International Phenomenological Society Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
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A Quarterly Journal
Bertrand Russell1 tells us that concepts can be classified into two mutually
exclusive groups: those that can be applied to themselves, and those that
* Since the publication of my Epimenides the Liar my attention has been drawn
to the very remarkable paper of Professor Paul Weiss, "The Theory of Types,"
Mind, 1928. I am sorry that at the time of my writing of my own papers-they were
written in 1940-42 and reached Philosophy and Phenomenological Research in 1944-
it escaped my notice. This more so as I feel myself in nearly complete agreement
with Proffessor Weiss.
I B. Russell, Principles of Mathematics, pp. 97 sq. It is interesting to note that
from the very beginning Russell foresaw the principles of the solution of the "para-
doxes" which he had just discovered. Cf. Principles of Mathematics, p. 102:
(1) "If x be a predicate, x may, or may not be predicable by itself. Let us assume
that 'not-predicable of one's self' is a predicate. Then to suppose either that
this predicate is, or is not, predicable of itself, is self contradictory. The con-
clusion in this case seems obvious: 'not-predicable of oneself' is not a
(2) " ... A class-concept may or may not be a term of its own extension. 'Class-
concept which is not a term of its own extension' appears to be a class-concept.
But if it is a term of its own extension, it is a class concept which is not a term
of its own extension, and vice versa. Thus we must conclude, against appear-
ances, that 'class-concept which is not a term of its own extension' is not a class-
(3) "A class as one may be a term of itself as many. Thus the class of all classes is
a class; the class of all terms that are not men is not a man; and so on. Do all
classes that have this property form a class? If so, is it as one a member of
itself as many, or not? If it is, then it is one of the classes which, as ones, are
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cannot. For example, the concept "abstract" is itself abstract, the concept
of "concreteness" is not concrete,-on the contrary, it is abstract. Let us
call concepts which apply to themselves "predicable by itself'"' and those
that do not, "not-predicable of one's self." Consider first the concept:
"not-predicable of one's self." Is it predicable of itself or not? It must
necessarily be one or the other; yet it is easy to show that it can be neither
the one nor the other.
Indeed to be predicable means to apply to one's self; the concept "Iot-
predicable of itself" is thus, if it is predicable of itself, not-predicable of
itself. Conversely, to be not-predicable of itself means-not to apply to
one's self. The concept- "not-predicable of itself"-if it is not predicable
by itself is thus "not-predicable of itself." Consequently, it is predicable
by itself.
* * *
Bertrand Russell has not only not confined himself to formulating the
paradoxes which bear his name, but he has also tried to present a solution
for them.2
This solution, in the case we are dealing with, consists, in short, in a
negation of the very possibility of classifying the concepts into "predicable
by itself" and "not-predicable of itself." No concept, in reality applies to
itself. When it does appear to do so, it is only at the price of an ambiguity.
The term remains the same; however, its meaning changes. The concept
"abstract" is not abstract in the same sense as ordinary abstract concepts.
It is, in a way, abstract to the second degree. The failure to distinguish
between these meanings would make the proposition impossible and, more
importantly, it would deprive it of meaning.3
not members' of themselves as many, and vice vera. Thus we must conclude
again that the classes which as ones are not members of themselves as many do
not form a class-or rather that they do not form a class as one, for the argument
cannot show that they do not form a class as many.
2 K. Grelling, Der Einfluss der Antinomien auf die Entwicklung der Logik im 20
Jahrhundert, Travaux du XIe Congres International de Philosophie (Congres Des-
cartes), fasc. VI, p. 11: "Bertrand Russell geh6rt der Ruhm, nicht nur die Tragweite
der Antinomien entdeckt, sondern auch den ersten wenigstens teilweise erfolgreichen
Versuch zu ihrer Auflosung. unternommen zu haben."
