Electronic Motion Profile"!

Double-Step Synchronization The double-step synchronization process consists of velocity adjustment and
subsequent position adjustment.
Step 1 – Velocity adjustment:
● The drive either accelerates or decelerates from the current actual velocity
at the time of activation to the synchronous velocity.
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Operating Modes

● The synchronous velocity is generated by differentiating the synchronous

position command value. The synchronous position command value
xsync is determined from the master axis position ("P‑0‑0052, Actual posi‐
tion value of measuring encoder" or "P‑0‑0053, Master axis position")
according to the operating mode.
● Velocity adjustment already takes place in position control. When accel‐
erating or decelerating, the drive takes the value in parameter "P‑0‑0142,
Synchronization acceleration" into account.
Step 2 – Position adjustment:
After velocity adjustment, there is a difference between the active position
command value and the sum of the synchronous position command value
(xsync), additive position command value (S‑0‑0048) and additive position com‐
mand value of the process loop (P‑0‑0691).
The difference is calculated according to the following equation:

Δx Difference (distance)
xsynch Synchronous position command value
S‑0‑0048 Additive position command value
P‑0‑0691 Additive position command value, process loop
P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller
Fig.7-71: Difference With Absolute Synchronization (Travel Distance)
In the second step of synchronization, the difference generated during velocity
adjustment is compensated by a travel motion taking "P‑0‑0142, Synchroniza‐
tion acceleration" and "P‑0‑0143, Synchronization velocity" into account. This
position adjustment is added to the synchronous movement.
Relative/Absolute Synchronization
In the synchronous position control modes, it is possible to select either relative
or absolute synchronization:
● Relative synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 1 = 1)
→ There is no fixed position reference between master axis and slave axis.
● Absolute synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 1 = 0)
→ There is a fixed position reference between master axis position and
position command value that results from the master axis position and the
parameterized additive position command value.
Relative Synchronization The figure below illustrates the relative synchronization to a virtual master axis,
the master axis being in standstill when the operating mode is activated.
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Fig.7-72: Example: Relative Synchronization out of Standstill

● When the operating mode is activated, the synchronous velocity = 0.
● Upon activation of the operating mode, the bits for "synchronization com‐
pleted" (P‑0‑0152, bit 0 = 1) and "slave axis has been synchron‐
ized" (P‑0‑0089, bit 8 = 1) are output.
● When the machine starts, the axis, based on its current position, follows
the master axis position with relatively synchronous position.
The figure below illustrates the relative synchronization to a virtual master axis,
the master axis having a velocity ≠ 0 when the operating mode is activated.

Fig.7-73: Example: Relative Synchronization in Running Operation

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Operating Modes

● When the operating mode is activated, the master axis moves at constant
● Based on its current position, the slave axis accelerates to the synchro‐
nous velocity. While this is done, the synchronization acceleration
(P‑0‑0142) is effective.
● Upon reaching the synchronous velocity, the bits for "synchronization
completed" (P‑0‑0152, Bit 0 = 1) and "slave axis has been synchron‐
ized" (P‑0‑0089, bit 8 = 1) are output.
Absolute Synchronization The figure below illustrates the absolute synchronization to a virtual master
axis, the master axis being in standstill when the operating mode is activated.

Fig.7-74: Example: Absolute Synchronization out of Standstill

● When the operating mode is activated, the synchronous velocity = 0. The
current master axis position differs from the synchronous position.
● The synchronization status signals "synchronization running" (P‑0‑0152,
bit 0 = 0).
● The absolute angle reference between slave axis and master axis position
is established. The master axis is turning with the parameterized synchro‐
nization velocity (P‑0‑0143). During acceleration and deceleration, the
synchronization acceleration (P‑0‑0142) is effective.
474/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● As soon as the position difference between master axis and slave axis is
smaller than the "position synchronization window" (S‑0‑0228, the status
bit "slave axis has been synchronized" (P‑0‑0089, bit 8 = 1) is output.
Bit 0 is set in parameter P‑0‑0152 when synchronization has been com‐
The figure below illustrates the absolute synchronization to a virtual master
axis, the master axis having a velocity ≠ 0 when the operating mode is activated.

Step 1 Velocity adjustment

Step 2 Position adjustment
Fig.7-75: Example: Absolute Synchronization in Running Operation
● When the operating mode is activated, the master axis moves at constant
● The synchronization status signals "synchronization running" (P‑0‑0152,
bit 0 = 0).
● Based on its current position, the slave axis accelerates to the synchro‐
nous velocity. While this is done, the synchronization acceleration
(P‑0‑0142) is effective.
● After velocity adjustment, the absolute position reference is established.
Position adjustment takes place with parameterized synchronization ac‐
celeration (P‑0‑0142) and synchronization velocity (P‑0‑0143).
● As soon as the position difference between master axis and slave axis is
smaller than the "position synchronization window" (S‑0‑0228), the status
bit "slave axis has been synchronized" (P‑0‑0089, bit 8 = 1) is output.
Bit 0 is set in parameter P‑0‑0152 when synchronization has been com‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 475/886
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Operating Modes

Command Value Addition for Slave Axis

Brief Description
In the "velocity synchronization" mode, the addition of command values for the
slave axis is directly associated with the synchronization process.
In synchronous position control modes, the addition of command values for the
slave axis is an independent functional sequence for which you can choose
between the following modes as regards command value addition:
● "Standard" mode
→ Changes are processed with the values from the parameters P‑0‑0686
and P‑0‑0687
● "Register controller" mode
→ Changes are smoothed by a 1st order filter (time constant in parameter
"Standard" Mode
In the "standard" mode, all further changes in the value of parameter "S‑0‑0048,
Additive position command value", after double-step synchronization, are pro‐
cessed with the values set in the following parameters:
● P-0-0686, Additive position command value, positioning velocity
● P‑0‑0687, Additive position command value, positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0151, Synchronization init window for modulo format
● P‑0‑0154, Synchronization direction
The changes made in parameter "P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value,
process loop" are smoothed via a 1st order filter. The time constant of the filter
is set in parameter "P‑0‑0060, Filter time constant additional pos. command".

The status bit "synchronization completed" is only set when the

condition P‑0‑0434 = S‑0‑0048 + xsync has been fulfilled.
476/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-76: "Standard" Mode

In the "standard" mode, the command values are limited with regard
to "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value" and "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar
acceleration limit value".

"Register Controller" Mode

In the "register controller" mode, all further changes in the parameter "S‑0‑0048,
Additive position command value" are smoothed by a 1st order filter. The time
constant of the filter is set in parameter "P‑0‑0060, Filter time constant addi‐
tional pos. command". The value of "P‑0‑0691, Additive position command
value, process loop" is processed in differential form and the difference be‐
tween old and new value of P‑0‑0691 is added to the position command value.

The status bit "synchronization completed" is set when the absolute

synchronization has been reached and won't be cleared, even with
further changes in "S‑0‑0048, Additive position command value"
and "P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value, process loop".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 477/886
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-77: "Register Controller" Mode

In the "register controller" mode, the command values are moni‐

tored with regard to "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value" and
"S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value".

If the command values exceed the limit values, the error messages "F2037
Excessive position command difference" or "F2039 Maximum acceleration ex‐
ceeded" are generated.
Possible countermeasures:
● Increasing the filter time constant
● Reducing the changes in the additive position command value
● Increasing the limit values for velocity and acceleration
Extended Functions (Command Value Cycle and Actual Value Cycle)
The extended functions of synchronization (command value cycle and actual
value cycle) are required in conjunction with the following applications:
● Change of format, i.e. variable master axis gear settings in operation
● Necessity of mechanical relation of slave axis to master axis

Command value cycle and actual value cycle are only relevant for
the synchronization modes "phase synchronization", "cam shaft"
and "motion profile".

The figure below illustrates the interaction of the pertinent parameters for the
command value cycle and the actual value cycle:
478/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-78: Generation and Operating Principle of the Command Value and Actual
Value Cycle
Command Value Cycle The command value cycle defines a modulo limitation of the synchronous po‐
sition command values, which takes effect in a synchronous position control
mode during synchronization, in the slave axis.

The command value cycle is calculated internally by the drive and

displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0754, Command value cycle".

Fig.7-79: Internal Calculation Formula of the Value for P‑0‑0754

Actual Value Cycle In the case of modulo position scaling (S‑0‑0076, bit 7), the actual value cycle
determines the modulo range of the actual position values at the slave axis
relevant for the synchronization process.

The actual value cycle is calculated internally by the drive and dis‐
played in parameter "P‑0‑0786, Modulo value actual value cycle".

For the setting of bit 4 in parameter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode", we

distinguish the following cases:
● Bit 4 = 1
→ The actual value cycle (P‑0‑0786) equals the command value cycle
● Bit 4 = 0
→ The actual value cycle is calculated internally by the drive and can be
modified by means of the setting in "P‑0‑0752, Load revolutions per actual
value cycle slave axis".

Fig.7-80: Internal Calculation Formula of the Value for P‑0‑0786

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 479/886
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Operating Modes

The parameterization of the actual value cycle is required if, in the

case of phase synchronization, synchronization is to be carried out
in a range greater than the modulo value (S‑0‑0103).

Actual Position Value in Actual Val‐ In the case of "phase synchronization" or "cam shaft and modulo position scal‐
ue Cycle ing", the parameter "P‑0‑0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle"
displays a current actual position value of the slave axis limited via P‑0‑0786.
When activating the operating mode for synchronization, the travel distance for
synchronization is determined with the actual position value in the actual value
The value of P‑0‑0753 is again limited to the synchronization range which has
been set (P‑0‑0754 or S‑0‑0103) and then is used as travel range for synchro‐
nization (see figure above).
Synchronization Range In the case of modulo scaling, the range for synchronization can be set in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode", i.e. the distance to be traveled is
limited to this range:
● Modulo value (S‑0‑0103)
● Command value cycle (P‑0‑0754)
● Division of the command value cycle

The actual position value used for calculating the distance must be
unequivocal in the range in which synchronization is to take place.
The actual value cycle from which the actual position value is de‐
rived must therefore be determined in such a way that is a multiple
of the synchronization range.

By setting "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle" = 0, it is

possible to select absolute handling of the master axis within a range of
± 2048 revolutions.
Synchronization in the Command The distance traveled during synchronization is the result of the difference be‐
Value Cycle tween synchronous position command value (+ "S‑0‑0048, Position command
value additional" + "P‑0‑0691 Additive position command value, process loop")
and the actual position value. The synchronization distance is limited to the
modulo command value cycle.

Fig.7-81: Synchronization Distance During Synchronization in Command Value

The range for the command value cycle at the slave axis is defined by the
master axis cycle and the electronic gear.
● Modulo scaling

Fig.7-82: Command Value Cycle With Modulo Scaling

● Linear modulo scaling
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-83: Command Value Cycle With Linear Modulo Scaling

The active value is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0754, Command value cycle".
The command value cycle describes the range containing the calculated syn‐
chronous position command values.
For modulo division, the number of command value cycles per actual value
cycle is used. The number is calculated with the following formula:

Fig.7-84: Number of Command Value Cycles per Actual Value Cycle

Synchronization in a Division of the The distance traveled during synchronization is the result of the difference be‐
Command Value Cycle tween synchronous position command value (+ "S‑0‑0048, Position command
value additional" + "P‑0‑0691 Additive position command value, process loop")
and the actual position value. The synchronization distance is limited to a divi‐
sion of the modulo command value cycle.

Fig.7-85: Synchronization Distance for Synchronization in a Division of the Com‐

mand Value Cycle
The actual position value in the division of the command value cycle is derived
from "P‑0‑0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle". For modulo divi‐
sion, the number of divisions per actual value cycle is used. The number is
calculated with the following formula:

Fig.7-86: Number of Synchronization Divisions per Actual Value Cycle

Synchronization in the Modulo The distance traveled during synchronization is the result of the difference be‐
Range tween synchronous position command value (+ "S‑0‑0048, Position command
value additional" + "P‑0‑0691 Additive position command value, process loop")
and the actual position value. The synchronization distance is limited to the
modulo value.

Fig.7-87: Synchronization Distance for Synchronization in Modulo Range

Notes on Usage and Parameterization
Selecting the Actual Value Cycle When using the command value cycle or actual value cycle, observe the fol‐
and Command Value Cycle lowing aspects:
● For synchronization, the actual position value in the command value cycle
or a division of it is deduced from the actual position value in the actual
value cycle by means of modulo division. In order to always have un‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 481/886
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Operating Modes
equivocal values, the actual value cycle has to be an integer multiple of
the command value cycle. Take this into account for the parameter setting
of P‑0‑0752, P‑0‑0750, P‑0‑0751, P‑0-0159 and P‑0‑0155!
● Take the value of parameter "P‑0‑0156, Master drive gear input revolu‐
tions" into account as a factor for determining the master axis cycle
Note: If the requirement cannot be fulfilled by parameterizing the actual
value cycle, it is possible to have the range of the actual value cycle cal‐
culated by the drive by analogy to the command value cycle by setting
bit 4 in parameter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode".
● If several electronic gear ratios are to be set at an axis (e.g. because of
different formats), there are several command value cycles resulting at
this axis. The actual value cycle then has to be set in such a way that it
complies with the least common multiple (LCM) of these command value
cycles (P‑0‑0155; bit 4 = 0).
● If the electronic gear is not to be changed, the actual value cycle is set in
such a way that it complies with the command value cycle or a multiple of
● If synchronization is to be carried out only within the modulo range, the
number of load revolutions per actual value cycle of the slave axis can be
set to "1".
Establishing the Position Data Ref‐ "P‑0‑0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle" is set by
● the command "set absolute measuring",
● "drive-controlled homing" for the actual position value which was selected
in the synchronization mode that has been set.
If, for example, the operating mode "phase synchronization with virtual master
axis, encoder 1" has been set, the actual position value in actual value cycle
(P‑0‑0753) will change by analogy with the actual position value 1 (S‑0‑0051).

In contrast to the actual position value in actual value cycle

(P‑0‑0753), the actual position value 1 (S‑0‑0051) is limited to the
modulo value (S‑0‑0103)!

Homing of the actual position value 1 then causes the actual position value in
actual value cycle (P‑0‑0753) to be set to the same value as actual position
value 1.

The position status of the actual position value in actual value cycle
is displayed in bit 4 of parameter "P‑0‑0089, Status word for syn‐
chronous operating modes".

Calculating the Actual Value Cycle The actual value cycle (P‑0‑0786) is calculated
● automatically when progressing from parameter mode to operating mode
- or -
● manually by starting the command "P‑0‑0071, C3100 Recalculate actual
value cycle" for recalculating the actual value cycle in the operating mode
when a parameter, that is used for calculating the actual value cycle, was
changed in the operating mode.

At the start of command C3100, the status bits in "S‑0‑0403, Posi‐

tion feedback value status" and the status bit in "P‑0‑0089, Status
word for synchronous operating modes" (bit 4) are cleared. After
the position data reference has been successfully established, the
bits are set again.
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The actual value cycle is calculated in dependence of bit 4 of parameter

"P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode".
● With bit 4 = 0 in P‑0‑0155, the actual value cycle is determined in de‐
pendence of "P‑0‑0752, Load revolutions per actual value cycle slave

Fig.7-88: "Modulo Value Actual Value Cycle" (P-0-0786) With Rotary and Linear
Modulo Scaling and P-0-0155, Bit 4 = 0
● With bit 4 = 1 in P‑0‑0155 (actual value cycle = command value cycle), the
actual value cycle is determined according to the formulas below:

Fig.7-89: "Modulo Value Actual Value Cycle" With Modulo Scaling and P‑0‑0155,
Bit 4 = 1
Synchronization Direction In the case of absolute position scaling, the calculated synchronization distance
is always traveled. The setting in parameters "P‑0‑0154, Synchronization di‐
rection" and "P‑0‑0151, Synchronization window for modulo format" is not taken
into account.
For modulo axes, the distance is limited to +/‑0.5 × synchronization range. In
addition, the setting in parameters "P‑0‑0154, Synchronization direction" and
"P‑0‑0151, Synchronization window for modulo format" is taken into account.

The setting in parameter "P‑0‑0154, Synchronization direction" will

only take effect, if the shortest distance (absolute value ≤ 0.5 × syn‐
chronization range) is greater than the synchronization window. In
this case, the synchronization direction according to parameter
P‑0‑0154 is used (positive or negative or shortest distance). If the
shortest distance is smaller than the synchronization window, the
shortest distance will always be traveled.

Synchronization With Absolute The position command value is generated in absolute form. There is no com‐
Scaling mand value cycle and no actual value cycle calculated.
Absolute synchronization is only possible up to ± 2048 revolutions, because
the max. master axis encoder range is only 232 increments.

Make sure that the motion of the slave axis does not exceed the
range defined in parameter "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"

In order to be able to travel in absolutely synchronous form within the max.

travel range (S‑0‑0278), the parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per
master axis cycle" has to be initialized with zero.

Incorrect parameterization can cause unwanted jumps in position.

Recommendation: Activate position limit value monitor!
See "Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switch"
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Operating Modes

The synchronization distance is calculated according to the following formula:

Fig.7-90: Synchronization Distance With Absolute Scaling

The synchronization range corresponds to the maximum travel


When the "register controller" mode (P‑0‑0155, bit 0 = 1) has been

activated, it isn't possible any more to switch back to the "standard"
mode (P‑0‑0155, bit 0 = 0).

Diagnostic and Status Messages

Status Messages
In addition to some status and display parameters that are valid for all operating
modes, the parameters "P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating
modes" and "P‑0‑0152, Synchronization completed" are available for diagnos‐
ing the synchronization modes.
Synchronous Mode in Synchroni‐ The feedback signaling that the slave axis has been synchronized takes place
zation in bit 8 of parameter "P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating modes".
● Bit 8 = 0 → Slave axis has not been synchronized
● Bit 8 = 1 → Slave axis has been synchronized
Depending on the synchronization mode, the drive sets bit 8 in parameter
In the case of velocity synchronization:

Fig.7-91: Condition for "Slave Axis has Been Synchronized" in the Case of Ve‐
locity Synchronization
In the case of synchronous position control modes:

Fig.7-92: Condition for "Slave Axis has Been Synchronized" in the Case of Syn‐
chronous Position Control Modes
Synchronization Status The information on whether a synchronization process is active or has been
completed is mapped to bit 0 of parameter "P‑0‑0152, Synchronization com‐
● Bit 0 = 0 → Synchronization running
● Bit 0 = 1 → Synchronization completed
As regards the generation of bit 0 in parameter P‑0‑0152, the following cases
have to be distinguished for the operating modes "phase synchronization" and
"electronic cam shaft":
● First synchronization process
→ Bit 0 is set when the distance up to the absolute or relative position has
been traveled.
● Cyclic normal operation
484/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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→ When bit 0 has been set, the fact of whether bit 0 is cleared for the
duration of the following travel reaction when the additive position com‐
mand value (S‑0‑0048) is changed, depends on the setting of bit 0 in
parameter "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode". If bit 0 = 1 in parameter
P‑0‑0155 ("register controller" mode), bit 0 remains set in parameter
Diagnostic Messages
In conjunction with the synchronization modes, there is a number of diagnostic
messages specific to operating mode.
Diagnostic command messages:
● C0244 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range
● C3100 Recalculate actual value cycle
● C3101 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range
● C3102 Drive is still in drive enable
● E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0
● E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0
● E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value
● E2063 Velocity command value > limit value
Diagnostic messages for errors:
● F2005 Cam shaft invalid
● F2037 Excessive position command difference
● F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded

7.8.2 Velocity Synchronization With Real/Virtual Master Axis

Brief Description
Expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) for the variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in open-loop and closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-93: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In the operating mode "velocity synchronization with real/virtual master axis"",
the drive follows a preset master axis velocity in a velocity-synchronous way.
The real master axis velocity is generated by a measuring encoder, the virtual
master axis velocity is preset by the master or the integrated master axis gen‐
See also "Dynamic Synchronization of the Slave Axis" in section "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
Features ● Determination of the effective velocity command value (P‑0‑0048) from
the differentiated and fine interpolated sum of master axis position
(P‑0‑0053) or measuring encoder position (P‑0‑0052) and additive com‐
ponents of "P‑0‑0054, Additive master axis position" and "P‑0‑0692, Ad‐
ditive master axis position, process loop", multiplied with master axis gear
and fine adjustment
● Adjustable master axis polarity
● Synchronization takes place in single-step form
● Activation time for synchronization can be selected
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the individual subfunctions (func‐
tion blocks) of the "velocity synchronization" mode:
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Operating Modes

P‑0‑0048 Effective velocity command value

P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder
P‑0‑0053 Master axis position
P‑0‑0761 Master axis position for slave axis
P‑0‑0777 Effective master axis velocity
Fig.7-94: Function Blocks of the Operating Mode "Velocity Synchronization With
Real/Virtual Master Axis"
Variants of the Operating Mode There are the following variants of the operating mode to be selected:
● Velocity synchronization with real master axis
● Velocity synchronization with virtual master axis
Application of the Operating Mode Velocity synchronization is used, for example, for simple transport rolls of print‐
ing machines. The drive runs with a velocity synchronous to the master axis.
The track speed at the circumference of the transport roll or the winder is preset
by the electric gear. A defined tension can be set by the fine adjustment of the
Pertinent Parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in velocity synchronization:
● S‑0‑0103, Modulo value
● S‑0‑0183, Velocity synchronization window
● P‑0‑0088, Control word for synchronous operation modes
● P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P‑0‑0777, Effective master axis velocity
See also "Pertinent Parameters" in the subsections of "Basic Functions of the
Synchronization Modes"
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages In addition to the general diagnostic messages of all synchronization modes,
there are other diagnostic messages involved in velocity synchronization:
● A0110 Velocity synchronization, virtual master axis
● A0111 Velocity synchronization, real master axis
● A0164 Velocity synchronization
● E2063 Velocity command value > limit value
See also "Pertinent Diagnostic Messages" in the subsections of "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
486/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Overview of the Operating Mode

Fig.7-95: Block Diagram: Velocity Synchronization With Real/Virtual Master Axis

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Operating Modes

Master Axis Adjustment

Master axis adjustment is realized by means of the following subfunctions:
● Generation of master axis
● Master axis offset and modulo limitation
● Electronic gear with fine adjust
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"
Command Value Adjustment
Overview Command value adjustment in the "velocity synchronization" mode consists of
the following basic functions:
● Master axis adjustment
● Command value processing specific to operating mode
● Command value adjustment slave axis, consisting of
– Dynamic synchronization
– Command value addition

Only the function block "command value processing" specific to ve‐

locity synchronization is described in detail below. The detailed
descriptions of the other function blocks are contained in section
"Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes".
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"

Fig.7-96: Command Value Processing Specific to Operating Mode for Velocity

Generating the Synchronous Ve‐ The synchronous velocity command value (dxsync) is generated in terms of the
locity Command Value selected master axis polarity (P‑0‑0108) and the scaling type (S‑0‑0044) that
was set, using one of the following equations:

dxsync Synchronous velocity command value

Fig.7-97: Generating the Synchronous Velocity Command Value With Rotary
488/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

dxsync Synchronous velocity command value

Fig.7-98: Generating the Synchronous Velocity Command Value With Linear

As a standard, one master axis revolution is fixed at 220 increments.

This means that the LSB of the master axis position corresponds to
2-20 master axis revolutions.

Synchronization With Velocity Synchronization

The synchronization process is a drive-controlled motion with the aim of syn‐
chronizing the axis to the master axis velocity. The slave axis is velocity-
synchronous when the following condition has been fulfilled:

dxsync Synchronous velocity command value

S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value
Fig.7-99: Condition for Velocity Synchronism of the Slave Axis
Synchronization Process Upon activation of the operating mode, a velocity adjustment is first executed.
This means that the drive either accelerates or decelerates from the current
actual velocity at the time of activation to the synchronous velocity.
The drive generates the synchronous velocity by differentiating the master axis

Fig.7-100: Drive-Side Generation of the Synchronous Velocity

After the synchronous velocity has been reached, another change of the syn‐
chronous velocity is processed depending on "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization
The following variants are available to do this:
● P‑0‑0155, bit 5 = 0
→ Velocity adjustment only carried out once, all following changes of ve‐
locity are carried out with maximum acceleration
● P‑0‑0155, bit 5 = 1
→ Every change of velocity is limited by the value of "P‑0‑0142, Synchro‐
nization acceleration"

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0155, Synchronization mode"

Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization
General Parameterization For general parameterization, it is necessary to make machine-specific pre‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 489/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
● Scaling of parameter data (linear or rotary)
– S‑0‑0076, S‑0‑0077, S‑0‑0078 and S‑0‑0079 for position data
– S‑0‑0044, S‑0‑0045 and S‑0‑0046 for velocity data
– S‑0‑0160, S‑0‑0161 and S‑0‑0162 for acceleration data
See "Scaling of Physical Data"
● For linear scaling with rotary motor, parameterizing the feed constant per
slave axis revolution (S‑0‑0123)
● Parameterizing the load gear of the slave axis (S‑0‑0121 and S‑0‑0122)
Parameterizing the Operating Sequence of parameterization specific to operating mode:
1. Depending on parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master
axis cycle", the range of values for the master axis can be between 0 and
2047 × 220 increments. In the special case P‑0‑0750 = 0, the master axis
range is from –(231) to (231)-1.
2. The distance that the slave axis covers per master axis revolution is de‐
termined in parameter "P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel".
3. Settings for the electronic gear are made in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0083, Gear ratio fine adjust
● P‑0‑0108, Master drive polarity
● P‑0‑0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
● P‑0‑0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
4. The following settings have to be made for synchronization:
● P‑0‑0142, Synchronization acceleration
● Time of activation for synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 5)
Diagnostic and Status Messages
Diagnostic Status Messages The following diagnostic status messages are displayed in normal operation of
the operating mode (drive enabled, "AF"):
● A0110 Velocity synchronization, virtual master axis
● A0111 Velocity synchronization, real master axis
● A0164 Velocity synchronization
Error Messages and Warnings Different drive errors can occur in operation that cause error messages or
warnings to be generated. The error messages listed below are only the mes‐
sages specific to operating mode:
● E2063 Velocity command value > limit value
There are also several status messages specific to operating mode generated
in the drive that are mapped to specific status bits (see also "P‑0‑0089, Status
word for synchronous operating modes" and "P‑0‑0152, Synchronization com‐

7.8.3 Phase Synchronization With Real/Virtual Master Axis

Brief Description
Expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) for the variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-101: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In the operating mode "phase synchronization with real/virtual master axis", the
drive follows a preset master axis position in an absolute or relative phase syn‐
chronous way.
490/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

The real master axis velocity is generated by a measuring encoder, the virtual
master axis velocity is preset by the master or the integrated master axis gen‐
See also "Dynamic Synchronization of the Slave Axis" in section "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
Features ● Determination of the position command value from the master axis posi‐
tion using the electronic gear with fine adjust, adjustable master axis
● Synchronization mode to be selected
● Single-step or double-step synchronization
● Absolute or relative phase synchronization
● Synchronization range to be selected
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the individual subfunctions (func‐
tion blocks) of the "phase synchronization" mode:

P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder

P‑0‑0053 Master axis position
P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller
P‑0‑0761 Master axis position for slave axis
P‑0‑0776 Effective master axis position
P‑0‑0777 Effective master axis velocity
P‑0‑0778 Synchronous position command value
P‑0‑0779 Synchronous velocity
Fig.7-102: Function Blocks of the Operating Mode "Phase Synchronization With
Real/Virtual Master Axis"
Variants of the Operating Mode There are the following variants of the operating mode to be selected:
● Position synchronization
● Phase synchronization with real master axis, encoder 1
● Phase synchronization with real master axis, encoder 2
● Phase synchronization with real master axis, encoder 1, lagless
● Phase synchronization with real master axis, encoder 2, lagless
● Phase synchronization with virtual master axis, encoder 1
● Phase synchronization with virtual master axis, encoder 2
● Phase synchronization with virtual master axis, encoder 1, lagless
● Phase synchronization with virtual master axis, encoder 2, lagless
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 491/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

In the operating mode variant "position synchronization", select

phase synchronization and the master axis in "P‑0‑0088, Control
word for synchronous operation modes". The encoder selection and
lagless position control are set in "S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis

Application "Absolute Phase Syn‐ In machining processes that require absolute phase synchronization, e.g. print‐
chronization" ing, punching or perforating in printing machines, the absolute position refer‐
ence to the master axis is established in the operating mode "phase
synchronization". The drive synchronizes with a position command value that
is generated from master axis position and additive position command value.
Application "Relative Phase Syn‐ For machining processes that only require relative phase synchronization, e.g.
chronization" synchronization of belts or feed rollers without defined starting point, a relative
position reference to the master axis is established. During the first synchroni‐
zation, there is only an adjustment to the synchronous velocity but no position
adjustment carried out.
Pertinent Parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in phase synchronization:
● S‑0‑0103, Modulo value
● S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller
● S‑0‑0521, Status word of position loop
● P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0088, Control word for synchronous operation modes
● P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P‑0‑0776, Effective master axis position
● P‑0‑0777, Effective master axis velocity
● P‑0‑0778, Synchronous position command value
● P‑0‑0779, Synchronous velocity
See also "Pertinent Parameters" in the subsections of "Basic Functions of the
Synchronization Modes"
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages In addition to the general diagnostic messages of all synchronization modes,
there are other diagnostic messages involved in phase synchronization:
● A0112 Phase synchronization, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0113 Phase synchronization, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0114 Phase synchronization, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0115 Phase synchronization, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0116 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0117 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0118 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0119 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0163 Position synchronization
See also "Pertinent Diagnostic Messages" in the subsections of "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
492/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Overview of the Operating Mode

Fig.7-103: Block Diagram: Phase Synchronization With Real/Virtual Master Axis

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 493/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Master Axis Adjustment

Master axis adjustment is realized by means of the following subfunctions:
● Generation of master axis
● Master axis offset and modulo limitation
● Electronic gear with fine adjust
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"
Command Value Adjustment
Overview Command value adjustment in the "phase synchronization" mode consists of
the following basic functions:
● Master axis adjustment
● Command value processing specific to operating mode
● Command value adjustment slave axis, consisting of
– Dynamic synchronization
– Command value addition

Only the function block "command value processing" specific to

phase synchronization is described in detail below. The detailed
descriptions of the other function blocks are contained in section
"Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes".
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"

Fig.7-104: Command Value Processing Specific to Operating Mode for Phase Syn‐
Generating the Internal Position In the operating mode "phase synchronization with real/virtual master axis", the
Command Value internal position command value (P‑0‑0434) is generated by addition of the
synchronous position command value (xsync) with the components of the addi‐
tive position command value (S‑0‑0048) and the additive position command
value of process loop (P‑0‑0691).
494/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller

xsync Synchronous position command value
xadd Filter output of "S‑0‑0048, Additive position command value"
xadd_PR Filter output of "P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value, process
Fig.7-105: Generating the Internal Position Command Value
Note: In the synchronized status (P‑0‑0089; bit 8 = 1), the following applies:

Fig.7-106: Generating the Internal Position Command Value in the Synchronized

Generating the Synchronous Posi‐ The synchronous position command value (xsync) is generated in terms of the
tion Command Value selected master axis polarity (P‑0‑0108) and the scaling type (S‑0‑0076) that
was set, using the following equation:

Fig.7-107: Generating the Synchronous Position Command Value With Modulo


Fig.7-108: Generating the Synchronous Position Command Value With Rotary Ab‐
solute Scaling

Fig.7-109: Generating the Synchronous Position Command Value With Linear Ab‐
solute Scaling

As a standard, one master axis revolution is fixed at 220 increments.

This means that the LSB of the master axis position corresponds to
2-20 master axis revolutions.

See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"
Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization
General Parameterization
For general parameterization, it is necessary to make machine-specific pre‐
Scaling of Data ● Scaling of parameter data (linear or rotary)
– S‑0‑0076, S‑0‑0077, S‑0‑0078 and S‑0‑0079 for position data
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 495/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
– S‑0‑0044, S‑0‑0045 and S‑0‑0046 for velocity data
– S‑0‑0160, S‑0‑0161 and S‑0‑0162 for acceleration data
See "Scaling of Physical Data"
● For linear scaling with rotary motor, parameterizing the feed constant per
slave axis revolution (S‑0‑0123)
● Parameterizing the load gear of the slave axis (S‑0‑0121 and S‑0‑0122)
● Determining the synchronization velocity (P‑0‑0143) and the synchroni‐
zation acceleration (P‑0‑0142)
"Modulo" Parameterization
For "modulo" parameterization, make the following settings:
1. Modulo Range
In parameter "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value", set the modulo range to that value
at which the overflow of the position data (from modulo value to "0") is to
take place with infinitely turning axis.
2. Maximum Travel Range
Select the maximum travel range (S‑0‑0278) at least as large as the actual
value cycle. Set the actual value cycle greater than or equal to the modulo
range (S‑0‑0103).
3. Master Axis Position Range/
Master Axis Cycle
Depending on parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master
axis cycle", the range of values for the master axis can be between 0 and
2047 × 220 increments. In the special case P‑0‑0750 = 0, the master axis
range is from –(231) to (231)-1. This case is used, among other things, for
the "flying saw" application. The actual value cycle in which "P‑0‑0753,
Position actual value in actual value cycle" is contained, then has to be
selected in such a way that the synchronous position data generated by
the determined master axis cycle can be displayed.
4. "Modulo" Master Axis
The "modulo" master axis is a master axis the master axis positions of
which are within the master axis cycle determined by parameter
"P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle". The master axis
positions may overflow or underflow (infinitely turning master axis).
5. Electronic Gear
Settings for the electronic gear are made in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0083, Gear ratio fine adjust
● P‑0‑0694, Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop
● P‑0‑0108, Master drive polarity
● P‑0‑0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
● P‑0‑0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
6. "Modulo" Synchronization
The following settings have to be made for synchronization:
● Mode for reaction to changes in parameter S‑0‑0048 after first syn‐
chronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 0)
● Single-step or double-step synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 6)
● Relative or absolute synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 1)
● Synchronization range (P‑0‑0155, bits 2 and 3)
● Generation of actual value cycle (P‑0‑0155, bit 4)
496/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

The actual value cycle has to be an integral multiple of the syn‐

chronization range.

"Absolute" Parameterization
For "absolute" parameterization, make the following settings:
1. Maximum Travel Range
In the case of absolute scaling, the maximum travel range in parameter
S‑0‑0278 has to be selected at least as large as the range in which the
synchronous position data are to be contained.
2. Master Axis Position Range/
Master Axis Cycle
Depending on parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master
axis cycle", the range of values for the master axis can be between 0 and
2047 × 220 increments. In the special case P‑0‑0750 = 0, the master axis
range is from –(231) to (231)-1. This case is used, among other things, for
the "flying saw" application. The actual value cycle in which "P‑0‑0753,
Position actual value in actual value cycle" is contained, then has to be
selected in such a way that the synchronous position data generated by
the determined master axis cycle can be displayed.
3. "Absolute" Master Axis
The "absolute" master axis is a master axis the master axis positions of
which are within the master axis cycle determined by parameter
"P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle". The master axis
positions mustn't overflow nor underflow. If the master axis does overflow,
this causes an unwanted jump in position.
Note: Incorrect parameterization can cause unwanted jumps in position.
It is recommended that you activate the position limit value monitor (see
"Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switch")!
4. Slave Drive Feed Travel
The distance that the slave axis covers per master axis revolution is de‐
termined in parameter "P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel".
5. Electronic Gear
Settings for the electronic gear are made in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0083, Gear ratio fine adjust
● P‑0‑0694, Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop
● P‑0‑0108, Master drive polarity
● P‑0‑0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
● P‑0‑0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
6. "Absolute" Synchronization
The following settings have to be made for synchronization:
● Mode for reaction to changes in parameter S‑0‑0048 after first syn‐
chronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 0)
● Relative or absolute synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 1)
● Single-step or double-step synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 6)
Commissioning Summary
The figure below illustrates the basic sequence of commissioning.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 497/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-110: Overview of Commissioning Steps for Phase Synchronization

Diagnostic and Status Messages
Diagnostic Status Messages The following diagnostic status messages are displayed in normal operation of
the operating mode (drive enabled, "AF"):
● A0112 Phase synchronization, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0113 Phase synchronization, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0114 Phase synchronization, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0115 Phase synchronization, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0116 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0117 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0118 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 1, real master axis
498/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes
● A0119 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0163 Position synchronization
Error Messages and Warnings Different drive errors can occur in operation that cause error messages or
warnings to be generated. The error messages listed below are only the mes‐
sages specific to operating mode:
● F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded
→ The preset acceleration value of two successive command values was
greater than the value parameterized in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration
limit value".
● F2037 Excessive position command difference
→ The velocity preset for the drive by two successive command values is
greater than the value in "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value".
Status Bits There are also several status messages specific to operating mode generated
in the drive that are mapped to specific status bits (see also "P‑0‑0089, Status
word for synchronous operating modes" and "P‑0‑0152, Synchronization com‐
Position Loop Status The status display via the control encoder and for lagless operation or operation
with lag error takes place in parameter "S‑0‑0521, Status word of position

7.8.4 Electronic Cam Shaft With Real/Virtual Master Axis

Brief Description
Expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) for the variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-111: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In the operating mode "electronic cam shaft with real/virtual master axis", there
is a fixed relationship between the master axis position and the slave axis.
The real master axis velocity is generated by a measuring encoder, the virtual
master axis velocity is preset by the master or the integrated master axis gen‐
See also "Dynamic Synchronization of the Slave Axis" in section "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
Features ● 4 cam shaft profiles with a max. of 1024 data points (P‑0‑0072, P‑0‑0092,
P‑0‑0780, P‑0‑0781)
● 4 cam shaft profiles with a max. of 128 data points (P‑0‑0783, P‑0‑0784,
P‑0‑0785, P‑0‑0786)
● Cubic spline interpolation of the cam shaft data points
● Dynamic angle offset and angle offset at begin of profile
● Freely definable switch angle for cam shaft and cam shaft distance
● Synchronization mode to be selected
● Single-step or double-step synchronization
● Absolute or relative phase synchronization
● Synchronization range to be selected
● Change of format "on the fly"
● Cross cutter function
● Clocked pull roll
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the individual subfunctions (func‐
tion blocks) of the "electronic cam shaft" mode:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 499/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder

P‑0‑0053 Master axis position
P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller
P‑0‑0761 Master axis position for slave axis
P‑0‑0776 Effective master axis position
P‑0‑0777 Effective master axis velocity
P‑0‑0778 Synchronous position command value
P‑0‑0779 Synchronous velocity
Fig.7-112: Function Blocks of the Operating Mode "Electronic Cam Shaft"
Variants of the Operating Mode There are the following variants of the operating mode to be selected:
● Position synchronization
● Cam shaft with real master axis, encoder 1
● Cam shaft with real master axis, encoder 2
● Cam shaft with real master axis, encoder 1, lagless
● Cam shaft with real master axis, encoder 2, lagless
● Cam shaft with virtual master axis, encoder 1
● Cam shaft with virtual master axis, encoder 2
● Cam shaft with virtual master axis, encoder 1, lagless
● Cam shaft with virtual master axis, encoder 2, lagless

In the operating mode variant "position synchronization", select the

electronic cam shaft and the master axis in "P‑0‑0088, Control word
for synchronous operation modes". The encoder selection and lag‐
less position control are set in "S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis

Pertinent Parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in this operating mode:
● S‑0‑0103, Modulo value
● S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller
● S‑0‑0521, Status word of position loop
● P‑0‑0061, Angle offset begin of profile
● P‑0‑0072, Cam shaft profile 1
● P‑0‑0073, Cam shaft distance 2
● P‑0‑0085, Dynamic angle offset
500/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes
● P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0088, Control word for synchronous operation modes
● P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0092, Cam shaft profile 2
● P‑0‑0093, Cam shaft distance
● P‑0‑0094, Cam shaft switch angle
● P‑0‑0144, Cam shaft distance switch angle
● P‑0‑0158, Angle offset change rate
● P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P‑0‑0227, Cam shaft profile, access angle
● P‑0‑0695, Angle offset begin of profile, process loop
● P‑0‑0696, Filter time constant, angle offset profile, process loop
● P‑0‑0776, Effective master axis position
● P‑0‑0777, Effective master axis velocity
● P‑0‑0778, Synchronous position command value
● P‑0‑0779, Synchronous velocity
● P‑0‑0780, Cam shaft profile 3
● P‑0‑0781, Cam shaft profile 4
● P‑0‑0782, Cam shaft profile 5
● P‑0‑0783, Cam shaft profile 6
● P‑0‑0784, Cam shaft profile 7
● P‑0‑0785, Cam shaft profile 8
See also "Pertinent Parameters" in the subsections of "Basic Functions of the
Synchronization Modes"
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages In addition to the general diagnostic messages of all synchronization modes,
there are other diagnostic messages involved in this operating mode:
● A0128 Cam shaft, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0129 Cam shaft, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0130 Cam shaft, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0131 Cam shaft, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0132 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 1, virt. master axis
● A0132 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 2, virt. master axis
● A0134 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0135 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0163 Position synchronization
● F2005 Cam shaft invalid
See also "Pertinent Diagnostic Messages" in the subsections of "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 501/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Overview of the Operating Mode

Fig.7-113: Block Diagram: Electronic Cam Shaft With Real/Virtual Master Axis
502/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

Master Axis Adjustment

Master axis adjustment is realized by means of the following subfunctions:
● Generation of master axis
● Master axis offset and modulo limitation
● Electronic gear with fine adjust
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"
Command Value Adjustment
Overview Command value adjustment in the "electronic cam shaft" mode consists of the
following basic functions:
● Master axis adjustment
● Command value processing specific to operating mode, consisting of
– Cam shaft profiles (incl. access)
– Adjustment of position format
● Command value adjustment slave axis, consisting of
– Dynamic synchronization
– Command value addition

Only the function block "command value processing" specific to the

cam shaft mode is described in detail below. The detailed descrip‐
tions of the other function blocks are contained in section "Basic
Functions of the Synchronization Modes".
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"

Fig.7-114: Command Value Processing Specific to Operating Mode for Cam Shaft
Generating the Internal Position In the operating mode "electronic cam shaft with real/virtual master axis", the
Command Value internal position command value (P‑0‑0434) is generated by addition of the
synchronous position command value (xsync) with the components of the addi‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 503/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
tive position command value (S‑0‑0048) and the additive position command
value of process loop (P‑0‑0691).

P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller

xsync Synchronous position command value
xadd Filter output of "S‑0‑0048, Additive position command value"
xadd_PR Filter output of "P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value, process
Fig.7-115: Generating the Internal Position Command Value
Note: In the synchronized status (P‑0‑0089; bit 8 = 1), the following applies:

Fig.7-116: Generating the Internal Position Command Value in the Synchronized

In the function block "command value processing specific to operating mode"
the calculations specific to the cam shaft mode are carried out for generating
the synchronous position command value.
Depending on "P‑0‑0061, Angle offset begin of profile" and "P‑0‑0695, Angle
offset begin of profile, process loop", an interpolated profile value is taken from
the cam shaft profiles in every control cycle and the difference to the last inter‐
polated profile value is multiplied by the cam shaft distance. The result is added
to the position command value.
If the phase-synchronous path has been activated by bit 4 of parameter
"P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating modes", the master axis
position at the output of the electronic gear is additionally divided by the gear
reduction (P‑0‑0755) and multiplied with a scaling-dependent factor. The result
is differentiated and added to the position command value.

If the profile limit is exceeded in positive direction, the profile con‐

tinues with its first value, the same happens if the limit is exceeded
in negative direction.

Calculating the Internal Position Upon activation of the operating mode "electronic cam shaft with real/virtual
Command Value (Initialization) master axis", the position command value of the drive is first initialized in terms
of the following relation:

xF Position command value of slave drive (P‑0‑0434)

ϕL Resulting master axis position (P‑0‑0775)
h Cam shaft distance (P‑0‑0093 or P‑0‑0073)
tab(ϕ) Cam shaft profiles (P-0072, P‑0‑0092, P‑0‑0780, P‑0‑0781)
ϕZGW Profile access angle
U Gear reduction (P‑0‑0755)
xV Additive position command value (S‑0‑0048)
xVPR Additive position command value, process loop (P‑0‑0691)
IWZ Modulo actual value cycle (P-0-0786)
Fig.7-117: Initializing the Position Command Value
504/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Operating Modes

ϕZGW Profile access angle

+/- Master drive polarity (P‑0‑0108)
ϕL Resulting master axis position (P‑0‑0775)
Ga Master drive gear output revolutions (P‑0‑0157)
Ge Master drive gear input revolutions (P‑0‑0156)
F Gear ratio fine adjust (P‑0‑0083)
FPR Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop (P‑0‑0694)
ϕV Angle offset begin of profile (P‑0‑0061)
ϕVPR Angle offset begin of profile, process loop (P‑0‑0695)
Fig.7-118: Determining the Profile Access Angle

With the operating mode activated, differences, that later on will be

added again, are processed in the electronic gear and the cam shaft
profiles. Therefore, changes in the electronic gear and the cam
shaft distance do not cause position command value jumps. Ve‐
locity jumps, however, can occur and the absolute position refer‐
ence, established when activating the operating mode, is lost.

Accessing the Cam Shaft Profile In every position loop cycle (Advanced: 250 µs, Basic: T = 500 µs), an interpo‐
lated profile value is taken from the activated cam shaft profile, the difference
to the last interpolated profile value is generated and a multiplication with the
cam shaft distance is carried out. The result is added to the position command
Cubic spline interpolation takes place between the profile values.

With an infinite cam shaft, the difference between initial value and
final value of the cam shaft profile is 100%.

Calculating the Internal Position The position command value is generated as per the following relation:
Command Value
(in Cyclic Operation)

xF Position command value of slave drive (P‑0‑0434)

ϕL Resulting master axis position (P‑0‑0775)
h Cam shaft distance (P‑0‑0093 or P‑0‑0073)
tab(ϕ) Cam shaft profiles (P-0072, P‑0‑0092, P‑0‑0780, P‑0‑0781)
+/- Master drive polarity (P‑0‑0108)
Ga Master drive gear output revolutions (P‑0‑0157)
Ge Master drive gear input revolutions (P‑0‑0156)
ϕV Angle offset begin of profile (P‑0‑0061+ P‑0‑0695)
ϕd Dynamic angle offset (P‑0‑0085)
F Fine adjust (P‑0‑0083)
U Gear reduction (P‑0‑0755)
xV Additive position command value (S‑0‑0048 + P‑0‑0691)
IWZ Modulo actual value cycle (P-0-0786)
Fig.7-119: Cyclically Generating the Position Command Value for the Slave Drive
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 505/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"
Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization
General Parameterization
For general parameterization, it is necessary to make machine-specific pre‐
Scaling of Data ● Scaling of parameter data (linear or rotary)
– S‑0‑0076, S‑0‑0077, S‑0‑0078 and S‑0‑0079 for position data
– S‑0‑0044, S‑0‑0045 and S‑0‑0046 for velocity data
– S‑0‑0160, S‑0‑0161 and S‑0‑0162 for acceleration data
See "Scaling of Physical Data"
● For linear scaling with rotary motor, parameterizing the feed constant per
slave axis revolution (S‑0‑0123)
● Parameterizing the load gear of the slave axis (S‑0‑0121 and S‑0‑0122);
if available
● Determining the synchronization velocity (P‑0‑0143) and the synchroni‐
zation acceleration (P‑0‑0142)
Selecting and Acknowledging Ac‐ Select and acknowledge the active cam shaft profile:
tive Cam Shaft
● The active cam shaft profile (P‑0‑0072, P‑0‑0092, P‑0‑0780 to P‑0‑0785)
is selected with parameters "P‑0‑0088, Control word for synchronous op‐
erating modes" and "P‑0‑0094, Cam shaft switch angle".
● The active cam shaft is included in parameter "P‑0‑0089, Status word for
synchronous operating modes". Switching of the cam shaft is started by
changing the control word. It is carried out by the drive and acknowledged
in the status word, when the master axis position exceeds the angle set
in parameter "P‑0‑0094, Cam shaft switch angle".

For constantly fault-free processing of the position data with infin‐

itely turning axes, the values resulting from gear reduction
(P‑0‑0086, bit 4 = 1) must be used for forward motion. A finite cam
shaft profile can be superimposed. When using an infinite cam shaft
profile (difference between first and last profile value > 50%), a
small error can occur with each profile sequence. Exception: Cam
shaft distance corresponds to modulo value (S‑0‑0103).

When cam shafts are used with a difference between the profile
values of two cam shaft elements > 50%, the "linear cam shaft in‐
terpolation" must be activated (P‑0‑0086, bit 7 = 1). An exception is
a difference of > 50% between the first and the last profile value of
one cam shaft.
Parameterizing the Cam Shaft Dis‐ Parameterize the cam shaft distance:
● Parameter "P‑0‑0144, Cam shaft distance switch angle" defines at which
profile access angle and thus profile element a change in value becomes
effective for "P‑0‑0093, Cam shaft distance". If the profile values in the
switch range = 0, an absolute position reference is maintained in the case
of a change.
● In parameter "P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating
modes", select with bits 0 and 1 whether new values for cam shaft distance
(P‑0‑0093) and for the electronic gear (P‑0‑0156/P‑0‑0157) take effect
506/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes
immediately or only when the cam shaft distance switch angle is passed
or when the cam shaft profile is switched.
In bit 3 you can determine which reference is to be valid for delayed ac‐
ceptance of changes (cam shaft distance switch angle or cam shaft profile

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchro‐

nous operating modes"
Parameterizing Angle Offset To avoid great position jumps when changing the profile access angle, a new
value for parameter "P‑0‑0061, Angle offset begin of profile" does not immedi‐
ately become effective. Starting with the current value, a ramp-like approxima‐
tion to the new value is carried out. The approximation is carried out over the
shortest possible distance. The gradient of the ramp is set in parameter
"P‑0‑0158, Angle offset change rate".
Approximation to a new value always takes place over the shortest distance.

With "P‑0‑0158, Angle offset change rate" equal zero, the angle
offset is carried out in one step (immediately effective).

Process loops can additionally write data to parameter "P‑0‑0695 Angle offset
begin of profile, process loop". After the electronic gear, the master axis position
is reduced via a 1st order filter by the angle determined in parameter P‑0‑0695.
The filter time constant is determined in parameter "P‑0‑0696, Filter time con‐
stant, angle offset profile, process loop".
Dynamic Angle Offset Parameter "P‑0‑0085, Dynamic angle offset" can be used for compensating a
lag error in operation with lag distance, if the mechanical system does not allow
lagless operation.
With dynamic angle offset, the profile access angle is offset depending on the
velocity so that the internal master axis position can be calculated according to
the formula below:

Internal After electronic gear (P‑0‑0156/P‑0‑0157) and fine adjust (P‑0‑0083)

Fig.7-120: Effective Internal Master Axis Position Taking the Dynamic Angle Offset
Into Account

The master axis velocity used is generated on the timebase

TA = communication cycle time so that a moving average filter re‐
sults with TA = N × Tposition.

Clocked Pull Roll For the special case "clocked pull roll", it is possible, with bit 2 = 1 of parameter
"P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating modes", to change be‐
tween "P‑0‑0093, Cam shaft distance" and "P‑0‑0073, Cam shaft distance 2",
depending on the gradient of the cam shaft.
Positive gradient means that "P‑0‑0093, Cam shaft distance" is active, negative
gradient means that "P‑0‑0073, Cam shaft distance 2" is active.
Cross Cutter Function By means of the command values of "P‑0‑0755, Gear reduction", a cross cutter
axis can be operated. A cross cutter (rotating knife) is used to cut a defined
piece (format) off some material that is transported at constant velocity. The
format is set by the electronic gear. With an electronic gear 1:1, the format
corresponds to the circumference of the cutting cylinder (with number of kni‐
ves = 1). Smaller formats are realized by an electronic gear [(output/input) > 1].
The slave axis (cutting cylinder) then turns faster than the master axis. In this
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 507/886
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Operating Modes
case, the cutting cylinder, in the cutting range, has to be decelerated to the
transport velocity of the material. After the cutting range, the cylinder is accel‐
erated again. This is achieved by superimposing a more or less sinusoidal cam
shaft to the constant speed of the axis that is caused by the linear component
of the gear reduction. With constant cam shaft profile, it is then possible to
define, by means of the cam shaft distance, whether the axis decelerates (dis‐
tance > 0) or accelerates (distance < 0) within the cutting range.
● The number of knives that are distributed at the circumference of the cut‐
ting cylinder is entered in parameter "P‑0‑0755, Gear reduction". Per cam
shaft profile sequence, the cutting cylinder will move by the distance of
two knives at the circumference.
● To change the format "on the fly", it is necessary to simultaneously change
electronic gear and cam shaft distance in the cutting range. This function
is switched on by setting bit 1 in "P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchro‐
nous operating modes". A change in the electronic gear will only take
effect, when the new value, after having changed the cam shaft distance,
is accepted when passing the angle of "P‑0‑0144, Cam shaft distance
switch angle".
"Modulo" Parameterization
For "modulo" parameterization, make the following settings:
1. Modulo Range
In parameter "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value", set the modulo range to that value
at which the overflow of the position data (from modulo value to "0") is to
take place with infinitely turning axis.
2. Maximum Travel Range
Select the maximum travel range (S‑0‑0278) at least as large as the actual
value cycle. Set the actual value cycle greater than or equal to the modulo
range (S‑0‑0103).
3. Master Axis Position Range/
Master Axis Cycle
Depending on parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master
axis cycle", the range of values for the master axis can be between 0 and
2047 × 220 increments. In the special case P‑0‑0750 = 0, the master axis
range is from –(231) to (231)-1.
4. "Modulo" Master Axis
The "modulo" master axis is a master axis the master axis positions of
which are within the master axis cycle determined by parameter
"P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle". The master axis
positions may overflow or underflow (infinitely turning master axis).
5. Electronic Gear
Settings for the electronic gear are made in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0083, Gear ratio fine adjust
● P‑0‑0694, Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop
● P‑0‑0108, Master drive polarity
● P‑0‑0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
● P‑0‑0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
6. "Modulo" Synchronization
The following settings have to be made for synchronization:
● Mode for reaction to changes in parameter S‑0‑0048 after first syn‐
chronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 0)
508/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Relative or absolute synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 1)

● Single-step or double-step synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 6)
● Synchronization range (P‑0‑0155, bits 2 and 3)
● Generation of actual value cycle (P‑0‑0155, bit 4)

The actual value cycle has to be an integral multiple of the syn‐

chronization range.

"Absolute" Parameterization
For "absolute" parameterization, make the following settings:
1. Maximum Travel Range
In the case of absolute scaling, the maximum travel range in parameter
S‑0‑0278 has to be selected at least as large as the range in which the
synchronous position data are to be contained.
2. Master Axis Position Range/
Master Axis Cycle
Depending on parameter "P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master
axis cycle", the range of values for the master axis can be between 0 and
2047 × 220 increments. In the special case P‑0‑0750 = 0, the master axis
range is from –(231) to (231)-1.
3. "Absolute" or "Modulo" Master Axis
The "absolute" master axis is a master axis the master axis positions of
which are within the master axis cycle determined by parameter
"P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle". The master axis
positions in this case do neither overflow nor underflow.
This possibility is not used for practical application. Theoretically, the ab‐
solute master axis could be used for infinite cam shafts (e.g. linear cam
shafts) and/or when a gear reduction (P‑0‑0755) unequal zero is selected.
Note: When a gear reduction (bit 4, P‑0‑0086 = 1) has been parameter‐
ized, the modulo overflow of the master axis mustn't take place with
absolute position scaling! Otherwise, this would cause unwanted jumps in

The "modulo" master axis is a master axis the master axis positions of
which are within the master axis cycle determined by parameter
"P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle". The master axis
positions may overflow or underflow (infinitely turning master axis).
This master axis is used in conjunction with a finite cam shaft (initial val‐
ue = final value) and when there is no gear reduction (bit 4, P‑0‑0086 = 0).
If you select a gear reduction, the drive, with infinitely turning master axis,
will leave the maximum travel range at some time.
Note: Incorrect parameterization can cause unwanted jumps in position.
It is recommended that you activate the position limit value monitor (see
"Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switch")!
4. Slave Drive Feed Travel
The distance that the slave axis covers per master axis revolution is de‐
termined in parameter "P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel".
5. Electronic Gear
Settings for the electronic gear are made in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0083, Gear ratio fine adjust
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Operating Modes

● P‑0‑0694, Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop

● P‑0‑0108, Master drive polarity
● P‑0‑0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
● P‑0‑0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
6. "Absolute" Synchronization
The following settings have to be made for synchronization:
● Mode for reaction to changes in parameters S‑0‑0048 and P‑0‑0691
after first synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 0)
● Single-step or double-step synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 6)
● Relative or absolute synchronization (P‑0‑0155, bit 1)
Commissioning Summary
The figure below illustrates the basic sequence of commissioning.
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Fig.7-121: Overview of Commissioning Steps for Cam Shaft Mode

Diagnostic and Status Messages
Diagnostic Status Messages The following diagnostic status messages are displayed in normal operation of
the operating mode (drive enabled, "AF"):
● A0128 Cam shaft, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0129 Cam shaft, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0130 Cam shaft, encoder 1, real master axis
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Operating Modes
● A0131 Cam shaft, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0132 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 1, virt. master axis
● A0132 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 2, virt. master axis
● A0134 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0135 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0163 Position synchronization
Error Messages and Warnings Different drive errors can occur in operation that cause error messages or
warnings to be generated. The error messages listed below are only the mes‐
sages specific to operating mode:
● F2005 Cam shaft invalid
→ This message is generated when there is, with the drive having been
enabled, an access to a cam shaft profile (P‑0‑0072, P‑0‑0092, P‑0‑0780,
P‑0‑0781) that hasn't been written with 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 512 or 1024 valid
Status Bits There are also several status messages specific to operating mode generated
in the drive that are mapped to specific status bits (see also "P‑0‑0089, Status
word for synchronous operating modes").
Position Loop Status The status display via the control encoder and for lagless operation or operation
with lag error takes place in parameter "S‑0‑0521, Status word of position

7.8.5 Electronic Motion Profile With Real/Virtual Master Axis

Brief Description
Expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) for the variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.7-122: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In the operating mode "electronic motion profile with real/virtual master axis",
there is a fixed relationship between the master axis position and the slave axis.
The real master axis velocity is generated by a measuring encoder, the virtual
master axis velocity is preset by the master or the integrated master axis gen‐
See also "Dynamic Synchronization of the Slave Axis" in section "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
Features ● 2 sequences of motion with up to 8 motion steps per master axis revolution
● Definition of a motion step by standardized profile or cam shaft profile
● Standard profiles can be selected (rest in rest, rest in velocity, velocity in
rest, velocity in velocity, constant velocity)
● Standard profiles realized by 5th order polynomial or, in the case of rest
in rest, alternatively by inclined sine curve
● Individual cam shaft distance for each motion step
● Dynamic angle offset and angle offset at begin of profile
● Absolute synchronization can be switched off
● Synchronization mode to be selected
● Absolute or relative processing of the motion steps to be selected
● Synchronization range to be selected
● Cross cutter function
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the individual subfunctions (func‐
tion blocks) of the "electronic motion profile" mode:
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P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder

P‑0‑0053 Master axis position
P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller
P‑0‑0761 Master axis position for slave axis
P‑0‑0776 Effective master axis position
P‑0‑0777 Effective master axis velocity
P‑0‑0778 Synchronous position command value
P‑0‑0779 Synchronous velocity
Fig.7-123: Function Blocks of the Operating Mode "Motion Profile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
Variants of the Operating Mode There are the following variants of the operating mode to be selected:
● Position synchronization
● Motion profile with real master axis, encoder 1
● Motion profile with real master axis, encoder 2
● Motion profile with real master axis, encoder 1, lagless
● Motion profile with real master axis, encoder 2, lagless
● Motion profile with virtual master axis, encoder 1
● Motion profile with virtual master axis, encoder 2
● Motion profile with virtual master axis, encoder 1, lagless
● Motion profile with virtual master axis, encoder 2, lagless

In the operating mode variant "position synchronization", select the

electronic motion profile and the master axis in "P‑0‑0088, Control
word for synchronous operation modes". The encoder selection and
lagless position control are set in "S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis

Pertinent Parameters In addition to the general parameters of all synchronization modes, there are
other parameters involved in this operating mode:
● S‑0‑0103, Modulo value
● S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller
● S‑0‑0521, Status word of position loop
● P‑0‑0061, Angle offset begin of profile
● P‑0‑0085, Dynamic angle offset
● P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0088, Control word for synchronous operation modes
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 513/886
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Operating Modes
● P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous operating modes
● P‑0‑0158, Angle offset change rate
● P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P‑0‑0227, Cam shaft profile, access angle
● P‑0‑0695, Angle offset begin of profile, process loop
● P‑0‑0696, Filter time constant, angle offset profile, process loop
● P‑0‑0700, Motion profile, master axis switching position
● P‑0‑0701, Motion step 1, slave axis initial position
● P‑0‑0702, Motion profile, diagnosis, set 0
● P‑0‑0703, Number of motion steps, set 0
● P‑0‑0704, Master axis velocity, set 0
● P‑0‑0705, List of master axis initial positions, set 0
● P‑0‑0706, List of motion step modes, set 0
● P‑0‑0707, List of distances, set 0
● P‑0‑0708, List of slave axis velocities, set 0
● P‑0‑0709, Motion profile, diagnosis, set 1
● P‑0‑0710, Number of motion steps, set 1
● P‑0‑0711, Master axis velocity, set 1
● P‑0‑0712, List of master axis initial positions, set 1
● P‑0‑0713, List of motion step modes, set 1
● P‑0‑0714, List of distances, set 1
● P‑0‑0715, List of slave axis velocities, set 1
● P‑0‑0755, Gear reduction
● P‑0‑0776, Effective master axis position
● P‑0‑0777, Effective master axis velocity
● P‑0‑0778, Synchronous position command value
● P‑0‑0779, Synchronous velocity
See also "Pertinent Parameters" in the subsections of "Basic Functions of the
Synchronization Modes"
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages In addition to the general diagnostic messages of all synchronization modes,
there are other diagnostic messages involved in this operating mode:
● A0136 Motion profile, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0137 Motion profile, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0138 Motion profile, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0139 Motion profile, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0140 Motion profile lagless, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0141 Motion profile lagless, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0142 Motion profile lagless, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0143 Motion profile lagless, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0163 Position synchronization
● F2003 Motion step skipped
● F2004 Error in motion profile
See also "Pertinent Diagnostic Messages" in the subsections of "Basic Func‐
tions of the Synchronization Modes"
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Operating Modes

Overview of the Operating Mode

Fig.7-124: Block Diagram: Electronic Motion Profile With Real/Virtual Master Axis
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 515/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Master Axis Adjustment

Master axis adjustment is realized by means of the following subfunctions:
● Generation of master axis
● Master axis offset and modulo limitation
● Electronic gear with fine adjust
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"
Command Value Adjustment
Overview Command value adjustment in the "electronic motion profile" mode consists of
the following basic functions:
● Master axis adjustment
● Command value processing specific to operating mode, consisting of
– Cam shaft profiles (incl. access)
– Adjustment of position format
● Command value adjustment slave axis, consisting of
– Dynamic synchronization
– Command value addition

Only the function block "command value processing" specific to the

electronic motion profile is described in detail below. The detailed
descriptions of the other function blocks are contained in section
"Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes".
See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"

Fig.7-125: Command Value Processing Specific to Operating Mode for Electronic

Motion Profile
Generating the Internal Position In the operating mode "electronic motion profile with real/virtual master axis",
Command Value the internal position command value (P‑0‑0434) is generated by addition of the
synchronous position command value (xsync) with the components of the addi‐
516/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes
tive position command value (S‑0‑0048) and the additive position command
value of process loop (P‑0‑0691).

P‑0‑0434 Position command value of controller

xsync Synchronous position command value
xadd Filter output of "S‑0‑0048, Additive position command value"
xadd_PR Filter output of "P‑0‑0691, Additive position command value, process
Fig.7-126: Generating the Internal Position Command Value
Note: In the synchronized status (P‑0‑0089; bit 8 = 1), the following applies:

Fig.7-127: Generating the Internal Position Command Value in the Synchronized

In the function block "command value processing specific to operating mode"
the calculations specific to the motion profile are carried out for generating the
synchronous position command value.
"P‑0‑0227, Cam shaft profile, access angle" is generated first. The current mo‐
tion step is determined from this value and the master axis initial positions of
the individual motion steps. Depending on the mode parameter of this motion
step, the decision is taken as to whether the current step is determined by a
cam shaft profile or a standard profile. With the profile access angle, profile
access or a polynomial calculation takes place accordingly to calculate the
standardization value (factor) for the distance of this step. The standardization
value for a cam shaft profile is between +799,999999 % and -799,999999 %,
for a standard profile it is between 0 and 1. The multiplication of standardization
value and distance of the current step results in a position command value
which is added to the final position value of the previous motion step. Depending
on the setting in the mode parameter of this step, the sum is processed in ab‐
solute or relative form.
If the phase-synchronous path has been activated by bit 4 of parameter
"P‑0‑0086, Configuration word synchronous operating modes", the master axis
position at the output of the electronic gear is additionally divided by the gear
reduction (P‑0‑0755) and multiplied with a scaling-dependent factor. The result
is differentiated and added to the position command value.
Calculating the Internal Position Upon activation of the operating mode "electronic motion profile with real/virtual
Command Value (Initialization) master axis", the position command value of the drive is first initialized in terms
of the following relation:
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Operating Modes

xF Position command value of slave drive (P‑0‑0434)

xstart_n Slave axis initial position of the current motion step
Hn Distance of the current motion step
fn (ϕZGW) Standardized function value of the current motion step from profile ac‐
cess or polynomial calculation
ϕZGW Profile access angle
U Gear reduction (P‑0‑0755)
MW Modulo value
xV Additive position command value (S‑0‑0048)
xVPR Additive position command value, process loop (P‑0‑0691)
IWZ Modulo actual value cycle
Fig.7-128: Initializing the Position Command Value

ϕZGW Profile access angle

+/- Master drive polarity (P‑0‑0108)
ϕL Resulting master axis position (P‑0‑0775)
Ga Master drive gear output revolutions (P‑0‑0157)
Ge Master drive gear input revolutions (P‑0‑0156)
F Gear ratio fine adjust (P‑0‑0083)
FPR Gear ratio fine adjust, process loop (P‑0‑0694)
ϕV Angle offset begin of profile (P‑0‑0061)
ϕVPR Angle offset begin of profile, process loop (P‑0‑0695)
Fig.7-129: Determining the Profile Access Angle
The slave axis initial position of the current motion step is supposed to be zero,
when relative processing of the position data (bit 10 = 1) has been set in the
control word for synchronous operation modes (P‑0‑0088). Otherwise, the
slave axis initial position of the current motion step is the sum of the slave axis
initial position (P‑0‑0701) and the distances up to the current step.
The cyclic calculation of the position command value takes place according to
the above formula, too. The slave axis initial position of the respective current
step is determined by the end position of the previous step.

With the operating mode activated, differences, that later on will be

added again, are processed in the electronic gear. Therefore,
changes in the electronic gear do not cause position command val‐
ue jumps. Velocity jumps, however, can occur and the absolute
position reference, established when activating the operating
mode, is lost.

See "Basic Functions of the Synchronization Modes"
Notes on Commissioning and Parameterization
General Parameterization
Parameterizing Angle Offset The parameter "P‑0‑0061, Angle offset begin of profile" allows shifting the pro‐
file access angle. To avoid great position jumps when changing the profile
518/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes
access angle, a new value for the parameter P‑0‑0061 does not immediately
become effective. Starting with the current value, a ramp-like approximation to
the new value is carried out. The approximation is carried out over the shortest
possible distance. The gradient of the ramp is set in parameter "P‑0‑0158, An‐
gle offset change rate".

With "P‑0‑0158, Angle offset change rate" equal zero, the angle
offset is carried out in one step (immediately effective).

Dynamic Angle Offset Parameter "P‑0‑0085, Dynamic angle offset" can be used for compensating a
lag error in operation with lag distance, if the mechanical system does not allow
lagless operation.
With dynamic angle offset, the profile access angle is offset depending on the
velocity so that the internal master axis position can be calculated according to
the formula below:

Internal After electronic gear (P‑0‑0156/P‑0‑0157) and fine adjust (P‑0‑0083)

Fig.7-130: Effective Internal Master Axis Position Taking the Dynamic Angle Offset
Into Account

The master axis velocity used is generated on the timebase

TA = communication cycle time so that a moving average filter re‐
sults with TA = N × Tposition.

Switching the Electronic Gear When bit 1 (gear switching) has been set in parameter "P‑0‑0086, Configuration
word synchronous operating modes", any change, with active operating mode,
in the electronic gear (P‑0‑0156 and P‑0‑0157) will only take effect when a set
is switched.
Gear Reduction By activating the phase-synchronous path (P‑0‑0086, bit 4 = 1), the master axis
(Cross Cutter Function) position at the output of the electronic gear is additionally divided by the gear
reduction (P‑0‑0755) and multiplied with a scaling-dependent factor. The result
is differentiated and added to the position command value.
Parameterizing the Motion Profile
Number of Motion Steps In the parameters "P‑0‑0703, Number of motion steps, set 0" and "P‑0‑0710,
Number of motion steps, set 1", set the number of motion steps of which the
sequence of motion consists. A maximum of 8 motion steps can be set per
motion profile.
Absolute or Relative Motion Step In the control word for synchronous operation modes (P‑0‑0088, bit 10), set
whether the motion is to have absolute or relative position reference. Only with
absolute position reference is the value in "P‑0‑0701, Motion step 1, slave axis
initial position" taken into account to establish the position reference of the mo‐
tion profile during synchronization.

In the case of relative processing, at least 2 motion steps have to

be used.

Master Axis Velocity Via the parameters "P‑0‑0704, Master axis velocity, set 0" or "P‑0‑0711, Master
axis velocity, set 1", preset the master axis velocity required for calculating
specific motion steps.

Set the master axis velocity after the electronic gear.

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Operating Modes

Defining a Step To specify the individual steps, there are 4 list parameters available for each of
the two sets:
● P‑0‑0705, List of master axis initial positions, set 0
● P‑0‑0706, List of motion step modes, set 0
● P‑0‑0707, List of distances, set 0
● P‑0‑0708, List of slave axis velocities, set 0
● P‑0‑0712, List of master axis initial positions, set 1
● P‑0‑0713, List of motion step modes, set 1
● P‑0‑0714, List of distances, set 1
● P‑0‑0715, List of slave axis velocities, set 1
A motion step is limited by a master axis initial position and a master axis end
position. The master axis end position is determined by the master axis initial
position of the following motion step or by 360 degrees.
The slave axis velocity can be preset in the case of certain standard profiles or
is preset by the distance and the profile.

The positions of the data in the lists define to which step the values
belong. For example, the data at the second position of the lists for
master axis initial position, mode, distance and slave axis velocity
define the second motion step.
This means that the number of elements defined in the lists as must
be at least the number of motion steps.

Standard Profiles Different standard profiles or a cam shaft profile can be defined as the mode of
a step.
The following modes are available:
● Rest in rest (R-R)
● Rest in velocity (R-G)
● Velocity in rest (G-R)
● Constant velocity (G)
● Velocity in velocity (G-G)
● Cam shaft profile
Rest in Rest For the profile "rest in rest", there are two profiles available. These profiles are
characterized by the fact that velocity and acceleration are zero at the start and
at the end of the motion. You can choose between the standardized laws of
motion "5th order polynomial" and "inclined sine curve".
These profiles are defined by the distance and the master axis range. The final
velocity of the step is determined by the following step.
The following relation applies to the profile "5th order polynomial":
520/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.7-131: Profile "5th Order Polynomial"

The following relation applies to the profile "inclined sine curve":

Fig.7-132: Profile "Inclined Sine Curve"

You should prefer the profile with inclined sine curve for mechanical
systems susceptible to oscillation, as the jerk curve is better. The
occurring maximum values for velocity and acceleration, however,
are higher.

Rest in Velocity The profile "rest in velocity" is used for transition from standstill to a certain
velocity. The velocity and the acceleration at the beginning of the profile are
zero. At the end of the profile, the slave axis velocity preset by the correspond‐
ing parameter has been reached. The acceleration at the end of the profile is
The drive calculates the coefficients of this polynomial from the following values
preset for this motion step:
● Master axis range
● Distance
● Slave axis velocity
● Master axis velocity
The profile is calculated with a 5th order polynomial:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 521/886
and Controls

Operating Modes

Fig.7-133: Profile "Rest in Velocity"

The function curve contains a reversal point, when the standardized

velocity vstandard is not between the values 1.66 and 2.5.

The standardized velocity can be calculated with the following formula, the
master axis range being the difference of two master axis initial positions:

Fig.7-134: Calculating the Standardized Velocity

The distance belonging to this motion step mustn't be zero!

Velocity in Rest The profile "velocity in rest" is used for transition from a defined velocity to
standstill. The velocity at the beginning of the profile must correspond to the
slave axis velocity indicated in the parameter. At the end of the profile the ve‐
locity is zero. The acceleration at the beginning and at the end of the profile is
The path traveled with this motion profile is defined by the distance for this
motion step.
The drive calculates the coefficients of this polynomial from the following values
preset for this motion step:
● Master axis range
● Distance
● Slave axis velocity
● Master axis velocity
The profile is calculated with a 5th order polynomial:
522/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-135: Profile "Velocity in Rest"

The function curve contains a reversal point, when the standardized

velocity vstandard is not between the values 1.66 and 2.5.

The standardized velocity can be calculated with the following formula, the
master axis range being the difference of two master axis initial positions:

Fig.7-136: Calculating the Standardized Velocity

The distance belonging to this motion step mustn't be zero!

Constant Velocity The profile "constant velocity" of this motion step is a straight line. The velocity
within this step is constant. The path traveled is defined by the distance for this
motion step.
The profile results from the following formula (in standardized form):

Fig.7-137: Profile "Constant Velocity"

The slave axis velocity is determined from the following values preset for this
motion step:
● Master axis range
● Distance
● Master axis velocity
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 523/886
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-138: Calculating the Slave Axis Velocity

It is not necessary to enter a value for the slave axis velocity. For the validation
check, a value is calculated in the drive according to the above formula. The
calculated value can be read from the list parameter for the slave axis velocities.
Velocity in Velocity The profile "velocity in velocity" is used for transition from one slave axis velocity
(2 Velocities) to a different slave axis velocity. The velocity at the beginning of the profile must
correspond to the indicated slave axis velocity. The velocity at the end of the
profile is determined by the velocity parameter of the subsequent motion step.
The acceleration at the beginning and at the end of the profile is zero.
The profile is calculated with a 5th order polynomial:

Fig.7-139: Profile "Velocity in Velocity"

The drive calculates the coefficients of this polynomial from the following values
preset for this motion step:
● Master axis range
● Distance
● Master axis velocity
● 2 slave axis velocities

The function curve contains a reversal point, when the pair of values
v standard0 and v standard1 is not in the range that is defined by the
functions f1(x) = (5 – 2x)/3 and f2(x) = (5 – 3x)/2. The range is
marked in the figure below.
524/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-140: Advantageous Range for the Pair of Values v_standard0 and v_stand‐

vBS0 Slave axis velocity i

vBS1 Slave axis velocity i+1
Master axis Difference of two master axis initial positions
Fig.7-141: Calculating the Standardized Velocities v_standard0 and v_standard1

The distance belonging to this motion step mustn't be zero!

Cam Shaft Profile When you select a cam shaft profile via "P‑0‑0706, List of motion step modes,
set 0" or "P‑0‑0713, List of motion step modes, set 1", the selected cam shaft
is used instead of a motion profile.
The value selected from "P‑0‑0705, List of master axis initial positions, set 0"
or "P‑0‑0712, List of master axis initial positions, set 1" determines as of which
master axis position a profile is processed. This master axis initial position de‐
termines the position of the 1st profile element, the master axis end position
determines the position of the last profile element. The master axis end position
is determined by the master axis initial position of the following motion step or
by 360 degrees for the last motion step.
The number of data points of a profile is variable. The profile length results from
the parameterized actual length.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 525/886
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Operating Modes

The data point distance is calculated according to the formula below:

n Number of profile elements

Fig.7-142: Calculating the Data Point Distance (in Increments)
The profile values can be between –799,999999 % and +799,999999 %.
The first profile value has to be zero. The value of the last profile element is
For one profile sequence the traveled path results from the product of the dis‐
tance and the last profile element.
Cubic spline interpolation is carried out between the data points.

The format of the cam shaft in the motion profile must be the
"new" cam shaft format for which the last profile value corresponds
to the value at 360 degrees (corresponding bit in parameter
P‑0‑0086, bit 8...15 = 1).

See also operating mode "Electronic Cam Shaft With Real/Virtual Master Ax‐
Changing the Motion Profile A change in the data of a motion step normally requires changes in other motion
steps. An individual change therefore mustn't be immediately applied. When
the operating mode is active, position command value jumps might occur.
When the master axis velocity is changed, it is also necessary, for motion steps
with contained velocity, to recalculate the polynomial coefficients.
To allow changes while the operating mode is active, there are two sets with a
maximum of 8 motion steps. The use of the second data set is selected by bit 9
of parameter "P‑0‑0088, Control word for synchronous operation modes".
In the control word, make the setting to determine which one of the two sets is
to be active. For switching, you have to change bit 9; switching takes place
when the position set in parameter "P‑0‑0700, Motion profile, master axis
switching position" is passed.
The active set in displayed in bit 3 of "P‑0‑0089, Status word for synchronous
operating modes".

In case a profile is processed in relative form, the switch angle must

comply with the master axis initial position of a motion step.

Checking a Motion Profile To check a motion profile, you can query information on both sets from the
status word (P‑0‑0089). After a set has been changed, the complete set is
checked. The check was carried out when the bit "profile check carried out" has
been set for the selected set. The status word also shows whether the check
was successful.
When switching to a set, for which the profile check has not been carried out
successfully, takes place with active operating mode, the message "F2004 Er‐
ror in motion profile" (class 1 diagnostics error) is generated. This error mes‐
sage is also generated when the active set, with active operating mode, is
changed in such a way that the profile check is unsuccessful.
There are the following validation checks for the sequence of motion:
● The master axis initial positions of the motion steps used must increase
and be smaller than 360 degrees.
526/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

● Motion profile "constant velocity"

→ The motion profile is defined by master axis range and distance. The
velocity is calculated and possibly compared to preset velocities of previ‐
ous and following step.
● Motion profile "rest in velocity"
→ The following step mustn't start with a rest position. If the following mo‐
tion step is "velocity in rest", "constant velocity" or "velocity in velocity", the
velocity values have to match. The distance mustn't be zero.
● Motion profile "velocity in rest"
→ The previous step mustn't end with a rest position. If the previous motion
step is "rest in velocity" or "constant velocity", the velocity values have to
match. The distance mustn't be zero.
● Motion profile "velocity in velocity"
→ The previous step mustn't end with a rest position. If the previous motion
step is "rest in velocity" or "constant velocity", the velocity values have to
match. The distance mustn't be zero.
● The first value of a cam shaft profile must be zero.
● In the case of absolute position scaling and absolute motion profile, the
sum of travel distances must be zero. The travel distances are to be taken
from the distance values or, for a motion step with profile, from the product
of final profile value and distance.
● In the case of modulo position scaling and absolute motion profile, the sum
of travel distances must be zero or a multiple of the modulo value
(S‑0‑0103). The travel distances of the individual steps are determined
like in the case of absolute position scaling.
The profile is checked after every change. When the bit "profile check carried
out" has been set for a set and the bit "without error" has not been set, an
extended diagnosis can be read in the respective diagnosis parameter
(P‑0‑0702 or P‑0‑0709).

