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Test Report For

Power Transformer
Project: J3 Plant: PCG-SEZ Report No: L&T/PT/ET-HCH200-007

Substation No: HCH200-10 Date of Testing: 18-08-2017

Transformer Details :

Tag No :ET-HCH200-007 Serial No: 5417/1

Make: BHARAT BIJILEE Type of Tap changer: OCTC

Type of Cooling: ONAN Primary Voltage: 33000 V

Rated MVA: 25 Secondary Voltage: 11500 V

Rated Amps: HV 437.3 Normal Tap :3

Rated Amps: LV 1255.1 No. of Phase :3

Temperature rise over 50▫C Top oil : 50
Ambient : Avg wdg : 55
Insulation Level: HV 170KVp / 70 KV rms
Insulation Level: LV 75 KVp / 28 KV rms
Insulation Level: LVN 75 KVp / 28 KV rms
Core & Coil: 21500
Tank & Fittings: 13800
Mass Of Oil:6800
Total Mass:42400
Short Circuit Rating HV: % Impedance HV/LV: 8.1279

Short Circuit Rating LV: Vector Group: Dyn11

Load Loss Max(KW) : 90.594 Frequency: 50 Hz

No Load Loss Max (KW) : 11.064



1(MAX) 5-6 34650 416.5 -

2 6-4 33825 426.7 -

Contractor Engineer Reliance Engineer Reliance O&M/TPI
Page 1 of 7
Test Report For
Power Transformer
Project: J3 Plant: PCG-SEZ Report No: L&T/PT/ET-HCH200-007

3(NOR) 4-7 33000 437.3 1255.1

4 7-3 32175 448.6 -

5(MIN) 3-8 31350 460.4 -

1.Winding Resistance: in mΩ
Tap Measured Value in HV Side (mΩ) Measured Value in LV Side (mΩ)
Position 1U-1V 1V-1W 1W-1U 2U-2V 2V-2W 2W-2U 2U-2N 2V-2N 2W-2N
1 146.7 mΩ 157.4 mΩ 148.2 mΩ
2 142.2 mΩ 152.2 mΩ 144.2 mΩ
12.59 12.72 12.69
3 139.3 mΩ 145.5 mΩ 139.2 mΩ 7.55 mΩ 7.47 mΩ 7.10 mΩ
mΩ mΩ mΩ
4 135.6 mΩ 139.3 mΩ 135.4 mΩ
5 132.4 mΩ 135.7 mΩ 131.9mΩ

2. Insulation Resistance Test: 5000 v (dc) in GΩ

Applied Voltage
Test Voltage IR at 1 Min IR at 10 Min PI (10min /1min )
HV – Earth 5000 V 9.51 GΩ 18.9 GΩ 1.98
LV-Earth 5000 V 12.1 GΩ 31.7 GΩ 2.61
HV-LV 5000 V 13.1 GΩ 36.5 GΩ 2.78

3.Ratio Test:
Applied Voltage : 1U1V: 402 , 1V1W:403 , 1W1U:402

Calculated Ratio (415V) Measured Ratio(V)

Tap No.
2U2V 2V2W 2W2U 2U2N 2V2N 2W2N 2U2V 2V2W 2W2U 2U2N 2V2N 2W2N

1 133.5 133.8 133.5 77.07 77.2 77.07 133.9 133.7 133.6 77.0 76.9 76.8

2 136.7 137.0 136.7 78.92 79.09 78.92 136.9 136.6 136.4 78.8 78.8 78.5

3 140.5 140.9 140.5 81.11 81.34 81.11 140.5 140.1 139.9 80.6 81.0 80.6

Contractor Engineer Reliance Engineer Reliance O&M/TPI

Page 2 of 7
Test Report For
Power Transformer
Project: J3 Plant: PCG-SEZ Report No: L&T/PT/ET-HCH200-007

4 144.0 144.4 144.0 83.13 83.36 83.13 144.4 144.1 143.3 83.1 83.4 82.5
5 147.7 148.1 147.7 85.27 85.50 85.27 148.4 146.6 146.0 85.2 85.3 84.8

4.Magnetic Balance Test:

Applied Voltage (V) Measured Voltage (V)
Tap No.
Ø out 1U1V 1V1W 1W1U 2U2V 2V2W 2W2U 2U2N 2V2N 2W2N
R 130.3 270.1 399 26.94 128.9 101.9 25.06 51.7 76.7
1 Y 204.0 404 199.6 116.4 115.2 1.046 39.26 77.0 38.38
B 402 271.6 131.8 129.1 26.84 101.5 77.0 51.7 25.34
R 203.3 404 199.2 121.9 120.9 0.99 40.5 78.6 39.32
3 Y 132.1 269.9 399 27.68 134.9 107.2 26.50 53.8 80.5
B 402 269.8 134.2 135.4 27.34 107.9 80.9 53.9 26.89
R 132.0 270.2 399 29.28 142.0 112.7 28.05 56.9 84.2
5 Y 205.1 405 199.8 128.7 128.0 1.20 42.9 85.1 42.0
B 402 271.1 132.4 142.7 29.34 113.2 84.9 56.8 27.81