3 B. Russell, "Les paradoxes de la logique," RMM, XIV, (1906), p. 638; note:
"XSi le jugement: 'Il n'y a pas de propositions' dnongait lui-meme une proposition, il
se refuterait naturellementlui-m~me; mais suivant la theorie expose plus bas, un
tel jugement ou bier. n'a pas de sens, ou bien ne s'applique pas A lui-meme, et 1'as-
sertion qu'il se refute implique le sophisme du cercle vicieux." Ibid., p. 640: "Pour
eviter le sophisme du cercle vicieux on doit admettre le principle: 'Tout ce qui con-
cerne une variable apparente doit etre exclu des valeurs possibles de cette variable.'
NouS l'appellerons le principe du cercle vicieux. Le cas important de ce principe
peut etre dnoncd moins exactement comme suit: 'Tout ce qui enveloppe tous ne peut
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etre un de ces tous.' Ainsi un jugement sur toutes les propositions ne peut etre qu'un
non sens, ou bien 1'6nonc6 de quelque chose qui n'est pas une proposition au sens
vis6.... Ce r6sultat peut etre atteint en d6cidant qu'un jugement portant sur tou,
... est reellement l'affirmation (indetermin6e) d'une de plusieurs propositions por-
tant sur des cas particuliers."
4Russell himself recognizes this implicitly, since he speaks of the "systematic
ambiguity" of certain expressions such as: truth, falsity, function, class, etc. (cf.
Principia Mathematica, I, 67 quoted below, n. 13). This "systematic ambiguity,"
according to us, covers a fundamental unity of meaning; it can even be sustained that
the "ambiguity" is created by Russellian symbolism, especially by' his theory of
6 Cf. A. Fraenkel, "Le problem des antinomies et son ddveloppement recent,"
RMM (1939), p. 229.
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6 H. Behmann, "Zu den Widerspruchen der Logik und der Mengenlehre," Jahr-
buch der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung, Vol. XL, (1931), pp. 37, 48. Cf.
likewise H. Behmann, "The Paradoxes of Logic," Mind, Vol. XLVI (1937), p. 220:
"The starting point of my own analysis of the paradox is this: Whereas, in any
logically correct form of argument, it must be possible to replace the notions and
symbols introduced by definition by those complex terms for which they stand, this
process of translation back into the original terms fails for the symbolic formulation
of Russell's paradox, especially for the complex F (F). (F. P. Ramsay wrote me on
this point: 'This is a striking fact which I, at least, had never realized.') Thus the
definition in question turns out to be more essential to the argument of the paradox
than being a mere definition it ought to be."
7A symbol of undetermined meaning is a symbol which has none.
S It is interesting to note that the same impossibility of getting rid of a symbol
once it is introduced is pointed out by M. Langford (cf. C. I. Lewis and C. H. Lang-
ford, Symbolic Logic (New York, 1932), p. 438 sq.) in his analysis of the Liar. If we
wish to realise the meaning of "I am lying" = p = p is false, we obtain "an infinite
sequence of more and more complicate expressions, each of which requires explica-
tion before its import becomes definite; so that no one of the expressions can be
significant unless the sequence terminate which it does not do." (p. 440). Cf.
my article on the Epimenides the Liar, This journal, Volume VI, Number 3.
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9 Cf. H. Behmann, "The Paradoxes of Logic," Mind (1937), p. 220: " . . . from
the point of view of exact logic, the very essence of the problem of paradoxes is no more
nor less than the problem how to state and to apply symbolic definitions correctly, more
generally, how to decide whether a given expression can be symbolically substituted in a
given expression." (italics mine)
10 Cf. A. Fraenkel, op cit., p. 238.
11 Behmann's attempt does not seem satisfactory to us either, fundamentally for
the same reasons.
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thing, even in the world of concepts.'2 All those which possess it seem
to belong to a sort of family: they are all categorial or formal concepts.'3
Concerning the concept of "not-predicable of oneself" one may wonder if
it really denotes a common property of certain concepts. Not-predicability
designates an absence, not a presence of something. An absence can hardly
be considered as a common element. Moreover, to say of a concept that it
is not "predicable of itself" (if one endeavors to decipher the meaning of
this assertion) is equivalent to saying that it is not red, extended, concrete.
Unless the field of negation is surreptitiously limited, it seems rather dif-
ficult to form a unity of meaning with all these negations. For "non-red"
can mean "blue" as well as "concrete" or "abstract," and "non-concrete"
can mean "abstract" as well as "material" or "immaterial." And even
"blue" or "red."