When switching between relative and absolute processing of the

motion step takes place (P‑0‑0088, bit 10), there is no profile check
carried out.
This can cause problems when switching from relative to absolute
processing takes place after the definition of the motion step.

Example of a Motion Profile The figure below illustrates a sequence of motion consisting of 5 steps.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 527/886
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-143: Example of a Motion Profile With 5 Motion Steps

Commissioning Summary
The figure below illustrates the basic sequence of commissioning.
528/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Operating Modes

Fig.7-144: Overview of Commissioning Steps for Motion Profile

Diagnostic and Status Messages
Diagnostic Status Messages The following diagnostic status messages are displayed in normal operation of
the operating mode (drive enabled, "AF"):
● A0136 Motion profile, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0137 Motion profile, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0138 Motion profile, encoder 2, real master axis
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 529/886
and Controls

Operating Modes
● A0139 Motion profile, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0140 Motion profile lagless, encoder 1, virtual master axis
● A0141 Motion profile lagless, encoder 2, virtual master axis
● A0142 Motion profile lagless, encoder 1, real master axis
● A0143 Motion profile lagless, encoder 2, real master axis
● A0163 Position synchronization
Error Messages and Warnings Different drive errors can occur in operation that cause error messages or
warnings to be generated. The error messages listed below are only the mes‐
sages specific to operating mode:
● F2004 Error in motion profile
→ This message is generated, if a profile that has not passed the validation
checks is activated with the drive having been enabled.
If a discrepancy is detected during the validation check, its possible cause can
be taken from the diagnosis parameters:
● P‑0‑0702, Motion profile, diagnosis, set 0
● P‑0‑0709, Motion profile, diagnosis, set 1
Status Bits There are also several status messages specific to operating mode generated
in the drive that are mapped to specific status bits (see also "P‑0‑0089, Status
word for synchronous operating modes").
Position Loop Status The status display via the control encoder and for lagless operation or operation
with lag error takes place in parameter "S‑0‑0521, Status word of position
Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 531/886
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Extended Axis Functions

8 Extended Axis Functions

8.1 Availability of the Extended Axis Functions
The following overview illustrates by which basic or functional packages the
respective extended axis function is supported (if not stated otherwise, this ap‐
plies to all 3 firmware versions, MPB, MPD and MPH).

In base pack‐ In functional package ...

age (additionally on the basis of a base package with the following
Extended axis function
(characteris‐ characteristics)
tic) Servo function Synchronization Main spindle

Drive Halt OL/CL – – –

vcmd reset ("emergency halt") OL/CL – – –

vcmd reset with ramp ("quick stop") OL/CL – – –

Torque disable OL/CL – – –

Return motion – CL – –
Package reaction on error OL/CL – – –
NC reaction on error OL/CL – – –
MLD reaction on error OL/CL – – –
E-Stop function OL/CL – – –
Friction torque compensation CL – – –
Encoder error correction CL – – –
Backlash on reversal correction CL – – –
Precision axis error correction – CL 1) – –
Control-side axis error correction – CL 1) – –
Temperature error correction – CL – –
Quadrant error correction – CL – –
Cogging torque compensation – CL 1) CL 1) –
Measuring wheel mode – – CL –
Positive stop drive procedure OL/CL – – –
Redundant motor encoder CL – – –
Spindle positioning – – – CL
Parameter set switching – – – OL/CL 2)
Drive-controlled oscillation – – – OL/CL 2)
Parking axis OL/CL – – –
Integrated safety technology Only available with the corresponding hardware configuration
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) Not for the firmware version MPB
2) Not for the firmware version MPD
Fig.8-1: Availability of the Extended Axis Functions
532/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

To use a functional package, it must have been activated (enabled). The cur‐
rently enabled functional packages are displayed in parameter "P‑0‑2004,
Active functional packages".
See also "Enabling of Functional Packages"

8.2 Drive Halt

8.2.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-2: Assignment to functional firmware package

The "Drive Halt" function is used to shut down an axis with defined acceleration
and defined jerk.
The kind of shutdown is determined by the operating mode active before.

In addition to the "Drive Halt" function, there is an operational stop

for the operating modes "drive-controlled positioning" and "drive-
internal interpolation".

Features ● Activated via "halt bit" of master communication (see "Device Control and
State Machines")
● Active operating mode interrupted; drive remains in control (after setting
the "halt bit" the interrupted operating mode is continued)
● Quick stop
→ Shutdown with acceleration (S‑0‑0372) and jerk limit values (S‑0‑0349),
when position control mode was active before
● Shutdown with ramp
→ Shutdown with ramp (S‑0‑0372), when velocity or torque control was
active before
● Acknowledgment "Drive Halt" in parameter P‑0‑0115
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0124, Standstill window
● S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar
● S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word

8.2.2 Functional Description

When the "Drive Halt" function is activated, the drive no longer follows the
command values of the active operating mode, but automatically shuts down
while maintaining a parameterized acceleration.
Activating the The "Drive Halt" function is activated by:
"Drive Halt" Function
● Disabling the drive halt bit in control word of master communication
(e.g. with SERCOS, bit 13 in "S‑0‑0134, Master control word"; see "Device
Control and State Machines")
● Interrupting a drive control command (e.g. "drive-controlled homing pro‐
Going Back to the Operating Mode The operating mode active before and still selected becomes active again,
Active Before when the drive halt bit is set again in the control word of the master communi‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 533/886
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Extended Axis Functions

The kind of shutdown, in the case of "Drive Halt", depends on the operating
mode active before.
Quick Stop in Position Control In position control, shutdown is carried out using the deceleration in "S‑0‑0372,
Drive Halt acceleration bipolar" and the jerk in "S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar",
when a position control mode was active before.
Operating modes with internal position control:
● Position control with cyclic command value input
● Drive-internal interpolation
● Drive-controlled positioning (incl. jog mode)

S‑0‑0349 Jerk limit bipolar

S‑0‑0372 Drive Halt acceleration bipolar
Fig.8-3: Principle of "Drive Halt" with position control mode active before

Position-controlled shutdown is carried out with position control with

lag error, if an operating mode that also contained position control
with lag error was active before. If not, the function is carried out
with lagless position control.
If the value in parameter "S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar"
equals "0", the axis does not stop.

Shutdown in Velocity Control When the operating mode "velocity control" or "torque/force control" was active
before, shutdown is carried out in velocity control using the value in parameter
"S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar".

If the content of "S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar" equals

"0", deceleration is carried out at the current limit.
534/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

S‑0‑0372 Drive Halt acceleration bipolar

Fig.8-4: Principle of "Drive Halt" with velocity control active before

8.2.3 Notes on Commissioning

Diagnostic and Status Messages The activated "Drive Halt" function is displayed as described below:
● "AH" appearing on the control panel display at the front of the device
● "A0010" entered in parameter "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic message number"
● "A0010 Drive HALT" entered in parameter "S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic mes‐
● In the bit "Status of command value processing" in the status word of the
master communication (e.g. for SERCOS: bit 3 = 0 in "S‑0‑0135, drive
status word")
Acknowledgment "Drive Halt" Acknowledgment takes place when the actual velocity falls below the threshold
defined in parameter "S‑0‑0124, Standstill window". Bit 4 (Drive Halt acknowl‐
edgment) is then set in the drive in parameter "P‑0‑0115, Device control: status

8.3 Error Reactions

8.3.1 Overview of Error Reactions
Depending on the operating mode that is used and some parameter settings,
the drive controller carries out monitoring functions. An error message is gen‐
erated by the drive controller, if a status is detected that no longer allows correct
Errors are classified in error classes. The error class is represented by the first
two digits of the diagnostic message number.
See also "Terms, Basic Principles"
See also "Diagnostic System"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 535/886
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Extended Axis Functions

If the drive controller is in control (drive enable was set) and an error occurs,
the drive controller automatically starts a drive error reaction.
This drive error reaction depends on:
● The error class of the error occurred and
● The settings of the following parameters:
– P‑0‑0117, Activation of control reaction on error
– P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration
– P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration

At the end of each error reaction, the drive goes torque-free. Power
off depends on the setting in parameter P‑0‑0118!

Error Classes There are 8 error classes with different priority:

tic mes‐
Error class Error reaction
sage num‐

F2xxx non-fatal error according to setting in parameters "P‑0‑0119,

Best possible deceleration" and "P‑0‑0117,
Activation of control reaction on error"
F3xxx non-fatal safety technolo‐ according to setting in parameters "P‑0‑0119,
gy error Best possible deceleration" and "P‑0‑0117,
Activation of control reaction on error"
F4xxx interface error according to setting in parameter "P‑0‑0119,
Best possible deceleration"
F6xxx travel range error velocity command value reset ("emergency
F7xxx safety technology error according to setting in bit 9 of parameter
"P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration"
F8xxx fatal error immediate torque disable
F9xxx fatal system error immediate torque disable
E-xxxx fatal system error "pro‐ immediate torque disable
cessor exception"

Fig.8-5: Error classes and drive reaction

The error class can be recognized by the diagnostic message num‐

ber and defines the drive behavior in the case of error.

8.3.2 Best Possible Deceleration

Brief Description
The drive reaction set in parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration" is
carried out automatically in the case of the following states:
● Non-fatal errors (F2xxx)
● Non-fatal safety technology errors (F3xxx)
● Interface errors (F4xxx)
● Change of drive enable signal from "1" to "0" (drive enable is removed)
536/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

● Switching from operating mode to parameter mode under control (com‐

munication phase is reset)

At the end of each error reaction, the drive goes torque-free!

The setting in parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration" is ignored in

the case of:
● Travel range errors (F6xxx)
→ Velocity command value reset ("emergency halt")
● Safety technology errors (F7xxx)
→ Depending on bit 9 of parameter "P‑0‑3210, Safety technology config‐
● Fatal errors (F8xxx)
→ Immediate torque disable
● Fatal system errors (F9xxx)
→ Immediate torque disable
Possible Drive Reactions
One of the following reactions for "best possible deceleration" can be set in
parameter P-0-0119:

Reaction Value of P‑0‑0119

Velocity command value reset ("emergency halt") 0

Torque disable 1
Velocity command value reset with ramp and filter ("quick 2
Return motion 1) 3
1) Only possible, if expansion package "servo function" has been enabled!
Fig.8-6: Parameterization Options of the Error Reaction "Best Possible Decel‐

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration"

Velocity Command Value Reset ("Emergency Halt")
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-7: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

P‑0‑0119 = 0 In the case of error, the closed-loop-controlled servo drive in velocity control is
shut down with command value = 0. The drive then brakes with its maximum
allowed torque (see also "Limitations: Current and Torque Limitation (Closed-

In the case of open-loop-controlled U/f operation, deceleration at

the torque limit only takes place, when the stall protection loop has
been activated (cf. "P‑0‑0045, Control word of current controller").
The maximum deceleration is set by the value entered in the pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator frequency slope".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 537/886
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Extended Axis Functions

S‑0‑0273 Maximum drive off delay time

P‑0‑0115 Device control: status word
Fig.8-8: Time Flow of Velocity Command Value Reset

If the value entered for S‑0‑0273 is too small, the error reaction is
sometimes aborted without axis standstill!

Time Flow of the Error Reaction The time flow of the error reaction with motor holding brake available and of the
With Motor Holding Brake Available output stage release in the case of velocity command value reset, is described
in the section "Functional Description: Error Situation 1" under "Operating Be‐
havior of the Motor Holding Brake".

The activation and function of the motor holding brake depends on

the setting in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word".
See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word"

See also "Motor Holding Brake"

Velocity Command Value Reset With Filter and Ramp ("Quick Stop")
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-9: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

P‑0‑0119 = 2 In the case of error
● the closed-loop-controlled servo drive in velocity control
- or -
● the open-loop-controlled drive in U/f operation
is decelerated to the final value "0" with a command value ramp and a jerk-
limiting command value smoothing filter.
538/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

In open-loop-controlled U/f operation, deceleration takes place tak‐

ing the delay entered in parameter "P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator
frequency slope" into account!
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar
● S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar
The parameters take effect as described under "Drive Halt".
Time Flow of the Error Reaction The time flow of the error reaction with motor holding brake available is descri‐
With Motor Holding Brake Available bed in the section "Functional Description: Error Situation 1" under "Operating
Behavior of the Motor Holding Brake".

The activation and function of the motor holding brake depends on

the setting in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word".
See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word"

See also "Motor Holding Brake"

Torque Disable
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-10: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

P‑0‑0119 = 1 or Fatal Error In the case of error, the drive torque is disabled. The drive in this case is only
braked by the friction torque; it "coasts to stop". The time until standstill can be
considerable, especially with spindles.

The "torque disable" error reaction is inevitable with fatal errors

(F8xxx), because braking, e.g. with a defective output stage, is no
longer possible!

Drive continues to move unbraked in the case of error!

Danger to life from parts in motion when the safety door at the machining
cell is opened!
DANGER ⇒ Check drive for motion (e.g. using "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value", if
possible) and wait for standstill!

Time Flow of the Error Reaction The time flow of the error reaction with motor holding brake available is descri‐
With Motor Holding Brake Available bed in the section "Functional Description: Error Situation 2" under "Operating
Behavior of the Motor Holding Brake".

The activation and function of the motor holding brake depends on

the setting in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word".
See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word"

See also "Motor Holding Brake"

Return Motion
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-11: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

P‑0‑0119 = 3 If "return motion" was entered as the best possible deceleration, the drive gen‐
erates a position command value profile in order to travel the desired distance
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 539/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

in the case of error. This means that a relative process block is activated in the
case of error.
Generating the Position Command With the "drive-internal interpolation" mode, the position command value profile
Value Profile is generated internally by means of predefined travel block data (velocity, ac‐
celeration, jerk).
See "Drive-Internal Interpolation"
The value of the parameter "P‑0‑0055, Return distance" depends on the pre‐
ceding sign, i.e. positive return distance causes positive motion referring to the
coordinate system selected.

The value of "P‑0‑0055, Return distance" can be configured and

transmitted in the cyclic telegram (MDT).

The velocity profile is generated with the parameters

● P‑0‑0056, Return velocity and
● P‑0‑0057, Return acceleration.
In addition, the position command values can be smoothed by the position
command value average value filter, the order of the average value filter
(P-0-0042) being calculated from "P‑0‑0057, Return acceleration" and
"P‑0‑0058, Return jerk".

P-0-0042 Current position command average value filter order

P-0-0057 Return acceleration
P-0-0058 Return jerk
Fig.8-12: Calculating the Value of P-0-0042
Status Messages for Acknowledg‐ After the drive has traveled the process block, i.e. after it moved to the desired
ment target position, the drive is torque-free. The process block is considered to have
been traveled when the following applies:
● Target position = active position command value
→ i.e. bit 12 in "S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics" = 1
- and -
● vact = 0
→ i.e. bit 1 in "S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics" = 1 (actual velocity smaller
than "S‑0‑0124, Standstill window")
540/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

S‑0‑0013 Class 3 diagnostics

S‑0‑0207 Drive off delay time
S‑0‑0124 Standstill window
S‑0‑0273 Maximum drive off delay time
P‑0‑0115 Device control: status word
Fig.8-13: Time Flow of the Error Reaction "Return Motion"
Error Reaction "Return Motion" When the drive-internal position limit values ("S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit
With Activated Position Limit Val‐ value" and "S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value") were activated, i.e. when
● bit 4 for "activating the position limit values" was set to "1" in "S‑0‑0055,
Position polarities"
- and -
● the encoder selected via "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" (bit 3) is in ref‐
erence ("S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status" = 1),
it is ensured that the drive does not leave the defined allowed travel range by
executing the error reaction "return motion".

When the drive is in a position in which the execution of the return

motion would exceed a position limit value, the drive in this case
only moves up to shortly before the respective position limit value
(exactly "S‑0‑0057, Position window" before the position limit val‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 541/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Time Flow of the Error Reaction The time flow of the error reaction with motor holding brake available is descri‐
With Motor Holding Brake Available bed in the section "Functional Description: Error Situation 2" under "Operating
Behavior of the Motor Holding Brake".

The activation and function of the motor holding brake depends on

the setting in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word".
See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word"

See also "Motor Holding Brake"

8.3.3 Package Reaction on Error

Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-14: Assignment to functional firmware package

"Package reaction" is the simultaneous error reaction of all axis drives supplied
by a common power bus (DC bus). Drive errors of a drive can be signaled to
all other axis drives via the module bus (signal bus) which allows the simulta‐
neous error reaction (according to setting in parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best possi‐
ble deceleration") of all axis drives.
The settings for signaling drive errors and package reaction are made individ‐
ually for each drive in "P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration". This allows
activating the package reaction only for individual axes. The behavior of the
axes for which the package reaction has not been activated has to be taken
into account for the case of error and must be controlled on the master side, if

The supply unit switches off power supply only in the case of its own
errors and in the case of fatal drive errors (F8xxx), if the drive sig‐
naling errors signals F8 errors to the supply.

Fields of Application Examples of applications with interactive (interpolating, synchronized) use of

drives that are supplied by a common power bus ("drive package"):
● Machine tools (e.g. milling, turning, grinding machines)
● Gear cutting machines (gear wheel machining)
● Printing mechanisms of printing machines, etc.
By setting the error reaction of the drive system devices according to the ap‐
plication, the following damages can be minimized:
● Machine damages
● Tool/workpiece/material damages

The package reaction is not suitable for avoiding personal injury!

542/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Priority of appropriate error re‐

Reaction to drive actions for typical drive applica‐ Setting in
errors tions P‑0‑0117 Setting in P‑0‑0118 General conditions

NC master-side NC master-side priority of shut‐ NC reaction ac‐ no package reaction, Drive with F8 error does
reaction down and power off tive no signaling of drive er‐ not decelerate!
drive reaction shutdown spindle drive (asyn‐ NC reaction not package reaction, sig‐ Drive with F8 error does
chronous motors) active naling of drive errors not decelerate! ,
shutdown servo drives (synchro‐ no DC bus short circuit
nous motors) power off via NC master
power off
shutdown servo drives (synchro‐ NC reaction not package reaction, power off only with F8 er‐
nous motors) active signaling of drive er‐ ror, otherwise via NC mas‐
Power Off rors, ter with DC bus short cir‐
signaling of F8 errors to cuit
shutdown spindle drive (asyn‐ supply
chronous motors) irrelevant
power off NC reaction not package reaction, Power off only with F8 er‐
shutdown spindle drive (asyn‐ active signaling of drive er‐ ror, otherwise via NC mas‐
chronous motors) rors, ter; no DC bus short cir‐
signaling of F8 errors to cuit, drive with F8 error
shutdown servo drives (synchro‐ supply does not decelerate!
nous motors)
power off NC reaction not package reaction, power off only with F8 er‐
shutdown servo drives (synchro‐ active signaling of drive er‐ ror, otherwise via NC mas‐
nous motors) rors, ter with DC bus short cir‐
signaling of F8 errors to cuit
shutdown spindle drive (asyn‐ supply
chronous motors)

Fig.8-15: Examples of settings in P‑0‑0117 and P‑0‑0118, depending on the pri‐

ority of appropriate error reactions (with general conditions)

The above examples are not binding and provide basic information
on the settings that have to be made according to the axis-specific
and application-dependent requirements.

Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration

● P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration
Notes on Commissioning
Basic settings with regard to error handling have to be made in parameter
"P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration":
● Reaction to signaled errors of other drives in the drive system ("package
● Signaling of own drive errors in drive system via module bus
● Handling of "undervoltage" message for inverters (HMS or HMD type) and
converters (HCS type)
● Automatic clearing of the error "F2026 Undervoltage in power section" by
switching drive enable off
● Signaling of own, fatal drive errors (F8xxx) to the supply via module bus
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 543/886
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Extended Axis Functions

8.3.4 Control Reaction on Error

NC Reaction on Error
Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-16: Assignment to functional firmware package

To avoid damages to the machine, some applications require that the master
(e.g. NC) retains control of the travel profile of the axes in the case of error, too,
and shuts down the machine axes in a coordinated way. For this case, the "NC
reaction on error" option was implemented; it can be activated via parameter
The master is informed of an error in the drive controller via the drive status
word (see S‑0‑0135) so that the master can shut down the machine axes in a
coordinated way and therefore avoid possible damage.

NC reaction on error is only possible with non-fatal errors (diag‐

nostic message F2xxx), otherwise the drive always reacts with an
immediate drive-side error reaction.

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word

● P‑0‑0117, Activation of control reaction on error
● P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration
Functional Description
In the case of NC reaction on error, the axis reporting the error still is provided
with the command values preset by the master and follows them, even in the
case of error, for another 30 s. To achieve this, the function has to be activated
so that the defined time delay of 30 s becomes effective between the detection
of the error and the drive-side reaction.
Activating the NC Reaction The NC reaction on error is activated in parameter "P‑0‑0117, Activation of
control reaction on error".
P‑0‑0117, bit 0:
● Bit 0 = 0 → The drive carries out its error reaction without delay according
to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration", after recognizing
the error.
● Bit 0 = 1 → The drive carries out its error reaction according to the setting
in parameter P‑0‑0119 only 30 s after recognizing the error. The drive, for
the duration of 30 s after detection of the error, continues following the
command values of the master and therefore allows an NC error reac‐
Note: In case that after the recognition of the error, within this waiting pe‐
riod the error message is deleted, no drive reaction set in parameter
P‑0‑0119 will be executed.

The activation of "NC reaction on error" (P‑0‑0117, bit 0 = 1) only

makes sense for masters that have the respective procedure for the
case of error.
544/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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MLD Reaction on Error

Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-17: Assignment to functional firmware package

As an alternative to the NC reaction, the IndraMotion MLD reaction on error can
also be realized for the (local) axis. In this, the MLD reaction and the NC reaction
are differentiated functionally inasfar that by means of IndraMotion MLD, even
for an interface error (F4xxx) an error reaction to be defined by the operator can
be executed for the (local) axis.

Prerequisite for the utilization of the MLD error reaction is an enable

of the PLC function in the drive (see "Enabling of Functional Pack‐

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word

● P‑0‑0117, Activation of control reaction on error
● P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration
● P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages
Functional Description
By means of the MLD reaction on error, the (local) axis is commanded by the
IndraMotion MLD for another 30 s in the case of an error. In case the MLD
already had control over the axis before the occurrence of an error, it will main‐
tain it or it will take over control over the axis, which results in any control over
by an external controller to be interrrupted.
Activating the NC Reaction The MLD reaction on error is activated in parameter "P‑0‑0117, Activation of
control reaction on error".
P‑0‑0117, bit 1 (bit 0 must be Zero):
● Bit 1 = 0 → The drive carries out its error reaction without delay according
to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration", after recognizing
the error.
● Bit 1 = 1 → The drive carries out its error reaction according to the setting
in parameter P‑0‑0119 only 30 s after recognizing the error. For a period
of 30 s as of the time of error recognition, the IndraMotion MLD will receive
control over the axis and therefore it can carry out an MLD error reac‐
Note: In case that after the recognition of the error, within this waiting pe‐
riod the error message is deleted, no drive reaction set in parameter
P‑0‑0119 will be executed.
Notes on Utilization When using the function, observe the following aspects:
● The MLD reaction on error, is also carried out if the IndraMotion MLD is
not running. Therefore, the activation of "MLD reaction on er‐
ror" (P‑0‑0117, Bit 1 = 1) can only be carried out, if a respective reaction
is programmed via IndraMotion MLD.
● MLD reaction on error is only possible with non-fatal errors (F2xxx) and
with interface errors (F4xxx), otherwise the drive always reacts with an
immediate drive-side error reaction.
● The MLD reaction on error facilitates very fast and - above all - flexible
reaction on occurrance of an error.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 545/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

8.4 E-Stop Function

8.4.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-18: Assignment to functional firmware package

The E-Stop function is used to shut down the drive with selectable drive reaction
(see Parameter Description "P‑0‑0008, Activation E-Stop function") via a digital
input of the drive controller.
To use the E-Stop function, you have the following options:
● E-Stop with reaction to interface error (F4034 Emergency-Stop)
→ Reaction: Best possible deceleration (as set in P‑0‑0119)
● E-Stop with reaction to travel range error (F6034 Emergency-Stop)
→ Reaction: Velocity command value reset
● E-Stop as fatal warning "E8034 Emergency-Stop"
→ Reaction: Best possible deceleration (as set in P‑0‑0119)

If E-Stop was parameterized as a warning, it isn't necessary to clear

the diagnostic message!

Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0008, Activation E-Stop function

● P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration
● P‑0‑0223, E-Stop input
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E8034 Emergency-Stop
● F4034 Emergency-Stop
● F6034 Emergency-Stop

8.4.2 Functional Description

By activating the E-Stop input (P‑0‑0008, bit 0 = 1) and assigning bit 0 of
P‑0‑0223 to a digital input, the drive is caused to carry out, with 0 V at the E-
Stop input, the reaction defined via P‑0‑0008 for shutting the drive down.
E-Stop Reaction According to The reaction first of all depends on the setting of bit 2 in parameter P‑0‑0008.
P‑0‑0008, Bit 2
If the interpretation "fatal warning" was parameterized in P‑0‑0008 (bit 2 = 1),
the drive reacts, as in the case when the external drive enable is switched off,
with the reaction set in parameter "P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration".
● The warning "E8034 Emergency-Stop" appears. Bit 15 is set in parameter
"S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics" (manufacturer-specific warning).
● Simultaneously, the bit "change bit class 2 diagnostics" is set in the drive
status word.

This change bit is cleared by reading the parameter "S‑0‑0012,

Class 2 diagnostics". Using parameter "S‑0‑0097, Mask class 2 di‐
agnostic", warnings can be adjusted in terms of their effect on the
change bit.

To reactivate the drive, the E‑Stop input has to be deactivated and

another positive edge has to be applied to the external drive ena‐
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If the interpretation as an error was set in parameter P‑0‑0008 (bit 2 = 0), the
reaction selected in bit 1 is carried out:
● The diagnostic error message "F4034 Emergency-Stop" (or "F6034 Emer‐
gency-Stop") appears.
● Bit 15 is set in parameter "S-0-0011, Class 1 diagnostics".
● Bit 13 (drive interlock, error in class 1 diagnostics) is set in the drive status
word of the drive telegram. The error message can be cleared via com‐
mand "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics" or the "Esc" key of the
control panel if the E-Stop input is no longer active.

The error reaction is carried out without delay, independent of pa‐

rameter "P‑0‑0117, Activation of control reaction on error".

E-Stop Reaction According to If bit 1 = 0 was set in parameter P‑0‑0008, the drive is shut down according to
P‑0‑0008, Bit 1 the error reaction parameterized via "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration".
The diagnostic message upon activating the E-Stop input then is "F4034 Emer‐
If bit 1 = 1 was set in parameter P‑0‑0008, the drive, when the E‑Stop triggers,
is braked with maximum torque to speed = 0, independent of the error reaction
set in parameter P‑0‑0119. This setting corresponds to the best possible de‐
celeration "velocity command value reset".
The diagnostic message upon activating the E-Stop input then is "F6034 Emer‐

8.4.3 Notes on Commissioning

Activation and Polarity of the E-Stop Input
Assigning Digital Input Prerequisite for using the function is the assignment of bit 0 of parameter
P‑0‑0223 to a digital input (see Digital Inputs/Outputs"). A voltage level at the
digital input therefore also affects bit 0 of P‑0‑0223.

Without this assignment to the digital input, the E‑Stop reaction fails
to occur in spite of the input having been activated!

Activating E-Stop The activation of the E-Stop input and the selection of a reaction for shutdown
of the drive is carried out via bit 0 of parameter "P‑0‑0008, Activation E-Stop
function" (see also Parameter Description P‑0‑0008).
P‑0‑0008, bit 0 (activation E-Stop):
● Bit 0 = 0 → Function not activated
● Bit 0 = 1 → Function activated
Selecting the Drive Reaction
Determining Reaction It is possible to determine whether an error message or a warning is generated
when 0 V are detected at the E-Stop input. Bit 1 and bit 2 of "P‑0‑0008, Acti‐
vation E-Stop function" are relevant for determining this.
P‑0‑0008, bit 1 (error class when interpreted as error):
● Bit 1 = 0 → F4034 → Best possible deceleration
● Bit 1 = 1 → F6034 → Velocity command value reset
P‑0‑0008, bit 2 (interpretation of the E-Stop input):
● Bit 2 = 0 → Interpreted as error (see bit 1)
● Bit 2 = 1 → Interpreted as fatal warning
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 547/886
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Extended Axis Functions

The error reaction can be determined via "P‑0‑0119, Best possible


Connecting the E-Stop Input

See documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project Planning


The polarity of the input cannot be selected. It is always active when

the signal = 0 V; this means that 0 V at the digital input causes the
E-Stop to trigger.

8.4.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Diagnostic Warning and Error Messages
There are the following diagnostic messages for the E-Stop function:
● Warning "E8034 Emergency-Stop"
→ E-Stop with best possible deceleration
● Error "F4034 Emergency-Stop"
→ E-Stop with best possible deceleration
● Error "F6034 Emergency-Stop"
→ E-Stop with velocity command value reset
Status Messages
The status of the E-Stop input can be read via parameter "P‑0‑0223, E-Stop
● Bit 0 = 0: 0 V at input
→ E-Stop triggers
● Bit 0 = 1: 24 V at input
→ E-Stop does not trigger

8.5 Compensation Functions / Corrections

8.5.1 Friction Torque Compensation
Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-19: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

The behavior of a machine axis is negatively affected by static friction when
starting or when reversing the direction. The drive-internal friction torque com‐
pensation allows compensating the static friction by adding, depending on the
direction of movement, a torque/force command value.
548/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.8-20: Friction Torque Curve With Static Friction

Friction torque compensation is mainly intended to be used in pre‐

cision machine tools and to reduce the path errors caused by static
friction. This applies particularly to circular errors at the quadrant

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value

● S‑0‑0124, Standstill window
● S‑0‑0155, Friction compensation
Functional Principle
The principle of friction torque compensation is that the known friction compo‐
nent is pre-controlled (compensated) via an added torque/force command
value and does not have to be compensated by the controller. This allows,
especially when reversing the direction of movement, improving the control be‐
havior (little lag error). Precision of drive control is thereby increased.

S‑0‑0124 Standstill window

S‑0‑0155 Friction compensation
Fig.8-21: Functional Principle of Friction Compensation

A hysteresis was implemented in the reversal point so that the com‐

pensation value is only added when the drive velocity is outside the
standstill window (see S‑0‑0124).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 549/886
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Extended Axis Functions

Notes on Commissioning
Requirements The following requirements must have been fulfilled for using this function:
● The friction torque of the axis must have a relevant value. With a friction
torque component of less than 10 % of the nominal torque of the drive
used, friction torque compensation won't have any important effect.
● The friction torque to be compensated must be more approximately con‐
stant, independent of the current machining process.
Preparations Before activating the function, make the following preparations:
● Set velocity and position control loops according to the Notes on Com‐
See "Commissioning and Parameterizing the Control Loops" for the re‐
spective operating mode
● Connect the master; it must allow moving the drive (e.g. jog function).
● Set and activate the travel range limits of the axis (cf. P‑0‑0090, S‑0‑0049,
● If the friction characteristic of the axis is highly temperature-dependent,
bring the drive to operating temperature before determining the compen‐
sation value.
● Set the torque limit to minimum value so that the drive cannot surmount
the static friction and does not move in spite of command value input.

If the drive can only be moved in position control, switch off the lag
error monitor, as otherwise the error "F2028 Excessive deviation"
can occur during determination of the compensation value!

Determining the Compensation Determine the compensation value (S‑0‑0155) in the following steps:
1. Preset a positive command value for the axis and increase "S‑0‑0092,
Bipolar torque/force limit value" until the axis moves. The value then con‐
tained in S‑0‑0092 corresponds to the static friction component for positive
direction (friction value_positive).
Repeat this procedure in the other direction of movement to determine the
static friction component for negative direction (friction value_negative).
2. Derive the setting value for friction torque compensation from the deter‐
mined values (friction value_positive and friction value_negative). As there
is no direction-dependent correction value, the average value has to be
calculated from these two values and entered in parameter "S‑0‑0155,
Friction compensation".

Fig.8-22: Generating the Average Value for the Entry in Parameter S‑0‑0155

8.5.2 Encoder Error Correction

Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-23: Assignment to functional firmware package

The quality of machining or the precision with which an axis can follow a given
path is determined by several factors. One of the factors of influence is the
550/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

precision with which a measuring system can identify the position of an axis or
IndraDrive controllers provide the possibility of improving inaccuracy inherent
in position measuring systems with sinusoidal signals. This improves the ability
of a drive or an axis to follow the position and velocity command values. The
bandwidth of the control loops can also be improved in many cases by the
possibility of setting the control loop gain to a higher value.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0340, C3500 Command Determine encoder correction values
● P‑0‑0341, Control word for encoder correction
● P‑0‑0342, Correction value table for encoder correction
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C3500 Command Determine encoder correction values
● C3501 Acquisition velocity not allowed
● C3502 Motor encoder not available
● C3503 Optional encoder not available
● C3504 Measuring encoder not available
● C3505 No encoder selected
● C3506 Correction value table cannot be stored
Functional Description
The precision of the actual position values that the controller determines from
the signals of a measuring system depends, in the case of sinusoidal signals,
to a high degree on how well the measuring system complies with the sine form.
Inaccuracy of Sinusoidal Encoder The most important inaccuracies with sinusoidal signals are caused by:
● Signal offset
→ The evaluated sine signal is not symmetrical to the zero line
● Amplitude error
→ The signal amplitude is either too low (bad resolution) or too high (crest
range cannot be displayed)
● Signal shape error
→ The curve shape differs from the exact sine shape
Actual position values are calculated from both sinusoidal signals of an encoder
that are offset by a quarter of a division period. The mentioned errors cause
differing sine signals and therefore differing actual position values compared to
ideal actual position values of exactly sinusoidal signal curves.
The controller automatically compensates the signal offset and the amplitude
error for all encoders connected to the controller.
Compensating Signal Shape Errors Due to the high degree of required calculated capacity, the correction of signal
shape errors can only be activated for one of the encoders that can be con‐
nected. To do this, it is necessary to determine one encoder, for which the
correction is to be carried out, in parameter "P‑0‑0341, Control word for encoder
correction". The controller measures signal shape errors by activation of
"P‑0‑0340, C3500 Command Determine encoder correction values".
To record the signal shape errors of the encoder division periods, it is necessary
to control the drive in the "velocity control" mode with a constant velocity com‐
mand value.
The formulas below apply to the maximum velocity for determining the correc‐
tion values related to the encoder shaft (rotary encoder) or the sensor head
(linear encoder):
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 551/886
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Extended Axis Functions

S‑0‑0040 Velocity feedback value

TVreg sampling time of the velocity loop
DP/rev. division periods per encoder revolution (number of lines of the rotary
DP length of the division period (linear encoder)
Fig.8-24: Maximum velocity for determining the correction values
When all required measured values have been recorded, the correction values
calculated and stored in "P‑0‑0342, Correction value table for encoder correc‐
tion", the controller completes the command execution. If with the command
C3500 being active the actual velocity value should be lower than 50% or higher
than 100% of the maximum value calculated above, the recording of the signal
shape errors is aborted (error message "C3501 Acquisition velocity not al‐
lowed"). For trouble-free recording of the correction values, a command value
of approx. 75% of the maximum velocity is recommended.

The values in the correction table P‑0‑0342 are only suitable for the
encoder for which they were determined! In case an encoder is re‐
placed, the correction values have to be determined again (com‐
mand C3500)!

Activation/Deactivation The correction values are determined once during initial commissioning. If en‐
coder error correction has been activated with the drive in operation (respective
bits of P‑0‑0341), the signal shape errors of the encoder tracks are compen‐
sated by adding a correction value. The correction values are generated from
the table values of parameter P‑0‑0342. If there hasn't been any encoder se‐
lected, the encoder error correction is deactivated!
Notes on Application According to experience, the encoder error correction can be effectively used
for encoders with the following characteristics:
● Rotary encoders → Up to approx. 1000 cycles/revolution
● Linear encoders → Division periods up to approx. 0.1 mm
Observe the following basic principles for application:
● If the encoder error correction shouldn't cause any improvement, this
function has to be deactivated (relieving the processor!).
● If the constant speed of a drive is to be improved, the encoder error cor‐
rection has to be applied to the motor encoder.
● If the positioning precision is to be improved, the encoder error correction
has to be applied to the position control encoder.
Notes on Commissioning
Preparations Before starting the command C3500, make the following preparations for the
respective drive:
● Determine the encoder to be corrected in "P‑0‑0341, Control word for en‐
coder correction".
● Determine the velocity that mustn't be exceeded for recording the signal
shape errors.
552/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Estimate the travel range of the axis for a motion time of at least 4 s with
the maximum recording velocity and make sure that the travel range is
sufficient (start position, direction of motion).
● Activate the "velocity control" mode.
Carrying Out Encoder Error Correc‐ During initial commissioning, the encoder error correction has to be carried out
tion once:
● Activate drive ("AF") and start "P‑0‑0340, C3500 Command Determine
encoder correction values"
● Input velocity command value of approx. 75% of calculated maximum val‐
● Observe the status of command execution and with the end of the com‐
mand execution set the velocity command value to zero.
● Check the effectiveness of the encoder error correction, e.g. by checking
the amplitude of the speed jitter, if, as in the case of the recording of the
signal shape errors with activated and deactivated encoder error correc‐
tion, the same distance is traveled in the same way. With active encoder
error correction, the amplitude has to be distinctly smaller!
If necessary, repeat the command C3500 with modified recording velocity!

Property damage caused by errors when controlling motors and moving

⇒ Make sure that the travel range of the axis is sufficient! Activate axis end
CAUTION position switches and set them to collision-safe positions!

Activating Encoder Error Correction When the drive is switched on again (after initial commissioning), the correction
values stored in parameter "P‑0‑0342, Correction value table for encoder cor‐
rection" are automatically activated when the respective bit has been set in
parameter "P‑0‑0341, Control word for encoder correction".

8.5.3 Axis Error Correction

Brief Description
The actual position value provided by the measuring system can differ from the
real actual position value at the axis, e.g. at the point of chip removal in the case
of metal-cutting machining, due to
● inaccuracy of the measuring system,
● transmission inaccuracy in mechanical transmission elements such as
gear, clutch, feed spindle etc.,
● thermal expansion of machine parts of the drive system.
For compensating the mechanically determined position error sources, Indra‐
Drive controllers provide the following correction functions:
● Backlash on reversal correction
● Precision axis error correction
● Control-side axis error correction
The control-side axis error correction is always active. The correction value can
be transmitted in the cyclic telegram or in the service channel. In addition, pre‐
cision axis error correction or reversal clearance can be activated, precision
axis error correction having higher priority.
Moreover, it is possible to activate the temperature error correction. IndraDrive
controllers provide two possibilities of correcting temperature errors:
● Independent of axis position
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 553/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● Depending on axis position

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0058, Reversal clearance
● S‑0‑0124, Standstill window
● P‑0‑0400, Axis correction external correction value
● P‑0‑0401, Axis correction active correction value
● P‑0‑0402, Axis correction reference temperature
● P‑0‑0403, Axis correction reference position for temp. corr.
● P‑0‑0404, Axis correction actual temperature pos.-dependent
● P‑0‑0405, Axis correction actual temperature pos.-independent
● P‑0‑0406, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-dependent
● P‑0‑0407, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent
● P‑0‑0408, Axis correction start position
● P‑0‑0409, Axis correction end position
● P‑0‑0410, Axis correction support point distance
● P‑0‑0411, Axis correction correction table positive
● P‑0‑0412, Axis correction correction table negative
● P‑0‑0413, Axis correction control word
Selecting the Measuring System
Measuring System to be Corrected The actual position value system to be corrected is selected via the respective
bit of "P‑0‑0413, Axis correction control word". It is only possible to select one
of the actual position value systems!

All position-dependent correction functions only take effect after the

position data reference was established for the respective encoder
(see "Establishing the Position Data Reference").
Active Correction Value The sum of active correction values is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0401, Axis
correction active correction value". The value refers to the encoder selected in
parameter P‑0‑0413.
How to Use the Functions of Axis It is possible to use several axis error corrections at the same time. The avail‐
Error Correction ability of the individual correction functions, however, depends on the functional
package which has been activated.
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the subfunctions for axis error
554/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value

S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
P‑0‑0400 Axis correction external correction value
P‑0‑0401 Axis correction active correction value
P‑0‑0410 Axis correction support point distance
P‑0‑0413 Axis correction control word
Fig.8-25: Overview of How to Use the Functions of Axis Error Correction
Backlash on Reversal Correction
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-26: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

By means of the backlash on reversal correction, it is easily possible to correct
backlash in the mechanical axis system.

Fig.8-27: Illustration of Backlash With Toothed Wheels

The function is activated by inputting the backlash in parameter "S‑0‑0058, Re‐
versal clearance". The actual position values of the encoder selected via
P‑0‑0413 are corrected with the value from S‑0‑0058 (taking the direction of
motion into account).
In Position Control In position control, the direction of motion is recognized by the sign of the value
of "P‑0‑0434, Position command value of controller", derived with respect to
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 555/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Fig.8-28: Operating Principle of Backlash on Reversal Correction in Position Con‐

trol (Reversal Clearance Added in the Case of Negative Sign of the
Value of P-0-0434)
In Velocity Control In velocity control, reversal of the direction of motion is recognized when the
velocity command value (S‑0‑0036) has exceeded the absolute value of the
standstill window (S‑0‑0124) in positive or negative direction. The standstill
window acts as hysteresis!

Fig.8-29: Operating Principle of Backlash on Reversal Correction in Velocity Con‐

trol (Reversal Clearance Added When Velocity Command Value Leaves
Standstill Window With Negative Velocity)

xact_corr Corrected actual position value 1

xact Uncorrected actual position value 1
Fig.8-30: Corrected Actual Position Value for Positive Direction

xact_corr Corrected actual position value 1

xact Uncorrected actual position value 1
Fig.8-31: Corrected Actual Position Value for Negative Direction
556/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

S‑0‑0036 Velocity command value

S‑0‑0058 Reversal clearance
S‑0‑0124 Standstill window
P‑0‑0401 Axis correction active correction value
Fig.8-32: Block Diagram of Backlash on Reversal Correction
Determining the Reversal Clear‐ The following procedure is recommended for determining the value for param‐
ance eter "S‑0‑0058, Reversal clearance":
● By means of jog mode move axis in positive direction
● Place dial gauge at appropriate spot of mechanical axis system and set it
to zero
● Jog axis in negative direction, until change in pointer deflection of dial
gauge is visible
The reversal clearance then is determined according to the following calcula‐

Δxcontrol Distance traveled from zero position of dial gauge according to control
Δxdial gauge Distance traveled according to dial gauge referring to its zero position
Fig.8-33: Determining the Input Value for S‑0‑0058
Precision Axis Error Correction
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) of variants MPH and MPD in
closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-34: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

The precision axis error correction is used for correcting non-linear encoder
errors and non-linear errors of the mechanical system. The correction acts on
the encoder selected by means of P‑0‑0413.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0408, Axis correction start position
● P‑0‑0409, Axis correction end position
● P‑0‑0410, Axis correction support point distance
● P‑0‑0411, Axis correction correction table positive
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 557/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● P‑0‑0412, Axis correction correction table negative
Correction Values By means of the tables "P‑0‑0411, Axis correction, correction table positive"
and "P‑0‑0412, Axis correction, correction table negative", position-dependent
and direction-dependent correction values, so-called correction support points,
can be entered within the correction range.
Correction Range The correction range lies within the value range that is limited by the parameters
"P‑0‑0408, Axis correction starting position" and "P‑0‑0409, Axis correction end
position". The start position (P‑0‑0408) is preset by the user, the end position
(P‑0‑0409) is determined on the drive side from the maximum value of the cor‐
rection table support points used (from P‑0‑0411 and P‑0‑0412) and the support
point distance (P‑0‑0410).
Correction Support Points The positions for which correction support points are entered, are determined
via the parameters "P‑0‑0410, Axis correction support point distance" and
"P‑0‑0408, Axis correction start position". Between the correction support
points, the correction values are calculated by cubic spline interpolation.
The actual position values of the encoder selected via P‑0‑0413 are corrected
with the interpolated values of "correction table positive" (P‑0‑0411) or "correc‐
tion table negative" (P‑0‑0412), taking the direction of motion into account.
Depending on the operating mode, the direction of motion is recognized in dif‐
ferent ways:
● In position control, by the sign of the value of "P‑0‑0434, Position com‐
mand value of controller", derived with respect to time
● In velocity control, when the velocity command value (S‑0‑0036) exceeds
the absolute value of the standstill window (S‑0‑0124) in positive/negative
→ The standstill window acts as hysteresis!
Activating the Precision Axis Error The precision axis error correction is active when the parameter "P‑0‑0410, Axis
Correction correction support point distance" has a value greater than zero and position
data reference has been established for the encoder the actual position value
of which is to be corrected.

Fig.8-35: Illustration of Correction Value Generation From the Entered Correction

Support Points
558/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

Table in‐
dex P‑0‑0411 (positive direction) P‑0‑0412 (negative direction)

0 0 (correction value at start position 0 (correction value at start position

P‑0‑0408) P‑0‑0408)
1 Correction value support point 1 Correction value support point 1
2 Correction value support point 2 Correction value support point 2
3 Correction value support point 3 Correction value support point 3
.... .... ....
498 Correction value support point 498 Correction value support point 498
499 0 0

Fig.8-36: Assignment of Support Point Correction Values to Table Index of Cor‐

rection Tables P‑0‑0411 and P‑0‑0412

At least 6, but not all of the 500 table values have to be used! It is
recommended, however, to use the same number of correction
support points for positive and negative directions of motion! The
first and the last correction value of the table have to be zero in order
to avoid discontinuity (abrupt changes) in the actual position value!

Different correction values for positive and negative directions of

motion at the same support point cause discontinuity in the corre‐
sponding actual position value upon a change in direction and
therefore are possibly causing abrupt control with regard to the
command position!

Operating Principle The figure below illustrates the operating principle of precision axis error cor‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 559/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

S‑0‑0036 Velocity command value

S‑0‑0124 Standstill window
P‑0‑0401 Axis correction active correction value
P‑0‑0411 Axis correction correction table positive
P‑0‑0412 Axis correction correction table negative
Fig.8-37: Block Diagram of Precision Axis Error Correction
Determining the Required Parame‐ The correction values are determined by means of a reference measuring sys‐
ter Values tem (e.g. laser interferometer). Within the desired correction range, the drive
successively moves to the support points for the different directions and the
corresponding position error is measured.

xcorr Correction value related to support point

xmeas Measured position value at support point
xdisplay Value of parameter S‑0‑0051 or S‑0‑0053
Fig.8-38: Determining Correction Value for Precision Axis Error Correction
The correction values related to support point are entered in the list parameters
P‑0‑0411 and P‑0‑0412.
The required length of the correction range and the maximum value of the
number of support points determine the minimum support point distance. If a
lower number of support points is selected, a bigger support point distance is
required with a correction value of the same length. This, however, can reduce
the precision of correction!
560/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

P‑0‑0410 Axis correction support point distance

P‑0‑0411 Axis correction correction table positive
P‑0‑0412 Axis correction correction table negative
Fig.8-39: Determining the Support Point Distance

When the value in parameter P‑0‑0410 equals zero, the precision

axis error correction is deactivated!

Determining Start Position The start position for precision axis error correction defines the position of the
first correction support point, the end position is determined by the controller
and displayed in "P‑0‑0409, Axis correction end position".
Control-Side Axis Error Correction
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) of variants MPH and MPD in
closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-40: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

IndraDrive controllers provide the possibility of cyclically transmitting control-
side correction values for the actual position value to the drive and using them
for calculating the actual position value in the position control clock.
The control-side axis error correction is activated when the parameter
"P‑0‑0400, Axis correction external correction value" is available in the master
data telegram. The correction values act on the encoder selected in parameter
"P‑0‑0413, Axis correction control word".

For control-side axis error correction, it is not necessary to establish

the position data reference drive-internally for the respective en‐

Fig.8-41: Control-Side Axis Error Correction

Temperature Error Correction
General Information
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-42: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

The temperature error correction is used to correct actual position value errors
that can occur due to temperature-dependent linear expansion at servo axes.
Dependencies of the Actual Posi‐ According to the mechanical configuration of the axis and the arrangement of
tion Value Errors of Thermal Cause the workpiece or tool, the actual position value errors caused by the influence
of temperature can
● only depend on temperature
- or -
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 561/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● depend on temperature and on axis position.
IndraDrive controllers therefore provide two possibilities of temperature error
● Independent of position
● Depending on position
Measured Temperature Value The measured temperature value has to be made cyclically available by the
control master via the master communication. Separate measured temperature
values are used for position-dependent and position-independent temperature
error correction!
Reference Temperature The temperature-dependent correction functions are working relatively to a ref‐
erence temperature at which there isn't any temperature-dependent actual
position value error present. The reference temperature value has to be entered
in parameter "P‑0‑0402, Axis correction reference temperature".

When actual position reference values are measured, all machine

parts have to have reference temperature!

Scaling All temperature data are scaled with the temperature scaling (S‑0‑0208) set on
the drive side. The factors for linear expansion (P‑0‑0406, P‑0‑0407) are scaled
with the quotient "position data scaling/temperature scaling" (S‑0‑0076/

Position-Independent Temperature Error Correction

Usage The position-independent temperature error correction is used to compensate
the temperature-dependent linear expansion of tools, workpieces and slides.
The expansion of these components of a servo axis only depends on the tem‐
perature difference compared to a reference temperature, the resulting actual
position value error is the same at each position of the axis.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0402, Axis correction reference temperature
● P‑0‑0405, Axis correction actual temperature pos.-independent
● P‑0‑0407, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent

Lref.temp Material length the temperature expansion of which has to be compen‐

sated (at reference temperature)
Fig.8-43: Example of Application for Position-Independent Temperature Error

The actual position value system to be corrected is selected via the

respective bit of "P‑0‑0413, Axis correction control word".
562/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

Operating principle of position-independent temperature error correction:

Fig.8-44: Position-Independent Temperature Error Correction

Drive-internal determination of the correction value:

xkorr Correction value, temperature-dependent

P‑0‑0407 Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent
P‑0‑0405 Axis correction actual temperature pos.-independent
P‑0‑0402 Axis correction reference temperature
Fig.8-45: Determining the Correction Value
Position-Independent Temperature Determining the value for "P‑0‑0407, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-
Factor independent" can be carried out by calculation or by measurement.
Calculating the Value If all data for the formula below can be unequivocally assigned due to the as‐
sembly of the mechanical system, the correction factor can be calculated.

P‑0‑0407 Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent

α Linear expansion coefficient of the material
Lref.temp. Material length the temperature expansion of which has to be compen‐
sated (at reference temperature)
Fig.8-46: Calculating the Value for P‑0‑0407

P‑0‑0407 Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent

α For example, 0.000018 1/K, if temperature scaling °C (default scaling)
Lref.temp. For example, 100mm (preferred scaling)
Fig.8-47: Example of How to Calculate the Value for P‑0‑0407
Measuring the Value If it is impossible to calculate the value for P‑0‑0407 (e.g. if the object of cor‐
rection consists of different materials), it has to be measured. A series of
measurements determines the actual position value error of the object of cor‐
rection at different temperatures. Depending on the temperature difference, a
straight line can be approximated by means of the measuring points.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 563/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

xkn Correction value (measured position value – actual position value

ΔTn Temperature difference (measured temperature – reference tempera‐
ture (P-0-0402))
Fig.8-48: Approximated Straight Correction Line on the Basis of Measured Cor‐
rection Values at Different ΔT
Calculation by Means of Measured The gradient of the approximated straight line is the value of the position-inde‐
Values pendent temperature factor. By means of the value from the series of meas‐
urements, it is possible to calculate the position-independent temperature

P‑0‑0407 Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent

n Number of measured values
ΔTn Temperature difference at which the correction value x_kn was deter‐
xkn Correction value at the temperature difference ΔT_n
Fig.8-49: Calculating the Position-Independent Temperature Factor From the Val‐
ues of the Series of Measurements
Activating the Function The position-independent temperature error correction is activated, when the
value of "P‑0‑0407, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent" is
greater than zero.

When the value in parameter P‑0‑0407 equals zero, the function of

position-independent temperature error correction is deactivated.
This correction function does not require position data reference for
the measuring system to the corrected!

Position-Dependent Temperature Error Correction

Usage The position-dependent temperature error correction is used to compensate for
the temperature-dependent linear expansion of the mechanical transfer ele‐
ments of a servo axis or the measuring system. Depending on the position of
the axis slide, the temperature-dependent linear expansion causes actual po‐
sition value errors of different extent over the travel range of the axis.
At a position of the axis, there is a non-temperature-dependent "dedicated
point" available that is used as the reference position for the position-dependent
temperature error correction.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0402, Axis correction reference temperature
564/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

● P‑0‑0403, Axis correction reference position for temp. corr.
● P‑0‑0404, Axis correction actual temperature pos.-dependent
● P‑0‑0406, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-dependent

Fig.8-50: Example of Application for Position-Dependent Temperature Error Cor‐


The actual position value system to be corrected is selected via the

respective bit of "P‑0‑0413, Axis correction control word".

Operating principle of position-dependent temperature error correction:

Fig.8-51: Position-Dependent Temperature Error Correction

When the position data reference was established for the actual position value
system, the correction value related to the current actual position value is drive-
internally determined as follows:

Xkorr Correction value, temperature- and position-dependent

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value (or S‑0‑0053 for position feedback 2)
P‑0‑0403 Axis correction reference position for temp. corr.
P‑0‑0404 Axis correction actual temperature pos.-dependent
P‑0‑0402 Axis correction reference temperature
P‑0‑0406 Axis correction temperature factor pos.-dependent
Fig.8-52: Determining the Correction Value, Temperature- and Position-Depend‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 565/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Determining the Reference Posi‐ For position-dependent temperature error correction, there is an axis position
tion that is not invalidated by variations of temperature. It is the reference position
for position-dependent temperature error correction and is entered in parameter
"P‑0‑0403, Axis correction reference position for temp. corr.".
Determine the reference position by:
● Direct measurement, if the arrangement of the mechanical transmission
elements allows unequivocally recognizing the reference position
- or -
● A series of measurements with which the actual position value error is
measured at axis positions clearly different from the reference position (at
constant temperature that is clearly different from the reference tempera‐
ture (P‑0‑0402))
Reference Position by Means of As in the majority of cases it is impossible to determine the dedicated point by
Series of Measurements direct measurement, determining the dedicated point by means of a series of
measurements is of great importance.

Fig.8-53: Illustration of the Reference Position

By means of the measuring points (P1, P2, P3), it is possible to determine the
reference position by the equation of an approximated straight line:

x0 Reference position
b Intersection point of straight line and correction value axis (x_k)
a Gradient of the straight line
Fig.8-54: Determining the Reference Position
Gradient of the straight line:
566/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

a Gradient of the straight line

n Number of measured values
xact_n Actual position at which a correction value x_kn was measured
xkn Correction value at x_act_n
Fig.8-55: Auxiliary Equation 1 for Determining Dedicated Point
Intersection point of straight line and correction value axis (xk):

b Intersection point of straight line and correction value axis

n Number of measured values
xact_n Actual position at which a correction value x_kn was measured
xkn Correction value at x_act_n
Fig.8-56: Auxiliary Equation 2 for Determining Dedicated Point
Example Measured errors at Tact = 45°C (reference temperature T0 = 23°C):

n Xact_n (actual pos. value 1) in mm xkn (error) in mm

1 + 10,0000 - 0,0300
2 + 70,0000 + 0,0100
3 + 105,0000 + 0,0250

Fig.8-57: Example of a Series of Measurements for Temperature Error Correction

Resulting measuring points: P = [x = xact_n; x = xkn]
● P1 = [+ 10.0 mm; - 0.03 mm]
● P2 = [+ 70.0 mm; + 0.01 mm]
● P3 = [+ 105.0 mm; + 0.025 mm]
● n=3
Partial sums for auxiliary equations:

Fig.8-58: Example: Partial Sums for Auxiliary Equations

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 567/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Fig.8-59: Example: Auxiliary Equation 1

Fig.8-60: Example: Auxiliary Equation 2

x0 Reference position
Fig.8-61: Example: Determining the Reference Position
In order to be able to determine the reference position as exactly as possible,
several series of measurements should be recorded at different temperatures
for position-dependent temperature error correction.
The resulting dedicated position is determined by the arithmetic mean of the
calculated dedicated positions.
Position-Dependent Temperature The value for "P‑0‑0406, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-dependent" is
Factor determined
● by means of the data of the mechanical transmission elements
- or -
● by means of series of measurements for actual position value error at
different temperatures at an identical axis position.
Temperature Factor by Means of To determine the position-dependent temperature factor, it is necessary to re‐
Series of Measurements cord a series of measurements of correction values at different temperatures,
at least at one position that clearly differs from the reference position.
Depending on the temperature difference, a straight line can be approximated
through the measuring points.

xkn Correction value (measured position value – actual position value

ΔTn Temperature difference (measured temperature – reference tempera‐
ture (P‑0‑0402))
Fig.8-62: Approximated Straight Correction Line on the Basis of Measured Cor‐
rection Values at Different ΔT With Identical Actual Position
568/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

The gradient of the approximated straight line is the value of the position-de‐
pendent temperature factor. By means of the value from the series of meas‐
urements, it is possible to calculate the position-dependent temperature factor:

P‑0‑0406 Axis correction temperature factor pos.-dependent

n Number of measured values
ΔTn Temperature difference at which the correction value x_kn was deter‐
xkn Correction value at the temperature difference ΔT_n
Fig.8-63: Calculating the Position-Dependent Temperature Factor From the Val‐
ues of the Series of Measurements
In order to determine the factor as precisely as possible, it is useful to record
the series of measurements at several positions.
The resulting temperature factor is determined by the arithmetic mean of the
calculated temperature factors.
Activating the Function The position-dependent temperature error correction is activated, when the
value of parameter "P‑0‑0406, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-depend‐
ent" is greater than zero.

When the value in parameter P‑0‑0406 equals zero, the function of

position-dependent temperature error correction is deactivated.
This correction function requires position data reference for the
measuring system to the corrected!

8.5.4 Quadrant Error Correction

Brief Description
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-64: Assignment to functional firmware package

In the case of axis drives that are controlled, for example, in circular interpola‐
tion, static friction at the reversal points of the direction of motion can cause
distortion of the circular contour.
In order to compensate this contour error at the so-called "quadrant transi‐
tions" (velocity reversal), IndraDrive controllers provide the "quadrant error
correction" function.
This correction function is useful for such cases when drives are operated in
cyclic position control and in circular interpolation by the control master.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0100, Position command value extension
● P‑0‑0435, Control word of position controller
● P‑0‑0436, Reference radius for quadrant error correction
● P‑0‑0437, Velocity time range for quadrant error correction
● P‑0‑0438, Table of path velocities for quadrant error correction
● P‑0‑0439, Table of velocity pulse for quadrant error correction
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 569/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Functional Description
For quadrant error correction, static friction possibly occurring at the reversal
points of the direction of motion is compensated by adding an additional, pulse-
shaped command value to the velocity command value at the output of the
position loop. By means of this velocity feedforward, the axis overcomes the
static friction faster and with less lag error.
Sinusoidal Position Command Val‐ To use quadrant error correction for circular interpolation, it is required that the
ue Profile control master operates two drives in cyclic position control. In this case, the
drives are controlled in an interpolating way with sinusoidal position command
value profiles with an angular difference, related to the circle, of 90 angular
degrees between them. The internally generated velocity command value pro‐
files of the two drives are also sinusoidal and have an offset of 90°.
Velocity Pulse with Reversal of Di‐ When the direction of motion changes, a triangular velocity pulse with a velocity
rection time range to be set is added to the drive-internal velocity command value.

Fig.8-65: Schematic curves of velocity pulse and velocity command value with
quadrant error correction
The controller detects changes in the direction of motion by the time flow of the
cyclic position command values.
Reference Circle, Reference Radi‐ The settings for quadrant error correction are made when a reference circle is
us processed (radius of reference circle in parameter "P‑0‑0436, Reference radius
for quadrant error correction"), e.g. the circle that is demanded for the reference
The amplitude of the velocity pulse of quadrant error correction is preset de‐
pending on the circular velocity. The pulse is added abruptly and decreases in
a ramp-like way.
The higher the path velocity, the higher the pulse and the steeper it approaches
zero, because the velocity time range of the pulse is independent of the velocity.
It corresponds to the value input in parameter "P‑0‑0437, Velocity time range
for quadrant error correction".
Estimation for the Velocity Time For the dimensioning of P‑0‑0437, it is recommended to estimate the required
Range pulse amplitude and the duration of the pulse. This should be done with regard
to the path velocity and the duration for processing the reference circle
570/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

P‑0‑0437 Velocity time range for quadrant error correction

a percentage of path velocity
vpath path velocity
b percentage of duration for processing of circle contour
Tcircle duration for processing of circle contour
Fig.8-66: Estimation for value of P‑0‑0437
By means of list parameters, the circular velocities and velocity pulse ampli‐
tudes are assigned to one another:
● P‑0‑0438, Table of path velocities for quadrant error correction
● P‑0‑0439, Table of velocity pulse for quadrant error correction
It is possible to store 20 pairs of values for velocity and pulse amplitude in the
mentioned parameters, the velocities have to be entered in ascending order.
Determining the Velocity Pulse Am‐ The velocity pulse amplitude to be assigned to a current circular velocity is
plitude determined by means of the list parameter values:
● Between 2 pairs of values the pulse amplitude is interpolated in linear
form, depending on the current path velocity.
● Below the lowest path velocity the pulse amplitude is set to zero.
● Above the highest path velocity the pulse amplitude assigned to the high‐
est path velocity continues to take effect.
Determining the Current Circular The controller calculates the current circular velocity by means of the current
Velocity acceleration command value of the drive calculated from the position command
values. The reference radius (P‑0‑0436) is the basis for calculating the path
If the drive-internal resolution of the calculated acceleration command value is
low, quadrant error correction sometimes is without effect. For this case, it is
recommended to integrate the extended position command value ("P‑0‑0100,
Position command value extension") in the cyclic master communication. This
extends the decimal places of the position command value.

Experience has shown that it is absolutely necessary to integrate

the extended position command value (P‑0‑0100) in the cyclic mas‐
ter communication on the control side!

Activating the Quadrant Error Cor‐ The quadrant error correction is activated by the control master by setting the
rection respective bit of parameter "P‑0‑0435, Control word of position controller". It is
only advantageous to use the function when a circular form is to be machined
in the part program.
The correction should be activated at the earliest one clock after the start of
circular interpolation so that the velocity pulse won't be added when the drive
is starting. Otherwise high velocity pulses damaging the contour could be add‐
ed, due to the mostly high starting accelerations, when the drive is starting.
For machining other contours, the quadrant error correction should be deacti‐
vated. To do this, the respective bit of P‑0‑0435 should be contained in the
cyclic master communication and activated depending on the kind of machin‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 571/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

The quadrant error correction remains without effect when the value
"0" is contained in parameter "P‑0‑0437, Velocity time range for
quadrant error correction".

Notes on Commissioning
For commissioning it is necessary to move the drive by the control master in
cyclic circular interpolation. The quality of the circular form has to be deter‐
mined, in the ideal case with measuring equipment for circular form testing.
Recommended Steps of Commis‐ The quadrant error correction should be commissioned in the following steps:
1. Make the following presettings:
● Enter value for "P‑0‑0436, Reference radius for quadrant error cor‐
● Set quadrant error correction inactive in parameter "P‑0‑0435, Con‐
trol word of position controller"
● Set "P‑0‑0437, Velocity time range for quadrant error correction" to
● Write 50% and 70% (list lines 1 and 2), for example, of maximum
circular velocity to "P‑0‑0438, Table of path velocities for quadrant
error correction"
● In parameter "P‑0‑0439, Table of velocity pulse for quadrant error
correction", write the value "0" to first two list lines
2. Move drive on control side in circular interpolation with 50% of maximum
circular velocity and check quality of circular form with measuring equip‐
ment for circular form testing.
3. Set quadrant error correction active in parameter "P‑0‑0435, Control word
of position controller".
4. Write approx. 1% of current path velocity to list line 2 of parameter
"P‑0‑0439, Table of velocity pulse for quadrant error correction".
5. Increase value in parameter "P‑0‑0437, Velocity time range for quadrant
error correction" starting with low values, observe quality of circular form
with measuring equipment; increase values until maximum quality of cir‐
cular form has been reached.
If quality of circular form does not improve, write lower or higher value to
list line 2 of P‑0‑0439, depending on tendency of improvement of circular
form quality.
6. After optimum value was written to P‑0‑0437, operate drive with other,
different circular velocities in order to determine optimum values for

Observe interpolation data (see above) for the velocity pulse am‐
plitude depending on the current path velocities (P‑0‑0438 and

8.5.5 Cogging Torque Compensation

Brief Description
Expansion packages servo function (order code SRV) and synchronization (order code
SNC) of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-67: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

572/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Motors for which the magnetic excitation is realized with permanent magnets
(e.g. synchronous motors) in many cases show cogging torques or cogging
forces. Cogging torques/cogging forces already act on the moving component
of the motor in the de-energized state and aim at moving it to a stable position.
When the motor is put into motion by control, the cogging torques/cogging
forces act on the motor in a decelerating or accelerating way, according to the
position. For applications in which minimum lag error or very constant velocity
is important, the position-dependent cogging torques/cogging forces can have
a negative effect.
To improve the synchronous operation and lag error behavior of synchronous
motors, IndraDrive controllers provide cogging torque and cogging force com‐
pensation for drives with high demands on lag error and synchronous operation
quality. For this purpose, additive torque command values take effect in drive
control in a position-dependent way.
Hardware Requirements The compensation of cogging torque/cogging force is possible for the use of
both measuring systems with absolute evaluation and measuring systems with
relative evaluation. The following restriction applies to relative measuring sys‐
● The position measuring range may have only one reference mark or it is
equipped with distance-coded reference marks!
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑1130, Table of cogging torque compensation values pos. direction
● P‑0‑1131, Control word of cogging torque compensation
● P‑0‑1132, Table of cogging torque compensation values neg. direction
● P‑0‑1133, Status word of cogging torque compensation
● P‑0‑1134, Velocity threshold for attenuation of cogging torque compens.
● P‑0‑1135, Velocity threshold for switching off cogging torque compens.
● P‑0‑1136, Lead time cogging torque compensation
● P‑0‑1138, C4800 Command Determine cogging torque compensation ta‐
● P‑0‑1139, Cogging torque compensation adaption factor
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C4800 Command Determine cogging torque compensation table
● C4801 Cogging torque compensation: measuring vel. too high
● C4802 Cogging torque compensation: measuring vel. too low
● C4803 Cogging torque compensation: inadmissible acceleration
● C4804 Cogging torque comp.: err. when storing corr. val table
● C4805 Cogging torque comp.: motor measuring system not homed

To get a more detailed description of the cogging torque compen‐

sation and information on its possibilities of use with MPx04 firm‐
ware, please contact your Bosch Rexroth sales representative!

8.6 Measuring Wheel Mode

8.6.1 Brief Description
Expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-68: Assignment to functional firmware package

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 573/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

The measuring wheel mode is used for material feed axes, e.g. in sheet-metal
machining. For direct measurement of the infeed of moved material, a rotary
encoder that is detecting the infeed length is driven via a measuring wheel with
frictionally engaged contact to the material surface.
The position control loop is closed via motor encoder and measuring wheel
encoder, possible slip between motor and material does not cause incorrect
measured values of material length.

The measuring wheel mode may only be activated when contact

has been established between measuring wheel and material sur‐

Fig.8-69: Typical arrangement of drive for material infeed with measuring wheel
Hardware Requirements The measuring wheel encoder is an optional (external) encoder that is con‐
nected according to the connection diagram contained in the "Drive Controllers,
Control Sections; Project Planning Manual" documentation.
See also "Measuring Systems"
Pertinent Parameters The following parameters are used to parameterize this function:
● S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller
● S‑0‑0521, Status word of position loop
● P‑0‑0241, Actual pos. smoothing time constant for hybrid pos. control
● P‑0‑0242, Current actual slip value in %
● P‑0‑0243, Maximum occurred actual slip value in %
● P‑0‑0244, Monitoring window of slip in %
The following parameters are used to parameterize the measuring wheel en‐
● S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type
● S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 resolution
● P‑0‑0123, Feed constant 2 (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0124, Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0125, Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
574/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

● P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● F2036 Excessive position feedback difference

8.6.2 Functional Description

The measuring wheel mode can only be used in operating modes in which the
drive is in position control. The actual position value detected by the measuring
wheel encoder is added to the actual position value of the motor encoder and
is used as "hybrid actual position value" for position control. The difference of
both actual position values (by mechanical slip, elasticity, ...) is smoothed via
a filter to be set and compensated by addition to the actual position value of the
motor encoder.

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value

S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
P‑0‑0241 Actual pos. smoothing time constant for hybrid pos. control
Fig.8-70: Generating the "hybrid actual position value" in measuring wheel mode
For measuring wheel mode you have to activate the optional encoder in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)" as measuring
wheel encoder (presetting). The measuring wheel mode itself is switched on by
activating the "hybrid actual position value" in parameter "S‑0‑0520, Control
word of axis controller".

By the value "0" in parameter "P‑0‑0241, Actual pos. smoothing

time constant for hybrid pos. control", the actual position value of
the motor encoder is ignored and only the actual position value of
the measuring wheel encoder is used for position control!

The mechanical arrangement of the measuring wheel encoder in the mechan‐

ical drive system is illustrated in the figure below:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 575/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

1) S-0-0051/S-0-0053; depending on scaling (S-0-0076)

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value
S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
S‑0‑0076 Position data scaling type
S‑0‑0116 Feedback 1 Resolution
S‑0‑0117 Feedback 2 Resolution
S‑0‑0121 Input revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0122 Output revolutions of load gear
S‑0‑0123 Feed constant
P‑0‑0074 Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0075 Encoder type 2 (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0121 Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0122 Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
P‑0‑0123 Feed constant 2 (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0124 Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0125 Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
P‑0‑0185 Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)
Fig.8-71: Arrangement of the measuring wheel encoder in the mechanical drive
Operating Modes and Measuring The measuring wheel mode can only be used in position-controlled operating
Wheel Mode modes.
Position Data Reference Activating the measuring wheel mode clears a possibly existing position data
reference to the axis for both encoders. In measuring wheel mode, the axis can
only be moved in a relative way, the control master itself has to establish the
position data reference to the material to be fed!
After the measuring wheel mode has been deactivated, the position data ref‐
erence to the axis, if necessary, has to be established again for relative and
absolute encoders.
Position-Controlled Operating When activating the measuring wheel mode in position-controlled operating
Modes modes, the actual position value of the motor encoder is applied to the actual
position value of the measuring wheel encoder ("S‑0‑0051, Position feedback
1 value" → "S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value").
When switching to a non-position-controlled operating mode while the meas‐
uring wheel mode has been activated, the actual position value of the meas‐
576/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

uring wheel encoder is applied to the actual position value of the motor encoder
("S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value" → "S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 val‐
Non-Position-Controlled Operating In non-position-controlled operating modes control, as a basic principle, takes
Modes place with regard to the motor encoder. If first the measuring wheel mode is
activated and only then the drive is switched to a position-controlled operating
mode, the actual position value of the motor encoder is applied to the actual
position value of the measuring wheel encoder ("S‑0‑0051, Position feedback
1 value" → "S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value"), when the drive is switched
to the position-controlled operating mode.
In non-position-controlled operating modes, it is possible, with active measuring
wheel mode, to lift the feed rolls off the material (discharge the feed rolls), for
Monitoring the Slip Due to the measuring wheel mode, slip that can occur between material and
drive motor is compensated via the position control. But slip also implies wear
in the mechanical drive system and at the material. The controller supports
reducing wear by allowing the monitoring of the occurring slip with regard to a
maximum allowed value to be set.
The current actual slip value is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0242, Current ac‐
tual slip value in %". It refers to
● one measuring wheel revolution, if "feed constant 2" is active in parameter
P‑0‑0185 (typical case: measuring wheel is measuring linear infeed)
- or -
● one revolution of the external encoder, if "feed constant 2" is not active in
parameter P‑0‑0185 (encoder is measuring rotary infeed).
If the calculated slip exceeds the value in parameter "P‑0‑0244, Monitoring
window of slip in %" (value unequal "0"), the slip monitoring function triggers
with the error message "F2036 Excessive position feedback difference" and the
drive reacts with the error reaction that has been set.
To determine the monitoring window, the maximum occurring slip, e.g. during
a machining cycle, is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0243, Maximum occurred actual
slip value in %".

The slip monitor is deactivated with the value "0" in parameter


8.6.3 Notes on Commissioning

Presettings First set the parameter values relevant to the mechanical arrangement of motor,
motor encoder, axis and measuring wheel (see fig. "Arrangement of the meas‐
uring wheel encoder in the mechanical drive system"). In addition, configure
parameter "P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)" in such a
way that the external (optional) encoder is used as "measuring wheel encoder".
Activating the Measuring Wheel
Property damage caused by uncontrolled drive motion if measuring
wheel encoder or feed motor do not have contact to the material!
⇒ Only activate measuring wheel mode, if the measuring wheel is moved by
CAUTION the material in a frictionally engaged way!

The measuring wheel mode is switched on by activating the "hybrid actual po‐
sition value" in parameter "S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis controller". As a
prerequisite, the drive has to be in a position-controlled operating mode.
As the possibly existing position data reference of both encoders to the axis
gets lost, the control master can only move the drive with relative (material-
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 577/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

related) position command value. The position data reference to the material
has to be established on the control side by means of the actual position value
of motor encoder or measuring wheel encoder transmitted by the drive and an
installation-side signal!
Deactivating the Measuring Wheel The measuring wheel mode can be deactivated by
● deactivating the "hybrid actual position value" in parameter "S‑0‑0520,
Control word of axis controller",
● switching to communication phase P2 (or parameter mode),
● switching the drive off.
If position data reference of the encoders to the axis should be required, it must
be established again after the measuring wheel mode has been deactivated!
Setting the Jerk Attenuation Jerky slip phenomena can be attenuated by entering a value greater than zero
in parameter "P‑0‑0241, Actual pos. smoothing time constant for hybrid pos.

The value "0" in parameter P‑0‑0241 switches off the attenuation

and causes only the actual position value of the measuring wheel
encoder to be effective!

1. Enter value "0" in parameter P‑0‑0241 and move axis at low infeed ve‐
2. Increase infeed velocity up to maximum velocity.
While increasing the velocity also increase the value of P‑0‑0241, if nec‐
essary, in order to achieve a satisfactory compromise of smoothness of
running and positioning velocity (e.g. for cutting material into sections)
(watch "P‑0‑0038, Torque-generating current, command value"!).
Slip Monitoring with Measuring The slip monitor with active measuring wheel mode is activated by entering a
Wheel Mode value greater zero in parameter "P‑0‑0244, Monitoring window of slip in %".

The value "0" in parameter P‑0‑0244 causes the slip monitor to be

switched off! The value in parameter "P‑0‑0242, Current actual slip
value in %" thereby is no longer reset after each revolution of meas‐
uring wheel or external encoder, but the total slip since the deacti‐
vation of the slip monitor is displayed (possibly continuously
increasing value).

1. First enter high value in parameter "P‑0‑0244, Monitoring window of slip
in %" so that slip monitor cannot be triggered.
2. Enter value "0" in parameter "P‑0‑0243, Maximum occurred actual slip
value in %" and run complete positioning cycle of axis with maximum in‐
feed velocity several times, if necessary.
3. After having cyclically moved axis, read parameter P‑0‑0243 and enter
value, multiplied by a safety factor (e.g. "2"), in parameter "P‑0‑0244,
Monitoring window of slip in %".
If the value in parameter "P‑0‑0242, Current actual slip value in %" exceeds the
value of P‑0‑0244, the controller generates the error message "F2036 Exces‐
sive position feedback difference" and the drive reacts with the error reaction
that has been set.
578/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

8.7 Positive Stop Drive Procedure

8.7.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-72: Assignment to functional firmware package

For special applications, it is required to move machine axes operated in posi‐
tion or velocity control up to a limit stop in order to generate forces of pressure.
When an axis in the standard situation has moved up to a limit stop, the drive
should signal a drive error by the monitoring facilities of the position or velocity
control loop and react with shutdown.
But if the drive can detect the special case of operation "positive stop drive
procedure", it can ignore the messages of the position and motions monitors
and generate the required force of pressure, if necessary.
The control master signals this special case to the controller of IndraDrive de‐
vices via a command. Upon this command, the drive switches off the respective
monitors and acknowledges axis standstill to have been detected and a pa‐
rameterizable force or torque threshold to have been exceeded.
Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S‑0‑0124, Standstill window
● S‑0‑0149, C1300 Positive stop drive procedure command
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C1300 Positive stop drive procedure command
● C1301 Class 1 diagnostics error at command start

8.7.2 Functional Description

Moving a machine axis to a limit stop in a position-controlled way, e.g. for gen‐
erating a force of pressure, is a process specifically provoked on the master
side. To do this, the master inputs a command value for the drive that the axis
cannot reach because the mechanical limit stop is situated before it.
In order to avoid error messages and reactions with the drive having been
blocked, the execution of "C1300 Positive stop drive procedure com‐
mand" (S‑0‑0149) is started before the limit stop is reached. This switches off
the following monitors that would cause class 1 diagnostic errors:
● Monitor "drive does not follow command value"
→ "F2028 Excessive deviation"
● Velocity command value monitor
→ "F2037 Excessive position command difference"
● Acceleration command value monitor
→ "F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded"
● Velocity control loop monitor
→ "F8078 Speed loop error"
The command is acknowledged on the following conditions:
● The axis has stopped, i.e. the actual velocity value (S‑0‑0040) has fallen
below the velocity threshold in parameter "S‑0‑0124, Standstill window".
- and -
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 579/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● The generated torque or force has exceeded a threshold value, i.e. the
actual torque/force value (S‑0‑0084) is greater than the value in one of the
parameters S‑0‑0082, Torque/force limit value positive; S‑0‑0083 Torque/
force limit value negative or S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value.
The two criteria for command acknowledgment can be set axis-specifically.
By resetting the command C1300, the monitors are switched on again!

Property damage can be caused by moving to positive stop too rapidly!

