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Ic 74163

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MOD 11 Synchronous Binary Counter using IC 74163

Aman Chadha, and Abhijeet Ballani, TE, EXTC

length to be modified easily as decoding the maximum count
Abstract— A counter is a device which stores (and sometimes
displays) the number of times a particular event or process has desired can be accomplished with one external NAND gate.
occurred, often in relationship to a clock signal. We needed to The gate output is connected to the clear input to
design a decade counter which counts from 0 – 10 in binary i.e. synchronously clear the counter to 0000 (LLLL).
0000 – 1010 which is shown with the help of 4 light emitting
B. Inside the IC 74163
diodes (LEDs). We have implemented the counter with the help of
IC 74163, a 4-bit Synchronous Binary Counter. This decade There are two separate enable inputs, ENT and ENP, setting
counter can further be used to drive many devices and thus is either of these inputs to logic 0 stops counting asynchronously.
widely used. Ripple Carry Output (RCO) is normally at logic 0 and goes to
logic 1 when counter reaches its highest count i.e., „1111‟ . It
I. INTRODUCTION is used in cascading multiple 74163 ICs.
Load is an active, low input which allows the count on
T HE 74163 are high-speed synchronous modulo-16 binary
counters. They are synchronously presettable for
application in programmable dividers and have two types
„ABCD‟ to reflect on „QAQBQCQD‟ at active clock edges.
CLR is also an active low input which clears counter
of Count Enable inputs plus a Terminal Count output for asynchronously to „0000‟.
versatility in forming synchronous multistage counters. The
74163 has a Synchronous Reset input that overrides counting TABLE I
and parallel loading and allows the outputs to be PIN ASSIGNMENT OF IC 74163
simultaneously reset on the rising edge of the clock. LD ENP ENT CLR CLK MODE
0 X X 1 ↑ Preset to „ABCD‟
1 0 1 1 X Stop Count, Disable RCO
X X X 0 X Reset to Zero
A. A brief overview of IC74163 1 1 1 1 ↑ Up Count

These synchronous, presettable counters feature an internal

carry look-ahead for application in high-speed counting
designs. The '160/162/LS160A/LS162A, and 'S162 are decade
counters and the '161/163/LS161A/LS163A, and 'S163 are 4-
bit binary counters. Synchronous operation is provided by
having all flip-flops clocked simultaneously so that the outputs
change coincident with each other when so instructed by the
count-enable inputs and internal gating. This mode of
operation eliminates the output counting spikes that are
normally associated with asynchronous (ripple clock) counters,
however counting spikes may occur on the (RCO) ripple carry
output. A buffered clock input triggers the four flip-flops on
the rising edge of the clock input waveform.
These counters are fully programmable; that is, the outputs Fig. 2. IC 74163
may be preset to either level. As presetting is synchronous, set
ting up a low level at the load input disables the counter and C. Specifications: Absolute Maximum Ratings
causes the outputs to agree with the setup data after the next  Supply Voltage (VCC): -0.5V to +7.0V
clock pulse regardless of the levels of the enable inputs. Low-  DC Input Diode Current: (IIK)
to-high transitions at the load input of the IC should be o VI = -0.5V -20 mA
avoided when the clock is low if the enable inputs are high at o VI = VCC + 0.5V +20 mA
or before the transition. The clear function is synchronous and  DC Input Voltage (VI): -0.5V to VCC + 0.5V
a low level at the clear in^ put sets all four of the flip flop  DC Output Diode Current (IOK)
outputs low after the next clock pulse, regardless of the levels o VO = -0.5V: -20 mA
of the enable inputs. This synchronous clear allows the count o VO = VCC + 0.5V: +20 mA
 DC Output Voltage (VO): -0.5V to VCC + 0.5V
 DC Output Source or Sink Current (IO): ±50 mA

 DC VCC or Ground Current per Output Pin (ICC or  Outputs source/sink 24 mA

IGND): ±50 mA  ACT163 has TTL-compatible inputs
 Storage Temperature (TSTG): -65°C to +150°C  Internal Look-Ahead for Fast Counting
 Junction Temperature (TJ) PDIP: 140°  Carry Output for n-Bit Cascading
D. IC Specifications: Recommended Operating Conditions  Synchronous Counting and loading
 Synchronously Programmable
 Supply Voltage (VCC):  Load Control Line
o AC: 2.0V to 6.0V
 Diode-Clamped Inputs
o ACT: 4.5V to 5.5V
 Input Voltage (VI): 0V to VCC F. Schematic Description
 Output Voltage (VO): 0V to VCC Although 74163 is a modulus 16 counter, it can be made to
 Operating Temperature (TA): -40°C to +85°C count in a module less than 16 by using CLR and LD inputs.
 Minimum Input Edge Rate (V/t): Let us see the design of MOD 11 Counter using 74163. A
o AC Devices MOD11 counter counts state from 0, 1, 2, ..... 10. That means
o VIN from 30% to 70% of VCC it should count from „0000‟ to „1010‟ and as soon as it enters
o VCC @ 3.3V, 4.5V, 5.5V: 125 mV/ns in „1011‟ state the counter should reset to '0000'
 Minimum Input Edge Rate (V/t) asynchronously waiting for the clock pulse. This is possible by
o ACT Devices connecting QB and QD outputs to a NAND gate and feeding
o VIN from 0.8V to 2.0V its output to CLR input i.e. whenever QB and QD become „11‟
o VCC @ 4.5V, 5.5V: 125 mV/ns output of NAND gate becomes „0‟ and CLR input of 74163 is
E. IC Specifications: Features activated to get the count '0000' immediately as CLR is an
 ICC reduced by 50% asynchronous input.
 High-speed synchronous expansion
 Typical count rate of 125 MHz


Fig. 3. Schematic of the MOD 11 Synchronous Binary Counter using IC 74163. In the above schematic, R1=R2=R3=R4=100Ω, G1=5V, R5=1KΩ

Fig.4. Figure showing internal structure of IC 74163 with a block diagram



The authors gratefully acknowledge the facilities provided in

Controls and Instrumentation Laboratory of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering Department, Thadomal
Shahani Engineering College, Mumbai, INDIA.


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[4] FairChild Semiconductor Datasheet Archive [Online]. Available:
Fig. 5. Figure showing waveforms of the MOD11 Counter http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/7/4/1/6/74163.shtml
[5] ChipFind Datasheet Archive [Online]. Available:
[6] IITM VLSI group Department of Electrical Engineering Counter
V. CONCLUSION Projects [Online]. Available:
The MOD11 Counter using IC 74163 has been successfully http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/vlsi/_media/courses/ec330/datasheets/74163.p
[7] Texas Instruments DataSheetArchive [Online]. Available:

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