Accordingly, though it may be possible to classify concepts into "predi-
cable by themselves" and "not-predicable of themselves," it does not follow
therefrom that the two opposing terms have a well-defined meaning. But
where the terms are not definite, where the question does not have a univocal
meaning, the answer cannot have one either. This is exactly the case of
the "not-predicable."'4
* * *
Consider now the paradox of the class of all classes . . ., the first-born, the
one which started the movement, which terrified Frege, Dedekind, and
Cantor himself; which, in a very special way, is called Russell's paradox.
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impossible to know the meaning of the question: is "not predicable of oneself" pred-
icable or not? The same is true of the "paradox" discovered by Grelling concerning
the terms "autologisch" and "heterologisch." Cf. K. Grelling, Der Einfluss der
Antinomien, etc., p. 10. " Ein ganz gleichartiger Widerspruch lAsst sich auch anstatt
mit Klassen und Begriffen mit Worten konstruiren, wie ich 1908 gefunden habe. Man
kann nimlich die Worte danach einteilen, ob sie einen Begriff bezeichnen, unter den
sie selbst fallen oder nicht. Die erste Art von Worten nenne ich autologisch, die
zweite heterologisch. Das Wort "deutsch" z.B. ist autologisch, denn es ist selbst ein
deutsches Wort, ebenso sind 'francais,' 'English' u.s.w. autologisch. 'Franz6sisch'
dagegen ist heterologisch weil es nicht franz6sisch ist. Auch solche Worte die keine
Eigenschaft bezeichnen wie 'aber,' 'und' u.s.w. sind heterologisch. Man kann nun
fragen ob das Wort 'heterologisch' selbst heterologisch oder autologisch ist, und
kommt auf denselben Widerspruch wie in den beiden vorigen FAllen.'! It is rather
amusing and, in the same time, significant, that nobody seems to have tried to raise
the question: is the concept "predicable by itself" predicable by itself, or not?
(Similarly: is "autologish" autologish?) These questions do not lead to "para-
doxes," but, on the other hand, they reveal their perfect lack of meaning and the
impossibility to give to them any answer whatever. Even if the terms had a well
defined meaning (which they have not) it would be perfectly impossible to apply them
to themselves. As a matter of fact, the dychotomy they pretent to create is illusory,
as in all the cases when a classification is established respecting a certain term, or
property. In all these -cases the term or property in question is outside of the two
classes which it helps to define.
15 A. Fraenkel, op. cit., p. 226.
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amined, as well as of all others, for they all imply, or can be reduced to, the
constitution of such totalities, or what, according to Russell, is the same
thing, to the definition of an object in terms of the class to which it is sup-
posed to belong.
Let us rule out the use of such definitions. Let us, for example, lay down
as a principle the illegitimacy of 'non-normal' aggregates and, in order to
prevent their reappearance, let us take this principle as a basis of a system
of logic, and classify objects and propositions according to the 'type' to
which they belong. The 'type' of a proposition-or of a property-will
express the degree of its logical complexity. Thus individuals-and no-
tions concerning individuals-as logical objects of the simplest structure,
will be of type 0. Properties of individuals, propositions having bearing
on individuals, classes of individuals, being logical objects which presuppose
individuals and are founded on them, will be of type 1; propositions, having
bearing on propositions, classes of classes, etc., will be of type 2, and so on.
It is clear that any proposition-or any class-will be of a type superior to
its elements, that is to say, to the objects on which it has a bearing or, if we
are dealing with classes, to those which it contains. The 'theory of types'
declares illegitimate any judgment which infringes upon the hierarchical
rule of constitution which we have just exposed. Or, as Fraenkel says20:
"The principle which is . . . at the basis of the theory of types . . . can be
formulated in the following way: in a given proposition no determined prop
erties can be attributed to individuals or properties unless the type of the
attributed properties is superior by one to the type of the individuals or
properties subject to attribution." It is clear that all 'paradoxical' judg-
ments are thereby ruled out. They are ruled out not only as false, but,
what is far more serious, as meaningless.