⇒ Reduce moving velocity and torque/force limit value (S‑0‑0092) to values that
are not causing damage to the mechanical system!

If the drive already signals a class 1 diagnostics error (e.g. has al‐
ready reached positive stop), the command "positive stop drive
procedure" cannot be started!

8.7.3 Notes on Commissioning

For acknowledgment of command C1300 it is necessary to set:
● Threshold value for detection of axis standstill in parameter
– S‑0‑0124, Standstill window
● Torque/force threshold in the parameters
– S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
– S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
– S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value

The parameters S‑0‑0124, S‑0‑0082, S‑0‑0083 and S‑0‑0092 are

used for other functions, too. Specific changes of values made for
the function "positive stop drive procedure" have to be reset, if nec‐

Before positive stop is reached, start:

● S‑0‑0149, C1300 Positive stop drive procedure command
After drive has moved away from positive stop, reset the command, if neces‐
Diagnosis The command has been executed, when the "commands change bit" is set in
parameter "S‑0‑0135, Drive status word" and there isn't any command error
If a class 1 diagnostics error is present at the start of command C1300 (e.g.
because the axis has already reached positive stop), the command is not exe‐
cuted. The following message is displayed:
● C1301 Class 1 diagnostics error at command start

8.8 Redundant Motor Encoder

8.8.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-73: Assignment to functional firmware package

Motor control of synchronous motors requires a position measuring system that
measures the position of the moving part of the motor as opposed to the static
580/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

part. If there is malfunction or defect in the position measuring system (motor

encoder), a synchronous motor can no longer be decelerated in a controlled
Depending on the requirements, position control can require an external meas‐
uring system at the axis which detects the position at the load with the required
For axis control, the entire mechanical drive system between motor encoder
and load position of the external encoder is mapped via parameters. This allows
calculating the position of the motor encoder from the position of the external
encoder or determining the load position from the motor encoder position, if the
mechanical drive system is without slip.
If there is a defect in the motor encoder, the motor position, when an external
encoder is used, can be determined via the position of the external encoder
and the synchronous motor can be decelerated in a controlled way.
For asynchronous motors with motor encoder, it is also possible to use an ex‐
ternal measuring system for controlled deceleration, if there is a defect in the
motor encoder. But if the asynchronous motor, depending on the drive task, is
operated without encoder, controlled deceleration via external encoder in the
case of error is not possible!

You can only use measuring systems with Upp = 1V or resolvers as

redundant motor encoders!

Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)

Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● F2031 Encoder 1 failure: signal amplitude wrong
● F2042 Encoder 2: incorrect encoder signals.
● F8022 Encoder 1: incorrect encoder signals (can be deleted in phase2)
● F8042 Encoder 2 failure: signal amplitude wrong

8.8.2 Functional Description

Relevance of the Function By means of the function "redundant motor encoder", the axis can be shut
down, even if the motor encoder is defective, with the error reaction that has
been set. For this purpose, the position data of the motor encoder required for
motor control are replaced by the position data of the external (optional) meas‐
uring system derived from the motor shaft position or primary part position.
Requirements To use the function "redundant motor encoder", the axis must be equipped with
an external (optional) measuring system (Upp = 1V or resolver) and the me‐
chanical connection between the measuring systems must be without slip. In
addition, the optional encoder must have been activated as redundant motor
encoder in the parameter "P‑0‑0185, Control word of encoder 2 (optional en‐

The function "redundant motor encoder" can be used for axes with
linear motor, too, if an external measuring system is available.
Operating Principle With activated redundant motor encoder, in case of a motor encoder failure, the
error message "F2031 Encoder 1 failure: signal amplitude wrong" is triggered
and a possibly existing position data reference is cleared. The controller
switches the internal signal paths of the encoder evaluation so that both pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value" and parameter "S‑0‑0053,
Position feedback 2 value" receive the signals of the external encoder (activa‐
ted as redundant motor encoder). The signal path for the commutation of the
motor is switched, too.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 581/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Fig.8-74: Redundant encoder evaluation for axes with rotary motors and linear
Reactions if Motor Encoder Defec‐ Due to the intact position data of the external encoder derived from the motor
tive position, it is possible to carry out master-controlled deceleration ("P‑0‑0117,
Activation of control reaction on error") or the error reaction of the axis set in
parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration".
Without redundant motor encoder it would only have been possible to disable
the motor torque!
Reactions if External Encoder De‐ If a defect occurs in the redundant motor encoder (external encoder) with the
fective motor encoder being intact, the error message "F2042 Encoder 2: encoder sig‐
nals incorrect" is triggered and the axis is shut down with master-side NC
reaction or according to the error reaction that was set.
Reactions if Both Encoders Defec‐ If a defect occurs simultaneously in the motor encoder and the redundant en‐
tive coder, the message of a fatal F8xxx error is triggered:
● "F8042 Encoder 2 failure: Signal amplitude incorrect" if motor encoder was
defective first,
● "F8022 Encoder 1: Encoder signals incorrect (can be cleared in ph. 2)", if
redundant motor encoder was defective first.
The drive torque is disabled and the drive coasts to stop.
582/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

Resetting F2 Errors of Motor En‐ The message of a motor encoder defect (F2031) or a defect of the external
coder and External Encoder encoder (F2042) cannot be cleared in communication phase 4, it is necessary
to switch to communication phase 2 or to the parameter mode. If for removing
the cause of the error it is necessary to replace the motor encoder or dismount
and mount it again, check the commutation setting and carry it out again, if
If the external encoder is a relative measuring system, the position data refer‐
ence has to be established again, if necessary. If the external encoder is an
absolute measuring system and was replaced or dismounted and mounted
again, the position data reference has to be established again, if necessary.

8.8.3 Notes on Commissioning

Presettings First make basic settings:
● Set parameter values for mechanical axis system (see "Mechanical Axis
System and Arrangement of Measuring Systems")
● Set parameter values for motor encoder and external encoder (see
"Measuring Systems")
● Determine behavior of drive in the case of error (see Error Reactions")
Setting Parameters for Velocity and Make sure that the axis runs steadily in the velocity and position control loop,
Position Control Loop both with the motor encoder and with the redundant motor encoder:
● Optimize parameters of velocity and position control loop with active motor
encoder at a value of parameter "P‑0‑1119, Velocity mix factor feedback
1 & 2" of 0% (see "Closed-Loop Axis Control (Closed-Loop Opera‐
● With P‑0‑1119 = 100%, test settings of velocity and position control loop
made with P‑0‑1119 = 0%
→ Velocity and position control loop is only closed via redundant motor
encoder (see "Closed-Loop Axis Control (Closed-Loop Operation)")
Make the setting for velocity and position control loop such that the axis shows
steady behavior in operation both with motor encoder and with redundant motor

8.9 Spindle Positioning

8.9.1 Brief Description
Expansion package main spindle (order code MSP) of variants MPH, MPB and MPD
in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.8-75: Assignment to functional firmware package

With the drive function "spindle positioning", the drive, at a command of the
master, aligns the spindle independently with regard to the spindle zero posi‐
tion. The command position is transmitted to the drive controller via parameter
and can be preset as absolute or relative position.
By means of the "position spindle" command, the spindle can be positioned in
a position-controlled way (e.g. within the "velocity control" mode) without having
to switch the operating mode from velocity to position control.
How to use the drive function "spindle positioning":
● For milling and drilling spindles
– To prepare tool change → spindle remains at a defined position to
allow changing the tool
● For turning machine main spindles
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 583/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

– To change the workpiece (if required)

– To place balancing drillings for workpieces to be balanced
– To index the workpiece for further machining
● For revolving transfer machines
– To advance the turntable in order to bring workpieces to a defined
machining position at the different stations
Hardware Requirements The use of a home switch may be required.
See "Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Systems"
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0152, C0900 Position spindle command
● S‑0‑0153, Spindle angle position
● S‑0‑0154, Spindle position parameter
● S‑0‑0180, Spindle relative offset
● S‑0‑0222, Spindle positioning speed
● S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar
● S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0430, Effective target position
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity
● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● P‑0‑1201, Ramp 1 pitch
● P‑0‑1202, Final speed ramp 1
● P‑0‑1203, Ramp 2 pitch
● P‑0‑1211, Deceleration ramp 1
● P‑0‑1213, Deceleration ramp 2
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0900 Position spindle command
● C0902 Spindle positioning requires drive enable
● C0903 Error during initialization
● C0906 Error during search for zero pulse

8.9.2 Functional Description

Basic Sequence of the Function
The positioning of the spindle is started via "S‑0‑0152, C0900 Position spindle
command". During the execution of the command, the controller ignores the
current command value of the active operating mode.
The presetting for the kind of positioning and motion of the spindle towards the
target position in made in "S‑0‑0154, Spindle position parameter".
Sequence of Spindle Positioning The process of spindle positioning takes place in several steps (see figure be‐
1. First the spindle is decelerated in velocity control with the deceleration
ramps of this control mode (P‑0‑1202, P‑0‑1211 and P‑0‑1213).
2. At the end of the deceleration process, the drive switches to position con‐
trol and moves to the target position with the inputs from the parameters
"S‑0‑0222, Spindle positioning speed" and "S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceler‐
ation bipolar".
584/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

3. If the spindle has not yet been in reference, homing is carried out using
the inputs from the parameters "S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration" and
"S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity", before the drive moves to the target position
according to step 2.
Kind of Positioning The spindle can be positioned at
● absolute target position
- or -
● relative target position.
When "absolute target position" was set, the value from parameter "S‑0‑0153,
Spindle angle position" is applied, at the start of spindle positioning, as the
target position effective in the drive ("S‑0‑0430, Effective target position").
When "relative target position" was set, the target position (S‑0‑0430) effective
in the drive at the start of spindle positioning is generated by addition of the
current actual position value and the value from "S‑0‑0180, Spindle relative
Direction of Motion During Position‐ In the case of modulo scaling of position data, it is possible to choose between
ing the following directions of motion for spindle positioning:
● Clockwise rotation
● Counter-clockwise rotation
● Shortest distance
Positioning Velocity The allowed maximum velocity during the spindle positioning process is entered
in parameter "S‑0‑0222, Spindle positioning speed".
Acceleration/Deceleration The maximum acceleration or deceleration during the spindle positioning proc‐
ess is determined by parameter "S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar".
Control Encoder For spindle positioning, the position control loop can be closed via the motor
encoder or the optional encoder.

In the case of a mechanical system with slip (e.g. V-belt) between

motor and spindle, an optional encoder is obligatory!

The encoder used for spindle positioning is defined by the bit for encoder se‐
lection in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter".
Spindle Positioning with Non- If the encoder selected for spindle positioning doesn't yet have the position data
Homed Control Encoder reference to the spindle (see "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status"), the
position data reference is automatically established during the execution of
spindle positioning!
See also "Establishing the Position Data Reference"
The figure below illustrates the basic sequence of the drive function "spindle
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 585/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Fig.8-76: Basic sequence of spindle positioning (including establishing the posi‐

tion data reference)
Message "Target Position The following parameters signal that the target position for spindle positioning
Reached" has been reached:
● S‑0‑0336, Message In position
- and -
● S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics
The target position is signaled to have been reached when
● velocity command value and actual velocity value are lower than the
threshold value in parameter "S‑0‑0124, Standstill window"
- and -
● the distance to target position is smaller than the value in parameter
"S‑0‑0057, Position window".

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics"

Specific Features with "Modulo" Position Data Format
Infinitely Turning Axis Spindles for machine tools or rotary axes mostly are infinitely turning axes, their
required position being within one revolution (0…360 dgr). For those axes it is
recommended to use the "modulo" position data format, because it allows dis‐
playing the actual position values with reference to one axis revolution only.
Ambiguity of Target Position With modulo scaling, the target position is ambiguous because it occurs within
every spindle revolution. Depending on the direction of motion ("clockwise/
counter-clockwise" or "shortest distance") preset for spindle positioning and the
velocity at which spindle positioning is started, the positioning distance can be
of different length. In addition, one or several additional revolutions can be re‐
quired until the target position has been reached!
Spindle Positioning Out of standstill the spindle or rotary axis positions as determined in "S‑0‑0154,
Out of Standstill Spindle position parameter":
586/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

● With the selected direction of motion ("clockwise" or "counter-clockwise")

- or -
● With the direction of motion in which the target position can be reached
over the shortest possible distance ("shortest distance")
Spindle Positioning Apart from the determined direction of motion (in parameter S‑0‑0154), decel‐
Out of Motion erating and positioning the spindle out of motion depends on
● the absolute value of the current velocity
- and -
● the distance between current axis position and target position
at the start of spindle positioning.
The actual sequences of the positioning process of a turning axis can differ in
spite of the determined direction of positioning motion.
In order to improve the reproduction of the positioning process, further limiting
conditions are taken into account for the drive behavior:
● S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo mode

Start position of spindle positioning ...

Current direction of rotation at start of … within … outside of

spindle positioning target position window (S‑0‑0418) target position window (S‑0‑0418)

as selected direction of positioning Positioning takes place over shortest dis‐ Positioning takes place to the next target
motion tance, if values do not leave target position position that can be reached, while
("clockwise" or "counter-clockwise") window during deceleration. maintaining the velocity direction.
If values leave target position window during If
deceleration, drive positions according to "braking distance > distance start posi‐
selected direction of positioning motion at tion-target position", the positioning
next target position to be reached. process can require one to several rev‐
olutions, depending on the velocity at
the start of the positioning process.
against selected direction of position‐ If The motor is decelerated to standstill.
ing motion "braking distance < distance start position- The positioning process then takes
("clockwise" or "counter-clockwise") target position", drive moves to target posi‐ place at next target position to be
tion over shortest distance. reached, according to the determined di‐
If " rection of positioning motion.
braking distance > distance start position-
target position", positioning takes place after
deceleration of motor, with reversion of ve‐
locity direction, at next target position to be

Fig.8-77: Dependence of the positioning process on the start position with deter‐
mined direction of positioning movement "clockwise" or "counter-clock‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 587/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Current velocity at start of spindle positioning ...

… higher … lower
than value of S‑0‑0417 (velocity threshold) than value of S‑0‑0417 (velocity threshold)

Positioning takes place at next target position to be reached, If "

while maintaining the velocity direction. braking distance < distance start position-target position", po‐
If sitioning takes place at next target position to be reached,
"braking distance > distance start position-target position", the while maintaining the velocity direction.
positioning process can require one to several revolutions, If "
depending on the velocity at the start of the positioning proc‐ braking distance > distance start position-target position", po‐
ess. sitioning takes place after deceleration of motor, with rever‐
sion of velocity direction, at next target position to be reached.

Fig.8-78: Dependence of the positioning process on the velocity at the start of

spindle positioning with determined direction of positioning motion
"shortest distance"

8.9.3 Notes on Commissioning

Presettings Determining kind of positioning and direction of positioning motion:
● S‑0‑0154, Spindle position parameter
Determining maximum velocity for spindle positioning:
● S‑0‑0222, Spindle positioning speed
Determining threshold values for "In Position" message:
● S‑0‑0057, Position window
● S‑0‑0124, Standstill window

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics"

If the position data are scaled in modulo format, it is possible to specify limiting
conditions that improve the reproduction of the positioning process:
● S‑0‑0417, Positioning velocity threshold in modulo mode
● S‑0‑0418, Target position window in modulo mode
Presetting Target Position The target position of the spindle is preset via
● S‑0‑0153, Spindle angle position (absolute positioning)
- or -
● S‑0‑0180, Spindle relative offset (relative positioning).
Starting Spindle Positioning Spindle positioning is started by starting the command
● S‑0‑0152, C0900 Position spindle command
Diagnosing Spindle Positioning The target position effective for the positioning process is displayed in
● S‑0‑0430, Effective target position.
End of Spindle Positioning When the target position has been reached, this is displayed in
● S‑0‑0336, Message In position
- and -
● S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics.
The respective message bit changes from "0" to "1" when the conditions for the
message have been fulfilled. The execution of the "position spindle" command
is thereby acknowledged as having been "completed without error".
588/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

8.9.4 Diagnostic Messages

The execution of spindle positioning required drive enable (AF). Diagnostic
message in the case of error:
● C0902 Spindle positioning requires drive enable
If an absolute encoder is used as control encoder, the position data reference
of the encoder must have been established before the first-time start of spindle
positioning. Diagnostic message in the case of error:
● C0903 Error during initialization
If a relative encoder is used as control encoder and a home switch is to be
evaluated, the position data reference is established with the first-time spindle
positioning (unless already done). If the drive does not recognize the home
switch signal, the following diagnostic message is generated:
● C0903 Error during initialization
If a relative encoder is used as control encoder, the position data reference is
established with the first-time spindle positioning (unless already done). If the
drive does not recognize any reference mark signal, the following diagnostic
message is generated:
● C0906 Error during search for zero pulse

8.10 Parameter Set Switching

8.10.1 Brief Description
Expansion package main spindle (order code MSP) of variants MPH and MPB in
closed-loop and open-loop characteristic

Fig.8-79: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

IndraDrive devices have been equipped with up to eight parameter sets; it is
possible to switch between these sets in operation. One of the switchable pa‐
rameter sets is always active. Switching takes place upon command of the
control master.
Notes on Applications With the possibility of adjusting the values of different parameters to different
operating phases or machining processes by switching parameter sets, if nec‐
essary during operation, the IndraDrive firmware supports the work flow in
flexible production facilities.
Examples of application:
● Changing from C-axis to roughing or finishing operation in the case of
● Positioning mode for tool change with different gear ratios
● Changing motor spindles for different machining phases
● Adjusting the control loop gains to different load inertia or load masses
(e.g. with very different workpieces)
● Star-delta switching of motors with switchable winding to increase the tor‐
que in short-time operation
Classification of Switchable Param‐ Under the application-related point of view, the parameters to be switched are
eters divided into the following groups:
● Application parameters
● Control loop parameters
● Load gear parameters
● Winding parameters
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 589/886
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Extended Axis Functions

● Encoder parameters
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0216, C4100 Switch parameter set command
● S‑0‑0217, Preselect parameter set command
● S‑0‑0219, IDN-list of parameter set
Note: List parameters S‑0‑0219 to S‑7‑0219 contain parameter sets no. 0
to no. 7
● S‑0‑0254, Current parameter set
● P‑0‑2216, Parameter set switching, configuration
● P‑0‑2217, Parameter set switching, preselection range
● P‑0‑2218, Parameter set switching, delay time
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C4100 Switch parameter set command
● C4101 Switching only possible without AF
● C4103 Preselect parameter set forbidden value
● C4104 Error during parameter set switching (->S‑0‑0423)

8.10.2 Functional Description

General Information
Parameter set switching is activated
● by triggering command "C4100 Switch parameter set" (S‑0‑0216) via con‐
trol master
- or -
● in "drive-controlled" form by changing parameter "S‑0‑0217, Preselect
parameter set command"
The triggering of parameter set switching is set in parameter "P‑0‑2216, Pa‐
rameter set switching, configuration".
The drive firmware then activates the parameter set determined by the value
of parameter "S‑0‑0217, Preselect parameter set command". The currently ac‐
tive parameter set is displayed in parameter "S‑0‑0254, Current parameter
To minimize the times required for switching and storing or loading the param‐
eter sets of a drive, the switchable parameters are permanently assigned to the
following groups:
● Application (e.g. parameters for limit values for torque/force, position, ve‐
locity, etc.)
● Control loop (e.g. parameters for gain factors of position and velocity loop,
● Load gear (parameters for load gear input and load gear output revolu‐
tions, load inertia, etc.)
● Winding (current loop parameters, temperature sensor code, warning and
shutdown temperature, etc.)
● Encoder (motor encoder parameters)
Parameter "P‑0‑2216, Parameter set switching, configuration" determines
which of the mentioned parameter groups are to be switchable. In addition,
parameter "P‑0‑2217, Parameter set switching, preselection range" determines
how many of the eight parameter sets are to be used. The parameters intended
for parameter set switching can be seen in the list parameters S‑0‑0219 to
S‑7‑0219 (IDN list of the respective parameter set). These list parameters are
generated by the drive depending on the settings in the parameters P‑0‑2216
and P‑0‑2217.
590/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Parameters are addressed via their IDNs. In the case of the switchable param‐
eters, it is necessary to observe the number for the respective parameter set.

Fig.8-80: Structure of the IDN of a Switchable Parameter (Example)

Defining the Parameter Groups
Application Parameters The following switchable parameters are permanently assigned to the "appli‐
cation" group:
● S-0-0038, Positive velocity limit value
● S-0-0039, Negative velocity limit value
● S‑0‑0057, Position window
● S-0-0082, Torque/force limit value positive
● S-0-0083, Torque/force limit value negative
● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
● S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
● S‑0‑0124, Standstill window
● S‑0‑0125, Velocity threshold nx
● S‑0‑0126, Torque threshold Tx
● S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value
● S‑0‑0157, Velocity window
● S‑0‑0158, Power threshold Px
● S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk
● S‑0‑0261, Coarse position window
● S‑0‑0349, Jerk limit bipolar
● S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar
● S‑0‑0822, Torque/force ramp
● S‑0‑0823, Torque/force ramp time
● P‑0‑0041, Position command average value filter time constant
● P‑0‑0214, Analog input, assignment A, scaling per 10V full scale
● P‑0‑0215, Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0216, Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
● P‑0‑0217, Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0231, Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0232, Analog input 3, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0233, Analog input 4, time constant input filter
● P-0-0237, Analog input, assignment B, scaling per 10V full scale
● P‑0‑0238, Analog input, assignment B, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0239, Analog input, assignment B, dead zone
● P‑0‑1201, Ramp 1 pitch
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 591/886
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Extended Axis Functions

● P‑0‑1202, Final speed ramp 1
● P‑0‑1203, Ramp 2 pitch
● P‑0‑1211, Deceleration ramp 1
● P‑0‑1213, Deceleration ramp 2
● P‑0‑1222, Velocity command filter
● P‑0‑4010, Load inertia
Control Loop Parameters The following switchable parameters are permanently assigned to the "control
loop" group:
● S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain
● S‑0‑0101, Velocity loop integral action time
● S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-factor
● S‑0‑0348, Acceleration feedforward gain
● P‑0‑0004, Velocity loop smoothing time constant
● P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation
● P‑0‑0180, Acceleration feedforward smoothing time constant
● P‑0‑1119, Velocity mix factor feedback 1 & 2
● P‑0‑1120, Velocity control loop filter: filter type
● P‑0‑1121, Velocity control loop filter: limit frequency of low pass
● P‑0‑1122, Velocity control loop filter: bandwidth of band-stop filter
● P‑0‑1123, Velocity control loop filter: center frequency of band-stop filter
● P‑0‑1125, Velocity control loop: average value filter clock
● P‑0‑1126, Velocity control loop: acceleration feedforward
Load Gear Parameters The following switchable parameters are permanently assigned to the "load
gear" group:
● S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity
● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● S‑0‑0052, Reference distance 1
● S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear
● S‑0‑0150, Reference offset 1
● S‑0‑0222, Spindle positioning speed
● S‑0‑0299, Home switch offset
● P-0-0109, Torque/force peak limit

Switching the parameters of the "load gear" group is impossible with

active safety technology!

Winding Parameters The following switchable parameters are permanently assigned to the "wind‐
ing" group:
● S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1
● S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1
● S-0-0109, Motor peak current
● S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill
● S‑0‑0113, Maximum motor speed
● S-0-0141, Motor type
592/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

● S‑0‑0201, Motor warning temperature
● S‑0‑0204, Motor shutdown temperature
● S‑0‑0446, Ramp reference velocity for acceleration data
● P-0-0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance
● P-0-0045, Control word of current controller
● P-0-0051, Torque/force constant
● P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition
● P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition
● P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset
● P‑0‑0510, Rotor inertia
● P‑0‑0512, Temperature sensor
● P‑0‑0513, Temperature sensor characteristic
● P‑0‑0517, Commutation: required harmonics component
● P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting
● P‑0‑0528, Flux control loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0529, Scaling of stall current limit
● P‑0‑0530, Slip increase
● P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization factor
● P‑0‑0533, Voltage loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0534, Voltage loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no load
● P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage
● P‑0‑0540, Torque of motor holding brake
● P‑0‑0568, Voltage boost
● P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator frequency slope
● P‑0‑0570, Stall protection loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0571, Stall protection loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0572, Slip compensation factor
● P‑0‑0573, IxR boost factor
● P‑0‑0574, Oscillation damping factor
● P‑0‑0575, Search mode: search current factor
● P‑0‑0576, Search mode: finding point slip factor
● P‑0‑0577, Square characteristic: lowering factor
● P‑0‑0590, Frequency loop proportional gain
● P‑0‑0591, Frequency loop integral action time
● P‑0‑0592, Motor model adjust factor
● P-0-0640, Cooling type
● P‑0‑4002, Charact. of quadrature-axis induct. of motor, inductances
● P‑0‑4003, Charact. of quadrature-axis inductance of motor, currents
● P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current
● P‑0‑4005, Flux-generating current, limit value
● P‑0‑4013, Current limit value of demagnetization
● P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor
● P‑0‑4016, Direct-axis inductance of motor
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 593/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● P‑0‑4017 Quadrature-axis inductance of motor
● P‑0‑4032, Motor type plate data
● P-0-4034, Thermal time constant of winding
● P-0-4035, Thermal time constant of motor
● P‑0‑4036, Rated motor speed
● P-0-4037, Thermal short-time overload of winding
● P‑0‑4039, Stator leakage inductance
● P‑0‑4040, Rotor leakage inductance
● P‑0‑4041, Motor magnetizing inductance
● P‑0‑4042, Characteristic of motor magnetizing inductance
● P‑0‑4043, Rotor time constant
● P‑0‑4048, Stator resistance
Encoder Parameters The following switchable parameters are permanently assigned to the "encod‐
er" group:
● S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 resolution
● S‑0‑0206, Drive on delay time
● S‑0‑0207, Drive off delay time
● S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type
● P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encoder->optional slot
● P‑0‑0121, Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)
● P‑0‑0124, Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0125, Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)
● P‑0‑0540, Torque of motor holding brake
Conditions and Timing for Parameter Set Switching
Parameter Groups "Application", Parameter set switching of application, control loop and load gear parameters
"Control Loop" and "Load Gear" can take place in operation, i.e. with drive enable ("AF"). For drive-controlled
parameter set switching, the timing is as follows:
594/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

C4100 Switch parameter set command

KQ C4100 Switch parameter set command acknowledgment
S‑0‑0217 Preselect parameter set command
S‑0‑0254 Current parameter set
t1 Approx. 6 ms (drive-controlled parameter set switching)
t2 Approx. 5…30 ms
Fig.8-81: Sequence Diagram for Switching Application, Control Loop and Load
Gear Parameters
Parameter Group "Load Gear" and If the drive function "safety technology" is used and the parameter group "load
Safety Technology gear" is to be included in the switching process, the option "data reference with
respect to motor" must be selected (see "scaling" in parameter "P‑0‑3210,
Safety technology configuration").

If the gear ratio changes by parameter set switching, the reference

of the encoders gets lost. The content of parameter "S‑0‑0403, Po‐
sition feedback value status" is cleared. In order to get defined
position reference again, carry out homing procedure again!

By parameter set switching with "AF", the command values can change
internally. This can cause accidental axis motion!
⇒ Via the control master, make sure that the changes in the controlled system
CAUTION really took place (query the feedbacks)!
Parameter Group "Winding" The parameter group "winding", too, can be switched in operation, i.e. with drive
enable ("AF"). During the switching process, drive enable is internally deacti‐
vated and activated again in the controller after the delay time which can be set
(see P‑0‑2218) is over (see sequence diagram below).
Winding switching thereby takes place in the shortest possible time. By the
appropriate setting in parameter P‑0‑2218, you nevertheless have sufficient
delay until switching times of contactors, relays etc. are over.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 595/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

C4100 Switch parameter set command

KQ C4100 Switch parameter set command acknowledgment
S‑0‑0217 Preselect parameter set command
S‑0‑0254 Current parameter set
S‑0‑0424 Status parameterization level
P‑0‑2218 Parameter set switching, delay time
t1 Approx. 6 ms (drive-controlled parameter set switching)
t2 Approx. 5…30 ms
t3 Approx. 10…20 ms
t4 According to the value of P‑0‑2218
t5 Approx. 10…20 ms
Fig.8-82: Sequence Diagram for Switching the Winding Parameters
Parameter Group "Encoder" If the drive, at the start of parameter set switching, is in operating mode ("bb"
or "Ab") and drive enable ("AF") has not been set, it switches internally to pa‐
rameter mode ("C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure com‐
mand"), carries out parameter set switching and automatically goes back to
operating mode ("C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command").
Switching is impossible in "AF"!
For switching the encoder parameters, it is possible, by means of "P‑0‑2218,
Parameter set switching, delay time", to delay the return to operating mode via
"C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command" to have sufficient de‐
lay until switching times of contactors, relays etc. are over.
596/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Extended Axis Functions

C4100 Switch parameter set command

KQ C4100 Switch parameter set command acknowledgment
C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
S‑0‑0217 Preselect parameter set command
S‑0‑0254 Current parameter set
S‑0‑0424 Status parameterization level
P‑0‑2218 Parameter set switching, delay time
t1 Approx. 6 ms (drive-controlled parameter set switching)
t2 Approx. 50 ms, for resolver measuring system approx. 250 ms
t3 Approx. 6 ms
t4 According to the value of P‑0‑2218
t5 Approx. 7…15 s (for MPB) or approx. 1…15 s (for MPH)
Fig.8-83: Sequence Diagram for Switching the Encoder Parameters

During the execution of "C4100 Switch parameter set command",

command error messages C02xx might possibly occur, if inadmis‐
sible states (e.g. switching times) are still present before switching
back to operating mode takes place!

8.10.3 Notes on Commissioning

Presettings Preselect parameter groups to be switched in:
● P‑0‑2216, Parameter set switching, configuration
Determine number of switchable parameter sets in:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 597/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● P‑0‑2217, Parameter set switching, preselection range

If desired, activate "drive-controlled parameter set switching" in parameter
P‑0‑2216, too.
Writing Switchable Parameters Depending on the selected presettings, those parameters can be written in
communication phase 4 the IDNs of which are displayed in parameters
S‑0‑0219 to S-7-0219 (IDN list of respective parameter set).

All other parameters that could be included in the parameter set

switching (S‑1‑xxxx to S‑7‑xxxx or P‑1‑xxxx to P‑7‑xxxx) but are not
listed, cannot be written in communication phase 4!

Initial State After switching on, it is always "parameter set 0" that is active first. Parameter
"S‑0‑0254, Current parameter set" displays "0".
Carry Out Parameter Set Switching Before the function is activated, the number of the parameter set to which
switching is to take place must be entered in parameter "S‑0‑0217, Preselect
parameter set command".
Sequence of the function:
● Command "C4100 Switch parameter set" (S‑0‑0216) is started via control
● Successful parameter set switching is checked in parameter "S‑0‑0254,
Current parameter set" (new parameter set number must have been ac‐
knowledged in this parameter)
● Command C4100 is cleared by control master
Diagnostic Messages During execution of the command, the message "C41" appears on the display
of the controller.
Possible failures are displayed by the following diagnostic messages:
● C4101 Switching only possible without AF
● C4103 Preselect parameter set forbidden value
● C4104 Error during parameter set switching (->S‑0‑0423)

8.11 Drive-Controlled Oscillation

8.11.1 Brief Description
Expansion package main spindle (order code MSP) of variants MPH and MPB in
closed-loop and open-loop characteristic

Fig.8-84: Assignment to functional firmware package

Upon a command of the control master, the drive ignores the cyclic command
value input and independently turns alternately in positive and negative direc‐
tion (speed oscillation). The cyclic speed characteristic can be set via param‐
eters and can be realized symmetrically or asymmetrically.
Notes on Applications With speed oscillation the main drive supports the following applications, for
● Meshing the toothed wheels when switching a gear train
● Engaging positive clutches (e.g. connecting i.c. engine equipment under
test to test stands)
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0213, Oscillation speed
● S‑0‑0214, Oscillation offset speed
● S‑0‑0215, Oscillation cycle time
598/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C4200 Drive-controlled oscillation command

● C4201 Oscillation requires drive enable
● C4202 Oscillation command speed cannot be reached

8.11.2 Functional Description

Drive-controlled oscillation is adjusted to the individual requirements of the
meshing/engaging procedure via parameters. Oscillation cycle time, oscillation
speed and oscillation offset speed can be set.
By means of the oscillation offset speed, oscillation can be asymmetrically con‐
figured in order to overcome tooth-to-tooth positions during the meshing pro‐

Fig.8-85: Speed characteristic with drive-controlled oscillation

Start "Drive-Controlled Oscillation" Triggering the command "C4200 Drive-controlled oscillation" causes the fol‐
lowing reaction:
● When the motor is turning, the velocity is decelerated to the oscillation
start speed, taking possibly activated ramps and filters into account.
● When the motor has stopped, acceleration to the oscillation start speed
takes place.
Acknowledgment If within 5 s after start of command the deviation of the actual velocity value
from the oscillation start speed is smaller than the value of "S‑0‑0157, Velocity
window", the execution of the command is acknowledged and the command
value curve for speed oscillation is internally generated.
Command Value Generation The drive-internal command value for oscillation is cyclically generated from
oscillation offset speed +/- oscillation speed. Drive-internal ramps and com‐
mand value filters that were set then aren't active.
The parameter values for drive-controlled oscillation can be changed during the
oscillation process. At the latest after the oscillation cycle time is over, the drive
reacts to the new values.
After execution of command C4200 has been completed, the drive follows the
currently present command value.

8.11.3 Notes on Commissioning

Presettings/Checks Before activating the function "drive-controlled oscillation", the following pre‐
settings or checks have to be made:
● Value in parameter "S‑0‑0157, Velocity window" has to be unequal zero.
● Values of parameters "S‑0‑0215, Oscillation cycle time", "S‑0‑0213, Os‐
cillation speed" and "S‑0‑0214, Oscillation offset speed" have to be
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 599/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

checked and values allowed for the spindle mechanics entered, if neces‐
Value in parameter "S‑0‑0215, Oscillation cycle time" has to be between
0.5 ms and 6553.5 ms (steps of 0.5 ms)!
Activate Oscillation The function is activated by starting command "C4200 Drive-controlled oscil‐
lation" (S‑0‑0190) via the control master.
Complete Oscillation The function is completed by clearing command C4200 by the control master,
when the master has detected the meshing of the gear shaft to have been
carried out.
Diagnostic Messages During execution of the command, the message "C42" appears on the display
of the controller.
Possible failures are displayed by the following diagnostic messages:
● C4201 Oscillation requires drive enable
● C4202 Oscillation command speed cannot be reached

8.12 Parking Axis

8.12.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.8-86: Assignment to functional firmware package

If individual axes within a master communication group (e.g. SERCOS ring,
PROFIBUS) are to be temporarily deactivated, without taking them out of the
axis group on the hardware and communication side, the function "parking axis"
can be activated via command.
When a drive has been put into the status "parking axis", it behaves "neutrally"
with regard to hardware and master communication. Errors possibly detected
by the drive are suppressed and have no effect on the axes in operation. This
allows, for example, uncoupling the motor and the motor encoder in the status
"parking axis" without errors being signaled.
The axis that has been "parked" behaves as if it would not exist!
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0139, C1600 Parking axis command
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C1600 Parking axis command

8.12.2 Functional Description

The parameter "S‑0‑0139, C1600 Parking axis command" can only be activated
in the parameter mode (communication phase "P2" or "P3"). Executing the
command causes the following actions:
● Monitoring functions of measuring systems are deactivated
● Motor temperature monitoring is deactivated
● Reference bits in "position feedback value status" are disabled
● Drive initializations are not carried out when "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Commu‐
nication phase 4 transition check" is executed
● "PA" is displayed on control panel and in diagnostic system
● Master-side drive enable is ignored
600/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

The execution of command C1600 is not acknowledged as com‐

pleted on the drive side, in order to keep the command change bit
of parameter "S‑0‑0135, Drive status word" free for diagnosis of
other commands!

The command C1600 can only be cleared in communication phase ""P2" or

"P3" or by switching back to "P0". Completing the execution of command C1600
causes the following actions:
● Monitoring functions of measuring systems are activated
● Motor temperature monitoring is activated
● Standard diagnostic messages appear again on display and in diagnostic
● Drive enable is possible again in communication phase "P4"

As the position data reference of relative measuring systems gets

lost when command C1600 is started, the position data reference
for these measuring systems has to be established again (homing
procedure) after drive enable has been set!

To activate the function "parking axis", there is an alternative to

switching to communication phase "P2"; you can switch to the pa‐
rameter mode from the operating states "bb" or "Ab" via "S‑0‑0420,
C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command". By
activating "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure
command", the drive returns to the operating mode.

8.13 Integrated Safety Technology

8.13.1 General Information
The section below contains an overview of the integrated safety
functions of the IndraDrive hardware and the IndraDrive firmware.
Details concerning function, notes on commissioning and examples
of application are described in the separate documentation "Re‐
xroth IndraDrive: Integrated Safety Technology" (DOK-INDRV*-
SI*-**VRS**-FK**-EN-P; part no. R911297838).

8.13.2 Brief Description

What is "Integrated Safety Technology"?
The control sections of the IndraDrive range can be equipped with
● an optional module "starting lockout" ("L1") or
● an optional module "safety technology I/O" ("S1")
IndraDrive is thereby equipped with integrated safety technology which pro‐
vides the user with an electronic starting lockout, as well as with universally
programmable safety related motion and standstill monitoring.
Definition "Integrated safety technology" refers to application-related safety functions that
are applicable for personal protection at machines in accordance with EN 954‑1
(category 3).
Selecting the Function The safety functions can be alternatively selected via
● 24 V inputs at the drive controller or
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 601/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● 24 V inputs at the drive controller and master communication (one channel
each) or
● the safety related channel in PROFIBUS (PROFIsafe).
Certification The safety technology was tested and certified by an EU type examination of
"Certification Authority SIBE Schweiz" (http://www.sibe.ch). (On demand, you
can get copies of the declarations of conformity and mark certificates from our
Bosch Rexroth sales representative.)
Requirements That Can Be Realiz‐ The integrated safety technology is independent of the type of master commu‐
ed nication, the higher-level control units and the supply modules. It is available
as optional module for the standard drive system. The requirements below can
be realized in the machine or in the installation:
● Measures according to EN ISO 12100‑2, if accessing the danger zone is
required, for example, for equipping, teaching or material withdrawal.
● Requirements for safety-related parts of control units in accordance with
EN 954‑1 category 3, as stipulated in EN 1010‑1 (printing and paper con‐
verting machines), EN 12415 (turning machines) and EN 12417 (machin‐
ing centers).
● Control functions in the case of error according to EN 60204‑1 (see "Using
diversity" in EN 60204‑1).
Integrated Safety Technology as IndraDrive Platform Solution
The different characteristics of the integrated safety technology (e.g. PROFI‐
safe, I/O, ...) require different hardware conditions:

Characteristics of integrated safety technology

Safety On Board
Control section Starting lockout Safety technology I/O (op‐
type Designation (optional module "L1") tional module "S1")

CSB01.1C BASIC UNIVERSAL (single-axis) X
CDB01.1C BASIC UNIVERSAL (double-axis) X X X

Fig.8-87: Overview of the Hardware Conditions for the Integrated Safety Tech‐

In addition to the optional module "S1", using PROFIsafe requires

the master communication module "PROFIBUS" (PB) together with
the respective firmware version (as of MP*03VRS)!

Safety Related Starting Lockout ("AS")

Using the function "safety related starting lockout" requires the op‐
tional safety technology module "starting lockout" ("L1").
602/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

The energy supply to the drive is safely interrupted with the safety function
"safety related starting lockout". The drive cannot generate any torque/force
and, as a consequence, it cannot generate any dangerous motions, either.

Before activating starting lockout, the drive system must be decel‐

erated via the command value input; there is no drive-controlled

Lethal injury and/or property damage caused by unintended axis motion!

⇒ If external force influences are to be expected with the safety function "safety
related starting lockout", e.g. in the case of a vertical axis, this motion has to be
DANGER safely prevented by additional measures, e.g. a mechanical brake or weight

Features The safety function "safety related starting lockout" has the following features:
● It corresponds to the stop category 0 according to EN 60204‑1.
● It has been realized for personal protection in accordance with EN 954‑1
category 3.
● The energy supply to the motor is safely interrupted via two channels.
● The selection is made via two channels using either a N/C-N/O or a N/C-
N/C combination.
● The safe status is acknowledged by an N/C-N/O contact.
● For dynamization of the selection, the function must be activated at least
every 168 hours. For this reason, the operating hours of the power section,
at which the safety function "safety related starting lockout" was selected
the last time, are stored in parameter "P‑0‑0102, Oper. hours power sec‐
tion at last activat. of start. lockout".
● Monitoring the validity of the selection: 100 ms after selection change
● The time intervals for activating the starting lockout have to be set via
"P‑0‑0103, Time interval of forced dynamization".
● The history of the time intervals that were set is displayed in parameter
"P‑0‑0104, Change history time interval of forced dynamization".
● The status of starting lockout is displayed via parameter "P‑0‑0106, Op‐
erating status of starting lockout".
Pertinent Parameters The parameters below are used in connection with the safety function "safety
related starting lockout":
● P‑0‑0101, Configuration for starting lockout selector
● P‑0‑0102, Oper. hours power section at last activat. of start. lockout
● P‑0‑0103, Time interval of forced dynamization
● P‑0‑0104, Change history time interval of forced dynamization
● P‑0‑0106, Operating status of starting lockout

Pertinent Diagnostic Messages The diagnostic messages below are generated in connection with the safety
function "safety related starting lockout":
● F8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled
● F7043 Error of output stage interlock
● F3130 Error when checking input signals
● F3131 Error when checking acknowledgement signal
● E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 603/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● E8027 Safety related standstill while drive enabled
With active starting lockout, the control panel of the IndraDrive controller dis‐
plays "AS".
Integrated Safety Technology (Safety on Board)
Features ● Dual-channel selection on safety functions via digital inputs/outputs (24V)
or digital inputs/outputs (24V) and master communication or a safety re‐
lated process data channel for PROFIBUS-DP (PROFIsafe)
● Integrated functionality for detecting "sleeping" errors:
– Dual-channel data processing with structure by diversity
– Cross comparison of the safety-relevant data
– Dynamization of static states
● Password protection for all safety technology parameters
● Safety functions in normal operation
→ Safety related maximum speed, safety related limited absolute end po‐
● Safety functions in status "safety related halt"
→ Safety related standstill, safety related operational stop, safety related
drive interlock
● Safety functions in status "safety related motion"
→ Safety related reduced speed, safety related direction of motion, safety
related limited increment, safety related limited absolute position
● Other auxiliary functions
→ Safety related monitored stopping process, safety related homing pro‐
cedure, safety related parking axis
● Safety functions for "safety related feedback"
→ Safety related diagnostic outputs, safety related control of a door locking
device, safety related inputs/outputs for PROFIsafe
Pertinent Parameters The parameters for safety technology are assigned to the IDN range from
P‑0‑3200 to P‑0‑3399. For information on the pertinent parameters, see the
separate documentations "Integrated Safety Technology; Functional and Ap‐
plication Description" and "Parameter Description".
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages The pertinent diagnostic messages in connection with the integrated safety
technology are contained in the separate documentation "Integrated Safety
Technology; Functional and Application Description" in the sections for the re‐
spective safety functions.

8.13.3 Functions of the Integrated Safety Technology

For integrated safety technology ("Safety on Board"), we distinguish the fol‐
lowing operating states:
604/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

Fig.8-88: Operating States of the Integrated Safety Technology

Principles for Error Detection In order to prevent danger for persons in the danger zone of a machine motion
in the case of temporary errors, precautions for minimizing motion errors due
to errors have to be taken.
During operation, the safety functions are monitored by the drive system. For
this purpose, three principles for discovering so-called sleeping errors were
realized in the system:
● Dual-channel data processing with structure by diversity
● Cross comparison of the safety-relevant data
● Dynamization of static states
Drive-internal realization of these principles guarantees that a single error can‐
not cause the safety functions to get lost.

To find out whether the safety functions realized by the drive are
sufficient for an existing installation or machine, the installation or
machine manufacturer has to carry out a hazard analysis according
to annex I of Directive 98/37/EG.

States of Integrated Safety Technology

Normal Operation In the status "normal operation", the following safety function is supported by
"Safety on Board":
● Safety related limited maximum speed
→ Defines a safety-related maximum velocity in normal operation
● Safety related limited absolute end position
→ Defines a positive and a negative safety related end position in normal
Note: Safety related reference must be established for the safety related
absolute position!
Safety Related Halt In the status "safety related halt", the following safety functions are supported
by "Safety on Board":
● Safety related standstill
→ Corresponds to stop category 1 according to EN 60204-1; with drive-
controlled best possible deceleration and time monitoring
- As an alternative -
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 605/886
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

● Safety related operational stop
→ Corresponds to stop category 2 according to EN 60204-1; i.e. the drive
control remains active, transition to standstill is carried out by the NC; drive
monitors reaching of standstill within preset tolerance time via two chan‐
- Additionally -
● Safety related drive interlock
→ Like "safety related standstill", but switching to "safety related motion"
by actuating the enabling control device is not possible; safety related
standstill/operational stop selected by safety switches S1/S2; starting
lockout selected via specific switches ASP1/ASP2
Safety Related Motion In the status "safety related motion", the following safety functions are suppor‐
ted by "Safety on Board":
● Safety related reduced speed
→ 2-channel monitoring for exceeding a velocity threshold
● Safety related direction of motion
→ 2-channel monitoring for allowed direction of motion
● Safety related limited increment
→ 2-channel monitoring for allowed travel distance
● Safety related limited absolute position
→ 2-channel monitoring for allowed absolute position
Note: Safety related reference must be established for the safety related
absolute position!
Auxiliary Functions The following auxiliary functions are provided:
● Safety related monitored stopping process
→ 2-channel monitoring of transition to safety related halt or safety related
● Safety related homing procedure
→ To establish the reference for channel 1 and channel 2
Note: The safety related reference is a requirement for safety related end
position and safety related limited absolute position!
● Safety related parking axis
→ Safety related parking of the axis by safety related locking of the output
stage and acknowledgment of safety, although no encoder is available
Safety Functions for "Safety Rela‐ The following safety functions are provided for "safety related feedback":
ted Feedback"
● Safety related diagnostic outputs
→ To transmit the "safety related status" to additional system components
● Safety related control of a door locking device (not with PROFIsafe)
→ A drive that acts as the diagnostic master can summarize the safety
related status of several axes within a protective zone and control a safety
● Safety related inputs/outputs for PROFIsafe
→ Safety related inputs/outputs of the drive are used for connecting sen‐
sors and actuators which the higher-level master controls via PROFIsafe.
606/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Extended Axis Functions

8.13.4 Notes on Commissioning

Starting Lockout
Using the starting lockout does not require any special kind of commissioning;
the corresponding wiring is sufficient.

For detailed descriptions and information, see separate documentation

"Rexroth IndraDrive: Integrated Safety Technology"
Integrated Safety Technology (Safety on Board)
Commissioning takes place with menu prompts via the commissioning tool "In‐
draWorks D".

For detailed descriptions and information, see separate documentation

"Rexroth IndraDrive: Integrated Safety Technology"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 607/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

9 Optional Device Functions

9.1 Availability of the Optional Device Functions
The following overview illustrates by which basic or functional packages the
respective optional device function is supported (if not stated otherwise, this
applies to all 3 firmware versions, MPB, MPD and MPH).

In functional package ...

In base package (additionally on the basis of a base package with the following
Optional device function
(characteristic) characteristics)
Servo function Synchronization Main spindle

Cross communication (CCD) Only available with the corresponding hardware configuration
IndraMotion MLD Independent extension packages (ML, MA or TF)
Digital inputs/outputs 1) OL/CL – – –

Analog inputs 1) OL/CL – – –

Analog outputs 1) OL/CL – – –

Virtual master axis generator – – OL/CL –
Command value generator OL/CL – – –
Encoder emulation CL – – –
Programmable position switch – CL CL –
Probe function – CL OL/CL –
Measuring encoder – – OL/CL –
OL Open-loop characteristic
CL Closed-loop characteristic
1) Depending on hardware configuration
Fig.9-1: Availability of the Optional Device Functions
To use a functional package, it must have been activated (enabled). The cur‐
rently enabled functional packages are displayed in parameter "P‑0‑2004,
Active functional packages".
See also "Enabling of Functional Packages"

9.2 Cross Communication (CCD)

9.2.1 Brief Description
Overview The device function "cross communication" (Cross Communication Drives
→ CCD) of IndraDrive allows electronic (digital) coupling of axes.
608/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-2: Hardware Topology of Drive Cross Communication (CCD)

Bus Topology Configuration of the CCD slaves and communication with the external control
unit always takes place via the CCD master drive, as the individual CCD slaves
are connected to the master via a SERCOS III interface. Therefore, external
access always takes place via the CCD master which, apart from the optional
module for CCD ("SERCOS III master connection"), has a master communi‐
cation interface (e.g. PROFIBUS).
CCD Modes (Kinds of Coupling) When cross communication (CCD) is used between the drives, we distinguish
the following variants (CCD modes):
● CCD system mode
The CCD slaves have a direct logic connection to the field bus CCD mas‐
ter; command triggering and input of process data take place via an
external control unit.
● CCD basic mode
The same functions as for the CCD system mode are available. However,
the user has to program them. It is not possible to use the MLD-M func‐
tionality in the master axis.
● MLD-M system mode
The CCD slaves have no direct logic connection to the external control
unit, but only to the MLD-M in the CCD master. Command triggering and
input of process data take place by the MLD‑M in the CCD master.
Features The device function "cross communication (CCD)" is characterized by the fol‐
lowing features:
● Synchronization of CCD slaves to CCD master
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 609/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Transmission of freely configurable external process data (command val‐

ues and actual values of the external control unit)
● Command value linkage by transmission of freely configurable process
data of the CCD axes (e.g. master/slave, Gantry axis)
● CCD (SERCOS III) cycle time can be parameterized (0.5 ms to 4 ms;
depends on controller performance and number of axes)
● Max. baud rate: 100 MBaud
● CCD communication protocol: SERCOS III (see "SERCOS III")
● Data channels:
– Cyclic data channel (MDT, AT): Max. 48 bytes and 16 IDN
– Parameter or service channel: 4 bytes
● Parameterization of all axes of the CCD group via interfaces of the CCD
master (RS232, Engineering Port, field bus, …)
● Command triggering of the CCD slaves depending on selected CCD mode
via external control unit or internally via MLD-M in CCD master
● Max. number of CCD slaves: 5 to 7 (depends on CCD mode; see below
"Performance Features")
Fields of Application Typical fields of application for cross communication:
● Control tasks for multi-axis applications
– Anti backlash
– Synchronous operation control
– Load control of several axes
● Simple command value linkage
– Position command value linkage (Gantry axes)
– Torque/force linkage
● Simple motion controls with decentralized command value adjustment for
single-axis positioning and master axis linkage
Restrictions When using cross communication, observe the following restrictions:
● With the cross communication function, "Coordinated Motion" is not pos‐
● The higher-level master mostly is a PLC with a field bus which does not
have real-time and synchronization ability (PROFIBUS, DeviceNet).
Hardware Requirements Using the drive function "cross communication" requires the following control
section design:
● CCD master
Control section in ADVANCED design with optional module CCD at op‐
tional slot 3
→ CSH-01.2C-xx-xxx-xxx-CCD-xx-x-..
● CCD slaves
Control section with master communication interface "SERCOS III" (S3);
possible with the following designs:
– BASIC UNIVERSAL single-axis → CSB-01.xC-S3-xxx-xx-x
– BASIC UNIVERSAL double-axis → CDB-01.xC-S3-xxx-xx-x
– ADVANCED single-axis → CSH-01.xC-S3-xxx-xx-x
610/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

See documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project Planning

Firmware Requirements For using the drive function "cross communication", observe the following as‐
pects regarding the firmware:
● This drive function is supported as of the firmware version MPx04.
● All drives of a CCD group (CCD master and CCD slaves) have to be op‐
erated with the same firmware version.
● As for integrated safety technology, this firmware function does not require
separate enabling of functional packages; the function of drive cross com‐
munication is available with the corresponding hardware design.
Pertinent Parameters The parameters listed below only exist for the CCD master:
● P‑0‑1600, CCD: configuration
● P‑0‑1601, CCD: addresses of projected drives
● P‑0‑1602, CCD: timing settings
● P‑0‑1603, CCD: actual topology
● P‑0‑1605, CCD: command communication phase
● P‑0‑1606, CCD: actual communication phase
● P‑0‑1607, CCD: axis error
● P‑0‑1609, CCD: status word
● P‑0‑1611, CCD: configuration list signal status word
● P‑0‑1612, CCD: configuration list signal control word
● P‑0‑1613, CCD: assignment list signal status word
● P‑0‑1614, CCD: assignment list signal control word
● P‑0‑1615, CCD: extrapolated command value IDN list signal selection
● P‑0‑1616, CCD: extrapolated cmd value signal selection
● P‑0‑1617, CCD: number of extrapolation steps
● P‑0‑1618, CCD: extrapolated command value
● P‑0‑1621, CCD: configuration list master communication cmd values
● P‑0‑1622, CCD: configuration list master communication actual values
● P‑0‑1623, CCD: configuration list master cmd values
● P‑0‑1624, CCD: configuration list actual master values
● P‑0‑1625, CCD: configuration list slave cmd values
● P‑0‑1626, CCD: configuration list actual slave values
● P‑0‑1630, CCD: diagnosis
● P‑0‑1632, CCD: system data 2 bytes
● P‑0‑1633, CCD: system data 4 bytes
● P‑0‑1640, CCD: MAC address
● P‑0‑1641, CCD: IP address
● P‑0‑1642, CCD: network mask
● P‑0‑1643, CCD: gateway address
● P‑0‑1644, CCD: status IP communication
● P‑0‑1651, CCD: master control word, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1657)
● P‑0‑1661, CCD: drive status word, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1667)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 611/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑1670, CCD: active actual position value, master
● P‑0‑1671, CCD: active actual position value, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1677)
● P‑0‑1680, CCD: actual velocity value, master
● P‑0‑1681, CCD: actual velocity value, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1687)
● P‑0‑1690, CCD: actual torque/force value, master
● P‑0‑1691, CCD: actual torque/force value, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1697)
● P‑0‑1701, CCD: diagnostic message number, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1707)
● P‑0‑1710, CCD: signal status word, master
● P‑0‑1711, CCD: signal status word, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1717)
● P‑0‑1720, CCD: signal control word, master
● P‑0‑1721, CCD: signal control word, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1727)
● P‑0‑1730, CCD: MDT real-time container 1, master
● P‑0‑1731, CCD: MDT real-time container 1, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1737)
● P‑0‑1740, CCD: MDT real-time container 2, master
● P‑0‑1741, CCD: MDT real-time container 2, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1747)
● P‑0‑1750, CCD: MDT real-time container 3, master
● P‑0‑1751, CCD: MDT real-time container 3, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1757)
● P‑0‑1760, CCD: MDT real-time container 4, master
● P‑0‑1761, CCD: MDT real-time container 4, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1767)
● P‑0‑1770, CCD: AT real-time container 1, master
● P‑0‑1771, CCD: AT real-time container 1, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1777)
● P‑0‑1780, CCD: AT real-time container 2, master
● P‑0‑1781, CCD: AT real-time container 2, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1787)
● P‑0‑1790, CCD: AT real-time container 3, master
● P‑0‑1791, CCD: AT real-time container 3, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1797)
● P‑0‑1800, CCD: AT real-time container 4, master
● P‑0‑1801, CCD: AT real-time container 4, slave 1 (to P‑0‑1807)
● P‑0‑1810, CCD: status word synchronous operating modes, master
● P‑0‑1811, CCD: status word synchronous operating modes, slave 1
(to P‑0‑1817)

For configuring the SERCOS III communication in the slaves, we

use the standard SERCOS III parameters (see S‑0‑1001 et seq.).

Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0265 Incorrect CCD address configuration

● C0266 Incorrect CCD phase switch
● C0267 CCD timeout phase switch
● C0403 Switching to CCD phase 2 impossible
● E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded
● E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing
● E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves
● F2140 CCD slave error
● F4140 CCD communication error
● F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt)
● F8140 Fatal CCD error
612/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

9.2.2 Functional Description of the CCD Modes

Comparison of the CCD Modes
For IndraDrive, cross communication is available in different variants (CCD
modes) which are distinguished by the performance features contained in the
following table:

CCD system CCD basic MLD-M system

Feature mode mode mode

Parameter gateway of CCD-master-side field bus interface to CCD

Yes Yes Yes
Process data gateway and profile interpreter from external master (e.g.
Yes No No
field bus PLC) to CCD slaves
Synchronization of CCD slaves to CCD master Yes Yes Yes
Cross communication to command value linkage in
Yes Yes Yes
CCD group
Command triggering via external control unit,
i.e. slaves get elementary information on device control
Yes Restricted 2) Restricted 3)
(e.g. drive enable, operating mode input) for slaves from external mas‐
ter (e.g. field bus PLC)
Command triggering by MLD-M in CCD master,
i.e. slaves get elementary information on device control No Restricted 2) Yes
(e.g. drive enable, operating mode input) from MLD in CCD master

1) Parameter gateway does not exist with SERCOS interface, SERCOS III,
CANopen interface and parallel interface
2) Command triggering is possible, if control words are configured and op‐
erated accordingly (e.g. P‑0‑1651)
3) Command triggering is possible, if MLD registers (e.g. P‑0‑1370 et seq.)
are configured and operated accordingly and accordingly interpreted in
MLD-M of CCD master
Fig.9-3: Comparison of the CCD Modes
Performance Features
The table below contains the main features and important data of the CCD

Command triggering
Possible master communication Max.
(Motion Control)
CCD CCD Parallel/ of
master slave analog slaves

Profiles 0xFFFE, 0xFFFD for

CCD system mode Remote Remote -- -- -- 5
all CCD nodes
Local (re‐ Local (re‐
CCD basic mode All profiles (only for CCD master) Yes Yes 7
mote) mote)
MLD-M system mode Local All profiles (only for CCD master) Yes Yes 7
Remote Control by external master
Remote MLD- Control by MLD-M in CCD master
Local Control by local MLD-S of the respective axis
Fig.9-4: Performance Features of the CCD Modes
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 613/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Maximum Number of Axes and The maximum number of possible axes in the group (CCD slaves) depends on:
CCD Cycle Time
● Selected CCD mode
● CCD cycle time which was set
● Number of cyclic data (MDT, AT) per CCD slave

CCD cycle time CCD system mode MLD-M system mode1) CCD basic mode

500 μs 1 slave + 1 master -- 1 slave + 1 master

1000 μs 3 slaves + 1 master 3 slaves + 1 master 3 slaves + 1 master
2000 μs / 4000 μs 5 slaves + 1 master 7 slaves + 1 master 7 slaves + 1 master

1) MLD-M system mode can only be selected in basic performance.

Fig.9-5: Maximum Number of Axes Depending on CCD Cycle Time
Cyclic Data Per slave it is possible to transmit a maximum of 48 bytes (for command values
and actual values each) at a maximum of 16 IDNs (for command values and
actual values each).
In the CCD system mode only the freely configurable profile (0xFFFE and
0xFFFD) is supported in the CCD master!
CCD System Mode
In the CCD system mode, the higher-level (external) master has control over
the CCD slaves. Command triggering and input of process data take place via
the external master (e.g. field bus PLC).
System Structure The figure below illustrates the system structure of the CCD system mode with
field bus master communication (as regards command triggering and process
data communication for collective bus connection). The figure only contains the
command triggering and the process data of the external control unit. It does
not show the data between CCD master and CCD slaves.
614/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

PCD Process data (cyclic command values and actual values)

S‑0‑0099 C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics
S‑0‑0144 Signal status word
S‑0‑0145 Signal control word
S‑0‑0346 Positioning control word
S‑0‑0420 C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
S‑0‑1134 SERCOS-III: Master control word
S‑0‑1135 SERCOS-III: Drive status word
P‑0‑0115 Device control: status word
P‑0‑0116 Device control: control word
P‑0‑1600 CCD: configuration
P‑0‑165x CCD: master control word, slave x
P‑0‑166x CCD: drive status word, slave x
P‑0‑171x CCD: signal status word, slave x
P‑0‑172x CCD: signal control word, slave x
P‑0‑4077 Field bus: control word
P‑0‑4078 Field bus: status word
P‑0‑4084 Field bus: profile type
Fig.9-6: Overview CCD System Mode With Field Bus Interface

The CCD system mode presently is only available in conjunction

with field bus master communication at the CCD master!

Features The following aspects apply to the CCD system mode:

● For each logic field bus slave (CCD slave), the field bus control word is
segmented and converted by the CCD master to a master control word
(S‑0‑1134) for the corresponding CCD slave, and a signal control word
(S‑0‑0145) is segmented and converted for the CCD slave. The higher-
level master thereby has full control over the slaves (e.g. enable, operating
mode selection).
● For each logic field bus slave (CCD slave), the field bus status word is
generated by means of the drive status word (S‑0‑1135) and the signal
status word (S‑0‑0144) of the respective CCD slave in the CCD master.
The higher-level master thereby has the status of each slave (e.g. error).
● In addition, free process data can be used for master/slave cross com‐
munication. For this purpose, the parameters P‑0‑1623 to P‑0‑1626 have
to be configured accordingly.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 615/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Bits 12 to 15 of the signal status word (S‑0‑0144) and of the signal control
word (S‑0‑0145) of the CCD slaves can be used by the field bus master.
For this purpose, the parameters S‑0‑0144 and S‑0‑0145 have to be taken
into account and written with values in the data exchange between exter‐
nal control unit and CCD master. Parameter setting takes place in the
parameters P‑0‑1621 and P‑0‑1622 in the CCD master. The master then
transmits the signals at bits 12 and 15 of the signal status word (S‑0‑0144)
and of the signal control word (S‑0‑0145) to the corresponding CCD
● The cyclic process data (command values and actual values) of master
communication (P‑0‑1621 and P‑0‑1622 in the CCD master) are directly
mapped to the CCD bus in the AT and MDT (and vice versa). Via these
parameters, the external field bus master can access the parameters of
the CCD slaves.
Notes on Utilization When using the CCD system mode, observe the following aspects:
● In addition to the process data of master communication, free process data
can be used in the CCD system mode for mere master/slave cross com‐
munication. For this purpose, the contents of the configuration lists in the
parameters P‑0‑1623 to P‑0‑1626 have to be manually extended!
● In the case of field bus master communication, the freely configurable
profile type (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE and 0xFFFD) is supported.
● When using the unassigned bits of the signal control word and the signal
status word (S‑0‑0145, S‑0‑0144), take the following aspects into account:
– The MDT for the slaves must at least contain the signal control word
and the AT must at least contain the signal status word (to be con‐
figured in P‑0‑1621 and P‑0‑1622).
– Only the bits 12 to 15 of the signal status word (S‑0‑0144) and of the
signal control word (S‑0‑0145) can be used.
– The bits 0 to 11 in the signal status word of the CCD slave are always
zero for the control.
– Parameter setting of the signal control word of the slaves is made by
the master via the parameters P‑0‑1612 and P‑0‑1614.
– Parameter setting of the signal status word of the slaves is made by
the master via the parameters P‑0‑1611 and P‑0‑1613.
Control Word in CCD System Mode The table below shows the conversion of the bits in the control word of the
"emulated field bus slave" of the CCD master to the actual parameters of the
CCD slave. The external master thereby has control over the CCD slaves. This
control word for the slave emulated in the CCD master corresponds to the
structure of the field bus control word (P‑0‑4077) and has to be taken into ac‐
count accordingly in the cyclic output data of the external control unit.

Bit in
Significance in field bus profile Target parameter in slave Access to slave via ...

0 Command value acceptance S‑0‑0346: Bit 0 S‑0‑0145: Bit 0

S‑0‑0420: C0400 parameterization level 1 S‑0‑0145: Bit 8
1 Operating mode setting
S‑0‑0422: C0200 exit parameterization level S‑0‑0145: Bit 9
2 Going to zero S‑0‑0148: C0600 drive-controlled homing S‑0‑0145: Bit 2
3 Absolute / relative S‑0‑0346: Bit 3 S‑0‑0145: Bit 3
4 Immediate block change S‑0‑0346: Bit 5 S‑0‑0145: Bit 4
5 Clear error S‑0‑0099: Command clear error S‑0‑0145: Bit°5
616/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

Bit in
Significance in field bus profile Target parameter in slave Access to slave via ...
6,7 Positioning / jogging S‑0‑0346: Bit 1,2 S‑0‑0145: Bit°6,7
8,9 Command operating mode S‑0‑1134: Master control word bit 8,9 Direct access to S‑0‑1134
10,11 -- -- --
12 IPOSYNC S‑0‑1134: Master control word bit 10 Direct access to S‑0‑1134
13 Drive Halt S‑0‑1134: Master control word bit 13 Direct access to S‑0‑1134
14 Drive enable S‑0‑1134: Master control word bit 14 Direct access to S‑0‑1134
15 Drive ON S‑0‑1134: Master control word bit 15 Direct access to S‑0‑1134

Fig.9-7: Conversion of Field Bus Control Word (P‑0‑4077) to CCD Slave Pa‐
rameters With Field Bus Profile Type 0xFFFE

As parameter "S‑0‑0145, Signal control word" is used to map the

control bits which are not contained in parameter "S‑0‑1134, SER‐
COS III: Master control word", it has already been configured by
default in the cyclic master data telegram (MDT → S‑0‑0024) of the
respective CCD slaves in the CCD system mode! In addition, other
bits have been permanently configured so that the user can only
define the bits 12 to 15! To transmit these unassigned bits to the
slaves, the signal control word (S‑0‑0145) has to be additionally
configured in the cyclic command values of the control unit to the
slaves (in parameter P‑0‑1621).

Cyclic Command Values of Master The cyclic command values for a CCD slave consist of at least 2 bytes control
Communication word (same structure as field bus control word; see P‑0‑4077) and the data
from parameter "P‑0‑1621, CCD: configuration list master communication cmd
values". The control word is always transmitted at the beginning of the cyclic
data for a slave (is not contained in parameter P‑0‑1621, but has to be taken
into account accordingly in the cyclic output data of the control unit!), followed
by the data from parameter P‑0‑1621.

The 2-byte status word P‑0‑4077 is converted to 4 bytes master

status word + 2 bytes signal status word!

For profile type P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFD, the bits 0, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 are

not evaluated in the control word!

P‑0‑1621 Configuration list of master communication command values for CCD

Fig.9-8: Command Value Channel From Master Communication Master to CCD
Status Word in CCD System Mode The table below shows the assignment of the bits in the status word of the
"emulated field bus slave" of the CCD master to the actual parameters of the
CCD slave. The external master thereby gets the information on the CCD
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 617/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

slaves. This status word for the slave emulated in the CCD master corresponds
to the structure of the field bus status word (P‑0‑4078) and has to be taken into
account accordingly in the cyclic input data of the external control unit.

Bit in
Significance in field bus profile Source parameter in slave Access to slave via ...

0 -- -- --
1 Operating mode acknowledg‐ S‑0‑0424: Status parameterization level S‑0‑0144: Bit 1
2 In_Reference S‑0‑0403: Position status in signal status word S‑0‑0144: Bit 2
3 In_Standstill S‑0‑0331: Nact = 0 S‑0‑0144: Bit 3

4 Command value reached P‑0‑0115: Bit 12 S‑0‑0144: Bit 4

5 Command change bit S‑0‑1135: Drive status bit 5 Direct access to S‑0‑1135
6 -- -- --
7 Status of command value pro‐ S‑0‑1135: Drive status bit 3 Direct access to S‑0‑1135
8,9 Actual operating mode S‑0‑1135: Drive status bit 8,9 Direct access to S‑0‑1135
10 Command value acknowledg‐ S‑0‑0419: Bit 0 S‑0‑0144: Bit 10
11 Class 3 diagnostics message S‑0‑1135: Drive status bit 11 Direct access to S‑0‑1135
12 Class 2 diagnostics warning S‑0‑1135: Drive status bit 12 Direct access to S‑0‑1135
13 Class 1 diagnostics drive error S‑0‑1135: Drive status bit 13 Direct access to S‑0‑1135
14/15 Readiness for operation S‑0‑1135: Drive status bit 14,15 Direct access to S‑0‑1135

Fig.9-9: Conversion of Field Bus Status Word (P‑0‑4078) to CCD Slave Param‐
eters With Profile 0xFFFE

As parameter "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" is used to map the

control bits which are not contained in parameter "S‑0‑1135, SER‐
COS III: drive status", this parameter has already been configured
by default in the cyclic drive telegram (AT → S‑0‑0016) in the CCD
system mode! In addition, other bits have been permanently con‐
figured so that the user can only define the bits 12 to 15! To be able
to read these unassigned bits of the slaves, the signal status word
(S‑0‑0144) has to be additionally configured in the cyclic actual val‐
ues of the CCD slaves to the control unit (in parameter P‑0‑1622).

Cyclic Actual Values of Master The cyclic actual values of a CCD slave consist of at least 2 bytes status word
Communication (same structure as field bus status word; see P‑0‑4078) and the data from pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑1622, CCD: configuration list master communication actual val‐
ues". The status word is always transmitted at the beginning of the cyclic data
for a slave (is not contained in parameter P‑0‑1622, but has to be taken into
account accordingly in the cyclic input data of the control unit!), followed by the
data from parameter P‑0‑1622.

The 2-byte status word P‑0‑4078 is composed of 4 bytes drive sta‐

tus word + 2 bytes signal status word!
618/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑1622 Configuration list of master communication actual values for CCD

Fig.9-10: Command Value Channel From CCD Group to Master Communication
CCD Basic Mode
In the CCD basic mode, automatic interpretation of control information by the
CCD master does not take place. The CCD master cannot automatically route
cyclic data of the master communication to the CCD slaves. The master com‐
munication "sees" only the CCD master. It is only possible to exchange data
via the CCD process data exchange between CCD master and CCD slave.
System Structure The figure below illustrates the system structure for the CCD basic mode with
field bus master communication, SERCOS interface and parallel/analog inter‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 619/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

PCD Process data (cyclic command values and actual values)

1) With permanent control
Fig.9-11: Overview CCD Basic Mode for Different Master Communication Inter‐
620/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Features In the CCD basic mode, the external master (field bus, SERCOS interface,
analog/parallel interface) has restricted access to the CCD slaves. The follow‐
ing applies:
● The CCD basic mode is used when only process data are to be exchanged
between the CCD master and the CCD slaves. The parameters P‑0‑1623
to P‑0‑1626 are relevant for parameterizing the data exchange. Only the
data listed in these parameters are exchanged between master and slave.
● Even with active field bus card in the CCD master, the profile interpreter
is not active. The parameters P‑0‑1611 to P‑0‑1614 do not take effect. The
signal control word/signal status word of the slaves is not configured via
the master and not automatically transmitted in the MDT/AT. If the master
nevertheless writes data to the signal control words and signal status
words of the CCD slaves (S‑0‑0144, S‑0‑0145), the free process data be‐
tween CCD master and CCD slave (P‑0‑1623 to P‑0‑1626) must be used
for this purpose. In the CCD master, the parameters P‑0‑172x and
P‑0‑171x have to be written or read therefore.
● As the drive status word of the slaves in the AT is always transmitted in
the case of SERCOS, it can be read via the corresponding parameter
P‑0‑1661 to P‑0‑1667 in the master.
● As the master control word of the slaves in the MDT is always transmitted
in the case of SERCOS, it has to be written via the corresponding param‐
eter P‑0‑1651 to P‑0‑1657 (e.g. by MLD-S or via parallel interface). In the
CCD basic mode, this allows controlling basic input, such as enable, op‐
erating mode selection etc., for the slaves via the CCD master.
MLD-M System Mode
In the MLD-M system mode, the drive-integrated MLD in the master has control
over the axes. Additionally, MLD has access to the CCD slaves. The CCD
master cannot automatically route cyclic data of the master communication to
the CCD slaves. The master communication "sees" only the CCD master. Data
from master communication have to be interpreted and, if necessary, transmit‐
ted in the MLD-M of the CCD master.
System Structure The figure below illustrates the system structure of the MLD-M system mode
with field bus master communication, SERCOS interface and parallel/analog
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 621/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

PCD Process data (cyclic command values and actual values)

1) With permanent control
Fig.9-12: Overview MLD-M System Mode for Different Master Communication In‐
Features In this mode, the external master only has indirect control over the CCD slaves
via the CCD master. The following applies:
● The drive PLC in the master generates the master control word for the
CCD slaves. The higher-level control unit therefore does not have any
influence on individual slaves. The master control word of a slave can be
read via the corresponding parameters P‑0‑1651 to P‑0‑1657.
622/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● The drive PLC in the master evaluates the status words of the CCD slaves.
The higher-level control unit therefore does not have any information on
individual CCD slaves. The drive status word of a slave can be read via
the corresponding parameters P‑0‑1661 to P‑0‑1667.
● The cyclic process data for the CCD slaves are generated by the CCD
master and vice versa (master/slave cross communication). Part of them
has been permanently pre-assigned for motion input from the drive PLC.
The rest can be freely configured for other purposes (process loop, access
to slave peripherals, etc.).
● Parameters of the CCD slaves can be read and written by the MLD in the
CCD master.
● Via the corresponding motion function blocks, the MLD in the master can
move the CCD slaves.
Signal control word/status word (S‑0‑0144 / S‑0‑0145) are permanently para‐
meterized by the internal PLC for the motion channel, but only partly used. For
the unassigned bits, the PLC makes available a function which allows the user
accessing them from the PLC program (so-called "AxisData structure").
The unassigned bits in the signal control word/status word of the CCD slaves
are parameterized in the master via the parameters P‑0‑1611 to P‑0‑1614.

See also separate documentation "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD".

State Machine and Phase Input
Multi-Axis Field Bus Connection To generate unequivocal phase input (communication phase) for the CCD
slaves in the case of multi-axis field bus connection (in the system mode), this
input is realized in the CCD master by a CCD phase state machine.
● The input value of the state machine is the value of parameter "P‑0‑1605,
CCD: command communication phase".
● The present communication phase of the CCD bus is displayed in param‐
eter "P‑0‑1606, CCD: actual communication phase".
● In the parameter "P‑0‑1609, CCD: status word", you can find information
on the phase state machine, such as "target phase", "actual phase",
"phase switch active", "phase switch aborted with error" etc.

Data are primarily provided to the phase state machine of the CCD
bus from the device state machine of the CCD master.

Switching from parameter mode to operating mode (and vice versa) of the de‐
vice takes place in the CCD master by the following commands:
● S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
→ By activating the command C0200, all functions are switched to the
status "active" again (operating mode → P‑0‑1605 = 4).
● S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
→ By activating the command C0400, all functions are switched to the
status "inactive" again (parameter mode → P‑0‑1605 = 2).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 623/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-13: State Machine of Cross Communication

CCD - Diagnostic System
The following parameters are available in the CCD master for displaying the
states of all axes in the CCD group and their evaluation via the CCD master:
● "P‑0‑1630, CCD: diagnosis"
This parameter displays the status of the CCD group in the CCD master
in plain text.
Note: Together with the diagnostic message numbers of the slaves and
the master, via this parameter it is possible, in the case of error, to obtain
detailed information on causes of error and trouble shooting.
● "P‑0‑1701, CCD: diagnostic message number slave 1" to "P‑0‑1707, CCD:
diagnostic message number slave 7"
These parameters are used for displaying and evaluating the diagnostic mes‐
sage number for each slave (see Parameter Description "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic
message number"). By configuring P‑0‑170x in parameter "P‑0‑1624, CCD:
configuration list actual master values" and S‑0‑0390 in parameter "P‑0‑1626,
624/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

CCD: configuration list actual slave values", the diagnostic message number
of the CCD slave is transmitted to the master.
Error Reaction of the CCD Group
The CCD error reaction is selected and activated via the bits 7 and 8 of the
parameter "P‑0‑1600, CCD: configuration".
Basic setting:
● In the parameter "P‑0‑1600, CCD: configuration", the CCD group error
reaction can be activated for all CCD slaves via bit 10. In this case, the
master automatically configures the parameter S‑0‑0390 to the corre‐
sponding actual value telegram (AT) of the slaves and copies the content
to P‑0‑1701 (slave 1), to P‑0‑1702 (slave 2), to P‑0‑1703 (slave 3), etc.
● If a slave in the CCD axis group is not to participate in the activated error
reaction in the master, the automatic parameterization of the slave diag‐
nosis for all slaves must be switched off with bit 10 of P‑0‑1600. In this
case, the inputs for the diagnostic message numbers of the slaves, which
are to participate in the error reaction, must be made manually
(P‑0‑1624[i] = P‑0‑170x and P‑0‑1626[i] = S‑0‑0390).

The CCD error reaction is switched off by default, i.e. the bits 7, 8
and 10 in parameter P‑0‑1600 have not been set!

Cyclic Process Data

For the MDT data (cyclic command values), the process data channel of CCD
knows two data sources (master communication and CCD master) and one
data sink (CCD slave).
For the AT data (cyclic actual values), there is one data source (CCD slave)
and two data sinks (master communication and CCD master).

The process data channel of the CCD group is exclusively para‐

meterized at the CCD master via the parameters P‑0‑1621 to
P‑0‑1626. During phase progression, the master then automatically
takes over the parameterization of the slaves via S-0-0016,
S-0-0024, ...

The figure below illustrates the parameterization of the process data channel
and the effect of the parameters P-0-1621 to P-0-1626 for the following cases:
1. Configuration of the MDT data (cyclic command values)
2. Configuration of the AT data (cyclic actual values)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 625/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-14: Configuring the Cyclic Process Data

Configuration takes place as follows:
● In the CCD master, the required cyclic process data between the external
PLC and the CCD slave are configured in the parameters P‑0‑1621 (MDT)
or P‑0‑1622 (AT).
● The command values (MDT) to be transmitted from the CCD master to
the CCD slave are configured in the relationship P‑0‑1623 ↔ P‑0‑1625.
The list parameter P‑0‑1623 contains the parameters which the master
puts into the MDT for the slave. The list parameter P‑0‑1625 contains the
information for which parameters in the slave the data from the master are
intended (S‑0‑0024).
● The actual values (AT) to be transmitted from the CCD slave to the CCD
master are configured in the relationship P‑0‑1624 ↔ P‑0‑1626. The list
parameter P‑0‑1624 contains the information for which parameters in the
master the data from the slave are intended. The list parameter P‑0‑1626
contains the information which parameters the slave puts into the AT for
the master (S‑0‑0016).
We distinguish the following schemes of addressing:
● Logic individual axis addressing → for CCD communication setting of mas‐
ter communication address at each axis (e.g. 09, 02, 03, 05)
● Device address with automatic subindex → for Profibus (e.g. 9.02)
626/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

● Subindex address is used via PLC → 1st slave axis has address 1

Any individual setting of the serial addressing via the parameter

"P‑0‑4022, Drive address of serial interface" does not take effect
via the CCD group! Via CCD, the remote axes can only be ad‐
dressed via their master communication address.