5.Magnetizing Current Test:

5A. Magnetizing Current from HV Side: 415 V

Applied Voltage (V) Measured Current (mA)

Tap No.
1U1V 1V1W 1W1U 1U 1V 1W

1 402 402 402 13.16 12.09 12.39

2 402 402 402 13.30 12.12 13.84

3 402 402 402 14.34 13.75 13.19

4 403 403 402 15.27 13.94 13.27

5 403 404 402 16.06 14.16 13.51

5B. Magnetizing Current from LV Side: 230 V

Contractor Engineer Reliance Engineer Reliance O&M/TPI
Page 3 of 7
Test Report For
Power Transformer
Project: J3 Plant: PCG-SEZ Report No: L&T/PT/ET-HCH200-007

Applied Voltage (V) Measured Current (mA)

2U2N 2V2N 2W2N 2U 2V 2W
226.6 234.8 234.8 122.9 100.7 123.7

6. Core and Frame Insulation Resistance Test(0-1 GΩ)

Applied Voltage
Frame – Earth Core-Earth Frame-Core
Test Voltage 500 V

IR at 1 Min >1GΩ >1GΩ >1GΩ

7.Vector Group Test (at Normal Tap):

Terminal Shorted: 1U – 2U

Applied Voltage : 415 V

Condition – 1: 1U1V = 1U2N+1V2N 402=80.8+322.9

Condition – 2: 1U2w=1U2v 140.2=140.9

Condition – 3: 1W2W<1W2V 289.3<425

Contractor Engineer Reliance Engineer Reliance O&M/TPI

Page 4 of 7
Test Report For
Power Transformer
Project: J3 Plant: PCG-SEZ Report No: L&T/PT/ET-HCH200-007

Condition Measured Voltage, V Condition Measured Voltage, V

1U1V 402 1U2W 140.2
1U2N 80.8 1U2V 140.9
1V2N 322.9 1W2V 425
1W2W 289.3 - -

Result: OK Transformer Vector Group is : OK

Attach Test Certificate For Earth Resistance(Wherever Applicable):

Attach Test Certificate For Dissolved Gas Analysis (Wherever Applicable):

Attach Test Certificate for Stability Test – Differential / Ref. (Wherever Applicable):

Attach Test Certificate for Transformer Oil :

Attach Test Certificate for Feeder / Cables :

Silica Gel:

Protection Device Checks Alarm Contact Trip Contact

Buchholz Relay up to Panel/Relay end OK OK

Magnetic Oil Indicator up to Panel/Relay end OK OK

Oil Temperature Indicator up to Panel/Relay end OK OK

Winding Temperature Indicator up to Panel/Relay end OK OK

Pressure Relief Valve up to Panel/Relay end OK OK

Marshalling Box Checks :

Description Remarks

Tightness of Neutral CTs wiring

Lighting Circuit checks

Contractor Engineer Reliance Engineer Reliance O&M/TPI

Page 5 of 7
Test Report For
Power Transformer
Project: J3 Plant: PCG-SEZ Report No: L&T/PT/ET-HCH200-007

Heater circuit Checks IR= Coil resistance=

Earth checks wherever applicable

8. Cooling Fan Test (Wherever Applicable) :

Fan Details:
Make : Marathon Electric Phase :
Frequency : 50Hz Voltage : Amps :
Watts : Rpm : Insulation Class :

Winding Resistance
Fan No Sr.No Insulation Resistance
Fan 1 - - - - -
Fan 2 - - - - -
Fan 3 - - - - -
Fan 4 - - - - -

Comments: NIL

Test Result: OK

Test Instrument Used

Sr. No. of Instrument Model Calibration

Make Rating Tested on
Instrument Name No Validity

116805 Digital Rishi 15S 1000 V Northlab

multimeter India Pvt.ltd

Contractor Engineer Reliance Engineer Reliance O&M/TPI

Page 6 of 7
Test Report For
Power Transformer
Project: J3 Plant: PCG-SEZ Report No: L&T/PT/ET-HCH200-007

2304.08W093 Transformer Scope TRM 104 10Ma-20Ω Scope T&M

Resistance Meter 03.02.2018
India Pvt.ltd

Digital Insulation Northlab

B2009342 Kyoritsu 3125 5000 V 25.01.2018
tester India Pvt.ltd

HTC- 40ma- Northlab

Leakage Tester HTC CL-2054 08.04.2018
1506CG0009 100mA India Pvt.ltd

Contractor Engineer Reliance Engineer Reliance O&M/TPI

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