* * *
The theory of types is not a logical expedient but a true logical theory.
To quote Fraenkel2' again: "Historically, the theory of types grew out of
the problem of antinomies, but it does not in any way have the character of
an ad hoc construction. It is derived rather from Russell's vicious circle
principle according to which no collection (no aggregate) can contain ele-
ments which are definable only in terms of that collection itself," or as Rus-
sell says, "nothing which involves the whole of a collection may be part of
this collection,' '22 and "if a collection of objects must contain members
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definable only in terms of the collection itself, taken as a whole, then this
collection is not a whole." Again: "if the supposition that a collection
forms a whole implies that it possesses members which are definable only in
terms of this whole, then this collection does not form a whole."23
This discovery-or rediscovery24-of "illegitimate totalities" (as Jorgen-
sen calls them), or of "non-totalizable multiplicities" as we prefer to call
them, seems to us to be one of Bertrand Russell's greatest merits. It has, as
a matter of fact, a very great bearing; and it seems to us extremely regret-
table that Russell did not realize its full implications.
* * *
tout ou quelque ou un quelconquc des membres d'une classe ne doit pas etre un membre
de la classe. Dans le langage de M. Peano, le principe que je soutiens peut s'6noncer
comme suit: 'Tout ce qui contient une variable apparente ne doit pas etre une valeur
possible de cette variable.' " Cf. Ibid., I, 65: "a class cannot, by the vicious circle
principle, significantly be the argument to its defining function, that is to say, if
we denote. by ' Z(Soz)' the class defined pzo, the symbol 'z(po 4 z) ~' must be meaningl
Hence a class neither satisfies nor does not satisfy its defining function, and therefore
is neither a member of itself nor not h member of itself.... Thus if a is a class, the
statement 'a is not a member of a' is always meaningless, and there is therefore no
sense in the phrase 'the class of those classes which are not members of themselves.'
23 To be exact, it should rather be said: then there is no collection. Cf., Principia
Mathematica, I, 39 sq.: "Whatever involves all of a collection must not be one of the
collection.... If, provided a certain collection had a total, it would have a member
only definable in terms of that total, then the said collection has no total." Cf.
ibid, pp. 24, 65. Cf. B. Russell, Mathematical Logic as based on the theory of types,
p. 262: "Every expression regarding a totality is of higher type than the members of
the totality . . . any expression containing an apparent variable is of higher type
than that variable"; p. 171: "according to the theory of types, a proposition can never
be about itself."
24 After Cantor. And, fundamentally, after Aristotle.
25 Cf. Jorgensen, Treatise of formal logic, Copenhagen (1931), vol. I, pp. 167 sq.
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has never, moreover, presented as definitive), that it has been the object of
numerous criticisms,26 and that, in our opinion, it involves insuperable diffi-
culties, it remains none the less the only logical theory which has tried to get
to the bottom of the problem of antinomies and, "in the present state of
science the least that we can affirm is this: as far as the solution of logical
antinomies is concerned, the position adopted by Russell in the first ten
years of the century cannot be considered as having been transcended. In
particular, the theory of simple types retains today all its value, in spite of
the inconveniences which it entails; it is not simply a well founded logical
theory, it is also the simplest of all the theories which have been proposed
up to the present to solve .. . the problems relating to logical antinomies
and to the axiom of the infinite."27
* * . *
We have just said that the theory of types prohibits us from totalizing
certain multiplicities: precisely those which result in the paradox of self-
inclusion; and forbids certain judgments: those, fiamely, which lead to, or
imply, the possibility of self-application. Let us state immediately that we
believe it to be erroneous precisely in this point: namely, in the identifica-
tion of the impossibility of self-inclusion with that of self-application. The
theory of types which ruined the extensionalist interpretation of logic, suc-
cumbs, in fact to an extensionalism which it did not overcome.
The theory of types did not receive an enthusiastic welcome from logisti-
cians. This can be rather easily understood. It compels us, as a matter of
fact, to accept as 'axioms' propositions which are not only completely
lacking in evidence (which after all would be a lesser evil), such as the axiom
of infinity, but even propositions obviously formulated ad hoc, such as the
axiom of reduction.' It also leads to very serious difficulties for which it
has been violently and justly criticized.