The following aspects apply to the addressing of the individual CCD nodes:
● The master communication address is set as usual at the respective drive
in parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of master communication" (e.g. via
the control panel).
● In the CCD master, the CCD slave addresses belonging to the respective
CCD slave must be entered in parameter "P‑0‑1601, CCD: addresses of
projected drives".
● The slaves found by the CCD master in phase 0 of the CCD axis group
are entered in the list parameter "P‑0‑4031, Overview of device address‐
– List element 0: Address of CCD master
– List element 1: CCD slave with lowest address
– .....
– List element n: CCD slave with highest address

The list in parameter P‑0‑4031 must contain at least the slave ad‐
dresses from the parameter "P‑0‑1601, CCD: addresses of projec‐
ted drives", otherwise the error message "C0265 Incorrect CCD
address configuration" will be generated during the phase progres‐
sion of the master.

By means of an example, the figure below shows how the individual parameters
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 627/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑1601 CCD: addresses of projected drives

P‑0‑4022 Drive address of serial interface
P‑0‑4025 Drive address of master communication
P‑0‑4031 Overview of device addresses
C0265 Incorrect CCD address configuration
Fig.9-15: Example of How to Address the CCD Group
Acyclic Communication (Parameterization Gateway)
To allow accessing the individual parameters of the slaves from the CCD mas‐
ter, there is a so-called "parameterization gateway" available which processes
requests of an interface of the master (via master communication, RS‑232,
Ethernet, …) regarding parameters of the slaves.
Acyclic parameter services, requested via RS‑232, master communication or
drive PLC in the CCD master, must be transmitted to the slaves by the cross
For this purpose, the following interfaces with the following possibilities are
● Serial interface with binary SIS protocol (see also "Serial Communica‐
Note: The parameterization gateway does not support the DKC-ASCII
format (RSKO)! That is why acyclic access to parameters of the slave
drives is only possible via SIS protocol!
● Field bus interface with the available parameterization options (DPV1, …)
● Ethernet interface with TCP/IP
Note: For this application, the unassigned Ethernet connection (so-called
"Engineering Port") at the CCD master can be used for parameterization.
628/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

MC Master communication
Fig.9-16: Functional Scheme of the Parameterization Gateway
Cycle Time
Configuration of CCD Cycle Time The CCD cycle time is set in the master via the parameter "S‑0‑0001, NC cycle
time (TNcyc)" (parameter S‑0‑1001 for SERCOS III). The CCD master then
presets this time for the slaves in parameter "S‑0‑1001, SERCOS III: NC cycle
time (TNcyc)".
The SERCOS cycle time of the CCD slaves in parameter "S‑0‑1002, SERCOS
III: SERCOS cycle time (TScyc)" is automatically set to the value of the NC
cycle time (S‑0‑1001) by the master.
The timing settings made by the master can be seen in the parameter
"P‑0‑1602, CCD: timing settings".
The number of CCD slaves limits the possible CCD cycle time (see "Perform‐
ance Features").
Dead Time Compensation
For command value linkage (e.g. with Gantry axes) via CCD, it is necessary
that the command values take effect at the same point of time in the individual
axes. To prevent the master axis from preceding the slaves, dead time com‐
pensation was realized for the command value input to the slaves.

In the MLD-M system mode (with permanent control in the CCD

master), dead time compensation takes place by calculating a vir‐
tual slave in the CCD master to artificially delay the command
values for the master axis (see also separate documentation "Re‐
xroth IndraMotion MLD").

Basic Function In the CCD system mode or MLD-M system mode (without permanent control
in the CCD master), extrapolation of a selected command value is carried out
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 629/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

for each CCD slave to compensate the internal processing dead times. The
parameter of the CCD master to be transmitted to the CCD slave first is ex‐
trapolated. The extrapolated value is then contained in parameter "P‑0‑1618,
CCD: extrapolated command value". This parameter with the extrapolated val‐
ue has to be copied to the corresponding parameter of the slave (free process
data). The parameter "P‑0‑1617, CCD: number of extrapolation steps" indicates
for how many CCD cycles in advance the parameter value of the master is

In the CCD master, the extrapolator is only available once so that

only one parameter of the CCD master can be extrapolated.

Fig.9-17: Command Value Extrapolation for Dead Time Compensation of the

Command Values for the CCD Slaves
Example of Application With Con‐ The operating principle of the function is described for a Gantry axis (position
figuration command value linkage).
The CCD master is to preset the position loop command value (P‑0‑0434) for
the slaves as the value for parameter S‑0‑0047. The position loop command
value is active in the master the next time the position loop is called. For the
CCD slaves there is a delay of up to two SERCOS cycles until this command
value takes effect in the position loop.
To avoid this, activate the dead time compensation by the following setting:
● Dead time compensation is activated, if in parameter "P‑0‑1617, CCD:
number of extrapolation steps", a value unequal "0" has been entered
(default setting).
● Enter the desired command value (with position command value linkage
→ P‑0‑0434) in the parameter "P‑0‑1616, CCD: extrapolated cmd value
signal selection".
● In parameter "P‑0‑1623, CCD: configuration list master cmd values", the
value of parameter "P‑0‑1618, CCD: extrapolated command value" is en‐
tered for the slaves instead of P‑0‑0434.

Due to extrapolation, position deviations (worse profile) result for

the extrapolated command value as compared to the original com‐
mand value, the extrapolated command value becomes greater as
the number of extrapolation steps (P‑0‑1617) increases.

9.2.3 Notes on Commissioning and Utilization

Navigation in IndraWorks
The dialogs for parameterizing the CCD communication can be found in Indra‐
Works under the SERCOS III junction (→ right mouse key):
630/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-18: Overview of IndraWorks Dialog Windows for CCD Communication

By analogy to drives under a control unit, the slaves of the CCD group are
displayed below a SERCOS III junction in the project tree.

Fig.9-19: CCD Display in the Project Explorer

The slaves can be addressed in the same way as drives under a control unit.
In the offline mode, it is possible to drag drives from the library under the SER‐
COS III junction. The configuration found is used in the online mode.
Basic Settings The figure below shows the basic settings for parameterizing the CCD com‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 631/886
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Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-20: IndraWorks Dialog for Basic Settings of CCD Communication

Selection of Cross Communication Modes
Possible Applications of the CCD Due to their different properties, there are preferred applications for the re‐
Modes spective CCD modes:
● Preferably use the CCD system mode (command triggering master: ex‐
ternal PLC), when mere command value linkage must be realized with
field bus master communication and control over all drives still is in the
external control unit.
Other features:
– Command triggering of the CCD slaves by higher-level control unit
("remote" external with profile interpreter or possibly via local MLD
with permanent control)
– Process data exchange possible between CCD master and slaves,
as well as between external control unit and CCD slaves
– CCD slaves are known to external control unit (logic nodes)
● Preferably use the CCD basic mode (command triggering master: MLD-
M in the CCD master), when an MLD with permanent control is used in at
least one CCD slave,
- or -
mere command value linkage is to be realized with master communication
"SERCOS", "parallel" or "analog" and control still is in the external control
Other features:
– Command triggering of CCD slaves can take place by higher-level
control unit ("remote" external, but without profile interpreter) via pa‐
rameter P‑0‑165x in the master, via MLD in the master drive or,
where possible, via local MLD-S with permanent control
– Only process data exchange between CCD master and slaves; CCD
slaves are not known to external control unit (no logic nodes)
● Preferably use the MLD-M system mode (expert mode), when multi-axis
motion is to be realized in the master and the MLD in the master is to
access the remote axes (CCD slaves).
Other features:
– Command triggering of the CCD slaves takes place via MLD-M in the
master drive or, where possible, via local MLD-S with permanent
– Only process data exchange between CCD master and slaves
– CCD slaves are not known to external control unit (no logic nodes)
The figure below illustrates how to select the appropriate CCD mode:
632/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-21: Selection Criteria for CCD Mode (See P‑0‑1600)

Selection Criteria Using the CCD system mode makes sense when:
● The external master is to have control over the CCD slaves,
● process data (command values and actual values) must be exchanged
between the external master (e.g. field bus PLC) and the CCD slaves,
● other process data apart from the external process data are input by the
CCD master to the CCD slaves (e.g. command value linkage).
Using the CCD basic mode makes sense when:
● The external master is to have control over the CCD slaves,
● only process data are preset to the CCD slaves by the CCD master (e.g.
command value linkage),
● an MLD with permanent control is used in the slave axes.
Using the MLD-M system mode makes sense when:
● The CCD master is to have control over the CCD slaves,
● only data between CCD master and CCD slaves are exchanged.
Setting the Cycle Time
Depending on the slowest controller performance (position loop clock), the
minimum CCD cycle time to be set can be selected in the CCD group. The CCD
cycle time mustn't be smaller than the slowest position loop clock in the CCD
● Advanced performance: 0.5 ms, 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms
● Basic performance: 0.5 ms, 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms
● Economy performance: 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms

The MLD-M mode is only possible in Basic performance of the CCD

master; in addition, the CCD cycle time which was set has to be
greater than the slowest position loop clock in the CCD group!

The possible CCD cycle time results from the number of CCD slaves and the
selected CCD mode (see "Performance Features").
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 633/886
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Optional Device Functions

The CCD cycle time should always be greater than the slowest po‐
sition loop clock of the CCD group. If both cycle times are equal,
only half of the cyclic data can be transmitted to the corresponding
CCD slave.

Error Reaction
CCD Error Reaction As regards the error reaction of the CCD group, you have to observe that apart
from the module bus connection there is an additional digital connection of the
master communication. That is why there are different possibilities for the group
to react in the cause of error which must be specifically selected and coordi‐
nated. The possible error reactions are summarized in the table below.

Kind of error reaction Description

Autarkical error reaction All axes in the group carry out an independent error reaction, when package reaction has not
been activated and the CCD error reaction has not been activated either.
Package reaction The axes operated in the axis group at a DC bus are interconnected via the module bus and
carry out a collective coordinated error reaction (package reaction) in the case of error (see
"Error Reactions: Package Reaction on Error")
CCD error reaction For certain applications (e.g. Gantry axes) it can be useful to shut down the complete CCD
group in a controlled way or at least equally in all axes when an error occurs in a CCD slave
or in the CCD master. If required, it is therefore possible to activate a CCD error reaction in
the CCD master!

Fig.9-22: Overview of Error Reactions of the CCD Group

Configuring the Error Reaction The CCD error reaction is set in the IndraWorks dialog window shown below:

Fig.9-23: IndraWorks Dialog for Configuring the CCD Error Reaction

Explanation of possible settings:
● No reaction
In the case of an error in a CCD axis, other CCD axes do not react auto‐
matically. A group error reaction has to be explicitly programmed by the
634/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

control unit (example of application: master-axis-synchronous decelera‐

Note: In the MLD-M mode, motion function blocks of the MLD do not trigger
any error in the case of faulty parameter setting.
● Automatic decentralized reaction
In the case of errors in a CCD slave, the warning "E2140" is displayed in
the master (example of application: master-axis-synchronous decelera‐
Note: In the MLD-M mode, this warning is also displayed when a motion
function block with faulty parameters is called in MLD-M, if this has been
set in parameter "P‑0‑1367, PLC configuration".
● Master-controlled synchronous error reaction
The error reactions of master and slaves take place depending on the error
class (F2xxx, F4xxx, …) and the configuration in parameter "P‑0‑1600,
CCD: configuration"; see fig. below (example of application: mechanically
coupled axes).
Note: In the MLD-M mode, the error "F2140" is displayed in the master,
when a motion function block with faulty parameters is called in MLD-M,
if this has been set in parameter "P‑0‑1367, PLC configuration". For the
remote CCD slaves, automatic deceleration does not take place in the
case of a motion function block error, but the error reaction has to be pro‐
grammed by means of MLD!
● Automatic immediate switch-off
When the CCD master detects that an axis in the CCD group (master or
slave) signals a class 1 diagnostics error, all axes are decelerated with
"best possible deceleration" (see P‑0‑0119). The CCD master outputs the
error message "F2140 CCD slave error". If the CCD master is not in con‐
trol, only the warning "E2140" is displayed (the axes are nevertheless
Special Case: Master-Controlled When the master-controlled synchronous error reaction is active, the content
Synchronous Error Reaction of the parameters P‑0‑170x ("x" is the number of the slave) is cyclically evalu‐
ated and interpreted in the CCD master. Depending on the error class of the
slave diagnosis number, the corresponding error message is generated in the
CCD master when the slave signals an error and the master is in control. The
other CCD slaves react directly to the error message of the master (see fig.
We distinguish between:
● Non-fatal (safety technology) errors (F2xxx, F3xxx)
● Interface errors (F4xxx)
● Travel range errors, safety technology errors (F6xxx, F7xxx)
● Fatal errors (F8xxx)
In addition, the F8xxx and F4xxx errors of the slaves are specifically treated in
the master with the error reaction active:
● In the case of a fatal error (F8xxx), the CCD error reaction of master and
slaves (torque disable, best possible deceleration) is defined depending
on the setting in parameter P‑0‑1600 (bit 9).
● If an F4xxx error is present, it is always the error reaction "best possible
deceleration" which is triggered.
As regards the master-controlled synchronous error reaction of the CCD group,
we must basically distinguish two cases of possible errors:
● Error in a CCD slave
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 635/886
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Optional Device Functions

● Error in the CCD Master
Error in the CCD Slave The figure below illustrates the cases of possible errors in the CCD slave and
the corresponding error reaction in the CCD master for the master-controlled
synchronous error reaction.

Fig.9-24: CCD Error Reaction for Master-Controlled Synchronous Error Reaction

With Errors in the Slave
Error in the CCD Master The figure below illustrates the cases of possible errors in the CCD master and
the resulting reaction of the slaves for the master-controlled synchronous error

The reactions of the slaves are (implicitly) preset, run automatically

and do not need to be activated!
636/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-25: CCD Error Reaction for Master-Controlled Synchronous Error Reaction

With Errors in the Master
Free Process Data
By means of the free process data, parameter values of the CCD master (com‐
mand values) can be copied to parameters of the CCD slaves. The other way
round it is possible to copy parameter values of the CCD slaves (actual values)
to parameters of the CCD master.
Only in the CCD system mode it is additionally possible to exchange data be‐
tween higher-level control unit and the CCD slaves.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 637/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-26: IndraWorks Dialog for Configuring the Process Data Between CCD
Master and CCD Slave
Under the command values in the column of the CCD master, enter the pa‐
rameter the value of which is to be copied to the selected CCD slave. In the
column of the CCD slave in the same line, set the parameter of the CCD slave
to which this value is to be copied.
Under the actual values in the column of the CCD master, enter the parameter
to which the parameter value of the CCD slave is to be copied. In the column
of the CCD slave in the same line, set the parameter value of the CCD slave
which is to be copied to the parameter of the CCD master.
Please observe:
● You first have to select for which CCD slave (Axis_x) the free process data
are to be configured.
● With Axis_1 you address the so-called "virtual slave". This slave is used
for artificially delaying command values in the CCD master for dead time
compensation and is automatically configured in the MLD-M system
● The parameter of the CCD master and the belonging target or source pa‐
rameter in the CCD slave must have the same data length.
638/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-27: IndraWorks Dialog for Configuring the Process Data Between Higher-
Level Control Unit and CCD Slave (Only With CCD System Mode)
Under the command values of master communication, enter the parameters of
the CCD slave which are directly written by the external control unit. Under the
actual values of master communication, enter the parameters of the CCD slave
which are to be cyclically read by the external control unit. The entered param‐
eters have to be taken into account in the output and input data of the external
control unit.
Please observe:
● If the four unassigned bits of the signal control word (see below) are to be
used, the parameter "S‑0‑0145, Signal control word" always has to be
contained in the master communication command values.
● If the four unassigned bits of the signal status word (see below) are to be
used, the parameter "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" always has to be
contained in the actual master communication values.
● What is always contained in the master communication command values,
is a control word for the CCD slave, with a structure identical to the pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑4077, Field bus: control word". For this word you do not have
to make any entry. Therefore, the 2 bytes always have to be taken into
account at the first place in the output data of the control unit for the cor‐
responding CCD slave (see "Overview Process Data, Command Val‐
ues"). Via these bytes, the control unit can command each CCD slave
individually like a normal field bus drive.
● What is always contained in the actual master communication values, is
a status word of the CCD slave, with a structure identical to the parameter
"P‑0‑4078, Field bus: status word". For this word you do not have to make
any entry. Therefore, the 2 bytes always have to be taken into account at
the first place in the input data of the control unit of the corresponding CCD
slave (see "Overview Process Data, Actual Values"). Via these bytes, the
external control unit cyclically gets the status of each CCD slave.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 639/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Signal Status Word

Use in the CCD System Mode By means of the CCD signal status word, individual bits of the CCD slave can
be directly read by the external control unit in the CCD system mode (see
"S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" for normal field bus slave). It is necessary to
indicate which bit of which parameter of the CCD slave is output via the corre‐
sponding bit in the CCD status word.

To read the CCD signal status word in the external control unit in
the CCD system mode, the corresponding CCD slave must have
entered the parameter S‑0‑0144 in the (cyclic) free process data of
the control unit!
Only the bits 12 to 15 can be configured. The other bits are reserved
(bits 9 to 11 are always zero in the control unit)!
Use in the MLD-M System Mode By means of the CCD signal status word, individual bits in the CCD slave, in
the MLD-M system mode, can be directly read by MLD-M in the CCD master
via the so-called AxisData structure (AxisData elements: wUserActualDataBi‐
tA_q to wUserActualDataBitD_q). It is necessary to indicate which bit of which
parameter of the CCD slave is addressed via the corresponding element of the
AxisData structure.
Use in the CCD Basic Mode If the signal status word of the CCD slaves (S‑0‑0144) is to be read by the CCD
master, the free process data between CCD master and CCD slave (P‑0‑1624
and P‑0‑1626) have to be used for this purpose. The parameter S‑0‑0144 of
the CCD slave has to be copied to parameter P‑0‑171x of the CCD master. The
parameter P‑0‑171x then has to be read in the CCD master.
IndraWorks Dialog Via the dialog window below, IndraWorks supports the configuration of the sig‐
nal status word. This IndraWorks dialog is not available in the CCD basic
640/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-28: IndraWorks Dialog for Configuring the Signal Status Word

Signal Control Word
Use in the CCD System Mode By means of the CCD signal control word, individual bits in the CCD slave can
be directly addressed by the external control unit in the CCD system mode (see
"S‑0‑0145, Signal control word" for normal field bus slave). It is necessary to
indicate which bit of which parameter of the CCD slave is addressed via the
corresponding bit in the CCD control word.

To use the CCD signal control word of the external control unit in
the CCD system mode, the parameter S‑0‑0145 must have been
entered in the (cyclic) free process data of the control unit to the
corresponding CCD slave!

Only the bits 12 to 15 can be configured. The other bits are re‐

Use in the MLD-M System Mode By means of the CCD signal control word, individual bits in the CCD slave, in
the MLD-M system mode, can be directly addressed by MLD-M in the CCD
master via the so-called AxisData structure (AxisData elements: wUserCmd‐
DataBitA_q to wUserCmdDataBitD_q). It is necessary to indicate which bit of
which parameter of the CCD slave is addressed via the corresponding element
of the AxisData structure.
Use in the CCD Basic Mode If the signal control word of the CCD slaves (S‑0‑0145) is to be written by the
CCD master, the free process data between CCD master and CCD slave
(P‑0‑1623 and P‑0‑1625) have to be used for this purpose. The parameter
P‑0‑172x of the CCD master has to be copied to parameter S‑0‑0145 of the
CCD slave. The parameter P‑0‑172x then has to be written in the CCD master.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 641/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

IndraWorks Dialog Via the dialog window below, IndraWorks supports the configuration of the sig‐
nal control word. This IndraWorks dialog is not available in the CCD basic

Fig.9-29: IndraWorks Dialog for Configuring the Signal Control Word

642/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

9.2.4 Diagnostic and Status Information

Overview Process Data, Command Values

Fig.9-30: IndraWorks Overview Window of Process Data Command Values

This overview shows all process data command values for the selected CCD
slave. The lower part displays the process data command values which are
copied from the CCD master (left side) to the corresponding parameters of the
CCD slave (right side). In the MLD-M system mode, the data configured in the
AxisData structure are displayed here, too.
In the CCD system mode and apart from the process data between CCD master
and CCD slave, the upper part displays the cyclic command values which di‐
rectly go from the external control unit to the slave. The output data which the
control unit has to take into account can be seen here. The field bus control
word for the CCD slave which is always existing is displayed (and to be taken
into account in the output data of the control unit), too.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 643/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Overview Process Data, Actual Values

Fig.9-31: IndraWorks Overview Window of Actual Process Data Values

This overview shows all actual process data values for the selected CCD slave.
The lower part displays the actual process data values which are copied from
the CCD slave (right side) to the corresponding parameters of the CCD master
(left side). In the MLD-M system mode, the data configured in the AxisData
structure are displayed here, too.
In the CCD system mode and apart from the process data between CCD master
and CCD slave, the upper part displays the cyclic actual values which directly
go from the CCD slave to the external control unit. The input data which the
control unit has to take into account can be seen here. The field bus status word
of the CCD slave which is always existing is displayed (and to be taken into
account in the input data of the control unit), too.
644/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

Slave Status

Fig.9-32: Overview Window of Slave Status Information

This overview displays all pieces of status information on the selected CCD
slave available in the CCD master (incl. the containers for copying).

9.3 Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (Drive-Integrated PLC)

9.3.1 Brief Description
Extension package IndraMotion MLD (order code ML)

Fig.9-33: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

The optional expansion package "IndraMotion MLD" provides the function of a
PLC integrated in the drive according to IEC61131-3 with the following scope
of functions:
● Integrated logic control (standard PLC tasks)
– Completely in conformity with IEC 61131-3
– Online Change
– Debugging
– Offline simulation
● Integrated multi-axis/single-axis motion control
Motion function block according to PLCopen for single-axis positioning on
local and remote axes and synchronization mode (synchronous running,
cam shaft, ...) → "low-level motion functions"
– Programming predominantly via SFC combined with ST
– Single-Action-Steps (non-IEC steps) for "single" steps
– Motion function blocks per libraries
– Cyclic parameters available as direct variables (system-wide varia‐
– Library management
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 645/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Basis for technology functions

Examples: Following-on cutting devices, pick&place, process controller
(register controller, winding computation, etc.), preventive maintenance,
free function block combination
– Synchronous, consistent data exchange with drive control, configu‐
rable cyclic data channel
– Periodic, high-priority user task
– Runtime monitor

This optional extension of the drive functionality is described in de‐

tail in the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraMotion
no. R911306084).

Hardware Requirements The expansion package "IndraMotion MLD" requires one of the following con‐
trol section designs:
● Single-axis ADVANCED (CSH01.1C)
● Single-axis BASIC (CSB01.1)

The expansion package "IndraMotion MLD" is not available for dou‐

ble-axis control sections (CDB01.1C)!

Firmware Requirements In the firmware MPx‑04VRS, the function "IndraMotion MLD" is available in the
following variants:
● Advanced design (MPH)
● Basic single-axis design (MPB)

Using the function "IndraMotion MLD" generally requires the ena‐

bling of the additive expansion package "ML".
See also sections:
- "Overview of Functions/Functional Packages"
- "Enabling of Functional Packages"

Features/Characteristic Values ● Up to 4 preemptive user tasks are possible

● Task types:
– Periodic (min. cycle time: 1 ms for Advanced; 2 ms for Basic)
– Free-running (permanently cyclic)
– Event-controlled (min. reaction time: 1 ms for Advanced; 2 ms for
● Memory resources:
– 192 kbytes program memory
– 512 kbytes data memory
– 250 bytes retain or 32 kbytes on MD1/2
● Digital I/Os:
– 7...11 digital inputs, 0...4 digital outputs on X3 (with Advanced control
section CSH01.1)
→ PLC and drive are sharing the inputs!
– 12 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs on MD1 (optional)
646/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

– 16 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs on PL
(parallel master communication)
– 1 relay output on X3 (control section CSH01.1)
→ PLC and drive are sharing the inputs!
Note: For BASIC control sections there are restrictions regarding the
available inputs/outputs (see documentation "Drive Controllers, Con‐
trol Sections; Project Planning Manual").
● Analog I/Os:
– 1 analog input (+/-10 V) on X3 (control section CSH01.1)
– 2 analog outputs (0...5 V) on X3 (control section CSH01.1)
– Analog inputs/outputs (+/-10 V) on MA1 (optional)
Note: For BASIC control sections there are restrictions regarding the
available inputs/outputs (see documentation "Drive Controllers, Con‐
trol Sections; Project Planning Manual").
● PLC registers
– 16 global PLC registers G0...G15 with 16 bits each and definable
format (P-0-1386)
– 2 global text registers with 255 characters each
– 2 global list registers with 1024 or 8192 elements with 4 bytes each
and definable format (P‑0‑1386)
● Other data:
– Extensive debug possibilities (Single-Step, Watch, Force/Write,
Breakpoints, Powerflow)
– MMC data handling:
- Save source code on MMC
- Store symbol file on MMC for access to PLC variables
– Performance of the programming system:
- IEC-61131 programming in IL, ST, SFC, CFC, LAD, FUP
- Source Download, Online Change, Debugging, Offline Simulation
- Libraries
- Debug Monitor for drive (PLC browser)
- 2 parameters (P‑0‑1362, P‑0‑1363) with information on PLC project
currently loaded in the memory or on boot project
Pertinent Parameters General:
● P‑0‑1350, PLC control word
● P‑0‑1351, PLC status word
● P-0-1352, PLC user program administration data
● P-0-1362, PLC boot project info
● P-0-1363, PLC project info
● P‑0‑1367, PLC configuration
● P-0-1369, PLC internally reserved
User program (filing):
● P‑0‑1353, PLC user program area 0
● P‑0‑1354, PLC user program area 1
● P‑0‑1355, PLC user program area 2
● P‑0‑1356, PLC user program area 3
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 647/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑1357, PLC user program area 4
● P‑0‑1358, PLC user program area 5
Global PLC registers:
● P‑0‑1370, PLC Global Register G0
● P‑0‑1371, PLC Global Register G1
● P‑0‑1372, PLC Global Register G2
● P‑0‑1373, PLC Global Register G3
● P‑0‑1374, PLC Global Register G4
● P‑0‑1375, PLC Global Register G5
● P‑0‑1376, PLC Global Register G6
● P‑0‑1377, PLC Global Register G7
● P‑0‑1378, PLC Global Register G8
● P‑0‑1379, PLC Global Register G9
● P‑0‑1380, PLC Global Register G10
● P‑0‑1381, PLC Global Register G11
● P‑0‑1382, PLC Global Register G12
● P‑0‑1383, PLC Global Register G13
● P‑0‑1384, PLC Global Register G14
● P‑0‑1385, PLC Global Register G15
● P-0-1386, PLC display format Global Register
Global text registers:
● P‑0‑1387, PLC Global text register GT0
● P‑0‑1388, PLC Global text register GT1
Global list registers:
● P‑0‑1368, PLC Global Register AL0
● P‑0‑1389, PLC Global Register GL0
There are further parameters available for configuring the inputs/outputs (see
separate documentation "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD").

9.3.2 Notes on Installation/System Configuration

For installing "IndraMotion MLD" on the PC, it is necessary to install the current
version of the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool on the PC. By doing this, the
"SCP" communication platform that is contained on the installation CD is in‐
stalled on the PC, too.
After successful installation the "IndraLogic" PLC programming system and
"IndraWorks D" can simultaneously communicate with the drive via SCP.
System Configuration
The system configuration of "IndraMotion MLD" is carried out via a PC with the
"IndraLogic" program installed that communicates with the SCP communication
platform via the serial interface with the drive.
The projects are filed on the PC. The generated binary code is loaded to the
drive and stored in parameters. As of firmware version MPx‑03VR and with the
MMC plugged, the source code and the symbols can be stored there, too.
648/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

9.3.3 Overview of the Available Libraries

This chapter only gives a short explanation of the basic functions
or libraries. The functional details are described in the separate
documentation "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD".

The following data channels to the drive are available:

● Parameter functions, function blocks and cycl. parameters
→ Library MX_Base.lib
● Real-time channel for consistent data exchange (a max. of 4 parameters
per direction)
→ Library MX_DSP.lib
● Drive-specific motion function blocks according to PLCopen
→ Library MX_PLCopen.lib
● Diagnosis, error handling and axis addressing (for multi-axis operation
possible in the future)
→ Library RIL_CommonTypes.lib
● Global registers for data exchange of variables via master communication
Additionally for drive-internal functions (not user-relevant):
● Library MX_Internal.lib
MX_Base.lib The library MX_Base.lib contains important data types, basic firmware function
blocks and cyclic parameters as direct variables (system-wide variables).
General functions:
● MX_fGetFreeTicks
● MX_fGetHighResTime
● MX_fHighResTimerTicks_to_us
Blocks/functions for drive control:
● MX_Command
● MX_Power
● MX_Reset
● MX_SetControl
● MX_SetDeviceMode
● MX_SetOpMode
● Functions for diagnosis:
– MX_fGetDriveWarning
– MX_fSetDriveWarning
– MX_fSetDriveError
● Blocks/functions for parameters:
– MX_fReadParamDINT
– MX_fReadStringParam
– MX_fWriteParamDINT
– MX_fWriteStringParam
– MX_ReadParamDINT
– MX_WriteParamDINT
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 649/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

– MB_ReadMaxRealValue
– MB_ReadMaxValue
– MB_ReadMinRealValue
– MB_ReadMinValue
– MB_ReadName
– MB_ReadParameter
– MB_ReadRealParameter
– MB_ReadSercosAttribute
– MB_ReadUnit
– MB_WriteParameter
– MB_WriteRealParameter
● Functions for scaling:
List of global variables "DirektvariablenIdents":
● Direct variables (e.g.):
– DV_P_0_0009 (*Error_number*)
– DV_P_0_0038 (*Torquegenerating_current_command_value*)
– DV_P_0_0039 (*Fluxgenerating_current_command_value*)
● IDN addressing (e.g.):
– FP_P_0_0008 (*Activation_Estop_function*)
– FP_P_0_0009 (*Error_number*)
– FP_P_0_0019 (*Initial_position_value*)
● Axis addressing (e.g.):
– Axis1: AXIS_REF
MX_DSP.lib The library MX_DSP.lib contains globally defined real-time variables and a
control block:
● List "RTCR_VariablenIdents"
● List "RTCW_VariablenIdents"
● MX_SynchronControl
MX_PLCopen.lib The library MX_PLCopen.lib contains IEC function blocks according to PLCop‐
● MB_GearInPos
● MC_CamIn
● MC_CamOut
● MC_GearIn
● MC_GearOut
● MC_MoveAbsolute
● MC_MoveAdditive
● MC_MoveRelative
650/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● MC_MoveVelocity
● MX_MoveAbsolute
● MX_MoveAdditive
● MX_MoveRelative
● MX_Stop

9.4 Digital Inputs/Outputs

9.4.1 Brief Description
General Information
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.9-34: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

In their basic configuration (without optional modules), all IndraDrive controllers
already have configurable digital inputs/outputs.
Hardware Requirements The number, assignment and function of the digital inputs/outputs depend on
the type and configuration of the respective control section and are contained
in the respective hardware description (Project Planning Manual).

See separate documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project

Planning Manual"
Digital Inputs/Outputs on Control Section
Features ● Sampling of digital inputs and outputs or transmitting data to them in the
position loop clock TA_position (see "Performance Data")
● Configurable digital inputs/outputs with effective direction that can partly
be freely set (input or output):
– ADVANCED control sections with firmware MPH:
– 4 digital inputs/outputs
– 3 digital inputs
– 2 inputs can alternatively be used as analog input (differential
– 2 rapid inputs as probe inputs (in steps of µs)
– 1 isolated relay switch contact (can be configured)
– BASIC single-axis control sections with firmware MPB:
– 3 digital inputs/outputs
– 4 digital inputs
– No analog input
– 1 rapid input as probe input (in steps of µs)
– 1 isolated relay switch contact (can be configured)
– BASIC double-axis control sections with firmware MPD:
– 4 digital inputs/outputs
– 6 digital inputs
– 2 inputs can alternatively be used as analog input (differential
– 2 rapid inputs as probe inputs (in steps of µs)
– 2 isolated relay switch contacts (can be configured)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 651/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● All inputs/outputs (except for the relay contact) designed for level of 0 V
(LOW) or 24 V (HIGH)
● Assignment of inputs/outputs to internal parameters or bits
● Signal states of digital inputs and digital outputs mapped to individual pa‐
● Signal states of digital inputs can be directly read by the control master
● Digital outputs can be directly controlled by the control master, if not used
on drive-side
● External 24 V supply of the digital outputs required
● Inputs/outputs galvanically isolated from control section

Each individual input/output can be assigned to parameters of the

drive; IDN of the permitted parameters from IDN lists in S-0-0398
and S‑0‑0399.

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0398, IDN list of configurable data in signal status word
● S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word
● P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list
● P-0-0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers
● P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction
● P‑0‑0303, Digital I/Os, inputs
● P-0-0304, Digital I/Os, outputs
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0246 Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig. input
● C0247 Dig. output already assigned to another axis
● C0248 Dig. input assigned differently to axes
● C0249 Dig. I/Os: bit number too large
● F2010 Error when initializing digital inputs/outputs
● F2033 External power supply X10 error
Digital Inputs/Outputs on Optional Module MD1
For the configurable ADVANCED control sections, it is possible to individually
configure, apart from the standard digital inputs/outputs, an extension of these
This requires the optional module MD1 which can be used for the following
● Making available digital inputs/outputs to external control unit
● Enabling input/output of drive parameters
● Making available digital inputs/outputs to drive-integrated PLC (IndraMo‐
tion MLD‑S)
● Extension of memory (32 kB non-volatile memory) for drive-integrated
PLC (IndraMotion MLD)

Utilization of digital I/O extension by using the optional module MD1

is only possible for ADVANCED control sections!

Features ● Connection via 25-pin D-Sub connector

● All inputs/outputs designed for level of 0 V (LOW) or 24 V (HIGH)
● External 24 V supply of the digital outputs required
● Inputs/outputs galvanically isolated from control section
652/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Assignment of inputs/outputs to internal parameters or bits
– Parameters P‑0‑0081 and P‑0‑0082 can be completely assigned to
parameters of the drive or of the integrated PLC
– Free configuration of the digital inputs/outputs via "S‑0‑0144, Signal
status word" and "S‑0‑0145, Signal control word"
● 12 digital inputs (freely configurable and protected from reverse polarity)
● 8 digital outputs (max. output current 0.5 A and sustained short-circuit-
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
● S‑0‑0145, Signal control word
● S‑0‑0398, IDN list of configurable data in signal status word
● S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word
● P‑0‑0081, Parallel output 1
● P‑0‑0082, Parallel input 1
● P‑0‑0681, Assignment IDN -> parallel output 1
● P‑0‑0682, Assignment parallel input 1 -> IDN

9.4.2 Function and Commissioning of the Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Control

Configuring the Inputs/Outputs The IDNs of the target or source parameters for digital inputs/outputs are con‐
tained in parameter "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list". Further definitions
for the indicated IDN are made via parameters P‑0‑0301 and P‑0‑0302, the
assignment being carried out via the list line number (index).
Direct Bit Transfer As a standard, the parameter of an IDN entered in P‑0‑0300 is considered to
be the direct data source (when configured as output) or the target (when con‐
figured as input).
Cases to Distinguish for Determin‐ The IDNs entered in the list parameter P‑0‑0300 can have two different func‐
ing Source or Target tions:
● 1. Input
In the case of an input, the bit, configured in "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit
numbers", of a parameter defined via P‑0‑0300 is written with the logic
value (0 or 1) provided at the input.
● 2. Output
In the case of an output, the content of the bit configured in P‑0‑0301 is
taken from the IDN determined in P‑0‑0300 and transmitted to the hard‐
ware output.
The following table shows some exemplary standard configurations frequently

Function P‑0‑0300[i] P‑0‑0301[i] P‑0‑0302[i] Notes

Relay contact "ready for P‑0‑0115 0 1 Only makes

operation" sense for
Positive limit switch P‑0‑0222 0 0
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 653/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Function P‑0‑0300[i] P‑0‑0301[i] P‑0‑0302[i] Notes

Negative limit switch P‑0‑0222 1 0
E-Stop P‑0‑0223 0 0
i = index No. of list line/terminal slot
Fig.9-35: Standard Configurations for Digital Inputs/Outputs (Examples)
Source or Target Parameter The respective bit in the source or target parameter is selected via "P‑0‑0301,
Digital I/Os, bit numbers".

When P‑0‑0300[i] = "S‑0‑0000", the respective entry in P‑0‑0301 is


Operating Principle A number of digital inputs/outputs can be used both as an input and as an
output. The operating principle (direction) of these combined inputs/outputs is
determined via the list parameter "P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction". The fol‐
lowing applies:
● Entry "0" → digital input (default setting)
● Entry "1" → digital output

When determining the operating principle (direction) of the inputs/

outputs, the hardware requirements have to be taken into consid‐
eration. The relay contacts, for example, can only be operated as
See also section "X31/X32, Digital and Analog Inputs/Outputs" in
the documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project
Planning Manual"

As an example, the following figure illustrates the configuration of pin I_4 (ter‐
minal connector X31/X32) as an input signal for bit 1 of parameter S‑0‑0222
(negative travel range limit switch); the configuration assignment takes place
via i = 4.

This example applies to control sections of ADVANCED design; for

BASIC and BASIC double-axis design, the distribution of the digital
inputs/outputs is different.
654/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑0300 Digital I/Os, assignment list

P‑0‑0301 Digital I/Os, bit numbers
P‑0‑0302 Digital I/Os, direction
P‑0‑0303 Digital I/Os, inputs
Fig.9-36: Configuring the Digital Inputs/Outputs (Configuration for ADVANCED
Control Section With Default Settings)

The signal status of the digital inputs/outputs is displayed in the

following parameters:
- P‑0‑0303, Digital I/Os, inputs
- P-0-0304, Digital I/Os, outputs

Deactivation To deactivate an input/output, the IDN "S‑0‑0000" has to be input in the re‐
spective list element of parameter "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list".
Validity Check of Configuration When a new assignment list is input or an element of the list is changed, all
Lists entries are checked for validity. If an entry is invalid (i.e. no allowed IDN entered)
only this invalid entry is rejected.

Incorrect entries are rejected when the list is checked and set to the
respective default value (Rel1 contact → output; all other pins → in‐

Specific Features of Double-Axis Devices (Firmware MPD)

Basically, the existing inputs and outputs can be freely assigned to all axes. To
do this, the parameters P‑0‑0300, P‑0‑0301, P‑0‑0302 are available for both
There are the following restrictions:
● A digital output can only be used by one axis. All other axes have to de‐
activate this output by the entry "S‑0‑0000" in parameter P‑0‑0300.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 655/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● The output contact of the relay "Rel1" is an exception. It can be used by

both axes. The default assignment is the "ready for operation" message
(see Parameter Description P‑0‑0300). For controlling the relay the infor‐
mation of both axes is ANDed.
● An input can only be used simultaneously by both axes, if it is used by
both axes with the same IDN, bit number and directional assignment (for
● A digital input cannot be used simultaneously by both axes, if the assign‐
ment parameters of both axes differ in the respective line with regard to
the IDN (P‑0‑0300), bit number (P‑0‑0301) or directional assignment
(P‑0‑0302). The respective line of P‑0‑0300 of one of the two axes has to
contain "S‑0‑0000" (→ no assignment)!

The above-mentioned restrictions are checked in the transition

command from phase 3 to phase 4 (cf. C2000). In the case of con‐
flict, the corresponding diagnostic message is generated.

Special Cases and Exceptions

Probe and Reference Cam Input In some special cases, there is no direct bit transfer, because the function as‐
signed to the input/output is more complex. An example is the probe function.
In this case, the entry in P‑0‑0301 is irrelevant, it is only a valid value that has
to be contained (e.g. "0").
All special functions are listed in the following table:

Function P‑0‑0300[i] P‑0‑0301[i] P‑0‑0302[i] Notes

Probe 1 S‑0‑0401 Not relevant Not relevant Only possible

when "i = 1"!
Probe 2 S‑0‑0402 Not relevant Not relevant Only possible
when "i = 2"!
Reference cam S‑0‑0400 Not relevant Not relevant
i = index No. of list line/terminal slot
Fig.9-37: Special Functions via Digital Inputs/Outputs
Fixed Assignment of Function-Rel‐ As a matter of principle, the inputs/outputs can be freely configured. Only for
evant Inputs and Default Configu‐ the special function "probe" is the fixed assignment of the corresponding pa‐
ration rameters to the appropriate inputs on the hardware side obligatory!
By the default configuration (condition as supplied or status after "basic pa‐
rameter load"), the inputs/outputs are appropriately predefined (see below).

All changes in the parameters P‑0‑0300, P‑0‑0301 and P‑0‑0302

have to be carefully made because important functions might be
deactivated (e.g. E-Stop).

Direct Access to Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Control Section via Master Communication
Access to Digital Outputs In order to directly control ("set") the digital outputs of the control section via the
master communication or directly poll ("read") the digital inputs, the parameters
"P‑0‑0303, Digital I/Os, inputs" and "P‑0‑0304, Digital I/Os, outputs" can be
included in the cyclic data of the master communication.
● Including parameter P‑0‑0303 in the group of cyclic actual values (SER‐
COS: S‑0‑0016, field bus: P‑0‑4080)
656/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Including parameter P‑0‑0304 in the group of cyclic command values

(SERCOS: S‑0‑0024, field bus: P‑0‑4081)

The digital outputs can only be directly controlled by the master

communication, if they are not used on the drive side (enter
"S‑0‑0000" in the respective list line of parameter P‑0‑0300; setting
as output in parameter P‑0‑0302)!

The figure below illustrates the access to the digital inputs/outputs of the control
section via the master communication (SERCOS in this case).

S‑0‑0016 Configuration list of AT

S‑0‑0024 Config. list of the master data telegram
P‑0‑0303 Digital I/Os, inputs
P‑0‑0304 Digital I/Os, outputs
Fig.9-38: Access to Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Control Section via SERCOS
Master Communication
Default Configurations of Digital Inputs/Outputs of Control Section
Depending on the design of the control section, there are the following factory-
provided default settings for the digital inputs/outputs:

name VERSAL sin‐ SAL double-axis LOOP COS FIBUS LOG

Axis 1:
I_1 Probe 1 Probe 1 Clear error Probe 1 Probe 1 Clear error
Probe 1
Axis 2:
I_2 Probe 2 X Drive ON X X Drive ON
Probe 1
Axis 1: Vel. cmd value
Travel range Travel range Travel range Travel range Travel range
I_3 Travel range limit from memory of
limit switches limit switches limit switches limit switches limit switches
switches fixed values

Axis 1: Vel. cmd value

Travel range Travel range Travel range Travel range Travel range
I_4 Travel range limit from memory of
limit switches limit switches limit switches limit switches limit switches
switches fixed values
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 657/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

name VERSAL sin‐ SAL double-axis LOOP COS FIBUS LOG

Axis 1: Vel. cmd value

I_5 Home switch Home switch from memory of Home switch Home switch Home switch
Home switch fixed values
Analog input
I_6 -- X -- -- -- --
Analog input
I_7 -- X -- -- -- --
As input for axis
As input: As input: As input: As input: As input: As input:
I/O_8 1:
E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop
As input for axis As input:
2: Vel. cmd value As input:
I/O_9 X X X X
Travel range limit from memory of Drive Halt
switches fixed values
As input for axis As input:
2: Vel. cmd value As output:
I/O_10 X X X X
Travel range limit from memory of Ready signal
switches fixed values
As input for axis
2: As output:
I/O_11 X -- -- -- --
Home switch
I_12 to
-- -- X -- -- -- --
x Signal name available, but no default setting
-- Signal name not assigned in this control section type
I/O Can be used as input or output (not for BASIC OPENLOOP)
Fig.9-39: Default Setting of Digital Inputs/Outputs of Different Control Section De‐

See documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project Planning


9.4.3 Function and Commissioning of the Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Op‐

tional Module MD1
Mapping the Inputs/Outputs To map the digital inputs and outputs of the optional module MD1, the following
parameters are available:
● P‑0‑0081, Parallel output 1
→ Contains the bits that are output via the digital outputs of the MD1 mod‐
● P‑0‑0082, Parallel input 1
→ Contains the bits that are read in via the digital inputs of the MD1 module

The parameters P‑0‑0081 and P‑0‑0082 are only available when

the optional module MD1 has been plugged.
658/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Configuration The two above parameters can be cyclically configured (MDT or AT data). This
allows assigning the complete digital inputs or outputs to existing, cyclically
configurable drive parameters (see S‑0‑0398, S‑0‑0399). The following param‐
eters are used for assignment:
● P‑0‑0681, Assignment IDN -> parallel output 1
● P‑0‑0682, Assignment parallel input 1 -> IDN
Possibilities of Access There are the following possibilities for using the digital inputs/outputs on the
optional module MD1:
● Direct access via master communication by the master (e.g. PLC)
● Configuration of inputs/outputs to any drive parameter and bit (see
S‑0‑0398 and S‑0‑0399)
● Direct access to inputs/outputs via drive-integrated PLC
● Configuration of digital inputs for safety technology on MD1
Direct Access to Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Module MD1 via Master Communication
In order to transmit data to the digital inputs/outputs directly via the master
communication, the following steps are required:
● Configuration of:
– [P‑0‑0681] = "S‑0‑0000"
– [P‑0‑0682] = "S‑0‑0000"
The parameters P‑0‑0081 and P‑0‑0082 can then be used as mere "data
containers" for exchanging data between drive and master.
● Configuration of P‑0‑0081 and P‑0‑0082 in the cyclic data
● Including parameter P‑0‑0081 in the group of cyclic command values
(SERCOS: S‑0‑0024, field bus: P‑0‑4081)
● Including parameter P‑0‑0082 in the group of cyclic actual values (SER‐
COS: S‑0‑0016, field bus: P‑0‑4080)
The figure below illustrates the access to the digital inputs/outputs of the op‐
tional module MD1 via the master communication (SERCOS in this case).

S‑0‑0016 Configuration list of AT

S‑0‑0024 Config. list of the master data telegram
P‑0‑0081 Parallel output 1
P‑0‑0082 Parallel input 1
Fig.9-40: Access to Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Optional Module MD1 via SER‐
COS Master Communication
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 659/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Configuring the Digital Inputs/Outputs of Module MD1 to any Parameter and Bit
It is possible to assign the digital inputs/outputs of the optional module MD1 to
any drive parameter.
To do this, the following steps are required:
● Configuration of
– P‑0‑0681 = [S‑0‑0144] → [S‑0‑0144] → P‑0‑0081
– P‑0‑0682 = [S‑0‑0145] → [P‑0‑0082] → S‑0‑0145
The contents of the parameters P‑0‑0081 and P‑0‑0082 are thereby map‐
ped to the parameters S‑0‑0144 and S‑0‑0145.
● Configuration of the desired parameters and bits for the digital inputs/out‐
puts by means of the mechanism of the freely configurable signal control
word and signal status word (see also Parameter Description for
"S‑0‑0145, Signal control word" and "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word")
● Configuration of parameter S‑0‑0144 via S‑0‑0026 and S‑0‑0328 (see also
"S‑0‑0398, IDN list of configurable data in signal status word")
● Configuration of parameter S‑0‑0145 via S‑0‑0027 and S‑0‑0329 (see also
"S‑0‑0399, IDN list of configurable data in signal control word")

If the parameters "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word" or "S‑0‑0145, Sig‐

nal control word" are used for configuring the digital inputs/outputs
of the optional module MD1, they can no longer be used for master
communication (as cyclic data).

The figure below illustrates the access to any drive parameter via the digital
inputs/outputs of the optional module MD1:

S‑0‑0144 Signal status word

S‑0‑0145 Signal control word
P‑0‑0081 Parallel output 1
P‑0‑0082 Parallel input 1
P‑0‑0681 Assignment IDN -> parallel output 1
P‑0‑0682 Assignment parallel input 1 -> IDN
Fig.9-41: Access to Any Drive Parameter via Digital Inputs/Outputs of the Optional
Module MD1
660/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

For the digital inputs/outputs of the optional module MD1 there is

no default configuration.
See documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project
Planning Manual"

Direct Access to Inputs/Outputs of Module MD1 via Drive-Integrated PLC

In order to transmit data directly from the drive-integrated PLC (IndraMotion
MLD) to the digital inputs/outputs, the respective assignments to the drive-in‐
tegrated PLC have to be made via "P-0-0681, Assignment IDN -> parallel output
1" and "P‑0‑0682, Assignment parallel input 1 -> IDN":
● Inputs (cf. P‑0‑1390 to P‑0‑1397)
● Outputs (cf. P‑0‑1410 to P‑0‑1417)
● Registers (cf. P‑0‑1370 to P‑0‑1385)

P‑0‑0081 and P‑0-0082 are used as mere display parameters that

are mapping the status of the digital inputs/outputs on the optional
module MD1.

Example of Application The digital inputs of the optional module MD1 are to be used as PLC inputs.
(PLC Uses Inputs of MD1) This requires the following configuration:
● Assign "P‑0‑0082, Parallel input 1" to parameter "P‑0‑1390, PLC input
WORD0 AT %IB0" by making the following entry in parameter P‑0‑0682
→ [P‑0‑0682] = "P‑0‑1390"

An internal parameter may only be assigned via "P‑0‑0681, As‐

signment IDN -> parallel output 1", if "P‑0‑0081, Parallel output 1"
is not written via a 1st class master communication (e.g. SERCOS).

Configuration of Digital Inputs/Outputs for Integrated Safety Technology

In order to use the digital inputs/outputs for the safety technology integrated in
the drive, the corresponding assignments have to be made via the parameters
P‑0‑0681 and P‑0‑0682:
● Inputs (e.g. "P‑0‑3212, Safety technology signal control word, channel 1")
● Outputs (e.g. "P‑0‑3214, Safety technology signal status word, channel

9.4.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Digital Inputs/Outputs on Control Section
Status of Digital Inputs/Outputs The status (= signal status) of the digital inputs/outputs is displayed in the pa‐
rameters "P‑0‑0303, Digital I/Os, inputs" and "P‑0‑0304, Digital I/Os, outputs":
● Bit set ("1")
→ At the assigned input/output, a HIGH level (+24 V) is provided or the
Rel1 contact is closed.
● Bit not set ("0")
→ At the assigned input/output, a LOW level (0 V) is provided or the Rel1
contact is opened.
Check for Invalid Bit Numbers When entering data in parameter "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers", a check
is run to find out whether the indicated bit number is a valid bit of the parameter
(IDN) configured in parameter P‑0‑0300.
The following applies:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 661/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● 2-byte parameter → bit numbers between 0 and 15 allowed
● 4-byte parameter → bit numbers between 0 and 31 allowed

In the case of invalid inputs or inputs/outputs that haven't been

configured yet, "-1" is displayed as bit number.

Checks in Transition Command The following monitoring functions are used for guaranteeing an efficient con‐
figuration of the digital inputs/outputs and preventing invalid configurations:
● If the limit switch function (Limit+/-) was activated in P‑0‑0090 (bit 1) but
not assigned to any digital input via P‑0‑0300, the error message "C0246
Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig. input" will appear when progressing
to the operating mode. This message is output to avoid moving the drive
without configured limit switch function.
● For double axis devices the digital inputs/outputs basically can be as‐
signed to both axes. This is the reason why an input or output is sometimes
configured for both axes. In this case, the error message "C0247 Dig.
output already assigned to another axis" will be displayed.
● Monitoring and possibly error message "C0248 Dig. input assigned dif‐
ferently to axes"
● If the bit number entered in P‑0‑0301 is too large, the error message
"C0249 Dig. I/Os: bit number too large" will be generated.
Digital Inputs/Outputs on Optional Module MD1
Status of Digital Inputs/Outputs The status of the digital inputs/outputs on the optional module MD1 is displayed
in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0081, Parallel output 1
→ Contains the information regarding the digital output bits
● P‑0‑0082, Parallel input 1
→ Contains the information regarding the digital input bits
The following applies to these parameters:
● Bit set ("1")
→ At the assigned input/output, a HIGH level (+24 V) is provided.
● Bit not set ("0")
→ At the assigned input/output, a LOW level (0 V) is provided.

There is no additional configuration check, as the restriction of the

IDN selection lists already prevents invalid configurations.

9.5 Analog Inputs

9.5.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.9-42: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

Overview According to the control section type, IndraDrive controllers already have an‐
alog inputs in their basic configuration (without optional modules). Configurable
control sections can be upgraded with this function by using the optional module
MA1. The number and function of the analog inputs differ according to the type
and configuration of control section (see "Hardware Requirements" below).
662/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑0210 Analog input 1

P‑0‑0213 Analog input, assignment A, target parameter
P‑0‑0214 Analog input, assignment A, scaling per 10V full scale
P‑0‑0215 Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0V
P‑0‑0216 Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
P‑0‑0217 Analog input, time constant input filter
P‑0‑0218 Analog input, control parameter
Fig.9-43: Overview: Analog Inputs and Their Assignments (Example of Control
Section CSH01.1C)
Features General features:
● 2 assignment mechanisms for analog inputs (assignment A or B)
● Different sampling rates of assignments A and B
– Assignment channel A works in position loop clock (see "Perform‐
ance Data")
– Assignment channel B works in 2-ms clock
● Assignment to command value/limit value/control parameters of the drive
by means of adjustable scaling
● Possible assignment of only max. 2 analog inputs to internal drive param‐
● Variable scaling for 2 analog channels
● Dead zone to be entered for suppressing the zero drift for both analog
● Offset and amplification adjust for both analog channels via command
Features of analog inputs at control section:
● Number and resolution of analog inputs depend on control section design:
– ADVANCED → 1 analog input with resolution of 14 bits (by means of
8-fold oversampling for both analog channels)
– BASIC OPENLOOP and BASIC ANALOG → each have 2 analog in‐
puts with 12 bits (other Basic variants do not have any analog inputs)
– BASIC UNIVERSAL double-axis → 1 analog input with resolution of
14 bits (by means of 8-fold oversampling for both analog channels)
for both axes in common. The input can, however, be used by both
axes at the same time!
● Low-pass filtering to be activated for both analog channels
● Analog inputs designed as differential input
● Input voltage range of ± 10 V
Features of analog inputs on optional module MA1:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 663/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

The optional module MA1 was developed according to VDE 0411-part 500
(programmable logic controllers) and should be used according to the specifi‐
cations contained in this standard.
Properties of the analog inputs on the optional module MA1:
● Connection via 15-pin D-Sub connector
● 2 analog inputs with resolution of 14 bits (by means of 8-fold oversampling
for both analog channels)
● Low-pass filtering to be activated for both analog channels
● Analog inputs designed as differential input
● Input voltage range of ± 10 V
Hardware Requirements The table below shows the hardware requirements of the analog inputs and
their assignment to the connection points (terminal connectors) of the control
section (on basic circuit board or at optional module MA1).

Analog input no.

Control section 1 2 3 4 5 6
type ... to be found …

on basic circuit board at optional module MA1

Optional slot 2 Optional slot 2

X32 (4/5) -- -- --
X8 (2/9) X8 (4/11)
Optional slot 3 Optional slot 3
X32 (4/5) -- -- --
X10 (2/9) X10 (4/11)

Optional slot 2 Optional slot 2

CSB01.1C -- -- -- --
X8 (2/9) X8 (4/11)

Optional slot 3 Optional slot 3

X32 (4/5) -- -- --
X8.1 (2/9) X8.1 (4/11)

Optional slot 4 Optional slot 4

CDB01.1C X32 (4/5) -- -- --
X8.2 (2/9) X8.2 (4/11)

Optional slot 3 Optional slot 3 Optional slot 4 Optional slot 4

X32 (4/5) --
X8.1 (2/9) X8.1 (4/11) X8.2 (2/9) X8.2 (4/11)

CSB01.1N-AN X32 (4/5) X32 (1/2)

CSB01.1N-SE -- --

CSB01.1N-PB -- -- Control section type cannot be configured

X32 (4/5)1) X32 (1/2)1)

X36 (1/2) 2) X36 (2/3) 2)

1) For voltage signals (selected via bit 12 in P‑0‑0218)

2) For current signals (selected via bit 12 in P‑0‑0218)
Fig.9-44: Overview of Hardware Requirements of Analog Inputs (Incl. Assignment
of Connection Points)

See also section "Optional Module MA1" in the documentation "Control

Sections for Drive Controllers; Project Planning Manual"
Pertinent Parameters Configuring the analog inputs:
664/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑0212, Analog input, list of assignable parameters
● P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter
● P‑0‑0219, Analog input, maximum value for adjust
● P‑0‑0220, C2800 Analog input adjust command
● P‑0‑3901, Adjust values of control section
● P‑0‑3904, Adjust values analog I/O interface 3-4
● P‑0‑3905, Adjust values analog I/O interface 5-6
Analog input values:
● P‑0‑0210, Analog input 1
● P‑0‑0211, Analog input 2
● P‑0‑0228, Analog input 3
● P‑0‑0229, Analog input 4
● P‑0‑0208, Analog input 5
● P‑0‑0209, Analog input 6
● P‑0‑0217, Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0231, Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0232, Analog input 3, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0233, Analog input 4, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0234, Analog input 5, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0235, Analog input 6, time constant input filter
Assignment A:
● P‑0‑0213, Analog input, assignment A, target parameter
● P‑0‑0214, Analog input, assignment A, scaling per 10V full scale
● P‑0‑0215, Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0216, Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
Assignment B:
● P‑0‑0236, Analog input, assignment B, target parameter
● P-0-0237, Analog input, assignment B, scaling per 10V full scale
● P‑0‑0238, Analog input, assignment B, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0239, Analog input, assignment B, dead zone
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C2800 Analog input adjust command
● C2801 Analog input not configured
● C2802 Oscillations of input signal outside tolerance range
● C2803 Measured values at zero point and max. value identical
● C2804 Automatic adjust failed
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 665/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

9.5.2 Functional Description

Reading and Assigning an Analog Input

Fig.9-45: Overview of Functions: Reading and Assigning an Analog Input

Sampling and Signal Adjustment of Analog Inputs
Sampling The analog input signals (a maximum of 5 analog inputs can be used) are
sampled with 8-fold oversampling in the position loop clock (see "Performance
Filtering All sampled analog input signals can be smoothed by a PT1 filter. The following
parameters are available to set the respective filter:
● P‑0‑0217, Analog input 1, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0231, Analog input 2, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0232, Analog input 3, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0233, Analog input 4, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0234, Analog input 5, time constant input filter
● P‑0‑0235, Analog input 6, time constant input filter
When the filter has been activated, its limit frequency results from the following

fg Limit frequency (in Hz)

T Time constant (in ms)
Fig.9-46: Limit Frequency of the Activated Filter
Voltage Display of Analog Inputs The sampled and possibly smoothed voltage (14-bit resolution) of the analog
inputs channels is displayed in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0210, Analog input 1
666/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑0211, Analog input 2
● P‑0‑0228, Analog input 3
● P‑0‑0229, Analog input 4
● P‑0‑0208, Analog input 5
● P‑0‑0209, Analog input 6

These parameters can be, for example, transmitted to the higher-

level master or directly processed in the drive-integrated PLC (In‐
draMotion MLD).

Factory-Provided Adjust During the adjust of the control module or the optional module MA1 at the fac‐
tory, the adjust values, among other things for offset and amplification of the
analog inputs, are stored in the following parameters:
● P‑0‑3901, Adjust values of control section
● P‑0‑3904, Adjust values analog I/O interface 3-4
● P‑0‑3905, Adjust values analog I/O interface 5-6
Internal Processing of Analog Input Values
Via two assignment mechanisms, the analog input values can be assigned to
internal drive parameters.
Assignment of Analog Inputs The assignment of an analog input to an internal channel (assignment A or B)
takes place via parameter "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter".
● Bits 4 to 7 → assignment of an analog input for assignment A
● Bits 8 to 11 → assignment of an analog input for assignment B
See also "Notes on Commissioning" in the same section

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control param‐


It is therefore only possible to assign a maximum of 2 analog inputs

to internal drive parameters (assignment A or B). All other analog
inputs can then only be used for direct access via the master com‐
munication or the drive-integrated PLC (IndraMotion MLD) (e.g.
reading the voltage levels).

The assignment channels to internal parameters available in the drive basically

have the same functionality. That is why we will only describe assignment
channel A. The description of assignment channel B corresponds to that of
assignment channel A.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 667/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑0210 Analog input 1

P‑0‑0212 Analog input, list of assignable parameters
P‑0‑0213 Analog input, assignment A, target parameter
P‑0‑0214 Analog input, assignment A, scaling per 10V full scale
P‑0‑0215 Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0V
P‑0‑0216 Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
P‑0‑0217 Analog input, time constant input filter
Fig.9-47: Functional Principle of Analog Input (Example for Assignment A)
Processing Clock for Analog Input The processing of the analog input values in the two channels (assignment A
Values or B) only differs in the cycle time:
● Assignment A
→ The position loop clock is used (see "Performance Data")
● Assignment B
→ A clock of T = 2 ms is used
Controlling the Internal Processing Settings in parameter "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter" control the
internal processing functions (adjust and assignment):
● Bit 0 → determining the adjust mode (for command "C2800 Analog input
adjust command")
● Bit 1 → determining assignment channel for adjust (for command "C2800
Analog input adjust command")
● Bits 4...7 → assignment of the analog inputs for assignment channel A
● Bits 8...11 → assignment of the analog inputs for assignment channel B
Automatic Scaling (or Zero Point Shifting)
Apart from manual adjust or scaling of the analog inputs (assignment A or B),
it is also possible to adjust them automatically by activating the command
"C2800 Analog input adjust command".
In the case of automatic scaling, the parameters P‑0‑0214 and P‑0‑0215 or
P‑0‑0237 and P‑0‑0238 are written by the drive.

The analog channels are already adjusted at the factory and the
correction values are stored in the parameters P‑0‑3901, P‑0‑3904
and P‑0‑3905.

Zero Point Shifting The zero point for processing the analog input value can be automatically shif‐
ted by activating command C2800 which allows compensating a possibly
existing offset.
The following settings can be made in "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control param‐
● Bit 0 → defines the step of adjust ("0" → zero point shifting)
668/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Bit 1 → defines the assignment channel for the adjust (A or B)
The result of automatic zero point shifting is directly entered in
● P‑0‑0215, Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0V
- or -
● P‑0‑0238, Analog input, assignment B, signal value at 0V.
In addition, it is possible to define the reference point manually. To do this, enter
the value, that is to be contained in the target parameter with an analog input
voltage of 0 V, in P‑0‑0215 or P‑0‑0238.

Unit, decimal places and data type of the value in P‑0‑0215 or

P‑0‑0238 depend on the target parameter selected in "P‑0‑0213,
Analog input, assignment A, target parameter".

Scaling For scaling the analog input value to the desired range of values it is possible
to use the automatic amplification adjust. To do this, command C2800 is star‐
ted. With scaling, however, there are different starting conditions (cf. P‑0‑0218
and P‑0‑0219) and the following parameters are relevant:
● P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter
– Bit 0 → defines the step of adjust (bit 0 = 1 → amplification adjust)
– Bit 1 → defines the assignment channel for the adjust (A or B)
● P‑0‑0219, Analog input, maximum value for adjust
This parameter indicates the value to which the analog input is set when
the amplification adjust (P‑0‑0218, bit 0 = 1) is carried out.
The result of automatic amplification adjust is directly entered in parameter
● P‑0‑0214, Analog input, assignment A, scaling per 10V full scale
- or -
● P-0-0237, Analog input, assignment B, scaling per 10V full scale.
In addition, it is possible to define the scaling manually. To do this, enter a value,
that corresponds to an analog input voltage difference of 10 V in the target
parameter (→ pitch), in P‑0‑0214 or P‑0‑0237.

Unit, decimal places and data type of the value in P‑0‑0215 or

P‑0‑0238 depend on the target parameter selected in "P‑0‑0213,
Analog input, assignment A, target parameter".

"Dead Zone" to be Parameterized To stabilize the analog signal in the zero range, it is possible to parameterize
a so-called "dead zone":
● P‑0‑0216, Analog input, assignment A, dead zone
● P‑0‑0239, Analog input, assignment B, dead zone

Parameterizing a "dead zone" is useful mainly for noisy analog val‐


Assignment to Internal Drive Parameters

Assigning Analog Inputs to Param‐ The analog input values are stored in the following parameters for display and
eters further internal processing:
● P‑0‑0210, Analog input 1
● P‑0‑0211, Analog input 2 (only for CSB01.1N-FC and CSB01.1N-AN)
● P‑0‑0228, Analog input 3
● P‑0‑0229, Analog input 4
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 669/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑0208, Analog input 5 (only for CDB01.1C)
● P‑0‑0209, Analog input 6 (only for CDB01.1C)
By the assignment mechanisms via the parameters P‑0‑0213 (assignment A)
and P‑0‑0236 (assignment B), it is possible to assign two analog input values
(cf. P‑0‑0210, P‑0‑0228 or P‑0‑0229) to other drive parameters and thereby
process them cyclically (cf. "P‑0‑0212, Analog input, list of assignable param‐
Parameters to be Assigned Only such parameters can be assigned that are contained in the list parameter
"P‑0‑0212, Analog inputs, IDN list of assignable parameters".
Configuring the Analog Input The assignment of an analog input to a parameter is activated when a value
unequal "S‑0‑0000" (S‑0‑0000 corresponding to "Off") was parameterized in
parameter P‑0‑0213 or P‑0‑0236.

9.5.3 Notes on Commissioning

Carrying Out the Automatic Scaling (or Adjust)
Automatic adjust takes place in 2 steps that have to be carried out one after the
other in order to achieve reliable execution of the function.
1. Zero point shifting
(or reference point shifting, because reference is not obligatorily estab‐
lished to Ue = 0 V)
2. Amplification or amplitude scaling
There is only one command for both assignment channels. In "P‑0‑0218, An‐
alog input, control parameter" (bit 1), you have to define which channel is
● Bit 1 = 0 → scaling of assignment channel A
● Bit 1 = 1 → scaling of assignment channel B
Configuration and Assignment to Drive Parameters
Assignment to Internal Channel The assignment of an analog input to an internal analog channel (assignment
(Assignment A or B) A or B) takes place via "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter":
● Bits 4 to 7 → selection of an analog input for assignment A
● Bits 8 to 11 → selection of an analog input for assignment B

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control param‐

Assignment to Drive Parameters By means of the assignment mechanism (assignment A or B), it is possible to
assign the analog input values to drive parameters. Assignment takes place in
the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0213, Analog input, assignment A, target parameter
● P‑0‑0236, Analog input, assignment B, target parameter
Possibilities of Access via Master Communication and IndraMotion MLD
The analog input values of the analog inputs are stored in the following param‐
eters for display and further internal processing:
● P‑0‑0210, Analog input 1
● P‑0‑0211, Analog input 2 (only for CSB01.1N-FC and CSB01.1N-AN)
● P‑0‑0228, Analog input 3
● P‑0‑0229, Analog input 4
● P‑0‑0208, Analog input 5 (only for CDB01.1C)
● P‑0‑0209, Analog input 6 (only for CDB01.1C)
670/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

It is therefore possible to configure these digitized analog values into the cyclic
telegram of the master communication (cf. S‑0‑0016 or P‑0‑4081) or to access
one of the above parameters directly from a PLC program.
Specific Features of Double-Axis Design (MPD)
Each analog input (1 and, if required, 3 to 5) can be parameterized without
restrictions for both axes of a double axis.
Only the provided input voltage is used in common.
The respective evaluation and interpretation depends on how the individual
axes have been parameterized (cf. assignment A and B).

The parameters P‑0‑0210 to P‑0‑0239 are available separately for

each axis. The parameters P‑0‑3901, P‑0‑3904 and P‑0‑3905 are
only available once per device!

9.5.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages

As regards the "analog inputs" function, the following diagnostic command
messages can occur:
● C2800 Analog input adjust command
● C2801 Analog input not configured
● C2802 Oscillations of input signal outside tolerance range
● C2803 Measured values at zero point and max. value identical
● C2804 Automatic adjust failed

See descriptions of these diagnostic messages in the separate documen‐

tation "Notes on Troubleshooting" (description of diagnostic messages)

9.6 Analog Outputs

9.6.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.9-48: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

Overview According to the control section type, IndraDrive controllers already have an‐
alog outputs in their basic configuration (without optional modules). Configura‐
ble control sections can be upgraded with this function by using the optional
module MA1. The number and function of the analog outputs differ according
to the type and configuration of control section (see "Hardware Require‐
ments" below).
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the two analog output channels
with the analog outputs.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 671/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

MA1 Optional module MA1 (analog I/O extension)

Fig.9-49: Assignment Mechanism for the Analog Outputs
The drive function "analog outputs" allows using analog signal values for com‐
missioning and optimizing drives with appropriate measuring devices (e.g.
oscilloscope, multimeter), as well as for visualizing the contents of drive pa‐
Features General features:
● Number and characteristics of analog outputs depending on type and
configuration (with/without optional module MA1) of the control section
● Up to 6 analog outputs available according to control section design
● Update of analog outputs in velocity loop clock (see "Performance Data"
● Analog outputs can be written via master communication (cyclic or acyclic
● Internal status variables and signals (= parameter contents) are output as
analog voltage signals at output terminal connectors of the drive controller
(see separate documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project
Planning Manual")
● Monitoring function with regard to double assignment of outputs
● Variable scaling of analog outputs
● Switching of the behavior at the limits of voltage range that can be dis‐
played between overflow and limitation
● Parameterizable output offset or parameterizable reference value
Features of analog outputs at control section:
672/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Number and resolution of analog outputs depend on control section de‐
– ADVANCED → 2 analog outputs with 8 bits
– BASIC UNIVERSAL double-axis → 2 analog outputs with 8 bits
– BASIC OPENLOOP → 2 analog outputs with 10 bits
● Output voltage range: 0 to 5 V
(for BASIC OPENLOOP → 0 to 10 V)
● Available quantization: 19.5 mV (= 5V/28)
Features of analog outputs at optional module MA1:
The optional module MA1 was developed according to VDE 0411-part 500
(programmable logic controllers) and should be used according to the specifi‐
cations contained in this standard.
Properties of analog outputs at optional module MA1:
● Connection via 15-pin D-Sub connector
● 2 analog outputs with 12 bits each
● Output voltage range: ±10 V with reference to 0 VA
● Available quantization: 5 mV (= 10V/211)
Hardware Requirements The table below shows the hardware requirements of the analog outputs and
their assignment to the connection points (terminal connectors) of the control
section (on basic circuit board or at optional module MA1).
Analog output no.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Control sec‐ ... to be found …

tion type on basic circuit board at optional module MA1
Optional slot Optional slot
X32 (1) X32 (2) 2 2 -- --
CSH01.1C, X8 (5) X8 (14)
CSH01.2C Optional slot Optional slot
X32 (1) X32 (2) 3 3 -- --
X10 (5) X10 (14)
Optional slot Optional slot
CSB01.1C -- -- 2 2 -- --
X8 (2/9) X8 (4/11)
Optional slot Optional slot
X32 (1) X32 (2) 3 3 -- --
X8.1 (5) X8.1 (14)
Optional slot Optional slot
CDB01.1C X32 (1) X32 (2) 4 4 -- --
X8.2 (5) X8.2 (14)
Optional slot Optional slot Optional slot Optional slot
X32 (1) X32 (2) 3 3 4 4
X8.1 (5) X8.1 (14) X8.2 (5) X8.2 (14)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 673/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Analog output no.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Control sec‐ ... to be found …

tion type on basic circuit board at optional module MA1
X32 (4/5) X32 (1/2)
-- --
Control section type cannot be configured
-- --
X32 (9) X35 (3)
MA1 Optional module MA1 (analog I/O extension)
Fig.9-50: Overview of Hardware Requirements of Analog Inputs (Incl. Assignment
of Connection Points)

See also section "Optional Module MA1" in the documentation "Drive

Controllers, Control Sections; Project Planning Manual"

In the case of double-axis devices (control section CDB01.1‑...), the

analog outputs are used by both axes, simultaneous use of an an‐
alog output by both axes is impossible.

Pertinent Parameters Configuring the analog outputs:

● P‑0‑0426, Analog output IDN list of assignable parameters
● P‑0‑0427, Control parameter of analog output
Analog output - assignment A:
● P‑0‑0418, Analog output, assignment A, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0420, Analog output, assignment A, signal selection
● P‑0‑0422, Analog output, assignment A, scaling [1/V]
Analog output - assignment B:
● P‑0‑0419, Analog output, assignment B, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0423, Analog output, assignment B, signal selection
● P‑0‑0425, Analog output, assignment B, scaling [1/V]
Analog output values:
● P‑0‑0139, Analog output 1
● P‑0‑0140, Analog output 2
● P‑0‑0414, Analog output 3
● P‑0‑0415, Analog output 4
● P‑0‑0416, Analog output 5
● P‑0‑0417, Analog output 6

9.6.2 Functional Description

General Information
For assigning the signal sources for the analog outputs of the drive controller,
it is basically possible to choose between two methods:
● Direct output of voltage signals independent of the drive (signals of control
master or IndraMotion MLD)
674/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

→ Output parameters directly written via master communication or by In‐

draMotion MLD
● Output of the values of predefined drive parameters (contents of standard
parameters of the drive)
→ Free configuration of both analog channels A and B
For the selection of this signal source, there is the so-called "bit output"
carried out for parameters with binary format; the content to be output in
this case has to be determined by the bit number.
In addition, extended output of internal storage locations can be carried out
under certain conditions.
Determining the Signal Source The signal source is determined for each analog output in "P‑0‑0427, Control
parameter of analog output".
Direct Output of Voltage Signals
The selection of the signal source option "direct output of voltage
signals" is the default setting for the analog outputs (basic param‐
eter set). This setting can be changed or assigned again in
"P‑0‑0427, Control parameter of analog output".

If this signal source has been assigned, the control master can use the drive
as digital/analog converter. For this purpose, the parameters definitely as‐
signed to the analog outputs can be directly written.
The following parameters used to display the output analog values are assigned
to the individual analog outputs:
● P‑0‑0139, Analog output 1
● P‑0‑0140, Analog output 2
● P‑0‑0414, Analog output 3
● P‑0‑0415, Analog output 4
● P‑0‑0416, Analog output 5
● P‑0‑0417, Analog output 6
By writing data to the above parameters, the master can directly influence the
analog signal to be output. For this purpose, the corresponding parameter is
configured as cyclic data.
Output of Predefined Drive Parameters
List of Assignable Parameters Values of drive parameters are output on the basis of a predefined selection
list. Parameter "P‑0‑0426, Analog output IDN list of assignable parameters"
contains all parameter IDNs of status variables and signals of the drive that can
be output via analog outputs.
Assignment The assignment is made by entering the IDN of the parameter in the respective
signal selection parameter:
● P‑0‑0420, Analog output, assignment A, signal selection
● P‑0‑0423, Analog output, assignment B, signal selection

The parameters for "...assignment A..." act on the analog outputs

1, 3 and 5.
The parameters for "...assignment B..." act on the analog outputs
2, 4 and 6.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 675/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Via the parameters it is possible to determine, separately for each output chan‐
nel, the reference definition (P‑0‑0418, P‑0‑0419) and the scaling (P‑0‑0422,
P‑0‑0425) of the output values.
See also "Notes on Commissioning" in the same section

Bit Output of Drive Parameters

Within the output of predefined drive parameters, the analog output of param‐
eters in the binary format takes place as so-called "bit output".
The bit output allows outputting individual bits of a binary format parameter like,
for example, parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status".
Which bit of the respective parameter is to be output is determined in the fol‐
lowing parameters:
● P‑0‑0422, Analog output, assignment A, scaling [1/V]
● P‑0‑0425, Analog output, assignment B, scaling [1/V]

The output voltage is 1 V when the respective bit has been set;
otherwise 0 V is output.

For bit output, the following parameters are not active:

● P‑0‑0418, Analog output, assignment A, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0419, Analog output, assignment B, signal value at 0V
Extended Output of Internal Storage Locations
For diagnostic purposes, it is possible to extend the setting for the analog out‐
puts, but using this setting requires knowledge of the structure of the drive
firmware. Consequently, this function can only be used after approval by the
drive development department.
See also "Extended Diagnostic Possibilities: Patch Function"
676/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

9.6.3 Notes on Commissioning

Sequence of Setting for Analog Outputs

Fig.9-51: Commissioning the Analog Outputs

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 677/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Signal Source for the Analog Outputs

For each of the possible analog outputs, the signal source for the voltage to be
output can be determined:
● Direct input of voltage signals in the parameters P‑0‑0139, P‑0‑0140,
P‑0‑0414, P‑0‑0415, P‑0‑0416 or P‑0‑0417
- or -
● Values of drive parameters according to assignment A or assignment B

The signal source for the analog outputs is determined in

"P‑0‑0427, Control parameter of analog output".

Scaling and Reference Point

Scaling the Analog Outputs The two analog output channels are scaled (range of values per V) in the fol‐
lowing parameters:
● P‑0‑0422, Analog output, assignment A, scaling [1/V]
● P‑0‑0425, Analog output, assignment B, scaling [1/V]
Example of "Scaleable" Output

Fig.9-52: Example of Scaleable Analog Output

Reference Point The reference of the analog outputs is defined (value at output of 0 V) in the
following parameters:
● P‑0‑0418, Analog output, assignment A, signal value at 0V
● P‑0‑0419, Analog output, assignment B, signal value at 0V

The parameters for "...assignment A..." act on the analog outputs

1, 3 and 5.
The parameters for "...assignment B..." act on the analog outputs
2, 4 and 6.
678/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Example of "Reference-Defined"
Output for Analog Output 1 and 2

Fig.9-53: Example of Reference-Defined Analog Output

Determining the Overflow Behavior
Via "P‑0‑0427, Control parameter of analog output", it is possible to determine
the output format of the analog outputs in the following ways:
● Limited or overflowing output due to the limited voltage range of the analog
● Definable reference value for the output value
Example of "Limited" or "Overflow‐
ing" Output

Fig.9-54: Example of Limited or "Overflowing" Analog Output

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 679/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

In the case of "overflowing" analog output, the assignment of a sig‐

nal value to the output voltage is ambiguous due to the overflow!
The output of 0 V, for example, can be:
Signal value (at 0 V) ± n × output voltage range × scaling (in 1/V)
(n = 1, 2, 3, …)

9.7 Virtual Master Axis Generator

9.7.1 Brief Description
Expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop and open-loop characteristic

Fig.9-55: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

The master axis generator serves for generating a master axis position, which
is used as input variable for the position synchronization operation modes and
the operation mode "velocity synchronization".
There are two ways of generating the master axis position:
● Format conversion of an actual position value or a command position val‐
ue of the local axis or of an axis connected via CCD [1]
● Generating a virtual actual position value via a positioning motion and
subsequent format conversion [2]

Fig.9-56: Possibilities of Generating the Master Axis Position for the Slave Axis
Features Features of generating the virtual actual position value with the master axis
680/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● 2nd order command value interpolator with subsequent jerk limitation
● Absolute, relative and additive positioning capability
● "Infinite travel" (jogging) is possible
● Position data format to be set:
– Linear → 0.0001 mm / 0.0001 inch
– Rotary → 0.0001 degrees
● Modulo value to be set
● "Absolute" or "modulo" master axis
● Format conversion from position format "virtual master axis" to master axis
format (modulo value "virtual master axis" → 220 × P‑0‑0750)
● Virtual master axis generator realized as virtual axis in IndraMotion MLD
with individual scaling system
● Setting of virtual master axis generator, either directly via parameters or
via the following function blocks:
– MC_MoveVelocity / MX_MoveVelocity
– MC_MoveAbsolut / MX_MoveAbsolut
– MC_MoveAdditiv / MX_MoveAdditiv
– MC_MoveRelativ / MX_MoveRelativ
– MC_Stop
– MB_Stop
The function blocks for the virtual axis must behave exactly like those for
a real axis. The diagnostic and error messages, however, are different.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0756, Virtual master axis, scaling type
● P‑0‑0757, Virtual master axis, modulo value
● P‑0‑0758, Virtual master axis, actual position value
● P‑0‑0759, Virtual master axis, actual velocity value
● P‑0‑0760, Virtual master axis, positioning control word
● P‑0‑0761, Master axis position for slave axis
● P‑0‑0766, Virtual master axis, positioning command value
● P‑0‑0767, Virtual master axis, effective target position
● P‑0‑0768, Virtual master axis, positioning status
● P‑0‑0769, Virtual master axis, command value mode
● P‑0‑0770, Virtual master axis, positioning velocity
● P‑0‑0771, Virtual master axis, positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0772, Virtual master axis, positioning deceleration
● P‑0‑0774, Virtual master axis, positioning window shortest distance
● P‑0‑0911, Virtual master axis, positioning window
● P‑0‑0912, Virtual master axis, standstill window
● P‑0‑0913, Virtual master axis, positioning jerk
● P‑0‑0914, Virtual master axis, velocity threshold positioning
● P‑0‑0917, Control word of master axis generator
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator too high
● F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 681/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis generator

9.7.2 Functional Description

Positioning Mode of Virtual Master Axis Generator
The virtual master axis generator is activated or deactivated via parameter
"P‑0‑0917, Control word of master axis generator".
The figure below illustrates the functional principle of generating the virtual ac‐
tual position value with the virtual master axis generator and the effect of the
individual parameters.

Fig.9-57: Overview of Function "Virtual Master Axis Generator"

Positioning by means of the virtual master axis generator basically functions in
the same way as for the positioning generator of the "drive-controlled position‐
ing" mode (see description of the operating mode "Drive-Controlled Position‐
Please note that the parameters which take effect for the virtual master axis
generator are different from those for drive-controlled positioning (see compa‐
rative table below).

Name/significance Drive-controlled po‐ Virtual master axis

of the parameter sitioning generator

Positioning command value S‑0‑0282 P‑0‑0766

Command value mode S‑0‑0393 P‑0‑0769
Positioning velocity S‑0‑0259 P‑0‑0770
Positioning acceleration S‑0‑0260 P‑0‑0771
Positioning deceleration S‑0‑0359 P‑0‑0772
Positioning control word S‑0‑0346 P‑0‑0760
Positioning status S‑0‑0437 P‑0‑0768
Positioning jerk S‑0‑0193 P‑0‑0913
Positioning window shortest distance S‑0‑0418 P‑0‑0774
Effective target position S‑0‑0430 P‑0‑0767
Velocity threshold S‑0‑0417 P‑0‑0914

Fig.9-58: Parameter Comparison

682/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Differences to operating mode "drive-controlled positioning"

"Jog" Mode When the "jog" mode is activated, the following values are applied:
● Positioning command value
● Positioning velocity
● Positioning acceleration
● Positioning deceleration
● Positioning jerk
Afterwards, a new positioning velocity is immediately applied with active "jog"
Via the toggle bit (P‑0‑0760, bit 0), new values for positioning acceleration,
positioning deceleration and positioning jerk can be accepted. Acknowledg‐
ment of command value acceptance, if accepted via toggle bit, can be taken
from parameter "P‑0‑0768, Virtual master axis, positioning status" (bit 1).
"Halt" Mode When the "halt" mode is activated, the positioning deceleration and positioning
jerk are accepted.
Via the toggle bit (P‑0‑0760, bit 0), new values for positioning deceleration and
positioning jerk can be accepted. Acknowledgment of command value accept‐
ance, if accepted via toggle bit, can be taken from parameter "P‑0‑0768, Virtual
master axis, positioning status" (bit 1).
Processing Clock The generator function of the master axis generator runs in a clock of 2 ms. The
calculated values are fine interpolated in linear form with regard to the position
loop clock.
Residual Path Processing For the virtual master axis generator, there is no residual path processing avail‐
Intermediate Stop The new position target is applied "on-the-fly" without the possibility of inter‐
mediate stop (positioning command value memory).

The conversion of the value of "P‑0‑0758, Virtual master axis, actual

position value" to the master axis format (220 increments per master
axis revolution) takes place by means of the master axis format
converter. The converted value is displayed in parameter
"P‑0‑0761, Master axis position for slave axis".

Scaling System
Features The virtual master axis generator has its own scaling system with the following
● Position data format to be set:
– Linear: 0.0001 mm / 0.0001 inch
– Rotary: 0.0001 degrees
● Modulo value to be set
● Possible modulo ranges (0.0000 to 214748.3647)
● Fixed absolute range (-214748.3648 to 214748.3647)
Scaling Parameters There are the following scaling parameters for the virtual master axis generator:
● P‑0‑0756, Virtual master axis, scaling type
● P‑0‑0757, Virtual master axis, modulo value
● P‑0‑0758, Virtual master axis, actual position value
● P‑0‑0759, Virtual master axis, actual velocity value
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 683/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

When the master axis generator has been deactivated, the param‐
eters "P‑0‑0758, Virtual master axis, actual position value" and
"P‑0‑0759, Virtual master axis, actual velocity value" can be pre-

Format Converter From Position Data Format to Master Axis Format

It is possible to generate the internal virtual master axis position "P‑0‑0761,
Master axis position for slave axis" from different sources. The source signals
are available in the position data format and have to be converted to the master
axis format (220 increments per master axis revolution).

One master axis format converter and thus only one internal master
axis is available per double-axis device. This master axis, however,
can be used by both axes.

Pertinent Parameters The following parameters are relevant in conjunction with the format converter
● S‑0‑0103, Modulo value
● P‑0‑0159, Slave drive feed travel
● P‑0‑0750, Master axis revolutions per master axis cycle
● P‑0‑0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle
● P‑0‑0757, Virtual master axis, modulo value
● P‑0‑0761, Master axis position for slave axis
● P‑0‑0786, Modulo value actual value cycle
● P‑0‑0915, Master axis format converter IDN list signal selection
● P‑0‑0916, Master axis format converter signal selection
● P-0-0918, Feed travel internal virtual master axis
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages The following diagnostic message is relevant in conjunction with the format
converter function:
● C0218 Double signal selection master axis format converter
Signal Sources The format converter can process the values of the following signal sources:
● S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value
● S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value
● S‑0‑0386, Active position feedback value
● P‑0‑0052, Actual position value of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0434, Position command value of controller
● P‑0‑0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle
● P‑0‑0758, Virtual master axis, actual position value
● P‑0‑1771, CCD: AT real-time container 1, slave 1
- to -
P‑0‑1777, CCD: AT real-time container 1, slave 7
Conversion The master axis format converter is activated by selecting a parameter unequal
S‑0‑0000 in parameter "P‑0‑0916, Master axis format converter signal selec‐
The master axis format converter is deactivated, when the dummy parameter
S‑0‑0000 is selected in parameter P‑0‑0916.
684/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

The following relations apply to the conversion of the actual position value for‐
mat to the master axis format:
● Signal source S‑0‑0051, S‑0‑0053 or S‑0‑0386

Fig.9-59: Rotary/Linear Modulo Scaling of the Signal Source

Fig.9-60: Rotary Absolute Scaling of the Signal Source

Fig.9-61: Linear Absolute Scaling of the Signal Source

● Signal source P‑0‑0052

Fig.9-62: For all Scalings of the Signal Source

● Signal source P‑0‑0434 (special case)

Fig.9-63: Rotary Absolute Scaling

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 685/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-64: Linear Absolute Scaling

Fig.9-65: Rotary/Linear Modulo Scaling and no Synchronous Position Control

Mode Active

Fig.9-66: Rotary/Linear Modulo Scaling and a Synchronous Position Control

Mode Active

● Signal source P‑0‑0753

Fig.9-67: Rotary/Linear Modulo Scaling of the Signal Source

Fig.9-68: Rotary Absolute Scaling of the Signal Source

Fig.9-69: Linear Absolute Scaling of the Signal Source

● Signal source P‑0‑0758

Fig.9-70: Modulo Scaling of the Position Data Master Axis Generator

(for P‑0‑0750 > 0)

Fig.9-71: Modulo Scaling of the Position Data Master Axis Generator (for Special
Case P‑0‑0750 > 0)
686/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

4096 master axis revolutions correspond to one modulo revolution of the virtual
axis of the master axis generator.

Fig.9-72: Absolute Scaling of the Position Data Master Axis Generator

● Signal sources P‑0‑1771 to P-0-1777

x Selected parameter from range P-0-1771 to P-0-1777

Fig.9-73: For all Scalings of the Signal Source

9.8 Drive-Integrated Command Value Generator

9.8.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in open-loop and closed-loop charac‐

Fig.9-74: Assignment to functional firmware package

The drive-integrated command value generator can be used for commissioning
and controller optimization of drives. The command value generator generates
the command values required for the active operating mode in different shapes
(square-wave, sine, noise); these command values are added to the main
command value in the closed control loop.

In conjunction with the integrated oscilloscope function and an ad‐

ditional FFT calculation, the drive-integrated command value gen‐
erator also provides the possibility of measuring the frequency

The figure below illustrates the points at which the drive-integrated command
value generator can take effect:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 687/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

S‑0‑0037 Additive velocity command value

S-0-0047 Position command value
S‑0‑0081 Additive torque/force command value
P‑0‑0038 Torque-generating current, command value
P‑0‑0039 Flux-generating current, command value
P‑0‑0059 Additive position command value, controller
P‑0‑1150 Command value generator output
P‑0‑1152 Command value generator, target parameter assignment
Fig.9-75: Points at which function "command value generator" can take effect
Features ● Possibility of generating different signal shapes that are added to the re‐
spective control loop command value (position, velocity or current)
The following signal shapes are possible:
– Square-wave signals
– Sine signals
– Noise signals
– Modified sine signals
● Generating velocity and position command values in the position loop
clock; current command values in the velocity loop clock
● With regard to amplitude and frequency, generated command values can
be freely defined

The drive-integrated PLC (IndraMotion MLD) provides further pos‐

sibilities of generating command values, but it can generate com‐
mand values with a clock rate of 1 ms.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑1150, Command value generator output
● P‑0‑1151, Command value generator, list of possible target parameters
● P‑0‑1152, Command value generator, target parameter assignment
● P‑0‑1153, Command value generator, control word
● P‑0‑1154, Command value generator, offset
● P‑0‑1155, Command value generator, amplitude
● P‑0‑1156, Command value generator, duration 1
● P‑0‑1157, Command value generator, duration 2
● P‑0‑1158, Command value generator, periodic time
● P‑0‑0028, Oscilloscope: Control word
688/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑0031, Oscilloscope: Time resolution
● P‑0‑0032, Oscilloscope: Size of memory

9.8.2 Functional Description

Setting/Activating the Function
Clock Rate The integrated command value generator provides the possibility of generating
velocity and position command values in the position loop clock for commis‐
sioning and adding them to the respective main command value.
The current command values are generated in the velocity loop clock.
Activation The command value generator is activated and controlled via parameter
"P‑0‑1153, Command value generator, control word" by setting the enable bit.
When the enable signal has been set, the generator generates command val‐
ues in the position loop clock (or velocity loop clock).
In parameter P‑0‑1153, you can also set that the enabling of the command
value generator is automatically deactivated in the case of drive errors. In this
case, you have to set the enable signal again after each drive error or after the
control voltage has been switched on.
Drive Enable In order that the generated command values take effect, the operating mode
has to be selected and drive enable (bit "drive on" = 1) has to be set.
This can be done in the following ways:
● Via a digital input
● Via the serial interface in "easy startup" mode
● Via the master communication
● Via the drive-integrated PLC (IndraMotion MLD)
Selecting the Target Parameter The IDN of that parameter is entered in parameter "P‑0‑1152, Command value
generator, target parameter assignment" on which the output signal of the
command value generator is to take effect.
The IDNs of the possible target parameters for the generator output are given
in parameter "P‑0‑1151, Command value generator, list of possible target pa‐
The following list shows possible target parameters to which the output signal
of the command value generator (P‑0‑1150) can be assigned:
● S-0-0036, Velocity command value
● S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
● S‑0‑0080, Torque/force command value
● S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force command value
● P‑0‑0039, Flux-generating current, command value
● P‑0‑0059, Additive position command value, controller

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑1151, Command value generator,

list of possible target parameters"

The unit and attribute of the generated signal are adjusted accord‐
ing to attribute and unit of the assigned parameter.

Selecting the Signal Shape The shape of the desired output signal is determined by means of the respective
bits in parameter "P‑0‑1153, Command value generator, control word".
You can choose between the following signal shapes of the command value:
● Square-wave signals
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 689/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

→ Pulse generator with definable pulse/pause relationship, variable fre‐
quency and direct voltage component (offset)
● Sine signals
→ Sine generator generates signal up to theoretical maximum frequency
of 2 kHz with variable frequency and direct voltage component (offset)
● Noise signals
→ Noise generator generates wide-band "white noise"; amplitude of the
noise signal can be defined as mere factor or by means of envelope curve
(= square-wave signal)
● Modified sine signals
→ Modified sine generator generates composite sine shape consisting of
two joined half-waves of different signs and different periodic times
Advanced Settings Other possible settings in the control word of the command value generator:
● Activation of periodic signal generation
→ Selected signal is cyclically generated and output with a periodic time
(frequency) that can be defined
● Switch-off delay
→ Drive enable can be set with a delay, i.e. adjusted to the signal period
Pulse Generator (for Square-Wave Signal)
The pulse generator generates a square-wave signal that can be varied in the
following properties:
● Frequency or periodic time of the signal
● Amplitude
● Direct component (DC offset; positive/negative)
● Pulse/pause relationship
The exemplary figure below illustrates the output signal of the pulse generator
with the possibilities of influencing:

P‑0‑1154 Command value generator, offset

P‑0‑1155 Command value generator, amplitude
P‑0‑1156 Command value generator, duration 1
P‑0‑1157 Command value generator, duration 2
P‑0‑1158 Command value generator, periodic time
Fig.9-76: Output signal of pulse generator
690/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

If periodic command value generation has been selected in the

control word, parameter "P‑0‑1158, Command value generator, pe‐
riodic time" determines the cycle time or periodic time.
In the case of P‑0‑1158 = (P‑0‑1156) + (P‑0‑1157), there is a peri‐
odic square-wave signal resulting, if the periodic output has addi‐
tionally been activated in the control word.

Sine Generator
A sine generator is available for checking the bandwidth; its output signal can
be varied in the following properties:
● Frequency or periodic time of the signal
● Amplitude
● Direct component (DC offset; positive/negative)
The exemplary figure below illustrates the output signal of the sine generator
with the possibilities of influencing:

P‑0‑1154 Command value generator, offset

P‑0‑1155 Command value generator, amplitude
P‑0‑1158 Command value generator, periodic time
Fig.9-77: Output signal of sine generator

The target parameter selected in parameter P‑0‑1152 determines

the initial angle of the signal. For currents and torque command
values the initial angle is 90° so that the position deviation of the
drive is zero again after a complete period.

Advanced Settings In many cases it is important that the sine signal contains no direct component.
In parameter "P‑0‑1153, Command value generator, control word", it is possible
to set that switching off the command value generator is delayed until the period
is complete.
Noise Generator
The method of the feedback shift register is used for generating the random
numbers. In each sequence a bit for the output is generated which is set or
cleared at random so to speak. The periodic time of the noise signal in this case
is set to 4095 clocks (TA_position or TA_velocity).

The generated noise signal is free of mean values over an entire

period so that the drive does not drift due to the additional noise.

Output Format For outputting the pulsed quantities there are the following possibilities:
(Amplitude Modulation)
● Noise signal as square-wave signal with parameterizable amplitude and,
if necessary, offset component
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 691/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

→ Amplitude is set positive or negative according to the sign of the feed‐
back shift register
● Noise signal with continuous amplitude
→ Feedback shift register is interpreted as numeric value and evaluated
with amplitude
The exemplary figure below illustrates the output signal of the noise generator
with the possibilities of influencing:

P‑0‑1154 Command value generator, offset

P‑0‑1155 Command value generator, amplitude
Fig.9-78: Output signal of noise generator

For an FFT calculation, P‑0‑1154 = 0 has to be set!

Modified Sine Generator

In addition, a modified sine generator is available with two different half-waves
of the same amplitude; the output signal of the generator can be varied in the
following properties:
● Frequency or periodic time of the signal
● Duration of the first half-wave
● Duration of the second half-wave
● Amplitude
● Direct component (DC offset; positive/negative)
The exemplary figure below illustrates the modifiable output signal of the sine
generator with the possibilities of influencing:

P‑0‑1154 Command value generator, offset

P‑0‑1155 Command value generator, amplitude
P‑0‑1156 Command value generator, duration 1
P‑0‑1157 Command value generator, duration 2
Fig.9-79: Output signal of noise generator
692/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

9.8.3 Notes on Commissioning

Bandwidth and Frequency Response Measurement
Frequency response measurement always requires accordingly wide-band ex‐
citation that is made available by the noise generator. In addition to the gener‐
ation of the noise signal, the recording of measured values (= sampling) is
required which is carried out with the oscilloscope function integrated in the
It is therefore necessary to adjust the periodic time of the noise signal to the
recording duration of the oscilloscope function.
The periodic time of the noise signal results from the following relationship:

TR periodic time of noise signal

P‑0‑0031 Oscilloscope: Time resolution
P‑0‑0032 Oscilloscope: Size of memory
Fig.9-80: Calculating the periodic time of the noise signal

The actual calculation or determination of the frequency response

is carried out by means of a technology function for IndraMo‐
tion MLD or with the service tool "IndraWorks D".

The overview below illustrates the possible excitation signals and measuring
signals for the recording:

Generator clock
Control loop Command value generator excitation signal Basic Adv. Measuring signals of oscilloscope function

torque additive torque/force cmd value (S‑0‑0081) 4 kHz 8 kHz additive torque/force cmd value (S‑0‑0081)
torque/force feedback value (S‑0‑0084)
current (Iq) torque-generating current, command value 4 kHz 8 kHz torque-gener. current, command value
(P‑0‑0038) (P‑0‑0038)
torque-generating current, actual value
current (Id) flux-generating current, cmd value 4 kHz 8 kHz flux-generating current, cmd value (P‑0‑0039)
(P‑0‑0039) flux-generating current, actual value (P‑0‑0044)
velocity additive velocity command value (S‑0‑0037) 2 kHz 4 kHz effective velocity command value (P‑0‑0048)
velocity feedback value (S‑0‑0040)
position additive position cmd val., controller 2 kHz 4 kHz position command value controller (P‑0‑0434)
(P‑0‑0059) position feedback 1 value (S‑0‑0051) or
position feedback 2 value (S‑0‑0053)

Fig.9-81: Signals for excitation and recording

The following has to be observed for parameterization:
● The bandwidth of the excitation signal depends on the clock frequency
that differs according to the kind of signal and the available control per‐
formance (clock frequency).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 693/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Note: The bandwidth of the "white noise" is limited to a maximum of half

the clock frequency!
● The size of memory for the oscilloscope function has to be 4095 values
(P‑0‑0032 = 4095) so that the necessary condition
"periodic time of noise signal = recording time of oscilloscope"
is fulfilled and 4095 values can be recorded.
Note: The periodic time and clock frequency depend on the kind of signal
(current, position, velocity) and performance.
● The periodic time depends on the excitation signal:
– Position and velocity excitation
→ With excitation via the parameters S‑0‑0036, S‑0‑0037 or
P‑0‑0059, the resulting periodic time is T = 2.0475s (Basic) or
T = 1.02375s (Advanced).
– Current excitation
→ With excitation via the parameters S‑0‑0081 or P‑0‑0039, the re‐
sulting periodic time is T = 1.02375s (Basic) or T = 0.511875s
Control Loop Optimization
The drive-integrated command value generator is very well suited for optimizing
the control loops (current, velocity and position), as it generates a defined com‐
mand value characteristic (e.g. pulse or square-wave signals).
Current Loop The field-oriented current controller that takes effect in closed-loop operation,
realizes the following subfunctions:
● Closed-loop control of d-component (field-generating current)
● Closed-loop control of q-component (torque-generating current)
See "Motor Control: Field-Oriented Current Control"
To evaluate the current loop for the torque-generating current control loop, the
excitation has to be carried out via parameter "S‑0‑0081, Additive torque/force
command value" ("P‑0‑0038, Torque-generating current, command value" as
an alternative) and the parameters S‑0‑0081 (or P‑0‑0038) and "S‑0‑0084,
Torque/force feedback value" have to be recorded with the oscilloscope func‐
To evaluate the current loop for the flux-generating current, the excitation has
to be carried out via parameter "P‑0‑0039, Flux-generating current, command
value" and the parameters P‑0‑0039 and "P‑0‑0044, Flux-generating current,
actual value" have to be recorded with the oscilloscope function.

If current command values are generated, it is necessary to activate

the so-called expert mode (P‑0‑0028, bit 4 = 1) for the recording
with the oscilloscope function, in order to adjust the sampling fre‐
quency to the excitation frequency.

Velocity Loop To evaluate the velocity loop, the excitation has to be carried out via parameter
"S‑0‑0037, Additive velocity command value" and the parameters "P‑0‑0048,
Effective velocity command value" and "S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value"
have to be recorded with the oscilloscope function.

For the output of velocity command values the command value

generator takes effect in every position loop cycle (0.250 or
0.500 ms).
694/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Position Loop To examine the position loop the drive has to be in one of the operating modes
"position control with cyclic command value input", "drive-internal interpolation",
"drive-controlled positioning" or in the status "Drive Halt".
Under this condition, the excitation via parameter "P‑0‑0059, Additive position
command value, controller" can take place directly for the position loop and the
parameters "P‑0‑0434, Position command value of controller" and "S‑0‑0051,
Position feedback 1 value" or "S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value" have to be
recorded with the oscilloscope function.

9.9 Encoder Emulation

9.9.1 Brief Description
Base package of variants MPH, MPB and MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.9-82: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

By means of encoder emulation is it possible to convert available encoder sig‐
nals (encoder 1, encoder 2 or measuring encoder) or internal position command
values into one of the following two formats:
● 5V-TTL signal of an incremental encoder with incremental encoder emu‐
lation (track A, track B and zero pulse)
● Serial 24-bit position of an absolute encoder (SSI format) with absolute
encoder emulation
This allows, for example, evaluating the signals in a higher-level master in order
to close the position loop in the external control unit in conjunction with the freely
parameterizable resolution and the data reference.

Using the encoder emulation in precision applications (mostly in

machine tool applications) is considered as critical and always has
to be carefully considered beforehand!
For sophisticated applications for which the position control loop is
closed by means of emulation, Bosch Rexroth recommends to use
digital interfaces, such as SERCOS interface.
See "Restrictions" in section "Notes on Commissioning"

Incremental Encoder Emulation Incremental encoder emulation is the simulation of a real incremental encoder
by the drive controller.
In the form of incremental encoder signals, a higher-level numeric control (NC)
receives information about the velocity of the motor connected to the controller.
By integration of these signals, the control unit receives the required position
information and it is thereby possible to close a higher-level position control

Emulation takes place in scaling-dependent (cf. S‑0‑0076) or en‐

coder-related form; the resolution is input in lines (1 line corre‐
sponding to 4 increments) or in mm/inch.
Absolute Encoder Emulation Absolute encoder emulation means that the drive controller has the option of
simulating a real absolute encoder in SSI data format. It is thereby possible to
transmit the position in the SSI data format to the connected control unit (NC)
and to close the position control loop via the control unit.

Emulation takes place in scaling-dependent form (cf. S‑0‑0076) and

the resolution is input is bits.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 695/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Features ● Cyclic calculation of the position or increments output by the emulator in

the position loop clock (see "Performance Data")
● Freely selectable position signals for emulation (P‑0‑0900, P‑0‑0901)
● Resolution that can be parameterized (incremental encoder emulation in
lines/revolution; absolute encoder emulation in bits/revolution)
● Scaling-related emulation (SSI and incremental) → S‑0‑0076
● Encoder-related emulation (incremental)
● Synchronization of SSI emulation to SSI clock can be activated
● Dead-time compensation that can be activated for incremental encoder
emulation (P‑0‑0902, bit 3)
● Zero pulse that can be shifted for incremental encoder emulation
● Parameterizable cyclic zero pulse output for incremental encoder emula‐
tion referring to zero pulse distance (P‑0‑0904) and position data refer‐
ence (P‑0‑0902)
● Incremental encoder emulation can be switched off in operation (→ pause)
● Internal clock increase of incremental encoder emulation to reduce zero
pulse jitter and frequency jitter (not for BASIC ANALOG control sections)
● Signal-related or motor-encoder-related emulation to be freely selected
(→ influence on position of zero pulse!)
Hardware Requirements The firmware encoder emulation function requires the following control section
● Single-axis BASIC ANALOG (not configurable) (CSB01.1N-AN)
In addition, it is possible to use the following configurable control sections, if
they have been designed with the optional module for encoder emulation
● Single-axis ADVANCED (CSH01.1C)
● Single-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CSB01.1C)
● Double-axis BASIC UNIVERSAL (CDB01.1C)

Encoder emulation is always related to the device, i.e. with a dou‐

ble-axis device (CDB01.1C) emulation can only be used for one of
the two axes at a time.

Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0900, Encoder emulation signal selection list

● P‑0‑0901, Encoder emulation signal selection
● P‑0‑0902, Encoder emulation control parameter
● P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation resolution
● P‑0‑0904, Encoder emulation zero pulse offset
● P‑0‑0905, Encoder emulation zero pulse distance
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S‑0‑0022)
● C0260 Incremental enc. emulator resol. cannot be displayed
● F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: pulse frequency too high
● F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: hardware fault
696/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

9.9.2 Basic Information on the Function

Activating the Function
The kind of encoder emulation including its activation is determined via bit 0
and bit 1 of "P‑0‑0902, Encoder emulation control parameter".
The following settings can be selected via parameter P‑0‑0902:
● No encoder emulation activated
● Incremental encoder emulation (IGS) activated
● Absolute encoder emulation (SSI) activated

The settings in parameter P‑0‑0902 only take effect after progres‐

sion to the operating mode!

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0902, Encoder emulation control

Selecting the Signal to be Emulated
Supported Emulation Signals The input of the signals that the drive supports for emulation is depending on
the following factors:
● Firmware version and enabled functional packages
● Hardware of the control section and its configuration

The emulation signals currently supported by the drive are con‐

tained in the list parameter "P‑0‑0900, Encoder emulation signal
selection list".

Determining the Kind of Emulation In bit 12 of "P‑0‑0902, Encoder emulation control parameter", determine wheth‐
er it is directly the signal of the motor encoder that is to be emulated or the signal
that was defined via the parameter P‑0‑0901 (see below).
Selecting the Emulation Signal If bit 12 = 0 in parameter P‑0‑0902, the emulation signal is determined by in‐
putting the desired IDN from the list parameter P‑0‑0900 in parameter
"P‑0‑0901, Encoder emulation signal selection".

The resolution of the emulated signal is determined for both kinds

of emulation (SSI and IGS) in parameter "P‑0‑0903, Encoder em‐
ulation resolution".

9.9.3 Incremental Encoder Emulation

General Information
The incremental encoder emulation provides a square-wave signal in TTL level
with variable frequency. The position difference of the selected signal in the last
position loop clock (see "Performance Data" ) is calculated. The number of lines
to be output and therefore the periodic time of the square-wave signal for the
next output interval is calculated depending on the input in parameter
"P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation resolution".
Incremental Encoder Signals in TTL Format
Tracks A and B By outputting two signals offset by 90 degrees (track A and track B), the reso‐
lution is increased by the factor 4 when the two tracks are evaluated in
differential form. One line then corresponds to 4 increments.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 697/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Zero Pulse In addition, the incremental encoder outputs a third signal, the zero pulse. The
zero pulse has a fixed reference to the emulated signal (e.g. of the encoder
shaft, if an encoder signal is emulated) and can, in case position data reference
is existing (axis homed), also be emulated with reference to the machine zero

It is possible to influence both the output frequency and the position

of the zero pulse (see P‑0‑0905 and P‑0‑0904)!

The figure below illustrates the format and time flow of the incremental encoder

Fig.9-83: Time Flow of the Incremental Encoder Signals

Resolution and Unit of the Emulated Signal
Resolution The number of increments of the emulated incremental encoder can be deter‐
mined in parameter "P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation resolution" in lines/revolu‐
tion (or mm or inch for linear motors).
Unit of the Emulated Position The input range and the unit of the value in parameter P‑0‑0903 depend on the
following settings:
● Type of construction of motor
– Rotary motors → lines/revolution
– Linear motors → mm or inch
● Parameterized scaling (cf. "S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type")

The emulated encoder therefore is parameterized according to the

usual formats for rotary and linear square-wave encoders in lines/
revolution or mm or inch.

Reference of the Emulated Position - Zero Pulse Output

The zero pulses are output immediately after the drive was run up to the oper‐
ating mode in the distance of the lines resp. mm or inch entered in parameter
"P‑0‑0905, Encoder emulation zero pulse distance".
Zero Pulse Offset With the parameter "P‑0‑0904, Encoder emulation zero pulse offset", the output
of the zero pulse, with incremental encoder emulation having been selected,
can be offset by the input value in lines (or mm or inch). The input range in
P‑0‑0904 is determined by the setting in parameter "P‑0‑0903, Encoder emu‐
lation resolution", because the maximum offset for rotary motors, for example,
is one revolution.
Cyclic Zero Pulse Output If the zero pulse is to be cyclically output depending on the travel distance, the
distance between two zero pulses can be entered in lines (or mm or inch) in
parameter "P‑0‑0905, Encoder emulation zero pulse distance".
698/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

The following applies to the zero pulse output:

● Parameter setting P‑0‑0905 = P‑0‑0903 (standard case!)
→ One zero pulse per revolution (or per mm) is generated.
● Parameter setting 1 < P‑0‑0905 < P‑0‑0903 (cyclic zero pulse output)
→ Several zero pulses per revolution (or per mm) are generated (if a zero
pulse is demanded after 180 degrees, for example, parameter setting has
to be P‑0‑0905 = ½ × P‑0‑0903).

For cyclic output you have to take into consideration that a maxi‐
mum of one zero pulse can be output per output cycle (i.e. position
loop clock)!

● Parameter setting P‑0‑0905 = n × P‑0‑0903

→ One zero pulse within n revolutions (or per n millimeters) is generated.
This allows, for example, generating only one single zero pulse over the
entire travel range at the machine zero point!

Inputting "0" in parameter P‑0‑0905 is not allowed!

Kind of Emulation According to the kind of emulation, the zero pulse is emulated with relation to
encoder mark or with relation to signal. The kind of emulation is selected in
bit 12 of "P‑0‑0902, Encoder emulation control parameter".
Emulation With Relation to Motor In the case of emulation with relation to the motor encoder, emulation takes
Encoder place with relation to the encoder shaft. With relation to the position of the en‐
(P‑0‑0902, Bit 12 = 1) coder mark, the zero pulse is emulated under the following conditions:
● For relative measuring systems for which there is no absolute position
reference when switching on, zero pulse output only takes place after an
encoder mark of the encoder system has been passed for the first time
(see figure below).
● For absolute measuring systems which have absolute position reference
after switching on, output takes place immediately.

In case the drive has not been homed (cf. S‑0‑0403), zero pulses
are generated without reference to the machine zero point existing!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 699/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

S‑0‑0051 Position feedback 1 value

S‑0‑0053 Position feedback 2 value
P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder
Fig.9-84: Zero Pulse Generation for Incremental Measuring System and Motor
Encoder Relation (P‑0‑0902, Bit 12 = 1)
Emulation With Relation to Signal In the case of emulation with relation to the signal, the zero pulse is emulated
(P‑0‑0902, Bit 12 = 0) with reference to the coordinate system. The zero pulse is output with reference
to the zero point at "position 0" plus zero pulse offset. There are the following
possible settings:
● The further zero pulses are defined via parameter "P‑0‑0905, Encoder
emulation zero pulse distance".
● Via parameter "P‑0‑0904, Encoder emulation zero pulse offset", the emu‐
lated coordinate system can be shifted.

The zero pulse is only output when the drive has been homed (cf.
S‑0‑0403). The generated zero pulses are then always referring to
the actual machine zero point!

The emulation signals that can be selected via parameter "P‑0‑0901, Encoder
emulation signal selection" are divided into two groups:
● Emulation of actual values
→ For the output of zero pulses, "reference" (cf. S‑0‑0403) is obligatory.
For relative measuring systems, zero pulse output only takes place when
the corresponding actual position value was homed (see figure below).
● Emulation of command values
→ Command values can always be considered as homed so that zero
pulse output takes place independent of the "reference" (cf. S‑0‑0403).
Example: Incremental Measuring The figure below illustrates the emulation of an actual value signal with incre‐
System and Actual Value Signal mental measuring system and signal relation:
700/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.9-85: Zero Pulse Generation for Incremental Measuring System and Signal
Relation (P‑0‑0902, Bit 12 = 0) With Actual Value Signals
Example: Incremental Measuring For emulation of command values you have to take into account that the master
System and Command Value Out‐ might possibly want to preset command value jumps that are not to be emulated
put With Command Value Jump or cannot be emulated. For this case, it is possible to stop emulation for a short
time (cf. P‑0‑0902, bit 7). During this time, a command value jump does neither
cause the internal monitoring functions with regard to the emulation signals to
trigger nor misadjustment of the emulator output.
After the stop is over, emulation can be enabled again via bit 7 and the emulator
then follows the preset command value signal.

P‑0‑0902 Encoder emulation control parameter

Fig.9-86: Zero Pulse Generation for Incremental Measuring System and Signal
Relation (P‑0‑0902, Bit 12 = 0) With a Command Value Jump
Establishing the Position Data Reference (Drive-Controlled Homing)
For emulating actual values with relation to signal (P‑0‑0902, bit 12 = 0) and
using incremental measuring systems, the drive must have been homed in or‐
der to output a zero pulse (see also above section "Zero Pulse Output").
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 701/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

When the homing procedure is carried out, the emulated signals

jumps from the original position to the reference position. The error
message "F2053" in this case is suppressed on purpose.

See also "Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Sys‐

9.9.4 Absolute Encoder Emulation

General Information
The absolute encoder emulation provides a digital, coded, absolute position
signal which in the position loop clock (see "Performance Data") can be serially
read. The resolution of the absolute position and therefore the travel range that
can be displayed in absolute form depend on the input in parameter "P‑0‑0903,
Encoder emulation resolution".
Absolute Encoder Signals in SSI Format
The figure below illustrates the format of the SSI data transmission of the ab‐
solute encoder emulation:

G0 Least significant bit in Gray code

G23 Most significant bit in Gray code
m Stored parallel information
T Clock time
TP Clock break ≥ 20 μs
tV Delay time max. 650 ns
PFB Power failure bit (not used and always logically LOW)
Fig.9-87: Pulse Diagram SSI Format

IndraDrive controllers do not support the power failure bit!

702/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

Resolution and Unit of the Emulated Signal

Resolution The output data format (i.e. the resolution) for the emulated SSI position is de‐
termined in parameter "P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation resolution".
Unit of the Emulated Position The input range and the unit of the value in parameter P‑0‑0903 depend on:
● Type of construction of motor:
– Rotary motors → bits/revolution
– Linear motors → bits/mm or bits/inch
● Parameterized scaling (cf. "S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type")

The emulated digital position value is always displayed with 24 bits,

the setting in P‑0‑0903 defining the resolution of one revolution
(= decimal place). With P‑0‑0903 = 12 bits, 12 bits of places before
decimal point and 12 bits of decimal places take effect, for example.

Reference of the Emulated Position

The emulation of the signals "position feedback 1 value", "position feedback 2
value" and "position command value" depends on the scaling determined in
parameter "S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type".
The values of the emulator and the parameters "S‑0‑0051, Position feedback
1 value", "S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value" or "S‑0‑0047, Position com‐
mand value" are synchronous. This simplifies, among other things, emulation
control, e.g. with the commissioning tool "IndraWorks D".
Scaling-Dependent Emulation If the option "motor reference" is set in parameter S‑0‑0076, emulation with
relation to encoder is possible.
If the option "load reference" is set in parameter S‑0‑0076, the feed constant
and gear ratio must be additionally entered according to the application.

The values for position feedback value 3 (measuring encoder) and

master axis position are always emulated in encoder-related form.
Parameter S‑0‑0076 in this case is irrelevant.

See also "Scaling of Physical Data"

Establishing the Position Data Reference (Set Absolute Measuring)
Using parameter "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring", it is
possible to home the absolute position that is output by the absolute encoder
emulator. When setting absolute measuring, the value of parameter "S‑0‑0052,
Reference distance 1" is processed.
See also "Establishing Position Data Reference for Absolute Measuring Sys‐

9.9.5 Notes on Commissioning

General Information
In contrast to a "real" encoder, encoder emulation uses a simulated encoder.
In motion the real encoder signal and the output of the emulator can differ. The
causes for such differences can be:
● Application errors (e.g. inadequate wiring, exceeded frequencies, voltage
drops, incorrect programming)
● Systematic errors due to the technical conditions (e.g. beat effects, posi‐
tion jitter)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 703/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

The restrictions and limits described in the following sections have to be taken
into account when encoder emulation is used.
Restrictions of Incremental Encoder Emulation
In contrast to the conventional incremental encoder for which the pulse output
frequency can be infinitely changed in fine increments (i.e. the pulses are al‐
ways assigned to fixed positions), emulated incremental encoder signals are
subject to certain restrictions which primarily result from the digital mode of
operation of the drive controller.
Maximum Output Frequency If the maximum pulse frequency is exceeded, pulses can be missing. A position
offset of the emulated position in contrast to the real position occurs. Therefore,
when the maximum pulse frequency is exceeded, the error message "F2053
Incremental encoder emulator: frequency too high" is output.

The max. output frequency always, i.e. independent of the selected

number of lines, has to be taken into account for dimensioning the
evaluation electronics.

The maximum output frequency fmax depends on the hardware design and is
reduced as the clock increase is increased (cf. P‑0‑0902):
● Clock increase of 8 → fmax = 1 MHz
● Clock increase of 16 → fmax = 500 KHz
● Clock increase of 32 → fmax = 250 KHz
The maximum possible resolution of encoder emulation is scaling-dependent
and calculated according to the following formulas:

P-0-0903 Encoder emulation resolution

vmax Demanded maximum velocity in mm/s or 1/s (For velocity in mm/min or
1/min, take factor 60 into account!)
fmax Allowed maximum frequency in Hz
Fig.9-88: Determining the Maximum Resolution of Encoder Emulation
Delay Between Real and Emulated Between the position detection and output of the emulated pulses there is a
Position Value delay (dead time) between real and emulated position value.
When incremental encoder emulation has been activated (cf. P‑0‑0902, bits 0
and 1), it is possible to activate dead time compensation in "P‑0‑0902, Encoder
emulation control parameter" with bit 3 = 1. The dead time compensation is only
effective and useful if there aren't any repeated acceleration and deceleration
processes (ideal v = constant).
Rounding Off the Number of Incre‐ In a time interval of the internal control cycle TA it is only possible to output an
ments in Short Time Intervals integer number of increments (1 increment = ¼ line) at a time. The remainder
that cannot be output is added in the next time interval. If there is another re‐
mainder of 0 < remainder < 1, it is added again in the next interval etc.
704/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

This effect is the reason why the "emulated velocity" is exact on average, but
can be by a maximum of one increment too low in each of the individual TA
time intervals.
● Use the highest possible number of lines so that as many lines as possible
can be output per control cycle TA. The percentage error then is reduced
● In addition, this effect can be reduced or nearly removed by means of the
implemented, internal clock increase of the emulated signals (cf.
P‑0‑0902, bits 8 and 9). By default, the clock increase has been set to
factor 8. If required, it can be increased up to factor 32 which will clearly
reduce the zero pulse and frequency jitter.
Oscillating Signal Frequency Within Due to the internal signal processing, the periodic time and duty cycle of the
One Output Cycle output signals are varying. The periodic time (or frequency) of the resulting
cycles can therefore be shorter or longer, too.
This is why the signals of incremental emulation should not be used for meas‐
uring the speed by means of frequency measurement, but the signals may only
be evaluated by counting the increments.
Restrictions of Absolute Encoder Emulation
Using absolute encoder emulation, it is possible to display 4096 revolutions in
absolute form.
Display Limits When using this kind of emulation at the display limits, small fluctuations of the
actual position lead to overflow and a position jump in the emulated position.
This is the case, for example, at position 0 and 4096 revolutions after position

S-0-0052 Reference distance 1

Fig.9-89: Display Limits With Absolute Encoder Emulation
This effect can be avoided by shifting the home point by executing "P‑0‑0012,
C0300 Command Set absolute measuring".

Note: By the respective setting in parameter "S‑0‑0052, Reference

distance 1", shift the reference position to the middle of the display
range. This allows moving 2048 revolutions to the left and to the

Beat Effects in the Emulated Posi‐ In case the position processing in the control unit and the position detection
tion (sampling) in the drive are not synchronized, beat effects can occur in the emu‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 705/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

lated signal with a periodic time according to the formula below, if the quartz
frequencies on the drive and in the control unit cannot be exactly (integrally)

T Periodic time for the occurring beat frequency

Δf Frequency deviation of the quartzes in control unit and drives
Fig.9-90: Determining the Periodic Time
This beat effect can be avoided by synchronizing the adjustment of the SSI
emulation data in the drive to the SSI clock of the external control unit. The
mechanism required for this purpose has to be activated via bit 10 of "P‑0‑0902,
Encoder emulation control parameter".

Synchronization only works correctly, when the "sampling rate" of

the external control unit is lower than the internal position loop clock
which depends on the performance of the firmware variant used!
See "Performance Data"

You have to observe that the probe function (MT1) is occupied for
this synchronization process and therefore no longer available for
other purposes!

9.9.6 Diagnostic and Status Messages

The following diagnostic messages can only occur with incremental encoder
● F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: pulse frequency too high
→ The output frequency resulting from the resolution that has been set
(P‑0‑0903) and the travel velocity exceeds the value of the maximum pulse
frequency of 1024 kHz.
● F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: hardware fault
→ At the end of each output interval (= position loop clock), a check is run
to find out whether all increments to be output have been output before
the next increment output is started. Exceeding the run time or hardware
errors can cause overlapping that is detected during the check and sig‐
naled by this error message.
● C0260 Incremental enc. emulator resol. cannot be displayed
→ In the case of incremental encoder emulation, inadmissible overflow can
occur for increment output. In order to avoid this overflow, P‑0‑0903 has
to be parameterized accordingly.
● C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S‑0‑0022)
→ For incremental encoder emulation in a double-axis device, it is not al‐
lowed to activate the emulator in both axes.

9.10 Programmable Position Switch

9.10.1 Brief Description
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop characteristic

Fig.9-91: Assignment to functional firmware package

706/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

The firmware function "programmable position switch" can be used instead of

a mechanical position switch that has to be externally mounted.
Features ● Realization of a maximum of 8 dynamic position switch points (switch
cams) in the position loop clock
● Freely selectable reference signals (P‑0‑0130) for generating the switch
cams, all 8 cams are referring to the same signal (P‑0‑0131)
● Switch-on and switch-off position can be separately parameterized via list
parameters (P‑0‑0132, P‑0‑0133); corresponding position switch bit can
be inverted by selecting the switch-on and switch-off threshold
● Lead time that can be separately parameterized via list parameter
(P‑0‑0134) for compensating internal processing times (dead time com‐
● 8 position switch bits displayed in the position switch status word
(P‑0‑0135) which can be assigned to digital outputs or cyclically transmit‐
ted via master communication interface
● Permanently defined switch hysteresis to avoid position switch bit flicker
when the switch-on or switch-off threshold is reached

"Programmable position switch" is a device function and therefore

only available once for double-axis devices!

Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0130, Position switch signal selection list

● P‑0‑0131, Position switch signal selection
● P‑0‑0132, Position switch switch-on threshold
● P‑0‑0133, Position switch switch-off thresholds
● P‑0‑0134, Position switch lead times
● P‑0‑0135, Position switch status word
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S‑0‑0022)

9.10.2 Functional Description

Basic Principle of Cam Generation
The basis of the "programmable position switch" function is the registration of
the information whether the selected reference value is within the range be‐
tween switch-on and switch-off threshold or not.

Fig.9-92: General functional principle of the programmable position switch

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 707/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

By setting the switch-on and switch-off threshold the corresponding

bit in the status word of the programmable position switch can be

We distinguish the following cases with regard to cam generation:

● Switch-on threshold < switch-off threshold
● Switch-on threshold > switch-off threshold
Switch-On Threshold Smaller than With "switch-on threshold < switch-off threshold" programmed, the position
Switch-Off Threshold switch bit is set in parameter "P‑0‑0135, Position switch status word", if:
● Reference value > switch-on threshold [i] → P‑0‑0131 > P‑0‑0132 [i]
- AND -
● Reference value < switch-off threshold [i] → P‑0‑0131 < P‑0‑0133 [i]

x_on switch-on threshold of position switch (P‑0‑0132)

x_off switch-off threshold of position switch (P‑0‑0133)
Fig.9-93: Position switch bit with "switch-on threshold < switch-off thresh‐
old" (P‑0‑0132 [i] < P‑0‑0133 [i])
Switch-On Threshold Greater than With "switch-on threshold > switch-off threshold" programmed, the position
Switch-Off Threshold switch bit is set in parameter "P‑0‑0135, Position switch status word", if:
● Reference value > switch-on threshold [i] → P‑0‑0131 > P‑0‑0132 [i]
- OR -
● Reference value < switch-off threshold [i] → P‑0‑0131 < P‑0‑0133 [i]

x_on switch-on threshold of position switch (P‑0‑0132)

x_off switch-off threshold of position switch (P‑0‑0133)
Fig.9-94: Position switch bit with "switch-on threshold > switch-off thresh‐
old" (P‑0‑0132 [i] > P‑0‑0133 [i])
Lead Time for Cam Generation
By setting a lead time the delay of an external switch element that is controlled
by a position switch bit can be compensated. To do this, a theoretical correction
value for the respective switch-on and switch-off threshold is calculated from
708/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

the programmed lead time and the current drive velocity. The position switch
bit switches by the lead time before reaching the corresponding threshold.

When using a lead time, the velocity of the drive in the (time) range
between theoretical and actual switch-on and switch-off thresholds
should be constant.

Fig.9-95: Functional principle "lead time" for programmable limit switch

9.10.3 Notes on Commissioning

General Information
The reference value selected in parameter "P‑0‑0131, Position
switch signal selection" applies to all 8 cams, only the switch-on/
switch-off thresholds and lead times can be individually parameter‐
ized for each cam!

Activating the Function and Signal Selection

To activate the position switch, the IDN of the parameter that maps the refer‐
ence signal has to be entered in parameter "P‑0‑0131, Position switch signal
The possible reference signals are given and listed in parameter "P‑0‑0130,
Position switch signal selection list".

The units and attributes of the parameters P‑0‑0132 or P‑0‑0133

(switch-on threshold/switch-off threshold) depend on the signals
selected in parameter "P‑0‑0131, Position switch signal selection"!

Inputting "S‑0‑0000" in parameter P‑0‑0131 deactivates the func‐


Activation for Double-Axis Devices For double-axis devices, the content of parameter P‑0‑0131 is available for both
axes, but the configuration for P‑0‑0131 may only be made in one axis at a time.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 709/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Configuring Switch-On/Switch-Off Thresholds and Lead Time

The switch-on and switch-off thresholds and the corresponding lead time are
parameterized via the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0132, Position switch switch-on threshold
● P‑0‑0133, Position switch switch-off thresholds
● P‑0‑0134, Position switch lead times
Each of these list parameters contains 8 elements, element 1 being provided
for position switch bit 1, element 2 for bit 2 etc.
Determining the Switch-On/Switch- According to the resolution of the measuring system, there must be a minimum
Off Thresholds distance between the switch-on and switch-off thresholds of the switch cams,
as a switch hysteresis is internally used for generating the cam signal. For an
MKD025 motor with 3-pin resolver this distance, for example, is at least 0.4°.
Setting the Lead Time Parameter "P‑0‑0134, Position switch lead times" always should be parame‐
terized completely (i.e. all 8 elements), even if the lead times are not used; if
necessary, a lead time of "0" has to be entered.

To compensate the internal processing dead time, a lead time of

t = TA_position has to be set!

9.10.4 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Status Message of the Individual Cams
The status of the individual cam bits is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0135, Po‐
sition switch status word". The cams, beginning with bit 0, are assigned in
ascending order (see Parameter Description P‑0‑0135).
Error Message
In order to avoid multiple activation for double-axis devices, a check is run in
the transition command P3 → P 4 to find out whether P‑0‑0131 ≠ S‑0‑0000 only
has been configured once for each axis. Otherwise, the error message "C0242
Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S‑0‑0022)" is generated!

9.11 Probe Function

9.11.1 Brief Description
Expansion package servo function (order code SRV) in closed-loop characteristic and
expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) in all designs

Fig.9-96: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

Features ● Up to 2 probe inputs per axis, depending on hardware design of control
section (CSH…, CSB…, CDB…)
● Measuring signals can be actual position values of motor encoder, exter‐
nal encoder or measuring encoder, in addition master axis position values
or cam shaft profile values
● Simultaneous storage of two measuring signals when probe signal only
via one probe input
● For control sections with only one probe input (rapid digital input), another
digital input can be used as probe input
● Measurement of absolute actual position values, of actual position value
differences, detection of time intervals between measuring signals
● Measurement triggered by positive and/or negative probe signal edges
710/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Single measurement or continuous measurement to be selected, meas‐
urement events are counted in the case of continuous measurement
● Position value range ("expectation window") per probe can be defined
within which measurement can take place (activation of a "failure coun‐
ter" when expectation window is passed through without measuring event)
● Quick stop triggered via probe input
● Sampling time for probe signals depends on performance which has been
set or is available:
– Approx. 0.0416 µs for Advanced performance
– Approx. 0.0833 µs for standard performance
– Approx. 0.1666 µs for Economy performance
Note: For sufficient noise immunity, signal edge reversal must last for at
least 4.0 μs in order to be safely detected!
● Accuracy of measurement depends on hardware design (see section
"Probe" in the documentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers; Proj‐
ect Planning Manual")
Hardware Requirements The probe function is only possible in conjunction with control sections which
have at least one "rapid" digital input. The rapid digital inputs are obligatory for
connecting probes.
By way of an exception, a second, slower digital input (standard digital input)
can be configured as probe input for BASIC control sections which have a
"rapid" digital input. Realize the assignment of this input for evaluation of
probe 2 by means of corresponding parameter setting (see below).
The following control section designs are available:
● No rapid digital input (→ probe function not possible):
● One rapid digital input and one slow digital input:
– CSB01.1C… → BASIC UNIVERSAL (single-axis)
● One rapid digital input per axis:
– CDB01.1C-… → BASIC UNIVERSAL (double-axis)
● Two rapid digital inputs:
– CSH01.1C-... → ADVANCED
– IndraDrive Mi
The terminal designations of the "rapid" digital inputs are contained in section
"I/O Extensions" in the documentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers;
Project Planning Manual".
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0130, Probe value 1 positive edge
● S‑0‑0131, Probe value 1 negative edge
● S‑0‑0132, Probe value 2 positive edge
● S‑0‑0133, Probe value 2 negative edge
● S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter
● S‑0‑0170, Probing cycle procedure command
● S‑0‑0179, Probe status
● S‑0‑0401, Probe 1
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 711/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● S‑0‑0402, Probe 2
● S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable
● S‑0‑0406, Probe 2 enable
● S‑0‑0409, Probe 1 positive latched
● S‑0‑0410, Probe 1 negative latched
● S‑0‑0411, Probe 2 positive latched
● S‑0‑0412, Probe 2 negative latched
● S‑0‑0426, Signal select probe 1
● S‑0‑0427, Signal select probe 2
● S‑0‑0428, Probe, IDN list signal selection
● P‑0‑0200, Start position probe function 2 active
● P‑0‑0201, End position probe function 2 active
● P‑0‑0202, Difference probe values 1
● P‑0‑0203, Difference probe values 2
● P‑0‑0204, Start position probe function 1 active
● P‑0‑0205, End position probe function 1 active
● P‑0‑0206, Probe 1, max. number of marker failures
● P‑0‑0207, Probe 2, max. number of marker failures
● P‑0‑0224, Probe 1, number of marker failures
● P‑0‑0225, Probe 2, number of marker failures
● P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word
● P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list
● P-0-0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers
● P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0250 Probe inputs incorrectly configured
● E8035 Quick stop with probe detection is active

9.11.2 Functional Description

General Probe Function
The probe input evaluates the voltage level of the probe signal in digital form,
i.e. only the signal states "high" (1) or "low" (0) are recognized. When the probe
is activated, the signal status changes; the probe input signals a rising (positive)
or falling (negative) switching edge.

The ranges of the signal levels for "high" (1) and "low" (0) of the "rapid"
digital inputs are described in the documentation "Project Planning Manual for
Control Sections".
Operating Principle of Probe-Rela‐ The figure below illustrates the operating principle of the probe-related param‐
ted Parameters eters.
712/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

S‑0‑0130 Probe value 1 positive edge

S‑0‑0131 Probe value 1 negative edge
S‑0‑0132 Probe value 2 positive edge
S‑0‑0133 Probe value 2 negative edge
S‑0‑0169 Probe control parameter
S‑0‑0170 Probing cycle procedure command
S‑0‑0401 Probe 1
S‑0‑0402 Probe 2
S‑0‑0405 Probe 1 enable
S‑0‑0406 Probe 2 enable
S‑0‑0409 Probe 1 positive latched
S‑0‑0410 Probe 1 negative latched
S‑0‑0411 Probe 2 positive latched
S‑0‑0412 Probe 2 negative latched
S‑0‑0426 Signal select probe 1
S‑0‑0427 Signal select probe 2
S‑0‑0428 Probe, IDN list signal selection
P‑0‑0202 Difference probe values 1
P‑0‑0203 Difference probe values 2
P‑0‑0226 Probe, extended control word
Fig.9-97: Overview and Operating Principle of Probe-Related Parameters
With active measured value detection (see below), the currently detected signal
status at the respective probe input is displayed in the following parameters:
● S‑0‑0401, Probe 1
● S‑0‑0402, Probe 2
If both probe evaluations are triggered via probe input 1 (to be configured in
parameter "P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word"), S‑0‑0402 is not written!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 713/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

The rapid digital inputs have to be assigned to the parameters

S‑0‑0401 and S‑0‑0402 (default setting of parameter "P‑0‑0300,
Digital I/Os, assignment list" etc.)!
If only one rapid digital input is available and another digital stand‐
ard input is to be used as probe input 2, this input has to be assigned
to bit 0 of parameter S‑0‑0402.
For assignment of digital inputs see "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

Activating the Measured Value De‐ A switching edge at the probe input can trigger the recording of a measured
tection value. Switching edges, however, only cause a measured value to be recorded
when the following requirements have been fulfilled:
● The presetting for measured value detection with positive and/or negative
switching edge at the respective probe input was activated in "S‑0‑0169,
Probe control parameter".
● The measured value detection was activated via "S‑0‑0170, Probing cycle
procedure command". The following options are available to do this:
– Directly write parameter S‑0‑0170 in the operating mode (OM)
– Set bit 8 in "S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter"
→ At the transition from parameter mode (PM) to operating mode
(OM), command S‑0‑0170 is automatically set (see Parameter De‐
scription S‑0‑0169)
● The respective probe input for measured value detection was enabled
(parameter "S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable" or "S‑0‑0406, Probe 2 enable").

Fig.9-98: Evaluating the Probe Signal Edges (Evaluation of Positive and Negative
Edges Activated in Parameter S‑0‑0169)
Mode of Measured Value Record‐ In parameter "S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter", it is possible to set, sepa‐
ing rately for probe 1 and probe 2, in which mode the measurement is to take place.
The measured value recording must have been activated.
714/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

The following enable modes are possible:
● Single measurement
→ After the respective probe has been enabled (S‑0‑0405 or S‑0‑0406), a
value is only recorded at the first measured value trigger. Before every
other measurement, repeated probe enable is required!
● Continuous measurement
After the respective probe has been enabled (S‑0‑0405 or S‑0‑0406), a
new measured value is recorded at each measured value trigger.
Time Measurement, Monitoring, Si‐ In addition, other modalities of measured value detection can be preset in pa‐
multaneous Triggering rameter "P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word":
● Switching from position measurement to time measurement.
● Limitation of a range for actual position values ("expectation window") in
which measurements can take place. A "trigger failure monitor" can be
activated for the "expectation window" which registers the passing through
of this range without probe event.
● Simultaneous triggering of both probe evaluations via probe input 1, e.g.
for simultaneous position and time measurement.
Selecting the Measuring Signal The selection of the signal the value of which is measured at the respective
measured value trigger takes place by entering the respective IDN in the cor‐
responding parameter
● S‑0‑0426, Signal select probe 1,
● S‑0‑0427, Signal select probe 2.
The IDNs of the parameters assigned to the selectable measuring signals are
listed in parameter "S‑0‑0428, Probe, IDN list signal selection":
● S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value
● S‑0‑0053, Position feedback 2 value
● P‑0‑0052, Actual position value of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0227, Cam shaft profile, access angle
● P‑0‑0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle
● P‑0‑0775, Resulting master axis position
● P‑0‑0776, Effective master axis position
Should the time measurement for a probe input have been activated in param‐
eter "P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word", the signal selection made for
this probe is inactive.

The time measurement is only relative! The generation of the meas‐

ured value difference (P‑0‑0202, P‑0‑0203, see below) therefore is
especially advantageous for the time measurement. Depending on
the available hardware and firmware, as well as the performance
setting in parameter "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis controller", the
following time differences can be measured (time in µs):
- Time differences up to 1000 s for Economy performance
- Time differences up to 1000 s for Basic performance
- Time differences up to 500 s for Advanced performance

Storing Measured Values and Depending on the switching edge of the probe signal that was activated as
Measured Value Differences measured value trigger (setting in S‑0‑0169), the measured value of the signal
selected from the list parameter S‑0‑0428 is stored in one of the following pa‐
● S‑0‑0130, Probe value 1 positive edge
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 715/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● S‑0‑0131, Probe value 1 negative edge

● S‑0‑0132, Probe value 2 positive edge
● S‑0‑0133, Probe value 2 negative edge
In the case of continuous measurement, as in the case of single measurement,
the difference from the last two measured values of the same probe, that were
measured with opposed (positive/negative/positive …) measured value trigger,
is always generated in addition (setting in S‑0‑0169). This difference is stored
in the corresponding parameter:
● P‑0‑0202, Difference probe values 1
● P‑0‑0203, Difference probe values 2
Measured Value Status With each measuring event, a status information is generated and incremented
for each probe, depending on the polarity of the respective measured value
trigger. This is particularly advantageous for continuous measurement in order
to detect new measuring events. This status information is stored in the corre‐
sponding parameter:
● S‑0‑0409, Probe 1 positive latched
● S‑0‑0410, Probe 1 negative latched
● S‑0‑0411, Probe 2 positive latched
● S‑0‑0412, Probe 2 negative latched

By integration of the probe status information and the measured

values or measured value differences in the cyclic data of the mas‐
ter communication, the current measuring processes are signaled
to the control master and the corresponding measured values are

Accuracy The controller generates the actual position values, depending on the available
hardware and firmware as well as the performance setting in "P‑0‑0556, Config
word of axis controller", on a fixed time base:
● 1000 μs for Economy performance
● 500 μs for Basic performance
● 250 μs for Advanced performance
The actual position value or relative time value corresponding to the time of the
signal edge is determined by linear interpolation between the last and the next
actual position value or relative time value generated by the controller.
Depending on the hardware, a certain dead time is added to signal edge de‐
tection. This dead time is partly compensated by the firmware. The accuracy of
measurement depends on hardware design; this is described in section
"Probe" in the documentation "Control Sections for Drive Controllers; Project
Planning Manual".
Restart or Deactivation of Meas‐ A restart of the single measurement or the continuous measurement is trig‐
ured Value Recording gered by resetting (1 → 0) and repeated setting (0 → 1) of the parameters for
probe enable:
● S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable
● S‑0‑0406, Probe 2 enable
When doing this, the following data are cleared:
● Information on probe value trigger status (S‑0‑0409/S‑0‑0410 or
S‑0-0411/S‑0‑0412) and bits for respective probe in parameter "S‑0‑0179,
Probe status"
716/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● Counter in parameter "P‑0‑0224, Probe 1, number of marker failures" or
"P‑0‑0225, Probe 2, number of marker failures" (see below)

By activating or deactivating the probe evaluation ("S‑0‑0170, Prob‐

ing cycle procedure command" or via corresponding bit in
"S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter"), reinitialization (resetting all
bits in parameter "S‑0‑0179, Probe status") is carried out.
Using the "Expectation Window" The position range of an axis or shaft within which probe signal edges cause
measured values to be recorded can be limited. In the case of limitation, meas‐
ured value trigger signals are only expected within position limits that can be
set, this range is therefore called "expectation window". The measured value
detection limited to the "expectation window" is activated in parameter
"P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word".
Detecting marker failures with activated "expectation window":
● If the actual position value is outside of the "expectation window", probe
signal edges do not cause measured values to be recorded!
If there hasn't any "marker" causing a measured value trigger been de‐
tected after completely passing through the "expectation window" (both
position limits exceeded), this status can be stored and displayed in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑0224, Probe 1, number of marker failures" or "P‑0‑0225,
Probe 2, number of marker failures". For this purpose, it is necessary to
activate the option "marker failure monitoring" in parameter P‑0‑0226! In
case of recurrence, the value of P‑0‑0224 or P‑0‑0225 is incremented.
When the value of P‑0‑0224 or P‑0‑0225 has reached a threshold that the
user can set ("P‑0‑0206, Probe 1, max. number of marker failures" or
"P‑0‑0207, Probe 2, max. number of marker failures"), one bit per probe
is set in parameter "S‑0‑0179, Probe status".
● By registering a measured value trigger within the "expectation window",
the value in parameter "P‑0‑0224, Probe 1, number of marker failures" or
"P‑0‑0225, Probe 2, number of marker failures" is cleared.

The "expectation window" cannot be used with "time measure‐


Marker Detection The requirement for detecting a "marker" is determined by activating positive
and/or negative signal edge for probe 1 or probe 2. A "marker" is detected when,
while the measuring signal was passing through the complete "expectation
window", the following event occurred depending on the setting in parameter
"S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter":
● At "activation negative edge of probe", a negative signal edge was detec‐
● At "activation positive edge of probe", a positive signal edge was detected
● At "activation positive and negative edge of probe", positive and negative
signal edges were detected

When the measuring signal only enters the "expectation window"

and leaves it on the same side, all detected signal edges are
cleared. The parameter values of the marker failure counters
P‑0‑0224 and P‑0‑0225, however, aren't changed!

Setting the Expectation Window The limitation values for the "expectation window" are set in the following pa‐
Setting for probe 1:
● P‑0‑0204, Start position probe function 1 active
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 717/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑0205, End position probe function 1 active
Setting for probe 2:
● P‑0‑0200, Start position probe function 2 active
● P‑0‑0201, End position probe function 2 active
The "expectation window" has to cover a minimum range so that at least one
actual position value generation can take place within the window after the
probe signal edge has been detected:

smin Minimum value for "expectation window"

P‑0‑0205 End position probe function 1 active
P‑0‑0204 Start position probe function 1 active
P‑0‑0201 End position probe function 2 active
P‑0‑0200 Start position probe function 2 active
vmax Maximum velocity of the axis with activated measured value detection
(select time reference of v-unit as for Δt–unit!)
Δt 1.00 × 10^-3 s for Economy performance; 0.50 × 10^-3 s for Basic per‐
formance; 0.25 × 10^-3 s for Advanced performance (see P‑0‑0556)
Fig.9-99: Determining the Minimum Value for the "Expectation Window"
In the case of modulo scaling of the position data, a maximum value for the
"expectation window" mustn't be exceeded, as otherwise it exceeds the modulo
value range and therefore is without effect:

smax Maximum value for "expectation window"

smin Minimum value for "expectation window"
S‑0‑0103 Modulo value
Fig.9-100: Determining the Maximum Value for the "Expectation Window" With
Modulo Scaling
Quick Stop via Probe Input
The edge reversal of a digital voltage signal can trigger the quick stop of an
axis, if the drive is ready for this action. For quick stop, a velocity command
value reset is internally triggered which causes the axis to decelerate. The fol‐
lowing conditions are taken into account in this case:
● The current torque/force limit value for drives in closed-loop operation
● The maximum stator frequency slope (P-0-0569) for drives in U/f operation
or in sensorless, flux-controlled motor operation
When the drive has detected the quick stop signal, it ignores the setting of
command values by the control master, decelerates in a drive-controlled way
and remains in a drive-internal operating mode until the readiness for quick stop
is reset.
To keep the delay between edge reversal of the signal and triggering of quick
stop as short as possible, the rapid digital input for probe 1 is used for this
The rapid digital input (probe input 1) evaluates the voltage level of the stop
signal in digital form, i.e. only the signal states "high" (1) or "low" (0) are rec‐
Quick stop is triggered at a rising (positive) switching edge.
718/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

The ranges of the signal levels for "high" (1) and "low" (0) of the "rapid"
digital inputs are described in the section "I/O Extensions" in the documentation
"Control Sections for Drive Controllers; Project Planning Manual".
Operating Principle of Relevant Pa‐ The figure below illustrates the interaction of the parameters relevant for quick
rameters stop via probe input:

S‑0‑0130 Probe value 1 positive edge

S‑0‑0169 Probe control parameter
S‑0‑0170 Probing cycle procedure command
S‑0‑0401 Probe 1
S‑0‑0405 Probe 1 enable
S‑0‑0409 Probe 1 positive latched
S‑0‑0426 Signal select probe 1
S‑0‑0428 Probe, IDN list signal selection
Fig.9-101: Overview and Operating Principle of Parameters Relevant for Quick
Stop via Probe
The currently detected signal status at the rapid digital input is displayed in
parameter "S‑0‑0401, Probe 1", when readiness for quick stop (see below) is

The rapid digital input (probe 1) must have been assigned to pa‐
rameter S‑0‑0401 (default setting of "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, as‐
signment list" etc.)!
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"

Selecting the Measuring Signal The status variable the value of which is measured when the quick stop edge
is read, is selected by inputting the respective IDN in parameter "S‑0‑0426,
Signal select probe 1".
The IDNs of the selectable parameters assigned to the status variables are
listed in "S‑0‑0428, Probe, IDN list signal selection".
Storing Measured Values The value of the signal selected from list parameter S‑0‑0428 is stored in pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0130, Probe value 1 positive edge" when the signal edge occurs.
Activating the Readiness for Quick A positive switching edge (0 → 1) at the rapid digital input (probe input 1) triggers
Stop quick stop, when the following conditions have been fulfilled:
● Readiness for quick stop was activated by:
– Starting "S‑0‑0170, Probing cycle procedure command"
- or -
– Setting the bit "activation of probe function" in "S‑0‑0169, Probe con‐
trol parameter"
● Enabling of rapid digital input (probe 1) for signal evaluation in parameter
"S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 719/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Fig.9-102: Evaluating the Signal for the Quick Stop Function

Executing the Quick Stop Function The readiness for quick stop and the detection of the quick stop signal internally
trigger the speed command value reset which causes the axis to be shut down.
This happens taking the following values into account:
● The current torque/force limit value for drives in closed-loop operation
● The maximum stator frequency slope (P‑0‑0569) for drives in open-loop
In the case of quick stop, the drive ignores the setting of command values by
the control master, decelerates in a drive-controlled way and remains in a drive-
internal operating mode until the readiness for quick stop is reset. The drive
signals quick stop by the message "E8035 Quick stop with probe detection is
Behavior After Deactivation of At deactivation of the readiness for quick stop, the drive leaves the quick stop
Quick Stop Function status and again follows the command value of the control master.

9.11.3 Notes on Commissioning

Commissioning the Probe Function
Presettings Make the following settings in "S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter":
● Evaluation of probe signal edge as measured value trigger
● Select enabling mode of probe (single measurement or continuous meas‐
Make further settings in parameter "P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word":
● Activation of expectation window and failure monitor
● Activation of time measurement
● Simultaneous triggering of both probe evaluations by probe 1
How to assign a digital standard input to parameter "S‑0‑0402, Probe 2", if the
rapid digital input (maybe the only one available) is not sufficient:
● In parameter "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list", assign the respec‐
tive digital input to parameter S‑0‑0402
720/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● In parameter "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers", enter the bit number
(bit 0) to be written in parameter S‑0‑0402
● Configure connection of the digital input/output as input via parameter
"P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction", if it is bidirectional
Select measuring signals from "S‑0‑0428, Probe, IDN list signal selection"; en‐
ter the selected parameters in:
● S‑0‑0426, Signal select probe 1
● S‑0‑0427, Signal select probe 2
Activating the Measurement The measured value detection can be activated via:
● "S‑0‑0170, Probing cycle procedure command" (only in operating mode)
- or -
● "S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter" (bit 8)
→ S‑0‑0170 is automatically activated during transition "PM → OM"

As an alternative to the activation via bit 8 of parameter S‑0‑0169,

you can set, via bit 9 of parameter "P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended
control word", the automatic activation of the command "probing
cycle procedure" (S‑0‑0170) during the transition PM → OM.
As of firmware version MPx05, this functionality of bit 9 of the pa‐
rameter P‑0‑0226 is not available anymore!

Then enable the probe input for triggering the measured value recording:
● S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable
● S‑0‑0406, Probe 2 enable
Single Measurement Every repeated "single measurement" has to be enabled by resetting and re‐
peatedly setting S‑0‑0405 or S‑0‑0406.
Continuous Measurement If enabling of the probes via S‑0‑0405 or S‑0‑0406 has been set with "contin‐
uous measurement", a measured value is stored at every measured value
trigger. How many measured values were stored by positive or negative trigger
of the respective probe, is contained in the status information on the measured
value trigger (see below "Identifying the Measured Value Detection").
Identifying the Measured Value De‐ When a measuring event took place, the measured value trigger status is up‐
tection dated, i.e. the value of the respective parameter is incremented, starting with
the value "0":
● S‑0‑0409, Probe 1 positive latched
● S‑0‑0410, Probe 1 negative latched
● S‑0‑0411, Probe 2 positive latched
● S‑0‑0412, Probe 2 negative latched
The corresponding measured value is stored in:
● S‑0‑0130, Probe value 1 positive edge
● S‑0‑0131, Probe value 1 negative edge
● S‑0‑0132, Probe value 2 positive edge
● S‑0‑0133, Probe value 2 negative edge
In addition, after recording of a new measured value, the difference from the
measured values of the positive and negative edges is automatically generated
and the absolute value is stored:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 721/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑0202 Difference probe values 1

S‑0‑0130 Probe value 1 positive edge
S‑0‑0131 Probe value 1 negative edge
P‑0‑0203 Difference probe values 2
P‑0‑0132 Probe value 2 positive edge
P‑0‑0133 Probe value 2 negative edge
Fig.9-103: Subtraction of the Measured Values

The differences from the measured values of the positive and neg‐
ative edges are always generated, even if only one edge polarity
has been activated for the measured value trigger! The differences
are then generated compared to the value "0".
Setting the "Expectation Window" Set the limits of the "expectation window" taking the minimum value and, if
necessary, the maximum value (for modulo scaling) into account. The "expect‐
ation window" must have been activated in parameter P‑0‑0226.
Setting for probe 1:
● P‑0‑0204, Start position probe function 1 active
● P‑0‑0205, End position probe function 1 active
Setting for probe 2:
● P‑0‑0200, Start position probe function 2 active
● P‑0‑0201, End position probe function 2 active
If "marker failure monitoring" has been activated (P‑0‑0226), the number of
times the "expectation window" is passed through without marker detection is
displayed in:
● P‑0‑0224, Probe 1, number of marker failures
● P‑0‑0225, Probe 2, number of marker failures
The user can set a threshold for the counted marker failures:
● P‑0‑0206, Probe 1, max. number of marker failures
● P‑0‑0207, Probe 2, max. number of marker failures
When the number of marker failures has reached the threshold, the respective
bit is set in:
● S‑0‑0179, Probe status
Resetting The measuring data, the measured value trigger status and the information on
the marker failure are cleared by writing data to:
● S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable → write value "0"
● S‑0‑0406, Probe 2 enable → write value "0"
● S‑0‑0170, Probing cycle procedure command
All detected information on failed markers is cleared by writing data to:
● P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word
Commissioning Quick Stop via Probe Input
Requirements The probe function must have been parameterized for probe 1 with evaluation
of positive edge (see "General Probe Function").
To use quick stop, additionally make the following setting in parameter
"P‑0‑0226, Probe, extended control word":
722/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

● Set bit for activation "quick stop via probe input 1"
From "S‑0‑0428, Probe, IDN list signal selection", you can select the parameter
of the measuring signal the value of which is stored when the quick stop signal
is read. Enter the selected parameter in:
● S‑0‑0426, Signal select probe 1
Activating the Readiness for Quick With the corresponding presetting, the readiness for quick stop can now be
Stop activated via the enable signal of the rapid digital input (probe 1) by setting:
● S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable
Measured Value at Quick Stop Re‐ When quick stop is executed, the measured value belonging to the quick stop
quest signal edge is stored in:
● S‑0‑0130, Probe value 1 positive edge
Deactivation The quick stop situation or the readiness for quick stop is deactivated by
● Resetting "S‑0‑0405, Probe 1 enable"
- or -
● Deactivating "S‑0‑0170, Probing cycle procedure command"
- or -
● Resetting bit 8 in "S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter"
→ Function only deactivated when changing to parameter mode

If the control master operates the drive in cyclic position control, set
the actual position value of the drive as start value for the cyclic
position command values, when the quick stop function is deacti‐

9.12 Measuring Encoder

9.12.1 Brief Description
Expansion package synchronization (order code SNC) of variants MPH, MPB and
MPD in closed-loop and open-loop characteristic

Fig.9-104: Assignment to Functional Firmware Package

Position Measurement Measuring encoders are used for position evaluation of a rotary motion that
takes effect as a command variable for drive control. The actual position value
of the measuring encoder therefore is of command value nature for drive con‐
trol, the measuring encoder acts as a master axis encoder, for example.
Evaluating Position Measurement Depending on its design and the mechanical arrangement at the axis, the
measuring encoder can be evaluated as
● Relative encoder (incremental encoder)
- or -
● Absolute encoder (absolute value encoder).
Relative Position Measurement In the case of relative position measurement, only position differences can be
evaluated by means of the measuring system. The actual position values sig‐
naled by the measuring system refer to the (mostly undefined) position at the
time the drive is switched on. If the actual position value is to refer to an axis or
shaft, it is necessary to establish position data reference ("homing").
Absolute Position Measurement In the case of absolute position measurement, the encoder signals actual po‐
sition values with a fixed encoder-dependent reference point to the controller.
After the drive is switched on, the correct actual position value is immediately
available for each axis or shaft position. Due to the mostly undefined mounting
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 723/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

situation of the encoder, it is necessary during initial commissioning to once
adjust the actual position value to the axis or shaft ("set absolute measuring").
Precision, Resolution The precision of the position measurement depends on
● the resolution of the measuring system (division periods = DP),
● the absolute encoder precision,
● the digitalization quality of the analog encoder signals,
● the size of the selected modulo range of the encoder.
Monitoring Functions The correct position information of the measuring encoder is required for correct
recording of a command variable. The encoder signals are therefore monitored
for validity and compliance with the allowed tolerances.
In addition, it is possible to monitor drives with an encoder that can be evaluated
in absolute form for compliance with the position when switching on compared
to the last time the drive was switched off.
See "Monitoring the Measuring Systems"
Hardware Requirements For connecting the measuring systems to the controller, the control section has
to be equipped with the corresponding interfaces. Parameter "P‑0‑0079, As‐
signment measuring encoder ->optional slot" is used to determine the interface
to which the respective encoder is connected.
For controllers with a double-axis control section (CDB01.1-...), it is only pos‐
sible to assign a measuring encoder to one axis. The assignment is made in
parameter "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring encoder). If a measuring en‐
coder was assigned to both axes, an error message will be displayed!