"The theory of types involves as a logical consequence the existence of an
infinity of universal classes, ....2 since classes which contain all the objects
V = x (x = x) Df.
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of a certain type are distinct from one another, and since elements of a dete
mined class must be of the same type.29 There also exist, in the theory,
and this almost borders on a paradox, an infinity of null classes. But what
is most unexpected and seem most improbable to most mathematicians is
the existence of a plurality of systems of [natural] numbers. Numbers are
defined as classes of classes, viz., the classes of all classes [of the same type]
equivalent to a given class, and each type thus implies the existence of a
system of numbers proper to it. This consideration is rather unpleasant,
first of all because of the painful impression that it gives, then, and above
all, because it requires the use of a complicated formalism, necessary for the
treatment of this plurality of number systems.30"
* * *
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The abandonment of the theory of types to which we have been led car-
ries with it non-negligible advantages: thus we shall no longer need to mul-
tiply series of numbers35 to infinity: one will suffice; and we shall likewise
need only one logic; we shall even be able to formulate the grammar of a
given language in that language itself, without being obliged to invent a
new one.36
But in rejecting the theory of types do we deprive ourselves of the possi-
bility of solving Russell's antinomies? As a result of this rejection, and of
our acceptance of the legitimacy of the self-application of propositions, do
we find ourselves in a more difficult and more paradoxical situation than
Russell? We do not think so.
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not yet realize that not all of them are able to form a total but, by a sor
genius-like intuition, his definition foresees and wards off the difficulties
* * *
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But then a problem presents itself: why are the 'aggregate of all aggre-
gates' and analogous 'aggregates' illegitimate? In other words, what are
the curious notions to which correspond no 'classes,' concepts which are
not as others and which have no 'totalizable' extension?
The theory of types did not answer this question. It confined itself to
indicating a general criterion for 'illegitimate totalities,' and to providing
a means for avoiding their formation. It did not explain why the aggre-
gate of all things red is a legitimate aggregate whereas that of things not-red
is not.42
Now we believe that such an explanation is possible and that the 'essen-
tially paradoxical notions,' that is, notions which, by essence, possess the
curious property of applying to themselves in one way or another and of
not being able to determine totalizable multiplicities (of classes) form a very
special group of notions.43
An example, which, besides is more than a mere example, will enable us
to elucidate the problem.
We have already concerned ourselves with the aggregate of all aggregates,
and we ascertained that it could not be formed. In a certain sense, it
proved itself too large. Thus there was, so to speak, no room for it any-
where. It could not be found within itself, and, on the other hand, since it
embraced (or claimed that it embraced) the entire universe of aggregates, it
could not be pushed out of itself either.
But the 'aggregate of all aggregates' is not, one realizes, 'the greatest
aggregate.' The aggregate of all objects is still far more extensive. Not
the aggregate of all individual and real objects, of course, but that of all
objects whatever, of all the 'somethings,' of all the objects of thought. It
is quite clear that this 'aggregate'-the universal class of the logistics-
is essentially a 'paradox' and that it must embrace itself as a member,
since it embraces all, for it, in the strictest sense of the term, there is n
room outside of itself; just as for Aristotle's Universe there was no room
outside of it, where it could be located. Aristotle concluded-and justly
so-that his Universe was not in a place. His successors, however, had to
accept another solution, namely, that Aristotle's Universe does not exist.44
42 Once again, the theory of types has been vitiated by the point of view of exten-
43 These notions are the logical constants to which Russell attributes 'essential
ambiguity of meaning.'
44 The fact of the non-existence of paradoxical aggregates was recognized-or
postulated-almost immediately after their discovery. Poincar6, E. Borel (cf.
Introduction a la theorie des fonctions, p. 164 sq.), Russell himself (cf. Principles of
Mathematics pp. 97, 105, 525, etc.), Hadamard (cf. Borel, op. cit., p. 158), Hilbert,
Mirimanoff ("Les Antinomies de Russell et de Burali- Forti et le probleme fonda-
mental de la thborie des ensembles," Enseignement Mathtmatique (1917), pp. 38,
48, 49) all recognized that these 'aggregates' do not exist. But not one of them
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could show why it was impossible to form them, that is, why one did not have the
right to apply in certain cases modes of reasoning admissible and legitimate in others.