See also separate documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections;

Project Planning Manual"
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0052, Actual position value of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring encoder)
● P‑0‑0079, Assignment measuring encoder->optional slot
● P‑0‑0087, Actual position value offset of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0097, Absolute encoder monitoring window for measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0127, Input revolutions of measuring gear
● P‑0‑0128, Output revolutions of measuring gear
● P‑0‑0179, Absolute encoder buffer 3 (measuring encoder)
● P‑0‑0326, Multiplication of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0327, Encoder resolution of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0328, Type of position encoder for measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0329, Smoothing of actual position value 3 of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0330, Control word of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0331, Status of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0332, Actual velocity value of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0334, Absolute encoder range of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0347, Encoder 3, cosine signal
● P‑0‑0348, Encoder 3, sine signal
● P‑0‑0765, Modulo factor measuring encoder
● P‑0‑1020, Kind of encoder 3, encoder memory
● P‑0‑1021, Encoder 3 resolution, encoder memory
724/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑1022, Absolute encoder offset 3, encoder memory
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0161 Incorr. parameterization of measuring enc. (hardware)
● C0162 Measuring encoder unknown
● C0163 Modulo value for measuring encoder cannot be displayed
● C0227 Error when initializing position of measuring encoder
● C0228 Initialization velocity measuring encoder too high
● E2076 Measuring encoder: encoder signals disturbed
● F2043 Measuring encoder: encoder signals incorrect
● F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window
● F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference
● F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder

9.12.2 Functional Description

Basics on Measuring Encoder, Resolution
The measuring encoder is mechanically connected to an axis or shaft and de‐
tects its position data. These position data can be used as measured values or
command variable, but not as control variable.
Encoders to be Used Only rotary encoders can be used as measuring encoders. The possible en‐
coders are listed in parameter "P‑0‑0076, Encoder 3 (measuring encoder)".
Scaling of Measuring Encoder Po‐ The scaling of the position data generated with a measuring encoder is rotary
sition Data and axis- or shaft-related. Due to the infinite motion range of the measuring
encoder and the limited value range of the position data, modulo scaling is set
See also "Scaling of Physical Data"
The modulo range can only be selected as an integral multiple of an axis- or
shaft-side revolution and has an upper limit:

n Number of revolutions at axis or shaft

P‑0‑0765 Modulo factor measuring encoder
Fig.9-105: Modulo Range at Axis or Shaft
Absolute Precision of Measuring The absolute precision is a feature of the encoder and is determined by its
Encoder construction and the quality of its components. The data for the absolute pre‐
cision are indicated by the manufacturer.
Resolution (Division Periods) The resolution of the measuring system (division periods or cycles per encoder
revolution) is input in parameter
● P‑0‑0327, Encoder resolution of measuring encoder.
Maximum Measuring Encoder Res‐ The analog encoder signals are converted to digital position data via A/D con‐
olution After Digitalization verter. This increases the resolution of the position data available for the axis
compared to the resolution of the measuring system (see above)!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 725/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑0327 Encoder resolution of measuring encoder

Fig.9-106: Maximum Possible Encoder Resolution of Measuring Encoder per En‐
coder Revolution
Value Range of Position Data The value range of the position data of the measuring encoder depends on the
modulo factor of the measuring encoder (P‑0‑0765):

n Number of revolutions at axis or shaft

P‑0‑0765 Modulo factor measuring encoder
Fig.9-107: Modulo Value Range at Axis or Shaft
Depending on "P‑0‑0327, Encoder resolution of measuring encoder" and the
gear ratio of the measuring encoder (P‑0‑0127, P‑0‑0128), a multiple of position
data results from one division period of the measuring encoder due to digitali‐
zation. By adjusted multiplication, the available range of measuring encoder
position data of (230-1) values is observed.
Drive-Internal Resolution of Meas‐ The resulting drive-internal encoder resolution is as follows:
uring Encoder Position Data

P‑0‑0326 Multiplication of measuring encoder

P‑0‑0327 Encoder resolution of measuring encoder
P‑0‑0128 Output revolutions of measuring gear
P‑0‑0127 Input revolutions of measuring gear
P‑0‑0327 Encoder resolution of measuring encoder
P‑0‑0765 Modulo factor measuring encoder
n Number of revolutions at axis or shaft
Fig.9-108: Drive-Internal Measuring Encoder Resolution

The multiplication of the measuring encoder (P‑0‑0326) is deter‐

mined automatically and drive-internally!

Encoder Dimensioning The multiplication value (P‑0‑0326) calculated according to the formulas "drive-
internal measuring encoder resolution" characterizes the encoder dimension‐
726/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

P‑0‑0326 Multiplication of measuring encoder

P‑0‑0327 Encoder resolution of measuring encoder
Fig.9-109: Checking the Selected Resolution and Determining the Ideal Resolution
for the Measuring Encoder

The value of P‑0‑0326 calculated according to the formulas "drive-

internal measuring encoder resolution" normally will never be ex‐
actly 215 (= 32768). With results that are, depending on the encoder,
as little as possible greater than 215, the conditions with regard to
the selected number of cycles and the possibilities of encoder eval‐
uation are ideal!

Real Resolution of Measuring En‐ The lower value from "drive-internal resolution of master axis position data" and
coder "maximum measuring encoder resolution after digitalization" is the real resolu‐
tion of the position data.
Smoothing the Actual Measuring The actual position value of the measuring encoder (P‑0‑0052) can be smooth‐
Encoder Position Value ed via a filter. The time constant of smoothing is entered in parameter
"P‑0‑0329, Smoothing of actual position value 3 of measuring encoder".
Smoothing can also be deactivated (see Parameter Description).
Velocity of the Axis or Shaft to be The velocity of the axis or shaft to be measured is displayed in parameter
Measured "P‑0‑0332, Actual velocity value of measuring encoder". The scaling of the ve‐
locity is axis or shaft revolutions per minute.
Monitoring Functions for Measuring Encoder
For the measuring encoder there are signal monitoring functions that are cor‐
responding to the monitoring functions for motor encoder and optional encoder.
The drive, however, outputs warnings or error messages specific to the meas‐
uring encoder.
See "Monitoring the Measuring Systems"
Signal Monitoring for Sine Encod‐ For signal monitoring of sine encoders as measuring encoders the following
ers diagnostic messages can be generated:
● E2076 Measuring encoder: encoder signals disturbed
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 727/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

● F2043 Measuring encoder: encoder signals incorrect
Monitoring the Axis or Shaft Posi‐ When the drive is switched off, the current encoder data of an absolute meas‐
tion uring encoder are stored in parameter
● P‑0‑0179, Absolute encoder buffer 3 (measuring encoder).
When switching on a drive with an absolute measuring encoder, a check is run
to determine in how far the current actual position value of the measuring en‐
coder differs from the actual position value at the time the drive was switched
off the last time. The maximum allowed difference is determined in parameter
● P‑0‑0097, Absolute encoder monitoring window for measuring encoder.
If the difference exceeds the determined value, the following error message is
● F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window
This monitoring function can be deactivated!
Monitoring the Position Data Refer‐ The position data reference of a measuring encoder that can be evaluated in
ence absolute form gets lost after the following measures have been taken:
● Change of parameter values of mechanical connection
● Change of encoder resolution
● Change of modulo range
● Replacement of measuring encoder
During the transition from communication phase "P2" to "P4" (bb), the drive
recognizes that the former position data reference of the encoder does no lon‐
ger exist. It sets "P‑0‑0331, Status of measuring encoder" to "not homed" and
signals the loss of position data reference by the error message "F2176 Loss
of measuring encoder reference".
Establishing the Position Data Reference to the Axis or Shaft
Procedures for Establishing the Position Data Reference
Whether absolute evaluation is possible or not depends on the encoder type
(P‑0‑0076, P‑0‑0327), the resolution of the measuring encoder and on the
modulo range that was set (P‑0‑0765). This is displayed by a bit in parameter
"P‑0‑0328, Type of position encoder for measuring encoder".

The value range of position data, that can be displayed in absolute

form, of the encoder used is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0334, Ab‐
solute encoder range of measuring encoder". If the value range of
the measuring encoder determined by the modulo factor is smaller,
absolute evaluation is possible!

Depending on relative or absolute evaluation of the measuring encoder, the

controller makes available different procedures for establishing the position
data reference. Depending on the kind of evaluation there are the following
● "Set absolute measuring" for measuring encoders to be evaluated in ab‐
solute form
● "Homing" for measuring encoders to be evaluated in relative form

After having successfully established the position data reference,

the actual position value refers to the axis or shaft. The measuring
encoder then is "in reference" or has been "homed".
728/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

When the position data reference is established, the actual position val‐
ue of the measuring encoder can change abruptly!
⇒ If the actual position value is used as the command variable of the drive, the
CAUTION control master has to take this into account when establishing the position data

Establishing Position Data Reference for Measuring Encoder to be Eval‐

uated in Absolute Form
Activating "Set Absolute Measur‐ The position data reference of a measuring encoder to be evaluated in absolute
ing" form (see respective bits of P‑0‑0328) to an axis or shaft is established by
"P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring".
As it is possible to connect several encoders to be evaluated in absolute form
to the controller, the absolute encoder to be homed is selected by a bit in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑0612, Control word for setting absolute measuring". The com‐
mand "set absolute measuring" only takes effect for the selected encoder.
Dedicated Position By starting the "set absolute measuring" command, the previous incremental
actual position value of the measuring encoder at a dedicated position of the
axis or shaft is set to a defined value. The dedicated position corresponds to
the current axis position at the start of the command.
The new actual position value at the dedicated position after "set absolute
measuring" is the value of parameter "P‑0‑0087, Actual position value offset of
measuring encoder".

P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder

P‑0‑0087 Actual position value offset of measuring encoder
Fig.9-110: Actual Position Value of the Measuring Encoder After "Set Absolute
Storing the Absolute Encoder Off‐ In order that an encoder to be evaluated in absolute form maintains the position
set data reference to the axis or shaft after "set absolute measuring", the absolute
encoder offset is stored in the encoder data memory ("P‑0‑1022, Absolute en‐
coder offset 3, encoder memory") and in the parameter memory ("P‑0‑0179,
Absolute encoder buffer 3 (measuring encoder)").

Storing the absolute encoder offset in the encoder data memory

and in the parameter memory allows recognizing whether the ab‐
solute encoder that had been homed was replaced!

Storage Mode If the command "set absolute measuring" is cyclically used in the operational
sequence, it makes sense to store the absolute encoder offset temporarily only.
This kind of storage does not affect the service life of the encoder data memory
and the parameter memory. In parameter "S‑0‑0269, Storage mode", it is pos‐
sible to select whether parameter values are to be stored permanently or

When the absolute encoder offset is stored temporarily, the meas‐

uring encoder loses the position data reference to the axis when the
controller is switched off or when the parameter mode ("P2") is ac‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 729/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Sequence of "Set Absolute Meas‐ For the measuring encoder, the command "set absolute measuring" can only
uring" be activated when the drive is ready for operation but inactive ("bb", "AB").
When the "set absolute measuring" command is started, the reference of the
selected encoder is cleared first ("P‑0‑0331, Status of measuring encoder").
After the reference was cleared, the new actual position value ("P‑0‑0087, Ac‐
tual position value offset of measuring encoder") takes effect immediately and
the reference bit is set again.
Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Encoder
Activating the Homing Procedure The position data reference of a relative measuring encoder to an axis or shaft
is established by means of a reference mark signal of the encoder. To do this,
it is first necessary to activate the reference mark evaluation for the measuring
encoder in the respective bit of "P‑0‑0330, Control word of measuring encoder".
If the reference mark evaluation is still active, it first has to be deactivated and
then activated again.

In the case of rotary encoders, reference mark signals usually occur

once per encoder revolution!

Dedicated Position When the reference mark signal is read the next time, the previous, encoder-
related actual position value at a dedicated position of the axis or shaft is set to
a defined value. The dedicated position corresponds to the current axis position
at the occurrence of the reference mark signal.

When reference mark evaluation has been activated, only the ref‐
erence mark that was read first is evaluated, other reference marks
are ignored!

The new actual position value at the dedicated position after the homing pro‐
cedure is the value of parameter "P‑0‑0087, Actual position value offset of
measuring encoder".

P‑0‑0052 Actual position value of measuring encoder

P‑0‑0087 Actual position value offset of measuring encoder
Fig.9-111: Actual Position Value of the Measuring Encoder After Homing Proce‐
When the position reference of the measuring encoder has been successfully
established, this is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0331, Status of measuring en‐
coder". The reference mark evaluation for the measuring encoder should then
be deactivated in the respective bit of parameter "P‑0‑0330, Control word of
measuring encoder"!

When a measuring encoder gear is used, the occurrence of the

reference mark of the encoder with reference to the actual position
value of the axis or shaft to be measured mostly isn't unequivocal!
On the control side, it is necessary to make sure that the reference
mark evaluation is activated at the appropriate axis or shaft position
(identification via initiator or the like)!

Shifting the Position Data Reference

Operating Principle Shifting the position data reference affects the current actual position value of
the measuring encoder connected to the drive. Whether the current actual po‐
730/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

sition value has position data reference to the axis or not is irrelevant for the
shifting of the position data reference! The shifting is triggered on the master
side by writing "P‑0‑0087, Actual position value offset of measuring encoder"
and is immediately carried out on the drive side.

The reference status of the actual position values is not affected by

the shifting of the position data reference.

When the drive is switched on the first time, the offset, set by the current value
of P‑0‑0087, with regard to the original actual position value of the measuring
encoder takes immediate effect.
If the position data reference is shifted several times in succession, each new
value in P‑0‑0087 refers to the original actual position value of the measuring
encoder, i.e. the shifted values do not act in an additive way!
Resetting the Offset The offset of the position data reference is reset by entering the old value (be‐
fore the value was shifted) in parameter P‑0‑0087.

9.12.3 Notes on Commissioning

Configuration and Setting
Configuring the Controller The optional interfaces have to be assigned to the measuring encoder con‐
● P‑0‑0079, Assignment measuring encoder->optional slot
Configuring the Encoder Setting the measuring encoder type:
● P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring encoder)
Setting the resolution (number of lines, division period) of the measuring en‐
● P‑0‑0327, Encoder resolution of measuring encoder
Setting the type of encoder and the rotational direction of the measuring en‐
● P‑0‑0328, Type of position encoder for measuring encoder
Setting the Modulo Value Range Entering modulo range of the axis or shaft to be measured:
● P‑0‑0765, Modulo factor measuring encoder
Message if the entered value is too high:
● C0163 Modulo value for measuring encoder cannot be displayed
Setting the Smoothing of Actual Po‐ Setting or deactivating the time constant of the smoothing:
sition Value
● P‑0‑0329, Smoothing of actual position value 3 of measuring encoder
Possibility of Absolute Evaluation and Position Monitor (Position When Drive Switched On)
Checking Possibility of Absolute Checking absolute encoder range of measuring encoder:
● P‑0‑0334, Absolute encoder range of measuring encoder

The scaling of parameter P‑0‑0334 is incremental!

When the value range (modulo) is smaller than the absolute encoder range of
the measuring encoder, it can be evaluated as absolute encoder. This is dis‐
played in the respective bit of the parameter
● P‑0‑0328, Type of position encoder for measuring encoder.
By means of this parameter, it is possible to deactivate the absolute evaluation
of an encoder. The actual position values then are only relative, i.e. the encoder
has to be homed again each time the machine is restarted or the drive changes
to communication phase "P2"!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 731/886
and Controls

Optional Device Functions

Setting the Axis or Shaft Position If position monitoring of the axis or shaft to be measured is required when the
Monitor (Only With Absolute En‐ drive is switched on, enter the threshold value for the error message in param‐
coder) eter
● P‑0‑0097, Absolute encoder monitoring window for measuring encoder.

Incremental scaling! The threshold of the error message depends

on application-specific aspects of operational safety. The monitor
is deactivated by the value "0"!

If the change of actual position value between the switching off and switching
on is greater than the threshold value that was set, the following error message
is generated:
● F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window
Information on Measuring Encoder Current information on measuring encoder and position evaluation is stored in
and Position Evaluation the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0052, Actual position value of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0331, Status of measuring encoder
● P‑0‑0326, Multiplication of measuring encoder

When parameter P‑0‑0326 has the value "32768", encoder evalu‐

ation is ideal!

Establishing Position Data Reference for Measuring Encoder to be Evaluated in Absolute Form
Making the Presetting Make the presetting for "set absolute measuring" by determining the measuring
encoder for "set absolute measuring" in parameter "P‑0‑0612, Control word for
setting absolute measuring".
Actual Position Value at Dedicated Determine the actual position value at the dedicated position in parameter
● P‑0‑0087, Actual position value offset of measuring encoder.
Executing "Set Absolute Measur‐ Start "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring"; after its execution
ing" the command has to be cleared again.
See also "Basic Functions of Master Communication: Command Processing"
Checking the Position Data Refer‐ The position status of the measuring encoder is displayed in parameter
● P‑0‑0331, Status of measuring encoder.
Loss of Reference If the position data reference of the measuring encoder evaluated in absolute
form got lost, the following message appears:
● F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference.
The position data reference has to be established again!
Establishing Position Data Reference for Relative Measuring Encoder
Activating Homing Procedure of Activate reference mark detection in the respective bit of parameter
Measuring Encoder
● P‑0‑0330, Control word of measuring encoder.
Actual Position Value at Dedicated Determine the actual position value at the dedicated position in parameter
● P‑0‑0087, Actual position value offset of measuring encoder.
Checking Position Data Reference The reference mark signal first read sets the actual position value of the meas‐
and Deactivating Homing Proce‐ uring encoder in reference. This is displayed in parameter
● P‑0‑0331, Status of measuring encoder.
Shifting the Position Data Reference
Master-side writing of parameter
732/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Optional Device Functions

● P‑0‑0087, Actual position value offset of measuring encoder.

Shifting the position data reference already takes effect as of communication
phase "P2".
The shifting of the actual position values can be checked in parameter
● P‑0‑0052, Actual position value of measuring encoder.
Other Diagnostic Messages Relevant to Measuring Encoder
● C0161 Incorr. parameterization of measuring enc. (hardware)
● C0162 Measuring encoder unknown
● C0227 Error when initializing position of measuring encoder
● C0228 Initialization velocity measuring encoder too high
● E2076 Measuring encoder: encoder signals disturbed
● F2043 Measuring encoder: encoder signals incorrect
● F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 733/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

10 Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

10.1 Parameters, Basics
10.1.1 Properties/Features of Parameters
Brief Description
The controller firmware via data maps the drive to an internal mathematical
model. All operating data relevant therefor are mapped to parameters. An iden‐
tification number (IDN) is assigned to each parameter. The IDN allows access‐
ing operating data via
● the serial interface
- or -
● a master communication interface suited for data transfer.
The operating data stored in parameters can be identified by means of the IDN.
They can be read and transferred, if required. The user write access to param‐
eters depends on the properties of the respective parameter and the current
communication phase. Specific parameter values (operating data) are checked
for validity by the drive firmware.
Functional Description
Parameter Structure Each parameter consists of seven data block elements.

Element No. Designation Notes

1 Identification number (IDN) Parameter identification/reading of da‐

ta status
2 Name Can be changed by means of lan‐
guage selection
3 Attribute Contains decimal places, data length,
data type and display format, function
4 Unit Can be changed by means of scaling
or language selection
5 Minimum input value Minimum input value of operating data
6 Maximum input value Maximum input value of operating data
7 Operating data Parameter value

Fig.10-1: Data Block Elements of a Parameter

See also "Definitions" in the separate documentation "Parameter De‐

scription for IndraDrive Drive Controllers".
Writing and Reading a Parameter All data block elements can be read via an appropriate master communication
interface or serial interface. Only the operating data can be written, too.
The operating data of a parameter can be permanently write-protected or al‐
ways resp. temporarily be written. This write access depends on
● the communication phase
- and -
● the activation of a password.
734/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

When reading and writing the operating data, error messages can
occur (see "Terms, Basic Principles: Errors").

Data Status Each Parameter has a data status. The data status contains information on:
● Validity/invalidity of the operating data (parameter value)
● Status of commands (command acknowledgment) for parameters used
for activating commands (see "Terms, Basic Principles: Commands").
The controller checks the data status of the parameters for validity of the op‐
erating data when changing from parameter mode to operating mode. When
this happens, the operating data (parameter values) of the parameters con‐
tained in the following list parameters are checked for validity:
● S‑0‑0018, IDN list of operating data for communication phase 2
● S‑0‑0019, IDN list of operating data for communication phase 3
The control master can query the IDNs of the parameters with invalid operating
data (parameter values) via:
● S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication phase 2
● S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication phase 3
● S-0-0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization level
The data status is signaled when the control master executes a write command
to the data block element no. 1 of a parameter. This allows the control master
to recognize the status of a command which was started.
See "Basic Functions of Master Communication: Command Processing"
Language Selection In parameter "S‑0‑0265, Language selection", you can set the language in
which parameter names and text in units of parameter values will be displayed.

The language selection made via parameter S‑0‑0265 will only take
effect in parameter "S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic message", when the di‐
agnostic message changes, too, after language selection.

Notes on Commissioning
During the drive-internal check of parameter values carried out when changing
from parameter mode to operating mode, the following command errors can be
● C0101 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0021)
● C0102 Limit error in parameter (-> S-0-0021)
- or -
● C0201 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0423)
● C0202 Parameter limit error (->S‑0‑0423)
● C0203 Parameter calculation error (->S-0-0423)
When errors of this category are detected, the IDNs of the parameters with the
incorrect operating data are listed in:
● S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication phase 2
● S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication phase 3
● S-0-0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization level
A valid value has to be written to the listed IDNs. The value range limits are
contained in the data block elements no. 5 and no. 6. When inputting single
parameters, the limits are directly displayed via the "IndraWorks D" commis‐
sioning tool.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 735/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Setting the Language The desired display language of parameter names and text in units of param‐
eter values has to be set in parameter
● S‑0‑0265, Language selection.

10.1.2 Loading, Storing and Saving Parameters

Brief Description
Parameters All relevant operating data are mapped to parameters and stored in the con‐
Data Memory Several non-volatile data memories are available in an IndraDrive device:
● In the controller
● In the motor encoder (depending on motor type)
● As a MultiMediaCard (MMC), optional
In addition, the controller has a volatile data memory (working memory).
Condition as Supplied Condition as supplied of the Rexroth drive components:
● The controller memory contains the drive firmware and the controller-spe‐
cific parameter values.
● The motor encoder memory contains the encoder-specific and, depending
on the motor type, the motor-specific parameter values.
● The MMC contains the drive firmware.
Storing the Application-Specific Pa‐ The application-specific parameter values are stored in the controller. Due to
rameter Values the limited number of writing cycles of non-volatile storage media, application-
specific parameter values can be stored in the working memory (volatile mem‐
ory), too.
Saving Parameter Values Saving application-specific parameter values is required in the following cases:
● After initial commissioning of the machine axis or the motor
● Before replacing the controller for servicing (if possible)
Application-specific parameter values can be saved via:
● MMC → copying the parameter values by command
● "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool → saving the parameter values on ex‐
ternal data carrier
● Control master → saving parameter values on master-side data carrier
Parameter IDN Lists The drive supports master-side saving of parameter values by listing parameter
identification numbers (IDNs). Using these lists guarantees complete storage
of the application-specific parameter values. It is also possible to determine IDN
lists defined by the customer.
Loading Parameter Values Loading parameter values is required in the following cases:
● Initial commissioning of the motor (loading basic parameter values and
motor-specific parameter values)
● Serial commissioning of machine axes at series machines (loading the
values saved after initial commissioning)
● Reestablishing a defined initial status (repeated loading of the values
saved after initial commissioning)
● Replacing the controller for servicing (loading the current parameter val‐
ues saved before servicing)
Possibilities of loading parameter values to the controller:
● Motor encoder data memory → loading the parameter values by command
or via the control panel during initial motor commissioning
736/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● MMC → loading the parameter values by command

● "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool → loading the parameter values from
external data carrier
● Control master → loading the parameter values from master-side data
Checksum of Parameter Values By means of checksum comparison, the control master can determine whether
the values of the application-specific parameter values currently active in the
drive correspond to the values saved on the master side.
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0017, IDN-list of all operation data
● S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data
● S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command
● S‑0‑0263, C2300 Load working memory procedure command
● S‑0‑0264, C2200 Backup working memory procedure command
● S‑0‑0269, Storage mode
● S‑0‑0270, Selected IDN list of operation data to backup
● S‑0‑0293, C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure com‐
● S‑0‑0326, Parameter checksum
● S‑0‑0327, IDN list of checksum parameter
● P‑0‑0013, IDN list of modified parameters
● P‑0‑4023, C0400 Communication phase 2 transition
● P‑0‑4065, Non-volatile memory active
● P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading default values
● P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory
● P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages Load defaults procedure (loading controller parameters):
● C07_0 Load defaults procedure com. (load controller param.)
● C0702 Default parameters not available
● C0703 Default parameters invalid
● C0704 Parameters not copyable
● C0706 Error when reading the controller parameters
Load defaults procedure (loading basic parameters):
● C07_1 Load defaults procedure com. (load basic parameters)
● C0751 Parameter default value incorrect (-> S‑0‑0423)
● C0752 Locked with password
Backup working memory procedure:
● C2202 Error when writing data to non-volatile memory
● C2200 Backup working memory procedure command
Loading working memory:
● C2300 Load working memory procedure command
● C2301 Error when reading non-volatile memory
● C2302 Error when converting parameters
Selectively backup working memory procedure:
● C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure command
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 737/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

● C2402 Error when saving parameters
Copy parameters from MMC to flash:
● C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory
● C2502 Error when accessing the MMC
● C2504 Error when writing data to internal memory
Copy parameters from flash to MMC:
● C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory
● C2602 Error when accessing the MMC
● C2604 Error when reading the internal memory
Other diagnostic messages:
● F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory
● F2101 It was impossible to address MMC
● F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory
● F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory
Functional Description
Storage Media in the Drive Control‐ All operating data referring to hardware are stored in the drive controller. They
ler cannot be changed by the user.
Each circuit board is provided with a non-volatile memory. It carries the circuit
board code and circuit board-specific operating data.
On the main circuit board there is a non-volatile memory (flash) and a volatile
memory (working memory). The flash memory contains the circuit board-spe‐
cific operating data. The drive firmware is stored in the flash memory, too. The
values of the application-specific parameters can be stored either in the flash
memory or in the working memory.
Storage Medium in the Motor En‐ In the case of the MHD, MKD, MKE, MAD and MAF motor lines, the data mem‐
coder ory of the motor encoder contains all motor- and motor-encoder-specific pa‐
rameter values. In addition, motor-specific control loop parameter values are
stored in this data memory; the controller can easily be adjusted to the motor
by means of these parameter values.
In the case of the 2AD and ADF motors, the data memory of the motor encoder
only contains the encoder-specific parameter values. The motor-specific con‐
trol loop parameter values for adjusting the controller to the motor are loaded
to the controller from a database of the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool.
Storage Medium The MultiMediaCard (MMC) is a non-volatile storage medium that can be per‐
MultiMediaCard (MMC) manently or temporarily plugged in the slot provided for this purpose at the front
of the drive controller. The MMC is not obligatory!
The MMC can be used as
● permanently plugged medium for saving the firmware and the application-
specific parameter values
- or -
● temporarily plugged medium for updating the firmware
- or -
● temporarily plugged medium for transmitting application-specific param‐
eter values.
Parameter and Operating Mode Parameters the operating data of which can be changed, can be written with
values in one or possibly several communication phases. We basically distin‐
guish between
● Parameter mode (PM) and
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● Operating mode (OM).
As a matter of principle, all parameters that can be changed can be written in
the parameter mode.
"Load Defaults Procedure" Com‐ Via the command "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure", it is possible to
mand (Loading Basic Parameters) set a defined initial status of the parameter values.
The scope of functions of this command can be determined by means of the
configuration of parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading default val‐
● Command selection (bits 0...3):
– "Load defaults procedure"
→ Loads the motor-specific default parameter values for the control
loop available in the motor encoder data memory (if available) (see
"Axis Control: Default Settings in the Motor Encoder Data Memory
("Load Defaults Procedure")")
– "Load basic parameters"
– "Load MLD parameters"
→ Resets/clears the parameters of the drive-integrated PLC (pro‐
gram and register)
– "Load profile parameters"
→ See "Profile Types (With Field Bus Interfaces)"
– "Load defaults procedure for safety technology"
→ See separate documentation "Integrated Safety Technology"
● Scaling of command execution (bits 4...7):
With the command "load basic parameters", you have the option to load
default values for all parameters or to selectively exclude the following
groups, for example:
– Default values for all parameters except for the communication pa‐
– Default values for all parameters except for the PLC parameters

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading de‐

fault values"
Storage Mode Depending on "S‑0‑0269, Storage mode", the application-specific parameter
values are stored in the controller in volatile form (in the working memory) or
non-volatile form (in the flash memory).
Non-volatile storage is carried out with each write access to the respective op‐
erating data.
Volatile storage of parameter values is recommended when application-specific
parameters are cyclically written. Otherwise, the service life of the non-volatile
storage media is affected.

Damage to the internal memory (flash) caused by cyclic command ex‐

ecution (write access to the flash)!
⇒ During the execution of some commands (see description of the respective
CAUTION diagnostic command message; e.g. C0500), data are written to the internal
memory (flash), too. This memory, however, only allows a limited number of
write access. For this reason, you should make sure that such write access is
not carried out too often.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 739/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Parameter IDN Lists For saving the relevant application-specific parameter values the drive makes
lists of IDNs available that support the complete storage of the values of pa‐
rameter groups:
● S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data
● S‑0‑0270, Selected IDN list of operation data to backup
Parameter S‑0‑0192 contains a list of IDNs that cannot be modified. Parameter
S‑0‑0270 contains an empty list in which it is possible to enter certain IDNs
according to application-specific requirements.
For saving all parameter values, the drive makes available the list of the IDNs
of all parameters in
● S‑0‑0017, IDN-list of all operation data.
To identify the parameters the value of which has changed compared to their
default value, the drive makes available the parameter
● P‑0‑0013, IDN list of modified parameters.
Command "Backup Working Mem‐ If the option "volatile storage" was set in parameter "S‑0‑0269, Storage
ory" or "Selectively Backup Work‐ mode", the values of the parameters contained in the list parameter S‑0‑0192
ing Memory" can be saved in the non-volatile flash memory when "S‑0‑0264, C2200 Backup
working memory procedure command" is started.
If the parameter values of the list of S‑0‑0270 are to be saved, "S‑0‑0293,
C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure command" has to be
activated. Unless the storage mode (S‑0‑0269) is changed, the values once
saved in the flash memory via the commands C2200 or C2400 remain un‐
Command "Load Working Memory By means of "S‑0‑0263, C2300 Load working memory procedure command",
Procedure" the values from the non-volatile flash memory are copied to the volatile working

This only makes sense when volatile storage mode was set
(S‑0‑0269) and parameter values were saved in the controller-in‐
ternal flash memory!
Saving Application-Specific Param‐ To save the application-specific parameter values, e.g. after initial commis‐
eter Values sioning, there are the following possibilities:
● Start command "P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to op‐
tional memory"
→ The parameter values of the list of S‑0‑0192 are copied to an MMC card
plugged in the controller (in the case of volatile storage mode, command
C2200 must have been executed!).
● Commissioning tool "IndraWorks D"
→ The parameter values of the list of S‑0‑0192 are stored on an external
data carrier (hard disk, floppy disk or the like); target assignment is carried
out via the menu of the tool (serial communication with the controller or
via SYSDA SERCOS interface).
● Control master
→ The parameter values of the list of S‑0‑0192 or S‑0‑0270 and/or other
parameters, if necessary, are stored on a master-side data carrier by
command of the control master.
Loading Application-Specific Pa‐ To load saved parameter values or transmit axis-specific parameter values to
rameter Values controllers of other axes, there are the following possibilities:
● Start command "C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal mem‐
ory" (P‑0‑4091)
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→ The parameter values (according to list of S‑0‑0192) stored on a plugged
MMC are loaded to the device-internal, non-volatile flash memory.
● Commissioning tool "IndraWorks D"
→ The parameter values (according to list of S‑0‑0192) stored on an ex‐
ternal data carrier (hard disk, floppy disk or the like) are loaded to the
controller; source assignment is carried out via the menu of the tool (serial
communication with the controller or via SERCANS-Box/SERCOS inter‐
● Control master
→ The parameter values of the list of S‑0‑0192 or S‑0‑0270 and/or other
parameters, if necessary, are loaded from a master-side data carrier to
the controller by command of the control master.
Parameter Checksum When reading the parameter "S‑0‑0326, Parameter checksum", the checksum
of all parameter values is generated the IDNs of which are contained in pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0327, IDN list of checksum parameter". Changes in the parameter
settings can be detected by comparing the checksums.
By comparing the checksum of the parameter values currently active in the
drive to a checksum value stored at the time of parameter saving, it is possible
to determine whether the active application-specific parameter values are cor‐
By default, there haven't any IDNs been entered in parameter S‑0‑0327!
Notes on Commissioning
Initial Commissioning At the beginning of the initial commissioning of a motor or a machine axis, first
make sure the desired firmware is active in the drive. To do this, read parameter
● S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version.
If the desired firmware is not available in the controller, carry out firmware up‐
date or firmware upgrade (see "Firmware Replacement").
Load Basic Parameters If the desired firmware is available in the controller, load basic parameter values
of the firmware by carrying out the following steps:
1. Set parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading default values"
2. Start "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command"
Respective diagnostic command message:
● C07_1 Load defaults procedure com. (load basic parameters)
Respective diagnostic messages in the case of possible command errors:
● C0751 Parameter default value incorrect (-> S‑0‑0423)
● C0752 Locked with password
See also "Initial Commissioning/Serial Commissioning"
Load Motor-Specific Control Loop After loading the basic parameters, the controller signals "RL", if a Rexroth mo‐
Parameter Values tor with motor encoder data memory was connected. By one of the following
actions, the motor-specific control loop parameter values saved in the motor
encoder are loaded for adjusting the controller to the motor:
● Pressing the "Esc" key at the control panel
- or -
● Start of command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics"
If the initial status of the motor-specific control loop parameter values is to be
reestablished during commissioning, this is done, in the case of motors with
encoder data memory, by starting
● S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 741/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

By executing this command, control loop parameter values that have

already been optimized are possibly overwritten!
⇒ Enter optimized control loop parameter values again!

By automatic reset, the parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for

loading default values" is correctly preset!

In the case of motors without encoder data memory, loading the

motor-specific control loop parameter values by means of the "load
defaults procedure" command is impossible! The values can be
loaded from a database of the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool.

Respective diagnostic command message:

● C07_0 Load defaults procedure com. (load controller param.)
Respective diagnostic messages in the case of possible command errors:
● C0702 Default parameters not available
● C0703 Default parameters invalid
● C0704 Parameters not copyable
● C0706 Error when reading the controller parameters
See also "Initial Commissioning/Serial Commissioning"
With Storage Mode "Volatile Stor‐ When the option "volatile storage" was set in parameter "S‑0‑0269, Storage
age" mode", the parameter values are not automatically stored in the drive-internal
flash memory. After complete input, the application-specific parameter values
therefore have to be saved drive-internally in the flash memory by
● starting "S‑0‑0264, C2200 Backup working memory procedure com‐
This guarantees that the parameter values suitable for the axis are automati‐
cally loaded to the controller's working memory from the flash memory after the
drive is switched on again.
Respective diagnostic command message:
● C2200 Backup working memory procedure command
Respective diagnostic messages in the case of possible command errors:
● C2202 Error when writing data to non-volatile memory
After all application-specific parameter values are saved (C2200), it is also
possible to only save selected parameter values in the flash memory. These
parameters are overwritten with a current value. This is done by
● starting "S‑0‑0293, C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure
The C2400 command can be used for internally saving a parameter group the
values of which have to be optimized again during operation, for example. It is
advisable to determine the IDNs of this parameter group by clearing IDNs that
are not required from the default setting of the list parameter
● S‑0‑0270, Selected IDN list of operation data to backup.

In the case of the "volatile storage" mode, the command C2200 has
to be executed at least once before starting the command C2400,
because otherwise basic parameter values are maintained for
some parameter values in the flash memory.
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Respective diagnostic command message:

● C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure command
Respective diagnostic messages in the case of possible command errors:
● C2402 Error when saving parameters
Saving and Loading Parameter For saving and loading parameter values with MMC, see "MultiMediaCard
Values With MMC (MMC)"!
Loading and Saving Parameter An appropriate master communication interface or the serial interface can be
Values via Control Master or Indra‐ used for loading and saving parameter values via the control master or Indra‐
Works D Works D.
Loading saved parameter values acc. to list parameter S‑0‑0192 to reestablish
the initial status after initial commissioning is impossible in the case of drives
with absolute value encoder and modulo scaling (see note).

In the case of drives with absolute value encoder and modulo scal‐
ing, the backup of parameter values made after initial commission‐
ing acc. to S‑0‑0192 mustn't be loaded for reestablishing the initial
parameter status! The actual position value after the loading proc‐
ess would be incorrect, but this cannot be detected on the controller

For how to reestablish the initial status of parameters for drives with absolute
value encoder and modulo scaling, see "Initial Commissioning/Serial Commis‐
If other interfaces than SERCOS interface are used for loading and storing,
communication phase "P2" has to be activated for loading parameter sets:
● P‑0‑4023, C0400 Communication phase 2 transition
Respective diagnostic command message:
● C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command

The drive returns to the operating mode by successive start of the

commands "S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition
check" and "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition

When reading and writing individual parameters via the control master or In‐
draWorks D (without command), the following error messages can possibly
● F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory
● F2101 It was impossible to address MMC
● F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory
● F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory

10.1.3 IDN Lists of Parameters

General Information
Some of the parameters stored in the drive contain, as their operating data
(parameter value), a list of IDNs of drive parameters corresponding to a specific,
given criterion. These so-called IDN lists enable the master or a commissioning
software to handle drive parameters in a specific way.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 743/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

IDN-List of all Operation Data (S‑0‑0017)

The parameter "S‑0‑0017, IDN-list of all operation data" contains the IDNs of
all parameters available in the drive.
IDN-List of Backup Operation Data (S‑0‑0192)
The parameter "S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data" contains the IDNs
of all parameters that are stored in the non-volatile memory [MultiMediaCard
(MMC) or flash memory]. These parameters are required for correct operation
of the drive. With the master or a commissioning software, it is possible to use
this IDN list for making a backup copy of the drive parameters.
IDN List of Invalid Operating Data for Communication Phase 2 (S‑0‑0021)
In parameter "S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication
phase 2", the IDNs of those parameters are automatically entered which the
drive software detects as being invalid when executing the command
"S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check".
Parameters are detected as being invalid, if:
● Their checksum does not match the operating data [the checksum is stor‐
ed together with the operating data in a non-volatile memory (MultiMedia‐
Card/MMC, flash memory, amplifier or motor encoder data memory)]
- or -
● Their operating data is outside of the minimum or maximum input limits
- or -
● Their operating data violates specific validation rules.
In any event, the parameters entered in "S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating
data for communication phase 2" upon negative acknowledgment of the com‐
mand "S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check" must be
IDN List of Invalid Operating Data for Communication Phase 3 (S‑0‑0022)
In parameter "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication
phase 3", the IDNs of those parameters are automatically entered which the
drive software detects as being invalid or unduly configured when executing the
command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition check".
Parameters are detected as being invalid, if:
● Their checksum does not match the operating data [the checksum is stor‐
ed together with the operating data in a non-volatile memory (MultiMedia‐
Card/MMC, flash memory, amplifier or motor encoder data memory)]
- or -
● Their operating data is outside of the minimum or maximum input limits
- or -
● Their operating data violates specific validation rules.
Parameters are detected as being unduly configured, if
● they were configured more than once for writing by a cyclic interface.
In any event, the parameters entered in "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating
data for communication phase 3" upon negative acknowledgment of the com‐
mand "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition check" must be
744/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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IDN-List of Invalid Op. Data for Parameterization Level (S‑0‑0423)

When the command "C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure com‐
mand" is executed, the drive parameters are checked and converted. If errors
occur during this check, the IDNs of the faulty parameters are written to the list
parameter "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization level".
IDN List of Operating Data for Communication Phase 2 (S‑0‑0018)
The IDNs that are checked for validity when the command "S‑0‑0127, C0100
Communication phase 3 transition check" is executed are stored in the oper‐
ating data of parameter "S‑0‑0018, IDN list of operating data for communication
phase 2".
IDN List of Operating Data for Communication Phase 3 (S‑0‑0019)
The IDNs that are checked for validity when the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200
Communication phase 4 transition check" is executed are stored in the oper‐
ating data of parameter "S‑0‑0019, IDN list of operating data for communication
phase 3".
IDN-List of all Procedure Commands (S‑0‑0025)
The IDNs of all the command parameters available in the drive are stored in
the operating data of parameter "S‑0‑0025, IDN-list of all procedure com‐
Selected IDN List of Operation Data to Backup (S‑0‑0270)
The IDNs of those parameters are stored in parameter "S‑0‑0270, Selected IDN
list of operation data to backup" that are to be saved when the command
"S‑0‑0293, C2400 Selectively backup working memory procedure" is executed.
IDN-List of Password-Protected Operation Data (S‑0‑0279)
The parameter "S‑0‑0279, IDN-list of password-protected operation data" con‐
tains the IDNs of those parameters that can be protected by a customer
password (S‑0‑0267). By default, there haven't been any IDNs entered in this
IDN List of Checksum Parameter (S‑0‑0327)
The parameter "S‑0‑0327, IDN-List of checksum parameter" contains the IDNs
of those parameters from which the content of parameter "S‑0‑0326, Parameter
checksum" is to be generated. By default, there haven't been any IDNs entered
in this parameter.
IDN List of all Parameter Values not Corresponding to Default Value (P‑0‑0013)
All parameters the operating data of which was changed with regard to the
default value are stored in parameter "P‑0‑0013, List of all IDNs not corre‐
sponding to default value".

10.1.4 Using a Password

Brief Description
IndraDrive controllers provide the possibility to protect parameter values
against accidental or unauthorized change by means of a password. With re‐
gard to write protection, there are 3 groups of parameters that can be written:
● Parameters that are write-protected as a standard, such as motor param‐
eters, hardware code parameters, encoder parameters, error memory etc.
("administration parameters"). The values of these parameters guarantee
correct function and performance of the drive.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 745/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

● Parameters the customer can combine in groups and protect them with a
so-called customer password. This allows protecting parameter values,
that are used for adjusting the drive to the axis, after having determined
● All other parameters that can be written and are not contained in the
above-mentioned groups. They are not write-protected.
The drive firmware allows activating and deactivating the write protection for
parameter values by means of three hierarchically different passwords:
● Customer password
→ The parameter values of a parameter group combined by the customer
can be protected.
● Control password
→ Parameters protected by a customer password can be written; "admin‐
istration parameters" remain write-protected.
● Master password
→ All parameters that can be written, including "administration parame‐
ters" and parameters protected by a customer password, can be changed.

The customer password can be defined by the customer, the control

password and the master password are defined by the manufac‐

Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data

● S‑0‑0267, Password
● S-0-0279, IDN-list of password-protected operation data
● P-0-4064, Safety technology password level
Functional Description
The activation and deactivation of the write protection for parameter values by
the three hierarchically different passwords is carried out by an input in param‐
eter "S‑0‑0267, Password".
Customer Password By a password defined by the customer, the parameters of a parameter group
to be defined can be protected against unauthorized or accidental write access.
The customer password has to comply with the following conditions:
● At least 3 characters long
● A maximum of 10 characters long
● May only include the characters a…z, A…Z and the numbers 0…9
The group of parameters the values of which can be protected by the customer
password is defined in parameter "S‑0‑0279, IDN-list of password-protected
operation data". In the condition as supplied the parameter S‑0‑0279 does not
yet contain any data. In the list parameter S‑0‑0279 it is possible to enter pa‐
rameter IDNs according to application-specific requirements.

The customer password is not obligatory! If it has not been activa‐

ted, the values of the parameters listed in the list parameter
S‑0‑0279 can still be written.

Control Password After entering the firmware-specific control password defined by the manufac‐
turer, it is also possible to write parameters protected by a customer password.
The control password therefore allows the NC control unit to ignore the write
protection established by the individual (unknown) customer password.
746/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

The control password valid for the respective firmware is only avail‐
able from the manufacturer on demand!

Master Password The master password is defined by the manufacturer, too, but is exclusively
available to the Bosch Rexroth development and service staff.

The master password is secret! It mustn't be used on the control

unit side or by the customer, because it also allows changing the
values of "administration parameters" (motor parameters, hardware
code parameters, encoder parameters, error memory, etc.).

Activating/Deactivating the Write In the condition as supplied the "S‑0‑0267, Password" parameter contains the
Protection value "007". The write protection is activated and deactivated by means of the
customer password according to the following procedure:

Fig.10-2: Activating and deactivating the write protection by means of the cus‐
tomer password
The write protection activated via customer password is deactivated by means
of the control password by entering the control password in S‑0‑0267. The write
protection required by the customer can be activated again by entering any
string in S‑0‑0267.
The write protection for all parameters that can basically be written can only be
deactivated by means of the master password and the right to do this is exclu‐
sively reserved to the Bosch Rexroth development and service staff!

Incorrect control of motors when changing parameter values write-pro‐

tected on the firmware side ("administration parameters")!
⇒ The master password mustn't be used on the control unit side or by the cus‐
WARNING tomer!
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 747/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Notes on Commissioning
Define the IDNs of the group of parameters the values of which are to be write-
protected in parameter
● S-0-0279, IDN-list of password-protected operation data.
The customer-side write protection via the customer password for the param‐
eters contained in S‑0‑0279 can be activated and deactivated by writing the
● S‑0‑0267, Password.

Observe the conditions for defining the customer password!

If the active write protection for the parameters defined in S‑0‑0279 is to be

deactivated on the master side or without knowledge of the customer password,
enter the control password in parameter
● S‑0‑0267, Password.

Ask the manufacturer for the control password!

Status Query for Write Protection The current status of the write protection can be queried via parameter
● P-0-4064, Safety technology password level.
Diagnosis When trying to write data to a write-protected parameter, an error code is sent
to the SERCOS master via the non-cyclic data channel, according to the SER‐
COS specification. The master then recognizes that the respective parameter
is write-protected and that it is impossible to write data to it.

10.2 Device Configuration

10.2.1 Controller Design
The drive controllers of the IndraDrive range consist of several modules. We
basically distinguish between:
● Main module
→ Module directly communicates with the master
● Submodule
→ Module only communicates with the master via main module
748/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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MC master communication
Fig.10-3: Example of design including device, modules and circuit boards for In‐
draDrive controllers
The following control and power sections are supported by the firmware:
● Control sections:
– CSH01.xC-…
– CSB01.xC-...
– CSB01.xN-...
– CDB01.xC-...
● Power sections:
– HMS01.1N-W0020-A-07-NNNN
– HMS01.1N-W0036-A-07-NNNN
– HMS01.1N-W0054-A-07-NNNN
– HMS01.1N-W0070-A-07-NNNN
– HMS01.1N-W0150-A-07-NNNN
– HMS01.1N-W0210-A-07-NNNN
– HMD01.1N-W0012-A-07-NNNN
– HMD01.1N-W0020-A-07-NNNN
– HMD01.1N-W0036-A-07-NNNN
– HCS02.1E-W0012-A-07-NNNN
– HCS02.1E-W0028-A-07-NNNN
– HCS02.1E-W0054-A-07-NNNN
– HCS02.1E-W0070-A-07-NNNN
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 749/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

– HCS03.1E-W0070-A-05-NNNN
– HCS03.1E-W0100-A-05-NNNN
– HCS03.1E-W0150-A-05-NNNN
– HCS03.1E-W0210-A-05-NNNN

The devices are configured at the factory and can be read via pa‐
rameters, if required.

10.2.2 Circuit Board Code

Brief Description
The configurable control section of a drive controller consists of the basic con‐
trol section circuit board and one or several optional modules (see type code
in the documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project Planning
An individual parameter is assigned to each slot for circuit board or optional
module (cf. P‑0‑1506 to P‑0‑1514). The specific data (circuit board code) of the
circuit board that has been plugged are stored in these parameters.

The circuit board codes are stored directly on the circuit board or
the respective optional module.
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S‑0‑0140 Controller type

P‑0‑1506 Circuit board code optional module 1
P‑0‑1507 Circuit board code optional module 2
P‑0‑1508 Circuit board code optional module 3
P‑0‑1509 Circuit board code master communication
P‑0‑1510 Circuit board code power section
P‑0‑1511 Circuit board code control section
P‑0‑1512 Circuit board code optional module 4
P‑0‑1513 Circuit board code optional module 1 for safety technology
P‑0‑1514 Circuit board code optional module 2 for safety technology
P‑0‑1518 Module code of control section
P‑0‑1519 Module code of power section
P‑0‑1520 Control section type
Fig.10-4: Device Configuration and Circuit Board Code for IndraDrive
In the initialization phase (when booting), the drive firmware automatically
checks the arrangement (configuration) of the control section by means of the
individual circuit board codes, and on this basis generates the content of pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑1520, Control section type". The configuration of the control
section used can be read via this parameter.

The control section is configured at the factory and the configuration

is displayed in parameter P‑0‑1520 for diagnostic purposes (type
designation in plain text)!

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0140, Controller type

● P‑0‑1506, Circuit board code optional module 1
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 751/886
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● P‑0‑1507, Circuit board code optional module 2
● P‑0‑1508, Circuit board code optional module 3
● P‑0‑1509, Circuit board code master communication
● P-0-1510, Circuit board code power section
● P‑0‑1511, Circuit board code control section
● P‑0‑1512, Circuit board code optional module 4
● P‑0‑1513, Circuit board code optional module 1 for safety technology
● P‑0‑1514, Circuit board code optional module 2 for safety technology
● P-0-1518, Module code of control section
● P-0-1519, Module code of power section
● P‑0‑1520, Control section type
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages During the initialization phase the drive, apart from checking the existing con‐
figuration, carries out some additional checks. Errors detected during the
checks are classified according to their cause.
General malfunction of a circuit board with specific error messages:
● F8091 Power section defective
● F8122 Control section defective
Configuration of control section not allowed, i.e. an optional card was plugged
into a slot that does not support this card (observe allowed combinations of the
individual optional modules; see documentation "Drive Controllers, Control
Sections; Project Planning Manual"):
● F8118 Invalid power section/firmware combination
● F8120 Invalid control section/firmware combination

10.2.3 Operating Hours Counter

Brief Description
There are operating hours counters available in the drive that separately record
the operating time for control section and power section. The respective oper‐
ating time is displayed in the parameters P‑0‑0190 or P‑0‑0191. These times
are directly stored from the control section or power section so that assignment
is maintained also for servicing.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0190, Operating hours control section
● P‑0‑0191, Operating hours power section
Parameter "P‑0‑0190, Operating hours control section" displays the operating
time of the control section of the drive. The unit is seconds.
The time the drive has been switched on is considered to be the operating time
of the control section.
Parameter "P‑0‑0191, Operating hours power section" displays the operating
time of the power section of the drive with drive enable having been set. The
unit is seconds.
The time during which the output stage has been enabled is considered to be
the operating time of the power section.

Before delivery, the operating hours counters are set to a defined

value at the factory. They can therefore indicate the total runtime of
a component in field duty.
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10.2.4 Error Memory (Power Section and Control Section)

Brief Description
In the drive, all errors occurred are recorded in an error memory on the control
section. If an error occurs in the power section, it is additionally stored in a
separate error memory on the power section. It is thereby made sure that the
relevant information is still available on the power section after separating the
power section and control section.

When an error occurs, the diagnostic message number and the

current count of the operating hours counter are automatically stor‐

Pertinent Parameters ● S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number

● P‑0‑0190, Operating hours control section
● P‑0‑0191, Operating hours power section
● P‑0‑0192, Error memory of diagnostic numbers
● P‑0‑0193, Error memory operating hours of control section

The contents of the parameters P‑0‑0192 and P‑0‑0193 are stored

on the control section. The content of parameter P‑0‑0194 is stored
on the power section.

Functional Description
Error Memory in Control Section When the drive detects a class 1 diagnostics error, a bit is set in parameter
"S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diagnostics" and bit 13 for "error in class 1 diagnostics" is
set in the drive status word.
In order to allow a more detailed diagnosis
● the diagnostic message number appears on the display and is stored in
parameter "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic message number" (in "hex format"),
● the corresponding error number is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0009, Error
number" (in "decimal format"),
● the plain text of the diagnostic message is stored in parameter "S‑0‑0095,
Diagnostic message",
● the content of parameter "P‑0‑0190, Operating hours control section" at
the time the error is detected is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0193, Error
memory operating hours of control section",
● the diagnostic message number belonging to the error according to pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic message number" is stored in parameter
"P‑0‑0192, Error memory of diagnostic numbers" in the same order.
The parameters P‑0‑0192 and P‑0‑0193 have a stack structure and contain, in
chronological order, the diagnostic message numbers or the counts of the op‐
erating hours counter of the last 50 errors that occurred.

The count of the operating hours counter at the time the last error
occurred is entered at the top of parameter P‑0‑0193, and the di‐
agnostic message number of the last error occurred at the top of
parameter P‑0‑0192.
Error Memory in Power Section If the error concerns the power section, it is additionally stored in parameter
"P‑0‑0194, Error memory of power section".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 753/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

The last 13 errors that occurred and the respective count of the operating hours
counter (see P‑0‑0191) are stored in this parameter.
The error "F8060 Overcurrent in power section", for example, is an error which
could occur in the power section. This error would be displayed both in param‐
eter P‑0‑0193 and in parameter P‑0‑0194.

10.3 Diagnostic System

10.3.1 Coded Diagnostic Messages of the Drive
Brief Description
The drive provides a diagnostic system including different options that are ba‐
sically divided into two groups:
● Recognizing and displaying the current drive status by means of drive-
internal, priority-dependent generation of diagnostic messages
● Collective messages for diverse status messages
Additionally, there are parameters for all important operating data the values of
which can be transmitted both via master communication (e.g. SERCOS) and
a parameterization interface (RS-232/485 in the ASCII protocol or SIS protocol;
see "Serial Communication").")
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version
● S-0-0095, Diagnostic message
● S-0-0140, Controller type
● S‑0‑0142, Application type
● S‑0‑0375, List of diagnostic numbers
● S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number
● P‑0‑0007, Display text of diagnostic message
● P‑0‑0009, Error number
● P‑0‑0478, Logbook event
● P‑0‑0479, Logbook time stamp
● P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message

For integrated safety technology, an extended diagnosis option is

provided in the form of a safety technology error code. When certain
safety technology errors occur, this error code can be read in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑3219, Diagnostic safety technology message" which
allows quick error diagnosis.

Drive-Internal Generation of Diagnostic Messages

Operating states, activities and reactions of the drive controller are detected by
drive-internal generation of diagnostic messages and appear in coded form on
the display of the control panel. In addition, these diagnostic messages can be
transmitted to the master (control unit or commissioning software, e.g. Indra‐
Works D).
We distinguish the following categories of diagnostic messages (kinds of diag‐
nostic messages):
● Errors
● Warnings
● Commands/command errors
● Status displays/operating states
754/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Generally, the current diagnostic message with the highest priority is displayed
or stored at the following locations in the drive:
● Display of the control panel and parameter "P‑0‑0007, Display text of di‐
agnostic message"
→ The diagnostic message number or, if applicable, text appears on the
8-digit display of the standard control panel. The current display is stored
in parameter P‑0‑0007.
● Parameter "S-0-0095, Diagnostic message"
→ This parameter, in the form of plain text, contains the operating status
of the drive at present relevant. Preceding the text is the respective content
of parameter S‑0‑0390.
● Parameter "S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number"
→ The diagnostic message number shown on the display is stored in this
When a diagnostic message of the "error" category occurs, the corresponding
diagnostic message number is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0009, Error number".
When there isn't any error present, the value of parameter P‑0‑0009 equals
In parameter "S‑0‑0375, List of diagnostic numbers", the last 50 diagnostic
message numbers of parameter S‑0‑0390 are recorded in chronological order.
When reading this list, the number of the diagnostic message that last occurred
is displayed as parameter element 1.
Priorities of Display The following priorities apply for displaying the current diagnostic message:

Fig.10-5: Priorities of displays (with example displays)

An overview of all diagnostic messages and their meanings is included in the
documentation "Troubleshooting Guide (description of diagnostic messages)".
Structure of a Diagnostic Message
General Information
Every diagnostic message consists of
● diagnostic message number
- and -
● diagnostic text.
The diagnostic message for the non-fatal error "Excessive deviation", for ex‐
ample, has the following structure:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 755/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-6: Structure of a diagnostic message

"F2028" flashes on the display of the control panel. The display "F2028" is out‐
put via parameter "P‑0‑0007, Display text of diagnostic message", too. The
diagnostic message number is contained in parameter "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic
message number" in hexadecimal form (for this example: 0x00F2028). The di‐
agnostic message number and the diagnostic text are contained as string
"F2028 Excessive deviation" in parameter "S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic message".
"2028" (dec) is written to parameter "P‑0‑0009, Error number", because it is an
error diagnosis.
Diagnostic Message on the Control Panel Display
The diagnostic message number appears on the 8-digit display of the standard
control panel. This allows recognizing the current operating status of the drive
quickly and without using a communication interface.
As a matter of principle, the following applies:
● Status displays (P0, Ab, AF …) are displayed in right-aligned form
● Warnings, command errors and other error messages are flashing

Kind of diagnostic message Diagnostic message Display


error F2xxx F2xxx

command C0200 C02
command error C02xx C02xx
warning E2xxx E2xxx
communication phase
e.g. communication phase 1 A0001 P1
drive ready for operation A0012 Ab
operating mode
e.g. velocity control A0101 AF

Fig.10-7: Overview of diagnostic messages displayed

The current operating mode is not shown on the display. When the drive follows
the preset operating mode and no command was activated, the display reads
Diagnostic Message in Plain Text
The diagnostic message in plain text contains the diagnostic message number
followed by the diagnostic message text. It can be read via parameter
"S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic message" and directly displayed on an operator interface
as a language-dependent description of the drive status.
The diagnostic message in plain text is switched to the selected language via
parameter "S‑0‑0265, Language selection".
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Diagnostic Message Number

The diagnostic message number contains only the diagnostic number without
the diagnostic text. It can be read via parameter "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic mes‐
sage number" and is a language-independent possibility of determining and
displaying the drive status on an operator interface.
Display Text of Diagnostic Message
The display text of a diagnostic message is the text appearing on the display
of the control panel. It can be read via parameter "P‑0‑0007, Display text of
diagnostic message" which allows an operator interface to determine the drive
status and display it in a language-independent way.
Error Number
The error number contains only the error number without the diagnostic mes‐
sage text. It can be read via parameter "P‑0‑0009, Error number" and is a
language-independent possibility of determining and displaying an error con‐
dition on an operator interface. This parameter only contains a value unequal
zero when an error is present in the drive.
The error number is generated from the lowest 4 digits of the diagnostic mes‐
sage number. For example, the error "F2028 Excessive deviation" with the
diagnostic message number "(0x)F2028" would produce the error number
List of Diagnostic Numbers
The last 50 diagnostic message numbers displayed are stored in chronological
order in parameter "S‑0‑0375, List of diagnostic numbers". Every change in the
content of "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic message number" means that the old content
is applied to S‑0‑0375. When reading the parameter S‑0‑0375 the last trans‐
ferred diagnostic message number appears in the first element of the param‐
eter, the diagnostic message number transferred before from S‑0‑0390 in the
second element, etc.
Language Selection
Via parameter "S‑0‑0265, Language selection", it is possible to define or switch
the language of diagnostic message texts.

See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0265, Language selection"

10.3.2 Status Classes, Status Displays, Control Parameters

General Information
In the drive there are many parameters with important status information (bit
lists). Some of the bits contained in these lists can be used for configuring real-
time status bits and additionally can be assigned to digital outputs or to the
configurable signal status word.
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
See "Configurable Signal Status Word"
Status Classes
Brief Description
The drive differentiates between 3 states (error, warning and message) for
which there is status information. To make the status information available,
there are so-called class diagnostics parameters (S‑0‑0011, S‑0‑0012,
S‑0‑0013) which contain the respective status bits.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 757/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

In addition to these class diagnostics parameters, there are change bits con‐
tained in the status word of the field bus (e.g. S‑0‑0135 in the case of SERCOS)
which display changes in one of the above-mentioned class diagnostics pa‐
rameters (collective information).
Features ● Class diagnostics parameter for errors (cf. S‑0‑0011)
● Class diagnostics parameter for warnings (cf. S‑0‑0012)
● Class diagnostics parameter for messages (cf. S‑0‑0013)
● Change bits in status word of master communication (e.g. S‑0‑0135 in the
case of SERCOS)
● Change bits of class 2 and 3 diagnostics (S‑0‑0097 and S‑0‑0098) can be
masked in status word of master communication (e.g. S‑0‑0135 in the
case of SERCOS) to suppress individual bits or status messages
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diagnostics
● S-0-0012, Class 2 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics
● S-0-0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics
● S-0-0098, Mask class 3 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
Functional Description
Status Class Parameters ● S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diagnostics (status parameter for drive errors)
– In case a drive error occurs, the bit assigned to the error is set in
parameter S‑0‑0011. A separate bit is assigned in S‑0‑0011 to errors
defined according to SERCOS.
Manufacturer-specific errors cause bit 15 to be set in parameter
S‑0‑0011 (see also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diag‐
– In case a drive error occurs, bit 13 (drive interlock; error in class 1
diagnostics) is simultaneously set in the status word of the field bus
(S‑0‑0135 in the case of SERCOS).

All bits in class 1 diagnostics are cleared by executing the command

C0500 (reset class 1 diagnostics).
See also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1

● S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics (status parameter for drive warnings)

– In case a drive warning occurs, the bit assigned to the warning is set
in parameter S‑0‑0012. A separate bit is assigned in S‑0‑0012 to
warnings defined according to SERCOS.
Manufacturer-specific warnings cause bit 15 to be set in parameter
S‑0‑0012 (see also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diag‐
– In case a drive warning occurs, bit 12 (change bit class 2 diagnostics)
is simultaneously set in the status word of the field bus (S‑0‑0135 in
the case of SERCOS), when the content of S‑0‑0012 changes (i.e.
at least one bit toggles).
– The bits in parameter S‑0‑0012 are automatically cleared when the
warning disappears. The change bit in the status word of the master
communication (S‑0‑0135 in the case of SERCOS) remains set,
however, until parameter S‑0‑0012 has been read once.
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Via parameter "S‑0‑0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics", warnings can

be masked in terms of their effect on the change bit.

● S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics (status parameter for drive messages)

– Messages of the drive are listed in parameter S‑0‑0013. A separate
bit is assigned in S‑0‑0013 to messages defined according to SER‐
COS (see also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnos‐
– In the case of a drive message, bit 11 (change bit class 3 diagnostics)
is simultaneously set in the status word of the field bus (S‑0‑0135 in
the case of SERCOS).
– The bits in parameter S‑0‑0013 are automatically cleared when the
message disappears. The change bit in the status word of the master
communication (S‑0‑0135 in the case of SERCOS) remains set,
however, until parameter S‑0‑0013 has at least been read once.

Each of these messages is stored in a separate parameter

(S‑0‑0330 to S‑0‑0342).

Change Bits in Drive Status Word If the status of a bit in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics" or "S‑0‑0013, Class 3
diagnostics" changes, the change bit for class 2 or 3 diagnostics is set in the
field bus status word (e.g. S‑0‑0135 in the case of SERCOS). A change bit in
the status word (bit 11 or 12) is always set due to a change of the parameter
content of S‑0‑0012 or S‑0‑0013. This enables the master to recognize very
quickly whether a change occurred in S‑0‑0012 or S‑0‑0013.
A read access to one of the two parameters clears the respective change bit
Masking the Change Bit By means of the parameters "S‑0‑0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics" and
"S‑0‑0098, Mask class 3 diagnostics", it is possible to mask certain bits in terms
of their effect on the change bit of the status word (bit 12 or bit 11).
The figure below illustrates the principle of masking by means of an example:

Fig.10-8: Generating the change bit of class 2 diagnostics

Notes on Commissioning
The figure below illustrates the handling of the change bits in the status word
and of the status class parameters:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 759/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-9: Handling the change bits and status class parameters

Fixed Status Displays
Function-Related Status Parameters
In the drive there are parameters the content of which has a direct relation to
the status of the sequence of different drive functions. These parameters are
used to display the current status information of the assigned function.
The following parameters are available for function-related status display:
● S‑0‑0014, Interface status
This parameter displays the status of the communication phase transition
and the cyclic communication.
● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
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This is the status word of the master communication (SERCOS) and con‐
tains all essential status information for the master.
● S-0-0403, Position feedback value status
This parameter contains status bits for the position data reference of the
individual measuring systems.
● S‑0‑0419, Positioning command acknowledge
This status information is used for acknowledgment in the "drive-controlled
positioning" mode.
● P‑0‑0046, Status word of current controller
This parameter contains status bits of the internal motor control (e.g. over‐
voltage in DC bus).
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word
This parameter contains status bits of device control (see also "Device
Control and State Machines").
● P-0-0222, Travel range limit inputs
This parameter displays the status of the travel range limit switch inputs
(see also "Limitations: Travel Range Limit Switches").").
● P‑0‑0223, E-Stop input
This parameter displays the status of the E-Stop input (see also "E-Stop
● P-0-0445, Status word torque/current limit
This parameter contains status bits to display the activation of torque/cur‐
rent limitation (see also "Limitations: Current and Torque/Force Limita‐
● P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word
This parameter contains status bits for the status of the motor holding
brake (see also "Motor Holding Brake").
● P‑0‑0555, Status word of axis controller
This parameter displays messages with regard to velocity and limits that
have been reached.
● P‑0‑4029, Diagnostic report SCSB module
Parameter for reading master communication settings and states (with
SERCOS interface).
● P-0-4086, Master communication status
This parameter displays control information of the master communication
for handling phase switch, drive enable etc., defined during initialization.
Status Parameters for Real-Time Status Bits
The following list contains status parameters that only contain one bit and can
therefore be used for configuring real-time status bits (see "SERCOS inter‐
● S‑0‑0330, Message 'n_actual = n_command'
● S‑0‑0331, Status 'n_feedback = 0'
● S‑0‑0332, Message 'nactual < nx'
● S‑0‑0333, Message 'T >= Tx'
● S‑0‑0334, Message 'T >= Tlimit'
● S‑0‑0335, Message 'n command > n limit'
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 761/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

● S‑0‑0336, Message In position

● S‑0‑0337, Message 'P >= Px'
● S‑0‑0341, In-Position coarse message
● S‑0‑0342, Status "Target position attained"
● S‑0‑0343, Status "Interpolator halted"
● S‑0‑0409, Probe 1 positive latched
● S‑0‑0410, Probe 1 negative latched
● S‑0‑0411, Probe 2 positive latched
● S‑0‑0412, Probe 2 negative latched
Control Parameters
Apart from the parameters for status display, there are parameters available in
the drive that are used to control the drive functions (see also description of
corresponding parameter):
● P-0-0045, Control word of current controller
● P‑0‑0427, Control parameter of analog output
● P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting
● P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller
● P‑0‑0612, Control word for setting absolute measuring
● P‑0‑4028, Device control word

10.4 Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers

10.4.1 General Information on the Operation Options
Variants of the Control Panels
IndraDrive controllers are equipped with a control panel which consists of a
display and keys located underneath it. The display shows operating states,
command and error diagnoses, as well as present warnings. By means of the
keys you can make settings, call information and trigger some commands.
The extent of possible displays and settings depends on the available control
panel of the IndraDrive controller. It can be supplied in two variants which differ
as regards their performance:
● Standard control panel
● Comfort control panel
Via the serial interface of the controller, it is additionally possible to connect an
independent VCP operator terminal that can, for example, be integrated in the
front of the control cabinet.
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Standard Control Panel

Fig.10-10: Standard control panel with display and control elements (example of
Possibilities of Display of Standard The standard control panel allows the following displays:
Control Panel
● Status of the master communication
● Operating status
● Activated commands and command diagnoses
● Warnings and diagnostic error messages
● Extended displays such as contents of error memories, diagnostic mes‐
sage memory, operating hours counter of control section, operating hours
counter of power section, type designation of firmware active in the device,
safety technology code (if safety technology option available)
Possible Settings with Standard The following settings can be made with the standard control panel:
Control Panel
● Set the drive address (drive number in the bus system of the master com‐
● Set the length of the fiber optic cable
● Activate the master communication mode "Easy Startup"
Command Activation with Standard The following commands can be activated with the standard control panel:
Control Panel
● Activate "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" (load con‐
troller parameters or basic parameters)
● Activate other commands, such as:
– C2200 Backup working memory procedure command
– C2300 Load working memory procedure command
– C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory
– C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory
– C2900 Firmware update from MMC
Comfort Control Panel
Compared to the standard control panel, the comfort control panel, due to the
fact that it can be programmed, provides additional settings, as well as addi‐
tional display and command functions.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 763/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Possibilities of Display of Comfort Additional possibilities of display of the comfort control panel (in addition to the
Control Panel possibilities of display of the standard control panel), for example:
● Cyclic parameter display
● Measured value of motor temperature sensor
● Message threshold or shutdown threshold for motor temperature
● Active switching frequency (PWM)
Possible Settings with Comfort Additional possibilities of setting of the comfort control panel (in addition to the
Control Panel possible settings of the standard control panel), for example:
● Language selection
● Set/change single parameters
● Input of motor data acc. to type plate data for asynchronous third-party
Command Activation with Comfort Activation of further commands with the comfort control panel (in addition to the
Control Panel command activation with the standard control panel), for example:
● C3200 Command Calculate motor data
● C3600 Command Motor data identification
The comfort control panel particularly supports the commissioning of asyn‐
chronous third-party motors; another commissioning tool is not required for this
purpose. The required steps are given by the display, the corresponding input
is made by means of the keys of the control panel.
Independent VCP Operator Terminals
VCP operator terminals are separate components (terminals) that can be used
in addition to the standard or comfort control panel. They are connected to the
serial interface of the controller via a separate line. This allows integrating a
VCP operator terminal in the front of the control cabinet, for example.
By means of a configuration tool it is additionally possible to configure other
application-dependent settings, displays and command functions.

10.4.2 Standard Control Panel

Brief Description
The standard control panel of an IndraDrive controller has an 8‑digit display
and four keys located underneath it.
The display shows operating states, command and error diagnoses, as well as
present warnings.
Using the four keys, the commissioning engineer or service technician can opt
to display extended diagnostic messages at the drive controller and to activate
simple commands (in addition to master communication using the commis‐
sioning tool or NC control unit).
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-11: Standard Control Panel With Display and Control Elements (Example of
Functional Description
Standard Displays The display of the IndraDrive controller automatically shows:
● Status of the master communication
● Operating status
● Activated commands and command diagnoses
● Warnings and diagnostic error messages
The displays have priorities, because it is impossible to have various displays
at the same time!

Fig.10-12: Displays During Phase Progression of the Master Communication

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 765/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-13: Operating Status Displays

Fig.10-14: Explanation of Command Error Displays

Fig.10-15: Explanation of Error and Warning Displays

Priorities of Display The current drive status is displayed with highest priority.
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Fig.10-16: Priorities of Displays (With Example Displays)

Activating Extended Display, Com‐ By simultaneously pressing the "Enter" and "Esc" keys (for 8 s) in the standard
mand Menu and Service Menu display, you can call up extended displays; subsequently pressing the Up key
first activates the command menu and pressing it again activates the service

Fig.10-17: Activating the Extended Display, the Command Menu and the Service
Extended Displays By means of the extended displays, it is possible to additionally call up the
contents of certain parameters:
● Error memory
● Diagnostic message memory
● Operating hours counter control section
● Operating hours counter power section
● Type designation of the firmware active in the device
● Safety technology code, change counter of safety technology and oper‐
ating hours counter since last change (if safety technology option availa‐
● MAC address (when using CCD option, SERCOS III master communica‐
tion or control section CSH01.2)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 767/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-18: Activating the Extended Displays

For more details on diagnostic messages, error messages and operating hours
counters, see the respective sections of the present documentation.
Command Menu Starting from the extended display, you can activate the command menu by
pressing the "Up" key. In this menu, you can make several settings:
● Set the drive address (drive number in the bus system of the master com‐
● Set the length of the fiber optic cable
● Other communication settings (IP address, gateway address and subnet
mask) for CCD option, SERCOS III master communication or control sec‐
tion CSH01.2
● Activate the easy master communication mode "Easy Startup"
● Activate "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" (load con‐
troller parameters or basic parameters)
● Activate other commands, such as:
– C2200 Backup working memory procedure command
– C2300 Load working memory procedure command
– C2800 Analog input adjust command
768/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

– C2000 Command Release motor holding brake
(must be enabled by means of configuration)
● Switch the communication phases between operating mode (OM) and
parameter mode (PM)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 769/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-19: Activating Commands/Settings That Can be Accessed Via the Control

Settings for the "Load Defaults Pro‐ The parameter "S-0-0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" can be
cedure" Command activated via the standard control panel, too. Depending on the configuration
in parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading default values", different ba‐
sic parameter sets are loaded internally. The following configurations in pa‐
770/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

rameter P‑0‑4090 are possible via the standard control panel, the last two digits
of the hexadecimal parameter value being displayed on the standard display:
● Loading motor-specific control loop parameter values → 0x0000
● Loading basic parameter values, without exception → 0x0001
● Loading basic parameter values, except for master communication pa‐
rameters → 0x0011
● Loading basic parameter values, except for parameters of the drive-inter‐
nal PLC (MLD) → 0x0021
● Loading basic parameter values, except for master communication and
MLD parameters → 0x0031
● Loading default values to the MLD parameters → 0x0002

After the command C07_x has been executed, the parameter

P‑0‑4090 is automatically reset to its default value (0x0000)!

1) According to the value in P‑0‑4090 (see Parameter Description)

Fig.10-20: Setting the Parameter P‑0‑4090 for "Load Defaults Procedure" Via the
Standard Control Panel
Settings for Ethernet Communica‐ For communication in Ethernet networks, make the following settings for the
tion relevant interfaces:
● IP address
● Subnet mask
● Default gateway
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 771/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

The following interface is Ethernet-based, can be set via the control panel and
is supported by the MPx04 firmware:
● Engineering Port of control section (P‑0‑1531, P‑0‑1532, P‑0‑1533)

To get a more detailed description of the Ethernet communication

and information on its possibilities of use with MPx04 firmware,
please contact your Bosch Rexroth sales representative!

Other interfaces are Ethernet-based, can be set via the control panel, but are
not supported by the MPx04 firmware:
● Master communication SERCOS III (S‑0‑1020, S‑0‑1021, S‑0‑1022)
● CCD interface (P‑0‑1641, P‑0‑1642, P‑0‑1643)
The settings for Ethernet communication can be made via the standard control
panel and are basically the same for all Ethernet-based interfaces.

GW Gateway address, e.g. 0. 0. 0. 0

SN Subnet mask, e.g. 255.255.255. 0
IP IP address, e.g. 192.168. 1. 2
Fig.10-21: Setting the Ethernet Communication, as an Example of the Control Sec‐
tion Engineering Port
Switching the Communication Pha‐ Switching the communication phases between operating mode (OM) and pa‐
ses rameter mode (PM) via the control panel is possible with all master communi‐
cations, except for SERCOS interface. With SERCOS interface, phase switch
controlled via the control panel can only be carried out with active easy startup

In order to execute "C07_1 Load defaults procedure com. (load ba‐

sic parameters)", the parameter mode (PM) has to be activated.
772/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-22: Activating the Parameter Mode Via the Control Panel

Fig.10-23: Switching Back From Parameter Mode to Operating Mode Via the Con‐
trol Panel
Service Menu Starting from the command menu, you can activate the service menu by press‐
ing the "Up" key. It supports the following actions:
● Firmware update with previous saving of the parameter values on the in‐
ternal memory (flash), if the optional memory (MMC) is the active memory
(MMC as "programming module"). After the update, the parameter values
can be loaded to the MMC again from the internal memory (flash).
Note: If the internal memory (flash) is the active storage medium ("hot
plug" of the MMC), the parameter values are already available in the de‐
vice and do not need to be saved before the MMC-based firmware update.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 773/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

In this case, pressing the "Enter" key with the display "Save data" is without
● Replacement of device with saving of parameter values on MMC, if the
internal memory (flash) is the active memory. After the device has been
replaced, firmware and values of the drive parameters, as well as PLC
retain data, can be loaded from this MMC to the replacement controller.
Note: If the control section has been equipped with the optional module
"MDx", the retain data of the PLC are saved on the MMC in addition to the
values of the drive parameters, when "Save data" is executed! When the
MMC is the active memory, the drive parameters are not saved, because
they have already been stored on the MMC, but the PLC data are stored
on the MMC.
● Copy parameters:
– Storing the parameter values and, if necessary, the PLC retain data
from the device-internal, non-volatile memories (onboard flash and,
if available, memory of optional module "MDx") on the MMC
– Loading the parameter values stored on the MMC to the non-volatile
memories of the controller
774/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-24: Activating the Functions of the Service Menu

Notes on Commissioning

Property damage caused by command-dependent activation of motors

and moving elements!
⇒ Bring axis resp. moving parts in safe initial position; limit travel range and
CAUTION drive power!

By pressing the "Esc" key again, the standard display will reappear.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 775/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

The input via the keys is polled in an 8ms-cycle, the display is up‐
dated in an 8ms-cycle, too!

10.5 MultiMediaCard (MMC)

10.5.1 Brief Description
The MultiMediaCard (MMC) is a storage medium that can be inserted in the
slot provided for this purpose at the front of the controller. The MMC can store
drive firmware, drive parameters and other files (such as PLC programs or user-
side files, e.g. with document properties). The MMC can be used optionally.
As stationarily (permanently) plugged storage medium, the MMC can be used
● "Programming module", as active, non-volatile memory containing the
current axis-specific parameter values and the firmware active in the drive.
As a temporarily plugged storage medium, the MMC can be used for:
● Replacing firmware via command
● Transmitting drive parameter sets and firmware to other drives for serial
commissioning via command
● Saving the parameter values after initial commissioning
● Reestablishing the initial parameter status of the drive (loading the saved
parameter values)
Attention: Not for drives with absolute value encoder and modulo format!
See "Initial Commissioning/Serial Commissioning"
Without firmware or parameter loss, the controller can be changed from MMC
device status "device without MMC" to the status "device with stationarily plug‐
ged MMC" and vice versa.

The MMC commands can be started via the control panel. This is
especially advantageous when replacing devices!

It is only allowed to use MMCs by Bosch Rexroth (type designation


Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑4065, Non-volatile memory active

● P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC
● P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory
● P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages Copying parameters from MMC to flash:
● C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory
● C2502 Error when accessing the MMC
● C2504 Error when writing data to internal memory
Copying Parameters from flash to MMC:
● C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory
● C2602 Error when accessing the MMC
● C2604 Error when reading the internal memory
Replacing firmware via MMC:
● C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC
776/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● C2903 Error when accessing the MMC
● C2904 Error when accessing the flash
● C2905 Programmed firmware defective
Storage medium missing:
● F2006 MMC was removed

10.5.2 MMC Folder Structure

The MMC is a non-volatile storage medium that can be read and written both
by the controller and via a PC with the appropriate adapter.

Should it be necessary to reformat an MMC of type PFM02.1-****-

FW, make sure that FAT, FAT12 or FAT16 formatting is used!
FAT32 formatting is not supported and therefore cannot be used!

When being used in IndraDrive devices, the MMC has to have the following
folder structure:

Fig.10-25: Required Folder Structure of the MMC

The folders on the MMC are provided for the following contents:
Folder "Firmware" The file with the drive firmware has to be filed in this folder. The file extension
has to be ".ibf".
The following firmware variants are possible:
● FWA-INDRV*-MPH-… (Advanced single-axis)
● FWA-INDRV*-MPB-… (Basic single-axis)
● FWA-INDRV*-MPD-… (Basic double-axis)
At delivery the MMC has the required folder structure, the "Firmware" folder
contains the latest release of the drive firmware.

When replacing the firmware via MMC, make sure that the "Firm‐
ware" folder only contains one file with the extension ".ibf". This
folder may contain other files, but not with the extension ".ibf"!
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and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Folder "Parameters" In this folder contains the files with the axis-specific parameter values and the
parameter values relevant for replacing the devices:
● A file with the extension "....#1.pbf" (size 320kB)
→ Parameter values to be saved acc. to "S‑0‑0192 IDN-list of backup op‐
eration data"
● A file with the extension "....#1.rbf" (size 16kB)
→ "Retain" data for replacing devices acc. to "P‑0‑0195, IDN list of retain
data (replacement of devices)"
Storage takes place automatically when the MMC is used as "programming
module" (stationarily plugged). Storage takes place by a command, if the MMC
has only been plugged temporarily.

In the case of the firmware variant "Basic double axis" (FWA-

INDRV*-MPD-...), the mentioned files are stored for each of the two
axes. The extensions for the files of the second axis are "....#2.pbf"
and "....#2.rbf"

If the files are transmitted to the MMC from PC storage media, make sure that
the file sizes correspond to the mentioned requirements!
At delivery of the MMC, the basic parameters for the firmware contained on the
MMC are included in the folder "parameters".
Folder "Documentation" At delivery of the MMC, this folder does not contain any files. The customer can
store any data in this folder that are useful for handling the firmware or the axis.
Folder "Plc" The source code and symbol files of the drive PLC ("IndraMotion MLD") are
stored in this folder. Storage is triggered via the programming system. At de‐
livery of the MMC, the folder "Plc" is empty.
Folder "User" At delivery of the MMC, this folder does not contain any files. The customer can
store files in this folder. In the future, the folder will be used for extensions of
the file handling in the drive PLC ("IndraMotion MLD").

10.5.3 Controller With or Without MMC

General Information
Depending on the situation of the controller before switching off (device with or
without stationarily plugged MMC), it might possibly be necessary to make de‐
cisions with regard to parameter update and firmware replacement when
switching on.
The device status as regards the MMC is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑4065,
Non-volatile memory active".
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Switching on Controller Without MMC Plugged

MMC MultiMediaCard (type PFM02.1-…)

CTR Controller
P‑0‑4065 Non-volatile memory active
Fig.10-26: Switching on Controller Without MMC Plugged
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 779/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Switching on Controller With MMC Plugged

MMC MultiMediaCard (type PFM02.1-…)

FWA Drive firmware
CTR Controller
P‑0‑4065 Non-volatile memory active
1) With safety technology option available, further messages will appear
(see documentation "Integrated Safety Technology").
Fig.10-27: Switching on Controller With MMC Plugged
If the stationarily plugged MMC is removed from a device during operation, the
error message "F2006 MMC was removed" is displayed and the drive reacts
with the error reaction that was set. This error message can be deleted, if the
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same (identical!) MMC has been plugged again. When a different MMC is used,
the error message F2006 will appear again!

10.5.4 Using the MMC in the Drive Controller

Replacing Firmware With MMC
The MMC allows transmitting drive firmware to the drive controller in a quick
and uncomplicated way. We basically distinguish stationarily and temporarily
plugged MMCs.

It is impossible to transmit, the other way round, firmware from the

controller to the MMC!

The MMC with the latest release of the drive firmware can be ordered with the
type designation
● PFM02.1-****-FW with one of the firmware-dependent sub-items:
– FWA-INDRV*-MPH-**VRS-D5 (Advanced single-axis)
– FWA-INDRV*-MPD-**VRS-D5 (Basic double-axis)
– FWA-INDRV*-MPB-**VRS-D5 (Basic single-axis)

An MMC with current release of the required firmware can be or‐

dered from our sales and service facilities.

Carrying out a firmware replacement with MMC depends on different factors.

The variants of firmware replacement with MMC, the conditions and the se‐
quence of firmware replacement are described in the section below.
See section "Firmware Replacement"
MMC When Replacing Devices
See "Notes on How to Replace the Devices"
Saving Parameter Values on MMC
Put MMC into controller after boot phase ("hot plug"). In communication
phase 2, via control panel or appropriate master communication, activate the
command parameter
● P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory.
By starting this command, the application-specific parameter values (according
to list parameters S‑0‑0192 and P‑0‑0195) are stored on the MMC.
Diagnostic Messages Respective diagnostic command message:
● C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory
The following diagnostic error messages can be signaled:
● C2602 Error when accessing the MMC
● C2604 Error when reading the internal memory

As a matter of principle, it is recommended to additionally save the

application-specific parameter values via the "IndraWorks D" com‐
missioning tool or the control master on an external storage medi‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 781/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Loading Parameter Values From MMC

Put MMC containing the axis-specific parameter values into controller after boot
phase ("hot plug"). In communication phase P2, via control panel or appropriate
master communication, activate the command parameter
● P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory.
By starting this command, the application-specific parameter values (according
to list parameter S‑0‑0192) can be
● transmitted to other axes of the same type during serial commissioning
- or -
● loaded to the same controller again to reestablish the initial status.

In the case of drives with absolute value encoder and modulo for‐
mat, the position data reference has to be established again after
having loaded the parameter values saved after initial commission‐
ing, even if the actual position values are signaled to be valid via
parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status"!

Diagnostic Messages Respective diagnostic command message:

● C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory
The following diagnostic error messages can be signaled:
● C2502 Error when accessing the MMC
● C2504 Error when writing data to internal memory
If the stationary MMC is removed from a controller in operation or a different
MMC is plugged in again, the following message appears:
● F2006 MMC was removed.
Change in Device Status Regarding MMC (Stationary/Temporary)
Device With Stationarily Plugged Sequence for status change "device with stationarily plugged MMC" to "device
MMC → Device Without MMC without MMC":
1. Store axis-specific parameter values stored on previously active MMC via
command "C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory" in
non-volatile memory of controller.
2. Switch control voltage of drive off and remove previously active MMC from
3. Switch drive on again without MMC plugged. During boot phase, display
shows message "Load new Param.?". Acknowledge this message by
pressing "Enter" key (control panel).
Boot process is completed and drive then waits for other commands or is put
into readiness for operation via the control master.
Device Without MMC → Device Sequence for status change "device without MMC" to "device with stationarily
With Stationarily Plugged MMC plugged MMC":
1. Make sure correct firmware has been stored on MMC that in the future is
to remain stationarily in device.
Note: With PC, check whether the folder "Firmware" on the MMC contains
the file with the desired firmware!
2. After end of boot phase, plug MMC, in the future remaining in device, in
controller, then via command "C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to
optional memory" transmit axis-specific parameter values stored in con‐
troller to MMC.
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3. After transmission is over, switch control voltage of drive off, leave new
MMC in controller and switch drive on again.
4. When controller is booted, message "Firmware update?" appears on dis‐
play, if firmware stored on MMC differs from firmware stored in device.
Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key (control panel)!
5. New firmware now is possibly loaded to controller (firmware update); dis‐
play shows corresponding download messages.
6. In the course of the boot process, display shows message "Load new
Param.?". Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key (control
panel). With safety technology option available, further messages will ap‐
pear (see documentation "Integrated Safety Technology").Acknowledge
these messages by pressing "Enter" key (control panel). New MMC now
is active MMC of this drive. This means that with each repeated switch-on
procedure the parameters are automatically loaded from the MMC and
retained on the MMC during operation.

If the parameters stored on the MMC are to be stored in the device-

internal non-volatile memory, too, carry out the command "C2500
Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory"!

Boot process is completed and drive then waits for other commands or is put
into readiness for operation via the control master.

10.6 Firmware Replacement

10.6.1 General Notes on How to Replace the Firmware
Basic Principles
Explanation of Terms For firmware replacement, we distinguish the following cases:
● Release update
An old firmware release (e.g. MPH04V06) contained in the device is re‐
placed by a new firmware release (e.g. MPH04V08).
● Version upgrade
The old firmware version (e.g. MPH03V20) contained in the device is re‐
placed by a new firmware version (e.g. MPH04V08).

The paragraphs below describe the recommended options of firm‐

ware replacement by higher releases ("update") or versions ("up‐
grade"). The same conditions and sequences of actions apply to
firmware replacement by older releases or older firmware versions.

Firmware for IndraDrive is replaced using the following hardware and software:
● MultiMediaCard (MMC)
● PC with software "IndraWorks D"

The commissioning software "IndraWorks D" can be ordered from

one of our sales and service facilities under the designation SWA-
IWORKS-D**-04VRS-D0-CD650-COPY (part no. R911319744).
The scope of supply of "IndraWorks D" contains a documentation
which describes the operation of the program.

Preparations and Conditions for Firmware Replacement

Preparing the Firmware Replace‐ You have to make the following preparations for firmware replacement:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 783/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

1. Drive controller must be on (24 V supply).

2. Be absolutely sure to save parameter values before any firmware version
upgrade (for release update this is recommended), as otherwise complete
(re-)commissioning is required.
See section "Loading, Storing and Saving Parameters"
3. Drive controller mustn't be in operating mode (communication phase 4)
(cf. P‑0‑0115).
General Notes on How to Carry Out You have to observe the following points when carrying out the firmware re‐
Firmware Replacement placement:
● Do not switch off the 24 V control voltage while replacing the firmware.
● Firmware replacement always must be carried out completely, i.e. firm‐
ware on optional safety technology module must be replaced, too.
● For firmware replacement, we distinguish between release update and
version upgrade.

When firmware is replaced in conjunction with the option "starting

lockout" (L1), this does not require any specific measure, i.e. the
additional measures described below only apply to the use of option

10.6.2 Firmware Release Update

General Information
When firmware in a drive controller is replaced by firmware of a new release,
this is called firmware release update (e.g. FWA‑INDRV*-MPH‑04V06‑D5 re‐
placed by FWA‑INDRV*‑MPH‑04V08‑D5).
The described sequences of the firmware release update depend on the con‐
figuration of the control section and the hardware (MMC or PC) used for update.
The basically recommended sequence of the firmware release update is illus‐
trated in the scheme below:
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CSH0x.x ADVANCED single-axis control section

CDB0x.x BASIC double-axis control section
CSB0x.xC BASIC single-axis control section (configurable)
CSB0x.xN BASIC single-axis control section (not configurable)
Fig.10-28: Schematic Sequence of Firmware Release Update

The actions to be taken which are marked with dark background in

this figure are described in the paragraphs below.

Loading New Firmware to MMC

Requirements The following requirements must have been fulfilled for loading firmware to the
MMC of the drive:
● New firmware available (ibf file)
● PC with MMC reader
● MMC with old firmware in drive
Loading Firmware to MMC The following steps are required for loading the firmware to the MMC:
1. Switch drive off and remove MMC.
2. Plug MMC into MMC reader and open folder "Firmware" on MMC.
3. Delete old firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV*-MPH-04V06-D5.ibf).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 785/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

4. Copy new firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV*-MPH-04V08-D5.ibf) to folder

Note: Only one firmware file may be stored in the folder "Firmware" on the
MMC. With several firmware files, the message "MMC not correct" ap‐
pears on the display of the drive after booting.
5. Remove MMC from MMC reader after writing process has been comple‐
Variant 1: Release Update With MMC
Selection Criterion Carrying out the firmware release update with MMC makes sense when the
controller has not been equipped with a BASIC single-axis control section of
the CSB0x.xN type.
Firmware Update With MMC The optional MultiMediaCard (MMC) allows transmitting drive firmware to the
drive controller in a quick and uncomplicated way.

As the MMC is a storage medium that can be written in a simple

way (e.g. via PC), it is recommended that you check the MMC con‐
tent before downloading the firmware. You have to make sure that
the MMC really contains the appropriate firmware type.

An MMC with the current release of the required firmware can be ordered from
one of our sales and service facilities.
Carrying out the firmware release update with MMC requires the following
1. Load firmware
⇒ Switch drive off!
⇒ Plug MMC with new firmware into corresponding slot at controller.
⇒ Restart drive with MMC plugged.
After drive has been booted, the following message appears:
● "Firmware update ?"
⇒ Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. By
doing this, firmware is loaded from plugged MMC to controller.
The messages below will be displayed, depending on the operating status
of the drive:
● "Load Param from MMC" or "Load new param?"
● "Activate new MMC?"
● "F2120 MMC: defective or missing, replace"
⇒ Switch off drive, remove MMC (if drive was operated without MMC plug‐
ged) and restart drive!
2. Put machine into ready-for-operation status
⇒ Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine
manufacturer's instructions.
⇒ Check functions of drive.
3. Check safety technology parameters (only when safety technology has
been activated in the drive)
In the case of a release update, safety technology parameters are re‐
tained. With safety technology activated, the following steps are addition‐
ally required:
⇒ Check whether correct safety technology parameter settings for drive
are still available.
786/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

To do this, check the following points:

● Data in parameter "P‑0‑3205, Safety technology device identifier"
● Status of safety technology via parameter "P‑0‑3207, Safety tech‐
nology password level" (in the case of active and locked safety
technology, level is 2)
● Change counter of safety technology memory (parameter "P‑0‑3201,
Change counter of safety technology memory")
● Operating hours at last change of memory (parameter "P‑0‑3202,
Operating hours at last change of memory")

If the integrated safety technology is used and a firmware release update

is carried out for firmware versions older than MPx02V20, it is necessary
to repeat the safety technology acceptance test
CAUTION After firmware release update, the safety technology acceptance test must be
carried out again!

Variant 2: Release Update With IndraWorks D

Selection Criterion The following requirements should have been fulfilled in order that carrying out
the firmware release update with IndraWorks D makes sense:
● Controller is operated without MMC.
- or -
● Controller has been equipped with BASIC single-axis control section of
type CSB0x.xN.
Firmware Update With Indra‐ Carrying out the firmware release update with IndraWorks D requires the fol‐
Works D lowing steps:
1. Load firmware
⇒ Call IndraWorks D.
⇒ Load project for corresponding axis or create new project; to do this,
address axis via a serial connection.
⇒ Switch project "online".
⇒ Select/highlight controller and call "Firmware Management" in context
A new window opens and firmware currently available in drive is displayed
on its right side. On left side of window, firmware available in current firm‐
ware directory is displayed.
⇒ Highlight new firmware (*.ibf file) on left side and start firmware down‐
load via "Download" button.
Firmware download runs automatically and all required firmware compo‐
nents are loaded to drive.
⇒ After firmware download has been completed, close "Firmware Man‐
agement" window.
2. Put machine into ready-for-operation status
⇒ Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine
manufacturer's instructions.
⇒ Check functions of drive.
3. Check safety technology parameters (only when safety technology has
been activated in the drive)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 787/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

In the case of a firmware release update, safety technology parameters

are retained. With safety technology activated, the following steps are ad‐
ditionally required:
⇒ Check whether correct safety technology parameter settings for drive
are still available.
To do this, check the following points:
● Data in parameter "P‑0‑3205, Safety technology device identifier"
● Status of safety technology via parameter "P‑0‑3207, Safety tech‐
nology password level" (in the case of active and locked safety
technology, level is 2)
● Change counter of safety technology memory (parameter "P‑0‑3201,
Change counter of safety technology memory")
● Operating hours at last change of memory (parameter "P‑0‑3202,
Operating hours at last change of memory")

10.6.3 Firmware Version Upgrade

General Information
When firmware in a drive controller is replaced by firmware of a new version,
this is called firmware version upgrade (e.g. FWA‑INDRV*-MPH‑03V20‑D5 re‐
placed by FWA‑INDRV*‑MPH‑04V08‑D5).

Before carrying out the firmware version upgrade, you must save
all parameters (e.g. with IndraWorks D). After firmware replace‐
ment, the parameters must be restored, because the command
"C07_1 Load defaults procedure command" is carried out automat‐
ically. After the desired parameter file was loaded, the drive con‐
troller is ready for operation again.

The described sequences of the firmware version upgrade depend on the con‐
figuration of the control section and the firmware used. The basically recom‐
mended sequence of the firmware version upgrade is illustrated in the scheme
788/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

CSH0x.x ADVANCED single-axis control section

CDB0x.x BASIC double-axis control section
CSB0x.xC BASIC single-axis control section (configurable)
CSB0x.xN BASIC single-axis control section (not configurable)
Fig.10-29: Schematic Sequence of Firmware Version Upgrade

The actions to be taken which are marked with dark background in

this figure are described in the paragraphs below.

Saving Parameter Values

Before firmware upgrade, all application-specific parameter values must be
saved on a data carrier. Parameter backup can be carried out by means of:
● Commissioning software "IndraWorks D"
→ Saving parameter values on external data carrier
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 789/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

- or -
● Control master
→ Saving parameter values on master-side data carrier

Saving the parameters on the MMC available in the drive is without

effect, as this backup will be deleted during the firmware upgrade.

Loading New Firmware to MMC

Requirements The following requirements must have been fulfilled for loading firmware to the
MMC of the drive:
● New firmware available (ibf file)
● PC with MMC reader
● MMC with old firmware in drive
Loading Firmware to MMC The following steps are required for loading the firmware to the MMC:
1. Switch drive off and remove MMC.
2. Plug MMC into MMC reader and open folder "Firmware" on MMC.
3. Delete old firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV*-MPH-03V20-D5.ibf).
4. Copy new firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV*-MPH-04V08-D5.ibf) to folder
Note: Only one firmware file may be stored in the folder "Firmware" on the
MMC. With several firmware files, the message "MMC not correct" ap‐
pears on the display of the drive after booting.
5. Remove MMC from MMC reader after writing process has been comple‐
Variant 1: Version Upgrade With MMC (With Safety Technology)
Selection Criterion The following requirements should have been fulfilled in order that carrying out
the firmware version upgrade with MMC makes sense (with safety technology):
● Controller has not been equipped with BASIC single-axis control section.
● Optional slot for safety technology has been equipped with the optional
module "safety technology I/O" (S1).
● Current parameter setting of axis was saved.
Firmware Upgrade With MMC Carrying out the firmware version upgrade with MMC requires the following
(With Safety Technology) steps (with safety technology):
1. Load firmware
⇒ Switch drive off!
⇒ Plug MMC with new firmware into corresponding slot at controller.
⇒ Restart drive with MMC plugged.
After drive has been booted, the following message appears:
● "Firmware update ?"
⇒ Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. By
doing this, firmware is loaded from plugged MMC to controller.
One of the following messages will be displayed, depending on the oper‐
ating status of the drive:
● "Load Param from MMC" or "Load new param?"
● "Activate new MMC?"
● "F2120 MMC: defective or missing, replace"
790/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

⇒ Switch off drive, remove MMC (if drive was operated without MMC plug‐
ged) and restart drive!
2. Put drive into ready-for-operation status
⇒ After restarting the drive, the error message "F8201" is generated.
⇒ Clear all present error messages and start execution of "C07_2 Load
defaults procedure command (load defaults procedure for safety technol‐
⇒ As the number of parameters to be buffered has changed, "C07_1 Load
defaults parameter command (loading basic parameters)" must be acti‐
vated subsequently. All buffered parameters are thereby set to their
default values.
3. Load parameter values
⇒ Load parameter file which was saved.
⇒ Switch off drive and start again so that the parameterization becomes
4. Complete commissioning of integrated safety technology
⇒ Switch drive to operating mode (communication phase 4).
Error message "F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data" ap‐
pears, as safety technology parameter set between firmware versions 02,
03 and 04 has changed.
⇒ Clear error message.
⇒ Activate command "synchronize and store safety technology
IDN" (C3000).
⇒ Activate safety technology by inputting safety technology password
⇒ Carry out new acceptance test.

See sections "Activating the Safety Technology" and "Acceptance

Test" in the separate documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive: Integrated Safe‐
ty Technology" (DOK-INDRV*-SI*-**VRS**-FK**-EN-P; part
no. R911297838)

Dangerous movements possible! Danger to life, risk of injury, se‐

vere bodily harm or material damage!
In order to ensure correct functioning and to prevent personal damage, a
DANGER complete acceptance test must be carried out after a firmware version
upgrade for drive controllers with the optional module for safety technology
⇒ Make safety technology parameter backup, compile acceptance test
protocol and add it to safety-relevant documentation of machine.
5. Put machine into ready-for-operation status
⇒ Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine
manufacturer's instructions.
⇒ Check functions of drive.
Variant 2: Version Upgrade With MMC (Without Safety Technology)
Selection Criterion The following requirements should have been fulfilled in order that carrying out
the firmware version upgrade with MMC makes sense (without safety technol‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 791/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

● Controller has not been equipped with BASIC single-axis control section
of type CSB0x.xN.
● Optional slot for safety technology has not been equipped with the optional
module "safety technology I/O" (S1).
● Current parameter setting of axis was saved.
Firmware Upgrade With MMC Carrying out the firmware version upgrade with MMC requires the following
(Without Safety Technology) steps (without safety technology):
1. Load firmware
⇒ Switch drive off!
⇒ Plug MMC with new firmware into corresponding slot at controller.
⇒ Restart drive with MMC plugged.
After drive has been booted, the following message appears:
● "Firmware update ?"
⇒ Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. By
doing this, firmware is loaded from plugged MMC to controller.
One of the following messages will be displayed, depending on the oper‐
ating status of the drive:
● "Load Param from MMC" or "Load new param?"
● "Activate new MMC?"
● "F2120 MMC: defective or missing, replace"
⇒ Switch off drive, remove MMC (if drive was operated without MMC plug‐
ged) and restart drive!
2. Put drive into ready-for-operation status
⇒ As number of parameters to be buffered has changed, "PL" appears on
display (in case errors are present, remove them first). If you now press
"Esc" key, all buffered parameters are set to their default values. During
this time, message "C07 Load default parameters" appears on display. If
errors are present, they first have to be removed and the command C07_1
must then be manually activated!
3. Load parameter values
⇒ Load parameter file which was saved.
⇒ Switch off drive and start again so that the parameterization becomes
4. Put machine into ready-for-operation status
⇒ Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine
manufacturer's instructions.
⇒ Check functions of drive.
Variant 3: Version Upgrade With IndraWorks D
Selection Criterion The following requirements should have been fulfilled in order that carrying out
the firmware version upgrade with IndraWorks D makes sense:
● Controller has been equipped with BASIC single-axis control section.
● Current parameter setting of axis was saved.
Firmware Upgrade With Indra‐ Carrying out the firmware version upgrade with IndraWorks D requires the fol‐
Works D lowing steps:
1. Load firmware
⇒ Call IndraWorks D.
792/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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⇒ Load project for corresponding axis or create new project. To do this,

address axis via a serial connection.
⇒ Switch project "online".
⇒ Select/highlight controller and call "Firmware Management" in context
A new window opens and firmware currently available in drive is displayed
on its right side. On left side of window, firmware available in current firm‐
ware directory is displayed.
⇒ Highlight new firmware (*.ibf file) on left side and start firmware down‐
load via "Download" button.
Firmware download runs automatically and all required firmware compo‐
nents are loaded to drive.
⇒ After firmware download has been completed, close "Firmware Man‐
agement" window.
2. Put drive into ready-for-operation status
⇒ Switch project "offline" and then "online" again.
After project has been switched online, a message signals that Indra‐
Works D could not establish communication to drive via serial interface,
as drive-internal settings for serial communication were reset.
⇒ Reconfigure communication via button "Search for devices".
⇒ As firmware in drive no longer complies with version stored in project,
a corresponding message is displayed. To adjust firmware version in proj‐
ect, first select option "Repair" and then options "Delete existing drive from
project" and "Add new drive to project".
⇒ As number of parameters to be buffered has changed, "PL" appears on
display (in case errors are present, remove them first). If you now press
"Esc" key, all buffered parameters are set to their default values. During
this time, message "C07 Load default parameters" appears on display.
If errors are present, they first have to be removed and the command
C07_1 must then be manually started!
3. Load parameter values
⇒ Load parameter file which was saved.
4. Put machine into ready-for-operation status
⇒ Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine
manufacturer's instructions.
⇒ Check functions of drive.

10.6.4 Possible Problems During Firmware Replacement

Problematic Situations Firmware replacement is carried out incompletely, if one of the following situa‐
tions occurs during the sequence of firmware replacement:
● 24V supply of control section is switched off
● Connection to drive is interrupted (e.g. defective interface cable)
● Software crashes
The drive controller then possibly is no longer operable, because the firmware
contained in the components is no longer compatible.
If there isn't any valid firmware available in the control section in this case, the
loader is started. The drive display signals "LOADER". The loader only allows
updating the firmware of the control section. Optional cards, such as "safety
technology I/O" (S1) or "cross communication" (CCD) cannot be programmed
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 793/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

in this status. This must be done, after successful firmware replacement in the
control section, in a second run according to the descriptions of the firmware
replacement variants.
In this situation, replacement of the control section firmware is only supported
by IndraWorks D.

Upon successful firmware replacement in the control section, a re‐

start has to be carried out. Then all available components have to
be updated, too.

Requirements for Loading the Firm‐ The following requirements must have been fulfilled for loading firmware to the
ware drive:
● Serial connection to drive available
● Drive display signals "LOADER"
Firmware Replacement in Control The following steps are required for loading the firmware to the control section
Section in the Case of Error in the case of error:
1. Call IndraWorks D.
2. In menu, call firmware management under "Tools→ Drive → Firmware
3. Select device and COM interface.
A new window opens and firmware available in current firmware directory
is displayed on its left side.
4. Highlight new firmware (*.ibf file) on left side and start firmware download
via "Download" button.
Firmware download runs automatically and all required firmware compo‐
nents are loaded to drive.
5. After firmware download has been completed, close "Firmware Manage‐
ment" window.
6. Restart drive.
If drive has not been equipped with optional modules, such as "safety technol‐
ogy I/O" (S1) or "cross communication" (CCD), continue following instructions
for release update or version upgrade! Otherwise, carry out release update or
version upgrade again to program optional modules.

10.7 Notes on How to Replace the Devices

10.7.1 Supply Units
General Information
The concept of Rexroth supply units includes safe, quick and uncomplicated
replacement of devices. This allows reducing production downtimes, caused
by failures of these devices, to a minimum.
Failures in the supply unit are displayed by means of diagnostic messages.
According to the diagnostic error message, the measure "replacing the supply
unit" can be indicated.

See documentation "Troubleshooting Guide" (description of diagnostic

Immediately after having replaced the device, the drive is operational again,
because it is not required to repeat the adjustment of the drive to the machine.
794/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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How to Replace Supply Units

Procure Replacement Device Identify device to be replaced by means of type plate; procure supply unit of
same type from Bosch Rexroth!

See also documentation of the respective supply unit

Fill Out Fault Report In the documentation of the respective supply unit, you can find a fault report
form to be copied. Please copy this fault report, fill it out carefully and completely
and enclose it with the defective device! The fault report filled out completely
supports quick handling of repair and helps recognizing application-related fail‐
ure causes.
Replace Supply Unit De-energize drive system; wait for DC bus to discharge; then replace defective
supply unit!

Live conductor bars (higher than 50 V), even if mains voltage switched
Electric shock when touching!
DANGER ⇒ Wait for the DC bus (L+/L-) to discharge; before touching the conductor bar,
check whether below 50 V!

For notes on how to dismount and mount the supply unit, see documen‐
tation of the respective supply unit
Put Drive System Into Operation Put machine into operation again according to machine manufacturer's instruc‐
Again tions!

10.7.2 Drive Controllers

General Information
The concept of Rexroth controllers includes safe, quick and uncomplicated re‐
placement of devices. This allows reducing production downtimes, caused by
failures of these devices, to a minimum.
Failures in the drive controller are displayed by means of diagnostic messages.
According to the diagnostic error message, the measure "replacing the con‐
troller" can be indicated.

See documentation "Troubleshooting Guide" (description of diagnostic


IndraDrive controllers are delivered completely with the control sec‐

tion and should be replaced completely, too. Only Bosch Rexroth
service engineers or especially trained users are allowed to replace
the control section separately. Only service engineers are allowed
to replace optional modules of the control section.

Immediately after the device has been replaced and

● the operating data, which were saved before, have been loaded
- or -
● the MultiMediaCard (MMC) possibly plugged in the defective device has
been plugged in the replacement device
the drive is operational again, because it is not required to repeat the adjustment
of the drive to the machine.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 795/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

When using the drive-internal safety technology, particular instruc‐

tions have to be observed for replacing a device!
See separate documentation "Integrated Safety Technology"

How to Replace Drive Controllers

General Information
Procure Replacement Device Identify defective controller by means of type plates; procure controller of same
type from Bosch Rexroth!
The following type designations have to match:
● Type designation of power section
● Type designation of control section

Ideally, the firmware type designation of the replacement device

should also comply with that of the defective device.
If the available replacement device has a different firmware type
designation (differences in version and release), the same firmware
as the one active in the defective device has to be loaded to the
replacement controller!

The type designations can be seen on the adhesive labels at the power section
and control section (see also documentation for the respective device compo‐
The firmware type active in the device can be shown on the display of the control
See "Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers"
Fill Out Fault Report In the documentation "Project Planning Manual for Supply Units/Power Sec‐
tions or Control Sections", you can find a fault report form to be copied. Please
copy this fault report, fill it out carefully and completely and enclose it with the
defective device! The fault report filled out completely supports quick handling
of repair and helps recognizing application-related failure causes.
Replacing a Device With Stationarily Plugged MMC
Save Parameter Values When the device having a stationarily plugged MMC is switched off (MMC used
as "programming module"), the current parameter values are automatically
saved on the MMC.
Replace Controller Replace the controller in the following steps:
1. De-energize drive; wait for DC bus to discharge!
2. Take MMC out of device to be replaced and plug it in new device!
3. Replace defective controller!

Live conductor bars (higher than 50 V), even if mains voltage switched
Electric shock when touching!
DANGER ⇒ Wait for the DC bus (L+/L-) to discharge; before touching the conductor bar,
check whether below 50 V!

For notes on how to dismount and mount the controller, see documenta‐
tion "Supply Units and Power Sections; Project Planning Manual"!
796/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Put Controller Into Ready-For-Op‐ Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine man‐
eration Status Again ufacturer's instructions; then switch on control voltage!
Depending on the previous configuration of the replacement device, the fol‐
lowing messages can appear during the booting phase:
● "Firmware update ?"
Firmware Download Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. The firm‐
ware download is then running, the respective messages are appearing.
Load Parameter Values The drive then is in the booting phase again and the following message can
● "Load new Param.?"
Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. With safety
technology option available, further messages will appear (see documentation
"Integrated Safety Technology").Acknowledge these messages by pressing
"Enter" key (control panel). The drive then completes the booting phase and
waits for further actions of the control master.

The drive is now running again with the same firmware and the
same parameter values as before the device was replaced. The
absolute position data reference of measuring systems is main‐

When the MMC was not plugged in the controller before the control voltage is
switched on, the following message is displayed:
● "Load new Param.?".
In this case, switch the control voltage off, plug the MMC of the defective device
in the replacement device and then switch the control voltage on again.

The message "Load new Param.?" does not always appear when
the MMC hasn't been plugged (depends on the previous configu‐
ration of the replacement device)!

Replacing a Device Without Stationarily Plugged MMC

An MMC temporarily plugged in the controller can be used as update medium
for firmware and as update and backup medium for parameter values.
Save Parameter Values Before dismounting the defective device, save the drive parameter values, if
possible. To do this, switch drive off and on again, then save parameter values
in communication phase "P2".
Parameter values of defective device can be saved via:
● Control panel of the controller with temporarily plugged MMC ("hot plug")
By pressing the buttons on the control panel in a certain order, the com‐
mand "C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memo‐
ry" (P‑0‑4092) can be activated. By doing this, the active parameter values
[according to parameter "S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data" and
"P‑0‑0195, IDN list of retain data (replacement of devices)"] are copied
from the controller-internal memory to an MMC temporarily plugged in the
Note: If the MMC does not remain stationarily (permanently) plugged in
the device, it may be temporarily plugged in the switched-on device after
the booting phase and removed again ("hot plug" or "hot unplug").
See also "Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers"
● Commissioning tool "IndraWorks D"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 797/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

By selecting the respective menu item, the parameter values according to

the list parameters S‑0‑0192 and P‑0‑0195 are stored on an external data
carrier (hard disk, floppy disk or the like) [serial communication with the
controller or via SYSDA/SERCOS interface].
● Control master
The parameter values according to the list parameters S‑0‑0192 and
P‑0‑0195 are stored on a master-side data carrier by the control master.

If saving the parameter values before replacing the device should

be impossible due to a total breakdown of the device, only the pa‐
rameter values backed up after initial commissioning can be loaded
when the parameter values are loaded later on (see below "Load
Parameter Values in Case of Total Breakdown of Device")!

Replace Controller De-energize drive; wait for DC bus to discharge; then replace defective supply

Live conductor bars (higher than 50 V), even if mains voltage switched
Electric shock when touching!
DANGER ⇒ Wait for the DC bus (L+/L-) to discharge; before touching the conductor bar,
check whether below 50 V!

For notes on how to dismount and mount the controller, see documenta‐
tion "Supply Units and Power Sections; Project Planning Manual"!
Put Controller Into Ready-For-Op‐ Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine man‐
eration Status Again ufacturer's instructions!
Load Firmware and Parameters via Supply replacement controller without plugged MMC (as for defective device)
IndraWorks D with control voltage!
Depending on the previous configuration of the replacement device, the fol‐
lowing message can appear during the booting phase:
● "Load new Param.?"
Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. The drive
then completes the booting phase and is ready for other actions via Indra‐
Works D:
● Load firmware
By selecting the respective menu item, the firmware stored on an external
data carrier (hard disk, floppy disk or the like) is loaded to the controller
(serial communication with the controller).
● Load parameters
By selecting the respective menu item, the parameter values stored on an
external data carrier (hard disk, floppy disk or the like), immediately before
the device was replaced, according to list parameters S‑0‑0192 and
P‑0‑0195 are loaded to the controller (serial communication with the con‐
troller or via SYSDA/SERCOS interface).
Load Firmware and Parameters via When firmware and drive parameters are to be transmitted via MMC to the
MMC replacement controller, you have to make sure that the MMC folder "Firmware"
contains the firmware required for the drive and the MMC folder "Parameters"
contains the parameters saved before having replaced the device.
→ Plug MMC into replacement controller, supply device with control voltage!
798/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Depending on the previous configuration of the replacement device, the fol‐

lowing message can appear during the booting phase:
● "Firmware-Update?"
Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. By doing
this, firmware is loaded from plugged MMC to controller.

If the message "Firmware-Update?" does not appear, the controller

already contains the same firmware as the MMC. Loading the firm‐
ware in this case is not required!

The following message is then displayed:

● "Load new param.?".
Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. Drive pa‐
rameters are now loaded from MMC to volatile memory of device; the following
message then possibly appears:
● "Load new safety?".
Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel, too. The
safety parameters now are loaded from the MMC to the memory of the optional
safety technology card (see documentation "Integrated Safety Technology").

If safety technology is to be activated in the replacement device (in

accordance with replaced device), the drive after loading the safety
parameters has to be run up to operating mode (communication
phase 4) before it is switched off!

Now store the parameters from the MMC in the internal, non-volatile memory
of the controller by activating the command "C2500 Copy IDN from optional
memory to internal memory" (P‑0‑4091) (storing according to parame‐
ters "S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data" and "P‑0‑0195, IDN list of
retain data (replacement of devices)").
After parameter loading processes have been completed, drive waits for further
actions of control master.
Now switch controller off and remove MMC from device. The switch on con‐
troller again. The following message is then displayed:
● "Load new param.?".
Acknowledge this message by pressing "Enter" key of control panel. Drive pa‐
rameters are now loaded from the non-volatile memory ("flash") to volatile
memory ("RAM") of device. From now on, device behaves like device without
MMC plugged (see also chapter "MultiMediaCard (MMC)").
Load Parameters Via Control Mas‐ The axis-specific parameter values saved before having replaced the device
ter (Saved Before Having Replaced can also be loaded via the control master.
The parameter values saved immediately before the replacement of the device
on a master-side data carrier (according to list parameters S‑0‑0192 and
P‑0‑0195) are loaded to the controller by the control master.
Load Parameter Values in Case of If it should have been impossible to save the parameter values according to the
Total Breakdown of Device list parameters S‑0‑0192 and P‑0‑0195 immediately before replacing the device
(total breakdown of device), the parameter values saved after initial commis‐
sioning have to be loaded.
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

In the case of drives with absolute value encoder and modulo for‐
mat, the position data reference has to be established again after
having loaded the parameter values saved after initial commission‐
ing, even if the actual position values are signaled to be valid via
parameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status"!

The parameter values saved after initial commissioning are not gener‐
ally suited for reestablishing the operatability of the drive after replace‐
ment of devices!
WARNING ⇒ Check actual position values and active target position before drive enable!

Put Machine Into Ready-For-Oper‐ Reestablish ready-for-operation status of the machine:

ation Status
● Put machine into ready-for-operation status again according to machine
manufacturer's instructions.
● Check functions of drive.

10.8 Enabling of Functional Packages

10.8.1 Brief Description
The scope of functionality of the IndraDrive firmware can be scaled by the user.
This allows adjusting the scope of firmware functions to the respective require‐
ments and, if necessary, reducing its complexity.
The drive functionality is scaled by licensing (enabling) optional expansion
packages that are available in addition to the standard base package of the
respective IndraDrive firmware.

In the case of drives of double-axis design (firmware variant MPD),

it is only possible to enable the same functional packages for both
axes. In case the enabling for drive 1 is changed, the enabling for
drive 2 is automatically changed, too.

See also "Overview of Functions/Functional Packages"

Features ● Activated functional packages displayed in parameter "P‑0‑2004, Active
functional packages"
● Firmware type designation in parameter "S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version"
dynamically adjusted to the active functional packages displayed in
● Functional packages activated/deactivated via parameter
● Count of operating hours counter at last change of access enable is stored
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version
● P‑0‑2002, Oper. hours of contr. sect. at change of functional packages
● P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages
● P‑0‑2004, Active functional packages
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages ● C0202 Parameter limit error (->S‑0‑0423)
● C0299 Functional package selection changed. Restart
800/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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10.8.2 Functional Description

Changing the Active Functional Package Selection
The functionality of the drive firmware is divided into several functional pack‐
ages. By enabling certain packages, it can be adjusted to the requirements of
the respective application.
Basically, there are the following possibilities of subsequent scaling of the drive
● Reducing the already licensed scope of functions in order to reduce the
complexity of the firmware
● Expanding the scope of functions originally ordered (additional licensing)

Non-licensed functional packages mustn't be used. Enabling func‐

tional packages which aren't part of the originally ordered scope of
functions requires additional licensing that is not free of charge! If
you use a non-licensed function, any guarantee on the part of
Bosch Rexroth will expire.
The count of the operating hours counter at the change of access
enable for functional packages is stored in parameter P‑0‑2002.
The Bosch Rexroth staff can therefore provide evidence of non-
licensed drive functions that have been enabled.

Parameter P‑0‑2003 is available for selecting the functional packages; param‐

eter P‑0‑2004 for displaying the activated packages.
The following assignment applies:

Name of package
Bit No. (Bit = 1 → package is selected) Rules for selection via P‑0‑2003

0 Base package "open-loop" - As an alternative to bit 1

- Not with safety technology
1 Base package "closed-loop" - As an alternative to bit 0
- Not with CSB-01.1N-FC
2 Unassigned --
3 Unassigned --
4 Expansion package "servo function" (SRV) - As an alternative to bit 5 or 6
- Not with "open-loop"
5 Expansion package "synchronization" (SNC) - As an alternative to bit 4 or 6
- Not with CSB-01.1N-FC
6 Expansion package "main spindle" (MSP) - As an alternative to bit 4 or 5
- Not with "open-loop" for CDB01.1C
7 Unassigned --
8 Unassigned --
9 Additional package "IndraMotion MLD" (ML) - Not with CDB01.1C
10 to 31 Unassigned --

Fig.10-30: Selection of Functional Packages

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 801/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

You can purchase the functional package option "ALL" and thereby
license all three above-mentioned expansion packages (SRV,
SNC, MSP). This allows you using any of these expansion pack‐

Example Enabling the base package "closed-loop" and the expansion package "servo
function", for example, requires the following setting in P‑0‑2003:
● Bit 1 = 1 for the base package "closed-loop"
● Bit 4 = 1 for the expansion package "servo function"
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0012
These settings are displayed in parameter P‑0‑2004, in case parameter
P‑0‑2003 is changed they are only displayed after repeated booting process.
The figure below illustrates the interaction of the parameters involved in ena‐
bling of functional packages.

Fig.10-31: Interaction of Parameters for Functional Package Selection

Every change of the selected functional packages is recorded via an entry of
the current count of the operating hours counter in parameter "P‑0‑2002, Oper.
hours of contr. sect. at change of functional packages".

Bosch Rexroth can at any time provide evidence of non-licensed

functional packages that have been enabled subsequently.

For input in "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages", there presently are

the following possible combinations:
Open-Loop Packages ● Open-loop without expansion packages
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0001
● Open-loop with synchronization (SNC)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0021
● Open-loop with IndraMotion MLD (ML)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0201
● Open-loop with synchronization (SNC) + IndraMotion MLD (ML)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0221
Closed-Loop Packages ● Closed-loop without expansion packages
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0002
● Closed-loop with servo function (SRV)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0012
● Closed-loop with synchronization (SNC)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0022
802/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Closed-loop with main spindle (MSP)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0042
● Closed-loop with IndraMotion MLD (ML)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0202
● Closed-loop with servo function (SRV) + IndraMotion MLD (ML)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0212
● Closed-loop with synchronization (SNC) + IndraMotion MLD (ML)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0222
● Closed-loop with main spindle (MSP) + IndraMotion MLD (ML)
→ P‑0‑2003 = 0x0000 0242

Changes in parameter "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages"

are only accepted by the drive after repeated booting process.

Reducing the Active Functional Packages

The user can at any time reduce the scope of functions of the firmware by
deactivating individual functional packages. To do this, the bits assigned to the
functional packages which are not required are reset in parameter "P‑0‑2003,
Selection of functional packages".
Subsequent Expansion (Additional Licensing)
The required functions are normally licensed by ordering the IndraDrive firm‐
ware. At delivery, the licensed functions are indicated as firmware type on the
type plate of the control section and in addition internally registered by Rexroth.

Bosch Rexroth can at any time prove which scope of functions had
been activated and thus licensed at delivery. If you use a non-li‐
censed function, any guarantee on the part of Bosch Rexroth will

In individual cases, it is possible make an additional licensing, if you whish to

enable other functions than the ones contained in the ordered and paid func‐
tionality. The procedure is described in the following section "Notes on Com‐

10.8.3 Notes on Commissioning

Condition as Supplied
When a drive is delivered, the licensed functional packages have been enabled.
For package "ALL", the package "servo function" (SRV) has been enabled ex

The firmware type printed on the firmware type plate has to comply
with the content of parameter "S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version" (or
contain the package identifier "ALL").
The content of parameter S‑0‑0030 can be read via the standard
control panel (see "Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers").

The following example shows the connection for firmware MPH04V06 and
functional package "closed-loop, synchronization and IndraMotion":
Example ● Content of S‑0‑0030 → FWA-INDRV*-MPH04V06-MS-1-SNC-ML
● Imprint on type plate → FWA-INDRV*-MPH04V06-MS-1-SNC-ML
- or (with complete licensing) -
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 803/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Reducing the Functionality
The drive functionality is scaled by selecting functional packages via an entry
in parameter "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages".
The scaling can be changed by directly writing data to the parameter via the
master communication or the corresponding dialog in the "IndraWorks D" com‐
missioning tool.
The time of change is registered by an entry in "P‑0‑2002, Oper. hours of contr.
sect. at change of functional packages".

A change in parameter P‑0‑2003 only takes effect after repeated

booting process. The active functional packages are then displayed
in parameter "P‑0‑2004, Active functional packages".

Additional Licensing (Expansion of Functionality)

If the firmware originally ordered and delivered does not contain all required
functions, it is possible to subsequently enable further functional packages. This
requires additional licensing that is not free of charge.

For test purposes, it is possible to enable non-licensed functional

packages via parameter P‑0‑2003 for a limited time (max. 2 weeks).
If you use a non-licensed functional package permanently, any
guarantee on the part of Bosch Rexroth will expire!

How to Proceed for Additional Li‐ For additional licensing proceed as follows:
1. Enable desired functional packages in parameter P‑0‑2003
2. Reboot drive and check content of P‑0‑2004 (content must comply with
that of P-0-2003!)
3. See parameter "S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version" for firmware type and
write it down; this parameter displays current firmware configuration de‐
fined via P‑0‑2003
4. See "P‑0‑1511, Circuit board code control section" (list element 3) for se‐
rial number of control section and write it down
5. Send purchase order to Bosch Rexroth indicating serial number (from
P‑0‑1511) and desired firmware configuration (from S‑0‑0030)
6. Receive adjusted firmware type plate from Bosch Rexroth to stick it on
type plate of control section so that content of S‑0‑0030 complies with
firmware description on type plate
If there hasn't any functional package been previously enabled by the customer,
the additional licensing can start with step 4. In step 5, the desired new firmware
configuration then cannot be read from S‑0‑0030, but has to be taken from the
overview of firmware types (see "Firmware Types" in section "Overview of
Functions/Functional Packages").

For handling the purchase order, please contact your Bosch Re‐
xroth sales representative!

Scope of Supply The scope of supply consists of

● ordered new firmware type as FWA file incl. parameter file (as files or on
- and -
● adjusted firmware type plate (to stick on).
804/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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10.8.4 Verifying the Enabled Functional Packages

When the transition command "C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure
command" is executed, a check is run to find out whether the value entered in
parameter "P-0-2003, Selection of functional packages" corresponds to valid
enabled packages. If not, the diagnostic command message C0202 is gener‐
ated and the parameter IDN "P‑0‑2003" is entered in the list parameter
"S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization level".

See also Troubleshooting Guide for "C0202 Parameter limit error (-

When the enabling of functional packages has been changed, you have to re‐
boot the drive so that the change becomes active and is applied to parameter
P‑0‑2004. When the transition command "C0200 Exit parameterization level
procedure command" is executed, a check is run to find out whether the value
entered in parameter P‑0‑2003 corresponds to the value in parameter
P‑0‑2004. If there is a difference, the diagnostic command message "C0299
Functional package selection changed. Restart" is output.

See also Troubleshooting Guide for "C0299 Functional package selection

changed. Restart"

10.9 Extended Diagnostic Possibilities

10.9.1 Monitoring Function
Brief Description
The so-called "monitor function" implemented in the drive is for in‐
ternal use only, or can be used as an extended possibility of
diagnosis in the case of error.

The monitoring function provides the following options:

● Displaying memory ranges
● Changing storage locations
● Writing/reading EEPROM memory cells (controller and encoder)
● Adjusting analog measured values
● Displaying internal system states
● Executing several test routines for software and hardware

Using the monitor function requires a VT100 terminal, an ANSI ter‐

minal or a corresponding emulation. It is recommended to have a
132-column display.

Notes on Commissioning/Operation
Serial Interface Connection to the drive is realized via the serial interface. The setting has to be
made in accordance with the parameterization of the serial interface in the drive
(parameters P‑0‑4021, P‑0‑4025, P‑0‑4095).
Default settings of the serial interface:
● 9600 baud
● 8 data bits
● No parity
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 805/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

● 1 stop bit
● Hardware protocol
Opening the Communication Chan‐ After starting the terminal (Windows hyper terminal) and the drive, there isn't
nel any output appearing on the terminal.
In order to establish connection to the drive, the following input is required:
→"BCD:<drive address>"
The drive address corresponds to the number set in parameter P‑0‑4025 (or
can be read on the display, default address in "99"). The drive now responds
"E<drive address>:>".

After the input there isn't any "echo" appearing on the terminal (i.e.
the input is invisible when the local echo of the terminal was disa‐

To get to the monitoring mode, make the following input:

→ "mon"
If successful, the drive responds with
"INDRAMAT _ IMON166 _ V1.3 _ May 27 2002 [? = Help ]"
as a header with dark background and the prompt "HPC> ".

The monitoring function was started!

Handling The monitor structure is organized in menus. The content of the individual me‐
nus can be displayed by inputting
→ "?".
As a matter of principle, the input is made according to the pattern
"command option1 option2 ... option N".
Submenus are called like normal commands. The submenu is exited by enter‐
→ "exit".

With the "exit" command the monitoring mode is exited, too, and
the drive switches to normal RS232 communication again.

The content of the screen can be cleared with the command "cls".

10.9.2 Logbook Function

Brief Description
A logbook function is realized in the drive firmware in order to obtain a detailed
diagnostic error message in the case of error. The information provided by the
logbook function allows reproducing the internal firmware sequence, if required.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑0478, Logbook event
● P‑0‑0479, Logbook time stamp
Functional Description
The list parameters "P‑0‑0478, Logbook event" and "P‑0‑0479, Logbook time
stamp" are organized as ring buffers and can contain 128 elements. The entries
in these parameters are realized automatically by the controller subject to in‐
ternal states. The entry in P‑0‑0478 marks the event (or the status); the time of
the entry is stored in P‑0‑0479.
806/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Content and Format of the Logbook The entries in parameter P‑0‑0478 are hexadecimal numbers with the following
Entries assignment:
● Bits 31 to 16 → module code
● Bits 15 to 0 → internal diagnosis key
The displayed values of this parameter can only be interpreted with internal
knowledge of the drive firmware.

Fig.10-32: Logbook entries (example)

Each time the control section is switched on, "0xFFFFFFFF" is en‐

tered in P‑0‑0478 as a separator in order to mark the "new start".

The entries in P‑0‑0479 contain the operating hours of the control section in
seconds at the time of the respective event.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 807/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-33: Content of parameter P‑0‑0479 (example)

10.9.3 Patch Function

Brief Description
The patch function can be used for reading and writing any storage location (or
internal variable) as a data object via the master communication, the analog
output or the oscilloscope function.
In conjunction with the analog output or the oscilloscope function, this func‐
tionality can be used for locating errors.

As it is a function for exclusive use by the development staff, the

patch display parameters P‑0‑0485 and P‑0‑0491 write-protected
with the master password.
The configuration parameters of the patch function are not stored
in the flash, but are lost when the drive is switched off.

Pertinent Parameters ● P-0-0480, Patch function 1, source pointer

● P-0-0481, Patch function 1, attribute
● P-0-0482, Patch function 1, bit mask
● P-0-0483, Patch function 1, exponent
● P-0-0485, Patch function 1, display
● P-0-0486, Patch function 2, source pointer
● P-0-0487, Patch function 2, attribute
808/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● P-0-0488, Patch function 2, bit mask
● P-0-0489, Patch function 2, exponent
● P-0-0491, Patch function 2, display
Functional Description
Read Access (Displaying Internal Storage Locations/Signals)
The patch function allows transforming any storage location into a data object
that can be read via the master communication. To do this, a storage location
is preset via the parameters "P‑0‑0480, Patch function 1, source pointer" and
"P‑0‑0486, Patch function 2, source pointer". The access to this address is
configured via bits 0 to 2 of the parameters "P‑0‑0481, Patch function 1, attrib‐
ute" and "P-0-0487, Patch function 2, attribute". INT4 reads a 4-byte integer
value starting from the source pointer, INT2/INT1 read 2 bytes or 1 byte ac‐
cordingly. FLOAT8 reads an 8-byte floating-point value (DOUBLE), FLOAT4
reads 4 bytes accordingly (FLOAT).
Due to the processor architecture, the possible memory accesses are subject
to certain restrictions. A 4-byte access, for example, is only allowed for storage
locations the address of which can be divided by 4. The table below contains
a complete overview of the allowed and prohibited memory accesses.

If you want to change the access mode via bits 0 to 2 of the patch
attribute parameters (P‑0‑0481/P‑0‑0487), this is only possible if
the patch source pointer that has just been set (P‑0‑0480/P‑0‑0486)
allows the new access mode (see table).

Possible access to source addresses that ...

... can be divided by 2, ... do not have any
...can be divided but not by 4 (WORD- particular alignment
Access as... by 4 (DWORD-aligned) aligned) (BYTE-aligned)
INT4 ■ – –
INT2 ■ ■ –
INT1 ■ ■ ■
FLOAT8 ■ – –
FLOAT4 ■ – –
■ Access allowed
– Access prohibited
Fig.10-34: Possible Access Modes of the Patch Function
The desired display format is set via bits 4 to 7 of the patch attribute parameters
(P‑0‑0481/P‑0‑0487). This allows interpreting the value read as a decimal num‐
ber with or without sign, as a hexadecimal number or as a binary number. When
selecting "BOOL" as the display type, "1" is output when a value unequal zero
was read, otherwise "0" is displayed.
If a storage location is read as integer and output in a non-float format, the value
read is ANDed with the bit mask set via the patch bit mask parameters
(P‑0‑0482/P‑0‑0488). The standard setting of this mask is "0xFFFFFFFF" so
that the value read is not changed.
When a storage location is read as a float value and a non-float format is se‐
lected for display, the value read is multiplied with 10-exponent. This allows making
an adjustment to the displayed value range (-2147483648 to 2147483647, val‐
ue range of a "signed int"). The exponent can be set via the parameters
"P‑0‑0483, Patch function 1, exponent" or "P‑0‑0489, Patch function 2, expo‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 809/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

If the value read and scaled with the exponent is outside the pos‐
sible range of display, one of the extreme values is displayed. In
this case, it is necessary to select a different exponent.

Write Access (Changing Internal Storage Locations/Signals)

In analogy to read access, it is possible to write any storage location.
A bit mask possibly set (P‑0‑0482/P‑0‑0488) is taken into account (ANDed) as
is a preset patch exponent (P‑0‑0483/P‑0‑0489).

Please observe that in the "BOOL" display mode, it is impossible to

write the storage location, because it is impossible to assign an un‐
equivocal numeric value to the value "TRUE" (displayed as "1").
Any value unequal zero is interpreted as "TRUE".

As in the case of read access, odd addresses in the case of write

access are only allowed in the INT1 mode. In contrast to read ac‐
cess, the write access is directly carried out as a byte access. You
should therefore avoid activating addresses outside the DRAM in
this way, because this can lead to undefined hardware behavior.

Examples of Application
Patch Function in Conjunction With In conjunction with the "analog output" function, it is possible to transmit the
"Analog Output" content of a storage location to an analog output. To do this, the IDN of the
desired patch display (P‑0‑0485/P‑0‑0491) has to be entered in one of the pa‐
rameters "P‑0‑0420, Analog output 1 signal selection" or "P‑0‑0423, Analog
output 2 signal selection".

Please observe that changes in the patch attributes (P‑0‑0481/

P‑0‑0487) are not automatically transmitted to the parameters
P‑0‑0418/P‑0‑0419 and P‑0‑0422/P‑0‑0425. After a change in the
patch attribute, you should therefore write the parameters
P‑0‑0420/P‑0‑0423, P‑0‑0418/P‑0‑0419 and P‑0‑0422/P‑0‑0425

See also "Analog Outputs"

10.10 Oscilloscope Function

10.10.1 Brief Description
The oscilloscope function can be used to record drive-internal and external
signals and status variables (parameter contents). This function can be effec‐
tively used both for initial commissioning and debugging. Its functionality can
be compared to that of a 4‑channel oscilloscope.
The total scope of the oscilloscope function is divided into the following function
● Recording measured values
It is possible to record 4 channels at the same time, the signals being
selected by configuration of signal selection lists (IDN lists).
● Configuration (basic settings)
The control/status block determines the basic functions (start/stop, time
resolution, size of memory, operating mode). The current status (status
diagram) of the oscilloscope is continuously transmitted to the master.
810/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Trigger function
Besides extensive trigger functions, the drive provides the possibility of
triggering at different signals and events in the drive.
Features The oscilloscope function is characterized by the following features:
● Recording measured values
– 4 channels, each with a maximum of 8192 measured values
– Time resolution to be freely selected in steps of the position loop
clock (see "Performance Data")
– Signal selection by indicating the IDN of the respective parameter
● Configuration (basic settings)
– 4-channel display in "IndraWorks D"
– More than 100 different measuring and trigger signals (cf. P‑0‑0149)
– Expanded oscilloscope function using patch function
● Trigger function
– Trigger signal selection by indicating the parameter IDN
– Internal trigger or external trigger
– External trigger with trigger offset determination for synchronizing
multiple-axis measurements
– Unit of trigger level adjusting to trigger signal selection
– Possibility of triggering at internal memory contents with patch signal
Pertinent Parameters Control/status:
● P‑0‑0028, Oscilloscope: control word
● P‑0‑0029, Oscilloscope: status word
● P‑0‑0031, Oscilloscope: time resolution
● P‑0‑0032, Oscilloscope: size of memory
● P‑0‑0149, Oscilloscope: signal selection list
● P‑0‑0150, Oscilloscope: number of valid measured values
Measuring channels:
● P‑0‑0021, Oscilloscope: list of measured values 1
● P‑0‑0022, Oscilloscope: list of measured values 2
● P‑0‑0023, Oscilloscope: signal selection 1
● P‑0‑0024, Oscilloscope: signal selection 2
● P‑0‑0145, Oscilloscope: list of measured values 3
● P‑0‑0146, Oscilloscope: list of measured values 4
● P‑0‑0147, Oscilloscope: signal selection 3
● P‑0‑0148, Oscilloscope: signal selection 4
Trigger function:
● P‑0‑0025, Oscilloscope: trigger mask
● P‑0‑0026, Oscilloscope: trigger signal selection
● P‑0‑0027, Oscilloscope: trigger level
● P‑0‑0030, Oscilloscope: trigger edge
● P‑0‑0033, Oscilloscope: number of measured values after trigger event
● P‑0‑0035, Oscilloscope: control offset
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 811/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

● P‑0‑0036, Oscilloscope: external trigger signal
● P‑0‑0037, Oscilloscope: internal trigger signal
812/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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10.10.2 General Information on the Oscilloscope Function

Sequence of a Measurement (Status Diagram)

Fig.10-35: Status Diagram of Oscilloscope Function

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 813/886
and Controls

Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Configuring the Measured Value Channels

A measured value channel is configured by inputting the IDN of the desired
parameter in the respective signal selection parameter:
● P‑0‑0023, Oscilloscope: signal selection 1
● P‑0‑0024, Oscilloscope: signal selection 2
● P‑0‑0147, Oscilloscope: signal selection 3
● P‑0‑0148, Oscilloscope: signal selection 4
Signal Selection List (P‑0‑0149) All IDNs contained in parameter "P‑0‑0149, Oscilloscope: signal selection
list" can be entered.
The parameter P‑0‑0149 contains all parameters that are suitable as trigger
signal (P‑0‑0026) or measuring signal (P‑0‑0023, P‑0‑0024, P‑0‑0147,
P‑0‑0148). By reading P‑0‑0149, the master can recognize the signals that can
be recorded in the drive.

At present, all cyclically configurable parameters (> 100) are con‐

tained in the list!

Example of Signal Selection Example of the signal selection of the oscilloscope function:
● "S‑0‑0051, Position feedback 1 value" is selected as signal to be recorded
● Position feedback 1 value (S‑0‑0051) is written to parameter "P‑0‑0023,
Oscilloscope: signal selection 1"
→ When the limiting conditions occur, actual position value of axis 1 is recorded
in the oscilloscope and transmitted to the master.

Fig.10-36: Example of Signal Selection

Expanded Oscilloscope Function (Patch Function)
Besides the recording of parameter contents via the oscilloscope function, the
drive provides the possibility of recording any internal signal, i.e. memory ad‐
dress (patch function).
814/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Using the patch function is only possible with information about the
structure of the internal data memory; therefore, this function can
be used effectively only by the developers of the IndraDrive firm‐

In order to record internal signals (memory address contents), "P‑0‑0485, Patch

function 1, display" or "P‑0‑0491, Patch function 2, display" have to be config‐
ured in one of the signal selection parameters (P‑0‑0023, P‑0‑0024, P‑0‑0147,

The patch function has to be parameterized before the assignment

as trigger or measuring signal.

See also "Patch Function"

Activating the Oscilloscope Function
The oscilloscope function is activated/deactivated by means of parameter
"P‑0‑0028, Oscilloscope: control word".
P‑0‑0028, bit 0:
● Bit 0 = 1 → starting a measurement
● Bit 0 = 0 → stopping a measurement
Setting bit 0 in P‑0‑0028 activates the oscilloscope function, i.e. the recording
of measured values of the selected signal starts. The oscilloscope function
waits for the selected trigger edge or level to occur. At detection of a valid edge,
the measured values keep being written to the measured value memory until
the number of measured values defined in parameter "P‑0‑0033, Oscilloscope:
number of measured values after trigger event" has been reached (delay func‐

With SERCOS master communication, start of signal recording and

of trigger evaluation are delayed until the next feedback acquisition
starting time T4 (S‑0‑0007 and S‑0‑1007).
This causes the recording data and the data in the AT telegram to
be identical and several drives at one SERCOS bus to simultane‐
ously start the recording within one SERCOS cycle.

After the defined number of measured values has been recorded, the bit "delay
function completed" (bit 4) is set in parameter "P‑0‑0029, Oscilloscope: status
word". The recording is complete and automatically terminated. Bit 0 in param‐
eter P‑0‑0028 is reset and the list of measured values can be read.

Depending on the parameterization of the size of memory, the time

resolution, the number of measured values after trigger event and
the point of time the trigger event occurs, the entire measured value
memory for the current measurement is not always written.
This means that there may still be old measured values in the mem‐
ory that are not valid for the current measurement!

10.10.3 Trigger Function

Trigger Signal Selection
The drive provides extensive and flexible possibilities of triggering.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 815/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Triggering at Standard Signals The trigger signal is selected in parameter "P‑0‑0026, Oscilloscope: trigger sig‐
nal selection" by means of direct input of parameter IDNs. Only such IDNs are
allowed that are contained in the list "P‑0‑0149, Oscilloscope: signal selection

If there isn't any valid trigger signal available when the oscilloscope
function is activated, bit 7 for "trigger error" is set in parameter
"P‑0‑0029, Oscilloscope: status word".

The parameter "P‑0‑0026, Oscilloscope: trigger signal selection" determines

which signal is monitored with regard to the parameterized edge reversal or
threshold value.
Triggering at Any Signal Besides the triggering of parameter contents, the drive provides the possibility
of recording any internal signal, i.e. memory address (patch function).

Using the patch function is only possible with information about the
structure of the internal data memory; therefore, this function can
be used effectively only by the developers of the IndraDrive firm‐
Patch Function In order to trigger at internal signals (memory address contents), "P‑0‑0485,
Patch function 1, display" or "P‑0‑0491, Patch function 2, display" have to be
configured in P‑0‑0026.
See also "Patch Function"
Internal or External Trigger
In parameter "P‑0‑0028, Oscilloscope: control word", the kind of trigger can be
P‑0‑0028, bit 1:
● Bit 1 = 0 → Internal trigger without offset measurement
● Bit 1 = 1 → External trigger with offset measurement
Trigger Event The trigger event is the point of time at which trigger signal (P‑0‑0026) and
trigger level (P‑0‑0027) are matching, taking the determined trigger edge into
account (P‑0‑0030). When the trigger event occurs, the internal trigger is re‐
Internal Trigger (Without Offset When "internal trigger" is selected (P‑0‑0028; bit 1 = 0), the external trigger
Measurement) source (P‑0-0036, bit 0) is not taken into account. Until the trigger event has
been reached, the current state of the comparison "signal/trigger level" is dis‐
played in "P‑0‑0029, Oscilloscope: status word".
When the trigger event has been reached, the bit "internal trigger event" is set
in parameter "P‑0‑0029, Oscilloscope: status word" and recording is continued
until the defined number of measured values after trigger event (P‑0‑0033) has
been reached. Only then is the bit "delay function completed" set (P‑0‑0029;
bit 4). Setting this bit terminates the complete recording. Independent of the
trigger source, the bit indicates the end of the recording.
When internal trigger source has been selected, the status bit "trigger function
completed" (P‑0‑0029, bit 3) is set simultaneously with the bit for "internal trig‐
ger event" (P‑0‑0029, bit 2) (see status diagram).
816/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-37: Internal Trigger Without Offset Measurement (P‑0‑0028; Bit 1 = 0)

By parameterizing P‑0‑0036 (external trigger signal) in "P‑0‑0026,

Oscilloscope: trigger signal selection", it is possible to release the
internal trigger function by the external trigger input.

External Trigger With Offset Meas‐ When the kind of trigger "external trigger with offset measurement" (P‑0‑0028;
urement bit 1 = 1) has been selected, the internal and external trigger are used for the
master axis.
When "external trigger" has been selected, the behavior, until the internal trig‐
ger event has been reached, corresponds to the behavior for the case when
trigger source "internal trigger" has been selected. Until the external trigger
signal occurs (P‑0‑0036; bit 0), the trigger offset between both trigger events is
determined and displayed in parameter P‑0‑0035. Then the bit "trigger function
completed" (P‑0‑0029; bit 3) is set in the status word. The rest of the sequence
is the same as in the case of internal trigger source without offset measurement.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 817/886
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Fig.10-38: External Trigger With Offset Measurement (P‑0‑0028; Bit 1 = 1)

The use of the external trigger source with trigger offset determi‐
nation is described in section "Synchronizing the Measuring Signals
of Several Axes" (see below).

Selecting the Trigger Edges

Trigger Edge (P‑0‑0030) In parameter "P‑0‑0030, Oscilloscope: trigger edge", you can set at which edge
of the trigger signal the internal trigger is released. The following options are
● Triggering at the positive edge
● Triggering at the negative edge
● Triggering at both edges
● Triggering when trigger signal equals trigger level
818/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0030, Oscilloscope: trigger edge"

Setting the Trigger Delay
Trigger Delay Function Via parameter "P‑0‑0033, Oscilloscope: number of measured values after trig‐
ger event", it is possible to reach a trigger delay independent of the preset
trigger source (external/internal). For this purpose, the number of measured
values that is to be recorded after the respective trigger event is set in parameter

It is also possible to record measured values before the trigger

event occurs (trigger delay functions of an oscilloscope).
By entering "0" in P‑0‑0033, only data available before the trigger
event will be recorded.
If the value of parameter P‑0‑0032 is entered, only the measured
values that occurred after the trigger event will be recorded.

Fig.10-39: Trigger Delay: Number of Measured Values After Trigger Event

Expanded Trigger Functions
Trigger Mask (P‑0‑0025) With parameter "P‑0‑0025, Oscilloscope: trigger mask", it is possible to trigger
at certain events. For trigger signals with the display formats "Bin" and "Hex",
it is possible to mask the trigger signal and the trigger level.

See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0025, Oscilloscope: trigger mask"

Trigger Level (P‑0‑0027) The trigger level can be freely set via parameter "P‑0‑0027, Oscilloscope: trig‐
ger level", the attribute, unit, etc. being adjusted to the respective selected
trigger signal.

See Parameter Description "P‑0‑0027, Oscilloscope: trigger level"

10.10.4 Synchronizing the Measuring Signals of Several Axes

The parameter "P‑0‑0035 Oscilloscope: control offset" contains the number of
measured values between the occurrence of the internal trigger event
(P‑0‑0029; bit 2) and the external trigger event (P‑0‑0036; bit 0).
Trigger Control Offset (P‑0‑0035) The transmission of the trigger event via the master causes a delay between
the detection of the trigger event and the release of the trigger. This delay is
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 819/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

measured by drive 1 (master drive) and stored in parameter "P‑0‑0035, Oscil‐
loscope: control offset". A time-correct display of the signals of several drives
can be guaranteed by taking this parameter into account for the visualization
of the measured values.
See also above "Internal or External Trigger"

Fig.10-40: Application for Trigger Source "External" With Determination of Trigger


The value in parameter P‑0‑0035 can be used by the master for

synchronizing the measuring signals of several axes with the inter‐
nal trigger event of the master axis.

Fig.10-41: Trigger Control Offset

Status of Internal Trigger Upon successful comparison of trigger signal and trigger condition, bit 0 is set
(P‑0‑0037) in parameter "P‑0‑0037, Oscilloscope: internal trigger signal" (trigger status),
820/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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but the trigger is not released. It is thereby possible for the master to signal the
trigger event via the real-time status bits and real-time control bits to several
drives at the same time and to release the trigger.
External Trigger Signal (P‑0‑0036) The parameter "P‑0‑0036, Oscilloscope: external trigger signal" can be para‐
meterized as real-time control information, both in the real-time channel of the
interface and as hardware input. This allows triggering at external signals that
are preset via
● the master communication
- or -
● an analog or digital input.

10.10.5 Parameterizing the Oscilloscope Function

Recording Duration
The recording duration is determined according to the following relationship:

tA Recording duration (in µs)

P‑0‑0031 Oscilloscope: time resolution
P‑0‑0032 Oscilloscope: size of memory
Fig.10-42: Determining the Recording Duration
Parameterizing the Selection of Measured Values
For the oscilloscope function, it is possible to select 4 signals that are defined
by the IDNs of their respective parameters and assigned to the following pa‐
● P‑0‑0023, Oscilloscope: signal selection 1
● P‑0‑0024, Oscilloscope: signal selection 2
● P‑0‑0147, Oscilloscope: signal selection 3
● P‑0‑0148, Oscilloscope: signal selection 4
Only such parameter IDNs are allowed that are contained in the list parameter
"P‑0‑0149, Oscilloscope: signal selection list".

The selected signal (parameter IDN) defines the unit of the data
stored in the list of measured values.

Parameterizing the Trigger Function

See above "Trigger Function"
Parameterizing Time Resolution and Size of Memory
The recording range or the recording duration can be adjusted to the meas‐
urement requirements via the following parameters:
● P‑0‑0031, Oscilloscope: time resolution
● P‑0‑0032, Oscilloscope: size of memory
Size of Memory of Oscilloscope By means of "P‑0‑0032, Oscilloscope: size of memory", the number of meas‐
Function ured values is determined. A maximum of 8192 measured values per channel
can be recorded.
Time Resolution of Oscilloscope By means of "P‑0‑0031, Oscilloscope: time resolution", the time intervals, in
Function which the measured values are recorded, are determined (sampling rate). It is
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 821/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

possible to select the time resolution on the time base of the position loop clock
(Tosci = N x TA_position; N = 1, 2, 3, 4, …).
The position loop cycle time depends on the control performance. The control
performance in turn depends on the hardware design of the controller and the
setting in parameter P‑0‑0556.
See "Performance Data"

10.10.6 Diagnostic and Status Messages

Status of the Oscilloscope Function
The parameter "P‑0‑0029, Oscilloscope: status word" displays the current sta‐
tus of the oscilloscope function.
Parameter P‑0‑0029 contains, for example, status information on:
● Start/end of recording
● Trigger function
● Status of trigger signal
● Delay function

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0029, Oscilloscope: status word"

Via parameter "P‑0‑0037, Oscilloscope: internal trigger signal", the master is
informed of the status of the internal trigger. This parameter can be parame‐
terized as real-time status information, both in the real-time channel of the
interface and as hardware output.
Displaying the Number of Valid Measured Values
The parameter "P‑0‑0150, Oscilloscope: number of valid measured values"
displays the number of measured values detected in the ring buffer after a
measurement. If the ring buffer has been completely filled with the length de‐
termined in parameter "P‑0‑0032, Oscilloscope: size of memory", this param‐
eter displays the size of memory.

See also Parameter Description "P‑0‑0150, Oscilloscope: number of valid

measured values"

10.11 Serial Communication

10.11.1 Overview of Serial Communication
General Information
The serial interface of the drive controller is used as a universal medium of
communication for different services. It can be used for master communication
(in addition to SERCOS), for reading and writing parameters, for replacing the
firmware, for locating errors and for other services. The physical standard used
is RS232 (with accessory HAS05.1-005 "RS232/RS485 converter", RS485 is
possible, too).
Two protocols are supported for serial communication:
● ASCII-based protocol
● SIS protocol (Rexroth-standard serial binary protocol)

The protocol is automatically recognized by the drive!

The following functions are made possible via the serial interface:
822/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Reading and writing parameters via terminal or commissioning tool in par‐

allel with the existing master communication
● Connecting a control terminal (BTV04)
● Downloading firmware via the "IndraWorks D" program
The maximum baud rate is 115 kB.
Pertinent Parameters ● P‑0‑4021, Baud rate RS-232/485
● P‑0‑4022, Drive address of serial interface
● P‑0‑4050, Answer delay RS-232/485
● P‑0‑4095, RS-232/485 Parity
Parameter Structure
All parameters of the drive controller are stored in a uniform parameter struc‐
ture. Each parameter consists of 7 elements. The table below describes the
individual elements and the possibilities of access. The following sections will
also refer to the parameter structure below.

Element no. Data block element Possibility of access

1 IDN read
2 name read
3 attribute read
4 unit read
5 min. input value read
6 max. input value read
7 operating data read / write

Fig.10-43: Parameter structure

Interface Mode
The serial interface can optionally be operated in one of the following modes:
● RS232 mode
● RS485 mode

Communication via RS485 is only possible in conjunction with an

external RS232/RS485 converter (e.g. with accessory module
HAS05.1-005 by Bosch Rexroth).
Depending on the mode, it is necessary to use different cables (see
corresponding Project Planning Manual).

Transmission Protocols
Two different protocols are supported on the drive side:
● ASCII protocol
● SIS protocol
When switching on the 24 V supply voltage, automatic protocol detection is
activated when receiving signals via the serial interface.
A soon as either
● a valid ASCII start sequence
- or -
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 823/886
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● a valid SIS telegram

was received, the drive internally switches to the respective kind of protocol.
Properties of ASCII Protocol ● Transmission rates 9600 and 19200 baud
● 8-bit ASCII protocol
● No parity bit
● One stop bit

There isn't any telegram frame used, but the transmitted ASCII
signs are converted and interpreted. It is only necessary to comply
with a certain order.

Properties of SIS Protocol ● Binary protocol

● Checksum test (higher Hamming distance D)
● All telegrams are identified by an unequivocal start character ("0x02")
● Defined structure of the telegram frame
● It is possible to activate motions (e.g. jogging)

10.11.2 Functional Principle Independent of Protocol

Basic State After Applying the Control Voltage
After the control voltage has been switched on, the serial communication in the
drive is in the "passive mode". Communication is impossible in the passive
Determining the Protocol In order to establish the serial communication with the drive, it is necessary to
determine the kind of communication (protocol) by
● a CHANGE DRIVE command (in the case of ASCII protocol)
- or -
● a valid SIS telegram (in the case of SIS protocol).
Setting the Drive Address
The drive address of the serial interface is set by writing data to parameter
"P‑0‑4022, Drive address of serial interface".
This can be done, for example, by means of the standard control panel or the
"IndraWorks D" commissioning tool.
Exception: If the value "256" (default value) was entered in parameter P‑0‑4022,
the device address set in parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of master com‐
munication" is used for serial communication.
RS232 Mode In this mode, it is not obligatory to set the drive address, because only one node
is connected (peer-to-peer connection).

When communicating via the SIS protocol, the address "128" is

provided for peer-to-peer communication. Independent of the set‐
ting in parameter P‑0‑4022, the address "128" is always valid.

RS485 Mode In the case of communication via RS485 bus, it is obligatory to set the drive
address, because each bus node is addressed via a specific bus address.

In order to avoid access conflicts, each drive address may be as‐

signed only once.
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Communication Via RS232 Interface

The RS232 interface is particularly intended to be used for connecting a PC
with installed "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool.
Features ● Transmission rates from 9600 to 115,200 baud
● Max. transmission distance 15 m
● ASCII protocol or SIS protocol (8-bit each)
● Parity bit according to parameter "P‑0‑4095, RS-232/485 Parity"
● One stop bit

Fig.10-44: Communication Via RS232 Interface (Example: IndraWorks D)

Communication Via RS485 Interface
General Information
The communication via the RS485 interface allows realizing a serial bus with
the following data:
Features ● It is possible to connect up to 31 drives with one bus master
● Transmission rates from 9600 to 115,200 baud
● Max. transmission distance 500 m
● Semi-duplex operation via 2-wire line
● ASCII protocol or SIS protocol (8-bit each)
● Parity bit according to parameter "P‑0‑4095, RS-232/485 Parity"
● One stop bit

Communication via RS485 is only possible in conjunction with an

external RS232/485 converter.

Operating Several Drives With IndraWorks D

Advantages for Application ● Commissioning several drive controllers without plugging the interface
cable into a different connection (central parameterization and diagnosis
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 825/886
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● Realizing a central PC-based visualization unit

Fig.10-45: Operating Several Drives With IndraWorks D

Using IndraWorks D via the RS485 interface is only possible as of

version 05.

Parameterization and Diagnosis Via PLC

Advantages for Application ● Parameters can be changed via PLC (e.g. adjustment of positioning
● Extended diagnostic possibilities for the PLC by reading in the error code

Fig.10-46: Parameterization and Diagnosis Via PLC

Parameterization and Diagnosis of Drive Groups by an Operator Unit
Advantages for Application ● Realizing a central visualization unit
826/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-47: Parameterization and Diagnosis of Drive Groups by an Operator Unit

Connection System

See separate documentation "Drive Controllers, Control Sections; Project

Planning Manual"
Error Messages With Serial Communication
The error codes defined in the SERCOS interface specification are used for the
different errors (see "Specification SERCOS interface", section "Service
channel error messages"). These codes are also used in the case of incorrect
access to control and system parameters.

Error code Explanation

0x1001 No IDN
0x1009 Invalid access to element 1
0x2001 No name
0x2002 Name transmission too short
0x2003 Name transmission too long
0x2004 Name cannot be changed (read only)
0x2005 Name is write-protected at this time
0x3002 Attribute transmission too short
0x3003 Attribute transmission too long
0x3004 Attribute cannot be changed (read only)
0x3005 Attribute is write-protected at this time
0x4001 No units
0x4002 Unit transmission too short
0x4003 Unit transmission too long
0x4004 Unit cannot be changed (read only)
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Error code Explanation

0x4005 Unit is write-protected at this time
0x5001 No minimum input value
0x5002 Minimum input value transmission too short
0x5003 Minimum input value transmission too long
0x5004 Minimum input value cannot be changed (read only)
0x5005 Minimum input value is write-protected at this time
0x6001 No maximum input value
0x6002 Maximum input value transmission too short
0x6003 Maximum input value transmission too long
0x6004 Maximum input value cannot be changed (read only)
0x6005 Maximum input value is write-protected at this time
0x7002 Operation data transmission too short
0x7003 Operation data transmission too long
0x7004 Operation data cannot be changed (read only)
0x7005 Operation data is write-protected at this time (reason: communication phase or mode)
0x7006 Operation data is smaller than the min. input value
0x7007 Operation data is greater than the max. input value
0x7008 Invalid operation data (e.g. IDN not supported, invalid bit number, invalid bit combination, invalid list
0x7009 Operation data write protected by a password
0x700A Operation data is write protected, it is configured cyclically (IDN is configured in the MDT or AT. Therefore
writing via the service channel is not allowed).
0x700B Invalid indirect addressing (e.g., data container, list handling)
0x700C Operation data is write protected, due to other settings (e.g., parameter, operation mode, drive enable,
drive on etc.)
0x7010 Procedure command already active
0x7011 Procedure command not interruptible
0x7012 Procedure command at this time not executable
(e.g., in this phase the procedure command cannot be activated)
0x7013 Procedure command not executable (invalid or false parameters)

Fig.10-48: Error Specification According to SERCOS

10.11.3 Communication With ASCII Protocol

Addressing a Specific Bus Node
In order to start the communication with a bus node, this node has to be spe‐
cifically addressed by a CHANGE DRIVE command (CD command) indicating
the drive address. With each CD command, the drive addressed via the indi‐
cated address is activated; all other drives are thereby switched to the passive
mode. The drive that has been addressed responds with its prompt. As from
now, the communication with the activated drive continues until another CD
command causes the switching to another drive.
828/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-49: Addressing a Bus Node

Write Access to a Parameter
As a basic principle, write access to a parameter is carried out as follows:
● IDN of the parameter, data block element number, w, operating data (Car‐
riage Return)
After the writing operation has been carried out, the drive responds with its
prompt again.
In order to access the parameter value of parameter P‑0‑4037, for example,
the following input is required:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 829/886
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Fig.10-50: Write Access to a Parameter

The entered data must correspond to the data type defined in the
attribute (HEX, BIN or DEC).