For it is not sufficient to show that, being contradictory, these 'objects' of thought
cannot exist-that is what constitutes the paradox; what we need is to show, with-
out having recourse to the consequences, that is, without reasoning with the conse-
quences as a point of departure, a priori and not a posteriori, the vice of the definition
or of the 'logical' process which engenders them. That is what we have tried to do.
45 Every concept, and every notion, which claims to embrace all means nothing.
Negation, opposition, is an element essential to thought as well as to being.
46 Hegel had already recognized the equivalence-in the void of meaning-of
pure Being and of Nothingness.
47The multiplication of 'universal classes' does not make this absurdity less
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jets; but not a class of 'not-red' ones. Thus one can ask oneself-and
having done so, reply in the negative-whether the concept 'non-red' is
really a concept. At all events, it is certainly not a real concept. For if
the essential defect (or merit) of the concept of 'being' is that of being
absolutely undetermined, it is clear that the determination which the nega-
tion of 'red' brings to it is perfectly illusory.48
The notion of being is not the only concept inaccessible to limitation and
thereby possessing an absolutely undetermined 'extension.' Medieval
logic was familiar with several others, very closely linked to that of being,
and equipollent with it. These notions, which medieval logic designated as
transcendentals, extend as far as extends being and are 'convertible' with it.
Such are the esse, unum, bonum, verum, en8, res, etc.
This list of transcendentalls' that is, of primary notions or categories,
determining being without limiting it, is certainly not exhaustive nor cor-
rect. But the notion itself is a valuable one and must be retained, though
transposed. 'Transcendental' notions, those which in the theory of types
would be of a 'transfinite type,' are nothing less than the notions which
constitute the essential categories of general logic and ontology. Linked
with those of being, they are of the same power as the latter. Conversely-
and this can serve as an external mark of these notions-the notions possess-
ing the same power as that of being, extending as far as being extends itself,
are 'transcendental' notions.
Such, for example, are the notions of unity and multiplicity, the notions
of the aggregate and of number, the notions of concept, of proposition, of
relation. Everything, as a matter of fact, every 'something' is a unity
and, at the same time, an element of a multiplicity, or of an aggregate.
Everything is the object of a concept, of a judgment, of a relation.49
Now, all these notions-Husserl's 'empty' notions50 which constitute
the true 'constants' of thought and of being, of logic, and of ontology,
are 'formal' notions, and they all possess, in one way or another, the prop-
48 Determinatio est negatio; 8ed negatio non e8t determninatio, at least, non immediate
et per se.
49 That is why they are 'essentially ambiguous,' that is, they necessarily appear
in any logical symbolism.
50 E. Husserl, Formale und transzendentale Logik (Halle, 1929), ?24, p. 68: "Wenn
man die naturgemass weiteste Allgemeinheit der Begriffe Menge and Zahl erwagt und
die ihren Sinn bestimmenden.Begriffe Element bzw. Einheit, so erkennt man, dass
die Mengen-und Ansahlenlehre bezogen ist auf das Leeruniversum Gegenstand
uiberhaupt oder Etwa8 iuberhaupt, in einer formalen Allgemeinheit die jede Sachhaltige
Bestimmung von Gegenstanden prinzipiell ausser Betracht lasst; ferner dass diese
Disziplinen speziell fur gewisse Ableitungagestalten des Etwas iAberhaupt interes-
siert sind. Solche Ableitungen sind neben Menge und Anzahl (endliche und un-
endliche), Kombination, Relation, Reine, Verbindung, Ganzes und Teil, usw."
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erty of reflexiveness, that is, of being able to become their own object.
Thus numbers can be numbered and propositions can be made objects of
judgment. And that is why, in the last analysis, we can make judgments
which bear on all judgments and on all aggregates, and why we cannot form
the totality of aggregates or the totality of judgments.
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