See also "Error Messages With Serial Communication"

Read Access to a Parameter
As a basic principle, read access to a parameter is carried out as follows:
● IDN of the parameter, data block element number, r (Carriage Return)
The drive then displays the content of the data block element that was ad‐
In order to access the operating data of parameter P‑0‑4040, for example, the
following input is required:
830/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-51: Read Access to a Parameter

Write Access to List Parameters
There are some list parameters in the drive. To write data, these parameters
have to be addressed in modified form:
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Fig.10-52: Write Access to List Parameters (Part 1)

832/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-53: Write Access to List Parameters (Part 2)

It is important to complete the input with the "<" character, because

only then are the data applied in the drive.

Read Access to List Parameters

The read access to list parameters is carried out in the same way as in the case
of other parameters. The drive, however, provides all list elements as its re‐
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 833/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Fig.10-54: Read Access to List Parameters

Triggering a Command
In the drive controller, a number of commands can be triggered the execution
of which takes place automatically within the controller.
The following command parameters are available:
834/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Switching between operating mode and parameter mode:

– S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
– S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition check
– P‑0‑4023, C0400 Communication phase 2 transition
● S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure command
● S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command
● P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring
Via the serial interface, it is possible to start, interrupt and complete the exe‐
cution of a command. In addition, the status of the command execution can be
A command is triggered as follows:
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Fig.10-55: Triggering a Command (Part 1)

836/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-56: Triggering a Command (Part 2)

Querying the Command Status The current status of a command can be queried. The query of the command
status is used to make sure that the drive-side command execution is comple‐
ted, before the connected control unit (or the PC) completes the command.
The command status is queried as follows:
● IDN of the command,1,w,0 (Carriage Return)
After the IDN of the command parameter was written, the drive signals the cur‐
rent command status.
Possible Status Messages 0 h Command not set in the drive
1 h Command set in the drive
3 h Command set, enabled and correctly executed
5 h Command set and enabled in the drive
7 h Command set and enabled, but not yet executed
F h Command set and enabled, but not executed due to error

Fig.10-57: Status Messages

The command status is transmitted in the form of a bit list. The significance of
the individual bits is illustrated below.
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Fig.10-58: Command Acknowledgment (Data Status)

Completing a Command
A command is completed as follows:
● IDN of the command,7,w,0 (Carriage Return)
Example of Application (Changing the Assign List for the Signal Status Word)
Several drives are connected to a PLC via an RS485 interface. The address of
the drive we consider is "01".
→ Establishing the communication with the respective axis
BCD: 01 (CR)
Command for switching to drive A01:>
Echo of the connected drive (all other drives are passive)

The drive does not send an echo after each character, but it is only
after having received the "CR" that the drive returns the complete
sequence that was input.

→ Writing the assign list for the signal status word to the drive
The assignment of the relevant bits for the signal status word (S-0-0144) is
stored in the form of a list in parameter "S‑0‑0328, Assign list signal status
word". In order to change one or more values in this list, it is necessary to always
write all relevant values of this list. That is to say if four elements are used, it is
necessary to write all 4 bits, even if only one element (bit) is to be changed.
S‑0‑0328,7,w,> (CR)
? 1 (CR) bit 1
? 2 (CR) bit 2
838/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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? <(CR)
Error Messages With ASCII Communication
The following error messages specifically occur in the case of communication
with ASCII protocol:

Error code Explanation

0x9001 Fatal error (characters cannot be identified)

0x9002 Parameter type error
0x9003 Invalid data set number
0x9004 Input cannot be identified
0x9005 Data element number not defined
0x9006 Error in the write-read identifier (r/w)
0x9007 Invalid character in the data

Fig.10-59: Error Messages With ASCII Communication

10.11.4 Communication with SIS Protocol

Telegram Structure, Telegram Scope
Basic Telegram Structure
In principle, a SIS telegram is devided into 3 blocks:
● Telegramm header
● Useful data header
● Useful data

Telegramm header Useful data header Useful data

Fig.10-60: Structure of a SIS telegram

Structure of the Telegram Header
The SIS telegram header consists of a static and a dynamic part.
Static Part of the Telegram Header The static part of the telegram header comprises of 8 byte and is contained in
every SIS telegram.

Byte Name Description of the bytes in the static part of the telegram header

1 StZ Start character: STX (0x02)

2 CS Checksum byte → The checksum is generated in three steps:
1. The "CS" byte is cleared
2. All characters in the telegram are added byte by byte
3. The negated sum is stored in the "CS" byte
The result if the byte-by-byte addition of all characters in a SIS telegram will always have the value zero!
3 DatL Data length → The "DatL" byte contains the length of a telegram without the static telegram header.
The total length of a SIS telegram is limited to 255 byte. Therefore, only a maximum of 247 byte of useful
data can be transmitted.
4 DatLW Data length repetition
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Byte Name Description of the bytes in the static part of the telegram header
5 Ctrl Control byte (Control) → In the control byte, the type structure of the dynamic telegram header are
● Bit 0…2 → number of subaddresses in the dynamic part of the telegram header
● Bit 3 → specifying whether dynamic telegram header contains "PaketN" (package number) byte
Bit 3 = 0 → without package number
Bit 3 = 1 → with package number
● Bit 4 → determining the telegram type
Bit 4 = 0 → command telegram
Bit 4 = 1 → reaction telegram
● Bit 5 → reserved
● Bit 6 → reserved in command telegrams; in reaction telegrams bit 6 signals a system warning in
the slave
● Bit 7 → reserved in command telegrams; in reaction telegrams bit 7 signals a system error in the
6 service SIS service → The byte specifies the SIS service of the telegrams.
Subservices are defined in some SIS services. In these cases the subservice is specified in the useful
data header. The useful data of the command and reaction telegrams can be defined in a different way
for every SIS service and its subservice.
7 AdrS Address of the transmitter:
● In command telegrams: → address of the master, valid from 0 to 126
● In reaction telegrams: → address of the slave
8 AdrE Address of the receiver:
● In command telegrams: → address of the slave, valid from 0 to 126
Address 128: → special address for a "point-to-point" connection; Each slave reacts to the special
address independent of its station number.
Address 254: → collective message to all slaves in the direct hierarchical level
Address 255: → collective message to all slaves in the SIS network below the master
Slaves do not respond to collective messages!
● In reaction telegrams: → address of the master

Fig.10-61: SIS telegram header, static part

Dynamic Part of the Telegram The dynamic part of the telegram header can contain up to 8 byte. The telegram
Header number (‘PaketN‘ byte), when it was declared in the control byte (‘Ctrl‘ byte in
the static part), is always in the last place in the dynamic part of the telegram
header. If not all subaddresses are required, they are not available in the tele‐
gram. When a command telegram is transmitted from one hierarchical level to
the hierarchical level below, the subaddress block is reduced by one address.
On the way back, one address is added to the subaddress block in the reaction

Byte Name Description of the bytes in the dynamic part of the telegram header

9 AdrES1 slave address in the 1st sublevel

10 AdrES2 slave address in the 2nd sublevel
11 AdrES3 slave address in the 3rd sublevel
12 AdrES4 slave address in the 4th sublevel
840/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Byte Name Description of the bytes in the dynamic part of the telegram header
13 AdrES5 slave address in the 5th sublevel
14 AdrES6 slave address in the 6th sublevel
15 AdrES7 slave address in the 7th sublevel
16 PaketN Package number (when bit 3 was set in "CTRL" byte):
● At the first request with a package number ≠ 0 the request is processed. The reaction telegram is
stored and sent by the slave.
● When the request is repeated (with the same package number), it is not processed. The slave
sends the stored reaction telegram.
● When there is another request with a new package number ≠ 0 or when there is a changed request
(static telegram header), the request is processed. The stored reaction telegram is overwritten
with the new reaction telegram and the new reaction telegram is sent by the slave.
● When there is a request with package number = 0, it is always processed. The reaction telegram
is sent by the slave but not stored. Reaction telegrams that still are stored are cleared (re-initiali‐
● When there is a request without package number, it is always processed. The reaction telegram
is sent by the slave but not stored. Reaction telegrams that are still stored are maintained!
Only with the package monitor is it possible to repeat individual sequential telegrams that were incor‐
rectly transmitted, without canceling the running sequential telegram cycle!

Fig.10-62: SIS telegram header, dynamic part

Structure of the Useful Data Header
General Information on the Useful Data Header

The structure of the useful data header depends on the direction of

transmission. The useful data headers described below are only
valid for the services 0x80 … 0x8F.

In the structure of the useful data header we distinguish between command

telegram and reaction telegram.
Command Telegram
The command telegram is the telegram the master (drive) sends to the slave
(master → slave).

Fig.10-63: Structure of the useful data header in the command telegram

Significance of the Useful Data In the command telegramm the useful data header describes the kind of re‐
Header quest.
Control Byte The control byte indicates the parameter element (date, name, ...) that is to be
read or written. In addition, the control byte indicates whether other telegrams
(sequential telegrams) are required for reading or writing.
Device Address The device address that has been set at the address switches has to be entered
in the block "Device Address".
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 841/886
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Parameter Type and Number The parameter number has the format defined in the specification for the SER‐
COS interface. In order to be able to address the control parameters, a byte for
characterizing the parameter type precedes the address.

Fig.10-64: Structure of the control byte

Fig.10-65: Parameter type and number in the useful data header

Reaction Telegram
The reaction telegram is the telegram the slave (drive) sends to the master
(slave → master).

Fig.10-66: Structure of the useful data header in the reaction telegram

Status Byte In the status byte an error code is returned, if necessary. In the case of an error-
free transmission, a 0x00 is returned in the status byte.
Control Byte The control byte contains the information regarding which data block element
of a parameter is accessed. Bit 2 controls the transmission of the sequential
telegrams (writing lists in several steps).
842/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Device Address In the block "Device Address" the device address set in the parameter
"P‑0‑4022, Drive address of serial interface" has to be entered.
Structure of the Useful Data Field In the useful data bytes it is possible to enter any value that is interpreted in a
different way according to service. For flash programming, for example, binary
characters are entered in the useful data and when writing a parameter the
decimal numeric value is entered.
The number of bytes in the useful data field and of the useful data header are
entered in the "DatL" and "DatLW" bytes.
Status Messages
Status Byte Description Kind of error

0x00 Error-free transmission without error

0x01 During the execution of the requested service an execution error
error occured. The service-specific error code is
contained in the useful data of the reaction tele‐
0xF0 The requested service is not supported by the telegram error
addressed slave.
0xF8 In the sequential telegram, data in the useful da‐ telegram error
ta header, the transmitter address or the service
have changed.
0xF9 The command telegram contains subaddresses. telegram error
The routing of telegrams is not supported by the
0xFA Useful data are missing in the command tele‐ telegram error
gram. The telegram cannot be executed.
0xFB The requested subservice is not supported by telegram error
the addressed slave.
0xFC The requested component is not available in the telegram error
addressed slave. The component address is in‐

Fig.10-67: List of the defined telegram states

Error Codes
Error code Service Description

0x0700 0x03 baud rate not supported

0x0800 0x03 baud rate not supported
0x800C 0x80,0x81, Access to parameter denied; the parameter is occupied
0x8E,0x8F by the sequential telegram channel.
0x9002 0x02 firmware was deleted
0x9004 0x02 Shutdown not allowed in phase 4 (in FWA-MTx01VRS
instead of 0x9010).
0x9010 0x02 Shutdown not allowed in operating mode (as of FWA-
0x9102 0x02 firmware was deleted
0x9104 0x02 Reboot not allowed in phase 4 (in FWA-MTx01VRS in‐
stead of 0x9010).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 843/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Error code Service Description

0x9110 0x02 Reboot not allowed in operating mode (as of FWA-
0x9200 0x02 error when reading
0x920Bh 0x02 The requested data volume exceeds the maximum use‐
ful data volume in the reaction telegram.
0x9400 0x02 timeout during deleting procedure
0x940A 0x02 deleting only possible in loader
0x96E0 0x02 verify error when programming the flash
0x96E1 0x02 timeout when programming the flash
0x96FF 0x02 error when writing to the flash
0x9701 0x02 additional checksum incorrect
0x9702 0x02 CRC32 checksum incorrect
0xA001 0x02 error when reading table
0xA002 0x02 incorrect table type
0xA003 0x02 no backup medium available
0xA201 0x02 error when reading the Hex header
0xA202 0x02 incorrect header number
0xA501 0x02 error when writing
0xA502 0x02 creating the file is not allowed
0xA503 0x02 not enough memory space
0xA601 0x02 error when writing
0xA602 0x02 access to file not allowed

Fig.10-68: List of the defined error codes

Communication via SIS Protocol
Addressing a Drive
In the case of communication with SIS protocols we distinguish between com‐
mand telegrams and reaction telegrams, according to the direction of trans‐
mission. A node can only be addressed under its address (see program
module) when a specific telegram format (frame) is observed.

Only when the drive has received at least one valid SIS telegram is
the SIS channel enabled for further communication.

Read Access When the reading of a parameter is started in a command telegram, a check is
run in the drive to determine whether a sequential telegram is required. In this
case, bit 2 (current/last transmission) is kept at "0" in the control byte of the
reaction telegram until the last reaction telegram is sent. In the last reaction
telegram, bit 2 is set to "1".
The sending of a sequential reaction telegram is activated by the repeated
sending of the unchanged command telegram.
Sequential Telegram Access When the writing or reading of a parameter with sequential telegrams was star‐
ted in the drive, it is necessary to complete or cancel this process before another
service with sequential telegrams can be started. If another service was started
844/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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nevertheless, the "0x800C unauthorized access" error code is sent in the re‐
action telegram. The service with sequential telegram started before can then
be normally processed or cancelled with the next command telegram.
Supported Services and Subservices
SIS serv‐ Description Subservi‐ Subservices description Notes
ice ces

0x00 node identification 0x01 reading SIS version subservice is implemented but not active
0x02 reading firmware version supplies content of S‑0‑0030
0x03 reading controller type supplies content of S‑0‑0140
0x04 reading supported baud 9600 baud, 19200 baud, 38400 baud,
rates 57600 baud, 115200 baud
0x01 data transmission none
0x02 flash operations 0x90 shutdown switches drive firmware to the loading mode
0x91 reboot causes restart
0x92 read flash reads content of the flash
0x93 find header supplies header address of the first IBF module
0x94 erase flash deletes content of the flash
0x96 program flash programs content of the flash
0x97 build checksum supplies CRC32 checksum of the indicated
IBF module
0x9F error reset in the slave clears error in loading mode
0xA0 read configuration supplies configuration table
0xA2 read header reads header of the corresponding module
0xA5 write file information generates corresponding file
0xA6 write file data writes content to the opened file
0x03 initialization of the SIS 0x01 determining TrS initializes max. reaction time in the slave
0x02 determining TzA initializes max. character interval on the bus
0x03 determining Tmas subservice is implemented but not active
0x07 determining the baud rate initializes the baud rate of the serial transmis‐
0x08 time-controlled baud rate allows temporary change of the baud rate
0xFF accepting the determined activates the values initialized with the subser‐
values vices 0x01, 0x02 and 0x07
0x10 reading parameter none 0x10 = 0x80
0x11 reading list segment none segment information in byte
0x1E writing list segment none segment information in byte
0x1F writing parameter none 0x1F = 0x8F
0x80 reading parameter none 0x80 = 0x10
0x81 reading list segment none segment information in word
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 845/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

SIS serv‐ Description Subservi‐ Subservices description Notes

ice ces
0x8E writing list segment none segment information in word
0x8F writing parameter none 0x8F = 0x1F

Fig.10-69: Supported services and subservices

Service 0x01 Cancelling a Data Transmission
With this service it is possible to cancel a sequential telegram sequence. The
sequential telegram channel is unlocked with the "Cancelling a data transmis‐
sion" service when the device address and the service to be cancelled corre‐
spond with the sequential telegram sequence. When the command telegram is
transmitted without the device address and without service to be cancelled, this
service is always executed.
Command Telegram ● Enter 0x01 in the service of the telegram header.
● Enter the service to be cancelled in the useful data.
Reaction Telegram If there isn't any error, the reaction telegram has the following structure:

Telegramm header Useful data header

Fig.10-70: Structure of the reaction telegram

In the case of an error, the useful data that contain the error code are trans‐
mitted. The useful data header corresponds to the SIS specification.

Telegramm header Useful data header Useful data

Fig.10-71: Structure of the reaction telegram in the case of error

When there wasn't any sequential telegram processed and this

service was transmitted nevertheless, there isn't any error reaction
telegram transmitted!

Service 0x80: Reading a Parameter

Command Telegram A one-time read access is completed with one transmission step. The master
enters the following information in the command telegram:
● In the control byte the desired element is selected in the bits 3...5 ("ele‐
ment"). Bit 2 is set to "1" (last transmission).
● The device address is entered.
● Parameter type and number are entered.
● There aren't any useful data entered.
Reaction Telegram The answer to a read access contains the following data:
● In the Ctrl byte of the telegram header bit 4 is set to "1" in order to identify
it as a reaction telegram.
● The status byte of the useful data header contains the information whether
an error occurred during the processing of the command telegram.
● The control byte is read from the command telegram and copied to the
reaction telegram.
● The device address is read from the command telegram and copied to the
reaction telegram.
● The requested data is written to the useful data.
846/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Example The following example illustrates reading the "S‑0‑0044, Velocity data scaling
type" parameter from the drive with the address "3". The parameter has the
value "0x0042".
Command Telegram:

Fig.10-72: Reading the S‑0‑0044 parameter (command telegram)

Reaction Telegram:

Fig.10-73: Reading the S‑0‑0044 parameter (reaction telegram)

Service 0x8F: Writing a Parameter

By means of this service, all available commands can be started in

the drive.

Command Telegram A one-time write access is completed with one transmission step. The master
enters the following information in the command telegram:
● Enter "0x8F" in the service of the telegram header.
● Enter the parameter to be written in the "parameter type" and "parameter
no." bytes of the useful data header.
● Enter the value to be written in the useful data.
● The device address is entered.
● In the control byte the operating date is selected in the bits 3...5 ("ele‐
ment"). Bit 2 is set to "1" (last transmission).
● The IDN of the parameter to be written is written to the parameter number.
● The value of the operating data is written to the useful data.
Reaction Telegram The answer to a write access contains the following data:
● In the Ctrl byte of the telegram header bit 4 is set to "1" in order to identify
it as a reaction telegram.
● The status byte of the useful data header contains the information whether
an error occurred during the processing of the command telegram.
● The control byte is read from the command telegram and copied to the
reaction telegram.
● The device address is read from the command telegram and copied to the
reaction telegram.
● There aren't any useful data entered.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 847/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

Example The following example illustrates transmitting the "S‑0‑0044, velocity data scal‐
ing type" parameter to the drive with the address "03". The value "0x0042" is
written to the parameter.
Command Telegram:

Fig.10-74: Writing the S‑0‑0044 parameter (command telegram)

Reaction Telegram:

Fig.10-75: Writing the S‑0‑0044 parameter (reaction telegram)

Starting a Command With the service 0x8F "Writing a parameter" all commands can be started in
the drive via the SIS protocol.

Telegramm header Useful data header 2 byte useful data

Fig.10-76: Structure of the command telegram

● Enter the value "0x8F" in the service of the telegram header.
● Enter the command to be activated in the "parameter type" and "parameter
number" bytes of the useful data header.
● Enter the input of the command in the useful data byte.
Service 0x81: Reading a List Segment
Command Telegram ● Enter the value "0x81" in the service of the telegram header.
● Enter the parameter type and parameter no. of the parameter to be read
in the useful data header.
● Enter the offest in the useful data bytes 0 and 1 within the list as a word
(=16 bit).
● Enter the number of words to be read in the useful data bytes 2 and 3.
Reaction Telegram ● In the control byte of the reaction telegram the current/last transmission is
marked with bit 2.

The output of a sequential telegram is activated by the repeated

sending of the unchanged command telegram.

Service 0x8E: Writing a List Segment

Command Telegram ● Enter the value "0x8E" in the service of the telegram header.
● Enter the parameter type and parameter no. of the parameter to be read
in the useful data header.
848/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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● Enter the offest in the useful data bytes 0 and 1 within the list as a word
(=16 bit).
● Enter the number of words to be written in the useful data bytes 2 and 3.
Reaction Telegram ● A possible error is entered in the useful data in the reaction telegram.

With this service it is only possible to process list segments that are
contained in the list currently available. If the actual list length is to
be changed this list must specifically be written. Operation in the
sequential telegram mode is not possible.

Examples of Application (Sequential Telegrams)

Service 0x8F: Write Access (with Sequential Telegrams)
Parameters of elements longer than 243 byte are read in several steps. The
transmission of such lists is carried out in several steps. Bit 2 in the control byte
marks the current transmission step as the current or last transmission.
The figures below illustrate the control word for a transmission in several steps.
1st Step

Fig.10-77: Writing with sequential command telegram (step 1)

Fig.10-78: Writing with sequential reaction telegram (step 1)

2nd Step

Fig.10-79: Writing with sequential command telegram (step 2)

Fig.10-80: Writing with sequential reaction telegram (step 2)

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 849/886
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Handling, Diagnostic and Service Functions

3rd Step

Fig.10-81: Writing with sequential command telegram (step 3)

Fig.10-82: Writing with sequential reaction telegram (step 3)

Service 0x80: Read Access (with Sequential Telegrams)
Parameters of elements whose length exceeds the maximum data field length
of 245 byte are read in several steps. Bit 2 in the control byte of the reaction
telegram marks the current transmission step as the current or last transmis‐
The figures below illustrate the control word for a transmission in several steps.
1st Step

Fig.10-83: Reading with sequential command telegram (step 1)

Fig.10-84: Reading with sequential reaction telegram (step 1)

2nd Step

Fig.10-85: Reading with sequential command telegram (step 2)

850/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Fig.10-86: Reading with sequential reaction telegram (step 2)

3rd Step

Fig.10-87: Reading with sequential command telegram (step 3)

Fig.10-88: Reading with sequential reaction telegram (step 3)

Error in the Case of SIS Communication
Error During Parameter Transmission
If an error occurs during the parameter transmission, an "error during parameter
transmission" is signaled in the status byte.
The first two bytes of the useful data transmit an error code that describes the
kind of error.
During the parameter transmission the following errors can occur:

Error code Explanation

0x0000 no error
0x0001 service channel not open
0x0009 invalid access to element 0
0x8001 "Service channel currently occupied (BUSY)"
→ The desired access is currently impossible because the service
channel is occupied.
0x8002 "Failure in service channel"
→ It is currently not possible to access the desired drive.
0x800B "Transmission canceled (higher priority)"
0x800C "Unauthorized access (service channel still active)"
→ A new request is started before the last transmission was completed.

Fig.10-89: Error messages in the serial protocol

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 851/886
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Execution and Protocol Acknowledgement

With each reaction telegram a status byte is transmitted. The status byte pro‐
vides the result of a transmission in the form of a code number.
In general, the following applies:

Result of the transmission Code number in the status byte

transmission without error 0x00

protocol error 0xF0 … 0xFF
execution error 0x01 … 0xEF

Fig.10-90: Definition of the status byte

Protocol error Code Description of error


invalid service 0xF0 The requested service is not specified or

ist not supported by the addressed node.

Fig.10-91: Definition of the protocol error

Execution error Code Description of error


error during parameter trans‐ 0x01 When reading or writing a parameter an

mission error occurred.

Fig.10-92: Definition of the execution error

Example The following example illustrates a write access to the read-only parameter
"S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain 1".
The master tries to write the value "0" to the parameter. The drive acknowledges
with the "0x7004" ("Data cannot be changed") error message.
Command Telegram:

Fig.10-93: Writing the S‑0‑0106 parameter (command telegram)

Reaction Telegram:

Fig.10-94: Reading the S‑0‑0106 parameter (reaction telegram)

Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
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Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 853/886
and Controls


11 Commissioning
11.1 Commissioning Motors
11.1.1 Checking the Installation/Assembly
Checking the Assembly

Check the assembly of the IndraDrive controllers and supply units as well
as motors with regard to correct implementation, according to the data con‐
tained in respective Project Planning Manual.
Checking the Installation

Check the wiring of control cabinet and machine with regard to correct
implementation, according to the data contained in the Project Planning Manual
and the recommendations in the documentation "Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) in Drive and Control Systems".

11.1.2 Initial Commissioning/Serial Commissioning

Brief Description
The drive can be commissioned after assembly and installation have been cor‐
rectly implemented.
Initial Commissioning The initial commissioning of a drive differs from the commissioning of other
identical drives (serial commissioning).
The initial commissioning is carried out in the following steps:
● Establishing the operatability of the drive (including the required measur‐
ing systems)
● Adjusting the drive behavior to the requirements of the application
● Adjusting the master communication interface between master and drive
● Integrating drive functionalities in the machine processes
In each of the mentioned steps, values of relevant parameters are adjusted to
the requirements. The result of the initial commissioning is a drive the behavior
of which is exactly adjusted to the axis. By storing the values of the initial com‐
missioning in the form of a parameter set the drive behavior can be reproduced.
Serial Commissioning For the commissioning of other identical axis drives on machines of the same
type, the set of parameter values determined during the initial commissioning
is loaded to the respective controller (serial commissioning). This allows
● exactly reproducing the drive behavior
- and -
● reducing the effort for further commissioning to a little adjustment work
and, if necessary, search and elimination of assembly/installation errors.
Possibilities of Commissioning As a matter of principle, commissioning can be carried out by means of
● the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool by Bosch Rexroth connected to
the drive via SERCOS interface or via a serial interface,
● the control panel of the controller and digital and analog input signals,
● a control unit connected to the drive via a master communication interface.
Two-Step Commissioning It is basically recommended to always carry out both the initial commissioning
and the serial commissioning in two steps:
854/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

● 1st objective: Initial start of the motor
● 2nd objective: Providing drive functions for the machine axis

Fig.11-1: Two-step drive commissioning (schematic)

In the first step, the two-step procedure ensures the operatability of the drive
(1st objective during initial commissioning and serial commissioning). In the
second step, the drive functions required for the machine axis and the drive's
advantageous properties are individually adjusted to the machine axis in a rea‐
sonable order (2nd objective during initial commissioning) or the expected
functional principle is checked (2nd objective during serial commissioning).

As a matter of principle, it is advantageous to establish the operat‐

ability of a drive independent of a higher-level control system. The
drive should therefore first be commissioned as a self-contained
unit via IndraWorks D or in the "Easy Startup" mode!
See following sections:
- "Initial Start in "Easy Startup" Mode"
- "Initial Start With the Commissioning Tool"

Notes on Commissioning
Initial Start of the Motor See "Initial Start in Easy Startup Mode"
See "Initial Start With the Commissioning Tool"
Providing Drive Functions See "Commissioning Machine Axes"
Initial Commissioning After initial commissioning has been carried out the defined application-specific
parameter values have to be saved. The saved parameter values allow repro‐
ducing the drive behavior required at the respective machine axis.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 855/886
and Controls


For saving the parameter values the drive provides parameter lists
supporting the complete storage of the relevant parameter values.

By reloading the saved parameter values the original status after initial com‐
missioning can be established again for the axis drive!
See also "Parameters, Basics: Loading, Storing and Saving Parameters"
Reestablishing the Original Status Attention: For drives with absolute encoders, it is necessary to reestablish the
original status after initial commissioning!

Possible property damage for drives with absolute encoders caused by

incorrect actual position value after repeated loading of parameter val‐
ues saved according to S‑0‑0192!
CAUTION ⇒ Save parameter values by means of accordingly modified IDN list of param‐
eter S‑0‑0270 (see below).
For drives with absolute value encoder and modulo scaling, it is recommended
to determine the parameter set for saving the parameter values after initial
commissioning by means of a list of "S‑0‑0270, Selected IDN list of operation
data to backup" modified by the customer; when this is done, there cannot occur
any actual position value error when the saved parameter values are loaded to
the same axis drive again.

This is only possible via a control master. MMC and IndraWorks D

only work with the content of the list parameter S‑0‑0192!

In its original status, the content of the list parameter S‑0‑0270 first corresponds
to the list parameter S‑0‑0192 and should be modified as follows:
● Remove the IDNs P‑0‑0177 and P‑0‑0178
These parameters contain information on the current position data of the ab‐
solute encoders at the time of parameter backup. If the current data of the
parameters P‑0‑0177 and P‑0‑0178 during the loading of the saved parameter
values were overwritten with data referring to a different axis position current
at the time of parameter backup, the actual position values would correspond
to the other axis position! The actual position values would remain valid (pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status"), because it still is the same
absolute value encoder.

The incorrect actual position value generated in this case cannot

be detected on the drive side because otherwise unjustified errors
would be generated in service cases when devices are replaced!
See also "Notes on How to Replace the Devices"

The list of parameter S‑0‑0270 modified as described can also be

used for saving and loading the parameter values of axes with rel‐
ative measuring systems, because the parameters P‑0‑0177 and
P‑0‑0178 in this case do not contain relevant information!

The content, possibly modified, of the list parameter S‑0‑0270 is

contained in parameter S‑0‑0192, too! This means that when the
backup is made via parameter S‑0‑0192, the content of parameter
S‑0‑0270 can be read from the stored list, in order to load only these
individually selected parameter values!
856/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


Serial Commissioning The serial commissioning of axis drives of machines of the same type is sup‐
ported by the application-specific parameter set of the respective axis drive
saved after initial commissioning.
During serial commissioning the saved parameter sets are loaded to the con‐
trollers of the respective axis drives of other machines of the same type. This
allows easily reproducing the behavior of the drives of a "model machine"!
After the application-specific parameter set of an axis drive has been loaded
only some more adjustments are required:
● Setting the drive address (see "Basic Functions of Master Communication:
Setting the Axis Address")
● "Establishing position data reference" for axes with measuring systems
that can be evaluated in absolute form (see "Establishing Position Data
Reference: Establishing Position Data Reference for Absolute Measuring
See also "Parameters, Basics: Loading, Storing and Saving Parameters"

11.1.3 Initial Start in Easy Startup Mode

Brief Description
The so-called "easy startup mode" allows moving the drive without connected
or active control unit (or master communication master) or external command
value box. When using a Rexroth motor with encoder data memory, this is also
possible without using a commissioning PC, because all motor and controller
parameters are stored in the encoder data memory.

The easy startup mode is therefore particularly suited for initial

commissioning of individual axes, as well as for maintaining emer‐
gency operation when the control unit has failed.

Features ● Activation of the easy startup mode is possible in two ways:

– By activating the command parameter "P‑0‑4085, C4700 Command
Activate easy startup mode" via serial interface or digital input
– Via control panel of controller (pressing the corresponding keys in a
certain order triggers activation of command parameter P‑0‑4085)
● Automatic deactivation of master communication interface (see P‑0‑4077,
S‑0‑0134) and activation of "P‑0‑4028, Device control word"
● Activation of drive enable (P‑0‑4028, bit 15) via:
– Digital input I_2 (default status)
– Serial interface when configuration of digital inputs for easy startup
mode made before was removed
● Drive moves in "velocity control" mode with a parameterizable velocity
command value (see parameter P‑0‑1206) without external command
value box
● Selection of travel direction (positive/negative) via digital input signals (see
parameter "P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control")
● Control of motor potentiometer via digital input signals (see parameter
"P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control", bit 8 and bit 9)
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 857/886
and Controls


Fig.11-2: Activating the Easy Startup Mode, Overview

Hardware Requirements Control sections BASIC SERCOS, BASIC PROFIBUS, BASIC UNIVERSAL,
For using the easy startup mode, the digital inputs and outputs (X31, X32) must
be connected as follows:
● Connect 24V/0V power supply to respective terminal connectors
● X31/4: +24 V for activating drive enable
● X32/7 and X32/8: 0V/+24V for activating positive or negative rotational
● As an alternative to X32/7 and X32/8, it is possible to connect X31/3 and
X31/7 to control the motor potentiometer.
For drives with these control sections, the easy startup mode actually is not
required, because these drives can easily be moved with an analog command
See "Analog Interface"
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation
● S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value
858/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

● P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list
● P-0-0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers
● P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction
● P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control
● P‑0‑1206, Memory of velocity command values
● P‑0‑4028, Device control word
● P‑0‑4085, C4700 Command Activate easy startup mode
● P-0-4086, Master communication status
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages There is the following diagnostic command message for the easy startup mode:
● C4700 Command Activate easy startup mode
When the easy startup mode is used, additional simple diagnostic texts appear
on the display of the control panel in "light writing":
● When the easy startup mode has been activated, the display changes
between the drive address and the message "CM" (Commissioning
● During commissioning, the relevant messages appear on the display (see
fig. "Activating the Easy Startup Mode Via the Control Panel").
Functional Description
Requirements The following requirements and conditions must have been fulfilled for using
the easy startup mode:
● The wiring of the drive is complete and correct.
● There shouldn't any master communication have been activated.
Attention: The easy startup mode switches off any possibly active master
● The controller must be supplied with control voltage and it must be pos‐
sible to switch power on.
● There mustn't any error message be present.
For Rexroth motors with encoder data memory, there is no commissioning PC
required; otherwise the motor parameters have to be set during commissioning,
if necessary with a PC.
General Information on How to Ac‐ The easy startup mode can be activated both in the parameter mode (phase 2)
tivate the Easy Startup Mode and in the operating mode (phase 4), by activating "P‑0‑4085, C4700 Command
Activate easy startup mode".

If the drive already is in the easy startup mode and this mode is
activated again, the display reads "Easy active"!

The easy startup mode can be activated in the following ways:

● Via the control panel of the controller
● Via a digital input
● Via the serial interface

By activating the parameter "P‑0‑4085, C4700 Command Activate

easy startup mode", the drive automatically switches to the param‐
eter mode and configures the "velocity control" mode with values
from the memory of fixed command values (P‑0‑1206).
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 859/886
and Controls


Activation Via Control Panel The figure below illustrates how the easy startup mode is activated via the con‐
trol panel of the IndraDrive controllers:

Fig.11-3: Activating the Easy Startup Mode Via the Control Panel
See also "Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers"
Activation Via Digital Input If the easy startup mode is activated via a digital input, bit 0 of parameter
P‑0‑4085 has to be assigned to a digital input.
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
Activation Via Serial Interface If the easy startup mode is activated via the serial interface, parameter
P‑0‑4085 has to be written via SIS telegrams.
See "Serial Communication"

The parameter "P‑0‑4085, C4700 Command Activate easy startup

mode" can also be directly written via the master communication
(e.g. SERCOS or field bus), but in this case the master would de‐
activate itself!
Acknowledging the Active Easy The active easy startup mode is acknowledged by:
Startup Mode
● Setting bit 8 in parameter "P‑0‑4086, Master communication status"
● Changing the display on the control panel between "CM" (Commissioning
Mode) and the drive address
Influenced Settings and Parame‐ By activating the easy startup mode, the following settings are automatically
ters made:
860/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

● Activation of "volatile storage" of parameters so that the changes in the
parameters made for the easy startup mode are not stored and get lost by
switching the control voltage off.
● Deactivation of the master communication interface and activation of
"P‑0‑4028, Device control word" for setting "drive enable".
● Assignment of the command velocity selected via the control panel in per‐
cent of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value" to elements 1 and 2 of
"P‑0‑1206, Memory of velocity command values" (with positive sign to el‐
ement 1, with negative sign to element 2).
Note: The content of parameter "P‑0‑1206, Memory of velocity command
values" is not influenced by the command execution. The velocity values
can either be adjusted via the control panel or the serial interface.
● Assignment of input E3 (X31/5) to the "drive enable" bit (bit 15) in param‐
eter "P‑0‑4028, Device control word".
● Assignment of EA9 (X32/7) to bit 0 and of EA10 (X32,8) to bit 1 in param‐
eter "P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control" for reversal of direction.
● Assignment of E1 (X31/3) to bit 8 and of E5 (X31,7) to bit 9 in parameter
"P‑0‑1200, Control word 1 velocity control" for controlling the motor po‐
● Activation of the "velocity control" mode in parameter "S‑0‑0032, Primary
mode of operation" and switching to "bb".

The assignments are made in "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment

list", "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers" and "P‑0‑0302, Digital I/
Os, direction".
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
"Load Basic Parameters" With In‐ After activating the easy startup mode, the drive normally is ready for operation
valid Parameter Settings ("bb" or "Ab" → communication phase 4). When the drive stops in communica‐
tion phase 3 due to invalid parameter values, valid basic parameter values can
be loaded via the control panel.
See also "Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers"
Controlling the Drive According to master communication or setting of the device control, different
control words take effect. Internally, however, all relevant control bits are always
displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0116, Device control: control word".

Fig.11-4: Controlling the Drive in the Easy Startup Mode

Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 861/886
and Controls


In the case of temporary control of the PLC, bit 14 (drive enable) is

nevertheless taken from "S‑0‑0134, Master control word" for SER‐
COS interface! Only in the case of stand-alone "Motion Control"
does the PLC also control bit 14. In the case of field buses, bit 14
is activated internally.
See also "Profile Types (With Field Bus Interfaces)"

The control parameter "P‑0‑4028, Device control word" active in the easy start‐
up mode can be changed or influenced in the following ways:
● Via digital inputs, if they were accordingly configured before
● Via the serial interface by directly writing parameter P‑0‑4028
→ In this case, the parameter has to be actively written at least every 2 s,
otherwise the drive will automatically clear drive enable!
Terminating the Easy Startup Mode The easy startup mode can only be terminated by switching the controller off!
After the easy startup mode was terminated, the controller is in its initial status
again and all configurations specifically made for this mode were undone.
After successful command execution, the drive is automatically switched to the
operating mode again, if it had been in phase 4 before the start of the command!

If required, the easy startup mode has to be activated again.

Notes on Commissioning
Invalid Commands The commands for backup of working memory ("C2200 Backup working mem‐
ory procedure command" and "C2400 Selectively backup working memory
procedure command") should not be triggered in the easy startup mode, be‐
cause otherwise the settings of the easy startup mode will be stored in the non-
volatile memory and will be active again after the drive is switched on the next
Initial Commissioning In the easy startup mode, initial commissioning of Rexroth motors with encoder
data memory is easily done without commissioning tool, because the required
parameter settings for motor control and motor encoder are automatically made
via the command "load defaults procedure - load controller parameters".
For "load defaults procedure" see "Default Settings in the Motor Encoder Data
Memory" under "Drive Control: Overview"
Initial commissioning of Rexroth motors without encoder data memory or of
third-party motors is only possible in the easy startup mode in conjunction with
a commissioning tool (DriveTop or IndraWorks D), in order to load or enter the
values for motor control parameters and motor encoder parameters. For syn‐
chronous motors with absolute measuring system, the commutation offset only
has to be determined at initial commissioning. For synchronous motors with
relative measuring system, the commutation offset is automatically determined
every time drive enable is set for the first time after transition "P2" → "P4".
If for synchronous motors the commutation offset can only be determined by
supplying current, this is only possible in the operating status "Ab" with active
easy startup mode!
See "Initial Start With the Commissioning Tool"

Danger of property damage during initial start in the easy startup mode
caused by incorrect parameter values!
⇒ For motors without encoder data memory, the required motor and controller
CAUTION parameters have to be checked before initial start in the easy startup mode!
862/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


Recommissioning In the easy startup mode, recommissioning (after initial commissioning having
been carried out) of drives is possible without any problem, because the correct
values of motor control parameters and motor encoder parameters are already
available in the drive.
Only the commutation setting of synchronous motors with relative measuring
system is automatically determined again every time drive enable is set for the
first time after transition "P2" → "P4"!

Property damage caused by errors when controlling motors!

⇒ The digital input signals have to be applied with due caution!


The figure below summarizes the commissioning sequence with the easy start‐
up mode:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 863/886
and Controls


Fig.11-5: Commissioning Sequence With Easy Startup Mode

864/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


11.1.4 Initial Start with the Commissioning Tool

Brief Description
Establishing the Operatability of the After complete and correct assembly and wiring of the drive or the drives it is
Drive advisable to establish the operatability. This is very easily done by means of
initial start in the "easy startup" mode (velocity-controlled operation, master
communication master not required), if possible in conjunction with the Rexroth
commissioning tool "IndraWorks D" or via SERCOS interface in conjunction
with the Rexroth commissioning tool "DriveTop" and the Rexroth SERCOS
master SYSDA02.2.
According to the available equipment, the initial commissioning of the motor is
supported as follows:
● If there is no commissioning tool (e.g. PC) available, Rexroth motors with
encoder data memory can be easily commissioned in the "easy startup"
mode. The motor parameters and motor control parameters of these mo‐
tors are automatically loaded from the data memory to the controller by
switching control voltage on.
● If a PC with Rexroth commissioning tool is available, the motor parameters
and motor control parameters of motors without encoder data memory can
be loaded from the internal data base of the commissioning tool to the
controller via the serial interface. This allows initial commissioning in the
"easy startup" mode for these motors, too.
● If a PC with the commissioning tool "DriveTop" (version 16VRS) and SYS‐
DA02.2 are available, drives with SERCOS interface can be conveniently
commissioned and moved via command values of SYSDA02.2.
Available Commissioning Tools For IndraDrive devices, Bosch Rexroth makes available the following commis‐
sioning tools (software):
● DriveTop (version 16VRS)
- and -
● IndraWorks D
DriveTop "DriveTop" is a tool for parameterizing and commissioning drives. It supports
the Rexroth SERCOS master SYSDA02.2 by means of which it is possible to
move drives with SERCOS interface. The communication with the drive or with
SYSDA02.2 is established via the serial interface RS232/RS485.
IndraWorks D "IndraWorks D" is a component of the software range "IndraWorks" which sup‐
ports parameterization and commissioning of control units and drives by
Bosch Rexroth. IndraWorks D has been designed for interaction with the SER‐
COS master SYSDA02.2. The communication with the drive is established via
the serial interface RS232/RS485.
The commissioning tools "DriveTop" and "IndraWorks D" provide the following
possibilities and advantages:
● The functions and features made available by the drive are structurally
visualized, the respective parameter values are displayed in their func‐
tional context.
● Parameter values can be directly changed and thereby adjusted to the
respective requirements.
● The parameter values available in the drive can be saved drive-externally
as a group (parameter set), e.g. on the PC hard disk, and can be reloaded
from the hard disk.
● Diagnostic messages and operating status messages are displayed in
clearly arranged form.
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 865/886
and Controls


In conjunction with SYSDA02.2 the commissioning tool "DriveTop" (ver‐

sion 16VRS) provides further possibilities:
● The drive can be commissioned and moved.
● For the purpose of commissioning, commands can be started via Drive‐
Functional Description
For the initial start of the motor the following steps have to be carried out:
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and Controls


Fig.11-6: Commissioning steps for initial start of Rexroth motors

Notes on Commissioning for Using DriveTop and SYSDA02.2
The steps for initial start illustrated in the figure (above) are described below as
a detailed sequence for a Rexroth motor in conjunction with DriveTop and
SYSDA02.2 (SERCOS interface).
Basic actions:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 867/886
and Controls


1. Connect "SYSDA02.2" hardware according to installation instructions:

Voltage supply must be available! Establish serial communication with PC
that makes DriveTop available and establish fiber optic SERCOS con‐
nection to controller (observe Tx → Rx!) (see technical documentation of
2. Switch on supply voltage of the controller(s):
Display of controller(s) first shows boot phases. Then drive address and
communication phase "P-1" will be displayed.
3. In DriveTop, enter drive address appearing on display:
Enter drive address or addresses in "System overview" (open "System
overview" dialog under menu item "Setup" – "SERCANS basic configura‐
4. From communication phase "P-1" change to parameter mode "P2":
Activate "parameterization mode" ("P2") (press right mouse key, activate
with cursor)!
5. Now select drive in the SERCOS ring that is to be commissioned:
Have list of drives connected by SERCOS ring displayed and select a drive
(to do this, activate "System overview" in menu item "Overview" and select
a drive with cursor)!
The drive to be commissioned can now be addressed via DriveTop.
6. First prepare loading of basic firmware parameters:
Write value "0x001" to parameter "P‑0‑4090, Index for C07 Load defaults
procedure" (Select dialog "Drive commands" under menu item "Tools".
Press right mouse key, select "Single parameters" with cursor, call
"p4090" and write data)!
7. Now load basic firmware parameters:
Start "C0700 Load defaults procedure command" (select command
"S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" from list with cur‐
sor, start with corresponding button)!
After command execution message, basic firmware parameter values
(default parameter values) were loaded to drive parameters, drive now is
in an operable initial state.
8. From communication phase "P2" change to phase "bb" (operating mode,
Activate "Operating mode" (press right mouse key, select with cursor)!
If controller now requests loading of controller parameter values by "RL"
flashing, continue with no. 9, if a different diagnostic message is displayed,
continue with no. 11!
Rexroth motor with encoder data memory:
9. When "RL" is flashing on the display, a Rexroth motor with encoder data
memory was connected to controller. Now adjust controller to motor:
Start "Clear error" command (press right mouse key, activate with cursor
or "Esc" at control panel)!
Drive now is ready for operation, display of drive addressed by DriveTop
reads "bb".
If there are other drives in the SERCOS ring, repeat steps from no. 5 on‐
10. Continue sequence with no. 16!
868/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


Rexroth motor with motor encoder without data memory:

11. If "RL" is not flashing on right side next to drive address at controller dis‐
play, a five-digit diagnostic message text appears in most cases. In this
case, motor does not have an encoder memory. Therefore, there aren't
any motor-specific parameter values made available on motor side. If
connected motor is a Rexroth motor, motor-specific parameter values can
be loaded to controller via DriveTop:
Activate "Parameter mode" (press right mouse key, select with cursor)!
On right side next to drive address display reads "P2".
12. Load motor-specific parameter values:
Select Rexroth motor type in "Motor parameters" dialog (Open "Drive
functions – motor parameters" dialog. Select tab page "Kit motor" or "with‐
out feedback data memory". Enter type designation of stator and rotor.
Then activate "Edit motor parameters", if necessary, and activate "Set
motor parameters").
Motor-specific parameter values are now loaded to drive. If the motor is a
Rexroth housing motor without encoder data memory", change to oper‐
ating mode (cf. no. 14), then continue with no. 16, if it is a Rexroth kit motor,
continue with no. 13!
Rexroth kit motor:
13. Control motor encoder parameters, adjust to encoder used, if necessary:
Select motor encoder used in "Encoder settings" dialog, set line count,
negation if necessary and encoder interface used (open "Drive functions
– encoder settings" dialog)!
14. From communication phase "P2" change to phase "bb" (operating mode,
Activate "Operating mode" (press right mouse key, select with cursor)!
Drive now is ready for operation, display of drive addressed by DriveTop
reads "bb".
15. Now check function of motor encoder:
To do this, manually move motor shaft or linear motor slide in positive
direction (see requirements regarding direction of movement in Project
Planning Manual of respective motor!). (to do this, select "Drive status" in
"Overview" menu item with cursor)
When actual position values of motor are increasing and traveled distance
corresponds to actual position value difference displayed, motor encoder
evaluation is okay; if not, return to no. 13 of sequence!
Switching power on:
When displays of all drives in SERCOS ring read "bb", power can be
switched on via supply unit.
When DC bus voltage was supplied, controller displays read "Ab" (ready
for power output).
Configuring and activating command value box:
16. Each drive in SERCOS ring can be individually addressed with command
values via DriveTop.
Select respective drive in system overview (to do this, activate "System
overview" in menu item "Overview" and select a drive with cursor)!
Note: In the case of synchronous kit motors, commutation setting has to
be carried out first; see "Rexroth Kit Motors, Synchronous". This process
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 869/886
and Controls


is also supported by DriveTop (see "Drive commands" dialog under menu

item "Tools")!
Configure command value box of SYSDA02.2 via DriveTop (via menu bar
"Tools" – "Command value box" – "Command value box selection" select
command value function "configured" and the desired operating mode)!
Note: For initial start of kit motors, it is important first to check correct di‐
rection of movement in torque/force control! For moving the drive during
initial start a velocity-controlled operating mode is useful.
Activate command value box of SYSDA02.2 via DriveTop (via DriveTop
menu bar "Tools" – "Command value box" – "Command value box adjust‐
ments" set travel profile of selected operating mode)!
Note: Reduce velocity and torque/force limits to safe values!
Put drive into operation:
17. Set drive enable (activate "Enable" button with cursor)!
Negatively acknowledge warning dialog for possibly dangerous move‐
ments if requirements for safe drive functioning have not been fulfilled
(activate "Cancel" button with cursor)!
Positively acknowledge warning dialog if requirements for safe drive func‐
tioning have been fulfilled (activate "OK" button with cursor)!
Caution! Possible damage caused by errors when controlling motors and
moving parts! ⇒ Only enable axis from safe initial position; E-Stop push‐
button must be available in position easy to reach!
18. Correctly moving the drive according to preset command values confirms
operatability of drive.
If drive does not follow command values, shut it down as fast as possible
(activate "Drives OFF" button with cursor or press E-Stop pushbutton)!
If drive follows command values, this is the basis for further commissioning
steps regarding master communication via NC and further machine-axis-
related functions.

DriveTop does not provide dialogs for parameter set switching! If it

is necessary to switch parameters, the individual parameters have
to be called (e.g. with the right mouse button) and directly written!

Notes on Commissioning for Using IndraWorks D

For Rexroth motors without encoder data memory in conjunction with Indra‐
Works D (without SERCOS master), the steps illustrated in the figure "Com‐
missioning steps for initial start of Rexroth motors" (see above) can only be
carried out in the "easy startup" mode (initial start without active master com‐
With IndraWorks D the values for the motor, motor control and motor encoder
parameters, for motors without encoder data memory, can be loaded from the
internal data base of the commissioning tool via the serial interface of the con‐

In the case of synchronous kit motors, commutation setting has to

be carried out first (see "Commutation Setting"), and the sequence
required for this is supported by commands. If the motor has to be
supplied with current in this case, the active "easy startup" mode is

See "Initial Start in Easy Startup Mode"

870/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


11.2 Commissioning Machine Axes

11.2.1 Overview and Practical Tips
Brief Description
Before commissioning machine axis-specific functions it is useful to make sure
that the drive, consisting of controller, motor and motor encoder, is operational.
The best way to do this is the initial start of the drive with the PC-based com‐
missioning tool "IndraWorks D" by Bosch Rexroth (see "Initial Start With the
Commissioning Tool").
The commissioning of machine axis-specific functions should also be carried
out via IndraWorks D, if possible. The advantage is that the correct sequence
of an axis-specific function can be configured and ensured independent of the
control unit. Further commissioning of the drive, with widely complete configu‐
ration, is then easier for the control unit.
Schematic Sequence
Commissioning procedure as a sequence of steps:
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 871/886
and Controls


Fig.11-7: Steps of machine axis-related commissioning

Notes on the Commissioning Steps
The subjects of the individual commissioning steps are treated in detail in dif‐
ferent chapters of this firmware documentation. The information contained in
the chapter is basically divided into:
● Brief Description
● Functional Description
● Notes on Commissioning
To explain the individual commissioning steps we refer to the Notes on Com‐
missioning for the respective subject, if possible.
872/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


Detailed information about parameters is only contained in the separate

documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Parameter Description" (reference list of
all IndraDrive parameters).
Configuring the Measuring Systems
Basic Settings Configure controller and encoder (set travel range, if necessary)
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Basics on Measuring Systems,
Relative Encoders Set initial position value; configure distance-coded measuring systems
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Relative Measuring Systems"
Absolute Encoders Check whether absolute encoder evaluation is possible (depending on travel
range), set initial position value
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Absolute Measuring Systems"
Position Monitoring Set position monitors:
● Axis position monitor (position at time drive is switched on) for absolute
● Position difference monitor of motor encoder and external encoder
● Configure spindle encoder monitor
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Monitoring the Measuring Sys‐
Configuring the Mechanical Axis System
Depending on the mechanical properties, make the following settings:
● Enter load gear ratio
● Enter feed constant
● Enter motor encoder gear ratio
● Enter gear ratio for external encoder
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Mechanical Axis System and
Arrangement of Measuring Systems"
Determining the Physical Status Variables
Make scaling settings for position, velocity, acceleration, torque/force and tem‐
perature data.
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Scaling of Physical Data"
Configuring the Holding Brake
If the motor to be controlled is equipped with a holding brake or the controller
has to control an external holding brake (for kit motors, if necessary), make the
following settings:
● Enter maximum "drive off" delay time
● Enter holding brake data (external brake), if necessary
● Configure type, functioning principle and monitor of brake in holding brake
control word
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Motor Holding Bake"
Setting the Control Loop Parameters
Set controller and filter parameters for the control loops:
● Velocity control loop
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 873/886
and Controls


● Position control loop

See "Notes on Commissioning for Control Loop Setting" in the section "General
Information on Closed-Loop Axis Control"
Setting the Limitations
The controller offers the possibility of limiting physical status variables of the
drive. Depending on the application, limit values can be set for:
● Torque/force command value
● Velocity command value
● Position command values and actual position values
Limiting the Torque/Force Com‐ On the user side, limitations are available for:
mand Value
● Maximum allowed torque/force (S‑0‑0092, P‑0‑0109)
● Motive and generating load at stationary velocity (S‑0‑0082, S‑0‑0083)
The limit values currently effective due to the user-side limit settings are dis‐
played in:
● P-0-0444, Actual value peak torque limit
● P-0-0442, Actual value torque limit positive (stationary)
● P-0-0443, Actual value torque limit negative (stationary)
Current command values are displayed in:
● P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value
● P-0-0038, Torque-generating current, command value

See descriptions of the respective parameters in the separate documen‐

tation "Rexroth IndraDrive, Parameter Description"
Apart from the user-side limits, further limits take effect in the torque/force or
current control loop:
● Absolute current limit values due to controller and motor
● Load-dependent (dynamic), thermal current limit values
See also "Current and Torque/Force Limitation"
Limiting the Actual Velocity Value On the user-side, the limitation of the actual velocity value to the lower value of
● 1.125 × Bipolar velocity limit value (S‑0‑0091)
- and -
● maximum motor speed (S‑0‑0113)
are available on the user side.
See also "Torque/Force Control"
Limiting the Velocity Command In the "velocity control" mode, the limitation of the velocity command value via
● bipolar velocity limit value (S‑0‑0091)
and in the "position control" mode the limitation of the
● position command value difference (to values of S‑0‑0091 and S‑0‑0113)
are available on the user side.
See also "Velocity Control" and "Position Control with Cyclic Command Value
Limiting the Position There are the following possibilities on the user side for limiting the position:
● Limitation of actual position value (firmware "limit switch")
● Limitation of travel range of the axis (hardware limit switch)
874/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls

See also "Limitations: Position Limitation/Travel Range Limit Switch"
Establishing the Position Data Reference
Measuring Systems to be Evalu‐ For measuring systems that can be evaluated in absolute form, the position
ated in Absolute Form data reference has to be established once during initial commissioning.
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Establishing Position Data Ref‐
erence for Absolute Measuring Systems"
Relative Measuring Systems For relative measuring systems all settings have to be made in such a way that
the position data reference can be established internally and automatically (af‐
ter switching on the machine at a command of the control master to the
respective axis drive).
See "Notes on Commissioning" in the section "Establishing Position Data Ref‐
erence for Relative Measuring Systems"
Configuring the Error Reaction/E-Stop
The desired reaction of the drive to errors detected on the drive side has to be
See "Error Reactions"
The setting has to be made whether a drive is to carry out an E-Stop reaction
at a hardware-side E-Stop signal and how the E-Stop reaction of the drive is to
take place.
See "E-Stop Function"
Configurations with Regard to Control Unit (Master)
With regard to master-controlled drive operation the following settings are re‐
● Presetting of operating modes (primary mode of operation and secondary
operating modes)
See "General Information on the Operating Modes: Operating Mode Han‐
● Settings for the determined primary or secondary operating modes
See description of the respective operating mode in chapter "Operating
With regard to the master communication interface used by the control master,
you can make presettings for:
● SERCOS interface
→ When using the "IndraWorks D" commissioning tool, this is only appro‐
priate via serial communication!
● Parallel interface
● Analog interface
See description of the respective master communication interface
Configurations for Diagnosis of Status Variables
If status variables of the drive are to be evaluated during operation, these status
variables can be transmitted to the control master in different ways.
Diagnostic possibilities with SERCOS interface:
● Content of a parameter cyclically updated that can be cyclically transmit‐
ted and that contains the value of the respective status variable
See "SERCOS interface"
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 875/886
and Controls


● Message in terms of whether a threshold value of the status variable was

exceeded, via "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word"
See "Control Options / Additional Functions: Configurable Signal Status
● Drive-internal oscilloscope function
See "Oscilloscope Function"
Diagnostic possibilities independent of the master communication interface:
● Analog output of the value of the respective status variable as voltage
See "Analog Outputs"
● Digital message in terms of whether a threshold value of the status vari‐
able was exceeded, by assigning bits from "S‑0‑0144, Signal status word"
to digital outputs
See "Digital Inputs/Outputs"
Configuring Further Drive Functions
Further configurable drive functions are:
● Drive Halt
● Friction torque compensation
● Detecting the marker position
● Spindle positioning
● Probe function
● Digital inputs/outputs
● Analog inputs
● Analog outputs
See description of the respective function
Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 877/886
and Controls

Service and Support

12 Service and Support

12.1 Helpdesk
Our service helpdesk at our headquarters in Lohr, Germany, will assist you with
all kinds of inquiries.
Contact us:
● By phone through the Service Call Entry Center,
Monday to Friday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm CET
+49 (0) 9352 40 50 60
● By fax
+49 (0) 9352 40 49 41
● By e-mail: service.svc@boschrexroth.de

12.2 Service Hotline

Out of helpdesk hours please contact our German service department directly:
+49 (0) 171 333 88 26
+49 (0) 172 660 04 06
Hotline numbers for other countries can be found in the addresses of each
region (see below).

12.3 Internet
Additional notes regarding service, maintenance and training, as well as the
current addresses of our sales and service offices can be found on
Outwith Germany please contact our sales/service office in your area first.

12.4 Helpful Information

For quick and efficient help please have the following information ready:
● Detailed description of the fault and the circumstances
● Information on the type plate of the affected products, especially type co‐
des and serial numbers
● Your phone and fax numbers as well as your e-mail address so we can
contact you in case of questions
Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 879/886
and Controls


Absolute encoder emulation 694, 701 Cam shaft, electronic 498
Restrictions 704 CANopen interface 110
Absolute positioning 429 CCD (cross communication) 607
Acceleration feedforward 397 CCD modes 612
Acknowledging drive enable 85 CCD basic mode 618
Actual value adjustment (for position loop) 321 CCD system mode 613
Actual value cycle 459, 477 MLD-M system mode 620
Acyclic parameter access (PROFIdrive) 102 Change of operating mode, drive-controlled 401
Additional licensing 803 Changing the operating mode 380
Address setting Checking the installation/assembly 853
Overview 39 Checksum 740
Via parameter access 40 Checksum of parameter values 3, 736
Via standard control panel 39 Circuit board code 749
Administration commands 4, 41 Classes of warnings 5
Advanced performance 21 Clearing an error message 6
Analog inputs 661 Clock rates 22
Analog interface 126 Closed-loop axis control 299
Analog outputs 670 Automatic setting 303
Appropriate use 25 Closed-loop axis control (closed-loop operation)
Applications 25 General information 299
ASCII communication Closed-loop operation (axis control)
Error messages 838 Overview 260
ASCII protocol Cogging torque compensation 571
Communication 827 Command change bit 42
Completing a command 837 Command execution 41
Properties 823 Command processing 41
Read access to list parameters 832 Commands 3
Read access to parameters 829 Command value acceptance 380
Triggering a command 833 Command value acknowledgment 380
Write access to list parameters 830 Command value addition
Write access to parameters 828 Register controller mode 476
Availability Standard mode 475
Extended axis functions 531 Command value addition for slave axis 475
Optional device functions 607 Command value adjustment
Axis address setting 39 In phase synchronization 493
Axis control In position control 400
Position loop 321 In torque/force control 383
Velocity loop 311 In velocity control 387
Axis control (closed-loop operation) In velocity synchronization 487
Overview 260 With drive-controlled positioning 412
Axis control (open-loop operation) With drive-internal interpolation 406
Overview 260 With electronic cam shaft 502
Axis error correction 552 With electronic motion profile 515
Axis error correction, control-side 560 With positioning block mode 425
Axis functions, extended 531 Command value cycle 459, 477
Availability 531 Command value generator, drive-integrated 686
Command value limitation
B In velocity control 392
Backlash on reversal correction 554 Commissioning
Basic functions of master communication 37 Checking the installation/assembly 853
Basic functions of the synchronization modes 457 Commissioning tool 864
Basic performance 21 Easy startup mode 856
Best possible deceleration 535 Initial commissioning/serial commissioning 853
Braking resistor 371 Machine axes 870
880/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


Motor 853 D
Commissioning tool, initial start with … 864 Data block structure 733
Communication cycle time (PROFIBUS) 96 Data status 734
Communication phases 48 Data storage 2
Communication via RS232 interface 824 DC bus resistor unit HLB01 371
Communication via RS485 interface 824 Deceleration, best possible 535
Communication with SIS protocol 838, 843 Definitions of terms, general basic principles 2
Commutation offset Delay time, defined (for positioning block advance)
Determined by measuring method 337 443
Determined by saturation method 339 Detecting the marker position 239
Determined by sine-wave method 342 Determining the protocol 823
Determined with Hall sensor box 337 Determining the reversal clearance 556
Commutation setting 327 Device configuration 747
Basics 327 Device control 43
For Rexroth motors 337 Device data sheet 93
Compensation functions 547 Device functions, optional 607
Axis error correction 552 Availability 607
Backlash on reversal correction 554 DeviceNet interface 112
Cogging torque compensation 571 Diagnosis 753
Control-side axis error correction 560 Diagnostic message
Encoder error correction 549 Diagnostic message in plain text 755
Friction torque compensation 547 Display 755
Precision axis error correction 556 Display text 756
Temperature error correction 560 Error number 756
Completing a command 837 List of diagnostic numbers 756
Configurations of the control section 11 Structure 754
Controller design 747 Diagnostic message number 756
Controllers, overview 8 Diagnostic messages of the drive 753
Control loop features 300 Diagnostic possibilities, extended 804
Control loops Digital inputs 650
Features 264 Digital inputs/outputs 650
Setting 266 Digital outputs 650
Control loop setting 302 Display of diagnostic message number 755
Control loop setting, automatic 304 Distortion indicator 83
Control loop structure 261, 299 Documentation, notes on how to use it 6
Control loop structure (figure) Drive address 39
With display parameters 263 Drive control 259
With setting parameters 262 Basic principles and terms 259
Control options (via master communication) 57 Overview 259
Control panel Principles 260
Comfort control panel 762 Drive control commands 4, 41
Standard control panel 762 Drive-controlled change of operating mode 401
Control panels 761 Drive-controlled homing procedure 224
Standard control panel 763 Drive-controlled oscillation 597
Control parameters 761 Drive-controlled positioning 410
Control password 745 Block diagram 410
Control section configurations 11 Command value adjustment 412
Control section designs 10 Diagnostic messages and monitoring functions
Control sections, overview 10 421
Converters 370 Notes on commissioning 417
Cross communication (CCD) 607 Drive controllers
Current and torque limitation (closed-loop) 346 Control sections 10
Current and torque limitation (open-loop) 346 Overview 8
Current control, field-oriented (FOC control) 276 Power sections 10
Current limitation loop 275 Replacement of devices 795
Current loop 384 Drive controllers, special design 9
Customer password 745 Drive controllers, standard design 8
Cycle times 21
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 881/886
and Controls


Drive enable 84 Errors 5

Drive firmware, overview 1 Drive error reactions 5
Drive Halt 532 Establishing position data reference
Drive-integrated PLC 20 For absolute measuring systems 202
Drive-integrated PLC (Rexroth IndraMotion MLD) For relative measuring systems 207
644 Establishing the position data reference 198
Drive-internal interpolation 404 Establishing the position data reference, general in‐
Block diagram 404 formation 198
Command value adjustment 406 E-Stop function 545
Diagnostic messages and monitoring functions Diagnostic and status messages 547
409 Error reaction 545
Notes on commissioning 407 Exemplary configurations (for Rexroth profile type)
Drive profile 66 75
Drive status word Drive-controlled positioning 77
Structure 85 Drive-internal interpolation 76
DriveTop 864 Using signal control word and signal status
Dynamic synchronization of the slave axis 465 word 78
Explanation of terms (for synchronization modes)
E 459
Easy startup mode Extended axis functions 531
Initial start in easy startup mode 856 Availability 531
Economy performance 22 Extended diagnostic possibilities 804
Electronic cam shaft Logbook function 805
Command value adjustment 502 Monitoring function 804
Electronic cam shaft with real/virtual master axis Patch function 807
Electronic motion profile F
Command value adjustment 515 Fault report 794, 795
Electronic motion profile with real/virtual master ax‐ Fiber optic cables
is 511 Check 83
Emergency halt 536 Connection to SERCOS interface 81
Enabling of functional packages 799 Field-oriented current control (FOC control) 276
Encoder emulation 694 Field weakening operation 279
Encoder error correction 549 Fine interpolation
Error classes 5, 535 In velocity control 392
Error corrections Firmware release update 783
Axis error correction 552 Firmware replacement 782
Control-side axis error correction 560 Basic principles, terms 782
Encoder error correction 549 Possible problems 792
Precision axis error correction 556 Firmware types 16
Quadrant error correction 568 Firmware update 782
Temperature error correction 560 Firmware upgrade 782
Error counter for telegram failures 87 Firmware variants 1
Error in the case of SIS communication 850 Firmware version upgrade 787
Error memory 6 Flux feedforward 283
Power section and control section 752 Flux loop 284
Error messages Flux model 283
With serial communication 826 FOC control 276
Error messages with ASCII communication 838 Form
Error number 756 Manufacturer-side data of asynchronous motors
Error reactions, 534 157
Best possible deceleration 535 Manufacturer-side data of motor temperature
Drive error reactions 5 sensor, motor encoder, holding brake 158
MLD reaction 544 Manufacturer-side data of synchronous motors
NC reaction 543 155
Overview 534 Motor encoder data 158
Package reaction 541 Motor holding brake 158
882/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


Motor parameters for asynchronous motors 160 IDN-list of password-protected operation data 744
Motor parameters for synchronous motors 159 IDN lists of parameters 742
Parameters for temperature monitoring, motor Inappropriate use, 26
encoder, holding brake 161 Consequences, exclusion of liability 25
Temperature sensor data 158 Incremental encoder emulation 694, 696
Format converter 683 Restrictions 703
Forms IndraMotion MLD 20, 644
Required manufacturer-side motor data 155 IndraWorks D 864
Required parameter values 159 Initial commissioning 853
Freely configurable mode 72 Initial start in easy startup mode 856
Frequency loop 285 Initial start with the commissioning tool 864
Friction torque compensation 547 Integrated safety technology 21, 600
Functional Description, notes on how to use it 6 Interface errors (with SERCOS)
Functional packages 13 Error reactions 86
Additive functional packages 19 Interface mode 822
Alternative functional packages 18 Intermediate stop (for positioning block advance)
Base packages 17 443
Enabling 799 Inverters 370
IxR boost 274
Gear function, electronic 464 J
Generation of diagnostic messages, drive-internal Jerk limitation
753 In velocity control 392
Jogging 417
H Jog mode 415, 417
Hall sensor box SHL 337
Handling, diagnostic and service functions 733 K
Homing 207 Kinds of commands 3, 41
With incremental encoder emulation 700 Kinds of diagnostic messages 753
How to use this documentation 6 Kinds of passwords, overview 3
How to use this documentation, notes 6
I Language selection 756
I/O mode (positioning and preset velocity) 67 Lead time, with position switch 707
Identifying the dedicated point Limitations 345
By means of reference mark and home switch Current and torque limitation (closed-loop) 346
215 Current and torque limitation (open-loop) 346
By means of reference mark and positive stop Overview 345
220 Position limitation 355
By means of reference mark and travel range Velocity limitation 354
limit switch 218 Limit switches 355, 357
IDN-list of all operation data 743 List of diagnostic numbers 756
IDN list of all parameter values not corresponding to Load defaults procedure 267, 302, 738
default value 744 Loading of parameter values, general 2
IDN-list of all procedure commands 744 Logbook function 805
IDN-list of backup operation data 743
IDN list of checksum parameter 744 M
IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization lev‐ Machine axes, commissioning 870
el 744 Mains connection 362
IDN list of invalid operating data for communication Mains failure detection 369
phase 2 743 Master axis 459
IDN list of invalid operating data for communication Real master axis 462
phase 3 743 Virtual master axis 462
IDN list of operating data for communication phase Master axis adjustment 461
2 744 Master axis format converter 683
IDN list of operating data for communication phase Master axis generation 462
3 744 Master axis generator, virtual 679
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 883/886
and Controls


Master axis offset 463 Motor parameter values, determining for third-party
Master communication, 37 motors 147
Analog interface 126 Motor potentiometer 390
Basic functions 37 Motors
CANopen interface 110 Basics 135
Control words and status words 50 General information for operation with Indra‐
DeviceNet interface 112 Drive 135
Overview 13 Hardware data 135
Parallel interface 120 Rexroth housing motors 140
PROFIBUS-DP 90 Rexroth kit motors 144
SERCOS III 88 Supported motors 12
SERCOS interface 79 Temperature monitoring 136
Master control word Third-party motors 146
Structure 84 Motor temperature monitoring 136
Master password 745 MultiMediaCard 737, 775
Measuring encoder 722 Multiplex channel 60
Measuring systems, 177
Absolute measuring systems 189 N
Arrangement 240 NC-controlled homing procedure 226
Basics 177 NC reaction on error 543
Monitoring 184 Non-volatile data memories 2
Relative measuring systems 194
Resolution 177 O
Supported measuring systems 12 Offset measurement 816
Measuring wheel mode 572 Open-loop axis control 297
Mechanical axis system 240 Open-loop operation (axis control)
Memory of fixed command values 389 Overview 260
MLD-M system mode (with CCD) 620 Operating hours counter 751
MLD reaction on error 544 Operating mode 44, 49
MMC (MultiMediaCard) 775 Operating modes, 377
MMC folder structure 776 Basic principles 4
Module bus 365 Changing the operating mode 380
Modulo format 252 Drive-controlled positioning 410
Modulo limitation 463 Drive-internal interpolation 404
Modulo scaling 252 Electronic cam shaft with real/virtual master ax‐
Monitor commands 4, 41 is 498
Monitoring function 804 Electronic motion profile with real/virtual master
Monitoring functions axis 511
Measuring systems 184 General information 377
Motor temperature 136 Operating mode handling 377
Position command values 403 Phase synchronization with real/virtual master
Motion profile, electronic 511 axis 489
Motor Position control with cyclic command value in‐
Commissioning 853 put 398
Commissioning motors 853 Positioning block mode 423
Motor control 268 Selecting the operating mode 377
Automatic setting 288 Supported operating modes 377
Motor control parameters, 292 Synchronization modes 457
Automatic setting 288 Torque/force control 381
Motor encoder, redundant 579 Velocity control 385
Motor encoder data memory 267, 302 Velocity synchronization with real/virtual master
Motor holding brake 163 axis 484
Function check 173 Optic signal level (distortion indicator) 83
Operating behavior 163 Optional device functions 607
Motor model 284 Availability 607
Motor parameters, 291 Oscillation, drive-controlled 597
Automatic setting 288 Oscillation damping 274
884/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


Oscilloscope function 809 Possible device combinations 362

Offset measurement 816 Power sections, overview 10
Trigger event 815 Power supply 361
Trigger function 814 Power supply, basics 367
Overview of functions/functional packages 13 Precision axis error correction 556
P General probe function 711
Package reaction on error 541 Quick stop via probe input 717
Parallel interface 120 Probe function 709
Parameter channel 98 Process data channel (PROFIBUS)
Parameter handling, general 2 Configuration 94
Parameterization and diagnosis of drive groups Cyclic communication 96
825 Length 95
Parameterization and diagnosis via PLC 825 Safety related, axis-specific (PROFIsafe) 97
Parameter memory PROFIBUS-DP 90
In the drive controller 737 PROFIBUS-DP slave, configuration 93
In the motor encoder 737 PROFIdrive 102
Parameter mode 44, 49 Profile types
Parameters Freely configurable mode 65, 72
Basics 733 I/O mode 65
Checksum 740 I/O mode (positioning and preset velocity) 67
Data status 734 Overview 65
Definitions of terms 2 Profile types (with field bus interfaces) 65
Language selection 734 PROFIsafe 97
Loading, storing and saving 735
Parameter structure 733 Q
Properties/features 733 Quadrant error correction 568
Parameter set switching 588 Quick stop 537
Parking axis 599 Quick stop via probe input 717
Password 3, 744
Patch function R
General patch function 807 Ramp-function generator
Performance data 21 In velocity control 391
Phase synchronization Read access to a parameter (with ASCII protocol)
Command value adjustment 493 829
Phase synchronization with real/virtual master axis Read access to list parameters (with ASCII proto‐
489 col) 832
Position control Real master axis 462
Block diagram 398 Real-time control bits 87
Command value adjustment 400 Real-time status bits 87
Diagnostic messages and monitoring functions Redundant motor encoder 579
403 Reference temperature 561
Positioning block mode 423 Register controller (mode with command value ad‐
Command value adjustment 425 dition) 476
Minimum values for acceleration and jerk 451 Relative positioning
Sequential block processing 440 Without residual path storage 430
Single-block processing 425 With residual path storage 433
Positioning generator 416 Relative positioning block with residual path storage
Position limitation 355 after interrupting with jog mode 437
Position limit values 357 Release update 782
Position loop 321, 402 Replacement of devices 793
Position switch, programmable 705 Drive controllers 794
Position target interpreter 412 Fault report 794, 795
Positive stop 578 Supply units 793
Positive stop drive procedure 578 Resolution of measuring systems 177
Possibilities of filtering Return motion 538
In velocity control 392
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG 885/886
and Controls


Rexroth housing motors Single-block processing 425

With encoder data memory 140 SIS protocol, 838
Without encoder data memory 142 Addressing a drive 843
Rexroth IndraMotion MLD 644 Cancelling a data transmission (service 0x01)
Rexroth kit motors 144 845
Asynchronous 145 Error during parameter transmission 850
Synchronous 144 Execution and protocol acknowledgement 851
Rexroth motors 139 Properties 823
Basics 139 Read access with sequential telegrams (service
Rexroth housing motors 140 0x01) 849
Rexroth kit motors 144 Reading a list segment (service 0x81) 847
Rexroth profile type 72 Reading a parameter (service 0x80) 845
Run-up stop 391 Starting a command 847
Supported services and subservices 844
S Telegram structure, telegram scope 838
Safety instructions for electric drives 27 Write access with sequential telegrams (service
Safety related starting lockout ("AS") 601 0x8F) 848
Safety technology 21 Writing a list segment (service 0x8E) 847
Safety technology, integrated 600 Writing a parameter (service 0x8F) 846
Saturation method 339 Slave axis 459
Scaling of physical data 246 Slave axis, dynamic synchronization 465
Scaling system (for virtual master axis generator) Slip compensation 272
682 Smoothing filter (with drive-controlled positioning)
Scaling the drive functionality 13 418
Selected IDN list of operation data to backup 744 Smoothing filter (with drive-internal interpolation)
Selecting the operating mode 377 407
Sequential block processing 440 Soft start 368
SERCOS analog converter 9 Software limit switches 357
SERCOS III 88 Spindle positioning 582
SERCOS interface SSI format 701
Transmission length 82 Stall current limit 284
SERCOS interface 79 Stall protection loop 271
Commissioning the SERCOS interface 81 Starting a command via SIS protocol 847
Connecting the fiber optic cables 81 State machine 43, 67
Cyclic data transfer 84 Device-internal 44
Drive status word 85 Master communication 46
Interface errors 86 State-of-the-art 25
Master control word 84 Stator frequency slope, maximum 271
Ring structure 82 Status classes 756
Transmission of non-cyclical data 86 Status displays 759
Transmission rate 83 Storage mode 738
Serial commissioning 853 Storing of parameter values, general 2
Serial communication 821 Structure of diagnostic message 754
Basic state 823 Structure of the telegram header 838
Error messages 826 Structure of the useful data header 840
Functional principle independent of protocol Supply unit
823 Replacement of devices 794
Overview 821 Synchronization, absolute 473
Setting the drive address 823 Synchronization, extended functions 477
Set/shift coordinate system procedure 236 Synchronization, relative 471
Set absolute measuring 202 Synchronization, relative/absolute 471
With absolute encoder emulation 702 Synchronization, single-step/double-step 469
Setting the axis address 39 Synchronization mode 466
Shifting the position data reference 236 Synchronization modes 457
Signal control word 57 Basic functions 457
Signal status word 58 Synchronization of the slave axis, dynamic 465
Sine-wave method 342 System overview 1
886/886 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives Rexroth IndraDrive | Functional Description
and Controls


T Velocity command value reset with filter and ramp

Temperature error correction 560 537
Position-dependent 563 Velocity control
Position-independent 561 Block diagram 385
Third-party motors Command value adjustment 387
Control, general information 146 Diagnostic messages and monitoring functions
Determining the motor parameter values 147 397
Hardware data 146 Masking the command value 390
Torque/force control 279 Masking the velocity command value 397
Block diagram 382 Velocity control loop 392
Command value adjustment 383 Velocity limitation 354
Diagnostic messages and monitoring functions Velocity loop 311, 392
384 Velocity mixing 396
Torque disable 538 Velocity search mode 275
Torque limitation (closed-loop) 346 Velocity synchronization
Torque limitation (open-loop) 346 Command value adjustment 487
Transmission of non-cyclical data (with SERCOS) Velocity synchronization with real/virtual master ax‐
86 is 484
Transmission protocols of serial communication Version upgrade 782
822 Virtual master axis, external 462
Travel range limit switches 355, 356 Virtual master axis, internal 462
Trigger event 815 Virtual master axis generator 679
Trigger function 814 Voltage-controlled open-loop operation (U/f con‐
Expanded trigger functions 818 trol) 269
Internal or external trigger 815 Voltage loop (with field-oriented current control)
Setting the trigger delay 818 283
Trigger edge selection 817
Trigger signal selection 814 W
Triggering a command (with ASCII protocol) 833 Warnings 4
Write access 738
U Write access (to data block elements of a parame‐
U/f characteristic 273 ter) 733
U/f control 269 Write access to a parameter (with ASCII protocol)
Use 828
Appropriate use 25 Write access to list parameters (with ASCII proto‐
Inappropriate use 26 col) 830

Velocity command value Zero point shifting 667
Inverting 390 Zero pulse output (with encoder emulation) 697
Velocity command value reset 536
Functional Description | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG
and Controls

Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Phone +49 (0)93 52-40-50 60
Fax +49 (0)93 52-40-49 41

Printed in Germany
R911315485 DOK-INDRV*-MP*-04VRS**-FK02-EN-P

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